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‘Art by angelsarteviantart om, nd wil ‘Bevemewed Wvequscted ANIMANCER Awhlie robed woman steps caustously through a lang- ‘forgotten tomb, her eyes alight. She tenderly brushes layer of dust from the top of the ancient sarcophogus, and murmurs a reverent incantation. A transhicent wisp ‘isos through the stone, slowly forming into the kmage cf an aged sman with a brolcen crown upon his head, his ghoetly eyes blinking as though he were waking from a ong slumber. Ayyoung halfelf backs into an alleyway, tro of burly ‘ggressors brandishing weapons at hin with confident ‘sheers. Behind hrs back, he curls iishand in an arcane ‘gestis aod whispers a command, Around him, the detritus in the alley begins to dater. A discarded broom, ‘wroken botiles and old bones begin to rise from the ‘ground, shaking the:mselves as though eonsciats of the dirt upon them. He smirks, pointing a finger and they ‘surge forwards with an ancuistakeable air of gee net of found in loantmate clyects Blood! drippag from her palma as she draws it across ‘the fresh wound, an elven, woman amiles with sinister satisfaction. Raudy tavern songs can be heard muifled ‘through the door as she raises her hand, etheneal ight ddafting out from the gash tn the dead marie chest She draws the light up and across to her other hand, ‘wherefn she cupsa dull crystal, The gem thruras as she iguiclssthe light Into fis eare, trembling in her grip until thelast ofthe light 4 gone. Cleaning her hand off with a ‘Bick af her wrist, she tucks the gem away before slipping ‘oot and back to the taproom below, leaving the man's body lfeleas on the bed. ‘Animancers are spelleasters who deal in the magle of the soul, an art seldom encountered and even more seldom accepied. Where wizards craw on the fiherent ‘magic permeating the cosmos, arimancers derive their ‘power from the energy of souls bath living and dead, An antmancer {a baile is beaut and terrifying, as the ‘essence of the lost moveswth thelr every step Uke an. ‘unearthly vel, imbulog them with strength bothmystical and physical. Ecnors OF LirE Animancers craw on the energy of souls to-pawer thelr spells, aad in doing sa, they hold the potential for great evil Many are the animancers who wrest urwiling spirits from their rest; consuming them for the sake of ‘power But thisis not the case with all. Equally many fare those anfmancers whe take only what fs freely spften, beseeching the spirits of lnngdead ancestors or selfless heroes for aftin fuelling thetr magic. Others stil have mastered the art of manipulating the energy of thelrown soul, carefully tapoing thelr own life-force for strength. ‘There sre many who are discomforted by the nature ‘ofan animancer's mage, regardless ofthe care they tale in practising it Maayequate ittonecramsacy or even darker magica, or fear that by even speaking toan antmancer they rid haviag thetr soul stolen from their Teast. How animancy functions in deta is, ultimately, dependent upon the setting in which you play, though ‘ene example hasbeen provided at the end of this document. Some settings may reject the concept of a ‘soul altogether, ia which case‘ is advised to discs ‘with the Dungeon Master how the core feel ofthe class -mightstil be captured without disrupting the sstting's low, AWAKENED SOUL [Unite arcane maglo, not anyone can became an antmancer, no matter the training they might recelwe, Some.ire bora with the gif able to sense and touch the souls of others from.a very young age. Others may come ‘pon thefr soul’ awakening by some extranrelinary event. This could be a near-death experience, wherein the anfmancer stone! upon deaths docnstep and stared ‘nto the beyond, but was pulled back from the brink. Acsplrtt of the departed mighi have taken an {nterest jnthem, and over thne touched thetr soul enough tocawdken ft Or perkaps thelr powerisa blessing bestowed upon them ty powerful oulsider, or even a god -ikely one ofthe dead. However they came by thetr gift; few antmancers can {ignore it, Some mfght even wew tas a curse, (CREATING AN ANIMANCER: (Creating an animancer requices you to think upon. several core factors, The foremost is where your Features Spelicasting Soulsight Vestiges Animantic Art Ability Score Improvement Channelspirt Animantc Art Feature Ability Score Improvement Soul Bond Abily Score Improverent Animantic-Art Feature Ability Score Improvement Animanic Art Feature ‘Ability Score improvement True Soubight ‘Veatiges' xen 2 2 2 3 3 3 ‘ 4 ‘ 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 ? 7 8 SRSEGHGHLELEAE LSS — Spall Slote per Spall Level — aed i Bee ee epee wee eee cen | Ef bibiae Manet the Re vue sede wssun| vue dees owe | vuudedwvewven | wwuwnnuwnn we] ue ~~ oe | of ~ fe Be ee | character derived their spittual powers. Some ‘examples are glven atove, but you shold fed free ‘tw discuss with your DM any altemattve causes that ‘may strike your imagination. You should also carefilly ‘consider your character's attitude towards theirmagic, Dothay see soulsas-merely 1 tool, a well of power to ‘betupped for personal gain? Or do they treat the fragile ‘essences with reverence and care, being sure never ‘w-take so much from a single soul as to consume tt Perhaps they even have a personal rélatonship with ‘he spirits they draw on -might they be your character's sane stors? Paragons of their-ruce or nation history? Do- ‘hey pve their power willingly, or does your character ‘take what they need without regard for theic wishes? ‘Be sure to reach an agreement with your DM aver ‘how your powers function. Dosouls, one drained, recovertheir strength over time? Or do you leave them ‘forever drained, tare whispers of thet former selves? ‘Do souls retain per sncaitty even {they haver't formed ‘nta ghosts, or are they mé ely another farm afenergy floating through the cosmos? However you choose to play your antmanoer, the care smechanics of the class should remain unchanged. ‘ruthless aaimancer who consumes souls callously shouldn't have a mechanical advantage over aan ‘antmancer whe takes care over thelr charges these decisions should solely affect your roleplaying andthe ‘way the world reactsto your character, Quick Bump You can male aa animaacer quickly by following these suggestions. First; Charisma should be your highest abliity scone, fcllowed by Wisdom ar Constitution. IF ‘you plan to make a Soul Vessel animancer, consider exchanging Wisdom with etther Dexterity or Strength. Second, choose the hemit ‘Thtrd, choose ‘the mage hand, gatlance, and chill taach eantrips. (CLASS FEATURES: Asan animancer, you have the following class fea tires. Hrr Pours Hit Dice: 1d8 per anirancer level Hit Points at Ist Levek 8+ your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 165 (or 5)+-your ‘Consitiution modifier per animancer level after your Lst. PROFICENCES: ‘Armor, Light armor ‘Weapons: Simple weapons ‘Toots None ‘Saving Throws: Charisma, Wisdom ‘Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Insight, Perception, Persuasion and Religion. EQUPMeENT ‘You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: (a)2 quarterctaffar(b) any simple weapon (@)2 compozent poich or(b) an arcane focis (@)ascholar’s pack ar (b) a dungeoneer’s pack Leather armour, any simple weapon, and a dagger SounsicuT At 1stlewe, your animantic powers have awakened such that you can see spitits clearly. Within SOR youre able to see foto the Ethereal Plane, and. can always see the true form of Jneorporeal undead ‘creatures, even seeing through frvsttiy. ‘POF compifed, edited and designed to ressemble the offal Player's Handbook by /y/Barilot 4 by atperm deviantart coos tied wi be removed Wraguasted VESTIGES FFrom 2nd level, you have the abit to draw on tha ‘energy of souls for specific benefits, known as vestiges. ‘These vostiges are Fagments or echoos af souls and Spirts, but thete specic origin isp toyouto detercaine, ‘They may be aspects of your own soul made-manifest, cr ghostly wisps pulled -be t wilogly or not from the gripof he afterkfe, or ewn echoasef ancient heroes ‘drew from the astral plane. Avestige does not by default take a plysteal foro, ‘tutyou may choose to allowftto do so. vestige might appear a simply mote of lightthat occasionally swirls around you, or asa feint kurnancid gare ower "Your shoulder. Athos, west(ge can emit den ight ‘hat fluminates the space you occupy, and they cannot appear cosvinciogly human or alter themselves tato ther thisory forms, ‘To call avestigo to you, you must undertake arias ‘huatyou caa perform dusiag a longrest. At 2nd ave, ‘you ca. only control a single vestige at any one time, You tan ‘additional vestiges atthe levels indicated. ‘nthe ‘Vectge Slots’ eokuson ofthe anirusncer table, at ‘which potnt you can exchaage any-number of called ‘wuctiges for ethers that you know during along rest. ‘Vestigns grant spaciic benefits depending on theis _asture, so long as they remain present. Some -may be expenchd for oneclf ben fis. Vactigos expanded ‘tis way cannot be benefited from aga wn you ‘complete 2 ong rest to eal them back to you, At 2x1 level, pou know of two vestiges. You laarn of addtional ‘vestiges atthe levels inccatelin the “Vestiges Kann ‘column ef the acimancer tate. Vestife of Arcana: When you bind the Vestige of Arcana, select one spel! from the Wizard or Sorcerer spel st: While you have the Westige of Arcana bound, you can cast that spell as though it were an Antmancer Spell that you knew: Vestije of Awareness: While you have the Vestige af Awareness bound, your passive Pence pon fs increased Tye 5. You may expend the Vestige of Awareness (Fa ‘combat staris fn which you would be surprisedin ‘orderto remove the surprised condition from yourself, allowing you to act on the first round as normal, Vestige of Battle: While you have the Vesitge af atile bound, you are considered proficient with martial ‘weapons and shields. Vestige of Companionship: While you have the ‘Westige of Companionship bound, younay treat tt as afasuliar called by the find farntiar spell. The stats for this Vestige are inclidedl at the end of the elas document Ifthe Vestige of Companionship issiain or dismissed, t counts as having been expended. Vestige of Dap city: While yas have the Vestige ‘of Duplicily bound, you are considered proficient in Deception. You can expend the Vestige of Dupletiy focastdlsy:ise self without expendiag a spell slo or smaterfal compane:ts, Vestife of Feracity: While you have the Westige of Feronity bound, whenever you rell damage fara spell of Ast level or higher you have cast, you may reroll any sesulisofa 1. You can expend the Vestige of Feroctty to deal addtional damage equal-to your Animancer lewel + your Charisma modifier when rolling damage for a spall ff Lt level or higher you have cast. This damages of the same lype asthe spells darnage. ‘Vastife off Focas: While you have the Vestige af Focis ‘tound, you have advantage on cancentraticn checks ‘and Inestigetion checks You can expend the Vestige of Focus to achleve perfect conceniraiton for the duration ‘fone active spell that raquires concentration. you do- 50, youcanaotloss concentration on that spell unless you chocee tn. Vestie of Fortitude: While yor have the Vestige of Fortitude bound, you have a poo! of temparary hrt ‘potais equal to yout Charisma modifier that mgenerate ‘over time. Ion your turn, you havent taken damage since your last turn, youregatn one temparary hit polnt ‘ip toa maximum of your Charlama modifier. You cas ‘expend the Vasttge of Forittude to Immediately get temporary hit points equal io your Animancerlevel + ‘your Charisma modifier. Vastige of Negation: While you have the Vestigeat ‘Negation bound, i'you fall a swing throw ageinst.a spell, you may expend ‘tin order ta succeed instead, Vestige of Shadows: Wile youhave the Vestige ‘of Shadows bound, you are considered proficfent in ‘Steath. You may expend the Vestige of Shadows to gala advantage on Stealth checks for ene minate, Vestife of Sturdiness: While you have the Vestige of Sturdiness bound, you have acvantageon Aibletics and sAcrobatics checks madeto resist being tavahuntartly -maved, You can expend the Wastige of Sturdiness to ‘temporactly fix pourself in place. Your Speed becemes , and you cannot be moved by 1ny means (Induting (gravity unit! the end of your next turn. ‘Vestige of Swiftness: While you have the Vestige of ‘Sedliness bound, your base apeed is ncrecned by 108. ‘You can expend the Vestige of Swifiness to gain the sibility totale the Dash action as a bonus aciion for ene sninute. (CHANNEL SPIRIT ‘AtSthlevel, you gala the abdtty to chanel the spirits of creatures drawn from theaftedife, You may perform a 10-minute ritual a the ste of s persnc's death, thetc body, ‘or at a place they considered precious in life, in order ‘todraw thetr spit to you, You must maise a Charisma check, adding your proficiency bonus to determine the ‘Sucoess of te tual. The DC of this cheek is 15 at base, ‘tut may be modified 45 detarlec in the tate belowe Your [DM may also choose to alter the DC as they seeft. Cireumetance DC Modifier ‘Yousrewithin oR ofthe spiri'sfomer body 3 You possessan object that belongedtothe = -2 spit inife Aclosefriend ora family memberofthespirt 3 Ispreent ‘The spit is unwilling +" Youdo not knowthe spirits name +10 ‘While channelling a spisttin this way, you must maintain ‘concentration, aad youand others present may ask the spiritquaetions. Tha sprit isnot compelled to answer ‘truthfully. You ean mafntsin this connectian for a

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