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Steroid Injections Effective course of treatment for shoulder

Steroids are often spoken of, in a rather dismissive tone, given its bad
reputation for causing serious side effects. However, local application
of steroids especially local / regional injections of steroid are one of the
best blessings of the medicine world. For e.g. local bursitis or
inflammation in the shoulder may take days to respond to rest, cold
fomentation or medicines, but one local injection of thesteroid in the
shoulder gives you instant relief.
In intractable painful conditions of the shoulder, it is even more
important to give local steroid injections. The only caution to be used is
touse it in the correct site and for the correct indication. For e.g. a subacromial bursitis will readily respond to sub-acromial injection, an intraarticular injection may be best used in tendon inflammation. Frozen
shoulder responds very well to steroid injections. There are different
preferences w.r.t the site of steroid injections is case of a frozen
shoulder. However, unequivocally a sub-acromial injection does not
seem to work in case of a frozen shoulder. Injecting in the glenohumeral joint space (a.k.a intra articular) has been a practice with
some physicians. But an intra articular injection fails as often as it
succeeds. The best outcomes in frozen shoulder treatment are
obtained by injecting steroids in the Supra scapular nerve (SSN) space.
There are many methods advocated to practice SSN space injection. In
this course of shoulder pain treatment, the steroid injection works
to reduce the pain and improves the exercise range of the affected
Though repeated administration of steroid injections (more than two or
three) arent usually recommended. If the problem keeps coming back,
your doctor will probably suggest further investigation into the issue or
other alternative treatment for shoulder pain.
Sometimes, the pain may be worse for a short period of time after the
injection but this doesn't mean it has gone wrong. Be patient with the
treatment and rest it out. You should seek further medical attention
only if the pain continues for more than a day or more after being
administered the injection. Steroid injections are generally reported to
be safe and well tolerated with the rare occurrence of mild pain.
Also, in many cases, Injections may be carried out with the aid of
ultrasound images. The use of ultrasound in the treatment allows the
inflamed tissues to be seen on a monitor to ensure direct and precise
administration of injections in the affected area.

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