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Lila Yang

Professor scar Fernndez

Race and Social Justice
6 June 2015
Annotated Bibliography
Learning Center: Lesson Plan: High School: Japanese Internment. Oregon History Project.
N.p. Web. 05. June. 2015
New Vocab:

Internment; n

o The action or practice of confining a person or thing within the limits of a country
or place; (now esp.) detention without trial for political or military reasons; the
fact or condition of being detained in this way.
Egregious; adj
o In a negative sense. Conspicuously bad or wrong; blatant, flagrant; (later also)
outrageous, offensive.
Relocation; n

o orig. U.S. The action or fact of locating something in a new place;

(now esp.) the action of moving to a new location, esp. in order to live
or work.
Alien; adj and n
o Born in, or owing allegiance to, a foreign country; esp. designating a
foreigner who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where he or she
is living.
Constitutional; adj and n
o Of a sovereign: Ruling according to a constitution or constitutional
forms which limit his arbitrary power; said also of sovereignty or
government so exercised.

Learning Center: Lesson Plan: High School: African Americans Oregon. Oregon History
Project. N.p. Web. 06. June. 2015.
New Vocab:

Balloting; n

o Voting by ballot; an instance of this, a ballot.

Emphatically; adv

o In an emphatic or forceful way; with emphasis.

Provisions; n

o The action or an act of providing, preparing, or arranging in advance;

the fact or condition of being prepared or made ready beforehand;
preparation. In more recent use also (usu. with modifying word): the
making available or supplying of a service, esp. by the state.

Industrialist; n or adj

o attrib. or adj. Characterized by or engaged in industrialism.

Disparity; n

o The quality or state of being of unequal rank, condition, circumstances,

etc.; inequality or dissimilarity in respect of age, amount, number, or
quality; want of parity or equality.

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