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The Mun.

Alias: Chia
Age: 26
Timezone: GMT +7
Triggers: Blood, suicide, rape, abortion, self-harm
Preferred Pronouns: She/her
Other Characters: N/A at the moment

The Faceclaim.

Name: Ai Hashimoto
Age: 20
Occupation/Group: Actress and fashion model - N/A
Password: -

The Muse.

Name: Tesla Kreger

Quote: Pain is in the mind.
Guild: Milky Way
Alias: Psycho
Canon: Guild Mark: On the right side of her neck, directly above her jugular vein
Age: 19
Magic: Memory Control, a magic that allows Tesla to manipulate peoples memory for her
own advantage. This power requires the user to have a high intelligence since it does, to
some extent, work through playing with the mind of a living creature. Because of that reason,
Tesla is also gifted with an ability to possess inanimate objects and small animals. She could,
if she wanted to, develop this potential into human possession, but due to her physical
limitation, doing so would exhaust her very quickly and even result in death if she was
pushing over her limit. The spell will also wear off when the target finds out about the truth or

regains control over their own mental state.

Advantages: Memory control is very useful for retrieving information and defensive purposes.
It can help shield another mage during a stealth action and has also got Tesla out of troubles

in more occasions than she cares to admit.

Disadvantages: It is not very effective as an offensive move, however, especially when Tesla
is alone. Although she can always use physical attack or throw possessed objects at her

enemies to hurt them, her magic itself is not by any chance lethal.
o Offense: 3
o Defense: 4
o Agility: 7
o Strength: 4
o Intelligence: 9
o Durability: 4
o Stamina: 4
o Miscellaneous*: Eating spicy food
Personality: Growing up without anyone to give the girl the attention she had been craving
so badly, Tesla loved being in the spotlight meaning she liked it when people listened to

what she had to say and showed some appreciation. That being said, she didnt enjoy having
to fight for it and thus, often used her magic to fulfill this need for validation. She could be
quite bubbly under certain circumstances and around certain people, but most of the time,
she liked to pull a cold facade to conceal her social anxiety. Thanks to her abandonment
issue, Tesla also found it very inconvenient to let people know how she felt especially when
it was an emotion that might only grant her pity, such as sadness, disappoinment, or anger.
She had been rather sickly as a child and this made her quite physically vulnerable even

It wasnt very clear why the Kregers were allowed to conceive and bear more than one
offspring when they obviously had no interest in parenthood. The fact that their second
daughter got sick a lot more often than the first only made things worse for little Tesla. Had
their grandmother refused to participate in taking care of these children, the girl wouldve
probably ended up in a forest and had a mama gorilla raising her into female Tarzan or
worse, she couldve ended up in a dumpster without any single soul even caring that she had
been missing.
All things considered, Teslas early life turned out surprisingly decent with Eloises presence.
The soon-to-be celestial-spirit mage probably didnt know this because they both were still so
young when she decided to leave home, but without a genuine parental figure to look up to,
Eloise was Teslas only divine compass. The younger learned about the existence of the world
beyond Fiore through her stories and even grew an interest in magic despite the simplemindedness of a child, all thanks to big sister.
So when she caught Eloise packing up her things for her journey on that fateful afternoon,
Teslas first instinct was to freak out and throw a fit, much to the olders dismay as she
slammed the door behind her to muffle the noise from her sisters tantrum. It wasnt until their
grandmother found her sobbing on the floor outside Eloises room that she was picked up,
given an explanation as to why the two of them had to leave while Tesla had to stay, and
eventually lulled to sleep in exhaustion. She woke up in pitch darkness after their departure
but decided to stop crying and have dinner with the leftover stew her grandmother had
cooked earlier this morning until her parents came home.
Nearly 12 years had passed since that day and Tesla had grown into a skillfull young mage
herself. Known for her high intelligence and capability as a master of memory control at such
green age, it wasnt too hard for her to earn a spot in the big guilds. At 16, she decided to join
Lamia Scale simply because her sister was rumoured to be a part of their rival, Sabertooth.
The alias Psycho was given by Ooba herself after the girl managed to manipulate everyone
in the hall during a party and only failed when she tried to cast it on the guild master.
What shed heard turned out to be true when she finally got the chance to attend the annual
Grand Magic Game as a spectator. Eloise was in the spotlight, fighting to representate
Sabertooth, flaunting her skills in taming the spirits of Leo and Capricorn. The next thing she
knew, she put one of her sisters friends under her spell, manipulated him to be her personal

informant, and when she figured that Eloise was on her way to Milky Way, she wasted no time
to follow the move.

And that was when their stars eventually aligned.

Trigger Warnings: Abandonment, perhaps?

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