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15 things I tell myself when I don t want to work/study

1. You are very lucky and privileged to have access to almost unlimited knowledg
e and you should appreciate that.
2. Be one of those rare people who step over their insecurities and succeed.
3. Only 5 minutes. Only today. (Repeat it 5 minutes later and every day).
4. You will know what to do as soon as you start. Ideas never appear from inacti
5. Make yourself proud.
6. One hour every day doesn t feel much but it s 365 hours a year. You can t not succe
ed after so much work.
7. It s not supposed to be easy. Nothing good is easy.
8. If you had a child to look after, you d make them study because you want them t
o accomplish something. Don t you love yourself?
9. Everything you want is on the other side of fear George Adair
10. Every mistake increases our chance to make progress.
11. If you give up now, you ll have to return to this later anyway but from the ve
ry beginning.
12. Let the process be your result.
13. Every moment you thought your fears would suppress you has become the time y
ou made it.
14. Maybe you think you can never find something to use your skills and mindset
for. But if you continue investing in what matters to you, it will find its way
out there.
15. I allow you to think globally. You have a right to the boldest dream.

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