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The library is loaded by a package option or inside the preamble by:


This also loads the package tikz [20]. Typically but not necessarily, the following skins use
tikz instead of pgf.


Style Option Keys

The following style options are applicable for all skins which use engines of type path, pathfirst,
pathmiddle, or pathlast. Especially, the skin enhanced P. 196 supports all of them and
standard P. 194 none.
/tcb/frame style=htikz keysi
(style, no default)
The htikz keysi are used inside the tikz path command for drawing the frame of the box.
This option is available if the /tcb/frame engine P. 127 is set to path, pathfirst,
pathmiddle, or pathlast. It is not available for standard.
\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced,title=My title,
frame style={left color=red!75!black,
right color=blue!75!black}]
This is a \textbf{tcolorbox}.
This is the lower part.

My title
This is a tcolorbox.
This is the lower part.

/tcb/frame style image=hfile namei

(no default, initially unset)
Fills the frame with an external image referenced by hfile namei. For advanced features like blending of a picture with the background, use /tcb/frame style together with
/tikz/fill stretch image P. 246 .
\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced,title=My title,
frame style image=blueshade.png]
This is a \textbf{tcolorbox}.
This is the lower part.


My title
This is a tcolorbox.
This is the lower part.

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