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For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn ~Hemingway

Like a Cigarette or a Cold Glass of Whiskey

Written by Emma Parry
LIST OF CHARACTERS (in order of appearance):

Fade in on a dimly lit kitchen. The clock that ticks above the two seater marble table marks 6:15, but
through the windows, the winters early evening darkness blankets everything but the headlights of cars
passing the busy road. It is that time of year when people wake up in darkness and come home in
darkness, too occupied to enjoy the four hours of gloomy sunlight. Wiping the tables already pristine
surface with a mustard worn out rag is Leila. She wipes and re-writes arguments in her head and spits
them out in a hushed tone in confidence as she waves her cigarette in the air. With each word she presses
her weight against the marble a little harder. Her hair sticks up from rubbing against the gunmetal
painted plastic chandelier that hangs on the egg-white popcorn ceiling, seven feet from the newly tiled
floor, a mark of Dans handi work. Behind the front door, Dan stomps his feet on the welcome mat
outside. The ripple of Dan pressing down his puffy army green bomber coat and the whooshing sound of
him checking his breath against his elbow can still be heard through the thin wooden door. And with a
subtle sigh he firmly twists the handle and slowly creeps through the door as Leila sneaks the Marlboros
from her jean pocket inside the vase of crippling flowers.
DAN [with overly
casual excitement]: Babe Im home -- [glances at the clock] and I am even early. [he
walks and put his hand

on the small curve of her lower back as he kisses her cheek]

LEILA [shyly pulls back as the sour smell of liquor lingers on her cheek]: I didnt even notice the time.
[she gives
him a quick lackluster smile and goes back to wiping the table]

DAN: Its clean. Relax. [he takes off his jacket and lays it on the kitchen counter across from the marble
table. He then puts his hand on both her shoulder and turns her towards him] Lets sit down watch TV.

[pause] I need to see John at eight, [pause] for business stuff, but I will bring you back dinner. I promise
and tomorrow can be all about us.
LEILA [swallowing her breath]:

Ok. Thats fine. [turns back towards the table and starts wiping]
DAN: Dont be like that.
LEILA: Like what.
DAN: You're clearly angry.
LEILA [meekly]: Im not. I said you can go. Im cleaning. Your parents are coming tomorrow.
DAN [getting angry]: Can you fucking talk to me like Im your loving husband. Youre angry! Be angry
for god sake.
LEILA: Can we have dinner tonight?
DAN [frustrated]:

I told you I have to. [calms down] Its business. [he slowly rubs her arm]

LEILA [pauses as she tries to gain her confidence]: You're drunk Dan. Same as yesterday. Same as the
night before and the night before -DAN [interrupting]: Im not.
LEILA: I can smell it on you. [throws his hand off her arm]
DAN [laughing as he throws his shoulders back and shrugs]: I am an adult. I drink.

LEILA: Thats not funny.

DAN: What do you want me to do?
LEILA: I need you Dan. Your parents are coming tomorrow and they hate me. We both know what shell
say. Are you thinking about another baby. [she says in a formal tone as her voice cracks on baby and
tears come to her eyes]. We both know she isnt really asking that. Shes just reminding me of what
happened. [hysterical] Do you remember what happened? Should I remind you?
DAN: Leila -LEILA: But you couldnt admit to her what happened. It was your fault.
Dan hits her across the face. Both stunned pause for a second. He pulls her close in embrace and rub her
back. He pull her away and gently wraps his hands around the sides of her face and kiss her forehead as
he pull her back close to him. She stands there still with her back against the edge of the table.
LEILA [shyly]: Can we go to dinner please? [pause] Tonight?
Dan remains silent as he takes his jacket from the kitchen counter and slowly puts it on.
LEILA [begging]: Lets go to Tinas, the pizza place. We used to love it. We can get the large cheese
pizza half with sausage and broccoli and the other with mozzarella. We can just go back and re do. Before
the baby. Before the fighting. Before I dont know just this. Back to prom, graduation, getting
married. You know I used to tell myself, how did I get so lucky. Dan Davis girlfriend. Dan Davis wife.
It doesnt get better than this.
DAN: Tomorrow. I promise.
LEILA [annoyed]: Your parents are coming.
DAN: Then come to lunch with me tomorrow then. Im meeting with my boss but you can come. [goes to
the cabinet and pulls out a bottle of spiced whisky and a newly washed glass with water still dripping on
the sides]
LEILA [shyly]: I was salutatorian. [with more confidence] I was prom queen. I was going to go to UT on
a full-ride, but I didnt. [loudly] For what? [pause] what? To be your punching bag?
DAN [lovingly]: Dont say that. [reaches out to touch her shoulder]
LEILA: Stop doing that to me.
DAN: Doing what? [glances at the clock which says 6:30] I have to go.
LEILA: You said eight. [Dan takes the last sip of his drink and leaves the glass on the counter next to the
bottle of whisky as Leila gives him a glare of disappointment]

DAN [shamefully]: I cant beat it ok.

Leila takes the Marlboroughs out of the vase and sticks them in her back pocket. She takes the silver
photograph of her in the hospital with her new born daughter of the marble table, grabs her keys, and
slams the front door as a goodbye.
As the front door shuts, Dan slams the empty glass on the floor. He slowly takes off his coat and lays it on
the kitchen counter. Getting another glass from the cupboard, he brings the bottle of whisky over to the
marble table where he pours himself a heavy drink.

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