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Scientific Bulletin of the

Politehnica University of Timisoara

Transactions on Mechanics Special issue

The 6th International Conference on

Hydraulic Machinery and Hydrodynamics
Timisoara, Romania, October 21 - 22, 2004


Georgic Sl mnoiu Senior lecturer Ph. D.

Vergil Chi"ac Senior lecturer Ph. D.

Naval Academy Mircea cel B trn Constan a

Naval Academy Mircea cel B trn Constan a

Valentin Oncica Lecturer Ph. D.

Naval Academy Mircea cel B trn Constan a



On a Gloria type jack-up building acts static loads

(own weight, machines, installations and materials
weight) and dynamic loads (waves, wind, marine
currents, earthquake, operating installations).
The authors led their analyze on the determining
the dynamic loads produced by waves, wind and
marine currents because these are the main source
in collapse of the structure.
The structural model of Gloria type jack-up
respects strictly the geometrical and mechanical
characteristics of the real structure and is defined
by many 3D beam elements (7776) and a lot of
knots (6568), which offers a good precision for
FEM, with COSMOS program.
This structural model is more good then other
models, used in analyzing of Gloria type jack-up.
For the evaluation of the hydrodynamic loads on
the Gloria type jack-up cylindrical beams, we used
the MIRAF program which lets calculation of the
wave loads along the currents action, too.
The spectral models Black Sea, PiersonMoskovitz, JONSWAP are implemented in the
The Airy wave theory is used here because is
realistic for the Black Sea.
For the evaluation of the wind loads on the Gloria
type jack-up model we used deterministic relation
based on Morison formula, which are sustained by
American Petroleum Institute, American Bureau of
Shipping and Det Norske Veritas.

Over a platform of marine drilling jack-up type

in exploitation, acts:
static loads: the dead load, the weights of
installations, equipments and material
situated on deck;
dynamic loads: waves, wind, marine
currents, earthquake and the operation of
drilling and auxiliary equipments.
The platforms response consists of the way in
which the jack-up type platform reacts to the act of
the enumerated tasks.
The response is composed from the ensemble of
the mechanic sizes (tensions, deformations,
movements) that appear simultaneously in the
elements of the legs and body, when jack-up type
platform is submissive of a certain type of loading.
The analyses of the jack-up type platforms
behavior in exploits can be broached below three
fatigue resistance.
The static calculus of the jack-up type platform is
accomplished in two stages:
the global calculus, achieved for the
determination efforts from the bars (but not
in the zones in which exists tensional
the local calculus, that consists in the
determination of the local stresses
allocation (in knots) departing from the
global calculus results.
The global calculus utilizes the standard
programs based on finale elements method FEM
STRUDL, MARCH-MENTAT etc.) and consists in
the discreet models loading, with the forces to the


Gloria type jack-up, hydrodynamic loads, wind


existing knots at the moment ,,t, in the framework

of some loading hypothesis, and obtains the
structures response (deformation and efforts), in the
conditions of the structures linear elastic behavior.
The static response is obtained through the solution
of the equations of static equilibrium:
[K]{ } = {F}
where: [K] = matrix of structures rigidity,
{ } = the vector of nodal movements, {F} = the
vector forces to knots.
In the case of charging hypotheses with forces
from waves, the vector {P} is defined on the
strength of Morison relations [1],[2],[3],[4]:
{F}=0.5 [CD][A]{v}{v} + [CM][V]{v}
where:{v},{v} = speed and acceleration vectors of
the fluid to the static knots of the structure; = the
water density; [CD];[CM] = the diagonal matrix of
the hydrodynamic coefficients CD si CM;
[A];[V] = the matrices of the areas and volumes of
the structures bars.

Speeds v and the accelerations v , are established

with the utilization of a proper wave theory.
For hypothesis of load with forces generated by
wind, the vector {F} may be determined with the
relation [5],[6],[7]:
{F} = 0.5 a [Cd][A]{v2}
where: a = air density; [Cd]= the matrix of the
training coefficient; [A] = the matrix of the exposed
areas; {v2}=the wind speed vector on the structures
knots level established in the recommended
conditions [5],[6],[7] or based on the local
The global static calculus permits tension
determination in the elements of the legs, away
from the singular points like the tubular blending
(knots). Tension distribution in this area is
complicated specially because of the specific
geometry of the tubular blending. In the vicinity of
the welding belt, in some points called hot-spots,
are signaled tension peaks that can be up to 20
times higher than the medium level of the tension
from the secondary bars of the blending (for
example see fig.1)[2],[8].
The purpose of the local static calculus is
determining the tension distribution in the most
stressed tubular blending, and the peaks of these
This calculus can be done in three modes: the
finite element method; the margin element method;
the method of concentration efforts factors.
The dynamic calculus of the jack-up type
platforms under waves action, assumes the

following steps:
enunciation of the structural model;

determination of the structure response

under the extreme wave action;
fatigue analysis.
In the writings [2],[14] and [15] is recommended
the utilization of structural models with more
grades of dynamic freedom (n GLD).
A model with n GLD may be described by the
dynamic equilibrium equation [8],[15]:
[ M ]{ x} + [C ]{ x} + [ K ]{ x} = { F ( x, x, t )}
where: [M] = masses matrix, composed of:
- legs, body and installation mass, sustained
by it;
- additional water mass involved in
movement by the structures displacement;
- appendix mass (sacrifice anodes, shell and
vegetation deposits over the legs);
[C] = amortization matrix; [K] = stiffness matrix;
{x}, {x}, {x} = movement, speeds and accelerations
vectors of the structures knots in a stationary axes
system; {F(x, x, t )} = vector of the perturbative
hydrodynamic forces reduced to the structures
The vector of the perturbative hydrodynamic
forces can be determined with the Morison relation
[1], [3], [16]:
[CD ][ A] {vx } { x} ({vx }
[CM ][V ]{vx } [CM ] [1] [V ]{ x}

F ( x, x, t ) =

{ x}) +


{v x }, {v x } = water speed and acceleration

vectors in the movement knots of the structure;
{v x } {x} = water relative speed vector in relation
with the structure.
If structure knots movements are low the vectors
{vx } and {vx } may be approximated with the
vectors {v} and {v} . Notations: , [CD], [CM], [A],
[V], {v} and {v} have the same signification as in
formula (2).
Using the notations:

[C D ][A] = [K D ] ; [C M ][V] = [K M ];

[M ] + ([C M ] [1])[V] = [M

equation (5) becomes:


[M ]{x}+ [C]{x}+ [K]{x}= {F(t, x )}

where the perturbative force vector will be only
according to t and x , meaning:

{F ( t, x )} = [ K D ] ({v} { x}) {v} { x} +

[ K M ]{v}


The matrix equation (7) is equivalent with an

algebraic system of n equations where unknown
quantity is constituted of dynamic movement on
GLD directions. This system can be solved with the
methods: direct integration method, modal analysis
method, etc. Direct integration method becomes
disturbing when n>1000 [17]. Solving the system
(7) has two steps:
1) Finding the free response of the structure,
which means solving the matrix equation:
M {x} + [C]{x} + [K ]{x} = 0

[ ]

Calculus is resumed to a classic vector exercise

of proper vectors and values, following-up results
the spectral matrix [ ] and the modal matrix [ ].
Comparing the fundamental proper period of the
inflection vibrations of the structure with the values
spectrum of the waves period, information about
the risk of appearance of the resonance in the
structures vibration due to the waves action may
be obtained.
It is worthy of note that in the oceanic
2) The finding of the structures response to the
action of the hydrodynamic forces is made using a
calculus method in the frequency or time domain.
The wave model that stands at the base of the
vectors {v} and {v} calculation, is adopted. The
system (7) is integrated with the adopted method
obtaining the dynamic response {x}.
Whatever the complexity, all structural models
contain the same base elements, meaning matrixes
[M], [C] Li [K]. So, mathematically speaking,
enunciation of the structural model means creation
of these matrixes.
For the jack-up type platforms, the following
structural models may be adopted:
the dynamic spatial model, with the masses
concentrated at a small number of knots;
the dynamic spatial model, with the masses
concentrated at the real structures knots.

The resistance structures of the jack-up type

platforms can be shaped with straight beam type
elements with axial stiffness, inflection, shearing
and torsion [1],[2],[3].
the platform body ( with a rigid, cassette
structure) is shaped by a special network of
straight beams adequate to the its shape
and stiffness;
the platforms legs may be discretized:
- spatial, with straight beam type elements,
with the shape, dimensions and stiffness of
the legs beams;
- by equivalence with straight beam type
elements, disposed in extension, every
element having the same height as the
equivalent panel and the stiffness and
geometric characteristics are calculated
with specific equivalence relations that exist
in literature [18].
Modeling the link between the platform body
and legs may be done by:
joint type links at the bolts attachment
,,Master Slave type links at the guiders
At the guiders lower zone may be considered
articulated footholds at every vertical tube[19].
For F.E.M analysis of the platform, the authors
used a spatial model characterized by:
parallelepiped body in framework form with
very high stiffness (E=21020 N/m2), made
of beam 3D elastic elements, loaded with
the real mass of the platform;
spatial beams legs with railings that have
stiff connected elements in knots;
legs built-in the marine soil and stiff
connected with the platform body.
The stiff built-in model of the leg in the marine
soil was accepted by the authors having in mind the
fact that after a certain wile of anchoring, the soil
around the leg yields and the elasticity module of
the soil is ca. six times smaller then that of the steel.
About the stiff connection between the legs and the
body the authors consider that the effect of these
modeling is materialized in a tension concentrator
whose effect vanishes a few cm from the

The model used to discretize the legs uses 7776

beam 3D elastic elements and 6568 knots and has
the following advantages:
follows the exact geometric and mechanical
characteristics of the real pipes: lengths,
diameters, masses, inertial moments;
offers a better calculus precision than the
models used by:
- Pitulice [20] equivalent beam type model
with masses concentrated at the horizontal
landing level;
- Dima [19] hybrid model, with 3 legs
discretized with straight beam type
elements disposed in extension and 1 leg
spatially discretized in accordance with the
real composition;
- Spatoulas [21] spatial model with 3648
beam 3D elements and 2635 knots.
In figure 1 is presented the structural model for
the hole platform, and in figure 2, the model for a
leg section. The following notations where used: 1vertical tube; 2-horizontal pipe; 3-diagonal pipe; 4-

intermediary pipe; 5-body. We distinguish the

the horizontal pipes are made of six beam
3D elastic elements;
the diagonal pipes are made of four beam
3D elastic elements;
the intermediary pipes are made of two
beam 3D elastic elements;
the portion of the vertical tube between two
horizontals is made of four beam 3D elastic
The modeling of the platforms structure was
made with the help of the COSMOS/M program
(developed by the Structural Research and Analysis
Corporation Santa Monica California S.U.A.),
version 1.75.
The purpose that the authors choused the spatial
modeling of the platform was to give the
application o form as close to reality as possible,
proving the righteousness of the FEM utilization at
the complex structure study, whatever its gauge is.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2


3.1. The loadings produced by the wind
The calculus of the forces provided by the wind
that is presented in the international rules [6], [7],
[22], uses deterministic relations based on the
Morison type formula (3):
API-RP-2 rules [6]:
Fv = 0,0473 v2 Cs A
where: Fv = the force generated by the wind, in N;


v = v10 ( y / 10) x , in km/h; v10 = medium speed of

the wind measured at 10 m above the water; y =
element height relative to the water surface, in m;
x= 1/8 , for continuous wind and x=1/13 , for wind
blasts; Cs = shape coefficient ; A = wind exposed
surface, in m2;
A.B.S. rules [22]:
Fv = 0,0623 vk2 Ch Cs A
where: vk = wind speed, in m/s; Ch = height
dependent coefficient; Cs and A have the same
meaning as in relation (9).
D.N.V. rules [7]:
Fv = 0,5 v yt2 C s A sin


= air density, in kg/m3; vyt = v10 (y/10)

= burst factor;

= exponent, depends on the


action time of the wind; v10 , y, Cs and A have the

same meaning as in relation (9).
Is notable the fact that relations (9) and (10) lead
to the same results, for a prescribed construction,
while relation (11) offers values with ca. 20 %
higher for Fv [8], [11].
Because the first Romanian platforms were built
under surveillance of A.B.S., for determining the
wind force the relation (13) was used, and resulted:
Fv = 2500 kN .
3.2. Loadings produced by the waves
For the calculus of the hydrodynamic loadings
on the cylindrical bars of the platform was used
MIRAF program [23], developed by the authors in

collaboration with specialists from the Ovidius

University ConstanSa.
The MIRAF program has two important
branches (fig. 3):
force distribution over height study of the
wave force depending on depth; the graphic
permits comparison of the evaluated forces
in two ways: FS force calculated
considering the spectral characteristics, Fd
force calculated in determinist mater; also,
may count, the current influence by
determining the current speed depending on
the wind speed and depth;
graphic specter spectral energy
representation for a wave with certain
characteristics (H,T), same as speeds,
accelerations and forces specters that varies
with depth for the same wave.
Entry dates are grouped in to two categories: the
ones related to the characteristics of the studied
structure (water depth; length, diameter and the
number of modules of the legss vertical tubes) and
the ones that describe a state of the sea (wind speed,
wave period and height).
For the coefficients CM and CD of the Morison
relation (see relation 2) one of the following
variants: user inserted constants; analytic
determination of the coefficients.
In the program are implemented spectral models:
Black Sea, Pierson-Moskovitz, JONSWAP.
The wave theory used is the one of the Airy
wave, specific to the Black Sea [19], [24]. These
theory is the most simple approximation in
modeling the real wave and is based on the
presumption that the wave height is much smaller
than its length and water depth.
By applying the MIRAF program, was
determined that the vertical distribution of the
hydrodynamic force corresponding to the
cylindrical modules of the vertical tubes with the
diameter of 914 mm and height of 900 mm, in
determinist manner, for the projection waves
parameters (Hmax = 12 m Li T = 10 s) and accepting
CM =
1,5 and CD =
0,6 (see fig. 4).

Schema bloc program MIRAF

Fig. 3



Fig. 4

The discrete spatial model developed by the
authors for the Gloria type jack-up respects the
geometric and mechanical characteristics of the real
pipes and tubes and because of the high number of
beam 3D elastic elements (7776) and of a very high
number of knots (6568) it offers a big calculus
The calculus program realized for the loading of
the platforms structure with the load produced by
the wave, permits a very realistic determination of
the hydrodynamic loads on the cylindrical bars of
the platform, having in mind the fact that beside
the waves action, the program considers the action
of the marine currents over the structure.
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