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‫الرؤية ‪ :‬تطوير المتعلمين ليكونو مسؤولين وناجحين إلحداث فرق في عالم متغير‬

‫التدريبات اإلثرائيه لمادة اللغة االنجليية‪.‬‬

‫مدارس الريان الخاصة‬

‫الثان ‪2021-2020‬م‬
‫ي‬ ‫اس‬
‫منتصف الفصل الدر ي‬

‫الصف ‪:‬الثامن‬

‫ملحوظه‪ :‬هذه الملزمة ال تغني عن الكتاب‬


Language Functions

-Read the following situations and choose the correct answer .

1. A: What do you think about my new story?

B: ……………………………………………………..

A. Let’s get a move on.

B. It’s out of this world.
C. No, I don’t think so.
D. Take care.

2. A: I’m bored. What do you suggest?

B: ……………………………………………………..

A. If that’s what you want.

B. Let’s grab a bite.
C. Look on the bright side.
D. How about going to the cinema?

3. A: Oh no! This box is very heavy.

B: …………………………………………………….
A. Why don’t we go jogging?
B. Good for you.
C. I will give you a hand.
D. Long time no see.

4. A: In my opinion, English is the easiest subject.

B: …………………………………………………….

A. Long time no see.

B. Take care.

C. Let’s get a move on.

D. I guess so.

5. A: Oh dear! We’re late!

B: …………………………………………………..

A. Yes, it’s out of this world.

B. You will soon get the hang of it.

C. Well, let’s get a move on.

D. Yes, let’s do that.

6. A: Did you get through to Ahmed?

B: ………………………………………………….
A. No, because the line was busy.

B. Good for you.

C. How about going to the park.

D. No, I don’t think so.

Part One: Reading
Reading Comprehension:
Directions: Read the passage and answer the questions.

1 Helen Adams Keller was an American author, activist and lecturer. She was the
first American deaf and blind person to graduate from college. From an early age
she decided to communicate with the world, despite her barriers to
communication. She became an author, anti-war campaigner and spokeswoman for
women’s and worker’s rights. She is also an inspiration to millions.

2 Helen Keller was born in Alabama in 1880. When she was nineteen months old,
she contracted a mysterious illness that left her deaf and blind. She developed a
friendship with the daughter of her family’s cook, who created a sign language with
her. By the age of seven, Helen was using over 60 signs with her family. She knew
she could communicate.
3 In 1886, her mother read Charles Dickens' book ‘American Notes’ about the
successful education of a deaf and blind child. She decided to seek help for Helen
and was put in touch with 20-year-old teacher Anne Sullivan. She became Helen’s
instructor and friend for the next 49 years. Helen learnt Braille and used it to learn
French, German and Greek.

4 Keller had great ambitions and went on to become a world-famous speaker and
author. She campaigned for people with disabilities, among many other causes. She
travelled to 39 countries and was friends with US presidents and famous figures,
including Charlie Chaplin, and Mark Twain. Keller also wrote twelve books and many
articles on social issues. Keller died in her sleep in 1968, aged 87.

1. What is the text MAINLY about?

A. Helen Keller’s father
B. Helen Keller’s hobbies
C. The life of Helen Keller
D. The job of Helen Keller

2. What does the underlined word ‘blind’, in paragraph 1, line 2, mean?

A. a person who cannot see
B. a person who cannot talk
C. a person who cannot walk
D. a person who cannot hear

3. According to paragraph 2, how did Helen become deaf and blind?


4. What was the name of Helen’s teacher?


5. How many books did Helen write?


Part One: Reading
Reading Comprehension:
Directions: Read the passage and answer the questions.

A Mexican Adventure
People always think where they are going to enjoy their vacations, and they have two
choices; beaches or mountains. Many people prefer to travel to the beaches and enjoy a
hot weather; also, they can practice beach sports; on the other hand, other people
prefer to travel to the peaks of North America and enjoy a cold weather; moreover, they
can practice mountain sports.
Many people like travelling to the mountains in North America because there are many
places to share with family and friends , such as mountains new Hampshire, cannon
mountains, white mountains ,and Georgia mountains; on the other hand, other people
prefer spending their vacations traveling to the pacific beaches, such as flamingo, gulf of
Papagayo, Brasilito, Conchal, Garza and Tambor.
Some people love to travel to the beaches to sunburn because weather is hot in the
beaches, so many families can share their vacations; while, children make a castle of
sand; on the other hand, other people do not like a hot weather, then they travel to the
mountains looking for a cold weather; moreover, children can have fun exploring into
the mountains.
Beaches offer many activities, for people who visit these places, so they can play
volleyball, soccer, and practice horseback riding; moreover, many teenagers can surf
through big waves; on the other hand, mountains offer a variety of extreme sports, such
as climbing, canopy, and skiing, but some people do not like extreme sports, so they can
enjoy mountain biking and paces th rough the mountains.

1. What is the text mainly about?

A. Eating healthy food.

B. Doing everyday sports.
C. Passing an English exam.
D. Places to spend your vacation.

2. The underlined pronoun there in the second paragraph refers to………….

A. shores
B. pacific ocean
C. beaches in North America
D. mountains in North America

3. What can people do on beaches?


4. Why do people love to travel to the beaches to sunburn?



1/-Read and choose the correct answer.

1. An artist should have a very good____________.

A. imagined

B. imagination

C. imagine

D. imagining

2. My phone battery is _______________, I can’t make a call.

A. ring

B. dead

C. busy

D. signal

3. Can you post up this _______________ for our concert in your shop window?

A. advertise

B. improvement

C. advertisement

D. achievement

4. He saluted his friends with a _________________ of the hand.

A. hug

B. bow

C. smile

D. wave

5. Mona has a valuable _________________ of books.

A. collects

B. collect

C. collection

D. collectment

6. Mum: I’m busy right now, go and ______________ the phone.

A. answer

B. point

C. hug

D. ring

7. Let’s sit down and ______________ the problem.

A. discusses

B. discussing

C. discuss

D. discussion

8. I want to make an apple pie, but I haven’t got all the necessary ___________.

A. courses

B. food

C. menus

D. ingredients

9. It is important to ________________ to read to your children.

A. waste your time

B. make time

C. have some time to kill

D. give a hard time

10. You should rely ___________ your own efforts.

A. on

B. at

C. in

D. of

11. How do you intend to deal __________ this problem?

A. in

B. at

C. on

D. with

12. There’s chocolate all over your face. Here’s a ______________.

A. recipe

B. spoon

C. napkin

D. sauce

13. Dolphins use sounds to ________________ with each other.

A. imagine

B. communicate
C. organize

D. discuss

14. During exams, __________________ to think about the answers or you will
make a lot of mistakes.

A. have some time to kill

B. waste your time

C. take your time

D. pass the time

15. We _________________ the National Day in Qatar every year.

A. donate

B. calculate

C. communicate

D. celebrate

2/- Read the following, then fill in th e gaps with the suitable words.

rely gathered pick up busy

16. I called Omar twice but the line was _____________.

17. Did you ________________ the phone? I heard it ringing.
18. Hundreds of people _______________ in the street.

argument pollution achieve survive

19. My friend and I had an ___________________ and now he is not talking to me.
20. Changes in the climate are due to the ___________________ of the atmosphere.
21. We have to work hard to ___________________ our goals.

Part Two: Writing
1/ -Read and choose the correct answer.

22. James: I speak three languages.

David: _______________does my brother.

A. too
B. either
C. So
D. Neither

23. Hamad: I haven’t tried Sushi before.

Ali: I haven’t __________________.
A. neither
B. too
C. so
D. either

24. ____________ I speak to Mr. John Wilson, please?

A. must
B. had
C. can
D. mustn’t
25. This is _________ highest building in New York.
A. a
B. -
C. an
D. the
26. You should _____________ hard if you want to succeed.

A. study
B. studied
C. studies
D. studying

27. New workers _______________ by the company last year.

A. is hired

B. was hired

C. were hired

D. are hired

28. Our newspaper ___________________ every morning before eight o’clock.

A. is delivered

B. was delivered

C. were delivered

D. are delivered

29. If you ______________ a fire, you get burned.

A. touched

B. touches

C. touch

D. touching

30. ________________ you open the door for me, please?

A. must

B. would

C. have to

D. need

31. Ahmed: I have got too much work to do.

Ali: I have_____________.

A. neither

B. so

C. either

D. too

32. You ________________ cook. We are having dinner at the restaurant tonight.

A. don’t have to

B. have to

C. doesn’t have to

D. mustn’t

33. If you heat ice, it _______________.

A. melt

B. melted

C. melts

D. melting

34. It _______________ rain tomorrow. Look at the clouds.

A. must

B. would

C. should

D. might

35. Our final exams __________________ at the end of the school year.

A. is given

B. are given

C. were given

D. was given

36. You _____________ eat in the classroom.

A. needn’t

B. mustn’t
C. must

D. have to

37. Plants die when you ____________ them.

A. didn’t water

B. doesn’t water

C. don’t water

D. haven’t water

38. She broke her glasses, so she _____________ buy new ones.

A. have to

B. has to

C. must

D. had to

39. Khalid: I can’t speak Chinese. It is so hard.

Omar: ___________________.

A. I can too.

B. I can’t either.

C. Neither can’t I.

D. So can I.
40. I bought a new book yesterday. _________ book is about the history of English

A. an

B. -

C. a

D. the

41. The National Sport Day is celebrated every second Tuesday in ________ February
in Qatar.

A. -

B. the

C. a

D. an

42. Many movies ________________ in Hollywood every year.

A. were made

B. are made

C. is made

D. was made

43. ______________ I use your computer, please?

A. must

B. should

C. may

D. need

2/ -Do as shown between the brackets.

44. Many games were organized every year at our school. (Correct)


45. People play football in many countries in the world. (Change into passive)

46. If you freeze water, it turned into ice. (Correct)


47. It is not necessary to wear a coat, it is hot outside. (Use: don’t have to)


48. Pablo Picasso painted Mona Lisa. (Change into passive)


49. It is not allowed to smoke here, look at the sign. (Use: mustn’t)


50. In my opinion, it is better for you to see a doctor. (Use: should)


51. Water boils. You heat it at 100 degrees. (Use: If)


52. I have to submit my project yesterday. (Correct)


53. A: I don’t like Sushi.

B: Neither don’t I. (Correct)


54. Don’t wait me for dinner. Perhaps I will be late. (Use: might)


55. They broke the window with a stone. (Change into passive)


Writing Prompt

- Write on ONE of the following topics.

TOPIC 1: Write a paragraph (90-100 words) describing a national event in your


These phrases may help you:

1. What is the name of the event?
2. When is it celebrated?
3. How do people celebrate it?

TOPIC 2: Your friend won the painting competition at school and you and your friends
want to take him/ her out to celebrate. Your friend has sent you an email with the
following suggestions:
 Go bowling.
 Go out to dinner.
 Take him/her to the cinema.
Write an email to reply to your friend.

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