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-mastered the lectures in heart and perhaps in verses

-very diligent in practices, and understands their connection to lectures

-has the key approach to have towards other practices/systems, sees them both as
different and same
-UNDERSTANDS their talents, and not just talented in practices, very experienced
in their application,
-respects their abilities/faculties, uses them only when needed, for rare occasi
-treats their practices above all else, and does not delay their training, day a
nd night
-very strong in their self-control, fortified/crystallized their wakeful state
-developed FIERCE intention, mountain-like Will and very sparing in their energy
and attention
-active in all four parts of their life (caring in career, expert in communicati
on skills, passionate in social events, sincerely spiritual, has original hobbi
-active in all four parts of their self (keeps an active metabolism, a heart ful
l of healthy emotions, selfless in goals, changing in soul)
-both on the outside and inside is a simple, humble and practical human being
-is not showy about themselves and is private with their path
-has ability treat anyone and themselves just the equal without fear
-does not lie or fool, others or themselves and honest in word, deed and in spir
-funny, creative and has developed a perception of ability to see everything in
-can connect to or detach from things with ease and still leads the life of a no
rmal human being
-and aspires to liberate from this creation, and wants to achieve this naturally

ever learning and faithful

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