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Animal Behavior Group 2


Each group will research one of the following vocabulary words or evolutionary
Students will need teach the definitions and explain the vocabulary word or
concept to their classmates.

There needs to be at least one picture of the idea. Students will need to explain what the picture
is and how it relates to their assigned topics.
Each groups presentation should have at least two slides fully explaining idea.
Oral presentations should be 5 minutes (+/- 30 seconds). All group members must speak at least
once in a loud and clear voice. At least one group member should be prepared to answer
You may include youtube videos in your presentations (1-5 minutes) that will not count toward
your five minute presentation.
You may include questions for classmates or class discussion topics in your powerpoint.


Students will have one class period to work on project and should divide up
work to edit ppt on Google Drive.

No group member should be without an assigned task during the class period.

Researching information , writing script for presentation, finding pictures,

brainstorming class discussion questions, watching youtube videos, et

Each Animal Behavior Class has ppt on Google Drive
Students will have one class period to work on project and should divide
up work to edit ppt on Google Drive
Project is due by 9 PM tonight. I will download ppt to my computer for
presentation (my computers presentation mode does not like Google Drive
ppt, will not work)

Convergent Evolution
Convergent = Coming closer together
Convergent Evolution =

species that

have different ancestors developed to have

similar characteristics.


Convergent Evolution
For Example:

Divergent Evolution
Divergent evolution

= organisms

from the same ancestor develop

themselves to have different


To hunt
To hide or prevent the predators
Change in the environment

Divergent Evolution


(Analogous structure)


(Homologous structure)

Root words :

Phylo means tribe.

Genetics means origin/birth.


Is the study of evolution between the

relationship of organisms that related
together in the past until the present.
Relationship among animals =
Phylogenetics tree

Root words :

Phylo - = Phylum (large group of living things)

- geny = Origin, Birth

Definition :

Understanding life through time.

Grouping organisms into subset based on their
morphology, anatomy, and evolution order.
Can be presented into a phylogenetic tree.


2 types

- Rooted tree
- Unrooted tree

Rooted and Unrooted


-path from root to a node represents an

evolutionary path

-the root represents the common ancestor


- specifies relationships among things, but

not evolutionary paths

Difference between phylogeny and


is about history evolution
of an organism.

is about study relationship
of an organism.

Prim, Jeen, Bank and Kim

Reproductive Isolation
Two populations of the same species
cannot mate with each other.

Reproductive Isolation
1. Temporal or habitat isolation
2. Behavioral isolation
3. Mechanical isolation
4. Gametic isolation

Temporal / habitat Isolation

Behavioral Isolation

Mechanical Isolation

Gametic Isolation

Reproductive Isolation
1. Hybrids In Viability (non-viability of
2. Hybrid sterility
3. Hybrid breakdown

Hybrid Inviability

Hybrid Sterility

Hybrid Breakdown

Geographic Isolation
Population of an organism (same species) is separated by the
Same species unable to exchange genetic materials
New environment leads to differences in abiotic factors.

For Example, the Arctic is colder than the Tropic.

Two new groups cant interbreed.

Geographic Isolation
When they live in a new environment, they start to evolve and adapt into the new
environment due to natural selection.
Eventually, over a long period of time, the separated organisms now becomes 2
different types of species.
The examples for Geographic Isolation are : a division of continents, forming of a
mountain range, migration due to earthquakes, etc.
Before continental division, there were used to be only one type of elephant. When
the continents divide, The elephants were also divided among the different
continents. As time pass, each elephant develop their own traits forming different
species. For example, the African Elephant and the Indian Elephant.

Geographic Isolation

Analogous Structure
Same work different structure

Analogous structures is the structure that have similar niches of different animals that have
evolved due to convergent evolution. When two different species live in similar environments, they
often evolve in a similar way. This causes the bodies of the two different species to develop similar
structures even though they may have started with very different bodies.

Analogous Structure

Both penguin and fish have fin-like

structure to help them live and
survive in the water.

Homologous Structure
Same Structure but different work.

Homologous structures are parts of the body that are similar in structure to other species'
comparative parts. These similarities are evidence that life on Earth has a common ancient ancestor
that the diverse species have evolved from over time. The common ancestry of the species can be seen
in the structure and development of these homologous structures, even if their function is different.

Homologous Structure

Vestigial Structure
- Structures that have no apparent function but appeared to play an
important role in a past ancestor

- Vestigial structures can become harmful, but in most cases these

structures are harmless; however, these structures, like any other
structure, require extra energy and are at risk for disease.

Vestigial Structure - In humans


The Tail Bone (coccyx)

Appendix was used by ancestors of humans

for digesting leaves (store bacteria).

The leftover structure of small bone at the bottom of

sacrum. Ancestors of humans had a tail for living in
the tree.


Speciation is an event which produce two or more different species from a similar
ancestor. It involves the splitting of single evolutionary lineage into two or more
genetically independent lineages.
-species: Group of organisms that interbreed fertile offspring. Each species is
genetically distinct.
-lineage: particular order of species that form a line of descent
Speciation occurs as there is a barrier to the gene flow, also known as reproductive

Reproductive isolation (Restrict gene flow)
Pre-zygotic isolation: The isolation happens before the zygote was formed. In most
case, mating doesnt occur

Behavioral isolation
Geographic isolation

Post-zygotic isolation: The isolation happens afterthe zygote of two different

species were formed. It prevents hybrids to reproduce.

The pairing of species that cause miscarriage and sterile fetus.

Mating is physically impossible


Warbler =

Natural Selection
Natural Selection is one of the main mechanics of evolution. It changes the
genetic composition of the whole population over time.
It was introduced by Charles Darwin.
There are four principles/components of natural selection.

Individual variation
Overpopulation & The struggle for existence
Survival & Reproductive rate

Natural Selection
Individual variation

Each of the organism in a species varies. The variation could be a result from the
different alleles or genetic mutation.


Successful characteristics are passed to offspring. ( The organism that survive

the best in specific environment will have more population)

Natural Selection
Overpopulation & The struggle of existence

The amount of the organism is more than the amount of the resources, which
cause competition between individuals. Some organisms which are not able to
compete will die off. (Ex. food, light, mates)

Survival & Reproductive rate


The survival and the reproductive rate determine the fittest organism to keep
living in the environment. Overtime, the fittest organism would be left while the
others will slowly die off.

Natural Selection

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