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Relig cae ead RO cata AYCtud aac eco RCo Ln ek iwsre ook Ono mor PAA DARAJ SHIL DJADATAAT The Scroll of Eyes “The Teanswuccen” ¥ Introduction To All 9 Reasons to be Nuwaupian Not Them 1. The Inevitability of Fact: Everyone seeks facts, truth, confirmation. w No one can really endure on blind faith or hopes. The stress and cares of life without facts about something, like not knowing the exact phone number of an important call; or the address of a place you must be at, at a certain time. To not have facts, to feel pain, fear, danger, but not know why or where to go to have it taken care of; that’s blind faith, not a life to death that cannot ultimately be proven. Atheists cannot prove there is no God or Gods just as religious people can not prove that their God or Gods exist by faith and belief only. And so they create other titles such as Pantheist or Pragmatist. Facts are unavoidable, even if we only choose to have facts in our own existence. What is to be decided is, what evidence, do we think is pertinent. How are we going to interpret the evidence and who finds it; and will they really accept the facts over their blind faith? Ask yourself who is your mother. She comes to mind because you know who she is. Now who is your Creator, God, Lord, Allah, Rabb, JAH, Yahweh? You don’t get an exact. One is fact and the other is fiction until confirmed. . The use and mis-use of Sciences: There are no limitations in finding facts when you compare religion to the Scientific method of “prove it”. The process defined by that which is measurable and repeatable. It speaks to issues and their ultimate origin as well as people, places, and things. Where did they come from? How long ago? How did they come about? Genetics, not control of others moralities or lives for such answers, science depends on what was recorded and found, read and confirmed to be the way people really lived, facts not fiction. Whereas, religious beliefs can’t be found or confirmed just what men wrote down and claimed as coming from an unproven spirit God. They make the claims that their God, Lord knows about the smallest details of our lives, but doesn’t and will not nor has stopped all the sickness, evils, wars, killings, destruction of nature, and even their own Human bodies, minds, and birth defects, He doesn’t help or prevent. . The Problems Creation vs. Evolution: The first fact is you yourself, Your parents, their parents and so on. You reading this confirms your i existence. Next step back is where did you come from, your parents, who came from theirs? That's how it’s done with plants, animals, humans and the universe. Nothing new even if a test tube is used it still has the same root seeds for reproduction. Where did it start? Why must it have to have one? Only to support your belief in a spook God one point in time saying be or let there be this person. What most overlook is even then in their religious books they say this God used dust or mud or clay of the ground which always has some form of life in it; be it dry sand or moist soil. Life existed in it when their God used it to shape, fashion, mold, make, form and create the first flesh and blood being. So the seed of life was there or with that God who they claim is life and if you live for more than one moment you live or are living and that’s time. So then when did you start living to be alive? They even give their God a gender. He and a male child, a son and even a male Ghost or Spirit called angels, a gender means a sex, a male gender means a seed or XY Chromosomes and sperm, DNA, RNA. This is all they claim. This is the problem with the instant creation from nothing it can’t be confirmed nor does their own Holy Books make that claim as for reproduction. This is proven as for evolving or evolution this is proven. Not how many have pro-claimed but how it is you evolved from your parents who evolved from their parents and each time there is change? Evolution, this evolutionary explanation of life by birth does not make God or Gods unnecessary. Anyone can see life develops gradually changing from person to person and over a great period of time much change. Of course there is intelligence involved by one designer who alone from nothing provided that one ingredient for life and set into motion by saying to it exist. Think of who was talking and why speak at all, if there were no other beings to listen? Older wiser living beings birthed, created, grew, made and fashioned our level of life. Just as if a pure African moves to Europe, it’s known now his genes are older, stronger that’s a fact confirmed. If he is the very first and he takes a European or ‘Caucasian female and impregnates her with his sperm, the child born would be a new creation, a first. His father would be his creator, his mother would also be his creator and the Paa-Ptah-Nun “The Planet Earth” in which he planted his seed to mix with her ovum. Now the other way around, if an Afriean woman who holds the Mitochondrial DNA a genealogy is born. A line from her onward, While the seed of the African male ended at conception because he does not have Mitochondrial DNA like the woman. Yet, in both cases it was a new creation created from them. Then from the African woman's seed because of the Mitochondrial DNA, the gene proven to be transferred from the mother only. This is evolution genetically if beings came to us from older worlds with stronger genes and bred us. They would be our Gods and if it was a female she would be our mother and Goddess. That is how it’s done. The Devil and Evil: Who has the most to profit from a Good God created us and all things more than a Devil or Devils? It gives him a purpose. It brings him into existence as well. For why would you need a Good if there was no Evil? Why need a God if there was no Devil? So who do you think created religion and its religious laws of Do and Don’t do? Not the creation and certainly not the creators or the one who has the most to gain by weaker beings violating these do and do not do laws and of course that created a place for enforcers of these laws and then subjects and of course records of what to do and not to do written by those enforcers. You get your so-called Holy Books by whatever title to enforce their laws and stay in control. Real do and do not’s is only what is harmfal in any way to anything. Your health, life, or nature, which you need. Don’t hurt yourself or others, that’s law. . The Bible, Quraan and God Story: On first reading the opening words of the Old Testament in Hebrew as Tanakh “Torah” or English which birthed the New Testament many other Agnostic text of Nag Hammadi, scrolls found in Egipt in 1945 A.D. and the Qumran Scrolls called Dead Sea Scrolls found outside of Jerusalem in 1947 A.D. which birthed the Quraan of the Muslim’s Islamic Religion in 610-632 A.D. in Arabia and their religions for each base their belief in a Divine on this first book of Genesis in what they call the Bible. This first chapter seems to assume the existence of an O'S Eloheem or 717" YHWH or God, 510¢ Dios or Allah, a, Rabb. Genesis, however was really written long after what the first verse claims at a point of time in History. They claim a Hebrew man of the Levite Tribe of Israel wrote it, which has not been proven to date. However, the very words, “In the beginning God,” is not saying, “In the beginning, | as the first and only God...”. It’s about a God not by this God. Just as the first verse of St. John in the New Testament stating, “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God...” It does not say, I am the God the first and only God and the word was with me. Again it’s not by a God. The Qur’aan read, “/n the name of your Rabb who created...” It doesn’t say, Read in the name of me Allah who created, it’s about Allah not by Allah. It was written by mortal men, human beings about a God, not by a God about human beings, just as many children world over now believe that Santa Clause was a real person; they call him “Chris Cringle”. Note Chris=Christ. Saint Nick=Saint, Holy. They have how he dresses, how he looks, how he has helpers, his words, “ho, ho, ho”, how he flies through the skies with flying reindeer, how he gives gifts and that makes people happy. How he lives way up North at the North Pole. People spend their hard earned money on gifts. Now is not all of this the exact same story created in the Bible or Quraan about their God, Angels, reward. He knows if you are asleep, he knows if you are awake, he knows if you are good or bad. Is not that the same and people all over wait for Christmas? Who was bom on Christmas? ‘They have music, feast, rituals, symbols, it’s not real, it’s all fake. He really doesn’t and never existed, a make believe. That is the very same thing with the Bible stories of a God, the places, the miraculous events, signs, symbols. You think about it, now he Santa Claus is supposed to be good like God. But then they created stories of Frankenstein, a man-made man, made of human parts came alive and became evil, Killed. Don’t forget when I said the name, you saw his image as if he is real. And so many others I could say but you think them and see how it works and worked. It’s all faith and belief in what another person created in their mind like the best fiction stories. There is no proof of the stories religious people devote their lives to, none. Yes, they found places mentioned in the Bible but you can find the North Pole or Transylvania, both are on the map. froniecis Figure I: Map of North Pole iv Figure 2: Map of Transylvania ‘That does not mean Santa Claus and Frankenstein are or were real. ‘And it doesn’t matter how many people claim they believe in Big foot or the Lockness Monster until they uncover the facts, proof they do not exist and yet in Egipt facts, records, bones, tombs, dates, times, places, and real people confirmed. They have not done that with the monotheistic religions of Mosesism, Jesusism, or Muhammadism which all three should be called Abrahamism, for each claim him in their Quraan 16:123, as their founder and he has not been proven to ever have existed. No facts, confirmation, findings, none not one of him. None of them have proven their creation story, their angels story, their God story, their life after death story, their Heaven story, but their Hell story is true. We have it right here on Earth with all the pain and suffering, around us. Fiction has become real to those that need anything to believe in. But facts will always come out of the lies or fabrication. Religion. . The Name of a Religion or God doesn’t make it Real: People who claim names today like Jews, Christians, Muslims, or Judaism, Christianity and Islam and their many sub-divisions, sects, and denominations. The fact that there are millions who believe the fictions of their Holy Books, the fictions of the beings or people in their own stories, the fact that there is a place called Jerusalem or The Vatican in Rome or Mecea in Arabia, none of the above mentions or confirms the facts needed. It’s only beliefs and are not argument of their God’s existence. A God each claims is partial to their rituals and them as the chosen ones and that their God would not protect other children of the world unless they all convert to their races, religious beliefs. That he is responsible for all being born amongst the Hindus Indian sub-race, or Buddhist Asian sub-race or Yorubans African race. Is not he the giver of all life to all people regardless of race according to their religious beliefs? Are we to believe that when each time these so-called Hebrew race of Jews or Israelites the sub-race of Caucasian people could not live safe, find food where he sent them the Land of Canaan or fear death their God, Yahweh, Eloheem sent them to Africa to the Africans. Egipt is in Africa and was ruled originally by Africans who many Caucasians have taught are cursed to be black, nappy hair, big lips, large genitals, and big butts. All this they claim while their God sends them to safety amongst Africans “repeatedly”. . The Personification of God, Angels, Spirits: Many religions claim to worship their God in Spirit Torah Genesis 1:2 (Mosesism) John 4:24 (Jesusism) or as an unseen Spirit Quraan 2:3, John 1:18, that God is not a Human being Numbers 23:19, Hosea 11:9. That Angels have wings Isaiah 6:2, Ezekiel 1:11 and are also Holy Ghost Luke 1:35, Quraan 16:102-103 or Spirits yet human beings 1 Timothy Genesis 3:22, Exodus 7:1; because, we as human beings know we have all kinds of weaknesses and needs from outside sources. We need to clean ourselves inside as well as outside. We start off as babies weak and dependant. And as we age, we loose our sight, our hearing and receive all other kinds of sickness, and we need to eat, we need to drink water, and we have other needs we go crazy or lose our minds. We are selfish. So how can their God be a human being and still be all powerful? So they use the spirit of God comes into a body of flesh as the word made flesh St. John 1:14 used by the Christians in New Testament or the Angel comes as a complete well-made man in the Muslim’s Qur’aan Chapter 19:17, Psalm 18:10-11 and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters by the Hebrew’s Torah, Genesis 1:2. But in each a spirit being came down to Earth. Also in the Torah, God or the Lord came to Ptah-Nun “Planet Earth” with two angels to Abraham and ate food, flesh in fact, Genesis Chapter 18. They ate meat of animals with this and so many others in human form. They use doves Mark 1:10, ass, calves, mules, strange flying animals to take them to Heaven as in the Qur’aan 17:1, unicoms Job 39:10, dragons Revelation 13, talking snakes Genesis vi 3:1, fish men 1 Samuel 5:2-7 goat men Leviticus 17:7. So we see they believe that angels come in human form Quraan 17:85, Daniel 8:15-16, Revelations 22:8-9 in spiritual birds, human fish, giant fish, giants Genesis 6:4. You can read this in their Holy Scriptures and books they use to explain their religions. Yet, they will look at Egipt and say we are pagans because they claim we Egiptians of old worship animals. Yet, Moses and his people worshiped a brass serpent “snake” Numbers 21:8-9, John 3:14. Thus, their own God trusted Egipt as a place of safety to live and stay for 430 years Genesis 46:3, Exodus 12:40-41 and aiso sent to the Christian’s own God in flesh Jesus, Matthew 2:13-15 to Egipt to be safe. This also is to be found in their Holy books Exodus 12:40-41. Think their God, Allah, YHWH, Eloheem, Rabb made a promise with their father Abraham, Ibraheem to give him a land flowing with milk and honey Exodus 3:8, 3:17, 33:3; Leviticus 20:24, Genesis 12:1, 7 then Genesis 12:10 and Quraan on Jesus (Isa) return Quraan 43:61. To look over them, protect them, a safe place. Now note this is their all-knowing God, but he did not know the land of Canaan would have a famine Genesis 42:3-5, dry-up and force the Israelites to have to move or die. He could not see that far when he made the promise to Abraham Genesis 17:8. Then of all the planet Earth why are they or does he feel they are safe in pagan Egypt? Why is Egipt even in their books at all if we were such backward, confused pagans? He passed through Europe to go to Egipt; look at map of his route: Cees cee on 2 Pare Figure 3: Map of Abraham's Journey Egiptians are never called evil in Hebrews’ Holy books. Their Jesus came from above in the form of a bird dove Matthew 3:16, Mark 1:10; John 1:32 enter a human being and he became Emmanuel, “God with us” Matthew 1:23 with us they claim. The Muslims claim he Isa or Al Masih will climb down a latter onto a Mosque when he returns from up there or Heaven and Caucasoid European Jews wait for a Mashiakh to come rule over them and set peace on Earth. While they and the sub-race of Palestine kill each other over the Land of Camaan. In each they see some human being coming from above to Earth with more power than earthlings who can transform himself. Yet, when we Egiptians said our Khamunu “Ogdoads” were symbolic of frogs and snakes of the deep who came out of the water meaning the tadpole like sperm and the fetus like frog in the wet womb of a female which came out on dry land as a Human being onto land before becoming an upright mortal Homo-Sapian or that Paa- Sapzdutu the Enneads personified and create man in their images, they say that never could have happened. Well, the fact is they really believe the very same things that we Egiptians knew, but the fact remains and has been proven that the Egiptians never needed them, they needed Egiptians. The Egiptian Nazduru “Gods of Nature” never sent Egiptians in need to them; it is the other way around. And who was first on Planet Earth, the Egiptians who are Africans in Africa first. These are proven facts. Whose records have been found, the Egiptians. And in person who looks like you Negroids, your Egiptian ancestors, your own Holy blood line, DNA. And where is Egipt? Africa. And what does that make true Egiptians? Africans. ‘And who are the original Africans? Negroids, Dark-skin, wooly- hair people, the first. Look on the walls of Egipt the same way you look at your grandparents” pictures. It is the same. The Evidence of Greatness and les: All you have to do is look at Africa and Africans, the Great empires we built. Look at Timbuktu in Mali, look at Egipt, Sudan, and South Africa, look at our records, our arts, the first to write a script, and the first doctors in their Holy books. They claim one of their prophets cast his rod to the ground and his Lord God turned the wooden stick into a living snake, Exodus 7:9-10. Now the ruler of Egipt, a man Per-RE-Ah: Satukh Paa-Wahan “Pharaoh Seti I” called his Hanutu “priests” and they could do the same thing that the Israelite, Hebrew, Muslims Yahweh, Allah, God or Adonai, Rabb, Lord did for their prophet viii e Moses, Mosheh, Musa; he did not do the miracles, his God, YHWH, Theos, Allah did it for him. But RE did not do it for the Egiptian priest, they did it themselves from their own Earthly knowledge. So in fact who is the Hebrews Gods, the Egiptians. Right in their books, Isaiah 19:25, Hosea 12:9, Hosea 13:4. The Hebrew does not say who brought you out of Egypt. It says their very God, Lord is from Egipt himself, What was the name of Amun-RE or Amon, Amen The Amen Revelation 3:14. They still use his name at the end of their prayer today Amen. So we Egiptians already knew how it was done making us equal as mere mortal men in powers to their spirit God, Lord. So who in fact is Greatness and who is performing miracles as human beings, the Egiptians, the Africans called Negroids. The God who doesn’t Know, and Lies: In their Holy books their God asks questions like, “Where art thou?” Genesis 3:9 as Adam hides from him as he walked on Earth in the Garden. And, “Who told thee that thou wast naked?” Genesis 3:11 and so many other times this God did not know all things. Also he told Adam a lie he said: “For in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” Genesis 3:6. Adam and Eve both ate of it but they did not die that dav. That was a lie. Then does this God have fears? Yes he said, “Behold the man is become as one of us to know good and evil and now lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live “forever.” Genesis 3:22 So yes, he feared this man (Adam) who had become a God (Eloheem) like him. Just as Moses did Exodus 7:1, “And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god 10 Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.” Paa-Nazdur: Amun-Nub-RE-Akh-Ptah (Djedi) Shil Paa Hanutu DzaHuti EAOoLt aA Paa Safan Mahyataat Shil Paa Nazdur: Amunnub Reakh Ptah Paa Hanut:(Djedi) : The Sacred Papyrus of Amunnubi Reakh Ptah (Melchizedek) ‘ig Bi Paa Raéunaat Shil RE: Anun wu Atum wu Atun wu Amun By The names of RE Suns: Anun and Atum “Self-sufficent "and ‘Atun “Unique One” and Amun “Hidden One” Pa Safar Shil Djadataat The Scroll of Eyes Mahyat # A¢O ee The Beautiful Words Eee oan mataTaa 4 1-200 Paa Falakaat The Cycles 1. The first cycle was nagatun GA?OLSG “a dot”, aswudun nagat MYFOASG, GOAL “a black dot.” 2. Then that aswud magqut AYFSA GAeAL “black dot” became khatatun FALALOG “a line”. 3. And then the line became TH+944G Hawatun “a wall”. heciim art 4. And then 4 TertAL Paa Hawat “the wall” became TABMHS.OG kadab.un a square. 5. Movement, motion, and so the birth of Geometry and dimensions were created and formed. Find the Area of a = er d=1414xS i are 9! perimeter = 4s — A=#? A= 81 square inch 3 6. When Paa-Nazduru of three hundred and sixty degrees (360°) of being or existence divided into two beings of existence of one hundred and eighty degrees (180°) each or 3H ?AE Shayad “will”. 7. If the Humim “male being” child is agreeable; then the humin “female being” or zawaj dmc. “fwin” counterpart is disagreeable. The one must conquer the other. One seed will overpower the other’s DNA. |. In this way was the disagreeable being created; calling them zawaju HatMcS “twins”, According to the DNA Testing Glossary; fraternal twins is defined as, “Normally, there is only one egg available in the womb at any given time ready for fertilization. If there are two or more eggs present and they are fertilized, the result is fraternal twins (or triplets, etc.). Because the eggs are fertilized by different sperm, each resulting child’s DNA will be different, and thus their genetic blueprints will be different. They may look very different physically, sound different, act different and have different health issues. Fraternal siblings may even be different genders. Fraternal twins will likely share some similar characteristics, however, as they have both inherited DNA from the same parents, The likelihood of having fraternal twins is determined entirely through the mother and factors affecting her reproductive system. A twin zygosity test can determine whether siblings are identical or fraternal twins.” a) Identical (Monazygotic) Twins b) Fraternal (Dizygotic) Twins a e 6 ee 5 (Shared placenta) (Separate placentas) Diagram 1: Comparing Zygote development in Monozygotic and Dizygotic Twins 3 10. The creation of Mushzum “One who is a cannibal” from Shazm 314 Shazmu 3189 or Muifut 4SEihOL from Ift Eri “evil” was the end of the first eyele, 11. The beginning of the second cyele was a half-diameter of seven thousand years. Six plus one. In which you have what you call Paa-Khabutu h4 FHEOKO “The angelic beings" Demi-gods Khbt K&X ‘breed/Demi- gods” Mukhbut 2S*%9% “breeder”; be they agreeable Nazduru or disagreeable Nazduru, Diagram 2: Beginning of Second Cycle 12. They the race of Paa-Taynum Kha-u “Tama-Hu, Draconians” were cast down and made to dwell on the seeond abode, the abode of force, nature. 13. HuHi the source as Hu 94, Sia #44, Heka Oe7A% gave them rule in comfort until the end of the second cycle or the fourteenth thousandth (14,000) year after their creation, 14, At the beginning of the third cycle, you have the disagreeable beings and the agreeable beings of Khabutwy both of which are called Nazduru and also you have the Gebites or rm ¥&4SXS Paa-Sapzdutu “The Enneads” which took seven thousand (7000) years. 15. After that, Paa Taynum-Kha-u, root y.n.m 9G “beast”, Yanum PAGS “beast” and khyu is kha-u ‘f-9 “physical” so Paa-Taynum Kha-u, the Dragon people, the physical dragon Human beast began to do disagreeable acts and disobey HuHi ©9T the head Nazduru, the source, condemned them. 16. Shazum or Apap EGA A.p.p “spit” Aapup BAGS “spit out venom” Apophis”. Sol =Apap Force of Boab Chaos oO oO Saliva 17. He was an extra being on Ptah-Nun “Terra, TAH, TA” ot what you refer to as extra-terra-astral or extraterrestrial. 18. Paa-Shazum came out of a group of extraterrestrial beings of the Drago Star System and Paa Taghutu $i Xh@OXS the Pleiadean Star System called Yahwehiim, Luciferians. Figure 1: Drago Star System Figure 2: Pleiadian Star System 19. Paa-Mushzumi $m +49 3ri949 after taking their independence, were allowed to work with Paa Nazdur Bes, Enlil, Baal, Gad. 20. Yet, the Besites of Bes those Luciferians of Pleiades would interfere with the beings cloned on this Ptah-Nun OMT-GOG “Planet Earth” and pass themselves off as deity, gods, ghost as Yahweh, Kurious, Rabb, Lord, E Jah, Jehovah, Hah, God, Allah, Dios, Eloheem, Theoi, Aalihaat, Gods. 21. So after taking their independence and allowed to work with other Nazduru together at one time to conquer certain portions of this planet or Mesopotamia all the way up to the Caucasus Mountains. 6 RUSSIA Map 2: Caucasus Mountains 22. Yet one of the Luciferians, Muifut 94ihOL “Isamu, Ireet” name Haylul son of Shakhar in their tongue wanted to rule all the stars of the star systems and all who dwell on or in them. 23, The Pleiadians or Leviathan or the Luciferians have been trying to gain control over this planet for 6,000 six thousand earth years. 24, They are called the sex spirit force of lust and luster also called pornay. 25. They are able to seduce and deceive all those with desires on Earth turning lust to luster. 26. Thereby, attracting and controlling all with lust, sex, pleasures, 27. As Nut GOL was seduced by Zdahuti rSOL by the powers of the “ME” Stones. In fact, the Red “Me” Stone of Lust. 28. It is the death of divinity and the birth of mortality as birth is death. The more sex the more birth the more birth the more death. 29. Zdahuti the sixth son of Ptah-Tum wu Sakhum-Tet. Ptah-Tum Sakhum-Tet Paa-Wahan Paa-Athan Paa-Thalan| Paa-Raban Paa-Khaman _Paa-Satan Egipt: > AMUN SAQAR HAB SABUQ YIM-HUTIP ZDAHUTI or or or or or or ‘Sumer:—> Marduq Tammuz Nergal Gibil Ninagal Nin-Gish-Zidda Chart 1: Sakhum-tet wu Ptah-Tum Those of religion founded outside of Egipt or in Mesopotamia to Caucasus Slander Egipt and Paa-Nazduru and call Zdahuti, Tehuti, Djeheuty, Thoth, Hermes, Mercury. 30. In their Bible, Genesis Chapter 3:1 as the serpent listed under Online Bible Hebrew Strong’s #5175 W713 Nachash, Naw-Khawsh and it’s listed between numbers 5172-5180. Its true meaning is not devil or evil, serpent. It’s from Chaldean meaning “the whisper”, one with magic powers, a magical spell, divination, enchantment, the wisest of them, keeper of secrets, of Chapter Six of the Torah or Bible, Genesis Chapter 6. The word is used many ways in their Bible, 1 Kings 18:4, the constellation of the Dragon Job 26:13. So it does not mean in Genesis 3:1, the devil or the serpent or snake. It was Zdahuti and he told the truth to Eve while YHWH of Eloheem this one the same one in Genesis 3:22 lied to Eve. So being he was the sixth son of Ptah*Tum. The Nuwaupic word for sixth 6" is rx)) “womb”. In verse 17 it speaks of the shift of the planet. It also speaks of the two easts and two wests which you can’t have that without a reversal of the compass. 31. They the people of the religions of Mosesism “Torah” Jesusism “Gospel” Muhammadism “Qur’aan” always depict us Egiptians as evil or bad while they came to us over and over for protection in their books, married to us lived with us, and got their Gods to become God from us. Amen to that. 32. That’s why the intergalactic confederation quarantined this planet. 33. If enough Negroid entities were looking for freedom from the control of the Taynum-Kha-u “Tama’-Hu” or ~—_Lueiferians the _ intergalactic confederation would remove these 6-Ether forces from the planet earth, for their 6,000 years ended in 2000 A.D.-2003 H.A. (Here After) 34. As for those who say if their time ended in the year 2000 A.D.-2003 H.A. then why are they causing so much devilishment on Earth? Well in fact, these are their sub-races world over doing the evils. The true Caucasoids are gone, no more pure; only transparent fur, eyes, skin, the Paleman is gone while those they mixed, their seeds, to come are slowly fading away from 2000 A.D. their last strands. 35. Yet, Huminu wu Humimu love to lust and lust to love, expressing energy in motion, overexerting their emotions bringing about their spiritual death. 36. There is a group called the Satanist who are not the same as the Celtic Luciferians, Wicca. 37. Their other names are the divines, or Nakhashites, Sethites, or Khanaas in the Muslim’s Qur’aan now Chapter 114, originally the 21 Chapter or Qur'aan 14:4. 64% 23) lel oe Al Khannaas Al Waswaasi Sharri Min ‘The Keeper of Secrets the whispers Evil From Works of As you see Al-Khannaas is Khannaas or the same name as used in the Torah of Judaism Genesis Chapter 3 verse one. 1, Now the Nachash Online Bible Hebrew Strong’s #5175 (W772) was more subtle Online Bible Hebrew Strong’s #6175 Arum (BIT) Aw-room prudent, cunning, from Online Bible Hebrew Strong’s #6191 (OY) Aram, Aw-ram crafty, to be smooth, than any Online Bible Hebrew Strong’s #2416 ("T1) Khy, field which the YHWH Eloheem had made and he said unto the Online Bible Hebrew Strong’s #802 (WN) Ishshah female living being from Online Bible Hebrew Strong’s #800 (TWX) eshshah, esh-shaw fire, yea, hath Eloheem said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the Garden. 38. So you see the Torah and the Qur’aan use the same word. Nakhash and Khannaas for this wise being, not a snake or devil or serpent a walking talking man. 39. Yet these people called Satanist are more sadistic than the Luciferians and are also called Naatas which is simply Satan, 6" spelled backwards Satan=Naatas. 40. They are also called Shayaatiynihim (+¢b) the plural of the Quraanic 2:14 (U2) Shaytaan, devil, or Satan from the Hebrew Torah Online Bible Hebrew Strong’s #7853 (]22W) Satan, an opponent, arch- enemy, adversary taken from Egiptian Shay. =Shay A Thing Caeeses) 3aP This deity frequently appeared with other Nazduru Shay was taken by Graeco-Roman Caucasoids when they rule Egipt as Agathodaimon, the popular Serpent-God of fortune at Alexandria, Egipt. Also, see in the funerary papyrus of the royal scribe Ani. Shay appears in the weighing of the heart. 10 41. Now you add the Hibiru “Hebrew” name for whale in Genesis 1:21 under ‘Online Bible Strong’s #8577 (1°27) Tanniyn, Tan-neen or Taynum, Sea- serpent, dragon, jackal, sea monster, serpent. It is easy to see the play on words Tannin or Tannim “a huge fish” Job 7:12, Isaiah 27:1, Jeremiah 51:34, Ezek 29:2, Exodus 7:9, Deut 32:33, Psalm 91:13 used as an image from Egipt Psalm 74:13, Isaiah 51:9, Ezekiel 32:2, The plural of Strong’s #8565 (]M) Tan a monster, jackal, dragon and Online Bible Hebrew Strong’s #7862 (°W) Shay, Shah’ee, a gift, sha-tan, satan. They all come from while the Hibiru “Hebrews” wu The Shasu “Israelites” was in Egipt with Paa-Heka-Khasut the Hyksos Canaanites and their deity Apophis, the Greeks called Potheosis. 42, He was known as Apep, Apop, Apopis, the coiled serpent who spits his venom or mixed his seeds, a form of Sutukh, Set, Seth. Why he is depicted as coloured white with blue eyes. Figure 3: Apophis 43. And incarnate in the second intermediate period of the 15" Dynasty under ruler Apophis of the Hykos Kefi-u Tih? or Kafuyu TPrhA?S “low lives” Canaanite Leper &49# Barus he ruled during his reign, war broke out with an original Egiptian Ptah OAT “Tao” Paa-Athan (2) the ruler of Ptah-Ipet “Thebes”. As you read in their Bible Isaiah 19:2 “And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they shall fight every one against his brother, and every one against his neighbour; city against city, and kingdom against kingdom” because these Heka-Khasut lived in Egipt for 400 years. Acting as Egiptians why you see so many light- skinned fur nu headed people mixed in with black-skinned woolly haired people in Egiptian art work. They pretended to be Egiptian as so they mixed with the “Shasu” Israelites who were in Egipt mixing for 430 years. Figure 4: Interracial Couple 44, Both groups mixed, Hibiru “Hebrews” with &49% Barusu “Lepers” Paa-Kafayu ¢rh-Trihih?S Canaanites to become known as Heka Khasut or th-Gv 79 Fenekhu Phoenicians pushed Northeast and out by Ah-mus of the 18" dynasty after 400 years and the mixed Shasu with Heka Khasut pushed south east and out by Sutukh Paa-Wahan “Seti the Jirst” of the 19" Dynasty after 430 years. 45. These took our culture and way of life our names changed or deities names changed, dates changed, places changed. Our language changed. They claimed all that was ours, pushed us south west across Africa. Then kidnapped many of us to enslave us world over. For another 400 years 1600 to 2000 equals 400. 46. Paa-Heka Khasut “The Hyksos” worshipped Sutukh, Set, Seth, Setekh, Setesh, Suty, Sutekh, and Typhoon. = Sutukh XOLOK “Substitute” So in fact the Heka-Khasut worshipped the white dog mule, Reversed it becomes dog to god. So the Hyksos have dogs in their homes to this day as a family member or even a lover. Figure 5: Woman kissing dog exchanging fluids "Genetic Kiss” 32 Figure 6: Man kissing Dog exchaning Genetics B He was venerated at their capital city in Egipt, Avaris, homo canine system of Arcturus “Paa-Ush”. Star Map 3: Arcturus Star Map 47. The Canaanites have supplanted themselves in every facet of life you can think of and now they have you Negroids naming yourselves after them trying to live in the image of the beast, the Caucasoids and their sub races. 48. Today Apophis is called the Pope. The Bishop of Rome as head of the Roman Catholic Church. Popery, papal system, popish. Note Roman The two brothers Romuslus and Ralmuslus the two raised by a jackal dog as their mother. And their arts as Romany or gypsy short for those Set! from Ej t. Who worshipped the dog, jackal, wolf as in werewolves, lykans or Lycan’thropy to transform into a wolf or were-wolf. 14 Lycanthrope marked by a five pointed inverted star in the palm of the hand, Mark of the beast, Revelation Chapter 13. Figure 7: Romulus and his brother Ralmuslus raised by a Jackal Dog Figure 8: Lycynthrope 15 49. The Satanists or religious Caucasoids seek mind control by fear and faith they teach of God to teach of the devil Satan. In Mosesism he is [DW Satan in Jesusism in Christism he is oatavac Satanas, in Muhammadism he is )U2-* Shaytaan. So to teach this by teaching about their God they in fact teach about his opposite. That's the trick what would their God be without a Devil. 50. That’s mind control. Faith, belief. And their image of dominance. 51. While the Luciferians seek to control energies of others lives’; the night life, of cinemas, parties, vacations, game shows, drugs, drinking, stripping, fun , smoking, overeating of fast foods, wars. So both seek to control you in different ways; one claims to be, or to do whatever or evil actions while the same race of people, Caucasoids, say don’t do this or that or be religious with good actions. The same evil race. 52. Bloodsuckers they are best described as vampires who draw gnergy from others Dracula, dracos, dragos or serpent dragons called }1™? livyathan liv-yaw-thawn from the constellation of the dragon, Leviathan, 53. These Lueiferians are from a planet in Drago called Maldek, the eleventh planet in that star system or Kuma 794m. Figure 9: Draco Star System 16 54. This planet Ptah-Nun called Planet Earth was Luciferians and Satanists as well as Yahweheem some of whom are disagreeable Eloheem, Alihaat, Anunnaki, Gods. 55. They don’t usually work together, however they will come together if there are common interests. 56. They were the original twenty four elders. 57. There were twelve ex-Luciferians, the dissatisfied. The other twelve were agreeable Khabutu “Dinneers”; that’s why you have twelve satisfied and twelve dissatisfied. 58. Apafis, Apophis, Apep the great enemy the black snake head of all black devils called in their Bible Shakhar or Online Bible Hebrew #7836 771 Shachar, Shaw Khar, Online Bible Hebrew #7835 "TW Shakhar “be black, darkest point of night, dark, dim” Online Bible Hebrew #7837 712 Shakh-ar “dawn, early before light” Online Bible Hebrew #7838 “TW Shakhur, Shaw-khore, dusky black from in their Bible Isaiah 14:12-23, Sagar, Sakar, Sokar, Sokaris in the Muslims’ Qur’aan as GW) a1 Falaq. n_ by Muhammad Sawar wel 8 gps Shia oe Sel 8 1. (Muhammad), say, “I seek protection from the Lord of the Dawn REO 2. against the evil of whatever He has created Sap; 34 ee - ny 3. I seek His protection against the evil of the invading darkness, 4. From the evil of those who practice witchcraft RSPAS |) ele hoes 5. and from the evil of the envious ones Right Translation by Paa Nazdur Amunnub.Reakh.Ptah r2e-.|) 6 fg apy Ga | Sp | S5eh | 8 AlFalagi | py wa Adwzhu 1 by way of Qui The Darkest. | ac Martenot ietnoers Say Point of night Protection “Sagar” Say: I seek protection by way of Master of the Darkest Point of Night. E . @ Ge} & | sly Sharri | Min Khalaga Maa § Was Created what eae From From Wickedness of what was created. Sear ere |) Sharri Min Wa From And Wagaba | eyhaa | Ghaasiqin h Darkness | yen | Invading of th Wickedness Over took: Moon as it of Disappears And From Wickedness of invading of the Moon as it Disappears. 18 44 eal) gold | [uy Al Ugadi pare ln: Fiy| AnNafaathaati | Sharri | ion The Wicea | In| The Practices [Wickedness of Rituals And From the practices in the Wicca Rituals. 45> LS | |) | ole | Loe Hasada HeEnvied | When |Envying Ones Ezhaa | Haasidin | Sharri | Min ickednes From of And From wickedness of Envying ones when he envied. —o— SA = Sagar hareoa “Darkness, Blackness, Cutter” 1s Wa And Wa And Master of Necropolis, Min.Nefer “Memphis Figure 12: Sokar “Master of the Mysterious Region” 59. These he has pardoned and has appointed one of them Wenen-Nofer “Halaishi" to be their governor and he granted them a new law called religion, in the funerary rites, in Nadyut “Abydos”. 60. The city of Sakkara was named after Sakar, Saqur, Sakhur, where is built the step pyramid of 3“ dynasty Zdoser, Zdasur bihix94 by the son of Ptah- Tum OMT-L94, Yim-Hutip 774-OSL® “Emhotep”. 61. Saqur second son of Ptah-Tum, who was Tammuz to the Sumerians. Ptah Saqur ‘Asar (“Soqar”) (Osiris) 62. It was not the same rites of Paa-Hanut ¢Arh-OAGOL “the offers” the priest of Amun 49G his brother Nuwaupu. Sound right reasoning. 20 Atun Amun Atum 63. When the cycle elapsed, the wicked sons of Apapis, Tarnush blasphemed and committed disagreeable acts because their nature was intended to recaleitrance, or to show defiance. Untie the knots of the Paa-Hanutu Raéanaat. Secret names in the cartouche; the right to enter Paa Henu or Shen. Q C) ats Became Became We would tie our name binding it with sacred rope with knots and ritual rites to protect our Bad-u &HES “souls”. To prepare to be called by our true Raéan 446e-9G “name” which is “sealed” Khatama Fah by tying knots in a rope. U] BEB OY' >) 64. The Raéan “name” is found encircled by a rope with knots to seal and protect it became known as a cartouche. As I said hold on to my rope; Paa.Nazdur: Amun Nub.RE.Akh.Ptah Shil Paa. Hanutu. es 65. Paa-Raéan plays a shaping role in this life and the trip to come; a personal identification. Get rid of those other 44EAGArMmx Raéanaat “names”, the Hebrew, Arabic, Moorish, Sumerian, Indian, English. And others if you wish to be called on that day you best have only a Nuwaupie raéan and it best be right or you will be left behind. Don’t just choose a strong or powerful Raéan, a great Raéan or title which you are not. You will be over looked. You must be named by Paa.Nazdur: Amun Nub.RE.Akh.Ptah Shil Paa. Hanutu. h49G.4¢ *h+ S41 OMT.LOF 66. Misuse of Raéanaat even of Paa.Nazduru, will cost you, much loss, to call Paa.Akthur Aa by Anu, Elyown Elyown El. Once you know rim 794 Er it will cause you much pain to call on Eloh, Allah, Rabb, Eloheem, it will cause you much loss. Once you know the truth use it. 67. Paa Akhtur Aa “The Most High” sent me Amun “Murdog”, first son of Ptah-tum wu Sakhum-Tet or Enki and Damkina, who GAdAis nazala “incarnated” as and by Khnum placing me in the womb of an Earth female 6-26-45 A.D. I was born as Malachi Kobina York, and the agreeable beings to admonish them and advise them. However, it was in vain. The first fruit was full of faith but not true. This is why they are gone or chasing spook gods, Allah. 68. I, Amun RE Saw Ptah-Tum was sent because I knew their nature, having been the disagreeable twin to my sister Hat-Har “Baalat” who was agreeable. 69. Remember once Sutukh-Paa-Wahan “Seri J” pushed out of Egipt, RE- mus “Moses” Har-nun “Aaron”, their sister Mery “Miriam” who were under Amun Hotep Paa.Raban “Amen Hotep IV" who was known as Akh.En.Atun “Akhenaten” who hated the Hanutu Shil Amun, my priesthood. Once out, they turn all that was good to evil. In their Bible, Torah, Gospel, Qur’aan, we Egiptians who saved their lives many times when they as “Hebrews” and Shasu “Israelites” looked for shelter. Yet, when they helped and mixed with Paa-Heka Khasut “Zhe Hyksos” or Canaanites the cursed seed of Caucasoid lepers 49%49%9 Mubrusu “Ones who are Lepers” then mixed with unknowing Egiptian Negroids. We pushed them out and they changed our good to evil. Change those of us who were good, to evil as you see with Zdahuti, Thoth, Djeheuty, Tehuti, 2 = Dzahuti KY-O-LY aT “After Sunrise, Before Noon” Hermis, Khannaas, Nakhash, Mercury, Iblis, Ibis, Trismegistos, in Sumerian Nin.Gish.Zidda. The Hebrews call him the serpent in their Torah Genesis Chapter 3. In the Arabic of the Muslims’ Qur'aan it’s (=all Azd-Zduhay, Duha “Sunrise, the forenoon after sunrise, Daybreak, daytime; now its Chapter 93 it was originally Chapter 11 with 11 verses. So in their anger, all they learnt in Egipt became evil. 70. So throughout their new religions of Mosesism, Jesusism, Muhammadism they have change Ancient Egipt and Egiptians into evil. 71. So at the beginning of the fourth cycle each of seven thousand years, you have Khabutu “Serapheems” and Khabutu “Cherubeems” and Huminu wu Huminu called human beings be they agreeable or disagreeable from seed mixing, gene mixing, DNA mixing, fluid mixing. 72. You see, the cycle is broken up into fours 73. When these disagreeable beings were cast out, one third of them were cast out from the nineteenth galaxy Illyuwn in the Muslims’ Qur'aan. Now Chapter 83 originally Chapter 86 in Verses 18 and 19. a | Ges oy | us AE |S Ilyyiyn | La Fiy [Al Abraar | Kitaaba Inna | Kalla Highest Abode | Isin | Ofthe |Inseriptions| Surely | Nay Righteous: 23 4119p me |u| ag} als Illiyyuwna Maa © AdRaika = Maa wa Highest Abode is What Make you What ang perceive So those who really read and understand Arabic of their Qur'aan know about Illyuwn and pretend they don’t know what I have been teaching since 1963 A.D. here in the west. 74. Now you have Paa-RE “the sun” and you have ten planets: Mereury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Titan, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto which are your calculations of the planets, however you shall know the truth. Xs ahh x Pert oS errr Beta) Figure 10: The Solar System showing Nine Planets 75. Now let me continue. You have Paa-RE “the sun” and the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth. 24 76. Ptah-Nun “Planet Earth” is the third planet from Paa-RE “The Sun” which is ninety three million miles away at most times. 77. And the ninety third attribute of the Muslims’ deity Allah is An.Nuwr fe “The Light” +) g9\ 78. th 4e Paa RE “The Sun” is the light, the ninety third Ren “Attribute, name” and the number 93,000,000 miles is the distance and this is no coincidence. And again which is Chapter 93 is their Qur’aan today (g™=2ll Azd.Zduhay the time after sun rise forenoon, ATUN-RE) Fore Noon “Green Light” Diagram 3: Three Suns (Fore Noon) 25 And speaking of the 99 names of their God, Allah. You will make note of 99 because the original 93" chapter in their Quraan. Is now Chapter 99 433150) Az-Azalazalat, The shaking of the earth. 41 pai| *pyEi | oii | 34 Zilzaalahaa Al Ard Zulzilati Izdaa ‘The Earth shakes when That day is upon us now 12-21-2012-2013 H.A. (Here After) the shifting of the skin of the earth and three eclipses. And the last is of the planet Earth with the sun. Look in the Muslims’ Qur’aan, Chapter 55:17 ° iam ra 2 «o> ae - z nage. See Oe anges all a5 3 | C8 pA) | oS) Al Maghribayna Rabbu Wa Al-Mashriqayna — Rabba Of the two wests master and the two easts master Now how can there be two Easts and two Wests on one planet? West ——! Diagram 4: The Planet Earth and Directions 26 Note what it said 1400 years ago. And this is their Holy Book from their God (Allah). Two Easts and two Wests their Master, Lord (Allah) is ruler of. The only way is East meets West and West meets East twice that means a shift in the planet Earth’s axis. They must have been one or there will be one, a shift, Note: At the end of the words for the East and the West you see two letters (1) Y.N. they stand for Daul or two. This is what we teach in Actual Facts. 79. The sun is the bright morning star. It will start at 3:00 am on 12-21-2012 HLA. (Here After) and then Revelation 22:16, “Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star”. 80.The circumference of the planet earth which is the circle around. It is 24, 896 miles. 81.That varies because as you know your planet expands and contracts seasonally. 82.There is a universal equinox of 24,000 years and an earthly equinox so to speak of 24,000 miles that is land one mile for each year. 83.Paa. Ptah.Nun “The planet Earth” goes around the sun called solar, all stars are in fact suns. And your sun is the canter of your solar system moving around it 365 days at most times 84.This varies because the hour in a day are not always 24 a day, but can be 23 hours 56 minutes and 6 seconds, and others, you would calculate that as day, when reality in varies. 85.Paa.Ah “The Moon” moves around this planet 354 earth days. 86.Again, the moons cycle varies, and you call that one Lunar year. 87.So now you have this motion of Paa.Ah “The Moon” around this planet and this planet moving around this RE “Sun”. 88.And you have this whole galaxy or solar system, central solar with systematic bodies moving around it. 89.It moves around a larger mass every 24,000 earth years. And of course that varies in an equinox. 90.So your equinox varies from 24,000 to 24.896 years and it shifts 91.The planet earth positioned itself in the location of the revolution of earth in the year 1960, 1963, 1970, 1973, 1980, 1983, 1990, 1993, 2000-2003 H.A. which was the end of the third earth cycle, as you know it 92. The end of the moon cycle of water and the birth of the sun cycle. 93.Also the birth of these records of Wu-Nuwaupu set to re-new your earths story as Nuwaupians, Napatans. 94.So we marked the movements in our ancient land of Napata many years ago to keep up with the shift and movements. At Nabta playa. 95.Playa or A Playa is a shallow, short — lived lake that forms where water drains into a basin with no outlet to the sea, yet later evaporates leaving a flat plain formed from mud. This one formed at Nabta and Kiseba was periodic, with Alternating intervals. Figure 11: Nabta Playa 28 96.In 7300 B.C.E the Wadi was very active in Napata northern Sudan and flowed into the Nile river, near Jabil Rahib conditions sustained cool freshwater lakes to become four heads with a depth of twelve to thirty feet. 97.Nabta Playa experienced a wet climate before 7400 B.C.E. mud accumulated along the Wadi Tushka in the great sand sea south of Siwa. 98.By 7100 B.C.E., Springs and Artesian lakes existed in Kharga and Dahlka. 99. These Playa in the north of Ancient Egiptian vases were active until 5000 B.C.E. back to 6000 B.C.E. making the regions habitable, the overall climate was mostly dry. Such is the time of Nabta Playa and our time watch 100. To overstand these words only requires knowledge of the prece: equinoxes. 101. Over a period of approximately 25,900 years, the earth’s axis of rotation varies between an angle of 20.4 degrees and 26.2 degrees 102. This slow change in the angle of the planet’s axis causes the apparent position of Paa.Najumaat “The Stars” to change over time. 103. In these days the Polaris is called the north star because it remains stationary above the north pole and all other stars appear to move around this planet earth: ion of the Figure 12: North Star 29 ‘Map 4: North Pole 104. In 3000 B.C.E. the North Star was Thuban and 2000 years from now it will be Alri 105. This slow change in the angle of the Planet Earth’s axis also cause the con- stellations of Paa-Danderah “The Zodiac” to change their position in the night sky relative to the vernal spring equinox. 106. Known as precession this causes Paa.Danderah “The Zodiac” constellation to appear to be moving backwards as the arrow of time process forward moving to the next constellation every 2,000 years or 2,160 years 107. In these last days of this cycle each April 21" the sun rises into the constellation of Pisces “Aset”. 108. Within a few hundred years it will rise on that date into the constellation of ‘Aquarius “Shu”. 109. Before the common era between 2000 B.C.E. and 1 C-E., the sun rose on the 21" of April into constellation of Aries “Asar”. 110. After 25,900 years each Danderah Constellation will have had its tum positioned in the Eastern sky as the sun rises on the Equinox. 111. The calendar circle at Nabta Playa is more than a calendar. 30 a ’ ¢ % ' ¢ ~=ba_ o” Figure 13: The Nabta Playa Calendar Circle Megaliths 112. It was also a star viewing diagram. 113. 3 of the 6 stones in the center of the circle diagramed the stars of Saahu “Orion's Belt” as it appeared on the meridian at the summer solstice between 6400 and 4900 B.C.E. 114. In other words, if your stood at the north end of the meridian sight line, and looked down on the stone diagram. You would see a representation of Saahu “Orion’s Belt” as it appeared in the sky just before sunrise Atum-RE during the year 6400 B.C.E. Saahu “Orion's Belt” moved along the meridian 50 minutes before the summer solstice sunrise, then faded into the predawn twilight. 115. ‘The first and only time this occurred precisely on the summer solstice at Nabta Playa. 116. However, after 4900 B.C.E., The constellation of Saahu appeared in the sky on the meridian at sunset “Amun-RE” ending the applicability of the stone diagram. 117. In Precise terms, the heliacal culmination at the summer Solstice in 6400 B.CE 31 Diagram 5: The Procession of the Equinoxes 118. So 6400 B.C.E. marked the beginning of the diagram’s relevance and the achronal culmination at the winter solstice in 4900 B.C.E. its End. 119. It was a valid point of reference at Saahu “Orion's” first appearance of the year just before (Anun-RE) sunrise when the constellation was at its highest altitude and passed the meridian 120, The heliacal culmination its relevance ended when its last appearance of the year was after sunset “Amun-RE” the achronal culmination. 121. The other 3 stones chart Saahu “Orion's” head and shoulders as they appeared on the summer solstice meridian, at sunset “Amun-RE” during the years around 16,500 B.C.E. symmetrically opposite Saahu “Orion's” belt stars in 5000 B.C. both dates are the maximum and minimum of Orion’s tilt angle in the sky. 122. So in fact the stone diagram depicts the time, location, and tilting behavior of the constellation of Saahu, through its celestial cycle. 123. So you can see how to visually overstand the pattern of the Nabta Playa stone megaliths in Napata, or Nuwaupia. 32 124, So in fact the meridian and solstice sight line demonstrate when and where to look in the sky for the return. 125. The central stone show what to look for. 126. Once the Nazduru’s “Overseer’s” sky-watchers Paa Hanutu matched Saahu “Orion’s belt” to the 3 northern central stones, they could then solve the other 3 stones. 127. With no other matching sets of 3 bright stars or sky triad; 128. Saahu “Orion’s” head and shoulders would be an obvious place to look. 129. However in 5000 B.C.E., the angle of the stars tilted in the opposite direction from the stone map. 130. The precession plays a part in the star’s position and they match the stones in their lowest angle. 131. So a particular relationship of these Najumaat GAcOaAry “Stars” is set into stones why they line up with 3 pyramids at Giza. 132. PaaJalt $ai-cA1X “The Belt” starts reached their angular minimum in the sky at the vernal equinox in 4940 B.C.E. and the shoulders reached their angular maximum at the autumn equinox in 16,500 B.C.E. this is represented by the stone may of Paa-Miraat ére1-244f@x “The Pyramids” and Nabta Playa stone megali Figure 14: Pyramids of Giza 33 n of Saahu “Orion” Figure 16: Stars of the Constell: 34 133. Now note that the largest stone of the circle represents the brightest star in the Orion constellation, betelguese point of the raised arm. 134. In 16,500 B.C.E. the star diagram was equally a design reflecting the image visible in 5000 B.C.E. this was only able to be known back then by way of the Nabta Playa Nuwaupians built precise, long distance megalith alignments to rising stars. We knew that a star’s rising position in the sky changed over time. Since we had the ability to mark east to within 0.02 degrees. So we know the precession even by our naked eye. Figure 17: All Seeing Eye over Pyramid 135, As you now know Nuwaupians the stars change very slowly over time this stellar precession is able to be seen within the span of a lifetime 136. All this was taking place 49,000 years ago. With the movement of the stars to mark the passing of bennu and paa hennu. 35, (3,600 Years) 3500 3500 3800 3500 3500 3500-3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 — 7,000 — 14,000 —21,000 ——28,000 —35,000 —42 009 ——49,000 ‘a day day day day day iy 7,000 years pay 24,000 One day ae cycle 1,000 + — 6,000 years ™™Day — 6" Day Chart 2: 3,600 Years Now in the last 7000 years of the 49000" year. You have just lived 6000 years of it. 2,000 4,000 BCE 4,004 Bc. 1 A.D, ——_—_—_——_. BCE Chart 3: 2,000 B.C.E. to 2,000 A.D. and the 137. The time before the last 7,000 years or 2000 + 4000 B.C.1 chart of Paa Nazduru. 36 ANNU ANNU ZdaHuti (AN.TU) (ANU) Nefer.ibb (Nin.ib) (An.ib) Kashta.Asar ANNU.Asar.Nabt (An.Shar.Gal) (Kish.Shar.Gal) Kastat.Asar ANNU.Shep.Asar (An Shi Kis.Shar) (AmShar) BaaTimerof Wars“ Min.Har Nebt.Har (EnShar) (Nin.Shar) ‘ZdaHuti.RE Zd.Hutiibb.RE (DU.URU) (DA.URU) KAA HAR.RE, KAA Nafur.RE (LA.HAMA) (Lah.Ma) ZdaHuti Nabt.Madtwy (Sooh) a Ptah.Tum Sakhum.tet Bes ____,—___! Amunet-Amun Chart 4: Bad Times of Wars 138. As you can see Paa-Nazduru as the wise Rizqians that the Sumerians called Anunnagi have made land of the planet earth to equal one mile per year. 139. And the circumference of the planet earth is 24, 896 miles. 140. It takes 24, 896 years for that cycle to take place. 141. The wise among you Nuwaupians will know to round the figure off into 4 cycles of 6000 years which you call one equinox: An age. 37, 142. The other years are in constant speed in movement of this planet making it right and exact! 143. We the elders have made land on planet earth one mile to equal each year of which time is to re-new our Nuwaupian, Napatans’ story. 144. What happens is we have four cycles in this cycle of this equinox: 145. Each being 6000 years 6000 6000 Quad 6000 6000 *24000 ‘And each 6000 year cycle is of 2000 years three times 2000 Tri 2000 2000 6000 So you count back from the year 2000 A.D. you will be at the year one. Both B.C. and A.D. so_ in fact back then their year was 6 months by the solstice June to December 146. So you see from the year 2000 A.D. back 2000 years would give you the year one. Then they count back from that year one 4000 years, to give you 6000 years. Or 2000 A.D. back to one. Then back to 4000 B.C.E. that would be 6000 years less 1000 to complete the 7000 year or what's called a day. 147. So you will see the single cycle is gone, their 6000 years ended in the year 2000 A.D. that was there-after_ we are now in the here-after_for 1000 years called the Millennium, 148. So now we have moved into the end of the Quad cycle of 4 cycles of 6000 years each. The triad cycles of 3 cycles of 2000 each. Overstand that, Nuwaupians. 38 149. By that I mean the quad cycle which is this, assuming your sun and your planet is moving, it doesn’t move perfectly around, it moves in an egg shaped motion. 150. It is broken up into points one, two, three and four. 151. There are two points where the planet is far away from the sun called solstice So you have four seasons: . Winter . Spring Summer . Fall Rope 152. Now that is just the planet and its motion around the sun 153. Now make note that when we take your solar system and cause it to revolve around a larger mass. The universe there are also 4 periods. 154, The furthest periods from the sun are called silver periods or the silver ages 155. That is the moon cycle you have two silver or moon cycles 156. Because of the magnetic pull that the sun has, the earth’s ecliptic motion speeds up and slows down. 157. This planet is not going around and around at the same speed as you think it is. 158. You will see that each one of these periods because of the number 24, has been divided into 4 six thousand year cycles as you know 159. The first six thousand year period was from the first silver moon cycle which was the first cycle that this planet earth was furthest away from the sun 160. To the first gold sun cycle which was the first cycle that the earth was closest to the sun 161. The second six thousand year period was from the first gold sun to the second silver moon 162. The third six thousand year period is from the second silver moon to the gold sun, And the fourth and final six thousand year period is going to be from the second gold sun back to the beginning, the very first silver moon 163. In the fourth cycle in the heavens the Lueiferian race made war upon the Nazdaru of the pure green light. 39 164. Paa Nazdaru triumphed over the race of isfutu and captured one Iblis meaning “despaired or rebellious one” 165. His other name was touch bearer, carrier of the fire or flame, being the liberated Luciferian. 166. Iblis was educated amongst the Nazdaru and he improved by degree so much that he was honored and made a teacher of the Khabutu 167. You must remember that this being was one of the most rare Luciferians was almost all in all polarized. 168. He was the offspring of a mixed sex act: being the reptilian Tarnush raped the Anunnagi Mylitta. 169. So he was a Khabutu mix, Demi-god was part reptilian and part Annunaqi. 170. This is why he was called the serpend that spoke beside the tree in the enclosed garden of delight as their religions teach not to be mixed up with ZdaHuti. 171. Now then there were beings who appeared to have a compromising attitude or personality. 172. Yet it was this one who appeared to be headstrong, and have a disagreeable nature and an uncompromising attitude or personality 173. However from his loins came Khabutu, Gibboreem, Jabbaryins, the majestic mighty ones 174. The strength of the Luciferians made them able to better deceive the seed of the Earthlings by their physical human-like appearance. 175. And he aspired to become the guiding amber light. The ruler the commander of all the Khabutu called stars of the heavens, the prince of the near ones in his heart. 176. He sought the very throne of The Most High 177. He was called the smell of power, “Sama’EI” in short with the vapor of self complacency and conceit, which is the real nature of this evil being and the race he bred. 178. Next he wanted to scale the skies to try and control and rule all of the Khabutu, Nazduru, Khamunu, Sapzdutu, Khu-u. All the heavenly hosts. 179. Very often he would incite unnecessary arguments, pretended his excellence by means of deceitful illusions and diabolical stratagems. 40 180. Once some of the company of the agreeable Khabutu were going to have a look at the preserved stones. The holiest of holy stones the coloured ME stones, and papyrus, Mahyataat. 181. Upon which contained the records of the past “then” and the future “then” at the place called Illyuwn were the ME stones and tablets and papyrus records were kept and protected 182. On their return. He perceived marks of grief on their foreheads and ask them for the reason they looked that way 183. They replied: “This day we have obtained the information from the place of records of what is to be “then” from “now” and it stated that one of Paa- Khabutu the companions of Khnum of the mansion of the eternal will soon be afflicted with ejection and everlasting damnation. 184. Everyone is afraid for their own sake and we request you to pray that he guardians Nazdurtwy will allow none of us to fall into this misfortune 185. We are very much terrified and dismayed 186. Then he stood up and answered them saying: Let not this even disturb you. For that judgment refers neither to me nor to you 187. Ihave, years ago, been aware of it and have not communicated it to anyone. 188. The pride and arrogance of him did not allow him to weigh the words of the Khabutu which they got from Khnum the fashioner of bodies. 189. At that time, the blessed proclamation reached the hearing of the inhabitants of this fourth abode 190, The echo of the success of GEB to be reached their ears 191. On hearing the news their depressed ejaculation permeated their being from the kindled anger of the unhallowed disagreeable doer himself Shezmit 192. And he spoke saying: how can a mortal GEB, created of flesh, claim to be a being of superiority and I am created long before him of Nuwar “fire”? 193. So Paa Khabutu, having guessed the event came from the sons of Shezm, Paa Shezmu (U-Sham-gal) said to Ptah-tum, “Will you make a mischief maker in the planet earth that is an earthling who will kill, murder, and shed blood?” 194. This was repeated by the Besites of Ptah’s brother Bes on the planet earth. 195. By the command of Paa Akthur Aa RE 196. Ptah-Tum, Khnum, Amun son of Ptah-tum and Sakhem-Maut. Grandson of Paa Akthur Aa RE who would descend to the fourth abode. a 197. He advised and warned the race of Taynum-kha-u who had gone astray from the straight path 198. This took place before the physical war was waged with them. 199. And the agreeable Nazduru were victorious. 200. This however would not be the last time that the forces of 9 ether Agreeable green forces and 6 ether disagreeable orange/amber/fire forces would do battle for the souls. Without Beginning and Without Ending 42 Questions . What was the first cycle? .. How was the birth of Geometry formed? . What are monzygotic twins? |. What are dizygotic twins? . What abode did the Draconians dwell in when they were cast down? . What happened in the fourteenth thousandth year? 43 7. What was the beginning of the third cycle? 8. Who was Paa Shezmu? 9. Who did the Besites interfere with? 10. How does the Pleiadians try to control the planet Earth? 11. Who was Nut seduced by and how? 12. Who is causing so much devlishment on Earth? 44 13. What are Satanists? 14, Who is Shay? 15. Who was responsible for pushing out the Canaanites after 400 years? 16. List the stars on the Arcturus Star Map? 17.What were the two brothers Romuslus and Ralmuslus raised by? 18.Who were originally the 24 Elders? 45, 19. Who is the Master of Necropolis? 20. What is the knot of the cartouche symbolic of? 21, List the planets in the solar system? 22.What will start at 3:00 AM on 12-21-2012 H.A.? 23.When was the end of the third cycle as you know it? 46 24.How did we keep up with the shifts and movements of the Earth? 25.What is a Playa as in Nabta Playa? 26. What is your overstand of the precession of the equinoxes? 27. What will the North Star be 2,000 years from now? 28. What marked the achronal culmination? a7 29. What is the circumference of the Planet Earth and what is the significance of this? 30. Explain what is meant by The Cycles? Abydos. achronal culmination.. Agathodaimon agreeable. ‘Anunnaki . ‘Anunnag .. Anun-RE Apap. Apapis ... Apophis. April. Aquarius Arcturus... autumn equinox. Baal bennu. 48 betelguese. Bishop cannibal. cartouche Catholic... Caucasus Mountains... 6 Celti 9 Chaldean eat ase constellation... 8, 16, 30, 31, 32, 35 con-stellations 30 creation aoe pase CYCLE smsnenl, 4, 24, 23, 27, 28, 30, 32, 37, 38, 39 Dahlka.. z é 29 Damkina 22 Danderah eae 30 diameter... ince aca ee disagreeable ......3, 4,17, 24, 22, 23, 40, 41, 42 DNA ® pease dog. 13,14 dot é Dr Act orosononn Drago Star System. : Earth 6,8, 9, 17, 22, 24, 5, 26,27, 30 swe 8, 10, 11, 14, 22, 23 -10, 11, 22,29 Egipt. Egiptian..... Enneads. equinox. Halaishi Hanutu Hat-Har. Heka 2 heliacal culmination Henu here-after. Hermes Hotep Paa.Raban. Israelites. Jabil Rabi jackal. Jesusism .. Jupiter. Khabutu Khabutwy .. Luciferians. Lycanthrope. Maldek 15 16 24 8,41 32, 33 Memphis Mereury. meridian, Mesopotamia Millennium... Min.Nefer..... Miraat Mukhbut.. Murdog .. Mushzumé. Nabta. Nabta playa Nadyut. ‘Najumaat.. Nakhash Nakhashites .. Napata, 28, 29, 32 ‘Napatans.. 28, 38 Nazduru. .2, 4, 6, 10, 22, 33, 36, 37, 40, 42 ‘Necropol 0 ‘Neptune, 24 Nile river... 29 north star, 29 Nut. 8 Nuwar .. 1 ‘Nuwaupians. 28, 35,37, 38 Nuwaupu.. 20, 28 Orion's Belt 31 24,25 , 4 Pisces... ier planet ...6, 7,9, 16, 17, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 37, 38, 39, 41 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35 pornay... Potheosis. % es 5,6, 17,25 8, 20, 41 33 10,14 49 Saahu. Sakar Sakhum-te... Sakkara Sapzdutu Sagar, Satan. Satanist. Saturn, vernal spring. Wadi 30 Wenen-Nofer.. ill werewolves. 29 Wicea. 17 Winter. F dessa winter solstice... 127,39 wolf, 39 Yahwehieem 29 ‘Yanum. 29 ‘Yim-Hutip... solar system... Spring... 20,37 ‘Summer. 39 summer Solstice.. 31 Sutukh. 11, 12, 22 Figure Index Figure I: Drago Star System. Figure 2: Pleiadian Star System Figure 3: Apophis. Figure 4: Interracial Couple .. I Figure 5: Woman kissing dog exchanging fluids "Genetic Kiss” Figure 6: Man kissing Dog exchaning Genetics. Figure 7: Romulus and his brother Ralmuslus raised by a Jackal Dog. Figure 8: Lycynthrope. Figure 9: Draco Star System Figure 10:"The Solar System showing Nine Planets Figure 11: Nabta Playa... Figure 12: North Sta. Figure 13: The Nabta Playa Calendar Circle Megaliths... 50 Figure 14: Pyramids of Giza Figure 15: Pyramids of Giza Arial View. Figure 16: Stars ofthe Constellation of Saah “Orion. Figure 17: All Seeing Eye over Pyramid. e Diagram Index Diagram 1: Comparing Zygote development in Monozygotic and Dizygotic Twins Diagram 2: Beginning of Second CyCl€x.rnmm Diagram 3: Three Suns (Fore Noon)... Diagram 4: The Planet Earth and Directions Diagram 5: The Procession of the Equinoxes .. Maps Index ‘Map 1: Mesopotamia. i ‘Map 2: Caucasus Mountains. ‘Map 3: Arcturus Star May Map 4: North Pole. Charts Index Chart 1: Sakhum-tet wu Ptah-Tum, Chart 2: 3,600 Years... : Chart 3: 2,000 B.CEE. to 2,000 AD. Chart 4: Bad Times of Wars.. 51 Notes 52 een ees Steet garg trey Tabata ee creates ake eat Aerbhiee Wet ADeicNT! Cee eee Pens eeetT sy ee ae ree ear mer eae ad m Theo they thts eset ae er eee TeCTirCeriren ant ht tht ee erage o rece area) ee eg Waele EF leetevt ace oe Pet eee ae creed corre ment ioe ei ena nye ee ert etre! ee eee Ree ar ee oas Pann eet STC SS SANS)

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