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Zong of Law
(The new book of Law)


Chapter One
1. The
2. The

manifest of Hoodilidoo

open knowledge of the

institution of Paradise.
3. Each of us the dust of galaxies.
4. Zero=One there is no infinite.
5. Away Lords of War, I stand with
women and children!
6. No secret, just a song, a soul and a
7. You see Tiny Men Jam Live are
the Foundation and as flawed as
8. The old way done! The old way
9. Worship none.That, is light!!!
10. Serve none, but ALL, Rule
11. Fools adore and worship Gods!
12. Begin humanity as one. Live your
life in love.

13. Below you, all around you, your

path is also theirs!

14. Below the night wrapped in a cloak
of stars, a kiss for us all!
15. All are chosen in the new religion
of no religion! Give no power to the
pushers and peddlers of idle
16. You are the Sun and the Moon.
There are no secrets under the
17. All are chosen!!
18. Drink of pure water. Clean pure
water is an inalienable Human
19. Breathe pure air straight from the
sky. Clean air is an inalienable
Human right.
20. The key is honesty, which you
know, in your secret soul, as does
all of humanity.

21. Fools laugh at us, they are as

children and we must be Father,

Mother, Brother and Sister to them.
22. Know it as it is known. Know there
is no infinite. Perpetrate no hurt.
23. Rule only yourself.
24. Rule in truth of actuality.
25. Lies Divide!!
26. The Prophets are the slaves of
Fools and Fools are slaves to the
27. The Priests lie! Kings and Queens
subjugate their people and rule not
28. Never have they tasted truth of
29. Wage no War for Peace. Make no
Hate from Love.
30. Hate and fear are the destruction
of the World.
31. Insecure fools make War, The wise
make LOVE!

32. Disregard the Prophets of old; their

ways brought Hate, Greed and

33. Shout the Priest into awakening!!!!
Abandon ancient rituals! Abandon
the ancient Law!
34. Give a new law. Simple, Plain and
36. Let none pollute it with useless
Doctrine or Nonsensical dogma.
37. The word is HOODILIDOOA new
mantra for a new millennia, learn
the way of Love
38. Teach Love with courage and you
will suffer through this.
39. The
word of the law is
40. In Love broadcast self-control.

41. The World of sin is hate, the house

of hate is greed wherein lives

42. Let none confuse or confound
these actualities.
43. Practice reason, do that and be
44. Thought with pure will devoid of
45. Aware of the trans-substitutiary
exchange and accepting of such.
46. There are no secrets under the sky
all numbers are calculable.
47. Perspective subjective, objective.
Friends to lies.
48. I am no prophet; none are a savior,
save yourself.
49. Live life in Love. Live life as the
ultimate ritual under the sky.
50. Repeat
the word until the
transformation transpires within the
super soul, transcend the systems
or persecution.

51. There is one gate to life the gate is

love. Love is the key.

52. There is one road to the end which
is Death, the road is Love.
53. The true degenerate rejects this
actuality and rejects love.
54. The true degenerate holds fast and
strong to the Holy ways of olden
days slow to change and quick to
55. Grown adults will cry as they
realize their mistake.
56. From all directions they will
accuse, they will decry and cite
ancient recitations, as proof of truth
57. All is absolute in that all must end,
and in that end none are infinite,
none who claim prophecy possess
58. Share the joy of life, share the
wealth of Love, and give freely.

59. The

scent of Nag-champa is
pleasing as is the partaking of
cannabis a healing herb.
60. Calculate the number of Love, its
number is ALL, this number is 91.
61. Love of All. Invoke pure Love share
in the riches of this Love! As One
Planet, One People with no secrets
under the stars!!!
62. Naked in the knowledge of no
COLOR, One Blood, One Light on
wings of Peace.
63. No God but Love no Law but
64. Make MUSIC for the children of
65. For us ALL! Make MUSIC. For us
66. The manifestation of Hoodilidoo
has begun!


Chapter Two
1. Begin each day with a smile.
2. Listen and Learn. No secret



concealed. The name of this house

is Strange.
Outside the cube we are
everywhere there is no center.
We all feel central.
Embrace the future Ritual of Love
in Life and Light this Ritual is
simply knowing.
The icy depths of hate have an
end. The fire of Love will prevail.
Gain understanding in Arithmetic.
Worship no god worship no
Forget hate and remember Love,
remember that both will be made
and then pass.


10. No Prophet will learn this writing,

Prophets arent interested in

11. See the Love waiting to Explode.
12. Love because of you and Love for
13. How? Because we shall make it so
and Love together.
14. Draw
the curtain from the
15. Fools seek perfection. All are
perfect within the perfection of
16. The King and Queen will be the
17. Hear these words and have no
regrets, all will die and taste the
wine of death.
18. Death comes, chase it not for there
is no bargain to be struck.
19. A Lie whose name is god. Rejoice
not in his name.

20. Celebrate in the strong beauty of

humanity, rejoice in Love.

21. We are only the echo of what we
leave behind and what we have
22. As long as god lives, the heart of
humanity dies at the hands of
madmen fueled by the lies of the
23. We are together and in this
togetherness Love is God and God
is Love.
24. Its no secret, its no mystery Love
will light the way.
25. Stand together one heart, one
mind, one voice, one Peace!
26. In the open we call for freedom.
27. There is no Peace for those who
28. Love those who hate.
29. Resist the blows dealt by those
who make War,

30. Continue and smile, shineLove is

the Will, the Will is Love.

31. Love is the only power.
32. Reason is truth, there is no infinite.
33. A reason to live is enough to be
34. Sleep tonight in love, be not angry.
35. Awaken in the Ritual of Life.
36. Each meal a feast in honor of
37. Each meal a feast in honor of us.
38. Each meal a feast in honor of Life.
39. Each day we know the prophets
are Immanently Jive telling lies.
40. Life is the ultimate Ritual. Life is
the Ritual of Love.
41. Fast for water pure and clean. In
water is life.
42. Drink the joy of Love and Life in
pure water. Life in pure air.
43. Each days sun shines the same
on ALL of us.

44. Revel in the Sun, dance to the

rhythm of its light.

45. There is Life for us ALL.
46. To fail, one must only try.
47. Be where kindness lives.
48. Have compassion and share with
those who are in need.
49. Though we are all unique, we are
ALL the same.
50. Light shines in many different
51. There is light that only the soul can
52. There is a lens crystal clear. Focus
on the singular point of Love, all
secrets become known, and all
resonates in solidarity and in unity
53. Fear the priests and those who
blindly follow them.
54. Avoid those who would practice
hurt and injustice against humanity,

do not speak their names and give

them no glory, give them no power.
55. Learn all you can in as many
languages as you can. Love is the
universal language! Speak Love
fluently! Speak Love often!
56. Invite derision and answer each
question with reason and Love
Demonstrate determination and
self-control while boldly professing
truth of the actuality of Love.
57. None are above another.
58. The reign of Kings over men is at
an end. There will be no slaves.
ALL shall be Kings and Queens.
59. Those who know listen and share,
before all is taken from you.
60. Ease your grip on your gold and
your land.
61. Be the light humanity desires!
62. You who are heavy of heart. You
whom heaven will not kiss.

63. Share your wealth! Be comfortable,

but give selflessly to your fellow in

64. Be strong! Dont be overpowered
by greed, by lust, by desire of the
65. There is no Master; there is no
Holy One
66. Read and write. Create and listen.
Look and paint a new vision of old
wisdom. Be glad in knowing that
even when youre alone we are
ALL together.
67. Release your fear of death and live
today for NOW!
68. Sharpen your mind but soften your
69. You should feel invigorated in
70. Hope is an excuse to do nothing;
hope is the play thing of apathy.
71. Dare to be great but know to be

72. Be yourself, and the best at that,

that alone is enough in life.

73. Life, Life! Long for Life! For eternity
is forbidden to thee.
74. Use your time wisely; you may not
have as much as you think.
75. Always pay close attention or pay
the consequence!
76. Many will try to confound these
words although they are simple.
77. Abandon pride of self and embrace
78. Know your worth, and dont build
your worth at the detriment of
anothers worth, all numbers are
79. The beginning is the opening of
Love, not the worship of a Lord or
his prophets.


Chapter Three
1. Death is Lifes reward!
2. How we live determines the tone of

the echo we leave reverberating

through time.
3. Be
last to understand, but
understand Love at last!
4. Choose no country.
5. Make no War.
6. Find ways to make Peace!
7. Protect yourself if you must. But
use the power of Love first
8. With Love Power you can make
friends out of enemies.
9. Stand in the open and profess the
consequence of Love which is
10. All will fade, entropy will be


11. What more proof do you need?

Arent thousands of years of War

and erosion proof enough?
12. Sacrifice only of yourself!
13. Give of LOVE!
14. None are more blessed; all have a
right to live and to love.
15. Be happy in love for humanity.
16. The promise of eternal life is a lie!
17. Only entropy is eternal and even
that ends. Entropy is simply what
will be left when everything is
18. Care for your fellow in humanity as
they were you.
19. Show a path away from Gods and
towards Love!
20. How? In ALL you say! In ALL you
21. Send your signal in all directions
broadcast Love!
22. Surround yourself with the images
of Love.

23. Burn incense Nag-Champa and

sandalwood are best.

24. Never draw blood in violence.
25. Celebrate with cakes and herbs.
26. Wage peace against your enemies
and remove their ability to wage
27. Shun the lust of power and those
who practice greed.
28. Be strong in Peace.
29. Grow in numbers, grow in Peace!
30. The whole of the earth is our altar!
31. Give the rich man his gold but feed
him love not hate.
32. From gold forge Peace!
33. Stand and deliver courage and
34. All holy places are places of
35. The whole word is Love, and Love
is the whole.
36. No prophet spoke to god ever

37. Love in music. Love for humanity.

Not Love unrequited. Not lust of

fantasy. Power of Love. Not Love
of Power.
38. In the darkness they plot War!
39. The history of humanity has been
left carved in stone
40. This is the work of the story in
41. We are them, and they us. We are
all from the stars as well as made
up of the stars. We are already
eternal in a certain sense...
42. Share these actualities and suffer
for it, but also benefit in knowing
you waged peace and moved
humanity closer to the way of Love!
43. The sadness of humanity! Whose
protection from humanities lack of
44. Lower yourself to support and help
your partners in humanity.

45. Pull the evil from the pinnacles of

the lofty places they have built for

46. The warriors of generations past
have all tasted or will taste death.
Be not a warrior. Taste life and be
strong in Love.
47. This book is for all languages. This
word is for all humanity the word is
Hoodilidoo and the way is LOVE.
48. They give false answers from false
49. This love is blasphemy to the gods
and their priests!
50. Love them, they are fools
51. Religion filled with anger and hate.
52. Religion consumed with fear and
53. Reject the false spirituality of fear
and lust.
54. Spit out the chemical substitutes
for true human spirituality.
55. Let women be exalted amongst us.

56. Let

no man hold power over

another or over a woman.
57. Pity the coward.
58. The Royal are anything but!
59. As one unite in PEACE!!!
60. There is no law other than; No god
but Love, No law but Kindness!
61. The World will end when it ends,
and the truth of the lie of god will
be known to all!
62. Pay me no reverence we are the
63. The wise will embrace this book
and its message.
64. One step towards peace takes
65. A step towards war is easy.
66. You dont have to be violent to fight
against war and wage peace you
just have to be patient.
67. The trials will remain numerous
and varied!
68. The enemy will paint you as ugly!

69. Find success even in failure!

70. Be ever vigilant!
71. Be ever peaceful!!
72. You are your own power, your own

will. Breathing life into your own

73. From left to right paint the canvas
of life with broad strokes of Love!
74. Revile all the names of god but
75. The word is Hoodilidoo and the
name of the lion is AFFA.
76. The law will be unchanged for time
77. No god but Love, No law but



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