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Title: The Civil Rights Act: A Blended Movement

Relevant SC Standards:

5.4.CE Analyze the causes and impacts of social movements in the U. S. and South Carolina.
This indicator was developed to promote inquiry into growth and influence of the various
modern civil rights movements including, but not limited to, African Americans, Chicano,
Native Americans, and women.

5.4.P Summarize the economic, political, and social changes in the U. S. after World War II.
This indicator was developed to promote inquiry into how social changes such as
suburbanization, the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 (i.e., G.I. Bill), and the move to
desegregation affected life in America.

5.4.CC Analyze the continuities and changes of race relations in the United States and South
Carolina following the Supreme Court decisions of Briggs v. Elliott and Brown v. Board of
Education. This indicator was developed to promote inquiry into how race relations in the U. S.
changed due to the ruling of Brown v. Board of Education. This indicator was also designed to
promote inquiry into how the efforts of civil rights groups and leaders helped to promote racial
equality throughout the United States.

5.4.E Analyze multiple perspectives on the economic, political, and social effects of the Cold
War, Space Race, and Civil Rights Movement using primary and secondary sources.

Description: This app lesson is teaching 5th Grade students’ the American Civil Rights
Movement and key influencers and Supreme Court Cases.

Instructional Objective: Students will be able to identify who participated in the

Civil Rights Movement, identify key cases leading up to the Civil Rights Movement,
discover key locations in the movement, and display one of the influencers they learned
about on a poster.
Step 1 Content-Based or Skill-Based App: Students will jot down what they already
know about the US Civil Rights movement. This can include events, places, or people.
After they write in the app, they will be asked to share with the class.

Goodnotes 6 on the App Store (

Step 2 Content-Based or Skill-Based App: Students will research important court cases
assigned to their table. (Brown v. Board, Plessy v. Ferguson, Munn v. Illinois, Dred Scott
v. Standford, Bailey v. Patterson)

OYEZ on the App Store (

Step 3 Creation-Based (Learning Artifact) or Skill-Based App (Screenshot of

Progress): Students will explore the Civil Rights Trail and note major events and people
in the Civil Rights Movement.

Alabama Civil Rights Trail App on the App Store (

Step 4 Creation-Based (Learning Artifact) or Skill-Based App (Screenshot of

Progress): Students will create a poster on a Civil Rights Influencer or event.

Poster Maker- Flyer Designer!! on the App Store (

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