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Congressional Board Game

Assignment (50 pts.)
Your job is to make a board game that
shows the steps by which a bill becomes a
law. However you format the board game is
up to you. In class, Ill show you some
examples from previous years; but in
general, Im looking for the following:

game pieces
the actual game board itself with spaces (see above for a model)
the title of your game,
a rule book that explains how the game is set up.
Game cards that send you backwards or forwards. For example, you
may want to include cards that say:
o President vetoes your bill: move back 5 spaces or
o Bill passes through conference committee: move ahead 2
o Bill goes from House to Senate: move ahead 3 spaces
o Etc., etc.

Since there will be four of you in a group, youre going to divide up

the tasks. Perhaps one student can do the rule book, while another
makes the game cards and yet another does the actual game board.
Either way, I want a list of what each student is doing so I can
grade you individually for what you do!
Similarly, if youre absent during a day, its your responsibility to
make up what you missed so the board game can be completed.

Have fun, be creative, and be sure to include everything

thats in the rubric!

How a Bill Becomes Law Game Board Rubric

Group: Place students names in blanks:




The following elements must be visible on your game board:

____The bill is created out of an idea from a lawmaker, citizen, or special interest group.
____The bill is introduced in either house by a lawmaker.
____The Speaker of the House sends the bill to a specific standing committee.
____The bill is studied by the committee, marked up, passed or killed.
____The bill is debated and voted on by the House/Senate. The bill fails or is passed.
____The bill is sent to the other house.
____The bill is introduced in the other house by a lawmaker.
____The bill is sent to a specific standing committee by the Majority Leader.
____The bill is studied by the committee, marked up, passed or killed.
____The bill is debated and voted on by the House/Senate. The bill fails or is passed.
____Differing versions of the bill are worked out in Conference Committee.
____Both houses must approve the conference bill.
____The president signs or vetoes the bill. OR the president pocket vetoes the bill
____Override of a veto requires 2/3rd of both houses.
____The bill becomes LAW.

Scoring Rubric:
_____2 points per item above (30 pts)

_____Color and creativity (10 pts)

_____ Images illustrating the process (5 pts) _____ Title present (5 pts)
Total: ____________ (out of 50)

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