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Miss Lewis

Honors English 10, Course Outline

Welcome to Tenth Grade English! I look forward to working with you this year. I
will be available after school until 2:45pm most days, and at other times by appointment,
for conferences or for help. I can be reached by email at, or by
calling the school at 410-751-3560. I know we will have a great year!
Students will examine written literature and a variety of non-print media to
analyze how authors use literary techniques, technical devices, and language to affect
reader response. Students will also develop their research and writing skills, and will
study grammar in order to achieve greater variety, flexibility, and linguistic accuracy in
their own written and oral communication. Extended and short texts will include both
fiction and non-fiction. The course is also designed to prepare students for the English
High School Assessment, which all tenth-grade students will take at the end of the course.
Units may include:
Identity and Human Rights (1984 )
Ethical Choices (The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks)
Personal Responsibility (Macbeth, Julius Caesar, or Catcher in the Rye)
Striving for Success (Nickel and Dimed OR Outliers)
Class Regulations:
General Classroom Behavior: Each day all students should follow these rules:

Students should arrive to class on time each and every class period with all of
their materials for the class.
During class, especially direct instructional times such as warm-up review
and note-taking, students should not be talking unless they have been called
on by the teacher. (When there is group work this policy does not apply as
long as conversations remain on topic.)

Miss Lewis

Students should show respect towards both others in the class as well as the
teacher. This means, not throwing things across the classroom, not making
jokes about anothers grade, answer in class, hobbies, etc., not physically
touching each other or taking others property.

Violation of these polices may result in e-mails/phone calls home or a written

Cell Phone Use:
All CCPS BOYD policies must be followed at all times.
o All devices must be on silent mode during class time.
Cell phones may be used at the discretion of the classroom teacher.
Recording (Audio, Video, or Photographic) in the classroom may only
occur with direct permission from the teacher.
Any incidents related to the BOYD policy will result in referral for
insubordination and may result in suspension from school.
Laptops are approved for note taking in class. If a student is found to be
using the laptop inappropriately, they will be asked to begin using the
paper and pencil note taking method.
As for cell phones, they should NOT be brought to the classroom unless
directed by the teacher. Cell phones have proven to be a major distraction
and are not needed for day to day instruction. Students should leave their
cell phones safely locked in their lockers. If they do not feel safe doing
this, cell phones should be turned OFF and placed in pencil pouches upon
entering the classroom. If this policy is not followed, students will be
issued a technology violation referral.

1st referral: Minor referral-sent home to notify parents

2nd referral: Minor referral-parent teacher contact via phone or e-mail
3rd referral: Major referral-afterschool detention and conference with
an administrator

If there is a special circumstance, please contact me by e-mail at to discuss this.

It is important to be present and on time to class. If you are not inside the room
and ready to work when the bell rings, you will be considered late. School policies for
consequences will be followed.
If a student is late to class without a note or notification via e-mail from
another teacher, the student will be receive a referral for tardiness.
Grading Policy
Students are expected to complete all assignments, and should ask for any work
missed during absences. Students will be given one day to complete make-up work for

Miss Lewis

every day that they are absent. In the case of extended absences (four or more days),
more time may be given if you arrange it with me when picking up your missed work.
Classwork, homework, reports, projects, writing assignments, tests, and quizzes will all
contribute to your grade for each quarter. By county policy, final shall be 10% of the
final grade. The county grading policy may be found by accessing the site and searching for IKAB.
Work will not be accepted more than one calendar week from the original due date. All
work will lose 10% of the final day for each day the assignment is past due. Secondchance learning may be given at the teachers discretion. Sign up for PAWS on the signup sheet located by the door.
Grading Scale:
90-100% =A
80-89% =B
70-79% =C

60-69% =D
0-59% =F

It is necessary to have notebook paper and a writing utensil (pencil, or pen with
blue or black ink) at all times. In addition, you should always bring your textbook to
class. Students who are frequently unprepared for class may lose participation points.
Students will not be allowed to go to their lockers if they do not bring the required
Other supplies needed:
3-ring loose leaf binder
Colored pen
5 tab dividers

Post-it notes
Access to word processor account

You should ALWAYS have your school computer log-in.

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