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Cachecol fcil

Agulhas 8mm (US 11)

39 pontos
K2 p2 at 3 ltimos pontos K2 p1
Repetir a mesma sequncia na fila seguinte
K=knit (fio atrs) = ponto meia
P=purl (fio frente) = ponto tricot

Basic Knitting Stitches

This is the most basic of all stitch patterns and is achieved by knitting every row.
The end result is a flat, reversible, ridged fabric that stands up well to wear and
does not roll at the edges.
Heres how to do it: When you get to the end of your first row of knit stitches,
transfer the full needle to your left hand and start the process of knitting each stitch
all over again. After several rows youll begin to see the fruits of your labor, and in
time your growing strip of garter stitch will start to look like a real piece of knitted

garter stitch
Cast on any number of
stitches.Knit every row.

Now that youve learned how to knit and purl, you can finally put them together to
make stockinette stitch, the V-patterned fabric that people most often associate
with knitting. Unlike garter stitch (which appears ridged and does not roll),
stockinette stitch has a much smoother appearance and a tendency to curl at the
edges. Many designers use this inclination to their advantage, creating everything
from rolled necks and cuffs to rolled edges of handbags and scarves.

stockinette stitch

St st

Cast on any number of stitches.

Row 1 (right side) Knit.
Row 2 Purl.
Repeat rows 1 and 2.

Alternating entire rows of knit and purl stitches creates the well-known stockinette
stitch, but its also possible to switch back and forth within the same row to produce
numerous different patterns. Of all the knit/purl stitch patterns you will learn, ribbing
is definitely the most widely used. Because of its stretchiness and ability to
bounce back into place, ribbing makes up the hems, necks and cuffs of most
sweaters. Many sweaters even use ribbing throughout the garment to create a slim,
body-hugging effect.
One of the nice things about ribbing (besides its elasticity) is that after the first row
or two you can put down the instructions and let the stitches show you what comes
next. When the stitch youre about to work looks like a V, knit it. When it looks like a
bump, purl it.
The trickiest part about ribbing for beginners is remembering to move the yarn back
and forth when working the different stitches. For example, in two-by-two ribbing,
you knit two stitches, move the yarn between the two needles to the front of the
work and then purl two stitches. When you are ready to knit again, return the yarn
to the back of the work by passing it between the two needles, then continue with
your pattern. If you dont move the yarn from back to front and front to back
between knit and purl stitches, you will end up with extra stitches on your needle
and a rectangular piece that quickly begins to resemble a triangle.

moving yarn back and forth

When knitting a stitch, the yarn is always held at the back of the work. When purling
a stitch, the yarn is always at the front. In ribbing, when you change from a knit to a
purl stitch, you must be sure the yarn is in the correct position to work the next
stitch. When you are moving the yarn from the back to the front, or vice versa, the
yarn should go between the two needles, not over them.



knit one, purl one (K1, P1) ribbing

Cast on an odd number of stitches.
Row 1 (right side) Knit one, *purl one, knit one;
repeat from * to end.
Row 2 Purl one, *knit one, purl one; repeat from * to
Repeat rows 1 and 2.

knit two, purl two (K2, P2) ribbing

Cast on a multiple of 4 stitches plus 2 extra.
Row 1 (right side) Knit two, *purl two, knit two;
repeat from * to end.
Row 2 Purl two, knit two, purl two; repeat from * to
Repeat rows 1 and 2.

Seed stitch is a textured stitch created by working a sequence of knit and purl
stitches, usually alternated on every row. Unlike ribbing, you knit the purl stitches
and purl the knit stitches.

seed stitch
Cast on an even number of stitches.
Row 1 (right side) *Knit one, purl one; repeat from
* to end.
Row 2 *Purl one, knit one; repeat from * to end.
Repeat rows 1 and 2.

double seed stitch

Cast on an even number of stitches.
Row 1 (right side) *Knit one, purl one; repeat from
* to end.
Row 2 Repeat row 1.
Row 3 *Purl one, knit one; repeat from * to end.
Row 4 Repeat row 3.
Repeat rows 1 through 4.

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