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Safety Rules while Flying Kites

Never fly near power lines!

If you are careless enough to get your kite caught in a power line, DON'T TOUCH THE LINES OR

Always be aware of your surroundings and mindful of others. Be especially aware of what is behind
you like other people and children, kite bags, coolers, chairs, cliffs, drop-offs, holes, fences, etc... You
would be surprised how many kiting injuries occur by people falling over things while lunging
backwards to keep their kite in the air or by people falling off of cliffs and other drop-offs.

You should not fly near roads & vehicles and make sure that your flying area does not have
obstructions such as posts and holes.

Flying your kite near roads or freeways is dangerous because your kite may accidentally land on the
road causing an accident. Drivers may also become distracted by your kite and lose control of their
vehicle. If your kite strikes a vehicle, it will cause serious damage to the vehicle and your kite,
causing a large expense and/or personal injury.

Wish You All Very Happy and Safe

Makar Sakranti !!!

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