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O-NET .6

3. Situation: Sandy is hungry. She wants to eat

some cookies she bought last night, but she finds
that all the cookies are gone.
Sandy: Jim, where are the cookies? Don't tell

SECTION 1: Speaking and Writing Ability

Part 1: Writing Ability

me you ate them all! Again!


Yes, I did. ___A___. They were so


Directions: Read the situations and choose the

best answers.

Sandy: I thought you didn't like cookies.


1. Situation: George walks into a furniture

store. He only wants to browse.
Shop assistant:

___A___, sir?


No, thanks. ___B___.

Shop assistant: All right. If you need any

help, just let me know.

Well, I don't like cookies flavored with

chocolate at all. But vanilla cookies are
different. ___B___.

A. 1. I could eat a horse

2. Id starve to death
3. Its none of your business
4. I couldnt help it

A. 1. Can I help you

2. Do you want to look around
3. Would you like to buy something
4. Would you mind helping me

B. 1. I love them to death

2. I dont prefer them
3. They have no flavors at all
4. I cant make up my mind

B. 1. I dont need any help

2. Its my pleasure

4. Situation: Peter is talking to his friend, Jeff

3. Im just looking

about the assignment.

4. Theres no need to bother you

2. Situation: Jane is trying to calm down her
friend, Judy.
Jane: Why are you crying, Judy? ___A___
Judy: My little kitten, she died last night.
Jane: ___B___
A. 1. How have you been?
2. Hows everything?
3. Whats the matter?
4. How sad are you?
B. 1. It doesnt matter.
2. Im sorry to hear that.
3. How sad you are!
4. I wish she wouldnt die.

Peter: Have you handed in the math assignment

yet, Jeff?
Jeff: No, not yet. Oh, Im running late.
Peter: ___B___
A. 1. I must stop talking to you now.
2. Stop saying anything.
3. Dont talk to me now, will you?
4. Ive got to go to a lecture.
B. 1. Sorry to keep you. See you later, then.
2. Is that so? Please go now.
3. Why not? Ill talk to you again soon.
4. Dont worry. I think I had better go to the
lecture, too.

5. Situation: Nell is on the train.

7. The term robot, ___A___ meaning labor,

___B___ to machines in the 1920s.

Man: ___A___
Nell: ___B___ Oh no, Im sorry.

A. 1. which actually a Czech word

2. which is actually a Czech word

A. 1. Move to another seat. This is mine.

2. Whose seat are you in now?

3. is actual a Czech word

4. that is actually a Czech word

3. How come youre sitting in the wrong

4. Excuse me, I think youve taken my

B. 1. first applied
2. first applying
3. was first applying
4. was first applied

B. 1. No, its my seat. Please find another

2. Are you sure you are all right?

8. Anyone ___A___ in a strong wind


it is ___B___ than against it.

3. I dont think so, but let me check my

4. Im sure youre wrong. Please take the
other one.

A. 1. rows a boat
2. rowing a boat
3. who row a boat
4. rowed a boat

Part 2: Writing Ability

A. Writing
Directions: Choose
1. the appropriate expression for the first
missing part (Item A)
2. the expression for the second missing part
(Item B).
6. ___A___ Emily Dickinson is now a

B. 1. very easy to go with the wind

2. much easy going with the wind
3. much easier to go with the wind
4. very easier to go with the wind
9. ___A___ have ___B___ plastic soda
bottles into polyester fabric.
A. 1. Recent engineering developments

well-known American poet, only seven of her

2. Recent engineer developments

poems ___B___ while she was alive.

3. Recently engineer developments

4. Recently engineering development

A. 1. Although
2. Because

B. 1. made possible to recycle

3. Despite

2. made it possible to recycle

4. When

3. made it possible of recycling

4. made it possible recycling

B. 1. publishing
2. to publish
3. have published
4. were published

10. In Florida, when the temperature drops

below freezing, citrus growers ___A___ by

B. Usage
1. Identify the incorrect part of each sentence
(marked A, B, C or D) and

A. 1. keep young trees warm

2. keep young trees warmly

2. choose the appropriate correction from the

choices (1, 2, 3 or 4).

3. keep young trees are warm

4. keep young trees that are warm
B. 1. constant showering them with water
2. constantly showering them with water
3. constantly shower them by water
4. constant to shower them with water

11. Scientists have found that

occasional exposure to bright light
can help a person get used to work
the night shift.
A. 1. Scientists having found
2. Scientists found
3. Scientists who have found
4. There are scientists who have found
B. 1. occasionally exposure
2. occasional being exposed
3. occasionally being exposed
4. occasional being exposure
C. 1. can be helped a person
2. can be helping a person
3. can be to help a person
4. can help people
D. 1. to get used to work
2. get used to be working
3. get used to working
4. to get use to work

12. From the monitoring of earthquake waves

13. The wood of the tulip tree, sometimes

it is evidence that the Earths outer core is
liquid, whereas the inner core is solid.

referred to as American whitewood, is

A. 1. From the monitor
2. By monitoring
3. It is monitoring
4. While monitoring

one of the most valuable timber product in

the United States.
A. 1. The tulip trees wood
2. The tulip trees woods
3. the woods of the tulip tree

B. 1. it is evident that

4. the tulip tree wood

2. it is an evidence that
3. it is evidently that
4. the evidence is that

B. 1. sometimes refer to as
2. sometimes referred as to
3. sometimes referring to as

C. 1. the outer core of the Earth

4. sometimes to refer to as

2. the Earths outside core

3. the Earth outer core
4. the outer core of Earth

C. 1. one of the more valuable products

2. one of the most valuable products
3. one of the valuablest products

D. 1. whereas the inner core is liquid

4. ones of the most valuable product

2. , but the inner core is solid

3. , whereas the inner core being solid
4. , and also the inner core is solid

D. 1. United States
2. a United States
3. the united states
4. the United State

14. The massive architecture of the ancient

Egyptians was more advanced than
that of the Sumerians and even surpassed
later societies.

15. Because the company has been doing so

well, the CEO has decided to place
less advertisements in newspapers and

A. 1. Since
A. 1. The mass architecture

2. Although

2. The massive architect

3. For

3. The mass architect

4. So

4. Massive architecture
B. 1. has done
2. is doing
B. 1. more advance than
2. more advancing than

3. have been doing

4. was doing

3. advancer than
4. more advanced that

C. 1. has decided placing

2. decides to place

C. 1. the Sumerians
2. those of the Sumerians

3. have decided to place

4. has been deciding to place

3. of the Sumerians
4. what the Sumerians

D. 1. less advertisement in newspapers

2. less advertisements on newspapers

D. 1. of later societies
2. that of later societies
3. those of later societies
4. the later societies

3. fewer advertisements in newspapers

4. fewer advertisement in newspapers

18. 1. Mosquito-bear

SECTION 2: Reading Ability

Directions: In this section you will gain ONE

2. Mosquito-bearing

mark for ONE correct answer. There are two parts

3. Mosquito-born

in this section

4. Mosquito-borne

Part 1: Vocabulary

19. 1. spread

Directions: Choose the word that completes each

2. development

blank in the passage.

3. treatment
4. existence

Beyond the nuisance factor, mosquitoes

are carriers, or vectors, for some of humanitys
most __16__ illnesses, and they are public
enemies in the fight against global __17__
disease. __18__ diseases cause millions of deaths
worldwide every year with a disproportionate
effect on children and the elderly in developing
There are more than 3,000 species of
mosquitoes, but the members of three bear
primary responsibility for the __19__ of human
diseases. Anopheles mosquitoes are the only
species known to carry malaria. They also __20__





encephalitis. Culex mosquitoes carry encephalitis,

filariasis, and the West Nile virus. And Aedes

20. 1. transform
2. transfer
3. transmit
4. translate
Part 2: Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read the bulletin and choose the best
answer to each question.
RESERVATIONS: Reservations are
required for all first-class compartments.
Second-and third-class coaches do not
require reservations.

mosquitoes, of which the voracious Asian tiger is

a member, carry yellow fever, dengue, and

DINING: Trains that do not have first-class

Adapted from:

BAGGAGE: Passengers may carry up to

cars will not have a dining car. Sandwich

and beverage carts will be on all trains.

four pieces of luggage on the train.

Additional baggage may be checked.

Adapted from: Longman Preparation Series for

16. 1. mild

the TOEIC test - Intermediate Course (3rd edition)

2. deadly
3. chronic
4. curable
17. 1. mental
2. physical
3. rare
4. infectious

21. A passenger traveling in which of the

following would read this bulletin?
1. Plane
2. Car
3. Bus
4. Train

22. For which of the following are reservations


1. The dining car

Directions: Read the passage and choose the best

2. First-class car

answer to each question.

3. Second-class car
4. Third-class car


23. According to the passage, which of the

following have dining cars?
1. All trains

2. Trains with first-class cars

3. Trains with second-class cars

Instead of the more or less rounded face

of most owls, the barn owl has a
heart-shaped face and lacks the usual
tufted earlike feathers. The common

4. Trains with third-class cars

24. Up to how many pieces of luggage are
passengers allowed to carry?
1. Two
2. Three
3. Four

Barn owls, of the family

Tytonidae, are anatomically different
enough from other owls to merit their
own family in the order Strigiformes.


4. Five


barn owl is from 12 to 18 inches long

and has a white face, cinnamon buff
back, buff or white breast, and relatively
small eyes. The legs are fairly long,
feathered to the toes, and, like those of
all owls, very strong and equipped with
sharp, powerful, curved claws, the outer
ones being reversible, although they are
usually directed backward.
Barn owls nest in hollow trees,
caves, and buildings on every continent
except Antarctica and have adapted so
well to living near humans that in some
areas they seem to have forsaken natural
nesting places in favor of man-made
ones. They hunt in open spaces and have


the largest range of any nocturnal bird.

They use their eyesight to locate prey,
but their hearing is so highly developed
that they can hunt small mammals
in total darkness. Barn owls are


economically valuable because of their

preference for small, crop-destroying

Adapted from: TOEFL Reading 1

25. This passage is mainly concerned with ____

1. economic benefits of the barn owl.
2. where the barn owl got its name.
3. physical description and behavior of
barn owls.
4. why there are no barn owls in Antarctica.
26. According to the passage, barn owls have a
highly developed sense of _____
1. taste.
2. sight.
3. hearing.
4. touch.
27. All of the following are features of the barn
owl EXCEPT _____
1. small eyes.
2. curved claws.
3. white face.
4. black breast.
28. The word they in line 22 refers to _____
1. natural nesting places.
2. barn owls.
3. humans.
4. open spaces.
29. The words economically valuable as used
in line 30 mean that the barn owl _____
1. is a national treasure.
2. is worth a lot of money.
3. prevents farmers from losing money on
crop losses.
4. saves farmers money by eating bad
30. This passage would most likely be found in
1. a book on agriculture.
2. a photographers handbook.
3. a United States atlas.
4. an encyclopedia of animal life.


1. A 1 B 3

16. 2

2. A 3 B 2

17. 4

3. A 4 B 1

18. 4

4. A 4 B 1

19. 1

5. A 4 B 3

20. 3

6. A 1 B 4

21. 4

7. A 2 B 4

22. 2

8. A 2 B 3

23. 2

9. A 1 B 2

24. 3

10. A 1 B 2

25. 3

11. D 3

26. 3

12. B 1

27. 4

13. C 2

28. 2

14. D 2

29. 3

15. D 3

30. 4

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