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By Kellv Davis \ 2 /ZZlo2H8nlwar e h C J l n e CJ n d ga \ ' l l

Independent-Mal l associ a t e J i m L i t t l e s a i d .
A s winter offi c i a lly ' d aw n s " T h e b i g g est t h il l g i s J 1 1 h
today; much of what the sea · a n d p o t t i n g s o i l s b e C ii U � (! j )'

son means to a rea residents p i e m'e b r i n g i n g i n p l C l I I !

has already corne to pass. fro m the coid wra t h e r, " I l l '
Average temperat nres w i l l sa i d .
d r o p a de g ree o r t w o i n BUb" - a n l s , sp i d e l's, C I I '
January, but won't get fa r off l'OaCll8S, earw i gs a n d l l l U l ' l !
the December tren d s . Home 1118.Y move i rl t o your hom e ( I , I .,

and garden m a i n te nance t i me of yea r fo r tIl e s a l l l e 1'1..\ 1 -

t a s k s shou l d a l re a dy b e s on , he s d i d . P e s t i c i d e i :,
checked off t h e to-do l i s t . another s l1l pr i �; i n g l y b i g :ci u l l ­
We 've already expe henced a er in Dece m i J u L
nasty i c e storm. Deer lilClY a ls o ven t U l'e i l l l i l
I t seems all that s left t o d o
' yards i n search o f fo o el , a n d
n o w i s l o o k forward to the hol- M r. L i t t l e sa i d he h a s heen get ­
i d ays, including a chance of t i n g requ es t s fo r pro d u c l :J t l l n t
snow Frid ay, a n d w a i t fo r m i gh t l,eep t h e m , I W i I V N o
sp ring. s lich t h i n g , h e s a id.
Gard e n s , and gard en e rs,
are doing j ust that fo r the
most part, White Jones P l e a s e see Winter, P a g tJ 'I �' .-,
1 tere r ontns ex ecte o e raIny
From Page lA needy during the winter have gone in two weeks, so more is In northeast Georgia. the
reported 10wer-than-usuaJ always needed. she said. heat assistance agency is
''There's no cure-all:' he Sunbelt
giving. Anderson Interfaith H uman Ninth District Opportunity.
Min istries, for example. ran Advancement Resources Inc. at (800) 822-0179.
To take shoppers' mind5 off
out of money for heating is the designated agency to
winter, and to help them with
assistance at the beginning of distribute money from the
their Christmas buying, the
December. fede ral Low Income Home
store in the Watson Village
Executive D irector Kristi Energy Assistance Program.
shopping center has placed
King said the ecumenical. and applications for horne
on d isplay a few items that
nonprofit organization heating help are being taken
hearken to spring. Among
received a $12.462 check from at the Anderson office at 400
tbem: pecan picker-uppers,
Duke Power Oil Th ursday as E. River SI. case manager AI
garden gnomes and pruning
part of the utility's "Share Norris J r. said.
tool sets.
the Warmth" program. in There also are offices in
Meanwhile. except [or
which customers donate Oconee and Pickens counties.
Friday 's possible snow dur­
money for all·purpose heat­ ill Abbeville Connty. heat
ing the day. expeet a wet,
ing assistance when they pay assistance is available
rainy Christmas week after a
their bills. through GLEAMNS Human
sunny start Monday.
Demand is high. however. Resources Inc. . at ( BOO) 968-
Highs will be in the upper
and thai windfall couid be 8758.
40s on Ch ristmas Day and
Thursday. but drop to the 30s
on Friday. The h igh wiU be in
the 40s again Satu rday.
A rainier· than-normal
winter is predicted as a result
of the EI I l ino brew ing ofT
South America. a welcome
trend given the last five years
of drought in most of
Georgia and South Carolina.
And, in faCi.. rainfall has
been higher than normal.
Decem ber ryp ically brings
3.B6 inches tctcl. and 4.39
have fallen already at the
National Weather Service's
Greer station at [he
G re e n " iI l e · S p a r t a n bu r g
International Airport. About
4.14 inches have fallen at the
Anderson airporl.
For I he record. Jan uary
usuaUy brings 4 . 4 1 inches,
February 4.25 inches a n d
March 5.31 inches. From Dec.
22 to March 20 - a typical
winter - 17.38 inches of rain
normally falls al the Greer
The rainy weather brought
Hartwell Lake up to 65\.9 feet
above sea level by Saturday,
eighl fee l below full pool but
only about three feel beloW
the average height of the lake
surface fo r this time of the
year. acco rding to the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers.
Lake Keowee is more than
a foot below the minimum
December target height of 96
feel. according to D u k e
Power. while Duke's Lake
Jocassee is 16 feet belOW its
minimum target height, also
96 feel.
The normal December
high temperature in the
Upstate drops from 51 on Dec.
! to 50 by the last week of the
m o n t h . where it remains
un til the last week of
J a n uary. By the end of
February. the h igh has
climbed Lo 5B and continues
to 64 by March 20.
The low temperature drops
[rom a normal of 37 degrees
Dec. I to 33 at the official
start of win ter. It's al 32 by
month·s end and stays there
until the second week of
January. The next two weeks
are typically the coldest of
1537 ;:!pyd !:Jaker 0'..0 1301 W. � aGe HalTll)'on B'�a Equipm ent o1fers
Visil ALLTEL at one Geflney Gr8sr Authorized Agents: roaol\,
the year. wilh a normal low of
oJ these loeellons: 186" 126·8331
31 degrees. It creeps liP to 32 185.!) 487 8938 186" 1 871 X)55

may vary. WireleSS Resources

at thesa Im:a1ioflS
by Feb. l. then rapidly climbs ALLTEL Retail Stores: Duncan

to 4 I by March ZO. An derso n 1016 Wooos CIOSSIng R(I 217 AOOI!t.\,-oa 18541 4133 8?�?

33Q? III Ma,n 51 10\01 CIJ/Il'I"It(lI(J[I(lI'1S

Soc!:[ (ent'll
6 lJDslare LIXa'I(l'lS Grecn'.'llle
This December's lows have (864) 2].4-6000

Wooa�ll SoJ.:aIf' Me l /oean

been slightly warmer than lClemSO'l 8".'iJ ) 18641 887- 151 '

SnODOIIlQ Ce·,r!!,
(800) 277 665�
normal. an average of 33.5. (86<1) 226-8?QS

Che!ler 6.5� �lI'rv'e\" Ad

Simpsonyllle 1854) 181 '306

(eme' Qr.e SleD CiI::'u3·

The high has been on target Abb&viile

'6d5 J A COC.Na n BI'D3SS «86<11 28B·5011

'618 Woo o ru,rRa
Gree"p·s Service
aI 50.8. \864\ q62 ·534.d 18 &4 \ 459· ( 1 \ 1

HaYWOOD �a\l

The Upstate's coldesi day 18031 581 "'39

Easley 1 819 B.,oass 72 hj[ 2E60 R&'<l�"'e AO

18f14J 297 88'3

One-$IooCelll ..Ia'
of the year to date was reb.
103!:l-B 5 Pc�o:e:o ' 51
One-5!CD Cellu,a'
Grec nlllood
2B. when it got down to 16 at 180": 1 22'3 1?11 r86.!1 57.1.1232 All(ersr·r. Mal'
the Greer station. The coldest 18&4 I 306 007Q

,86<l 1 227 Q!ibo

<86" 111-l118il CrOSSCteek M-'ll l
th� statIOn got this fall was 23
degrees. on Dec. 2.
C h arities serving the �!l.�/��� b':";" �..a..;�� ����Z. :'�'!�:;:;�l.I�.:,�I'Y.�.�:�·,c��!���!"���a�o;:�r=:= ���,:.;r��d'rs�.::!��� � �.,Pc�;u:;';:

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