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Among the most influential postmodern plays are Becketts Waiting for

Godot is closely associated with absurdism and existentialism. Written in the

1950s, in the play Beckett examines the emptiness of human existence,
especially acute during the post-war era. His plays, which express the
banality of life through seemingly meaningless repetitions, have been
associated with existentialism in that they deny any inherent purpose to life.
Noting the barren yet symbolic details of his works, the philosopher Alain
Badiou describes Beckett as a writer of the absurd, of despair, of empty
skies, of incommunicability and of eternal solitude in sum, an
Existentialism is a movement in 20th century philosophy and literature that
centers on the individual and his or her relationship to the universe or God.
This existentialist label has been applied to writers, philosophers, visual
artist and filmmakers; the movement flourished in Europe. Philosophers like
Hegel Kierkegaard, Dostoyevsky, Nietzsche, Kafka, Sartre, and Camus are
the most well-known in the field of existentialism. What is Existentialism? To
give answer to this question in very simple words then ones way of living
life, the way an individual wanted live life is existentialism. As Jean-Paul
Sartre clearly said Man simply is. Not that he is simply what he conceives
himself to be, but he is what he wills, and as he conceives himself after
already existing as he wills to be after that leap towards existence. Man is
nothing else but that which he makes of himself. That is the first principle of
As we know that the play, Waiting for Godot is centred around two men , Estragon and
Vladimir who are waiting for Mr.Godot of whom they know little. Estragon admits
himself that he may never recognize Mr.Godot,
Personally I wouldnt know him if I ever saw him.
Estragon also remarks, .we hardly know him. Which illustrates to an audience
that the identity of Mr.Godot is irrelevant, as little information is ever given through the
play about this indefinable Mr.X. It is possible to stress the for in the waiting for the sea
the purpose of action in two men with a mission, not to be deflected from their
compulsive task.
Estragon: ..Lets go.
Vladimir: We cant.
Estragon: Why not?
Vladimir: Were waiting for Godot.
As already mentioned that the essence of existentialism concentrates on the
concept of the individuals freedom of choice, opposed to the belief that humans are
controlled by a pre-existing omnipotent being, such as God. Estragon and Vladimir
have made the choice of waiting without instruction as Vladimir says,
He didnt say for sure hed come but decides to
wait till we know exactly how we stand.
Albert Camus, an existentialist writer, believed that boredom or waiting, which
is essentially the breakdown of routine or habit, caused people to think seriously about
their identity, as Estragon and Vladimir do. In The Plague, Camus suggests that

boredom or inactivity causes the individual to think with clarity. Camus and other
existential writers, suggested that attempting to answer these rhetorical questions could
drive someone to the point of insanity. The tramps continually attempt to prove that they
exist, in order to keep their sanity:
We always find something, eh Didi, to give us the impression that we exist?
The German existentialist philosopher Martin Heidegger expressed clearly that human
beings can never hope to understand why they are here. The tramps repetitive
inspection of their empty hats perhaps symbolizes mankinds vain search for answers
within the vacuum of a universe.
Jean Paul Sartre, the leading figure of French existentialism declared that
human beings require a rational basis for their lives but are unable to achieve one and
thus human life is a futile passion. Estragon and Vladimir attempt to put order into their
lives by Waiting for a Godot who never arrives. They continually subside into the futility
of their situation reiterating the phrase Nothing to be done. Vladimir also resolves with
the notion that life is futile or nothing is to be done at the beginning replaying.
All my life Ive tried to put it from me And I resumed the struggle.
Estragons questions is left unanswered by Vladimir. Note that these questions
seem to bring pain or anxiety to Estragon. Beckett conveys a universal message that
pondering the impossible questions that arise from waiting cause pain, anxiety, inactivity
and destroy people from within. Note that both Vladimir and Estragon ponder suicide,
by hanging themselves from the tree, but are unable to act through to anxiety, as
Estragon states,
Dont lets do anything. Its safer.
Estragon: Well, shall we go?
Vladimir: Yes, lets go.
They do not move.

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