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Call of Duty

The paladin class has captured the
imagination of players since its introduction. The
paladin is the most difficult class to play, not
because of a lack of combat power, but because of
its roleplaying restrictions. Many players would
like to play one, but are afraid to try.
However, a well played paladin is worth the
extra effort. Why is this? The other classes are
fun to play because of what they can do. The
paladin is fun to play because of how they do it.
The call of duty sets paladins apart.
But its also something else. In the real world,
we could use a few wizards to make our lives
easier or clerics to heal our sick. However, we
need heroes more than anything, and paladins are
the epitome of heroic fantasy.
In those dreary times of real life that happen in
between games, try to live your life a little more
like a paladin.
Focus on how you accomplish your goals a bit
more, rather than the bottom line.
Dont let fear run your life.
And never make a deal with a dragon; smite
the beast.

James Gargoyle Garr
Game Designer

Designer: James Garr
Additional Design by: Bryon Dahlgren
Design and Copy Editor: Heather J. Garr
Art Direction: Heather J. Garr
Cover Art: Rob Katkowski
Interior Art: Brian England
David Zenz

Chapter One: Feats and Prestige Classes....... 2

New Feats ............................................................. 2
Prestige Classes ................................................... 4
The Paladin as a Prestige Class .................... 5
Archon ............................................................ 9
Chaos Knight ................................................ 13
Forge Avenger .............................................. 16
Golden Pride Hunter ..................................... 19
Merseus ........................................................ 22
Penitent Sniper ............................................. 25
Seelie Knight................................................. 28
Sensate......................................................... 32
Sword Saint .................................................. 35
Chapter 2: Roleplaying Paladins .................... 38
Answering the Call .............................................. 38
Paladins and Alignment ...................................... 40
The Code of Conduct .......................................... 40
The Fall from Grace ............................................ 45
Chapter 3: A Variety of Paladins ..................... 46
Multiclassing........................................................ 46
Paladin Orders .................................................... 50
Variant: Customizing Paladins ........................... 53
Chapter 4: New Magic....................................... 55
Spells................................................................... 55
Magic Items ......................................................... 59

This book uses the d20 Standard Stat block from
For help with this product see:
Version 2.0: This version is compatible with the revised 3.5 rules.
Internal Playtesting: Heather J. Garr, Andrew Greer, Monty J. Llama, Mark Mullaney,
Brad Shea, a blind Celestial Half-Llama Half-Kobold Commoner 1/Ex-Bard 3/Paladin
6/Sword Saint 6/Martial Artist 4 named Fred
External Playtesting: (Nobodys Friends): Bryon Dahlgren, Linda Dahlgren, T.J.
Lofgren, Brian Smith, A Thousand Llamas in Tu-Tus

Call of Duty requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons Third Edition Core Books, and the Psionics Handbook, published by Wizards of the Coast
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Chapter One: Feats and Prestige Classes

New Feats

Aura of the Sun [Paladin]

All of these feats were designed with paladins in

mind, but some are perfectly appropriate for other
classes as well. There is no reason why a cleric
could not take Bolster Spell, or why a lawful rogue
with a sense of honor would not take Salute of
Feats listed as Fighter feats may be taken by
fighters as bonus feats. Feats listed as Paladin
feats may only be taken by paladins, or those with
certain paladin class abilities, such as lay on
hands. These feats can be powerful, but if
you lose your paladinhood they
become useless, and cannot be
traded in for something different.
Divine feats are those that
require the ability to turn
creatures, an ability that allows
one to channel positive energy.

Your aura of courage glows like daylight.

Prerequisites: Paladins aura of courage ability,
Wis 13+, Cha 15+
Benefits: As a move action, on your turn you
may cause your aura of courage to glow like curtains
of bright daylight. This illuminates an area up to a
30ft. radius from you. Creatures who suffer penalties
from bright light suffer from this effect. Undead
creatures within the light suffer a 2 penalty to attack
rolls. Magical darkness can suppress this effect, and
you can dismiss it as a free action.

Aura of Healing [Paladin]

Your aura of courage accelerates
aura of courage ability, Wis 13+,
Cha 15+
Benefits: Any use of cure
spells cast on you or your allies
within your aura of courage heals
an additional +2 damage. Cure
spells may only be affected by one
aura of healing at a time.

Aura of Protection [Paladin]

Your aura of courage protects you
and your allies.
Prerequisites: Paladins aura of
courage ability, Wis 13+, Cha 15+
Benefits: You and all allies within
your aura of courage gain a +1 sacred
bonus to all saving throws.

Aura of Strength [Paladin]

Your aura of courage grants power.
Prerequisites: Paladins aura of courage ability,
Wis 13+, Cha 15+
Benefits: You and all allies within your aura of
courage gain a +2 sacred bonus to the roll whenever
performing one of the following tasks: making a
Strength ability score check, using a Strength based
skill, or making a grapple check.

Bolster Lay on Hands [Divine,

By channeling positive energy into
your lay on hands ability, you may
heal more damage per day.
Prerequisites: Paladins lay
on hands ability, ability to turn
undead, Wis 13+, Cha 13+
Benefits: While using lay on
hands, you may give up one of
your chances to turn undead in
order to heal an additional amount
of damage up to your Wisdom
This ability does not
require an action, other than the
action required to lay on hands.

Bolster Smite Evil [Divine,

By channeling more positive energy
into your smite, you cause more
Prerequisites: Paladins ability
to smite evil, ability to turn undead,
Cha 13+
Benefits: By giving up a chance to
turn undead before making the attack roll,
when using smite evil you may add an additional
+1d6 holy (good) damage. If your opponent is
undead, add an additional +2d6 holy (good) damage
This ability does not require an action, other than
your attack.

Bolster Spell [Divine, Metamagic]

By channeling positive energy into your divine spells,
you may make them more powerful.
Divine spellcaster 3rd level,

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

ability to turn or rebuke undead
Benefits: By giving up one of your chances to
turn or rebuke undead for the day, you may cast one
of your divine spells at +2 caster level.
Special: The casting time of a bolstered spell is
always at least 1 full round, but you choose to use
this metamagic feat when the spell is cast, not when

Combat Healing [Paladin]

You are good at healing while in close combat.
Prerequisites: Paladins lay on hands ability,
Cha 13+
Benefits: You no longer provoke an attack of
opportunity when using lay on hands.

Craft Divine Arms [Item Creation, Paladin]

You can enhance weapons with divine power.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast bless weapon
Benefits: You may craft righteous*, holy, or holy
burst* weapons, or holy avengers without meeting
any of the listed prerequisites except for caster level.
Your caster level for this feat is equal to your
paladin class level. Crafting such weapons costs the
normal amount of gold and experience points, and is
done as if you had the Craft Magic Arms and Armor
As always, special ability enhancements can only
be added to weapons with a +1 enhancement bonus
or higher, but you cannot use this feat to craft a
weapon without one of these special abilities.
For example, a 12th level paladin could create a
holy longsword +4, but not a longsword +4 or a
flaming longsword +1. A 7th level paladin would be
able to create a holy longsword +1 or +2. (the holy
special ability requires a 7th level caster, while 6th
level is needed for a +2 weapon)
Special: If you are using the prestige paladin
class (see page 5), your caster level for this feat is
equal to double your paladin level, (maximum 20),
and you must be at least a 3rd level prestige paladin
to take this feat.
*New weapon special abilities, see Chapter 4.

Heroic Effort [General]

You triumph when needed the most.
Prerequisites: Cha 13+
Benefits: Once per day, before rolling you may
choose to add your character level as a luck bonus to
a saving throw or attack roll.
For example, Keda, a fighter 2/paladin 9 with the
Heroic Effort feat really needs to make an attack roll
in order to smite a dangerous foe. She adds a +11
luck bonus to her attack roll.

Inspire Mount [Fighter, General]

With a whisper or nudge, you can urge your mount to
great speed.
Prerequisites: Animal Affinity
Benefits: As a move action, you may attempt to
use the Handle Animal skill at DC 15 to inspire your
Inspired mounts add +10 ft to their speed, and
when charging on an inspired mount, you gain a +6
bonus to melee attack rolls that replaces, and does
not stack with, the normal +2 bonus for charging.
Your mount is inspired until the end of the encounter.

Knowing Gaze [General]

You can sense evil in a heartbeat.
Prerequisites: You must be able to detect evil
as a spell-like ability
Benefits: You can use your ability to detect evil
as a move action, without provoking an attack of
opportunity. You may only use detect evil once per
Only the presence or absence of evil (the first
round use of detect evil) may be detected.
Special: This feat can be taken to use other 0 or
1st level spell-like detect abilities instead of detect
evil as a move action, including: detect animals or
plants, detect chaos, detect good, detect law, detect
magic, detect poison, detect secret doors, detect
snares and pits, or detect undead. Information that
normally takes more than one round to detect cannot
be discerned with this feat.
Knowing Gaze cannot be used to affect the
casting time of any spell, only the use of the above
spell-like abilities that were permanently gained
through a class ability, racial ability, or feat.
This feat can be taken more than once. Each
time it is taken, it applies to a different spell-like
ability from the above list.

Lend Life [Paladin]

You can sacrifice your own health to heal others.
Prerequisites: Paladins lay on hands ability,
Cha 13+
Benefits: If you have used up your lay on hands
ability for the day, you may continue to use the ability
by taking temporary Constitution damage. For every
two points of Constitution damage you choose to
take, you may heal an amount of hit points equal to
your Charisma bonus.
The Constitution damage you take cannot be
reduced or avoided by any means, but it does heal
normally. Your Constitution score cannot be reduced
by this feat to less than 3. Once your Constitution
score is at 3 or less, you can no longer use this feat.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

Martyr [Paladin]
You meet death willingly and go down fighting.
Prerequisites: Paladins smite evil ability
Benefits: Whenever an enemy brings you to 1
hit points or less in melee, it provokes an attack of
opportunity from you. You strike immediately before
your condition changes to dying, and may use your
smite evil ability with this attack, if appropriate, even
if you have already expended all uses of that ability
for the day.

Masters Mark [Fighter, General]

You fight more skillfully with weapons you have
forged and enhanced.
Craft (bowmaking) or Craft
Benefits: Whenever you wield a masterwork or
magical weapon that you created with a Craft skill,
you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls with
that weapon.
If you have magically enhanced that weapon with
an Item Creation feat such as Craft Magic Arms and
Armor or Craft Divine Arms*, then you also gain a +1
circumstance bonus to damage with that weapon.
For ranged weapons, this damage bonus is only
gained against targets within 30ft.
*New feat in this book

Natural Leader [General]

group of opponents and only before attacking them.

The salute itself is a respectful gesture, usually a
raised open hand, combined with a battle cry in a
strong voice.
The opponents must have an
Intelligence of 3+ and must be able to hear or see
you for the Salute of Honor to have any effect, but
need not understand the language spoken.

Smite Favored Enemy [Paladin]

You hunt a particular type of evil creature.
Paladins smite evil ability,
rangers favored enemy ability
Benefits: You may use smite evil one additional
time per day, as long as that use is against one of
your favored enemies.
Furthermore, whenever you use your smite evil
ability against a favored enemy, count your ranger
levels as paladin levels when determining the
amount of smite damage.
For example, Julius is a ranger 5/paladin 9 with a
+4 bonus to damage against his favored enemy of
evil outsiders. When he uses smite evil against an
evil outsider, he does 14 additional points of damage
with smite evil (5 levels of ranger + 9 levels of
paladin), plus the normal +4 points of damage for the
favored enemy ability for a total of +18 points of

Stunning Smite [Paladin]

You were born to command.

Prerequisites: Must be taken at 1st level, Cha
Benefits: You may purchase the Leadership
feat at 3rd level. Your cohorts and followers obtained
through the Leadership feat within 10ft. gain a +2
morale bonus to their saving throws. Furthermore,
you gain a +2 bonus to all Diplomacy skill checks.

You are a terrible foe of evil.

Prerequisites: Paladins smite evil ability, Cha
Benefits: Whenever you cause extra damage
with your smite evil ability, your opponent must make
a Fortitude saving throw (DC equal to 10 + your
paladin class level) or is stunned for one round.
Special: Multiclassed paladin/monks also add
their monk level to the save DC.

Salute of Honor [Fighter, General]

True Smite [Paladin]

Your sense of fair play unsettles your enemies.

Prerequisites: Cha 13+, must be lawful
Benefits: If you use a move action to salute
your opponents before attacking, you gain both a +1
morale bonus to melee attack rolls against them and
a +1 morale bonus to your AC against their attacks
until the end of the combat. This feat may only be
used once per combat on a particular opponent or

Your attacks against evil rarely fail.

Prerequisites: Paladins detect evil and smite
evil abilities
Benefits: If you use your detect evil ability to
confirm that an enemy is evil, for 1 round the
lingering visible aura gives you a +10 insight bonus
to your attack roll against that opponent when using
smite evil.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

Prestige Classes
Most of the following prestige classes are
designed for paladins to take.
Two of these classes are exceptions. The
prestige paladin is a variant class designed to
replace the core paladin class presented in the
PHB. The chaos knight is presented as a paladin-

The Paladin as a Prestige Class

Protecting the innocent is my sacred privilege, not a
This variant prestige class replaces the core paladin
class in the PHB. If you allow players to take this
class, then you should not allow the core paladin
class in your campaign.
Prestige paladins of 1st level differ from 1st level
core paladin in that they have proven they are
effective at fighting evil before they are called.
Otherwise, their outlook and role in the campaign is
the same. They have the same Code of Conduct
and restrictions on associates, and exist to defend
the innocent and to thwart evil.
Like most prestige classes, prestige paladins
may multiclass freely.
In the campaign world,
prestige paladins are referred to simply as paladins.
They are designated as prestige paladins here to
avoid confusion with the core paladin class.
Design Notes: Using this variant class has
several side effects that you should be aware of.
First, it may take a while for a campaign to reach a
high enough level to take the class, meaning you
may not have paladins in your group for a long time.
Also, the absence of the core paladin class means
that certain other prestige classes may be more
difficult to enter.
However, using this variant can be very fun in the
long run. Players often have difficulty roleplaying
paladins correctly, and this class forces them to earn
the privilege of playing a paladin by roleplaying like
one. Also, paladins will gain a prestigious reputation
in your campaign world, since they are all at least
mid-level characters of some power.
Hit Die: d10

Alignment: Lawful good
Base attack bonus: +5 or higher
Special: This prestige class may not be taken
on a whim. It must be earned by roleplaying like a
To become a prestige paladin, you must first

like class that can make an interesting villain, rival,

or ally to a paladin.
Remember that no matter what other classes,
prestige or otherwise, that a paladin obtains, their
primary class will always be paladin. For a
paladin, that is prestigious enough.
possess the special Call of Duty feat (see boxed text)
while advancing one full character level. Upon
becoming a paladin, the feat is no longer needed,
and is discarded.
The GM may require you to go on a special
quest during this time, or to join an order of paladins
as a squire or initiate member.
For example, Daren is a lawful good 7th level
fighter. The player wants Daren to become a
prestige paladin and the GM agrees, so he takes the
Call of Duty feat at no cost, and Daren is called.
Daren lives according to the paladins Code for
several months while traveling across the land and
fighting evil. He also joins the Brothers of Kandar
paladin order as an initiate member.
Upon advancing to 9th character level, he has
retained the Call of Duty feat over one full character
level (8th level) and becomes a fighter 8/ prestige
paladin 1.

Call of Duty [Special]

You have been called by a deity, abstract
force, or philosophy to become a paladin, but
have not yet answered the call.
Prerequisites: You must be lawful good
Benefits: This feat is a prerequisite for the
prestige paladin class, and has no other
benefit. If the prestige paladin is not used in
your campaign, then this feat cannot be taken.
Special: Call of Duty does not cost a feat
slot, but instead is taken for free whenever the
player and GM agree that the character has
received the call to become a prestige paladin.
To keep this feat, you must follow the core
paladins Code of Conduct and associate
restrictions. If you willingly commit an act of
evil or grossly violate the Code of Conduct,
then you lose this feat, but may receive it again
with the help of an atonement spell.
Before taking the prestige paladin class,
you must retain this feat while advancing one
full character level. After becoming a prestige
paladin, this feat is no longer needed and is

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats















Spells per day

Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Divine Health,

Smite Evil 1/day
Divine Grace, Lay on Hands
Aura of Courage, Turn Undead
Smite Evil 2/day
Special Mount
Remove Disease 1/day

Smite Evil 3/day

Smite Evil 4/day

Constant Heart









Table 1-1, the Paladin as a Prestige Class

Class Skills
The prestige paladins skills (and the
for each) are Concentration (Con),
Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha),
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int),
(religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride
Sense Motive (Wis).

key abilities
Craft (Int),
Heal (Wis),
(Dex), and

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int


Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The prestige
paladin is proficient with all simple and martial
weapons, as well as all types of armor and shields,
except tower shields.
Code of Conduct and Associates: Prestige
paladins have the same Code of Conduct and
restrictions on their associates as core paladins.
Aura of Good (Su): The power of a paladins
aura of good (see the detect good spell), is equal to
his paladin level, just like the aura of a cleric of a
good deity.
Detect Evil (Sp): You can detect evil at will.
Divine Health (Su): You are immune to all
diseases, including magical diseases.
Smite Evil (Su): Once per day, you may attempt
to smite evil with one standard melee attack (choose
which one before attacking). You may add your
Charisma bonus, if any, to your attack roll, and deal 1
extra point of damage per paladin level when striking

an evil creature. If you attempt to smite a non-evil

creature, the attack roll and damage bonuses are
negated and this ability is still used up for the day.
At 4th level and every five levels afterward, you
may smite evil an additional time per day.
Divine Grace (Su): You may add your Charisma
bonus, if any, to all your saving throws.
Lay on Hands (Sp): You may heal a number of
hit points up to your Charisma bonus times your
paladin level, if any, per day. You can cure yourself
or others, and do not have to use it all at once.
Turn Undead (Su): You may turn the undead a
number of times equal to 3 plus your Charisma
modifier. You turn undead as a cleric two levels
lower than your prestige paladin level. You may take
the Extra Turning feat by spending one of your
existing feat slots.
Aura of Courage (Su): You are immune to fear,
both magical and otherwise, and any allies within
10ft. gain a +4 morale bonus to saving throws
against fear effects.
Remove Disease (Sp): Beginning at 6th level,
you can remove disease once per day.
Spells: You can cast a small number of divine
spells. Prestige paladins use the paladin spell list
(see the PHB), and prepare and cast spells in the
same manner as a cleric. You must have a Wisdom
of 10 + the spell level to be able to cast a spell, and
therefore cannot cast any spells if your Wisdom is
less than 10. You can choose any spell on your spell
list to cast but cannot spontaneously cast as a cleric
can. Your caster level equals your paladin level.
Special Mount (Su): On reaching 5th level or

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

higher, you can call a special mount. This ability is
the same as the core paladins ability (see the PHB,
Chapter 3: Classes, Paladin).
Constant Heart (Su):
You are a favored
champion of the forces of good. By giving up one of
your attempts to smite evil for the day, you may
instead reroll one roll that you have just made before
the GM declares the roll a success or failure. You
must accept the results of the second roll.
Ex-Paladins: Prestige paladins who are no
longer lawful good, who willfully commit an evil act,
or who grossly violate the code of conduct suffer the
same fate as ex-paladins. They lose all special
abilities and spells, and may no longer progress as
prestige paladins. They may atone for their actions
with the atonement spell as appropriate.
Prestige paladins who become ex-paladins are
treated the same as normal ex-paladins for taking
classes such as the blackguard.

Sample NPC
Stand your ground. We can defeat them.
Lord Lairden, male human Ftr5/Prestige
Paladin 6: CR 11; Medium-sized Humanoid
(human); HD 11d10+11; hp 71; Init +1; Spd 20ft; AC
26 (+1 Dex, +9 full plate, +2 ring of protection, +4
heavy shield); Melee +1 holy bastard sword
+15/+10/+5 (1d10+4/crit 19-20), +1 lance +16/+11/+6
(1d8+4/crit x3); Ranged mw composite longbow
(mighty +3) +13/+8/+3 (1d8+3/crit x3);SA smite evil
1/day, turn undead;SQ detect evil, lay on hands, aura
of courage, remove disease 1/day; AL LG; SV Fort
+13, Ref +7, Will +10; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10,
Wis 14, Cha 16.
Skills and Feats: Climb +7(4), Concentration
+7(4), Handle Animal +7(4), Knowledge (nobility and
royalty) +2, Ride +15(14); Exotic Weapon Proficiency
(bastard sword), Knowing Gaze*, Mounted Combat,
Power Attack, Ride-by Attack, Salute of Honor*,
Spirited Charge, Weapon Focus (lance).
* New feat, see page 4.
Paladin Spells Prepared (2/2): 1-bless weapon,
divine favor; 2-remove paralysis, shield other
SASmite Evil (Su): 2x/day, Lord Lairden may
add +3 to an attack roll against an evil opponent and
add +6 to the damage.
SATurn Undead (Su):
Lord Lairden turns
undead as a 6th level cleric up to 6 times per day.
SQDetect Evil (Sp): Lord Lairden may detect
evil at will. He may use the first round of detect evil
as with a move action due to his Knowing Gaze feat
(new feat, see next section).
SQLay on Hands (Sp): Lord Lairden may heal
up to 18 points of damage per day, divided up among
any number of creatures.
SQAura of Courage (Su): Allies within 10ft. of
Lord Lairden gain +4 morale bonus against fear

effects; Lord Lairden is immune to fear.

SQRemove Disease (Sp): 1/day
Equipment: +1 holy bastard sword, +1 lance,
mw composite longbow (+3 Str bonus), 20 arrows,
mw dagger, +1 full plate armor of comfort with a
divine mark(+0) **, +2 ring of protection, +2 heavy
**New armor special abilities, see Chapter 4.
Heracles, male heavy warhorse: Large Animal
(warhorse) (also counts as a magical beast); HD
6d8+18; hp 45; Init +1;Spd 50ft; AC 23 (-1 size, +1
Dex, +8 natural, +5 chain barding); Melee +6 hooves
(x2) (1d6+4, 1d6+4), +1 bite (1d4+2); SQ Scent,
Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link,
Share Saving Throws; Saves Fort +13, Ref +7, WIll
+10; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 6.
Skills: Listen +7, Spot +7; Endurance, Run.
Equipment: Military saddle, mw chain barding,
saddlebags, bit and bridle.
History: Lairden was born a noble and raised to
become a knight of the realm.
Appearance. Lord Lairden is the archetypical
heroic knight and might be considered the iconic
prestige paladin.
He is famous for his long
mustaches and highly polished gear.
Personality: Lord Lairden is extremely polite
and cultured. He is generous to the poor, respectful
of authority, surprisingly tolerant of the beliefs of
others, yet unmerciful to evil. He roams the land
protecting the innocent from evil while upholding the
virtues of honor, chivalry, and compassionate justice.

Epic Prestige Paladins

The epic prestige paladin is a legendary foe of evil
and defender of the innocent.
Hit Die: d10
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int
Lay on Hands (Su): Each day the epic paladin
can cure a number of hit points equal to his
Charisma bonus if any) times his class level.
Smite Evil (Su): The epic paladin adds his class
level to damage with any smite evil attack, as normal.
He can smite one additional time per day for every
five levels higher than 15th. (6/day at 20th, 7/day at
25th, and so on).
Special Mount: The epic paladins special
mount continues to gain power. Every five levels
higher than 15th (20th, 25th, and so on), the special
mount gains +2 bonus Hit Dice, its natural armor
increases by +2, and its Intelligence increase by +1.
The mounts spell resistance equals the paladins
class level +5.
Bonus Feat: The epic paladin gains a bonus
feat every three levels higher than 15th (18th, 21st,
24th, and so on).

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

Everyone is guilty of something. Even I will face
judgment eventually.
The archon (AR kon) is a traveling judge and
executioner of justice. Archons are called, much
like a paladin, by a lawful neutral deity or by
the philosophy of justice itself to bring order
to the wilderness and less civilized
They also sometimes
frequent cities with high crime rates, but
rarely stay in the same place for long.
Archons are usually welcomed by
governments as additional enforcers of
the law, but sometimes are regarded as
vigilantes. Archons regard laws that
promote chaotic behavior as illegitimate,
and ignore them. Therefore, they ignore
any laws prohibiting their own vigilante
activities, or any other law that unduly
restricts their behavior. In other words,
they follow the laws of mortals, but only
when they do not conflict with the
higher laws set by those forces who
called them into service.
Regardless of any support or
endorsement given to them by the
local government, most people are
uncomfortable around archons,
particularly those with an active
aura of truth. Archons tend to be
suspicious and disapproving of
everyone, and generally not a lot
of fun to be around.
Good and evil are concepts
that may or may not be
important to the archon.



archons tend to have a lawful neutral tilt (see

Chapter 2), but are still good. Therefore, they
believe laws are needed to promote benevolent
behavior. Lawful evil archons tend to believe that
law and order are needed to give power to those who
deserve it, and may include blackguards in their
ranks (again, with a lawful neutral tilt). Most
archons are lawful neutral, however, and try
to be as impartial as possible.
Archons can be of any race, but
humans and dwarves are the most
common. Rangers most commonly take
the class, but fighters, paladins, and
monks sometimes do so as well. A
particularly lawful cleric sometimes
takes the class, and can be a
frightening enforcer of the law.








Detect Chaos, Clean Kill

Judge, Smite Chaos
Aura of Truth
Quick Kill
Effortless Kill
Executioner, True Seeing

Hit Die: d10

Alignment: Any lawful
Base attack bonus: +6
Feats: Iron Will, Track
You must swear to
follow a Code of Conduct that is
similar to that of paladins, but more
focused on lawful behavior.

Class Skills
The class skills of the
archon (and key abilities
for each) are Climb
Spells per day






Table 1-2, the Archon

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

(Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha),
Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (local) (Int),
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Ride (Dex),
Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features
Weapon and armor proficiency: Archons are
proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and
with all types of armor and shields, except tower
Code of Conduct: Archons must be lawful.
They must swear to uphold their personal honor and
the edicts of legitimate authority. Examples of
dishonorable behavior include: lying, cheating, the
use of disguises or other extreme trickery, disloyalty,
or disobeying the letter or spirit of the laws set by
legitimate authority.
Archons have no reservations about striking a
helpless opponent or using ambushes or sneak
attacks, ranged weapons, or poison (when allowed
by laws of the land). Almost any tactic is seen as
fair, as long as it does not rely on deception.
For an archon, legitimate authority is defined as
those most capable of bringing order to the land.
Often, an order of archons will add several tenets to
this code (see tenets in Chapter 2). For example, a
particular order of archons might be forbidden from
using crossbows, from eating a meal that is not
properly prepared, or eating without proper utensils.
Or they may be proponents of the concepts of
chivalry (see boxed text on page 42).
Associates: You may not associate with chaotic
creatures or known criminals, and you may not have
hirelings of a chaotic alignment.
Spells: Beginning at 1st level the archon gains
the ability to cast a small number of divine spells. To
cast a spell, you must have a Wisdom score of at
least 10 + the spells level, so an archon with a
Wisdom of 10 or lower cannot cast these spells.
When you get 0 spells of a given level, you get only
bonus spells. You prepare and cast spells as a
cleric, but use the following spell list. You have
access to every spell on the list.
1st level:
command, divine favor, mending,
protection from chaos, remove fear, vigilant
2nd level: calm emotions, dispel fear*, hold
person, make whole, silence
3rd level: discern lies, dispel magic, magic circle
against chaos, shadows bane*, speak with dead
4th level: death ward, dispel chaos, status
*New spell in this book, see Chapter 4.
Detect Chaos (Sp): You may detect chaos at

Clean Kill (Su): Whenever you perform a coup

de grace, you may also add your archon class level
to the damage.
Judge (Su): Starting at 2nd level, a number of
times per day equal to half your archon class level
rounded down, when attacking a creature in melee
you may choose to judge that creature by stating the
crime they have committed. This ability is a free
For example, before rolling a melee attack at a
rogue caught picking a pocket, Baron Fornst, a
ranger 6/archon 6, declares You are guilty of theft.
Judging a creature inflicts a judge mark, a scar
caused by the damage of your attack, if you
successfully strike them. If you miss, one of your
chances to judge is still used up for the day.
The mark glows softly and remains until you
choose to dismiss it, and can only be otherwise
removed by a wish or miracle. You may only mark
one creature at a time, and no creature may bear
more than one mark, so the mark disappears if you
judge another.
The judge mark gives you certain bonuses
against the creature. When tracking a judge marked
creature, you gain a competence bonus equal to your
archon class level.
You have an intuitive idea of where a marked
creature may be hiding. You gain a +4 bonus to
Survival skill checks to track a marked creature, and
a +4 bonus to Spot checks against a marked
creature who is hiding. You automatically know if a
marked creature has left the plane of existence you
are on, but not where they went.
If you have the aura of truth ability, a marked
creature has a penalty to their saving throw equal to
your archon class level.
Finally, you gain a circumstance bonus equal to
your archon class level to melee attack rolls against
the marked creature.
Smite Chaos (Su): At 2nd level, you gain the
ability to smite chaos. Once per day, you can smite
chaotic opponents with one melee attack. When
smiting chaos, you add your Charisma bonus, if any,
to your attack roll and deal 1 extra point of damage
per archon class level. If you attempt to use your
smite ability against an opponent who is not actually
chaotic, it has no effect and is wasted for the day.
Aura of Truth (Su): Beginning at 3rd level you
are constantly surrounded by a zone of truth spell
effect, with a 10ft radius. Your caster level is equal
to 10 plus your archon class level. Creatures
subjected to this aura get a saving throw when first
entering the area of effect, and every hour
afterwards. You can suppress or reactivate this aura
as a free action at the beginning of your turn.
Quick Kill (Ex): You may perform a coup de
grace as a standard action, instead of a full round

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

Verdict (Sp): Once per week, you may attempt
to place a judge mark on a distant creature that you
know of. The range of this ability is unlimited, except
that the target creature must be on the same plane.
You need only know the creatures name,
history, appearance, and an alleged criminal act well
enough to distinguish them from anyone else. For
instance, I proclaim Jarek the Unclean, a half-elven
blacksmith of the Omral village, guilty of murdering
his elven brother.
The target creature described is judge marked as
if you used your Judge ability, unless it makes a Will
save at DC 15. Whether he is guilty of the crime or
not is irrelevant.
Instead of a scarring wound, this mark causes
the creatures body to glow softly. Using this ability
takes 10 minutes of contemplation, ending with your
stated verdict.
Jury (Sp): Once per week, beginning at 8th level
you may use lesser planar ally to summon two
faceless jurors. Your caster level is equal to your
archon class level. These outsiders are named
Mercy and Vengeance, and require no payment
for their services. They are both lawful neutral,
however Mercy leans toward lawful good, while
Vengeance leans toward lawful evil. They appear as
cloaked (one white, the other black), armored figures
armed with greatswords. If their hoods are somehow
drawn back, a smooth, featureless, vaguely human
face is revealed. They never speak, but instead use
telepathy within 60ft.
Faceless jurors follow the archons non-chaotic
orders to the letter. They can be used to help in
combat, to assist in tracking criminals, or as a jury if
the archon needs help making a decision.
Faceless Jurors, Ftr6: CR 7; (Medium-size
Outsider); HD 6d10+12; hp 45; Init +0; Spd 20 ft, 60ft
fly (good); AC 22 (+8 half-plate, +4 natural armor);
Melee +1 greatsword +10 (2d6+6/crit 19-20,x2); SQ
faceless juror traits; AL LN; SV Fort +7, Ref +2, Will
+8; Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Knowledge (law) +10,
Wilderness Lore +10; Power Attack, Cleave, Great
Cleave, Track, Weapon Focus (greatsword), Weapon
Specialization (greatsword), Iron Will.
SASmite Chaos (Su): Once per day, the
faceless jurors can make a normal attack to deal an
additional +6 damage against a chaotic foe.
SQFaceless Juror Traits (Ex): Acid, cold and
electricity resistance 10, damage reduction 5/magic,
spell resistance 12, natural armor +4, flight 60ft
(good), telepathy 60ft.
Equipment: greatsword +1, half-plate +1
Effortless Kill (Su): You may perform a coup de
grace as a move action.
Executioner (Su):
Whenever you score a
critical hit in melee against a non-lawful creature,

your opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC 15)

or die. The DC is increased to 18 for chaotic
creatures, or 20 for those bearing your judgment
mark (see Judge ability).
True Sight (Su): You have permanent true
seeing, as the divine version of the spell, and can
see the aura (alignment) of creatures at a glance.
Ex-Archon: If your alignment becomes nonlawful, you slay a judge marked creature (see Judge
ability) while knowing that the accused is innocent of
the stated crime, or you willingly commit an act of
extreme chaos, you become an ex-archon.
Ex-archons lose all supernatural and spell-like
abilities of the class. They may regain their abilities
by returning to a lawful alignment or seeking
atonement from a lawful cleric as appropriate.

Sample NPC
Trial? Youll get one in the afterlife.
Pale, male human Ftr 6/Archon 4: CR 10;
Medium-sized Humanoid (human); HD 10d10+10; hp
69; Init +0; Spd 20ft; AC 22 (+10 full plate, +2 ring);
Melee +1 axiomatic greatsword +16/+11 (2d6+7/crit
17-20); Ranged crossbow, hvy +10 (1d10/crit 19-20);
SA smite chaos, clean kill, judge, quick kill; SQ: aura
of truth; AL LE; SV Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +6; Str 18,
Dex 10, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 14.
Skills and Feats:
Handle Animal +4 (2),
Initmidate +6 (13), Knowledge (local) +5 (4), Ride +9,
Spot +8, Survival +8; Cleave, Combat Expertise,
Great Cleave, Improved Critical (greatsword), Iron
Will, Power Attack, Track, Weapon Focus
(greatsword), Weapon Specialization (greatsword).
Archon Spells Prepared (1/1): 1 command, 2
hold person
SASmite Chaos (Su): Once per day, Pale can
add +2 to an attack roll against a chaotic creature,
and if he hits, cause an additional +4 damage.
SAClean Kill (Ex): Pale causes an additional
+4 damage when performing a coup de grace.
SAJudge (Su): When attacking in melee, Pale
can put his judge mark on a creature twice per day.
The mark allows him to gain a +2 circumstance
bonus on future attack rolls against that creature, as
well as a +4 bonus to Survival and Spot checks to
track or find the creature.
SAQuick Kill (Ex): Pale can perform a coup de
grace as a standard action, instead of a full round
SQAura of Truth (Su): When he activates it,
this aura acts as a zone of truth spell with a DC of 14
and a radius of 10ft.
Equipment: +1 axiomatic greatsword, +2 full
plate, +2 ring of protection, potion of cure moderate
wounds x2


Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

History: Pale is the name given to this creature hordes or monster ridden wastelands.
Pale can present difficult moral and ethical
years ago, because he spends all his time encased
in armor and an executioners hood.
He is dilemmas for paladins. He is certainly evil, but never
breaks the laws of the land. He is
technically still human, but
feared, but also respected in the
something happened to him at
Law vs. Chaos
strict lawful neutral kingdom that
an early age that caused him to
he protects, and many say that he
dedicate his life to hunting
For a twist, your campaign can feature
a struggle between law and chaos instead
does more good than harm by
alleged criminals.
of good vs. evil. The villains of such a
defeating numerous chaotic evil
Since that time, he has not
campaign can be either lawful or chaotic.
invaders. Paladins who oppose
laughed or even smiled, and is
Lawful villains tend to use legitimate
Pale directly may break their Code
certainly insane.
Pale is a
governments or religious organizations (or
both at the same time in the case of a
by ignoring legitimate authority
knight of the realm, and has the
theocracy) to gather wealth or power at the
(the lawful neutral king who has
power to enforce the laws as a
expense of others. They may even be
given Pale his right to enforce the
proxy of its lawful neutral ruler.
lawful good, except with respect to a
law). It would certainly pit the
All that is really known
minority of the population. For example,
they might persecute those of a certain race
commoners who respect Pale
about him is that he enforces
or religion. Paladin player characters might
against the paladin and his order.
the law with a savage cruelty
find themselves opposed to such an
This is a rare situation where
that shocks most around him
establishment for their sins against certain
chaos can be a greater threat than
into hiding. It is said that he
parts of the populace.
Chaotic villains tend to be more
once decapitated a man for
destructive than cruel. A chaotic good
A better way to oppose Pale
committing arson.
The man
villain might rob the rich to give to the poor,
might be in the courts. Getting the
was burning leaves in the fall.
but could end up accidentally causing a
king to create more benevolent
At the kings trial, Pale argued
crisis that hurts everyone. If the treasury is
empty, the army cannot be paid, and
(i.e. good) laws would certainly tie
his case with no emotion, and
enemies across the border might take that
Pales hands and may force him to
despite the dead mans honest
opportunity to attack. Barbarians might raid
fight the paladin directly. Pale will
intentions, the execution upheld
civilized lands, but only take what they need
follow the law to the letter, but if
in court since the man did not
to survive, and may even protect their
victims from even greater threats.
the laws are overly benevolent, he
get a permit from the court, and
The struggle between law and chaos
may declare the kings laws as
the penalty for arson was death.
can be tangible rather than philosophical.
weak and seek to overthrow him
The court received hundreds of
Lawful and chaotic outsiders might choose
and take control of the throne.
applications for burning permits
the prime material plane as recruiting
grounds, a neutral zone, or even as a
Stopping Pale at this point would
the next day.
battleground for their endless struggle.
be seen as heroic, as most people
respect the king and his laws even
some consider Pale a hero for
more than they fear Pale or the
defeating various criminals and
dangers that he protects them from.
chaotic monsters rampaging through the countryside.
A good way to get them to oppose Pale is to
Appearance: He only takes his executioners
hood off in public in places where it is against the law have the party falsely accused of some crime. Pale
to conceal your face with masks or helms, or when comes after them, and they must avoid capture or
speaking to someone of higher authority. When he execution while trying to prove their innocence. After
does, it reveals a gaunt, albino man with blackened shown evidence of their innocence, Pale may ally
with them to destroy whoever framed them. Pale is a
teeth and dead, staring eyes.
Personality: Cold as a dead fish, Pale is double-edged sword and can be used as either an
rumored to be undead. If he were to become enemy or ally of the player characters.
You can also change Pales alignment to lawful
undead, it is doubtful anyone would notice without
magic. He only speaks to those who have committed neutral or lawful good. In this case, the party may
seek him for help, or he may need their help in
crimes, or who obstruct justice.
Using Pale: It is suggested that Pale be used as quelling some chaotic threat. His personality does
an enforcer of the law in a lawful neutral kingdom not need to change, just his reputation and history.
besieged by chaotic threats such as barbarian


Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

Chaos Knight
This is boring. Lets go kill something.
Chaos knights have a loose alliance with
nameless forces of change and turmoil. They
swear allegiance to no deity, though they respect
any god that promotes freedom and diversity.
The most important thing to a chaos knight is
change. They despise stagnation, and
often fight for the underdog or those who
have been oppressed, regardless of
the morality of their deeds.
Chaos knights do not refer to
themselves as such.
disdain labels of any sort, and
just refer to themselves as
warriors or wanderers, or by
simple names designed to inspire
Often hiring themselves out as
mercenaries, chaos knights
enjoy the sheer confusion
of battle. They thrive
on personal combat
and often challenge
others to duels for no
reason other than to
test themselves and feel
the rush of victory.
Chaos knights prefer to
wear outlandish clothes and
armor, and usually wield
exotic weapons. They thrive
individuality, and often sport tattoos and piercings.
Despite their devotion to chaos, chaos knights
can work well with others who share their interests
and see the value of a battle plan that is not too



complex. However, do not expect them to take

orders all the time, or to stick to a plan.
Half-orc barbarians are the most likely to
become chaos knights, but paladins have been
known to lose their faith in the idea of law and
order, and take this class out of rebellion.
Hit Die: d12

Alignment: Any chaotic
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Feats: Exotic Weapon
Intimidate 5
You must
have the barbarians ability
to rage, or you must be an
swear to no Code of
oppose law and order,
but are called by chaotic
neutral outsiders.

Class Skills
The class skills of a chaos knight
(and key ability scores of each) are
Climb (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Jump
(Str), Ride (Dex), Swim (Str).








Spike Expertise, Uncontrollable Rage, Smell Oppression

Smite Law 1/day, Winds of Change
Additional Rage
Aura of Aggression
Incite Panic
Additional Rage
Smite Law 2/day
Incite Panic (+4 to DC)
Additional Rage
Immune to Transformation, Primal Rage

Table 1-3, the Chaos Knight


Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
knights are proficient with all simple and martial
weapons, and all armor and shields except tower
Spike Expertise (Ex): Most chaos knights
cannot resist the look of spiked armor and spiked
gauntlets, but they do not don such equipment just
for looks. Whenever you are in a grapple, you gain a
free attack with armor spikes or spiked gauntlets at
the beginning of your turn at your highest base attack






Extra ability
Rage (Ex): You gain the ability to use
the rage ability once per day as if a 1st
level barbarian. If you have this ability
already, you may rage one extra time
per day.
Smite Law (Su): Once per day, in
addition to the ability granted to all
chaos knights at second level.
Lay on hands (Sp): You may use the
paladins lay on hands ability to heal a
number of points of damage up to your
Charisma bonus multiplied by your
chaos knight class level, but only for
yourself or those of non-lawful
alignment. You may use this ability
while raging.
Summon Chaotic Servant (Sp): You
have an inherent connection to the
chaotic planes. Once per day, you
may summon a chaotic creature, as if
casting a summon monster VI spell
with a 40% chance of success. Your
caster level is 5 plus your chaos knight
class level. You can use this ability
while in a rage.
Polymorph (Sp): Once per day, you
can use the spell polymorph on
yourself. You may use this ability
while raging.
Anarchist. You are a true champion of
chaos. You may immediately trade
levels of ex-paladin for an equal
number of levels of chaos knight,
becoming up to a tenth level chaos
knight. Any ex-paladin levels traded in
this way do not count toward gaining
abilities on this table.

Table 1-4, Fallen Paladin Chaos Knight Abilities


bonus. This is in addition to any other actions you

take when grappling, and does not count as an
Uncontrollable Rage (Ex): Your devotion to
chaos has required you to give up some control of
your rage. Whenever you take damage from any
source while not using rage, there is a 50% chance
that you will lose control and must use your rage
ability, if possible. You may not voluntarily end a
rage brought on this way.
Uncontrollable rages are more powerful than
standard rages, and give you an additional +2 bonus
to Strength and Constitution.
Damage from allies or from yourself cannot
provoke an uncontrollable rage.
Smell Oppression (Sp): At will, you can detect
law as a spell-like ability. This ability works just like
the spell, but utilizes your sense of smell.
Smite Law (Su): Once per day, you can smite
lawful opponents with one melee attack. When
smiting law, you add your Charisma bonus, if any, to
your attack roll and deal 1 extra point of damage per
chaos knight class level. If you attempt to use your
smite ability against an opponent who is not actually
lawful, it has no effect and is wasted for the day.
At 7th level, you may smite law an additional time
per day.
Winds of Change (Su): You can bend the laws
of probability to give you an edge.
A number of times equal to half your chaos
knight class level, rounded down, you may reroll the
result of a single melee attack. This ability can only
be used once per round, and the results of the
second roll always count, even if they were worse
than the first. This ability may only be used while
For example, Bedlam, a barbarian 6/chaos
knight 4, can reroll a melee attack twice per day
when enraged.
Aura of Aggression (Su): Act first, plan later.
You and all allies within 10ft. gain a +2 luck bonus to
initiative rolls.
Incite Panic (Su): While raging, whenever you
strike someone in melee with a critical hit, your
target is automatically affected as if you had cast a
cause fear spell. Your chaos knight class level is
your caster level. At 8th level the saving throw DC
for this ability increases by +4.
Additional Rage (Ex): You may use your
barbarian rage ability one additional time per day.
Primal Rage (Su): Whenever you rage, you
transform into a mass of shifting primal matter.
While raging you gain damage reduction 5/+5,
fast healing 3, resistance 5 to all energy types, and
your twisting features and equipment are
Immune to Transformation (Su): Your sense
of individuality suppresses the supernatural.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

You are immune to any spell that changes your
form. Polymorph or petrification may change your
form for a moment, but as a free action, you can
resume your normal form.
Ex-Chaos knights: If your alignment changes to
become non-chaotic, then you become an ex-chaos
knight and lose all spell-like and supernatural abilities
of this class. Returning to a chaotic alignment and
receiving atonement from a chaotic cleric restores all
lost abilities.
Ex-Paladins: Those who lost their paladinhood
by changing to a chaotic alignment make powerful
chaos knights. Ex-paladins who become chaos
knights gain extra powers as shown on Table 1-4.
Ex-paladins who become chaos knights can never
regain their paladinhood.

Sample NPC
Lets party.
Bedlam, male half-orc Bbn 6/Chaos knight 4:
CR 10; Medium-size Humanoid (orc); HD 10d12+33;
hp 95; Init +2 (+2 aura of aggression); Spd 40 ft; AC
15 (+5 breastplate); Melee +1 anarchic spiked chain
+16/+11 (2d4+6, +2d6 against lawful opponents); SA
rage, uncontrollable rage, spike expertise, smite law,
winds of change; SQ fast movement, half-orc traits,
improved uncanny dodge, smell oppression, aura of
aggression; AL CN; SV Fort +12, Ref +2, Will +1; Str
20, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Intimidate +14(13), Listen +3(4),
Survival +4 (5); Exotic Weapon Proficiency (spiked
chain), Knowing Gaze (detect law)*, Power Attack,
SARage (Ex): 3/day, Bedlam can fly into a
screaming blood frenzy for 8 rounds. Bedlam gains
+4 Strength, +4 Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus
vs. fear, but suffers -2 to AC. After the rage, Bedlam
is fatigued.
SAUncontrollable Rage (Ex):
Bedlam takes damage, there is a 50% chance he will
be forced to use his rage ability if possible. If he
does so, his rage gives him a +6 bonus to Strength
and Constitution, instead of +4.
SASpike Expertise (Ex):
While grappling,
Bedlam gains an additional attack each round with
his armor spikes.
SASmite Law (Su): Once per day, Bedlam can
strike a lawful creature with an attack bonus of +1,
and a damage bonus of +4.
SAWinds of Change (Su):
While raging,
Bedlam can reroll melee attack rolls twice per day.
SQHalf-Orc Traits (Ex): 60 foot darkvision, orc
SQImproved Uncanny Dodge: Bedlam retains
his Dex bonus to AC when flatfooted and cannot be
SQSmell Oppression (Su): Bedlam can detect

law at will using his sense of smell, and can do so as

a move action.
SQAura of Aggression (Su): All of Bedlams
allies within 10ft. gain a +2 bonus to initiative.
Equipment: +1 anarchic spiked chain (named
Wildcat), breastplate, armor spikes, large sack with
stolen food, dice bag with bone dice.
* New feat, see page 3.
History: Bedlam was born Durgut, a slave
deep under the ground. Forced to mine for silver, he
finally escaped his orcish family and lived off the
wilderness as a savage for many years. While
hunting, a patrol of knights attempted to capture him
for stealing livestock.
The sight of manacles
unleashed a fury unlike any he had felt, and Durgut
slew them all with the chains they tried to shackle
him with and became a chaos knight in the heat of
battle. He discarded the name his hateful family
gave him, and took the name whispered to him in his
dreams: Bedlam.
Now he wanders the world as a mercenary, and
sometimes attracts followers, usually low level
rogues or warriors who help him rob travelers or who
just want to be on the winning side of a fight.
Appearance: Bedlam wears a patchwork of
armor pieces lodged with daggers, arrows, and spear
points equivalent to a breastplate with armor spikes.
He has piercings and crude tattoos, some of them
obscene, all over his large, muscled body.
Despite his startling appearance, he has
excellent personal hygiene and speaks eloquently.
Unfortunately, while his vocabulary may be broad, he
often uses large words incorrectly.
Personality: Like all chaos knights, Bedlam
thrives on battle, and roams the world looking for the
next big fight. The best way to sum up Bedlams
personality is that he is a bully. He loves to fight
those weaker than himself, and is secretly afraid of
being humiliated in battle by anyone weaker than he.
He has no desire for accumulating wealth, but loves
to gamble and waste money on human women and
Using Bedlam:
Bedlam can be a major
henchman of one of your campaigns villains, but is
not really clever enough to be a long term villain
himself. He is extremely deadly in a melee against
lawful characters, and can be used to challenge
paladins, monks, or others of lawful alignment.
However, as a direct opponent of the party, he
will not last long, so you might have more fun with
him by making him more of an annoyance or a rival.
Setting up a non-lethal fight with him is a good idea.
In a city setting, he might come into conflict with the
player characters at a gambling table, or in a tavern
brawl. Remember that Bedlam is not really evil or
cruel, but is definitely out for himself. He might be
impressed by someone who can beat him and may
even befriend such a person for a while.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

Forge Avenger
My faith is forged in the hottest fires.

Class Skills

Sometimes dwarves who epitomize the virtues of

their race are called to defend and represent all
dwarves against the forces of evil and chaos.
Forge avengers are much like paladins, but they
have a more specific code of conduct requiring
them to favor dwarven interests over all others.
Dwarves place a high value on their families
and homes, and revere their ancestors
religiously. Forge avengers receive their
powers from the spirits of their
ancestors rather than a deity or
philosophical force.
Hit Dice: d10

Base attack bonus: +7
(religion) 2 ranks, and any
one of the following: Craft
(armorsmithing) 5 ranks, Craft
(stonemasonry) 5 ranks, Craft
(weaponsmithing) 5 ranks, or
Knowledge (history) 5 ranks
Feats: Weapon Focus with
any dwarven weapon such as
the dwarven war axe
Race: You must be a dwarf.
Special: Forge avengers must swear to abide
by the same Code of Conduct that a paladin
follows, with a few extra tenets. (See Code of
Conduct, below)



Proficiencies: The forge avenger is
proficient with all simple and martial
weapons, and with all types of armor
and shields.
Code of Conduct: A forge avenger
has the same Code of Conduct as a
paladin, but must also:
Respect his ancestors and
avenge any slight on their
Favor dwarves over all other
This Code does not mean that
forge avengers do not protect or respect other races,
only that given the choice, they will defend dwarves and
their interests first.
Associates: The forge avenger has the same
restrictions on associates as a paladin, but additionally
may not associate with dwarven enemies such as
giants or orcs, unless they have proven themselves








Smite Dwarven Enemies 1/day

Summon Ancestral Heroes
Aura of Dwarven Justice
Reach of the Dwarves
Smite Dwarven Enemies 2/day
Armor of Faith (light fortification)
Living Forge

Table 1-5, the Forge Avenger


Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features



The forge avengers class

skills (and the key ability
scores of each) are Climb
(Con), Craft (Int), Heal
(Wis), Intimidate (Cha),
Jump (Str), Knowledge
(nobility and royalty) (Int),
Knowledge (religion) (Int),
Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis).

Armor of Faith (moderate fortification)

Ironbeard, Smite Dwarven Enemies 3/day

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

friends of dwarves. Half-orcs are acceptable,
though some forge avengers stubbornly refer to
them as half-humans.
Smite Dwarven Enemies (Su): Once per
day, forge avengers can smite the common
enemies of dwarf-kind with one melee attack.
Dwarven enemies include racial enemies such as
giants, orcs, half-orcs, and goblinoids (goblins,
hobgoblins, and bugbears), and also evil dwarves,
including most derro and duergar. The GM is
encouraged to add or subtract from this list to suit
the campaign.
When smiting dwarven enemies, you add your
Constitution bonus, if any, to your attack roll and
deal 1 extra point of damage per forge avenger
class level. If you attempt to use your smite ability
against an opponent who is not actually a dwarven
enemy, it has no effect and is wasted for the day.
This ability may be used at the same time as smite
evil or any other smite ability, if appropriate.
At 5th level you may smite dwarven enemies
2/day, and at 10th level you may do so 3/day.
Summon Ancestral Heroes (Sp): Once per
week, you may summon a number of lawful good
celestial dwarven fighters up to half your forge
avenger class level. Treat this spell-like ability as
lesser planar ally except that the casting time is 1
action, and there is no payment required. Your
caster level is your forge avenger class level.
These dwarves are the spirits of your
ancestors and should only be summoned to fight.
They will follow your orders, however summoning
them to perform some task other than guarding
someone or combat is disrespectful and violates
your Code of Conduct. They are willing and eager
to die for you, and sending them into a suicidal
fight is not disrespectful, or even unexpected by
them. Their spirits simply reform on a higher plane
of existence. The player is encouraged to give
backgrounds, to make them more interesting.
Ancsestral Hero, celestial dwarf Ftr6: CR 7;
Medium-size Humanoid (dwarf); HD 6d10+12; hp
45; Init +0; Spd 20 ft; AC 21 (+8 half-plate, +3
large shield); Melee +1 dwarven war axe +10
(1d10+6/crit x3); SQ dwarven traits, celestial traits;
AL LG; SV Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +4; Str 14, Dex 10,
Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8.
Skills and Feats: Climb +9, Jump +9; Power
Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Sunder,
Weapon Focus (dwarven war axe), Weapon
Specialization (dwarven war axe), Iron Will.
SASmite Evil (Su):
Once per day, the
ancestral hero can make a normal attack to deal
an additional +6 damage against an evil foe.
SQDwarven Traits (Ex): 60 foot darkvision,
stonecunning, +2 save vs. poison, +2 save vs.
spells or spell-like abilities, +1 attack vs. goblinoids

or orcs, +4 dodge vs. giants, +2 craft with stone or

metal, +4 bonus against bull rush or trip attacks.
SQCelestial Traits (Ex): Acid, Cold and Electricity
resistance 10, Damage Reduction 5/magic, Spell
resistance 12.
Equipment: +1 dwarven war axe, +1 heavy shield,
+1 half-plate
Aura of Dwarven Justice (Su): You and all allies
within 10ft. gain a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls
against dwarven enemies (see the smite dwarven
enemies ability for a list of creatures considered to be
dwarven enemies).
Reach of the Dwarves (Su): Any non-throwing
masterwork or magical melee weapon of dwarven make
that you wield gains the throwing and returning special
abilities. This ability goes away if others hold it. A side
effect of this ability is that your shoulders appear wider
and your arms appear more muscular. This ability has
no effect if the weapon already has the throwing and
returning abilities.
Armor of Faith (Su): Any masterwork or magical
heavy armor of dwarven-make gains the fortification
(light) special ability while you wear it, causing a 25%
chance that the effects of any critical hit or sneak attack
damage are negated. A side effect of this ability is that
your armor looks thicker and heavier than normal.
At 9th level, this ability grants moderate (75%
chance) fortification.
Living Forge (Su): Any masterwork or magical
melee weapon of dwarven make gains the flaming
special ability while you wield it. A side effect of this
ability is that sparks show in your eyes. This ability has
no effect if the weapon already has the flaming ability.
Ironbeard: You are the epitome of the dwarven
race. You gain the following abilities:
Stony Skin (Ex): You gain damage reduction
Immune to Poison (Ex): You are immune to all
natural, non-magical, poisons.
Spell Resistance (Su): You gain spell resistance
equal to 18.
Ex-Forge Avengers: A forge avenger who is no
longer lawful good, who willingly commits an evil act, or
who grossly violates his Code of Conduct, becomes an
ex-forge avenger and loses all special class abilities.
An atonement spell can be used to recover these class
abilities, in the same way as an ex-paladin. Dwarven
ex-paladins/ex-forge avengers need only use the
atonement spell once to recover the abilities of both
classes, if a single act caused them to lose the abilities
of both classes.
Treat levels of ex-forge avenger the same as levels
of ex-paladin for the purposes of classes such as the

Sample NPC
Ach, leave him alone. He cant help it; it be the orc

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

blood in him wot tainted his mind and soul.
Farrs Stoneglaive, male dwarf Pal 7/Forge
Avenger 6: CR 13; Medium-size Humanoid
(dwarf); HD 13d10+52; hp 123; Init +0; Spd 20 ft;
AC 23 (+7 adamantine breastplate, +2 ring of
protection, +4 large shield); Melee +1 holy
dwarven waraxe of mighty cleaving (adamantine)
+19/+14/+9 (1d10+7/crit x3); SA smite evil, spells,
turn undead, smite dwarven enemies, reach of the
dwarves, living forge; SQ aura of courage, detect
evil, divine health, dwarven traits, remove disease
(1/week), special mount, aura of dwarven justice,
summon ancestral heroes; AL LG; SV Fort +14,
Ref +4, Will +6; Str 14, Dex 10, Con 18, Int 13, Wis
14, Cha 8.
Skills and Feats: Craft (armorsmithing)
Knowledge (religion) +17(16); Power Attack,
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (dwarven waraxe),
Weapon Focus (dwarven waraxe), Craft Divine
Weapon*, Masters Mark.
*New feat, see page 3.
SATurn Undead (Su): 2/day, Farrs
Stoneglaive can attempt to turn undead creatures.
He can turn undead with no more than (1d20+4)/3
HD. Each attempt, he turns 2d6+4 total HD.
Undead with 2 or fewer HD are destroyed instead.
SASmite Evil (Su): 2/day, if the target of a
normal melee attack is evil, Farrs Stoneglaive
gains a +7 damage bonus.
SASmite Dwarven Enemies (Su): 2/day, if the
target of a normal melee attack is a traditional
dwarven enemy, Farrs Stoneglaive gains a +4
bonus to the attack roll and a +6 damage bonus.
SAReach of the Dwarves (Su): While Farrs
wields it, Orcs Lament gains the throwing and
returning special abilty.
SALiving Forge (Su): While Farrs wields it,
Orcs Lament gains the flaming special abilty.
SQDwarven Traits (Ex): 60 foot darkvision,
stonecunning, +2 save vs. poison, +2 save vs.
spells or spell-like abilities, +1 attack vs. goblinoids
or orcs, +4 dodge vs. giants, +2 craft with stone or
metal, +4 bonus against overrun and trip attacks.
SQAura of Dwarven Justice (Su): Farrs and
all allies within 10ft. gain a +2 morale bonus to
attacks against traditional dwarven enemies.


SQSummon Ancestral Heroes (Sp): Once per

week, Farrs can summon up to 3 ancestral heroes.
SQArmor of Faith (Ex): The dwarven armor
Farrs wears grants a 25% chance to negate damage
from critical hits or sneak attacks.
Paladin Spells Prepared: cure light wounds, divine
Equipment: +1 holy dwarven waraxe of mighty
cleaving Orcs Lament (adamantine), adamantine
breastplate, +2 heavy shield Wall of Truth, +2 ring of
protection, boots of speed.
Note: Farrs forged Orcs Lament and enhanced it
with the Craft Divine Weapon feat. Therefore, because
of his Masters Mark feat, he gains a +1 bonus to attack
and damage rolls while using the axe, this is reflected
in the stats above.
History: Farrs heard the call of duty at a young
age. He was always a serious child, and stayed that
way as he grew up. As an adult, he served in his clans
elite guard, and constantly pushed his father, a
powerful thane, for more aggressive patrols, deeper
and deeper into enemy territory. Unfortunately, one
such deep patrol left the palace too lightly defended. A
horde of enemies swept on the palace and slew half his
clansmen before being repelled, including his father.
Appearance: Farrs wears adamantine armor
decorated with his family crest, a lion slaying a wyrm.
His beard is gray beyond his years and his wrinkles are
deep. His voice is quite loud and harsh.
Personality: Farrs never laughs and never jokes.
At first, most people do not notice, and merely assume
he is simply a grumpy old dwarf. Farrs is a pessimist.
He is grim and dour, and more stubborn than the armor
he forges.
Farrs is accustomed to military order and
discipline, and disdains those who are not. Farrs does
not hate half-orcs, but has a particularly annoying habit
of patronizing them with sympathetic pity over their
mixed heritage.
Using Farrs : Farrs Stoneglaive can be an
excellent, if gloomy, mentor for paladins, dwarven
defenders, or even dwarven fighters. He is an excellent
craftsman, and skilled at forging holy adamantine
weapons. Farrs is only likely to help dwarves or those
allied with dwarves. He will only forge weapons for
dwarves or those willing to go on a quest of his

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

Golden Pride Hunter

What lion wants to lie down with a lamb? The lamb
is best served while the lion stands guard. Ser
Myrcelon is a powerful warrior
and brilliant combat leader. A 7foot tall, lion-headed celestial, he
is truly awe-inspiring to behold.
Myrcelon keeps a close eye on
those warriors that fight for the
righteousness. When he
finds a truly worthy
warrior, he will often
appear to them and
offer to show them the
ways of the Golden
selected are called
hunters, and are
weak, destroying
evil, and recruiting
Almost all hunters are
humans or half-elves. Though
half-orcs of sufficient noble nature
and dedication are rare, when
found, they often make the most
overwhelming and dedicated of
hunters because they seem to
relate naturally to the animal
aspect of their powers. No
member of any other race
has ever been called by
Myrcelon to be a hunter.
Because of Myrcelons affinity for the lion
form, he tends to select members from those who
revere the lion. As such, most Prides are found
amongst chivalric knights who claim the nobility of
the lion or among the leaders of primitive people of
great savannahs and forests where lions are seen as
the apex of power.
In the wilderness, a Pride is usually very small.
Two or three hunters usually account for the entire
order. These hunters serve as the guardians for a
single tribe or a small collection of allied tribes.
In other areas, the Prides tend to be much more
structured, with clear chains of command and formal
honoraries for higher ranking members. These
formal Prides often have as many as a dozen or
more hunters, as well as numerous fighters, clerics
and paladins who serve the cause of the order, but
are not themselves called hunters.

Hit Die: d10

Alignment: Lawful Good
Race: Human, Half-Elf or Half-Orc
Feats: Animal Affinity, Power Attack
Base Attack Bonus: 6+
You must be
accepted into the Golden
Pride, which includes
An invitation into the
Pride may only be
offered from the
archangel Myrcelon,
or another hunter of
at least 6th level.

Class Skills
The golden pride
hunter class skills (and
the key ability for each
skill) are: Craft (Int),
Handle Animal (Cha),
(Dex), Listen (Wis),
Knowledge (religion)
(Int), Move Silently
(Dex), Ride (Dex),
Survival (Wis).
Skill Points at each level: 4 +
Int modifier.

Class Features
Code of Conduct:
The paladins code of
conduct applies in all ways to a Golden Pride hunter.
Nobility and duty are considered to be of utmost
importance. Duty applies both to their leaders in the
church and the righteous nobility, as well as to the
flocks of common people whom they are responsible
to defend.
The Pride disdains dirty fighting tactics, such as
sneak attacks. However, the art of the ambush as
perfected by the lion is considered an honorable
practice against a known enemy. Ranged weapons
are only to be used as a last resort.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: You gain no
new proficiency with any weapons or armor.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats











Animal Senses, Speak with Cats, Wild Empathy

Roar of Myrcelon, Hunter Form 1/day
Lion Form 1/day, Stalk
Blind Fight
Hunter Form 2/day, Lion Form 2/day
Hunter Form 3/day, Lion Form 3/day
Noble Rage
Hunter Form 4/day, Lion Form 4/day
True Hunter

Table 1-6, the Golden Pride Hunter

Animal Senses (Ex): Your eyes shift to slightly

resemble those of a cat and you gain an animals
awareness of his surroundings. You receive a +2
bonus for all Spot, Listen and Search checks. You
also gain low-light vision, allowing you to see twice
as far as a normal human under low light conditions.
Speak with Cats (Su): A Golden Pride hunter
can speak with cats of all types.
Wild Empathy (Ex): You gain the rangers wild
empathy ability. Your Golden Pride hunter levels
stack with any ranger levels you may have when
using wild empathy. Furthermore, you gain a +2
bonus when using this ability with any type of cat.
Roar of Myrcelon (Su): A number of times per
day equal to half your Golden Pride hunter class
level, rounded down, as a free action, you may roar
with awe-inspiring volume. A roar of Myrcelon
causes all allies within 50ft to be affected as if you
had cast bless (+1 morale bonus to attack rolls and
saving throws against fear), and all enemies within
50ft. to be affected as if you had cast bane (-1
morale penalty to attack rolls and saving throws
against fear), if they fail a Will save (DC 10 plus your
golden pride hunter class level). Undead within 50ft.
are magically deafened for 1d4 rounds from the
positive sonic energy. (20% chance of arcane spell
failure with spells that have a verbal component, -4
penalty to Initiative rolls, fail Listen checks).
Your caster level is your Golden Pride hunter
class level, and the duration is one minute/level.
Hunter Form (Su): Starting at 2nd level, once
per day you may change into a hybrid lion/human
form (or hybrid lion/half-orc or lion/half-elf) with
prehensile lion claws, a mane, and thick fur.
Beginning this shapeshifting process is a free
action, but the shift itself is not complete until next
round at the beginning of your turn. During the
shapeshifting you may take actions normally.
When you change into this form, you regain hit
points as if you had rested for a day. Any gear

carried by you, including weapons and armor, shifts

to match your new form and remains functional.
Your size does not change.
In hunter form, you gain the following benefits:
Ability Score bonuses: + 2 bonus to Strength (at
5th level this bonus is increased to +4, and at
8th level it becomes +6).
Natural Armor bonus to AC: +2.
Hyper Senses: You gain a +4 racial bonus to
Listen, Search, and Spot skills.
Scent: You gain the Scent special ability (See
the DMG, Chapter 8: Special Abilities).
Attacks: Claw attack for 1d4+Strength bonus
damage, Bite attack for 1d8+half your
Strength bonus damage. You may attack
with both claws or a normal weapon with no
penalty. If you attack with a normal weapon
and a claw, the usual penalties for two
weapon fighting apply.
Hunter form lasts for up to 1 hour and may be
used 2/day starting at 5th level, 3/day at 7th, and
4/day at 9th level. At 10th level, your hunterform
becomes your natural form and you may shift at will
(See True Hunter).
Shifting back to your natural form takes one
round, but starting the change is a free action.
Stalk (Ex): You gain a +2 racial bonus to Hide
and Move Silently checks whenever you are in tall
grass or areas of heavy undergrowth.
Blind Fight (Ex): You gain the Blind Fight feat
for free.
Lion Form (Sp): Beginning at 3rd level, once per
day you may shift into a powerful dire lion (see the
MM) from hunter form. This ability is like polymorph
self, except no other forms may be chosen. Like the
spell, you heal an amount of damage equal to your
hit points as if you had rested for the day.
When shifting to lion form, you gain a Strength
bonus equal to your golden pride hunter class level.
For example, a 5th level golden pride hunter in lion

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

form would have a 30 Strength, not 25.
Shifting back to your original form takes one
round. At 5th level, this ability may be used 2/day,
3/day at 7th level, and 4/day at 9th level. You may
use it at will at 10th level (see True Hunter).
Hunters who are also paladins may not summon
a special mount while in lion form. The ability does
not work for them.
Pounce (Ex): At 6th level, you gain the pounce
ability of a lion at all times, not just when in lion form,
allowing you to make a full attack during the first
round of combat, even if you have already moved.
Noble Rage (Ex): Once per day, whenever
witnessing an act of evil, you may succumb to a
righteous fury. You gain a +4 bonus to Strength and
Constitution for 3 rounds plus your Charisma
modifier, if any. You automatically begin to shift into
lion form, if possible, at the beginning of your rage.
At the end of the rage, you are fatigued (-2 to
Strength and Dexterity, cannot run).
The GM decides if an evil act is vile enough to
set off your rage, but the player decides whether to
use the ability or to control their temper. Though it
may seem like it, using this ability is not a chaotic act.
True Hunter (Su): At 10th level, the hunter form
becomes your natural form. You may still shift into
your original form and back again at will using the
hunter form ability.
You may also shift to lion form at will for as long
as you like, but must shift from hunter form.
You heal as if resting for one day when shifting
into your old form, up to 6 times per day.
Finally, you gain the scent ability at all times.
(See the DMG, Chapter 8: Special Abilities)
Ex-Golden Pride Hunters: If a hunter grossly
violates the Code of Conduct, changes to a nonlawful good alignment, or commits an evil act they
lose all supernatural special abilities of the class.
Their class abilities may be regained if their
alignment changes back to lawful good and they
seek atonement from a cleric of their faith.

Sample NPC
Trouble is nearby.
Ftr2/Pal4/Golden Pride Hunter7: CR 13; Mediumsize Humanoid (human); HD 13d10+39; hp 110; Init
+1; Spd 20 ft; AC 23 (+7 chainmail, +3 heavy shield,
+1 Dex, +2 ring of protection); Melee +2 bastard
sword +18/+13/+8 (1d10+5/crit 17-20); SA smite evil,
turn undead; SQ aura of courage, detect evil, divine
grace, divine health, lay on hands, animal senses,
speak with cats, roar of Myrcelon, hunter form, lion
form; AL LG; SV Fort +20, Ref +9, Will +8; Str 17,
Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.
Skills and Feats: Craft (weaponsmith) +6 (6),
Handle Animal +13 (9), Knowledge (religion) +6 (6),

Listen +9 (7), Ride +19 (16), Search +2 (0), Spot +6

(4); Animal Affinity, Blind Fight, Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (bastard sword), Power Attack, Weapon
Focus (bastard sword), Cleave, Sunder, Mounted
Combat, Improved Critical (bastard sword).
SATurn Undead (Su): 5/day, Ser Nathan can
attempt to turn undead as a 2nd level cleric up to 5
times per day.
SASmite Evil (Su): 1/day, if the target of a
normal melee attack is evil, Ser Nathan gains a +2
attack bonus and a +4 damage bonus.
SQLay on Hands (Sp): Ser Nathan can heal up
to 8 hit points per day, divided among any number of
SQWild Empathy (Ex):
Ser Nathan may
attempt to improve the attitude of an animal as if
using Diplomacy with a +9 bonus to the roll, or +11 if
the animal is a type of cat.
SQRoar of Myrcelon (Su): 3/day, Ser Nathan
Blackclaw may roar. Allies within 50 feet gain the
benefits of the bless spell and all enemies within 50
ft. must make a will save against a DC of 13 or suffer
the effects of a bane spell.
SQHunter Form (Su): 2/day Ser Nathan may
change into a hunter form. His Strength increase is
SQLion Form (Sp): Ser Nathan may shift into a
dire lion form twice per day from his hunter form.
Equipment: +2 bastard sword, +2 chainmail, +1
heavy shield, cloak of resistance +3, amulet of health
+2, ring of protection +2.
As a paladin, Nathan became
frustrated at his inability to perform the most basic
divine spells. Just as he prepared to abandon his
vows, Myrcelon appeared to him. He spoke of
bravery and honor and the many oaths of service.
Nathan accepted the call and joined the Pride.
Appearance: Nathan is a tall, strong man. His
hair is long and blond.
He wears gleaming
chainmail, with a rampant lion emblazoned in mithral
across his chest. In a battle with a minor demon
several years ago, Ser Nathan was forced to rip out
the throat of the creature with his claws. The fur and
talons on his left paw in hunter and lion form have
been permanently blackened as a result. He took his
surname after this event.
Personality: Ser Nathan is a pragmatic and
somber man. He is loyal and dedicated, but has
never had time for simple pleasures or humor, and
does not understand those that do.
Using Ser Nathan: Ser Nathan will join forces
with a party if the cause can be presented to him in a
convincing manner. He is not likely to lead until
actual battle starts. Then he will expect quick and
certain response to his instructions. It is very
possible that one or more of his followers may need
to intervene on his behalf to explain that he truly is a
good person, despite his dour and direct persona.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

We still need you. Dont walk into the light yet.
Sometimes a warrior has seen too many comrades
fall in battle, and pledges their lives to saving others.
The merseus (mur-see-us) is a combat healer called
by the same types of powers as a paladin. Her
primary goal is to win battles while minimizing
the death of her companions.
All mersi (mur-sigh, plural) are
paladins, but may be multiclassed as
clerics or fighters. Mersi can fight like a
paladin, heal nearly as well as a cleric,
adventuring parties and the armies of
good. They tend to travel the world in
search of those who need their skills the
Mersi have been known to do more
than merely heal the body. They work
tirelessly to boost the morale of their
allies, as well as their spiritual health.
They are a combination of combat
medic, paladin and priest.
Mersi are most often viewed
as specialized paladins. They fit in
well with paladin orders, and seldom feel
the need to create their own organizations.
Tactically, they work well as a supporting
warrior, perhaps as a second or third fighter
type to round out the group. However, they
are not a replacement for the cleric when it
comes to healing, especially at high levels.
Hit Die: d10




Alignment: Lawful good

Feats: Combat Healing (New feat, see page 3)
Skills: Heal 9 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 2
Special: You must have the paladins lay
on hands ability.
Mersi take a vow that is very close to
that of paladins.

Class Skills
The merseus class skills are
Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha),
Heal (Wis), Knowledge (nature) (Int),
Profession (herbalism) (Wis), Ride
Skill Points at Each
Level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features
proficiency: Mersi
are proficient with all simple and
martial weapons, and with all types of
armor and shields.
Paladin Abilities: You gain the paladins
divine health ability if you do not have it already,
making you immune to disease.
Code of Conduct: Mersi vow to follow the same
Code that paladins pledge to, and pledge to heal
their allies and captured enemies whenever possible.





Spells per day




Paladin Abilities, Enhanced Lay on Hands

Aura of Hope
Purging Hands 1/day
Enhanced Recovery
Aura of Life
Purging Hands 2/day
Purging Hands 3/day
Returning Soul


Table 1-7, the Merseus








Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

Associates: Mersi follow the same restrictions
regarding associates that paladins follow.
Spells: Beginning at 1st level the merseus gains
the ability to cast a small number of divine spells. To
cast a spell, you must have a Wisdom score of at
least 10 + the spells level, so a merseus with a
Wisdom of 10 or lower cannot cast these spells.
When you receive 0 spells of a given level, you gain
only bonus spells. You prepare and cast spells as a
cleric, but use the following spell list. You have
access to every spell on the list.
1st level spells: cure light wounds, detect poison,
purify food and drink, remove fear
2nd level spells: cure moderate wounds, delay
poison, lesser restoration, remove paralysis
3rd level spells: cure serious wounds, remove
blindness/deafness, remove disease, shield other
4th level spells: cure critical wounds, mass cure
light wounds, neutralize poison, restoration
Spontaneous Casting (Su):
You may
exchange a prepared spell for a cure of the same
level, just as a good cleric can.
Enhanced Lay on Hands (Sp): You have the
paladins ability to lay on hands, and your paladin
levels stack with your merseus levels. However,
each merseus level you have counts as two paladin
levels for the purpose of determining how many
points you may heal per day.
Aura of Hope (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, you
radiate an aura of hope and comfort that causes you
and all allies within 10ft. to gain a +2 morale bonus to
all saving throws.
Purging Hands (Sp): Once per day, beginning
at 3rd level, while using lay on hands you may also
use one of these spell-like abilities on a target
creature without using an action:
delay poison
lesser restoration
remove blindness/deafness
remove disease
remove fear
remove paralysis
This ability does not require an additional action
or by itself provoke an attack of opportunity. It
happens the same time you are using lay on hands.
You may lay on hands for 0 points of healing, if you
just want the effect of purging hands. Your caster
level is your merseus class level.
You may use this ability twice per day at 6th level,
and three times per day at 9th level.
Enhanced Recovery (Su): You begin to heal
quickly, so that you may concentrate on healing
others instead of yourself. You heal 1 point of
damage per character level every hour instead of
every day. (This cannot be aided by the Heal skill).

Subdual damage heals at the rate of 1 point of

damage per level every 5 minutes.
Aura of Life (Su): All dying allies within 10ft.
immediately become stabilized and stop losing hit
points each round. This ability does not require an
action. Your aura of life does not function if you are
dying, and thus does not help you stabilize.
Heal (Sp): Once per day, you can cast heal.
Your caster level equals 10 plus your merseus level.
Revive (Sp): Once per day, you may cast raise
dead with a caster level of 10 plus your merseus
class level. Unlike the raise dead spell, the target
creature must have died within the last minute, and
loses no levels or Constitution. Using this ability is
taxing. After using revive you are fatigued (See
DMG, Chapter 8: Condition Summary).
Returning Soul (Su): If you die, and have not
yet used your revive ability for the day, you are
automatically raised from the dead, targeted by your
own revive ability. This requires no action and uses
up your ability to revive for the day.
You have no choice about using this ability; it is
automatic and always functions immediately after
your death unless you have already used revive for
the day.
Ex-Mersi: If you change from a lawful good
alignment, commit an evil act, or grossly violate your
Code of Conduct, you become an ex-merseus until
your alignment changes back to lawful good and a
cleric casts atonement for you
An ex-merseus loses all supernatural, spell-like,
and spellcasting abilities, and is treated like an expaladin with regard to classes like the blackguard
who seek to corrupt good to evil.

Sample NPC
This is going to sting. A lot.
Darsi Phaedron, female human Pal 6/Merseus
4: CR 10; Medium-size Humanoid (human); HD
10d10+30; hp 85; Init +1; Spd 20 ft; AC 19 (+9 halfplate); Melee +1 longsword +12/+7 (1d8+1/crit 1920); SA smite evil, spells, turn undead; SQ aura of
courage, detect evil, divine grace, divine health, lay
on hands, remove disease (1/week), special mount,
aura of hope, purging hands 1/day, enhanced
recovery; AL LG; SV Fort +18, Ref +9, Will +12; Str
11, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 19.
Skills and Feats: Concentration +16(13), Heal
+14(13), Ride +14(13); Bolster Lay on Hands,
Combat Healing*, Mounted Combat, Rapid Healer,
Weapon Focus (longsword).
* New feat, see page 3.


Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

SATurn Undead (Su): Darsi can attempt to turn
undead creatures 7/day. She turns undead as a 4th
level cleric.
SASmite Evil (Su): 2/day, if the target of a
normal melee attack is evil, Darsi gains a +4 attack
bonus and a +6 damage bonus.
SQLay on Hands (Sp): Darsi can heal up to 56
hit points per day, divided among any number of
SQPurging Hands (Sp): 1/day, Darsi can use
any of the following spell-like abilities: delay poison,
lesser restoration, remove blindness/deafness,
remove disease, remove fear, or remove paralysis.
SQAura of Hope (Su): Darsi and all allies within
10ft. gain a +2 morale bonus to all saving throws
(already added to her saving throws above).
SQEnhanced Recovery (Su): Darsi recovers
from injury very quickly. She recovers 10 hit points
per hour normally.
Paladin Spells Prepared: divine favor x2
Merseus Spells Prepared:
detect poison,
remove fear, remove paralysis
Equipment: +1 longsword (called Silencer), +2
shining** half-plate, +2 amulet of health, boots of
speed, potion of cure serious wounds x2.
** New armor special ability, see Chapter 4.
History: Darsi became a paladin to end the
suffering of her people, mostly commoners
threatened by bandits. After years of fighting off
threat after threat, she grew tired of seeing her
comrades die, and after a week of fasting and
meditation, became the first merseus of her order.
Appearance: Darsi wears her hair short to avoid
problems in a fight, and wears shining half-plate
when in battle.
When not fighting, she is fond of wearing
feminine clothing and sweet perfume, and is quite
lovely. Her comrades-in-arms are sometimes taken
aback by her breath-taking beauty when she is not
fighting, and often find themselves speechless, much
to her amusement.
Personality: Darsi is unforgiving to her enemies
on the battlefield, and gruff with her allies. Like all
mersi, she is an expert at healing, but Darsi chooses
not to be careful about causing undue pain to her
patients. Some believe she goes out of her way to
inflict a bit of pain as she binds wounds, and even
when laying on hands. She does not deny this if
asked directly. Her opinion is that if she makes
healing painless, then the one she heals will more
easily make the same mistake that got them the


Variant: Alternatives for Lay on Hands

Lay on hands is a method of channeling positive energy,
much like turning undead. Conceivably, paladins could use
the ability for other effects that use positive energy. Below
are some ideas on using the positive energy from lay on
hands to do more than just heal.
All of these abilities require you to spend half your
current allotment of lay on hands healing, with a minimum
cost of 1 point of healing. For example, Yarath is a paladin
10 with a Charisma of 14. He can heal up to 20 points of
damage per day. At the beginning of the day, he can spend
10 points of his healing ability to gain any of the below
abilities one time. Later, when he only has 2 points of healing
ability left, the same ability costs him only 1 point.
This variant does not discourage paladins from using
their lay on hands ability, but makes the ability useful even
when there is no one to heal, even if the cleric is doing all the
healing, and even if the paladins Charisma isnt very high.
Bolster Smite (Su): You gain a +2 sacred bonus to your
attack roll when using smite evil.
Bolster Attack (Su): You gain a +1 sacred bonus to a
single (non-smite) attack roll.
Bolster Defense (Su): You gain a +1 sacred bonus to
your AC for one round.
Bolster Paladin Spell (Su): You can cast a paladin spell
you have prepared at +2 caster level.
Light (Sp): You may cast light as a spell-like ability, with
half your paladin level as your caster level.
Turning Touch (Su): When using lay on hands as a
touch attack against an undead creature, the
paladin may decide to turn the touched creature
instead of dealing damage, and gains a +2 bonus
to the turning check. This is useful for paladins
who have expended all their regular turn attempts,
or who need to turn a powerful undead creature.
Using this variant increases the power of the paladin
class slightly because it gives them more options for no cost.
This rule may encourage paladins not to use lay on
hands as much, and may cause some resentment from other
players, particularly those who play clerics.

Off the battlefield, Darsi is quite gentle and kind,

and not ambitious at all. She spends much of her
time flirting with commoners, going to formal dances
or anything else that lets her dress up, and just
having fun. Unlike most paladins, when times are
peaceful she makes it a point to enjoy life. She has
seen it slip away all too often.
Using Darsi: Darsi makes a great support NPC
for a party with only a few members. The PCs might
not realize she is a paladin if they meet her in a city
due to her carefree nature. They might be surprised
when she dons her plate and charges to the front
lines during a battle.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

Penitent Sniper
Thou shalt kill.
Paladins use ranged weapons,
but they are not exactly famous for
Some strict (and probably
foolish) orders of paladins actually
forbid the use of ranged weapons
on the field of battle, particularly the
use of crossbows which are thought by
some to require little to no skill, and unfair
to a skilled knight.
However, whether a ranged attack is
seen as honorable or not, the forces of
someone who can kill evil at
a thousand yards with one
shot, and call a penitent sniper into
service to do just that.
A penitent sniper is much like a
paladin. No one decides to become one;
they are called by deities or mysterious
forces of good. A penitent sniper is not often
seen as heroic by common folk. Indeed, they
try not to be famous, and are rarely the
member of an organized church or order.
More often, they operate as loners, or as part
of a motley group of good adventurers, and
provide combat support from a distance.
Typically, they refer to themselves only as a
wandering bowman, or as a humble servant of
their deity.
Most penitent snipers are neutral good or
chaotic good, and feel that the virtuous should
fight evil however they can, without any rules.
Nevertheless, some penitent snipers are lawful
good, , and fight as honorably as anyone. A few
are even paladins. Lawful penitent snipers do not
believe that something as difficult to use as a bow



is dishonorable in combat.
Penitent snipers usually have a patron deity, but
not always. When they do, it is always of good
alignment, and usually a deity of protection or war.
Religious members of the class often offer a
quiet prayer with every shot.
Elves, half-elves, and humans are
the most common members of this class,
and most of them are fighters or rogues.
The class has a religious tilt, however, so
a surprising number are paladins and
Design Notes: This class is loosely
based on various good aligned snipers
from various movies, and on some reallife heroic sharpshooters like Alvin York
and Chuck Mawhinney, with some
added religious flavor.
Hit Die: d8

Alignment: Any good
Base attack bonus: +6 or
Skills: Knowledge: Religion 2
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Far Shot,
Weapon Focus with any bow or

Class Skills
The class skills of a penitent sniper, and the key
abilities for each, are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Hide (Dex),
Jump (Str), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Move Silently








Detect Distant Evil, Paladin Abilities, Ranged Smite Evil 1/day

Wisdom Grants Strength, Arrow of Healing
Aura of Accuracy, Call Celestial Spotter
Pierce Evil
Ranged Smite Evil 2/day
Blessed Arrows
Greater Pierce Evil
Holy Arrows, Ranged Smite Evil 3/day

Table 1-8, the Penitent Sniper


Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

(Dex), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str)
Skill Points per Level: 2+ Int modifier

Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Penitent
snipers are proficient with all light and medium
armor, and with all simple weapons and all ranged
martial weapons.
Code of Conduct: Penitent snipers have their
own Code of Conduct, similar to that of paladins.
A penitent sniper must be of good alignment and
must never willingly commit an evil act. They must
protect the innocent, and punish those who
threaten or harm innocents.
Associates: Penitent snipers follow the same
restrictions regarding associates that paladins
follow, except that they may hire anyone who is
Detect Distant Evil (Sp): You may use detect
evil at will, with a range equal to your line of sight.
At a distance of farther than 60ft., you can only
detect the presence or absence of evil, and only in
that general direction.
You must still use a Spot check to find a
distant or hiding target, but this ability can tell you
where to start looking, and gives a +2 bonus to
Spot checks when looking for evil creatures.
Paladin abilities (Su): You gain the paladins
aura of good and lay on hands ability. Your
effective level for using lay on hands equals your
penitent sniper class level plus your paladin levels,
if any.
Ranged Smite Evil (Su): Once per day,
penitent snipers can smite evil opponents with one
ranged attack. When smiting evil, you add your
Charisma bonus, if any, to your attack roll and deal
1 extra point of damage per penitent sniper class
level. If you attempt to use your smite ability
against an opponent who is not actually evil, it has
no effect and is wasted for the day.
If you have the paladins smite evil ability, your
paladin levels stack with your penitent sniper
levels for this ability.
At 5th level, you may use this ability 2/day, and
at 10th level you may do so 3/day.
Wisdom Grants Strength (Su): When using
a composite bow designed to require a higher than
normal Strength, you may use your Wisdom bonus
instead of your Strength bonus to determine your
damage bonus, if any.
Arrow of Healing (Sp): You may launch a
single arrow or bolt at an ally. If it hits, it magically
does no damage, but instead turns to a healing


dust, and you may use your lay on hands ability on the
target as if touching them. Shooting the arrow or bolt is
not a separate action, but is instead part of the spelllike ability, which is a standard action that provokes an
attack of opportunity.
Pierce Evil (Su): Whenever an evil creature is
reduced to less than 0 hit points by one of your arrows
or bolts, and another evil creature is directly behind
them, the arrow or bolt will continue in its path, giving
you an extra attack at the same attack bonus against
that creature.
This works much like the Cleave feat, except that
the second target must be directly behind the first target
and within range. If the creature struck was not evil, or
there are no evil creatures directly beyond, this ability
will not activate.
Aura of Accuracy (Su): You project an aura that
helps your allies with ranged attacks. You and all allies
within 10ft. gain a +1 sacred bonus to all ranged attack
Call Celestial Spotter (Sp): Once per day you can
summon a lantern archon. Penitent snipers usually use
lantern archons as spotters. These archons can seek
out targets and illuminate them for the sniper to fire at,
spoiling concealment, and act as a diversion. They can
also do any other task within their abilities, as long as it
clearly and directly benefits the cause of good.
This spell-like ability is treated like a lesser planar
ally spell, but you need not pay the lantern archon for
its services. Your caster level is 10 plus your penitent
sniper class level.
Blessed Arrows (Su): Every arrow or bolt you fire
is treated as though bless weapon were cast on it.
Greater Pierce Evil (Su): This feat works much
like the Great Cleave feat. You may now use pierce
evil to fire through even more evil creatures. Every time
an evil creature falls from one of your arrows and there
is an evil creature directly beyond and in range, you get
to attack that creature with the same arrow or bolt, until
the maximum range of the arrow or bolt is reached.
Holy Arrows (Su): Every arrow or bolt you fire
may be treated as though it were enhanced with the
holy special ability (see the DMG, Chapter 7, Magic
Items, Weapons). Holy weapons cause an additional
+2d6 to evil creatures.
Ex-Penitent Snipers: Changing to a non-good
alignment, grossly violating your Code of Conduct, or
committing an evil act will cause you to become an expenitent sniper until your alignment becomes good
again, or you have a cleric cast atonement for you.
An ex-penitent sniper loses all supernatural and
spell-like abilities. They are treated like ex-paladins
with regard to classes like the blackguard who seek to
corrupt good to evil.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

Sample NPC
And Siditherus let loose a volley of death...
<TWANG> And slew the hosts of Gurgamesh..
<TWANG> And drove back the foul man-beasts of
Rodizz <TWANG>
Sarevus, male elf Rgr6/Penitent Sniper 5: CR
11; Medium-size Humanoid (elf); HD 11d8+11; hp
64; Init +2; Spd 30 ft; AC 18 (+6 chain shirt, +2 Dex);
Melee rapier +12/+7 (1d6+2/crit 18-20); Ranged +1
holy composite longbow +20/+15 (1d8+3/crit x3); SQ
elven traits, wild empathy, favored enemies, animal
companion; AL LG; SV Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +5; Str
12, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Craft (bowyer) +9, Hide +7 (5),
Knowledge (religion) +7, Listen +11 (9), Move
Silently +7 (5), Ride +11 (9), Spot +11 (9), Survival
+11 (9); Endurance, Point Blank Shot, Far Shot,
Manyshot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (composite
longbow and longbow).
SARanged Smite Evil (Su): 2/day, Sarevus
may gain a +1 bonus to a ranged attack roll and a +5
bonus to damage against an evil opponent.
SAPierce Evil (Su): If Sarevus reduces an evil
opponent to less than 0 hit points with an arrow, and
there is another evil opponent directly beyond, his
arrow passes through and he gains a free attack
agaisnt the second opponent.
SQElven Traits (Ex): Sleep immunity, +2 save
vs. enchantment, low-light vision, proficient:
longsword, rapier, longbows, and shortbows.
SQFavored Enemies: Against evil outsiders,
Sarevus has a +4 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense
Motive, Spot, and Survival skill checks, and a +4
bonus to damage rolls. Against goblinoids, Sarevus
has a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot,
and Survival skill checks, and a +2 bonus to damage
SQWild Empathy: Sarevus may attempt to
influence the reactions of animals as if using
Diplomacy with a +7 bonus.
SQDistant Detect Evil (Sp): May detect evil at
will with line of sight range.
SQLay on Hands (Sp): Sarevus may heal up to
5 points of damage per day, divided up among any
number of uses.
SQAura of Accuracy (Su): Sarevus and all
allies gain a +1 sacred bonus to all ranged attack
SQCall Celestial Spotter (Sp): Once per day,
Sarevus may summon a lantern archon ally.
SQArrow of Healing (Sp): As a standard action,
Sarevus can fire an arrow to deliver his lay on hands
SQAnimal companion: Sarevus has a hawk
named Dash as his animal companion.
Dash, male hawk: Tiny Animal (hawk); HD 3d8;
hp 17; Init +3; Spd 10ft, Fly 60ft; AC 20 (+2 Size, +4

Dex, +4 natural); Melee +7 claws (1d4-2); SQ: link,

share spells, evasion, tricks; Saves Fort +2, Ref +6,
Will +2; Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6.
Skills: Listen +6, Spot +6; Weapon Finesse.
SQTricks (Ex): Dash knows the heel and fetch
Equipment: +1 holy composite longbow (+2 Str
bonus), mw rapier, bracers of archery, +2 chain shirt,
wooden holy symbol, several holy books.
History: Sarevus was raised as a warrior in a
nomadic tribe of elves who traveled the plains. He
was not the most skilled archer or rider among his
people, but was fairly talented at both disciplines.
He spent long hours with the tribal clerics, and
longed to become a holy man, but his father, one of
the chieftains, would not allow it. So with a heavy
heart, he left his tribe, taking several copies of his
tribes holy books, a combination of history textbooks
and spiritual guides.
Appearance: Sarevus has long black hair,
never cut, as is his family tradition. He prefers chain
shirts and leathers, and is never without his bow. He
is usually wearing riding boots, and when in the
wilderness is always mounted on a fine riding horse.
His bracers of archery were a gift from his father, and
have scenes from his village carved into them. His
rapier is actually a calvary saber, a long curved
blade, and usually in a scabbard on his horse.
Personality: Sarevus is a stern-looking elf who
makes friends slowly, but keeps them for life. He
particularly enjoys the company of humans, but finds
all races very interesting. Sarevus is not the type of
archer to shoot from hiding, but prefers to fire from
horseback, canter away, then fire again. He is not
afraid of melee, but knows what his capabilities are.
Sarevus has a habit of quoting his tribes holy
books while in combat. He claims that it helps him
aim. He has no patron deity, but instead reveres the
neutral good philosophies of his tribe.
Sarevus has great respect for paladins, and
enjoys adventuring with them, as he usually finds a
great deal of synergy between their abilities.
Using Sarevus: Sarevus makes a great cohort
or hireling for a paladin or other good character. He
can stay back out of the majority of danger, and still
be quite effective.
Sarevus might join an order of paladins at some
point as a ranged attack specialist, or may even
multiclass into paladin. This might require a change
in his religious beliefs, which despite his alignment
are mostly neutral good. Converting Sarevus to the
faith of a paladin order with the intention of getting
him to join might be part of an adventure.
If his tribe were in danger, Sarevus would return
to defend it, and the player characters may wish to
help. Paladins trying to get Sarevus to join them
would go a long way by aiding his village, and may
even gain other elven allies in doing so.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

Seelie Knight
Once upon a time

Class Features

The Seelie court is far removed from the lives of

most common people. But its intrigues and struggles
often touch the lives of many people without them
ever knowing it. Still, there are often times when the
Pixie Queen needs the direct help of elves or men for
some purpose. The players in the court have long
known that a member of one of the outside races can
be a powerful tool. To fill this role, the Pixie Queen
may, from time to time, select a capable character as
a seelie knight to represent her interests in the affairs
of the mortals.
The Pixie Queen selects any hero whom she
believes to be worthy and attractive. She prefers
half-elves more often than any other race, but
humans and elves are also occasionally selected.
For a member of any other race to be called is a rare
event. Seelie knights are usually male, but not
The seelie knight must play a difficult balancing
game at all times between the mortal and fey realms.
And so the seelie knight will always have an
adventurous life. They forever are at battle with
swords and with words, often at the same time. All
the while living with one foot in each of two wildly
separate worlds. Few are worthy of the task, but
those who are dread the thought of a lesser life.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A seelie

knight gains no new proficiency with any weapons or
Pixie Queens Oath: A seelie knight must
accept the Pixie Queens Oath during a solemn and
mystical ceremony. During this magical event the
Pixie Queen gains an empathic connection to the
She can determine if the knight has
abandoned the oath simply by concentrating,
regardless of range.
The Oath requires the following of the seelie
Help the poor with small favors.
Serve the Seelie Court.
Punish the evil.
Commit no evil act.
Remain celibate, unless with the Pixie

Hit Die: d8

Alignment: Any good
Base Attack Bonus: 5+
Choose any one of the following:
Weapon Focus (Shortbow), Weapon Finesse, Skill
Focus (Diplomacy)
Skills: Diplomacy 6 ranks, Perform (oratory) 4
ranks, Perform (singing) 4 ranks
Special: Must be selected by the Pixie Queen
and accept the Pixie Queens Oath.

Class Skills
The seelie knights class skills (and the key
ability for each skill) are: Craft (Int), Diplomacy
(Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Knowledge (nature)
(Int), Knowledge: Arcana (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform
(Cha), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Profession
(Wis) and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Points at each level: 2 + Int modifier.


Fey Friend (Ex): You are a member of the Pixie

Queens court, in good standing. As a result, you
gain a bonus equal to your class level to all Charisma
and Charisma based skill checks when dealing with

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

non-evil fey.
Clear Mind (Ex): The
experience of close mental
The Seelie Court is a
contact with the Pixie Queen
benevolent collection of
strengthens your mind. You
fairies and other fey that
gain a +4 bonus to all saves
desire to exist peacefully
along with the mortal world.
against all enchantment,
As fey, they are
illusion and mind influencing
strongly associated with
magic, as well as against
nature, as well as the
fear effects from any source.
They are
often found in natural
This bonus increases to +8
settings of special value,
at 5th level.
such as secluded glens or
Detect Evil (Su): You
ancient forests. Sometimes
can detect evil in the same
they are associated with
ancient barrow mounds.
manner as a paladin.
The actual homes of the
Further, if the source of evil
members of the court may
is of the fey type, or an item
be hidden within these
strongly associated with the
areas. Or they may actually
live in a completely separate
fey, you will also know this
plane or pocket dimension,
during the first round of
which can only be accessed
concentration. This ability
through entrances at these
tends to quickly alert you to
Virtually any of the fey
Unseelie involvement.
presented in the MM may be
Fey Blood (Su): Your
found amongst the Seelie
becomes more magical
And many other
types of fey may also be
Resistance equal to 12 +
While the fey of the
your seelie knight class
Seelie Court are generally of
good intentions, they often
exhibit some of the worst
attributes of mankind. Pride,
Starting at 3rd level, you gain
vanity and lust are the flaws
the knowledge of how to
most commonly associated
craft sleep arrows as used
with them. But these are
by pixies.
Crafting one
certainly not the only flaws
to be found.
arrow requires an hour and
a Craft: Bowmaking check
DC:20. The arrow may be crafted as a masterwork
arrow first if desired, but the extra hour and skill
check are still required. A failed check to make a
The Seelie Court




sleep arrow does not harm the arrow. Only one

attempt may be made per day. Sleep arrows revert
to normal after ten days if not used.
Sleep arrows turn to dust on impact (even if they
miss) and deal no damage. However, the target,
regardless of hit dice, must make a Fortitude save
(DC 15) or be affected as though by a sleep spell.
Court Intrigue: By the time you obtain 3rd level,
your presence begins to attract a significant level of
scrutiny from other members of the court.
At least once per month, you must make a
Diplomacy check against a DC of 20 plus your seelie
knight class level. A successful Sense Motive check
against the same DC provides a +2 bonus to the
check. If the check is failed, you have lost standing
within the court.
The lost standing may only be regained by
performing a special quest or favor for the Pixie
Queen. The exact details of the quest are left up to
the GM, but should include the defeat of an
appropriately challenging Unseelie opponent, either
in direct combat, or in some sort of competition or
mental challenge. Until the service is complete, you
lose any benefits from the Fey Friend, Clear Mind
and Fey Mind abilities. Further, a seelie knight in
disfavor may not advance to a higher level in the
If the check is made by ten or more, you have
actually enhanced your favor within the court. You
gain a +4 bonus to be used on any one Charisma or
Charisma based skill check within the next two
In all cases, at least one court intrigue check
must be made before you may gain each new class
level, starting with fourth level. The enhanced favor
bonus may only be gained once per level.
Design Notes: Court Intrigue is an attempt to
capture the complicated politics of the fey within a
game mechanic. Depending on the nature of the








Fey Friend, Clear Mind

Detect Evil, Fey Blood
Pixie Shot, Court Intrigue
Minor Image
Polymorph Self
Major Image
Fey Lord

Table 1-9, the Seelie Knight


Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

game, this may be an expedient way to get back to
the action, or a clumsy replacement for role-playing.
In many games it may be either depending on the
current events.
The GM should maintain full control of this class
feature and use the mechanics as little or as much as
desired. If the GM wants to maintain the full roleplaying potential of the class, political intrigue should
be played out as much as possible. If the player
meets the challenges set before them, allow the
character to take 10 on the Diplomacy skill check.
Give the character the enhance favor bonus, only if
he really earns it. If the flow of the game makes it
difficult to work in the full intrigue you would like for a
particular level, just make the roll and move on.
Spell Like Abilities (Sp): You gain several
spell-like abilities as you advance in level. These
abilities are the same as or similar to the spell like
abilities of pixies. They all function as spells cast by
an 8th level sorcerer.
Invisibility: cast 1/day at 4th level and 2/day
at 7th level
Minor image: cast 1/day at 6th level
Polymorph: cast 1/day at 8th level
Major image: cast 1/day at 9th level
Fey Lord: While a 9th level seelie knight, you
must make a special visit to the Pixie Queen before
you can advance to 10th level. During this visit you
re-affirm your vows in a formal ceremony. At the
conclusion of the ceremony you become a Fey Lord
(or Lady). A Fey Lord is a powerful member of the
Court, and is considered a proxy for the Queen
herself. This promotion grants significant political
and magical power to you, but also greatly increases
the political complications of your life.
As a Fey Lord, you may use each of your spelllike abilities one additional time per day.
You may also summon 1d4+1 pixies once per
day, as if casting a summon monster VII spell. Your
caster level for this ability is your character level.
One out of ten pixies summoned have the ability to
cast irresistible dance (roll a d10 for each pixie, on a
1, the pixie can cast the spell as an 8th level
sorcerer). These pixies are relatives of the Pixie
Queen, and their safety is important. The death of
any of them causes your next court intrigue
Diplomacy check to be at a 2 penalty.
Rarely, the Pixie Queen may refuse to allow one
to advance to Fey Lord. If she refuses, you must
either gain a level in some other class, or choose not
to advance until you have proven yourself worthy by
completing additional favors for the Queen.
Ex-Seelie Knights: A seelie knight who is no
longer of good alignment, who grossly violates the
Oath of the Pixie Queen, or who commits an evil act
becomes an ex-seelie knight. The only way to regain
your class abilities is to return to a good alignment, or
perform some special favor for the Pixie Queen, a

quest of a difficult nature that

your political enemies will
certainly try to sabotage.
Ex-seelie knights cannot
use any of their supernatural
or spell-like class abilities.

About the Oath

The Unseelie Court

The Unseelie Court is
in many ways a mirror of the
Seelie. They share many of
the same supernatural traits
and abilities.
The flaws such as
pride and lust are also found
within the Unseelie.
they are often exaggerated
to a vile extent.
members of the Unseelie
court seek to harm and
torment mortals as much as
Their preferred
destruction of crops and
material goods and the theft
of children.
They are
towards the Seelie. They
will attempt to bring harm,
sorrow or shame to their
Seelie cousins at any
It is worth pointing out
that no evil fey are
presented in the core rules.
One simple way to create
the Unseelie is to simply
recommendations for the
available fey. A chaotic evil
pixie or dryad is a simple
and practical representative
of the Unseelie court. Feel
free to substitute alternate
spell-like and supernatural
abilities to complement the
creatures. Or use evil fey
from other sources.

The Oath as presented is

simple and complete. It can
be used as is with no further
complications. But if you want
to present the Seelie Court as
a deeply intricate and fickle
society, a more complicated
take on the code may be
Help the Poor with small
favors: This is in keeping with
the philosophy of the Pixie
Queen and does not require
great charity or sacrifice, but
sincere modest aid. A basic
judgment of worthiness may
be included, and in some
cases the help provided may
come in the form of a lesson in
character. The lesson may be
one that the pupil may not
always be glad to receive.
Serve the Seelie Court:
This requirement is vague,
and keeping it often demands
great skill in the area of
Skill in Sense
Motive and Perform are also valuable in managing
the complicated politics of the Seelie Court.
A basic task that may be required of a seelie
knight is the simple delivery of messages or goods to
mortals or other fey.
Seelie knights are also
frequently tasked with defending areas of special
importance from goblins or men. They may also be
required to disrupt the plans of the Unseelie.
The real complications of these tasks come when
various members of the seelie court engage in efforts
to gain prestige. A pixie may send the seelie knight
to bless the birth of a royal child. The task may be
important to maintaining the relations between the
mortal kingdom and the Seelie. Or it may simply be
a ploy to draw him away from the protection of a
grove sacred to a dryad who is a rival of the pixie.
The seelie knight must determine which task is the
most important to those currently in power as well as
those who may be gaining in power.
Punish Evil:
The Seelie Court considers
humiliation to be the greatest form of punishment.
But the knight is given significant latitude in

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

determining the best course, so long as the intent
remains true.
Commit No Evil Act: The only tenet of the Oath
that is clear. Usually.
Remain Celibate (unless with the Pixie
Queen) The most direct sounding promise is always
the most complicated in reality. In general, the knight
must remain celibate.
However, like the Pixie
Queen, many of the highest members of her court
are known to take human or elf form on regular
occasion. Perhaps, at these times, it may not only
be allowed, but also assumed that the knights duties
of service to the Court come before the oath of
The seelie knight must determine the political
cost of disappointing a high member of the court
versus the risk of upsetting the Pixie Queen. And
they must always be careful to maintain the highest
appearance of propriety, regardless of other
necessities. Further, many lower members of the
seelie (as well as the unseelie) community consider it
a great political victory to seduce a seelie knight. All
seelie knights know better than to risk being alone
with a nymph.

Sample NPC
Pardon me, is that your nose or do you need
Ternallav, male half-elf Ftr3/Rog3/Seelie
Knight6: CR12; Medium-size Humanoid (half-elf);
HD 3d10+3d6+6d8+24; hp 73; Init +9; Spd 30 ft; AC
24 (+5 mithral shirt, +2 light shield, +1 ring of
protection, +5 Dex, +1 dodge); Melee: +1 rapier
+18/+13/+8 (1d6+2/crit 15-20); Ranged: +1 dagger
+17 (1d4+2/crit 19); SA sneak attack, pixie shot; SQ
half-elf traits, evasion, uncanny dodge, fey friend,
clear mind, fey blood, spell-like abilities; AL NG; SV
Fort +8, Ref +13, Will +7; Str 12, Dex 21, Con 14, Int
12, Wis 10, Cha 16.
Skills and Feats: Bluff +9, Climb +10, Craft
(bowyer) +16 (15), Diplomacy +21 (13), Gather
Information +11 (6), Handle Animal +8 (5), Hide +11
(6), Listen +1 (0), Move Silently +11 (6), Perform
(oratory) +7 (4), Perform (singing) +7 (4), Search +1
(0), Spot +1 (0), Use Magic Device +8 (5); Improved
Initiative, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier),
Dodge, Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Improved Critical
(rapier), Mobility.
SASneak Attack: +2d6 damage when flanking
target or target is denied their dex bonus to armor

SAPixie Shot: Target must make a Fort DC 15
save or sleep when shot.
SQHalf-Elf Traits (Ex): Immunity to sleep, +2
Save vs. enchantment spells and effects, low light
SQFey Friend (Ex): +4 bonus to Chr and Chr
based skill checks when dealing with non-evil Fey
SQClear Mind (Su): +4 bonus to saves vs.
enchantment and mind influencing magic
SQFey Blood (Su): SR 18
SQInvisibility (Sp) As spell 1/day
SQMinor Image (Sp) As spell 1/day.
Equipment: +2 cloak of charisma, +2 gloves of
dexterity, +1 mithral shirt, +1 light shield, +1 ring of
protection, +1 rapier, +1 dagger.
History: Several years ago Ternallav happened
upon a clearing where a beautiful girl knelt, crying in
terror as a pair of orcs hacked at a lone tree with
their crude blades. Ternallav leapt upon the orcs and
quickly dispatched them. He soon discovered the
beautiful woman was, in fact, a dryad, and the orcs
were attempting to steal her tree, in hopes of taking
her captive as well. Ternallav soon found himself
greatly enamored with the dryad, and stayed with
Ternallav soon became a friend of all the dryads
of the wood. Eventually, the Pixie Queen herself
heard of his bravery and summoned him. Upon
meeting her, Ternallav was stunned by her beauty
and immediately dedicated himself to her service.
Appearance: Ternallav wears bright clothing
and is always smiling. He wears his hair in a variety
of braids and styles, often adding feathers or a bright,
exotic leaf for flair. He is thin and athletic, but not
muscular. His open, charming face makes people
trust him before he ever says a word.
Personality: Ternallav does not lie, but might
not tell everything. He is very good at saying just the
right thing near the right ear. But he is dedicated
only to the Pixie Queen. The people he meets today
are friends and the people he met yesterday are
Using Ternallav: Ternallav can be very useful if
the party has any business with the Pixie Queen. Or
he can be a good way to introduce the Pixie Queen
and her court into the adventures of the party. If the
party is working for the side of a good cause, it is
likely Ternallav will aid them, unless a service to his
Queen demands him elsewhere. He is not likely to
stick around for long.


Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

Blessing? I suppose.
would go away.

Sometimes I just wish it

Sensates, sometimes known as mind knights,

are psionic characters so repulsed by evil that they
find the mere presence of evil to be discomforting.
Creatures and items with a powerful aura of evil
cause them anxiety or even pain. Destroying evil
relieves these symptoms and
provides a sense of peace.
paladins/psychic warriors, but
Becoming a sensate is a natural
process. One is not called to
become a sensate, but the path is
not taken by choice, either. Often,
the class is taken subconsciously,
with the character merely thinking
of themselves as psionic paladins.
Experienced sensates realize what
they are and sometimes form
organizations of their own.
The powers of sensates are both
divine and psionic. They may get
their divine power from a patron deity,
or it may be absorbed from the
philsophies of law and good, but it is
always augmented by their minds.
Most sensates are humans, but
there are sensates from all races.
Design Notes: This class uses the
rules from the Psionics Handbook, and is
appropriate only for campaigns that use those rules.
Hit Die: d8




Alignment: Lawful good

Base attack bonus: 5+
Base power points/day: 2+
Psionic Powers: You must have at least one
psionic attack mode and the combat prescience
Special: You must be able to detect evil at will
as a spell-like ability.

Class Skills
The class skills of a sensate (and the
Autohypnosis (Wis), Balance (Dex),
Climb (Str), Concentration (Con),
Heal (Wis), Knowledge (religion)
(Int), Ride (Dex), Stabilize Self
(Con), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex),
and Use Psionic Device (Cha).
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 +
Int modifier

Class Features
Weapon and Armor
Proficiency: Sensates gain
no new proficiencies with weapons or
Evil Sensitivity (Su):
Whenever you are
attacked by a creature, you automatically sense
whether the attacking creature is evil or not, and
which direction the attack is coming from.
This ability makes it impossible for sensates to








Evil Sensitivity, Psionic Smite, Restoring Hands, Retribution (+1)

+1 Manifester Level, Defense Against Evil
Dodge Evil (dodge bonus), Mobility Against Evil (+4)
+1 Manifester Level, Detect Evil Thoughts
+1 Manifester Level, Retribution (+2)
+1 Manifester Level, Improved Dodge Evil
Mobility Against Evil (+8)
+1 Manifester Level, Improved Combat Prescience
+1 Manifester Level, Retribution (+3)
+1 Manifester Level, Perfect Mobility Against Evil, Psionic Karma

Table 1-10, the Sensate



Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

associate with evil creatures over long periods of warriors. Each level you gain manifester level +1,
time. After an hour with an evil creature, you gain a you acquire new power points per day and access to
headache and suffer a 1 circumstance penalty to all discovered powers and psionic combat modes as if
attacks, skill checks and saving throws. This penalty you had gained a level in your psionic class (psion or
only goes away when you have been away from evil psychic warrior). You gain no other benefits from
those classes.
creatures for at least an hour.
Defense Against Evil (Su): You
Effects that disguise or hide
Dealing with Detection
have an uncanny intuition about how
alignment, such as an undetectable
an evil creature will attack you. You
alignment spell, can fool this ability.
The paladins detect evil ability,
gain a dodge bonus to AC equal to
Psionic Smite (Sp): Once per
and the sensates detect evil
half your sensate class level, rounded
day, before using a psionic attack
thoughts can present problems
down, against attacks from evil
mode against an evil creature, you
for those attempting to run a
campaign with lots of hidden
may choose to make the attack a
villains. A mystery adventure
Dodge Evil (Su): You are so
psionic smite with a bonus to your
is no fun when the players
good at sensing the presence of evil
psionic attack roll equal to your
figure out that the butler did it
creatures that you never lose your
Charisma bonus, if any.
within 5 minutes. And higher
level divination spells can
dodge bonus to AC against evil
A psionic smite adds half your
unravel plots very quickly.
creatures for being flat-footed or
sensate level, rounded down, to the
ability damage rolled against an evil
approaches a GM can take to
Mobility Against Evil (Su): At 3rd
psionic creature.
level you gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC
away abilities from the player
subjected to a psionic smite are
against attacks of opportunity from evil
stunned for one additional round.
creatures provoked by moving through
Fight fire with fire: The
If the attack is unsuccessful, or
their threatened areas. At 7th level this
bad guys can use spells too.
Undetectable alignment can
the target creature was not evil, your
bonus increases to +8.
foil detect alignment spells.
use of psionic smite is wasted for the
Detect Evil Thoughts (Sp): You
Nondetection can be adequate
manifest detect thoughts (the
protection from scrying. And a
You may perform a psionic smite
psionic power) with no power point
villain using detect good may
spot the party as a threat
twice per day at 5th level and three
cost, but may only to read the mind of
before they spot him, and may
an evil creature.
times per day at 9 level.
take steps to avoid themor
Improved Dodge Evil (Su): At 7th
Restoring Hands (Sp): With a
take them out first.
touch, you may heal a number of
level, evil creatures surrounding you
Give them lots to detect:
Perhaps a city is filled with
ability score points per day equal to
no longer effectively flank you. Evil
mildly evil people, or the
your sensate class level. You may
rogues 4 levels higher than your
masquerade ball the paladin is
heal up to this amount all at once, or
character level ignore this ability.
attending has mostly evil
spread it out over the day.
Improved Combat Prescience
guests. This works best in
You can use this ability to attack
(Sp): Whenever you manifest combat
paladins cannot just go around
undead foes. Whenever succeeding
prescience, your insight bonus to
slaying everyone who shows
with a melee touch attack against an
attack rolls is +4 instead of +2.
up on their radar without
undead creature, you may cause
Perfect Mobility Against Evil
breaking the law. If all the
suspects are evil, then the
temporary ability score damage to
(Su): You never let your guard down
their Strength score, up to the same
against evil. When an evil creature
detective work.
amount that you can heal. A Will save
makes attacks of opportunity against
However, do not forget
at DC 15 halves this damage.
you that are provoked by movement
that paladins were given the
ability to detect evil for a
Retribution (Su): Whenever you
through their threatened areas, they
reason: to find the enemy. Let
attack a creature that you have
always miss you.
them benefit from it most of the
determined to be evil through the use
Psionic Karma (Su): This ability
time without complications.
of your detect evil or evil sensitivity
may be used once per round when
abilities, you gain a +1 insight bonus
you take damage from an evil creature
to attack rolls against that creature for
in melee, and does not require an
the rest of the combat. Unlike other insight bonuses, action.
this insight bonus stacks with that granted by your
Pay half your power points (minimum 2 points) to
combat prescience or improved combat prescience use psionic karma. You may attempt to cause a
wound inflicted on you by an evil creature in melee to
This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, and +3 at also inflict your attacker. Make a free attack with any
psionic attack mode against your attacker.
9th level.
Manifester Level +1: Sensates continue to successful, instead of causing psionic damage, your
develop their psionic powers as psions or psychic opponent takes the same amount of melee damage

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

you have just taken.
Ex-Sensates: A sensate who willingly commits
an act of evil or takes on an alignment other than
lawful good becomes an ex-sensate, and loses all
supernatural and spell-like abilities of the class (note
that they keep their manifester levels, bonus feats,
evil sensitivity, and their dodge evil ability). An exsensate may regain its abilities by receiving
atonement from a good cleric.

Sample NPC
Evil destroys itself; our struggle is an easy one.
Delos Ranthoon, male human Psychic
Warrior 6/Pal 1/Sensate 3:
CR 10; Medium
Humanoid (human);HD 9d8+1d10; hp 59; Init +4;
Spd 30ft; AC 23 (+5 Dex, +4 mithral shirt, +4 Inertial
Armor); Melee +1 impact quarterstaff +10/+5
(1d6+6); SA smite evil 1/day, psionic smite 1/day,
psionics, retribution (+1); SQ: aura of good, detect
evil, evil sensitivity, restoring hands, dodge evil; AL
LG; SV Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +6; Str 13, Dex 20,
Con 10, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 14.
Skills and Feats: Autohypnosis +11(10), Heal
+11(10), Stabilize Self +11(10), Use Psionic Device
+11(9); Inertial Armor, Great Sunder, Power Attack,
Speed of Thought, Improved Sunder, Weapon Focus
(quarterstaff), Weapon Specialization (quarterstaff).
Power Points: 16 /day
Powers known: 0 level-burst, catfall, detect
psionics; 1st level- biofeedback, call weaponry,
hustle; 2nd level- body equilibrium, combat
prescience; 3rd level - displacement
Psionic Combat Modes known: empty mind, id
insinuation, ego whip, mind blast
SASmite Evil (Su): 1/day, Delos may add +2 to
an attack roll against an evil opponent, and if he hits,
adds +1 to the damage.
SAPsionic Smite (Su): Once per day, Delos
can add +2 bonus to a psionic attack roll, and a +1
bonus to the ability damage done by his psionic
attack modes to evil psionic creatures, or stun an evil
non-psionic creature for an additional round.
SQRestoring hands (Sp): Delos may heal up to
3 points of ability score damage per day, and can
divide this healing up. He can also using these
points to cause temporary Strength damage to
undead creatures with a melee touch attack.
SQRetribution (Su): Delos gains a +1 insight
bonus to attack rolls against creatures he has
detected as evil.
SQDodge Evil (Ex): Delos never loses his
Dexterity bonus to AC against evil creatures.
Equipment: mithral shirt, impact quarterstaff +1
(Named Sorrow, this staff is mentally audible. It


telepathically weeps every time it slays anything.), ,

cloak of resistance +2, psionic tattoos:
adjustment (x4), time hop (x4), mindlink (x4)
History: Early in life, Delos was small for his
age and often chased by bullies through the streets
of the large city he called home. He got in fights
every day and finally left home as a teenager to seek
his fortune. Soon, he came upon a small village
terrorized by an ogre named Garik. Garik regularly
raided the village, taking what he wanted and beating
anyone opposing him to death. Delos stood up to
the huge creature and fought him off with a tree
branch. A wandering paladin, also responding to the
villages plight, witnessed this bravery and Delos
incredible speed, and offered to take him into his
order as a squire. After traveling with the paladin
and becoming impressed with the knights
selflessness, Delos was accepted into the order and
became a paladin himself.
Some time later, when his liege was killed in
battle, Delos began to feel pain whenever evil came
near, and became a sensate. He has left the paladin
order, and now wanders the world, looking for a
powerful psion to help him deal with his abilities. So
far, none have been able to help, but he has gained
numerous contacts in the psionic underworld, and
has a mentor of sorts who occasionally scribes
psionic tattoos for him. Delos dislikes cities, but
haunts them anyway, always in search of someone
who can explain his abilities, and possibly offer a
Appearance: Delos is a thin man, appearing
over thirty even though he is in his twenties, who
nearly always wears a pained expression when in
populated areas, due to his sensitivity to evil. The
presence of a particularly good aura dampens the
pain, and always brings a smile to his face. Delos
conceals his mithral shirt under voluminous cloaks
and robes, and often poses as a traveling wizard or
sage. His numerous tattoos are more difficult to
conceal, and often mark him as a stranger.
Personality: Delos is like a kind, cheerful man
who happens to have a headache. Fits of irritability
and impatience spoil his otherwise benevolent
nature. He is always fighting to suppress the
constant pain of evil auras.
Using Delos: Delos can be used as a cohort by
a psion or paladin, or as a source of information in a
city. He is especially good at finding strong sources
of tangible evil, such as evil outsiders or spellcasters.
Delos might come to the player characters for
help if an evil too powerful for him to fight is nearby.
Such a danger would cause him great pain, and he
may even reward someone who vanquished it.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

Sword Saint
A paladin is a warrior, not a cleric. Move aside.
A sword saint is a type of paladin who channels
divine power into a holy blade. They are usually
paladins, but sometimes non-paladins who have
answered the call of duty become
sword saints.
Sword saints usually do not refer
to themselves as such, but typically
call themselves paladins. Only the
most high level (usually level 7+)
sword saints ever dare to use the
title sword saint.
Design Notes: This class is
primarily for paladins who do not
like casting spells. Some paladin
players just like to fight, and this
class gives them the opportunity
to be very good at it without taking
levels of fighter.
Hit Die: d10

Alignment: Lawful good
Base attack bonus: +6 or higher
Feats: Weapon Focus with any
two of the following: bastard sword,
great sword, long sword, rapier,
scimitar, short sword, two-bladed sword
You must have the
paladins smite evil ability.

Class Skills
The sword saints class skills (and key abilities for



each) are Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle

Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (religion) (Int),
Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), and Sense Motive
Skill Points per Level: 2+ Int modifier

Class Features
Paladin abilities (Su): Your effective level
for using the following abilities equals your
sword saint level plus your paladin levels, if
any: lay on hands and smite evil. Also,
sword saints may use smite evil one
additional time per day.
Heal Blade (Sp): You may use your
lay on hands ability to cure damage
dealt to a righteous, holy, or holy
burst sword, including a sword that
gained its ability from one of your
sword saint class abilities or one
summoned by you with the call holy
avenger ability.
Righteous Blade (Su):
meditating and attuning yourself to the
blade for a full 24 hours, any single
magical sword (including any of the
following: bastard sword, great sword,
long sword, rapier, scimitar, short sword,
two-bladed sword) you wield gains the
righteous special ability (See Chapter 4)
but only when you wield it.
If the sword already had the righteous,
holy or holy burst special ability, then this class ability
has no effect. Swords with the blasphemous, unholy,
or unholy burst special abilities or with an evil
alignment cannot be affected with this ability. You








Paladin Abilities, Heal Blade, Righteous Blade

My Blade is My Life
Holy Blade
Bonus Feat
Holy Burst Blade
Bonus Feat
Call Holy Avenger

Table 1-11, the Sword Saint


Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

may only enhance two blades in this manner at any your hand for a number of rounds equal to the sum of
one time, one for each hand, and may remove the your paladin and sword saint levels.
The blade is usually a holy avenger, but the GM
effect as a free action, if you wish to enhance a
may choose a different weapon with a good
different blade.
Smite Evil Blade (Sp): The corruption of steel alignment of equal or lesser value if it better fits the
cannot be tolerated. Once per day, whenever you situation. For example, a sword saint facing a horde
are attacking a magical weapon, you may add your of undead may receive a sun blade.
Blades summoned in this manner may also be
Charisma bonus to the attack roll, and deal 1 extra
point of damage per level. Your effective level for intelligent, if the GM so chooses, and can offer
advice or knowledge, and not just
using this ability equals your
serve as a weapon.
sword saint level plus your paladin
Organization Statblocks
Ex-Sword Saint: If you ever
lose the ability to smite evil, for
My Blade is My Life (Su):
See Chapter 2 and 3 for more
information on tenets and paladin
instance by becoming an ex-paladin,
Any time a sword enhanced by
then you become an ex-sword saint
your sword saint class abilities
By summarizing organizations
and lose the use of all your special
takes damage, you may choose
into a statblock-like format, you can
abilities until you regain the ability.
instead to take the damage
give players information on your
campaign at a glance.
Deathblade: A deathblade is
yourself. Damage absorbed in
an evil prestige class with abilities
this manner is not affected by
Sisters of the Far Isle: Paladin Order
similar to that of a sword saint,
damage reduction or spell effects,
Summary: The Sisters of the Far
except they gain no paladin abilities,
and must be taken. Using this
Isle are an all female order of
ranger/paladins, some of which are
and instead of righteous, holy and
ability is not an action.
sword saints. They were originally
holy burst blades, the deathblade
For example, Katrina, a sword
formed when a magical plague killed
imbues his blades as blasphemous,
saint, is battling Garog, an evil
most of the men on the islands.
unholy, or unholy burst, respectively.
ogre fighter with the Improved
Recently, the order has not been
active, but an invasion of devils has
Instead of smite evil blade, they can
Sunder feat. Garog smashes his
caused them to rally. Note that they
smite good blades, and can call an
Huge greatclub down on Katrinas
have no prejudices against males, but
unholy destroyer (see Chapter 4)
holy rapier +2 with a critical hit for
there are very few males on the Far
instead of a holy avenger. Also,
40 points of damage. To the
Isles and none have been called to
duty in recorded history.
deathblades do not need to be able
ogres amazement, the sword
Race: Any, but humans are the
to cast bless weapon or to smite
holds true and does not even
most common. All are female.
evil. They only need to be evil and
show a nick, but Katrina winces as
Patron Deity: none, the Sisters
to swear an oath to serve an evil
blood trickles out of her mouth.
are secular
outsider in exchange for their
Holy Blade (Su): This ability
powers, the same as a blackguard.
works the same as the righteous
Improved Critical, Smite Favored
Ex-sword saints who take this
blade ability, except that the sword
dark path exchange all of their exgains the holy special ability (see
Skills: Max out Heal
sword saint levels for deathblade
the DMG, Chapter 7, Magic Item
levels. Returning to the sword saint
Descriptions, Weapons) for as
Tenets: Must never surrender,
class after taking this oath is
long as you hold it.
though they may retreat. (tactical)
Deathblades who
Bonus Feat: Sword saints
Must not have a patron deity. All
Sisters of the Far Isle worship their
violate their oath or become non-evil
gain bonus feats at 5th and 9th
ancestors and gain their powers from
lose all class abilities and become
levels. They may choose any feat
the spirits of long dead female
ex- deathblades forever.
they meet the prerequisite for that
warriors. (cultural/tactical)
requires them to specify a weapon
Alignment (Tilt): LG (NG)
type or that has the paladins
Sample NPC
smite evil ability as a prerequisite.
The weapon type they specify
Time to send you back.
must be a sword (including any of the following:
bastard sword, greatsword, katana, longsword, Rng3/Pal3/Sword Saint 5: CR11; Medium-size
rapier, scimitar, shortsword, two-bladed sword).
Humanoid (human); HD 3d8+8d10+22; HP 68; Init
Holy Burst Blade (Su): This ability works the +3; Spd 30ft; AC 18 (+3 Dex, +5 heavy shield);
same as the righteous blade ability, except that the Melee +2 keen longsword +14/+9/+4 (1d8+2/crit 15sword gains the holy burst special ability (see 20/x2);SA smite evil 3/day, favored enemy; SQ
Chapter 4) while you wield it.
detect evil, divine grace, divine health, lay on hands,
Call Holy Avenger (Sp): Once per day, as a aura of courage, heal blade, my blade is my life, holy
standard action you may summon an ancient blade blade; AL LG;SV Fort +15, Ref +12, Will +7;Str 10,
used by a legendary paladin. The blade appears in Dex 16, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 16.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 1: Classes and Feats

Skills and Feats: Climb +9, Diplomacy +8 (5),
Heal +15 (14), Knowledge (planes) +5 (4),
Knowledge (religion) +6 (5), Listen +7 (6), Search +7
(6), Sense Motive +12 (11), Spot +7 (6), Survival +7
(6), Swim +6; Bolster Smite, Combat Expertise,
Improved Critical (longsword), Smite Favored
Enemy*, Track, Weapon Focus (rapier), Weapon
Focus (longsword).
* new feat, see page 4.
SA-Favored Enemies (Ex):
Against evil
outsiders, Katrina gains a +2 bonus to Bluff, Listen,
Sense Motive, Spot and Survival checks and deals
+2 points of damage in melee.
SASmite Evil (Su): 3/day, Katrina may add +3
to an attack roll against an evil opponent, and if she
hits, adds +8 to the damage. If the opponent is an
evil outsider, she does +11 damage instead, plus the
+2 damage from the favored enemy ability. One of
her smites for the day can only be used against evil
SQLay on Hands (Sp): Katrina may heal up to
33 points of damage per day. She can divide his
healing up as she likes.
SQMy Blade is My Life (Su): Katrina may take
any damage inflicted on a blade she wields.
SQHoly Blade (Su): Any sword Katrina wields
gains the holy special ability (+2d6 holy damage
against evil creatures).
Equipment: +2 keen longsword, +3 heavy steel
shield, mw shortsword, mw chainmail bikini
History: Tired of fighting a guerrila war from the
wild jungles of their island, Katrinas older sister
summoned fiends to protect their tropical island
home from invaders. Though her sisters intentions
were good, she made one pact too many with a pit
fiend and lost her soul to darkness. Katrina watched
her sisters soul get sucked into hell, and was forever
changed. At the age of 20 she picked up her
mothers sword and charged through the still open
portal into a dark place of firey doom.
She remembers well the torture she suffered.
Shortly after her foolish attack, she was rescued by a

raiding party of solars. They healed her and showed

her the paradise she would someday visit. The
experience overwhelmed her, and she answered the
call of duty with a proud heart.
Now the same creatures who killed her sister are
conquering her land, and she searches for a way to
fight them while hoping to rescue her sister from hell
itself, even though she has been advised repeatedly
that her sister chose her fate willingly, and could not
be redeemed.
Recently, Katrina accepted leadership of the
Sisters of Far Isle, a paladin order spanning the
island archipeligo she calls home.
Appearance: Katrina shuns armor, preferring
warmer climates and as little clothing as possible,
and even going topless when the local culture allows
it. Her body is toned and deeply tanned. She likes
jewelry, but seldom wears much when fighting. She
usually carries a magical longsword, and sometimes
a backup weapon, usually a masterwork shortsword.
Personality: Katrina is driven to fight the fiends
of hell on their own ground. She knows she cannot
confront them directly, at least not yet, and is content
to merely thwart their plans on the prime material
plane. Being a paladin is a source of great pride to
Katrina; it gives her the purpose in life she missed
after her children were killed. She does not think of
herself as a sword saint, but simply as a paladin
who disdains spellcasting.
Using Katrina:
Katrina is likely to be
encountered away from her homeland on a quest to
find allies against the diabolic invaders who are
spreading disease to the children of her islands.
What she does not realize is that her sister
Elenas corrupt soul has become a powerful diabolic
wizard and a key part of the invading force. Rather
than destroying Katrina, Elena seeks to corrupt her
into becoming a deathblade. Elena will attempt to
seduce any paladin helping Katrina with the same
goal in mind: corruption. Elena does not want to
destroy anyone; she wants as many as possible to
fall from grace and join her side.


Chapter 2: Roleplaying Paladins

There are three things that define a paladin:
1. Paladins are called into service.
character chooses to become a paladin.
The player may choose to have his
character become a paladin, but the
character cannot choose this path.
2. They must be of lawful good alignment.
3. They swear to follow a strict Code of
Conduct and not to associate with those of
evil alignment.
The paladin is the only non-prestige class that
restrictions. Other classes may have alignment
restrictions and guidelines on roleplaying, but the
paladin has the most heavy-handed limits in the

Answering the Call

I remember when I first saw the
unicorn beckoning me to follow him
into a verdant forest. At first it was
merely in my dreams, and I convinced
myself that I had merely eaten too
much rich food, even though never
before had I dreamed in color or
smelled such sweet air.
I ran away from the noble beast. I
was afraid, not of the creature, but to
accept such responsibility. After some
time, the wicked deeds of others and
the cries of the victims hurt like a
splinter in my heart, and the nighttime
dreams became daytime visions.
Walking to the unicorn gave me peace
and took the pain away. I am no
longer afraid.
When taking the paladin class,
you and the GM should decide who
has called your paladin into service
and why. Picking up a level of paladin
is not like taking a level of rogue or
fighter. It is much more than a skill set
or a style of fighting. Becoming a
paladin is a serious life event that
starts with the call.
Paladins have all answered the
call of duty, but not all do so for the
same reasons.
Choosing the
motivation for your paladins drive is
The reason for taking on the

game, and is the hardest class to play.

The goal of this chapter is not to tell anyone how
they should play paladins. The GMs interpretation of
alignment and the Code of Conduct is the only one that
matters, not what it says in this book.
The goal of the chapter (and the main goal of this
book) is to get the GM and paladin player thinking and
talking about these issues before playing the game.
The biggest problem with playing paladins is the
potential for misunderstandings between the GM and
Take some time to talk about the issues in this
chapter between game sessions, and fewer problems
will pop up during play.

Paladins and Religion

There are a couple of myths
regarding paladins and religion.
The first myth is that paladins are
called by and must follow a patron
deity. This is not always the case.
Paladins can be called by the
philosophy of righteousness, by a
powerful abstract force, or a
powerful creature that is not quite a
The second myth is that
paladins always gain their powers
from a patron deity. There is no
need for a paladin to follow a
specific deity, and even if a paladin
chooses to do so, that god may not
be the source of their powers.
Usually, whatever called the paladin
in the first place grants the paladins
powers. Gods or creatures who
grant powers to paladins must have
levels as paladins themselves, and
are therefore lawful good and follow
the same Code of Conduct.
The fact is that some paladins
are not very religious at all. These
allegiance to a good government,
an honorable conclave of wizards,
or even a benevolent thieves guild
that operates to thwart an evil
government. Or they may answer
to no one except their conscience
and operate independently.
However, secular paladins are
the exception in most campaigns.
Paladins rely on clerics, most of
whom have a patron deity with an
organized religion.
They need
clerics for their wisdom, their
healing power, and sometimes for
their ability to cast atonement.

challenge of paladinhood defines

how a paladin will operate.
Following are some motivations
and the implications of each. You
can choose one or more for your

Motivation: You have a deep
caring for others.
Examples: You have seen
too many innocents die, perhaps
in a war or massacre.
Implications: Your main goal
is to prevent the plans of evil from
succeeding and save as many
lives as possible.
Given the
choice of rescuing captives or
killing their oppressors, you will
not hesitate to choose the former.

Motivation: You have been
wronged by evil and you want
innocents to have justice. And
yes, perhaps you want vengeance
as well.
Examples: A loved one was
murdered, you were enslaved,
something you created was
destroyed, or perhaps you grew
up in an evil land where all of
these things happened, or worse.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 2: Roleplaying Paladins

Implications: You focus on punishing evil for
Given the choice of defending a
ravaged town from further attacks or hunting down
the raiders in a preemptive strike, you will choose the
latter every time.

Lawfully Inclined
Motivation: You want the power to enforce the
law of the land.
You are in a land that has
descended into anarchy, or have been victimized by
Implications: You focus on fighting chaotic
enemies and working with legitimate authority.

committed terrible acts in your past,
and hope to redeem your soul with
acts of goodness.
Examples: You may have done
a series of evil acts, or perhaps only
one terrible thing. It may or may not
be a secret.
You may have
enemies who were once allies,
mentors, or students.
Implications: You tend to fight
those who committed evil acts
similar to your crimes.


may have been healed or raised by a cleric of your

deity, or may have even spoken face-to-face with
your god.
Implications: Religion is a cornerstone of your
paladinhood. You are likely to take the advice of
clerics of your faith, and spend a great deal of time
studying religion and defending your church. You
focus on defeating foes that follow opposing faiths.


Motivation: You were raised to fight evil.

Examples: Your father was a paladin and so
was his. You learned to wield a sword as soon as
you could walk, and could ride a horse before that.
Implications: All of your life you have known
that you would answer the call. Doing so came as
naturally as breathing, and you know
little else. You have a hard time
Planning to Fail
relating to non-paladins, and tend to
fight the same forces of evil that your
When planning to play a
elders faced.
paladin, there is an option that
many players and GMs overlook.
You can plan to play a paladin
who violates the Code of Conduct
and eventually becomes an expaladin.
Why would you want to do
this? You may be interested a
prestige class that rewards expaladin levels, such as the chaos
knight or blackguard.
However, do not forget the
roleplaying opportunities gained
by playing a character with expaladin levels. If the focus of
your game is on roleplaying
instead of combat, playing a
fallen paladin can be great fun.
uncertainty of such a character,
the relationships with those he
may have betrayed, and the
temptations he will face from
those trying to get him to ally with
evil as a blackguard.

Motivation: You did not really

want to be a paladin, but the calling
was too strong to ignore.
Sometimes the
need for a paladin is so great that it
is forced on a creature. They are
drafted into service by a higher
power, and forced to become
Implications: Even though you did not want to
answer the call, you have a great sense of
responsibility and now that you are a paladin, you
find it difficult to reject the burden. You are cynical
about the whole situation, and tend to disdain other
paladins and religious organizations. You do not
exactly think of paladinhood as a curse, but its
certainly no blessing to you.

Motivation: You have recently been divinely
Examples: Your faith in your patron deity is new
and sudden. You may have witnessed a miracle,

Motivation: You have a craving
for power, and believe it should go to
the righteous, that is, you.
You might be a
religious leader, noble, or politician.
You have a lot of confidence, and are
probably successful and respected in
the community by many.
Implications: Paladins motivated
by pride may be righteous warriors of
law and good, but also wish to make
themselves more powerful because
they believe they are more worthy
than others. If you are interested in a
holier than thou personality, or plan
to play an ex-paladin (see boxed text)
this is one way to go.

Motivation: You are simply driven to fight evil.
It is an addiction for you.
Defeating evil gives you an
emotional high, almost like a drug, or you feel
physically sick if you allow evil to win, or both.
Implications: You tend to fight evil wherever
you find it, and as quickly as possible. If given the
choice between traveling for a week to slay a great
source of evil like a demon, or traveling overnight to
fight a lesser evil, you would choose the latter, then
would do a forced march to defeat the demon while
hoping to run into bandits along the way.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 2: Roleplaying Paladins

Paladins and Alignment

Lawful Neutral Tilt: A paladin with a lawful
Being lawful good means that you are honorable neutral tilt is sometimes more concerned about law
and compassionate. You are willing to risk yourself and order than the well being of others. Such a
to protect the innocent and to fight evil in an paladin might prefer to fight a chaotic evil monster on
a rampage rather than topple the
honorable way. You tell the truth,
regime of a lawful evil ruler.
keep your promises, and follow the
Does Alignment
They tend to prefer open combat
laws of legitimate authority. You see
Determine Behavior?
rather than tactics requiring stealth,
the value of organization and
ranged weapons, or deception. Lying
teamwork, and are likely to swear
Remember that you are
is forbidden, even if innocents might
loyalty to a just ruler.
not required to roleplay in
be hurt by the truth, although staying
However, no matter how strict a
Instead, your
stubbornly silent is allowed. Orders
paladin may be, they sometimes
that have this tilt may place a heavy
commit acts that are not purely lawful
determined by the way you
emphasis on honor and tradition, and
good. Paladins and organizations of
often promote the ideals of chivalry.
paladins typically lean in one of two
interpreted by the GM. You
Neutral Good Tilt: Paladins with
directions when straying from the
alignment, but after that, the
this tilt sometimes go with the belief
narrow path of lawful good: They lean
GM decides what it is based
that the end justifies the means. To
towards lawful neutral or neutral good.
on your behavior.
a paladin with this tilt, service to the
These leanings are the tilt of a
In other words, the GM
should never say Youre
forces of good is slightly more
paladin or paladin organization.
lawful good, you cant do that!,
important than a dedication to law.
Remember that if a paladins
but could say Are you sure
Paladins with this tilt are more
alignment actually changes to one of
you want to do that, it may
to use deception, sneak attacks,
these alignments, then they violate
affect your alignment?.
If the GM feels you have
and disguises to protect the innocent
their Code of Conduct and become
committed an evil act, you
and fight evil. They still do not lie or
ex-paladins until a cleric casts
could end up playing an exdefy legitimate authority. However,
A tilt merely defines
If that seems too
such paladins have been known to
which way a paladin errs when
restrictive, dont play a paladin.
The class is subjective and
use loopholes in the law, omit certain
confronted with an ethical or moral
challenging to play, and may
facts, and ask for forgiveness rather
dilemma requiring him to choose
not be fun for you.
than permission.
between the ideals of law and good.
Orders of paladins with a neutral
Some paladins do not have a tilt,
or go back and forth between the two ideals, and a good tilt tend to place more importance on
few paladins (but almost no organizations of individuality and occasionally go on covert missions,
paladins) are beyond reproach and tread the difficult frequently using the undetectable alignment spell.
path of law and good with perfection.

The Code of Conduct

You must understand that the Code is more than a
set of guidelines, rules, or even religious laws. The
Code of Conduct is our strategic plan for defeating
the forces of evil. You may win a few battles without
the Code. However, those who are called must rise
above our enemies; only by fighting from a higher
ethical and moral ground can we hope to win the
- an unnamed mentor
The paladin is one of the few examples in the
d20 system of using roleplaying restrictions to
balance game mechanics. That is because the
paladin is a special class, and worthy of such an
exception. The fantasy genre would not be complete
without them.
Unfortunately, the Code makes the paladin hard

to play. Its interpretation is subjective. The goal of

this section is to explain the paladins Code of
Conduct in detail. It is one view of the Code, and not
necessarily your GMs view, so be sure to talk to your
GM about their interpretation before play.
The paladins restrictions on associates
technically are not part of the Code of Conduct, but
are a part of the Code in spirit and so are
commented on here.

The Code, Line-by-Line

A paladin must be of lawful good
Remember that while the player chooses the
initial alignment of a character, the GM may change it
to reflect your actions (see the PHB, Chapter 6:

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 2: Roleplaying Paladins

Description, Alignment). Lawful good means that atonement for a paladin who has committed an evil
you are both honorable and compassionate. It does act, or may require a special quest first.
Since paladins cannot cast atonement, most
not mean following the rules just because you dont
paladins have close ties to
want to be punished, or being
clerics. The temple or church
good to others when it is
Evil Player Characters
may have quite a bit of influence
convenient for you. Being lawful
over paladins in the campaign
good means that you go out of
According to the PHB, Most player
world. A paladin who belongs to
your way to uphold the best ideals
characters are good or neutral rather than
an order without religious ties
of society in order to make things
evil. In general, evil alignments are for
villains and monsters. Therefore, the rules
may have difficulty in finding a
better for others.
allow evil player characters.
cleric willing to atone him.
All of this is subjective.
However, an evil player character in
Acts of evil performed
Others often view people who
the party presents a problem. It limits the
unknowingly or unwillingly are
think they are lawful good in real
class choices of the other players. You
cannot effectively play a paladin if there is
not truly evil, just as forcing or
life as neutral good or even
an evil player character in the group
tricking a demon into doing
neutral. In fact, even the most
because of the paladins restrictions on
something good would not truly
notorious villains, in both fiction
associates, and the evil character also
be a good act on the part of the
and real life, rarely think of
cannot be effectively played, at least not
without potentially disruptive conflicts
However, evil acts
themselves as evil, and often
between the characters, or even the
committed unwillingly may be
consider themselves righteous.
players. Paladins dont look the other way
considered dishonorable and
However, this is not real life; it is a
with regard to the behavior of their
therefore a gross violation of
fantasy roleplaying game. In the
the Code; the GM may rule that
game, the GMs point of view on
There are several solutions to this
they leave a stain on the soul
your alignment is the only one that
and still cause a paladin to lose
1. Do not allow evil player characters.
his special abilities until the
Talk with the GM before play
This is the simplest solution, and is
recommended. Many evil character
about alignment changes. There
concepts, especially grim anti-heroes
atonement spell, but no XP cost
is no hard rule on when a GM can
out for vengeance can be portrayed
should be required in this case.
change your alignment, so when
with a neutral alignment just fine, and
Committing an evil act while
playing a paladin you need to
a neutral character can commit an evil
act now and then without becoming
under duress or because of a
know how strict your GM will be.
threat to your well-being or that
Will they change your alignment at
2. Modify the paladins associates
of an innocent is still considered
the slightest infraction, after a
restriction so that she can adventure
to be knowingly and willingly
series of violations, or somewhere
with evil characters for limited times.
This is not recommended, since it
committing evil. Paladins with
Alternatively, will
cheapens the paladin class and is not
an aura of courage are immune
they give you a warning, or even
logical. But perhaps the evil character
to fear, and cannot be
leave alignment changes up to
is trying to change his ways, and the
intimidated or threatened into
you? Any of these methods are
paladin is trying to convert him. This
shouldnt go on forever though. If the
doing something against their
within the rules and perfectly
evil character does not change
beliefs. Even those without an
acceptable, and since this directly
alignments, the paladin should stop
aura of courage are still
affects the game play of your
associating with him.
responsible for their actions
character, you should know how it
3. Do not allow paladins as player
This is obviously not
when afraid.
will be handled.
recommended; since you are reading
However, even a paladin
If you are the GM, go out of
this book, it is unlikely that this option
an aura of courage may be
your way to let players of
interests you.
tempted to go astray to save
There may be other solutions, but it
innocents, not out of fear, but
(paladins, monks, etc) know how
really boils down to this: If youre running a
you handle these issues.
heroic campaign, then evil player
and loses all special
characters dont belong, and if youre not
innocents to be harmed when
abilities if she ever willingly
running a heroic campaign, then paladins
dont belong.
ordered to by an enemy holding
commits an act of evil.
his companions hostage would
A paladins abilities can be
become an ex-paladin.
recovered through the use of an
atonement spell. Remember, however, that the spell may seem unfair, but to a paladin, evil should not be
states in the case of a creature atoning for dealt with, it should be defeated, and giving into the
deliberate misdeeds and acts of a knowing and willful demands of those who take hostages merely
nature, you must intercede with your deity (requiring encourages more hostage-taking. The worldview of
you to expend 500 XP) in order to expunge the a paladin with respect to good and evil is black and
subjects burden. Clerics may not be willing to cast white, with no shades of gray to hide in.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 2: Roleplaying Paladins

Using surprise, attacking with a ranged weapon,
Additionally, a paladins code requires that
using the Bluff skill to feint, attacking an unaware
she respect legitimate authority,
Here, the code shifts gears. Beginning with this enemy, or attacking a fleeing villain is perfectly
line, only gross violations of the code can cause a acceptable and does not violate the Code.
paladin to lose their special abilities and become an Remember that deception is part of the art of war,
ex-paladin. The definition of a gross violation is and a paladin is a warrior class. In fact, one of the
subjective and up to the GM. It could mean only spells on the paladin spell list is undetectable
clear and flagrant violations such as openly refusing alignment, a spell designed to conceal.
The abilities of other classes are not
the direct orders of a good king, or it could mean
repeated violations, like consistently
telling white lies and half-truths over
The Culture Trap
sneak attack in combat without
the course of a year or more.
violating the Code. Sneak attacks
Legitimate authority can be
People in different times
and lands often have vastly
represent striking a vital spot when an
taken to mean a non-evil leader or
different values.
enemy is not in a position to protect
organization of a leader respected by
considered barbaric in the real
themself effectively, and are not
the majority of the beings they have
world in the 21 century (at
necessarily the same as a stab in the
influence over. If the majority of the
least in most of it, thankfully),
such as slavery, torture, and
people want to overthrow an
human sacrifice were not
Likewise, a sorcerer/paladin or
unpopular monarch, then the current
considered to be all that bad
could use non-evil spells
government might not be considered
by some in medieval times,
such as charm person, harm or hold
the legitimate authority by the Code.
and just another part of a very
rough place where life had little
person in combat without violating the
Religion can help here. A paladins
Such spells might seem
church usually specifies the legitimate
Take a fresh look at your
so is stabbing someone
political authority in a region.
campaign world and decide
and wearing armor, from
Please note that paladins need
how it is socially the same, and
how it is different from the real
a certain point of view.
not respect evil authority. A truly evil
Attacking a helpless foe, slaying
government, such as a land ruled by a
Players of paladins need
for committing a minor act of
devil, a wicked king who uses terror to
to know what is considered
evil, or not showing mercy to a
enforce his authority, or an evil temple
good and evil by the forces
that grant them their powers,
surrendering foe could be considered
or clerical order can be openly
and more importantly, by the
dishonorable. Using poison is clearly
opposed. Evil is never considered
GM. Rescuing the princess
legitimate, and the fight against evil
might not be the lawful good
Nevertheless, it is ultimately up to
takes priority over the fight against
thing to do at all.
the GM what dishonorable means.
Remember that it takes a gross
act with honor (not lying, not
violation of this part of the Code for a paladin to lose
cheating, not using poison, and so forth)
Honor can be quite subjective and often depends their abilities. Slaying a surrendering evil foe might
on culture. This aspect of the Code should never be an appropriate action, if the paladin believes the
restrict the paladin so much that they cannot foe is able and willing to escape and commit more
evil, or if the paladin has no means of taking
effectively and vigorously fight evil.
It is clear that not lying means that paladins prisoners. Using poison against a foe immune to
should always tell the truth. Lying to your allies and your normal attacks might be the only way to save
those in legitimate authority is clearly against the innocent lives. For reasons such as this, the Code is
Code. However, not lying does not mean that you not as strict on matters of honor as it is on
must speak the truth.
Remaining silent when committing acts of evil.
In any case, remember that the paladin is a
questioned is quite acceptable. In addition, not
lying does not mean that deceptive tactics like fighting class, and perfectly capable of winning
disguising yourself to infiltrate an enemy fortress are against evil in a fair fight, and sometimes when the
forbidden. Even if you do lie, remember that it would odds are stacked against them. Paladins should
take a gross violation of this part of the Code to lose always try to win with honor.
your powers. If lying to an enemy saves the lives of
help those who need help (provided they do
innocents or otherwise thwarts evil, your GM not use the help for evil or chaotic ends)
Refusing to help an innocent is only acceptable if
probably should not consider that a gross violation of
the Code unless the tactic is repeated often or when the paladin has prior obligations that are more critical
alternatives are available. Remember that paladins in the overall fight against evil. This is a judgment
are heroes. Fighting against terrible odds is always call that the paladin must make.
Should he stay and help protect the village
considered a valid alternative, and risking your life is
against an impending attack by ogres that might not
not an option, it is expected.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 2: Roleplaying Paladins

come for a week or more, or continue on his quest to For example, slaying an evil king who tortures his
slay the evil troll lord, thereby saving many villages? subjects might seem like the correct thing to do, but if
Perhaps a preemptive strike on the ogres on the way it throws the land into a chaotic civil war where many
to the troll lords fortress would be possible. more innocents will suffer, another course of action
Balancing the needs of the many with the needs of may be advisable. Punishment in this case may be
simply finding a righteous ruler and
the few is difficult. Ultimately, the
imprisoning the current despot.
paladin must accept that he cannot
Punishing Paladins
The term innocents is also
help everyone and must make a
to interpretation. A simple
You are the GM and one of
the player characters, a paladin,
definition of an innocent is someone
A wise paladin will realize that
has just done something that you
who is not guilty of committing or
when someone asks for help, what
find questionable. Should you
planning to commit an evil act. This
they say they need and what they
take away his powers? Force
includes those of neutral alignment
really need are not necessarily the
him to seek atonement? Give
him some subtle warnings? Talk
who have not committed evil acts
same things. Staying a day to teach
to him out of character?
and do not intend to do so. Some
the villagers how to defend against the
There are many ways to
neutral creatures are certainly not
ogres might be more helpful to them in
handle the situation, but always
innocent and have evil inclinations.
the long run than waiting around and
consider the following:
paladin isnt much different from
Evil creatures are not innocent; they
helping in the actual fight.
a lawful good fighter/cleric as far
have committed acts that caused
The spirit of this part of the Code
as role-playing considerations or
their alignment to shift to evil, or are
is that the paladin does whatever is
abilities. In most campaigns, a
simply evil by nature. In any case, a
possible to help others. He must go
lawful good fighter/cleric almost
never loses his class abilities for
paladin should consider a creature
the extra mile and do beyond what
to be innocent until they prove
others would do. Every waking hour
questionable actions.
is spent upholding the ideals of the
Consider how you would
Remember, however, that a
Code, and a paladin should never
treat a lawful good fighter/cleric
who committed the same act.
paladin is not restricted from aiding
deny others aid just because it is
Would you do anything? If not,
an evil creature.
The most
inconvenient or dangerous.
then consider giving the paladin a
and punish those who harm or
break. Whoever or whatever in
known to save even the most vile
threaten innocents.
your campaign granted the
paladin his powers would be
villain from fates that they didnt
This section of the Code of
loath to take them away. As long
deserve, and have even managed to
Conduct has great meaning, not
as the paladin is performing, that
redeem such souls.
because of what it says, but because
is, effectively protecting the
Of course, the most evil
of what it omits.
innocent and fighting evil, a few
minor infractions on the Code of
offenders, the type that paladins
There is no mention in the Code
Conduct will likely be overlooked
seek out with the most vigor, must
that evil must be punished, or that
by those powers, and should be
be destroyed, and a paladin should
evil needs to be slayed. Being evil is
overlooked by you.
not hesitate to carry out that
not enough to warrant a paladins
The focus of the game is on
heroic fantasy, not morals and
sentence. Clerics of evil deities, evil
attention. A creature must be a threat
ethics in the real world.
outsiders, and undead are examples
to innocents to incur a paladins wrath.
Paladins should be held to a
of creatures that radiate a palpable
Paladins do not go hunting red
higher standard than lawful good
form of evil that must be banished.
dragons or attacking tribes of ogres
fighter/clerics, and as long as the
moral challenges the players face
Granting mercy to such a foe is
just because they are almost always
are fun, it is ok. But try not to be
inadvisable, as it is unlikely they will
evil, nor do they use their detect evil
too strict. Let the paladin get
change their ways.
ability like a police radar designed to
away with a few mistakes if the
catch speeders. Paladins exist to
Associates: While she may
action was borderline.
matter what type of ruling youre
thwart the plans of evil in order to
adventure with characters of any
making, its generally better for
prevent suffering and to deter future
good or neutral alignment, a paladin
the campaign to err on the side of
acts of evil.
will never knowingly associate with
the players. They only control
Getting back to what this part of
evil characters. A paladin will not
one character, and taking away
that characters powers is an
the Code does say, the word punish
extreme measure.
is probably the vaguest word in the
someone who consistently offends
Code, and for good reason. Paladins
her moral code. A paladin may only
are empowered, and indeed required,
hire henchmen or accept followers
to use force to protect and avenge the innocent. The who are lawful good.
Simply put, paladins only ally with heroes.
type of force, or punishment, depends on the threat.
Paladins will use their detect evil ability on
They are the judge, jury and executioner of those
prospective companions, and so will not foolishly ally
who harm or seek to harm an innocent.
Often, lethal force is not required or advisable. with evil creatures.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 2: Roleplaying Paladins

Nothing, however, prevents a paladin from Adding to the Code with Tenets
having friends of good or neutral, or even chaotic,
alignments. Many paladins will respect the opinions
Because the Code is part of the game balance
and advice of such friends, even if they disagree on for the paladin class, we do not recommend
some or many points.
changing it. Making it less strict is certainly a bad
Paladins will never approve of dishonorable or idea, and dilutes the class. However, adding to the
chaotic behavior, and will not tolerate evil. They will Code to reflect a religious or cultural aspect of your
not conveniently walk away when the partys paladin is a good idea, if it is not over done.
chaotic neutral rogue is interrogating prisoners or Additions to the Code of Conduct are called tenets.
pilfering the temple coffers. Lawful
The tenets of your organization
good does not mean lawful stupid;
may change over time. An invasion of
Paladins and Chivalry
roleplay paladins according to their
undead might prompt a paladin order
Intelligence scores, but do not
to adopt a tenet that requires them to
Paladin orders (particularly
compromise their integrity.
attack undead on sight.
those with a lawful neutral tilt)
If the other player characters
Alternatively, your order may
sometimes promote the ideals of
consistently and flagrantly violate
chivalry. Chivalry is defined as
experience a schism, dividing into two
The qualities idealized by
your moral code, talk to them and
sides with different tenets. They need
knighthood, such as bravery,
the GM out of the game, and try to
not become sworn enemies or attempt
courtesy, honor, and gallantry
find a solution. Paladins belong in
to destroy one another, but may
toward women. It is best
heroic campaigns, and if that is not
represented by the use of tenets.
simply be rival churches with
Suggested tenets for an order
the type of game you are in, there
difcommitted to chivalry include:
will be problems. On the other

Always show courtesy to

hand, you cannot expect the other
organizations can bitterly disagree on
women (or men if you are
characters, even if they are lawful
female and your culture
some points.
perceives men as the
good, to follow the Code like a
Tenets can be cultural or tactical
weaker sex) (cultural)
paladin, so try to show some
Tactical tenets are the most

Always offer a salute to your

tolerance, especially if the party is
restrictive, and include anything that
enemy before going into
helping you fight evil and protect the
A salute is a
restricts how the paladin behaves in
respectful gesture that takes
combat or when adventuring. Cultural
a move action to perform (It
Keep in mind that the paladin
tenets are usually more religious in
is probably a good idea to
never considers a good ending to
nature and impact roleplaying instead
take the Salute of Honor
justify questionable means.
of combat. Some examples of tenets
that could be added to the Code of

Never surrender to the

organization over a matter of weeks
Conduct might include:
enemy (tactical)
to get to the leader might seem like
Undead (or some other

Never run from the enemy

a good way to a lawful good fighter
specific foe, such as evil
to get a tactical advantage, but to a
overwhelming. (tactical)
outsiders, drow, evil giants,

Show proper respect for

paladin, associating with evil for that
blackguards, etc.) must be
authority by always following
length of time, even as a pretense,
formal rules of etiquette.
would be tantamount to inviting
opportunity. (tactical)
Most paladins would
Paladins must tithe to the
seek a more direct route, like
polished heavy armor of the
temple or church (that is, you
gathering forces to assault the
must donate 10% or more of
appearance. (tactical)
organization directly, or sneaking
your wealth). (tactical)
into the fortress in a rapid manner to
Paladins may only own a
gain a tactical advantage, then quickly attacking from
certain amount of wealth. (tactical)
You may only own one or two magic items of
Although paladins can detect evil, they have no
each type. (tactical)
magical way of determining whether a potential
A paladin must remain celibate. (cultural)
henchman is lawful good. It can be assumed that
A paladin must not eat meat, or a certain
they only hire those that they know personally or by
type of meat. (cultural)
reputation, or depend greatly on detect good and

Mercy must always be offered to a

detect law spells cast by a friendly clerical order.
surrendering foe. (tactical)
Violating the paladins rules on associates should

Mercy must never be shown to an evil

be treated like a gross violation of the Code of
opponent. (tactical)
Conduct. Paladins who do so should lose their

Paladins may not attack an unaware

special abilities until they receive the benefits of an
opponent, or use sneak attacks. (tactical)
atonement spell.
Paladins must pray for at least 1 minute at

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 2: Roleplaying Paladins

dawn or some other specific time. (cultural,

but may have tactical implications Hold
them off while I pray!)
Ranged weapons, or certain types of ranged
dishonorable and must never be used.
Senior paladins or clerics of the faith must
always be obeyed.
(both cultural and
Only a specific weapon type, (swords,

bludgeoning weapons, etc.). or perhaps only

a gods favored weapon, may be used
Remember that adding to the Code of Conduct
can make an already difficult class to play even more
so. Do not make the paladin class unplayable.
Adding one or two additional requirements to the
Code to customize it to your campaign is more than
enough. The Code should not be so strict that
paladins cannot vigorously fight evil.

The Fall from Grace

Becoming an ex-paladin is more than
just losing your powers.
It is
emotionally, physically, and spiritually
First, imagine that you are a
fearless paladin with the power of
good coursing through your veins like
ice water. Every step you take and
every word you speak are
deliberate and full of conviction.
Others notice the confidence of
your stride, and a quiet calm
surrounds you, even when the most
horrible evil approaches. Your mind
is full of determination and your spirit
brimming with hope. You have been
touched by the divine, and know
what it is to be blessed. It is no
wonder that even the most cynical,
self-centered adventurers are willing
to follow a paladin into battle.
Now, imagine that you have
violated the Code and have lost
your powers. The first thing to
leave you is your immunity to fear.
Doubts worm their way into your mind.
You begin to falter and become uncertain of your
actions. Others notice the subtle signs: the sweat on
your brow, the shaking of your sword arm, and your
inability to look them in the eye. In battle, you
attempt to smite your foe, but your ability to smite evil
has left you, making the fight a desperate one. Your
noble warhorse smells the taint on your soul and
refuses your orders, eventually not even heeding
your summoning. As you walk, you grow tired from
your wounds, but cannot heal them, and feel a cold
coming on.
However, worst of all is the feeling of loneliness.
As a paladin, you were never alone. The power of
the divine was always there, like a comforting friend,

a suit of impregnable armor, or

the sun at your back.
whispered advice, both in times
of combat and peace, and urged
you on in times of sorrow or
doubt. It was more than a good
feeling; it was tangible, as real as
your now aching heart.
realization of what you have lost
always leaves a hollow space in
your heart, and a heavy burden on
your mind.
Atonement for an ex-paladin is
usually only possible for those who violated
the Code or committed an act of minor evil.
Those who can atone usually do. The
physical pain of losing your powers and the
all-encompassing fear can drive an expaladin to great lengths to atone.
Fallen paladins are those who cannot
atone. These paladins have committed
evil acts so heinous that no cleric is
willing to spend the XP to cast
atonement for them, or perhaps their
former patron deity has forbidden atonement.
Fallen paladins cope with this loss in different
ways. Most simply bear it until their deaths, and look
forward to experiencing the same bliss in the afterlife.
Some refuse to simply accept their fall and endlessly
try to redeem themselves.
To the delight of the forces of corruption a few
fallen paladins shift the blame for their failure on the
deity or force that called them to duty. The fear,
sorrow, and pain of falling from grace combined with
personal pride can fester into jealousy, anger, and
These tarnished souls become blackguards or
chaos knights. They fight against the benevolent
forces they once swore to champion with a sense of
cruelty that could make a demon shudder.


Chapter 3: A Variety of Paladins

A paladin can be defined simply as
a heroic knight. However, do not
let the stereotype of a knight in
shining armor blind you to what a
paladin can be in your campaign.
A heroic knight need not wear
armor or wield a sword. A paladin
swashbuckler, a sharpshooter, or
even a spell-slinging wizard. The
skill set of a paladin is less
important than their dedication to
fighting evil and protecting the
Below are some ways to make
individual paladins more unique.

Even if you enforce the rule
that paladins cannot multiclass
then return to gaining paladin
levels (see the boxed text for other
ways to handle it) there is still the
about multiclassing paladins. Advice is given on both
possiblity of a multiclassed paladin.
the gameplay and roleplaying aspects of each
Many paladins pursued other careers before choice.
answering the call of duty. Most were fighters or
Many of the prestige classes in this book reward
clerics, but many started as sorcerers or even or require multiclassing from the paladin class.
Sometimes paladins
choose to stop advancing as a
Cleric/Paladins: The Hospitaller
paladin and take up other paths.
However, being a paladin is
more than having a set of skills
cleric/paladins are a fairly weak
Paladins are not allowed to
and abilities, and just because a
choice if you are not careful.
multiclass and then return to the paladin
character has stopped advancing
Either put only one level into the
Once multiclassed, they can
never return. But it doesnt have to be
as a paladin, it does not mean that
paladin class to gain divine grace,
that way in your campaign.
they do not consider themselves
or put one level into cleric to gain
paladins multiclassing restriction (and
paladins anymore.
clerical domain powers and a few
the same restriction on monks) is not
Multiclassed paladins treat
extra spells. Putting equal levels
there for game balance, it is for flavor.
You can rule that in your campaign,
their other classes as skillsets, not
into both classes ensures that you
paladins can freely multiclass with certain
as identities, no matter how many
will not be as good in melee as
other classes, or any class. Allowing
levels they have of each class.
single-classed paladins, and will
them to freely multiclass with only certain
Suppose you encounter a high
never gain the high level spells of
classes encourages certain character
types in your campaign. For instance,
level group containing a sorcerer
a single-classed cleric. However,
you could rule that a paladin
1/paladin 19, a rogue18/paladin 2,
such a character is good in a
multiclassing as a cleric or with certain
support role for a large party of
prestige classes may return to the
10/paladin 3, a cleric 19/paladin 1,
adventurers. If you have at least
paladin class later. A paladin/cleric could
be a combat healer, or have a more
and a monk19/paladin 1. If you
four other players in the group, it
religious role in her paladins order. An
ask them Who are you?, they
can be an effective path.
order of dwarven paladins may include
would respond with one answer:
many paladin/dwarven defenders.
We are paladins.
make sense in a way; why would
The best option, however, is to
allow paladins to multiclass just like other
a holy man not be called by his
classes. Players have more fun if they
god to serve in a more martial
Multiclass Archetypes
have more choices.
manner? But should not such a
god prefer that the cleric gain
Listed below are some ideas

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 3: A Variety of Paladins

more clerical levels and gain access to the more
powerful spells? There should be a good reason
why the cleric has decided to change the way he
serves, or why a paladin takes on clerical duties.
The deaths of many paladins or clerics might create
openings in an organization that need to be filled, or
maybe the character has just had a change of heart
and has become the cleric or paladin of another god
friendly to his original patron deity.
This type of paladin is most likely to focus on a
patron deitys agenda and to have a formal
relationship or position within an organized religion.

their own abilities by harnessing ki.

Since paladins and monks must both be lawful, it
is likely that paladin/monks have a lawful neutral tilt
(see Chapter 2, Paladins and Alignments) and may
prefer to fight chaotic foes.
Ranger/Paladin: Protector of the Wildlands

Gameplay: This is a fairly good combination

since both classes are warrior-like. The rangers
favored enemy ability works well with the paladins
outlook on life and can focus the paladin in a
for a
Fighter/Paladins: The Crusader
Paladins using Sneak
favored enemy, such as evil
outsiders or undead.
This combination
It is probably best to simply take
has strong potential if you plan to
In earlier versions of the game,
the thief class had an ability called
a couple of levels of ranger, then
use your special mount frequently.
backstab. Now, the thief has been
concentrate on being a paladin, but
Take a couple of levels as a fighter
replaced with the more respectable
taking even levels of each class is
for a few extra feats, preferably
rogue, and the backstab has given
fine if you are not interested in
riding feats.
Stay away from
way to the more honorable sneak
spellcasting. Additionally, do not
Weapon Specialization and other
A sneak attack is merely
discount the importance of the
weapon related feats so that you
striking someone where it hurts the
rangers skills at higher levels.
can use any type of holy weapon
most while they cannot defend
Having a great Spot and Listen
without feeling like youve wasted a
themselves effectively. In a way,
check can be priceless when faced
feat. There are some nice 4th level
accomplished by firing a bow from a
with an assassin, and can save you
paladin spells, so remember that
distance at a creature who has only
from being surprised many times.
you may never get them if you take
melee weapons. Simply put, sneak
The ability to track with a high
too many fighter levels.
attacks do not explicitly violate the
Code of Conduct. (see Chapter 2).
Survival skill check can help you find
However, ultimately this is up
evil to smite.
to the GM. The GM may decide
adventurers who have found a more
that paladins should not sneak
the innocent in
noble use for their abilities.
attack at all, may only use sneak
rural or wilderness areas. They are
This type of paladin is the most
attacks gained by flanking, or may
only use sneak attack against
also the hunters of evil, and tend to
likely to be secular, maybe even a
opponents aware of them. Different
be more proactive.
Instead of
noble, and may have sworn fealty to
paladin orders in the campaign may
waiting for an evil creature to strike
a king or other ruler. He may be
have different rules as well. Find
out what your GM thinks before
then avenge the dead, they hunt it
regarded as a knight and may have
playing a rogue/paladin.
down and slay it in its lair. Favoring
some legal authority in the land.
light armor, they tend to be smarter
and quicker than most paladins and
Monk/Paladins: The Disciple
often gain their paladin abilities from some abstract
Gameplay: Monks do not really multiclass well. force, rather than a deity. It is rumored that many
They have the same multiclassing restriction as organizations of rangers who protect the innocent in
paladins, but even if your GM ignores that rule most the wilderness were started by paladin/rangers.
of the best monk abilities are gained at high levels.
However, the monks good saving throws and Rogue/Paladin: The Divine Agent
evasion combined with the paladins divine grace
Gameplay: Take a level of rogue first. You can
means that you will avoid the effects of a lot of spells,
if you have a good Charisma and wear only light stick with the rogue class for a while to gain a good
armor. A couple of levels of monk might be worth it sneak attack ability and lots of skills, or just take a
to gain evasion, +3 bonuses to every saving throw, couple of levels to get evasion.
Picking the proper skills is important. How often
Improved Unarmed Strike, and Stunning Fist that will
will a rogue/paladin be able to use Bluff, Forgery, or
help you smite evil the following round.
Roleplay: During their meditations, monks may Open Locks without violating the Code of Conduct?
be seeking enlightenment, but may instead hear the Maybe never, but possibly quite often, especially if
call of duty. These type of paladins may find that the there is an evil government to fight against. Consider
best way to fight evil is to look inward and develop the campaign world.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 3: A Variety of Paladins

Roleplaying: The rogue/paladin is sometimes
considered a curious combination. But not if you
remember what a rogue really is. From the PHB:
Rogues dont have much in common with each
other. Some are stealthy thieves. Others are silvertongued tricksters. Still others are scouts, infiltrators,
spies, diplomats or thugs.
A paladin who is also a scout or diplomat is very
reasonable, and some paladins could even be
infiltrators or spies against evil organizations.
The paladin is an identity class and is as far
away from being a skill set as possible, while the
rogue is the definition of a skill set class. Some
rogue/paladins may be scoundrels turned good guy,
but others may have been pretty good guys all along,
and just possess some skills more appropriate for a
spy, diplomat, or scout than for a warrior.
Rogue/paladins tend to skirt the edge of the
Code, and sometimes seek atonement quite a bit for
bending or breaking the rules. Some players may
see this as a weakness; others see it as an endless
opportunity for fun as you try to find how far you can
However, your rogue/paladin might be an
honorable knight who shuns armor and uses only
light weapons. The rogue levels are used
just to define his style of fighting.
It takes a rogue to catch a
rogue, and this type of
character might focus on
fighting evil rogues and
with old friends from a
shady past could be



Gameplay: High Charisma anyone?

This combination has a lot of potential as
long as the levels are not taken evenly.
One level of sorcerer can be a big help to
paladins by giving them useful spells like
shield and true strike (cast before
smiting evil, just to be sure) and a
familiar to scout around, preferably
a raven or other flyer.
More levels of
sorcerer can grant
spells like bulls
strength, but this is
probably not the
optimal path.
sorcerer a great bonus
to saving throws with

divine grace, as wells as a boost to hit points and

Roleplaying: Force of personality is likely to be
the most outstanding characteristic of this character.
Arcane magic comes naturally to him, and yet he
was called down another path. Conservative orders
of paladins may regard his sorcererous abilities as
strange and unbefitting, so this type of character
might wish to work outside such a group (maybe with
a motley party of adventurers...).
characters with more sorcerer levels than paladin
levels may be trusted by orders of paladins to serve
as battlemagi during large conflicts to counter the
magic of the enemy.
This archetype might be especially repulsed by
evil magic, and seek to defeat evil sorcerers and
wizards before all other enemies.
Wizard/Paladin: The Other Arcane Defender
Gameplay: The sorcerer/paladin is a better
choice than this if you want just one or two
spellcasting levels, but if you want to have more
spellcasting levels than paladin levels, this option
gives you access to higher level spells and more
feats. Unfortunately, paladins and wizards require
completely different ability scores.
To a
Constitution are most important, while the
opposite is true for paladins.
combination isnt really recommended
from a power-gaming point of view.
Roleplay: Paladins who feel like
they can serve the forces of good more
by studying magic would logically
multiclass into wizard as soon as
possible. Wizards may hear the call to
become a paladin early in their career
and abandon their studies, probably
upsetting their masters and whoever
funded their education, if anyone. The
dichotomy of this class combination
makes this a cool roleplaying choice.
sorcerer/paladins share many of
the same motivations.

Odd Combinations:
Ex-Bard/Paladin: Glory
Bards must have
some element of
multiclass into paladin,
they must become exbards. Luckily, this really

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 3: A Variety of Paladins

is not much of a problem, and is not even such an
odd combination from a gameplay point of view. Exbards can no longer progress in level as a bard, but
retain all of their special abilities. More importantly, a
high Charisma is useful to both classes. The
questions you have to ask are: how many levels do
you progress as a bard before changing alignment,
and will your GM being willing to change your
It is up to you on how many levels you want to
gain as a bard, but some good ones to stop at are
whenever youve gained enough levels to cast a new
spell level (1st, 4th, 7th, etc). Go for a high Intelligence
to get some bonus skill points to gain ranks in
Perform as a cross-class skill when taking paladin
Alignment changes are up to the GM, not you, so
ask what it would take. Some GMs require a lot,
some very little. It is best if you try to roleplay into
the alignment smoothly and in a logical way.
Roleplay: An ex-bard/paladin is probably the
most inspiring character in the game. With an aura
of courage and bardic music, their ability to raise the
morale of troops can be unbelievable. Such a
character would probably focus on supporting others,
rather than taking a front-line role. They are certainly
team players (if not leaders), and would never be
The motivation of an ex-bard/paladin could be
that they became tired of telling tales of legend and
jumped at the chance to become one.
Ex-Barbarian/Paladin: Primitive Champion
Gameplay: Barbarians who become lawful lose
the ability to rage, so this would be a rare
combination indeed, particularly for a higher level
barbarian. A lower level barbarian does not lose
much however. Being able to rage once per day is
nice, but the barbarians initial d12 hit die, fast
movement, skills, and uncanny dodge are quite good
by themselves. Take two levels as a neutral good
barbarian, then ask your GM what you need to do to
change to a lawful good alignment. Usually a pattern
of behavior is what is required. You should probably
avoid using rage at this point; youre going to lose it
Roleplay: This combination makes a lot of sense
from a certain point of view. The barbarian is more
of a culturally based class, and not really a skill set

like the rogue class. As the barbarian begins to see

more of the world and interact with more civilized
people, then his views may change to become lawful.
Doing so may separate him from his own culture.
His family and old friends may see him as weak or
tainted by civilized thinking, but this represents a
logical character development.
Ex-barbarian/paladins may choose to strike at
the evil enemies of their homelands, in an attempt to
keep some connection with home.
Ex-Druid/Paladin Forsaker of Nature
Gameplay: Ex-druids lose all their abilities,
making this a very weak combination unless the GM
allows you to play a lawful good druid.
Even if the GM lets you play a druid/paladin
without losing your druid abilities, you have to follow
the druids armor restrictions, unless those are also
ignored in your game. You will also lose a lot of
great spellcasting and wildshape abilities at high
levels by multiclassing.
However, a paladin who cannot be tracked
through the wilderness, can wildshape, and who
casts druid spells is pretty cool. If you have mostly
paladin levels, and are allowed by the GM to keep
your druidic abilities as a lawful good character, this
archetype can be ok.
Roleplay: This combination represents a real
shift in a characters outlook on life and has a lot of
roleplaying potential. It does not necessarily mean
that the druid has forsaken nature to the point where
they dont care about it at all, but it does mean that
they have expanded their priorities to also include
protecting innocents from evil.
An ex-druid/paladin would probably defend the
wilderness as well as the innocents who travel
through it. Your interactions with single-classed
druids and paladins are certainly going to have some
conflicts of interest, and you may find yourself
becoming the reconciler or liaison between two such
groups, or may just as easily become disliked or
disdained by both sides.
If you are allowed by the GM to keep your druidic
powers, the roleplaying aspects become easier.
Both paladins and druids are forced to recognize that
your philosophy of nature living in harmony with good
creatures is a valid one, shared by those who grant
you your druidic and paladin powers.


Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 3: A Variety of Paladins

Paladin Orders
Paladins, due to their lawful nature, usually
belong to some type of organization. Most paladin
organizations are called orders. Orders can be
secular or religious, and may be part of a larger
organization, such as a kingdom or church. Some
orders are autonomous and take commands only
from the divine.
Orders are typically well organized with a
military-like hierarchy. Everyone knows their place in
the chain of command, and understands their
responsibilities to the letter. Some orders are not like
this at all, however. Some are loosely organized
associations of paladins adventuring in the same
geographical area, and may not even have a formal
name, headquarters, or leader. These types of
orders are commonly referred to as brotherhoods (for
those with male and female members) or sisterhoods
(for all female groups).
The first step to creating a customized paladin
order is to decide why the order exists in the first
place. You can pick more than one, and the orders
purpose may have changed over time. Even if you
pick several purposes, choose one as its primary
function in current times.




Some Purposes for a Paladin Order:






Specific Enemy: Long ago, a great evil

threatened the land. Many paladins united in
an order dedicated to destroying that evil,
and the organization still exists. The ancient
threat that catalyzed the birth of the order
may have been long destroyed, it may still
be active, or it may be dormant. Perhaps it
has been sealed away beneath the orders
General Defense: The paladins are there to
protect the land from invasions of any sort.
Law Enforcement: The order is there to
enforce the laws of legitimate authority. This
could be the laws of a king (secular) or of a
church (religious).
Tradition: The order has been around so
long that no one knows why it was formed,
but it has a grand history and joining brings
much prestige.
These types of orders
usually have a lawful neutral tilt.
Chapter 2 about alignment tilts).
Source of Power: In some campaign worlds,
it may be that a god of paladins requires
them to join the order. Being expelled from
the order results in a becoming an expaladin until you are allowed to rejoin.
Instead of a god, it might be the presence of
the other paladins that is it the source of their
power, or some mysterious artifact that the


paladin order guards.

Religion: Paladins may be required to take a
vow of loyalty to an organized church or
temple. The paladin order may be merely a
department within a large church hierarchy.
It may be a department with much freedom,
or it may serve the priests. The paladin
order could be answerable only to the
highest religious leader or leaders, and could
act as their right hand as a sort of elite divine
force. Violating the commands of a priest
might be considered a gross violation of the
Code, but it is likely that paladins in such an
organization would know their chain of
command very well, and would certainly
know who has the right to order them
Cadre: Paladins sometimes form the core of
a larger military organization. They are often
the elite fighting force within a lawful good
military. Some orders may be thought of as
knights, while others may be elite units within
a larger unit of knights.
Camraderie: Paladins share an uncommon
bond. They enjoy each others company and
want to adventure with each other. Paladins
have a strong sense of duty, however, and
go where they are needed. An organization
based on camraderie may be loosely
organized to enable members to come and
go as they need to, or it might even be
Prestige: Paladins are rarely proponents of
pride, and usually let personal glory take a
backseat to protecting the innocent and
fighting evil. But there are those who take
great pride in simply being paladins, and see
others as less worthy. Such individuals often
band together in very formal knighthoods to
revel in their own godliness. Unfortunately,
orders of this type sometimes fall into
corruption as a whole, creating powerful
legions of blackguards.

Example: We will create a religious order that

now exists primarily for law enforcement, but was
originally created to defeat an invasion of drow
many years ago, a threat vanquished long ago.
(or so the paladins think.)
After you have decided what prompted the
creation of the order, you need to answer some
critical questions about the order.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 3: A Variety of Paladins

Answer some questions about the order:

What is the name of the order?

How many members does it have?
How much territory does the order influence?
How do you become a member? Some
orders may require that you take on a quest
for the order, or that you are capable of
casting a particular paladin spell. Others
welcome any paladin into their ranks.
Is there a rank structure or hierarchy? How
is rank determined? Often the top leaders
are elected or ascend because of right of
birth. Though your exact level probably
cannot be determined by NPCs, your ability
to cast certain paladin spells may be used to
determine your particular rank in the order.
Who is in charge? And what does the
organization chart look like? Where does
organization, and how do
you advance?
What are the benefits of
being a member? Usually
the benefits of a paladin
resources of all the
paladins are pooled, with
the exception of personal
So if you
have need of a place to
stay, a meal, or healing,
the order is usually a
good place to go.
Who are the orders
enemies? Evil creatures,
obviously, but this could
governments, or even a
corrupt church.
individual, such as a
powerful lich or devil.
Who are the orders
allies? Monks and clerics
are commonly allies of
paladins, but so are
governments, and other
lawful good organizations.
Celestial creatures, good
rangers, or even a good
rogues guild might be
allies. Allies might aid the
order from outside the
ranks, or they may be
allowed in the order as
honorary members.
What are the orders

assets? Does the order have strongholds?

Treasure? How does a member get to use
any of it?
Does the order have any legal authority in
the land? A lawful good king might grant a
paladin order within his realm the ability to
arrest, or even the power to execute
Does the order add to the Code of Conduct
with tenets? (See Chapter 2 about tenets.)
Is there a tilt to the orders alignment? (See
Chapter 2 for information about alignment

Sample Order: The Silver Hands

Our organization will be called the Silver Hands.

Its members include 25 paladins, 2 cleric/paladins, a
paladin/merseus, and one paladin/penitent sniper.


Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 3: A Variety of Paladins

Most are humans, but other races are free to join.
The Silver Hands work tirelessly to defend the laws
of the temple of the Silver Lady, goddess of paladins
and hope. The temples laws are endorsed by the
local Duke, the latest in a long line of nobles who
worship the Lady.
Any paladin or anyone with the Silver Ladys
goGMark is free to join the Silver Hands. They must
reside in the Brigham Duchy, and agree to enforce
the laws within. There is an interview process, and
an internship. The Silver Hands travel freely within
the duchy, and report their activities
The paladin/clerics in the order are very wise and
act as leaders of the order. Paladins who can cast
discern lies are revered as captains. Everyone else
is simply titled Paladin or Silver Hand.
Silver Hands may request basic equipment (up to
500gp per year) from the quartermaster and may use
the kings mounts until they call a special mount.
They have the ability to enforce the laws, with lethal
force if necessary. The order heals its members at
no charge, and raises any member from the dead
with a resurrection spell whenever possible. The
member is expected to pay for components, if
possible. Members are expected to take on quests
for the order on request.
The drow are trying to plant spies within the
order, but are having a difficult time of it. They are
also working hard to corrupt high level members
without tipping them off that the drow are still around.
Finally, they have paid humanoids such as ogres and
orcs to make raids on the Duchy in order to collect
intelligence about defense plans and capabilities.
They want their revenge on the Silver Hands, but are
going to be patient.
There are several monasteries that border other
lands. These monks are allied with the Silver Hands
and often work with the paladins against bandits and
marauding humanoids. There are many clerics of
other gods in the area that ally with the paladins in
times of need. However, there are just as many
clerics that are neutral to them, or even hostile.
The Silver Hands have a small, but well
defended, castle near the Dukes main city, and also
have access to the towers near the Duchy borders.
They have nine +1 holy swords (Known as the Laws
of Silver) that they sometimes lend to low level
paladins. They also guard a single holy avenger that
is prophesized to be the savior of the order in some
future conflict.
The Silver Hand has a few tenets. They believe
that prisoners should always be taken whenever
possible, so that they can be given a trial before
being punished. Paladins more than a days ride
from the castle are not expected to take prisoners,
however, unless it is a person of some importance.
All Silver Hands are expected to donate a full 20% of
their wealth to the order.

The Silver Hand leadership has a lawful neutral

tilt, but most members have a neutral good tilt. They
tend to be more benevolent in their enforcement of
the laws of the land than the Dukes militia, who are
sometimes harsh.
Finally, you need to add details as necessary.
Stats for every member do not need to be created,
but you should develop the main NPCs that player
characters will interact with and hear about.
Detail the following:
1. Create personalities and motivations for
major NPCs in the order. These include the
main leaders, and anyone else in the chain
of command to the player characters.
Creating basic stats for these characters is a
good idea to give the organization some
scale. For instance, you may decide that the
leader of an order is a 15th level human
2. Decide on some campaign events that are
happening or will happen that affect the
members of the order.
The Silver Hand is led by two paladin/clerics who
claim the title of Warrior Saint. These Warrior Saints
are Celest Diada and Dapre Montegue. Celest is a
rogue2/paladin 3/cleric 10 and Dapre is a cleric 2 /
paladin 13. They share the leadership of the church,
but Celest, a pickpocket in her youth, takes more of
an interest in law enforcement, while the more
militaristic Dapre is concerned with defending the
Duchys borders. Both are primarily concerned with
following the edicts of the Silver Lady. The captains
are all single-classed paladins of 11th level or higher.
The Silver Hand is about to be tested. The
Duchy is being invaded by an army of spies from
foreign lands who are intent on discrediting the order
by planting false evidence. Some of these spies are
hired by the drow, though not directly, and some are
working for other nations of their own accord.
Also, a blackguard is rallying an mixed force of
undead and gnolls near the western border. Instead
of invading, he is goading the Silver Hand into
attacking him. There is dissent within the order, as
some wish to ride out and meet this challenge, while
others see it as a trap or diversion.
Making up your own paladin orders is easy. Just
answer the questions with whatever you think is
interesting and fun. And start small. The above
example is large, and you really do not need this
much information to start with.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 3: A Variety of Paladins

Variant: Customizing Paladins

Paladins have some great class abilities, but
wouldnt it be nice if a paladin from a particularly
lawful order could smite chaos instead of evil? Or if
a paladin who finds himself crawling in dungeons
could have something instead of a special mount?
Or if you could do something besides turn undead in
a campaign world with few undead to turn?
Below are some variant rules for customizing the
paladin class to suit your campaign. Instead of
customizing all paladins, you can just customize your
individual character, or can have all the paladins in
an order customized the same way.
The concept is that each paladin ability can be
sacrificed for one of several other abilities of roughly
equal value. Some combinations do not work; and
you have to use some common sense. For example,
you obviously should not sacrifice the ability to turn
the undead to gain some other benefit, then sacrifice
something else to gain better turning ability. Abilities
given up can never be regained, and abilities gained
in this manner can never be sacrificed to gain new
ones. No ability may be taken more than once
unless specified otherwise.
Additionally, abilities cannot be given up if you
dont have them. You must wait until you are able to
use an ability to sacrifice it.
Finally, some abilities define the class and
should not be sacrificed. All paladins should have an
aura of courage and divine health, for instance. In
any case, moderation is the best policy. The GM
should feel free to limit the amount of substitution
that players can do. Too much rule-bending can
make the game difficult to run, particularly if there are
multiple paladins (NPC or otherwise) with different
Note that this variant is designed for use with the
core paladin class. If you use the prestige paladin
class, do not allow players to give up any
spellcasting ability, since the prestige paladin variant
gains spells more quickly.
Detect Evil: At 1st level you may give up your ability
to detect evil in order to gain any one of the following
Detect Chaos (Sp): As the spell, at will.
Detect Undead (Sp): As the spell, at will.
Improved Lay on Hands (Su): You gain the lay
on hands at 1st level, and use it as if a paladin two
levels higher.

Lay on Hands: At 2 level you may sacrifice lay on

hands to gain one of the following abilities. Note that
you must have a Charisma of 12 or higher to do this,
since a lower score means you do not really have the
ability to use lay on hands, and therefore could not

sacrifice it. This option is still good for paladins who

do not have a very high Charisma:
Improved Smite (Su): Whenever using the smite
evil ability, you gain a +3 bonus to damage.
Clerical Turning: You turn the undead as a cleric
of the same level.
Smite Evil: You may smite evil an additional time
per day.
Smite Evil: At 1st level, you may give up your
ability to smite evil in order to gain any one of the
following abilities:
Clerical Turning (Su): You turn the undead as a
cleric of the same level.
Extra Spells (Su): You may cast paladin spells
as if you were 2 paladin levels higher. At 18th level,
you gain the ability to cast one additional 1st level
paladin spell per day. At 19th level you gain an extra
2nd level spell slot, and at 20th level you gain an extra
3rd level spell slot. For example, a 20th level paladin
with this ability would be able to cast four 1st level
spells, four 2nd level spells, four 3rd level spells, and
three 4th level spells, plus any bonus spells.
Improved Lay on Hands (Su): You may lay on
hands as a paladin two levels higher.
Smite Chaos (Su): You may smite chaotic
creatures, instead of evil creatures. This ability
works the same as smite evil, except that only
chaotic creatures are affected.
Remove Disease: At 3rd level, or at any level
that you gain the ability to remove disease one
additional time per week, you may give up that use of
remove disease to gain one of the following abilities.
Each weekly use of remove disease is considered a
separate ability, so you can give it up more than once
to gain more than one of the following. For example,
at 3rd level, you may decide to give up remove
disease for remove paralysis, but would gain remove
disease 1/week at 6th level:
Delay Poison (Sp): 1 / week.
Lesser Restoration (Sp): 1 / week.
Remove Blindness/Deafness (Sp): 1 / week.
Remove Curse (Sp): 1 / week.
Remove Fear (Sp): 1 / day.
Remove Paralysis (Sp): 1 / week.
Turn Undead: At 4th level, you may give up your
ability to turn the undead in order to gain one of the
following abilities.
Improved Smite Evil (Su): Whenever using the
smite evil ability, you gain a +3 bonus to damage.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 3: A Variety of Paladins

Extra Spells (Su): You may cast paladin spells
as if you were a paladin 2 levels higher. At 18th level,
you gain the ability to cast one additional 1st level
paladin spell per day. At 19th level you gain an extra
2nd level spell slot, and at 20th level you gain an extra
3rd level spell slot. For example, a 20th level paladin
with this ability would be able to cast four 1st level
spells, four 2nd level spells, four 3rd level spells, and
three 4th level spells, plus any bonus spells.
Improved Lay on Hands (Su): You may lay on
hands as a paladin two levels higher.
Special Mount: At level 5th level, you may give
up your ability to call a special mount in exchange for
one of the following special abilities:
Extra Smite (Su): You may use your smite evil
ability one additional time per day.
Improved Lay on Hands (Su): You may lay on
hands as a paladin two levels higher.
Extra Spells (Su): You may cast paladin spells
as if you were a paladin 2 levels higher. At 18th level,
you gain the ability to cast one additional 1st level
paladin spell per day. At 19th level you gain an extra
2nd level spell slot, and at 20th level you gain an extra
3rd level spell slot. For example, a 20th level paladin
with this ability would be able to cast four 1st level
spells, four 2nd level spells, four 3rd level spells, and
three 4th level spells, plus any bonus spells.
Spellcasting: At 4th, 8th, 11th, or 14th level, you
may choose to give up your ability to cast more
paladin spells. Every level you would have gained
access to a new spell level (levels 4, 8, 11, and 14),
you gain one of the following abilities. If you give up


your spellcasting ability, you cast paladin spells as a

paladin as if you were one level lower than the level
that you gained your first bonus feat. Once you
decide to give up spellcasting, you must take one of
these abilities at later levels that you would have
gained access to a new spell level.
For example, Darius Brightshield belongs to an
order of paladins that encourages combat skill, not
spellcraft. Instead of learning to cast spells, he
increases his smite evil at 4th, 8th, 11th and 14th level,
so that at 14th level he can smite evil for a bonus of
+30 points of damage .
Phara Zhair also belongs to a militaristic order of
paladins, but is not quite as extreme as Darius. She
learns to cast 1st level paladin spells as a 4th level
paladin, but at 8th level decides to stop learning new
spells and takes Improved Divine Grace instead. Her
spellcasting no longer improves, so forever after she
can only cast spells as a 7th level paladin. At 11th
level, she takes Clerical Turning, and takes Improved
Lay on Hands at 14th level.
Improved Smite Evil (Su): Whenever using the
smite evil ability, you gain a +3 bonus to damage.
This can be taken more than once. Each time it is
taken, you gain an additional +3 bonus to damage
when smiting evil, up to a maximum bonus of +12 at
14th level.
Clerical Turning (Su): You turn the undead as a
cleric of the same level.
Improved Divine Grace (Su): You gain an
additional +2 bonus to all saving throws.
Improved Lay on Hands (Su): You may lay on
hands as a paladin of two levels higher.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 4: New Magic

Chapter 4: New Magic

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10ft.
Area: All allies within a 10ft. radius, centered on you.
Duration: 1 hour / level

Variant: Custom Spell Lists

To answer your question plainly: I predict we will be

The GM may want to customize the spell list of completely wiped out by dawn.
paladins and clerics based on their membership in a <silence>
paladin order or patron deity. It makes sense when So whos with me?
the members of an order or religion have a unique <thunderous cheering>
spell list, preferably with spells that aid in the goals of
Every ally within 10ft. gains the paladins
the order or god.
immunity to fear, making them immune to normal and
As a variant rule, consider
magical fear. If cast while an ally
removing one divine spell of the
within 10ft. is suffering from a
Summary of New Paladin Spells
same level from a casters spell
magical fear effect, that ally
1 Level Paladin Spells
list for each new spell added.
instead gets a new saving throw
Speed Mount: Your mount moves at
with a +8 bonus to the roll.
double speed.
Montegue wants to add vigilant
Dispel fear counters and
Vigilant Sleep: You can stand guard
sleep to his spell list, he might
while resting.
dispels cause fear or fear.
remove bless water from the list of
2 Level Paladin Spells
spells he is allowed to cast.
Drums of the Righteous
Dispel Fear: Makes allies immune to
Changing your spell list
fear or gives another chance to resist
Enchantment [Good, Sonic]
should only be done when a new
fear effects.
Level: Brd 2, Pal 2
Drums of the Righteous: Allies gain +1
spell is introduced into the
to attack rolls; enemies gain 1 penalty
Component: V, S, F/DF
Removed spells
to attack rolls. Smiting evil enhances the
Casting Time: 1 action
should never be allowed back on
Range: 30ft.
your spell list, and spells added
Mentor: Calls on the spirit of a long
Area: All allies within 30ft.
dead paladin for advice.
should never be removed.
Instead of being
Duration: 1 round/level
immobilized by effects like a web or
Saving Throw: None
Spell Descriptions
paralysis, you are merely slowed.
3 Level Paladin Spells

Battle Prayer

Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Pal 4
Components: V, S, DF, XP
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30ft.
Area: All allies and foes within a
30-ft. radius burst centered on you
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

Pious Strength: Strength increases by

your Wisdom bonus, minimum +2.
Recall Mount: Summon your special
mount for a short period of time.
Shadows Bane: Sneak attacks against
you provoke an attack of opportunity.
Shield Flash: Holy light shines from
your shield and blinds evil creatures.
Silver Beacon: A silvery spirit flies off in
search of innocents in danger.

4 Level Paladin Spells

Battle Prayer: Allies gain +2 on most
rolls, enemies suffer 2.
One Soul: You share hit points with your
special mount.
Rally: You and your allies are affected
by several helpful spells at once.

Grant us the power to thwart your

This spell grants your allies a
+2 luck bonus to attack rolls,
weapon damage rolls, saves, and
skill checks, and a 2 luck penalty on all these rolls
to your enemies.
XP Cost: 100XP

Dispel Fear
Level: Pal 2
Components: V, S

The heart beats still.

When you cast drums of the
righteous, a steady beat of drums
begins, emanating from you. The
drums grant all allies within 30ft. a
+1 luck bonus to attack rolls and
all evil creatures within 30ft. to
gain a 1 luck penalty to attack
If a paladin within the area of
effect successfully smites evil,
they gain a +2 luck bonus to
damage, the drums get louder,
and the bonus and penalty to
attack rolls granted by this spell is
increased by 1, up to a maximum

of +4/-4.
The bard version of this spell is called drums of
Arcane Focus: A small drum.

Conjuration (Calling) [Good]
Level: Pal 2

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 4: New Magic

Component: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: 30ft.
Effect: One summoned spirit (see text)
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
I cant do this alone.
You may summon the spirit of a long dead
paladin to give you advice. The mentor is the spirit of
a lawful good paladin of 10th level or higher and must
be summoned within sight. This ancient spirit can
only be seen and heard by the caster, and is
incorporeal. It cannot attack or be attacked, even by
incorporeal creatures, and cannot move from the
spot where it was summoned. The GM may have
the same mentor appear each time the spell is cast,
or a different one may respond.
The mentor speaks all languages the caster
speaks. The mentor can give advice that is similar to
the effect of a phylactery of faithfulness, but also has
the ability to impart advice on matters more general
than religion and alignment.
The GM should roleplay the mentor as an NPC
with a Wisdom of 18 and Knowledge (religion) +10.
It is suggested that the GM develop the personality of
the mentor, and that it be different in some way
from that of the caster. For example, a very
serious paladin might gain a light-hearted mentor.
The mentor answers any questions as best it
can, but may instead choose to use its time to
lecture the caster on some matter, ignoring any
questions put to it. It usually takes one round to
ask a question and one round for the mentor to
The mentor knows nothing of modern times or
recent history, but much about paladins and their
enemies, and has some knowledge of the paladin
who summoned it, having watched the caster from
the time the spell was prepared to the time it was
cast. Thus, it is often more useful to prepare this
spell some time in advance of casting it, so that the
mentor can learn more about you and your
situation before granting advice.
The mentor always answers truthfully, but
may choose not to reply or may be incorrect.

One Soul
Level: Pal 4
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Special Mount touched
Duration: 1 minute / level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

Partners? No, we are more than that.

You cannot prepare this spell unless you have a
paladins special mount, and must be riding your
special mount when casting it.
Add your special mounts hit points to your hit
point total. For the duration of the spell your mount
has no hit points, and uses your total instead.
Whenever you or your mount take damage, your hit
point total is reduced. If your hit points are reduced
to zero, you and your mount are both disabled. If
your hit points are reduced to less than 0 hp, you and
your mount are dying. If your hit points are reduced
to -10 hp, both you and your mount are dead.
Dismounting ends the spell immediately.
Whenever the spell ends, you each get half of your
current hit point total, rounded down, with any hit
points over the normal maximum going to the other
creature. This spell only affects normal hit point
damage. Effects like poison or death spells function
For example, Sir Harus normally has 100 hp, and
his warhorse, Bolt, has 50 hp. After casting one soul,
Harus has 150 hit points. When Bolt suffers a critical
hit for 39 points
Sir Harus

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 4: New Magic

is reduced to 111 hp, the wound magically appearing Recall Mount
on him, while Bolt remains unscathed. A fireball
Conjuration (Summoning) [Good]
causes 15 points of fire damage to each of them, so
Level: Pal 3
Harus takes 15 points twice for 30 more points of
Components: V, S
damage, reducing him to 81 hp, while Bolt has no hit
Casting Time: Full Round Action
point total, but is feeling fine. Sir Harus lays on
Range: Personal
hands on himself for 36 hp, bringing him up to 117
Effect: see text
hp. A few minutes later, Sir Harus dismounts and
Duration: 10 minutes / level (D)
ends the spell. They each would get 58 hp, but Bolt
Saving Throw: None
only gets his maximum, 50, and Harus gets 66 hp.
Spell Resistance: No
Even though Bolt took more damage
than his maximum hit points, Harus
Paladin Spellcasting
I need you once again, old friend.
ends up suffering the effects, but they
Only paladins with special mounts
Paladins are divine
both survived.
warriors, not clerics. Their
may cast this spell.
spells do not need to be
With this spell you may summon
worded as pious prayers, or
Pious Strength
special mount from its celestial
unintelligible mumblings.
home for a short time, even if you have
truth, and cast their spells
already summoned it today.
Level: Pal 3
loudly and plainly. A paladin
Other than the duration, this spell is
Components: V, S, DF
with the patron deity of Thor
exactly like the paladins class ability to
Casting Time: 1 action
casting holy sword on his
summon their special mount.
Range: Personal
war hammer might bellow,
By the Hammer of Thor!!
Target: You
while banging his hammer
Duration: 1 minute / level
Shadows Bane
against his shield.
Saving Throw:
Will negates
A paladin might use a
Level: Pal 3
conversation for spells not
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Components: V, S, DF
used in battle. A paladin
slowly waving one hand and
Casting Time: 1 action
My faith grants me strength when I
saying Your words will be
Range: Personal
need it.
as a sword, true and sharp.
Effect: see text
might be casting discern
Your Strength ability score gains
Duration: 1 minute/level
an enhancement bonus equal to +2 or
the spellcasting; anyone
Saving Throw: None
to your current Wisdom bonus,
watching will notice the
Spell Resistance: No
whichever is greater, up to a
raising of the paladins voice
and the concentration. It
maximum of +6.
I walk proudly with no regard for the
simply adds style.
Try making up phrases
that fit your characters style
While this spell is in effect,
and beliefs, and use them
you are attacked by a sneak
consistently. Before long,
attack in melee, the attacker provokes
Level: Pal 4
everyone will know that
when your paladin cries
an attack of opportunity from you, even if
Components: V, XP (see text)
Celestial hosts, grant me
you are flat-footed.
Casting Time: 1 action
your might!!, youre actually
Range: 60ft.
casting divine favor, and that
Target: You and all allies
Shield Flash
Charge on!! means you are
Duration: See text
casting bless.
Saving Throw:
Will negates
Level: Pal 3
Components: V, DF
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60ft.
We. are. Not. FINISHED.
Target: Evil creatures
You and all allies within 60ft. are affected by the
Duration: Instantaneous, see text
following spells, as if cast by you: bless, cure light
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
wounds, divine favor, remove fear, and remove
Spell Resistance: Yes
The bless and divine favor last for one minute,
Those with dark hearts cannot bear the light.
the other spells are instantaneous.
This spell causes a cone of holy light to shine
XP Cost: 250XP
momentarily from your shield. This light blinds any
evil creatures who fail a Reflex save to avert their
eyes. The blindness lasts for 1d4 rounds.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 4: New Magic

Blind creatures suffer a 50% miss chance in
combat, lose any Dexterity bonuses to AC, grant a
+2 bonus to any opponent attack rolls, move at half
speed, and suffer a 4 penalty to Search skill checks,
and most Strength and Dexterity based skill checks.
Divine Focus: A highly polished shield.

Silver Beacon
Conjuration (Calling) [Good]
Level: Pal 3
Component: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 5 miles
Effect: Guiding spirit
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Just follow the silver stag when in danger.
A paladin casting a silver beacon summons a
silvery, incorporeal spirit that flies at a speed of up to
240ft. This guiding spirit seeks out innocents in
danger within a 5 mile radius, and leads them back to
the paladin. It can automatically tell the difference
between the truly innocent in need, and those
If they do not follow, the beacon
disappears and telepathically informs the caster of its
direction. It can communicate no other information.
The GM determines how long it takes or even if
the spirit finds innocents in danger, however, they
may use the times in the helping hand spell as a
The spirit has no way of attacking, and cannot be
damaged. It can pass through walls and other
obstructions, but does not choose to do so except to
get back to the caster.
The form of the silver beacon is usually that of a
silvery sphere, but it can also appear in the form of a
silvery creature, a beckoning hand, or a symbol of
the paladins deity. Paladins typically use this spell
when patrolling large regions, or when expecting

Speed Mount
Level: Pal 1
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: One touched mount up to one size category
larger than the caster
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Your mounts speed is increased by +40ft. If it is

a paladins special mount, the mount also gains a

+10 bonus to Jump checks. You must be riding the
target mount for this spell to have any effect.

Level: Clr2, Drd 2, Pal 2, Rgr 2
Component: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal or touch
Target: You or creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes / level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You might slow me down, but youll never stop me.
When your movement is negated by magic such
as hold person, or web or by effects such as
paralysis, you are not immobilized. Instead, your
force of will enables you to still take a single standard
or move action each round.

Vigilant Sleep
Level: Pal 1
Component: V,S,DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature Touched
Duration: 8 hours (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
I am forever on duty.
You must be in a relatively peaceful and quiet
place for this spell to function. You fall asleep
immediately after casting this spell, but your eyes
remain open and active. While in this magical sleep,
you remain conscious of your surroundings as if fully
awake, can see in every direction, and gain the use
of the Alertness feat. Also, you can wake up
whenever you wish, and are not fatigued from
sleeping in armor.
Otherwise, this is a normal sleep. You may not
move around. Loud noises or rough contact will
wake you up. Waking up for any reason ends the
A creature under the effect of this spell with no
need to sleep or who is immune to sleep spells, such
as an elf, gains the Alertness feat for 8 hours, but is
otherwise unaffected.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 4: New Magic

Magic Items
Creating Memorable Magic Items
Some of the following items are unique, while
others have been created in relatively large numbers.
The number of such an item is up to the GM, who is
of course also free to change the historical
background as they see fit. Players characters can,
with the GMs permission, create these items with
the appropriate item creation feat. The costs
were calculated using the rules in the DMG,
Chapter 7: Magic Items, but note that some
numbers may have been rounded off or
adjusted. Creating magic items is not
an exact science, and particularly
powerful or useful items may warrant
a higher price than normal, while
items of limited use may be a little
All of these items are useful to
paladins, but some are quite good
for almost any character.
remember when creating a new
magic item, or even when using a
standard one, is to personalize it
with a description and a historical
background. Even a low powered item
should have a name, short description and
history. For instance, would you rather
wield a longsword +1, or
Newals Folly: This blade, a long
sword +1, was crafted with a rippled
appearance to the blade and a bronze
plated hilt. This weapon was one of many
such swords crafted by a local wizard to
help repel a gnoll invasion of the Brighton
villages 30 years ago. Newal, a brave
squire, fought valiantly but was slain when
he refused to flee the overwhelming
numbers of gnolls. The blade was wielded
by a gnoll chieftain until recovered by adventurers,
and then lost again when they never returned from a
dungeon expedition.
Faint transmutation; CL: 5th; Craft Magic Arms
and Armor; Price: 2,315 gp; Cost: 1,315 gp + 80 XP.
Notice that the description covers several points
of interest:
A name is given, it is physically
described, the reason for its creation given, and its
history is summarized. (See later for an enhanced
version of this weapon, Newals Vengeance). The
players can learn this information from NPCs
interested in buying the item, or from those who
know of the items reputation. Or you may just tell
them the information and explain that it is common
knowledge around the player characters region, and
that they heard bedtime tales of the item as children.

If you make an item special, players will enjoy

using it much more and will often enhance it with an
item creation feat rather than simply replacing it.
This adds a sense of history to your campaign. Feel
free to apply the same method to items other than
weapons and armor. The Mace of Evendryl, created
in the moonlight by the Evendryl clan of elves for
their greatest clerics, is much more interesting than a
disruption mace +1, and may even affect the plot of
your campaign when the Evendryl elves meet the
player character wielding such a weapon.

New Armor Special Abilities

Comfort: A suit of armor enhanced
with this ability can be slept in without
any ill effects, even if it has a 5
armor check penalty or higher.
Barding can also be crafted with
this ability, enabling a mount to
remain armored through the night.
Faint Abjuration; CL 5th; Craft
Magic Arms and Armor, cure
light wounds; Price: +2000gp.
Divine Mark: This special
ability can enhance any magical
shield, breastplate, half-plate, or
plate mail armor.
A divinely marked item is
magically emblazoned with the symbol of
a deity or a special mark that is
associated with a particular alignment in
the campaign world. The mark can glow
dimly (not bright enough to give off useful
light) or merely be engraved or carved;
the choice is up to the crafter.
The basic benefit of this ability is
that a divinely marked shield can serve
as a divine focus, but more powerful
marks can grant a sacred or
profane bonus to the wielders
ability to turn or rebuke the undead.
Good marks gain sacred bonuses, and evil marks
gain profane bonuses. Neutral marks can gain one
or the other, chosen at the time of creation. The
mark itself has an alignment that is the same as the


Turn or





Table 4-1, Divine Mark


Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 4: New Magic

alignment it is associated with, or the same as the
alignment of the deity it represents.
Only one divine mark can adorn an item, and the
mark cannot be removed without destroying the item.
Abilities with alignments that conflict with the
alignment of the mark cannot enhance such a shield.
This ability cannot enhance a buckler; it is too small
to hold a proper divine mark.
Abjuration, aura strength varies; CL: varies; Craft
Magic Arms and Armor, consecrate or desecrate;
Price: varies (See Table 4-1, Divine Mark for the
price and other variable qualities. This price is added
to the cost of the item.)
Mount Sanctum:
A mount sanctum
enhancement can only be placed upon steel shields
larger than bucklers. Paladins with special mounts
holding such shields immediately learn of this ability.
While the rider is dismounted, their special mount
can leap into the shield as a move action, passing
into a special pocket dimension where time does not
pass, as if in a temporal stasis spell. The shield
immediately displays an intricate engraving
resembling the paladins mount. No other types of
creatures may enter a mount sanctum shield, and
only one special mount may be inside such a shield
at a time.
The paladin can recall the mount as a move
action, as long as he wields the shield and there is
enough room for the mount in the area. The mount
leaps out of the shield, and the engraving
disappears. The mount can enter the shield and be
recalled any number of times per day.
If a mount sanctum shield is destroyed while a
special mount is inside, that mount immediately
returns to its home celestial plane, unharmed by the
A small shield can store a Medium-sized mount,
a large shield can store up to a Large-sized mount,
and a tower shield can store a mount of up to Huge
Paladins calling their special mounts sometimes
find mount sanctum shields instead, with the mount
of a long dead paladin waiting within. Such a mount
is willing to serve its new master, but may be
concerned about its old one, and may have oldfashioned sensibilities if it has been in stasis for a
long time.
Shields may not have both a divine mark and a
mount sanctum enhancement.
Moderate abjuration; CL: 7th; Craft Magic Arms
and Armor, sanctuary; Price: +6,000gp.
Shining: This enhancement can only be placed
on metallic armor polished to a mirror-like finish, such
as banded mail, breastplate, half-plate, or plate mail
armor. Anyone wearing shining armor has a 5
circumstance penalty to Hide skill checks.
When worn by a paladin, shining armor grants a
+2 enhancement bonus to Charisma.

Moderate enchantment; CL: 10th, Craft Magic

Arms and Armor, enthrall; Price: +5,000gp.

New Specific Magical Armor

Crescent Shield: Crescent shields were forged
for a remote paladin order constantly under
attack by hostile werewolves. This
silvery, crescent moon-shaped shield
is often adorned with images of
howling wolves. The shield is the
enemy of lycanthropes everywhere.
The shield is normally a light
shield +2, but in the hands of someone
with a lawful good alignment who is immune
to lycanthropy (usually a paladin), it instead has a +5
enhancement bonus instead against the attacks of
lycanthropes. Such a wielder can also force a
lycanthrope to change involuntarily back to its
original shape up to 3 times per day by using a
command word. The lycanthrope must make a
Control Shape skill check at DC 25 to resist. (See
the MM: Lycanthropes).
The shield is mirror-like in appearance, and if
anyone looks closely, the true form of a shapeshifter
can be seen in its reflection. It is a move action to
look at the reflection of someone in the shield. Both
the viewer and the target must be within 30ft. of the
shield, and there must be adequate lighting.
Strong divination; CL: 15th, Craft Magic Arms
and Armor, true seeing; Price: 20,159gp; Cost
10,159gp + 800XP.

New Weapon Special Abilities

Note that righteous, holy or holy burst weapons
cannot also be blasphemous, unholy, or unholy
burst. The first three are considered to be good
aligned weapons, the last three are evil aligned
Righteous: A righteous weapon is a weaker
type of holy weapon. This special ability functions
the same as the holy ability in the DMG, except it
causes only +1d6 holy (good) damage when striking
evil creatures. A weapon can only have one of the
following special abilities: righteous, holy, or holy
Faint evocation [good]; CL: 5th; Craft Magic
Arms and Armor, consecrate; Price: +1 bonus.
Holy Burst: A holy burst weapon is a holy
weapon (+2d6 holy damage to evil creatures) that
also stuns evil creatures for one round on a critical
hit. A weapon can only have one of the following
special abilities: righteous, holy, or holy burst.
Strong evocation [good]; CL: 12th; Craft Magic
Arms and Armor, holy smite; Price: +3 bonus.

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 4: New Magic

Blasphemous: A blasphemous weapon is a
weaker type of unholy weapon. This special
ability functions exactly the same as the unholy
ability in the DMG, except it causes only +1d6
unholy (evil) damage when striking good
creatures. A weapon can only have one of the
following special abilities: blasphemous, unholy,
or unholy burst.
Faint evocation [evil]; CL: 5th; Craft Magic
Arms and Armor, desecrate; Price: +1 bonus.
Unholy Burst: An unholy burst weapon is
a unholy weapon (+2d6 unholy damage to good
creatures) that also stuns good creatures for
one round on a critical hit. A weapon can only
have one of the following special abilities:
blasphemous, unholy, or unholy burst.
Strong evocation [evil]; CL 12th;
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, unholy
blight; Price: +3 bonus

New Specific Magical Weapons

Dulans Surprise: Dulan was a paladin
who favored mounted combat over all else. He
charged carelessly into battle with this lance,
which he named Dulans Charge, and ultimately
met his doom when attacking a line of elite
goblin pikemen. The lance was held by the
goblins for a ransom, and finally recovered
recently by a temple, then stolen by a
mysterious warrior.
The warrior had the famous lance magically
enhanced to become a tattoo, so that he could
smuggle it around without suspicion. The lance
became known as Dulans Surprise for the way
the warrior would activate it while charging. He
was never caught by the temple and owned the
lance until he died years later in a tavern brawl.
The current location of the lance is unknown.
This righteous lance +3 is engraved with the
image of a cavalry charge against some
indistinguishable dark foe. The lance grants
anyone wielding it a +5 competence bonus to
his or her Ride skill. Once per round, on
command as a free action, the lance transforms
into a large tattoo on the wielders body or back
to a lance. If the wearer dies while the lance is
in tattoo form, the lance reforms next to the
Moderate evocation and transmutation
[good]; CL: 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
consecrate, shrink item, speak with animals,
creator must be of good alignment; Price:
44,310 gp; Cost: 22,310 gp + 1,760 XP.
Newals Vengeance:
This blade was
originally a long sword +1 called Newals Folly.
It was crafted with a rippled appearance to the
blade and a bronze plated hilt. This weapon was one

of many such swords forged by a local wizard to help

repel a gnoll invasion of the Brighton villages 30
years ago. Newal, a brave squire, fought valiantly
with the blade but was slain when he refused to
flee the overwhelming numbers of gnolls. The
blade was wielded by a gnoll chieftain until
recovered by adventurers, and then lost again
when they never returned from a dungeon
Years later a temple built near the massacred
villages was given the sword as a donation by a
mysterious wanderer, and the clerics have
enhanced it to be a worthy weapon of good. It is
now a holy gnoll-bane long sword +3, and
vibrates slightly whenever a gnoll is within
Fear of the temple and the
sword has kept the gnolls away,
but it is rumored that the sword is
missing again, so the gnolls may yet return.
Strong evocation [good]; CL: 12th; Craft
Magic Arms and Armor, detect evil, holy smite,
summon monster I, creator must be of good
alignment; Price: 100,315 gp; Cost: 50,315 gp +
4,000 XP.
Pinnacle: Pinnacle is more than a weapon;
it is a powerful NPC. It cannot remember its
ancient beginnings, but is very wise. Pinnacle
prefers to be used by higher level paladins, (16th
level +), but its purpose is to protect all paladins
and it may serve a lower level one for a short
time before convincing or forcing them to give the
blade up. Its personality can be thought of as
fatherly or motherly. Instead of pressing paladins
on into great danger, it urges wisdom, restraint,
and careful planning.
It never encourages
cowardice, but always questions its wielder if his
intentions seem rash. Pinnacle seems to speak
with an ancient accent of whatever language its
wielder speaks, and never uses contractions or a
simple word when a complex one will work.
Pinnacle has been destroyed many times,
but seems to be a favored weapon of the gods. It
always mysteriously returns to the mortal realm,
usually after several years. It theorizes that it is
resurrected/reforged by a god or powerful mortal
who created it so long ago. It has also wondered
aloud whether there are multiple Pinnacles in
different parts of the world, but does not know.
This holy burst defending bastard sword +5
has its hilt styled as a winged celestial flying to
heaven, or charging into hell, depending on your
point of view.
Pinnacle is highly intelligent, and some
consider it an actual saint or lesser artifact, or
both. It is lawful good, has a Wisdom of 23,
Intelligence of 16, and a Charisma of 16. A
character with an alignment other than lawful good

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 4: New Magic

who so much as picks up Pinnacle immediately gains
three negative levels. These levels never result in
actual level loss, but can never be avoided or
restored. Putting down the weapon removes the
negative levels. Pinnacles ego score is 35, but it
prefers not to dominate its wielder as long as they
are attempting to do the right thing, that is, being
rigidly lawful good. It will not hesitate to dominate a
wielder considering a chaotic or evil act.
Pinnacle communicates telepathically, and can
read languages and read magic. Its wielder does not
need to sleep or breathe, and gains free use of the
rogues evasion ability. The wielder can also fly
twice per day for up to 30 minutes at a time, and has
true seeing at will. These powers can only be used
when Pinnacle is held and drawn.
Pinnacles purpose is to defend paladins. It has
the ability to cast true resurrection on its wielder one
time, but will usually only do so if the wielder is a
paladin. Upon doing so, it will petition its owner to
find a new owner for it, or dominate them and force
them to do so if necessary.
Pinnacle has the ability to act as a phylactery of
faithfulness. Whenever consulted, it always gives
the correct advice to avoid a course of
action that might adversely affect the
wielders alignment or displease a
lawful good patron deity. Pinnacle
also has Knowledge (religion) at
20 ranks and can answer most
questions of a religious nature.
Strong evocation [good]; CL: 20th;
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, holy smite,
shield of faith, true resurrection, creator
must be of lawful good alignment; Price:
258,335 gp; Cost: 129,335 gp + 10,320 XP.
Sabre of Adqua: This keen righteous
rapier +2 features an ivory hilt and basket,
and a gleaming blade. The sabre is of
elven design and is clearly marked as the
property of the Adqua family, but no one
seems to know where that clan of elves
may be today. It is believed that a wizard
hired by a rogue who recovered the blade
placed the keen enhancement on it. The
blade is a favorite of elven paladins.
Any elves of good alignment gain a +2
enhancement bonus to Constitution as long
as they wield the weapon or wear it on their
Moderate transmutation [good]; CL: 6th;
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, consecrate,
keen edge, creator must be an elf of good
alignment; Price: 40,000 gp; Cost: 19,695
gp + 1550 XP.
There are rumored to be several lesser
sabres of Adqua without the keen

Faint transmutation [good]; CL: 6th; Craft Magic

Arms and Armor, consecrate, creator must be an elf
of good alignment; Price: 25,000 gp; Cost: 12,695 gp
+ 990 XP.
Wyrmseeker: Wyrmseeker is a sword feared by
all evil dragon-kind. The blade was created by the
cleric Verao for the paladin/ranger Nemmon many
years ago. Nemmon slew dragon after dragon with
wyrmseeker, until his recent disappearance. The
blade may have been destroyed, or guarded in a
hoard by a dragon too haughty to destroy it.
In the hands of anyone other than a paladin, this
plain-looking weapon performs as an ordinary
greatsword +1. When wielded by a paladin, the sixfoot blade begins to glow like gold (light radius 20ft)
revealing scrolling runes in draconic that list the
names of all the dragons it has slain, and performs
as a holy dragon-bane greatsword +3. It also
bestows resistance 15 against all types of evil dragon
breath to its wielder.
Wyrmseeker received its name because of its
unique ability to find dragons. When thrusting the
blade point down into the ground, the blade churns
the ground as it bends and the hilt slowly leans in the
direction of the nearest dragon. This effect has
unlimited range, but it can be fooled by mislead,
nondetection, and polymorph spells. You cannot
determine the distance to the dragon or the type of
dragon, only the general direction. This ability takes
a full round action to use.
While the blade is not intelligent, wyrmseeker
has a subtle effect on paladins that wield it.
Whenever in a combat that includes dragon foes,
paladins wielding wyrmseeker must make a Will save
at DC 15 or be compelled to attack any dragon
opponents they can reach instead of taking any other
wyrmseeker learns all of the
Strong evocation and
moderate divination [good];
CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms
and Armor, holy smite,
divination, protection from
elements, summon monster I,
creator must be good; Price:
100,350 gp; Cost: 50,350 gp +
4,000 XP.

New Rods and

Wondrous Items
rumored that these boots were
crafted for a particularly high ranking paladin who

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 4: New Magic

could simply not ride a warhorse with any measure of
grace. His order was so embarrassed, they had
these boots custom made.
Whenever worn, these thigh-high, always
magically clean, polished leather boots grant a +5
competence bonus to the Ride skill and allow you to
mount and dismount using a free action without a
skill check. Furthermore, you always land on your
feet when falling from a non-flying mount thus
suffering no damage.
Faint enchantment; CL: 3rd; Craft Wondrous
Item, cats grace; Price: 3,200gp; Weight: 2lb.
Fasting Chalice: These large drinking goblets
and books were created by an order of clerics and
paladins besieged for decades by demonic
armies. These paladins had little food, and lots
of time.
Fasting chalices sometimes appear ornate,
sometimes plain, but are always chained to a
book holy to a specific deity or religion. The
fasting chalice is used to prepare for a fight
against a deadly foe. The instructions for its
use are in the first few pages of the book.
To unlock the power of the chalice, you
must fast for a full day. Then fill it with
either your own blood, or the fresh
blood of a creature of the same type
that you wish to fight.
After filling the cup and holding it with one
hand, you must read the holy book (or unholy
book if the chalice is dedicated to some evil god or
faith) attached with the chain. Every word must be
read aloud, and the chalice cannot be dropped or set
down, nor can any blood be spilled from it during the
reading. This test of dedication takes approximately
24 hours, and requires six Concentration checks (DC
15) and Strength checks (DC 8), one every 4 hours
just before an allowed minute-long break.
After the reading, if all the skill and ability checks
are made, the blood in the chalice changes to fine
wine. Drinking the wine satisfies your hunger as if it
were an entire days worth of rations, and for the next
24 hours or until you eat something, you gain a +4
sacred bonus (or profane bonus, if the chalice is evil)
to Strength and Constitution. If the blood placed in
the chalice was from a creature other than you, you
also gain a a +2 sacred (or profane) bonus to
damage against that specific type off creature.
You may only be under the effect of one fasting
chalice at a time. You must be literate to use a
fasting chalice; the language the book is written in is
up to the GM, but is usually Common, as these
books are meant for holy warriors, not scholars.
Fasting chalices have the same alignment as the
deity or religion they are dedicated to, and are only
effective when used by characters of the same
If the fragile chain connecting the chalice to the

book is broken, (a standard action by anyone with a

Strength score of 3 or higher), the fasting chalice
ceases to work. Typically, due to the fragility of
these items, and because of their limited use during
travel, they are kept in temples. Donating such items
to temples or religious fortresses is especially
Moderate enchantment; CL: 10th; Craft
Knowledge (religion) 8 ranks; Price:
Weight 5lb.
Healing Sprinkler Rod: These rods were first
employed during a siege against a remote mountain
chapel. All three of the chapels clerics were killed
during a surprise attack at the start of the
assault. A group of young, inexperienced
paladins at the chapel for training were left to
lead the meager staff in the defense. A pair
of hound archons appeared to the paladins,
provided them with the first of these items, and
passed along the knowledge of crafting more.
With these rods, the small force was able to
withstand the assault in time for a rescuing
force to arrive.
The sprinkler is a light mace +1 or light
flail +1 with a hollowed out headpiece. The
hollow chamber is sufficient to hold one
flask of holy water. A single flask of holy
water can be poured into the hollow
chamber. Creatures struck by a sprinkler
loaded with holy water are also struck by the holy
water as it splashes on them.
Using the sprinkler to heal involves shaking it
and splashing holy water over the wound. This
increases the time required to use the lay on hands
ability to one full round, and heals an additional
amount of damage equal to the paladins Charisma
bonus during each use. One vial of holy water can
provide up to three rounds of use.
A healing sprinkler may only be used by a
particular character 3 times per day, so it is usually
used by groups of paladins for maximum effect, and
is rarely owned by a single paladin.
Faint conjuration; CL: 6th; Craft Rod, bless water,
cure serious wounds; Price: 2,600 gp; Weight: 5lbs.

Saddles of the Circle of Light: Once, when

paladins were common in the land, a paladins

Call of Duty A Paladins Sourcebook: Chapter 4: New Magic

warhorse sacrificed itself to save its master. That is
not an uncommon event, but for that particular
paladin, a half-elf named Keenan who loved his
mount and leader of a legendary order of paladins,
known as the Circle of Light, it was devastating. He
commissioned elven craftsman and spellcasters to
build saddles to protect all the mounts in the order,
and to help his paladins in mounted combat.
Ironically, he never called another mount himself.
The saddles he created came in a variety of
types. The less powerful types were given to lower
level members of the order. Most are military
saddles of masterwork quality, and have a
distinctly elven design.
There is a 10% chance that any of these
saddles found is exotic, and designed for
griffons or pegasi. Double the market price
on such items because the rarity of these
Initiates Saddle:
These saddles were
designed for the inexperienced rider and grant a
+5 bonus to Ride skill checks. These are quite
Faint enchantment; CL: 5th; Craft Wondrous
Item, animal friendship; Price: 5,000gp; Weight:
Defenders Saddle: These saddles were
issued to paladins who had proven themselves in
many battles and had called a special mount. As
the initiates saddle, plus this saddle has the
ability to cast heal mount once per day as an 11th
level paladin.
This ability is activated
automatically, whenever the mount is reduced to
zero hit points or less, but only works on a
paladins special mount.
Moderate enchantment; CL: 11th,
Wondrous Item, animal friendship, heal mount;
Price: 16,800gp; Weight: 30lb.
Captains Saddle: These saddles are quite
rare and were given only to the leaders of the
order. They have all the abilities of the defenders
saddle, plus they strengthened the bond between
a paladin and his special mount. A special mount
with this saddle gains abilities as if the paladin were
3 levels higher.
Strong enchantment; CL: 12th, Craft Wondrous


Item, animal friendship, heal mount, prayer; Price:

26,800gp; Weight: 30lb.

Lesser Artifacts
Unholy Destroyer: These foul blades were
once holy avengers, but became corrupted by
centuries of immersion in the same pits of the Abyss
that spawn balors. Demons give these blades to
blackguards as payment for a great service. They
appear to be longswords with twisted holy symbols
embedded in the hilt.
A character with an alignment other than
chaotic evil who so much as picks up an unholy
destroyer immediately gains two negative levels.
These levels never result in actual level loss, but
can never be avoided or restored. Putting
down the weapon removes the negative
To any character other than a blackguard, a
deathblade, or a chaos knight
an unholy
destroyer functions as a longsword +2. (See
Chapter 1 for information on the deathblade or
chaos knight.)
In the hands of a character with one of the
above classes, unholy destroyers are chaotic
unholy longswords +5, and glow like a greenish
torch (20ft radius) when a paladin is within 1 mile.
Blackguards wielding an unholy destroyer gain
the ability to smite good one additional time per
day with the weapon. Chaos knights instead gain
the ability to smite law an additional time per day.
Deathblades gain no additional special abilities, but
may be able to summon an unholy destroyer. (See
Chapter 1 about deathblades.)
Unholy destroyers have a rudimentary
Intelligence (2), and are telepathically aware of their
They use this knowledge to
planeshift, with their wielder, back to a random level
of the Abyss whenever they feel they are in serious
danger. Usually this is when they have taken
damage, or when held by someone with good
alignment. Unwilling wielders are only planeshifted
in this way if they fail a Will save (DC 15).
CL: 20th; Weight 4lb.


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