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CKD, Dialysis and Transplantation

If young think genetic.

Asians and Hispanic more common.
Salt and water balance. Hypertension can cause and drive.
Acid base balance chronic metabolic acidosis with advanced disease
Excretion vulnerable to things building up
EPO anaemia
Vitamin D (1alfahydroxylase for vit d metabolism)
eGFR (really accurate is isotope clearance and used in transplant workup)
Creatinine is derived from muscle creatine. Lots of things change eGFR.
MDRD equation in the UK. Normalised to 1.73m2 body surface area.
Stage 1-5, normal to ESRD. >90 - <15
Define cause
Slow progression
Prevent complications
Ensure smooth transition to renal replacement
Modify CV risk
Drugs can be poisonous and cause allergy in the kidney alone. Dont
assume progression. May be acute on chronic and require active
Transplant definitive treatment

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