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a' m & n (slovo) the letter a; (u glazbi) A major (minor)

key | od ~ do from A to Z; ni ~ nije rekao there
wasn't a peep out of him; ~ mol (c-dur) A minor (C
major); ~ dur (fis-mol) A major (F sharp minor)
a'' con and, but | ja mu govorim ~ on ne slua I talk to
him but he doesnt hear me; pokuati ~ ne uspjeti to
try without succeeding; mi smo jai ~ oni bri we
are stronger while they are faster; otiao je ~ (da)
nije platio he left without paying; krupan ~ okretan
burly but nimble; visok ~ krupan tall and burly; to
ne moe da proe ~ da ne izazove otpor it wont
pass but itll cause rasistance; they cant let it go at
a''' int ah; oh | ~? eh?, huh?; ~ to je neto drugo well,
that's different
abakus m (s kuglicama) v. racunaljka; archit (na
kapitelu stupa) abacus
abat m abbot (v. opat)
abaur m v. sjenilo
abdicirati vi abdicate
abdikacija f abdication
abdikant m abdicator
abdomen m anat & med v. trbuh
abdovina f bot dane-wort, dwarf-elder
abeced|a f alphabet; fig rudiments pl | po ~i alphabetically, in alphabetical order
abecedirati vt alphabetize, arrange alphabeticlly
abecedni adj alphabetic(al)
Abesinac m Ethiopian, Abyssinian
Abesinija f Ethiopia, Abyssinia
abesinski adj Ethiopian, Abyssinian
abiturient m candidate for a secondary-school leaving
ablendati vt Ger v. skratiti svjetlo
ablender m Ger v. prekida za svjetlo
abmontirati vt Ger v. skinuti, raspremiti
abnormalan adj abnormal
abonent m season-ticket holder
abonirati se vr take out a season ticket (na for)
abonos m v. ebanovina
abortus m abortion | napravila je ~ she had an abortion;
doktor je napravio ~ the doctor did the abortion
acetat m chem acetate
acetilen m chem acetylene
aceton m chem acetone; (za nokte) polish remover
ada Tur river island (islet) (v. otoi)
ad acta adv | staviti neto ~ put a matter on the shelf,
drop a matter
Adam m Adam | ~ova jabuica Adam's apple
adaptacija f adaptation
adaptiran pp adapted
adaptirati vt adapt
adaptirati se vr adapt (na to)
adekvatan adj adequate
adekvatno adv adequately | ~ tome correspondingly;
adhezija f adhesion
adjektiv m adjective
adjektivan adj adjectival
adjektivno adv adjectivally

adjunkt m assistant; gram adjunct

adjutant m v. autant
administacij|a f administration; administrative offices;
administrative apparatus paper work | zbog greke u
~i due to a clerical error
administrativac m clerical worker
administrativan adj administrative
administrator m admnistrator
admiral m admiral; (leptir) red admiral
admiralitet m admiralty
admiralski adj | ~ brod flagship
adneks m (zgrada) annex (B i annexe)
adoptiran adj adopted | ~o dijete adoptive child
adoptirati vt adopt
adres|a f address, direction, superscription | manjkava
~a insufficient address; kuna (poslovna) ~a home
(business) address; brzojavna ~a telegraphic address; (prekomorska) cable address; fig obratitit se
na krivu (pravu) ~u apply in the wrong (right) quarters, apply to the wrong (right) person; fig to ide na
moju ~u that was intended for (aimed at) me; staviti
~u address (superscribe, direct) a letter; (na kovegu i
sl.) label
adresant m v. poiljalac
adresar m direktory; (biljenica) address book
adresat m v. naslovnik, primalac
adresiran pp addressed
adresirati vt address | krivo ~ misaddress, address
adut m trump-card, trump | glavni ~ ace card; skriveni ~
ace in the hole; drati ~e hold the cards; izai s ~om
play a trump; izai s posljednim ~om play one's last
adventist m eccl Adventist
adventistiki adj eccl Adventist
adverb m adverb
adverbijalan adj adverbial
advokat m B solicitor, A lawyer (attorney); (koji brani
na sudu) B barrister, A trial lawyer | otii ~u consult
a solicitor (lawyer); uzeti ~a take a solicitor (lawyer);
predati stvar ~u refer a matter to one's solicitor
(lawyer); zastupa me kao ~ he holds the brief for me;
zakutni ~ ("fikal") pettifogger, hedgelawyer
advokatsk|i adj | ~i pripravnik B solicitor's clerk, A law
clerk; ~a kancelarija B solicitor's (barrister's) office,
A lawyer's office; ~i ispit bar examination; ~a komora B law society (za barristers: Bar Council), A
bar association (odn. trial lawers association); primili
u ~u komoru B call to the Bar, A admit to the bar;
postati lan ~e komore B be called to the Bar, A be
admitted to the bar; iskljuiti iz ~e komore disbar
advokatura f legal profession; practice of law
autant m adjutant; (generalski, vladarev) aide-de-camp
aerodinamian adj streamlined | ~ne linije streamlined
aerodinamika f aerodinamics sg
aerodrom m B aerodrome, A aidrome, B & A airfield;
(meunarodni) airport; (poljski) airstrip
aerogliser m hovercraft, air-cushion vehicle (craft)
aeromehaniar m aircraft mechanic

aeromiting m airdisplay, airmeet

aeroplan m arch v. avion
afarist m huster, wheeler-dealer (oba sl); money-grubber
afaristiki adj wheeler-dealer sl; money-grubbing
afekt m | u ~u in the heat of the moment; jur under severe provocation; ubojstvo u ~u crime of passion
afektacija f affectation, airs pl
afektiran pp affected
afektirati vi affect, pretend, give oneself airs; (u govoru)
mince words
afer|a f scandal, (shady) affair | umijean u ~u involved
in a scandal
Afganistan m Afghanistan
Afganistanac m Afghan
afganistanski adj Afghan | ~ jezik Afghan(i)
afinitet m affinity (i chem) | nemati ~a have no affinity
(za for, to, with)
afirmacija f recognition, being established, breakthroug
afirmiran pp established
afirmirati vt establish
afirmirati se vi establish oneself (itself), win recognition, win acceptance, make a name for oneself (itself); (nametnuti se) assert oneself
aforizam m aphorism, pithy maxim
aforistiki adj aphoristic | adv aphoristically, in aphorisms
afriki adj African
Afrika f Africa
Afrikanac m African
afrikanist m Africanist, African scholar
afrikanistika f African studies
Afrikanka f African woman
afroazijski adj Afro-Asian
afrodizijski adj aphrodisiac
aga m ag(h)a | fig kao ~ like a lord
agencija f agency, agent's office | novinska ~ news
agency, wire service; turistika ~ travel agency (bureau); brodarska ~ shipping agency; (biljetarnica)
shipping office
agent m agent; v. trgovaki putnik; secret-police agent |
tajni ~ secret (undercover) agent; dvostruki ~ double
agent; ~ osiguranja securiti man; pol ~ kolonijalizma stooge of colonialism
agentura f v. agencija; pol cover-up organization, secret
headquarters | pol strana ~ forein secret agents (service)
agenturni adj | ~ posao commission business
agilan adj active, agile
agilnost f acrtiveness, agility
agitacija f agitation, campaign(ing)
agitator m agitator
agitirati vi agitate; pol canvass, solicit votes, campaign
aglutinacija f med & ling agglutination
aglutinativ|an adj | ling ~ni jezici agglutinative languages
agnosticizam m phil agnosticism
agnostic m phil agnostic
agonij|a f med & fig agony | pao je u ~u he is in his agony, he is in the death throes; ~a je nastupila the agony has set in
agrar m agrarian issues (interests, complex)

agrarn|i adj agrarian | ~o pitanje land question;

provesti ~u reformu carry out the land (agrarian) reform; zakon o ~oj reformi land-reform law; vladina
~a politika government's farming policy
agregat m el generating unit (set), power unit, motor
(field) generator
agregatn|i adj | phys ~o stanje physical condition
agresij|a f aggression | izvriti oruanu ~u na carry out
(launch, commit) armed aggression against; atomsko
sredstvo za spreavane ~e nuclear deterrent
agresivan adj aggressive
agresivno adv aggressively
agresivnost f aggressiveness
agresor m aggressor
agronom m agronomist; (dravni) extension (farming,
agricultural) officer, agricultural adviser, B (agricultural) district advisory officer, A county agent
agronomija f agronomy
agronomski adj agricultural | ~ fakultet farming college
agrotehnika f agricultural engineering (technology),
power farming; farming power equipment
agrumi m pl citrus fruits
ah! int oh! [u]
aha! int aha! [a'ha:] (potvrdno) uh-uh ['h:], (oh) I
see, oh
ahat m minr agate
ais m mus sharp
ajde! int come along!, come on!, move on! | ~, ~! (nee
biti ba tako) come, come; come now; aw, come on; ~
de! well; all right; to jo ~ de it's not so bad; it
wouldn't matter so much; dobro ~ oh, all right;
ajdmo! let's go!, come along!
ajkula f v. morski pas
ajme! int oh!
ajnc m car (u kockarnicama) twenty-one, vingt-et-un; (u
obitelji) blackjack
ajner m v. uitak
ajvar m cul aivar, red-pepper chutney
-ak suf | tridesetak some (about) thirty, thirty-odd
akacija f acacia
akademac m student of military academy
akademij|a f academy; (priredba) observance, commemoration; | pomorska ~a (vojna) naval academy;
(trgovaka) merchant marine academy; vojna ~a
military academy; kazalina ~a academy of dramatic
art; drama school, drama department; umjetnika ~a
academy of art; muzika ~a academy (school) of music, conservatoire; pedagoka ~a (teacher) training
college; trgovaka ~a commercial college; Jugoslavenska ~a znanosti i umjetnosti Yugoslav Academy of Arts and Science; Britanska ~a znanosti
Royal Society (njezin lan: Fellow of R.S.); redovni
(dopisni, poasni) lan ~e regular (corresponding,
honorary) member of academy; odrati sveanu ~u u
ast Dana UN hold a UN observance, observe (mark,
celebrate) the UN day
akademik m academcian, member (fellow) of academy
akademski adj academic | ~ graanin university (college) graduate
a kamoli con let alone, not to mention
akapirati vt v. zakapirati
akceleracija f phys acceleration

akcelerator m phys & mot accelerator

akcent m (naglasak) stress; (prizvuk) accent; (isticanje)
akcentiranje n accentuation, stress, emphasis
akcentirati vt stress, accentuate (oba i fig)
akcij|a f action (i mil); v. dionica | ovjek od ~e man of
action, A sl go-getter; poduzeti ~u take action;
launch an effort; razviti iroku ~u launch an extensive drive; poduzeti energinu ~u protiv crash down
on; stupiti u ~u go (swing) into action; make a move;
come into action (play); ii u (gerilsku) ~u go on a
raid; izbaciti iz ~e put (knock) out of action, knock
out; pokrenuti ~u za pomo launc a relief drive to
the aid of; ~ za propagiranje kontracepcije birth
control drive (campaign); v. sabirni
akcionar m v. dioniar
akcionarski adj v. dioni(ars)ki
akcioni adj | ~ program action program(me); program(me) of action; ~ radijus radius of action, cruising radius, (maximum) range
aker m (0,4 ha) acre
aklamacij|a f acclamations pl, acclaim | izabrati ~om za
vou acclaim leader; usvojiti ~om vote (carry) by acclamation
aklamirati vt acclaim, hail, cheer
aklimatizacija f acclimatization
aklimatiziranje n acclimatization, acclimation
aklimatizirati vt acclimatize, acclimate | ~ se become
acclimatized (na to)
ako con (uvjet) if, provided (that); (sluaj) in case (of),
in the event that (ili of +ing) | ~ ikako if ... at all; ~ i
even if; ~ pak but if; ~ moda if perhaps, in the event
(in case) of +ing; ~ ne if not; osim ~ except (save)
that, unless; ~ doe if he comes, if he should come;
suppose he comes; ~ je tako in this case; kad ne bi
bilo tih ~ if ifs and ands were pots and pans; ~ bude
novaca, moi e se... given money, it will be possible
akontacija f v. predujam
akonto adv on account (of); in advance
akord m mus chord; (rad) pece-work, job-work | na ~ by
the job; uzeti u ~ contract for a job, coll farm a job
akordan adj | ~ psao work by the job; min tut-work
akov m half-hectolitre barrel; v. abar
akreditirati vt dipl accredit; com open a credit in one's
akreditiv m letter of credit | dipl ~i v. vjerodajnice
akrep m fig ugly person; (ena) haf, A sl dog, A sl pig
akribija f scholary meticulousness
akrobacij|a f acrobatic feat (stunt) | izvoditi ~e perform
acrobatics; junake ~e trick riding; aero zrane ~e
stunt flying, acrobatic
akrobat m acrobat; tumbler; (na konopu) rope-dancer; v.
akrobatika f acrobatics pl
akrobatski adj acrobatic; stunt
akronim macronym
akropola f acropolis
akrostih m prosacrostic
aksiom m axiom
akt m (in) act; v. spis; (umjetniki) nude | ad ~a v. ad
acta; ~ fotografija nude photograph; spolni ~ sex
act, coitus

akter m protagonist, active participant, actor

aktinij m chem actinium
aktiv m gram active voice; pol group of activists |
struni ~ professional section
aktiv|a f assets pl | ~ i pasiva assets and liabilities;
upisati u ~u enter on the credit side (i fig)
aktiv|an adj active; (vojska) effective, on active service;
(radin) energetic, busy; com having assets exceeding
liabilities | ~na sluba active service; ~ni vojnik
regular; ~ni krajevi self-supporting (food-exporting)
aktivirati vt activate, put in action, set in motion, trigger
off; stir up; mil put (back) into active service;
(bombu) detonate, set off
aktivirati se vr become (more) active; get involved
aktivist m activist; (ire)civic-minded person
aktivistiki adj activist
aktivno adv actively
aktivnost f activity; energy, diligence
aktovka f (torba) brief-case; theat one-act play, oneacter
aktualan adj (suvremen) topical, current, present; (zbiljan) actual, rel
aktualnost f topicality; reality, existing conditions | ~i
topical (current) events (issues)
akumulacija f accumulation | ~ kapitala accumulation
of capital; prvobitna ~ primitive accumulation
akumulator m el (storage) battery | prazan ~ run-down
battery; puniti ~ re-charge a battery
akumulatorsk|i adj | ~a vozila battery-powered vehicles;
~ kiselina battery acid (solution)
akumulirati vt accumulate; (u jednu svotu) pool
akustian adj acoustic; having acoustics
akustinost f acoustic quality; acoustics; resonance
akustika f acoustics pl
akut m (naglasak) acute accent
akutan adj (bolest) acute; (opasan) critical; (vaan) crucial
akutnost f grave (critical) state
akuzativ m accusative (case)
akvalung m (aparat za ronjenje) aqualung, diving apparatus
akvarel m water-colour
akvarelist m water-colourist
akvarij m aquarium
akvedukt m aqueduct
akviziter m solicitor, canvasser; advertising agent; sales
al(a) int v. kako
alapaa f loud chatterbox, rattletrap
alarm m alarm (v. uzbuna)
alarmant|an adj alarming, alarmist | iri ~ne glasine
spread alarmist reports
alarmirati vt (vojska) alert; (stanovnitvo) alarm
alat m tools pl, instruments pl | sjekira je ~ the axe is a
tool; garnitura ~a tool set; elektrini ~ power tools;
prov bez ~a nema zanata you can't do a job without
proper tools; (slino) you can't make bricks without
alatljika f v. alat | maina ~ v. alatni stroj
alatni adj | ~ stroj machine tool; univerzalni ~ stroj
universal lathe

alatniar m toolmaker
alaun m v. stipsa
Albanac m Albanian
Albanija f Albania
Albanka f Albanian woman (girl)
albanski adj Albanian | ~ jezik Albanian
albin(o) m med albino
album m album | ~ fotografija photograph album;
obiteljski ~ family album; ~ za marke stamp album
alegorian adj alegoric(al)
alegorija f allegory
alegorik m allegorist
aleja f tree-lined walk
aleksandrinac m Alexandrine
alem(-kamen) m v. dragulj, dijamant
alergian adj med & fig allergic (na to)
alerginost f med & fig allergy
alergija f med & fig allergy | ~ na prainu allergy to
alergolog m med allergist
alergoloki adj med| ~ test allergy test
alfa f & m alpha | fig ~ i omega alpha and omega
alfabet m alphabet
alfabetski adj alphabetical
alg|a f alga | morske ~ marine algae, see-weeds
algebarski adj algebraic
algebra f algebra
ali con but, however | ~ ipak but yet, and yet, still; ~ ali
ako je tako? what if it were so?; nikakvih ~! (but
me) no buts!!
alibi m alibi | pozvati se na ~ plead an alibi; dokazati ~
establish prove one's alibi; produce an alibi; sruiti
neiji ~ break somebody's alibi
aligator m alligator
Alijansa f | hist Sv. ~ tho Holy Alliance
alimentacija f alimony
alineja f indented line; paragraph
aliteracija f prosalliteration
alka f metal ring; (zvekir) door-knocker; (viteka igra)
tilting at the ring
alkalian adj alkaline
alkalij m alkali
alkar m tilter at the ring
alkemiar m alchemist
alkemiki adj alchemical
alkemija f alchemistry
alkohol m alcohol; coll bronze, sl alky | denaturirani ~
methylated spirit(s); otrovanje ~om alcohol poisoning; ubio ga je ~ he drank himself to death; koliko
posto ~a ima u viskiju? what proof is whisky?; viski
obino ima 40% ~a whisky usually has 40% alcohol
by volume (u AS zemljama: whisky is usually 80
proof); vonja pod utjecajem ~a drunk driving
alkoholiar m alcoholic; euph problem drinker, A sl lush
| dom za ~e home for alcoholics; klub lijeenih ~a
Alcoholics Anonymous
alkoholiz|am m alcoholism | borba protiv ~ma antialcoholism; temperance movement; drutvo za suzbijanje ~ma temperance society
alkoholn|i adj alcoholic |~o pie alcoholic beverage
(drink), strong drink, intoxicant; trgovina ~im

piima B licensed glocer's, A liquor store; vrijeme

prodaje ~ih pia (u AS zemljama) drinking hours
(zakoni koji to reguliraju drinking laws); (stalna i
potpuna) zabrana ~ih pia A hist Prohibition (grad
gdje je to jo na snazi: dry town)
alkotest m mot breathalyzer | podvrgnuti vozaa ~u
give a driver the breathtest
almanah m almanac
aloja f bot aloe
alpaka f zoo, text, & metal alpaca
Alpe f pl the Alps; Alpine country
Alpinac m inhabitant of the Alps
alpinist m rock-climber, Alpinist
alpinistiki adj | ~ klub rock-climbing club
alpinistika f rock-climbing
alpsk|i adj Alpine | ~a koliba chalet, mountain dairyhut, mountain hut (cottage)
alrauna f bot & pharm alraun
alt m alto (i pjevaica)
alteracija f theat & ling alteration
alternativ|a f alternative (za to), option | kao ~a as an
alternative, alternatively; najblia ~a the next best
thing; staviti pred ~u provide an alternative, offer
options, give a choice; nisam imao ~e I had no alternative (choice), coll I had Hobson's choice
alternativan adj alternative
alternativno adv alternatively; (naizmjenice) alternately
alternirati vi | theat ~ u vodeoj ulozi alternate in the
leading role
altist m (saksofon i sl.) altoist, alt man
altistica f alto (singer)
altruist m altruist
altruistian adj altruistic
altruizam m altruism
aludirati vt allude (na to), make an allusion (to), make
allusions (to), hint (at), drive (at)
aluminij m aluminium (A aluminum)
aluminijsk|i adj (made of) aluminium | ~o posue alumin(i)um ware
aluvij m geol Recent Period, Holocene; (naplavina) alluvium
aluvijalan adj geol recent, Holocene; (naplavinski) alluvial
aluzij|a f allusion (na to), hint (at) | uiniti ~u na v.
aludirati; prikrivena ~a veiled alusion (hint); blaga
~a delicate hint; mrane ~e dark hints; shvatiti (osjetiti) ~u take a hint
alva f halvah | fig ide kao ~ it sales like hot cakes
Alir m (zemlja) Algeria; (grad) Algiers
Alirac m Algerian
alirski adj Algerian
aljkav adj negligent, slack, remiss; sloppy, slipshod
aljkavo adv negligently, done anyhow; sloppily
aljkavost f negligence, slackness, remissness; sloppiness
ama int | ~ ba just; ~ divan! (how) marvellous!; ~ nijedan! not a single one!
amajlija f amulet, talisman, good-lick piece, (lucky)
amandman m ammendment (na to) | ustavni ~ constitutional ammendment
amanet m pledge (v. zalog)

amater m amateur; dabbler (in) | glumac ~ amateur actor, sl ham; slikar ~ Sunday painter; voza ~ private
(nonprofessional) driver; v. foto-~, radio-~
amatersk|i' adj amateur, amateurish | ~a predstava
amateur show, (amateur) theatricals pl; ~o kazalite
drama(tic) society (club, group); (obinije u SAD) little-theater group; sp ~i status amateur standing
amaterski'' adv like an amateur, amateurishly | ~ se bavi
slikarstvom be an amateur painter, dabble in painting, be a Sunday painter
amaterstvo n amaterism
Amazonka f (rijeka i ena) Amazon; (papiga) amazon
amazonski adj Amazonian
ambalaa f packing, container(s); packing material(s);
(prazna, za vraanje) empties pl | limena ~ tin containers
ambar m barn, granary
ambasada f embassy
ambasador m ambassador
ambicij|a f ambition; ambitiousness; drive | ispuniti ~u
achieve ones ambition; imati velike ~e set ones
sights high; smanjile su im se ~e their sights come
down; bijesna ~ driving (burning, vaulting) ambition
ambiciozan adj ambitious, aspiring, competitive,
ambicioznost f ambitiousness; ambition
ambijent m ambiance, environment, atmosphere, setting, surroundings pl
ambijentalan adj environmental
ambis m v. ponor
amblem m emblem
ambra f pharm ambergris
ambrozija f myth ambrosia
ambulanta f (ope prakse; terenska) B surgery, A clinic;
(bolnika, klinika) out-patient(s) department; (internata, doma {s krevetima}) infirmary; (ratnog broda)
sick-bay |kirurka ~ surgery clinic, surgery department, out-patient clinic; tvornika ~ first-aid station,
plan dispensary
ambulant|an adj |~ni pacijent outpatient; ~no lijeenje
ambulatory treatment; pozvati ~na kola call an abulance
ameba f am(o)eba
amelioracija f v. melioracija
ameriki1 adj American, U.S.
ameriki2 adv in the American manner | govoriti ~ use
American English; have an American pronunciation
Amerik|a f America; the United States | iron otkrio ~u
youd think he discouvered the North Pole; iron nee
otkriti ~u he wont set world on fire
Amerikanac m American
amerikanist m Americanist
amerikanistika f American studies
amerikanizam m Americanism, American expression
amerikanizirtati vt Amerikanize
amerikanizirati se vr become Americanized, acquire
American ways
Amerikanka f American, American woman (girl, lady)
amerikanski adj American
amerikantina f American ways (influence)
ametom adv v. potui ~
ametist m amethyst

amfibija f amphibian, amphibious vehicle (aircraft)

amfibijsk|i adj | ~o vozilo amphibian, amphibious vehicle; mil ~e operacije amphibious (combined) operations
amfibrah m pros amphibrach
amfiteatar m amphitheatre; (predavaonica) lecture theatre
amfiteatralan adj amphitheatrical
amfora f amphora
amino-kiselina f chem amino acid
amnestij|a f amnesty | proglasiti opu ~u proclaim (declare, grant) a general amnesty; proglaenje ~e amnesty proclamation; podijeliti ~u v. amnestirati;
pustiti na slobodu u okviru ope ~e ralease under a
general amnesty
amnestirati vt amnesty, grant amnesty to, pardon
amnezij|a f med amnesia | osoba s ~om amnesiac
amo adv v. ovamo | ~ tamo back and forth, to and fro,
this way and that; voziti ~ tamo be on shuttle service, shuttle (between), ply between, ply back and
amok m med amok | uhvatio ga je ~ he ran amuck (ugl.
amonijak m (plin) ammonia; (tekuina) ammonia water
(solution), (razrijeena, za kuanstvo) household
amonijev adj | ~ sulfat ammonium sulphate
Amor m Cupid, (rijtko) Amor | ~ov luk (strijela) Cupids bow (dart)
amoralan adj amoral, nonmoral, lacking moral judgement
amoralnost f amorality, amoralism, lack of moral
amorfan adj amorphous, formless
amorfnost f amorphousness, formlessness, lack of form
amortizacija f com depreciation, replacement cost; eng
shock absorption
amortizacioni adj | ~ fond replacement fund; (slino)
sinking fund
amortizer m eng shock-absorber
amortizira|ti vt depreciate, ammortize; write off; eng
absorb (shock) | mot specijalno ~n with specially
sprung chassis
amortizirati se vt pay for itself, pay off
amper m el ampere; v. vedro
ampermetar m el ammeter, ampermeter
ampir m stil empire
amplituda f amplitude; crest
ampula f amp(o)ule
amputacij|a f amputation | osoba podvrgnuta ~e amputee
amputira|ti vt amputate, cut off | ~li su joj stopalo her
foot was amputated, she had her foot amputated
amulet m amulet (v. amajlija)
amur m ichth | bijeli ~ white amur
Ana f Ann(e)
anacionalan adj lacking national (ethnic) feeling (consciousness)
anacionalnost f lack (absence) of national feeling
anafora f pros & rhet anaphora
anagram m anagram
anakonda f zoo anaconda

anakronian adj anachron(ist)ic

anakroniz|am m anachronism | zapadati u ~me (pisac)
be anachronisti, be guilty of anachronism(s)
analfabet m illiterate (person), unlettered person
analfabetizam m illiteracy
analfabetski adj | ~ teaj course of illiterates
anali m pl annals pl, chronicle
analitian adj analytic
analitiar m analyst
analitiki adv analytically
analitinost f analyticity
analitika f analytics pl
analiz|a f analysis (i chem); fig stock-taking; (reenice)
analysis, parsing; (rudae) assaying | izvriti ~u analyse; u konanoj ~i in final (last) analysis; poslati u
laboratorij na ~u send to a laboratory for analysis
analizator m analyst, analyzer
analizirati vt analyze (i chem); study; fig take stock of;
(reenicu) analyze, parse, construe; (rudau) assay
analogan adj analogous (emu to, with) parallel, similar
analogij|a f analogy; similarity | po (is)toj ~i by this (the
same) analogy, by analogy; po ~i sa on the analogy
of, by analogy with; povui ~u draw an analogy
analogno adv analogously | ~ tome v. po toj analogiji
analognost f analogousness, analogy
analoj m Orth analoeion
anamneza f med case history, anamnesis
ananas m pine-apple | sok od ~a pine-apple juce
anapest m pros anap(a)est
anarhija f anarchy
anarhist m anarchist
anarhistiki adj anarchistic
anarhizam m anarchism
anasonka f anise brandy, anisette
anastrofa f pros anastrophe
anatema f anathema, excommunicating curse
anatom m anatomist
anatomija f anatomy
anatomski1 adj anatomic(al)
anatomski2 adv anatomically
an blok adv en bloc
Anica f Nan, Nanny, Nancy
Ande f pl Andes
andivija v. endivija
andragogija f ped adult education
Andrija m Andreas, Andrew
anelak m little angel, cherub, angelface
aneo m angel, seraph, cherub | ~ uvar guardian angel
aneoski adj angelic(al), seraphic | ~ pozdrav (zvono)
ave bell, Ave Maria
anegdota f anecdote
aneksija f annexion
anektirati vt annex
anemian adj an(a)emic fig
anemiar m an(a)emic person
aneminost f an(a)mic condition (quality)
anemija f an(a)emia
anestetiar m an(a)esthetist, an(a)esthesiologist
anestetik m pharm an(a)esthetic, pain-killer
anestezij|a f an(a)sthesia | sredstvo za ~u an(a)esthetic;
lokalna (opa) ~ local (general) an(a)esthesia; dati

~u an(a)esthetize; dati lokalnu ~u give a local

an(a)esthetic, freeze; pod ~om under (an)
anestezirati vt an(a)esthetize
an fas adv full face, en face | ~ portre full-face portrait
angairan pp engaged; involved; v. zauzet |~a knjievnost committed literature
angairati vi engage; sign on; hire; commit, involve
angairati se vr take an active part; commit oneself, get
involved; v. zauzeti se |energino se ~ take a very
active part, get deeply involved, vigurously pursue
angaman m engagement | prihvatiti ~ sign on
angina f tonsillitis | gnojna ~quinsy; ~ pektoris angina
anglicizam m anglicism
anglikanac m eccl B Anglican, A Episcopalian
anglikansk|i adj eccl B Anglican, Church-of-England; A
Episcopalian | ~a crkva Anglican Church; (u Engleskoj) Church of England; (u SAD) Episcopal Church
anglist m Anglicist
anglistiki adj Anglicist
anglistik|a f English studies, Anglistics | odsjek za ~u
English department
angloameriki adj Anglo-American
anglofil m pol pro-ally (pro-West) person, sympathizer
of the Allies (West)
Anglosas m Anglo-Saxon
anglosaski adj Anglo-Saxon
angorsk|i adj | ~a vuna angora wool; (od koe) mohair;
~i kunic (maka, koza) angora rabbit (cat, goat)
anilin m chem anilin
anilinsk|i adj | ~e boje aniline dyes
animacija f film animation
animal|an adj animal | ono ~no u ovjeku the animal in
animator m film animator
animirati vt animate; entertain
animir-dama f night-club hostess
animozitet m animosity, dislike
-anin suf v. Zagrepanin
Anino n St. Anne's day
anion m phys anion
anis m bot anise; cul anisseed, anise | rakija od ~a anise
brandy, anisette
Anka f Anne
-anka suf v. Zagrepanka
anket|a f poll, survey, fig straw vote | ~a javnog miljenja public-opinion poll; provesti ~u v. anketirati;
sudionik ~e v. anketirana osoba
anketar m poll-taker, pollster, interviewer
anketiranje n polling | direktor biroa za ~ (professional) pollster
anketira|ti vt poll, take (carry out, conduct) a poll
among, interview, survey | ~na osoba person polled,
pollee, interviewee; (pismeno) respondent
anketni adj | ~ listi questionnaire
anlaser m mot starter
anoda f phys anode
anodn|i adj phys | ~a baterija anode battery
anomalija f anomaly
anoniman adj anonymous
anonimno adv anonymously

anonimnost f anonymity
anonimus m anonym(e), anonymity
anorganski adj inorganic
anotirati vt annotate
ansambl m troupe, company, ensemble, corps
-anski suf -an (npr. kroeanski, nieanski = Crocean,
antabus m med antabuse
antagonizam m antagonism | izazivati neiji ~ antagonize someone
antant|a f hist entente | Velika ~ the (Triple) Entente;
Mala ~ the Little Entente
antarktiki adj antarctic
Antarktik m Antarctica, the Antarctic
antedatirati vt v. antidatirati
anten|a f aerial, antenna | postaviti TV ~u put up (erect)
a TV aerial; sobna ~a indoor aerial; rabbit ears;
krovna ~a roof aerial; ice krovne ~e lead-in; radarska ~a wire-net reflector
antialkoholiar m anti-alcoholist
antialkoholni adj | ~ dispanzer clinic for alcoholics
antibioti|k m antibiotic | ~ci irokog spektra broadspectrum antibiotics
anticiklona f high, high-pressure area, anticyclone
antik|i adj antique, ancient, classical | ~i svijet ancient
world; ~i narodi ancient peoples, peoples of antiquity; u ~o doba in ancient times, in antiquity
antidatirati vt predate, backdate, antedate, foredate
antidravni adj subversive, seditious
antifaist m anti-fascist
antifaistiki adj anti-fascist
antifeminist m anti-feminist, male chauvinist
antifeministiki adj anti-feminist, male-chauvinist
antifona f eccl mus antiphony, antiphon
antifriz m mot anti-freeze
antika f antiquity, ancient times (world); v. antikvitet
antikni adj antique; v. antiki
Antikrist m Antichrist
antikvar m second-hand bookseller, antiquarian
antikvaran adj second-hand, antiquarian
antikvarijat m B second-hand bookshop, A secondhand
antikvarno adv secondhan | kupiti ~ buy secondhand
antikvitet m antique; curio | skuplja (ljubitelj, prouavatelj) ~a antiquary; prodavac ~a antique (curio)
dealer; trgovina ~a antique (curio) shop
antilogaritam m math antilogarithm
antilop m (koa) suede | ~ jakna suede jacket
antilopa f zoo antelope
antimon m chem antimony
antipatian adj unlik(e) able, dislik(e) able | biti nekome ~ v. osjetiti antipatiju prema
antipatino adv unlik(e)ably, dislik(e)ably
antipatinost f dislik(e) able appearance (nature, character, quality)
antipatij|a f dislike (prema for, of, to), antipathy (to,
against, for), aversion (for, from, to) | osjeati ~u
prema dislike, feel (have, take) a dislike for, feel
(have) an aversion for, have no use for; osjetio sam
jaku ~u prema I took (fel t) a profound dislike for
antipodi m pl antipodes pl

antiraketni adj anti-missile

antireligiozan adj antireligious
antisemit m anti-Semite
antisemitizam m anti-Semitism
antisemitski adj anti-Semitic
antiseptian adj antiseptic
antiseptik m antiseptic
antisocijalan adj antisocial
antitalent m untalented person | coll ja sam ~ za ah I
am hopeless at chess
antiteza f antithesis
antitijelo m med antibody
antituberkulozni adj anti-tubercular; tuberculosis-prevention; v. ~ dispanzer
antologiar m anthologist
antologija f anthology
antonim m antonym
antre m cul v. meujelo
antracit m hard coal, anthracite
antropolog m anthropologist
antropologija f anthropology
antropoloki adj anthropological
Antun m Anthony
Antunovo n St. Anthony's day
anuitet m annuity
anulirati vt annul, nullify, cancel
Anuvinci m pl hist Angevins
anuvinski adj Angevine
aorist m aorist (tense)
apanaa f civil list, ap(p)anage
aorta f aorta
aparat m device, appliance, apparatus, instrument, machine; (radio) set; med brace; mil aircraft | dravni ~
government machinery (apparatus); anat probavni ~
digestive system (apparatus); kuanski ~i household
(home) appliances; ortopedski ~ brace; orthopedic
support; (laced) corset; ostanite na ~u (telefonu)
hold on; Ivo na ~u this is Ivo (speaking)
aparatura f (set of) instruments; collect apparatus; fig
apparatus, machine(ry)
apartan adj recherche, exquisite, different, stylish, striking
apartman m (stan) luxury flat, (A apartment); (hotelski)
suite (of rooms)
apatian adj apathetic; impassive, indifferent
apatino adv impassively, apathetically, indifferently
apatinost f, apatija f apathy, impassiveness; indifference
apel m appeal, entreaty | ~ za pomo appeal for help;
uputiti ~ za pomo appeal for help
apelacij|a f jur (utok) appeal | podnijeti ~u v. uloiti
apelacioni adj appellate | ~ sud appellate (appeals) court
apelant m appellant
apeliranje n appeal(s); jur v. apelacija
apelirati vi appeal (na to), plead (with one)
Apenini m pl geog the Apennines pl
Apeninski adj | ~ poluotok the Apennine Peninsula
aperitiv m aperitif
aperkat m box uppercut

apetit m appetite | dobiti ~ get (work up) an appetite; od

toga e dobiti ~ this will give you an appetite; jesti
s ~om eat heartily; slabi ~poor appetite, lack of appetite; pokvariti (izgubiti) ~ spoil (loose) one's appetite
aplaudirati vi applaud
aplauz m applause
apodiktiki adv apodictically
apoen m | u ~ima od 5 dolara in five-dollar denominations (notes)
apokalipsa f apocalypse, revelation
apokrif m apocryph | Bibl ~i Apocrypha
apokrifni adj apocryphal
apolit m stateless person | Rus ~ stateless Russian
apolitian adj apoliticaI, indifferent to politics
apologet m apologist
apologetski adj apologetic
apopleksija f apoplexy
apoplektian adj apoplectic
apostat(a) m apostate
apostatski adj apostate, apostatic
apostol m apostle
apostolat m apostolate; apostleship
apostolski adj apostolic(al)
apostrof m apostrophe
apostrofirati vt use an apostrophe with; fig apostrophize
(v. istaknuti)
apoteka f pharmacy; (obinije /zajedno s drogerijom/) B
chemisty (shop), A drugstore | priruna (depna) ~
first-aid kit; kuna ~ medicine chest; deurna ~ allnight pharmacy (ili chemist, druggist)
apotekar m pharmacist, B+ (dispensing) chemist, A+
(dispensing) druggist
apotekarica f woman pharmacist
apotekarsk|i adj apothecary; pharmacist | ~e mjere (za
tekuine) apothecary measures; (za teinu) apothecary weights
apozicija f gram apposition
apozicijski adj appositional
apretirati vt dress, finish, size
apretura f dressing, finish, size
april m April | prvi ~ A (April) Fools' Day | prevariti za
prvi ~ make an April fool of one; (prevarenome:)
prvi ~! April fool!
aprilsk|i adj April | ~a ala All (April) Fools' Day joke
apropo adv a propos, incidentally, talking of; as to, as
for; ao much for
aps m Tur v. zatvor
apsces m med abscess
apscisa, f absciss(e), abscissa
apsisa f archit apse
apsolut|an adj absolute | ~na monarhija absolute monarchy
apsolutist m absolute ruler (monarch)
apsolutistiki' adj absolutist
apsolutistiki'' adv | vladati ~ rule as an absolutist, be
an absolute ruler
apsolutno adv absolutely
apsolutorij m univ status of an "apsolvent"; period of
being an "apsolvent"
apsolvent m univ senior student qualified to sit for his
degree exams (after meeting all formal requirements
for a full course of studies)

apsolventski adj univ "apsolvent's", "apsolvents' "

apsolvirati vi univ become an "apsolvent"; complete
(satisfy) all requirements for a full course of studies
apsorbirati vt absorb, take in
apsorpcija f absorption
apstinencija f (na izborima) abstention; (od pia) (total)
abstinence, teetotalism
apstinent m (na izborima) abstainer, (poll) slacker; (od
pia) abstinent, teetotaller
apstinirati vi (na izborima) abstain, stay at home; (od
pia) abstain, be a teetotaller
apstrahira|ti vt abstract | ~ju leaving out of consideration
apstrakcija f abstraction; abstract art
apstrakt|an adj abstract | ~na umjetnost abstract(ionist)
art; ~ni slikar abstract painter, abstractionist
apstraktno adv abstractly | slikati ~ paint in the abstract(ionist) manner
apstraktnost f abstractness, abstract quality
apsurd m absurdity, preposterousness | kazaliste ~a
theatre of the absurd; dovesti do ~a push to the point
of absurdity
apsurdan adj absurd, preposterous
apsurdno adv absurdly, preposterously
apsurdnost f absurdity, preposterousness
ar m (100 m2) are
arabeska f arabesque
Arabija f Arabia
arabist m Arabist
arabistika f Arabic studies
arak m (double) sheet | 12 ~a half-quire; 24 ~a quire;
480 (500) ~a ream; autoski ~ 5,000 words; upitni ~
araner m arranger; interior decorater; mus score-writer
| ~ izloga window dresser
aranersk|i adj | ~e usluge display services
araniranje n arranging, arrangement; decoration
aranira|ti vt arrange, organize; (interijer) decorate; mus
arrange, score | ~ti izlog dress a window; ~na roba
(artikli) display
aranman m arrangement; mus arrangement, score |
cvjetni ~ floral display; mus pisati ~e arrange (music), score, write scores
Arapin m Arab
Arapkinja f Arab woman
arapsk|i adj Arab, Arabian, Arabic | ~e brojke Arabic
numerals; ~i jezik Arabic
Arbanas m Albanian
arbitar m arbiter; arbitrator
arbitraran adj v. proizvoljan
arbitrator m arbitrator, umpire
arbitra|a f arbiitration | dati na ~u submit for arbitration; rijesiti ~om settle by arbitration
arbitran|i adj |~i sud arbitration court; ~a presuda
arbitration award
arbitrano adv by arbitration
arbun m ichth sea-bream
arci- pref arch v. arhiar|iti vt v. rasipati, troiti | kad se ~i nek se ~i in for a
penny in for a pound
areal m bot & zoo range
areligiozan adj irreligious

arena f arena; fig bear-pit | cirkuska ~ ring; fig meunarodna ~ international scene; fig politicka ~ arena
of politics
arend|a f lease, lease on rent | uzeti u ~u take on lease;
imati u ~i hold as a tenant; dati u ~u put out to lease
Argentina f Argentina, the Argentine
Argentinac m Argentine
argentinski adj Argentine
argo m argot, jargon, slang
argument m argument; (primjer) case in point | snaan
~ strong argument; efektan ~ telling point; definitivan ~ clinching argument, clincher; nepobitni ~i fig
airtight case; ~i opozicije opposition's arguments
(case); ~i u prilog the case for; iznijeti ~e u prilog
present (advance, make) one's arguments for, argue
for, make (put) a case for; postoje ~i u prilog there is
a case for; iznijeti dobar ~ make a valid point; pobiti
(dokazati, uvjeriti) ~ima win a case, make (carry) a
argumentacija f arguments; case; (opravdanje) rationale; v. argumentiranje
argumentirano adv with (valid) arguments
argumentiranje n argument(ation), reasoning
argumentirat|i vt v. iznijeti argumente | ime to ~e?
what are your arguments?, what is your case?; dobro
~i make out good case
arhaian adj archaic; obsolescent, obsolete
arhaizam m archaism
arhaneo m archangel
arheolog m archeologist
arheologija f archeology
arheolok|i adj | ~i nalazi archeological finds; ~o iskapanje archeological excavation, coll dig
arhi- pref arch- | ~lopov arch-knave
arhiakon m archdeacon
arhiepiskop m archbishoy, metropolitan
arhiepiskopija f archbishopric
arhijerej m bishop
arhimandrit m archimandrite
arhipelag m archipelago | A~ GULAG The GULAG
arhitekt m architect
arhitektonika f architectonics
arhitektonski adj architectural | ~fakultet school of
architecture; ~ biro architectural firm
arhitektura f architecture
arhiv m (ustanova) archive(s), records office, records
department | dravni ~ B Public Records Office, A
National Archives
arhiv|a f (spisi, graa) archive(s), file(s) | staviti u ~u
file away; v. policijska (novinska) ~
arhiv|ar, ~ist m archivist
arhivsk|i adj | ~a graa archivalia, archival materials
arija f tune, melody; (opera) aria
Arij(ev)ac m Aryan
arij(ev)ski adj Aryan
aristokracija f aristocracy (B+ the nobility), peers; fig
the upper ten (thousand)
aristokrat m aristocrat
aristokratkinja f woman aristocrat
aristokratski adj aristocratic

aris m larch-tree, larch

arisovina f larch-wood
aritmetiar m arithmetician
aritmet|iki, ~ski' adj arithmetic
aritmet|iki, ~ski'' adv arithmetically
aritmetika f arithmetic
aritmija f med arrhythmia
arka f ark | Nojina ~ Noah's ark
arkad|a f arcade | box povreda ~e cut eye; box pukla
mu je ~a his eye was cut, he sustained a cut eye
arkebuz|a f mil hist (h)arquebus | vojnik s ~om
arktiki adj arctic
Arktik m the Arctic
armada f armada
armatura f fittings, fixtures; frame, mounting; el armature
Armenac m Armenian
Armenija f Armenia
Armenka f Armenian woman
armenski adj Armenian | ~jezik Armenian
armija f army; v. vojska | Crvena ~ Red Army (Brigades)
armijsk|i adj army; v. vojni | ~a grupa army group
armirac m steel-bender
armiranje n | ~ betona reinforcement of concrete; ipka
za ~ betona reinforcement bars
armira|ti vt reinforce | ~ni beton reinforced concrete
armiati vt mar moor (a boat)
Arnaut m v. Albanac
arnjevi m pl waggon cover | kola s ~ma covered
waggon, canvas-top waggon
arogancija f arrogance, high-handedness
arogantan adj arrogant, high-handed
aroma f aroma; cul flavour; (vina) bouquet
aromatian adj aromatic
arondacija f regrouping (reallocation) of holdings
arondirati vt regroup (reallocate) holdings
arsen m chem arsenic
arsenal m arsenal, armoury | fig itav ~ a store of
arin m ell; fig v. mjera
arterij|a f artery fig | prometna ~a main road; vodena
~a waterway; gradska ~a thoroughfare; med
proirenje ~e aneurism
arterijski adj arterial
arterioskleroza f med arteriosclerosis; hardened arteries
arteki adj | ~ bunar artesian well
artiok|a f avti choke | srce ~e choke
artikl m article, commodity, item | osnovni ~i basic
commodities, staples; sportski ~i sporting goods
artikulacija f articulation
artikulacijski adj articulation, articulatory
artikuliranje n articulation
artikulira|ti vt articulate | ~na nastava structured teaching
artiljerac m artillerist, artilleryman, gunner
artiljerija f artillery; ordnance | poljska (protuavionska, brodska, obalna, samohodna, teka, brdska) ~
field (antiaircraft, naval, coast, self-propelled, heavy,
mountain) artillery; ~ s konjskom vuom horse(drawn) artillery

artiljerijsk|i adj artillery; ordnance | ~a vatra artillery

fire, gunfire; tui ~om vatrom shell; voditi ~i dvoboj
engage in a artillery duel; ~a priprema artillery
preparation; fig softening-up; ~o orue artillery piece
artist m, ~kinja f variety (A vaudeville) artist, artiste
artistiki adj formal-aesthetic | ~ program variety (A
vaudeville) entertainment; (u baru) floor show
artizam m formal aestheticism; high art
artritian adj med arthritic
artritiar m med arthritis sufferer, arthritic
artritis m med arthritis
Artur m Arthur
as m car ace; mus A flat; (tenis) ace | car ace of spades;
zrani ~ ace; v. automobilski ~; sportski ~ top
sportman, champion
asanacija f sanitation, improvement of sanitary conditions
asanirati vt sanitate, improve the sanitary conditions of
aseksualan adj asexual
aseptian adj aseptic
asesor m jur assessor
asfalt m asphalt; (na cesti) tarmac, (bituminous) road
surface (ire: pavement)
asfalter m asphalter, asphalt worker, paver
asfaltiran pp asphalted | ~i kolnik bituminous-treated
surface; v. ~a cesta
asfaltira|ti vt asphalt (over), pave (with asphalt), A+
blacktop; v. ~na cesta
asimetrian adj asymmetrical
asimilacija f assimilation
asimilirati vt assimilate
asimilirati se vr become assimilated, assimilate
Asirac m Assyrian
Asirija f Assyria
asirski adj Assyrian
asistencija f assistance
asistent m assistant; univ B assistant lecturer, A instructor (u SAD su mnogo obiniji teaching assistants, tj.
postdiplomanti kao pomonici) | ~ reije assistant director, director's assistant
asistentica f woman assistant
asistirati vi assist (nekome somebody); be present at,
take part in
asketa f ascetic
asketizam m asceticism
asketski' adj ascetic
asketski'' adv ascetically
asocijacij|a f association | ~a na association with; evocation of; izazvati ~u v. asocirati
asocijalan adj asocial
asocijalnost f asociality
asocir|ati vi associate | to me ~a na I associate it with; it
reminds me of
asonanca f pros assonance
asortiman m assartment, range, selection (v. izbor)
asparagus m bot asparagus fern
aspekt m aspect, fig facet; gram v. vid
aspida f mean(-tempered) woman, shrew; bitch
aspik m cul aspic
aspiracij|a f asipiration | imati ~e na v. aspirirati
aspirant m aspirant | ~i na titulu magistra M.A. hopefuls

aspirator m mach aspirator; (za sagove) carpet-sweeper

aspirin m aspirin
aspirirati vi aspire (na to, after)
-ast suf | bakrenast coppery, copper-like; kupolast
dome-like, dome-shaped
astigmatizam m med astigmatism
astma f asthma
astmati|an adj asthmatic | dobiti ~ni napadaj have an
asthma(tic) attack, have an attack of asthma
astmatiar m asthmatic
astrahan m astrakhan (fur)
astrofiziar m astrophysicist
astrofizika f astrophysics
astrolog m astrologer
astrologija f astrology
astroloki adj astrological
astronaut m astronaut
astronautika f astronautics
astronom m astronomer
astronomija f astronomy
astronomsk|i' adj astronomic | fig ~e cijene astronomic
astronomski'' adv | trokovi su porasli ~ costs have
risen astronomically
asura f v. rogoina
ainica f Tur low-class eating place; (sve sl:) hashhouse, hashery, beanery
aik m, ~ovanje n Tur flirt, flirting, flirtation, courting,
aikovati vi Tur flirt; court; pay court to
akenaz m Ashkenazi (Jew)
aov m v. lopata (kopaa)
atak m v. napad; fig v. nasrt, udar, vrijeanje
atakirati vt v. napasti
atae m attache | ~ za tampu press attache; kulturni
(trgovaki, vojni, pomorski, zrakoplovni) ~ cultural
(commercial, military, naval, air) attache
atavistiki adj atavistic
atavizam m atavism
ateist m atheist; disbeliever
ateistiki adj atheistic
ateizam m atheism
atelje m studio, atelier | fotografski ~ photographer's
studio; filmski ~ film studio
Atena f (grad) Athens; (boginja) Athena
atenski adj Athenian
Atenjanin m Athenian
atentat m (assassination) attempt, attempt on one's life;
(uspjeni) assassination | ~ bombom bomb attempt;
pokuati na ~ make an assassination attempt on;
izvrsiti ~ na assassinate
atentator m assassin | ~i su postavili zasjedu the wouldbe assassins laid an ambush
aterirati vi land (v. spustiti se)
atest m attestation, certificate | izdati ~ za stroj attest
(certify) an engine
Atlantik m the Atlantic (Ocean)
atlantsk|i adj Atlantic | ~a povelja Atlantic Charter; ~i
savez the NATO
atlas m text satin, (s Istoka) atlas; (kraljeak) atlas
atleta m athletic person
atletiar m track-and-field athlete

atletiarka f woman athlete

atletiki adj athletics; v. atletski
atletika f athleties | laka ~ track and field (events);
teka ~ boxing, wrestling and weight-lifting
atletsk|i adj athletic; athletics | ~i teren athletic field; ~a
staza cinder track; ~a reprezentacija athletics team;
~o natjecanje athletics match
atmosfer|a f atmosphere; fig atmosphere, climate | phys
pod tlakom od 1 ~e at one atmosphere pressure (u
AS zemljama: at 14.7 lb/ [it. pounds per square
inch]); prijateljska (srdana, radna, teka) ~
friendly (cordial, working, oppresive) atmosphere;
povratak (kapsule i sl.) u zemljinu ~u re-entry
atmosferilije f pl atmospheric agents; weathering factors
atmosfersk|i adj atmospheric | ~i tlak atmospheric pressure; rad ~e smetnje atmospherics, statics
atol m atoll
atom m atom | cijepanje ~a nuclear fission; raspadanje
~a disintegration of atoms; razbijanje ~a atom splitting, atom smashing; bombardirati ~e bombard atoms; ureaj za razbijanje ~a atom smasher
atomist m nuclear (atomic) scientist; phil & ling atomist
atomistika f nuclear physics, atomi(sti)cs
atomsk|i adj atomic; nuclear | ~a teina atomic weight,
cijepanje ~e jezgre nuclear fission; ~a energija
atomic energy, nuclear power; ~i pogon nuclear propulsion; na ~i pogon nuclear-power(ed); ~a centrala
nuclear power plant; ~i pokusi (naoruanje, rat) nuclear tests (weapons, warfare); ~o doba the Atomic
(Nuclear) Age
atrakcija f attraction
atraktiv|an adj atractive | ~na publikacija attractive
(handsome) publication
atribut m gram & fig attribute, attributive
atribut(iv)ni adj gram attributive
atrij m archit atrium
atrofija f med atrophy
atrofira|ti vi med atrophy | ~ni misii atrophied muscles
audicij|a f audition | ~doi na filmsku ~u be given a
screen test; doi na ~u za pjevaki zbor audition for
a choir, be given an audition for a choir
audijencij|a f audience | zatraiti ~u ask for an audience; primiti u ~u grant an audience, receive in audience; biti u ~i kod have an audience with; dvorana
za ~e audience hall, presence chamber
audio1og m med audio1ogist
audiovizual|an adj | ~na pomagala audio-visual aids
auditor m jur auditor
auditorij m (dvorana) auditorium, hall; (publika) audience, spectators
augmentativ m gram augmentative
augmentativan adj gram augmentative
august m August
August m August | glupi ~ clown fig
aukcija f auction, public sale (v. draba, licitacija)
aukcioner m auctioneer
aula f sch & univ assembly hall (room)
aureola f halo, glory, nimbus, aureole | muenika ~
martyr's halo
auskultacija f med auscultation
auskultirati vt med auscultate | ~ stetoskopom examine
by stethoscope

Australac m Australian
Australija f Australia
Australka f Australian woman
australski adj Australian
Austrija f Austria
Austrijanac m Austrian
Austrijanka f Austrian woman
austrijski adj Austrian
aut m ftb ball out of play; (koarka) ball out of bounds |
poslati loptu u ~ kick (push) the ball out of play
(bounds); lopta je otisla u ~ the ball is (went) out of
play bounds), it is (was) an out-ball; ubaciti ~ take
the throw-in; ~ za Italiju (the ball is out for) a throw
to Italy; ~ linija touch-line
autarhija f v. samov1ada
autarkian adj econ autarkic
autarkija f econ autarky
autentian adj authentic, genuine; unmistakable
autentinost f authenticity | dokazati ~ neega authenticate something
auto- pref auto-, selfauto- pref mot motor-, car- (A+ auto-, automobile-); motoring, driving
auto m coll v. automobil
auto-akrobat m mot stunt-driver
autobiografija f auto-biography
autobiografski adj auto-biographic(al)
autobus m bus | meugradski ~ B (motor) coach, A
long-distance (intercity) bus; otii ~om take a bus
(to); izlet ~om bus (B+ coach) trip
autobus|ni adj bus | ~ni kolodvor (~ka stanica) busstation
auto-cesta f motor-road (v. i cesta, auto-strada)
auto-cisterna f v. cisterna
autodidakt m self-taught person (artist)
autodrom m (u luna-parku) dodgem track, dodgems pl
auto-elektriar m motor-car (A automobile) electrician;
ignition man
autogen|i adj | ~o rezanje (zavarivanje) autogenous
cutting (welding)
autogol m sp own goal
autogram m autograph | skupljati ~e collect autographs;
skuplja ~a autograph collector
autohton adj autochthonous, native, indigenous
autohtonost f autochthonism, autochthony, indigenousness
auto-kamp m v. kamp
auto-klub m v. automobilistiki klub
autokracija f autocracy
autokrat m autocrat
autokratski adj autocratic
auto-lakirer m car-body sprayer
auto-limar m car-body mechanic
automat m automat, automatic device, fig automaton;
(orue) submachine gun, machine pistol, A+ tommy
gun, A sl burpgun | prodajni ~ slot (A+ vending) machine; usluni ~ coin-operated machine; ~ za cigarete (koka-kolu, kavu) cigarette (coke, coffee) machine; muziki ~ jukebox; ~ za hazardne igre gambling machine; (specif) A sl one-armed bandit, B sl
fruit-machine; zabavni ~ ("fliper") pinball machine;

lokal sa zabavnim ~ima B amusement arcade, A

game parlor
automatiar m mil submachine gunner
automatizacija f automation
automatizirati vt make automatic, automatize; (pogon,
proizvodnju) automate, introduce automation in
automatski' adj automatic; mechanical, self-acting,
automatous; unconscious
automatski'' adv automatically, mechanically; involuntarily, unconciously, in spite of oneself; as a matter of
auto-mehaniar m garage (car) mechanic, (A+) automechanic
auto-mehanik|i adj | ~a radionica repair shop, garage
automobil m car, B+ motor-car, A+ automobile;
(igraka) toy car | putniki ~ passenger car; otvoreni
~ roadster; (dvosjed) two-seater; zatvoreni ~
(limuzina) B salon, A sedan; (kabriolet) coupe; (s
pokretnim krovom) convertible; karavan B estate car,
A station wagon; mala kola economy car, baby
car; compact; mini ~ subcompact, minicar; ~ za invalide midget car, coll bubble car; ~ za kampiranje
camper; kola za dostavu (kombi) delivery van;
patrolna (policijska) kola squad car, prowl car;
sportski ~ sports car; trkai ~ racing car;
frizirani ~ sl souped-up car; serijski ~ (za razl. od
sportskog) stock car; muzejski ~ vintage car; stari ~
(krntija) B sl banger, A coll jaloppy, A sl clunker;
groblje ~a car dump, coll junk yard; voziti se ~om
ride in a car; motor; povesti ~om give one a lift;
iznajmljivanje ~a car rental, rent-a-car service; posudba ~a A sl joyride (in a stolen car); ~ je potpuno
uniten (nakon nesree) the car is a total loss; meni
kodi vonja ~om I get carsick
automobilist m motorist | kino (restoran, banka) za ~e
drive-in theater (restaurant, bank)
automobilistiki adj motoring | ~ klub motor(ing) club,
A+ auto club; (specif) sports-car club
automobili|stika f, ~zam m motoring; sp motor racing
automobilsk|i adj car, B+ motor-car, A+ automobile;
motoring | ~i as champion racing driver, motorracing champion; ~a industrija motor industry; v. ~a
auto-moto adj | ~ drutvo motor-racing club; ~ savez
Automobile Association; sport motor racing
autonom|an adj autonomous, self-governing | ~na pokrajina Autonomous Region
autonomija f autonomy, self-government, home-rule,
autonomnost f autonomy
auto-park m motor-pool (i mil)
autoportret m self-portrait
autopsij|a f med autopsy, post-mortem | izvrsiti ~u perform an autopsy
auto-put m v. auto-cesta, auto-strada
autor m author; (sci i) researcher
autoritativan adj authoritative
autoritativno adv authoritatively, with authority
autoritet m auihority | ~ za staro pjesnitvo an authority
on early poetry; imati ~a have (ili wield) authority;
nametnuti ~ exert one's authority
autorizirati vt authorize (v. ovlastiti)

autorsk|i adj authorial | ~o pravo copyright; zatien

~im pravom copyrighted; odstupiti ~a prava sell
one's rights; prihodi od ~og prava royalties; krenje
~og prava piracy
autorstvo n authorship | utvrditi ~ establish authorship;
(umjetnine) make an attribution
auto-servis m v. servis
auto-stop m hitch-hiking | putovati ~om hitch-hike; coll
thumb a ride (lift), thumb rides (lifts)
auto-stop|ist, ~er m hitch-hiker
auto-strada f B motorway; A superhighway; expressway;
(s naplatom cestarine) toll-road
autosugestija f self-suggestion
auto-transport m motor transport
auto-trka m racing driver (v. automobilistiki as)
auto-trk|e f pl motor-racing | voza na ~ama racing
autsajder m fig outsider
avan m Tur v. muar
avangard|a f avant-garde; (ekstremna umjetnika) underground | fig u ~i in the vanguard (forefront) of
avangardist m avant-gardist
avangardistiki adj avant-garde; ahead of one's time;
(ekstremno) underground
avangardizam m avant-gardism
avans m v. predujam
avantura f adventure; caper, escapade | 1jubavna ~
(love) affair, amour
avanturist m adventurer
avanturistiki adj adventuristic; adventurous
avanturistkinja f adventuress
avanturiz|am m adventurism, adventurousness, love of
adventure | iz ~ma out of love of adventure; for the
hell of it
avanzirati vi & vt v. napredovati, unaprijediti
avanzman m v. napredovanje, unapreenje
avenija f tree-lined boulevard; (u SAD) avenue
averzij|a f aversion, dislike | osjecam posebnu ~u
prema boksu boxing is my pet aversion
avet m v. sablast
avetinjski adj v. sablastan
Avganistan m v. Afganistan
avgust m v. august
avijacija f aviation | civilna ~ civil aviation; vojna ~ air
avijatiar m airman, flier (ili flyer), aviator
avijatiarka f airwoman, wornan flier, aviatrix .
avijatiki adj flying
avion m B aeroplan, A airplane; B & A aircraft, plane |
putniki ~ passenger plane; (veliki) airliner; transportni ~ transport (plane), cargo plane; mali privatni ~ cub (plane); poslovni ~ executive (business)
plane; kolski ~ training plane, trainer; mlazni ~ jet
(plane), jet-propelled aircraft; klipni ~ prop-driven
plane, piston-engined plane; (djeji) ~ od papira paper plane, paper dart; idem ~om I am going (leaving)
by plane to, I am flying to, I am booking a flight to;
otputovati ~om leave by plane (air); doputovati ~om
arrive by plane (air), fly in; prebaciti ~om u transport by plane (air) to, fly to; u ~u on board (a plane);
ui u ~ board a plane; upravljati ~om fly a plane

avionsk|i adj aircraft | ~a kompanija air company, airline corporation; ~om potom by air mail; ~a karta
air ticket; v. ~a nesrea
avio-puk m mil (air) wing
avitaminoza f med avitaminosis, vitamin deficiency
avlija f Tur v. dvorite
avlijski adj Tur v. dvorini
azaleja f bot azalea
azbest m asbestos
azbuni adj v. abecedni
azbuka f (Cyrillic) alphabet; fig v. abeceda
Azija f Asia | Mala Asia Minor; Prednja ~ Near and
Middle East
Azijac m Asian
Azijat m (i derog) Asiatic
azijatski adj (i derog) Asiatic
Azijka f Asian

azijski adj Asiatic

azil m asylum, refuge | zatraiti politiki ~ ask for (request, seek) political asylum; dati ~ grant (political)
azimut m azimuth
Azori m pl Azores pl
azot m v. duik
azotara f v. tvornica umjetnih gnojiva
azotni adj v. duini
azur m azure, sky blue
azuran adj azure, sky-blue
adaja f v. zmaj
auran adj prompt; up-to-date | biti ~ sa be (keep) upto-date with (on), keep a-breast of
aurirati vt bring up to date, update
aurno adv promptly
aurnost f promptness, up-to-dateness

bab|a f grandmother itd. v. baka; derog old woman,
crone, hag; (svaka ena) skirt; (trababa) old
woman; (kukavica, mekuac), (old) woman, softy;
ichth blenny | nadak ~a shrew, scold, termagant,
vixen; sto ~a, kilavo dijete too many cooks spoil
the broth; to se ~i htilo, to joj se i snilo wish is
father to the thought; trla ~a lan (da joj proe
dan) it's all fiddle-faddle
babak m ent Spanish fly
babarije f pl v. bapske prie
babetina f aug old woman, hag, harridan
babica f (primalja) midwife
babienje n midwifery
babiiti vi practice midwifery, assist in childbirth
babilonski adj Babylonian | Bibl toranj ~ Tower of
babinjara f med v. rodilja
babinj|e f pl med lying-in, confinement | leati u
~ama lie in, be brought to bed (in childbirth), be in
childbed; ona je blizu ~a she is near her confinement, she is near her time
babinj|i adj v. bapski; v. ~a groznica
bablji adj v. bapski
bab|o m father, fam pa | ni po ~u ni po strievima
strictly on (personal) merit, regardless o connections
babura f zoo (obina) wood-louse, (morska) sea-louse
babuka f zoo chiton; (ika) gall, oak-apple
baca m thrower, flinge itd. (v. baciti); (u kriketu,
bejzbolu) pitcher | ~ plamena flame-thrower; ~
mina v. minobaca; runi raketni ~ rocketlauncher, bazooka
bacaj m throw, cast, fling
bacakati se vr throw oneself about, thrash (about),
tross (about); struggle
bacaljka f throwing device (contraption)
bacanje n throw(ing), toss(ing), dart, shy; (kocke,
mree) cast, (odbacivanje) throwing away, discarding | nemati vremena na ~ have no time to waste

(v. na pretek); ambalaa za ~ disposable containers; dolazi mi na ~ v. povraanje

bacati vt v. baciti, v. povraati | ~ kamenje na pelt
with stones, stone, throw stones at
bacati se vr v. baciti se; v. bacakati se
bacil m med bacillus (pl bacilli); coll bug
baciti vt throw; (ugl. fig) cast; (kamen i s1.) pitch,
fling, hurl, let fly, coll chuck; (kao neupotrebljivo)
throw away, discard; (ispustiti) drop | ~ rucnu
bombu na toss a grenade at; ~ atomsku bombu na
drop an A-bomb on; to nas je bacilo natrag 10
godina it put (set) us back ten years; baen novac
a waste of money, wasted money, money down the
drain; ~ u kaos plunge into chaos; ~ na tlo throw
(knock) down (to the ground)
baciti se vr throw (hurl, fling) oneself | ~ na throw itd.
oneself at, pounce on, rush at; ~ na posao (problem i sl.) set to, fall to, tackle, grapple with, plunge
in (to); ~ na tlo throw oneself on the ground, coll
hit the ground
baenka f reg v. pribadaa
bav|a f cask, barrel, wood (za benzin, ulje, katran)
drum; (mjera) tun (10 hl), butt (oko 6 hl), puncheon (oko 5 i pol hl), pipe (oko 4721 l), hogshead
(oko 2601 l) | vino iz ~e (u ~i) wine from (in) the
wood; pivo iz ~e draught beer, beer on draught
(tap); staviti ~u na pipu broach; begin to draw liquor; vui iz ~e draw; pretakati iz ~e rack, draw
off; vino zaudara po ~i wine tastes of the cask
bavar m cooper
bavarija f (radionica) cooper's (work) shop, coopery;
(zanat) cooper's trade
bavarsk|i adj |~a roba coope 's ware, cooperage,
bavarstvo n cooper's trade
baast adj barrel-shaped, tubby
bavica f dim small barrel (cask); (mjera) firkin (23 32 l), keg (45 l), kilderkin (do 65 l); (za ribu) cade,
badalj m goad (-stick); ox-goad

bad|anj m vat, tub; tank; (na uice) cowl | govoriti

kao iz ~nja rumble
badava adv v. besplatno; fig v. u bescjenje; v. uzalud
| ~ je to all the same; there's no denying it
badavadija f idler, lounger; (lijenina) lazy-bones,
(mukta) sponger, parasite
badem m almond; cul almonds; bot almond(-tree) |
preni ~ burnt almonds, praline; useereni ~
(konfeti) sugared almond(s); ~ovo mlijeko almond milk
badnjak m (klada) yule-log; (veer) Christmas Eve
badnji adj | ~ dan Christmas Eve
badrljak m (uda) stump; (repa) dock
badrljica f shaft (stem, rib) of a feather, quill
baga f vet grapes pl
bagatel|a f trifle; bagatelle | za ~u for abagatelle (v. u
bagatelan adj very cheap; insignificant
bagatelizirati vt v. omalovaavati, potcjenjivati
bagaa f v. olo; v. prtljaga
bager m dredger, dredging machine, dredge;
(kopneni) B power shovel, A excavator
baglama f Tur v. sarka
bagra f derog bad lot (set, gang); rabble
bagrem m locust(-tree), blaok locust, false acacia | ~ov
cvijet locust blossom
bahanal, bahatnica itd. v. bakanal, bakantica
bahat adj haughty, presumptuous, supercilious, disdainful, overweening, overbearing, arrogant, insolent, puffed-up; (zbog novca) purse-proud | biti ~
be-have haughtily (overbearingly), look (talk) big,
bridle (up)
bahato adv haughtily, arrogantly, overbearingly
bahatost f haughtiness, arrogance, presumption,
bajaco m harlequin; puppet; fig buffoon
baja m, bajalac m (vjetac) enchanter, sorcerer, conjurer, magician, wizard; (gatalac) fortune-teller
bajagi adv v. kobajagi
bajalica f (vjetica) sorceress, enchantress, witch;
(gatara) furtune-teller
bajam m v. badem
bajan adj magical; enchanting, fabulous, legendary;
(divan) wonderful, marvellous
bajanje n (arolije) magic, sorcery, witchery, witchcraft; (laganje) deception; humbug; (pretjerivanje)
drawing the long bow
bajat adj v. star, ustajao
bajati vi (arati) practice sorcery, conjure; (izmiljati)
fable, romanco; (pretjerivati) exaggerate, stretch
the truth, talk tall
bajbok m coll v. zatvor
bajc m Ger v. moilo
bajcati vt Ger v. moiti
bajk|a f fable, animal story, nursery tale; legend,
myth; (nevjerojatna) a cock and bull story | fig kao
iz ~e like something out of a storybook
bajonet m v. bajuneta
bajeslovan adj fabulous, legendary, mythical

Bajram m Bairam
bajunet|a f bayonet | s nataknutim ~ama with fixed
bayonets; rastjerati ~ama disperse at bayonet
point; juri na ~u bayonet charge; ubosti (probosti, ubiti) ~om bayonet
baka f old woman; grandmother, granny | ~ po ocu
(majci) paternal (maternal) grand-mother;
muevljeva (enina) grandmother-in-law
bakalar m cod(-fish); (susen) stockfish | ~ovo ulje
cod-liver oil
bakal|in m, ~nica f v. trgovac (trgovina) mjeovitom
bakaluk m v. mjesovita roba
bakanal m bacchanal
Bakanalije f pl hist Bacchanalia
bakanda f heavy military shoe; fig hob-nailed boot
(v. gojzerica)
bakantica f myth & fig bacchante
bakar m copper
bakarmi adj v. bakren
bakarska vodica f Bakar sparkling wine
bakelit m bakelite
bakica f dim granny, grandmamma
baklava f cul baklava, baclava
baklja f torch, flambeau
bakljada f torch-light parade (procession, rally)
bakljonoa f torch-bearer
bakren adj copper, made of copper, like copper, coppery | ~i novac coppers pl, copper coins pl; ~o sue
coppers; ~o doba Copper Age
bakrorez m engraving, etcbing; print; (slika) copperplate; (tehnika) copper-plate-engraving
bakrorezac m engraver, etcher
bakrotisak m copperplate-printing
baksuz m Tur v. nesrea
baki m v. napojnica, mito
bakterija f bacterium (pl bacteria)
bakteriolog m bacteriologist
bakteriologija f bacteriology
bakterioloki adj bacteriological
bal m (dress-)ball | prirediti ~ give a ball
bala f bale, package, pack; roll
balada f ballad | pjesnik (pjeva) ~ balladist, balladeer
balans m balance (v. ravnotea)
balansiranje n balancing; fig tightrope act
balansirati vt & vi (keep one's) balance; fig walk the
tightrope, do the tightrope act
ba1ast m ballast; fig ballast, liability
balav adj running at the nose, vulg snotty; (sluzav)
slimy, mucous; fig green, sl wet-nose
balavac m derog (young) whipper-snappe; sl wetnose; (pu) shelless snail, plug
balavad f small fry, derog snotty children
balave n snivelling brat, derog snotty boy (child)
balavica f green miss, cheeky little girl; (young)
whipper-snapper, sl wet-nose
balavost f snottiness; sliminess
balak m sword-hilt, sabre-hilt

baldakin m canopy
bale f pl running mucus, snivel, vulg snot
balega f dung, droppings pl, ordure | kravlja ~ cow
pat; cow dung (suha, kao gorivo) dried dung
balega m ent scarabaeus; (ire) dung--beetle
balerina f ballet-dancer, ballerina
balet m ballet
baletn|i adj ballet |~i plesa, ~a plesaica balletdancer; ~a prvakinja prima (first) ballerina; ~i
prvak principal male dancer; ~i ansambl corps de
ballet, ballet troupe, ensemble; ~e papue ballet
shoes; ~a suknjica tutu, ballet skirt
balistiki adj ballistic | mil interkontinentalni ~ projektili intercontinental ballistic missiles (abbr
balistika f balistics
Balkan m | na ~u in the Balkans
Balkanac m inhabitant of the Balkans
balkanski adj Balkan | ~ poluotok the Balkan Peninsula
balkon m balcony
balon m balloon; (djeji) (toy) balloon | leta u ~u
balloonist; fig pokusni ~ trail balloon, feeler;
barani ~ barrage balloon
baloner m coll rain-coat
balsam m v. balzam
balski adj v. plesni
baltik|i adj Baltic | ~o more the Baltic
balustrada f balustrade, banisters
balvan m beam, ba(u)lk; (tanji) rafter, joist; (optesan)
squared timber (log)
balzam m balsam, balm
balzamiranje n embalment, embalming
balzamirati vt embalm
bambus m bamboo
bambusovina f bamboo wood
bamija f bot abelmosk, musk-mallow
ban m civil governor of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia; hist Vice-Roy, ban
Banaanin m inhabitant of (the province of) Banat
banalan adj commonplace, banal, trite
banalnost f commonplaceness, banality, triteness
banan|a f banana; el banana plug | oguliti ~u peel a
banana; kora ~e banana skin (peel)
banenje n (drunken) spree, drinking-bout, A coll
bender, sl binge; lit carousal, revel(ry)
banin adj v. bankovni
baniti vi have a spree, be (go) on a spree (bender), sl
go on the binge
banda f band, gang | razbojnika ~ band of robbers
bandera f v. stup
bandit m bandit, robber, brigand
banditstvo n act of robbery, brigandage, banditry
banica f hist ban's wife
baniti se vr behave overbearingly (haughtily), lord it
over, give oneself airs; domineer
bank|a f bank | Narodna ~a National Bank, emisiona
~a bank of issue; hipotekarna (kreditna, investiciona) ~a mortgage (credit, investment) bank; sta-

viti novac u ~u put money into a bank; imati

raun kod ~e have an account with (at) a bank;
direktor ~e bank manager
bankar m banker
bankarstvo n banking, banking business
bankarski adj v. bankovni
banket m banquet, public dinner | prirediti ~ give a
banquet; dvorana za ~e banqueting (dinner) hall
banknota f v. novanica
bankovn|i adj banking, bank | ~a knjiica bank-book,
pass-book; ~i raun (konto) bank account; ~i ulog
bank deposit; ~i inovnik bank clerk; ~ kamatnjak, ~a stopa bank-rate; ~ kredit bank-kredit
bankrot m bankruptcy, failure, insolvency | dovesti do
~a bring to bankruptcy, hankrupt
bankroter m fin bankrupt, defaulter, insolvent; fig
failure, A sl washout
bankrotirati vi become (go) bankrupt, fail, become
banovanje n ban's rule (government), ban's tenure of
banovati vi rule (govern) as a ban
banovina f ban's dominion (country) province, banat(e), banovina
banovinski adj banat(e), banovina
banski adj pertaining to a ban or his rank (office)
banstvo n status (office, dignity) of a ban
banuti vi enter (appear, drop in) suddenly (unexpectedly, abruptly), burst into
banja f v. toplice
banjsk|i adj | na ~om lijeenju v. u toplicama
bapsk|i adj old-woman's, fig womanish | ~e prie old
wives' tales; idle gossip
baptist m Baptist
baptistiki adj Baptist
bar' m (noni) night-club; (prostorija s koktelom)
bar(-room), cocktail lounge; (ank) bar; (u regalu)
cocktail (A liquor) cabinet
bar'' adv at least | da je ~ tako if it only were so, I
wish it were so; da je ~ pisala if she had on'ly
written, I wish she had written; ~ 200 ljudi 200
people at least; no less than 200 people
bara f pool, pond
baraba f ruffian, rowdy, tough, hooligan; rake
baraka f hut, shack
baratanje n handling, management, manipulation,
baratati vi handle, manipulate, manage, treat, deal
with (by) work
baraa f mil barrage
baran|i adj mil | ~a vatra barrage
barbar m barbarian (i fig)
barbarski adj barbaric, barbarous, barbarian
barbar|stvo n, ~tina f barbarity, barbarism
barbun m ichth surmullet
barica f dim small boat, skiff, dinghy
bareljef m bas-relief, low-relief
barem adv v. bar'
barhet m text fu sta in

barica f dim puddle

barij m chem barium | med ~eva kaa barium meal
barijer|a f barrier | aero probiti zvunu ~u break
through the sound (sonic) barrier
barikad|a f barricade | dii ~u put (set) up a barricade
barilo n It wooden dosser, flattenned keg (v. brenta)
bariton m barytone
barjak m v. zastava
barjaktar m v. zastavnik; fig v. predvodnik, kolovoa
bark m mar barque, bark
barka f It boat; (prijevozna) lighter, (za dovoz hrane
brodovima) bum-boat
barkarijol m reg boat-ride man
barok m baroque
barokni adj baroque
baromet|ar m barometer; (s pokretnim figurama)
weather-box | ~ar se die (pada) the glass is high
(low); stanje ~ra barometer reading; pad ~ra lowering of barometric pressure
barometarski adj | ~ tlak barometric pressure
baron m v. barun
baronesa f v. barunica
barovit adj pool-dotted; swampy itd. (v. movaran)
barski' adj pool, pond | ~.gas v. movarni plin
barsk|i'' adj night-club | ~a dama night-club hostess;
~a stolica bar stool; ~i program floor show
barun m text velvet (i fig); (imitacija) velveteen
barunast adj velvety, pily
bartvi m Ger v. pahalica
barun m baron
barunica f baroness
barunija f barony, baronetcy; (posjed) barony, baron's
barunski adj baronial
barunstvo n barony, baronetcy
barutina f aug large swamp, swampy region (tract),
fens pl
barut m gunpowder | obini ~ gunpowder, black powder; bezdimni ~ smokeless powder
barutana f powder-magazine
bas m mus bass; (glas) bass (voice), basso; (pjeva) v.
basen m v. bazen
basirati vi mus sing (play) bass(o)
basist m (pjeva) basso, bass singer, bassist; (svira)
bass player, bassist
Bask m Basque
basna f fable, parable, animal story; nursery tale
basnoslovan adj fabulous
bastion m mil & fig bastion, bulwark
ba adv just, exactly, quite, precisely, even | ~ i da...
(kad bi i...) even if; (a ma) ~ nitko not a single
person; ~ onda kad just when; makar ~ if it were
only; ~ najzadnji the very last; ~ to trebam this is
the very thing I want; ~ to su bile njegove rijei
these were his very words; ~ za nama right behind
us; ~ nikako not at all, by no means; kad ~ hoes

since you insist (upon it); ~ sam mu to rekao that

is just what I told him; zato ~ mene why me of all
people?; ~ sam htio... I was about to, I was on the
point of ... ing; ~ ti hvala I am really grateful to
baa f v. bata
baka adv Tur v. posebno
bata f v. vrt, vrtni restoran | staklena (zimska) v.
batenski adj v. vrtni
batin|a f inheritance, heritage; (oevina) patrimony;
(predmet) heirloom; jur hereditament; v. nasljee |
~om zapasti descent from, devolve to (upon) by inheritance
batinica f heiress; inheritress, inheritrix
batinik m heir; heritor, inheritor; (nekretnine) devisee, (zapisa) legatee; (nasljednik) successor,
(uvjetni) reversioner | bez ~a heirless
batiniti vt inherit, succeed as heir | ~ imetak come
into a fortune
batovan m v. vrtlar
batovanski adj v. vrtlarski
batovanstvo n v. vrtlarstvo
bat' m hammer; (drveni) mallet; (teak) mall, maul,
(zabija) rammer, beetle
bat'' m pounding, thud(ding), thump(ing); v. topot
bata m hyp v. braco, brajko, delja
batak m leg, coll drumstick
bataliti vi v. ostaviti, zanemariti
bataljon m battalion
batana f reg (small) flat-bottomed square-sterned boat
baterflaj m sp v, leptirov stil
baterij|a f el battery, dry power cell; mil, battery; v.
depna lampa | radio na ~e battery-powered radio;
~e su se istroile the batteries have run down (ili
are dead)
bati m dim clapper, tapper, small hammer
batin|a f stick; (kijaa) club; (kvrgaa) knobstick | ~e
beating, hiding, drubbing, coll liching; (dijete)
spanking; dobiti propisne ~e be beaten (thrashed)
soundly, get a sound beating (thrashing); ~a ima
dva kraja you never know (how it's going to turn
batinanje n (kazna) beating, chastisement, spanking;
(tapom) caning, (po tabanima) bastinado; (lemanje) hiding, drubbing, thrashing, whacking, licking
batina m A sl paid (hired) thung
batinati vt (kazna) chastise, cane; (po tabanima) bastinado; (lemati) thrash, drub, belabour, wallop; (nemilice) beat black and blue
batist m text batiste | ~ platno cambric
batistni adj text batiste; cambric
bato m v. bata
batokljun m ornith hawfinch
batrgati se vr v. bacakati se, koprcati se
batrljak m v. badrljak
batvo n v. stabljika
bauk m spectre, bugbear, bugaboo
bauljati vi v. teturati, puzati

bava f reg light (sea) breeze; ruffled surface (of the

Bavarac m Bavarian
bavarin m reg v. oprnjak
Bavarska f Bavaria
bavarski adj Bavarian
baviti se vr occupy oneself with, engage in, busy oneself with (in); (zanimati se za) concern oneself in
(with, about), be concerned with; (zvanjem) follow
(practise) a profession; ~ milju have in mind,
ponder, revolve in one's mind; poeti se ~ take up,
take in hand; knjiga se bavi the book deals with;
ona se bavi tenisom she goes in for tennis, tennis
is her hobby
bavljenje n occupation, engagement, pursuit; v. boravak, zadravanje
baz|a f base, basis, foundation; chem v. luina | vojna
(pomorska, zrana) ~a military (naval, air) base;
na toj ~i v. na toj osnovi
bazalt m basalt
bazar m bazaar; variety store, A dime store
bazarsk|i adj | ~a roba bazaar goods (ware), cheap
(inferior) goods
bazati vi v. lunjati, vrljati
bazen m swimming-pool; (industrijski) (industrial)
basin | otvoreni ~ (zatvoreni, grijani, olimpijski)
open-air, outdoor (indoor, heated, Olympic-size)
bazga f bot elder(-tree)
bazgov adj | ~ cvijet elder-blossom; ~a boba elderberry; ~o vino elder-wine; ~a pucaljka elder popgun
bazgovina f elder-wood
bazian adj basic
bazilika f basilica
bazirati vt mil base, deploy, station; v. zasnivati
bazlamaa f kind of corn-flour (maize-flour) cake
badar m gauger; exciseman gauger
badarenje n gauging
badarina f gauging fee
badariti vt B gauge, A gage
badarnica f gauging office
badarski adj | ~ ig gauging brand
bdjenje n watch, vigil(s); (uz mrtvaca) wake
bdjeti vi (ne spavati) sit up late; (straiti) keep vigil,
watch; fig be on the watch, have an eye to
be n b | kao da ne zna rei ~ v. beknuti
beb|a f (dijete) baby; (lutka) doll, dolly | dobila je ~u
she's had a baby
Be m Vienna
Beanin m Viennese, inhabitant of Vienna
Beanka f Viennese woman
beiti vt | ~ oi stare, open one s eyes wide
beki adj Viennese
bear m rake, rou , gay blade; v. neenja
bearstvo n raikishness, rake's ways
bedak m fool, coll silly (v. budala, luda);
(lakovjeran) dupe, sl sucker | ~ jedan! silly!,

bedast adj foolish, coll silly (v. glup, lud);

(lakovjeran) gullible | nisam tako ~ (da bih to
vjerovao) I know better than that
bedastoa f foolishness, coll silliness; gullibility; nonsense, fiddle-faddle
bedem m wall of fortress (town), bulwark; fig bulwark, defence, protection; (nasip) rampart
bedevija f mare; fig big lumbering woman
bedinerica f Ger v. dvorkinja
bedminton m sp badminton | lopta za ~ shuttlecock
bedren|i adj femoral, t.high | ~a kost thigh-bone, femur
bedrenica f vet anthrax
bedrenjaa f anat thigh-bone
bedro n thigh
beduin m bed(o)uin
bed m button
beg m bey
begenisanje n fancy for, liking
begenisati vt take a fancy to (for), fancy, like, approve, consent to
begluk m bey's estate
begonija f bot begonia
begovica f bey's wife (daughter)
bejzbol m A sp baseball
bek m ftb v. brani
bekend m sp back-hand (stroke) | igrati ~ strike (hit,
play) back-hand
bekica f bot wood-rush
beknuti vi bleat (ovca) | ne smije ni ~ he may not say
(utter) a word; ne zna ni ~ he does not know a
word (of his lesson); kao da ne zna ni ~ (he looks
as if) he can't say bo(h) to a goose (ili as if butter
wouldn't melt in his mouth)
bekovina f bot guelder rose
bekrija m Tur hard-drinking rake
bekrijati vi Tur drink hard; go (be) on a drinking bout
(v. baniti)
beladona f bot v. velebilje
belaj m Tur accident, mishap, misfortune, bad luck;
annoying incident
beleg m v. biljeg; Ger v. temeljnica
beleka f v. biljeka
beletrist m fiction writer
beletristiki adj fiction
beletristika f fiction
belenica f v. biljenica
Belgija f Belgium
Belgijanac m Belgian (i kon~)
Belgijanka f Belgian woman
belgijski adj Belgian
bena f v. budala; v. ljuka
benast, benav adj v. budalast
benaviti vi v. budaliti
bendati vt v. uzimati ozbiljno, obazirati se na
bendo m mus banjo
benediktinac m Benechctine (monk ; (liker) Benedictine
benediktinka f Benedictine (nun)

benediktinski adj Benedictine

beneficij|a f benefit | ~e (uz redovitu plau) perquisites, coll perks; fringe benefits
Beneluks m geog Benelux
benevolentan adj benevolent
benevolentnost f benevolence
bengalsk|i adj Bengal, Bengali, Bengalese | ~a vatra
Bengal light (fire)
benigni adj benign (i med)
benignost f benignity
benk(ic)a f baby shirt
benzin m B petrol, A gasoline, A coll gas | ~za
ienje benzine; mot uzeti ~ fill up, get some petrol (gas)
benzinsk|i adj | ~i motor B petrol engine, A gas(oline)
engine; ~a pumpa filling station, petrol (gas) station
beo adj v. bijel
beoug m v. karika, alka
Beograd m Belgrade
beogradski adj of (in) Belgrade, Belgrade
Beograanin m inhabitant of Belgrade
Beograanka f woman inhabitant of Belgrade, Belgrade woman
beonjaca f v. bjeloonica
bera m picker, gleaner, (groa) grape-gatherer, vintager; (hmelja) hop-picker
beraica f woman grape-gatherer, woman picker;
(stroj) picker, harvester
berba f (groa) grape-gathering, vintage; (hmelja)
herberin m v. brija
berbernica f v. brijanica
berde n mus reg bass tambouritza
berekin m reg v. deran, vragolan
berietan adj (obilan) plentiful; (plodan) fruitful;
(uspjean) prosperous
beriva n pl salary, pay, emoluments pl
Berlin m Berlin
Eerlinanin m inhabitant of Berlin
Berlinanka f Berlin woman
berlinski adj of Berlin, Berlin
Bermuda f Bermudas pl
bernardinac m (pas) St. Bernard; (redovnik) Bernardine
berza f v. burza
berzanski adj v. burzovni
bes- pref v. bezbesadrzajan adj empty, devoid of content, lacking
besadrajnost f emptiness, lack of content
besan adj sleepless
besanica f insomnia, sleeplessness
besavjesnost f unscrupulousness, unconscionableness,
want of principle
besavjestan adj conscienceless, unscrupulous, unconscionable, unprincipled
besciljan adj aimless
besciljno adv aimlessly, without aim (purpose)

besciljnost f aimlessness, lack of aim (purpose)

bescjenje n | u ~ for a mere trifle, for a(n old) song,
besemer m eng Bessemer (converter)
beseiranje n med BCG vaccination, BCG skin test
beseirati vt vaccin(at)e with BCG
besist m exch bear
besjeda f word, utterance, language; v. govor,
besjediti vi v. govoriti, drati govor
besjednik m v. govornik
beskamatan adj interest-free
beskarakter|an adj unprincipled, caddish; of weak
character, lacking strength of character | ~na
osoba unprincipled person, cad, sl stinker
beskarakternost f weakness of character; unprinciplednesss, caddishness
beskimen adj zoo v. beskraljenjaki; fig spineless
beskimenjak m zoo v. beskraljenjak; fig spineless
person, person of weak character
beskimenjatvo m spinelessness, weakness of character
besklas|an adj | ~no drutvo classlees society
besklasnost f classlessness
beskompromisan adj uncompromising
beskompromisno adv uncompromisingly, without
beskompromisnost f absence of compromise, uncompromising quality
beskonaan adj v. beskrajan; math & phil infinite
beskonano n math infinity
beskonanost f v. beskraj(nost); math & phil infinity
beskonfliktan adj conflict-free, conflictless
beskoristan adj useless, futile (v. uzaludan)
beskraj m infinity, immenseness; v. beskrajnost |
(do) u ~ interminably, ad in-finitum; to ide u ~
there is no end to it
beskrajan adj endless, interminable, unending; v.
beskrajno adj endlessly, interminably
beskrajnost f endlessness, interminability
beskraljenjaki adj zoo invertebrate
beskraljenjak m zoo invertebrate
beskrupulozan adj unscrupulous
beskrupulozno adv unscrupulously
beskrupuloznost f unscrupulousness, lack of scruple(s)
beskrvan adj bloodless
beskuan adj homeless
beskucn|ik m homeless (shelterless) person | ~ici
homeless persons, the homeless; derelicts
beskvasan adj unleavened
besmis|ao m v. besmislica | do ~la ad absurdum, to
the point of absurdity
besmislen adj absurd, preposterous, senseless; foolish,
silly; nonsensical, irrational, unreasonable, without
rhyme or reason
besmislenost f absurdity, silliness, folly

besmislica f nonsense, absurdity, balder-dash | ~!

bosh! humbug! (oba coll)
besmrt|an adj immortal, undying, imperishable |
uciniti ~nim immortalize
besmrtni|k m immortal person | ~ci the immortals, the
besmrtnost f immortality
besnen adj sleepless
besnenica f sleeplessness
besperspektiv|an adj unpromising; fig hopeless | ~no
namjetenje dead-end job
besperspektivnost f lack of prospects; hopelessness
besplatan adj (troak) free of cost (charge, expense),
expenseless; (bada a) gratis, for nothing, gratuitous, without charge; (bez naplate) without remuneration (fee, pay) | ~ulaz (stan, kola) free admission (quarters, school)
besplatno adv free, gratis, gratuitously, without
besplodan adj fruitless (v. neplodan); fig futile, fruitless (v. uzaludan)
besplodnost f fruitlessness; futility
bespolan adj sexless (i fig)
bespolnost f sexlessness
bespomoan adj helpless
bespomono adv helplessly
bespomonost f helplessness
besposlen adj not occupied, unoccupied, disengaged,
at leisure; (lijen) dle, lazy, dawdling; v.
nezaposlen | ~ ovjek idler, loafer, loiterer
besposleno adv leisurely, idly, inactively
besposlenost f idleness, inaction, want of occupation;
v. nezaposlenost
besposlica f (dokolica) leisure; v. besposlenost; v.
besposliar m idler, loafer, lay-about
besposliiti vi idle (away one's time), loaf, lounge
bespotedan adj unsparing
bespovratan adj | ~ zajam grant
bespravan adj rightless; (izvan zakona) outlawed; v.
bespravnost f lack of rights, rightlessness; v. nezakonitost, protupravnost
bespredmetan adj irrelevant, pointless; v. suvian
bespredmetnost f irreleva.nce, pointlessness
besprekidno adv v. neprekidno
besprijekoran adj irreproachable; (savren) impeccable, immaculate; (bez mane) faultless; (bez ljage)
blameless, spotless, stainless, untarnished, unblemished
besprijekorno adj irreproachably, faultlessly
besprijekornost f irreproachability, impeccability,
immaculateness; faultlessness; blamelessness
besprimjeran adj unexampled, unprecedented, unparalleled, matchless, unheard of
besprincipijelan adj unprincipled
besprincipijelno adj in an unprincipled manner
besprincipijelnost f lack of principle, unprincipledness

bespristras(t)an adj v. nepristran

besprizor|an adj | ~ni homeless (vagrant) children
bespue n lack of (good) roads; roadless tract (region)
besputan adj roadless, trackless, wayless, pathless,
besraman adj v. bestidan
bestemeljan adj v. neosnovan
besteinsk|i adj phys weightless | ~o stanje weightlessness, zero gravity; u ~om stanju weightless, at
zero gravity
bestidan f shameless, immodest, unblushing, indelicate; (prost) indecent, lewd, obscene
bestidnica f shameless (indecent) woman (girl, person)
bestidnik m shameless (indecent) man (person)
bestidnost f shamelessness, immodesty, indelicacy,
lack of shame (modesty, delicacy); indecency,
lewdness, obscenity
bestjelesan adj bodiless
bestrzajni adj | mil ~ top recoilless gun
bestseler m best seller
besvijest f insensibility, unconsciousness, senselessness; (zamrlost) stupor, coma; v. nesvijest | fig do
~i ad nauseam, ad infinitum (v. u beskraj)
besvjesno adv insensibly; v. nesvjesno
besvjesnost f v. besvijest
besvjes|tan adj insensible, senseless | u ~nom stanju
besvjestica f v. besvijest, nesvijest
beav|an adj seamless | ~na cijev seamless tube
beasnost f v. neasnost
beastan adj v. neastan
beutan adj unfeeling, emotionless, insensible, cold;
(nehajan) indifferent, impassive, listless; (okorio)
callous, hardened
beutnost f unfeelingness, insensibility, apathy, impassiveness, listlessness; callousness
beika f v. kolijevka; v. mjehur
betek m Ger v. pribor za jelo
betija f derog bastard, beast; (ena) bitch
beuman adj noiseless
beton m concrete | armirani ~ reinforced concrete;
prednapregnuti ~ pre-stressed concrete
betonirati vt concrete, cover (work, pave) with concrete
betonski adj concrete | ~ elik reinforcement rounds
bevanda f watered(-down) wine
bez pref without; (ne uraunavi) exclusive of, not
counting, excluding, (izuzevi) barring; (nemajui)
void of, destitute of; free from; (lien) deprived
(stripped) of | (pridjev + less, npr.:) ~ doma, prijatelja, novaca, nade, vrijednosti homeless,
friendless, penniless, hopeless, worthless; biti ~ be
lacking (wanting, deficient) in; be short of; ne
moemo biti ~ struje we cannot manage (do, be)
without electricity; morat emo biti ~ we sha,ll
have to do (go, manage) witbout, we shall have to
make shift without, we shall have to dispense with;

nije bila ~ mana she had her share of faults; ~

njega bih se bio utopio (da ga nije bilo) but for
him I should have been drowned; sch ~
(do)apta(va)nja! no prompting!
bezakonit adj unlawful, lawless
bezakonitost f lawlessness, unlawfulness; v. bezakonje
bezakonje n lawlessness; absence (breakdown) of law,
anarchy; Bibl evil ways
bezalkohol|an adj non-alcoholic, non-intoxicant | ~no
pie non-alcoholic drink, coll soft drink
bezazlen adj artless, harmless, inoffensive, guileless,
innocent; naive, ingenous
bezazleno adv artlessly, innocently, harmlessly, guilelessly
bezazlenost f harmlessness, artlessness; guilessnes,
inoffensiveness; (prostodunost) ingenuousness,
naivete, simplicity
bezbjedan adj v. siguran
bezbjednost f v. sigurnost
bezbojan adj colourless, uncoloured; opt achromatic;
fig drab, lackluster
bezbojnost f colourlessness
bezbolan adj painless
bezbolnost f painlessness
bezbotvo n absence of gods; v. bezbonost
bezboac m atheist; v. bezbonik
bezboan adj irreligious, godless, atheistic, ungodly,
impious, infidel
bezbonica f impious (godless) woman
bezbonik m impious (godless, ungodly) person, atheist, infidel; disbeliever, unbeliever, agnostic
bezbonost f godlessness, ungodliness; atheism, agnosticism; infidelity
bezbrian adj care-free, free from anxiety, easy in
mind, unconcerned
bezbrino adv without care, light-heartedly, airily
bezbrinost f freedom from care (anxiety), lightheartedness
bezbroj m myriad, an immense number, coll no end to
| ima ih ~ their name is legion, they are numberless as sand(s); ~ puta time out of number
bezbrojan adj numberless, innumerable, countless,
untold, without number
bezbrojnost f countlessness, innumerability
bezdan' m abyss, chasm; gulf, precipice
bezdan'' adj abysmal, fathomless, bottom-less
bezdiman adj smokeless
bezdoman adj homeless
bezduan adj callous, cold-hearted, heartless, unfeeling; soulless, without soul
bezdunik m heartless (pitiless, cruel) man
bezduno adv callously, heartlessly
bezdunost f callousness, heartlessness
bezemlja m landless peasant (labourer)
bezglav adj headless; fig brainless, mindless; chaotic,
bezglavo adv brainlessly, headlong, helter-skelter

bezglavost f brainlessness, mindlessness; giddiness;

bezgranian adj infinite, boundless, limitless; immense (v. neizmjeran)
bezgranino adv infinitely; immensely
bezgraninost f infinity, boundlessness, limitlessness;
immenseness, immensity
bezgrean adj sinless, impeccable
bezgrenost f sinlessness, impeccability
bezidejan adj devoid of ideas, sterile; ideologically
bezidejnost f absence of ideas, sterility; lack of ideological commitment
bezimen adj nameless, unnamed; (nepoznati) anonymous
bezimenost f anonymity
bezizgledan adj hopeless; v. besperspektivan
bezizlaz|an adj frustrating, hopeless, deadend | u
~nom poloaju in a hopeless situation; at an impasse
bezizlaznost f impasse, frustration, hopelessness; v.
bezizraajan adj expressionless; (lice) impassive,
blank, deadpan; (pogled) vacant, blank
bezizraajnost f lack of expression; impassivity,
blankness, vacancy
bezlian adj impersonal; fig nondescript
bezlinost f impersonality; nondescriptuality
bezmalo adv v. skoro, praktiki
bezmes|an adj meatless | eccl & fig ~na hrana lenten
bezmjeran adj v. neizmjeran
beznaajan adj insignificant; trivial; v. neznatan
beznaajnost f insignificance; triviality
beznadan adj hopeless, past hope; desperate
beznadno adj hopelessly; desperately
beznadnost f hopelessness; desperateness
bezobavezan adj v. neobavezan
bezoblian adj formless, shapeless, amorphous
bezoblinost f formlessness, shapelessness, amorphousness
bezobrazan adj impudant, insolent, impertinent,
saucy, brassy, pert, forward, brazen(-faced), arrogant, bare-faced | biti ~ behave insolently, make
(be) free, take liberties with
bezobrazluk m a piece of impudence
bezobraznica f an impudent (pert, saucy) girl
(woman), minx, baggage
bezobraznik m impudent fellow
bezobrazno adv impudently; saucily, pertly, arrogantly
bezobraznost f impudence, insolence, impertinence,
arrogance, sauciness, effrontery, forwardness, barefacedness
bezobziran adj ruthless, unscrupulous, inconsiderate
bezobzirce adj v. bezobzirno, glavom bez obzira
bezobzirno adj ruthlessly, unscrupulously, inconsiderately, cavalierly

bezobzirnost f ruthlessness, unscrupulousness, inconsiderateness

bezoan adj v. bezobrazan, drzak, bestidan
bezodvlano adv v. smjesta, bez odlaganja, neodlono
bezok adj eyeless; one-eyed
bezopas|an adj v. neopasan
bezopasnost f harmlessness, safety
bezosjeajan adj unfeeling, without feeling, unsentimental; v. beutan
bezosjeajnost f absence of feeling, unsentimentality;
v. beutnost
bezosjetan adj insensate, insensitive
bezraan adj airless
bezrazloan adj groundless, motiveless, unwarrantable, unaccountable
bezrazlonost f groundlessness, unaccountableness;
absence of valid reason (motive)
bezrep adj tailless
bezrezervan adj unquestioning, unreserved, unqualified, absolute
bezub adj toothless
bezuman adj insane, demented, irrational, distraught,
manic, frantic, frenzied
bezum|lje n, ~nost f insanity, irrationality, folly, derangement, madness, frenzy
bezumnik m deranged person, madman; fool
bezumno adj madly, frantically, distractedly
bezumnost f v. bezumlje
bezupka f (koljka) freshwater mussel
bezuslovan adj v. bezuvjetan
bezuspjean adj unsuccessful, fruitless, abortive, unavailing; ineffectual, infficacious, ineffective, inefficient; vain, futile
bezuspjeno adj unsuccessfully, fruitlessly, in vain
bezuspjenost f fruitlessness, uselessness, futility,
abortiveness; inefficacy, ineffectiveness, inefficiency
bezuvjetan adj absolute, unconditional, unqualified,
unreserved, unquestioning
bezuvjetno adj absolutely, without fail; unconditionally, unreservedly
bezuvjetnost f absoluteness, unconditionality
bezvazduan adj v. zrakoprazan; bezraan
bezvezan adj coll irrelevant, useless, trashy
bezveznjak m coll mixed-up (screwy) person, sl jerk
bezvjerac m atheist, agnostic; unbeliever; godless person
bezvjer|je n, ~stvo n irreligion, atheism, agnosticism;
bezvlae n anarchy, absence of authority
bezvodan adj waterless, arid
bezvodnost f aridity, waterless state
bezvoljan adj listless, apathetic, lethargic, spiritless,
bezvoljno adv listlessly, with apathy
bezvoljnost f listlessness, apathy, lethargy
bezvrijedan adj worthless, useless, valueless
bezvrijednost f worthlessness

bezvuan adj voiceless phon, soundless

be adj (boja) beige
beenstvo n celibacy, celibate; unmarried state
bezi|an adj wireless | ~na telegrafija wireless telegraphy
beivotan adj lifeless; v. bezvoljan
bianco adj & adv v. bjanko
bibati se vr (more) heave, swell, surge; sway; v. njihati se
bibavica f undulation, heaving, surging, rolling,
swell; (mrtvo more) ground swell
biber m v. papar
biberiti vt v. papriti
bibernica f pepper-box, pepper-castor
Biblija f the Bible, the Scriptures, the Book, Holy Writ
biblijski adj biblical, scriptural
bibliofil m bibliophile, book-lover, book--collector
bibliofilsk|i adj | ~o izdanje collectors' edition
bibliograf m bibliographer
bibliografija f bibliography; references
bibliografski adj bibliographic
biblioteka f library (v. knjinica); book collection
bibliotekar m librarian
bibliotekarstvo n librarianship, library science
biceps m anat biceps
bicikl m bicycle, coll bike | stranje sjedalo ~a pillion-seat; voziti se na ~u ride a bicycle, cycle;
muki (enski) ~ man's (lady's) bicycle; trkai ~
racing bicycle racer; (ire) sports bicycle; ~ dvosjed tandem (bicycle)
biciklist m bicycle rider, cyclist
biciklistik|i adj cycling | ~a utrka cycling race; ~o
trkalite velodrome
biciklistika f, biciklizam m cycling
bi m whip; (jahai) horse-whip, hunting-crop, ridingwhip; (mornarski ~, kazna), cat-o'-nine-tails; (konop) whip-lash, whip-cord; (remen) thong | pucati
~em crack (smack) a whip; deset udaraca ~em ten
lashes (strokes); Atila, ~ bozji Attila, the Scourge
of God
bia|lo n, ~lje n whip-handle
bievalac m whipper, flogger; (sebe sama) flagellant
bievanje n whipping, flogging, scourging; (meu dva
reda bievalaca) running the gauntlet; (trapljenje)
flagellation | hist stup za ~ whiyping post
bievati vt whip, lash, flog, scourge | ~ se vr flog
(scourge, flagellate) oneself
bii m dim young bull, bull-calf
biji adj bull, of (like, for) a bull
bi|e n being (i phil), creature | sva iva ~a all living
things (creatures)
bide m bidet
bidermajer m & adj Bedermeier
bife m (lokal) bar, A sl stand-up joint, (slino) pub B
coll; (prostorija) bar-room; (kolodvorski, kazalini,
klupski, fakultetski, na zabavi, u parku) refreshments, (licensed) refreshment-room, (licensed)
snack-bar, (licensed) coffee room; (komad poku-

stva) sideboard, buffet ) | vlasnik ~a barkeeper, A+

bar operator
biflati vt v. bubati
bifokalan adj opt bifocal
biftek m beefsteak
bifurkacija f bifurcation, splitting in two
bigamija f bigamy
bigamist f bigamist
biglisanje n warbling (singing, song) of a nightingale
biglisati vi warble, sing, trill
bijed|a f (nestaica) want, need, poverty, indigence,
penury; fig pinch; (nesrea) calamity, affliction,
distress, misery; (jad) grief, woe, wretchedness; v.
bijednost | biti u ~i suffer want, live in dire want,
live i n abject poverty; pasti u ~u be reduced to
bijedan adj (siromaan) destitute, abjectly poor;
(jadan) wretched, miserable, pathetic, pitiable,
piteous, pitiful; contemptible; (mizeran, lo) paltry,
wretched, execrable
bijediti vt v. kriviti
bijednica f wretched (poor, unhappy) woman
bijednik m wretched person, poor devil
bijednost f wretchedness, paltriness
bijeg m flight, escape, coll getaway; (iz zatvora)
break-out, jail-break; (od kue radi udaje; s
ljubavnikom) elopment | nagnuti (dati se) u ~ flee,
take to flight, take to one's heels, run away; natjerati u ~ put to flight; mil rout; ~ sa sela rural depopulation
bijel adj white; (prazan) blank; (ubijeljen) blanched |
bila je u ~om she was (dressed) in white; hist ~i
Whites, White troops; (ah) ~i napada White attacks; ~ bjelcat white as can be, snow-white;
imam crno na ~om I have it in black and white;
~a mrlja (na elu konja) blaze
bijel|ac m white (man); white horse | ~ci the whites; A
kola koju pohaaju samo ~ci all-white school;
ent kupusni ~ cabbage white; ent glogov ~ blackveined white (butterfly)
bijeliti vt paint white, whiten; (kreiti) whitewash;
(platno) bleach | ~ se vr v. bijeljeti se
bijelka f white cow (sheep); ornith ptar-migan
bijeljen pp whitened, painte white; (kreen) whitewashed; (platno) bleached
bijeljenje n painting white, whitening; (kreenje) wh
tewashing, (platna) bleaching | sredstvo za ~
bleaching agent
bijeljeti vi become white; loose colour
bijeljeti se vr show (gleam) white | sve se bijeli (od
istoe) everything is sparkling clean
bijenje n v. udaranje, tucenje, kucanje
bijes m rage, fury, fierceness, frenzy, (gnjev) wrath,
passion; (zloduh) demon, evil spirit | iskaliti ~ na
vent (wreak) one's rage (fury) (up)on; do ~a!
damn! damnation!, bother(ation)!, confound it!, ~
za neim furious desire for, lust for, obsession with
bijesan adj raging, wild, furious, fierce, frenzied, fuming, exasperated, infuriated; (bura) violent, tem-

pestuous; (opsjednut) demoniac; (pomahnitao) run

amuck; med hydrophobic, (pseto) rabid | ~ je na
mene he is furious with me; ~ kao ris in a towering rage, sl hopping mad
bijesniti vi v. bjesnjeti
bijesno adv furiously
bik m bull | borac s ~ovima bullfighter; borba s ~om
bull-fight; boriti se s ~ovima fight bulls
bikini m bikini (swimsuit), scanty swimsuit
bik(ov)aa f bull's pizzle (used for flogging)
bikovski adj bull-like
bilanc|a f balance of accounts; (izvjetaj) balancesheet | praviti ~u strike the balance, balance accounts, make (up) the balance (sheet); fig take
stock; godinja ~a annual statement; imati
pozitivnu (negativnu) ~u be in the black (red);
trgovinska ~a balance of trade; platna ~a balance
of payments
bilans m v. bilanca
biiateralan adj bilateral
bilijarda f B a thousand billions, A quadrillion
bilijun m B billion, A trillion
bilijunti num ord B billionth, A trillionth
bilikum m welcome-cup; loving-cup
bilina f arch v. biljka
bilinar m arch herbalist, herborist; (zbirka) herbarium
bilinarstvo n herborization, botanization, herbarism
bilingvizam m bilingualism
bilinski adj arch v. biljni
bilinstvo n arch v. biljno carstvo, botanika
bilion m v. bilijun
bilo' n (gorsko) mountain top (summit, crest), mountain-ridge, mountain-saddle; med v. puls
blo'' vb v. biti
bilten m bulletin, newsletter
biljac m shaggy homespun blanket (rug)
biljar' m billiards pl | igrati ~ play billiards; A play
(shoot) pool; igra ~a billiard-player; kugla za ~
billiard-ball; stol za ~ billiard table, A pool table;
tap za ~ cue; soba za ~ billiard-room; A poolroom; igranica ~a billiard-rooms; A poolhall
biljar'' m v. travar
biljarica f v. travarica
biljarstvo n v. travarstvo
biljica f little (delicate) plant, plantlet
bilj|e n collect plants pl, herbs pl, herbage; flora |
1jekovito ~ medicinal herbs pl; sabira ~a herbalist, botanist; sabirati ~ botanize, herborize;
ukrasno ~ horticultural plants
biljeg m (marka) revenue (fiscal, duty) stamp; (znak)
mark, token, symbol; (ig) brand; (punca) hallmark; (na ivotinji) mark, spot; (na kozi) (birth)
biljegovati vt affix a revenue stamp to, provide with a
revenue stamp
biljegovina f stamp-duty, stamp-tax
biljek|a f note, memorandum, annotation, aide memoire, jotting, coll memo; (fusnota) footnote |
praviti ~e take notes

biljetarnica f ticket office

biljeter m (kina) ticket-taker; (stadiona) gateman;
(razvoa publike) usher
biljeenje n note-taking, taking notes; recording
biljeiti vt take notes (of); register; (pribiljeiti) annotate, record in writing, (dogaaje) chronicle
biljenica f B exercise-book, A note-book; (s predlokom, za krasopis i sl.) copy-book | sch radna ~
biljeniki adj notarial
biljenik m (javni) notary public; (opinski) B parish
clerk, A town clerk
biljenitvo n status (office) of a notary public
biljka f plant | jednogodinja ~ annual; otporna ~
hardy plant; sobna ~ pot plant
biljn|i adj vegetable | ~a hrana vegetarian food; ~o
carstvo vegetable (plant) kingdom
biljoder m zoo plant-eating animul, sci herbivore
bim-bam! interj ding-dong!
bina f v. pozornica
binaran adj binary
binarnost f binarity
binokl m lorgnette, lorgnon
bio adj v. bijel
biofizika f biophysics
biogenetika f biogenetics
biograf m biographer
biografija f biography; (za namjetenje) curriculum
vitae (CV), account of career, A rsum
biografski adj biographical
biokemija f biochemistry
biolog m biologist
biologija f biology
bioloki adj biological
biomehanika f biomechanics
bioskop m v. kino
bioskopski adj v. kinobira m (glasa) elector, constituent; (glasa) voter |
~i body of electors, electorate, constituency
biraica f woman elector (constituent)
biraki adj electoral, voting; v. glasaki, izborni | ~
spisak B electoral (A voting) roll; upisati u ~
spisak register (a voter); upisati se u ~ spisak register (to vote)
biralit|e n polling-place | izai na ~a go to the polls
biran adj choice, select, refined; (rijei) f.ormal
birano adv with refinement, with elegance; with chosen words
biranost f choiceness, exquisiteness, refiement; formality
biranje n choosing, selection; yol, election; v. izbor
bira|ti vt choose, make choice (between), take one's
choice; pick out, single out; (odabirati) select, cull;
(pomno) pick and choose; (na izborima) elect | ne
moi ~ti v. imati (nemati) alternativu; ~ti na 4
godine elect a four-year term; (na plesu) dame
~ju! Ladies' choice (dance)!
biro m bureau, office; agency, pol bureau
birokracija f bureaucracy; derog red tape, red tapism

birokrat m bureaucrat; red-tapist

birokratizam m bureaucracy, officialism, red tape,
birokratski adj bureaucratic; red-tape | zaobii
(skratiti) ~ postupak cut red tape; ~ argon (stil)
birsa m tartar
birta m v. krmar
birtija f v. krma
bis int mus encore! more! one more time!
bisage f pl saddle-bags pl
biser m pearl; (boba) bead; fig & iron gem, jewel |
umjetni ~ imitation pearl; umjetno uzgojeni ~
cultured pearl; niz~a string of pearls, pearlnecklace
biserar m pearl-diver
biserartvo n pearl-diving
biserje n collect pearls pl | bacati ~ pred svinje cast
pearls before swine
biserka f guinea-fowl, guinea-hen
bisern|i adj pearl, pearly | ~a ogrlica string of pearls,
bisernica f pearl-oyster, pearl-shell; mus soprano
(tenor) tambouritza
biskati vt pick lice
biskup m bishop, diocesan; pontif f; cul parson's nose |
~i collect episcopate, prelacy
biskupija f diocese; (zgrada) bishop's palace
biskupijski adj diocesan
biskupsk|i adj episcopal, bishop's |~a ast (sluba)
episcoyacy, prelacy; ~a jurisdikcija (stolica) bishopric; ~a kapa mitre; ~i tap crosier
biskvit m B sweet biscuit, A cookie; (prhki) shortcake
B & A; v. keks
bista f v. poprsje
bist|ar adj (proziran) lucid, transparent, limpid, clear;
(pametan) clever, shrewd, sagacious, sharp, smart,
clear-headed; (domiljat) quick(-witted), ingenuous
| ~ar kao suza (as) clear as crystal, crystal-clear;
fig ~ra glava clever (shrewd, quick) fellow, A coll
(real) smart cookie
bistrenje n clearing up, clarification; (taloga) settling
bistrina f clearness, transparence, limpidity; (jasnoa)
clarity, distinctness, lucidity; (pamet) brightness,
shrewdness, sagacity; perspicacity, penetration
bistriti vt clarify | ~ se vr clear up; (talog) settle
(down); brighten
bistro adv clearly, limpidly; (pametno) brightly, cleverly, smartly
bit f essence, substance, entity; reality; (sr) nucleus,
pith, marrow | u ~i essentially; at heart; prodrijeti
u ~ stvari get to the bottom of something, reach
the heart of the matter
bitak m phil Being
bit|an adj essential, fundamental, principal, main;
(vaan) material, prime, substantial, weighty | ~no
je the main (essential) point is
bitanga f lazy-bones; (skitnica) tramp, vagrant, vagabond

bit|i' vi & aux be, exist; (boraviti, provesti) stay, spend

time; (leati, smjetaj) lie, be situated | je = nalazi
se, postoji, ima there is; toplo, vrue, zima mi je
am warm, hot, cold; nita mi nije there is nothing
the matter with me; je li ti to? is there anything
the matter with you? 3 + 3 je 6 3 and 3 makes 6;
bilo mi je da zaplaem I felt like crying; bilo pa
prolo (zaboravimo svau) let bygones be bygones;
~ e to bude what-ever will be will be; ~ e kie it
is going to rain; ~e da si uo you will have heard,
you have probably heard; moe joj ~i she can afford it; tvrdoglav da ne moe ~i gore stubborn as
can be, stubborn as they come; tu se radi o ~i ili
ne ~i it is a matter of life and death || (dopusno,
neodreeno) makar on bio bogat let him be rich,
rich as he is; bili oni u pravu ili ne whether they
are right or not; gdje bila da bila wherever she
may be; bilo... bilo either... or; bilo kako bilo
however it may be, be that as it may; to bilo da
bilo (to bude da bude) come what may; bilo to
anything, no matter what; bilo otkuda from anywhere, from no matter where; bilo s kim with anyone, with no matter who || (kondicional) bio bi dobar nastavnik he would make a good teacher;
(molim vas) platio bih I would like to pay; platio
bih ako doete I should (A would) pay if you
came; platio bih (bio bih platio) da ste doli I
should (A would) have paid if you had come; a to
bih drugo? what else should (would, could) I do?;
ne znam to bih I don't know what to do, I am at a
loss (what to do); bi ne bi shilly-shallying, backing and filling; iron da ne bi! oh no you don't!, not
likely!, to bi bilo kad bi bilo if wishes were
horses beggars might ride, if ifs and ans were pots
and pans || bud|em, ~e itd.| neka ~e all right; let
it be; neka ti ~e have it your way; you're welcome
to it; neka ~e to ~e come what may; here goes,
sink or swim; ne volim da ~e sama I don't like
you to be alone; ako neto ~e iz toga if it comes to
anything; if it works out; ako (kad) ~em svrio if
(when) I finish; kad ~em bogat when I am rich;
~e to i due it may be (even) longer at times, it has
been known to be (even) longer; ~em tamo tjedan
dana I (usually) stay there a week; da ne ~e sumnje lest there be no doubt || (imperativ) budi(te)
be; budimo let us be
biti" vt v. tui, udarati, lupati, kucati, izbijati
biti se vr v. tui se, boriti se
bitisati vi v. postojati, ivjeti
bitk|a f battle, fight, skirmish, action, brush, engagement, encounter, combat; fray | redovita ~a
pitched battle; neodluna ~a drawn battle; ~ do istrage a fight to the last man; pomorska ~a naval
battle; upustiti se u (zametnuti) ~u join battle;
voditi ~u wage a battle; dobiti (izgubiti) ~u win
(lose) the battle; ~a izvojevana strategijom (ili
taktikom) general's battle; ~a izvojevana hrabrou soldier's battle
bitnik m beatnik (v. hipi)

biino adv essentially; at heart

bitnost f essentiality, essential quality
bitumen m minr bitumen, bituminous earth; (asfaltni)
bitum|enski, ~inozan adj minr bituminous
bitva f mar (brodska) bitt, bollard; (na obali) pawl bitt
bivak m mil bivouac
bivanje n being, existence
bivati vi use to be; happen repeatedly; v. dogaati se,
boraviti, nastojati
bivol m (water) buffalo
bivol|e n, ~i m buffalo calf, baby buffalo
bivolica f buffalo cow, female buffalo
bivolski, bivolji adj buffalo, buffalo-like
bivstven adj essential (i phil)
bivstvo n essence, existence; phil v. bit
bivstvovanje n existence
bivstvovati vi exist
bivi adj former, onetime, ex-, late, once; retired fig ~
ovjek has-been
bizam m (krzno) musk-rat (fur, pelt), mus-quash (fur,
bizamski adj v. takor
Bizant m Byzantium
Bizantinac m Byzantine; fig byzantine, underhanded
person, Machiavellian
bizantinstvo n fig underhanded ways, Machiavellism
bizaran adj bizarre
bizarnost f bizarreness, bizarre quality
bizmut m bismuth
biznis m business; derog racket, A sl wheeling and
biznismen m businessman; A sl wheeler-dealer; v.
bizon m | ameriki ~ pop buffalo, sci bison; evropski
~ wisent, aurochs, European bison
biuterija f collect costume (fancy, novelity) jewellery; (duan) costume-jewellery shop (boutique)
bjanko' adj blank | ~ ek blank cheque fig; ~ potpis
blank signature
bjanko'' adv in blank
bjegunac m fugitive, runaway | vojni ~ deserter
bjekstvo n v. bjeg
bjelance n white egg, egg-white, albumen
bjelanevina f protein
bjelanjak m v. bjelance
bjelasanje n white glistening (shimmer, glitter); white
bjelasati se vr glisten (glimmer, glitter, shimmer)
bjelcat adj v. bijel
bjelica f (riba) whitting; v. crvenperka
bjelilo n white paint (pigment, colouring matter); (za
rublje) bleaching agent (powder), bleach; (razmueno vapno) whitewash; (kredin prah) whiting;
(prah za remenje) pipe-clay
bjelin|a f whiteness; (odijelo) white clothes (dress); (u
tekstu) blank | u ~i (dressed) in white
bjelkast adj whitish

bjelkinja f white woman

bjelonica f v. bjeloonica
bjeloa f whiteness
bjelodan adj clear (as day), evident, self-evident, patent, obvious, manifest, plain, palpable, unmistakable
bjelodano adv clearly; evidently; obviously
bjelogardijac m hist White (Guard)
bjelogardijski adj hist White (-Guard)
bjelogardist m (Slovene) White Guard
bjelogardistiki adj (u Rusiji) White(-Guard); (u
Sloveniji) White-Guard
bjeloglav adj white-headed
bjelogorica f deciduous trees, leaf orest; (drvo) hardwood
bjelogorini adj deciduous, broadleaf; hardwood
bjelekosn|i adj ivory | fig povlacenje u kulu ~ u retreat into ivory tower
bjelokost f ivory
bjeloonica f white (of the eye), eye-white
bjeloputan adj white-skinned, fair-skinned, lightcomplexioned
Bjelorus m Belorussian, White Bussian
bjeloruski adj Belorussian, White Russian
bjelouka f ring-snake, grass-snake
bjelutak m minr quartz
bjesnilo n (srdba) rage, fury, frenzy; delirium;
(bolest) v. bjesnoa
bjesnoa f (kod ivotinja) rabies, (kod ovjeka) hydrophobia
bjesnjeti vi rage, rave, fume, be furious (enraged, in a
towering passion), foam with rage; (oluja) roar | u
gradu bjesni kuga plague is rampant in town,
town is plague-stricken
bjesomuan adj possessed by a demon (evil spirit); fig
raving, frenzied, frantic, run amuck | ~ kao like
one possessed
bjesomuno adv frenziedly, ravingly; like one possessed
bjesomunost f frenzy, raving fury
bjeanje n (uzmak) flight, retreat; (nakon poraza) rout
bjeati vi run away, flee, escape, make off, decamp,
take to flight, sl beat it, sl buzz off | ~ glavom bez
obzira take to one's heels, run as fast as one's legs
can carry one; bjei! be off!, run!, sl scram!; ~ od
neega shun, avoid, shrink from
blaenje n defamation, slinging mud (at), character
blag adj (ud) meek, gentle, sweet; (klima) genial,
balmy, soft, mild, bland, temperate; (obziran) lenient, indulgent, mild, benign, benignant; (zima)
mild; (zvuk, boja) mellow
b1agajn|a f (u duanu) paying desk, cash desk; (za ul
aznice) box-of f ice, ticket-office; (za putne karte)
booking-office, ticket-office; (drutva) treasury;
(kasa, koveg) money-box, strong box, safe, chest;
(dravna) fisc, fisk; | voditi ~u keep the cash; handle the money; act as cashier; pregled ~e cash au-

dit; stanje ~e balance in cash; drati novac u zajednikoj ~i pool the money
blagajnica f woman cashier
blagajniki adj cashier's treasurer's | ~ izvjetaj
Statement of Finances
blagajnik m casbier, cash-keeper; (bankovni) teller;
(drutva) treasurer; mil paymaster; (prodava putnikih karata) B booking-clerk, A ticket-agent
blagdan m holiday, red-letter day | dravni ~
(crkveni) public (church) holiday
blag|o n treasure; (nagomilano) hoard; (bogatstvo)
riches, wealth; v. stoka | zakopano ~o buried (hidden) treasur-e; rudno ~o mineral riches; narodno
~o popular lore, folklore (riches); work(s) of folk
art; jezicno ~o lexical riches; ~o moje! my darling
(pet, jewel)!; zdravlje je veliko ~o health is a great
blessing; nesta ~a, nesta prijatelja nobody loves
you when you are down and out; nijemo ~ dumb
blago adv midly, softly, gently; meekly, indulgently,
sweetly | ~tebi! lucky you!; ~ reeno to put it
blagodaran adj v. zahvalan
blagodarenje n eccl thanksgiving (prayer), Te Deum
blagodariti vi v. zahvaliti se
blagodarnost f v. zahvalnost
blagodat f blessing, boon; benefit | prava ~ godsend,
real blessing; uivati ~i civilizacije enjoy the comforts (amenities) of civilization
blagodatan adj v. blagotvoran
blagoglagoljiv adj talkative, loquacious, garrulous,
blagoglagoljivost f loquacity, talkativeness, loquaciousness, long-windedness
blagoglasan adj v. blagozvuan
blagoglasje n v. blagozvunost
blagoizvoljeti vi please, deign, condescend, stoop to,
blagonaklon adj obliging, complaisant, complacent;
benignant, gracious; kind, kindly; v. sklon
blagonaklono adv graciously, benignantly, kindly | ~
sasluati lend a receptive ear to
blagonaklonost f benignity, benevolence, mildness,
blagopokojni adj the departed, the late, the deceased;
(iza imena) of blessed memory
blagorod|an adj of good (noble, gentle) blood (birth) |
~ni gospodine! Honourable Sir!, Your Lordship!
blagorodnost f nobility, good (noble) birth, gentility
blagorodstvo n v. blagorodnost
blagoroe n v. blagorodnost | Vase ~! Your Lordship!
blagoslov m blessing; benediction, arch benison; (posveta) consecration; fig welfare, prosperity, good
luck; (veernja) vespers pl | fig dati svoj ~ give
one's blessing, give one's seal of approval
blagoslov|iti vt bless, invoke the blessing on; (rukom)
give the benediction; (posvetiti) consecrate | ~ljena
voda holy water; ~ljeni kruh consecrated (holy)

bread; ~ljen dan kad praised be the day when; bog

te ~io! God bless you! ona je u ~ljenom stanju she
is expecting; ~ljen djecom blessed with a large
blagost f gentleness, meekness, mildness, sweetness,
softness; (obzir) lenity, leniency, indulgence, toleration
blagostanje n prosperity, well-being, welfare; comfort
blagotvoran adj beneficial; (ljekovit) salutary, healing, balmy, soothing; favourable
blagotvorno adv beneficially | djelovati ~ have a
beneficial effect
blagotvornost f benefieial effect
blagovaonica f dining-room; (dvorana) dining-hall,
banqueting-hall; (samostanska) refectory; (u vojsci) mess, mess-room
blagovati vi & vt eat, dine, partake of food (meals),
Blagovijest f Lady-day, Annunciation
blagovremen adj v. pravovremen
blagozvuan adj melodious, tuneful, euphonious;
harmonious, harmonic; musical; sweet, mellow
blagozvunost f melodiousness, euphony, harmony;
consonance; mellowness
blagva f (gljiva) orange-milk agaric
blajhan adj Ger bleached, dyed blond (v. blondina)
blajhlati vt Ger (kosu) bleach, peroxide, dye blond |
ona se ~a she bleaches her hair
blama|a f disgrace, discredit, loss of face | spasiti se
od ~e save face
blamirati vt disgrace, bring discredit upon; make a
fool of
blamirati se vr disgrace oneself, bringdiscredit on
oneself, cut a poor figure, fall on one's face, lose
face, make a fool of oneself
blanketa f v. obrazac, tiskanica
blanko adj & adv v. bjanko
blanj|a f plane | ~a za ljebljenje rabbet-plane, grooving plane; duga ~a trying plane; no ~e plane-iron
blanjaa f joiner's bench
blanjalica f eng planer, planing machine | kratkohodna ~ shaper, shaping machine; dugohodna ~
parallel-planing machine
blanjati vt plane, shave (smooth) with a plane
blanjevina f (wood) shavings
blasfemij|a f blasphemy, impious (godless) talk | poini ~u blaspheme
blae n head of cattle. beast
blat|an adj muddy; v. prljav | ~na kupelj mud-bath
blatiti vt make muddy; spatter with mud; bedraggle; v.
prljati; fig foul, pollute, defile; (klevetom) speak ill
of, blacken, backbite, slander, defame
blatnjav adj muddy, mud-covered, mud-spattered
blat|o n mud; fig filth, dirt, mire; (neist) muck; v.
prljavtina, izmetine | ivo ~o (quag)mire; zapeti
u ~u stick (fast) in the mud; poprskati ~om bespatter, bedraggle; fig bacati se ~om na sliig mud
at; fig srozati se u ~o fall into the gutter; coll ima
ih ko ~a A sl they are a dime a dozen

blatobran m mot B mudguard, wing; A fender

blavor m zoo snake lizard
blazina f eiderdown, feather-bed
blaziran adj blas, jaded
blazirano adv in a blas manner
blaziranost f blas manner (attitude)
blazirati vt make blas (jaded)
Bla m Blaise
blaen adj fig & eccl blessed; (svet) sainted, cannonized, beatified; (presretan) blissful, overjoyed,
elated, in raptures; eccl & fig blessed | proglasiti
~im beatify; ~a tiina! oh the blessed quiet!
blaeni n pl eccl the celestials, the canonized (blessed)
blaenopovsi adj v. blagopokojni
blaenstv|o n bliss(fulness); eccl beatitude | vrhunac
~a the height of bliss
blaiti vt v. ublazavati, razblazivati
blebetalo n chatterbox, chatterer, sl flapjaw | biti
strano ~ talk nineteen to the dozen, chatter like a
blebetanje n (idle) chatter(ing), babble, babbling, coll
blah-blah, sl gas; (nerazumljivo) gibberish
blebetati vi chatter (idly), babble, prattle; coll gab, go
blah-blah; sl gas, yap, spout off, talk a blue streak
blebetav adj given to chattering, babbling, loosetongued, coll gabby, sl gassy
blebetavost f chattiness, coll gabbiness, coll gift of the
gab, loose tongue
blebetua f chatter-box, gossip (v. blebetalo)
blef m bluff | odgovoriti (ne nasjesti) na neiji ~ call
somebody's bluff
blefer m bluffer, A sl four-flusher; sl phony | uhvatiti
~a za rije call somebody's bluff
bleferstvo n bluffing (manner)
blefirati vt bluff
bleh m Ger v. lim
blejanje n bleat(ing), baa; (zurenje) gape, gaping,
blejati vi (ovca) bleat, baa; zuriti) gape, stare, stand
gaping at, gaze
blenda f photo v. zaslon objektiva
blendati vt v. zasljepljivati
blenuti vi gaze (look, stare) stupidly
blesan m crass person, imbecile, moron, vulg stupid
bastard; idiot, blockhead, numskull (v. glupan)
blesav adj crass, imbecile, moronic; idiotic, thickheaded (v. glupav)
blesavo adv crassly
blesavost f crassitude, crassness, imbecility, moronity,
blezgarija f drivel, trash, nonsense, rubbish, twaddle,
sl (tommy) rot
blezgariti vi drivel, talk nonsense
blic m, blic-lampa f photo v. bljeskalica
blijed adj pale, pallid, wan; ashy; cadaverous, sallow,
liquid; (izblijedio) faded | mrtvaki ~ pale as
death, white as a corpse; ~ kao krpa white as a
sheet; ~i osmijeh wan (bleak) smile

blijedjeti vi turn pale, pale; (boja) fade

blijedo adv palely | ~zelen pale-green
blijet|ati vi glitter, glimmer, flash, glisten, gleam,
beam, dazzle, glare | ~i mi pred oima I am dazzled
blindiran adj v. oklopljen
blinker m Ger (ribiki) v. varalica; (konjski) v.
bliski adj v. blizak
blisko adj closely, intimately
bliskost f closeness, intimacy; nearness, contiguity
blistanje n, bljetanje n dazzle, glitter, flare, glare;
(sjaj) radiance, brilliance, brightness; resplendence, splendour
blista|ti vi glitter, glisten, dazzle, blaze, flash, glare,
gleam | lice mu je ~lo od sree his face was alight
(aglow) with happiness
blistav adj dazzling, glittering, glistening, glaring;
radiant; glossy; flaring; brilliant, resplendent;
blistav|ilo n ~ost f radiance; brilliancy, splendour;
blitva f bot Swiss chard
bliz(ak) adj near, nigh, close to (by, upon); (pri ruci,
nadohvat) near at hand, handly, within reach;
(posve ~) hard upon (by); (blizak) close, intimate |
bliski prijatelj close (intimate) friend, bosomfriend; ~ roak near relation
blizan|ac m twin, twin brother | ~ci twins; ast gemini
blizan|ica, ~ka f twin-sister
blizin|a f nearness, proximity, closeness; neighbourhood | iz ~e at close quarters, closely; u ~i near; u
neposrednoj ~i close to, next to
blizu prep near by, near (close) at hand; (vrijeme)
near upon (to); close by (to, upon); (nadohvat) near
at hand, within reach, (otprilike) about, approximately, close upon | biti ~ be near, stand by; nema
ga ni ~, ne ide ~ he is keeping away; ne idi ~ keep
away, keep your distance; ve je ~ 40-oj (godini)
he is pushing forty
blie comp adv nearer, closer | to ~ as near as possible
blii adj nearer, closer
bliiti se vr near, draw near, approach
blinj|i n nearer; fellow-man, fellow-creature; pl fellow-people | ljubav prema ~emu love for (of) one's
neighbour; ljubi ~ega svoga love thy neighbour
blok m (notes) (memo) pad, writing pad; (za crtanje)
sketching block (pad); (kua) block (of houses);
(blagajniki) (receipted) bill, receipt; (motora) engine (cylinder) block; pol bloc | pol neulaenje u
~ove non-alignment
blokad|a f blockade | dii ~u raise the blockade; probiti ~u run the blockade; probijanje ~e blockaderunning
blokej m v. titnik za cipele
blok-flauta f mus recorder

blokirati vt block; (isplate) block, freeze, impound;

(granicu) seal; (grad, podruje) seal off; (raun u
duanu) receipt a bill
blokovsk|i adj pol | ~a politika bloc politics
blomba f v. plomba
blond adj blond, fair-haired
blondina f blonde | prirodna ~ natural blonde; blajhana ~ dyed (peroxide) blonde
blud m unchastity, debauchery, lechery, prostitution, |
podati se ~u prostitute oneself; (ena) go on the
streets, become a street-walker
bludan adj unchaste, lewd, lecherous, ribald; obscene
bluditi vi prostitute oneself; whore, drab; v. lutati,
bludnica f strumpet, harlot, whore, prostitute, streetwalker
bludnik m fornicator; profligate, libertine, debauchee
bludnitvo n prostitution
bludnost f lewdness, lascivity, lechery
bludnja f v. zabluda
bluenje n v. lutanje, tumaranje, blud
bluna f ornith gannet; arch v. budala
bluz|a f blouse, A+ skirtwaist | ~a na van overblouse;
~a bez rukava sleeveless blouse, shell; ponesite 2
~e ili majice take along two tops
bluzica f light (skimpy) blouse; (triko) lightweight
jumper (A pullover)
bljedilo n paleness, pallor, vanness, sallowness
bljedobolja f med greensickness, chlorosis
bljedolik adj pale-faced
bljedunjav adj somewhat pale, palish
bljesak m flash; (munje) flash of lightning
bljeskalic|a f photo flash lamp (unit) | svjetlost ~e
bljeskati vi flash, glitter, glimmer, glare
bljeskavica f sheet-lightning; (blinker) spoon-bait
bljesnuti vi flash (once, for a moment), give a flash
bljetati vi v. blijetati
bljetav adj glittering, blazing; (svjetlo) dazzling,
glaring, harsh; fig v. blistav
bljetavilo n (bezvrijedno) superficial brilliancy
(splendour), tinsel, gaudiness; v. blistavost
bljutav adj insipid, stale, vapid, flat; tasteless
bljutavost f insipidity, flatness, staleness, tastelessness, vapidity
bljutavtina f disgusting (nauseating) talk
bljuvanje n vomiting (v. povraanje); fig discharge
bljuvati vi vomit (v. povraati); fig discharge, belch,
bljuvotina f vomit, vulg puke; fig foul (disgusting,
nauseating) talk
bljuzgav adj slushy
bljuzgavica f slush; slushy weather
boa f zoo v. udav
bob' m broad-bean; cul broad-beans
bob'' m sp bob-sled
bob(ic)a f berry; (groa) grape, berry
bobiast adj berry-shaped

boc|a f bottle; (depna) flask; (stolna, za vino i sl.)

carafe (bruena decanter); (elina) pressure container; v. batak | puniti ~e bottle; puna ~a bottleful; pivo u ~i bottled beer; ~a sa zapaljivom tekuinom petrol (A gasoline) bomb, Molotov cocktail
bockalo n teaser, quarrelsome person
bockanje n teasing, prodding itd. (v. bockati)
bockati vt (draiti, peckati) tease, badger, nettle;
(bodenje) sting, prick, goad, spur, prod
bocnuti vt give a prick
boat adj brackish
boic|a f dim small bottle, vial, cruet | ~a za dojenje
feeding (A nursing) bottle; othraniti dijete na ~u
bring a child with the bottle (ili by hand)
bon|i adj lateral, side; sideways, side-ward; collateral;
v. plotun, ~om paljbom
bono adv laterally, sidewise
bo|a f sp bowl; boccia, boule | igrati ~e (na travi [u
AS zemljama]); play (lawn) bowls; (naeg tipa)
play boccie (boules)
boanje n sp bowling, playing bowls (boccie, boules) |
kuglana za ~ bowling (boccie, boules) court; tratina za ~ bowling green
boar m sp bowler
bod m (ubod) prick(ing); (igle) stitch, (alca) sting,
dart; sp point score; fenc thrust; (puke) bayonet |
(sve sp:) biljeiti ~ove keep score; kakvo je stanje
u ~ovima? what's the score?; postii ~ score a
point; zaraditi kazneni ~ incur a penalty point;
pobijediti (pobjeda) na ~ove win on points; pobiediti s malom razlikom u ~ovima win by a narrow margin
bodac m v. probadanje
bodar adj alert, brisk, keen, chipper
Bodensko jezero n geog Lake of Constance
bode m dagger, poniard, Sc dirk; stiletto
bod-lista f score-sheet
bodlja f thorn, prick, spine; thistle
bodljika f prick, prickle; (trn) thorn, spine; (metalna)
barb, spike | biti pun ~ bristle with prickles
bodljikav adj prickly, thorny, spinous; thistly, bristly;
sci spinous
bodljikavost f prickliness; sci spinosity
bodovanje n rating, on points, points-system
bodrenje n cheering up, encouragement, exhortation
bodriti vt encourage, animate, stimulate, urge, cheer
up, inspirit, rouse, inspire, embolden, enliven; put
on one's mettle; (dranjem) countenance
bodrost f alacrity, mental vigour (freshness), alertness; (ivahnost) sprightliness, vivacity, spirit;
boem m bohemian
boema f bohemians; bohemian commumty
boemski' adj bohemian
boemski'' adv like a bohemian
boem|stvo n, ~tina f bohemianism, bohemian ways
bofl m colt cheap (shoddy, bazaar) goods

bofor m meteor Beaufort number | vjetar od 3 ~a

force 3 wind
bog m God, deity, the Creator, the Lord; (krivi) idol,
false God (deity) | gospod ~ the Lord; hvala ~u!
thank God! thank goodness!; dao ~ (da ~da)!
grant God! would to God! I wish to goodness!; ne
dao ~! God for end! God forbid!; boe! God!,
heavens!; bless me!; za ~a miloga! for God's sake,
goodness gracious!, for pity's sake!; sam ~ zna
God knows; ~a radi for the love of God, out of
charity; do zla ~a badly, atrociously; (lo) as bad
as (bad) can be; nita pod milim ~om absolutely
nothing; boe moj! God bless me!; tako mi ~a!
Goodness knows!, so help me God!, as God is my
witness!; tako ti ~a! in the name of God!, for the
love of God!; ~ s vama! God speed you!; ako ~ da
God willing; svemogui ~ God almighty; zazivati
~a invoke God; ~u ugodan pious; otiao je ~ u na
istinu he has been gathered to his fathers, he has
paid the debt of nature; ~u iza lea in some Godforsaken place
bogac m reg v. siromah, jadnik
bogaenje n enrichment, becoming rich, acquisition of
riches (wealth)
bogalj m cripple, invalid; maimed (lame, disabled)
person | uiniti ~em cripple, lame, mutilate, maim,
disable, invalid
bogami int really!, indeed!; v. tako mi boga!
bogamu int vulg by God!, damn!, for Pete sake!
bogat adj rich (ime: in, with), wealthy, affluent, opulent; (obilje) abundant, copious | ~a etva heavy
crop, bumper crop; ~o tlo rich, fertile soil; biti vrlo
~ be very rich, be made of money, roll in money, sl
be filthy rich
bogata m rich (wealthy) man, sl, fat cat | novi ~ rich
bogati int (uenje) really?; (ljutnja) Christ; iron you
don't say | pouri ~! hurry up, for Pete sake!
bogatiti vt enrich, make rich
bogatiti se vr enrich oneself, get (grow, become) rich,
make a fortune
bogato adv richly, liberally, lavishly, unstintedly;
(obilno) profusely
bogatstv|o n riches, wealth, affluence, opulence;
(obilje) profusion | prirodna ~a (natural) resources; rudno ~o mineral resources
bogatun m person rolling in riches, one wallowing in
wealth; fig Nabob, Croesus, Dives
boginja f goddess
boginjav adj pock-pitted, pock-marked
boginj|e f pl | velike ~ small-pox, variola; oiljak od
velikih ~a pock-mark; male ~e v. ospice; vodene
~e v. varicele; kravlje ~e cowpox, vaccinia
bogmati se vr call God to witness, (kleti se) swear
bogme! int really! indeed!; Goodness knows!
bogobojazan adj godly, god-fearing; pious, devout;
bogobojaznost f piousness, piety, godliness, fear of

bogodan adj heaven-sent, God-inspired; (priroden)

bogodano adv by divine inspiration (gift); innately
bogohulan adj sacrilegious, blasphemeous
bogohuliti vi blaspheme
bogohulnik m blasphemer
bogohuljenje n blasphemy
Bogojavljenj|e n Epiphany, Twelth-day | predveerje
~a Twelfth-night
bogomil m v. bogumil
bogomolja f place of worship, meeting-house; (idovska) temple, Synagogue, tabernacle
bogomoljac m devotee; derog (religious) bigot
bogomoljka f bigoted woman; ent (praying) mantis
bngomoljstvo n pietism; derog bigotry; (licemjerje)
Bogorodic|a f mother of God | lik ~e s djetetom figure
of Our Lady with the Child
bogoslov m student of divinity, seminarist; (teolog)
theologian, divine
bogoslovija f theological seminary; (fakultet) divinity
bogoslovlje n theology, divinity
bogoslovni adj theological
bogosluje n public worship; liturgy; v. sluba boja
bogotovlje n (devine) worship, religious observance(s), devotions
bogotovni adj dealing with religious observances,
bogougodan adj pleasing God, God-pleasing
bogougodni|k m godly person | ~ci the Blessed
bogovati vi play the god, god it
bogovet|an adj | cio ~an dan all day long, the livelong
day; cijelu ~nu no all nightlong
bogovski' adj coll superb, sl super
bogovski'' adv coll superbly
bogumil m Bogomil(e)
bogumilski adj Bogomilian, Bogomil(e)
bogumilstvo n Bogomilism
bogzna adv | nije ~ to it's nothing much (special);
coll it's no big deal; nije ~ kakav strunjak he isn't much of an expert
boj m battle, combat, lit fray (v. bitka) | biti ~ fight a
battle; zametnuti ~ join battle
boj|a f colour; lit & poet hue; (primjesa, preljev) tint,
tinge, shade, tone; (svijetla) light (bright) colour;
(liilacka, za kist) paint; (za tkaninu, kosu) dye,
dye-stuff; (lica) complexion; (glasa, tona) timbre;
car suit | tamna ~a dark colour; iva ~a gay (bright,
vivid) colour; preiva ~a glaring (dazzling) colour; mrtva ~a dull colour; stalna ~ fast colour;nestalna ~ fading colour; (koja puta) running
colour; mijenjati ~u change colour; jedan namaz
~e one coat of paint; bez ~e colourless; vodena ~a
water colour; uljena ~a oil colour (paint); tamparska ~a printer's ink; duginih ~a iridescent,
rainbow-coloured; ~a koja se prelijeva na tkanini
shot colour; prelijevanje ~a iridescence, play of

bojadisa m dyer; painter

bojadisaonica f dye-works, dye-house
bojadisati vt v. bojiti
bojanje n dyeing, painting; inking, tingeing, colouring
bojati vt v. bojiti
bojati se vr fear, apprehend, dread, be afraid (apprehensive) of, stand in fear (awe) of | jako se ~ be
frightened, be out of one's wit's; ne ~ niega stick
at nothing; bojim se za tebe I am afraid for you; I
am worried about you; ne boj se! don't be afraid;
iron never fear
bojaz|an f (strah) fear, dread, apprehension; alarm;
(zabrinutost) anxiety, anxiousness, disquiet; v.
strahovanje | iz ~ni pred for (through, from) fear
of; postoji ~an da it is feared that; postoji ~an od
poplava floods are feared
bojaljiv adj timid, timorous; (plah) bashful, shy;
(maloduan) pusillanimous, faint-hearted
bojaljivost f timidity, timorousness; bashfulness,
bojev|i adj v. ubojni
bojite n battle-field, battleground; front | mil Evrepsko ~ European theatre
bojiti vt colour; (kosu, tkaninu) dye; (kistom) paint;
(soboslikarskim bojama) distemper; (staklo, mikroskopski preparat) stain | ova se vlakna dobro
boje these fibres dye well
bojkot m boycott | provesti ~ nad impose a boycott
on; prekinuti ~ lift a boycott (from)
bojkotirati vt boycott
bojler m (electric, gas) water-heater [Pazi: boiler =
parni kotao!] | protoni (neprotoni) ~ instantaneous (storage) water-heater
bojn|i adj battle, combat, fighting | ~a kola (war-)
chariot; ~i konj steed, war-horse; ~o polje battlefield, battle-ground; ~i pohod campaign, invasion;
~i red battle-array, line of battle; ~a srea fortune
of war; ~i poklik battle-shout, battle-whoop, warcry
bojovan adj v. bojni, borbeni, ratoboran
bojovnik m combatant
bok m side, flank; (kuk) hip, haunch | desni (lijevi) ~
broda starboard (port); (brod) jako nagnut na ~
on her beam-ends; nagnuti (brod) na ~ radi
ienja (popravka) careen; lagani nagib (broda)
na ~ list; uz ~ side by side with; o ~u at one's side;
stati uz ~ come to somebody's aid; mil napasti s ~a
flank, enfilade; mil zai za ~ outflank; iz oka iz ~a
by whatever means, from anywhere
bokal m jug (v. krag, vr, pehar)
Bokelj m native of Boka Kotorska
bokobran m mar fender, A+ bumper
bokor m cluster, clump; bunch
boks' m boxing; (profesionalan) prize-fighting
boks'' m (pregrada) box, cubicle; (na trnici) booth;
(za ugljen, krumpir) bin; (na autodromu) pit
boks''' m (koa) calf (leather)
boksa m boxer, pugilist; (profesionalac) prize ighter

boksaki adj boxing

boksanje n boxing
boksati vt | ftb ~ loptu puneh the ball
boksati se vi box
bokser m v. boksa; (metalni) B knuckle-duster, A
brass knuckles; (pseto) boxer
boksit m bauxite, alumina
boks-me m boxing match
bol m & f pain, ache; (trganje, probadanje) twinge,
shooting, pain, stitch (in the side); (duievni) agony, anguish; (alost) affiction, distress, grief |
zadati ~ pain, inflict pain, hurt, harm, wound,
grieve, distress; svijati se od ~a writhe; bez ~a
painless; adv painlessly; ~ u trbuhu belly-ac he; ~
u leima back-ache; osjecati ~eve be in pain, have
pain(s), hurt; osjeati jake ~ove be in acute (great)
pain, hurtbadly
bol|an adj painful, aching; (ranjav) sore, excruciating
| ~no mjesto sore spot
bolesnica f woman patient, bed-ridden woman
bolesnik|i adj of (suitable for, like) a patient | ~i krevet sick-bed; ~a hrana invalid food
bolesni|k m patient, sick person, invalid, bed-ridden
person; (na oporavku) convalescent; (tobonji) malingerer | ~ci patients, invalids, the sick; teak ~k
seriously ill person; duevni ~k mental patient;
bubreni ~k kidney patient (sufferer); ~k od raka
cancer patient (victim)
bolest f illness, sickness, disease, malady; (kronina)
infirmity; (neznatnija) complaint, ailment, indisposition, trouble, disorder, distemper | duga ~ prolonged (lingering) illness; priljepiva ~ contagious
(infectious, catching) disease; poasna ~ epidemic;
morska ~ sea-siek-ness; vodena ~ dropsy; napadaj ~i fit (attack) of illness; uhvatiti ~ catch a
disease, contract a disease, be taken (fall) ill;
kona ~ skin disease
bo1es|tan adj ill, (ugl. A) sick; diseased; (nevoljkost)
unwell; (pobolijevajui) ailing, suffering, sickly,
poorly, in bad (poor) health, languishing, infirm |
biti ~tan od be ill (ailing, afflicted) with; leati
~tan be laid up (zbog with), be bed-ridden. be confined to one's room; ~na znatielja morbid (unhealthy) curiosity
boleljiv adj sickly, ailing, poorly, of indifferent (delicate) health
boleljivost f sickliness, delicate health, ill-health,
infirmity; fig morbidity
boliti vi v. boljeti
bolnic|a f hospital; (internatska; mali stacionar) infirmary, sick room, sick-bay | opa ~a general hospital; duevna ~a mental hospital; djeja ~a children's (pediatric) hospital; zarazna ~a infectious
(fever) hospital; traumatoloka ~a casualty (accident) hospital; primiti u ~u admit to a hospital,
hospitalize; otpustiti iz ~e discharge (release) from
a hospital; doi u ~u be admitted to hospital, be
hospitalized; izai iz ~e be discharged from a hospital

bolniar m sick attendant, male-nurse; mil medical

bolniarka f nurse, hospital (sick) nurse | pomocna ~
nurse's aide, assistant nurse
bolnik|i adj hospital | ~i brod hospital ship; ~i vlak
ambulance (hospital) train; ~a kola ambulance
bolno adv painfully, grievously, sorely, sadly, severely
| ~ se dojmiti touch on home, touch to the quick,
touch on raw (tender) place
bolnost f painfulness, soreness
bolovanj|e n state of being ill, illness | na ~u on sickleave; uzeti ~e go on sick-leave
bolovati vi be (lie) ill (sick), be sick (sickly, ailing,
poorly); (lezati) be bed-ridden | ~ od srca suffer
from the heart, have heart trouble; fig boluje od
preciznosti he's precision fiend
bolvan m v. glupan
bolje adv better | i ~ je tako just as well; to je ve ~
that's more like it, that's better; to (all) the better;
to vise to ~ the more the better; ~ e biti da...
(bilo bi ~ da...) you had be~ter (rather)..., you had
as well...; ~ je it is preferable to; ide na ~ things
are growing better (improving, mending); danas
mu je ~ he is better (improved) today; gaati
(trati) ~ shoot (run) better than, outshoot, outrun
boljeti vi ache, smart, pain; feel (suffer) pain | boli me
glava I have a headache, boli me zub I have toothache; jako me boli I hurt badly; boli me kad to
ujem I am pained to hear it
bolji adj comp better, superior, preferable; more advisable (desirable, serviceable, suitable, to the purpose) | on postaje ~ he is mending his ways
boljitak m v. dobro, korist, poboljsanje
boljeviki adj Bolshevist
boljevik m Bolshevik
boljsevizam m Bolshevism
bomb|a f bomb | siguran od ~i bomb-proof; baciti
atomsku ~u na drop an atom bomb on; dubinska
~a depth charge; runa ~a (hand-)grenade; zapaljiva ~a incendiary bomb; podmetnuti ~u plant a
bomb; odjeknulo je kao ~a (vijest) it came as a
bombarder m bomber | jurini ~ fighter-bomber; ~ za
obruavanje dive bomber; posada ~a bombing
bombardiranje n bombing, air-raid, (artiljerijsko)
bombardment, shelling
bombardirati vt (iz zraka) bomb; (artiljerijom) shell;
ugl. fig bombard | ~ iz obruavanja dive bomb
bombastian adj bombastic
bombastinost f bombast
bomba m mil grenadier; (terorist) bomb-thrower
bombaki adj | ~ napad bomb attack; mil grenade
bombon m B sweet, A candy | prosti (nepunjeni) ~i B
boiled sweets, A hard candy; drops ~i drops; kiseli
~i acid (lemon) drops; sour balls; okoladni ~
chocolate; punjeni ~i soft centres; mentol ~ peppermint; ~i protiv kalja cough drops

bombonijera f B sweet-box, A candy box; (okoladna)

box of chocolates; (duan) B sweet shop, A candy
bome! int v. bogme
bon m voucher, token, coupon; (za menzu) meal ticket;
(racionalnog snabdijevanja) point, coupon
bonaca f (dead) calm | ~ je the sea is calm; (kao ulje)
the sea is as calm as a millpond
bonton m (good) manners; etiquette | knjiga o u book
of etiquette; drati se ~a observe good manners;
observe etiquette
bor' m pine | boicni ~ Christmas tree
bor'' m chem boron
bora f wrinkle, line
borac m fighter, combatant; fig struggler, contender |
~ za mir champion (advocate, supporter, promoter,
apostle) of peace; ~ za pravdu (reformu) champion of justice; fig crusader; ~ za slobodu freedom
fighter; v.pokreta otpora; bivi borci ex-fighters,
veterans; ~ protiv fighter against; adversary (opponent) of
boranija f v. mahume
borav|ak m stay, sojourn | dozvola ~ka residence
permit; mjesto ~ka residence; sa stalnim ~kom u
domiciled at, a resident of; bez stalnog ~ka of no
permanent residence; (prostorija za) dnevni ~ak
boravin|i adj | ~a taksa residence tax
boravite n abode, dwelling-place, living-place, quarters; domicile, residence; home; whereabouts
boraviti vi stay (at); stop at; reside, abide, sojourn;
lodge at (in); (stanovati) dwell
boravljenje n v. boravak
borb|a f strife, struggle, contest, fight; (sukob) conflict; (smrtna) agony; mil action, combat | stupiti u
~u join struggle; mil join action, give batile, engage the enemy; odustati od ~e fig give up, quit;
prihvatiti ~u pick up the gauntlet; accept the challenge; dolo je do ~e fighting broke out; vode se
estoke ~e bitter (fierce, heavy) fighting is going
on; uline ~e street fighting; pasti u ~i be killed in
action; ~a na ivot i smrt fight to the death; ~a za
opstanak struggle for survival; (u prirodi) survival
of the fittest; ~a protiv malarije anti-malaria
campaign; ~a za kvalitetu efforts to improve quality, drive for (high) quality
borben adj warlike, combative, pugnacious, bellicose,
militant; fighting | ~a jedinica (~o vozilo) combat
unit (vehicle); ~i duh fighting spirit; ~a pjesma
marching song
borbenost f fighting (warlike) spirit, combativeness,
bordel m brothel
bordiati vi It v, kositi
bordo adj dark red; wine-red; maroon
bordura f trimming, edging
borer m Ger v. svrdlo, builica
borik m pine wood (grove, forest)

borilite n scene of contest (combat); (turnir) lists,

tilting ground; wrestling-place; box ring
boriti se vr fight, struggle (with, against), combat,
contest; (natjecanje) compete | ~ za struggle for;
advocate; ~ za kvalitetu strive for quality, make
efforts to improve quality; ~ ogoreno fight bitterly; ~ do kraja fight to the end (last); ~ na zivot
i smrt wage a life-and-death struggle; ~ sa smru
be in one's (death) agony; ~ za opstanak struggle
for survival; live from hand to mouth
bor-maina f Ger v. builica
born|i' adj combat | ~a kola armoured car
born|i'' adj chem | ~a kiselina boric acid
borniran adj v. ogranien, uskogrudan
borov adj pine, piny, made of pine
borovica f juniper-tree; (boba) juniper-berry
borovika f geneva, Hollands (gin), juniper brandy
borovina f pine-wood, pine-timber
borovnica f whortleberry, bilberry; (ire) blueberry
borta f Ger v. vrpca, gajtan
bos adj barefoot(ed), unshod | on je ~ visok 180 cm he
is (stands) 6 feet in his stockings
Bosanac m Bosnian
bosanica f (old) Bosnian cyrillic script
Bosanka f Bosnian woman
bosanski adj Bosnian
bosiljak m sweet basil
Bosna f Bosnia | i mirna ~ and no more worry
bosonog adj bare-foot(ed)
bostan m Tur melon | obrati ~ v. nastradati
bosti vt (malo) prick, sting; (iglom) stick, pin, needle;
(rupe) puncture, pierce; (probosti) stab, thrust, run
through; (bockati i fig) stimulate, urge on, goad,
spur; (rogovima) butt, gore
bosti se vr thrust (stab) each other (one another) | ~ s
rogatim kick against the pricks
botaniar m botanist
botaniki adj botanical | ~ vrt botanical gardens
botanika f botany
boanski' adj divine, godlike; celestial, heavenly; fig
sublime, glorious
boanski'' adv divinely
boanstven adj divine, heavenly; (jelo) delicious
boanstvo n divinity, deity, godhead, god, goddess,
celestial being
boica f goddess, female deity
Boi m Christmas, Xmas, Christmas day | dani od ~a
do Nove Godine Christmas-tide, Christmas season, Yule, Yule-tide; nije svaki dan ~ Christmas
comes but once a year; bata ~ Santa Claus
boievati vi spend Christmas time
boin|i adj Christmas | ~i dar Christmas-box,
Christmas present (gift); ~o drvce Christmas-tree;
~a pjesma Christmas carol; ~a estitka Christmas-card; (elje) Christmas greeting(s), greetings
(compliments) of the season
boikovina f bot holly
bojak m hist Templar

boj|i adj divine, God's | ~i covjek godly person, man

of God; probudit e cijelu ~u kuu you'll wake
the whole damn house
bour m bot peony
bracera f coastal cargo (sailing) boat
braco m (dear, little) brother
bra m mus alt tamb(o)uritza
bran|i adj marriage, matrimonial, marital, conjugal,
nuptial, connubial, married, wedded | ~i par couple, wedded pair; ~i drug spouse, consort, partner;
~a zajednica marriage; ~i ivot married life; otisli
su na ~o putovanje u Veneciju they went to Venice for (on) their honeymoon
braa f collect (po krvi) brothers; (red) brethren
brad|a f chin; (dlake) beard; (vlati) beard, tuft | bez ~e
beardless; kozja ~a goatee; puna ~a full beard;
pustiti ~u grow a beard; podstrii ~u trim the
beard; bog je najprije sebi ~u stvorio near is my
shirt but nearer is my skin; misli da je uhvatio
boga za ~u he thinks he's made a big hit; puna
aka ~e really something; omastiti ~u flast upon
bradat adj bearded
bradatost f being bearded, having a bear
bradavica f wart; (sise) nipple, pap; (ivotinjske sise)
dug, teat
bradavicav adj warty
bradavka f v. bradavica
bradica f dim small (short) beard
bradva f carpenter's axe (adze)
brajda f (high) trellis-work, espalier
brajko m dear brother; iron my friend
brak m matrimony, wedlock, married (conjugal) life;
marriage | graanski ~ civil marriage; divlji ~
concubinage; morganatski ~ morganatic (lefthanded) marriage; zreo za ~ marriageable; sklopiti ~ marry, contract marriage, enter into marriage; ~ iz ljubavi love-match (a bez novacn love
in a cottage); ~ iz rauna marriage of convenience
brakolomac m adulterer, jur corespondent
brakoloman adj adulterous
brakolomka f adulteress, jur respondent
brakolomstvo n adultery, jur criminal conversation
brakorazvod|an adj divorce | ~na parnica divorcesuit; pokrenuti ~nu parnicu file for divorce
brana f flood-gate, weir, wear, water-gate lock;
(drljaa) harrow, (teka) brake
brancin m ichth (lubin) sea-bass
branati vt harrow
brani m v. branilac; ftb back (drugi sportovi guard)
branik m (utvrda i fig) bulwark, rampar | stajati na
~u stand in defence (of)
branilac m defender; advocate, champion apologist
branitelj m jur counsel for the defence
braniti vt defend; (tititi) protect, shield (zaklanjati)
shelter, screen; (zagovarati) advocate, stand up for,
speak for or in favour of; (na sudu) defind, be
counsel for the defence; (ne dati) prohibit, forbid,
oppose; (pristajati uz) espouse the cause of, stand

up for; (na golu) keep goal | to se ne moe ~ it is

not defensible (defendable, tenable)
braniti se vr defend oneself; (isprika) excuse oneself,
plead, apologize; (otpor) withstand, resist, fight
back, figh against, make a stand against; fenc
parry; (divlja) stand at bay | ~ rukama i nogama
fight desperately against
brana f v. struka, podruje, grana
branje n picking, culling, gathering; v berba
branjenik m client
branjevina f enclosure, preserve; fenced in (closed)
forest; forbidden ground
braon adj v. sme
brasleta f v. narukvica
branar m ent meal beetle; (crv) meal-worm
branast adj farinose, farinaceous
branav adj floury, covered with flour
branen adj flour, meal, made of flour (meal)
brano n (fino) flour, wheat flour; (najfinije) firsts pl;
(nesijano) whole flour; (prostije) seconds pl |
penino ~ wheat flour; bijelo ~ white flour; crno
~ brown flour, whole flour; nesijano ~ whole meal;
kukuruzno ~ B maize (meal) flour, A corn (Indian) meal
brat m brother; (redovnik) member of religious order,
brother, friar | pravi ~ full brother, brother german; ~ po krvi blood-brother; ~ po vjeri coreligionist; ~ po oruju brother-in-arms; ~ ~u at least
bratac m dim v. braco; iron v. brajko
brati vt gather in, pick; (trgati) cull, pluck; earn, receive (salary)
brati m cousin | prvi ~ first cousin
bratimiti se vr fraternize
bratimljenje n fraternizing, fraternization
bratinski adj belonging to brothers, of brothers; v.
bratinstvo n v. pobratimstvo, bratstvo, bratovtina
bratoubilaki adj fratricidal, internecine
bratoubojica m, fratricide, Cain
bratoubojstvo n fratricide
bratov adj poss brother's
bratovtina f (religious) brotherhood, confraternity
bratski' adj brotherly, fraternal
bratski'' adv like brothers, fraternally, in a brotherly
way (manner)
bratstvo n brotherliness, brotherhood, fraternity; fellowship; v. bratovtina
bratued m cousin
bratueda f female cousin
braun adj Ger v. sme
brav m wether
brav|a f lock | cilindarska ~a cylinder lock; patentna
~a latch; obiti ~u pick a lock; onkraj ~e under
lock and key
bravar m locksmith
bravarija f locksmith's trade (shop)
bravarstvo n locksmith's trade
bravetina f v. ovetina
bravica f dim little lock; snaplock, catch

bravo! int good show!, well done!

bravura f bravura; panache
bravurozan adj done with bravura (virtuosity)
bravurozno adv with bravura (virtuosity)
brazd|a f furrow; (kolosijek) rut; (ljebi) groove; (u
cijevi puke) rifle; (stupa) flute; (u vodi za brodom)
track, wake; ("curak") ril1, runlet | fig zaorati
prvu ~u cut the fh~st turf, break ground
brazdast adj furrowed; fluted, rifled
brazditi vt furrow, plough; (lijebi) groove, flute,
rifle; chanel
brazgotina f scar, cicatrice, seam | pun ~ scarred
Brazilija f Brazil
Brazilijanac m Brazilian
Brazilijanka f Brazilian woman
brazilski adj Brazilian
brazleta f v. narukvica
brbljanje n chat(ting), small talk, prattle
brbljarija f gossipry, idle talk, tittle-tattle
brbljati vi chat, prattle, pass the time of day
brbljav adj chatty, talkative, garrulous, voluble; indiscreet, gossipy
brbljavac m chatterer, gossiper, tattler, chatty person
brbljavka f talkative (chatty) woman
brbljavost f chat ness, talkativeness, garrulity, volubility, gift of the gab
brbotati vi (puran) gobble
bri n dim short moustache
brina f aug big moustache
brkalo n (za tuenje jaja) egg-whisk
brkati vi (mijesati) stir up; (po vodi) paddle (splash)
in water, plunge about
brdace n dim small hill, knoll, rise, hillock
brd|o n hill, mountain | ~a uplands, highlands, mountains; preko ~a i dolina up hill and down vale,
over hills and valleys; s ~ a s dola at random, helter skelter; from all over; (govoriti) without rhyme
or reason; neto se iza brda valja mischief is
brewing, there is something in the wind; ~o tanjura pile of plates, stacked plates
brdovit adj hilly; mountainous kraj
uplands pl, highlands pl
brdovitost f hilly nature (character)
brdski adj mountain, highland, upland, hill
branin m mountain-dweller, highlander, mountaineer
branka f highland woman
brea adj fem big with young, pregnant; (krava) in
(with) calf
breost f being big with young; being in (with) calf
bregovit adj v. brdovit
bregunica f ornith B sand-martin, A bank swallow
brekinja f wild service
brektati vi pant, puff, snort; (motor) chug, throb
breme n burden, load, weight, charge, pack; (dijete)
foetus in womb
bremenit adj fig pregnant, meaningful; v. trudan
bremenitost f pregnancy
brenanje n twang, thrum

brenati vi twang, thrum

brener m Ger curling-tongs pl, curling-irons pl
brenta f flat wooden dosser, back-tub
breskovaa f peach-brandy
breskva f peach; (glatke kore) nectarine; (kalanka)
free-stone peach; (durancija) cling-stone peach;
(stablo) peach-tree
breskvik m peach orchard (grove)
brestovina f elmwood
bre|a f mil & fig breach, break | otvoriti ~u u open
(make) a break in
Bretanja f Brittany
bretele f pl v. naramenice
Bretonac m Breton
Bretonka f Breton woman
bretonski adj Breton
brevijar m breviary
breza f birch-tree
brezik m birch wood (forest, grove)
brezov adj birch(en) | fig ~a mast birching
brezovaa f birch-rod
brezovina f birch-wood
breuljak m hillock, srnall hill, knoll, hummock, rising ground
breuljkast adj rolling, undulating
brgljez m ornith nuthatch
brico m coll v. brija
brid m edge
bridak adj sharp-edged; sharp, keen, cutting; fig
acute, poignart
bridjeti vi tingle, sting, throb
bridni adj edge | geom ~ kut plane angle
bridovit adj edged; edge-shaped, edge-like
brid m car bridge
brig m mar brig
brig|a f worry, care, trouble; (teka) carking care; (zabrinutost) uneasiness, anxiety, solicitude apprehension; (marenje) care (for) | pun ~a care-laden, (izmoren) care-worn; slomljen od ~a weighted down
with cares; imati na brizi have in charge (custody), be entrusted (charged) with; voditi ~u take
care of, attend (see) to; biti u brizi be anxious
about, fear for; zadavati ~u worry, cause anxiety
(uneasiness); bez ~e easy in mind, care-free, unconcerned; to je moja ~a I'll see to that, leave that
to me; to nije moja ~a that is no concern (business) of mine; to je njegova ~a that is his look-out;
budi bez ~e be easy on that score, do not worry,
never you fear; ba me ~a! I don't care, vulg I don't
give a damn; to mi je deveta ~a I wouldn't care
less; ba nju ~a what does she care, a lot she cares;
skinuli ste mi veliku ~u s vrata you've taken a
great load off my mind
brigada f mil brigada; (radnika) (production) team |
omladinska radna ~ youth working brigade;
udarna ~ shock brigade
brigadir m mil brigadier (general); (u tvornici) team
leader; member of a youth working brigade
brigadni adj brigade

brija m barber; v. britva

brijaki adj barber's | ~ remen razor-strop; ~ kamen
(brus) hone
brijanica f B barber's (shop), A barber shop
brijai adj shaving (v. za brijanje)
brijanje n shaving, shave | sapun za ~ shaving-soap
(u valjku shaving-stick); krema za ~ shavingcream; etka za ~shaving-brush; ogledalo za ~
shaving-mirror; pribor za ~ shaving set (things);
aparat za ~ safety-razor (za polubitvice injectorrazor); elektrini aparat za ~ electric razor
(shaver); molim ~ I want a shave; idem na ~ I am
going to get a shave, I am going to the barber's (A
brijati vt (give a) shave | vjetar brije there is a keen
(bitter) wind blowing
brijati se vr (sam) shave (oneself); (kod brijaa) get
(have) a shave; treba se ~ you need a shave
brijeg m v. brdo | kao od ~a odvaljen herculean,
brijest m elm(-tree)
brik m mar brig
briket m briquette
briljant m, brilliant, cut diamond
briljant|an adj brilliant (i fig) | ~ni prsten diamond
briljantin m, brilliantine
briljantnost f brilliance
briljirati vi be brilliant, excel, shine
brinet m dark man
brineta f brunette, dark woman (girl)
brin(j)a f v. borovica
brinuti se vr (biti zabrinut) worry; care for, take care
of; (voditi brigu o) busy (concern) oneself with
(about), make it one's business; (odgovarati za) be
responsible for, be in charge of; (nastojati) take
pains, endeavour, strive; (mariti) heed, take notice
of; (pripaziti na) attend. to, see to, look (after),
mind; (skrbiti) have in charge | ne brini se za tue
poslove mind your own business, go about your
own business; brine se samo za sebe he is consulting only his own interest (advantage), sl he takes
care only of number one
brinjevica f v. borovika
brio m cul brioche
bris m med swab | uzeti ~ grla take a throat swab
brisa m wiper; mot wiper, B wind-screen (A windshield) wiper; (crtaki) shading-stump
brisalo n wiper; eraser; v. gumica
brisanje n wiping itd.; delation, erasure, obliteration
brisa|ti vt wipe; (spuvom) sponge; (sue) dry; (krpom
pod) mop; (prainu) dust; (gumicom) erase, rub
out; (magnetofonski) erase; (tekst, s liste) strike out
(off), delete, expunge | ~ni prostor fire-swept zone;
open field; fig exposed position
brisolej m archit sun-breaker, sun-vane
briskula f car briscola
Britanac m British subject, A Britisher, (samo pred)
British, poet Briton

Britanija f Britain | Velika ~ Great Britain, the

United Kingdom
Britanka f British woman
britansk|i adj British, Britannic | ~a zajednica
naroda the British Commonwealth; ~i otoci the
British Isles
britki adj v. britak
britko adv keenly, trenchantly, cuttingly
britkost f keenness, acuteness, poignancy
britv|a f razor | remen za ostrenje ~e (razor-) strop
britvica f (ilet) safety-razor blade
brizgalica f med syringe, squirt
brizgati vi spout (gush) out, spirt, spurt, squirt
brizl m Ger cul v. telea prsna 1ijezda
briznuti vt v. brizgati | ~ u pla burst into tears
brian adj (obziran) attentive, thoughtful, solicitous;
devoted; (skrban) provident
briljiv adj careful, painstaking, scrupulous; diligent;
v. brian
briljivost f carefulness, thoughtfulness, anxiousness,
solicitude; (pomnja) attention, scrupulousness
brino adv carefully, scrupulously
brinost f v. briljivost
brk m moustache, A+ mustache: (ribe) bard, beard;
(klasa) beard | ~ovi moustache(s); potkresani ~ovi
clipped (short) moustache; dugi ~ovi long (big)
moustache, sl handlebar moustache; kazati u ~ tell
to one's face; sukati ~ twist one's moustache; lae
mi u ~ he lies in my teeth
brkat adj large-moustached
brkati vt confuse, mix up
brkati se vr get confused | sve mi se brka I am all
brklja f rlw swing-gate; (mitnice) toll-bar, toll-gate
brkonja m a large-moustached person
brlog m lair, den, burrow, hole; (lisiji) kennel;
(dabra) lodge; fig haunt; (svinjac) pigsty | isterati
iz ~a (jazavca) unearth
brljati vi root, rout, wallow in mud; mess about
brnistra f bot (uka) Spanish broom
brnjic|a f muzzle | staviti ~u put a muzzle on, muzzle
bro m bot madder
brod m ship, (ugl. coll) boat, vessel; (manji) craft;
(parobrod) steamboat, steamer, steamship; (gaz)
ford; eccl a chit nave (popreni transsept) | trgovaki ~ merchant ship, merchantman; teretni ~
cargo ship, freight-vessel, freighter merchantman,
(neredovite pruge) tramp; putniki ~ passenger
ship; (prekooceanski) liner; turistiki ~ (za kruna
putovanja) cruise ship; kolski ~ training ship;
bolniki ~ hospital ship; ~ blizanac sister ship;
motorni ~ motorship; svemirski ~ spaceship;
ratni ~ warship, naval vessel, arch man-of-war;
bojni ~ battleship; ~ lopata paddle-steamer (s
jednim krmenim kolom stern-wheeler); ukrcati se
na ~ take ship, go aboard; na ~u aboard, on board
(ship); ~ je u gradnji ship is on the stocks (is being built); ~ gazi 3 m ship's draught is 3 m; ~ tone
ship is foundering; ~ isplovljuje .ship puts to sea,

puts out; ~ die jedra ship sets sail; ~ovi u odlasku (dolasku) outward (homeward) bound ships;
~ ulazi u luku ship puts in; ~ je sposoban za more
ship is seaworthy; porinuti ~ u more launch a
ship; ~ se malo nagnuo ship has a list; ~ se nagnuo posve na bok ship is on her beam-ends; ~ se
prevrnuo ship has capsized; dii potonuli ~ set a
ship afloat; krcati ~ load a ship; pun ~ a boatful;
~om per ship; teret ~a cargo; posada ~a crew, lijeva strana ~a port; desna strana ~a starboard;
trup ~a hulk; prostor za teret na ~u hold; vlasnik
~a shipowner, skipper; iznajmitelj ~a (od
drugoga) charterer, freighter; raspremiti ~ dismantle a boat; (ratni) ~ potpuno opremljen i s
momadi ship in commission; zalog ~a bottomry;
zalonica (zalaganje) ~a bottomry bond
brodan adj (plovan) navigable
brodar m member of the shipping trade; (brodovlasnik) shipowner; (laar) bargeman, waterman,
brodarenje n navigation, sailing | rijecno ~ river
(inland) navigation
brodarsk|i adj shipping; maritime | ~o drutvo (poduzee) shipping company
brodarstvo n (vjetina) navigation, seamanship;
(privredna grana) shipping industry
brodet m cul fish stew
brodica f mar (za prekrcaj) lighter; (za snabdijevanje
brodova u luci) bum-boat; v. brodi
brodi m dim boat, small craft (vessel)
broditi vi sail, navigate, cruise
brodogradilini adj shipyard, dockyard | ~ radnik
brodogradilite n shipyard, dockyard | vojno ~ B naval dockyard; A naval shipyard, navy yard; remontno ~ (ship-) repairing yard
brodograditelj m ship-builder, ship-wright, naval
brodogradnj|a f shipbuilding; (kao struka) naval architecture; shipbuilding industry | inenjer ~e marine (naval) architect
brodograevn|i adj | ~o poduzee shipbuilding company; ~a industrija shipbuilding industry
brodolom m shipwreck (i fig) | pretrpjeti ~ suffer
shipwreck, to be cast away, be wrecked
brodolom|ac m shipwrecked person, castaway; fig
failure | mornari ~ci shipwrecked sailors
brodomonter m ship-fitter
brodostrojar m marine engineer
brodostrojarstv|o n marine engineering | inenjer ~a
(graduate) marine engineer
brodotoac m (crv) ship-worm
brodovlasnik m shipowner
brodovlje n collect shipping, craft (sg i pl) |
trgovako ~ merchant marine, mercantile shipping; ratno ~ navy, fleet, armada
brodsk|i adj ship; marine | ~i agent shipping agent; ~i
krevet (visei) hammock; (u kabini) berth, bunk;
~a kabina cabin; ~a kuhinja caboose, galley; ~a

oprema (konopi i jedra) rigging; (zajedno s jarbolima) furniture; ~o skladite hold; ~i teret
cargo; ~i lik (figura) na pramcu figure-head; ~i
konopi (za jedra itd.) shrouds pl; ~i dnevnik logbook; ~i dobavlja shipchandler; ~i najam za
teret freightage; ~i ugovor charter-party; ~i
tovarni list bill of lading; ~i zalog (za zajam) bottomry; ~a zalonica bottomry-bond; ~a agentura
shipping-office; ~e isprave ship's papers; ~i manifest shipping-bill; ~i meetar ship-broker; ~i
nadziratelj (krcanja, prodaje itd.) supercargo; ~o
osiguranje marine insurance; ~i opskrbnik
purser; ~i stroj (motor) marine engine
brodenje n sailing, navigation, cruising
broj m number; (brojka) figure, numeral, digit; gram
nuber; (odjee, obue) size, number; | arapski
(rimski) ~ Arabic (Roman) numeral; parni ~ even
number; neparni ~ odd number; cio ~ integer;
glavni ~ cardinal number; redni ~ ordinal number;
decimalni ~ decimal number; oznaiti ~em number; ~ novina (asopisa) issue; stari ~ (novina)
back number; novi (posljednji) ~ (novina) current
(latest) issue; svi ~evi (komplet, godite) file; registarski ~ (automobila) licence (A license) number; (sama ploa) B number plate, A license plate;
garderobni ~ B cloakroom ticket (number), A
check; ~ spisa (molbe itd.) reference number;
kuni ~ (telefon) extension (number); velik ~ a
large (great) number, many; vei ~ (prilian ~) a
fairly large number, quite a few; mali ~ a small
number, few; manji ~ a fairly small number,
(rather) few; bez ~a v. bezbroj; koji ~ cipela
nosite? what size do you take in shoes?; ~ rtava
(death) toll; ~ nesrea accident rate; ~ polaznika
enrolment; ~ posjetilaca attendance; med ~ eritrocita erythrocyte count
broja m numerator | Geigerov ~ Geiger counter
brojan adj numerous
brojanice f pl rosary, chaplet, (prayer) beads
brojanj|e n count, counting, numeration, enumeration
| zabuniti se pri ~u lose count
broja|ti vt count, enumerate | posada je ~la 12 ljudi
the crew numbered 12; krivo ~ti miscount
brojani adj numerical | ~ odnos comparative
strength; ~ sastav strength, number(s); ~ podaci
brojanik m (sata) face, dial; (telefona) dial
brojano adv numerically
brojilo n counter | elektrino (plinsko) ~ electricity
(gas) meter; ploa za ~ meter-panel
brojitelj m v. broja; math v. brojnik
brojiv adj numerable, countable
brojka f figure, number, numeral; (0 9) digit
brojni adj numerical; (koliina) numerous
brojnik m math numerator
brojno adv in great numbers; (brojano) numerically
brojnost f numerousness
brokat m text brocade
brokule f pl bot broccoli

brom m chem bromine

bronca f bronze
bronan adj bronze; (boja) bronze, bronzy; (preplanuo) bronzed | ~o doba the Bronze Age
bronh m anat bronchus | ~i(je) bronchi
bronhitis m med bronchitis
broskva f bot Swedish turnip, rutabaga
bro m brooch, pin
broiran pp paper-bound, paper-backed | ~a knjiga
broura f brochure, pamphlet, booklet
brstiti vt browse, crop
brljan m ivy | ~om obrastao ivy-covered, lit & poet
brtva f eng washer
brtvilo n eng packing, gasket
brtviti vt eng pack, seal
bruce f pl pubic hair
bruco m freshman, A coll frosh, B sl fresher
brujanje n droning, hum(ming); boom(ing), rumble;
swelling tones (of an organ)
brujati vi drone, hum; boom; swell out powerfully
bruka f v. blamaa, sramota
brukati (se) vt (vr) v. blamirati (se), sramotiti (se)
brukva f shoe-nail, shoe-stud, hobnail
brukvica f pearl-nail
brunda f mus ethn Jew's harp
brundalo m v. gunalo
brundati vi v. gunati; (bumbar) hum, buzz, drone
brundo m (medvjed) bruin
brus m (runi) whetstone; (kolo) grindstone; (za
britve) hone | coll ~ nothing doing!; coll dobiti ~
get nothing
brusa m sharpener; (noeva) knife-grinder; (britvi)
honer, setter; (stakla) glass-cutter; (dragulja) gemcutter
brusarija f knife-grinder's shop (trade)
brusilica f eng grinder, grinding machine
brusilo f v. brus
brusiti vt grind; (kamenom) whet; (britvu) hone, set;
(no) sharpen; (glaati) polish; (staklo, dragulj)
brusnica f bot cranberry
bruen pp ground, whetted itd. (v. brusiti) | ~o staklo
cut glass; (neprozirno) ground (frosted) glass
bruenje n grinding, whetting itd. (v. brusiti) | materijal za ~ abrasive
brutalan adj brutal
brutalnost f brutality
bruto adj gross | ~ teina (dobit) gzoss weight (profit)
brvnara f log-cabin
brvn|o n (most) wooden foot-bridge, plank-bridge, log
| Bibl ne vidjeti ~a u oku svom see a mote in another's eye
brz adj swift, fast, rapid, quick, speedy; (bez odlaganja) prompt, expeditious, express; (ustar, okretan) brisk, nimble, lithe, fleet, agile, astmoving,
alert | ~ na odgovoru of ready wit, quick-witted; ~
kao munja quick as ligh ning

brza|ci m pl rapids pl | sputati se niz ~ke shoot rapids

brzati vi hasten
brzica f rapid stream, strong current, torrent; v.
brzin|a f speed, rapidity; swiftness, quickness; velocity, celerity; (urba) haste, dispatch, expedition;
(aurnost) promptness, promptitude; (velika) precipitation; | na ~u in a hurry; at short notice;
uiniti na ~u coll knock off; rasti vrtoglavom
~om grow at a dizzy rate; maksimalnom ~om at
top speed; ~om od 80 km na sat at a speed of (ili
doing) 80 km per hour; nadzvunom ~om at supersonic speed; dobivati na ~i gather (pick up)
speed; poveavati ~u put on speed, accelerate;
smanjiti ~u cut speed, slow down; mot ubaciti u
~u throw in the clutch; mot prva ~a first gear
(speed), coll first; mot ubaciti u drugu ~u coll
shift to second; mot promijeniti ~u shift (gears); (u
viu) shift up; (u niu) shift down; mot voziti nedoputenom ~om speed; najvea doputena ~a
speed limit
brzinomjer m speed counter; mot speedometer; mar
log; aero airspeed indicator (A meter)
brzo adv fast, rapidly, quickly, swiftly, speedily, hastily, apace; (skoro) soon | ~ quick!, hurry (up)!; v.
bre!; on se ~ uvrijedi he is quick to take offence
brzojav m telegram, coll wire; (prekomorski) cablegram; (beini) radiogram
brzojaviti vt telegraph, wire; (u prekomorske zemlje)
brzojavni adj telegraph(ic) | ~ ured telegraph office,
A Western Union office; fig ~ stil telegraphese
brzojavno adv by telegraph, by wire | ~ pozvati
(zatraiti) wire for
brzomet|an adj B quick-firing, A rapid-firing | ~na
puka repeating rifle; semiautomatic rifle
brzonog adj light-footed, fleet (of foot), swift
brzoplet adj hasty, rash
brzopleto adj hastily, rashly
brzopletost f hastiness, rashness
brzopotezn|i adj | ~ ah rapid transit, lightning chess;
~ turnir rapid-transit tournament
brzovozni adj rlw & com fast-freight, express
brzovozno adv rlw & com by fast freight
bre adv faster, more quickly; sooner | ~! quick!,
hurry (up)!; coll get a move on!, coll step it up!;
to ~ as soon as possible; to ~, to bolje the sooner
the better; radili su to su ~ mogli they worked
against time
bre-bolje adv hastily, without delay
bub|a v. kukac | ~a vaba v. ohar; ~a mara v. boja
ovica; svilena ~ a v. svilac; ~a zlata v. zlatna
mara; izbiti ~e iz glave v. muica
buba|lo n, ~nt m sch sl coll grind, A coll crammer, B
sl swot, B sl mug
bubanj m drum; (veliki) big drum, kettle-drum; cylinder, barrel | kua je otila na ~ the house was sold

by auction (for debt), came under the hammer;

bati za ~ drum-stick; koa bubnja drum-head
bubanje n sch sl cram(ming), swot(ting), mug(ging)
bubati vt (udarati) pommel, pummel, pound; (uiniti)
coll grind, A coll cram, A sl bone up (on), B sl
swot (up), B sl mug (up)
bubica f dim v. kuki; fig v. muica
bubn|i adj | ~a opna v. bubnji
bubnuti vi bump (bang, dump, thud, knock) against;
(udariti) punch; (izlanuti) say something silly, drop
a brick
bubnjanje n beating of drum(s); (brzo) roll; (znak) tap
bubnjar m drummer
bubnj|ati vi drum, play (beat) the drum; (prstima po
stolu itd.) beat the devil's tattoo | bubanj ~a the
drum rolls
bubnji m dim small drum | ~ uha ear-drum, tympanum
bubojedac m zoo v. kukcoder
bubreg m kidney | upala ~a nephritis; pijesak u ~u
gravel in the kidneys; bolest ~a renal disease;
kamenac u ~u nephritic stone; umjetni ~ artificial
kidney; ivjeti kao ~ u loju live in clover
bubreast adj kidney-shaped, reniform
bubreni adj of the kidney(s), kidney, rena | ~
bolesnik kidney patient (sufferer); ~ kamenac kidney stone, med renal calculus
bubrenjak m (govedski) B sirloin, A tenderloin (ili porterhouse) steak; (svaki drugi) loin
bubuljica f dim pustule, pimple
bubuljiav adj pimply, pimpled
bucanj m ichth ocean sunfish, headfish
bucmast adj chubby, round-faced; (u tijelu) plump
bua f v. tikva; gymn v. buica
buan adj noisy, loud, uproarious; clamorous, obstreperous, vociferous, tumultous, boisterous; roaring, blustering, brawling; (veselje) romping, rollicking
buanje n boom, booming, roar, noise
buati vi make a loud noise, boom, roar; (veselo)
romp, rollick
buica f dim gymn v. buica; v. tikvica
buno adv noisily, boisterously, loudly, roaringly, vociferously
bunost f noisiness, loudness, boisterousness
bu int plop!
bua f reg v. boa
buica f gymn dumb-bell; (ravna) v. unj
buka(lica) f churn
bukanje n churn(ing), splash(ing), paddling
bukati vi churn, splash, paddle
bukuri m bad wine, weak drink; slops pl; fig hodgepodge
bunuti vi plop (in), splash (in)
buoglav adj barrel-headed
buoglavac m barrel-head
bud adv | ~ zato v. budzato
budak m mattock; (polupijuk) pick-mattock, pickax(e)

budal|a f fool, blockhead, idiot; (lakovjeran) gull,

gudgeon; (neija) dupe | praviti ~u iz nekoga
make a fool of one, play tricks on one; send one on
a fool's errand; nisam ja niija ~a I'rn nobody's
budalast adj foolish, silly, stupid; (lakouman) giddy,
hare-br ined; (besmislen) senseless, absurd, preposterous
budalatina f nonsense, folly; tomfoolery; foolishness,
budaliti vi act (behave, speak) foolishly, talk childishly (idiotically), talk nonsense; twaddle, drivel;
(komedijati) tomfool
bud|an adj awake, waking, roused, sleepless; fig
watchful, vigilant, (on the) alert | sasvim ~an
wide-awake; ostati dugo ~an sit up late, keep late
(bad) hours; odravati ~nim keep awake
budi! int be!
budilic|a f alarm-clock | navinuti ~u na 6 sati set the
alarm for six o'clock; ~a je zazvonila the alarm(clock) went off
budist m Buddhist
budistiki adj Buddhist
buditi vt wake (up), awake(n), rouse from sleep; fig
arouse | ~ pomisao suggest
buditi se vr wake up; fig rouse oneself | esto se ~
(nemirno spavati) have a broken sleep
budizam m Buddhism
budnica f hist patriotic song
budno adj vigilantly, watchfully; awake | v. paziti
budnost f vigilance, watchfulness; (besanica) wakefulness, waking state
budoar m boudoir
budoarski adj boudoir
budu|i adj future, coming, (about) to happen, that is
to be; (bliz) prospective, forthcoming | moj ~i suprug my intended; moja ~a supruga my intended;
~e vrijeme future tense, the future; ~i ivot afterlife; u ~e v. ubudue; ~i lijenik prospective (future) physician
budui con | ~ da as, since, inasmuch as
budunost f the future, futurity, time to come | u ~i in
(the) future; at some future date; ahead; u bliskoj
~i in the near future, at an early date; u doglednoj
~i in (for) the foreseeable future; u dalekoj ~i in
the far (distant) future, many years from now; misliti na ~ take the long view, think ahead; ~ e pokazati it remains to be seen, the future will show;
pretkazati ~ predict futur
budzato adv for next to nothing, A sl for peanuts; v.
u bescjenje
buda f coll v. velika zvjerka
budak m Tur v. kut, ugao, zakutak
budelar m v. buelar
budet m budget
budetsk|i adj budget(ary) | ~a godina fiscal year
bu(a) f v. plijesan
buav adj v. pljesniv
buelar m v. novarka, lisnica

buenje n waking (up), awakening; arousal | ponovno

~ reawakening; recrudescence
bugaic|a f blotting-paper, blotter; blotting pad |
osuiti ~om blot
bugarija f barytone tamb(o)uritza
Bugarin m Bulgarian
bugariti vi lament, wail, bemoan, bewail
Bugarkinja f Bulgarian woman
Bugarska f Bulgaria
bugarski adj Bulgarian
bugartica f Croatian popular ballad in 15 (16)syllables
bugva f ichth bogue
buh|a m flea | ugriz ~e flea-bite; pun ~a flea-infested,
flea-bitten; sredstvo protiv ~a flea-repellant; dresirana ~a performing flea; fig staviti nekome ~u u
uho give one ideas
buha m pyrethrum, insect-powder; text unbleached
cotton fabric
buhara f sl, v. zatvor
bujad n brake (fern); bracken
bujan adj (fast) luxuriant, exuberant, rank, rich, lush,
straggling; (obilan) copious, lavish; (rijeit) effusive, overflowing; (mata) rich; (grudi) fullbosomed, full-breasted
bujanje n luxuriant (rank) growth, luxuriance, rankness; swelling; expansion
bujati vi gain in bulk, swell, expand, heave; (raslinje)
grow luxuriant; (tijesto, rijeka) rise
bujic|a f torrent, flood, swift current, rapid mountain
stream | ureenje ~a flood control; fig nadirati
kao ~a pour into; fig zaustaviti ~u stem the tide
bujnost f luxuriance, rankness, exuberance, richness
bujon m cul bouillon; bact broth culture
buk m waterfall, cascade, cataract
buk|a f noise, din, racket; (vika) roar, uproar, clamour,
tumult; hubbub | dii (praviti) ~u make a noise; fig
create disturbance; raise a dust; bez ~e noiselessly
buka m rabble-rouser, malcontent, brawler
bukaki adj rabble-rousing
bukara f wooden jug (pitcher)
bukavac m ornith bittern
buket m bunch, bouquet; v. kitica
bukle m text boucle
buklija f (ploska) flask
buknuti vi (vatra) burst (flame) out (up, forth), blaze
up; fig break out, flare up
buko m ornith osprey, fish-hawk, sea-eagle
bukolian adj bucolic
bukov adj beechen, beech
bukovina f beech-timber, beech-wood
buktinja f v. baklja
buktjeti vi flame, blaze (flare) up, roar
bukva' f beech-tree | crvena ~ copper (purple) beech
bukva'' f ichth bogue
bukval|an adj v. doslovan | u ~nom smislu v.
bukvan m v. glupan
bukvar m v. poetnica

bukvic|a f (plod) beechmast | oitati nekome ~u take

to task, haul over the coals, lecture one
bukvik m beech forest (grove, wood)
bula' f Turkish woman
bula''-f | papinska ~ papal bull; hist Zlatna ~ the
Golden Bull
bulazniti vi v. buncati, lupetati
bulanjenje n v. buncanje, lupetanje
buldog m bulldog
buldozer m eng bulldozer | ralo ~a bulldozer blade
bulevar m boulevard
bulevarski adj boulevard; fig popular, sensational
bulka f v. mak
buljenje n stare, staring, gaze, gazing, gaping
buljina f ornith v. sovuljaga
buljiti vi gaze, stare, gape
buljook adj goggle-eyed, saucer-eyed
buljuk m Tur v. gomila, opor
bum m econ boom (v. konjunktura)
bum! int bang!, crash!, pow!
bumbar m ent bumble-bee; fig chubby person (child)
buna f rebellion itd. (v. pobuna)
bunaca f v. bonaca
bunar m (water-) well; (nu deram) sweep-well; (na
kota) draw-well | arteki ~ Artesian well; kopati
~ sink a well
buncanje n talking in one's sleep; (u bolesti) delirious
talk; fig incoherent talk, nonsense
buncati vi talk in one's sleep; be delirious; fig talk
incoherently, talk nonsense
bunda f fur-lined greatcoat | ovja ~ sheepskin overcoat
bunda m shaggy dog
bundeva f v. tikva; car diamonds pl
bundija f v. buntovnik
bungalov m bungalow
bunika f bot (black) henbane
bunil|o n delirium; (od sna) drowsiness; (mora)
nightmare | u ~u delirious; drowsy (v. mamuran)
bunite n dunghill, manure-heap; refuse heap
bunitelj m agitator, instigator, seditious person; troublemaker
buniti vt agitate, instigate (incite) to rebellion; stir up
sedition (mutiny)
buniti se vr rebel, revolt, mil, nav & mar mutiny (v.
pobuniti se); (gunati) grumble, complain | sve se
u meni buni it just goes against the grain
bunker m mil (niski) pillbox, (visoki, posadni) blockhouse
bunovan adj drowsy
bunovno adv drowsily
bunovnost f drowsiness
bunt m Ger v. buna, pobuna
buntovan adj rebellious, seditious, riotous; mil, nav &
mar muttinous; anti-establishment
buntovniki' adj rebel
buntovniki'' adv rebelliously, seditiousl

buntovnik m rebel, insurgent, revolutionary; mil, nav

& mar mutineer; (bundija) firebrand, troublemaker | biti vjeni ~ carry a chip on one's shoulder
buntovno adv rebelliously
buntovnost f rebelliousness
Bunjevac m Baka Croat(ian)
bunjevaki adj Baka-Croat(ian)
bunjenje n incitement to rebellion; complaining
bur|a f north-eastern wind; (oluja) storm, tempest,
gale; fig storm, tumult | zapuh (nalet) ~e squall,
gust; ~a u ai vode a storm in a teacup; fig
izazivati ~u raise a storm (of protests itd.)
burad f collect barrels, casks
burag m (ruminant's) first stomach
bur|an adj stormy, gusty, squally; fig tempestuous,
tumultuous; (buan) uproarious, boisterous, turbulent | ~na vremena troubled times; ~no more
rough sea (v. uzburkan); ~no klicanje thundering
applause, hurrahs pl; ~no prosvjedovanje loud
protests, indignation protests
bure n v. bava
buregdija m Tur meat-pie vendor
buregdinica f Tur meat-pie shop
burek m cul Tur leafy meat-pie
burence n dim v. bavica
burgija f Tur v. svrdlo, builica; fig trick, frill, nonsense
burgija m Tur v. zabadalo, gnjavator
burgijati vi Tur v. svrdlati, buiti (zabadati, gnjaviti)
pester, importune; scheme
burgundac m burgundy
burkati vt agitate, upset, disturb
burkati se vr become agitated (disturbed)
burleska f burlesque, slapstick
burmut m snuff | smrkati ~ (take) snuff
burmutica f snuff-box
burnica f ornith | mala ~ storm(y) petrel; sjeverna ~
burno adv stormily
burnost f storminess
burov adj med | ~a voda (umj. nje u AS zemljama:)
lead-water; witch-hazel oil; ~i oblozi lead-water
burz|a f exchange | efektna ~a stock-exchange; (ire)
stock-market; pekulirati na ~i play the market,
speculate in stocks; slom ~e market crash; kupiti

na crnoj ~i buy in (on) the black market; ~a rada

B employment exchange, A public employment office
burzijanac m stock operator; speculator in stocks
burzovni adj (stock-)exchange | ~ meetar (za papire
i vrednote) stock-broker; (na veliko) stock-jobber;
~ izvjestaj stock-list; market report; ~ posao stockexchange, transaction
buroazija f bourgeoisie, middle class | sitna ~ petty
bourgeoisie; lower middle class; srednja ~ middle
middle class; krupna ~ upper middle class; fig the
upper ten (thousand)
buroaski, burujski adj bourgeois
buruj m, bourgeois, middle-class person
burzujka f bourgeoise, middle-class woman
burujski adj bourgeois, middle-class
busati se vr | ~ u prsa claim all credit for, beat one's
breast about
busen m (piece of) turf, sod
busenje n collect turfs, sods
busija f v. zasjeda, potaja
busola f v. kompas
bua m driller (v. nafta)
buak|i adj | ~a ekipa drilling crew
buai adj drilling
buenje n boring, drilling; (probod) piercing, perforation, punching | dubinsko ~ deep drilling, welldrilling; traiti (naftu) ~m drill for oil
builica f (runa) hand-drill, (elektrina) power drill;
(alatni stroj) drilling machine; (za buene kartice)
builo n (svrdlo) drill, borer, bit, broach; (ilo) awl,
pricker, punch
buiti vt drill; (proirivati provrt) bore; (probijati)
perforate, pierce, punch, puncture; (rov) tunnel;
(brod da potone) scuttle
buotina f bore(-hole); (za naftu) well
but m cul leg, ham; (bedro) thigh
butan m chem butane
butansk|i adj | ~o kuhalo butane stove
butelja f 0.7-1itre bottle; one-fifth bottle
butika f boutique
butina f heavy thigh
butura f sl v. zatvor
buva f v. buha
buzdovan m spiked (fighting) club, mace

c m c [si:] | (mus) uhvatiti visoki ~ reach the high (top)
cajg m text Ger (cheap) denim
cak int click!, clack!, crack!, ping!
caklen adj enamelled
caklina f (na keramici) glazing, glaze; (zubna) enamel
cakliti vi enamel

cakliti se vr glint, glisten, glimmer, shimmer, glitter,

sparkle, coruscate
cakn|a f Ger (recka, vezen zubac) scallop | pl ~e scalloping; na ~e scalloped
cap int zap!
capa f coll v. sapa
capica f bot (gljiva) goat's beard
capin m sp (alpinistiki) ice-ax(e)

capkati vi patter
car m emperor; (ruski, bugarski, srpski) czar, tsar | ~u
carevo render unto Caesar
carev adj emperor's, emperor; imperial
carevanje n rule (reign) of an emperor
carevati vi rule (reign) as an emperor; fig domineer, lord
it over
carevi m dim emperor's son, crown prince, prince of the
blood; (ruski) czarevitch
carevina f empire
carevna f emperor's daughter, crown princess of the
carica f empress; (ruska) czarina, tsarina; fig queen
cariin adj empress'(s), empress
cari m ornith wren
Carigrad m geog Constantinople
carin|a f customs pl, custom duty (duties) | slobodno od
~e duty-free; podloan ~i dutiable, liable to customs;
uvesti ~u na impose duty on; ~a na vrijednost ad
valorem duty; prijaviti na ~i declare; namirenje ~e
(brod) clearance; roba je jo na ~i the goody are still
in (at) the customs; proi ~u pass (get) through the
customs; zatitna ~a protective tariff
carinarnica f custom-house
carinik m customs officer; (luki) tide-waiter
cariniti vt collect custom duties; clear (through customs)
carinsk|i adj customs | ispuniti ~u deklaraciju file a
customs declaration; ~i pregled customs inspection;
obaviti ~e formalnosti effect (observe) customs formalities; ~i prekraj offence against customs regulations
carinjenje n (customs) clearance | imate li to za ~?
have you anything to declare?
carski' adj imperial, imperatorial; emperor('s)
carski'' adv imperially; fig princely
carstvo n empire | ivotinjsko (biljno) animal (plant)
ce-ce muha f ent tsetse fly
Cecilija f Cecily, Cis, Sic
cedar m cedar-tree
cedrovina f cedar wood
cedulj|a f piece (slip, scrap) of paper, note, ticket;
(prepisivanje na ispitu) crib note | napii mu ~u
write (leave) him a note
ceh m craft-guild, guild | lan ~a craft-brother; platiti ~
v. raun
cehmajstor m master of a guild
cehovski adj guild | ~ dom guildhall
cehovtina f derog clannishness
ceker m Ger shopping bag
cekin m sequin, ducat, goldpiece
celer m celeriac, celery root; (u Engl. i SAD: jedu se
samo stabljike lia) celery
celibat m celibacy | ovjek u ~u celibate, celibaterian
celofan m cellophane | u ~u cellophane-wrapped
celofanski adj cellophane
celuloid m celluloid
celuloidni adj (made of) celluloid
celuloz|a f cellulose; com wood-pulp | tvornica ~e woodpulp works, pulp mill
celulozn|i adj cellulose; wood-pulp | ~o drvo pulpwood;
~o vlakno staple fibre

celzij m phys | 35 stupnjeva ~a 35 degrees centigrade

cement m cement | brzoveui ~ quick-setting cement
cementara f cement works
cementirati vi cement
cementni adj cement
cendrati vi v. cmizdriti
cent m cent, A coll penny | 5 ~a A coll a nickel; 10 ~a A
coll a dime; 25 ~a A coll a quarter (samo vrijednost
two bits); 50 ~a a half dollar (vrijednost four bits)
centa f hundredweight (112 pounds); (metrika) quintal
centar m B centre, A center | zimski ~ winter resort; ~
grada centre of town, A i downtown area; hoteli u
centru grada centrally situated hotels, A i downtown
hotels; ii u ~ grada A go downtown
centarfor m ftb v. voa navale
centarhalf m ftb v. srednji pomaga
centimetar m B centimetre, A centimeter; (za krojenje)
tape measure
centrala f headquarters pl; (banke, poduzea) head office | elektrina ~ v. elektrana; hidroelektrina ~ v.
hidrocentrala; telefonska ~ telephone exchange; ~!
(telefoniranje) Operator!
centralan adj central; head, main, key
centralist m pol centralist
centralistiki' adj pol centralist(ic)
centralistiki'' adv along centralist(ic) lines
centralizam m centralism
centralizacija f centralization
centraliziranje n centralization
centralizirati vt centralize; concentrate
centrifuga f centrifuge; (za mlijeko) cream separator;
(za rublje) spin-drier
centrifugal|an adj | phys ~na sila centrifugal force
centripetal|an adj | phys ~na sila centripetal force
centrirati vt B centre, A center; align | ftb ~ loptu kick
the ball towards the centre
cenzor m censor
cenzur|a f censorship | uvesti ~u impose censorship (on);
proi ~u get through censorship
cenzuriranje n censoring, censorship
cenzurirati vt censor
cer m Turkey oak, bitter oak
cerada f tarpaulin; canvas cover; waterproof sheet; mar
oilskins pl
cerekalo m snickerer, sniggerer
cerekati se vr snicker, snigger
ceremonij|a f ceremony; (great) pomp; (ponaanje) formality | fig praviti ~e stand on ceremony
ceremonijal m ceremonial; (slikovit) pageantry
ceremonijalan adj ceremonial; (pedantan, ukoen)
ceremonijar m master of (the) ceremonies; (na dvoru)
ceremoniozan adj ceremonious
cerenje n grin, silly smile, simper; wry face; grimace(s);
arch & lit mops and mows
ceriti se vr grin, make grimaces, make a wry face;
(osmjehivati se) simper
cerovina f bitter-oak wood (timber)
certifikat m certificate | izdati ~ certify, attest
ces m mus C flat
cesija f jur cession

cest|a f road, highway | glavna ~a major (main) road;

auto-~a highway; tvrda ~a motor road; meka ~a dirt
road; dobra (loa) ~a good (bad) road, road in good
(bad) repair; asfaltna ~a asphalt(ed) road; ljuneva
~a metalled road; (makadam) macadamized road; uz
~u at the road-side; fig na ~i out in (A on) the street
cestar m roadman, roadmender
cestarin|a f (na auto-stradi) toll; (u cijeni benzina) motor-full tax | naplaivati ~u take toll; cesta na kojoj
se naplauje ~a toll-road; stanica za naplatu ~e
(mitnica) toll-gate
cestogradnja f road construction
cestovn|i adj road, highway | ~a mrea road network; ~i
radnik road-construction worker
cic m text v. kreton
cica-maca f hyp v. maca
cicija f v. krtac
cicvara f kind of food (bread crust with onions & lard)
ci adj | ~a zima bitter cold, severe winter
cianje n squeaking, squeak, squeal, squealing
ciati vi squeak, squeal; chirp(ing)
ciferlus m Ger v. patentni zatvara
cifra f figure; v. brojka, znamenka
cifranje n sprucing (smartening) up, dressing up; (ponaanje) demure (coy) behaviour (speech)
cifrast adj ornate, embelished; smart, showy, gaudy
cifrati vt adorn elaborately, trim, bedizen, trick up (out)
cifrati se vr trim (trick) oneself up (out), dress up,
smarten, preen oneself; (skanjivanje) give oneself
airs, affect, mince one's words, speak finically; be
demure (coy, prim)
-cifren v. -znamenkast
ciganad n collect gipsy brats (children)
cigane n gipsy child (brat)
ciganija f collect gipsies; derog v. ciganjenje
ciganin m gipsy (man); derog mean person, cheapskate,
ciganiti vi haggle, act as a cheapskate; beg
ciganka f gipsy woman
ciganski adj gipsy, gipsy-like; derog haggling, mean
ciganjenje n haggling, coll sponging; meanness
cigar|a f cigar; (tanka) cigarillo | kutija za ~e cigar-box
cigaret|a f cigarette; sl: fag, sig, B gasper | duga ~a
king-size (cigarette); ~a s filterom filter-trip (cigarette); ~a bez filtera plain cigarette; kutija ~a packet
(A pack) of cigarettes; izala je da popui ~u she
went out for a smoke
cigar|luk, ~pic m cigarette-holder
cigati (se) vt (vr) gather
cigl|a f brick; (nepeena, suena) sun-dried brick, A
adobe | komad ~e brick-bat; paliti ~u burn bricks;
zidanje ~om brick-laying; pe za ~u brick-kiln
ciglana f brickyard, brick-field
ciglar m brickmaker
ciglarski adj brickmaker's; brickmaking
cigli adj only, single | niti ~ not a single one; za ~ sat in
just one hour
cigo m v. ciganin | svaki ~ svoga konja hvali it's blowing one's own horn
cih(a) int atishoo!
cijankalij m chem cyanic acid, potassium cyanide

cijediti vt filter, filtrate; drain; (pritiskom) strain; distil

cijediti se vr (kapati) drip, trickle; filtrate; (probijati)
ooze, permeate, escape, leak, percolate
cijeenje n filtering; straining; distilling; percolation;
(kapanje) dripping, trickling; (probijanje) oozing,
cijel adj (ne krnj) whole, entire, integer, integral; (potpun) full, complete, total, all; (cjelina) unbroken, undivided, unabridged; (neozlijeen) uninjured, intact,
perfect, untouched, unscathed, safe and sound | ~
cjelcat entire; intact; ~i svijet all the world, all the
world and his wife; po ~om svijetu all the world, all
over the world; po ~oj zemlji throughout the country;
~e sate by the hour together; ~i sat a full hour; ~i
dan all day long; emph the livelong day; dva ~a
dana two whole days, for two days running, full two
days; ~u godinu all the year round; ~om duom with
all one's heart; ~i je otac v. isti; ~i ovjek quite a
cijel|o n math whole number, integer | nula ~ih pet (0,5)
point five; nula ~ih sedamdeset i pet (0,75) point
seven five, point seventy-five; dva ~a trideset i tri
(2,33) two point three three, two point thirty-three
cijelost f totality, whole, entirety, integrity, collectivity,
unity | u ~i v. u cjelini
cijen|a f price, charge | niska ~a low price; najnia ~a
bedrock price; pretjerana ~a exorbitant (extravagant, unreasonable, extortionate, fancy) price; umjerena ~a moderate (reasonable, fair) price; stalna
~a firm price; trna ~a market (current) price; visoka ~a high price; zadnja ~a reserve price; iznad
svake ~e beyond (above) any price; ni po koju ~u at
no price, not for the world, by no means; po svaku
~u at any pvice (cost), cost what it may, at any rate
(price); uz snienu ~u at a reduce price; uz vlastitu
~u, po ~i kotanja at cost price, at prime cost; postaviti (zatraiti) ~u set a price on, fix a price, charge;
prodavati ispod tue ~e undersell one; dii ~e raise
(enhance) the price; nabijati ~e inflate prices; sniziti
~e cut (reduce) the price; maksimirana ~a control
price; porast ~a rise of prices; nagli pad ~a slump of
prices; na skladitu ~a price loco or at warehouse;
~a s dovozom cost and freight; ~a s dostavom i
osiguranjem cost, insurance and freight (included);
~a postavno na brod free on board; ~a postavno do
broda free alongside ship; ~a postavno u vagon free
on rails; uz snienu ~u at reduced prices; biti na ~i
be valued (esteemed)
cijeniti vt (smatrati vrijednim) value, prize, rate;
(tovati) esteem, value, respect, appreciate, prize | visoko ~ think highly of, set great store by, make much
of, set a high value on; premalo ~ undervalue, underrate; previe ~ over-rate
cijenjen pp esteemed, appreciated | vrlo ~ highly
thought-of; ~i gospodine! (u pismu) Dear Sir, (A
Dear Sir:)
cijep m (mlat) flail, thresher; (kalem) slip, graft, scion
cijepanje n (kalanje) cleavage; (nesloga) dissension,
division, rupture; (prijelom) disunion; (raskol) split,
(vjerski) schism

cijepati vt cut asunder; (drva) chop; (kalati) split, rive,

cleave, rift, splinter, sliver, shiver; (dijeliti, kidati)
divide, separate, rend, sever, sunder
cijepati se vr split, burst; (dijeliti se) divide, separate;
(nesloga) split; (atomi) split, fission
cijepiti vt graft (in, into, on, upon, together), ingraft,
inoculate; (na pup) bud; med vaccinate
cijepiti se vr get inoculated (vaccinated), coll have a
shot (have shots against)
cijepljenje n grafting; med vaccination, inoculation
cijev f tube, pipe; (puke) barrel; (dimnjaka) flue; (lule)
stem; (odvod) channel, conduit; (gumena) hose; (za
zraenje) funnel, shaft; (kante) spout | puka s dvije
~i double-barrelled gun; glatka ~ (oruja) smooth
bore; nalijebljena ~ (oruja) rifled barrel; elektronska ~ v. elektronka; vatrogasna ~ fireman's hose
pipe; beavna ~ seamless tube; ~i (kolektivno) tubing; gumena ~ rubber hose
ciju! int squeak!, peep!
cijuk m squeak, peep
cika f shrill cries, shrieking, screaming, squeak(ing);
(veselje) cries of exultation, clamour
cikcak adj & adv zigzag
cikla f beetroot, red beet
ciklama f bot cyclamen
ciklon m cyclone; A tornado, hurricane
ciklona f meteor low-pressure area, cyclone
ciklonizacija f fumigation
ciklonizirati vt fumigate
ciklop m Cyclop(s), one-eyed giant
ciklopski adj Cyclopean
ciklostil m duplicator, mimeograph | umnoiti na ~u
duplicate, mimeograph
ciklus m cycle
ciknut adj turned sour (wine)
ciknuti vi v. ciktati
cikorija f chicory
ciktanje n, cika f shrieking, squeaking, shrieks, squeaks
ciktati vi cry out shrilly, shriek, squeak; (od veselja)
cheer (shout) with exultation, exult
cilik m tinkle, tinkling; tweedle
cilikati vi (zvonce) tickle, jingle; (violina) tweedle
cilindar m (eir) top hat, silk hat, high hat, coll topper
(sklopiv opera-hat); eng cylinder; (lampe) cylinder,
cilindrian adj cylindrical
cilj m (svrha) object, aim, goal, objective, purpose, end;
(meta) target, mark; (puta) destination; sp (winning)
post | pogoditi (promaiti) ~ hit (miss) the mark;
mimo ~a beside (wide of) the mark; ii za ~em pursue one's end; postii ~ attain (secure) one's end,
carry one's point; bez ~a aimless, (adv) aimlessly;
imati za ~ aim at; blii (dalji, konani) ~ immediate
(long-range, ultimate) objective; skriveni ~ ulterior
ciljati vi aim at, take aim, level at; fig drive at, hint at,
allude to
cimbal m mus cimbalon; dulcimer, psaltery
cimer m sign, signboard
cimet m cinnamon (bark); (korice) quill of cinnamon
cimnuti vt pull, tug; shake
cin!' int tinkle!, ding!

cin'' m Ger v. kositar

cincar m Tzintzar; derog mean person, cheapskate, haggler
cincariti vi haggle, act as a cheapskate
cincarski adj Tzintzar; derog haggling, mean, sponging
cinan adj zinc; zincky
cinati vt zinc, galvanize
cineast m film-maker
cinemaskop m cinemascope
cinian adj cynical
ciniki adv cynically
cinija f bot zinnia
cinik m cynic
cinizam m cynicism
cink m zinc
cinkati vt sl v. prijaviti, odati
cinkograf m print zincographer
cinkografija f print (postupak) zincography; (odjel u tiskari) plate department
cinkov adj zinc(ic) | pharm ~a mast zinc ointment; ~o
bjelilo zinc-white
cinober m vermil(l)ion
cio adj v. cijel
cionist m Zionist
cionistiki adj Zionist
cionizam m Zionism
cipal m ichth grey (A gray) mullet
Cipar m geog Cyprus
ciparski adj geog Cypriot
cipel|a f shoe | niska ~a lowshoe (A+ oxford); visoka ~a
B boot, A (high) shoe, A high boot; potkovana ~a
hob-nailed boot; vojnika ~a army boot; ~a na vezivanje lace-shoe; ~a na navlaenje slip-on; mocassin;
sportska ~a casual shoe; salonka B court shoe, A
pump (shoe); plitka ~a (bez pete) flat shoe; bez ~a
shoeless; barefoot; visok je 180 bez ~a he is six feet
tall in his stocking feet; uljaju me ~e my shoes
pinch; razgaziti nove ~e break in new shoes; trgovina ~a B shoe-shop, A shoe store; prodava u
trgovtni ~a B shoe-shop assistant, A shoe clerk;
kalup za ~e last; latilo za ~e shoe polish; lica za
~e shoehorn; vezica za ~e B shoe-lace, A shoestring; ista ~a shoe cleaner; pooniti ~u re-sole
cipelar m v. postolar
Cipranin m Cypriot
cirada f v. cerada
cirkl m Ger v. estar
cirkulacija f circulation | ~ krvi blood circulation
cirkular m (papir) circular; (pila) buzz saw, circular saw
| razaslati kao ~ circularize
cirkuliranje n v. cirkulacija
cirkulirati vi circulate
cirkus m circus; travelling show | napravio je cijeli ~
zbog he made such a fuss over, coll he kicked up
such a row over
cirkusant m circus performer (artiste, member); fig buffoon, clown
cirkuski adj circus; circus-like
ciroza f med | ~ jetre liver cirrhosis
cis m mus C sharp
cista f med cyst

cisterna f cistern; (rezervoar u rafineriji) storage tank;

(kamion) B tank lorry, A tank truck; (vagon) tank car
cistitis m med cystitis
cistoskepij|a f med | ii na ~u undergo cystoscopy
citadela f citadel
citat m quotation, passage, paragraph quoted; citation
citirati vt quote; cite
citra f mus zither
civil m civilian | u ~u in civilian (plain) clothes; in civilian life
civilizacija f civilization
civilizator m civilizer
civilizatorski adj civilizing
civiliziran pp civilized
civilizirati vt civilize
civilni adj civilian | ~ brak civil marriage
cizelirati vt (en)chase; fig refine details, polish
cjedil|o n filter, strainer, percolator; (za tjesteninu) colander | ostaviti na ~u leave in the lurch, fail one, let
down; ostati na ~u be left in the lurch
cjediljka f v. cjedilo
cjelcat adj | cijel ~ quite whole, entire
cjelinla f v. cjelost | u ~i in (its) entirety, as a whole; on
the whole
cjelishodan adj v. svrsishodan, prikladan
cjelivati (se) vt (vr) arch v. tjubiti (se)
cjelodnevni adj whole-day, round-the-clock
cjelogodinji adj year-round, whole-year
cjelokupan adj total, entire, collective, aggregate;
whole, all
cjelokupnost f totality, collectiveness, entirennes; integrity; the whole, aggregate
cjelov m arch v. poljubac
cjeloveern|i adj all-evening | ~i film feature-length
film; ~a drama full-length drama
cjelovit adj integer, complete, whole; intact
cjelovitost f integrality, wholeness, completeness
cjenik m price-list, price-current; (usluga) tariff
cjenkanje n bargaining, chaffering; higgling
cjenkati se vr bargain (for), chaffer; higgle | uporno se
~ bargain hard
cjenovnik m v. cjenik
cjepac m cutter, hewer, chopper
cjepanica f split log
cjepidlaarenje n hair-splitting; (u izraavanju) wordsplitting
cjepidlaarski adj hair-splitting; word-splitting
cjepidlaiti vi split hairs (words)
cjepidlaka f hair-sphtter; word-splitter
cjepika f grafted fruit-tree
cjepivo n vaccine, serum
cjepkanje n chopping, backing, splitting; fig fragmentation
cjepkati vt hack, split, chop; fig split, fragment
cjepkati se vr fragment, split
cjevanica f shin-bone
cjevast adj tubular, tubulous, tube-shaped
cjeva m zoo serpulid, tube-worm
cjevcica f dim thin pipe; sei tubule; (za konac) spool; v.
cjevovod m pipe-line
cmakanje n derog loud kissing

cmakati (se) vi (vr) derog kiss (loudly)

cmizdrav adj whining, whimpering
cmizdravac m whiner, whimperer, cry-baby
cmizdriti vi whine, whimper; derog bawl
cmok int smack!
cmoknuti vt give a hearty kiss, give a smack; (jezikom)
click (one's tongue)
cmoknuti se vr kiss loudly
cokula f army boot; v. bakanda
col m inch
co(p)f m Ger pompon
corpus delicti m, jur exhibit
cri vi v. crknuti
crepar m tiler, tile-maker
crepovlje n collect tiles; (razbijeno) potsherds pl
crevar m gut-cleaner; gut-seller
crijep m tile, roofing-tile | obian (ravan) ~ flat tile; ~
ljebnjak (kanalica) half-round (A+ mission) tile;
pokriven ~om tileroofed
crijevni adj intestinal, enteric
crijev|o n gut, bowel; (za kobasice) sausage casing | ~a
intestines, bowels, entrails, guts, viscera; slijepo ~o
blind gut, caecum; upala slijepog ~a appendicitis;
operirali su mu slijepo ~o he has had an appendectomy; tanko ~o small intestine; debelo ~o large intestine, colon; zapletaj ~a strangulation of intestine;
gr u ~ima colic; gumeno ~o v. cijev
crkavanje n vulg perishing miserably, dying
crkavati vi perish (die) miserably, sl croak
crknut adj dead (i fig); (mlitav) spiritless
crknuti vi vulg croak; v. pokvariti se
crkotina f carrion, rotten (putrid) carcass
crkva f church; (crkvena organizacija) the Church |
upna ~ parish church; prvostolna ~ cathedral; ii u
~u go to church
crkven|i adj church, ecclesiastic(al) | ~ sabor councii; ~i
patron patron; ~o patronatstvo advowson; ~i starjeina church-warden; ~a opina parish; ~i toranj
church-towar; (sa iljkom) spire
crkvenoslavenski' adj (Old-) Church-Slavic
crkvenoslavenski'' n (Old) Church-Slavic (language)
crkvenjak m verger, sacristan, B+ parish clerk, A+
usher; (i grobar) sexton
crkvica f dim small church, chapel; (pomona) chapel of
crljenac m (luk) red onion
crn adj black; (put, koa) swarthy, dusky; (poet & her)
sable; (pretuen) beaten black and blue, bruised;
(nesretan) unlucky, bad, unfavourable; (opak) heinous, base, wicked, infamous | ~a boja black paint
(colour, dye); ~o vino red wine; ~i kruh brown
bread; fig ~a knjiga black book; ~a nezahvalnost
black ingratitude; ~a ovca black sheep fig; u njega je
~a dua he is wicked (black-hearted); ~ od sunca
(sun) tanned; (ah) ~i napada Black attacks
crnac m black, Negro, coloured man; derog nigger;
(onaj tko crni) drudge, slave
crnaki adj Negro, black | coll ~ posao drudgery, hack
Crna Gora f Montenegro
crni m dim Negro child; little Negro boy
crniti vi drudge, slave, grind

crnica f blackearth (soil); vegetable mould, humus

crnika f bot v. esvina
crnilo n black colour (paint, dye); (tinta) ink; (za tednjake) black-lead, plumbago, graphite
crnin|a f (odjea) mourning; v. crnoa | ona je u ~i she
is in mourning; zaviti se u ~u go into mourning;
polu ~ a half-mourning; svui ~u go out of mourning
crniti vt blacken, paint (colour, dye) black; v. ocrnjivati
crniti se vi v. crnjeti se
crnka f brunette; dark girl (woman)
crnkast adj blackish, darkish
crnkinja f Negro woman, Negress
crno' adv blackly; fig gloomily | fig vidim sve ~ future
looks all black to me; fig gledati sve ~ look at the
dark side of everything; fig ne smije se sve gledati ~
look at the bright side
crno'' n black | fig ~ na bijelom in writing; fig zaviti u ~
shroud in mourning
crno-bijel adj photo & fig black-and-white
crnoburzijanac m black marketeer
crnoburzijanski adj black-market
crnoa f blackness
Crnogorac m. Montenegrin
crnogorica f coll coniferous forest, conifers pl
crnogori|an adj coniferous | ~na uma coniferous forest; ~no drvo soft wood
Crnogorka f Montenegrin woman
crnogorski adj Montenegrin
crnokos adj black-haired
crnomanjast adj dark, dark-skinned, swarthy, dusky
crnomorski adj geog Black-sea
crnook adj black-eyed
crnjak m red wine
crnjeti vi turn (become) black (sombre, dark, dusky); (od
sunca) tan
crnjeti se vr look (seem) black
crnjua f bot heather
crpenje n pumping; (usisavanjem) sucking, suction;
(licom) ladling; (lopaticom) balling, scooping
crpka f eng v. pumpa
crpn|i adj | ~a stanica pumping station
crpsti vt work a pump, draw water; (u se) absorb, suck
in; (licom) scoop (ladle, bale) out; fig obtain, derive,
gather, get
crt|a f line; (poravnatost) alignment; (povlaka) dash;
(spojnica) hyphen; (potez) stroke | ravna ~a straight
line; u ravnoj ~i in a straight line; (zrakom) as the
crow flies, in a bee-line; ~a znaaja character trait;
~a lica line(s), trait, mien, feature, lineament; pravilne (otre) ~e lica regular (sharp) features; u glavnim (grubim) ~ama in general (broad) outline; iznijeti u glavnim (kratkim) ~ama give a general (brief)
outline; povui ~u trace (draw) a line; vui
(paralelne) ~e rule
crta m drawer; designer | tehniki ~ B draughtman, A
draftsman; ~ uzoraka pattern-maker, sketcher
crtaica f B draughtswoman, A draftswoman
crta|i adj drawing | ~i pribor drawing material; ~i stol
drawing-table; ~a daska drawing-board; ~i papir
crtalo n ruler; (u obliku slova T) T-square; (pluga)

crtanka f sketch-book
crtanj|e n drawing, sketching; (obrisa) delineation |
daska za ~ drawing-board; nastavnik ~a drawingmaster; kreda za ~e drawing-chalk; crayon; slobodno ~e freehand drawing
crtarija f drawing, design
crtati vt draw, sketch; (obris) outline, delineate; pencil;
fig portray, delineate
crte m drawing, sketch, design; (olovkom) pencil drawing
crtica f dim short (small) line; (spojnica) hyphen; (knjievna) sketch
crtkati vt (grafirati) hatch
crtovlje n pl mus staves pl
crv m worm; (sira) mite, maggot; (gnoja) muckwurm |
raditi kao ~ work like a slave; be very industrious,
work hard; fig u meni je proradio ~ I grew restive
crven adj red; (rumen) ruddy, rubicund, florid, highcoloured; her gules; vermilion, ruby | ~a je od stida
she is blushing, (jako blushing hot); ~ kao rak as red
as a lobster; jarko ~ bright red
crvenda m robin (redbreast)
crvenica f farm red soil
crvenika f (vino) claret, red wine, burgundy
crvenilo n red, redness, red colour (dye, paint); (lica)
ruddiness, blush, flush, colour; (liilo) rouge; rosiness, pink, pinkness; crimson, vermilion | ~ vecernjeg neba red (sky at) sunset
crveniti vt make red; paint (colour, dye) red; (liilom)
rouge; v. crvenjeti
crvenkapica f Little Red Bidinhghood
crvenkast adj reddish
crvenoarmejac m Red-Army soldier
crvenogardejac m hist Red Guardsman
crvenokljun adj red-billed
crvenokos adj red-haired, sandy-haired, carroty
crvenokoac m redskin, red Indian
crvenonos adj red-nosed
crvenook adj red-eyed
crvenoperka f ichth B rudd, A pearl roach
crvenjeti (se) vi (vr) (od stida) colour, blush, redden,
become red (fluhed); (jako) blush hotly
crvi m dim little worm, mite, vermicule
crvljiv adj grubby, maggoty, full of worms, wormy, vermiculous; (izjeden od crva) worm-eaten, rotten
crvljivost f worrniness
crvolik adj worm-like
crvotoan adj wormy (i fig), worm-eaten, worm-holed
crvotoina f worm-hole | pun ~ worm-holed, wormeaten
crvuljak m v. crvi; anat appendix
cucla f v. duda
cufati se vr coll fray (at the edges), unravel
cukati vi Ger v. trgati, kucati
cunja f v. krpa, dronjak
cupkati vi hop, gambol, skip, caper | ~ dijete na koljenu
dandle a child
cura f girl, lass, lassie; derog wench, hussy; (krna)
strapping (lusty, buxom) girl
cure n dim slip of a girl, slim girl (lass)
curenje n running; dripping, leaking, oozing
curetak m v. cure

curetina f aug & derog slut, slattern, drab, trollop

curic|a f little girl | dobili ste ~u you have a girl (daughter)
curiti vi flow, run, stream; (proputanje) leak, escape,
(sporo) ooze; (svijee) gutter; (kapanje) trickle, drip,
drop | krv mu curi he is bleeding
curkom adv | curiti ~ run (flow) freely
cupajz m Ger cul v. varivo
cvasti vi flower; (voka) blossom; fig flourish, thrive,
prosper, be well off
cvat m bot inflorescence; (voke) blossom; flowering | u
~u flowering, blooming; (stablo) in blossom, blossoming; u punom ~u in full flower (blossom, bloom,
cvatenje n v. cvjetanje, cvat
cvatui pp flowering, blooming, blossoming (sve i fig);
fig flourishing, thriving
cveba f cul v. groice; iron gem, jewel
cveknknedle f pl Ger v. okruglice sa ljivama
cveka f Ger v. avao za potplat
cvekla f bot v. cikla
cvibak m Ger v. dvopeh
cvije|e n collect fowers pl | gajenje ~a floriewlture;
prodavaica ~a florist; flower-girl; iloba ~a flower
cvijet m flower; (na stablu) blossom; (u zapuku) B buttonhole, A boutoniere; fig the best (cream, flower) |
sumporov ~ flowers of sulyhur; u ~u mladosti in the
prime (spring) of life; u ~u zdravlja in the pink of
health; u ~u snage (muevnosti) in the bloom of
manhood; med bijeli ~ leukorrhea, fam the whites
cvijetak m dim floweret, small flower
cvika f coll Ger | zabiti nekome ~u v. podvaliti, udesiti

cviker m pince-nez
cvikera m derog four-eyes sl
cvilidreta f ent long-horned beetle
cviliti vi (kripati) squeak, squeal; (pla) whimper,
whine, wail, pule; (jadikovanje) lament, moan
cviljenje n squeal(ing), squeak(ing); (pla) whimper(ing), whine, whining, wail(ing), puling
cvjear m florist; (ulini) flower-seller; (uzgajatelj) flower-grower
cvjearica f florist; flower-girl
cvjearnica f flourist's (shop), flower shop
cvjearstvo n flower-growing, floriculture; flower-farm
cvjetaa f bot cauliflower
cvjet|an adj flowery, floral; v. u cvatu | ~ni nasadi beds
of flowers, flower displays, flower gardens; ~ni trg
flower market; ~na biljka flowering plant; ~na gredica flower-bed
cvjetanje n flowering, blossoming; flowering time; fig
cvjetati vi v. cvasti
cvjeti m dim v. cvijetak
Cvjetnica f eccl Palm Sunday
cvjetnjak m flower-garden; (gredica) flower-bed
cvokot m, ~anje n chatter(ing) of teeth
cvokotati vi chatter
cvrak m, cicada; v. zrikavac
cvrati vi chirr, chirp, chirrup; (na vatri) sizzle
cvrkut m warble, warbling, twitter(ing), chirp(ing)
cvrkutati vi (vrapci) chirp, twitter; (pjevice) warble
cvrljiti vt (mast) render, melt down; vi sizzle
cvrljiti se vr sizzle

abar m pail, bucket; (badanj) tub | pun ~ a pailful, a

ackalic|a f toothpick | istiti zube ~om pick one's teeth
ackati vt | ~ po tinker with; poke; (i fig) probe
ad m geog Chad
ador m Tur v. ator
adski adj geog Chadian
aa f soot; com lampblack | aktivna ~ activated carbon
aara f carbon-black plant
aav adj sooty
aavost f sootiness
aditi vi (emit) soot
agalj m zoo jackal
ahura f ent chrysalis, chrysalid, pupa, nymph; (svilca)
cocoon; (metka, granate) shell
aj m tea leaves; (napitak) tea | lipov ~ lime-flower tea,
A+ linden tea; 1jekoviti ~ herb tea; ruski ~ real
tea, non-herb tea; ~ s limunom lemon tea; ~ s rumom (mlijekom) tea with rum (milk); ~ u vreicama teabags pl; napraviti ~ make tea; pristaviti ~
put the kettle on; pustiti ~ da malo stoji let tea draw
ajana f tea-house, tea-shop, tea-room, tea-garden
ajanka f tea-party
ajevac m bot tea-plant, tea-shrub

ajn|i adj tea-, of tea, eaten with tea | ~a kutija teacaddy; ~i kotli tea-kettle; ~i pribor tea-set, teathings; ~i kolaii B sweet biscuits, A cookies; ~i
maslac (pateta) extra-quality butter (liverwurst)
ajnik m tea-pot
ak adv even | ~ do mora as far as the sea; ~ do ponoi
as late as midnight; ~ deset puta as many as ten
times; ~ ni not even
akavac m ling chakavian speaker
aklja f mar (boat-)hook, gaff; (na konopu) grapnel,
grappling hook
akire f pl Tur v. hlae
alma f turbaned fez
ama f depression, gloom, low spirits; apathy, listlessness
amac m boat; (velik i otvoren) launch; (bez kilja) punt;
(rijeni) v. un | ~ na vesla B rowing boat, A rowboat; pomoni ~ jahte dinghy; gumeni ~ life-raft, inflatable dinghy; (za spaavanje) life-boat; motorni ~
motor-boat (s vanjskim motorom outboard; s kabinom
cruiser; trkai speed-boat); sp veslaki ~ racing shell;
voziti se u amcu boat; plosnat ~ za lov na divlje
patke gunning punt
ami m dim little boat; dinghy

amiti vi pine, droop, languish; (biti sjetan, nujan)

mope, be listless | ~ u zatvoru languish in prison
anak m trencher, wooden platter
anara f (kornjaa) European (Greek) tortoise
anica f (koljka) cockle
angrizav adj morose, peevish, moody, crabbed, spleenish, petulant; difficult to please
angrizavac m peevish (morose) person; mag; grumbler
angrizavost f moroseness, peevishness
ankir m med chancre
ankoliz m parasite, sponger, sycophant, toad-eater,
aplja f heron | bijela ~ egret; siva ~ blue-gray heron
aporak m claw; (panda) talon
ar m (dra) grace, charm, fascination, attraction,
sweetness; glamour; (vraanje) magic, charm, spell,
enchantment | skinuti ~i s nekoga break the spell
aranje n practising of witchcraft, sorcery, magic; (aranje) scribble, scrawl
arap|a f (duga) stocking; (kratka) sock (do glenja ankle-sock); (dokoljenka) knee-sock | ~e com collect
hosiery; najlonske ~e nylon stockings, coll nylons;
hulahopke B tights, A yantyhose (zimske tights B &
arapar m stocking-weaver; (trgovac) hosier
arati vi practice sorcery (witchcraft), cast a spell; conjure, charm; (arati) scribble, scrawl
ardak m mil hist blockhouse, watch-tower; reg closed
balcony (terrace)
arkanje n skirmish(ing), slight engagement, encounter,
brush; action
arka m skirmisher
arkati vi skirmish
aroban adj (lijep) charming, ravishing, dazzlin.g, enchanting, fascinating, bewitching | ~ ma magic
sword; ~ krug magic circle; ~ napitak (ljubavni)
love-potion, philter; ~ privjesak amulet, talisman; ~
tapi conjurer's wand
arobnica f enchantress, sorceress, (vjetica) witch;
(ljepotica) charmer, charming woman
arobnost f charm, fascination, glamour, enchantment;
arobnjak m wizard, warlock, sorcerer, enchanter, conjurer, charmer, magician; (indijanski) medicine-man;
v. maioniar
arolija f charm, spell, bewitchment, magic (art), witchcraft, sorcery; v. maioniarski trik
arav m v. plahta, stolnjak
arija f Tur market, market-place, bazaar; fig local gossip, street opinion
arijski adj market, bazaar
arter m aero charter | ~ avionom by charter flight
as m moment, instant, minute; (tren) wink, twinkling,
jiffy; v. sat, lekcija, instrukcija | u ~u, za ~ in a
moment (trice, jiffy), instantly, in no time, be-fore
you could say Jack Robinson, in the twinkling of an
eye; u tom odlunom ~u at this juncture; onaj ~ on
the spur of the moment; svaki ~ every now and then;

samo ~! just a minute (moment)!; u zao ~ unseasonably, unluckily for one; amiss; u dobar ~ seasonably, opportunely, in the very nick of time; u
pravi ~ just in time; u taj ~ at this moment; na ~ for
a moment; na ~ove at times; svijetli ~ovi lucid intervals; ~... ~... now... now, at one time... at another, alternately, by turns; svratiti se na ~ look in, drop in,
come round; vidjeti na ~ have (catch) a glimpse of;
ovog ~a right now; sad je ~ now it is time; kucnuo je
~ the hour has come, the time has arrived; ekati
svoj ~ bide one's time
asak m dim little (brief) moment | samo ~ just a minute
asimice adv v. asomice
as|iti vi linger, hesitate, tarry | ne ~ei asa without a
moment's delay, no sooner said than done
askom adv one moment, momentarily
asni adj v. astan
asniki adj v. oficirski
asnik m v. oficir
asno adv honourably, creditably, respectably, loyally,
honestly, in due honour | ponijeti se ~ acquit oneself
well, come off with credit
asnost f honourableness, creditableness; venerableness;
asom adj v. askom
asomice adj at intervals, off and on; v. asom
asomian adj v. trenutaan
asopis m periodical; journal, magazine, review
asoslov m breviary
asovit adj v. trenutaan
-asovni v. -satni
asovniar m v. urar
asovnik m v. sat, ura
ast f honour; (poloaj) dignity, standing, rank; (odlikovanje) honours, distinction | iskazati ~ honour, pay
homage (honour, respect); svaka ~! bravo!, my cap is
off to; ~ komu honour to whom honour is due; tako
mi ~i on (by) my honour; on je na ~ svom zvanju he
is an honour to his profession; slui mu na ~ it does
him credit, it reflects credit on him, it redounds to his
credit; ne slui mu na ~ it reflects discredit on him; u
~ in honour of, honouring, celebrating, marking;
radi se o njegovoj ~i his honour is at stake; stvar ~i
point of honour; uvreda ~i insult; kodeks ~i code of
honour; obrana ~i vindication; znak ~i insignia; iskazivanje ~i homage, marks of honour; liiti ~i dishonour, degrade; bez ~i disreputable, dishonourable,
disgraceful, vile, despicable, mean, base; to mu je ispod ~i it is beneath his dignity, it is beneath him, he
is above it; smatrati za ~ consider (deem, think) it an
honour; ~i radi, vezan cau bound in honour to; ~
mi je... I have the honour to..., I beg (leave) to...
as|tan adj honourable, creditable; venerable, reverend;
decent, respectable | ~na afera affair of honour; duel
asti|ti vt honour, hold in honour; esteem, respect; (gostiti) feast, treat, entertain, regale; (iskazati ast) do
honour to, revere, reverence, venerate | danas ja ~m
(plaam) (it is) my treat today; da te ~m pivom let
me treat you to a beer

astiti se vr feast, banquet, fare sumptuously

astohlepan adj ambitious, aspiring
astohleplje n ambition, ambitiousness, aspiration(s)
astoljubiv adj v. astohlepan
a|a f glass | ~a za vodu water glass; (visoka) tumbler;
~a s drkom stem glass; ~a za vino wine glass; puna
~a glassful; ~a na rastanku stirrup-cup; fig iskapiti
~u do dna drink (drain) to the dregs; zavirio je preduboko u ~u he is in his cups; fig gorka ~a bitter
cup; zveket ~a clink of glasses; ostatak u ~i heeltaps; fig to je njemu kao popiti ~u vode he thinks
nothing of it; diem ovu ~u I raise my glass to
aenje n entertainment, treat, regaling, feasting;
(tovanje) esteem, reverence, revering, estimation
aic|a f dim small glass (cup), dram glass | jeste li za
jednu ~u? care for a drink?
aka f bot calix
atrnja reg v. cisterna
aura f v. cahura
au m (svadba) wedding-guest; (glasnik) messenger
av|ao m nail; (velik) spike; (glavat) stud; (za potplate)
hobnail; (plosnat) brad; (potkivaki) horseshoe nail;
(za zimske gume) spike | zabiti ~ao drive a nail; (zabiti i previnuti) clench a nail; zabiti ~ao do kraja
nail (drive) home; zabiti ~lima nail (down); nail
shut; izvlaiti ~le pull (out) nails, draw nails
avka f ornith jackdaw; fig v. blebetua
avlar m nail-smith, nailer
avli m dim small nail, wire nail; (sitan) pearl nail |
crtai ~ B drawing-pin, A thumbtack
avrljanje n chat, prattle, small talk
avrljati vi chat, prattle, make small talk
avrljav adj chatty
avrljavost f chattiness
edan adj modest; (nenametljiv) unassuming; (hinjeno)
demure; chaste
ednost f modesty, decorum; demureness; chastity
edo n babe poet, baby, infant; child; (dojene) suckling,
nurseling; fig product
edomorka f infanticide
edomorstvo n infanticide
ega gen od. to | od ~? of what material? (uzrok) of
(through) what cause? od ~ je umro? what did he die
of? ~ radi? why, on account of what? ~ se boji?
what are you afraid of?
egrtaljka f (djeja) rattle; (uskrnja) clapper
egrtati vi rattle, clapper
egrtua f rattlesnake, A+ rattler
eh m Czech; (ue) Bohemian
eha|ti vt pick (feathers, wool) | ~no perje stripped
ehinja f Czech woman
ehoslovaka f Czechoslovakia
ehoslovaki adj Czechoslovak
ehoslovak m Czechoslovak
ek m B cheque, A check | izdava ~a drawer; naslovnik ~a payee; ~ na donosioca cheque to bearer; ~ po
odredbi cheque to order; barirani ~ crossed cheque:
naleiti ~ endorse a cheque; bjanko ~ blank cheque

(i fig); turistiki ~ travellers' cheque; pop potanski

~ v. uputnica, uplatnica; ~ bez pokria bad cheque;
unoviti ~ cash a cheque; platiti ~om pay by cheque
eka f hunt high stand, shooting stand
ekanj|e n waiting; expec.tation; anticipation; (broda
preko roka) demurrage | bez ~a without stopping (delay); politika ~a wait-and-see policy
ekaonica f waiting-room; (aerodromska) departure
eka|ti vt wait (na for); await, expect, abide, look for;
(iekivati) look out for; (oklijevati) linger, tarry,
hesitate; (stati) stop, stay, be delayed | ~j! wait (a
minute)!, coll hold it; ~j malo (da razmislim) let me
see; jedva ~m da I can hardly wait to, I am looking
forward to; ~ ti svoj as bide one's time; ne znamo
to nas ~a we don't know what may be in store for us;
tko ~a doeka all things come to him who waits
ekati se vr wait for each other, wait for one another
eki m hammer; (drabovatelja, predsjedatatelja) gavel
| drveni ~ wooden mallet; eng pneumatski ~ air
hammer; fig kao ispod ~a in mint condition
ekinja f bristle
ekinjast adj bristly, bristling; spiny
ekovn|i adj B cheque, A check | ~a knjiica chequebook; ~a uplatnica "postal cheque" (ne postoji u AS
ekrk m winch (gear); windlass, capstan
elenka f hist (helmet) plume
elian adj steel, (made) of steel; fig steely, sta(u)nch,
adamant; (zdravlje) robust
eliana f steel-mill, steelworks, steel-plant
eliciti vt fig steel (against), harden; (kovinu) temper,
harden; (povrinu kovine) case-harden
eliiti se vr steel (harden) oneself
elinoplav adj steel-blue
elinost f steely quality, steel-like hardness
elik m steel | nerajui ~ stainless steel; brzorezni ~
high-speed steel; plemeniti ~ high-grade steel; kaljeni ~ tempered steel
elist m mus cellist
elistiki adj mus | ~ koncert cello recital
elni adj front, frontal, head
el|o' n forehead; lit & poet brow; (prednja strana) front;
(stola) upper part; (lice) face, countenance | visoko
(nisko, koso) ~o high (low, receding) forehead; fig
na ~u in front of, ahead, at the head of; (vodstvo)
leading; fig biti na ~u head, be in front, front; fig
stati na ~o give a lead, take the lead; fig ~om o ~o
facing, confronted, face to face; vedra ~a having a
clean conscience, not afraid to look anybody in the
face; mrtiti (nabirati) ~o knit (bend) one's brow,
elo'' m mus cello
eljad f collect people, folk(s), persons; v. ukuani
eljade n human being, fellow, body; arch wight
eljusni adj jaw, sci maxillary
eljust f jaw; (kost) jaw-bone; (ivotinje) jaw, chaps pl,
chops pl | gornja (donja) ~ upper (lower) jaw
embalo n & m mus harpsichord

emer m affliction, distress, heartbreak, gall, wormwood, wretchedness

emeran adj afflicted, distressed, bitter, wretched
emerika f bot hellebore
empres m bot cypress
emu pron why? what for?, to what purpose (end)?,
wherefore?; why should I?, what is the use (of it)? | o
~? about what? je li ~? is it (he, she) any good?; da si
~ if you were any good
eon|i adj frontal | anat ~a kost frontal bone
ep m cork; (stakleni) stopper, stopple; (cijevi, posude)
plug; (od kovine) cap; (topa) wad, wadding; (u usta)
gag; (pluto) (mree, udice) float
epi m dim little cork (stopper plug); med suppository
epiti vi (uati) squat, crouch; (ekati) cool one's heels
eprkati vt scratch the ground, dig for; (traiti) search,
rummage; fig pry (into)
ereiti vt v. komadati
erga f gipsy tent
erga m nomad, gipsy
erkeski adj Circassian
erkez m Circassian
erpi m v. erpi
erupati vt pluck
esan m v. eanj
esati vt (konja) curry, dress
esma f well, drinking-fountai ; v. slavina, sudoper
est adj frequent, common; repeated, recurrent
estar m v. gustara
estica f particle, fragment; gram particle; (parcela)
parcel, lot, plot | ~ za gradnju building-plot; phys
subatomska ~ subatomic particle
estit adj (poten) honest, honourable, righteous, upright; respectable; (kako treba) proper, due, good;
(temeljit) solid, workman-like; (valjan) sterling | ~
obrok square meal
estitanje n congratulation, felicitation, well-wishing; (o
blagdanu) compliments (of the season) | to je za ~ it
is a matter of congratulation
estitar m (ovjek) congratulator, congratulant, wellwisher
estita|ti vi congratulate upon, felicitate upon, wish joy,
compliment on | ~m na! I congratulate you on, (my)
congratulations on; ~ti samom sebi congratulate oneself; ~ti Boi wish a Merry Christmas
estitk|a f congratulation, felicitation, good wishes |
boina ~a compliments of the season; (dopisnica)
Christmas card; ~e za svaku priliku greeting cards
for all occasions; ~a za roendan birthday card;
birthday message
estito adv (poteno) honestly; (kako treba) properly,
duly; (temeljito) well, thoroughly; (jako) soundly,
with a vengeance; (obilno) handsomely; heartily
estitost f honesty, probity; respectability; (pravednost)
uprightness, rectitude
esto adv frequently, often, repeatedly, many times over,
again and again, time after time | ~ puta many times,
lit many a time, often
estoa f frequency

esvina f bot (crnika) holm oak, holly oak, sci ilex

eagij|a f curry-comb, card | timariti konja ~om curry
(dress) a horse
esalj m comb; (za vunu) card; (za lan) hatchel; (za
sukno) teasel | gusti ~ fine comb; rijetki ~ largetoothed comb; ukrasni ~ dress-comb, back-comb;
zub eslja tooth, tine
eanj m clove (of garlic)
eati vt (grepsti) scratch; (konja) curry, dress; (vunu)
card, tease, comb
esati se vr scratch oneself | svatko se ee gdje ga
svrbi if the cap fits wear it
ee adv comp more often; fairly frequently | sve ~ with
increasing frequency
eer m pine-cone
eka f Bohemia
eki adj Czech | govoriti ~ speak Czech
esljaa f (koljka) scallop
eljanje n combing; doing ones hair | (kod frizera)
molim samo ~ I want my hair combed
eljaonica f v. frizerski salon
eljar m comb-maker
eljast adj comb-like
eljati vt comb; (frizer) dress hair, do up one's hair;
(lan, vunu) heckle, tease
eljati se vr comb, comb (do) one's hair
eljugar m ornith goldfinch
eljug(ovin)a f bot thistle, teasel
enjak m garlic
enjovka f cul garlic sausage
eta f troop, host; (pjeadije) company; (konjice) troop;
fig legion, swarm
etimice adv banded, in bands, in troops; in body
etina f bot v. iglica
etinari m pl v. etinjae
etinjae f pl v. crnogorica
etiri num four | na sve ~ on all fours; ~ stotine four
etiristo num four hundred
etka f brush; (zubna) tooth-brush; (za kosu) hairbrush;
(za odijela) clothes-brush; (za cipele) shoe-brush; (za
ribanje poda) scrubbing (A scrub) brush; (za lienje)
etkanje n brushing, brush
etkar m brushmaker
etkarstvo n brushmaking; brush maker's trade
etkati vt brush
etkati se vr brush oneself, brush one's clothes
etkica f small brush; (za brijanje) shaving brush; (za
zube) tooth-brush; (za nokte) nail-brush; el brush
etni adj mil company
etniki adj pol Chetnik
etnik m pol Chetnik
etovanje n guer(r)illa warfare, irregular fighting
etovati vi be engaged in guer(r)illa warfare; harass the
etovoa m band-leader, captain
etrdeset num forty
etrdesetak n some (about) forty, forty odd, forty or so

etrdesetoro n forty people (persons)

etrdesetogodinjak m forty-year-old
etrdesetogodinji adj forty-year-old
etrdeseti num the fortieth
etrdesetina f the fortieth part, one fortieth
etrdesetnica f (korizma) lent
etrdesetorica f forty men; forty people (persons)
etristo num v. etiristo
etrnaest num fourteen | ~ dana two weeks, B+ fortnight; svakih ~ dana every two weeks, B+ fortnightly
etrnaesti num the fourteenth
etrnaestina f the fourteenth part, a fourteenth
etrun m bot citron
etverac m (stih) four-syllable verse; sp (amac) four,
four-oar | ~ s kormilarom rowing fours with cox
etvero n four persons (people)
etveroglasno adj (singing) four-part
etverogodinjak m four-year-old
etverogodinji adj four-year-old; (happening) once in
four years
etverokatan adj four-storeyed
etverokatnica f four-storeyed house
etverokut m geom quadrilateral; (pravokutan) quadrangle
etverokutan adj square, quadrangular
etveromotorac m aero four-engined aircraft
etveronog adj four-legged; sci quadruped
etveronoke adv on all fours
etveronoac m, quadruped
etveronoan adj quadruped, four-legged, four-footed
etveropjev m quartet
etveropreg m four-in-hand, four-horse carriage | voziti
se ~om ride (drive) four-in-hand, ride (drive) in a
carriage and four
etveroprean adj four-in-hand, four horse (d)
etverored m mil file of four | u ~u in fours, four abreast
etveroredan adj four-rowed, four deep
etveroruan adj mus | ~na skladba four-handed piece,
etveroruno adj mus | svirati ~ play a (piano) duet
etverosjed m mot four-seater
etverosloan adj four-syllable
etverostran adj quadrilateral, four-sided
etverostruk adj quadruple, fourfold, four-ply
etverotaktni adj eng | ~ motor four-stroke (A fourcycle) engine
etvereugao(nik) m geom v. etverokut
etverouglast adj quadrangular, fourcornered, foursquare
etveroznamenkast adj four-figure, four-digit
etvorci m pl quadruplets, coll quads
etvorica f four men; four people (persons) | pol Velika
~ the Big Four
etvorina f square, quadrangle; rectangular (v. etverokut, pravokutnik); (kosa) rhomb, lozenge
etvoriti vt quartet
etvorka f (number) four; car four; group of four, fourman group; sch v. vrlo-dobar

etvorn|i adj four-part, quadruple, quadripartite | ~ metar square metre (A meter); ~a konferencija fourpower conference
etvoro n v. etvero
etvrt f (grada) ward, district; (mjeseca) quarter;
(kruga) quadrant; v. etvrtina | ~ sata a quarter of an
hour, A+ a quarter hour; jedan i ~ (~ dva) a quarter
past (A after) one, one fifteen; ~ do dva (jedan i tri
~, tri ~ dva) a quarter to (A of) two
etvrtak m Thursday | Veliki ~ Maundy Thursday
etvrtast adj square
etvrt-finale m sp quarter-finals
etvrt-finalni adj sp quarter-final
etvrt-godinjak m, (asopis) quarterly
etvrt-godinje adv quarterly, every three months
etvrt-godinji adj quarterly
etvrt-godite n quarter (of a year)
etvrti num the fourth; (mjeseca) the fourth of a month
etvrtica f v. etvorka
etvrtina f a quarter, one fourth, the fourth part
etvrtinka f mus B crotchet, A quarter note
etvrto adv fourthly, in the fourth place
etvrt-tonski adj mus quarter-tone
eznue n v. enja
eznuti vi yearn (long, crave, hanker, languish) after, set
one's heart upon; (udjeti) covet, lust after (for);
(bolno) pine after (for), (za domom) be homesick
eznutljiv adj longing, hankering, yearning, wistful
enja f keen (ardent) desire, longing, yearning, hankering, craving, wistfulness; (za domom, zaviajem, domovinom) home sickness
ibuk m chibouk, chibouque
ia m old man; uncle
iak m bur(r), burdoak (v. lopuh) | prilijepio se kao ~
he sticks like a bur
ioka f bot Jerusalem artichoke, topinambur
ifut m derog v. idov
igra f v. zvrk; ornith tern, sea-swallow
ijati vt v. ehati
ij|i pron whose(?), of whom(?) | ~i si ti? who is your
father?, who are your parents?; ~e je to? whose
(property) is this?; ~i god whosever (emph whosesoever), no matter whose
ik m cigarette butt
ik|a, ~o m old man
il adj (zdrav) healthy; (krepak) hale, lusty, robust, vigorous, sturdy; (svje) fresh
ila m dapple, dappled horse
ile m geog Chile
ileanac m Chilean, Chileno
ileanski adj geog Chilean
ilo adv lively
ilost f haleness, robustness, lustiness, healthiness, sturdiness; freshness
im adj as soon as, no sooner... than, the moment | ne
zna nita ~ je doao he knows nothing if he has
imbenik m v. inilac

ime (?) pron with what?, coll what with?, arch wherewith(al)(?); (novac, sredstva) by what mens?; s bilo ~
with anythting
impanza f chimpanzee, coll chimp
in m act, action, deed; (veliko djelo) exploiit, achievement, feat; mil rank; theat act | zateen na ~u v. na
djelu; staviti pred gotov ~ present with an accomplished fact (fait accompli); mil dati ~ kapetana
commission as captain; mil oduzet mu je ~ he was
stripped of his rank; mil dobiti vii ~ be promoted;
mil poasni (privremeni) ~ brevet rank
inila f zoo chinchilla (i krzno)
inele f pl mus cymbals pl
ini m pl magic, witchcraft, incantation, charm, spell
inija f Tur v. zdjela
inilac m doer, performer; (akter) actor; factor
initi vt do, make; render; (vriti) perform; (uzrokovati)
cause, make; (kou) dress | ~ zlo do evil; ~ svoju
dunost do (perform) one's duty; v. ~ dobro, ~ krivo,
~ naao
initi se vr seem, appear, look, have an appearance
(semblance) | ini se it seems (v. izgledati); ini mi
se it seems to me; it strikes me (as); in my opinion;
kako se meni ini as far as I can see, the way it looks
to me; sve mi se ini I suspect, I have a hunch; kako
ti se ini? how does it strike you?
inovnica f woman office-worker
inovnii m dim & derog petty official
inovnik|i adj clerical, office-worker; civil-servant | ~i
razred civil-service grade; ~o osoblje clerical staff;
~i poslovi clerical (office) work
inovnik m office-worker, clerical employee | dravni ~
civil servant, government clerk (employee); visoki ~
senior civil servant; bankovni (potanski) ~ bank
(post-office) clerk
inovnitvo n collect clerkdom, officialdom, Civil Service, bureaucracy
injenic|a f fact | ~a je da it is a fact that; neoboriva ~a
incontrovertible fact; nemila ~a hard (stubborn) fact;
pogledati ~ama u oci face facts
injenin|i adj factual | ustanoviti ~o stanje establish
the facts
injenje n doing, making, performing; v. stavljenje
ioda f v. pribadaa
iopa f ornith swift
ipka f lace; lacework; (iglom raena) needlepoint
(lace), pointlace
ipkar m lace-dealer
ipkarica f (girl, woman) lace-maker
ipkarstvo n lace-making; lace trade
ipkast adj lace-like, lacy; (od ipke) lace
ir m boil; (potkoni) carbuncle; (otvoren gnojni) open
sore, ulcer, running sore | prorezati ~ lance a boil;
dobiti ~ (na elucu) grow an ulcer; ~ na elucu gastric ulcer; ~ na dvanaesniku duodenal ulcer; perforirani ~ perforated ulcer; ~ se gnoji the boil is
gathering strength (head)
ira m ulcer sufferer (patient)
islo n (prayer) beads pl; (krunica) rosary

ist adj clean; fig pure; (kao naviku) clean, cleanly;

(opran) washed, cleansed; (nezamrljan, neokaljan)
spotless, unstained; (i fig) unsullied, unblemished;
(neispisan) blank; (nevin) chaste, pure; (nerazrijeen) undiluted, unmixed; (bez vode) B neat, A
straight | ~i dobitak net proceeds pl; ~e ruke
(nedune) white hands; ~i prijepis fair copy; ~a
savjest clean conscience; ~a istina naked (plain)
truth; ~ posao (postupak) honest (fair) dealing; ~a
glupost sheer stupidity; ~i Indijanac full-blooded Indian; ~a plaa take-home pay; ~o olovo refined (unalloyed) lead; ~o zlato pure (fine) gold; ma od ~og
zlata solid-gold sword; od ~e vune all-wool
istac m | izvesti na ~ get to the bottom of, sift the matter, clear up, settle; istjerati na ~ force an issue into
the open
ista m cleaner | ~ ulica B road (street) sweeper, A
street cleaner; v. ~ cipela
istaica f cleaner, cleaning woman
istilite n purgatory
istin|a f clearing, opening, glade | fig istjerivati na ~u
drive out in the open
istionic|a f | kemijska ~a (dry) cleaner's; dati u ~u v.
istiti vt clean, cleanse; fig purify; (eer itd.) refine; (od
nepoudnog) purge; (od zapreka) clear; (svjetlati)
furbish, scour; (lijek) act as aperient (laxative); (kemijski odjeu) dry-clean
istiti se vr clean oneself; (stolica) evacuate (bowels)
ist|o' n clean | biti na ~u v. naisto; prepisati na ~o
make a fair copy (of)
isto'' adv cleanly; completely, entirely; really | ~ i bistro
clearly, plainly; reci ~ i bistro not beat about the
bush, speak out (up)
istoa f cleanness, cleanliness; fig purity; (spolna) chastity, purity
istokrvan adj thoroughbred, pure-blooded
istopis m fair copy
istunac m stickler for cleanness; (jezini) purist
istunstvo n compulsive cleanliness; (jezino) purism
ienj|e n cleaning, cleansing; clearing; (kemijsko) drycleaning; mil clean-up duty; (stolice) abstersion, purgation | sredstvo za ~e cleaning agent, cleaner; med
purgative, laxative, aperient; ~e mrlja (snijega) spot
(snow) removal, dati na kemijsko ~e have one's
clothes dry-cleaned, take one's clothes to the cleaner's; na (kemijskom) ~u at the cleaner's; mil operacije ~a mopping-up
ita m reader; (elektroniki) scanner
itak adj legible | vrlo ~ roman very readable novel
italac m reader | iroki krug ~a wide audience
italaki adj reading | ~a publika the reading public,
itanka f reader, reading-book
itanje n reading, form persual; (tumaenje, shvatanje)
interpretation | umjetniko ~ stage reading
itaonica f reading-room, reading-club; information centre
itatelj m v. italac

itateljica f woman reader

it|ati vt read, form peruse; (shvaati, tumaiti) nterpret
(a passage); (stoplomjerom i sl.) read (off); (kompjuter) scan | ~ati do kraja read out (through); ~ati na
preskok (letimice) browse; krivo ~ati misread; on
mnogo ~a he is a great reader, he is a bookworm, he
reads widely (extensively); on ne ~a mnogo he is not
much of a reader; ~ao je mnogo he is well-read; na
oima mu se ~a pohlepa his greed looks through his
itav adv whole, entire itd. (v. cijel); (netaknut) safe,
unhurt, uninjured, unscathed; undamaged | zdrav i ~
hale and hearty
itko adv legibly
itkost f legibility
itljiv adj v. itak
itulj|a f a long list | oitati komu ~u read one lecture,
reprimand one
ivija f Tur v. klin
iviluk m Tur v. vjealica, klinanica
izm|a f high boot; (ribika) hip-boot; | izuva za ~e
izmar m bootmaker
izmarija f boot-maker's trade (shop)
izmic|a f dim little boot; half-boot | (zimske) ~e B
bootee, A warm-lined boot
iak m ornith v. zelenica
kalj m bot thistle
lan m member; (uenog drutva) fellow, associate;
gram article; log term; (zakona) article | komisija od
tri ~a three-man commission
lanak m article; (uvodni) leading article, leader; (prsta)
joint (sama kost phalanx); (vjere) dogma, tenet
lanarina f B membership subscription, A membership
dues pl
lanica f woman member | zemlja ~ member country
lankonoac m zoo arthropod
lankovit adj articulated, jointed
lansk|i adj members' | ~a iskaznica membership card
lanstvo n membership; (uenog drutva) fellowship,
associateship | doivotno (poasno) life (honorary)
membership; primiti u ~ admit to membership
mar m anat anus
miak m v. jemenac
oban n herd; (ovar) shepherd; (govedar) herdsman,
cowherd; (svinjar) swineherd
obanad f collect shepherds
obane n shepherd boy
obanica f shepherd girl
obanka f shepherd girl
obanski adj shepherd's, shepherd-like
oha f (seljaka) homespun; (zelena) green baize
ok m mot choke
okolada f chocolate; bar of chocolate | mlijena (punjena) ~ milk (filled) chocolate; ~ s ljenjacima
whole-nut chocolate; ~ za kuhanje cooking chocolate
okoladni adj chocolate
okot m grape-vine, vine plant; vine stock

opor m (vukova) pack, (lavova) pride; derog band,

crowd, pack, multitude, rabble
orba f (thick) soup, broth (v. juha)
orbast adj soupy
orda f v. krdo, opor
ovjean adj humane
ovjeanski' adj human, humanly, humane
ovjecanski'' adv humanely
ovjeanstvo n human race, humanity, humankind,
mankind; mortals pl
ovjecj|i adj human, man's | zoo ~a ribica Proteus (newt)
ovjeno adv humanely
ovjecnost f humanity, humaneness; philanthropy
ovjeculjak m dim little (short, undersized) man; mannikin
ovjek m man, human being; (odrastao) adult, grown-up
person; (stvor) fellow, creature, individual; chap; (suprug) husband; (neodreeno) one, you | svoj ~ his
own man, a self-supporting (independent) man; ~ i
pol a fine man; an outstanding person; postati drugi
~ become a new man (a different person); obian ~
the man in the street; fig mali ~ the little man; ~ za
sve Jack of all trades; ~ snuje, a bog odluuje man
proposes, God disposes; kilogram po ~u two pounds
per person; kao ~ proper1y, decently, nicely; govori
kao ~! make sense!; ona je dobar ~ she is a good
person; ~ nikad ne zna one never knows, you never
ovjekoljubiv adj humane, philanthropic
ovjekoljub|ivost f, ~lje n humaneness, humanity, philanthropy
ovjekomrzac m misanthrope
ovjetvo n humanity, humaneness
ovo m iron our good fellow
ovuljak m dim v. ovjeuljak
rkalo n scribbler
rkanje n, rkarija f scribble, scrawl, illegible (cramped, niggling) hand (handwriting); (od dosade) doodle
rkati vt scribble, scrawl, write illegibly; doodle
u|anj m | gymn uiniti 10 ~njeva do ten knee-bends
uanje n squatting, sitting on one's heels, crouching
u|ati vi squat, sit on one's heels, crouch; perch; fig
hang out (around) | on uvijek ~i kod kue he is a
unuti vi squat down (v. uati)
udaki adj queer, eccentric
udak m queer (eccentrie) person, odd fellow (character), coll queer fish, coll crank, A sl odd-ball
ud|an adj uncommon, unusual; queer, eccentric, original; quaint, curious; odd, singular, strange, coll,
funny | ~no je da it is strange that; iron ~na mi
uda! imagine!, so what!
udatvo n oddity, eccentricity
udesan adj (nadnaravan) supernatural, miraculous,
prodigious; (divan) marvellous, wonderful; (zapanjujui) fantastic, stupendous, amazing
ud|iti vt surprise, astonish | ~i me I am surprised (at it,

udi|ti se vr wonder, be astonished (amazed, surprised);

(diviti se) marvel, admire | ~m se I am surprised (at
it, that); ~m ti se I am surprised at you; tome se ne
treba ~ti (there is) no need for surprise
udno adv strangely, singularly, uncommonly, oddly (v.
udnovat adj v. udan
udnovatost f queerness, strangeness, uncommonness,
ud|o n miracle, wonder; (neobinost) phenomenon,
marvel, portent, prodigy; (nakaza) monster; (obilje)
heaps pl | ~o od djeteta child prodigy; to je pravo ~o
it's amazing; svako ~o za tri dana (it is) a nine days'
wonder; ~o da si uope doao it's a wonder you came
at all; stvarati ~a do (perform) miracles, work wonders; nije ~ da no wonder that; zanijemio od ~a he
was wonder-struck, wonderstricken; nai se na ~u be
at a loss (what to do), be at one's wit's end
udom adv miraculously
udotvorac m worker of miracles, wonder-worker
udotvoran adj wonder-working, miraculous
udotvornost f miraculousness
udovisan adj monstrous
udovisnost f monstrosity
udovite n monster, phenomenon, marvel, prodigy
uenje n wonder, wonderment, astonishment, amazement; (divljenje) awe, admiration | na moje veliko ~
to my great surprise
ujan adj audible
ukun- Tur v. prapraulan adj sensuous, sensual; (jae) carnal
ulnost f sensuality; carnality
ulo n sense | ~ opipa sense of touch; fig esto ~ the
sixth sense
un m (flat-bottomed) river boat, punt; v. amac
unak m (tkalaki) shuttle
unj m (stoac) cone; (kuglaki) B skittle, A (bowling)
pin; gymn Indian club
unjast adj conic(al), cone-shaped, tapering
upa f tuft of hair, tousled (uncombed, unkempt, dishevelled) hair
upanje n plucking, uprooting, tearing; (zuba) extraction
upati vt pluck, pull out, draw, extract; (trgati) tear,
wrench; (korijen) uproot, root up; (kutrati) tousle
upati se vr (borba) scruffle, tussle with for, struggle,
fight for
upav adj dishevelled, unkempt, untidy, ruffled, tousy,
tufted; (pseto, sag) shaggy
upavac m dishevelled boy (person); shaggy coat (pullover, rug)
upavost f dishevelled state, dishevelment
uperak m tuft, wisp
upkati vt pluck
uti vt hear; (slabo) be hard of hearing; (dobro) be
quickeared; (sluajno) overhear; (saznati) learn, understand, be told | kako ujem I learn (understand), I
am told (informed); uje se (vijest kola) it is rumoured that; nita se ne uje one can't (doesn't) hear
anything; da li me ujete? can you hear me?; to se

uje? what's the news?; po svemu to se uje by all

accounts; za njega se vie nije ulo he has never
since been heard of; tko je uo da make laju! who
ever heard of cats barking
utura f B water-bottle, A canteen
(straarenje) guarding, watching | dati na ~ place in
keeping with, give in somebody's charge; ~ alata care
of tools; ~ djece baby-sitting
uvar m (pazitelj) watcher, custodian, (pohranitelj)
keeper; (povjerenoga) trustee, depositary; (od
propasti) preserver; (straar) watchman; (branitelj)
defender, protector | pas ~ watch-dog; noni ~ night
watchman; ~ u muzeju museum guard
uvarkua f bot houseleek
uvati vt (imati u pohrani) have in keeping, keep; (zatititi) shield from, shelter, harbour; (braniti) ward, protect, defend; (straariti) guard, be on (ili keep) guard,
watch (over); (stoku) mind, tend; (spremiti) store, lay
up, put by; (tedjeti) save, spare; (paljivo postupati)
handle carefully, use sparingly | ~ djecu baby-sit; uvaj! watch out! dobro ~ take good care of
uvati se vr be (stand) on one's quard, look out for, be
cautious (wary), be careful not to..., beware of, heed;
(susprei se) abstain (keep) from, forbear | uvaj se
kotaa! keep clear of the wheels; uvajte se zelenog
voa avoid (ili stay away from) green fruit
uven adj famous, famed, renowned, celebrated, wellknown, illustrious; storied; (istaknut) noted, notable,
eminent; (zloglasan) notorious | ~ po renowned for
uvenj|e n bearing, hearsay | po ~u by hearsay; by reputation
uvstven adj emotional, feeling, sentimental; (dojmljiv)
susceptible, impressible; (njean) tender, soft, melting
uvstvenost f emotionality, sentimentality, feeling, affectionateness, warmth
uvstvo n feeling, emotion (v. osjeaj)
uvstvovati vi v. osjeati
varci m B greaves, A cracklings
vor m knot (i mar); med & sci node | zavezati ~ tie
(make) a knot; presjei gordijski ~ cut the Gordian
vorak m starling
vorast adj knotty, gnarled
vori m dim small knot; sci nodule; med & bot tubercle
vorite n fig node, hub | eljezniko ~ B railway hub
(centre), A railroad hub (center)
voruga f v. kvrga
vrknuti vt strike smartly, fillip, rap
vrst adj (miiav) strong, muscular; (ilav, otporan)
tough, tenacious; (krepak) robust, vigorous; (krupan)
sturdy, lusty, strapping; (graom) solid, hard, compact, massive; (trajan) durable, lasting; (brod) tight;
(glas) steady; (utvren) fortified; (san) sound; (nepokolebljiv) steady, steadfast, firm, resolute, unwavering, unflinching, sta(u)nch, stout; (nepopustljiv) uncompromising, unyielding, stubborn, inflexible

vrsto adv firmly, tightly, vigorously, stoutly, soundly,

steadily | ~ drati hold firmly (fast, tight)

vrstoa f firmness, strength, hardness, solidity, vigour,

tenacity, toughness, sturdiness

a adv & int dial away, off | nosi se ~ begone!, be off!,

get you gone!
aa m reg & fam pa, A coll pop(pa), sl the old man
aknut adj touched, slightly crazy, daft
arlijati vi v. pirkati
askanje n chat, small talk
askati vi chat, make small talk
ato m scribe, village clerk; derog pen-pusher sl
ebe n v. pokriva, deka
ef m Tur taste, relish, fancy, mind, inclination, pleasure
| po mojem ~u to my liking; nije mu po ~u he has no
relish for, no stomach for; ne po ~u against the grain
ela f bald spot
elav adj bald, hairless, bald-yated
elavac m bald person, baldhead, hum baldpate
elaviti vi grow bald, lose one's hair
elavost f baldness
elija f (samostanska, zatvorska, u sau, partijska) cell;
(pustinjaka) hermitage; biol v. stanica | foto-~ photoelectric cell
emer m Tur bel (pouch) for money
epa f ichth v. lojka
epenak m Tur door (window) of Oriental shop
epica f folk woman's cap, small cap, skull cap
eretanje n chat, chatter, tattle, prattle, gossip
eretati vi chatter, prattle, gossip
erpi m shard, sherd, potsherd; Tur sun-dried brick
evapii m pl Tur cull grilled minced-meat fingers
ifta m Tur v. trgovi, lihvar, skrtac, malograanin
ilibar m v. jantar
ilim m Tur rug; carpet
irilic|a f cyrillic alphabet (script, characters) | ~om in
cyrillic script
iriliki adj cyrillic
opav adj v. epav, hrom
orak m v. metak (slijepi, kolski, koji slae)
orav adj blind of one eye; one-eyed
oravac m person blind of one eye; one-eyed person
oraviti vi hum grow blind
orda f Tur v. sablja
or-sokak m Tur blind alley | zapasti (zatjerati) u ~
reach (drive into) a blind alley
osavac m beardless person

oak m Tur v. kut, ugao

okast adj Tur v. uglat
uba f v. kukma
uenje n feeling, sense, sensation, perception (v. utiti)
ud f temper, temperament, disposition, nature; (turn of)
mind, constitution, cast, character | po ~i v. po volji;
blage ~i v. blage naravi; koliko ljudi toliko ~i it
takes all sorts
udljiv adj v. muiav, mrzovoljan, prevrtljiv
udoredan adj moral, ethical
udore|e n, ~dnost f moral sense, morality, morals pl
ufte n Tur cul meat ball(s)
uh m v. dasak
uk m owl, hooting-owl, screech-owl, barn-owl
ula f v. kijaa, toljaga
uliti vt (ui) prick up one's ears
umez m derog dive
umur m Tur v. drveni ugljen
umurdija m Tur v. ugljenar
up m (large earthenware) pot, jug, jar
uprija f Tur v. most
urak m folk fur-coat, fleece-lined coat
uran m v. puran (mujak)
urija m Tur v. krznar, kouhar
uretina f v. puretina
urka f v. pur(ic)a, glupaa
urlik m trill
urlikati vi trill
uskija f Tur v. poluga za izvaljivanje
uska f slap in the face, box on the ears, cuff
ukati vt box somebody's ears; v. gurati
unuti vt give a slap, slap in the face, slap somebody's
face; v. gurnuti
utanje n v. utnja
utati vi v. utjeti
utilni adj sensory
utilo n v. ulo
utjeti vi perceive, sense, have the sensation of (v. osjeati)
utke adv v. utke
utljiv adj v. utljiv
utljivost f v. utljivost

da con & adv (izrino) that; (namjerno) in order to, in
order that, to, that, with the view of, with a view to;
(posljedino) so that; (odgovor) yes | ~? indeed?, you
don't say so?; ~ barem if only; ~ li if, whether; ~ ne

lest, that not; (strah) for fear (that); ~ znam if I

knew; ~ sam znao if I had known; makar ~ although, even if; osim ~ unless, except; pa ~ i even if;
tako ~ so that, so as to; odve spor a ~ bi... too slow

to...; ~ nije (bilo) mene... but for me...; ah, ~ mi

je...! oh, for...; sruiti a ~ ne dotakne to knock
down without touching; ~ mi nisi slagao! mind you
do not lie to me!; ~ te vie ne vidim! hence!, begone!; novac kojim ~ kupim money to buy with; to
~ radim? what am I to do?; htio je ~ odem he
wanted me to go; recimo ~ ... suppose; udio sam se
~ je zakasnio I was surprised at his being late; ~ li...
ili wether... or; ~ vidim let me see
dabar m beaver
dabome adv of course, to be sure; surely!
dabrovina f beaver skin (pelt); beaver fur
daa f (troarina) excise; (porez) tax; (namet) impost;
(gradska) rate, cess; (cestarina, pijacarina) toll; v.
poduje | ubiranje ~ collection, leoy
dadilja f nurse (maid), child's nurse, B+ nanny
dagnja f (koljka) mussel
dah m breath; (disanje) breathing, respiration, wind;
(vjetra) whiff, puff | bez ~a panting, out of breath,
breathless, gasping; kratka ~a short-winded, pursy,
puffy; do posljeiinjeg ~a to the last breath;
zadravati ~ hold one's breath; fig ostao sam bez ~a
it took my breath away; doi do ~a get one's breath
dahnuti vt breathe, draw short breath, respire
dahtanje n breathing hard, panting
dahtati vi breathe hard, pant (for breath), gasp, puff,
daj! v. dati
dakako adv to be sure, of course, naturally; as a matter
of course
dakle adv well, now; consequently; then | no ~? well?;
ajde ~ well then
daktil m pros dactyl
daktilograf m (male) typist
daktilografija f typewriting, typing
daktilografkinja f (woman) typist
daktilografski adj typewriting, typing
dalek adj far (off), distant, remote; (sredstvo) distant;
(put) long | iz ~a v. izdaleka
daleko adv far (away, off), a long way off, widely, remotely, distantly; (stupanj) by far, much more, far
better | ~ od cilja wide (clear) of; drati se ~ keep
(stand) clear of; uklanjati se ~ stand aloof, give wide
berth to, keep one's distance; neu ii tako ~ da ustvrdim I will not go the length of asserting; na ~ i iroko far and wide; ~ poodmakao far gone; kako ~ to
what extent; ~ bolje (bolji) far better; to je jo ~
that's a long time (way) off
dalekometan adj long-range
dalekosean adj far-reaching
dalekosenost f far-reaching consequences (effects);
(domet) long range
dalekovidan adj far-sighted, long-sighted; fig far-seeing,
having foresight; (skrb) provident
dalekovidno adv with foresight
dalekovidnost f far-sightedness; fig foresight
dalekovod m el transmission line | nadzemni ~ overhead
transmission line; stup ~a transmission-line pylon

dalekozor m field-glasses pl, binoculars pl | jednocijevni ~ telescope, spyglass; kazalini ~ opera-glass;

izostriti focus one's binoculars
Dalmatinac m Dalmatian
dalmatinac m (pseto) Dalmatian
Dalmatinka f Dalmatian wornan
dalmatinski adj Dalmatian
dalj m v. daljina
dalje adv (razmak) farther (away); fig further (more);
(naprijed) along, onward, ahead, forward, on; (kasnije, vie, jo) subsequently, again, further, otherwise
| ~! go on; (slijedei) next!; on je ~ govorio he kept
(continued) talking; ~ poi proceed; i tako ~ and so
on (forth), and the like, etc; sve ~ i ~ on and on; od
100 ~ from 100 on (up); od 1960 ~ from 1960 on,
since 1960
dalji adj farther; fig further, remoter, ulterior
daljin|a f diistance, remoteness; aloofness | iz ~e from
(at) a distance, from afar; u ~i in the distance, at a
daljinomjer m mil range-finder
daljinski' adj remote-control, teledaljinski'' adv | ~ upravljati operate by remote control
daljnj|i adj further, additional, next | do ~ega until further notice; for the time being; bez ~ega without
more ado; absolutely; ~ih 5 5 more, an additional 5;
~i dogaaji further (subsequent) events
dam|a f lady; (igra) B draughts pl, A checkers pl | iron
fina ~a a fine lady; izigravati ~u put on airs, do the
fine lady
damast m text damast
damastni adj text damast
damper m mot B tipping lorry, tipper; A dumping truck,
damping m econ dumping
dan m day; (svjetlo) day-light, day-time | svie ~ day
breaks, it dawns; kad svane ~ at daybreak (dawn); po
~u in the daytime, during the day; cio ~ all day
(long); cio boji ~ the livelong day; koji traje itav
~ daylong; ~ za ~om day after (by) day; svaki drugi
~ every other day, on alternate days; za nekoliko ~a
in a day or two; za dobrih 8 ~a in a week or so; iz ~a
u ~ from day to day; jednog ~a (prolost) one day;
(budunost) some day (hence); one of these days;
ovih ~a one of these days; (prolost) lately; malo koji
~ rarely, seldom; tri puta na ~ 3 times a day; 14 ~a
two weeks, B+ a fortnight; drugi ~ next day; za 8 ~a
in a week('s time), within a week; do dananjeg ~a
to this very day; prije tjedan ~a a week ago (since);
danas 8 ~a to-day (this day) week; ~ prije the day
before, on the eve of; od tog ~a from this day forward; ve ~ima for days now; sudnji ~ the last day,
judgement day, doomsday; radni ~ week day, work
day; pasji ~i dog days; dobar ~! good morning (afternoon), arch good day; nazvati dobar ~ bid good
day; bijeli ~ broad day; po bijelom ~u in broad daylight; za mlaiih ~a in one youth; jasno kao ~ as
clear as day, plain as a pikestaff; pod stare ~e in
one's old age; ~i su mu odbrojeni his days are num-

bered, he is sinking quickly; koji je danas ~? what is

the day today? ~ ena Woman's Day; ~i postaju dui
days are drawing out; ~i postaju krai days are beginning to close in
Danac m (male) Dane
dinak m tribute; (ratni) contribution | udariti ~ na lay
under contribution; drave koje placaju ~ tributary
danas adv today; jur this day; fig nowadays | do ~ to this
day; jo ~ this very day; ~ ujutro this morning; ~
poslije podne this afternoon; ~ uvecer this evening,
to-night; ~ 8 dana (unaprijed ili unatrag) this day
dananj|i adj today's, of today; fig present(-day), modern, current | ~e novine today's paper
dananjica f the present time (age)
dan-danas adv nowadays; to this very day
dan-dananji adj even modern
danguba f (vrijeme) waste (loss) of time; v. besposlica,
besposliar; mar & rlw demurrage; (odteta) demurrage
dangubiti vi waste time, be idle, idle; idle (lounge) away
time; dally, fool away one's time, loaf
Danica f Venus, the morning star
daniti se vr v. svitati
danomice adv daily, every day, day by day
danononi adj night-and day, 24-hour, round-the-clock
danonono adv night and day, 24 hours a day, round the
danost f particular (given, syecific) condition
danski adj Danish | ~ jezik (the) Danish (language)
danju adv during the day, by day, in the daytime
dapae adv even; (naprotiv) on the contrary; indeed
dar m gift, present; (ustanovi) donation; (boini)
Christmas gift (box); (sajamski) fairing; (darovitost)
gift, talent; v. primjerak | vjenani (roendanski) ~
wedding (birthday) present; dobiti na ~ receive as a
present; ~ govora faculty of speech
dareljiv adj generous, liberal, munificent, charitable,
bounteous, lavish; (ne krt) ungrudging, unstinted |
pretjerano ~ generous to a fault
dareljivost f generosity, liberality, munificence, bounteousness
dariva|lac m, ~telj m giver, donor; (prinosnik) subscriber, gift giver
darivanje n giving of presents (gifts)
darivati vt present with, donate, contribute; (podijeliti)
bestow, grant; gift away
darivati se vr exchange gifts
darmar m (buka) hubhub, disturbance, pandemonium,
pother; (mete) commotion, confusion, medley, tumult, turmoil; (zbrka) mess, chaos; helter-skelter,
pell-mell, jumble
darovac m rough (home-spun) woollen cloth
darovalac m v. darivalac
darovati vt give a gift (present), make a present (gift);
(ustanovi) donate; v. darivati
darovit adj gifted, talented; (sposoban) able, clever |
ovjek gifted person, arch man of parts

darovitost f gift, talent, genius; ability, aptitude

darovnica f deed of gift (donation)
dasa m sl v. laf
dask|a f board; (debela) plank fig | ~e pl (pozornica,
glumako zvanje) the boards; obiti ~ama board,
plank; (na preklop) weather-board; jelova (borova)
~a deal (board); podna ~a floor-board; ~a za kruh
bread-board; cul ~a za tijesto kneading-board; ~a za
sjeckanje chopping board; fig fali mu jedna ~a he's
got a screw loose; odskona ~a gim spring-board; fig
daak m dim breath, whiff, puff; v. ~ vjetra
daan adj board, made constructed) of boards (planks)
daara f board hut, wooden hut; shanty; (sajmena)
booth, stall
daica f dim thin (small) board; (za krov) shingle
dati vt give; (ploda) yield, produce, bear; (doprinos) contribute; (od svoga) spare; (u obrocima) dole (serve)
out; (uruiti) hand (over), deliver; (opskrbu) supply
with | ~ svakomu svoje give everybody his due; ne ~
refuse, withhold; ako im da da te varaju if you let
them cheat you; daj da govorim let me speak; ~
saiti odijelo have (get) a suit made; ~ odijelo na
ienje have (get) a suit cleaned; dao sam podii
most I had (got, ordered) a bridge built; daj! daj! v.
ajde! ajde!; daj doi (sluaj)! do come (listen); daj
prestani do stop; have done -ing!; dao bog! God
grant; ne dao bog! God forbid!; po to dajete? v. to
dati se vr (na neto) undertake, tackle, fall to, apply oneself; (tetna navika) addict oneself to, indulge oneself
in, take to | ~ varati allow (suffer, permit) oneself to
be cheated, submit to (put up with) cheating; ne ~ resist, withstand, hold out, bear up, hold one's own; ne
da se prevesti it is not translatable, it cannot be
translated, it does not lend itself to translation, it defies (eludes) translation; ne da se nai it cannot be
found, it is not to be found; ne da se razumjeti it baffles one's understanding; ne da se zanijekati there is
no denying it; ne da mi se I don't feel like -ing, I am
loath (unwilling, disinclined to), I don't care (choose)
to; bolest se dala na zlo the illness took a bad run;
to se daje u kazalitu (kinu): what is on at the theatre (cinema)?
datirati vt date; (ranije) antedate
dativ m gram dative
datost f v. danost
datoteka f data pool (bank)
datulja f (stablo) date-palm; (plod) date
datum m date | bez ~a dateless, undated; staviti raniji
(stariji) ~ antedate (postdate); koji je danas datum?
what is the date today?
davalac m giver, donor, presenter, dispenser | ~ krvi
(blood) donor
davanj|e n giving; yielding; contribution; (sredstava)
appropriation(s) | privredna ~a corporate taxes; med
~e hormona administration of hormones
davati vt v. dati

daviti vt strangle, throttle; (gusiti) smother, stifle, choke,

suffocate, asphyxiate
daviti se vr choke (with); (guenje) smother, suffocate;
(dah) gasp for breath
davljenik m drowning person; v. utopljenik
davljenje n strangling; smothering, choking, suffocation
davn|i adj ancient, antique, old(en), old-time, timehonoured; (drevan) hoary, of old, of yore, pristine;
(proao) bygone | ~a vremena times out of mind; ~
prijatelj old (longtime) friend
davnin|a f ancient times, the old time, times of old, old
days, antiquity, remote ages | od ~e from times immemorial
davno adv long ago (since), many years back, in old
days, of yore; (neko) once upon a time | vrlo ~ a
very long time ago; in times out of mind; ~ prije long
dabina f rate, local tax, toll (v. daa)
dad m arch & poet v. kia
dadevnjak m zoo salamander
dadjeti vi arch & poet v. kiiti
d.d. com B Ltd., A Inc.
de int v. ded(er)
debakl m debacle, collapse, breakdown, downfall
debalans m econ imbalance
debata f debate (v. diskusija) | uljiva ~ heated debate
debatirati vt debate (v. diskutirati)
debatni adj | ~ klub (sekcija) debating society, discussion group
debelo adv fig outrageously, excessively
debelokotvo n fig thick skin
debelokoac m zoo pachyderm; fig thick-skinned person
debeljko m stout (fat, corpulent) person; coll fatty, fatso
debeljukast adj plump
debe|o adj (osoba) fat, stout, thickset, portly, corpulent,
obese; (i nizak) dumpy; (papir) stout, heavy; (zid)
thick; (glas) thick; (platno) coarse, rough; (slovo)
bold, heavy, fat; (la) big | ~lo more offing, high
seas; ~le usne blubber lips; dva ~la sata two full
debi m debut
debil m med fig moron
debilan adj med & fig moronic
debilnost f med & fig moronity, moronism
debitant m debutant
debitantica f debutante
debitirati vi make one's debut
deblo n trunk (of a tree), bole, stem
deblokirati vt mil raise (break) a blockade; fin unfreeze,
debljanje n putting on weight, growing fat (corpulent)
debljati se vr put on weight, become (grow) fat (corpulent); thicken | od kruha se deblja bread is fattening
debljina f fatness, corpulence, obesity, portliness, stoutness, plumpness; (knjige, zida) thickness; (obujam)
bulk, girth; (snijega) depth
decembar m December (v. prosinac)
decembarski adj December (v. prosinaki)
decenij m decade

decentan adj decent

decentnost f decency
decentralizacija f decentralization
decentralizirati vt decentralize
decilitar m decilitre (A deciiiter); approx three fluid
decimal m math decimal | izraunati na tri ~e calculate
to three decimal places
decimal|an adj math decimal | ~ni broj (zarez) decimal
number (point)
decimetar m decimetre (A decimeter); approx four
dek|o m boy; (momak) boy, young man; (simpatija)
boy-friend; car knave, jack | imati stalnog ~a go
ded(er)! int come on!
dedukcija f deduction
def m mus tambourine
defanziva f v. defenziva
defekt m defect; mot v. kvar
defektan adj defective; (duevno) mentally deficient,
defektirati vt (ukloniti kvar) eliminate a defect (fault),
resolve a problem, to repair (fix) | ~ kvar to resolve
the problem
defektnost f defectiveness, deficiency
defektolog m sch special teacher
defektoloki adj sch special-education
defenziv|a f mil & fig defensive | biti u ~i be on the defensive; natjerati na ~u throw on the defensive
defenzivan adj defensive
defetist m defeatist
defetistiki' adj defeatist
defetistiki'' adv with defeatism
defetizam m defeatism
deficit m deficit; (trgovinski) trade gap | biti u ~u show a
deficit, sl be in the red; lose money; pokriti ~ make
up the deficit
deficitan adj money-losing
deficitaran adj in short supply, scarce
deficitarnost f shortage, short supply, scarcity
defile m mil march-past; aero fly-past
defilirati vi mil march past; aero fly past
definicija f definition
definiranje n defining, definition
definirati vt define
definitivan adj conclusive, definite, definitive, final
definitivno adv conclusively, definitely, positively, decidedly; irrevocably, for good
defloracija f med defloration
deflorirati vt med deflower
deformacija f deformation; distortion
deformirati vt deform; distort, twist
deformirati se vr become deformed; get out of shape
degeneracija f degeneration; degeneracy
degenerik m degenerate
degeneriran adj degenerate, degenerated
degenerirati (se) vi (vr) degenerate

degradacija f degradation; mil degradation, cashiering,

A+ demotion
degradirati vt degrade; mil degrade, cashier, reduce in
rank, A+ demote
degradirati se vr degrade oneself
dehidracija f dehydration
dehidrirati vt dehydrate
dejstvo n v. djelovanje, uinak, mil akcija
dejstvovati vi v. djelovati
deka' f (pokriva) blanket (Ger) v. ploa
deka'' f coll v. dekagram
dekada f decade; econ ten-day period
dekadansa f decadence
dekadent m decadent
dekadentan adj decadent
dekagram m decagramme (A decagram); one-third of an
ounce | 10 ~a approx a quarter ( pound)
dekan m univ dean (A+ college president); eccl dean
dekanat m, univ Registrar's Office; (studentska sluba)
B Matriculation Office, A Admissions Office; eccl
dekanstvo n univ deanship, dean's dignity
deklamacija f declamation, recitation, recital
deklamator m reciter
deklamiranje n v. deklamacija
deklamirati vt declaim, recite
deklaracija f declaration
deklarativan adj declarative
deklarirati vt declare; profess; (carinski) declare,
deklarirati se vr declare oneself, come out, speak one's
deklinacija f gram declension; (~ i konjugacija) B inflexion, A inflection; phys & astron declination
deklinirati vt gram decline; (~ i konjugirati) inflect;
phys & astron decline
dekodirati vt decode | ~ ifru crack a code
dekolte m decolletage; neckline | duboki ~ plunging
neckline; mali ~ medium neckline
dekoltiran adj (ena) dcollete, wearing a low-cut dress
dekoncentracija f distraction; inattention
dekoncentrirati vt distract
dekor m decor; decoration(s); (kulise) setting
dekoracij|a f decoration; decor; v. odlikovanje | ~e
decorations, decor
dekorater m (interior) decorator
deorativan adj decorative, ornamental
dekorirati vt decorate
dekret m (nalog) decree, order; (postavljanje) letter of
appontment, contract; (oficirski) commission | dobiti
~ be appointed, get a 1etter of appointment; ~ o unapredenju certificate of promotion; iron pakraki ~
walking papers
dekretirati vt decree, order
dekstroza f chem dextrose
dekubitus m med bed-sore
dekurairanje n discouragement
dekurairati vt discourage
dekurazirati se vr become discouraged

delatelj m v. pregalac
delati vi v. djelovati
delegacija f delegation, body of delegates
delegat m delegate, representative, deputy, commissioner
delegatski adj delegate
delegiranje n delegating, delegation | ~ vlasti delegation
of authority
delegirati vt delegate
delfin m dolphin
delija m Tur hero, brave man; strapping felIow
delikatan adj delicate; awkward
delikatesa f delicacy
delikatesn|i adj | ~a trgovina delicatessen
delikatno adv delicately, with delicacy
delikatnost f delicacy; (situacije) awkwardness
delikt m jur delict, offence | teki ~ felony
delinkvent m jur delinquent, offender
delirij m delirium; fig frenzy | u ~u delirious
deloacija f eviction, jur ejectment
deloirati vt evict, jur eject
delta f (slovo i ue) delta
demagog m demagogue; rabble-rouser
demagogija f demagogy, demagoguery
demagoki adj demagogic; rabble-rousing
demanti m (official) denial | izdati ~ issue a denial
demantirati vi issue a (an official) denial, deny
demarkacija f demarcation
demarkacijsk|i adj | ~a linija line of demarcation
demaskirati vt v. raskrinkati
dembelija f Tur | zemlja ~ Cockaigne
demekinja f damask blade (scimitar)
demilitarizacija f demilitarization
demilitarizirati vt demilitarize
deminutiv m gram diminutive
demion m demijohn
demobilizacija f demobilization
demobilizirati vt demobilize
demobilizirati se vr be demobilized
demodiran adj out-of-fashion; old
demokracija f democracy
demokrat m democrat
demokratizirati vt make (more) democratic
demokratizirati se vr become democratic
demokratski' adj democratic
demokratski'' adv democratically
demokranin m pol Christian Democrat
demokranski adj pol Christian-Democratic
demoliranje n demolition, demolishing, wrecking
demolirati vt demolish, wreck
demon m demon, fiend, evil spirit
demonski adj demoniac; fiendish
demonstracij|a f (political) demonstration; (pokazivanje)
demonstration | sazvati (odrati, prirediti, rastjerati) ~u call (hold, stage, break up) a demonstration; ~a sjedenjem sit-down; (u zgradi) sit-in
demonstrant m demonstrant; (u povorci) marcher
demonstrativan adj demonstrative
demonstrativno adv pointedly | ~ napustiti walk out (in

demonstrator m univ undergraduate assistant, student

demonstrirati vt pol demonstrate (against); (pokazivati)
demontaa f dismantling, removal
demontirati vt dismantle, remove, take down; (rastaviti)
demoralizacija f demoralization; frustration
demoralizirati vt demoralize; frustrate
demoralizirati se vr become demoralized
dendi m dandy
dentist m dental surgeon
denuncijacija f denunciation, (secret) information
denuncijant m (secret) informer, denouncer
denuncirati vt inform against, denounce
denjak m Tur v. sveanj, bala
deo m v. dio
deoba f v. dioba
deodorant m deodorant; (za zahod) air purifier
deodorirati (se) vt (vr) use deodorant, deodorize
deonica f v. dionica
deoniar m v. dioniar
depandansa f archit annexe (A annex)
depea f dispatch, telegraphic message
depilator m cosm hair remover
deplasiran adj v. neumjestan, bespredmetan
deplasman m mar displacement; tonnage
depo m depot; rlw engine shed; v. trezor
deponent m depositor
deponirati vt deposit
depopulacija f depopulation
depopulirati vt depopulate
deportacija f deportation
deportirati vt deport
depozit m deposit
depresij|a f depression (i geog) | pasti u ~u become depressed
depresivan adj depressive
deprimantan adj depressive, depressing
deprimiran adj depressed
deprimiranost f depression
deprimirati vt depress, make depressed, coll get one
deputacija f deputation, delegation
deputat m deputy; delegate
deputirati vt deputize, appoint deputy
dera m fang, canine tooth
dera(in)a f caterwauling (v. dreka)
deran m little boy, brat, whipster; (nestaan) urchin,
rogue, rascal; (drzak) whippersnapper; (ulinjak)
street arab, gutter-snipe, gutter-child
deranirati vt put out, bother, disturb | ne dajte se ~
don't put yourself out
deranje n (trganje) (act of) tearing, rending; (uda) dismemberment, laceration; (koe) flaying, skinning;
(tronja) wear and tear, wearing out; bawling, shouting (v. dreka)

derati vt (trgati) tear asunder, rend, pull to pieces (in

shreds); (uda) dismember, lacerate; (kou) flay, skin,
strip; (kou s glave) scalp; fig (cijenom) fleece, overcharge; (tronja) wear out (off, away), use | voda
dere water wears away (frets, chafes) the banks
derati se vr (tronja) wear out (away, off, down); (proglodati, upati) fray; (plakati) blubber, squall; (vikati)
bawl, yell; (na nekoga) abuse, chide
deratizacija f rat poisoning
dereglija f v. teglenica
deriad f coll small children, small fry
derite n derog (little) brat
derivacija f derivation
derivat m derivative | naftini ~i petroleum products
derle n derog v. derite
dermatolog m med dermatologist
dermatologija f med dermatology
dermatoloki adj med dermatological
dernjava f v. dreka
derutan adj v. troan, zaputen, ruevan
dervi m dervish
des m mus D flat
desalinizacija f desalin(iz)ation
desant m mil landing (operation) | zrani ~ airborne
(parachute) landing
desavuirati vt v. dezavuirati
desegregacija f desegregation; integration
desen m pattern, design
desert m B sweet (course), A dessert
desertni adj dessert
deset num ten
deset|ak m ten odd, abaut ten, some ten | na ~ke scores
desetar m mil corporal
deseterac m decasyllable, decasyllabic line
deseteraki adj decasyllabic
desetero n ten persons
deseterostruk adj tenfold, decuple; (slojevi) ten-ply
deseti ord num the tenth
desetica f (number) ten
desetina f a tenth, the tenth part; (porez) tithe; mil section; v. desetak
desetinski adj decimal
desetka f (number) ten
desetkovati vt decimate
desetljee n decade
deseto adv tenthly, in the tenth place
desetoboj m sp decathlon
desetobojac m sp decathlon athlete (competitor)
desetogodinjak m a ten-year-old
desetogodinji adj ten-year; ten-year-old
desetogodinjica f tenth anniversary
desetorica f ten men (persons, people), ten
desiti se vr v. dogoditi se
desni' adj right, righthand; (strana konja, kola) off
(side); her dexter; (bok broda) starboard
desni'' f pl (zubno meso) gums pl
desnica f right hand; pol the Right
dcsniar m pol rightist

desniarski adj pol rightist

desno adj (on to) the right, right | na ~! right turn!;
njemu na ~ on his right
desolidarizacija f disassociation
desolidarizirati se vr disassociate oneself (from)
desperater m desperado
desperaterski adj desperate
despik m bot v. lavenda
despot m tyrant, oppressor, despot, absolute ruler
despotizam m despotism, oppression, tyranny
despotski adj despotic
destabilizirati vt unstabilize
destilacij|a f distillation | frakciona ~a fractional distillation; suha ~a dry distillation; aparat za ~u still
destilat m distillate
destilator m (aparat) still
destilerija f distillery | ~ nafte oil distillery
destiliranje n distilling, distillation (v. destilacija)
destilirati vt distil, extract
destimulacija f discouragement
destimulativan adj discouraging; prohibitive
destimulirati vt discourage
destruktivan adj destructive
deavati se vr v. dogaati se
deifrant m cryptanalyst, code cracker
deifrirati vt decode, crack the code
denjak m right-handed person
detalj m detail (v. pojedinost)
detaljan adj detailed
detaljn|o adv in detail | ~ije in more detail
detektiv m detective, plain-clothes policeman | uzeti
privatnog ~a hire a private detective
detektivski adj detective | ~ romani v. kriminalistiki
detektor m detector, sensor | mil ~ mina mine detector
deterdent m detergent; (za pranje sua) wash-up (A
dishwashing) liquid
determinanta f determinant (i math)
determinist m phil determinist
deterministiki adj phil determinist
determinizam m phil, determinism
detonacija f detonation
detonator m detonator; fuse, blasting cap; (daljinski)
magneto exploder
detonirati vt detonate, explode, set off
deva f camel; (jednogrba) dromedary, one-humped
camel; (dvogrba) Bactrian (two-humped) camel
devalvacija f fin devaluation
devalvirati vt fin devaluate; vi be devaluated
devedeset num ninety | ~ godina star nonagenarian
devedesetogodinji adj nonagenarian
devedeseti ord num the ninetieth
deverika f ichth bream
devet num nine
devetati vt (tui) trash, drub, beat, coll dust one's jacket
devetero adj nine persons ili people
deveterostruk adj ninefold, nine-ply
deveti ord num the ninth
devet|ica, ~ka f (figure) nine
devetina f one-ninth, the ninth part

devetnaest num nineteen

devetnaesti ord num the nineteenth
devetnioa f eccl novena
deveto adv ninthly, in the ninth place
devetorica f nine persons
devetsto num nine hundred
devijacija f deviation
devin adj poss camel's | com ~a dlaka camel's hair
deviz|a f v. geslo | fin ~e pl foreign exchange
devizn|i adj fin foreign-exchange, currency | ~i reim
currency regulations; ~a sredstva foreign currency;
~i teaj rate of exchange; ~a kvota travel allowance;
~i prekraj violation of currency regulations
dezaktivirati vt inactivate, make inactive
dezaktivirati se vr become inactive
dezangairanje n disengagement
dezangazirati vt disengage
dezangairati se vr disengage oneself, become disengaged
dezangaman m disengagement
dezavuirati vt disown; make one lose face
dezavuirati se vr lose face
dezen m v. desen
dezert m v. desert
dezerter m mil deserter; pol defector; fig deserter, defector
dezerterstvo n mil desertion, absence without leave; pol
defection; fig desertion, defection
dezertirati vi mil desert; pol defect; fig desert, defect |
nav ~ s broda jump ship
deziluzionirati vt disillusion, disenchant
deziluzionirati se vr become disillusioned (disenchanted)
dezinfekcij|a f med disinfection; (plinom) fumigation |
sredstvo za ~u disinfectant
dezinficirati vt med disinfect; (plinom) fumigate
dezinficirati se vr disinfect oneself, get disinfected
dezinformacija f misinformation
dezinformator m disinformer
dezinformirati vt misinform
dezinsekcij|a f med disinsectization, pest control, disinfestation | sredstvo za ~u insecticide
dezintegracija f disintegration
dezintegrirati vt disintegrate
dezintegrirati se vr disintegrate
dezinteresirati vt make one lose interest
dezinteresirati se vr lose interest
dezodoran(s) m v. deodorant
dezorganizacija f disorganization, disruption, disarray
dezorganizator m disorganizer, disruptor, upsetter
dezorganizirati vt disorganize, disruct, disarray, upset
dezorganizirati se vr become disorganized (disrupted),
coll break down
dezorijentacija f disorientation (i fig), lack of orientation (purpose)
dezorijentirati vt disorient(ate) (i fig)
dezorijentirati se vr become disorient(at)ed, lose one's
bearings (oba i fig)
demekast adj Tur v. zdepast, debeljkast

deur|an adj on duty (i mil) | nije ~an he is off duty; ~ni

lijecnik doctor on duty; ~ni oficir officer on the day;
v. ~an na ispitu
deurati vi be on duty (i mil); watch over
deurstv|o n duty | na ~u on duty; vrijeme ~a duty
hours; raspored ~a rota; imam nono ~o I am on
night duty
dian adj (slavan) glorius, famous; (potovan) estimable; (vrijedan) worthy; (zasluan) meritorious, creditable, laudable, deserving; (estit) honourable, respectable
dienje n praise, extolling, glorification; (hvalisanje)
boasting, bragging; (ponos) pride
diciti vt praise, glorify, extol, exalt; (biti na ast) do
credit to, speak highly of
diiti se vr pride oneself upon; be proud of; (pokazivati)
display with pride, make a show of; (hvalisati se)
boast, make a boast of, brag about, vaunt; (utvarati
se) plum (pride, pique) oneself on
dii vt v. dignuti
didaktian adj didactic
didaktiar m didactician
didaktinost f didacticism
didaktika f didactics
diesel adj eng diesel(-powered) | ~ motor diesel engine
diferencijacija f differentiation
diferencijal m mot differential (gear) | ukljuiti prednji
~ place (a vehicle) in front-wheel drive
diferencijal|an adj differential | math ~ni raun differential calculus
diferenciranje n differentiation
diferencirati vt differentiate (v. razlikovati)
difterija f med diphtheria
diftong m phon diphthong
diftonski adj phon diphthongal
difuz|an adj diffuse | ~na svjetlost indirect lighting
difuzija f phys diffusion
dignitet m dignity
dignuti vt (uvis) lift up, hoist, elevate, raise; put (set,
hold) up; (s tla) pick up; (teko) heave; (graditi)
raise, rear, erect; fig uplift; (na noge) set one on his
feet; (plau) draw (salary); (u zrak) blow up; (bunu)
stir up sedition (mutiny)
dignuti se vr rise (up); (ustati) get (stand) up, raise oneself; (uvis) ascend, go (fly) up; (lebdjeti) tower (soar)
up; (tijesto) rise; (cijena) advance, rise, increase; (na
prste) stand on tiptoe; (na bunu) rise up (in arms),
revolt, rebel; (protiv) rise against (on); (vjetar) spring
up; (more, bujati) heave, swell
difterija f diphtheria
digresij|a f digression | zapadati u ~e make digressions,
dihtati vt & vi Ger v. biti nepropustan, brtviti
dihtung m Ger v. brtvilo
dijabetes m med diabetes
dijabetian adj med diabetic
dijabetiar m med diabetic
di,jabolian adj diabolic
dijadem m diadem, coronet

dijafilm m film-strip
dijafragm|a f photo diaphragm; anat v. oit | med namjestiti (kontraceptivnu) ~u fit (odn. be fitted for) a
dijagnosticirati vt med diagnose
dijagnostiar m med diagnostician
dijagnostiki adj med diagnostic
dijagnostika f med diagnostics sg
dijagnoz|a f med diagnosis | postaviti ~u make a diagnosis; postaviti vrstu (krivu) ~u make a positive
(wrong) diagnosis
dijagonal|a f diagonal | u ~i diagonally
dijagonalan adj diagonal
dijagonalno adv diagonally
dijagram m diagram, graph, chart
dijalek|atski, ~talan adj dialect(al)
dijalekt m dialect
dijalektian adj phil dialectic
dijalektiar m phil dialectician
dijalektiki adv phil dialectically
dijalektika f phil dialectics sg
dijalektizam m ling dialect word (expression, feature)
dijalektolog m dialectologist
dijalektologija f dialectology
dijalektoloki adj dialectological
dijaliza f med dialysis
dijalog m dialogue
dijaman|t m diamond | brueni (nebrueni, industrijski) ~t cut (uncut, industrial) diamond; lani ~t
(piece of) paste; brusa ~ata diamond-cutter;
trgovac ~tima diamond merchant (broker)
dijametralno adv | ~ oprean diametrically opposed
dijapazon m | fig iroki ~ wide gamut (range, scale)
dijapozitiv m transparency, (osob. na staklu) slide kolor
~ colour transyarency (slide)
dijaprojektor m slide-projector; film-strip projector
dijateka f slide library
dijeceza f eccl v. biskupija
dijelak m dim v. djeli
dijeliti vt divide; (luiti) separate, distinguish; (rastaviti)
sunder, sever, part; (meu) divide among, deal (dole)
out, distribute; (pruati) dispense, administer; (zajedniki) have in common with, share; (napola) go
halves (shares); (kaznu itd.) mete out; (sudbinu) cast
(throw) in one's lot with; (kockom) cast lots for
dijeliti se vr be divided (parted, separated, distributed,
dispensed); (rastajati se) part company; (put) branch
off, fork
dijelom adv partly, partially, in part | ~...~ what with...
what with, partly... partly
dijeljenje n (raun) division; (podjela) distribution, dispensation; partition; (rastanak) parting
dijet|a f diet; dieting | staviti na ~u put on a diet; poeti s
~om go on a diet; drati ~u (be on a) diet; prekinuti
~u stop (go off) a diet; drim ~u za mrav1jenje I
am slimming down
dijetalac m dieter
dijete n child; (malo) baby, poet babe, med & form infant; child; Sc bairn; (dim coll) dot, tot; (prohodalo)

toddle; sl kid (v. djeca) | nezakonito ~ illegitimate

(natural) child, bastard; ~ u povoju v. dojene; podmetnuto ~ changeling; ukrasti ~ kidnap a child; dobiti ~ have a baby; vulg napraviti ~ get (a girl) in
trouble, A sl knock (a girl) up
dijetetiar m med dietitian
dijetn|i adj dietetic | ~a hrana special (bland, lowcaloric) diet; ~i duan health-food shop (A store)
dik|a f (slava) glory, fame; (glas) reputation, credit; (zasluga) merit; (ast) honour; (hvalisanje) boast, pride;
(ljuba) sweetheart, lady-love | ne slui mu na ~u v.
ast; coll zbogom ~o you can kiss it goodbye, you've
had it, it's all over
dikcij|a f diction, elocution, enunciation | nastavnik ~e
speech teacher
dikobraz m porcupine
diktafon m dictaphone
diktat m dictation
diktator m dictator, strongman
diktatorski adj dictatorial
diktatura f dictatorship; one-man rule
diktiranje n dictation (i sch); (prinuda) dictate
diktirati vt dictate, give a dictation; fig dictate
dilem|a f dilemma, quandary | nai se u ~i face a dilemma; postaviti pred ~u place in a dilemma
diletant m dilettante
diletantizam m dilettantism
diletantski' adj dilettantish
diletantski'' adv in a dilettantish manner
diliansa f stage coach
diluvij m geol Pleistocene
diluvijalan adj geol Pleistocene, diluvial
diljem adj throughout, all over
dim m smoke | ~ baruta gunsmoke; daj mi jedan ~ give
me one pull (drag, puff); suiti meso na ~u smoke
dimenzij|a f dimension | ~e dimensions, measurements,
dimenzionirati vt dimension
dimije f pl Turkish trousers
dimiskija f v. demeskinja
dimiti vt smoke; (dimom tjerati) smoke out
dimiti se vr emit smoke, steam, vapour; (garite) reek;
(isparivati) fume, steam
dimljen adj (meso, riba) smoke-dried, smoke cured,
dimn|i adj | poloiti ~u zavjesu lay (down) a smoke
dimnjaar m B chimney-sweep(er), A chimney sweeper
dimnjak m chimney; (upljina) flue; (lokomotive, broda)
smoke-stack funel; (tvornice) chimney, smoke-stack |
tulac ~a chimney-pot
din m phys dyne
dina f geog dune
dinamian adj dynamic
dinamino adv dynamically
dinaminost f dynamism

dinamika f mech & mus dynamics sg; fig dynamics, dynamism

dinamit m dynamite | ipka ~a stick of dynamite; razbiti ~om dynamite; tui ribu ~om dynamite fish
dinamita m dynamiter
dinamizam m dynamism
dinamizirati vt dynamize
dinamo m el dynamo, generator
dinamometar m phys dynamometer
dinar m dinar | bez ~a penniless; kroz ~ from the point
of view of profit; materialistically; drhtati nad svakim ~om watch every penny
dinarski' adj | ~ iznos sum in dinars; dinar equivalent
dinarsk|i'' adj anthrop | ~a rasa Dinaric race
dinastija f dynasty
dinastijski adj dynastic
dindumanin m arch Tur-enemy, sworn enemy
dingo m zoo dingo
dinosaur(us) m dinosaur
dinstati vt cul Ger v. pirjati
dinja f musk melon | ~ rebraca cantaloup(e)
dio m part; (udio) share; (obrok) portion, ration; (estica) lot; (sastavni) component; (svezak) volume | dobar ~ a large part; veim dijelom for the most part,
mostly; najvei ~ lion's share; najveim dijelom for
the most part; prednji ~ front; rezervni ~ replacement (spare) part; dobiti ~ come in for a share
dioba f partition; v. dijeljenje
dioda f el diode
Diogen m | ~ova bava Diogenes' tub
Dioklecijan m | ~ova palaa Diocletian's palace
dioksid m chem dioxide
dionic|a f fin B share, A share of stock; (ceste, pruge),
section; mus part, passage | fin obine ~e B ordinary
stock (shares), A common stock; fin ~e s prednou
isplate preference shares; fin upisivanje ~a subscription of shares; fin izdavati (posjedevati) ~e issue
(hold) shares (stock)
dioniar m shareholder, (USA) stockholder
dioni(ars)k|i adj | fin ~o drutvo B joint-stock company, A stock corporation (company)
dionik m v. sudionik, sukrivac
dionistvo n v. sudionitvo, sudjelovanje
dioptrij|a f opt diopter, dioptric (power) | naoale s ~om
prescription glasses; koliku ~u imate? how powerful
are your glasses? how short-sighted are you?
diple f pl mus (twin-reed) shepherd's flute | udariti u
druge ~ change the tune
diplom|a f sch diploma, certificate | univ ~a drugog
(treeg) stupnja undergraduate (master's) degree;
univ ~a iz medicine degree in medicine; uruiti poasnu ~u present with a honorary scroll
diplomacija f diplomacy (i fig); diplomatic service
diplomant m diploma (degree) exam candidate; (recent)
diplomat m diplomat, diplomatist; (oba i fig)
diplomatskfi' adj diplomatic | ~i predstavnik (zbor)
diplomatic representative (corps); uspostaviti

(odravati, prekinuti, obnoviti) ~e odnose establish

(maintain, sever, resume) diplomatic relations
diplomatski'' adv fig diplomatically
diplomiran|i adj | ~i ekonomist graduate (collegetrained) economist; med ~a sestra graduate registered nurse
diplomiranje n graduation
diplomirati vi graduate; univ graduate (from college),
get one's degree | ~ pravo get a (one's) degree in law;
~ medicinu u Zagrebu graduate from (be a graduate
of, get one's degree from) the Zagreb Medical School
diplomsk|i adj diploma, degree, graduation | ~i ispit
final exam, graduation finals pl; univ degree finals;
~a radnja graduation thesis
dipol m el phys dipole
diptih m art diptych
diranje n touching, feeling, handling; (nepovlasno)
tampering; (dodir) contact
dirati vt touch, finger, feel; (nepovlasno) tamper;
(bolno) wound, hurt | ~ u ivac sting (touch) to the
quick; ~u srce touch to the heart, touch home, gall; ~
stare rane re-open old sores; duboko ~ affect deeply,
distress; neugodno me dira it jars upon my feelings;
ne diraj! leave (let) alone
dirati se vr v. dodirivati se
direk m Tur v. stup
direkcija f management, board; headquarters pl; authority; regional (district) board
direkt m box straight
direktan adj direct, straight, outright | ~ vlak (vagon,
karta) through train (carriage, ticket)
direktiva f pol directive; (uputa) instruction
direktno adv direct(ly), straight, outright, squarely;
direktor m manager, director; executive | ~kole B
headmaster, A principal; ~ poduzea (banke, hotela)
company (bank, hotel) manager; glavni (tehniki,
komercijalni) general (technieal, business) manager;
prodaje sales manager; ~ filma producer
direktorij m directorate; board of directors; comput directory
direktorski adj directoria1, managerial, executive
dirigent m mus conductor; (limene glazbe, dez orkestra) band leader
dirigentski adj | ~ tapi baton
dirigira|ti vt direct, control, manage; coll call the tune;
mus conduct | ~ti orkestrom conduct an orchestra;
~ni projektili guided missiles
dirka f v. tipka
dirljiv adj touching, moving, pathetic
dirljivo adv movingly, patihetically, touchingly
dirljivost f touchingness, pathos
dirnut adj moved, touched, affected | duboko ~ deeply
disalica f (podvodne maske) shnorkel
disanje n breathing, respiration | intervenirati umjetnim ~m give artificial respiration to
disati vi breathe, respire; take (draw) breath; {teko)
breathe hard, puff, pant, gasp (for breath)

disciplin|a f discipline | znanstvena ~a scientific discipline, branch (of knowledge); sportska (lakoatletska) ~a sports (field) event; krti ~u break (infringe)
discipline; pokoravati se ~i submit to discipline;
odravati (uvrstiti) ~u keep (tighten) discipline;
poputanje (krenje) ~e cracking (infringement) of
discipliniran adj disciplined
disciplinirati vt discipline, get (one) into line
disciplinirati se vr discipline oneself
disciplinski adj | ~ propisi (mjere) disciplinary regulations (measures); pokrenuti ~ postupak protiv take
disciplinary action against
disertacij|a f dissertation | (o)braniti doktorsku ~u defend (successfully) one's doctoral dissertation
disharmonian adj mus & fig disharmonic
disharmonija f mus & fig disharmony
disident m dissident, dissenter
disidentski adj dissident, dissenting
disk m sp discus; comput disk | bacati ~ throw the discus; bacanje ~a discus-throwing; baca ~a discusthrower
disk-dokej m disc-jockey, A sl deejay
diskofil m record collector
disko-klub m discotheque
diskontinuitet m discontinuity
diskoteka f record library; (privatna) record collection
diskrecij|a f discretion | ostavljam na vau ~u I leave it
at your discretion
diskreditirati vt discredit
diskreditirati se vr discredit oneself (pred with), lose
face (with), lose credibility
diskretan adj discreet
diskretno adv discreetly, with discretion
diskretnost f discretion
diskriminacij|a f discrimination | rasna ~a racial discrimination, B+ the colour bar; provoditi ~u protiv
discriminate against
diskriminacijski adj discriminatory
diskriminirati vt discriminate (against)
diskusij|a f discussion, debate | ogorena ~a heated discussion; pokrenuti (otvoriti, odrati, voditi,
zakljuiti) ~u raise (open, hold, conduct, conclude) a
discussion; staviti na ~u bring up for discussion; otvaram ~u o referatu this paper is now open for discussion; voditelj ~e moderator; izvan svake ~e beyond (any) dispute; o tom nema ~e that's beyond dispute, there's no doubt about it
diskusioni adj v. debatni
diskutabilan adj v. sporan
diskutant m debater, discussant
diskutirati vt discuss, debate, argue | neemo o tom ~
we won't go into that
diskvalificirati vt disqualify
diskvalificirati se vr disqualify oneself
diskvalifikacija f disqualification
disonansa f mus & fig dissonance, discord
disonantan adj mus & fig dissonant, discordant

dispanzer m med clinic, (rijetko) dispensary | djeji ~

infant (child) welfare clinic; antituberkulozni ~ tuberculosis clinic
disparatan adj disparate
disparitet m disparity
disperzija f dispersion
disponiran adj v. raspoloen, sklon
disponirati vt dispose (with) (v. raspolagati); arrange
disproporcija f disproportion
distanc|a f fig distance, aloofness | odrati ~u keep aloof
distancirati se vr keep one's distance, keep aloof; disassociate oneself from
disting(v)iran adj distinguished
distinkcija f distinction
distinktivan adj distinct(ive), well-defined
distribucij|a f distribution | ~a zaraze pattern of infection; filmovi za ~u films (ready) for distribution (release)
distribuirati vt distribute
distributer m distributor (i filmski)
distributivan adj distributive
distrikt m district
distrofiar m med dystrophy sufferer
distrofija f med dystrophy
dini adj respiratory | ~ organi respiratory organs
div m giant, colossus
diva f (operna) diva; (filmska) (female) star
div|an' adj wonderful, wondrous, marvellous, magnificent, admirable, adorable, glorious | ~no! wonderful!,
divan'' m divan, sofa, settee
divaniti vi Tur discourse, talk, converse; chat
diverzant m saboteur; mil diversionist, (demolition)
commando; pol diversionist
diverzantsk|i adj | ~a akcija (grupa) demolitiion
(commando) raid (team)
diverzij|a f sabotage; fig & pol diversion | mil izvriti ~u
na carry out a demolition (commando) raid against
diverzionist m v. diverzant; pol diversionist
diverzionistiki adj pol diversionist
dividend m math dividend
dividend|a f fin & fig dividend | donositi ~e pay dividends (i fig); isplaivati ~e pay out dividends; ubirati ~e live on one's investments; fig reap dividends
diviti se vr admire, wonder at, marvel at
divizija f mil division | pjeadijska (motorizirana, oklopna) ~ infantry (motorized, armo[u]red) division
divizijski adj mil division(al)
divizion m mil | artiljerijski ~ B battery, A artillery battalion
divizor m math divisor
divlja m game | velika (mala, jelenska) ~ big (small,
deer) game; pernata ~ feathered game, gamebirds;
meso od ~i venison; uvar ~i game-keeper; zatita ~i
wildlife management; hunt dii ~ start (rouse, spring)
game; branjevina za ~ (game) preserve; kraa ~i
poaching (v. krivolovac); natjerati gonjenu ~ na
otpor bring (drive) to bay

divljaki' adj savage, wild, barbaric, barbarous, vandalic, ferocious, fierce, truculent
divljaki'' adv savagely, wildly, barbarously, ferocious1y, fiercely
divljak m savage; barbarian, vandal; fig uncivilized (unsociable) person; (prostak) boor; (surov) brute
divljaka f wild fruit tree
divljakinja f savage (wild, ferocious) woman
divtjatvo n wildness; savageness, rudeness; barbarism,
vandalism; fierceness; barbarous (cruel) deed (behaviour), outrage
divljati vi become (grow, run) wild; (igrati se) romp,
play boisterously
divlje adj wildly, savagely, barbarously
divljenje n admiration, wonder, wonderment, awe, adoration
divlj|i adj wild, savage, barbarous; uncivilized; (surov)
rude, ferocious, brutal; (nepitom) untamed, undomesticated; (plah) shy, unsociable; (razuzdan) disorderly;
(igra) romping, roistering; (bijesan) furious, frantic,
raging; (neobuzdan) unbridled, ungovernable; (neobraen) uncultivated, untilled., waste; (bujan) rank |
~i narodi savages pl; ~e ivotinje wild beasts; ~e
meso proud flesh; ~i brak concubinage; ~i kesten
horse-chestnut; ~a rua dog rose; ~a svinja wild boar
divljina f wilderness; (svojstvo) wildness
divno adv wonderfully, splendidly
divojarac m zoo male chamois, chamois buck
divokoz|a f chamois; (enka) female (doe) chamois |
koa ~e shammy(-leather)
divota f magnificence, grandeur, splendour, glory, wonderfulness, wondrousness, gorgeousness
divotan adj magnificent, grand, wonderful, splendid,
gorgeous, glorious, superb
divovski adj gigantic, colossal; immense, huge; titanic,
diza f Ger eng v. sisak
diza m lifter, raiser; hoister, heaver; sp v. utega
dizajn m (industrial) design
dizajner m (industrial) designer
dizalic|a f crane; hoist | brodska ~a derrick; mosna
(portalna, plutajua) ~a bridge (gantry, floating)
crane; mot runa ~a car jack; mot podici auto runom ~om jack up a car
dizaliar m forklift driver
dizal|o m B lift, A elevator | kabina ~a lift (elevator) car
dizanje n lifting, raising, hoisting; (ustajanje) rising,
getting up; (uspon) ascent
dizati vt v. dignuti
dizel m v. diesel
dizenterija f med dysentery
dizertacija f v. disertacija
dizl m v. diesel
dizna f Ger eng v. sisak
djec|a f pl children, the little ones, (sitna) small fry, coll
kids; infants | umrijeti bez ~e die childless (without
djecokradica f kidnapper
djeaci m dim little (small) boy

djeaki adj like (of, for) boys, boyish

djeak m boy, lad, youth, youngster, stripling
djej|i adj a child's, childlike, childish, infantile, juvenile; baby; children's | ~a odjea children's (boys' and
girls', babies') wear; ~i pitolj toy pistol
djeurlija f collect a gang of children, brats; brood
djed m grandfather; (predak) ancestor, forefather, forbear | ~ po ocu (majci) paternal (maternal) grandfather
djedovina f patrimony, ancestral property (estate, heritage)
djedovski adj ancentral
djelatan adj active, energetic
djelatnost f activity, activities pl
djeli m dim tiny part, (mere) fraction
djelimice adv v. djelomino
djelitelj m diviner; math divisor; (dava) giver, dispenser, distributor, administrator
djel|o n work; piece of work; (in) deed, act | veliko
(junako) ~o feat, heroic deed, exploit; knjizevno ~o
literary work; cjelokupna ~a complete works (writings); umjetniko ~o work of art; dobro ~o good
deed, act of charity; zlo ~o misdeed, evil deed, malefafction, crime; zateen na ~u caught red-handed,
caught in the very act
djelokrug m sphere of action (activity); scope, field
djelomice adv v. djelomino
djelomian adj partial, not complete
djelomino adv partially, partly, in part
djelotvoran adj efficacious
djelotvorno adv efficaciously
djelotvornost f efficacity
djelovanje n action, activity; operation; (uinak) effect,
impact; agency, function; (dojam) impression | imati
obratno (neeljeno) ~ have the opposite effect, backfire
djelovati vi work, operate, function | ~ na act on, affect,
have effect; take effect; (sklonuti) prevail upon, induce, get one to do; influence; snano ~ have a
strong effect, be highly effective; (osjeaji) affect
djelovodn|ik m (i ~i protokol) v. urudbeni zapisnik
djelovoa f | optinski ~ v. opinski bi1jenik
djeljiv adj divisable; (luiv) separable
djeljivost f divisibility, divisibleness
djenuti vt v. staviti, metnuti
djenuti se vr | kamo se to djelo? v. dospjeti
djetao m woodpecker
djetelina f clover
djetece n dim baby, nurseling; (napre) suckling
djetinjarija f childish act (trick, behaviour), tomfoolery;
childishness, puerility
djetinjariti vi behave in a puerile (childish) way, tomfool
djetinjast adj childish, puerile; silly
djetinjenje n childish (silly) behaviour, feeblemindedness; (starca) dotage

djetinji adj child's; proper to a child, childish, childlike;

babyish, infantile, infantine
djetinjiti vi grow childish (feeble-minded); (starac)
dote; fig act like a child
djetinjski adj v. djetinjast, djeji
djetinjstv|o n childhood, babyhood, infancy, tender age,
early youth | od ~a from youth (infancy), from a child
djetli m v. djetao
djeva f poet maiden
djevac m (male) virgin
djevenica f frying (fried) sausage
djever m bridesman, best man; brother-in-law (husband's brother)
djeverua f bridesmaid
djevica f virgin; astron Virgo | eccl Blaena D~ Marija
the Blessed Virgin Mary
djeviansk|i adj virgin(al), lit maidenly | ~i snijeg virgin
(pristine) snow; anat ~a opna hymen
djevianstvo n virginity, lit maidenhead | izgubiti
(sauvati, oduzeti) ~ lose (preserve, take) one's virginity
djevojak|i adj maiden, maidenlike, maidenly, girlish |
~o ponaanje girlishness
djevojatvo n girlhood, maidenhood; (neudatost) singleness, celibate
djevoje n young girl, young miss, maid, maiden; Sc
lass, lassie
djevojica f dim little girl, coll missy
djevojin adj of a girl, a girl's
djevojura f derog hussy, drab, strumpet, stree-walker,
djevojka f girl, young lady, young woman, maid, Sc
lass(ie); (neudata) single lady (woman); (stara) old
maid, spinster; (buna) tomboy, filly; (drska) pert
girl, hussy, minx, hum baggage; (slabana) a chit of
a girl; v. kuna pomonica; (simpatija) girl, girlfriend, sweetheart
djevovanje n maidenhood, state of being a maid
djevovati vi be a maid, remain single
dlaic|a f dim little hair | ~e fluff, down; pun ~a downy,
dlak|a f hair; collect hair; (ivotinje) beast's fur (coat,
shag); (brk biljke) beard; (sukna) nap; (baruna) pile;
(klasa) awn, beard | traiti ~u u jajetu A sl be a nitpicker; promaiti (izbjei) za ~u miss (escape) by a
hair's breadth; on nema ~e na jeziku he doesn't
mince his words
dlakav adj hairy, shaggy, downy, fluffy, furry; bot villous, pilose
dlakavost f hairiness, shagginess; bot pilosity
dlan m palm (of hand) | to je jasno kao na ~u that's
plain as a pikestaff; vidjeti kao na ~u have a grandstand view of everything
dlijeto n chisel
dne adv | ~ l. IV the first of April, dated the first April
dnevn|i adj daily, everyday | toka ~og reda item on the
agenda; staviti na ~i red place on the agenda
dnevnica f daily allowance, per diem (allowance);
(putna) travelling allowance

dnevnik m diary, journal; com daybook; (novine) daily

(newspaper) | brodski ~ log(-book); voditi ~ keep a
diary; sch razredni ~ B form-register, A roll book
dnevno adv daily, a day
dn|o n bottom; (i fig) ground; (pozadina) back, background, rear | iz ~a due from bottom of heart; ispiti
do ~a empty (drink, drain) to the (very) dregs, leave
no heel-tay; bez ~a bottomless; plitko ~o shoal;
izgubio je ~o pod nogama (u vodi) he went out of his
depth; u ~u vrta in the back of the garden
do prep (vremenski) till, until | ~ sada so (thus) far, (up)
till now, as yet, hitherto; ~ nedavna until recently; ~
kada how long; od... ~ from... till; ~ onda till then,
by that time; od 2 ~ 3 from 2 to 3; ~ 3 sata (ne kasnije) by 3 o'clock; ~ dana danasnjega to this very
day; ~ posljednjeg asa to the very last; od danas ~
sutra (kratkotrajan) short-lived, ephemeral, transient, provisional; ivotariti od danas ~ sutra live
from hand to mouth; od godine ~ godine year in year
out || (prostorno) to | sve ~ up to, as far (up) as; od ~
from... to; ~ kuda how far; ~ tuda up to here, thus
far; tik ~ close to; jedan ~ drugoga side by side,
(pokraj) beside, by the side of; sjedni ~ nje sit next to
her || (fraze) ~ mene je it depends on me; nitko ~
mene nobody except me; meni je ~ I care for (about),
I am anxious about (v. stalo); nije mi ~ ale I don't
feel like joking, I'm in no mood for joking
doajen m doyen; fig dean, doyen
dob f age | ovjek srednje ~i a middle-aged man;
poodmakle ~i advanced (well up) in years, stricken
in years; u vaoj i at your age
doba n time(s); (godinje) season; (vijek) age; (odsjek)
period, era, epoch; (mjeseca) phase | godinje ~ season (of the year); u suho (kino) ~ godine in dry
(rainy) season (Za ostale fraze s ~ v. vrijeme)
dobaciti vt throw (cast, hurl, fling, pitch) up to | koliko
se moe ~ kamenom within (at) a stone's throw
dobacivanje n remarks pl; (govorniku) heckling
dobacivati vt v. dobaciti; (primjedbe) make remarks,
call out to (govorniku heckle the speaker)
dobar' adj good; (vladanje) good, well-behaved, wellconducted; (ud) good-natured, kind; (odgovarajui)
adequate, satisfactory, right, proper | ~ sat hoda a
good hour's walk; budi tako ~ pa mi... be so kind as
to..., be good enough to...; nismo dobri s njima we
are not on good terms with them; ovaj vijak nije ~
this screw does not fit, this screw is not good
dobar'' m sch (ocjena) C
dobava f v. nabava, snabdijevanje
dobaviti vt get, obtain, acquire; secure; v. nabaviti,
dobavlja m (ivea) caterer, purveyor; (dvorski) purveyor to the court; supplier, furnisher, provider, procurer; (poduzetnik) contractor
dobavljanje n v. nabavljanje, snabdijevanje
dobavljati vt v. nabavljati, snabdijevati
doberman m (pseto) dobermann
dobijati vt v. dobivati

dobit f, ~ak m profit, gain(s); earnings pl; (utrak) proceeds pl, return, yield; car winnings pl; fig asset | izvui ~ (biti na ~ku) make a profit, gain; odbacivati
~ak show profit; isti ~ak net profit, net gain; prodati uz ~ak sell at a profit
dobiti vt get, obtain, receive; (udio) come in for; realize;
profit, gain | ~ prehladu catch a cold; ~ malariju
catch (contract) malaria; ~ nagradu win the (a)
prize; ~ parnicu gain a law-suit; dobit e ti svoje!
you'll get yours!; dobio je svoje (kaznu) he got his
comeuppance; dobio sam sina (kerku) I have a boy
(girl); ~ novu uniformu be issued (with) a new uniform
dobitnik m winner; (nagrade) prizewinner; (medalje)
medallist | ratni ~ war profiteer
dobivalac m receiver
dobivanje n getting, obtaining | ~ ugljena (nafte) extraction of coal (oil)
dobiv|ati vt (vaditi rudu itd.) extract; (crpsti) draw; v.
dobiti | ~a sedative she is on sedatives; vie ne ~a
sedative she is off sedatives; ~ati na jasnoi gather
(gain) in lucidity
dobjei vi take refuge (shelter)
dobjeati vi run to; arrive running
dobn|i adj | ~a skupina (granica) age group (limit)
dobo m v. bubanj
doboar m v. bubnjar
dobo-torta f cul seven-layer (eight-layer) cake
dobovati vi v. bubnjati
dobran adj v. prilian, povelik, propisan
dobrano adv v. prilino, propisno
dobriina m a good-natured man (fellow shap), coll a
dobrim adv v. milom
dobro' adv well; (kako treba) duly, properly; (propisno)
thoroughly, soundly | ~! all right!, good!, fine!, coll
O. K.!; pa ~! well then; ~ bi bilo da it would be a
good thing if; ~ je imati na umu it is advisable to
keep in mind; gledaj ~ look carefully; ~ dosao! welcome!; ~ mu je he is fine (all right); (zdravlje,
napredak) he is doing well; nije mi ~ I don't feel
well; (munina) I feel sick
dobr|o'' n the good, a good thing; (korist) benefit; (blagostanje) welfare, well-being, weal, prosperity; (posjed) possession, landed property, estate | ope ~ public (common) good; imati na umu ope ~ publicspirited, be public-minded; dravno ~ state farm;
zemaljska ~a wordly goods; initi ~o do good; (nekome) do well by one; topla juha init e joj ~o
some warm soup will do her good (v. prijati); koje
~o? what brings you here?; ivjeti u ~u be well off,
be well-to-do, live in easy circumstances; to je za
tvoje ~o it's for your own good; u ~u i zlu through
fair and foul
dobrobit f welfare, well-being, benefit, blessing, good,
dobroinitelj m benefactor, charitable person
dobroiniteljica f benefactress

dobroinstvo n (jedno) act of kindness, charity; (ope)

benefaction, beneficence
dobroudan adj good-natured; (prostoduan) artless
dobroudnost f good-nature, good-naturedness, kind
disposition; artlessness
dobrodoao adj welcome | ~! welcome!
dobrodolic|a f welcome | zaeljeti ~u welcome
dobroduan adj kind-hearted, good-hearted
dobrodunost f good-heartedness, kind-heartedness
dobrohotan adj kindly disposed, benevolent, benign
dobrohotnost f benevolence, benignity, goodwill
dobrojati vt finish counting
dobronamjeran adj well-meaning, well-meant, wellintentioned
dobronamjerno adv with good intentions, in good faith
dobronamjernost f good intentions pl
dobrostiv adj benign(ant); (dobrohotan) benevolent;
(milostiv) gracious
dobrostivost f benignity
dobrosusjedski adj neighbourly (A neighborly) | ~ odnosi neighbo(u)rliness
dobrota f goodness, kindness; (blagost) leniency, mildness, gentleness, good nature; (usluga) favour
dobrotvor m benefactor; philanthropist
dobrotvor|an adj charitable, philanthropic | ~no drutvo
charitable (benevolent) society; ~na priredba charity, benefit; ples u ~ne svrhe benefit dance; dati u
~ne svrhe give (donate) to charity
dobrotvorka f benefactress; philanthropist
dobrotvornost f charity, beneficence, charitableness;
charitable (philanthropic) work
dobrovolj|ac m volunteer | javiti se u ~ce (join as a) volunteer
dobrovoljaki adj volunteer
dobrovoljan adj voluntary, willing, of one's own acoord
ili free will; (bez otpora) without reluctance
dobrovoljno adv willingly, voluntarily, readily, with a
good grace, of one's own free will | javiti se ~ volunteer
docent m univ B (senior) lecturer, A assistant professor
docentur|a f univ B (senior) lectureship, A assistant professorship | dobiti ~u be appointed senior lecturer (A
assistant professor)
docirati vi fig lecture on
dockan adv v. kasno
docnenje n v. zakanjavanje
docnije adv comp v. kasnije
docniti vi v. kasniti
doarati vt conjure up
doek m reception | prireen mu je svean ~ he was
given an official reception; prireen mu je topao ~
he was given (he received) a warm welcome; odbor
za ~ reception committee
doeka|ti vt receive, welcome; meet | biti srdano ~n be
received (met) warmly, be given a warm reception;
~o ih je gradonaelnik they were met by the Mayor;
jedva smo to ~li we could barely wait for the day; to
nee ~ti you wan't live to see that; ~la je 90-u she
lived to be 90

doepati se vr catch, get hold of, seize, (prisvojiti) possess oneself of, appropriate, usurp
doetak m gram ending, suffix
doim con v. dok
dou|ti vt learn, hear, be informed; (nejasno) get an inkling, come to know | ~o sam I hear (understand), I
am told, I learn
doi vi come; (stii) arrive; put in one's appearance; (pojaviti se) turn up | ~ u London come to (arrive in)
London; ~ do come (get) to; (pribaviti) come by;
dolo je do nesree an accident occurred (took
place); doli smo do toga da we have reached a stage
where; dolo mi je da zaplaem I felt like crying;
dobro bi nam dolo malo kave we could use (we
couldn't mind) some coffee; ~ k sebi (nesvijest) come
round, come to; fig recover; ~ do sporazuma reach
an understanding; nije dolo do nagodbe the deal
fell through; ne ~ not to come, fail to come, stay
away; doi sa mnom! come along! ~ po (nekoga) call
for, pick up; (autom) pick up, stop for; (neto) come
dodatak m addition, supplement, appendix; (pismu)
postscript; (ugovoru) clause; gram attribute, adjunct;
(plai) allowance, bonus; (prirast) accession; (primjesa) alloy, admixture; additive; (do pune vage i fig)
makeweight | djeji ~ B child's allowance (za 2 i vie
djece family allowance); bolesniki ~ B sickness
dodatan adj additional, extra
dodati vt add; attach; extend; (na kraju) append, affix;
(pripojiti) annex; (dopuniti) supplement; (poveati)
amplify; (primjesu) admix; (pruati) hold out, hand,
pass; (s visoka) reach down; ftb pass, feed
dodatno adv in addition
dodavanje n addition; (pruanje) passing, reaching; sp
passing, feeding
dodavati vt v. dodati; sp pass, feed
dodija|ti vi (molbama) importune, pester, plague;
(muiti, draiti) torment, harrass, molest; (srditi) vex,
annoy, bother; (dosaivati) bore; become unbearable,
sorely try one's patience | ~lo mi je I am tired (I've
had enough) of it (v. dosta mi je); I am disgusted
with it
dodijavanje n importunity, importunateness, pestering,
bothering, molestation, annoyance
dodijavati vi v. dodijati
dodijeliti vt assign, apportion, allot, allocate, award
dodijeljen pp assigned, apportioned, alloted, allocated,
awarded; (na dunost) assigned, attached
dodir m touch, contact; (blizina) contiguity | uspostaviti
~ sa come in(to) contact (touch) with; odravati ~ sa
v. veza; grub na ~ rough to the touch
dodiran adj connecting, touching; (susjedan) adjoining,
dodirivanje n touching, contact(s)
dodirivati vt touch itd. (v. dodirnuti); (lagano) tap; (u
letu) skim over (along)
dodirivati se vr touch; (graniiti) be contiguous, adjoin

dodirnuti vt touch. come in contact with, brush in passing; (lagano) dab, tap; (natuknuti) mention slightly,
hint at, allude to, touch upon
dodirnuti se vr touch; (okrznuti) graze, brush
dodje|la f, ~ljenje n, ~ljivanje n allotment, assignment,
allocation, appropriation, award; (na dunosti) assignment, attachment
dodjeljivanje n v. dodjela
dodjeljivati vt v. dodijeliti
dodue adv (it is) true, to be sure, admittedly, to be fair; indeed
dodvoravati se vr curry favour (nekome with); v. ulagivati se
do avola! int v. do vraga!
doga f (pseto) Great Dane
dogaaj m event, incident, occurence, happening;
(doivljaj) experience | razvoj ~a developments pl
doga|ati se vr v. dogoditi se | to se tu ~a? what's going
on here:; opera koja se ~a u Japanu an opera laid in
dogarati vi v. dogorjeti
dogegati se vr come waddling up
doglavnik m deputy head of state; fig right-hand man,
chief assistant
dogled m v. vidokrug; v. dalekozor
dogled|an adj v. u ~noj budunosti, u ~no vrijeme
dogma f dogma, tenet
dogmatian adj dogmatic
dogmatiar m dogmatist
dogmatiki adv dogmatically
dogmatinost f dogmatic quality; dogmatism
dogmatizam m dogmatism
dogmizati vi creep (crawl) up to, reach (arrive, approach) crawling
dognati vt drive (up) to; (stoku) drive along
dogodine adv next year
dogodinji adj next-year, next year's
dogod|iti se vr happen, occur, take place | je li ti se neto
~ilo? has anything happened to you?, are you in trouble?, is anything wrong (ili the matter) with you?; to
god se ~ilo whatever happens, come what may; ~i se
it is (was) one of those things
dogodovtina f adventure, experience
dogoaj m v. dogaaj
dogon m (act of) driving (up) to
dogorje|ti vi burn down to; (izgorjeti) be consumed (destroyed, devoured) by fire, be reduced to ashes, be
burned down, burn off; (prestati gorjeti) cease burning | v. ~lo mi j e do nokata
dogotavljati vt v. pripremiti, zavravati
dogovaranje n arranging, coferring, conference, consultation, deliberation
dogovarati se vr arrange, make arrangements; talk
things over; (vijeati) counsel with, hold conference
with; (savjet) take counsel with; (na samu) be closeted with; (pretres) deliberate; (spletka) conspire,
plot; (tajni sporazum) practise collusion
dogovor m arrangement; (nagodba) agreement; (potajni
sporazum) collusion | po (prema) ~u by arrangement,

as agreed, as arranged; by appointment; u ~u sa by

arrangement with; kao po ~u as if by prearrangement
dogovori|ti se vr (sloiti se) agree (upon), decide (on),
settle, arrange | ~li smo se za 8 we arranged to meet
at 8, we made an appointment at 8; ~ti se za vrijeme
arrange (fix) a time, make an appointment; dakle ~li
smo se it's settled (agreed) then
dogovorno adv as agreed (settled, arranged); v. prema
dogovoru, sporazamno
dograditi vt (svriti) complete (finish) a building; (prigradnja) add a wing (story, room); build an annex(e)
dogradnja f annex(e), an attached (later built) building;
construction of an annexe (of a wing)
dogrdjeti vi v. dodijati
dogura|ti vt push up to | ~o je do direktora he worked
up to manager
dogustiti vt v. nai se u kripcu, dogorjeti do nokata
dohodak m income; (dravni) revenue | osobni ~ personal income; (dopunski perquisites pl); nacionalni ~
national income; (po stanovniku) per capita income
dohodarina f income-tax
dohodati vt walk up to, come walking
dohraniti vt (do smrti) keep (support, care for) one until
his death
dohrliti vi hurry (hasten, run, rush) up to
dohvat m reach; v. domet | na ~ ruke at arm's length,
within reach, at hand; na ~ sluha within earshot
(hearing); na ~ glasa within call; izvan ~a out of
reach (range)
dohvatan adj within reach, attainable
dohvatiti vt reach (to); (uvis) touch up to, get to; (pruziti
ozgo) reach down; (zgrabiti) catch (seize, grasp) at,
take hold of, grip; (postii) attain
dohvatiti se vr v. pograbiti se
dohvatljiv adj v. dohvatan
doigrati vt play to the end; fig play out one's (discreditable) part
doimati se vr v. dojmiti se, ostavljati dojam
doista adv v. zaista
dojaditi vi v. dodijati
dojahati vt arrive (approach) on horseback (riding); (do)
come up to... on horseback (riding)
dojam m impression | ostavljati ~ na (izazvati ~ kod)
make an impression on, strike one; ostavljati dobar
(snaan, dubok, lo) ~ make a good (strong, deep,
bad) impression; stei ~ get an impression; pod dojmom under the impression of; pokvariti (razbiti) ~
spoil (dispell) an impression; izmjenjivati dojmove
compare notes; sreivati dojmove take stock; da pojaa ~ for added effect
dojaiti vi v. dojahati
dojaviti vt v. javiti, obavijestiti, prijaviti
dojedriti vi arrive (reach, approach, enter) sailing; (do)
sail up to
dojenaki adj med infant
dojen|e n nurseling, nursing child, unweaned child;
med infant | smrtnost ~adi infant mortality; hrana
za ~ad formula
dojenje n breast-feeding; suckling

dojilja f nursing woman (mother); v. dojkinja

dojimati se vr v. doimati se
dojiti vt breast-feed, nurse, feed a baby; (ugl. ivotinje)
suckle, give suck to; v. musti
dojka f (woman's) breast
dojkinja f wet nurse
dojmiti se vr make an impression (on), impress one;
receive an impression, be impressed (moved, touched,
affected) with; make a sensation (stir) | duboko ga se
dojmilo he was deeply impressed (moved); bolno ga
se dojmilo it made a painful mpression on him
dojmljiv adj impressive, touching, forcible, convincing;
(osoba) impressionable, susceptible, sensitive
dojueranji adj up to yesterday (iza imenice); fig quite
dojuriti vi run (rush, dash, ride) up to, arrive (approach,
enter) rushing (tearing, dashing, running) impetously
dok' con till, until; (za vrijeme) while, whilst, during; (~
naprotiv, meutim) whereas | ~ ne doe until he
comes; ~ god, sve dotle ~ as (so) long as, until; ne...
~ (ne prije nego) not... before
dok'' m mar dock | suhi ~ dry dock, graving dock; plutajui ~ floating dock; uploviti u ~ (enter a) dock; staviti u (suhi) ~ (dry-) dock
dokaiti vt v. dohvatiti, zahvatiti
dokad(a) adv v. dokle
dokaz m proof, evidence; (dokazivanje) argument, demonstration; (svjedoanstvo) testimony; (znak) token |
neizravni ~(i) circumstantial evidence; uvjerljivi
~(i) conclusive evidence; u ime ~a in proof of, as
evidence of; pruiti ~ prove, give (furnish, produce)
evidence (proof); ne postoji nikakav ~ there is not a'
shred of evidence; povui optubu zbog pomanjkanja ~a drop charges of lack of evidence
dokazati vt prove, provide (produce, furnish) evidence,
establish, demonstrate; jur verify; substantiate; (svjedoiti) bear witness, testify, attest evidence; (potvrditi) bear out; (nekome krivnju) bring charge home
to one; (istinu) authenticate, document | ~ nekome
neto win an argument (with one), carry a point; ne
mogu mu ~ I can't make him see; osoba kojoj se
moe ~ person open to argument, open-minded person
dokaziv adj provable, demonstrable
dokazivanje n citing (adducing) of proofs (evidence),
demonstration, arguing, argumentation; (prava na)
dokazivati vt try to prove (demonstrate); argue; (pravo
na) claim; v. dokazati
dokazni adj serving as (of the nature of) a proof | jur ~
postupak hearing evidence; jur ~ materijal evidence
dokinue n v. ukinue
dokinuti vt v. ukinuti
doklatiti se vr drift along
dokle adv (kako daleko) how far; (vrijeme) how long,
until when | ~ god as long as; as far as; no matter
how far (long)
doklipsati vi trudge up to
doknada f v. nadoknada

doknadan adj v. rezervni, dodatan, dopunski

dokobeljati se vr reach (get to) with difficulty
dokolic|a f spare (free) time, leisure; (nerad) idleness,
inaction | u ~i at leisure
dokoliar m idler
dokoljen|ica, ~ka f knee-sock
dokon adj idle; having spare time at one's leisure; unoccupied, disengaged; idle; (dosada) with time on one's
hands | biti ~ have leisure; idle
dokonati vt (svriti) end, terminate, make an end to,
finish; put a stop (an end) to; bring to a close; go
through with
dokono adv idly
dokonost f idleness
dokopati se vr come by (obtain, attain, win) with difficulty (effort, exertion); manage (contrive) to get, get
one's hands on; v. dokobeljati se
dokoturati vt roll (bowl, trundle) up to
dokoturati se vr roll (bowl, trundle) up to; reach (arrive,
come) rolling (bowling, trundling, driving); v. dokobeljati se
dokovanje n mar docking, dockage | ureaji za ~ docking facilities
dokovati vt & vi mar dock
dokraja adv to (till, until) the end; completely; all of it
dokrajiti vt v. dokonati
dokrasti se vr v. douljati se
doksat m oriel(-window); veranda(h)
doktor m (lijenik) doctor | ~ filozofije doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.); ~ prava doctor of law (L.L.D)
doktorand m doctoral candidate
doktorat m doctorate, doctor's degree | raditi na ~u
work on one's doctoral thesis; podijeliti ~ award
(grant) a doctoral degree; osvojiti ~ v. doktorirati; ~
iz kemije doctorate in chemistry; poasni ~ honorary
(doctoral) degree
doktorica f woman doctor
doktorirati vi win (earn, take, be awarded) one's doctoral degree
doktorski adj doctor's; doctoral
doktrina f doctrine
doktrinar m doctrinarian, doctrinaire
doktrinarstvo n doctrinairism
doktrinski adj doctrinarian
dokuiti vt (dosei) reach down; (postii) attain (arrive)
at; (shvatiti) comprehend, understand, fathom, grasp,
take in, make out, penetrate; (prozreti) see through,
dokuiv adj comprehensible, fathomable, intelligible;
within reach, reachable
dokuivost f comprehensibility, intelligibility
dokud(a) adv v. dokle
dokuhati vt boil (cook) until ready
dokument m document, paper, deed | izdati nekome ~e
issue papers to one
dokumentacija f documentation; records, documents,
dokumentarac m documentary (film)

dokumentaran adj documentary | ~ film documentary

dokumentarist m documentalist; research assistent
dokumentaristicki adv in documentary style
dokumentiran adj (well-)documented
dokumentirano adv supported by documentary evidence
dokumentirati vt document
dokusuriti vt Tur v. dotui, dokonati
dokvalificirati se vr complete additional training, earn
additional qualifications
dolac m round Karst valley, geog doline (dolina)
dolama f dolman; hussar's jacket (tunic)
dolar m fin dollar, A sl buck; (novanica) dollar bill, A
sl greenback
dolarski adj dollar
dola|zak m arrival, coming; advent; (nastup) accession |
po ~sku on (one's) arrival
dolazi|ti vi arrive, come (v. doci); (primai se) reach,
approach, draw near, advance | ~m! (I'm) coming!; ~
od latinskog is derived from Latin
dolaenje n coming; comings; frequenting
dolevitka f coll B polo neck, A turtle neck
dole adv v. dolje
doletjeti vi come (arrive) flying | ~ do fly as ar as, up to,
reach flying, fly up to; (avionom) come (arrive) by
plane, fly in, fly over; fig come running
dolian adj becoming, fitting, befitting, beseeming, fit,
worthy of, seemly; (odgovarajui) suitable, appropriate, proper, right, due
doliiti vi v. dolikovati
dolino adv fittingly, as befits one, becomingly, seemly,
properly, duly, fitly, appropriately
dolinost f seemliness, becomingness, decency, decorum,
dolihocefalan adj anthrop dolihocephalus
dolihocefalija f anthrop dolihocephaly
dolijati vi to be found out (unmasked, exposed); have no
expedient (resource, shift) left, be cornered
dolijetati vi keep (continue) flying up to, arrive flying
dolijevanje n additional pouring into, addition of liquid,
filling up by pouring into
doli(jeva)ti vt add liquid by pouring, fill up by pouring
dolik|ovati vi become, befit, beseem, beho(o)ve; be fit
(seemly, proper, due, right); be appropriate (suitable)
| kako se ~uje (kako dolii) v. dolino; ne ~uje vam
it doesn't befit you; ne ~uje se it is not the thing, it is
unseemly (improper)
dolina f valley; poet vale, dale; (mala) dell; (duga i uska)
glen, dingle | Bibl & fig ~ suza vale of tears
doliti vt finish pouring; v. dolijevati
dolnji adj v. donji
dolomit m minr dolomite
dolomitski adj minr dolomitic
dolje adv below; (u kui, kat nie) downstairs; (ispod)
underneath, beneath, under; (na dnu) at the bottom
(foot) of; (na donjem kraju) at the lower end (part);
(prema ~) downwards | ~... gore up and down; tamo
~ down there; nie ~ lower (farther) down; eir ~!

hats off!; ~ diktatura! down with dictatorship!;

odozgo do ~ from to~ to bottom
doljnji adj v. donji
dom m home; (drutveni, klupski) hall, centre, headquarters pl, club; (vladarski) dynasty | bez ~a homeless,
houseless, unsettled; koji ezne za ~om home-sick;
eznue za ~om home-sickness, nostalgia; ~ je ~, ma
kakav bio home is home, let it be (n)ever so homely;
par donji ~ Lower House; B House of Commons, the
Commons; A House of Representatives, the House;
par gornji ~ Upper House; B House of Lords, the
Lords; A Senate; par oba ~a both Houses (Chambers); ~ kulture civic (community) centre (A center);
staraki ~ old folks' home; djeji ~ children's home
doma adv v. kui, kod kue
doma|i adj home, home-made, home-like; domestic,
national; local; (po kui) indoor; (uroen) native, indigenous, home-born; ) | ~i kruh homemade bread;
~i lijek domestic remedy, nostrum; ~e rajice homegrown tomatoes; ~a jaja home-laid (farm-laid) eggs;
~i pilii home-laid (farm-laid) chickens; sp ~a momad home team
domaica f lady of the house, housewife, A+ homemaker; (gostima) hostess; (gazdarica) land-lady,
house-keeper; (nadstojnica) house mother, matron
domain m master of the house; (gostima) host; landlord, householder | zemlja ~ host country
domainsk|i adj | ~a kola B domestic-science school, A
home-economics school
domainstv|o n household (v. kuanstvo); (kolski
predmet) B domestic science, A home economics |
voenje ~a house-keeping; voditi neije ~o keep
house for somebody
domah|ivati, ~nuti vi beckon, signal to, motion (make
gestures) to, wave one's hand to
domaja f v. domovina, zaviaj
domak m (dohvat) reach | na ~ within reach; near (at
hand), close by
domalo adv v. uskoro, ubrzo
domamiti vt v. primamiti
domar m v. ukuan; v. nadstojnik zgrade, pazikua
domaaj m v. dohvat, doseg
domaiti vt v. dohvatiti, dosegnuti
dome|na f v. podruje, djelokrug
domet m range (v. dohvat) | na ~ within range; izvan ~a
out of range; na ~ kamena within (at) a stone's
throw; velikog ~a long-range; fig vrhunski ~ the ultimate in
dometak m v. dodatak, dopuna
domet|ati, ~nuti vt v. doda(va)ti
dominacija f domination, dominance
dominanta f dominant (trait)
dominantan adj dominant, dominating
dominantnost f dominance, dominant quality
dominikanac m Dominican, B+ Black Friar
dominikanski adj Dominican
dominion m pol dominion

dominir|ati vi dominate; stand out | fig katedrala

(tvrava) ~a nad gradom (klancem) cathedral (fort)
dominates the town (pass)
domino m (maska) domino | ploica ~a domino (piece);
igrati ~o play at dominos
domisao m v. pomisao, ideja, primisao
domisliti se vr (neemu) hit upon; find out; v. dosjetiti
se, nai rjeenje
domiljanje n trying to think of (find means); (nagaanje) conjecture, surmise, guess(-work)
domiljat adj ingenious, inventive; (duhovit) clever,
witty, smart, quick-witted
domiljati se vr think hard; try to remember; (nagaati)
conjecture, surmise, imagine, guess; v. dovijati se
domiljatost f inventiveness; ingenuity, smartness,
quickwit, cleverness
domobran m mil hist Croatian Home Guardsman
domobranski adj hist Home-Guard
domobranstvo n hist Croatian Home Guard
domoi se vr v. dokopati se
domorodac m native
domorodaki adj indigenous, native
domovin|a f (native) country, mother country, homeland,
fatherland; (biljke) habitat | druga ~a country of
adoption; enja za ~om home-sickness
domovinski adj mother-country, homeland, native
donasati vt v. donositi
donde adv v. dotle, dotada
donedavna adv until recently
donedavni adj | ~ na prijatelj our friend until recently
donekle adv in some measure, to a certain degree (extent); slightly, somewhat
donijeti vt bring; (sa sobom) bring along; (poi ~) fetch;
(nositi) carry, bear; take to; (utrak, dohodak) bring
in, yield | ~ plod produce (yield, bear) fruit;
uvjerljivo ~ likovi convincingly presented characters
donkihot m fig quixotic person
donkihotski' adj fig quixotic
donkihotski'' adv fig | ne ponasaj se ~ stop being quixotic
donkihotstvo n fig quixotism
donle adv v. dotle, dotada
donosi|lac m bearer, carrier, conveyer | fin koji glasi na
~oca payable to bearer
donos|iti vt v. donijeti | novine ~e uvodnik o the paper
carries an editorial on
donoenje n bringing, fetching, carrying, conveying
donuan m lady-killer sl
donuanski adj lady killer
donuanstvo n lady-killing
donj|i adj lower, nether, inferior, underlying, under, bottom | ~i grad lower town; ~i svijet nether world (regions pl); ~a Austrija Lower Austria
donjogradski adj lower-town
dopadati se vr v. sviati se
dopadljiv adj pleasing, attractive, likeable; derog slick,
dopadljivo adv attraetively, in a pleasing manner
dopadljivost f attractiveness

dopa|sti vt (pasti u dio) fall to one's share, devolve upon,

descend to | ~lo mu je ( ~lo ga je) it fell to his lot, it
was his lot to...; ~sti aka fall into the hands of; get
one's hands on
dopasti se vr v. svidjeti se
dopei vt cook (bake, grill, broil, do) until done
doping m sp doping
dopingirati vt sp dope, drug
dopirati vi reach (extend) to; (pruati se) stretch (away)
to; (doi) go (come) as far as (to) arrive at; (uvis) rise
up to; penetrate
dopis m official letter, memorandum; (novinski) report,
dopisati vt add (in writing)
dopisivanje n correspondence | trgovacko ~ commercial
dopisivati se vr correspond, write to each other
dopisn|i adj correspondence | ~a kola (teaj) correspondence school (course)
dopisnica f B postcard, A postal card
dopisnik m correspondent; (novina) correspondent, reporter | ratni (lokalni) war (local) correspondent
dopjeaiti vi come (arrive) on foot
dopjevati vt finish singing, complete an unfinished
doplaivati vt v. doplatiti
doplata f additional payment
doplatak m (uz plau) allowance; (izvanredan) bonus |
djeji ~ v. dodatak
doplatiti vt pay the deficiency (an additional sum); pay
extra (over and above)
doplaviti vt drift (float) along (up to)
doplivati vt swim up to (as far as), arrive (reach) swimming
doploviti vi arrive (in port) sailing (steaming), reach her
destination (vessel)
dopodne' adv in the morning, before noon
dopodne''-n morning, forenoon
dopodnevni adj morning, forenoon
dopola adv half, halfway; v. napola
dopratiti vt come along with, accompany | ~ do kue
accompany (see, escort) home
doprema f, dopremanje n delivery; conveyance; (prijevoz) transport(ation) | ~ u kuu home delivery
doprem|ati, ~iti vt deliver, transport, convey; supply | ~a
u kuu deliver at home
doprijeti vi get as far as; manage to see (v. dopirati)
doprinijeti vt contribute, make a contribution; (pomoi)
help toward, help to bring about, conduce, promote
doprinos m contribution; (udio) share | dati svoj ~ contribute (to); dobrovoljni ~ voluntary contribution,
subscription; skupljati dobrovoljne ~e take up
(make) a collection; raise funds (v. sabirna akcija);
skupljanje dobrovoljnih ~a public subscription
doprinositi vt v. doprinijeti
doprozornik m v. prozorski okvir
dopuna f (dodatak) supplement, addition; amendment;
math complement; supplementation

dopuniti vt supplement, complement, fill up a gap

(gaps); make up (supply) the deficiency
dopunsk|i adj supplementary, additional; math complementary | sch ~a nastava remedial (make-up) courses
dopunjavanje n supplementation, completion, addition
dopunjavati vt v. dopuniti
dopunjavati se vr complement each other, be interchangeable
dopusni adj gram concessive
dopust m leave (of absence); mil leave | zatraiti ~ ask
for leave; odobriti (dobiti) ~ grant (get) a leave; otii
na ~ take a leave, take a few days off; na ~u on leave
dopu|stiti vt allow, permit, let; (trpjeti) tolerate; (dati za
pravo) grant, concede, admit | ~stite allow me;
(ljutito) I beg your pardon!; ~stiti sebi allow oneself,
take the liberty, presume; ne mogu to sebi materijalno ~stiti I can't afford it; ne ~tam nikome da
vie na mene I won't let (have) anyone yell at me
dopustiv adj permissible, allowable
doputanje n allowing, permission, toleration, tolerance,
sufferance, tacit consent
doputati vt v. dopustiti
doputenje n permission, leave (v. dozvola)
doputovati vi arrive (u in, at); reach one's destination
dopuzati vi creep (crawl) up to (as far as); come (reach)
creeping (crawling)
dorada f finishing, final processing
dora|diti, ~ivati vt finish; fig put finishing touches to
doraslost f being fully developed: being equal (emu to)
dorastao adj (dob) fully grown; (za udaju) marriageable;
(sposoban) able to, fit for, capable, up to; (zadatku)
equal to, able to cope with; (protivniku) a match for,
well-matched | on mi je ~ he is my equal in..., he is a
match for me
dorasti vi grow up, grow into a man, grow to be a man;
attain full growth; (sposobnost) become capable
(qualified, fit a match) for
dorat m bay (horse)
doratni adj prewar, antewar
doreen adj spelled out, explicit
doreenost f explicitness
dorei vt finish speaking, complete one's statement; spell
out, be explicit
dorenesansni adj pre-Renaissance
dorevolucionarni adj pre-revolutionary
Doroteja f Dorothea, Doll(y)
doruak m breakfast | kasni ~ late breakfast; drugi ~ v.
uina; mesni ~corned beef
dorukovati vi breakfast, have (take) one's breakfast
dosad(a) adv thus far, so far, till now, up to now, up to
the present, as yet; lit hitherto, arch heretofore
dosad|a f boredom, tedium | iz ~e out of boredom; fig
umirati od ~e be bored to tears; razbijati ~u pass
away time
dosad|an adj boring, dull, tedious; (zamoran) tiresome,
wearisome; (jednolian) humdrum, drab, flat; (dodijavanje) importunate, pestering, irksome | tako je
~an! he is such a bore!; kako je to ~no! what a bore!

dosadanj|i adj past, former | ~e iskustvo experience so

far; ~a uprava outgoing management
dosad|iti vi bore, become boring | ~iti nekome bore one;
~ilo mi je v. dodijalo mi je; ~ili smo jedno drugome
we (have) got bored with each other
dosaivanje n v. dosada, dodijavanje
dosaivati vi bore; v. dodijavati
dosa|ivati se vr be bored, suffer from tedium | ~ujem se
I am bored, time hangs heavily. on my hands
dosei vt v. dosegnuti
doseg m v. dohvat, domet
dosegnuti vt reach; (s visoka) reach down; (uvis) reach
up to; (postii) attain to | ne ~ (manjkati) fall short of
doseliti vt v. naseliti
doseliti se vr move to (in), migrate in (to); (u zemlju)
immigrate, come (enter) as a settler
doseljenik m immigrant, colonist, settler
doseljenje n (u zemlju) immigration; (u stan) moving
dosezati vt v. dosegnuti
dosean adj attainable
dosije n v. dosje
dosipati vt v. dosuti, doliti
dosita adv v. do mile volje | ~ sam se najeo I ate my fill
dosizati vt v. dosei
dosje n file | zakljuiti ~ o sluaju X close the file on X
dosjelost f jur adverse possession
dosjeti|ti se vr recollect, remember, recall, call to mind,
call up; (domisliti se) think of, be struck by an idea;
(paziti, prozreti) become aware of, find out, see
through; (pogoditi) guess, hit upon, coll figure out |
~o sam se it occurred to me, it entered my mind, it
crossed my mind; (jadu) catch on, sl get the message;
ne mogu se ~ti I cannot think of it
dosjetk|a f witty remark, witticism, wisecrack, stroke
(flash, spark) of wit; (ala) joke, jest | praviti ~e joke,
cut jokes
dosjetljiv adj v. domiljat, duhovit
dosjetljivac m quick-witted (smart, ingenious) fellow
dosjetljivost f quick wit, smartness, ingeniousness
doskakutati vi come bobbing along
doskitati se vr wander up to (over, as far as); come
tramping; drift along
doskoica f (varka) trick, trickery, deception, stratagem,
artifice, ruse, wile; (izmicanje) dodge; (finta) feint,
sham; (rijeima) quibble
doskoiti vi put a stop to an abuse; (osujetiti) check,
frustrate, neutralize, defeat, obviate, thwart, ba(u)lk,
baffe, foil, turn the tables on, sl beat
doskoljiv adj v. domiljat, snalaljiv
doskok m sp landing
doskora adv (donedavna) until recently; v. uskoro
doskoranji adj v. donedavni
doslov|an adj literal, following the letter, verbatim, verbal, word-forword | ~no tumaenje strict verbal interpretation; u ~nom smislu in the literal sense of the
doslov|ce, ~no adv literally, verbatim, word for word, to
the litter | to su bile ~ njegove rijei these were his

very words; ~ shvatiti take literally; ~ se drati neega follow to the letter
dosluh m collusion | u ~u sa in collusion with
dosluiti vi serve out one's time, serve a full term, complete one's term (of service); v. odsluiti; (do mirovine) become superannuated
dosljedan adj consi tent; (u skladu sa) in keeping with |
~ sebi true to oneself, true to form
dosljedno adv consistently | ~ tome consequently, accordingly; ~ svom uvjerenju true to (ili in keeping
with) one's conviction
dosljednost f consistence
dosmrtan adj for life, lasting until death, life-long
dosoliti vt add salt (to)
dospije|e n fin maturity, falling due; (izminue) expiration | o ~u when due, on maturity, at the expiration
dospijevati vi v. dospjeti
dosp|io adj (istekao rok) expired; (plativ) payable;
(mjenica) mature, due (minula over-due) | ~jeli
dugovi debts due
dospjelost f fin maturity
dospjetak m fin v. dospijee
dosp|jeti vi (stii) arrive at, come (get) to; (na vrijeme)
be just in time, arrive at the right (last) moment; (istei - rok) mature, become mature, fall due, expire;
(zreti) ripen; (imati kada) have (spare) time (leisure) |
kamo je to ~jelo? where did it get to? where did I
mislay (put) it?, where has it disappeared?; ~jeti u
tekoe get into difficulties; ~jeti u zatvor land (end
up) in prison; doi u ako ~ijem I'll come if I manage; nita ne ~ijem I don't seem to have time for anything
dosta adv enough, sufficiently; (primjerno) adequately,
satisfactorily; (prilino) rather, pretty, fairly; (i vie
nego ~) enough and to spare | to je ~ this will do; ~
je rei suffice it to say; imat emo ~ drva do... the
wood will last us to...; nemati ~ be short of; ~ je smijeha stop laughing; biti ~ be enough, suffice; on ima
~ novaca he has plenty of money, he is flush of
money; ~ mi je toga I am sick of that, I've had
enough of that, I'm fed up (with it); ~ toga (~ s tim!)
(that's) enough of that!
dostajati vi suffice, be sufficient (adequate), satisfy; (trajati) last
dostatan adj v. dovoljan
dostatno adv v. dovoljno
dostav|a f (uruenje) delivery; (policiji) v. prijava |
besplatna (promptna) ~a free (prompt) delivery; ~a
u kuu home delivery; pomonik za ~u delivery boy;
kola za ~u (delivery) van
dostaviti vt deliver, hand over to; (slubeni poziv) serve
(na sud summons); (novac) send, remit; (policiji) v.
dostavlja m delivery man; (u duanu) errand boy, messenger; (uredski) messenger, courier, office boy; (policiji) informer
dostavljanje n delivery
dostavni adj delivery

dostavnica f bill (note, acknowledgment, receipt) of delivery

dostii vt come up with, catch up with, get abreast with,
get at; (prestii) overtake
dostignue n achievement, attainment, accomplishment
dostignuti vt v. dostii
dostiza(va)ti vt be on the point of catching up with, gain
on one; v. dostii
dosti|an adj reachable, coll get-at-able; achievable, attainable | Bog je spor ali ~an (pravda je spora ali
~na) the wheels of God (justice) grind slowly
dostinost f achievability, attainability
dostoj|an adj worthy (of), fit (to), deserving | biti ~an be
worthy of, merit, deserve; to nije ~no vas it is not
worthy of you; ~an hvale (povjerenja) praiseworthy
dostojanstven adj dignified, stately, imposing
dostojanstvenik m dignitary, person of exalted rank,
personage; (crkveni) prelate
dostojanstveno adv majestically, with dignity, imposingly, stately | ~ hodati (epiriti se) strut, stalk
dostojanstv|o n dignity, stateliness; (ast) title, rank | to
je ispod mog ~a it is beneath my dignity, I am above
dostojno adv becomingly, fittingly, worthily
dostojnost f worthiness, merit, worth
dostup|an adj accessible, approachable; available;
(osoba) v. pristupaan | svakome ~an within everybody's reach, available to all; fig teko ~an hard to
obtain, not generally avaible; uiniti ~nim za put
within one's reach, make available to one
dostupnost f accessibility, approachability
dosuda f adjudication, adjudgement, award
dosuditi vt adjudge, adjudicate, award, assign (to)
dosuti vt pour (add) some more; v. doliti
doapnuti vt whisper (to); sch prompt (somebody)
dosaptavanj|e n whispering | sch bez ~a! no prompting!
doaptavati se vr whisper to each other, whisper among
dosae n v. dolazak; RC Advent
doetati se vr walk (stroll) up (to) leisurely, arrive strolling, saunter up
dokolovanje n additional training (schooling)
dokolovati vt give additional training to; complete the
education of
dokolovati se vr continue (undergo, receive) additional
dolepati vt Ger v. dotegliti
doljak m new comer, (new) arrival; (stranac) stranger
dotampati vt finish printing; print some more
douljati se vr steal up, sneak up, approach stealthily;
slip into
dotacij|a f grant (in-aid), donation; (za pokrie gubitaka)
subsidy | dodijeliti ~u make a grant
dotad(a) adv till (up to, until) then, up to that moment
(time); by then | nikada ~ never before
dotadanji adj earlier itd. (v. prijanji)
dotaknuti (se) vt (vr) v. dodirnuti (se) | ~ problema
touch on (tackle) a problem

dotei vi suffice, he sufficient (adequate) | drva e nam

~ do... the wood will lasb us till...
dotegliti vt tow up to, tow over; drag up
dotepenac m derog new-comer, A carpet-bagger
dotepsti se vr v. doskitati se
doteturati vi arrive (reach), come up, (approach) reeling
(staggering, stumbling, tripping), reel (stagger) up to
doticaj m v. dodir
doticati (se) vt (vr) v. dodirivati (se), dotei
dotini adj respective; (matter, person) concerned (in
dotino adv v. odnosno
dotirati vt (ustanovu) subsidize; (odobriti iznos) grant,
make a grant
dotjecati vi v. dotei
dotjeran adj (vanjtinom) spruce, dressed-up; wellgroomed; (izrada, stil) polished, finish, elaborate,
perfected, improved
dotjeranost f polish, finish; grooming; refinement
dotjerati vt (goniti) chase (drive) up to, bring (lead,
take, convey) forcibly to; (usavriti) polish (up), finish (v. doraditi); touch up
dotjerati se vr make oneself pretty, smarten (fix, tidy)
oneself up, dress up
dotle adv (prostorno) thus (so) far, up to this (that)
point; (vremenski) v. dotada; (u meuvremenu during this time, in the meanwhile)
dotok m inflow
dotrajalost f worn-out state (v. tronost)
dotrajao adj worn-out (v. troan)
dotrajati vi last (until); (istei) run out, give out; (istroiti se) wear out, become worn out; (kua) become
dilapidated, fall into disrepair
dotrati vi run up to, come (arrive, reach) running; (do)
come running as far as...
dotucati se vr v. doskitati se
dotui vt finish (off), give the coup de grace; (ivotinju,
da se ne mui) put out of its pain
dotur m v. snabdijevanje, doprema, prijevoz
doturati vt v. dovaljati, dogurati
doturiti vt v. dogurati, dostaviti, dopremiti, prevesti,
neopazice poslati
dotutnjati vi arrive thundering
douniki' adj of an informer; of informers
douniki'' adv like an informer
dounik m informer, sl rat; sl stool
dounitvo n informing, being an informer, informer's
dovabiti vt v. domamiti
dovaanje n v. dovoenje, dovod
dovaati vt v. dovoditi
dovaljati vt roll up to, push rolling as far as
dovaanje n v. dovoenje, dovoz
dovaati vt v. dovoziti
dovd(j)e adv (prostorno) up to here, up to this point;
(vremenski, u tekstu) so far, thus far
dovee(r) adv v. veeras
doveerati vt finish supper

doveslati vt & vi row up to; come (reach, approach) rowing to (as far as)
dovesti' vt bring (along); conduct (lead, bririg, take,
guide) to; (poi po) fetch | ~ do lead to, give rise to
itd. (v. uzrokovati)
dovesti'' vt (vozilom) bring (by car), give a lift; convey
(bring, carry) in a vehicle; cart (drive) to; (avionom)
fly in
dovesti se vr arrive in a vehicle; come by car, drive over;
arrive driving (riding, rowing) | ~ do drive (ride) up
to; (zaustaviti se) pull up at
dovienja; int v. do vienja!
dovijati se vr try (hard) to solve, guess, try to get to the
bottom of, rack one's brains; v. snalaziti se
dovijek(a) adv for ever, always, for eternity
dovikivanje n calling (shouting) to
dovikivati vt call (shout, yell) to
doviknuti vt (give a) shout to, call to
doviknuti se vr manage (contrive) to solve (guess, devise); (postii) attain, get, achieve; (pogod,iti) imagine, guess, hit upon
dovitljiv adj v. dosjetljiv, domiljat
dovitljivac m v. dosjetljivac
dovlaiti vt v. dovui
dovle adv v. dovd(j)e
dovod m eng supply, feeding; (cijev) supply pipe, conduit
dovod|iti vt v. dovesti | voda se ~i iz jezera water is
supplied (brought, conveyed) from the lake
dovodni adj eng suyply, feed(ing), lead-in
dovoenje n bringing (conveying, taking to) a place; eng
supply(ing), feeding
dovolj|an adj sufficient, adequate; sch (ocjena) pass, D |
biti ~an be sufficient, suffice; to je ~no this (that)
will do
dovoljno adv suficiently, enough itd. (v. dosta)
dovoz m transport, shipment, conveyance, carriage;
(kamionima) trucking, hauling; (kolima) cartage
dovoziti vt v. dovesti
dovoenje n bringing (in), transport(ing) itd. (v. dovoz)
dovraga! int v. do vraga!
dovratnik m door-post, jamb
dovravanje n v. dovrenje
dovravati vt v. dovriti
dovren adj finished, completed, concluded
dovrenje n completion; (kraj) termination; (zavretak)
conclusion; (izvedba) accomplishment
dovriti vt finish, terminate, complete, end, conclude,
close, bring to a close (an end, an issue, a conclusion); go through with
dovui vt drag (pull, draw, carry, haul, trail) up to (toward, along); (brod) tug (tow) up to; (uvis dizalom)
wind up
dovui se vr drag oneself to
doz|a f med & fig dose; (za cigarete) cigarette-case |
prevelika ~a overdose; fig s ~om opreza with a dose
of salt
dozidati vt v. dograditi
doziranje n dosing, dosage

dozivanje n calling (crying, shouting) to; shouts, calls;

(u pomoc) crying (calling, shouting) for help
dozivati vt keep calling (crying, shouting) to; (u pomo)
cry out (appeal) for help
dozlogrditi vi v. dodijati
doznaavanje n remitting, remittance
doznaiti vt (na isplatu) remit; make payable to; (u neku
svrhu) v. dodijeliti
doznanica f order, remittance, voucher; v. uputnica,
doznaka f (fin) act of assignment; (cedulja) note of
asignment (allotment) | novana ~ cash remittance
dozna|ti vt learn, hear, come to know, understand;
(otkriti) find out, discover; come to one's knowledge |
kako ~jem I hear (understand, learn, am told); ~o je
it came to (reached) his ears; ~ti od nekoga (izmamiti) elicit, draw out (of)
dozrelost f maturity
dozreti vi ripen, mature, grow ripe (mellow), mellow
dozrijevanje n ripening, maturing; (drva na susenju)
dozrijevati vi v. dozreti
dozrio adj ripe, mature, matured, mellow; (u sjemenu)
seedy; brought to maturity; (drvo na susenju) seasoned; (kriza) come to a head
dozvati vt call (back); (poslati po) send for, have
fetched; (u pamet) call up, recollect, recall
dozvol|a f permission, leave; clearance; (dokument) permit, licence (A license) | ~a za rad work permit; (za
obrt i sl.) operating permit, licence; graevna ~a
building permit; zatraiti ~u ask for permission;
(dokument) apply for a permit (licence); uz vau ~u
with your permission (leave); dobiti ~u get permission; dati ~u give (grant) permission; uskratiti ~u
refuse (withhold) permission
dozvoliti vt v. dopustiti
dozvoljavati vt v. doputati
doiv|jeti vt live to be (see); (iskusiti) meet with, experience, undergo, endure, suffer | ~io sam neto udno I
had a strange experience; svata je ~io (u ivotu) he
has been through thick and thin; ovjek vata ~i
live and learn; nisam mislio da u ~jeti to da... I
never thought I'd see the day when...; ~jela je 80-u
she lived to be 80; ~jeti nezgodu meet with an accident
doivljaj m experience, adventure, affair
doivot|an adj life-long, for life | ~no lanstvo life membership
doivotno adv lifelong, for life | birati ~ elect for life
dra m bot thorn-bush(es), thorn-thicket; bramble(s)
drag adj (mio) dear, nice, sweet, likeable, winning; (ljubimac) darling, pet, favourite; (nada) cherished; (dobrodoao) welcome | meni je ~o v. drago; ~i moj (~a
moja) my dear; (s visine) my dear fellow, my good
man (woman); ako ti je ~ ivot if you value your life
drga' f sweetheart, lover, (lady) love, poet mistress
drga'' f (morska uvalica) small bay (cove, creek, inlet);
(dolina) dale, dingle, dell

dragan m lover, suitor, sweetheart, dear | iron ~e moj

my dear fellow
dragana f v. draga'
dragati vt caress, fondle, stroke, coax
dragi m lover, sweetheart; v. deko
drago adv | ~ mi je I am glad (pleased); to mi je ~ I am
glad of it; bilo mu je jako ~ he was very pleased;
bilo vam ~ ili ne like it or not; to god ti ~ (gdje mu
~) anything (wherever) you like; kako ti ~ as you like
dragocjen adj precious, costly, expensive, valuable
dragocjenost f preciousness, costliness, valuableness | ~i
jewels, jewelry, valuable objects
dragoljub m bot Indian cress, garden nasturtium
dragoner m (pojas) half-belt
dragost f loveliness, sweetness, graciousness, charm,
fascination; v. milje' | od ~i from pleasure
dragovi m iron v. dragan
dragulj m precious stone, jewel; (bruen) gem
draguljar m jeweller (A jeweler)
draguljarna f jewel(1)er's, B jewelry shop, A jewelry
drahma f fin drachm
drama f drama, dramatic piece, play | pisac ~ playwright, dramatist; pisanje ~ playwriting
dramatian adj dramatic
dramatiar m dramatist, playwright
dramatino adv dramatically
dramatinost f dramatic quality, drama
dramatika f dramatics; v. dramatinost
dramatizirati vt dramatize
dramatski' adj dramatic
dramatski'' adv dramatically
dramaturg m dramaturge
dramaturgija f dramaturgy
dramsk|i adj drama(tic) | ~a djela dramatic works; ~o
kazalite drama(tic) theatre
drangulij|a f (jeftini nakit) gewgaw, knicknack, double,
trinket | fig ~e odds and ends, stuff and things
drap adj (boja) beige
drapati vt tear, rend; (strugati) scratch
draperij|a f drape(ry) | ~e drapery, hangings; (pokunina) furnishing fabrics, soft furnishings
drapirati vt drape, arrange in folds, hang
drastian adj drastic
drastino adv drastically
drakanje n titillation
drakati vt titillate, tickle
dra f charm, allurement
drab|a f auction, auction sale | iznijeti na ~u put for
auction; doi na ~u come under the hammer; biti
prodan na ~i be sold by auction
drabovanje n auction
drabovatelj m auctioneer
drabovati vt sell by auction, put up for sale by auction
draenje n (bockanje) teasing; (gnjev) irritation;
(zadirkivanje) provocation; stimu1ation
draesno adv charmingly, gracefully
draest f chartn, grace, gracefulness, sweetness, loveliness; fascination, spell

draestan adj lovely, charming, fascinating, sweet,

graceful, attractive; (zamaman) seductive, tempting,
draiti vt (huckati) instigate, incite, stir up, set on;
(srditi) irritate, exasperate, annoy; (podbadati) goad,
spur on; (bockati) tease
drebank m Ger v. tokarska klupa, alatni stroj
dreanje n v. dreka
dreati vi (pla) bawl, squall; (vika) howl, yell, scream;
(pjevanje) sing out ot tune; (radio, zvunik) blare
dreei adj v. kriav
dreer m Ger v. kovinotokar
drek m & int vulg crap(!), shit(!)
dreka f howling, howls, yelling, yells, bawling, screaming, shrieking; (psovanje) scolding; (protest) outcry,
drekavac m zoo v. urlikalac
dreknuti vi (give a) howl, (give a) yell
dremovan adj (pospan) drowsy
dremuckati vi take one's forty winks, take a short nap
dren m bot v. drijen
drenaa f med & farm drainage
drenirati vt med & farm drain
drenovaa f cornel-wood (rod, stick)
drenovina f cornel-wood
drenjina f (plod) cornel(ian) cherry, cornel berry
dres m sp suit, uniform, outfit; fig colours
dreser m animal trainer
dresira|ti vt train (animals) | ~ni tuljani (u cirkusu) performing seals
dresur|a f training (of animals); (za pse) obedience
training | dati psa na ~u send a dog to obedience
dretva f twine, pack-thread
drevan adj ancient, hoary, antique, primeval, of old(en)
times, of time out of mind, immemorial, timehonoured, old as the hills
drevnost f hoariness, antiquity, old(en) times, times out
of mind
drezina f rlw (runa) B trolley, A handcar | auto ~ rail
inspection car
drhta|j m, ~nje n (strah, bolest) tremble, trembling,
shake, shaking, shiver, shivering; (groza) shudder;
(glasa) thrill; vibration, quiver; (svjetla) flicker;
(srca) palpitation
drhta|ti vi tremble, shake, shiver, quiver, quake, vibrate;
(od straha, groze) shudder; (od uzbuenja) thrill;
(svjetlo) flicker; (jako) throb | ~ti od zime shiver
with cold; ~o je cijelim tijelom his whole body
(frame) shook, he was trembling all over; ~ti pri
pomisli shudder to think that
drhtav adj trembling, tremulous, shaking, unsteady
drhtavica f (strah) tremor, trepidation; (groznica) ague,
cold fit, chill, the shakes pl, the shivers pl
drhtulja f ichth electric ray
drhturiti vi v. drhtati
driblanje n ftb dribbling, dribble
driblati vt ftb dribble
dribler m ftb dribbler

drijem(anje) m (n) doze, nap, snooze, slumber

drijem|ati vi doze, snooze, nap, slumber, drowse, nod;
fig lie dormant; (biti nehajan) be apathetic (inactive,
lethargic, sluggish) | ~a mi se I feel drowsy; fig ne
smijemo ~ati we must be vigilant
drijeme m sleepiness, drowsiness, somnolence, slumber; fig lethargy, apathy, inactivity
drijenak m v. drenjina
drijeiti vt v. razvezivati, odvezivati
driker m Ger v. druker
dril m mil, sch & fig drill(ing)
drilati vt mil, sch & fig drill
Drin|a f geog | fig ispravljati krivu ~u attempt an impossible reform
dripac m v. mamlaz
drljac m harrower
drljaa f harrow; (tanjuraa) disc-harrow
drljalo m derog v. piskaralo
drljanje n harrowing; (pisanje) scribbling, scrawling,
illegible (cramped) handwriting
drljati vt (zemlju) harrow; (pisati) scribble, scrawl, write
an illegible (niggling) hand
drma|dija, ~tor m sl v. velika zvjerka
drmanje n shaking, agitating, jolting, jerking, jogging
drmati vt shake, jolt, agitate; (trzati) jerk; jog; (biti
vlast) coll run the show
drmati se vr shake, tremble; be shaky; (kolebati) totter;
(u vozilu) v. drndati se
drmnuti vt give a shake (jolt)
drndati vt (po glazbalu) strum, twang, make a racket
drndati se vr bump (jolt) along, have a bumpy (rough)
drndav adj rattling, noisy
drob m v. utroba
drobilica f (stone-)crusher
drobiti vt (mrviti) crumble; (stucati) crush, reduce to
powder, pulverize
drobiti se vr crumble
drobljenje n crushing, crumbling, pulverization
drobljiv adj crushable; crumbly, friable
drog|a f pharm narcotic, drug, sl dope, sl junk | uzimati
~e take drugs, be a drug-addict; uzimanje ~a (izlijeiti se od ~a i sl.) v. narkomanstvo; obrok (injekcija) ~e za jednu upotrebu sl fix; euforija izazvana
~om high, trip (oba sl); tajna prodaja ~e sl dope
racket; prodavac ~e sl pusher
drogerij|a f B chemist's (shop), A drugstore | vlasnik ~e
B chemist, A druggist; prodavaica u ~i B chemist's
assistent, A drug-store clerk
drogira|ti vt drug, coll dope (oba i sp); (uspavati) knock
out ) | ~n drugged, coll doped (oba i sp); knocked out;
sl: high, dopy, hopped-up
drolja f strumpet, slattern, slut, drab, hussy; prostitute,
dromedar m dromedary, one-humped camel
droncati se vr v. drndati se
dronj|ak m rag, tatter |u ~cima in rags (tatters), tattered
dronjo m v. odrpanac, nula
drop m v. kom

droplja f ornith Ger v. potrk

drop(ov)ica f v. komovica
drops m v. ~ bomboni
drozd m ornith trush
drozga f vine stems; dross; (troska) slag
droe n coll (wine) lees, dregs pl, sediment of wine,
settlings pl
droenka f (grape) brandy
drsko adv impudently, insolently, pertly, bare-facedly,
drskost f impudence, insolence, arrogance, impertinence, barefacedness, sauciness, effrontery, brass,
shamelessness, brazenness, forwardness, temerity,
drka f v. drak, dralo, stabljika
drug m fellow, companion, associate, mate; partner; pol
comrade; (kolski) school-mate, school-fellow, fellow-student; (iz razreda) classmate; (u igri) playmate,
play-fellow; (poslovni) partner | pravi (dobar) ~
good companion, coll good sport
drugaije adv v. drukije
drugaiji adj v. drukiji
drugamo adv elsewhere, to some other place
drugar m v. drug
drugaric|a f (girl) schoolmate, girl play-mate, girlfriend; woman comrade; pol comrade | ~e i drugovi!
iron ladies and gentlemen
drugarski' adj comradely | ~ odnosi comradely relations,
drugarski'' adv in a comradely manner
drugarstvo n companionship; (poslovno) (co) partnership
drugda adv at other times, at another time
drugdje adv elsewhere, somewhere else, in other parts,
in another place | nigdje ~ nowhere else; gdje
(kamo) ~? where else? od ~ from some other place,
from elsewhere
drug|i num (po redu) second; (slijedei) the following,
next; (drukiji) different, other, alternative | nitko
(netko) ~i nobody (somebody) else; ~i pl others,
other people; govoriti o ~om speak of other things
(matters); to je (neto) ~o that's different; nema ~e
there is no other way; svaki ~i dan every other day,
on alternate days; jedan i ~i both (of them); jedan
~oga one another, each other, mutually; ~ po veliini
second biggest (largest); ~a vrata od nas next door
but one; (susjedna) next door; ~e srijede next
drugo adv secondly, in the second place
drugoliga m ftb B second-division club
drugoplasiran adj sp second-placed, runner-up
drugorazredan adj second-rate
drugoreda m sch failing pupil
drugostepeni adj v. drugog stupnja (druge instance)
drugovanje n v. druenje
drugovati vi v. druiti se
drukije adv differently, otherwise, in another (in a different) manner | ~ se nije moglo there was no other
way; kako ~? how else?; nikako ~in no other way

drukiji adj different from, unlike, other than, dissimilar, diverse, disparate, various
druker m snap-fastener
drum m Tur v. cesta
drumski adj Tur v. cestovni
drutvance n dim (cozy) little party
drutven adj (druevan) sociable, companionable; (i
zoo) gregarious; (veseo) convivial
drutven|i adj social; communal, community; public,
national; societal | ~o ureenje social system; ~i sektor public (government, socialist) sector; ~i rad public (communal, civic, political) work; ~i radnik public worker (figure); ~i poloaj social standing; ~a
rubrika (vijesti) gossip column; ~e prostorije assembly (common, party) rooms; club; ~e znanosti social sciences; (humanistike) the humanities; sch ~i
predmeti art subjects, arts
drutveno- adj | ~-privredni socio-economic, socialeconomic, social and economic; ~-politicki sociopolitical, social and political
drutvenost f companionship, sociability, good fellowship
drutv|o n society; (zajednica) community; (udruenje)
association; com partnership, company, corporation;
(zabava) party; derog set, gang, crowd, clique | ljudsko ~o human society; visoko ~o high society;
znanstveno ~o learned society; ~o knjievnika
Writer's Guild; on je (nije) za ~o he is good (bad)
company; initi nekome ~o keep one company; voljeti ~o like company; zaeljeti se ~a feel like company; izbjegavati ~o avoid society, shun company,
lead a retired life; ii u ~o go out; mix in society; veeras imamo ~o we have company tonight; u ~u sam
I have company; I am with some people; u ~u sa in
the company of, accompanied by, along with; kretati
se u neijem ~u keep somebody's company; mix with
druba f v. druina
drueljubiv adj v. drutven
druenje n association, keeping company with, consorting with
druevan adj v. drutven
druica f (female) companion; consort
druina f gang, band, coll crowd; v. ukuani, sluinad
druiti se vr associate (keep company, as-sort) with,
have for a friend
drvar m v. drvosjea, trgovac drvom
drvara f firewood yard; (graevnog drva) timber (A
lumber) yard
drvarnica f wood-shed; wood-celler
drvce n dim small tree; (boino) Christmas-tree; (trijeska) sliver, thin piece of wood
drvee n collect trees
drven adj wood, wooden, made of wood; fig stiff, awkward, clumsy
drven|arija, ~ina f wooden ware; wooden parts;
(graevna) joinery
drvenast adj woody
drveno adv fig woodenly, stiffly
drvenost f fig woodenness, stiffeness

drvenjaci m pl wooden-soled slip-ons (sandals, shoes)

drvenjaa f techn wood pulp
drvenjara f shanty, mean, wooden hovel (hut); v.
drvlje n collect wood, timber, lumber; (naplavljeno)
driftwwd | baciti ~ i kamenje na raise a hue and cry
drvn|i adj | ~a industrija wood and timber (A lumber)
industry, timber (A lumber) and wood-processing industry; ~i proizvodi wood and timber (A lumber)
drv|o n (stablo) tree; (materijal) wood; (graa) B timber,
A lumber | ogrjevno ~o firewood; fuelwood; meko ~o
soft wood; tvrdo ~o hardwood; suho (nesueno) ~o
seasoned (green) timber (lumber); izvoz ~a timber
(lumber) exports; trgovac ~om B timber merchant, A
lumber man; ii po (sjei) ~a (u umi) fetch (fell)
wood; prov ~o se savija dok je mlado as the twing is
bent so grows the tree
drvodjelja m woodworker; v. tesar, drvosjea
drvokradica f wood-thief
drvored m avenue (of tree), line of trees | ulica s ~om
tree-lined street
drvorez m (grafika) wood-cut, wood-engraving; (rezbarija) wood-carving
drvorezac m (grafiar) wood-engraver
drvorezbar m wood-carver
drvorezbarstvo n wood-carving
drvosjea m feller, wood-cutter; (umski radnik) forest
labo(u)rer, logger, lumberman, lumberjack
drvoto m wood-worm, wood-fretter
drvotoan adj v. crvotoan
drzak adj impudent, saucy, insolent, impertinent, brazen(-faced), pert, bare-faced, bold-faced; (smion) audacious, daring, bold; (neskroman) presumptuous |
biti ~ make free with, be free with, take liberties with
drznik m impudent fellow
drznuti se vr have the impudence, be bold enough to,
presume upon, take liberties with; (usuditi se) dare
drzovit adj v. drzak
dra m holder; eng carrier, holder
drak m (ruka) bandle; (uho vra) ear; (alata) stock,
shaft; (kormila) tiller; (sjekire) helve; (noa) haft;
(maa) hilt; (lice) shank; v. nasaditi
dralac m jur v. posjednik
dralo m pen-holder
dranje n ho1ding, hold; (tijela) carriage, bearing;
(stav) attitude, pose; (ponaanje) behaviour, demeanour
drati vt (rukom) hold, grasp; (potpora) bear, support; v.
smatrati | ~ pele keep bees; ~ podstanare take in
lodgers; (u ducanu:) ne drimo povre we don't
stock (carry, keep) vegetables; ~ do nekoga v. cijeniti; djevojka koja dri do sebe a self-respecting
girl; jo uvijek ga to dri he is still at it; he hasn't
got (A gotten) over it yet; ovaj lonac dri 2 litre this
pot holds two litres (A liters); ~ predavanje give a
lecture, lecture; ~ uputnim think fit (good); ~ novine
take in (a paper), be subscribed to

drati se vr behave, act; take an attitude | ~ ega (ravnati se) go by; (prianjati) cling (stick) to; (ustrarati)
abide by, stick to, adhere; ~ za ogradu hold on to the
fence; ~ naela stand by (adhere to, (stick to) a principle; ~ propisa observe regulations; (zakona) abide
by (adhere to) the law; ~ uputa follow instructions;
ne ~ propisa (uputa) ignore regulations (instructions); ega da se drim? what am I to go by?; dobro
se ~ hold out, hold one's own, maintain one's ground
drava f state; (zemlja) country
dravica f dim small (tiny) state
dravina f jur v. posjed
dravljanin m citizen, national, B subject; (strani) alien
| postati ~ v. stei dravljanstvo
dravljanstv|o n nationality, citizenship | stei ~o acquire (be admitted to) citizenship; (naturalizacijom)
become naturalized; dati (uzeti) ~ grant (take) citizensbip; odrei se ~a (oduzeti ~o) give up (strip of)
one's citizenship; podnijeti molbu za ~o apply for
dravn|i adj state, government, governmental; stateowned, government-owned; state-operated, government-operated, official | ~a blagajna state treasury,
exchequer; ~i dohoci (inland) revenue; ~i nadodvjetnik attorney-general; ~i odvjetnik solicitorgeneral; ~i papiri government stocks (securities), B
consols; ~i savjet privy council, council of state; sp
~o prvenstvo national championship
dravnik|i' adj diplomatic, statesmanlike | ~a mudrost
dravniki'' adv like a (true) statesman
dravnik m statesman
dravnopravni adj relating to (dealing with) public law
dravnost f statehood
dravotvorac m nation-builder
dravotvoran adj nationally constructive
drei adj coll v. uuvan
dual m gram dual
dubak m (za dijete) v. stalac
dubenje n v. dubljenje
dub m v. hrast
dubin|a f depth; fig profundity; (bezdan) abyss, bottom,
gulf; (fig: otroumlje) penetration, sagacity | zaao je
u preveliku ~u he went out of his depth (i fig)
dubinomjer m mar & nav echo-sounder | runi ~ sounding line
dubinski adj depth; deep-sea
dubiozan adj dubious, doubtful
dubiti' vi (~ na glavi) stand on one's head
dubiti'' vt v. dupsti
dubl sp v. igra parova
dubler m film double, stand-in; (za opasne scene) stunt
man, v. kaskader
dublerka f film double, stand-in; stunt actress
dublirati vt film v. sinhronizirati; be somebody's double, stand in for
dubljenje n standing on one's head; hollowing out,

dubok adj deep, fig profound; (san) deep, fast; (uvstvo)

heart-felt, home-felt, deep-seated; (glas) low-pitched,
deep; (znanje) deep, intimate; (otrouman) penetrating | ~ do glenja, koljena ankle-deep, knee-deep
duboko adv deep(ly); profoundly | zai ~ penetrate
dubokoum|nost f, ~lje n profundity, depth of thought
duborez m v. rezbarija
duborezac m v. rezbar
dubrava f v. gaj, umarak, uma
duan m Tur B shop, A store | vlasnik ~a B shopkeeper,
A storekeeper; | ii po ~ima go shopping
duani m dim small shop
duandija m v. sitni trgovac
duansk|i adj B shop, A store | ~a prostorija premises
dud m mulberry-tree
dud|a f (varalica) B dummy, B comforter, A pacifier; (za
boicu) nipple, B+ teat | hraniti na ~u feed from a
duda m v. gajda
dudati vt feed (take food) from a bottle
dude f pl v. gajde
dudinjak m mulberry grove
dudovaa f mulberry brandy
dudovina f mulberry wood
duduk m numskull (v. blesan, glupan)
duel m v. dvoboj
duet m mus duet
dug' adj long; (dugotrajan) of long standing, protracted,
long-lasting; (bolest) lingering; (rastrgnut; dosadan)
longwinded | prilino ~ lengthy; na ~o i iroko at
length; priati na ~o i iroko spin out at great
length; pao je kako je ~ i irok he fell his full
length, he fell to the ground sprawling
dug'' m debt; (zaduenost) indebtedness, money owing,
sum due; (zaostatak) arrears pl, outstanding debts;
bkk debit | bez ~a free from debt; (posjed) unencumbered; bkk upisati u ~ debit one, enter a sum against
(to) one; neutjeriv ~ bad debt; kupiti na ~ (veresiju)
buy on credit; praviti ~ove run in (to) debt, contract
(incur) debts, run up debt; ne praviti ~ove pay one's
way; preko glave u ~u deep in debt, over head and
ears in debt; platiti ~ pay off a debt; visei ~ floating
debt; hipotekarni ~ mortgage; dravni ~ public (national) debt
dga' f rainbow
dga'' f (bave) stave
dugaak adj v. dug'
dugajlija m v. dugonja
dugin adj |~e boje rainbow colo(u)rs; prelijevati se u
~im bojama be rainbow-colo(u)red, be iridescent
dugme n button; (metalno, za starinski ovratnik) stud;
(za manete) cuff-link; (okrugla ruka na ladici)
knob | kaput sa 1 (2) reda ~ta single-(double)breasted coat; zakopati ~ do (up) a button; otkopati ~ undo a button; pritisnuti ~ push a button
dugmetar m button-maker; button-seller
dugmetara f v. kromatska harmonika
dugo adv long, for a long time | ~ je tome it has been a
long time; a long time ago; ne ~ tome reeently,

lately, latterly, freshly; kako ~? how long?; tako ~

dok as (so) long as, ne dolaziti ~ be long in coming;
na ~ v. naduao
dugoasan adj v. dosadan, dugotrajan
dugoasiti se vr v. dosaivati se
dugodlak adj long-haired
dugoglav adj anthrop long-headed, dolichocephalic
dugogodinji adj longtime, long-standing, lifelong | ~
stanovnik (namjetenik, lan i sl.) old-timer
dugokljun adj long-billed
dugokos adj long-haired
dugoljast adj v. duguljast
dugometrani adj film feature-length
dugonog adj long-legged
dugonos adj long-nosed
dugonja m a very tall man, a lanky man
dugopruga m sp (long-)distance runner
dugoprugaki adj sp long distance
dugorep adj long-tailed
dugoroan adj long-term
dugorog adj long-horned
dugoruk adj long-armed
dugorun adj long-fleeced
dugosilazni adj phon long-falling
dugotrajan adj of long duration (standing), lasting; (stalan) enduring; (bolest) chronic, lingering; (predug)
protracted, time-consuming; (vrst, npr. cipele) durable, long-life, hard-wear, fit for hard wear (usage),
dugotrajnost f long duration (continuance), lastingness;
(obue) durability, long life
dugotrpan adj long-suffering
dugouh adj long-eared
dugouzlazni adj phon long-rising
dugovanj|e n indebtedness, debt | ~a liabilities
dugovati vt owe (nekome to), be owing, be indebted, be
in debt; (zaostatak) have arrears; fig be bound to, be
beholden to
dugovina f debts, liabilities; (zaostaci) outstanding debts,
dugovjean adj long-lived, longeval, having reached
(lived to) a great age (a green old age)
dugovjenost f long life, longevity
dugovjek adj v. dugovjean
dugovrat adj long-necked
duguljast adj longish, oblong, rather long, elongated,
duh m spirit, mind, soul; (um) intellect, sense; (duhovitost) wit; (prikaza, sablast) ghost, spectre, phantom,
apparition, spook, shadow (pokojnika fetch, wraith);
(smionost) spirit, mettle | ~ zakona (vremena) spirit
of the law (the times); to nije u ~u jezika it is not
correct (idiomatic); zao ~ evil genious, fiend, demon,
devil, (hob)goblin; dobar ~ good genius (spiirit); D~
Sveti Holy Spirit; prisutnost ~a presence of mind;
odsutan ~om absent-minded, abstracted; nemiran ~
restless mind; klonuti ~om despair, despond, become
disheartened; lose heart (courage), coll give up;
zazivanje ~a (spiritizam) spirit-rapping; kuom obi-

laze ~ovi the house is haounted; dozvati ~a conjure

up (raise) ghost; tjerati ~ove lay ghosts (iz opsjednutih exorcize)
duha m mus | ~i the wind; glazba za ~e wind (specif
brass) music
duhak|i adj mus | ~o glazbalo wind-instrument; drvena
(limena) ~a glazbala the wood-wind (the brass, the
brasses); ~i orkestar wind orchestra (limeni brass orchestra, brass band); ~i kvintet wind (specif brass)
duhan m tobacco | blag (jak) mild (strong) tobacco; | ~
za vakanje chewing tobacco (komad plug); vakati
~ chew tobacco
duhandija m Tur (pua) smoker; (prodavac) v. trafikant
duhankesa f tobacco-pouch
duhanski adj tobacco
duhati vi v. puhati
Duhovi m pl Pentecost, Whitsuntide (v. duhovski)
duhovit adj witty; (na odgovor) clever at repartee; fig
duhovito adv wittily
duhovitost f wit, wittiness, cleverness at repartee; fig
duhovn|i adj spiritual, ghostly; (crkven) sacred, religious, ecclesiastical, clerical | ~i stol spiritual court,
clerical board; ~i red ecclesiastic (clerical) order; ~i
otac ghostly father, confessor; ~o zvanje minister's
calling; ~a pastva cure of souls, spiritual charge
duhovnici m pl (sveenstvo) the clergy, collect fig the
cloth, the clerical order
duhovnik|i adj ecclesiastic, religious | liiti ~e asti
duhovnik m ecclesiastic, divine, clergyman, ordained
minister, priest; jur clerk in holy orders; (ispovjednik) confessor | zarediti za ~a ordain; poi za ~a
take holy orders; biti ~ wear the cloth
duhovnitvo n collect priesthood, ministry; v. duhovnici
duhovno adv spiritually
duhovnost f spirituality
duhovsk|i adj eccl | ~a nedjelja Whit Sunday; ~i ponedjeljak Whit Monday
dukat m ducat, gold coin
dulac m (svirala, gajda) chanter of bag--pipe; v. grli
dulje adv v. due
duljenje n v. duenje
duljina f v. duina
dum! int crash!, thump!; boom!, bang!
dum-dum metak m mil soft-nosed bullet
duna f geog v. dina
Dunav m Danube
dunavski adj Danubian
dunuti vi v. puhnuti
dunja f quince; (stablo) quince-tree | pekmez od ~
quince jam (tvrdi: kitnkes quince conserve)
dunjik m quince grove
dunjovaa f quince brandy
dunjovina f quince wood
duo m mus & fig duo, duet

dupe n vulg v. stranjica

dupin m dolphin
dupkom adv (pun) chock-ful, choke-ful, stuffed (packed
with people), packed like sardines
dupli adj double; v. dvostruk
duplikat m duplicate | u ~u in duplicate
dupliranje n duplication | ~ poslova duplication of effort
duplirati vt duplicate; (re)double
duplo adv doubly
duplj|a, f ~e n hollow (hole) in a tree; (zvijeri) lair, den;
(kunia, lisice) burrow | ona ~a v. upljina
dupljar m zoo v. mjeinac
dupsti vt hollow (scoop) out, excavate; (u dubinu)
deepen; (kopati) dig into, sink; (brlog) burrow; (rov,
lagum) sap
dur m mus major | A ~ A major; As ~ flat major; u ~u in
a major key
duraluminij m duralumin
durancija f (breskva) clingstone peach
durati vt v. trajati, podnositi, ivotariti
durbin m v. dalekozor
durenje n pouting
duriti se vr pout
durski adj mus major, in a major key
du|a f soul, ghost; (stanovnik) inhabitant, soul | ni iva
~a not a living soul; dobra ~a good soul; dobar kao
~a good (kind) as good (kind) can be; ~a od ovjeka
a good fellow, coll a regular brick; plemenita ~a noble-minded man (woman); spas ~e welfare of the
soul; po ~i in all conscience; bez ~e (mrtav) lifeless,
inanimate; biti bez ~e (nemati ~e) be heartless
(hard, unfeeling, cruel); ~e mi! upon my soul; iz dna
~e from the bottom of one's heart; srodna ~a congenial (kindred) soul; pokojna ~a departed soul; boli
me ~a it grieves me to the very heart; on je ~a cijelog pokreta he is the (life and) soul of the whole
enterprise; ~om i tijelom whole-heartedly; neto mu
je na ~i something preys upon his hind; u dnu ~e in
one's innermost soul; ispustiti ~u yield (give up) the
ghost; boriti se s ~om agonize, suffer the pangs of
death, be at one's last gasp
duak m | ispiti na ~ drink off at a draught, toss off,
drain at a gulp
duek m Tur v. jastuk, madrac
duevni adj spiritual, intellectual, mental, psychical,
immaterial | ~ bol mental agony; ~rad head-work,
mental work; ~ umor brain-fag
duevno adv mentally, spiritually
duevnost f spirituality
duica f dim & fig sweetie, little darling; v. iak | bot
majina ~ thyme
duin|i adj nitrogenous, nitric | ~a kiselina nitric acid
duik m nitrogen
duikov poss pron v. duini
duiti vt v. guiti
dumanin m Tur v. neprijatelj; fig fiend
dumanski adv & adv Tur v. neprijateljski; fig furious(ly), violent(ly)
duniki adj anat windpipe, tracheal

Duni dan m All Souls' Day

dunik m wind-pipe, trachea
duobriniki adj eccl pastoral, curatic
duobrinik m eccl curator of souls, spiritual father
duobrinitvo n eccl cure of souls, spiritual charge
duva m v. puha; mus v. duha
duva(la)ki adj v. duhaki
duvaljka f v. puhaljka; ethn mus v. dulac
duvan m v. duhan
duvati vi v. puhati
duvna f v. redovnica
du prep along; (uz) up; (niz) down | ~ cijelog... all
along the...; put vodi ~ obale the road skirts the shore
du|an adj in debt, owing; (uzvrat) be in-debted (beholden) to; (dunost) be in duty bound to | biti ~an
owe (money); (morati) be liable (obliged, bound to),
have to, must; dijete je ~no tovati roditelje the
child ought to respect its parents; ~an sam da it is
incumbent on me to; ostati ~an odgovor fail (refuse)
to answer; ~no priznanje (potovanje) due credit
dud m doge
due adv comp longer | ne ~ no longer, not any longer;
v. ve ~ vremena
duenje n (odgaanje) delay; (opirnost) elaboration
dui adj comp longer
duica' f dim (bave) stave
duica'' f anat v. arenica
duin|a f length, longitude; (vrijeme) span (of time) | po
~i longways, longwise, lengthwise, longitudinally
duinsk|i adj longitudinal | ~e mjere linear measures
dui|ti vt lengthen (out), extend, prolong; (biti opiran)
elaborate (o on); (boravak) protract; (odgaati) put
off, delay, postpone | da ne ~m to make a long story
duiti se vr (dan) draw out; (vrijeme, vui se) drag out
dunik m debtor; (steajnik) defaulter
dunosnik m functionary, high-ranking official
dunost f duty, obligation; (sluba) official duties | ~ mi
je it is my duty, it is incumbent on me; (sveta) it is
my bounden duty to; vriti ~ perform (discharge)
one's duty; take up a post, take over; po ~i in the line
of duty; vrilac ~i predsjednika acting chairman
dva num (m & n) two (dva mukarca, dva sela itd.); car
deuce; a set of two; (par) pair, couple; (psi, divlja)
brace | po ~ in pairs, by twos
dvadeset num twenty
dvadesetak m some (about) twenty, twenty-odd, a score
dvadeseti num ord the twentieth
dvadesetina f a (one) twentieth, the twentieth part
dvadesetogodinjak m a twenty-year-old
dvadesetogodinji adj twenty-year-old; twenty-year
dvadesetorica f twenty men
dvadesetoro n (batch of) twenty, twenty persons (people)
dvanaesnik m anat duodenum | med ir na ~u duodenal
dvanaest num twelve, a dozen
dvanaesterac m pros dodecasyllabic line

dvanaesteraki adj pros dodecasyllabic

dvanaesti num ord the twelfth
dvanaestina f a (one) twelfth, the twelfth part; (oblik
knjige) duodecimo
dvanaestogodinji adj twelve-year-old; twelve-year
dvanaestorica f twelve (men)
dvanaestero n (batch of) twelve, twelve persons (people)
dvanaestopalan|i adj | anat ~o crijevo v. dvanaesnik
dvanaestorica f twelve men (males), twelve people
dvaput adv twice, two times, on two occassions | ~ toliko twice as much (many); ~ vii twice as high (tall),
as high again
dveri f pl gate; (prolaz) gate-way, door-way
dvica f v. dvojka
dvije num (f) two (dvije ene itd.)
dvjesta num two hundred
dvjestagodinji adj bicentennial
dvjestagodinjica f bicentenary, bicentennial, 200th
dvo- pref two-, bi-, twin, double
dvoboj m duel, single combat | izazvati na ~ challenge
to duel; tui se u ~u fight a duel
dvobojan adj two-colour(ed), two-tone(d)
dvobranost f jur bigamy
dvobroj m dual number, double issue of a magazine
dvocifren adj v. dvoznamenkast
dvocijevka f double-barrelled gun
dvocijevni adj mil twin(-barrelled)
dvoasovni adj v. dvosatni
dvoetvrtinski adj mus | ~ takt two-four time
dvolan math binomial
dvodihalica f ichth lungfish
dvodijel|an adj two-part | ~ni kupai kostim two-piece
dvodimenzionalan adj two-dimensional
dvodinarka f hist two-dinar coin
dvodnevan adj two-day
dvodoman adj par bicameral, two-chamber
dvoetani adj | ~ stan split-level (apartment); v. dvokatan
dvofazn|i adj el | ~ a struja two-phase current
dvoglas|an adj mus | ~no pjevanje two-part singing,
duet singing
dvoglas(nik) m diphthong
dvoglav adj two-headed | ~i orao double eagle
dvogled m v. dalekozor
dvogodinjak m a two-year-old
dvogodinji adj two year old, of two years standing; biennial
dvogodite n biennium
dvogrb adj two-humped (v. deva)
dvogub adj v. dvostruk, dvojak
dvoimen adj binomial, having two names
dvoja num v. dvoji
dvojac m sp (amac) pair(-oar) | ~ na parie (s krmilarom) double scull (with coxswain)
dvojak adj of two kinds (sorts)
dvojako adv in two ways

dvojb|a f (neizvjesnost) doubt, doubting; uncertainty |

biti u ~i be doubtful of, be in doubt (suspense);
raistiti ~u remove one's doubts; nema ~e, bez ~e
v. sumnja
dvojben adj doubtful; in doubt, uncertain; (sumnjiv) dubious, questionable; (dvolian) ambiguous, equivocal;
(neizvjestan) problematical; (nesiguran) precarious
dvoj|ci m pl twins pl | jedan od ~aka v. blizanac, blizanka
dvoje n two persons of different sex, a man and a
woman, two lovers, a couple (pair) | igrati klavir u ~
play four-handed; na ~ v. nadvoje
dvojenje n doubting, questioning
dvojezian adj bilingual
dvojezinost f ling bilingualism
dvoj|i num | ~e cipele two pairs of shoes; ~a vrata two
dvojica f two persons
dvojina f gram dual
dvojiti vt doubt, question, have (entertain) doubts, call in
dvojka f (number) two, car deuce; sch v. dovoljan,
(arch) nedovoljan
dvojka m sch failing pupil, pupil with bad marks
dvojni adj double
dvojnice f pl shepherd's pipe (flute), pan-pipe
dvojnik m double; (telefon) party line | brod ~ sister ship
dvoj|nost f, ~stvo n duality
dvokatan adj B two-story, A three-story
dvokatnica f two-story (A three-story) house
dvokolica f barrow; two-wheeled cart; gig; arch v. bicikl
dvokrak adj two-armed, two-pronged, double
dvokrat|an adj occurring (done, repeated) twice | ~no
radno vrijeme working hours with a long lunch
dvokratno adj at two sittings | raditi ~ work mornings
and afternoons (with a long lunch break)
dvokrevetn|i adj | ~a soba double room
dvokrilac m aero diplane
dvokril|an adj two-winged | ~na vrata double door
dvolian adj insincere, false, double, (dvosmislen) double-tongued, low; (licemjeran) hypocritical, simulated; (izmotavanje) shuffling, equivocal | biti ~ be
false (insincere), equivocate, prevaricate, shuffle
dvolino adv in a two-faced manner, with hypocrisy
dvolinost f falseness, falsehood, insincerity, doubledealing, duplicity; (licemjerje) dissimulation; (izmotavanje) equivocation, shuffling, quibble
dvolinjak m double-dealer
dvomjeseje n two-month period
dvomjesenik m bi-monthly
dvomjeseno adv bimonthly
dvomotoran adj aero & eng two-engine(d), twinengine(d)
dvonog m biped, two-legged, two-footed
dvonoke adv on two feet
dvonoac m two-footed animal, biped
dvonoan adj two-footed, two-legged, sci biped(al)
dvook adj two-eyed

dvoosni adj geom biaxial

dvoosovinski adj mot two-axle
dvopapkar m cloven-hoofed, ruminant
dvopek m B crisp bread, A zwieback; mar hard tack,
ship's biscuit
dvopjev m mus duet
dvopreg m two-horse team; carriage and pair
dvoprean adj two-horse
dvopreno adv | voziti ~ drive a carriage and pair
dvor m (vladara) court; (upni) parsonage | kraljevski ~
royal court; na ~u at court
dvorac m (zamak) castle; country house; (vlasteoski)
manor-house, country-seat, hall; (palaa) palace,
dvorana f hall, auditorium, large room (chamber) | sveana ~ state-room; plesna ~ ballroom, dance hall; ~
za audijencije presence chamber; za izlobe showroom
dvoranin m v. dvorjanik
dvoranski adj | ~ sportovi indoor sports (athletics)
dvorba f v. podvorba, dvorenje
dvored m double file, row of two
dvoredan adj two-rowed; (po visini) two-tiered | ~ kaput
(odijelo) double-breasted coat (suit)
dvorenje n attendance, service, waiting (on)
dvorin|i adj | ~a zgrada back building; ~a soba backroom, rear-view room; ~i stan back flat (A apartment), rear-view flat (A apartment)
dvorite n yard, court, courtyard, playing-yard
dvoriti vt attend, serve, wait (up) on; fig fetch and carry;
v. posluivati
dvorjanik m courtier; (vrhovni) chamberlain
dvorjanka f lady-in-waiting
dvorjanstvo n collect courtiers (B Royal Household)
dvorkinja f daily help, part-time maid, cleaning woman
dvorog adj two-horned
dvorsk|i adj court; (poput dvora) court-like; (namjeten
na dvoru) attached (belonging) to the court; (imenovan od dvora) appo'inted by the court | ~i dobavlja
purveyor to the Royal Household; ~a gospoa ladyin-waiting; ~i savjetnik privy councillor
dvoruni adj mus for two hands
dvoruk adj two-armed
dvosjed m sp, mot & aero two-seater
dvosjekli adj two-edged | fig ~ ma double-edged sword
dvosloan adj two-syllable
dvosmislen adj ambiguous
dvosmisleno adv ambiguously, with ambiguity
dvosmislenost f ambiguity
dvosmjer|an adj | ~na ulica two-way street
dvosoban adj two-room
dvospolac m hermaphrodite
dvospolan adj hermaphrodite, hermaphroditic; bisexual
dvospolnost f hermaphroditism; bisexuality
dvospratnica f v. dvokatnica
dvostran adj two-sided, bilateral; two-way
dvostranaki adj pol | ~ sustav two-party system
dvostruk adj double, twin, dua1, twofold, twoply, made
in duplicate

dvostruko adv doubly | ~ vii v. dvaput

dvosupnica f bot dicotyledon, dicotyledonous plant
dvotaktni adj eng motor two-stroke (A two-cycle) engine
dvotjedni adj two-week, B+ fortnightly
dvotoka f colon
dvotra|an adj rlw | ~na pruga double-tracked line
dvotreinski adj v. veina

dvotrupac m aero twin-boom aircraft; mar twin-hulled

ship, (jedrilica) catamaran
dvoumiti se vr hesitate, be in a dilemma
dvoumljenje n hesitation, dilemma
dvovrstan adj of two kinds (sorts)
dvoznamenkast adj two-digit
dvoenstvo n bigamy

dab|a, ~e adv Tur v. badava, uzalud
dak m Tur v. vrea
dake n dim Tur v. vreica
dambodet m aero jumbo jet
damija f Tur mosque
dandrljiv adj Tur v. angrizav
dapati se vr v. kokati se
daul m phys joule
dbun m v. grm
dbunje n collect v. grmlje
debana f Tur v. municija
deferdar m hist Tur long Turkish rifle
delat m Tur v. krvnik
dem m cul jam | ~ od marelica apricot jam; ~ od
narane orange marmalade
demper m pullover, sweater, B+ jumper
denaza f Tur Moslem funeral
dentlmen m gentleman
dentlmenski' adj gentlemanly | fig ~ sporazum gentlemen's agreement
dzentlmenski'' adv in a gentlemanly manner, like a gentleman
dep m pocket | mali ~ breast-pocket; stranji ~ hippocket; staviti u ~ pocket
depar m pick-pocket
deparac m pocket-money, allowance
depni adj pocket (i fig)
dersej m text v. ersej
dez m mus jazz; pop rock | ~ orkestar jazz orchestra

dezist m mus jazzman, jazz musician

dezva f Tur Turkish coffee-pot
dibra f Tur v. kom
digerica f cul Tur v. jetra | bijela ~ v. plua
digernjaa f cul Tur v. jetrena pateta
diju-dicu m sp Jap jujitsu, jujutsu
dilit m hist Tur javelin, dart (v. sulica); javelin-thrower,
dilitnuti se vr hist Tur throw a javelin (dart)
din' m Tur v. div
din'' m (pie) gin | ~ s tonikom gin and tonic
dinovski adj Tur v. divovski, gigantski
dins m pl v. traperice
dip m mot jeep
dipiti vi v. ipiti
dokej m jockey
doker m car joker
domba f Tur bump (on the road)
dombast adj Tur bumpy (road)
don m v. on
duboks m jukebox
duda m sp judo wrestler
dudo m sp Jap judo
dukela f derog Tur (pseto) mongrel, cur; (osoba)
scoundrel, bastard
dumbus m Tur v. zbrka, mete, urnebes
dungla f geog & fig jung.le
dunka f mar junk
duve m v. uve

ae n small pupil, schoolboy

aki adj a schoolboy's, a pupil's, a schollar's, a student's; like a pupil (schoolboy, student)
ak m pupil, schoolboy, schoolgirl, A+ student; (visoke
kole) student; fig pupil, disciple | ~ Oxforda, Cambridgea an Oxford man, a Cambridge man
akon m eccl deacon
akonija f dainty, goody, titbit (A tidbit), delicacy
akonstvo n eccl deaconry, deaconship
akovanje n schooling, pupil's (schoolboy's, student's)
time spent at school
akovati vi spend time at school as a pupil (schoolboy,
aur m Tur v. kaurin
aurski adj Tur v. kaurski

avao m v. vrag
avolak m dim v. vraiak; fig v. vragolan
avolast adj v. vragolast
avolija f devilish trick, devilry, deviltry; (aranje)
witchcraft; fig v. vragolija
avolski adj devilish, fiendish, infernal, diabolic(al),
satanic; fig v. vraki
avol|stvo n, ~tina f, ~uk m flendishness; v. avolija
avolji adj v. avolski
eram m sweep of a draw-well
erdan m Tur v. ogrlica
erev m tambour (for embroidery)
i!, iha!, ija! int (konju) gee!, gee-ho!, giddap!
inuva f Tur trinket

ipati vi v. skakati, poskakivati

ogat m Tur white horse
on m Tur sole (of shoe) (v. potplat)
oniti vt Tur sole (a shoe)
ubre n Tur v. gnoj, smee
ubrenje n Tur v. gnojenje
ubretar m Tur v. smetlar
ubrite n Tur v. gnojite; smetlite
ubriti vt Tur v. gnojiti
ubrivo n Tur v. gnojivo | vjestako ~ v. umjetno gnojivo

ubrovnik m v. lopatica za smee

umbir m bot & cul ginger
urevak m v. urica
urevdan m St. George's Day
urica f bot lily of the valley
urijanac m v. Gruzin
urijanski adj v. gruzijski
uro m George
uture adv Tur | u ~ in (by) the lump, in bulk (gross);
uve m cul Tur sautd rice with meat and vegetables

e int oh, ah; well | ~ da mi je if only I had; ~, to je neto
drugo well, that makes a difference
ebanovin|a f ebony | od ~e ebony
edicija f edition (v. izdanje); (kolo) series
efekt m effect, impact | nemati ~a have no effect (v.
djelovanje) ; postii ~ achieve an effect; zvuni
(svjetlosni) ~i sound (light) effects
efektan adj effective, striking
efektivan adj effective, actual
efektivno adv effectively, actually; on hand
efektno adv with effect, strikingly
efektnost f effect, striking quality
efemeran adj ephemeral (v. prolazan)
efikasan adj effective; (osoba) efficient
efikasno adv effectively; efficiently
efikasnost f effectiveness, efficacity, efficiency
Egejsko more n geog Aegean (Sea)
Egipat m geog Egypt
egipatski adj Egyptian
Egipanin m Egyptian
Egipanka f Egyptian woman
egiptolog m Egyptologist
egocentrian adj self-centred, A self-centered
egocentrinost f self-cent(e)redness
egocentrik m self-cent(e)red person
egoist m egoist
egoistian adj egoistic (v. sebian)
egoizam m egoism (v. sebinost)
egzaktan adj exact
egzaktnost f exactness, exactitude
egzaltacija f v. egzaltiranost
egzaltiran adj high-strung
egzaltiranost f high-strung state
egzekucija f v. smaknue, ovrha
egzekutiva f executive
egzekutivan adj executive (v. izvrni)
egzem m med eczema
egzemplar m v. primjerak
egzemplaran adj v. primjeran, uzoran
egzercir m Ger mil basic training, drill
egzibicija f v. ekshibicija
egzistencij|a f existence; survival | minimum ~e subsistence

egzistencijalan adj existential

egzistencijalist m phil existentialist
egzisteneijalistiki adj phil existentialist
egzistencijalizam m phil existentialism
egzistirati vi exist; subsist
egzoti m pl exotix plants (animals)
egzotian adj exotic
egzotika f exoticism; v. egzoti
egzudat m v. eksudat
eh! int ah ; well
ehinokok m zoo echinococcus; med hydatid (cyst)
ej! int hey!, hallo (there)!
eja f ornith harrier
ejakulacija f med ejaculation
ejakulirati vi med ejaculate
ekavac m ling ekavian speaker
ekavski' adj ling ekavian | ~ govor ekavian dialect;
ekavian variant of Serbian or Croatian
ekavski'' adv ling | govoriti ~ speak the ekavian dialect
ekavtina f ling ekavian dialect (variant)
ekcem m v. egzem
ekipa f team, crew | filmska ~ film crew; glumaka ~
ekipa m equipage (v. koija, pratnja)
ekipirati vt v. opremiti
ekipn|i adj team | sp ~o prvenstvo team championship
eklatantan adj glaring, striking, obvious
eklatantno adv glari gly, strikingly, obviously
eklektieizam m eclecticism
eklektian adj eclectic
eklektik m eclectic
ekler m cul clair
eklipsa f ast eclipse (v. pomrina)
ekolog m ecologist
ekologija f ecology
ekoloki adj ecological
ekonom m (upravitelj) steward, manager of estate;
(brodski) purser; (bolniki) catering officer
ekonomat m steward's itd. office; supply department
ekonomian adj economical; budget-priced
ekonomino adv economically, with economy
ekonominost f economy

ekonomija f economy; (znanost) economics; (tednja)

thrift, thriftiness; (gospodarenje) husbandry | politika ~ political economy; fakultetska ~ (dobro) college farm
ekonomika f (privreda) economy | ~ poduzea business
ekonomist m economist | diplomirani ~ graduate
ekonomizirati vi economize
ekonomsk|i adj economic | ~i fakultet school of economics, economic college, A school (college) of business administration ; srednja ~a kola secondary
commcrcial school, B commercial college, A business
ekran m film screen: {kompjuterski) visual display,
scope | film na ~u on the screen
ekranizacija f film filming; film (screen) version
ekranizirati vt film film, make a screen version of
eks adv | na ~! bottoms up! ; v. ispiti na duak
eks- pref ex-, former
ekscelencij|a f | Vaa ~o Your Excellency
ekscentrian adj eccentric
ekscentrinost f eccentricity
ekscentrik m eccentric
ekscerpirati vt excerpt
ekscerpt m excerpt
eksces m excess; v. ispad, izgred
ekselencija f v. ekscelencija
ekser m Tur v. avao
ekshibicija f exhibition; fig stunt
ekshibicijsk|i adj | sp ~a utakmica exhibition match
(game) ; ~a vonja stunt-driving
ekshibicionist m psych exhibitionist
ekshibicionizam m psych exhibitionism
ekskavator m eng excavator, power shovel
ekskluzivan adj exclusive
ekskomunicirati vt eccl excommunicate
ekskomunikacija f eecl excommunication
ekskurzij|a f excursion (v. izlet) | kolska ~a school
excursion; ii na strunu ~u go on a study tour, go
on a field trip; sudionik ~e excursionist
ekspander m gym expander
ekspanzija f expansion (i pol)
ekspanzionist m pol expansionist
ekspanzionistiki adj pol expansionist
ekspanzionizam m pol expansionism
ekspanzivan adj expansive
ekspedicij|a f expedition | ii na ~u go on (j oin) an expedition
ekspedirati vt coll & hum pack off (v. otpremiti)
ekspedit m v. otprema, otpremni odio
ekspeditivan adj expeditious, prompt; efficient
ekspeditivnost f expeditiousness, promptness; efficiency
eksperiment m experiment | vriti ~e make experiments
eksperimentalan adj experimental
eksperimentalno adv experimentally
eksperimentator m experimenter, experimentalist
eksperimentiranje n experimenting, experimentation
eksperimentirati vi experiment

ekspert m expert
ekspertan adj expert
ekspertiza f expert opinion, expertise; jur v. vjetaenje
eksplicitan adj v. izricit
eksploatacija f exploitation; (eljeza, nafte) extraction;
(rudnika) working
eksploatator m exploiter
eksploatatorski adj exploiting; fig slave-driving
eksploatiranje n exploiting, exploitation
eksploatirati vt exploit; (eljezo, naftu) extract; (rudnik)
eksplodirati vi explode, go off, blow up; fig v. planuti
eksplozij|a f explosion | izazvati ~u explode, detonate;
touch off
eksploziv m explosive | razbiti ~om blast, blow up, blow
eksploziv|an adj explosive; fig explosive, volatile | ~ni
motor internal-combustion engine
eksponat m exhibit
eksponaa f photo exposure
eksponent m exponent (i math)
eksponirati vt photo expose
eksponirati se vr expose oneself (v. izloiti se)
eksport m v. izvoz
eksporter m v. izvoznik
eksportni adj v. izvozni
ekspoze m par report; policy statement
ekspozitura f branch (v. podrunica); derog v. agentura
ekspres' m coll v. ekspresni vlak
ekspres'' adj v. ekspresni | ~ kava (juha) instant coffee
ekspres''' adv express | poslati ~ send by express (A special) delivery
ekspresionist m expressionist
ekspresionistiki' adj expressionist(ic)
ekspresienistiki'' adv in an expressionist(ic) manner
ekspresionizam m expressionism
ekspresivan adj expressive (v. izraajan)
ekspresn|i adj express | ~o pismo/poiljka express (A
special) delivery letter/package
ekspresno adv express; (potom) by express (A special)
eksproprijacija f expropriation
eksproprirati vt expropriate
ekspurgirati vt (tekst) expurgate, bowdlerize
ekstatian adj ecstatic (v. zanosan)
ekstaz|a f ecstasy | pasti (dovesti) u~ go (throw) into
ekstenzij|a f med traction | staviti nogu u ~u place a leg
in traction
ekstenziv|an adj | ~na poljoprivreda extensive agriculture (farming)
eksterijer m exterior | u ~u film & TV on location; art in
the open
eksteritorijalan adj jur ex(tra) territorial
ekstra' adj special; (vie) extra

ekstra'' adv specially, unusually; (povrh) extra, some

ekstradicija jur extradition
ekstrakt m extract
ekstravagancija f extravagance
ekstravagantan adj extravagant
ekstrem m extreme (v. krajnost)
ekstreman adj extreme (v. krajnji)
ekstremist m extremist
ekstremistiki adj extremist
ekstremitet m (udo) extremity, limb
ekstremizam m extremism (v. krajnost)
ekstremno adv extremely (v. krajnje)
ekstrovert m psych extrovert
ekstrovertan adj psych extrovert
eksudat m med | gnojni ~ purulent exudate
ekvator m equator, the Line
ekvatorijalan adj equatorial
ekvatorski adj equatorial
ekvilibrist m (artist) tightrope artist, rope dancer, rope
ekvilibristik|i adj | ~a toka tightrope act
ekvinocij m equinox
ekvinocijalan adj equinoctial
elaborat m survey, development plan, feasibility study |
izraditi ~ draw up a survey itd.
elan m lan (v. polet, oduevljenje)
elastian adj elastic; fig flexible; text stretch
elastinost f elasticity; fig flexibility
elastik|a f v. gumilastika
elegancija f elegance, smartness, stylishness
elegant|an adj elegant, smart, stylish, fashionable; tasteful, refined
elegija f elegy
elegijski adj elegiac
elektrana f power-plant, power-station, power-house;
generating station, power plant
elektricitet m electricity | nabijen ~om (i fig) charged
elektri|an adj electrical | ~ni naboj electric charge; ~no
svjetlo electric light; ~na struja electric current; ~na
energija electric power; nestaica ~ne energije
power cut; blackout
elektriar m electrician
elektrificiran adj electrified, having electric power;
elektrificirati vt electrify, bring electricity to, supply
elektrificirati se vr bring in electricity
elektrifikacija f electrification
elektrika f electric light (current, power); electricity
elektriziranje n electrization
elektrizirati vt electrify (i fig)
elektroda f electrode
elektroenergetika f electric-power supply, electricity
supply; v. elektroprivreda
elektroenergetsk|i adj | ~o poduzee electric-power
elektroenergija f electric power
elektroindustrija f electrical (equipment) industry

elektroinstalacioni adj | ~ materijal electric fittings,

wiring supplies
elektroinstalater m electrician
elektroinstalatersk|i adj | ~i poduzetnik electrical contractor; ~o poduzee electrical contractors
elektroinenjer m (graduate) electrical engineer
elektrokardiogram m med electrocardiogram (abbr
elektrolit m phys electrolyte
elektrolitski adj phys electrolytic
elektroliza f chem electrolysis
elektromagnet m electro-magnet
elektromagnetizam m electro-magnetism
elektromagnetski adj electro-magnetic
elektromaterijal m electro-technical products ; v. elektroinstalacioni
elektrometalurgija f electro-metallurgy
elektromonter m electrical fitter
elektromotor m electric motor
elektron m electron
elektroniar m electronics engineer, electronician
elektronika f electronics; electronic equipment
elektronka f el B valve, A tube
elektronsk|i adj electronic | ~a industrija electronics
elektroprivreda f electric-power industry, electricitysupply industry
elektrook m med electric shock | lijecenje ~om electricshock treatment
elektretehniki adj electrical-engineering, electrotechnical | ~ fakultet college (school) of electrical engineering
elektrotehnik|a f electrical engineering | inzenjer ~e
(graduate) electrical engineer
elemen|t m element, oomponent part; (pokustva) unit |
kuhinje od ~ata kitchen system
elementar|an adj elementary; (prirodne sile) elemental |
~na nezgoda accident due to natural forces, Act of
eliksir m elixir
eliminacija f elimination (i sp & math)
eliminacijsk|i adj | sp ~a natjecanja elimination
matches (events, games)
eliminirati vt eliminate | sp ~ iz prvenstva eliminate
from championship
elipsa f geom ellipse; gram & pros ellipsis
eliptian adj elliptic(al)
elisa f v. propeler
elita f lite
elit|an adj lite | mil ~na jedinica crack unit
elizejsk|i adj myth | ~e poljane the Elysian fields
elizija f gram & pros elision
elokvencija f eloquence
elokventan adj eloquent
emajl m enamel
emajlira|ti vt enamel | ~na roba enamel ware
emanacija f efflux, aura; phil emanation
emancipacija f emancipation
emancipiran adj emancipated, sophisticated

emancipirati vt emancipate
emancipirati se vr become emancipated (sophisticated)
embargo m econ & jur embargo | uvesti ~ na lay an embargo on
emblem m v. amblem
embolija f med embolism
embrio m med embryo
ementaler m Swiss cheese, Emmenthaler (cheese)
emfatian adj emphatic
emfaza f emphasis
emfizem m med emphysema | ~ plua pulmonary emphysema
emigracij|a f emigration; collect (political) migrs |
otii u ~u v. emigrirati
emigrant m migr, political refugee, defector (Pazi:
emigrant = iseljenik!)
emigrantski adj migr
emigrirati vi emigrate for political reasons; defect
eminencija f eminence | fig siva ~ minence grise, grey
eminentan adj eminent
eminentnost f eminence
emir m emir, ameer
emisar m emissary
emisija f broadcast, transmission; show, program(me) ;
phys emission; (novca) issue | radio ~ radio broadcast, sound broadcast; TV ~ television broadcast,
telecast; govorna ~ talk show; reklamna ~ commercial
emitiranje n rad & TV broadcasting, transmitting | poeti (prestati) s ~m go on (off) the air
emitirati vt broadcast, transmit, (usmjereno) beam ;
phys emit
emocija f emotion | bez ~ emotionless
emocionalan adj emotional
emocionalno adv emotionally
emocionalnost f emotionality, being emotional
emotivan adj emotive
empiriar m empiricist
empiriki' adj empiric
empiriki'' adv empirically
emu m ornith emu
emulzija f chem, phys & photo emulsion
encefalitis m med encephallitis
encefalogram m med encephallogram
encijan m bot gentian
enciklika f eccl encyclical (letter)
enciklopedija f encyclop(a)edia | fig iva ~ walking encyclop(a)edia
enciklopedijski adj encyclop(a)edic
enciklopedist m encyclop(a)edist
encim m chem & biol enzyme
endemian adj biol & med endemic
endivija f bot endive; (zelena salata) curly endive, chicory
endlanje n Ger buttonhole stitch
endokrin adj med | ~e lijezde endocrine glands
energetika f phys energetics; v. elektroenergetika,

energetski adj power, power-supply

energian adj energetic, vigorous, active, forcible, forceful; (stil) trenchant
energino adv energetically, vigorously | ~ nastupiti put
one's foot down
energinost f v. energija
energij|a f energy, power; (energinost) vigour, power,
drive, dash; coll vim, go; sl pep | elektrina (nuklearna) ~a electric (nuclear) power ; dobivati ~u od
sunanih baterija be powered by solar batteries; uvati ~u conserve energy; troiti ~u expend (uludo
dissipate) energy; bez ~e (osoba) listless
enervantan adj unnerving
Englesk|a f Britain; (bez kotske i Walesa) England |
roen u ~oj English-born
engleski adj Eng.lish | ~ jezik English, English language; knjievni ~ standard English; govoriti ~
speak English
Engleskinja f Englishwoman, English girl (lady)
Englez m Englishman, lit & journ Briton | ~i the English, English people; praviti se ~ play stupid
enigma f enigma
enigmatika f puzzle-writing
enklava f pol & geog enclave
enklitika f gram enclitic
eno! int there!, see there!, look!, see!, form behold | ~!
there they are!
enorman adj enormous (v. golem)
enormno adv enormously
enteritis m med enteritis
ent|i adj math nth | fig & math na ~u to the nth
entomolog m entomologist
entomologija f entomology
entomoloki adj entomologic(al)
entre m cul v. meujelo
entropija f phys stat entropy
entuzijast m enthusiast | ~ duda judo fan, sl judo bug
entuzijazam m enthusiasm (v. oduevljenje)
enzim m v. encim
eocen m geog Eocene
eolski adj myth Aeolian
eozoik m geol Eozoic, Precambrian
ep m epic (poem)
epicentar m geol epicentre
epiar m epic poet, epicist
epidemija f med epidemic, outbreak | izbila je ~ an epidemic broke out; vladala je ~ kolere there was an
epidemic of cholera
epidemijski adj med epidemic
epidemiolog m med epidemiologist
epidemiologija f med epidemiology
epidemioloki adj med epidemiologic(al)
epiderma f anat & bot epidermis
epidijaskop m opt slide-opaque projector, epidiascope
epifiza f (lijezda) pineal gland (body)
epiglotis m anat epiglottis
epigon m epigone
epigonstvo n epigonism
epigraf m epigraph

epigram m epigram | pisac ~a epigrammatist

epik m v. epiar
epika f epic poetry; epic quality
epikureizam m phi Epicureanism
epikurejac m fig epicure; phil Epicurean
epikurejski adj fig epicurean; phi Epicurean
epikurejstvo n fig epicurism, epicureanism
epilepsija f med epilepsy (v. padavica)
epileptiar m med epileptic
epileptiki adj med epileptic | ~ napadaj epileptic seizure
epilog m epilogue
episkop' m eccl episcope
episkop'' m opt opaque projector, episcope
episkopat m episcopate; (biskupi skupno) the episcopate
epistemologija f phil epistemology
epistola f epistle
epitaf m epitaph
epitel m biol epithelium
epitet m epithet | priivati ~e apply epithets; call names;
pros ukrasni ~ (stock) ornamental epithet
epizod|a f episode; (nastavak) instalment | film u tri ~e
(film) trilogy
epizodni adj episodic
epoha f epoch
epohalan adj epoch-making
epoleta f mil epaulet(t)e, shoulder board
epopeja f | fig ~ hrabrosti epic (ili saga) of courage
epsk|i adj epic | ~a pjesma (pjesnitvo) epic poem (poetry)
era f era ) | 476. godine nae ~e in 476 A. D.; 146.
godine prije nase ~e in 146 B. C.
erekcija f med erection, tab hard-on
erg m phys erg
ergela f (stado) stud, horse herd; (dobro) stud-farm,
ergonomika f econ & tech motion study
erika f bot v. crnjua
eritrocit m med erythrocyte, red blood cell
erizipel m med erysipelas, pop St. Anthony's fire
erker m archit Ger bay window; (zaobljen) bow window
erkondiener m v. klima-ureaj
erkondin m v. klimatizacija
erodirati vt & vi geol & geog erode
erogen adj med erogenous
Eros m myth Cupid
erotian adj erotic
erotinost f erotic quality, eroticism
erotik m erotic artist (writer); pursuer of erotic pleasure
erotika f erotic
erotoman m med erotomaniac. coll sex fiend
erotomanija f med erotomania
erotski adj erotic
erozija f geol &. geog erosion
ersted m phys oersted
erudicija f erudition, learning
erudit m erudite
erupcija f geol & fig eruption
eruptivan adj geol & fig eruptive

eruptivnost f fig eruptivity

erzac m Ger v. nadomjestak
escajg m Ger v. pribor za jelo
es-dur m mus E flat major
esej m essay
esejist m essayist
esejistiki adj essayistic
esejistika f the essay genre, essay literature
esencija f chem essence
esesovac m SS-man
esesovski adj SS
eskadra f nav (naval) ssuadron; task force
eskadrila f aero squadron; nav flotilla
eskadron m mil (cavalry) troop, hist squadron
eskalacija f mil, pol & fig escalation
eskalator m escalator, moving staircase
eskalirati vt & vi mil, pol & fig escalate
Eskim m Eskimo
Eskimka f Eskimo (woman)
eskimski adj Eskimo
eskivaa f box & fig dodging, evasion
eskivirati vt & vi box & fig dodge, evade
esko|mpt, ~nt m bank discount
esko|mptni, ~ntni adj |~mptna banka discount bank
eskortni adj nav | ~ brod escort vessel
eslinger m Ger v. roleta
es-mol m mus E flat minor
esnaf m Tur v. ceh, zanat
espaprila f espadrille; canvas shoe
espap m Tur v. roba
esperantist m esperantist
esperantistiki adj esperantist, esperanto
esperanto m esperanto
espreso m espresso coffee
espri m esprit
ester m chem ester
estetiar m aestheticist
estetiki adj aesthetic
estetika f aesthetics; aesthetic quality
estetski' adj aesthetic
estetski'' adv aesthetically
Estonac m Estonian
Estonija f Estonia
Estonka f Estonian (woman)
estonski adj Estonian
estradni adj | ~ umjetnik entertainer
ealon m v. eelon
earpa f sash; dress belt
eelon m mil echelon (formation)
eka f reg v. meka
etablirati vt establish; set up in business
etablirati se vr establish oneself; set up at business; v.
smjestiti se
etablisman m establishment; v. lokal
etan m chem ethane
etapa f stage; sp lap, leg
etapni adj by stages, stepwise
etar m v. eter

etatist m econ stat(e)ist; pol state socialist, etatist

etatistiki adj econ stat(e)ist; state-socialist, etatist
etatizam m econ stat(e)ism; state socialism, etatism
eta m, etaa f v. kat
etaer m, etaer(k)a f book stand, (set of) book-shelves
etani adj floor, story
eter m chem & phys ether | rad & TV preko ~a over the
air; poslati vijest u ~ broadcast a news item; med uspavati ~om narcotize with ether, etherize
eterian adj fig ethereal
eterinost f ethereal quality
eternit m archit asbestos-cement roofing
etiar m ethicist
etiki adj ethical
etida f mus tude
etika f ethics
etiket|a f etiquette; v. naljepnica | fig paziti na ~u be a
stickler for etiquette; stand on ceremony
etiketirati vt label (i fig)
etil m chem ethyl | ~-alkohol ethyl alcohol
etilen m chem ethylene
etimolog m etymologist
etimologija f etymology
etimoloki adj etymological
etiologija f med (a)ethiology
etioloki adj med (a)ethiologic(al)
Etiopija f Ethiopia
Etiopljanin m Ethiopian
Etiopljanka f Ethiopian (woman)
etiopski adj Ethiopian
etniki adj ethnic(al)
etnograf m ethnographer
etnografija f ethnography
etnografski adj ethnographic(al)
etnolog f ethnologist
etnologija f ethnology
etnoloki adj ethnologic(al)
etnopark m open-air folklore museum, folklore village
eto interj there! ; look | ~ ti (~ vidi) you see; ~ je here
she is (comes), there she is (comes) ; ~ ti ga na! how
do you like that! ; ~ zato nee that's why he doesn't
Etrurac n Etruscan
etrurski adj Etruscan
eufemistiki adj euphemistic
eufemizam m euphemism
euforian adj euphoric
euforija f euphoria
eugeniar m eugenist
eugeniki adj eugenic
eugenika f eugenics
eukaliptus m bot eucalyptus
eunuh m eunuch
eunuki adj eunuch-like

Euripid m Euripides
Eustahijeva cijev f anat eustachian tube
eutanazija f euthanasia
evakuacija f evacuation
evakuira|ti vt evacuate | ~ne osobe evacuees
evakuirati se vr be evacuated, leave
evanelist m eccl evangelist, evangel
evanelistar m eccl evangelistary, book of gospels
evanelje n eccl Gospel, arch Evangel | ~ po Luki the
Gospel according to Luke
evaneoski adj eccl evangelic(al)
evangeliki adj Evangelical
evangelik m Evangelical
eventual|an adj possible (pazi: eventual = konaan!) |
~na potraivanja claims if any; prijedlozi i ~ne pritube suggestions and/or complaints
eventualije f pl (nepredviene okolnosti) eventualities;
(dnevni red) v. razo
eventualno adv possibly, perhaps (eventually = konano!)
eventualnost f eventuality, contingency, possible event |
osigurati se od svake ~i ensure (guard) against all
eventualities; za svaku ~ v. za svaki sluaj
evidencij|a f files pl, reeords pl (pazi: evidence =
dokazi!) manjkava ~a faulty records; voditi ~u keep
records (files); voenje ~e record keeping, voditi
(imati) u ~i keep a record (file) on; prema naoj ~i
according to our records (files)
evidentan adj v. oit
evidentiar m filing/file clerk
evidentirati vt register, record, keep records (files) of
evidentno adj v. oito
Evin poss adj v. u ~om kostimu, ~a ki
evnuh m v. eunuh
evo interj there!; look!; (nuenje) here you are | ~ me
here I am; over here! ; (I'm) coming!; ~ ti na (uz
udarac) take that! ; ~ kako here's how
evociranje n evocation
evocirati vt evoke | ~ uspomene evoke (renew, call up)
evolucij|a f evolution | biol teorija ~e theory of evolution
evolucionist m evolutionist
evoluirati vi evolve, evolute, develop
evroazijski adj Eurasian
evropeizirati vt Europeanize
evropeizirati se vr become Europeanized
Evropejac m European (B+ Gontinental)
Evropejka f European (woman)
evropski adj European
-evski suf -an, -ite (npr. Tolstojevski Tolstoyan,
ezop(ov)ski adj aesopic, aesopian
ezoterian adj esoteric

fabricirati vt manufacture; (izmisliti) fabricate

fabriki adj v. tvorniki
fabrika f v. tvornica
fabrikacija f manufacturing, manufacture; (izmiljotina)
fabrikant m v. tvorniar
fabrikat m manufactured product
fabula f story, plot
fabulozan adj fabulous
fagocit m med phagocyte
fagot m mus bassoon (faggot = sveanj prua!)
fagotist m mus bassoonist
fah m Ger v. struka, specijalnost; v. pretinac
Fahrenheit m | 65 stupnjeva ~a 65 degrees Fahrenheit
fajans m, fajansa f faience
fajeront m Ger coll closing time | da napravimo ~ za
danas let's knock off for today
fajter m sp aggressive boxer, scrapper
fakat m v. injenica | coll ~! v. zaista
fakin m rascal; (deran) urchin; (ulinjak) young tough
fakinarija f low prank; collect v. fakinaa
fakinariti vi pull pranks
fakinaa f collect rascals; young toughs
fakini m hyp little rascal
fakir m fakir
faksimil m fascimile; (potpisani) signature stamp
fakt m v. injenica
faktian adj actual (v. stvaran, injenian)
faktiki adv v. stvarno
faktografski adj fact-oriented
faktor m factor (v. inilae) | odgovorni ~i those responsible; those in control
faktorijel m math factorial
faktotum m factotum, man-Friday
faktur|a f com invoice (A+ bill) | ispostaviti ~u make
out an invoice (a bill) ; pro forma ~a pro forma invoice
fakturirati vt com invoice (A+ bill)
fakturist m com B invoice clerk, A bill clerk
fakultativan adj optional | sch ~ predmet B optional
subject, A elective (subject)
fakultet m B faculty, college; A college, (graduate)
school (u SAD faculty = sveuilino nastavno osoblje)
osoba s ~om college graduate, university-trained person; imati tri ~a have three degrees
fakultetsk|i' adj college | ~o obrazovanje (sprema) college education, college training, degree
fakultetski'' adv | ~ naobraen graduate, collegetrained, university-trained
falanga f phalanx
fa1da f Ger v. nabor, pregib, preklop
fal|iti vi lack (v. manjkati) | tu ~e dva zavrtnja two
screws are missing here; ~ila nam je televizija we
missed television ; to ti ~i? what is the matter with
you?! nita mi ne ~i there is nothing the' matter with
me; neto mi ~i there is something the matter with
me, I am not the thing to-day; je li mu to ~i? is
there anything the matter with him? ; uvijek mu
neto ~i there is always something wrong with him;

malo je ~ilo it was a close thing; malo je ~ilo da... v.

za dlaku
falset m mus falsetto | pjevati ~ sing (in a) falsetto
falsificira|ti vt falsify, fake, forge, counterfeit (v. patvoriti) | ~ni novac counterfeit money
falsifikacija f falsification
falsifikat m fake, forgery, counterfeit
falsifikator m falsifier, faker; (novca) counterfeiter
fal adj Ger v. kriv, pogrean, laan, dvolian | ~ juha
(depovi) mock soup (pockets)
fama f v. glasina, govorkanje | ~ o njegovoj nezamjenljivosti myth about his irreplaceability
familija f family, v. obitelj
familijar|an adj familiar, intimate with | ~an ovjek
family man; zbog ~nih razloga for family reasons
familijarnost f familiarity
famozan adj v. uven; iron famous, much-vaunted
fanatian adj fanatical
fanatinost f fanaticism
fanatik m fanatic
fanatizam m fanaticism
fanfara f mus fanfare, flourish of trumpets
fant m | igrati ~a play kissing games, play (at) forfeits
fantast m fantast, dreamer, visionary
fantasti|an adj fantastic; wild, grotesque | ~ni roman
science-fiction novel; ~ni romani science fiction
fantastinost f fantasticality, grotesqueness
fantazija f fancy itd. (v. mata)
fantaziranje n raving; wild fancies
fantazirati vi rave (v. buncati, lupetati); (matati) fantasize, indulge in fancies | nemoj ~ don't be fantastic
fantazmagorija f phantasmagoria
fantom m phantom | brod ~ ghost ship
far m mot headlight
Faraon m Pharaon
faraonski adj Pharaonic
farba f Ger v. boja
farbati vt Ger v. bojadisati, liiti
farbati se vr Ger dye one's hair
faringitis m med pharyngitis
farizej m pharisee, hypocrite, dissembler
farizejski adj sanctimonious; hypocritical, pharisaical
farizejstvo n pharisaism, sanctimoniousness; lipreligion; hypocrisy; cant
farma f farm; (uzgajalite) animal farm
farmaceut m pharmacist
farmaceutika f pharmaceutics
farmaceutski adj pharmaceutical | ~ fakultet college
(school) of pharmacy
farmacija f pharmacy
farmakolog m pharmacologist
farmakologija f pharmacology
farmakoloki adj pharmacologic(al)
farmakopeja f pharmacopoeia
farmerke f pl v. traperice
farovi m pl mot headlights
farsa f theat farce; fig farce, mockery
fasada f front, facade (oba i fig)

fascikl m folder; (spisa) file

fascinacija f fascination
fascinantan adj fascinating
fascinirati vt fascinate
fasovati vt Ger be issued with (v. dobiti, primiti)
fasung m Ger ration(s) ; el v. grlo
faira|ti vt Ger cul v. kosati | ~ni nicl v. kosani
faist m fascist
faistiki adj fascist
faizam m fascism
fanik m Ger v. poklade
fatalan adj fatal
fatalist m fatalist
fatalistian adj fatalistic
fatalizam m fatalism
fatalnost f fatality
fatamorgana f mirage
fatelin m v. vatelin
faul m sp foul | napraviti ~ nad commit a foul against
faulira|ti vt sp foul, commit a foul against | biti ~n be
faun m myth faun
fauna f zoo fauna
favorit m favourite (i sp)
favoriziranje n favouring, favouritism; preferential
favorizirati vt favour; give preference (nekoga to)
faz|a f stage, step, phase; (rakete) stage | u ovoj ~i at this
fazan m ornith pheasant | enka ~a hen-pheasant
fazanerija f pheasant farm
-fazn|i | dvo- (tro-, vie-) ~a raketa two- (three-, multi-)
stage rocket
fazona f shape, cut; v. reveri
fazonirati vt shape, fashion
febrilan adj med febrile, feverish
februar m February (v. veljaa)
februarski adj February
feder m Ger v. pero, opruga
federacija f federation
federal|an adj federal | ~no ureenje federal system (of
federalist m federalist
federalistiki adj federalist
federalizam m federalism
federativ|an adj federative, federated, federal | ~no ureenje federal system (of government)
federirati vi Ger be springy; have good suspension; recoil
federvajs m Ger v. talkovo bjelilo
feferon m bot & cul chil(l)i, chil(1)i pepper
fekalije f pl med faeces
feldmaral m mil B Field Marshal, A five-star general
feldpat m minr v. glinenac
felga f mot Ger v. glavina
fellatio m med fellatio | vriti ~ nad tab blow one
fel m sp Ger spin

felati vi Ger deviate, curve (v. zanositi); sp have a spin

feljton m feuilleton, sketch
feljtonist m feuilletonist
feljtonistiki adj feuilletonist
feljtonistika f feuilleton-writing
feminilan adj womanly (v. enstven); derog effeminate
feminilnost f womanliness; derog effeminacy
feminist m feminist; (danas) Women's Libber
feministiki adj feminist | ~ pokret feminist movement;
(danas) Women's Liberation (coll Lib)
feministkinja f feminist; (danas) Women~s Libber
feminizirati vt feminize; derog make effeminate
feminizirati se vr become feminized; derog become effeminate
fen m Ger (hand) hair-drier
Fenicija f Phoenicia
Fenianin m Phoenician
feniki adj Phoenician
feniks m myth phoenix
fenil m chem phenyl
fenol m chem phenol, carbolic acid
fenomen m phenomenon
fenomenalan adj phenomenal, prodigious
fenomenalno adv phenomenally
fenomenalnost f phenomenal nature (character, feature,
fenomenologija f phil phenomenology
fenjer m 1antern; (slijepi) dark lantern
fer' adj fair
fer'' adv | igrati ~ play fair; postupiti ~ prema treat
fered|a f Turkish woman's outer dress, veil | pod ~om
fergismajniht m bot Ger v. potonica
feribot m v. trajekt
ferijalac m member of the Youth Holiday Association
ferijal|an adj happening (held) during the vacations |
~ni savez Youth Holiday Association
ferije f pl (long ili summer) holidays, A univ vacation ;
v. praznici
ferit m chem & metal ferrite
ferman m firman; edict; passport
fermentacija f chem & fig fermentation
fermentirati vi chem & fig ferment
ferolegure f pl ferroalloys
ferokrom m ferrochromium, ferrochrome
feromangan m ferromanganese
fes m fez
festival m festival | filmski ~ film festival
festivalski adj festival
fe adj Ger shapely; striking
feti m anthrop fetish
fetiist m med fetishist
fetiizam m anthrop & med fetishism
fetus m med f(o)etus (v. zametak)
feud m hist feud, fief
feudalac m feudalist; feuda1 lord

feudal|an adj feudal | ~ni sistem feudal system, feudalism; ~no dobro v. feud
feudalistiki adj feudalistic
feudalizam m feudalism, feudal system
feudalka f feudalist, feudal mistress
fiber m fiberglass
fibrom m med fibroma
fibula f archeol fibula
fifiri m swell, fop, dandy, beau, buck, masher, exquisite, young blood, coxcomb; man of fashion
fio m coll baby Fiat
fiuk m whistle (v. zviduk)
fiukati vi whistle
fidelini m pl It cul vermicelli
fig|a f fig v. ipak | ~u friku! v. brus!; drati ~e v.
figur|a f figure (v. lik); (kipi) figurine | ~a u govoru
figure of speech; on je obina ~a he's a mere figurehead (usto pompozan stuffed shirt); ima lijepu ~u v.
lijepo je graena; uvati ~u v. uvati liniju
figurativac m figurative artist (painter)
figurativan adj figurative
figurativno adv | ~govorei figuratively speaking
figurica f figurine, statuette
figurirati vi figure (as) ; derog be a (mere) figurehead
fijaker m cab, hackney-coach, hackney-carriage
fijakerist m hackney driver
fijasko m fiasco, coll slop | doivjeti ~ fail (dismally),
coll be a flop
fijoka f v. ladica
fijuk m, fijukanje n whistle, whistling; (zuj) whiz,
whizzing; (vjetra) moaning, sough
fijukati vi whistle, whiz; (vjetar) moan, sough
fikcija f fiction
fiksan adj v. fiksni
fiksati vt v. viksati
fiks-ideja f v. fiksna ideja
fiksir m photo hypo, fixer
fiksiranje n fixing, freezing; staring | art sprej za ~
fixative spray
fiksirati vt fix; fig freeze; pinpoint (v. utvrditi) ; photo
fix; (pogledom) stare at, fix
fiksn|i adj fixed, set | ~a plaa (cijena) fixed salary
fiktivan adj fictitious; pro-forma; (lani) bogus
fiktivnost f fictitiousness
fikus m bot rubber plant
fila f Ger cul v. nadjev, punjenje
filantrop m philantropist
filantropija f philanthropy
filantropski adj philanthropic
filatelija f philately
filatelist m philatelist
filatelistiki adj philatelic, philatelist
filati vt cul Ger v. nadijevati, puniti
filc m text Ger felt
filcani adj text Ger felt
fildan m Tur demi-tasse
file m cul fil(l)et

fileki m pl cul Ger tripe

fileti m pl cul anchovy fillets
filharmonija f philharmonic (orchestra)
filharmonijski adj | ~ orkestar philharmonic orchestra
filigran m filigree
filigranski adj filigree(d)
filijala f v. podrunica
Filip m Philip
filipika f philippics pl, bitter invective
Filipinac m Filipino
Filipini m pl geog the Philppines
Filipinka f (woman) Filipino
filipinski adj Philippine
filistar m Philistine
filistarski adj Philistine
filistarstvo n Philistinism
film m film, coll picture, A motion picture, A coll movie;
photo film | igrani ~ feature film; dokumentarni ~
documentary film; ljubavni ~ love story; kaubojski ~
western; kriminalistiki ~ detective film; historijski
~ period film; reklamni ~ publicity film; crtani ~
animated cartoon; nijemi ~ silent film; zvuni ~
(ton) sound film
filmsk|i adj film A+ motion-picture | ~o poduzee film
company; ~a predstava film show; ~a publika picture-goers; ~i radnici film people; cineastes
filodendron m bot philodendron
filoksera f phylloxera; vine-pest
filolog m philologist
filologija f philology
filoloki adj philological
filozof m philosopher
filozofij|a f philosophy | student ~e student of arts
filozofiranje n speculation, philosophizing
filozofirati vi philosophize, speculate
filozofski adj philosophical | ~ fakultet B faculty of arts,
A liberal arts college
filtar m filter; (na cigareti) filter tip
filtriranje n filtering, filtration
filtrirati vt filter, filtrate
fin adj (sitan, tanak) fine, thin, small; (krhak, slabaan)
frail; (iljast) pointed, keen; (izradba) filigree, exquisite; (istanan) exquisite; (tkanina) fine-spun, finegrained, sheer; (lagan) light, flimsy; (sluh) keen,
acute, quick; (razlika) nice, subtle, fine; (koa) delicate, soft, (kakvoa) of good quality, of superior
workmanship; (ponaanje) refined, well-mannered,
well-bred, well-behaved; (utiv) polite, courteous; (po
modi) stylish, well-dressed, smart
Finac m Finn
final|an adj final | ~ni proizvodi final/finished products;
~na utakmica B final match, A playoff game
finale m sp finals pl | ui u ~ reach the finals ; polu~
semi-finals ; etvrt-~ quarter-finals
finalist m sp finalist
financ m revenue officer
financij|e f pl finances, state revenue; pecuniary recources | ministarstvo ~a Ministry of Finance; B Exchequer, A Treasury Department

financijer m financier; promoter

financijsk|i adj financial | iz ~ih razloga for financial
reasons; to prelazi moje ~e mogunosti I can't afford
financiranje n financing, provision with funds
financirati vt finance, provide (furnish) capital (funds,
finesa f fine point
fingiran adj feigned; fictitious
fingirati vt v. simulirati; vi v. figurirati
fini m sp finish | ui u ~ go into the last lap
Finkinja f (woman) Fin
fino adv finely, exquisitely, nicely, subtly, delicately ;
(otmjeno, ukusno) smartly, fashionably, stylishly ;
(utivo) politely, courteously | on se ponaa ~ he is
well-behaved (well-mannered, well-bred) ; ~! fine!
finoa f fineness, thinness; (njenost) delicateness; (utivost) politeness; (otrina) acuteness, keenness,
quickness; (otmjenost) refinement, gentility; (odgojenost) good breeding
finski adj Finnish
fint|a f sp feint; v. izlika | sp izvesti ~u feint, fake
fioka f v. ladica
firm|a f com firm; RC reg v. krizma; fig pretence, cover
| pod ~om v. pod platem
firnis (firnajs) m Ger varnish | premazati ~om varnish
fis m mus F sharp | ~-dur F sharp major; ~-mol F sharp
fisija f phys fission
fiskalan adj fiscal; revenue
fiskultura f physical training (culture); v. sport, gimnastika, tjelesni odgoj
fiskulturni adj physical-training; v. sportski, gimnastiki
fiskulturnik m v. sporta; coll physical fitness buff (A
fiek m v. vreica, kesica, tuljac; mil hist cartridge
fieklija f mil v. nabojnjaa
fikal m derog pettifogger, shyster; iron v. mudrija
fikalski adj pettifogging
fitilj m (stijenj) wick; (lunta) fuse
fiziar m physicist
fizik|i' adj physical | ~a kultura physical culture; visoka kola (fakultet) za ~u kulturu College of
Physical Education; ~i laboratorij physics laboratory
fiziki'' adv physically | ~ izbaciti throw out bodily; v.
fizika f physics pl
fizikalan adj physical
fiziolog m physiologist
fiziologija f physiology
fizioloki adj physiological adv physiologically
fizionomij|a f physiognomy | ne pamtim ~e I can't remember faces
fizioterapeut m med physical therapist, physiotherapist
fizioterapija f med physiotherapy
fjaka f reg lazy mood
fjord m geog fiord, fjord
flagrantan adj flagrant; glaring

flagrantnost f flagrancy
Flamanac m Fleming | on je ~ he is a Fleming, he is
Flamanka f Flemish woman | ona je ~ she is Flemish
flamanski adj Flemish
flamingo m ornith flamingo
Flandrija f geog Flanders
flandrijski adj Flanders, Flemish
flanel m text (cotton) flannel, flannelette | ~ tof flanel
flaster m med B sticking plaster, A adhesive plaster, B &
A band aid
flaa f v. boca
flaica f v. boica
flaira|ti vt bottle | ~na vina bottled wines
flauta f flute
flautist m flute-player, flutist
flegma f impassiveness, impassibility; (nehaj) phlegm,
apathy, indifference; coolness
flegmatian adj phlegmatic, impassive, impassible; imperturbable, unruffled
flegmatik m phlegmatic person (character, nature)
flek m Ger v. mrlja, zakrpa
flekav adj Ger v. umrljan
fleksibilan adj flexible
fleksibilnost f flexibility
fleksij|a f ling inflection (B+ inflexion); anat flexion |
jezici s ~om inflectional languages
flert m flirting, flirtation (flirt = osoba sklona ~u!)
flertovati vi flirt | ona jako voli ~ she is a great flirt
fle m photo flashlight
fliglhorn m mus Ger v. krilni rog
fliper m (zabavni automat) pinball machine
flirt m v. flert
fliteri m pl (ljokice) spangles, sequins | ukraen ~ma
spangled, sequined
flobert m, ~ica f 0.22 (itaj two two) rifle
flok m mar .jib
flor m | nositi ~ wear a mourning band
Flora f Flora; hyp Flossie, Flo
flora f bot flora
floret m fenc foil
floskula f (pompous) platitude
flota f nav fleet; v. mornarica | tankerska ~ tanker fleet
flotila f nav flotilla
fluid m fig effluvium, fluid, chemistry
fluktuacija f fluctuation | ~ radne snage labour turnover
fluktuirati vi fluctuate
fluor m chem fluorine
fluorescencija f fluorescence
fluereseent|an adj fluorescent | ~na cijev fluorescent
tube, strip light; ~na rasvjeta fluorescent (ili strip)
fluorescirati vi fluoresce
fluorid n chem fluoride
fluoridirati vt chem fluoridate
fluorit m chem fluor-spar
fluorografski adj med | ~ pregled photofluorographic

flus m med Ger v. bijeli cvtjet

fljas! interj splash!, spalt!, smack!
foaje m theat foyer; (hotelski) lobby, vestibule
fobija f med phobia
foka f zoo v. tuljan
foksterijer m fox-terrier
fokstrot m mus foxtrot
fokus m opt focus; fig v. arite | izostriti ~ (bring in)
fol m sl line, bull, snow job (sve A sl) (v. la, izmiljotina) | to su ti njegovi ~ovi he's just feeding you a line
folija f | aluminijska ~ alumin(i)um foil; plastina ~
plastic sheet; (za friider) plastic wrap
folirant m sl fake, fraud, phony (sve sl) (v. varalica,
zabuant, prevarant, hohtapler; simulant, snob);
(okretan na jeziku) bullshit artist sl
folirati vi sl shoot (the) bull A sl (v. lagati, izmiljati) |
~ nekome give somebody a line sl
folklor m folklore
folklorn|i adj folklore | ~a grupa folklore ensemble, folk
dancers and singers
fond m fin fund; fig stock, pool, reserves | ~ za postradale relief fund; umski ~ forest (timber) reserves;
stoni ~ livestock (numbers) ; knjini ~ library holdings; book totals
fondacija f foundaton (v. zaklada)
fonem m ling phoneme
fonemski adj ling phonemic; phonological
fonendoskop m med phonendoscope
fonetiar m phonetician
fonetika f phonetics
fonetski adj phonetic | adv phonetically
fonogram m phonogram
fonolog m ling phonologist
fonologija f ling B phonology, A phonemics
fonoloki adj phonological, phonemic
fonoteka f record and tape library
fontana f fountain; v. vodoskok
fopati vt Ger feed one lies, sl feed one a line (v. lagati,
for m sp & fig v. prednost
fora f v. for | sl glavna ~ VIP, sl top cat (v. velika
forceps m med forceps
forhend m sp forehand (stroke) | igrati ~ strike (hit,
play) forehand; be a forehand player
foribordo m It v. vankrmeni motor
forint m, ~a f num (Hungarian) florin, forint
form|a f form (v. oblik) ; fig appearances, show, semblance | ~e radi for the sake of appearances;
odravati ~u keep up appearances; paziti na ~u be a
stickler for form; sp & fig biti u (odlinoj) ~i be in
(top) shape (v. kondicija) ; sp & fig doi u ~u get
into shape; sp & fig nisam u ~i I am out of shape
formacij|a f formation | geol karbonska ~a Carboniferous period; mil u zbijenoj ~i in close formation
formalan adj formal; pro-forma
formaldehid m chem formaldehyde
formalin m chem formalin

formalist m formalist, coll stickler for form

formalizam m formalism
formalno adv formally; with formality | samo izvriti ~
go through (the) motions (of -ing)
formalnost f fozmality | puka ~ a mere formality; bez ~i
format m size | depni ~ pocket size; depnog ~a
formiranj|e n forming, formation; moulding; training |
godine ~a formative years
formirati vt form; mould, shape; establish
formirati se vr form, take shape, become established,
formulacija f formulation, wording, phrasing
formular m form, A+ blank | ispuniti ~ fill (in, up) a
formulira|ti vt formulate, word, phrase | otro ~n
strongly worded
forsiran adj forced, crash; v. nategnut, usiljen
forsirati vt press, force, urge, coll push; insist | mil ~
rijeku force a river
forte m mus forte; fig v. jaka strana
fortisimo m mus fortissimo
forum m forum | pol vii ~i higher levels
fosfat m phosphate
fosfatn|i adj | ~a gnojiva phosphate fertilizers
fosfor m phosphorus
fosforescencija f phosphorescence
fosforescent|an adj phosphorescent | ~ne boje luminous
fosforesciranje n phosphorescence
fosforescirati vi phosphoresce
fosforn|i adj phosphorus | ~a kiselina phosphoric acid
fosgen m v. fozgen
fosil m fossil (i fig)
fosilizirati se vr become fossilized
fosilni adj fossil
fotelja f v. naslonja
foto-amater m amateur photographer
foto-aparat m camera; (za razl. od filmske kamere) still
camera | stavtjati film u ~ load a camera
foto-ita m DP scanner
foto-elija f photo(-electric) ce11, electric eye
foto-fini m sp photo-finish
fotogenian adj photogenic
fotogeninost f being photogenic
fotograf m photographer
fotografija f (slika) photograph, (amaterska) snapshot;
(v vjetina) photography
fotografiranje n taking of photographs (snapshots)
fotografirati vt take photographs, photo-graph
fotografirati se vr have one's picture taken
fotografsk|i adj photographic | ~i aparat v. foto-aparat;
~a radnja photographer's (v. atelje)
foto-kopija f photostat; specif xerox copy
fotokopirati vt photocopy; specif xerox
fotokopirni adj | ~ aparat photo-copier; specif xerox
foto-montaa f photo photomontage
foto-reportaa f photographic (picture) report

foto-reporter m news (press) photographer

foto-robot m crim identi-kit picture
fotos m v. fetografija, snimka
fototeka f photograph library
fozgen m chem phosgene
fragment m fragment (v. odlomak)
fragmentaran adj fragmentary
frajer m sl derog jerk, buster (oba sl; v. bezveznjak);
(bilo tko) fellow, A sl guy, B sl bloke; v. ulinjak
frajla f Ger | stara ~ v. usidjelica
frak m evening dress, white tie, coll tails | kaput ~a
frakcija f pol faction (fraction = djeli, razlomak!)
frakciona m pol factionalist
frakcionaki adj pol factionary
frakcionatvo n pol factionalism | optereen ~m faction-torn
fraktura f med fracture | komplicirana ~ compound
framazon m v. mason
franaki adj hist Frankish, Franconian
franak m fin | francuski (vicarski) ~ French (Swiss)
Franci m pl hist Franks, Franconians
Franciska f Frances, Fannie
Francuska f France
francuski adj French | ~ jezik French (language)
Francuskinja f Frenchwoman, French lady (girl)
Francuz m Frenchman | ~i pl the French, French people
frankira|ti vt frank (mail) | nedovoljno ~no pismo understamped letter
franko adv com carriage paid
franjevac m Franciscan (friar), Grey Friar
franjevaki adj Franciscan
Franjo m Francis, Frank
frapantan adj amazing, striking
frapantno adv amazingly, strikingly
frapirati vt amaze, make a profound impression on
fras m Ger med& fig fit, shock | dobiti ~ have a fit (i
fig); (jae) go into convulsions
fratar m friar, monk, lay-brother; (redovnik) religious;
(prosjak) mendicant friar
fratarski adj friarly; (samostanski) monastic(al), monkish
fraza f phrase, idiom, idiomatic, expression; (prazna)
finesounding (empty) talk, mere words ; (otrcana)
hackneyed (beaten, trite) phrase, truism; (lijepa)
well-turned phrase; (zgodna) felicitous (apt) expression
frazeologija f phraseology
frazeoloki adj | ~ prirunik phrase book
frazer m phrase-monger
frazerstvo n phrase-mongering
fraziranje n using empty phrases
frazirati vi use empty phrases, be a phraze-monger
frca|ti vi fly out (off) in small particles, be sent flying
(scattered) in all directions | da je sve ~lo v. sve u
fregata f nav frigate

frekvencija f el & phys frequency; v. uestalost

frekvent|an adj frequent | ~na cesta busy road
frekventnost f v. uestalost
freneti|an adj frenetic, frenzied | ~no odobravanje
wild cheering
frenologija f med hist phrenology
fres|ka f fresco; (ire) mural | slikar ~aka fresco painter;
muralist; ~ko slikarstvo fresco (mural) painting
freza f mach Ger v. glodalica
frezer m mach Ger v. glodalo; (radnik) v. glodaliar
frez-maina f mach Ger v. glodalica
frfljati vi prattle, babble
frfljavac m prattler, babbler
Fridrik m Frederic
frigati vt fry itd. (v. priti)
frigidan adj med frigid
frigidnost f med frigidity
frikativ m phon fricative
frikativan adj phon fricative
frikcija f phys & fig friction (v. trenje, trvenje)
friki adj Ger v. svje
friteza f chip pan
frivolan adj frivolous
frivolnost f frivolity
friz m archit frieze
frizer' m hair stylist, (ladies') hairdresser, A.+ beautician; (muki) v. brija | moram ii ~u I must have
my hair done
frizer'' m (dio friidera) freezer (compartment) ; (veliki
zamrziva) (home) freezer
frizerka f (woman) hair stylist itd. (v. frizer')
frizersk|i adj | ~a radaja (salon) B hair stylist's, hairdresser's; A hair stylist (hairdresser) shop, beauty
Frizijac m Frisian
frizijski adj Frisian | ~ jezik Frisian (language)
friziranje n hairdressing, doing somebody's hair; fig
frizirati vt do (samo esljanje dress) somebody's hair;
fig window-dress
frizirati se vr have (get) one's hair done
frizura f hairstyle, hair-do, form coiffure
friak adj Ger v. svje
friider m B & A refrigerator, B coll fridge, A coll icebox
frkati vt curl, twist, twirl, roll
frkati se vr twist, curl, kink, become curled (kinked)
frknuti' vi fly (whizz) off
frknuti'' vi (give a) snort
frktanje n snorting, snorts
frktati vi (konj) snort; (maka) spit
frntast adj v. prast
frojdizam m med Freud(ian)ism
frojdovski adj med Freudian
front m, ~a f mil front; front-line(s) | na ~i at the front;
in the lines; proboj ~e break-through; pol Narodni ~
Popular Front
frontal|an adj frontal | ~na bitka set (pitched) battle
frontas m mil front-line soldier

frontovski adj mil front-line, front, field

frotir m (tkanina) terry cloth | ~ runik terry towel; ~
majica terry-cloth shirt; ~ ogrta bathrobe
frotiranje n rubdown
frotirati vt rub one (down) with a towel, give a rubdown
frotirati se vr rub oneself with a towel
frotirka f terry-cloth shirt
frul|a f (pastirska) (reed) pipe; (s vie cijevi) pan-pipe;
flute | svirati ~u play flute, pipe
frula m flute-player, flutist, piper
frustracija f psych frustration
frustrirati vt psych frustrate
ftizeolog m med phthisiologist
ftizeologija f med phthisiology
ftizeoloki adj med phthisiological
fukalica f v. zvidaljka
fukati vt v. zvidati
fudbal m sp v. nogomet
fudbaler m sp v. nogometa
fudbalski adj sp v. nogemetni
fuga f mus fugue
fuj! interj phooey! ; (srami se!) fie (shame) on you! ;
(gledaoci) boo!
fukara f derog mob, rabble, riff-raff, rag-tag-and-bobtail
fuksa f vulg Ger v. drolja
fuksija f bot fuchsia
fular m text foulard
fulirati vi sl v. folirati
fundacija f fin foundation (v. zaklada)
fundament m foundation, basis; fundament (v. temelj,
osnova, postolje)
fundamentalan adj fundamental, basic (v. temeljan,
fundira|ti vt found, establish; base (v. zasnovati, temeljiti) | dobro ~n well-founded; well-documented
fundus m (knjinice, muzeja) holdings pl (v. fond)
fungirati vi act (kao as), officiate, figure
funkcij|a f function (i math) | vriti ~u exercise (fill) a
function (v. vriti dunost) ; do the work of ; nastupiti ~u v. stupiti na dunost

funkcionalan adj functional

funkcionalnost f functionality
funkcioner m official, functionary, officer | visoki ~i
high officials
funkcioniranje n functioning; operation
funkcionirati vi function, work, be in working order,
operate | ne ~ be out of order (v. u kvaru)
furgon m mot furniture van; v. mrtvaka kola; rlw luggage van
furija f myth fury; (ena) fury, termagant
furiozan adj furious
furiti vt scald
Furlan m Friulian
furlanski adj Friulian | ~ jezik Friulian (language)
furnir m veneer
furnirati vt veneer
furuna f Tur v. pe
furundija m Tur v. pear
furunkul m med furuncle
fusnota f footnote
fu m coll Ger | raditi u ~u moonlight; radnik u ~u
fua(ri)ti vi coll Ger bungle, fumble, botch
fuer m coll Ger bungler, fumbler, botcher (v. eprtlja)
fueraj m coll Ger bad work(manship)
fuerski adj coll Ger bungling, botched
futbal m v. fudbal
futrola f case, sheath; carrying case | ~ za violinu violin
case; ~ za pitolj holster
futur m gram future (tense)
futurist m futurist
futuristiki adj futuristic
futurizam m futurism
fuzija f fusion (i phys); (poduzea) merger
fuzionirati vt fuse; amalgamate; merge
fuzionirati se vr fuse, amalgamate, merge, become fused
(amalgamated, merged)

g (slovo i nota) g [di:] | ~-dur G major; ~-mol G minor
ga pron him; it
gabarden m text gabardine
gabardenski adj text gabardine
gablec m reg v. uina
Gabon m geog Gabon | stanovnik ~a Gabonese
gabonski adj geog Gabonese
gacati vi wade, ford on foot, (kroz mulj) flounder
gae f pl B pants, A underpants | kratke ~ B short pants,
A short underpants, B & A coll shorts; kratke triko
~ jockey shorts; duge B long pants (arch drawers), A
long underpants, A long johns, B & A long underwear
gaice f pl B & A panties, B arch knickers; (bez nogavica) briefs ; (s nogavicama) long-leg panties | ku-

pae ~ B bathing (swimming) trunks, A swim(ming)

gad m base (vile, mean, scurvy, contemptible) person, A
sl punk
gadan adj (odvratan) disgusting, loathing, nauseous ;
(odbojan) repugnant, repulsive, fulsome, (mrzak)
hateful, odious ; (zloin) atrocious, heinous; (miris)
offensive, vile; (obiaj) bad; (prizor) sickening;
(jezik) wicked; (rijei) foul, filthy; (ruan) ugly, nasty
gadarija f repulsive thing
gaditi vt (prljati) foul, dirty, soil, smear
gaditi se vr be disgusted with, be sickened at, get sick of
| gadi mi se it makes me sick, I loathe it, my stomach
turns (nauseates) at it
gadljiv adj squeamish, queasy; (izbirljiv) fastidious
gadljivost f squeamishness; fastidiousness

gadno adv coll (estoko) badly, sorely, sadly; bitterly,

grievously, cruelly, woefully
gadost f low (repulsive) thing; obscenity
gadura f repulsive woman; slut
gaanje n aiming (levelling) at; mil target practice
gaati vt aim at; (uperiti) level at; (toy) train upon; (bacati) fling (shoot) at; (pomno) take a careful aight
gaenje n nausea, loathing, disgust, squeamishness
gaf m gaffe | napraviti ~ make a gaffe
gagrica f weevil
gagrica f ent weevil
gagriav adj farm, weevily, weevilled
gajba f v. kavez; (ambalaa) crate; sl lodgings
gajda m bag-piper, piper
gajde f pl bag-pipe
gajiti vt v. gojiti, uzgajati, njegovati
gajtan m braid, cord; (nakit, petlja) loop; el (power)
cord | ~i pl braiding, piping; opiven ~om braided,
trimmed (edged) with braids ; el produni ~ extension cord
gakanje n (gusaka) cackle, cackling; (vrana) cawing
gakati vi cackle; caw
Gal m hist Gaul
gala adj | ~ odjea (predstava) gala dress (perf ormance)
galaksija f astron galaxy
galam|a f uproar, tumult, hubbub, disturbance, noice,
racket, shindy, row, din; (paklenska) pandemonium |
dii ~u coll kick up a shindy (row), raise a dust,
make a fuss about
galamdija m loud-mouth
galamiti vi clamour, vociferate, bawl, make a loud noise,
raise storm
galantan adj (prema enama) gallant; (iroke ruke)
open-handed, free-spending
galanterija f faney articles (goods) ; (duan) fancygoods shop (A store)
galanterijski adj fancy
galantnost f gallantry; open-handedness
galeb m sea-gull
galerija f gallery (i u kazalitu, kinu) | ~ slika picture
gallery; umjetnika ~ art gallery; fig likova gallery
of characters
galica f vitriol; (modra) blue (copper) vitriol; (eljezna)
green vitriol
Galija f hist Gaul
galija f galley
galijot m galley-slave
Galileja f Bibl Galilee
galop m gallop; (lagani) canter
galopira|ti vi gallop; canter | ~jua tbc (inflacija) ' galloping consumption (inflation)
galoe f pl arch v. kaljae
galski adj Gaulish
galvanizer m electro-plater
galvanizirati vt galvanize; electro-plate
gama m gamma | phys ~ zrake gamma rays

gamad f vermin; pest; derog base (vile) persons | vrvjeti

od ~i be infested with vermin; praak protiv ~i insect powder
gamae f pl spats, arch spatterdashes; (djeje, za cijelu
nogu) leggings
Gan|a f geog Ghana | stanovnik ~e Ghanaian
ganglija f anat ganglion (pl ganglia)
gangrena f med gangrene
gangster m gangster, sl hoodlum, sl mobster
gangsterski adj gangster | ~ prepad holdup
ganski adj geog Ghanaian
ganue n emotion
ganut adj moved, touched | duboko ~ deeply moved
ganufti vt move, touch, affect; (pobuditi samilost) arouse
pity | duboko me je ~lo I was deeply moved
ganuti se vr become moved; v. maknuti se, pokrenuti
ganutljiv adj v. dirljiv; (po naravi) easily moved
ganutljivost f v. dirljivost; (crta naravi) proneness to
ganjati vt run after, chase (v. goniti)
gar m v. aa
garancij|a f guarantee; assurance | jednogodisnja ~a
one-year guarantee; pod ~om under guarantee
garant m v. jamac
garantirati vt guarantee, vouch
garantn|i adj | ~o pismo letter of guarantee; (za vizu)
affidavit; ~i list guarantee certificate; ~i rok je istekao guarantee period has run out
garav adj glossy black, raven; (aav) sooty
garaviti vt soot
garavua f v. crnka
garaa f garage
garairati vt garage
garda f Guards ; (tjelesna) life-guard, body-guard
gardedama f chaperone (i fig) | biti nekome ~ chaperone one
gardenija f bot gardenia
garderob|a f (za kapute) B cloak-room, A checkroom;
(za prtljagu) B left luggage (office). cloak-room; A
checkroom; (s ormariima) locker-room, lockers;
(odijela) wardrobe | ostaviti kaput u ~i B leave one's
coat in the cloak-room, A check in one's coat; ostaviti
prtljagu u ~i B leave one's luggage in the cloakroom, A check in one's baggage
gaderobijer m, ~ka f B cloak-room attendant, A checkroom attendant, A (hat) check girl
gardijsk|i adj | ~e jedinice guard(s) units
gardist m guardsman, soldier of the guard
gargaa f card; carding-machine
gargati vt card (wool)
garite n site (scene) of fire (conflagration)
garni adj bed-and-breakfast
garnirati vt cul & fig garnish
garnirung m cul & fig garnish(ing)
garnitura f set, suit | ~ stolnog rublja set of table-linen;
~ pokustva suite of furniture; ~ sua set of dinnerservice
garnizon f garrison

garnizonsk|i adj | ~o mjesto garrison town

garsonijera f B bachelor flat, flatlet; A kitchenette (efficiency) apartment
gas m v. plin, petrolej | mot dati ~ step on the gas; mot
pedala ~a accelerator; mot & fig punim ~om at top
speed; at full throttle; fig pod ~om well-oiled
gasara f v. plinara
gasilo n (sprava) extinguisher
gasiti vt (vatru) extinguish; (svjetlo) put out; (elektriku)
switch off ; (plin) turn off; (eu) quench thirst,
slack; (vapno) slake, slack
gasiti se vr go out, die; (motor) stall; (prestajati) cease,
be discontinued (suspended, abolished)
gas-maska f gas-mask
gasn|i adj v. plinski | ~a lampa v. petrolejka
gasnuti vi v. gasiti se
gasovit adj v. plinovit
gasevod m v. plinovod
gastritiar m med gastritis sufferer
gastritis m med gastritis
gastronom m gastronome
gastronomija f gastronomy
gastronomski adj gastronomical
gaenje n extinguishing; (svjetla) putting out; (i fig)
quenching; (vapna) slacking, slaking | naprave za ~
fire-extinguishing appliances
Gapar m Jasper
gat m flood-gate, sluice, lock; (brana) weir, wear; (nasip) dyke, dike, dam; (zidan) embankment; mar pier
gatalac m soothsayer, diviner, fortune-teller
gatalica f v. gatara
gatalinka f zoo tree-frog
gatanje n fortune-telling; (proricanje) prophecy, divination; (po dlanu) chiromancy, palmistry
gatara f fortune-teller, soothsayer, chiromancer; (proroica) prophetess, sibyl
gatati vi tell the fortune; (prorei) foretell, divine,
prophesy, predict, presage; (iz dlana) read one's palm
gater m (u pilani) B vertical log frame, A gang mill
gatiti vt dam up, embank
gavan m rich miser; v. bogatun
gavijal m zoo gavial
gavka f ornith eider(-duck)
gavran m raven | crn kao ~ raven-haired
gavrilovika f cul coll hard salami
gavun m ichth smelt
gaz m (pliina) ford, shallow water (stream) ; (broda)
gaz|a f med gauze | zavoj od ~e roll of gauze; tupfer od
~e gauze pad
gazda m master of the house, head of the family; (domain) host; (stanodavac) landlord; (imuan seljak) rich
(well-to-do) farmer; (vlast) person of authority, sl
boss; (u kui) ruler of the roost | svoj ~ one's own
gazdarica f mistress of the house; (plaena) housekeeper; (stanodavka) landlady ; (domaica) hostess ;
(kuanica) hous wife; (ekonom) stewardess, housekeeper

gazdinstvo n v. gospodarstvo
gazdovati vi (vlast) control (govern) the house, be master of the house, rule the roost; lord (sl boss) it (nad
over); (voditi gospodarstvo) husband, manage a farm
gazela f zoo gazelle
gazira|ti vt | ~na pia carbonated beverages, coll soda
gaz|iti vt|vi tread on; (stupati) walk, pace; (vodu) ford,
wade, cross by wading; (teko, blato, I) flounder; fig
trample upon, tread underf oot, (okrutno) ride roughshod over; (v. tlaiti) | ~iti groe tread grapes; ne ~i
travu keep off the grass; brod ~ i 2 metra the ship
has a draught of 2 metres
gazometar m gas holder, gasometer, gas reservoir
gaenje n (vode) wading; (stupanje) treading, trampling;
(tlaenje) oppression
gdin abbr Mr.
gdje int adv where?, in what place?, on which side? ; rel
adj where | bilo ~ no matter where, wherever; ~ si tako dugo? where have you been?, what has kept you?;
vidjela ju je ~ plae she saw her weep; ~ bih ja!
how could I!
gdjegdje adv in some places, here and there | ~ koji a
few, few and far between, with a sprinkling of
gdjegod adj v. ponegdje, ponekad, bilo gdje
gdjekoji pron v. poneki | ~ put v. ponekad
gdjeto pron v. poneto, ponegdje, ponekad
gdjetko pron v. ponetko
ga abbr Mrs.
gica abbr Miss
gebis m Ger v. umjetno zubalo
gegalo n v. gegavac
geganje n swaying (rocking, waddling) gait
gegati se vr walk swaying (rocking) gait, sway, waddle,
wobble, teeter, roll; (mala djeca) toddle
gegavac m waddler; toddler
geja f geisha
gejzir m geyser
gelender m Ger v. ograda, balustrada
geler m Ger v. krhotina
gem m sp game
gemit m Ger (a long drink of) wine and mineral water
gen m med gene
genealogija f genealogy
genealoki adj genealogical
generacija f generation
general m general | ~ major major general; ~ potpukovnik lieutenant general; ~ pukovnik General; ~
armije General of the Army
generalan adj general
generalije f pl personal data
generalisimus m mil generalissimo
generaliz|acija f, ~iranje n generalization
generalizirati vi generalize
generalski adj general's | ~in generalship
generaltab m general staff
generaltabni adj general-staff
generator m el generator
generirati vt generate

genetiar m geneticist
genetiki adj genetic
genetika f genetics
geneza f genesis
genij m genius
genijalan adj ingenious (genial = srdaan!) | ~ovjek
(potez) man (stroke) of genius
genijalnost f ingeniousness; genius
genitalije f pl genitals
genitiv m gram genitive
genitivni adj gram genitive, genitival
genocid m genocide
genocidni adj genocidal
geodet m geodesist
geodetski adj | ~ instrumenti geodetic instruments
geodezija f geodesy
geofiziar m geophysicist
geofiziki adj geophysical
geofizika f geophysiics
geograf m geographer
geografija f geography
geografski adj geographic(al)
geolog m geologist
geologija f geology
geoloki adj geological
geometar m (mjernik) surveyor
geometriar m (uenjak) geometer, geometrician
geometrija f geometry
geometrijski adj geometrical | ~ likovi plane surfaces
geopolitiki adj geopolitical
geopolitika f geopolitics
georgina f bot dahlia
gepard m zoo cheetah
geranij m bot geranium
gerijatrija f med geriatrics
gerijatrijski adj med | ~ odio geriatric ward
gerila f guerilla warfare
gerilac m guerilla fighter
gerilsk|i adj | ~o ratovanje guerilla warfare
gerla f v. koristica, revijska plesacica
germa f reg v. kvasac
Germani m pl Germanic peoples (tribes) ; Germanic
tribesmen (Germans = Nijemci!)
germanij m chem germanium
germanist m Germanist
germanistika f Germanic philology (studies), Germanics
germanizacija f Germanization
germanizirati vt Germanize
germanizam m Germanism
germanski adj Germanic
gerok m frock-coat
gerontologija f med gerontology
gerontoloki adj gerontological
gerl m v. jecmena kaa
gerund m gram gerund
geslo n motto; her device; (bojno) war-cry, slogan; (stih)
posy; (lozinka) watchword
gest m, ~a f gesture
gestapovac m member of the Gestapo

gestapovski adj Gestapo

gestikulacija f gestures pl, gesticulation
gestikulirati vi gesture, gesticulate
geto m ghetto
gg. abbr Messrs.
gibak adj flexible, pliable, pliant; yielding; (tijelo) supple, lithe, nimble, limber
gibanica f cheese-cake (fruit-cake) made of rolled dough
gibanj m eng spring
gibanje n v. micanje, kretanje
gibati (se) vi (vr) v. micati (se), kretati (se)
gibljiv adj v. pokretan, gibak
gibon m zoo gibbon
gigant m giant
gigantski adj giant, gigantic, mammoth
gigerl m Ger v. kico, fifiri
giht m med Ger v. ulozi
gikser m Ger v. kiks
giljotina f guillotine
giljotinirati vt guillotine
gimnasticiranje n (doing) gymnastics
gimnasticirati vi do gymnastics; sch do P. T.; mil perform (do) calisthenics
gimnastiar m gymnast
gimnastik|i adj gymnastic, athletic | ~a dvorana gymnasium, coll gym; ~i dres gym outfit; ~a majica B
gym vest, A athletic shirt; ~e gaice gym shorts; ~e
papue gym shoes
gimnastik|a f gymnastics; sch physical training, P. T. |
~a na spravama indoor gymnastics; nastavnik ~e P.
T. teacher; sat ~e P. T. class, gym class; mil jutarnja
~a morning calisthenics
gimnazija f B seeondary school, A high school (gymnasium = gimnastika dvorana!) | klasina ~ B grammar school (u SAD ne postoji)
gimnazijalac m B secondary-school pupil, A high-school
ginekolog m med gyn(a)ecologist
ginekologija f med gyn(a)ecology
ginekoloki adj med gyn(a)ecological
ginuti vi be killed, perish; (venuti) wither, wilt, wane ;
(eznuti) sigh (languish, long) for, pine; (izjedati se)
gipko adv pliantly, nimbly, with suppleness
gipkost f pliancy, pliability, flexibility ; (tjelesna) suppleness, elasticity, resilience
gips m plaster of Paris; (u priodi) gypsum; med (plaster)
cast | stavili su mu nogu u ~ they put his leg in a
cast; skinuli su mu ~ his cast is off; jo je u ~u he's
still got his caat on
gipsan adj plaster (-of-Paris) | ~i odljev plaster cast
gipsati vt plaster; make a plaster cast of; med put in a
gipsoteka f v. gliptoteka
gir|a, ~ica f ichth picarel
girlanda f garland, festoon, wreath
gitar|a f guitar | elektrina (havajska) ~a electric (Hawaiian) guitar; svirati ~u play the guitar; ica za ~u
guitar string

gitarist m guitarist, guitar-player

gizda f (nakit) finery, trinkets (pl), ornament, tinsel;
(rasko) luxury; v. gizdavost
gizdati se vr (odjea) dress showily (gaudily); (nadmeno) strut, show off, flaunt, parade; v. ponositi se
gizdav adj (odjea) gaudily (showily) dressed; (nadmen)
strutting, stuck-up; (gord) proud, haughty
gizdavost f haughtiness; (napadnost) showiness, gaudiness ; v. gizda
gizdelin m v. ficfiri
glaalo n (pegla) iron | elektrino ~ electric iron
glaaonica f (pegleraj) ironing establishment (room)
glaati vt smooth; polish; (peglati) iron, press; v. latiti |
koulja koju ne treba ~ non-iron shirt
glad f hunger; (opa) famine, starvation; (vuja) ravenous hunger; (prodrljiva) voracity; (tek) appetite;
(pohlepa) hunger after, greediness, craving (for, after) | umirati od ~i starve; moriti glau famish,
starve (into) ; draiti ~ (tek) whet (stimulate) one's
appetite; utiati ~ stay one's stomach, appease hunger
gladak adj smooth; (klizav) slippery; (laten) polished;
(ravan) even, level; (dlaka) sle k; (kosa) lank; (rjeit)
glib, voluble; (svilast) silken; (bez nabora) unwrinkled
gladan adj hungry; (gladujui) famishing, starving;
(izgladnjen) famished; fig greedy, covetous | ~ kao
vuk ravenous, hungry as a hunter (bear, wolf)
gladijator m gladiator | borbe ~a gladiator fights
gladiola f bot gladiolus, pop sword lily
gladiti vt smooth down (out) ; (blanjati) plane; (ravnati)
even, level; (rukom) stroke, caress; (dotjerivati) finish, touch up
gladnjeti vi become (grow) hungry
gladovanje n starving, starvation, famine, famishment,
gladovati vi hunger, be reduced to hunger, be famishing,
famish, starve; fig be greedy, covetous
gladu m starving (needy) person ; v. izjelica
glaenje n smoothing, stroking, caressing
glagol m verb | prijelazan (neprelazan) ~ transitive
(intransitive) verb; svren (nesvren) ~ perfective
(imperfective) verb ; povratan ~ reflexive verb
glagolski adj verbal | ~ vid verbal aspect ; ~ pridjev
(prilog) participle
glagolja m priest saying mass from Glagolitic (old
Croatian) missal
glagoljaki adj Glagolitic
glagoljati vi say mas s from a Glagolitic missal; prose,
talk prosily
glagoljica f Glagolitic alphabet (script)
glancati vt Ger v. latiti
glancati se vr Ger v. sjajiti, blistati
glas m voice, organ, note; mus part, intonation; (zvuk)
sound, noise; (vijest) news, tidings, message;
(glasine) rumour(s); (slava) fame, renown; repute |
na ~ v. glasno; mijenjanje ~a change of voice; on
mijenja ~ his voice breaks; iz sveg ~a at the top of
one's voice; kola ~ it is rumoured that; nemam od
njega ~a (pisma) I have not heard from him; crni ~i

bad news; doao je na ~ he became famous, his fame

spread; na ~u v. glasovit; na dobru ~u well reputed,
reputable; na zlu ~u ill reputed, notorious for ; dobar
~ good reputation; zao ~ notoriety, notoriousness; da
nije niti ~ uti! mum's the word; svjetskog ~a worldfamous; visina ~a pitch; ope pravo ~a universal
suffrage; imati pravo ~a have the (right to) vote;
dati ~ za cast one's vote for
glasa m voter | ~i voters, electorate; slab (dobar)
odaziv ~a low (high) poll
glasak|i adj voting, of a voter, voter's | ~i listi voting
paper, ballot, ballot-paper, ticket; ~a kutija ballot
box; ~o mjesto polling (ballot) station; ~a kabina
voting booth
glas|ak m dim thin voice | ni ~ka not a sound (peep)
glasan adj loud; (zvuan) sonorous, resonant; (ujan)
audible; (buan) noisy, clamorous; (smijeh) loud,
glasanj|e n (ptica, zivotinje) cries, calls, noises; (glasovanje) vote, voting, polling | javno (tajno) ~e open
(secret) vote; staviti na ~e put to a (the) vote; prihvatiti ~em vote; odbaciti ~em vote down; uzdrati se
od ~a abstain; ii na ~e go to the polls
glasati vi vote, poll, cast a vote; (tajno) vote by ballot;
(pod krivim imenom) personate | za (protiv) vote for
(against); ~ dizanjem ruku vote by show of hands
glasati se vr give out (emit) sound, produce sound, utter
sound; (ptice, ivotinje) cry, call
glasi m dim little (sweet) voice
glasilo n (novine) organ, party paper
glasin|a f rumour; aug stentorian voice | iriti ~e spread
rumours; iritelj ~a rumour-monger; krue ~e it is
rumoured (that)
glas|iti vt | tekst ~i ovako the text runs like this; potvrda
~i na mene the receipt is made out to me
glasn|i adj v. glasan | anat ~e ice vocal cords
glasnica f female messenger; anat glottis (v. glasne ice)
glasnik m messenger, herald; (skorotea) courier, runner; messenger; mil (brzi) dispatch rider; (telal) crier;
fig (kob) augury, omen, foreboding Veernji ~
Evening Herald
glasno adv loud(ly), aloud, sonorously
glasnoa f loudness
glasnogovornik m v. zvunik; fig mouth-piece
glasonoa m v. glasnik
glasovanje n v. glasanje
glasovir m v. klavtr
glasovit adj famed, famous, renowned, celebrated, illustrious; (zloglasan) notorious
glasovitost f fame, renown, celebrity; (zloglasnost) notoriety, notoriousness
glasovni adj vocal, vocalic, vowel, voice; phonetic
glaenje n (ptica, votinja) cries, calls, noises
glatko adv smoothly, evenly, fluently, (laljivo) glibly;
(bez zastoja) without a hitch, like clockwork; v. odbiti
glatkoa f smoothness, evenness, sleekness, fluency
glaukom m med glaucoma
glav|a f head, hum poll, coll pate; (pamet) wit(s), intellect, sense, headpiece, understanding; (voa) head,

leader, chief, chieftain; (naslov) heading, A caption;

(poglavlje) chapter; (novac) head, obverse; (vrak)
top; (eera) (sugar-)loaf; (luka) bulb; (zelja) head of
cabbage | nadarena ~a a man of parts, a man of talents; bistra ~a a clever fellow, a headpiece; mudra
~a a longheaded (shrewd) man; muka ~a a male, a
man; tupa ~a dullard, person slow of understanding,
blockhead; trijezna ~a coolheaded (sober, staid,
steady) person ; smuena ~a muddleheaded person;
bez ~e headless, fig reckless, hare-brained ; 3 po ~i 3
per (each; a) head, 3 apiece; u ~i in one's mind, mentally; za ~u vei taller by a head; izbiti sebi iz ~e
banish (dismiss) from one's mind; izgubiti ~u lose
one's head (wits, presence of mind); (smrt) perish; ne
izgubiti ~u keep one's head; kimati ~om nod; tresti
~om shake one's head; radi mu se o ~i his life is at
stake; radi mu o ~i he attempts (seeks) his life; razbijati sebi ~u rack one's brains ; ovo vino ide u ~u
this wine is heady; od ~e do pete from top to toe,
from head to foot, every inch of him; sam ~om in
person; ~a me boli my head aches; u ~i mi se vrti my
head swims (turns) ; preko ~e zaduen over head
and ears in debt; ni za ivu ~u not for the life of me,
on no account; uspjeh mu je zavrtio ~om success
has turned his head; raunati u ~i do mental arithmetic; nisam pao na ~u I am not so foolish as to...;
ne znam gdje mi je ~a I am quite perplexed (bewildered, confused); staviti ucjenu na neiju ~u put a
price upon one's head; staviti ~u u torbu risk one's
life; toga mi je ve preko ~e I am sick (weary) of it;
otkrite ~e bare-headed; ne mogu ~om kroz zid I
cannot knock my head against the wall; to mi ne ide
iz ~e I cannot get rid of the idea; I cannot get it out of
my head; to mi ne ide u ~u it is beyond me; nije mu
sve u redu u ~i he is a little wrong in the upper storey; utuvio je sebi u ~u he took it into his head; ne
mogu mu to izbiti iz ~e I cannot put it out of his
head; (bacati) pismo ~a head or tail; to nema ni
repa ni ~e I cannot make head or tail of it; ~om bez
obzira head over heels; nemati nita u ~i be emptyheaded, be brainless; tko nema u ~i, (taj) ima u
nogama (i.e. when somebody is living home for going somewhere and forgets something to bring with
him- or herself and at the middle of the way he or she
must turn home to bring this thing)
glavake adv v. naglavce
glavar m head; (sela) headman; (zavoda) principal;
chief, superintendent; (postaje) station-master;
(samostana) abbot, superior, prior | dravni ~ head of
glavarica f head, lady principal, superintendent ; (samostana) abbess, prioress, superioress
glavarina f poll-tax, capitation, headmoney
glavat adj big-headed
glavatica f (salata) cabbage-lettuce; ichth v. mladica
glavin|a f eng & mot hub (of wheel), nave | mot poklopac ~e (radkapa) hub-cap
glaveina m & f v. velika zvjerka
glavetina f aug & derog huge head, big ugly head

glavic|a f dim small head; (vrak) top, crest, peak, summit; archit capital; (luka) bulb (of onion) | dvije ~e
luka two onions
glavi m anat glans (of penis)
glavina f v. glavina
glavinjati vi stagger, totter
glavn|i adj main, chief, principal, cardinal ; (bitan) vital,
essential, material; (prvi) leading, capital, head; (temeljan) fundamental, primary; (vaan) of consequence, indispensable | ~i grad capital, metropolis;
~i stan headquarters; ~a stanica terminus; ~a ulica
main thoroughfare; ~a pruga trunk line; ~i (telefonski) vod trunk line; ~a cesta trunk road; ~i kuhar
head cook; ~o je da the main thing is (what matters
is) that
glavnica f capital (sum) ; fund(s) ; (dionika) stock,
jointstock | mrtva ~ dead stock, unemployed (unproductive) capital; prometna (obrtna) ~ floating (circulating, trading) capital; ~i kamati principal and
glavnina f bulk, main part; mil main force (body)
glavno n | ono ~ the substance, the main point, the essential (principal) thing; (jezgra) the pith (gist) | u
~me in substance, generally
glavnokomamdujui m mil v. vrhovni zapovjednik
glavnja f billet
glavobolja f headache; fig worry | jaka ~ splitting headache
glavo m ichth goby
glavoike f pl bot Compositae
glavom adv in person
glavono|ac m zoo cephalopod | ~ci cephalupoda
glavonja m large-headed person; sl v. velika zvjerka
glavurda f aug & derog v. glavetina
glazb|a f music | limena ~a brass band; vojna ~a military band; ima dara za ~u he has an ear for music
glazbalo n (musical) instrument
glazben adj fond of music, skilled in music, musical | ~i
komad piece of music; ~i paviljon bandstand
glazbenik m musician, (svira) bandsman, player
glazirati vt glaze | ~ tortu ice a cake
glazura f glaze ; (v. gle) (na torti) (sugar) icing, frosting; fig veneer
gle! int look!, see!, behold! ~,~! (uenje) you don't say
so!, A coll what do you know!
gleer m v. ledenjak
gleda|lac m spectator; (ugl. sluajni) looker-on, onlooker, beholder, bystander ; (televizijski) viewer |
~oci spectators itd; the public; coll the crowd
gledalite n auditorium | puno ~ full house
gledanje n looking, seeing; (motrenje) viewing, watching | ~ na stvari viewpoint, attitude, approach
gledati vt (at, on) (promatrati) observe, watch, view, eye,
regard ; (zuriti) gaze, peer (at, into); (pomno) examine, scan; (kradom) peep ; (nastojati) endeavour, try,
make efforts; (pobrinuti se) attend to, look after, see
something done, look to it that; (postrance) look with
the tail of one's eye; (poprijeko, nerado) eye (look)
askance at ; (pozorno) look intently; (prezirno) look

down upon; (sumniavo) suspect, mistrust; (zavidno)

eye jealously; (zaljubljeno) cast sheep's eyes at; (s
potovanjem) look up to one; (od glave do pete) look
one up and down; (kroz prozor) look out of the window; (biti okrenut prema) give upon, face; (kao da e
oima probosti) look daggers at; (kiljavo) squint | ne
~(ne osvrtati se na) disregard, lay aside, pay no attention to, make light (of)
gledati se vr look at one another (each other) ; look at
glede adv arch v. u pogledu, to se tie
gledit|e n standpoint, point of view, mental attitude,
way of looking | s ~a from the point, of view of; gledati s drugog ~a view a matter in another light, take
a different view of
gle(a) f (na glini) glaze; (na kovini) enamel
gleosati vt v. pocakliti
gleanj m ankle; articulation | do glenja ankle-deep;
uganuti ~ turn one's ankle
glenjak m mil legging
glib m mud, silt, mire, dirt, slime, ooze
gliboder m v. bager
glibovit adj miry, slimy, muddy
glibovitost f miriness, muddiness
glicerin m glycerine
glicerinski adj glycerine
glicinija f bot wistaria
glikoza f chem glycose (v. glukoza)
glina f clay; (lonarska) argil, potter's clay, loam; (za
opeku) pug; (vatrostalna) fireclay; (za bijeljenje)
bleacheton | pecena ~ baked clay; mjesto gdje se
kopa ~ clay-pit
glinast adj clayey, clayish, loamy, earthen
glinen adj made of baked clay, earthen, earthenware | ~o
sue pottery, earthenware, crockery
glinenac m minr feldspar
glinica f minr hydrated alumina
gliptoteka f plaster-cast collection
gliser m (amac) skimmer; v. hidrogliser
glisirati vi mar & mot skim
glist|a f earth-worm, lob-worm | trbune ~e intestinal
worms; sredstvo protiv ~a vermifuge, anthelmintic;
(slatki) worm-lozenge, worm-tablet
glob|a f fine, penalty, mulct, amercement, forfeit | visoke
~e stiff fines; platiti ~u pay a fine, be fined
global|an adj global, overall | ~na nagodba package deal
globalno adv globally, overall
globiti vt fine, penalize, mulct, amerce; (guliti) overcharge, extort, exact, fleece
globljenje n fining; fig exaction, fleecing, extortion
globulin m med globulin
globus m globe
glockati vt nibble
glodai adj | ~ zub gnawing tooth
glodalica f milling machine, cutter; (za drvo) molder
glodaliar m tech milling-machine operator
g1odalo n tech milling cutter
glodar m zoo v. glodavac

glodati vt gnaw, nibble; (trti) rub (off); (porabom) wear

(out, away) ; (upati se, tkivo) fray (out) | ~ kost
gnaw (pick, worry) a bone
glodavac m zoo rodent, gnawer | sredstvo protiv ~a rodenticide
glog m hawthorne
gloginja f haw, hawthorn berry
glogovaa f shoot (switch, stick) of hawthorne
glogovina f hawthorne-wood
glokn m Ger | suknja na ~ flared skirt
glomazan adj unwieldy, bulky
glomaznost f unwieldiness, bulkiness, bulk
glomot m roar, din, clatter
glorificirati vt glorify
glorifikacija f glorification
glorifikator m glorifier
glosa f ling gloss
glosar m glossary
glot m text black sateen
gloenje n squabble, dissension, disagreement, variance,
clash, jar, jarring
gloiti se vr quarrel, squabble, be at odds, clash, jar, be
at variance, live like cat and dog, be by the ears
gluh adj deaf ; (na jedno uho) deaf of one ear; (nagluh)
hard (dull) of hearing; fig having no ear for, dead to,
having turned a deaf ear to | on je ~ za mene he has
turned a deaf ear to me; Gluha nedjelja Passion
Sunday; u ~o doba noi at the dead of night; ~ kao
top deaf as a post (adder)
gluhak m deaf person
gluho adv hollowly
gluhoa f deafness
gluhonijem m deaf and dumb, deaf-mute
gluma f (glumljenje) acting | fig sve je to obina ~ it's
all just an act
glum|ac m actor, player, performer; derog histrion,
mime; (kazalini) stage actor; (filmski) screen actor;
(amater) amateur actor (putujui) strolling player
(actor); (glavni) protagonist, star; (epizodnih uloga)
supporting actor; (nevanih uloga) bit actor; (zamjenik) understurdy; (licemjer) hypocrite, dissembler;
(oponaa) mimic | svi ~ci jednog komada cast; theat
soba za ~ce green-room
glumak|i adj actor's ; acting, histrionic, stag(e)y; fig
affected, showy | ~a umjetnost dramatic (scenic) art;
~a druina troupe, (theatrical) company; (putujua)
strolling actors; ~a ekipa cast
glumica f actress; (glavna) leading lady, star; (filmska)
screen actress
glumiti vt act, play (in drama), perform (a play), act a
role, act the part of ; (zvanje) be on the boards; (lano
drugoga) impersonate, personate; (nijemo) mime;
(oponaati) mimic; (prvu ulogu) star, feature; v.
pretvarati se, simulirati
glumljenje n acting, playing a role
glup adj stupid, dull, thick-headed, slow of apprehension, slow-witted, dumb; (besmislen) foolish, ailly,
senseless, nonsensical, absurd, preposterous | ~ kao
klada dumb as a post

glupaa f stupid (silly) woman (girl, female)

glupan m blockhead, fool, simpleton, idiot, booby, noodle, duffer, dunce, numskull; (od poroda) innocent;
(neznalica) ignoramus; (prevaren) dupe
gluparija f nonsense itd. (v. glupost)
glupav adj v. glup
glupavost f simpleness, simplicity, silliness, foolishness,
dul(l)ness, stupidity
glupo adv foolishly, stupidly, absurdly, in a silly manner
| osjeati se ~ feel like a fool
glupost f (besmisao) absurdity, nonsense, preposterousness, senselessness; (neija) v. glupavost; (govor)
drivel, twaddle | krajnja ~ flat (utter) nonsense; govoriti ~i talk nonsense; uiniti ~ do a foolish thing
gluv adj v. gluh
gljiv|a f (jestiva) edible fungus, mushroom; agaric;
(otrovna) toadstool; (plijesan) mould | ii u ~e gather
mushrooms; najesti se ludih ~a sl go off one's nut;
kao ~e poslije kie shooting up like mushrooms
gljivar m mushroom grower (gatherer, seller)
gljivarstvo n sci mycology; pop mushroom growing
gljivast adj mushroom-like
gljivice f pl med fungi | kvasne ~ yeast
gljivi|an adj fungous | ~na infekcija fung(o)us infeatian, mouldy
gmaz m zoo reptile
gmizanje n crawling, creeping; (pred nekim) cringing,
fawning, obsequiousness, sycophancy, servility, toadeating
gmizati vi crawl, creep; fig grovel, cringe, crouch; (laskati) toady, truckle to, sneak, fawn
gmizav adj fig grovelling, cringing
gmizavac m zoo v. gmaz; fig toady, toadeater, groveller,
sneak, truckler
gmizavost f fig grovelling, cringing; grovelling (cringing) quality
gnajs m minr gneiss
gnati vt v. goniti
gnijezditi se vr nest, nestle, build one's nest; (udobno se
smjestiti) make oneself snug; (na toplom) snuggle; v.
vrpoljiti se
gnijezdo n nest; (grabilice) aery, aerie; (sastajalite)
haunt; (skrovite) place of retreat; (udobno) snug
(cosy) place; derog (naselje) vile place (village,
town); (dom) home, room | saviti ~ build one's nest
(home) ; (oeniti se) settle down to married life;
sjediti na ~u sit on nest (to hatch); fig osino ~o hornets' nest
gnijeenje n nesting, nestling, snuggling
gnoj m (stajski) dung, manure, compost, dressing, muck;
(ira) pus, purulent matter (rijedak gleet, ichor) | ~ se
sabire u iru sore comes to a head (gathers head)
gnoj|an adj (na tijelu) purulent, gleety | ~an ir pustule;
~na rana festering (running) sore; ~na (nagnojena)
zemlja soil saturated with manure
gnojenje n (tla) dressing, manuring, dunging; (ira)
festering, suppuretion, purulence
gnojite n dunghill, dung-yard

gnojiti vt (stajskim gnojivom) manure, dung, dress,

muck; (umjetnim gnojivom) fertilize
gnojiti se vr med secrete pus, suppurate, fester, ulcerate
gnojiv|o n (stajsko) manure itd. (v. gnoj); (umjetno) fertilizer | tvornica umjetnog ~a fertilizer factory
gnojnica f (liquid) manure (pit)
gnojnost f med purulence
gnu m zoo gnu
gnus|an adj loathsome, loathful, nauseating, sickening (i
fig); (odvratan) offensive, repulsive, disgusting, nasty
| ~an zloin heinous (atrocious, abominable, odious)
crime; ~ne rijei filthy ( dirty, foull, indecent, obscene) words (talk)
gnusob|a, ~nost f loathsomeness; dirt, filth
gnusanje n loathing, aversion, disgust, repugnance;
abomination | koji izaziva ~ revolting
gnusati se vr get sick of, loathe, be disgusted with,
sicken at | gnusa mi se it nauseates me, it turns my
stomach, my stomach turns at it
gnjat m shank, lower leg
gnjavator m bore, pest, A sl a pain in the neck
gnjavatorski adj boring
gnjavaa f nuisance, annoying (boring, bothering, distasteful) work, drudgery
gnjaviti vt (dodijavati) vex, molest, annoy, bore, trouble,
plague, pester, importune, bother, weary; (muiti)
harass | nemoj me ~ don't pester me, sl get off my
gnjaviti se vr drudge, bother, have trouble; waste time
gnjavljenje n (dosaivanje) boring, pestering, importunity
gnjecav adj (kruh) sodden, doughy, sad
gnjecavost f soddenness, doughiness
gnjeenje n compression, pressure; (izaimanje) pressing, squeezing; (stisak) squeeze; (mijesiti) kneading
gnjeiti vt (u kau) pulp, mash, squash; (sok) express,
squeeze out, extract; (cijediti) strain; (titati) press,
compress, jam; (mijesiti) knead; (guzvati) rumple,
gnjeiti se vr get crushed, squeeze
gnjeteo m v. fazan
gnjev m anger, passion, wrath, indignation; poet ire;
(zamjerka) resentment, umbrage, dudgeon, bad
blood; (triav) pet, huff, fume, tiff; (bijes) fury, rage |
provala ~a outburst (fit) of anger, bad temper, angry
mood; dati oduka ~u vent one's anger on; u najveem ~u in a towering rage (passion)
gnjevan adj angry (na with), wrathful, indignant, irate,
exasperated; coll cross (at, with) ; (raspaljen) roused,
heated, wrought up, in a fume; (bijesan) enraged,
raging, furious
gnjeviti vt make angry; coll aggravate; (zlovolja) mortify, vex; (raspaliti) inflame, exasperate, provoke;
(postupno) work up; (draiti) irritate, rouse;
(razbjesnjeti) enrage, incense
gnjeviti se vr grow (become) angry, lose one's temyer,
cut up rough, chafe at; (planuti) fly into a passion
(rage); flare up; (bjesnjeti) rage, storm, furn
gnjevno adv angrily, indignantly, wrathfully

gnjevnost f wrathfulness (v. gnjev)

gnjezdace n little nest; fig cozy pad
gnjida f (u kosi) nit; derog a nobody, nit, rotter, A sl
gnjidav adj (kosa) nitty
gnjil adj v. gnjio
gnjile f decay, rot, rotting, rottenness, putrescence, putrefaction; (rastvorba) decomposition; (zubi) caries;
(ive kosti, mesa) gangrene; fig corruption, taint;
(suha, drva) dry rot | meso ima tek po ~i the meat is
gnjiloa f v. gnjile
gnjiljenje n decaying, rotting (v. gnjile)
gnjiljeti vi rot, putrefy, deoompose, moulder; (zub) become carious; fig become corrupt; (meso) taint;
(voda) foul; (jaje) addle
gnjio adj rotten, rotbing, decayed, putrid, putrescent,
decomposed, (zub) carious; fig corrupt, mouldering;
(ivo meso) gangrenous; (jaje) rotten, addled
gnjurac m v. ronilac; ornith grebe
gnjuraki adj v. ronilaki
gnjurenje n plunging, immersion, submersion, ducking ;
v. ronjenje
gnjuriti vt plunge, submerge, duck; vi v. roniti
gnjusan adj v. gnusan
gnjusoba f v. gnusoba
go adj v. gol
gobav adj reg v. grbav
goblen m (tapiserija) Gobelin tapestry; (runi rad) needle
god m (obljetnica) anniversary; (u deblu) (growth) ring |
crkveni ~ patron-saint's day; parish fair
-god suf ever | dok ~ as long as, not before; koliko ~
as much as you like, any number (quantity) ; kako je
~ bogat, ipak... rich as he is still
godimice adv yearly, annually, every year
godin|a f year; twelvemonth; (stara) old year; (prijestupna) bissextile year, leap-year (obina common
year); (Gregorijanska, Julijanska) Gregorian (Julian)
year | Nova ~a (predveerje) New Year's Eve; (1. sijenja) New Year's day; deset ~a decade; sto ~a century ; tisuu ~a millennium; tekua ~a current year;
ove ~e this year; prole ~e last year; do ~e, na ~u
next year; cijelu ~u all the year round, from one
year's end to another; ~u za ~om year in year out,
year by year, year after year; ~ama over the years;
ve mnogo ~a for many years past; kroz tri ~e for a
term of three years; tokom ~e in the course of the
year; pred mnogo ~a many years ago (since, back);
unutar ~u dana within a year, within the space of a
year; danas ~u dana (budunost) a year hence;
(prolost) a year ago (since, back); poetkom ~e
early in...; doba ~e season; umro je jo pred pet ~a
he has been dead these five years; on je mojih ~a he
is my age; koliko ti je ~a? how old are you? ;
navrio je trideset ~a he has turned (passed) 30, he
is turned (of) 30; on je u ~ama he is well advanced
in years, he is stricken in years; on je blizu pedeset
~a he is on the right (sunny) side of 50; on je pre-

maio 50 ~a he is on the wrong (shady) side of 50;

ona je u djevojakim ~ama she is in her teens (od
13 19); djeak star deset ~a a ten-year-old boy; tri
~e stariji older by three years; mlad za svoje ~e
young for his years; u najljepim ~ama in the prime
of life; kad sam bio tvojih ~a when I was your age;
slaba ~a (etva) lean year; vrlo dobra ~a (etva)
bumper year; 50 funti na ~u 50 pounds a year (per
annum) ; ova smotra izlazi dvaput na ~u this review
is a biannual (semiannual); kolska ~a academic year
godinjak m (list) annual, year-book; (kalendar) almanac, calendar; (ljetopis) annals, chronicle; (ivotinja)
-godisnja|k | deseto~k a ten-year-old ; deseto~ci tenyear-olds
godinje adv yearly, every year, anually, per annum |
dvaput ~ twice a year
godinj|i adj yearly, annual, yearlong; (lie) deciduous ;
(biljka) annual | ~e doba season (of the year)
-godinj|i | deseto~i djeak ten-year-old boy ; deseto~e
razdoblje ten-year period
godinjic|a f anniversary, return of the day | sto~ centenary; tisuu~ millennial anniversary ; proslaviti deset~u celebrate (observe) the 10th anr versary
godite n year; (novina) yearly file; (vina) vintage; (prirod) year's growth; (vrnjaka) age group | koje si ~?
wbat year were you born?
goditi vt please, give pleesure, be pleasing (agreeable) ;
do one's heart good; (tek) be to one's taste, relish;
(tatini) tickle one's vanity; (uivati) delight in, take
delight in; (neijem zdravlju) do one good
gof m ichth yellowtail
gojan adj v. debeo, ugojen
gojazan adj corpulent; med obese
gojaznost f corpulence; med obesity
gojen adj cultivated, trained; v. domai, pitom
gojenje n v. uzgajanje, debljanje, tovljenje; fig harbouring, fostering
gojilite n v. uzgajalite; (bakterioloko) medium
gojitelj m v. uzgajatelj, odgajatelj
gojiti vt v. uzgajati, toviti; fig harbour, foster, nurse,
nourish, cherish, entertain
gojiti se vr fatten, batten, grow (become) fat (stout) ; v.
debljati se
gojzerica f heavy hiking boot (v. bakanda)
gol' adj naked, (in the) nude, in buff; unclothed; bare;
(svuen) stripped; (pust, npr. kraj) open, treeless,
bleak; (ma) unsheathed, drawn; (glava) bare, uncovered; (bez perja) unfledged, callow; fig undisguised,
plain | ~a istina plain truth; ~im okom with the naked eye; svuen do ~a stripped to the skin; ~ golcat
stark naked, stripped to the skin; without a stitch on
gol'' m sp goal | postii ~ score a goal; realizator ~a
scorer; ~-geter goalgetter; pogoditi ~ hit home;
braniti na ~u keep goal
gola m penniless person, pauper; zoo v. pu balavac
golcat adj v. gol ~
goli m ichth small mackerel

golem adj huge, enormous, vast, gigantic, redoutable,

colossal, immense, monstrous | fig neto ~o colossus,
leviathan, giant
golemost f hugeness, vastness, boundlessness, enormousness, immensity, monstrousness, monstrosity;
(zloina) heinousness
golet f bare (bleak, barren, rugged) mountains (tract,
region, crags, rocks)
goletan adj rugged, jagged, rocky
golf m sp golf | igra ~a golfer; igralite za ~ golfcourse; palica za ~ golf-club; lopta za ~ golf-ball;
igrati ~ (play) golf
Golfska struja f geog the Gulf Stream
golgota f Bibl & fig Golgotha
golicati vt v. kakljati; fig v. drakati
golicav adj v. kakljiv; fig titillating; (papren) spicy,
golicavost f v. kakljivost; fig titillating quality; spiciness, raciness
Golijat m Bibl & fig Goliath
golijen f v. gnjat; (kost) shin-bone, tibia
goliav adj scantily dressed, half-naked; (ptije mladune) naked, callow, unfledged, downy
goliavac m (half-)naked person (child) ; unfledged bird
goliavost f being half-naked; (golotinja) nudity
golman m goalkeeper, coll goalie
golobrad adj beardless; fig green, inexperienced
golobradac m beardless man (boy) ; fig greenhorn;
(neznalica) ignoramus, raw hand
golobradost f beardlessness
gologlav adj bare-headed, uncovered, hatless
gologuz adj bare-bottomed, vulg bare-assed
golomrazica f v. suhi mraz
goloruke adv bare-handed(by), unarmed
goloruk adj unarmed; fig defenceless
golotinja f nakedness, nudity, the nude, naked part (of
the body) ; fig bareness, bleakness; (sirotinja) indigence, abject poverty
golub m (cock-)pigeon; ichth sting-ray | ~ listonoa carrier-pigeon, homing-pigeon; moj ~e! (odmila) my
darling; oni guu kao dva ~a they are billing and
cooing; grivnja (duplja) ring-dove, wood-pigeon;
~ guan pouter, cropper; ~ lepezan fantail pigeon; sp
gaanje glinenih ~ova trap shooting
golubar m pigeon breeder
golubarnik m v. golubinjak
golubarstvo n pigeon breeding
golubica f hen-pigeon
golubinjak m dove-cot, pigeon-house, pigeonry; fig cubbyhole
golubinj|i adj of (like) pigeons (doves), dove-like | ~e
udi of very gentle disposition, meek as a lamb
golupe n young pigeon
goludrav adj v. goliav
goludravac m v. goliavac
goljenica f (kost) shin-bone, tibia; v. gnjat
goljenini adj anat tibial
goljo m derog v. goliavac, odrpanac, gola
gomba m arch v. gimnastiar

gombalaki adj arch v. gimnastiki

gombanje n arch v. gimnastika, tjelovjeba; fig v.
gombati (se) vi (vr) arch v. gimnasticirati; (vr) fig v.
okapati se
gomil|a f (ljudi) multitude, a great number, crowd, mass;
(hrpa) cluster, knot; (fukara) mob, populace, the
common (vulgar) herd; (mnotvo) legion, host; (krdo)
horde, troop; (stvari) pile, heap, accumulation, huddle, coll stack-| u ~ama in crowds (flocks, great
numbers); ii u ~i troop, crowd, throng; pol vlast ~e
gomilanje n accumulation, conglomeration ; (zgrtanje)
gomilati vt accumulate, heap (up), pile, conglomerate;
(tovariti) stack, load with; (zgrtati) amass, hoard;
(bez reda) lump, huddle
gomilati se vr accumulate, conglomerate, be piled
(heaped) up; (ljudi) crowd, throng, gather ; (jatiti se)
flock together, swarm ; (rasti) grow, multiply;
(troak) swell up, increase
gomolj m bot bulb, tuber
gomoljast adj bulbuous, tuberous, tuberose
gomoljika f bot tuberous plant (gomoljaa)
gondol|a f gondola (i aero) |vonja u ~i gondola ride;
voziti se u ~i (take a) ride in a gondola
gondolijer m gondolier
gong m gong | udariti u ~ strike a gong
goni m (stoke) cattle driver; (u lovu) beater
gonitelj m persecutor
goniti vt (progoniti) go in pursuit of, pursue, run after,
chase (v. tjerati, hvatati); fig urge, press, spur on,
prompt, give impetus
gonoreja f med gonorrhea, sl the clap
gonjenj|e n driving, urging, pressing; (progon) persecution; (stoke na pau) drift | med manija ~a persecution mania
gora f mountain; (u geogr. imenima) mount
gor|ak adj bitter; (nakiseo) acerb, tart; (iskustvo) afflicting, unpalatable | biti ~ak be (taste) bitter; ~ak kao
pelin bitter like wormwood, bitter as gall ; ~ka pilula
a bitter pill; ~ka zbilja sad earnest; ~ka aa bitter
cup; ~ka sol Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate); polu
~ak bitter-sweet
goranin m v. branin, gortak
gorika f bot milk-thistle
gorina f bitterness; fig gall, resentment, acerbity, tartness; (uljivost) rancour
gord adj v. ponosan, ohol
gorditi se vr v. ponositi se
gordost f v. ponos, oholost
gore' adv above, aloft; (nad) over, over-head; (visoko)
high up; upward(s); (na jarbolu) aloft; (na gornjem
katu) upstairs; (povrh toga) over and above, into the
bargain; (na vrhu) at the top | tamo ~ up there; ~
spomenut above-said (-mentioned, -named), aforesaid (-mentioned, -named) ; ~ ... dolje up and down,
to and fro; kao to je ~ reeno as (stated) above

gore'' adj comp worse | na ~ to the bad; to (utoliko) ~ za

tebe so much the worse for you!; to ~ more's the pity;
iz zla u ~ out of the frying-pan into the fire (s konja
na magarca); postajalo je sve ~ i ~ things grew
worse and worse
gorenje n burning, combustion
gor|i adj comp worse, inferior, second-rate, more depraved (noxious, despicable), meaner, baser | da
stvar bude jo ~a to make matters worse
gorila m zoo gorilla
goriti vi v. gorjeti
goriv adj combustible, inflammable, fit for burning
goriv|o n combustible, fuel, firewood, firing | potronja
~a fuel consumption ; ostati bez ~a run out of fuel;
uzimati ~o refuel, tank up; sputanje (pristajanje)
da se uzme ~o refuelling stop; vrsto ~o solid fuel;
(za rakete) solid propellant
gorivost f combustibility
gorje n collect mountains, mountain-range, mountain
chain, highlands
gorjeti vi burn, be on fire; (biti zapaljen) be lighted;
(plamtjeti) blaze, flame; (lice, ar) glow | ~ od elje
burn with dsire, be eager (fervent, zealous, keen on);
~ od znatielje be consumed with curiosity; kua
gori the house is on fire; on sav gori (bolest) he is
feverish, he is hot with fever
gorko adv bitterly; (bolno) painfully, cruelly
gorkost f bitterness; v. gorina
gorljiv adj zealous, ardent, fervent, eager, enthusiastic
gorljivo adv zealously, ardently, fervently
gorljivost f zeal, fervency, fervour, ardour, eagerness,
enthusiasm; anxiety
Gornja Volta f geog Upper Volta
gornji adj upper, top, higher, superior; (povrina) surface, top; v. gore spomenuti
gornjogradski adj upper-town
goropadan adj furious, raging, fierce, frenzied, truculent, infuriated, maddened, violent
goropaditi se vr be furious, rage, storm,bluster, fly out
goropadnica f virago, shrew, termagant, vixen; fury
goropadnik m raging (blustering) fellow, Tartar
goropadno adv furiously, truculently, violently
goropadnost f truculence, violence, fierceness; (ene)
shrewishness, termagancy
goropaenje n raging, blustering, frenzy, fury
gorostas m giant, Leviathan, monster, colossus
gorostasan adj gigantic, huge, colossal, Cyclopean
gorostasnost f hugeness, vastness, immensity, gigantic
gorovit adj mountainous, hilly; (krevit) rugged, rocky
gorovitost f mountainous character; ruggedness
gorsk|i adj mountain, highland, alpine | ~i hrbat mountain-ridge; ~i izdanak spur; ~i klanac mountainpass, defile, gorge; ~i lanac mountain-range, mountain-chain; ~a bolest mountain sickness
gortak m mountaineer, highlander; (kotski) Highlander; (ameriki) hillbilly

gorui adj burning, on fire, afire; (upaljen) kindled,

lighted; (lice) glowing, aglow; fig ardent, ferven , fervid, eager
problem burning (pressing) issue
goruica f mustard, mustard-seed ; v. garavica
gospa f v. gospoa; eccl Our Lady | Mala ~ Nativity of
the Viirgin Mary; Velika ~ Assumption
Gospod m eccl the Lord | ~e! Lord!
gospod|a f (collect) gentlemen, gentlefolks, fine folks,
the upper classes | hist svjetovna ~a peers temporal,
lords temporal; hist duhovna ~a peers (lords) spiritual ; ~o! gentlemen! ; (u trgov. dopisivanju) (Dear)
Sirs, A+ Gentlemen; dame i ~o! ladies and gentlemen!; ~a (na vratima WC-a) "Gentlemen", "Men"
gospodar m (vlasnik) owner, proprietor (v. gazda) ;
(kue, stana) householder, landlord; (poslodavac)
employer, master, sl boss; (suprug) husband; (ratar)
farmer, husbandman; (tedia) economist; (vlast)
lord, master, ruler; (vladar) sovereign, prince;
(vrhovni) lord paramount; (neogranien) absolute
ruler, despot; (nemio) harsh taskmaster | nije sam
svoj ~ (strast) he cannot restrain himself; biti svoj ~
be one's own master, be independent, be on one's
own; bez ~a without a master; (vlasniku) unowned,
vacant; (naputen, brod) derelict ; ivotinje bez ~a
stray animals
gospodarenje n managing, management ; economizing
gospodarica f (vlasnica) lady owner, proprietress;
(gostionice) landlady; (doma) mistress; (kuanica)
housewife; (gazdarica) housekeeper; (domaica)
hostess; (nadstojnica zavoda) mother, matron ;
(upraviteljica) manageress, stewardess ; | dobra ~
thrifty housewife; ona je ~ u kui she wears the
gospodariti vi (tednja) use sparingly, economize, practice economy, husband; (kuom) keep house; (dobro... loe) manage well... badly; (upravljati) manage
(the affairs) ; (imanjem) conduct (manage) a farm;
(vladati) rule, govern, dominate, sway, command
gospodarskli adj belonging (appropriate) to husbandry,
touching husbandry (economics, arming) | ~e zgrade
out-houses, farm-buildings; ~a kola agricultural college
gospodarstvo n (tednja) economy; (kuanstvo) housekeeping; (uprava) management, administration;
(seosko) husbandry, farming, rural economy; (posjed) estate, farm
gospodii m iron young gentleman (master) ; (kico)
fop, spark, swell, dandy
gospodina f v. gospoica
gospodin m gentleman | ~e! Sir! (A i Mister!); ~ Kova
Mr. Kovach; (na pismu) ~ Ivan Kova Mr. Ivan
Kovach (B i Ivan Kovach, Esq. ili Esquire) ; (u
pismu) Potovani ~e (Dear) Sir, (A Sir!) ; ~e doktore
(profesere)! Doctor! (Professor!) ; pozdravite ~a oca
give my regards to your father; pravi ~ a real gentleman, a man of good breeding; izigravati ~a play
the fine gentleman, give oneself airs

Gospodnj|i adj eccl Lord's | ljeta ~eg in the year of the

gospodovanje n (arbitrary) rule, despotism
gospodovati vi be master, master, rule; (silom) tyrannize, domineer, sway; behave imperiously (overbearingly), play the lord over, lord it over, rule the roast,
have the upper hand, have the whiphand of, A sl boss
gospodski' adj betitting (becoming, belonging to) a gentleman (lord), gentlemanly, lordly, noble, seigniorial
; of rank (quality, distinction); upper-class; elegant;
(sjajan) grand, grandiose, magnificent; (ponaanje)
gospodski'' adj superbly, grandly, magnificently;
(obilno) generously | ivjeti ~ live in a grand style
gospodstvo n lordship, lordliness, gentlemanship;
(dranje) dignity, re inement; (vlast) rule, sovereignty, sway; mastership, government, control, authority | Vae G~ Your Lordship
gospodujui adj (vlast) ruling; (dranje) imperious,
haughty, authoritative, disdainful, domineering, lofty,
gospo|a f lady; (otmjena) lady of rank, gentlewoman;
iron fine lady | ~o! madam! (B low coll missus!, A
low coll lady!); ~a Kova Mrs. Kovach; ~o doktor!
Doctor!; kako je Vaa ~a? how is your wife?; pozdrav ~i majci my regards to your mother
gospoic|a f young lady | ~e! Miss!; ~a Kova Miss
Kovach; obje ~e Kova both Misses Kovach; pozdrav ~i kerci my regards to your daughter
gospoja f pop missus; v. gospoa
gospojina f eccl | Velika (Mala) ~ v. gospa
gospotija f a (farming) gentleman's estate, landed property of a squire; v. gospodstvo, gospotina
gospotijski adj of (belonging to) an estate owner (an
estate, landed property)
gospotina f rank (style) of a country gentleman; (posjed) manorial estate (domain, demesne)
gost m guest, invited person; (stranac) visitor, stranger;
(stalan) regular visitor, client, customer, habitu |
nezvani ~ uninvited guest, intruder; nemio ~ welcome as snow in harvest; dobrodoao ~ a welcome
guest; nezvanom ~u mjesto za vratima intruders
must not expect any hospitality; nenadan ~ mora
jesti to se zatekne an unexpected guest must take
potluck; svakog ~a za tri dana dosta a guest must
not outstay (wear out) his welcome; esto imamo ~e
we often entertain, we often have people in, we often
have company; mnogo troimo na ~e we spend a lot
on entertaining; ii u ~e go visit; biti u ~ima kod
visit with; (due vrijeme) stay with; nastupiti kao ~
make a guest appearance, give a guest appearance,
give a guest performance (v. gostovati)
gostiona f, gostionica f inn; obs hostel; (samo za pie) B
public house, A saloon
gostioniar m innkeeper, landlord, host, B+ publican,
A+ saloon-keeper
gostioniarka f landlady, hostess
gostioniki adj peculiar (appropriate, suitable) to (belonging to) an inn

gostiti vt treat, entertain, regale; (astiti nekoga) stand a

treat, treat one to something
gostiti se vr be a guest, partake of a feast, banquet; feast,
make good cheer, fare sumptuously
gostoljubiv adj hospitable | on je ~ he keeps open house
gostoljubivo adv hospitably, with hospitality
gostoljubivost f hospitality
gostoprimstvo n hospitality | uivati (zlorabiti) neije
enjoy (abuse) someones hospitality
gostovanj|e n visit, stay; (umjetnika) guest performance
(due) guest engagement | biti na ~u u SAD be on an
American tour
gostovati vi be a guest artist (v. nastupiti kao gost)
gostujui adj | ~ umjetnik guest artist
goa f (lady) guest
goenje n entertaining, entertainment; treat, treating,
feasting, banqueting
Got m Goth
gotica m Gothic characters, black letters
gotiki adj Gothic
gotika f Gothic architecture
gotov adj (svren) finished, done, complete; (brzo) promptly done; (spreman) ready, prepared; (jelo) readycooked, ready-to-serve; (nazor) cut-and-dried | ~
ovjek a made man; ~o odijelo ready-made clothes;
~a stvar fait accompli, an accomplished fact; ~
novac v. gotovina; u ~om in cash, cash down; platiti
u ~om pay on the neil, pay cash down; plaanje u
~om cash-payment (polog down payment) ; cijena za
~o cash-price; ~ je (nema mu spasa; mrtav je) he is
finished, it's all over with him, sl he's had it; ja sam
~ s itanjem I have done reading; jesi li ~? are you
finished (ready) ; kad budem ~ when I am ready;
neu i ~o! I won't and that's that!
gotovan m sponger, parasite
gotovina f cash, ready money
gotoviti vt v. pripremati
gotovo adj v. skoro
gotovost f v. spremnost
gotovs adj mil | na ~! at the ready!; prepare to fire!
gotsk|i adj Gothic | ~o pismo v. gotica
govee n v. govedo
goveda n pl (bovine) cattle; specif beef cattle, dairy cattle
| panjak za ~ cattle-run; gojitelj ~ cattle-breeder
(raiser); (tovitelj) grazier; kradljivac ~ cattle-lifter;
obor za ~ cattle-pen
govedar m cow-herd, cowboy, herdsman, neatherd;
(goni) cattle-driver ; (tovitelj) grazier
govedarka f ichth v. krkua
govedarstvo n cattle-raising
govedin|a f beef | kuhana ~a boiled beef; peena ~a
roast beef; odrezak ~e beef-steak
govedo n head of cattle; specif ox, cow, bull
govedski adj ox-like, bovine; v. govei
gove|i adj bovine; beef; cattle | ~i jezik neat's tongue;
~a juha beef-broth; ~a kuga cattle-plague,
rinderpest, murrain; ~a koa ox-hide, cow-hide
govnar m vulg shithead

govnarija f vulg bullshit

govn|o n dung, ordure; vulg shit, turd; (ivotinje) droppings pl; med excrement; (iz jama) night-soil | ~o!
shit! ; odi u ~a! shit on you!
govor m speech, speaking; (javni) speech, oration, address; (buntovan) harangue; (jezik) language, idiom,
tongue; (narjeje) dialect; (domorodaki) vernacular;
(razgovor) talk, conversation; (sam sa sobom) soliloquy; (udvoje) dialogue; (govorkanje) rumour, report;
(nazdravica) toast, af ter-dinner speech ; (rijei) utterances, words, poet accents; (izraavanje) parlance,
locution; (prazan, glagoljiv) palaver; (nadut) bombast, fustian; (bombastiki) rant(ing) ; (pun fraza)
high-flown speech; (obini) colloquial speech | gram
upravni ~ direct speech; gram neupravni ~ indirect
(oblique) speech; par prvi ~ maiden speech; naueni
~ set speech; obrambeni ~ na sudu speech for the
defence; glatkoa (okretnost) ~ a readiness of
speech, fluency, volubility, gift of eloquence; gubitak
~a loss of speech; mana u ~u defective utterance;
nain ~a manner of speech, delivery; pogreka u ~u
slip of the tongue; sposobnost ~ faculty of speech
(speaking); ~ u vjetar idle talk; bez ~a speechless; u
obinom (nestrunom) ~u in common parlance; vratio mu se ~ he found his tongue; drati ~ make (deliver) a speech; address, harangue; (predug) speechify, spout; ~ drzan bez pripreme extempore speech;
~ je o v. rije je o; zametnuti ~ o v. povesti rije o; o
tome nije bilo ~a nobody spoke about it; o tome
nema ni ~a it is out of the question
govorancija f oration, endless speech, speechifying
govordija m voluble orator
govorenje n talking (v. govor)
govoriti vi speak; (rei) say, tell; (razgovarati) converse
(discourse) with; (javno) address, deliver (make) a
speech; (u predizbornoj kampanji) canvass | ~ o
speak about (of); ~ sa speak to, talk to (with); ~ u
obranu plead (for) ; ~ buntovno harangue; ~ opirno
speak at large upon, descant, dwell freely, expatiate
upon; derog teatralno (buno) rant, spout; ~ sam sa
sobom soliloquize; ~ iz due unbosom oneself, lay
open one's heart (mind), disburden one's mind; ~
namjeteno mince one's words; ~ kroz nos twang; ~
neprestano keep talking; ~ bez pripreme extemporize, speak off-hand (extempore); ~ okoliajui beat
about the bush; ~ u neije ime be the spokesman of,
be the mouthpiece of; ~ protiv inveigh, declaim
against, denounce, preach down; ~ gluposti talk nonsense; ~ tiho speak in undertones, in a whisper; ~ uglaeno be well-spoken; ~ konkretno speak to the
purpose; ~ u vjetar speak to no purpose; ~ loe
engleski murder the King's English, speak broken
English; za njega se govori da je... he is said to be...;
o njemu se mnogo govori he is much talked of ; ~ o
tome sav grad govori it is the talk of the town, it is
the general talk; poeti ~ o nekom predmetu broach
a subject; govori! speak up, out with it!; govori glasnije! speak up; ~ u etiri oka talk with one in private; oni ne govore jedan s drugim they are not on

speaking terms; nije vrijedno o tome ~ it is nothing

to speak of; nisam mu uzalud govorio he took the
hint (warning) ; prestani ~! hold your tongue; ona
govori kao navijena she talks nineteen to the dozen,
she would talk a horse's hind leg off; she has the gift
of gab ; ~ do promuklosti talk oneself hoarse; ~ kao
papiga parrot; knjiga govori o the book deals with,
the book treats ; ne govorimo vie o tome! let us drop
the subject; pravno govorei legally speaking, in legal parlance
govorkanje n rumour, report
govork|ati vi | ~a se it is rumoured, the report goes, it is
whispered; o njemu se ~a da... he is rumoured to...
govorljiv adj talkative, chatty, voluble, wordy, prosy,
glib, longwinded; (brbljav) loquacious, garruluous,
verbose; (bombastian) grandiloquent
gpvorljivost f talkativeness, loquacity, loquaciousness,
volubility, garrulity, glibness, long-windedness
govorn|i adj speaking, dealing with speech | ~i organi
organs of speech, speech organs; ~a mana speech defect (impediment) ; uklanjanje ~ih mana speech correction (therapy); ~a emisija talk show
govornic|a f lady (woman) speaker; (za govornike) platform, rostrum, tribune; (crkve) pulpit; (telefonska)
telephone booth | izai na ~u get on the platorm, take
the floor
govornik|i adj oratorical, rhetorica1
govornik m speaker, orator, rhetorician; derog speechifier; (buni, glagoljivi) ranter, spouter (jedan od
dvojice) interlocutor; (u ime drugih) spokesman,
mouthpiece ; (predizborni) stump orator
govornitv|o n oratory; (kolski predmet) rhetoric, public
speaking, rhetoric, rhetorical art | uitelj ~a teacher
of rhetoric; hist rhetor, rhetorician; natjecanje u ~u
debating contest
govorua f v. blebetua
gozba f feast, banquet; (gotenje) entertainment, treat
gozben adj convivial ; banqueting
gozbovanje n feasting, banqueting, revelry
gozbovati vi feast, banquet, revel
grab m bot hornbeam
graba f reg v. jarak
grabancija m student-magician; fig eternal student,
grabe m (act of) plundering, pillaging, plunder, robbing, robbery; (pljaka u ratu) sack, sacking, loot,
marauding (na moru spoliation); poet rapine; (plijen)
booty, spoils pl, loot, prey; (oteto) stolen property,
dishonest profit (gain)
grabeljiv adj rapacious, predatory, preying upon; (pohlepan) greedy, grasping | ~a ptica bird of prey
grabeljivac m (ivotinja) beast of prey, predator; fig
rapacious (grasping) person
grabeljivo adv rapaciously, in a predatory manner; fig
grabeljivost f rapacity, rapaciousness
graben|i adj | ~o umorstvo murder with robbery
grabik m hornbeam wood (grove, thicket)

grabilica f (kutljaa) scoop, ladle; techn power shovel;

ornith v. grabljivica
grabiti vt (hvatati) seize ugon, reach out for, grasp
(clutch) at, get hold of, lay eagerly hold upon; (eljno) catch (snatch, grab) at, lay one's hand,s on; (otimati) lay violent hands on; (odnositi) carry away
(off); (baciti se na) pounce upon, snap (jump) at; poet
rape, abduct; (tekuinu itd.) scoop up, dip; (iz amca)
bail (bale) out; (vodu) draw water; (juhu) ladle out
grabiti se vr v. otimati se
grabljati vt rake
grablj|e f pl rake | pokuyiti ~ama rake; rake away;
ruka ~a rake handle
grabljanje n raking
grabljiv adj fig grasping (v. grabeljiv)
grabljivica f ornith bird of prey
grabov adj hornbeam
grabovina f hornbeam wood
gracij|a f grace, charm | myth tri ~e the Graces
gracilan adj gracile; petite; lissome
gracilnost f gracility
graciozan adj graceful (gracious = milostiv!); dainty
graciozno adv gracefully, with grace
gracioznost f gracefulness, grace
grad' m (tua) hail | zrno ~a hail-stone; oluja s ~om
hailstorm; pada ~ it is hailing, hail is falling
grad'' m town, city, place; (s povlasticama) borough,
chartered town, municipality; (utvrda) castle, fortress, fort, citadel; (glavni) cap tal (u grofovini
county-town); (trgovite) market-town; | hist slobodan kraljevski ~ Royal Borough; gornji (donji) ~
upper (lower) town; itav ~ o tome govori it is the
talk of the town; izvan ~a in the country; vlak u ~ up
train; vlak izvan ~a down train
gradacija f gradation (v. stupnjevanje)
gradele f pl reg grill | riba na ~ grilled fish
gradi m dim small town, townlet; (trgovite) markettown ; (gnijezdo) Gotham derog
gradilite n site, building-site, construction site; (parcela) B plot, A lot
gradina f ruin (remains) of a castle
gradiranje n grading; calibration
gradirati vt grade; (mjere) calibrate
gradianski adj geog | ~ Hrvati Burgenland Croats,
Croatian minority in Austria
gradite n site where a building stood
graditelj m builder, master-builder, constructor, architect; (poduzetnik) building contractor; (brodova)
shipwright; (mlinova) millwright | ovlateni ~ building contractor
graditeljski adj of (belonging to, proper to) an architect,
architectural, architectonic, constructive
graditeljstvo n architecture, construction of buildinga
graditi vt build, construct (oba i fig) ; (kamenom) mason; (dii) erect, rear, raise | fig ~ (temeljiti) na build
upon, depend upon; fig ~ na pijesku build (up)on
sand; most se gradi the bridge is under construction
(is being built)
graditi se vr v. pretvarati se, simulirati

gradivo n material; (knjige) subject, subject-matter

gradl m text Ger (posteljni) ticking
gradnj|a f building, erection, construction | u ~i under
construction; na ~i at the building-site ; ministarstvo
javnih ~a Board of Works and Public Buildings
gradonaelniki adj mayoral
gradonaelnik m mayor; (vel. bri . gradova) lord-mayor
| trajanje ~ove slube mayoralty; east, sluba ~a office of a mayor; ena ~a mayoress
gradsk|i adj town, city; municipal, urban | ~a etvrt
town quarter, ward; ~a opina municipality; ~i grb
city-arms; ~o poglavarstvo (uprava) municipal authorities (corporation); ~i zastupnik (vijemik) town
ouncillor; ~a vijenica townhall; ~o zastupstvo (vijee) town-council, municipal corporataon, municiyality; ~i stanovnik town dweller, town inhabitant;
~o kupaliste municipal (community) pool
graduirati vt v. gradirati
gra|a f (building-)material; (tekstovi) materials, documents ; (tvar) matter, stuff, substance; (tjelesna) system, constitution, frame, build, physique; fig make,
conformation, structure, contexture | njene ~e of a
slight build; small-boned; rezana ~a B (sawn) timber, A (sawn) lumber
graani m pl citizens, townsfolk, towns-people, community, town dwellers (inhabitants)
graanin m town inhabitant; townsman; citizen (v.
dravljanin); ~denizen; (puanin, neplemi) commoner, plebeian | svjestan ~ public-spirited citizen;
poasni ~ freeman of a city; postati poasni ~ get the
freedom of a city; ~ drugog reda second-class citizen; obian (prosjean) ~ the the street
graanka f townswoman, wife of a citizen, middle-class
graansk|i adj civic, civil; middle-class; (nevojniki)
civilian | ~i brak civil marriage; ~a prava civil
rights; oduzeti ~a prava deprive of civil rights; ~a
svijest civic (public) spirit; ~i rat civil (domestic, internal, intestine) war; ~i stale middle class; ~ zakon(i) civil 1aw; ~i zakonik civil code; ~i postupak
procedure based on civil law; ~o odijelo (policijskog
agenta) plain clothes; mil mufti; nauka o ~im pravima i duznostima civics pl
graanstvo n collect the (civic) community, the citizens,
the middle class
graen adj built, formed, made, fashioned | lijepo ~
well-built, having a good physique; lijepo ~a having
a good figure, shapely, sl stacked; nepravilno ~ rambling
graenje n building, construction; gram v. tvorba
graevina f edifice, building, fabric, structure, frame;
(golema) pile; univ civil engineering
graevinac m civil engineer; univ student of civil engineering
graevinar m member of building trade; v. graevinac
graevinarstv|o n univ civil engineering; (privredna
grana) building trade, construchon industry | inenjer ~a civil engineer

graevinski adj | ~ radnici construction workers; ~ poduzetnik building contractor; ~radovi construction
graevn|i adj concerning the building (construction),
building, constructive, architectural | ~i materijal
building material; ~o drvo construction timber (A
lumber); ~a dozvola building permit
grafiar m typographical worker, printer; (umjetnik)
graphic artist
grafiki' adj graphic | ~ radnik v. grafiar; ~ zavod
prnting firm; fig ~ prikaz graphic representation
grafiki'' adv graphically (i fig)
grafik|a f graphic art(s), graphics; (slika) print, drawing
| kabinet ~e print and drawings department
grafikon m graph, chart
grafit m minr graphite; (u olovci) lead
grafolog m graphologist, handwriting expert (analyst)
grafologija f graphology
grafoloki adj graphological
grafoskop m sch overhead projector
grah m bot common bean; cul beans | zrno ~a a bean;
salata od ~a bean salad; cul namoiti ~ soak beans;
stabljika ~a bean-stalk
grahorica f bot vetch, motley
graj|a f uproar, disturbance, riot, clamour; (buka) noise,
hubbub; (vika) vociferation, clamour; (uzbuna)
alarm; (prosvjed) outcry, protest; (komeanje) commotion, fuss, ado | dii ~u v. dii galamu, zagrajati
grajati vi clamour, set up a racket
graknuti vi caw out, croak; fig raise an outcry (storm,
shout) against, protest against, cry shame upon, complain loudly (noisily)
graktanje n cawing, croaking
graktati vi caw, croak, clack
gram m gramme; (uteg) gramme-weight; fig grain,
ounce | izvagati na ~ weigh to the ounce
gramatiar m grammarian
gramatik|i' adj grammatical | ~a pravila grammatical
rules; praviti ~e greke make gramanatical mistakes
gramatiki'' adv grammatically
gramatika f grammar | povijesna ~ historical grammar;
poredbena ~ comparative grammar
gramofon m record player (ranije: gramophone B, phonograph A)
gramofonsk|i adj | ~a ploa record; skuplja ~ih ploa
gramoteka f v. diskoteka
gramziti vi (za tuim) covet; crave (lust) after (for) ; be
greedy; (krtost) be grasping, ambitious
gramziv adj covetous, grasping, ambitious, greedy, craving for
gramzivost f covetousness, greed, ambitiousness, avidity,
greediness, craving
gran|a f (glavna) limb; (debela) bough, branch;
(postrana) offshoot (i fig) ; (noge) instep; (potomak)
scion; (odsjek) subdivision, department, line | pile ~u
na kojoj sjede they are sawing off the branch they
are sitting on, they are cutting their own throat; pao

je na niske ~e he has hit the bottom, he has seen better days

granat' adj branchy, branched, full of branches, branchlike; (jelenji rog) antlered
granat' m minr garnet
granat|a f shell; (runa) hand-grenade | razorna ~a
high-explosive shell ; protuoklopna ~a armourpiercing shell ; ahura ~e shell casing; jame od ~a
shell craters
granati se vr branch out (forth), shoot (out) into
branches; fig ramify, branch
granica f dim branchlet, twig, sprig, spray | ~ mira
olive branch
grandiozan adj grandiose
grandioznost f grandiosity
grandoman m victim of grandomania
grandomanija f grandomania ; illusions of grandeur
granic|a f boundary, boundary-line; limit, limit-line;
(drave) frontier; (pokrajine) border; (hist i fig) confines, march(es) pl, border; (granino podruje) borderland; (vojnika) military frontier, cordon, chain of
military posts; (crta, mea) line of demarcation;
bound, fig (krajnost) the utmost, the extreme | prijei
~u cross the frontier; fig exceed the limit ; staviti ~u
put (set) bounds to, limit; za ~om beyond the frontier,
(inozemstvo) abroad; bez ~e boundless, unbounded,
limitless, unlimited, interminable; sve ima svoje ~e
there is a limit to everything; njegova ambicija nije
imala ~e his ambition knew no bounds; to prelazi
svaku ~u! that's the limit!; drati u ~ama keep
within bounds, check, restrain; initi ~u bound vt, be
the boundary of ; utvrditi ~u determine (set, fix) a
graniar m borderer, dweller along a frontier; hist soldier of the military frontier (cordon) ; mil border
granienje n contiguity, bordering upon, neighbouring
graniiti vi be adjacent (adjoining) to, contiguous with,
border upon, adjoin, be neighbouring, march upon,
have common frontier with, confine with, abut upon
|~ s ludou verge on folly
granini adj marginal, border-line; v. pogranini
granit m granite
granitni adj granite; fig granite-like
granulacija f granulation
granulirati vt granulate
granulom m med tooth-root abscess, gum-boil
granu|ti vi (sunce) rise, burst forth (out) | fig ~lo mu je
sunce he has got rid of bad luck
granje n collect branches, boughs; (okljatreno) lop and
top, loppings; (suho) dry twigs; (u svenju)
fag(g)ot(s) | skupljati suho ~ gather sticks (wood)
grao adj v. siv
graak m bot pea ; cul peas | zrno graka a pea; ~ u
mahuni peas in pod; oieni ~ shelled peas; juha od
graka pea soup
graevina f kind of grapes; wine from it
graka f | ~ znoja v. kap znoja
grakov adj pea

grataka m reg v. ribe

gratis adj gratis, free (v. besplatan)
graver m engraver; etcher
graviditet m med v. trudnoa
gravidna adj med v. trudna
gravira f v. gravura
gravirati vt engrave; etch
gravitacija f phys gravity; (gravitiranje) gravitation
gravitirati vi gravitate (prema toward, to), be attracted,
gravura f engraving; etching; (ire) gravure
grb m coat of arms, arms pl, armorial beavings, armour,
heraldic device; hatchment; (e)scutcheon, blazon
grba f hump, hunch; (devina) hump; (izboina) protuberance, excrescence, boss
grbaa f spine, backbone; fig v. lea
grbav adj hump-backed, hunch-backed, crook-backed,
humpy, hunchy; (kvrgav) knobby, bossy; (neravan)
uneven, rough, rugged; (svinut) grown crooked (deformed)
grbav|ac m, ~ica f hump-back, hunch-back
grbavost f being a hunch-back; (neravnost) uneveness,
ruggedness, roughness
grbiti vt bend, hump, crook, warp (v. kriviti, savijati)
grbiti se vr bend, hump; (sagnuti se) bow forward
(down), stoop; (od starosti) be bent with age; (izboiti
se) hunch out (up)
grcaj m sob
grcati vi sob, choke
gr m cramp, convulsion, spasm; (eluca) colic, gripes pl
| uhvatio me ~ kod plivanja I got a cramp while
swimming; poroajni ~evi labour contraction
grenje n spasmodical contraction
grevit adj spasmodic, convulsive, convulsionary; fig
feverish, frantic
grevito adv convulsively, spasmodically; fig feverishly,
frantically | ~ se drati clutch (on to)
grevitost f convulsiveness; feverishness
griti vt contract; (stiskati) tighten; (aku) clench
griti se vr contract; (od boli) writhe, twist, squirm,
cramp ; (skvriti se) shrivel, shrink up
Grka f Greece
grki adj Greek, Grecian, Hellenic | ~ jezik Greek
grdan adj v. ogroman
grditi vt (koriti) chide, scold, rebuke, reprimand, lecture
one, reproach; (psovati) call names, revile, abuse;
(galamiti) rail (inveigh) against
grditi se vr scold each other
grdno adv (jako, nemilice) very, badly, sadly, soundly,
thoroughly, mightily; exceedingly, deucedly
grdnja f abuse, bad (ill) language; (vrijeanje) insult,
affront, invective
grdoba f ugliness, unsightliness, plainness, shapelessness; (nakaza) deformity, monstrosity; (stvor) ugly
person, monster, fright, misshapen creature; (nagrda)
disfiguration, disfigurement, defacement
grdobina f ichth frog-fish
grdosija f monster, behemoth, prodigy, leviathan
grenje f v. grdnja

grebati vt v. grepsti
greben m (brdo) mountain-ridge, crest, crag; (hrbat)
chine, arte; (morski) reef, shelf ; (izboina) ledge;
(za vunu) carding-comb, hatchel, card; (za lan) ripple, hackle
grebenalo n text carding-machine
grebenanje n text carding, combing, hackling
grebenast adj reefy, rocky, rugged, jagged, craggy
grebenati vt text card, comb, hackle, ripple
grebenje' n collect crags, rocks, rugged (jagged) rocks
grebenje'' n scratching, grating, scraping
grecizam m ling Gr(a)ecism
grecizrati vt ling Gr(a)ecize
gred|a f beam, ba(u)lk; (manja) joist; (jarbola) spar;
(krova) rafter | optesana ~a hewn (squared) timber;
kua od ~a frame-house; coll nije ~a no problem;
gym vjebe na ~i balance-beam exercises
greder m civ eng grader
gredica f dim flower-bed, garden bed
gregorac m ichth lesser stickleback
gregorijanski adj | ~ kalendar Gregorian calendar
grehota f v. teta
grenadir m mil hist grenadier
grenadirski adj mil hist grenadier
Grenland m geog Greenland
grepfrut m bot grapefruit
grepsti vt scratch, excoriate; (strugati) grate, scrape;
(kopkati) paw
grepsti se vr scratch oneself
gre m text raw silk
grean adj sinful, sinning, liable to sin
grek|a f error, mistake, fault; (krupna) blunder; slip,
oversight; (mana) defect, blemish | ~om by mistake,
inadvertently, erroneusly; napraviti ~u make (commit) a mistake; com roba s ~om rejects pl; tamparska ~a misprint; ~a u tipkanju typing error
grenica f sinful woman, sinner
grenik m sinner; (krivac) culprit, delinquent; (nepopravljivi) backslider, inveterate (confirmed, ingrained) sinner
grenost f sinfulness
greznue n sinking, subsidence
greznuti vi v. tonuti
grge m ichth perch
grgljanje n gargling | sredstvo za ~ gargle
grgljati vi gargle
grgoljiti vi (voda, potok) gurgle, babble
Grgur m Gregory
grgurav adj v. kovrast
grickati vt v. griskati
grif m coll grip; fig knack | nisam u ~u I am out of practice, I am losing my touch
grija m heating element; heater
grijai adj heating
grijalica f heater | elektrina (plinska) ~ electric (gas)
grijanje n warming, heating; (na suncu) basking; celefaction; med heat treatment | centralno ~ centralheating; ~ na ulje oil heating

grij|ati vt warm | sunce ~e the sun is warm; ~emo samo

jednu sobu we heat only one room
grij|ati se vr warm oneself, get (keep) warm; (na suncu)
bask | mi se ~emo na struju we heat with electricity
grijeh m sin; (pad) stumble, fall, slip, lapse; (prekraj)
offence; (malen) peccadillo; (krivnja) fault; (Adamov)
the Fall; (istoni) original sin; (laki) venial sin; (smrtni) deadly (mortal) sin; (stari, ukorijenjeni) besetting
sin | oprost od ~a indulgence, absolution; trpjeti za
tue ~e be the scapegoat; padati u isti ~ relapse into
sin, back-slide; bez ~a sinless; upisati u ~ impute to,
lay at one's door; (zamjeriti) resent
grijean adj v. grean
grijeenje n sinning; (prekraj) offence, trespass;
(pogreka) erring, blundering, making of mistakes
grijeiti vi commit sin, sin (against), fall into sin, do
wrong; (kriti) trespass, offend (against); (pogreka)
err, make a mistake; (glupo) blunder
grijenik m v. grenik
grila m cul grilled meat(s)
grilje f pl reg (kapci) (window) shutters
grimas|a f grimace | praviti ~e make grimaces (faces)
grimiz m purple, crimson | hist nositi ~ wear purple
grimizan adj purple, purply, purplish, crimson
grincajg m cul Ger v. zelenje
Grini m geog Greenwich | u 8.30 po ~u at 8:30,
Greenwich mean time
grintati vi whine, complain
grintav adj whining; fig stunted, feeble
grintavac m whiner ; fig runt
grintavost f whining ways
grinja f maggot; ent mite
gripa f flu, med influenza
gripozan adj having got a touch of flu (a virus)
griskati vt nibble
gristi vt bite; (muhe, komarci, ribe) bite; (izjedati) fret;
(kiselina) corrode; (troiti) wear (away) ; (kritika)
carp at ; (muiti) torment, vex, annoy, coll eat; (u
dui) prey upon, fret, mortify, gall, rankle, worry,
stick in one's gizzard; (pei, boljeti) smart | ona ga
grize she leads him a cat and dog life
gristi se vr bite each other; (izjedati se) grieve, fret away
one's life; (jedan drugoga fig) bite, torment one another, lead a cat and dog life, nag
griva f mane
grivna f bracelet, armlet; (na glenju) anklet
grivnja m v. golub
griz m cul Ger v. krupica
grizenje n biting
grizli m zoo grizzly (bear)
gria f dysentery
grinja f (grizenje) biting; v. ~ savjesti
Grk m Greek | stari Grci the ancient Greeks
Grkinja f Greek (woman)
grkljan m larynx
grkoistoni adj Eastern Orthodox
grkokatoliki adj Eastern-Rite ; Uniate
grkokatolik m Eastern-Rite Catholic; Uniate

grlat adj having a powerful (stentorian) voice, vociferous

grlatost f vociferousness
grlen adj guttural
grlica f turtle-dove
grliti vt embrace, hug, clasp (fold) in one's arms (to one's
breast), press to one's side
grliti se vr embrace (kiss, hug) each other (one another)
grl|o n throat; (glas) voice, mouth; (oruja) muzzle;
(boce) neck; el screw socket | vikao je iz sveg ~a he
cried at the top of his voice; glas mu je zapeo u ~u
(uzbuenost) he has a lump in his throat; boli me u
~u I've got a sore throat ; 20 ~a stoke twenty head
(ne heads!) of cattle; fig usko ~o bottleneck
grlobolja f sore throat
grljak m v. grli
grljenje n embracing, hugging
grm m bush, shrub | u tom ~u lei zec there's the rub,
that is where the shoe pinches
grmalj m yokel, bumpkin (v. seljaina, primitivac)
grmjeti vi thunder; (oriti se) rumble, boom, roar; (radio)
go full blast; fig storm at, bluster, inveigh (thunder)
against | grmi it thunders
grmljavina f thunder, rumble of thunder, peal; (oluja)
thunderstorm, tempest
grmljavinski adj meteor | ~ pljusak thunderstorm
grmlje n collect shrubbery, scrub; (u umi) underbrush,
undergrowth (v. gustara)
grmovit adj bushy, shrubby
grmua f ornith garden warbler, blackcap
grnar m v. lonar
grnarija f v. lonarija
grnarski adj v. lonarski
grnuti vi swarm (toward, in), come in flocks, troop into;
(van) pour out (forth); rush (in large numbers) towards (in), flock together, crowd
gro m bulk (v. glavnina, veina)
grob m grave, tomb ; (zidan) sepulchre; burial place;
(grobnica) vault; fig ruin, death, destruction | Sveti ~
Holy Sepulchre; otpratiti do ~a do the last (funeral)
honours; staviti u ~ bury, inter, inhume; izvaditi iz
~a exhume; fig do a till death; onkraj ~a beyond the
grave; pobijeljeni ~ovi whitened sepulchres; utjeti
kao ~ be secret as the grave; okrenuo bi se u ~u he
would turn in his grave; s jednem nogom u ~u with
one foot in the grave; polaganje u ~ interment, burial, sepulture, inhumation
grobar m grave-digger; (i crkvenjak) sexton
groblje n churchyard, burial ground, grave-yard, God'sacre; (gradsko) cemetery
grobn|i adj sepulchral, grave | ~a tiina dead-silence,
hush; ~im glasom in a sepulchral voice
grobnica f family vault; (zdanje) mausoleum; (u crkvi)
crypt | zajednika (masovna) ~ common (mass)
grof m (engleski) earl; (tui) count
grofica f countess (i engleska)
grofovija f county, shire

grofovski adj like (becoming, belonging to) a(n) earl

grofovstvo n earldom, countship
grog m (pie) grog
grogi adj box & fig groggy
grohot m loud laughter, roars of laughter, cachinnation,
horselaugh | on se nasmijao ~om he burst out laughing, he roared with laughter, he laughed uproariously, his sides were splitting with laughing, his sides
shook with laughter; cio mu se stol ~om smijao he
set the table in a roar
grohotanje n v. grohot
grohotati vi laugh loudly (coarsely), cachinnate
grojer m (sir) Gruyere (cheese)
groktanje n grunt, grunting
groktati vi grunt
grom m thunder, lightning; (bljesak) flash of lightning;
(prasak) thunderbolt, thunderclap | kao ~om oinut
thunder-struck, struck dumb, dumbfounded, confounded, coll struck all of a heap; ~om oinut struck
by lightning; ~ i pakao damn! blast! confound it!
plague on it! ; neka me ~! strike me dead!; ~ te ubio!
go to the devil! ; kao ~ iz vedra neba like a bolt from
the blue; ~ se ori thunder rolls; ~ treska thunder
gromaa f dry stone wall
gromada f large mass, lump, bulk, a great quantity, pile
gromadan adj massive, bulky
gromki adj | ~ glas thundering (stentorian) voice
gromko adv in a stentorian voice; v. gromoglasno
gromobran m lightning-conductor, lightning-rod
gromoglasan adj thunderous, thundering, roaring,
booming, stentorian
gromoriti vi thunder, roar
gromovnik m thunderer
grosist m com wholesale dealer, wholesaler
grosistiki adj wholesale
gro m German coin of low value | uzeti pod gotov ~
take at face value; ni ~a v. ni pare
groteska f grotesque
groteskan adj grotesque
groteskno adv grotesquely
grotesknost f grotesqueness
grotlo n mar hatch; fig v. drijelo, bezdan
groz|a f (strah) horror, terror, dread; (drhtaj) shudder,
shiver; dismay, abhorrence | ~a me hvata it makes
my flesh creep, my blood runs cold, I am horrorstruck; osjeati ~u pred v. groziti se od
grozan adj terrible, horrible, dreadful, frightful, awful,
appalling, bloodcurdling; (zloin) atrocious, heinous,
monstrous; (poguban) dire; (vrlo lo) awful, terrible,
grozd m (groe) bunch of grapes; bot raceme; fig cluster
grozdast adj grape-like, bunchy, clustered
groziti se vr (kome) v. prijetiti; (od) shudder (at), abhor
groznic|a f ague, fever, shivering fit, chill; malaria;
(uta) yellow fever, yellow Jack | obolio je od ~e he is

down with fever; govoriti kao u ~i v. buncati; sredstvo protiv ~e febrifuge; zlatna ~a gold rush
grozniav adj feverish, aguish, febrile, stricken with
fever; (poput groznice) ague-like; fig hectic, feverish
grozniavo adj fig hectically, feverishly
grozniavost f feverishness
grozno adj terribly, horribly, dreadfully, appallingly
grozomoran adj coll awful, terrible, atrocious (v. grozan)
grozota f a cruel (dreadful, horrible) deed (event), a horrifying thing; dreadfulness, atrocity, heinousness,
grozovit adj v. grozan
groani adj grape | ~ seer grape sugar, dextrose
gro|e n collect grapes | staklenik za ~a grape-house,
grapery, vinery; berba ~a grape-gathering; berac ~a
grape-gatherer, vintager; kotica od ~a grape-stone;
rakija od ~a (droenka) grape-brandy; tijesak za
~e winepress; gaziti ~e tread grapes (wine); tijetati
~e press (crush) grapes; fig kiselo ~e sour grapes;
nai se u nebranom ~u get into a mess
groice f pl (suho groe) raisins; (sitne tamne) currants; (velike meke) sultanas
gronja f threat, menace
grub adj (ponasanje) rude, uncivil, unmannerly, illbred; (surov) brutal; (prost, neotesan) unpolished,
vulgar, boorish, uncouth, clownish, churlish; (otresit)
bluff, blunt, gross ; (tkanina) coarse, thick, rough,
homely ; (tkivo) coarse-fibred, coarse-grained | ~i
poslovi (rad) rough work, drudgery; ena za ~e
poslove char-woman
grubijan m rude person; (jae) brute, bully
grubijanstvo n rudeness, coarseness, incivility, gross
language, gruffness; act of rudeness
grubjeti vi become (grow, get) rough, coarse, rude;
grubljenje n becoming (growing, getting) coarse, rude,
vulgar, common
grubo adv rudely, roughly, gruffly; fig v. u grubim
crtama | ~ receno to put it crudely; ~ postupiti illuse, ill-treat ; handle roughly; maltreat
grubost f rudeness, coarseness, roughness
grud f poet v. grudi
gruda f rough lump, clod, clump; (snijega) snowball |
rodna ~ native soil; one's country
grudanje n snowball fight, throwing snowballs
grudast adj cloddy, clodded, lumpy
grudati vt pelt with snowballs, throw snowballs at
grudati se vr pelt one another with snowballs, have a
snowball fight; become lumpy
grudavost f lumpiness
grudi f pl chest; (enske) bust, bosom, breasts; fig heart,
soul | privinuti na ~ embrace, hug, clasp; punih ~
(ena) full-breasted; golih ~ bare-breasted; topless
grudica f dim small clot; (krvi) grume; (zlata) nugget
grudiav adj clotty; med grumous
grudn|i adj v. prsni, pluni | ~a duplja v. prsna

grudnjak m bra; (kupaeg kostima) halter | bez ~a braless; topless

grudobran m mil breastwork, parapet
grudva f v. gruda
grudvati se vr v. grudati se
gruh m (sipina) scree
gruj m ichth sea eel
grumen m lump
grundirati vt Ger v. nanijeti osnovni premaz
grunt m reg Ger v. zemlja, posjed
gruntovni adj v. zemljini, katastarski
gruntovnica f (zemljisni ured) cadastre, land registry; v.
zemljina knjiga
gruntovniar m registrar, land-registry clerk
grunuti vt (udariti) strike, smite, hit; (bubnuti u) dash
against, bang; (prasnuti) go off, explode; v. nahrupiti
grup|a f group; (ljudi) group, party, lot | univ studirati
neku ~u be enrolled in a course of study (A in a program)
grupacija f group; grouping
grupa m pol factionalist
grupaenje n pol factionalism
grupaki adj pol factionalist
grupatvo n pol factionalism
grupica f little group, small band, knot
grupiranje n grouping
grupirati vt group
grupirati se vr group
grupni adj group
gruanje n clotting, curdling, coagulation, congealment
gruati se vr clot; (mlijeko) curdle; med coagulate
gruevina f curds pl, curdled milk
gruvati vi v. grmjeti; (vt) sch v. bubati
Gruzija f geog Georgia
gruzijski adj geog Georgian
Gruzin m Georgian
guba f med leprosy; (za kresivo) amadou, German tinder
gubar m entom gipsy moth
gubav adj leprous
gubav|ac m leper | kolonija ~aca leper colony; ljeiliste
za ~ce leprosarium
gubavost f med leprous condition
gubic|a f snout, muzzle, jaws pl, mouth | zavezi ~u! shut
gubilite n v. stratite
gubit|ak m loss; (teta) risk, damage; (traenje) waste;
(istjecanjem) leakage, escape ; (manjak) deficit ;
(prava) forfeit, forfeiture; (lienje) deprivation |
pretrpjeti ~ak suffer (sustain) loss, be a loser; 10
funti sam na ~ku I am 10 pounds to the bad, I am 10
pounds out of pocket; oporaviti se od ~ka
(nadoknaditi) make good (retrieve) loss; raun o dobitku i ~ku profit and loss account; sprijeiti daljnje
~ke cut one's losses; prodati s ~kom sell at a loss;
trpim ~ak I am a loser; uz ~ak (u protivnom sluaju) under penalty (on pain) of losing (forfeiting)...;
nenadoknadiv ~ak irretrievable (dead) loss; teak
~ak heavy loss; mogui ~ak contingent loss; izvri

se ~ku run the risk of loss; mil gubici casualties; mil

nanijeti (pretrpjeti) ~ke inflict (suffer) losses
gubiti vt lose, lose by, be a loser, forfeit; (novac) suffer
in one's pocket; (lienje) be deprived of | ~ boju fade;
~ odvanost lose heart; ~ s vida lose sight of; ~ kou,
zube, rogove (ivotinje) shed; ~ rijei waste words;
(uiniti) ne gubei asa on the spur of the moment;
ne treba ~ vrijeme there is no time to be lost
gubiti se vr (obiaj) fall into disuse; (nestajati) disappear, vanish ; (tratiti se) run to waste; (plin, tekuina) escape, leak ; (smanjivati se) shrink, dwindle, wane; (zamrijeti, zvuk) die, pass away | gubi se!
be off with you!, sl get lost!, sl beat it! ; ono to se
gubi u prijevodu what is (gets) lost in translation
gubljenje n losing
guc m mar double-ended boat
gucnu|ti vt sip, sup, gulp down, drink by mouthfuls; (pijanac) tipple | ~o je malo previe he is in his cups
guda m violinist, fiddler | ~i (u orkestru) fig the strings
gudaki adj | ~ orkestar (kvartet) string orchestra
(quartet/te/); ~ instrument stringed instrument
gudalo n fiddle-bow, fiddle-stick | tko istinu gudi, ~m
ga po prstima biju it is dangerous to speak the truth
gudjeti vi play on the violin (fiddle); fig hum, buzz | on
gudi uvijek istu pjesmu he is harping on the subject,
he is harping on one string
gudura f gorge, ravine, hollow; (klanac) pass, defile
gudenje n fiddling; fig mum(ming), buzz(ing)
gugutati vi v. gukati
gugutka f v. grlica
guja f (otrovnica) venomous serpent, viper, adder, poet
asp; fig malignant (treacherous) person, viper
gujavica f (glista) earthworm
gujin adj v. zmijski
guka f v. kvrga
gukanje n coo, cooing; (zaljubljenih) billing and cooing
gukati vi (djeca, golubovi) coo; (zaljubljeni) bill and coo
gula m cul goulash, beef stew
gulikoa f flayer ; fig extortioner, exactor, usurer, oppressor, bloodsucker
guliti vt (kou) flay, skin, scalp; (trenjem) rub, sore, gall;
(izglodati) fret; (lupinu) peel, strip (off); (badem)
blanch; (ljutiti) shell, scale, (u listovima) flake, exfoliate; (koru) bark; (oderati) excoriate, abrade; (cijenom) fleece, overcharge, extort; (tlaiti) oppress;
(lihvariti) practice usury; (isisavati) drain, impoverish
guliti se vr (ljutiti se) peel off, scale, flake, come off in
flakes (scales, layers) ; (koa) shed skin
guljenje n (voa itd.) peeling; (ljuske) scaling; (kore)
barking; (koe) skinning; (cijenom) fleecing, extortion, exaction, overcharge; fig (pljaka) plunder,
gum|a f rubber; (na kotau) tire (B+ tyre); v. gumica |
regenerirana ~a reclaimed rubber; unutrasnja ~a
(zranica) tube; tvrda ~a hardened rubber; ~a za
vakanje chewing gum; mot pukla nam je ~a we
had a flat tire; mot pokrpati ~u fix a flat; mot promijeniti ~u change a wheel (tire)

gumarsk|i adj | ~a industrija rubber industry

gumast adj rubbery, rubber-like
gumb m reg v. dugme
gumbanica f v. pribadaca
gumeni adj (made of) rubber
gume|njaci m pl, ~rice f pl crepe-soled shoes
gumiarabika f gum arabic (v. uredsko ljepilo)
gumica f (brisalo) eraser; (pasica) rubber band
gumi-defekt m Ger | popraviti ~ v. pokrpati gumu
gumilastika f elastic; elastic band
gumilezung m Ger rubber cement, patching fluid
gumirabika f v. gumiarabika
gumira|ti vt rubberize | ~ne naljepnice gummed labels
gumno n threshing-floor
gundelj m ent reg v. hrut
gunalo n grumbler, mutterer ; (nezadovoljnik) growler
sl, groucher; a peevish (surly, morose) person
gunanje n muttering, murmur ; (prigovor) complaint;
(nezadovoljstvo) grumbling, growling
gunati vi mutter, murmur, mumble; (prigovarati)
grumble, growl; (prituiti se) complain at (about)
gunav adj grumbling
gungula f tumult, disturbance, riot; disorder, uproar;
(zbrka) confusion; (tucnjava) row; (paklenska) pandemonium
gunj m (pokrov) covering; (konja) horsecloth ; (biljac)
gurabija f cul gourabiyeh
guranje n push, pushing, shove, shoving, thrust, thrusting; (u rebra) nudge; (vreva) jostle, jostling, hustle,
gurati vt push on roughly, hustle, thrust, jostle; (laktovima) elbow; shove, press forward, nudge, drive, impel; (micati) advance, move
gurati se vr push one's way, jostle, elbow, throng, hustle,
crowd, press forward; (biti prodoran) push, be pushy
gurav adj v. pogrbljen
guriti se vr v. grbiti se, biti pogrbljen
gurkanje n nudging
gurkati se vr nudge each other (one anotber)
gurman n gourmand; (znalac jela) gourmet
gurmanski adj gourmet, gourmand
gurmanstvo n gourmandism
gurnuti vt give a shove (v. gurati)
gurta f Ger (webbing) strip
gusak m gander
gusar m pirate; hist (ovlateni) privateer; freebooter, searover, filibuster, bucaneer, corsair
gusarenje n piracy; privateering
gusariti vi pirate, engage in piracy, scour the seas, privateer, freeboot
gusarsk|i adj piratical | ~i brod pirate (vessel); privateer(ing vessel); ~i plijen prize; hist ~a povelja letter of marque
gusarstvo n piracy, privateering, freebooting
gusinjak m goosery, run (stall, enclosure) for geese
gusjenica f caterpillar, larva; (na vozilu) track, tread
gusjeniar m (vozilo) tracked vehicle | traktor ~ caterpillar tractor ; mil polu~ halftrack

gusjeniav adj swarming with (infested by) caterpillars

gusk|a f goose, fig stupid (inexperienced, simpleminded) girl (woman) ; med bed urinal (fam duck) |
divlja ~a wild goose; ~e siku (ite) geese hiss
gusla m arch violinist, fiddler
guslanje n playing the violin (fiddle), fiddling
guslar m gusle-player
guslati vi folk v. pjevati uz gusle
gusle f pl arch violin; folk the gusle (South-Slav onestringed folk fiddle) | pjevati uz ~ sing to the accompaniment of the gusle
gusnuti vi v. zgusnuti se
gust' adj dense; (tkivo, pismo, retci) close; (zbit, jedar,
vrst) compact, solid, substantial, massy, (juha,
magla, kosa) thick; (redovi vojske) serried ; (dlaka)
bushy, tufty; (graa drva) closegrained; (tkanje)
closely-woven; (bez razmaka) without gaps;
(neprobojan) impermeable, impenetrable; (est) frequent | kad doe do ~oga when matters come to a
head, when the chips are down; when it comes to
gust'' m coll | doao mi je ~ v. volja
gustina f v. gustoa
gustirati vi coll v. uivati; (nekome) tempt one
gusti m v. gutara
gusto adv thickly, densely; (esto) at frequent intervals,
very often
gustoa f density, closeness, compactness, thickness, solidity; (tekuine) consistency
gua f med goitre (A goiter); (ptija) crop, gizzard, maw;
v. grlo
guati se vr v. hrvati se
guav adj goitrous, goitred
guavac m goitrous person
guavost f med goitrous condition
guar m gooseherd
guarica f girl tending geese
guarnik m v. gusinjak
gue n gosling
guetina f goose meat | peena ~ roast goose
guica f small (young) goose; fig stupid (silly, naive)
small girl
guj|i adj goose, of a goose, like a goose, anserine | hist
~e pero goose-quill; ~a jetra goose liver; ~a mast
goose-dripping; ~a pateta pat de foie gras, gooseliver paste
guenje n suffocation, choking; (davljenje) strangling,
throttling; fig suppression
guiti vt choke, suffocate, smother, stifle; (plinom) asphyxiate; (dimom) smoke out; (zvuk) muffle; (daviti
rukama) strangle, throttle; fig suppress, quench
guiti se vr choke, be suffocating; (hvatati zrak) gasp;
(zvuk) fade away | ~ od smijeha (bijesa) choke with
laughter (fury)
guobolja f v. grlobolja, difterija
gut m v. gust''
gutara f thicket, brush, covert, bush, copse, coppice,
underwood, brake
guter m (large) lizard; male lizard

gusteraa f anat pancreas

guterica f lizard; female lizard
gut adj Ger | jo imam 5.000 ~ I have a surplus of
5,000; you (still) owe me 5,000
gutanje n swallowing, gulping
gutati vt swallow (up), gulp (down); (naglo jesti) bolt,
tuck in; (pohlepno) eat gluttonously (greedily), gorge,
devour, gobble, cram ; (upijati) absorb; (sluati pozorno) hang on one's lips, be all ears; (itati) devour;
(naglo piti) toss off, quaff, drain; (preskakivati u govoru) skip, slur over | ~ uvrede pocket insults
gutljaj m draught, sip, guly, dram, swig, jolt
gutnuti vt take a sip (draught, dram), make a gulp
gutural m phon guttural (sound)
guturalni adj guttural
guvernal m v. upravtja bicikla
guvernanta f governess, B+ nanny
guverner m (banke i drava SAD) governor
guz m buttock
guzat adj big-bottomed, broad-bottomed, vulg big-arsed

guzica f vulg B arse, A+ ass; fig (osoba) shit

guziti se vr vulg stick one's arse (ass) out
guzn|i adj | anat ~o crijevo rectum
guzonja m person with big buttocks
guv|a f (stiska) throng, crush, press, crowd, jostle, jam |
fig izazvati ~u cause (ili stir up) trouble
guvati vt crumple, rumple, crease, ruffle, wrinkle
guvati se vr crease, become creased | text koji se ne
guzva crease-proof, crease-free, crease-resistant
gvala f ornith pellet
gvantijera f reg v. pladanj
gvardijan m superior (of a monastery); (franjevaca)
guardian | ast ~a guardianship
gva m art wash drawing, gouache
Gvido m Guy
gvozden adj v. eljezni
gvoar m v. eljezar
gvoara f v. eljezara
gvoarija f collect v. eljeznarija
gvo|e n v. eljezo | ~a pl v. okovi, stupica

h mus b (~-dur B-major)
ha! int ha!
habanje n wear, wearing out, wear and tear
habati vt wear out
habit m monk's dress; clergyman's dress
habsburki adj Habsburg
Had m myth Hades
hadija m Tur hadji, Mohammedan pilgrim (to Mecca)
hadiluk m Tur a Moslem's pilgrimage to Mecca
Hag m geog The Hague
hagiograf m hagiographer
hagiografija f hagiography
hagiorafski adj hagiographic
ha-ha! int (smijeh) ha ha!, haw haw!
hahar m reg v. vragolan, fakin
hajati vi v. biti stalo, obazirati se
hajda f reg v. heljda
hajde! int v. ajde! take yourself off
hajduija f highwayman's profession (misdeed), banditry
hajduina f aug big (stalwart, sturdy, ferocious) bandit
hajduk|i adj a robber's (brigand's, bandit's) ; like a robber (bandit, brigand); fig robber-like, predatory, picaresaue | ~a eta band of robbers (outlaws)
hajduk m highwayman, robber, bandit, footpad, ruffian,
brigand, outlaw
hajdukovanje n highwayman's (bandit's, brigand's) life
hajdukovati vi lead a highwayman's (brigand's, bandit's)
hajdutvo n (action) robbery (rapine, plundering), brigandage

hajk|a f (lov) battue, hunt with pack, chase; (psi) pack of

hounds | dii ~u raise hue and cry after; fig ~a na
persecution of, campaign against
hajka m beater (of game)
hajkati vt pursue, chase, hunt, startle (rouse, beat up)
game; ferret
hajte! int v. hajde | ~, molim vas! aw come on!
hak m phon aspirate
haknuti vt phon aspirate
hal m v. predsoblje
hala f (tvornika) large workshop; big shed; | izlobena~
exhibitior. hall
halabuiti vi make a loud noise, raise a disturbance, din,
storm, shout, racket
halabuka f noise, hubbub, tumult, uproar, din, racket,
halapljiv adj v. prodrljiv
halbcilindar m Ger v. polucilindar
half m ftb v. pomaga
halma f (igra) v. dama
halo! int hello!
halogen m chem halogen
halogeni adj chem | ~ elementi halogenous substances
halter m Ger (enski iroki) girdle; (enski uski) B suspender belt, A garter belt; (za muke ara~e) B suspender, A garter (pazi: halter = naramenica haljine!)
halucinacija f hallucination
halucinirati vi have hallucinations
haluga f sea-weed
halva f v. alva
halja f habit, clergyman's dress
haljetak m jacket

haljina f dress | vecernja ~ evening dress; (sveanija)

(evening) gown
haljinica f child's dress (frock)
ham m harness, gear (of draught animal)
hamal m Tur v. nosa
hamam m Tur Turkish bath
hambar m v. ambar
hamburger m streaky bacon (pazi: hamburger = kosano
meso /u SAD/)
hametice adv v. potui do nogu
Hamit m Hamite
hamitski adj Hamitic
hamper m reg v. vedro
hamster m Ger v. hrak
han m Tur hostelry, tavern, caravanserai
handar m Tur curved dagger, yataghan
hangar m aero hangar
hanuma f Tur Turkish (Moslem) wife
haos m v. kaos
haps m Tur v. zatvor
hapsiti v:t arrest, take into custody; (zatvoriti) imprison,
lock up, give in charge (custody)
hapenje n arest, arrestment; apprehension, seizure;
(utamnienje) imprisonment | izdati nalog za ~ issue
an arrest warrant
hara m hist poll-tax, capitation, contribution | udariti ~
lay under contribution (tribute), levy contribution
haraiti vi pillage, loot, plunder, maraud, raid; fig
haraclija m hist tax-collector, tax-gatherer; fig oppressor, exactor, extortioner
harakiri m hara-kiri
harambaa m captain of a band (gang) of robbers (bandits); fig violent person
haramija f hist brigand; fig violent person
haran adj arch v. zahvalan
harangiranje n haranguing, harangue
harangirati vi harangue | ~ protiv nekoga harangue
haranje n ravage, laying waste, destruction, devastation,
havoc, ruin, desolation, damage; (pljaka) plundering, depredation, rapine, pillage, sack, loot; (provala)
inroad, raid, foray
harati vt devastate, lay waste, desolate, ruin, havoc, ravage, raid, destroy; (pljakati) plunder, depredate, pillage, spoil, sack, loot | tifus hara typhoid is raging
(rampant, rife)
hariti vt v. ariti
harem m harem
haremski adj harem
harf|a f harp | svirati na ~i play the harp
harfist m, ~ica f harper, harpist
Haribda f myth Charybda (v. Scila)
haringa f herring; (dimljena) bloater
harlekin m harlequin
harlekinada f harlequinade
harmonian adj harmonious; mus harmonic
harmoninost f harmoniousness, harmony
harmonij m mus harmonium; melodeon

harmonija f harmony, concord

harmonik|a f accordion; (usna) harmonica | klavir ~a
accordion ; kromatska ~a concertin~; usna ~a B
mouth organ, A harmonica; svirati ~u play the accordion
harmonika m accordionist
harmonicak|i adj | ~a sekcija accordion section
harmoni(zi)rati vi & vt (fig & mus) harmonize, be in
harmony, bring into harmony
harnost arch v. zahvalnost
harpija f myth harpy
harpun m harpoon | loviti ~om harpoon; top za ~e harpoon gun
harpuna m harpooner, harpoonist
hartija f Tur v. papir
hasna f reg & arch v. korist
hasniti vi reg & arch v. koristiti
hasura f v. rogoina
hai m hashish, hasheesh, A marijuana, sl pot, sl grass
hak|i adj geog | pol ~a konvencija The Hague Convention
hat m Tur horse
hatar m territory, district, county
haub|a f Ger mot B bonnet, A hood | sjediti pod (frizerskom) ~om sit under the (hair-) drier
haubica f mil howitzer | teka ~ heavy howitzer
haustor m Ger v. vea
hauzmajstor m Ger v. pazikua, nadstojnik zgrade
havarija f mar damage
havarirati vt mar damage
hazard m gambling (hazard = opasnost!); (riziko) gamble, risk, hazard
hazarder m gambler (i fig)
hazarderski' adj gambling ; gambler's
hazarderski'' adv like a gambler, gambling
hazarderstvo n gambling (spirit) ; fig pol brinkmanship
hazardirati vi gamble
hazardn|i adj risky, hazardous | ~e igre games of
chance; Zabranjene ~e igre No Gambling
he! int v. eh?, hja?
hebrej m Hebrew, Israelite, Jew
hebrejka f Jewess
hebrejski adj Hebraic | ~ jezik Hebrew
hedonist m hedonist
hedonistiki adj hedonistic
hedonizam m hedonism
heftati vt Ger v. jemiti
Hegelijanstvo n phil Hegelianism
hegelovac m phil Hegelian
hegemonija f hegemony
hegemonist m hegemonist
hegemonistiki adj hegemoni(sti)c
hegemonizam m hegemony
hej! int hey!, hallo (there)!
hekatomba f hecatomb
heklati vt Ger v. kakati
heknadla f Ger v. kakalica
heksametar m hexameter

heksnus m Ger | imam ~ u vratu (ledima) I've got a

stiff neck (back)
hektar m hectare (2 1/2 acres)
hektolitar m hectolitre
Helada f hist Hellas
helebard|a f mil hist halberd | vojnik naoruan ~om
Helen m Hellene
Helena f Helen, Nell(ie), Lena
helenist m Hellenist
helenistiki adj Hellenistic
helenizam m Hellenism
helenizirati vt Hellenize
helenski adj Hellenic
helij m chem helium
helikopter m helicopter | sletite za ~e helicopter landing stage; aerodrom za ~e heliport; prebaciti trupe
~ima helilift troops
helot m Gk hist helot
heljda f buckwheat
hematit m minr h(a)ematite
hematolog m med h(a)ematologist
hematologija f med h(a)ematology
hematoloki adj med h(a)ematologic
hemeroidi m v. hemoroidi
hemija f v. kemija
hemisfera f hemisphere | geog Istona (Zapadna) Eastern (Western) hemisphere
hemofiliar m med h(a)emophiliac
hemofilija f med h(a)emophilia
hemoglobin m med h(a)emoglobin
hemoroidi m pl med h(a)emorrhoids, piles
hemung m coll Ger inhibition | imati ~e inhibited
hendikep m handicap
hendikepirati vt handicap
Henrik m Henry, Harry, Hal
hepatitis m med hepatitis
hepiend m film & fig happy ending
Heraklo m myth Heracles, Hercules
heraldiki adj heraldic
heraldika f heraldry
herbar m bot herbarium
herbicid m herbicide
herc m car Ger | ~ kralj king of hearts
herceg m duke
herceginja f duchess
Hercegovac m Herzegovinian
Hercegovina f Herzegovina
hereditaran adj med v. nasljedan
heretian adj heretic
heretik m heretic
hereza f heresy
heringa f v. haringa
Herkul m myth Hercules
herkulski adj fig Herculean
hermafrodit m med hermaphrodite
hermelin m ermine (fur) ; (ljetni, smei) stoat
hermetian adj hermetic, air-tight

hermetiki adv | ~ zatvoren hermetically sealed, airtight

(v. nepropustan)
hernija f med hernia (v. kila) | ~ disci slipped disc
heroin m pharm heroin, A sl snow
heroizam m heroism, bravery
heroj m hero; demigod
herojski adj heroic
herojstvo n v. heroizam
herpes m med herpes
heruvim m eccl v. kerubin
hetera f hetaera, courtesan
heterogen adj heterogeneous
heterogenost f heterogeneousness, heterogeneity
heteroseksualan adj heterosexual
Hetit m hist Hittite
hetitski adj hist Hittite
hibernacija f biol hibernation
hibisk m bot hibiscus (v. sljezolika)
hibrid m hybrid
hibridan adj hybrid (v. kukuruz)
hidra f myth & zoo hydra
hidrant m B hydrant, A fire plug
hidrat m chem hydrate
hidrauli|an adj hydraulic | ~ka konica (prea) hydraulic brake (press); ~ka dizalica hydraulic lift; mot
hidraulika f hydraulics
hidrirati vt chem hydrate
hidroavion m seaplane, hydroplane; specif: float-plane (s
papuama), flying boat (pristaje trupom)
hidrobus m water-bus
hidrocentrala f hydro-electric power plant (station),
hydro-power plant
hidrodinamika f hydrodynamics
hidroelektrana f v. hidrocentrala
hidroelektri|an adj hydroelectric; water-power | ~na
energija water power
hidroenergetika f water-power supply (system)
hidroenergetski adj water-power
hidroenergija f water-power
hidrofobija f med hydrophobia
hidrogen m chem hydrogen, v. vodik
hidrogensk|i adj chem hydrogen(ic) | ~a bomba hydrogen bomb, H-bomb
hidrogliser m hydrofoil boat
hidrografija f hydrography
hidrokrilni adj | ~ brod v. hidrogliser
hidroksid m chem hydroxide
hidroliza f chem hydrolysis
hidrometeoroloki adj | ~a sluba weather bureau
hidroplan m aero v. hidroavion
hidroterapija f med hydrotherapy
higijena f hygiene | ~ rada industrial hygiene
higijeniar m hygienist
higijenski adj hygienic | ~ zavod Public Health Institute
higrometar m phys hygrometre (A hygrometer)
hijacint m bot & minr hyacinth
hihot m, hihotanje n cachinnation, roaring laughter
hihotati vi cacbinnate, roar with laughter; guffaw

hijena f zoo hyena; fig cruel (heartless) person

hijerarhija f hierarchy
hijeroglif m hieroglyph
hijeroglifsk|i adj hieroglyphic | ~o pismo the hieroglyph(ic)s pl
hiljad|a f v. tisua
hiljadarka f a thousand-dinar (bank) note
hiljaditi adj v. tisuiti | ~ dio v. tisuinka
hiljadugodisnji adj v. tisuugodisnji
Himalaja f geog the Himalayas pl
himba f (svojstvo) deceitfulness; (pretvaranje) hypocrisy, dissimulation, make-believe ; (lukavost) craftiness; (varka) artifice, wile, guile, sham, deceit, pretence
himben adj deceitful, guileful, treacherous, designing,
scheming, artful, insidious; (neiskren) false, hypocritical, double, double-faced, hollow, hollow-hearted
himber m Ger v. malinovac
himen m anat hymen
himera f chim(a)era
himna f hymn ; (nacionalna) anthem
Hindu m Hindu, Hindoo
hinduizam m hinduism, hindooism
hiniti vi v. pretvarati se; vt v, simulirati
hip m v. as, trenutak
hiperbola f geom hyperbola; (pretjerivanje) hyperbole
hiperbolian adj hyperbolic
hiperbolika f hyperbolics
hiperemija f med hyper(a)emia
hipermangan m pharm permanganate | ispirati ~om
bathe in permanganate (solution)
hiperpopulacija f over-population; population explosion
hiperprodukcija f over-production; over-supply
hipersenzibilan adj med & fig hypersensitive
hipertenzija f med hypertension
hipertrofija f med & fig hypertrophy
hipertrofirati vt hypertrophy
hipertrofiran adj hypertrophied
hip-hip-hura! int hip hip hooray!
hipi m hippie, hippy
hipijevski adj hippie, hippy
hipnotian adj hypnotic
hipnoti|ar, ~zer m hypnotist
hipnotizam m hypnotism
hipnotizirati vt hypnotize
hipnoz|a f hypnosis | pod ~om under hypnosis
hipodrom m B racecourse, A racetrack
hipofiza f anat pituitary gland
hipohondar m hypochondriac
hipohondrian adj hypochondriac
hipohondrija m hypochondria
hipokrit m v. licemjer
hipokrizija f v. licemjerje
hipopotam m v. nilski konj
hipotek|a f hypothec, hypothecation, mortgage | zaloiti
na ~u hypothecate, mortgage; dunik na ~u mortgagor; vjerovnik na ~u mortgagee
hipotekarn|i adj | ~a banka mortgage bank
hipotenuza f geom hypotenuse

hipotetian adj hypothetic(al)

hipoteza f hypothesis
hir m caprice, whim, freak, crotchet, vagary. maggot,
hiromant m chiromancer, palm-reader
hiromantija f chiromancy, palmistry
hirovit adj capricious, freakish, whimsical, fanciful,
skittish, crotchety, wayward, giddy, fitful
hirovitost f whimsicality, capriciousness, fancifulness,
skittishness, fickleness, giddiness
hirleder m Ger v. jelenja koa, antilop (koa)
hirur|g, ~gija, ~ki v. kirur|g, ~gija, ~ki
histerian adj hysteric(al)
histerij|a f hysteria | napadaj ~e hysterics pl
histerik m hysterical person
histerizirati vi coll have hysterics
histolog m med histologist
histologija f med histology
histoloki adj med histological
historiar m historian
historija f history (v. povijest)
historijat m history
historijski adj historical (v. povijestan)
historiografija f historiography, history writing
hit m hit, success | veliki ~ big (smash) hit
hitac m gunshot, discharge; (bez dugog ciljanja) snapshot; (bacanje) throw, cast, fling; (prasak) report |
nadohvat hica within gunshot; izvan dohvata hica
out of gunshot; opaliti ~ fire (off), discharge; ~ je
prasnuo the gun went off with a report; ~ je promaio the shot has missed the mark; ~ nije opalio
(gun) missed fire; nadohvat hica lukom within bowshot
hitan adj urgent, pressing | biti ~ press, be urgent; hitno
je it's urgent
hitanje n v. hitnja, bacanje
hitar adj (brz) quick, fast, swift, rapid, speedy; (ustar)
fleet, brisk, light of foot, lithe, alert, nimble, agile;
(okretan) swift-footed, swift-handed; (na rijei)
sharp, smart, clever, (odgovorom) ready-witted
hitati vt v. bacati, uriti se
hitin m zoo chitin
hititi vt v. baciti
hitjeti vi v. uriti se
hitlerovac m Hitlerite
hitlerovski adj Hitlerite
hitno adv urgently
hitnost f urgency, pressure, push
hitnuti vt v. baciti
hitnja f v. urba
hitrina f (brzina) rapidity, quickness, speed, velocity,
celerity, swiftness; (bez oklijevanja) promptitude
promptness, diligence, dispatch, expedition ; (urba)
hurry, haste; (naglost) hastiness; (srtanje) precipitateness ; v. okretnost
hitro adv quickly, swiftly, hurriedly, hastily, promptly,
with great expedition, against time
hitrost f v. hitrina

hlae f pl (a pair of) trousers, A coll pants; (posebne, ne

kao dio odijela) slacks; (kratke) short trousers shorts
v. traperice, pumperice | trapez ~ flares; fig ona
nosi ~ (zapovijeda muu) she wears the breeches
hlaice f pl shorts; dim tiny trousers
hlad m (svjeina) cool, coolness, freshness, fresh; cool
air; (mjesto) shade
hladan adj (svje) cool, fresh; (studen) cold, chilly,
frosty; (mrtav) lifeless; (beutan) unfeeling, insensible; (mlitav) lukewarm, indifferent, unconcerned,
equanimous; (neugodan) distant, reserved; coldmannered, frigid; (bez milosra) cold as charity; (bez uzrujavanja) as cool as a cucumber | ostati ~ keep one's
temper; ~ kao le clay-cold
hladetin|a f jelly | pile u ~i jellied chicken
hladionica f refrigerating plant; cold storage
hladionik m refrigerator, meat-safe (v. hladnjak)
hladiti vt make cool (chilly), freshen, refresh; (lepezom)
fan; (ledom) ice, refrigerate, freeze
hladiti se vr become (grow, get) cold (cool, chilly), cool
hladno adv cooly, chilly, coldly; (mirno) calmly, indifferently | drati se ~ keep one at one's arms length,
behave coolly; meni je ~ I am cold, I feel cold
hladno|a f cold, coldness, chill, chilliness, coolness,
freshness; (studen) cold (weather); fig frigidity, indifference, lukewarmness; (nehaj) apathy, reserve, allofness, unconcern | po velikoj ~i in bitter cold
hladnokrvan adj calm, composed, cool, self-possessed,
unmoved, unruffled, imperturbable, keeping one's
temper (presence of mind), cool-headed; (promiljen)
deliberate, cold-blooded, cool as a cucumber | ~
ovjek a cool hand
hladnokrvno adv calmly, in cold blood, coolly
hladnokrvnost f cold blood, coolness ; (mir) calm,
calmness, composure, equanimity, deliberateness |
sauvati ~ keep one's head
hladnoratovski adj pol cold-war
hladnjaa f refrigeration plant, cold-storage plant;
(kamion) B refrigerator lorry, A refrigerated trailer
truck, coll reefer; (vagon) refrigerator car
hladnjak m mot radiator; refrigerator
hladnjeti vi cool (down), grow cool (chill); fig (otuiti
se) grow (become) distant (estranged, alienated)
hladovanje n sitting (lying) in shade
hladovati vi sit (lie) in shade
hladovina f shade; coolness; fig cushy job, sinecure
hladovit adj shady, cool, fresh, breezy
hladovitost f coolness ; shadiness
hlaenje n cooling, chilling; (leenje) icing, freezing,
refrigeration; v. rashladni | s vodenim (zranim) ~m
water-cooled (air-cooled)
hlap m zoo (rarog) lobster (v. jastog)
hlapiti vi evaporate, exhale, transpire ; (u paru) vaporize; (plin) escape; sublimate; (ugljik) effervesce; fig
disappear, pass off
hlapiv adj evaporable, volatile; (ulje) essential
hlapivost f volatility
hlapljenje n evaporation, volatilization, effervescence

hlepiti vi v. eznuti, udjeti

hlepnja f v. enja, udnja
hlor m chem v. klor
hlorisati vt chem v. klorirati
hlorofil m biol v. klorofil
hloroform m pharm v. kloroform
hljeb m (hljebac) loaf (of bread) ; v. kruh
hljepi m dim little loaf; (pecivo) roll
hm! int hem! ; well...
hmelj m bot hop; (plod) hops pl | stabljika ~a hopbine;
kolac za ~ hop-pole; bera ~a hop-picker; sunica
za ~ hopkiln, oast
hmeljarstvo n hop-growing
hmeljite n hop-garden
hobi m hobby
hobist m bobbyist; do-it-yourselfer
hobl m Ger v. blanja
hoblati vt Ger v. blanjati
hoblbank m Ger v. stolarska klupa
hoblinje n collect Ger v. blanjevina
hobotnica f zoo octopus
hou pres sg od htjeti
hod m (hodanje) walking, walk, gait, go; (korak) pace,
march, step, tread; (jeka koraka) footfall; (gibanje,
rad stroja) motion, play, working, run, travel;
(broda) course, (brzina) speed | mil brzi ~ forced
march; brzim ~om at a quick (round) pace; izmoriti
~om walk one off his legs; ubrzati quicken (force) the
pace; usporiti ~ slacken the pace, slown down
hodanj|e n walk, walking, going, gait, go | ~ pjeke
pedestrianism; ~ za zdravlje constitutional; utrka u
~u walking-race; ~e u snu sleep-walking
hodati vi go, walk, march, go on foot, pace; (velikim
koracima) stride; (kretati se) pass (move, proceed)
along; (povorkom) procession; (pjeke) pedestrianize;
(stupati) tread, step; (kao skitnica) tramp; (besciljno)
saunter, stroll; (polagano, bez urbe i naprezanja)
amble | ~ amo-tamo po sobi pace the room; ~ na
nogama i rukama (etveronoke) go on all fours; ~
na prstima walk on tiptoe, tiptoe; on mnogo hoda he
is a great walker; ~ na takama walk on crutches; ~
na hoduljama walk on stilts; ~ nesigurno (dijete)
toddle ; ~ gegavo wobble; ~ teturajui stagger; ~
posruci go stumbling ; on sigurno hoda (mornar,
putnik, na zanjihanom brodu) he bas got his sea-legs;
~ s djevojkom go with a girl, A date a girl; (ozbiljno)
go steady
hodnik m passage, corridor, hallway; (irok) lobby, gallery; (natkrit prolaz s duanima) arcade; (meu sjedalima u vlaku) A aisle; (meu klupama u crkvi)
aisle; (vea) entrance hall
hodoasnik m pilgrim, palmer
hodoastiti vi pilgrim, pilgrimize, go on (a) pilgrimage
hodoae n piligrimage, peregrination
hodulj|e f pl stilts | hodati na ~ama go on stilts
hoda f Moslem (Mohammedan) priest, khoja
hofirant m Ger v. udvara
hofirati vt Ger v. udvarati

hohtapler m Ger snob; phony (v. folirant); hist society

hohtaplerski adj Ger snobbish; phony
hohtaplerstvo n Ger snobbishness; phoniness
hohtaplirati vi Ger act as a snob (phony)
hokej m sp | ~ na travi B hockey, A field hockey; ~ na
ledu B & A ice-hockey; palica za ~ hockey stick
hoklica f dim Ger v. tokrl, klupica
hokus-pokus! int presto!
hol m v. predvorje, predsoblje
Holandez m Dutchman | Ukleti ~ The Flying Dutchman
Holandija f Holland, the Netherlands (v. Nizozemska)
holandski adj Dutch, Netherlands | govoriti ~ speak
Holananka f Dutch woman
holesterol m med v. kolesterol
homeopat m med hom(o)eopath
homeopatija f med hom(o)eopathy
homeopatski adj med hom(o)eopathic
Homer m myth Homer
homerski adj homeric
homofon' m ling homophone
homofon'' adj ling homophonic
homofonija f ling homophony
homogen adj homogeneous
homogenizirati vt homogenize
homogenost f homogeneity
homograf m ling homograph
homonim m ling homonym
homoniman adj ling homonymic
homonimija f ling homonymy
homoseksual|ac m homosexual; sl: fairy, queer, fag | bar
za ~ce gay bar
homoseksualan adj homosexual, sl gay
homoseksualnost f homosexuality
homut m horse-collar, hames pl
honorar m fee; (stalan na dulji rok) retaining fee; jur
honorarn|i adj v. poasni | ~o namjetenje part-time job
honorarno adv part-time
honorirati vt pay a fee (honorarium), fee; (na dulji rok)
retain (a physician, barrister itd.)
hop! int jump!
hopsati vi Ger v. skakati, skakutati
hor m v. zbor, kor
hor|a f arch v. as, vrijeme | u ~u v. u pravi as; sad je
~a v. sad je as
Horacije m Horace
horda f horde
horeograf m v. koreograf
horist(ica) v. korist(ica)
horizont m horizon; fig range of knowledge (perception), ken | izvan njegova ~a beyond his ken
horizontala f horizontal (line)
horizontalan adj horizontal; (ravan) flat, level
horizontalno adv horizontally
hormon m med hormone
hormonski adj med hormone; hormonal
horna f mus v. rog

hornist m mus v. svira u rog

horoskop m horoscope | sastaviti ~ cast somebody's
horski adj v. zborski
hortenzija f bot hydrangea
hosist m exch bull
hospitacija f sch attendance at demonstration classes
hospitant m sch attendant at demonstration classes
hospitira|ti vi sch attend at demonstration classes
host m grape-stalk
hostesa f air hostess
hostija f wafer; eccl host
hotapler m Ger v. hohtapler
hotel m hotel
hotelijer m hotelier; hotel-manager
hotelijerstvo n hotel management ; hotel industry
hotelijerski adj hotel-management
hotelski adj hotel
Hotentot m Hottentot
hotentotski adj Hottentot
hotice adv v. hotimice
hotimice adj (namjerno) intentionally, purposely, on
purpose, designedly; (svjesno) wittingly, knowingly,
consciously; (promiljeno) deliberately; (zlobno) of
malice prepense
hotimian adj intentional, designed, deliberate, premeditated, wilful, of set purpose, prepense
hozntregeri m pl Ger v. naramenice
hrabar adj courageous, brave, galant, valiant, valarous;
(neustraiv) fearless, undaunted; (odvaan) plucky,
manly, manful, hardy; (smion, vatren) spirited, mettlesome, daring, bold, stout-hearted; hum doughty
hrabrenje n encouragement, animation; (poticanje) incentive, incitement, stimulation; (potpora) countenance
hrabriti vt encourage, cheer up (on), animate, inspirit,
embolden; (poticati) urge on, stimulate (na zlo instigate, set on); (podupirati) countenance; (tjeiti) comfort
hrabriti se vr take courage (heart), cheer up, pluck up
hrabro adv courageously, bravely, valiantly, gallantly;
(smiono) daringly, boldly
hrabrost f courage, bravery, valour, pluck, mettle, daring, boldness, guts, prowess | prikupiti ~ pluck up
courage; gubiti ~ be discouraged (disheartened), lose
courage (heart) ; ne gubi ~ never say die!; mil ~ u
borbi gallantry in action
hraak m expectoration, spittle, sputum, phlegm
hrakanje n expectoration, hawking up
hrakati vi expectorate, spit out, sputter; (kaalj) clear
the throat, hem, hawk up
hraknuti vi v. hrakati
hrakotina f v. hraak
hram m temple; (idovski) synagogue; eccl church;
(svetite) shrine
hramanje n halting, limping, hobble, hobbling;
(epavost) lameness
hramati vi limp, halt, hobble, go (walk) lamely, be lame
of (in) a leg, hum go and dot one; fig not be on all

fours | tvoja isprika (stih) hramlje your excuse

(verse) is lame (halts)
hran|a f food, fare, nourishment, nutriment, aliment,
article(s) of food; sl grub (v. klopa); com foodstuffs
pl; (ive) victuals pl, provisions pl, viand(s), eatables
pl; (propisana) diet, dietary, regimen; (pojedino jelo)
dish, course, go; (obrok) meal; (mjesena) board,
boarding; (pretplaena u gostionici) ordinary; (uzdravanje) keep, support, sustenance, livelihood,
means of subsistence; (zajednika, u menzi itd.) mess,
commons pl; (ivotinje, krma) fodder, provender, forage | mrava ~a meagre fare, short cornmons;
zasitna ~a rich food; kruta ~a solid food; skromna
~a frugal fare; stan i ~a board and lodging; biti na ~i
board with; ~a i cijela opskrba all found; on mi daje
~u he finds me in food; dati dijete na ~u put a baby
out to nurse; fig ~a za topove food for powder, cannon fodder
hranarina f B sickness benefit
hranilac m v. hranitelj
hranilite n feeding place; bact medium
hranitelj m supporter; (pooim) foster-father ; nursing
father; fosterer ; (tueg djeteta) baby-farmer | ~
obitelji bread-winner; provider
hraniteljica f foster-mother, nursing-mother, nurse,
hraniti vt feed, nourish, supply with food, diet; (slugu)
find in food; (drati na hrani) board, keep; (uzdravati) sustain, support, maintain, (odgajati) bring up,
nurture, rear; (predobro) overfeed; (preslabo) underfeed; (krmiti) bait, forage (govedo u staji) stall-feed;
(toviti) batten, fatten
hrani|ti se vr feed (ime on), eat, dine off, live upon,
partake of; (prehranjivati se) make one's livelihood
(pomou by) ; (jesti zajedno) mess (together) | ~m se
kod I eat at, I take my meals at
hranjen pp fed; (dobro) well-fed; (slabo) underfed; (debeo) fat, nourished
hranjenica f foster-daughter, foster-girl
hranjenik m foster-child, foster-son, adoptive child
hranjenje n feeding, nursing; (tov) fattening; (kljukanje)
cramming, tuffing; (krmom) foddering
hranjiv adj nutritious, nutritive, nourishing, rich, substantial
hranjivost f nutritiousness, nutritiveness, nutritional
hrapav adj rough; (grub) coarse; (neravan) uneven,
harsh; (neuglaen) unplaned, unpolished; (zrnat)
grained; (izradba) rude, rustic, rough-hewn; (bruen,
npr. staklo) ground, frosted; (glas) hoarse, raucous,
thick; (stih) halting
hrapavost f roughness, ruggedness, hoarseness, unevenness
hrast m oak(-tree)
hrastik m oak-wood
hrastov adj made of oak-wood, oak, oaken
hrastovina f oak-wood, oak-timber
hrae n coll oaks pl

hrbat m back; (brda) ridge, arete; (ceste) camber; (kue)

top ridge of a roof
hrak m zoo hamster
hrkovina f hamster fur
hra f rust
hrati vi rust, become rusty
hrav adj rusty
hravost f rustiness
hren m bot & cul horse-radish
hrenovka f cul frankfurter, coll frank; (prena i zainjena, u mekoj emlji) hot dog
hrestomatija f chrestomathy
hrga v. kvrga, komadina
hrid(ina) f steep (sheer) rock (crag) ; (morska) cliff
hridinast adj craggy, jagged; (obala) rocky, cliff-bound
hripanje n wheezing, violent cough (coughing)
hripati vi wheeze, cough violently, rattle (in one's
throat), be asthmatic
hripavac m med whooping-cough
Hrist m v. Krist
hrianin m v. kranin
hrianski adj v. kranski
hrianstvo n v. kranstvo
hrizantema f v. krizantema
hrkalo n (heavy) snorer
hrkanje n snoring
hrkati vi snore | jako ~ snore loudly
hrli adj (brz) swift, quick, fast; (ustar) nimble, light of
hrliti vi hurry, rush, dash, hasten, make haste, poet hie
hrljenje n hurrying, hurry, haste, hastening; (navrat-nanos) hurry-scurry, rush(ing) ; spurt, dash
hrom' adj (od roenja) lame; (epav) limping, halting,
hrom'' m v. krom
hromirati vt v. kromirati
hromosom m biol v. kromosom
hromost f lameness, halting (limping) walk
hronian adj v. kronian
hroniar m v. kroniar
hronika f v. kronika
hronologija f v. kronologija
hronoloki adj & adv v. kronoloki
hronometar m v. kronometar
hropac m (death)-rattle
hroptanje n death-rattle
hroptati vi breathe with a rattle in one's throat
hroptav adj stertorous
hrp|a f heap, pile, stack, lot, mass, amassment;
(mnotvo) a great quantity; (ljudi) troop, gang, knot,
group, swarm, bunch; (drvea) cluster, clump | na ~ i
piled (heaped, stacked) up, amassed, hoarded
hrpica f dim a lit.le pile; cluster
hrpimice adv in troops (knots, groups, bands)
hrpten adj dorsal
hrpte|nica, ~njaa f anat v. kraljenica
hrptenini adj vertebral, spinal
hrskanje n crunch, crunching noise
hrskati vt & vi crunch, crush noisily, crack

hrskav adj (i re) crisp, crunchy

hrskavica f anat cartilage; (u mesu) gri.stle
hrskaviav adj cartilaginous; gristly
hrskavost f crispy, crunchy
hrt m greyhound: (mali trkai) whippet; (ruskii) borzoi
hrupiti vi burst into, dash into
hrus|tati, ~kati vt & vi v. hrskati
hrustiti se vr luster (out, forth), threat, talk big, bluff
hrut m cockchafer, maybug
hrva m wrestler (v. keer)
hrvaki adj wrestling | ~ susret wrestling match
hrvalite n wrestling-ring, arena; (antiko) palaestra,
hrvanje n wrestling; fig grappling, vrestling, struggle,
strife, hard contest | slobodno ~ free-style wrestling
(v. ke); grko-rimsko ~ Roman-Greek wrestling
hrvatina f Croatian language
Hrvat m Croat, Croatian
Hrvatica f Croat(ian woman)
hrvati se vr wrestle (sa with); fig wrestle, grapple,
Hrvatska f Croatia
hrvatski adj Croatian
hrvatstvo n Croatian national feeling (character) ; Croatian-ness
hrzati vi neigh; (njitati) whinny
htijenje n (volja) will, volition; (namjera) intention;
(volja, mar, raspoloenje, sklonost) inclination, disposition, mind, liking, stomach for
htjeti vt (voljnost) be willing, will; (kaniti) mean, intend,
purpose, conternplate, have in view, have views, be
bent on; (trebati) want, require ; (tenja) aspire;
(elja) wish, desire, be wishful (desirous to); (prohtjeti se) have a mind (fancy for, itch for) ; (sklonost,
spremnost) be disposed (inclined, minded, ready to),
show inclination (disposition) ; (mariti) care, choose;
(izvoljeti) please, be pleased; (voljeti, sviati se) like,
be fond of | Jesne fraze: (affirmative phrases) hou
da ide I want you to go, I mean you to go; to hoes
da ja... what would you have me io...; on hoe silom
da... he persists in -ing, he insists on my -ing, he has
set his heart upon...; kad bas hoes da ja... if you insist on my -ing; upravo sam htio (kanio, spremao se)
I was about to, I was going to, I was on the point of ing; htio me tui he offered to strike me; ako bog
hoe God willing ; ne zna sam to hoe he does not
know his own mind; za to se hoe vremena, novaca
this will take (some) time, rnoney; hou (spremnost)
da idemo I am for going; htio bih I should like to;
htio bih znati (da mi je znati) I wonder if...; uzmi to
hoes take what you like (choose); smije raditi to
hoe he has got full power(s) to do what he pleases;
ona radi to hoe she has her own way; kako god
hoete as you like (choose, please), at will, at your
discretion; radite to hoete suit yourself, do as it
suits you, use your pleasure, do as you like; radije
htjeti choose (rather) in preference, prefer, like better; ako hoe, uzmi, ako nees, pusti if y:ou don't
like it, you may lump it; hoe mi se... I have taken a

fancy to, I have a mind to..., I am in the mood to, I

am in the vein for..., I am minded to..., I itch for; ima
sve sto hoe he wants for nothing; hoe li nee li
whether he likes or not; hou mu dobro I mean well
to him (by him); to hoe s time? what do you mean
by this? ; znam ja to s time hoe I know what he is
driving at (cilja); on hoe da bude (pravi se) uen
he pretends to be a scholar, he poses (gives himself
out, sets up) as ; to e mi ta knjiga I have no use for
this book; to e on na to rei (uiniti)? what will he
say (do) to it? ; to u sada? what now?; srce mu je
htjelo da pukne his heart was ready to burst (break);
nesrea je htjela as misfortune would have it; srea
je htjela as luck would have it, luckily; sudbina je
htjela it was fated | Nijecne fraze (negative phrases):
puka nee da pukne (zatajila je) rifle hangs fire; on
nee da... (oklijeva) he he hangs fire; konj nee ii
(plai se) horse shies at; auto (stroj) nee raditi
(pokvario se) the car (engine) has broken down, will
not work (run); nee mi se... I do not care (choose to,
have no mind to, don't feel like, am not in the mood
to); (opasnost, borba) I have not the stomach for; nisam to htio uiniti (nehotinost) I did it inadvertently (unintentionally); uinio je to hoes-nees he
did it willy-nilly, with a bad grace
hu!. int ugh!, hugh!
hubertus m loden coat
huckanje n setti. g on (at), instigation, provocation, provocative
huckati vt bait (animal); incite against; (govorom) hararngue, rouse, provoke, instigate against
huan adj roaring, booming
huati vi roar, boom
hud adi v. ljutit, mrk, opasan, zao
hudoba f malice; (ovjek) malignant (mischievous) person
Hugenot m hist Huguenot
hugenotski adj hist Hugenot
hujanje n moaning (sough, bluster) of wind
hujati vi (vjetar) bluster, sough, rush, whistle, moan;
huka f boom, roar, rumble
hukanje n loud breathing (blowing)
hukati vi blow (breathe) upon; aspirate
huknuti vi v. hukati
huktati vi pant, puff; chug
hula f v. huljenje
hulahopke f pl, v. arape
huligan m hooligan, A sl hoodlum
huliganski adj hooligan
huliganstvo n hooliganism
hulitelj m blasphemer
huliti vt blaspheme; (kleti) curse, swear, profane
hulja m scoundrel, rascal, knave, blackguard, villain,
huljenje n blasphemy; (kletve) swearing, cursing; (prostota) profane language
huljski adj villainous, blackguardly, caddish
huljstvo n villainy, blackguardism, caddishness

hum m hillock, hill

humak m dim small hill, hilloc, hummock, knoll, hurst |
grobni ~ grave mound
human adj humane, humanitarian
humanist m humanist
humanistik|i adj humanistic | ~e znanosti the humanities, libera1 arts (studies) ; sch ~i predmeti liberal
(academic) subjects
humanistika f the humanities pl
humanitaran adj humanitarian
humanizam m humanism
humanost f humaneness
humka f v. humak
humor m humour (A humor), comicality, humoro(u)sness, facetiousness | nemati smisla za ~
have no sense of humo(u)r
humoreska f humoresque, humoro(u)s sketch
humorist m humo(u)rist; man full of humour
humoristi|an, ~ki adj humoristic | ~ki list comic paper;
satirical paper; ~ka emisija comedy show
humus m humus; vegetable mo(u)ld
Hun m Hun
huncut m v. vragolan
huncutarija f v. vragolija, netasluk
hunski adj Hunnish
hunta f pol junta | vojna ~ military junt;
hunjavica f cold in the head, catarrh
hura! int hurrah!, hurray! | triput ~ za...! three cheers
hurija f houri
hurikan m hurricane
husar m hussar
Husit m hist Hussite
husitski adj hist Hussite
huka m inciter, instigator; agitator, rabble-rouser; irebrand ; fig incendiary | ratni ~ warmonger
hukaki adj inciting, incendiary, rabble-rousing |
ratno-~ war mongering
hukanje n nstigation, provocation, stirring up, incitation | ~ na rat war mongering
hukati vt incite, instigate, stir up, provoke, rouse | ~ na
rat be a war monger
hvala f thanks pl; (zahvalnost) thankfulness, gratitude;
(pohvala) praise, laud, commendation (govor, pismeno eulogy, panegyric, encomium); (priznanje)
(grateful) acknowledgment ; (uzvrat) return | ~!
thank you, coll thanks; ~ lijepa! thank you very
much, coll thanks a lot, coll much obliged; ~ bogu!
thank goodness! thank God; to mi je ~! small thanks
I got for it; srdana vam ~ na... my heartfelt thanks
to you for..., I am deeply thankful to you for...;
obasue ga hvalom thanks were showerd upon him,
he was overwhelmed with thanks

hvalevrijedan adj praiseworthy; laudable, commendable, worthy, estimable, meritorious; (jako) beyond
all praise
hvalevrijednost f praiseworthiness, laudability
hvalilac m laudator, one who praises (extols); encomiast;
(laskavac) flatterer
hvalisanje n boast, boasting, bragging, swagger(ing), big
(tall) talk
hvalisati se vr boast, brag, swagger, vaunt, bluster
hvalisav adj boastful, boasting, bragging, blustering,
swaggering; (tat) vain, vainglorious
hvalisavac m boaster, braggart, vaunter; (buan) blusterer
hvalisavost f boastfulness
hvalisav n v. hvalisavac
hvaliti vt praise, commend, laud (reklama puff com sl);
(do neba) extol, glorify, emblazon, eulogize, panegyrize, cry up | dobre robe ne treba ~ good wine needs
no brush
hvaliti se vr (ponositi se) be proud of, pride oneself
(upon), glory in; (hvalisanje) boast | ~ na sva usta
hvalospjev m hymn, canticle; eulogy, panegyric
hvaljenje n tendering (expressing, returning) thanks for;
(pohvala) praise, laudation, glorification; (robe) puffing com sl
hvastanje n v. hvalisanje
hvastati se vr v. hvalisati se
hvastav adj v. hvalisav
hvastavac m v. hvalisavac
hvastavost f v. hvalisavost
hvat m (drva) cord (of wood); (mjera dubine vode)
hvataljka f (kripa, klijeta) jaw, appliance for seizing
(holding, lifting, trapping)
hvatanje n (posizanje) seizing (catching) at; (uzimanje)
seizure; (bjegunca, hapenje) capture, apprehension;
(zahvat) grip, grasp
hvat|ati vt catch; (posegnuti) snatch (catch) at; (zgrabiti)
get (take, lay) hold of, seize, grasp, grip; (uhvatiti)
(en)trap, capture, secure; (hapsiti) apprehend, arrest;
(bjegunca) chase, hunt; (udicom) hook; gripe, grip;
(zamkom) snare, ensnare, trap, gin, noose, lasso;
(kvaiti) bite, grip; (zapon) snap; (ue, dijelovi
stroja) catch, engage | san me ~a I am growing
leepy; mrak se ~a it is growing dark; elja me ~a a
wish gets hold of me
hvatati se vr catch (seize, get hold of) each other (ili one
another); (laati se) resort to, have recourse to; (poduzeti) take to; (zahvaati /dijelovi stroja/) interlock,
work (act) (up) on one another; (lijepiti se) cleave,
stick (cling) to
hvoja f poet v. grana

i conj and; (takoer) also, too, likewise, so, as well;
(osim toga) besides, moreover; (nadalje) furthermore;

(povrh) in addition, additionally, to boot, into the

bargain; (dapae) even; (zajedno) along with; math

plus; (nadalje) item | ~... ~ both... and; kao to i as

well (as); (A: on je bogat B:) ~ ja sam bogat (A: he
is rich B:) so am I
iako conj although; (even) though
ibeovac m pol v. informbirovac
ibeovski adj pol v. informbirovski
iberciger m Ger v. 1agani kaput
iberski adj geog & hist Iberian
ibis m ornith ibis
ibrik m Tur coffee-pot; ewer, jug
iega pron gen | bez ~ without anything
iiji adj whose(so)ever (v. iji god)
ii vi (stupati) step, tread, pace; (velikim koracima)
stride, march; (hodati) go, be going, walk, make
one's way, move, poet & obs wend one's way; (korakom, polako) amble; (putem) go along; (prolaziti poprijeko) traverse; (~ dalje) proceed; (tok) take one's
course; (prema, pokroiti) advance; (stroj) run, move,
work; (odilaziti) go away, depart; (na, polaziti) attend, frequent | ~ po neto fetch, go for; ~ preko
cross; ~ za (slijediti) follow (v. teiti); staza ide uz
vodu the path skirts the water; brod ide u Zadar the
boat is bound for Zadar; ide me jedna petina onefifth is due to me, my share is one-fifth; ide mu od
ruke he is a good hand at it; 20 ilinga ide na funtu
20 s make a pound (go to a pound) ; iao je tako
daleko da je ustvrdio he went the length of asserting; to izvrsno ide (prodaje se) it is in great demand,
it sells well; redovito ~ u crkvu (kazalite) be a
churchgoer (a playgoer, a theatregoer); ~ u lov go
hunting; ~ u kolu attend school; ~ gizdavo (dostojanstveno) strut; ~ buno stump; ~ jatimice herd,
block, pack; ~ lijeno saunter; ~ odmjereno go at a
steady pace, go with a measured tread; ~ teko
(gazei mulj itd.) flounder; ~ zgureno stoop; ~ s
naporom trudge; ~ u povorci go (walk) in procession; ~ u redovima file, defile, go in files; (vojnik na
strai:) tko ide? who goes there?; daj svakome to
ga ide give everyone his due; kako ti ide? how are
you (getting on)?, how do you fare?; ~ dobro go well,
thrive, prosper; ide mu dobro he is doing well; ide
mu slabo he is badly off, he makes a shift to live,
things go hard with him; trgovina mu ide sjajno he
is driving a roaring trade; poslovi idu slabo business
is slack (dull); prilike idu nabolje conditions are improving; iao je do krajnjih granica he went all
length; posao mu ne ide od ruke he is a poor hand
at; to ide (dade se) this is practicable (feasible, possible); v. ide kao po loju; (to) ne ide (ne da se) it is no
go; tako to (dalje) ne ide this won't do; neka sve ide
kako hoe! let things slide; po snijegu se ide teko it
is difficult to walk on snow; ovuda se ide do... this
way leads to...
ideal m ideal; fig model, paragon | pol boriti se za ~e
fight for a cause
idealan adj ideal; (savren) perfect; (pomiljen) fancy,
idealist m idealist
idealistiki adj idealistic

idealizam m idealism
idealiziranje n idealization
idealizirati vt idealize
idealno adv ideally
idej|a f idea, notion, thought; fancy | imati fiksnu ~u
have a fixed idea; have a bee in one's bonnet; dola
mi je ~a I had an idea
idejni adj pol ideological; phil ideational
idejnost f ideological acceptability
identian adj identical
identinost f identity
identificirati vt identify
identifikacija f identification
identitet m identity
ideolog m ideologist
ideologija f ideology
ideoloki adj ideological
idila f idyll
idilian adj idyllic
idiom m idiom
idiomatski adj idiomatic
idiot m idiot; (budala) fool, sipleton, noodle; (od poroda)
natural, innocent
idiotizam m idiocy (i fig)
idiotski adj idiotic, foolish
idol m idol, false God, image (of deity) ; revered (venerated) person | klanjati se kao ~u idolize, idolatrize
idolopokloniki adj idolatrous
idolopoklonik m idolater, pagan, heathen
idolopoklonstvo n idolatry
idui' adj next, following
idui"-p pres going, walking, proceeding
Ifigenija f myth Iphigenia
igalo n v. al
igda adv v. ikad
igdje adv anywhere, at any place (point)
igl|a f needle; (pribadaa) pin; (pletaa) knitting-needle;
(krpaa) darning-needle; (za kakanje) crochet-needle; cul (za nadijevanje) larding-pin; (magnetska)
magnetic needle; (gramofonska) gramophone needle;
bot (etinjaa) needle; ichth garfish | navesti ~ u
thread a needle; ~ puna konca a needle-ful; oko ~e
eye of a needle; spremnica za ~e needle-case; jastuac za ~e pincushion; ubod ~e pin-prick; rad ~om
(velo) needlework; bio sam kao na ~ama I was on
iglast adj pointed (shaped) like a needle, needle-shaped
iglica f bot (pine, fir) needle
igliav adj full of needles
iglun m ichth swordfish
ignorancija f ignorance
ignorant m ignoramus
ignorirati vt ignore, disregard, dismiss
igo m v. jaram; (na amcu) outrigged rowlock (A oarlock)
igra f play; (kao ah itd). game; (razonoda) sport, pastime; (hazardna) gamble, gambling; (gdje sluaj odluuje) chance game ; (kartama) card-playing; (ples)
dance, dancing; (gluma) acting, performance | ~ ri-

jei pun, play on words; potena ~ fair play, play

above board; nepotena ~ foul play
igra m player; partner; gambler, gamester; (plesa)
igraica f woman player; woman dancer
igraka f toy, plaything, bauble, gewgaw; (trica) trifle
igranica f gaming-house, gambling-den; card-playing
igralite n playground, athletic field; (za tenis, tratina)
grass court (tvrdo hard court); (kriket) pitch field;
(nogomet) field; (golf) golf-links; (bezbol) baseball
field, diamond
igranka f v. ples
igranje n playing; (ples) dancing; mus performance;
(karte) gaming, gambling; v. igra
igrarija f trifling, sporting; easy task
igrati vi play; game; (hazardno) gamble; mus play, perform, recite ; (glumiti) act, enact, do; (plesati) dance;
(poigravati) hop, caper, frisk, gambol, frolic | ~ za
novac play for money; ~ za zabavu play for love; ~
poteno play on the square (above board, fair); ~ nepoteno play foul; srce mi igra my heart flutters
(with emotion); krv mi igra u ilama my blood tingles in my veins; sve na njemu igra he is of fiery
temperament (high-strung); (konj) he is mettlesome
igrati se vr toy with, sport, amuse oneself; (tratiti vrijeme) fritter (dawdle, ally, waste) away (time itd.); (titrati se) trifle with, treat lightly (flippantly); (ljubavlju) flirt, jilt; (rijeima) play (upon) words, pun; v.
izigravati | ~ slijepog mia play at blind-man's-buff;
~ skrivaa play at hide-and-seek; ~ glavom run the
risk of losing one's head (life); ~ zaloga to play forfeits; igrajui playing; (lako) with ease, easily; v. kao
od ale
igrokaz m play, drama; (dramatic) piece | pisac ~a
iguman m Orth prior (guardian, superior) of convent
igumanija f Orth prioress
igumanski adj Orth prioral
ih! excl oh!; pshaw!
ih pron them
ihtiolog m ichthiologist
ihtiologija f ichthiology
ihtioloki adj ichthiological
ijedan adj any, anyone, any at all, anybody, any whatever
ijednom adv ever, once
ijekavac m ling jekavian (speaker)
ijekavski' adj ling jekavian
ijekavski'' adv ling | govoriti ~ speak jekavian (dialect of
ijekavtina f ling jekavian dialect (speech)
iju! excl v. jao!
ijuju! excl whee! ; yippie!
ikada adv ever, at any time (whatever, previously,
hence), on any occasion whatever | ~ prije ever before

ikakav adj any (whatever, at all), any likely (possible),

(of) whatever kind (sort)
ikako adv at all, in any way (whatever), in any manner
possible; at any rate whatever, anyhow, in any case |
ako ~ moes if you possibly can
ikamo adj anywhere, to any place whatever (imaginable)
Ikar m myth Icarus
ikavac m ling ikavian (speaker)
ikavica f ling ikavian dialect (speech)
ikavski adj ling ikavian
ikavtina f v. ikavica
iko pron ind v. itko
ikoji pron ind anyone, anybody, any whatever, which(so)ever, any at all
ikoliko adv any quantity (any amount) whatever; (stupanj) (to any degree) at all
ikona f icon, effigy (image) of a saint
ikono|borac, ~klast m hist & fig iconoclast, iconsmasher
ikonopisac m Orth icon-painter
ikonopoklonik m idolater
ikonostas m Orth iconostasis, screen with icons
ikra f fish-roe, hard-roe, spawn; (otrige) spat; (u mesu)
ikra m ichth spawner
ikriav adj (meso) trichinous
iks m letter X | ~ ipsilon a Mr. X, some person or other;
~ puta a hundred times; ~ noge knock-kness
iksati vt (u tipkanju) x out
ikserice f pl coll knock-knee
ilegalan f pol underground (activities, struggle)
ilegalac m pol member of (political) underground, underground fighter
ilegalan adj illegal | pol ~ rad underground activity; pol
~ radnik v. ilegalac
ilegalno adv illegally; pol by underground methods
ilegalnost f illegality; pol underground, underground
character | pol u ~i in hiding; pol prijei u ~ go underground, go into hiding
ili con or; (inae) otherwise, or else | ~... ~ either ... o r;
da li... ~ whether or; tu nema ~ ... ~ there is no alternative left
Ilija m Elias
Ilijada f Iliad
Ilindan m St. Elias' Day
Ilindenski adj hist | ~ ustanak St. Elias' Day Uprising
ilindenci m pl hist participants in St. Elias' Day uprising
Ilir m hist Illyrian
Ilirac m hist member of the Illyrian Movement
Ilirija f hist Illyria
ilirizam m hist Illyrian Movement
ilirski adj hist Illyrian
ilova|a f loam, clay, argil, potter's clay | jama za ~u
ilovit adj clayey, loamy, of clay, argillaceous
iluminacija f illumination
iluminirati vt illuminate

ilustracija f illustration, drawing, examples | coll ~e

illustrated papers (magazines); ~e radi by way of illustration
ilustrativan adj illustrative
ilustrator m illustrator
ilustrira|ti vt illustrate, explain by example, exemplify |
~ni asopisi illustrated papers (magazines)
iluzij|a f illusion | nemam ~a I have no illusions; razbiti
~e dispel (shatter) illusions; carstvo ~a fool's paradise, never-never land
iluzoran adj illusory, fictitious
iluzornost f illusory quality
im pron them
imaginacija f imagination (v. mata)
imaginaran adj imaginary (i math)
imaginativan adj imaginary (v. matovit)
imalac m holder; v. posjednik
imalo adv anything whatever, even a little bit, in any
imam m Tur imam, Mohammedan leader (priest)
imanje n (posjed) possession, holding; (zemlja) land,
landed (real) estate (property), realty, demesne; (seljako) farm (sa zgradama farm-stead, homestead);
(fideikomis) entail
imati vt have, have got; possess, own, hold; (drati)
keep; (sadravati) contain, hold; (obuhvaati) comprise, involve; (sastojati se) consist of, be made up of
| ~ pri sebi novaca carry money about oneself (on
oneself); ~ u sebi (utjelovljeno) embody; (sadravati)
contain, hold, inhere, be inherent (embodied in); ima
mu 100 godina he is 100 years old, he is a centenarian; ima li kada? have you got time?; ah, da imam!
I would I had, oh, for...! ; to ima danas u kazalitu?
what is on today at the theatre? on ima imetak od
milijun... he is worth a million...; ima ga to vidjeti
he is a strapping (lusty) fellow, he is quite a man; ~
rado (voljeti) like, be fond of, be partial to; ~ protiv
object to; ima tome 10 godina ten years have past, 10
years ago (since); ima (= postoji, jest, nalazi se),
there is (are itd.); ima jo nade there is some hope
left; ima nas 6 there are 6 of us; ima li...? is (are)
imbotija f reg v. poplun
ime n name; title, appellation; (nadimak) nickname, sobriquet, byname; (zlo, poslovino) byword; (pseudonim) pen-name, pseudonim, nom de guerre; (lano)
assumed (false) name; jur alias; incognito; (krsno)
Christian name; com (firme) firm; style; (naziv) appellation; (nepodesno) misnomer, (ljepe) euphemism | bez ~na nameless, obscure; po ~nu by name,
called, by title, nominal(ly), titular, in name; com
under the style of; u ~ (radi) in the name of, for the
sake of; u to ~ with this object in view; izbiti na
mrtvo ~ beat black and blue, flog within an inch of
one's life; za boje~ for goodness sake! Goodness
gracious!; samo po ~nu in name only; poznat je pod
~nom he goes by the name of...; stei ~ win reputation (recognition); koditi ~nu discredit, reflect dishonour upon, cast a slur upon one's reputation; uzeti

sebi ~ assume a name, (drugo) an alias; blatiti ~

sully (asperse, tarnish, bespatter) one's reputation;
dati ~ (nadimak) dub, nickname; pod krivim ~nom
under a false (assumed) name
imela f bot mistletoe
imendan m name-day, fte-day
imenica f gram noun, substantive
imenini gram adj substantival, nominal
imenik m list, nominal list, register, roll, roster; (porote)
panel; (adres) directory
imenitelj m math & fig v. nazivnik
imenom adv by name
imenovanje n (sluba) appointment, nomination (to an
office) (v. dekret)
imenovati vt (nazivati) name; (zvati) call by name; (okrstiti po) name after (from); (nadimkom) nickname,
dub; (vitezom) dub; (oznaiti) denominate, designate,
style, term; (dati naslov) invest with title; (u slubi)
nominate, appoint (to office); (sveenika) institute to;
(spomenuti) cite, quote, mention; (osloviti) entitle;
(oznaiti, odrediti) fix, appoint (the day); (poblie)
specify; (porotu) impanel, array (jury); (krivo) misname; (promaknuti) prefer, promote, advance;
(odrediti) institute to | ~ ambasadorom appoint ambassador
imenski adj gram nominal
imenjak m namesake
imetak m (sredstva) fortune, property, competence; (posjed) possession, holding; (nepokretni) v. imovina;
(bogatstvo) riches, wealth; com (aktiva) assets pl |
batiniti ~ succeed to property, come into property,
step into an estate, inherit; imati ~ be well off, be
well-to-do, have a competence, be in easy circumstances, have a well-lined purse; nemati imetka have
no property, be poorly off, live from hand to mouth;
izgubiti ~ (osiromaiti) be reduced to poverty, lose
one's fortune, be ruined; com fail, go bankrupt; protepsti ~ run through one's fortune, make (play) ducks
& drakes of (with) one's money, squander, dissipate;
stei ~ amass a fortune, accumulate a fortune, earn a
fortune, make money, enrich oneself ; (nepoteno, u
slubi) feather one's nest; uloiti ~ invest (sink) one's
fortune; zaloiti ~ (posjed) hypothecate, mortgage
imigracija f immigration
imigrant m immigrant
imigrirati vi immigrate
imitacija f imitation, copying; (bojom) mimicry | ~ srebra immitation silver
imitator m imitator; (artist) impersonator
imitiranje n imitating, imitation ; copying; aping, apery
imitirati vt imitate, copy; (kretnje) mimic; (primjer)
follow in the footsteps, follow suit, fig take a leaf out
of one's book
imobilan adj immobile (v. nepokretan)
imobilizirati vt immobilize
imobilnost f immobility (v. nepokretnost)
imovina f belongings pl; v. imetak | pokretna ~ personality, personal estate, chattels, movable property; nepokretna ~ real estate (property), realty

imovni adj proprietary; holding property; having vested

imperativ m gram imperative; fig imperative, must
imperativan adj imperative, compelling
imperfekt m gram imperfect
imperfektivan adj gram imperfective (v. nesvren)
imperij m, ~a f empire
imperijalist m imperialist
imperijalistiki adj imperialistic
imperijalizam m imperialism
impersonalan adj impersonal (v. bezlian)
implicirati vt imply
implikacija f implication
imponiranje n filling with awe, making a great and
good impression; filling with admiration
imponira|ti vi impress | jako im je ~lo they were greatly
impressed by; ti mu ~ he is impressed by you
impotencija f med impotence
impotentan adj med impotent
impozantan adj imposing, striking
irnpozantnost f impressiveness
impregnacija f impregnation; text waterproofing
impregniran pp impregnated; text waterproof
impregnirati vt impregnate with, saturate with; (tkaninu) waterproof
impresario m manager, impresario
impresija f impression (v. dojam)
impresionirati vt impress (v. dojmiti se, ostaviti dojam
impresionist m (slikar) irnpressionist
impresionizam m (slikarstvo) impressionism
impresivan adj impressive
impresivnost f impressiveness
improvizacija f improvisation, improvising, getting up
extempore; extempore, performance
improvizator m improvisator
improviziran pp improvised, got up (performed) extempore
improviziranje n v. improvizacija
improvizirati vt improvise, get up (perform, recite) extempore
impuls m impuls
impulzivan adj impulsive; (nagao) quick-tempered
impulzivnost f impulsiveness; (naglost) quick temper
imputiranje n imputation, laying at smb's door
imputirati vt impute, lay at (smb's) door
imuan adj well-to-do, well off, in easy circumstances;
(bogat) rich, wealthy | ~ covjek a man of fortune
(means, substance)
imunost f affluence, competence, easy circumstances;
(bogatstvo) wealth, riches
imun adj med & fig immune (na to)
imunitet f pol immunity | par oduzeti zastupniki ~
strip of parliamentary immunity
imunizacija f med immunization
imunizirati vt med immunize
imunost f med immunity
imutak m v. imetak

inae adv otherwise, else, or; (obino) ordinarily, commonly, usually ; (drukije) differently; (osim toga)
moreover, in addition to, besides; (drugda) formerly,
previously, at another time, at other times; (u drugu
ruku) on the other hand | ne mogu ~ nego... I cannot
but; ~ zvan alias; ~ nigdje nowhere else; ~ nitko no
one else; tko ~ nego ja who but I...
inaenje n spiting
inat m (pravdanje) quarrel, wrangling; (tvrdoglavost)
obstinacy, stubbornness, wilfulness; (prkos, zloba)
malice, spite, despite | iz ~a from pure spite; uiniti
iz ~a do to spite one
inatiti se vr show spite, be stubborn (spiteful)
inatljiv adj stubborn; spiteful
inauguracija f inauguration
inauguralan adj inaugural
inaugurirati vt inaugurate
incest m incest
incestuozan adj incestuous
incident m incident | izazvati ~ provoke (cause) an incident
in m (palac, col) inch
inun m ichth anchovy (menun, brgljun)
indecentan adj indecent
indecentnost f indecency
indeks m index; univ matriculation book | fig na ~u prohibited
indemnitet m indemnity, legal exemption from penalty
indicija f clue, lead, jur evidence
indicirati vt indicate (v. ukazivati)
indiferentan adj indifferent, neutral; unconcerned, apathetic
indiferentnost m indifference; unconcernedness; apathy
indignacija f indignation
indigniran adj indignant
indignirati vt make indignant
indignirati se vr become indignant (zbog over)
indigo m bot indigo; (za kopiranje) carbon paper, carbon
Indija f geog India | Prednja ~ India Proper, Western
India; Stranja ~ Further India ; Zapadna ~ West
Indijac m Indian, Hindoo
Indijanac m Red Indian, Indian
indijanski adj Indian
Indijka f Hindoo woman
indijski adj Hindoo
indikacija f indication
indikativ m gram indicative
indikativan adj indicative
indikator m indicator
indirektan adj indirect | gram ~ govor indirect (oblique,
reported) speech
indirektno adv indirectly
indiskrecija f indiscretion
indiskretan adj indiscreet, injudicious
indiskretno adv indiscreetly
indiskretnost f indiscretion
indisponiran adj indisposed

indisponirati vt indispose
indispozicija f indisposition
individua f individual; derog character, type
individualan adj individual
individualistiki adj individualist(ic)
individualizam m individualism
individualizirati vt individualize
individualno adv individually
individualnost f individuality
individuum m individual
indoevropeist m ling Indo-Europeanist
indoevropeistika f ling Indo-European studies
Indoevropljanin m Indo-European
indoevropski adj Hng Indo-European
Indokina f geog Indochina
indoktrinacija f indoctrination, brain-washing
indoktrinirati vt indoctrinate, brainwash
indolencija f indolence; laziness, carelessness
indolentan adj indolent, careless; lazy
indolog m ling indologist
indologija f indology, Indian studies
indoloki adj indological
Indonezija f geog Indonesia
indonezijski adj Indonesian
Indoneanin m Indonesian
indosirati vt fin endorse (v. mjenica)
induciranje n inducing, induction
inducirati vt induce; infer
indukcija f induction
indukcijski adj | phys ~ aparat induction coil
induktivan adj inductive
induktivnost f inductivity
induktor m el inductor
industrija f industry | laka (teka, preraivaka) ~
light (heavy, manufacturing) industry
industrijalac m industrialist
industrijalizacija f industrialization
industrijalizirati vt industrialize
industrijalizirati se vr industrialize, become industrialized
industrijsk|i adj industrial | farm ~e kulture cash crops
inekcija f v. injekcija
inercij|a f inertia | po ~i by inertia; inertional
inertan adj inert
inertnost f inertness, inertia
infaman adj infamous, notorious, of ill fame
infam|ija f, ~nost f infamy
infanterija f mil arch v. pjeadija
infantilan adj infantile
infantilnost f infantility
infarkt m med infarct(ion) | pop dobiti ~ have a coronary
infekcija f infection, contamination
infek|ciozan, ~tivan adj med infectious, infective (v.
infek|cioznost, ~tivnost f med infectiousness, infectiveness
inferioran adj inferior; below average quality; of poor
mental or physical quality

inferiornost f inferiority
inficiran pp infected
inficirati vt infect, contaminate
inficirati se vr become (get) infected
infiks m ling infix
infiltracija f infiltration
infiltrat m med infiltrate
infiltrator m pol infiltrator
infiltrirati vt infiltrate
infiltrirati se vr infiltrate (u into)
infinitezimal|an adj infinitesimal | math ~ni raun infinitesimal calculus
infinitiv m gram infinitive (mood)
infinitivan adj gram infinitival
inflacija f inflation
inflacijski adj inflationary
inflagranti adv Lat v. na djelu
infleksija f ling inflexion
influenca f med v. gripa
informacijfa f information; (jedna) a piece of information | ~e information (nema plurala!)
informacioni adj | ~ ured enquiry office, information
informant m ling informant
informatika f informatics
informativan adj informative
informator m informer
Informbiro m pol (Information Bureau of) the Cominform
informbirovac m pol Cominform supporter
informbirovski adj pol pro-Cominform
informiran pp informed; well-informed
informirati vt inform, apprise, notify; make known to
informirati se vr make inquiries, find out; get informed,
gather information
infracrven adj | phys ~e zrake infrared rays
infrastruktura f infrastructure
infuzija f med infusion
infuzorije n pl biol infusoria
ingeniozan adj ingenious
ingenioznost f ingeniousness
ingerencija f interference, meddling
ingot m metal ingot
ingredijent m ingredient, component (part)
ingver m cul v. umbir
inhal|acija f, ~iranje n med inhalation, breathing in
inhalirati vt med inhale, breathe in
inherencija f inherence
inherentan adj inherent
inherentnost f inherence
inhibicija f psych inhibition
inhibiran pp psych inhibited
inhibir|ati vt psych inhibit | koji ~a inhibitory
ini adj arch v. drugi
inicijal|i m pl initials, initial letters | staviti ~e initial
inicijativ|a f initiative, incentive | dati ~u initiate; uzeti
~u take the initiative; na vlastitu ~u on one's own

inicijator m initiator
inicirati vt initiate
injekcij|a f med injection (protiv against), coll shot | dati
(dobiti) ~u give (receive) an injection
injektirati vt inject
inkarnacija f incarnation (v. utjelovljenje)
inkarniran pp incarnate (v. utjelovljen)
inkarnirati vt incarnate; embody
inkasator m bill collector; (plina, struje) meter reader
inkasirati vt collect (money)
inkaso m fin cash payment
inklin|acija f, ~iranje n (v. sklonost)
inklinirati vi incline; be disposed, tend to; be liable to;
be prone to
inkluzivan adj inclusive, including
inkognito adv incognito; disguised
inkoherentan adj incoherent
inkoherentnost f incoherence
inkomodirati vt inconvenience, put out
inkomodirati se vr inconvenience oneself, put oneself
inkompatibilan adj incompatible
inkompatibilnost f incompatibility
inkonvenirati (se) vt (vr) v. inkomodirati (se)
inkorporacija f incorporation
inkorporirati vt incorporate
inkriminacija f incrimination
inkriminiran pp involved in accusation
inkriminirati vt incriminate, charge with crime
inkubacij|a f incubation, hatching | med trajanje ~e
incubation period
inkubator m incubator (i med), hatching-apparatus
inkubus m incubus
inkunabul|a f incunabulum | ~e incunabula
inkvizicija f hist inquisition; the Holy Office
inkvizitor m hist & fig inquisitor
inkvizitorski adj fig inquisitorial
inlet m text ticking
inoa f Tur concubine, kept woman
inokos|an adj sole, solitary, isolated; without companion;
living alone with his wife and children | ~na tvrtka
sole trader; ~ni seljak non-collectivized farmer
inokulacija f med inoculation
inokulirati vt med inoculate
inoperabilan adj med inoperable
inostran adj v. inozemni
inostranac m v. inozemac
inostranstvo n v. inozemstvo
inovacija f innovation
inovator f innovator
inovjerac m person of another religion (creed, sect itd.);
inovjerka f woman of another religion (creed)
inovjerstvo n heterodoxy
inozemac m foreigner
inozemka f foreign woman
inozemni adj foreign | ministarstvo ~h poslova foreign
ministry (B Foreign Office, A State Department)

inozemstv|o n foreign countries | u ~u abroad; otii u ~o

go abroad
inscenacija f theat staging, mise en scne; (lana) staging; (podvala) frame-up
inscenirati vt theat stage; (lano) stage
insekt m insect (v. kukac)
insekticid m insecticide
insert m journ insert
insignije f pl insignia; distinguishing marks (emblems)
of office
insinuacija f insinuation, (nagovjetaj) innuendo
insinuirati vt insinuate
insistirati vi insist (na on)
insolacija f sci insolation, exposure to sun's rays
insolventan adj fin insolvent
insolventnost f fin insolvence
inspekcija f inspection; superintendence
inspektor m inspector; superintendent
inspektorat m inspector's office (rank)
inspicijent m theat stage manager
inspicirati vt inspect
inspiracija f inspiration
inspirator m inspirer, inspirator
inspiriran pp inspired, animated
inspirirati vt inspire, animate
inspirirati se vr get an inspiration, become inspired
instalacij|a f installation | ~e installations, fittings; utilities, facilities; elektrine ~e wiring; vodovodne ~e
instalater m fitter | vodovodni ~ plumber
instalirati vt install
instalirati se vr v. smjestiti se
instanc(ij)a f instance; jur higher court | posljednja ~
(court of) last resort; druga ~
instinkt m instinct | po ~u by instinct
instinktivan adj instinctive
instinktivno adv instinctively
institucija f institution
institut m institute institution; (internat) boarding-school
institutski adj institute
instruirati vt instruct ; (uenike) tutor, give private lessons
instrukcij|a f instruction; private lesson | davati (uzimati) ~e give (take) private lessons
instruktaa f instructing, instruction; tutoring
instruktivan adj instructive (v. pouan)
instruktor m instructor; (uenika) tutor, private teacher
instrument m musical instrument; (naprava, alat) apparatus, mechanical appliance | privredni ~i instruments of economic policy
instrumentacija f mus instrumentation
instrumentalan adj mus instrumental
instrumentalist m mus instrumentalist
instrumentarij m med (set of) instruments
instrumentarka f med instrument nurse, theatre nurse
instrumentirati vt mus instrument, orchestrate
insubordinacija f insubordination
insuficijencija f insufficiency (i med)
insuficijentan adj insufficient

insulin m pharm insulin

intabulacija f registration of (title) deeds
intabulirati vt register (title) deeds
intaiti se vr be capriciously obstinate
intaktan adj intact (v. nedirnut)
intaljo m intaglio, engraved gem
intarzija f tarsia; mosaic woodwork
integracija f integration; (poduzea) merger
integral m math integral
integralan adj integral, whole, complete | math ~ raun
integral calculus
integrirati (se) vt (vr) integrate; (poduzea) merge
integritet m integrity
intelekt m intellect, mind, understanding, reason; intellectual faculty
intelektualac m educated person | visoki ~ intellectual
intelektuallan adj intellectual | ~ni krugovi intellectual
circles, intelligentsia; ~na zvanja v. nemanuelna
intelektualizam m intellectualism
inteligencija f intelligence; (ljudi) educated classes (v.
intelektualni krugovi) | natprosjena ~ brilliance
inteligentan adj intelligent; brainy, bright, quick-witted,
sharp-witted, clear-headed, wide awake | natprosjeno ~ brilliant
intencija f intention, purpose
intendant m theat (theatre) manager; mil quartermaster,
intendantura f mil supply service
intenzifikacija f intensification
intenzitet m intensity
intenzivan adj intensive; intense; strong, active; thorough; keen; vigorous; (boja) deep
intenzivirati (se) vt (vr) intensify
intenzivno adv intensely, intensively ; vigorously
intenzivnost f intensity
interdikt m eccl interdict
interegnum m interregnum
interes m interest; (zanimanje) curiosity; (korist) advantage, profit; v. kamata | iz ~a for gain, out of selfinterest; u vlastitom ~u for your own sake, ~ za
interesantan adj interesting; (neobian) curious
interesantnost f quality exciting interest
interesent m interested party; com prospective buyer
interesirati (se) vi (vr) v. zanimati (se); inquire (about)
interesn|i adj | ~a sfera sphere of interest
interferencija f interference
interfon m intercom
interijer m interior
interkontinentalan adj intercontinental
interludij m interlude
intermeco m intermezzo
interna f coll v. interni odio
internacija f internment
Internacionala f hist International; (pjesma) Internationale
internacionalan adj international
internacionalist m internationalist
internacionalistiki adj internationalist

internacionalizacija f internationalization
jnternacionalizam m internationalism
internacionalizirati vt internationalize
internacionalizirati se vr become international
internacionalno adv internationally
internacionalnost f internationality, international character
internat m boarding school | ekskluzivni ~ B public
school, A prep school; uenik koji stanuje u ~u
boarding-school pupil
internatkinja f boarding-school girl
internatski adj boarding-school; residential
intern|i adj internal | med ~a medicina internal medicine; med ~i odio (bolnice) medical department
internirac m internee
interniranje n v. internacija
internirati vt intern
internist m med internist
iuternistiki adj med internist
interparlamentaran adj pol interparliamentary
interpelacija f pol interpellation
interpelant m pol interpellator
interpeliranje n pol interpellation
interpelirati vt pol interpellate
interplanetaran adj interplanetary; space
interpolacija f interpolation
iuterpolirati vt interpolate
interpret m interpret (v. tuma)
interpretacija f interpretation
interpretant m interpreter, expounder
interpretirati vt interpret; expound, explain
interpunkcij|a f punctuation | znak ~e punctuation
mark; unijeti znakove ~ e punctuate
interurban m B trunk call, A long-distance call | nazvati
~om B make a trunk-call; A make a long-distance
call, coll call by long distance
interval m interval; break; gap
intervencija f intervention | kirurka ~ surgery, operation
intervencionist m pol interventionist
intervenirati vi intervene (in) | ~ za nekoga put in a
word for someone
intervju m interview | dati ~ grant an interview
intervjuiranje n interviewing
intervjuir|ati vi interview | osoba koja ~a interviewer;
osoba koju se ~a interviewee
intima f innermost feelings; intimate mood
intiman adj intimate | ~ prijatelj intimate (close,
bosom) friend
intimno adv intimately
intimnost f intimacy
intimus m v. intimni prijatelj
intolerancija f intolerance
intolerantan adj intolerant
intonacija f intonation
intonirati vi intone | ~ himnu strike up the (national)
intramuskularan adj med intramuscular

intravenoz|an adj med intravenous | ~no hranjenje intravenous feeding

intravenozno adv med intravenously
intriga f intrigue, plot
intrigant m, ~kinja f intriguer, schemer
intrigiranje f intriguing, plotting
intrigirati vi intrigue; plot (against), scheme; v. zanimati
introspekcija f introspection
introvert m psych introvert
introvertan adj psych introvert
introvertira|ti vt psych (make) introvert | ~na linost
introvert (personality)
introvertirati se vr psych become introvert
introvertnost f psych introvert nature (quality)
introverzija f psych introversion
intuicija f intuition
intuitivan adj intuitive
intuitivno adv intuitively, by intuition
intuitivnost f intuitiveness
invalid m disabled person, invalid | uiniti ~om disable;
postati ~ become disabled; ratni (vojni) ~ B disabled
ex-service man, A disabled veteran; ~ rada disabled
invaliditet m invalidity, disablement
invalidnina f disability pay (pension)
invalidsk|i adj | ~o osiguranje disability insurance; ~a
mirovina disability pension
invazij|a f invasion; inroad; raid; incursion | izvrsiti ~u
invencija f inventiveness, imaginativeness (invention =
invenciozan adj v. inventivan
inventar m inventory; (sobe) furniture & fittings | sastaviti ~ draw up an inventory (v. inventura)
inventarizirati vt inventarize, draw up an inventory of
inventivan adj inventive, imaginative
inventivnost f inventiveness, imaginativeness
inventur|a f stock-taking | vriti ~u take stock ; draw up
an inventory
inverzija f inversion (i gram)
investicija f investment, money invested (in) ; earmarking (assigning) funds for; appropriation
investicion|i adj investment | ~a oprema capital equipment
investirati vt invest money in; assign funds to
investitor m investor
investitura f investiture
inzistirati vi v. insistirati
inenjer m (graduate) engineer | strojarski ~ mechanical engineer; ~ elektrotehnike electrical engineer; ~
brodogradnje naval architect; ~ graevinarstva
civil engineer; ~ rudarstva mining engineer; ~ metalurgije metallurgical engineer
inenjerija f mil B Royal Engineers, A Engineer Corps
inenjerijski adj mil | ~ oficir engineer officer
inenjering m engineering (services)
ininjer m v. inenjer

inj|e n coll white frost, hoar-frost, poet rime; frozen dew

| pun ~a rimy
iole adv | ako ~ (imalo, uope) if (only) a bit, if at all
ion m phys ion
ionako adv as it is (was), anyhow
ionizacija f phys ionization
ionizirati vt phys ionize
ionosfera f phys ionosphere
ionski adj phys ion, ionic
ipak adv (meutim) however; (usprkos) nevertheless,
notwithstanding, for all that, still, yet; (konano) at
all events; (s obzirom na sve) taking all into consideration, considering all; (na kraju krajeva) after all,
in the end, finally | ali ~ but yet; dakle ~ so, then; ~
je sve bilo uzalud it was all in vain, though
iperit m chem mustard gas
ipsilon m (letter) y [wai]
Irac m Irishman | Irci the Irish
iracional|an adj irrational | math ~ni broj irrational
iracionalizam m phil irrationalism
iracionalno adv irrationally
iracionalnost f irrationality
Iraanin m Iraqi
iraki adj Iraqi
iradijacija f phys & med irradiation
Irak m Iraq
Iran m Iran
Iranac m Iranian
iranski adj Iranian
irealan adj hypothetical; (uvjetan) conditional, contingent
irealnost f irreality
iredenta f pol the Irredenta
iredentist m pol irredentist
iregularan adj irregular (v. nepravilan, nepropisan)
iregularnost f irregularity
irelevantan adj irrelevant
irelevantnost f irrelevance
iridij m chem iridium
irigacija f v. navodnjavanje; (kontracepcija) douche
irigator m med irrigator; (kontracepcijski) douche
irigirati vt med irrigate, flush out
irigirati se vr take a douche
iris n anat v. arenica; bot v. perunika
iritacija f irritation (i med)
iritantan adj irritating
iritantnost f irritating quality
iritirati vt irritate (i med); v. nadraivati
Irkinja f Irish woman
Irokez m Iroquois (pl Iroquois)
ironian adj ironic(al)
ironino adv ironically
ironija f irony
ironizirati vt ironize
Irska f geog Ireland
irski adj Irish
irvas m zoo v. sob
iscijediti vt press (squeeze, squash, wring) out

iscijediti se vr ooze out (away), leak out

iscijeliti vt v. izlijeiti
iscijepati vt chop up; (kalati) split up; (na trijeske)
splinter, rive; v. izderati, poderati
iscjedak m med discharge
iscjeivanje n squeezing, wringing; oozing, leaking
iscjeivati vt v. iscijediti
iscjepkati vt chop up fine, mince
iscjeljenje n v. izljeenje, ozdravljenje
iscmakati vt derog kiss all over
iscrpan adj exhaustive, comprehensive, detailed, circumstantial
iscrpljen adj exhausted ; (izmoren) tired (worn) out,
dog-tired, broken, prostrate, spent, done up; coll
knocked-up; (tlo) out of heart; (rudnik) worked out,
exploited; drained
iscrpljenost f exhaustion
iscrpno adv exhaustively, comprehensively, circumstantially
iscrpnost f exhaustiveness
iscrpsti vt exhaust, tire out, coll knock up; (i fig) drain
(of); (troiti) use up, consume, spend; (tekuinu) ladle
(bale, bail, scoop) out, draw (water), pump (suck) up;
(eludac) evacuate; (rudnik) exploit, work out; (temu)
treat exhaustively
iscrpsti se vr be exhausted (spent, drained); (snaga)
spend oneself, wear oneself out; (zaliha) run low
(short) ; (rasprodan) be sold out (off), be disposed of
iscrta|ti vt | ~ni papir (papir s crtama) ruled paper
iscuriti vi flow (pour, trickle, ooze, leak) out
iseliti vt move (out), remove; (silom) eject, evict; (pokustvo) remove (furniture)
iseliti se vr move (out), change one's abode (lodgings);
(iz zemlje) emigrate
iseljavanje n v. iseljenje
iseljenik|i adj | ~a agencija emigrant (emigration) office
iseljenik m emigrant
iseljenitvo n emigrants
iselj|enje, ~ivanje n removal; (silom) eviction, ejection,
ejectment; (u tuinu) emigration ; changing of abode
isforsiran adj forced
isforsirati vt force
isfukati vt v. izvidati
ishaban adj v. pohaban, istroen, iznoen
ishitren adj arch v. izmiljen, laan
ishitriti vt arch v. izmisliti, smisliti
ishlapio pp evaporated (pivo) flat; (vino) dead
ishlapiti vt evaporate, vaporize; exhale; (izlaziti) escape;
(pivo) get flat, effervesce
ishlapljiv adj ethereal, volatile, essential, effervescent
ishlapljivanje n evaporation, exhalation, effervescence
ishlapljivost f volatility
ishod m (rezultat) result, end, issue, outcome; v.
ishodite n point of departure, starting point, start, origin
ishoditi vt (potjecati) originate, spring up, have rise in
(from), emerge from, result from ; (pribaviti) procure
(get, obtain) for one; (postii) bring about

ishrakati vt clear one's throat of phlegm

ishran|a f diet; nutrition | strunjak za ~u nutritionist
ishra|niti vt v. prehraniti, nahraniti | nedovoljno ~njen
ishranjenost f | nedovoljna ~ undernourishment
isijavati vt phys emit, radiate, give off; fig radiate, exude
isisati vt suck out, suck dry, pump dry, drain; fig exhaust, bleed white
isitniti vt cleave (split, chop, cut) small, make chips
isjeckati vt cut up small (into pieces), chop (very fine),
chop up, hack, mince
isjeak m part cut out; segment; geom sector; (iz novina)
v. izrezak
isjei vt cut (hew) out; v. izrezati; (umu) cut down (fell)
trees; clear land; reclaim forested land; (prorijediti)
thin the wood; (klesati) carve, chisel (out)
iskakanje n (vlaka) derailment
iskakati vi v. iskoiti
iskakati se vr v. naskakati se
iskaliti vt give ven to one's anger (passion, wrath itd.)
on, vent one's anger on, wreak one's rage upon, work
off one's bad temper on
iskalkulirati vt calculate
iskaljati vt v. zablatiti, ukaljati
iskamiti vt v. izmoljakati
iskanje n v. traenje
iskapanje n digging out (for), excavation; (mrtvaca)
disinterment, exhumation; (arheoloko) excavation
iskapati' vt v. iskopati; archeol excavate
iskapati'' vi (tekuina) leak out drop by drop
iskapanje n el v. iskljuivanje
iskapati vt v. iskljuiti
iskapiti vt drain a glass, drink (empty) to the very dregs
(the last drop), leave no heel-taps, drink to the lees;
v. ispiti na duak
iskarati vt v. izgrditi; (poeviti) fuck
iskarikirati vt caricature
iskasapiti vt v. izmrcvariti
iskaljati vt spit out with coughing, cough up (out), med
iskaljati se vr cease (finish, have done) coughing, clear
one's throat
iskaljavanje m med expectoration
iskati vt v. traiti
iskaz m (prikaz stvari) statement; com statement; (popis)
list, schedule, tabulated statement; (izvjetaj) report,
account; (knjiga) register; (svjedoka) evidence, deposition; verbal evidence; (pod zakletvom) deposition
on oath; (u zapisnik) affidavit | prema njegovu ~u
according to his statement, from what he says; laan
~ false testimony
iskazati vt (rei) say, express (in words); (izjaviti) state;
(svjedok) depose, make a deposition; (pod zakletvom)
testify on oath, state on oath, give sworn evidence | ~
zahvalnost render thanks; ~ tovanje look up to, pay
respect to, do homage; mil ~ poast salute; ~ posljednju poast do the last observance, do the funeral

iskazati se vr distinguish oneself, win distinction (fame,

credit) ; accomplish a notable deed
iskazivanje n making a statement; deposition; testimony
iskaznica f identity card | lanska ~ membership card;
osobna ~ (domovnica) identity card
iskefati vt coll v. ietkati; izgrditi
iskesiti vt | ~ zube show one's teeth
iskesiti se vr (ceriti se) make grimaces, grimace; (smijuljenje) grin (smirk) broadly; (kiselo) make a wry face
(mouth) to; (izderati se) snarl out
iskien adj decorated, ornamented, adorned, embellished, trimmed, dressed up, arrayed
iskidati vt tear to pieces (shreds), rend apart (asunder),
pick to pieces; (trgati) wrench out (off)
iskidati se vr wear oneself out | ~ poslom over work oneself
iskihati se vr have done sneezing, stop sneezing
iskijati vi v. platiti, ispatati
iskilaviti se vr vulg work one's tail off, bust one's ass
(oba sl)
iskipjeti vi boil (bubble) over, overflow boiling
iskii|ti se vr | ~lo se it has stopped raining, ample rain
has fallen
iskititi vt dress up, trim up, adorn, ornament, decorate
elaborately (all over), array, deck, bedeck, embellish,
beautify; (dotjerati) heighten up
iskititi se vr spruce oneself up
isklasati vi (itarice) form ears
isklepati vt hammer out the scythe to make it sharp
isklesati vt chisel out, carve, sculpture
iskli|an adj | ~na cijena initial price
isklijati vi germinate, sprout, crop out (forth), shoot
forth, spring up
iskliznue n (vlaka) derailment
iskliznuti vi slip out (off); (vlak) v. iskoiti
iskljuenje n (izluenje) elimination; (odstranjenje) expulsion, excommunication; (zabrana pristupa) barring, exclusion
isklju|iti vt eliminate; (iz kole) expel; eccl excommunicate, ban, interdict; banish; (zabraniti pristup) keep
out, prohibit from, shut out from, bar, debar, oust
(from); rule out; (struju, aparat) switch (turn) off,
disconnect | sp ~iti iz igre send off; ~ujui excluding;
~eno! (that is) out of the question!
iskljuiti se vr exclude oneself; fig shut one's mind off;
(aparati) go (turn) off
iskljuiv adj exclusive, only, sole
iskljucivanje n v. iskljuenje; el switching (turning) off,
iskljuivati vt v. iskljuiti
iskljuivati se vr be mutually exclusive
iskljuivo adv only, exclusively, not counting, except,
not including, barring
iskljuivost f exclusivism
iskljuvati vt peck out
isknjiba f removal from land register
isknjiiti vt remove from land register
iskobeljati se vr v. ispetljati se

iskoiti v jump (leap, spring) out from; (vlak iz tranica)

leave the rails, be derailed; (padobranom) bail out |
hoe da iskoi iz koe he is fuming (raging, foaming
with rage), he has lost his temper
iskolaiti vt v. razrogaiti oi
iskoliti vt peg off, mark off with stakes
iskombinirati vt combine; work out
iskompleksiran adj v. pun kompleksa
iskompleksirati vt v. opteretiti kompleksima
iskompleksirati se vr v. dobiti kornplekse
iskomplicirati vt v. zakomplicirati
iskon m origin, beginning | od ~a from the very beginning, from the first (primeval, primordial) times
iskonski adj primeval, primordial
iskonstruirati vt invent, fabricate, rig
iskop m excavation
iskopati vt dig up, get by digging, unearth; (dupsti) hollow (scoop) out; (brlog) burrow; (zdenac) sink (a
well); archeol excavate
iskopati se vr fig extricate (disentangle) oneself from;
(osloboditi se) break loose (free), break away from
iskopavanje n v. iskapanje
iskopati vt v. iskljuiti
iskopina f excavated object (find, ruin, relic)
iskopnjeti vi melt (thaw) away
iskoprcati se vr disentangle (extricate) oneself
iskoraiti vi step forward (out)
iskorijeniti vt unroot, uproot, tear (pluck) by the root,
root out, exterminate, eradicate, extirpate; cut up root
and branch; (unititi) destroy; (panj) grub up
iskoristiti vt make good use of, use to one's advantage
(profit), make the most of, turn to the best account,
put to profitable use; (zgodu) improve the occasion,
avail oneself of, profit by, take the opportunity; (ovjeka) take advantage of
iskoritavanje n using; taking advantage of; exploiting
iskoritavati vt v. iskoristiti
iskoritenost f utilization (level)
iskorjenjivanje n eradication
iskosa adv (look) askance
iskotiti vt v. okotiti
iskovati vt forge; (novac) mint coins; fig hammer out,
iskr|a f spark, sparkle, scintilla | ~e frcaju sparks fly; on
je radio da su sve ~e frcale he made the sparks fly
iskra|sti (~dati) se vr v. iuljati se
iskrcati vt (s broda) disembark, debark, put (set) ashore,
land; (robu, teret) unload, unlade; unship, discharge;
(brod) clear the vessel; (sipanjem) shoot; (nagibanjem) tip out, tilt down; (u gomili) dump; (na samotni
otok za kaznu) maroon
iskrcati se vr land, go ashore, disembark | mil ~ na
obalu hit the beach
iskrcava m discharger, unloader; v. luki radnik
iskrcavalite n unloading site (facility)
iskrcavanje n landing, going ashore, disembarkation;
(tereta) unloading, discharge, unloading ; mil landing | poceti s ~m istovrsne robe break the bulk

iskriti vt clear land, cut (fell) trees; (korijenje i panjeve) grub up, stub; disafforest, reclaim from forest
lands, bring under cultivation
iskren adj sincere, frank, candid, open-hearted, simpleminded, single-hearted, straightforward; (bez dvolinosti) unfeigned, genuine
iskreno adv sincerely, candidly, frankly, plainly, unfeignedly, unreservedly, out spokenly | ~ govorei frankly (speaking), to tell the truth
iskrenost f sincerity, frankness, openness, plainness of
speech, outspokeness, straightforwardness
iskrenuti vt (van) invert, reverse, turn inside out; (naglavce) turn upside down; (prevrnuti) upset, overturn; (nagnuti) tilt, tip up; (i isprazniti) discharge,
empty into
iskrenje n sparkling, sci scintillation
iskresati vt (vatru) strike sparks (fire, light) out of flint
iskretanje n tipping, discharging, upsetting; (van) turning inside out; inversion, reversion
iskreveljiti se vr v. nakreveljiti se
iskrhati vt chip, cut (break) off pieces
iskrica f dim sparklet
iskriav adj sparkling
iskriavost f sparkling quality; (duhovitost) scintillating
iskristalizirati vt crystallize, let something take more
definite shape
iskristalizirati se vr take a more definite shape, crystallize (out)
iskriti (se) vi (vr) emit sparks, glitter, sparkle, glisten,
twinkle, scintillate
iskriviti vt (lice) distort (features), make grimaces; (svinuti) bend, contort, bow down, curve, crook; (drvo)
warp; (istrgnuti) wrench out of shape; (znaenje, rijei) distort, twist; (istinu, injenice) twist, misrepresent, stretch, colour, put a false construction on, garble; (raune) coll cook (accounts)
iskriviti se vr (drvo) warp, bend; (cipele) get out of
iskrivljavanje n warping, wrenching; (rijei, injenica)
distortion, twisting, misrepresentation, stretching (the
truth), putting a false construction on, garbling
iskrivljavati vt v. iskriviti
iskrivljen adj twisted, distorted, lop-sided (sve i fig); out
of shape
iskrivljenost f distorted quality, being twisted, distortedness
iskrivljenje n anat deformation (v. kima)
iskriati vt cross out; cross repeatedly (densely); crisscross
iskrojiti vt v. skrojiti
iskrpiti vt v. zakrpati, pokrpati
iskrsnuti vi crop (come, turn) up
iskrvariti vi lose much blood, bleed oneself white; (borba) shed (spill) blood for a cause; fig be decimated | ~
do smrti bleed to death
iskrzan adj chipped, scratched, battered
iskucati vt v. otipkati
iskuhati vt boil; med boil, autoclave

iskukati se vr v. izjadati se, najadati se

iskukuljiti se vr v. iahuriti se
iskup m v. iskupljenje, otkup
iskupati se vr have a good swim (bath)
iskupitelj m redeemer
iskupiti vt (spasiti) redeem, save, deliver; (obeanje)
keep (fulfil) one's word (promise), make good one's
promise, remain true to one's word; (novcem) ransom, pay ransom (blackmail) for; (natrag) buy back,
re-purchase; (jamevinom) bail out
iskupiti se vr redeem oneself; fig make up for it
iskupljenik m redeemed person
iskupljenje n eccl redemption, salvation
iskupljiv adj redeemable
iskusan adj (vjet) skilled, skilful; (uvjeban) trained,
practised; (upuen) (well) versed in, expert at (in),
proficient in; experienced, at home in, intimately acquainted with, familiar with | on nije osobito ~ u he
is not much of a...
iskusiti vt (pretrpjeti, doivjeti) meet with, see, experience, suffer, go through, undergo; (osjetiti) feel | ~
sam experience personally
iskustven adj experimental, empiric(al)
iskustv|o n experience; (uvjebanost) routine, practice;
(znanje) knowledge | iz ~a from experience; stei ~o
gain experience; (razuzdanim ivotom) see life; (u vojsci) see service; gorko (alosno) ~o bitter (sad, dire)
experience; bez ~a inexperienced
iskuan adj (vjeran) tried, loyal, faithful, true; (vojnik)
seasoned; (isproban) tested, proof against
iskuati vt try out; (patnjom) put to ordeal; (pokus) test,
essay; prove, put to the proof (trial, test) ; (doivjeti)
experience, go through; (ispipati) draw out, induce to
talk, sound, pump
iskuavanje n temptation, enticement; (proba) ordeal,
trial, test | podnijeti ~ stand a proof (ordeal, trial)
iskuavati vt (napau) tempt; v. iskuati
iskueni|k m, ~ca f eccl novice
iskuenje n temptation; eccl noviciate; (pokus) trial |
dovesti u ~ lead into temptation
iskuvati vt v. iskuhati
iskvaren adj (jezik) corrupted, debased; v. pokvaren
iskvarenost f corruption, debasement; v. pokvarenost
iskvariti vt debase; v. pokvariti
iskvariti se vr (jezik) become corrupted (debased), degenerate, decay; v. pokvariti se
islabiti vt enfeeble, weaken, debilitate
islabjeti vi grow very weak (feeble); v. onemoati
islam m Islam
islamski adj Islamic
Island m geog Iceland
islandski adj Icelandic
Islanan|in m, ~ka f Icelander
islijediti vt v. istraiti
isluen adj (inovnik) superannuated; (profesor) emeritus; (oficir) retired; (umirovljen) pensioned off; (vojnik) veteran
isluiti vt serve (out) one's time, become unfit for work
(service), be past use, be superannuated, retire (after

one's full number of years); mil retire from active service

isljedni adj v. istrani
isljednik m v. istraitelj, sudac istraitelj
isljeivati vt v. istraivati
ismijati vt v. ismijavati
ismijavati (se) vt (vr) ridicule, deride, laugh down (to
scorn), scoff at, flout, insult, make game (sport) of
ismijavanje n derision, mockery, scoff, taunt, gibe, flout
ismjehivanje n v. ismijavanje
ismjehivati (se) vt & vr v. ismijavati (se)
ispaen adj toil-worn, worn-out; (iscrpljen) exhausted,
prostrate; (lice) worried, haggard
ispad m mil (provala iz tvrave) sally, sortie; (napadaj)
attack, assault, charge; (srdba) outburst, excess, incident | napraviti ~ commit an incident (outrage)
ispadanje n falling out; sp elimination
ispad|ati vi fall (drop) out; be omitted; mil (provaliti)
sally, make sallies (attacks), fly at | jelenu ~aju
rogovi stag sheds antlers; ~a mi kosa my hair is
thinning; sve mi ~a (iz ruke) I drop (shed) everything
ispada|ti se vr | ~lo se it has stopped raining (snowing)
ispaliti vt (hitac) discharge, fire (let) off; (ig) sear,
brand; (ranu) cauterize, sear | mil ~ raketu fire
(launch) a rocket
ispaljati vt mar (vodu iz amca) bale out
ispaljivanje n (hitac) discharge, firing off; (rane) cautery, cauterization, branding; (rakete) firing, blast-off
isparati vt (derati) rend (tear) asunder (apart) ;
(rasporiti) rip up (out, open); (na komade) tear to
pieces (into shreds); (av) unstitch
isparenj|e n | otrovna ~a poisonous fumes (exhalations)
ispariti vt steam, treat with (soak in) steam; stew, evaporate
ispariti se vr (ishlapiti) evaporate
isparivanje n evaporation, exhalation, effluvium
ispariv adj evaporable; (hlapiv) volatile
isparivati se vr (hlapiti) evaporate, emit (give out) steam
(vapour), exhale, fume, reek, steam
ispasite n pasture (grazing) land ; rangeland
ispasti vi (omai se) slip out (off); (iz pameti) escape
one's memory; v. ispadati | dobro ~ come out all
ispaa f pasture, grazing
ispatalo n scapegoat
ispatanje n expiation, atonement, making amends for
others as a scapegoat
ispastati vt expiate, atone for, make amends (reparations) for
ispatiti se vr v. napatiti se
ispavati se vr v. naspavati se
ispei vt bake, roast, fry, cook, broil, grill; (svriti) have
done baking (cooking)
ispe|i se vr be baked (roasted, cooked); (na suncu) get
sunburned | meso se ~klo the meat is roasted; ~ci pa
reci look before you jump
ispeti se vr v. popeti se

ispetljati se vr extricate oneself (i fig)

ispiutura f drunkard, tippler, bibber, soaker, guzzler,
hard drinker
ispijanje n drinking (out); draining
ispijati vt drink (out); v. ispiti; (izrabljivati) drain
ispijen adj (ispranjen) drained, emptied; (izmoden)
worn-out, toil-worn; (lice) haggard; (obrazi) sunken,
ispiliti vt saw up, have done sawing; (turpijom) file out
ispinjati se vr v. penjati se
ispipati vt feel (touch, paw, handle) all over; (izmamiti)
draw out, elicit, pump (sound) a person about (on);
fig take somebody's pulse; (istraivati) investigate,
inquire into, get to the bottom
ispiranje vt rinsing; (rude) washing out; (rane, oka)
bathing; chem ablution; (kontracepcija) irrigation,
ispirati vt v. isprati
ispis m withdrawal; striking off; (kompjuterski) print-out
ispisan adj written out; covered in writ-ing; (rukopis)
ispisati vt (potpuno) write out in full; (svuda) write all
over; (biljenicu) use up
ispisati se' vr have one's name removed (struck off) a list
or register, take one's name off the books; (iz organizacije) cease to be a member; (iz kole) withdraw
from school
ispisati se''-vr (istroiti se stvaralaki) burn oneself out
ispisavanje n copying out, transcription, writing out in
ispisivati vt v. ispisati
ispit' adj v. ispijen
ispit'' m examination, coll exam | usmeni (pismeni, prijamni, zavrni) ~ oral (written, entrance, final) examination ; prijaviti (spremati) ~ register (study) for
an examination; odustati od ~a withdraw from an
examination; polagati ~ take an examination; sit for
an examination ; poloiti ~ pass an examination;
pasti na ~u fail (at) an examination; sruiti na ~u
fail; doi na ~ present oneself for examination;
provui se na ~u scrape through; pristupiti ~u admit
to the examination; kandidat na ~u examinee; podvri se ~u sit for an examination; nadzirati na pismenom ~u invigilate (nadziratelj invigilator)
ispitan pp examined; (strojar i sl.) qualified, accredited
ispitanik m examinee; (na testu) subject, testee
ispitati vt examine, question, put questions; (slubeno)
interrogate; (svjedoke) take down a deposition, hear
evidence; (unakrsno) cross-examine; (istraivati) examine closely, investigate, inquire into; (prouiti)
study; (luiti) sift; (izvabiti) sound, pump, fathom;
(rezultat) scrutinize; (pregled) revise; (raune) audit,
ispiti vt drink off, finish one's glass; v. iskapiti, ~ na duak
ispitiva m examiner; (raspitkiva) inquirer; (istraitelj)
investigator, searcher; hist inquisitor; (nadzor) scrutinizer; (rauna) auditor, accountant; eccl catechizer
ispitivaki' adj questioning, probing, searching

ispitivaki'' adv questioningly, probingly, searchingly

ispitivanj|e n examination, questioning, eccl catechization; (presluavanje) hearing, interrogatory; (unakrsno) cross-exmination; (upit) interrogation, query,
asking; (istraga) investigation, inquiry; (znanstveno)
research; (porote) inquest; (tonosti) scrutiny, checking ; (rauna) auditing, revision; (pretresanje) sifting; (djelovanja) test, testing | podvrgnuti se ~u take
a test
ispitivati vt v. ispitati
ispitn|i adj dealing with (appertaining to) an examination, examining; testing | ~a zadaa examinationpaper; ~a komisija board of examiners; ~a svjedodba certificate, diploma
ispjevati vt make a poem, compose (write) poetry
ispjevati se vr v. napjevati se; burn oneself out (as a
isplaen pp paid off (up, for), settled; (dug) discharged,
squared, cleared, acquitted; (ostatak) balanced
isplaivanj|e n payment, paying out (off), discharge,
settlement, clearance ; (gotovinom) cash payment,
liquidation; (obrono) paying by instalments, paying
on the deferred payment system (v. otplata) | dan ~a
isplaivati vt v. isplatiti
isplahnuti vt rinse; (zahod) flush
isplaka f min drilling mud
isplakati se vr (do sita) weep one's fill, coll have a good
cry; (prestati) cease (finish, have done) weeping (crying), weep oneself out, cry one's eyes (heart) out, shed
tears; (dijete) blubber
isplanirati vt plan (out); design; finish planning; (tlo)
level the ground
isplat|a f v. isplaivanje | izvrsiti ~u make a payment
isplatiti vt (dug) clear off, acquit, settle, get square with
one's creditors; (platiti) pay out (off, down), pay in
full; (troak) defray; (razliku) balance; (naknadu) refund, repay, compensate; (mjenicu) honour a bill, take up a bill; (okajati) expiate, atone for
isplat|iti se vr prove (be) remunerative (profitable), be
worth the trouble, be worth the while | ~i se it pays;
ne ~se it does not pay; stroj e se ~iti za 5 godina
the engine will pay for itself in 5 years
isplativ adj payable, that can be paid (out), (settled,
cleared, liquidated)
isplatni adj payable | ~ arak payroll, pay-sheet
isplaziti vt (jezik) thrust forth (protrude, stick out) one's
tongue; (od nekuda) crawl (creep) out of
isplesti vt knit; (pletenicu) plait; (vijenac) wreathe; (ispreplesti) interlace
isplijeviti vt v. oplijeviti
isplivati vi swim out; (na povrinu) rise to the surface;
reach land by swimming; (izroniti) emerge; fig (iz
neprilike i sl.) get off unhurt (safe, scot-free), scrape
through (v. izvui se)
isploviti vi leave harbour (port), put out to sea, sail
ispljunuti vt expectorate, spit out, eject sputum (saliva)
from mouth

ispljuskati vt v. iukati; (vodu) splash out; (vodom)

splash wet
ispljuvak m med sputum
ispljuvati vt v. ispljunuti; (nekoga) spit all over one
ispljuvati se vr dribble all over oneself
ispoetka adv v. iz poetka
ispod prep below, beneath, under, underneath; (podno)
at the foot of; (leei) underlying, sub-; (nie) on a
lower level; (nii) inferior to, subordinate; (za manje
od) at less than | to je ~ mene (nedostojno) this is below me
ispodvlaiti vt underline heavily
ispohati vt cul v. pohati
ispoljiti vt reveal, demonstrate (v. pokazati)
ispoljiti se vr become apparent, turn out (v. pokazati se)
ispom|oi, ~agati vt help out
isporediti vt v. usporediti
isporiti vt v. isparati, rasporiti
isporuiti vt deliver, supply (v. dostaviti); v. poruiti
isporuk|a f delivery | rok ~e term of delivery
isposlovati vt (za nekoga) obtain (get) something for
someone, procure; (uspjeti) carry one's point with
one, succeed with one; (provesti, izvriti) bring about,
carry through, effect, effectuate; arrange
isposniki adj ascetic, austere
isposnik m faster, hermit, anchoret, anchorite, recluse
isposnitvo n asceticism, austerity
ispostava f branch office; section office; post
ispostaviti vt draw up (a document); make out (a receipt)
| ~ ek na make a cheque payable
ispostaviti se vr (pokazati se) turn out, prove to be
ispovijed m eccl auricular confession; (priznanje)
avowal, acknowledgment, making a clean breast of;
eccl priznati na ~i confess, make confession of; eccl
ii na ~ go to confession
ispovijedanje n confessing; hearing confession; professing
ispovijedati vt (vjeru) profess a religion; (priznati) own,
acknowledge; eccl (drugoga) hear confession
ispovijed|ati se vr confess (one's sins); (priznati) make a
clean breast of; (otkriti) disclose | eccl osoba koja se
~a confessant
ispovijest f v. ispovijed
ispovjedaonica f confessional
ispovjediti vt v. ispovijedati
ispovjedn|i adj | eccl ~a tajna secret of the confessional
ispovjednik m (father) confessor
ispraaj m send-off | osobe dole na ~ well-wishers
ispraati vt v. ispratiti
ispran pp washed out; (boja) faded (owing to washing)
ispraiti vt (prainu) dust, clear of dust by thrashing
(beating), beat (a rug) | ~ nekome lea dust one's
jacket, thrash one
isprati vt wash out (off, away) ; (mrlje) remove stains;
(oistiti) cleanse; (isplahnuti) rinse; (ranu) bathe;
(crijeva) clyster; (grlo) gargle
ispratiti vt (nekamo) see to; (niz stube) see downstairs;
(kui) see home; accompany, bear company to; (vodi-

ti) conduct, convoy; (straa) escort; (van) show out;

(na polasku) see off, send off; (gospou) squire a lady
isprav|a f document, deed, titledeed; (povelja) diploma,
patent, roll, record, charter | osobne ~e papers of
identity; osoba bez ~a person without papers; uvar
~a (arhivar) Master of the Rolls; arhiv za ~e (u
samostanu itd.) cartulary
ispravak m (pogreaka) correction; rectification; (u
knjizi) emendation; (tiska) v. korektura
isprav|an adj (bez pogreke) free from error, correct;
(toan) exact, accurate (nepristran) true, fair; (kako
treba) right, proper; (dokumenti) valid | u ~om
stanju in working order
ispravdati vt get (obtain) by litigation
ispraviti vt correct (error), rectify, emend, amend;
(dovesti u red) set in order, put (set) right, set (put) to
rights, regulate; (preudesiti) adjust, readjust;
(krivicu) redress, remedy, make up for, right;
(uspraviti, podii) set up, erect; (izravnati svinuto)
unbend, set straight, straighten
ispraviti se vr (sjedeke) get up, raise oneself, rise, sit
up; (prevaljeno) right oneself; (greku) correct oneself
ispravka f v. ispravak, ispravljanje
ispravlja m corrector; el rectifier
ispravljanje n correction, revision, emendation;
(krivice) redress, reparation; (dizanje) setting up,
erection; (krivine) straightening, unbending
ispravljati vt v. ispraviti
ispravljiv adj rectifiable, correctable
ispravno adv right, rightly, accuratly, properly, truly
ispravnost f correctness, accuracy, truth, propriety,
righteness, "the (proper) thing", fitness, seemliness
isprazan adj vain, idle, futile, frivolous, empty, groundless
isprazniti vt empty, evacuate, clear, vacate; (iseliti)
move, quit, flit; discharge; (iscrpsti) drain; (bavu
otakanjem) rack (draw) off (wine)
isprazniti se vr empty, become empty (vacant, void); v.
obaviti nudu
ispraznost f vanity, frivolousness, emptiness; groundlessness
ispranjen pp emptied, empty, vacant; (nezauzet) unoccupied; blank, free | ~o mjesto vacancy
ispranj|enje, ~ivanje n evacuation, (act of) emptying;
(stolica) excretion
isprebacan adj jumbled, topsy-turvy, pell-mell
isprebacati vt turn upside down, throw about ransacking
isprebijati vt break in several places, knock up, batter;
(istui) beat black and blue, bruise, beat soundly, sl
thrash, drub, trounce, wallop, lick, belabour, cudgel
isprebijati se vr be bruised all over
isprei vt v. ispregnuti
ispred prep before, in front of, ahead of; (prema) facing,
fronting; (naoigled) in sight of, in full view; (vani)
outside of | ii ~ go before, precede, lead the way
ispredati vt v. ispresti

ispredavati vt go through one's material, complete one's

course of lectures
ispreden pp spun out
ispregnut pp unharnessed, unyoked
ispregnuti vt unharness, take out (horses); (iz jarma)
unyoke; (kola) unhitch
isprekidan adj (prostor) having intervals (interstices);
(lom) broken; (nesuvisao) incoherent (speech); fitful
isprekidano adv | ~ raditi work by snatches, by fits and
starts; govoriti ~ (na mahove) speak intermittently;
(uzbueno) haltingly (incoherently, brokenly)
isprekidanost f brokenness; (nesuvislost) incoherence
isprekidati vt break (interrupt) in several places (several
isprekriati vt cross (everything); cross all over, crisscross
ispremetati vt throw about (into), utter confusion (disorder), disarrange; (traei) ransack, rummage
ispremijeati vt intermix, intermingle, intersperse;
(zbrkati) confuse
ispremijetati vt shift all over; shift (displace) several
times, transpose; (u slubi) remove (several officials,
clerks) to other places (posts, towns)
ispremlatiti vt break successively in several places
ispreplesti vt interweave, intertwine, interlace; entwine;
ispreplesti se vr interlace, become interlaced
ispresijecati vt cut up (several times, in several places,
in several pieces); intersect (at several points); crisscross
ispreskakati vt fig make a fool of, confute, daze
ispresti vt spin out, finish (have done) spinning | ~ priu
concoct a story
ispreati vt v. istisnuti, izaeti
isprevrtati vt overturn everything
isprezanje n unharnessing; (iz jarma) unyoking
isprezati vt v. ispregnuti
ispriati vt (ispripovijedati) tell; relate, narrate; (potanko) tell in detail; (nairoko) expatiate upon; (dokraja) tell to the end, have done narrating (accounting), render an account of; (nabrojiti) recite; (braniti)
exculpate, extenuate, gloss over, say a good word for,
say in excuse of, say in one's favour; defend, excuse,
explain away, look through one's fingers; (oprostiti
dunosti) exempt from duty, dispense with, remit;
(kaznu) let off | to se ne da ~ this is inexcusable; to
se dade ~ this is excusable
ispriati se vr offer an apology for, excuse oneself,
apologize; (braniti se) exculpate oneself; (aliti) regret
ispriavanje n making of excuses (apologies) v. isprika
ispriavati se vr v. ispriati se | ~ neznanjem (boleu)
plead ignorance (illness)
isprinica f note (letter) of excuse (regret, apology)
isprijeiti vt put across, block with; turn sidewise
isprijeiti se vr turn sidewise; block somebody's way
isprika f excuse, apology, plea; (krivnje) extenuation;
(izlika) pretence, pretext, fig loop-hole, evasion | traljava ~ lame (thin, sham) excuse

ispripovijedati vt v. ispriati
ispripovijedati se vr v. napriati se; fig burn oneself out
(as a story-teller)
ispritati se vr break out in boils (pustules)
isprljati vt soil (smear, daub, blot, stain, foul) all over
isprobadati vt prick (pierce) several times (in several
isprobati vt try out, test; v. iskuati
isprositi vt obtain (get) by begging (asking, beseeching);
(djevojku) propose (ask in marriage) and be accepted
isproen pp got (obtained) by begging (asking); (djevojka) given (promised) in marriage
isprovocirati vt (manage to) provoke; (izazvati na
djelovanje) force somebody's hand
isprsiti se vr throw out one's chest
isprskati vt splash all over; v. ispucati, popucati
isprugan adj striped
ispruiti' vt extend, stretch out (forth) thrust (reach,
hold) out; (u duinu) lengthen; (jezik, tako da visi)
ispruiti'' vt extend, stretch out (forth), (lijeno) loll;
(raskreeno) sprawl; (sezati) reach to (as far as), extend to
isprva adv at first, in (at) the beginning; (prvobitno)
originally, initially, at (from) the outset
ispriti vt (na vatri) roast (grill, broil); (opriti) scorch;
(sunce) wither, parch (kou tan); (opei) burn; (ofuriti) scald
ispriti se vr be roasted (burned itd.); (od sunca) get
ispsikati vt (glumca itd.) hiss (off the stage), hiss (whistle) down
ispsovati vt (nemilice) call (haul) over the coals, abuse,
revile, rail at, call names; v. izgrditi
ispucan pp (koa) chappy; full of rents (fissures, clefts),
ispucati vi chap, crack, crackle, split; (kalati se) cleave,
splinter, spring, rip up, burst; (ispaliti oruje) discharge, fire; (iscrpsti streljivo) exhaust (spend) one's
ammunition, run out of one's ammunition | ftb ~
korner take the corner kick
ispucati se vr fig use up one's tricks (talent), burn oneself out
ispuhati vt blow out (away), clear by blowing
ispuhati se vt (vjetar) blow itself out; (predahnuti) get
one's breath back
ispuh(avanje) n eng exhaust stroke
ispuhnuti se vr v. ispuiti se
ispumpati vt pump out; empty of air; (gumu) let air out
of, deflate
ispumpati se vr (guma) deflate, go flat; fig v. ispucati se
ispuniti vt fill; (formular) fill out (up); (naduti) inflate,
puff up; cul (nadjevom) stuff, farce; (zub plombom)
fill, stop; (zatrpati) plug up; (nanovo) replenish;
(natrpati, zatrpati) pack (stop) full; (zaokupiti) absorb, engross; (nadahnuti) inspire with; (proeti) be
penetrated (permeated, imbued) with | ~ dunost perform (discharge) one's duties; ~ obeanje keep (ful-

fill, carry out) one's promise; ~ uvjet fulfill (comply

with) a condition; ~ nade (oekivanja) make good,
come up to expectation; ~ elju (zahtjev) comply
with a wish (request); ~ prazninu (za nudu) find
(supply) a stopgap (a makeshift); ~ strahom strike
with fear (terror); ne ~ oekivanja fall short of expectation; (izjaloviti se) fail, come to nought, fall
through, miscarry
ispuniti se vr be fulfilled (realized), come true, prove
correct; (jedro od vjetra) swell
ispunjavanje n filling up; (formulara) filling out;
(vrenje, izvedba) performance, discharge, execution,
ispunjavati vt v. ispuniti
ispunjen pp filled (with); (ptica, ivotinja) stuffed
ispunjenje n fulfilment, compliance (with), consummation, realization, completion
ispupen pp convex, bulging out, protuberant, prominent; (trbuast) bulgy, bellied; (kvrgav) bossed, bossy
| ~ dio bave belly, bilge
ispupenost f convexity, bulginess
ispupenje n bulge, protuberance, swelling
ispupiti vt make protuberant; throw out
ispupiti se vr swell (bulge, belly) out, be protuberant
ispusni adj eng exhaust, outlet
ispust m outlet; drainpipe; (za ivad) enclosure
ispustiti vt let go (of), let loose, quit one's hold of, loosen
grip; (av) let out; (da padne) drop; (duu) die, expire, gasp (life) out (away); (vodu otei) drain, let
flow; (redak, slovo) omit, leave out, pass over, skip,
drop | ne ~ keep hold of, hold fast to, cling to
ispuiti vt (lulu) smoke out a pipe, have done (finish)
ispuiti se vr break out (rash, eruption on skin); (ishlapiti) evaporate, reek out, effervesce, exhale
ispun|i adj mot & eng | ~a cijev exhaust pipe; ~i lonac
silencer; ~i plinovi exhaust gases
isputanje n leaving out, omission, elision, dropping;
(preskok) skipping (passing) over
isputati vt v. ispustiti
ispuzati vi creep (crawl) out (forth)
istai vt v. istaknuti
istai se vr v. istaknuti se
istakanje n pouring out (off), discharging (liquid); (pretakanje vina) racking (drawing) off
istakati vt pour out; (na slavinu) tap; (isprazniti) empty
(discharge) liquid; (pretakati) rack (draw) off wine
istaknut pp (naglaen) stressed, emphasized, accentuated; (pojaan) enhanced; (ugledan) eminent, conspicuous, foremost, prominent; v. afirmiran
istaknuti vt (naglasiti) emphasize, stress, point out, accentuate, underline, enhance; (kontrastom) set off, act
as foil to, make striking (conspicuous), bring in relief, give relief to; (bojom) pick out; (zastavu) hoist
istaknuti se vr distinguish oneself, excel; stand out, be
prominent, cut a figure, shine; v. afirmirati se

istaknutost f (vanost) conspicuousness, eminence, notability, prominence; (izboenost) relief

istaliti vt (kovinu) finish smelting (a quantity of ore); v.
istanan pp beaten thin; (profinjen) refined; (koji lui)
discriminating, discerning; subtle
istananost f refinement, subtleness; (ukusa) discrimination
istanati vt beat thin, make thin (tapering); fig make
subtler (finer); (ukus) make taste capable of keener
perception (enjoyment, discrimination); fine down
istanjiti vt make thin(ner)
istanjiti se vr become thin(ner)
istarski adj geog Istrian
iste|i vi flow (run, leak) out, be discharged; (vrijeme)
come to an end, elapse, glide away, go by, pass away;
roll on; (rok) expire, run out; (svriti se) terminate;
(sat) run down; (dospjeti) become (fall) due, reach its
term | vrijeme je ~klo time is up; polici je ~kao rok
(vrijednosti) the policy has lapsed
istegnuti vt draw (pull) out, stretch, lengthen; (tetivu,
mii) strain, pull; (zglob) sprain
istegnuti se vr stretch
istek m jur expiration | po ~u at the expiration of
istesan pp hewed (carved) out; (kamen, greda) dressed,
istesati vt hew out, carve out; dress, square
istetovirati vt tattoo (all over)
istezanje n stretching (pulling, drawing) out
istezati vt v. istegnuti
isti adj the same; identical; (jednak) equal; (vrijednost)
equivalent; (nepromijenjen) unvarying, unchanged;
(spomenuti) the aforesaid | posve ~i the very same,
the selfsame; jedan te ~i one and the same; jo ~e
veeri that very evening; to je ~o to i this is tantamount to; to je posve ~o it is as long as it is broad, it
is 6 of one and half-a-dozen of another; ~i je otac he
is the very image of his father, he is a chip of the old
block, he is the very spit of his father; na ~i nain in
like manner, likewise; ne ostati ~i vary, alter, fluctuate, be inconsistent; misliti ~o be of same opinion, be
like-minded, agree; osjeati ~o be congenial
isticanje n (naglaavanje) stressing, accentuation, emphasis; (nad okolinom) relief; (kao protivno) set off
isticati (se) vt (vr) v. istaknuti (se)
istijetiti vt squeeze (press) out
istin|a f truth, verity; (zbilja) reality, fact; (dodue) I admit, to be sure, indeed | ~u da kaem to speak (tell)
the truth; neugodna ~a home truth; ista (gola) ~a
naked (plain) truth; govoriti ~u speak (tell) the truth;
rekao sam mu ~u otvoreno u lice (brk) I told him
bluntly (plainly, point-blank); zabauriti ~u (zatajiti
~u) burke (hush up) the truth, keep thing dark;
iskriviti ~u colour (stretch, heighten) the truth, distort (misrepresent, garble) the truth; u tome nema ni
trunka ~e there is not a word of truth about it; ~i za
volju for the sake of truth; tko ~u gudi, gudalom ga
po prstima biju truth rebounds upon the speaker; ~a

je neugodna truth is unpalatable; postati ~a

(obistiniti se) become reality, realize itself, come true;
otiao je bogu na ~u he went the way of all flesh, he
joined the majority
istinabog adv v. dodue
istinit adj true, able, authentic; (pravi) genuine, real,
true; (pravi pravcati) veritable, authentic
istinitost f verity, truth, authenticity | uvjeriti se u ~ verify; potvrditi ~ certify, authenticate
istinoljubiv adj veracious, truthful
istinoljub|lje n, ~ivost f veracity, truthulness
istinski adj sincere, candid, frank, open, unaffected, unfeigned, ingenuous, artless, undisguised
istiskivati vt v. istisnuti
istisnina f mar displacement
istisnue n dislodging, displacing; ousting, supplanting;
squeezing (pressing, wringing) out
istisnuti vt (izaeti) press (squeeze, wring) out; (silom)
force (drive) out, displace, dislodge; (ukloniti) cut
out, oust, supplant; (brod vodu zapreminom) displace
istjecanje n outflow, effluence, efflux, outpour, drain,
issue, discharge (of fluid); emanation; (gubitak) leakage, oozing
istjecati vi flow out (forth), issue, pour out, drain; (rijeka) discharge (oneself) (na usu disembogue) ;
(vrelo) spring up, well up (out, forth) ; (snano) gush,
stream forth; (rok) expire, lapse, fall (become) due;
(kapati) leak (ooze) out
istjerati vt drive (turn, order) out, chase away, expel;
(pokazati vrata) show one the door; (iz slube, nogirati) dismiss, discharge, sl give the sack; (naglo)
bundle out (off); chase out (away); (u progonstvo) exile, ban, banish; (u svijet) turn (send) adrift, turn
upon the world; (iz kole) expel; (vraga) exorcize
istjerivanje n expulsion; chasing out (away); driving
out; (vraga) excorcizing, exorcism; (iz stana, vlasnitva) ejectment; (iz skole) expulsion
istjerivati vt v. istjerati
isto adv the same, all the same; (takoer) likewise,
equally; also, too | ~ tako alike, as well, in like manner (way, fashion, wise), similarly; item; ~tako... kao
just so... as; ~ takav equal, similar, equivalent, corresponding; com ditto; ~ tako dalek equidistant
istobojan adj of the same colour
istoiti vt pour out, empty (a vessel, barrel, cask); (pretoiti vino) draw (rack) off (from the lees)
istokan adj dotted
istokati vt dot, cover in dots
istoni adj Eastern, oriental, east, easterly, eastward;
Levantine | ~ grijeh original sin
istono adv east, to the east (of)
istononjemaki adj East-German
istonjaki' adj oriental, eastern
istonjaki'' adv in an oriental manner
istonjak m (stanovnik) Oriental; (vjetar) east wind,
Levanter, Levantine
istodoban adj happening (occurring) at the same time
(age); simultaneous, contemporaneous, contempo-

rary, co-eval, co-existent, synchronous, concurent;

(starost) of the same age
istodobno adv at the same time, simultaneously; (meutim) meanwhile, in the meantime, in the interim
istodobnost f simultaneousness, contemporaneousness
istoimen adj having the same name; homonymous
istoimenost f homonymity
istok' m orient, east, Levant | Daleki ~ Far East; Srednji
~ Middle East; Bliski ~ Near East; prema ~u eastwards
istok''-m (istjecanje) outflow, outpouring; (kapanje)
leaking, leakage, oozing
istokraan adj (trokut) isosceles
istom adv v. tek, jedva
istomiljenik m like-minded person; (sljedbenik) sympathizer
istopiti (se) vt (vr) v. otopiti (se), rastopiti (se)
istoriar m v. historiar
istorija f v. historija, povijest
istorijat m v. historijat
istorijski adj v. historijski, povijesni
istorodan adj homogeneous
istorodnost f homogeneity
istosmjer|an adj parallel, moving in the same direction |
el ~na struja direct current
istosmjernost f parallelism
istostranian adj geom equilateral
istovar m v. iskrcavanje
istovariti vt unload itd. (v. iskrcati)
istovarivanje n v. iskrcavanje
istovarni adj unloading
istovjerac m co-religionist
istovjeran adj co-religious
istovjetan adj identical, the very same, the selfsame
istovjetnost f identity, sameness | ustanovljenje ~i identification
istovremen adj v. istodoban
istovremeno adv v. istodobno
istovremenost f v. istodobnost
istovrsnost f homogeneity, uniformity, sameness
istovrstan adj of the same sort (kind, quality), homogeneous, uniform
Istra f geog Istria
istrag|a f investigation, (official) enquiry (examination);
legal (judicial) examination (enquiry), inquest | staviti pod ~u institute an enquiry against one; rat do
~e war of annihilation; war to the last man
istrajati vi v. ustrajati, izdrati
Istranin m Istrian
Istranka f Istrian woman
istraitelj f investigator; officer holding an inquest | sudac ~ v. istrani sudac
istraiti vt investigate, enquire; (presluavati) hear, try
judicially, conduct an inquest, hold (make) an enquiry, make research into; mil reconnaitre, make reconnaissance; (kraj) explore
istraiva m enquirer, investigator; researcher; inquisitor; explorer

istraivaki adj research, research-work | ~ rad research

istraivanje n investigation; (znanstveno) research; geog
exploration; examination
istraivati vt research, explore; vi do research; v. istraiti
istran|i adj pertaining to (dealing with, conducting) an
enquiry (investigation) | ~i sud court of enquiry; ~i
sudac investigative judge; ~i zatvor investigative detention; zatvorenik u ~om zatvoru remand prisoner
istrati vi run out, issue (come out) running
istrati se vr run one's fill; fig jump the gun, stick one's
neck out | ne ~ play (it) safe
istrebljenj|e n extermination, extirpation, weeding (rooting, blotting) out | rat do ~a v. rat do istrage
istrebljivati vt v. istrijebiti
istrenirati vt train
istrenirati se vr train oneself
istresati vt keep shaking (shooting) out (down)
istresti vt shake out, shoot out, empty by shaking (tilting
down), dumping; (obasuti) shower upon
istresti se vr v. iskaliti se, otresti se
istrgnue n tearing (plucking, wrenching) out, wresting
istrgnuti vt (oteti) snatch away from, wrest from; (iupati) pluck up, root (tear, jerk, pull, pluck, draw,
wrench) out; (vaditi) extract; (oteti) snatch away
from, wrest from, pluck up
istrgnuti se vr wrench free; v. otkinuti se
istrijebiti vt extirpate, exterminate, annihilate, b1ot out,
destroy, uproot, root up; (istiti) clean of; (dra) weed
(out); (gamad) rid of vermin; shell, pod, husk
istrijebiti se vr be exterminated; exterminate one another
istrljati vt rub; (frotirati) rub down
istroen pp (iscrpljen) ex.hausted, knocked up, enfeebled, enervated, decrepit, wasted, spent, shaky, broken; (upotrebom) worn (out, off, away, down); (otrcan, izlizan) threadbare, the worse for wear; no
longer usable
istroenost f worn out condition; exhaustion
istroiti vt (upotrebom) wear (out, away, down, off),
abrade, fret; (potroiti) use up, consume
istroiti se vr wear out (away, down), wear oneself out;
(premoriti se) be knocked up (worn, exhausted, spent,
emaciated) ; (iscrpsti) be consumed (drained, used
up); (sredstva) exhaust one's means (resources); go to
great expense
istrti vi v. izbrisati, istrljati; (zdrobiti) grind to powder
istrugati vt erase, scratch out; hollow out by scraping;
scrape down (out, away, off)
istruliti vi v. istrunuti
istrunuti vi moulder, rot, putrify, decay, decompose
istrusiti vt v. iskapiti
istucati vt pound, crush, pestle
istui vt beat (bruise, lick, thrash) thoroughly, pommel,
thump; (dijete) spank; v. istucati
istumaiti vt go through (have done) explaining; v. rastumaiti, protumaiti

istupanje n move, stand; (povlaenje) withdrawal, secession

istupiti' vi step forward; come forward, come out (against); retire from, get out, withdraw from, secede |
~ iz slube give up (quit) office, leave service; send
in one's resignation, resign
istupiti'' vt v. otupiti
istupjeti vt v. otupjeti
isturati vt v. isturiti
isturen adj mil v. prednji, istaknut
isturiti vt v. pruiti, izvjesiti, izbaciti
isturpijati vt file down
istuirati vt give a shower to, shower
istuirati se vr take a shower, shower
istutnjati se vr fig sow one's wild oats
isukati vt (ma) draw; twist, throw (silk)
Isukrst m Jesus Christ
Isus m Jesus | ~ Krist Jesus Christ
isusovac m Jesuit
isusovaki adj Jesuitical | ~ red Society of Jesus
isuen adj drained, reclaimed
isuenje n drainage, reclamation of swampy (boggy,
marshy) land, exsiccation, desiccation; (voa) dehydration
isuiti vt drain (off), reclaim (boggy) land, dry up; (drvo)
season; (vruina) parch; (voe) dehydrate
isuiti se vr dry (up); (drvo) become seasoned; v. posuiti se, sasuiti se
isuivanje n v. isuenje
i! interj shoo!, scram!
iamarati vt v. iukati
iaran pp mottled, speckled, dappled, chequered, checkered, variegated; (rkarijama) scribbled all over
iarati vt (mrljama) bespot; (prugama) bestreak; streak
(all over), speckle, variegate; (rkarijama) scrawl
(scribble) all over
iakati vt clean (teeth) by picking; fig dig up
iahuriti se vr fig emerge
iaenje n med dislocation, luxation; (samo istegnue)
iaiti vt put out of joint, disjoint, dislocate, luxate | ~
nogu put out (sprain) one's ankle
iehati vt (perje) strip the barbs of feathers; v. raehati
iekivanje n expectatian, waiting; watching for; (neizvjesnost) suspense; anticipation, looking forward to;
iekivati vt expect; (rado) look forward to; (jako) be all
agog to see; watch for, look out for, wait for, abide;
ieprkati vt get out by scratching (rooting) ; (traei)
get out by rummaging; fig dig up rummaging
iesati, ieati vt comb (curry, dress) out
ieljati vt comb (card) out; (lan itd.) hackle (heckle)
out; (sjeme iz pamuka) gin
ietkati vt (iskefati) brush (out, down)
iezavanje n v. nestajanje
iezavati vi v. nestajati

ieznue n disappearance; (bijeg) abscondence; (rasplinue) melting (dwindling) away

ieznuti vi v. iezavati, nestati, pobjei
iistiti vt clean, cleanse; (proistiti) clarify, purify, refine; (crijeva) purge the bowels | ~ od clear (rid) of,
free from
iuavati se vr v. uditi se
iupati vt pluck (pull, tear, root, wrench) up (out), uproot, unroot, eradicate
iupati se vr v. otrgnuti se, otkinuti se
iukati vt box a person's ears, slay (cuff) one's ears
ietati vi go out for a walk (stroll), walk (stroll) out, take
a turn, take an airing
iibati vt whip, lash, flog, flagellate, scourge, birch, have
(make) one run the gauntlet
iijas m med sciatica
iijasni adj med sciatic
ikrabati vt scribble all over
imirglati vt v. mirglati
ipartati vt v. partati
ita pron anything, anything at all (whatever)
itipati vt pinch (nip) all over (thoroughly)
itrcati vt squirt; ejaculate
itrcavanje n squirting; ejaculation
itrikati vt Ger v. isplesti
Italija f geog Italy
Italijan m v. Talijan
italijanski adj v. talijanski
italski adj hist Italic
itd. abbr etc.
iterativan adj gram iterative
itko pron anyone, anybody, any person (whatever)
itrij m chem yttrium
iva f bot common sallow, goat-willow
Ivan m John, Jack
Ivana f Jane
ivanica f bot oxeye daisy
Ivanje n Midsummer day
iver m splinter, shiver, fragment, chip | ~ ne pada
daleko od klade a chip off the old block
iverak m ichth flounder
iverica f (i ploa ~) chip-board
iverje n collect chips, splinters, smithereens
Ivica m Johnny, Jack | ~ i Marica Hansel and Gretel
ivica f v. rub
ivinjak m v. rubni kamen
ivovina f sallow wood
iz prep from, forth, out (of), by, through for, off | ~ straha for fear; ~ radoznalosti out of curicsity; ~ ljubavi
for love
iza prep behind, after, A back of | ~ toga behind that; v.
otraga, nakon toga; tamo ~ beyond, yonder ; 8 dana
~ ..., v. nakon; hodati jedan ~ drugoga walk singly
(in Indian file); itati jedan drugoga read alternately, by turns, turn and turn about; ~ toga se neto
krije there is something behind it
izabirati vt v. izabrati

izabran pp chosen, picked, select, selected, marked out

for, singled out, fixed upon, choice, exquisite; (glasovanjem) elected | Bibl ~ narod God's chosen people
izabranica f chosen woman, (one's) chosen girl, ladylove, sweetheart
izabranik m man (person) chosen (elect, picked); person
chosen to office
izabra|ti vt choose, make one's choice, select, decide
upon; pick (single, sort) out, set apart, assort; (na izborima) elect, poll, return | ~li su ga za predsjednika he was elected chairman
izai vi come (step, go) out (forth), get out, issue,
emerge, come (proceed) from; (iz vlaka, tramvaja i
sl.) get off; (stupiti naprijed) step forward (forth);
(pojaviti se) appear; (istupiti) retire, secede, leave;
(knjiga) be published (issued, edited, brought out); (iz
polozaja) start, be dislocated; (istjecati) flow out,
emanate; (posljedica) spring up (from, out of), arise,
result from, originate in; (pokazati se) turn out
(prove) to be; (sunce) rise, come up; (niknuti) crop
(up); (viriti) project, protrude; (na svjetlo) come (be
brought) to light; (na javu) come to be known, transpire, leak (ooze) out, be divulged; (iz stana) quit,
move, remove; (vojska iz klanca, rijeka iz gudure)
debouch; (brod iz luke) leave port; | ne mogu ~ s
njim na kraj (nadmo) I cannot get the upper hand
of him; (neposlunost) he is ungovernable (refractory,
unruly, perverse)
izagnanik m v. prognanik
izagnati vt v. prognati, istjerati
izanalizirati vt analyze thoroughly
izanati vi v. istroiti se, pohabati se
izaslanik m delegate, deputy; (papinski) legate; representative; emissary
izaslanstvo n delegation, deputation
izaslati vt send out (off), dispatch; delegate
izaziva m provoker, challenger; instigator; v. uzronik;
photo developer
izazivaki' adj provoking, provocative
izazivaki'' adv provocatively
izazivanje n provocation
izazivati vt provoke, challenge, call out, fling down the
gauntlet, dare; (prkositi) defy, set at defiance; (bockati) incite, instigate | fig ~ kritiku invite (court) criticism; ~ promjenu bring about change, ~ sumnju
give rise to doubt
izazov m provocation, challenge; defiance | prihvatiti ~
take up the gauntlet, accept the challenge
izazovan adj provocative, defiant
izazovno adv provocatively
izazvati vt (na dvoboj) call out to duel, challenge to duel
izaet pp squashed, pressed out | fig ~ limun sucked orange
izaeti vt squeeze (press, wring, twist) out
izaimanje n squeezing, squashing, wringing, pressing
out | sprava za ~ rublja wringer
izaimati vt v. izaeti
izba f small (modest, poor) room; v. koliba, smonica

izbaciti vt throw (fling, hurl, push, cast, dash) out, eject;

(mlaz) spurt forth; (hitac) fire off, discharge, shoot,
let off; (iskaljavanjem) expectorate, bring up
(phlegm); (iz eluca) throw up, vomit, puke; v. istjerati
izbacivanje n throwing out, ejection; (iz teksta) deletion
izbacivati vt v. izbaciti
izbaaj m sp (dizanje utega) clean and jerk
izbaen pp thrown (flung, cast, hurled) out
izbadati vt v. izbosti
izbalansiran adj (well) ballanced (i fig)
izbatiniti vt v. razbatiniti
izbatinati vt (tapom) cudgel, cane, drub, thrash; v. izmlatiti
izbavitelj m deliverer, rescuer, redeemer, liberator
izbaviti vt (osloboditi) deliver, liberate, relieve; (spasiti)
rescue, save, redeem; (otkupiti) ransom, pay blackmail; (pustiti) free, set free; jur (jamevinom) bail
out; (rijeiti) rid of; (neprilike) extricate
izbaviti se vr (neprilika) extricate oneself; free oneself;
(neugodnosti) rid oneself, get rid of; (otresti) shake
off; (zapreke) get clear of, disengage oneself from;
(bez tete) get away unharmed (unscathed), come off
well; break loose (free)
izbavljenje n deliverance, liberation, release; (spas) rescue; (otkup) redemption
izbeiti vt | ~ oi stare, glare at (upon) gape, open eyes
wide; (zlobno, poudno) gloat over (upon)
izbeiti se vr make a grimace; v. blenuti, zablenuti se
izberiv adj eligible
izberivost f eligibility
izbezumiti vt drive crazy (mad), distract (oba i fig)
izbezumiti vt drive crazy (i fig)
izbezumiti se vr be beside oneself, go crazy, be (go) out
of one's mind (sve i fig); become wildly excited
izbezumljen adj distracted, crazed
izbezumljenost f distraction
izbievati vt flog, lash, whip
izbijanje n driving (dashing, knocking) out; (duice ili
daske amca itd.) staving in; (rata, sukoba) breakout,
flareup, eruption
izbijati vt (udaranjem) drive (dash, knock, chisel) out;
(dasku; dno amca) stave in; (izlaziti) emanate, issue;
(tekuina) gush (flow, sputter, spout, spirit, burst)
out; (naslaga, sloj iz zemlje) crop up (out); (klica)
germinate; (sat) strike the hour; (pupoljak) bud;
(mladice, lie) spring forth
izbijeliti vt paint white (whitewash) all over
izbijeljeti vi become white, lose colour, pale, fade, turn
pale; blanch; (platno) bleach; whiten
izbira m fastidious (dainty, squeamish, overnice) person; chooser, picker | on je velik ~ he is hard to
izbiranje n picking, choosing, selection; sorting
izbirati vt choose, pick, elect, select, sort out, single out,
sift out, winnow out; (razluivanje) separate
izbirljiv adj fastidious, squeamish, overnice, hard to
please, finicky, discriminating

izbiti vt emerge; break out; vt knock out; v. izbijati, istui, izmlatiti | ~ iskru strike out a spark; ~ na javu
leak (ooze) out, transpire
izbivanje n absence, non-appearance, non-attendance,
staying away; (iz zemlje, drave) absenteeism
izbivati vi be absent, be an absentee, absent oneself, stay
away, fail to appear (attend), not be forthcoming; (od
kue) be from home
izbjei vt avoid, eschew, shun, evade, elude; (za dlaku)
escape narrowly; (izmicati) dodge; (pobjei) escape,
slip, flee from, fly; (troku) save
izbjegavanje n evasion, avoidance; elusion; (susprezanje) refraining, abstinence
izbjegavati vt avoid; (oprez) be chary of | ~ odgovor
give evasive answers, shuffle; ~ susret give a wide
berth; hold back; ~ posao shirk, dodge work, shy of
izbjeglica f fugitive, refugee
izbjegliki adj refugee
izbjeglitvo n exile
izbjegnuti vi fly, flee, escape
izbjeiv adj avoidable
izbjeivost f avoidability
izblanjati vt plane, smooth with plane
izblebetati vt blab, tell tales; (odati) peach sl
izblebetati se vr v. izbrbljati
izblijedjeti vi fade, lose colour; (sjeanje) grow dim
izbliza adv at close quarters, closely
izbljuvak m vomit
izbljuvati vt vomit (forth), throw up, disgorge
izbljuvati se vr vomit, puke, spew (spue)
izbockati vt prick (all over); v. tzbosti
izboen pp projecting, bulging, salient, protruding, bellied, standing out, protuberant, in relief ; (izboina)
embossed, chased; (lea) convex; (strei nad) beetling
izboenost f convexity; (oblost) sphericity
izboina f bulge, protuberance, convexity, prominence,
embossment, relief
izboiti vt project, jut out, protrude; (naduti) swell;
(plohu, grbu) relive, emboss
izboiti se vr stand (stick) out, (pad) beetle, hang over
izboden pp pricked (pierced, stabbed, stung) all over
izbojak m projection, bulge, protuberance; (grba) hunch,
hump, boss, ridge, jut; (kod kotaa) flange
izboksati vt pummel, punch repeatedly; v. ~ loptu
izbombardirati vt bomb (intensely, thoroughly)
izbor m choice, act of choosing, selection; (od dvoga)
option, alternative; (teak) dilemma; (pod mora)
Hobson's choice; com (asortiman) assortment, line |
pol ~i election(s), return into parliament, polls, pl,
polling, balloting; po ~ exquisite, choice; (rijei)
well-chosen; (ponajbolje) the pick (choice, flower,
best, prime, cream) of... ; bez ~a indiscriminately,
promiscuously ; prepustiti ~u leave to one's option
(choice); imati na ~ have the pick and choice;
nemati ~a have no choice but... to... ; ii na ~e go to
the polls; odravati ~e poll; raspisati ~e issue writs
for election, fig appeal to the country; proi na ~ima

be returned to parliament, be elected; dan ~a election

day, polling-day; gradski ~i municipal elections;
dopunski ~i B by-elections, A special elections;
poniteni ~i void election; opi ~i general election,
parliamentary elections; sloboda ~a freedom of election; izgubiti mandat na ~ima be unseated, lose
one's seat; ope pravo ~a universal suffrage
izborn|i adj elective, electoral | ~a borba electoral contest; ~i knez Elector; ~a kneevina electorate; ~i kotar constituency; ~o pravo franchise, right of voting;
liiti ~og prava disenfranchise; ~a skuptina electoral meeting; ~i zakon election law; ~a komisija B
polling committee, A counting board; ~e makinacije
vote fraud; falsificirati ~e rezultate stuff the ballot
izbornici m pl constituency; (jednog mjesta, kotara itd.),
electorate, electoral body
izborniki adj dealing with (appertaining to) an elector
izbornik m (registered) elector, constituent; (glasa)
izbosti vt prick (stab), pierce, spear, puncture, perforate)
all over; make holes in; (oi) stick (out) one's eyes
izbrajanje n enumeration, counting
izbrajati vt v. izbrojiti
izbrazditi vt (polje) furrow; (orati) plough up; (lijebiti)
flute, grove
izbraden pp fluted, furrowed, grooved
izbrbljati (se) vt (vr) utter thoughtlessly, let out, blab
out, blunder out, divulge, let the cat out of the bag,
blurt out
izbrijavati (se) vt (vr) shave against the grain
izbrisati vt (krpom) wipe out (away), efface; (gumicom)
erase, rub out; (trljanjem) rub out (off), scratch out;
(troenjem) wear out (off), efface; (s magnetofonske
vrpce) erase; (oistiti) clean, cleanse; (precrtati)
score (cross, strike) out (off), strike through, cancel,
obliterate, expunge | ~ trag remove traces (vestiges)
izbrisati se vr wear off, be wiped (rubbed) out
izbrljati vt muck up, make a mess of
izbrojiti vt enumerate, count up to (out); (dokraja) have
done counting; (platiti) pay down (off)
izbrojiv adj countable
izbrusiti vt polish off by grinding, grind off; (svriti)
finish (cease, have done) grinding ; (otricu) whet,
izbrusiti se vr lose roughness (bluntness), become sharp
izbubati vt v. izudarati
izbuljiti vt | ~ oi open eyes wide, stand agape, stare at,
glare upon, be all eyes, make saucer eyes
izbuen pp perforated (punched, riddled, pierced, bored,
pricked, punctured, honey-combed) all over, full of
holes (pricks, punctures)
izbuiti vt bore (punch, pierce, perforate, riddle, honeycomb) all over, make holes all over
izdahnue n expiration, breathing one's last (breath),
giving up the ghost

izdahnuti vi expire, die, give up the ghost, breathe one's

last (breath), gasp life away (out), perish; (dah) exhale | on e uskoro ~ he is at the point of death, he is
at his last gasp
izdaja f treason, treachery, betrayal, betrayment
izdajic|a f traitor, betrayer; (dounik) informer, talebearer | ~a domovine traitor to one's country; pol
domai ~e quislings
izdajnica f traitress
izdajniki' adj treacherous, traitorous, treasonous, treasonable; (nevjeran) perfidious, faithless, telltale
izdajniki'' adv treacherously, traitorously, treasonably
izdajnik m v. izdajica
izdajnitvo n v. izdajstvo
izdajstvo n treachery, treason, betrayal; perfidy, faithlessness
izdaleka adv from afar, from a distance; v. natuknuti |
ni ~! not by a long shot; ni ~ tako sposoban not
nearly so able
izdan pp (izdaja) betrayed; (na javu) divulged;
(potroen) expended, spent, defrayed; (tiskom) edited,
published, issued; (ispostavljen) made out, drawn out
(up), executed; (proglaen) promulgated
izdanak m (gorski) mountain-spur; (mladica) sucker,
shoot, runner; (grebenica loze) layer; (potomak) offspring
izdanj|e n edition, publication, issue; (otisak) impression; (nanovo) reimpression, re-issue, reprint;
(novca, dionica) emission; pl published books (transactions of a learned society) | posebno ~e (novina)
izdaan adj (obilan) abundant, copious, plentiful; (plod)
yielding, productive, fertile; profitable, generous,
ample; (dar) liberal, bounteous; (trud) unsparing;
(pun) rich and full; (hrana) solid, rich, sustaining;
(boja) generous (colour)
izdanost f (plod) productivity, fertlity; (obilje) abundance, copiousness, lavishness; prodigality
izda|tak m expense, expenditure, outlay, cost, disbursement, outgoings pl; (sitan) out-of-pocket expenses;
defrayal; (sporedan) incidental expenses | dravni
(vojni) ~ci government (military) expenditure; dodatni ~ci extras, incidental charges
izda|ti vt betray, tell tales; (tuiti) inform (lodge information) against; (na javu) divulge, disclose, let out;
(ostaviti na cjedilu) leave in the lurch, desert, forsake; sl sell; (novac) spend, expend, disburse, defray;
(tiskom) edit, publish, issue (iznova re-publish, reedit, reprint); (banke) emit; (ispostaviti ispravu)
make out, draw out (up), execute a deed; (proglas)
promulgate, issue a proclamation (manifesto);
(nalog) decree, give orders, ordain; (zakon) enact,
decree | etva je ~la the crops (harvest) failed
izdati se vr betray oneself, let the cat out of the bag,
blab, let out
izdatnica f delivery note (permit); bill of delivery
izdava m (tiska) editor, publisher; (djelitelj) dispenser;
(mjenice) drawer of a bill; (isprave) drawer of a
document (permit)

izdavak|i adj | ~o poduzee publishing firm (company,

house); ~a djelatnost publishing (business); bookpublishing
izdavalac m issuer; (najmodavac) renter; (djelitelj) dispenser
izdavanje n (tiska) editing, publishing, publication, issue; issuance, emission; (dijeljenje) dispensing; (isprave) drawing up, execution (of a deed); (u najam)
izdavati vt (u najam) rent; v. izdati | snage me izdaju
my strength is giving out; (bolest) I am sinking, I am
near exhaustion (breakdown); oi ga izdaju (da je
lopov) his eyes argue him to be a knave
izdavati se vr (lano za drugoga) impersonate; pass oneself for, pose as, pretend (claim) to be
izdejstvovati vt v. isposlovati
izdeklamirati vt recite; finish reciting
izderan pp rent, torn; (rasporen) slashed, ripped up;
(dronjav) tattered, ragged, in rags, frayed; (od vode
podrovan) fretted (worn) away; (na komade) torn to
izderati vt tear (rend); (paranjem) slash (slit, rip) up to
pieces (shreds) ; (iznositi odijelo) wear out, fray
izderati se vr (na nekoga) shout (bawl, snap, growl) at;
address with sharp (harsh) words, snub, fly out at, put
one down; (odjea, cipele) become torn, wear out
izdevetati vt v. izmlatiti
izdii vt rise, erect
izdii se vr rise, become prominent; lift oneself (out of)
izdiferencirati vt v. diferencirati
izdijeliti vt have done dealing out (dispensing, distributing); (pogrde) finish calling one names
izdijevati se vr v. izrugivati se, iivljavati se
izdiktirati vt dictate; finish dictating
izdimiti vi coll v. nestati
izdimiti se vr stop (finish) smoking (garite reeking)
izdinstati vt v. pirjati
izdiranje n (rad) toiling and moiling; (troenje) wearing
(fretting) out
izdirati se vr (iscrpljivati se) wear away; (radom) toil
and moil; v. izderati se
izdisa|nje n, ~j m (smrt) breathing one's last, dying;
(dah) exhalation | na ~ju at one's last gasp
izdisati vt breathe out (forth), exhale; (rijei) gasp out;
(umirati) be at one's last gasp, gasp out life, expire
izdivljati se vr let off steam; (u mladosti) have one's
fling, sow some wild oats
izdizati se vr rise, ascend; (valovito) undulate; be
prominent; be raised (in relief); tower above, dominate
izdjel(j)ati vt (rezbariti) carve, whittle; (izraditi) shape,
form, frame, mould
izdovoljiti vt satisfy, content, gratify, leave nothing to be
izdovolj|iti se, ~avati se vr v. iskaliti se, iivljavati se
izdrapati vt scratch, scrape; v. izderati
izdresirati vt train; finish training
izdrljati vt harrow; finish harrowing
izdrmati vt shake (jolt) thoroughly

izdrndati vt v. izdrmati; (na klaviru) thump out, bang

izdrobiti vt crumble, reduce to grit (crumbs), break into
fragments, crush; (tucati) pound, bray
izdrati vt (podnijeti) stand (the pain, strain), sustain;
(ustrajnost) hold out, bear, abide, persevere;
(pretrpjeti) undergo, endure, keep up; (patnju) be
able to suffer; (htjeti podnijeti) put up with; (oduprijeti se) bear up against, resist ; (trajati, odjea itd.)
last, stand wear (and tear) | ~ nasrt bear the brunt of,
withstand, stand one's ground, stand through a storm,
weather a storm; | ~ kunju stand the test; to se ne
da ~ it is past bearing (endurance)
izdravanje n sustenance, keep, support, maintenance;
(rastavljene ene) alimony
izdravati vt keep, sustain, maintain, support
izdrav|ati se vr support oneself, make a living | sama se
~a she makes her own living
izdrljiv adj enduring, having stamina (endurance, staying power, last); (ustrajnost) persevering; (cipele)
hard-wearing, sturdy
izdrljivost f endurance; (tjelesna) stamina, staying
power; sturdiness
izdubak m niche, recess
izdubljen adj scooped out, concave, hollowed out; (ljebast) fluted
izdubina f hollow, excavation; (rupa) hole, cavity; (duplje, brlog) burrow; (jama) pit
izdupsti vt scoop (hollow) out; (kopati) excavate, dig
out, cave; (u dubinu) sink; (u zemlju) burrow;
(kopati) dig (scratch) out with claws; (potkopati) undermine; (podgrizati: rijeka, voda) chafe, fret; (rupu
za uklop) rabbet; (lijebiti) flute, chamfer, groove;
(rezbariti) carve; (dlijetom) chisel out
izduvati vt v. ispuhati
izduvati se vr v. ispuhati se, predahnuti
izduvavanje n eng v. ispuhavanje
izduvni adj v. ispuni
izduenje n elongation
izduiti vt elongate
izduiti se vr become elongated
izdvajanje n separation, detachment, removal, isolation,
izdvajati vt v. izdvojiti
izdvojen pp separated, detached, isolated; earmarked
izdvojiti vt separate, detach, remove, single out, isolate;
(sredstva) set aside, earmark
izdvojiti se vr separate (detach, isolate) oneself
izgalamiti se vr v. izderati se, izvikati se
izgaranje n burning out (down); phys & eng combustion
| motor na unutrasnje ~ internal-combustion engine
izgarati vi burn (down), be consumed by fire; (eznuti)
yearn, long for, crave for, thirst for (after), hanker after
izgaziti vt tread under foot, crush, trample down; (istroiti) wear out (off) by treading
izgaen pp | ima ~e pete he is down at heels
izginue n dying out (off), extinction
izginuti vi be killed (to the last man)

izgladiti vt smooth(e) out (down) ; (blanjom) plane down

(away); (brusiti) file away, (ivotinji dlaku) sleek; fig
(dotjerati) touch up, retouch, give the finishing
touches, finish up (off); (latiti) polish off; (nesporazum) compose, adjust, make up, accomodate
izgladiti se vr smooth down; (nesporazum) be ironed out
izgladnio pp famished, hungry, starved, starving; v.
izgladniti vt famish, starve, stint one in food
izgladnjavanje n starvation
izgladnjelost f starved-out condition; v. neishranjenost
izgladnjeti vi be famishing (starving, hungry); (umrijeti)
die of hunger
izglaen pp (laten) polished; (gladak) smoothed
(down); (blanajn) planed; (svaa) composed, adjusted, made up
izglancati vt Ger v. latiti
izglasati vt vote, carry; elect | ~ povjerenje give a vote
of confidence; aklamacijom vote (carry) by acclamation; ~ zakon pass (enact) a law
izglaviti vt prize out, free
izgled m (na okolicu) vista, view; (prizor) sight; (u daljinu) perspective; (nada) prospect(s), chance, expectation; (na dobitak) expectancy, chance, promise ;
(vanjtina) (outward) appearance, look, aspect, air;
(privid) show, semblance | dobri (loi) ~i good (poor)
prospects; nemam nikakvih ~a I haven't got a
chance; na ~ by the look of it; in appearance
izgledanje n v. iekivanje, izgled
izgled|ati vt (initi se) look, seem, appear, look like, resemble ; v. iekivati | kako ~a the way it looks;
kako ~a? what's he (she) like?, ~a na kiu it looks
like rain
izglibiti vt (jaruilom) dredge
izglodan pp (odjea, tkanina) worn through, worn out
(away), frayed, fretted, chafed; (koa) galled; (od
vode itd.) eroded
izglodati vt wear away (through) by friction, eat away,
fret, chafe; (kou) gall; (kost) pick; (proglodati) gnaw
through; (voda itd.) erode; (kemijski) corrode; eat its
way into
izglodati se vr wear away (through), get chafed (fretted)
izgmizati vi crawl (creep) out
izgnanik m exile; fig outcast
izgnanstvo n exile, banishment
izgnati vt v. prognati, istjerati
izgnojiti se vr cease festering (suppurating, ulcerating,
producing pus)
izgnjaviti vt (ugnjaviti) bore to death (v. gnjaviti); v.
izgnjaviti se vr v. izmuiti se
izgnjeiti vt knead (massage, rub) all over (thoroughly);
(istisnuti) squeeze (press, squash, compress, crush)
out; (u kau) mash; (guvati) rumple (wrinkle, crumple, crease) up
izgnjiljeti vi rot (putrefy, decay) entirely
izgon m expulsion; (u izgnanstvo) banishment, exile,
proscription, ostracism
izgoniti vt v. prognati, istjerati

izgorjeti vi burn away (down, out) to the ground, be consumed (destroyed, gutted) by fire, be laid in ashes,
deflagrate | ~ od sunca get sunburned; (bilje, zemlja)
be scorched (parched)
izgovaranje n pronouncing, pronunciation (v. izgovor);
delivery, utterance; (obranna) exculpation, extenuation; (dvolino izmotavanje) evasion, shift, subterfuge
izgovarati vt pronounce, articulate, utter, deliver, speak
out, give utterance to
izgovarati se vr (ispriavati se) give as excuse, excuse
oneself; exculpate oneself | ~ neupuenocu plead
izgovor m pronunciation, articulation, enunciation, accent, elocution; (izlika, isprika) excuse, apology; v.
izgovaranje | pod ~om under the pretext of (-ing)
izgovoriti vt pronounce, utter, speak (out); (do kraja)
finish (cease, have done) speaking
izgovoriti se vr v. izgovarati se
izgrabiti vt (vodu iz amca) bale (bail) out; ladle out,
empty by bailing (ladling); (lopatom) scoop out
izgraditi vt build, construct, rear, erect, raise; (na brzu
ruku) run up; (do kraja) finish (cease, have done)
building; (teoriju) develop, evolve
izgraditi se vr develop one's personality; improve oneself
izgradnj|a f construction, building; erection (raising) of
a building; (razvoj) development, evolvement | u ~i
under construction; ponovna ~a re-construction; ~a
novog drutva building (of) a new society
izgraen pp built, constructed; fig conscious, aware | ~a
osoba complete personality; ~a povrina built-up
izgraivanje n building up; v. izgradnja
izgraivati vt v. izgraditi
izgrditi vt scold, chide, rebuke, lecture, rate, snub, reprove; (runim imenima) call names, revile; (osuivanje) cry down, disparage; (kritizirati) pick to pieces
izgreben pp scratched, clawed
izgrebenati vt dress flax, hackle
izgred m breach (disturbance) of the peace; (tunjava)
affray, riot
izgredniki adj rowdy, hooligan
izgrednik m person committing breach of peace (a disturbance); rowdy, hooligan
izgrednitvo n rowdyism, hooliganism
izgrepsti vt scratch (claw) all over
izgrepsti se vr scratch all over; get scratched
izgristi vt bite (chew) thoroughly, bite all over; (griskati)
nibble; (kiselina) corrode; (ra) eat away (up), wear
izgristi se vr fig worry, fret at, fret away (out) one's life
izgrizati vt v. izgristi
izgrien pp bitten (gnawn) all over; (kemijski) corroded,
worn away, (od crva) worm-eaten; (od moljaca)
izgrliti vt hung, embrace (several persons in turn)
izgrliti se vr embrace (hug) each other (one another)
izgrmjeti se vr stop (have done) thundering
izgrudati vt pelt with snowballs

izgub|iti vt lose, meet with a loss, be a loser, come off a

loser, incur (experience) a loss; (gubitak u poslu) suffer in one's pocket; forfeit; (biti lien) be short of;
(zametnuti) mislay; (propustiti zgodu) miss; (u igri)
lose at play; (hazardno) gamble away; (smru) be bereaved of, suffer bereavement | ~iti pouzdanje (povjerenje) lose one's confidence; ~ zanimanje za lose
interest in; svaka je rijec upuena njemu ~ljena
words are lost upon him; nemam to da ~im I have
nothing at stake; ~io sam kod tog posla 10 funti I
am ten pounds out of pocket by this transaction
izgubiti se vr (orijentaciju) lose one's bearings; (nestati)
vanish, disappear; (zvuk) die away, fade; (s vida)
merge in the distance; (obiaj) fall into disuse; (otii)
withdraw; (pismo, poiljka) miscarry, go wrong
izgubljen pp lost, missing, miscarried; (zalutao) stray;
(alostan) forlorn; (uzaludan) vain, unavailing, useless | ~ novac money lost; ~ dug bad debt; ~i sin
prodigal son
izgubljenost f forlornness; lack of purpose
izguliti vt v. oguliti
izgurati vt push (force, thrust, drive, shove) out; (istisnuti) oust, supplant; fig manage, endure
izgustirati vt get fed up with, stop liking, lose interest in
izgutati vi v. nastradati
izguvati vt crumple, crease itd. (v. guvati)
izii vi v. izai
Izida f myth Isis
izigrati vt trick, outwit, outmanoeuvre | ~ zakon get
around a law
izigravati vt put on an act, affect, put on airs | ~ budalu
play the fool
izim conj v. osim
iziskivati vt v. zahtijevati, trebati, traiti
izjadati se vr (potuiti se) complain bitterly of; open
one's heart, communicate one's grief, lament, ease
one's mind by disclosing one's troubles (woes, sorrows, distress)
izjahati vi go for a ride (on horseback)
izjaloviti se vr come to nothing, fall to the ground, abort,
prove abortive, fall through, miscarry, be dashed to
the ground, prove a failure
izjalovljenje n failure, ill success, miscarriage, abortiveness, abortion
izjasniti se vr speak out (plain), give an explanation of
one's meaning | ~ za declare oneself for (against),
take sides, decide in favour of, pronounce oneself for,
come out for; ne ~ not commit oneself
izjaiti vi v. izjahati
izjanjavati se vr v. izjasniti se
izjanjenje n explanation, declaration, statement
izjav|a f declaration, statement ; (rijei) utterance | dati
~u (pod zakletvom) make a (sworn) statement
izjaviti vt declare, state, make a declaration (statement);
profess; (ustvrditi) assert, enunciate
izjedanje n (kemijsko) corrosion, eating away; fig (mental) worry, grieving, fretting, eating one's heart out
izjedati vt corrode, eat into, be corrosive (caustic), fret

izjedati se vr worry (distress) oneself, grieve, fret, eat

one's heart out
izjednaenje n equalizing, standardization, levelling;
(rauna) balancing; sp equalizer, tie score
izjednaiti vt make equal, equalize, match, place on the
same level (plane) ; (svesti na isto) bring up (down)
to a standard, standardize; (razlike) abolish distinctions; (sravnjivati) equate; sp equalize, tie the score
izjednaiti se vr become equal, obtain equality with; (razinom) draw level with; find one's level; (kontrastom)
be set off against; (ravnotea) become counterbalanced (counterpoised) by
izjednaivanje n equalization, level(1)ing, standardization
izjedriti vt sail out
izjelica f voracious person, glutton, greedy eater
izjesti vt (pojesti) eat up, consume (food); (gutati) devour, swallow; (naglo) bolt down; (ra itd.) v.
izjesti se vr v. izjedati se
izjuriti vt dash (bolt, rush) out; v. istjerati, najuriti
izjutra adv v. ujutro
izlaga m speaker, reporter, lecturer; expounder; (na izlobi) exhibitor
izlaganje n (nevremenu itd.) exposure; (izloba) exposition, exhibiting; (pokazivanje) displaying, display;
(pogibelji) laying oneself open to danger, incurring
danger, running the risk; (tumaenje) explication,
elucidation, exposition, expounding
izlagati vt v. izloiti
izlagati se' vr v. izloiti se
izlagati se'' vr advance a lie as excuse
izlajati vt derog v. lajati; v. izlanuti
izlajati se vr derog v. izlanuti
izlamati vt v. izlomiti
izlanuti (se) vt (vr) blurt (blunder) out, utter incautiously
(indiscreetly), let the cat out of the bag, blab
izlapio adj fig doddering, gone to seed, senile
izlapjeti vi go to seed, become senile
izlaz m (vrata) door (gate), exit, egress, way out, outlet,
issue; (sunca) sunrise, (A+ sunup) ; DP output | ~
"exit", "out"; fig nema ~a there is no way out; fig
nai ~ find a way out; ~ za nudu emergency exit;
mil dozvola za ~ u grad pass
izlazite n point of departure, starting point
izlaz|iti vi come out itd. (v. izai); v. proizlaziti | nikad
ne ~e they never go out; ~i na isto it comes to the
izlazni adj exit; DP output
izlaenj|e n going out, issue; (tisak) publication, appearance | zabrana ~a (novina) suppression; zabraniti
~e suppress; prestati s ~em cease publication; ~ u
sveiima (dijelovima) publication in parts
izlei vt hatch
izlei se vr be hatched, be brought forth, hatch; fig result
from, ensue, be the sequel (upshot) of
izlemati vt give a drubbing (hiding), thrash, beat black
and blue, belabour; (remenom) strap; (kijaom) cudgel

izlet m excursion, outing, pleasure trip, picnic, jaunt | ii

na ~ go on (ili make) an excursion
izletite n weekend/holiday resort, excursion centre
izletjeti vi emerge flying (running, dashing), come flying out of; (biti izbaen) be thrown out; take wing; (iz
gnijezda) leave the nest
izletniki adj excursion, resort, holiday | ~ brod pleasure boat
izletnik m excursionist, tripper, picnicker, tourist;
(pjeaenje) hiker
izleavati se vr lie around, loll in bed; loaf about
izlijeiti vt cure (of), heal, restore to health, set one up
(on his legs)
izlijeiti se vr be cured (healed) of, heal, recover
(health), become sound; fig get cured (rid) of
izlijepiti vt cover (with stickers, posters)
izlijetanje n flying out, sortie
izlijetati vi keep flying out
izlijevanje n pouring out, discharging (emptying); (rijeke) disemboguing; (ikljanje) gushing forth
izlijevati vt pour (discharge, empty) out, effuse, spill
izlijevati se vr empty itself, fall (flow) into, discharge
itself into; pour (stream, flow) out (forth)
izlik|a f excuse, pretext, pretence; (klinka) disguise, colour, cloak, mask, veil; false plea | pod ~om under
(on) the pretext of; pod ~om bolesti shamming illness; traljava ~a lame excuse
izlinjati se vr pass (get through) the moulting-time
izlistati vi come out in leaf; vt DP list, make a print-out
izlian adj (suvian) superfluous, unnecessary, needless,
not needed (wanted); (obilan) more than enough, in
excess of need; (preko broja) spare, one too many;
(koji smeta) in the way
izlinost f superfluity, superfluousness, needlessness
izliti vt pour out, discharge, empty, pour out (a liqud);
(proliti) spill, shed; (kalup) cast, found; (uvstva)
speak out, unbosom oneself, open one's heart; (gnjev)
vent one's anger (on); (obasuti) shower down (upon)
izliti se vr (poplaviti) overfow, inundate
izliv m v. izljev
izlizan pp (otrcan) shabby, the worse for the wear,
threadbare; (tako da sjaji) shiny; (bez dlake) napless
izlizati vt wear out; make shiny; (jezikom) lick all over
izlizati se vr become shabby (shiny, threadbare); (upav)
frayed; (dlaka) lose the nap; (istroiti se) wear out
(away, off); (skroz) wear through; (trenjem) be effaced (rubbed out) by rubbing (friction); fret
izlog m shop-window, A store window; show-window |
urediti ~ dress the shop-window; ureenje ~a window-dressing; araner ~a window-dresser; razgledavanje ~a window-shopping; razgledavati ~e go
izlokati vt wear out (through), honeycomb
izlomiti vt break (succesively, all over) to pieces (shivers); (muke) break on a wheel (rack)
izlomiti se vr snap (break) to pieces, be shattered (shivered, factured)
izloak m exhibit

izloba f exposition, exhibition, fair; (manja) show, display; (prostorije) show-rooms | samostalna (kolektivna) ~ one-man (group) show
izloben|i adj | ~a vitrina show-case; ~e prostorije
izloen adj displayed, exhibited, on show, on display;
(vjetru) exposed; (kritici itd.) liable to (apt to incur)
criticism (reproach); open to; (praen) incident to;
(mrtav na odru) lying in state
izloenost f exposure; exposed position
izloiti vt exhibit, display for show (sale), place on view,
show publicly; (dijete) abandon; (iznijeti) set forth;
(tumaiti) expound
izloiti se vr face a risk, coll stick one's neck out
izluina f secretion, discbarge; extracted substance
izluiti vt eliminate; (vaditi) extract from, free by chemical process; (odijeliti) separate, segregate, set apart
(aside); (biranjem) sift; (kovinu iz rude pranjem)
wash (sift) ore; isolate; (odbaciti) discard, reject; (tekue) secrete, excrete
izluivanje n elimination (i sp); extraction; med secretion, discharge | med unutranje ~ internal secretion
izluivati vt v. izluiti
izlun|i adj eliminatory | sp ~a utakmica trial (match)
izluditi vt drive crazy
izludjeti vi go crazy
izludovati se vr have done fooling around; (u mladosti)
sow some wild oats; (djeca) have done romping
izluftati vt Ger v. prozraiti
izlupati vt beat, dust one's jacket, belabour, thrash
izljeenje n cure
izljeiv adj curable, redeemable
izljeivost f curability
izljev m (kuhinjski) sink; drain; (nasipa brane) spillway;
(osjeaja) gush, gushing, effusion; (istjecanje) outflow, discharge | ~ krvi (u mozak) (cerebral) haemorrhage
izljubiti vt kiss heartily (all over)
izljubiti se vr kiss one another (each other)
izmai (se) vi (vr) v. izmaknuti (se)
izmaglica f haze
izmahnuti vi v. zamahnuti
izmajstorisati vt fig put together, cook up
izmak m (izminue) expiry, expiration, termination;
(kraj) end, close; (nestajanje) ebb, decline, wane |
biti na ~u decrease; decline, ebb; (zaliha) run short;
(rok) expire, run out, draw near, come to an end
(close), reach its term; aj nam je bio na ~u we ran
short of tea; on je na ~u ivota (bolest) he is drooping (sinking)
izmak|nuti vi elude, escape from, ship (out of one's
hands); (bez posljedica) get unscathed; (pobjei) slip
away, slip out of, abscond, escape; (panji) slip one's
attention, escape notice (observation); (neopazice)
slip off (away, through), steal away, give the slip;
(sudu, pravdi) fly from justice; elude; (dunosti) shirk
one's duty; (iz ruke) slip; (tlo) lose footing, make a
slip | ~lo mi je v. izmaklo mi se; ~la mi je prilika v.

izmaknuti (se) vi (vr) v. izmai (se)

izmak|nuti se vr dodge, duck | ~lo mi se I blabbed, I
blurted (blundered) out, it escaped me, I uttered unawares; (u pisanju) a mistake crept in; ~la mi se
noga I slipped, I lost my footing
izmalati vt paint
izmalena adv from (one's) childhood
izmamiti vt (tajnu) elicit (draw) a secret from; (da govori) draw one out, induce to talk, pump out of; (laskanjem) coax (wheedle, flatter) one out of a thing;
(varanjem) obtain (get) from one by cunning (wile),
trick (cheat) one out of a thing | ~ suze move to tears
izmamljivanje n eliciting, drawing out (of one), blackmail(ing)
izmarati vt v. izmoriti
izmarirati vi march out
izmatati vt keep unwrapping (unrolling, unwinding,
izmazati vt smear (daub, plaster, roughcast, cement) all
over (the surface)
izmear m servant, domestic, household servant; derog
izmeu prep between, arch betwixt; among, amongst,
amid, amidst, from among | podijelili smo novac ~
nas 5 we divided the money among 5 of us; posvadili
su se ~ sebe they quarrelled among themselves;
razlika je ~ mene i tebe there is a difference between you and me; birati ~ choose between (among);
prostor ~... interstice; koji je ~ intermediate, intervening, interposed
izmesti vt sweep out (up, away), clean by sweeping; besom away
izmet m fig (ljudi) dregs pl, scum, riff-raff, vermin, rabble; v. izmetine
izmetak m abortus, prematurely born f(o)etus
izmetati vt put (place, carry, bear) out (outside)
izmetine f pl faeces pl, excrements pl; (gnojivo) dung,
ordure; (ptije) droppings
izmetnuti se vr degenerate, deteriorate, become depraved, vitiate; (drvo) warp
izmicanje n drawing back, shrinking; (poslu) fighting
shy of; evasion, evasiveness
izmicati vt (poslu) fight shy of, shirk; (prezati) shrink
from; (prigovorima itd.) demur; evade; (udarcu,
progonu) dodge; elude, baffle; (maevanje) foil,
parry, v. izmaknuti (se)
izmigoljiti se vr wiggle out, wiggle free; fig slip free
izmijeniti vt (promijeniti) change; (za drugo) exchange;
(djelomice) alter, amend, modify, (jedno za drugo)
interchange, substitute for; (mjesto) take place of;
(popraviti) renew, repair, replace one by another;
(konje, korak) change horses, step; (novac) change
money, give change for, get change for; (nazore,
misli) exchange opinions (views); (nakanu) change
one's mind; (robu) swap, swop (for), (u naravi) truck,
barter; (strau) relieve guard; (slijed) shift, rotate;
(vlasnika) change hands; (pretvoriti u) convert into,
commute; (usluge itd.) reciprocate

izmijeniti se vr become different, undergo a change,

transform; (na mjestu) take another's place, change
places with; (u poslu) v. izmjenjivati se
izmijesiti vt knead (thoroughly); finish (have done)
izmijesiti se vr become well-kneaded
izmijean pp mixed, blended; intermingled; (zbrkan)
confused, jumbled; pell-mell, topsy-turvy; (bez
razlike) indiscriminate, promiscuous; (aren) motley,
izmijeati vt mix, blend; intermingle, mingle; (stopiti)
amalgamate; (promijeati) stir about; car shuffle;
(zbrkati) confound, confuse, mix up; make a meddle
of; (zamrsiti) embroil, entangle, (nered) throw into
izmijeati se vr mix, blend, intermingle, mingle
izmilovati vt have done caressing
izmilovati se vr have done caressing each other
izmiljeti vi creep (crawl) out
izminuti vi v. minuti
izmirenje n conciliation, reconciliation, reconcilement,
propitiation, appeasement; (nagodba) adjustment,
izmiritelj m reconciler, coneiliator
izmiriti vt reconcile, conciliate; (umiriti) pacify; (svau)
compose a quarrel (dispute), restore harmony (peace)
izmiriti se vr make peace with, make friends again, be
(become) reconciled to, make up a quarrel, make it
up, settle differences (dispute); (nagoditi se) compose
(adjust) a dispute
izmisliti vt (izumiti) invent, devise, contrive, think (find)
out, coll come up with; excogitate, plan, project; (zamisliti) conceive; (spletku) frame a plot, (trik) make
up (concoct) a scheme; (la) fabricate a lie; coin
(forge) a tale; (izliku) trump up an excuse (story);
(primjer) fabricate
izmilja| m, ~lo n inventor, deviser, framer, contriver,
izmiljanje n devising, framing, inventing
izmiljati vt v. izmisliti
izmiljen pp invented, fabricated, trumped up; fictitious;
(laan) untrue, false; (bez temelja) unfounded
izmisljotina f fiction, figment, invention; (la) lie, falsehood; myth, tall story, fabrication
izmjena f exchange; (djelomina) alteration, modification; (zamjena) commutation; (strae) relief; (na poslu) spell; (robe u naravi) barter, bartering, truck; (uzajamno davanje) give and take; (redanje) succession
by turns; (usjeva) rotation (of crops); (radnika u
smjenama) shift, relay (of workmen) | biol ~ tvari
izmjenice adv v. naizmjence
izmjeni|an adj alternate, alternating; (uzajaman) reciprocal, one after another, in succession, intermittent |
~na struja alternating current
izmje|nljiv, ~njiv adj exchangeable, replaceable
izmje|nljivost, ~njivost f exchangeability, replaceability
izmjenjivanje n v. izmjena
izmjenjivati vt v. izmijeniti

izmjenjivati se vr alternate, interchange with, succeed

one another by turns, take turns at, follow in succession; (na radu) work by turns, take one's turn at
work, work in shifts (spells), turn and turn about
izmjera f (tla) surveying (of land); (mjerenje) measuring, mensuration; (teine) weighing; (bave, obujma)
izmjeriti vt measure, size up, take measure (gauge) of;
(bavu) gauge; (tlo) survey; (teinu) weigh (out);
(obujam drveta itd., sa svinutim estilom) calliper
izmjerljiv adj measurable
izmjerljivost f measurableness
izmlaen pp (ito) threshed; (istuen) thrashed, soundly
beaten; (gotovo do smrti) beaten within an inch of
one's life
izmlatiti vt (ito) thresh (out); (tui) beat gut; coll
thrash, beat soundly, beat black and blue, belabour
izmljeti vt grind (all of it); have done grinding
izmodelirati vt v. modelirati
izmodulirati vt modulate (thoroughly)
izmokriti vt pass out in urine; urinate; piss
izmoliti vt (molitva) say one's prayers (to the end), have
done praying; get (obtain) by prayer; (molbama, zaklinjanjem) prevail upon by entreaties (appeal)
izmoljakati vt get (obtain) by begging (entreaty), wheedle out of
izmoren pp tired out, weary, (toil-)worn, knocked-up,
exhausted, fatigued, jaded
izmorenost f weariness, fatigue, exhaustion
izmoriti vt tire, weary, fatigue, exhaust, wear out
izmoriti se vr grow (get) tired (weary, exhausted), be
spent (knocked up, fatigued, worn out)
izmotati vt unwrap, unroll, unwind
izmotavanje n (offering) lame excuses; quibbling, hedging, stalling
izmotavati vt v. izmotati
izmotavati se vr offer lame excuses, quibble, hedge,
stall; clown; v. prenemagati se
izmozgati vt invent, conceive, plan, project, hit upon an
izmoden adj enervated, shattered, debilitated, worn out;
all in (predikativno); fig a wreck
izmodenost f enervation
izmoditi vt drain of strength, shatter (one's constitution), debilitate
izmrcvariti vt (unakaziti) mangle, lacerate; (sasjei)
slash (gash, hack, wound) all over; (poklati) massacre, slaughter; fig (poslom) jade, drive, overwork,
wear out; fig (izmuiti) rack, torture
izmriti vt smear (blacken, strain) with soot or ink
izmrijestiti vt hatch
izmrljati vt blot (smudge, stain, daub, blur) all over
izmrmljati vt v. promrmljati
izmraviti vt emaciate, reduce
izmrviti vt crumble, reduce to crumbles
izmrviti se vr crumble, fall to small pieces (fragments)
izmucati vt stutter (stammer) out
izmuen pp worn, fatigued, spent, exhausted, prostrate,
jaded, knocked up, tired, done up, emaciated, harried

izmuenost f prostration, exhaustion

izmuiti vt (radom, naporom) wear out, tire, fag, exhaust, prostrate, jade; work to exhaustion; over-task,
over-work; (izgnjaviti) weary, plague, bore, harass;
(iznervirati) vex, annoy; (muke) torture, rack, torment; (konja jahanjem) over-ride, over-drive, founder
izmuiti se vr tire oneself out, get exhausted, to have
one's share of toiling and moiling (of drudgery); (izgnjaviti se) have a lot of trouble (with); v. iskilaviti
izmukati vt v. promukati
izmudrovati vt (otkriti, izumiti) invent, discover; (dosjetiti se) hit upon, devise, contrive, find out, strike
upon idea (plan), strike out (plan), frame, spring a
project; puzzle out
izmusti vt (kravu) milk; (novac) fleece, bleed, extort;
(crpsti) exhaust; drain, (osiromaiti) impoverish,
suck dry, fig bleed white
izmutrati vt v. mutrati
iznai vt v. otkriti, pronai, dosjetiti se, izumiti
iznad prep above, up, over, overhead; higher than; on
the upper side; (gore dalje) further up; (izvan
dohvata) out of reach of, beyond the range (compass)
of; past; (vie nego) more than, upwards of; (vii
poloajem) of higher rank; superior; (bolji) too good
for | ~ svega above all, first of all, of all things; on je
daleko ~ njih he towers high above them
iznajmitelj m (drugome) lessor (podnajmitelj sublessor); (najmoprimac) lessee (podnajmoprimac sublessee); (stana) tenant
iznajmiti vt (drugome) let (hire) out, put out to hire
(lease), let out on hire; (sam ili drugome) lease, rent;
(uzeti u najam) hire; (brod) charter a ship; (konje,
koije) job; (kao podnajam) sub-lease, sublet
iznajmljen pp let (hired) out, leased, on hire, on lease,
on charter, chartered
iznajmljivanje n letting, hiring, leasing, renting, rental
iznakaziti vt v. unakaziti
iznakaen pp v. unakaen
iznalaziti vt v. iznai
iznalaenje n v. pronalaenje, otkrivanje
iznasati vt v. iznositi
iznebuha adv suddenly, all of a sudden, unexpectedly;
(kao grom iz vedra neba) like a bolt from the blue
iznemoi vi become (grow) exhausted (weak, enervated,
decrepit, prostrate, prostrated); droop, languish,
weaken, break down, be spent
iznemogao adj worn out (with fatigue), knocked-up,
tired to death, spent, dead-beat, dog-tired (nesposoban) disabled; (od starosti) superannuated
iznemoglost f (umor) exhaustion; (snage) collapse, prostration; sinking, drooping; (slabost) weakness, feebleness | do ~i until collapse; fig ad nauseam
iznenada adv suddenly, of (on) a sudden, unexpectedly,
of a sudden, unawares, abruptly, by surprise
iznenadan adj unexpected, sudden, surpriseiznenaditi vt take a person at advantage, take one by
surprise (unawares, aback); surprise; (naii na) overtake; (zauditi) astonish

iznenaditi se vr be astonished (surprised) at, be taken

aback, be taken by surprise, be amazed (struck)
iznenadnost f unexpectedness
iznenaen pp surprised, taken by surprise, astonished,
amazed, struck; (jako) staggered, stunned, bewildered, struck dumb
iznenaenje n surprise, astonishment, amazment, wonder | na ope ~ to everyone's surprise
iznenaivanje n (repeated) surprise
iznenaivati vt v. iznenaditi
iznenaujui adj surprising
iznerviran adj upset, with one's nerves frayed
iznervirati vt upset, fray someone's nerves
iznervirati se vr get upset
iznesti vt v. iznijeti
iznevjerenje n apostasy, defection, falling away
iznevjeriti vt leave one in the lurch, fail one, let one
down; (ostaviti) desert, forsake, cast off, throw off
(overboard); v. ostaviti (momka)
iznevjeriti se vr fall away, prove faithless (treacherous,
disloyal, perfidious) to; (pothvatu) back out (of);
(vjeri) apostatize; become turn-coat (apostate, renegade, desester); (svojoj stranci) rat
iznicanje n germination, cropping up, sprouting
iznii vi v. izniknuti
iznijansiran adj nuanced, finely shaded
iznijansirati vt nuance, shade finely
iznijeti vt bring (fetch, take, carry, bear) out (away);
(maknuti) remove; v. izloiti; med carry (a child) to
term | ~ prijedlog put forward a proposal; ~ dokaze
produce evidence;~ plan outline a plan; ~ pred (forum) bring before; refer to; ~ u diskusiji bring up,
put forward
iznikao adj (biljka) cropped out (up, forth)
izniknuti vi (klica) germinate, crop (up, out, forth),
sprout forth, shoot up (forth), spring up; fig crop up
unexpectedly, arise, present itself
izniman adj exceptional; (dogaaj) unprecedented
iznimk|a f exception; (nesklad) anomaly; (rijetkost) rarity; (nepravilnost) irregularity | bez ~e without exception; undiscriminately; ~a potvruje pravilo exception proves the rule
iznimno adv exceptionally, by exception
iznimnost f exceptional quality
iznojiti se vr perspire copiously, cease (have done) perspiring; sweat, exude; exude moisture (dampness),
iznos m amount, sum; (koliina) quantity; (poprean)
average | ukupni ~ total; u (ukupnom) ~u od totalling
iznositi vt v. iznijeti | ~ odjeu wear out clothes; vi
(svota) amount to, corne to, figure out; (bruto) gross;
(ukupno) total
iznositi se vr become worn (frayed)
iznoen pp worn out, dilapidated
iznoenje n taking out; removal; outlining; bringing before (up); putting forward
iznova adv anew, afresh, freshly; again and again, repeatedly, once more, over and over again

iznuditi vt extort, exact; (prijetnjama) blackmail; extract

forcibly, force out of (from), wrest (wring) from
iznuiva m extortioner; blackmailer
iznuivaki adj (cijena) extortionate, exorbitant
iznuivanje n extortion, exaction; black-mail
iznuivati vt v. iznuditi
iznuren adj v. iscrpljen
iznuriti vt v. iscrpsti
iznutra adv (odakle) from within; (gdje) within, on the
inside, inside, internally
iznutrica f innards pl; (peradi) giblets pl
izobara f meteorol isobar
izobata f geog isobath
izobiajiti se vr fall into disuse, cease to be used; (rije)
become obsolete
izobijestiti se vr v. uzobijestiti se
izobila adv v. u izobilju, obilno
izobilan adj v. obilan
izobilj|e n plenty, abundance, eopiousness, profusion,
affluence, richness, opulence; (preveliko) surfeit, glut
| u ~u in abundance, abundantly, copiously, plentifully, amply
izoblien pp disfigured, distorted, twisted out of shape,
misshapen; (ruan) ugly; (prikaz) v. iskrivtjen
izoblie|nost f, ~nje n deformity, disfigurement; malformation; v. iskrivtjenost
izobliiti vt distort, disfigure, deform, misshape, put out
of shape; fig v. iskriviti; v. razobliiti
izobliiti se vr (od boli) twist with pain
izobrazb|a f education, culture, cultivation; (znanje) accomplishment(s); (odgoj) breeding, refinement;
(sprema) schooling, instruction, training | osoba na
~i trainee; centar za ~u training centre
izobraziti vt educate, cultivate, culture; instruct; accomplish; polish, refine
izobraen pp educated, accomplished, cultured, cultivated, refined
izobraenost f culture, accomplishments pl, education;
polish, refinement
izobraenje n v. izobrazba
izoglosa f ling isogloss
izohipsa f geog contour (line)
izolacij|a f el insulation; (osamljenje) isolation | zvuna
~a soundproofing; sa zvunom ~om soundproof(ed)
izolaci|oni, ~jski adj insulating, insulation | el ~ona vrpca insulating tape
izolacionist m pol isolationist
izolacionistiki adj pol isolationist
izolacionizam m pol isolationism
izolator m el & archit insulator
izoliran adj (neprovodan) insulated; (osamljen) isolated
| zvuno ~ soundproaf(ed)
izoliranost f being isolated, isolation
izolirati vt el insulate; (osamiti) isolate | zvuno ~
izolirati se vr isolate oneself
izolirband m el Ger v. izolaciona vrpca

izopaen adj debased, depraved, perverted, corrupted,

demoralised; (iskrivljen) twisted, distorted, wrested;
izopaenost f corruption, depravity, debasement, demoralization, deterioration, degeneration, degeneracy,
perversity, perverseness
izopaiti vt pervert, corrupt, deprave, debase, spoil, demoralize, distort, contort; (istinu,injenicu) v. iskriviti
izopaiti se vr degenerate, deteriorate, become corrupted
(perverted, demoralized)
izopaivanje n distortion, perversion ; v. iskrivljivanje
izopenik m eccl excommunicate; fig one beyond the
izopenje n excommunication; (prokletstvo) anathema ;
(progon) banishment, outlawry; (iz drutva) putting
beyond (outside) the pale
izopiti vt excommunicate, banish, outlaw; unchurch ;
(iz pristojnog ophoenja) taboo
izopijati se vr get completely drunk
izoran pp ploughed up
izorati vt plough up (out, down), break ground; have
done (finish) ploughing
izostajanje n staying (keeping) away, failure to come; (s
posla) absenteeism
izostaja|ti vi keep absenting oneself, stay away; (iz kole)
play truant; (s predavanja) shirk lectures, cut classes |
uenik koji ~e iz kole truant
izostanak m staying away, non-appearance, non-attendance, non-arrival; default (of appearance), absence
izostati vi not be forthcoming; be overdue, stay (keep)
away, drop visits, fail to come, absent oneself; fail to
take place; (ne doi na sud) make default; (s predavanja) discontinue attendance
izostaviti vt omit, drop, elide, miss; (preskoiti) skip; (u
nemarnom izgovoru) skip by slurring over, slur over;
leave out, pass over; fail to put (place, mention)
izostavljanje n omission, dropping, leaving out; (rijei)
izostavljati vt v. izostaviti
izotravanje n sharpening; refinement; adjustment
izotriti vt sharpen, make keen; refine; (fokus) adjust;
(TV sliku) fine-tune
izotriti se vr grow sharp (keen, refined)
izoterma f meteorol isotherm
izotop m phys & med isotope
izrabiti vt exploit; take advantage of; (istroiti) wear out
(down); v. iskoristiti
izrabljiva m exploiter; (radnika) sweater
izrabljivaki adj exploiting
izrabljivanje n exploitation; (radnika) sweating system
izraunati vt reckon (cast, count) up, find by reckoning;
(zbroj) sum (run, add) up, calculate, cipher out; (procijeniti) estimate; do a sum
izraunavanje n reckoning, calculation, doing sums
izraunljiv adj calculable
izraunljivost f calculability
izradak m math worked out example; (sastavak) essay,
composition; (vjeba) exercise

izradba f execution, making; (kakvoa) workmanship,

finish; (podritetlo) make; (nain) elaboration
izraditi vt (nainiti) make, manufacture, work up (into);
(dati oblik) shape, form mould, fashion; (razraditi)
work out (in detail), elaborate; math work out, solve;
(metodu) work out, develop; (sastav) compose; (spis)
draw up; (izvriti) execute; (svriti) finish; (pripraviti) prepare; v. isposlovati
izraditi se vr become too old for work; become overworked
izraen pp (izveden) manufactured, finished, worked
out, made, completed; (rijeen) solved; (premoren)
over-worked; (star) too old for work
izraevina f finished (manufactured) goods (ware),
make; artefact
izraiva m (tvorniki) manufacturer, maker, producer;
(oblika) shaper; (u konanoj doradi) finisher
izraivanje n (izvedba) working out (up), manufacture,
making; elaboration; fashioning, moulding; turning
out (of goods)
izraivati vt manufacture, turn out (goods); v. izraditi
Izrael m geog Israel
Izraelac m Israeli
Izraelia|nin m Bibl Israelite | ~ni Israelites, Israel
izraelianski adj Bibl Israelitic
Izraelka f Israeli (woman)
izraelski adj geog Israeli
izraniti vt wound all over, cover with wounds; inflict
wounds; (mrcvariti) mangle, lacerate
izranjati vi v. izroniti
izranjen pp covered with wounds; (ranjav) sore; (izderan) lacerated
izraslina f excrescence, outgrowth; (izboina) protuberance; (na drvu) gnarl, knob
izrastao adj (odrastao) grown-up, full-grown
izrasti vi grow (shoot) up; (brzo) run up; (niknuti) spring
up (bot shoot forth, sprout); (obujmom) increase
izravan adj direct, straight, immediate, forthright
izravnanje n (povrine) levelling; fig equalization;
(spora) accomodation; (zapreka) removal of obstacles; (nagodba, pomirba) settlement, arrangement,
agreement, adjustment, compromise, accomodation;
smoothing over (away) ; v. izjednaenje
izravnati vt (neravno) even, level; (krivo) straighten,
unbend; (hrapavo, zguvano) smooth(e); (nagodba,
pomirba) arrange, accomodate, adjust, compose; (izjednaiti) equalize; (poteskoe) smooth(e) out (over,
away, down), compose a difference, make it up;
(namiriti raun) square (settle, clear, balance) account, liquidate; (spor) accomodate
izravno adv direct, directly, straight
izravnost f directness
izraz m (rije) expression, term, word, phrase, idiom,
idiomatic expression, wording; (struni) technical
term; (zastarjeli) archaism; (netoan, protiv duha jezika) solecism; (obinog govora) colloquialism; (neknjievni) slang, cant; (govor) utterance; (lica, dranje) air, mien, look, face, countenance, physiognomy, features pl

izrazit adj expressive; pronounced, marked; (znaajan)

characteristic; (iv) vivid; (rjecit) eloquent; (jasan)
explicit; (odreen) well-defined, well-marked; (nedvojben) unmistakable; (odluan) decided; (istaknut)
outstanding, conspicuous | ~a prednost distinct advantage
izraziti vt express, utter, give expression to, convey (the
meaning), be expressive of; (mnijenje) voice, phrase;
(rijei) word, couch; (suut) express sympathy with;
(osjeaje) give voice (to one's feelings)
izrazi|ti se vr express oneself; (jasnije) be explicit; (dati
oduka) give vent to, vent; (dati na znanje) signify,
declare | ne zna se ~ti he cannot find appropriate
words (terms); ne znam kako da se ~m I don't know
how to put it
izrazito adv markedly; (jasno) explicitly, clearly, distinctly, positively
izrazitost f markedness, pronounced quality; vividness;
izraaj m v. izraz | doi do ~a be revealed, become
izraajan adj (lice) expressive; suggestive
izraajno adv expressively; suggestively
izraajnost f expressiveness; suggestiveness
izraavanje n (nain) manner of expressing oneself,
phraseology; diction, style
izraavati vt v. izraziti
izraava|ti se vr express oneself | dobro se ~ti be articulated; pazite kako se ~te! watch your language!
izrecitirati vt recite (through)
izreciv adj utterable
izrei vt utter, say; (do kraja) speak out (to the end),
finish (a word, sentence); (govor) make (deliver) a
speech, give an address, address (an audience);
(izgovarati) pronounce, articulate, express word,
sound; (izjaviti) state, profess, declare | ne da se ~ it
is unutterable
izredati vt line; enumerate
izredati se vr have one's turn (at work itd.), do by turns
izreka f (mudra) wise saying; (poslovica) saw, adage,
proverb; log statement, proposition
izreetan pp riddled (pierced) with holes
izreetati vt riddle with shots
izrez m cutout; (haljine) low neckline (duboki plunging
neckline); (za uitak) gore, gusset
izrezak m (novinski) B cutting, A clipping; geom sector
izrezan pp cut out (up); (haljina) low-necked
izrezati vt cut (clip) out, hollow (scoop, fret, saw, carve)
out; (zupasto) scallop, serrate; (narovaiti) score,
notch; (poput pile) jag (saw, fret) out
izrezbariti vt carve; (udupsti) engrave; (peat itd.) sink
(a die), sculpture, chisel
izrezivanje n cutting (clipping, fretting) out; med excision
izrezivati vt v. izrezati
izrezuckati vt (drvo) whittle, carve; (kou) pink out;
(poput koljke) scallop; (pilicom) cut with fret-saw;
jag, notch
izreirati vt fig stage, stage-manage

izribati vt scrub; (kupus, sir) grate

izricanje n pronunciation; (osude) giving (passing) of
sentence (judgment) upon
izricati vt give (pass, pronounce) sentence (judgment)
(up) on; v. izrei
izriaj m v. izreka; ling utterance
izri|an adj | gram ~na reenica noun-clause
izri|it, ~ni adj express; (clean, plain-)expressly stated
(mentioned); explicit; positive; (odreen) precise, definite; not tacit
izriito adv expressly, explicitly, clearly, formally,
plainly; (nedvojbeno) unequivocally
izriitost f explicitness
izridati se vr have done sobbing, sob one's fill
izrigati vt (vulkan) belch, erupt; v. izbljuvati
izrijekom adv (izriito) expressly; (potanko) specifying
izrinuti vt v. istisnuti, izgurati
izrod m morally (ethically) degenerate (worthless, base,
despicable) person (fellow); monster, fiend, devil incarnate; (prirodna nakaza) freak
izroditi vt bear, give birth to
izroditi se vr degenerate, deteriorate; sink morally
izroenje n degeneration
izrojiti se vr (pele) swarm; cease swarming
izroniti vi rise to the surface, emerge; (podmornica) surface; vt bring to the surface
izrovan adj rutted, furrowed, ravaged
izrovati vt (kopati) dig up, excavate; (brazdu) furrow;
(brlog) burrow; make deep tracks (ruts, holes, channels) by digging (driving, carting); (svinja) root
(rout) up; (podrovati) undermine, fret
izruenje n (zloinca) extradition; com (robe) delivery;
(predaja) surrender; (u ruke) handing over; com (povjerba) consignation, consignment
izruitelj m deliverer
izruiti vt deliver, hand over, present to; (zloinca) extradite; (poziv) summons, serve; (odrei se) give up;
(prenijeti vlasnitvo) make over, surrender;
(povjerba) consign; (pozdrav) send (give) one's compliments (love) to, remember one to a person; v. istresti, isprazniti, izliti
izruivanje n v. izruenje
izruivati vt v. izruiti
izrugati se vr mock, scoff, rally, ridicule, deride; (ala)
banter, chaff, rally; (koriti) twit with; quiz; (zbijati
alu) poke fun at
izrugivanje n mocking, derision, scoffing, quizzing,
poking fun at
izrugivati se vr v. izrugati se
izruiti vt rail, rebuke, rate, scold, chide, lecture one, fall
foul of, call names
izmirglati vt v. mirglati
izpaltati vt v. paltati
izubijati vt batter, bruise; v. izudarati
izubijati se vr become battered (bruised)
izuavanje n study, research, research work, scientific
study; investigation
izuavatelj m researcher; (uenjak) scholar, scientist;
student; investigator

izuavati vt study, do research (scientific) work; investigate

izuen pp qualified, skilled; having finished studies,
having qualified himself for a trade (profession), having served one's apprenticeship
izuiti (se) vt (vr) finish one's (professional) studies;
(naunik) serve one's apprenticeship, go through special training | ~ predmet master a subject; ~ nekoga
izudarati vt beat up, pommel, hit repeatedly, hit all over,
thrash, beat up
izudarati se vr become battered (bruised)
izujedati vt v. izgristi
izukrtati t v. iskriati
izum m invention, (otkrie) discovery; (naprava) device,
contrivance, gadget
izumiranje n dying out, extinction
izumirati vi v. izumrijeti
izumitelj m inventor, patentee; discoverer; contriver
izumiti vt invent; discover; contrive, device, find out
izumljen pp invented; contrived, devised
izumljivanje n invention
izumrijeti vi become extinct, die out (off)
izamrlost f being extinct
izumro adj died-out, extinct
izustiti vt utter, give utterance, speak, breathe, voice
izut adj unbooted; (bos) barefoot, barefooted
izuti vt take (pull) off someone's shoes (boots)
izuti se vr take off one's shoes (boots)
izuva m bootjack
izuvanje n taking (pulling) off one's boots (shoes)
izuvati vt v. izuti
izuzee n (od obveze) exemption; waiver
izuzetak m v. iznimka
izuzeti vt except; (iskljuiti) exclude; (osloboditi) exempt from
izuzetno adv v. iznimno
izuzevi adv (izuzev) except (that, for), excepting, exlusive of, excluded; barring; without; (osim) but; save,
saving; not including; (ako ne) unless
izuzimanje n making exception(s), exemption, exclusion
izuzimati vt v. izuzeti
izvabiti vt v. izmamiti; wheedle out; (tajnu) worm out,
elicit, draw out
izvadak m (dio) excerpt, extract; (skraen) abridgment;
(jezgra) compendium, summary, epitome, precis;
(kratak sadraj na poleini spisa) docket; (izvod) certificate
izvadi|ti vt take out, get out, extract; (izdvojiti) separate;
(iz depa) produce; (ukloniti) remove; (dobivati) obtain from, derive; (izvui) pull (draw) out; (izvatke)
make extracts from; (jezgru spisa) docket | ~li su mu
krajnike he has had his tonsils out; ~ti paso take
out a passport
izvaa m v. izvoditelj
izvaanje n v. izvoenje
izvaati vt v. izvoditi
izvagati vt weigh; finish weighing
izvagati se vr weigh oneself; have one's weight taken

izvajati vt sculpture, carve, chisel (out)

izvaliti vt (jaje) hatch; v. bubnuti
izvaliti se vr (pile) hatch; (baciti se) fling oneself down,
lie down heavily, fall down; (ispruiti se) loll
(lounge, ecline) at full length (in a careless [ungainly] way), sprawl
izvaljati vt roll out (down); (rublje) mangle out; (spljotiti) flatten; (van) roll away, push away (out) rolling;
(valjkom) smooth with a roller
izvaljati se vr roll (lounge) about all one wants; roll out,
come out rolling
izvaljen pp sprawled
izvaljivanje n (jaja) hatching
izvaljivati vt v. izvaliti
izvan prep out of | ~ kue out of doors; ~ drave abroad;
~ sebe beside oneself
izvana adv from (the) outside, without, externally; (na
povrini) on the surface, on the face of
izvanred|an adj (red) extra-ordinary, irregular, occassional; (neizvjestan) contingent; (poseban) special,
extra; (povrh) over and above, into the bargain, additional; (neobian) unusual, uncommon, out of the
common (run); (izvrstan, istaknut) extra ordinary,
eminent, surpassing, exceptional, remarkable, outstanding | ~na skuptina (sluaj, mjere) emergency
meeting (case, measures); proglasiti ~no stanje proclaim a state of emergency; ~an doplatak extra allowance, bonus
izvanredno adv extraordinarily, exceedingly, singularly,
eminently; in a high degree
izvanrednost f extraordinariness; emergency character;
izvarati vt cheat (trick) one out of a thing
izvaanje n v. izvoenje, izvoz
izvaati vt v. izvoziti
izvedba f (predstava, sviranje) performance, recital; (izradba) workmanship; (ostvarenje) realization; (gradnja) construction
izveden adj (van) led (brought, conducted) out; gram
derived from, formed from; log inferred, deduced,
drawn from; (izvren) achieved, accomplished;
(nalog) carried out; (predstava, koncert) performed
izvedenica f ling derivative
izvediv adj feasible, practicable
izvedivost f feasibility, practicability
izvesti' vt (van) take (lead, bring, conduct, convey) out;
(podrijetlo) trace from; (vriti) carry out (through),
perform, accomplish, execute, effect, achieve, realize,
consummate; (gradnju) construct; (kao reproduktivni
umjetnik) execute, perform, play, sing, recite; (zakljuak) form a conclusion, infer, deduce | sp ~ slobodan
udarac take the free kick
izvesti'' vt (kolima) take (out) for a ride; com export
izvesti''' vt (vezenje) embroider
izvesti se vr take a ride (drive, an airing)
izvezen adj embroidered
izvid m (izviaj) inquest; v. istraga
izvidati vt v. izlijeiti

izvidjeti vt investigate, inquire into; (povesti izvid) set

on foot (institute) an enquiry; get (search) to the bottom of, gather information
izvidnic|a f mil reconnoitring party | ii u ~u go on patrol
izvidni|k m v. izvia
izvia m mil reconnoitrer
izviaki adj mil reconnaissance
izviaj m v. izvid
izvianje n mil reconnaissance, reconnoitring
izviati vt reconnoitre
izvija m (alat) screw-driver
izvijati' vt (vijak) unserew; (svijati) twist
izvijati'' vt (ito) winnow, fan
izvijati se vr twist; (dim) rise (spiralling)
izvijestiti vt report; (javiti) inform, let know, notify, give
notice, apprise; (pismom) communicate; com advise;
(ispriati) give an account of, relate; (krivo) misinform
izvikan adj v. razvikan
izvikati vt cry (proclaim) loudly and publicly, announce
publicly; call out; v. razvikati
izvikati se vr yell one's fill; v. izderati se
izvikiva m caller (out), crier; (pred cirkusom) barker
izvikivati vt call out, shout
izviksati vt v. izlatiti
izvini|ti vt v. ispriati | ~e! v. oprostite!
izviniti se vr v. ispriati se
izvinuti vt twist, warp, wrench; v. uganuti
izvinuti se vr v. iskriviti se, izviniti se, uganuti se
izvinjavanje n v. ispriavanje
izvinjavati se vr v. ispriavati se
izvinjenje n v. isprika
izviranje n welling out (forth), issuing forth, issuing
from a source (spring, well); (mlazom) gushing forth
izvirati vi (rijeka) rise from a spring, take rise; spring,
well; (mlazom) gush forth, spout out, spurt; spirt; (izlaziti) come forth; issue; (nastajati) originate, arise
from, proceed; v. proizlaziti
izvririti vt peep out; (striti) protrude, project, stick out;
izvisiti vi coll v. stradati, izvui kraci kraj, ostati na
cjedilu, loe proi
izviti vt v. izvijati
izvitoperiti se vr (drvo) warp
izvidati vt hiss down; (s pozornice) hiss off (the stage),
whistle down, catcall
izvjedljiv adj v. radoznao
izvjesiti vt hang out; (oglas) put (tack) up (a notice)
izvjesno adv v. sigurno, nedvojbeno
izvjesnost f v. sigurnost, nedvojbenost
izvjestan adj v. siguran, stanoviti, neki
izvjestitelj m reporter of proceedings; reporting official,
referendary; (novinski) reporter, correspondent
izvjeati vt v. izvjesiti
izvjetaen adj unnatural, affected, pretended, artificial;
insincere, overdone, priggish
izvjetaenost f affectation; artificiality
izvjetaiti vt make artificial (unnatural)

izvjetaiti se vr become affected (artificial)

izvjetaj m report; (prianje) account, relation;
(poslovni) statement | podnijeti ~ make (submit) a
report; sastaviti ~ draw up a report
izvjetavanje n reporting
izvjetavati vt v. izvijestiti | ~ o report on, cover
izvjetiti se vr become skilful (v. izvjebati se)
izvjetriti vt aerate, air, expose to air (draught, wind),
izvjetriti se vr v. ishlapiti
izvjeban adj drilled, practiced, trained | on je ~ u tome
he is a good hand at this
izvjebanost f training, level of skill
izvjebati vt train, drill, practice in; (konja za vonju
itd.) break in
izvjebati se vr acquire (gain) skill (practice) in, learn
by drill (routine, practice), train oneself, get the
knack of -ing
izvlaenje n drawing (pulling, dragging) out; (produljivanje) extension; (crte) tracing of lines; (zgoditaka,
lutrije) (lottery) draw, drawing of prizes; (zabuavanje) shirking (v. izmotavanje); v. umnoavanje | stol
na ~ expansible table
izvlaiti vt v. izvui
izvlaiti se vr (try to) extricate (disentangle) oneself (v.
izvui se); (zabuavati) shirk (v. izmotavati se)
izvlastiti vt jur expropriate
izvlatenje n jur expropriation
izvod m log inference, deduction; v. izvadak; (isprava)
certificate, transcript | ~ iz matine knjige roenih
birth certificate
izvodilac m executor; mus performer
izvoditi vt take out; deduce; mus execute; coll carry on,
pull tricks; v. izvesti
izvoac m (radova) contractor
izvoenje n execution; mus execution, performance; log
deduction; ling derivation; v. izvedba
izvojevati vt (dobiti) obtain (get, gain) by fighting
(struggling); (odnijeti pobjedu) bear off (away) the
palm (prize, victory), win
izvojtiti vt v. izvojevati
izvolijevat|i vi (udostojiti se) condescend, deign | ako ~e
if you please
izvo|ljeti vi please, be pleased to; (htjeti) care, choose, be
willing (minded) to, be one's pleasure; (molba) have
the goodness (kindness) to, be so kind as to, take the
trouble; (udostojiti se) deign, condescend, vouchsafe |
~ lite! (nuenje) have one; you're welcome to... (kod
jela) help yourself to...; ~lite sjesti sit down please;
samo~lite go ahead; by all means
izvor m (vode) source, (water)-spring, well, fountain(head); (mineralni) mineral spring; (uzrok) cause,
rise; (podrijetlo) origin | iz pouzdanih ~a according
to reliable sources
izvoran adj authentic, original
izvornik m original, first copy
izvornost m originality
izvorsk|i adj | ~a voda spring water
izvoz m export, exportation, export trade

izvoziti vt export; (odvoziti) cart out (away)

izvozn|i adj export | ~a carina export duty
izvoznik m exporter
izvoznina f export duty (tax)
izvoenje n exportation; (odvoz) carting out (away)
izvraanje n v. iskretanje, iskrivljavanje
izvraati vt v. iskretati, iskrivljavati
izvratiti vt v. iskrenuti
izvrdavati vt v. izigravati, izmotavati se
izvrgavati vt v. izvrgnuti
izvrgnut pp exposed (open) to, subject(ed) to
izvrgnuti vt (pogibli, sramoti itd.) expose to, subject to;
(ruglu, smijehu) expose to ridicule; subject to, make
liable to
izvrgnuti se vr (pogibli) run a (the) risk of, expose oneself to; (upustiti se) venture on, take the chances of,
risk, incur danger; (prigovoru, kritici) lay oneself
bare (open) to censure | ~ u (postati) turn into; degenerate into
izvrijeati vt offend repeatedly (viciously)
izvrnut pp turned inside out, overthrown, overturned;
(rijei itd.) v. iskrivljen
izvrnuti vt overthrow, overturn, upset, subvert; (brod)
izvrnuti se vr overturn, be upset (capsized)
izvrsno adv excellently, capitally, first-class ) | ~! excellent!, splendid!
izvrsnost f excellence
izvrstan adj excellent, capital, first-rate, first-class, surpassing, prime; (bez premca) peerless, matchless, unrivalled ; (po izbor) exquisite, choice; foremost | u tome je on ~ that is his excellence
izvravanje n v. izvrenje
izvravati vt (slubu, dunost) perform, act as, exereise;
(obavljati) practice, discharge; (utjecaj) exert influence; (mo) wield power, sway; (zvanje) pursue one's
profession; (obrt) ply one's trade
izvren pp executed, performed, done, carried out, fulfilled, complied with, accomplished
izvrenje n execution, accomplishment, performance,
carrying out, fulfilment, discharge, achievement,
completion, consumnmation
izvritelj m executor; (oporuke) executor, performer
izvriti vt execute, accomplish, achieve, effect, effectuate, perform, carry out (through); carry into effect,
bring about, consummate, compass, encompass,
complete, contrive; coll get through; (ostvariti) realize; (zloin) commit, perpetrate; (tuu volju) comply
with; (doslovce) fulfil to the letter
izvriti se vr be realized, come true, take place, be fulfilled
izvriv adj executable, feasible
izvrivost f executability, feasibility
izvrn|i adj executive | ~i odbor executive (committee); |
~a vlast executive power (authority); | ~a presuda final judgement (not subject to appeal)
izvrtanje n v. iskretanje, iskrivljavanje
izvrtati' vt v. iskretati, iskrivljavati
izvrtati'' vt (rupu) bore (a hole), drill, perforate, pierce

izvrvjeti vi issue streaming (swarming, teeming, pouring, creeping, crawling) out of

izvui vt draw (pull, drag, tug, haul, get) out; (drijebom) draw lots; extract; geom produce; (produljiti)
extend, lengthen; (crte) trace (lines); (mreu) haul in;
(iz kripca) extricate, get out; (korist) derive; (na
kopno) beach (a boat); v. izmamiti, umnoiti | ~
novac (silom) squeeze (extort) money out of
izvui se vr extricate (disentangle) oneself; v. dobro
proi | ~ iz kripca get out of a scrape
iderati se vr get thoroughly upset; v. izjedati se
idrebati vt draw lots
iei vt v. ispaliti
iedniti vt make thirsty

iednjeti vi v. oednjeti
ieti vt v. izaeti
iicati vt sl wangle out of
iivjeti se vr v. iivljavati se
iivljavanje n giving vent to one's low instincts; quest
for self-fulfilment
iivljavati se vr give vent to one's low instincts, indulge
in, take pleasure in ; v. izrugivati se; act out one's
nature; look for (achieve) self-fulfilment
ilijebiti vt groove, flute, channel, chamfer
imikati vt reg v. izaeti
ivakati vt chew up; chew thoroughly

ja pron I | ~ sam (glavom) I myself, the I, ego, my own
self, me, coll number one; ~ u svoje ime I in my own
jablan m bot poplar(-tree)
jablanovina f poplar-wood
jabuast adj apple-shaped
jabuica f dim small apple; (grla) Adam's apple; (licu)
jabuni adj made of apple(s), apple | ~ pekmez (apple)
pomace, apple-butter; ~ sir apple-cheese
jabuk|a f apple, apple-tree; (divlja) crab-tree; (trula)
rotten apple (core); (maa, sedla) pommel | ~a ne
pada daleko od stabla like father like son; moram
zagristi u tu kiselu ~u I must swallow this bitter pill;
pita od ~ apple-pie
jabukov adj apple | ~ sok apple juice; A sweet cider
jabukovaa f (rakija) B apple-brandy; A apple-jack; (vino) B cider, A hard cider
jabukovina f apple-wood
jacija f Moslem evening prayer
jaanje n gaining in strength (power, ascendency, vigour), invigoration, strengthening; (zdravlja) recruitment of one's health; (oporavak) recovery | sredstvo
za ~ tonic, restorative; napori za ~ mira peace promotion efforts
jaati vt give (add) strength (power), invigorate, strengthen; fortify; (okrepa) brace, nerve, set up; (rasti)
augment, grow, increase; (tijelo) harden, inure oneself to hardships; (kaliti) temper
jaati se vr grow strong, gather force (strength); (zdravlje) recover (health); recruit one's strength; (ispuniti
se) fill out; (iriti se) gain ground, spread
ja|i adj comp stronger; v. jak | namjeriti se na ~ega
catch a Tartar; tko ~i taj kvai the weakest goes to
the wall
jain|a f v. snaga, otpornost | vjetar ~e 6 force 6 wind
jaenje n (skupljanje u jato) flocking, trooping
jad m (tuga, bol) sorrow, grief, woe, anguish; (nesrea)
distress, affliction; (briga) care, trouble, worry, anxiety; (patnja) suffering, trial(s); (nesrea) misery, mis-

fortune, calamity; (srdba) anger, passion, wrath,

fume, pet; (bijes) rage, fury; (zlovolja) ill humor,
vexation, spleen; (ogorenost) rancour, gall | zadavati ~a cause (much) trouble (uneasiness, care,
worry); trouble, worry, afflict; mil harass; na jedvite
~e v. tekom mukom
jadac m (kost) wishbone
jadan adj unfortunate, unlucky, unhappy, distressed,
woeful; lamentable, deplorable, miserable, pitiful,
pitiable, piteous, wretched, pathetic; (siromaan) needy, poor, abject; (traljav, troan) shabby, sorry,
threadbare; (triav) paltry, petty
jadanje n complaining, complaints, coll hard-luck story
jadati se vr lament, complain, moan, grieve (for)
jadikovanje n lamentation, wailing, moaning; complaint
jadikovati vi lament (for), complain, moan, wail, bewail,
jadikovka f (pjesma) plaintive song; (tualjka) dirge,
lament, lamentation; fig lament(ation)
jaditi (se) vt (vr) v. ljutiti (se), ozlojediti (se), izjedati
jadnica f wretched woman, luckless (miserable) woman
jadnik m luckless (unfortunate) fellow; miserable (abandoned, wretched, pitiful, contemptible, poor, needy)
fellow (person), wretch, poor devil
jadno adv miserably, wretchedly, pitifully, abjectly,
poorly, woefully
jadnoa f wretchedness
Jadran m the Adriatic
jadransk|i adj Adriatic | ~o more the Adriatic Sea
Jafet m Bibl Japheth
jaglac m bot primrose
jagm|a f scramble, rush, struggle (competition) for | prodaje se na ~u sells well, finds a ready sale; knjiga se
prodaje na ~u the book is a very good seller, it is
selling like wildfire, it sells like hot cakes
jagmiti se vr scramble (struggle, strive, jostle, bustle,
contend) for, be mad after
jagnje n v. janje
jagnjiti se vr lamb, bring forth lambs

jagod|a f strawberry | umske (vrtne) ~e wild (garden)

strawberries; sok (pekmez) od ~a strawberry juice
jagodic|a f (boba) small berry | istaknute ~e high
jagodnjak m strawberry bed (beds, plot(s), patch(es),
jagorevina f v. jaglac
jaguar m zoo jaguar
jaha m rider, horseman; sp jockey; (krotitelj) roughrider; (konjanik) equestrian; (akrobat) performer on
horseback; (kartoteni) tab | povorka ~a cavalcade;
zbaciti ~a (konj) spill, throw from the saddle
jahaica f horsewoman
jahak|i adj riding, equestrian; (poput) horsemanlike |
~a vjetina horsemanship; ~i sport equestrianism; sp
~e discipline equestrian events; ~a kola riding
school; ~a staza bridle-path
jaha|i adj riding, used in riding | ~e izme riding-boots;
~i kaput riding-coat; ~i konj riding-horse; ~e odijelo
jahalite n riding-ground; v. jahaonica
jahanj|e n horse-riding, ride; hum equitation; (vjetina)
jockeyship | uitelj ~a riding-master; izubijati konja
~em founder; deva za ~e riding camel
jahaonica f manege, riding school; v. jahalite
jahati vt ride, go on horseback (na mazgi mule-back), be
mounted, sit a horse, take a ride; (kasom) gallop;
(lagano) canter, trot, jog, amble; fig (uporno traiti)
insist on, make a point of, exact; (raskreeno sjediti)
straddle; (dijete, na leima) go pick-a-back
jahta f mar yacht; (brod) motor yacht; big cabin cruiser
Jahve m Bibl Jehovah
jajast adj oval, ovate, oviform, eggshaped
jajace n (ensko) ovum (pl ova)
jaje n egg; (mravlje) ant's egg; (mudo) testicle | svjee ~
fresh (newlaid) egg; smrdljivo ~ rotten egg; jalovo ~
addle egg, wind egg; sirovo ~ raw egg; ~ na oko
fried egg, A coll (egg) sunny side up; jaja na kajganu scrambled eggs; ljuska ~ta egg-shell; meko
(tvrdo) kuhano ~ soft-boiled (hard-boiled) egg; razbijeno ~ u vrelu vodu poached egg; stalak za ~ eggcup; izlei se iz ~ta be hatched, hatch; nositi (lei)
jaja lay eggs; sjediti na jajima hatch, brood, sit on
eggs, incubate; slian kao ~ ~tu as like as two peas
jajnik m ovary
jajolik adj egg-shaped, oval, oviform
jajovod m anat oviduct
jak' adj strong, powerful, mighty, able-bodied, able;
(silno jak) herculean; (il) vigorous, lusty, hale and
hearty; robust; (nepopustljiv) firm, staunch, steadfast;
(krupan) corpulent, stout, sturdy, buxom, bulky; (utvren) fortified; (uvjerljiv) forcible, cogent, potent;
(masivan) substantial, solid; (vino) heady, of good
body; (napetost) intense; (trajan, odjea) durable,
lasting, wearing well, serviceable; (velik) great, large;
(ilav) nervous, tough; (glas) loud, stentorian;
(vjetar) high, violent; (kia) fast, torrential; (bolest,
zima) severe; (pie) stiff; (struja vode) rapid; (utje-

caj) ascendant, predominant | ~a strana nekoga

forte; nisam dovoljno ~ this is above my power; ~
kao bik as strong as a horse
jak'' m zoo yak
jakna f jacket | ~ od pidame pajama top
jako adv very, extremely; strongly, vigorously, greatly,
highly, badly, heavily, intensively, soundly, mightily;
fast, hard; (znatno) considerably, appreciably; most,
well, over, fully | vrlo ~ extremely, exceedingly, utterly, a great (good) deal; ~ plakati weep bitterly; ~
ganut deeply moved; ~ ranjen badly wounded; ~ krvariti bleed freely; on ~ mnogo ita (jede, hoda, putuje, pije) he is a great rea der (eater, walker, traveller, drinker); kia ~ pada it is raining hard; on ~ pije
he drinks hard; ~ se smrzava it freezes hard
jakobinac m hist Jacobin
jakobinski adj hist Jacobin
jakobinstvo n hist Jacobinism
jakost f strength; (struje) strength, intensity
jakota m physical prodigy
Jakov m James, Jim(my); (u Bibliji) Jacob
jakovska kapica f (koljka) scallop
jal m v. zavist
jalan adj v. zavidan
jalov adj sterile, barren; (ukopljen - ivotinja) gelded,
castrated; (uzaludan) fruitless, useless, unfruitful,
vain, to no purpose, futile, unplofitable; (tlo) unfertile, jejune, unproductive, out of heart
jalovica f barren cow (woman)
jalovin|a f min waste | hrpa (brdo) ~e waste tip, colliery
jaloviti vt v. kopiti
jalovost f barrenness, sterility; (uzaludnost) inutility,
unfruitfulness, unprofitableness
jala f v. joha
jalevina f v. johovina
jam|a f pit; (rupa) hole, cavity; (graba) ditch; (dubina)
hollow, basin; (uleknina) depression; (brlog) den, lair
(lisiji burrow, earth); (anac) moat, trench | tko pod
drugim ~u kopa hoist by his own petard; min ulaz u
~u pithead
jam|ac m guarantee, warrantor; (za tui dug, obvezu,
dolazak na sud) surety; fig voucher; jur bail | biti ~ac
stand surety for, go bail for, nai ~ca find surety (sureties); staviti ~ca give (offer) bail; nabaviti ~ ca
procure bail
jamano adv v. vjerojatno, sigurno, nedvojbeno
jamar m (pseto) earth-digger
jamb m poet iamb(ic) (v. jampski)
jamenje n guaranteeing, guarantees, standing surety,
going bail
jamevina f (polog, novac) caution money; (na sudu)
security, bail; (zalog) pledge
jamiti vi guarantee, warrant; (odgovornost) answer (be
liable, vouch) for; (za plate) be good for; (za sigurnost i slobodu) grant safe-conduct (safeguard); (za
prava) safeguard; (za istinu) authenticate; (na sudu)
stand (be) surety for, give security for, go bail for,

jametina f augm huge pit

jamica f dim small hole (cavity, ditch itd.); (na obrazu,
bradi) dimple | obrazi (brada) s ~ma dimpled
cheeks (chin)
jampski adj poet iambic (v. jamb)
jamsk|i adj | ~i radnik pitman, miner; ~o drvo pit-props
jamstvo n guarantee, warranty, vouching; security;
(zalog) surety, pledge, suretyship; (obveza) bond
(pismena recognizance)
Jana f Jane
jantar m amber
januar m January, v. sijeanj
januarski adj January
Janja f Agnes
janjad f coll lambs, flock of lambs
janje n lamb; fig dear (meek, innocent) person (girl) |
umiljat kao ~ meek (gentle) as a lamb
janje|i adj like a lamb, of a lamb, lamb, lamblike;
(blag) meek, gentle | ~a koa lambskin
janjece n dim lambkin, small lamb
janjetina f lamb's meat, lamb | peena ~ roast lamb
janjiar m janizary, janissary; fig instrument (man) of
tyranny, truculent (bloodthirsty) fellow (person)
janjiarski adj janizary, janissary
janjiti se vr lamb, yean
jao! interj (od bola) ow!, ouch!; lit alas!; (zgraanje)
my!, really! | ~ meni! woe is me!; ~ si ga tebi woe be
to you!, you shall smart for it!
Japan m Japan
Japan|ac m a Japanese | ~ci Japanese people, the Japanese
japanke f pl flip-flops, thongs
japanski adj Japanese | ~jezik Japanese
jar m, jara f intense (red, white) heat (glow); v. ar, jarost
jarac m billy-goat, he-goat; (naprava) sawing-jack, trestle; astrol capricorn
jarad m collect kids, young goats
jarak m trench; (utvrde) moat; channel; (ulini) kennel,
gutter; (odvodna cijev) conduit, culvert; (natkrit)
drain; (neist) sewer; (jama) dyke, ditch ; (brazda)
jaram m yoke; fig slavery, bondage, servitude, oppression | stenjati pod tuim jarmom groan under foreign yoke; zbaciti ~ shake off the yoke; ~ volova
team of oxen
jaran m rust bosom (close) friend; lover
jarbol m mast; (prednji) foremast; (srednji) mizzenmast;
(glavni) mainmast; (za nudu) jury-mast | straa na
~u look-out; (ovjek) look-outman; koara na ~u za
strau crow's-nest
jarev adj | geog ~ obratnik tropic of Capricorn
jarevina f goat-meat
jare n kid, kiddy
jarebica f partridge | jato ~ covey
jare|i adj kid | ~a koa kid skin
jaretina f kid's (goat's) meat | peena ~ roast kid
jar|i adj | ~a penica (ito, usjevi) spring wheat (grain,

jariti se vr kid
jarki adj (sunce) bright, glowing, broiling, scorching;
(boja) rich, vivid, glaring, garish; (strast) hot, ardent,
jarost f violent anger (passion), fury, rage, wrath
jarostan adj very angry, incensed, wrathful, furious,
jaruga f ravine, gorge, gully; (klanac) pass, defile; (uska
dolina) dell, dingle, glen
jaruilo n dredging-machine, dredger
jaruiti vt dredge
jasan adj (razumljiv) easily understood, intelligible, not
confused; (nedvojben) unmistakable, indubitable, not
to be mistaken, leaving no doubt; (nedvouman) unequivocal, unambiguous; (izriit) explicit; (toan)
precise, exact; (oit) evident, obvious, manifest; (vidljiv) clear, conspicuous, well-defined; (svijetao) luminous, shining, bright, ligh; (glasan) sonorous, clear;
(proziran) transparent, limpid; (nepomuen) untroubled; (stil) lucid; (vedar) serene, unclouded, unobscured, sunny, fair; (boja) light(-coloured) | to je
jasno samo po sebi it is self-evident; it goes without
saying; ~ kao sunce clear as day, plain as a pikestaff;
to je jasno that's clear, that's flat; postalo mi je jasno
it dawned upon me, I realized
jasen m bot ash-tree, ash
jasenov adj ashen, ash
jasenovina f ash-wood
jasika f bot aspen, trembling poplar
jasikovina f aspen-wood
jasl|e f pl manger, crib; (izvan staje) cratch | lijesa na
~ama rack
jaslice f pl infant nursery; (u crkvi) crche, Nativity
jasmin m bot jasmin(e), jessamin(e)
jasno adv clearly, intelligibly; (nedvojbeno) unequivocally; (oito) obviously, distinctly; (vidljivo) conspicuously; (svjetlo) brightly | ~ uviati be fully
aware of
jasnoa f clearness, brightness, serenity, distinctness;
limpidity, transparency; intelligibility, plainness; precision, exactness, explicitness
jaspis m minr jasper
jastog m zoo spiny lobster (v. hlap)
jastreb m zoo hawk, kite | ~ kokoar goshawk
jastui m dim small pillow, pad; (za igle) pin-cushion;
(za kleanje u crkvi) hassock; (za sjedenje) cushion
jastunica f pillow-case, pillow-slip
jastuk m (mekan) pillow; (dug, tvrd, okrugao) bolster;
(za sjedenje) cushion; (za otomane) squab; (za kleanje) hassock; (podloga) pad; (na enskom sedlu)
pillion; (gumeni) air-cushion | podloiti ~om bolster,
jaiti vt v. jahati
jatagan m yataghan, long Turkish dagger
jatak m harbourer of an outlaw; receiver (of stolen
jatakovati vi harbour outlaws
jatimice adv in flocks (swarms, bands)

jatiti se vr flock (swarm, herd) together, come in flocks,

form into bands (flocks, herds) troop; cluster round
jato n flock; (ptica, kukaca itd.) flight; (golubova)
brood; swarm; (riba) shoal, school; (jarebica) covey;
(ptica, ena) bevy; (male djece) small fry | svaka
ptica svome jatu leti birds of a feather flock together
jauk m (od bola) howl; (deranje) bawl, roar, cry, yell;
(vrisak) shriek, scream; (pla) whine, squall; (od
tuge) moan, moaning, lament, lamentation
jaukanje n v. jauk
jaukati vi howl, scream, shriek, whine, wail, lament,
jauknuti vi emit a yell (roar, howl, cry, squall itd.) of
Java f geog Java
jav|a f real existing world, sober reality, matter-of-fact;
(budnost) state of waking | dati na ~u make public,
make known; (proglasiti) promulgate; izbiti na ~u
transpire, leak out, get abroad, become public, take
air; na ~i in waking state; u snu i na ~i waking or
jav|an adj public; open (accessible, common, known) to
all; seen (shared, used) by all; (ne potajan) not underhand (secret) | ~no mnijenje public opinion; ~na
sablazan scandal; ~ni zivot public life; ~na kua
brothel; ~ni radnik civic leader
Javan|ac m, ~ka f Javanese
javanski adj Javanese
javaluk m Tur sloppiness; lack of responsibility
javiti vt let know, make known, write (send) word,
communicate; (obavijestiti) advise, notify, apprise,
inform, herald; (najaviti) announce, report, give out
javiti se vr (pojava) appear; (prijaviti se) report (present) oneself; (duh) manifest (show) oneself; (dati
glasa od sebe) give sign of oneself; (istupiti) stand
forth, come forward; send in one's name; (nekome)
get in touch with; (na telefon) answer the phone
javljanje n notification, sending word, advising, heralding
javljati vt keep informed; v. javiti
javljati se vr v. javiti se | on mi se javlja svaki mjesec
(pismom) I hear from him every month; u ovoj se kui javlja duh this house is haunted
javno adv publicly, in public, openly | ~ se o tom govori
it is the town talk, it is in everyone's mouth
javnost f the (general) public, the community; (mnijenje)
the public opinion; fig the man in the street | u ~i in
public; s pravom ~i (kola) accredited (school)
javor m bot maple, maple-tree
javorov adj maple | eer maple-sugar
javorovina f maple-wood
jaz m channel diverting surplus water from the millrace; (ponor) abyss, gulf | fig meu nama je ~ there
i!s a gap between us; premostiti ~ bridge a gap
jazavac m zoo badger
jazavar m (pseto) dachshund
jazbina f v. brlog

je pres od biti is | ~ li? is it? ; is he (she); v. zar ne? ;

nas ~ 7 we are 7, there are 7 of us | ~ li ti neto? is
anything the matter with you?; 3+ 3 ~ 6 3 and 3
makes 6
jecaj m moan, sob, whimper, groan
jecanje n sobbing, whimpering, groaning
jecati vi sob, moan, groan, whimper
jeam m bot barley | prekrupljen ~ pearl barley
jeanje n echoing, reverberation, resounding, ringing
jeati vi echo, re-echo, reverberate, resound, ring again;
(lanac) clang
jeerma f waistcoat for women
jemen adj barley, made from barley | ~a kaa barleygroats; barley porridge; ~a kava roasted barley
jemenac m med sty(e) | imam ~ na oku I've got a sty(e)
in my eye
jed m (srdba) anger, wrath, poet choler; (bijes) rage,
fury; (zloba) spite, virulence, malignity; (u) bile,
spleen, gall; (otrov) poison, venom
jeda|i adj serving for eating | ~a soba dining-room; ~i
pribor cutlery
jedak adj acrid, acid
jedan' num one; (neki) a, a certain, some | ~ drugoga
(meusobno) one another, each other; ~ po ~ one by
one, one at a time, singly; ~ iza drugoga (u hodu) in
Indian file; ~ za drugim (naizmjence) one after another, by turns, turn and turn about, in succession,
successively; ~ i drugi either, both (of them); niti ~
niti drugi neither one nor the other, none; jo ~ one
more, another, an additional; ~ s drugim (zajedno)
jointly, together; ~ uz drugoga (hod) abreast, shoulder to shoulder; ~ do drugoga side by side; ~ razdaleko 3 m od drugoga 3 m apart from one another;
~ (te) isti one and the same; ~ jedini a single (only)
one; svi do jednoga one and all; (sloga) unanimously, like one man; ~ komadi za drugim (kidanje) (by) piece-meal; ~ od (meu) 20 one among
20; biraj jedno od dvoga you have the alternative to
choose between...; jedno s drugim one with another;
what with one thing and another; ni jedno ni drugo
neither; jedno... drugo one thing... another; ja jedno
a ti drugo we are talking at cross purposes; ustadoe
kao ~ ovjek they rose like one man; jedni vele...
some say; bilo nas je jedno 10 there were about 10 of
us; ivotinja stara jednu godinu yearling; tvrtka s
jednim vlasnikom a one man company, a private
jdan'' adj v. srdit, gnjevan
jedanaest num eleven (persons, people)
jedanaesterac m poet hendecasyllable | ftb izvesti ~ take
the penalty kick
jedanaestero n eleven persons
jedanaesti num the eleventh
jedanaestica f (number) eleven
jedanaestina f one eleventh (part)
jedanaestorica f eleven (male) persons

jedanput adv once; v. nekada | ~ zauvijek one for all; ~

jedan multiplication table; kad ~ svri() ... once finished...
jedar adj (zbit) compact; (stil) concise, terse, pithy,
pregnant, lapidary, to the point; (gust /graa, tkivo/)
dense, close-grained, solid, substantial; (tvrd) hard;
(krepak) strong, sturdy, robust, vigorous, buxom;
(zdrav) sound
jedared adv v. jedanput
jedenje n eating, feeding
jedinac m only son
jedincat adj only, sole
jedini adj an one, the only, but one; (sam) sole, mere,
bare; (bez premca) unique, matchless, peerless, unrivalled, unequalled | on ~ moe to uiniti he alone
can do it
jedinica f only daughter; (number) one; (na kocki,
dominu) ace; (cjeline) unit, item; mil unit; sch fail,
failing grade
jedinka f unit; individual
jedino adv only, merely, solely, exclusively | ~ ako except if, only if, provided that, so that
jedinstven adj (sloen) united, undivided; (jednolian)
uniform; (bez premca) unique, peerless, unmatched |
~e cijene uniform prices
jedinstveno adv uniquely; uniformly; unitedly
jedinstvenost f uniqueness; uniformity
jedinstvo n (sloga) unity, concord, union, agreement;
(sklad) harmony; oneness, sameness, uniformity
jedinjenje n chem v. spoj
jediti vt v. ljutiti, ozlojediti, uzrujavati
jednaenje n equalization, making even, standardization; (usporedba) comparing, matching; ling assimilation
jednaina f math v. jednadba
jednaiti vt equalize, standardize; (izravnati) make even
(level); (usporeivati) compare, match
jednadba f math equation | kvadratna (linearna) ~
quadratic (linear) equation; ~ vieg stupnja equation
involving higher power; ~ s jednom nepoznanicom
equation in one unknown
jednak adj equal; (slian) like, alike, similar; (isti) the
same, identical; (vrijednost) equivalent; (jednolian)
equable, uniform; (isto to) tantamount to; (po boji
itd.) matching; (dosljedan) unvarying, steady, consistent; (poravnat) even, level | njemu nije nitko ~ he
has not his like (equal); mi nismo ~i we are not
equals; nastojati biti ~ emulate, vie with...; ostati ~
suffer no change
jednako adv (na in) equally, in the same manner (way),
alike; (nita manje) no less; (takoer) likewise, too,
also; (neprekidno) constantly, continuously, continually; (slino) similarly | ~ kao da just as if; as much
as...; ~ star of the same age, co-eval; ~ dalek equidistant; ~ dijeliti share alike; ~ vraati (odmazda)
retaliate, repay in kind; otprilike ~ velik much of a

jednakost f equality, parity; sameness; (jednolinost)

uniformity, conformity; (povrine) evenness, levelness
jednina f gram singular
jedno adv (otprilike) about, some, something like, near,
nearly | ni ~ ni drugo v. jedan
jednobojan adj plain, self-coloured; sci monochromous
jednobotvo n monotheism
jednoboac m monotheist
jednoboaki adj monotheistic
jednocijevan adj single-barrelled
jednocijevka f single-loader
jednoinka f one-acter, one-act play
jedno adv v. davno, jednom
jednodijelan adj one-piece (swimsuit)
jednodnevan adj one-day; zoo ephemeral
jednodomni adj pol unicameral
jednoduan adj unanimous
jednoduno adv unanimously, with one accord (consent), as one man
jednodunost f unanimity, concord, unison, agreement
jednofaz|an adj | ~na struja single-phase current; ~na
raketa single-stage rocket
jednoglasan adj unanimous
jednoglasno adv unanimously
jednogodinjak m one year old; (ivotinja) yearling;
(biljka) annual
jednogodinji adj one year old; bot annual
jednojezini adj monolingual
jednokatan adj B two-storey, A two-story; v. prizeman
jednokatnica f two-storey (A -story) house
jednokratan adj single, one-shot
jednokrevet|ni adj | ~na soba single room
jednokrilac m aero monoplane
jednokrilni adj aero single-winged
jednolian adj uniform; (bez promjene) invariable, steady; (dosadan) monotonous, dull, drab, humdrum;
matter-of-fact, commonplace; (boja) solid, selfcoloured
jednolinost f monotony, uniformity, dullness, sameness; lack of change (variety)
jednom adv v. jedanput; (nekada) once upon a time;
(davno) of yore, of old, in former times
jednomiljenik m v. istomiljenik
jednomjeseni adj one-month
jednomotorac m aero single-engined aircraft
jednomotorni adj aero single-engined
jednoobrazan adj uniform
jednoobrazno adv uniformly
jednoobraznost f uniformity
jednook adj one-eyed; (slijep) blind of one eye
jednopartijski adj pol one-party
jednopreg m one-horse carriage
jednoprean adj one-horse
jednored m mil single file
jednoredan adj single-breasted (jacket, coat)
jednorodan adj homogeneous
jednorodnost f homogeneity
jednorog m myth unicorn

jednoruk adj one-armed

jednosatan adj one-hour
jednosjed m mot & aero single-seater
jednoslo|an adj monosyllabic | ~na rije monosyllable
jednosmjeran adj mot one-way (street, traffic)
jednosoban adj one-room | ~ stan B bed-sitter, A oneroom apartment
jednospolan adj unisexual; bot diclinous
jednostanian adj single-celled, monocellular
jednostavan adj simple, not composed (complicated);
(jednostruk) single; elementary; (priprost) plain;
modest, frugal; primitive; (naravan) natural, artless,
unaffected; (lako razumljiv) easy to understand;
(rjeenje) easy to solve; (bez nakita) unadorned; (stil)
chaste, severe; homely
jednostavno adv simply
jednostavnost f simplicity, simpleness, plainness, (naravnost) artlessness
jednostran adj one-sided; (iskljuiv) exclusive; (pristran) biassed, partial, warped; unilateral
jednostrano adv one-sidedly ; unbilaterally
jednostranost f one-sidedness, partiality, bias, a onesided (narrowminded, biassed) view (judgment)
jednostruk adj single, one-fold
jednosupnice f pl bot Monocotyledonae
jednotjedni adj one-week
jednotraan adj rlw single-track
jednovjerac m co-religionist
jednovrstan adj v. istovrstan
jednoznaan adj unambiguous; ling monosemic
jednoznano adv unambiguously
jednoznanost f unambiguousness; ling monosemy
jednoenstvo n monogamy
jednjak m anat gullet, oesophagus
jedrenina f sailcloth
jedrenjak m sailing-vessel, sailing-ship, sailboat | ~ s tri
jarbola barque; (trgovaki) clipper, sl wind-jammer
jedrenje n sailing; yachting; (kratko) a spell of sailing |
ii na ~ go sailing, go for a sail
jedrilica f sailing-boat, sailboat; aero glider, sailplane
jedriliar m yachtsman, sailer; aero glider pilot
jedriliarski adj | ~ klub boating (yachting) club; aero
gliding club
jedriliarstvo n yachting, sailing; aero gliding
jedrilje n collect sails (canvas) of a ship
jedrina f compactness, robustness, density, solidity,
soundness; (gustoa) closeness; (zbitost izraza, fraze)
pregnancy, pithiness, terseness
jedriti vi sail; (ploviti) navigate, steam; (protiv vjetru)
tack; aero glide
jedro' n sail | jedra sails, canvas; razapeti ~ set (make)
sail; razapeti sva jedra spread all canvas, crowd
sail; ploviti s razapetim jedrima sail under canvas;
prikratiti ~ reef sail; smotati ~ furl (take in) sail;
spustiti ~ strike sail; razmotati ~ unfurl sail
jedro'' v. jezgra
jedva adv hardly, scarcely, narrowly, rarely, with difficulty | ~ to ... kadli no sooner... than, scarcely...
when; ~ je umakao he escaped narrowly, he escaped

with the skin of his teeth, he had a hair ('s)-breadth

escape; ~ jedvice v. tekom mukom
jeftimba f arch v. javno nadmetanje, licitacija
jeftin adj cheap, inexpensive, low-priced, low-cost | vrlo
~ dog cheap, dirt cheap; ~ predmet a bargain
jeftin|o adv cheaply, inexpensively, at a moderate (reasonable) price (expense), at a low rate | fig proi ~o
go scot-free, escape unharmed (unpunished); prodavati ~ije od drugoga undersell one
jeftinoa f cheapness, inexpensiveness; low prices
jegejski adj geog v. egejski
jegulja f zoo eel | elektrina ~ electric eel
Jehova m Bibl Jehovah
jejina f ornith v. sovuljaga
jek m | u ~u (neega) at the height of; u punom ~u in
full swing
jeka f echo, reverberation, re-percussion, resonance,
ringing again; (zveket) ring, clang
jekavac m ling v. ijekavac
jeknuti vi v. zajeati
jela f bot fir, fir-tree, abies
Jela f Helen, Nell(y)
jelac-m eater
Jelada f v. Helada
jelde? v. je li?, zar ne?
jelek m sleeveless (embroidered) jacket
jelen m zoo stag, deer, hart | obini ~ red deer; ~ lopatar
fallow deer
jelenak m entom stag-beetle
jelen-gljiva f bot truffle
jelenj|i adj stag('s) | ~e boje fallow, fawn-coloured; ~a
koa deerskin, buckskin
je li v. je li?
jelik m fir grove (patch, forest)
Jelin m v. Helen
jelinski adj v. helenski
Jelisava f Elizabeth, Bess, Betty; Lizz(y)
jelizejski adj arch v. elizejski
Jelka f v. Jelena
jelka f v. jela, boino drvce
jel|o n (hrana) food, fare, nourishment, aliment; (propisano) diet; (openito) eatables, food-stuffs, provisions; (ive) viands pl, victuals pl; (odreeno, pojedino) dish; (u nizu jela) course, remove; (obrok) meal,
eating, repast | pripraviti ~ prepare (cook, dress)
food; izbirljiv u ~u dainty (eater) ; hranjivo ~ nourishing (rich) food; kruto (tekue) ~ v. hrana; tekue
~ liquid food; omiljeno ~ favourite food (dish)
jelov adj fir, fir-tree | ~a daska deal board
jelovin|a f fir-wood, fir-timber, deal | daska od ~e deal
jelovnik m menu
jelte? v. je li?, zar ne?
jemac m v. jamac
jematva f v. berba grozda
jemiti' vt (heftati) baste
jemiti'' vi v. jamiti
jemstvo n v. jamstvo

Jena adj | ~ staklo heatproof glass, pyrex; ~ zdjela pyrex casserole

jendek m Tur v. jarak
jenki m Yankee, coll Yank
jenjanje n abatement; flagging, slackening, falling off;
(napetosti) relaxation; (oluja, gungula itd.) subsidence
jenjati vi abate, slacken, relax, subside, flag, fall off
jer conj beeause, as, for, owing to; v. budui da
jeres f v. hereza
jeretian adj v. heretiki
jeretik m v. heretik
Jermenija f geog v. Armenija
Jermen(in) m v. Armenac
jermenski adj v. armenski
Jeronim m Jerome
Jeruzalem m geog Jerusalem
jesam I am (v. sam)
jesen f B autumn, A fall | kasna ~ back-end
jesenas adv this (coming) autumn/fall; last autumn/fall
jesenanji adj of this (coming) autumn; of last autumn
jesenski, ~nji adj B autumn, A fall; poet autumnal
jesetra f ichth sturgeon
jesi you are (v. si)
jesmo we are (v. smo)
jesno adv in the affirmative
jest v aux is (v. je); (potvrdno) indeed, quite so, exactly,
just so; (dakako) to be sure, of course, certainly, surely; (bez dvojbe) doubtlessly; yea | to ~, ~ it's got to
be admitted
jestan adj (potvrdan) affirmative
jeste you are (v. ste) ; v. jest
jesti vt eat, take food; (njupati) A sl grub; take one's
meal(s), have one's dinner (lunch, supper, breakfast);
(hraniti se) fare; (gostiti se) live high, fare sumptuously, make good cheer | ~ s tekom relish one's food;
~ naglo bolt down (devour, gulp down); ~ pohlepno
eat greedily; wolf down one's food; rado neto ~ be
partial to; ~ kao vuk eat like a horse; ~ kod nekoga
(biti na koti) board with; dati ~ v. nahraniti; on
mnogo (malo) jede he is a hearty (poor) eater; dovoljno sam jeo (sit sam) I've had enough, I'm happy; I
have made a (very) good dinner; on jede obilno he
plays a good knife and fork, he is a large feeder; (previe jede) he is a glutton; on jede pohlepno he is a
gormandizer; on voli ~ slastice he has a sweet tooth;
~ zajedno s mnogima mess with; ima jedva to da
jede he lives from hand to mouth; jede na tui
raun he sponges, is a sponger; ne jede mi se I don't
feel like eating
jesti se vr v. izjedati se
jestiv adj eatable, edible
jestivo n eatable, food
jestivost f edibility
jesu they are (v. su) 5 + 5 ~ 10 5 plus 5 makes 10
jeka f reg bait
jetka m print etcher
jetkati vt print etch
jetko adv acidly, with acerbity

jetkost f acidity, acerbity

jetra f anat & cul liver | ide mi na ~ I can't stand it
(him, her)
jetren|i adj liver, of the liver | ~a pateta liver sausage
jetrica f cul reg liver
jetrva f sister-in-law
jevanelje n v. evanelje
Jevrej(in) m v. idov
jevrejski adj v. idovski
jevtin adj v. jeftin
jeza f (groza) horror; (drhat) shudder, shiver, quake, tremor; (trnci) thrill | ~ me spopala (strah) my hair
stood on end, fear thrilled through my veins, I shivered (shuddered, felt a thrill), a shudder went through
jezditi vi v. jahati; fig glide
jezerce n dim little lake; (planinsko) tarn
jezerkinja f (vila) lake nymph
jezer|o n lake, sheet of water | umjetno ~o artificial lake;
akumulacijsko ~o storage lake; geog Velika ~a (u
SAD) the Great Lakes
jezerski adj lake
jezgra f core, nucleus, pith, heart; (modina) marrow;
(kotica) kernel, stone; fig pith and marrow, essential
part, substance; quintessence; (ono najbolje) the best
(strongest) part; (saetak) concise abstract (extract),
compendium; (ono glavno) gist; (isprave, na
poleini) docket | phys atomska ~ atomic nucleus
jezgrovit adj (krepak) pithy, nervous; (stil) terse, racy;
(kratak) succinct, concise, condensed, brief, compact,
given in a nutshell; (zbit) substantial, solid
jezgrovito adv pithily, succinctly
jezgrovitost f terseness, pithiness, conciseness, nervousness, succinctness
jeziac m dim small tongue; (grla) uvula; (vage) index
(of scale), pointer, tongue, cock (of a balance);
(skretnice) point | fig biti ~ na vagi tip the scales
jeziar m linguist
jeziast adj tongue-shaped, sci linguiform
jeziav adj talkative, loquacious, tatting, chattering;
(zloban) having a long (malicious, slandering, gossipy, spiteful) tongue | ona je ~a she has the gift of
the gab, she talks nineteen to the dozen
jeziavost f talkativeness, long tongue, loquaciousness,
gift of the gab
jeziina f derog long (malicious, slandering, gossipy,
spiteful) tongue
jeziki adj v. jezini
jezini adj language; linguistic; anat lingual
jezik m anat tongue; (govor) tongue, speech; (naroda)
language, idiom; (domai) vernacular; (materinji)
mother-tongue, native tongue; (knjievni) standard
language; B fig King's English; (razgovorni) colloquial language, slang; (raljast, zmije) forked (cleft)
tongue | cul sueni ~ smoked tongue ; cul govei ~
neat's tongue; med obloeni (bijeli) ~ furred tongue;
biran ~ (fraze) choice words (phrases); gibak ~ glib
(ready) tongue; gladak ~ fluent speech; jedar ~ racy
(nervous) style; lagan (teak) ~ easy (difficult) lan-

guage to acquire (pick up); prljav ~ foul tongue;

jasan ~ clear (lucid) style; nejasan~ obscure style;
slubeni ~ official style; struni ~ technical language; traljav (nemaran) ~ slipshod style; uzvien ~
poetical (imaginative) language; zloban ~ wicked
(malicious) tongue; iv (mrtav) ~ living (dead) language; star (moderan) ~ ancient (modern) language;
zastario ~ obsolete (archaic) language; on zna
mnoge ~e he is a linguist; lomiti ~ murder a language; on je junak na ~u he is a blusterer (swaggerer, braggart); duh ~a genius of the language; to se
protivi duhu ~a thi.s is a solecism; to mu je na
srcu, to mu je na ~u he wears his heart on his sleeve;
na ~u mi je (ali se ne mogu sjetiti) I have it on the
tip of my tongue; razvezao mu se ~ he has become
talkative, his tongue has loosened, he has found his
tongue; dua mu je na ~u he is at his last gasp; ide
mu ~ kao mlin he speaks glibly, he has a ready (fluent) tongue; ide mu ~ (suvino, neoprezno) he wags
his tongue; ~ ga je izdao (ne moe govoriti) he is
tongue tied, he has lost his tongue; ~ za zube! hold
your tongue; vulg shut up!; raznijeti na ~e make an
object of slander (criticism); isplaziti ~ put (stick) out
one's tongue; ~ moe gore posjei nego ma hurtful
words are more painful than an inflicted wound; fig
imati neopran ~ be foul-mouthed (foul-tongued)
jezikoslovac m linguist, philologer, philogist
jezikoslovlje n philology
jezikoslovni adj philological, linguistic
jeziv adj ghastly, eery, horrible, dreadful
jezivo adv ghastly, eerily
jezivost f dreadfulness, ghastliness, eeriness, horridness,
jezuit n Jesuit (i fig)
jezuitizam m derog Jesuitry
jezuitski adj Jesuitical | ~ red Society of Jesus
je m zoo hedgehog | morski ~ sea-urchin
jeenje n (koe) goose-flesh, goose-skin
jeiti se vr bristle | koa mi se jei myflesh creeps, I
shudder at, my hair stands on end
jidi m & adj ling Yiddish
Job m Bibl & fig Job
jod m chem & med iodine
jodirati vt treat with iodine; med apply iodine to
jodlati vi yodel
jodler m yodeller
jodn|i adj iodine | ~a tinktura tincture of iodine
joga f yoga
jogi m yogi
jogunast adj (obijestan) prankish, full of animal spirits
(natural buoyancy), frolicsome, mischievous; (neposluan) perverse, opinionated, wilful; (tvrdoglav) obstinate, head-strong; (muiav) capricious, unaccountable; (ena) skittish
joguniti se vr be obstinate (capricious)
jogunluk m prank, outburst of animal spirits; a piece (an
act) of obstinate (prankish, mischievous, capricious)
behaviour; pranks pl, mischief
jogurt m yogurt, yogh(o)urt

joha f bot alder, alder-tree

johovina f alder-wood
joj! int v. jao!
joj pron to her (v. ona)
jok! int no!, no such thing!, nothing of the kind!, that's
out of the quest on!,not at all!
jola f mar jolly-boat
jon m phys v. ion
jonizacija f phys v. ionizacija
jonosfera f phys v. ionosfera
jonski' adj phys v. ionski
jonsk|i'' adj geog Ionian, Ionic | J~o more (otoje) Ionian Sea (Islands)
Jordan m geog Jordan
Jordan|ac m, ~ka f Jordanian
jordanski adj geog Jordanian
jorgan m Tur v. poplun
jorgandija m Tur v. poplunar
jorgovan m bot lilac; collect lilacs
Josip m Joseph
Josipa f Josepha, Josie
jo adv || (vrijeme) still yet, as yet | ~ ne not... yet, not as
yet; nikad ~ never yet; ~ uvijek still; ~ dugo poslije
for a long time after; ~ ovaj tjedan before this week
passes; ~ mi je ovog tjedna rekao it was only this
week that he told me; ~ juer but yesterday, only (as
late as) yesterday; ~ prolog lipnja as late as (as far
back as) last June; doi e ~ ovog ljeta he will come
as early as this summer; ~ nisam bio dugo oenjen
kada... I have not long been married, when...; to
emo ~ vidjeti that remains to be seen; ~ nevien
unprecedented; ~ toga dana this very day; ~ danas to
this very day, even now. || (stupanj) ~ bolji better
still; ~ jae even stronger than; ~ jedanput toliko as
much again (v. dvaput, dvostruko). || (osim toga,
nadalje, daljnji) besides, moreover, additional(ly),
(povrh) to boot, into the bargain, over and above;
(some) more; (nadalje) further | jedva ~ koji scarcely
any left; ostalo je ~ neto novca there is some odd
money, there is some money left; ima li ~ to
novca? have you any money to spare? have you any
money left; ~ mnogo (a lot) many more; samo ~ ovaj
put only this once; ~ jednu au another glass, one
more glass; daj mi ~ malo maslaca give me some
more butter; elim ti ~ mnogo roendana I wish you
many happy returns of the day; ~ nikad nisam vidio
I have never seen it before; treba ~ vidjeti it is yet to
be seen
jote adv v. jo
jot|a f iota | ni za ~u not one iota, not a jot
jova f bot v. joha
Jovo m | ~ nanovo here we go again; we're back where
we started
ju! int v. jao!
ju pron her (v. ona)
jubilarac m jubilarian
jubilaran adj anniversary; jubilee, jubilean; memorial
jubilej m jubilee, anniversary (v. godinjica) | slaviti ~
celebrate a jubilee; observe an anniversary

jubilejni adj v. jubilaran

juer adv yesterday; (sino) last night, overnight
jueranji adj yesterday's; overnight | ~ dan yesterday
jueranjica f yesterday; the recent past
Juda m Bibl Judas (i fig)
Judeja f Bibl & geog Judea
Judejac m Bibl Jud(a)ean
judejski adj Bibl Jud(a)ean
Judita f Judith
judo m sp v. dudo
jufka f Tur cul one leaf of (thinly) rolled-out dough
jug m south | pue s ~a the wind is in the south; na ~
toward the south, southward(s)
jugo n south wind, souther, s(c)irocco
jugoistoni adj south-eastern, south-east
jugoistono adv towards (A toward) south-east
jugoistonjak m (vjetar) south-easter
Jugoslaven m Yugoslav
jugoslavenski adj Yugoslav
jugoslavenstvo n Yugoslavianism; espousal of the Yugoslav cause
Jugoslavija f Yugoslavia; hist (SFRJ) the Socialist People's Republic of Yugoslavia
Jugosloven m v. Jugoslaven
jugoslovenski adj v. jugoslavenski
jugovina f warm (sultry) weather caused by the souther;
thaw, thawing weather
jugozapad m south-west
jugozapadni adj south-western
jugozapadno adv towards (A toward) south-west
jugozapadnjak m (vjetar) south-wester
juha f soup; (mesna gusta) broth | govea ~ beef-broth;
(ekstrakt) beef-tea; kokoja ~ chicken soup; ~ od
graka (rajica) pea (tomato) soup; gusta ~ od celera cream of celery; fal ~ mock soup
juhta f Russian leather
juka f bot yucca
jul m v. juli, srpanj
juli m (srpanj) July
julijanski adj | ~ kalendar Julian Calendar
Julijsk|i adj | geog ~a Krajina the Julian March; ~e
Alpe the Julian Alps
julski adj (srpanjski) July
jun m v. juni, lipanj
junac m young bull, bullock
junaan adj bold, brave, courageous, valiant, plucky,
junaenje n (bodrenje) encouragement | prazno ~ bravado, bluff, blustering
junaina f strapping fellow
junaiti vt encourage, embolden, inspire courage, put
upon one's mettle
junaiti se vr make bold, pluck up courage, take heart,
screw up one's courage, show fight, summon up
courage; (hvalisanje) boast, brag, bluster, swagger |
koji se junai blusterer, swaggerer
junak|i' adj courageous, brave, gallant, stalwart, valiant; (neustraiv) fearless; stout; (muevan) manly,
manful; heroic | ~e pjesme epic ballads (poetry)

junaki'' adv bravely, gallantly, courageously, fearlessly,

boldly, stoutly | ~ se oprijeti brave, defy, beard, stand
at bay; ~ umrijeti die game
junad f coll bullocks & heifers; bullcalves
junak m hero, brave (stalwart) man, gallant soldier; (borac) champion | ~ na jeziku blusterer, swaggerer; ~u
se srea smije fortune favours the brave; ~ dana man
of the hour
junakinja f heroine, brave woman
junatvo n (hrabrost) bravery, courage, pluck, prowers,
gallantry; chivalry; heroism; (neustraivost) fearlessness, interpidity; (moralno) fortitude; (djelo) heroic
deed, exploit
june n young bull, bullock, bull-calf
junetina f baby beef
juni m (lipanj) June
junica f heifer
junior m sp junior
juniorski adj sp junior
Junona f myth Juno
junonski adj fig Junoesque
junski adj (lipanjski) June
Jupiter m myth Jupiter, Jove
Jura f geol Jurassic formation (period)
Juraj m George
jurcati vi dart (here and there), scurry
jurenje n racing, tearing, running, careering, going at
utmost (top) speed, driving furiously, sl scorching
juridiki adj v. pravni
jurisdikcija f jur jurisdiction
jurist m jurist; (student) student of law; (uenjak) jurisconsult
juristiki adj v. pravniki
juri m storm, onslaught, onset, charge, rush; (glavni
udarac) brunt, attack, assault; (ljestvama) escalade;
(provala iz tvrave) sally | osvojiti na ~ carry (take)
by storm; (brod) board a ship; mil ~! charge!
jurianje n storming, charging, onslaught, attack, assault
juriati vi storm, charge, attack, rush at; (ljestvama) try
an escalade, scale the walls; (osvojiti) take (carry) by
storm (assault)
jurini adj mil attack
juriti vi go (run) at full (top, utmost) speed, dash (sweep)
along, run, ride (drive furiously) along; speed, race
(career, course, tear) along; (jahati) ride hard gallop;
(brod) scud (skim) along; sl (auto, bicikl) scorch
Jurjevo n St George's day
jurnuti vi make a spurt
jurnjava f rush(ing), dashing, tearing around; (modernog ivota) rat race
justificirati vt jur v. smaknuti
justifikacija f jur v. smaknue
juni adj used for soup, thin as a soup
juta f bot & text jute, burlap; jute
jutarnj|i adj morning, matinal, matutinal | ~ ogrta
(penjoar) neglige, peignoir
juteni adj text jute, burlap

jutranja f eccl matins pl, morning prayer, morning

(early) service
jutrenje n Orth v. jutrenja
jutrenji adj v. jutarnji
jutro' n morning; poet morn | rano ~ (zora) dawn, daybreak, peep of day; u ~ in the morning; rano u ~
early in the morning; dobro ~! good morning; nazvati dobro ~ bid one good morning; od jutra do
mraka from morning till night
jutro'' n (zemlje) acre (priblino)
jutrom adv in the morning; of a morning
jutros adv this morning
jutronji adj of this morning, this morning's

juvelir m v. zlatar, draguljar

juvelirsk|i adj | ~a radnja v. zlatarnica
juina f v. uina
juiti vi thaw | poelo je ~ the thaw has set in
jun|i adj south, sauthern, meridional, from the south, in
the south; thawy | ~o je it is thawing, the snow is
juno adj south
junoameriki adj South Ameriean
junoslavenski adj South-Slav
junjaki adj southern, southerner's
junjak m (ovjek) southerner; (vjetar) south, south
(southerly) wind

k prep (smjer) toward(s), to, against, over (up) to; in
the direction of, by, with, -ward | ~ meni (kui) to
my house; ~ ponoi about midnight; ~ ljetu next
summer; ~ tome (osim toga) to boot, besides,
moreover, over and above, also, in addition, additionally
ka prep v. k
kabanic|a f heavy coat; cloak | kina ~a v. baloner;
fig okretati ~u prema vjetru be a turn-coat (timeserver, trimmer), turn one's coat; (u politici) rat
kabao m pail, bucket, tub, vat | pun ~ a bucketful, a
pailful, a tubful; ~ vode a tubful of water; lijeva
kao iz kabla it is raining in torrents, it is raining
cats and dogs, it is a real downpour
kabare m cabaret
kabaretsk|i adj cabaret(-type) | ~a toka cabaret act
kabast adj v. glomazan
kabel m cable; (elini) wire rope
kabin|a f (broda) cabin; (I razreda) state-room; (telefonska, glasaka) booth; cubicle | mar krevet u ~i
sleeping-berth, bunk; kupaa ~ dressing cabin; (na
samom alu) beach hut; vozaka ~a driver's cab;
aero pilotska ~a cockpit
kabinet m (radna soba) study; pol cabinet; office; sch
laboratory, demonstration room
kabinetsk|i adj cabinet | ~a drama closet drama
kabl m v. kabel
kablica f v. kabli, muzlica
kabli m dim small bucket (pail)
kablogram m cable-gram | javiti ~om cable
kablovski adj cable
kabotaa f mar cabotage, coasting trade (navigation)
kabriolet m mot coupe; (s krovom na sputanje) convertible
kaca f tub, vat; tun
kacig|a f helmet, head-piece, cask, casque | s ~om na
glavi helmeted
kaamak m v. palenta
kaar m v. bavar
kaica f dim small tub (vat)
kaiti vt v. vjeati, kvaiti, zahvaati

kaiti se vr v. vjeati se, kvaiti se, hvatati se

kakalica f crochet-hook
kakanje n crochet-work | igla za ~ v. kakalica
kakati vi crochet
kakavalj m caciocavallo (cheese)
kaket m v. kapa sa titom
kaiperka f showy dresser, fashion plate
kaun m bot orchid, orchis
kad(a) adv & con I. (vremenski) when, as, on what
occasion | od ~ from when; do ~ till when, how
long; kako ~ according to circumstances, as the
case may be, according as; ~ god whenever, at any
time whatever; ~ tad sooner or later; v. ponekad;
zgraam se ~ samo pomislim na to I shudder but
to think of it; ~ ga covjek samo vidi, ve bi drao
da... but to see him one should think that...; ~ li ...
v. kadli
II. (u sluaju da) in the event of, in
case of; (budui da) since, as; because, inasmuch
as; (pogodba) if | da nema toga kad... if ifs and
ans were pots and pans; ~ bi... (recimo da...) if,
suppose; ~ bi bilo tako suppose it was so, supposing
kada f bath, bathtub
kadar' adj capable, able (to), fit for, competent | ne biti ~ be unable, not be fit for, not be able (competent) to...
kad|ar'' m personal; film take | ~rovi personnel, staff,
manpower; politiki ~rovi cadres; mil stalni ~ar
cadre, regular forces; struni ~rovi trained (qualified) personnel
kadenca f mus cadence
kadet m cadet, student in a naval (military) college
kadetsk|i adj | ~a kola military academy
kadgod adv v. ponekad, ikada
kadifa f Tur v. barun
kadija m Tur cadi (oriental civil judge) | ~ te tui, ~ ti
sudi the judge accuses, the judge condemns
kadikad adv v. ponekad, povremeno
kadinica f cadi's wife
kadionica f eccl censer, thurible

kaditi vi incense, burn incense; perfume; (gamad)

fumigate, smoke out | fig ~ nekome flatter (extol,
praise) one unduly, overpraise, praise to the skies,
fawn upon, curry favour with; sl lay it on thick
kadli adv when (suddenly) | ~ tadli v. kad tad
kadmij m chem cadmium
kadno adv when (suddenly)
kadrila f mus quadrille, square dance
kadrovac m mil regular soldier
kadrovi v. kadar
kadrovik m v. personalni referent
kadrovsk|i adj personnel (v. personalni, struni) | ~a
komisija appointment (and personnel planning)
kadto adv v. ponekad, povremeno
kadulja f bot garden-sage
kaduna f Tur Turkish lady
kaenje n fumigation, smoking; (tamjanom) burning
of incense; fig flattery
kafa f v. kava
kafana f v. kavana
kafe-bar m coffee har, coffee shop
kafedija m Tur coffee-house keeper; fig coffee connoisseur (lover)
kafilerija f v. ivodernica
kaftan m caftan
kahlica f reg v. nona posuda
kai m reg v. amac
Kain m Bibl Cain
kai m strap; (za britvu) razor-strop; (bia) thong;
(pojas) waist-belt, girdle; (cipele) shoe-latchet
kaiar m v. remenar, lihvar
kajak m kayak (i sp)
kajaka m sp kayaker (v. kanuist)
kajakak|i adj sp | ~e discipline kayaking events
kajakatvo n sp kayaking (v. vonja kanuom)
kajanje n penitence, repentance, remorse; (skrueno)
contrition; (savjest) compunction; (aljenje) regret;
(okajanje) atonement
kajati se vr feel repentance (remorse), compunction,
regret (pricks of conscience), be sorry for, regret
kajda f arch v. nota
kajdanka f mus music manuscript book
kajgana f scrambled eggs
kajita f mar v. kabina
kajkavac m kajkavian speaker
kajkavski adj ling kajkavian
kajkavtina f ling kajkavian dialect
kajmak m v. skorup, vrhnje
kajsija f v. marelica
kajuta f mar v. kabina
kajzerica f cul kaiser roll
kakadu m ornith cockatoo
kakao m cocoa | zrno ~a cacao-bean
kakaov|ac m bot cacao (-tree) | sjeme ~ca cacao-bean
kakav adj what (a), what kind (sort) of | kakvih 6
some (about) 6, ~ otac, takav sin like father like
son; bit e dobar ~ takav any will do; ~ mu drago
any whatever, whatsoever; ~ rad, takva plaa as

the work, so the reward; ~ god any whatever, of

any (whatever) kind (sort, quality), no matter
which, what (so) ever
kako adv (pitanje) how. in what manner (way); (im)
as soon as, the moment; (budui da) as, since, because | .~.. tako as... so; (osrednje) so so, passably,
tolerably, well, middling; i te ~ rado all too glad,
only too glad, eagerly; on je i te ~ rado prihvaiio
ponudu he jumped at the offer; ~ ti je how do you
feel?, ~ ti ide? (~ si?) how are you? how is the
world using you?, ~? (to veli?) what do you say?;
od ~ v. otkako; ~ kad according as, as the case
may be; ~ bog da as God wills; ~ to how so?; ~ da
kaem? how should I say; ~ ti drago as you like; ~
prostre, onako e spavati you will lie in the bed
you have made; ~ zaboga... how on earth?
kakofonija f cacophony
kakogod adv (nain) in any manner (way)
what(so)ever, no matter how; (povrno, nemarno)
superficially, slovenly, carelessly | ~ bilo anyway,
at any rate; ~ te volja as you like
kaktus m bot cactus
kakvoa f quality (v. kvaliteta)
kal m dirt, mud, mire, soil, slime, sludge; (talog) dregs
pl; fig quagmire (sink) of corruption
kalafatati vt mar (uperati) caulk
kalafonij m v. kolofonij
kalaj m Tur v. kositar
kalajdija m Tur tinman, tinsmith
kalajisati vt Tur v. pokositriti
kalamar m reg v. lignja
kalambur m v. igra rijei
kalamir m reg v. visak
kalan adj (mutan) muddy, dirty, thick, turbid, troubled, dreggy
kalanka f (voe) free-stone
kalanje n splitting, cleaving, slivering
kalati vt split, cleave, splinter, sliver
kalati se vr split, cleave, splinter, sliver; (ljutiti se)
kalauz m Tur v. otpira
kalav adj apt to split (cleave) easily
kalavost f aptness to split (cleave)
kalcij m calcium
kaldrma f Tur cobble pavement (roadway)
kaldrmisati vt Tur cobble
kaleidoskop m caleidoscop
kalem m spool, reel; v. cijep; el v. zavojnica
kalemiti vt v. cijepiti
kalendar m calendar, almanac | Julijanski ~ Julian
calendar; Gregorijanski ~ Gregorian calendar
kalendarsk|i adj | ~a godina calendar year
kale m eccl chalice
kalfa m Tur journeyman | kovaki ~ journeyman
kalibar m mil B calibre, A caliber
kalif m caliph
kalifat m caliphate
kaligraf m calligrapher

kaligrafija f calligraphy
kaligrafski adj calligraphic
kalij m chem potassium
kalijev adj chem potassium, potassic
kaliti vt (elik) temper, steelify, case-harden; fig
kaliti se vr fig v. prekaljivati se | elik se kali steel is
kalk m ling calque, translation loan
kalkulacija f calculation
kalkulant m (cost) acoountant
kalkulator m el (digitron) calculator
kalkulirati vt calculate
kalnost f troubled (turbid, thick, muddy) state (of liquid)
kalo m com ullage (v. rasap)
kalofonij m v. kolofonij
kaloper m bot common tansy
kalorian adj (ugljen, hrana) calori(fi)c
kalorinost f calori(fi)c value, calorie value, caloricity
kalorifer m fan heater
kalorija f calorie
kalorijski adj calorie, calori(fi)c
kaloa f v. kaljaa
kalpak m fur-cap, busby
kaluer m eccl (Eastern Orthodox) monk
kaluerica f eccl (Eastern Orthodox) nun
kaluerski adj v. redovniki
kaluerstvo n v. redovnitvo
kalup m (cipele) last, boot-tree; (eira) block; (za
novac) die; (lijevanje) mould, cast; (slova) matrix;
(uzorak) pattern; fig model, fashion, shape, standard | fig sve na isti ~ stereotype; monotonous
kalupiti vt mould (upon), cast; fig frame, shape, form,
fashion; standardize
Kalvarija f Bibl & fig Calvary
kalvinist m eccl Calvinist
kalvinistiki adj eccl Calvinistic(al)
kalvinizam m eccl Calvinism
kaljaa f ga1osh, golosh, B rubber over-shoe, A rubbers pl
kaljanje n soiling, splashing, sullying, tarnishing,
staining, fouling, pollution
kaljati vt make dirty, bespatter, bedraggle, splash,
soil; fig sully, tarnish, stain, foul, pollute
kaljav adj dirty, muddy, sloppy, bedraggled, bespattered
kaljenje n tempering (of steel)
kaljev adj | kaljeva pe tile stove
kaljua f puddle, pool, slush; (vea) mire, quagmire,
slough | moralna ~ cesspool, pool of iniquity
kaljuati se vr (svinje) wallow in mud
kam m poet v. kamen
kama f (curved) knife
kamarila f camarilla
kamaa f v. gamaa
kamat|a f (rate of) interest, per cent, percentage | ~a
na ~e compound interest; dati na ~e let (put) out

(lend) at interest; on ivi od ~a he lives on rente

kamatn|i adj | math ~i raun interest account; ~a
stopa rate of interest
kamatnjak m rate of interest, percentage; (obian)
simple interest
Kamboda f geog Cambodia
Kambodanac m Cambodian
kambodanski adj Cambodian
kameja f (nakit) cameo
kameleon m zoo chameleon; fig changeable (fickle,
insincere) person
kamelhar m text camel('s) hair
kamelija f bot camelia
kamen m stone, rock; (oblutak) pebble; (golem, nanesen) boulder; (sitan, ljunak) gravel; (mlinski) millstone; (optesan) dressed stone, ashlar; (ivac, stanac) living rock, bedrock; (kaldrme) cobble (stone); (bubreni) v. kamenac; (vinski) tartar |
dragi ~ precious stone, diamond, gem; (laan) artificial (paste) stone; hist ~ mudraca philosophers'
stone; ~ smutnje stumbling block; ~ temeljac
nadgrobni ~ tomb-stone; lomiti ~ quarry; od ~a
stone, stony; pao mi ~ sa srca a weight is off my
mind; rubni ~ (plonika) B kerb, A curb
kamenac m (kotlovni) scale; (bubreni) kidney stone;
(uni) gallstone; (zubni) tartar
kamenast adj stone-like
kameni m dim small stone, pebble, grit
kamen|i adj stone, stony | ~i ugljen pit coal; arch ~o
ulje petroleum; ~ a sol rock-salt; ~o doba Stone
kamenica f (otriga) oyster; ichth v. raa
kamenina f earthenware, stone-ware
kamenit adj stony, rocky; (kr) rugged, craggy; made
of stone
kamenolom m stone-pit, quarry
kamenolomac m quarryman
kamenorezac m stone-carver, lapidary; v. klesar
kamenotisak m print lithography
kamenovanje n stoning, lapidation
kamenovati vt stone
kamenjar m rocky ground (tract, country); (u vrtu)
kamenjarka f v. poskok; ornith v. jarebica
kamenje n collect stones, rocks; (sitno) cobble; (od ruenja) rubble; (tuenac za nasip) road metal | nasut
~m (cesta) metalled; baciti ~ na stone
kamera f (filmska) cine-camera; (TV) television camera
kamerman m v. snimatelj
kamerni adj v. komorni
Kamerun m geog Cameroon
kamerunski adj geog Cameroon
kamfor m pharm camphor
kamforovac m bot camphor-tree
kamgarn m text worsted (material)
kamila f v. deva

kamin m (niska pe) low tile stove; v. ognjite

kamilavka f Orth monk's tall cap
kamilic|a f bot c(h)amomile; (divlja) stinking camomile | aj od ~e c(h)amomile tea
kamion m B lorry, A truck | ~ cisterna road tank; ~ s
prikolicom trailer truck, rig; ~ hladnjaa refrigerator truck; voza ~a (prevoznik) trucker
kamionet m pick-up (truck); (zatvoren) delivery van
kami m pipe-stem
kamo adv where (to), which way, in which direction,
arch whither
kamogod adv where(so)ever, no matter where (to),
arch whithesoever
kamoli adv | a ~ let alone, to say nothing of, much less
kamp m campsite; (auto-kamp) motor camp
kampanja f campaign; (protiv) crusade | predizborna
~ election campaign; izvozna ~ export drive
kampanjski adj off-and-on, last-minute, in spurts
kamping m camping (out); v. kamp
kampirati vi stay at motor camps
kamp-kuica f weekend cottage
kamuflaa f camouflage
kamuflani adj camouflage
kamuflirati vt camouflage
kana f bot canna; (boja) henna
kanabe m v. kanape
Kanada f geog Canada
kanadski adj Canadian
Kanaanin m Canadian
kanafas m text backing, buckram
kanal m canal; (tok vode) course, channel; (za neistou pod zemljom) sewer; conduit, public drain;
(pod mostom) culvert; (tjesnac) straits pl, narrow
passage; (cjevica) duct | ~ za natapanje irrigation
ditch (canal); Panamski (Sueski) ~ Panama (Suez)
Canal; diplomatskim ~ima through diplomatic
channels; promijeniti ~ (na TV) switch channels;
radio ~ airway
kanalizacij|a f sewage system; sewers pl | otpadne
vode iz ~e sewage
kanalizirati vt (rijeku) canalize; fig funnel, channel
kanap m v. paga
kanape m divan
kanarinac m canary; (mujak) cock-canary
kanarinka f (enka) hen-canary
Kanarski otoci m pl geog Canary Islands
kanasta f car canasta
kancelar m chancellor
kaacelarija f v. ured, pisarnica
kancelarijski adj v. uredski | ~ materijal v. uredske
kancerogen adj med carcinogenic
kanda adv v. kao, kao da, toboe
kandelabar m v. svijenjak; ulina svjetiljka
kandidacion|i adj | ~a komisija nominating committee
kandidat m candidate; (molitelj) applicant; (imenovani) nominee; (natjecatelj) competitor; (takmac)

kandidatura f B candidature, A candidacy

kandidiranje n running (standing) for office; nomination
kandidirati vt nominate, put up (a candidate)
kandidirati se vr run (for office), become a (run as)
kandilo n Orth (hanging) light before an icon (saint's
kandira|ti vt candy | ~no voe candied fruits
kandis m v. ~ eer
kanda f Tur claw, talon | fig u ~ma in the clutches of
kandija f scourge, whip, cat-o'-nine-tails
kanibal m v. ljmdoder
kanistar m canister
kaniti vt intend itd. v. namjeravati
kaniti se vr avoid itd. v. okaniti se, izbjegavati
kankan m mus cancan
kano conj v. kao
kanon m eccl canon; (mjerilo) canon, criterion
kanonada f gun fire, cannon fire
kanonik|i adj eccl canonical | ~o odijelo canonicals
kanonik m eccl canon, dean
kanonizacija f eccl canonization
kanonizirati vt eccl canonize
kanonsk|i adj eccl jur | ~o pravo canon-law
kanta f can; (za mlijeko) milk-can; (za zalijevanje)
watering-can | puna ~a canful; v. ~ za smee
kantar' m (vaga) steelyard
kantar'' m ichth black sea-bream
kantata f mus cantata
kantautor m composer-singer
kantica f small can; (za podmazivanje) oil-can, squirt
kantina f canteen
kantiner m canteen operator (attendant)
kanton m (u vicarskoj) canton
kantor m (u sinagogi) cantor
kanu m (amac) canue | vonja ~om canoeing
kanuist m sp canoeist
kanuti vi v. kapnuti
kanj(ac) m ichth comber
kanjenje n v. izbjegavanje, okanjivanje
kanjon m geog canyon
kao conj as; (nalik) like; in the shape (capacity) of |
ba ~ just as, just like, just the same as; gotovo ~
almost as; ~ da as if, as though; on je jednako star
~ ja he is as old as I am; nije tako star ~ ja he is
not so old as I; objeen ~ razbojnik hanged for a
robber; smatran ~... considered (to be) a(n)...;
umro ~ prosjak died a beggar; poznat ~ lihvar
notorious for usurer; ovjek ~ to je on a man like
him; ~ to kau according to the saying; ~ to je
reeno (gore, prije) as above-said (-mentioned); ~
to slijedi as follows; ~ i as also; ~ ... tako as ... as;
(negativno) not so ... as
kaolin m min kaolin
kaos m chaos, disorder, confuaion, jumble, mess; anarchy

kaotian adj chaotic

kap m drop (of liquid); (znoja) bead of sweat; med
stroke, seizure (fit, attack) of apoplexy | med
udarila ga je ~ he had (he suffered) a stroke; (i fig)
he burst a vessel
kap|a f cap; (na spravi) flap, valve, hood | ~e dolje!
caps off!; francuska ~ beret; ~a sa titom visor
cap, B+ cloth cap
kapacitet m capacity, holding-power; (dvorane) seating capachty | punim ~om at (full) capacity
kapadija m v. kapar
kapak m (oka) eyelid; (sprave) valve, cover, lid; (prozora) shutter
kapaljka f med dropper; chem rubber (glass) instillator
kapanje n dripping, dropping, trickle, trickling; (u
neto) instillation
kapar' m maker of caps
kapar'' m bot caper; cul caper(s)
kapara f earnest-money, hand(s)el
kapariti vt v. zakapariti
kapati vi drip, dribble, ooze, leak, run, pour out in
kapavac m med gonorrhea, vulg clap
kapci m pl v. kapak
kapela f chapel; (pomona crkvica) chapel of ease;
mus orchestra, band of musicians
kapelan m eccl curate; (brodski, vojniki, bolniki)
kapelanija f curacy, curate's office (dignity, sphere of
action), cure
kapelica f dim small chapel
kapelnik m mus conductor of an orchestra (choir),
kapetan m mil, nav & mar captain; (voa) leader;
(broda i ujedno vlasnik) skipper; (zapovjednik
trgovakog broda) master (of a merchant ship) | ~
kratke plovidbe master of the coasting trade
(navigation); sp ~ momadi captain (of a team)
kapetanica f captain's (skipper's, master's) wife
kapetanija f hist (podruje) captaincy; (luka) portmaster's office(s)
kapetanstvo n captain's rank (office)
kapica f dim small cap, skull-cap; (naliv-pera, boce)
cap, top; (naboj) percussion cap; (skoljka) (edible)
cockle | jakovska ~ (koljka) scallop
kapija f Tur v. kuna (glavna) vrata, vea
kapilar m anat capillary
kapilaran adj anat capillary
kapilarnost f capillarity
kapirati vt coll v. shvatiti
kapisla f v. kapsla
kapital m capital | fig krupni ~ big business
kapital|an adj fig major, capital | upecati ~nu pastrvu
catch a capital trout; ~na roba (izgradnja) capital
goods (construction)
kapitalist m capitalist
kapitalistiki adj capitalistic
kapitalizam m capitalism

kapitel m archit capital (of a column)

kapiten m sp v. kapetan momadi
kapitulacija f capitulation, surrender (on terms); (bezuvjetna) unconditional surrender
kapitulant m capitulant; fig defeatist
kapitulantski adj capitulant; defeatist
kapitulantstvo n capitulationism; defeatism
kapitulirati vi capitulate; surrender (on terms)
kaplar m mil arch v. desetar
kaplja f v. kap
kapljic|a f dim droplet | coll dobra ~a good wine; ~e
za oi (nos) eye (nose) drops
kapnuti vi drop
kaponja m sl v. velika zvjerka
kapri m pl cul capers (v. kapar)
kapriciozan adj capricious
kapriciozost f capriciousness
kapricirati se vr insist obstinately (on); v. tjerati mak
na konac
kapsl|a f mil cap | (djeji) pitolj na ~ e cap pistol
kapsula f capsule; container
kaptol m eccl (cathedral) chapter, chapter house; (kanonici) canons, body of a collegiate (cathedral)
kaptolski adj eccl capitular, of a chapter
kapuca f hood
kapucin m capuchin
kapuciner m cream-topped coffee
kapula f reg v. luk
kapuljaa f hood
kaput m coat (v. ogrta); (jakna) jacket; (salonski)
morning-coat; (aket) frock-coat, cut-away; (fraka)
dress-coat; (zimski) great coat, heavy coat; (lagani,
prijelazni) lightweight coat, topcoat; (jahai) riding-coat | fig okrenuti ~ prema vjetru v. kabanica
kaputa m derog arch townsman
kaputi m short (little) coat; jacket
kara f mil ammunition wag(g)on
karabin m mil carbine
karakter m character, nature, temper, temperament,
constitution, cast of mind; (jaka volja) firmness,
karakteran adj | ~ ovjek a man of character (principles)
karakteristian adj characteristic, typical, distinctive,
peculiar; (priroen) in-born, in-bred, in the blood
karakteristika f characteristic, feature; (pismena)
character reference
karakterizacija f characterization
karakterizirati vt characterize, distinguish, give a
character to, describe one's character, typify
karakternost f firmness of character
karambol m mot crash; (biljar) B cannon, A carom
karamboliran pp mot damaged, smashed
karamel m cul caramel
karamela f B toffee, A taffy
karampana f reg v. krntija
karanfil m pink, carnation, gillyflower; clove
karanfili m cul v. klini

karanten|a f qurantine | staviti u ~u put under (in)

karanje n v. korenje
karas m ichth crucian carp
karat m carat (abbr ct.)
karate m sp karate
karati vt v. koriti
karati se vr reg v. prepirati se, grditi se
karaula f watchtower, blockhouse
karavan m v. karavana; mot B estate car, A station
karavana f caravan
karavanseraj m caravanserai
karavela f mar hist carvel, caravel
karbid m chem carbide
karbidsk|i adj chem | ~a lampa acetylene lamp
karbol m chem carbolic acid
karbon m chem carbon; geol Carbon (period)
karbonat m chem carbonate
karboniziran pp carbonized, charred
karbonizirati vt carbonize, char
karbon-papir m carbon-paper
karbonski adj chem carbon(ic)
karbunkul m med carbuncle
karburator m mot v. rasplina
karcinogen adj med carcinogenic
karcinom m med carcinoma
kardan m eng v. kardanski zglob
kardansk|i adj eng | ~i zglob universal joint; ~a osovina Cardan shaft
kardinal m cardinal
kardinalan adj cardinal
kardinalat m cardinalate
kardinalski adj | ~ plat (eir) cardinal's robe (hat)
kardiogram m med cardiogram
kardiolog m med cardiologist, heart specialist
kardiologija f med cardiology
kardioloki adj cardiological | ~ pregled heart examination; ~ odio cardiology dep.
kare m cul v. karmenadli
karfiol m It v. cvjetaa
kargo m mar cargo
karijer|a f career, success in life, advancemen in service | napraviti ~u make a career
karijerist m careerist
karijerizam m careerism
karijes m med caries
karik|a f link (of chain); (kolut) ring; (okov) ferrule;
(pokretna) swivel; (nakit) annulet, anklet | gym ~e
v. krugovi
karikatura f caricature; (novinska, politika) cartoon
karikaturist m caricaturist, cartoonist
karikirati vt caricature, cartoon
kariran adj check(ed); plaid; (kao stolnjak) gingham
kariik m mus arch v. splet
karitativan adj v. dobrotvoran
karlica f anat v. zdjelica
Karlo m Chariles, Chirley | Veliki ~ Charlemagne
karmelianin m eccl Carmelite

karmelitski adj eccl Carmelite

karmenadl m cul Ger chop | ~i (cijeli komad) loin
roast (svinjski); rib roast (telei)
karmin m (boja) carmine; crimson
karmine f pl funerel feast
karneval m carnival
karnevalsk|i adj | ~a povorka carneval parade
karnia f cornice | patent ~ traverse rod
karo m car | ~ as (kralj) ace (king) of diamonds
Karolina f Caroline, Carie, Caddy
karoserija f mot body
Karpati m pl geog Carpathians
karpatski adj geog Carpathian
kart|a f card; v. dopisnica, razglednica; (igraa)
playing-card; (putna) ticket (povratna round-trip
ticket, return ticket; prijelazna transfer); (ulaznica)
ticket of admission (besplatna free pass);
(zemljovid) map; (pomorska) chart |-varalica na
~ama card sharper; dijeliti ~e deal; pridii ~e cut;
paklo karata pack of cards; vjetine s ~ama cardtricks; gatati iz karata tell fortune from the cards;
pokazati (otkrtti) svoje ~e show (throw up) one's
cards; osobna ~ identity card
Kartaga f hist Carthage
kartanje n card-playing
karta m card-player; (hazardni) gambler
kartaki adj card-playing
kartanica f gambling-house; (sumnjiva) gamblingden
kartati se vr play at cards, game; (hazardno) gamble;
(za zabavu) play for love; (za novac) play for money, gamble
kartaanski adj hist Carthaginian
karte m, ~a f mil shrapnel
kartel m econ cartel
karter m mot B oil-sump, A oil pan
kartica f slip ; (karton) index-card; DP (elektronska,
sa tiskanim kolom) card | DP buena ~ punched
karting m sp go-kart racing | ~ automobil go kart
kartograf m cartographer
kartografija f cantography
kartografski adj cartographic
karton m cardboard; (debeli) millboard; pasteboard,
cardboard, paperbond; (u kartoteci) index-card,
kartonaa f cardboard works; cardboard products
kartonski adj cardboard
kartotek|a m the files pl; specif card-file; v. evidencija | voditelj ~e file (filing) clerk
kartuzijanac m eccl Carthusian
kartuzijanski adj eccl Carthusian
karube f pl bot reg v. roga
kas m gallop; (full) trot; (1agan) canter, amble | ~om
at a trot
kas|a f (priruna u stolu) till; (eljezna) strong-box,
cash-box; v. blagajna | registar ~a cash register;

elina ~a steel safe; platiti na ~i pay at the cashdesk (u samoposluzi at the checkout counter)
kasaba f Tur v. selendra
kasacioni adj jur | ~ sud court of cassation
kasac m (konj) trotter
kasak|i adj | ~e trke harness racing, troting races
kas|an adj late, behind one's time | ~ni sati (poslije
ponoi) small hours; bila je ~na no the night was
far spent; ~no voe late fruits
kasanje n gallop(ing), trot, trotting, canter, amble
kasapin m Tur v. mesar
kasapiti vt Tur v. mrcvariti
kasapnica f Tur v. mesnica
kasapski adj Tur v. mesarski
kasarna f barracks sg; (stambena zgradurina) tenement-house
kasarnski adj barracks
kasati vi trot, amble, gallop, canter, jog (along)
kaseta f cassette (i photo); (za novac) lock-box,
kasetofon m cassette recorder
kasica f coin-box | ~ prasica piggy bank
kasino m casino
kasirica f v. blagajnica
kaskada f cascade
kaskader m film stuntman
kaskati vi (konj) amble | fig ~ za tag after
kasni adj v. kasan
kasnije adv later (on), afterwards, subsequently, hereafter, thereafter; (u ivotu) in after-life, in the future
kasniji adj later, subsequent, consequent upon, the
kasniti vi be (come) late, be slow in coming; fall behind schedule
kasno adv late behind one's time, at a late hour, overdue | ~ lijegati keep late (bad) hours; ~ ustajati be
a late riser; be a lie-abed
Kaspijsko more n geog the Caspian (Sea)
kasta f caste
kastanjete f pl mus castanets pl
kastelan m v. katelan
kastinski adj caste, derog caste-ridden
kastracija f castration (v. kopljenje)
kastrat m castrate; eunuch (v. ukopljenik)
kastrirati vt castrate (v. ukopiti)
kastrola f (posuda) casserole
kaa f (zobena) grits pl; groats pl; (kuhana, zobena)
porridge; gruel; (tekua hrana) pap, mash, spoonmeat; (drvena) pulp; fig v. kripac
kaalj m cough; (suh) dry (hacking) cough; (napadaj)
fit of coughing; (hripavac) hooping-cough
kaast adj gruelly, mashy, pulpy
kaica f dim v. kaa; (djeja) pap (i derog); v. hrana
za dojenad
kaiica f dim v. liica
kaika f Tur v. lica
kaikar m ornith v. liarka
kairati vt line (back) with paper

kaljanje n coughing
kaljati vi cough; (iskaljati se) clear one's throat
kaljucanje n hacking cough
kaljucati vi cough lightly and drily, hack
Kamir m geog Kashmir
kamirski adj Kashmir | ~ al (vesta) cashmire shawl
kanjenje n coming (being) late, delaying, tarrying,
lingering, being overdue
katel m castle, citadel; fortalice
katelan m hist castellan, governor of a castle
kaupski adj ling Cassubian
kat m floor, storey (A story) | prvi ~ B first floor, A
second floor
Kata f hyp v. Katarina | bot lijepa ~ Chinese aster
katafalk m catafalque (v. odar)
kataklizam m cataclism
katakombe f pl catacombs
katalitiki adj chem & fig catalytic
kataliza f chem catalysis
katalizator m chem & fig catalyst
katalog m catalogue (A catalog) ; sch v. dnevnik
katalogizirati vt catalog(ue)
Katalonac m Catalan, Catalonian
Katalonija f geog Catalonia
katalonski adj geog & ling Catalan, Catalonian
katanac m v. lokot
katapult m hist & aero catapult | izbaciti ~om catapult
katar m med catarrh | bronhijalni (crijevni) ~ bronchial (intestinal) catarrh
katarakt m geog cataract
Katarina f Chatarine, Kate, Kitty, Cassie
katarka f v. jarbol
katarza f phil & psych catharsis
katastar m cadastre, land-registry; terrier
katastarsk|i adj | ~a izmjera cadastral survey
katastrofa f disaster, catastrophe, ruin, rack and ruin
katastrofalan adj disastrous, catastrophical
Kate f hyp v. Katarina
katedr|a f univ chair, professorship | ~a za engleski
jezik i knjievnost English Department; stajati za
~om stand at the rostrum (lectern)
katedrala f cathedral
kategorian adj absolute, categorical; positive; flat
kategoriki adv categorically
kategorij|a f category, class | podjela na ~e categorization; box laka (teka) ~a light-weight (heavyweight) category; boksa teke ~e a heavy-weight
kategorizirati vt categorize
kateheta m eccl catechist, religion teacher
katekizam m eccl catechism
katekumen m eccl catechumen
kateta f geom short side of a right triangle
kateter m med catheter
Katica f hyp v. Katarina

katkada adv sometimes, now and then, off and on;

(rijetko) not often, infrequently, rarely, seldom,
from time to time
-katnica f | dvo~ two-story house; petero~ five-story
katoda f el cathode
katodn|i adj el | ~a cijev cathode tube
katolicizam m Catholicism
katolianstvo n Catholicism
katoliki adj Catholic
katolik m Catholic
katolikinja f Catholic woman
katran m tar | ~ za asfaltiranje road tar
katraniti vt tar
kauboj m cowboy
kaubojski adj cowboy
kaucij|a f (za bocu) deposit | jur pustiti na slobodu uz
~u free on bail
kau m couch
kauuk m caoutchouc, India-rubber | plantae ~a rubber estates (plantations)
kauukovac m bot rubber-tree
kaurin m Tur giaour, infidel, heathen, unbeliever
kaurski adj Tur infidel
kauzalan adj v. uzroan
kav|a f (zrno) coffee-bean; (pie) coffee; (crna) black
coffee; (peena) roasted coffee; (samljevena)
ground coffee | talog ~e coffee-grounds pl; mlinac
za ~u coffee-mill; priti ~u roast coffee-beans;
kutija za ~u cafetier; bijela ~a coffee with milk;
crna ~a black coffee; turska ~a Turkish coffee
kavala f ichth black umber
kavalir m gentleman, chivalrous person; (pratilac)
escort, date; v. galantan | pravi ~ a proper gentleman
kavalirski adj chivalrous (cavalier = bez-obziran); v.
kavalir|stvo n, ~tina f chivalry
kavana f coffee-room, coffee-house
kavanar m coffee-house (caf) owner (keeper)
kaverna f med cavity
kavez m bird-cage, cage
kavg|a f Tur v. svaa, prepirka | zametnuti ~u stir up
kavgadija f Tur quarreller; brawler
kavijar m cul caviar(e)
kavin adj coffee
kavkaski adj geog Caucasian
Kavkaz m geog Caucasus
Kavkazac m Caucasian
kavopija f, m coffee-drinker; (jae) coffee addict
kavovac m bot coffee-shrub, coffee-tree
kazalin|i adj theatrical, scenic, stagelike | ~i program
playbill; ~i komad stage piece, play; ~a karta
theatre ticket; ~i pisac playwright; ~a umjetnost
stagecraft; ~a odijela, namjetaj theatrical properties; ~i reiser stage-manager (-director)
kazalit|e n theatre (A theater), playhouse; fig (pozornica, zvanje) the boards, stage | posjetilac ~a thea-

tre-goer; posjeivanje ~a theatre-going; Narodno

~e National Theatre
kazalo n indicator; index; (vage) pointer (of scales);
(sunane ure) gnomon, rod (pin) of dial; (knjige)
register, index; (sadraj) table of contents; (kompasa) needle, pointer
kazaljk|a f (sata) (watch)-hand | mala (velika) ~ minute- (hour-)hand; ~ za sekunde seconds-hand; u
smjeru ~e na satu clockwise; obratno od smjera
~e na satu counter-clockwise
kazan m Tur kettle, copper; (velik) cauldron; (stroja)
boiler; (pecare) still | tronog za ~ trivet
kazandija m Tur copper-smith
kaza|ti vt (rei) say, tell; (govoriti) speak, utter, express; (izjaviti) declare, state | kau, kae se people
say, it is rumoured (said); kau mi I am told (informed), I learn, I understand; ~o sam mu u lice I
told him to his face; ~o sam mu netedice (u brk)
istinu I did not mince matters, I gave him a piece
of my mind; ~o sam mu otvoreno I told him my
mind, I did not beat about the bush; kako se to
kae engleski? what is the English for ...?; ako
smijem tako ~ti if I may express myself so, if I
may put in into words (put it so); kai to te volja
say what you like; ~o je svoju he said his say
kazein m chem casein
kazemata f mil casemate
kazeta f v. kaseta
kazino m v. kasino
kaziva m teller, reporter; narrator
kazivanje n telling, narration
kazivati vt tell, narrate, relate, report, give account of;
(u pero) dictate; (potanko) detail
kazn|a f punishment; chastisement, castigation, pain,
penalty, correction; (boja) visitation; (novana,
globa) penalty, fine, mulct | stroga (blaga, primjerna, tjelesna, smrtna) ~a severe (mild, exemplary, corporal, capital) punishment; pod ~om
smrti on (under) pain of death; proi bez ~e go
scot-free; ~a zatvora imprisonment; izdravati ~u
serve (one's) time, sl do (one's) time; uvjetno su
mu oprostili dio ~e he got the ticket of leave
kaznen|i adj penal, crlminal | povesti ~i postupak
institute criminal proceedings (against), bring
criminal charges against; ~i zakon penal law; ~i
zakonik penal code; ~o pravo criminal law; ~o
djelo (criminal) offence; ~a kolonija penal colony;
~i zavod v. kaznionica; ~a ekspedicija punitive
expedition; sp ~i udarac (bod, prostor) penalty
kick (point, area)
kaznionica f penitentiary, prison, jail (goal); (za
mlade) reformatory; (popravilite) house of correction, bridewell
kaznioniki adj | ~ straar prison guard
kazniti vt punish, inflict punishment (penalty), chastise; (globiti) fine, penalize, mulct; castigate
kazuar m ornith cassowary
kaiprst m index finger, forefinger

kanjava|ti vt v. kazniti | ~n (person) having a police

kanjeniki adj convict
kanjenik m convict; (uznik) jail-bird, prisoner
kanjiv adj punishable, liable to punishment, criminal, culpable
kanjivost f punishableness, culpability, criminality
kerka f daughter; (pastorka) step-daughter; (pokerka) foster-daughter
kerkica f dim little daughter (girl)
ki f v. kerka | hum Evina ~ daughter of Eve
keba f reg cheap clasp-knife
kebati vt v. vrebati
kec m reg v. as; sch v. slaba ocjena
kecelja f v. pregaa; sch v. kuta
keckati se vr reg v. kokati se
ke m sp catch-as-catch-can (wrestling)
keer m sp catch-as-catch-can wrestler
keersk|i adj sp | ~e borbe catch-as-catch-can events
keiga f ichth sturgeon
keka f reg v. pletenica
kedar m bot v. cedar
kedrovina f bot v. cedrovina
kefa f Tur v. etka
kefati vt Tur v. etkati
kefica f Tur v. etkica
kegl m Ger v. unj
kej m quay; embankment
keks m B biscuit, A cracker | okoladni ~ chocolate
keleraba f bot v. koraba
kelner m v. konobar
kelj' m bot savoy (cabbage) | lisnati ~ kale, cole
kelj'' m joiner's glue
keljilo n v. ljepilo
keljiti vt glue (v. lijepiti)
kemiar m chemist
kemija f chemistry | organska (anorganska) ~ organic (inorganic) chemistry
kemijsk|i adj chemical | ~a industrija chemical industry; ~a olovka ballpoint
kemikalija f chemical, chemical substance
kemp(ing) m v. kamp(ing)
kengur m v. klokan
Kenija f geog Kenya
Kenijac m Kenyan
kenijski adj geog Kenyan
kentaur m myth centaur
kenjac m reg v. magarac | fig stari ~ old dodderer,
vulg old fart
kenjati vt vulg crap
kenjkalo m, n derog whiner; fuddy-duddy
kenjkati vi derog whine
kenjkav adj derog whining; fuddy-duddy; v. boleljiv
kepec m v. patuljak
keper m text twill
ker m Tur v. pas | tjerati ~a v. baniti, ludovati, izdivljati se (u mladosti)
keramiar m ceramist, potter

keramiki adj ceramic

keramika f ceramics sg; ceramic work (articles)
Kerber m myth Cerberus; fig watch-dog
kerefek|e f pl | bez ~a no frills; no ceremony; praviti
~e monkey around
kerna f ichth grouper
kerubin m eccl cherub (pl cherubim, cherubs)
kerua f Tur v. kuja
kesa f purse; money-bag; (torba) budget; (dep)
pocket; (naboja) pouch
kesaro m v. depar
kesenje n grinning, simpering, sniggering, snickering,
stupid laughing (smiling)
kesica f dim pouch; v. vreica
kesiti vt (zube) grin, show one's teeth
kesiti se vr grin, simper, snicker, snigger, smirk,
chuckle, titter, giggle; (ruganje) sneer
kesokradica m pick-pocket
keson m civ eng caisson
kesonsk|i adj med | ~a bolest the bends, caisson disease
kesten m (divlji) horse-chestnut, (pitomi) sweet (edible) chestnut | ljuska ~a spiny husk of chestnut;
peeni ~i roast chestnuts; ~ pire chestnut pure
kestenast adj chestnut(-coloured)
kestenik m chestnut-wood (-forest)
kestenov adj chestnut
kestenovina f chestnut-wood
kestenjar m chestnut seller, chestnut-roaster
kestenjav adj chestnut(-coloured)
kestenje n collect chestnuts | vaditi ~ iz vatre za
drugoga pull the chhstnuts out of the fire for
kevica f reg v. iparica
kevtati vi v. tektati
keziti (se) vt (vr) v. kesiti (se)
kibernetiar m cyberneticist
kibernetiki adj cybernetic
kibernetika f cybernetics sg
kibic m kibitzer, onlooker
kibicirati vt kibitz, look on
kibla f (zatvorska) bucket
kico m fop, dandy, swell, beau, gallant, coxcomb,
puppy, dude
kicoenje n dressing behaving like a dandy (fop, itd.)
kicoiti se vr behave (dress) like a dandy (fop, itd.),
assume airs and manners of a dandy
kicoki adj foppish, dandyish
kicotvo n fopyishness, dandyism
ki m (und) kitsch; trash
kiast adj kitschy; trashy
kicia f v. kist; (konj) v. putite
kim|a f spine, backbone | fig nemati ~u have no
backbone; fig imati ~u have grit; med iskrivljenje
~e v. kraljenica
kimeni adj spinal | ~ stub v. kraljenica
kimenjak m zoo v. kraljenjak
kianka f tassel

kien adj (nakien) decorated, adorned, decked out,

ornate, trimmed, dressed up, arrayed, embellished,
smart; (neukusno) tawdry, gaudy, showy; (stil, ponaanje) bombastic, affected, finical
kienost f ornateness; (stila) floweriness; (neukusna)
tawdriness, gaudiness
kienje n ornamentation, trimming, embellishment
kidanje n tearing asunder, snapping, breaking
kidati vt tear, rend, break up, sever, dissever; (uda)
dismember; (etvoriti) quarter; (pui) snap, pick to
pieces, lacerate
kidati se vr become torn (broken), fall to pieces, break
| srce mi se kida my heart break, I am heartstricken (heart-broken)
kidisanje n Tur v. nasrtanje | ~ na sebe v. pokuaj
kidisati vi Tur v. nasrnuti | ~ na sebe v. pokuati
kidnaper m kidnapper; hijacker
kidnapiranje n kidnapping; hijacking
kidnapirati vt kidnap; hijack
kidnuti vi sl v. pobjei
kifl m, ~a f croissant, crescent (roll)
kihanje n sneezing (v. ciha!)
kihati vi sneeze
kihavica f sneezing-fit; v. hunjavica
kihnuti vi sneeze
kijaa f bludgeon, cudgel, club, knobstick
kijamet m Tur v. nevolja, nevrijeme, propast, mete,
smak svijeta
kijati vi v. kihati
kijavica f v. hunjavica, kihavica
kijerna f ichth grouper
kika f v. pletenica, perin
kikiriki m bot peanut
kiklop(ski) v. cikop(ski)
kikotati vi v. hihotati
kiks m faux pas, gaffe | napraviti ~ commit a faux pas
kiksati vi commit a faux pas; (u pjevanju) hit a
clinker; v. smalaksati
kikser m v. kiks
kila' f v. kilogram
kil|a'' f med hernia, rupture | pojas za ~u truss; dobiti
~u get a hernia
kilav adj fig softy, weak-sister; suffering from hernia
kilavac m fig softy, milksop, weak sister; person suffering from hernia
kilaviti se vr vulg work one's tail off sl
kilavost f med hernial trouble
kiler m mot Ger v. hladnjak
kilocikl m el kilocycle
kilogram m kilogram(me), coll kilo
kiloherc m el kilocycle per second
kilometar m kilometre (A -meter)
kilometarski adj fig mile-long
kilometraa f mileage
kilota f culotte
kilovat m el kilowatt | ~-sat kilowatt-hour
kilj m mar v. kobilica

kim m bot & cul caraway; cul caraway seed

kim(e) pron v. tko | pod (s) ~ under (with) whom
kimanje n nodding; (pospanost) drowsiness, dozing;
(odobravanje) nodding assent
kimati vt nod; (odobravanje) nod assent
kiml m Ger cul caraway seed | ~ liker kummel (liqueur)
kimnuti vi nod
kimono m kimono
Kina f geog China
kinurenje n overdressing
kinuriti se vr dress oneself up, prink; overdress;
kinematografija f cinematography, cinema; film industry
kinematografski adj cinematographic
kinesk|i adj Chinese | ~a glina kaolin; ~i jezik Chinese; ~i narod (Kinezi) the Chinese
Kineskinja f Chinese woman
Kinez m Chinese man
kinin m pharm quinine
kininovac m bot cinchona tree
kino n & m B cinema, picture theatre; A movie theater
| ii u ~ B go to the pictures, A go to the movies
kino-dvorana f v. kino
kinolok|i adj | ~o drutvo Kennel Club
kino-operater m projectionist
kino-posjetilac m B picture-goer, A movie-goer
kino-predstava f B picture-show, A movie show
kino-projektor m (cinema) projector
kinoteka f film-library, film archives
kinjenje n drudgery, toiling
kinjiti vt abuse, mistreat
kinjiti se vr drudge, toil and moil, slave
kiosk m kiosk; (za novine) news-stand
kip m statue, image, effigy; (odljev) cast; idol; (na
konju) equestrian statue; (na oltaru) altar-piece |
podnoje ~a pedestal; miran kao ~ still as a
statue, still as death; ~ovi collect statuary
kipar m sculptor, statuary
Kipar m geog v. Cipar
kiparis m bot v. empres
kiparski' adj sculptural
kiparski'' adj geog v. ciparski
kiparstvo n sculpture, plastic (statuary) art
kiper m (kamion) dump truck
kipi m dim statuette; figurine
kipjeti vi boil, seethe; (tiho) simmer; (s mjehuriima)
bubble; (vrenje) ferment | kipi od srdbe his blood
kipljenje n boiling, seething
kipoborac m iconoclast
kipoborstvo n iconoclasm
kiptjeti vi teem (od with), crawl; fig boil
kipui adj boiling, seething
kireta f med curet(te)
kireta|a f med curettage | praviti nekome ~u curet(te) one

kiretirati vt med curet(te)

kirija f Tur v. stanarina; najam, zakup
kirija m v. vozar
Kiril m Cyril
Kirka f myth Circe
kirnja f ichth dusky serranus; (ire) grouper
kirurg m surgeon | plastini ~ plastic surgeon
kirurgija f surgery | plastina ~ plastic surgery
kirurki adj surgical | ~ zahvat surgery
kiselica f bot & cul common sorrel, sour dock
kiselina f (tekuina) acid, sour substance | ugljina ~
carbonic acid; solna ~ muriatic acid; sumporna ~
sulphuric acid; karbolna ~ carbolic acid; taninova
~ tannic acid; duina ~ nitric acid; octena ~ acetic
acid; med eluana ~ gastric acid
kiseli m sour liquid (wine)
kiseliti vt make sour (acid), add sour substance, acidify; (malo) acidulate; fig v. namakati
kiseliti se vr become (turn) sour; fig v. namakati se
kiselkast adj sourish, acidulous, acidulated
kiselo adv sourly, acidly | gledati ~ make a sour (wry)
kiselost f acidity
kiseljak m bot v. kiselica
kise|o adj sour, acid, tart; (malo) sourish, acidulous;
(ukiseljen) pickled; (nain, ud) crabbed, harsh,
morose, surly, peevish, sullen, crusty, ill-humoured
| ~lo lice drawn (wry) face, sour look(s); ~li
krastavci (paprika) pickled gherkins (peppers)
kiseonik m chem v. kisik
kisik m chem oxygen | boce s ~om oxygen bottles
kisikana f oxygen plant
kismet m Tur kismet, fate
kisnuti vi become (get) wet (soaked, drenched);
(ukiseliti se) become sour
kist m brush-pencil, artist's brush; (za lienje) paint
kia f rain; (pljusak) downpour (kratak shower); (s
vjetrom) driving rain; (provala oblaka) cloudburst,
torrential rain; (sitna) drizzle, mizzle; (oborina)
rainfall; (tanadi, strijela) shower | ~ pada it is
raining; (sipi) it is drizzling; ~ pljuti it is pouring;
~ pada kao iz kabla it rains cats and dogs; izgleda
na kiu it looks like rain; ~ mijeana sa solikom
rain and sleet; ~ je stala it has stopped raining; ~
neprestano pada it keeys raining; ~ se ispadala it
has rained itself out
kiica f dim soft rain; drizzle
kiiti vi rain
kin|i adj rainy | ~o doba rainy season; ~i ogrta raincoat
kinica f rain-water
kiobran f umbrella | izraivac ~a umbrella-maker
kiomjer m meteorol rain-gauge
kiovit adj rainy
kiovitost f raininess
kitra f reg v. sanduk, letvarica

kit' m whale; (mujak) bull whale; (enka) cow-whale;

(mladune) whalecalf | lov na ~ove whaling; lovac
na ~ove whaler, whaleman
kit'' m (staklarski) putty
kita f (cvijea) bouquet, nosegay, bunch of flowers;
(resa) tassel, fringe; (perja) crest, tuft; bunch; vulg
male privy parts
Kitaj m v. Kina
kitajski adj v. kineski
kitati vt putty (up), apply putty (to)
kitica f small nosegay; (zapuak) buttonhole; spray;
(pjesme) strophe, stanza
kititi vt decorate, ornament, deck, bedeck, trim, adorn,
array, embellish; garnish; attire; smarten (dress) up
kititi se vr decorate (ornament, array, trim itd.) oneself
up, dress (smarten, prink) oneself up
kitniarka f arch v. modistica
kitniarsk|i adj | ~a roba millinery
kitnkes m cul Ger v. pekmez od dunja
kitnjast adj leafy, bunchy, tufty
kitolovac m (brod) whaler, whaling ship
kitov adj | ~o ulje whale-oil, sperm-oil, train-oil; ~a
kost whale-bone
kivan adj resentful, rancorous; (zloban) spiteful | biti
~ harbour (nurse) a grudge, resent, take in bad part,
bear one a grudge (ill-will)
kivno adv resentfully; spitefully; ascance
kivnost f animosity, rancour, grudge, resentment;
(zloba) spite, malice
klackalica f seesaw
kla m Ger v. naklapanje, blebetanje, tra
klaenje f vagabondage, vagrancy, tramping, loafing
klad|a f (mala za pe) billet, piece of log, block; (podloga) chock; fig (ovjek) blockhead, coarse
(clumsy) fellow | hist staviti u ~e put in the stocks
kladara f v. brvnara
kladenac m v. izvor, bunar
kladilac m bettor
kladionic|a f betting shop (place, office), A sl bookie
joint | igrati (dobiti) na sportskoj ~i B play (win)
the pools
kladiti se vr bet (upon) against, lay a wager; back,
stake, wager | kladim se da... I'll bet you a..., I'll
lay 3 to 1 that...
kladivac m hammer; (drveni) mallet
kladiv|o n (zvona) clapper; (zabija) rammer; (halka)
knocker; (udara) rapper; sp hammer | sp bacanje
~a the hammer throw; sp bacati ~o throw the
hammer; sp baca ~a hammer-thrower
klaenje n betting, wager
klafraa f reg v. blebetua
klafrati vi reg v. blebetati
klaka f theat claque
klaker m theat claquer
klakson m mot arch v. sirena
klamati vt Ger staple
klamerica f Ger v. spojnica, kvaica
klamfa f Ger v. skoba
klan m Sc & fig clan

klanac m gorge, ravine, narrow pass, defile; hollow;

glen; gulch
klanica f v. klaonica
klanjalac m worshipper
klanjanje n bowing, curtseying, stooping; eccl worship, adoration; (poast) homage, reverence; (poklon) bow, obeisance; (puzanje) fawning, cringing,
klanjati vi pray (the way Moslems do)
klanjati se vr bow (down) before, make a bow; (prikleknuti) make (drop) a curtsey, curtsey; eccl worship, adore; stoop; (podlo, puzati) cringe, fawn,
klanje n butchering, slaughter(ing), massacre;
(gloenje) wrangle, wrangling, quarrelling, squabbling, bickering | stoka za ~ beef cattle
klaonica f slaughter-house, abattoir; (broda, vojarne)
butchery; shambles | industrijska ~ packing plant
klaoniki adj of a slaughter-house, slaughter-house
klapa f coll crowd, gang
klaparati vi slap
klapast adj flappy; flapping | ~a uha flap-ears
klap|ati vi coll work; be well-organized | ne ~a it
doesn't work; it's badly organized
Klara f Clara, Clare
klarinet m mus clarinet
klarinetist m mus clarinet-player, c1arinet(t)ist
klas m spike | jalov ~ blind ear, sterile ear
klasa f class | radnika (vladajua) ~ the working
(ruling) class
klasanje n shooting out into ears, formation of grains
in the ears; swelling of grain in the cereal ear
klasati vt (ito) form ears
klasicist m classicist
klasicistiki adj classicist
klasicizam m classicism
klasian adj classic(al); (uzoran) standard, first-class
klasiar m classical (classics) scholar, classicist
klasinost f classical quality
klasificirati vt classify
klasifikacija f classification
klasifikator m classifier
klasik m classic, Latin or Greek author; standard author
klasika f classical literature (works); the classics
klasirati vt class, classify, sort
klasje n collect (ita) ears; (kukuruza) corn-cobs
klasn|i adj | ~a borba (svijest) the class struggle (consciousness)
klasno adv | ~ svjestan class conscious
klatarenje n v. skitnja, lutanje
klatariti se vr v. skitati se, lutati
klate f collect tramps, loafers, vagabonds, vagrants
klati vt butcher; (svinju) stick, slaughter; (ubiti) kill,
murder; (na veliko) massacre; (ovjeka) cut a person's throat
klati se vr fig (svaati se) quarrel, squabble, wrangle,
bicker; (mu i zena) lead a cat-and-dog life
klatiti se vr v. klatariti se, njihati se

klatno n (zvona) bell-clapper; phys pendulum

klaun m clown
klaustar m (samostanski) cloister
klaustrofobija f med claustroyhobia
klauzula f clause (of stipulation); (uvjet) proviso,
klauzura f univ confinement (in room) of candidate
during written examination under invigilation
klauzurn|i adj univ | ~a radnja examination paper
done under invigilation
klavesen m mus harpsichord, clavecin
klavijatura f mus keyboard
klavikord m mus clavicbord
klavir m mus piano | svirati na ~u play the piano;
ugoa ~a piano tuner
klavirist m piano-player, pianist
klavirski adj | ~ koncert piano concerto
klecalo n eccl praying-desk, kneeling-desk, pew
klecanje n genuflection; trembling of knees, tottering
kleca|ti vi | koljena mu ~ju his knees tremble (totter)
klecav adj buckling; tottering
kleanje n kneeling
kleati vi kneel
klee|i, ke adv on one's bended knees, kneeling
kleka f bot juniper-tree, juniper-bush
klekinja f (plod) juniper-berry
klekov adj bot juniper
kleknuti vi kneel down, fall upon one's knees
klekovaa f juniper-brandy; gin, Geneva
klekovina f juniper-wood; collect juniper trees
klempav adj | ~e ui lop ears
klen' m bot common maple
klen'' m ichth chub
kleni m ichth dace
klenov adj bot maple
klenovina f maple-wood
klepac m scythe-sharpening hammer
klepati vt sharpen (scythe, sickle) with a hammer,
klepet m rattling, clatter
klepetalo n (egrtaljka) rattle; fig v. blebetalo
klepetanje n rattle, rattling; fig v. blebetanje
klepetati vi rattle, clatter, patter; fig v. blebetati
klepetua f cow-bell; fig v. blebetua
klepka f cow-bell
klepnuti vt v. udariti
kleptoman m, ka f med kleptomaniac
kleptomanija f med kleptomania
kleptomanski adj med kleptomaniac
kler m clergy, the cloth
klerik m student of divinity in a Roman-Catholic
klerikalac m pol clericalist
klerikalan adj pol clericalist
klerikalizam m pol clericalism
klerikat m Roman-Catholic seminary
klesanje n (stone-) carving (dressing, cutting, hewing)
klesar m stone-mason, stone-dresser, stone-cutter

klesarija f stone-work, stone-mason's work (trade,

klesarski adj stone-mason's, stone-dresser's, stonedressing
klesarstvo n stone-worker's (stone-mason's) trade
klesati vt dress stone, chisel (carve) stone, sculpture,
hew (cut out) in stone, chip stone
klet' adj damned, cursed, accursed, confounded,
abominable, execrable, deuced
klet'' m v. klijet
kleti vi utter curses, curse, swear, execrate, blaspheme,
imprecate, invoke evil upon
kleti se vr take oath to, swear to (by); confirm by oath;
affirm solemnly; (krivo) forswear (perjure) oneself
kletva f curse, profane oath, blasphemy, imprecation,
execration, malediction; anathema, interdict
kleveta f slander, calumny, aspersion, defamation,
detraction, back-biting; (u tisku) libel
klevetanje n slander, back-biting, defamation, calumniation, aspersion
klevetati vt calumniate, slander, backbite, traduce,
detract, asperse, defame, blacken, malign, speak ill
of; (u tisku) libel
klevetniki adj slanderous, calumnious, libellous, defamatory
klevetnica f woman calumniator (slanderer)
klevetnik m slanderer, calumniator, back-biter; (u
tisku) libeller, libellist
klevetnitvo n slanderousness; libellousness
klic|a f germ, seed-bud, shoot, sprout; med germ;
(zametak) origin | uguiti u ~i nip in the (very)
bud, stifle in embryo
klicanje n shouting, shouts pl, applause, cheers pl,
cheering, jubilation, acclaim
klicati vi shout (for joy), applaud, cheer, jubilate, acclaim
kliconoa m med carrier
kliak m stalk, core
klijalite n forcing-bed, hot-bed
klijanje n germination, sprouting
klijati vi germinate, sprout, spring up, shoot
klijent m client
klijentela f collect clientele
klijenut f med paralysis
klijeta f pl pincers pl; (za icu) pliers pl, nippers pl,
tweezers pl; (velika) tongs pl; (poroajna) forceps;
(rakova) claws pl; (tipa) jaws (of vice) pl
klijet m vine-dresser's hut (in a vineyard)
klijetka f anat ventricle of heart
klik m shout, cry, yell
klika f clique
klikaki adj cliquish
klikatvo n cliquishness
kliker m v. pekula
kliknuti vi shout (yell, cry) with joy, exult over, cheer,
triumph over
kliktanje n exultation, shouts of joy, jubilation; v. klicanje
kliktati vi exult (zbog over), triumph (over)

klima f climate, poet clime; sky, atmosphere | ~ ureaj v. klimatski uredaj

klimaks m climax
klimakterian adj med climacteric, menopausal
k1imakterij m med climacteric, menopause
klimanje n (glavom) nodding; (klimavost) being rickety (tottering), swaying, being top-heavy, wagging
klimati vt (glavom) nod; (objeeno) dangle, wag, sway
to and fro; (gegati se) wobble; (njihati) rock
klimati se vr rock, be loase (shaky, rickety), be (become) loose; (visjeti) dangle, sway to and fro, totter, be top-heavy
klimatizacij|a f air conditioning | ureaj za ~u air
klimatizirati vt air-condition
klimatski adj climatic | ~ ureaj air conditioner
klimav adj (come) loose, loosely fitting, shaky, rickety; dangling; flapping; top-heavy; tottering, wobbling; (nesiguran) unsteady; (dokaz) controvertible;
(isprika) lame
klimavost f ricketiness, shakiness, state of being loose
(tottering, wobbling, unsteady)
klimnuti vi give a nod (v. klimati)
klin m wedge, pin, peg, spike, plug, tenon; (osovine)
cotter, linchpin (raskoljen split pin); quoin, woodden nail; chock; (koli) picket; (potkivaki) horseshoe nail; mil spearhead wedge | ~ se ~om izbija
one nail drives out another
klinac m small wooden nail, peg, pin; (djeak) little
boy, col shaver, sl squirt
klinast adj wedge-shaped, cuneiform, cuneate
klin m box clinch | doi u ~ clinch
klinanica f hat-rack, hat-stand
klini m dim small wedge (plug peg); bot small pink;
(mirodija) clove
kliniar m med clinician
kliniki adj clinical
klinika f clinic, clinical hospital
klinov adj | ~o pismo cuneiform writing, cuneiform
klip m (kukuruza) ear (of corn), corncob; (stroja) piston | fig bacati ~ove pod noge throw obstacles in
someone's way, put a spoke in someone's wheel
klipan m big (clumsy, boorish, awkward) fellow, unmannerly (unlicked) youth (lad); clown, lubber,
bumpkin, churl
kliper m mar clipper
klipni adj eng | ~ motor (avion) piston engine (aircraft)
klipsanje n trudging (jogging) along
klipsati vi jog (ttrudge) along, coll leg (foot) it
kliskost f slipperiness
klisnuti vi coll v. pobjei
klistir m med enema
klistirati vt med give an enema
klisura f sheer rock, cliff, crag
klisurast adj craggy, rocky
klisurina f aug huge cliff (crag, rock)
klie m clich, stereotype; print (printing) block
klitoris m anat clittoris

kliza m skater; (bez klizaljke) slider; (saonice) sleighrider

klizaica f sp (woman) skater
klizaki adj sp skating
klizak adj slippery, smooth
klizalite n (umjetno) skating rink; (neureeno) sheet
of ice for skating; (na poledici) v. klizaljka
klizaljka f skate; (djeja na poledici) slide
klizanje n (na blatu, mokrom tlu) slithering, skidding;
sp skating; sliding; (puzanje tla) land-slide | sp
umjetnicko ~ figure skating
klizati vi slide, skate
klizati se vr (na ledu) skate, slide; (okliznuti se) slip;
(na zemlji, blatu) slither, skid
klizav adj v. klizak
klizavica f v. poledica
klizavost n slipperiness
kliziti vi | ~ po glide (skim) along
kliznuti vi slip; skim
klo m v. zahod
kloaka f fig cloaca, cesspool
klobuar m hatmaker, hatter
klobuarija f hatrnaker's (work-)shop
klobuarstvo n hatmaker's trade
klobuiti (se) vi (vr) bubble; heave
klobuk m v. eir; zoo (u moru) medusa, jelly-fish
klofati vt beat a rug (carpet)
klofer m rug-beater
klokan m zoo kangaroo
klokot m, ~anje n gurgle, gurgling; (potoka) babbling,
brawling, bickering, murmur
klokotati vi gurgle, babble, murmur; (potok) brawl;
(kia, potok) bicker
klompa f (drvena) clog; fig clodhopper
kloniti se vr shun, avoid; (ovjeka) give wide berth to,
steer clear of; (posla, ovjeka) fight shy of; flee;
hold back frorn; eschew; (pia) abstain
klonulost f prostration, exhaustion, collapse, sinking;
(duevna) dejection, despondency, discouragement
; (malodunost) damp on the spirits, low spirits,
pusillanimity, faintheartedness
klonuo adj prostrate, exhausted, spent, sinking, flagging, worn-out; (duevno) depressed, downcast,
discouraged, desponding; (maloduan) fainthearted, disheartened, dispirited, orestfallen, pusillanimous
klonuti vi (slabost) decline, droop, sink, flag, fail,
break down | ~ duhom v. duh
klonjenje n shunning, avoiding
klopa f sl grub, chow (oba A sl)
kloparati vi v. klopotati
klopati vt sl grub (A sl)
klopk|a f snare, trap, gin | namjestiti nekome ~u set a
trap for somebody; namamiti u ~u trap; upasti u
~u fall into a trap
klopot m, ~anje n clatter, noise, rattle
klopotati vi clatter, rattle, make a noise; fig v. blebetati
klopotua f v. blebetua

klor m chem chlorine

klorid m chem chloride
kloriranje n chem chlorination
klorirati vt chem chlorinate
klorn|i adj chem | ~a kiselina chloric acid
klorofil m bot chlorophyll
kloroform m med chloroform | uspavati ~om (put
under) chloroform
klot m text black sateen
klovn m v. klaun
klozet m v. zahod | ~-papir toilet paper
klub m club
k1upa f bench; (kolska) form; (amca) thwart; (u
crkvi) pew; (galijota) bank; (sveenika u koru) stall
klupast adj ball-like, ball haped
klupica f dim small bench; (podnonik) foot-stool
klupko n ball (of wool, cotton), clue, clew; (povjesmo)
hank; (namot konopa) coil
klupsk|i adj | ~e prostorije club rooms (premises),
clubhouse, club
kljakav adj fig lame, butter-fingered (v. kilav); v.
kljakavac m derog cripple (v. kilavac)
kljast adj crippled, lame; (sakat) maimed
kljatren pp (drvo) pruned, lopped; (knjiga, tekst)
expurgated, bowdlerized | ~o drvo (vrh) pollard
kljatrenje n pruning, lopping; (vrha stabla) polling;
(knjige) expurgation, bowdlerization
kljatriti vt (drvo) prune down, lop off (away), trim;
(rep) dock; (knjigu) expurgate, bowdlenize, purify;
strip of superfluous matter; (vrh drveta) poll
kljenut f med paralysis, palsy
kljova f tusk
kljucanje n pecking, picking
kljucati vt peck, pick
klju m key; (kuni) street-door key; (otpira) skeleton-key, master-key; mus clef; (navojni) spanner |
drati pod ~em keep under lock and key;
francuski ~ B spanner, A monkey wrench
kljuanic|a f (brava) lock; (rupa) key-bole | silom otvoriti ~u force a lock
kljuanje n boiling, seething, simmering; (vir) swirling, eddying
kljuar m turnkey
kljuarica f house-keeper, matron
kljuati vi boil, seethe, simmer; (vir) eddy, swirl
kljun|i adj | ~i problem the key problem (issue); anat
~a kost collar bone
kljukanje n stuffing with food, cramming
kljukati vt stuff with food, cram (poultry)
kljun m (mekan, plosnat) bill, (grabilice) beak; (posude) spout, nozzle, snout; (broda) stem (prow) of
ship; rostrum
kljunast adj beaked, billed, nozzled; rostrate
kljuna m zoo duckbill, sci platypus
kljunat adj having a bill
kljusad f collect worn-out horses
kljuse n nag, back, jade, hackney; worn-out horse
kljuvanje n pecking

kljuvati vt peck, make a hole by pecking

kmeati vi (dijete) whine, pule; (zec) cry
kmet m (feudal) serf, villain, villein, bondman; (seoski
knez) headman
kmetovanje n villainage, villeinage, serfdorn; headman's office
kmetovati vi be a serf (bondman, villein), act as
kmetski adj belonging to a kmet, like a kmet
kmetstv|o n serfdom, bondage, servitude | hist ukidanje ~a abolition of servitude
kmezav adj whining; affectatious
kmeziti se vi whine; affect
knap adj & adv Ger scant, short of, just enough; tight
knedla f cul Ger v. valjuak
kneginja f princess, prince's wife | velika ~ grandduchess
knez m prince; (seoski) (village) headman; ichth rainbow wrasse | izborni ~ Elector; veliki ~ grand duke
knezovati vi rule as a prince; act as headman
kneev adj of a prince
kneevi m young prince, son of a prince
kneevina f principality
kneevski' adj of a prince
kneevski'' adv like a prince, princely
kniks m curtsy | napraviti ~pred curtsy to
knipser m photo Ger cable release
knut m hist & fig knout
knjig|a f book; (svezak) volume; fig (uenje) study;
(knjievnost) literature; (priruna) reference book,
manual, handbook; (evidencije) register; (molitvena) prayer-book; (kolska) text-book | kiosk za
prodavanje ~a book-stall; ormar za ~e book-case;
polica za ~e book-shelf; pravo pretiskivanja ~a
copyright; posuivaonica ~a lending library, circulating library; on je ovjek ~e he is a bookman, a
bookworm; sakuplja ~a bibliophile, book-lover,
bibliomaniac; govori kao iz ~e he speaks like a
book; ~a se ugodno ita the book reads well;
dosadna ~a a dull book; ~a se dobro prodaje book
sells well; voditi ~e keep books; unijeti u ~u book,
enter in book; ~a je rasprodana book is sold out;
~a je zaplijenjena book is suppressed; com glavna
~a ledger; ~a papira (koliina) quire
knjigovetvo n book-binding
knjigovezaki adj book-binding
knjigovea m bookbinder (A+ binder)
knjigovenica f bookbinder's shop; A bindery
knjigovodstvo m book-keeping, accountancy; (jednostruko) bookkeeping by single entry; (dvostruko)
book-keeping by double entry; (ured) book-keeping
office (department) | voditi ~ keep books
knjigovoa m bookkeeper, accountant
knjiki adj bookish | fig ~ moljac (crv) bookworm
knjiar m bookseller; (antikvar) secondhand bookseller; (izdava) publisher
knjiara f B bookshop, A book store
knjiarski adj bookseller's, bookselling
knjiarstvo n bookselling, booktrade

knjienje n com entering, entry

knjievn|i adj literary | ~i jezik the standard language;
~a kraa piracy, plagiarism
knjievnica f authoress, woman writer
knjievniki adj literary, of men of letters, author's,
knjievnik m writer, author, man of letters, bookman;
(nadriknjizevnik) hack-writer, scribbler
knjievno adv | ~ govoriti speak the standard language
knjievnost f literature, letters pl; (beletristika) fiction
knjiica f dim small book; booklet; (prigodna raspravica) pamphlet; | lanska ~ membership card, bankovna ~ bank-book
knjinica f library; (zgrada) library building; (javna)
public library; (prirucna) reference library; (posudbena) lending library, circulating library
knjiniar m librarian; specif assistant librarian
knjiniarstvo n librarianship
knjiurina f huge book
ko' pron v. tko
ko'' adv v. kao
koagulacija f med coagulation
koagulirati vi med coagulate
koalicij|a f coalition | lan ~e coalitionist
koalicion|i adj | ~a vlada coalition government
koautor m co-author
kob f fate, destiny, doom; (sudbina) lot, fortune; decree, predestination, pre-ordination
kobac m ornith sparrow-hawk
kobajagi adv v. toboe, tobonji; za alu
kobalt m chem cobalt
kobaltn|i adj | med ~a bomba cobalt bomb
koban adj fatal, baleful, disastrous, big with fate, ominous, portentous; (nesretan) unlucky, tragic | ~ dogaaj calamity, accident, fatality
kobasic|a f sausage; (krvavica) black-pudding | crijevo
za ~e casing; praviti ~e od mesa make meat into
kobasiar m sausage-maker
kobasiarna f sausage-shop
kobasiarstvo n sausage-making
kobeljanje n struggling
kobeljati se vr struggle
kobila f mare; derog big (loutish) woman
kobilic|a f (brodska) keel; (grudnica) breastbone;
(peradi) wish-bone; (violine) bridge| poloiti ~u
broda lay the keel of a (new) ship
kobilji adj a mare's, of a mare
kobiti vt augur, portend, foreshadow
kobnost f ominousness, fatality
kobra f zoo cobra
kocelj m v. stipsa
kocen m cabbage-stem
kock|a f cube; (za igru) die (pl dice); (kriva) loaded
(cogged) die; (podnoje) dado; fig lot, hazard; (djeja za slaganje) building block; (za poploavanje)
cobble stone | ~a je pala na mene lot fell upon me;
~a je pala die is cast; staviti na ~u risk, take one's

chance, stake; staviti sve na ~u take all risks, risk

all, neck or nothing; na ~i je it is on the stake, it is
at stake; tko nita ne stav1ja na ~u, nita ne
postizava nothing venture, nothing have
kockanje n dicing, playing at dice; fig gambling
kockar m dicer; fig gambler
kockarnica f gambling-house
kockast adj cubic, cubical, cubiform, cube-shaped;
(uzorak tkanine) chequered, marked with squares
kockati se vr play dice, gamble at dice
koa f (ribarska) v. koa
koenje n (konicom) braking; (smetnja) checking ;
(tvrdoa) stiffening; fig (napuhavanje) strutting |
ureaj za ~ brake gear
koi m dim v. koli
koij|a f coach, carriage; equipage; (razne vrsti) cab,
fly, hansom, chaise; (diliansa) stage-coach | voziti
se u ~i ride in a coach; (sam upravljati) drive a
coach; voziti se u 4-prenoj ~i drive four-in-hand
koija m coachman, driver, cabman, cabby, cabdriver; (teretni) carter, wag(g)oner, teamster;
(pivarskih kola) drayman | sjedalo za ~a driver's
seat, coach-box, dick(e)y
koijaenje n driving, coachmanship
koijaiti vi drive (a carriage itd.)
koijaki adj of a coachman | fig ~ jezik barracks language, profanity
koiti vt (konicom) brake; (prijeiti) check, hinder,
hamper; (ukoiti) stiffen
koiti se vr (ukoenost) stiffen, sink into torpor; fig
(napuhavati se) flaunt, show off, prance, turn up
one's nose, give oneself airs, assume an air of importance; (hod) walk (move) in an arrogant
(haughty) manner, strut; (gazdovati) lord it over
konica f brake
koniar m rlw B brakesman, A brakeman
kooperan adj strutting; haughty; perverse, self-willed
kooperenje n strutting; striving against, opposition
kooperiti se vr swagger, strut; resist, strive against
koa f (mrea) trawl (net); (brod) trawler, trawl boat
koar m trawler(man)
koarenje n trawling
koariti vi trawl
koenje n giving birth to (of animals)
kod' prep at, by, with, beside, among, amid, in; (blizu,
tik) close to (by), near, near at hand, about; (kraj,
pored, usprkos) considering | ~ kue in (at) home;
kada si ~ kue (kad prima posjete)? when is
your at home?; imati ~ sebe have on (about) one's
person; bitka ~ Sedana the battle of Sedan; ~ svijee by candle-light; on moe mnogo ~ njega he
has a great influence with him; ustrajati ~ stick to
...; ~ predaje (darivanja) on presentation
kod'' m code
kodein m pharm codeine
kodeks m jur codex; fig code
kodificiranje n codification
kodificirati vt codify
kodifikator m codifier

kodirati vt encode
koeficijent m coefficien
koegzistencija f pol | miroljubiva ~ peaceful coexistence
koegzistirati vt pol & fig coexist
kofa f Tur v. vedro
kofein m coffeine
kofer m Ger suitcase
kofera m derog carpet-bagger
koga pron whom, who
kogagod pron whom(so)ever
kogod pron v. tkogod
koh m cul Ger v. nabujak
koher Ger v. reo, kuhalo
koherentan adj coherent
koherentnost f coherence
kohezija f phys & fig cohesion
kohorta f hist cohort
koincidencija f ooincidence
koincidirati vi coincide
koitus m med coitus
kojegdje adv in all kinds of places
kojekakav adj all manner of, (of) all kinds (sorts)
kojekako adv in whatever way (manner); (netemeljito)
not thoroughly; (povrno) superficially; (za nudu)
as a makeshift; (slabo) so-so, poorly | on ivi ~ he
somehow manages to live, he makes (a) shift to
live, he lives from hand to mouth
kojekud(a) adv in (into, to) all kinds of places, all
kojeta pron all kinds (sorts) of, all manners of; various things, many a thing, a great many things;
(ostaci) odds and ends | ~! rubbish!
kojetko pron all kinds of persons (people)
koji pron rel & inter who, what, which | onaj...~ he ...
who; oni... ~ such... as; that; po ~ some, any; ma ~
which (who, what) (so) ever, no matter who (what,
which); ~ je danas? what is the date today? ~ put
sometimes, now and then
kojigod pron who(so)ever, which(so)ever; (svaki, bilo
koji) any; any you like (choose, care, please); no
matter which (what), any whatever
kojot m zoo coyote
kok|a f hen; (mlada) pullet; (kvoka) clucking hen |
hoe pile da bude pametnije od ~e you will teach
your grandmother to suck eggs; stara ~a, dobra
juha you get a good tune out of an old fiddle; old
wine is best
kokain m pharm cocaine, sl snow
kokainist m med cocaine user (addict)
kokarda f cockade
koketa f flirt
koketan adj flirtatious, flirtish
koketiranje n flirtation (i fig)
koketirati vi flirt
kokic|a f dim small hen, pullet | ~e pl (od kukuruza)
popcorn; automat za ~e popcorn machine; ent
obina ~a oil beetle

kokodakanje n cackle, cackling; (brbljanje) prattle,

kokodakati vi cackle; (brbljati) prattle, chatter, coll
gab, twaddle
kokos m bot coco-nut tree
kokosov adj | ~o ulje coco-nut oil; ~ orah coco-nut; ~o
mlijeko coco-nut milk
koko f hen; (mlada) pullet | ~i chickens, hens, fowls;
dvorite za ~i fowl-run; i orava ~ nae zrno even
an unskilled (stupid) person is sometimes favoured
by luck (chance)
kokoar m (covjek) poulterer; (ptica grabljivica) buzzard, kite, hen-harrier
kokosinjac m hen-roost, hen-house, hen-coop
kokoj|i adj fowl | ~e meso fowl; ~a juha chicken
soup; fowl-broth
kokoka f v. koko
kokot m v. pijetao; ichth gurnard; (puke) cock, trigger | napeti ~ cock a gun, draw a trigger
kokota f cocotte
koks m coke
koksara f coke plant, cokery
koksn|i adj | ~a pe coke oven; ~a baterija battery of
coke ovens
koktel m cocktail; cockbail party
kola n pl (teretna) cart; (automobil) car; (seljaka)
wag(g)on; poet wain; (pivarska) dray; truck; (bojna) chariot; (topovska, leaj topa) gun-carriage;
(za seobu pokustva) pantechnicon van; (cirkuska)
caravan; (natkrita) van | puna ~a cartload; seljaka ~ (za sijeno) hay-cart; platneni krov ~ tilt
kolaboracionist m pol collaborator
kolaboracionistiki adj pol collaborationist
kolaborant m v. suradnik
kolaborirati vi pol collaborate, be a collaborator; v.
kolac m (loze, hmelja) prop; (motka) stake, pole, staff;
(debeo) post; (tanji) stick; (sitan) picket | nabiti na
~ impale
kolacioner m collator
kolacionirati vt collate (v. sravnjivati)
kola m cake; (slastiarski) pastry; (voni) fruit-cake,
tart; (svadbeni) wedding-cake; (medenjak) honeycake; (s groicama) currant (raisin) cake | ~i pl
pastry, cakes
kolaci m dim small cake, tartlet; (biskvit) biscuit,
muffin | ajni ~ B (sweet) biscuit, A cookie
kolajna m v. medalja
kolan m (horse-)girth
kolanje n circulation, currency; (okretanje) revolutions pl, gyration, rotation; (vraanje) periodicity;
com (promet novca) returns pl
kolar m wheel-wright, cart-wright, wheeler
kolarija f wheel-wright's trade (workshop)
kolarski adj of (belonging to, used by) a wheel-wright,
kolati vi (opticaj) circulate, be current; (izmjena) rotate; (boca itd. kod stola) pass; (okretanje) gyrate,
revolve, move in a circle

kola m collage
kolaist m collagist
kolenje n pegging out, marking with pegs
koli m dim peg, pin, picket, stake, small prop (stick)
koliti vt v. iskoliti
kolebanje n vacillation, swaying, (neodlunost) irresolution, indecision, hesitation, shilly-shallying; fluctuation; (klimanje) tottering
kolebati se vr vacillate, be undecided (irresolute, unsteady); shilly-shally, hesitate; falter, waver, sway;
(u hodu) totter, reel, rock
kolebljiv adj vacillating; undecisive, irresolute, hesitating, wavering, swaying; fluctuating
kolebljivac m waverer
kolebljivost f wavering, vacillation
koleda f Christmas (New Year's) carol
koledar m Christmas (New Year's Day) caroler
koledovanje n carolling visits paid of Christmas (New
Year's Day)
koled m college; (internat) exclusive boarding-school
kolega m colleague; (school) fellow-student; fellowworker; (u slubi) fellow-official, fellow-clerk
kolegica f colleague itd. (v. kolega)
kolegij m univ course of lectures; (skupina) collegiate
kolegijalan adj behaving like a good comrade (fellow,
chum, pal), loyal to one's mates (fellows, chums)
kolegijalnost f comradeship, good fellowship, loyalty
to one's fellows (school-mates itd.)
kolekcija f collection
kolekcionar m collector
kolektiv m collective, team; personnel, staff
kolektiv|an adj collective; communal | ~ni duh team
(community) spirit
kolektivizacija f collectivization
kolektivizam m collectivism
kolektivizirati vt collectivize
kolektivno adv collectively, in body
kolektor m (kanalizacije) main sewer
kolera f med cholera
kolerian adj choleric
kolerinost f choleric disposition
kolerik m choleric (person)
kolesa n pl wheels, wheelwork, gear
kolesterol m med cholesterol
kolhoz m kolkhoz, collective farm
kolhozni adj kolkhoz, collective-farm
kolhoznik m collective farmer
koliba f hut, hovel, cottage; (jadna) cabin, shanty
kolibica f dim small hut, miserable hovel
kolibri m ornith humming-bird
kolica n pl (hand-)cart, small carriage; (take) (wheel) barrow; (djeja) B perambulator, pram; A baby
carriage; (invalida) wheel-chair
koliina f quantity, amount, volume; rate, level; (dio)
koliinski adj quantitative
kolinik m math quotient
kolidirati vi clash

kolije m v. kolje
kolijevka f cradle, cot; fig infancy
kolik adj how large (great, big, wide, long, tall itd.)
(of) what size | ~og li...? what (a)...!; tolik... ~
such... as, so... as
kolik|a f med colic | koji trpi od ~e colicky
koliko adv how much (many), what number (quantity); (vrijeme) how long | ~ ja znam from what I
know, so far as I know; toliko... ~ as (so) much...
as; ~ ... toliko somewhat, a bit (little), to a certain
extent; ~ je sati? what time is it?; ~ puta? how
many times?; ~ puta! many a time!
kolikogod adv no matter how (many) much, any quantity (number, amount) |~ puta as often as, every
time when; ~ je bogat, ipak... rich as he is, still...
kolian adj how tiny
koliti vt stake, pole, prop; v. iskoliti
kolizija f collision; (satnice) clash, conflict
kolni adj | ~ put road for vehicular traffic; ~ promet
vehicular tvaffic
kolnica f arch coach-house
kolnik m roadway, carriage-drive; (oblina ceste) camber
kol|o n (ples) wheel dancing, reel; v. kota; (krug)
round, circle, ring; sp leg, round; (izdavako) series | u ~u round about; okretati se u ~u spin (turn,
whirl, round); vrzino ~ o dance of witches; lonarsko ~o potter's wheel; voditi ~o lead the dance
kolobar m circle, ring; (oko sveeve glave) halo; nimbus; disk of light
kolodij m chem collodion
kolodvor m B railway station; A railroad station
(manji depot); (ranirni) marshalling yard
kolodvorski adj B railway-station, A railroad-station
kolofonij m rosin, colophony | namazati ~em rosin
koloid m chem colloid
kolokvij m univ B preliminary exam, A quiz
kolokvijalan adj ling colloquial
kolokvirati vt univ B pass a preliminary exam, A pass
a quiz
kolomaz m (cart) grease; lubricant (for wheels)
kolomba f mar reg v. kobilica
kolona f mil column; v. stupac | ~ vozila long line of
vehicles; mil (road) convoy; mil ~ po jedan single
file; pol peta ~ the fifth column
kolonada f archit colonnade
kolonija f colony
kolonijalac m colonist, inhabitant of a colony
kolonijal|an adj colonial | com ~na roba colonial
goods; ~na radnja v. trgovina mjeovitom robom
kolonist m settler, colonist
koloniz|acija f, ~iranje n colonization; resettlement
kolonizirati vt colonize
kolonjsk|i adj | ~a voda eau de Cologne
kolor m | u ~u in colour; ~ film colour film
koloraturn|i adj mus | ~a pjevaica coloratura singer
kolorit m local colour
kolos m colossus
kolosalan adj superb, terrific (v. sjajan)

kolosijek m rlw gauge | normalni (uski, iroki) ~

standard (narrow, broad) gauge; pruga s uskim
~om narrow-gauged track
kolotein|a f (kola) (cart-) rut, wheel track; fig (utrti
put) beaten track, groove; routine | fig ispasti iz ~e
leave the settled course, lose the routine, get out of
kolotur m single (double) pulley, pulley-block
koloturnik m lifting tackle, set of pulleys
kolovoa m ringleader; (govornik) spokesman; (na
plesu) first (leading) dancer
kolovoz' m (ceste) v. kolnik
kolovoz'' m August
kolovrat m spinning-wheel
kolporter m newsboy
kolski adj v. kolni
koludric|a f nun, sister, a religious | otii u ~e take the
koludriki adj a nun's, of a nun, belonging to (befitting) a nun
kolumba f mar reg v. kobilica
kolut m (prsten) ring; (okov) ferrule; (za bacanje)
quoit; (stoera) staple ; (ploha) disk, orb; (navoj
ueta) coil; (kotur) hoop; (oblik) loop; (djeji, za
plivanje) rubber ring
kolutast adj ring-shaped, disk-shaped, discoid; round;
kolutati vi (oima) roll one's eyes
kolutav adj rolling (eyes)
kolja f ichth pollock
kolja m cut-throat; (zub) v. onjak
koljaki adj cut-throat
kolj|e' n collect stakes, props; poles; (debelo) piles |
ograda od ~a palisade; ~e za lozu vine-props
kolje'' m (ogrlica) necklace
koljence n dim small joint (knot, knee)
koljen|o n knee; (pregib) joint, bent, knee-joint; (vor)
knot; (zglob prsta) knuckle; (kut) angle; (podrijetlo, rod) generation, degree, descent, origin,
stock, extraction, lineage; family, race, house, birth
| bratued u prvom (drugom) ~u cousin once
(twice) removed; uleknutih ~a knock-kneed,
baker-legged; do ~a knee-deep, knee-high; kapica
na ~ima knee-cap; stranje tetive ~a hamstrings
pl; prigibanje ~a genuflection; moliti na ~ima
implore on one's knees; hlae do ~a knee-breeches;
na ~ima kleei on bended knees; pasti na ~a
pred fall on one's knees before
koljenovi m a man of good stock or of noble descent
koljiti vt v. koliti
koljivo n cul boiled (sweetened) wheat
koljuka f ichth stickleback
kom m (residuum from) grape husks and stalks, marc
of grapes, wine-marc; (orahov) (green) husk of nut;
(kukuruzni) v. komuina
koma' f decimal point | 2 ~ 33 (2,33) v. 2 cijela 33
kom|a'' f med coma | u ~i comatose; pasti u ~u fall
(go) into a coma, become comatose

komad m piece; (tanak rez) slice; (velik) chunk; (dio)

part; (gruda) clod; (eera) lump; (zlata) nugget;
(udio) share, portion, lot; (predmet) article; (pokustva) stick of furniture; (uzorak) specimen; (glazben) piece (of music); (pjesme) passage; (odsjek,
alineja) paragraph; (kazalini) play, piece; (puta)
stretch; (zemlje, gredica) bed, patch; (stoke) a head
(of cattle) | po ~u each, apiece; ~ po ~ piece by
piece, piecemeal; raspasti se na ~e break (fall) to
pieces; razbiti u sto ~a smash to pieces; razderati
na ~e tear (cut) to pieces; raditi po ~u work by the
job; rad po ~u piece-work; prodavati po ~u (na
malo) sell by retail (in detail); 6 ilinga ~ at 6 shillings each; od istog ~a of one piece; roba po ~u
(tekstilna) piecegoods
komadanje n tearing (cutting, sundering, severing) in
pieces; parcelling out; pol dismemberment, partition
komadati vt break (tear, cut up) in pieces, dismember;
(ovjeka) quarter; (peenku itd.) carve
komadi m dim small piece, bit; (zalogaj) morsel,
mouthful; fragment; (krhotina) chip; (treska)
shiver, splinter; (papira) scrap of paper; (maslaca)
pat of butter; (crijepa) crock | razbiti u ~e smash
to bits (smithereens)
komadiak m dim v. komadi
komadina f aug hunk, big lump; (drveta) chump;
(kruha) chunk
komand|a f command, order (v. zapovijed, naredba) |
vrhovna ~a supreme command; ~e aviona controls
komandant m commanding officer | vrhovni ~ supreme commander
komandir m commander (of a small unit)
komandirati vi command; fig order around, coll run
the show, sl call the shots
komandn|i adj | ~a ploa control panel; ~i kadar officers and NCOs
kamandos m mil commando | ~i pl commandos
komar|ac m mosquito, B+ gnat | ubod ~ca mosquito
bite; ~ac malariar maaria(l) mosquito, anopheles
komara f ichth v. podlanica
komasacija f commassation
kombajn m combine harvester
kombajner m combine driver
kombi m mot baby bus, company car, van
kombinacija f combination; fig scheme, plan
kombinat m | elini ~ steel oomplex; poljoprivredno-industrijski ~ agri-business
kombinator m fig wheeler-dealer, operator
kombinatorika f (complex) combinations
kombine m slip
kombinezon m (radni) coveralls pl; (letaki) flightsuit
kombinira|ti vt & vi combine; fig scheme, make plans
| ~n combined; composite; ~na soba bed-sitting
kome (?) pron to whom (?); about whom (?)

komedija f comedy, play, burlesque, farce; (umjetnost)

comic art; (ala) jest, pleasantry, sport; (graja)
fuss, ado; (ruganje) raillery, mockery | to nije ~ v.
to nije ala
komedijanje n joking, tomfoolery, clownery, buffoonery
komedija m clown
komedijaki adj a joker's (clown's); clownish, burlesque, farcical
komediograf m comedist
komemoracija f commemoration
komemorativan adj commemorative
komemorirati vt commemorate
komentar m commentary, comment; (biljeka) gloss,
annotation, commentation, explanation, notes pl |
napisati ~ annotate, cornment upon; s ~om annotated
komentator m commentator; columnist; news analyst
komentirati vt make comments on, gloss
komercijala f commercial (sales) sector
komercijalan adj commercial
komercijalist m sales specialist
komercijalizam m commercialism
komercijalizirati vt commercialize
komercijalizirati se vr become commercialized
komesar m commissioner; pol commissar
komesarijat m commissariat
komeanje n stir, movement, commotion, agitation;
(uzbuenje) sensation, excitement; (nemir) restlesness; (uzbuna) tumult, disturbance
komeati vt stir up, agitate
komeati se vr be agitated (roused, stirred), stir, move;
(vrpoljiti se) fidget
komet m astron comet | rep ~a comet's tail
komfor m comfort; modern conveniences
komforan adj | ~ stan flat (A apartment) with modern
komian adj comic(al), ridiculous, ludicrous, burlesque, risible, humorous, droll, funny, laughable;
(udan) odd, queer
komiar m comedian; comic actor; humourist
komiarka f comedienne
kominost f funniness, drollery, ridiculousness, comicality, oddity, ludicrousness
komidba f husking of maize-husks
komika f humour; v. kominost
komilac m husker (of maize-husks)
komina f grape husks and stalks; marc (from pressed
grapes); pressed refuse of fruit
kominati vt husk (maize); pod (shell) peas
kominform m pol Cominform
kominformovac m pol Cominform supporter
kominike(j) m v. komunike
Kominterna f pol Comintern
komisij|a f commission, board of commissioners, body
of persons entrusted with some investigation | com
imati robu u ~i have goods on commission
komisijski adj of (done by, entrusted to) a commission

komision|i adj com commissionary, on commission |

~a prodavaonica commission shop (A store)
komita m hist Komitadji, guerilla
komitet m committee (v. odbor) | Centralni ~ Central
komitetlija m committee member
komiti vt v. kominati
komocija f v. komoditet
komoda f chest of drawers
komodan adj v. komotan
komoditet m comfort; privacy; nonchalance
komora f (soba) chamber, room, apartment; (sabor)
chamber of deputies; (trgovaka) chamber of commerce; (juridika) Inn of Court; mil commissariat
service; (kolona) field train | photo tamna ~ dark
komora m bot, cul & pharm fennel
komordija m mil field-train soldier
komorica f dim small room (chamber), cell, cloister;
(smonica) pantry, larder
komorn|i adj chamber | ~a glazba chamber-music; ~i
orkestar chamber orchestra
komorniki adj a chamberlain's, of a chamberlain
komornik m chamberlain
komotan adj comfortable, loose-fitting; (osoba) easygoing (jae indolent)
komotno adv comfortably, easily
komotnost f v. komoditet
komov|aa, ~ica f (wine-)brandy (distilled from marc)
kompaktan adj compact
kompaktnost f compactness
kompanija f company, firm
kompanjon m partner
kompanjonstvo n partnership
komparacija f gram comparison; collation
komparatist m comparati(vi)st
komparativ m gram comparative
komparativan adj comparative
komparirati vt compare to (with), collate, draw a parallel
kompas m (mariner's) compass | zrake ~a points of
the compass; stoer ~a gimbals pl; kut ~a rhumb;
fig izgubio je ~ he has lost bis bearings
kompatibilan adj compatible
kompatibilnost f compatibility
kompenzacija f compensation
kompenzirati vt compensate
kompetencija f v. nadlenost
kompetentan adj v. nadlean, sposoban
kompilacija f compilation
kompilator m compiler
kompilirati vt compile
kompjutor m computer
kompjutorski adj computer, computational
komple m (odjee) ensemble, dress and jacket, twopiece
kompleks m complex; psych complex, sl hang-up | ~
inferiornosti (krivnje) inferiority (guilt) complex;

pun ~a complex-ridden; dobiti ~e get complexes;

opteretiti ~ima give complexes to
kompleksan adj complex
kompleksa m complex-ridden person; fig insecure
kompleksija f v. ten, boja lica
kompleksnost f complexity
komplementaran adj complementary
komplet m full set; (odjee) v. komple | godisnji ~
(asopisa) annual file
kompletan adj complete (v. potpun)
kompletirati vt complete
kompletnost f completeness
kompliciran adj complicated, intricate
komplicirati vt complicate
komplikacija f complication
kompliment m compliment | napraviti ~ nekome pay
one a compliment
komplimentirati vi compliment (nekome na one on)
komplot m v. zavjera, urota
komponenta f component
komponirati vt compose, write music; set (words) to
kompost m (gnojivo) compost
kompot m (svje) stewed fruit; (u konzervi) tinned (A
canned) fruit
kompozicija f mus & photo composition; rlw train
kompozitor m composer (pazi: compositor = slagar!)
kompresija f eng compression
kompresor m eng compressor
komprimirati vt eng compress; fig v. saeti
kompromis m compromise | postii ~ reach a compromise
kompromis|an adj | ~no rjeenje compromise solution
kompromitantan adj compromising
kompromitirati vt compromise; discredit
kompromitirati se vr compvomise (discredit) oneself
komija m Tur v. susjed
komiluk m Tur v. susjedstvo
kominica f Tur v. susjeda
komu pron v. kome
komuna f commune; v. opina
komunalac m utility employee (manager)
komunal|an adj communal; municipal | ~ni radnik
utility (municipal) worker; ~ne usluge municipal
komunalije f pl municipal services; public utilities
komunicirati vi communicate
komunikacij|a f communication | cestovne i eljeznicke ~e road and rail communications; masovne ~e the (mass) media
komunikativan adj communicative
komunikativnost f communicativeness
komunike m communique | izdati ~ issue a communique
komunist m communist, v. terorist
komunistiki adj communist, v. teroristiki
komunistkinja f (teroristkinja) woman communist
komunizam m communism, v. terorizam

komuati vt husk (maize-cobs), shuck, pod

komuina f (kukuruza) husk (of maize-cobs)
komuka f v. mahuna
kon|ac' m (nit) thread, twine, twist; (prea) yarn;
(vlakno) fibre; (kirurki) catgut | fig visiti o ~cu
hang by a thread
konac'' m v. kraj | ~ djelo krasi the end crowns the
work; na ~cu ~ca at (long) last, in the end
konaan adj finite, final, ultimate, terminal, definitive; (ogranien) limited
konaenje n staying (at a house, hotel); (vojnika u
graanskoj kui, prolazno) billeting, quartering
konaite n lodging, quarters; billet; inn, shelter; roof
konaiti vi stay at, put up at, pass the night at, sleep
(lodge) for the night; (vojnik) be billeted (quartered) on one, find shelter
konano adv lastly, at length, at long last, in the long
run, in the end, ultimately, definitely, after all, finally, eventually; upon the whole; when all is done
and said
konanost f definitiveness, finiteness
konak m Tur temporary lodgment, quarters (lodgings)
for the night; shelter; accommodation; (za beskunike) doss-house | biti na ~u be quartered (billeted)
on; imati na ~u harbour, house, quarter
koncem adj v. krajem
koncentracija f concentration | ~ trupa troop concentration
koncentracioni adj v. ~ logor
koncentrat m chem concentrate
koncentrian adj concentric
koncentrino adv concentrically
koncentrinost f concentricity
koncentrirati (se) vt & vr concentrate; centre (A center), focus | ~ trupe concentrate (mass) troops
koncepcija f conception; approach
koncept m (nacrt) (rough, first) draft, outline;
(zamisao) v. koncepcija | ne da se izbaciti iz ~a
he is imperturbable, he is never upset
konceptirati vt v. koncipirati
koncern m econ concern; combine
koncert m concert; recital | ~ za klavir piano concerto
koncertant m (concert) performer
koncertirati vi give a concert, give concerts
koncertmajstor m B orchestra leader, A concertmaster
koncertn|i adj | ~a dvorana (poslovnica) concert hall
koncesij|a f com concession; v. ustupak | dobitnik ~e
koncesionar m concessionaire
koncil m eccl council
koncipijent m v. perovoa, advokatski (sudski)
koncipirati vt (zamisliti) conceive; (nabaciti) (make a
rough) draft, sketch, outline
koncizan adj concise (v. saet)
koncizno adv concisely
konciznost f conciseness
konan adj made of thread (twist, yarn), thread

konast adj fibrous, like thread

koni m dim short (thin) thread
kondenzacija f condensation
kondenzator m techn condenser
kondenzirati vt condense
kondicij|a f sp shape, condition; fitness | biti u (odlinoj) ~i be in (top) shape; stei ~u get into shape,
become fit; nisam u ~i I am out of shape, I am not
fit; odravati ~u keep in shape, keep fit; radi ~e to
keep in shape, to keep fit
kondicional m gram conditional
kondicionalan adj gram v. pogodbeni
kondoliranje n condolence, expression of sympathy
kondolirati vi condole, express sympathy with
kondor m ornith condor
kondukter m (na tramvaju) conductor; (na vlaku) B
guard, A conductor
kondukterica f (woman) conductor, conductress
konfederacija f pol confederation
konfederativan adj pol confederative
konfekcij|a f collect ready-made clothes (pazi: confection = slastice!) | industrija ~e garment industry;
duan ~e clothing shop (A store)
konfekcijski adj ready-made | ~ radnik garment
konferans|a f | ~u vodi the show will be hosted by
konferansje m master of ceremonies (coll emcee, m.
c.), host
konferencij|a f conference, meeting | na ~i at a conference, in conference; odrzati ~u za tampu give
a news (press) conference
konferirati vi confer
konfesija f eccl (religious) denomination, religion,
konfesionalan adj eccl denominational
konfeti m pl (bomboni) sugar-coated almonds;
(papirni) v. korijandoli
konfident m (osoba povjerenja) confidant (ena confidante); v. dounik
konfiguracija f geog configuration
konfinacija f confinement
konfinirati vt confine
konfiscirati vt confiscate; seize
konfiskacija f confiscation; seizure
konflikt m conflict (v. sukob)
konformist m conformist
konformistiki adj conformist
konformizam m conformism
konfrontacija f confrontation; showdown
konfrontirati vt confront
konfrontirati se vr | ~ s nekim confront someone
konfuzan adj confused, mixed-up
konglomerat m conglomerate
Kongo m geog the Congo
Kongoanac m Congolese
kongoanski adj geog Congolese
kongregacija f eccl congregation

kongres m congress, A+ convention; A pol Congress |

sudionici ~a congress participants, A+ conventioneers
kongresni adj congress, A+ convention
kongruencija f gram agreement
konian adj geom conical (v. stoast)
konjugacija f gram conjugation
konjugirati vt gram conjugate
konjunktiv m gram subjunctive
konjunktivitis m med conjunctivitis
konjunktur|a f com boom; trade prosperity | uivati
~u boom
konjunktur|an adj com | ~na roba goods in (heavy)
konkavan adj concave
konkavnost f concavity
konkordat m eccl concordat
konkretan adj concrete; to the point; particular | biti ~
keep to the point
konkretizirati vt concretize, make concrete
konkretizirati se vr become concrete, gell; v. ostvariti
konkretno adv concretely; in a (this) particular case |
govoriti ~ speak to the point
konkubina f kept woman, concubine
konkubinat m concubinage
konkurencija f competition (pazi: concurrence = istodobnost!) | otra ~ stiff (tough) competition; nepostedna ~ cut-throat competition; nelojalna ~ unfair practices
konkurent m competitor; rival
konkurentan adj competitive (pazi: concurrent = istodoban!)
konkurentnost f competiitiveness
konkurirati vi compete (pazi: concur = slagati se,
poklapati se!) | ~ za mjesto apply for a position
konkurs m v. natjeaj, nadmetanje
konoba f (wine-) cellar, (wine-) vault; (krma) wineshop
konobar m waiter; (na brodu) steward, (mali) cabinboy
konobarica f waitress
konop m cord, line; (za vezanje amaca) painter;
(elini) hawser; (debeo) rope, cable; (sprege)
trace; (jarbola) stay; (skupno, brodski) cordage;
(konopi i jedra) rigging; (na kraju jedra) sheet |
namot ~a coil; suk ~a strand; vor, frkanje ~a
kink, twist, curl
konopac m v. konop
konopar m ropemaker
konoplj|a f bot hemp | namakanje ~e retting
konopljan adj hempen
konopljarka f ornith linnet
konopljite n hemp-field
konoser m connoisseur (v. znalac, poznavalac)
konse- v. i konzekonsekutivan adj consecutive
konsekutivno adv consecutively

konsekvenc|a f consequence | povui ~e face (take) the

consequences; be consequent
konsekventan adj v. dosljedan
konsignacija f com consignment
konsignacion|i adj com | ~o skladite consignment
stocks (warehouse)
konso- v. i konzokonsolidacija f consolidation
konsolidiran pp oonsolidated
konsolidirati vt consolidate
konspekt m conspectus, outline
konspiracij|a f secrecy, security (pazi: conspiracy =
urota!); (u ilegali) cover | u strogoj ~i under tight
security; odravati ~u observe secrecy
konspirativ|an adj conspirative, coll hush-hush | ~no
ime cover name
konspirativno adv in secrecy
konspirator m conspirator
konspirirati vi conspire
konstanta f math constant
konstantan adj constant
konstantno adv constantly (v. stalno)
konstantnost f constancy
konstatacija f statement; conclusion, finding; remark,
konstatirati vt state; conclude | ~ injenicu establish a
konstelacija f astron & fig constellation
konsternacija f consternation, dismay
konstipacija f med v. opstipacija
konstituanta f pol Constituent Assembly
konstitucija f constitution
konstitucionalan adj constitutional
konstituirati vt constitute
konstituirati se vr be constituted
konstruiranje n designing, developmen
konstruirati vt design, develop; (izgraditi) construct,
build; fig fabricate, make up
konstrukcij|a f construction (i gram & geom); structure; (nacrt) design | eljezna ~a iron frame (structure); vedske ~e of Swedish design, Swedishdesigned
konstrukcioni adj design | ~ biro technical office
konstruktivan adj constructive
konstruktivno adv constructively
konstruktivnost f constructiveness
konstruktor m designer; developer
konsu- v. konzukontakt m contact (v. dodir) | uspostaviti ~ sa contact,
make contact with; odravati ~ sa maintain contact with; izgubiti ~ sa lose contact with (v. veza)
kontaktirati vt contact
kontaktni adj | opt ~a lea contact lense
kontaminacija f contamination
kontaminirati vt contaminate
kontejner m com container | roba u ~ima containerized goods
kontekst m context (i fig)
kontekstualan adj contextual

kontemplacija f contemplation
kontemplativan adj contemplative
kontesa f countess
kontinent m continent; mainland
kontinentalac m continental; mainlander, inlander
kontingent m contingent, shipment, quota
kontinuiran adj continued, unbroken; (tekst) running
kontinuitet m continuity | prekid ~a discontinuity
konto m account (at the bank), drawing account
kontokorent m v. tekui raun
kontra' adv coll against (v. protiv)
kontr|a'' f coll repartee | dati ~u come back with a
kontraadmiral m nav rear admiral
kontraalt m mus contralto
kontraatak m v. protunapad
kontrabanda f smuggling; smuggled goods
kontrabas m mus contrabass
kontrabasist m contrabassist
kontracepcij|a f med contraception, birth control |
sredstva za ~u contraceptives
kontracepcijski adj med contraceptive, birth-control
kontradikcij|a f contradiction | pasti u ~u contradict
kontradiktoran adj contradictory
kontradiktornost f contradictory character; contradiction
kontrahaa f advance contracting
kontrahirati vi contract (v. stezati); (ugovoriti) contract (for)
kontrakcija f contraction (v. stezanje)
kontraktualan adj v. ugovorni
kontranapad m v. protunapad
kontraobavjetajac m counter-intelligence agent (officer)
kontraobavjetaj|ni adj counter-intelligence | ~a
sluba counter-intelligence (service)
kontraofenziva f mil & fig counter-offensive
kontrapunkt mus counterpoint
kontrarevolucija f counter-revolution
kontrarevolucionar m counter-revolutionnary
kontrarevolucionaran adj counter-revolutionary
kontrast m contrast
kontrastirati vt contrast
kontrastivan adj ling contrastive
kontrastni adj contrasting
kontrapijunaa f counter-espionage
kontribucija f v. doprinos, namet
kontrirati vi counter, parry
kontrol|a f control, inspection, check(ing) (v. nadzor,
provjera) | med ii na ~u go for (have) a checkup
kontrolirati vt control, inspect, check (v. nadzirati,
kontrolni adj control
kontrolor m controller; inspector; (putnih karata)
ticket controller
kontroverzan adj controversial (v. sporan)
kontroverzija f controversy (v. spor)
kontura f contour (v. obris)

kontuzija f med contusion, bruise; mil shell-shock

kontuzir|ati vt med contuse, bruise | mil ~an shellshocked, in shell-shock
konus m geom cone (v. stoac)
konusni adj geom conical
konvejer m eng conveyor belt
konveksan adj convex
konveksnost f convexity
konvencija f convention
konvencionalan adj conventional
konvencionalnost f conventionality
konvenirati vi suit, be convenient (v. odgovarati)
konvergencija f convergence
konvergentan adj convergent
konvergirati vi converge
konvertibillan adj convertible | ~na valuta convertible
(hard) currency
konvertibilnost f convertibility
konvertirati vt convert
konvertit m eccl convert (v. obraenik)
konverzacij|a f conversation, talk | sat ~e conversation
class (lesson)
konverzacioni adj conversation; spoken
konverzija f conversion (v. pretvaranje)
konverzirati vi make conversation
konvikt m boarding-school (pazi: convict = kanjenik!)
konvikta m boarding-school pupil
konvoj m nav convoy | ploviti u ~u sail in convoy
konvulzij|a f med convulsion | dobiti ~e go into convulsions
konvulzivan adj med & fig convulsive
konz- v. i konskonzerva f B tin, A can (pazi: conserve = vrsta pekmeza!) | vona (mesna) ~ canned(B+ tinned) fruit
konzervativac m conservative; pol Conservative
konzervativan adj conservative
konzervativnost f conservative views
konzervator m (art) conservationist, preservationist;
National Trust officer
konzervatorij m mus conservatoire, academy (school)
of music
konzervatorski adj | ~ zavod Institute of antient
monuments; B & A National Trust
konzerviran pp canned, B+ tinned
konzervirati vt preserve; (u limenkama) can, B+ tin
konzilij m med (doctors) consultation
konzola f support; wall bracket; eng & el console
konzonant m ling consonant
konzonantsk|i adj ling , | ~a
skupina consonant cluster
konzorcij m com consortium
konzul m consul | generalni ~ consul general; poasni
~ honorary consul
konzularan adj consular
konzulat m consulate | generalni ~ consulate general
konzultacija f consultation
konzultant m consultant

konzultirati vt consult
konzum m com cooperative B shop (A store)
konzumacija m consumption; (dio naplate) cover
konzument m consumer
konzumentski adj consumer
konj m horse; poet (ratni) steed; (mali) pony; (trkai)
race-horse; (teretni) draft-horse; (jahai) riding
horse; (pastuh) stallion, stud-horse; (kopljen)
gelding; (punokrvan) thorough-bred (horse); (u
ahu) knight; (gimnastiki) vaulting-block | na ~u
on horseback, mounted; raditi kao ~ work like a
horse; istiti ~a groom; krotiti ~a break a horse (to
the rein); pasti s ~a be spilled from a horse, sl
come a copper; ne dati se baciti s ~a keep one's
seat; uprei ~a put the horse to; mijenjati ~e relay
horses; ovjek koji se razumije u ~e horse-fancier;
iznajmljiva ~a liveryman, job-master; zoo nilski
~ hippopotamus, coll hippo; ~ za piljenje (sprava)
sawing-jack, trestle; pasti s ~a na magarca come
down in the world, out of the frying pan into the
fire; poklonjenom ~u ne gleda se u zube you do
not look a gift horse in the mouth; fig sad smo na
~u we've got it made now
konjak m cognac | ~ s jajem eggnog liqueur
konjanik|i adj equestrian, horse | ~a vjetina horsemanship; ~i kapetan captain of horse; ~a povorka
cavalcade; ~a puka car(a)bine; ~i kip equestrian
konjanik m (jaha) rider, horseman; mil trooper,
mounted soldier; cavalier
konjanitvo n cavalry
konjarstvo n horse-breeding
konjetina f borse-flesh, horse-meat
konjic m | ichth morski ~ sea-horse; ent vilin ~ dragonfly
konjica f cavalry
konjiki adj mounted; equestrian
konji m dim small horse, pony; (za klade na ognjitu)
konjogojstvo n horse-breeding
konjokradica m horse-thief
konjotrac m horse-dealer
konjsk|i adj horse, horsely, like horse, horsy, horselike, equine | ~a orma harness, gear; (nakit) trappings; ~a sila horse-power (abbr H.P.); ~i trgovac
horse-dealer; ~o trkalite race-course; ~a utrka
horse-race; ~i bi horse-whip; ~i pokrovac horse
cloth; ~a struna horse-hair; ~a eljeznica horserailway, tramway; ~a muha gad-fly
konjuar m groom; (sluga) ostler, stable-man, stableboy
konjunica f horse-stable, livery-stable; (za rasplod)
stud-farm, stud
konjunik m equerry
kooperacija f co-operation
kooperacioni adj co-operative (v. zadruni)
kooperant m sub-contractor

kooperativ m co-operative, co-operative society (v.

kooperativan adj v. kooperacioni
kooptiranje n pol co-optation
kooptirati vt co-opt | ~ u odbor co-opt on to a committee, co-opt member of a committee
koordinacija f co-ordination
koordinata f math co-ordinate
koordinatni adj math | ~ sustav co-ordinate system
koordinirati vt co-ordinate
kop m excavation | min dnevni (povrinski) ~ strip
mining; (radilite) strip mine
kopa m digger, delver, navvy; (miniranje) sapper
kopaa f (lopata) spade
kopaica f woman digger
kopaka f ftb football boot
kopajna f (feeding-)trough
kopanje n digging, delving, sapping; (okopavanje)
hoeing | ~ ugljena coal-mining
kopar m bot & cul dill
kopati vt dig, delve; (jamu) trench, ditch; (okopavati)
hoe, spade; (potkopavati) sap, undermine; (rovati)
burrow; (zdenac) sink (bore) a shaft (well); (dupsti)
hollow out, scoop; (grepsti) scratch; (iskopavati)
excavate; (dublje) deepen; fig (traiti) search,
rummage, ransack; fig (prouavati) dive into, go to
the bottom, study | ~ rukama i nogama do everything possible
kopa f buckle, clasp, snap, spring-catch; stud fastening; (oko i kuka) hook and eye; (na rani) clamp
kopanje n buttoning, clasping
kopati vt hook, fasten, button (up), clasp, buckle,
snap; coll v. shvaati
koperdeka f Ger v. prekriva
kopij|a f photo print; (u tipkanju) carbon (copy), duplicate; (prijepis) transcript; (vjerna) true copy;
(odljevak) cast; (oponaanje) imitation, counterfeit;
replica | ropska ~a servile copy; papir za ~e (u
tipkanju) flimsy
kopilad f collect illegitimate children, bastards
kopilan m illegitimate son
kopile n bastard, illegitimate child, natural son, born
on the wrong side of the blanket
kopiranje n copying; photo printing; (nasljedovanje)
imitating. mimicking; (ropsko) aping; (pisanje)
transcribing | aparat za (foto) ~ copier; (proziran)
papir za ~ tracing paper
kopirati vt copy; photo print; (nasljedovati) imitate,
mimic; (ropski) ape; (prepisati) transoribe; (preko
prozirnog papira) trace
kopitar m zoo hoofed animal
kopito n hoof; (raskoljeno) cloven hoof | udarati ~m
kick, strike out (with the hoof)
kopk|ati vt scratch | fig to me ~a I am uneasy (curious) about it
kopljaa f lance (spear) shaft, pole
kopljanik m hist (pjeak) spearman; (konjanik) lancer,
lance, uhlan

koplj|e n spear, lance; (kratko) javelin, dart; (afriko)

assagai | fig lomiti ~e za espouse a cause, make
common cause with; fig baciti ~e u trnje quit, give
up the fight; zastave na pol ~a flags flying at halfmast; sp bacanje ~a javelin throw(ing); sp baca
~a javelin thrower
kopljite n lance (spear) shaft
kopnen adj continental, terrestrial, land
kopn|o n continent, land, dry land | izai na ~o land,
go ashore; mar doi do ~a reach land, make landfall
kopnjeti vi thaw, melt away; (za nekim) pine (after
koporan m folk & mil, hist (standing-neck) tunic
koprcanje n wriggling, sprawling; (borba, otimanje)
struggling; squirming
koprcati se vr wriggle, sprawl; (udarati oko sebe)
kick, knock about; (zapeti u mulju itd.) flounder
(about), stick, fast in; (boriti se, otimati se) struggle; fig (u poslu, ivotu) struggle, scrape along
kopren|a f veil; fig (izlika) cloak, pretext, pretence,
veil, snow | skinuti ~u unveil; (otkriti varku) unmask, expose
koprenast adj gossamer-like, veil-like
kopriv|a f bot nettle; (koja pee) stinging-nettle;
(mrtva) dead nettle | nee grom u ~u ill weeds
grow apace
koprivnjaa f med nettle rash, urticaria
koprivnjak m nettle patch
koprodukcij|a f coproduction; co-operation | snimiti u
~i coproduce (a fi1m)
Kopt m Copt
koptski adj Coptic
kopula f gram copula
kopulacija f zoo copulation
kopun m (ukopljeni pijetao) capon
kor m mus chorus, band of singers, choir; (sjedala u
crkvi) choir stalls
kor|a f (drveta) bark; (sira) rind; (kruha) crust;
(narane, krumpira) peel; (krasta to se ljuti)
scurf; fig (vanjtina) outside; anat cortex | kuhati
krumpir u ~i boil potatoes in their jackets; oguliti
~u peel, bark; (kao znak na drvetu) blaze
koraba f bot kohlrabi
koraanje n stepping, striding, pacing, treading,
marching, walk
koraati vi stride, step, tread, pace, amble, march,
walk, go; move, advance, proceed; (sitno) mince
one's steps; (brzo) trip; (naduto) strut; (dostojanstveno) stalk along (ena sail); (ukoeno) stump
along; (muno) trudge; (teko) walk heavily, (po
mulju i sl.) flounder; (struui nogama) shuffle; (na
mjestu) mark time; (polako, konj) go at a (walking)pace, amble | ~ uporedo (drati korak) keep step
with, keep up with one; ~ brzo walk briskly, walk a
round pace
koraaj m v. korak
korai m dim tiny step
koraiti vi step out, take a step

koranica f mus march; (alobna) dead (funeral)

korak m step, stride, pace; (jeka) footfall; (trag) footmark, foot-print; (hodanje) walking; (vrst) round
step; (brz vojniki) double quick, double time; fig
motion, move, step | poduzeti ~e take measures;
slijediti neije ~e stick to one's heels, follow one
close, dog (shadow) one; ~ po ~ step by step; drati
~ keep step, be in step; ne drati ~ break step, be
out of step; produljiti ~ step out; skratiti ~ step
short; fig krivi ~ false step; prvi koraci fig first
steps, beginnings; fig pretei za jedan ~ steal a
march upon; nagao ~ rash step; razborit ~ prudent
step; poduzeti ~e u nekoj stvari take steps in a
matter; on ide ~om he is walking slowly (at a
walking pace, easy); brzim ~om at a quick (round)
koraknuti vt make a step | ~ na neto tread (upon)
koral m mus chorale
koralj m coral | niz ~a coral string
koraljar m coral diver
koraljarstvo n coral diving; coral cottage industry
koraljni adj coral, made of coral | ~ greben coral reef
Koran m Koran
korba m hide-whip, riding-whip, horse-whip; lash;
scourge; kourbash, koorbash
korda f (za detoniranje) fuse cord
kordon m cordon | opkoliti ~om cordon off
kordsamt m text Ger corduroy | hlae od ~a corduroys
koreferat m discussion paper
koreferent m discussant
Koreja f geog Korea
Koreja(na)c m Korean
korejski adj geog Korean
korekcija f correction (v. ispravak)
korektan adj (osoba) correct
korektno adv correctly
korektnost f correctness
korektor m print (palti) proof-reader; (revizije) pressreader
korektur|a f (ispravljanje) correction; print proofs pl |
prve ~e first proofs; druge ~e page proofs; raditi
~e read proofs
korelacija f correlation
korenje n scolding, chiding, reprimands pl, lecture
koreograf m choreographer
koreografija f choreography
koreografirati vt choreograph
korespondencij|a f corresyondence | biti u ~i sa v.
dopisivati se
korespondent m correspondent
korespondentica f woman correspondent
korespondirati vi v. dopisivati se, odgovarati
koric|a f dim rind, crust | ~e pl (knjige) cover, binding;
(maa) scabbard, sheath; (noa) case; (drku noa
itd.) covering (of haft); proitati od ~a do ~a read
from cover to cover

koriiti vt (knjigu) bind (a book), provide with covers

korida f bullfight
koridor m geog & pol corridor | zrani ~ air corridor
korifej m leading figure, coryphaeus
korigirati vt correct; print proofread
korijandar m bot & cul coriander
korijandoli m pl confetti
korijen m root; (nuskorijen) sucker; (dlaica korijena)
radicle; (rijei) root | uhvatiti ~ take (strike) root;
iupati s ~om pull up by the root; fig uproot,
eradicate; root up; math izvaditi drugi (trei) ~ extract the square (cube) root
korijenje n collect roots
korintski adj | art ~ slog Corinthian order
korisnic|a f woman beneficiary | zemlje ~e recipient
korisnik m user, beneficiary; (oporuke) devisee, legatee; (dralac) holder
korisno adv usefully, profitably, advantageously
korisnost f usefulness
korist' f good, benefit, advantage, profit, interest;
(svrha) behalf, behoof, avail; (upotreba) utility,
use, usefulness, service; (novac, zarada) gain,
emolument; (dobitak) margin (of profit), return(s) |
u ~ to the credit of, in favour of, in behalf of; imati
~ od derive profit from, realize profit from, profit
(benefit) by; koja ~ od...? what's the use of -ing?,
what good will it do?; nema ~ od... it is (of) no use
-ing, it is no use, it is useless, it is of no avail, it is
without avail, it is no good, it is to no purpose; od
slabe ~i to little purpose (avail); za tvoju je ~ it is
for your good (benefi ), it is in your own interest;
on sve okrene u svoju ~ all is fish that comes to
his net, all is grist that comes to his mill
korist'' m mus chorister, choir-boy; (balet) (male) chorus dancer
koristan adj useful, serviceable; (za svrhu) conducive
to; good, expedient; (prednost) advantageous;
(unosan) profitable, lucrative, remunerative, paying; (djelovanje) beneficial, efficient; (uputan) advisable | pokazati se ~ prove advantageous (useful)
koristica f chorus girl (dancer)
koristi|ti vi be useful (of use, service), serve, help; be
profitable (advantageous); prove efficient (effective,
serviceable), be good for; (djelovati) tell, have effect; (sluiti se s) use | ne ~ti be of no avail (without avail), be useless (in vain, idle, fruitless, futile,
to no purpose, to little avail, of no use (good), fail;
nikome nije ~lo nobody was the better for it
koristiti se vr make use of, use, have the benefit of,
turn to one's profit (advantage, account), reap the
fruits of, be benefited by
koristoljubiv adj egoistic(al), selfish, self-seeking,
self-interested, interested
koristoljub|ivost f, ~lje n egoism, egotism, selfseeking, selfishness, self-interest, interestedness |
ubojstvo iz ~lja murder for gain

koritenje n (ime) use, utilization; exploitation; harnessing (of energy)

koritar m trough-maker
koritast adj trough-shaped, hollowed out; (svod) barrel-vaulted
koritelj m person who reproves (censures, scolds, reprimands, criticizes)
koriti vt (grditi) scold, abuse, rate, chide; (osuivati)
blame, censure, reprehend, reprimand, rebuke, reprove, reproach; (kritizirati) find fault with, carp
at, criticize
korit|o n trough; (za tijesto) kneading-trough; (rijeke)
bed, waterchannel; (broda) hull | rijeka se izlila iz
~a the river burst its banks
korizma f eccl Lent
korizmen adj eccl Lenten
korjeni m dim thin (small, short) root, rootlet
korjenika f a man of old stamp (true-blue and of uncompromising principles)
korjenit adj fig radical, thorough; (naela) true-blue;
(pravi, rodom) true-born
korjenast adj | ~e biljke v. gomoljae
korjenitost f radicality
korman m v. kormilo
kormaniti vi v. kormilariti
kormilar m steerman, helmsman, steerer; pilot; (veslakog amca) cox
kormilarenje n steering, steermanship
kormilariti vi steer, direct one's course, pilot
kormilarnica f wheel-house
kormil|o n (vani) helm; (pod vodom) rudder; (kolo ~a)
steering-wheel; fig control, sway, government | ~
nadesno starboard; ~ nalijevo port; poluga
(dralo) ~a na amcu tiller, yoke; sluati ~o answer the helm (readily); biti na ~u (i fig) be at the
helm; fig doi na ~o come into power
kormoran m ornith cormorant
korner m ftb corner kick | lopta je u ~u the ball is
over the goal-line; izvesti ~ take the corner
kornet m mus cornet; (za sladoled) v. tu1jac
kornetist m mus cornetist
kornjaa f zoo (kopnena) turtle; (morska) tortoise
kornjaevina f tortoise-shell
kornja m ent beetle (of the order coleoptera)
korodirati vt chem corrode
koroma m v. komora
koronarka f med coll coronary artery
koronarn|i adj anat | ~a arterija coronary artery
korot|a f mourning; (duboka) deep mourning; (polukorota) half mourning | biti u ~i be in mourning;
ona je u ~i (za muem) she wears weeds
korov m weed | plijeviti ~ weed; zarasti u ~ run into
korozija f chem corrosion
korozivan adj chem corrosive
korp|a f v. koara, ko, brnjica | fig dobiti ~u v,
korpar m v. koarac
korpica f dim v. koarica

korporacija f corporation, corporate body

korporativan adj corporative
korporativno adv in a body
korpulentan adj corpulent
korpulentnost f corpulence
korpus m mil corps | jur ~ delikti corpus delicti
korte m arch pol canvasser (for votes)
korteiranje n arch pol canvassing, canvass
korteirati vi arch pol canvass, solicit votes
kortizon m pharm cortizone
kortizonski adj pharm cortizone
korumpirati vt corrupt
korund m minr corundum
korupcija f corruption
korupciona m corruptionist, A pol sl big grafter
korupcionaki adj corrupt, corruption-ridden
korupcionatvo n corrupt practices
Koruka f geog Carinthia
koruki adj geog Carinthian
korveta f nav B corvette, A submarine chaser
korzet m v. steznik
Korzika f geog Corsica
Korzikanac m Corsican
korziki adj Corsican
korzirati vi promenade
korzo m promenade
kos' m ornith blackbird
kos'' adj oblique, sloping, slanting, shelving, dipping;
skew; (nahero) awry; (poprijeko) diagonal,
athwart, on the bias, across; (strm) declivitous;
(nagnut) inclined, leaning, tilted, lopsided, tipped,
raked; (tisak) v. kurziv
kosa' f (konja) scythe
kosa'' f (gorska) spur, mountain-range
kos|a''' f (vlasi) hair, head of hair; (lana) false hair;
(glatka) lank hair; (kovrasta) curly hair; (gusta)
thick hair; (rijetka) thin hair; (upava-crnaka)
fuzzy (frizzled) hair; (vunasta) woolly hair;
(kutrava) unkempt hair, dishevelled hair; (sijeda)
grey | rastenje ~e growth of hair; uperak ~e tuft
of hair; uvojak ~e lock, curl, ringlet; pletenica ~e
braid, plait; perin ~e pig-tail; ona ima lijepu ~u
she has a fine head of hair; dati rezati ~u have
one's hair cut; esljati ~u do one's hair; ispada mi
~a I am losing hair; my hair is thinning; gusta (rijetka) ~a thick (thin) hair; dijeliti ~u u sredini
part the hair in the middle; staza u ~i parting; vui
za ~u pull by the hair; bolest ispadanja ~e foxevil;
igla za ~u hairpin; kovralo za ~u curling-iron;
pomada za ~u pomatum, pomade; ~a mi se jei
my hair bristles (stands on end); podrezati ~u na
elu bang; podrezati ~u da sie do ramena bob
(the hair); ~ podrezana (eni) kao da je mukarac Etop crop; bot vilina ~a dodder; rasplesti ~u
loose (undo) one's hair; ~a mi sijedi my hair is
turning grey
kosac m mower; (srpom) reaper; (sijena) haymaker |
ent pauk ~ harvest spider
kosaica f woman mower (reaper); (stroj) v. kosilica

kosan adj cul | ~o meso hashed meat, hash; v. ~i

kosar m scythe-maker
kosati vt cul cut small, mince, hash up
kosidba f mowing, haymaking
kosijer m pruning knife, bill-hook
kosilica f (stroj) mower; (za travu) lawn mower
kosina f downward slope, slope, slant, declivity, descant, inclination; B gradient, A grade; (naginjanje)
leaning; (nagib jarbola, brodskog dimnjaka) rake
kosinus m geom cosinus, cosine
kosit|ar m tin | rudnik ~ra tin-mine, stannary
kositi vt mow, reap, cut grass; (u jedrenju) tack
kositi se vr contradict, be inconsistent with, be contrary to, contrast with; be at variance with, clash |
to se kosi sa this is mutually opposed (inconsistent
with, contradictory to)
kositren adj tin, stannic
kosmat adj hairy, shaggy; haired, hirsute, pilous,
pilose; bot villous
kosmatost f hairiness, hirsuteness
kosme-, kosmi-, kosmo- v. kozme-, kozmi-, kozmokosnu|ti se vr | njega se to jako ~lo he took it to heart,
he was hit hard (moved deeply, touched to the
quick), it left a deep impression on him, it came
home to him
koso adv obliquely, on the bias, awry | mar biti ~ nagnut (jarbol, dimnjak) rake; ~ tiskan printed in italics (v. kurziv); rezati ~ cut bias, canted; ~ bruen
(staklo) bevelled
kost f bone; (riblja) fish-bone; (slonova) ivory; (lina)
cheek bone; (grudnica) breast-bone; (steznika) stayribs, whale-bone | do ~i to the bone; od ~i bony;
pretvoriti se u ~ ossify; on je ~ i koa he is only
skin and bone; he is as thin as a lath; lom ~i fracture; fig ~ u grlu a thorn in the side
kostelj m ichth spiny dogfish
kostim m (enski) suit; theat costume; (krabuljni)
fancy dress | kupai ~ swim-suit, B+ swimmingsuit; hum u Evinom ~u in her birthday suit
kostimer m theat costumer
kostimira|ti vt costume | ~ni ples masked ball
kostimirati se vr dress in a costume
kostimograf m theat costume designer
kostimografija f theat costume design | ~: N. N. costumes designed by XY
kostobolan adj gouty, podagrous
kostobolja f gout, podagra, arthritis; (boli) shoots
(twinges) of gout
kostrijeiti se vr bristle (up); fig show temper (fight)
kostrijet f goat's hair, hair-cloth | koulja od ~i hairshirt
kostur m skeleton; fig framework, skeleton | fig on je
ivi ~ he is as thin as a lath
kostura f cheap clasp-knife
kosturnica f charnel-house, ossuary
ko m flattened (longish) wicker-work basket carried
on back; (za ribolov) weel; (konica) bee-hive;
(maa) basket-hilt | anat prsni ~ rib cage, thorax; ~

za papir B waste-paper-basket, A waste basket; sp

postii ~ score a basket, sink a shot
koara f basket, hamper; (za voe, ribe itd.) crate;
(manja, od rogoza) frail; (za sedlo) pannier; (za
rublje) clothes basket; (za trg) market basket |
puna ~a basketful
koara m basket-maker
koarak|i adj basket-making; wickerwork | ~a roba
basketry; wickerwork
koaratvo n basket-making; (ire) wickerwork
koaric|a f dim small basiket; (kruna) bread-basket;
(za jagode itd.) chip-basket | fig dobiti ~u be
snubbed, coll get the brush-off; fig dati ~u snub,
coll give the brush-off
koark|a f sp basketball | igralite ~e basketball court
koarka m sp basketball player
koava f east wind
koan adj made of bone, bony
koat adj bony, big-boned, raw-boned
koatost f bonniness; bony frame
koica f v. kotica
kourina f aug & derog huge bone
koenila f chem cochineal
koenje n mowing; haymaking
kokati se vr bicker (v. peckati se, prepirati se)
komar m v. mora, bunilo
konica f bee-hive; (pletena) beeskep
konja f mowing, haymaking
kota f Ger v. hrana
kotac m grapple, grip (of wrestlers), close contest,
struggle | uhvatiti se u ~ come to close quarters,
wrestle (grapple) with, contend with in close fight;
(svaa) quarrel, wrangle
kotan adj bone, bony; osseous
kot|ati vi cost | koliko ~a? how much is it?; to ~a da
~a regardless of the price
kotic|a f kernel, stone; (sitna, od jabuke itd.) pip; (od
bundeve) seed; small bone | plod s ~om drupe,
kotunjav adj bony; (mrav) lean, skinny, scraggy,
kotunjavost f scragginess, gauntness
koulj|a f shirt; (enska) chemise, shift (oba arch);
arch smock; (nona) nightshirt | rukavac ~e wristband; prsa ~e shirt-front, coll dickey; platno za ~e
shirting; najlonska ~a non-iron (drip-dry) shirt; u
~i in (one's) shirtsleeves, shirtsleeved; luaka ~a
kouljac m arch shirt, smock
kouljic|a f dim small shirt; (pljeva) husk of grain (cereals); anat v. posteljica; zoo v. svlak | fig roditi
se u ~i be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
kouta f zoo hind, roe
kota f mil elevation, hill
kotac m v. svinjac
kota m wheel; (broda na lopate) paddle-wheel;
(mlinski) mill-wheel; (kotur djeji) hoop; (gumeni)
tire, tyre; hist (muilo) rack | ~i stroja wheels,
works, gear(ing); vanjski obod ~a rim; bica ~a

spoke; glavina ~a nave, hub; naplatak ~a felly,

felloe; brod na ~e wheel-boat, paddle-steamer; (s
kolom na krmi) stern-wheeler
kotai m dim little wheel; (na nozi pokustva) caster,
castor, trundle; (tramvajske trole) trolley; (zubat)
ratchet-wheel; (ostruge) rowel | fig sitni ~ just a
kotangens m geom cotangent
kotao m kettle; (velik) cauldron, copper; (parnog
stroja) boiler; (pecare) still, distilling-apparatus;
mil pocket
kotar m district, department, county; (sudaki) circuit;
(lovaki) hunt, hunting division (territory);
(gradski) ward; (izborni) constituency
kotarica f dim v. koarica
kotarsk|i adj of a district, district | ~i predstojnik
district head; ~i sud district court; ~a oblast district authorities; ~i ured district authorities' office
koterija f coterie, clique
kotiledon m bot cotyledon
kotiljon m cotillion
kotirati vi exch be quoted; fig rate, have status
kotiti vt bring forth (bear, give birth to) young; litter;
whelp; (kuja) pup, whelp; (maka) kitten
kotiti se vr have young; derog breed like rabbits
kotlar m copper-smith
kotlet m cul chop, cutlet
kotli m dim small kettle; (zahodski) water tank
kotlina f geog ravine, basin, oval (circular) valley,
hollow, depression
kotlokrpa f tinker
kotlovnica f boiler-room; boiler-house
kotlovsk|i adj eng | ~o postrojenje boiler plant
kotrljan m ent v. balega
kotrljanje n rolling, bowling, trundling, wheeling
kotrljati vt roll, trundle, wheel, bowl, roll
kotrljati se vr roll, run on wheels; (kola, buno) rumble
kotur m wheel; (mali) trundle; (kolotur) pulley;
(djeji) v. obru
koturaljk|e f pl roller-skates | osoba na ~ama rollerskater
koturati vt v. kotrljati
kotva f eng armature; mar v. sidro
kov m fig stamp, character, cast (of mind), nature,
kidney, type, kind, sort, run | dobroga ~a of sterling qualities; ovjek istog (starog) ~a man of the
same (old) stamp
kova m blacksmith; (potkiva) shoeing-smith, farrier;
hammersmith; ichth dory, John Dory | svatko je ~
svoje sree every man is the architect of his own
kovaija f smith's trade
kovanica f smithy, forge, blacksmith's workshop
kovak adj malleable, ductile; fig pliable
kovan pp forged; (od kovine) metal, metallic | ~i
novac coin, (zbirno) coinage, (prema papirnom
novcu) specie, A hard cash; ~ o eljezo (dekorativno) wrought iron

kovanica f ling neologism

kovanje n forging, hammering, stamping, smithing;
kovati vt forge, hammer, stamp, coin; work; fig (planove) forge (plans), frame, devise; (spletke) plot,
scheme, hatch; (snovati) brood (on, over); (izmisliti) invent, fabricate, coin; (stihove) versify,
rhyme, rime, write trashy verse; (novac) mint
koveg m (putni) suit-case, trunk; (sanduk) chest, box;
(za dragocjenosti) coffer; (mrtvaki) v. lijes; (vojniki) footlocker | Bibl ~ zavjetni Ark of the
kovei m dim little chest
kovert|a f envelope | ~a s markom stamped envelope;
zalijepiti ~u seal an envelope
kovertirati vt put into an envelope (into envelopes)
kovilje n bot spike, spikenard
kovin|a f metal | koji sadrzi ~u metalliferous; taljenje
~e smelting; mijeana ~a alloy; plemenita ~a precious metal; neplemenita ~a base metal
kovinar m metallurgist
kovinarstvo n metallurgy
kovinorezbar m (en)chaser
kovinotokar m lathe operator
kovitlac m whirl
kovitlanje n tumbling; turning somersalts
kovitlati se vr swirl, tumble; turn a somersalt
kovitlav adj whirling
kovkost f melleability, ductility
kovni adj metal, metallic
kovnica f mint
kovranje n curling, frizzling; (nabora) frilling | klijeta za ~ (kose) curling-irons, curling-tongs
kovrast adj curly; (gusto i sitno) frizzled, frizzed,
kovrati vt curl, frizzle
kovrica f lock, curl, buckle, ringlet; (vune) flock
koza f goat, she-goat, nany-goat
kozaki adj Cossack
Kozak m Cossack
kozar m goat-herd
kozarstvo n goat-breeding
kozer m causeur
kozerija f causerie
kozetina f goat's flesh
kozic|a f dim little goat; (morska) shrimp | med ~e
smallpox, chiekenpox; trag ~a na licu smallpox
mark, pockmark
koziav adj pockmarked
koziavost f state of being pockmarked
kozinus m v. kosinus
koziti se vr kid
kozjak m bot &. cul seallion, shal(l)ot
kozj|i adj goat, goatish | ~a brada goat's beard; (u
ovjeka) goatee; ~a koa goat's skin; (uinjena)
kid (-leather); ~i sir goat-cheese; bot ~a krv honeysuckle, woodbine
kozle n kid

kozli m dim kid; (za piljenje) sawing--jack, sawingtrestle | gym skakati preko ~a vault over the buck
kozmetiarka f beautician, cosmetician
kozmetik|i adj cosmetic | ~a sredstva cosmetics; ~i
salon beauty parlor (shop, salon)
kozmetika f (preparati) cosmetics pl; (struka) cosmetology
kozmik|i adj | ~e zrake cosmic rays
kozmonaut m astronaut, cosmonaut
kozmopolit m cosmopolitan, cosmopolite
kozmopolitski adj cosmopolitan, cosmopolite
kozmopolitstvo n cosmopolitanism
kozmos m cosmos, universe
kozorog m zoo ibex
ko|a f skin; (iva) skin; (kao materijal) leather; (put)
complexion; (neuinjena) raw skin; (uinjena)
dressed skin, tanned leather; (veih ivotinja) hide;
(manjih) pelt; (s dlakom) fell; (s glave) scalp; (kobase) case | tvornica ~e tannery, tanning-yard;
uinjalac ~e currier, dresser; uinjanje ~e tanning, dressing, currying; uinjati ~u dress, tan,
curry; guliti ~u skin, flay, strip of the skin, scalp;
fig (cijenom) fleece, overcharge; (lihvariti) practice
usury; kalati ~u skive; svlaiti ~u (zmija) cast,
skin, slough (off, away); braniti svoju ~u save
one's bacon (skin); (izmai) get off safe; mokar do
~e wet to the skin, soaked (drenched) through and
through, wringing wet; on ima debelu ~u he is
thick-skinned, stolid; radi se o mojoj ~i my safety
is concerned (at stake); iz ove ~e nikud we can't
change our skin; ne bih htio biti u njegovoj ~i I
would not be in his skin; ~a mi se najeila it made
my flesh creep; jelenja ~ buckskin
koar m dealer in skins (hides), fellmonger; (uinjalac) tanner, currier; leatherworker
koara f tannery, tanning-yard
koarski adj used by the currier
koarstvo n leather trade (industry); leatherworking
koast adj leathery, leather-like
koica f dim thin skin, membrane, film; epidermis,
cuticle, pellicle, integument; (oko nokata) cuticle;
(krzna) fur skin; bot glume, husk; (patki i sl. meu
prstima) web
konat adj leather, leathery, made of leather
kon|i adj skin-; cutaneous, dermic, dermal, cuticular,
membranous | ~e bolesti skin diseases
kouh m sheepskin coat (fur); wool-fell coat
kouhar m seller (maker) of sheepskin coats
krabulja f mask; (osoba) masked person, masker
krabuljni adj | ~ ples masked ball, fancy-dress ball; ~
kostim fancy dress
kraun m bar, bolt, sliding-bar and staple
kraunati vt bolt, bar
kraati vi become shorter; (dani) close in
kraenje' n shortening, making shorter, abbreviation,
kraenje'' n (uskrata) denial, refusal; (prikrita) curtailment; (zbitost) compression; (sustezanje) withholding

krai adj shorter; of limited duration (nakon pranja)

shrunk | dani postaju ~ days are beginning to close
in; ~ put short cut
kradenje n stealing (v. kraa)
kradimice adv v. kradom
kradljiv adj thievish, given to stealing, light-fingered
kradljiv|ac m thief, stealer; (sitni) pilferer; (u duanu)
shop-lifter; (divljai) poacher; (knjizevni) plagiarist, pirate; (stoke) cattle-lifter | fig ~ci lightfingered gentry
kradljivka f female thief
kradljivost f thievishness, fig light fingers
kradom(ice) adv secretly, furtively, surreptitiously,
clandestinely, stealthily, by stealth, on the sly; underhand
kradomian adj furtive, secret, clandestine, stealthy,
done by stealth; underhand
kraa f theft, stealing, larceny; (sitna, potkradanje)
pilfering; (u duanu) shop-lifting, euph (otuenje)
abstraction; purloin; (knjievna) piracy, plagiarism;
(kroja; ostatke tkanine) cabbaging; (stoke) cattlelifting
krafna f cul Ger jam doughnut
kragn m, ~a f Ger v. ovratnik
kraguj m ornith v. sup
krah m Ger v. slom, propast, neuspjeh
kraher m Ger arch v. gazirana pia
krahirati vi Ger v. doivjeti slom (neuspjeh)
kraj' m I. svretak. end, conclusion, close, finish,
completion, termination, expiration; (smrt) end,
death; (mea) limit; (krajnost) extreme, extremity;
(posljedak) issue, result, outcome, upshot, event |
do ~a to the end, to the last; do samog ~a to the
very end; do ~a ivota to the last breath, till death;
svriti do ~a bring to a close; ~ do ~a end to end; ~
svega toga je bio... the upshot was..., the long and
the short of the matter was...; pri ~u at an end; almost over; pri ~u sam I have nearly finished
(done) (reading itd.); s ~a na ~ (knjige) from cover
to cover, (inae) throughout; vrijeme je pri ~u (na
izmaku) time is out; moja je strpljivost pri ~u my
patience is exhausted; moja je zaliha pri ~u my
stock is running low (short), I am running out of;
pri ~u smo brana we are short of flour, we have
run out of flour; ii ~u draw to a close (end); (ponestajati) decline, decrease, ebb; (k smrti) sink,
droop; doi ~u run out, expire, ebb, come to an
end; uiniti ~ terminate, make an end of, put an
end (a stop) to; izvui krai ~ get the worst of it,
be worsted; sastavljati ~ s ~em make both ends
meet; s njime se ne da izai na ~ there is no getting on (living, dealing) with him; bez ~a without
end, endless; tome nema ni ~a ni konca there is
no end to (of) it, it is endless; nije mi bilo ni na ~
pameti I never dreamt of it, be it far from me II.
okolica. environs pl; (susjedstvo) neighbourhood,
locality, (grada) countryside, quarters (pl); parts
(pl), quarter (of a town itd.), district; (ire) region,
territory; geog zone, climate, latitude; (smjer) di-

rection, side; (strana svijeta) point of compass;

(obala) land, coast, beach, bank, shore | otisnuti se
od ~a shove off; drati se ~a (brod) hug the land;
iz svth ~eva from all quarters; s ~a na ~ (zemlje)
throughout the length and breadth of the land
kraj'' prep (pokraj) at, by, by the side of, with, beside,
abreast of (with), close to (by), hard by, along,
alongside of, aide by side (with) | ~ mene at my
side, next to me; (usprkos) ~ sveg svog imetka ...
with all his riches ..., rich as he is...
krajcar n num hist kreutzer | fig ni ~a v. ni pare
krajem adv towards (A toward) the end of | ~ 19. stoljea late in the 19th century
krajiak m dim tiny bit; extreme end
krajina f (vojnika) military frontier; border-land; hist
march, the Border
krajiki adj Border; borderer
krajinik m border-soldier; (stanovnik) borderer, frontiers-man
krajnik m anat tonsil | med upala ~a tonsillitis; izvaditi ~e remove tonsils; izvadili su joj ~e she had
her tonsils removed
krajnost f the utmost, the limit, the utmost limits, extremity, the extreme; extremism; (zlo) the worst;
(stupanj) the highest degree; (snage) one's utmost |
do ~i to the uttermost, utterly, extremely, excessively, exceedingly; radio je (borio se) do ~i he
did his utmost (best), he strained every nerve, (he
fought) to the bitter end; ako doe do ~i if the
worst happens, if the worst comes to the worst;
natjeran do ~i driven to extremity
krajnje adv extremely
krajnji adj outermost, ut(ter)most, last, the very last,
extreme; (skroz-naskroz, pravi pravcati) outright,
downright, out and out, altogether; (u zlu) arrant,
thorough-paced; (besmisao) rank (nonsense)
krajo|braz, ~lik m landscape, scenery; (slika) landscape
krak m (estara) leg (of pair of compasses), shank;
(koji stri iz zida) bracket; (inae) arm; fork; geom
side (of a triangle)
krakat adj long-legged, long-shanked
Krakov m geog Cracow
kralj m king; (ah, karte) king | eccl Sv. tri kralja
Epiphany, Twelfth-day; (predveerje) Twelfthnight
kraljeak m anat vertebra
kraljenic|a f anat spine, backbone | med iskrivtjenje
~e curvature of the spine
kraljenjaci m pl zoo vertebrates
kraljev adj king's, of (belonging to) a king | ~ pristaa
kraljevanje n reign (reigning, rule) of a king
kraljevati vi reign (rule, govern) as a king, act the
king, to king it
kraljevi m dim prince, prince royal; (nasljednik) heir
apparent, crown-prince
kraljevina f kingdom, realm
kraljevna f v. princeza

kraljevsk|i adj royal, kingly, regal, kinglike; (sjajan)

magnificent | ~a ast kingship, royalty; ~e povlastice regality; ~i dvor royal palace court; ~i ubojica
regicide; ~i znakovi regalia, royal insignia; ~i
namjesnik regent
kraljevstvo n kingdom, realm
kralje- v. kraljekraljica f queen (i u ahu)
kraljiin adj a queen's, of a queen
kralji m ornith wren
krama f Ger v. sitniarija; fig odds and ends, trash
kramar m Ger v. sitniar; fig petty person
kramarija f Ger v. krama
kramarski adj Ger petty
kramp m Ger pick (v. pijuk)
krampati vi Ger work with a pick; fig toil
krampon m ftb stud
kran m Ger v. dizalica
Kranjac m man from Carniola; derog Slovene
Kranjica f woman from Carniola; derog Slovene
Kranjska f geog Carniola
kranjski adj Carniolan; derog Slovene
kras m geog Karst
kras|an adj fine, beautiful, handsome; poet beauteous;
fair, good-looking; (divan) magnificent, splendid,
grand, glorious, admirable, capital, delightful;
(oaravajui) bewitching, fascinating; iron precious | ~ni spol fair sex, the gentle sex, the fair
krasiti vt be an ornament (adornment) to, adorn
krasno adv beautifully, handsomely, nicely, prettily,
gracefully, iron preciously | ~! splendid! (v. sjajno!); iron fine!, nice going!
krasnorjeiv adj v. rjeit
krasnosloviti vi be eloquent
krasopis m calligraphy, penmanship, fine (fair, beautiful) writing
krasopisac m calligrapher, calligraphist
krasopisni adj calligraphic
krasota f beauty; (divota) glory, grandeur, magnificence
krasotica f a beauty, beautiful woman, belle
krasta f med scab, crust
krastaa f zoo toad
krastav adj med scabby
krastav|ac m bot cucumber | kiseli ~ci pickled gherkins; salata od ~aca cucumber salad; zoo morski ~
v. trp
krastavost f scabbiness
krasti vt steal, thieve, pilfer, purloin, filch, euph abstract, sl prig; (ostatke tkanine, kroja) cabbage;
(djecu, ljude) kidnap; (divlja) poach; (stoku) lift
krasuljak m bot v. tratinica
kraki adj geog Karst
krat m | tri~ three times
krat|ak adj short, brief ; (pristrien, kosa) bobbed,
shingled (hair); (rep, podrezan) docktailed; (i debeo) stumpy; (kusat) stubby; (vrijeme) of short duration; (ogranien) limited; (manjak) defficient;

(neutiv, otresit) curt, short-spoken; (od malo rijei) short and to the point; (zbit) compact, cuccinct, compendious, summary, concise, (sadraj) in
a nutshell; (jedar) tense, pithy, lapidary, laconic;
(na brzu ruku) hasty, cursory; (prolazan) fleeting,
passing, fugacious, transient, transitory; (kratka
vjeka) short-lived; (posjet) flying (visit); (dojam)
evanescent, quicikly fading; (dlaka, tkanina) shortnapped | ~ka roba (galanterija itd.) haberdashery;
~ka eljezna roba hardware; ~ak sadraj abstract,
-kratan adj | dvo~ occuring twice, repeated twice
krater m crater
kraterski adj crater; crater-like
kratica f (znak) abbreviation; contraction, contracted
kratiti' vt (rezati) cut short; (rep) dock; (strii) clip,
crop; (prikratiti) curtail; shorten; (skratiti) abbreviate, abridge, epitomize; contract; (sliku perspektivom) foreshorten; v. vrijeme
kratiti'' vt (ne dati, braniti) refuse, deny, withhold,
stint in, give grudgingly
kratiti se vr (ustruavati se) resist, show reluctance,
reluct (at, against), be repugnant to
kratko adv briefly; (bez okolisanja) curtly, without
much ado, using no ceremonies, unceremoniously |
~ reeno to sum up, to be brief, in brief, briefly
told, to put it briefly, in short (v. ukratko); ~ i
jasno succinctly
kratkoa f shortness, brevity, briefness, succinctness,
conciseness; (trajanje) short duration
kratkometrani adj | ~ film short film
kratkonog adj short-legged
kratkopruga m sp short-distance runner (swimmer)
kratkorep adj short-tailed
kratkorijek adj monosyllabic, laconic, sententious;
(neutiv) blunt, curt, abrupt
kratkoro|an adj short-term; (mjenica) short-dated,
short-term | ~na mjenica short paper (bill); ~ni zajam short-term loan
kratkoruk adj short-armed
kratkosean adj short-range (i fig)
kratkosilazni adj ling short-falling (accent)
kratkotalasni adj v. kratkovalni
kratkotrajan adj short-lived, transitory, passing,
kratkotrajnost f short duration
kratkouzlazni adj ling short-rising (accent)
kratkovalni adj rad short-wave
kratkovidan adj short-sighted, near-sighted, myope;
fig narrow, narrowminded, undiscerning, shortsighted
kratkovidnost f med myopia; (oba i fig) shortsightedness, near-sightedness
kratkovjean adj short-lived, transitory, ephermeral
kratkovjenost f short life; (prolaznost) transitoriness,
short duration
kraul m sp | plivati ~ swim the crawl
kraulist m sp crawl swimmer

krava f cow; (muzara) milch-cow; derog stupid cow,

kraval m Ger v. scena, izgred, gungula | napraviti ~
kick up a row, make a scene
kravar m cowman, cowboy, cow-herd
kravat|a f tie, necktie; (leptirka) bow-tie | vezati ~u
make a knot in one's tie; razvezati ~u untie one's
kravetina f derog big slob
kravina f cow leather
kraviti vt thaw (i fig)
kraviti se vr thaw
kravljenje n thawing (i fig)
kravlj|i adj cow, of a cow | ~e mlijeko cow's milk
kravsk|i adj | ~a staja cowshed
krc! interj crack!
krca m loader; (luki radnik) long-shoreman;
(trgovac, poilja) freighter, shipper, consigner
krcanj|e n loading, freighting | ugovor o ~u charterparty; isprava o ~u (konosman) bill of lading
krcat adj (pun) brimful, chock-full, full up
krcati vt load (lade, freight) ship; (ugovorom) charter;
burden with
krckati vi v. pucketati; vt v. drobiti orahe
krag m ewer, jug
Kranin m inhabitant of (person from) the island of
Krk, Krk man
krati vi v. kruliti; (radio) v. umiti
krenje n clearing (of roots and stumps), grubbing up,
clearing of forests, disafforestation; fig (uklanjanje)
removing of obstacles
krevina f newly cleared (grubbed up) land
kriti vt root out (up), dig out (up), stub up, clear land
of stubs, clear land for cultivation, reclaim wooded
land, thin forest; disafforest; fig (uklanjanje) clear
obstacles out of the way | fig ~ put (biti prvi) blaze
the trail, pioneer
krki adj Krk, of (from) the island of Krk
krma f mean pot-house (ale-house, beer-house), public house, tavern; village inn
krmar m keeper of a low public house, tavern-keeper,
publican; landlord
krmarenje n a publican's (inn-keeper's) trade, innkeeping
krmarica f (female) keeper of a mean public house or
tavern; landlady
krmariti vi keep an inn, ply a publican's trade
krmarski adj of a (belonging to, appropriate to) a
tavern | ~ zanat (obrt) a publican's trade; ~ cimer
a publican's (inn's) signboard
krmetina f derog very low (mean) hostelry, public
krd|o m herd, drove, troop, pack, flock; derog disorderly (straggling) multitude, crowd, rabble, mob |
ii u ~u sa herd with, troop along, flock about (together); uvati ~ herd
kreacija f creation | modna ~ fashion design
kreativac m creative artist (personality)
kreativan adj creative

kreativnost f creativity
kreator m creator | modni ~ fashion designer; ~ obue
(nakita) shoe (jewellery) designer
kreatura f derog somebody's creature; sl jerk
kre m v. vapno
kreana f v. vapnara, vapnenica
kreiti' vt v. obijeliti
kriti'' vt (noge) spread (one's legs)
kriti se vr spread one's legs
kreni adj v. vapneni, vapnenaki
krenjak m v. vapnenac
Kreanin m geog Cretan
kreda f chalk; (prah) whiting; geol Cretaceous Age
kredenc m (sobni) dresser (v. vitrina) ; (kuhinjski)
kitchen-dresser, kitchen-cupboard, A+ china closet
kredit m credit | poslovati na ~ deal on credit
kreditirati vt supply (grant) credit to; (ire) finance
kreditn|i adj credit | ~o poslovanje credit transactions
kreditor m creditor (v. vjerovnik)
kredni adj geol cretaceous
kredo m eccl & fig credo
kreirati vt create; (modno) design
kreja f ornith v. sojka
krejon m crayon
kreker m cul soda cracker
kreket m croak, croaking
kreketanje n croaking
kreketati vi croak
kreketua f v. gatalinka
kreljut f collect zoo scales pl (v. ljuske)
krem adj cream-coloured
krema f cul creme, cream dessert | ~ za kou (lice)
skin (facial) cream; fig drutvena ~ the cream of
krematorij m crematory
kremen m flint, flint-stone, silex | ~ za upalja lighter
kremenadla f cul Ger v. karmenadl
kremeni adj flint ; flintstone
kremenit adj flinty
kremenjaa f hist flint-lock, flint-gun
kremenjak m a man of strong character or robust
health, heart of oak
kremin|i adj chem silicious, silicic | ~a kiselina
silicic acid
kremiranje n cremation
kremirati vt cremate
krempita f cul v. kremnita
kremnita f cul Ger custard slice
krenuti vt (pokrenuti) set going, set in motion, turn,
stir, start, move; (potai) actuate, rouse, raise | vi
(na put) set off (forth), set out, proceed
krenuti se vr move, start, set out, budge, bestir oneself
krenvirla f cul Ger v. hrenovka
Kreol m Creole
kreolski adj Creole
krep m text crepe | ~ papir crape paper
krepak adj hale, robust, strong, hearty, hardy, able,
vigorous; (zrak) bracing, invigorating

krepan adj dead (i fig); (mlitav) spiritless

krepati vi (ivotinje) die; fig die (perish) miserably, sl
croak; v. izmuiti se
krepko adv vigorously, strongly, energetically, with a
vengeance, forcibly, powerfully, intensely
krepkost f vigour, vigorousness, haleness, robustness;
strength, energy, hardiness, heartiness; raciness
kreposnica f virtuous woman
kreposnik m virtvous man
kreposno adv virtuously
krepost f virtue, morality, chastity
krepostan adj v. virtuous, moral, chaste
kresanje' n (granja) lopping off (away) of branches
kresanje'' n (iskara) striking of sparks (fire, light) out
of flint; (vatre) kindling fire by striking
kresati' vt (granje) lop off (away)
kresati'' vt (iskre) strike sparks (out of flint); (vatru)
strike fire by means of steel, tinder and flint; v.
skresati (istinu)
kresivo n tinder, flint and steel: tinder-box
kresnuti vt strike a spark
kresta f (pijetlova) (cocks)comb, crest; (vala) crest
kreendo m mus & fig crescendo
kreevo n skirmish, action, engagement, encounter,
kretanje n screeching, screaming, shrieking; croaking
kretati vi scream, shriek, crow, croak, screech,
squall; (gavran) caw
kretav adj shrieking, screaming, screeching, croaking
Kreta f geog Crete
kretanj|e n movement; (komeanje) stir, commotion,
agitation, bustle; (kolebanje) fluctuation; (okretanje) rotation, revolution, turning; (pogon) locomotion, motion, drive ; (etnja) exercise; (hod)
marcih, advancement ; (ivahnost) activity; (vrpoljenje, urba) fuss; (na put) start; (razvoj kod gimnastike itd. produkcije) evolution; (nabolje) change for the better | ~e cijena price trends; privredna
~a economic trends; pratiti ~e keep track of
kretati vt move, run, turn, drive, operate, keep going,
rotate, stir; (na, protiv) advance upon
kretati se vr be afoot (astir, in motion, going, revolving); (uokrug) rotate, revolve, turn (round); move,
stir, go, walk, take exercise; tvavel; (vrpoljiti se)
bustle (na sjedalu fidget); (u smjeru prema) head
to; (od ... do) range from... to
kreten m med cretin; fig idiot, stupid bastard
kretenka f med female cretin; fig v. kreten
kretenski adj med cretinous; fig idiotic, inane
kretenizam m med cretenism; fig idiocy, inanity
kretnja f motion, movement, gesture, gesticulation;
stir; turn
kreton m text printed calico, cretonne; (za namjestaj)
kretonski adj text printed-calico, cretonne
kretski adj geog Cretan

kreveljenje n distortion of face, grimace, making

(pulling) of faces
kreveljiti se vr distort one's face, grimace, make (pull)
faces, make wry faces, screw one's face into wrinkles
krevet m bed; (bez posteljine, okvir) bedstead; (leaj)
couch; (za nudu, na podu) shakedown; (slamarica) pallet; (djeji) cot, crib; (s krovom, nebom)
four-poster; (u brodskoj kabini, vlaku) berth; (visei, mornarski) hammock; (ugraen, brodski)
bunk; (sloiv) truckle-bed | ii u ~ go to bed; u ~u
abed; (bolestan) bed-ridden, confined to bed; lei u
~ go to bed; (zbog bolesti) take to bed; soba s jednim (dva) ~om (a) a single (double-)-bedded room;
namjestiti ~ make the bed
kreveti m dim (djeji) cot, crib
krevetnina f v. posteljina
krezub m toothless, gap-toothed
krezubina f tooth-gap
Krf m geog Corfu
krhak adj brittle, fragile; apt to break, frangible, easily broken; (eljezo) short
krhanje n chipping, cracking
krhati vt knock (break, chip) off (fragments)
krhati se vr become chipped | lako se ~ be brittle
krhkost f brittleness, fragility; shortness; crispness
krhotin|a f chip, chipped, off piece | ~e granata
(bombi) shell (bomb) fragments
krianje n cry(ing), shout(ing), bawl(ing), squall(ing);
(psovanje) scald(ing), clamour; (buanje) bluster(ing)
kriati vi cry, shout, squall, clamour, bluster; (derati
se) bawl, vociferate; (vritati) scream, screech,
make an uproar (noise)
kriav adj (boje) loud, gaudy, garish
kriavost f (boje) loudness, gaudiness, garishness
krigla f beer-mug | ~ piva a pint of beer
krijepiti vt strengthen, invigorate, nerve, fortify,
brace; (lijekom) give a tonic, refresh, restore
krijepiti se vr fortify oneself, take a tonic (an invigorating drink, nourishing food)
krijepljenje n strengthening, invigorating, fortifying,
bracing, refreshing
krijes m bonfire
krijesenje n scintillation, sparking, glinting, twinkling
krijes|iti se vr (blijetiti) glitter, gleam, glint, flash,
beam, glisten, coruscate; (treperiti) twinkle; (ar)
glow; shine brightly; sparkle, scintillate, glare | oi
mu se ~e (srdba itd.) his eyes glare
krijesnica f ent B glow-worm, A lightning bug; (meteor) shooting-star
krijumar m smuggler, contrabandist; (alkohola)
bootlegger A sl
krijumarenje n smuggling; (alkohola) bootlegging A
sl; (oruja) gunrunning
krijumar|iti vt smuggle, run contraband goods | ~ena
roba smuggled goods, contraband
krijumarka f woman smuggler

krik m cry; scream; shriek, outcry | posljednji ~

(mode) the last word (in fashion), the dernier cri
krika f screams pl, screaming, outcry, outcries pl,
shrieks pl nastade ~ i vika an outcry arose
kriket m sp cricket | igra ~a cricketer
kriknuti vi give a shriek (shout, cry), cry; scream
(screech, shriek) out
krilat adj winged; (brz) rapid; (letei) flying, fleeting
krilatica f (rije) catchword, familiar motto, slogan,
quotation, household word, winged word
krilce n dim little (tiny) wing
krilni adj wing
kril|o n wing; poet pinion; (eira) (hat) brim; (stola)
flap; (vrata) leaf (of folding door); (prozora) casement; (vjetrenjae) arm (of windmill); (aviona)
plane; (dogradnja kue) wing, outhouse; (koljeno)
lap; fig (zajednica, drutvo) circle, midst, bosom;
(crkve) pale, fold | vrata s ~ima folding-door; udarati ~ima flap the wings; leprati ~ima flutter; vojnik na ~u file-leader; prekrstiti ruke na ~u sit
with one's hands folded, (lijenost) be idle; narasla
su mu ~a his spirit has got wings; fig njemu je
pala srea u ~o he had a windfall (a stroke of unexpected luck, good fortune); ftb desno ~o outside
right; dozidati ~o throw out a wing
Krim m geog Crimea
kriminal m crime, criminality; crime rate | omladinski ~ juvenile delinquency
kriminalac m criminal
kriminalan adj criminal; fig awful; v. kriminalistiki
kriminalist m criminologist; criminalist
kriminalistiki adj criminologist; criminalist | ~ romani detective stories, murder mysteries, crime fiction
kriminalistika f criminology; crime investigation
kriminalitet m v. kriminal
kriminologija f criminology
kriminolog m criminologist
krimski adj geog Crimean
krink|a f mask; fig pretence, semblance, pretext, veil,
disguise, cloak, guise | pod ~om masked; fig in
(under) the guise of; skinuti nekom ~u unmask,
expose; skinuti ~u (sam) throw off all disguise,
drop the mask, lift the mask
krinolina f hist crinoline
kriomar m v. krijumar
kriomice adv v. kradom
kripl m Ger v. bogalj; derog jerk
kripta f archit crypt
Krist m Christ | prije ~a before Christ (abbr B.C.);
poslije ~a Anno Domini (abbr A. D.)
kristal m crystal; rock-crystal, quartz, fancy glass
kristal|an m crystal, crystalline; (proziran) transparent, limpid | ~no posue crystal (ili cut-glass) tableware
kristalizirati (se) vt (vr) crystallize
kristalno adv | ~ jasno crystal clear
krika f slice, thin piece; (mesa) cut
kriom adv v. kradom

Krit m v. Kreta
kriterij m criterion
kriti vt keep thing dark, conceal, disguise; (osjeanje)
cover (feelings), mask, veil; (skrovite) shelter
hide; (ukradenu robu) receive (stolen goods), fence
| onaj tko krije ukradeno receiver, fencer
kriti se vr lie close, be in hiding, keep dark (close),
take shelter behind, hide; (vrebati) lurk | tu se
neto krije there is something at the bottom of it;
fig iza toga se on krije he is at the bottom of it
kriticizam m criticism
kriti|an adj (pogibao) critical, grave, earnest, serious;
(prigovor) fault-finding, taking exceptions; (zloban) carping, cavilling, captious, censorious; (u
jelu) nice, fastidious, hard to please | ~ poloaj (~
no stanje) critical position, crisis, conjuncture,
critical juncture, pass, pinch; to je ~no things have
come to a strange pass; (za ivot) it is a matter of
life and death; biti u ~nom poloaju (u kripcu) be
at a pinch
kritiar m critic; (pisac osvrta) reviewer; (kudilac)
fault-finder, censurer; (zloban) carper, caviller;
(nadrikritiar) criticaster
kriti|ki, ~no adv critically
kritinost f critical state (stage)
kritik m v. kritiar
kritik|a f critique, criticism; (osvrt) review; appreciation, strictures pl, a piece of censure (criticism);
censure | ispod svake ~e wretched, fourth-rate
kriti|kant, ~zer m fault-finder
kriti|kantstvo, ~zerstvo n fault-finding
kritizirati vt criticize, review, write an appreciation;
(kuditi) censure, take exceptions, find fault with,
comment upon, be fault-finding; (zlobno) be captious, carp at, cavil
kriv adj (krivnja) guilty, culpable, guilt-stained;
(pogrean) wrong, faulty, mistaken, not right, erroneous, incorrect, inaccurate; (zatvoren, umjetan,
neprav) false, sham, forged, untrue, not genuine,
falsified, dummy, mock, spurious, pseudo-; (tobonji) pretended; (ne uspravan, nagnut) leaning;
(nahero) awry, wry; (iskrivljen - daska) warped;
(kos) oblique, on the bias, skew; (nagnut - ploha)
slanting, shelving; (savijen) (grown) crooked, bent,
deformed; (krivonog) bandy; (iskrivljen - injenice)
distorted | biti ~ be guilty of; on je ~ he is to blame;
on nije ~ he is not to blame, it is not his fault, he is
blameless (guiltless, innocent); nisam ja ~ it is not
my fault; krivo je to to... the fault lies in...; tome
su ~e prilike this is due to (owing to) circumstances; ~i dragulj sham (paste, strass) jewels; ~i
biser imitation pearl; ~a igra foul play; ~o ime
feigned name, pseudonym, fictitious (assumed)
name; ~i korak false step; fig moral slip (lapse); ~i
razlomak improper fraction; ~i zakljuak bull,
sophism, fallacy, paralogism, illegitimate conclusion; ~a prisega perjury, false oath; ~i bog idol; ~o
lice wry face; ~i potez (ah) wrong move; ~a

nauka heresy; ~a mjera short weight; sam je sebi

~ (pravo mu bilo) serves him right
kriva f v. krivulja
krivac m guilty person, offender, trespasser ; (vei)
culprit, criminal, misdoer, perpetrator; (tobonji)
scapegoat; (optueni) defendant
krivda f v. nepravda
krivic|a f (krivnja) guilt, fault; (prestupak, zloin)
transgression, offence, piece of misconduct, crime,
slip; culpability; (nepravda) injustice, wrong, unfairness, unreasonableness | popraviti ~u redress
(set right, make up for) a wrong; svaliti ~u na lay
the blame on
krivini adj v. kazneni
krivina f (smjer) obliqueness, crookedness, warpedness; v. zavoj
kriviti vt v. okrivljavati, svijati
kriviti se vr make grimaces; (od muke) writhe; (drvo)
krivljenje n (lica) making of grimaces, grimace, distortion
krivnj|a f v. krivica | osjeaj ~e guilty feeling
krivo adv falsely, wrongly, wrongfully, unjustly, unrighteously; (pogreno) mistakenly, eroneously; (u
sloenicama) mis- | giedati ~ look askance; imati ~
be wrong, be (in the) wrong, be mistaken; nemati ~
be (in the) right; ~ ili pravo right or wrong; ~ zai
go wrong; initi ~ nekome do one wrong, do
wrong by one, wrong (injure) one; meni je uinjeno ~ I am wronged (injured); inite mi ~ you do
me wrong; ~ mi je I feel injured; poi ~ (ena) go
wrong; sve ide ~ things have taken a bad turn,
things are turning out badly; ~ mu je he is displeased; stvar je pola ~ (neuspjeh) thing proved a
failure (abortive); tu je neto ~ there is something
amiss here, there is foul play in it; drati za ~ mistake for, be mistaken in; igrati ~ cheat at play; ~
iskazati misstate; ~ se kleti perjure oneself, forswear oneself, swear falsety; krenuti ~ take the
wrong way; ~ mnijenje misconception; ~ tumaenje misinterpretation, misconstruction, mistaken view; ~ napisati (pravopis) misspel; ~
nasloviti misdirect; ~ poi (pismo) miscarry; ~
pjevati (svirati) sing (play) out of tune; ~ poslati
missend; ~ razumjeti misunderstand; ~ stupiti
miss the step, miss one's footing, make a false step;
~ suditi misjudge, judge wrongly; ~ tiskati misprint; ~ tumaiti misinterpret, misconstrue; ~
uputiti misinform; ~ zakljuiti reason illogically,
draw a wrong conclusion
krivoklet|an, ~niki adj perjured, perjurious, forsworn, guilty of perjury
krivokletnik m perjurer, forswearer
krivokletstvo n perjury
krivokljun adj curve-billed
krivolovac m poacher
krivolovstvo n poaching
krivonog adj (kao slovo o) bandy-(bow-) legged; (kao
slovo x) knock-kneed

krivorog adj having curved horns

krivotvoren adj (isprava itd.) forged, counterfeit, falsified, fabricated; imitation; (novac) counterfeit,
krivotvorenje n forgery, falsification, counterfeiting,
krivotvorina f forgery
krivotvoritelj m forger, falsifier, oounterfeiter, adulterer; (novca) counterfeiter, coiner; imitator, fabricator
krivotvoriti vt falsify, forge, counterfeit, adulterate;
(raune) cook accounts sl
krivovjerac m heterodox
krivovjeran adj heterodox, heretical
krivovjerka f heretic woman
krivovjernik m v. krivovjerac
krivovjerski adj v. krivovjeran
krivovjerstvo n heresy, heterodoxy, false doctrine
krivovrat adj wry-necked
krivudanje n sinuation, circuitous walk, meandering,
tortuosity, windings and turnings
krivudati vi meander, wind, serpentine, move sinuously, straggle, turn and twist
krivudav adj winding, tortuous, sinuous, meandering,
serpentined; spiral; (ulica, kue) straggling,
krivulja f geom curve
krivuljast adj curved, winding, tortuous
kriz|a f crisis, turning-point, critical situation; (mrtva
toka) dead-lock | doslo je do ~e matters came to a
krizantema f bot chrisantemum
krizma f eccl (ulje) chrism; (obred) confirmation
krizmanik m eccl confirmand
krizmati vt confirm
krizmati se vr eccl receive corfirmation, be confirmed
krizn|i adj | ~e toke crisis (trouble) spots
kri m cross; (raspelo) crucifix; (jarbola) yard; (poprena greda) cross-bar, cross-beam, cross-piece;
(na tapu) crosier, crozier; (na koloturu, kao ulaz
umjesto vrata) turnstile; fig (muka) cross, trail,
tribulation | u ~ crosswise, across, on the cross;
poput ~a cruciform, cross-shaped; pribiti na ~
crucify; raspee na ~u crueifixion; Crveni ~ the
Red Cross
kri|a n pl anat small of the back | bol u ~ima lumbago
krialite n crossing, cross-roads pl
krialjka f crossword puzzle
krian pp (precrtan) crossed (out); (pasmina) cross
bred, hybrid | ~a pasmina cross-breed
krianac m hibrid; derog mongrel, half-breed
krianje n (raskre) crossing, intersection; (precrtavanje) crossing out (off); (pasmine) cross-breeding
kriar m hist crusader
kriarsk|i adj hist of (like) a crusader, of the crusaders
| ~a vojna crusade
kriarstvo n hist the crusades pl, the crusading

kriati vt (precrtati) cross out (off), draw a line

through, score out; (cestu, crtu) intersect; (pasminu) cross-breed, cross-fertilize, interbreed
kriati se vr cross oneself, make the sign of the cross;
(crte, putovi) intersect, cut one another; (pasmine)
cross-breed, inter-breed
krii m dim small cross, crosslet
krini adj | eccl ~ put the Way of the Cross
krkati vt v. derati
krkljanac m v. guva
krkljanje n wheezing, panting; rattle
krkljati vi wheeze, pant; rattle (in one's throat)
krkua f ichth gudgeon
krletka f cage, bird-cage; (skupna, velika) aviary
krljut f collect zoo scales pl (v. ljuske)
krma' f (hrana) fodder, provender, forage; food;
(paa) pasture
krm|a'' f (broda) stern; (s natpalubom) poop | desna
strana ~e starboard; lijeva strana ~e port; na ~i
(~u) abaft, aft; od pramca do ~e from stem to
stern; brod s lopatama na ~i stern-wheeler; ploviti
s vjetrom u ~u sail with the wind
krmaa f sow
krmak m pig, hog; swine; porker; grunter
krmaniti vi v. kormilariti
krmano m v. kormilar
krme n pig, hog
krmei adj of (like) a hog, pig ; pork
krmelj f gum (coll sleep) in the corner of one's eyes
krmeljiv adj gummed up (eyes)
krmenadla f v. karmenadla
krmeni adj a (of) the stern, situated at the stern
krmetina f pork
krmidba f feeding (of cattle)
krmilar m v. kormilar
krmilariti vi v. kormilariti
krmilo n v. kormilo
krmiti vt feed, fodder, bait
krmivo n v. krma'
krmljenje n feeding, baiting
krmn|i adj fodder | ~o bilje forage crops
krntija f wreck, rattle-trap; (auto) B sl banger, A sl
clunker, A sl jalopy
krnj adj (podrezan) truncated, docked; (nepotpun)
incomplete, unfinished | biti ~ be incomplete, unfinished; (manjkav) defective; (oteen) mutilated;
(s isputanjima) garbled; (obrezan) lopped;
(krbav) chipped; geom ~i stoac truncated cone
krnjadak m stump
krnjenje n (rez) truncation; (osakaenje) mutilation;
fig (presizanje) encroachment, invasion; (ugleda)
derogation, detraction
krnjiti vt truncate, mutilate, mangle; fig (prava) encroach upon, ivade, impair; (ugled) derogate,
prejudice, detract from (reputation)
kroatist m ling Croati(ani)st
kroatistiki adj ling Croati(ani)st
kroatizam m ling Croati(ani)sm
kroatizirati vt ling Croat(ian)ize

kroenje n march, marehing, striding, pacing, progressing, walking, going

kroiti vi march, tread, stride, pace, walk, go
kroenje n (act of) taming
krofna f v. krafna
kroj m cut; (nacrt) pattern; (oblik) fashion, style,
shape, model
kroja m tailor; (enski) ladies' tailor
krojaica f (haljina) dress-maker, tailoress; (rublje) v.
krojaija f tailor's trade
krojak|i adj a tailor's (dressmaker's), of (used by) a
tailor | ~a lutka (tailor's) dummy; ~a radionica tailor's shop
krojenje n cutting out
krojilac m cutter
krojiti vt cut out (dresses); fig (pravdu) administer
krok m v. korak, hod
kroket m sp croquet; cul croquette
kroki m sketch
krokirati vt sketch
krokist m sketcher
krokodil m zoo crocodile
krokodilsk|i adj a crocodile's, crocodile | ~a koa
crocodile (A alligator) leather; cipele od ~e koe
crocodile (A alligator) shoes
krom m (kovina) chromium, chrome
kromiran adj chromium-plated
kromirati vt plate with chromium
kromni adj chrome
kromosom m biol chromosome
krompir m v. krumpir
kroni|an adj chronic, inveterate | ~na bolest chronic
kroniar m chronicler
kroninost f chronicity
kronik|a f chronicle | pisati ~u o neem chronicle
kronologija f chronology
kronoloki adj chronological | ~m redom chronologically
kronometar m chrnometer
kropilo m v. kropilo
kropionica f v. kropionica
kros(-kontri) m sp cross-country race
kroe m box hook | pogoditi ~om u bradu hook in the
kronja f crown (top) of a tree; (nad dunglom) canopy
kronjast adj having a large crown (tree)
krotak adj (pitom) tame; (pripitomljen) domesticated;
(posluan) tractable, submissive, not refractory;
(blag) mild, gentle, meek, sweet-tempered; (snoljiv) tolerant, enduring; (bezazlen) inoffensive;
(popustljiv) easy, compliant, yielding; (miran)
placid, peaceable
kroti|lac, ~telj m tamer, subduer

krotiti vt tame, domesticate; (konja) break in; (obuzdavati) curb, restrain, check; (pokoriti) subdue,
make tractable, master
krotkost f tameness, meekness, gentleness, sweetness,
mildness; docility, tractabilty
krov m roof; (na dva pera) span-roof; (ravan) flat
roof; (prislonjen) lean-to (roof); (platnen, na
brodu, duanu itd.) awning; (na kolima) tilt;
(slamnati) thatched roof; (od indre) shingile-roof;
fig (kua) shelter, house, housing, modging, cover |
pod ~om under cover; bez ~a shelterless, houseless, exposed; pokriva ~ova (crijepom) tiler;
(kriljevcem) slater; (slamom) thatcher; pokriti ~
crijepom (kriljevcem, slamom, indrom) to tile
(slate, thatch, shingle) a roof; pokriti ~om roof in
(over); nee on vie pod moj ~ he will never
darken my door again; spremiti pod ~ put under
cover; etva je spremljena pod ~ harvest is
brought home; ljudi bez ~a nad glavom homeless
krovn|i adj of (used for, lying on) a roof; roofing | ~a
greda rafter, beam, roof-tree; ~a daica (indra)
shingle; ~a ljepenka tar paper; ~i prozor dormerwindow, luthern; (ravan) sky-light; ~i lijeb gutter-tile; ~i greben ridge of the roof; ~i zabat gable
krovopokriva m roofer (specif tiler, thatcher, slater)
krovopokrivaki adj | ~ radovi roofing work; ~ radnik roofer
kroz prep through; by; (pomou) by means of; (zbog)
by reason of, by dint (virtue) of; (krivnja) by fault
of, per; (uslijed) owing to, in consequence of; (za
vrijeme) during, pending; (preko) across; (silom)
upon the strength of | ~ naskroz right through,
throughout, through and through, all through, from
end to end; ~ vrata ne mogu kola proi the gate
does not admit a carriage to pass; proi ~ cross,
traverse; baciti ~ prozor throw out the window; ~
nekoliko dana within a few days; ~ cijelu godinu
all the year round; sci x ~ 2 (x/2) x over 2
krpa f rag, tatter, mop, shred; (za sue) dish-cloth; (za
prainu) duster; (zakrpa) patch, botch | ovjek u
~ma tatterdemalion; djeak u ~ma regamuffin;
papir od ~ rag-paper; v. blijed kao ~
krpanje n patching (up), mending; (arapa) darning;
(cipela) cobbling; (loe) botching
krpar m ragman, rag-picker; (na veliko) rag-merchant
krparenje n makeshift; (loe) botching
krparija f derog botch, bungle, clumsy work
krpariti vt fig use makeshift; (loe) bungle, botch,
repair badly; huddle up; (muiti se) make hardly
both ends meet, eke out one's income, make shift,
get along somehow
krpati vt repair; patch (up), vamp (up); (loe) botch;
(cipele) cobble; (arape) darn; (odijelo) mend;
piece (together); (nabrzo) do hastily (carelessly),
huddle up, bungle, do badly (clumsily)
krpelj m ent tick
krpenjaa f rag-ball
krpe m v. krparija, krpanje

krpica f dim small cloth; shred, snippet

krpiti vt v. krpati
krplje f pl snow-shoes
krpljica f (na skijakom tapu) disk
krsn|i adj baptismal; (kri) of the cross | ~i list certificate of baptism; ~o ime Christian name, baptisimal
name; ~i imenik register of baptism
krst m v. kri, krtenje
krsta n pl v. kria
krstaa f anat sacrum
krstarenje m cruise, cruising; (protiv vjetra) tacking
krstarica f nav cruiser
krstariti vi cruise; (protiv vjetra) tack
krsta m nav cruiser | bojni ~ battle cruiser
krstaki adj v. kriarski
krsti m dim v. krii
krstina f (snopova) shock (of sheaves)
krstionica f eccl (baptismal) font, baptist(e)ry
krstitelj m baptizer | Ivan ~ John the Baptist
krstiti vt eccl baptize, christen; (dati ime) name;
(nadimkom) dub, nickname; (iznova) re-christen;
(vino) adulterate wine (alkoholom load, vodom add
water to wine) | krsti vuka, a vuk u goru what is
bred in the bone, will come out in the flesh
krstiti se vr cross oneself, make the sign of cross | ~
od uda be astounded
krstitke f pl baptismal fete
Krsto m Christopher
krstobolja f med lumbago, pains in the loins
krstokljun m ornith red crossbill
krstoplet m cross-band, strip of paper as wrapper (for
printed paper itd.)
kr m v. kamenjar; geog Karst
kran adj (jak, zdrav) robust, stalwart, strong, stout,
sturdy, strapping, athletic; v. krevit
kranin m Christian
kranka f Christian woman
kranski adj Christian, Christianly | ~ svijet Christendom, Christianity
kranstvo n Christianity; Christendom
krenje n violation, break, breaking; (obeanja, ugovora, zakletve) breach (of promise, contract, oath);
trespasing, infringement, transgression, offending
krevit adj rugged, craggy, rocky, jaggy, cliffy
krevitost f rockiness, ruggedness
kritelj m transgressor, violator, trespasser, offender
kriti vt break, transgress, infringe, violate, traspass;
(rije itd.) break one's promise (word); act contrary
to; (kidati) crack, chip; crumble
kriti se vr chip, crumble
krnost f robustness, sturdiness, stalwartness, athletic
krtenica f certificate of baptism; a christened (female) child (girl)
krtenik m baptizand; baptized (christened) person
krtenje n baptism, christening, baptizing, administration (ceremony, rite) of baptism
krt adj brittle | ~o meso lean meat
krtica f zoo mole

krtij|i adj | ~e krzno mole-skin

krtinjak m mole-hill
krtola f bot v. gomoljika
krtost f brittleness; (mesa) leanness
krug m circle; cycle; (dohvat) compass, range, reach;
(djelokrug) sphere, province; (ophodni: policajca,
raznosaa i sl.) beat; (drutvo) company, society,
class, set, coterie; (znanaca) acquaintance; (strujni)
circuit | u mom ~u (djelokrugu) in my ken (sphere,
range, scope); izvan mog ~a out of (beyond) my
ken (sphere, range, scope); okretati se u ~u spin
(turn, twirl) round; koji se vrti u ~u rotatory; dati
da boca kola u ~u pass the bottle round; u ~u
round about; gym ~ovi the rings
kruh m bread; fig daily bread; (hljebac) loaf; (domai)
home-made bread; (glavna hrana) staff of life,
standing dish, staple food, bread and butter; fig
(sredstvo za ivot) living, subsistence, livelihood,
competence, competency ; (posao) work, employment | stari (svjei) ~ stale (new) bread; imati dobar ~ enjoy a competency; liiti ~a deprive one of
his livelihood, take away one's bread; jesti svoj
vlastiti ~ be one's own master; bez ~a breadless;
(bez namjetenja) unemployed; ostati bez ~a be
thrown out of work; ~ i maslac bread and butter;
pei ~ bake bread; jedna ispeena pe ~a a batch;
~ se digao bread has risen; krika ~a slice of
bread; komadina ~a chunk of bread; prilica za ~
bread-toaster; kora ~a crust of bread; mekotina ~a
a crumb; gnjecav ~ sad (doughy) bread; ~ s
kvasom leavened bread; ~ s pjenicom bread with
yeast; ~ bez kvasa unleavened bread ; crni (bijeli)
~ brown (white) bread; preni ~ toast
kruhoborac m place-hunter, pushing chap
kruhoborstvo n place-hunting, struggle for promotion
in service
krul|iti vi | ~i mi u elucu my stomach is rumbling
kruljenje n rumbling (in the bowels)
krumpir m bot potato, cul potatoes | kuhani (pire,
restani, peeni) ~ boiled (mashed, sauteed, roast)
potatoes; preni ~ (pomfrit) B chips, A french fries;
(u plokama, ipsi) B crisps, A chips; ~ peen u
kori potatoes baked in their jackets (skins); mladi
~ young potatoes
krumpirov adj of potatoes | ~a cima tops; ent ~a
zlatica Colorado beetle
krun|a f crown; (manja) coronet; (engl. novac) crown;
(ptice) crest; bot corona; (oko sveeve glave) halo;
(krug) circle; (vrh drveta) head (top) of tree; (najvii dio) highest part, the very top; fig king, queen;
(zubna) crown | prisvaja ~e usurper (of a crown);
nasljednik ~e successor to the crown; liiti ~e discrown, depose; poput ~e crown-shaped; fig biti ~a
neega be the crown (the chief ornament) of; fig
staviti ~u na put the finishing touches to...; iron da
bude ~a svemu to crown all
krunic|a f eccl rosary; (manja) chaplet; string of beads
| moliti ~u say one's rosary

krunidba f coronation, crowning

krunidben adj appertaining to the coronation, coronation
krunisanje n v. krunidba
krunisati vt v. (o)kruniti
krunte n battlements pl | zid s ~m battlemented wall
kruniti' vt crown
krniti'' vt (kukuruz) shell
krunski adj regal, of the crown, belonging to the
crown, crown | ~ znakovi regalia
krunjaa f corn sheller
krunjen pp crowned | ~ pjesnik poet laureate; ~a
glava crowned head
krupa' f v. grd
krupa'' f barley-groats
krup|an adj large, big, bulky, heavy, hulking, robust,
massive, sturdy, burly; (debeo) corpulent, thick,
fat, stout; voluminous; (nepristojan, rijei) gross;
(grubo izraen) coarse, homely, rough; (glas) deep;
(tisak) bold (fat) type | dolo je do ~na it came to
krupat|ica, ~ka f ichth white (silver) bream
krupica f grits pl, husked (ground) oats pl; (griz) B
semolina, A farina
krupje m croupier
krupnoa f bigness, bulkiness, robustness, corpulence,
thickness, burliness, voluminousness, massiveness,
krupnjati vi grow larger (stouter, heavier, coarser)
kruarica f bread grain
krui m dim small loaf
kruk|a f pear; (stablo) pear-tree | kao da je pala s ~e
pretending total ignorance; nisam ja pao s ~e I am
not such a fool
krukolik adj pear-shaped
krukovac m perry, (vono vino) perry B; (liker) pear
krukovaa f (rakija) pear brandy
krukovina f pear-wood
krun|i adj bread, used for bread | ~a pe baker's oven;
~a lopata baking sheet; ~a karta rationcard for
bread; ~a torba haversack; ~i tanjur platter
krunica f oven; dry-kiln (for fruit)
krut adj hard, stiff, buckram, rigid, starched; (nepopustljiv) unbending, unrelenting, firm, stubborn,
hardshell; (ozbiljan, nemio) austere, severe, stern,
rigorous; (nemilosrdan) merciless, fierce, harsh,
cruel, oppressive; (okrutan) heavy, inhuman;
(nedirnut) unmoved; inclement | ~a zbilja hard
krutiti se vr become stiff (rigid)
kruto adv stiff, stiffly; badly, very cruelly; rigidly, severely
krutost f stiffness, rigidity, rigour; firmness; inflexibility
kruenje n passing round, rotation, round, circulation,
krui m dim little circle

kruiti vi turn (move, pass) round (in circle); round,

circulate, gyrate, revolve; rotate; go (pass) round;
be current | astron ~ oko Zemlje circle (orbit) the
krun|i adj circular; (kretanje) rotatory; (okrugao)
round, spherical, orbicular | ~a pila circular saw; ~i
odsjeak segment; ~i obujam circumference; ~o
pismo round robin; (okrunica) circular; ~o putovanje tour; (morem) cruise
krunica f geom circle
kruok m Rus circle, group
krv f blood; (zgruana) coagulated (clotted) blood,
gore; (podrijetlo, obitelj, rod) descent, family, line,
parentage, lineage, house, race, kindred, relations,
birth | mlada ~ young blood; fig plava ~ blue
blood, high birth; dobra ~ (pasmina) thoroughbreed; vlastita ~ own flesh and blood; to mu je u
~i it runs in his blood, it is bred in his blood; ~ nije
voda blood tells, blood is thicker than water; od ~i
i mesa flesh and blood; rod po ~i kinsman; borba
do ~i (u obitelji) blood feud; ibati do ~i scourge to
the blood; preobilje ~i plethora; gruda ~i clot of
blood; ~lju zalivene oi blood-shot eye; bacanje ~i
blood spitting; gubitak ~i loss of blood; navala ~i
congestion of blood; otrovanje ~i bloodpoisoning;
putanje ~i bloodletting, cupping, bleeding, scarifying; pustiti ~ let blood, bleed (blood) one, cup,
scarify; prolijevanje ~i bloodshed, slaughter, masacre, butchery, carnage; transfuzija ~i blood
transfusion; kraljevska ~ royal blood; pohlepan
(edan) ~i blood-minded, bloodthirsty, sanguineous; sredstvo za zaustavljanje ~i styptic; bez ~i
bloodless, anaemic; ~ mi ide iz nosa I bleed at the
nose, my nose bleeds; ~ je iknula iz rane blood
gushed from the wound; ~ mu je navrla u glavu
his blood mounted; ~lju natopljen steeped in
blood; omaten ~lju blood-stained; prolio je
mnogo ~i he has spilt much blood; fig piti ~ kome
torment; (dunicima) be a blood-sucker; po tankoj
~i by the female branch (jur by the distaff side) of
the family
krvarenje n bleeding | ~ iz nosa nosebleed
krvarina f blood-money
krvariti vi bleed; (iz nosa) bleed at the nose; (iz
mnogo rana) bleed from many wounds
krvav adj bloody, blood-stained, gory, covered with
blood, sanguinary; (oi) bloodshot (eyes)
krvavica f cul blood sausage, black pudding
krvavo adv (steen, zasluen) earned with hardest
work (toil) | ~ es mi platiti I'll revenge myself on
you for it, you shall smart for this
krvca f dim v. krv
krviti se vr fight (oko over); shed blood
krvljenje n fighting (over); shedding blood
krvn|i adj haematic, blood | ~a osveta bloody revenge;
(borba) blood feud; ~o srodstvo blood relationship,
consanguinity; ~o tjelece blood corpuscle; bijela
(crvena) ~a tjeleca leucocytes, erythrocytes; med
~a grupa blood type; med ~a slika blood count; ~i

optok blood circulation; ~i neprijatelj mortal enemy, arch-enemy; ~a ilica blood vessel; ~i tlak
krvnica f fig murderess; torturess
krvniki' adj murderous, bloody; (krvnikov) the executioner's, the hangman's
krvniki'' adv murderously, cruelly, violently, intensely
krvnik m executioner, hangman, headsman; fig
butcher, oppressor; (muitelj) torturer, tormentor;
(ubojica) murderer, assasin
krvnitvo n fig murderousness
krvoliptanje n v. krvarenje
krvoloan adj blood-thirsty, blood-minded, sanguinary
krvolonost f bloodthirstiness
krvolok m bloodthirsty person, murderous person, cutthroat, butcher-bloodsucker, vampire, ghoul
krvolotvo m bloodthirstiness
krvopija f blood-sucker; (lihvar) extortioner; vampire;
krvoprolie n bloodshed, earnage, slaughter, massacre, butchery
krvotok m circulation (of the blood); blood stream;
anat circulatory system
krvoedan adj v. krvoloan
krzmanj|e n hesitation, reluctance, hanging back,
shrinking; indecision, irresolution, temporization |
bez ~a without delay (hesitation)
krzmati vi hesitate, show reluctance; be undecided
(irresolute, tardy, reluctant, slow); hang back, stick
at; scruple, shrink, tarry, linger
krznar m furrier, dresser of furs
krznarija f furrier's shop (trade, workshop); v.
krznarski adj a furrier's, used by a furrier
krznarstvo n furrier's trade, furriery
krzna m fur-bearing animal, fur-bearer
krznak|i adj | ~a farma fur farm
krznen adj fur, furry, of fur | ~a kapa fur-cap, busby;
~i kaput furcoat; kaput s ~om podstavom furlined coat
krzno n fur; (neuinjeno) pelt | ~m podstavljen furlined
krljav adj stunted, checked in one's growth, underfed, undernourished, undersized; weakly, weak,
fragile, backward in growth, dwarfed | ~ rast
stunted growth
krljavac m stunted person, undersized (underfed,
weakly) person
krljaviti vi be arrested (checked) in one's growth, be
krljavost f stuntednees, state of being underfed (undernourished, undersized), ragility, weakness;
Ksantipa f Xanthippe
Ksaver m Xavier
ksenofob m xenophobe
ksenofobija f xenophobia
ksenofopski adj xenophobic

ksilofon m mus xylophone

ksilofonist m mus xylophonist
ktome v. k tome
kub m math | 3 na ~ je 9 the cube of 3 is 9; dii na ~
Kuba f geog Cuba
Kubanac m Cuban
Kubanka f Guban woman
kubanski adj Cuban
kubatur|a f cubic volume (contents) | izraunati ~u
kube n v. kupola
kubini adj cubic
kubik m cubic metre (centimetre)
kubikaa f volume in cubic metres; v. kubatura
kubirati vt math cube, find the cube of
kubist m art cubist
kubistiki adj art cubist
kubizam m art cubism
kubla f ichth v. lojka
kubni adj v. kubini
kubura' f old-fashianed pistol
kubura'' f v. muka, neprilika, okapanje
kuburenje n (living in) straitened circumstances ;
kuburiti vi live in straitened circumstances, live from
hand to mouth, keep body and soul together, make
hardly both ends meet
kubus m v. kub
kuc! inter | ~ ~! knock, knock
kuca f hyp v. pseto, psi, kuja
kucaj m knock; (srca) beat
kucanje n knock, knocking; (srca) heartbeat, pulse,
pulsation; (lupanje) throb, throbbing, palpitation;
(lagano) tap, rap; (jako) thump; (sata) tick, ticking, click
kuc|ati vi knock, rap, tap; (srce) beat, pulsate (lupati
palpitate, throb); (sat) click, tick; v. tipkati | ~a mi
u zubu my tooth is throbbing (with) pain
kucati se vr cilink glasses (with)
kucavica f v. ila ~
kuckanje n intermittent gentle knocking (tapping,
kuckati vt tap, knock lightly
kucnu|ti vi give a short (sharp) knock (rap, tap); clink
| ~o je as rastanka (smrti) the hour of parting
(death) has struck
kucnuti se vr clink one's glass (with)
kucnjava f loud knocking
kuco m hyp v. pseto, psi
kuak m ichth tope, toper, soupfin shark
kue n v. pseto | zoo slijepo ~ mole rat
kuence n, ~i m dim v. psi
kuine f pl tow, akum | zapleo se kao pile u ~ he was
bewildered (perplexed, entangled)
kuka f v. kuja
ku|a f (zgrada) house, dweliling-house; (graevina)
building, structure; (golema) pile; fig (krov, sklonite) roof, shelter; (stambeni blok) B block of flats,

A apartment building; derog tenement-house; (i

nuz-zgrade) homestead; (potleuica) hovel; (s
drvenim okvirom) frame-house; (dom) home,
hearth; (obitelj) family; (tvrtka) house, firm;
(vladajua) reigning (royal) house; (ukuani) inmates (sa sluinadi household); (gospodarstvo)
housekeeping, establishment | Gornja ~a House of
Lords; zastupnika ~a chamber of deputies; javna
~a brothel, tab whorehouse, sl cathouse; lovaka
~a hunting-lodge; on je uvijek kod ~e he keeps the
house, he is regular stay-at-home; eznuti za ~om
long for one's home, be home-sick, have the nostalgia; dovesti enu u ~u marry; drati otvorenu
~u (gostiti) keep open house; ispratiti do ~e see
one home; istjerati iz ~e send packing (slugu);
(gosta) show one the door; on nee vie prekoraiti praga moje ~e he shall never cross my
threshold (darken my door); primiti u ~u accomodate (lodge) one, give one shelter (house); ruiti ~u
pull down a house; voditi ~u keep house; posveta
~e house-warming (useljenje); kod ~e at home,
within doors, indoors; kod ~e za goste (primanje)
at home (day); mene nema kod ~e ni za koga I am
at home to no one; kod ~e u (vjet) well versed in,
familiar with, at home in, master of; kao kod ~e at
ease, comfortable; ponaajte se kao kod ~e consider yourself at home, make yourself quite at
home; ja sam kod njega kao kod ~e I have the run
of his house; izvan ~e out of doors; u ~i within
doors; on nema ~e ni kuita he is homeless,
without house or home; od ~e (odsutan) from
home, out; ima imetka od ~e he has property of
his own (in his own, right, by right of inheritance);
nema stalne ~e he has no settled home; od ~e do
~e house-to-house; prodava od ~e do ~e pedlar;
prodavati od ~e do ~e peddle; kod ~e nainjen,
peen itd. home-made, homebaked; ~e bez reda
graene straggling houses
kuanica f v. domaica
kuanski adj domestic; household | ~ poslovi domestic
work, housekeeping; v. ~ aparati
kuanstv|o n housekeeping, management of the house;
household establishment (v. domainstvo) | osnovati ~o set up house; napustiti ~o break up house;
trokovi u ~u household expenses
kuarac m v. torbar
kuarenje n v. torbarenje
kuarina f house-tax
kuariti vi v. torbariti
kuedomain m master (head) of the house
kuegazda m landlord, proprietor (owner) of the
house, bouseholder, master of the house
kuenje n building a household
kuepazitelj m v. pazikua
kuepaziteljica f woman care-taker
kuerak m small (wretched) house
kuerina f aug huge house, barn
kueupravitelj m (house) superintendent
kuevan adj house, domestic, indoor

kuevlasnik m house-owner
kui adv home, homeward(s) | brod koji se vraa ~
home-bound ship, homeward bound ship; krenuti
~ set out for home; put ~ way home; (broda) return
kuica f dim little house, cottage, bungalow, box, crib,
hut, hovel; (pua, koljke) shell; (psea) dog-house
kuite n place where a house stood; eng housing
kuiti se vr build a household
kun|i adj domestic, indoor, of (belonging to) the
home, home, household, private, family; (pitom)
domesticated, tame; made (used) in home; for domestic use | ~a industrija home-inustry; ~i lijenik
house-physician; (koji stanuje u bolnici) resident
physician; ~i broj number of the house; ~a eljad
domestics, inmates, family, household; ~i lijek
domestic remedy, nostrum; ~i posao domestic
work; ~ uitelj tutor; (uiteljica) governess; ~i
ureaji furniture, fittings, fixtures; ~a vrata front(street-)door; ~a ivotinja domestic (domesticated)
animal; ~e potreptine household goods; ~i ogrta
house-coat, dressing-gown, A+ bathrobe, ~a pomonica domestic help, house-maid; med ~a posjeta house call
kud(a) adv where, where... to, whither, which way, in
which direction, toward what | ~ god where(so)ever, anywhere, in whatever direction; ne zna ni ~
ni kamo he is at a non-plus, he is at his wit's end,
he is in dilemma (fix); ~koji every which way
kudikamo adv | ~ najbolji (najvei) by far the best
(the biggest)
kuditelj m fault-finder, censurer, blamer, carper, captious (censorious) critic (person)
kuditi vt blame, censure, crtiicize, find fault with, take
expections to, carp at, reprove
kudjelja f tow, hemp; (od konopa) oakum
kudjeljara f hemp-spinning mill
kudjeljast adj towy
kudrav adj curly, crispy, shaggy
kudravac m person with curly (unkempt) hair, roughhaired person
kudravost f curliness, shagginess
kudro|nja m, ~v m shaggy dog
kuenje n censure, reprimand, disapproval
kufer m Ger v. putni kovceg
kufera m derog carpet-bagger
kuga f med pestilence, plague; fig (gamad itd.) pest;
fig (zlo) bane, nuisance; (stona) murrain, cattleplague, rinderpest | ~ te! a curse upon you!; ~ ga!
plague on him (it); ~ hara plague is rife
kugl|a f ball; (tane) ball, projectile, bullet, shot (geom i
sl.) globe, sphere, orb; sp shot; (za kuglanje) bowl,
skittle-ball; (biljara) billiards-ball | patrona s ~om
(otar naboj) ball cartridge; topovska ~a cannonball; ~a je zapela u zidu ball has lodged in the
wall; sruiti ~om (unj) bowil down (over); sp bacanje ~e shot-put, putting the shot; bacati ~u put
the shot; baca ~e shot-putter
kuglager m Ger v. kuglini leaj

kuglana f bowling-alley, B+ skittle-alley; (na tratini)

kuglanje n bowling, B+ ninepins | ii na ~ go bowling
kuglast adj ball-shaped, bowl-shaped, globular,
kugla m bowler
kuglati vt roll, bowl, trundle
kuglati se vr play a ninepins, play with skittles (skittle-pins); roll, bawl
kuglic|a f dim small ball, ballot, pellet; bulb; globule |
glasanje ~ama voting (election) by ballot
kuglini adj techn | ~ leaj ball bearing; ~ zglob balland-socket joint
kuglof m cul Ger form cake
kuguar m zoo v. puma
kuhaa f big ladle
kuhalo n cooker, hot plate; spirit lamp; kerosene stove;
gas ring (stove)
kuhan pp cooked, boiled, stewed
kuhanje n cooking; (kuharstvo) cookery, culinary art;
(u pari) stewing
kuhar m (man-) cook, chef
kuharica f (woman-) cook; (knjiga) B cookery-book, A
kuharstvo n cookery, culinary art
kuh|ati vt boil; cook, prepare food; (aj, kavu) make
(prepare) tea (coffee); stew; fig (more) be rough
(boisterous), seethe | gnjev koji ~a pent up anger;
ovaj se grah tesko ~a this bean is a bad boiler
kuh|ati se vr fig (od vruine) swelter | neto se ~ a
(sprema) something is afoot
kuhinja f kitchen; (kuharstvo) cuisine, cookery, cooking; (brodska) caboose, galley | ajna ~ kitchenette; francuska (kineska) ~ French (Chinese) cuisine
kuhinjsk|i adj (used in the) kitchen | ~o sue kitchen
kuja f bitch
kujna f v. kuhinja
kujundija m brass-worker
kujundinica f brass-work shop
kuk m (vanjski) hip; (unutranji) hip bone; (zdjelinobedreni zglob) hip-joint | iaiti ~ dislocate one's
hip; iaenje ~a dislocation of the hip
kuk|a f hook, barb, harpoon, grapyling-iron; clamp;
(stay) crutch; (slova) pothook | digla se ~a i motika na there was a hue and cry against; podii ~u
i motiku na raise hue and cry against
kukac m insect; (malen) bug (esp A); med (na prstu)
kukanje f wail, wailing, lamentation; poet plaint
kukast adj barbed, hooked; (nos) aquiline
kukati vi wail, lament, deplore, weep over; (jecati)
groan, moan
kukavac m wretch, a poor (needy, poverty-stricken,
unlucky, ill-starred) person
kukav|an adj (jadan) wretched; (jadan, alostan) sad,
pitiful, miserable, woeful, pitiable; (siromaan, bijedan) abject, destitute, needy, penurious; (triav)

trifling, sorry, shabby; (podao) mean, base; (kukavica) cowardly, craven, white-lipped, chickenhearted, white-livered, faint-hearted, dastardly |
~na isprika poor (paltry, thin) excuse
kukavic|a f (ptica) cuckoo; fig coward, poltroon, dastard, craven | on je sinja ~a he is a poor (miserable) wretch (poltroon); pokazati se ~om show the
white feather
kukaviki adj & adv cowardly
kukaviluk m (a piece of) cowardice (poltroonery,
dastardness); white liver
kukavno adv dastardly, cowardly; (traljavo, jadno)
shabbily, wretchedly, miserably, lamentably, poorly
| ponijeti se ~ show the white feather; (pobjei)
turn tail
kukavnost f cowardliness; (jadnost) shabbiness, poorness, wretchedness
kukavtina f dastardly behaviour; v. kukaviluk
kukco|jed, ~der m zoo insectivore
kuki m dim little insect (bug)
kukica f dim small hook; (za kakanje) hooked needle
kukma f crest, tuft
kukmast adj crested, tufted
kuknjava f loud wailing; fig (loud) complaints
kukolj m bot (corn) cockle | u svakom itu ima ~a
there are black sheep in every fold
kuku! int (i ~ lele!) woe! alas!; (u igri skrivaa) peek!,
peekaboo! | ~ meni woe is me!
kukuljica f hood, cowl; (kukca) pupa, chrysalis,
nymph (ahura cocoon)
kukurijek m bot hellebore
kukurikanje n crow, crowing
kukurikati vi crow
kukuriku! interj cock-a-doodle-doo!
kukuruz m B maize, A (Indian) corn | ljustiti ~ husk,
hull; hibridni ~ hybrid maize (corn)
kukuruzite n B maize-field, A corn field
kukuruzn|i adj | ~i brk beard; ~i klip cob, ear; ~a
komuina dry maize (A corn) meal
kukuruzovina f maize (A corn) stalks pl
kukurunjak m B maize-bread, A corn-bread
kukuta f bot hemlock
kukuvija f zoo barn owl
kul|a f (round) tower; stronghold; (ah) rook, castle;
fig bulwark | graditi ~e u zraku build castles in the
air; ~a svetilja v. svjetionik
kulaki adj pol kulak
kulak m pol kulak
kula m dun horse
kulen m paprika-flavored salami
kulinarski adj culinary
kulinarstvo n culinary art
kulisa f (stage) scenery; (sa strane) wigs pl; (sprijeda)
flies pl | pokreta ~ (radnik) scene-shifter, flyman;
fig iza ~ behind the scenes
kulminacij|a f culmination | doi do ~e reach culmination (climax); (kriza) come to a head
kulminirati vi culminate

kuloar m par lobby | fig pria se po ~ima da the story

in the lobbies is, sl the grape-vine is
kuloarsk|i adj behind-the-scenes | ~e prie lobby talk,
sl grape-vine
kult m cult | pol ~ linosti personality cult; ~ prepreka ancestor worship
kultiv|acija f, ~iranje n (zemljita) cultivation; fig
cultivation, fostering; v. uzgoj, gajenje | privesti
~aciji (zemlju) reclaim (land)
kultivator m farm cultivator
kultiviran adj (osoba) cultivated
kultiviranost f refinement
kultivirati vt cultivate, foster
kultur|a f culture, refinement, civilization; farm crop;
(bakterioloka) culture | opa (iroka) ~a general
(wide) culture; industrijske (poljoprivredne) ~e
cash (field) crops
kulturan adj cultural; (osoba) cultured
kulturno adj in a cultured manner
kulturno-historijski adj cultural and historical
kulturnost f cultured ways (manners)
kulturno-umjetnick|i adj | ~o drutvo cultural club
kuluenje n, kuluk m hist statute labour, cove; fig
toiling, slaving, drudgery
kuluiti vi hist do corve; fig toil, slave, drudge
kuljanje n gushing (pouring) forth of dense smoke
kuljati vi gush (pour) forth (thick smoke)
kuljav adj pot-bellied, paunch-bellied, abdominous
kuljavost f state of being pot-bellied
kum m (krsni) godfather, sponsor; (seljak) gossip |
debeli ~ groomsman; vjenani ~ marriage witness;
best man
kuma f (krsna) godmother; (seljanka) goodwife,
goody, gossip | vjenana ~ maid (matron) of honour; marriage witness; (djeverua) bridesmaid
kumad f collect godchildren
kume n godchild, godson, goddaughter
kumin m cul cum(m)in
kumir m idol, false god | oboavatelj ~a idolater
kumirstvo n idolatry, idol-worship
kumiti vt call to help (witness) in the name of a saint,
ask one to be godfather; entreat, beseech, implore
kumov adj of a godfather, godfather's
kumovanje n acting as godfather (godmother), sponsoring
kumovati vi act (stand) as godfather (godmother),
sponsor; (brodu) perform the launching ceremony |
fig ~ neemu be behind something, pull the strings
kumovsk|i adj of the godparents | ~a slava christening-feast; K~a slama Milky Way, galaxy
kumst m v. kunst
kumstvo n kinship through being godfather (godmother), sponsorship
kuna f zoo marten; fin kuna | ~ bjelica stone marten; ~
zlatica pine marten; kanadska ~ zlatica mink
kundaenje n beating with riflestock (-butt)
kundaiti vt beat with rifle butts
kundak m butt-end (of rifle); (revolvera) (pistol) grip

kuni m zoo rabbit; (djeji naziv) bunny; (mujak)

buck-rabbit; (enka) doe-rabbit | fig probni ~
guinea pig
kuniarstvo n rabbit-raising
kuninjak m rabbit-hatch
kunovina f marten pelt (fur)
kunst m Ger coll | u emu je ~? what's the trick?
kunjalo n an ailing (sickly, apathehic, sluggish) person
kunjanje n being ailing (sickly, ill, poorly, of indifferent health)
kunjati vi be ailing (sickly, poorly, ill); (drijeme)
doze, mope
kunjka f (koljka) Noah's ark
kup' m heap, pile, stack; cluster, mass, amassment;
hoard, store; a great (good) deal of; littered mass
kup'' m (pehar) cup | ftb finale ~a cup final; ftb ~ pobjednika ~ova the Cup Winners' Cup
kupa f brimmer, rummer, bowl, (drinking-)cup, goblet, chalice, beaker; geom v. stoac
kupac m buyer, purchaser; (muterija) customer, consumer; (mogui) prospective (potential) buyer
kupa m bather
kupaica f woman bather (swimmer)
kupai adj bathing, used for bathing (v. gaice,
kupalini adj watering-place, of (staying in, used in) a
spa (watering-place)
kupalite n bathing-place; (javno) bathing-establishment, public baths; (plaa) swimming beach;
(mjesto) bathing resort (morsko seaside resort)
kupanje n bathing, bath, bathe | ii na ~ go for a swim
(coll dip), go to the beach; ogrtac za ~ (bademantl)
kupaonica f bath-room
kupast adj geom v. unjast, stoast
kupati vt give a bath
kupati se vr (u zatvorenom) have (take) a bath; (u prirodi) bathe, (take a) swim
kupatilo n v. kupaonica
kupev adj of the buyer, the buyer's (purchaser's)
kupe m rlw compartment
kupelj f bath; (parna) Turkish bath, steam bath;
(blatna) mud-bath
kupica f (drinking) glass, tumbler; med hist (za
putanje krvi) cupping-glass
kupi m dim small heap
kupina f (plod) blackberry, B+ bramble; (grm) bramble
kupijak m blackberry bushes (patch), brambles
kupiti' vt buy, purchase, make purchases, acquire by
purchase | ii ~ u duan go shopping; ii ~ na trg
go marketing; ~ natrag repurchase; ~ na drabi
buy at an auction; ~ iz druge ruke buy secondhand; ~ jeftino buy a bargain; ~ gotovo za badava
buy for a song, buy dirt cheap; ~ uuture buy by
the bulk
kupiti'' vt (sabirati, pabiriti) glean, collect, scrape
together; (zgrtati) treasure up, amass, accumulate,

heap up; (sakupiti) rally, gather; (vojsku) enrol,

levy, raise army; (glasove) canvass for votes
kupiti se vr v. skupljati se
kupk|a f v. kupelj | ~e pl wateving-place, spa
kupler m Ger v. svodnik
kupleraj m Ger vulg v. javna kua
kuplerica f Ger v. svodilja
kuplet m couplet
kuplung m Ger v. kvailo
kupljen pp bought, purchesed, acquired by purchase;
(mito) bribed (za krivu zakletvu) suborned
kupljenje n gathering, collecting, foregathering, assembling
kupnj|a f purchase | ii u ~u go shopping
kupola f archit cupola, dome; nav (gun) turret
kupon m coupon; exch dividend-warrant | kontrolni ~
ticket-stub, counter foil
kupoprodaja f buying and selling
kupoprodajni adj | ~ugovor sale contract
kupovanje n buying, purchasing, marketing, shopping, making of purchases
kupovati vt buy, purchase, make purchases; (na trgu)
go marketing; (u duanu) shop, go shopping | ova
se roba mnogo kupuje these goods are saleable
(current, vendible); ova se roba slabo kupuje these
goods are a drug in the market
kupovn|i adj purchasing, purchasable, to be had for
money, marketable, fit for sale; (mito) mercenary,
bribable, venal, corruptible | ~i ugovor bill of sale;
~a cijena first (prime) cost; cost-price, purchaseprice; econ ~a mo purchasing power; ~i kruh
ready-made (A+ store) bread
kupovina f thing(s) bought; purchase; (jeftina) bargain; v. kupnja
kupus m cabbage, cole-wort | kiseli ~ sauerkraut, pickled cabbage; salata od zelenog ~a cabbage salad; A
cul coleslaw; glava ~a head of cabbage
kupusar m ent cabbage butterfly
kupunjak m cabbage-garden
kur|a f med cure | podvrgnuti se ~i take a cure; v. ~a
za mravljenje
Kuran m Koran
kura m, ~a f v. odvanost, hrabrost
kuraan adj v. odvaan, hrabar
kurbl m, ~a f mot Ger crank (v. ruica)
kurblati vt mot Ger crank (up)
kurentan adj (tekui) current; com in demand, selling
well | najkurentniji artikli the best-selling goods
kurentnost f being current; being in demand
kurija f court; (drvena) timber-framed country-house;
manor, residence
kuriozitet m, ~um m curiosity, oddity
kurir m (dostavlja) messenger; mil courier, runner,
dispatch rider | diplomatski ~ diplomatic courier;
po ~u by courier
kuriti vt reg v. dimiti, loiti
kurjaki adj of (like) a wolf
kurjak m he-wolf
kurj|i adj | ~e oko (ulj) corn

kurs m (smjer) course; v. teaj | promjena ~a change

of course (i fig)
kursist m training-course graduate (v. teajac)
kursiv m v. kurziv
kursni adj v. teajni
kurum m Tur v. metak, tane
kurtalisati se vr Tur v. osloboditi se
kurtizana f courtesen
kurtoazija f courtesy
kurtoazni adj | uiniti ~ posjet pay a courtesy call
kurva f vulg whore
kurvar m vulg v. kurvi
kurvarluk m vulg whoredom (i fig)
kurvati se vr vulg whore (around)
kurvetina f emph vulg real low-down whore, the biggest whore around
kurvin adj | vulg ~ sin son of a bitch, whoreson
kurvinski adj vulg whorish; fig son-of-a-bitch
kurvi m vulg whoremaster, A sl assman
kurziv m italics pl | u ~u in italics, italicized; istaknuti (tiskati) ~om italicize
kurzivan adj italicized; (pismo) cursive
kus m bite, bit, slice, mouthful, morsel; (namoen) sop
| ~ po ~ bit by bit
kusanje n (voracious) eating
kusast adj docked, bob-tail; truncated | ~ rep (konja,
psa) bob-tail; ~a repa dock-tailed
kusati vt taste, eat (bolt down) voraciously
kusnica f reg kennel
kustos m fig (uvar) custodian; (muzeja) curator
kustura f reg cheap pocket- (clasp-) knife
kusur m Tur remaining (odd) change
ku' m bot (divlja kadulja) sage | aj od ~a sage-tea
ku!'' interj shut up!
kuanje n (okusom) tasting; (pokus) testing, trial, experiment (kovine assay); (nastojanje) attempt, trying, effort(s)
kuaonica f place (shop) where something (drink) can
be tasted
kuati vt (okusom) taste; v. pokuati; (sreu) take
one's chance; (staviti na kunju) test, subject to a
trial, give a trial to, try with, employ on trial, make
a trial with; (pokus) make experiments, make the
test, try the experiment (s kovinom assay); (iskusiti)
experience, suffer; (napastovati) tempt
kuet m rlw couchette | ~ kola couchette car
kunj|a f (napast) temptation; (muke) trials pl, ordeal |
staviti na ~u put to the test; na ~i on test; moja je
strpljivost stavljena na veliku ~u my patience has
been sorely tried; izdrati ~u stand the test
kutrati vt ruffle
kutrav adj unkempt, dishevelled, shock-headed,
kutravac m shock-head
kutravost f unkempt (dishevelled) state of hair
kut m (ugao) corner, nook; geom angle; (zapeak)
ingle-nook | geom otar (pravi, tupi) ~ acute
(right, obtuse) angle

kuta f (kolska) tunic B; (radna) B dust-coat, A duster,

A smock
kutak m dim small nook; (udoban) snug nook; (sobica) snuggery
kuter m mar cutter; sloop
kutij|a f box, chest, container; (za eire) band-box;
case; (burmutica) snuff-box | spremiti u ~u box;
aero crna ~a flight recorder; voice recorder
kutijica f dim (little) box
kutlaa f big ladle
kutni adj corner, angle
kutnjak m molar (tooth), grinder; (stranji) last molar,
kutomjer m protractor, goniometer
kuton m vulg v. prezervativ med
kuvar m v. kuhar, (knjiga) v. kuharica
kuvati vt v. kuhati
kuverta f v. koverta
kuzen m v. brati
kuzena f v. sestrina
kuan adj infectious, contagious, epidemical, catching, pestilential; noxious; (okuen) tained; (zrak)
infected (miasmal, poisoned) air
kuiti vt infect, pollute, contaminate, taint
kunost f contagiousness, infectiousness
kva! interj quack!
kvaica f dim small hook (clasp); (penkale, nalivpera i
sl.) clip; v. tipaljka
kvailo n mot clutch | ubaciti ~ engage the clutch
kvaiti vt hook, clasp
kvaiti se vr fig quarrel, fight
kvadrant m astron & geom quadrant
kvadrat m geom square | math dignuti na ~ square; 2
na ~ two squared, the second power of two
kvadratni adj geom square
kvadratura f (povrina) floor area | geom ~ kruga
squaring the circle
kvadrirati vt math square
kvaka f door-handle; (obla) door-knob; fig (zapreka,
smetnja, potekoa) hitch
kvakati vi quack
kvalificiran adj qualified | ~i radnik skilled worker;
~a bolniarka trained (qualified) nurse
kvalificirati vt qualify; train
kvalificirati se vr qualify (i sp)
kvalifikacij|a f qualification | stei ~e gain qualifications
kvalifikaci|oni, ~jski adj qualifying | sp ~ona takmienja trials; ~jski ispit qualifying (entrance) exam
kvalitativan adj qualitative
kvaliteta f quality
kvalitetan adj (high) quality, high-grade
kvalitetno adv meeting high standards; with fine
kvant m phys quantum
kvantificirati vt quantify
kvantitativan adj quantitative
kvantiteta f quantity
kvantitetan adj quantitative

kvantitetno adv in terms of quantity | ~ izraziti quantify

kvantn|i adj phys | ~a teorija quantum theory
kvantum m quantity
kvar m damage, harm; (nauditi) detriment, disadvantage, prejudice; (gubitak) loss; (traenje) waste;
(defekt) failure, mechanical (engine) trouble | imali
smo ~ we had some engine trouble, our engine
broke down; u ~u out of order, disabled; pretrpjeti
~ sustain a loss, suffer damage, be a loser; nanijeti
~ impair, cause damage (v. teta)
kvarc m minr quartz | ~ lampa sun-lamp
kvarcanje n using a sun-lamp
kvarcati se vt use a sun-lamp
kvarcni adj minr quartz
kvarenje n (izobliiti) marring, spoiling; (moralno i
inae) perversion, corruption, depravation, vitiation; (mesa i sl.) deterioration; (unitenje) ruining;
(lo rad) bungling, botching
kvari m v. majstor ~
kvaritelj m spoiler, perverter, corrupter, damager
kvariti vt spoil; (teta) damage, ruin; (mraz) blight;
(moralno) taint, deprave, corrupt, vitiate | koji
kvari destructive of (to), pernicious (ruinous, fatal)
kvariti se vr spoil, be spoiled (marred); (hrana) perish, deteriorate; taint, rot, decay | ovo se voe kvari
this fruit is perishable (damageable, does not keep)
kvart m part (district) of town; police precinct
kvarta f mus the fourth
kvartal m quarter
kvartalni adj quarterly
kvartet m mus quartet(te)
kvartir m mil arch billet

kvasac m leaven, ferment; (pjenica) yeast, barm

kvasina f v. ocat
kvasiti (se) vt (vr) v. moiti (se), namakati (se)
kvaenje n wetting, moistening, soaking
kvazi- pref quasikveati vi (zec) cry
kveker m eccl Quaker
kvekerski adj eccl Quaker(ish)
kvekerstvo n eccl Quakerism
kvestioner m v. upitnik
kvinta f mus the fifth
kvintal m quintal
kvintet m mus quintet(te)
kvit adv | sad smo ~ we're even (quits) now; i ~! and
that's that!
kviz m quiz show
kvizling m hist quisling
kvizlinki adj hist quisling
kvocanje n clucking; (dranje kokoi) brooding
kvocati vi cluck; be broody
kvocijent m math quotient
kvoka f clucking hen, brood-hen
kvorum m par quorum | imati ~ have a quorum
kvota f quota
kvrc! interj crack!, snap!
kvrcnuti vt crack, snap; (give a) fillip
kvranje n growl(ing)
kvrati vi growl
kvrga f gnarl, knag, snag, node, boss; (u drvu) knot |
iskoila mu je ~ he has got a bump
kvrga|st, ~v adj knotty, knobby, knobbed, nodose
kvrgavost f knottiness, knobbiness

Laba f geog the Elbe
labav adj (klimav) rickety, shaky, tottering, unsteady,
vacillating; (isprika, prigovor) poor, lame, flimsy
labavost f shakiness; lameness
labijal m phon labial
labijalan adj phon labial
labilan adj unstable
labilnost f instability
labiodental m phon labiodental
labirint m labyrinth, maze
laborant m, ~ica f laboratory (coll lab) technician
laboratorij m laboratory, coll lab
laboratorijski adj | med ~ pregledi lab(oratory) tests
labrnja f snout, muzzle, nozzle, mouth of animal
labud m ornith swan; (mladi) cygnet
labudica f female swan; (s mladima) mother swan
labudnjak m swannery
labu|i adj (of a) swan | fig ~i pjev swan's song; ~e
perje swan's down; mus L~e jezero Swan Lake
laburist m B pol Labour Party member, labourite

laburistiki adj B pol Labour; labourite

laanje n catching at, tackling, taking up, resorting to,
having recourse to
laati se vr v. latiti se
ladanj|e n country | na ~u in the country, out of town
ladanjski adj rural, rustic, pastoral | ~ ivot country life
ladica f drawer | ~ se ne da otvoriti the drawer is stuck
laa f ship, boat, vessel, craft (v. brod, teglenica, jedrenjak)
laar m boatman, bargeman, bargee; (skeledija) ferryman
laarenje n a bargeman's trade
laariti vt ply (with a boat) between; (kao zanimanje)
ply a bargeman's trade
laica f dim skiff, canoe, small boat, sculler; (tkalaki
unak) shuttle
laf m sl (donuan) lady-killer | zdravo ~e! hi, sport!
lafeta f mil gun-carriage
lafica f sl great sport (gal)

lagan adj (teina) light; (vrlo feather-weight); (kovina,

tkanina) weightless; lightweight; (bez tekoa) easy,
not difficult; (hitar) nimble, springly; v. lak | ~
korak light tread, measured steps; ~a ruka gentle
hand, light hand (touch); ~a hrana light (digestible)
food; ~ aj weak tea; ~o pivo small beer; ~o vino
light wine; ~a cigara (duhan) mild cigar (tobacco); ~
stil easy (fluent, readable) style; ~ tok (vode) slow
(sluggish, slack) flow
lagano adv slowly, leisurely; (oprezno) cautiously, carefully; (tiho) softly, gently; (bez tekoa) v. lako | ii ~
(etati) stroll, saunter; ii laganije slow down
laganost f (sporost) slowness, slackness; (tromost) sluggishness
laganje n lying, telling lies (untruth); (sitno) fibbing;
(pretjerivanje) stretching (colouring) the truth
lagarije f pl (pack of) lies, falsehoods
lagati vi lie, belie, fib, tell lies, speak untruths; jur (pod
zakletvom) perjure oneself, commit perjury; (pretjerivati) talk tall, stretch (colour) the truth, draw the
long bow, exaggerate | lai nekom drugom! go and
tell the (horse-) marines; lae kao za okladu he lies
like a gas-meter; ~ u lice lie to one's face, lie in one's
lagav m reg v. bava
lager m Ger v. skladite | pol socijalistiki ~ socialist
camp; Eastern Bloc countries
lagerovati vt Ger v. uskladititi
lagodan adj easy, cushy; comfortable, leisurely, snug;
(lijen) lazy, indolent; (bezbrian) serene, unafflicted
lagodno adv comfortably, at one's ease, snugly; (lijeno)
lazily, indolently | ivjeti ~ (kao bubreg u loju) live
(be) in clover
lagodnost f ease, comfort, leisure, comfortableness,
snugness; (lijenost) laziness, indolence
lagum m mil hist mine, sap; (naboj) blast | dii u ~
spring a mine, blast
laguma m min firer, blaster
lagumati vt mil hist undermine, mine, sap
laguna f geog lagoon
lagvi m dim reg v. bavica
lahor m gentle breeze, zephyr
laherast adj breezy
lahori m dim breath (whiff, puff) of air
lahoriti vi blow very gently
laiki' adj lay (i eccl)
laiki'' adv as a layman; in lay terms
laik m layman, lay person; (u samostanu) lay-brother
lajanje n bark, barking; (velikog psa) bay(ing); (bolno)
lajati vi bark (at), bay, give mouth, yelp; fig (ogovarati)
backbite; v. blebetati
lajav adj (brbljav) loquacious, twaddling, gabbling, having a loose tongue; (drzak) cheeky, pert, saucy
lajavac m twaddler, scandal-monger; v. blebetalo
lajavica f (woman) scandal-monger, shrew, scold, termagant; v. blebetua
lajavost f being a twaddler (scandal-monger, slanderous
person); loquaciousness

lajbek m folk short sleeveless jacket

lajdensk|i adj phys | ~a boca Leyden jar
lajsna f Ger v. letva
lajtmotiv m mus & fig leitmotiv, leitmotif
lak' m lacquer; (crni) japan; (za lienje) varnish | ~ za
nokte nail-polish; ~ za kosu hair-spray; ~ koa patent leather
lak'' adj v. lagan | ~a ozljeda light wound; ~o konjanitvo light cavalry; ~a mu bila zemljica! may the
earth be light to him, may he rest in peace!; ~san
light sleep; na ~u ruku v. olako
lakaj m v. lakej
lakat m elbow; (mjera) ell | poderanih ~a out at elbows;
gurati laktem elbow
lakej m lackey, lacquey (oba i fig), footman, derog
lakejski adj lackey's; derog flunkyish
lakiran adj lacquered; japanned; varnished | ~e cipele
patent-leather shoes; ~i nokti polished fingernails
lakirati vt japan, lacquer; (liiti) varnish
lakirer m Ger lacquerer; varnisher; v. auto-lakirer
lakirnica f paintshop
lakirovka f pol sugarcoating
lakmus m | chem ~ papir litmus-paper
laknu|ti vi | ~lo mi je I am (was) relieved, I feel (felt)
lako adv easily, without difficulty, readily | on moe ~
oboljeti he is apt to fall ill; to je ~ it is a child's play;
~ je mogue da... it is very likely that...; on ~ ui he
is quick (clever) at learning; ova se roba ~ kvari
these goods are perishable; ~ se tebi smijati you may
well laugh; ~ razumljiv easy to understand, lucid,
popular; ~ oboruan light-armed
lakoatletiar m sp track-and-field athlete (man)
lakoatletsk|i adj sp track-and-field | ~a staza track
(specif cinder track, tartan track); ~o natjecanje
track meeting (A meet)
lako|a f facility, lightness, ease, easiness | s ~om easily
lakom adj greedy, covetous, avid, grasping; (krt) avaricious, sordid; (eljan) eager for, mad for (after, on);
(prodrljiv) gluttonous, voracious, ravenous; (revan,
strastven) set on, keen-set, keen on
lakomac m (krtac) miser, niggard; greedy person;
(prodrljivac) glutton
lakomica f siphon
lakomislen adj light-minded, thoughtless, inconsiderate,
reckless, rash, improvident; vain, giddy, frivolous;
(nepostojan) fickle, wanton, skittish, giddy-brained
lakomislenost f levity, light-mindedness; want of seriousness
lakomiti se vr be greedy (covetous) after, covet; crave
for, itch for
lakomljenje n v. lakomost
lakomo adv greedily, avidly; eagerly, keenly;
(prodrljivo) voraciously, ravenously
lakomost f greed, greediness, covetousness, avarice,
avidity; (prodrljivost) gluttony, voraciousness, ravenousness
lakonog adj light-footed, fleet, nimble

lakonski' adj laconic

lakonski'' adv laconically
lakouman adj v. lakomislen
lakoumnica f giddy (light-minded, wanton, frivolous,
fickle, skittish) woman
lakoumnik m inconsiderate (thoughtless, light-minded,
giddy) person
lakoumno adv light-mindedly, capriciously, giddily | ~
izgubiti lose through neglect (wantonly); ~ proigrati
(priliku) fling away (opportunity)
lakoumnost f levity, light-mindedness, want of seriousness; frivolity, giddiness; fickleness, wantonness;
(ene) skittishness
lakovan adj v. lakiran
lakovati vt v. lakirati
lakovjeran adj credulous; (prevarljiv) gullible, easy to
be imposed upon, too ready to believe, dupable | ~
ovjek gull; on je ~ he will swallow anything you tell
lakrdij|a f burlesque, farce; comedy; buffoonery; (budalatina) tomfoolery; (obijest) prank, frolic, sport;
(ala) joke, jest, fun, drollery; mock-heroic | praviti
~u od make fun of, poke fun at
lakrdijanje n buffooning, clowning
lakrdija m clown, low comedian, buffoon, zany, jester,
merry Andrew; (aljivina) droll fellow, wag
lakrdijaki adj clownish, farcical, burlesque
lakrdijatvo n buffoonery
lakrdijati vi buffoon, clown
laksativ m med laxative
lake adv comp more easily, with more ease, with less
difficulty | ~! take it easy!; ~ mi je I am relieved; I
feel better
lak|i adj comp easier, less difficult | ~a operacija minor
lakta m pusher, pushy person
laktaki' adj pushy
laktaki'' adv in a pushy manner
laktatvo n pushiness, pushy ways
laktoza f chem lactose
lala f Tur v. tulipan
laloka f derog v. vilica, ralje
lama' f zoo llama
lama'' m (tibetski) lama
lamanje n v. lomljenje
lamati vt v. lomiti
lame m text lam
lamentator m lamenter
lamentirati vi & vt lament
lampa f lamp v. svjetiljka, petrolejka; (u radiju,
televizoru) v. elektronka | depna ~ B torch, A
lampadija m v. naiga javne rasvjete
lampa m v. fenjer, svjetiljka
lampica f dim little lamp
lampion m Chinese lantern
lan m flax | moiti ~ ret; trti ~ heckle, dress flax; v. trla
baba ~; kudjelja ~a hards pl; kosa poput ~a flaxen

lan|ac' m chain; fig (veza) concatenation; (sata) watchchain; (oko vrata) neck-chain; fig (niz) chain, series,
sequence | pl fig ~ci (ropstvo) bondage; (okovi) fetters; karika ~ca link; pas na ~cu ban-dog; na ~cu
chained; spojiti ~cem chain, concatenate; okovati
~cem chain; mot ~ci za gume tire chains
lanac'' m (mjera zemlje) acre
lanad f collect fawns
lancarda f ichth v. plavica
lancet|a f med lancet | prorezati (ir) ~om lance (a boil)
lancun m It v. plahta
lanan adj made of chains; v. ~i most, ~a reakcija
lanast adj chain-like
lani m dim small chain, chainlet | zlatni ~ gold chain
landov m ichth v. bolen
landovina f collect ichth sharks and rays
landrati vi v. skitati se, lutati
lane' adv v. lani
lane'' n zoo fawn | hyp ~ moje my sweetheart
lanen adj flaxen, made of flax, linen | ~o ulje linseed oil;
~o sjeme linseed; ~o platno linen
Langobard m hist Lombard, rijetko Langobard
langobardski adj hist Lombardic
lani adv last year
lanite n flax-field
lanolin m chem lanolin
lanser m mil aero rocket launcher
lansirati vt (raketu) launch, fire; fig launch
lansirn|i adj mil launching | ~a cijev launcher
lanterna f lantern, lamp
lanuti vt blab, let out
lanjski adj of last year, last year's
Laos m geog Laos
laoski adj geog Laotian
Laoanin m Laotian
lapavica f v. bljuzgavica, susnjeica
lapidaran adj lapidary, terse
lapidarij m collection of stone monuments (fragments)
(lapidary = brusa /poznavalac/ dragog kamenja!)
lapis m minr lapis lazuli
Laponac m Lapp
Laponija f geog Lapland
Laponka f Lapp woman
laponski adj Lapp(ic)
lapor m geol marl, marly soil
laporast adj geol marly
lapsus m lapse, slip, error
laptanje n lapping
laptati vt lap up
lari-fari m mumbo jumbo, rigmarole, double talk
laringitis m med laryngitis
laringofon m laryngophone, coll throat-mike
laringolog m med laryngoilogist
laringologija f med laryngology
laringoloki adj med laryngological
laringoskop m med laryngoscope
laringoskopij|a f med laryngoscopy | ii na ~u undergo
larma f Ger v. buka, galama

larmadija m Ger & Tur v. buka, galamdija

larmati vi Ger v. dizati buku, galamiti
larpurlartist m follower of art for art's sake
larpurlartistiki adj art-for-art's-sake
larpurlartizam m art for art's sake
larva f v. liinka
lascivan adj lascivious
lascivnost f lasciviousness
laser m phys laser (ray)
laserski adj phys laser, laser-ray
lasica f zoo weasel
lasiji adj weasel; fig weaselly
laska f v. laskanje
laskanje n flattery; flattering speech; cajolery, blandishments pl; wheedling, coaxing, adulation, compliments pl | ~m izmamiti wheedle out of; ~m
sklonuti wheedle into
laskati vi flatter, fawn upon, cajole, adulate, coax, compliment upon, say pretty words (things)
laskav adj flattering, fawning, coaxing, cajoling, adulatory, complimentary
laskavac m flatterer, adulator, wheedler, sycophant, caj
oler, blandisher
laskavo adv flatteringly
laskavost f flattering manner (quality)
laso m lasso | uhvatiti ~m lasso
lasta f v. lastavica
lastavica f ornith swallow; (skok u vodu) B swallow(dive), A swandive; ichth v. kokot | jedna ~ ne ini
proljee one swallow does not make spring; ichth ~
prasica gurnard
lastaviji adj of a swallow, a swallow's
lasteks m text lastex; (ire) stretch material
lastika f v. gumilastika
lastin adj v. lastaviji
lasti m v. gumilastika
latenje n polishing; (voskom) beeswaxing; (trljanjem)
latilac m polisher, furbisher
latilo n polish, bees-wax; (za cipele) shoe polish
latiti vt polish, bees-wax; furbish; burnish, gloss, make
latiti se vr shine, glitter, be brilliant (bright), glossy
latentan adj latent
latentnost f latency
lateralan adj lateral
latica f bot petal
Latin m Latin
latinac m Latinist
latina m eccl hist Latin-service priest
latinica f Latin characters (letters)
latiniki adj Latin-script
latinist m Latinist
latinizam m Latinism
latinizirati vt Latinize
latinizirati se vr become Latinized
latinski adj Latin | ~ jezik Latin (language)
latintina f Latin (language); (ire) Latin ways

latiti se vr (posla) tackle, undertake, take up, (pribjei

sredstvu) have recourse to, adopt; (oruja) take up
latrina f latrine
laufer m Ger (ah) v. lovac; (sag) v. staza
laureat m laureate
lav m zoo lion (i fig) | opor ~ova a pride of lions; zoo
morski ~ elephant seal; (kalifornijski) sea-lion
lava f geol lava
lavabo m washstand (v. umivaonik); v. sudoper
lavanda f bot lavender
lavendl m v. lavanda
lave m bark, barking
lavica f zoo lioness (i fig)
lavi m dim young lion, lion whelp, lion cub
lavina f avalanche | zatrpala ih je ~ they were buried by
an avalanche
lavirati vi vacillate (v. vrdati); fig steer a middle course
lavirint m v. labirint
lavlj|i adj of a lion, a lion's; leonine | ~a griva lion's
mane; ~i brlog lion's den
lavor m wash-basin
Lavov m geog Lvov
lavovski adj v. lavlji | fig ~ dio the lion's share
Lazar m Lazarus
lazaret m med hist lazaret(to), quarantine hospital
lazarkinja f bot woodruff
lazur(an) v. azur(an)
la f lie, untruth, falsehood; (mala) fib; (krupna) a big
(gross, rousing; coll thumping, whopping) lie, an
outrageous lie; (izmiljotina) flam; (neduna), white
lie; (varka) sham, fake, humbug | optuiti zbog ~i
give one the lie; u ~i su kratke noge lies are
shortlived, a liar is soon exposed; to je gola ~ this is
a downright lie; utjerati u ~ give one the lie
laa f | ~ i paralaa liar and arch-liar
laac m v. laljivac
laan adj false, untrue; (ime) feigned; (prikaz) garbled,
misrepresented, misstated; (krivotvoren) falsified,
counterfeit, forged, spurious ; (varav) deceptive;
(neiskren) double, falsehearted, pretended, hypocritical; (nepostojei) fictitious; (neprav) sham, mock,
fake, imitation
lairati vt sp fix | ~ utakmicu fix a match
laljiv adj given to lying, lying, untruthful, mendacious
laljivac m liar, fibber, fibster; (uvrijeeni) notorious
(habitual) liar | veliki ~ (paralaa) arrant (thoroughpaced, accomplished) liar, arch-liar
laljivka f woman liar
laljivost f mendacity
lano adj falsely
lanost f falsehood, untruthfulness
laov m v. laljivac
lebdei adj hovering; suspended, pending
lebdenje n v. lebenje
lebdjelica f aero v. aerogliser
lebdjeti vi (dizati se uvis) soar, tower; float, hover
(round, about); hang suspended, be pending

lebenje n soaring, floating, suspension; state of suspense

lebi m reg v. jugozapadnjak
leceder m v. licitar
lecnuti se vr startle at, give a slight start, be alarmed at,
wince, blench
le|a f cul & bot lentil; opt lens | opt nositi kontaktne ~e
wear contact lenses
lei' vi lie down; (ii na spavanje) go to bed, retire for
the night; (slegnuti se) settle
lei'' vt (jaja) lay eggs, hatch; (sjediti na jajima) brood
lei se vr (iz jaja) hatch
led m ice; (tua) hail; (zrno tue) hailstone | hladan kao
~ ice-cold, frigid; ~om zamrznut ice-bound; navesti
na tanki ~ bring one into a delicate situation; dao se
navesti na tanki ~ he let himself entrap into; ~ se
tali ice melts; ~ je varav (ne nosi) ice is rotten
Leda f myth Leda
ledac m minr v. kristal
ledana f ice-factory, ice-storage, ice-house
ledara f v. ledana
leden adj icy, iced, ice-cold, frigid; fig icy, frosty;
(smrznut) freezing, frozen, frosty | ~o doba glacial
period; ~a kava iced coffee; ~o cvijee ice-figures on
window-panes; ~i pojas frigid zone
ledenica f ice-pit, ice-cellar, ice-storage; (s krova) icicle
ledenjaki adj glacier
ledenjak m (gleer) glacier; (u moru) ice-berg; (svijea s
krova) icicle
ledi f lady (i fig)
ledina f lawn, greensward, sod; grass; turf; unbroken
(untilled) ground
ledite n freezing-point, zero
lediti (se) vt (vr) freeze, congeal, harden into ice
ledolomac m ice breaker
lea n pl back; (ramena) shoulders pl; back part; (pozadina) rear; (ceste) camber | iroka ~ broad shoulders; grbavih ~ stooping, bent; ogovarati iza ~ backbite; okrenuti nekome ~ turn one's back on, forsake,
abandon; (ne htjeti poznati) cut one, cut one dead;
mil osigurati ~ secure one's retreat; naprtiti na ~
burden with; fig burden (saddle) with; naprtiti sebi
na ~ burden (saddle) oneself with, talke it upon one's
shoulders; skinuti nekome s ~ disburden one; svrit
e to na tvoja ~ you'll be saddled with it; ispraiti ~
dust one's jacket, administer a hiding, thrash one,
curry one; grbiti ~ pred cringe, fawn, curry favour,
stoop; sagnuti ~ (pobijeeni) submit to, bow to,
knuckle under; svrbe ga ~ his back itches for a hiding; on to radi iza mojih ~ he does it behind my
back; ima nekoga iza ~ he is backed by (countenanced by) someone, he has a friend at court; na ~
(natrake) backward(s); lei na ~ lie supine; s ~ from
behind; skakanje preko ~ (abica) leap-frog
lea m sp (pliva) backstroker
leenje n crystallization
leni adj back; anat & zoo dorsal | ~ stil (plivanja) backstroke
leno adv sp | 100 m ~ the 100 meters backstroke

legacija f (poslanstvo) legation

1egalizacija f legalization
legalizirati vt legalize
leganj m ornith nightjar
legat' m (papin) legate
legat'' m (ostavtina) legacy | ostaviti ~ legate; uitnik
~a legatee
legenda f legend; (mape, karte) key
legendaran adj legendary
legendarnost f legendary quality
legija f legion | ~ stranaca Foreign Legion
legionar m legionary
legirati vt (kovine) alloy
legislacija f legislation
legislatura f legislature
legitimacija f (osobna karta) identity card (legitimation
= ozakonjenje!) | lanska (sindikalna) ~ membership
(union) card
legitim|an adj legitimate | proglasiti ~nim legitimate,
legitimirati vt make one show one's identity documents,
identity one
legitimirati se vr show one's identity documents, prove
one's identity | fig ~ kao prove to be
legitimist m hist legitimist
legitimistiki adj hist legitimist
legitimizam m hist legitimism
legitimnost f legitimacy
leglo n (mladi) litter, brood, hatch; issue, offspring;
(ribe) fry, spawn; the young; derog (djece) brats pl,
(ljudi) vermin | fig ~ zla hotbed (breeding-place,
haunt, nest) of evil
legnuti vi lie down; (u krevet) go to bed; (ito) v. polegnuti
legura f alloy
lej m num leu, ley (pl lei)
leja f v. gredica
lek m num lek
lekcij|a f lesson; fig v. pouka, opomena | oitati kome
~u v. bukvica
lekcionar m eccl lectianary
leksem m ling lexeme
leksiki adj gram lexical
leksik m gram B lexis, A lexicon
leksikograf m lexicographer, dictionary writer
leksikografija f lexicography, dictionary writing
leksikografski adj lexicographic(al), dictionary-writing
leksikolog m ling lexicologist
leksikologija f ling lexicology
leksikoloki adj ling lexicologic(al)
leksikon m lexicon (v. enciklopedija)
lektira f | obavezna ~ required reading
lektor m univ foreign-language instructor; print language editor
lektorat m univ instructorship
lektorirati vt print language-edit
lektura f print language-editing
lele! int v. kuku!
lelek m loud weeping (wailing, moaning, lamentation)

lelekati vi lament, wail; sing a dirge

lelujanje n heaving (surging, swaying, swell) of crops
(corn itd.)
lelujati se vr wave, surge, heave, sway, undulate, swell,
stream in the wind, undulation
lelujav adj waving, swaying, undulation
lem m cement mastic; solder
lemanje n cudgelling, thrashing, beating, strapping,
lemati vt v. mlatiti
leme m (pluga) plough-share
lemilo n soldering iron (gun)
leming m zoo lemming
lemiti vt solder; (tvrdo) braze
lemljenje n soldering; brazing
lemur m zoo lemur
lenger m Tur v. sidro
lengerisati vt Tur v. ukotviti, uvrstiti
leno n hist fief, fee, feudal tenure
lenski hist adj feudal; (gospodar) feudal lord, liege
lenta f v. vrpca
Lenjingrad m geog hist Leningrad
lenjingradski adj geog hist Leningrad
lenjinist m pol Leninist
lenjinistiki adj Leninist
lenjinizam m pol Leninism
lenjir m Ger v. ravnalo
leopard m leopard
leopardov adj | kaput od ~og krzna leopard-skin coat
lepet m, ~anje n flutter(ing)
lepetati vi flutter
lepez|a f fan | hladiti se ~om fan oneself
lepezast adj fan-shaped
lepinja f cul kind of curd-cake
lepra f med leprosy (v. guba)
leprozorij m med leprosarium, leper hospital
lepranje n flutter, fluttering; (na vjetru) streaming
leprati vi flutter, stream (in the wind); hover about, flit
about; float, wave; hang loose
leprav adj fluttering; fig breezy
leptir m butterfly; (noni, dlakavi, sitni) moth
leptirast adj | eng ~a matica wing-nut
leptirov adj | ~ stil (plivanja) butterfly stroke
ler m mot Ger | u ~u in neutral
lesa f hurdle-gate
lesonit m hardboard
le' m Tur carcase, corpse, dead body; (strvina) carrion
le'' m (ljaka) slag
leina f v. le'
leinar m ornith vulture, lammergeier
leo adv It | na ~ v. kuhan
let m flight; (uvis) soaring
Leta f myth Lethe
letac m flyer, flier, airman
letak|i adj | aero ~o osoblje flight crews
let|ak m leaflet | dijeliti ~ke pass out leaflets paper for
letalo n flying apparatus, aircraft
letargian adj lethargic

letargija f lethargy
letati vi flit (flutter) about; fig v. trkarati
letei adj on the wing; flying, winged; (leprajui) fluttering, flowing, streaming
letenje n flying, flight
letilite n aero (airport) runway
letimice adv in passing, hastily; superficially, rapidly
letimian adj done in passing, hurried, rapid, flying,
hasty; cursory, desultory, superficial, passing
letiminost f cursoriness
letjelica f aero v. letalo
letje|ti vi fly, be on the wing; (uzletjeti) rise in the air;
(uvis) soar; tower; (lebdjeti) float; (juriti) sweep
(dash) along, rush, shoot; (vrijeme) pass quickly | ~ti
u zrak (prasnuti) explode; pustiti ~ti (zmaja) let (fly)
a kite; (strijelu) fly an arrow; iskre su ~le na sve
strane sparks flew about; staklo je ~lo u komade (na
sve strane) glass smithereens flew about
letkolbn m Ger v. lemilo
letlampa f welding blowpipe (torch)
letn|i adj | ~o pero flight feather
leto n entrance in the bee-hive
Letonac m Lett, Latvian
Letonija f geog Latvia
Letonka f Lett, Latvian woman
letonski adj Lettish, Latvian
letovati vt Ger v. lemiti
letva f lath | obiti ~ma lath; reetka od letava lattice
letvarica f crate
letvica f dim thin lath, lattice; sp bar
leukemija f med leuk(a)emia
leukocit m med leucoeyte
leut' m mus hist v. lutnja
leut' m mar type of fishing-boat
lev m num lev (pl leva)
Levant m geog Levant
levant(in) m reg (vjetar) v. istonjak
Levantinac m Levantine
levant(in)ski adj Levantine
lezbijka f med lesbian
lezbijski adj med lesbian
leaj m bed, couch; (za silu, na podu) shakedown; (od
slame) litter; sl doss; (naslaga) bed, layer, stratum,
deposit | eng ~ osovine bearings pl
lealjka f deck chair
leanj|e n lying, resting | com dani ~a (bez krcanja ili
iskrcavanja) laydays, demurrage
learina f com demurrage (fee); storage charge
leati vi lie, be recumbent, recline; (spavati) sleep; (poivati) rest; (naokolo) lie about, (razasuto, u neredu)
litter; (smjetaj) be situated (placed), stand; (na leima) lie supine; (potrbuke) lie prostrate; (bolestan)
lie sick, be bed-ridden; (mrtav) be buried; (raskreen)
sprawl | jelo mi lei u elucu food lies heavy in my
stomach; on lei na samrti he lies at the point of
death; uzrok lei u the cause of it lies in; lei na
meni (titi me) it weighs (presses upon me); ito lei
(povaljeno je) grain lies flat, is lodged by... ; roba

lei u goods are deposited (warehoused, stored) in;

drvo lei da se osui timber is being seasoned; vojska lei army is encamped; ~ tako kako je ovjek
sebi prostro lie on the bed one has made
leeke adv recumbent, lying, reclining; (na leima)
supine; couched; her couchant
leenje n (jaja) brooding, sitting (on eggs)
leeran adj relaxed; (po naravi) easygoing
leerno adv in a relaxed manner
leernost f relaxed manner (quality)
leiste n v. leaj | ~ ugljena coal-bed
li part if, whether| a kamo ~ v. a kamoli; da ~ ti...? do
you...?; are you... -ing?; have you...?; did you...?;
were you...?; tko ~ je...? whoever...?; je ~? is it?, is
that so?; isn't that so?
Libanon m aeog (the) Lebanon
Libanon|ac m, ~ka f Lebanese
libanonski adj geog Lebanese
libela f (razulja, vaservaga) spirit-level (libel =
kleveta!); ent v. konjska smrt
liberal m liberal; pol Liberal
liberalan adj liberal; (pretjerano) permissive
liberalistiki adj liberalistic
liberalizam m liberalism | ekonomski ~ laissez-faire
liberalizirati vt liberalize
liberalnost f liberal quality; liberalism
Liberija f geog Liberia
Liberij|ac m, ~ka f Liberian
liberijski adj geog Liberian
libidinozan adj med libidinous
libido m med libido
Libija f geog Libya
Libij|ac m, ~ka f Libyan
libijski adj geog Libyan
libiti se vr v. ustruavati se, skanjivati se
libljenje n v. ustruavanje, skanjivanje
libretist m mus librettist
libret|o m mus libretto, book | pisac ~a librettist
lice n face, countenance; (obrazi) cheeks pl, physiognomy, visage; (put) complexion; (izraz) air, mien,
expression; v. osoba; (povrina) surface; (prednja
strana) front, facade; (prava strana) right side |
bucmasto ~ chubby face; oteeno ~ swallen cheek(s);
rumeno ~ ruddy (rosy) cheeks; otegnuto ~ lantern
jaws pl; ovjek vrlo duga lica lantern-jawed; mrko ~
gloomy (glum) face; kiselo ~ wry face; koziavo ~
pock-marked (-pitted) face; upalo ~ hollow (sunken)
cheeks; ispaeno ~ haggard face; lijepo ~ good looks
pl; nakrivljeno ~ grimace(s), mops and mows pl;
kriviti (kreveljiti) ~ grimace, make (pull) faces,
make grimaces, distort face, mop and mow; odbojno
~ forbidding face; drska lica bare-faced, brazenfaced; navorano ~ wrinkled face; jamica na licu
dimple; imati lica (bestidnost) have the face to...;
pred ~m (prisutnost) in the face (sight, presence) of;
gledati u ~ look one full in the face; ~m u ~ face to
face, confronted; smijati se u ~ laugh in one's face;
rekao sam mu u ~ I told him to his face; ~ mu je
zasjalo od veselja his face brightened with joy; lica

drame (cast of) characters; nepoznata lica v. nepoznate osobe; na licu mjesta v. na samom mjestu
licej m high school for girls
licemjer m hypocrite, dissembler, pharisee; canter
licemjeran adj hypocritical, dissembling, feigned, pretended, pharisaical; (vjerski) sanctimonious; double;
prude, prudish
licemjerje n hypocrisy, simulation, dissimulation, cant,
coll puttinig it on; (vjersko) sanctimoniousness,
prudery, prudishness
licemjerka f woman hypocrite
licemjerno adv hypocritically
licemjerstvo n v. licemjerje
licencij|a f B licence, A license | po ~i under licence(nse)
licider(ski) v. licitar(ski)
licitacija f v. draba | ofert(al)na ~ v. javno nadmetanje
licitant m bidder
licitar m gingerbread man
licitarsk|i adj | ~i kola gingerbread; ~o srce gingerbread heart
licitirati vt auction off; fig sell
lickati vt touch up; primp
lickati se vr primp (oneself)
li|an adj (pripadnost) personal (v. osoban); (lice) of the
face, facial | ~e kosti cheek bones
lien adj painted; varnished
lienje n painting, varnishing
liilac m (house-)painter, varnisher (v. pismoslikar)
liilaki adj varnishing | ~ radovi varnishing (work)
liilo n paint, varnish
liinka f zoo larva; (crvolika) grub
liiti' vt paint, varnish; (katranom) tar
liciti'' vi v. sliiti
liiti se vr paint oneself ; v. minkati se
lini adj v. lian
lino adv personally, in person itd. (v. osobno)
linost f person, personage, personality; (velika) sl bigwig itd. (v. velika zvjerka)
lider m v. voa
Lidija f hist Lydia
liferacija f v. dobava, nabava, isporuka
liferant m v. dobavlja, opskrbnik
liferovati, lifrati vt v. dobavljati, isporuiti
lift m v. dizalo
liftboj m B lift attendant, A elevator operator
liga f league, alliance | hist L~ naroda the League of
Nations; prva ~ B ftb first division; A sp first league
ligament m med | nategnuti ~ strain (pul ) a ligament
ligatura f mus ligature
ligetul m Ger v. lealjka
lignit m minr lignite, brown coal
lignja f zoo squid
lih adj v. neparan
lihva f usury
lihvar m usurer; sl loan-shark; fig bloodsucker, vampire
lihvarenje n usury, usuriousness

lihvariti vi practice usury, lend money at exorbitant

(unlawful) interest
lihvarski adj usurious, extortionate | ~ kamati usurious
lihvarstvo n usuriousness, usurer's trade
lija f fig a cunning (knowing, wily, sly) fellow | fig stara
~ old stager
lijana f bot liana
lijeenj|e n healing, cure, medical (curative) treatment;
(vodom) hydropathy | na ~u under cure
lijeiti vt treat medicinally (medically); cure medically,
treat person for... cure for disease; (davati lijek)
medicate, give physic, doctor; fig remedy, make
good, rectify | to se dade ~ remediable; bolje sprijeiti nego ~ prevention is better than cure
lijeiti se vr undergo a cure (treatment)
lijenica f female doctor
lijenik|i adj medical, doctor's | ~a svjeodba medical
certificate; ~o udruenje medical association
lijenik m doctor, physician, medical man; (ope
prakse) general practitioner
lijenitvo n medicine, surgery
lijeganje n lying down, going to bed
lijegati vi lie down, go to bed (v. kasno, rano)
lijeha f v. gredica
lijek m medicine, drug, medicament; doctor's stuff;
(sredstvo) curative, medical agent, remedy; (domai,
nadri~) nostrum; fig (za sve) panacea; (za povraanje) emetic; (za otvaranje) aperient, purgative; (za
jaanje) tonic, cordial; (za draenje) stimulant; (za
zatvaranje) astringent; (za smirivanje) sedative; (za
okrepu) restorative; (za sprijeenje) prophylactic; fig
(pomo) remedy, redress; remedial measures, relief |
priprava ~ova pharmacy; prodava ~ova (pharmaceutical) chemist, dispensing chemist, druggist; emu
nema ~a remediless; propisati ~ prescribe a medicine; uzeti ~ take medicine; dati ~ administer a
medicine; izraditi ~ make up a medicine
lijen adj lazy, indolent, idle, slothful; (trom) sluggish,
slow, slack, supine; inactive, dull
lijenina f lazy fellow, lazy-bones; sluggard; idler; loiterer, loafer, drone, good-for-nothing
lijenost f laziness, idleness, sloth, slothfulness; sluggishness
lijep adj beautiful, handsome, fine; (lice) well-favoured,
good-looking; poet beauteous; noble, stately;
(ljepuan) pretty, nice, sweet; (draestan) lovely,
graceful, charming; (uredan) neat, trim, smart, stylish; (stas, rast) well-made, well-knit, wellproportioned, well-formed, well-shaped, shapely,
clean (-limbed); (vrijeme, vjetar) fair, favourable;
(prilian, znatan) substantial, goodish, goodly, considerable, fair(ish), respectable; iron precious | ~
knjievnost fiction; ~e umjetnosti liberal arts (sciences); ~i motivi respectable motives; ~e rijei fair
(specious) speeches; ~ put good road, road in good
repair; ~a svota a round sum; to je ~o od vas that's
nice of you; potivalac ~oga admirer of the beautiful
lijepak m lime | hvatati ptice na ~ lime birds

lijepiti vt lime, glue, paste, stick, gum

lijepiti se vr adhere to, cleave, stick fast, cling to; glutinize; become (be) viscid (sticky)
lijepljenje n sticking, pasting, glueing
lijepo adv beautifully, handsomely, nicely, properly,
duly; (potvrdno) well, good, all right, well and good |
~ mu je he is doing well; ide mu ~ he is in a fair way
to succeed
lijer m reg v. ljiljan
lijes m coffin, A+ casket; coll box; (meulijes) shell;
sarcophagus | pokriva ~a pall; staviti u ~ coffin;
pratnja uz ~ pall-bearers
lijeska f bot hazel-tree, bazel-bush, filbert-tree
lijetanje n v. letanje
lijetati vi v. letati
lijev m cast metal
lijev|ak m funnel; (grlo posude) lip, spout | poput ~ka
lijevan pp (kovina) cast, founded; (staklo) fused | ~o
eljezo cast iron
lijevanje n (tekuine) pouring; (kovine) casting, founding; (kie) downpour
lijevati vt (tekuinu) pour out; (u kalupe) pour in mould,
cast, found; (staklo) fuse; (suze) spill (shed) tears;
(krv) shed blood; (topiti) melt | kia lijeva it rains in
torrents; (kao iz kabla) it is raining cats and dogs
lijeva f (na kolima) stake brace
lijev|i adj left, left-handed; pol left-wing; her sinister |
~a noga konja near leg of horse; ~i kota kola near
wheel; ~a strana broda port; brak na ~u ruku lefthanded (morganatic) marriage; eniti se na ~u ruku
marry with the left hand
lijevo adv leftward, on the left hand | mil na ~! left turn!;
mil na ~ krug! about face!
lik m figure, form, shape; frame; size; stature, image;
configuration; (osoba) person, body; (knjievni) character, personage | podati ~ figure, shape, form, fashion; poprimiti ~ take (assume) figure (shape, appearance)
liker m liquer
liko n (drveta) bass, inner bark, bast
likov adj made of bass
likovanje n exultation, rejoicing; triumph
likovati vi exult (nad over) rejoice (zbog at) ; triumph
likovn|i adj | ~e umjetnosti fine arts; nastavnik ~og
odgoja art teacher; sat ~og odgoja art class; ~a
oprema korica cover design; ~a umjetnost plastic
likovo n wet bargain
likvid m phon liquid
likvidacija f liquidation, winding-up, settling of debts
likvidacioni adj liquidation; settlement
likvidan adj econ liquid, solvent
likvidator m liquidator ; estate administrator
likvidirati vt liquidate, wind up, make liquid, settle
debts (affairs)
likvidnost f econ solvency

likvor m med spinal liquid

lila f v. ljubiast
lilihip m lollipop
Liliputanac m Lilliputian
liliputanski adj Lilliputian
lim m thin metal plate, sheet metal | bijeli ~ tin-piate;
eljezni ~ sheet iron; elini ~ steel plate; valoviti ~
corrugated plate
limar m tin-smith, tinman, whitesmith, worker in tin;
(vodoinstalater) plumber
limarija f tin-smith's shop (trade); (vodoinstalaterstvo)
plumber's trade (shop)
limarski adj of a tin-smith, used by a tin-smith; plumbing
limb m v. istilite
limen adj tin, made of tin, sheet | ~a glazba brass band;
~a glazbala wind-instruments, brass-instruments, the
brass; ~a roba tin goods
limenka f tin, canister
limeta f bot (vrsta limuna) lime
limfa f med lymph
limfatian adj med lymphatic
limfn|i adj anat | ~a lijezda (vor) lymph gland (node);
~i vod lymphatic duct
limit m econ limit (v. ogranienje)
limitirati vt limit (v. ograniiti)
limonit m minr limonite
limun m lemon, lime; citron; (stablo) lemon-tree | iscijeeni ~ squeezed lemon
limunada f lemonade; (naravna) lemon-squash; fig
schmaltz, corn
limunov adj lemon, of a lemon | ~ sok lemon-juice;
cjedilo za ~ sok lemon-strainer; ~a kora lemon peel
limuzina f mot limousine
linovanje n lynch(ing)
linovati vt lynch
linearan adj linear; (paualan) flat
lingvist m linguist
lingvistiki adj linguistic
lingvistika f linguistics
linij|a f line | u zranoj ~i as the crow flies; autobusna
~a bus line (service); u konanoj ~i ultimately; in the
long run; u krajnjoj ~i after all; v. u najgorem sluaju; pol biti na ~i toe the line; uvati ~u watch
one's figure, be a weight-watcher; ostanite na ~i
(telefon) hold on
linijsk|i adj mar | brod ~e plovidbe liner
linirati vt line, rule
linoleum m linoleum, coll lino
linorez m art lino cut
linotip m print linotype
linjak m ichth tench
linjanje n moulting; text linting
linjati se vr moult; lint
lipa f bot lime-tree, linden
lipanj m June
lipanjski adj June
lipicanac m Lippizaner horse
lipid m chem lipid(e)

lipljan m ichth grayling

lipom m med lipoma
lipov adj lime, linden
lipovina f lime-wood
lipsati vi die, perish; sl croak
liptati vi gush (forth), pour out
lira' f mus lyre
lira'' f num lira (pl lire)
liriar m, lirik m lyric poet, lyrist
lirika f lyrics pl, lyric poetry (verse)
lirizam m lyricism
lirski adj lyric(al)
lisa f white patch of horse's forehead
Lisabon m geog Lisbon
lisac m fox; (ovjek) cunning (crafty) person
lisic|a f zoo fox; (enka) bitch-fox, vixen | srebrna ~a
silver fox; ~e pl (v. lisiine) handcuffs pl
lisiar m (pseto) beagle
lisiarka f bot (gljiva) yellow chanterelle
lisienje n foxing, dissembling, crafty ways
lisii m dim zoo fox cub
lisiine f pl hand-fetters, shackles, manacles, handcuffs |
staviti nekome ~ handcuff one
lisiiti se vr fox, dissemble, behave wilily (cunningly,
lisiji adj of (belonging to) a fox, like a fox | ~ rep
brush, fox-tail
liska f ornith coot; (ire) water-hen
liskun m minr v. tinjac
lisnat adj leafy, in foliage, foliate, rich in foliage; foliaceous, laminating | bot ~o drvo deciduous tree; com
~o drvee hardwoods
lisnica f wallet; (za stranji dzep) B note-case, A billhold
list' m (knjige) leaf; (papira) sheet of paper (velik folio);
v. pismo, noviine; (drveta) leaf; (noge) calf; (krsni)
birth certificate
list'' m ichth (na) sole; (u Sjev. moru) plaice
list|a f list (v. popis) | fig crna ~a black list; fig staviti
na crnu ~u black-list
listak m dim small letter (note); (biljke) leaflet
listanje n (knjige) turning of leaves; (stabla) leafing,
foliation; (kalanje) quality of laminating (splitting)
into leaves (thin layers)
listati vt (knjigu) turn over leaves; (povrno itati) skim
over (along) a book | drvo lista leaves are out, tree is
in leaf
lister m text lister
listiav adv apt to foliate (laminate, split into layers,
listi m dim leaflet, small leaf, thin sheet, foil; (ljuska)
flake, lamina; (zlata) gold-foil
listina f (popis) roll, register, roster; (isprava) document,
instrument, muniment
listom adv as one man, in a body, all together, unanimously, with one accord | glasati ~ za be solid for,
give a solid vote for
listonoa m letter-carrier, postman | golub ~ carrierpigeon
listopad m October

listopadski adj October

listovn|i adj mail | ~a marka postage-stamp; ~i papir
wriiting paper (u bloku writing pad); ~a vaga letterbalance
liaj m med eczema, lichen (i bot); eruption on skin
liajiv adj med eczematous, having an eruption on skin
liajni adj med eczematous
liavanje n privation, deprivation, divestment, dispossession
liavati vt v. liiti
lice n dim (sweet) little face
liar m bot v. lisnato drvo
lie n collect leaves, foliage | ~ pada s drvea trees
shed leaves
lien adj deprived of, shorn of, stripped (robbed) of; divested, dispossessed; (smru) bereft, bereaved; (bez)
destitute, devoid; (izgubio, oduzeto) having lost (forfeited)
lienje n privation, deprivation, divertment, dispossession
liiti vt deprive, divest; (smru) bereave; rob, plunder,
spoil; strip of; defraud of; (slave) shear of (glory);
(oduzeti) take away (off), remove; (posjeda) dispossess, expropriate; (tereta) disburden, exonerate;
(djelomino: prava, asti) derogate from (right, honour); (izbornog prava) disfranchise; (puanstva) depopulate
liiti se vr part with, renunciate, deprive oneself of
litanije f pl eccl litanies pl; (posnih dana) rogations pl
litar m v. litra
Litav|ac m, ~ka f Lithuanian
litavski adj Lithuanian
literarni adj literary
literat m man of letters
literatur|a f literature (v. knjievnost) | obavezna ~ a
assigned reading; popis ~e (uz lanak) references pl,
liti vt v. lijevati
litica f sheer rock (cliff, crag).; bluff | pun ~ craggy, rugged, rocky; obala puna ~ craggy (rock bound, ironbound) coast
litija f Orth procession
litograf m lithographer
litografija f lithography
litografirati vt lithograph
litografski adj lithographic
liiosfera f geog lithosphere
litota f rhet litotes (pl litotes)
litra f B litre, A liter
litreni adj | ~a boca one-litre bottle; quart bottle
liturgija f eccl liturgy; Orth mass, service
liturgijski adj eccl liturgical
Litva f geog Lithuania
litvanski adj v. litavski
liv m v. odljevak, lijevanje, lijevano eljezo
livac m v. ljevac
livada f meadow
livadarstvo n cultivation of meadows

livadni adj of a meadow, growing on a meadow

liven adj v. lijevan
livenje n v. lijevanje
livnica f v. ljevaonica
livrej|a f livery | sluga u ~i livery servant
livriran adj liveried, wearing a livery
livrirati vt dress in livery
lizanje n licking; (laptati) lap; (plamena) playing (flaming, shoating) about (of flames)
lizati vt lick | plamen lie flames shoot (play, flame,
blaze) about (up, around, over)
lizati se vr lick oneself; lick each other, lick one another
lizika f coll v. lilihip
liznuti vi v. lizati
lizol m chem lysol
lobanja f v. lubanja
lobi n pol lobby
lobist m pol lobbyist
loboda f bot orach, mountain-spinach
lob(ov)ati vt sp lob
locirati vt locate
loika f bot v. salata
lodn m text Ger loden
loa f archit loggia; built-in balcony
log' m v. leaj, jazbina
log'' m (brodski) log; log-book | baciti ~ heave (throw)
the log; ploviti prema ~u sail by the log
logaritam m math logarithm | nai ~ find (calculate) a
logaritamsk|i adj math | ~o raunalo slide rule; ~e
tablice logarithmic tables
logaritmirati vt math compute with logarithms
logian adj logical
logiar m logician
logino adv logically
loginost f logicality, logicalness
logi|ka f logic | po istoj ~ci by the same token
logoped m med speech pathologist
logopedija f med speech pathology, logopedics
logor m camp (v. tabor); (vojske) cantonment; (zarobljeniki) prisoner's (prisoner-of-war) camp; | koncentracioni ~ concentration camp
logora m camp inmate
logoraki adj concentration-camp; camp-inmate's
logorite m camp-site
logorovanje n camping, bivouacking
logorovati vi camp, bivouac, be encamped; (pod vedrim
nebom) camp in the open
logorsk|i adj camp | ~a vatra campfire
loj m tallow; (za jelo) suet | sve ide kao po ~u all goes
like clockwork, all goes without a hitch, it is plain
lojalan adj loyal
lojalno adv loyally
lojalnost f loyalty
loj|an adj tallow, made of tallow (suet); (lojast) tallowy,
tallowish | anat ~na lijezda sebaceous gland
lojanica f tallow-candle
lojiti vt tallow, grease with tallow

lojka f ichth allis shad

lojnica f anat sebacious gland
lojtra f Ger v. ljestve
lokal m (business) premises pl; B shop, A store; restaurant; bar; (telefon) v. kuni broj | noni ~ night-club
lokalitet m locality; site
lokalizirati vt locate; prevent from spreading | ~ poar
bring a fire under control
lokaln|i adj local | ~a eljeznica branch-line
lokalpatriot m pol sectionalist (otpr.)
lokalpatriotizam m pol sectionalism (otpr.)
lokalpatriotski adj pol sectionalist (otpr.)
lokanje n quaffing, carousing, boozing, tippling; (pijanka) drinking-bout
lokarda f ichth mackerel
lokati vt drink (heavily), tipple, booze; (ivotinja) lap
(up), drink (loudly)
lokativ m gram locative
lokaut m econ lock-out
lokna f Ger v. uvojak, vitica, kovra
lokomotiva f locomotive, B+ engine | elektrina (dizel,
parna) ~ electric (Diesel, steam) locomotive ;
manevarska ~ B shunting engine, A switcher (locomotive)
lokot m padlock | zakljuati ~om padlock
lokva f pool, puddle, plash
1okvanj m bot v. lopo
lola f v. bear, bekrija
lom m breach, burst(ing), breakage; fracture; (prijelom,
zjalo) gap; (kalanje) split; (prekid) rupture; (svjetla)
refraction, diffraction
loma|a f funeral pile, pyre; (kazna) stake | umrijeti na
~i die at the stake; spaliti na ~i burn at the stake
loman adj fragile, breakable; (krhak) brittle; (kran)
steep, sheer, ragged, craggy
lomatanje n (rukama) wild gesticulation; (buka) v. lomot
lomatati vt (rukama) gesticulate (wildly); (buka) make a
noise (clatter, din, racked); (vjetar) bluster; (kola)
lomatati se vr drag oneself over
Lombardija f geog Lombardy
lombardiranje n fin hypothecary loan
lombardirati vt fin lend money (give a loan) on security
lomiti vt break, split, crack, shatter, fracture; (svjetlo)
lomiti se vr break (o against), break up; fig (poslom) toil,
drudge | ~ izmeu be torn between
lom|kost f, ~ljivost f fragility, breakableness
lomljava f v. lomot
lomljenje n breaking, bursting, cracking, snapping
lomljiv adj breakable, fragile
lomot m clatter, racket, din, hubbub, rumble, noise, roar
lonac m pot; saucepan; (za cvijece) flower-pot; (ajnik)
urn; (topioniki) crucible | staviti u ~ pot; ne budi
svakom loncu poklopac don't be a busy-body; ~ na
pretlak (Papenov ~) pressure-cooker
lonanica f pot-flower
lonar m potter

lonarev adj potter's, used by a potter

lonarija f potter's trade (work, workshop); collect pottery
lonarnica f potter's workshop
lonarsk|i adj potter's ceramic | ~a glina potter's clay
(earth); ~o kolo potter's wheel; ~a roba potter's ware,
pottery, crockery, earthenware, hollowware, ceramics
lonarstvo n pottery, potter's trade, ceramics pl
loni m dim small pot; (drinking) cup
longeta f med v. udlaga
longitudinalan adj longitudinal
longplejka f mus long-playing (A longplay) record, abbr
lopat|a f shovel; (kopaa) spade; (za grabljenje vode,
brana) scoop; (broda na kota, kolo) paddle, float;
(pekarska) baker's peel | puna ~a shovelful (spadeful); ~om vaditi shovel, scoop out; brod na ~e v.
brod lopata
lopatast adj spade-shaped, shove-shaped, spade-like,
provided with shovels
lopatica f dim small spade (shovel); (zidarska) trowel;
mil (za ukopavanje) entrenching-tool; anat shoulderblade; v. ~ za smee
lopo m bot water-lily
lopoika f bot laurestine
lopov m (kradljivac) thief; derog rascal, villain, knave,
scoundrel, rogue, cheat, thief, blackguard, varlet,
sharper, scamp, sneak, ruffian, cut-throat; v. arci-~
lopovluk m v. lopovtina
lopovski' adj knavish, villainous, roguish, scoundrelly,
lopovski'' adv knavishly
lopovtina f (a piece) of knavery (villainy, roguery), a
knavish trick, foul dealing
lopt|a f ball; (gumena) rubber-ball; (nogometna) football
| ftb izboksati ~u punch the ball (clear)
loptanje n play(ing) at ball
loptast adj ball-like, ball-shaped, globular
loptati se vr play at ball | fig ~ s nekim v. poigravati se
loptica f dim little ball; (za ping-pong) ping-pong ball
lopuh m bot cocklebur(r) | plod ~a v. iak
lopua m & f v. lopov (derog)
lorber m Ger v. lovor
lord m lord
lordovski adj of a lord, lordly
lori m zoo lori
lornjet m lorgnette
lornjon m lorgnon
los m zoo (evropski) elk; (ameriki) moose
losion m lotion
losos m zoo salmon
lostura f (koljka) pen-shell
lo adj bad, evil; (kakvoa) inferior, of less value, lesser,
second-rate, below standard; (opak) wicked; (traljav,
triav) paltry, trashy | ~ vodi poor conductor (of
heat); ~a vremena hard times; ~a hrana low diet,
meagre fare; ~a roba trash, rubbish; ~a srea bad
luck; ~a volja ill-humour, peevishness; ~e pie slops

pl; u ~em stanju (kua, cesta) in bad repair, out of

repair; dva ~a ubie Miloa many dogs are the hare's
loe adv badly, poorly, ill, meanly; adversely | njih dvoje
ive ~ (u svai) they live a cat and dog life; stvari
kreu na ~ things are in a bad way
Lotaringija f geog Lorraine
lotati vt Ger v. lemiti
lotos m bot lotus, Egyptian water-lily
lov m (hvatanje, progon) pursuit; (divljai) hunt(ing);
(na pernatu divlja) B shoot(ing), A hunt; (na zeeve) chase; (uljanje) stalk(ing) | ii u ~ go hunting
lov|a f sl lolly (B sl); dough, bread (oba A sl) | za sitnu
~u for peanuts
lov|ac m hunter, huntsman, B+ sportsman; (avion)
fighter (plane) (ah) bishop; chaser | ~ci hunters, the
hunt, the field; aero ~ac-bombarder fighter-bomber;
aero borba ~aca dogfight
lovak|i adj hunting, a hunter's; v. lovni | ~i bi s petljom hunting-crop; ~i kaput shooting-coat, shootingjacket; ~a puka (za ptice) fowling-piece; ~o stajalite (skela odakle se puca) shooting-box; ~i pas
hound, harrier; ~i konj hunter
lova m sl moneybags, fat cat (oba A sl)
lovica f | maka je dobra ~ the cat is a good mouser
lovice adv | igrati se ~ play tag
lovina f (riba) catch, haul; (divlja) bag, game, quarry
lovit|e n chase, hunting-ground, preserve, hunting district, B+ shooting; (ribarsko) fishing-ground | uvar
~a v. lovouvar
loviti vt (goniti) pursue, give chase to, dash after, try to
catch (seize, trap, take, entrap, capture, secure), snap
(catch) at; (divlja) hunt, chase, course; be hunting
(shooting), take game; hunt after; (uljati se do)
stalk; (ribu) angle, hook fish; (divlje ptice) fowl;
(divlja, nedozvoljeno) poach; (djevojka neenju) set
one's cap at | ~ u mutnom fish in troubled water
loviti se vr try to catch each other; v. lovice
lovljenje n chasing, hunting, pursuing
lovnik m master of the hunt
lovouvar m game-keeper, game-warden, ranger
lovor m bot laurel; cul bay leaves | ovjenan ~om laureate; vijenac od ~a baywreath
lovorik|a f v. lovor | poivati na ~ama rest on one's laurels; brati ~e win laurels
lovorov adj of a laurel, laurel | ~a boba bay-berry, ~ list
bay leaf
lovorovina f laurelwood
lovostaja f close season (hunting), close time, fencemonth, fence-season, fence-time
lovrata f ichth v. podlanica
Lovro m Lawrence
lovstvo n hunting
loz m Ger v. sreka
loz|a' f vine; (grebenica) layer | kolac za ~u vine-prop;
brk ~e vine-tendril; obrastao ~om vineclad
loza'' f (podrijetlo) pedigree, race, stem, blood, parentage, line, stock, lineage, family, clan, house, extrac-

tion, origin, birth, descent; bact strain | enska ~a

distaff-side; muka ~a spear-side; vui ~u od be descended from (sprung from), have the origin fvom
lozinka f motto, device ; war-cry, slogan; mil pass-word,
lozje n collect vines pl
lozovaa f grape brandy
lozovina f vine-leaves, grape-vines
loa f theat box (slobodnih zidara) lodge
loac m stoker, fireman; B rlw fireman, A rlw stoker
loenje n (grijanje) heating, warming; (podravanje)
fuelling, keeping up fire
loionica f fireroom; rlw repair shed, maintenance shop
loiste n eng fire-box; mar stokehold
loiti vt (grijati) heat; fuel, fire, keep up fire; (kotao)
stoke, feed the furnace
lonica f arch bedroom, sleeping-chamber
lonjak m nursery for grape-vines
lo-ulje n heating oil
lubanja f anat skull, cranium
luben m v. lubin
lubenica f bot watermelon
lubeniar m melon-grower (seller)
lubin m ichth sea-bass
luc m ihth little tunny
lucanj m (bent) grape-vine branching off from the stock
lucer|na f (pop ~ka f) bot B lucerne, A alfalfa
lucid|an adj lucid | med ~ni intervali lucid intervals
Lucifer m Lucifer
Lucija f Lucy
luckast adj crack-brained, cracked, crazy, mad, foolish,
queer, touched | on je ~ he has a screw loose, he is a
little wrong in the upper story
lu f torch, link; splinter (chip) of resinous wood used as
lue n v. lutkica
luenje n separation, division; distinguishing; (davanje
vrednosti) discrimination; (pretresanje, biranje) sifting; (vaenje) extraction; med v. izluivanje
luica' f bot seed-onion, onion seed, small onion
luica'' f dim little port; marine
luiti vt separate, divide ; (razaznavati) know apart, discern; (razlikovati) distinguish; (vaditi) extract;
(izabirati) sift, pick out, single out; (izbaciti) reject
luk|i adj port, harbour, belonging to (of a) port (harbour) | ~ grad seaport-town; ~i ured harbourmaster's office; ~i kapetan harbour-master; ~a
kapetanija harbour-master's office; (velike luke) port
authority; ~e pristojbe harbour-dues, keelage, anchorage, groundage; ~i svjetionik beacon, ~ ureaji
shore facilities; ~i radnik B docker, A longshoreman
luonoa m torchbearer (i fig)
lud adj (bolest) mad, insane, deranged; (smuen) foolish,
crazy, silly, out of one's wits, crack-brained, brainsick; (izvan sebe) frantic, raving, delirious, wild, distracted; (apsurdan) absurd, nonsensical, monstrous,
irrational, preposterous, unreasonable, unwise, injudicious; (vratoloman) foolhardy, reckless | biti tako ~
da be a fool to; biti ~ za dote upon, be infatuated, be

mad for (after, about, on), be eager (keen-set) for;

juriti kao ~ dash like crazy (mad)
lud|a m & f fool, simpleton, dunce, silly person, ninny,
dotard; (prevarena) dupe; (komedija) clown, jester;
(dvorska) court-jester | aprilska ~a April fool;
praviti ~u iz make a fool of one, dupe one, play
tricks on one
ludaki adj v. luacki
ludak m v. luak
ludara f (gljiva) Satan's mushroom
ludil|o n madness, insanity, derangement of mind, mental alienation; delirium, frenzy; distraction; mania;
(ushit) ecstasy | ljubiti do ~a love to distraction, dote
on; natjerati do ~a drive one mad, distract; uhvatilo
ga ~o madness got hold of him
ludit m hist Luddite
ludjeti vi go mad (crazy); (za nekim) go crazy over
ludnica f lunatic asylum, madhouse, fig Bedlam; (buka)
ludo adj madly, frantically, preposterously, foolishly,
absurdly; stupidly, irrationally; recklessly | ~ se zabaviti have a wild time
Ludolfov broj m math pi
ludorija f a piece of folly (foolishness, silliness); absurdity, folly, nonsense; (govor) foolish talk; (in, ponaanje) foolish act (behaviour), buffooinery, tomfoolery
ludost f madness, insanity, delirium; mania; frenzy; fig
folly, stupidity, foolishness, silliness, absurdity, nonsense, imbecility; craziness; (zaluenost) infatuity;
(smuenost) giddiness; act of folly
ludovanje n mad pranks, foolish tricks, irrational acts
(behaviour); (strast) infatuation, doting, dotage;
(ushit) ecstasy, enthusiasm; fanaticisy
ludovati vi be mad on some point; (za) dote upon; rave,
be infatuated; be an enthusiastic admirer (a fan) of;
fig have one's fling (v. izdovoljiti se)
luak|i' adj maniac, a madman's, used by a madman, fit
for a madman | ~a koulja straight jacket
luaki'' adv like a madman, like madmen
luak m madman, lunatic, insane person, maniac, bedlamite; v. luda
luakinja f mad woman
luenje n going mad (crazy); (za nekim) infatuation
(over one)
lues m med lues (v. sifilis)
luftati vt Ger v. (pro)zraiti
lufter (i luftinspektor) m Ger v. besposliar
luftirati vi Ger v. besposliiti
luftmadrac m Ger v. zrani madrac
lug' m (luina za pranje) lye, B dial buck(-water) | namakati u ~ soak in lye (buck-water)
lug'' m (umica) grove, wood, woodland
lugar m B forester, A ranger (v. lovouvar)
lugarija f ranger's cottage (cabin), ranger's office
lugarnica f forest-ranger's cottage (hut, abode)
Lujo m Louis
Lujza f Louise, Louisa
lujzit m mil chem lewisite

luk' m bot onion; (mladi, zeleni) chalotte | niz (vijenac)

~a rope of onions
luk'' m archit arch; (zavoj) curve, bend, turn; (oruje)
bow | tetiva ~a bowchord; strijeljanje ~om archery;
strijelac ~om archer, bowman; napeti ~ bend (draw)
the bow; odapeti ~ discharge a bow, let fly an arrow;
drndati ~om twang; archit hodnik s ~ovima arcade,
archway ; (sa zidom na jednoj strani) cloister; archit
prozor na ~ove bow-window, bay-window; sveden u
~ arched, vaulted
Luka m Luke, (rjee) Lucas
luk|a f harbour, port; (naravna) haven; (zaljev) bay; fig
shelter | sidrite pred ~om roadstead; unii u ~u
make a port, put into a port; usidriti se u luci harbour; u visini ~e off the harbour
lukav adj crafty, cunning, sly, wily, shrewd; deep, knowing, sharp, subtle; artful, guileful (podmukao) deceitful, designing, insidious
lukavac m a crafty (cunning) fellow, a knowing one;
(lopov) rascal, rogue; hum sly dog, slyboots
lukavica f v. lukavac
lukavost f craft, craftiness, cunning, slyness, wile, wileness, artfulness; artifice, subtleness, subtlety;
shrewdness, sharpness, guilefulness, deceitfulness
lukavtina f, ~stvo n artifice, trick, stratagem, dodge,
trickery, ruse, subterfuge, device, wile, guile, intrigue, sharp practice
lukno n eccl temporalities pl, revenues of an ecclesiastic
paid by parishioners
luknja f reg v. rupa, otvor
luknjast adj reg v. pun rupa, rupiast
lukobran m mar break-water
lukovica f bot bulb
lukrativan adj lucrative, profitable
lukrativnost f lucrativeness, profitableness
Lukrecija f Lucretia
luks m phys lux
luksacija f med v. iaenje (kuka)
Luksemburg m geog Luxemb(o)urg
luksemburki adj Luxemb( o)urg(ian)
Luksemburanin m Luxemb(o)urger
luksuz m luxury (i fig) | tjerati ~ live ostentatiously
luksuz|an adj luxurious | ~na roba luxury (fancy) goods;
~no izdanje deluxe edition
lukija f reg v. lug'
lukulsk|i adj | ~a gozba Lucullan treat
lul|a f pipe, tobacco-pipe, clay-pipe; (vrlo velika)
churchwarden; (od stive) meerschaum (-pipe) | glava
~e pipe-bowl; kami ~e pipe-stem; sisak ~e mouthpiece; kod ~e duhana over a pipe; nije vrijedan ni
~e duhana he is not worth a rap; (indijanska) ~a
mira calumet
lular m pipe-maker, pipe-seller, pipe-man
lulica f dim little (short) pipe
lumbago m med lumbago
lumbalan adj med lumbar
lumbarda f mil hist mortar, shell-gun
lumen m fig luminary
luminescencija f sci luminescence

lumpanje n coll a night on the town; (opijanje) binge,

booze (-up)
lumpati vi coll go out on the town; go on a binge
lumpenproletarijat m pol slum proletariat
lumpenproleter m pol slum proletarian
lumperaj m v. lumpanje
luna-park m amusement park (A+ carnival)
lunta f mil hist (puka na fitilj) match-lock; (fitilj) fuse
lunjalo n loiterer
lunjanje n loitering
lunjati vi saunter (loiter, loaf, stroll) aimlessly
lup! int bang!, thud!, kerplunk!
lupa' f beating, knocking, rapping, banging, pounding,
battering, throbbing, noise; thuds pl
lupa'' f v. povealo, lea
lupanje n v. lupa
lupar m (koljka) (European) limpet
luparati vi v. lupati, lupetati
lupati vi beat, knock, batter, rap, strike, smite, thump;
bang, thud, pound; (nogama) stamp; (tanjurima itd.)
lupeki' adj knavish, villainous, black-guardly, rascally
lupeki'' adv knavishly, villainously, black-guardly, rascally
lupetina f piece of knavery (villany, black-guardism), a
knavish trick
lupetvo n v. lupetina
lupetalo n babbler
lupetanje n silly talk, nonsense, babbling
lupetati vt chatter, babble; talk nonsense
lupe m knave, rascal, villain, thief, robber
lupina f (narane, krumpira itd.) peel; (sira) rind; (komuka) pod; (ljuska) husk, shell; (kora, koa) skin,
bark; (guljeno) parings pl
luping n aero loop | izvesti ~ (execute a) loop
lupiti' vt v. ljutiti, guliti
lupiti'' vt v. lapati, udariti

lupkati vi tap
lupljen adj shelled, peeled, podded, husked
lupljenje n shelling, husking, peeling, podding
lupnuti vi bang; vt hit (v. udariti)
luster m hanging lamp, light(ing) fixture; (kristalni)
chandelier (pazi: luster = sjaj!)
lutajui adj roving, itinerant
lutal|ac m, ~ica m & f wanderer | ~ pas stray dog
lutanje n rambling, roaming, wandering, straying, roving; vagrancy, vagabondage
lutati vi ramble, range, roam, rove, wander, stray; be
errant (erratic); lose one's bearings
Luter m Luther
luteran m Lutheran
luteranski adj Lutheran
luteranstvo n Lutheranism
lut|ka f doll, puppet; fig a neat (trim, spruce, nicelooking, nice-dressed) girl (woman); darling; a doll's
face; (ljudska figura) dummy | poput ~ke puppetlike; igra ~aka puppet-show (-play), Punch and Judy;
krojaka ~ka tailor's dummy, mannequin
lutkar m doll-maker; (marioneta) puppeteer
lutkarsk|i adj | ~o kazalite puppet theatre
lutkica f dim little doll; hyp dolly
lutnj|a f mus lute | svira ~e lute-player
lutrij|a f lottery; (predmetna) raffle | sreka ~e lotteryticket; dobitak na ~i lottery-prize; vuenje ~e drawing
luan adj chem alkaline
luenje n bucking, buck-washing
luiki adj | ~ Srbi Lusatians, Lusatian Sorbs
luikosrpski adj Lusatian, Sorbian, Wendish
luina f chem base, alkali; v. lug, luksija
luiti vt soak in lye, B dial buck
lunica f B dial bucking-tub; (voda) lye, B dial buck(water)

ljag|a f blemish, blot, spot, stain, taint (mana) defect,
fault, flaw | bez ~e spotless, stainless, blameless
ljeilite n B sanatorium, A sanitarium; convalescent
home, medical establishment | klimatsko ~ health resort
ljeiv adj medicable; (izljeiv) curable, remediable
ljekar m v. lijenik
ljekarija f v. lijek
ljekarka f v. lijenica
ljekarna f v. apoteka
ljekarniki adj v. apotekarski
ljekarnik m v. apotekar
ljekarnitvo n pharmacy
ljekarski adj v. lijeniki
ljekarstvo n art of healing, medicine, medical science

ljekovit adj having healing (curative) properties; healing, sanative, medicinal; salutary, curing | ~o vrelo
medicinal (mineral) spring; ~o bilje medicinal herbs
ljekovitost f healing property (power, virtue); salutariness
ljenarenje n loafing, idling
ljenariti vi loaf, be idle (lazy)
ljeniv|ac m v. lijenina | zoo ~ci (porodica) Bradypodidae; zoo troprsti ~ v. tipavac
ljenstvovati vi v. ljenariti
ljepak m lime | hvatati ptice na ~ lime birds; fig ii na
~ take the bait
ljepenka f millboard, pasteboard, cardboard, paperboard
| krovna ~ tar roofing
ljepilo n viscid (sticky, adhesive) substance; glue, lime,
paste, gum; gluten; gum-arabic; adhesive binder;
(univerzalno) cement; (uredsko) B gum, A mucilage

ljepljiv adj gluey, sticky, gummy, adhesive; viscous,

viscid, glutinous; ropy, stringy, clammy
ljepljivost f stickiness, adhesiveness; viscosity, glutinosity
ljepojka f v. ljepotica
ljepot|a f beauty, handsomeness; comeliness, loveliness,
stateliness, fairness; fineness | prirodne ~e scenery,
scenic spots
ljepi, ljepivo (u itu) v. glutin
ljepotan m handsome man, iron pinup
ljepotica f belle; a beauty; a very good-looking (beautiful, charming, handsome, comely, stately) girl
ljepati vi grow (more) beautiful
ljepukast adj pretty, neat, dainty, sweet, charming, attractive, smart, A coll cute
ljepukavost f prettiness, sweetness, daintiness, neatness, smartness
ljesa f wattle; hurdle; (vrata) wickergate
ljeskanje n shimmer(ing)
ljeskati se vr shimmer
ljeskov adj hazel, of the hazel (v. lijeska)
ljeskovaa f hazel-rod (-branch, -switch)
ljeskovina f hazel-wood
ljest|ve f pl ladder, step-ladder; (na kolima) raves pl;
(jasala) rack | preke ~ava rungs (rounds) of a ladder; popeti se ~vama scale; gym vedske ~ve stall
bar sg
ljestvica f dim small ladder; mus scale, gamut; fig scale,
whole range (scope, compass), rank list
lje(ina) v. le(ina)
ljenjak m bot hazel-nut
ljetarka f ornith hazel-hen, heath-cock
ljeti adj in summer, during the summer
ljetina f crop(s), harvest; (raw) agricultural produce
ljetn|i adj summer, estival, summertime | ~o vrijeme
(pomaknuto) B summer time, A daylight-saving time;
~o kazalite (kino) open-air theatre (A theater)
ljetnikovac m summer (country-) residence (cottage,
mansion); villa
ljeto n summer; (godina) year, twelvemonth | babje ~
Indian summer; (pauina) gossamer; Novo ~ v. Nova
ljetopis m chronicle, records pl, annals pl, year-book
ljetopisac m chronicler, annalist, historiographer
ljetos adv this year
ljetonji adj of this year, this year's, of the current year
ljetovalite n summer resort | morsko (brdsko) ~ seaside (mountain) resort
ljetovanje n spending the summer holidays (vacations)
in the country (at the seaside, in the mountains)
ljetovati vi spend the summer in the country (at the seaside, in the mountains) away from home, summer at
(in) a place
ljeva m founder, smelter, moulder
ljevaki adj casting; foundry
ljevak m left-handed person, coll left-hander, A sl

ljevaonica f foundry; casting plant (shop) | ~ eljeza

iron foundry
ljeven adj v. lijevan
ljevica f the left, lef hand; (strana) left side; pol the left |
pol krajnja ~ extreme left
ljeviar m pol leftist, left-winger
ljeviarski adj pol leftist, left-wing
ljevkast adj funnel-shaped, funnel-like
ljevoruk adj left-handed (person)
ljigav adj slimy (i fig)
ljigavac m slimy type; cowardly wretch
ljigavo adv slimily (i fig)
ljigavost f sliminess (i fig)
ljiljak m zoo v. ismi
ljiljan m bot lily
ljosnuti vi tumble down, fall (unexpectedly) with a thud,
fall sprawling
ljuba f sweetheart, lady-love; dearest, my beloved, darling; (ena) wife, spouse; hum flame; (draga) mistress, paramour
ljubak adj sweet, bland, balmy, caressing, blandishing,
soothing; soft, mild, not harsh; suave, pleasing,
agreeable; nice, lovely, delightful, charming ; amiable; graceful; sweet-natured
ljubakanje n dalliance; sl smooching, sl, making out
ljubakati (se) vi (vr) smooch, make out (oba sl)
ljubav f love; passion; intrigue, fancy, amour, love affair
(connexion); (odanost) affection, fondness, attachment; (sklonost) sympathy, liking, inclination, fancy
for, preference, partiality (for); (naklonost) benevolence, grace, good-will, favour; (usluga) kindness;
(prema blinjem) charity, Christian love; (neprirodna), unnatural love; (bratska) brotherly love;
(prva, mladenaka) calf love; (stara) old flame; (iz
koristoljublja) cupboard love | vratiti ~ za ~ requite
favour with favour; meni za ~ for my sake; uinite
mi to za ~ do me the favour; dijete ~i love-begotten
(illegitimate) child, love child; igrati se s ~lju flirt;
uzvraena ~ requited love; neuzvraena ~ unrequited love
ljubavn|i adj love, amatory, erotic, amative | ~o pismo
love-letter, billet-doux; ~a veza liaison; ~i par lovers
pl; ~i napitak love potion, philtre
ljubavnica f mistress, paramour
ljubavnik m lover, paramour, gallant, sweetheart, vulg
fancy man
ljubazan adj amiable, kind, hearty, kind-hearted,
friendly; polite; bland, suave, gentle; cordial, tender,
benevolent | budi tako ~ pa mi... be so kind as to...
have the kindness to...; would you, please...
ljubazno adv kindly
ljubaznost f kindness, amiableness, amiability; cordiality, suavity; act of kindness
ljubezan adj v. ljubazan
ljubica f bot violet; (divlja) dog-violet
ljubiast adj purple, violet, violaceous, magenta | blijedo ~ lilac
ljubiica f v. ljubica

ljubimac m favourite, darling, pet, minion, idol; near

and dear, one near one's heart; (dijete) fondling, favourite child, spoiled child, jewel, apple of one's eye,
ljubimica f darling girl, pet, sweetheart itd. (v. ljubimac)
ljubitelj m lover (amateur, patron, sympathizer) of | ~i
boksanja the fancy; ~ prirode (konja) nature (horse)
lover; ~i koarke basketball fans (enthusiasts)
ljubiteljica f woman (lady) amateur (patron, sympathizer itd.)
ljubiti vt love, cherish, be fond of, like, fancy; be attached to, have a fancy for; have a passion for, be
partial to, have a partiality for, be given to a pursuit,
be keen on; (omiljena zabava) have a hobby, be devoted to; (do ludila) dote upon, be infatuated, love to
distraction, idolize; (grliti) fondle, hug, embrace;
(poljubiti) kiss, caress, smack
ljubiti se vr kiss each other (one another), fig bill and
coo; (voljeti se) love each other (one another)
ljubljen pp loved, beloved, cherished, petted, fondled
ljubljenje n kissing, fondling, caressing
ljubomora f jealousy; (jal, zavist) envy, rivalry
ljubomoran adj jealous (envious) of
ljubomorno adv jealously, enviously
ljubomornost f v. ljubomora
ljubopitan adj v. radoznao
ljubopitnost f v. radoznalost
ljubovca f arch v. ljubavnica
ljuenje n (nekoga) angering, irritating; (ljutnja) anger
ljudeskara f aug giant, colossus, very tall (big, hulking,
strapping) fellow, a man large of limb
Ljudevit m Ludovic, Lewis
ljud|i m pl people (pazi: peoples = narodi!); persons,
folk(s); (mukarci) men; (svijet) mankind, the world,
the public; (sluinad) servants, domestics | svi ~i to
znaju all the world knows it, it is generally known;
to e ~i rei (na to?) what will the world say? what
will Mrs Grundy say?; uzmi ~e kakvi su take the
world as it is; ~i govore it is rumoured that... it is the
town-talk; on poznaje svoje ~e he knows human nature; ii meu ~e mix with society; on ne ide meu
~e he is bashful (unsociable), he keeps himself to
himself, he avoids society, he lives out of the world,
he shuns company; on mrzi ~e he is a misanthrope;
poznati ~ know the world; objaviti ~ma make public(ly known); koji krade ~e kidnapper; krasti ~e
kidnap; prijatelj ~i philanthropist; trgovina ~ima
slave trade; to se ~i sjeaju within the memory of
men, within living memory; koliko ~i toliko udi
many men, many minds
ljudina f aug v. ljudeskara
ljudoder m cannibal, man-eater; (u prii) ogre; (krokodil, tigar) man-eater, man--eating crocodile (tiger)
ljudoderski adj man-eating, cannibalistic, sci anthropophagous
ljudoderstvo n cannibalism

ljudsk|i' adj human; man's; (ovjean) humane, like a

man, fit for a man | ~i rod human race, mankind; ~a
rtva human sacrifice
ljudski'' adv humanly; humanely; (jako) thoroughly,
soundly, well; downright, heartily, with a vengeance;
(kako treba) properly, fittingly; (skroz-naskroz) out
and out, throughout
ljudskost f humanness, human quality, humanity
ljudstvo n manki d, humanki d; human race (species);
humanity; (mnotvo) multitude, mob; (osoblje) men,
ljulj m bot (kukolj) darnel-, cockle-weed; (grahorica)
tares (Vicia Sativa)
ljuljaka f swing; (kolijevka) cradle; (naslonja) rocking
chair; (greda, daska) see-saw; (konj) rocking-horse
ljuljanje n swinging, rocking, swaying
ljuljati vt swing, rock, sway
ljuljati se vr swing, rock, sway; (na dasci) see-saw;
(tresti se) vacillate; (visjeti) be hanged (suspended);
(klimati se, hod) totter
ljuljukati vt swing (rock) gently
ljuljukati se vr rock (bob) gently
ljupko adv sweetly, lovely, blandly, suavely, charmingly,
ljupkost f (ar) sweetness, loveliness, grace, graciousness, charm; (blagost) blandness, suavity, mildness
ljus|ka f (ploda) shell, husk, pod; (riblja, gmazova, zmajeva) scale ; (jajeta) egg-shell | bademi (orasi) u ~ci
almonds (walnuts) in the shell
ljuskari m pl zoo Crustaceans
ljuskav adj scaly, flaky, shelly; (s komukom) podded
ljuskavost f flakiness, scaliness
ljutenje n husking, hulling, podding, scaling; (badema)
ljutiti vt peel, husk, hull, pod, shell, scale; (badem)
blanch; (kou) bark; v. guliti
ljutiti se vr scale, come off (drop) in scales; peel
ljut adj (gnjevan, srdit) angry, cross, sore, A coll mad;
wrath, irate, bitter; (otresit) snarling, sharp, biting,
grim; (na okus) sharp, hot, pungent, peppery ; (trpak)
tart, bitter, acrid, acid, acerb; (bolan) stinging, keen,
acute; (zima, studen) biting, severe, bitter, piercing,
rigorous; (bol) grievous, severe; (zloba) rancorous,
acrimonious; (nagao) hot-tempered
ljutica f zoo viper, adder; asp, venomous snake
ljuti m bot buttercup
ljutika f bot (luk) shallot
ljutina f (srdba) anger, wrath, passion, ire; poet temper;
(zlovolja) chagrin, vexation, indignation, displeasure;
(na nekoga) ill-will, rancour; (bijes) rage, fury,
fierceness, ferocity; (gorina, trpkost) bitterness, tartness, acidity, acrimony, harshness; (paprike itd.) hotness, pungency
ljutit adj angry, indignant, vexed, cross, annoyed, excited, chagrined; (bijesan) wrathful, enraged, furious,
violent, fierce, grim; (malo) in a fret (pet, tiff); sulky
ljut|iti vt anger, make angry (cross, annoyed, vexed,
grim itd.) | ovjeka ~i it makes one angry, it's irritating, resents

ljutiti se vr be angry (vexed, cross, sulky), grow angry,

fly into a passion; (bjesnjeti) fret and fume;
(izjedanje, razdrazenost) chafe, fret, worry; (zamjerati) resent, take ill (in bad part), bear a grudge | on
se ljuti na mene he is angry with me; on se lako
ljuti he is irascible (qu ick-tempered)
ljutito adv angrily, resentfully, grimly
ljutitost f v. ljutina

ljutnja f v. ljutina
ljuto adj badly, sorely, severely, outrageously, bitterly,
mightily; vehemently, harshly, sharply, exceedingly |
~ sam ga dirnuo (pecnuo, zacnuo) I stung him to the
quick; ~ su se zavadili they are at daggers drawn; ~
se vara you are greatly mistaken

ma con but | ~da although; ~ kako however, howsoever;
bio on ~ kako bogat... be he ever so rich..., however
rich he may be; ~ koliko..., ~ to anything whatever;
~ tko who(so)ever; ~ je li mogue? you don't say so!
mac|a f (makica) kitten, kitty, puss, pussy
Maca f hyp (od Marija) Molly, Polly, Minnie, May
macaklin m (guter) gecko
macan m v. maak; coll big (athletic) fellow
macice f pl bot catkins, aments
maciti se vr kitten
ma m sword, blade; (rapir) rapier, fil | trgnuti ~ draw a
sword; staviti ~ u korice sheathe; drak ~a swordhilt; pojas za ~ swordbelt; ko ~a handguard, shell;
korice ~a scabbard, sheath; okrenuti pod ~ put to
the sword
maak m male cat, tom-cat | kupiti maka u vrei buy a
pig in a poke
mae n kitty, kitten, small cat
maevalac m swordsman; sp fencer
maevalaki adj a swordsman's
maevanje n sword-play; (vjetina) swordsmanship; sp
maevati (se) vi (vr) fence, practice swordplay
mai m dim small male cat
maj|i adj of a cat, catlike, feline | ~a apa cat's paw; ~a
deraa charivari, mock serenade; ~i brci cat's
whiskers; ~e predenje cat's purring
maka f she-cat; (stara) grimalkin; (divlja) wildcat;
ichth catfish, dogfish | ~ se nakostruila the cat's
back is up, the cat is spitting
maonoa m sword-bearer
maor m v. maak
maeha f step-mother (i fig)
maehinski' adj stepmotherly, harsh
maehinski'' adv like a stepmother, harshly, cruelly
mauha f v. maeha
mauhica f bot pansy
mada con v. ma da
Madagaskar m geog Madagascar
madagaskarski adj geog Madagascar
made m mole (on skin)
madona f madonna
madrac m mattress | feder ~ spring-mattress; zrani ~ B
li-lo, air-bed; A air mattress
madrigal m mus madrigal
madrigalist m mus madrigalist

Madar m Hungarian, Magyar

Madarica f Hungarian woman (lady, girl)
madarizacija f Hungarization, Magyarization
madarizirati vt Hungarize, Magyarize
madaron m hist pro-Hungarian, Unionist
madaronski adj hist pro-Hungarian, Unionist
Madarska f Hungary
madarski adj Hungarian | ~ jezik Hungarian
maij|a f v. arobnjastvo, magija | ~e pl v. ari, aranje, vraanje
maijati vi v. arati, vraati
maioniar m magician; (artist) conjurer
maioniarski adj | ~ trikovi conjuring tricks, sleightof-hand, legerdemain, prestidigitation
maestral m landward breeze
maestro m maestro, master
mafija f maffia (i fig), the Mob
mafija m maffioso, mobster
mag m magus
magacin m v. skladite
magacioner m v. skladitar
magar|ac m ass, donkey, jackass; fig ass, duffer; v. s
konja na ~ca out of the frying pan into the fire
magarev adj of an ass (donkey)
magarina f aug & derog big ass; rogue, mischief-maker
magare|i adj of an ass (donkey), belonging to an ass,
ass-like, asinine | ~e ui (podvinuti list) dog's ear, dog
magaretina f a piece (an act) of roguery (waggery, mischievousness)
magarica f she-ass, female ass
magaza f reg v. duan, skladite
magazin m v. skladite, asopis, robna kua; (dio
oruja) magazine
magaziner m v. skladitar
magazinski adj v. skladini
Magda f Magda, Madge
Magdalena f Magdalen(e), Madeline
magian adj magic
magiar m magician
magija f magic | crna ~ black magic
maginja f bot strawberry-tree
magistar m univ master of arts (sciences), abbr M.A.
(M.S.) | ~ farmacije graduate pharmacist; ~ lingvistike M.A. in linguistics; ~ ekonomije M.S. in

magistarsk|i adj univ | ~a teza master's (specif M.A.,

M.S.) thesis
magisterij m univ master's degree | poloiti ~ v. magistrirati
magistra f woman (lady) pharmacist
magistrala f main (B+ trunk) road, artery | Jadranska ~
the Adriatic Highway
magistrat m town (civic) authorities, municipal corporation; (zastupstvo) town-council; (zgrada, vijenica)
magistratura f v. magisterij
magistrirati vi univ win a master's degree
magla f (gusta) fog, mist; (rijetka) haze | ~ pada fog is
coming down; ~ se die fog is rising
maglica f dim haze; astr nebula
magliav adv hazy
magliavost f haziness
magliti se vr | meni se magli (u glavi, pred oima) my
head swims, I feel giddy
maglovit adj foggy, misty, nebulous; hazy; (nejasan)
vague, indistinct
maglovitost f fogginess, mistiness, nebulousness, nebulosity; (neodreenost) vagueness
maglutina f aug dense (impenetrable, thick) fog
magljenje n enveloping (wrapping) in fog
magma f geol magma
magnat m magnate, peer; eminent and wealthy man;
(industrije) captain of industry | ~ nafte (elika) oil
(steel) baron (A+ tycoon)
magnet m magnet (i fig); stone; mot magneto
magnetian adj magnetic; fig charismatic
magnetit m minr magnetite
magnetizam m phys magnetism; attraction, personal
charm, charisma
magnetizirati vt magnetize, make magnetic
magnetofon m tape recorder | kasetni ~ cassette recorder
(deck); snimiti na ~ tape(-record)
magnetofonsk|i adj tape-recorder | ~a traka (recording)
tape; ~a snimka tape recording
magnetoskop m video-tape recorder | snimiti na ~
magnetoskopsk|i adj | ~a snimka video recording; ~a
traka video tape
magnetsk|i adj magnet, of a magnet | ~a igla magnetic
needle; ~o polje magnetic field; ~i ekvator aclinic
magnezij m (kovina) magnesium; photo flashlight powder
magnezija f magnesia (prah)
magnolija f bot magnolia
magnovenje n v. trenutak
mah' m (kretnja) motion, movement; (udarac) stroke,
blow, cut; turn; (takt) measure; (zamah) swing,
sweep; (trzaj) jerk; (tren) moment, instant, jiffy, trice,
twinkling; (put) time | u (na) jedan ~ (popiti)
(empty) at one draught; (potez) at one pull (tug, jerk);
(odmah) at once; u punom ~u in full swing; dati ~a
set agoing (in motion), give a fillip; na ~ove by fits
and starts, off and on, spasmodically, by snatches; sve

u jedan ~ all at once; u prvi ~ at first; ~om v. redovito, obino

mah'' m aero | brzinom od 2 ~a at Mach 2
mahagoni m (drvo) mahagony
mahala f Tur v. gradska etvrt
mahanje n swinging; (poziv znakovima) beckoning, motioning; calling by signs; (rukama) waving; (vitlanje)
flourishing; (amo-tamo) swaying; (repom) wagging;
(lepezom) fanning; (uzrujano rukama) gesticulation
maharada m maharaja(h)
mahati vi swing, flourish; (vitlati) brandish; (repom)
wag; (glavom) nod; (lepezom) fan; (vijati) winnow;
(drmati) shake; (zvati) beckon, motion, call by sign
(motion); (znak) make a sign; (rukom) wave; (jako)
maher m coll Ger operator, wheeler-dealer (oba A sl)
maheraj m coll Ger trick, A sl wheeling and dealing (v.
mahinacija f v. makinacija
mahinalan adj v. makinalan
mahnit adj (bijesan) raging, furious, frantic, infuriated,
frenzied; (pseto) rabid; (lud, smuen) wild, crazy,
hare-brained, possessed; (lud za neim) mad after
mahnitanje n raging, fuming, raving
mahnitati vi (bjesnjeti) rage, fume, foam, rave, be in a
frenzy; (ludilo) run amuck, be delirious, be stark
mad; play the devil (deuce), go (run) mad
mahnitost f madness, frenzy, mania, delirium, insanity
mahnuti vi (znak) beckon, motion, wave (a hand), give a
mahnuti se vr desist from; (okaniti se) drop (give up) (a
custom, habit), forgo, abstain from; relinquish
mahom adv instantly, immediately, at once; then and
there; on the spot
mahovin|a f moss | ~om obraten mossy, moss-grown
mahun|a f pod | ~e B French beans, A string (green)
beans; u ~i in the pod
mahunarke f pl bot leguminous plants, sci Leguminosae
mahunast adj growing in pods, having pods | ~e biljke
leguminous plants, pulse
maistral m v. maestral
maj m (v. svibanj) May | Prvi ~ May 1st; May Day
maja f jersey; jumper; v. pulover
majak m ent v. obina kokica
majati se vr v. motati se
majin adj mother's, maternal | ~o krilo mother's lay, fig
tender care; ~a duica wild thyme
majinski adj motherly, motterlike, parental; (njean)
majinstvo n motherhood, maternity
majdan m Tur v. rudnik | ~ uglja v. ugljenokop
majica f (s kratkim rukavima) T-shirt; (bez rukava) athletic shirt (v. potkoulja); (s dugim rukavima i ovratnikom) knit(ted) shirt, A+ sweater shirt, B+ jersey;
(mornarska) B matelot shirt, A sailor's striped shirt;
(dio dresa) jersey
majk|a f motiher; mama, ma | roena ~a one's own
mother; ~a boja Holy Virgin; osjeati se ~om feel
oneself with child; postati ~om become mother, be-

come pregnant (with child); bez ~e motherless; ~a

zemlja mother country; brat po majci uterine
majmun m zoo monkey, (ovjekoliki) ape; derog slob,
jerk, twirp
majmun|e n young (of) monkey, baby monkey | ~ad
collect baby monkeys
majmunica f female ape
majmunisanje n apery, aping, monkey tricks, buffoonery; (oponaanje) slavish imitation
majmunisati vi buffoon, jape; imitate slavishly, ape;
mimic; copy
majmunski adj monkey, apish
majmunstvo n slavish imitation, apish performance;
mimicry, apery
Majna f geog Main
majolika f art majolica, maiolica
majoneza f cul mayionnaise; (slino) salad cream
major m mil major
majorana f v. mauran
majordom m hist majordomo
majoritet m pol majority (v. veina)
majorizacija f pol v. nadglasavanje
majorski adj a major's | ~ in a major's commission
majsk|i adj v. svibanjski
majstor m skilled workman (master); (vjetina) proficient in; (obrtnik) artisan, handicraftsman, mechanic,
artificer | ~ tesar master carpenter; ~ slikar great
painter; ahovski ~ chess master; ~ kvari bungler;
man of many trades and master of none
majstorica f artisan's wife; woman skilled in a trade;
woman clever at (proficient in)
majstorija f a piece of dexterity, skill, cleverness;
(arolije) prestidigitation, legerdemain, sleight-ofhand; stunt gimmick
majstorisati vt make, build, put together; fig fool around
with, cook up
majstorluk m v. majstorija
majstorsk|i' adj an artisan's (master's); masterly, accomplished, perfect | ~o djelo masterpiece
majstorski'' adv cleverly, skilfully
majstorstvo n mastership; masterliness
majur m farm-stead, farm; homestead
majurski adj of a farm (farm-stead, homestead)
majuskula f majuscule script (writing)
majuan adj very small; puny, tiny, wee, petty, diminutive, undersized
majunost f diminutiveness, smallness, puniness, minuteness
mak m poppy | glavica ~a poppyhead; sjeme ~a poppyseed; bijeli ~ opium poppy; tjerati ~ na konac be
pig-headed (about); go to extremes
makac m | ni ~ (dalje) don't stir (budge)!, be still as a
mouse; nee ni ~ dalje it won't move an inch; nije
mogao ni ~ dalje he was rooted to the spot
makadam m civ eng macadam | graditi ~ macadamize;
gradnja ~a macadamization
makadamsk|i adj civ eng | ~a cesta macadam road

makar con although, for all..., notwithstanding, nevertheless, however | pa ~ ba even if..., ~ je bogat,
ipak... rich as he is... still
makaroni m pl cul macaroni
makaze f pl Tur v. kare
makazice f pl dim Tur v. karice
Makedonac m Macedonian
Makedonija f geog Macedonia
makedonski adj Macedonian
maketa f scale model; (vea) mock-up
makija f bot macchia, dense evergreen underbrush
makijavelist m Macchiavellian
makijavelistiki adj Machiavellian
makijavelizam m Machiavellism
makinacija f machination
makinalan adj mechanical, automatic
makinalno adv mechanically, autamatically
makinator m machinator; v. maher
makler m exch broker
maklja f scraper, scraping-iron
makljen m bot plane-tree
maknuti vt move; (skloniti) put aside, remove; (gurnuti)
push; (s mjesta) displace; v. otpustiti | ~ s puta
(ubiti) dispatch, do away with
maknu|ti se vr move, stir; shift position (place) | nije se
ni ~o he never budged
makov adj of poppy, poppy | biti manji od ~a zrna efface oneself
makovica f bot poppy-head
makovnjaa f cul poppy-seed cake (roll)
makro m pimp
maksima f maxim, principle
maksimalan adj maximal, maximum, peak
maksimalno adv to the utmost, to a maximum degree
maksimirati vt | ~ cijene freeze (peg) prices
maksimum m maximum | do ~a v. maksimalno; izvui
~ iz get the (ut)most out of
makulatura f waste paper, paper for recycling
mala' f little girl | ~! (djevojci) bab; dobra ~a good girl
(A+ kid)
mala'' f Tur v. mahala
malahit m minr malachite
Malaja f geog Malaya
Malajac m Malay
malajski adj Malayan
malaksalost f (umor) exhaustion, prostration, enervation, break-down, collapse; (duha) depression; (tromost) lassitude, languor; (slabost) debility, decrepitude, faintnes
malaksanje n slackening (decreasing) of vigour, diminution of force
malaksao adj exhausted, worn-out, broken-down, spent,
enervated, tired out, wasted, prostrated, knocked-up,
used up, done up, unnerved, shattered; decrepit,
shaky, drooping, flagging
malaksati vi lose vigour (vitality); become exhausted
(weak, enervated, slack, tired); wear out, weaken,
grow languid, languish; flag; (pred smrt) droop, sink;
(popustiti) slack off

malanje n Ger painting (v. soboslikarski radovi) ; v.

malarian adj malarial, malaria-ridden
malariar m med malarial
malarija' f med malaria
malarija'' f Ger reg v. maleraj; derog v. mazarija
malati vt Ger v. maljati
Malavi m geog Malawi
malc m Ger v. slad | ~ bomboni v. bomboni protiv
malice adv v. malko
malecki adj v. sitan
malen adj small, little; (siuan) diminutive, tiny, (u
djejem govoru: wee, teeny), minute, puny; (stasom)
short, undersized, dwarfish, scrubby; (krljav)
stunted; (neznatan, triav) petty, shabby, paltry, trifling, slight, insignificant, trivial, inappreciable,
scanty, slender; (pogreka) light; (nedorastao) minor
| vrlo ~ infinitesimal; od ~a from a child, from childhood
malenkost f a trifle, a small quantity; paltry sum; small
(trifling, minor, insignificant) matter, a matter of
secondary importance; a mere trifle, a bit, a scrap, a
pittance | moja ~ my poor self, yours truly
maler' m Ger v. soboslikar, liilac
maler'' m Fr bad luck (v. peh, nesrea, baksuz)
maleraj m Ger v. slikarstvo, soboslikarski (liilaki)
malerozan adj Fr v. nesretan
malean adj v. sitan
Malezija f geog Malaysia
malezijski adj geog Malaysian
malgak|i adj geog Malagasy | ~a republika Malagasy
mali' adj small, little itd. (v. malen) | ~! boy!, A+ kid!;
young man!
mali'' m little boy, the little one, urchin; (na brodu)
Mali m geog Mali
maliciozan adj malitious
malicioznost f maliciousness
malig|an' adj med malignant | ~ni tumor malignancy
maligan'' m | vino od 9 ~a wine with 9% alcohol (by
malignost f med malignancy
malijski adj geog Malian
malina f bot raspberry; (biljka) raspberry bush
malinovac m raspberry-juice (-syrup); (sa sodom) raspberry soda
malian m little child, little boy; (tek prohodao) tiny tot,
malko adv just a bit (little, trifle)
malne adj v. skoro, praktiki, tako rei
malo adj & adv a little bit, little; (neto) somewhat,
some, any / adv in some degree, rather, slightly; so...
so; (slabo) faintly, slenderly, sparingly, scantily;
(jedva) hardly, barely | ~ ih je they are few; (i
ratrkani su) they are few and far between; trgovina
na ~ retail trade; trade over the counter (by retail); na

~ on a small scale; prodavati na ~ (sell by) retail;

ekaj ~ wait a moment; ~ (da) ne v. skoro; do ~
soon, in the near future; ni ~ in no wise, not in the
least, not a bit (jot, whit); ne ~ not a few, not a little;
(donekle) to a small extent; vrlo ~ next to nothing; ~
po ~ by degrees, little by little, successively, gradually, progressively, gently; ~ kada rarely, seldom,
hardly ever; ~ zatim soon after; ~ prije a few moments ago, a while ago; ~ imam novaca I am short of
money; ~ imam robe my stock is running low; ~ ih
je ostalo their number was thinned; ~ je manjkalo
da ... it was within a hair's breadth... ; ~ da (se)
nije... all but, it was a close shave of it, it was a narrow miss; drati ~ do... slight, neglect, disregard,
make light (nothing) of; ~ crven reddish; ~ i veliko
children and grown up people, all without difference
of age
malobroj|an adj not numerous, few and far between |
~ni crnci meu bijelcima the whites with a sprinkling of negroes
malobrojnost f small number, fewness, minority, paucity, scarcity
maloas adv a moment ago, a short while ago
maloa f smallness, littleness
malodoban adj v. maloljetan
malodobnik m v. maloljetnik
maloduan adj pusillanimous, faint-hearted, lowspirited; spiritless, dispirited, disheartened, shrinking, despondent, discouraged
maloduje n v. malodunost
malodunik m faint-heart
maloduno adv despondently
malodunost f pusillanimity, faint-heartedness, despair,
despondency, discouragement
malogradski adj small-town
malograan|in m, ~ka f petty bourgeois; Philistine
malograanski adj petty bourgeois; Philistine
malograantina f petty bourgeois (Philistine) mentality
malogranini adj v. pogranini
malokalibarsk|i adj | ~a puka small-bore rifle
malokrvan adj v. slabokrvan
malolitran|i adj mot | ~a kola compact car
maloljetan adj under age, not yet of age; jur minor
maloljetnica f v. maloljetnik
maloljetniki adj minor; adolescent | ~ kriminal juvenile delinquency
maloljetnik m jur minor, person under age
maloljetnost f minority, nonage, pupillage
malomjetan|in m small-town person | ~i small-town
malomjetanski adj small-town
malone adv v. skoro, praktiki, tako rei
maloposjednik m smallholder, A+ dirt farmer
maloprijanji adj recent
maloprije adv v. malo prije
maloprodaja f retail trade
maloprodajn|i adj | ~a cijena (mrea) retail price (network)
maloprodavac m retailer

maloprodavanica f retail shop (A store)

Malorus m Little Russian (v. Ukrajinac)
malotrajan adj v. kratkotrajan
malouman adj v. slabouman
malovaroki adj v. malogradslri
malovjean adj young, short-lived
malovjenost f being short-lived
malovjeran adj weak in faith, of little faith
malovjernost f weaikness in faith
malovrijedan adj low-value; worthless
malta f hist toll-house; (brklja) toll-bar, toll-gate
maltar m hist toll-collector, toll-gatherer, toller
maltarin|a f hist toll, toll-thorough | most gdje se ubire
~a toll-bridge; ubirati ~u toll, take toll
maltene adv v. skoro, praktiki, tako rei
malter m v. mort, buka
malterisati vt v. bukati
malteki adj Maltese
Malteanin m native of Malta, Maltese
maltretiranje n mistreatment; fig tormenting
maltretirati vt mistreat, maltreat, ill-treat manhandle,
rough up; fig torment
malvazija f (vino) malmsey
malverzacija f malversation, embezzlement, fraudulent
malj m hammer; (drveni) mallet; bat; (nabija) beetle,
rammer, ram
maljati vt Ger paint; (obijeliti) whitewash
maljav adj downy, fuzzy; bot pubescent; text nappy
malje f pl down, fuzz
mama f mother, mamma, ma, mom(my), mum(my)
mamac m fig bait, lure, enticement, temptation; (u lovu
na ptice) decoy-duck (-bird), stool-pigeon | fig uhvatiti se na ~ take the bait
mambo m (ples) mambo | plesati ~ (dance the) mambo
mameluk m hist mameluke
mamica f dim (little, dear) mother, ma
mamilac m enticer, tempter
mamin adj mother's | ~ sin mother's son (v. maza)
mamiti vt (lovinu) bait, lure, decoy; (privlaiti) attract,
allure, entice, empt, induce; (nagovarati) woo
mamlaz m duffer, dolt, blockhead, idiot, A sl jerk
mamljenje n temptation, allurement, enticement
mamon m fig (novac) pelf, mammon
mamuran adj (pospan) drowsy; (od pia) hung over
mamurluk m v. mamurnost
mamurnost f drowsiness; (od pia) hangover
mamut m zoo mammoth
mamutovac m bot sequoia
mamutski adj fig mammoth, jumbo
mamuz|a f spur; (kotai mamuze) rowel | podbosti ~om
mamuzati vt spur, gut (set) spurs to
man|a' f fault, imperfection, shortcoming, deficiency,
flaw, foible, defect; (slaboa) failing, weakness;
(slaba strana) weak side; (lo obiaj) bad habit, vice;
(tjelesna) infirmity; (mrlja) blemish, blot, stain, taint,
spat, drawback | bez ~e faultless, flawless, sound,
spotless, stainless; pun ~a faulty, defective; excep-

tionable, reprehensible, objectionable; govorna ~a

speech defect (impediment)
mana'' f Bib manna
manastir m v. samostan
manastirski adj v. samostanski
mandala f Tur (door-) latch (v. zasun)
mandarin m hist mandarin
mandarinka f (narana) mandarine, tangerine
mandat m mandate; term of office
mandatar m mandatary
mandatn|i adj | pol ~o podruje mandated territory; ~a
kazna mandatory fine
mandator m pol mandator
mandolat m cul almond nougat
mandolina f mus mandolin(e)
mandolinist m mus mandolinist
mandragora f bot mandrake, mandragora
mandril m zoo mandrill
mandula f v. badem; krajnik
Mandurija f geog Manchuria
Mandurijac m Manchurian
mandurski adj Manchurian
maneken m (male) fashion model; v. krojaka lutka
manekena f (female) fashion model | raditi kao ~ (kod)
model (for)
manekenski adj | ~ posao modelling (A modeling)
manevar m mil & fig manoeuvre (A maneuver); (zakulisni) underhand dealing
manevarka f v. lokomotiva
manevarski adj | fig ~ prostor room for manoeuvre (A
manevrirati vi manoeuvre (A maneuver) (i fig)
mangala f Tur brazier
mangan m chem manganese
mango m bot mango
mangeld m bot (repa) mangel, mangold (beet)
mangup m Tur v. fakin
manguparija f Tur v. fakinaa, podvala
mani m ichth v. manji
manifest m (proglas) manifesto; (brodski) manifest
manifestacija f manifestation; demonstration; event
manifestant m manifestant
manifestirati vt manifest; demonstrate
manija f mania, rage for, craze for
manijaki adj med & fig maniacal
manijak m med & fig maniac
manikiranj|e n manicure | pribor za ~ manicure set; ii
na ~e get a manicure; na ~u getting a manicure
manikirati se vr get a manicure
manioka f bot & cul manioc(a), cassava, tapioca
manipulacija f manipulation, treatment, managing;
manipulant m v. vjebenik, pripravnik; (zakulisni)
backroom dealer (v. makinator)
manipulativni adj | ~ trokovi handling charges
manipulirati vt manipulate, manage, handle
manira f manner; (ponaanje) manners pl; beihaviour;
(odgoj) breeding; (slikarska) manner | ovjek ~ a

well-mannered man; ovjek bez ~ an ill-mannered

(rough-mannered) man
manirist m art mannerist
maniristiki adj art manneristic
manirizam m mannerism
Manojlo m Emmanuel
manometar m eng manometer, pressure gauge
mansarda f attic, garret
mansardni adj | ~ krov mansard roof
manet|a f cuff | dugme za ~u cuff-link; ~a na hlaama
B turn-up, A cuff
mantija f cloak; robe, gown; (kapuca) cowl; habit
mantija m derog blackcoat
mantil m v. prijelazni kaput, kuta
mantisa f math mantissa
mantl m Ger v. kaput, ogrta
manual m v. prirunik
manual|an adj manual, of the (done with) hands | ~ni
rad (radnik, zvanja) manual work (worker, occupations)
manufaktura f manual work (worker, occupations)
manufakturist m dealer in textiles, B+ draper
manufakturni adj dealing with textiles
manuskript m manuscript (v. rukopis)
manuti se vr desist, leave off, cease, stop, drop, not interfere | mani se... have done + -ing; mani me se
leave (let) me alone
maneta f v. maneta
manjak m deficit, deficiency; (nestaica) shortage, went,
lack; (poeljno) desideratum | nadoknaditi ~ supply
the loss, replace, refund, make good
manje adv less | ~ nego less than; ne ~ nego not less
than, as much as, as many as; 40 ~ 2 je 40 less (minus) 2 is; za ~ od tjedan dana inside of a week,
within a week; ima ~ od 40 godina he is on the right
(sunny) side of 40; 2 mjeseca ~ 2 dana 2 months
wanting 2 days; ~ njih fewer; ~ vie more or less; ni
vie ni ~ nego neither more nor less than
manjerka f mil arch v. porcija
manji adj comp smaller, lesser, less; minor, lower; inferior, shorter; (smanjen) reduced, retrenched; (spao)
decreased, fallen off | uiniti (postati) ~m lessen
manji m ichth burbot
manjina f minority, smaller number | nacionalna ~ national (ethnic) minority
manjkanje n lack(ing), deficiency, want; (nedolazak)
non-appearance, non-attendance, absence
manjk|ati vi be lacking (wanting in); lack, want | meni
~a I want (lack), I am in want of, I am lacking (wanting), I am without, I am destitute of (deficient in), I
am (stand) in need of, I am short of; (jako) I am
badly wanting (in); nita mi ne ~a I lack nothing;
(dobro mi je) I am fine; tome ~a this falls short of
(by); ~a mi radne snage I am shorthanded (short of
hands); neto ~a somethings wanting (missing); ~a
mi knjiga I miss the book; ~a mu svaki osjeaj stida
he is lost to every sense of propriety; ~alo mu je
prilino do cilja he was far from the mark; ~a samo
jo 10 asaka do 8 it wants (yet) 10 minutes of 8;

~alo bi mi vremena kada bih htio rei time would

fail me to tell; malo je ~alo da nastradam v. za
dlaku; nita nije ~alo there was nothing wanting;
~ao je he was absent, he wes not present
manjkav adj defective, defcient, wanting (in); insufficient; imperfect, incomplete, unfinished; inconclusive; inadequate
manjkavo adv defectively, improperly, imperfectly
manjkavost f defectiveness, imperfection, incompleteness, drawback, inadequacy
maoist m pol Maoist
maoistiki adj pol Maoist
maoizam m pol Maoism
maona f mar lighter; scow
Maor m (novozelandski) Maori | ~i pl Maori(s)
maorski adj Maori
mapa f (geografska karta) map; (kona i sl.) portfolio | ~
crrea album of drawings
mar m v. marljivost, revnost
Mara f hyp May, Polly
marabu m ornith marabou
marama f Tur v. rubac
maramica f dim Tur v. rupi | anat trbuna ~ v. potrbunica; anat pluna ~ v. porebrica
maran adj v. marljiv, revan
maraska f bot marasca cherry
maraskino m maraschino (liqueur)
maraton m sp marathon race; fig marathon
maratonac m sp marathon runner
maratonsk|i adj | sp ~a trka marathon race; fig ~o zasjedanje marathon session
marcipan m cul marchpane, marzipan
marelica f apricot; apricot-tree
marenda f reg v. uina
marendati vi reg v. uinati
marenje n v. briga, zanimanje, osvrtanje
Margareta f Margaret, Maggie, Marjorie, Maud, Peg
margareta f bot v. ivanica
margarin m cul margarine
margina f margin
marginalan adj marginal
marginalija n pl marginalia
Margita f Margot
Marica f hyp May, Polly | crna ~ (policijska kola) paddy
marifetluk m Tur v. trik, podvala, majstorija
marihuana f v. hai
Marija f Maria, Mary, May, Poll(y)
marija m v. marja
marina f art seascape; (luka) marina
marinac m v. pripadnik pomorske pjeadije
marinada f cul marinade, pickled fish
marinerski adj Ger v. mornarski
marinirati vt cul marinade, marinate
marinist m art seascapist, seascape painter
marinski adj v. mornarski, mornariki
marioneta f puppet, marionette (specif string puppet,
hand puppet); fig puppet (on a string)

marionetsk|i adj | ~o kazalite puppet show, B+ Punch

and Judy show; pol ~i reim (vlada) puppet regime
mariti vi | ~ za v. biti stalo do, brinuti se za, osvrtati se
na; ne ~ za v. ne biti stalo do itd; v. biti svejedno; ne
mari v. ne smeta, nije vano
maritiman adj maritime (v. pomorski)
marja m hist & fig v. gro, para
marka f postage-stamp, stamp; (za doplatu potarine)
postage-due stamp; (zatitna) trade mark; (vrsta)
brand, label; (njemaka) mark | automat za prodaju
maraka stamp-vending machiine; coll ~ za neto v.
autoritet, strunjak
markantan adj striking; (muko lice) rugged
markantnost f strikingness; ruggedness
marker m (pisalo) marker
markgrof m hist margrave
markgrofovija f hist margraviate
markica f dim stamp
markirati vt mark; vi sch sl v. izostajati iz skole; v.
markiz m marquis, marquess
markiza f marchioness
markizet m text marquisette
Marko m Marc | fig ~ Markovi John Doe
marksist m Marxist (v. terorist)
marksistiki adj Marxist
marksistiko-lenjinistiki adj Marxist-Leninist
marksistkinja f (woman) Marxist
marksizam m Marxism (v. terorizam)
marljiv adj industrious, diligent, hardworking, assiduous, sedulous, studious; (poman) painstaking; (neumoran) untiring, unremitting, indefatigable; (ustrajan) persevering; (zaposlen) busy, active, bustling;
(koji se mui) plodding; (revan) eager, zealous | ~
posjetnik frequent visitor; biti ~ be industrious
(busy, active); take pains, do one's best
marljivo adv industriously, diligently, sedulously, studiously, hard, painstakingly; busily, actively; keenly,
assiduously | uiti ~ study hard; on ~ polazi kazalite
he is a theatre-goer; ~ polaziti predavanja regularly
attend lectures
marljivost f industry, application, diligence, assiduity,
sedulity, sedulousness; (ustrajnost) perseverance;
(pomnost) painstakingness; (neumornost), indefatigability; (radinost) business, activity; (revnost) zeal,
fervour, ardour
marmelada f jam | ~ od marelica apricot jam; ~ od
narani marmelade
maroder m mil arch v. simulant
Marokanac m Morrocan
marokanski adj Morrocan
maroken m morocco (leather)
Maroko m geog Morocco
maron m v. kesten
Mars m astr & myth Mars | kao da je pao s ~a like
somebody from another planet
marseljeza f mus marseillaise
Marsovac m Martian

marsovski adj Martian

mar m mil march; mus v. koranica | ~! get lost!; ~
van! get (the hell) out of here!; mil naprijed ~! forward march!
maral m mil marchal
maralski adj mil marshal's
maralstvo n mil marshal's rank (office)
mare n beast, head of cattle; derog lazy (stupid) fellow
mariranje n mil march(ing), marches
marirati vi mil march
marruta f itinerary
mart m (v. oujak) March
Marta f Martha
martenovski adj tech | ~ postupak (pe) Martin process
Martin m Martin | ent smrdljivi ~ green stinkbug
Martinje n Martinmas, St. Martin's day (11. studenoga)
martirij m v. muenitvo
martovski adj (v. oujski) March
marva f collect v. stoka
marveni adj v. stoni | ~ ljekar v. veterinar
marvine n a head of cattle
marvinski' adj v. stoni
marvinski'' adv beastly, brutally
marvogojstvo n v. stoarstvo
mara f com margin
mas|a f mass; (gomila) heap, pile; fig pile; fig (mnotvo)
multitude | ~ ljudi an awful lot of people; narodne ~e
the masses
masakr m massacre
masakrirati vt massacre
masan adj v. mastan
masa|a f massage, rubbing; kneading | salon za ~u
massage parlo(u)r
maser m masseur
maserka f masseuse
masirati vt massage; fig v. gnjaviti
masiv m geog massif
masivan adj massive; solid, not hollow; (vrst) strongly
constructed; (nespretan) heavy, clumsy
masivnost f massiveness, solidity, solidness, compactness
mask|a f mask; (osoba) mask, masker, masquer, masquerader, domino; fig mask, cloak (v. krinka); (podvodna) (skindiving) goggles pl; mot grille | posmrtna
~ death mask; skinuti nekome ~u unmask one
maskenbal m Ger masked ball
maskerada f masquerade
maskirati (se) vt (vr) mask
maskota m mascot
maslac m butter | kruh i ~ bread and butter; plosnat
komadi ~a dab of butter; namazati kruh ~em
spread butter on bread, butter bread
maslaak m bot dandelion
maslani adj butter, of butter
maslen adj made with rendered butter
maslenka f butter-pot, butter-vessel
maslenjaa f cake made with rendered butter
maslina f (plod) olive; (drvo) olive-tree

maslinast adj (boja) olive-green

maslinik m olive-grove
maslinov adj olive | ~o ulje olive-oil; ~a grana olive
branch, Bibl M~a gora Mount of Olives, Olivet
maslinovina f olive wood
Maslinska gora f Bibl Mount of Olives
maslo n rendered butter | to je njegovo ~ he has a finger
in this pie, he has a hand in it
masmedija n pl mass media
masnica f v. modrica
masno adv greasily, fatly; fig lavishly, heavily; v. ~
masno|a f fatness, greasiness, oiliness, unctuosity;
(punoa) richness | biljne ~e vegetable fats
masohist m v. mazohist
mason m Freemason
masonerija f collect (Free)masonry
masonski adj masonic
masonstvo n (Free)masonry
masovn|i adj mass, large-scale, massive, wholesale | ~a
proizvodnja mass production, assembly-line production
masovno adv on a massive scale
masovnost f large membership, massive participation
mast f rendered fat, lard; (od peenke) dripping; (za mazanje) grease; med salve, ointment | svinjska ~ pigfat
mas|tan adj fat, fatty, greasy, oily, unctuous; (tlo - plodnost) rich, fertile; (hrana) rich, greasy, high (diet);
(unosan) rich, lucrative, profitable | ~na zemlja
mould, loam; ~nim slovima in boldface; ~tan ten
oily skin; ~na farba v. uljena boja
mastik m (smola) mastic
mastika f (pie) mastic
mastilo n v. tinta
mastiljav adj v. tintan
mastionica f v. tintarnica
mastiti vt make fat, oil, grease, lard; (zalijevati peenku)
mastodont m zoo mastodon
mastodontski adj fig mastodonic
masturbacija f med masturbation
masturbirati vi & vt masturbate, tab jerk off
maaj m act of snatching (picking up, catching)
maanje n repeated act of snatching (catching, picking
up, taking hold of, seizing), reaching out
maati se vr v. maiti se
maice f pl (coal) tongs
main|a f v. stroj | ~ alatljika v. alatni stroj; pisati na
~i (tipkati) type
mainac m v. student strojarstva
mainerija f machinery (i fig)
maingever m mil Ger v. pukomitraljez
mainist m v. strojar
mainka f mil v. automat
mainobravar m v. strojobravar
mainogradnja f engineering industry, machinebuilding industry
mainovoa m rlw v. strojovoa

mainsk|i adj machine-made (v. strojni) | ~i inenjer

(fakultet) v. strojarski inenjer (fakultet); ~a
dvorana v. strojarnica
mainstvo n v. strojarstvo
maiti se vr catch (snatch, grasp) at, reach out for; take
hold of, put one's hand to, seize; (dosegnuti) reach
down, take with outstretched hand; v. posegnuti za
makar|a f masker, masquer; (neukusno odjevena
osoba) badly dressed (grotesque-looking) person,
scarecrow | ~e pl masquerade
makarada f masquerade, mummery
mana f Ger (vor) bow; (vrpca) ribbon; v. kravata
mata f fancy, imaginative faculty, imagination; fantasy;
(utvaranje) conceit
matalac m dreamer, visionary, fantast
matanje n dreaming, musing, meditation, imagining;
(flight of) fancy; (sanjarenje) dreams; day-dreaming,
chimera; visions
matarija f revery, daydreaming, chimera
matarski adj visionary; fantastic
matati vi muse, dream, fancy, imagine, day-dream
matel m It v. kabao, abar
matenje n greasing, oiling
matovit adj imaginative; fanciful, visionary, fantastical,
imaginary; odd, unreal
matovitost f fancifulness, fantasticality, visionariness
mat' m (ah) check (mate) | dati ~ v. matirati
mat'' adj (boja, povrina) matt; opaque
matador m bullfighter; matador
Mate m hyp Matt
Matej m Matthew
matematiar m mathematician
matematiki' adj mathematical
matematiki'' adv mathematically
matematika f mathematics pl | ista ~ pure (abstract)
mathematics; primijenjena (via) ~ applied (higher)
matematski adj mathematical
mater m v. majka | vulg odi u vraju ~! go to hell!
materic|a f anat v. maternica | grli ~e v. ue maternice
materij|a f (tvar) matter; stuff; med pus, purulent matter;
(graa) subject-matter | phys vrste ~e solids
materijal m material (i text); materials, supplies; mil
matriel | sanitetski ~ medical supplies
materijalan adj material; (tjelesan) corporeal, unspiritual; (bitan) substantial, vital
materijalist m materialist
materijalistian adj materialistic
materijalizacija f materialization
materijalizam m materialism | dijalektiki (historijski)
~ dialectical (historical) materialism
materijalizirati (se) vt (vr) materialize
materijalno adv materially | nije mi to ~ mogue I can't
afford it
materin adj v. majin
materinski' adj mother, motherly, maternal | ~ jezik
mother-tongue, native-tongue
materinski'' adv motherly, motherlike, affectionately

materinstvo n motherhood, maternity; property inherited

from mother
maternic|a f anat womb, matrix, uterus | ue ~e cervix
maternji adj v. materinski
mati f v. majka
matica f (pela) queen-bee; (octa) mother of vinegar;
(sredite) head-quarters pl; (rijeke) main current (of
river); (zavrtnj) nut; v. matina knjiga
matiar m registrar
matin|i adj | ~a knjiga register of births, marriages and
deaths; unijeti u ~u knjigu enter in a register, matriculate; ~i ured registrar's (registry) office; ~a zemlja mother (parent) country
Matija m Mathew
Matilda f Matilda, hyp Tilly
matineja f morning performance (matine = rana
popodnevna predstava!)
matirati' vt (ah) checkmate, mate, stale-mate
matirati'' vt make matt (opaque)
Mat(k)o m hyp Matt
mator adj v. star, senilan
matorac m v. senilac, starkelja
matoriti vi v. stariti, seniliti
matorost f v. starost, senilnost
matovilac m bot lamb's tongues
matrac m v. madrac
matric|a f print & mat matrix (pl matrices); (za umnoavanje) stencil | tipkati ~u cut a stencil
matrijarhalan adj matriarchal
matrijarhat m matriarchate
matrikula f matricula, roll, register
matrikulacija f matriculation
matrikulirati vt matriculate
matrimonij m matrimony (v. brak)
matrona f matron
matronski adj v. mornarski
matroski adj v. mornarski
matroz m v. mornar
matura f school leaving examination; B G.C.E. (A-level)
examination; A high-school diploma
maturaln|i adj | ~a svjedodba school leaving certificate; B G.C.E. ('A' level) certificate; A high school
diploma; ~i ples School Leaving Ball, A Senior Prom
maturant m secondary school leaver; B sixth-former; A
high-school senior; (nakon mature) B A-level school
leaver; A high-school graduate
maturantica f v. maturant
maturirati vi complete secondary schooling; take the
school-leaving examination; B take one's A-levels; A
graduate from high school, get a high-school diploma
maturski adj v. maturalni
mauna f mar v. maona
Maur m Moor
Mauretanac m Mauretanian
Mauretanija f geog Mauretania
mauretanski adj Mauretanian
maurski adj Moorish
mauzolej m mausoleum
Mavar m v. Maur

mavarski adj v. maurski

Mavro m Morrie, Maurie, Morris, Maurice
maz m v. mazivo, namaz, premaz
maza f pet, fondling, mother's lad, coddle
mazalac m greaser
mazalica f mot grease-gun
mazalo m greaser, dauber; (lo slikar) daubster
mazan' adj coquettish, coy; purring
mazan'' pp greased, oiled, daubed, smeared
mazanje n smearing; greasing, oiling, anointing; lubrication; plastering, mortaring; (na kruh itd.) spreading; (slikanje) daub(ing); (prljanje) soiling; (aranje)
scrawling, scribbling; (lica) rouging; v. podmazivanje, podmiivanje, bukanje
mazarija f (loa slika) daubing; worthless painting
mazati vt grease, besmear, smear, oil; spread on;
(maslac) butter; (loe slikati) daub, (lice) rouge;
(arati) scrawl, scribble; (prljati) foul, sully, soil,
dirt(y), tarnish; (bojadisati) paint, colour; (bijelo)
whiten; (katranom) tar; (etkom) brush over; sl
(lemati) trash; v. podmazivati, bukati, podmiivati
mazati se vr (minkati se) use (heavy) make-up
mazga f mule, hinny
mazgar m muleteer
mazgov m (mujak mazge) he-mule; (glupan) numskull,
dolt, stupid fellow
maziti vt spoil, fondle, coddle, cocker up, pet, pamper,
dandle, cosset, baby
maziti se vr cuddle; fondle (pet) each other; be fondled
mazivo n lubricant, grease
mazno adv coquettishly, coyly, purringily
maznuti vt sl deal a blow
mazohist m med & fig masochist
mazohistiki adj med & fig masochistically
mazohizam m med & fig masochism
mazurka f mus mazurka
mazut m chem maz(o)ut, masut
maenje n petting, spoiling, (molly-) codding, cockering
maoretka f mus majorette
mauran m bot & cul marjoram
me pron me (v. mene)
mebl m Ger v. pokustvo
meblirati vt Ger v. namjestiti
mebltof m Ger v. tkanina za namjetaj
mecena m Maecenas
mecenatstvo n patronage
meco m hyp v. medvjed
me m sp match
mee n v. medvjedi
mei m dim v. medvjedi
meka f v. medvjedica
mekar m v. medvjedar
meati vt v. metati
meava f blizzard, snowstorm
med m honey; (vrcani) liquid (strained) honey; (samotok) virgin honey; fig nectar | zemlja gdje teku ~ i
mlijeko land flowing with milk and honey

medalj|a f medal | posjednik nosilac (srebrne) ~e (silver) medallist; kovati ~u strike a medal; prava
strana ~e obverse; kriva strana ~e the reverse of the
medal (i fig)
medaljar m art medal engraver (designer), medal(l)ist
medaljon m locket
medan adj abounding in honey, honeysweet, honeyed,
medar m honey-seller, honey-dealer
medarnica f honey-shop
Medeja f myth Medea
meden adj made with honey, sweet as honey, honeyed,
honied; fig (laskav) flattering, honey-mouthed (tongued), sweet (soft) of speech, coaxing, mellifluent
| ~i mjesec honeymoon
medenjaa f cul honey-cake
medenjak m B honey-biscuit; A honey cookie, gingerbread cookie
medica f (napitak) mead
medicin|a f medicine; v. lijek | on studira ~u he studies
medicinar m medical student
medicinarka f (female) medical student
medicinka f sp medicine ball
medicinsk|i adj medical, medicinal, medicine | ~i fakultet medical school; srednja ~a kola nursing
mediar m seller (producer) of mead and gingerbread (v.
mediarija f gingerbread shop
medievalist m medievalist
medievalistika f Medieval Studies
medij m medium, vehicle
medijan m stat median
medikacija f medication
medikament m medicament, drug
mediokritet m mediocrity (i osoba)
mediokritetski adj mediocre
meditacija f meditation
meditativan adj meditative
meditativnost f meditativeness
meditator m meditator
Mediteran m geog the Mediterranean (Sea)
Mediteranac m Mediterranean
Mediteranka f Mediterranean (woman, girl)
mediteranski adj Mediterranean
meditiranje n meditation
meditirati vi meditate
medljika f (bolest biljaka) honey-dew
medni adj honey, full of honey
medo m hyp he-bear; Bruin
medovina f mead, drink sweetened with honey
medresa f Tur Muslem religious secondary (and high)
meduza f zoo jelly-fish
medvjed m zoo bear; (mujak) he-bear | zoo bijeli ~ polar bear; astr Veliki ~ Big Dipper, Great Bear; astr
Mali ~ Little Dipper, Lesser Bear
medvjedar m bear tamer

medvjedica f she-bear
medvjedi m dim bear cub
medvjei adj bear's, of (like) a bear, bear, ursine
mea f boundary, bounds ; v. granica
mea m (kamen) boundary-stone; (znak) landmark;
(susjed) neighbour, (having a common boundary), jur
measiti vi border upon, about (v. graniiti)
meani adj boundary, border; v. ~ sudac
Meimurac m inhabitant of Meimurje
meimurski adj Meimurje, of Meimurje
meu prep between, betwixt; (vie njih) among,
amongst; inter; (u sredini) in the midst of; (dvije
drave) interstate; (pomijean) intermixed with;
(sredina) middle- | koji je ~ v. izmeu; ~ nama between ourselves, between you and me, this is for your
private ear; s malo Engleza ~ njima with a sprinkling of English
meubroj m (obue, odjee) half size
meuin m entracte, interlude
meudisciplinski adj interdisciplinary
meudravni adj intergovernmental, interstate
medufakultetski adj intercollegiate
meufaza f intermediate stage
meugradski adj intercity, interurban | ~ promet longdistance traffic; ~ telefonski razgovor B trunk-call,
A long-distance call
meuigra f intermezzo; interlude mus & theat
meujelo m B entre (u SAD entre = glavno jelo!)
meukat m v. polukat
meukontinentalan adj intercontinental
meuljudski adj | ~ odnosi interpersonal relations
meumjesni adj intertown (v. meugradski)
meunarodni adj international
meuopinski adj intermunicipal
meupalublje n mar tween-deck(s)
meuplanetarni adj interplanetary
meuplemenski adj intertribal
meupostaja f relay station
meuprostor m interstice, interspace, gap
meuratni adj interwar
meurepubliki adj interstate
meusavezniki adj interallied
meusoban adj mutual, reciprocal, interacting
meusobno adv mutually, reciprocally, one another,
each other
meusprat m v. meukat
meustanica f intermediate stop (station)
meustanini adj biol intercellalar
meutim adv however; on the ether hand; v. u meuvremenu
meuvr|ijeme n interval (of time) | u ~emenu in the
meantime, meanwhile
meuzavisnost f interdependence
megafon m megaphone, speaking-trumpet, loudhailer,
megaherc m phys megahertz (abbr MHz)
megaloman m megalomaniac; one who talks big
megalomanija f megalomania, selfexaltation

megalomanski adj megalomaniac

megavat m phys megawatt (abbr MW)
megavolt m phys megavolt (abb MV)
megdan m Tur wrestling-bout; (dvoboj) duel, single
combat; tournament, combat | ~ dijeliti fight it out,
combat; izazvati na ~ challenge
megdandja m Tur combatant; (borac za) champion; (u
dvoboju) duellist
mehana f Tur tavern, pot-house, alehouse
mehandija m Tur landlord, keeper of an inn, tavern
mehanicist m phil mechanist
mehanicistiki adj phil mechanistic
mehanicizam m phil mechanism
mehaniar m mechanic, mechanician; maintenance man
| precizni ~ precision mechanic
mehanik|i' adj mechanical (i fig) | ~a pila (razboj)
power saw (loom)
mehaniki '' adv mechanically (i fig)
mehanika f mechanics pl
mehanizacija f mechanization; machinery equipment
mehanizam m mechanism; (sata) works pl; fig machinery
mehanizirati vt mechanize
mehanograf m punch(ed) card operator
mehanografija f punch(ed) card equipment (operation)
mehiki adj v. meksikanski
mejdan m Tur v. megdan
mejtef m Tur v. mekteb
mek adj soft, tender; mellow; (spuvast) spongy; limp;
(pregibljiv) flexible, pliant; (kovak) ductile; (mlohav)
flabby; (prhak - kola) crisp, short; (popustljiv) yielding; (umekan) molified; (upokoren) brought down a
peg or two; (njean) gentle, mild, tender-hearted,
delicate; (blag) lenient, indulgent; (slab) weak;
(dojmljiv) easily affected, susceptible for, sensitive,
impressionable, emotional; (mekuan) effeminate,
meka f (riba) bait; fig lure, enticemen
Meka f geog Mecca
mekan adj v. mek
meket m bleat, bleating
meketanje n bleating, bleats pl
meketati vi bleat
meketav adj bleating
mekinje f pl bran, pollard
mekoa f softness, tenderness; mellowness; (poputanje)
indulgence; (osjetljivost) susceptibility; (slabost)
mekokrilci m pl ent Cantharidae
mekoperke f pl ichth Malacopterygii
mekoputan adj v. mekuast
mekost f v. mekoa
mekota f (kruha) crumb
meksiki adj Mexican
Meksikanac m Mexican
Meksikanka f Mexican (woman)
meksikanski adj Mexican
Meksiko m geog Mexico

mekanje n softening, mollification, mellowing; (moenjem) maceretion

mekati vi mellow, soften, mollify; (moenjem) soak,
macerate; (slabiti) enervate; (poputati) relent; (do
suza) move to tears
mekteb m Tur Moslem primary school
meku|ac m weakling, effeminate person, molly-coddle;
voluptuary | ~ci pl zoo mollusks
mekuan adj effeminate; soft (v. mek)
mekuast adj effeminate, voluptuous, womanly, unmanly; v. mek
mekutvo n effeminacy, softness
melancana f reg v. patlidan
melankolian adj melancholic, melancholy
melankoliar m melancholy person, person suffering
from dumps
melankolija f melencholy, melancholia; dumps pl
Melanezija f geog Melanesia
Melanezijac m Melanesian
melanezijski adj Melanesian
Melanija f Melanie, Melloney
melanom m med melanoma
melasa f molasses pl
melem m plaster; balsam, balm; (utjeha) comfort
melez m half-breed (v. mjeanac)
melioracija f land (soil) improvement (conservation),
land reclamation
melioracijski adj land-improvement, soil-conservation,
meliorirati vt improve (land, soil), conserve (land, soil),
reclaim (land)
Melita f Melita
melodian adj melodious, sweet-sounding
melodino adv melodiously
melodinost n melodiousness
melodija f melody, tune, air
melodika f mus melodics; melodic elements
melodiozan adj v. melodian
melodrama f melodrama
melodramski' adj melodramatic
melodramski'' adv melodramatically
meloman m music enthusiast
melona f Ger v. dinja
melos m | narodni ~ folk music
melpajz m Ger v. kola
melta f reg v. mort, buka
meljarina f miller's fee
meljava f grinding
meljivo n grain to be ground
membrana f membrane, film, diaphragm (v. opna,
memento m memento, warning
memla f Tur (vlaga) damp(ness), dankness; v. plijesan
memljiv adj Tur (vlaan) damp, dank; v. pljesnjiv
memoari m pl memoirs
memoarist m memoirist
memoaristika f memoirist writing
memorandum m pol memorial
memorija f v. pamenje; (kompjutora) memory

memorijal m sp commemorative event (match, championship)

memorirati vt memorize
menader m manager; (umjetnikov) agent, impressario;
sp promoter
menadersk|i adj managerial | med ~a bolest managerial disease
menaa f Fr v. blagovaonica, prehrana
menaerija f menagerie
mendelizam m biol Mendelism
mendula f reg v. badem
mene pers pro gen & acc me; of me; (samoga) myself |
za ~ for me, on (in) my behalf; u ~ ima I have; to se
~ tie I for one, as far as I am concerned; ~ radi on
account of me, in my interest
meni' pers pro dat to me | ~ je stalo do... I am anxious
for (to), I insist on -ing; ~ je vrue, zima, toplo,
hladno I am (feel) hot, cold, warm, chilly; ~ je ao I
am sorry; ~ ga je ao I am sorry for him, I pity him;
~ se ini it seems (appears) to me; ~ je drago I am
glad, pleased; ~ za volju to please me, on (in) my behalf
meni'' m Fr set menu; v. jelovnik
meningitis m med meningitis
meniskus m anat meniscus | operacija ~a menisectomy,
pop knee cartilage surgery
menonit m eccl Mennonite
menopauz|a f med | ena u ~i woman at the menopause
menstruacij|a f med menstruation | ne dobiti ~u miss a
menstruirati vi med menstruate
mentalitet m mentality
mentalni adj mental
mentalno adv | ~ zaostao mentally retarded
mentol m menthol | okus ~a mint flavour; ~ bomboni
mentor m mentor; (magistranda, doktoranda) advisor
(glavni supervisor); (u sveuilinoj nastavi) tutor
mentorsk|i adj | univ ~a nastava tutorial system
mentorstvo n mentorship; advisorship, supervisorship;
menuet m mus minuet
menula f ichth v. gira
menza f mess hall; canteen; (studentska) student restaurant
menzes m med menstrual discharge; v. menstruacija
menjeviki adj hist Menshevik
menjevik m hist Menshevik
menjevizam m hist Menshevism
meraiti vt Tur enjoy, eat (drink, smoke) with gusto
merak m Tur | imati ~ na feel very much like
meraklija m Tur high-liver
merdevine f pl Tur v. ljestve
merdan m Tur v. koralj
meridijan m geog meridian
merino m merino (sheep, wool)
meritoran adj based on the merit of the thing; competent (pazi meritorious = pohvalan!)

meritorno adv entering the merit of the thing; competently

meritum m | zalaziti u ~ enter the merit of the thing
merkantilan adj mercantile
merkantilist m econ mercantilist
merkantilistiki adj econ mercantilist
merkantilizam m econ mercantilism
merkati vt coll look at, ogle, sl get a load of
Merkur m astr Mercury
mermer m Tur v. mramor
merzer m mil Ger v. teka haubica; fig whopper, (debeljko) fatso
mesar m butcher; (svinja) pork-butcher; (kolja) slaughterer
mesarenje n butchering, slaughtering; carnage
mesarija f butcher's trade (shop, business)
mesariti vi carve, ply butcher's trade
mesar(nic)a f v. mesnica
mesarski adj of (like) a butcher, butcher's; (surov)
coarse, brutal, bloody; butcherly
mesarstvo n butchery, butcher's trade; meat processing
Mesija m Bibl & fig Messiah
mesijanizam m messianism
mesijanski adj messianic
mesing m v. mjed
mesingan adj v. mjeden
mesingast adj Ger v. poput mjedi
mesnat adj fleshy, meaty; (miiav) brawny; (biljka)
pulpy, pulpous
mesnatost f fleshiness
mesn|i adj meat | ~a industrija meat-processing industry; v. industrijska klaonica
mesnica f B butcher's (shop); A butcher shop, meat market
mes|o n (butcher's) meat; (ivo) flesh; (peradi) fowl;
(divljai) venison; (sirovo) raw meat; (kuhano) boiled
meat; (peeno) roast meat; (meko) tender meat;
(ilavo) tough meat; (usoljeno) cured (pickled) meat;
(suho, dimljeno) smoked meat | med divlje ~o proud
flesh; boje ~a flesh-coloured, buff, carnation; suho
~o smoked meat; stroj za mljevenje ~a meat
grinder; injekcija u debelo ~o injection in the buttock; fig topovsko ~o cannon fodder
mesojed m v. mesoder
Mesopotamija f Bibl v. Mezopotamija
mesopust m reg carnival, shrove-tide
mesoder m meat-eater, flesh-eating (carnivorous) animal | zoo ~i carnivora
mesti vt sweep, broom, besom; fig (snijeg) drift | meti
pred svojim vratima mind your own business
mestic m (melez) mestizo
mes m v. pramen
meetar m broker, agent; jobber; go-between; middleman, commissioner; fig fixer, Mr. Fixit
meetarenje n broking, jobbing
meetarina f broker's percentage, brokerage
meetariti vi act as broker (jobber, middleman, gobetween), transact business as broker
mekoljiti se vr squirm, wriggle

metar m (titula) master; (obrtnik) handicraftsman, artisan, artificer

metrija f handicraft; (vjetina) skill, masterfulness;
meta f target (i fig)
metabolizam m med metabolism
metafiziar m phil metaphysician
metafiziki adj phil metaphysical
metafizika f phil metaphysics pl
metafora f metaphor
metaforian adj metaphoric
metaforiki adv metapborically
metaforika f metaphors, metaphoric expressions (content)
met|ak m (s cahurom) cartridge, pop bullet; (zrno) ball,
shot, projectile, missile, bullet slug | deset ~aka po
ovjeku ten rounds per man; do posljednjeg ~ka to
the last round; zalutali ~ak stray bullet; kolski (slijepi, otri) ~ak practice (blind, ball) cartridge;
svjetlei ~ak tracer bullet; ~ koji slae dud
metal m (v. kovina) metal | obojeni ~ non-ferrous metal;
rijedak ~ rare metal; plemeniti ~ precious metal
metalac m metalworker
metalan adj metal, metallic, made of metal
metaloblanja m planer operator
metalogloda m milling machine operator
metalopreraivak|i adj metal-working | ~o poduzee
engineering works; ~a industrija engineering
(metal-working) industry
metalostrugar m v. kovinotokar
metalski adj | ~ radnik metalworker
metalurg m metallurgist
metalurgija m metallurgy; metal(lurgical) industry |
obojena ~ non-ferrous metallurgy; crna ~ ferrous
metallurgy; (ire) iron and steel industry
metalur|ki adj metallurgic(al)
metamorfoza f metamorphosis
metamorfozirati (se) vi (vr) metamorphose
metan m chem methane
metanisati vi bow low (pred before, to), prostrate oneself
(before), crawl (before)
metanje n v. stavljanje
metar m (mjera) B metre, A meter; (stiha) metre, meter;
(krojaki) tape measure; (stolarski) (foot) rule | ~
drva cubic metre (meter) of split billets; etvorni ~
square metre
metarski adj v. metriki
metastaza f med metastasis (pl metastases)
metastazirati vi med metastasize
metateza f gram metathesis
metati vt v. stavljati, slagati, trpati
metempsihoza f (seljenje dua) metempsychosis
metenje n sweeping, brooming
meteor m astr meteor; pop falling star
meteorit m astr meteorite
meteoritski adj astr meteoritic(al)
meteorolog m meteorologist; (prognozer) weather forecaster
meteorski adj astr & fig meteoric

meter m print make-up man, maker-up

mete m chaos, confusion, mess, jumble, disorder, topsyturvy, welter, litter; (buka, guva) bustle, hurly-burly,
scramble, riot
metil m chem methyl
metilni adj chem metyl | ~ alkohol methyl alcohol, wood
metilj m vet liver-fluke
metiljav adj vet suffering from liver-fluke
metiljavost f vet affection by liver-fluke
metl|a f broom; (od prua) besom | drak ~e broomstick;
fig nova ~a dobro mete a new broom sweeps clean
metlar m broom-maker
metlica f dim small broom; (od perja) whisk
metnu|ti vt place, set, put, deposit (v. staviti) | ~o se u
oca he is the very spit of his father, he is the chip of
the old block; ~ti natrag replace
metod m v. metoda
Metod m Method
metoda f method, form of procedure; system, manner
metodian adj methodical
metodiar m sch methodologist, methods specialist
metodiki' adj sch of methodics, teaching-method
metodiki'' adv methodically
metodinost f methodicalness
Metodije m Method
metodika f sch methodics, teaching methods
metodist m eccl Methodist, Wesleyan
metodistiki adj eccl Methodistic(al)
metodizam m eccl Methodism
metodologija f methodology
metodoloki adj methodological
metodsk|i' adj methodic | sch ~a jedinica teaching unit
metodski'' adv v. metodino
metonimija f pros metonymy
metraa f distance (size) in metres; yardage; footage
metresa f mistress, kept woman
metriki' adj (stopa) metrical
metrik|i'' adv (teina) metric | ~i sustav metric system;
~a centa a hundred kilogram, a quintal
metrika f metrics
metro m v. podzemna eljeznica
metronom m mus metronome
metropola f metropolis; capital
metropolit m eccl metropolitan (bishop)
metropolitski adj eccl metropolitan
Metuzalem m Bibl & fig Methuselah
metvica f bot mint, peppermint
mezanin m mezzanine (v. polukat)
meze n Tur v. zakuska
mezetiti vi Tur v. prigristi, pojesti zakusku
mezgra f v. sok (biljke), limfa
mezimac m pet, fondling, favourite, darling; idol;
spoiled (pet) child
mezimica f pet (girl), spoiled girl (child)
mezolitik m geol Mesolithic
mezolitski adj geol Mesolithic
mezon m phys meson
Mezopotamija f hist Mesopotamia

mezopotamski adj Mesopotamian

mezotron m phys mesotron
mezozoik m geol Mesozoic
mezozojski adj geol Mesozoic
mezzosopran m mus mezzosoprano
menar m Ger v. crkvenjak
mi' pers pro dat to me | tako ~ potenja upon my honour!, coll honour bright!; due ~ by my soul; da ~ je
novaca oh for money!; prepii ~ to copy this for me
mi'' pers pro plur nom we | svi ~ all of us
mica f hyp v. maca
micanje n moving, motion, movement; stirring; budging; shifting; removing; displacing; (komeanje)
commotion, agitation
micati vt move, stir; wiggle (one's toes); (pogon) impel,
propel; set (put) in motion; (drugamo) displace
micati se vr move, stir, budge, change (shift) place (position); (ukloniti se) make (give) way (place), give
ground; (uzmai) stand back; (povui se) retire | ne
mii se hold (keep) still, don't fidget
micelij m bot mycelium (pl mycelia)
mienik m bribed (suborned) person
mienje n bribing, bribery, A+ graft; subornation; corruption
Mida m myth Midas
mider m Ger v. steznik
mig m nod, hint, wink; (znak) sign; intimation; sl tip;
suggestion; (podsjeanje) memento | on skae na
njegov ~ he is at his beck and call; dati ~ give a hint;
give to understand
migati vi nod, wink, blink, twinkle; make (give) sign,
sign, hint, beckon, motion
migavac m mot v. migavac
mignuti vi (give a) wink
migoljiti se vr wriggle, fidget
migracija f migration (v. seljenje)
migracijski adj migratory, migration
migrant m migrant
migrena f med migraine, megrim
migrirati vi migrate (v. seliti se)
Mihajlo m Michael
Miho m hyp Mike
Miholjdan m eccl Michaelmas
Miholje n v. Miholjdan
Mihovil m Michael
Mijat m hyp Mike
mijauk m mew, mewing, caterwauhng
mijaukanje n v. mijauk
mijaukati vi mew, caterwaul
mijeh m a pair of bellows; (za vino) wineskin; (koa)
whole skin of goat | gaziti ~ blow the bellows
mijena f (promjena) change, vicissitude; alteration;
(izmjena) exchange; (mjeseeva) change of moon |
med & bio ~ tvari metabolism
mijenjanje n change, alteration, exchange, mutation;
(djelomino) modification; (poloaja) shifting;
(novotarije) innovation; (pretvorba) metamorphosis;
conversion; (zamjena) commutation, replacement;
(po redu) turn

mijenjati vt change, exchange; alterate, modify; convert

into, commute into (for); (poloaj) shift; (nadomjestiti) replace | vuk dlaku mijenja, ali udi nikada
what is bred in the bone will come out in the flesh
mijenjati se vr change, alter | mijenjali smo se pri itanju we read by turns (turn and turn about)
mijesiti vt knead
mijealica f (za beton) cement mixer; (slavina) mixer
mijean pp mixed, blended; assorted
mijeanje n mixing, blending, stirring; (paanje) interfering, meddling, tampering with
mijeati vt mix, blend, stir
mijeati se vr mix oneself up with, meddle, interfere,
have a hand in, have a finger in the pie, thrust one's
nose in, be meddlesome (officious); mingle | ne ~ u
keep (stay) out of
mijeen pp kneaded (bread)
mijeenje n kneading | daska za ~ kneading board
Mijo m hyp Mike
mikado m (igra) jackstraw
Mikena f hist Mycenae
mikenski adj hist Mycenaean
Miki Maus m Mickey Mouse
miki-maja f terry shirt
nikologija f bot mycology
mikoza f med mycosis
mikroanaliza f microanalysis
mikrob m med microbe
mikrobiolog m med microbiologist
mikrobiologija f med microbiology
mikrobioloki adj med microbiological
mikrofarad m phys microfarad
mikrofilm m microfilm | snimiti na ~ microfilm; na ~u
on microfilm, mikrofilmed; ita za ~ (aparat) microfilm reader
mikrofon m microphone, coll mike
mikrofototeka f microfilm library
mikrogram m microgram, B+ microgramme
mikroherc m phys microhertz
mikrokefal m med microcephalus
mikrokefalija f med microcephaly
mikrokozam m microcosm
mikrometar m sci micrometer
mikron m sci micron
Mikronezija f geog Micronesia
Mikronezijac m Micronesian
mikronezijski adj Micronesian
mikroorganizam m micro-organism
mikropila f biol micropyle
mikrorajon m microdistrict, subdistrict; (gradski)
neighbourhood (unit)
mikroregija f microregion, subregion
mikrosekunda f microsecond
mikroskop m microscope | elektronski ~ electronic microscope; pod ~om under the microscope
mikroskopski' adj microscopic
mikroskopski'' adv microscopically
mikrospora f bot microspore

miksati vt mix (v. mijeati)

mikser m (kuhinjski) mixer; (za koktele) cocktail-shaker
(osoba barman); rad & TV mixer
mikspult m rad & TV Ger control desk
mikstura f (liquid) mixture; potion
mila adj f em v. mio
miledi f Eng milady
mile-lale adv | nema vise ~ no more pussyfooting
milenij m millenium
mileram m Ger v. kiselo vrhnje
milhbrot m cul Ger (French) milk-roll
mili adj pl v. mio
miliamper m phys milliampere (abbr Ma)
miliampermetar m phys milliammeter
milibar m phys millibar (abbr mb)
milicajac m hist v. milicioner
milicija f hist police; mil hist militia
milicijsk|i adj hist police; militia | ~a stanica (kola)
police station (car)
milicioner m hist policeman; mil & hist militiaman
miligram m miligram, B+ milligramme (abbr mg)
milihbrot m v. milhbrot
milijarda f B thousand million (rjede milliard), A billion
milijarder m multimillionaire
milijarn|i adj | med ~a tuberkuloza galloping tuberculosis
milijun m million; fig an awful lot of
milijuna m millionaire
milijunaica f millionairess
milijunaki adj millionaire
milijunsk|i adj | ~e svote millions; ~e mase millionstrong masses; ~i gradovi large cities
milijunti ord num the millionth
milijuntinka f one millionth (of a second)
milijuntnina f one millionth (part)
mililitar m millilitre (A -liter)
milimetar m millimetre (A -meter); fig one fraction of an
milimetarski adj millimetric | unijeti na ~ papir (plot
on a) graph paper
milimikron m millimicron
milina f pleasure; sweetness | bila je ~ gledati it was a
pleasure to watch
milion m v. milijun
milioner m v. milijuna
milioniti ord num v. milijunti | ~ dio v. milijuntnina
militantan adj militant
militantnost f militancy
militarist m militarist
militaristiki adj militaristic
militarizam m militarism
militarizirati vt militarize
militi vi v. miljeti
militi se vr be pleasant (agreeable, palatable, welcome,
acceptable) | ne mili mi se raditi I dont feel like
milo adv kindly, tenderly, lovingly, fondly, affectionately; (zabrinuto) anxiously, solicitously | ~ mi je v.

drago mi je; vratiti ~ za drago return in kind, return

tit for tat; meni ga je ~ v. meni ga je ao
milodar m alms pl, donations pl | davanje ~a charity
miloglasan adj harmonious, melodious, musical, euphonious; sweet, mellow
miloglasje n harmony; unison; euphony
milom adv willingly | ~ ili silom by hook or by crook;
bolje ~ nego silom you can catch more flies with
honey than with vinegar; malo ~ malo silom using
carrot and stick policy
milord m Eng milord
milosnica f arch paramour; v. ljubavnica, metresa
milosnik m arch v. ljubavnik, miljenik
milosrd|an adj charitable, humane; merciful, compassionate, pitiful, tender-hearted | eccl ~na braa
brothers of charity, hospitallers
milosrdnic|a f sister of charity | eccl Sestre ~e Sisters of
milosrdnost f v. milosre
milosr|e n charity, charitableness; mercy, compassion;
pity, pitifulness; tenderness; sympathy; consideration
| iskazati ~e show mercy (compassion) on; bez ~a
merciless, pitiless, unfeeling, hard-hearted, ruthless,
unmerciful; unrelenting, harsh; nemati ~a be merciless, have no pity
milost f grace, favour; favoritism, unmerited favour;
(sklonost) benevolence; (blagost) clemency, indulgence; (oprost) mercy, pardon; (pomilovanje) reprieve, quarter | ovjek u ~i favourite, dariling, minion; milosu bojom by the Grace of God; preputen
na ~ i nemilost left to the tender mercies of; left at
the mercy of ; biti u neijoj ~i be in one's good
books, be (stand) high in person's favour; ivi od
tue ~i he is dependent on other people's help for his
livelihood; otimati se za iju ~ court one's favour,
curry favour with one; moliti ~ sue for mercy; predati se na ~ i nemilost surrender at discretion (unconditionally) ; vratiti se u ~ be restored to favour;
Vaa ~i! (naslov) Your Lordship (Worship, Honour)
milostinj|a f alms, dole, charity, charitable gift, poor
relief | udijeliti ~u bestow alms upon; ivjeti od ~e
live upon alms; kutija za ~u almsbox; koji ivi od
stalne ~e almsman, pauper, beneficiary
milostiv adj gracious, condenscending; merciful; (sklon)
kind, welldiposed, benevolent; (povoljan) propitious,
favourable; (blag) lenient | ~i gospodine! Honoured
Sir!; ~i lorde! most gracious Lord!
milostivo adv graciously, condenscendingly | drati se ~
condenscent, vouchsafe
milostivost f graciousness, condescension, benevolence
milot|a f affection | od ~e v. od milja
milota f v. milina
milovanje n caress, caressing, fondling, hugging; (ljubljenje) kissing, billing and cooing | moje ~ my love,
my sweetheart
milovati vt caress, hug, fondle, kiss, bill and coo
milovati se vr fondle (kiss) one another
milovidan adj lovable, pretty, graceful, sweet, charming,

milovidnost f sweetness, prettiness, charm, grace, loveliness

milovka f minr talc
milozvuan adj melodious, harmonious, rhythmical,
tuneful, sweet, musical
milozvunost f harmony, melodiousness, tunefulness,
milun m reg v. dinja
milja f mile; league | morska ~ nautical mile; (za
brzinu) knot
miljarina f mileage
milj|e' n delight, pleasure; ecstasy, rapture, transport,
(supreme) bliss; joy; enthusiasm; v. dragost | od ~a
from pleasure; ling ime od ~a hypocoristic
milje'' m Fr (sredina) milieu; (podloak) doily
miljene n v. miljenica, miljenik
miljenica f pet, favourite girl (woman), darling, fondling; (razmaena) spoiled giril
miljenik m favourite, pet, darling
miljenje n crawling, creeping; swarming, teeming, milling
miljeti vi crawl, creep; swarm, teem, mill; be overrun by
(crowded with)
miljokaz m mile stone
mimiar m mimic
mimiki adj mimic
mimika f mimicking; mimicry; (umjetnost) mime
mimikrija f biol mimicry
mimo prep past, by, over; passing; (osim) beside | ii ~
pass by; ~ mene (bez mene) without me, against my
will, without my consent
mimogred adv v. uzgred
mimohod m mil march-past, military review
mimoii vt pass by (over), let slip; (ispustiti) overlook,
omit, skip, pass unnoticed, pass over in silence, neglect; (zakon) evade
mimoi|i se vr miss each other (one another) | pisma su
se vjerojatno ~la the letters must have crossed
mimoilaziti vt v. mimoii
mimoilaenje n passing over, overlooking, neglect(ing)
mimoza f bot sensitive plant; (cijela porodica) mimosa
min|a f mil & nav mine; (iz bacaa) mortar shell; (minerska) blast; (uloak za penkalu) refill (grafitna lead)
| polagati (istiti) ~e lay (clear, remove) mines; polaganje (ienje) ~a mine=laying (mine-removal) ;
nagazna ~a mine-laying (specif anti-personnel
mine); nagaziti na ~u step on a mine (i fig); (vozilo)
hit (be blown up by) a mine; (brod) strike a mine
minaret m Tur minaret
minun m ichth v. inun
minderluk m Tur sofa
minue f pl v. naunice
minej m Orth Menaion
miner m blaster, dynamiter
mineral m mineral; (ruda) ore
mineral|an adj mineral | ~na voda mineral water
mineralog m mineralogist
mineralogija m mineralogy
mineraloki adj mineralogical

minerski adj blasting

Minerva f myth Minerva
Minhen m geog Munich
Mini f (Mikijeva) Minnie Mouse
mini m, ~ca f coll miniskirt
minigolf m minigolf
minij m (za lienje) red lead
minijatur|a f miniature | u ~i in miniature, in a nutshell
minijaturist m miniaturist
minijaturni adj miniature
minimalan adj minimal, minimum
minimalke f pl scanty swim(ming) trunks
minimum m minimum, the least possible | ~ egzistencije
subsistence level (wage)
miniran pp mined; (za neopreznu rtvu) booby trapped
miniranje n mining, blasting, sapping; fig undermining
minirati vt mine, sap, blast; blow up; fig undermine,
torpedo, scuttle
ministar m minister (specif secretary) | ~ predsjednik B
(i drugdje) Prime Minister, premier (u SAD ne
postoji: njegovu funkciju vri predsjednik SAD); ~
vanjskih poslova foreign minister; B Foreign Secretary; A Secretary of State; ~ unutranjih poslova
minister of interior; B Home Secretary ; A Attorney
General (Secretary of the Interior u SAD je ~ rudarstva, umarstva i energetike); ~ financija finance
minister; B Chancellor of the Exchequer; A Secretary
of the Treasury; ~ pravosua minister of justice; B
Lord Chancellor (otprilike); (u SAD ~ pravosua ne
postoji [ustavom je pravosude odvojeno od vlade]); ~
obrane minister of defence; B War Secretary; A Secretary of Defense; ~ privrede minister of economics;
B President of the Board of Trade; A Secretary of
Commerce; ~ poljoprivrede minister of agriculture;
B Minister of Agriculture (Fisheries and Food); A
Secretary of Agriculture; ~ prosvjete B (i drugdje)
minister of education; A Commissioner of Education;
~ zdravstva B (i drugdje) minister of health; A Surgeon General; ~ rada B (i drugdje) minister of labour; A Secretary of Labor; ~ pota B & A Postmaster
General; ~ kolonija B Colonial Secretary
ministarka f woman minister; minister's wife
ministarsk|i adj ministerial, of a minister | ~o vijee
Ministerial Council
ministarstvo n B (i drugdje) ministry, A department | ~
vanjskih poslova ministry of foreign affairs; B Foreign Office; A State Department; ~ unutranjih
poslova ministry of the interior; B Home Office; A
Department of Justice; ~ financija Ministry of finance; B the Exchequar; A Departmen of the Treasury; ~ pravosua ministry of justice; (u Britaniji i
SAD ~ pravosua ne postoji [u Brit. su njegove funkcije rasprene, u SAD je pravosue ustavom odvojeno od vlade]); ~ obrane B (i drugdje) Ministry of
Defence; A Department of Defense; ~ privrede ministry of economics; B Board of Trade; A Department
of Commerce; ~ poljoprivrede ministry of agriculture; B Ministry of Agriculture, (Fisheries and Food);
A Department of Agriculiture; ~ prosvjete B (i drug-

dje) Ministry of Education; A Office of Education; ~

zdravstva B (i drugdje) Ministry of Health; A U.S.
Bureau of Public Health; ~ rada B (i drugdje) Ministry of Labour; A Department of Labor; ~ pota B the
Post Office; A Post Office Departmen; ~ kolonija B
Colonial Office
ministrant m eccl server (at the altar), acolyte; altar boy
ministrirati vi eccl serve at the altar, assist the officiating priest as server
minobaca m mil mortar | mina iz ~a mortar shell
minobacaki adj mil | ~ vod mortar platoon
minodetektor m mil mine detector
minolovac m nav mine-sweeper
mino|nosa m, ~polaga m nav mine-layer
Minos m myth Minos
Minotaur m myth Minotaur
minsk|i adj mil | ~o polje mine-field
minuciozan adj meticulous; minutely detailed
minuciozno adv meticulously; in minute detail
minucioznost f meticulousness; minute detail
minuend m math minuend
minulost f the past; (izminue roka) expiration, expiry,
end of term, lapse; being overdue
minuo adj past, expired term, lapsed, gone by; over,
overdue; that has been
minus m math minus; fig drawback | sch ~ dobar C minus
minuskula f minuscule script (writing)
minuta f minute | 10 i 5 ~ B ten past five, A ten after
five; 5 ~ do 10 five to ten, A+ five of ten
minu|ti vi (proi mimo) pass by, go by; (godine) roll by
(on); (istei) expire, elapse, lapse; run out; (nestati)
melt away, disappear, vanish | rok je ~o term is
overdue; nee ga ~ti kazna he is sure to be punished,
he will not escape punishment; to nas nee ~ti this is
unavoidable (inevitable), this will certainly (surely)
befall us
minu|ti se vr pass each other | pisma su se ~la the letters
crossed; mi smo se ~li we passed failing to find
(meet) each other, we missed each other
minjoni m pl cul petit(s) fours glacs, pop French fancies
mio adj dear, pet, favourite, beloved; after one's own
heart, nearest to one's heart; (privlaan) lovable,
winning, engaging, captivating ; v. drag
miocen m geol Miocene
miocenski adj geol Miocene
miokarditis m med myocarditis
miom m med myoma
miomiris m perfume, scent; flavour, fragrance, balm,
miomirisan adj fragrant, aromatic, perfiumed, scented;
balmy; flavoured; odoriferous ; sweet-smelling
mir m peace; (poinak) rest, repose; (tiina) quiet, quietness, calm, calmness, stillness, silence, hush;
(smirenost) tranquility; (mirnoa) composure, countenance, self-command; fig halcyon-days; (mirovina)
retirement; (duevni) easiness (quiet) of mind | ~! silence! quiet!; javni ~ public peace; smetanje javnog

~a breach of the peace, disturbance, riot; na ~u at

rest, in peace; at a stop, at a stand-still; bez ~a restless; nemati ~a be restless; keep fretting; pusti na ~u
let (leave) alone, don't interfere; let sleeping dogs lie;
pusti me na ~u leave me alone; ii u ~ retire from active life (service); poslati u ~ pension off, retire, superannuate (on a pension); on ivi u ~u (povueno)
he lives retired; poivao u ~u! peace of his ashes! ;
on nije nikada na ~u (ak) he is fidgety; kritelj ~a
peace-breaker; sklapanje ~a making peace; ugovor o
~u treaty of peace; ivjeti u ~u s live in peace (be at
peace) with; coll nije mu vrag dao ~a he was
tempted to..., he could not resist temptation to...
mira f Bibl (pomast) myrrh
miran adj (nepomian) motionless; (tih) still, mum,
quiet; (nepomuen, neuzrujan) peaceful, unruffled,
undisturbed, sober; (miroljubiv) peaceable; (hladnokrvan) cool, cold-blooded, composed; (more) calm;
(ud) even-temyered, placid; (na miru) at rest, at
ease; dormant; tranquil; passive | ostati ~ keep one's
temper; budi ~ don't be anxious, be of good cheer,
don't bother (worry); (ne mii se) keep (hold) still,
don't fidget
miraz m dowry, dower; (marriage) portion
miradijka f girl with a large dowry
mirenje n soothing, softening, pacifying, calming, quieting (down)
mirha f Bibl v. mira
mirijada f myriad
miris m (zgodan) scent, perfume, fragrance, flavour,
aroma; (vina) bouquet; odour, smell; savour; (zadah)
exhalation, reek; (isparina) fume; (otar) tang | bez
~a odourless, scentless
mirisan adj scented, perfumed, fragrant (v. miomirisan)
mirisanje n smelling | sol za ~ smelling-salts pl
mirisati vi be fragrant (perfumed, scented, aromatic),
smell sweet, emit scent; (po neem) smell of | (vt) ~
neto smell, inhale, breathe in
mirisav adj v. mirisan
mirisavost f quality of being perfumed (scented, fragrant
miriljiv adj v. mirisan
miritelj m conciliator, mediator, peace-maker, pacifier
miriti vt conciliate, appease, assuage, mitigate; (blaiti)
soothe, allay, still; silence, calm; stay; mediate; tranqualize; pacify, compose; (bojazan) reassure
miriti se vr try (endeavour) to make peace (friends
again), be reconciled to, try to come to terms; (sa
sudbinom) give in
mirno adv peacefully, peaceably, calmly, quietly; still,
silently; undisturbed | mil ~! attention!; mil stajati ~
stand at attention
mirnoa f quietness, tranquility; placidity, placidness;
calmness; stillness; (ud) easy temper (disposition)
mirnodopsk|i adj peacetime | u ~e svrhe for peacetime
miro n Orth | sveto ~ v. sveto ulje
mirodija f spice

miroljubiv adj peaceful, peaceable, peace-loving, pacific; gentle

miroljubivost f peaceableness, peacefulness
miropomazanje n Orth v. pomazanje
mirotvorac m peacemaker
mirovanje n (poinak) rest, repose, reposing; (stanka)
pause; (zastoj) deadlock, standstill; (trita) dullness,
slackness; (neaktivnost) inactivity
mirovati vi rest, repose, take rest; (spavati) sleep; be
(lie) still; be (keep) quiet (motionless); be at a standstill; (trite) be dull (slack); keep peace; (stroj) be
mirovina f (beriva) pension, retiring, allowance; (stanje)
retirement, superannuation | starosna ~ old-age pension; invalidska ~ invalid pension; obiteljska ~
widow's pension
mirovinsk|i adj pension | ~i fond pension-fund; ~a
klada endowment for pensions; pension fund
mirovn|i adj peace, dealing with peace | ~i sud arbitration committee; ~i sudac umpire, arbiter, arbitrator;
justice of peace (J. P.); ~i ugovor treaty of peace; ~o
vijee mediation committee
mirozov m mil v. poveerje
mirta f bot myrtle
mis f beauty queen | ~ Evrope (svijeta) Miss Europe
(World); natjeaj za ~ beauty contest
mis|a f eccl mass; (protestantska) (divine) service; (rana)
morning-service, matins pl; (tiha) low mass;
(pjevana, sveana) high mass; (obina) plain mass;
(velika) full service; (za pokojne) requiem, mass for
the dead; (mlada) virgin mass | itati (sluiti) ~u say
mass; pribivati ~i hear mass
misal m eccl missal
misao f thought, idea; fancy | na misli mi je... I have it
in mind; pala mi je na pamet ~ it occurred to me, it
entered my mind; sinula mi je ~ it (the idea) flashed
upon me, an idea strusk me; pun misli deep in
thoughts, absorbed (in thought), in (a) profound reverie, musing, pondering, in a brown study; mori ga ~
he is troubled with thoughts; to je u njemu pobudilo
~ this made him think; ne mogu se otresti misli I
cannot banish (dismiss) the thought from my mind, I
cannot get rid of the idea; sloboda misli liberty of
thought; sinula mu je ~ it flashed upon him that;
bogat mislima rich (fertile) in ideas; bez misli
thoughtless, empty-headed, shallow; prekinuti ~ interrupt somebody's train of thought
misaon adj thoughtful, rational, reflective; imaginative;
contemplative; suggestive
misaonost f thoughtfulness, imaginativeness
misija f mission; vocation, calling | trgovaka
(diplamatska) trade (diplomatic) mission
misionar m missionary
misionarski adj miasionary
Misir m hist Egypt
misiraa f reg v. bundeva
misirski adj hist Egyptian
mislilac m thinker, speculator, reasoner, philosopher

misl|iti vt think (o of, about), fancy, imagine, cogitate,

reason; poet ween; (drati) believe, deem, consider,
hold, opine, believe, be of opinion, take for granted;
(raunati) reckon, estimate; (predmnijevati) presume,
assume, reckon, suppose; (kaniti) mean, intend, contemplate; (suditi) find; (ciljati, nianiti) allude, hint,
drive at; (razmiljati) contemplate, muse, reflect,
meditate, weigh in one's mind; (zamisliti) conceive;
(imati na pameti) keep (bear) in mind; (zakljuivati)
reason | ja ~im I think, I believe; my idea is...;
ovjek bi ~io one would think; nije vie na to ni ~io
he dismissed the thought from his mind; tko bi to bio
~io who would have hough it?; ~iti u sebi to think to
oneself ; na to se ne moe ni ~iti that is not to be
though of, this is quite out of the question; to sam i
~io I thought as much; tako se openito ~i that is the
current opinion; to ~ite, bismo li poli etati? what
do you say to a walk?, what about a walk?; ~im da
mu je 40 godina I take him to be 40; on kae to ~i
he speaks (out) his mind; ~im da nee doi I don't
thinik he will come; ne bih bio ~io da je tako poten
I should not have credited him with so much honesty
; on ~i dobro o meni he has a good (high) opinion of
me; on ~i drukije he differs in opinion; ~iti svojom
glavom do some independent thinking; ni u snu ne
~im nothing is further from my mind; rekao sam mu
bez uvijanja to o tome ~im I gave him a piece of
my mind; javnost ~i the public feeling is...; oni jednako ~e they are of one mind; on ne ~i zlo he means
no harm; reci to ~i (ima rei) say your say; to
~ite tko sam ja? who do you think I am?; who(m) do
you take me for?; ti valjda ne ~i da...?, you do not
suppose... ; za njega se ~i (~e) da... he is thought
(supposed) to...
misn|i adj eccl | ~o ruho mass vestments
misnik m eccl officiating priest
misterij m mystery
misteriozan adj mysterious
misterioznost f mysteriousness
misticizam m mysticism
mistian adj mystical, mystic
misti|ar m, ~k m mystic
mistificirati vt mystify
mistifikacija f mystification
mistifikator m mystifier
mistika f mystique, mysticism
mistrija f v. zidarska lica
mi(st)afl m Ger v. lopatica za smee
mi m mouse | slijepi ~ v. imis; loviti ~eve mouse
miar m ornith buzzard
miica f anat biceps
miiav adj muscular, brawny
miiavost f muscularity, muscular strength
miije n collect muscles
miini adj anat of the biceps
mii m muscle, brawn | nategnut ~ pulled muscle
miin|i adj (of a) muscle, muscular | ~a groznica sore
miji adj of a mouse, mouse

mika f v. miica, pazuho

Miko m hyp Mike
miljen pp meant
mljenj|e n thinking, thread (train) of thoughts; sentiment; feeling; (mnijenje, nazor) opinion, view, consideration, idea; (nahoenje) discretion; (pojam) notion; (raunanje) estimate, reckoning; (sud) judgment, finding; (predmnijevanje) supposition; (javno)
public opinion; (struno) professional advice, expert
opinion (finding); (pristrano) bias | po mom ~u in
my opinion (view), to my thinking (mind), according
to my judgmemt, in my opinion; rei svoje ~e speak
one's mind; rekao sam mu otvoreno svoje ~e I told
him my mind; mi smo istog ~a we are of one mind;
~a se razilaze opinions differ
mi-ma m mishmash, hodgepodge
Mio m hyp Mike
miolovka f mousetrap
miomor m rat poison, ratsbane
mit m myth; legend, fable; fiction; (la) lie
Mitar m Demeter, Demetrius
mitarenje n moulting
mitariti se vr moult
miteser m Ger v. sujedica
mitgepek m Ger v. praena prtljaga
miti vt v. umivati
miting m meeting, rally
mitinga m derog tub-thumper; pep-talker
mitingaenje n derog tub-thumping; pep-talk(s)
mitingaki adj derog tub-thumping; pep-talking
mitingovati vi pol hold rallies; derog give pep talks,
mititelj m briber, suborner
mititi vt bribe, suborn, A+ graft, sl grease the palm; corrupt
mitnica f toll-house; (preka) toll-gate, toll-bar ; Sc
mitniar m toll-collector
mit|o n bribe, A+ graft; (mienje) bribery | uzimanje ~a
mitodavac m v. mititelj
mitolog m mythologist
mitologija f mythology
mitoloki adj mythologioal
mitoman m med mythomane
mitomanija f med mythomania
mitomanski adj med mythomaniac
mitoprimac m acceptor of a bribe, bribee, A+ grafter
mitoza f biol mitosis
Mitra f myth Mithras
mitraizam m hist Mithraism
mitraljesk|i adj mil machine-gun; fig rapid-fire | ~o
gnjezdo machine-gun nest
mitraljez m mil heavy machine-gun | fig govoriti kao ~
talk nineteen to the dozen
mitraljezac m mil machine-gunner
mitraljirati vt mil machine-gun
mitropolit m Orth v. metropolit
mitski adj mythical

mizanscena f theat mise-en-scene

mizantrop m misanthrope, man-hater, mysanthropist
mizantropija f mysanthropy
mizantropski adj mysanthropic(al)
mizeran adj wretched, paltry, pathetic
mizerija f (osoba) wretch, sl stinker; (bijeda) misery
mizerno adv wretchedly, pathetically
mjau int v. mijau
mjed f brass | izraiva ~i brazier; poput ~i brassy,
mjeden adj (made of) brass; brazen
mjehur m anat bladder, air-bladder, swimming-bladder;
(sapunice) bubble; (opeklina) blister, burn; (vodeni
ulj) blister | praviti ~e od sapunice blow soap bubbles; anat mokrani ~ urinary bladder; anat zuni ~
mjehurast adj bubble-like
mjehuri m dim small bubble, vesicle; (ispuhlina) pustule | praviti ~e raise blisters (rana); (voda) bubble
mjembeni adj v. mjenini
mjenic|a f bill of exchage, draft; (kratkorona) shortdated bill, short paper; (dugorona) long-dated bill,
long paper; (trgovaka) commercial (trade) paper; (s
dokumentima) documentary bill | izdati ~u issue
(draw) a bill; predoiti ~u present a bill; prihvatiti
~u accept (honour) a bill; ne prihvatiti ~u dishonour
(decline) a bill, rebuse acceptance; platiti ~u pay
(take up) a bill; diskontirati ~u discount a bill; naleiti (indosirati) ~u endorse a bill; vlastita ~a a bill
drawn to own order; ~a na vid bill at sight; meetar
za ~e bill-broker; kurtaa na ~e bill-brokerage; produljiti ~u renew (extend) a bill; prelongacija ~e renewal (extension) of a bill
mjenini adj fin bill-of-exchange | exch ~ senzal B billbroker, A note broker
mjenja m money-changer, banker; mot gear-box | mot
poluga ~a gear-shift lever; mot automatski ~ automatic transmission
mjenjanica f exchange office
mjer|a f measure; fig standard; rate; (veliina) size;
(razmjer, stupanj) proportion, scale, degree;
(granice) limit, bounds pl; mus bar, time; (obrok)
portion; (mjerica, posuda) quart, pot; (umjerenost)
moderation, temperance | drati ~u keep (observe)
measure (moderation), keep with in bounds; ne zna
~e (granice) he knows no bounds; prekorauje ~u
he goes beyond the bounds; u obilnoj ~i amply,
richly; nainjen po ~i made to measure; ~e opreza
precautions; poduzeti ~e (korake) take measures
(steps); take precautions; u nekoj ~i (donekle) in a
certain measure (degree); preko svake ~e beyond
measure, immoderately, excessively; odijelo po ~i
suit made to measure; uzeti ~u za odijelo measure
one (take one's measure) for a suit
mjera m measurer, surveyor; (tla) v. mjernik | eng ~
temperature (razine) temperature (level) gauge; eng
~vremena timer
mjerai adj measuring

mjerenje n measuring, measurement; (tla) survey, surveying; (topografsko) ordnance-survey, geodesy; (vaganje) weighing; (usporeenje) match
mjerica f measuring cup | velika (mala) pint (half-pint)
mjerilac m v. mjeritelj
mjeril|o n measure, scale, proportion; rule; rate;
(kriterij) standard, criterion | u istom ~u (nacrt,
mapa) to the same scale
mjeritelj m measurer; (tla) v. mjernik
mjeriti vt measure; (tlo) survey; (teinu) weigh, scale;
(sadravati) contain, hold; (jakost) match | ne ~ jednakom mjerom discriminate against; to se dade ~
mjeriti se vr measure one's strength with (against) another, match with (against); compete with; cope with
| ne da se ~ it is not to be compared to; moe se ~ it
can compare with, it can bear comparison with; oni
se mogu ~ they are well matched
mjeriv adj measurable
mjern|i adj measuring | ~i instrumenti measuring instruments; ~a jedinica unit of measure
mjerniki adj surveyor's, used by a surveyor; survey
mjernik m surveyor, geodetist
mjernitvo n surveying
mjerodavan adj competent, standard; serving as a rule
to go by; authoritative; relevant
mjerodavno adv competently; authoritatively
mjerodavnost f authoritativeness; competence
mjerov m bushel
mjesec m (na nebu) moon; (kalendarski) month; (rastui) waxing (crescent) moon; (padajui) waning
(decreasing) moon, moon on the wane, decrescent
moon; (mlad) new moon; (utap) full moon | prva
(posljednja) etvrt ~a first (last) quarter (of the
moon); ploha ~a disk of the moon; dan ~a day of the
month, date; ovaj ~ this month, com current (instant); proli ~ last month, com ultimo; idui ~ next
month, com proximo; danas ~ dana (unaprijed ili
unatrag) this day month; medeni ~ honeymoon
mjesear m, ~ka f med somnambulist, sleep-walker
mjesearstvo n med somnambulism, sleep-walking
mjeseev adj of the moon, moon, lunar
mjesein|a f moonlight, moonshine | po ~i by moonlight;
hodanje po ~i (u snu) sleep-walking; obasjan ~om
mjeseni adj monthly; astr lunar
mjesenik m monthly (magazine, review)
mjeseno adv monthly, a month, per month, by the
mjesn|i adj local, topical | ~i sud lowest civil court; ~a
cijena spot price; gram ~i pade locative
mjestance n dim small place (town); small village, hamlet; small spot
mjestimice adv in (some) places, sporadically, few and
far between, scattered, here and there
mjestimian adj in spots, in places, scattered
mjest|o n place, spot; (prostor) room, space; (sjedalo)
seat, sitting-place, chair; (stajalite) standing-place,

stand; (grad, selo) inhabited place (town, borough,

village, hamlet, locality); (prizora) scene; (u knjizi)
passage; (sluba) service, employment, office, post,
situation; (namjetenje) appointment; (poloaj,
prilike) circumstances pl, position, condition, case;
(prazno) vacancy, opening | maknuti se s ~a make
place (room, way); ~a! (sklanjaj se!) way there! stand
back!; da sam na tvom ~u if I were in your place
(shoes); moliti ~o apply for a place; traiti ~o be on
the look-out for a situation; ne makni se s ~a don't
stir (budge); on se ne mie s ~a he makes no progress (does not get on); on je na mojem ~u he is my
substitute (sudac, sveenik locumtenens); rije na
pravom ~u a fitting word; on nije sposoban za to ~o
he is a misfit, he is a round peg in a square hole; na
krivom ~u out of place, misplaced; na licu ~a (odmah) on the spot, then and there; na moje ~o (umjesto mene) in my stead; ne bih htio biti na njegovom ~u I would not be in his skin; to se ne mie s
~a stationary; rodno ~o native place; na radnom ~u
on the job; slobodno radno ~o vacancy, opening
mjesto prep v. umjesto
mjeanac m (ovjek) mixed blood, half-blood; hybrid,
cross-breed; (pseto) mongrel
mjeavina f mixture, blend; (dodatak) alloy; (spoj) compound; (zbrka, gomila) conglomeration; (sastav)
composition; (svata) medley, mishmash, farrago;
(rijei, glupost) hotchpotch
mjei m dim little sack (bag, bellows)
mjeinice f pl zoo Ascidia
mjeina f goatskin; (trbuh) paunch
mjeinarke f pl bot Ascomycetes
mjeinci pl zoo Coelenterata
mjeovit adj mixed, heterogeneous, miscellaneous; intermixed, mingled | ~i brak marriage between persons of different social status (religion, race); trgovina ~om robom B grocer's (shop), A grocery (store);
trgovac ~om robom grocer; (ire) general dealer, ~a
roba groceries pl; (ire) general goods; ~a kola (za
oba spola) coeducational school; sp 400 m ~im stilom (plivanje) 400-metre medley
mjeovitost f miscellaneousness, medley
mjetanin m town-inhabitant, townsman, native
mjetanka f woman inbabitant of a town
mjuzikl m theat & film musical
mlaan adj tepid, lukewarm; fig irresolute, half-hearted
mlaiti vt warm, tepefy
mlaiti se vr become lukewarm
mlaenica f cul butter-milk
mlaenje n threshing; (batine) thrashing
mlad adj young, youthful, adolescent, juvenile; (neiskusan) fresh; (nezreo) unripe, green; (mjesec) new
(moon); (vino, sir, krumpir) new (wine, cheese, potatoes) | dok sam bio ~ in my early life, early in life; ~o
ljeto New Year; ~o-ludo v. mladost-ludost
mlada f young woman (wife); (mladenka) bride
mladac m young man, youth; stripling; derog whippersnapper

mladen|ac m bridegroom | ~ci pl bride and bride-groom,

the newlyweds
mladenak|i adj youthful, juvenile, boyish, adolescent,
maidenish | ~a dob adolescence, one's teens
mladenatvo n youth, youthfulness, adolescence
mladenka f bride
mlade f collect the youth, young people (persons) |
knjige za ~ juveniles pl
mladica f (green) shoot; (presad) set (slip) for planting;
(granica) twig, scion, sucker; ichth huchen; v.
mladi m youth, young man; lad, boy; stripling; adolescent; juvenile
mladiki adj young man's, juvenile
mladina f young fowls (poultry); v. mlaak
mlad|o n the young of animal; specif puppy, whelp
(pseto); cub (medvjed, lisica, lav); fawn (jelen) |
imati ~e have young
mladolik adj young-looking, young(ish), youthful
mladomisnik m eccl celebrant of a virgin mass
mladost f youth, adolescence, boyhood | od ~i from one's
youth, from a boy; u ~i when young, in my young
years; ~ ludost youth will have its fling, allowance
must be made for the foolishness of youuh; specif
boys will be boys; u cvijetu ~i in the prime of youth
Mladoturci m pl his & fig the Young Turks
mladovanje n one's young days; spending (enjoying)
one's youth
mladoenja m bridegroom
mladune n v. mlado
mla m new moon
mlaahan adj youngish, youthful
mlaak m new moon
mlaarija f collect young people
mlai adj comp younger, minor, junior, inferior; pl the
younger ones, the youngers | 6 godina ~ od mene by
6 years my junior; fig biti ~ od 40 godina be on the
right (sunny) side of 40; be still in one's thirties
mlak adj tepid, lukewarm; fig half-hearted, indifferent,
mlaka f pool, puddle, plash
mlako adv tepidly, half-heartedly
mlakoa f v. mlakost
mlakonja m lukewarm (indifferent, slack) person, A fig
Mr. Milquetoast
mlakost f tepidity, lukewarmness; fig half-heartedness;
slackness, indifference
mlat m (za ito) flail; bat; swingle
mlatac m thresher
mlatarati vi v. mahati
mlatilica f v. vralica
mlatilo n thresher
mlatiti vt (ito) thresh; (tui) thrash, beat; fig v. lupetati
mlatnuti vt give a blow, sl sock (v. udariti)
mlatnja f v. mlaenje
mlaz m gush, jet, spurt, spirt, splash, spout, flash, stream
| ~om potei spout, well, gush (out), jet, sputter,
squirt, spirt, spurt; (uvis) spout (gush, spurt) up; ~
svjetlosti ray (beam) of light

mlazni adj jet | ~ avion (motor, lovac) jet plane (engine,

fighter); ~ pisa ink-jet printer
mlaznjak m v. mlanjak
mlanjak m aero jet plane (air-craft)
Mleci m pl hist Venice
Mleanin m hist Venetian
Mleanka f hist Venetian, lady (woman)
Mlei m hist Venetian
mletaki adj hist Venetian
mlije m (riblja) milt, soft roe; bot v. mljeika
mlijen|i adj milk, milky, lacteal, lacteous; made with
(containing) milk | astr ~i put milky way, gallaxy; ~o
staklo frosted glass; ~i zub milk-tooth; ~i restoran
milk bar; dairy restaurant; ~i proizvodi dairy products; ~o stado dairy herd; chem ~a kiselina lactic
mlijenjak m (zub) milk-tooth
mhjeko n milk; (gusto, neobrano) rich milk; (obrano)
skimmed milk; (mlaenica) butter-milk; (kondenzirano) condensed milk; (kiselo) sour milk; (usireno)
curdled milk | ~ se grua milk sets; fig ptije ~ pigeon's milk
mlin m mill; (vodeni) water-mill; (za ito) flour-mill; (na
vjetar) wind-mill; (tjeran ozgo mlazom vode) mill
with overshot wheel (mlazom odozdo with undershot
wheel) | graditelj ~a mill-wright; to je voda na njegov ~ that's grit to his mill; runi ~ (za ito itd.)
mlinac m | ~ za kavu coffee-mill; coffee-grinder
mlinar m miller
mlinarica f miller's wife, female miller
mlinarina f v. meljarina
mlinarski adj a miller's, mill
mlinarstvo n a miller's trade, milling industry
mlinsk|i adj | ~i nasip mill-dam, mill-wear; ~i kanal za
dovod vode mill-race, leat; ~o kolo mill-wheel; ~i
jaz mill-pond; ~i kamen mill-stone, quern-stone;
donji ~i kamen nether mill-stone
mlitav adj feeble, languid, slack, inert, sluggish, slow,
lukewarm, lax, nerveless, limp, flagging, spiritless,
languishing, washed-out; (nemaran) idle, indolent,
remiss, tardy; (mlohav) flaccid, flabby; (onemoao)
mlitavac m lukewarm (spiritless, slack, nerveless, sluggish) person
mlitavost f slackness, feebleness, inertness, lukewarmness, sluggishness
mliven adj ground, triturated
mlivo n grist, corn for grinding
mlohav adj (tjelesno) flabby, flaccid; (mlitav) spiritless;
lukewarm; slack, languishing, f1agging, limp
mlohavac m lukewarm (flagging, spiritless, nerveless,
sluggish) person
mlohaviti vi grow (become) flabby (slack, languid, flagging, lukewarm, spiritless)
mlohavost f flabbiness; slackness, inertness, feebleness,
mljas! int smack!, slurp!
mljaskanje n noisy munching (eating)

mljaskati vi munch (eat) noisily, slurp; squish

mljean adj v. mlijecan
mljeika f bot wolf's-milk
mljekadija m v. mljekar
mljekadinica f v. mljekarn(ic)a, mljekarstvo
mljekar m milkman, dairyman
mljekara f (pogon) dairy(-plant), creamery
mljekarica f dairy-woman, milkmaid
mljekarn(ic)a f (duan) dairy (shop)
mljekarstvo n (struka) dairying, dairy husbandry;
(privredna grana) dairy industry (farming); (pogon)
v. mljekara; (duan) v. mljekarn(ic)a
mljeti vt grind, triturate; mill; (krupno) grind coarsely,
kibble | tko prije doe, prije melje first come, first
mljeven adj ground, triturated
mljevenje n grinding, trituration; v. stroj za ~ mesa; v.
mnemotehniki adj mnemonic
mnemotehnika f mnemonics
mnijenje n v. miljenje
mnogi adj many, a great (good) many; not a few; a considerable number; many (a)... ; numbers of; quite a
number; a number of; numerous
mnogo adv much, a great (good) deal (of); (odve) too
much, overmuch; (znatno) considerably, appreciably;
(vrlo) very much; quite a | on ~ radi (pije, ee, ita,
jede, putuje) he is a great worker (drinker, walker,
reader, eater, traveller); on ~ radi (pije) he works
(drinks) hard, he is a hard-working (hard-drinking)
man; ~ vike nizato much ado about nothing; ~ puta
many a time, again and again; on ~ dri do... he has
a high opinion of; on ima vrlo ~ novaca he is flush
of money; on dri ~ do sebe he thinks no small beer
of himself; on ~ cijeni... he makes much
mnogo- pref multi-, poly-, manymnogobojan adj multicoloured, many-coloured, polychromous
mnogobotvo n polytheism
mnogoboac m polytheist
mnogoboaki adj polytheistic
mnogobrojan adj numerous
mnogobrojnost f numerousness
mnogolan adj large; math polynomial
mnogoglasan adj many-voiced, polyphonic, polyphonous
mnogoglasnost f polyphony
mnogogodinji adj v. dugogodisnji
mnogokratan adj happening many times (again and
mnogokratnik m math common factor (multiple)
mnogokut m geom polygon
mnogokutan adj geom polygonal
mnogolik adj multiform, polymorphous
mnogonapaen adj long-suffering
mnogonacionalan adj polyethnic; multinational
mnogopotovan adj highly esteemed
mnogostanini adj biol multicellular
mnogostran adj manysided, manifold, multifarious,
catholic, varied, versatile

mnogostranost f manysidedness, multifariousness,

catholicity, versatility
mnogostruk adj manifold; (konop itd.) consisting of
many strands (folds)
mnogougaoni adj v. viekutan
mnogougaonik m v. viekut
mnogouvaen adj highly esteemed
mnogovrstan adj of many kinds (sorts, qualities); (artikli) of many lines
mnogoenac m polygamist
mnogoenstvo n polygamy
mnom pers pro instr | sa ~ with me, along with me, in
my company
mnotvo n (ljudi) multitude, crowd, mab, a great number, a great (good) many, a large body; (bezbroj) their
name is legion; (beskrajnost) no end of; (obilje)
quantity, mass, plenty, abundance, a wealth, a great
(good) deal; (obilje) profusion, fullness, exuberance;
coll heaps (lots) of
mnoenik m math multiplicand
mnoenj|e n multiplication (i math); (porast) increase
(in number); (prirast) accession, augmentation, addition; growth | math tablica ~ a multiplication table
mnoidba f v. mnoenje
mnoidben adj math multiplicative
mnoina f gram plural; v. mnotvo
mnoitelj m math multiplier
mnoiti vt multiplicate; (porast) increase, add to
mnoiti se vr increase in number, be on the increase;
accumulate; multiply, proliferate; augment; (prirasti)
accrue; grow; thicken; (iriti se) become prevalent;
swell; (brzo) run up
mnoiv adj math multiplicable
mnoivost f math multiplicability
moavka f ornith moa
moba f bee (specif husking-bee, carding-bee, itd.)
mobilan adj mobile
mobilizacija f mil & fig mobilization
mobilizacijski adj mobilization
mobilizirati vt mobilize; raise troops; fig assemble, muster
mobilizirati se vr mobilize, get mobilized
mobilnost f mobility
moenje n wetting, bathing, moistening, steeping, maceration, soaking
moilo n (stolarsko) stain; (gdje se namae lan) rettery,
flax-retting place
moiti vt soak, steep, macerate; (oplahivati, vlaiti)
bathe, wet, moisten; (bajcati) stain
moiti se vr soak, steep; become moist (wet); bathe
mouga f v. toljaga
movara f swamp, bog, morass, marsh, marshland,
quag, fen; moor; moss, slough
movaran adj swampy, quaggy, fenny, marshy, moorish
movarice f pl ornith wading birds, waders, water-fowl;
swamp (marsh) birds
movarnost f swampiness, marshiness
mo f power; (sila) force, forces pl; (jakost) strength,
might; (ilost) vigour, nerve; (vlast) sway; (lijeka)

potency, virtue, efficacy, property; (sposobnost) faculty, ability; (utjecaj) ascendency, influence, authority, countenance; (zakona) validity; (neograniena)
despotism; (vrhovna) sovereignty | dati ~ (ovlastiti)
authorize, empower, give power (authority); dobiti ~
gain power; to je izvan moje ~i it is out of (beyond)
my power, I cannot controil it; biti u neijoj ~i be in
somebody's power; imati nekoga (duevno) u svojoj
~i have a hold upon one's mind; (sklonuti) prevail
(upon), wield influence over; nemati zakonske ~i be
(become) void (inoperative); prisvojiti ~ usurp; prisvajanje ~i usurpation; prisvaja ~i usurper, dictator;
bez ~i powerless, impotent, ineffectual; dati zakonsku ~ enact
moan adj powerful, mighty, strong; (lijek) potent (za
sve) sovereign; (utjecajan) influential; (neodoljiv) irresistible; (uspjean) effective, effectual, efficacious
moi' f pl eccl (the holy) relics
moi'' vi be able, can, be enabled (capable); (smjeti) have
the authority (power); (sposobnost) have the faculty
(capacity); be in a position to... | daj da pokaem to
mogu let me try my skill; uinit u to budem najbolje (najvie) mogao I'll do my (very, level) best
(utmost), I'll do it to the best of my ability, I'll do it to
the utmost of my power; vikao je to je najbolje
mogao he cried at the top of his voice; to ja tu mogu
pomoi? how can I help it?; on tu ne moe nita
(nije kriv) it is not his fault; mogao bih se zakleti I
could swear to it; on moe lako oboljeti he is liable
(apt) to fall ill; ne mogu biti bez I cannot go without
|| (uz negaciju) ne mogu I cannot, I can't, I am unable, I am incapable, (smetnja) I am prevented;
(priutanje) I cannot afford it; (zabrana) I am not allowed (permitted, suffered), I may not; ne moi (biti
nesposoban) be incapacitated (disqualified); ne moe
se znati there is no knowing; tako ne moe biti this
won't do; nisam mogao a da se ne nasmijem I could
not help laughing; ne mogu ga trpjeti I cannot bear
(stand) him; njemu se ne moe vjerovati he is not to
be believed; u njega se ne moe pouzdati he is not to
be relied on; bez njega se ne moe biti he is indispensable; ne mogu vie (umor) I am dog-tired
(knocked-up); ne mogu sebi priutiti I cannot afford
monik' m person in power, power-wielder, coll VIP
monik'' m Orth reliquary
mono adv powerfully, forcefully
monost f power, powerfulness, mightiness, strength,
force, potency
mod|a f (prevailing) fashion; vogue; (nonja) wear; (ludovanje za) craze, mania for | u ~i in fashion; in general wear; izalo iz ~e out of fashion, doi u ~u come
into fashion (vogue); izai iz ~e go out of fashion;
najnovija ~a the latest fashion; iron po novoj ~i
newfangled; postalo je ~om it came to be the fashion
modal m gram modal (verb)
modalan adj gram modal
modalitet m modality
modalnost f gram modality, modal quality

modar adj blue, azure; (modrica) livid

modedama f Ger v. pomodarka
model m model; (maketa) mock-up, scale model; (stroja,
koji ide) working model; (osoba) v. maneken(a) ;
(slika u modnom urnalu) fashion-plate | umjetniki
(fotografski) ~ artist's (photographic) model
modelar m (hobist) model constructor, model(l)er; specif
flying-model constructor, model railroader itd.
modelarnica f techn pattern shop
modelarski adj | ~ klub model-building club (specif
model plane club, model railroading club itd.)
modelarstvo n model-building, model-making, modelling
modelirati vt model, fashion, form, shape; sculpt; design
moder|an adj modern, up-to-date; latter-day; (u modi)
stylish, fashionable, new-fashioned | Hrvatska ~na
Croatian Modernism
modernist m modernist
modernistiki adj modernist
modernizacija f modernization, modernizing
modernizam m modernism
modernizator m modernizer
modernizirati vt modernize, bring up to date, update
modernizirati se vr modernize, go modern
modernost f modernity, modernness
modificiranje n modification
modificirati vt modify
modificirati se vr become modified
modifikacija f modification
modifikator m modifier
modistica f milliner
modistiki adj | ~ artikli millinery
modla f cul Ger mould (A mold)
modn|i adj fashion; fashionable, stylish | ~i urnal fashion magazine; ~a revija fashion show; ~i kreator
fashion designer
modrenje n (postajanje) becoming blue; (bojadisanje)
modrica f bruise, weal, welt, streak, stripe | ~ na oku a
blue eye; pun ~ black-and-blue
modrikast adj bluish
modrina f blueness, the blue, blue colour, azure
modrilo n v. modrina
modriti vi become blue; vt treat with blue, dye blue
modriti se vr shine blue
modulacija f phys & mus modulation
modulater m phys modulator
moduliranje n mus & phys modulation
modulirati vt mus & phys modulate
modus m mode, way | nai ~ vivendi reach a modus
mogila f funeral mound; cairn; tomb
mogranj m bot v. ipak
mogu adj possible; (vjerojatan) likely, probable, possible, contingent; (izvediv) feasible, achievable, practicable; v. moan | uiniti ~im render feasible, make
possible; uinio mi je ~im he put me in the way to...;
to ti je ~e try your best, leave no stone unturned, try
every possible means, exert yourself to your utmost,

strain every nerve; sve ~e all (every) variety of cases;

nije mi bilo ~e it was out of my power; sve to mi je
~e everything possible (within my power); to je vie
~ as much as possible, to the utmost; ako je ~e if
possible; ~e je it is on the cards
moguan adj v. mogu
mogue adv possibly
mogunik m v. monik'
mogunost f possibility, opening, potentiality; (izvedivost) feasibility, practicability; (vjerojatnost) probability, likelihood; (sluaj) chance, contingency | nisam u ~i v. ne mogu
mogustvo n v. mogunost
Mogul m hist Mogul
moher m text mohair
Mohikanac m | fig posljednji ~ the last of the Mohicans
moj poss pron my, mine, of mine, of my own | ova ~a
knjiga this book of mine; jedan prijatelj mog oca a
friend of my father's; to je moje this is mine (my
property), this belongs to me; ~ vlastiti my own, of
my own; da je na ~u if I had my say; ~i pl my people; ~i mili (dragi) my dear ones, my family
Mojsije m Moses
mojsijevac m arch v. idov
moka f (kava) mocha
mokar adj wet; (vlaan) damp, moist, humid, dank;
oozy; (namoen) wetted, soaked, drenched; (skroznaskroz) dripping wet, wet to the skin, wet through
and through, wringing (soaking) wet
mokasin m moccasin
mokasinke f pl (cipele) loafers
moket m text moquette
mokraa f urine
mokran|i adj urinary, uric, urinous | ~i mjehur urinary
bladder; ~i sud urinal (guska)
mokraovod m anat urether
mokrenje n making (passing) water, urination | med ~ u
krevet bed-wetting
mokrica f zoo v. babura
mokrina f humidity, moisture, wet, wetness, damp,
mokriti vi make (pass) water (urine), urinate | med ~ u
krevet wet one's bed, be a bed-wetter
mol' m mus minor | u F ~u in F minor
mol'' m pier, jetty, wharf
mol''' m ichth v. oslic, pimolj
molb|a f (usmena) request, asking, instance; (zaklinjanje) entreaty, supplication, imploration, appeal,
deprecation; (dodijavanje) solicitation, importunity,
importunateness, pestering; (pismena) written application, memorandum, memorial, petition; demand;
suit; (za oprotenje) apology | na moju ~u at my request; podnijeti ~u za apply for; prihvatiti (odbiti)
~u approve (reject) an application
Moldavac m Moldavian
Moldavska f geog Moldavia
moldavski adj Moldavian
moleiv adj supplicatory, deprecative, pleading
molekula f phys molecule

molekular|an adj phys molecular | ~na teina (struktura) molecular weight (structure)
moler m Ger v. soboslikar
moleraj m Ger v. soboslikarski (liilaki) radovi
molero-farbar m v. soboslikar i liilac
molerski adj Ger v. soboslikarski
molestirati vt molest (v. dodijavati)
molibden m chem molybdenum
molilac m v. molitelj
molitelj m applicant, petitioner; (trabine) claimant;
suitor; solicitor
moliteljica f woman applicant (petitioner)
moli|ti vt (nekoga) request, ask, beg; (zaklinjati) appeal,
make appeals, supplicate, implore, conjure, beseech,
entreat, deprecate; (pismeno) petition, memorialize;
(dodijavati) solicit, pester; pray; (za nekoga) plead
for, intercede for; (isprika, oprotenje) make excuse;
apologize, ask pardon for; v. moliti se | (Hvala )
~m (thank you ) B not at all, A you're welcome;
~m? (= ponovite) pardon?; ~m te, reci mi! please,
tell me!, do tell me!; smijem li vas ~ti za...? may I
trouble you for...?; ~m sjednite please, take a seat; sit
down, please; ~m te, budi tako dobar pa..., be so
kind (good enough) as to...
moliti se vr pray, say one's prayers, say grace, perform
one's prayers (devotions)
molitva f prayer; (kod stola) grace; (zahvalnica) thanksgiving; (litanija) litany; (na oprosne dane) rogation(s)
molitveni adj prayer
molitvenik m prayer-book
molo m v. mol''
Moloh m myth Moloch
molovati vt Ger v. malati
moljac m entom (clothes-) moth | pun ~a mothy; izjeden
od ~a moth-eaten; zatien od ~a moth-proof; sredstvo protiv ~a moth repellant
moljakanje n solicitation, pressing entreaties; (dodijavanje) pestering with entreaties, importunity, importunateness
moljak|ati vt molest (importune) with requests, solicit,
ask persistently, press for (to), urge, entreat | koji ~a
importunate, pressing, soliciting
moljenje n (molitva) pvaying, prayers, devotions, litanies; saying grace; (traenje) asking, begging
moma f maid, maiden, girl, lass, lassie
momak|i' adj a youth's (young man's, bachelor's) | ~i
ivot bachelorhood; ~a veer bachelor dinner (party)
mom|ak m young man, youth, young fellow; youngster;
stripling; boy, lad; man; (neenja) bachelor, single
(unmarried) man; (sluga) man-servant, servant-man;
mil hist man, soldier, (konjanik) trooper | ~ci young
men, lads, boys, hist (mornarima) my hearties!; silan
~ak a great fellow (A guy); stari ~ old bachelor; confirmed bachelor, hum Benedict; veseo ~ak young
momatvo n bachelorhood, bachelor's estate
momad f collect sl team; (kriketa) an eleven; (Oxford i
Cambridge, veslanje) the Eight; v. osoblje, posada

momadsk|i adj | sp ~o takmienje (prvenstvo) team

competition (championship)
mom|e n, ~i m dim stripling, young lad (boy)
momina f aug strapping fellow
momen(a)t m moment, instant (v. trenutak); factor,
element | novi ~i new developments
momentalan adj momentary (v. trenutaan)
momentalno adv momentarily (v. trenutano, naas)
monah m monk, monastic (v. redovnik)
monahinja f nun (v. redovnica)
monarh m monarch
monarhija f monarchy | apsolutna (ustavna) ~ absolute
(constitutional) monarchy
monarhijski adj monarchic(al)
monarhist m pol monarchist
monarhistiki adj pol monarchist; (ureenje) monarchic(al)
monarhizam m monarchism
monarhofaist m pol monarchist-fascist
monarhofaistiki adj pol monarchist-fascist
monarhofaizam m pol monarchism-fascism
monaki adj monastic, monach(al) | ~ red monastic order
monatvo n monasticism, monastic life; monkery,
monden' m playboy; jet-setter
monden'' adj fashionable, posh, smart; jet-set | ~o
drustvo the jet set
mondenka f playgirl; jet-setter
mondura f v. uniforma
moneta f money, currency (v. valuta)
monetarni adj monetary
Mongol m Mongol
Mongolija f geog Mongolia
mongolizam m med mongolism
mongoloid m med mongoloid
mongolski adj Mongolian, Mongol
Monika f Monica, hyp Mona
monist m phil monist
monistiki adj phil monistic
monitor m nav monitor
monizam m phil monism
monodrama f theat monodrama
monoftong m phon monophthong
monoftongizacija f phon monophthongization
monogamija f monogamy
monografija f monograph
monografski adj | ~ rad monograph
monogram m initials pl
monokl m monocle
monokotiledone f pl bot v. jednosupnice
monoksid m chem monoxide
monokultura f farm one-crop economy
monolit m monolith
monolitan adj fig monolithic
monolitnost f fig monolithism
monolog m monologue
monoman m med monomaniac
monomanija f med monomania

monoplan m aero monoplane

monopol m monopoly
monopolistiki adj monopolistic
monopolizirati vt monopolize
monosilabian adj v. jednosloan
monoteist m rel monotheist
monoteistiki adj theol monotheistic
monoteizam m theol monotheism
monotip m print monotype
monoton adj monotonous
monoton|ija, ~ost f monotony, sameness, humdrum
monsinjor m RC monsignor (abbr Msgr.)
monstranca f eccl monstrance
monstruozan adj monstrous
monstruozno adv monstrously
monstruoznost f monstrosity
monsun m geog monsoon | suhi (mokri) ~ dry (wet)
monsunski adj geog monsoon, monsoonal
montaa f mounting, installation, fitting, putting up;
(sastavljanje) assembly; (filmska) editing
montaer m, ~ka f (film) editor, cutter; v. monter
montaerski adj | film ~ stol cutting console (desk)
montan|i adj | ~a garaa prefab(ricated) garage; ~i
radovi v. montaa; ~a traka assembly line
monter m fiter; assembler
montiran pp (lani) rigged, staged; (optube) trumpedup
montirati vt mount, instal, fit; put up; assemble; (film)
edit; (prevariti) fix, rig, stage
monumentalan adj monumental, grandiose, stupendous
monumentalno adv monumentally
monumentalnost f monumentality
moped m mot B moped, A motorized bicycle
mopedist m moped (A motorized-bicycle) rider
mops m pug(-dog)
mora f nightmare (i fig) incubus; hobgoblin
moral m morality; (seksualni) morals pl; mil morale;
(pouka u prii) moral
moralan adj moral; (pretjerano) prissy; (ivot) clean
moralist m moralist
moralizator m moralizer
moraliziranje n moralization, moral reflections
moralizirati vi moralize
moralka f RC moral theology
moralno adv morally
moralnost f morality, moral conduit
moranje n obligation, exigency, necessity; being obliged,
having to; (nuda) stress, pinch
morati vi have to, be obliged | ~am I must, I have to;
(dunost) I ought to; I am to..., I am obliged (forced,
compelled); (sudbina) I am destined; (sila) I am constrained (under the necessity); (zahtjev) I am required
to; ~ao sam se nasmijati (protiv volje) I could not
help laughing; I could not but laugh; ~ao je umrijeti
he was doomed to die; zar mu se ~a rei? does he
require to be told?; ~am rei (na alost) I am sorry to
say; to ~a tek doi this is yet to come; ~ate znati I

would have you know; to ~am raditi? what would

you have me do?; ~a se imati rjecnik a dictionary is
indispensable; koga sam ~ao (na nesreu) sresti,
nego... whom should I meet but...?; on ~a da je
bogat he must be rich; ~a da je bolestan I suppose
he is ill, he is most likely ill, he is presumably ill; to
~a biti this is unavoidable
moratorij m fin moratorium
Moravac m Moravian
Moravska f geog Moravia
moravski adj Moravian
morbidan adj morbid
morbidnost f morbidity
morbile f pl med measles (v. ospice)
mor|e n sea; (puina) the deep, the offing, the high seas;
ocean | Sredozemno ~e the Mediterranean (Sea);
Jadransko ~e the Adriatic (Sea); Mrtvo ~e the Dead
Sea; uzburkano ~e dirty weather, tempestuous (furious) sea; ~e oplakuje obalu sea washes the coast;
udaranje ~a u obalu wash, surf; ~e prai the air is
full of spray (spindrift); ~e mu kodi he gets seasick;
na ~u at sea; na ~e seaward; uz ~e at the seaside;
otii na ~e (na plau) go to the beach; (na ljetovanje)
go to the seaside; (postati mornar) go to sea; kopnom
i ~em by sea and land; otisnuti se na ~e put to sea;
(jedrima) set sail; putovati po ~u voyage; put po ~u
voyage; baciti u ~e (s broda) throw overboard; pasti
u ~e fall overboard; on je privikao ~u (na brodu) he
has got sea legs; (brod) otpuen na ~e outward
bound; (brod) sposoban za ~e seaworthy (boat); fig
~e jada sea of troubles; ~e krvi seas of blood
morena f geog moraine
morenje n (ubijanje) killing; (muenje) torturing, plaguing; (glau, skapavanje) starving; (trapljenje) mortifying; (dosadom) boring
moreplovac m seafarer (v. pomorac)
moreplovstvo n seafaring (v. pomorstvo, plovljenje)
moreka f folk Dalmatian sword dance; B (slino) Morris dance
moreuz m geog v. tjesnac
morf m ling morph
Morfej m myth Morpheus
morfem m ling morpheme
morfemski adj ling morphemic
morfij m med morphia, morphine
morfinist m med morphinist
morfinistiki adj med morphinistic
morfinizam m med morphinism
morfofonem m ling morphophoneme
morfologija f ling morphology
morfoloki adj ling morphological
morganatsk|i adj morganatic | ~a enidba morganatic
mor|iti vt (ubijati) kill, slaughter, slay; (muiti) torture;
(dodijavati) plague, bother, bore; (glau) starve;
(trapiti) mortify | ea (glad) me ~i I am dying with
thirst (hunger), I am starving; dosada me ~i I am
bored (to death); brige (jadi) me ~e cares are worrying me, I suffer from carking cares

morka f ornith guinea fowl

mormon m Mormon
mormonizam m Mormonism
mormonski adj Mormon
mornar m sailor, mariner; sea-faring man, seagoing
person, coll salt; (ratne mornarice) bluejacket, Jack
Tar; (iskusan) old salt, seadog; navigator | ~ prve
klase able-bodied seaman
mornarica f (trgovaka) merchant navy, mercantile marine, merchant service (shipping); (ratna) navy;
(flota) fleet
mornariki adj of (belonging to, dealing with) the navy;
naval, nautical
mornarsk|i adj sailor's, seaman's; sailor-like, seamanlike
| ~o odijelo (djeje) sailor suit; v. ~a majica
mornarstvo n seamanship
morenj m zoo dugong
Morseov adj | ~i znakovi Morse code
morsk|i adj sea, nautical, maritime, oceanic; saltwater;
coll absurd, stupid | ~a obala coast; (al) beach,
shore; (primorje) seaboard, littoral, seaside, (sea)coast, coastal region; ~a voda sea-water, saltwater;
(mijeana se slatkom) brackish water
mort m mortar
mortadela f cul bologna
mortalitet m mortality, death-rate
moruna f ichth beluga (sturgeon)
mor f zoo walrus
moruzgva f zoo sea anemone
moskito f ent mosquito
moskovski adj Moscow
Moskva f Moscow
mosn|i adj bridge | ~a glava bridge-head
mosnica f (daska) plank
most m bridge; (kameni) stone-bridge; (visei) suspension-brdge; (rasklopni na dizanje) bascule-bridge,
draw-bridge; cantilever-bridge; (pontonski) pontoonbridge; (koji se okree) swing-bridge; (na krakove)
trestle-bridge, viaduct; (od greda) plank-bridge |
graditi ~ preko bridge over, span with a bridge; mar
zapovjedniki ~ captain's bridge
mostarina f bridge-toll | most gdje se plaa ~ toll-bridge
mosti m dim small bridge, foot-bridge, plank-bridge
mostiti vt build a bridge, span with a bridge
mostobran m | mil uspostaviti ~ establish a bridge-head
mostovni adj bridge
moenje n spanning with a bridge
moeja f Tur (damija) mosque
monje f pl anat scrotum
mot m must, (un)fermented grapejuice, stum
moti f pl Orth v. moi''
mous m musk
mousn|i adj musk; musky | zoo ~o govedo musk-ox
motan pp wound (twisted) round, reeled
motanje n winding, reeling, twisting; turning; (nemir)
fussing, fidgeting, milling
motati vt wind up, reel; (frkati) twist (round); (navoj)
coil; (cigaretu) roll; (kovrati) curl; (frkati brk) twirl;
(palce od dosade) twiddle; (mrsiti) entangle

motati se vr move (go, fuss) about aimlessly, fidget, mill

motel m motel, A+ motor court; (u gradu) motor inn
motelsk|i adj ~e sobe motel rooms
motet m mus motet
motik|a f hoe | okopavati ~om hoe
motiv m motif (v. pobuda)
motivacija f motivation (v. pobuda)
motivirati vt motivate; v. objasniti
motk|a f pole, bar, staff, perch; stake; stick; rod | sp skok
s ~om pole vault; sp skaka s ~om pole vaulter
moto m (geslo) motto
motocikl m motorcycle | voziti se na ~u motorcycle
motociklist m motor cyclist
motociklistik|i adj | ~e trke motorcycle races
motociklizam m sp motorcycle racing
motodrom m motordrome
motohotel m motor inn
motokros m cross-country motorcycle race
motonautiar m power-boater
motonautiki adj | ~ klub power-boat club
motonautika f power boating
motopark m motor pool
motor m engine; (elektrini) motor | avionski ~ aircraft
engine; brodski ~ marine engine; ~ s unutrasnjim
izgaranjem (eksplozivni ~) internal combustion engine; vankrmeni ~ outboard (motor)
-motorac aero | etvero-~ four-engine(d) plane
motorbicikl m v. motocikl
moto-restoran m drive-in (restaurant)
motorin m reg v. motorni amac
motorist m engineer, mechanic; v. motociklist
motoristiki adj motorcycling, motorcycle
motoristika f v. motociklizam
motorizacija f motorization; v. motopark
motoriziran pp supplied with motors, driven by motor,
motoriziranje n supplying wiith motors, motorization
motorizirati vt supply with motors, build in motors, motorize
motorizirati se vr motorize, become motorized; coll buy
(get) a car
motorkota m v. motocikl
motorn|i adj motor(-driven), powered | ~a pila powersaw; ~i brod motor ship (vessel); ~i vlak (diesel)
motornjak m coll v. motorni vlak
motorovoa m rlw diesel-train driver
moto-saonice f pl snowmobile
motoskuter m motor-scooter
mototrke f pl motorcycle races
motovilo n mech & eng winding-machine (device); mar
windlass, winch, capstan; (pula) spool, bobbin
motrenje n watching, observation; contemplation
motrilac m observer, looker-on, spectator, watcher;
motriti vt watch, observe, look intently (narrowly,
closely) at (into), keep looking on, eye narrowly, keep
in sight, have an eye upon; (vrebati) spy upon; view,
regard, contemplate; (iekivanje) keep a look-out;

(naprezati oi) strain one's eyes; (zuriti) peer, gaze,

stare; (pomno pregledevati) scan, examine, survey
movens m Lat v. pokreta
mozaiki adj mosaic(al)
mozaik m mosaic | uresiti ~om mosaic, adorn with mosaic; pod od ~a mosaic floor
moz|ak m anat brain(s); (mali) little (hinder) brain,
cerebellum; (modina) marrow; fig understandinig,
sense; v. modani'' | potres ~ga concussion of the
brain; upala ~ga brain-fever; mekanje ~ga softening of the brain; naprezati ~ak rack one's brain;
zamor ~ga brain-fag; bez ~ga (glup) addle-brained;
zavrtjeti ~gom turn one's head; vrana mu je ispila
~ak he has become quite an imbecile (idiot)
mozambiki adj geog Mozambiquean
Mozambik m geog Mozambique
mozgalac m ponderer, speculator, ruminator; meditating
(brooding) person
mozganje n pondering, rumination, brooding, speculation, weighing, hard thinking
mozgati vi ponder, ruminate, brood, contemplate, think
hard, speculate, rack one's brains, weigh in one's
mozgovn|i adj brain, of the brain(s)
moda adv perhaps, maybe; perchance, peradventure;
probably, possibly, likely; I dare say; I presume (suppose); (recimo) shall we say...; (otprilike) about, in
the neighbourhood of, some, nearly, something like |
~ ovako in same such way as this; on e ~ doi he
may come, he might yet come; ako ~ doe should he
modan adj cerebral, medullar, brain
modani' m pl v. mozak
modan|i'' adj brain, of the brain(s) | anat ~a ovojnica
brain membrane, meninx; upala ~e ovojnice meningitis
modina f (u kostima) marrow, medulla | lena ~ spinal
chord (marrow); produena ~ medulla oblongata
modinski adj anat medullar
moebitan adj v. mogu
mraak m dim twilight, dusk
mraan adj dark, darkish, gloomy, dusky, murky, obscure, dim, sombre; fig dismal; (oblaan) overcast,
heavy, cloudy; (neproziran) opaque; (mrk) sullen,
scowling, lowering, frowning, threatening, blackbrowed; (srdit) angry; stern, sour; (nejasan) abstruse,
deep, mystic, mysterious; (koban) sinister; (mrk)
mraiti vt darken, dim, make dark (dim)
mraiti se vr darken, darkle, grow dark; dim, obscure;
(mrgoditi se) frown | mrai se night gathers, darkness is setting in; u glavi mi se mrai my head
mrano adv | ~ gledati look black, frown; look daggers
mranost f darkness, gloominess, dimness, obscurity
mranjaki adj obscurantist

mranjak m obscurantist, enemy of enlightenment (progress); (vjera) an ultramontane, a bigot; reactionary,

mranjatvo n obscurantism, reactionary tendency
(ideas); (vjera) bigotism
mrak m darkness, dimness, night, gloom, gloominess,
obscurity; murk, dusk, nightfall; (sumrak) gloam,
gloaming; fig (neznanje) ignorance | u ~u in the dark,
in obscurity; ~ kao u rogu pitch dark; ~ se hvata
night gathers; od jutra do ~a from morning till night
mramor m marble | ploa od ~a marble-slab; ila u ~u
grain (vein) in the marble; bojadisati kao ~ marble,
stain (colour, grain, vein) like marble; poput ~a marbled; fig srce iz ~a heart of stone, hard-hearted nature
mramor|an adj marble, marmoreal, marbly | geog M~no
more Sea of Marmara
mramorast adj variegated like marble
mramorkom adv | ~ utjeti be silent as the grave
mrav m ant, emmet; (bijeli) termite
mravci m pl | ~ me podilaze I have goose-flesh; (u
nogama) I have pins and needles (in my legs)
mravinjak m ant-hill
mravlj|i adj ant | chem ~a kiselina formic acid
mravoderac m zoo ant-eater
mraz m frost; poet rime; (inje) hoar, frost, white frost;
(studen) cold, chill, chillness, frosty weather | ofuren
od ~a frost-bitten, nipped; suhi ~ (bez inja) black
mrazan adj frosty, rimy; (hladan) chill, chilly, frigid,
cold, icy
mraziti vt v. omrznuti
mrazovit adj frosty, chilly, cold; rimy
mrcin|a f v. crkotina; derog (osoba) worthless person |
~a jedna! the bastard!; ~o jedna! you bastard!
mrcvarenje n (muenje) torture, torturing, tormenting,
maltreating, racking; mangling; (sakaenje) maiming, mutilation, crippling
mrcvariti vt (muiti) torture, torment, maltreat, rack;
mangle; (sakatiti) maim, mutilate, cripple
mrcvariti se vr torture oneself
mra f bot v. mirta
mrenje n blackening, staining, daubing, soiling;
(pisanje) scribbling, scrawling; (potamnjivanje)
darkening, dimming
mrika f bot v. mirta
mriti vt blacken, stain, daub, soil; (arati po papiru,
drljati) scribble, scrowl
mrdanj|e n v. micanje | nema tu ~a v. mile-lale
mrdati (se) vi (vr) v. micati (se)
mrdnuti (se) vi (vr) v. maknuti (se)
mren|a' f film, pellicle, membrane, thin skin; med (na
oku) cataract; fig veil, dimness over eyes | pala mi je
~a s oiju v. otvorile su mi se oi; operirati ~u remove a cataract
mrena'' f ichth barbel
mrekanje n rippling, wrinkling; fig (vode od
povjetarca) cat's-paw
mrekast adj wrinkled, puckered, rippled

mrekati vt wrinkle, pucker, ruffle

mrekati se vr ripple, (nabori) pucker, crease, wrinkle
mre|a f net; (stupica) trap, snare; (iana) screen; (za
leanje) hammock; (za kupovinu) net bag | uhvatiti u
~u ensnare, entrap, entangle (sve i fig); fig captivate;
cestovna ~a road network; elektrina ~a B power
grid, A mains; (kuanska) power supply, service; pijunska ~a spy ring (network); raunarska ~a computer network
mreast adj net-like, reticular
mreica f dim small net; reticle; (plinska) mantle
mrenica f (oka) retina
mreokril|ac m ent neuropteron | ~ci Neuroptera
mrgodan adj frowning, scowling, lowering
mrgoditi se vr frown, scowl, sulk, look black, lour; fig
(prijetiti) beetle
mrgoenje n frown, frowning, scowling, louring; lowering
mrijest m roe, spawn; (otrige) spat
mrijestilte n hatchery; (u prirodi) hatching (nursing)
mrijestiti se vr spawn, shed spawn; spat
mrijetenje n spawning; spatting | vrijeme ~a spawning-time
mrina f ichth v. murina
mrk adj (pogled, lice) scowling, sullen, gloomy, threatening, louring, loury, black-browed, beetle-browed;
dark, stern, reserved | ~e boje brown, tawny; (siv)
dun; ~a no v. mrkli
mrka m (hobotnica) musk octopus
mrkl|i adj | ~i mrak pitch darkness; ~a no pitch-dark
mrknuti vi become dark (dim, murky, gloomy);
(mrgoenje) frown, lour; sl v. zdipiti
mrko adv sullenly, gloomily; darkly | gledati ~ look
mrkost f gloominess; murkiness, sullenness, frowing
(louring, threatening) looks; brown (tawny) colour
mrkulja f dark(-coloured) cow
mrkva f bot carrot; cul carrots pl
mrlj|a f stain, blot, blotch, spot, taint, soil, daub, smear,
freckle, blur, smut, smudge, blemish; v. ljaga | bez
~e spotless, stainless; sredstvo za otklanjanje ~a
spot remover; cleaning fluid
mrljanje n (act of) staining, daubing, blotching, blotting, smearing, blurring, sullying; (drljanje) scribble,
mrljati vt stain, soil, dirty, foul, darnish, sully, blotch;
(drljati, arati) scribble, scrawl
mrljati se vr get (become) dirty (sullied, blotted, tarnished, blurred)
mrljav adj stained, smutty, spotty, blotchy; (aren)
mrljavost f smuttiness, dirtiness; tarnished (blotted, sullied) state
mrmljalo n grumbler
mrmljanje n mutter, muttering, growl, growling, grumble, grumbling, croaking, mumble, mumbling; droning, murmur

mrmljati vi mutter, growl, grumble, mumble, murmur,

hum; (jednolino moliti) drone; (prigovarati, jadikovati) croak, grumble, sl grouch
mrmor m murmur
mrmoriti vi murmur
mrs m eating of meat; days with no fasting
mrs|an adj | ~no jelo meat dish
mrsiti' vi eat meat
mrsiti'' vt entangle, embroil, make intricate (complicated), ravel; (kosu) tousle, ruffle
mrsko adv odiously, detestably itd. (v. mrzak)
mrskost f odiousness, hatefulness, loathing; odium
mrav adj thin, lean, meagre; lank; (omravio) emaciated, skinny; bare-boned; haggard, gaunt; (vitak)
slender, spare; (jadan, neplodan) scanty, poor, barren
| ~a hrana short commons
mravac m thin (coll sikinny) man
mravica f thin (coll skinny) girl (woman)
mravjeti vi lose flesh, grow lean (thin), waste away
mravljenje n loss of weight, emaciation, thinning,
wasting | pilule za ~ reducing pills; kura za ~ reducing course (diet)
mravost f meagreness; leanness, gauntness, thinness,
lankness, slenderness; scantiness; spareness; (neplodnost) barreness, aridity
mronja m v. mravac
mrtenje n scowl, scowling, frown, frowning; knitting
one's eyebrows
mrtiti se vr frown, scowl; (nabori) wrinkle; (elo) knit
one's (eye-)brows
mrt|av adj dead, deceased; lifeless; fig (dosadan) dull;
(voda) stagnant; (stvar) inanimate | ~vi pl the dead;
~va glavnica unemployed (frozen) capital; ~va tiina
dead silence; uskrsnuti od ~vih raise from the dead;
posve ~av dead as a doornail; ~av jezik dead language; fig ~vo slovo dead letter; ~va boja dead colour; ~va straa forlorn hope (a group of soldiers assigned to an extremely dangerous duty, lost troop);
v. ~vo puhalo
mrtvac m dead person, dead body, corpse | ~i the dead
mrtvak|i' adj deadly; deathlike | ~a kola hearse; (automobil) motor hearse; ~a nosila bier; ~a straa
(bdjenje) wake; ~a ponjava shroud, winding-sheet;
~i odar catafalque; ~i sanduk v. lijes
mrtvaki'' adv deadly, deathly (v. blijed)
mrtvanica f mortuary; (kosturnica) charnel-house
mrtvilo n stupor, apathy, lethargy; (besvjesnost) coma;
fig dul(l)ness, stagnancy, stagnation, standstill
mrtvoroen adj still-born
mrtvoroene n still-born (child)
mrtvoroenje n still birth
mrtvozornik m coroner
mrv|a f crumb; fig bit, (tiny) fragment, atom, iota, jot | ni
~e not a bit (whit), not one jot (tittle)
mrvic|a f crumb; fig v. mrva | cul ~e (prezle) bread
mrviak m v. mrva (fig)
mrviast adj crumbly
mrviti vt crumble, break into small pieces

mrviti se vr crumble, moulder, fall (break) into small

pieces (crumbs, fragments); (kola) be brittle (short)
mrvljenje n crumbling; (komadanje) disintegration; falling to pieces
mrvljiv adj friable, crumbly
mrvljivost f friability, crumbliness
mrzak adj odious, hateful, abhorrent, detestable, repugnant, loathsome, abominable, annoying, revolting,
tedious, offensive (v. mrsko, mrskost)
mrzao adj v. hladan, leden
mrzitelj m hater, person imbued with hatred | ~ ljudi
misanthrope; ~ ena misogynist
mrziti vt hate; dislike, abhor; despise, loathe, detest |
mrzi me v. nemam volje
mrznuti (se) vi (vr) v. smrzavati se
mrzovolja f moroseness, moodishness, peevishness, ill
(morose) humour, grouch
mrzovoljan adj morose, peevish, grumpy, surly, moody,
mrenje n v. smrzavanje
mrnj|a f hatred, hate; animosity; odium; (na ljude)
misanthropy | navui na sebe ~u incur hatred, make
oneself hated
mu dat sg pers pron to him
muca f hyp v. maca
mucanje n stuttering, stammering; stutter, stammer
mucati vi stutter, stammer
mucav adj stammering, stuttering; fig inarticulate
mucavac m stutterer, stammerer
mucin m med mucin
mualjiv adj v. utljiv
muan adj hard, difficult, arduous, toilsome; laborious,
stiff, troublesome, burdensome; trying, wearing, tiring, sickening, exhausting; painstaking; (dojam)
painful, embarrassing; (zakuast) knotty
muanje n v. utnja
muati vi v. utjeti | ~ mukom v. utjeti kao zaliven
muen pp (bolju) tortured, tormented; fig worried,
grieved; (dodijavanjem) plagued, harassed
muenica f woman martyr
muenik|i' adj martyr's | umrijeti ~om smru die a
martyr's death; ~i pogled suffering glance
mueniki'' adv like a martyr, suffering
muenik m martyr
muenitvo n martyrdom
muenje n torture, torturing, tormenting, tantalization;
(na muilu) racking, breaking on the wheel; (drutveno) agonizing | sprave za ~ instruments of torture
muiliste n torture chamber
muilo n instrument of torture; rack, wheel
muitelj m torturer, tormentor
muiteljica f tormentress
mu|iti vt torment, torture, rack, martyr; (zlostavljati)
maltreat; (draiti, dodijavati) worry, vex, grieve,
plague, tease, harass; tyrannize, bully | ~e me brige I
am weighed down with cares; ~e ga ulozi he is a
martyr to gout; ~i me misao na... I am uneasy (anxious) about; bol to ovjeka ~i excruciating pain

muiti se vr be at pains, take pains, make efforts, strive

hard; labour, slave, toil and moil; (naprezati se)
strain every nerve (one's wits), trouble oneself; struggle; (uzalud) lose one's labour, labour in vain (to no
muke adv treacherously, perfidiously
muki adj treacherous, perfidious
munin|a f nausea | osjeati ~u feel sick (nauseous)
muno adv with difficulty, hard | ~ mi je (od eluca) I
am (feel) sick (queasy); ~ mi je da ti kaem I find it
painful to tell you
munost f (napor) laboriousness, toilsomeness, painfulness; hardship, fatigue
muak m rotten (bad) egg
muenje n making muddy (turbid), stirring up (mud,
dirt, sediment); fig (nesloga) sowing (stirring) contention (dissension)
mukanje n shaking (stirring) a liquid
mukati vt shake (stir) a liquid; fig v. mutiti
mud|ar adj wise, sage; sagacious, judicious, prudent;
(dosjetljiv) ingenious; (lukav) cunning, artful, knowing, sly, shrewd; longheaded | ~ra rije apophthegm;
(uzreka) adage, proverb
mudo n anat testicle
mudrac m deep thinker, wise man, sage; philosopher;
(nadri~) sciolist; (povran) smatterer; iron v.
pametnjakovi | kamen ~a philosoyher's stone; Bibl
Tri ~a s istoka the Magi
mudrija m would-be philosopher, wiseacre; sophist;
clever (ingenious) person; quibbler, pundit
mudrijati vi v. mudrovati
mudro adv wisely, sagely; prudently, discreetly
mudrolija f clever trick
mudrost f wisdom, sageness; prudence, sense; sagacity,
judiciousness, discretion; (lukavtina) subtlety, cunning
mudrovanje n sophistry, subtle (fallacious) reasoning,
theorizing, speculation
mudrovati vi philosophize, speculate, theorize, employ
sophistry; draw (use) fallacious conclusions (arguments); argue; (doskoicama) quibble
muf m (za ruke) muff
muflon m zoo mouflon
muftija m Tur mufti
muh|a f fly; (modra) blue-bottle; fig v. muica, hir | kao
~a bez glave as if he had not his wits about him; box
~a kategorija fly-weight; praviti iz ~e slona make
mountains out of molehills
muhamedanac m Mohamedan, Mahometan, Moslem
muhamedanski adj Mohamedan, Mahometan, Moslem
muhar m Tur seal
muhara f (gljiva) toad-stool
muholovka f fly-paper; (biljka) fly-trap
muhomor m poison for flies
muhoserina f vulg v. upljuvak
mujezin m Tur muezzin
Mujo m hyp Mohamed
muk m stillness, hush; (noi) dead of night, deathlike
silence; noiselessness | nastade ~ a hush fell

muk|a f (muenje) torture, torment, rack, racking;

(tekoa) difficiuilty; (napor) pains pl, toil, drudge,
drudgery, labour, hard work, fag; (nastojanje) endeavour(s), exertion, struggle; (neprilika) trouble;
(nevolja, bol) distress, misery, suffering; (tjeskoba)
anxiety, anguish; passion, agony, extremity; v.
munina | smrtne ~e pangs of death, agony; Kristove ~e Christ's passion; ~u muiti be troubled about,
worry; bez ~e (lagan) labourless, easy, child's play; s
(tekom) ~om with (great) difficulty; na ~ama hist
on the rack; fig tormented (zbog by); staviti na ~e
put to the torture; to je dijete iva ~a the child is a
proper handful (A sl is a pain in the neck)
mukajet m Tur | a on ni ~ there was not a peep out of
mukanje n mooing, lowing
mukao adj low, dull, hollow (sound); without resonance;
sepulchral; deep-sounding; (priguen) dead, muffled;
(glas) husky | ~ udarac thud, thump
mukati vi low, moo
muklo adv dully, with a low (hollow, muffled, dull)
sound; (glas) huskily
muklost f dul(l)ness (hollowness, deadness) of sound
mukom adv mutely, voicelessly, without utterance
mukotrpan adj full of worries (hard work, distress,
anxieties itd.); (strpljiv) enduring, suffering; (teak)
hard, toilsome | ~ ivot drudgery, miserable existence
mukotrpnik m person leading a jaded life full of worries, drudge
mukotrpnost f hardness, toilsomeness, drudging quality,
muktariti vi Tur live like a parasite; (na neiji raun)
sponge on somebody
mukta m derog parasite, sponger, bangeron, led captain, toady, A sl freeloader
muktaki' adj Tur parasitic, sponging, A sl freeloading
muktaki'' adv Tur parasitically, like a sponger (freeloader)
mukte adv Tur v. besplatno, zabadava, nezaslueno
mula f zoo mule
mulac m idiot, stupid fellow, blockhead; reg v. deran,
mularija f collect reg v. djeurlija
mulat m mulatto
mulatkinja f woman mulatto
mulatski adj mulatto
mule n baby mule
muli m dim reg little pier
multilateralan adj multilateral
multilateralno adv multilaterally
multilateralnost f multilateralism
multimilijuna m multimillionaire
multinacional|an adj | ~na kompanija multinational
multiplicirati vt multiply
multiplikacija f multiplication (v. mnoenje)
multiplikand m math multiplicand (v. mnoenik)
multiplikator m math multiplier (v. mnoitelj)

mulj m silt, ooze, mud, slough, mire, slime | ii (teko)

kao po ~u flounder
muljac m grape crusher (presser)
muljaa f v. tijesak (za groe)
muljati vt v. tijetiti groe
muljevit adj silty
muljevitost f siltiness
mumifi|ciranje n, ~kacija f mummification
mumificirati vt mummify
mumija f mummy (i fig)
mumljanje n mumble, mumbling, mutter(ing)
mumljati vi mumble, mutter, rumble, growl
mumps m Ger v. zaunjaci
munara f Tur minaret
mundir m hist uniform coat, tunic
mundtik m Ger v. cigarpic; mus v. pisak
mungo m zoo mongoose
municij|a f ammunition (abbr ammo) | tvornica
(skladiste) ~e ammunition factory (dump)
municipalan adj municipal
municipij m municipality
muniti vi & vt v. sjevnati, projuriti, gurnuti
munja f lightning, flash of lightning | brz kao ~ quick
as lightning; vijest se rairila kao ~ the news spread
like wild-fire
munjevit adj (quick as) lightning, very fast, like wildfire
munjevito adv quick as lightning, like wild-fire, in a
munjevitost f great rapidity
munjovod m arch v. gromobran
muo m v. mol'
murina f ichth moray (eel)
murml m Ger v. svizac
murva f reg v. dud
musaka f cul mousaka, v. sloenac
musav adj v. pljav
muselin m tex v. muslin
muskat m v. muat
musketar m v. muketir
musklfiber m Ger v. miina groznica
muskulatura f muscles, muscle system
muskulozan adj v. miiav
musliman m Moslem, Mohamedan
muslimanka f Moslem (woman)
muslimanski adj Moslem
muslimanstvo n Mohamedanism, Islamism
muslin m text muslin
mustang m mustang
musti vt (mlijeko) milk; fig milk, exhaust, drain
mustra f Ger v. uzorak | iron a i ti si mi ~! you're a fine
one tool
muebak m Tur lathice window-grille
muema f Tur v. cerada
muic|a f dim small fly; (komarac) gnat, midge; (na
puki) front sight; (hir) feak, whim, caprice, fancy,
vagary, crotchet, maggot in one's head | izbiti ~e iz
glave drive the crazy ideas out of somebody's head
muiar m (ribi) fly-fisher

muiarenje n (pecanje) fly-fishing

muiav adj freakish, capricious, whimsical, crotchety;
wayward; skittish; erratic
muiavost f freakishness, whimsicality, capriciousness;
mukadija f collect males, men, menfolk
mukar|ac m male, a male person, man | ~ ci pl men,
mankind, male sex
mukaraa f v. mukobanja
mukaraki adj (o eni) v. mukobanjast
mukarina m he-man, macho
mukat m (groe) muscadine; (vino) muscat, muscatel
mukatl m Ger v. pelargonija
mukatni adj | cul ~orah nutmeg
muketa f hist musket, fusil, firelock, fint-lock
muketir m hist musketeer
muk|i' adj manly, a man's, men's, male, masculine | ~a
glava a male; gram ~i rod masculine gender; ~a loza
spear side (jur)
muki'' adv like a (zeal) man; fig properly, firmly,
bravely, a lot
muki m dim male child
muko m male
mukobanja f mannish woman, fig Amazon; (djevojica) tomboy
mukobanjast adj mannish; tomboyish (for a woman or
mukost f manhood, manliness
mul m Ger v. umivaonik, zahodska koljka
mumula f (voe) medlar; (stablo) medlar-tree
mutarda f cul grape mustard
muterij|a f customer, patron; (kupac) buyer; (mogua,
budua) potential buyer, prospective buyer | ~e customers; com the custom, good-will; biti ~a patronize
(a shop)
mutikla f Ger v. cigarpic
mutra f Ger v. uzorak
mutrati vt Ger fig drill; drive hard
mutuluk m Tur reward or good tidings
muula f (koljka) v. kunjka
mutacija f biol mutation
mutacijski adj biol mutational
mut|an adj (tekuina) turbid, troubled, thicik; (nestaloen) unsettiled, muddy; (nebo) cloudy, overcast,
heavy, leaden, thick; (mrk) murky, gloomy, dull; (nejasan) vague, dim, undefined, undistinguishable;
(neproziran) opaque; (staklo) ground (frosted) glass |
lovitii u ~nom fish in troubled waters; u ~nom se
dobro lovi it is good fishing in troubled waters
mutanta f biol mutant
mutav adj tongue-tied (i fig), inarticulate
mutavac m tongue-tied (inarticulate) person
mutavost f being tongue-tied, inarticulateness
mute m turbid (thick, troubled, unsettled, muddy) liquid; fig something fishy
mutikaa m mischief-maker, busy-body, meddling person, mar-plot
mutir|ati vi | on ~a his voice is breaking

mutiti vt trouble, make muddy (turbid), stir up mud

(sediment); fig ruffle, disturb; (izazivati sukob) stir up
strife (discontent), sow (stir) contention, sow the
seeds of dissension, be a busy-body (mischief-maker);
v. loviti u mutnom, folirati
mutiti se vr become turbid (thick); (vrijeme) become
overcast (clouded); (odnosi) become disturbed
mutljag m v. mute
mutnost f turbidity, thickness, muddiness; murkiness;
(neprovidnost) opacity, opaqueness; (vrijeme) cloudiness
muva f v. muha
muvalo n v. zabadalo
muvati se vr v. motati se
muvo- v. muhomuza f myth & fig muse
muzar m milker
muzara f (krava) milch-cow; fig person as source of
muzealac m muse(um)ist, museologist, museum worker
muzej m museum | prirodopisni ~ Natural History museum
muzejski adj museum; vintage
muzeolog m museologist
muzeologija f museology
muzeoloki adj museological
muzgavac m zoo (hobotnica) musk octopus
muziciranje n music-making
muzicirati vi play (make) music
muziar m musician
muzik|i adj music, musical; v. ~a akademija, ~i automat

muzika f music, v. glazba

muzikalan adj musical
muzikalije f pl musical supplies
muzikalnost f musicality
mazikant m (second-rate) musician, musico; bandsman
muzikolog m musicologist
muzikologija f musicology
muzikoloki adj musioological
muzikus m iron musician
muzilja f milkmaid, dairy-maid
muzirati vi v. pjenusati se
muzlica f milking-tub, milking pail
muzn|i adj | ~a stoka dairy cattle (herds)
mu m (suprug) husband; arch man, adult, grown-up
person; arch manly (courageous) person, character;
reg v. seljak
mua f v. muenje, munja
muaa f reg peasant-woman, peasant-girl
muar m (avan) mortar; hist (oruje) mortar | tuka ~a
pestle; stucati u ~u pound in a mortar, bray
muenje n milking | aparat za ~ milking machine
muevan adj manly, manful, virile, masculine
muev adj my (one's) husband's
muevlji adj husbands'
muevno adv manfully, stoutly, courageously, resolutely
muevnost f manliness, manfulness, manly qualities,
virility; (dob) manhood, man's age, maturity; manly
strength (energy, vigour)
mui m hyp hubby
mujak m male; he-; (ptice) cock-; (jelen, zec, kuni)
buck, jack; (slona, kita) bull

na prep on, upon | ~ kii (snijegu, buri) in the rain
(snow, storm); ii ~ izlobu go to an exhibition ; biti
~ izlobi be at an exhibition; ii ~ brod go aboard; ~
brodu aboard; prodavati ~ kile sell by the kilo at; 15
dolara ~ dan 15 dollars a day; 3 dolara ~ sat 3 dollars per hour; dan ~ dan day by day, day after day,
every day; ~ seljaku in peasant clothes; in the peasant manner; cul ~ lovaku hunter style; ~ moje iznenaenje (zaprepatenje, sramotu) to my surprise
(horror, disgrace); ~ jesen this autumn; ~ latinski (~
latinskom) in Latin; ~ lijevo left, on the left-hand
side, to the left; ~ selo into the country; ~ selu in the
country; ~ stotine (tisue) by hundreds (thousands),
hundreds (thousands) upon hundreds (thousands);
umirali su ~ stotine (tisue) they died in their hundreds (thousands); hrom ~ jednu nogu he is lame on
(in) one leg; ~ tebi je da (do tebe je da) it is up to
you to...
na! int (evo ti) here you are; (i uz udarac) take this!
naaikovati se vr Tur have done courting; court one's fill
nabacan pp cast (thrown) successively (without order);
(bukan) rough-cast

nabacati vt throw (cast, dump) successively, fill up by

throwing (dumping, discharging); (buku) plaster
with mortar, rough-cast
nabaciti vt fig say at random, put (throw) in, interprise;
remark, observe, suggest, throw out
nabaciti se vr throw (fling, hurl) at
nabacivanje n throwing (hurling, flinging) of objects
(missiles); pelting; (grudanje) snow-balling, pelting
with snow; (kamenjem) stoning
nabacivati se vr keep throwing (flinging, hurling) missiles at one another; pelt each other; (grudama)
snowball one another
nabaen pp (misao, prijedlog) suggested, thrown out
nabadanje n (na raanj) spitting; (na kolac) impaling;
(probadanje) transfixing; (bodenje) pricking, piercing, pinning, thrusting; successive piercing; stringing
by piercing
nabadati vt keep piercing (pricking, pinning, thrusting,
stabbing); (probadati) transfix; (na raanj) spit; (na
kolac) impale; (nanizati) string by piercing; fig play
with food on one's plate; fig (nain hoda) peg along

nabajati vi (napriati) fable, romance, tell stories; (pretjerati) exeggerate, stretch the truth; (lagati) belie
one, lie; (varati) deceive (impose upon) by lying
nabasati vi (na) meet unexpectedly with something disagreable; (naii na) come across, come (up)on by
chance, light (up)on, run into
nabav|a f (kupnja) purchase, buying in; (pribavljanje)
acquisition, procuration, provision, purveyance;
(opskrba) furnishig, catering, supplying, providing |
ef ~e purchasing manager; vriti ~u v. nabavljati
nabaviti vt procure, acquire, obtain, get; (kupiti) purchase, buy (in); (nekome) supply (furinish, provide,
procure) one with; (stalno) cater for, purvey; (skrbiti
za) find one in; (novac) raise (money)
nabavka f (neto nabavljeno) acquisition; (nabavljanje)
v. nabava
nabavlja m furnisher, caterer, provider, supplier; (oprema) outfitter; com purchasing agent, buyer
nabavljak|i adj v. nabavni | ~o-potroaka zadruga
consumer cooperative
nabavljanje n supplying, catering, providing; supply;
acquisition (v. nabava)
nabavljati vt keep on providing (purveying, supplying)
with (catering for); (sebi) draw suppilies from; (spremati) provide oneself with a stock, lay in
nabavni adj supplying, acquisition(al); consumer | ~i
odio purchasing department; ~a cijena purchasing
price, dealing with suppilies (purveyance, provisionment)
nabazati se vr v. nahodati se, nalutati se
nabiflati vt v. nabubati
nabija m (bat) ram, beetle; hist (puke) ram-rod; (radnik; naprava) beater, rammer, thumper; (cijena)
seller at exorbitant prices, profiteer
nabijanje n (lupa) thumping, banging, beating, striking;
(rad) pounding, hammering, stamping, ramming,
thudding; hist (puke) loading, charging, hist (na kolac) impaling
nabijati vt (lupa) thump, thud, bang, hammer; (tucanje)
bray, pound; (udaranje) beat, strike; v. nabiti
nabijediti vt v. okriviti
nabijen pp (oruje) loaded, charged; (tvrdo) rammed;
(tlo) beaten (ugroen trodden); (torba) bulging
nabiranje n wrinkling, puckering, plaiting
nabirati vt (nabor) gather up into folds (plaits), wrinkle,
pucker, plait, crease; (aranirati nabore) drape; corrugate; contract; (usta) purse; (obrve) knit (pucker)
one's brows; furrow
nabirati se vr gather into folds (wrinkles, puckers, furrows)
nabit pp v. nabijen
nabiti vt (oruje) load, charge; hist (na kolac) impale;
(na kalup) stretch (boots, hat); (obru) hoop;
(natrpati) force down (into), cram (stuff, pack, slow)
compactly; (tvrdo) ram; (elektricitetom) charge | ~
petu bruise (hurt) one's heel
nabiti se vr bruise oneself, get a bruise; strike hard
against; (nagurati se) pack (u into)

nabjeati se vr have done running, run one's fill, finish

nablagovati se vr finish one's meal, eat one's fill, have
done eating (dining)
nablebetati vt say a lot of nonsense
nablebetati se vr have done prattling (gabbling, jabbering); chatter (prattle, gabble) one's fill, chatter itd. to
one's heart's content
nablizu prep near, near at hand, hard by; (tik) next door
to; (nadohvat) within reach
nabljuvati se vr have done vomiting, (puking, spewing)
naboden pp pricked, pierced, stabbed, pinned
naboj m v. metak; el charge; (bolni) bruise(d spot)
nabojadisati vt paint, colour (A color), dye, tinge; have
done painting (colouring itd.)
nabojnja|a f (pojas oko pasa) cartridge-belt; (preko
ramena) shoulder-belt, bandoleer; (torbica na pojasu)
cartridge-box, pouch, ammunition bag | petlja u ~i
(za jedan metak) cartridge-loop
nabolovati se vr to have had one's share of illness
nabolje adv | ii ~ improve
nabor m fold; (sitan) pleat, plait, crease, wrinkle,
pucker, furrow | ovjeeni (aranirani) ~i drapery
naboran adj wrinkled; seamed
naborati vt wrinkle, furrow; crease, plait
naborati se vr wrinkle; shrivel
nabosti vt pierce (prick, pin, thrust, stab) partly (in a
certain order, succession)
nabosti se vr prick oneself, get pricked (pinned, pierced)
by (on a shary, pointed thing) | ~ se na morskog jea
step on an urchin
naboan adj v. poboan
nabrajanje n enumeration, counting, count, giving
nabrajati vt enumerate, count, number; list; (potanko)
detail, particularize, specify, give items
nabran pp (s borama) wrinkled, puckered, knitted,
creased; (uveo, skvren) shrivelled; withered; (ubran)
picked, plucked, culled; (nakupljen) collected
nabrati vt (u nabore) wrinkle, plait, crease, gather into
folds; (usta) purse; (obrve) knit (pucker) one's brows;
corrugate; (nakupiti) collect, gather; (nagomilati)
amass, accumulate; (zaliha) stock; hoard; bring (get)
together; pick (garner) up (trgati) pluck, cull
nabrati se vr (sakupiti se) congregate, flock (get, cluster)
together, assemble; (nabor) wrinkle, knit, shrivel
nabrbljati se vr have done gabbling (chattering, clacking), chatter one's fill, chatter to one's heart's content
nabrekao pp swollen (up), bloated; puffed up, distended;
(napuhnut) inflated; turgid, tumid; bulging
nabreklina f swelling, bulge
nabreklost f bulginess, swallen state, turgescence, turgidity, tumefaction, swelling, tumidness
nabreknuti vi swell (up, out), distend, bloat; intumesce;
puff up
nabrojen pp enumerated, counted (up, out)
nabrojiti vt enumevate, count (up, out), reckon up; list;
have done (finish) counting
nabrojiti se vr have had enogh of counting

nabrstiti se vr have done browsing; browse one's fill

nabrusiti vt sharpen (whet, grind) to a keen edge, have
done (finish) grinding; edge; (britvu) hone;
(naotriti) edge
nabrusiti se vr coll (na neto) be keen (impatient) about
nabruen pp grond, whetted, sharpened; (britva) honed,
set sharp; (ljut) irritable
nabuban pp learned by grinding (cramming, swotting)
nabubati vt get by heart, commit to memory mechanically; study hard, get up a subject; coll cram; B sl
swot, mug
nabubren adj swollen (with moisture, soaking, steeping)
nabubriti vi swell (up) with moisture (soaking, steeping), swell in steep
nabuhao adj bloated, puffed up, swollen, turgid, inflated
nabuhlina f swollen (turgid) place, swelling
nabuhlost f turgidity, tumidity, swollen state
nabujak m cul | ~ od rie rice pudding
nabuja|o adj | rijeka je ~la river is spate, river has risen
within its banks, river is full to overflowing, river is
nabujati vi (rijeka) be in spate, be swollen, rise within
one's banks, fill to overflowing
nabuncati se vr fig to have said enough nonsense
nabusit adj irascible, choleric; short-tempered, hot-headed, hot brained, impetuous, vehement; snappish,
nabusitost f snappishness, irascibility, hot-headedness,
hot temper, vehemence
nabuen pp drilled (bored, perforated, pierced) partly,
staved (stove) in
nabusiti vt drill (bore, pierce, perforate) partly; (brod da
potone) scuttle; (probiti, bavu, brod) stave in
naceriti se vr grimace, pull faces, pull a face, grin
nacifran pp tricked up (out), dressed out gaudily, bedizened, dressed up, spruced up, prinked up
nacifrati vt dress out gaudily, bedizen
nacifrati se vr dress (spruce, prink) oneself up
nacigan adj Ger v. nabran
nacigati vt Ger v. nabrati
nacij|a f nation | Ujedinjene ~e the United Nations
(abbr U. N.)
nacijediti vt fill by dripping (oozing, percolation, filtering, straining, leaking)
nacijediti se vr accumulate (be collected) by dripping,
drip in quantity
nacijeen pp got filled by dripping (oozing, filtering,
percolation, leaking)
nacijepan pp chopped (wood) ready, got by chopping
nacijepati vt chop a sufficient quantity (of wood), finish
chopping (splitting) wood
nacijepati se vr to have done chopping; chop one's fill;
to have had one's share of chopping
naciljati vt take aim
nacional m univ term matriculation form
nacional|an adj national; etihnic | ~na svijest national
(ethnic) consciousness; ~na pripadnost ethnic af-

filiation; econ ~ni dohodak (proizvod) national income (product)

nacionalist m nationalist
nacienalistiki adj nationalist(ic)
nacionalizacija f nationelization
nacionalizam m nationalism, nationalist feeling
nacionalizirati vt nationalize
nacionalnost f nationality; ethnicity
nacionalsocijalist m pol National Socialist
nacionalsocijalistiki adj pol National-Socialist
nacionalsocijalizam m pol National Socialism
nacist m pol Nazi
nacistiki adj pol Nazi
nacizam m pol Nazism
nacrniti vt blacken
nacriti se vr blacken oneself
nacrpen pp got by pumping (scooping, ladling, baling)
nacrpsti vt draw enough water, finish pumping (raising
water, scooping, baling, ladling)
nacrt m ground-plan; drawing to scale; sketch; (obris)
outline; (osnova) plan, scheme, draught, draft design,
blueprint, project; (zakona) bill | ~ ugovora draft
nacrtan pp drawn, sketched, outlined
nacrtati vt draw; (po mjerilu) draw to scale; make a
plan; sketch out; draught, draft; plot; design, plan;
(opisati) delineate; mark out
nacrtati se vr coll show up; pop up; be here
nacrtkati vt (rafirati) hatch (usporednim crticama);
cross-hatch (i poprenim crticama)
nacrtn|i adj | ~a geometrija descriptive geometry
nacugati se vr Ger v. opiti se
nacvrckati se vr hum v. opiti se
naas adv for a moment
naekati se vr wait longer than pleasant, be kept waiting
naelan adj based on principles; fundamental
naelnik m head; (taba) chief-of-staff; (sreski) v. kotarski predstojnik; (okruni) prefect | ~ odjeljenja v.
ef odjela
naelnikovati vi be (derog play) the chief (head of department)
naelno adj on principle, fundamentally
naelnost f principledness | ~ neega the principle of a
nael|o n principle; rule of conduct; maxim; axiom | to e
moje ~o this principle is my guide; ovjeik ~a a man
of principle, a character; bez ~a unprincipled, without settled principles; potenje je najbolje ~o honesty is the best policy
naelstvo n | gradsko ~ v. poglavarstvo
naet pp | ~ kruh loaf from which a slice has been cut
off; ~a bava broached cask; ~ predmet (razgovora)
a broached subject
naeti vt (cijelo) begin to break (cut, spend); (kruh) cut
into a loaf; draw from (a sum, stores, stock itd.);
(brodski istovrsni teret) break bulk; (bavu) tap
(broach) a cask, pierce cask; (razgovor) broach
(moot) a subject

naikati vt set thickly with (ornaments, guns itd.), stud

naikati se vr cover oneself with; bristle with | ~ na
krovove cover the roofs
nain m manner, way, mode, fashion; style, method,
wise; (obzir) respect; gram mood; (sredstvo) means,
expedient; (ponaanje) behaviour, conduct, tact,
breading | na ~ (poput) after the fashion of, like; na
ovaj (taj) ~ in this way, in such a way (manner), like
this, thus, that way, in (after) this manner; na neki ~
after (in) a fashion, in a manner, so to speak, in some
wise; na slian ~ similarly; na isti ~ in the same way
(mannes), likewise; na svaki ~ in every possible way;
at any rate; (svakako) by all (any) means, at any cost,
in any wise, any way; (u svakom sluaju) at any rate;
ni na koji ~ by no means, in no wise; na koji ~?
how?, by what means?; na drugi ~ in another fashion; prikazao je stvar na svoj ~ he gave his own
version of the affair
nainiti vt (izraditi) make, produce, manufacture, fabricate, elaborate; (izvriti, obaviti) execute, perform,
accomplish, work out, do; (stvoriti) frame, form,
shape; (graditi) build, erect, construct; (postii) contrive, manage; effect, bring about; (svriti) finish,
complete; (uzrokovati) cause; (udesiti) arrange;
(spremiti) get ready, prepare; (sastaviti) draw up,
compose; (loe, skrpiti) botch, bungle
nainiti se vr v. stvroriti se, nastati
nainski adj gram modal
nainjanje n broaching; v. poimanje
nainjati vt begin (tackle) repeatedly; begin to cut, begin
to break (from) a whole
nainjen pp made, done; (izraen) executed; (svren)
finished, completed; (izvren) performed, executed;
(izdjelan) framed, shaped, formed; (gotov) ready;
(neprav) artificial, fabricated, not real; (po mjeri, narudbi) made to measure (order) | ~ od (iz) made
from, made of
naisto adv v. u isto, sasvim | biti ~ sa be quite clear
naitan adj well-read, deeply-read; book-learned; having
read extensively
naitanost f book-learning, being well-read (deeplyread)
naitati se vr have done reading; read (to have read)
extensively; to have had enough of reading
narkati vt scribble, scrawl, jot down (illegibly, in niggling [cramped] handwriting)
narkati se vr to have done scribbling (scrawling)
nauati se vr squat a long time; fig be kept waiting
nauditi se vr have one's fill of wonderment | ne mogu
se dovoljno ~ I can't get over it; I cannot cease to
wonder at
naupati vt pluck (cull, tear up, root up) a sufficient
quantity (enough)
naupati se vr finish (have done) plucking (culling, tearing up, uprooting)

nau|ti vt | ~o sam a rumour has reached me, it has come

to my ears, I got wind of, I had an inkling of the matter
nai vi find; (namjeriti se na) meet with, light upon,
stumble upon, come across, fall in with; (otkriti) discover, detect; (dosjetiti se) strike (hit) upon (an idea,
a plan); (naina) manage, contrive; (trag) trace, track
down, coll spot; (mjesto) locate; (rjeenje) solve, decipher; (nabaviti) get; (revnim traenjem) ferret out
nai se vr find oneself; find each other; meet | ~ u
nevolji (krkpcu) be in distress; ~ u udu be puzzled
(perplexed), be at a loss, be at one's wit's end; nai
emo se u 8 we'll meet at 8
nauliti vt (ui) prick up one's ears, become very attentive, be all ears
navar m maker of kneading-troughs
nave f pl dough-tray, kneading-trough
nad- pref (s imenicama) higher, superior, senior, chief,
head, master; super-, supra-; (s glagoilima) over-,
outnad prep above, over; higher (than) | ~a mnom above
me; (poloajem) superior to me
nad|a f hope; hopefulness, expectation, (bright) prospect,
anticipation; chance; expectancy; optimism | traak
~e ray (gleam) of hope; u ~i da... on the chance of ing; poslednja ~a last hope, fig sheet-anchor; davati
~e give (inspire) hope, raise expectations, bid fair;
nikada ne gubi ~e never say die!; ~a se izjalovila
hope fell to the ground, hope was dashed to the
ground; imati priline ~e stand a good (fair) chance;
oduzimati ~u damp one's hopes; osujetiti ~u frustrate, disappoint; okaniti se ~e renounce (resign)
hope; u ~i in hopes, hoping, hopeful, confident, sanguine; bez ~e hopeless; pusta ~a delusive hope, hoping against hope; geog, Rt dobre ~e the Cape of
Good Hope
nadahnitelj m inspirer
nadahnue n inspiration, animation, illumination;
promptings pl
nadahnut pp inspired; prompted
nadahnuti vt inspire, animate, enliven, illuminate, illumine, prompt
nadahnuti se vr (ime) be inspired by
nadaleko adv far, by far; much more | ~ i nairoko far
and wide
nadalje adv further, furthermore, besides, moreover, in
addition (to), again, then
nadanje n hoping, expectations pl
nadarbenik m prebendary, holder of a prebend
nadarbina f prebend, benefice
nadaren adj (darovit) gifted, talented, of (good) parts
|biti ~ (poklonima) receive (get, obtain) presents
nadarenost f talent, talents pl, parts pl, accomplishments
nadariti vt present with, make a present of; bestow
upon, endow with
nadasve adv above all, first and foremost

nadati se vr hope, cherish (harbour, entertain) hopes;

(oekivati) expect, anticipate, look for, look forward
to; count upon; be sanguine | ~ (uzdati se) u pin one's
faith on one; ~ da... it bids fair to..., it is to be hoped
nadavati vt finish giving successively, have done giving
nadaviti vt strangle (throttle) a certain (sufficient) quantity; have done strangling
nadbaciti vt throw (hurl, fling, pitch, cast itd.) farther
than another
nadbijanje n (obrana) conquering, vanquishing,
worsting, overcoming; (karte) trumping; (na drabi)
nadbijati vt keep on conquering (vanquishing, worsting,
beating), (karte) trumping; (na drabi) outbidding
nadbijati se vr vie, compete; outbid each other (one another)
nadbijen pp conquered, vanquished, overcome, beaten,
worsted, overtrumped; outbidden
nadbiskup m archbishop, metropolitan
nadbiskupija f archbishopric, archbishop's district (diocese)
nadbiskupski adj archepiscopal
nadbiti vt conquer, vanquish, overcome, worst, beat;
(karte) overtrump; (na drabi) outbid; (nadmaiti)
surpass, excel
nadbubren|i adj anat | ~e lijezde adrenal glands
nadcestar m overseer of roads, superintending roadman
nadovjeanski adj superhuman
nadovjek m superman
nadebljati se vr v. udebljati se
naderati se vr to have done yelling (screaming); yell
(scream) one's fill
nadesno adv to the right | mil ~! right turn!
nadglasan pp outvoted
nadglasati vt outvote
nadglasavanje n outvoting
nadgledan pp supervised, superintended; (na pismenom
ispitu) invigilated; watched
nadgledati vt supervise, superintend, oversee, watch;
inspect, control, have the charge of; invigilate
nadgledavanje n supervision, superintendence; inspection, control; (na pismenom ispitu) invigilation;
charge; surveillance
nadglednik m inspector, superintendent, supervisor,
overseer; (palir) foreman; boss; (brodskog tovara)
supercargo; (robova) slave-driver (i fig)
nadgradnja f superstructure (i fig); upgrade
nadgrobn|i adj | ~i spomenik tombstone, gravestone,
monument; ~o slovo funeral oration; ~a ploa (u
crkvi) sepulchral slab; (bronana) brass; ~i natpis
nadignuti vt raise (lift, hoist, heave) partly (on one side);
(poduprijeti) prop up
nadignuti se vr rise a bit; (drvo, svinuti se) warp, buckle,
east, twist
nadigrati vt outplay; (glumom) outact; sp beat, defeat;
fig v. nadmudriti
nadijeliti vt distribute (bestow, grant) a number (quantity)

nadijeliti se vr to have distributed plenty of

nadijevati vt (trpati) stuff, cram; (puniti) stow, fill; (ime)
give name to; (nadimak) nickname, dub; cul stuff
(slaninom lard)
nadilaziti vt surpass; fig (zasjeniti) throw (cast) into the
shade, eclipse; outdo, excel
nadilaenje n surpassing, outdoing, excelling, eclipsing
nadimak m nickname, sobriquet; (odmila) pet name |
dati ~ nickname, dub
nadimanje n swelling, bloating, puffing up, blowing up,
heaving; inflation; (u elucu) flatulence; (irenje) expansion
nadimati vt v. naduti
nadimati se vr swell, expand; (grudi) heave; (od ponosa)
be elated; v. naduti se
nadimiti vt smoke, fill with smoke, fumigate
nadimiti se vr have one's fill of smoke, to have swallowed one's share of smoke
nadir m astr nadir
nadiranje n hostile advance, inroad, invasion
nadirati vi advance, push on; carry hostilities into another country
nadisati se vr get a lungful of
nadiviti se vr wonder to one's heart's content | ne mogu
se dovoljno ~ I can't admire enough
nadizanje n raising (lifting, heaving, hoisting) partly (on
one side)
nadizati vt v. nadignuti
nad-ja phil super-ego
nadjaan pp overpowered, overwhelmed, conquered,
nadjaati vt overpower, overwhelm, get the better of;
make to yield (knuckle under, down to); overthrow,
overcome; get under; (pobijediti) subdue, get the upper hand, remain victorious, win the day
nadjenuti vt (puniti) stuff, cram; (ime) nickname, dub;
cul stuff (slaninom lard)
nadjeti vt v. nadjenuti
nadjev m cul stuffing
nadjeva m stuffer; (ivotinja za muzej) taxidermist
nadjeven pp stuffed, crammed
nadlagati vt outdo by lying, be a better liar
nadlagivati se vr vie in lying
nadlajati vt outbark
nadlajavati se vr vie in barking
nadlaktica f upper arm
nadlaktin|i adj anat | ~a kost humerus
nadlanica f anat back of hand
nadletvo n v. ured, uprava
nadletjeti vt v. nadlijetati
nadle|an adj authorized, in authority; competent, qualified | ~ni starjeina v. pretpostavljeni
nadlenost f authority, legal capacity, competence | na ~
v. na dalje uredovanje
nadlijetanje n flying over, overflight; buzzing
nadlijetati vt fly over, overfly; (nisko) buzz
nadlugar m senior (head) ranger (warden)
nadljudski adj superhuman

nadmaiti vt surpass; excel; (zasjeniti) throw into shade,

eclipse, outshine, dim; (potui do nogu) beat hollow;
(pretei) outdo, outstrip; (mjeru) exceed; (vanou,
poloajem) be superior (paramount) to; (prevladavati) prevail, predominate, preponderate; (visinom)
overtop, tower above
nadmaiv adj surpassable
nadmaivost f surpassability
nadmen adj v. nadut
nadmeta v. natjecatelj, licitant
nadmetanje n competition, emulation, rivalry; contention, contest | javno ~ v. javni natjeaj
nadmetati se vr compete with, vie with, emulate; (boriti
se) contend, contest; strive for, rival, outvie; (na
drabi) outbid
nadmo f superiority; pre-eminence, predominance, preponderance; upper hand; overweight, odds; ascendancy, sway; mastery, mastership
nadmoan adj superior; pre-eminent; dominant; overruling; ascendant; having the upper hand; sovereing;
paramount; transcendent; stronger
nadmonost f v. nadmo
nadmorsk|i adj geog above-sea | ~a visina height above
nadmudren pp outwitted; (prevaren) overreached, taken
in, tricked, baffled, foiled; out-manoeuvred, gulled,
nadmudriti vt outwit, take advantage of; (varati) play a
trick upon, take in, circumvent, overreach, hoodwink,
hoax, mystify, humbug
nadmudrivanje n sophistry, equivocation, quibble, quibbling, trickery; hairsplitting
nadmudrivati se vr try to outwit each other (one another)
nadnaravan adj supernatural, superhuman, preternatural; unearthly, transcendental; ghostly
nadnaravnost f supernaturality; unearthliness
nadnesen adj leaning over (forward)
nadnevak m v. datum
nadnic|a f wage | raditi za ~u work for wages; work by
the day; zahtjevi za poveanje ~a pay claims
nadniar m day-labourer, labourer (A laborer), B+ navvy
nadni(ar)iti vi work as a day-labourer
nadniarka f woman labourer
nadniarski adj a day-labourer's, like a day-labourer
nadnijeti se vr lean over (forward), bend over
nadno adv to (on, at) the bottom of; to (at) the end of
nadnoenje n leaning (bending) over; overhanging
nadobijati se vr get one's share of, get a lot of
nadobudan adj promissing, bidding fair, entitling to
nadoi vi v. nastati, stii
nadodati vt (rei) say in additon, put in, add; (dati) superadd, give in addition, give into the bargain; v.
nadodavanje n additional giving, successive addition
nadodvjetnik m (dravni) Attorney-General
nadodvjetnitvo n office (rank) of the Attorney-General

nadograditi vt build an additional storey (part, wing,

annex), add another storey
nadogradnja f (radnja) throwing out (of a wing), building of an additional storey (wing, part), annex, outhouse (prislonjena lean-to); (zgrada) storey (part,
wing) added; out-house (lean-to) added
nadograen adj build as an addition to an older building
nadojiti vt suckle (a baby), nurse, finish suckling
nadoknada f compensation itd. (v. naknada)
nadoknaditi vt make amends, indemnify, make good,
repair, make up for, compensate, retrieve; (vratiti) restore, replace; (novac) reimburse, refund
nadoknadiv adj reparable, recoverable, retrievable, restorable, replaceable, repayable
nadoknadivost f recoverability, retrievability
nadoknaen pp compensated, made good, made up for,
indemnified; (novac) reimbursed, refunded; (vraen)
replaced, restored, restituted
nadoknaivanje n (successive) compensation, indemnification itd. (v. naknada)
nadoknaivati vt keep on compensating, indemnifying
(novac reimbursing, refunding); compensate (make
good, replace, restore) successively
nadolaziti vi supervene successively (straggling)
nadolijevanje n adding (of liquid) by pouring
nadoli(jeva)ti vt add (fill up) by pouring, top up
nadolje adv down; downwards (A downward)
nadomak prep within reach, near (at hand)
nadometak m additional thing added; (ispravi) annex(e)
nadometati vt add to, give into the bargain | moram ~
(jer sam na gubitku) I am out of pocket by this transaction, I am obliged to supply the deficiency
nadometnuti vt give in addition, add, give into the bargain; give more than full weight; v. nadodati
nadomjestak m substitute | ~ za kavu coffee substitute
nadomjestiti vt (zamijeniti) substitute, replace; (vratiti)
restore, replace (novac refund); (obetetiti) compensate, recompensate, indemnify, make up for
nadomjestiv adj restorable, replaceable
nadomjetanje n compensation, indemnification; replacement, refundment, substitution
nadomjetati vt v. nadomjestiti
nadomjeten pp substituted; refunded; replaced; indemnified
nadoplaivanje n excess payment, additional payment
nadoplaivati vt v. nadoplatiti
nadoplata f amount paid in excess (additionally) surcharge; (na voznu kartu) excess fare
nadoplatiti vt pay in excess, make an additional paymen, pay over and above
nadopuna f v. dopuna
nadopuniti vt v. dopuniti
nadovezati vt (duljina) prolong by tying another length
of rope (string itd.), add, say in addition
nadovezati se vr (na) be a continuation (extension) of;
coll bother, importune, intrude
nadovezivanje n extension (prolongation) of string
(rope) by tying an additional length
nadovoljiti se vr v. nauvati se

nadovrgnuti vt v. nadometnuti
nadozidati vt build an annex(e), add another storey
nadraaj m stimulation; (bolni) irritation
nadraiti vt stir up, urge (set, egg) on, rouse up, instigate, excite; stimulate; (bolno) irritate
nadraiti se vr become (be) excited (irritated)
nadraljiv adj irritable, excitable
nadraljivost f irritability, excitability
nadrealist m surrealis
nadrealistiki adj surrealist
nadrealizam m surrealism
nadri- pref pseudo-, would-be, quasi-, quack (v. nazovi-)
nadrijeti vi v. nadirati, provaliti, navaliti
nadrilijenik m quack, quack-doctor, charlatan
nadrilijenitvo n quackery
nadripisar m petty legal practitioner, pettifogger
nadripjesnik m poetaster, rhymer, rhymster
nadripolitiar m quack politician
nadriuenjak m would-be scientist, sciolist, smatterer
nadrljati vt scribble (scrawl) quickly (superficially);
finish scribbling; coll v. stradati
nadrobiti vt crumble, crumble bread into liquid; fig talk
a lot of nonsense
nad(h)rvati vt overpower by wrestling
nadskakivati se vr vie with each other (one another) in
nadstojnica f head-mistress; (samostana) abbess;
(zavoda) matron
nadstojnik m (kole) principal, headmaster; (upravnik)
manager, warden, super-intendent; (samostana) abbot; (stambene zgrade) superintendent
nadstojnitvo n office of headmaster; managership, matronship
nadstraar m senior (police) constable
nadstreljivati se vr vie with each other in shooting, try
to outshoot one another
nadstrenica f eaves, porch
nadumar m head-forester, senior forester
naduitelj m head-master of a primary school; senior
nadugako adv | ~ i nairoko at great length, in great
nadugo adv for long; fig taking the long view
naduriti se vr go into sulk
nadut adj (dranje) haughty, overbearing, presumptuous, arrogant, supercilious; v. napuhan
naduti (se) vt (vr) v. napuhati (se)
naduto adv haughtily, overbearingly, arrogantly, superciliously
nadutost f haughtiness, arrogance, superciliousness; med
(vjetrovi) flatulence
naduvati vt v. napuhati
naduven pp v. nadut
naduvenost f v. nadutost
nadvikati vt out-roar, out-cry, out-bawl
nadvijati se vr v. nadviti se
nadvikivanje n outshouting; shouting match
nadvikivati se vr shout (yell) each other (one another)
down; engage in a shouting match

nadviri(va)ti se vr peep over

nadvisi(va)ti vt overtop, top (snagom) surpass; (zasjeniti) throw into shade, eclipse, outshine, dim; (potui) beat hollow; (pretei) outdo, outstrip
nadviti se vr (sagnuti se) bend over; (oblaci: prekriti)
overcast; (svod) overarch
nadvladati vt overwhelm, overpower; get the better of,
overcome, overthrow, beat hollow, get the upper
hand; (obuzdati) suppress, restrain, curb, control,
keep under
nadvodni adj above-water
nadvoe n (broda) freeboard
nadvoj m archit lintel
nadvoje adv | prerezati (slomiti) ~ cut (break) in two
nadvojvoda m Archduke, Grand Duke
nadvojvodina f archduchy, grand duchy
nadvojvodski adj archducal, grand-ducal
nadvojvodstvo n archduke's (grand duke's) rank (title);
(zemlja) arch duchy, grand duchy
nadvojvotkinja f Archduchess, Grand Duehess
nadvonjak m B flyover, A overpass
nadvratnik m archit lintel
nadzemaljski adj (nadnaravan) unearthly, supernatural;
(nebeski) celestial, heavenly, divine; (sablastan)
ghostly, weird
nadzemni adj overhead, suspended above ground, carried over the ground
nadziranje n supervising, overseeing; (v. nadzor)
nadziratelj m supervisor, superintendent, inspector, controller; (na pismenom ispitu) invigilator
nadzirati vt supervise, superintend, oversee, inspect,
control; monitor; (na pismenom ispitu) invigilate
nadzirati se vr supervise (control) each other (one another)
nadzor m supervision, superintendence; inspection, control; charge, custody, care; tutorage; watch; (na pismenom ispitu) invigilation
nadzorni adj supervisory, superintending, control, controlling | ~ odbor inspecting (auditing) committee;
supervisory board; ~ organ construction supervisor;
supervising agency
nadzorniki adj a supervisor's, superintendent's, inspector's
nadzornik m supervisor, superintendent; conitroller,
inspector; (kolski) school-inspector
nadzornitvo n (rad) superintendence, supervision, inspection; (sluba) rank (office, duty) of an inspector,
inspectorship; (ured) inspectorate
nadzvun|i adj aero supersonic, faster-than-sound | ~a
brzina supersonic speed; ~i avion supersonic plane
nadivjeti vt outlive, live longer than, survive
nadak-baba f screw, vixen, termagant, scold; illnatured woman
naen pp found (v. nai)
naubriti vt v. nagnojiti
naelektriziran adj electrified (i fig)
naelektriziranost f el electrical charge; fig being electrified
naelektrizirati vt electrify (i fig)

naelektrizirati se vr become electrified (i fig)

nafilati vt cul Ger v. nadjenuti, napuniti
naflitati vt spray
nafolirati vt sl v. folirati, nalagati, napriati
nafora f Orth wafer
nafrakati se vr derog put pounds of make-up on
nafrizirati vt v. frizirati
naft|a f petroleum, coll oil | sirova ~a crude (oil); polja
(izvori) ~e oil fields; buai ~e drililing (ire oilfield) workers; (koji trae ~u) oil prospectors
naftalin m chem naphtalene; (protiv moljaca) mothballs
pl | staviti u ~ put away in mothballs (i fig); izvaditi
iz ~a take out of mothballs (i fig)
naftalinac m derog back number
nafta m oil-field worker, petroleum worker; mot coll
dieseil engine, diesel-powered car
naftn|i adj | ~i derivati petroleum products (derivatives);
~a polja oil fields
naftonos|an adj petroleum-bearing | ~na polja oil fields
naftovod m oil pipeline
nag adj v. gol
nagaa m guesser
nagaanje n guessing, guess-work; conjecture, speculation, surmise; hypothesis
nagaati vt guess; try to solve (divine); conjecture, surmise
nagaati se vr haggle (oko over)
naganjanje n chase, chasing
naganjati vt chase, give chase; go in pursuit of, run after; (u gomili) raise hue and cry after
naganjati se vr chase each other (one another)
nagao adj rash, hasty; (nepromiljen) inconsiderate;
(brz) precipitate, headlong, fast, quick, rapid, abrupt,
speedy; (razdraljiv, rasipljiv) irascible, shottempered, hot-headed; impetuous, vehement
nagaraviti vt blacken (with soot)
nagaraviti se vr blacken one's face (oneself)
nagaziti vi (stupiti) tread (step) upon; (naii na) happen
to meet (encounter) something unpleasant (dangerous); fare ill; (groe, zelje) tread sufficient quantity
of grapes (sliced cabbages) (for pickling)
nagaziti se vr tread over (pound) many roads; tread a lot
of (grapes, cabbages)
nageti se vr v. nagnuti se
nagib m incline, inclination, slope, slant; (uspon) gradient, acclivity; (pad) declivity; (broda, zgrade itd.)
list; tilt; (rudne ile) dip (hade) of vein; (sagnuti se)
bend, stoop, bow | s blagim ~om gently inclined
nagibanje n inclination, proneness, leaning; tilting, dip
nagibati (se) vt (vr) v. nagnuti (se)
nagibni adj | ~ kut angle of inclination
naginjanje n inclination; (sklonost) propensity, proneness; (smjer) tendency, trend, leaning, bend; (koso)
bias; (pristranost) bias, partiality; (nekoj bolesti) predisposition
naginjati vi incline, feel inclined to, tend to, be partial
to; (sklonost) show favour for; trend, lean; (nekoj
bolesti) be apt to catch, have a predisposition to

naginjati se vr v. nagnuti se
nagizdati se vr dress up showily
nagladova|ti se vr | ja sam se ~o I have starved (suffered
hunger) sufficiently (for a long time, very of ten)
naglas adv aloud
naglasak m accent, accentuation; stress, intonation; emphasis | koji se odnosi na ~ accentual
naglasiti vt accent, accentuate, stress, lay stress (emphasis) upon, emphasize; intone
naglaavanje n accentuation, stressing, emphasizing
naglaen pp stressed, emphasized; accentuated, acute;
fig pronounced
naglaeno adv emphatically, pointedly
naglavak m (cipele) vamp, upper front part (toe-cap) of
naglavce adv head foremost, headlong | skok u vodu ~
header; postaviti ~ turn upside down, turn topsyturvy (oba i fig)
naglaviti vt attach to, put on top, top by; (cipelu) revamp
naglavljen pp re-vamped
naglavljivanje n (cipele) re-vamping
naglavnik m RC amice
nagledati se vr look (gaze, watch) one's fill (to one's
heart's content); have done (finished, ceased) looking
(watching, gazing)
nagliti vi hasten, hurry; act (proceed) rashly (inconsiderately) | ne ~ take one's time, act with due consideration, be circumspect
naglo adv (brzo) hastily, quickly, briskly, swiftly, rapidly, speedily, by leaps and bounds; (nenadano) suddenly, abruptly; (bez upozorenja) without notice; (uz
prekratko upozorenje) at short notice; (navrat-nanos)
precipitately, precipitously, heddlong; in haste, in a
hurry; (bez promiljanja) without due consideration;
(redom) in close succession
naglodati vt gnaw enough, gnaw a quantity of
naglodati se vr gnaw one's fill; have gnawed plenty of
naglost f rashness, undue haste, hurry, abruptness; (nepromiljenost)
(brzina) rapidity, speed, quickness; impetuosity
nagluh adj somewhat (rather) deaf, dull (hard) of hearing
nagluhost f dullness of hearing, partial deafness, defective hearing
nagljenje n haste, precipitation, rushness
nagnan pp driven, urged (egged) on, spurred on to
nagnati vt drive (urge, egg, spur) on to; prompt to; actuate
nagnijezditi vt (kvoku) v. nasaditi
nagnijezditi se vr build one's nest; start sitting on eggs
nagnojen pp manured, dunged, dressed
nagnojiti vt manure, dung, dress with manure
nagnut pp inclined, sloping, aslope, slanting, dipped,
tilted; (brod) having a list; (prema naprijed) leening
towards, bent down (forward)
nagnuti vt incline, slope, lean, dip, tilt, slant; bend, bow;
(u bijeg) take to flight, take to one's heels

nagnuti se vr incline, bend, lean (forward, over), stoop,

dip, tilt, list; be top-heavy
nagnjaviti (se) vt (vr) v. izgnjaviti (se), izmuciti (se)
nagnjeenost f (slightly) bruised condition
nagnjeenje n bruise, contusion
nagnjeciti vt squeeze (press, compress, cram, crowd) a
sufficient quantity; bruise (slightly), contuse
nagnjio adj partly rotten; (meso) tainted, decayed
nagodba f agreement; setlement (of dispute), coming to
terms, compromise; adjustment; (udeenje) arrangement; (s vjerovnicima) accomodation
nagodben adj dealing with (based on) an agreement
nagoditi se vr come to terms, make a deal, come to an
understanding (arrangement, adjustment); agree, settle (a dispute); compound with, compromise, arrange,
nagojiti vt v. ugojiti, utoviti
nagomilan pp accumulated, emassed, piled up, hoarded
nagomilati vt accumulate, amass, heap (up), pile up;
(naspremati) hoard, treasure, store; (naslagati) stack
up ; (meavom) drift (snow); (dug) run up (debts)
nagomilati se vr accumulate, grow (be heaped, piled up)
in quantity (number)
nagomilavanje n (succesive) accumulation (amassment);
(zaliha, oruja) build-up, stock-piling
nagomilavati vt keep accumulating (amassing)
nagomilavati se vr accumulate successively, grow by
nagon m instinct; (poriv) unconscious impulse, impetus;
(sklonost) bent, inclination, propensity; motive | po
~u instinctively
nagoniti vt drive, urge, press, spur on, egg on, prompt,
incite; give impetus, actuate; stimulate
nagonski' adj done (caused) by instinct, done instinctively
nagonski'' adv nstinctively
nagonjenje n driving, urging, egging on, prompting,
nagorak adj lightly bitter, bitterish
nagore adv | ici ~ get worse; (uspinjati se, rasti) go up
nagorio adj partly burned (charred)
nagorjeti vi get (partly, a little) burned (charred)
nagost f v. golotinja, golost
nagovara m persuader, person using persuasion; prompter
nagovaranje n persuasion, urging, prompting;
(bodrenje) inducement, encouragement; (poticanje)
nagovarati vt try to persuade (win over); encourage;
(nukati) urge to, press; (huckati) egg (set) on, instigate, incite
nagovarati se vr urge each other (one another)
nagovijest m indication, advance sign; fig hint, foretaste
nagovijestiti vt make known, announce, let know; (unaprijed) foretell, forecast; (prorei) predict, prognosticate; (kobiti) presage, portend, betoken
nagovijestiti se vr announce (herald) itself (oneself)

nagovijeten pp announced, made known; forecast, predicted, prognosticated, foreboded, portended, foreshadowed
nagovjeivanje n v. nagovjetanje
nagovjeivati vt v. nagovijestiti
nagovjetaj m v. nagovijest
nagovjetanje n announcement; prognostication, adumbration, prediction; forecast; (prorotvo) prophecy;
(slutnja, kobljenje) foreboding, portent, presage
nagovjetati vt keep on foretelling (announcing, forecasting, prognosticating, portending, foreboding);
foreshadow, foreshow, give warning of
nagovor m persuasion, pressing | na moj ~ persuaded
(pressed, induced) by me, talked (brought, won) over
by me
nagovoren pp (predobiven) persuaded; talked (brought,
won) over
nagovoriti vt persuade, get to, induce, put up to; (predobiti) bring (talk, gain, win) over, talk into; v. osloviti,
obratiti se
nagovoriti se vr talk one's fill, have one's bout of talking
nagrabiti vt draw (ladle out) enough water; finish
(cease) drawing (ladling, scooping)
nagrabiti se vr (stei) amass (enrich oneself) by plunder
(stealing), coll feather one's nest; plunder one's fill
nagrabusiti vi v. nastradati
nagrad|a f reward; prize; (dodijeljena) award; (plaa,
naknada) remuneration, recompense; (honorar) fee,
royalty, honorarium; (napojnica) tip, gratuity; (natjecanje) premium | dodijeliti (dobiti) ~u award (win) a
prize; dobitnik ~e prize-winner
nagraditi vt reward, award; give a premium; (odtetiti)
compensate, recompense; (trud) remunerate, gratify;
tip; (pristojbom) fee
nagraditi se' vr reward oneself
nagraditi se'' vr have done a lot of (one's share) building; have enough of building
nagradni adj | ~ natjecaj prize competition
nagraen pp rewarded, aworded a prize; remunerated;
nagraivanje n rewarding, awarding; (plaa) emoluments pl | ~ prema radu (uinku) remuneration by
work performed (by effect)
nagraivati vt v. nagraditi
nagra(j)isati vi fare badly (ill); suffer (meet with) an
unpleasant experience; get into trouble
nagrcati se vr sob one's fill; (mora) swallow some (a lot
of) sea-water
nagrda f deformity, deformation; disfigurement, disfiguration; defacement; monstrosity; distortion; (stvor)
monster, caricature; (ovjek) ugly person; (neukusno
obuena ena) fright, frump
nagrditi vt make ugly; distort, disfigure; deform, deface;
nagrditi se vr make oneself ugly, disfigure oneself; have
done scolding; scold one's fill
nagren pp disfigured, distorted, deformed, defaced;
spoiled, marred; misshapen

nagrivanje n continuous disfiguring (distortion, marring itd.)

nagrivati (se) vt (vr) v. nagrditi (se)
nagrepsti vt scratch enough; cease scratching
nagrijati se vr warm oneself to one's heart's content;
have done warming oneself
nagristi vt bite into; leave half-bitten; chem corrode; fig
bite (cut) into, eat away at, erode, corrode
nagrizanje n biting a bit (a little) of; chem corrosion; fig
biting (cutting) into, eating away at, erosion, corrosion
nagrizati vt v. nagristi
nagrizen pp bitten off (in) partly; fig eroded, corroded
nagrnuti vi crowd (rush, throng, crush, press) into; press
forward; vt pile (roll) up against
nagrtati vt accumulate (v. nagrnuti)
nagruvati vt v. nabubati, nabiti
nagruvati se vr v. nabiti se, nagurati se, najesti se do
naguliti vt peel enough, finish (cease) peeling, have done
naguliti se vr cease peeling, have one's fill of peeling
nagurati se vr pack (cram) into
naguta|ti se vr swallow one's fill | ~o sam se (neugodnosti) I have had plenty to put up with (to pocket)
naguziti se vr vulg thrust one's behind out
naheren adj v. nakrivljen
naheriti vt set aslant (awry), cock (a hat)
naheriti se vr stand awry (aslant, cocked)
nahero adv awry, askance, askew, acock, aslant; (koso)
obliquely, crookedly
nahlada, v. prehlada
nahladiti se vr v. prehladiti se
nahoe n foundling
nahodati se vr walk one's fill, to have had enough of
walking, to have walked to one's heart's content;
(dozlaboga) walk one's legs off, tire oneself out by
nahodite n home (institute) for foundlings; v. nalazite
nahoenj|e n | prema ~u at the discretion of; prema
vlastitom ~u at one's own discretion, using one's
nahrane n foster-child; ward
nahraniti vt feed, give food to, nourish; (zasititi) satiate,
sate, have done feeding
nahraniti se vr feed (ime on, off), stay (appease, satisfy)
one's hunger, eat one's fill
nahranjen pp fed, nourished
nahrupiti vi dash (burst) into, enter suddenly (impetuously), rush into; descend on; (iz) make a sally,
sally out (forth)
nahsinhronizacija f film post-synching
nahtkastn m Ger v. noni ormari
nahuckan pp set on
nahuckati vt (psa) set on; fig v. nahukati
nahuditi m v. nakoditi
nahukati vt blow softly upon, breathe upon
nahukan pp set on, incited (instigated) at (against)
nahukati vt egg (set) on, incite against, instigate

nahvaliti vt heap with praise, extol

nahvaliti se vr | nisam se mogao dovoljno ~ I could not
find words enough of praise for...
nahvatan pp caught in succession (one after another)
nahvatati vt catch (capture) a certain quantity
nahvatati se vr catch one's share of; (led, kamenac)
build up, accumulate
naii vi (na) come across, run into, meet; (sluajno)
stumble upon, meet by chance, chance upon
naigrati se vr play one's fill, play to one's heart's content, play to the top of one's bent; have done playing
nailaziti vi (na) come across repeatedly, meet here and
there (v. naii)
naima m tenant, lessee, lease-holder
naimanje n lease, hire, renting
naimati vt v. najmiti
naime adv namely, that is to say (abbr: i.e. ili viz.)! to
wit, in other words
naimenovanje n v. imenovanje, postavljenje
naimenovati vt v. imenovati, postaviti
naiskap adv v. na duak
naiva f naive art (expression)
naivac m (umjetnik) naive artist; v. naivina
naivan adj nave, ingenuous, simple-minded, singleminded; unsophisticated; artless, guileless; natural,
naivina m naive person, A sl sucker
naivka f naive girl; (glumica) ingnue
naivnost f navet, ingenuousness; artlessness
naizgled adv v. na izgled
naizmjence adv by turns, alternately, in rotation; one
after another; (redom) successively, in succession |
raditi ~ work by spells, work in shifts
naizmjeni|an adj alternate, alternating; rotating | el
~na struja alternating current
naizust adv v. napamet
najada f pl myth naiad (pl naiad[e]s)
najaditi se vr be chagrined (vexed)
najahati vi (na) climb, mount, land on top of
najahati se vr ride one's fill on horseback, have done
najam m hire, lease, rent; (broda) charter; (konja, koije) job, jobbing; tenancy, letting (out), let | uzeti u ~
rent; (brod) charter; hire; take on lease; imati u najmu have on lease, rent, hold as tenant; dati u ~ let,
leese, hire (for rent), rent; u najmu on lease
najamni adj | ~ ugovor lease (contract); (broda) charterparty; ~ rad (radnik) wage labour (labourer)
najamniar m wage earner, labourer
najamniki adj v. najamni
najamni|k m lessee, lease-holder, tenant; hired man;
(plaenik) mercenary | ~ci leaseholdevs, tenantry
najamnina f rent, rental, (houseroom) rent
najava f announcement, notification
najaviti vt announce, make known, notify, advice, give
notice of; apprise of, inform; send (write) word | ~
trabinu kod suda put in (one's claim)
najaviti se vr send in one's name, present oneself
najavljen pp announced, reported

najavljiva m (radio, TV) announcer

najblae adv sup | ~ reeno to say the very least
najblie adv (tik do) hard by, close upon (by), next door
najblii adj nearest, next; closest; next-door; (susjedan)
adjoining; (nadohvat) within reach, at hand, at one's
najbolje adv best | ~ bi bilo da ti... you had best... ;
kako je ~ znao (mogao) to the best of his knowledge
(power, ability)
najbolj|i adj the best, superior, first-rate, prime | u ~im
godinama in the prime of life; u ~em sluaju at best;
sve ~e all the best!
najbre adv fastest, quickest
najbri adj the fastest, the quickest
najee adv most often; in most cases; more often than
najdalje adv farthest, furthest; (vremenski) at the farthest (furthest)
najdalji adj the farthest, the furthest, the remotest, the
most distant; furthermost
najdonji adj the lowest, lowermost, nethermost, bottommost
najdra|i adj sup favourite | ~e mi je to to what I like
best is
najdulje adv longest; (rok) at the longest | ~ za tjedan
dana within a week at the latest
najdulji adj the longest
najedanput adv (bez prekida) at a stretch, without stopping (in erruption); (nenadano) v. najednom | platiti
~ pay cash down
najedared adv v. najednom
najedati vt chem v. nagrizati
najediti vt v. naljutiti
najednom adv (all) of a sudden, suddenly, abruptly; (all)
at once
najedriti vi | ~ na hit (collide with) while sailing
najedriti se vr have sailed enough; have done one's
share of sailing
najesti se vr eat one's fill, appease one's hunger, be satiated, finish (have done) eating; (do grla) stuff oneself
najezda f invasion, inroad
najeen adj bristly, bristled | ~a koa goose-flesh
najeiti se vr (od zime, uivanja) get goose-pimples all
over; (kosa) stand on end; (srdba) show temper, be
ruffled, be roused
najgore adv the worst
najgor|i adj sup the worst | u ~em sluaju if the worst
comes to the worst; ~e od svega je the worst thing is;
~e je za nama we're out of the woods, we're over the
najgornji adj the uppermost, the topmost
najgvirc m cul Ger v. piment
najkasnije adv at the latest, not later than
najkrajnji adj v. krajnji
najlon m chem & text nylon
najlonke f pl nylons
najlonski adj nylon

najljep|i adj sup | iron a ~e od svega je and to crown it

najmanje adv the least; the minimum, the least amounnt
| ni ~ not in the least; a ~ least of all
najmitelj m (broda) freighter, charterer
najmiti vt take (have) on lease, rent, hold as tenant, hire;
(u slubu) take, engage; (konja, koiju) job; (brod)
charter (drugomu freight)
najmiti se vr hire (bind) oneself to, go into service;
(naunik) be bound as apprentice
najmljen pp hired, let, rented, jobbed, engaged, chartered, freighted
najmodavac m lessor
najmoprimac m lessee; tenant
najmovni adj | ~ ugovor lease (contract); (za brod) charter-party
najni|i adj sup lowest, lowermost, undermost, bottommost, nethermost | ~a cijena bedrock price
najnoviji adj sup latest, newest, most recent, freshest,
current, up-to-date
najomiljeniji adj sup favourite, best-loved
najposlije adv at last, finally, ultimately, lastly, in the
end, eventually, after all, in conclusion, last of all
najprei adj the shortest; the most important (necessary), the first to be done
najprije adv first (of all), firstly, in the first place, before
all; (na poetku) at first, at the beginning, originally;
(kao prvo) to begin with
najprvi adj v. prvi, poetni, vodei
najradije adv preferably, with preference | ja imam ~ I
like best; ja bih ~ I should like best to ... ; ja ~
skupljam marke I am keen on stamp-collecting; ~
jedem... my favourite dish is...; reg imam ~ v. najdrae mi je
najranije adv sup earliest; at the earliest
najrazliitiji adj sup the most varied | ~ deseni a wide
variety of patterns
najstariji adj sup the oldest | ~ brat (sestra) the eldest
brother (sister)
najte|i adj sup | ~e je the hardest (most difficult) thing
najtraeniji adj sup the best-selling, in biggest demand
najuriti vt v. otjerati, istjerati, izbaciti, otpustiti, smijeniti
najve|i adj sup biggest, largest, greatest; (krajnji) extreme; (bez premca) unsurpassable, unsurpassed,
matchless | daleko ~i by far the biggest; on je ~i
lopov he is a thorough (out and out, arch) rogue; ~a
nuda extremity; ~a glupost height of folly; od ~e
vanosti of transcending (paramount) importance; ~i
(u)dio lion's share
najvema adv v. veinom
najvie adv most; (veinom) mostly, for the most part,
generally; (u najboljem sluaju) at the most | ~ jedna
milja a mile at the outside
najvoljeti vt like best (of all)
najzad adv at last, finally, ultimately, lastly, in the end,
eventually, after all, in conclusion, last of all
najzadnji adj v. zadnji

nakalemiti vt inoculate, graft, ingraft

nakalemljen pp grafted, ingrafted, inoculate
nakaljati vt soil (dirty, tarnish, smear, daub, smirch,
smudge) a certain quantity (successively)
nakan|a f v. namjera, odluka
nakaniti (se) vt (vr) v. namjeravati, odluiti
nakapan pp instilled, infused by drops, dribbled
nakapati vt instil(l), infuse by drops, dribble
nakapnica f cistern, reservoir
nakarada f monstrosity; mummery
nakaljavanje n throat-clearing
nakalja(va)ti se vr (znaajno) clear one's throat
nakaza f (hir prirode) freak; a crippled (maimed, misshapen, deformed, disfigured, distorted) being (thing,
nakazan adj monstrous, abnormal, misshapen, deformed, disfigured
nakaziti vt v. unakaziti
nakaznost f monstrosity, deformity
nakesiti se vr make a grimace; bare one's teeth
nakicoiti se vr dress up gaudily, dress up, prink
(spruce) oneself up, dress up like a fop (dandy)
nakien adj adorned, decorated, decked out, trimmed;
(neukusno) gaudy, tawdry, tinselled; v. pripit, pijan
nakidati vt tear off (cull, pick) successively, finish tearing off (culling, picking)
nakinuriti se vr dress up gaudily (tastelessly)
nakinjiti se vr toil oneself weary, toil and moil to the
nakiseliti vt preserve in (treat with) vinegar, pickle (a
nakiseo adj somewhat acid, sourish; chem subacid,
nakit m ornament, ornamentation, trimming, jewellery
(A jewelry), adornment; (dragulji) jewels pl; (jeftin)
trinkets pl (v. biuterija); (neukusan odjea, stil)
frippery; (povran, bezvrijedan) tinsel
nakititi vt adorn, ornament, deck out, trim, prank out,
trick out (up); (uljepati) embellish, beautify
nakititi se vr adorn oneself, trick oneself out; fig v. opiti
nakjuer adv three days ago
naklad|a f | u ~i published by... ; u vlastitoj ~i published
by the author; velika ~a large edition (printing, run);
prva ~a v. prvo izdanje
nakladn|i adj publishing | ~i zavod printing establisihment, publisher; ~a knjiara publishing house,
publishing firm
nakladnik m publisher
naklanjati se vr keep on bowing (swaying), bow continuously
naklapalo n chatterer, prattler, tattler, gossip
naklapanje n tittle-tattle, a piece of doubtfiul information; unauthenticated talk, gossip
naklapati vi talk at random, spread unverified (unauthenticated) statements (news), talk foolishly, tittletattle

naklatariti se vr vagabond (rove, roam) one's fill, cease

leading a vagrant's life (strolling idly, vagabonding,
idle roving)
naklati vt slaughter (slay, kill) a quantity
naklati se vr have had enough of slaughtering (killing),
have done slaughtering (killing)
nakleati se vr kneel a long time; kneel many times;
kneel one's fill
naklon' m (pozdrav) bow, reverence, obeisance; (enski,
uz priklecanje [kniks]) curts(e)y; (nagib) sway, dip,
naklon'' adj v. naklonjen, sklon
nakloniti vt bow, bend; lean, incline, dip
nakloniti se vr bow; (ene: uz kniks) make (drop) a
curts(e)y; dip, bend, lean, incline, (nahero) stand
awry; (brod) list; tilt | duboko se ~ make a low bow
naklonost f favour, good grace, benevolence, kindness,
goodwill; (sklonost) predilection, preference; (pristranost) partiality; (ljubav) affection | stei neiju ~
win somebody's favour (A favor)
naklonjen pp inclined, friendly disposed, partial to;
(milostiv) gracious, benevolent; (povoljan) auspicious; v. sklon | biti ~ favour (A favor), countenance,
befriend, patronize
naklonjenost f inclination, leaning; (naklonost) partiality, predisposition; (predrasuda) bias, prejudice
naklopiti se vr (na jelo) fall to
nakljukati vt cram (stuff) poultry with food, fatten by
nakljukati se vr stuff oneself (with)
nakljuvan pp partly pecked (hollowed out) (with beak)
nakljuvati vt peck partly with beak, make hole(s) pecking
naknada f (odteta) reparation, recompense, compensation, amends, restitution, indemnity, indemnification;
(izdatka) reimbursement; (nadomjestak) equivalent,
substitute, fresh supply
naknad|an adj supplemental, supplementary; (kasniji)
subsequent; (dodatan, povrh) additional, extra
naknaditi vt v. nadoknaditi
naknadiv adj v. nadoknadiv
naknadno adv later on, subsequently, afterwards, additionally; (povrh) in excess
naknaen adj v. nadoknaen
naknaivanje n v. nadoknaivanje
naknaivati vt v. nadoknaivati
nakoliti vt support with props (sticks), prop up
nakoljen pp supported by sticks (props), propped up
nakon prep after, following, at the end of | ~ toga afterwards, then, thereupon, thereafter; ~ ega whereupon, subsequently, consequent (up)on, subsequent
to; ~ primitka upon receipt; ~ to je doao (vidio)
having come (seen)
nakopati vt get by digging, dig up a quantity | ~ sebi na
glavu (brigu, teret) burden oneself with (care, burden); (dug, odgovornost) saddle (burden) oneself
with debt (responaibility)
nakopati se vr finish digging; have had one's share of

nakositi vt get (hay) by mowing, mow a quantity, have

done mowing
nakositi se vr finish mowing; have had enough of mowing
nakostrijeen adj bristling, with hair (bristles) standing
erect; fig (srdit) showing temper, angry
nakostrijeiti se vr bristle (up); (kosa) stand erect (upright); fig (borbenost, srdba) bristle, show temper,
put one's back up
nakostruen adj v. nakostrijeen
nakostruiti se vr v. nakostrijeiti se
nakot m derog brood
nakotiti vt bring forth a large litter
nakotiti se vr be littered, be brought forth; derog (o ljudima) breed like rabbits
nakovanj m anvil; (kost u uhu) incus, anvil
nakovati vt get by forging, forge a quantity, forge plenty
of, finish forging
nakovati se vr have done forging; have had one's share
of forging
nakraden pp got (acquired) by theft
nakraj prep at the end, at the edge (brink)
nakrasti vt get by successive theft (stealing)
nakrasti se vr steal a lot; fig line one's nest
nakratko adv for a short time
nakrcan adj loaded, laden; (brod) freighted
nakrcati vt load (lade with, freight, charge) to the full
capacity; (svriti) have done (finish, cease) loading
nakrcati se vr load oneself down with; be loaded
nakrenut adj turned to one side; (s teim vrhom) topheavy; (jedna strana nia) lop-sided; (od ravnog
smjera) biassed, oblique, slanting; tilted; (nahero)
nakrenuti vt turn aside (in a new direction), tilt; twist,
bend (down), cant
nakrenuti se vr tilt; (brod) list
nakresan adj coll tipsy, drunk(en), intoxicated, elevated,
in one's cups
nakresati vt lop (cut) branches
nakresati se vr coll drink one's fill, get tipsy (drunk)
nakret m turning, bend, tilt, twist, cant
nakretati vt v. nakrenuti
nakreveljiti se vr make (pull) a face itd. (v. kreveljiti
nakriv adj awry, askew, on the slant; (nagnut) leaning;
(s teim vrhom) top-heavy; (kos) slanting, aslant;
nakriviti vt (lice) distort face, make awry face; set
nakriviti se vr (kretnja) slant, stand oblique (askew,
awry); (nagnuti) lean, incline; (svinuti) crook, bend;
(zbog teeg vrha) be top-heavy; (usukati se) twist; (od
bola) writhe, contort
nakrivljen adj slanted, oblique, awry, askew; biassed,
warped; bent, twisted, crooked; (eir) cocked (hat)
nakrivljenost f twist, distortion, warp, crookedness
nakrivo adv awry, askew; obliquely, aslant, slantwise
nakrmiti vt finish (cease, have done) feeding (foddering,
dial baiting)

nakrmljen pp foddered, fed with fodder (hay), dial

nakrojiti vt cut sufficient quantity of cloth for suits itd.,
cut cloth ready
nakrpariti se vr fig v. nakuburiti se
nakruniti vt (kukuruz) finish husking; husk a quantity of
naksutra adv three days from today
nakuburiti se vr have behind oneself (to have had, to
have been through) plenty of want (hard times, privations), living from hand to mouth
nakuhati vt prepare (boil ready) a certain quantity of
nakuhati se vr increase (swell) in quantity by boiling
nakukati se vr cease lamenting (wailing itd. [v. kukati]); fig have had one's share of sorrows
nakupac m (wholesale) buyer, dealer; (prekupac) middleman
nakupati se vr finish bathing; bathe (swim) one's fill
nakupina f accumulation
nakupiti vt (sabrati) amass, accumulate, gather, collect;
(na kup) heap (pile) up
nakupiti se vr accumulate; (izdaci) mount (add) up; v.
nahvatati se
nakupljanje n amassing (accumulating) a stock, accumulation; (hrpa) heaping (piling) up
nakupljati vt amass (accumulate, hoard) successively,
keep on accumulating
nakupljati se vr v. nakupiti se
nakupljen pp amassed, accumulated, hoarded, heaped
(piled) up ready
nakupovati vt buy in (up) successively
nakupovati se vr finish buying; have had enough of buying
nakuvati vt v. nakuhati
nakvasiti vt v. smoiti, namoiti
nalaganje' n (nareivanje) ordering, bidding, commanding, charging, prescribing, imposing
nalaganje'' n (slaganje) stacking, heaping (piling) up;
loading, lading
nalagati' vt (zapovijed) order, bid, command, charge
(with), dictate, prescribe, impose; make one to...
nalagati'' vt (nametati) load, lade, burden, charge
nalagati''' vt (lagati) tell lies, belie, cheat by lying | ~ na
nekoga slander somebody
nalajati se vr cease barking; derog have done one's
share of chattering
nalaktiti se vr lean on one's elbows
nalaz m thing found, find; (izvjetaj) finding, report on a
matter; (suda) verdict; (otkrie) discovery; med lab
report (results), test results, medical findings, doctor's
report | med ~ uredan findings normal, no irregularities; arheoloki ~i archeological finds
nalazit|e n finding place; (biljke) habitat; (zlata, srebra)
placer; (naslaga) deposit | ~a ugljena i eljeza coal
and iron deposits
nalaziti vt (nai) find; (naii) light (up)on, encounter,
stumble upon, come across, meet (with); (otkriti) discover; (smatrati, drati) find, think, consider

nalaz|iti se vr be situated (placed) | ~i se it is to be found

(met with); (ruda) it occur; ne znam gdje se ~im I do
not know (I have lost) my bearings; ne znam gdje se
on ~i I do not know his whereabouts
nalaznik m finder
nalaznina f reward to the finder
nalaenje n (consecutive) finding(s)
nalei vt (mlade, jaja) hatch (bear, litter) a number of
young ones; (na) v. nalegnuti
nalei se' vr be hatched (littered, born) in quantity
naleci se'' vr v. nalegnuti se
nalee n (poleina) back side, overleaf; (nalije novca)
naleen pp com endorsed
naleenje n (mjenice) endorsement; (sadraja na
poleini spisa) docket
naleiti vt endorse; (sadrajem spisa) docket
nalenik m endorser
nalegnuti (se) vt (vr) lean (heavily) against (on); (lijeno
leati) loll, slouch, sprawl
nalemati vt beat
nalet m dash, clash, collision, impact, brunt, crash, tilt;
(vjetra) gust of wind; (lovakog aviona) pass, run
naletati se vr v. natrkarati se
naletjeti vi run (crash, strike, dash, fly) against, collide;
clash into (against), come with a crash; come full tilt
against; fig happen to be there (v. stradati)
naletjeti se vr finish flying; have had enough of flying;
v. natrkarati se
naleati se vr lie (loll, sprewl) one's fill, lie (loll) to one's
heart's content
nalickan adj slicked up
nalickati se vr slick (oneself) up
naliiti' vi v. sliiti
naliiti'' vt (bojom) paint, smear, daub, coat, varnish;
(lakom) lacquer, japan
nalije n reverse (of coin), back side; fig the seamy side
nalijegati (se) vi (vr) v. nalegnuti (se)
nalijepiti vt stick on, gum (paste, glue) on; (javni oglas)
post up
nalijepiti se vr stick (na to)
nalijepljen pp (pasted, glued) on
nalijetati vi keep flying at; v. naletjeti
nalijevanj|e n pouring upon (into), filling up by pouring;
(aja) infusion
nalijevati vt keep pouring upon (into), fill up by pouring; (aj) infuse
nalijevo adv to the left | mil ~! left turn
nalik adj similar itd. (v. slian) | biti ~ v. sliiti
nalikovati vi v. sliiti
naliti vt pour upon, empty (liquid) upon
naliv m v. naljev
nalivati vt v. nalijevati
naliv-per|o n fountain pen | kvaica ~a (za dep) clip;
~o na patronu cartridge pen
nalizati se vr have done licking, have had one's share of
nalog m (zapovijed) order, bidding, command, injunction, charge; (propis) ordinance; (odluka) decree;

(uputa) direction, prescription, precept; (povjerba)

commission; (javni) edict; rescript; (sudski) writ | po
~u by order, at the command of; uhidbeni ~ (~ za
hapenje) warrant of arrest; ~ za premetainu
search warrant
nalogodavac m giver of an order; com (komitent) principal
naloj m Orth analogeion
nalojiti vt (grease witih), tallow
nalokati se vr quaff one's fill, drink hard (deep), drink to
excess; fig v. opiti se
nalomiti vt (granja) break (tear) off a sufficient quantity
of twigs; (kamenja) break (quarry, extract) a sufficient quantity of stone
naloviti vt catch successively a sufficient quantity (number)
naloviti se vr catch one's fill, have done catching
naloen' pp (zapovijed) ordered, imposed, dictated;
(propisan) prescribed, decreed
naloen'' adj (teret) loaded, leden, burdened
naloen''' adj (vatra) kindled, laid ready
naloiti' vi (zapovijed) order, command; dictate, impose;
naloiti '' vt (teret) load, lade, burden; v. naslagati
naloiti''' vi (vatru) kindle (light) a fire
nalonica f v. prilenica
naludovati se vr to have had one's fill (spell) of fooling
(foolish, unbridled, unrestreined, wanton) games
(frolicking, merrymaking)
naluknuti se vr reg v. proviriti
nalupati vt beat thoroughly, thrash, drub, belabour, lay
nalupati se vr coll v. najesti se do grla
nalupetati vt say a lot of nonsense
nalutati se vr wander (roam) one's fill; be weary of wandering (roaming)
naljepljivati vt keep on sticking (pasting, labelling,
glueing) on
naljepnica f sticker, (adhesive) label, A+ decal
naljev m infusion
naljoskan adj v. pijan
naljoskati se vr v. opiti se
naljubiti se vr kiss (to one's heart's content)
naljutiti vt husk (shell) a quantity
naljutiti se vr finish husking (shelling); have had one's
share of husking (shelling)
naljut adj cul hot
naljutiti vt make angry, annoy
naljutiti se vr become (coll get) angry (annoyed), lose
one's temper; v. nasrditi se
nam(a) pers pro to us, us, for us | da ~ je...! oh for...!
would we had...!
namai vt v. namaknuti
namagariti vt play a trick upon
namagariti se vr make an ass (donkey) of oneself
namagnetizirati vt magnetize
namagnetizirati se vr become magnetized
namahnitati se vr have a bout (spell) of maddening
(raging, fuming, running amock)

namakanje n soak(ing), steep(ing), maceration; dipping,

sopping; (konoplje) retting
namakati vt soak, steep, macerate, sop; (konoplju) ret
namakati se vr soak (i fig)
namaknuti vt procure, supply with, provide for, make
provision, secure, obtain; (novac) raise funds
namaljati vt Ger v. naslikati, omaljati
namamiti vt allure, entice, lure into; (u napast) tempt;
(ribolov i fig) bait; (ptice mamilom) decoy; (privui)
attract; (zavesti) seduce, mislead; (sklonuti) prevail
upon, persuade, (predobiti) bring (talk) over; (laskom) wheedle into, coax into (out) | dati se ~ u let
oneself be lured into
namamljen pp enticed, temp, decayed, baited; seduced
namamljivati vt v. namamiti
namastiti vt grease, oil; (mazom) lubricate
namaten pp greased, oiled; lubricated
namatanje n winding, spooling, coiling
namatati vt v. namotati
namaz' m coat of paint; (slikarski) impasto
namaz'' m Tur namaz, worship, prayer
namazan pp (mazom) greased; (uljem) oiled, anointed;
(katranom) tarred; (lakom) varnished; (uprljan) bedaubed, smeared, blotted; (bojom) painted, coated;
(sadrom) plastered; (na kruh) spread; (voskom)
waxed; v. naminkan
namazati vt (mau, uljem) grease, oil, anoit; (mazivom)
lubricate; (katranom) tar; (lakom) varnish; (bojom)
colour, paint, lay on, coat; (sadrom) plaster; (rumenilom - lice) rouge oneself; (maslac na kruh)
spread (butter); (voskom) wax; (mrljati) blot, smudge,
bedaub, smear
namazati se vr smear (coat, paint) oneself; v.
naminkati se
namor m Tur v. prgavac, tvrdoglavac
nameiti vt bait
nameiti se vr be attracted by, succumb to temptation
(allurement, bait) of something charming (appetizing)
name|sti vt collect by sweeping | vjetar je ~o wind has
drifted (snow, sand itd.)
namesti se vr have had one's share of sweeping
namet m rate; (maltarina) toll; (pristojba) duty, due,
imposition; (troarina) excise; (porez) tax, taxation,
assessment, cess; (danak) tribute
nametan pp (teret) loaded, laden; (naslagan) stacked up,
piled up, heaped up
nametanje' n loading (piling) up; (slaganje) stacking;
(na hrpu) heaping up; disposing into layers; (poreza)
nametanje'' n (dodijavanje) intrusion, forcing oneself
upon, officiousness
nametati vt (slagati) load, stack; (na hrpu) pile (heap)
up; (opteretiti) burden; deposit; (kao obvezu) lay
(heap) on, impose, put on
name|tati se vr intrude, importune, be obtrusive, obtrude
oneself upon; (ankoliz) sponge on | ~e se pomisao
the idea suggest itself (springs to mind); ~e se pi-

tanje the question poses itself (arises), an idea strikes

me (occurs to me)
nametljiv adj obtrusive, intrusive, importunate, officious, intermeddling; (drzak) forward, presumptuous
nametljivac m importunate (meddling) fellow, intruder,
nametljivost f importunity, obtrusiveness, officiousness
nametnica f (biljka) parazite, parasitic plant; (osoba)
female parasite
nametniki adj parasitic
nametnik m biol parasite
nametnut pp imposed, forced upon (one), enforced
nametnuti vt impose (upon), enforce, force upon one,
force into acceptance, compel observance of, make
one to put up with; (porez) impose, assess; (danak)
raise tribute (contribution)
nametnuti se vr intrude oneself upon, thrust oneself into
(upon) one; (vlast) usurp, seize power (throne) itd.
nameuran adj wrinkled
nameurati (se) vt (vr) v. namrekati (se), smeurati
namicanje n supply(ing), procuring, catering
namicati vt v. namaknuti
namigivanje n winking (na at); (oijukanje) flirt, flirtation, coquetry, ogling, amorous glances | uzvratiti na
~ wink back
namigivati vi wink (nekome at), wink repeatedly; (oijukati) flirt, ogle, coquet(te), look amorously at
namigljiv adj flirtatious, coquettish
namignuti vi wink (na at), give a wink, make a sign to
namigua f flirt, coquette
namijeniti vt assign to a purpose; (svotu) earmark; (odvojiti) set apart (aside) for; (dio) apportion; (posvetiti) devote to; destine, intend for; (knjigu) dedicate
(s natpisom, posvetom inscribe)
namijenjen pp assigned, apportioned, devoted to, intended for (to), designed for, dedicated to
namijesiti vt knead a suffcient quantity, finish kneading,
knead ready
namijesiti se vr have done kneading; have done one's
share of kneading
namilovati se vr caress to one's heart's content
namira f (potvrda o primitku) receipt, acquittance,
namiren pp paid, settled, squared, discharged, cleared
namirenje n payment, settlement, acquittal, acquittance,
discharge, clearance; (naknada) re-imbursement, repayment
namirisan pp perfuimed, scented
namirisati vt scent, perfume; fig v. nanjuiti
namiriti vt pay, settle, square accounts, defray, discharge, clear, balance, satisfy; (mjenicu) honour (A
honor); (potpuno) pay in full; (na obroke) pay by instalments; (potrebe) draw one's supplies from; (odmah gotovinom) pay on the nail
namiriti se vr satisfy one's needs
namirivanje n settling, defraying, discharging; v. podmirivanje, opskrba

namirivati vt keep settling (defraying itd. /v. namiriti/);

v. podmiriti, opskrbljivati
namirnice f pl victuals, provisions, food-(stuffs)
namisao f intent, intention, purpose, object, design, project, aim
namisliti vt intend, contemplate, have in view; (odluiti)
resolve, determine, purpose, aim at, make up one's
namiljen pp premeditated, intended, decided, resolved
namjena f assignment, earmarking, assignation, apportionment; destination, allotment
namjensk|i adj | ~a sredstva specified-purpose funds
namjenjivanje n assigning, earmarking, setting apart
itd. (v. namijeniti)
namjenjivati vt v. namijeniti
namjer|a f intent, intention, object, purport, purpose;
(svrha) aim, end, scope, design; (ciljanje) draft | u ~i
da with a view to (of) -ing; postii svoju ~u gain
(carry, get) one's point (aim), compass the end; bez
~e unintentionally; imam ~u v. namjeravati
namjer|an adj intentional, deliberate, contemplated,
done on purpose (purposely), intended, prepense, wilful, premeditated | gram ~na reenica final clause,
clause of purpose
namjeravan pp tended, contemplated, planned, premeditated
namjeravanje n intending, contemplatang, planning
namjerav|ati vt intend, have intention, contemplate,
mean to, have in view, aim at, propose, plan, design;
be bent (up)on, be determined | ~am (spremam se) I
am going to..., I am about to..., I am on the point of ing
namjeriti vi (ciljati) aim (na at); (oruje) level (train) at,
point at
namjeriti se' vr come across, encounter, knock up
against (v. naii na)
namjeriti (se)'' vt (vr) (mjera) have done (finish) measuring (liquid, grain itd.); measure a long time; measure a lot
namjernik m chance travaller (guest)
namjerno adv intentionally, deliberately, on purpose,
purposely, wilfully, designedly
namjernost f intentional (deliberate) character
namjesnik|i adj a governor's, of (belonging to) a governor | ~o vijee Regency Council
namjesnik m governor, (vice-)regent, lieutenant
namjesnitvo n (vice-)regency, governorship, lieutenancy
namjestiti vt (staviti) place, put (up), lay down, set,
stand, plant, station; (sveano) install; (odrediti
mjesto) post, pitch; (primiti u slubu) appoint, employ, give a post (situation, employment); establish
(in office); (udesiti) arrange, dispose, adjust; (pokustvom) furnish a house (room); (podvalu) rig,
namjestiti se vr establish (place) oneself, settle; get a job
namjesto prep v. umjesto
namjetaj m v. pokustvo

namjetaljka f coll fix, frame-up; v. podvala

namjetanje n placing, setting, pitching, standimg, putting down, depositing, planting; (uvoenje) installing; (primanje u slubu) giving empiloyment, appointment; (udeenje) adjustment, settling, adapting
namjetati vt keep on placing (setting, putting, planting
itd. (v. namjestiti); (udeevati) keep arranging (adjusting); (pokustvom) keep furnishing
namjeten pp placed, put up, set itd. (v. namjestiti);
employed; (soba) furnished; fig rigged, fixed; v. usiljen
namjetenica f (woman) employee
namjeteni|k m employee | ~ci employees, staff; uredski
~ci office (white-collar) workers; ~k na benzinskoj
pumpi petrol (A gas) station attendant
namjetenost f (usiljenost) affected (strained) quality
namjetenj|e n employment, job, appointment, situation,
post | dobiti (traiti) ~e get (look for) a job; stalno
~e full-time job; steady job; biro za ~a employmemt
namlatiti vt (ito) thresh ready (a quantity), finish
threshing; (tui) beat with a stick (whip), have done
beating (thrashing) | ~ novaca make a lot of money
namljeti vt grind a sufficient quantity of grain, have
done grinding
namljeti se vr grind one's fill
namljeven pp got by grinding, ground ready
namnoiti se vr multiply (during a period), grow (increase) in number, swell
namoen pp soaked, drenched, macerated, steeped; (u
luini) bucked; (konoplja) retted; (u rasolu) pickled;
(zaronjen) plunged; (kruh) sopped
namoiti vt (zaroniti) moisten, dip, wet, plunge; (na
dulje vrijeme) soak, steep, macerate; (u luinu) buck;
(konoplju) ret; (u rasol) pickle; (kruh) sop
namoiti se vr v. smoiti se
namoliti vt succeed on getting (obtaining) by entreaties
(praying, soliciting), prevail upon by pressing (by
persistent solicitation), coax (wheedle) into granting
(giving, yielding, relaxing)
namoliti se vr pray one's fill
namolovati vt v. namaljati
namotaj m coil; skein
namot(ak) m roll, coil, furl; (vitli, pula) reel, spool
namotan adj wound, rolled; spooled; (smotan) coiled,
furled; twisted round
namotati vt wind (roll, reel, spool, coil, furl) up; wind
on (round) a reel (hank, spool); twist round, twine
round (about)
namotavanje n winding up, reeling, spooling; coiling
(furling) up; twisting round
namotavati vt v. namotati
namotriti se vr watch one's fill
namriti vt (arati) scribble (scrawl) all over; (prljati)
smear (daub, smudge) all over
namrekan pp wrinkled; (more) rippled, ruffled
namrekati vt ripple, ruffle
namrekati se vr become rippled (ruffled)
namrgoditi vt (lice, elo) v. namrgoditi se

namrgoditi se vr frown, scowl, lour, lower; look dark

(threatening); wrinkle one's forehead, knit one's
namrgoen adj frowning, scowling; beetle-browed
namrgoenost f pouting (frowing) face (look), pouts pl
namrijeti vt leave as inheritance (heirloom), bequeath,
transmit to posterity
namrtenost f frowning face (look)
namrtiti vt wrinkle (one's brow, forehead), frown,
scowl, look dark (threatening)
namrviti vt finish crumbling, crumble ready a quantity
namrvljen pp crumbled ready
namuen pp v. izmuen, napaen
namuiti vt tire (weary) out, torment (worry, plague,
fatigue) sorely (grievously), excruciate; have done tiring (wearying, tormenting itd.)
namuiti (se) vt (vr) v. izmuiti (se)
namusiti se vr pout; v. namrgoditi se
namusti vt milk a quantity, have done milking
namuen pp pouting, frowning, scowling
nana' f rust mother, ma, mummy
nana'' f bot v. metvica
nanara f (koljka) v. ogrc
nanaati vt v. nanositi
nandu m ornith rhea, nandu
nanesen pp drifted (by wind or water)
nanijeti vt deposit (as a layer, in large quantities);
(vjetar) drift (carry, deposit); (voda) float (drift,
carry, deposit) ashore; (donijeti) bring (convey, carry,
accumulate, hoard up) successively to (in) a place;
(zadati) inflict, cause | ~ tetu (do) damage; ~ na
kartu (grafikon) plot (on); vjetar je nanio snijeg
preko tranica the wind drifted the snow over tracks
nanianiti vi take one's aim (na at), sight on, cover with
(rifle, gun)
nanizan pp threaded, strung; (nabrojen) enumerated;
marshalled (arranged) in a row (order, series)
nanizati vt (zrna) thread beads on a string; (nabosti) file;
(nabrojiti) enumerate, marshal; (poredati) arrange in
a series (row, due order)
nanizati se vr form long lines
nanie adv downwards (A downward)
nanking m text v. inlet
nanos m alluvium, geol alluvion, wash; (snijega) drift;
(ljunka, pijeska, mulja) detritus; (naslaga) deposit;
nanositi vt keep on depositing, bringing, inflicting itd.
(v. nanijeti)
nanositi se vr have done carrying; have had one's share
of carrying
nanosni adj geol & geog alluvial
nanovo adv anew, afresh, again, over again, once more,
repeatedly | uvijek ~ again and again, time and
again, time after time, over and over again
nanula f wooden-soled scuff
nanjihati se vr swing one's fill, have done swinging (dijete na koljenu dandling)

nanjuiti vt scent (spy) out, smell (hunt, track, ferret,

trace, find) out | ~ to se sprema smell the rat, be on
the scent
naobjedovati se vr v. naruati se
naoblaen adj overcast, cloudy, clouded; (tmuran)
murky, gloomy, leaden; fig sulky, sullen, dismal, morose
naoblaenost f overcast, cloudiness; fig gloominess
naoblaenje n overcast; darkening of the sky
naoblaiti se vr grow (get) overcast (cloudy, clouded,
gloomy, murky) | nebo se naoblailo the sky darkened (grew overcast)
naoblaka f overcast | jaka ~ extensive (heavy) overaast
naobrazba f (odgoj) education; (znanje) information;
(steene vjetine) accomplishments pl; (prosvjeta)
enlightenment; (pouka, kolovanje) schooling, training, instruction; (kultura) culture
naobraziti vt educate, cultivate, train, school
naobraavanje n constant acquisition of knowledge (instruction, acomplishments, training, education)
naobraavati vt continue (keep) education (training,
naobraavati se vr keep on acquiring knowledge (accomplishments)
naobraen adj cultivated, instructed, educated; cultured,
accomplished; trained, schooled; well-informed;
naobraenost f cultivated (cultured, educated) quality; v.
naoale f pl (a pair of) spectacles, eyeglasses; (zatitne:
za ronjenje) goggles; (za sunce) dark (sun) glasses
naoari m pl v. naoale
naoarka f zoo cobra, hooded snake
naoi adv v. na izgled
naoigled adv within sight, in sight of, with someone
looking on, before eyewitnesses; (oito) visibly
naoit adj personable, handsome, striking
naonjaci m pl (konjski) blinkers, winkers
naodmet adj | nije ~ it doesn't hurt
naoko adv apparently, seemingly; deceptively; superficially
naokolo adv round, around, round about | svuda ~ all
around, on all sides
naopake adv v. naopako
naopak adj (strana) reverse, reversed, inverted; (izvrnut)
turned inside out; (poloaj, nered) topsy-turvy, upside
down; (krivo) amiss, wrong
naopako adv (obrnuto) inversely, reversely; (krajem,
smjerom) contrariwise, at the wrong end, the wrong
way, wrongly, the wrong side up; (dlaka tkanine)
against the nap; (zbrkano) topsy-turvy; (krivim redom) putting the cart before the horse | zlo i ~ to
make the matters worse; ~ po njega he will fare ill;
sve ide ~ all goes wrong
naorati vt plough up; finish ploughing
naorati se vr have done ploughing; plough one's fill
naoruan adj armed, in arms, under arms | ~ do zubi
armed te the teeth; od glave do pete ~ armed from
head to foot

naoruanje n armaments pl, weapons pl; v.

naoruavanje | lako ~ small arms
naoruati vt arm, provide (furnish, equip) with arms
naoruati se vr arm oneself
naoruavanj|e n arming, armament, arms, build-up |
ponovno ~e re-armament; utrka u ~u arms race
naoruavati vt keep on providing with arms, arm by
degrees; v. naoruati
naotren pp sharpened ready, whetted; (bruen) ground;
(iljast) acute, pointed (v. zailjen); (otar) edged
naotriti vt sharpen, point; whet; (britvu) set (na kamenu
bone); (na brusu) grind, edge
naotriti se vr fig (na) be eager (impatient) to; (uzeti na
zub) have it in for one
naovamo adv v. na ovamo
napa' f (nad tednjakom) range-hood
napa'' f (koa) napa (leather)
napabiriti vt gather (collect) by successive gleaning
napaen adj agonized, afflicted with pain; having had
one's fill of anguish (worry), toil-worn; long-suffering
napaenost f long suffering
napad m attack, assault, aggression; (juri) charge, onset, onslaught; (najei) brunt; (okraj) skirmish,
brush, encounter, fray; (ofenziva) offensive; (provala
opsjednutih) sally; (provala u zemlju) inroad, invasion, incursion, irruption, raid, foray, descent;
(maevanje) thrust, pass; (kopljem) tilt; jur (fiziki)
assault (and battery); (klevetniki, u tisku) libel;
(uvreda) invective, insult; (kritika) hostile criticism;
(bolesti) v. napadaj
napada m attacker, aggressor; assailant; (najezda) invader; (opsada) beleaguerer; sp forward, attack
napadaki adj aggressive
napadaj m med fit, seizure, attack | dobiti ~ have a fit
(seizure); (srani) have (suffer) a heart attack
napadan' pp attacked, charged; (vrijean) insulted
napadan'' adj (vidlijiv) conspicuous; (istaknut) prominent, striking, attracting notice; (dreav) garish, glaring; (bezvrijedan nakit itd.) showy
napadanje n continuous attacks (attacking, charging)
napadati' vt v. napasti
napada|ti'' vi fall (drop) repeatedly (in quantites) | kia
je ~la (snijieg je ~o) there has been an ample rainfall
napadno adv conspicuously, showily, garishly | ~ slian
strikingly similar; ~ lijepa stunning(ly beautiful)
napadnost f conspicuousness, showiness, garishness
napadnut pp attacked, charged; (uvrijeen) insulted
napajalte n v. pojilo
napajanje n (stoke) watering; (gorivom) feeding, fuelling; (strujom) feed, supply with power
napajati vt water (cattle), give to drink
napajati se vr (stoka) drink; (gorivom) feed, take fuel;
(strujom) feed, get power (iz from)
napakost|iti vt spite | da ti ~i to spite you
napalm m chem & mil napalm | ~ bomba napalm bomb
napamet adv by heart, by rote | uiti ~ learn (get) by
heart (rote), commit to memory, memorize; uenje ~

memorizing, memory work; govoriti ~ speak (recite,

deliver) fvom memory, say by heart; (deklamirati)
declaim; (mehaniki) rattle off (out); znati ~ have
(know) it by heart; (jako dobro) have it at one's finger-ends (-tips); (ulogu) be word perfect
napariti vt cul steam | fig ~ oi v. nagledati se
napariti se vr swallow steam; undergo steaming
naparfemirati vt perfume
naparfemirati se vr perfume (herself)
napasati vt v. napasti'
napasivanje n grazing
napasnica f temptress, Siren
napasnik m tempter, enticer, seducer; (vrag) the Evil
One, devil
napast f temptation; (mamac) enticement, allurement |
dovesti u ~ tempt; stara ~ (grijeh) besetting sin;
prava ~ v. iva muka
napastan adj tempting; v. nametljiv, silovit
napasti' vt attack, assault, assail, fall upon, bear down
upon, set on; (kopljem) tilt; (maem) thrust at; (glavom) come butt against; (udariti) strike at; (rijeima i
inom) pitch into; (iz zasjede) waylay; (nabacivanjem) pelt; (kamenjem) throw stones at; (sukob) close
with; (juri) charge; (rijeima, tiskom) denounce, inveigh against; (topovima, paljbom) bombard
napasti'' vt (stoku) graze (cattle), finish grazing (cattle)
napasti se vr (stoka) graze one's fill
napastovan pp tempted
napastovanje n tempting; (dosaivanje) molestation,
napastovati vt tempt, beset; (mamiti) allure, entice;
(dosaivati) importunate, molest, inconvenience, incommode, annoy
napatiti vt make (one) suffer, cause (one) suffering
napatiti se vr suffer much, have (had) one's share of
suffering, coll go (have gone) through hell; v. izmuiti se
napecan pp caught by angling
napecati vt angle a quantity of fish
napecati se vr finish (have enough of) angling
napeen pp ready fried (grilled, roasted, broiled)
napei vt finish baking (roasting, frying, grilling, broiling), have done baking itd.; bake enough of meat
(bread, cakes itd.)
napei se vr have one's fill (have enough) of baking
naperen pp (naciljan) aimed (levelled, pointed, tilted,
trained) at
naperiti vt aim at, level at, point (train) at, tilt (couch) a
spear at; (ciljati) drive at; direct at
napet pp & adj (nategnut) stretched, strained; (konop)
tight, taut; intense; (panja) attentive, close, intent;
(ukoen) stiff, on the strain; (zabrinut) anxious, solicitous; (luk) bent (drawn); (knjiga, film) gripping;
(ivano) on edge, tense | biti ~ (u neizvjesnosti) be
on tenterhooks
napeti vt stretch tightly, (make) tense, make (draw) tight
(taut), tighten up, strain, brace; (luk) bend, draw;
(icu) string up; (nategnuti) tauten; (kokot puke)
cock; (ui, oi, mozak) v. naprezati

napeti se vr strain; fig blow oneself up; v. zategnuti se,

napregnuti se
napeto adv tensely, intensely, tightly, tautly; (pozorno)
attentively | gledati ~ look intently, sluati ~ listen
eagerly (with cocked ears), be all ears; oekivati ~
look forward anxiously to
napetost f tension, tenseness, tautness, tightness, intensity, intensiveness; pitch; stress and strain; (ukoenost) stiffness, strain; (panja) close (eager) attention; (odnosi) strained terms (relations) | poputanje
~i relaxation (easing) of tension; pol dtente
napijati vt v. nazdraviti, napojiti
napijati se vr drink one's fill; v. opijati se
napiliti vt saw ready; finish sawing
napiliti se vr have enough of sawing, do (have done)
one's share of sawing
napiljen pp sawn ready
napinja m (za cipele) shoe-stretcher
napinjanje n stretching, straining; drawing taut; (luka)
bending, drawing; (napetost) tension, exertion; med
(vjetrovi) flatulence, wind(s)
napinjati vt v. napeti
napinjati se vr v. napeti se, naprezati se
napipati vt find by fumbling (groping, feeling, touching)
napipati se vr find each other by groping; grope (touch)
one's fill
napiriti vt coll v. otjerati, otpustiti
napirlitati (se) vt (vr) v. nacifrati (se)
napis m v. natpis, lanak, sastavak, reportaa
napisati vt put (set) down in writing, put on paper; (natpis) inscribe; (sastavak, brzo) dash off; (na isto)
write out fair; (sastaviti) draw up, compose, pen; (kao
predgovor) preface; (krasopisom) engross | napii mi
koju rije (pismo) drop me a line
napisati se vr write one's fill, be weary of writing, to
have done one's share of writing
napismeno adv in writing
napit adj having drunk enough, no more thirsty; v. pijan
napitak m drink, potion, draught, dram, liquor; (prije
spavanja) nightcap; (okrepan) tonic
napiti vt v. napojiti, opiti
napiti se vr drink one's fill; v. opiti se; absorb, soak (up)
napitnica f drinking song; (nazdravica) toast
napjeaiti se vr walk one's fill; get tired of walking
napjev m melody, air, tune; (pjesma) song, rhyme,
chant, ditty; (mornarski) chanty; (vieglasan) glee;
(vieglasan, aljiv) catch, lay
napjevati se vr sing one's fill; have done singing; have
had one's share of singing
naplaen pp paid in full, settled
naplaivanje n collection, charging
naplaivati vr (neto) charge for; v. naplatiti
naplakati se vr have done weeping (crying), weep (cry)
one's fill, cry (weep) oneself out, cry one's heart
(eyes) out
naplata f (duga) collection; (usluga) charging for; (refundiranje) reimbursement, repayment; (odteta)
naplatak m (kotaa) felloe, felly

napla|titi vt (dug, raun, honorar) charge, collect;

(odtetiti) reimburse, refund, make good a loss, make
amends for, indemnify, compensate, fig requite; (nagraditi) reward, remunerate | ~titi ulaz charge admission; nita se ne ~uje no charge is made
naplatiti se vr compensate oneself for; (osvetiti se) take
naplativ adj chargeable, collectible, enforceable, recoverable | to nije ~o the payment cannot be enforced
naplavina f alluvium, alluvion, deposited matter
naplaviti vt wash ashore, deposit (sand, drift-wood itd.)
on shore, drift on shore; irrigate
naplavljen adj alluvial, deposited (drifted) by flood (currents)
naplavljivanje n (continuous) deposition of alluvium
naplavljivati vt keep depositing alluvium
naplavni adj geol & geog alluvial
naplesati se vr dance one's fill
naplesti vt knit (braid, plait, twist) a quantity ready, finish (have done) kniting (braiding, plaiting, twisting)
napleten pp ready knit(ted), ready braided (plaited)
naplivati se vr swim to one's heart's content; have done
naploditi se vr increase in number by breeding (littering,
bringing forth, hatching, multiplying)
naploviti vi | ~ na greben strike a reef
naploviti se vr have done sailing; have had one's share
of sailing
napljakati vt plunder (sack, loot, rifle, pillage) a quantity; have done pillaging (looting, sacking, itd.)
napljakati se vr plunder (sack, loot) one's fill
napljuvati se vr have done spitting; spit one's fill
napoj m slops pl, hogwash, snill (sve i fig)
napojen adj (stoka) watered, given to drink
napoijite n v. pojilo
napojiti vt water (cattle), give to drink
napojiti se vr drink one's fill; quench one's thirst
napojni adj | el ~ kabel electrical (power) cable
napojnic|a f tip, gratuity | dati ~u tip, give a tip (gratuity); ~e se ne primaju no tipping
napokon adv finally, in the end, lastly, at last, at length,
after all, in the last place, ultimately, in conclusion,
to conclude; (bilo kako mu drago) at any rate, anyway; considering
napola adv by half, by halves; (povrno) superficially,
shallowly; (nemarno) in a bungling way, slovenly;
(polovino) half way | dijeliti ~ go halves, share half
and half; ~ svren done by half, half done; ~ proitati read (just) one half
napoleondor (coll napoleon) m num Gold Napoleon
napoleonski adj Napoleonic
Napoletanac m Neapoletan
napoletanski adj Neapoletan
napolica f farm share-cropping
napolice adv | ~ raditi cultivate soil for one half of the
crop, A be a sharecroper; go halves
napoliar m small farmer cultivating the soil and going
halves with the owner of soil; A sharecropper

napolitanka f chocolate (lemon itd,) wafer; (okoladna)

chocolate biscuit
napolje adv v. van
napolju adv v. vani
napomena f (rije) remark, observation, mention, comment on; (pisana) note, annotation, gloss; (u
crkvenim knjigama, crveno) rubric
napomenut pp mentioned, stated; hinted at, alluded to,
referred to
napomenuti vt mention, remark upon, make mention,
observe, comment upon, state, notice, point out
napominjanje n continuous mentioning (remarking,
stating, alluding to, referring to)
napominjati vt keep mentioning (remarking itd. /v.
napomol adv in view
napon m tension, tenseness, tautness, tightness, intensity
| u ~u ivota in the prime of life; el visoki (niski) ~
high (low) voltage
napopreko adv on an average
napor m exertion, effort(s), strain; (umor) fatigue; (rad)
labour, toil; (nastojanje) endeavour, struggle | sp konani ~ (fini) spurt; uloiti maksimum ~a spare no
naporan adj hard, strenuous, wearying, fatiguing, gruelling
naporedan adj v. usporedan
naporedo adv alongside, abreast
naporno adv hard, uphill, arduously, laboriously | raditi
~ work hard, toil, toil and moil, drudge, labour, slave,
napornost f strenuousness, laboriousness
napose adv apart, separately, distinctly; especially, in
particular, particularly; (pojedince) singly, individually; (nezavisno) independently, aside, detachedly
naposljetku adv v. konano
napostiti se vr fast one's fill, be (going) without food
often (for a long time)
napovijed f eccl banns (of marriage)
napovijedati vt eccl publish (put up) the banns
naprama prep v. prema, nasuprot
napras|an adj sudden, unexpected, violent | umrijeti
~nom smru die a sudden (violent) death
naprasit adj irascible, violent, vehement, fierce, shorttempered, hot-heated, hot-tempered
naprasitost f violence, hot temper, passionateness, impetuosity
naprasnik m irascible (short-tempered) fellow
naprasno adv suddenly | umrijeti ~ die a sudden (violent) death
napraen pp powdered
napraiti vt powder, sprinkle with powder, cover with
napraiti se vr powder oneself; v. zapraiti se
naprati vt wash (ready) a quantity
naprati se vr have done washing; wash one's fill
naprava f device, contrivance, gadget; appliance, apparatus
napravica f dim (little) gadget, little device

napraviti vt (initi) do, make; (poiniti) commit, perpetrate; (prouzroiti) create, engender, bring about, effect; (izvriti, postii) accomplish, execute; (proizvesti) produce, manufacture, fabricate; (dati oblik)
form, fashion, frame, mould; (udesiti) manage, contrive, organize; (izraditi) work out; (narediti) get
(cause, make) a thing done (made); (plan) scheme,
napraviti se vr pretend itd. (v. pretvarati se); v. stvoriti
se, nastati
napravljen pp done, made; brought about, effected, accomplished; produced, manufactured, built, formed,
framed, worked out, wrought
napren pp v. nadut; vulg stuck out
napriti vt vulg stick out (one's behind)
napriti se vr v. naduti se; vulg stick out one's behind
napren pp v. natovaren
napriti vt (usta) v. napuiti
napreac adv off-hand, without preparation (ceremony),
without due consideration; (odmah) at once, suddenly, on the spot
naprei (se) vt (vr) v. napregnuti (se)
napredak m progress, advance, advancement, proficiency; (poboljanje) improvement, betterment,
mend; (odmicanje) onward march, headway, getting
on; (rast) growth | postii ~ make progress
napredan adj progressive, advanced; (ak) proficient;
(uspjean) prosperous; (suvremenih nazora) having
modern (advanced) views, abreast of the times; (dojene) thriving
napreden pp ready spun
naprednost f progressiveness; progressive (advanced)
views (ideas)
naprednjaki adj progressive, progressivist; advanced
naprednjak m progressive, person of progressive (up-todate, modern, advanced) views (ideas), person keeping abreast the times
naprednjatvo n progressiveness, progressivism, adherence to (supporting) up-to-date (modern, advanced)
napredovanje n progress, progressing, advance, advancement; (primicanje) approach; (u slubi) preferment, promotion, rise
napredovati vt progress, make progress, make one's
headway (way), proceed, advance; (uspjeh) prosper,
thrive, get on (along), improve, succeed, rise; (rasti)
grow; (cvasti) flourish; (gurati se) push on, go ahead,
press on (forward), work one's way up | ne ~ be
backward, lag behind, remain stationary
napregnut pp strained
napregnuti vt exert, strain
napregnuti se vt exert oneself, strain, make an effort;
(do krajnosti) make every effort, strive intensely, do
one's utmost; (pretjerano) overexert (overstrain,
overwork) oneself, be overstrained
napregnutost f strain, exertion, tension
napreskok adv (bez reda) at random; disjointedly, without continuity; (isputajui) skipping (omitting)
words (lines, paragraphs)

napresti vt spin ready a quantity; have done spinning

napresti se vr have done spinning; spin one's fill
napretek adv in excess, excessively, more than enough
naprezanje n efforts pl, exertions pl, strain, struggle,
labour, striving; v. napor
naprezati vt exert, strain (v. napregnuti)
naprezati se vr exert oneself, make efforts, strain, struggle, labour, strive, try (work) hard; v. napregnuti se
napriati vt tell a lot (of things); (svata) tell stories, A
sl feed one a line; (nalagati) tell lies
napriati se vr have a nice long talk
naprijed adv (smjer) forward, ahead, on, onward(s);
(sprijeda) in front, before | ~! (uite) come in; ii ~
lead the way, go before, take the lead, precede, go
ahead; sat ide ~ the watch (clock) is fast
napriliku adv v. na primjer
napripovijedati (se) vt (vr) v. napriati (se)
naprkositi vi defy
naprositi vt collect (gather, bring together) by begging
naprositi se vr have done begging; be weary of begging
naprosto adv v. jednostavno
naproen pp gathered (got tegether, collected) by begging
naprotiv adv on the contrary, on the other hand | dok ~
naprslina f v. napuklina
naprsnuti vi v. napuknuti
naprstak m thimble
napre n v. dojene
naprnjak m (djeji) v. oprnjak
naprtiti vt burden (saddle, load) with, charge with an
unpileasant task; (krivnju) impute, lay at one's door |
~ sebi take upon oneself a difficult (unpleasant) task
naprtiti se vr shoulder a burden, load on one's back; fig
saddle oneself with | fig ~ nekome get on somebody's
naprtnjaa f knapsack
naprica f irascible (choleric, ill-tempered, hottempered, hot-headed, hot-brained, resentful) person
naprit adj irascible, short-tempered, hot-headed, impetuous, vehement
napriti vt roast (fry) ready a sufficient quantity; have
done roasting (frying)
napriti se vr roast (fry) one's fill
napritost f irascibility, short temper, vehemence, hot
temper, choleric temper
napsovati se vr rate (scold, disparage, denounce, revile,
cry down) one's fill; have done scoling (rating, denouncing, reviling, calling names, storming at, crying down)
napucati vt v. nastrijeliti
napucati se vr shoot one's fill, have done shooting
napuen adj populous, populated, peopled, inhabited
napuenost f populousness
napuiti vt populate, people
napuiti se vr fill with population, get peopled (inhabited)
napui vi v. napuknuti

napuiti vt purse (one's lips /mouth/)

napuiti se vr pout, purse one's lips (mouth)
napudrati vt powder
napudrati se vr powder one's face
napuhan pp blown up, inflated; fig puffed up itd. (v.
nadut); (pretjeran) overblown
napuhati vt (of wind, storm) blow (drift) to (towards);
(nanijeti vjetrom) deposit a drift of (sand, dust, snow)
by blowing; (napuhnuti) inflate, blow up; (pretjerati)
overbilow, build up, blow up, overplay
napuhavanje n gradual (continuous) inflation (swelling,
puffing up, distending) by blowing
napuhavati vt keep up inflating (blowing up, distending,
swelling) by blowing (puffing)
napuhavati se vr v. napuhnuti se; fig v. praviti se vaan
napuhnut pp inflated, distended, puffed up, swollen; fig
v. nadut
napuhnuti vt inflate, swell (distend, puff up) by blowing
napuhnuti se vr inflate, become inflated (distended); (od
umiljenosti i sl.) become puffed up (swell) with
pride, swell like a turkey-cock, behave (walk, stalk)
haughtily (arrogantly), turn up one's nose; (od vjetrova) get flatulence
napuhnutost f (vjetrovi) flatulence; fig v. nadutost
napujdati vt v. nahuckati
napuk|ao, ~nut adj partly cracked (split, rent, burst,
sprung); (koa) chapped
napuklina f crack; fissure
napuknuti vi crack (split, rend, burst, spring) partly;
(koa) become chapped
Napulj m geog Naples
napuljski adj Neapolitan
napumpati vt blow up (a tire); fill by pumping water; fig
v. napriati svata, podgovoriti; vulg (napraviti dijete) knock up
napuniti vt fill (up); (trpati) stuff, cram, force; (uz
guvu) crowd; (iznova) replenish; (bocu) bottle;
(zabrtviti) choke, stop; (nabiti) load, charge; (zalihu)
stock, store; (dopuniti) fill in
napuniti se vr fill (up), become full
napunjati vt keep (continue) filling
napunjen adj filled (up); replete with, full; (natrpan)
stuffed, crammed; (jako) chokefull, ready to burst,
chock-full, crowded; (zasien) gorged; (do vrha)
brimful; (zalihom) wellstocked
napustiti vt (ostaviti) desert, forsake, abandon; (na
cjedilu) leave in the lurch; (otii) withraw; (odustati)
desist, resign, relinquish; (pravo, trabinu) waive,
forego, give up; (prestati) discontinue; (vodu) let flow
into; (poloaj, dunost) abdicate
napuiti se vr smoke one's fill
naputanje n abandonment, desertion, relinquishment,
forsaking; (odreknue) resignation, renunciation;
(trabine) waiver
naputati vt abandon (leave, withdraw, desist, relinquish, give up, forego, discontinue) slowly (by degrees, one after another)
naputen pp abandoned, relinquished, deserted, forsaken, given up; (voda) let to flow in

naputak m v. uputa
naputiti vt v. uputiti, nahuckati
naputovati se vr travel (journey, voyage) one's fill
napuvati vt v. napuhati
nar m bot v. ipak
naracija f narration
naraunati vt include in computation (bill) several items
naraunati se vr calculate one's fill; be weary of calculation
naraditi se vr work one's fill, work hard, tire oneself out
with work, finish (have done) working; have (had) a
long day
naradovati se vr rejoice one's fill
naraati vt give birth to... at intervals
naraa|ti se vr | ona se ~la she has born many children
narahliti vt (zemlju) loosen soil
naramak m bundle (pack, faggot) carried on shoulder;
naramenic|a f mil shoulder-strap (v. epoleta); (bretela
na haljini) strap | ~e pl (za hlae) B braces, A suspenders; haljina bez ~a strapless dress (gown)
narana f orange; (stablo) orange-tree | crvena ~ blood
naranast adj orange, orange-coloured
naranin adj | ~ sok orange juice
narastao adj grown (up); (povean) increased, swollen;
(izniknuo) shot (cropped) up, sprouted
narasti vi grow (up); (nii) sprout, shoot, bud, crop up;
(bujati) swell; (rastegnuti se) expand, extend; (poveati se) increase, augment, amplify; poet wax; (nagomilati se) accumulate; (voda) rise; (razvoj) develop, spread; (uvis) run up
narataj m generation; (dananji) rising generation;
(budui) posterity; race
narativan adj narrative
narator m narrator
naratovati se vr have been through one's share of war;
be weary of making war
narav f nature; (ud) disposition, mind, tendency, grain,
humour, turn (cast) of mind, temper, fibre; (znaaj)
character | blage ~i good-natured, good-tempered; od
~i v. po prirodi; slikan vjerno po ~i portrayed to the
life; neslaganje ~i incompatibility
naravan adj natural, ingenuous itd. (v. prirodan); (priroen) innate
naravnan adj put (set) right; (sat) set; (pravac) stvaightened; (udeen) adjusted
naravnati vt (udesiti) adjust; put (set) right, set in order;
(sat) set watch (clock); (izravnati) straighten
naravno adj naturally, of course, certainly, to be sure,
surely, sure enough, A coll sure; as a matter of course
naravnost f naturalness, ingenuousness itd. (v. prirodnost)
naravouenije n v. pouka
naravski adv v. naravno
narazgovarati se vr have a nice long talk; have done
talking; have one's fill of conversation
narcis m bot (uti) daffodil; (bijeli) narcissus
Narcis m myth Narcissus

narcisizam m med narcissism

narcisoidan adj med & fig narcissoid
naredan adj v. idui, slijedei
naredb|a f (zapovijed) order, command, decree, injunction; (uputa) direction; (propis) precept, prescript,
regulation, provision, ordinance; (zakon) enactment,
ordination; (javna) edict | po ~i by order
naredbodavac m order-issuing authority
naredbodavni adj decreeing, regulating, executive
narediti vi (zapovijed) order, command, bid, charge,
dictate; (odluka) decree, dispose; regulate, institute,
fix; (propisati) prescribe, ordain, provide, enact;
(drugome da neto uini) make (cause) one to...
narednik m mil arch v. vodnik
nareen adj ordered, dictated, decreed, enacted
nareenje n v. naredba
nareivati vt order (command, bid, decree itd.) successively
naresiti vt v. okititi, ukrasiti
nareen pp v. okien, ukraen
narez m (na vijku) thread
narezak m silice | govedski ~ beef steak; hladni ~ cold
meats pl
narezan adj partly cut (off, into), sliced, shredded; ready
narezati vt (naeti) cut into, begin to cut off (into); cut
(carve) a sufficient quantity; slice up, make shreds;
(drvo soka radi) tap a tree; (svriti) have done cutting
nareznica f eng screw-stock, die-stock
narezuckan adj (list) serrated, serrate; (rezbarija) whittled, carved finely; (papir itd.) shredded
narezuckati vt serrate; (drvo) whittle, chip; score; (u
komadie) shred
nargil|a f, ~e f pl nargileh, water-pipe
naribati vt cul grate (a quantity of)
naricaljka f (funeral) dirge, wail, lament
naricanje n lamentation, wailing
naricati vi lament, wail, keen
narihtati vt Ger adjust, fix (v. namjestiti, podesiti,
narijetko adv thinly
narikaa f keener, wailer
narinut pp v. nametnut
narinuti (se) vt (vr) v. nametnuti (se)
narisati vt v. nacrtati
narivavati (se) vt (vr) v. nametati (se)
narjeje n dialect, vernacular, idiom
narkolepsija f med narcolepsy
narkoleptiar m med narcoleptic
narkoman m drug addict, A sl junkie
narkoman|ija f, ~stvo n drug addiction
narkomanka f (woman) drug addict
narkotian adj med narcotic, soporific
narkotik m med narcotic, drug, sl dope
narkotizirati vt narcotize
narkotizirati se vr become narcotized
narkoza f med narcosis
narobiti vt v. napljakati

naroit adj express, explicit; (poseban) special, particular, in particular, clear, distinct, positive
naroito adv expressly, explicitly, specially, especially,
particularly, in particular, positively, decidedly, specifically; extra
naroitost f special (partcular, explicit) quality
narod m people, folk; nation; population; mob, populace,
riff-raff; (mnotvo) crowd, throng
naroditi se vr be born(e), be brought forth
narodn|i adj national, nation; (puki) popular, folk | ~a
nonja national garb; ~a pjesma folk-song; ~i zastupnik member of parliament (diet); N~a banka
Hrvatske Croatian National Bank
narodnooslobodilaki adj | ~ rat national-liberation
war, war of national liberation
narodnosni adj ethnic
narodnost f nationality; ethnic group
narodnjaki adj hist nationalist; populist
narodnjak m hist nationalist; populist
narodnjatvo n hist nationalism; populism
narodski' adj folksy
narodski'' adv in a folksy manner
naroenje n birth, nativity
naroguiti se vr v. nakostrijeiti se
narojiti se vr swarm (pele i fig)
narositi se vr get covered by dew (bedewed)
narovaen adj scored, marked with (cut by) scores
narovaiti vt score, mark with scores (notches)
naruaj m arms, embrace, clasp of arms (round an object), folded arms | pun ~ an armful; pasti nekome u
~ fall (throw oneself) into someone's arms; be folded
in one's embrace (arms), be clasped (hugged) by
narua|ti se vr finish dinner; eat one's fill a dinner, dine
one's fill | dobro sam se ~o I have had a good dinner
naruen pp ordered, on order, bespoke(n), made to order, commissioned | fig kao ~ tailor-made for; fig
doi kao ~ come very opportunely
narucje n v. naruaj
naruitelj m person giving orders or bespeaking, ordering party; (kome se roba alje) consignee
naruiti vt order, command, place an order, give an order, commission, bespeak; (unaprijed) engage beforehand
naruivanje n successive ordering
naruivati vt keep ordering, order successively
narunik m RC maniple
narudba f (ega) order, command; (prekomorska) indent
narudbenica f order form; (na ogled) proforma invoice;
(iz inozemstva u Englesku) indent
narugati se vr ridicule, deride itd. (v. rugati se)
naruku adv | ii ~ be favourable to; play into the hands
narukvica f bracelet; (nad laktom) armlet; (tanka, od
kovine) bangle
narumeniti vt rouge; redden
narumeniti se vr rouge one's face

naruavanje n interruption; (mira) disturbance, breaking

of peace
naruenje n (mira) act of disturbance of peace
naruitelj m (reda, mira) disturber, intruder; (smutljivac) mischief-doer; (javnog mira) disturber of public peace, (bundija) rioter
naruiti vt (javni mir) break the public peace
naruiti vt v. nagrditi, izgrditi
narval m zoo narw(h)al
nas pron pers us | kod ~ with us; ~ troje the three of us;
ima ~ 10 there are ten of us; za ~ for us; on (in) our
behalf, on (in) behalf of us; kod ~ in this country; (u
naem stanu /kui/) at our place
nasad m plantation; trees (plants, bushes itd.) newly
planted; (perivoj) pleasure-grounds pl; (ukrasno
grmlje) shrubbery | urediti ~ lay out grounds (a garden), plant
nasaditi' vt (bilje) plant, set out seedlings; (perivoj) lay
out grounds; bact culture
nasaditi'' vt (kvoku) set a hen
nasaditi''' vt (drak, alat) provide wtith a shaft (handle,
haft, hilt); (no) haft a knife; (prevariti) play a trick
nasaditi se vr v. nasamariti se
nasaen adj (bilje) planted; (drak) hafted, provided
with a shaft (haft, handle itd.); (kvoka) set
nasaivati vt v. nasaditi
nasamaren pp v. prevaren
nasamariti vt make a fool of; v. prevariti
nasamariti se vr miscalculate; make a fool of oneself
nasamo adv in private, without witnesses; (u lice) face to
face; (meu nama) between you and me
nasanjkati vt coll v. prevariti
nasapunan pp soaped, lathered
nasapunati vt soap; lather
nasapunati se vr soap oneself; (za brijanje) lather up
nasekirati vt upset
nasekirati se vr get (badly) upset
naseliti vt colonize, settle, plant
naseliti se vr settle, colonize, establish (join) in a colony
naseljavanje n settling, settlement
naselje n colony, settlement | stambeno ~ housing project; prigradsko ~ suburb; ribarsko ~ fishing village
naseljen pp colonized, settled; populated | rijetko
(gusto) ~ thinly (densely, heavily) populated
naseljeniki adj settlers'
naseljenik m colonist, settler, planter; (useljenik) immigrant
naseljenost f (presence of) population; population density
naseljenje n colonization, settlnng
naseljiv adj habitable
naseljivanje n gradual colonization (settling), planting
naseljivati vt colonize (plant) gradually (successively)
naseljivati se vr keep colonizing (settling, immigrating)
naseljivost f habitability
naseoba f settlement, colonization
naseobina f settlement, colony
nasijecati vt make cuts in, cut into

nasilan adj violent, tyranical, arbitrary, despotic, oppressive, outrageous; (okrutan) cruel; imperious; lawless,
bullying, blustering; forcible
nasilniki adj despotic, tyrannical, lawless; bullying
nasilnik m despot, tyrant; violen (lawless) person; bully;
(otima) usurper (tuega prava encroacher)
nasilnitvo n despotism, tyranny
nasilno adv by force, by main force, violently, tyrannically, despotically, with a high hand
nasilnost f violence, violent temper (nature)
nasilu adv v. na silu
nasilje n violenee; tyranny, despotism; outrage, violent
measure; (samovolja) arbitrariness; (bezakonje) lawlessness | poiniti ~ commit violence; ~m oteti usurp;
~ ne pozna prava might is above right; vladati ~m
domineer over, ride roughshod over, tyrannize
nasip m dike, dyke, dam, embankment; (s cestom)
causeway; (bedem) rampart | eljezniki ~ railway (A
railroad) embankment
nasipanje n v. nasipavanje
nasipati vt shoot (lay, strew) with sand (gravel, earth,
rubble); strew down; (ljunkom) gravel; (cestu
kamenjem) metal; macadamize; (na hrpu) heap up;
(zatrpavati) fill in (up); (nasip) raise up a dam (dike);
(obalu) embank
nasipati se vr become (partly) filled in
nasipavanje n raising the level by shooting earth (waste
matter, itd.); (ceste) metalling; (izravnavanje) levelling, filling up of holes (trenches), heaping up, strewing upon
nasipavati vt raise level by shooting material, build
(raise) a dam, metal a road (permanent way)
nasisati vt suck a quantity of
nasisati se vr suck one's fill
nasititi vt satiate, sate, appease hunger, satisfy appetite
(hunger), stay one's stomach; (prenasititi) glut, cloy,
nasititi se vr get satiated, stay one's stomach, satisfy
one's appetite; fig have one's fill of
nasitno adv finely
nasjecan pp chopped ready, cut fine; cut into
nasjecati vt cut into; finish (have done) cutting (chopping)
nasjeckati vt chop (hack) fine(ly); chop (hack) ready;
have done chopping (hacking)
nasjeckati se vr become chopped up; chop (hack) oine's
nasjeen pp chopped, (hacked, cut) ready (partly)
nasjei vt cut (chop, hack) partly (a little); chop (cut)
ready, cut down (fell) a quantity of wood (trees); have
done cutting; cut into, begin cutting; (koru, soka
radi) tap; make a cut
nasjei se vr cut (chop) one's fill; have done cutting
nasjedati vi v. nasjesti
nasjediti se vr seat one's fill, be long in sitting
nasjesti vi be tricked (duped); (zagristi) take the bait
naskakati se vr have one's fill of jumping (springing,

naskoro adv v. uskoro, ubrzo

naskrbiti vt accumulate (gather) by earning (thrift)
naskroz adv through | skroz ~ through and through
naslada f delight, enjoyment, pleasure; (uitak) enjoyment, pleasure, bliss; (tek, strast) zest, relisih, gusto;
(slast) treat; feast; (razbluda) voluptuousness
naslaivanje n enjoyment, delight, great pleasure
naslaivati se vr enjoy, take pleasure in, delight in, be
pleased (amused), revel in, derive pleasure from, relish, indulge, be delighted with
naslaga f layer, stratum, bed; (talog) deposit, sediment;
(ila) vein (koja izbija outcrop); (hrpa) heap, pile, accumulation, aggregation
naslagan pp disposed in layers (vertical rows); stowed
away; (uspravno) stacked; (na hrpu) piled (heaped
naslagati vt dispose in layers (vertical rows); (okomito)
stack; (trpati) stow away; (na hrpu) pile (heap) up;
naslagati se vr stack (pile) up
naslan adj saltish
naslanjati vt lean against, lay (put, set) against
naslanjati se vr lean against; (leati) lie (loll, recline)
against, rest on (against), be supported by; (meaiti)
abut upon, touch, border on, be contiguous
naslati vt send a lot
naslati se vr send one's fill; send a lot
naslijedan adj v. nasljedan
naslijediti vt inherit, get by inheritance, succeed to,
come into one's own
naslijee n v. nasljedstvo
naslijeen pp inherited, hereditary; (batina) bequeathed; (priroen) innate, natural, inherent, bred
in the bone
naslijepo adv blindly; without reading
naslikan pp painted, portrayed; pictured, depicted
naslikati vt paint, portray; picture, depict
naslikati se vr coll show up; pop up; be there
naslon m back (of chair, bench) | ~ za ruke (glavu) arm
(head) rest
nasloniti vt rest (lean) against
nasloniti se vr lean against
naslonja m armchair, elbow-chair; (fotelja) easy chair
naslonjen pp leaning (against) | zgrada ~a na drugu
naslov m title; (lanka u novinama) heading; (natpis)
inscription; (naziv) name, title, appellation; (tvrtke)
firm, style; v. adresa | s ~om entitled, inscribed as;
bez ~a titleless
nasloviti vt give a title, title, address, name by a title;
inscribe; (nazvati) call, style
naslovn|i adj (nepravi, poasni) titular, honorary, breveted; nominal; titled | ~i list (~a strana) title-page;
~a slika (u knjizi) frontispiece; (na asopisu) cover
picture; djevojka s ~e strane cover girl
naslovnik m addressee; (poiljke) consignee; (za isplatu)
nasluen pp divined, conjectured, guessed, surmised,

nasluivanje n presentiment, foreboding

naslu|ivati vt have a presentiment (foreboding); (predvidjeti) foresee, anticipate, divine; (sumnjati) surmise, suspect | ~ujem zlo my mind misgives me
nasluati se vr hear one's fill, listen (hear) repeatedly
(often enough, again and again); (do sita) get tired of
naslutiti vt v. nasluivati | dati ~ give a hint (clue)
nasluiti se vr to have seen service, serve one's fill
nasljed|an adj hereditary, heritable, inheritable, come
(handed) down by succession; (bolest i sl.) hereditary,
running in the family | ~no optereenje (crta) hereditary taint (trait)
nasljediv adj inheritable
nasljednica f heiress, inheritrix
nasljednik m heir, inheritor, heritor, successor
nasljedno adv | ~ optereen having a hereditary taint
nasljednost f hereditary quality
nasljedovanje n v. oponaanje, povoenje
nasljedovatelj m v. oponaatelj, sljedbenik
nasljedovati vt v. oponaati, povoditi se za
nasljedstv|o n inheritance; succession; (predmet) heirloom; (legat) legacy, bequest; (pojam) heirdom, heirship; (batina) heritage; succession | bez ~a heirless;
liiti ~a disinherit; ostaviti u ~o bequeathe, make
over to, hand down; porez na ~o legacy duty; pravo
na ~o right of succession; potvrditi pravo na ~o
(sud) issue a probate, verify the will; sud za ovjeru
~a probate court; ~om through succession, by inheritance; oekivanje ~a expectancy; lovac na ~o legacy
nasljee n v. nasljedstvo
nasljeivanje n successive inheriting
nasljeivati vt inherit repeatedly (again and again)
nasmagati vt obtain (secure) enough of
nasmijan adj smiling
nasmijati vt make one laugh
nasmija|ti se vr laugh, burst out laughing, break into
laughter; (posprdno) sneer; (u lice) laugh in one's
face; (srdano) laugh heartily | srea mu se ~la fortune favoured him; ~ti se do suza laugh oneself sick
nasmijavati vt v. nasmijati
nasmijeiti se vr smile, grin
nasmjehivati se vr keep smiling, smile repeatedly
nasmjehnuti se vr give a short smile, grin, smile
nasmjeljiv adj with a ready smile; v. podsmjeljiv
nasmoliti vt pitch; coat (smear) with pitch
nasmoljen pp pitched, coated with pitch
nasmrt adv | ~ zaljubljen madly in love; ~ preplaen
scared to death; v. osuditi na smrt
nasnijei|ti vi | ~lo je (great) quantity of snow has fallen
nasoliti vt salt; (usoliti) cure, pickle; (staviti u rasol)
nasoljen pp salt; (u rasolu) brined | ~o meso junk; ~a
riba cured fish
naspavati se vr sleep one's fill, sleep to one's heart content, have done sleeping, have a good sleep
naspram adv v. prema, naprama, nasuprot

naspraman adj v. nasuprotan

nasrditi se vr have one's fill of anger (vexation, annoyance, exasperation)
nasred prep in the middle, in the midst (of)
nasrkati se vr sip one's fill
nasrnuti vi rush (dash) violently (impetuously) at, attack, lunge at, fall upon, close with; fenc thrust; (iz
tvrave) sally out
nasrt m attack, assault, onset, onslaught, charge; fenc
nasrta m attacker, assailant
nasrtaj m v. nasrt
nasrtanje n repeated attacks (assaults)
nasrtati vt attack (assail, assault) again and again
nasrtljiv adj (dosadan) importunate, provoking, pestering, bothering, harassing, worrying; (svadljiv) quarrelsome, pugnacious, aggressive
nasrtljivost f importunateness; aggressiveness
nastajanje n the beginning to be, the nascent stage; beginning, rising | u ~u emerging, in the making
nastajati vi be in the nascent stage (beginning), take
rise, originate, rise, spring up, begin, commence;
(kia, vrijeme) set in; (posljedice) result, follow
nastamba f quarters pl, accommodation, housing; premises pl; (stan) lodgings, residence; (boravite) abode;
(vojnika kod graana, prolazno) billet, quartering
nastanak m emergence, beginning(s), inception
nastaniti vt accommodate, lodge, house; (vojsku) quarter; (vojnika kod graana) billet; (sklonuti) harbour,
shelter; domicile
nastaniti se vr settle down, take up residence, domicile,
take up one's quarters, become settled (domiciled) at,
take up lodgings (flat), make one's abode
nastanjen pp lodged, domiciled, resident; (nastavan)
inhabited, populated, peopled, settled
nastanjiv adj habitable
nastanjivanje n gradual accommodation (housing, billeting, settling, quartering, domiciling)
nastanjivati vt settle (domicile, quarter, house, billet)
gradually (one after another)
nastanjivati se vr v. nastaniti se
nastanjivost f habitability
nastati vi originate, spring up from, rise, arise, develop,
grow up, came to be; take rise from, grow out of,
come of, have origin, proceed from
nastav|a f teaching, tuition, instruction, schooling, tutoring; educational system, public instruction | danas
nema ~e no classes today; ~a svrava u 7 classes end
at 7
nastav|ak m continuation; gram ending; (produljenje)
prolongation; (nakon prekida) resumption; (produak) added (joined) piece; (romana u nastavcima)
installment, sequence | roman (drama) u ~cima serial; izlaziti u ~cima come out serially (in installments), serial
nastavan pp v. nastanjen
nastavanje n residence, dwelling, occupying a house

nastavati vt inhabit, live in, occupy (a house, flat, dwelling), dwell, reside, abide, lodge, be settled (lodged)
nastaviti vt (neto) contnue; (raditi dalje) go on with,
carry on, proceed with; (produljiti) prolong; (ne prekidati) keep on; (prekinuto) resume
nastaviti se vr continue, go on
nastavlja m one who continues (keeps on, resumes)
nastavljanje n continuation; (produljenje) prolongation;
(nakon prekida) resumption
nastavljati vt continue, carry on, proceed with; keep on;
(nakon prekida) resume
nastavljati se vr continue, go on; resume
nastavljen pp continued, prolonged, resumed
nastavn|i adj teaching, instructional | ~i program curriculum, course of study; ~i jezik language of instruction; ~o osoblje teaching staff
nastavnica f female (woman) teacher, school-mistress,
nastavniki adj teaching, of a teacher (instructor, pedagogue), pedagogic(al), a teacher's; tutorial | ~ zbor
teaching staff
nastavnik m pedagogue, teacher, school-teacher, instructor, tutor, school-master; (visokokolski) professor;
(pomoni) educator | ~ povijesti history teacher
nastirati vt v. nastrijeti
nastojanj|e n endeavour(ing), effort; (napor) exertion,
striving; (tenje) aspiration, tendency; (pokuaj) attempting | u ~u da in an effort of
nastojati vi endeavour, make efforts, exert oneself,
strive, struggle; (imati za cilj) aim at, aspire (strive)
after, prosecute; (baviti se) pursue, take trouble
(pains), bestow pains upon, give oneself the trouble;
(revno) be bent (intent) upon; (svim silama, svojski)
leave no stone unturned
nastojnica f (kole) head-mistress; (zavoda) matron
nastojnik m (kole) head-master; (upravitelj) warden,
principail; v. nadglednik; (zgrade) building superintendent
nastojnitvo n superintendence, management, government, supervision; stewardship; wardenship; matronship
nastor m (prostirka za stoku) litter
nastrada|ti vi meet with an accident (misfortune), come
to grief bring trouble on oneself, coll catch it;
(neduan) take a bum rap (for) A sl
nastrahovati se vr suffer (live through) much fear, have
had one's share of fear
nastran adj (udan) peculiar, odd, queer, eccentric;
(smuen) cranky, mentally unbalanced; perverse, sick
nastranost f oddity, peculiarity, eccentricity, queerness;
crankiness; perversity
nastrii vt clip (shear) ready
nastrii se vr clip (shear) one's fill; have done clipping
nastrijeliti vt wound lightly by a shot (ball, bullet)
nastrijeljati se vr shoot to one's heart's content, have
one's fill of shooting; have done shooting
nastrijeljen pp slightly wounded by a shot (bullet)

nastrijeti vt litter, spread litter (straw) on floor, strew

with litter (hay, straw, dry leaves itd.)
nastrien pp (vuna) shorn (clipped)
nastroj m humour, mood, disposition
nastrojen adj in the mood, disposed
nastrojenost f disposition, mood
nastrt adj littered, strewn ready with
nastrugati vt scrape a sufficient quantity
nastrugati se vr scrape one's fill; have done scraping
nastup m (dranje) behaviour, deportment, carriage,
bearing, appearance; (pred publikom) appearance;
(slube) accession to (assuming of, entrance upon,
entering upon) office (service, duty); (poetak
bolesti) onset (v. napadaj); mil advance; (posjeda)
taking possession of; v. istup | prvi ~ first appearanee; (i fig) debut; imati siguran ~ have poise, be
nastupanje n v. nastup
nastup|ati vi (ponaati se) behave, deport, carry oneself,
bear (conduct) oneself; (javno) appear in public, appear on the stage; mil advance | onaj tko ~a prvi put
dbutant (ena dbutante)
nastupati se vr march one's fill; have done marching
nastupiti vt (slubu) enter upon (office); (poeti) begin,
set in
nastupni adj inauguratory, inaugurative | ~ govor inaugural speech
nastvarati vt create (form, produce) a (sufficient) quantity
nastvarati se vr create one's share of; have done creating
nasugerirati vt suggest
nasuho adv without water; fig make a dry run of
nasukan' pp (brod) aground, stranded (i razbijen
nasukan'' adj twisted (wound)
nasukanje n (broda) stranding, running aground; (izvlaenje na suho) beaching, running (ship, boat) ashore
nasukati' vt strand, run aground; (izvui na suho) beach
nasukati'' vt (frkati) twist (wind) strands of rope ready;
finish twisting (winding); twine
nasukati se vr be stranded, run aground stranded
(wrecked, beached), ground
nasumce adv at random, at haphazard, without aim or
nasumporen adj sulphurated; (plinom) fumigated with
sulphur; (napraen) sprinkled with flowers of sulphur
nasumporiti vt (proeti) sulphurate; (plinom) fumigate
with sulphureous fumes; (napraiti) sprinkle (powder) with flowers of sulphur
nasunati se vr bask one's fill, sun one's fill; have done
basking (sunning oneself)
nasuprot prep over against, vis-a-vis, opposite, counter,
against, over the way, fronting each other, face to
face; in contrast to | ~ tome on the other hand, conversely, contrariwise on the contrary (to)
nasuprotni adj opposite
nasuiti vt dry ready a sufficient quantity; (voe u
sunici) kilndry
nasuiti se vr dry one's fill; have done drying

nasuni adj | ~i kruh our daily bread; ~e potrebe basic

nasut pp (praznina) filled up; (cesta, pruga) metalled;
(povrina) levelled, raised by carted material (refuse,
rubbish, itd.)
nasuti vt (ispuniti) fill up; v. nasipati, naliti
nasvaati se vr have one's fill of quarrelling, have done
nasvirati se vr play to one's heart's content
na poss pron our, ours | ~e je prolo our time is past; ~i
our side; our (own) people
naaliti se vr make a joke of, make fun of, jest, trifle
with, do (only) in jest; make sport of; have done jesting (joking)
naaran adj scribbled (scrawled) all over; dappled,
naarati vt (pisati) scribble (scrawl) all over; (bojama)
mottle, variegate; (mrljama) dapple
naae n act of finding; (neto naeno) find
naepuriti se vr v. sepuriti se, napuhati se
naetati se vr have one's fill of walking (doing constitutionals, strolling)
nairoko adv v. nadaleko i ~, nadugako i ~
naiti vt sew ready a quantity, have done sewing | ~
dugme sew a button on
naivati se vr have done plenty of sewing
naki adj | govoriti (znati) ~ speak (know) our native
language; po ~ in our way of speaking, in our language; in our manner, the way we do it
nakodi|ti vt (ozljeda, bol) injure, hurt, harm; (otetiti)
do harm, harm, prejudice; (osujetiti) thwart, balk,
frustrate; do a disservice to, do an ill turn (office) to;
impair; mar; spoil; (mraz biljci) wither, nip, blight |
riba mi je ~la the fish disagreed with me
nakrabati vt v. narkati
nakrbiti vt (no) indent; (posudu) chip; nick; notch
nakrbljen pp chipped, indented; nicked, notched
nakrobiti vt starch sufficiently (ready)
nakrobljen pp starched
nakropiti vt sprinkle sufficiently (ready)
naminkan pp made-up | napadno ~ heavily made-up
naminkati vt make up
naminkati se vr make up one's face, put on make-up
napanati vt Ger v. nategnuti, zategnuti
natampati vt print (impress, stamp) a quantity, finish
printing, have done printing; imprint (v. natiskati)
natedjeti vt save (put by, lay by, lay up) a quantity of
money; (spremiti) hoard, treasure up
natedjeti se vr save a long ime; save one's fill
natelati vt Ger v. namjestiti, podesiti
natimati vt Ger v. podesiti, udesiti, urediti; (glazbalo)
v. ugoditi
natipati se vr pinch one's fill
nato adv whereupon, thereupon, upon which, then
natuklati vt Ger v. produiti, dodati
nat m Ger v. av
natakanje n filling up with liquid (by pouring), pouring
in (upon)

natakati vt fill by pouring, pour into; (iznova) replendish with liquid

nataknut pp fixed (put, slipped) upon; (proboden) spitted, transfixed, speared, impaled, stuck through,
pierced (run) through
nataknuti vt fix (put) upon; (nabosti) spit (broach);
(probosti) pierce (run) through; spear; (na kolac) impale; (ubosti) stick into (through), pin up; (papuu
itd.) slip on
nataknuti se vr impale oneself
natalitet m birth-rate
nataloiti (se) vt (vr) v. taloiti (se)
natanko adv thinly; v. potanko
natapanje n irrigation, watering; inundating
natapati vt irrigate, water; inundate
natapirati vt back-comb
natapirati se vr back-comb one's hair; have (get) one's
hair back-combed
natate adv on an empty stomach | jo sam ~ I have not
breakfasted (tasted food) yet, I am still fasting
natovjean adj superhuman
natovjek m superman
nateen adj swollen, turgid
natei vi swell, become swollen (turgid), intumesce; (ir)
gather head
nateg|a f stretching | s ~om hardly, with a stretch (effort)
nategaa f syphon
nategnut vt stretched, drawn tight (taut), tightened; fig
forced, strained; (mii) pulled
nategnuti vt stretch, draw tight, tighten (up), make taut
(tense); (napeti) string up, brace, strain; extend
nategnutost f forced (strained) quality (atmosphere)
natenane adv Tur (potanko) minutely, in detail, circumstantially, with particulars; taking one's own sweet
natentati vt reg v. navesti, podgovoriti
natezanje n (napinjanje) stretching, straining, tightening; (vuenje) tug, tugging; (ueta) tug of war; (pogaanje) indecisive haggling (chaffering); (pregovaranje) indecisive drawing out (of negotiations);
(dokazivanje, prepiranje) indecisive (resultless) argumentation (arguing, wrangling)
natezati vt (vui) keep pulling (drawing, stretching, tugging) at; (nepeti) draw tight, tighten up, brace | on
natee na svoju he tries to make his argument plausible
natezati se vr (borba) wrestle (grapple, struggle, fight)
indecisively; argue indecisively; fail to come to a settlement (agreement)
naticanje' n (probadanje) fixing, spitting, piercing,
sticking, spearing; (obue) slipping on
naticanje'' n (oteklina) swelling
naticati' vt v. natai
naticati'' vi v. natei
natikaa f scuff, mule; (klompa) wooden clog; folk v.
natimariti se vr curry one's fill
natiranje n rubbing, massage; kneading
natirati vt massage; rub; knead

natiskati vt (tampa) print (impress) a quantity, have

done printing; (trpati) press (cram, stuff, stew,
squeeze) into
natiskati se vr cram (press, squeeze) into a crowd (narrow space)
natisnuti se vr (za nekim) run (dash) after, pursue
natjecanje n competition, emulation, rivalry, vying;
(sportsko) contest, race, contention, championship;
(utakmica) match
natjecatelj m competitor, contestant, entry; emulator,
rival; (podnosilac molbe) applicant; (podnosilac
ponude) tendering party; (licitant) bidder; (kandidat)
natjecati se vr compete, rival, emulate, vie with; (moliti)
sue for, solicit; (podnijeti molbu) apply for; (kandidat) stand for; (boriti se) contend for, contest; seek to
win; (za naklonost) court (favour)
natjeaj m competition | javni ~ (licitacija) soliciting for
tenders; raspisuje se ~ za tenders are invited for; nagradni ~ prize competition
natjeajni adj competition; competitive
natjeran pp driven to, egged on, urged; (sila) compelled,
natjerati vt drive to, egg on, urge; (u bijeg) put to flight,
rout, disperse; (siliti) force, constrain, compel; (u
strah) terrify, intimidate, frighten | ~ na priznanje
wring from (press out of) a confession; ~ do zdvojnosti (ludila) drive one mad; ~ na smijeh (pla)
make one laugh (cry, weep), cause to laugh; ~ na
(podbosti) set (spur) on, impel
natjerati se vr drive (make) oneself; (dosita) drive
(chase) one's fill
natjeravanje n continuous chasing (driving, pursuing,
running after)
natjeravati vt keep chasing (driving, pursuing, running
natjeravati se vr chase each other (one another)
natkati vt weave ready a certain (adequate) quantity
natkati se vr have done weaving; weave one's fill
natkoljenica f upper leg
natkonobar m head-waiter
natkriati vt cry louder than, out-cry; v. nadvikati
natkriliti vt surpass, excel, be superior to; (zasjeniti)
eclipse, throw into the shade, outdo, outstrip; (posvema) beat hollow, leave far behind
natkriljen pp surpassed, excelled, outdone, outstripped,
thrown into the shade, left far behind
natkrit pp roofed over; (lukom, svodom) arched, vaulted;
(bazen) indoor
natkriti vt roof over, cover with roof (eaves)
natkriven adj v. natkrit
natkrovlje n v. nadstrenica
natlaiti vt fill by pressing (cramming, stuffing, crowding, stowing) forcibly into
natmuren adj (nebo) overcast, clouded; (mrk) murky,
lowering, gloomy; (osoba) sullen, frowning, sulky,
sombre, forlorn, depreased; saturnine, morose

natmuriti se vr (nebo) be overcast (murky); (osoba)

frown, lower; (utuenost) brood over, be dispirited
(dejected), look downcast
nato adv thereupon, then, whereupon, upon this
natociljati vt v. nasamariti
natoen pp filled to the brim, full of liquid
natoiti vt pour into, fill to the brim
natopiti vt irrigate, weter, put under water; (umakanjem)
soak, steep; (smoiti) wet, moist; (proeti) drench,
imbue, impregnate
natopiti se vr become soaked (ime with), become soggy,
soak up
natopljen pp irrigated, watered; soaked, steeped; (u
luini) bucked
natovaren pp loaded, laden, freighted; full of cargo
natovariti vt lade, load; (brod) load, freight; burden;
(opteretiti) charge, encumber, saddle upon; (ivotinju) pack with
natovariti se vr load oneself, take load; fig be encumbered (saddled) with
natpis m inscription, superscription; sign; (nadgrobni)
epitaph; (na zidovima, u zahodima) graffito (pl graffiti)
natpiti vt out-drink
natpjevati vt sing better (louder) than, out-sing
natplivati vt out-swim
natpolovi|an adj | ~na veina simple majority
natpop m head-priest
natprirodan adj super-natural
natprirodnost f super-natural quality
natprosjean adj above-average, superior
natprosjenost f above average (superior) quality
natrabunjati vt say a lot of nonsense
natrackati vt coll daub
natrackati se vr coll put on heavy make-up
natrag adv back, backwards | ~! back there!; make room
for!; pogled ~ retrospect; ii ~ go back, recede, retrace one's steps, retrogress, retrograde; (uzmicati) retreat; (opadati) decline; ~ dobiti get back, recover;
(novac) be reimbursed (re-paid); ~ dovesti reconvey;
~ dozvati recall; ~ kupiti repurchase; ~ osvojiti reconquer; ~ poslati send back, return; ~ pozvati recall; ~ svinuti bend backwards, recurve; ~ traiti reclaim, demand back
natrapati vi v. nabasati
natrake adv backwards, aback; (brod) astern | ii ~
natraiti se vr have done looking for; search one's fill,
be weary of looking for
natrani adj backward
natranjaki adj reactionary
natranjak m reactionary, reactionist; enemy of progress
natranjatvo n reactionism, retrograde tendencies
natrati vi | ~ na collide with, run (dash) against (into)
natrati se vr run to one's heart content, run one's fill
natrkarati se vr run one's fill of errands, have had
enough of running around
natresen pp shaken down (fruit)

natreskati se vr coll v. opiti se

natresti vt shake down a quantity (of fruit itd.); have
done shaking down
natresti se vr shake (down) one's fill
natrgan pp plucked (culled, broken off, torn off) ready
natrgati vt pluck (cull, break, tear) off a quantity (of
flowers, branches itd.); have done breaking (plucking
itd.) off
natrgati se vr have done plucking; pluck one's fill
natrij m chem sodium
natrljan pp rubbed, massaged, salved
natrljati vt rub down (massage, knead) adequately; have
done rubbing (massaging, kneading); (mau) salve,
rub with liniment (embrocation); v. nauljati
natrljati se vr rub one's fill; v. nauljati se
natroje adv into three parts
natron m chem natron | ~ papir kraft paper
natroiti se vr spend money successively, go spending,
have done spending
natrpan pp crammed, chock-full, crowded, choke-full;
(punjen) stuffed, stowed, full (to capacity); (prepun)
overfilled, replete; (prezasien) surfeited; (razbacanim stvarima) littered with; (na smetnju) encumbered
natrpanost f state of being crowded (crammed, chockfull, choke-full)
natrpati vt cram (choke, stow, press, stuff) into; overfill,
fill to excess
natrpati se vr become crammed (packed) with; load
oneself down with
natrti vt v. natrljati, namazati, nazuljati
natruha f admixture of foreign matter (dissenting ideas,
notions, beliefs itd.), foreign elements; infiltration
natruniti vt fill with small particles of dust (foreign matter)
natruni|ti se vr | mlijeko se ~lo bits of something got in
the milk
natrunuti vi become partly rotten (decayed, putrified),
begin to rot, be attacked by rot; (meso) be tainted
natrunjen pp containing particles of foreign matter; infected by (tainted with) dissenting ideas; (jezik) having an admixture of foreign words
natruo adj partly rotten (tainted, decayed); (meso)
natrusiti vt drop particles of foreign matter (dust) into
(liquid itd.)
natruen pp v. pripit
natucan pp pounded (pestled, brayed) ready, beaten
natucanje n dropping of hints (allusions); (zlobno) innuendoes; intimation, indirect suggestion (hint at)
natucati' vi suggest indirectly, hint at, allude to, intimate | ~ engleski speak a little English, speak broken
English, mangle English
natucati'' vi (u prah, sitno) pestle (pound, bray, beat
small) a sufficient quantity
natucati se vr have done pounding; pound one's fill
natuen pp partly bruised (damaged, broken); (okrhnut)

natui vt beat hard; (stucati) pound (pestle, bray) a

quantity; have done beating (pounding); (zemlju) beat
(stamp) hard; v. nabiti
natuknica f (dictionary) entry; headword
natuknuti vt hint at, allude to, intimate, suggest
natur|a f | platiti u ~i pay in kind
naturalan adj natural
naturalist m naturalist
naturalistiki adj naturalistic
naturalizacija f naturalization
naturalizam m naturalism
naturalizirati se vr become (a) naturalized (citizen)
naturati vt v. nametati
naturen pp v. nametnut
naturiti vt v. nametnuti
naturik m film non-professional actor (extra)
naturnicl m cul Ger v. naravni odrezak
natutiti se vr v. natmuriti se
natutkati vt v. podgovoriti, nahukati
natuiti se vr complain (lament, grieve) one's fill
nauan adj v. naviknut, uvjeban
nauavanje n teaching; (nauka) doctrine
nauavatelj m teacher; (nove nauke) preacher
nauavati vt teach, instruct; (propovijedati) preach;
(nauk) teach (spread) a new doctrine
nauen pp (znanje) learned, got up, committed to memory, (napamet) learned by heart (rote); (vian) habitual, customary, wonted
nauenjaki adj v. uenjaki
nauenjak m v. uenjak
nauiti vt (sam) learn, get up; (drugoga) teach, instruct,
inform; impart (convey, instill) into one knowledge;
(priviknuti) habituate to; (konja na jahanje, vuenje)
break in; (napamet) learn by heart (rote), memorize,
commit to memory; (pomalo) pick up; acquire
knowledge; (vjetinu) get (learn) the trick (knack) of
nauiti se vr learn (v. nauiti); v. naviknuti se
nauni adj v. znanstven
naunica f woman (girl) apprentice
nauniki adj of (like) an apprentice, concerning an
apprentice; v. uenjaki, znanstven
naunik m apprentice; v. uenjak, znanstveni radnik |
elektriarski ~ apprentice electrician
naunikovanje n v. nauk
nauno adv scientifically
nauno-fantastini adj | ~ romani (novele) science fiction
nauno-istraivaki adj research
nauditi vi v. nakoditi
nauk m (zanat) apprenticeship, training, learning of a
trade; (moralna zasada) precept, more, maxim | dati
u ~ (ugovorom) bind as apprentice to, indenture one;
apprentice one, put one to a trade; svriti ~ have done
serving one's apprenticeship; biti u ~u kod... be apprenticed to...
nauk|a f (znanost) science, learning; (uenje) study,
studies pl; (vjetina) craft; (vjerska) doctrine, dogma,
religion; (lanak) tenet | elja za ~om studiousness;
eljan ~e studious; baviti se ~om pursue scientific

research, do research work; gram ~a o oblicima

morphology, accidence
naukovanje n (i fig) apprenticeship
naukovina f (kolarina) tuition fee; (za zanat) apprenticeship money
naukovni adj pertaining to (dealing with) studies (teaching, learning)
nauljen pp oiled; anointed, salved; (podmazan) greased
nauljiti vt oil; (pomazati) anoint, salve; (podmazati, namazati) grease
naum m intention, intent; (svrha), design, purpose, object, aim, end; v. namjera
naumiti vt intend, design, have in view, contemplate,
purpose, mean, decide
naumljen pp intended, resolved, contemplated, purposed
naunica f ear-ring; (privjesak) pendant, (ear-)drop
naunjak m (na kapi) ear-flap; (krzneni) ear-muff
nautrb adv v. na tetu
naut m bot v. slanutak
nautiar m nautical-school pupil; navigation expert
nautiki adj nautical, maritime
nautika f (znanost) nautics, science of navigation, seamanship; (kola) nautical school (academy)
nauzimati se vr take (in quantity, repeatedly)
nauznak adv supine, supinely, on one's back
nauzrujavati se vr get upset many times (zbog over),
have one's fill of getting upset
nauiti se vr v. nauivati se; (sluiti se) to have had the
benefit (long use) of a thing
nauivati se vr enjoy to the full, enjoy to one's heart's
content, enjoy oneself, relish, revel, delight in, indulge in, luxuriate in
navabiti vt v. namamiti, privui
navada f v. navika, obiaj
navadan adj v. obian, uobiajen
navaditi se' vr v. nauiti se, naviknuti se
navaditi se'' vr take out (in quantity); be weary of taking
navadno adv v. obino
navaanje n v. navoenje
navaati vt v. navoditi
naval|a f (napadaj) attack, assault, rush; (najea)
brunt, storm, onslaught; (srbe) heat; (maevanje)
thrust; (guva) crowd, crush, press, throng, rush;
(strka) concourse; (krvi) rush of blood (congestion);
(posla) pressure, rush; sp forward line | voa ~e ftb
centre-forward; (ragbi) quarterback
navaliti' vi (borba) attack, assault, assail, storm, go for;
(tjerati) urge, insist; (guva) crowd, throng, flock together; (nahrupiti) rush at; fig v. baciti se na; v. navaljati
navaliti'' vt roll (push) against (on top of); smother with
navaliti se vr (na) roll on top of, roll against; v. nalegnuti
navaln|i adj used in attack, aggresive; assaulting, storming | ~i rat offensive war; sp ~a linija forward line;
sp ~i igra forward, attack player
navaljan pp brought (moved) to by rolling

navaljati vt roll to a spot (place); (na neto) upon (on top

of, against) something; finish rolling to (upon) something
navaljiva m attacker, assailant, aggressor
navaljivanje n incessant attacking (assailing, rushing
at); (molbama, poticanjem) urging (pestering, solicitation); (dodijavanje) importunity
navaljivati vt keep attacking (assailing, soliciting);
(dodijavati) keep importuning; (kamenje itd. na)
keep rolling against (on)
navaran pp cheated (defrauded, swindled, taken in,
gulled, duped, made fool of) repeatedly
navarati vt cheat (swindle, trick, do, sell, dupe, gull,
defraud) repeatedly
naveer adv in the evening | danas ~ tonight; sutra ~
tomorrow night; juer ~ last night
naveerati se vr have done eating one's supper; finish
one's supper
naveden adj (citiran) quoted, cited; (spomenut) mentioned; (prije, gore) aforesaid, above mentioned,
stated; (sklonut, zaveden) induced, prevailed upon,
brought to do, led into; (potaknut) actuated
naveliko adv on a large (massive) scale; freely; com (by)
naveseliti se vr enjoy oneself to one's heart's content,
rejoice to the full, to have one's fling at joys
navesti' vt (voditi) lead into; (zavesti) mislead; (prevariti) dupe, gull, impose, delude, take in; (siliti)
cause to do, make one do; (rijei) cite, quote;
(spomenuti) mention, state, adduce
navesti'' vt (vez) embroider ready a quantity
navesti''' vt (voziti) finish carting, finish bringing (conveying) in waggons (trucks itd.) to a place; fill up
(heap, level) by carting itd.
navesti se vr embroider one's fill
navezan pp lengthened by attaching (binding) additional
piece (of thread, twine, string itd.)
navezati vt lengthen by attaching (tying, fastening) an
additional piece (of rope, thread itd.); tie (attach,
bind, fasten) to
navezen' pp (voziti) carted ready fo a place, brought in
carts (trucks itd.)
navezen' pp (vezivo) embroidered ready
navii vi v. naviknuti
navigacija f navigation; sailing
navigacijski adj navigation, navigational
navigator m mar & aero navigator
navigavanje n reg sailoring
navija m sp supporter, fan, rooter
navijanje n winding (up), coiling (up), v. namatanje; sp
supporting, rooting for | igrake na ~ clockwork
(wind-up) toys
navijati vt wind up, coil up; (icu napeti) string (peg)
up; v. namatati | sp ~ za support, root for
navijati se vr | koji se sam navija (sat) self-winding
navijek adv v. uvijek, zauvijek
navijen pp wound up, coiled up; (napet: ica) peged
(strung) up; (namotan na vitli) spooled, reeled | govoriti kao ~ v. kao mitraljez

navijestiti vt announce, annunciate; (budunost) foreshadow; (slutnja zlo) portend, presage, augur, forebode; (proglasiti) proclaim, promulgate, make
known; (buno javno) blaze; (ozive u crkvi) publish
(the banns); (prorei) predict, foretell, forecast,
prophesy, prognosticate; (dogaajem) betoken; (rat)
declare war
navijeten pp announced; foreshadowed; proclaimed,
made known, published; forecast, foretold, prophesied
navik|a f (osobna) habit, practice, want, way, manner;
(opa) custom, usage, use; (vjetina) trick, knack,
(priviknue) inurement; (obdravanje) observance |
stei ~u get into a habit, get into the habit of -ing; od
~e habitually, by habit (custom); oduiti od ~e break
of a habit; imati ~u be in the habit of -ing, have a
trick to (of -ing); (mana) I am given (addicted) to; ~a
je druga narav habit is second nature; ukorijenjena
~a inveterate (deep-rooted, wedded, ingrained) habit
navikao adj used (accustomed) to, habituated, familiarized | ja sam ~ I am in the habit of -ing, I am used to,
I am wont to, it is my wont to (v. imam naviku)
navikati se vr have done shouting (yelling); shout (yell)
one's fill
navikavanje n getting used to; (nekoga) making used to
navikavati vt v. naviknuti
naviknut adj v. navikao
naviknuti vt accustom, make used to; (na tekoe) inure
naviknuti se vr accustom oneself to, get (become, grow)
used to, grow familiar with, inure oneself to, acqire
the habit of, habituate oneself to
naviknutost f being used (accustomed) to; v. navika
naviljak m pitchforkful
navinuti vt v. naviti
naviranje n gushing forth, issuing forth, flowing out,
welling forth (out)
navirati vi gush forth, well forth (out), flow out forcibly,
burst out, spout out
navie adv upward; in ascending order | od 500 dolara ~
from 500 dollars up
navit adj v. navijen
navitak m (vitli) spool, reel, coil
naviti vt wind up, coil up; (na vitli) spool (reel) up,
wind on a spool (reel); v. namotati
naviti se vr wind up; fig talk without letup
navjestitelj m harbinger
navjeivanje n continual announcing (proclaiming,
making known); (proricanje) prophesying
navjeivati vt keep announcing (proclaiming, making
known); (proricati) keep prophesying (zlo portending, foreboding)
navjetaj m announcement; proclamation; (oziv u crkvi)
publishing the banns
navjetati vt v. navjeivati
navjetenje n announcement, annunciation; foreshadowing; eccl v. Blagovijest
navlaenje n pulling (drawing) on, slipping on (over);
fig (oko ega) wrangling (over)

navlaiti vt pull (draw, slip) on (over)

navlaiti se vr fig wrangle (oko ega over something); v.
navui se
navlaka f cover, slip-on (protective) cover; v. jastunica; (za obuu) overboot
navlastito adv v. posebno, naroito
navla adv v. namjerno
navlaen adj moistened, wetted, damped
navlaiti vt wet, moisten, damp
navlaiti se vr get wet (moist, damp)
navod m (citat) quotation; v. izjava, tvrdnja | znak ~a
v. navodnik
navoditi vt (citirati) quote; state, allege, adduce; v.
navodni adj alleged, reputed, supposed, professed,
stated; (tobonji) ostensible, pretended; nominal
navodni|k m | ~ci A quotation marks B inverted commas;
(u diktiranju) ~ci... ~ci... quote... unquote
navodniti vt irrigate, water, put under water
navodno adv as alleged, allegedly, supposedly; ostensibly, as stated; professedly, pretendedly | ~ je odbio he
is said (alleged) to have refused
navodnjavanje n irrigation
navodnjavati vt irrigate
navodnjavati se vr be irrigated
navodnjen pp irrigated, put under water, watered
navodnjiv adj irrigable
navoenje n (citat) quotation; adducing (stating) of facts
(allegations); (dokaza) adduction | mil ureaj za ~
(raketa) guiding (homing) system
navoj m el coil; (vijka) thread
navorati vt v. naborati, nabrati, smeurati
navoten pp waxed
navotiti vt wax
navoz m mar slipway
navozati vt v. navoziti; fig lead by the nose
navozati se vr ride one's fill
navoziti vt keep carting (bringing, conveying) rubbish
(earth itd.) to a place
navoziti se' vr ride one's fill
navoziti se'' vr cart (truck) one's fill
navoen adj carted (conveyed) to a place for levelling
(filling itd.) purposes
navoenje n continuous carting (shooting, conveying)
rubbish (earth, stone, road-metal itd.) to a place for
levelling (filling itd.) purposes
navraanje n leading (turning) to (in) a certain direction, altering the course (direction, trend); turning
aside (diverting, deflecting) of stream (water itd.);
(posjet) coming round, looking (dropping) in
navraati vt v. navratiti; (posjetiti) make (pay) casual
(flying) visits, drop (look) in, come round (repeatedily)
navrat m | u vie ~a severel times, repeatedly
navratiti vt (skrenuti) turn (deflect, divert, conduct) in
another direction (course), into another channel;
(posjetiti) call, make (pay) a casual (flying) visit,
drop (look) in, come round

navrat-nanos adv hastily, rashly, precipitately, in a rush;

head over heels
navreti vi (iknuti) gush (well) forth (out), squirt out,
flow out copiously
navrgnuti vt give in addition to proper (right) measure
navrh prep at (on) the top (summit, crown); on top of | ~
glave mi je toga I've had enough of that
navrijeme adv v. na vrijeme
navrijeti vi v. navreti
navrnuti (se) vt (vr) v. navratiti (se)
navren adj | ima 20 ~ih godina he is turned (of) 20
navri|ti vt (dob) complete | ~o je 20 godina he is turned
(of) 20; ~o je 19 he is just out of his teens
navriti se vr elapse, pass | ~lo se 50 godina 50 years
have passed
navrtan pp partly bored
navrtati vt make a (partial) bore, bore partially, make a
hole with a gimlet, begin to bore; (bavu) tap; (brod
da potone) scuttle; (staviti maticu) screw on the nut
navrtjeti se vr spin (turn) one's fill
navrtka f eng v. matica
navrvjeti vi crowd (flock, throng, swarm, teem) (in) to a
navui vt pull (slip, draw) on (over); put on; (teinu)
drag (lug) a weight (a large quantity) to a place; (nagomilati) heap (pile) up, amass, accumulate; (na sebe
srdbu i sl.) incur
navu|i se vr lug (carry) one's fill; lug (carry) an awful
lot of | nebo se ~klo the sky became overcast
nazad adv back, backwards; aback | ii ~ go backwards,
recede; ~ nekoliko godina some years since (ago)
nazadak m (opadanje) falling off (away), decline, decrease, diminution; (propadanje) decay; (bolest) relapse; (nazadovanje) retrogression, waning, ebb(ing),
shrinking, dwindling
nazadan adj backward, falling off (away), declining;
(ideje) reactionary; (kretanje) retrograde, retrogressive
nazadnjak m reactionary
nazadovanje n (opadanje) falling off (away), decline;
(propadanje) decay; (opadanje) ebb, wane, dwindling; (gibanje) retrogression, going backwards, recession
nazadovati vi fall off (away), decline; (propadanje) decay; (kakvoa) deteriorate, degenerate; (gibanje) go
(be) backward, retrograde; (na manje) decrease;
(nestajanje) dwindile, shrink, ebb; (bolest) relapse
nazal m phon nasal
nazalni adj phon nasal
nazalnost f phon nasal quality
nazaren m (sekta) Nazarene
Nazarenac m (Krist) the Nezarene
nazboriti se vr perorate (speak, expatiate, bold forth)
one's fill
nazdravic|a f toast, pledge, drinking of health, sentiment
| drati ~u nekomu toast one, drink one's health,
pledge one
nazdraviar m toaster

nazdrav|iti vt toast one, pledge one, drink to one, drinik

one's health, drink in honour of
nazdravljanje n toasting, drinking a health, pledging
nazdravlj|ati vt toast (drink to the ihealth of) several
persons | osoba kojoj se ~a toastee, toast
nazdravlje int | ~! here's to you!, cheers!; (uz kihanje)
bless you!
nazeb m v. prehlada
nazebao adj v. prehlaen, promrzao
nazebina f v. ozeblina
nazepsti vi v. prehladiti se, ozepsti, promrznuti
nazepsti se vr freeze one's fill, have one's fill of cold
nazidati vt build (a quantity), put up; v. nadograditi
naziranje n catching glimpses of, discerning; v. nazor(i)
nazirati vt catch glimpses of; discern
nazirati se vr show through; be seen in the distance
naziv m apellation, denomination; (ime) name, title;
(tvrtke) style; (izraz) term, word, expression, phrase;
(krivi) misnomer
nazivanje n appellation, maming, calling, terming, styling
nazivati vt name, call, denominate, term, entitle;
(okrstiti) christen, style; (nadimak) dub, nickname;
(krivo) misname
nazivati se vr be called (named, styled, termed, bear
[have] the name of); call (style, term) oneself; (prisvajati ime) claim to be
nazivlje n terminology
nazivnik m math denominator | svesti na zajedniki ~
reduce to the lowest common denominator
naznaen pp pointed out, marked, designated
naznaiti vt (pokazati, odrediti) appoint, designate, denote, point out; (ime) term; (obiljeti) note, check,
stamp, make a sign against, mark
naznaka f designation, denotation; sign, mark, check,
naznojiti se vr sweat copiously; fig have one's fill of toil
(hard work) (v. izmuiti se)
nazobati se vr (ivad) peek one's fill of grain (seeds);
(voa) have one's fill of grapes (berries, cherries itd.)
nazoan adj v. prisutan
nazonost f v. prisutnost
nazor m opinion, view; (uvjerenje) conviction; (pojam)
conception, notion, idea, sentiment, conceit; (sud)
judgment; finding; (vjerovanje) belief, tenet, persuasion; way of thinking (viewing)
nazovi- adj (tobonji, nepravi, umiljeni) would-be,
pseudo-, self-styled, pretended, professed, alleged,
reputed; (nepravi) mock, dummy, sham
nazreti vt catch a glimpse of; discern
nazrijevanje n v. naziranje
nazrijevati vt v. nazirati
nazupan pp indented, teethed; (koljka) scalloped; (bedem) crenel(l)ated; (iljast) jagged; (list) crenate(d),
nazupati vt indent; scallop, scollop; teethe; eng supply
with cogs
nazupati se vr become indented (serrated, scalloped)
nazuvak m overshoe; shoe-bag; folk over-sock

nazu(va)ti vt (cipele) put on (shoes)

nazvan adj named, called, termed, styled, denominated,
christened; (nadimak) dubbed, nicknamed
nazvati vt (imenom) name, call by name, term, style,
christen, denominate; describe; (krivo) misname;
(telefonom) phone, (give a) call, ring up (okrenuti
brojanik: dial)
naalost adv unfortunately
naao adv | uiniti ~ harm (grieve, hurt) one
naderati se vr gorge one's fill, overfeed (overeat) oneself, surfeit oneself
naeti' vt reap a sufficient quantity (of corn); have done
naeti'' vt press (down)
nagati vt v. zapaliti
naiga m (sprava) fire-lighter, lighter; (ovjek) lamplighter | ~ javne (plinske) rasvjete lamp-lighter
naimati vt v. naeti''
nairiti vt surfeit the hogs (pigs) with acorns
naivjeti se vr live to a ripe age, have had enough of
one's life
nanjet pp reaped ready
nanjeti vt reap a sufficient quantity of corn
nanjeti se reap one's fill; have done reaping
nauljan adj (tvrda koa) callous; (rana) sore, galled,
chafed; (ispuhlina) blistered | ~o mesto (rana) sore,
gall, raw (blistered) spot
nauljati vt make sore, gall, chafe, rub off skin
nauljati se vr get blistered, get blisters, get sore feet
(hands), rub sore (bare), chafe sore
naut adj yellowish, sort of yellow
ne adv no; (uz glagol) not | nikako ~ by no means, not at
all; ~ manje nego no less than; ~ manji nego no less
a... than; da li ili ~ whether or no; ~ da ~ bi... not but
that (what); ~ mogu, a da ~ ... I cannot but; rei ~
answer in the negative, decline, refuse; ~ doi fail to
come; (na sud) default; ~ platiti default, make default; da ~ kaem (dapae) not to say; ako on ~ doe
whom failing, failing whom; ako ~ bude failing
which; (pomanjkanje) in default of; radije da nego ~
I would as soon do it as not; zar ~? you read, don't
you?, you don't read, do you?; ~ doi! do not come;
on ~ dolazi he is not coming; he does not come; on
nije doao he did not come; ~u (volja) I will not, I
won't, (budunost) I will not; B I shall not, I shan't; ~
mogu I cannot, I can't ['ne-' u sloenicama - izraava
se prefiksima: in(-clement), dis(-regard), non(acceptance), un(-common)]
neadekvatan adj inadequate
neadekvatnost f inadequacy
neaktivan adj inactive
neaktivnost f inactivity
neaktualan adj untopical
neaktualnost f untopicality
neambiciozan adj unambitious
neambicioznost f lack of ambition
neandertalac m anthrop neanderthal man
neangairan adj unengaged; uncommitted | pol ~e zemlje v. nesvrstan

neangaira|nje n, ~nost f non-commitment, uninvolvement

neartikuliran adj inarticulate (i fig)
neartikuliranost f inarticulateness (i fig)
neasfaltiran adj | ~a cesta unpaved road
neatraktivan adj unattractive
neatraktivnost f unattractiveness
neautentian adj inauthentic
neautentinost f inauthenticity
neauran adj not up-to-date, out-of-date, dated
neaurnost f being out-of-date
nebeletristik|i adj non-fiction | ~a djela non-fiction
nebesa n pl heavens pl; sky; firmament; (raj) paradise;
(bog) God, Providence; poet welkin | ~! Good heavens!, by heavens!, good gracious; dizati do ~ extol; u
~ heavenward
nebesk|i adj heavenily, celestial, divine, ethereal; (divan)
transcendently beautiful | ~i svod firmament, canopy;
vault of heaven; ~i obzor horizon; ~o bie celestial
being; ~e moi the powers above; ~o modrilo azure,
sky-blue; ~o tijelo celestial (heavenly) body
nebesnici m pl celestials, immortals, the Gods
nebijeljen adj (nekreen) not whitewashed; (bojadisan)
not whitened; (platno) unbleached
nebitan adj unessential, accidental, unimportant, of secondary importance, immaterial, indifferent, of little
account (moment, nonsequence)
nebitnost m unimportance, indifference, triflingness;
trifling matter
neblag adj harsh, rigid, stern, stiff, severe, rigorous,
neblagodaran adj v. nezahvalan
neblagoslovljen adj unblessed, bringing neither luck nor
neblagovremeno adv v. ne na vrijeme
neb|o n sky, firmament, poet welkins; (raj) heaven,
paradise; (kreveta) tester; (baldahin) canopy, baldachin; (podneblje) climate, zone belt | vedro ~o serene
sky; pod vedrim ~om in the open air, afresco; under
the open sky, out of doors; u ~o B skywards, A skyward; dizati do ~a extol to the skies, cry up, praise to
excess; u devetom ~u in the seventh heaven, in ecstacy (bliss); kao da je pao s ~a (uenje) thunderstruck, spell-bound, rooted to the spot (ground); nasljedstvo mu je palo kao s ~a he got a windfall; u ~o
vapijui grijeh fragrant (atrocious, heinous, flagitious) sin; s ~a from above
neboder m sky-scraper (v. soliter) | hotel-~ high-rise
nebog adj v. jadan, nesretan
nebojadisan adj unpainted, uncoloured, untinted, undyed, unstained
neboja m fearless (stout-hearted, brave, undaunted, gallant, daring, lion-hearted, intrepid) fellow, daredevil, reckless (foolhardy) person
neborac m non-combatant
neborak|i adj non-combatant | ~o stanovnitvo civilian
neborben adj uncombative; unmilitant

neborbenost f uncombativeness ; unmilitancy

nebraa n collect evil-minded (wicked) brothers (hating
each other)
nebranjen adj undefended
nebrat m unnatural (cruel, evil-minded, wicked) brother
nebratski adj unbrotherly
nebriga f freedom from care, easy-going ways; (nehaj)
indifference, unconcernedness; (nemar) negligence,
carelessness, indolence
nebrian adj unconcerned, thaughtless; (nehajan) indiferent; (nemaran) negligent, indolent, careless
nebriljiv adj v. nepaljiv, nemaran
nebrodiv adj unnavigable
nebrojen adj uncounted; (bez broja) numberless, innumerable, countless, without number, their name is legion
nebrojeno adv | ~ mnogo v. bezbroj
nebruen adj unground, unwhetted (v. tup)
nebudan adj unvigilant, off one's guard
nebulozan adj nebulous, vague
nebuloznost f nebulousness, vagueness
necenzuriran adj uncensored
necijenjen adj not esteemed (honoured)
neciviliziran adj uncivilized
neasno adv dishono(u)rably, discreditably, with dishono(u)r
neasnost f dishonour (A dishonor), dishonesty, disgrace, infamy, ignominy
neastan adj discreditable, dishonorable; (sramotan)
shameful; inglorious, disreputable, infamous, derogatory
neastivi m the Evil One, devil, The Prince of Darkness,
the foul fiend
needan adj immodest, presumptuous, overweening,
forward, ostentatious; (tat) vain
neednost f immodesty, pretentiousness, ostentation
neiji pron someone's, somebody's, belonging to someone (somebody)
neinjen pp (koa) undressed, untanned
neist' adj unclean, impure, uncleanly; (tekuina-mutan)
turbid, thick, foul; (neien) unpurified, unwashed;
(prljav) dirty, filthy, soiled, squalid; (okaljan) sullied,
defiled, contaminated; (neudoredan) foul, foulmouther, obscene; (u konceptu) foul (rough) copy;
(glas) thick, muffled; (ena) unchaste; (mrljav, nejasan), stained, blurred
neist'' f impurity, dirt, soil, filth, filthiness, foulness;
(izmetine) excrement, offal, ordure
neistoa f uncleanliness, dirtiness, impurity, filth,
squalidness, unchastity
neitak adj (dosadan) dull, unreadable; v. neitljiv
neitan adj unread
neitkost f (dosadnost) dullness, unreadableness; v.
neitljiv adj illegible, hard to read (decipher), hard to
make out; (rukopis) cramped, niggling
neitljivost f illegibility

neovjean adj inhuman; (nesmiljen) pitiless, merciless,

hard-hearted, ruthless, unfeeling; (divlji, surov)
cruel, brutal, barbarous, savage, fiendish
neovjenost f inhumanity, barbarity, brutality, cruelty
neovjek m monster, brute, beast, fiend, barbarian, savage
neovjetvo n inhuman (cruel) deed, brutality, cruelty,
neujan adj inaudible; (stroj) silent
neujno adv inaudibly, silently
neujnost f inaudibility; silence of operation
neuven adj unheard-of, unparalleled, unexempled, unprecedented; shocking, scandalous
neuveno adj incredibily, inconceivably, unheard-of
neuvenost f scandalousness
neak m nephew
neak(inj)a f niece
nee, ~, ~mo, ~te v. htjeti
nekanje n saying "no", reluctance, unwillingness; hesitation; demur
nekati se vr say "no", refuse, be unwilling (reluctant,
averse to); hesitate; demur; hang back, hang fire; decline; boggle at (about)
neu v. htjeti
neudoredan adj immoral, indecent, obscene, unchaste,
filthy, foul, unclean, impure; (razuzdan) licentious,
dissolute, profligate, corrupt, demoralized
neudorednost f immortality, indecency; unelean (unchaste) act (life); demoralization; (razuzdanost) licentiousness, looseness of morals, dissoluteness, profligacy
neudoree n v. neudorednost
neutljiv adj v. neosjetljiv, beutan
neutljivost f insensibility, impassivity; apathy; unfeelingness
nedaa f reverses of fortune, misfortune, calamity, adversity, ill-luck, failure
nedalek adj not far off, near, close at hand
nedaleko adv not far off (away) from; (blizu) near, hard
by; (pri ruci) (close) at hand, close by (upon);
(nadohvat) within reach; (nadohvat oka) within
eyeshot; (nadohvat uha) within earshot (hearing);
(nadohvat glasa) withing call
nedareljiv adj ungenerous
nedarovit adj v. nenadaren
nedavn|i adj recent, late, not long established, not long
gone (past, elapsed) | do ~a v. denedavna
nedavno adj recently, not long ago (since), lately, of late,
some time ago (since, back); (onomadne) the other
nedefinitivan adj indefinite, inconclusive
nedekoltiran adj with a high neckline
nedelikatan adj indelicate
nedelikatnost f indelicacy
nedelja f v. nejelja
nedemokratinost f undemocratic quality
nedemokratski adv undemocratically

nedian adj inglorious, discreditable, unbecoming, derogatory; (ponizujui) humiliating, degrading;

(sramotan) ignominious, infamous, scandalous
nedievac m hist Nediite, Nedi's follower
nedijeljen adj undivided; (cio) whole, unpartitioned,
integral; (s drugim) not shared with, unshared; (cio)
whole, unpartitioned
nedirigiran adj undirected
nedirnut adj intact
nedisciplina f indiscipline, lack (breakdown) of discipline
nediscipliniran adj undisciplined
nedjelatan adj inactive, not on service, not in active
nedjelo n crime, misdeed, outrage; heinous (atrocious,
odious) deed, atrocity; crime of the blackest dye,
nedjelj|a f Sunday, Sabbath, Lord's Day; (tjedan) week |
bijela ~a low Sunday; Cvjetna ~a Palm Sunday;
~om on Sundays; odmor preko ~e weekend
nedjeljiv adj indivisible; integral
nedjeljivost f indivisibility; integrity
Nedjeljka f Dominique
Nedjeljko m Dominic
nedjeljn|i adj Sunday; dominical; weekly, hedbomadal |
~e novine Sunday paper; v. tjednik
nedjeljnik m v. tjednik
nedjeljno adv v. tjedno
nedobronamjeran adj ill-disposed
nedogled m | u ~ v. unedogled
nedogledan adj beyond the reach of calculation (reckoning, forecasting, conception), infinite, immeasurable,
incalculable; beyond one's ken; out of range of sight
nedoglednost f incalculability
nedograen adj with no annex(e), without an added
storey; unfinished (building)
nedohvatljiv adj unreachable, out of reach
nedokazan adj not proved, unproved
nedokaziv adj improvable
nedokuiv adj inconceivable, incomprehensible, unfathomeble, transcendent, inscrutable, impenetrable;
(nedostian) unattainable, out of one's reach (po cijeni what one cannot afford)
nedokuivost f unfathomableness, inscrutability; (nedostinost) unattainableness
nedolazak m failure to come (appear, put in one's appearance); (odsutnost) absence, absenting oneself | ~
na sud (svjedoka) nonappearance; (optuenog) default
nedolaenje n v. nedolazak
nedolian adj unbecoming, unseemly, indecorous, indecent, improper, exceptionable, objectionable, reprehensible, discreditable
nedolino adv unseemly, unbecomingly, unfittingly, indecently
nedolinost f impropriety, indecency; offence against
good manners, unfit behaviour
nedomiljat adj v. nedosjetljiv, nesnalaljiv
nedonesen adj med prematurely born

nedonose n abortive child; premature child; fig abortive

undertaking, failure of a project
nedopadanje n aversion; lack of attraction
nedopadljiv adj unattractive
nedopadljivost f unattractiveness
nedopeen pp underdone, half-baked
nedopunjen pp uncompleted; lacking (wanting) an addition to be complete
nedopustiv adj not permissible, inadmissible
nedopustivo adv impermissibly
nedopustivost f inadmissibility
nedoputen adj unallowed, not permitted (suffered),
unauthorized, unlicenced; illicit; unlawful; (zabranjen) prohibited, forbidden
nedoraen adj unfinished; rough(ly made)
nedoraenost f unfinished quality
nedoraslost f immaturity; v. maloljetnost
nedorastao adj not fully grown, young(ish); (djeak)
pupil, stripling; (nezreo) immature; v. maloljetan;
(ravan, premac) not equal to, not one's match, not a
match for; (zadatku) not up to the mark, incapable to
cope (grapple) with
nedoreen adj partly said; fig understated
nedoreenost f understatement
nedosean adj v. nedostian
nedosjetljiv adj lacking ready wit, dull
nedosljedan adj inconsistent, inconsequent, illogical,
incongruous, self-contradictory, without principles;
(prevrtljiv) inconstant, changeable, fickle
nedosljednost f inconsistency, inconsequence, incongruity, self-contradictoriness; (prevrtljivost) inconstancy,
nedospio adj not due
nedostajanje n lack, want of (in), insufficiency, falling
short of
nedostajati vi all short of, be lacking (deficient) in, be
wanting in, to want of, be insufficient, not suffice,
fail, be without; miss
nedostat|ak m (mana) defect, drawback, imperfection,
shortcoming, fault; (manjak) shortage, inadequacy,
default; (nestaica) lack, want; (nepotpunost) deficiency | u ~ku... in default of, in absence of, for want
nedostatan adj v. nedovoljan
nedostatnost f v. nedovoljnost
nedostavljen adj undelivered
nedostavljiv adj undeliverable
nedostian adj (bez premca) peerless, matchless, inimitable, without rival; (doseg) unattainable, out of
reach; (vrlo brz) that cannot be overtaken (caught up
nedostiiv adj v. nedostian
nedostinost f peerlessness, inimitableness, unattainableness; impossibility to overtake one
nedostojan adj unworthy (of), worthless, undeserving,
degrading, unbecoming, indecorous, blamable,
blameworthy, objectionable, discreditable, exceptionable, reprehensible

nedostojno adv unworthily, without dignity, objectionably

nedostojnost f indignity, unworthiness, worthlessness,
nedostupan adj v. nepristupaan
nedostupnost f v. nepristupanost
nedotjeran adj (nesvren) unfinished; (nedoraen)
rough(ly) made, lacking finish (last touch); (priprost,
sirov) crude, raw, unpolished, rustic; (stih, stil) rude;
(vanjtinom) badly groomed, not soign(e)
nedotupavan adj v. tup, priglup
nedouen adj not having completed (finished) studies
nedouk m person with unfinished apprenticeship
(schooling, studies)
nedoumic|a f hesitation (v. dilema) | biti u ~i hesitate,
waver, be undecided, be in two minds about
nedovoljan adj insufficient, inadequate, unsatisfactory,
not up to standard; below the mark; deficient; sch v.
slaba ocjena
nedovoljno adv insufficiently, inadequately; scantily
nedovoljnost f insufficiency, inadequacy, deficiency
nedovren adj unfinished, unaccomplished, inconsummate, incomplete
nedovrenost f incompleteness, unfnished state (quality)
nedozrelost f immaturity, unripeness, greenness; crudity,
nedozreo adj immature, unripe; green; adolescent
nedozvoljen adj v. nedoputen
nedozvoljiv adj v. nedopustiv
nedrag adj (neugodan) unpleasant, displeasing, disagreeable; (mrzak) distasteful, odious, hateful; (nepoeljan) unwelcome, undesirable, importunate; (nemio) unpalatable
nedrug m disloyal (bad) friend; foe
nedrutven adj non-social, non-societal; (nedruevan)
unsociable, unsocial, avoiding (shunning) society;
(koji samotuje) living retired (solitary, isolated) | biti
~ keep oneself to oneself
nedruevnost f unsociableness
nedugo adv not long, shortly
neduha f v. zaduha
neduan adj innocent, guilti1ess, blameless, unimpeachable; (bezazlen) inoffensive, harmless, innocuous,
neduno adv innocently; harmlessly
nedunost f innocence, guiltlessness, blamelessness;
(bezazlenost) harmlessness, inoffensiveness, simplicity
nedvojben adj doubtless, undoubted, indubitable, unmistakable; (siguran) sure, certain, decided; (jasan) unambiguous; (nepobitan) indisputable, undeniable
nedvojbeno adv undaubtedly, indubitably, undeniably,
indisputably, surely, certainly, assuredly, for certain,
beyond all question | sasvim je ~o it is beyond dispute, it is a dead certainty
nedvojbenost f doubtlessneas; unambiguousness; certainty

nedvosmislen adj unequivocal, unambiguous; unmistakable

nedvosmisleno adv unequivocally, unambiguously; unmistakably
nedvosmislenost f unequivocal itd. quality (nature)
nedvouman adj v. nedvojben
neefikasan adj ineffective; (osoba) inefficient
neefikasnost f ineffectiveness; inefficiency
neekonomian adj uneconomical; wasteful
neekonominost f lack of econmny; wastefulness
neekonomski adj uneconomic
neeksplodiran adj live
neelastian adj inflexible
neelastinost f inflexibility
neelegantan adj inelegant
nefaljeno adv reg v. svakako, sigurno
nefavorit m non-favourite; fig dark horse
nefer' adj unfair
nefer'' adv unfairly
neformalan adj informal
neformalnost f informality
nefrit m minr nephrite
nefritis m med nephritis
nefundiran adj v. bez osnove
neg conj v. nego
negacija f negative, negation; negative particle (word);
neganut adj unmoved, untouched, unaffected, unruffled,
negasiv adj unextinguishable
negaen adj unslaked | ~ kre v. ivo vapno
negativ m photo negative
negativac m negative person; (lik) villain, sl baddie, sl
the heavy
negativ|an adj negative; adverse | gram ~na estica
negative particle (word)
negativno adv negatively; adversely | odgovoriti ~ answer in the negative; ~ djelovati effect adversely
negativnost f negativity, negativeness; adverseness
negator m negator, denier
negda adv v. nekada, davno
negdanji adj v. nekadanji, davni, prijanji
negdje adv somewhere, at some place | ~ oko (vrijeme,
koliina) about; thereabouts (v. otprilike)
negibak adj stiff, rigid; unbending, inflexible
negibljiv adj v. nepokretan, krut, neelastian
negirati vt negate, deny
neglie m (odjea) negligee | biti u ~u be not dressed,
coll be not decent
nego adv than, (ali) but | bolji ~ better than; ~ to? what
negodovanje n dissapproval, disapprobation, dissatiafaction, indignation, displeasure, disgust; (prigovor)
censure, blame, objection, exception, criticism
negodovati vi express one's displeasure (dissatisfaction,
indignation), disapprove, find fault with, take exception, condemn, resent
negojen adj not cultivated; (divlji) grown wild
negoli conj v. nego

negostoljubiv adj inhospitable

negostoljubivo adv inhospitably
negostoljubivost f inhospitality
negramatian adj ungrammatical
negroidan adj negroid
negve f pl irons pl, fetters pl, shackles pl; (za ruke)
manacles pl, handcuffs pl; poet gyves pl
nehaj m lack of interest, indifference; (mrtvilo) listlessness; (beutnost) impassiveness, apathy; (lijenost)
indolence; (mlakost) lukewarmness; (nepanja) inattentiveness; (nezabrinutost) inconcern, unconcernedness; (nemar) heedlessness, disregard
nehajan adj indifferent, indolent, careless, negligent,
listless, apathetic, inattentive, impassive; unconcerned; heedless; (mlak) lukewarm
nehajnost f v. nehaj
neharan adj arch v. nezahvalan
neharmonian adj inharmonious
nehat m v. nemar, nehaj | jur kanjivi ~ criminal negligence; jur ubojstvo iz ~a involuntary manslaughter
nehigijenski adj insanitary
nehinjen adj unfeigned, unaffected, sincere, candid,
frank, artless; spontaneous; blunt
nehonoriran adj unpaid, unfeed
nehotice adv involuntarily, unintentionally, undesignedly, automatically, unconsciously; spontaneously;
nehotian adj involuntary, spontaneous, accidental,
automatical; (nenamjeran) undesigned, unpremediatated; (suze) unbidden
nehotinost f involuntariness, spontaneity
nehotimice adv v. nehotice
nehotimian adj v. nehotian
nehrajui adj corrosion-resistant | ~ elik stainless
nehrvatski adj non-Croatian
nehuman adj inhuman, inhumane
nehumanost f inhumanity
neimanje n v. nemanje
neimar m v. graditelj
neimatima n indigence, poverty, penury, distress;
(oskudica) privation, want, lack, scaraity, dearth,
neimenovan adj unnamed
neimuan adj not well-to-do (v. siromaan)
neintelektualan adj non ntellectual, sl low-brow
neinventivan adj uninventive
neinventivnost f absence of inventiveness
neiscrpan adj inexhaustible
neiscrpljen adj inexhausted, not spent; (zemlja) full of
natural resources, undeveloped; (nepotraen) unwasted; (tjelesno) full of vigour; (otporan) having
stamina (stay, last, endurance); (rudnik) unworked,
neiscrpljiv adj inexhaustible
neiscrpljivost f inexhaustibility
neiscrpnost f inexhaustibility
neishranjen adj undernourished
neishranjenost f malnutrition

neiskazan adj unsaid; unreported; v. neizreciv

neiskoriten adj unused; under-utilized; fig untapped
neiskoritenost f being unused; under-utilization
neiskorjenljiv adj ineradicable, not to be rooted out (uprooted); (priroen) ingrained, bred in the bone, running in the bone, innate, deep-rooted; inveterate; inextirpable
neiskren adj insincere, false, double-faced, deceitful,
neiskreno adv insincerely
neiskrenost f insincerity, falseness, falsity, duplicity
neiskrivljen adj undistorted; (smisao) not strained
(stretched, twisted, wrested); (citat) not misquoted,
neiskupljen adj unredeemed; (neotkupljen) not ransomed
neiskusan adj inexperienced; (nevjet) unskilled, untrained; inexpert; (neupuen) uninitiated, unversed;
(nevian) unaccustomed, ignorant, unused to, fresh,
green, raw | ~ ovjek a new hand, greenhorn
neiskusno adv with lack of experience
neiskusnost f inexperience, lack of skill, inexpertness;
neiskuan adj untried, untested; not given a trial, not
submitted to test; untempted
neiskvaren adj uncorrupted, undepraved, unspoiled;
moral, pure, clean
neiskvarenost f (istoa) purity, chastity, cleanness;
(vrlina) virtue; uncorrupted state
neispaljen adj (metak) live
neispavan adj lacking sleep, drowsy
neispeen adj not cooked (roasted, boiled, fried) | ~ do
kraja under-done; half-baked
neispisan adj not fully written, not written on, blank
neispitan adj unexamined; (neiskuan) untested; (neistraen) uninvestigated, unsearched
neisplaen adj unpaid, not yet paid off; (dug) outstanding, due; (nenamiren) unsettled, unsquared
neisplativ adj not payable
neisporuka f non-delivery, failure to deliver
neispravan adj inaccurate, incorrect, erroneous, false,
wrong; (tehniki) faulty, out of order; (ponaanje)
improper, unseemly, not "the thing"; objectionable,
neispravljen adj uncorected, not revised (amended)
neispravno adv incorrectly, erroneously
neispravnost f incorrectness, inaccuracy; (tehnika)
faulty condition, malfunction; erroneousness, inexactness; impropriety
neisproen adj unbegged-for; (djevojka) unwooed
neispunjavanje n non-fulfilment, failure to fulfill
neispunjiv adj that cannot be fulfilled (satisfied, executed, realized), not realizable
neispunjivost f non-realizability
neistina f untruth; v. la; (varka) gammon, sham; (bajka) tale, tall (sham) stary, flam, humbug, old wife's

neistinit adj untrue, false, not true, fictitious; (iskrivljen)

misrepresented, glossed, garbled; (rauni) cooked;
(tobonji) pretended, feigned
neistinito adv falsely
neistinitost f untruth, falseness; (la) lie
neistraen adj unexplored, uninvestigated; uncharted,
neistrebljiv adj ineradicable
neistrebljivost f ineradicability
neizberiv adj ineligible
neizberivost f ineligibility
neizbjean adj unavoidable, inevitable
neizbjeno adj unavoidably
neizbjenost f unavoidability, inevitability
neizbrisiv adj indelible, ineffeceable; (dubok) deep, profound
neizbrisivo adv indelibly
neizbrisivost f indelibility
neizdan adj inedited, unpublished
neizdaan adj unproductive, unprofitable; (jalov) barren,
unfruitful, infertile; (hrana) lacking solidity
neizdiferenciran adj undifferentiated, indiscriminate
neizdjelan adj unworked, unshaped; crude, raw, rugged
neizdrljiv adj lacking staying-power, having no stamina (last), soft; v. nesnosan
neizdrljivost f softness
neizgladiv adj (spor) that cannot be smoothed over (adjusted, composed)
neizgoriv adj incombustible
neizgovoren adj unpronounced, unuttered, unexpressed
neizgovoriv adj unpronounceable
neizgraen adj not built over; not fully built; fig of unsettled convictions
neizjednaen adj unequalized
neizleen adj unhatched
neizlijeen adj unhealed, uncured
neizloen adj (izloba) unexposed, unexhibited; (zaklonjen) safe, secure, sheltered
neizljeiv adj incurable, past cure (recovery), irremediable
neizljeivo adv incurably
neizljeivost f incurability
neizmijenjen adj unchanged, unaltered
neizmjenljiv adj unalterable, unchangeable
neizmjeran adj immense, infinite, immeasurable, unfathomable, unfathom
neizmjeriv adj immensurable
neizmjerivost f immensurability
neizmjerno' n math infinity
neizmjerno'' adv infinitely, immensurably, immensely
neizmjernost f immensity, infiniteness
neiznajmljen adj not let (hired, leased), untenanted
neiznajmljiv adj untenantable
neizobraen adj (nekolovan) unschooled, uneducated;
(nepismen) illiterate; unaccomplished, uncultured,
uncultivated, unlettered
neizobraenost f lack of schooling (education, culture,
cultivation, accomplishments)
neizoliran adj uninsulated

neizopaen adj (prikaz) not misrepresented, unwarped,

untwisted; (vjeran) true, natural, sincere; (nepokvaren) uncorrupted, unperverted
neizopaenost f naturalness, trueness
neizoran adj unploughed, fallow; untilled, uncultivated
neizostavan adj v. obavezan
neizostavno adv v. obavezno, svakako
neizraen adj rude, crude, unrefined, rustic; in raw
(natural) state; not worked out, not elaborate; unrefined; in the rough; unwrought; (predbjean) preliminary, sketchy, outlined
neizraenost f rude (crude, unrefined, unfinished, unpolished) state (quality); v. nedoraenost
neizravan adj indirect, oblique, expressed by hints (allusions, innuendoes)
neizravno adv indirectly, circuitously, in a roundabout
way; (posredstvom) through an intermediary
neizravnost f indirectness
neizreciv adj unspeakable, unutterable, inexpressible,
neizrecivo adv unutterably, ineffably, unspeakably, beyond (all) words
neizreen adj unspoken, unuttered, unexpressed
neizruenje n non-delivery, failure to deliver; pol nonextradition
neizvediv adj impracticable, unfeasible, unachievable;
(nemogu) impossible
neizvedivost f unfeasibility, impracticability; impossibility
neizvjesan adj v. neizvjestan
neizvjesnost f uncertainty, incertitude, suspense; doubt;
precariousness | u ~i in doubt, in balance, in suspence
neizvjestan adj uncertain, dubious, doubtful, indefinite,
vague, problematical, contingent, indecisive; in suspense; precarious
neizvjetaen adj unaffected, ingenuous
neizvjetaeno adv unaffectedly, ingenuously
neizvjetaenost f unaffectedness, lack of affectation,
neizvjeban adj undrilled, unpracticed, untrained
neizvjebanost f lack of practice
neizvren adj unexecuted, unperformed, unaccomplished; not discharged, not carried through (out), not
realized (achieved, perfected, observed)
neizvrenje n failure to do, non-execution, nonfulfilment
neiivljen adj immature; frustrated, unfulfilled; sexstarved
neiivljenost f immaturity; frustration, lack of fulfilment; being sex-starved
nejaad f collect weak (small) children, babies; tots
nejak adj weak, feeble; quite young, still a child | ~o
dijete infant, small baby
nejasan adj indistinct, not clear; (neodreen) vague,
dim, not precise; (smisao) abstruse, recondite; indefinite, undefined, indeterminate; (mutan) troubled;
(razmazan) blurred; (glas) thick, muffled
nejasno adv vaguely, unclearly, indistinctly | ~ izgovarati slur

nejasnoa f indistinctness, obscurity, vagueness, want of

precision, unintelligibility, abstruseness, reconditeness
nejasnost f v. nejasnoa
nejednak adj (slinost) different, dissimilar, unlike, unequal; (razliit) diverse, disparate; uneven
nejednako adv unequally, unevenly; differently
nejednakost f inequality, dissimilarity, dissimilitude,
unlikeness, unevennes, heterogensousness, disparity,
diversity, odds
nejednolian adj heterogeneous, disparate; irregular
nejednolik adj v. nejednolian
nejestiv adj inedible, not for food
neka adv | ~! never mind; ~ doe (dou)! let him (them)
come!; ~ bude tako! be it so! let it be!; ~ je i v. pa
makar bio; ~ je siromah (ne smeta) never mind his
poverty; ~ tre (naredba) make them run
nekada adv in times past, in old (former) times, in (of)
old days, formerly, once upon a time; (davno) (in
days) of yore, long ago, of old, once, in antiquity, in
ancient times, in times out of mind | ~ sam to radio
(ali ne vie) I used to do it
nekadanji adj (prijanji) former, sometime, late; of old,
old-time, onetime, by-gone; pristine, ancient; quondam | ~ kralj former king, ex-king
nekakav adj a certain, a, one, any, any... whatever; of
some sort
nekako adv in some (any) way (manner, fashion, mode),
somehow, somewhat, a bit, anyhow, rather, slightly,
to some extent; (donekle) to a certain degree, not
fully, partly; (za nudu) as a make-shift | ~ oko 6
(sati) some time about 6; ve emo ~ we'll manage
nekamo adv to some place (spot); (smjer) in a certain
direction; somewhere; (bilo kamo) anywhere
nekanjen adj unpunished, scot-free
nekanjeno adv with impunity, scot-free | proi ~ get
away with it
nekanjiv adj unpunishable
nekanjivost f impunity
neki indef pron a, one, a certain, any; a So-and-So; pl
some, several, a certain number | ~ dan the other day;
~ put sometimes, now and then, off and on; ovjek
~h 50 godina a man of 50 odd years
nekien adj unadorned; (stil) chaste, simple, severe
neknjievan adj not used in literary language, colloquial, used in familiar speech
neknjievno adv | govoriti ~ use substandard language
nekmoli adv v. a kamoli
neko indef pron v. netko; (oko, otprilike) about, some,
something like | ~ vrijeme (prolazno) temporarily,
provisionally, for a while, for some time
neko adv v. nekada, davno
nekoji indef pron v. neki
nekolicina f some, a few, several, sundry, a number of
nekoliko indef pron some, any, several, a few, a number,
not many | 100 i ~ 100 odd; ~ puta several times; za
~ dana in a few days
nekomercijalan adj non-profit

nekompetentan adj v. nenadlean

nekomunikativan adj incommunicative
nekonfesionalan adj non-denominational, non-sectarian
nekonformist m non-conformist
nekonformistiki' adj non-conformist
nekonformistiki'' adv in a non-conformist manner
nekonstruktivan adj unconstructive
nekontinuiran adj discontinuous
nekontinuiranost f discontinuity
nekontroliran adj uncontrolled
nekontroliranost f lack of control
nekonzekventan adj v. nedosljedan
nekorektan adj incorrect, improper
nekorektno adv incorrectly, improperly
nekorektnost f incorrectness, impropriety, bad form
nekorisno adv unprofitably, unproductively, uselessly
nekorisnost f unprofitableness, unproductiveness; (uzaludnost) uselessness
nekoristan adj unprofitable, profitless, unproductive,
unserviceable, unremunerative; (tetan) disadvantageous
nekovan adj uncoined; (eljezo) not wrought
nekretnina f immovables pl, real estate, real property,
realty | posrednik za promet ~ma B estate agent; A
real estate agent, realtor
nekritian adj uncritical
nekritino adv uncritically | prihvatiti ~ take at face
nekritinost f uncritical acceptance
nekriv adj innocent, guiltless, blameless, unimpeachable; (bezazlen) inoffensive, harmless, innocuous
nekrolog m obituary (notice)
nekropola f archeol necropolis, burying (burial) ground
nekroza f med necrosis
nekrst m pagan, non-Christian, unchristened (unbaptized) person
nekranski adj unchristian
nekrten adj unbaptized, unchristened
nekrvan adj bloodless, unbloody
nektar m nectar, delicious drink, drink of the Gods
nekud(a) adv somewhere, anywhere, to some (whatever)
nekuhan adj unboiled | ~o mlijeko raw milk
nekultura f lack of culture
nekurentan adj unmarketable, not in demand
nekuan adj untasted; untried
nekvalificiran adj unqualified | ~i radnici unskilled
workers (labour)
nekvalitetan adj inferior, low-quality, substandard
nelagodan adj uneasy, uncomfortable, ill at ease; (u neprilici) awkward
nelagodno adv uneasily, uncomfortabIy, ill at ease | osjeati se ~ feel uneasy (uncomfortable), feel ill at
nelagodnost f indisposition, discomfort, uncomfortableness; languor
nelegalan adj illegal
nelegiran adj not containing alloys, unalloyed

neletak|i adj | aero ~o osoblje ground crew(s)

neliberalan adj illiberal
nelien adj unpainted, unstained, uncoloured
nelijep adj unhandsome, uncomely; (lice) ill-favoured,
plain, ill-looking, homely, graceless; (ruan) unsightly, ugly; (nedolian) unseemly; (nepoten) unfair
nelijepo adv unfairly, unseemly, badly
nelikvidan adj fin insolvent
nelikvidnost f fin insolvency
nelogian adj illogical
nelogino adv illogically
neloginost f illogicality; lack of logic
nelojalan adj disloyal
nelojalnost n disloyalty
nelomljiv adj unbreakable
neljekovit adj non-curative, not healing, not sanative
neljubak adj unamiable, unlovely, unattractive, unlovable, unengaging, uncaptivating, unwinning, graceless
neljubazan adj unfriendly, unamiable, disobliging, unkind, ungracious; (hladan) cold; uncivil; (otresit)
surly, curt, discourteous
neljubljen adj unloved, unbeloved, loveless
neljudi m pl monsters, brutes, beasts, barbarians, savages
neljudski' adj inhuman, beastly; (okrutan) cruel, hardhearted
neljudski'' adj inhumanly, beastly
neljupko adv unamiably, unwinningly, gracelessly
neljupkost f lack of grace, gracelessness
nemalo adv considerably, greatly, a good (great deal),
not a little, fairly, pretty well, fully, decidedly, amply,
neman m monster
nemanual|an adj | ~ni radnik (namjetenje, zvanja)
white-collar worker (job, occupations)
nemanje n non-possession; v. pomanjkanje, nedostatak, nepostojanje
nemar m negligence, indolence; carelessness; slackness;
(nehaj) unconcern, indifference
nemaran adj negligent, indolent; (mlitav) slack, remiss,
lax, lukewarm; (neuredan) slovenly; (nepaljiv) inattentive, careless
nemarenje n indifference
nemarksistiki adj un-Marxist, democratic
nemarno adv carelessly, neglectfully, slovenly, negligently, inattentively, casually
nemarnost f v. nemar
nemarnjak m a careless (negligent, slovenly) person
nematina f v. neimatina
nemati' f cruel (inhuman, unnatural) mother
nemati'' vt have not; (oskudijevati) lack, be without, be
in want of, be destitute of, be void of; (biti lien) be
deprived of | (Hvala ) nema na emu B not at all,
A you're welcome; ~ kada have no time; ~ dovoljno
be short of; ~ dovoljno posade (brod) be undermanned; ~ dovoljno radnika be short of hands; ~
sredstava lack the means; nema ga he is not here, he

is absent, he is from home, he is away, he is gone, he

is off; (fali) he is missing; nema nikoga there is nobody; nema nikoga na ulici (ujutro) nobody (not a
soul) is stirring (is about, is abroad); nema ga vie
(mrtav je) he is gone, he is no more; od toga nema
nita (nita od toga) nothing came of it; kada
nema... in the absence of..., for want of..., in default
of...; od toga nemam nita I can't profit by it, it is of
no use to me
nemetal m non-metal
nemetalan adj non-metallic
Nemeza f myth Nemesis
nemijeanje n non-interference, non-intervention
nemilice adv unsparingly, pitilessly, relentlessly, implacably, rigorously, badly, cruelly
nemilo adv v. nemilice
nemilosrdan adj pitiless, heartless, relentless, unrelenting; (okrutan) merciless, unmerciful, uncharitable;
(neumoljiv) inexorable, cruel, ruthless, truculent,
fierce, unnatural, inhuman, fell
nemilosrdno adv heartlessly, pitilessly, mercilessly, cruelly; (neumoljivo) relentlessly, inexorably; ruthlessly,
nemilosrdnost f heartlessness, relentlessness, uncharitableness, ruthlessness, mercilessness, cruelty
nemilosre n v. nemilosrdnost
nemilost f disfavour, displeasure | pasti u ~ fall into disfavour, incur disfavour, fall under one's displeasure;
biti u ~i be not in one's good graces, be under a
cloud, be out of favour
nemilostiv adj ungracious, unkind, illdisposed, unbenign, unfriendly, unamiable, unbenevolent
nemilostivo adv ungraciously, with bad grace
neminovan adj v. neizbjean, siguran
nemio adj (neugodan) disagreeable, unpleasant, unpalatable; (nevoljen) disliked, unpopular, odious; (nedobrodoao) unwelcome, undesirable; (mrzak) hateful;
(muan) painful, grievous, distressing; (gorak) bitter;
deplorable; unlucky; (postupak) harsh, ungracious |
od nemila do nedraga v. potucati se
nemir m unrest, disquietude, restlessness; (zabrinutost)
anxiety, anxiousness, uneasiness, concern, worry;
(komeanje) commotion, agitation; (uzbuenje) flutter, excitement, flurry, fluster; (vrpoljenje) fidgetiness; (buka) tumult, uproar | ~i disorders, riots; potresan ~ima riot-torn
nemir|an adj (nervozan, vrpoljiv) restless, fidgety; (uskomean) in commotion, tumultuous; (zabrinut) anxious, uneasy; (buran vrijeme, prilike) troublous,
turbulent, tempestuous, unsettled; (uzburkan more)
agitated, rough, high, choppy | more je ~no sea runs
high; ~no dijete fidgety (unruly, restless) child
nemirno adv restlessly; turbulently
nemjeren adj unmeasured; (teina) unweighed
nemjerodavan adj incompetent, not authoritative
nemljeven pp unmilled
nemo f (slabost) weakness, faintness, feebleness, debility, decrepitude; (bolest) infirmity; (staraka-duhom)

dotage; (vlasti) impotence, incapacity, incompetence,

powerlessness; (bespomonost) helplessness
nemoan adj enfeebled, feeble, weak, infirm, decrepit,
enervated; (bolestan) ill, sick; (vlast) impotent, powerless; (nedjelotvoran) inefficient, inefficacious;
(slomljen) broken; helpless; invalid
nemonica f wonan invalid
nemonik m feeble (ill, sickly, disabled, infirm) person,
invalid; paralytic
nemoderan adj unmodern
nemogu adj impossible; (neizvediv) infeasible, impracticable | napraviti ~e perform the impossible, fig
make ghosts walk
nemogunost f impossibility; infeasibleness, impracticability
nemoj!, ~te! int, part & adv do not! don't; (pusti na
miru) leave alone!; (ne diraj) hands off; (prestani)
stop | ~mo! let's not; ma ~ you don't say
nemoral m lack of morals; (spolni) promiscuity
nemoralan adj immoral, wicked; (razuzdan) dissolute,
profligate, licentious, wanton, unchaste, lewd, lascivious, lustful; indecent, obscene, prurient, ribald,
nemoralno adv immorally; profligately; promiscuously
nemoralnost f immorality, dissoluteness, inchastity, lasciviousness, dissolutaness
nemrs m RC abstinence from meat | post i ~ fast and
nemut adj v. mutav | ~i jezik (u bajkama) animal language; fig mumbo-jumbo
nemuevan adj unmanly
nenaet adj unbroken, uncut; (bava) unbroached; (cio)
whole; in bulk
nenaitan adj unread, not well read
nenadan adj v. iznenadan, neoekivan
nenadaren adj not talented (gifted), untalented, ungifted, talentless
nenadareno adv without talent
nenadarenost f lack of talent
nenadlean adj incompetent, unauthorized
nenadlenost f incompetency, lack of authority (power)
nenadmaen adj unequalled, unsurpassed, unmatched,
unrivalled, unexcelled, unique, second to none
nenadmaiv adj matchless, peerless, without rival, not to
be outdone (surpassed)
nenadmaivost f matchlessness, peerlessness
nenadoknadiv adj irreparable, irretrievable, irremediable, irrecoverable
nenadoknadivost f irretrievableness, irreparableness
nenadoknaen adj uncompensated, not made good, not
nenaglaen adj unstressed, not emphasized, unaccented
nenagraen adj unrewarded, without recompense (remuneration)
nenakien adj unadorned, unornamented, untrimmed;
simple, plain; (stil) chaste
nenaklon adj v. nesklon
nenaknadiv adj v. nenadoknadiv

nenametljiv adj unobtrusive, unostentatious, reserved,

not importunate, not pestering (bothering, plaguing);
nenametljivo adv unobtrusively; discreetly
nenametljivost f unobtrusiveness; discretion
nenamiren adj unpaid, unsettled, unsquared; (zaostao dug) in arrears, outstanding
nenamjeran adj unintentionel, undesigned
nenamjerno adv unintentionally, not deliberately
nenamjeten adj (nezaposlen) unemployed; (soba) unfurnished; (osmijeh) v. neusiljen
nenaoblaen adj (vedar) clear, serene; not overcast, unclouded
nenaobraen adj uncultivated, uncultured, unaccomplished; (bez kola) illiterate, unschooled, unlearned,
nenaoruan adj unarmed, weaponless, defenseless
nenapadan adj (izgled) not striking (overconspicuous,
ostentatious, obtrusive, glaring); (odijelo) not showy
(gaudy, loud)
nenapad|an, ~nut adj not attacked (assailed, assaulted,
nenapadanj|e n | pol ugovor o ~u non-aggression pact
nenapadno adv discreetly
nenapadnost f discreetness
nenapet adj not taut (tight, tense, tightened, stretched);
slack, relaxed; (ivci) not wrought-up (strun up); not
intensive; unstretched; (luk) unbent
nenapisan adj unwritten, not reduced to writing
nenaplaen adj (dug) unpaid, unsettled, unsquared;
(trud) unrewarded, unremunerated
nenaplativ adj that cannot be paid; fig unestimable, beyond all price
nenapuen adj unpeopled, not populated, uninhabited;
(pust) waste; (naputen) deserted
nenapunjen adj unfilled; (nenatrpan) unstuffed, uncrammed; (nekrcan) unloaded, unfreighted; empty;
hollow; vacuous
nenaravan adj v. neprirodan, umjetan
nenarodni adj anti-people, divorced from the people
nenaruiv adj inviolable
nenaruivost f inviolability
nenaseljen adj uninhabited, uncolonized
nenaseljenost f lack of population; underpopulation
nenasien adj unsated; underfed
nenastanjen adj uninhabited, untenanted, unoccupied
nenaminkan adj witbout make-up
nenatkriljen adj unexcelled, unsurpassed, unequalled,
unmatched, second to none, unrivalled
nenatkriliv adj matchless, unsurpassable
nenatopljen adj unflooded, unirrigated, unwatered; unsoaked
nenatovaren adj unloaded, unladen; not loaded (laden),
unfreighted, light
nenauen adj unlearned, unlearnt
nenavadan adj v. neobian
nenavidan adj arch v. zavidan
nenavidjeti vi arch v. zavidjeti

nenavikao adj unused to, unaccustomed to, not used to,

uninured, unhabituated, unexperienced, new to
nenaviknutost f lack of habit
nenavist f arch v. zavist
nenazoan adj absent
nenazonost f absence; (nedolazak) non-appearance
nenormalan adj not normal, abnormal
nenoen adj (odijelo) not worn, unworn, quite new, unused
nenjegovan adj uncared for; not soigne
neobavezan adj unobliged, not indebted; (koji ne obavezuje) not obligatory (compulsory, binding), optional |
univ ~ predmet v. fakultativan
neobavezno adv without obligation, optionally
neobavijeten adj uninformed, unapprised, left in the
neobavijetenost f lack of information, being uninformed; inadequate information
neobavljen adj unperformed, unexecuted, undone; unachieved; not done; not carried out | vratiti se ~a
posla come back without getting anything done;
come back none the wiser
neobaziranje n lack of consideration (regard)
neobdravan adj (praznik, obiaj) not kept (observed,
neobezbijeen adj v. neosiguran, nezatien
neobian adj unusual, uncommon, out of the common,
out of the way; (izvanredan) extraordinary, exceptional, remarkable; (udan) strange, unwonted, singular; queer, quaint, curious, odd, original; (obiaj)
unaccustomed; (osebujan) peculiar
neobino adv uncommonly, unusually, strangely; (izvanredno) exceedingly, exceptionally; (vrlo, jako) very,
rather, remarkably, singularly, considerably, extraordinarily
neobinost f uncommonness, strangeness, singularity,
oddness, rarity; rare (unusual) thing (event); peculiarity
neobjanjiv adj inexplicable
neobjanjivost f inexpliaability
neobjavljen adj unpublished, unannounced; (neotkrit)
neobjektivan adj unobjective; (pristran) biased
neobjektivno adv unobjectively; with bias
neobjektivnost f lack of objectivity
neobjelodanjen adj unpublished; unproclaimed
neobligatan adj v. neobavezan
neobljubljen adj unpopular, unliked; unloved, unbeloved; disliked
neobnovljen adj unrenewed, not renovated; unrestored;
(nepopravljen) unrepaired; (troan) in bad repair, dilapidated; not re-established
neobojen adj unpainted, uncoloured, unstained
neoboriv adj that cannot be felled (blown, cut, struck)
down; (dokaz) indisputable, undeniable, incontestable, irrefutable, irrefragable; (uvjerljiv) forcible, cogent, convincing
neoborivost f indisputableness, irrefutability
neoboruan adj unarmed, weaponless, deffenseless

neobraen adj unconverted

neobraen adj (tlo) uncultivated, untilled; (neoran) unploughed; (na ugaru) fallow, lying waste; (predmet,
izdjelak) unworked, unwrought, raw; fig crude
neobran adj unplucked, ungathered (grapes); (mlijeko)
neobranjiv adj indefensible, confutable
neobraten adj not overgrown
neobrazovan adj v. nenaobraen; ignorant
neobrazovanost f lack of education
neobrezan adj (mukarac) uncircumcised; (nokti, ivica
itd.) untrimmed; (loza) undressed, unpruned;
(drvee) unlopped; uncut; unclipped
neobrijan adj unshaved
neobuen adj undressed, unclothed, unclad
neobuven adj unshod, shoeless, bootless; barefoot
neobuzdan adj ungovernable, intractable, unrestrained,
refractory; unmanageable, uncontrollable; untamed,
uncurbed, unruly
neobuzdano adv unrestrainedly, without restraint
neobuzdanost f unmanageableness, unruliness, intractability, refractoriness, abandonment
neobveza(ta)n adj v. neobavezan
neocjenjiv adj v. neprocjenjiv
neoekivan adj unexpected, unlooked for, unhoped for;
(nenadan) sudden | neto ~o (a povoljno) godsend;
(nasljee) windfall
neoekivano adv unexpectedly, contrary to expectation;
(iznenadno) suddenly, abruptly
neoekivanost f unexpectedness, suddenness, abruptness
neoien adj uncleaned, uncleansed; unsifted; unpurified; unscoured; crude; v. prljav
neodgodiv adj undeferrable; v. neodloan
neodgodivost f impossibility of adjournment (postponement, deferment, prorogation); v. neodlonost
neodgojen pp ill-mannered, bad-mannered, having no
manners, unmannerly
neodgojeno adv without manners
neodgojenost f lack of manners, being bad-mannered
neodgonetljiv adj (rukopis) undecipherable; not to be
made out; unsolvable; unriddleable | meni je to ~o I
cannot make head or tail of it
neodgovoran adj irresponsible, lack of responsibility
neodgovorno adv irresposibly
neodgovornost f irresponsibility
neodjeljiv adj inseparable; that cannot be dissociated
neodjeven adj undreased, unclothed; (svuen) stripped,
disrobed; (gol) nude, naked, in buff; (djelomino) in
neodloan adj pressing, urgent; not to be delayed (postponed, deferred)
neodloiv adj v. neodloan
neodlono adv without delay, immediately
neodlonost f (hitnost) urgency; v. neodgodivost
neodlu|an adj indecisive, irresolute; hesitating, wavering, vacillating; (bi ne bi) shilly-shally; (bitka,
igra) drawn | biti ~an waver, vacillate; sp zavriti
~nim rezultatom end in a draw

neodluen adj not yet decided, undecided, pending, in

suspension (abeyance)
neodluno adv indecisively, irresolutely; waveringly | sp
igrati ~ draw
neodlunost f undecisiveness, indecision, irresolution,
suspense; (kolebanje) vacillation, wavering, shillyshally, abeyance
neodmjeren adj tactless
neodmjerenest f tactlessness
neodobravanje n disapprobation, disapproval; (odvraanje) discouragement; (prigovor) objection; exception
neodobren adj not approved (sanctioned); lacking approval (approbation, probate); (zabaen) disapproved
neodoljiv adj irresistible, resistless; (ljepota) bewitching,
captivating, fascinating, enchanting, ravishing
neodoljivo adv irresistibly
neodoljivost f irresistibility
neodrediv adj indeterminable
neodreen adj indefinite, undetermined, indeterminate,
undefined; (nejasan) vague, loose, not precise | ~i
nain infinitive mood; ~i lan indefinite article;
(odgoditi) na ~o vrijeme (postpone) indefinitely
neodreeno adv indefinitely; vaguely
neodreenost f indefniteness; (nejasnost) indistinctness,
neodran adj unheld, unkept
neodriv adj untenable
neodrivost f untenableness
neodvaan adj faint-hearted, chicken-hearted, pusillanimous; (plah) shy, timid
neodvanost f lack of courage (spirit, enterprise), pusillanimity; timidity, shyness
neodvojiv adj inseparable
neodvojivost f inseparability
neofaist m pol neofascist
neofaistiki adj pol neofascist
neofaizam m pol neofascism
neofiloloki adj | univ ~ odsjeci departments of modern
neoglaen adj (neobjavljen) unannounced, unpublished;
neograen adj (plotom) unfenced, fenceless, unenclosed;
(ivicom) unhedged; (ogradom) unrailed
neogranien adj illimited, limitless, unbounded, boundless; unrestricted, without restriction; (vlast) absolute,
uncontrolled, sovereign | (odgoditi) na ~o vrijeme
(postpone) indefinitely
neogranieno adv boundlessly, without limits (restrictions); absolutely
neogranienost f limitlessness, lack of limits (bounds),
boundlessness; absoluteness
neokajan adj unatoned, unexpiated
neokajano adv without atonement; v. nekanjeno
neokaljan adj unpolluted, untainted, untarnished, immaculate, undefiled, unsullied, unsoiled, unblemished; irreproachable, unimpeachable; uncorrupted;
stainless, spotless, taintless, pure
neokaljano adv without blemish (taint)
neokaljanost f immaculateness, spotlessness, purity

neoklasicist m neoclassicist
neoklasicistiki adj neoclassicist
neoklasicizam m neoclassicism
neokonan adj v. nedovren
neokopan adj unhoed
neokovan adj (obijen) not iron-shod, not strengthened
with studs (nails); (nevezan) unchained, unfettered,
unshackled, not handcuffed
neokretan adj (nespretan) awkward, clumsy, unwieldy,
slow, unhandy, left-handed, stiff; (nesnalaljiv) lacking push (enterprise, initiative, self-assertion);
wooden, lacking nimbleness (dexterity)
neokretno adv clumsily, awkwardly
neokretnost f clumsiness, awkwardness; lack of enterprise (push, initiative, self-assertion)
neokrnjen adj (cio) whole, intact, undamaged, integral,
unbroken, inviolate, uncurtailed, not encroached
upon; (neokrhnut) unchipped
neokrnjenost f wholeness, intactness, integrity; uncurtailed state; unchipped (undamaged) condition
neokrnjiv adj inviolable
neokrnjivost f inviolability
neokrunjen adj uncrowned
neolien adj unpainted, uncoloured, unstained; (lice)
neolitik m the New Stone Age, Neolithic
neolitski adj neolithic
neologizam m ling (kovanica) neologism, new word
neoljuten adj unpeeled; unhusked
neomeen adj unbordered; without boundaries
neometan adj undisturbed; (radio emisije) free from
neomiljen adj unpopular
neon m chem neon
neonacist m pol neonazi
neonacistiki adj pol neonazi
neonacizam m pol neonazism
neonsk|i adj | ~e reklame neon lights
neopas|an' adj harmless, safe, secure | uiniti ~nim render (make) safe; (minu) disarm
neopasan'' adj (bez pasa) ungirdled, unbelted
neopazice adv unawares, unobservedly, unexpectedly |
nekome neto ~ poslati slip something to someone,
smuggle something through to somebody
neopaen adj unnoticed, unobserved, unperceived, unseen, undeteched; (previen) overlooked
neophodan adj indispensable, pressing, urgent, unavoidable; necessary
neopbodno adv indispensably, unavoidably
neophodnost f indispensability, urgency; (nuda) necessity
neopipljiv adj impalpable
neopipljivost f impalpability
neopisan adj undescribed
neopisiv adj indescribable, beffling description
neopisivo adv indescribably
neopisivost f indescribability
neopjevan adj unsung
neoplakan adj unlamented, unwept

neoplemenjen adj (biljka) ungrafted, wild; uncultivated,

neoploen adj not fecundated (impregnated)
neopomenut adj unwarned, not cautioned (admonished,
reproved, censured)
neoporeciv adj (neopoziv) irrevocable, beyond recall,
neoporecivo adv irrevocably
neoporecivost f irrevocability, irreversibility
neoporezovan adj untaxed
neoportun adj inopportune
neoportuno adv inopportunely
neoportunost f inopportunity
neopovrgnut adj unrefuted, not disproved (rebutted)
neopovrziv adj irrefutable; incontrovertible
neopovrzivost f irrefutability; incontrovertibility
neopoziv adj irrevocable
neopozivo adv irrevocably
neopozivost f irrevocability
neopozvan adj unrecalled; (rijei) unrecanted, unretracted; (narudba) not countermanded (cancelled)
neopran adj unwashed; (prljav) dirty
neopravdan adj unjustified, unjustifiable, unwarrantable; not excused (vindicated)
neopravdano adv unwerrantably, unjustifiably, without
good reason, wrongfully
neopravdanost f unjustifiableness, inexcusableness, unreasonableness, unwarrantableness
neopredijeljen adj vague, undefined, undecided, loose,
not fixed
neopredijeljenost f being uncommitted, lack of commitment
neopredjeljiv adj v. neodrediv
neoprez m v. neopreznost
neoprezan adj incautious, off one's guard, unwary, unguarded; heedless, careless, reckless; (nerazborit)
imprudent, indiscreet
neoprezno adv incautiously
neopreznost f incautiousness, unwariness, inattention;
lack of precaution, indiscretion, rashness
neoprostiv adj unpardonable, irremissable, inexcusable,
indefeasible, unjustifiable
neoprostivo adv unpardonahly, inexcusably
neoprostivost f unpardonableness
neopskrbljen adj unprovided for, without provision
(maintenance); without provisions (necessaries, supplies)
neoptereen adj unburdened, unloaded; (dugom) unsaddled with, unencumbered
neoptereeno adv without a burden
neoptereenost f freedom from, being unburdened
neoran adj unploughed
neorealist m neorealist
neorealistiki adj neorealist
neorealizam m neorealism
neorganski adj chem & sci inorganic
neosedlan adj unsaddled; (bez sedla) barebacked
neosiguran adj unsecured; ins uninsured, not covered by

neosjetan adj v. neprimjetan

neosjetljiv adj insensible, senseless, insusceptible;
(hladan, nedirnut) impassive, impassible, apathetic,
indfferent, unaffected, inured, untouched; (debelokoan) thick-skinned, callous, dead to; (tup) obtuse,
blunt, dull; (bezosjeajan) unfeeling; (na hladnou
/biljka/) hardy
neosjetljivo adv insensibly; impassively; unfeelingly
neosjetljivost f insensibility, callousness, insusceptibility; (ukoenost) numbness; (tupost) bluntness, dullness; (otpornost) hardiness
neosjetno adv v. neprimjetno
neoskvrnjen adj unprofaned, not desecrated (outraged);
inviolate, immaculate, holy, pure; spotless; inviolate
neoskvrnjenost n immaculateness, spotlessness; purity
neoskvrnjiv adj that cannot (must not) be profaned
neoslabljen adj unweakened; (neublaen) unalloyed,
unmitigated; (neiscrpljen) unenervated, unexhausted;
(nepoputen) unrelaxed, unslackened, unabated; unremitting
neoslabljeno adv without weakening
neosloboen adj undelivered, not liberated; in bondage
(servitude); not set free (let loose); not emancipated
neosnovan adj unfounded, baseless; (bezrazloan) unmotivated, groundless, causeless, unsupported; (nepotvren) not confirmed, unsubstantiated
neosnovano adv without foundation
neosnovanost f groundlessness; (bezrazlonost) causelessness
neosporan adj incontestable, unquestionable, indisputable, incontrovertable, indubitable
neosporavan adj uncontested, undisputed
neosporiv adj v. neosporan
neosporno adv incontestably, indisputably, incontrovertibly, undeniably
neospornost f indisputableness, unquestionableness
neosposobljen adj unqualified, incompetent
neostrien adj unshorn, untrimmed
neostvariv adj unrealisable, unfeasible
neostvarivost f unpracticability, unfeasibility; impossibility
neosuen adj undried; wet; (dimom) unsmoked
neosveen adj unrevenged, not avenged; not retaliated;
v. neposveen
neosvijeten adj not conscious of, lacking consciousness;
(nesvijest) not yet brought to, not restored to consciousness, still in a swoon (fainting fit); not awakened (roused) from indifference to an idea; indifferent to; not alive to; to whom an idea has not come
home yet
neosvijetenost f lack of consciousness as to the importance of a cause; indifference
neosvijetljen pp (film) not exposed
neosvjedoen adj unconvinced, unpersuaded
neosvojen adj uncaptured, unexpugnated; (zemlja) unconquered; (utvrda) not carried (taken by assault),
not subjugated (subdued); (vrhunac) unclimbed, unscaled

neosvojiv adj impregnable

neosvojivost f impregnability
neoteen adj undamaged, unimpaired, unspoiled, uninjured; (cio) whole, safe, sound, in good condition
neoteenost f undamaged condition
neotac m bad (unnatural) father
neotesan adj (drvo) unhewn, untrimmed, undressed;
(neizglaen) rough, coarse, rustic; (ponaanje) unrefined, unlicked, unpolished, ill-bred, ill-mannered,
unmannerly, rude; (prost) boorish, loutish, clownish,
rugged, churlish; (nespretan) awkward
neotesanac m a coarse (rude, boorish, ill-bred, mannerless, unpolished) fellow, clown, lubber, churl, boor
neotesano adv boorishly, churlishly
neotesanost f coarse (rude, ill-mannered, ill-bred, unpolished, awkward) behaviour (manners)
neotjecanje n failure to flow away (to drain)
neotkloniv adj (ponuda) not to be refused (declined);
(neizbjeiv) unavoidable, inevitable
neotkriven adj undiscovered, undisclosed, unrevealed,
undetected; (neodgonetnut) unsolved; (tajan) kept secret; (jo pokriven) still covered, not uncovered
neotkupljen adj unredeemed; (iz suanjstva) unransomed
neotkupljiv adj unredeemable, unransomable
neotporan adj having low resistance, low-resistance;
lacking stamina; (biljka) not hardy
neotporno adv offering low resistance
neotpornost f lack of resistance (endurance, hardiness),
neotrovan adj not-toxic, non-poisonous
neotuiv adj inalienable
neotuivo adv inalienably
neotuivost f inalienability
neovisan adj independent, free, self-supporting, selfgoverning, standing on one's own legs
neovisno adj independently
f independence, self-support, selfgovernment; freedom, liberty; self-sufficiency
neovjerovljen adj uncertified, unlegalized, unaccredited,
neovlaten adj unauthorized, incompetent, unwarranted,
neovlateno adv without authority
neovlatenost f incompetency, unwarrantableness
neozbiljan adj lacking seriousness; (nepostojan) unsteady, frivolous, trifling, silly, fickle, volatile, fitful,
undependable, light-minded, unsettled | on je ~
ovjek (poigrava se) he plays fast and loose
neozbiljno adv with a lack of seriousness, frivolously,
with frivolity, with levity
neozbiljnost f lack of seriousness, levity, unsteadiness,
fickleness, frivolity
neozlijeen adj unhurt, unharmed, unscathed, uninjured, unwounded, unbruised; whole, intact
neozljediv adj invulnerable
neozljedivost f invulnerability
neoznaen adj (znakom) without a sign (token, badge,
label, mark, indication), unmarked, unstamped;

(igom) not hall-marked; (znaajkom) undesignated,

unspecified, uncharacterized, undefined
neoenjen adj unmarried, unwedded, single, bachelor,
unmated; celibate, celibatarian | ~o stanje celibacy
Nepal m geog Nepal
Nepal|ac m, ~ka f Nepali, Nepalese
nepalski adj Nepali, Nepalese
nepamen adj v. nezapamen
nepametan adj unwise, unintelligent
nepametno adv unwisely, unintelligently
nepar m odd thing (without a corresponding part); fellow (of the same kind)
neparan adj odd; lacking one of a set of two (couple);
having no fellow (companion)
neparlamentaran adj unparliamentary
neparlamentarno adv in an unparliamentary manner
nepartijac m hist non-Party member
nepartijski adj hist non-Party
nepasteriziran adj unpasteurized
nepatvoren adj authentic, unadulterated, not falsified
(spurious, counterfeit, shammed); (kovani novac) undebased; (vino) undoctored, unloaded; (osjeaji)
genuine, unaffected, naive, pure, unsophisticated;
nepatvoreno adv genuinely, authentically
nepatvorenost f genuineness, authenticity
nepaljiv adj inattentive, inadvertent, neglectful, unobservant; (nemaran) negligent, careless, reckless;
(neoprezan) off one's guard, unwary, unmindful
nepaljivo adv inattentively, negligently, carelessly
nepaljivost f inattentiveness, inattention, inadvertence,
carelessness; (nemar) negligence
nepce n palate | meko (tvrdo) ~ soft (hard) palate
nepan adj palatal | ~i glas palatal
nepeen adj unburned, unroasted, ungrilled, unbaked,
nepisan adj unwritten, not reduced to writing; (predaja)
transmitted (handed) down by tradition, not recorded
in writing
nepismen adj illiterate, unlettered, untaught, unschooled, unlearned; ignorant | ~ ovjek illiterate
nepismeno adv fig illiterately
nepismenost f illiteracy, illiterateness | suzbijanje ~i v.
nepitak adj undrinkable, unfit to drink
neplaen adj (dug) unpaid, unsettled, unsquared, owing;
(zaostao) outstanding; (poloaj) unsalaried, honorary, nominal | mil ~ (poasni) in brevet rank
neplanski' adj unplanned
neplanski'' adv without a plan
neplemenit adj common; ungenerous, ignoble; (podao)
mean, low-minded, base, sordid; (neviteki) unchivalrous, ungentlemanlike, undignified | ~a kovina base
neplemenito adv ignobly
neplemenitost f meanness, baseness, sordidness; lack of
magnanimity (generosity); ignobleness, smallmindedness
neplemi m person without noble rank, commoner

neplemkinja f woman withovt noble rank, commoner

nepliva m non-swimmer
neplodan adj unfruitful, unfertile; arid; unproductive;
(jalov) sterile, addle; barren; (iscrpljen zemlja) out
of heart; (uzaludan) fruitless, abortive, to no purpose
neplodno adv unfruitfully, unproductively, fruitlessly
neplodnost f unfruitfulness, fruitlessness, unproductiveness; infecundity, sterility, barrenness
neplovan adj unnavigable
neplovnost f unnavigability
nepobijeen adj unconquered, unsubjugated, unsubdued, unvanquished, unworsted, unbeaten; having
stood one's ground
nepobitan adj irrefutable, incontrovertible, incontestable
nepobitno adv irrefutably, incontrovertibly, incontestably
nepobitnost f irrefutability, incontrovertibility
nepobjediv adj invincible, unconquerable; insuperable,
matchless; not to be beaten; (neosvojiv) impregnable
nepobjedivo adv invincibly
nepobjedivost f invincibility, insuperability; matchlessness
nepoboan adj undevout; unpious
nepoeljan adj unkempt, uncombed
nepoudan adj objectionable, obnoxious, disliked; unwelcome; not to one's taste (liking), unpalatable; (odbojan) repulsive
nepoudno adv objectionably, obnoxiously
nepoudnost f obnoxiousness, dislike, undesirableness
nepodatan adj (tvar) inflexible, rigid, stiff, unyielding,
difficult to work; (kovina) unmalleable; (narav) unmanageable, intractable, stubborn, refractory, perverse, crossgrained
nepodatno adv inflexibly, unyieldingly, unmanageably
nepodatnost f rigidity, inflexibility; (naravi) unmanageability, refractoriness, perverseness
nepoderiv adj rip-proof, tear-proof
nepodesan adj unsuitable, inappropriate
nepodesno adv unsuitably, inappropriately
nepodesnost f unsuitability, inappropriateness
nepodijeljen adj (nedodijeljen) not conferred (awarded);
(dioba) undivided, undistributed; v. jednoduan
nepodijeljeno adv v. jednoduno
nepodjarmljen adj unsubjugated, unsubdued, unconquered; free, independent
nepodjarmljenost f being unsubjugated, freedom from
subjugation (yoke)
nepodmien adj unbribed, unsuborned
nepodmiren pp unpaid, unsettled; (dug zaostao) outstanding
nepodmitljiv adj unbribable, uncorruptible
nepodmitljivo adv incorruptibly
nepodmitljivost f incorruptbility
nepodnoljiv adj v. nesnosan
nepodnoljivo adv unbearably, insufferably, intolerably
nepodoban adj (neprikladan) unfit; (nepristojan) unseemly, improper; (neslian) unlike
nepodobnost f unfitness, unseemliness, unlikeness
nepodoptina f impropriety

nepodozriv adj v. nesumnjiav

nepodudaran adj uncorresponding, unconcurring, disparate
nepodudarnost f non-correspondence, non-concurrence,
nepoduprt adj (stupom) unbuttressed; (kolcem) unpropped; (prijedlog) unseconded; (bez podrke) unsupported; (nepotpomognut) unhelped, unaided;
(odobravanjem) uncountenanced
nepoduzetan adj unenterprising, unadventurous, lacking
nepoduzetno adv unenterprisingly, unventurously
nepoduzetnost f lack of enterprise (initiative)
nepogaen pp unquenched, not extinguished
nepogod|a f tempest, gale, thunderstorm, squall; inclement (bad, stormy, rough) weather | elementarne ~e
natural disasters
nepogodan adj (nepovoljan) inconvenient, unfavourable;
inauspicious; (vrijeme) bad (stormy, rough, squally)
nepogodno adv inconveniently; inauspiciously
nepogodnost f inconvenience, unfavourableness
nepogoen adj unhit; (promaen) missed
nepogreiv adj infallible, impeccable
nepogreivo adv infallibly
nepogreivost f infallibility, impeccability
nepojmljiv adj v. neshvatljiv
nepojmljivost f v. neshvatljivost
nepokajan adj unrepentant, unrepenting, unpenitent
nepokoj m unrest, disquiet
nepokoleban adj unshaken, firm, steady; unwavering,
unswerving, unflinching, staunch
nepokolebljiv adj firm, steady, unshaken, staunch; unwavering, unyielding, inflexible, adamantine, unflinching; steadfast, sturdy, unswerving; unshrinking,
nepokolebljivo adv firmly, steadily, staunchly; unwaveringly, unflinchingly
nepokolebljivost f firmness, staunchness, sturdiness;
intrepidity; inflexibility; constancy; perseverance
nepokopan adj unburied; (bez groba) graveless
nepokoran adj disobedient, insubordinate, unruly, refractory, ungovernable, obstinate, perverse, intractable; (buntovan) mutinous
nepokornik m disobedient (unruly, refractory) person
nepokorno adv disobediently, insubordinately
nepokornost f disobedience, insubordination; perverseness; refractoriness, intractability, obstinacy
nepokraen adj unabbreviated, unshortened
nepokrenut adj unmoved, not displaced
nepokretan adj immovable, fixed, fast; (bolesnik) unable to move, bed-ridden; fig stiff, awkward, ponderous; v. nepoduzetan
nepokretnost f immovability, fixity; (bolesnika) inability
to walk, being bed-ridden; fig stiffness, awkwardness,
ponderousness (v. nepoduzetnost) ; jur v. nekretnina
nepokriven adj uncovered; (glave) bare-headed; (bez
krova) unroofed; (protivniki igra) unmarked, open

nepokupljen adj uncollected, ungathered, unpicked

nepokvaren adj (pravi) genuine, natural, pure;
(bezazlen) harmless, naive, ingenuous, clean, innocent; (meso) untainted, not high; (karakter) unspoiled, undepraved, incorrupt, unperverted; (ljepota,
sklad) unmarred; (primjesom) unadulterated; (trulost)
(neraskalaen) undebauched, unpoisoned; (kakvoa)
nepokvareno adj ingenuously, incorruptly
nepokvarenost f innocence, incorruption; pureness; ingenuousness; unspoilt (unpoisoned, unvitiated, unmarred) state
nepokvarljiv adj incorruptible
nepokvarljivost f incorruptibility
nepolitiki' adj unpolitical, non-political; apolitical
nepolitiki'' adv unpolitically, non-politically; apolitically
nepomaknut adj unmoved; undisturbed
nepomazan adj unanointed
nepomian adj immovable, immobile, motionless, not
budging, still; (privren) fixed, stationary, fastened;
(u mirovanju) at a standstill
nepomino adv immovably, stock-still | stati ~ come to a
(full) stop
nepominost f immovability, immobility; fixedness;
standstill; fixity; stoppage
nepomijean adj unmixed; (ist) pure; (nerazvodnjen)
undiluted (viski, vino B neat, A straight); unmingled,
unblended; (karte) unshufled
nepomilovan adj unpardoned
nepomiren adj irreconciled
nepomirljiv adj irreconcilable, implacable, unrelenting,
unforgiving, uncompromising; unappeasable; that
cannot be propitiated (placated)
nepomirljivo adv irreconcilably, implacably
nepomirljivost f implacability, irreconcilableness, unforgivingness
nepomjeren adj v. nepomaknut
nepomnja f v. nepanja
nepomnjiv adj v. nepaljiv
nepomuen adj untroubled, undisturbed, unruffled, unstirred; (bistar) clear, limpid; (miran) calm, serene,
nepomueno adv without any disturbance, serenely
nepomuenost f serenity, calmness; peace, peacefulness
neponovljiv adj unrepeatable; fig unique
neponovljivo adv unrepeatably; fig uniquely
neponovljivost f being unrepeatable; fig uniqueness
nepopisan adj not listed (recorded, registered, entered
on the rolls)
nepoploen adj unpaved, unflagged
nepopravljen adj unrepaired; uncorrected; in bad repair
nepopravljiv adj incorrigible, irreclaimable, unimprovable, unreformable, irredeemable; (beznadan) hopeless, incurable; (ruevnost) totally ruined (damaged),
in extremely bad repair
nepopravljivo adv incorrigibly; irremediably
nepopravljivost f incorrigibleness, irremediableness

nepopularan adj unpopular

nepopularnost f unpopularity; (omraenost) odiousness
nepopunjen adj unfilled, vacant, uncompleted | ~o
mjesto vacancy
nepopustljiv adj unyielding, inexorable; relentless, inflexible, unbending, uncompromising; determined,
dogged; stiff, obstinate, insistent; uncompliant
nepopustljivo adv inexorably, relentlessly, uncompromisingly, insistently
nepopustljivost f inflexibility, relentlessness ; doggedness, tenaciousness, stubbornness, intrasigeance
neporeciv adj v. neoporeciv
neporemeen adj not disarranged; undisturbed, not
thrown into confusion, not disorganized; orderly;
(kosa) not dishevelled; in its proper place
neporemeenost f being undisturbed, freedom from disarray, orderliness
neporoan adj irreproachable, unimpeachable, unexceptionable, blameless, unblemished, stainless, unsullied; upright; not sentenced by a court
neporono adv irreproachably, without blemish; without
a criminal record
neporonost f irreproachableness, integrity; uprightness,
neporubljen adj unbordered, unhemmed, unedged
neposijan adj unsown
neposjeen adj unfelled, not cut down
neposjeen adj unvisited, unfrequented, unattended;
neposlovan adj unbusiness-like
neposlovno adv in an unbusiness-like manner, without
business sense
neposlovnost f lack of business sense
neposluh m disobedience, insubordination, refractoriness, perverseness
neposluan adj disobedient, undutiful, refractory, wayward, perverse
neposluno adv disobediently
neposlunost f disobedience, refractoriness, insubordination, perverseness, waywardness
neposoljen adj unsalted
neposredan adj immediate, direct; next, nearest; firsthand
neposredno adv immediately, directly, next, at first hand
neposrednost f immediateness, immediacy, directness;
(blizina) contiguity
nepostignut adj unreached, unattained, ungained; (neizvren) unaccomplished
neposti|an, ~iv adj v. nedostian
nepostojan adj inconstant, unstable; wavering; fickle,
giddy, lighty, light-headed, light-minded; unsettled,
changeable; varying, variable; unsteady; (boja) fading | gram ~o "a" fleeting a
nepostojano adv inconstantly, unstably, unsteadily
nepostojanost f inconstancy, vacillation, fickleness, unsteadiness, levity, instability, changeability
nepostojanje n non-existence, absence
nepostojei adj non-existent, missing

neposveen adj unhallowed, unconsecrated; not inaugurated, undedicated; unordained

neposvjedoen adj unwitnessed
nepotedan adj unsparing, inexorable, relentless, unrelenting
nepotedno adv unsparingly, inexorably, ralentlessly,
nepotednost f unsparingness, inexorability, relentlessness
nepoteen adj unspared; (neosloboen od) unexempted, unexcused
nepoten adj dishonest, dishanourable, unfair, foul, underhand, not straight-forward, crooked; (dobitak) illgotten, fraudulent
nepoteno adv dishonestly, unfairly, fraudulently, knavishly
nepotenjak m dishonest fellow, villain, blackguard
nepotenje n dishonesty; (in) foul dealing (play); knavery, roguery
nepotivanje n disregard, disrespect, lack of respect,
disdain, discourtesy, slight; (izreeno) disparagement
nepoumljen adj bare, treeless; unafforested
nepotist m nepotist
nepotistiki adj nepotistic
nepotizam m nepotism
nepotkovan adj unshod
nepotkupljen adj unbribed, unsuborned
nepotkupljiv adj unbribable, incorruptible
nepotkupljivo adv incorruptibly
nepotkupljivost f incorruptibility
nepotlaen adj unoppressed, not tyrannized (domineered
over); free, independent
nepotpisan adj unsigned, unsubscribed
nepotpun adj incomplete, unfinished; fragmentary;
wanting; (krnj) mutilated, truncated; (defektan) defective, imperfect; faulty
nepotpuno adv incompletely, imperfectly, not wholly
(entirely); (malo) slightly
nepotpunost f incompleteness, imperfection; deficiency;
nepotraen adj unwasted, unsquandered
nepotreb|an adj unnecessary, needless, superfluous, dispensable, unserviceable, that can be done without |
meni je to ~no I can do without it, I can dispense
with it
nepotrebno adv needlessly, unnecessarily
nepotrebnost f needlesness, unnecessariness; (suvinost)
nepotresen adj unshaken, unshocked, unruffled
nepotroen adj unexpended, unspent, unconsumed
nepotuen adj unbeaten, unrouted, undefeated, standing
one's ground
nepotvren adj unauthenticated, unconfirmed; (istina)
unverified; (svjedoenje) unattested, uncertified, unsubstantiated; (ugovor) unratified, unsanctioned
nepotvrenost f being unconfirmed (unauthenticated,
unverified, unattested, uncertified), lack of confirmation (authentication, verification, attestation, certification)

nepouzdan adj unreliable, untrustworthy, independable;

(nesiguran) unsafe, dubious, insecure, unauthentic,
not to be counted upon
nepouzdanost f untrustworthiness, independability
nepouzdanje n mistrust, diffidence, distrust, lack of confidence
nepovezan adj unconnected; loose-knit; uncoordinated;
(nesuvisao) incoherent; (rana) undressed
nepovezanost f being unconnected (loose-knit), looseknit structure; lack of coordination; incoherence
nepovjerenje n distrust
nepovjerljiv adj distrustful, mistrustful, diffident, suspicious, reserved
nepovjerljivo adv distrustfully, with diffidence
nepovjerljivost f distrustful attitude, diffidence
nepovlasno adv without permission (authority); illicitly
nepovlastan adj unauthorised; illicit
nepovlaten adj unprivileged; v. nepovlastan
nepovodljiv adj untractable, unwilling, unmanageable,
nepovoljan adj unfavourable, inauspicious, unpropitous,
adverse, disadvantageous; (uvjet) unacceptable; (vijest) bad, unwelcome; (vrijeme) inclement, stormy;
(vjetar) contrary
nepovoljno adv adversely
nepovoljnost f unfavourableness
nepovrat m | u ~ v. unepovrat
nepovratan adj irretrievable
nepovratno adv irretrievably
nepovratnost f irretrievability
nepovrediv adj inviolable; (svet) sacred; (neranjiv) invulnerable; (zakon) immune, sacrosanct
nepovredivo adv inviolably
nepovredivost f inviolability, immunity, sacredness |
teritorijalna ~ territorial integrity
nepovrijeen adj inviolate, inviolated; (neranjen) unhurt, uninjured, unscathed, unharmed; (cio) whole,
entire; (neoteen) undamaged, unimpaired; (neuvrijeen) unoffended, not wronged (outraged)
nepozlaen adj ungilt, ungilded
nepoznanic|a f fig an unknown (quantity), question
mark; math "x", unknown | math jednadba s dvije
~e equation with two unknowns
nepoznat adj unknown, not known; unindentified; unacquainted with; (stran) strange; incognito; (bezimen)
obscure, nameless, fameless
nepoznata f math v. nepoznanica
nepoznatost f being unknown
nepoznavanje n ignorance, unacquaintance
nepozvan adj uninvited, unasked, unbidden, uncalled;
(nametljiv) officious, meddling; (sam od sebe) of
one's own accord | ~om gostu mjesto za vratima unbidden guests are unwelcome
nepoelj|an adj undesirable, unwelcome | proglasiti
~nom linou declare a persona non grata
nepoeljno adv undesirably
nepoeljnost f undesirability
nepraen adj unaccompanied, unescorted; (djevojka)
unchaperoned, unsquired

nepraktian adj unpractical

nepraktino adv unpractically
nepraktinost f unpracticality
nepran pp unwashed; (vuna) greasy
nepravd|a f injustice, iniquity, wrong, injury, unfairness;
unrighteousness; (pristranost) partiality, prejudice;
(nanijeta) grievance | uiniti (nanijeti) ~u do wrong
(injustice), injure one; (veliku) do gross injustice
nepravedan adj unjust, wrongful, unrighteous, iniquitous, unfair; (pristran) partial, biassed; (nezakonit) illegal, unlawful
nepravednik m unjust (unrighteous, unfair; partial, biassed) person
nepravedno adv unjustly, wrongfully, iniquitously
nepravednost f injustice, unrighteousness, iniquity
nepravi adj (krivi) wrong, improper, not the right one,
undue; (krivotvoren) not genuine, spurious, counterfeit, adulterine, apocriphal, sham, base; (umjetan,
laan) artificial; (pogrean) erreneous; (nezbiljski)
unreal; (nezakonit) illegitimate | ~ dragulj (biser)
imitation diamond (pearl), paste gem; ~ razlomak
improper fraction
nepravian adj unrighteous, iniquitous
nepravino adv unrighteously, iniquitously
nepravinost f iniquity, injustice
nepravilan adj irregular; unsymmetrical, abnormal,
anomalous; (ulica) straggling; (zgrada) rambling
nepravilno adv irregularly; abnormally; asymmetrically
nepravilnost f irregularity; anomaly, abnormality; abnormity; abuse
nepravo adv unjustly, unfairly, wrongly, wrongfully
neprebrodiv adj (voda) not to be crossed by navigation;
(potekoa) insurmountable, not to be overcome
neprecizan adj imprecise
neprecizno adv imprecisely, without precision
nepreciznost f imprecision, lack of precision
neprecien adj v. neraien, neproien, nerafiniran
nepredostroan adj v. neoprezan
nepredskaziv adj unpredictable
nepredskazivo adv unpredictably
nepredskazivost f unpredictability
nepredusretljiv adj v. nesusretljiv, neusluan
nepredvidiv adj unforeseeable
nepredvidivost f impossibility to foresee (anticipate)
nepredvianje n failure to foresee (anticipate), nonanticipation
nepredvien adj unforeseen, unlooked-for; unexpected;
nepredvieno adv unexpectedly, unpredictably
nepregledan adj (golem) immense, immeasurable,
boundless, infinite, vast; (neprovjeren) not inspected
(checked), not looked over (through); (nejasan) not
easily surveyed, badly laid out; confused
nepregledno adv without a clear layout (exposition)
nepreglednost f immenseness, vastness; (teko snalaenje) lack of clearness (lucidity, easy survey)
neprekidan adv continual, continuous, continued, unceasing, ceaseless; (niz) unbroken; uninterrupted,

steady; (neprestan) incessant; (redom) consecutive,

successive, running, unintermitting, without intermission, at a stretch; (neumoran) unremitting
neprekidno adv continually, continuously, uninterruptedly, constantly; (redom) in succession, at a stretch |
~ tri dana for three days running
neprekidnost f continuity, continuousness
neprekinut adj unbroken, uninterrupted
neprekinuto adv unbrokenly, without interruption
neprekinutost f unbrokenness, absence of interruption,
neprekren adj unbroken, unviolated, not transgressed
neprekriv adj inviolable
neprekrivost f inviolability
neprelazan adj (zapreka) insurmountable, impassable
(v. neprolazan); (bolest) not catching | gram ~
glagol intransitive verb
neprelaznost f gram intransitivity
nepremostiv adj unbridgeable; insurmountable
nepremostivost f unbridgeability; insurmountability
neprenosiv adj untransferable
neprenosivost f non-transferability
nepreodjeven adj undisguised, with unchanged clothes
nepreraen adj (sirov) raw, in natural state, unmanufactured; crude
neprestan adj incessant, continuous, continual, uninterrupted
neprestance adv v. neprestano
neprestano adv incessantly, continually, continuously,
constantly, at a stretch | on ~ govori he keeps (on)
talking; tri dana ~ for three days running
neprestraen adj not frightened, undaunted, dauntless,
intrepid, unawed; (hrabar) plucky, stout-hearted,
nepresuan adj that does not dry up, inexhaustible
nepresuno adv inexhaustibly
nepresunost f inexhaustibility
nepretenciozan adj unpretentious, unassuming
nepretenciozno adv unpretentiously, unassumingly
nepretencioznost f unpretentiousness, lack of pretention
nepretjeran adj unexaggerated; not excessive (immoderate); (cijena) not exorbitant, fair; (skroman) modest,
decorous, unpretentious
nepretjerano adv moderately, reasonably, in reason,
within bounds; without exaggeration
nepretoen adj (tekuina) not poured out (decanted) into
another vessel (cask); (vino) not drawn off, not
nepretskaziv adj v. nepredskaziv
nepretvoriv adj inconvertible
nepretvorivost f inconvertibility
nepreveden adj not translated; untranslated
neprevezen adj not conveyed to another place (over a
river); (na splavi) unferried
neprevodiv adj untranslatable
neprevodivost f untranslatability
neprevuen adj not coated, uncoated

neprealjen adj (pokojnik) not mourned-over (-for)

enough, unforgettable
nepridravanje n non-observance, failure to comply
neprihvat m non-acceptance
neprihvatljiv adj unacceptable
neprihvatljivost f unacceptability
neprijatan adj v. neugodan
neprijatelj m enemy, foe; (protivnik) adversary, opponent; (pakostan) fiend; (zakleti) sworn enemy; illwisher
neprijateljica f woman enemy (opponent)
neprijateljsk|i' adj enemy, inimical, hostile; unfriendly;
(pakostan) fiendish; (protivan) adverse, opposed to;
(zloban) malevolent | ~o raspoloenje ill-feeling, antagonism
neprijateljski'' adv inimically, with hostility | ~
raspoloen prema feeling hostility towards, bearing
ill-will against
neprijateljstv|o n enmity, hostility, animosity, antagonism, ill-will; unfriendliness; (zamjerka) grudge,
rancour | oni su (ive) u ~u they live on bad terms,
they are at variance; (jae) they are at daggers drawn
neprijatno adv v. neugodno
neprijatnost f v. neugodnost
neprijavljivanje n failure to report
neprijazan adj unkind, unfriendly; unamiable; inaffable;
(neusluan) disobliging; (nemilostiv) ungracious;
(neutiv) uncivil, abrupt, blunt, surly; (hladan) cold,
distant, frosty, stiff, chilly, frigid; (vrijeme) dull,
neprijazno adv unkindly, unamiably, inaffably, ungraciously, stiffly; in an unfriendly way; (osorno)
gruffly, abruptly, bluntly
neprijaznost f unfriendliness, unkindness, ungraciousness, bad grace, unamiableness, inaffability
neprijelazan adj v. neprelazan
neprijem|iv, ~ljiv adj unresponsive (v. neosjetljiv)
neprijeporan adj indisputable itd. (v. neosporan)
neprijeporno adv v. neosporno
neprikladan adj unfitting, unfit; (nezgodan) inconvenient, inexpedient, inappropriate, unserviceable, unsuited, unsuitable; (neskladan) incongruous; (neumjestan) improper, inapposite, unseasonable, out of
place, inopportune; (nesposoban) ineligible, inapt
neprikladno adv unsuitably, inappropriately
neprikladnost f unsuitability, unfitness; inappropriateness, inopportuneness, inexpediency; ineligibility, inaptness
neprikosnoven adj v. nepovrediv
neprikriven adj unconcealed; fig naked
neprikriveno adv without concealment, openly; fig nakedly
neprikrivenost f absence of concealment, openness; fig
neprilagodljiv adj unadaptable
neprilagodljivo adv unadaptably
neprilagodljivost f unadaptability
neprilagoen adj unadapted; maladjusted

neprilagoenost f maladjustment
neprilian adj inopportune; unseasonable, out of season;
(na smetnju) embarrassing, inconvenient; (na muku)
troublesome, burdensome, onerous, wearisome, irksome; cumbersome; awkward; untoward
neprilino adv inopportunely, inconveniently, awkwardly
neprilinost f unconvenience, troublesomeness, awkwardness
neprilik|a f (neugodnost) disagreableness, trouble, vexation; (potekoa) difficulty, predicament, distress;
(kripac) scrape, dilemma, straits pl, awkward predicament, pickle, mess; (smetnja) abashment, embarrassment; (neugodnost) inconvenience; (dodijavanje)
annoyance; (nezgoda) unlucky accident, mishap | izvui se iz ~e scrape through, go scot-free, bez ~e
without a hitch, smoothly; praviti ~e put a spoke in a
person's wheel; biti u neprilici be all abroad; be
(stand) abashed at, be embarassed; dovesti u ~u
neprimjenjiv adj inapplicable
neprimjeren adj disproportional, out of proportion
neprimjereno adv disproportionally, out of proportion |
sasvim ~ out of all proportion (to)
neprimjet|an, ~ljiv adj unperceivable, imperceptible,
undiscernible, invisible
neprimjetno adv imperceptibly
neprimjet|nost, ~ljivost f imperceptibility
nepripitomljen adj untamed; fig unsubdued, uncurbed
nepripitomljiv adj untameable, fierce, savage, wild
nepripravan adj v. nespreman, nepripremljen
nepripremljen adj unprepared, not ready; offhand; (bez
priprave) extemporaneous; (tekst) unseen
nepripremljeno adv without preparation; offhand; extempore, at first sight
nepripremljenost f lack of preparation; offhand (extempore) quality
neprirodan adj unnatural, abnormal, contrary to nature,
anomalous; (ponaanje) affected; (ukoen) stiff | ~
stvor (nakaza) monster, freak of nature
neprirodno adv unnaturally
neprirodnost f unnaturalness; abnormality, abnormity,
anomaly, monstrosity
nepriseban adj lacking composure, flustered
neprisebno adv without composure
neprisebnost f lack of composure
neprisiljen adj (sam od svoje volje) of one's own free
will, voluntary, not forced (compelled, obliged); not
actuated by; of one's own choice; v. neusiljen
neprispodobiv adj v. neusporediv
nepristalost f disparity; misfit; unfitness; impropriety
nepristao adj inappropriate, improper; unsuitable; unfitting; ill-matched; out of keeping with
nepristoj|an adj impolite, unmannerly, uncivil, ill-bred,
rude, ll-behaved; (nedolinost) unseemly, unbecoming, improper; (udoree) indecent, obscene | ~ni izrazi bad (foul) language
nepristojno adv impolitely, rudely, unmannerly; indecently

nepristojnost f impoliteness, rudeness, unmannerliness;

impropriety, want of good manners, incivility, discourtesy; (neudorednost) indecency, obscenity
nepristran adj unprejudiced, impartial, unbiassed; fair,
even-handed, neutral, disinterested, not discriminating; non-partisan
nepristrano adv impartially, fairly, without prejudice
(discrimination, bias); disinterestedly; with an open
nepristranost f impartiality, neutrality, fairness, disinterestedness
nepristrastan adj v. nepristran
nepristupaan adj (ovjek) reserved, aloof, stand-offish,
distant, impervious, cold, inaffable; inaccessible, unapproachable; (predio) impassable, impenetrable,
impervious, impracticable; (strmina) sheer; (obala)
rock-bound, iron bound; (vrhunac) unscalable
nepristupano adv inaccessibly, unapproachably, distantly
nepristupanost f unapproachability, impracticability,
inaccessibility; (ovjeka) aloofness, stand-offishness,
nepristupanje n non-joining, failure to join | pol ~ blokovima non-alignment
neprisutan adj absent, not present; from home; away;
(duhom) absent-minded
neprisutnost f absence; (nedolazak) non-appearance,
non-attendance; (duhom) absent-mindedness
neprivezan adj unattached (unfastened, unsecured) by a
string (rope, twine, cord itd.) to; (lancem) unchained
nepriviknut adj unaccustomed, unused to, not wont to;
(kao mana) not addicted to; not in the habit of
neprivlaan adj unattractive, uninviting; uninteresting;
unalluring; undesirable; indifferent
neprivlano adv unattractively
neprivlanost f lack of attractiveness
neprivredan adj uneconomic
nepriznat adj unrecognized
nepriznavanje n non-recognition, failure to recognize;
neprobavljen adj undigested, crude, ill-digested
neprobavljiv adj indigestible
neprobavljivost f indigestibility
neprobitaan adj unprofitable, disadvantageous, unremunerative
neprobitano adv unprofitably, disadvantageously, unremuneratively
neprobitanost f unprofitableness, unremunerativeness
neprobojan adj impenetrable, impervious; (za tane) bullet-proof
neprobojnost f impenetrability, imperviousness
neprobran adj unselected, unsifted; not singled (picked)
neprocjenjiv adj priceless, precious, inestimable, incalculable, invaluable
neprocjenjivo adv inestimably, invaluably, pricelessly
neprocjenjivost f pricelessness
neproien adj unpurified, unrefined, unfiltered
neprodan adj unsold

neproduljen adj unlengthened, unprotracted, unextended, unelongated; unprolonged

neprofesionalan adj unprofessional
neprofesionalnost f unprofessional quality
neprohodan adj impracticable, impervious, pathless,
impassable, impenetrable; forbidding, rugged
neprohodnost f impassability, pathlessness, impenetrability
neproizvodan adj unproductive
neproizvodnost f unproductiveness
neprolazan adj imperishable; (besmrtan) immortal, undying
neprolazno adv imperishably
neprolaznost f imperishableness; (besmrtnost) immortality
neprometan adj with little traffic, quiet
nepromijenjen adj unchanged, unaltered, unvaried;
(stalan) fixed; (uvijek isti) stereotyped
nepromiljen adj imprudent; ill-considered, ill-advised;
(nagao) foolhardy, precipitate, overhasty, rash, heedless; (lakouman) thoughtless, giddy, light-headed,
addle-headed, reckless
nepromiljeno adv rashly, indiscreetly, imprudently,
recklessly, with bad judgement | ~ postupiti act imprudently, exercise bad judgement
nepromiljenost f lack of judgement, imprudence,
thoughtlessness, rashness, temerity, indiscretion
nepromjenljiv adj immutable, unchangeable, inalterable, invariable
nepromjenljivo adv immutably, unchangeably, inalterably, invariably
nepromjenljivost f immutability, invariability, unchangeableness; v. stalnost
nepromoiv adj watertight, waterproof, impermeable
nepromoivoet f impermeability
nepronaen adj unfound, undiscovered, uninvented;
nepropadljiv adj imperishable
nepropadijivost f imperishability
nepropisan adj not prescribed (ordained, ordered); irregular, contrary to regulations
neproporcionalan adj disproportional, badly proportioned
neproporcionalno adv disproportionally
neproporcionalnost f disproportionality, lack of proportion
nepropusnost f impermeability, imperviousness, impenetrability
nepropustan adj impermeable, impervious, impenetrable
neprosvijetljen adj unenlightened, uncultured, uncivilized; illiterate
neprosvijetljenost adj lack of enlightenment (culture,
civilization, knowledge, information, education); ignorance, illiteracy
neproen adj unasked; (djevojka) unwooed
neprotumaiv adj unaccountable, unexplicable; puzzling; mysterious
neprotumaivo adv inexplicably

neprotumaivost f inexplicability
neprovediv adj impossible to carry through, impracticable
neprovedivost f impossibility to carry through, impracticability
neprovidan adj v. neproziran
neprovodnik m el & phys non-conductor
neprovoenje n non-implementation, failure to carry
neproziran adj opaque, non-transparent; (maglovit)
hazy; (zamuen) turbid; (staklo) ground (glass)
neprozirnost f opacity
neprozraan adj impervious to air
neprozraen adj unaired, unventilated
neprozranost f imperviousness to air
neprozren adj (person) not found out
nepren adj unroasted, unbroiled
Neptun m myth Neptune
neptunij m chem neptunium
nepun adj not full; incomplete
nepunoljetan adj minor (v. maloljetan)
nepua m non-smoker | rlw kupe za ~e non-smoking
nerabljen adj v. neupotrijebljen, iz prve ruke
neracionalan adj uneconomical; (mentalno) unrational
neracionalno adv uneconomically; unrationally
neracionalnost f uneconomicalness; unrationality
nerad' m inactivity, inaction, idleness; (lijenost) laziness; unemployment
nerad'' adj v. nesklon
neradni adj idle | ~ dan holiday
neradnik m idler
nerado adv unwillingly, reluctantly, grudgingly, with a
bad grace, against the grain, loath to
neradost f reluctance, aversion
nerafiniran adj unrefined
nerafinirano adv without refinement
nerafiniranost f lack of refinement
neranjen adj unwounded, unhurt, uninjured, unscathed
neranjiv f invulnerable
neranjivost f invulnerability
neraspadljiv adj that cannot fall to pieces (crumble);
(neunitiv) indestructible
neraspletiv adj unravellable
neraspoloen adj indisposed, disinclined
neraspoloeno adv with bad humour, in a bad mood
neraspoloenje f bad mood; indisposition, disinclination
neraspoznavanje n unrecognition, failure to recognize;
failure to tell apart
nerast m boar; (divlji) wild boar
nerastaljiv adj unmeltable
nerastavljen adj unparted, unseparated, undivided;
(neraskinut) unsevered; (na sastavne dijelove) not
overhauled; (brak) undivorced
nerastavtjiv adj inseparable
nerasteljiv adj inelastic, unextensile
nerasteljivost f inelasticity
nerastopljen adj undissolved, unmelted, unthawed;
unliquefied; (slanina) not rendered

nerastopljiv adj insoluble

nerastopljivost f insolubility
nerastvoriv adj v. nerastopljiv
nerasvijetljen adj unlighted, unlit; (taman) dark, dim
neraien adj not cleared up, unclarified, unsolved,
neratoboran adj unwarlike; unbelligerent; (miroljubiv)
neratoborno adv unbelligerently
neratobornost f non-belligerence
neravan adj (ploha) uneven, rugged, not level, rough;
(nahero) awry; (crta) not straight; (svinut) not
straight, bent, crooked
neravnina f uneven spot (area)
neravno adv unevenly
neravnomjeran adj uneven
neravnomjerno adv unevenly
neravnomjernost f unevenness
neravnost f unevenness, roughness, ruggedness, crookedness
nerazborit adj imprudent, unreasonable, injudicious,
indiscreet, thoughtless, inconsiderate; foolish; giddy,
nerazborito adv imprudently; foolishly
nerazboritost f imprudence, unreasonableness, indiscreetness, inconsiderateness; foolisihness; giddiness,
nerazderiv adj v. nepoderiv
nerazdijeljen adj not divided (separated, distributed);
undivided, unseparated, undistributed, not dealt out,
not shared
nerazdjeljiv adj indivisible, undividable; inseparable
nerazdjeljivo adv inseparably
nerazdjeljivost adj inseparability, indivisibility
nerazdraen adj unirritated, unprovoked
nerazdruiv adj v. nerazdvojan
nerazdruivo adv inseparably
nerazdruivost f inseparability
nerazdvoj|an, ~iv adj inseparable; not to be parted
nerazdvoj|no, ~ivo adv inseparably
nerazdvoj|nost, ~ivost f inseparability
nerazglaen adj (vijest) not spread (difused, made public, disclosed)
nerazgovijetan adj indistinct, inarticulate; unintelligible; (rukopis) undecipherable, cramped, niggling
nerazgovijetno adv indistinctly, unintelligibly
nerazgovijetnost f indistinctness, inarticulateness; unintelligibility
nerazjanjen adj unexplained; mysterious; puzzling | ~a
stvar puzzle
nerazjanjenost f lack of explanation
nerazjanjiv adj v. neobjanjiv
nerazlikovanje n failure to distinguish
nerazluiv adj indistinguishable, indiscernible
nerazluivo adj indistinguishably, indiscernibly
nerazluivost f impossibility to distinguish (discern)
nerazmjer m disproportion, disparity; inadequacy;
(nesklad) incongruity

nerazmjeran adj disproportionate, unproportionate;

unsymmetrical; incommensurate
nerazmjerno adv disproportionately, out of proportion
nerazmjernost f v. nerazmjer
nerazmrsiv adj inextricable, impossible to unravel
nerazmrsivo adv inextricably
nerazmrsivost f inextricability, impossibility to unravel
nerazoriv adj indestructible, adamantine
nerazorivo adv indestructibly
nerazorivost f indestructibility
nerazrezan adj uncut; (meso) uncarved
nerazrijeen adj absolute, undiluted
nerazrjeiv adj insoluble, unsolvable
nerazrjeivo adv insolubly
nerazrjeivost f insolubility, unsolvability
nerazruen adj not pulled down, undemolished; (do
temelja) unrazed
nerazum m v. nerazmnost
nerazuman adj imprudent, unreasonable, unwise, irrational, injudicious, indiscreet; (budalast) silly, foolish; senseless; (lud, divlji) crazy, mad
nerazumijevanje n lack of comprehension (understanding); (krivo razumijevanje) misunderstanding, crosspurposes
nerazumljiv adj (nejasan) indistinct; (neshvatljiv) unintelligible, inapprehensible; (zakuast) abstruse, obscure | ~ jezik gibberish, lingo, sl gobbledegook
nerazumljivo adv indistinctly, unintelligibly; abstrusely
nerazumljivost f indistinctness, unintelligibility; abstruseness, obscurity
nerazumno adv imprudently; unreasonably; absurdly,
foolishly, irrationally, injudiciously, indiscreetly
nerazumnost f imprudence, irrationality, injudiciousness; silliness, foolishness; absurdity
nerazveden adj (obala) unindented, harbourless
nerazvedenost f poverty in (lack of) natural harbours
nerazvezan adj (vor) not unknotted; (vez) not unbound
nerazvijen adj undeveloped (i photo); (nezreo) immature, not matured, unripe, behind in growth (development); (krljav) stunted, drawfed, rudimentary,
aborted, abortive; (barjak, jedro) unfurled; primitive |
~e zemlje v. zemlje u razvoju
nerazvijenost f undeveloped state, underdevelopment;
immaturity, checked growth; (zaostalost) backwardness, rudimentary (stunted) state
nerazvodnjen adj undiluted; (alkoholna pia) B neat, A
nerazvrstan adj not classified
nerc m Ger mink (krzno i ivotinja)
nerealan adj unrealistic; impractical
nerealistian adj unrealistic
nerealno adv unrealistically; impractically
nerealnost f unrealistic quality (attitude, approach), lack
of realism; impracticality
nered m disorder, confusion, derangement, disarrangement; litter; (zbrka) topsy-turvy(dom), jumble, chaos,
mishmash, pell-mell, mess | ~i riots, rioting, disturbances, violence

neredovit adj irregular; (isprekidan, na mahove) desultory, fitful, issued (happening) at irregular intervals
(by fits and starts)
neredovito adv irregularly, intermittently, from time to
time, occasionally; (netono) unpunctually; (na mahove) by fits and starts, off and on, now and then, by
neredovitost f irregularity; desultoriness; fitfulness
neregistriran adj unregistered; unlicensed
neregularan adj irregular
neregularno adv irregularly
neregularnost f irregularity
nerentabilan adj uneconomic, unprofitable
nerentabilno adv uneconomically, unprofitably
nerentabilnost f uneconomic operation, unprofitability
nerijeen adj (problem, zagonetka) unsolved; (pitanje)
open; (spis) not attended to, not given a (final) decision; unsettled, enigmatic; waiting for a sentence
(judgement, decision); pending, in abeyance | sp ~
rezultat v. neodluan
nerijeeno adv sp v. neodluno
nerijetko adv often, not rarely, not seldom
nerjeit adj reserved, uncommunicative, sparing of
words, not eloquent
nerjeiv adj unsolvable, unriddleable, enigmatic, problematic, puzzling; mysterious
nerjeivost f unsolvableness
nerod|an adj unfertile, barren | ~na godina bad year
nerodica f crop failure
nerodoljubiv adj unpatriotic
nerodoljubivost f lack of patriotism
neroen adj unborn
Neron m hist Nero
nerotkinja f barren woman
nerv m v. ivac; fig verve, flair
nervik m coll a bundle of nerves, neurotic
nervirati vt upset (v. uzrujavati, ii na ivce)
nervirati se vr get upset (v. uzrujavati se)
nervni adj v. ivani
nervoz|a f nervousness; uneasiness | hvata me ~a I get
nervous; unositi ~u make nervous
nervozan adj nervous, coll on edge; uneasy, fretful; having unstrung (over-wrought, over-excited) nerves; ill
at ease
nervozno adv nervously
nesabran adj abstract-minded, absent-minded, abstracted; (nepokupljen) uncollected, ungathered
nesabranost f abstract-mindedness, absent-mindedness,
nesaglediv adj fig incalculable
nesagoriv adj v. negoriv, nezapaljiv
nesakriven adj unhidden
nesakupljen adj uncollected, ungathered
nesalomljiv adj v. neslomljiv
nesamostalan adj dependent
nesamostalnost f dependence, lack of independence
nesamoupravan adj (teritorija) non-self-governing, dependent; (drutvo) non-self-managing
nesan adj | ~a no sleepless night

nesanica f v. besanica
nesanitaran adj insanitary
nesapet adj untightened, loose; (osjeaj) feeling at ease
nesasluan adj unheard
nesaiven adj unsewn, unstitched
nesavitljiv adj inflexible, unbending
nesavitljivost f inflexibility
nesavjesno adv unconscientiously, negligently, badly; v.
nesavjesnost f unconscientiousness, carelessness; v. besavjesnost
nesavjestan adj unconscientious, careless; v. besavjestan
nesavladiv adj invincible, insurmountable, insuperable;
nesavladivo adv invincibly, insuperably
nesavladivost f invincibility, insuperability
nesavremen adj v. nesuvremen
nesavren adj imperfect, defective; below the mark, falling short of perfection, having shortcomings; crude,
nesavreno adj imperfectly; crudely
nesavrenost f imperfection, shortcoming
nesebian adj unselfish, disinterested, selfless, altruistic;
generous, high-minded
nesebino adv unselfishly, selflessly
nesebinost f unselfishness, disinterestedness; altruism,
nesebinjak m altruist
nesedlan adj unsaddled, bare-backed
nesentimentalan adj unsentimental
nesentimentalno adv unsentimentally, without sentimentality
nesentimentalnost f lack of sentimentality
neseser m vanity case, dressing case
neshvaanje n lack of understanding (sympathy); uncongeniality; (pogreno shvaanje) misunderstanding
neshvaen adj ununderstood
neshvatljiv adj incomprehensible, inconceivable; past
(beyond, above) comprehension; (nevjerojatan) incredible
neshvatljivo adv incomprehensibly, beyond comprehension
neshvatljivost adj incomprehensibility, inconceivability
nesiguran adj unsafe, insecure; precarious; (neizvjestan)
doubtful, uncertain, touch-and-go, precarious;
(pogibeljan) dangerous, hazardous, adventurous;
(ruka, glas itd.) unsteady, infirm; (nezaklonjen) exposed, unsheltered
nesigurno adv unsafely, insecurely; uncertainly; precariously
nesigurnost f insecurity, unsafeness, unsafety; (pogibelj)
danger, peril, risk; (neizvjesnost) uncertainty, auspense, precariousness
nesimetrian adj unsymmetric(al), lacking symmetry
nesimetrino adv unsymmetrically, without symmetry
nesimetrinost f lack of symmetry
nesimpatian adj unengaging, unlikeable (pazi: unsympathetic = koji ne suosjea!)

nesin m bad son

nesistematian adj v. nesastavan
nesit m ornith pelican
nesjeen adj uncut
nesklad m disiharmony, discord, discordance; (nesloga)
disagreement, dissension, variance, difference, misunderstanding; (odudarnost) discrepancy, incongruity; (nesrazmjer) disproportion
neskladan adj disharmonious, discordant, inharmonious; (glazba) unmelodious, harsh, grating; jarring;
discrepant, incompatible; mismatched; incongruous,
proportionless, disproportionate, unsymmetrical; uncomformable
neskladno adv discordantly, without harmony, incongruously
neskladnost f v. nesklad
neaklapan adj v. neskladan, nezgrapan
nesklon adj unfavourable, unpropitious; (neprijateljski)
inimical, unfrendly; disaffectionate; adverse, opposed, antagonistic; (nerad) disinclined, unwilling,
averse; (sudbina) inauspicious, ill-omened | biti ~
nesklonost f disinclination, aversion, averseness, unwillingness; (neodobravanje) disapprobation, discouragement; unfriendliness, antagonism; reluctance; unfavourableness
nesklonjiv adj gram indeclinable
nesklonjivost f gram undeclinability
neskriven adj open, unabashed, obvious
neskriveno adv openly, unabashedly, obviously
neskrivenost f openness, unabashedness, obviousness
neskroman adj immodest; conceited; pert, forward, impudent; vain, puffed up; presumptuous, overweening
neskromno adv immodestly
neskromnost f immodesty; (tatina) vanity, conceit;
(vanost) pretentiousness, ostentatiousness, obstrusiveness; (hvalisavost) boastfulness
neskrupulozan adj unscrupulous
neskrupulozno adv unscrupulously, without scruple
neskrupuloznost f unscrupulousness, lack of scruple
neskruen adj impenitent, unrepentant, unrepenting;
(tvrdokoran) obdurate, hard
neskuen adj unconfined (to narrow limits), uncramped,
unstraitened for; unrestrained
neslaganje n disagreement, division, discord, difference |
~ naravi incompatibility
neslan adj unsalted, saltless; (bez teka) insipid, unpalatable; (neusoljen) unpickled; (neumjestan) improper,
unbeseeming | ~a ala practical joke
neslanost f insipidity; fig impropriety, unseemliness
neslavan adj inglorious; (nepoznat) obscure; (sramotan)
neslavenski adj non-Slavic
neslavno adv ingloriously
neslavnost f ingloriousness
neslobodouman adj illiberal; v. uskogrudan
neslobodoumnost f illiberality

nesloga f discord, dissension, dissent, disunion, division;

unconformity; (svaa) squabble, variance; (prekid)
rupture; (neslaganje) disagreement
neslomljen adj unbroken; unsubdued; stubborn; unconquered; indomitable; standing one's ground; holding
one's own
neslomljiv adj unbreakable; (nepopustljiv) inflexible,
firm, unbending, dogged, unyielding, stiff-necked,
adamantine, indomitable, stubborn
neslomljivost f inflexibility, indomitability, doggedness,
nesloan adj dissenting, dissentient, discordant; disagreeing, at variance, divided, at odds | biti ~ differ,
dissent, disagree; (svaa) bicker, squabble, wrangle,
quarrel, be at odds with
neslono adv without harmony, in discord, without unity
neslonost f v. nesloga
nesluen adj undreamt-of, unsurmised, unimagined
nesluben adj inofficial
neslubeno adv inofficially
neslubenost f informality, unofficial character
nesmanjen adj undiminished, uncurtailed
nesmetan adj undisturbed, unannoyed, unmolested, left
alone; (neprijeen) unhindered, unchecked
nesmetano adv without being disturbed, freely
nesmeten adj unconfused; unabashed, unruffled, unflurried; not discomposed (disconcerted, discountenanced)
nesmiljen adj merciless, pitiless; cruel, ruthless, hard;
(neovjean) inhuman; (bez srca) heartless; (nepotedan) unsparing; (neumoljiv) relentless, inexorable
nesmiljeno adv mercilessly, pitilessly, cruelly, unsparingly, ruthlessly
nesmiljenost f heartlessness, mereilessness, pitilessness,
nesmisao m nonsense, absurdity, foolish talk, balderdash
nesmotren adj incautious, off one's guard, unwary, unchary
nesmotreno adv incautiously; unwisely
nesmotrenost f unwariness, want of caution, incautiousness
nesmuen adj untroubled, unmoved, cool, steady, calm,
imperturbable, composed, unruffled
nesnalaenje n disorientation; being out of one's depth;
failure to adapt
nesnalaljiv adj unresourceful
nesnalaljivost f unresourcefulness
nesnosan adj unbearable, intolerable, insupportable,
unedurable, insufferable; revolting, wearisome;
(srditi) provoking, irritating
nesnosnost f intolerableness
nesnoljiv adj intolerant
nesnoljivost f intolerance; narrow-mindedness, illiberality; prejudice; (vjerska) bigotry
nesocijalan adj non-social; anti-social
nesolidan adj unreliable; low-quality, flimsy
nesolidno adv unreliably; with bad workmanship
nesolidnost f unreliability; low quality, flimsiness; bad

nespavanje n insomnia, sleeplessness

nespecifian adj not specific
nespojiv adj incompatible (inconsistent) with
nespojivost f incompatibility
nespokojan adj restless, agitated, uneasy; disturbed,
disquiet; troubled, anxious
nespokojno adv restlessly, uneasily, in a troubled manner
nespokojnost f restlessness, uneasiness, absence of calm
nespomenut adj unmentioned, unnamed; unspecified
nesporazum m misunderstanding, disagreement, difference; (svaa) dissension
nesportski' adj unsportsmanlike
nesportski'' adv in an unsportsmanlike manner
nesposob|an adj incapable, unfit, inept, incompetent,
inefficient; unqualified, disqualified; (brod, za
plovidbu) unseaworthy | on je ~an za taj posao (to
mjesto) he is a misfit, he is a square peg in a round
hole; proglasiti ~mim za vojsku reject for military
nesposobno adv incompetently, ineptly
nesposobnost f unfitness, incapacity, incapability, inability, disability, inaptness; disqualification
nesposobnjakovi m inept
nesprem|an adj unprepared; (bez pripreme) extemporaneous; (nesposoban) unfit, unqualified, reluctant |
zatei ~nim fig catch napping
nespremljen adj unprepared; (nepospremljen) not put
nespremno adv without preparation; (nerado) reluctantly
nespremnost f unpreparedness; unfitness, inability; disinclination, reluctance
nespretan adj clumsy, awkward, gawky, unskilful;
(nezgodan) unhandy, cumbrous, unwieldy; (ponaanje) blockish, uncouth, ungainly, angular
nespretno adv awkwardly, clumsily; unskilfully
nespretnost f clumsiness, awkwardness; unhandiness
nespretnjakovi m awkward (clumsy) fellow
nesputan adj unshackled, unbound; unrestrained
nesputano adv withou restraint
nesputanost f lack of restraint
nesravnjiv adj v. neasporediv
nesrazmjer m v. nerazmjer
nesre|a f misfortune, calamity, adversity, affliction,
distress; bad luck, ill-fortune; reverse; (nezgoda) disaster, accident; (peh, smola, baksuz, maler) bad luck,
sl jinx | na ~u unfortunately, unluckily; imati ~u be
down on one's luck, meet with a misfortune; ~om unfortunately, by misfortune, unluckily; ~a nikada ne
dolazi sama misfortunes never come singly; svaka je
~a nekome srea it's an ill wind that blows nobody
good; prometna (automobilska) ~a traffic (road) accident; avionska ~a air crash
nesrean adj v. nesretan
nesrenik m v. nesretnik
nesreen adj unsettled, unbalanced, unsteady; unstable,
erratic, in disorder, in confusion
nesreeno adv confusedly, without stability, in a disorderly fashion

nesreenost f unsteadiness, unsettled state of mind (of

things); unsettled convictions (notions); instability,
state of unrest, confusion
nesret|an adj (duevno) unhappy, wretched, grievous;
(sluaj) unlucky, unfortunate, luckless; (koban, nepovoljan) inauspicious, ill starred, ill-fated, fatal, sinister; (kome se uvijek neto dogaa, malerozan) accident-prone | ~na osoba unlucky (luckless) person;
(pehist, baksuz) jinx (sl)
nesretnica f unhappy (unlucky, unfortunate) woman
(girl), wretch
nesretnik m unhappy (wretched, miserable, distressed,
woeful, unlucky (unfortunate) person; wretch
nesretno adv unfortunately, unhappily, unluckily; woefully, distressfully, wretchedly; ill | ~ zavriti have a
bad end
nestabilan adj unstable
nestabilno adv unstably
nestabilnost f instability
nestajanje n (slow, gradual) disappearance (loss), dying
away, falling away (off); (zalihe) running short of;
fading, dwindling, declining, shrinking, washing,
wane; (sila) sinking
nestajati vt (gradually) disappear (vanish); (glas, zvuk)
die away; (obujmom) wane, be on the wane, dwindle,
shrink; (tronjom) wear off; (boja, glas) fade; (snaga,
zdravlje) sink, decline; (zaliha) run low, run short of,
be up, be exhausted; diminish, decrease
nestalan adj inconstant, unstable; (promjenljiv) changeable, mutable; (nepostojan) fickle, unsteady, unstaid,
variable; (vjetar) shifting, baffling; (boravite) unfixed, unsettled, roving; (prolazan) transitory,
ephemeral, short-lived
nestalno adv unstably, unsteadily
nestalnost f (promjenljivost) changeableness, instability,
variability; (prolaznost) transitoriness, temporariness;
(karaktera) inconstancy, unsteadiness, fickleness
nestaloen adj (talog) unsettled, unclarified; (mutan)
turbid; (linost) unbalanced, with unsettled convictions (ideas)
nestaloeno adv without having settled
nestaloenost f (mute) turbidness; (linosti) lack of
mental balance, unsteadiness, want of settled convictions (ideas)
nestanak m disappearance; (gubitak) loss; the missing
nestao adj disappeared, vanished
nestaan adj roguish, arch, arch-mannered, playful,
waggish, sportive, frolicsome, prankish; (divlji)
romping, unruly; (drzak) wanton, pert
nestaic|a f want, lack, dearth; absence; (pomanjkanje)
shortage, scarcity, scantiness; (potpuna) famine; (siromatvo) indigence, penury, poverty; pinch (stress)
of poverty | u ~i (u pomanjkanju) for want of, in the
absence of
nestako m mischievous child, rogue; frolicking (skylarking) child
nestaluk m a piece of roguery (wantonness), roguish
trick, prank, frolic
nestano adv roguishly, archly, playfully, waggishly

nestanost f roguishness, wantonness, playfulness, sportiveness, waggishness, prankiness, frolicsomeness,

exuberance of spirits
nesta|ti vi disappear, vanish, be lost to sight; (glas, zvuk)
die away; fade (pass) away; (utonuti, stopiti se) be
merged into; (neprimjetno) melt away; (izgubiti se)
get lost; (pismo) miscarry; (zaliha) give out, run short
| ~lo mi je... (zalihe) I am short of...; (snage) my
strength has failed me; (daha, strpljenja) I am out of
breath (patience with); ~o je he is missing, he has not
been heard of again; ~lo je svjetla (struje) the lights
have failed
nestegnut adj not tightly drawn; slack, loose; (okolinom)
at ease, without restraint
nesti vt lay (eggs)
nestrpljenje n v. nestrpljivost
nestrpljiv adj impatient; fig eager; (nemiran) restless,
nestrpljivo adv impatiently
nestrpljivost f impatience
nestruan adj inexpert; lay, non-technical; unprofessional, incompetent; unskilled; not specially trained
nestrunjak m non-professional, lay person
nestruno adv inexpertly, unprofessionally, non-technically
nestrunost f inexpertness
nestvaralaki adj non-creative
nestvaran adj unreal, imaginary, immaterial
nestvarno adv unreally, immaterially
nestvarnost f immateriality, unreality
nestvrdnut adj unhardened
nesudjelovanje n non-participation, failure to participate
nesuen adj (sudbina) not fated, not decreed by the fate,
not predestined (destined, ordained); (na sudu) untried (neosuen unsentenced, uncondemned, unconvicted)
nesuglasan adj (mnijenje) disagreeing, dissenting, differing (in opinion)
nesuglasica f misunderstanding, disagreement, difference, variance; division
nesuglasje n discrepancy; disharmony, dissonance, discord; (mnijenja) disagreement, variance, dissent
nesukladan adj incongruent (i geom)
nesukladnost f incongruence
nesumjerljiv adj incommensurable
nesumjerljivo adv incommensurably
nesumjerljivost f incommensurability
nesumnjiv adj doubtless, undoubted, indubitable, unquestionable; unsuspicious; undeniable, not to be
mistaken; (jasan) unequivocal; (siguran) certain,
sure, positive
nesumnjivo adv undoubtedly, without doubt, beyond a
doubt, beyond all question, out of question, certainly,
surely, for certain, assuredly; (oito) clearly, manifestly
nesumnjivost f doubtlessness, certainty, unquestionableness
nesuradnja f non-cooperation
nesusretljiv adj unobliging

nesusretljivo adv unobligingly

nesusretljivost f unobligingness
nesustavan adj unsystematical, desultory; unmethodical
nesustavno adv unsystematically, without a system or
order, unmethodically
nesustavnost f lack of system; desultoriness
nesuvisao adj disconnected, desultory, incoherent; (govor) rambling
nesuvislo adv disconnectedly, incoherently, desultorily
nesuvislost f incoherence, desultoriness, disconnectedness
nesvakidanji adj unusual, out of the ordinary
nesvarljiv adj v. neprobavljiv
nesvianje n v. nedopadanje
nesvijest f swoon, fainting fit; loss of consciousness,
insensibility | pasti u ~ swoon, faint away; probuditi
iz ~i bring round, bring to; duboka ~ deep faint; med
coma, syncope
nesvijest|iti se vr | ~i mi se I feel dizzy; I get dizzy spells
nesvjesno adv unconsciously, unwittingly; mechanically
nesvjestan adj unconscious, not aware, not cognizant of;
involuntary, mechanical, automatic
nesvjestica f v. nesvijest
nesvrstan adj | pol ~e zemlje non-aligned countries
nesvrsta|nost f, ~vanje n non-alignment
nesvren adj unfinished, incomplete | gram ~i glagol
(vid) imperfective verb (aspect)
neirenje n failure to spread; non-proliferation
nekodljiv adj harmless, innocuous, inoffensive; innocent; innoxious | uiniti ~im neutralize
nekodljivo adv harmlessly, without harm
nekodljivost f harmlessness, innocuousness
nekolovan adj unschooled, untutored; untrained; uneducated, uninstructed
netampan adj unprinted
netedice adv unsparingly; (obilno) lavishly, without
stint(ing), profusely; (nemilice) relentlessly, pitilessly
neto' pron indef something; (bilo to) anything, some,
any, a little, a bit
neto'' adv slightly, somewhat, not much
netaan adj v. netoan
netaknut adj untouched; (cio) intact; (zlom) unharmed
netaktian adj tactless
netaktino adv tactlessly, without tact
netaktinost f tactlessness, lack of tact
netalent m untalented person (v. antitalent)
netalentirano adv without talent
netaljen adj unmelted, unmolten; unthawed, unfused
netaljiv adj infusible
netaljivost f infusibility
netean adj tasteless, unsavoury, unpalatable; (bljutav)
insipid, flat, vapid, stale
netenost f tastelessness, unsavouriness; insipidity, vapidness
netemeljit adj not thorough, lacking thoroughness, superficial
netemeljito adv unthoroughly
netemeljitost f superficiality, lack of thoroughness (profundity)

netkan adj unwoven

netko pron indef somebody, some one, some, one, a, a
certain (particular) person, a body, anybody, anyone,
Mr. So-and-So
neto adj net | ~ dohodak (teima) net income (weight)
netoan adj (neispravan) incorrect, inaccurate, inexact,
not well defined, not precise; (pogrean) erroneous;
(kriv) wrong; (iskrivljen) distorted; (vremenski) unpunctual
netono adv incorrectly, inaccurately, inexactly
netonost f incorrectness, inexactness, inaccuracy; erroneousness
netom adv v. im, jedva
netopir m zoo bat
netragom adv | ~ nestati disappear without trace
netraen adj unsought, unsearched, unlooked-for;
(nezahtijevan) unasked, undemanded
netrpeljiv adj v. nesnoljiv
netvaran adj immaterial, incorporeal, abstract
netvarnost n immateriality, incorporeity
neubjedljiv adj v. neuvjerljiv
neublaen adj unalleviated; unrelieved, unassuaged,
unmitigatted, unsoothed, untempered; not extenuated
neublaiv adj unmitigable, immitigable, implacable
neubran adj unculled, unpicked, ungathered
neubrojiv adj v. neuraunljiv
neuestvovanje n v. nesudjelovanje
neuinjen adj (koa) undressed, untanned; (neizvren)
undone, not done, not performed
neutiv adj uncivil, impolite, rude, unmannered, illmannered, unmannerly, uncourteous, unpolished
neutivo adv rudely, impolitely, discourteously
neutivost f impoliteness, rudeness, discourtesy, incivility
neudata adj unmarried (unwed(ded), single) woman
neudoban adj uncomfortable; (nespretan) unhandy, inconvenient; not cosy (snug), not homy (homelike);
(osjeaj) ill at ease
neudobno adv uncomfortably, inconveniency, ill at ease
neudobnost f uncomfortableness, discomfort, inconvenience
neudomljen adj unsettled (in a home); (djevojka) unmarried
neudovoljen adj unsatisfied
neudruen adj unassociated, unattached, unconnected
neugasiv adj unquenchable, inextinguishable; fig insatiable
neugasivost f unquenchableness
neugaen adj unquenched, unextinguished; unslacked,
neuglaen adj rough-mannered, unpolished, uncivil,
rude, rugged, bearish, loutish, coarse
neuglaeno adv without polish (refinement), crudely,
neuglaenost f rough (rugged, rude, bad itd.) manners,
coarseness, discourtesy, rudeness, roughness, incivility
neugled|an adj (nevaan) insignificant, of little or no
account (importance, consequence); subordinate,

lacking a striking appearance; beneath one's notice;

nondescript, drab | ona je ~na she is not much of a
neuglednost f insignificance, unimportance
neugodan adj unpleasant, disagreeable; (nezgodan, neudoban) uncomfortable, inconvenient, awkward; (neprilian) troublesome; (dodijao) importunate, annoying, unwelcome; (to srdi) vexatious, provoking, irritating; (mrzak) odious, hateful, distasteful; (bolan)
painful; (istina) unpalatable
neugodno adv unpleasantly, disagreeably; uncomfortably
| ~ mi je zbog I feel bad about
neugodnost f unpleasantness, disagreeableness, inconvenience; trouble, annoyance, discomfort; (gnjavaa)
bore, plague; (kripac) embarrassment
neugojen adj unfatted
neugrijan adj unwarmed, unheated
neugroen adj unimperilled, unjeopardized, unthreatened
neuguiv adj v. neugasiv
neuhvatljiv adj uncatchable; fig elusive
neujarmljen adj unharnessed, unyoked
neujedinjen adj unincorporated, unamalgamated, unfused, ununited
neujednaen adj uneven, erratic
neujednaeno adv unevenly, erratically
neujednaenost f unevenness, erratic quality
neuk adj ignorant, illiterate, untaught, unlettered, unschooled, unenlightened; unskilled; uninstructed; uneducated; unlearned, unread; uncultivated; (nevjet)
unskilled, inexperienced, ignorant
neuklonjiv adj unremovable; (neizbjeiv) unavoidable
neuklonjivost f unremovableness
neuko adv illiterately, ignorantly, without education
neukoren adj unblamed, unreproved, unreprimanded,
neukorien adj unbound
neukost f ignorance; illiteracy
neukraen adj undecorated, undecked, unadorned, unarrayed, untrimmed; (jednostavan) plain, simle,
homely; (stil) chaste
neukroen adj untamed, wild; (konj) unbroken, unibridled, uncurbed; (neobuzdan) unrepressed; (divlji)
savage, fierce
neukrotiv adj untamable, ungovernable, unmanageable,
intractable; irrepressible; unruly; uncontrollable
neukrotivo adv untamably, intractably, irrepressibly
neukrotivost f tamelessness, intractability, unruliness;
fierceness, wildness
neukus m v. neukusnost
neukusan adj (tek) tasteless, unpalatable, insipid, flat,
stale; (ruan) unsightly, lacking style, ungraceful,
graceless; (odijelo) frumpish; (aren) garish
neukusno adv tastelessly, without taste, in bad taste
neukusnost f tastelessness, bad taste, lack of taste
neulaten adj unpolished, unwaxed
neulaenje n failure to join (enter)
neulovljiv adj v. neuhvatljiv

neuljepan adj unembellished; (istina) unvarnished,

undisguised, not glossed over, naked, plain, unflattering
neuljepano adv without embellishment
neuljudan adj uncivil, impolite, discourteous, rude
neuljudno adv impolitely, uncivilly, rudely
neuljudnost f uncivility, rudeness, discourteousness
neuljuen adj uncivilized, uncultured, barbarous, wild
neuljueno adv in an uncivilized manner
neuljuenost f uncultured (uncivilized) state; barbarity
neuman adj v. nepametan, nerazuman
neumanjen adj v. nesmanjen
neumijee n unskilfulness; inability; want of skill
neumitan adj v. neumojiv
neumiven adj unwashed
neumjeren adj intemperate; (prodrljiv) gluttonous;
immoderate; (pretjeran) excessive, unreasonable;
(nezasitan) insatiable; (razuzdan) incontinent, licentious
neumjereno adv intemperately, immoderately, excessively
neumjerenost f intemperance, immoderateness, immoderation; (u piu) insobriety; (u jelu) gluttony; voracity, (razuzdanost) dissipation; excess
neumjesno adv inappropriately, inappositely, unduly,
unseasonably, out of way
neumjesnost f impropriety; inappositeness; unseemliness; improper act (word, remark)
neumjestan adj out of place, improper, inappropriate;
(primjedba) inapposite; (u nevrijeme) ill-timed, unseasonable; (nepodesan) undue, unsuitable; (nepristojan) unseemly, unbecoming
neumnost f v. nepametnost, nerazumnost
neumoljiv adj inexorable; (nemilosrdan) merciless, relentless, unrelenting, pitiless, cruel; unpersuasive
neumoljivo adv relentlessly
neumoljivost f relentlessness, inexorableness
neumoran adj tireless; indefatigable; (ustrajan) unwearied, unremitting, assiduous, sedulous, persevering,
painstaking, plodding, restless
neumorno adv indefatigably; (ustrajno) unremittingly,
neumornost f indefatigability; tirelessness; assiduity
neumrli adj immortal, undying, deathless; eternal; imperishable
neumrlost f immortality
neuniten adj undestroyed, not annihilated
neunitiv adj indestructible
neunitivost f indestructibility
neunosan adj unprofitable
neunosno adv unprofitably
neunosnost f unprofitability
neuobiajen adj unusual; unorthodox; uncharacteristic
neuobiajeno adj unusually; unorthodoxly; uncharacteristically
neuokviren adj unframed
neupadljiv adj unobtrusive, inconspicuous
neupadljivo adv unobtrusively, inconspicuously
neupaljen adj unlighted, not set on fire

neupaljiv adj v. nezapaljiv

neuplaen adj not paid in
neuplaen adj unfrightened, unstartled
neuplata f non-paymen
neupleten adj uninvolved, unimplicated
neuplitanje n non-interference, non-intervention
neuporediv adj v. neusporediv
neupotrebljiv adj unserviceable, useless, unfit (for use),
out of operation (commission); unsuitable, inapplicable, of no use, unusable
neupotrebljivost f unserviceableness, uselessness
neupotrijebljen adj unused, unemployed, unapplied, not
resorted to, not turned to account, not dawn upon, not
put in action, not utilized
neupravan adj indirect | gram ~ govor oblique oration
(speech), reported speech
neupravno adv indirectly, obliquely
neupravnost f indirectness, obliqueness
neuprljan adj unsoiled, unstained, unblotted, unbedraggled, spotless, stainless, unsullied
neupuen adj uninitiated; not posted up, ignorant of,
unaware; not conversant (acquainted) with; (znanje)
not adept (versed) in, inexperienced; (tajna) not let
into the secret
neupueno adv unifformedly
neupuenost f ignorance; state of being uninitiated, being not conversant (acquainted) with
neuputan adj inexpedient, inopportune, inadvisable
neuputno adv inexpediently, inopportunely, inadvisably
neuputnost f inopportuneness, inadvisability
neuraunljiv adj not sound in mind, not right in one's
head, mentally incompetent, crazy; beside oneself
neuraunljivost f unsound mind, mental incompetence,
disordered reason, craziness
neuralgian adj med neuralgic
neuralgija f med neuralgia
neurastenian adj med neurasthenic
neurastenija f med neurasthenia
neurastenik m med neurasthenic
neuravnoteen adj unbalanced
neuravnoteenost f lack of balance
neuredan adj disorderly, untidy, unorderly; (odjea)
slovenly, sloppy, dowdy; (kosa) unkempt; (razbacan)
disarranged, littered; (zbrkan) confused
neuredno adv disorderly, slovenly, untidily
neurednost f disorder, untidiness, litter, confusion, mess
neureen adj not put (set) in order, unarranged, unordered, unsettled, unsorted, unadjusted, unregulated;
(grob) untended, neglected
neureenost f unordered (unimproved) condition
neureen adj unadorned, undecorated; untrimmed; unarrayed; simple, plain; (stil) chaste
neurokirurg m med neurosurgeon, pop brain surgeon
neurokirurgija f med neurosurgery
neurokirurki adj med neurosurgical
neuropsihijatar m med neuropsychiatrist
neuropsihijatrija f med neuropsychiatry
neuropsihijatrijski adj med neuropsychiatric | ~ odio
neurapsychiatry department

neurotian adj med neurotic

neurotik m med neurotic
neuroza f med neurosis (pl neuroses)
neuruljiv adj undeliverable
neusaglaavanje n v. neusklaivanje
neusaglaen adj v. neusklaen
neusiljen adj unaffected, natural, unconstrained, not
stiff; easy, ingenuous; unconventional; informal, free
and easy
neusiljeno adv without affectation, unaffectedly
neusiljenost f naturalness, unconstrainedness, unaffectedness; ease
neuskladiv adj incompatible
neuskladivost f incompatibility
neusklaen adj uncoordinated; not made compatible
neusklaenost f lack of coordination
neusklaivanje n non-coordination
neuslian adj ungranted, refused | molba mu je ostala
~a his request has been refused (has fallen on deaf
neusluan adj disobliging, unaccommodating; uncompliant; unfriendly
neusluno adv disobligingly, unaccoanmodatingly
neuslunost f disobligingness, discourteousness
neuspio adj abortive, abortional, unsuccesful
neuspjeh m failure, ill success; abortion, miscarriage;
(jalovost) abortiveness; (osujeenje) discomfiture;
(uskrata) rebuff, repulse; reverse; fiasco | doivjeti ~
neuspjean adj unsuccessful, abortive, fruitless; ineffectual; frustrating; unavailing
neuspjeno adv unsuccessfully, without success
neuspjenost f lack of success
neusporediv adj incomparable, unequalled, matchless,
unparalleled, unique, second to none
neusporedivo adv incomparably, vastly, infinitely,
neusporedivosi f incomparability
neustaljen adj unsettled, unestablished, unstable
neustaljenost f unsettled (unestablished) condition, instability
neustavan adj unconstitutional
neustavnost f act opposed to the constitution
neustraen adj undaunted
neustraiv adj intrepid, fearless, dauntless, undaunted;
(hrabar) brave, bold, courageous; undismayed, unflinching, unshrinking, unappalled
neustraivo adv boldly, courageously, dauntlessly
neustraivost f fearlessness, intrepidity; courage, daring
neusvojiv adj unacceptable
neukopljen adj uncastrated; (ivotinja) ungelded
neutaiv adj unappeasable, implacable, unmitigable,
insuppressible, violent, unquenchable
neutaivo adv irrepressibly, unquenchably
neutaivost f implacability, irrepressibility
neutjeriv adj that cannot be levied (collected) | ~ dug
bad debt
neutjerivost f impossibility to collect
neutjean adj v. neutjeiv

neutjeiv adj disconsolate, inconsolable; broken-hearted,

neutjeivost f disconsolateness
neutralac n neutral person (party)
neutralan adj neutral, impartial; non-committed
neutralizacija f neutralization
neutralizirati vt neutralize, cancel
neutraliziati se vr neutralize each other, cancel each
other out
neutralno adv neutrally; non-committally
neutralnost f neutrality, impartiality
neutron m phys neutron
neutronski adj phys neutron
neutrt adj untrodden, unbeaten; trackless
neutrudiv adj v. neumeran
neutvren adj defenceless, unfortified; (injenica) unestablished, unproved
neuvaavan adj unappreciated, unesteemed
neuvaavaje n disregard, ignoring, neglect; treating
with disrespect; considering as of little importance;
(uskrata) refusal to grant (confer, concede)
neuvaen adj not taken into consideration, not admitted,
unconceded; (molba) ungranted
neuveden adj unfamiliar, not (yet) at home in
neuvenut adj unfaded, unwithered
neuveo adj unfading, unwithering
neuvezan adj unbound
neuvijen adj unwrapped, unfurled; fig blunt
neuvjerljiv adj unconvincing
neuvjerljivo adv unconvincingly
neuvjerljivost f lack of conviction
neuvjeban adj untrained, undrilled, unskilled
neuvjebanost f lack of training, inadequate training
neuvredljiv adj inoffensive, not insulting
neuzbudljiv adj unexciting
neuzbuen adj unexcited, unflustered, cool (v. spokojan)
neuzdrman adj unshaken, steady
neuzvraen adj unrequited, not given in return
nevaljalac m good-for-nothing, ne'er-do-well, wastrel,
scapegrace; mischievous child, rogue
nevaljalo adv badly, wickedly
nevaljalost f badness, wickedness, mischievousness, roguery; (nevanost) invalidity, voidness
nevaljal|stvo n, ~tina f worthlessness, a piece of
naughty (mischievous) conduct
nevaljan adj (zao) wicked, naughty, mischievous, bad,
good-for-nothing; (kakvoa) inferior; (zakon i sl.) v.
nevaljanost f badness, wickedness, mischievousness;
(zakona) invalidity, nullity, voidness
nevaren adj unbrewed, unboiled
nevaspitan adj v. neodgojen
nevaspitanje n v. neodgojenost
nevaan adj inconsequential, unimportant, immaterial
nevaei adj (zakon i sl.) null, null and void, invalid, not
binding | proglasiti ~m declare null and void, invalidate, annul, cancel, void; (osudu) quash
nevaenje n invalidity, nullity, voidness

nevanost f unimportance
nevelik adj not big (large), rather small, smallish
neven m bot marigold
nevera f reg sudden storm
neveselo adj joylessly, cheerlessly, sadly; (mrko)
gloamily, sullenly; (alosno) mournfully; (potiteno)
out of spirits, dismally
neveselost f cheerlessness, joylessness
neveseo adj cheerless, joyless; (alostan) sad, sorrowful,
mournful; (tmuran) gloomy, dull, sombre; (poklopljen) downcast, crestfallen, disheartened, depressed;
(jadan) wretched, miserable
nevezan adj (sponama) unbound, untied, unfettered,
unshackled, loose; (neprovezan) unconnected, unattached; (nesputan) unrestrained; (neobvezan) without
obligation, free; (stil) free, free-form | ~ razgovor informal talk; ~a diskusija freewheeling discussion
nevezano adv freely; disconnectedly
nevezanost f freedom from constraint; disconnected
nevian adj unaccustomed, unused to
nevidljiv adj invisible, indiscernible, imperceptible;
(skriven) latent, hidden, concealed; (zamuen)
blurred; unapparent
nevidljivo adv invisibly
nevidljivost f invtsibility, imperceptibility
nevidom adv | nestao je ~ he disappeared without leaving any trace
nevien adj not yet seen, unseen, unperceived; unprecedented; (neuven) unheard of, scandalous
nevin adj innocent, guiltless; (djevianski) chaste, immaculate, maidenly; (bezgrjean) sinless, inculptable;
(nekriv) blameless; (neokaljan) undefiled; (naivan)
naive; (bezazlen) artless, harmless, guileless; (krepostan) virtuous | proglasiti ~im acquit, absolve, discharge, bring in not guilty
nevinace n dim & fig innocent lamb, babe
nevino adj innocently
nevinost f innocence, guiltlessness; blamelessness; virginity, maidenhood, purity; harmlessness, ingenuousness, innocuousness | dokazati svoju ~ prove
one's innocence, clear oneself of a charge
nevisok adj not tall, short(ish)
neviteki' adj unchivalrous
neviteski'' adv in an unchivalrous manner
nevjenan adj unmarried, unwedded | ~a ena commonlaw wife
nevjenano adv | ivjeti ~ live in a common-law marriage
nevjera f infidelity, treachery, faithlessness, unfaithfulness; disloyalty; (izdaja) treason; (ovjek) traitor
nevjeran adj faithless, unfaithfull, disloyal, traitorous,
treacherous, perfidious; (nevjernik) infidel | postati ~
fall off; desert; revolt; forsake
nevjerica f incredulity; v. sumnja
nevjernica f infidel (faithless) woman, traitress; adulteress
nevjerniki adj disloyal, infidel; recreant
nevjernik m unbeliever; infidel

nevjernitvo n v. nevjernost
nevjerno adv unfaithfully, disloyally
nevjernost f infidelity, faithlessness, treachery, treacherousness, unfaithfulness
nevjerojatan adj incredible, amazing; (koji nije vjerojatan) improbable, unlikely
nevjerojatno adv incredibly, amazingly; improbably,
nevjerojatnost f improbability, unlikeliness, incredibility
nevjerovanje n unibelief; disbelief; unbelieving; incredulity; (vjera) irreligion,impiety; scepticism
nevjerstvo n v. nevjerovanje
nevjesta f young bride, newly married girl | mus Prodana ~ Bartered Bride
nevjet adj undrilled; (nespretan) awkward; clumsy;
raw, a new hand; inexperienced; (neupuen) ignorant, unacquainted with | praviti se ~ pretend not to
know (not to be aware of)
nevjetina f want of skill (dexterity), clumsiness, inexperience, unskilfulness
nevjeto adv unskilfully, awkwardly, clumsily
nevjea f inexperienced person, raw hand; greenhorn;
(neznalica) ignoramus
nevojnik|i adj unsoldierly | ~o stanovnitvo civilian
(non-combattant) population
nevolj|a f distress, misery, affliction, misfortune; woe,
wretchedness, trouble, trial, extremity, straits pl;
(oskudica) privation, need, necessity, indigence;
(kripac) scrape, stew, embarrassment, pinch, fix, dilemma, quandary, non-plus | za ~u (u pomanjkanju)
as a shift (expedience); prijatelj se u ~i poznaje a
friend in need is a friend indeed; pasti u ~u fall in
distress (straits), be hard put to it, be up a tree, be
hard up for
nevoljan adj wretched, distressed, miserable, afflicted
nevoljen adj unliked; unloved
nevoljko adv unwillingly (v. nerado, preko volje)
nevoljkost f unwillingness; med malaise
nevoljnica f wretched (miserable, distressed) woman
nevoljniki' adj v. nevoljan
nevoljniki'' adv v. nevoljno
nevoljnik m poor man, wretch, unfortunate fellow, afflicted (miserable) person
nevoljno adv wretchedly, miserably
nevrijedan adj worthless, unworthy, valueless; useless,
thrashy; (bez zasluge) undeserving
nevrijednik m a contemptible (worthless, despicable)
person, wretch
nevrijednost f worthlessness, unworthiness
nevrijeme n rough (inclement, bad) weather, storm;
(oluja) gale, tempest | u ~ out of season, unseasonably, inopportunely
nevrenje n failure to do, non-execution
nezabiljeen adj unrecorded
nezaboravak m bot (spomenak) forget-me-not
nezaboravan adj unforgettable, memorable, not to be
forgotten; (neizbrisiv) indelible
nezaboravno adv unforgettably; indelibly
nezaboravnost f unforgettability; indelibility

nezabranjen adj unforbidden, unprohibited; allowed,

nezacijeljen adj unhealed
nezainjen adj unseasoned, undressed
nezadovoljan adj dissatisfied, discontented, malcontent,
disgruntled, disaffected; (srdit) mortified; hard to
please; grumbling
nezadovoljavajui adj inadequate
nezadovoljen adj unsatisfied
nezadovoljnik f malcontent; (gunalo) grumbler,
nezadovoljno adv discontentedly, with dissatisfaction
nezadovoljstvo n discontent, dissatisfaction, displeasure;
mortification; disaffection
nezadriv adj irrepressible, irresistible
nezadrivo adv irrepressibly, irresistibly
nezadrivost f irrepressibility, irresistibility
nezadugo adv soon, before long; not for long
nezaduen adj not encumbered with debts, unembarrassed, not indebted
nezahvalan adj ingrateful, ungrateful, unthankful, ingrate; (posao, dunost) thankless, unrewarding
nezahvalnica f ingrate woman (girl)
nezahvalnik m ingrate (thankless) person
nezahvalno adv ungratefully, with ingratitude
nezahvalnost f ingratitude, thanklessness
nezainteresiran adj indifferent
nezainteresirano adv without interest, with indifference,
nezainteresiranost f indifference
nezajamen adj unwarranted, unvouched, unverified
nezajaljiv adj v. nezasitan
nezakonit adj illegal, unlawful; (dijete) illegitimate,
natural, born out of wedlocik; bastard | ~o dijete bastard
nezakonito adv illegally, unlawfully, illegitimately
nezakonitost f illegitimacy, illegality, unlawfulness
nezakonski adj v. nezakonit
nezakonje n lawlessness
nezakopan adj unburied
nezakrabuljen adj undisguised, unmasked
nezaloen adj unpawned
nezamijenjen adj not given in exchange, unbartered
nezamisliv adj inconceivable, unthinkable, unimaginable
nezamislivo adv inconceivably, unthinkably, unimaginably
nezamislivost f inconceivableness, impossibility to imagine
nezamjenljiv adj irreplaceable; that cannot be bartered
(exchanged, mistaken) for another
nezamjenljivost f irreplaceability
nezamjetljiv adj unperceivable
nezamjetljivo adv imperceptibly
nezamjetljivost f imperceptibility
nezanimljivo adv uninterestingly, tediously
nezamraen adj undimmed, not made (kept) dark (obscure), unobscured
nezamrljan adj unblotted, unstained, untainted

nezanimljiv adj uninteresting, tedious, dull

nezamimljivost f uninterestedness, lack of attraction
nezaostajanje n keeping up (with), keeping abreast (of)
nezapaljiv adj non-inflammable, non-combustible, incombustible
nezapaljivost f incombustibility, non-inflammability
nezapamen adj unremembered; unprecedented | od ~ih
vremena from times immemorial, since the dawn of
nezapaen adj unnoticed, unobserved
nezapeaen adj unsealed
nezapisan adj not noted (dotted, put down), not entered
in a book (register)
nezaposlen adj unoccupied, idle, at leisure; (bez namjetenja) unemployed, out of work, jobless
nezaposleno adv idly, without anything to do
nezaposlenost f unemployment, idleness, want of employment | potpora za ~ B unemployment benefit;
stopa ~i unemployment (jobless) rate
nezapremljen adj unoccupied
nezaprijeen adj unprevented, unobstructed
nezaprisegnut adj unsworn
nezaputen adj unneglected, well cared for (attended to)
nezaraen adj uninfected; uncontaminated
nezaruen adj unaffianced
nezasitan adj insatiable, greedy, gluttonous, voracious
nezasitnik m insatiable (greedy) person, glutton
nezasitno adv insatiably, greedily, gluttonously, voraciously
nezasitnost f insatiability, greediness, voracity, gluttony
nezasjenjen adj unshaded
nezaslijepljen adj unblinded, undazed, undazzled
nezasluen adj unearned, unmerited, undeserved, undue
nezaslueno adv undeservedly
nezastariv adj not subject to the statute of limitations;
not invalid through non-use (superannuation)
nezasvjedoen adj unwitnessed
nezatien adj unprotected, unsheltered, unscreened;
(bez obrane, oruja) defenceless, unarmed; unguarded, naked; (izloen) exposed
nezatieno adv unprotectedly, without protection (defence)
nezatomljen adj unstifled, unsuppressed, unquelled
nezatomljiv adj irrepressible, not to be repressed
nezatomljivo adv irrepressibly
nezatomljivost f irrepressibility
nezauzdan adj uncurbed, unbridled
nezauzet adj unoccupied; (poslom) idle, not busy; (neosvojen) unseized, uncaptured (juriem not taken by
storm); (prazan) vacant, empty; untaken
nezaveden adj not misled (misguided, misdirected), not
led astray; (ena) unseduced
nezavidan adj unenviable
nezavidnost f unenviableness
nezavisan adj independent, free; freelance; autonomous,
self-governed; self-reliant
nezavisno adv independently

nezavisnost f independence, self-government; (ekonomska) autarky; autonomy | pol postii ~ attain independence
nezazoran adj not odious (hateful, disliked)
nezbrinut adj unprovided (for)
nezdrav adj unhealthy, unwhalesome, insalubrious, unsanitary; unsound; unsalutary; (kodljiv) noxious;
(boleljiv) morbid, sickly
nezdravo adv unhealthily; unsoundly; morbidly
nezdravost f unhealthiness, unwholesomeness, unsoundness; sickliness, morbidity
nezdruiv adj irreconcilable, incompatible
nezgod|a f accident, mishap, misadventure; (teka) disaster; misfortune, ill-luck, mischance | doivjeti ~u
meet with an accident; ~a na radu industrial accident
nezgodan adj inconvenient, unhandy; (as) inopportune,
unseasonable, ill-timed; (nepristao) unsuitable, inappropriate, awkward; (neprilian) embarrassing, troublesome | dovesti u ~ poloaj embarrass
nezgodno adv inconveniently, unhandily, inopportunely,
unseasonably; awkwardly
nezgodnost f inconvenience, unhandiness; inopportunity, unseasonableness; awkwardness
nezgrapan adj (ruan) ugly, ungainly, unsightly; uncouth, graceless, shapeless; (glomazan) unwieldy;
(nakazan) deformed; (nerazmjeran) disproportioned;
(graa) ill-made, ill-shaped
nezgrapno adv ungainly, clumsily; awkwardly
nezgrapnost f ungainliness, gracelessness, unsightliness;
uncouthness; clumsiness, gaucherie
neznabotvo n heathenism; paganism; idolatry
neznaboac f heathen, pagan; idolater
neznaboaki adj heathenish, pagan, idolatrous
neznalica m ignoramus, ignorant person; unenlightened
(unversed, uncultured, unskilled) person
neznan adj unknown; incognito | grob ~og junaka
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (B+ Warrior)
neznanac m stranger; unknown person
neznanstven adj unscientific
neznanstveno adv unscientifically
neznanje n ignorance; inexperience; want of knowledge
(skill, information); illiteracy | krajnje ~ abysmal ignorance
neznatan adj insignificant, inconsiderable, inappreciable, negligible, not worth mentioning; slight, scanty;
(triav) trifling, trivial, paltry; petty; (slab, malen)
little, weak, small, slender, faint, feeble, meagre;
(neugledan) obscure, humble
neznatno adv slightly, insignificantly, inconsiderably
neznatnost f insignificance; smallness, meagerness,
slenderness, paltriness, pettiness; triviality; unimportance; humbleness
nezraen adj unaired, unventilated
nezrelo adv immaturely; callowly
nezrelost f unripeness; greenness; rawness, crudeness;
unfledged (callow) state; immaturity
nezreo adj immature, unripe; very young, green, raw; fig
half-baked; crude; (utokljun) unfledged, callow

nezvan adj uncalled-for, uninvited, unasked; (nametljiv)

officious, meddling | ~ ovjek meddler, busybody, intruder; trespasser
nezvanian adj v. nesluben
nealjen adj unmourned; unpitied; (nepoaljen) unregretted
neenstvo n celibacy, bachelorhood
neenja m bachelor, single man, unmarried man, celibate
neenjen adj single, unmarried
neiv adj inanimate
neuen adj uncoveted
ni, niti conj not, (n)either, nor, never | ~ ona nije dola
she did not come either; ~ ... ~ neither ... nor; nije
rekao ~ rijei he never said a word; ~ zere not a bit
(with); ak ~ not even; uope ~ ... not... at all; nisam
~ ja... not (neither) have I... ; ~ jedan ~ drugi neither
one nor the other
nicanje n cropping (sprouting, germinating, shooting,
springing up)
nicati vi crop up (out); spring up, germinate, sprout,
shoot up
nice adv v. niice
niice adv prone, prostrate, on one's knees | pasti ~ prostrate oneself
niij|i indef pron nobody's, no one's, no man's, not belonging to anybody, belonging to nobody | mil ~a
zemlja no-man's-land
nii vt crop up (out), spring up; germinate, sprout, shoot
up; fig arise, result from
nigda adv v. nikad(a)
nigdje adv nowhere, at no place
Niger m geog (drava) Niger; (rijeka) the Niger
Nigerija f geog Nigeria
Nigerij|ac m, ~ka f Nigerian
nigerijski adj Nigerian
nigerski adj geog Niger
nihilist m nihilist
nihilistiki adj nihilistic
nihilizam m nihilism
nijansa f nuance, shade
nijansirati vt nuance, shade
nijean adj negative; (koji se uskrauje) refusing | ~
odgovor refusal, veto, answer in the negative
nijeno adv negatively, in the negative | odgovoriti ~
answer in the negative; (uskratiti) refuse
nijenost f negativeness
nijedan adj no, no one, not one, none, not any, nobo,dy,
not anybody, not a(n), not anyone, never a one | ~
vie not another; ~ od dvojice njih neither of them; ~
od njih (vie od dvojice) none of them; na ~ nain in
no wise (way); gotovo ~ hardly any
nijedanput adv never, not once, never once, not a single
nijekalac m denying (gainsaying, disavowing, disowning) person; (poricalac) gainsayer
nijekanje n negation, answer in the negative; (poricanje) denial, disavowal, disowning; disclaimer

nijekati vt deny, answer in the negative, negative; (ne

priznati) disavow; disclaim, disown; (pobijati) gainsay, call in question; (protusloviti) contradict;
(kratiti) repudiate
nijem adj (bez rijei) speechless, mute; (od roenja)
dumb; (od uda) dumbfounded; (neizgovoren) silent,
Nijemac m German
nijemjeti vi gradually lose power of speech; gradually
become dumb
nijemljenje n gradual losing power of speech; gradual
becoming dumb
nijemo adv mutely, dumbly, speechlessly, without speaking
Nika f myth Nike
nikad(a) adv never, at no time, not a single time, on no
occasion, not once, never once; (na Sv. Nigdarjevo)
on the Greek Calends, on Latter Lammas | ~ vie
never again, never more
nikakav pron no, none, of no kind (sort), no sort of
nikako adv in no way (manner, fashion, wise), nohow,
noway, nowise; not at all; by no means, on no account | nisu se ~ htjeli boriti they would not fight,
not they
nikal m nickel
nikamo adv nowhere, to no place, in no direction
Nikaragva f geog Nicaragua
Nikaragvan|ac m, ~ka f Nicaraguan
nikaragvanski adj Nicaraguan
nikl m nickel
niklati vt v. poniklati
niklen adj nickel
niknuti vi v. nii, nicati
niko pron v. nitko
nikogovi m no man's son, a mere cypher; (niska roda)
low-born person, person of ignoble birth
nikoji pron not one, none, not any
Nikola m Nicholas, Nick | Sv. ~ St. Nicholas; (u AS
zemljama) Santa Claus, Santa (donosi darove za
nikotin m chem nicotine
nikotinski adj chem nicotine, nicotinic
nikud(a) adv nowhere, in no direction
Nil m geog the Nile
nilski adj geog Nile; Nilotic | zoo ~ konj hippopotamus,
coll hippo
nimalo adv not a bit (whit, jot), not... at all, nothing... at
nimbus m (oko glave) nimbus; fig aura, nimbus
nimfa f myth & fig nymph
nimfoman m med sex maniac
nimfomanija f med nymphomania
nimfomanka f med nymphomaniac
nimfomanski adj med nymphomaniac(al)
ninati vt v. njihati
Nioba f myth Niobe
niobij m chem niobium
niotkuda adv from nowhere; fig out of thin air
nipodatavati vt v. potcjenjivati, omalovaavati

nipoto adv by no means, nohow, not... all, not by any

means, in no wise; not for anything, not for the world
| ~ lo rather good
niska f v. niz bisera
nisko adv low, lowly, not high, near the ground; (podlo)
basely, meanly, vulgarly, churlishly | fig ~ pasti sink
niskogradnja f civil engineering
niskost f lowness; (podlost) meanness, baseness, vileness, abjectness, vulgarity; (nevrijednost) inferiority;
(tla) depression
niskotirani adj small-circulation
nia f niche (i fig)
niador m chem Tur v. salmijak
nian m (mete) target, mark, butt, aim; (muica puke)
nianda f (na topu) sighting-setter, tracker, gunner;
(dobar strijelac) marksman, good shot
nianiti vi sight, point (level) at, take one's aim; fig v.
nita pron no thing, nothing, not anything; not a bit
(whit, jot) | ~ vie nothing else, no more, no... left; ~
bolje none the better; (smirujui) ~, ~! there; there! ~
zato! never mind! there is no harm done!, all right!;
gotovo ~ next to nothing; za ~ for nothing; ~ takva
nothing of the kind; sve ili ~ neck or nothing; ~ nego
nothing but; (samo) merely, only; nema ~ nego + vb
there is nothing for it, but + vb; nije to ~ (= nema na
emu) don't mention it; you are welcome to it; ne
stoji ~ it is free (gratis), it may be had for the asking;
ne vrijedi ~ it is worthless; iz toga nije bilo ~ it
came to nothing, nothing came of it, it proved a failure; tko ~ ne stavlja na kocku, ~ ne dobiva nothing
venture nothing have; to nije ~ prema... this is
nothing to..., it cannot be compared to...; iz njega
nikad ~ he is a worthless fellow (a ne'er-do-well, a
wastrel); ~ manje nego... no less than
nitarija f good-for-nothing, ne'er-do-well, worthless
fellow, wastrel
nitav adj worthless, of no account, trifling
nitav|ilo n, ~nost f nothingness, nullity; nirvana; nonentity; vainness; vanity
nitetan adj v. nevaei
nitica f v. nula
nit f thread; (arulje) filament | visiti o ~i hang by a
thread; izgubiti ~ lose one's train of thought
nitati vt eng Ger rivet (with a pin)
niti conj v. ni
nitko pron nobody | ~ i nita a nobody
nitkov m scoundrel, cad, scum
nitkovluk m caddishness, meanness
nitna f eng Ger pin
nitrat m chem nitrate
nitroceluloza f chem nitrocellulose, gun-cotton
nitroglicerin m chem nitroglycerine
nitrolak m chem pyroxilin (nitrocellulose) lacquer
nivelacija f levelling (A leveling)
nivelirati vt level (i fig)

nivo m level (v. razina) | fig niski ~ low standards; konferencija na najviem ~u summit (top-level) conference
niz' m (red) row, series, tier; line, range; array; succession, rotation; order, course; (dana, uitaka itd.) a
round of... | ~ bisera string of beads (pearls); ~
stepenica flight of stairs; ~ luka rope of onion; ~
soba a suite of rooms; ~ zrna necklace of beads
niz'' prep down, along
nizak adj low, not high (tall); (stas) short; (cijena) moderate, cheap, reasonable; (glas, krov) low-pitched;
(podao) low-minded, mean, vulgar, common, vilo;
(sluba) menial (service); (blizu tla) near (the
ground) | niska cijena bargain price; niska roda of
low birth (parentage); ~ (podao) ovjek blackguard;
niske cipele low boots (shoes); ~ slubom inferior,
junior; on je pao na niske grane he has seen better
nizanje n stringing up (on a string, rope); (nabrajanje)
enumeration; arranging in order
nizato adv not for anything, not for the world; for no
nizati vt string up (on a string, rope, thread itd.); put
(set) in a row (file, rank, order); (redati) arrange,
range; (nabrajati) enumerate in order
nizati se vr follow in a row (rank, set, file)
nizbrdica f downward slope, descent, declivity
nizbrdo adv downhill, sloping | fig sve je polo ~ everything went downhill (went wrong)
nizina f plain, lowlands pl, flat (low-lying) ground; (kotlina, uleknina) depression
nizinski adj low-lying; plains-, lowlandsNizozem|ac m Dutchman | ~ci the Dutch, Dutch people
nizozemlje n lowlands pl
Nizozemska f the Netberlands, Holland; (s Belgijom i
Luksemburgom) the Low Countries
nizozemski adj Dutch
nizvodno adv downstream, with the current
nie adv lower, lower (farther) down; (dolje) below, under, at the lower end, underneath
nii adj lower, lower (farther) down; (donji) nether;
(manji) lesser, minor; (slubom) under-, junior, inferior; (cijena) reduced, abated
no' conj v. nego
no'' adv but, well | (umirivanje) ~, ~! there, there; ~ ipak
yet, still, neveitheless, for all that; ~ dakle well then;
(oekivanje) ~? well?
Noa m Bibl Noah (v. Nojev)
Nobelov adj | ~a nagrada Nobel Prize
nobelovac m Nobel Prize-winner
nobl adj Ger v. otmjen
no f night, nightfall, night-time; (mrak) dark(ness) | ~u
at (by) night; u ~i in the night; nazvati (zaeljeti)
laku ~ bid good night; probaniti ~ make a night of
it; cijelu ~ all night (long); probdjeti ~ sit up all
night; to traje cijelu ~ night-long; u gluho doba ~i
in the dead of night; ~ stare godine watch-night;
svaku ~ nightly; ~ tamna kao u rogu a pitch-dark

night; on bdi dugo u ~ he keeps late hours, he sits up

late; laku ~! good night!; preko ~i overnight; sudden
noas adv to-night; last night
noanji adj of this (past, last) night
noenj|e n spending (passing) the night | broj ~a tourist
noite n shelter for the night, nightquarters pl, night's
lodging; (krov) roof; (krevet) bed
noiti vi spend the night, sleep (pass, sleep for) the
night, stay the night
noivanje n successive spending of nights at several
noivati vi spend the night successively at different place
non|i adj noctural, night, nightly | ~a koulja nightshirt; ~i ormari night-table; ~a posuda chamberpot; ~i lokal night-spot, night-club
noobdija f night-watchman
nou adv at (by) night, in the night, nightly, in the night
nog|a f leg; (stopalo) foot; (stola itd.) leg; (krak estila
itd.) leg; (stupa, mosta) trestle(-work) | na ~e! up!;
cijeli je dan na ~ama he/she is always on the wing
(in motion); do ~u at (a person's) feet, od malih ~u
from a child, from childhood; jednom ~om u grobu
with one leg in the grave; hrom na jednu ~u lame of
(in) one leg; krivih ~u (prema unutra) baker-legged,
knock-kneed; (na van) bandy-legged; stoli za ~e
foot-stool; klada za ~e (kazna) stocks pl; trag ~u
foot-print; grana ~e instep; palac ~e big toe; topot
~u foot-fall; ranjenih ~u foot-sore, sorefooted; bosih
~u bare-footed; sigurnih ~u sure-footed, sure of foot;
lakih ~u light-footed, fleet; raskreenih ~u straddlings (adv); bacati klipove pod ~e put a spoke in
person's wheel, thwart one; boriti se ~ama i rukama
oppose with might and main, fight tooth and nail;
dii se na ~e (poslije bolesti) recover (regain) one's
legs; dii (uspraviti) na ~e set one on his legs (i fig);
gaziti ~ama trample upon, tread under one's feet;
(nasilje) ride rough-shod over; podmetnuti ~u trip
one up; postaviti na ~e (odgojiti) bring up (children); potui do ~u defeat utterly, put to rout, put to
flight, scatter, crush; udariti ~om kick; ustati na ~e
(buna) rise up in arms
nogari m pl trestle; v. stalak, tronog, stativa
nogavica f leg of stocking (trousers, draters itd.)
nogic|a f dim v. noica | cul svinjske ~e pig's knuckles
nogomet m association football; B football (coll soccer)
nogometa m football player
nogometn|i adj B football, soccer | ~a lopta football; ~i
savez Football Association
nogostup m catwalk; footboard; (preko ice) stile
noj m zoo ostrich
Nojev adj | Bibl ~ koveg Noah's Ark
nok|at m nail, finger-nail; (na nozi) toe-nail | obrezivati
~te pare (trim) one's nails; dogorjelo mi je do ~ata it
is past endurance (bearing), I can't stand it any more;
I'm at the end of my tether
nokaut m box knock-out | pobijediti tehnikim ~om
win (beat) by a technical knock-out

nokautira|ti vt box knock out | biti ~n be knocked

(counted) out
nokdaun m box knock-down | biti u ~u be down for the
nokl(ic)e f pl cul Ger v. linjaci, trganci
nokir m Ger v. nona posuda
nokturno m mus & fig nocturno, notturno
nomad m wandering tribe, nomad
nomadski adj nomadic
nomenklatura f nomenclature
nominacija f nomination
nominala f v. nominalna vrijednost
nominal|an adj nominal, by name only; gram nominal |
~na vrijednost face value; ispod ~e vrijednosti below par
nominalizam m phil nominalism
nominativ m gram nominative
nominirati vt nominate
nona f reg v. baka
nonij m (sprava) vernier
nonkonformist m non-conformist
nonkonformistiki adj non-conformist
nonkonformizam m non-conformism, non-conformity
nonsens m nonsense
nonstop adv non-stop; round the clock
nonalantan adj nonchalant
nonalantnost f nonchalance
Nordijac m Nordic
nordijski adj Nordic
norm|a f norm; rate | ispuniti (premaiti) ~u fill (exceed) the quota
normal|a f normal | vratiti se na ~u return to normal
normalan adj normal, regular, typical, usual, average;
normalizacija f normalization
normalizirati vt normalize
normalizirati se vr become (return to) normal, normalize
normalno adv normally, regurlarly, usually
normalnost f normality, A+ normalcy
Norman m hist Norman
Normandija f geog Normandy
normandski adj hist Norman
normativ m standard
normativ|an adj | ~an zakon normative law; ~na
gramatika normative grammar
normiranje n standardization; setting a production
normirati vt standardize; norm; set a production quota
Norveka f geog Norway
norveki adj Norwegian
Norveanin m Norwegian
Norveanka f Norwegian (woman, lady, girl)
nos m nose; (njuka) snout, nozzle; (pijanca) grog-nose;
(miris) scent, smell; (kljun vra itd.) spout, beak; (kukast) beak nose; (orlovski) aquiline nose; (tubast)
pug-nose; (frntast) turned-up nose | duga ~a longnosed; preko ~a (i glave) over head and ears; ide mi
krv na ~ I bleed at nose; on die ~ he is a stuckup

(hauty, self-conceited) fellow, he turns up his nose

(at); ima dobar ~ he is keen-scented, he has a wonderful scent for; pokazati dugi ~ make a long nose,
thumb one's nose, sl make (cut, cock) a snook; govoriti kroz ~ twang, snuffle; govor kroz ~ nasal
twang; fig dobiti po ~u be reproved (rebuked, reprimanded, snubbed), go away with a flea in his ear;
gura ~ svakamo he thrusts his nose into other people's affairs, he pries (intrudes) into; vui nekoga za
~ lead one by the nose; trick (deceive) one; make a
fool of; pred ~om mi je zatvorio vrata he shut the
door in my face; napriti ~ turn up one's nose, look
nosa m porter, carrier, packer, bearer; coolie; eng &
archit support, prop, girder | ~ aviona aircraft carrier
nosat adj large-nosed; zoo nosed
nosati vt keep carrying to and fro
nose|i adj | ~i zid supporting wall; ~a ena pregnant
nosi m dim little (pretty) nose
nosila n pl (mrtvaka) bier; (bolesnika) litter, stretcher
nosilac m bearer; (odijela) wearer; (naslova) holder;
(dunosti) incumbent; (potporanj) v. nosa
nosilica f egg-laying hen | dobra ~ good layer
nosiljka f litter; sedan-chair, palankeen, palanquin
nosina f aug big nose
nos|iti vt (teret) carry; (odjeu) wear; (prenositi) convey;
(podupirati) support, uphold, sustain; (donositi)
bring, take, fetch; (sobom) carry about (on) oneself;
(dohvat, tane itd.) reach; (jaja) lay (eggs); (plod) bear
fruit, produce, yield; (kamate, dobitak) give (yield)
profit, bear interest; (biti unosan) pay, be lucrative
(profitable) | top ~i... gun has the range of... ; brod
~i... vessel has the freight-carrying capacity of... ; to
~i this pays (is lucrative); ovo u odijelo ~iti jo
jednu godinu this suit will last me another year
nos|iti se vr be worn, wear; cope with | ovo se odijelo
dobro ~i this suit wears well; on se ~i po modi he
dresses fashionably; ova se tkanina dobro ~i this
cloth wears well (is serviceable); ~i se! be off!, be
gone!, off with you!, hence with you!; SDP je demokratska stranka koja se moe nositi s problemima
SDP is democratic party which can cope with problems
nosiv adj bearable, used for carrying
nosivost f carrying capacity
nosni adj nasal, of the nose
nosnica f nostril
nosonja m derog big-nose
nosorog m zoo rhinoceros
nostalgian adj nostalgic, homesick
nostalgij|a f nostalgia, homesickness | osjetiti ~u become
nostrificirati vt validate (a foreign degree)
nostrifikacija f validation
nostromo m reg v. voa palube
noa f (nokir) v. nona posuda
noen pp (odijelo) worn; (otrcan) worn-out, secondhand; carried, worn

noenje n carrying, bearing, wearing, wear; (troenje)

tear and wear; portage, carriage; fetching; (podupiranje) support(ing)
nonja f costume, dress, attire, garb; wear, style, fashion
| narodna ~ national costume (garb)
not|a f mus note; (diplomatska) note | crtovlje za ~e set
of staves; ~e (tampane) sheet music; stalak za ~e
music-stand; uputiti (diplomatsku) ~u send a note
notacija f notation
notar m (javni biljenik) notary-public
notarski adj (javnobiljeniki) notarial
notes m memo (note, scratch) pad; (na spiralu) loose-leaf
notica f notice, brief report, small item
notiranje n notation; (biljeke) jottings pl | ~ na burzi
quatations (on the Exchange)
notirati vt note (down), jot down; (biljeke) annotate;
(na burzi) be quoted on the Exchange
notni adj | ~ papir music paper (note paper = listovni
notorni adj (zloglasni) notorious, in bad repute
notornost f notoriety
noturno n mus & fig nocturne, notturno
nout m bot v. slanutak
nov adj new; novel; (nedavni) fresh, recent, late;
(dananji) latest, modern, latter-day, neo-; (nenoen,
nerabljen) not worn(-out), not used; (nevian) unused
to, unaccustomed; (daljnji) further, additional, more;
fig (novopeen) newbaked; (moda) new-fangled,
newfashioned; (nepoznat) unknown, unfamiliar to;
(neutrt) untrodden; (neistraen) unexplored; (nevjet)
raw, inexperienced; (promijenjen) changed; (drukiji) different | ~ novcat span-new, quite new, spick
and span, brand new; ~o plemstvo mushroom nobility, upstarts; to ima ~a? what's the news?; nema
nita ~o pod suncem there is nothing new under the
nova f astr nova
nov|ac m money; (kovan) coin, coinage, hard money,
cash, specie; (u prometu) currency; (papirni) soft
money, currency, bank-note; (sitan) change, loose
money; (lo) base money; (krivi) false coin; (dobar)
good money; (eton i sl. umjesto novca) counter, imitation coin; (kovan, osim zlatnog) token money; (gotov) cash down, ready money; (sredstva) pecuniary
resources pl, capital; (eni za sitnice) pin-money |
(naznaena) vrijednost ~ca denomination; primjesa
~cu alloy; kovnica ~ca mint; kova ~ca minter;
(krivog) false coiner; teaj ~ca rate of exchange,
value; pozajmljiva ~ca money-lender; pretinac za
~ac till; lovac za ~cem (mirazom) fortune-hunter;
ponosan na svoj ~ac purse-proud; u kripcu za ~ac
short of money, out of cash, in money difficulties,
hard up for money; nestaica ~ca tightness of money,
stringency; bez ~ca penniless; pri ~cu in cash; ima
obilje ~ca he is flush of money; glavna (prednja)
strana ~ca head; stranja strana ~ca reverse; bacati
~ac uvis (pismo-glava) toss up money; kovati ~ac
mint, coin; likvidirati (unoviti) ~ac realize; smoi

(namai) ~ac raise money (funds); pozajmiti ~ac

lend money, accomodate one with money; ubirati
~ac collect money; uloiti ~ac invest money ; pretvoriti u ~ac (unoviti) turn (convert) into money; on
se valja u ~cu he is rolling in money, he is a nabob
(Croesus); on zasluuje (stjee) ~ac sa... he makes
money by...; tko ima ~ac, taj vozi money makes the
mare go; zaradio (izgubio) sam ~ac s tim poslom I
am in (out of) pocket by this transaction; ~ac sve
moe money makes the mare go
novaenje n recruiting, recruitment; (prisilno) press,
conscription, levy
novaiti vt recruit; (silom) press, conscribe
novajlija m (poetnik) beginner, freshman, tyro; (zelemba) greenhorn, tenderfoot, new hand; (vojnik) raw
recruit; inexperienced (unskilled) person
novak m recruit; conscript; novice
novator m innovator
novatorski adj innovative
novatorstvo n (introduction of) innovations
novcat adj | nov ~ quite new, brand-new, spick and span
novan adj monetary, pecuniary, money, financial | ~a
doznanica money-order, postal order; ~a globa fine,
penalty, mulct; ~i list money letter; ~a pomo pecuniary aid; ~a poiljka remittance; ~i pretinac (stola)
money-box; till; ~i teaj rate of exchange; ~o trite
money-market; ~i zavod bank; ~a sredstva resources
novanica f B (bank-)note, A bill
novanik m v. novarka
novar m banker, financier, capitalist; money-lender
novarka f (za sitni) (change) purse; (enska) purse
wallet; (lisnica) wallet
novarstvo n banking, money-market transactions
novci m dim small coin
novela f short story (pazi: novel = roman!)
noveleta f short (brief) short story, storiette
novelist m short-story writer
novelistiki adj short-story
novelistika f short-story writing; short stories
novembar m (studeni) November
novembarski adj November
novic m RC novice
novicijat m novitiate
noviji adj comp latter-day, new; less ancient
novina f novelty, innovation
novinar m newspaperman, pressman, journalist, publicist
novinarsk|i adj journalistic, newspaper, publicistic | ~a
patka newspaper hoax
novinarstvo n journalism, publicism
novin|e f pl newspaper, journal; (slubene, trgovacke i
vojnike) gazette | izdava ~a publisher; urednik ~a
editor; glavni urednik ~a editor-in-chief; dopisnik
~a correspondent; raznosa ~a newsboy, newsvendor; prodava ~a news-agent; pretplatnik na ~e
subscriber; pretplata na ~e subscription; biti pretplaen na ~e (u kuu) take in a newspaper
novinsk|i adj newspaper, journalistic | ~i lanak newspaper article (item, paragraph); (tek da se popuni

stranica) stop-gap news; ~a agencija news-agency,

wire-service; ~o urednitvo editorial office; ~i oglas
insertion advertisement, classified; uvrstiti ~i oglas
insert, advertize; ~i jezik journalese
novinstvo n press, journalism
novitet m innovation; com novelty, new item
Novi Zeland m geog New Zealand
novo- pref newly, neo-, freshly; (nedavno) lately, recently, modern
novoformiran adj newly formed (established)
novogodinji adj | ~ praznici New Year's holidays
novogradnja f new(ly-erected) building
novogrki adj new Greek (language)
novoimenovan adj newly appointed; (iza imena) designate
novoizabran adj | ~i predsjednik newly elected president, president elect
novokain m med novocain
novonastao adj newly risen; v. novoformiran
novoosnovan adj newly establishe (founded, formed)
novootkriven adj newly discovered
novopeen adj fledgeling, newly fledged
novopostavljen adj v. novoimenovan
novoroen adj new-born; (preroroen) rejuvenated
novoroene n new-born child
novost f news, novelty, a piece of intelligence (news),
tidings pl; freshness, newness, originality; (novotarija) innovation | stara ~ stale news; raznosilac ~i
(brbljavac) newsmonger, quidnunc, gossip
novotar m newfangled person; v. novator
novotarija f novelty, innovation, iron newfangled thing;
novotarski adj newfangled; v. novatorski
novotarstvo n newfangledness; v. novatorstvo
novovjean adj of modern times, modern; (dananji)
novovjek adj v. novovjean
novovjerac m adherent of a new religion (sect), sectarian, seceder from an established religion
novozelandski adj geog New Zealand
Novozelananin m New Zealander
nozdrva f nostril
no m knife; (depni) pocket-knife, pen-knife; claspknife; (mesarski) whittle; (pluga) coulter, ploughshare; (za alatni stroj) cutter | otrica ~a blade, edge;
ruka ~a handle; dio ~a u drku tang; (u)bosti ~em
knife; ubiti ~em knife to death
noar m cutler
noarstvo n cutlery; (zanat) cutler's trade
noetina f aug & derog big leg (foot)
noic|a f dim little (pretty) leg (foot) | reg ~e v. karice
noi m dim little knife; (perorez) pocket-knife, penknife; v. britvica
noina f aug big knife
noni adj foot, leg | ~ prst toe; ~ palac big toe
nourina f aug & derog big leg (foot)
nu adv & int v. no
Nubija f geog & hist Nubia
Nubij|ac m, ~ka f Nubian

nubijski adj Nubian

nuder(r) int v. daj, daj!
nudilac m bidder, offerer, tender | najvii ~ highest bidder
nudist m, ~kinja f nudist, naturist, sunbather
nudistik|i adj nudist, naturist | ~a plaa (kamp, kolonija) nudist beach (camp, colony)
nud|iti vt (na drabi) bid, tender; (vie) outbid; (manje)
underbid; (pruati) offer, proffer, hold out; (predloiti) propose | prilika se ~i opportunity offers;
stvar (roba itd.) se ~i (ali ne nalazi kupca, odziva) it
goes (a)-begging; ~i ti se zabadava you can have it
for the asking
nuditi se vr offer oneself; offer to do
nudizam m nudism, naturism
nudl m cul Ger v. rezanac
nudlbret m cul Ger v. daska za tijesto
nudlvalker m cul Ger v. razvija za tijesto
nuanje n offer, offering; (draba) bidding, tender(ing);
(poziv) invitation
nuati vt v. nuditi
nugat m cul nougat
nujan adj sad, gloomy, depressed, melancholy, moping,
sombre, dismal, mournful, blue, spleenish; in the
dumps; downcast; forlorn, woebegone; low-spirited
nujno adv sadly, gloomily, mournfully, mopingly
nujnost f sadness, depression, melancholy, low spirits pl,
dejection, the dumps pl, spleen
nukalac m offerer, one who presses a thing upon somebody
nukanje n repeated urging (pressing, encouraging);
pressing (forcing) food (gift itd.) upon one
nukati vt animate, encourage, stimulate; (jelom) force
(press) food upon one, keep offering food, urge one to
help himself
nuklearac m nuclear scientist (researcher)
nuklear|an adj nuclear, atomic; nuclear-powered | ~na
fizika (energija) nuclear physics (power)
nukleus m nucleus (v. jezgro)
nul|a f zero | fig on je obina ~a he is a mere cipher, he
is a nonentity; temperatura je na ~i the temperature
is at freezing point (pazi: at zero = 0F = 17,8C!);
temperature ispod ~e sub-freezing temperatures
(sub-zero = nie od 0F, dakle nie od 17,8C!) ; 10
ispod ~e ten below freezing (point), coll ten below
(pazi: ten below zero = 10F ispod 32F, dakle
23,3C!); sp dva ~a two to nil; ~a cijelih dva 0 (it.
[ou]) point two
nuler m, -ica f fine white flour
nulti adj zero
numera f v. broj
numeracija f numbering
numeriki adj numerical
numerirati vt number
numizmatiar m coin collector, numismatist

numizmatik|i adj coin-collecting, numismatic | ~a

zbirka coin collection
numizmatika f coin collecting, numismatics
nunati vt v. njihati
nuncij m (papal) nuntio
nuspojava f med side-effect
nusprodukt m by-product
nusprostorij|a f utility room | ~e kitchen, bathroom, pantry and the like
nutarnji adj v. unutranji
nutarnjost f v. unutranjost, nutrina
nutkati vt v. nukati
nuto int v. eno!
nutrasnji adj v. unutranji
nutrasnjost f v. unutranjost
nutrija f zoo nutria, coypu; (krzno) nutria (fur)
nutrina f inner man (personality); v. unutranjost
nuz prep v. uz
nuz- pref co-, extra-, side-; accessory, additional, subsidiary
nuzefekt m med side-effect
nuzgredan adj (nebitan) unessential, indifferent, irrelevant, incidental, accidental, causal; (nevaan) unimportant, immaterial, of little-account (consequence,
moment); (dodatan) additional, accessory, secondary
nuzgrednost f a matter of secondary importance
nuzzanimanje n second job
nuzzarada f incidental earnings pl, perquisite
nud|a f (sila) necessity, exigency; (nepredviena) emergency; (hitnost) urgent case, urgency, pressure; (prisilnost) compulsion; constraint; (kripac) difficulty,
scrape pinch, straits pl; (krajnja) extremity; (tjelesna)
call of nature; (potreba) occasion, need; (nestaica)
misery, poverty, distress, indigence, needfulness | biti
u ~i be in distress (straits), stand in need of, have occasion for, suffer want, be in want; ako bude ~a if
need be (were); praviti krepost iz ~e make a virtue
of necessity; ~a zakon mijenja need must when the
devil drives, necessity has no law; u ~i necessitous;
adresa u ~i (mjenica) address in case of need; iz ~e
from necessity; bez ~e needlessly, without any occaaion; za ~u scarcely, hardly; barely, scantily, temporarily; (tek toliko) as a stop-gap, as a make-shift;
izlaz za ~u emergency exit; u sluaju ~e in case of
need; euph obaviti ~u relieve oneself, ease nature,
use the oilet, go to the bathroom
nudan adj necessary, requisite; (vrlo) urgent, pressing,
exigent, indispensable; (potreban) needful | nuna
adresa address in case of need; stvari nune za ivot
necessities of life
nunik m v. zahod
nuno adv of necessity, necessarily, in urgent need of |
nije ~ there is no occasion for it
nunost f necessity

njakati vi bray
njedra n pl bosom, bust, breast; fig heart
njeg|a f nursing, tending, rearing, nurture; (uzgajanje
bilja, ivotinje) fancying; (dvorenje) attendance, ministering; (panja) care, charge | dati dijete u ~u put
out to nurse; u njezi at nurse; ~a tue djece (na selu)
baby-farming; imati u njezi tuu djecu farm babies
njegov pron his; (vlastit) of his own, of him, of his
njegovanje n nursing, tending, fostering; nurture; training; fancying; (zubi, nokata) care of teeth (nails)
njegovati vt (dijete) nurse, nurture; nourish; tend; foster,
educate; train, rear, attend; care for; promote; groom
Njemaka f geog Germany | Savezna Republika ~
German Federal Republic; (biva) Demokratska Republika ~ (former) German Democratic Republic
njemaki adj German | govoriti ~ speak German
njemariti vi speak German with preference to one's
own language
Njemica f German (woman, lady, girl)
njen pron v. njezin
njezin pron her, hers
njezini m pl her people (parents, relations itd.)
njean adj (osjeaj) tender, delicate, gentle; (mekan)
soft; (blag) mild, bland, mellow, suave; (srdaan)
kind, sweet (prema on); (osjetljiv) susceptible, sensitive, impressionable, nice; (popustljiv) yielding; (koji
voli) fond of, affectionate, cherishing; (slabaan)
frail, weak, slender; (izrada) filigree, weak; (fin) fine;
(raznjeen) effeminate; (ganutljiv) melting
njeno adv tenderly, gently, mildly, softly, delicately
njenost f tenderness, delicacy, delicateness; (osjetljivost) susceptibility, sensitiveness, sensibility, im-

pressionability; softness; niceness; daintiness, weakness, frailty; (rijei) suavity, sweetness, blandness
njihalo n pendulum | ura s ~m pendulum-clock
njihaljka f swing; (daska) see-saw; (stolica) rockingchair
njihanje n swing, swinging, rocking; (na gredi) seesawing; (djeteta na koljenu) dandling; swaying; (na
valovima) bobbing; (objeeno) dangling
njihati vt swing, rock, see-saw; sway; (uspavljivati dijete) rock (lull) to sleep | ~ na rukama rock in arms;
~ u kolijevci rock in a cradle
njihati se vr swing, rock, sway, see-saw; (na valovima)
bob; (objeen) dangle
njihov adj their, theirs, of theirs, of them, of their own
njitanje n whinnying
njitati vi whinny
njiva f meadow; field; tilled ground
njoki m pl cul It gnocchi
njorac m ornith reg v. ronac
njuh m smell, sense of smell, scent; fig flair | otra ~a
njupa f sl grub, chow (oba A sl)
njupati vt sl grub (A sl)
njupati se vr sl v. uzrujavati se, derati se
njuenje n scenting, sniffing, smelling
njuiti vt smell, scent; sniff, snuffle; nose
njuka f snout
njukalo n person prying into (about), busybody; spy
njukanje n snuffling, sniffing; smelling, scenting; fig
prying, spying, ferreting, rummaging
njukati vt smell, scent, snif, nose; fig pry, spy, nose
about, ferret; (traiti) rummage, search

o prep about, on, at, against, upon, in, up | ~ podne at
midday; ~ Boiu (Uskrsu) at Christmas (Easter); on
ivi ~ kruhu he lives on bread; ~ emu govore? what
are they talking about?
o! int oh!
oaza f oasis; fig pocket
oba num both; both of them, the two; (jedan i drugi)
both of them; each of two; either of two
obai vt v. obii
obad m ent breeze, gad-fly
obadva num v. oba
obadvije num v. obje
obadvoje num v. oboje
obadvojica num v. obojica
obajati vt enchant, cast a spell on, bewitch
obal|a (rijeke, potoka, jezera) bank; (mora) coast, shore,
seaboard; (poloita prudina) beach; (strma, nepristupana) iron-bound (rock-bound) coast; (luka zidana)
wharf; (nasip obzidan) embankment | izvui lau na
~u beach; na ~i ashore
obaliti vt v. oboriti, sruiti, posjei

obalni adj of (on) sea shore, of (on) river-bank; coastal;

riverine, riparian; waterside
obamiranje n gradual loss of vitality (senses); paralysis;
(nekroza) mortification
obamirati vi be paralysed; get torpid (numb); (med) become affected with mortification (gangreen)
obamrijeti vi become numb (benumbed), become paralysed (insensible), lose senses, become comatose, fall
into a coma
obamrlost f paralysis; anaesthesia; (umrtvljenost) deadness; (od studeni) numbness; torpor; lethargy; coma
obamro adj (od studeni) benumbed, numb; (udo) dead;
(ukoen) paralysed; comatose, in coma (lethargy)
obao adj round, spherical, cylindrical, circular, globular
obara m v. okida
obaranje n felling, prostration, overthrow, knocking
down, laying low, shooting down
obarati vt (sjei) fell, hew (cut) down; (ruiti) pull
down; (sruiti) throw (cast, beat, strike) down; bear
(run, blow) down, prostrate; overthrow (overturn,

subvert) ; (cijenu) reduce (abate, cut down) price;

(oi, glavu) cast down
obaren adj v. kuhan
obasipan pp v. obasut
obasipanje n loading (swamping) with, overwhelming
(flooding, deluging) with
obasipati vt (mnotvom) overwhelm (deluge, flood) with;
(darovima) shower upon, load with, swamp with,
heap with; (pitanjima) ply
obasjan pp illuminated, shone-upon
obasjati vt cast (ahed, throw) light upon, beam upon;
irradiate, illuminate, light up
obasjati se vr become illuminated, light up
obasjavanje n flooding with hght; illumination, irradiation
obasjavati vt keep shining upon (casting light upon,
obasut pp (darovima, dobroinstvima) loaded with, sihowered upon (by); (molbama itd.) overwhelmed
(deluged, flooded) with, covered with (by)
obasuti vt shower upon, overwhelm with, deluge (flood)
with, load (swamp) with, heap upon one
obaka adv Tur v. posebno, a kamoli
obavez|a f commitment, obligation; engagement; (novano) liability; (objeanje) pledge, plight | preuzeti ~u
make (assume) a commitment; udovoljiti ~ama meet
(discharge, fulfill) one's coimmitments, honour one's
obavez|an adj bound, obliged, bound, engaged; (zahvalnost) indebted, beholden, one's debtor; (obvezatan)
obligatory, compulsory, binding, enforced | biti ~ nekomu commit oneself to, pledge (bind) oneself to,
plight one's word; (zahvalnost) be bound in gratitude,
be (lie) under an obligation; ~na vojna sluba compulsory military service; conscription
obavezati vt oblige, pledge one, lay (put) under (an)
obligation, obligate, tie (bind) one to, make liable to;
(zahvalnost) make indebted (beholden) to; (sudskom
odlukom) bind over
obavezati se vr engage (bind, pledge) oneself, take upon
oneself; (odgovornost) make oneself liable (arnenable, accountable) to (for); pledge one's ward; undertake, guarantee
obavezno adv obligatorily; unfailingly
obaveznost f obligatoriness
obavijanje n winding (wrapping, twining, coiling) round
obavijati vt wind round, twine (twist) round (about),
wrap up closely; (motati) coil round
obavijati se vr wind (twine, coil, wreathe) oneself round
obavijen pp wrapped round (in, about, up), wound round
obavijest f communication, notification, notice, news,
(piece of) information, word, intelligence; report
obavijestiti vt inform, let know, give notice, send (write)
word, advise, apprise, notify; announce; give intelligence; (upozoriti) warn
obavijestiti se vr inform oneself; find out
obavijeten pp informed, notified, apprised; warned
obavijetenost f being (well-)informed; level (quality) of

obavit adj v. obavijen

obaviti' vt v. obavijati
obaviti'' vt (posao) do, perform, execute, finish, consummate; (izvriti) accomplish, deal with; (urediti)
settle, dispose of; v. omotati, pokriti
obavjetajac m intelligence agent (officer)
obavjetaj|an adj intelligence | ~na sluba intelligence
obavjetavanje n keeping informed; continuous information; coverage (o of)
obavjetava|ti vt keep informed, keep posted up; v.
obavijestiti | ovim Vas ~mo da this is to inform you
obavjetenje n v. obavtjest
obavljanje n performing, performance, execution, discharge; function, operation; consummation
obavljati vt v. obaviti; (slubu) discharge (office, duty),
officiate, function, operate, act in a capacity
obavljen pp performed, executed, done, finished, accomplished, brought to an end
obavljiv adj executable, dischargeable, performable
obaziranje n consideration, regard; attention; paying
regard (attention) to; (blagost) indulgence;
(potovanje) deference (na to); (ogledavanje) looking, turning back (about, round)
obazir|ati se vr have regard to, regard, take into consideration, consider, take into account, give heed to;
(panja) attend to, be mindful, keep in view, have regard to, pay attention to, bear in mind; (biti stalo do)
care for, take notice of; (ogledavati se) turn back
(about), look round (back, about) | ne ~ati se na disregard, pay no heed (attention) for, ignore, neglect,
slight; not allow for, set at naught; koji se ne ~e na
heedless of, regardless of, careless of; (bezobziran)
without scruple
obazreti se vr turn (look) round (back); v. obazirati se
obazriv adj v. obziran
obazrivost f v. obzirnost
obdan adv in the daytime, by day, during the day
obdanite n (day) nursery, day-care centre
obdaren pp presented (rewarded) with; (sposobnou)
talented, gifted
obdarenost f being talented (gifted), talent, gift
obdariti vt present (reward) with, give a donation, endow with, gift away to, make a present of... to, bestow
obdjelati vt v. obraditi
obdravanje n (slavljenje, obiaj) keeping, observing,
obdravati vt keep, observe, celebrate; v. odravati
obdravati se vr be kept (observed); v. odravati se
obdukcij|a f med autopsy, post mortem | izvriti ~u perform an autopsy
obean pp promised; (zadan) plighted, pledged | ~a
zemlja promised land
obeanje n promise, word, parole; pledge, plight; assurance; (obveza) engagement | pogaziti (ne odrati) ~
go back upon one's word, break one's word; odrati ~
keep one's word, be a man of one's word; on je

odrao svoje ~ he was as good as his word; ~ ludom

radovanje fine words butter no parsnips
obe|ati vt promise, give (pass, pledge, plight) one's
word, pledge oneself, engage for, give assurances,
undertake, vow; (pruati nade) bid fair, give hope,
show promise of, raise expectations, hold out hopes
to | on dri to ~a he is a man of his word, he is as
good as his word; on ini vie nego to ~a he is better than his word; pothvat je mnogo ~avao ali je
splasnulo u nita it was only a flash in the pan; ~ati
neto nemogue promise the moon
obeati se vr engage oneself; give one's promise
obeavanje n renewed (successive, repeated) promises
obeav|ati vt v. obeati | on mnogo ~a he is very promissing; to ne ~a dobro it does not augur well; fig
malo ~ati hold meager promise; puno je ~alo, ali se
svelo ni na ta it was only a flash in the pan
obelisk m obelisk
ober m Ger coll v. natkonobar
oberliht m Ger v. vidjelica
obescijeniti vt depreciate (the value)
obeshrabrenje n discouragement
obeshrabriti vt discourage; deter
obeshrabriti se vr be discouraged; lose heart
obeskrijepiti vt invalidate, make null and void; (pobiti)
defeat, refute, rebut, disprove; (ukinuti) cancel, annul
obesmrtiti vt immortalize
obesnaiti vt v. obeskrijepiti, ukinuti
obespokojiti vt disturb, upset, trouble, alarm
obespokojiti se vr become disturbed (troubled, alarmed)
obespravljen adj deprived of one's rights, fig disinherited
obespravljenost f being deprived of one's rights
obeaen pp desecrated, profaned; dishonoured, disgraced
obeaenje n profanation, desecration; rape
obeastiti vt profane, desecrate; dishonour, disgrace
obeteenje n compensation, indemnification (v.
obetetiti vt compensate, indemnify (v. odtetiti)
obezbijediti vt v. osigurati
obezbjeenje n v. osiguranje
obezglaviti vt deprive of a leader, make leaderless; fig
throw into panic, make one lose his head
obezglaviti se vr lose one's head, panic
obeznaniiti se vr swoon, faint
obeznanjen adj swooned, fainted
obezobraziti se vr become impudent, lose all restraint
obezvrijediti vt invalidate; (potcijeniti) underestimate
obezvrijeenje n invalidation; underestimation
obiaj m (osobni) habit, habitude, wont; (openit) use,
usage, custom; com usance; convention; manners,
modes of life; (ukorijenjen) inveterate habit; (osebujnost) trick; way; (prakse) practice, use and wont;
(smjeranje) settled (general) tendency | loi ~i bad
habits; evil courses; to mu je postao ~ this has grown
habitual with him, it became a habit with him, it
grew upon him; moj je ~ it is my wont to...; po njegovu ~u according to his wont; poprimiti ~ acquire a

habit; ~ ima da pije he is addicted to drink; postao

mu je ~ it grew into a habit with him; he has fallen
into the habit of -ing; oduiti od ~a break one from a
habit; to je njegov ~ it is his way; starinski ~ ancient
usage; prekinuti s ~em discard a habit; izai iz ~a
get out of use (practice); izalo je iz ~a it fell into
disuse; stei ~ contract (acquire, form) a habit, get
into the habit of... ; u ~u used, customary, current, in
vogue, habitual, in fashion; doi u ~ come into vogue
(fashion); ~ nastaje (nikne) custom sprins up
(arises); ne vie u ~u (zastario) obsolete, discarded,
disused, discontinued; bolje da propadne selo nego
dobar ~ custom must be kept even if causing ruin
obiaj|an adj v. uobiajen | jur ~no pravo unwritten
law, common law
obi|an adj customary, usual, common, accustomed, habitual; general, ordinary; (redovit) regular, normal;
(otrcan, svagdanji, poznat) trivial, trite, hackeyed,
everyday, familiar; conventional; commonplace, vulgar; traditional | neto ~no a common (usual) thing;
~ni govor colloquial speech
obiava|ti vi be accustomed to, be in the habit of -ing; be
wont to | ~o sam ii (govoriti) I used to go (say)
obino adv usually, habitually, generally, commonly,
ordinarily, in general, by habit (custom); (veinom)
mostly, for the most part | kao ~ as usual
obinost f commonness; triviality; ordinariness; commonplace, familiarity (with)
obii' vi v. naviknuti se
obii'' vt go round, make the round of; (izbjei) evade,
give a wide berth to, elude, avoid, shun; (posjet) pay
a visit, call (up)on, visit, see; (usput) come round,
drop in; (okoliati) beat about the bush; (pregledati,
putovati) survey, go (travel) all over a place (district,
area); (straar, uvar) go one's round, go one's beat;
(ugao) turn (the corner), pass round; (brod oko rta)
double, round (a cape); (znamenitosti grada itd.) see
the sights, coll do (a town)
obigravati vi dance around | ~ oko nekoga dance attendance upon
obija m v. provalnik
obijanje n (okovom) setting (studding) with nails (iron
itd.); (oplatom) lining (wainscoting) with boards
(panels); (vanjskog zida daskama protiv vlage)
weather-boarding; (provala) picking a lock (padlock)
obijati vt v. obiti | ~ tue pragove (moljakati) go begging (supplicating, petitioning, imploring) from
house to house
obijediti vt accuse falsely, impute
obijeen adj falsely accused
obijeliti vt (vapnom) whitewash
obijeljen pp whitewashed
obijesnik m wanton (wayward, capricious) person
obijest f wantonness, outburst of prankishness, unrestrained (mischievous) merriment, naughtiness, exuberance of animal spirits, capriciousness; waggery;
(drskost) arrogance | iz ~i wantonly

obijestan adj wanton, prankish, roguish, naughty, frolicsome, waggish, mischievous, overflowing with spirits, playful
obikao adj v. naviknut
obiknuti vi v. naviknuti se
obilan adj copious, abundant, abounding, plentiful, profuse, opulent, ample, lavish, liberal; (bujan) exuberant; substantial, luxurious
obilat adj v. obilan
obilatost f v. obilje
obilazak m tour; rounds pl, beat (v. obilaenje)
obilazan adj v. zaobilazan
obilaziti vi perambulate; go round; circulate; make a
tour; (stalnim poslom) go one's habitual rounds, go
one's beat; fig fetch (go) a compass; make a circuit;
travel all over; (polaziti) frequent in a certain order
(at intervals); wander (range) all over (through); (okretati se) revolve, rotate; pass round; (izbjegavati)
evade, shrink from; (posjeti) keep calling upon (visiting); (brod rt) double | ~ kao maak oko vrue
kae beat (go) about the bush
obilaenje n going (passing) round; (slubenim putem)
making (going) one's round, doing one's beat; (put
naokolo) rotation, perambulation, ranging; (granicom) beating the bounds; (oko rta, brod) doubling
obilno adv abundantly, profusely, plentifully, copiously,
lavishly, richly, liberally, amply; enough and to spare
obilnost f v. obilje
obilovanje n v. obilje
obilovati vi abound in, be plentiful, have in plenty, be
rich in; (vrvjeti) teem with | jako ~ be plentiful as
obilje n abundance, plenty, abundant stock (store, supply), plentifulness, profusion, copiousness, profuseness; wealth; exuberance
obiljeavanje n denoting, denotation, marking out,
obiljezavati vt keep denoting (checking, stamping,
marking), denote (mark out) successively
obiljeiti vt (znakom) mark, earmark, make a sign,
check, stamp; (rezom) score, blaze; (etiketom) label,
ticket; (kredom) chalk; (oznaiti) denote; (biti znaajkom) be the sign of, characterize; (osobina) stamp
obiljeje n characteristic, peculiarity; (crta) trait, feature; quality; symbol; (znak) token, symptom; (vanjski) emblem; (utisak) impress; (ig) hall-mark (fig)
obim m v. obujam, opseg
obiman adj v. opsean
obira m skimmer
obiranje n skimming; fig taking the best part | lica za ~
(mlijeka itd.) skimmer, skimming-ladle
obirati vt skim
obiskati vt search (someone's head) for lice
obiskavanje n searching for lice (on someone's head)
obistiniti se vr (be)come true, realize oneself, be realized, prove true, become reality
obistinjenje n coming true, realization
obitavalac m dweller, inhabitant; (kue) inmate, resident

obitavalite n (dom) dwelling-place, abode, place of

residence, habitation, domicile; quarters pl, lodging(s), housing
obitavanje n dwelling, residence, inhabitancy, living
obitavati vi dwell, live, reside, lodge, have one's quarters, inhabit, be domiciled
obitelj f family; (ukuani, kuanstvo) household; (djeca)
children; (podrijetlo) stock, lineage; (kua) house;
(vrsta) genus, order | to je u ~i it runs in the family;
biti iz dobre ~i be (come) of a good family, come of
good stock; (iz plemenite) be of noble birth, be highborn; otac ~i father (head) of family; uzdravati ~
support a family; (neugodna) tajna ~i family skeleton
obiteljsk|i adj of the family, family | ~o rodoslovlje family tree, pedigree; ~a uspomena (vrijedan predmet)
heirloom; ~i dodatak family allowance
obiti vt set with nails, stud with studs, set with iron,
iron; (daskama vanjski zid) provide with weatherboards (boarding) ; (oploiti) line with boards, wainscot, panel | ~ bravu (lokot) pick a lock (padlock)
objahati vt go round (traverse) on horseback
objasniti vt (rastumaiti) explain, make clear, clear up,
throw light upon; account for; (mjesto knjige) construe, elucidate, expound; interpret, comment, define;
illustrate, illuminate
objasniti se vr talk things over
objanjavanje n repeated explanations
objanjavati vt explain (excuse oneself, apologize) repeatedly, keep explaining
objanjenje n explanation; (tumaa) interpretation, elucidation, comment, construction, commentary, illustration; (biljeke) annotation, gloss; rubric
objanjiv adj accountable
objava f (javna) proclamation, promulgation; manifesto;
(oglas) placard, bill; (saopenje) notice, notification,
announcement; (poslovna) advice; (putna) travel papers; (u novinama) advertisement; publication; Bibl
objavitelj m announcer, promulgator
objaviti vt announce, proclaim, make known, make public, publish, promulgate; spread news, notify, inform,
advise; (rastrubiti) trumpet, blaze abroad; (oglasom)
bill; (u slubenim novinama) gazette; Bibl reveal
objaviti se vr Bibl appear
objavljen pp announced, proclaimed, published, made
known, promulgated; (oglasom) billed; (u slubenim
novinama) gazetted
objavljenje n promulgation itd. (v. objava); Bibl revelation
objavljiva m proclamator; announcer
objavljivanje n successive announcing (proclaiming,
promulgating, gazetting)
objavljivati vt announce (proclaim, promulgate, gazette
itd.) successively (repeatedly); keep announcing
obje num (of female gender or sex only) both (women),
both of them (women), the two (women), each (either) of two (women, females)
objed m v. ruak

objeda f imputation, false accusation; (kleveta) calumny,

detraction, backbiting, defamation, slander; (u novinama, knjizi) libel
objediniti vt v. ujediniti, udruiti
objedovanje n having lunch
objedovati vt have lunch
objedriti vt sail round, round (pass round) sailing; (rt)
objeivanje n making imputations (insisting on imputations); (klevetanje) keep uttering slander
objeivati vt continue (keep) making imputations
objekcija f objection (v. prigovor, primjedba)
objekt m (predmet) object, thing; gram object | ~ u
izgradnji construction project; moderni ~i modern
buildings; industrijski ~i industrial plants (installations); vojni ~i military installations; plovni ~ vessel
objektiv m opt lens | photo zaslon ~a shutter
objektivan adj objective; (nepristran) impartial, unbiassed, showing no leaning (side)
objektivist m objectivist
objektivistiki adj objectivist
objektivizam m objectivism
objektivno adv objectively; impartially, without bias
objektivnost f objectivity, objectiveness
objektn|i adj | gram ~a reenica object clause
objelodaniti vt publish, issue, make known, make public; (otkriti) reveal, disclose, divulge
objelodanjen pp published, made known (public), issued
objelodanjenje n publication, making public; (otkrie)
disclosure, divulgation
objeruke adv with both hands; fig quite willingly, eagerly, with one's whole heart, whole heartedly, nothing loath | on je ~ prihvatio ponudu he jumped at
the offer
objesiti vt hang (up), suspend; (glavu) let droop (hang)
the head; (ovjeka) hang, gibbet
objesiti se vr hang oneself; (zakvaiti se) get hooked, be
hitched (entangled)
objeen pp hung; (covjek) hanged; suspended; hanging
down; (njihajui se) swinging, dangling; pendulous,
pensile | biti ~ hang, be suspended; (njiui se) dangle; (zakvaen) be hooked up
objeenjak m villain, rogue, hangdog, gallows-bird
objeenjatvo n roguery
oblaak m dim small cloud, cloudlet
oblaan adj cloudy, clouded, overcast; (tmuran) murky,
dull, gloomy, sunless, dark
oblaenje' n (odjee) dressing, clothing, robing, attiring
oblaenje'' n v. naoblaenje
oblai n dim v. oblaak
oblaina f aug large cloud, a mass (bank) of clouds
oblaiti' vt (odjeu) dress, attire, robe, clothe, provide
with clothes; (opskrbljivati odjeom) find in clothes
obla|iti'' vi cloud | on vedri i ~i he has the mastery, he
is absolute master
oblaiti se' vr dress (oneself), put on clothes; (nositi)
oblaciti se'' vr (nebo) v. naoblaiti se

oblanost f cloudiness
oblaen pp bemired, bedrabbled, bedraggled; fig defamed, calumniated, aspersed, libelled, bespattered
oblaivanje n continuous defamation (calumnies, aspersions)
obladati vt v. svladati, zavladati
oblaganje n wrapping up, enveloping; laying (coiling)
round; (konop) belaying; putting (placing) round,
plastering round; (kamenom, pleterom) revetting
oblagati' vt wrap, envelop itd. (v. obloiti)
oblagati'' vt (la) calumniate, slander, backbite
oblagivanje n continuous (repeated) slander(ing), columniating, backbiting
oblagivati vt slander (backbite, calumniate) continuausly, keep slandering
oblak m cloud | bez ~a cloudless, serene; prolom ~a
cloudburst; graditi kule u oblacima build castles in
the air; kule u oblacima castles in Spain; pao je kao
iz ~a he came souse into our midst; krika se digla do
~a the cries made the welking ring; nebu pod ~e
high into the sky, skywards; oblaci se gomilaju the
clouds are banking up
oblakoder m v. neboder
oblanda f cul v. oblat(n)a
oblanjati vt plane off
oblaporan adj v. prodrljiv, lakom
oblasni adj district, area
oblast f administrative district (department, province,
region, territory, jurisdiction) | u toj ~i v. na tom
podruju; vojna ~ military region
oblatiti vt soil, dirty, smear, stain, defile; (klevetati)
slander, defame, calumniate, asperse, backbite, libel
oblat(n)a f cul wafer
obletjeti vt fly round, fly all over, traverse flying
obleati vt lie with (a woman)
oblica f round log; com round billet
oblije n (lice) face, countenance, looks pl, features pl,
visage, lines pl, lineament, physiognomy, cast of features; (izraz) mien; (oblik, vanjtina) shape, contour,
outline, form | pod ~m under the guise of, in the
guise of
ohligacija f v. obveznica
obligatan adj v. obavezan
obligatoran adj jur v. obavezan
oblijepiti vt paste (glue, stick) all over
oblijepljen adj pasted all over
oblijetan pp flitted (hovered, fluttered) round; (dosaivanje) importuned (plagued, pestered)
oblijetanje n flying (fluttering, hovering, flitting) round;
(dosaivanje) importuning (pestering, plaguing) with
requests (petitions)
oblijetati vt fly (flutter, hover, flit, flap) round continuously; (dosaivati) importune (pester, plague, trouble,
swamp with) supplications
oblijevanje n pouring (drenching, sousing) all over
oblijev|ati vt pour (drench, souse) all over
oblik m shape, form; format; formation, configuration;
(lik) figure; (graa) frame, make; (izgled) aspect, appearance; (crte) figure; gram form, inflection | dati ~

form, shape, mould; (stvoriti) create; poprimiti ~

take (assume) a shape (appearance) ; u ~u neega
shaped, formed, like; bez ~a shapeless, formless,
amorphous; (ruan, nespretan) ungainlly, awkward;
nakaznog ~a deformed; skladnog ~a shapely, wellproportioned
oblikovanje n forming, formation, shaping, moulding |
industrijsko ~ industrial design
oblikovati vt form, shape, mould
oblikovati se vr take shape (form)
oblikovni adj formative
oblina f roundness, plumpness, rotundity; globularity,
globosity; (oteklina) round (swollen) part; (debljina)
fatness | puna je ~ she is all curves
obli m (riba) turbot
obli|ti vt overflow all over, pour (souse, drench) all over |
znoj ga je ~o he was dripping with sweat, he was all
in (of) a sweat; suze su ga ~le he burst into tears,
tears fell down his cheeks, he had a tearstained face
oblizati vt lick all over
oblizavanje n lick(ing), licking all over
oblizavati vt keep licking all over, lick up (off)
oblizavati se vr lick one's chops (lips, fingers); fig relish
in anticipation of
obliznuti (se) vt (vr) v. oblizavati (se)
oblinji adj (bliz) near; (susjedni) next, neighbouring,
contiguous, adjacent, bordering on
oblog m (mokri) compress; (namazan) poultice; (s kaom
itd.) cataplasm | staviti hladan ~ put a cold compress
obloga f (vanjska) covering, coating, casing; (unutranja) lining
oblost f v. oblina
oblovina f roundwood
obloen pp lined, coated; (oblogom) poulticed; (zid,
drvom) wainscoted
obloiti vt (umotati) envelop, wrap up; lay (coil, place,
put) round; (naslagom) cover with a layer; (omazati)
clay, plaster; (slojem) coat, line, face; (daskama)
plank; (drvom) wainscot; (tkaninom) drape; (konop
da se ne dere) serve; (ranu) apply a poultice (compress, cataplasm); (sadrom) encase; (kamenom, pleterom itd.) revet
oblutak m pebble | al od sitnih ~a shingle beach
obljepljivanje n pasting (gluing, sticling) all over
obljepljivati vt continue pasting (gluing, sticking) all
obljetnica f v. godinjica
obljubiti vt euph lie with (a woman)
obljubljen pp favourite, popular, beloved, liked | ~ stvor
darling, pet; napjev je postao ~ the tune caught on
obljubljenost f popularity
obljutavio adj stale, insipid, vapid, tasteless
obljutaviti vi become insipid (stale, vapid, tasteless)
obmana f illusion, delusion, selfdeceit; (zaluenost) infatuation; (varka) deceit, humbug, gammon; false
opinion, make-believe, deceptive appearance; sham
obmanuti vt delude, befool, dupe, impose upon, infatuate, deceive by false pretences, beguile, hoodwink,

mislead, take in, humbug; (alom) hoax, play (up)on;

hrow dust into one's eyes
obmanuti se vr delude (fool) oneself
obmanjivanje n v. obmana
obmanjivati vt keep deluding (deceiving, misleading,
playing upon, throwing dust in one's eyes)
obmotati vt v. omotati
obnarodovati vt v. objaviti, proglasiti
obnaanje n v. obnoenje
obnaati vt v. obnositi
obnavlja m restorer, renovator
obnavljanje n v. obnova
obnavljati vt v. obnoviti
obnaiti vt v. ogoliti
obnemaganje n losing strength, decline (droop, weaken,
sink, lose strength) slowly
obnemoi vi decline, droop, sink, languish, flag, lose
vitality (strength, vigour), become feeble (enervated)
obnevidjeti vi become blind, lose sight
obno adv by night, in the night, during the night, at
obnositi vt fill (hold, occupy) an office (post, position);
fulfil a function, function (as), discharge duties of an
obnoenje n (slube, dunosti) holding (filling, occupation of) an office (post, situation)
obnova f renewal, revival; reparation, restoration, renovation; rebuilding, reconstruction; re-establishment;
(produljenje) prolongation; (preporod) rejuvenation,
rebirth, regeneration; (nakon prekida) resumption
obnoviti vt renew, restore, renovate; repair; revive; reestablish; rebuild, reconstruct; (produiti) prolongate;
(osvjeiti) refresh; regenerate; (nakon prekida) resume
obnoviti se vr become renewed (restored); revive
obnovljen pp renewed, renovated, restored; refreshed;
prolongated; regenerated | theat ~a predstava revival
obnovljenje n v. obnavljanje, obnova
oboa f mus oboe
obod m (hat-)brim, edge of hat, flap of hat
obodni adj brim, peripheral, circumferential
obodnica f geom periphery
obodren pp encouraged, animated, stimulated; (potaknut) roused, actuated, prompted
obodrenje n encouragement itd. (v. bodrenje)
obodriti vt encourage itd. (v. bodriti)
obogaen adj enriched
obogaenje n enrichment; acquisition, accession
obogaivanje n gradual (continual) enrichment
obogaivati vt enrich gradually (continually)
obogaivati se vr become richer and richer
obogatiti vt enrich, make rich (wealthy)
obogatiti se vr become (grow, get) rich (wealthy), enrich
oboist m mus oboist
obojadisan pp v. obojen
obojadisati vt v. obojiti

oboj|ak m foot-rag, foot-cloth | ~ci pl (a pair of) footrags (foot-cloths); fig pa kom ~ci kom opanci and let
the chips fall where they may
oboje num both of them, either (of them) (male and female); both (children); the two, the couple
obojen pp painted, stained, coloured, tinged | ~i metali
non-ferrous metals
obojenost f colouring, coloration; being coloured
oboji num both (pairs)
obojica f both (of them), either, the one and the other
obojiti vt dye, paint, colour, stain, tinge; coat with paint;
(mazati) daub; distemper
obol m | fig dati svoj ~ make one's contribution
obolio pp affected, sick (ill) with
oboljenje n falling ill (sick) | kono ~ v. bolest
oboljeti vi get (become) ill, fall ill, be taken ill, contract
an illness; (lei) be laid up | ponovo ~ (od iste
bolesti) relapse into
obor m cattle-pound, pen; (sheep-)fold; stock-yard; (za
konje) paddock; pound
oboren pp felled, thrown down, struck (knocked) down;
(vjetrom) blown down; (oi) cast down
oborenje n v. obaranje, ruenje
oborine f pl precipitation sg
oboritelj m overthrower
oboriti vt strike (beat, throw, run) down; (sjei) fell
(hew, cut, pull) down; (glavu) hang the head, droop
face; (sruiti) overthrow, overturn, subvert; (avion)
shoot down; (cijenu) reduce (cut) price; (oi) cast
down, drop; (pobiti) confute, refute
oboriti se vr (na) pounce upon, bear down upon, fall
down upon, attack, swoop down upon
oboriv adj abatable
oboruan adj v. naoruan
oboruati vt v. naoruati
obospolan adj hermaphroditic(al) | ~ stvor hermaphrodite
obosti vt spur (a horse)
obostran adj mutual, reciprocal, on both sides; (zajedniki) joint, common to both
obostrano adv mutually
obostranost f mutuality
oboavanj|e n adoration, admiration, idolatry, idolizing,
worship, deification; (ludo) dotage | dostojan ~a
oboavatelj m adorer, worshipper, idolater, admirer;
votary ; ardent follower (adherent); (ljubav) lover | ~
nogometa football (A soccer) fan
oboavateljica f (woman) admirer
oboavati vt adore, admire, revere, idolize, worship,
deify; (ludo) dote upon
obraun m (prikaz) statement of account; itemized
statement; (namirenje) settling (squaring) of accounts, account, settlement; (s nekim) v. razraunavanje
obraunati vt square accounts with, balance, settle up
accounts; (platiti) pay the bill; (svriti s) have done
with one, be quits with, be even with; (s nekim) v.
razraunati se

obraunati se vr (s nekim) v. razraunati se

obraunavanje n successive (regular) balancing (settling) of accounts; v. razraunavanje
obraunavati vt keep balancing accounts
obraunski adj accounting
obraanje n v. okretanje; (nekom) turning to; (vjersko)
conversion, proselytism
obraati vt v. vrtjeti, okretati; (vjerski) make converts
obraati se vr v. vrtjeti se; (vjerski) v. obratiti se
obraen pp converted (brought over) to another opinion
obraenik m convert, proselyte
obraenje n conversion, proselytism
obrada f working (out), elaboration, process, treatment;
(tla) tillage, cultivation; (kamena, koe) dressing;
(drveta) woodworking; processing; analysis | DP ~
podataka data processing
obradatiti vi grow a beard
obraditi vt work out, elaborate, treat, apply a process to;
(predmet-pisac) deal with a subject; (pretresti) discuss, dwell upon; (tlo) prepare (ground), till, cultivate; (kamen) cut, chisel, hammer, dress; (kou)
dress; process; analyse; fashion, shape
obradiv adj workable, processable; (zemlja) cultivable,
obradivost f workability; cultivability
obradovan adj | bio je vrlo ~ he rejoiced (was glad, delighted, pleased)
obradovanje n gladdening, giving joy (delight); joy,
delight, rejoicing, gladness, exultation
obradovati vt give joy (pleasure), gladden, cheer, delight, please; do one's heart good, warm the cockles
of one's heart
obradovati se vr rejoice, be (feel) glad (delighted,
obraen pp worked (out), shaped, elaborated; (kamen,
drvo, koa) dressed; (tema) dealt with, treated; (pretresen) discussed; (tlo) tilled, cultivated, under cultivation
obraiva m (tla) cultivator, tiller; (podataka) analyst
obraivanje m (tla) ti1lage, tilth, cultivation; v. obrada
obraivati vt v. obraditi | fig ~ nekoga work on somebody
obramben adj defensive, protective; preservative; done
(serving) for protection (defense); (isprika) apologetic
| ~i govor (na sudu) pleading
obran adj (mlijeko) skimmed; (voka) picked
obran|a f defense; (zatita) protection, guard; (bedem)
bulwark; (otpor) resistance, stand; (opravdanje) justification, apology, vindication, advocacy, speech in
defence, pleading | u ~u in defense of, in justification
(support) of, in vindication of; stati na ~u (ivotinja
u lovu) stand at bay; (inae) stand upon the defensive, stand upon one's guard; u svoju ~u in one's defense; bez ~e defenceless; (bez oruja) with naked
hands, unarmed, unprotected
obraniti vt succeed in defending (maintaining, pleading
for, advocating, justifying); keep off, beat (ward) off;

(tititi) screen, shield, guard, shelter, protect, preserve; (odbiti) fend off, repel, repulse
obraniti se vr succeed in defending (protecting, pleading
itd.) oneself; keep (stand) one's ground, resist, withstand; (otresti se) get rid of
obraslost f (biljem) plant cover
obrastao adj overgrown, grown all over, covered with
growth; (brljanom) ivy-clad
obrasti vt overgrow, cover with growth, grow all over;
be overgrown
obrai m dim little cheek
obraten adj v. obrastao
obrat m turning-point, crisis, turn; reorientation
obratan adj the reverse, inverse, reversed, converse,
inverted; (protivan) contrary, opposite
obrati vt (mlijeko itd.) skim, scum off, scoop off | ~ voe
finish picking (gathering) fruit, strip a tree of fruit
obratiti vt (vjerski i fig) make a convert, win over;
(panju na) attract attention
obratiti se vr (vjerski) become a convert, turn proselyte;
(na nekoga) refer to, apply to, contact, see one for,
approach, call up(on); (komu) address oneself to
obratnica f | geog jareva (rakova) ~ tropic of capricorn (cancer)
obratnik m v. obratnica
obratno adv conversely, inversely, reversely; the other
way, on the other hand, contrariwise, on the contrary
obraz m cheek; (lice) face, visage, countenance; (glas,
potenje) honour, good name, reputation | imati
poten ~ have a spotless reputation; rekao sam mu
to u ~ I said it to his face; sve za ~, a ~ nizato honour before all; imati ~a rei have the impudence (insolence, cheek) to say; on nema ~a he is dead to
honour, he is shameless (insolent, impudent); rumen
joj je udarila u ~e a blush has suffused her cheeks,
blood mantled her cheeks; bucmastih ~a chubby(faced)
obrazac m form, blank form, formula; set form; document with blanks (to be filled in); ling pattern; v.
predloak, ogled
obrazina f v. maska, krinka
obrazlaganje n detailed explanation (exposition, commentary), giving of reasons and motives for
obrazlagati vt explain (expound, set forth) in detail,
adduce detailed reasons (motives); argue
obrazloen adj (rastumaen) explained, expounded, set
forth; (potkrijepljen) supported by good grounds, well
obrazloenje n exposition, explanation, commentary;
adduction of good grounds (facts itd.), assignment of
obrazloiti vt (razjasniti) explain, expound, set forth,
assign reasons, state motives (reason) for, account
for; (potkrijepiti) corroborate, substantiate, sustain
obrazovan adj (kolovan) educated, well-instructed;
(mnogostrano) accomplished
obrazovanost f (kola) education, instruction, accomplishments; (prosvjeenost) enlightenment

obrazovanje n education; (poduka) instruction, teaching, tuition, schooling; v. formiranje, osnivanje,

nastajanje | srednje ~ secondary-school education
(A+ high-school diploma); visoko ~ college degree;
osobe s visokim ~m college graduates
obrazovati vt (odgoj) educate; (kola) instruct, inform;
enlighten; v. formirati, sastaviti, osnovati, (s)tvoriti
obrazovni adj educational; instructional, teaching;
obrecnuti se vr v. otresti se
obrei (se) vt (vr) promise, pledge (plight) one's promise
obred m rite, ceremony; ritual, ceremonial
obredati vt (do, approach, mention, visit, call itd.) one
after another (in succession, by turns)
obredati se vr have one's turn in rotation, take one's
turn, do something turn and turn about (in rotation,
obredni adj ritual, ceremonial
obrednik m book (collection) of rites (rituals, ceremonies)
obreivanje n doing by turns (in rotation, succession)
obreivati se vr do by turns (turn and turn about in succession, rotation)
obresti vt v. otkriti, pronai, izumiti
obresti se vr v. nai se
obret m v. otkrie, izum
obretnik m v. izumitelj
obrezak m piece cut (pared) off, paring; snippet
obrezan pp (spol) circumcised; (knjiga) having edges
cut; (prikraen) trimmed, clipped; (nokti) pared;
(granje) lopped, topped, polled, pruned; (loza)
obrezanik m circumcised person
obrezanje n circumcision
obrezati vt (spol) circumcise; (rub) cut edges; (nokte)
pare, trim; (vrh drveta) poll; (bradu) trim; (granje)
lop, tap; (lozu) prune, dress; (novac) clip
obreziva m clipper, trimmer, dresser
obrezivanje n cutting off edges, pruning off (away),
dressing, trimming, lopping, paring, clipping
obrezivati vt v. obrezati
obreje n v. obala
obricati vt v. obrei
obrijan adj shaved; (glatko) close-shaven, clean-shaven
obrijati (se) vt (vr) shave
obris m outline, contour
obrisa m v. otira
obrisati vt wipe up, rub off (away), swab up, mop up;
(nos) wipe one's nose; (znoj sa ela) mop one's forehead
obrkatiti vi grow a mustache
obrlatiti vt win over, persuade; coax into doing; brainwash
obrnut adj (smjer) reversed; (naglavce) turned upside
down, topsyturvy; inverted, inverse; (suprotan) opposite

obrnuti vt turn upside down, turn inside out; invert;

wheel round; (skrenuti) turn aside (away, round); (na
stranu) swerve; revert; (brod) veer, bring about
obrnuti se vr v. okrenuti se, osvrnuti se
obrnuto adv reversely; inversely
obroan adj paid (given, distributed, dealt with, administered) by instalments
obrono adv by instalments (v. na otplatu)
obrok m (jelo) meal; (dio) ration, portion, helping; (lijeka) dose; (udio) share; (upis dionice) call; (otplate
duga, rata) instalment, part payment | otplata na ~e
v. otplata; platiti u 5 ~a pay in 5 instalments; dijeliti
~e serve out rations, ration
obronak m slope, hill-side; falling ground; (strm) acclivity
obroniti vt erode; circle by swimmning underwater
obroniti se vr collapse, slide down, cave in
obronjavanje n collapse, downslide, cave-in
obrstiti vt browse completely (all over)
obrt m manual trade, handicraft, craft; industry; v. okret, obrat, promet | umjetni ~ applied art, craft
obrtaj m v. okret
obrtanje n v. okretanje
obrtati vt v. okretati, obrnuti
obrtn|i adj | ~a sredstva working capital
obrtnica f trade licence
obrtnik|i adj a tradesman's, artisan's; pertaining to
(dealing with, concerning) tradespeople | ~a komora
chamber of trade
obrtnik m tradesman, artisan, artificer, handicraftsman,
mechanic; craftsman
obrtnitvo n collect tradespeople
obrub m (zavrnut) hem, welt; (traka sukna) selvage,
selvedge; (rub) edge, edging; (kotaa, sita itd.) rim;
border; (nakit) trimming; (dragulja) mounting
obrubiti vt hem; welt; border; edge; trim; mount; (ii uz)
line, skirt
obrubljen pp edged, bound with, hemmed in
obrubljivanje n hemming, bordering, trimming
obru m (bave) hoop; (kotaa) B tyre, A tire; (kolut)
ring | staviti (nabiti) ~ hoop (a cask); koturati ~
trundle a hoop; mil stegnuti ~ tighten the circle
around; mil probiti se iz ~a break out of enemy encirclement
obrukati vt v. osramotiti
obrusiti vt grind away (off) edges
obruavanj|e n aero dive | bombardiranje iz ~a divebombing
obruiti se vr fig swoop down on; aero dive
obruiti vt insult; abuse, scold, rate; revile
obrv|a f eyebrow | namrtiti ~e knit (bend) eye's brows,
obuavan adj instructed, taught, tutored; (naglo, za
ispit) crammed; grounded (in)
obuavanje n instruction, tuition, teaching; lessons;
schooling; (naglo za ispit) cram(ming), coaching;
grounding | naplata za ~ tuition-fee
obuavatelj m teacher, instructor; coach, crammer; tutor

obuavati vt teach, instruct, tutor; train; (temelje)

ground (in); (za ispit) cram, coach
obuen adj dressed, attired; clad; accoutred; robed; (sveano, dotjerano) in fine feathers | ~ ukusno dreased
smartly; ona je neukusno ~a she is a frump; ona je
neuredno ~a she is a dowdy; ona je u crno ~a she
wears weeds
obuenost f quality (degree, level) of training
obuiti vt v. obuavati
obua f footwear; shoes, boots
obuar m v. postolar
obuarski adj v. postolarski
obui vt put on, pull on; (naglo) slip on; dress, attire,
clothe; (sjajno) robe, array, accoutre; (slubeno,
posebno) invest; (navui navlaku) encase
obui se vr dress (oneself), get dressed, put on clothes
obudovjeti vi (ena) became a widow, (plemkinja)
dowager; (mucarac) become a widower
obudovljen adj widowed
obuhvaanje n clasping, encircling, embracing;
(ukljuivanje) inclusion; extent; comprising, embracement; (stisak) grasp, grip
obuhvaati vt v. obuhvatiti
obuhvaen adj encircled, clasped; (ukljuen) comprised,
obuhvaenost f (degree of) coverage
obuhvat m v. opseg
obuhvatiti vt clasp, encirele, embrace; (ukljuti) include,
comprise, comprehend; (okruiti) encompass; (opkoliti, ograditi) enclose, aurround; (prostor, vrijeme)
span, have the extent; (pogledom) take in; (sadravati) contain, hold; (stiskom) grasp, grip, seize
obujam m circumference; periphery, compass, amplitude; (veliina, opseg) volume, dimension, size, bulk,
capacity, extent
obujmiti vt embrace, encircle, clasp; gird
obuka f instruction, teaching, tuition, tutoring, schooling; classes, lessons | elementarna ~ primary instruction; fig the three R's; srednja ~ secondary education; vojna ~ military training
obumirati vi v. obamirati
obustava f stop, stoppage; arrest; suspension; (kaznenog
postupka) abolilion; (silom) suppression; (prekid)
discontinuance, break, abeyance; (isplate) v. odbitak
| ~ rada work stoppage; ~ vatre cease-fire
obustaviti vt stop, put a stop to; (plaanje) stop payment;
(odluku) arrest; (postupak) stay; (silom) suppress,
suspend; check; (prekinuti) interrupt; (prestati) leave
off, suspend, discontinue; (rad) go on strike; (isplatu)
stop payment; (od plae) v. odbiti, ustegnuti
obustavljanje n continuous stopping (arresting, discontinuing) ; v. obustava
obustavljati vt stop (suspend, arrest) repeatedly
obustavljen pp stopped, checked, stayed, arrested, suppressed; in abeyance; at a standstill
obustavljenje n stopping; (izvrenja) stay; (novina) suspension
obuti vt put on (pull on) shoes (boots); shoe, provide
with footwear

obuti se vr pull (put) on shoes (boots)

obuva m (lica) shoe-horn
obuvanje n providing with footwear; (act of) pulling on
shoes (boots)
obuvati vt provide with footwear, find in footwear; shoe
obuvati se vr v. obuti se
obuven pp shod, booted | dobro ~ well-sihod
obuzdan pp curbed, restrained, subdued, kept under control, bridled, suppressed
obuzdati vt curb, bridle, check, restrain; (krotiti) tame;
refrain, keep under control, keep under, keep within
bounds; repress, suppress; subdue, temper
obuzdati se vr keep (control) one's temper, refrain from,
put restraint upon oneself
obuzdavanje n curbing, restraint control, constraint;
(samog sebe) self-restraint
obuzdavati vt v. obuzdati
obuzet pp seized with (by); struck (touched, smitten)
with; moved (affected) by, mastered (inspired) by;
(strahom) awe-struck; (grozom) horror-struck, panicstricken
obuzeti vt seize, engross; (proeti) pervade, permeate,
lay hold of, inspire; penetrate; absorb; (ganuti) move,
affect; (ovladati) overcome, overwhelm, come over;
(djelovati na) work upon, master, take hold (possession) of
obuzimanje n hold, seizure, pervasion, permeation,
overwhelming; taking possession of, overcoming
obuzimati vt v. obuzeti
obveza f v. obaveza
obvezan pp v. obavezan
obvezanik m person under obligation (liable to, in duty
obvezatan adj v. obavezan
obvezati (se) vt (vr) v. obavezati (se)
obvezatnost f v. obaveznost
obveznica f obligation, bond, debenture; (zadunica)
note of hand, promissory note
obveznik m | vojni ~ conscript; poreski ~ tax-payer
obzidan pp walled in, surrounded by a wall | ~a obala
obzidati vt enclose (surround) by a wall, wall in, raise a
wall round; (obalu) embank; (utvrdu) circumvallate
obzidavanje n (successive, gradual) walling in
obzidavati vt wall in (raise a wall round) successively
obzir m regard, consideration; (tovanje) deference;
(oprez) circumspection; (panja) attention | uzeti u ~
take into consideration; (isprika) make allowance for;
s ~om na... in consideration of, in regard of (to), in
respect to, with regard to; pobjegoe glavom bez ~a
they fled head over heels (or in utter confusion); bez
~a na without regard to (for), regardless of;
(tovanje) iz ~a prema in deference to, out of respect
(regard) for; imati ~a have consideration, be considerate
obziran adj regardful for, considerate, obliging, indulgent, tactful; (oprezan) circumspect; (razborit) prudent, scrupulous, cautious

obzirno adv considerately, circumspectly, tactfully, respectfully, benevolently

obzirnost f regardfulness, considerateness, benevolence,
indulgence, consideration, toleration; allowance
obzirom adv in consideration of, with regard to, considering, in regard to (of), concerning, regarding, touching, on account of
obznana f v. proglas
obznaniti vt v. proglasiti, objaviti
obzor m horizon; fig ken, range of sight (knowledge,
obzorje n horizon
ocariniti vt pass (clear) through the customs; make dutiable (liable to duty)
ocarinjen pp made liable to duty (dutiable)
ocat m vinegar | vinski ~ wine vinegar; (slino) malt
vinegar; stolna garnitura za ~ i ulje cruet-stand
ocean m ocean, sea | Tihi ~ Pacific Ocean; Atlantski ~
Atlantic Ocean
oceanograf m oceanographer
oceanografija f oceanography
oceanegrafski adj oceanographic
oceanski adj oceanic
ocelot m zoo ocelot
oci m pl v. otac
ocijediti vt filter, strain, drain off; (tjesteninu, salatu)
ocijediti se vr drain, drip dry; run off
ocijeen adj strained, filtered, drained
ocijeniti vt pass judgment upon, judge, assess, size up,
appreciate, estimate, evaluate, rate; (kritika) review,
criticize; sch B mark, A grade
ocjedina f strained matter, drippings pl, drained (trickling) liquid
ocjeivanje n filtering, straining, draining
ocjeivati vt filter (drain) repeatedly (continually)
ocjen|a f (kolska) B mark, A grade; (sud) critique;
judgment, criticism; (kudnja) censure; (zlobna) carping criticism; (prikaz) review; appreciation; appraisal
| sch prolazna (negativna) ~ passing (failing) mark
(grade); dobiti negativnu ~u iz kemije fail chemistry; dati nekom prolaznu (negativnu) ~u pass (fail)
ocjenjiva m reviewer, critic; censor; sch marker, grader
ocjenjivaki adj | ~ odbor jury, prize-awarding committee
ocjenjivanje n giving of marks; reviewing; criticism
ocjenjivati vt give marks, A grade; review, criticize; pass
ocoubilaki adj parricidal
ocoubojica m parricide
ocoubojstvo n parricide
ocrniti vt blacken; (kleveta) calumniate, detract, slander,
backbite, asperse, denigrate
ocrnjiva m calumniator, backbiter, slanderer
ocrnjivanje n backbiting, slander, detraction, aspersion,
calumniation, denigration, character assassination
ocrnjivati vt keep on calumniating (slandering itd.)
ocrtati vt describe, delineate, outline, portray, sketch

ocrtavati se vr stand out, appear in outline

ocrtkan adj hatched
ocrtkati vt hatch
octen adj acetic; (kiseo) sour | ~a kiselina acetic acid
octenje n dressing with vinegar
octiti vt dress with vinegar, apply vinegar to, vinegar,
add vinegar
ocvao adj past blossoming (flowering, blooming); fig
past one's prime, seedy
ocvasti vi be past blooming (flowering, blossoming),
have done flowering itd., run to seed; fig be past one's
prime; (uvenuti) wither, fade, decay; shed blossom
oada f ichth v. uata
oaaviti vi become covered with soot
oaj m despair, despondency, desperateness; hopelessness | natjerati u ~ drive to despair, be the despair of
oajan adj desperate, despondent, disconsolate; past
hope, hopeless, forlorn; wretched; distressed; fig awful, dreadful, atrocious
oajanje n v. oaj
oajavanje n despairing; v. oaj
oaja(va)ti vi despair, despond, lose heart (hope), give
up all hope, yield to despair
oajnica f despairing (despondent) woman; wretched
oajniki' adj desperate, despondent, dispairing
oajniki'' adv desperately, in desperation
oajnik m desperate person, desperado
oajno adv desperately; fig awfully, dreadfully
oajnost f desperateness; v. oaj; awfulness
oale f pl reg v. naoale
oaran adj charmed, fascinated, spellbound; bewitched,
enchanted, under a spell; (ushien) enraptured,
thrilled, delighted, ravished
oaranost f fascination, enchantment
oaranje n enchanting, enchantment
oarati vt cast a spell on, bewitch, enchant; charm, fascinate; (ushititi) thrill, enrapture
oarav|ati vt v. oarati | koji ~a enchanting (v. aroban)
oehnut adj split off, cleft off, riven off
oehnuti vt split off. cleave (rive) off
oekivan adj expected, looked-for, looked forward to,
oekivanj|e n expectation, waiting, looking forward to,
anticipation; (dobitka) expectancy; (neizvjesnost)
suspense | u ~u in expectation of; protiv ~a beyond
expectation, contrary to expectation; razoaran u ~u
disappointed, baffled; ispuniti ~a live up to expectations
oek|ivati vt expect, look out for, look forward, wait for,
anticipate, wait, await; (as) bide (one's time); (biti
spreman) be prepared for; (uzdati se u) rely (build)
upon; (vrebati) watch for | od tebe ~ujem... I look to
you for...
oelien pp steeled, hardened, tempered; (ojaan)
oeliiti vt steel, harden, temper; (jaati) strengthen
Oena m Lord's prayer, paternoster

oepiti vt tread on one's toes

oerupan pp plucked; fleeced
oerupati vt pluck, fleece
oeati vt scratch; (strugati) scrape, graze; (do krvi)
abrade; (konja) finish currycombing
oekan pp brushed
oetkati vt brush up
oev adj father's, paternal
oevid m (mrtvaki) autopsy; personal inspection, inspection for judicial or official purposes by commissioned persons; (nasilne smrti itd.) coroner's inquest
oevidac m eye-witness
oevidan adj v. oit
oevidno adv v. oito
oevina f patrimony, heritage
oi f pl eyes; (vid) eye-sight | na moje ~ in my presence;
vlastitim ~ma with one's own eyes; idi mi s ~ju! be
gone; rekao sam mu to u ~ I told him this to his
face; u ~ma ljudi in the eyes (judgement) of men;
bacati prainu u ~ throw dust in the eyes of...; to ti
kaem u 4 oka this is for your private ear; palo mi je
u ~ it struck me, it caught my eye; pada u ~i is remarkable (striking, conspicious), it strikes me; gledati zavidnim ~ma look with undiced (jealous) eyes;
slabe ~ weak eyes; pred mojim ~ma before my
(very) face; ne dolazi mi na ~! don't show yourself
again!; gledati smrti u ~ look death in the face; gledati drugim ~ma take a different view of...; imati
pred ~ma keep (have) in mind (view, sight); on mi
vie ne ide na ~ he shuns me, he gives me a wide
berth; gubi mi se s ~ju! begone!, off with you!; fig
pada mu mrena s ~ju the scales are falling from his
eyes; ne gubiti se ~ju not lose sight of; ne putam ga
s ~ju I don't trust him out of my eye-sight, I keep an
eye on him; pukao nam je pred ~ma divan pogled a
splendid view burst upon our eyes; pasti ~ na... feast
one's eyes on... ; naprezati ~ strain one's eyes; razrogaiti (iskolaiti) ~ open one's eyes wide, be all
eyes; svanulo mi je pred ~ma it dawned upon me;
vidjeti svojim ~ma be eyewitness; vie ~ vie vidi
two heads (minds) are better than one; od mraka ne
vidi prsta pred ~ma it is pitchmark; na ~ma mu se
vidi da je lopov his eyes bespeak him a rogue; on
gleda tuim ~ma he looks with another's eyes; u
~ma zakona in the eye of the law; razvalio je ~ he
gapes at, he stands with open-mouthed stare; trljati ~
rub one's eyes; uperio je bijesno ~ u... he looks daggers at... ; gleda zablenutim ~ma he looks blank; ne
vjerujem svojim ~ma I don't believe my eyes; s otvorenim ~ma with open eyes; kao da e mu ~ iskoiti iz glave as if his eyes would start out ff his head;
~ su mu vee nego eludac his eyes are bigger than
his belly; fig otvoriti nekome ~ open somebody's
eyes, disabuse (disillusion, disabuse, undeceive)
someone; fig to mu je otvorilo ~ this opened his eyes,
this was an eye-opener to him; ~ su mu zapele za...
his eyes caught... ; izbeiti ~ look stupidly; zaklopiti
~ close eyes, die; uprijeti ~ u look fixedly at; vrijea

mi ~ it is an eye-sore to me; dokle~ siu within sight

(eyeshot); gledaju ga prijaznim ~ma they are
friendly disposed to him; ~ siplju iskre eyes sparkle;
~ trepu eyes blink (wink, twinkle); strijeljati ~ma
shoot glances at; plamtee (bijesne, krmeljive, izbuljene) ~ flaming (glaring, blear, goggle) eyes;
upale ~ deepset, sunken eyes; velike i okrugle ~ saucer-eyes; suhe (suzne) ~ tearless (tearful) eyes
oica f eyelet; (na arapi) B ladder, A run | pobjegla ti
je ~ na arapi there is ladder (run) in your stocking
oigled m | na ~ v. naoigled
oigledan adj evident, obvious, manifest; plain, unmistakable
oijukanje n flirting, ogling, making eyes at, coquetting
oijukati vt flirt, ogle, eye amorously, make eyes at, cast
sheep's eyes at
oinski adj fatherly, paternal, fatherlike
oinstvo n paternity; (batina) patrimony; fatherhood,
oinji adj eye, ocular
oistiti vt (prljavo) clean, cleanse; (maknuti) clear of
(from); (mesti, pokupiti, odnijeti) sweep away; fig purify, purge; (osvjetlati) furbish up, burnish up, scour;
chem refine, rectify; (drob ribe) gut; (ljusku ribe)
scale; (oprati) wash, rinse; (talog) clarify; (kemijskim
ienjem) dry-clean; (crijeva) take a purgative,
evacuate one's bowels
oistiti se vr clear up; med v. oistiti (crijeva)
oien pp cleaned, purified, cleansed, refined, purged;
(zaklana perad) dressed; (orasi, graak) shelled
ocienje n purification, cleansing, cleaning
oit adj obvious, evident, self-evident; plain, clear, patent; manifest, unmistakable, palpable; marked
oitati vt read (off) | fig ~ lekciju read one a lesson itd.
(v. izgrditi)
oito adv manifestly
oitost f obviousness
oitovalac m person who avows (admits, confesses, declares)
oitovan pp manifested, shown
oitovanje n declaration, statement, profession; (pismeno
na sudu) affidavit; manifesto
oitovati vt declare, proclaim, state, pronounce, make
known, avow; explain; (pokazati) show, display;
evince ; disclose; manifest
oitovati se vr show oneself, appear, manifest itself, be
on|i adj eye, ocular | ~i lijenik oculist; ~a upljina
eye-socket; ~a arenica iris; ~i ivac optic nerve; ~o
podruje eyeground (Fundus oculi)
onjak m canine(-tooth), eye-tooth, dog-tooth
oovjeenje n humanization; anthropomorphization
oovjeiti vt humanize; anthroyomorphize
ouh m step-father; (pooim) foster-father
oupan pp plucked, fleeced
oupati vt pluck, fleece, strip of feathers
ouvan pp preserved; unscathed, unharmed; saved
ouvanost f preserved condition
ouvati vt preserve, keep safe from; save (guard) from

ouvati se vr keep out of danger, get away unharmed

(unscathed), go scot-free; v. odrati se
ovrsnuti vi grow strong (robust, hardy, sturdy); phys v.
skrutnuti se
oelaviti vi grow (become) bald, lose hair
ooraviti vi Tur lose one eye, become blind of (in) one
eye, be blinded
out m sense, sensation, perception
outan adj pertaining to sensation(s)
outati vi v. preutjeti, zautjeti
outjeti vt become sensible of, perceive (by senses),
sense, feel
od prep from, off, away, among; (uz pasiv) by; (radi) out
of; (vrijeme) since; (uslijed) with; (nego) than || (vrijeme) pismo ~ (datum) letter of... ; ~ ... do from... till
(to); ~ tada from that time, from then; ~ onda from
then, thence, since then, thenceforth; ~ djetinjstva
from infancy (childhood), from a child; ~ nekada
from old; ~ prvog poetka from the very beginning;
~ juer since yesterday; ~ pamtivijeka (vajkada,
starine) from times immemorial, from times out of
mind; ~ vremena do vremena from time to time; ~
jutra do veera from morning till night, all day
long, all the livelong day; on ivi ~ dana u dan he
lives from hand to mouth; ~ jeseni since autumn ||
(uzrok) zaaren ~ uitka flushed up with pleasure;
smrt ~ njegove ruke death at his hands; nijem ~
uda silent out of surprise; ukoen ~ studeni stiff
with cold; ~ radosti (straha) from joy (fear); dre ~
straha he trembles with fear; ~ stida with shame; ~
nevolje from necessity; ~ obijesti from wantonness;
~ neznanja threugh ignorance; ~ umora from fatigue; umro je ~ suice he died of consumption
(TBC) || (prostor) ~ ovuda from here, hence; ~ tamo
from there; ~ ostrag from behind; ~ svuda from all
sides, from everywhere || (graa) izraen ~
mramora wrought in marble; ~ eljeza of iron; vino
~ groa wine from the grapes; kaput bijase ~
baruna the coat was in velvet || (porijeklo) roen ~
siromanih roditelja born of poor parents; potjee ~
stare obitelji he comes of an old family; digao se ~
prostog vojnika he rose from a private (from the
raks); roman ~ ... a novel by... || (usporeivanje) vii
~ mene taller than me || (razno) ~ prvog do posljednjeg from first to last; ~ rijei do rijei word for
word, verbatim, literally; to je rekao ~ rijei do rijei these were his very words; za manje ~ at less
than; ~ zla na gore from bad to worse; ~ mnogo
primjera among many examples; ovjek ~ oka a
personable man; ~ svoje volje of one's own accord;
sam ~ sebe spontaneously; mie se samo ~ sebe it
moves of itself; zatita ~ vjetra shelter against the
wind; uz cijenu ~ ... at the price of... ; nitko ~ nas
nobody of us, none of us; birati ~ dva zla choose between two evils; nijedan ~ sto njih not one in a hundred; ~ pomoi helpful, serviceable, handy; biti ~
pomoi lend a hand, assist, give a lift; ~ naravi by
oda f ode

odabiralac m chooser, picker

odabiranje n choosing (among), selection, picking, sorting, sifting
odabirati vt choose, select, pick out, single out, fix upon,
sift; take one's choice, sort out, cull from; (praviti
razliku) discriminate
odabran pp chosen, selected, assorted, sorted, picked
out, singled out; (izvrstan) exquisite
odabranica f chosen girl, fiance
odabranik m cihosen person
odabrati vt make one's choice, single out
odadrijeti vt (kou) flay, skin
odagnan pp driven (chased) away, turned out (off, away)
odagnanje n expulsion, chasing (driving) away (off)
odagnati vt drive (chase) away (off) ; (istjerati) expel,
turn out (off, away)
odah m v. predah
odahnuti vi breathe (heave) a sigh of relief, breathe a
little more easily, feel relieved (v. odlanuti, predahnuti)
odaja f room, chamber, apartment
odakle adv from where, whence, from which side (direction, part); (upitno) from where?, where... from | ~
zna how do you know?
odalamiti vt strike, hit, coll wallop, sl clobber, sl sock
odaleenje n removal, keeping at distance; (povlaenje)
keepimg (holding) aloof
odaleiti (se) vt (vr) v. udaljiti (se), otuiti (se)
odaliska f Tur odalisque
odan adj devoted, faithful, true; (naelima) true-blue,
wedded to (a cause); (privren) attached, affectionate,
loyal; (piu, zlu) addicted to, given to; (nepokolebljiv) staunch, unwavering | (u pismu) Va ~i
(yours) faithfuly
odande, odanle adv v. odatle
odanost f devotedness, faith, faitfulness, devotion, fidelity, affection, loyalty, dedication; attachment; (pristajanje) adherence; (mani) addiction
odapet adj (ispaljen) fired off, discharged; (napeto) unbent, slackened
odapeti vt (hitac) discharge, fire off; (popustiti napeto)
unbend, slacken
odapeti se vr discharge (unbend, go off) by itself
odapinja m v. okida
odapinjanje n discharge, firing off
odapinjati vt discharge (fire off) successively
odar m bier, (sveani) cataphalque | leati na sveanom
odru lie in state
odaslan adj deputed, delegated
odaslanica f woman delegate (deputy)
odaslanik m deputy, delegate; (zastupnik) representative,
commissary, emissary
odaslanstvo n delegation, deputation
odaslanje n sending off (delegates, goods); despatch
odaslati vt delegate, depute, send as representative;
(poslati) despatch, send off
odasvud adv v. odsvuda
odailja m (radio) transmitter

odailjanje n regular (successive) sending (despatch,

despatching); (robe) shipping
odailjati vt send off (despatch) regularly (successively);
(robu) ship
odati vt (izdati) betray; (otkriti) divulge, disclose; (tuiti)
inform against, lodge an information against;
(izbrbljati) blab out, blunder out, blurt out, let out, let
the cat out of the bag; (ak) peach, tell tales out of
school; sl let on; (pokazivati) show | ne ~ niim give
no sign of; keep a straight face
odatle adv from there, thence, hence, from that direction
(place); off; therefrom; (zato) therefore
odava m betrayer, telltale
odavanje n (izdaja) betrayal; (tajne) disclosure, revelation, divulgation
odavati vt show evidence of, be a mark of, reflect; v.
odavde adv from here, herefrom, hence away, off
odavle adv v. odavde
odavna, odavno adv long ago, long since, a long time
odaziv m response; (suosjeanje) sympathy, (jeka) echo |
naii na ~ find (meet with) response; ne naii na ~
meet with no response, fall on deaf ears
odazivanje n response
odazivati se vr respond (repeatedly) to
odazvati se vr respond to, follow invitation, follow suit;
(elji) comply with, conform to one's wish (request)
odbaciti vt throw off (away, over), shake off, discard,
fling, shed, reject; (rijeiti se) get rid of; (napustiti)
abandon, desert, forsake, renounce | ja u te ~ (kolima) I'll give you a lift, I'll drop you off
odbacivanje n rejection, throwing off, shaking off,
odbacivati vt throw off (itd.) repeatedly (successively)
odbaen pp thrown off (over); shaken off; shed; (naputen) deserted, abandoned, forsaken
odbazati vi stroll (away)
odbijanje n math subtraction; (uskrata) refusal, rejection; (obrana) repulsion; (dojeneta od sise) ablactation, weaning
odbij|ati vt refuse (subtract, repel itd.) repeatedly (v.
odbiti); (vanjtinom) be repulsive (forbidding) | to ~a
ljude it turns people off
odbijen pp rejected, repulsed, deducted | biti ~ meet with
a rebuff (retusal)
odbitak m (svota) deduction, discount, rebate, concession, abatement; (od plae) decduction; reduction; allowance for; (vraanje carine) drawback
odbiti vt (uskratiti) refuse, decline (pomo, pristanak
witbhold); (ne htjeti) decline; (prijedlog) reject; (uzeti
u obzir) make allowance (allow) for, take into account (consideration); math subtract; (napad) repel,
beat (ward) off, drive away (back), keep at bay
(glavni juri bear the brunt of); (odoljeti) maintain
(stand) one's ground, withstand, make head against;
(udarac sablje) parry off; (trabinu) deny claim; (u
parlamentu zakon) throw out (motion, bill); (tubu na
sudu) non-suit, dismiss a cause; (zabaciti) reject

(with disdain); (od sebe optubu, krivnju itd.) deny;

(svjetlo) reflect; (popust) make a deduction, deduct,
discount, give a rebate (concession); (od plae) stop
out of one's salary; (dijete od sise) ablactate, wean;
(odrinuti) push (shove) off; (okrnjiti) knock off; (ura,
sat) strike the hour; (uiniti mrskim) make disinclined to; (ne priznati) disclaim; (suut, pomo,
molbu) rebuff | glatko ~ refuse flatly (point-blank,
out of hand)
odbiti se vr (lopta) rebound; (oskliznuti se) glide off;
(koplje itd.) glance off; (ohladnjeti) become indifferent to, turn one's back upon
odbjei vt (vojsku) desert; forsake, abandon; (politiki
bjegunac) defect
odbjegnuti vt v. odbjei
odbljesak m reflection, flash, gleam, glint
odbojan adj repulsive, forbidding, repellent, loathsome,
odbojka f volley-ball
odbojka m volley-ball player
odbojkak|i adj | ~a momad (utakmica) volley-ball
team (game)
odbojnik m mot & rlw bumper
odbojnost f repulsiveness, aversion, antipathy, antagonism
odbor m committee, cauncil, board; (stalan) standing
committee; (izvrni) executive committee | lan ~a
commiteeman; on je u ~u he is on the committee
odbornica f lady member of a committee
odbornik m commiteeman, member of a committee
odbornitvo n function of a committeeman
odborski adj committee; of (belonging to, like) a committee
odbrajanje n telling (counting) off
odbrajati vt keep telling (counting) off
odbrambeni adj v. obrambeni
odbrana f v. obrana
odbraniti vt v. obraniti
odbroditi vi sail away (i fig)
odbrojavanje n (do lansiranja i sl.) count-down
odbrojen adj told (counted) off
odbrojiti vt tell (count) off
odbrujati vi stop (finish) humming (droning)
odbrusiti vt (brus) grind aff (away); (odgovor) tell one's
mind to one's face, tell bluntly (unceremoniously,
sharply), snub one, snap at, snarl out, retort
odbruen pp ground off (away), removed by grinding
odcijepiti vt v. otcijepiti
odebeo adj thickish, somewhat fat (plump)
odebljati vi put on flesh, become fat (stout, corpulent);
become thick (swollen); swell
oderan pp (koa) skinned, flayed
oderati vt (kou) skin, flay, strip, skin; (s glave) scalp;
(oguliti) peel off, bark; (do krvi) excoriate, scratch,
graze, abrade, gall, rub
odeda f Orth (priest's) vestments pl

odgaanje n procrastination, putting off, postponement,

prorogation, adjournment, delay; (duljenje) protraction; (kazne itd.) respite
odgaati vt put off, delay, procrastinate, postpone, defer;
(sjednicu) adjourn; (dati predah) give respite;
(duliiti) protract; (kraj parlamentarne sesije) prorogue
odgajan pp educated, brought up, reared, bred
odgajanje n education, bringing up, upbringing, rearing,
raising, nurture, training
odgajatelj m v. uzgajatelj, odgojitelj
odgajati vt educate, breed, rear, nurse, bring up, raise,
nurture, foster; cultivate; v. uzgajati
odgajiti vt v. uzgojiti, odgojiti
odgajiva m v. uzgajatelj
odgegati se vr waddle off
odglasan pp voted
odglasati vt have done voting (polling, balloting)
odglumiti vt act (out); fig put on a show, pretend, fake,
odgoda f adjournment, prorogation itd. (v. odgaanje);
(odsluenja vojnog roka) deferment
odgoditi vt postpone, defer, put off, procrastinate, delay;
adjourn; prorogue; stay
odgodiv adj that can (may) be deferred (postponed, put
off itd.)
odgoen pp deferred, postponed, put off, delayed; adjourned, prorogued
odgoj m education, breeding, upbringing, rearing, raising; (ponaanje) good manners, refinement, culture;
(kolovanje) schooling, training | bez ~a v. neodgojen, sirov; nastavnik tjelesnog ~a physical education
odgojen pp educated, reared, trained, bred | dobro ~
well-mannered, well-behaved, well-bred, welleducated
odgojilite n educational establishment (institution);
(internat) boarding-school
odgojitelj m educator, pedagogue; youth counselor; (u
djejem kampu) camp counselor; (u djejem vrtiu)
kindergarten teacher; (tue dojenadi) baby-farmer
odgojiteljica f (tue djece) governess
odgojiti vt v. odgajati
odgojni adj educational, pedagogical; educative | ~
problemi (metode) problems (methods) of upbringing; ~ zavod correctional institution
odgoneta m decipherer
odgonetanje n trying to decipher (writing itd.), solving a
riddle; riddling, unriddling
odgonetati vt try to solve (decipher, unriddle), try to
make (find) out
odgonetka f solution (of a riddle, puzzle)
odgonetnuti vt (rukopis) decipher; (zagonetku) solve a
riddle (conundrum); riddle, unriddle | koji se dade ~
solvable, decipherable
odgovarajui adj corresponding; adequate
odgovaranje n answering, replying, responding;
(duhovito) repartee; (otro) retorts pl, rejoinders pl;
(pobijanje) rebuttal; (pri bogosluju) responses

odgovarati vi answer, reply, respond, rejoin, make answer (reply); (otro) retort; (duhovito) make repartees; (svrsi) answer to; (slinost) correspond to, be
analogous; (biti odgovoran) answer for, be answerable (responsible, accountable) for; return an answer;
(potvrdno nijeno) answer in the affirmative (
negative); (na pismo) answer to a letter; (udovoljiti)
satisfy, do | ~ od neega dissuade; ~ za (jamiti)
guarantee, go bail for; to mi odgovara (kovenira) it
suits me
odgovor m answer, response, reply, return; (otar) retort,
rejoinder; (duhovit) repartee; (nepovoljan) refusal;
(obrana) defense; (tuma) explanation; (odgonetka)
solution | kao ~, u ime ~a in reply (response) , in answer to; bez ~a unanswered
odgovor|an adj answerable, responsible, accountable;
(zakonu) amenable to | ~no mjesto post involving responsibility; biti ~an be responsible, incur responsibility, be liable to; be in charge
odgovoriti vi answer, reply, rejoin, respond; (otro) retort; (inom) react; (potvrdno) answer in the affirmative
odgovornost f responsibility, liability | pozvati na ~ call
to account; rjeiti ~i relieve of responaibility; snositi
(preuzeti) ~ carry (assume) responsibility; ~ lei na
responsibility rests with; na tvoju ~ at your own risk,
on your own responsibility
odgristi vt bite off, nibble off
odgrizak m bite
odgrizati vt keep biting off
odgrizen pp bitten off
odgriznuti vt bite off
odgrnut pp (zastor) drawn (open); (zasuto) cleared
away, disclosed to view, laid bare, uncovered
odgrnuti vt (zastor) draw (open); (pokrito) remove covering, disclose to view; (zasuto) clear (hoe, sihovel)
away (off), dig up
odgrtati vt keep on removing coverings (earth itd.)
odguditi vt have done playing on a violin, finish (playing) a piece on violin
odgurati vt push (thrust) away
odgurnut pp thrust (pushed) away
odgurnuti vt v. odgurati
odguslati vt v. odguditi
odignuti vt lift off
odigrati vt play
odigrati se vr take place; be enacted; happen
odigravanje n enactment; proceeding, unfolding
odigrav|ati se vr take place | radnja romana se ~a u the
novel is laid (set) in
odijeliti vt set apart, separate, detach, segregate; isolate;
part, sunder; keep apart; (odbrojiti) tell off; (sredstva
za neku svrhu) earmark; (rastaviti) divide from; (silom) sever; divorce; (zarezima) set off by commas
odijeliti se vr separate, go one's way; branch off
odijelo n (odjea) clothing, clothes; (muko) (man's)
suit; (bolje dnevno ~) B lounge suit, A business suit;
(veernje) evening dress; (sveano) best clothes,
Sunday best; (radno) work(ing) clothes, overalls;

(ensko, s hlama) B trouser suit, A pant suit | ~ ini

ovjeka clothes make the man
odijevanje n dressing, clothing
odijevati vt clothe, dress, attire, array, apparel; endue,
invest in (with); accoutre; (opskrbljivati nekoga odjeom) find one in clothes
odijevati se vr dress (oneself), put on clothes
odilaziti vi v. odlaziti
odilaenje n v. odlaenje
odio m department, section, division; (pregradak) partition; (razred) class; (vagona) compartment | ef odjela head of department; kirurki (djeji) ~ surgical
(pediatric) ward
odiozan adj odious
odioznost f odium, odiousness
odiranje n flaying, skinning
odirati vt flay, skin
odisati vi breathe, exhale, give out smell (scent), send
out fragrance; fig reek (smack) of, exude
Odisej m myth Odysseus, Ulysses
Odiseja f myth & fig Odyssey
odista adv v. zaista
odium m odium
odjahati vi ride off (on horseback), depart mounted (riding)
odjava f notice of departure (leaving, moving) at the
registration office; notice of withdrawal; cancellation
of registration
odjaviti vt report a person's (a tenant's itd.) departure
(removal, change of lodgings itd.)
odjaviti se vr report one's departure (removal) at the
registration office (police), cancel one's registration,
unregister, check out; withdraw
odjavljen pp reported as having left (removed to another
flat, abode)
odjavnica f notice of departure (withdrawal, cancellation)
odje|a f clothing, clothes; attire, apparel, garment; garb,
costume, raiment, vestment, robes; (akademska, odvjetnika, sudaka) gown | enska ~a women's (ladies') wear; industrija ~e garment industry
odjedanput adv v. najednom
odjedared adv v. najednom
odjednom adv v. najednom
odjedriti vi sail off (away); put to sea, set sail, clear the
port (otploviti)
odjek m echo, re-echo, reverberation, repercussion,
resonance, resounding | imati ~a have repercussions;
strike a responsive chord
odjekivanje n echoing, echos, reverberation
odjekivati vi echo, re-echo, resound, reverberate
odjeknuti vi v. odjekivati
odjel m v. odio
odjelit adj v. poseban, izdvojen
odjelni adj departmental, sectional
odjeljak m dim compartment, section; v. odsjek
odjeljenj|e n sch v. razred; mil squad, section; aero
flight | mil komandir ~a squad leader
odjeljivanje n separation, segregation; isolation

odjeljivati vt keep separating, separate repeatedly

odjenuti vt dress, clothe, attire, array; (znakovima
poloaja /asti/) invest (endue); (opremiti) equip
odjenuti se vr dress (oneself), put on clothes
odjeven pp dressed, clothed; poet clad, arrayed; attired
odevn|i adj | ~i predmeti (articles of) clothing, wearing
apparel; ~e tkanine apparel fabrics
odjezditi vt v. odjahati; fig sail away
odjuriti vi run (dash, ride, trot, gallop, storm, rush)
away (off); dart (speed, tear, bolt, depart) precipitately (headlong)
odjui|ti vi | ~lo je it is thawing, the thaw has set in
odlaganj|e n delay, putting off, deferment, postponement, procrastination, adjournment; (spisa) filing
(away) | bez ~a without delay
odlagati vt v. odloiti
odlamati vt v. odlomiti
odlan|uti vi be relieved (v. odahnuti) | meni je ~ulo I am
(I feel) relieved, feel relief, I feel at ease; I feel better,
I feel the weight off my mind; ovjeku ~e kada... it
is a relief to..., it brings relief to one
odlazak m departure, leaving, going away (off), start,
going out (off), setting out for; (broda iz luke) clearing (of a port); (glumca s pozornice) exit (vie njih:
exeunt); (povorke, mnotva) exodus; (u mirovinu itd.)
retirement; withdrawal; (vrijeme odlaska vlaka) train
odlaziti vt depart successively (one after another); leave
for, go away (out, off, forth), start on (for) a journey,
set forth (off, out), take one's departure; (brod iz luke)
clear the port; (istim putem natrag) retrace one's
steps; (u mirovinu) retire; withdraw | odlazi! begone!
hence (with you)!
odlaenje n going away, leaving, withdrawal, departure,
odlediti vt unfreeze, de-ice, thaw; (friider) defrost
odlediti se vr thaw
odleivanje n unfreezing, thaw(ing); pol thaw
odlemiti vt unsolder
odlemiti se vr break (come) off where soldered
odletjeti vi take wing, fly away (off, forth); (avionom)
take a plane to, fly to | ~ u zrak blow up
odlean adj stale | dovoljno ~o vino aged wine
odleati vi (zbog bolesti) to have been bedridden; (u zatvoru) to have served one's time (a sentence); (vino
itd., dozrijevanja radi) age
odli|an adj (ast) illustrious, eminent, noted, distinguished, exalted, prominent, of high standing; (kakvoa) choice, superior, excellent, prime, first-class;
sch (ocjena) B top mark, A A (grade); (istaknut)
egregious; signal, outstanding; conspicuous, exemplary, notable, striking, marked, preeminent, transcendent ; exquisite; (sjajan) terrific, magnificent |
~an uenik (student) v. odlika; s ~nim uspjehom
with honours, with distinction, with top marks
odlije n v. odlika, odlikovanje
odlinik m distinguished person, person of rank (note,
high standing)

odlino adv excellently; (sjajno) terrifically

odlinost f preeminence; superiority; prominence; exalted rank; excellence; distinction
odlijepiti vi detach pasted (glued, stuck) paper (wood
itd.); unglue, unstick, take (get) off
odlijepiti se vr come off, come unglued (unstuck); fig
stap clinging; (avion) lift off
odlijepljen pp unglued
odlijetanje n continuous flying away (off)
odlijetati vi fly off (away) continually (successively)
odlijevanje n pouring off, decanting
odlijevati vt pour off (away), decant; (kovinu) cast, make
a cast, found into a mould, cast into
odlika f eminence, distinction, superiority, distinctive
feature (trait, point, characteristic) | sch s ~om v. s
odlinim uspjehom
odlika m honours student, top pupil, A+ straight-A student | on je ~ he has passed with distinction (with
odlikaica f girl pupil (student) who has passed with
distinction (honours)
odlikovan adj (odlikovanjem) decorated; (ire) one upon
whom honours (awards, favours) have been bestowed
odlikovanje n decoration, badge
odlikovati vt distinguish, treat with distinction; (odlikovanjem) invest with an order, decorate, give a
medal, pin a medal on; honour, bestow rank (honours, favours) upon; (nagraditi) award a prize, confer
(grant) a title
odlikovati se vr distinguish, signalize oneself, become
(make oneself) prominent, excel; be characterized by
odliti vt pour off (away), decant
odliv m v. odljev
od1iven pp decanted, poured off
odlomak m fragment, bit (scrap, shred, piece, broken
piece) of a whole
odlomiti vt break off, knock off, split off; (kalenje)
cleave off
odlomiti se vr break (split) off
odloen pp (odjea) cast off, taken off; (predmet) laid
away (off, aside), put (laid) down; (spis) filed (away);
v. odgojen
odloiti vt (predmet) lay away (off, aside), discard, take
off; (teret) put (lay) down; (spis) file (away); v.
odluan adj energetic, resolute, decided, determined,
firm, resolved, decisive, staunch, unbending, categorical; (dokaz) positive; (glas) casting (vote); (ast)
critical, crucial (point, moment)
odluen adj (odluka) decided, settled, decreed; (nagodba) agreed upon, fixed upon, resolved upon; (unaprijed) predetermined; (odijeljen) set aside (apart)
for; (svota za svrhu) earmarked
odlu|iti vt decide, resolve upon, be bent (intent) upon,
determine, decree, settle, fix upon; (razluiti) separate, set aside (apart) | on je vrsto ~io he is bent
upon; ja sam ~io I am indetermined, I have resolved

(decided) ; to je ~ilo this turned the scale; ~ujui

glas casting vote
odluiti se vr decide, make up one's mind, form a resolution, be resolved; (za neto) pitch upon, choose | ne
moi se ~ be irreso1ute (undecided), waver, vacillate;
be in two minds; ne mogu se ~ I cannot prevail
(bring) upon myself to ....
odluivanje n decision, giving of a decision, forming of
a resolution; determination; (razluivanje) decisionmaking separation, sifting
odluivati vt decide upon, have the power (authority) to
decide; (biti jai) hold the balance; determine; (uvjet)
odluno adv energetically, decisively, resolutely, emphatically
odlunost f energy, firmness, resolve, resoluteness, determination
odluk|a f decision, resolution, resolve, determination;
(presuda) verdict, decree, arbitration, judgment, ruling; (parlamenta) act | donijeti ~u make e decision;
donijeti negativnu ~u decide against
odlumjati vi wander off
odlupati vt beat (knock off) a quantity; hammer (knock)
a little
odlupiti vt peel (shell, scale, flake) off
odlupiti se vr peel (flake) off
odlupljen pp peeled (flaked) off
odlutati vi straggle (stray, wander, ramble, rove, drift)
off (away)
odljepljivanje n (successive) ungluing
odljepljivati vt unglue successively
odljev m outflow, drain; v. odljevak
odljev(ak) m casting
odljuten pp scaled (peeled, flaked, blistered) off
odljutiti vt scale (peel, blister, flake) off, take off in
odljutiti se vr come off in flakes, scale, blister
odljutiti se vr calm (cool) down, cool off, get over it
odmai (se) vt (vr) v. odmaknuti (se)
odmaga m hinderer, un-helper, bad helper
odmagati vt v. odmoi
odmagliti vi decamp, levant, take to one's heels, abscond, run away
odmah adv at once, immediately, instantaneously, instantly, presently, outright, forthwith, on the spot, directly, straight off (away), on the spur of the moment,
at a moment's notice, promptly, then and there | ~ do
close to; next (door) to; ~ iza closely behind; (evo
me) ~! I won't be a minute!
odmahnuti vi wave (back) | ~ glavom shake one's head
odmakao adj ahead; well underway
odmaknue n moving (pushing, shoving) away
odmaknut adj pushed (moved, shoved) away
odmaknu|ti vt move (shove, push) off (away), shift; (u
daljinu) gain the distance; (nekome) leave one behind, outdistance, get ahead of; have a start of one;
go a distance | dobro je ~o he has a good start (of

odmaknuti se vr move (draw, shift) away, leave space

between, stand clear of, stand back from
odmamiti vt entice (lure) away, decoy away
odmaralite n rest (recreation) centre; (na moru) seaside
resort; (u planinama) mountain resort (retreat) ; B
holiday centre (resort), A vacation centre (resort)
odmaranje n resting, rest, repose, taking repose, taking
breath, pause
odmarati se vr rest oneself, take rest, repose, take
breath, pause; fig rest upon one's oars
odmatanje n winding (reeling) off, untwisting, unswathing, unwrapping ; (zastave) unfurling
odmatati vt wind (reel) off, unwind, unwrap, untwist,
unswathe, unfurl
odmazd|a f revenge, retaliation, retribution, reprisal;
requital | za ~u in reprisal, in retaliation; izvriti ~u
nad take a reprisal from
odmazditi vt retaliate, revenge (oneself), repay (in kind),
make reprisals, requite like for like, give tit for tat
odmet m | na ~ v. naodmet
odmetanje n (otpad od) falling off (away), desertion,
defection, apostasy, secession, disloyalty; (zapreke)
moving (shovelling, digging) away
odmetati vt shovel (dig, move) away (sand, earth, snow
odmetati se vr v. odmetnuti se
odmetnica f female deserter
odmetniki adj disloyal, apostatical; (buntovan) mutinous, rebellious, seditious
odmetnik m outlaw; (od drutva) outcast; (otpadnik)
apostate, renegade; recreant; turncoat, sl rat
odmetnitvo n outlawry, outlaw's life; (otpadnitvo, od
zakona) become an outlaw; desertion, apostasy, disloyalty, treachery
odmetnue n v. odmetnitvo
odmetnuti vt incite to rebellion (secession, desertion,
odmetnuti se vr desert from, abandon cause, secede, turn
apostate, become turncoat, sl rat
odmica m anat (mii) abductor
odmicanje n moving away (off); (u daljinu) gaining the
distance; (s mjesta) shifting, displacing
odmi|cati vt & vi v. odmaknuti | ljeto ~e summer is
wearing on
odmijeniti vi v. smijeniti, zamijeniti
odmila adv | gram izraz ~ hypocoristic
odmiljeti vi creep (crawl) away
odmjena f v. smjena, zamjena
odmjera f v. odmjeravanje
odmjeravanje n measuring (out), weighing (out); (pogledom) surveying, looking all over
odmjeren adj (govor) measured, short, curt, laconic;
(vagan) measured, weighed; (podijeljen) rationed
(meted) out; apportioned, admeasured; (mjerenje)
surveyed; (porez) assessed, fixed
odmjerenost f (govora) curtness, laconic, shortness;
(kretnj) measured (regular rhythm of) movement
odmjeriti vt measure out (off), weigh (portion) out; determine weight (length, quantity), ascertain by meas-

urement; poet (kaznu, nagradu) mete out; apportion,

allot, administer; deal out; (porez) rate; (pogledom)
survey, look all over, measure from head to foot, look
one up and down
odmjerivanje n measurement; meting (portioning) out,
apportioning, weighing out; allotment, dealing out;
(poreza) fixing of taxes (rates), assessment
odmjerivati vt v. odmjeriti
odmo f hindrance, obstacle, check
odmoi vi do nothing to help; (osujetiti) thwart, hinder,
put a spoke in someone's wheel, prejudice one, cross,
odmoliti vt & vi finish praying; say (a number of
odmoliti se vr redeem oneself of a duty by begging
odmor m rest, repose; (predah) breathing-pause;
(olakica) relief; (prestanak) pause; (kolski) recess |
godinji ~ B holidays, A vacation; na godinjem ~u
B on holiday, A on vacation; ~! (take a) break!
odmoran, odmoren pp refreshed, rested, recovered
odmorite n resting place; (na stubitu) landing
odmoriti vt rest
odmoriti se vr (take) rest, have (get) some rest, take a
break, repose, get rested (refreshed)
odmotan pp unwrapped, unrolled, unfurled, unswathed,
untwisted, uncoiled
odmotati vt unwind, uncoil, unroll, unfurl, unswathe,
unfold, unwrap; undo, untwist; (zastavu) unfurl,
break (the flag)
odmotati se vr uncoil, come (become) uncoiled (unwrapped, undone)
odmotavanje n unwinding, uncoiling, untwisting, unfurling
odmotavati vt keep unwinding (unrolling, untwisting,
unreeling itd.)
odmrsiti vt unravel, disentangle, straighten out
odmrsiti se vr unravel, become unravelled (untangled)
odmren adj disentangled, unravelled
odmrznut adj thawed off
odmrznuti vi thaw off, melt
odnaroditi vt deprive of national (ethnic) identity
odnaroditi se vr lose national (ethnic) identity
odnaroenje n loss of national identity
odnaroivanje n deprivation of national identity
odnaati vt v. odnositi
odnekle, odnekuda adv from somewhere (some place,
odnesti vt v. odnijeti
odnijeti vt carry (take, bear) off (away); (sa sobom) take
(along); (nekamo) take to
odnos m relation, reference; (veza) connection, bearing,
respect, communication, dealing; (osobni) intercourse, tie; (spolni) sexual intercourse | zategnuti ~i
strained relations (relationship); u dobrim (loim)
~ma on good (bad) terms; u radnom ~u employed; u
~u na in relation to, as regards (v. s obzirom na)
odnositi vt keep carring off (away)
odnos|iti se vr refer to, relate to, have bearing upon (reference to), bear upon, concern, be relevant to, apply

to | koji se ~i na relative to, relating to, involving,

relevant to
odnosn|i adj relative, respective, relating, pertinent to,
relevant to | ~e zamjenice (reenice) relative pronouns (clauses)
odnosno adv respectively, relatively to, with reference to;
in other words | u 8 ~ 10 sati at 8 or 10; at 8 and 10
odnoaj m (sexual) intercourse
odnoenje n repeated carrying off (away)
odnjegovati vt cultivate; (odgojiti) bring up, rear
odobravajui adv approvingly
odobravanje n (privola) approbation, approval, countenance; (povlaivanje) applause, acclamation; (bodrenje) encouragement
odobravati vt approve of, express approval of; countenance; (pljeskati) applaud, clap hands, acclaim | ne ~
disapprove, discountenance, discourage; (osuivati)
odobren pp approved, ratified, sanctioned
odobrenje n approval, assent, approbation; clearance;
(oporuke) probate; ratification, sanction; (pismeno)
written permit | dobiti ~ receive permission; be
cleared; dati ~ v. odobriti
odobriti vt approve; clear, okay; sanction, ratify; give the
probate; concede, allow, confirm; (zakonski) validate
odobrovoljiti se vr get into good humour, get into high
spirits, brighten up
odocniti vi v. zakasniti
odojak m sucking pig | peeni ~ roast suckling
odoje n sucking-pig; (dijete) v. dojene
odojiti vt suck, suckle, bring up by sucking
odoka adv approximately, as a rough estimate, roughly |
kupiti ~ buy in the lump
odolijevanje n resistance, standing (holding) one's
odolijevati vt withstand, resist, make a stand, make head
against, bear the brunt, stand one's ground; (zvijer)
stand at bay; (protiviti se) oppose; (svladati) overcome, overpower
odoljen m bot valerian
odoljeti vt withstand, overcome, master, surmount, hold
one's ground, hold one's own
odoljiv adj surmountable, superable
odomaiti se vr v. udomaiti se
odonda adv v. otada
odonud(a) adv v. odatle
odora f uniform, official dress, military dress
odostrag(a) adv from behind, at the back
odovud(a) adv v. odavde
odozdo adv from below, from the bottom, from beneath,
from under
odozgo adv from above, from the top | ~ do dolje from
top to bottom
odraunan pp deducted
odraunavanje n deduction, discount(ing)
odraunavati vt deduct (discount) successively; make
allowance for, allow for
odraditi vt pay off by working, work off

odraivanje n (successive) working off

odraivati vt v. odraditi
odrapati vt v. ogrepsti, oderati
odrapiti vt coll (honorarom) charge a stiff fee; (globom)
fine heavily; v. zviznuti
odraslost f adulthood, being grown-up
odras|tao adj grown-up, full-grown, adult | obrazovanje
~lih adult education
odrasti vi grow up, become adult (full-grown)
odraz m reflex, reflection (rjee reflexion)
odraziti vt reflex, throw back (light, rays); reflect, mirror
odraziti se vr refect (oneself); affect
odraziv adj reflexible
odraavanje n reflection
odraavati vt reflect
odraen pp reflected
odrean adj gram v. nijean
odrei se vr resign, renounce; (trabine, prava) quit
(claim), waive, disclaim, withdraw claim, forgo;
(vjere itd.) abjure; (prijestolja) abdicate; (nekoga)
disown, give up
odred m detachment, unit; nav task force
odreda adv every single one
odredba f (odluka) decision, rule, ruling; (nalog) decree,
order, ordinance, injuction; (uputa) instruction; regulation, provision, stipulation, direction, disposition;
(propis) prescription, prescript; (ugovora, zakona)
odredite n destination
odrediti vt (zapovijediti) order, decree, ordain, enact,
rule, prescribe; set, fix, lay down; (uvjet) stipulate;
(pobrinuti se) dispose, provide, fix, settle; (odluiti)
determine, decide, destine, direct; (unaprijed) foreordain, predetermine, predestinate; (jasno) define;
(imenovati) institute, constitute, designate, appoint,
nominate, design; (ovlastiti) commission; (za svrhu)
allot, appropriate for, earmark, set aside (apart) for
odrediti se vr | ~ prema take a stand towards
odrednica f (smjernica) term of reference; (rjenika) v.
odreen adj (jasan) definite, clear-cut, specific; (opredijeljen) earmarked, set aside (apart) for; (svrha) determined, destined; (naloen) ordered | ~i gradovi
certain towns; unaprijed ~ predetermined
odreeno adv definitely; specifically
odreenje n disposition; decree; order (v. odredba)
odreivanje n stipulating; disposing; determining; appointing
odreivati vt v. odrediti
odreknue n abdication, resignation, renunciation, abjuration; (od prava) waiver, quit-claim
odrezak m cutting, scantling; part (bit) cut off; (mesa)
steak, chop, cutlet; (karama) clipping; (isjeak)
segment; (kupon) coupon; (od bloka) counter-foil;
(novinski) B cutting, A clipping | beki ~ fried
breaded veal scallop; naravni ~ sauteed veal scallop;
kosani ~ hamburger steak
odrezan pp cut (clipped, sawn) off

odrezati vt cut (chop) off (away), amputate, saw off;

(odsjei) sever; (prikratiti) dock; (vezu) intercept
odrezivanje n (continued) cutting (chopping, sawing) off
odrezivati vt cut (chop, saw) off (repeatedly)
odricanje n self-sacrifice, self-denial, renunciation
odricati se vr v. odrei se
odrian adj gram v. nijean
odrijeen pp discharged, acquitted; absolved, released;
(vez) unfastened, undone
odrijeiti vt (od grijeha) absolve, give absolution; (ispriati, izuzeti) exempt; (odvezati) unlace, uncord, untie, undo, unfasten, untruss; (spone) unfetter, unchain; unbind, unloosen; detach
odrijeiti se vr v. odrezati se, razvezati se
odrijeti vt flay, skin
odrinuti vt v. odgurnuti
odrjeenje n (od grijeha, krivice) indulgence, absolution, remission, forgiveness; v. odvezivanje, razvezivanje
odrjeit adj energetic, resolute, determined, decided,
peremptory; (govor) bluff, abrupt, blunt, sharp
odrjeito adv resolutely, energetically, peremptorily,
odrjeitost f resoluteness, energy; bluffness; sharpness
odrod m renegade
odroditi se vr become (turn) renegade; degenerate
odroen adj turned renegade
odron m (tla) land-slide; (stijena) rock-slide
odroniti se vr slide down (off)
odronjavanje n sliding down (off); (tla) land-slide; (stijena) fall of rock, rock-slide
odronjen adj | ~a zemlja land-slide; ~e stijene rockslide
odrpan adj ragged, tattered, torn, frayed
odrpanac m ragged fellow (urchin), ragamuffin, tatterdemalion
odrpanost f raggedness, ragged state
odrpati vt make ragged (torn)
odrt pp flayed, skinned
odrti vt v. oderati
odrtina f v. olupina
odrubiti vt chop (cut off, sever) one's head, decapitate,
odrubljen pp severed, chopped (cut) off, beheaded, decapitated
odrvati se vr v. othrvati se
odrveniti vi become wood, lignify, become woody;
(strah) become dumbfounded, be stricken dumb
odraj m jur adverse possession, v. dosjelost
odranje n (rijei) keeping (holding) one's word, abiding by one's word; (stanja itd.) maintaining, continuing; (ivota) subsistence, survival
odrati vt (rije) keep (hold) one's word, make good
one's promise, abide by one's promise; (skuptinu)
hold a meeting; (pobjedu) win the field (victory, battle), win the day, carry the day; (na ivotu) sustain,
keep going, keep alive | ne ~ rije break one's ward,

go back from one's word, fail to keep one's word

odrati se vr (otpor) sustain, bear up against, stand,
maintain oneself, keep one's ground, remain master
of; hold out; (obiaj) continue in usage, survive, persist, last
odravanje n maintenance, upkeep, servicing care (for)
odrava|ti vt maintain, keep up; hold | dobro ~n wellkept, well-maintained, in good repair
odravati se vr be held
odrivost f viability
odsada adv from now on, hence, henceforward, henceforth, from this time forward, for the future
odsadanji adj from now on, future
odsamariti vt take off the sumpter-saddle
odsedlan pp unsaddled
odsedlati vt unsaddle
odseliti vt move away
odseliti se vr move away, change one's abode (quarters,
lodging), flit; emigrate
odseljen adj emigrated; having left one's quarters (flat,
house, country); moved to some other place
odseljenik m person who has left (moved from) his lodging itd.
odseljenje n removal, flit(ting); emigration; changing
one's abode (domicile)
odsijecanje n successive cutting (chopping) off
odsijecati vt cut (chop) off suceessively; keep chopping
(cutting) off, keep beheading (severing)
odsijevanje n reflecting; reflection, reverberation
odsijevati m reflect, reverberate; throw back light
odsipati vt empty (spill) some; v. odliti
odsjaj m reflection, flash, gleam, glint
odsjeak m bit (morsel, piece) cut off (away); section;
sector; segment; (tiva) paragraph
odsjean adj v. odreit
odsjeen pp cut (chopped) off; (prostorno, veza) cut off,
odsjeni adj sectional, departmental
odsjei vt cut (chop) off; (glavu) behead; sever; hew
(poll) off
odsjedanje n putting up (at a hotel itd.) regularly
odsjedati vi put up (at a hotel itd.) regularly
odsjediti vt sit through; (zatvor) have done serving one's
time (a sentence) | ~ cijelu no sit up all night
odsjek m department, section; (vremena) period; chapter; (dio) part; (ogranak) branch; univ department |
univ proelnik ~a B head of department, A department chairman
odsjesti vi put up (at a hotel), stay
odsjev m v. odsjaj
odskakati vi leap (jump, hop, bound) away (off), depart
jumping itd.
odskakivanje n repeated bounding (rebounding)
odskakivati vi bound (rebound) repeatedly; (po povrini)
skip along; (isticati se) stand out
odskakutati vi hop away (off)
odskitati se vr rove (roam, ramble) off (away)

odskoiti vi rebound, jump (bound, fly) off (away), jump

(spring) back; (odbiti se) recoil, glance off; (sunce)
rise; (istaknuti se) stand out
odskon|i adj gym | ~a daska springboard; fig steppingstone, spring board
odskok m bound, rebound, recoil
odskora adv of late, recently
odsluati vt hear out; univ complete (audit) a course
odsluen adj | ~a kazna (zatvor) undergone imprisonment; ~ rok u vojsci term (time) spent in active service (army)
odsluenje n serving (out); (vojnog roka) completion of
military service
odsluiti vt (vojsku) serve one's time; (sluba) serve one's
term of office; (zatvor) serve a sentence, serve out;
(otplatiti radom) clear debt by work, pay off by personal service (work); v. dotrajati
odsluivati vt v. odsluiti
odspavati vt take a nap, get some sleep; spend time
sleeping, have done sleeping
odsprijeda adv from the front
odstajao adj (odleen) stale; (sodno pie) flat
odstajati vi stand all through; stand a little; (odleati)
grow stale (flat)
odsto adv v. posto
odstojanje n v. razmak, udaljenost
odstraga adv from behind
odstraniti vt remove, take away, move out of the way (by
force); (trljanjem) polish away; (potekoe) surmount
(difficulties, obstacles)
odstrani|ti se vr withdraw | ~te se! move away!, begone!,
take yourself off!
odstranjen adj moved out of the way, sent away
odstranjenje n sending (moving) away by force
odstrel m kill
odstup m v. odstupanje
odstupanje n aberration, aberrance, aberrancy, departure; (prava, posjeda) cession; (povlaenje) withdrawal, resignation, retirament, mil retreat; (od pravila) exception; (skretanje) departure (from)
odstupati vi v. odstupiti
odstupiti vt resign, withdraw; retire; mil retreat; recede;
(pravo) renounce, quit claim, cede, yield, give up,
surrender (claim); (mjesto) make room for; (skrenuti)
deviate from | ne ~ od stick to, be firm about
odstupnic|a f | mil & fig presjei nekomu ~u cut off
someone's (line of) retreat
odstupnina f surrender fee; (za stan) key money
odsudan adj crucial, decisive
odsukan adj untwisted; (brod) floated
odsukati vt (rukave) turn (sleeves) down; (konop itd.)
untwist, untwine; (brod) refloat
odsunuti vt (zasun, vrata) unbolt
odsustv|o n v. odsutnost, pomanjkanje; mil leave | mil
na ~u on leave
odsustvovati vi be absent
odsutan adj absent; (od kue) away from home, out; not
present; (duhom) absent-minded | stalno ~ absentee

odsuti vt empty (spill) some; v. odliti

odsutnost f absence, lack; (s mjesta zloina) alibi; (trajna) absenteeism; (ogluha od suda) default; (nedolazak) non-appearance, non-attendance; (duha) absence
of mind, mind wandering; (nedolaenje) staying
away | suditi u ~i try in one's absence
odsvira|ti vt play a tune (piece), finish (have done) performing (playing) | fig ~lo im je they are done for,
they've had it
odsvuda adv from everywhere, from all sides (directions,
parts); on all sides
odarafiti vt unscrew; loosen
odetati se vr stroll (wander) away, take a walk to, saunter away, go for a walk (stroll, turn)
oditi vt unstitch, open
oditi se vr come unstitched
odkrinut adj slightly opened; (vrata) ajar
odkrinuti vt (vrata) open (the door) slightly, leave (the
door) ajar
odtampan pp printed, struck off the press
odtampati vt print, strike off (on) the press; have done
(finish) priting
odteen pp having received indemnity (reparation,
compensation); having recovered damages, having
retrieved the loss, indemnified
odtet|a f indemnity, indemnification, reparation, compensation, amends pl; restitution, reimbursement;
making good | traiti ~u sudskim putem sue for
damages; dosuditi ~u award damages
odtetiti vt indemnify, make good, pay damages, make
odteti|ti se vr recover damages, retrieve a loss | ~o se u
robi he took it out in goods
odtinuti vt pinch (nip) off
oduljati se vr sneak away, slink off (away); (kradom)
steal away, abscond
oduen adj disaccustomed, weaned, broken of a habit
oduavanje n breaking of a habit, weaning from, desuetude, disusage
oduavati vt wean from a habit, gradually disaccustom;
(dijete od sise) wean a child slowly
oduavati se vr get disaccustomed by degrees
oduiti vt break of a habit, wean from a habit, disaccustom
oduiti se vr get disaccustomed, drop a habit, become
unused to, wean oneself of (unlearn, get out of) a
odudarati vi v. odskakivati, isticati se
odugaak adj somewhat long, longish
odugovlaiti vi drag one's feet, stall; vt be slow (take
forever) with
oduhoviti vt spiritualize
oduhovljenje n spiritualization
oduljen adj elongated, lengthened
oduljiti vt prolong, lengthen, protract, draw out, take too
oduljiti se vr take a long time, last forever, drag out
odumiranje n dying, withering, atrophy | ~ drave withering away of the state

odumirati vi die away, die gradually, wither (away),

odupiranje n resistance, stand against, withstanding
odupirati se vr resist, oppose, make a stand (against),
stand one's ground, withstand; (ivotinja u lovu)
stand at bay; kick against; strive (struggle) against;
make headway against; (struji) stem (breast) the
waves; (nogama o) brace one's feet against
oduprijeti se vr v. odupirati se
oduran adj loathsome, nauseous; (odbojan) repellent,
repulsive, forbidding; (drzak) hateful, odious; (ruan)
ugly, nasty, beastly; (straan) horrible, horrid;
(gadan) detestable, execrable; (zloin) atrocious, outrageous, heinous, abominable; (opak) wicked
odurno adv repulsively, odiously, horribly
odurnost f loathsomeness, nastiness, ugliness; atrocity;
repulsiveness, detestableness, abominableness
odustajanje n withdrawal, abstainment, giving up; jur
odustanak m v. odastajanje
odustati vi desist, abstain; (odrei se) abandon (claim),
give up, surrender; recede from; withdraw; forbear;
quit; abjure
odu|ak m outlet, vent, relief, breathing-space, spell of
rest; pause, break; respite; eng vent | dati sebi ~ka
vent (relieve) one's feelings, give vent to, ease one's
mind; (u igri) have a filling at; bez ~ka without stop,
unremittingly, at a stretch, on end
odueviti vt animate with enthusiasm (zeal), inspire,
inspirit enrapture, elate; excite; (potai) rouse, actuate | ~ za neto instil enthusiasm about... into
odueviti se vr become enthusiastic (zbog over), go into
oduevljavanje n unceasing enthusiasm
oduevljav|ati vt v. odueviti | to me ne ~a it leaves me
oduevljen adj animated, enthusiastic, in raptures, enraptured, in ecstasy
oduevljeno adv enthuaiastically, with enthusiasm
oduevljenje n enthusiasm, transport, elation, lan, rapture(s), ecstasy, exaltation
oduzdan adj unbridled
oduzdati vt unbridle
oduzee n taking away from, deprivation, stripping (of);
dispossession, divestment
oduzet pp taken away (from); med v. uzet
oduzeti vt take away (from); (liiti) deprive, dispasses,
divest of, strip of; math v. odbiti; (vlagu) dehumidify
| ~ komu vlast (kralju) dethrone, depose; (vladi)
overthrow, oust, unseat
oduzimanje n (repeated) taking away, divesting, divestment, depriving, deprivation, stripping of, dispossessing, dispossession; math v. odbijanje; subtraction,
deduction; ablation, abstraction, abatement
oduzimati vt v. oduzeti
oduzlati vt unknot
oduen adj freed from debt (indebtedness)

oduiti se vr (dug) repay, reimburse; (usluge itd.) repay

services (favours, obligations), give in return, requite
with good; v. oduljiti se
odvabiti vt entice (lure) away
odvabljen pp enticed (lured) away
odvaditi vt take out a quantity
odvaanje n v. odvoenje
odvadati vt v. odvoditi
odvagnut pp weighed out
odvagnuti vt weigh out
odvajanje n branching off, forking, bifurcation; setting
apart, isolation; (razlaz) separation, secession; (luenje) sifting; abstraction, aberration, aberrance, aberrancy
odvajati (se) vt (vr) v. odvojiti (se), isticati se
odvajkada adv from times immemorial, from old, long
odvaliti vt move (shove, push, roll) off (away), turn over
(stone, weight); pry (break) off; (posao) have done a
hard piece of work, coll knock it out
odvaliti se vr break (come) off, detach itself, crash down
odvaljan adj rolled away, wheeled away
odvaljati vt roll (wheel) away (off)
odvaljen pp moved (shoved, pushed) away (by rolling)
odvaljivanje n continuous rolling away (off); prying
(breaking) off; knocking off
odvaljivati vt v. odvaliti
odvaan adj brave, courageous, bold, spirited, manful,
daring, adventuresome, stout-hearted
odvaanje n v. odvoenje
odvaati t v. odvoziti
odvaiti se vr get up courage, take heart, make bold,
dare, adventure (on, upon), attempt, venture; (staviti
na kocku) stake; (na pothvat) take the plunge, plunge
odvano adv bravely, courageously, valiantly, manfully,
odvanost f daring, boldness, courage, prowess, bravery,
heart, audacity, mettle, nerve, pluck, fearlessness
odve adv v. previe, preodveden pp led (conducted, conveyed, taken, brought)
odveslati vt row (paddle, scull) off (away); depart rowing
(paddling, sculling)
odvesti vt lead (take, conduct, bring) away, march (walk)
one off; (voditi) guide away; (automobilom) drive to,
take (by car) to; (otpremiti) convey away; (teret) cart
off (away); (vodu) drain, carry off; (silom) abduct,
kidnap; (na stranu) take (turn) aside | ~ u bolnicu
take to the hospital
odvesti se vr ride (drive) off (away), depart in a carriage
(boat); (automobilom) drive away, leave by car
odvezan pp loosed, unbound, untied, undone, uncorded,
unstrung; released
odvezati vt unbind, untie, undo, unlace, uncord, unchain, untruss, unstring, unbrace, loose; release
odvezati se vr untie oneself
odvezen pp carted (conveyed) away, taken (brought)
away in a vehicle (cart)

odvezivanje n successive unbinding

odvezivati vt unbind succesaively (repeatedly)
odvija m ( rafciger) screw-driver
odvijanje n unwinding; unscrewing
odvijati vt unwind, untwist, unroll, unfurl, unfold, reel
off; (vijak) unscrew
odvtjati se vr go (on), proceed, develop, unfold; (radnja)
take place | dobro (loe) se ~ go well (badly); glatko
se ~ proceed smoothly; radnja romana se odvija the
novel is laid (set) in
odvijen pp unwound; unscrewed
odvikavanje n breaking of a habit, dropping of a custom
odviknuti vt break one of a habit
odviknuti se vr break oneself of a habit, discard a habit;
lose the babit (practice) of | ~ od puenja give up
odvinuti vt v. odvijati
odvirak m runlet (rill, stream) from a well (spring)
odvie adv v. previe
odviti vt v. odvijati
odvjetak m child, progeny, offspring, issue
odvjetniki adj v. advokatski
odvjetnik m v. advokat
odvjetnitvo n v. advokatura
odvlaenje n dragging (tugging, lugging) off (away)
odvlaiti vt draw (tug, lug, drag) off (away)
odvod m (vode) draining, drainage
odvoditi vt take (bring itd.) away successively (v. odvesti)
odvodn|i adj | ~a cijev drain, draining-pipe
odvodnik m conductor, drain
odvodnjavanje n drainage
odvoenje n leading (carrying, taking, bringing, conveying) off (away)
odvojak m diverging road, branching-off road; rlw
branch-line (A+ spur, spur-line)
odvojen pp separated; set apart
odvojeno adv separately; apart
odvojenost f being separated, separateness, separation,
odvojiti vt separate, set apart; (luiti) sift; (rastaviti)
disunite, disconnect, sunder, cut off; (izdvojiti) separate, sift; (sredstva) allocate, earmark, make available, spare
odvojiti se vr separate, go one's own way, secede, detach
oneself, become divorced (from); come off, detach itself; (put) branch off
odvojiv adj separable, detachable
odvojivost f separability, detachability
odvoz m v. odvoenje
odvoziti vt cart off (away), remove in cartloads
odvoenje n carting off (away), cartage, removal by cart
(carriage, vehicle)
odvraanje n dissuasion, discouragement; (neodobravanje) disapproval; deprecation
odvraati vt v. odvratiti
odvraen pp (od namjere) dissuaded, discouraged;
averted; parried; diverted; (otuen) estranged
odvranjiti vt (bavu) unbung

odvratan adj loathsome, repulsive, disgusting, abominable, abhorrent

odvratiti vt dissuade, discourage, deter; warn against;
divert from; talk out of resolution; (panju) distract
(attention), draw away from; (otuiti) estrange;
(skrenuti) deflect, turn aside (off); (pogibao) ward
off, avert; (udarac) parry
odvratno adv repulsively
odvratnost f loathing, disgust, nausea, abhorrence,
odvri se vr v. odvrgnuti se
odvrgnue n abandonment, desertion, renunciation
odvrgnuti se vr desert, turn one's coat, forsake, abandon;
renegade, become a turncoat; (od vjere) apostatize
odvrnuti vt turn off, switch off, turn aside; (vijak) unscrew
odvrtanje n unscrewing
odvrtati vt unscrew
odvrtka f v. odvija
odvrvjeti vt swarm away, depart in swarms
odvuen pp dragged (trailed, lugged) away
odvui vt drag (lug, trail) off (away); (vozilo u kvaru)
odvui se vr drag oneself away
odzada adv. otraga, odostrag
odzdrav m greeting in return, reciprocated greeting (salute)
odzdraviti vi greet in return, return (acknowledge) the
greeting (salute)
odzdravtjati vi v. odzdraviti
odzdravljenje n (continuous) greeting in return
odzgora adv v. odozgo
odziv m v. odaziv
odzivati se vr v. odazivati se
odzvanjati vi echo, resound
odzvoni|ti vi ring (knell, toll) off, have done ringing | ~lo
mu je he is past hope; his power is on the wane, he is
done for, he is a gonner, it is all over with him
odaar m v. dimnjaar
odak m v. dhnnjak
ofanziva f v. ofenziva
ofarbati vt v. bojadisati, liiti
ofarbati se vr paint oneself; (kosu) dye one's hair
ofenziv|a f mil & fig offensive | prijei u ~u go on the
offensive, launch (mount) an offensive
ofenziv|an adj | ~ne operacije attack operations
oficir m mil officer | aktivan (rezervni) ~ career (reserve) officer; ~ za vezu liaison officer; visoki ~
high-ranking officer; postati ~ get one's commission;
mar prvi ~ first officer, first (chief) mate
oficiri m derog (very) junior officer
oficirski adj ofificer's | ~ dekret commission
oformiti vt v. formirati, oblikovati; osnovati
oformiti se vr v. formirati se, oblikovati se
ofrkavati se vr v. motati se, dodvoravati se
ofsajd m ftb offside (position) | biti u ~u be offside, be in
the offside position
ofset m print offset printing
oftalmolog m med ophthalmologist

oftalmologija f med ophthalmology

oftalmoloki adj med ophthalmological
ofucati vt wear out, bedraggle
ofucati se vr become worn out (bedraggled)
ofuren pp scalded; (biljka od mraza) frosted, nipped
ofuriti vt scald; (mraz) frost, nip
ofuriti se vr get scalded
ogaditi vt make loathsome (nauseous, disgusting), coll
turn one off something
ogaditi se vr become loathsome, cause loathing (nausea)
| ~lo mi se I am sick of it, I am disgusted with; (jelo,
zasienje) I am cloyed (surfeited with)
oganj m v. vatra
ogarak m charred piece of wood
ogaraviti vt blacken, soot
ogaravljen pp blackened, sooted
ogavan adj v. oduran
oglabati vt gnaw (away)
ogladnio adj got hungry (famished)
ogladniti vt make hungry
ogladnjeti vi become hungry, feel hungry; (kao vuk)
become ravenously hungry
oglas m (javni) public notice, poster, placard; (pod staklom, icom) screened notice; (objava) announcement;
(novinski) advertisement, coll ad (Trai se want
oglasiti vt make known by a notice (poster itd.); (najaviti) announce; (u novinama) advertise; (bunom
reklamom) puff; (bubnjem) publish by drum
oglasiti se vr utter a sound
oglasn|i adj | ~ stup advertisement pillar; ~i zavod advertisemen office, advertising agency; ~a ploa notice-board; ~i pano hoarding; izvjestiti na ~u plou
post on the notice-board (A bulletin board)
oglasnik m | mali ~ classified ad(vertisement)s
oglaavanje n continual advertising; (reklama) puffing
oglaavati vt advertise continually, keep advertising
oglaen pp advertised; pubilished by notice (poster, placard), made known
oglaenje n announcement
oglav(nik) m collar (hames) of draught animal, halter
ogled m specimen; model; v. pokus; trail copy | poslati
na ~ send for inspection (examination, trial, choice)
ogledalce n dim little mirror | (u prii) ~!, ~! mirror,
mirror on the wall
ogledalo n lookimg-glass, mirror; (runo) hand-mirror;
(na zidu, meu dva prozora) pier-glass; mot v. retrovizor
ogledanje n close inspection (examination)
ogledati vt take a good (thorough, close) look at, examine closely; inspect, muster, view
ogledati se vr look round, turn round (about); (borba s
nekim) encounter, meet in conflict, try to match one,
match against one, try one's strength, measure
strength with, try conclusions with; (s potekoama)
face; (traiti) try to find, look about for | nee ni da
se ogleda na me he cuts me, he gives me the cold
ogledavanje n (continual) looking back (turning round)

ogledavati vt v. ogledati
ogledn|i adj specimen, demonstration, model | ~i primjerak (knjige) specimen (free, compilimentary) copy,
(prije izlaenja) advance copy; sch ~i sat demonstration lesson; ~no dobro experimental (research,
model) farm
oglobiti vt (kazna) fine; fig v. oguliti
oglodan pp gnawn; (kost) gnawn, picked; (izglodan)
rubbed (worn) out
oglodati vt (kost) have done gnawing (picking) (a bone);
gnaw (nibble) flesh off bone; (istroiti) fret, fray; (izraniti) rub sore, abrade (scrape) off one's skin, gall
ogluha f default, non-appearance (at court), failure to
appear (in court)
oglupavio adj stupid, dull, idiotic
oglupaviti vi become stupid (dull, imbecile, silly)
ogluenje n becoming (growing) deaf
ogluiti vi become deaf
ogluiti se vr (na poziv itd.) default; (sudu) fail to appear
in court; (molbi) turn a deaf ear to
ognojiti se vr suppurate, faster, gather head
ognjen adj fiery, ardent, igneous, blazing, flaming;
ognjevit adj v. ognjen
ognjica f fig fever; v. temperatura
ognjilo n (ocjel) fire-steel; (sprava) tinder-box | ilo za ~
v. vratiti milo za drago
ognjite n fire-place, hearth; fig (dom) fire-side, home,
ogoliti vt denude, lay (strip) bare; (umu) defoliate
ogoljen pp bared, naked
ogoljenje n becoming (making) bare (naked); (terena)
denudation; (ume) defoliation
ogoljeti vi become naked (nude, barred, denuded); (vrlet)
be denuded of earth itd.
ogoravati vt continue embittering (exasperating)
ogoren adj embittered, bitter; (srdit) exasperated,
soured, indignant | ~e borbe bitter (fierce, savage, vicious) fighting
ogoreno adv bitterly, with bitterness
ogorenost f v. ogorenje
ogorenje n bitterness, exasperation, indignation, disgust
ogoriti vt embitter, exasperate, exacerbate, irritate, provoke; gall, sour
ogoriti se vr become bitter (exasperated, disgusted)
ogorivanje n v. ogorenje
ogorivati vt v. ogoriti
ogorio adj partly burned, burned all round, burnt on the
surface; (opren) scorched
ogorjelina f burnt (charred, scorched) part
ogorjeti vi burn all round, be charred all round, be
charred on the surface
ogovaraki adj slandering, backbiting, defamatory, calumnious, scandal-mongering
ogovaralo n slanderer, backbiter, scandal-mongerer
ogovaranje n slander, backbiting, defamation, calumny,
detraction, scandal, traducement, malicious gossip

ogovarati vt slander, backbite, calumnfate, defame,

blacken, tell tales, traduce, speak evil of; (tiskom) libel
ogovarati se vr slander each other (one another)
ograd|a f (plot) fence, enclosure; (mrtva) dead hedge;
(ivica) hedge; (udubljena, oko perivoja) haha, sunk
fence; (od motaka) rail(ing) barrier; (od stupova) stockade, palisade; (stepenica) balustrade; (zida) parapet
| bez ~e without restriction (qualification); wholehearted(ly); uz ~u with a restriction (qualification);
imati ~a u pogledu have reservations about
ograditi vt fence (edge) in (round); (zidom) wall in; enclose, rail on (off); palisade
ograditi se vr fence oneself off; fig (odbiti od sebe) disassociate oneself from, protest against, remonstrate,
expostulate against
ograen pp fenced (hedged) in; (zidom) walled in; enclosed
ograivanje n enclosing, fencing (hedging, walling) in
ograiivati (se) vt (vr) v. ograditi (se)
ogranak' m branch; (drutva) chapter; (brda) spur (of a
mountain); (obitelji) collateral line
ogranak'' m (sunca, izlaz) sunrise; daybreak
ograniavanje n limiting, limitation, restricting, restriction (v. ogranienje)
ograniav|ati vt limit, restrict itd. (v. ograniiti) | koji
~a lmiting, restricting
ograniavati vt v. ograniiti
ogranien pp limited, bounded by; fig straitened, restricted, confined; narrow; (duhom) stupid, dull,
dense, slow-witted; (uskogrudan) illiberal, prejudiced, narrow-minded
ogranieno adv on a limited (restricted) scale, with limitations (restrictions)
ogranienost f limited (restricted, straitened) condition;
(duha) narrow-mindedness, narrowness of views;
(skuenost, nestaica) scantiness, dearth
ogranicenj|e n limitation, restriction, circumscription;
(trokova) reduction, retrenchment, cutting down;
(skuenost) confinement; restraint; modification;
qualification | uvesti (ukinuti) ~a impose (lift) restrictions
ograniiti vt limit, restrict, circumscribe; bound, confine, set bounds to; restraint; curtail, retrench
ograniiti se vr restrict oneself to, keep within certain
ograniiv adj limitable, restrictible
ogranu|ti vi | sunce je ~lo the sun has risen
ogrbaviti vi become a hunchback (humpback), become
hunchbacked (humpbacked)
ogreben pp scratched, grazed, clawed
ogrebotina f scratch, abrasion
ogrepsti vt scratch, graze; (aporcima) claw
ogrepsti se vr get scratched; graze (one's knee)
ogrev m v. ogrjev
ogrezao adj sunk in; steeped in; in the grip (depths) of
ogreznuti vt sink (flounder, plunge) deep in mud (fig
blood); wade (sink) ankle-deep
ogrijati vt warm, heat

ogrijati se vr warm oneself

ogrijeiti se vr sin against, offend against; commit a sin;
(o zakon) run afoul of the law, violete the law; transgress
ogristi vt bite in (off) partly
ogrizak m remnant of fruits (food) clean picked (gnawn,
ogrizine f pl remnants of fruits (food) gnawn (picked)
ogrien pp clean picked (bitten, gnawn)
ogrjev m fuel; (drvo) firewood, fuelwood
ogrjevni adj dealing with (pertainirig to) fuel
ogrlica f (nakit) necklace; (psea) collar | biserna ~
string of pearls, pearl necklace
ogrliti vt embrace, hug, fold in one's arms
ogrnut pp (ogrta) wrapped up, enveloped; (kopanje)
earthed up, moulded up
ogrnuti vt (biljku) earth (mould) up, shovel (hoe, dig) up
ogrnuti se vr put (slip, throw) overcoat on oneself, wrap
ogroman adj v. golem
ogromno adv v. vrlo (mnogo), neobino, snano
ogrozd m gooseberry-bush; (plod) gooseberry
ogrta m overcoat, cloak (v. kaput, kuta, kuni ~, ~ za
kupanje, frotir ~) | kini ~ raincoat
ogrtanje n wrapping up, enveloping; (tla) banking
(earthing, moulding, hoeing) up
ogrtati vt v. ogrnuti
ogrubiti vt make rough
ogrubjeti vi become rough
ogubaviti vi become a leper, get the leprosy
oguglati vi v. otupjeti
oguliti vt (kou) skin, flay; (koru) bark, rind; (naranu,
krunpir itd.) peel off; (sir) pare; (badem) blanch;
(ogoliti) strip, bare; (cijenom) fleece, overcharge, A sl
rip off | ~ koljena (ake) skin one's knees (knuckles)
oguliti se vr lose skin (bark, rind, peel itd.) by rubbing
(galling, stripping itd.)
oguljen pp peeled, shelled, skinned, flayed, stripped,
barked; blanched; bared
oguraviti vi v. ogrbaviti
oguaviti vi become goitrous, get (develop) a goitre (A
oh! int oh! ah!
ohladan adj somewhat (rather) cool (chilly), fresh
ohladiti vt cool, chill, refrigerate; (ledom) ice, freeze;
ohladiti se vr cool (down), grow cool (chilly, cold);
(oduevljenje) flag, become damped; v. odljutiti se |
~ prema nekom become cool (indifferent) toward(s)
ohladnio adj cooled, damped, chilled
ohladnjeti vi v. ohladiti se
ohlaen pp cooled, refrigerated, iced, chilled; refreshed
ohlaenje n cooling down; (prijateljstva) estrangement
ohlaivanje n v. ohlaenje
ohlaivati vt v. ohladiti
ohlokracija f ochlocracy, mob rule
oho! int oho! ; well, well!

ohol adj haughty, proud, stuck-up, puffed-up; (zbog

novca) purse-proud; (drzak) arrogant, disdainful,
overweening; (uobraen) conceited, supercilious
oholiti se vr be proud, swell with pride, give oneself airs,
pride oneself on
oholo adv haughtily, proudly | drati se ~ give oneself
oholost f pride, haughtiness; conceitedness; superciliousness; imperiousness; arrogance
ohrabren pp encouraged, emboldened, animated, incited
ohrabrenje n encouragement, cheering up, making bold,
putting one on his mettle, raising of spirits
ohrabriti vt encourage, embolden, animate, imrpire
courage, cheer up, reassure, put one on his mettle
ohrabriti se vr take heart, pluck up heart, cheer up, take
courage, summon up, courage
ohrapaviti vt make rough (coarse); (glas) make hoarse
ohrapavjeti vi become rough (coarse, hoarse), rough
ohrapavljen pp made rough
Ohridsko jezero n geog Ohrid Lake
ohromiti vt (make) lame
ohromjeti vi become lame in (of) one leg
oiviiti vt v. obrubiti, porubiti
oj! int v. hej!
ojaan pp strengthened, invigorated; braced
ojaanje n strengthening, invigoration, recovery of
strength (vigour); (vjetra) stiffening (mar)
ojaati vi strengthen, grow vigorous (strong, hearty),
acquire (gather) strength; (debljanje) put on flesh;
(oporavak) recover health, recruit; become powerful
(strong); reinvigorate; (vt) v. pojaati
ojaditi vt afflict, grieve, distress, cause sorrow (grief,
worry); make unhappy
ojaditi se vr become distressed, become sick at heart
ojaen adj afflicted, grieved, sick at heart; unhappy;
ojaeno adv distressedly, feeling sick at heart, with grief
ojaenost f distress, heartsickness
ojanjiti vt bring forth (a lamb)
ojanjiti se vr bring forth a lamb (lambs), lamb
ojariti vt bring forth (a kid)
ojariti se vr bring forth a kid (kids), kid
ojedina f med sore spot, eczema, rash
ojesti se vr med (koa) become sore
ojunaiti se vr v. ohrabriti se
ojui|ti vi | ~lo je a thaw has set in
oka f Tur (mjera) three pounds (pints)
okaiti vt v. objesiti, privrstiti
okaditi vt fumigate; (tamjanom) perfume with incense,
burn incense in (before)
okajanje n atonement, expiation, making amends
okajati vt atone for, expiate, make amends for; (vriti
pokoru) do penance; (pokajati se) repent
okalajisati vt Tur v. pokositriti
okaljan adj soiled, dirty, tainted, tarnished, stained, sullied, polluted, fouled; (ast) dishonoured
okaljati vt soil, dirty, foul, defile, taint, contaminate,
stain, pollute, sully; foul, slur; (ast) dishonour, asperse; blemish, tarnish; (obeastiti) desecrate, pro-

fane | ~ ruke krvlju imbrue one's hands in (with)

okaljen pp (elik) tempered, annealed
okameniti vt turn into stone, petrify
okameniti se vr petrify, become petrified, fossilize; fig v.
skameniti se
okamenjen adj (okamina) fossil, fossilized, petrified; fig
v. skamenjen
okamenjenje n petrification; fossilization
okamina f petrification, petrified. object (substance);
okance n dim small window; (broda) porthole
okaniti se vr desist, abstain, forbear; abandon; relinquish, let drop; (prestati) cease from, drop, discontinue, quit, have done with; give up; leave (let) alone;
okapanj|e n v. okopavanje; fig (neprilika) trouble, vexation, inconvenience | imati ~a have a lot of trouble
okapati vt v. okopavati
okapati se vr go to (have) a lot of trouble
okapi m zoo okapi
okarakterizirati vt characterize
okarina f mus ocarina, A+ sweet potato
okasniti vi v. zakasniti
okat adj big-eyed, saucer-eyed
okazija f, okazion m com bargain
okazion|i adj | ~a prodaja bargain sale
okean m v. ocean
okefati vt v. oetkati
oker m (mineral i boja) B ochre, A ocher
okien pp adorned, ornamented itd. (v. nakien)
okida m (oruja) trigger | zapeti (otpustiti) ~ cock
(uncock) the trigger
okidati vt v. okinuti
okilaviti vi get the hernia (rupture)
okilaviti se vr get a hernia, rupture oneself; fig v. iskilaviti se
okilavljen adj suffering from hernia
okinuti vt tear off, break off; (puku) release cock, pull
trigger; vi go off (by itself)
okititi vt adorn, decorate itd. (v. nakititi)
okivanje n shoeing with metal, strengthening with studs
(rivets, nails, bolts)
okivati vt v. okovati
oklad|a f wager, bet | raditi kao za ~u work against time
(in emulation)
okladiti se vr wager, bet (on, against)
oklagija f Tur v. razvija za tijesto
oklembesiti (se) vt (vr) v. objesiti (se)
oklesati vt dress a stone
oklevetan pp slandered, calumniated, traduced, defamed
oklevetati vt slander, calumniate, backbite, traduce, asperse, defame; (u tisku) libel
oklijevalo n irresolute (hesitating) person, temporizer
oklijevanj|e n hesitation, irresolution, indecision, reluctance, wavering, tardiness, hanging back, vacillation,
shilly-shally | bez ~a straight out, without delay;
(smjesta) on the spot, then and there, promptly, without hesitation; (rado) nothing loath

oklijeva|ti vi hesitate, waver, vacillate, temporize, shillyshally, hang back, be irresolute, not know one's own
mind; hum and haw | ~jui hesitatung(ly), with hesitahon; reluctantly
okliznu|ti se vr (oruje) glance off; glide off; (i pasti)
lose (miss) one's footing; glide, skid | ~o se his foot
oklop m (suit of) armour (A armor); mail, cuirass, harness, panoply; (oplata) plate; (prsluk) bullet-proof
vest; (kornjae, raka) carapace, shell
oklopiti vt armo(u)r, mail; (brod) plate
oklopljen pp armo(u)red, mailed; plated; iron-cased;
iron-clad; (limuzina) bullet-proof
oklopn|i adj | ~a kola (vlak, transporter) armo(u)red
car (train, personnel carrier); ~a divizija armo(u)red
division; ~e jedinice armo(u)r
oklopniki adj of (like) an armo(u)red (harnessed) man
(soldier, cuirassier)
oklopnik m armo(u)red soldier, cuirassier; zoo v.
oklopnjaa f man-of-war, warship, iron-clad, battleship; dreadnought; (rijena) monitor
okluzija f phon occlusion
okluziv m phon occlusive (sound)
okluzivan adj phon occlusive
okljatren pp (drvo) pruned, trimmed, lopped; (skraen)
curtailed; (izdaci) retrenched; (knjiga) expurgated,
bowdlerized; (citat) truncated | ~o granje (~e granice) loppings, lop (and top/crop)
okljatriti vt (drvo) lop, trim, prune; (skratiti) curtail;
(izdatke) retrench; (knjigu) expurgate, bowdlerize;
(citat) truncate
okno n window; (staklo) window-pane; mar porthole;
min shaft, pit
oko' n eye (v. oi); (rupica) eyelet, hole; (igle) eye of
needle; (mree) mesh; (pupoljak) bud; (kocke) point
(of a die); (karte) pip (of a card); (leptirova krila,
paunova pera) eye; (kruha) eye, cavity | slijep na
jedno blind .in one eye; zlobno ~ evil eye; kurje ~
corn; kiljavo ~ squinting eye; otro ~ piercing eye;
keen (sharp) sight; golim ~m with the naked eye(s);
otra oka keen-sighted, keen-eyed, sharp-sighted;
budna oka wide awake, on the alert; na ~ v. naoko;
od oka v. odoka; momak od oka a personable (wellknit) fellow; ~ za ~, zub za zub an eye for an eye; iz
~, iz boka from whatever source; oka sokolova
hawk- (eagle-) eyed; rad uspijeva pod ~m gazde under the master's eye, the cattle thrive; baciti ~ na
have an eye to...; drati na oku keep in sight; have
an eye on; izgubiti s oka lose sight of; gledati ~m u
be face to, face with; imam ga na oku I have (keep)
an eye upon him; to ti kaem u etiri oka this is for
your private ear, this is between ourselves (between
you and me); ispod oka with half-closed eyes; looking archly (knowingly) at; kao aka na ~ (neumjesno, nepristalo) inappropriate, out of place, not apposite; dokle ~ sie within range of sight, within
eyeshot; kud ja ~m, tud on skokom he is at my beck
and call; ne vidi se prst pred ~m it is pitch-dark;

nije ni ~m trenuo he did not even wince; trn mi je u

oku he is an eyesore to me, he is a thorn in my flesh
(side); vidi mrvu u oku blinjega, a ne vidi... he
sees a mote in his neighbour's eye, and not a beam in
his own; zamiriti na jedno ~ (ne htjeti vidjeti) connive at, wink at, look through one's fingers at, be indulgent
oko'' prep round, round about, around; (otprilike, nekih,
blizu) about, some, near, in the neighbourhood of | ~
100 (neto vie) one hundred-odd; pasti ~ vrata embrace, hug; svuda ~ all around
okoen pp littered
oko(l) m (tabor) camp, bivouac; encampment; (vojska)
okolen pp (okoljen) supported by props (stakes),
propped, staked
okoliti vt stake, prop
okolica f neighbourhood, environs pl, vicinity, surroundings pl; (dio grada) quarters pl; (kraj) parts pl, country, countryside; fig (drutvo) surroundings pl, society, atmosphere, associates, company; (krajobraz)
landscape, scenery
okolina f (drutvo) society, company, circle, atmosphere,
sphere, surroundings pl, environment, milieu
okoli m environs pl; v. okolica; environment
okolianj|e n beating about the bush, the round-about
way; shuffling, mincing matters; (izmotavanje) prevarication; (dvolinost) equivocation; circumlocution;
evasive talk | bez ~a without circumlocution, to the
point, openly; plainly, frankly, candidly, pointblank,
bluntly, flatly, off-hand
okoliati vi mince matters, beat about the bush; shuffle,
prevaricate; (oklijevati) hesitate
okolienje n v. okolianje
okolini adj environmental
okoliti vt v. okoliti
okolni adj surrounding, neighbouring, adjacent, adjoining; (neizravan) round-about, circuitous
okolnost f circumstance, occurrence | ~i circumstences,
conditions, situation, course of things (affairs);
oteavajue (olakotne) ~i aggravating (extenuating,
mitigating) circumstances; stjecajem ~i by a combination of circumstances; zbog nepredvienih ~i due
to circumstances beyond our control; u tim ~ima under existing conditions, in (under) the circumstances,
such being the case; ve prema ~ima as the case may
be, according to the circumstances
okolo adv v. naokolo, oko''
okoljen pp v. okolen
okomica f perpendicular, vertical
okomice adv perpendicularly, vertically
okomit adj vertical, perpendicular; sheer; plumb
okomiti se vr tell (speak) gruffly, snap at, snub one; attack, criticize
okomito adv vertically, perpendicularly; sheer, plumb; (u
krialjkama) down
okomitost f verticality, perpendicularity, sheerness
okonati vt v. dokrajiti, svriti

okopati vt hoe (spade) up, earth (mould) up; finish (have

done) hoeing
okopavanje n hoeing (banking, earthing, moulding) up
okopavati vt hoe (spade, earth, mould) up
okopnje|ti vi thaw, melt | okopnilo je it is thawing
okorio adj (navika) ingrained, inveterate, addicted to,
incorrigible; (u grijehu) hardened, callous, obdurate
okoristiti se vr profit (benefit) by, turn to one's advantage (account, profit); take advantage of; (prilikom)
avail oneself of an opportunity, use (improve) the opportunity (occasion) | on se svime okoriuje all is
grist that comes to his mill
okorjelost f inveteracy, incorrigibility; quality of being
ingrained (hardened, obdurate, callous)
okorjeti vi become hardened (inveterate, incorrigible,
callous, obdurate, indurate)
okosit adj gruff, harsh, snapping
okositi se vr snap at, snarl (out), fly at, snub, put one
okosnica f skeleton, fig sketch
okoljiv adj v. okosit
okotanje n ossification
okotati (se) vt & vi (vr) ossify
okot m litter, brood
okotiti (se) vt (vr) bring forth young; (kuja) pup, whelp;
(vuk i sl.) cub | kuja je ~la estero the bitch dropped
a litter of six
okov m metal part (piece, plate itd.) used for shoeing
(sheathing, strengthening, mounting itd.) corners,
tops, edges of objects | ~i shackles, chains, irons; (za
ruke) manacles; (lisiine) handcuffs; poet gyves; fig
trammels, ties
okovan pp (avlima) studded, nailed, spiked; (ploom)
sheathed; (tit-kvrgom) bossed; (kolutom) ferruled;
iron-bound, ironshed; (sapet) fettered, chained;
(ruke) manacled, handcuffed
okovati vt (sponama) fetter, chain, shackle, manacle;
poet gyve; (pojaati) shoe (stud, strengthen, mount)
with metal (iron-work), set with studs (nails)
okovratnik m v. ovratnik
okoziti se vr v. ojariti se
okraati vi become short(er)
okraden pp robbed of a thing by someone
okrajak m (rub) edge, rim; (odrezak drva) cantle; (ostatak, deblji kraj) butt-end; (zuba, drveta, cigare itd.)
stump, stub; (otpadak) fag-end, remnant, reject;
(vrak) end, tip, extremity; (rep) tail; (zarubljeni)
okrastati se vr become covered with scabs; (rana) scab
okrasti vt rob one of, pick one's pockets; steal; (sitne
krae) pilfer; commit robbery
okreen pp whitewashed
okreiti vt whitewash
okrenut adj turned, reversed, inverted, turned inside out
(upside down)
okrenuti vt turn, reverse; (izvrnuti) turn inside out;
(gore) turn up; (list) turn over a page; (naglavce)
turn upside down; invert; (odijelo) turn a dress;

(vratiti se) return, turn back; (drugim putem) turn the

other way, into another track, diverge to (wards) | ~
brod protiv vjetra tack about; fig ~ kaput (prema
vjetru) turn one's coat
okrenuti se vr turn round (about) | ~ prema turn towards; ~ natrag turn back-(wards); ~ oko osi swing
(wheel) round; (vojnik lijevo) face left (sasvim turn
about); (naprava) rotate, revolve; ~ nabolje (nagore)
take a turn for the better (worse)
okrepa f (jelo) refreshment, refection, regalement;
(sredstvo) restorative, cordial, (za srce) cardiac; (utjeha) comfort
okrepljen adj refreshed, strengthened, braced
okrepljenje n v. okrepa
okrepljujui adj refreshing, bracing; (za srce) cardiac
okresan pp (drvo) pruned, trimmed, lopped
okresati vt (okljatriti) lop, poll; prune, trim
okresine f pl loppings, lop (and top/crop)
okret m turn, turning; facing (turning) about; (stroja
itd.) rotation, revolution; (broda krstarei) tack, veering; (zamah) swing; (za 180) facing about, full turn,
mot U turn
okreta m one who rotates (revolves, propels); rotating
device, rotator, revolver, propeller
okretaj m v. okret
okretaljka f eng crank, rotator; v. okretnica
okretan' adj (pogon) turned round, rotated, revolved,
propelled round, wheeled round
okretan'' adj (spretan) nimble, agile, dextrous, adroit;
(brz) lithe, brisk, swift; (vjet) clever, skilled, versatile
okretanje n turning (round), revolution, gyration, rotation, revolving; (obrat) inversion, reversal; (naglavce) turning upside down; (kotaa) wheeling;
(vjetra) veering; (broda protiv vjetra) tacking
okretati vt turn (round); (listove) turn over (pages); (pogon) rotate, gyrate, revolve; spin (whirl, swing)
round; wheel round; (prste motati) twirl (fingers);
(ruicu neke sprave) grind; (sukati) twist
okretati se vr keep turning round (rotating, revolving,
gyrating, spinning, whirling); (oko osi, stoera)
swivel (pivot, hinge) upon
okretn|i adj revolving, rotating | ~o postolje turntable
okretnica f rlw (locomotive) turntable; (tramvajska) loop
okretno adv dext(e)rously, cleverly, adroitly, skilfully,
nimbly | govoriti ~ speak fluently (volubly, glibly)
okretnost f dexterity, skill, adroitness; agility, nimbleness; swftness; cleverness; address
okrezubiti vi become toothless (gap-toothed); get toothgaps
okrhnut pp chipped
okrhnuti vt chip (knock, break, crack) off
okrhnuti se vr get chipped, chip (off)
okrijepiti vt refresh, strengthen, fortify, invigorate;
(jelom) stay hunger; (zrakom) brace; (utjehom) comfort, revive
okrijepiti se vr refresh oneself, take refreshment; brace
(fortify) oneself, gather strength
okrilatiti se vr get (grow, sprout) wings

okrilje n protection, shelter, patronage; countenance,

wing; defence; favour; security (against), safeguard;
auspices pl | pod ~m under the wing (aegis) of
okriviti vt accuse of, impute to, charge with; lay to (at)
one's door; impeach, indict for, lay to one's charge,
cast blame upon, blame something on somebody
okrivljen pp accused, impeached, charged with, indicted
okrivljenica f accused woman, woman culprit
okrivljenik m accused, defendant, delinquent, culprit
okrivljivanje n accusing, accusation, impeachment, indictment, charge, blaming, imputation
okrivljivati vt v. okriviti
okrnjen pp (smanjen) curtailed; (oblik) mutilated, truncated; (okrhnut) notched, chipped, broken off,
(pravo) encroached upon; (ugled itd.) prejudiced,
derogated, injured
okrnjiti vt (smanjiti) curtail; (oblik) truncate, mutilate;
(okrhnuti) notch, chip off, break off; fig (pravo itd.)
encroach, prejudice, derogate, injure
okroiti vt v. opkoraiti
okrpati vt v. pokrpati
okrstiti vt christen, name; (nadimkom) nickname;
(imenom odmila) give a pet name; dub
okraj m skirmish, action, encounter, brush, short fight,
scuffle, engagemen, affray
okrten pp christened, named; nicknamed, dubbed
okrug m (krug) circle; (obod) circumference; (kolanje)
orbit, circuit; (djelokrug) province, sphere; (kraj) district; (crkve) diocese; (pojas) zone
okrug|ao adj round, circular, globular, spherical, rotund,
cylindrical, annular; (bucmast) plump, (lice) chubby,
podgy, roly-poly | ~ao broj round number; ~la svota
(paualna svota) a lump sum
okruglast adj roundish
okruglica f cul v. valjuak | ~ sa ljivama plum dumpling
okruglo adv roundly; circularly, globularly; (otprilike)
okruglost f roundness, circularity, rotundity, sphericity;
(debljina) plumpness
okruniti vt crown; (vijencem) wreathe
okrunjen pp crowned; diademed
okrupnjati vi become large(r), grow (large)
okrutan adj cruel, fell, truculent, ruthless; (nemilosrdan)
relentless, unrelenting, pitiless; merciless, inhuman;
(bijesan, divlji) ferocious, fierce, brutal, savage, atrocious, barbarous; (tlaenje) tyrannical, oppressive;
(tvrd) hardhearted, flint-hearted; (surov) harsh,
okrutnica f cruel woman
okrutnik m cruel man, tyrant, barbarian, savage; (tlaitelj) oppressor
okrutno adv cruelly, ruthlessly, inhumanly, pitilessly
okrutnost f cruelty, brutality, barbarity, inhumanity,
truculence, atrocity, ruthlessness; cruel deed (action,
okruen pp surrounded, enclosed, environed, encircled;
(opkoljen) rounded up, shut in; (zidom itd.) walled in,

fenced (hedged) in; (potekoama itd.) beset; (kopnom) landlocked; (obalu hridinama) iron-bound
okruenje n mil v. obru
okruiti vt surround, encompass, enclose, environ, shut
in, round up, encircle; (zidom) wall in; (plotom, ivicom) fence in, hedge in; encircle, encompass
okruivanje n surrounding, rounding up, enclosing
okruivati vt v. okruiti
okruje n (uprave) department, district; county; (sudako) circuit; division; region
okruni adj regional, district, departmental
okrunic|a f circular(-letter); form-letter; (interna)
memo | poslati ~u circularize
okrvaviti vt stain with blood, gore; make (become)
bloody (bloodstained)
okrvaviti se vr get stained with blood, bleed
okrvavljen adj bloodstained
okrznut pp grazed, scratched
okrznuti vt graze, strike a glancing blow
okrljaviti vi become stunted (dwarfed)
oksaln|i adj chem | ~a kiselina oxalic acid
oksid m chem oxide
oksidacija f oxidation
oksidacijski adj chem oxidation
oksidirati vi oxidize; (kosu) v. blajhati
oksigen m chem v. kisik
oksigenski adj chem oxygen(ic)
oktaedar m geom octahedron
oktan m chem octane
oktanski adj chem | ~ broj octane number (rating)
oktav m print octavo
oktava f octave
oktet m mus octet(te)
oktilijun m B octillion, A quindecillion
oktobar m October (v. listopad)
oktobarsk|i adj October | ~i udar (prevrat) the October
putch (so called revolution)
oktogon m geom v. osmerokut
oktopod m zoo octopus
oktroira|ti vt pol | ~ni ustav octroyed constitution
okuen pp married and settled down
okuiti vt marry and settle down
okunica f private plot, individual holding
okujiti se vr pup, bring forth pups
okuka f angular bend, curve; bend, winding, curvature,
turn; (koljeno) knee, sinuosity; mot v. zavoj
okular m opt eye-piece
okuliran pp bot ingrafted, budded
okuliranje n bot ingrafting, budding
okulirati vt bot bud, ingraft
okulist m med oculist, ophthalmologist, eye specialist,
eye doctor
okulistiki adj med ophthalmological
okulistika f med ophthalmology
okultan adj occult
okultist m occultist
okultizam m occultism
okuljaviti vi become pot-bellied

for(e)gathering, rally, reunion | biti na ~u be assembled, for(e)gathered; svi na ~! assemble!, rally!
okupacija f occupation
okupacioni adj occupying
okupan pp bathed
okupati vt bathe; (uroniti) plunge (under water), dip,
duck; (promoiti) soak, drench
okupati se vr (take a) bath; (u prirodi) bathe, dip
okupator m enemy who occupies a country
okupatorski adj occupying
okupiran pp occupied
okupirati vt occupy, take posession of
okupiti vt gather, rally, assemble, bring together, collect,
for(e)gather; (nanovo) reunite
okupiti se vr rally, assemble, for(e)gather; (bivi uenici,
studenti) hold a reunion, reune (oba A); concentrate
okupljanje n (trupa) concentration; rally, rallying, gathering, reunion
okupljati (se) vt (vr) v. okupiti (se)
okupljen pp gathered, foregathered, concentrated, rallied
okuraiti (se) vt (vr) v. ohrabriti (se)
okus m taste, sense of taste; savour; (slasni) relish, flavour; (koji ostaje) aftertaste; (jak) raciness | imati ~
po taste of; bez ~a tasteless, insipid, flat, unsavoury
okusiti vt taste; (doivjeti) experience
okuan pp tasted | ~u borbi battle-tried
okuati vt try out, give it a try (trial)
okuati se vr try one's skill, try one's hand at, have experience of
okuen pp infected; contaminated, polluted; fig corrupted
okuenje n infection, contagion; corruption
okuiti vt infect; contaminate, pollute; vitiate
okvalificirati vt qualify
okvasiti vt v. namoiti, smoiti
okvir m frame; fig framework; (za vezenje) tambour;
(rub) border; (tiskarski) chase; (dragulja) mount; fig
(opseg) compass (extent, range) | u ~u in the framework (context) of; u ~u programa under the program(me); v. prozorski ~
okvirni adj general
olabaviti vt make loose, loosen
olabavjeti vi become (work) loose
olaj m v. laneno ulje
olajavati vt v. ogovarati
olak adj airy, trifling, flippant
olako adv lightly
olakoenje n alleviation, mitigation, palliation, facilitation, relief
olakot|an adj extenuating, exonerative, excusing, exculpatory, palliative | v. ~na okolnost
olakanje n alleviation, facilitation; mitigation, palliation | osjetiti ~ feel relief (relieved)
olakati vt make easy, alleviate, lighten, mitigate, palliate, facilitate; relieve, (pomoi) help, lend a hand
olakavajui adj v. olakotan
olakica f privilege, exemption, reprieve, respite
oleandar m bot oleander

olien adj painted, varnished; personified

olienje n v. lienje; (otjelovljenje) personification
oliiti vt paint; personify
oligarh m oligarch
oligarhija f oligarchy
oligarhijski adj oligarchic
Oligocen m geol Oligocene
oligofren adj med oligoyhrenic, mentally deficient
oligofrenija f med oligophrenia, mental deficiency
olijepiti vt v. oblijepiti
Olimp m geog & myth Mount Olympus
olimpijac m myth & fig Olympian
Olimpijada f sp Olympic Games, Olympics
olimpijski adj Olympic, Olympian
olinjao adj (ivotinja) moulting; fig shabby
olinjati se vr having done moulting; fig become shabby
olizati vt v. oblizati
olo m refuse, the worst quality (goods); (fukara) riffraff, rabble
olov|an adj lead, leaden; like (of) lead; plumbous | ~ni
krov the leads pl; ~na ruda lead ore
olovka f pencil; (kemijska) ballpoint pen
olovnat adj lead, leaden
olovnica f the lead, plummet, sounding-line, plumb line
olovo n lead; (sama) plug, shot | ispuniti ~m lead; ~m
ispunj en tap loaded cane
oltar m altar; shrine
oluja f tempest, storm, thunderstorm, gale, hurricane
olujni adj storm, stormy, tempestuous
oluk m Tur v. lijeb
olupan adj battered
olupati vt batter
olupina f wreck (i fig)
olupiti vt peel, pare; shell, pod
olupljen adj peeled, pared; shelled, podded
oljuten pp shelled, scaled, podded
oljutiti vt husk, shell, pod, scale
oljutiti se vr come off in scales (blisters)
om m phys ohm
omaciti vt bring forth (a kitten)
omaciti se vr kitten, bring forth kittens
omai se vr v. omahnuti se
omaijati vt v. zaarati
omaglica f dizziness
omaknuti se vr v. bubnuti, izlanuti | ~la mu se noga he
slipped (slid, lost his footing)
omalen adj somewhat small, smallish
omalovaavanje n belittling, making light of; undervaluation | s ~m slightingly
omalovaavati vt belittle, slight, think little (nothing) of,
disdain; scorn, despise; run down
omalovaen pp slighted, undervalued
omalterisati vt Ger v. obukati
omaljati vt Ger paint
omama f stupor, daze, stupefaction; (omaglica) dizziness, giddiness; (opojnost) intoxication
omamiti vt (pie) intoxicate, stupify; (ukoiti) benumb;
(udarac) stun, daze

omamljen pp (piem) intoxicated, stupified; (udarcem)

dazed, stunned
omamljenost f v. omama
omamljiv adj intoxicating
omamljivanje n dazing, stunning, benumbing
omamlj|ivati vt v. omamiti | ~ujui dazing, stupifying
omanuti vt v. promaiti, zakazati
omanji adj smallish, rather small
omara f sultry (oppressive, muggy, close) weather, sultriness, mugginess
omaran adj sultry, oppressive, muggy, close
omasoviti vt popularize
omasoviti se vr become popular
omasovljenje n popularization
omastiti vt grease, stain; (krvlju) imbrue
omaan adj bulky, voluminous, sizable, ponderous
omak|a f slip, lapse (v. pogreka, zabuna) | ~om
through a slip, by an oversight
omanost f bulkiness, bulk, voluminousness
omaten pp stained; (krvlju) imbrued
omatati vt v. smotati
omatoriti vi v. ostariti, obnemoi, poseniliti
omazan pp coated, daubed
omazati vt coat, daub, besmear, lay on a coat of mud
itd.; (bojom) stain, paint; soil
om|a f noose | nataknuti ~u put ~anoose on
omeen pp limited, bordered, bounded; fig restricted
omeenost f limited state (condition)
omeiti vt restrict, limit, bound, set bounds to, border,
omeivanje n gradual limiting (restricting)
omeivati vt limit (restrict) gradually; border
omega f Gk omega
omekoputiti vt render effeminate, enervate
omekan adj softened
omekanje n softening
omekati pp become tender (soft, mellow); soften
omen m Lat omen (v. /pred/znak)
omesti vt balk, baffle, thwart; prevent, hinder; frustrate
ometanje n (continual) frustrating (thwarting, balking);
(radio-emisija) jamming
ometati vt thwart (frustrate, balk) (continually); obstruct,
interfere (with) | rad ~ emisiju jam a broadcast
ometen pp thwarted, frustrated
ometiljaviti vi vet become infected with liver-fluke
omezetiti vt Tur v. prigristi, zaloiti
omicanje n slipping, sliding; skidding
omicati se vr v. omai se
omiliti vt make dear (popular) (kome with)
omiljelost f popularity; graces pl; being beloved (endeared to, a favourite)
omiljen adj endeared, favourite, beloved, popular, favoured, pet
omiljeti vi gain favour (popularity); become popular,
become endeared to (a favourite of, beloved by) |
omilio mi je I took a fancy to him
omirisati vt smell, snif; fig experience
omitariti se vr moult, finish moultng

omjer m ratio, proportion; rate, degree | u ~u proportionally, in proportion, pro rata; biti u ~u bear proportion to; ne biti u ~u be out of (all) proportion to
omjeravanje n looking one up and down | v. ~ snaga
omjeriti vt | ~ od glave do pete look one up and down,
measure one with a (disdainful) look, glance over; v.
~ snage
omladina f youth, the young generation (people); teenagers; (dananja) the rising generation
omladinac m member of a youth organization; sp junior;
v. mladi
omladinka f girl member of a youth organization; sp
junior; v. djevojka
omladinski adj juvenile; youth, young people's
omlet m cul omelet(te)
omlitavio adj enfeebled, enervated; flabby, flaccid
omlitaviti vi lose vigour (energy); become flabby (feeble,
nerveless, enervated); droop, slacken, fag, relax (v.
omlohaviti vi grow flabby (flaccid)
om-metar m el ohmmeter
omnibus m omnibus
omoguen adj made possible (feasible)
omoguenje n making it possible
omoguiti vi enable, make (render) possible (feasible,
practicable); (pruiti priliku) give opportunity; (odstraniti zapreke) smooth (pave) the way for | ~ nekome neto put one on the way of doing
omorika f bot pine-tree
omorikovina f pine-wood
omot m wrapper, wrapping, envelope; (zamot) parcel,
package; (knjige) jacket, dust cover
omota m v. omotnica; bot v. ovojniica
omotan pp wrapped, swathed, swaddled, wound up
omotati vt wrap up, envelop, wing up (round), do up;
swathe, swaddle; wreathe round
omotavanje n wrapping up
omotavati vt v. omotati
omotnica f (koverta) envelope; (bombona) wrapper
omraza f animosity, ill-will, hatred, dislike, odiousness
omraziti vt make odious (hateful, disliked, detested, unpopular); estrange, alienate; set against, excite hatred
omraziti se vr become unpopular (hated, disliked, odious, hateful, obnoxious)
omraen pp hateful, hated; unpopular, disliked; odious,
omraenost f unpopularity
omren pp blackened
omriti vt blacken
omri vt v. omrknuti
omrijestiti se vr spawn
omrknuti vi be belated, be overtaken by darkness
omrsiti se vr eat meat (after fasting, on fast days); (dobiti tek) get a liking for, find agreeable (congenial);
acquire relish for
omraviti vi lose flesh, grow lean (thin)
omrznut pp hated, hateful, odious, detested, disliked |
postati ~ make oneself detested, incur hatred

omrznu|ti vt & vi v. omraziti, zamrziti | ~lo mi je I am

sick of it, I sicken at it
on pers pron he | ~ sam he himself
ona' pers pron she | ~ sama she herself
ona'' pers pron n pl they
ona''' dem pron n pl those
onager m mil hist onager
onaj dem pron m that (one), the one; poet yon | ~ tamo
yonder; ~ isti the very same; ~ koji who (that)
onakav adj such a one (man, person), of that kind (sort,
nature, quality, mettle)
onako adv in that way (manner, fashion), like that | i ~
as it is (was), anyhow
onamo adv v. tamo
onanija f med masturbation, onanism
onanirati vi med masturbate, euph play with oneself, tab
(mukarci) jerk off
onanist m med onanist
onanizam m med v. onanija
onda adv then, after that, thereupon, upon that (which),
whereupon; at that time (period), in those times; (zatim) next; (u tom sluaju) in that case | pa to ~? so
what?; do ~ till then, up to that time
ondanji adj the then, of that time (age, period, place)
ondatra f zoo v. bizamski takor
ondje adv v. tamo
ondulacija f arch v. trajna
ondulirati vt arch v. napraviti trajnu
ondulirati se vr arch v. dati (ii na) trajnu
one' pers pron f pl they
one'' dem pron f pl those
oneistiti vt dirty; sci contaminate
oneienje n dirtying; contamination; impurities pl
onemo(at)i vi v. obnemoi
onemoguen adj made (rendered) impossible; (osujeen)
thwarted, balked, frustrated, neutralized
onemoguiti vt make (render) impossible; prevent happening, thwart, balk; frustrate, foil; neutralize; deprive of means (to act)
onemoguiti se vr disqualify oneself
onepoteniti se vr become dishonest; act disihonestly
oneraspoloen adj upset, depressed
oneraspoloiti vt upset, depress, put in a bad mood
onesposobiti vt incapacitate, disqualify, render incapable, disable; mil put out of action
onesposobljen adj incapacitated, (i mil) disabled
onesposobljenje n incapacitation, disablement
onesvijestiti vt knock out
onesvijestiti se vr swoon, faint away, have a fainting fit,
lose consciousness, go off, go out
onesvijeten adj swooned, in a swoon, in a dead swoon,
fainted, in a fainting fit
oni' pers pron they
oni'' dem pron m pl those | ~ koji those who, such as
onijemiti vi become speechless, be struck dumb, be
oniks m minr onyx
onizak adj rather (slightly) short (of stature), of low
(small) stature; shortish

onkolog m med oncologist, tumo(u)r specialist

onkologija f med oncology
onkoloki adj med oncologic
onkraj adv beyond, on the other (further) side of; yonder; (preko) across
ono pers & dem pron n it, that | ~ to that which, what; ~
samo itself
onolicki adj v. onolian
onolik adj of that greatness (size, bigness, height, itd.),
so (as) big (great, tall, large, bulky itd.) a one, such a
onoliko adv as much, so much, to such a degree, as
many, so many
onolian adj so tiny
onolino adv so little
onomad(ne) adv the other day, some days ago (since);
recently, not long ago
onomastiar m ling onomasticist
onomastiki adj ling onomastic
onomastika f ling onomastics
onomatopeja f imitative word, onomatopeia
onomatopejski adj onomatopoe(t)ic
onostran adj of the other side, of (belonging to) the
other side, situated on the other side (bank, coast), lying across (the river, boundary itd.); ultra-, trans- ;
opposite, ulterior, lying beyond
ontolog m phil ontologist
ontologija f phil ontology
ontoloki adj phil ontological
onuda adv there, that way, along that way
onjuiti vt sniff (at), smell
op! int v. hop!, opa!
opa! int iron oh-oh; well-well; v. hop!
opaina f crime, atrocity, impious (atrocious, black)
deed; outrage; enormity, sin; (najvea) crime of the
blackest dye
opada m v. klevetnik, ogovaralo
opadanje' n v. klevetanje, ogovaranje
opadanje'' n (smanjivanje) decline, falling off, diminution, decrease, waning | ~ kose loss (falling out) of
opadati' vt v. klevetati, ogovarati
opadati'' vi (smanjivati se) fall off, decline, decrease,
diminish; (jakost) abate; (poplava) subside, ebb away
opahati vt dust
opajanje n intoxication; v. opijanje
opajati' vi intoxicate; v. opijati
opajati'' vt dust (off)
opajati se vr become intoxicated (ime with); v. opijati
opak adj wicked, evil, bad; (zloban) ill-natured, malignant, spiteful, malicious
opaklija f sheepskin coat
opakliti vt smear with pitch, pitch
opako adv wickedly, viciously, maliciously, outrageously
opakost f wickedness, malignity, ill-nature, malevolence,
depravicy, malice, spitefulness, viciousness, perversity
opal m minr opal

opaliti' vt (opriti) singe, burn, scorch, parch; (sunce)

opaliti'' vt (puku itd.) discharge, fire off, shoot;
(udariti) strike, slap, thwack, smite / vi (puka itd.)
go off, discharge
opalni adj minr & fig opal, opaline, opal-like
opaljen pp burnt; (suncem) sunburnt, tanned; (opren)
scorched, singed, parched, cauterized
opaljenost f (preplanulost) tan
opameen adj grown wiser
opametiti vt make wiser, teach one a lesson, bring to
reason, bring to one's senses
opametiti se vr grow wiser, profit by a warning (lesson,
an event, unpleasant experience)
opanak m strapped softsoled footwear
opanar m opanak maker
opanarstvo n manufacture of opanci
opanjkati vt v. oklevetati, ogovarati
opao adj fallen (off); decreased itd. (v. opadati'')
oparati vt v. isparati
oparen pp scalded
opariti vt stearn; (dijelom prokuhati) parboil; (ofuriti)
opariti se vr get scalded; fig v. opei se
opasa m mil belt
opasan' adj dangerous, perilous, critical, unsafe, hazardous, risky, neck-breaking
opasan'' adj (pojasom) girdled, girt, belted; (konj itd.)
opasati vt gird, girdle, belt; girth; (okruiti) surround,
enclose, encircle, encompass, border; (pastuh, kobilu)
cover a mare
opasati se vr put a belt on, gird one's waist
opasivanje n successive girding (surrounding, encircling
opasivati vt v. opasati
opask|a f remark, observation; (biljeka) note, annotation, rubric; (tuma) comment, commentary | staviti
~u annotate; (pismeno) observe
opasno adv dangerously, perilously, hazardously, riskily
opasnost f danger, peril, risk, critical state, jeopardy,
hazard; (pogibeljnost) perilousness, riskiness | na
tvoju ~ at your peril (risk); izvan ~i out of danger;
safe; nema ~i there is no danger; izvri ~i endanger,
expose to danger (risk), jeopardize, imperil, hazard;
izvri se ~i run a (the) risk, take risks, (incur) take
the chances of risk, hazard, venture, run (incur) the
danger of -ing; (za drugoga) be a cat's paw; biti u ~i
be in danger, be endangered; have a close shave of it;
njegov je ivot u ~i his life hangs by a thread; uz
ivotnu ~ at the peril of one's life; jedva izmai ~i
escape by the skin of one's teeth; slutiti ~ smell the
opasti vi ('opasti) fall (off); decrease, be down
opasti vt (opsti) (paa) consume by grazing, graze off
opat m abbot
opatic|a f v. redovnica
opatiki adj v. redovniki
opatija f abbey

opatijski adj belonging to (of) an abbey

opatovina f abbot's prebend (benefice)
opatrnuti vi smite, whack, slap
opatski adj abbatial
opatstvo n abbacy
opauiti vt v. opatrnuti
opazi|ti vt (vidjeti) see, catch sight of, observe, perceive,
note, notice; (razaznati) discern, descry; (otkriti) discover, become aware of, become conscious of; (primijetiti) remark, make a remark, say, let fall a word,
make an observation, mention | nisam ~o it escaped
my notice, it has slipped my attention; morate ~ti
you cannot fail to observe
opaaj m psych & phil perception
opaajni adj perceptional, observational
opaanje n observation, observing, noticing, taking notice; perception; watching; (primjedba) remark,
opaati vt keep watching (noticing, perceiving itd.)
oparati vt v. oarati
opiniti vt v. oarati, zaarati
opedrutven adj national; social; all-society
opeljudski adj universally human, existential
openarodni adj nation-wide, national
openit adj v. opi
openito adv generally, commonly, in general; in general terms | ~ uzevi altogether, on the whole, in general, generally (broadly) speaking
openitost f generality, universality; prevalence, catholicity
openje n communication, intercourse | spolno ~ sexual
opeobrazovni adj general-education
op|i adj general, common, universal; (javni) public;
catholic | ~e dobro public good (welfare); ~a stvar
common cause; smisao za ~e dobro public spirit
opina f county district, (civil, rural) parish, commune;
(gradska) community, municipality, township
opinar m parishioner, member of a commune (community, municipality); (slubenik) municipal official
opinsk|i adj parish, communal, municipal | ~i panjak
common; ~i biljeznik civil parish clerk; ~i namet
parish rate, local rate; ~i izberi local elections; ~o
kupalite community swimming beach
opinstvo n arch v. javnost, publika
opiti vi associate with, hold intercourse, commune,
communicate with, mingle with; (intimno) be on intimate terms with, be on terms of friendship, cultivate
one's acquaintance; (spolno) have (engage in) sexual
intercourse, have sex on | ne opi ni s kim he keeps
himself to himself, (izbjegava drutvo) he shuns
opeen pp burnt; scorched; (suncem) sunburnt (v. opaljen)
opei vt burn, scorch
opei se vr get burned; fig burn one's fingers | tko se
jednom opee taj i na hladno pue a burned child
dreads fire
opeglati vt iron out (v. ispeglati)

opek|a f (fire-baked) brick; (na suncu suena) sun-dried

brick, adobe | pe za ~u brick-kiln; izraiva ~e
brick-maker, brick-burner; pocaklena ~a glazed
brick (tile); vatrostalna ~a fire-brick, refractory
brick; amotna ~a fireclay brick
opekar m brick-maker, brick- burner
opeklin|a f burn, scald, scorched place (wound) | zadobiti ~e suffer burns
opekotina f v. opeklina
opelo n Orth & fig v. opijelo
opepeliti se vr sprinkle oneself with ashes
opera f mus opera; (zgrada) opera-house | aljiva ~
comic opera
operabilan adj med operable
operabilnost f med operability
operacij|a f med operation, surgery; (posao) financial
transaction; (vojna) operation, movement of troops
(ships) | med podvrgnuti se ~i undergo surgery, undergo an operation
operacijski adj operational, operations
operacion|i adj | med ~a sala operating theatre (A theater), operating room
operater m med & DP operator; v. kino-operater
operativa f executive organs (body, level)
operativ|an adj operative; mil & fig operational | med
~ni zahvat surgery; ~nim putem surgically
operativno adv mil & fig operationally; med surgically
opereta f mus operetta
operetni adj operetta(-like)
operira|ti vt med perform an operation, operate (up)on;
mil operate; (sluiti se neim) operate with, use | biti
~n be operated (up)on, undergo an operation, undergo surgery; ~li su mu krajnike he had his tonsils
removed, his tonsils were removed
opernatiti se vr become fledged
operni adj operatic | ~ pjeva (pjevaica) operatic
operuanje n fleecing, plucking; (cijenom) overcharge;
(kritikom) severe criticism; (grdnjom) scolding
operuati vt pluck, fleece; (cijenom) overcharge; (kritikom) pick to pieces, criticize severely; (izgrditi)
scold, send one away with a flea in one's ear, haul
over the fire
opet adv again, anew, once more, repeatedly, another
time, a second time, afresh; re- | ~ se pojaviti reappear; ~ se latiti resume; ~ pooniti (pojaati, pokriti) re-sole (re-enforce, re-cover); a taj ~ (sa svoje
strane) he in turn...
opetovan adj repeated, done repeatedly, done again
opetovano adv repeatedly, again and again, over and
over again, time after time, often, anew, afresh
opetovanje n repetition; (nauenoga) revision; (rijei)
reiteration; revival
opetovati vt repeat, reiterate; (naueno) revise, rub up;
(za nekim) reproduce; (napamet) rehearse; reecho;
ring the changes
opetovni adj repeating; revision
ophod m procession; (sjajan) pageant, show

ophoditi vt (molei) go about soliciting; go one's rounds

ophoditi se vr communicate (v. ponaati se)
ophodnja f mil v. patrola
ophoenje n going one's rounds (beat); (openje) communication (v. ponaanje)
ophrvati vt v. svladati
opij m med v. opijum
opijanje n regular intoxication, guzzling, boozing
opijat m med opiate
opijati vt make drunk; (i fig) intoxicate
opijati se vr deep, guzzle, tipple, booze; (i fig) become
opijelo n funeral service; dirge; requiem
opijen adj fig intoxicated
opijenost f fig intoxication
opijevati vt chant, sing a dirge; (sveano u crkvi) celebrate; lament
opijum m med opium
opijumski adj med opium
opip m (sense of) touch
opiljci m pl v. pilovina
opipan pp fumbled (felt, touched) all over
opipati vt feel (touch) all over, handle, fumble, finger,
palpate, examine by feeling
opipavanje n feeling (fingering, touching) all over; examination by feeling (touching, fumbling); palpation
opipavati vt v. opipati
opipljiv adj palpable, tangible
opipljivo adv tangibly, palpably
opipljivost f palpability, tangibility
opiranje n resisting, resistance, opposition (v. otpor)
opirati se vr resist, oppose, withstand, make a head
(stand) against, kick against; (divlja u lovu) stand at
bay; strive (struggle) against, make headway against;
(struji) stem (breast) the waves
opis m description; (izvjetaj) account, narrative, narration, report; (prikaz) statement, representation; (ocrt)
delineation; (oznaka) designation; (slika) picture,
portrayal, sketch; (potanji) specification; (drugim rijeima) circumlocution, paraphrase; geom circumscription | iv ~ graphic description
opisan pp described, delineated, sketched; (drugim rijeima) paraphrased
opisati vt describe, depict, give an account of, delineate,
picture, paint; relate, state; define, detail; represent,
portray; paraphrase; geom circumscribe | to se ne da
~ this beggars all description, this is indescribable
opisiva m describer, delineator
opisivanje n v. opis
opisivati vt v. opisati
opismeniti vt make literate, teach how to read and write
opismeniti se vr become literate, learn how to read and
opismenjavanj|e n making (becoming) literate; spread of
literacy | teaj (kampanija) ~a literacy course (drive)
opisni adj descriptive
opit m v. pokus
opiti vt make drunk, intoxicate one

opiti se vr get drunk (tipsy)

opjevati vt celebrate in verse; praise in song
opklada f v. oklada
opkladiti se vr v. okladiti se
opkoliti vt surround, encircle, ring, encompas; (tvravu)
invest, besiege, lay siege to; block up (in), round up,
shut up; blockade
opkoljavanje n v. opkoljenje
opkoljavati vt v. opkoliti
opkoljen pp surrounded, encircled, encompassed;
rounded up, blockaded
opkoljenje n surrounding, encompassment, round-up,
opkop m trench, ditch, entrenchment; fosse
opkopar m mil pioneer
opkoparski adj mil pioneer
opkopati vt surround with a ditch (trench); dig a trench
round, entrench; (biljku) earth (mould) up, hoe up
opkopavanje n surrounding with a ditch (trench); (biljke) hoeing (earthing, moulding) up
opkopavati vt v. opkopati
opkoraiti vt straddle, sit astraddle, mount, get on
oplaen pp wainscoted, lined with boards; (zid) weatherboarded
oplaivati vt v. oplatiti
oplakan pp lamented, mourned
oplakati vt lament, bewail, sorrow after, weep for, bemoan, mourn after
oplakivan pp v. oplakan
oplakivanje n mourning, lamenting, weeping for a dead
person, sorrowing after
oplakivati vt v. oplakati; (more) wash
oplata f wainscot, lining of boards (deals); (na vanjskim
zidovima) weather-boarding; panelling; (tesancem)
ashlaring; (daana za betoniranje) (board) form
oplatiti vt wainscot, panel, line (cover) with boards
(stone, sheets of iron itd.)
oplaziti vt crawl (creep) all over
opleak m bodice, chemisette
oplemeniti vt ennoble, make noble; (dati dostojanstvo)
dignity, exalt, elevate; (voku) engraft; (duh) engraft
(implant) noble principles in one's mind; (kovinu,
rudu) refine, enrich
oplemenjen pp ennobled
oplemenjivanje n ennobling; (voke) grafting
oplemenjivati vt v. oplemeniti
oplesti vt knit (plait) all round, surround with plait (border, lace, braid, galloon); (motati) twist (wind) round
(about); (ibljem) surround with wickerwork
opleten pp knitted all round; (ipkom) laced; plaited;
(ibljem) cased in wicker, wickered | ~a boca (mala)
flask; (velika) demijohn
oplijeniti vt rob, plunder, pillage, rifle, loot, maraud
oplijenjen pp plundered, looted, pillaged, rifled
oplijeviti vt weed
oplijevljen pp weeded
oplitanje n knitting (plaiting) an edge (border) with plait
(lace itd.)

oplitati vt knit, plait with plait (lace, braid, galloon,

oplivati vt swim round
oploiti vt panel, line with panels (stone, slabs itd.);
(keramikim ploicama) tile
oploivanje n panelling, lining with panels (stone, slabs
oploivati vt v. oploiti
oploditi vt fructify, fecundate, impregnate, fertilize;
(ribu) milt
oplodiv adj impregnable, fertilizable
oplodnja f v. oploenje | med & vet umjetna ~ artificial
oploen adj fertilized, fecundated, impregnated, fructified
oploenje n fecundation, fructification, impregnation,
oploivanje n v. oploenje
oploivati vt v. oploditi
oploje n geom superficial area, superficies pl
oploviti vt circumnavigate; (rt) double (a headland),
round (a cape)
oplovljen pp circumnavigated, doubled, rounded
oplovljivanje n circumnavigation, sailing round
opljakan pp rifled, plundered, pillaged, sacked, looted;
(banka) held up
opljakati vt plunder, sack, rifle, pillage, loot, ravage;
(banku) hold up
opna f membrane, film, pellicle, cuticle
opnast adj membranous, filmy
opnica f dim little (thin) membrane
opnokrilci m pl entom Hymenoptera
opoganiti vt foul, pollute, soil; desecrate, profane
opoganiti se vr foul (soil) oneself
opoganjen pp fouled, polluted, soiled; profaned
opoj|an adj intoxicating, narcotic, soporiferous, heady |
~no sredstvo narcotic, soporific, intoxicant, stupefying drink; sl dope
opojati vt Orth chant a funeral service
opojen pp drunk; (ushien) exultant, elated, jubilant,
opojenost f intoxicated (drunken, elated, exultant) state;
opojiti vt intoxicate, make drunk; sl dope
opojiti se vr become intoxicated
opojnost f intoxicating quality
opomena f warning, admonition, exhortation, reprimand, caution, lection, reminder, hint; (zbog duga)
dunning; ftb caution
opomenut pp warned, admonished, cautioned
opomenuti vt warn, admonish, exhort, remind; (koriti)
rebuke, reprimand; ftb caution
opominjanje n repeated warning (reminding, exhortation, admonition)
opominjati vt warn (admonish, exhort, remind) repeatedly
oponaanje n imitation, copying; (glupo, ropsko) aping,
apery; mimicking; zoo mimicry
oponaatelj m imitator

oponaati vt imitate, copy; do the like, do as others do;

(kretnjama, mimikom) mimic; (vjerno pogoditi) hit
off; caricature, counterfeit; (slijediti) follow, suit, ape,
take a leaf out of one's book
oponent m opponent (v. protivnik)
oponirati vi | ~ nekome oppose someone, disagree with
opor adj (hrapav) rough, unpolished, crude; (surov)
rude, rugged, harsh; (trpak, gorak) acrid, bitter, tart
oporavak m convalescence, recovery, mending, recuperation; revival
oporavilite n nursing-home, convalescent home (hospital); (mjesto) health resort
oporaviti se vr convalesce, recover, be restored to health,
recuperate, improve in health, mend, come round, recruit; (od straha) rally
oporavljanje n v. oporavak
oporavlj|ati se vr v. oporaviti se | on se ~a he is getting
better, he is on the mend
oporavljen adj restored to health, recuperated
oporavljenik m convalescent (person)
oporba f opposition
oporbenjak m oppositionist (v. opoziciona)
oporeciv adj controvertible, refutable, retractable, unsayable
oporeen pp retracted, recanted, revoked; (narudba)
oporei vt retract, unsay, recant, revoke, withdraw one's
words, disavow; (narubu) countermand
oporeknue n recantation, retraction, revocation, countermand
oporeziv adj taxable, assessable, liable (subject) to taxation, ratable; (nametom) excisable
oporezivanje n taxation
oporezivost f taxabihty, ratableness
oporezovanje n taxation; taxation rate
oporezovati vt tax, lay (impose) taxes (rates, duties itd.)
oporiti vt v. isparati
oporo adv harshly; tertly; roughly
oporost f crudity, roughness; hardness, harshness;
(trpkost) tartness, dryness, acerbity
oportun adj opportune
oportunist n opportunist
oportunistiki' adj opportunistic
oportunistiki'' adv opportunistically
oportunizam m opportunism
oportunost f oportuneness
oporuan adj testamentary, done (given, willed away,
bequeathed) by will
oporuitelj m testator, testate, maker of will, devisor,
legator, bequeather
oporuiteljica f testatrix
oporuiti vt leave by will, bequeath, devise, legate; (usmeno mornar na samrti) nuncupate
oporuno adv by will, testamentarily | ~ ostaviti v.
oporuiti; neto ~ ostavljeno bequest, legacy; onaj
kome je ~ ostavljeno legatee, device; ~ razbatiniti
(nita ne ostaviti) disinherit, cut off with a shilling

oporu|ka f (last) will, testament; (mornara, usmena)

nuncupative will | nainiti ~ku make one's last will;
umrijeti bez ~ke die intestate; umrijeti s ~kom die
testate; dodatak ~ci codicil; sjetiti se nekoga u ~ci
bequeath; opozvati ~ku revoke a will; sudom odobrena ~ka probate; odobriti ~ku (sud) prove a will;
izvriti ~ku administer upon (to) a will
oposum m zoo opossum, coll possum
opoteniti se vr (odrati obeanje) be as good as one's
word; (popraviti se) change course of life, mend one's
ways, live down (bad past)
opovri vt confute, refute, disprove, rebut, give the lie;
(nijekati) deny, contradict
opovrgavanje n v. opovrgnue
opovrgnue n refutation, refutal, rebuttal, confutation;
(nijekanje) denial, contradiction
opovrgnut adj refuted, disproved
opovrgnuti vt v. opovri
opovrziv adj refutable, disputable
opozicija f opposition, opposing party, resistance; hostility
opozicionar m fig oppositionist; pol opposition member
opoziciona m pol opposition member, oppositionist
opozicionatvo n pol oppositionism
opozicioni adj opposition, oppositional
opoziv' m revocation, recantation; repeal; (slubenika)
recall; (narube) countermand, cancelling
opoziv'' adj revocable
opozivanje n v. opoziv
opozivati vt v. opozvati
opozvan pp recanted, retracted; countermanded; called
back; (slubenik) recalled
opozvati vt revoke, recall, recant; repeal; retract; (narubu) cancel, countermand; (rijei) eat one's words;
(rjeenje) abate (quash) writ; call back
opran pp washed, rinsed, bathed; cleansed
oprasiti vt farrow, pig, bring forth pigs
oprasiti se vr farrow, pig
opraen pp dusted, powdered, sprinkled with dust (powder)
opraiti vt (ienje) dust, clear of dust; (posuti) sprinkle
with dust (powder); bot pollinate
opraivanje n (repeated) powdering (dusting); bot pollination
opraivati vt dust (powder, pollinate) repeatedly
opratanje n pardon(ing), forgiving; excusing; (na odlasku) leave-taking, parting, saying farewell
opratati vt (krivnju) forgive, pardon, indulge, excuse,
opratati se vr leave, take leave, part, bid farewell, bid
one adieu, make ones adieux, say goodbye, bid goodbye
oprati vt wash; lave, bathe; (sue) wash up (dishes);
(pod) scrub; (au) rinse
oprati se vr wash (oneself); perform one's ablutions
oprava f v. haljina
opravak m v. popravak
opravdan pp justified, warranted; legitimate; (isprian)
excused, vindicated

opravdano adv justly, rightly, with good reason

opravdanost f justifiableness, warrantableness, justifiability
opravdanje n apology, vindication, justification, plea,
excuse; (obrana) defense; sch v. isprinica
opravdati vt justify, warrant, vindicate, adduce plausible
grounds, exculpate; (od optube) clear from charge;
(izdatke) account for expenses
opravdati se vr apologize, vindicate oneself, exculpate
oneself, excuse oneself | to se ne da ~ inexcusable,
unwarrantable, unjustifiable; to se dade ~ excusable,
opravdavanje n v. opravdanje; (izdataka) accounting
for expenses
opravdavati (se) vt (vr) v. opravdati (se)
opravica f dim v. haljinica
opraviti vt v. popraviti, pokrpati; arch v. obaviti
opravka f v. popravak
opravljanje n performing, executing; discharging;
mending, repairing; v. popravtjanje, krpanje
opravnik m arch agent, head clerk, executive clerk
oprean adj contrary, opposite, converse, counter-; contradictory; antagonistic; adverse
opreno adv adversely, on the contirary, inversely
oprenost f the opposite, contrast, the reverse; contradiction, antagonism
opredijeliti vt set apart for; (namijeniti) appropriate (allot, assign) to, intend for, design for, earmark; determine, designate
opredijeiliti se vr make up one's mind, come to a resolution, decide on (for); take sides, commit oneself
opredijeljen pp set apart; appropriated (for), allotted
(assigned) to, intended for, designated for
opredjeljenje n taking sides, commitment; (namjenjivanje) appropriation, earmarking; designation; orientation
opredjeljivati vt v. opredijeliti
opre|ka f contrast, opposition, set-off, converse, antithesis, the contrary, contrariety | biti u ~ci clash with, be
in opposition to
oprema f outfit, equipage; accoutrements pl; equipment;
(enska) dowry, dower; (miraz) (marriage) portion,
trousseau; (knjige) get up; (ukrasna, konjska) trappings pl; (broda) tackle, rigging
oprema m outfitter, furnisher, purveyor; (broda) shipchandler
opremanje n fitting out, equipping
opremati vt v. opremiti
opremiti vt fit out; equip; (orujem) arm; (ljudima) man;
(zalihama) provide (furnish) with; (jedrima) rig out
(up); (knjigu) get up
opremiti se vr equip oneself
opremljen pp fitted out, furnished, equipped with,
rigged | luksuzno ~a knjiga lavishly produced book
opremni adj having to do with equipping (furnishing
opresija f oppression (v. tlaenje, podjarmljivanje)
opresivan adj oppressive; fig suffocating
opresti vt spin (a quantity); finish spinning

oprez m caution, cautiousness; (mjera) precaution;

(panja) care, heedfulness; (budnost) watchfulness,
vigilance, guard, wariness, circumspection; prudence,
foresight | budi na ~u! beware!; ne biti na ~u be off
one's guard; biti na ~u be on one's guard; iznenadio
sam ga kada nije bio na ~u I caught him napping, I
caught him off his guard, I caught him unawares;
mjere ~a cautionary measures
oprezan adj cautious, wary, guarded; (budan) watchful,
vigilant, on one's guard; (paljiv) careful; circumspective | biti ~ be careful (cautious), take care, use
precaution; budi ~! (uvaj se) beware of...!
oprezno adj carefully, cautiously, guardedly, warily,
circumspectly | ~! careful!, watch out!
opreznost f v. oprez
oprijeti se vr resist, oppose (v. opirati se)
oproban pp v. iskusan
oprosni adj v. oprotajni
oprost m (oprotenje) pardon, remission, indulgence;
absolution, dispensation; excuse; RC indulgence
oprostit|i vt pardon, remit, dispense, excuse, forgive;
(kao iznimku) grant exemption (indulgence); (razrijeiti) absolve | ~e! I am sorry (for it)!, excuse me,
please!, I beg our pardon!
oprostiti se vr say (bid) farewell, make (take) one' adieu |
otii ne oprostivi se take French leave
oprostiv adj pardonable, excusable, remissible, forgivable
oprotaj m parting, leave-taking | aa na ~u stirrup-cup
oprotajni adj valedictory, parting, leaving | ~ objed
(banket) farewell dinner
oproten pp forgiven, pardoned, excused
oprotenje n pardon, dispensation; (izuzetak) exemption;
amnesty | moliti ~ ask to be forgiven, apologize;
molim ~ I apologize, I beg your pardon!, I am sorry!;
izmoliti ~ beg oneself off
oprnjak m (siperak, partihla, bavarin) bib, B+ feeder
oprtiti vt burden
opruga f spring
opruiti vt release a spring (something tense, bent,
drawn tight)
opruiti se vr v. pruiti se
opren pp burnt, scorched, singed, roasted; scalded;
(suncem) tanned
oprina f burn, scald
opriti vt burn, scorch, singe, roast; (sunce) tan
opriti se vr get burned
opsad|a f siege; (s mora) blockade; (tvrave) investment
| izdrati ~u stand a siege; dii ~u raise the siege;
poeti ~u lay siege to; probiti ~u (s mora) run the
opsadn|i adj siege, besieging | ~o stanje state of siege;
proglasiti ~o stanje (nad gradom) proclaim a town
(place) under legal restriction
opscen adj obscene
opscenost f obscenity
opseg m volume; scope; magnitude; rate
opsegnuti vt v. opsezati
opservator m observer

opservatorij m observatory
opservirati vt observe
opsesija f obsession
opsesivan adj obsessive
opsesivnost f obsessiveness
opsezati vt embrace, include (v. obuhvaati)
opsean adj comprehensive, ample, extensive, largescale
opseno adv comprehensively
opsenost f extensiveness, ampleness, comprehensiveness
opsidijan m minr obsidian
opsijecanje n (stabla) polling, pruning; (grede) trimming, squaring, hewing, dressing
opsijecati vt keep lopping (cutting) (branches); keep
squaring (dressing) timber logs
opsjei vt lop off (branches); (optesati) dress (square,
hew) timber, cut into shape
opsjeda m besieger
opsjedanje n siege, investment (v. opsada)
opsjedatelj m besieger
opsjedati vt besiege, lay siege to, invest
opsjednut adj besieged, beset; (vragom) possessed by the
devil (demon, evil spirit); (milju) possessed by a
fixed idea (monomania)
opsjednu|ti vt v. opsjedati | vrag (zloduh) ga je ~o he is
possessed by the devil (evil spirit, demon); ideja ga
je ~la he is possessed by (with) a fixed idea
opsjena f illusion, delusion, deception; humbug, sham,
deceit, pretence; misleading (deceptive) appearance
(idea, conception), false show
opsjenar m illusionist (v. maionicar); deceiver, pretender (v. varalica)
opsjenarski adj illusionist; deceiving
opsjeniti vt illude, delude, make-believe; (obmanuti,
prevariti) deceive, beguile; humbug; (zablijetiti)
blind, dazzle
opsjenjivanje n constant deluding (deceiving) (v.
opsjenjivati vt v. opsjeniti
opsjesti vt v. opsjednuti
opskakivati m jump around
opskrba f (uzdravanje) maintenance, sustenance, keep;
(stan i hrana) board and lodging; (ive) provision,
provisioning; mil ordnance | plaa i cijela ~ pay
(wages) and all found
opskrbiti vi provide with (for), supply (furnish) with,
secure maintenance, make provision for; support,
maintain; (odjeom) keep (find) one in clothes;
(opremiti) fit out, equip with, stock with
opskrbiti se vr stock with; supply oneself
opskrbljen pp provided for, supplied with; suffering no
opskrbljivanje n v. opskrba
opskrbljivati vt v. opskrbiti
opskrbni adj dealing with (pertaining to) provisions
(maintenance, supplying, catering itd.) | ~ odio vojske commissariat

opskrbnik m provider, supplier, caterer, furnisher;

(ustanove, broda) purser, bursar
opskrbnina f board and lodging charge; upkeep costs
opskrbljenost f being supplied; supply level
opskuran adj obscure
opskurant m obscurant(ist)
okskurantizam m obscurantism
opskurnost f obscurity
opsovati vt utter a curse (oath) against, blaspheme;
curse, swear; (grditi) scold, call names
opstan|ak m existence, subsistence; life; (trajanje) continuance; duration | tu mi nema ~ka I cannot abide
(stay) here any longer; borba za ~ struggle for survival
opstati vi exist, live, abide, subsist; (podnijeti) stand,
endure, bear, suffer, hold out, sustain, weather | tu se
ne da ~ it is beyond bearing (endurance); kraj njega
se ne moe ~ there is no bearing with him
opstetriar m med obstetrician
opstetriki adj med obstetric
opstetrika f med obstetrics
opstipacija f med constipation
opstipiran adj med constipated
opstojanje n existence
opstojati vi exist, be; (vladati) obtain, be prevalent;
(bivovati) be actual (real, existent)
opstojei adj existing, that is, prevalent, obtaining; existent
opstojnost f v. postojanje, okolnost, injenica; continuity
opstrii vt shear (clip) all round
opstruirati vt obstruct; A par filibuster
opstrukcija f obstruction
opav m braiding, bordering, trimming ; (volan) flounce
opiran adj circumstantial, minute, detailed, extensive;
(rjeit) verbose, prolix, long-winded, diffuse; (nairoko) at full (great) length
opirno adv circumstantially, at full (great) length, in
detail, amply, fully | ~ izlagati elaborate upon
opirnost f extensiveness, circumstantiality, diffuseness,
long-windedness; prolixity
opiti vt hem in, border, trim with, flounce; (potplat)
welt; (ipkom) lace; (trakama filca) list; stitch up,
sew up
opivanje n hemming in, trimming, bordering
opivati vt v. opiti
opte- v. opeoptenje n v. openje
opti adj v. opi, openit
optina f v. opina
optinski adj v. opinski | ~ djelovoa v. opinski biljeznik
optiti vi v. opiti
optost f v. openitost
optakati vt v. optoiti
optant m optant
optativ m gram optative
optativni adj gram optative

optereen adj loaded, laden; (dugom) encumbered, embarrassed, saddled, burdened, weighted, charged;
(zaprekom) handicapped
optereenje n burdening, burden, charge, weight, load,
loading, lading, saddling with; encumbrance; (jelom)
surfeit; (zadaom) taxing; (zapreka) handicap;
(krcanje) freighting | najvee doputeno ~ maximum
optereivanje n v. optereenje
optereivati vt v. opteretiti
opteretiti vt load, lade, burden, charge; fig strain, put a
strain on, place a burden on; (krcanjem) freight;
(sile) tax; (dugom) encumber, burden with debt;
(jelom) overfeed, surfeit; (zaprekom) handicap
opteretiti se vr burden (encumber) oneself
optesan pp hewn (dressed, trimmed) timber (stone)
optesati vt hew (dress, trim) wood (stone)
opticaj m circulation (v. kolanje) | staviti u ~ put into
circulation; povui iz ~a withdraw from circulation
optiar m optician
optiki' adj optical; med ophthalmic
optiki'' adv optically
optika f optics pl; collect optics
optikus m anat v. oni ivac
optimalan adj optimum, optimal
optimist m optimist
optimistian adj optimistic (u pogledu over)
optimistiki adv optimistically | ~ gledati na take a
bright view of
optimizam m optimism | pretjerani ~ over-optimism
optimum m optimum
optirati vi opt (for)
optjecaj m v. opticaj
optjecanje n circulation (streaming, flowing) round
optjecati vt & vi circulate, stream (flow) round
optoen pp mounted (fitted) in gold itd., set with;
(rubom) trimmed; (ipkama) laced
optoiti vt mount a diamond; (rubom) trim
optok m circulation
optrati vt run round, run all over
optub|a f accusation, charge; indictment; (potvora) imputation; arraignment, impeachment; information
against; (na sudu) prosecution | iznijeti (odbaciti) ~u
make (repudiate) an accusation; povui ~u drop
charges; pod ~om on charges
optuen pp accused, charged with, arraigned
optueni m jur the accused, defendant, offender
optuenica f accused woman; (rastava braka) respondent
optuenik m v. optueni
optuitelj m accuser, prosecutor, plaintiff
optuiti vt accuse, bring an accusation against a person,
charge with, indict, sue, arraign, impute, impeach;
(sud) prosecute; denounce; (douiti) inform against,
delate; (kriviti) lay (lie) at another's door
optuiti se vr accuse oneself
optuiv adj accusable
optuivanje n repeated accusations
optuivati vt accuse repeatedly

optuivati se vr accuse each other (one another), make

mutual accusations
optuni adj accusatory
optunic|a f bill of indictment; plaintiff's statement of
fact | podii ~u bring charges (against), arraign
opulentan adj opulent
opulentnost f opulence
opunomoen pp authorized
opunomoenica f authorized woman
opunomoenik m authorized person, attorney, plenipotentiary; (zastupnik) representative, agent, delegate;
commissioner; factotum
opunomoenje n authorization
opunomoitelj m constituent, giver of (delegated) authority (commission, power of attorney)
opunomoiti vt give power of attorney, authorize, empower; commission one to do; depute, delegate
opus m mus opus; fig work
opustio adj deserted, desolate, uninhabited; (samotan)
opustiti vt relax, slacken; v. objesiti, spustiti
opustiti se vr relax, unwind, loosen up, let down one's
opustjelost f deserted (desolate) quality, desolation
opustjeti vi grow (become) desolate (deserted, depopulated, a waste)
opustoen pp devastated, laid waste, plundered, pillaged,
opustoenost f being devastated, devastated quality, devastation
opustoenje n devastation, ravage, laying waste; destruction, ruin, havoc, demolition, desolation, annihilation
opustoitelj m devastator, ravager; plunderer
opustoiti vt lay waste, devastate, ravage, havoc; desolate; ruin; (opljakati) loot, plunder
opuak m (cigarette) butt
oputen adj fig relaxed, unwound; v. objeen, sputen
oputa f strap; string (lace) for shoes (boot-wear)
oracija f oration
ora m ploughman ; tiller ; cultivator
oraica f plough-woman
oraki adj used by a ploughman (in ploughing)
orai adj fit for ploughing, used for ploughing; (tlo) arable, tillable, ploughable
orada f ichth v. podlanica
orah m walnut; (stablo) walnut-tree | fig tvrd ~ a tough
nut to crack; drobiti ~e crack nuts
orahnjaa f cul walnut loaf
orahov adj of a (wal)nut, walnut | ~a ljuska walnut-shell
orahovina f walnut-wood
orakul m oracle
oralan adj oral
oralno adv orally
oran' pp ploughed
oran'' adj willing, eager
orangutan m zoo orang-outang
orangutanski adj fig ape-like
oranica f plough-land, plough-field, arable land
oran m orange (colour)

oranada f (umjetna) orangeade, orange drink

(pjenuava B orange soda, A orange pop); (prirodna)
v. naranin sok
oranje n ploughing, tillage; cultivation of land
orao m eagle; (mladi) eaglet
orar(ij) m v. raspored sati, satnica, vozni red
orai m (mirodija) nutmeg
orati vt plough
orator m orator
oratorij m mus oratorio
oratorski adj oratorical
orbit|a f astr | izbaciti satelit u ~u oko zemlje put a satellite into orbit
orden m v. odlikovanje
ordinacija f B consulting room, surgery; A doctor's office
ordinaran adj ordinary; vulgar
ordinarius m med senior doctor
ordinarnost f ordinariness; vulgarity
ordinata f math ordinate
ordinir|ati vi receive patients | doktor ~a od 9-11 surgery (A office) hours are 9-11
ordonanc m mil & hist orderly
orehnjaa f v. orahnjaa
orenje n echoing, re-echoing
oreol m v. aureola
Orest m myth Orestes
Orfej m myth Orpheus
organ m organ, part of body; (glas) voice; (novine,
glasilo) party newspaper | ~i vlasti authorities; policijski ~i law-enforcement officers
organ|ac m barrel-organ | svira ~ca organ-grinder
organdi m text organdy
organiki adj v. organski
organist m mus organ player
organizacija f organization; arrangements pl | radna ~
firm, company, employer
organizacioni adj organizational, organization; organizing
organizam m organism
organizator m organizer; sponsor; DP system analyst
organizatorski adj organizer's, organizing
organiziran pp organized, arranged, sponsored | ~i lan
(stranke) card-carrying member
organizirano adv in an organized manner, on an organized basis
organiziranost f being organized; level of organization
organiziranje n arrangements pl
organizirati vt organize, arrange, sponsor; fig stage,
organizirati se vr become organized
organski' adj organic; fig visceral
organski'' adv organically; fig viscerally
orgazam m med orgasm | doivjeti ~ experience orgasm,
have (reach) a climax, tab come
orgija f orgy, carousal, revelry, debauchery, drinkingbout
orgijati vi take part in an orgy, engage in orgies
orguljanje n playing on the organ

orgulja m organist
orguljati vt play (on) the organ
orgulj|e f pl (church-)organ | cijev ~a organ-pipe, organstop; kor ~a organ-loft
orhan m ichth yellowtail
orhideja f bot orchid
oribati vt scrub (off)
original m original; archetype; (udak) eccentric person,
originalan adj original, genuine; first-hand; (domiljat)
inventive, novel
originalno adv originally
originalnost f originality
orija m giant, colossus
orijaki adj gigantic, colossal, enormous, huge, herculean; vast, immense
orijent m orient, east
orijentacij|a f orientation | izgubiti ~u become disoriented, lose one's bearings; fig ~a na concentration on,
commitment to, pursuit of, adoptation of; profesionalna ~a vocational guidance
orijentacioni adj sketchy orientation, orientational; fig
rough, in outline
orijentaciono adv fig in outline, sketchily
orijentalac m Oriental
orijentalan adj oriental, eastern, east
orijentalist m ling Orientalist
orijentalistik|a f Oriental studies | univ odsjek za ~u
department of Oriental studies
orijentir m mil landmark
orijentiranje n orientation
orijentirati vt orient, A+ orientate | fig ~ na gear (commit) to, concentrate on
orijentirati se vr orientate oneself, find one's position
(bearings) | fig ~ na centre (concentrate) on, gear
(commit) to, put on a course
Orion m astr the Hunter; myth Orion
oriti se vr echo, re-echo, reverberate, resound
orkan n hurricane
orkanski adj | ~ vjetar gale-force wind
orkestar m orchestra | simfonijski (komorni) ~ symphony (chamber) orchestra; plesni ~ dance band
orkestracija f mus orchestration
orkestralan adj orchestral
orkestrirati vt mus & fig orchestrate
orli m dim eaglet, young eagle
orlon m text orlon
orlov adj eagle's | ~o gnijezdo eyrie, eyry, aery, aerie
orlovski adj eagle, aquiline, eagle-like
orm|a f harness, gear; (ukrasna) trappings pl | staviti ~e
orman m v. ormar
ormar m (za odijela) wardrobe; (nizak, za rublje) chest
of drawers, press, commode; (s policama) cupboard;
closet; (za knjige) book-case; (ugraeni) B fitted cupboard, A closet | pretinac ~a drawer; razvodni ~ distribution board

ormari m dim small wardrobe, cabinet; (garderobni)

locker; (noni) bedside cabinet; (za higijenske potreptine) medicine cabinet
ornament m ornament | ukraen ~ima ornamented
ornamentalan adj ornamental
ornamentalist m ornamentalist
ornamentika f art (skill) of ornamentation; collect ornaments
ornamentirati vt ornament
ornat m eccl & hist robes pl
ornitolog m ornithologist
ornitologija f ornithology
ornitoloki adj ornithological
orobiti vt plunder, pillage, rob, loot
orobljen pp robbed, plundered
oroen adj fin | ~i raun term (time) account
oroditi se vr become relatives (by marriage); (ue) become inlaws
oronulost f decrepitude, dilapidated condition
oronuo adj (osoba) decrepit, feeble, dilapidated;
(zgrada) dilapidated, run-down
oronuti vi become decrepit (dilapidated, run-down)
orositi vt bedew
orositi se vr be covered with dew
oroen pp bedewed, besprinkled
oroz m cock, rooster; (puke) v. okida
ortaenje n partnership; association; abetting
ortaiti vi be associate with, be ones partner (companion); (u zlu) be one's accomplice; aid and abet
ortak m associate, companion, partner; (u zlu) accomplice; abettor
ortakluk m Tur v. kompanjonstvo; (u zloinu) complicity
ortodoksam adj orthodox
ortodoksnost f orthodoxy
ortografija f spelling, orthography
ortografski adj spelling, orthographic
ortoped m med orthopedic surgeon, orthopedist
ortopedija f med orthopedics, orthopedic surgery
ortopedsk|i adj med orthopedic | ~a cipela orthoyedic
shoe (boot)
oruar m maker of tools
orue n tools pl, implements pl, instruments pl; (pribor)
kit, gear; fig tool, cat's-paw; v. top
orutaviti vi become hairy (shaggy)
oruan adj v. naoruan | ~e snage armed forces
oruana f armory, arsenal
oruar m armourer
oruarnica f armourer's shop
oruj|e n arms pl, weapons pl, armature; (bojno) side
arms; (vatreno) fire-arms; (hladno) cold steel; (lako)
small arms | poloiti ~e lay down arms; pozvati pod
~e call out; bez ~a unarmed, weaponless, bare
handed; narod pod ~em nation in arms
oruni adj dealing with (pertaining to) arms | ~ list permit (licence) to carry arms
oruzniki adj of (belonging to) a gendarme
orunik m gendarme
orunitvo n gendarmerie, force of gendarmes

os f geom axis; (kotaa) axle, axle-tree, shaft; arbor,

osa' f ent wasp (v. osinji)
osa'' f v. os, osovina
osakaen pp mutilated, crippled, mangled, deformed,
osakaenje n mutilation, crippling, maiming
osakatiti vt mutilate, maim, mangle, cripple, lame, invalid
osakatiti se vr mutilate oneself, get mutilated
osam num eight | ~dana a week; danas ~ dana unaprijed (unatrag) to-day (this day) week
osama f isolation, solitude, solitariness, loneliness, seclusion, privacy, retirement
osamaren pp saddled with a packsaddle
osamariti vt saddle with a packsaddle
osamdeset num eighty
osamdeseti adj the eightieth | ~h godina in he eighties
osamdesetogodinjak m octogenarian
osamdesetogodinji adj octogenarian
osamiti vt isolate; quarantine
osamiti se vr live an isolated (retired, secluded) life
osamljen adj isolated; lonely, solitary, sequestered, recluse, secluded, out-of-the-way, retired; (rijedak) sporadic; (tu i tamo poneki u drugom mnotvu) with a
sprinkling of...
osamljeno adv | ~ ivjeti live in seclusion
osamljenost f solitude, solitariness, loneliness, seclusion
osamljenje n isolation, seclusion
osamnaest num eighteen
osamnaestero num eighteen persons
osamnaesti adj the eighteenth
osamnaestorica num eighteen persons
osamsatni adj eight-hour
osamsto num eight hundred
osamstoti num the eight hundredth
osapunati vt v. nasapunati
osavremeniti vt v. osuvremeniti
oscilacija f phys oscillation; fig fluctuation, oscillation
oscilator m phys & el oscillator
oscilirati vi phys oscillate; fig oscillate, fluctuate, swing
back and forth
oscilograf m phys oscillograph
oscilogram m phys oscillogram
osciloskop m phys oscilloscope
osebima f v. osobina
osebujan adj peculiar, particular; (poseban) separate,
distinctive, distinct; (udan) singular, odd, strange,
queer, quaint, rare; (vlastit) proper; (znaajan) distinctive, characteristic
osebujno adv peculiarly, singularly, oddly, quaintly,
osebujnost f peculiarity, singularity, characteristic; peculiar quality (trait, property, mark); originality, queerness, strangeness, quaintness
osedlan pp saddled
osedlati vt saddle
osek|a f flow tide, ebb-tide, ebb, low water | za vrijeme
~e at low tide

oseknuti se vr v. useknuti se
osigura m el fuse | pregorio je ~ a (the) fuse has blown
osiguran pp insured, covered; (zatien) secured, made
safe; certain
osiguranik m the insured (person); policyholder
osiguranje n insurance; assurance; under writing business; (mjere, agenti) security | drutvo za ~ insurance company (office); ivotno ~ life insurance; ~
protiv vatre fire insurance; ~ za starost old age insurance; ~ protiv nezgoda accidence insurance; socijalno ~ national health service, social service, social
security; ~ vjermosti fidelity (guarantee) insurance;
polica za ~ premium, policy, (privremena) slip; ponovno ~ re-insurance
osiguratelj m insurer, underwriter
osigurati vt (policom) insure (ensure), underwrite, cover;
(ponovo) reinsure; (uspjeh) insure success, make sure
of; secure, provide for, safeguard; (materijalno) make
provisions for, secure maintenance
osigurati se vr (policom) take out a policy, insure oneself, cover oneself; (protiv) guard against; (uvjeriti
se) make sure, ascertain; (materijalno) make provisions for oneself, look atter oneself
osigurava m v. osiguratelj
osiguravaju|i adj | ~e drutvo insurance company;
agent ~eg drutva insurance agent, A+ insurance
osiguravanje n insuring, securing, making sure, safeguarding
osiguravati (se) vt (vr) v. osigurati (se)
osigurnina f insurance-money, premium
osijedjeti vi grow (become) grey
osiliti se vr become (grow) strong (powerful, oppressive,
osim prep (povrh) besides, apart from, moreover;
(izuzevi) except, save, barring, excepted, excepting;
(bez) excludively, without; (ne ukljivi) not including (counting, counted), excluding | ~ da only if,
should + subject + verb; nita ~ nothing but; nita ~
da platim nothing short of my paying; ~ ako unless;
~ toga (u isti mah) at the same time, withal; (povrh)
to boot over and above, into the bargain; in addition
osinjak m wasp nest, vespiary | dirnuti u ~ stir up a hornet's nest
osinji adj a wasp's, wasp, vespine
osion adj v. arogantan, nasilan
osip m med rash, eruption, eczema
osipanje n fall; fig waste, drift, dropping out
osipati se vr fall, come off, come down; fig fall off, drop
osiromaen adj impoverished, become poor (indigent,
needy), stricken with poverty | posvema ~ poor as a
church mouse
osiromaenje n impoverishment
osiromaiti vi become (get) poor, be reduced to poverty
(pauperism), come (be brought) upon the parish / vt
impoverish, pauperize, make poor
osirotjeti vi lose one's parents, be left an orphan
osje n (itarica) awn, beard

osjeaj m feeling, sensation, sense, affection, emotion,

impression, sentiment; perception; (jak) keen sensation | bez ~a insensible, unfeeling; (miran) impassive; (hladan) apathetic, cold; (debelokoan) callous,
dead to, thick-skinned; (okrutan) hard, hard-hearted
osjeajan adj feeling, compassionate; sensitive; sentimental, sweet
osjeajno adj with feeling; sensitively; sentimentally
osjeajnost f delicacy of feeling, sensibility, susceptibility; (dojmljivost) impressionability, impressibility
osjean adj felt; (duboko) keenly-felt
osjeanje n feeling, sensation (v. osjeaj)
osjea|ti vt feel, sense, have the sensation, be aware of,
be alive to, be conscious of, be sensible of, be affected
(impressed) with, be susceptible of, have the sense
(sensation); experience; (bol, alac) smart; (do iva)
feel to the quick; (biti proet) be pervaded with | ~m
bolno (pee me) it rankles in my breast; ne ~ti nita
be dead to, be insensible (insusceptible; unfeeling,
osjeati se vr (dobro) feel well; (loe) feel ill (poorly), be
osjeka f v. oseka
osjenati vt shade; (rafirati) hatch
osjenenje n shading; hatching
osjeniti vt shade; adumbrate
osjenjen pp shaded
osjenjenost f shaded quality
osjenjivanje n shading
osjenjivati vt v. osjeniti
osjet m sensation, perception, sense, feeling
osjetan adj sensory, sensorial; (primjetan, znatan) material, perceptible
osjetilo n organ of sense
osjetiti vt feel, sense, experience, have the sensation,
perceive, become aware (conscious, sensible); v. osjeati | to se moe ~ perceptible
osjetiti se vr v. osjeati se
osjetljiv adj sensitive, susceptible, delicate, easily affected (impressed), feeling; (izbirljiv) squeamish;
(razdraljiv) irritable; (na uvredu) fastidious, queasy,
particular, nice; touchy, resenting; (bolan) painful,
sore, thinskinned; (gubitak) grievous, severe; (na
dodir) tender; (ranjav) sore, raw | ~o mjesto sore
place (spot)
osjetljivo adv perceptibly; (jako) rather, (considerably)
painfully, severely
osjetljivost f sensibility, susceptibility, sensitiveness;
(izbirljivost) fastidiousness, squeamishness, touchiness; (razdraljivost) irritability; (njenost) tenderness
osjetno adv markedly, substantially, appreciably
oskar m film Oscar
oskarovac m film Oscar winner
oskorua m (stablo) sorb, service-tree; (plod) sorb(apple), service(-berry)
oskrnaviti vt v. oskvrnuti
oskuben pp plucked, fleeced, stripped of hair (feathers)
oskubiti vt v. oskupsti

oskudan adj indigent, poor, necessitous, needy, shabby,

penurious, impecunious, straitened for, pressed for,
sparing; (mrav, nepotpun) scanty, meagre; (hrana)
frugal; (nedostatan) inadequate
oskudica, (siromatvo) poverty, indigence, distress, privation, straitened circumstances, penury; (nedovoljnost) dearth, famine, scantiness, lack of, want of; inadequacy
oskudijevati vi be without, lack, do without, be in want
of, be destitute (devoid, short) of; want, miss, live in
straitened circumstances, dispense with, make shift
without; suffer famine (dearth) | ~ u emu be in want
of something
oskudno adv poorly, sparingly, scantily, shabbily
oskudnost f scantiness, meagreness
oskultisati vt med v. auskultirati
oskupsti vt pluck, fleece; (cijenom) overcharge; (perje,
dlaku) strip of feathers (hair); poet displume
oskvrnitelj m desecrator; violator, ravisher, deflowerer
oskvrnue n (svetinje) profanation, desecration, prostitution; (silovanje) rape, violation, ravishment, defloration; (mrtvaca) necrophilia
oskvrnuti vt (svetinju) desecrate, profane, prostitute; v.
oskvrnjen pp profaned, desecrated, prostituted; violated,
oskvrnjenost f desecrated condition
oskvrnjivati vt v. oskvrnuti
oslabiti vt weaken, enfeeble, debilitate; impair, invalidate, emasculate, enervate; relax, prostrate
oslabjelost f v. oslabljenost
oslabjeti vi grow (become) weak (feeble, faint, enervated, slack, exhausted); slack, droop, languish;
(smraviti) lose flesh, grow thin (lean); collapse;
(smanjiti se) decline, fall off; (istroiti se) wear off;
(popustiti) slacken; (vjetar) abate; (zdravlje) break
oslabljen pp weakened, enfeebled, enervated, exhausted;
abated; relaxed, impaired
oslabljenost f weakened condition, enfeeblement, debilitation, enervation
oslabljenje n weakening, enfeeblement, prostration, debilitation, decrepitude, breakdown, enervation, exhaustion, collapse
osladiti vt sweeten, sugar, make sweet
osladiti se vr become sweet (attractive); eat something
oslaen adj sweetened, sugared
oslanjanje n relying on, falling back upon, confiding in
oslanjati se vr depend (rely) up(on), lean on (against),
build (count) upon, trust one, confide in; (utei se)
fall back upon; (predmnijevati) presume upon
oslar m ass-driver, donkey-driver
osli m ichth hake
oslijepiti vt blind; (iskopati oko) gouge out
oslijepiti se vr blind oneself
oslijepjeti vi become blind, lose sight
oslijepljen adj blinded, deprived of sight
oslijepljenje n blinding; loss of sight

oslikan pp illustrated, painted; painted all over, decorated with paintings; illuminated; storied
oslikati vt illustrate, paint all over; illuminate
oslinaviti vt beslaver, beslobber
oslobaanje n v. osloboenje
oslobaati vt v. osloboditi
oslobodilaki adj | ~ rat (pokret) liberation war
osloboditelj m iliberator, deliverer
oslobod|iti vt liberate, make free, free from, deliver; (iz
zatvora) set free, release, set at large; (ropstva)
emancipate, manumit; (od dunosti) exempt from,
dispense; (ispustiti) release; (zapeto, zamreno) disentangle, extricate, disengage; (otkvaiti) detach;
(zapreke, duga) disencumber; (opsade) raise the
siege, relieve; (neugodnosti) rid off | boe ~i! God
osloboditi se vr get rid of, get free, free (liberate) oneself; disentangle oneself; discard restraints (inhibitions), become bolder
osloboen adj freed, libereted, emancipated, delivered;
free (exempt) from; (od posljedica, kazne) scot-free
osloboenik m a freed (liberated) man, a man set free (at
osloboenje n liberation, delivery, deliverance; (ropstva)
manumission, emancipation; (oprost) exemption
oslon(ac) m support, backing, countenance; (potporanj)
stay, prop; (glavni) mainstay; (uporite) footing, foothold
osloniti se vr v. oslanjati se
osloviti vt address, accost; (buntovno) harangue, hold
forth; apostrophize; deliver (make) a speech
oslovljavanje n addressing, accosting
oslovljen pp addressed, accosted; apostrophized
oslukivanje n eavesdropping
oslukivati vt eavesdrop; (nauti) overhear; (nauliti ui)
prick one's ears; (napeto) harken
oslunuti vt v. oslukivati
Osmanlija m hist Osmanli, Ottoman
osmatra m v. promatra
osmatranica f v. promatranica
osmatrati vt v. promatrati
osmejak m v. osmijeh
osmejkivati se vr v. smijeiti se
osmerac m (stih) octosyllabic (verse); (amac) eights
osmero n eight persons
osmerokut m geom octagon
osmerokutan adj geom octagonal
osmerostruk adj eightfold, octuple
osmi num the eighth
osmica f figure of eight
osmij m chem osmium
osmijeh m smile
osmijevati se vr v. osmjehivati se
osmina f the eighth part
osminka f B quaver, A eighth note
osmisliti vt organize theoretically (intellectually); give
meaning to, make meaningful
osmjehivati se vr smile (nekome at); (podrugljivo) sneer

osmjehnuti se vr smile (at), give (one) a smile

osmjeliti se vr make so bold as, venture, take heart, take
(pluck up) courage, be on one's mettle, get encouraged (emboldened)
osmo adv in the eighth place, eightly
osmoasovni adj v. osamsatmi
osmodnevni adj eight day
osmogodinji adj eight-year | ~a kola eight-year elementary school
osmokratan adj octuple
osmoliti vt pitch, coat (smear) with pitch
osmoliti se vr become coated (smeared) with pitch
osmoljetka f v. osmogodinja kola
osmoljetni adj lasting eight years, recurring every eight
osmorica f eight (male) persons
osmokolac m eighth-grade (B eighth-form) pupil;
(maturant) B sixth-former, A high-school senior
osmotriti vt v. promotriti, razgledati
osmougao(nik) m geom v. osmerokut
osmoza f phys & pig osmosis
osmraditi vt soil, defile, befoul
osmrtnica f obituary, obituary notice, notice of death
osmuditi vt singe, scorch, burn
osmuditi se vr become singed (scorched, burned)
osnaen pp (jakost) strengthened; (oien) cleaned,
osnaiti vt (jakost) strengthen, fortify; (oistiti) clean,
cleanse; v. potvrditi
osniva m founder, establisher; (drutva) promoter,
floater; (stvoritelj) creator; (graditelj) architect,
builder; (pokreta, zaetnik) author, originator
osnivaki adj inaugural | ~ odbor incipient committee
osnivanje n founding, launching, laying the foundation
of; establiahment, institution; (dizanje) setting up;
creation; erection, planning
osnivati vt found, establish, institute, launch, start, lay
the foundation; set up; erect
osnivati se vr rest upon, be based (founded) on, be
grounded on, be derived from
osnov m v. osnova
osnov|a f (nacrt) ground-plan; (temelj) foundation; (poeci) elements pl; (rijei) stem, root; (tkanja) warp;
(baza) base, basis, groundwork; (naelo) principle;
(plan, namjera) design, plan; scheme, project, proposition | u ~i basically, essentially; at the basis (root)
of; iz ~e fundamentally, completely; na ~i on the basis of; in view of; na toj ~i on this basis; bez ~e
without foundation
osnovac m v. uenik osnovne kole
osnovan pp founded, established; (potkrijepljen) supported by
osnovano adv with good reason
osnovanost f well-foundedness, soundness
osnovati vt found, establish, institute, set up, lay the
foundations of; (dioniko drutvo) float, launch, start;
set on foot; create; organize
osnovica f geom base; v. osnova

osnovni adj (temeljni) elementary, fundamental, primary, bottom; (glavni) cardinal, radical, principal,
basal, basic; (bitan) essential; (u osnovi) underlying,
ground; (prvi) first; (glavni) main, chief
osnutak m v. osnivanje
osob|a f person, individual, personage, personality, character; (stranka) party | nepoznate ~e unknown persons; prikazivati se drugom ~om impersonate
osoben adj v. osebujan, osobit
osobenost f v. osebujnost, osobitost
osobenjak m crank, odd fellow, eccentric, character
osobina f distinctive trait (feature), characteristic, peculiarity, particularity, singularity, remarkable property;
(udna) oddity, queerness, quaintness; specialty
osobit adj (izvanredan) extraordinary; (napadan) striking, remarkable; (osebujan) peculiar, particular;
(naroit) special, distinct; (poseban, odjelit) separate,
detached; specific; (znaajan) significant; (udan)
strange, uncommon, queer, quaint | on nije ~ pjesnik
he is not much of a poet
osobito adv particularly, especially; (vrlo) exceedingly,
in a high degree, rather, much; (prije svega) before
all; (izriito) expressly; (napadno) strikingly
osobitosi f peculiarity itd. (v. osobina)
osoblje n personnel, staff, employees pl, crew
osobn|i adj personal, private, individual, subjective;
(vlasnitvo) personal, for one's own use, proper | ~i
vlak passenger train, parliamentary train; ~i automobil passenger car; ~a imovina (pokretna) chattels
osobno adv personally, in person
osobnost f personality, individuality
osokoliti vt encourage, embolden, inspire courage, make
bold; (raspaliti) kindle
osokoliti se vr become encouraged (emboldened)
osokoljen pp emboldened, encouraged, put on one's mettle
osoliti vt salt, pickle, season with salt; (u rasolu) corn
osoljen pp salted, cured with salt, corned
osoran adj gruff, rude, curt, harsh, brusque; abrupt,
rough, bluff, snappish; uncivil; (zlovoljan) crabbed,
tart, crusty
osorno adv gruffly, brusquely, snappishly
osornost f gruffness, harshness, rudeness, brusqueness,
snappishness; bluffness
osovina f geom & fig axis; (kotaa) axle; shaft | mot
prednja (stranja) ~ front (rear) axle; mot bregasta
~ camshaft
osovinsk|i adj axial | hist ~e snage Axis forces
osoviti vt raise (set) upright, right, put on end
osoviti se vr (sjedenje) sit bolt upright, straighten oneself; (okomiti se na) dare (defy) one
osovljen pp (okomit) perpendicular, vertical; (strm)
sheer, plumb; (postavljen) righted, put on end, raised
ospa f v. osip
ospice f pl measles pl
ospiav adj measly

osporavanje n disputing, challenging, challenge

osporavati vt dispute; abnegate, challenge
osporiti vt v. osporavati
osposobiti vt enable (fit) for, capacitate, qualify, make
competent for; train; (popraviti) repair, render usable
osposobiti se vr qualify for, make oneself eligible for
osposobljavanje n enabling, qualifying | struno ~ (vocational) training
osposobljen pp qualified, made eligible
osposobljenost f being qualified (trained)
osposobljenje n qualifying, qualification
osposobljiv adj qualifiable, trainable
osramoen pp disgraced, disreputed, discredited, dishonoured, degraded
osramoeno adv in a shamed manner, in disgrace
osramoenost f disgrace, dishonour
osramoenje n disgrace; bringing disgrace (dishonour,
disrepute, shame, infamy, stigma) upon
osramotiti vt disgrace, dishonour, degrade, discredit,
abash, bring discrepute upon
osramotiti se vr disgrace oneself, bring disrepute upon
osrj|e n anat pericardium | med upala ~a pericarditis
osrednje adv so-so, indifferently, in a mediocre manner |
~ zanimljiv mildly interesting
osrednji adj middling, medium, mediocre, so-so, indifferent; moderate; average
osrednjost f mediocrity
ostajanje n remaining, staying, abiding, being left over;
(ustrajanje) persisting in, continuing
ostajati vi v. ostati
ostali m pl the rest (remainder), remaining, the others;
those left
ostalo n v. ostatak | izmeu ~g among other things
ostan m spur; (za goveda) goad | podbadati ~om goad
ostanak m (boravak) stay, remaining
ostar adj oldish, rather old
ostario adj grown old, aged, stricken in years, in one's
dotage, decrepit; mature(d)
ostariti vt make old
ostarjelost f old age; (staraka nemo) decrepitude, dotage
ostarjeti vi grow old (aged), age; (jako) be stricken in
years, be in one's dotage, grow decrepit with age
ostatak m rest, remnant, remainder; residue, chem residuum; waste | ostaci leavings, remains;. text remnants; (svata) odds and ends; (ruevine) wreck
ostati vt remain, stay behind; (preostajati) be left over;
(zaostajati) lag behind, tarry; (ustrajati) stick to, persist in | ostaje na tebi it rests with you; ne ostaje
drugo nego... v. ne preostaje...; ~ miran (hladnokrvan) keep one's temper; ~ kod predmeta keep
to the point; to ostaje meu nama I tell you this in
strict confidence, this is a word in your ear
ostav! int mil as you were!
ostava f closet; v. smonica; archeol (treasure) hoard
ostavina f v. ostavtina

ostavinsk|i adj dealing with legacies (bequests) | ~a

rasprava legal proceedings to establish validity of
will, official proving of will; ~i sud probate court
ostaviti vt leave; (pustiti na miru) leave (let) alone;
(slubu ili odseliti) quit; (slubu, ii u mirovinu) quit,
retire, desert; (napustiti) abandon, forsake, desert;
(kaniti se) forbear; (prekinuti) discontinue, drop;
(odustati) desist; (posjed, batinu) devise (demise)
realty, bequeath personalty; (fidei comis) entail;
(mladi djevojku i obratno) jilt, cast off, throw over |
~ na cjedilu leave in the lurch; sile ga ostavljaju he
is sinking (drooping)
ostaviti se vr (neega) give up, abandon; stop -ing
ostavk|a f resignation, abdication; retirement | dati ~u
resign, give (send in) one's resignatien; retire, give up
office; abdicate
ostavljanje n leaving, quitting, abandoning, dropping,
ostavljati vt v. ostaviti
ostavljen pp left over; abandoned, deserted; quitted; forsaken; (na cjedilu) left in the lurch
ostavtina f (batina) inheritance; (legat) bequest, legacy; (naroit predmet) heirloom
ostentativan adj ostentatious; pointed
ostentativno adv ostentatiously; pointedly
ostentativnost f ostentatiousness; pointedness
osteopat m med osteopath
osteopatija f med osteopathy
osteopatski adj med osteopathic
ostraciz|am m hist ostracism | udaljiti ~mom ostracize
osti f pl trident, harpoon
ostraga adv v. otraga
ostragua f his breech-loader
ostrii vt clip, crop; (kosu) cut, shingle (ravno na elu
bang); (ivicu) shear, hedge, trim
ostriga f oyster | uzgajalite ~ oyster-bed, oyster-bank,
ostriak m clipping, cutting, piece (patch, shred, tuft)
cut away (off)
ostrien pp clipped, cropped, cut; trimmed, hedged,
ostrug|a f spur | kotai ~e rowel; podbosti ~ama spur,
set spurs to horse
ostrugan pp scraped (grazed, grated) off; (blanjan)
ostrugati vt abrade, grate, scrape off, erase, graze off;
(blanjom) plane
ostrugati se vr become abraded, suffer an abrasion, grate
(graze) against
ostruin|a f abrasion | ~e pl v. blanjevina, strugotine
ostrunica f kind of berry
ostrvce n dim v. otoi
ostrvljanin m v. otoanin
ostrvo n v. otok
ostvaren pp realized, effectuated, come true, materialized
ostvarenje n realization, actualization, materialization,
effectuation, coming true; achievement

ostvariti vt realize, effectuate, materialize, bring about,

achieve, actualize
ostvariti se vr be realized, materialize, come true, become reality
ostvariv adj feasible, realizable
ostvarivost f feasibility, realizability
ostve f pl trident, harpoon
osuda f sentence, judgment, verdict; condemnation; (presuda) arbitrament; (dosuda) adjudication
osuditi vt sentence (to), condemn, give judgment against,
pass sentence (judgment) upon, bring in a verdict,
judge, find guilty of, convict; (na smrt) condemn to
death; (na globu) fine; (na trokove) mulct in damages; (javno govorom) denounce; (presudom) arbitrate; (sudbinski) doom; (unaprijed) foredoom
osuen pp condemned, sentenced; (globljen) fined;
(javno) denounced | unaprijed ~ foredoomed; ~ na
smrt (muke, vjeala) condemned (sentenced) to
death (torture, to be hanged)
osuenica f condemned (sentenced) woman
osueniki adj of (dealing with, suitable for, belonging
to) a condemned person
osuenik m condemned person, convict
osuivanje n denouncement, inveighing against, condemnation
osuivati vt condemn; (javno) denounce; inveigh
against, censure
osujeen pp v. ometen, sprijeen
osujetiti vt v. omesti, sprijeiti
osumnjien pp suspected of | ~a osoba suspect
osumnjienje n making suspected
osumnjiiti vt make suspected
osunati vt insolate, expose to the sun
osunati se vr take sun, sunbathe
osuneen adj Tur v. obrezan
osunetiti vt Tur v. obrezati
osupnut adj taken aback, dumbfounded, struck dumb,
confounded, nonplussed
osupnuti vt strike dumb, dumbfound, confound, nonplus
osupnuti se vr be stricken dumb, be taken aback, be
osupnuto adv struck dumb, in amazement
osupnutost f dumbfounded state, great amazement
osuen pp dried; (sua) parched; (ovjek) grown meagre,
having lost flesh; (meso) dry-smoked; (drvo) seascned; (voe) dehydrated
osuenje n (tla) drainage, reclamation; desiccation, exsiccation; (voa) dehydration
osuiti vt dry up; (odvodom vode) drain off; exsiccate,
desiccate; (obrisati) wipe; (drvo) season; (movaru)
reclaim; (voe) dehydrate; (meso) smoke, dry-smoke
osuiti se vr (ovjek) lose flesh, become thin (meagre,
lean); (uvenuti) fade away, wither up, become sere
(sear), be blighted; (drvo) season; (izvor) dry up
osut adj sprinkled (powdered, covered) with, dotted with
osuti se vr become covered (dotted, sprinkled) with | sav
se osuo rash broke out all over his body
osuvremeniti vt modernize
osuvremenjivanje n modernization

osvaja m conqueror, subjugator, conquistador; (pljaka) raider; (ena) lady-killer

osvajaki adj a conqueror's, conquering, like a conqueror
osvajanje n conquest, conquering, subjugation, subjection
osvaj|ati vt v. osvojiti | fig koji ~a irresistable, enchanting, winning
osvanu|ti vi (zora) dawn; (pojaviti se) appear, arrive, put
in one's appearance | dan je ~o day breaks, it dawns;
kad je ~lo at daybreak
osveen' pp revenged, avenged
osveen'' pp Orth v. posveen
osveenje n (crkve) v. posveta
osveivanje n acts of revenge (retaliation); retribution
osveivati (se) vt (vr) v. osvetiti (se)
osveta f revenge, vengeance; (odmazda) retaliation, retribution, reprisal; requital
osvetitelj m v. osvetnik
osvetiti' vt revenge; (pravedno) avenge; (odmazda) retaliate upon, requite, retribute
osvetiti'' vt (crkvu) v. posvetiti
osvetiti se vr revenge oneself upon, take vengeance (nekome za on someone for), take (have) revenge on, requite one; (vratiti milo za drago) repay like for like,
retaliate; (sam stradati) backfire, boomerang
osvetljiv adj revengeful, vindictive
osvetljivac m revenge-seeker
osvetljivo adv revengefully, vindictively
osvetljivost f vindictiveness, revengefulness
osvetni adj revenging; avenging; vindictive
osvetnica f woman avenger
osvetniki adj vindictive, revengeful
osvetnik m revenger; avenger; vindicator
osvetoljubiv adj v. osvetljiv
osvijestiti vt revive one, bring one to his senses
osvijestiti se vr come to one's senses, regain consciousness, recover from a swoon, come to; (doi pameti)
come to reason
osvijeten pp having regained consciousness, recovered
from a swoon, come to; fig rid of an erroneous (false)
idea (notion, opinion, conviction, persuasion)
osvijetliti vt throw (shed) light upon, brighten, illuminate, illumine, light up; (rastumaiti) elucidate, illustrate, explain
osvijetliti se vr light up, become illuminated
osvijetljen pp lit up, illumined; illustrated, explained;
(jako) ablaze
osvit m daybreak, dawn, morning twilight; (poetak)
commencement, beginning
osvjedoen pp v. uvjeren
osvjedoenje n v. uvjerenje; (vjersko) creed, religion;
osvjedoiti (se) vt (vr) v. uvjeriti (se)
osvjetenje n regaining consciousness, coming to, recovery from a swoon; (nazori) coming to reason; (drugoga) undeceiving, disabusing; (vlastito) becoming sensible of one's erroneous ideas (notions, opinions, convictions)

osvjetlan pp polished, brightened, furbished, burnished

osvjetla|ti vt polish, brighten, furbish, burnish; shine |
~ti sebi lice win honours, distinguish oneself; ~o je
sebi lice it does him credit, he acquitted himself very
well (honourably), he came off with credit (honour)
osvjetljenje n lighting (up), illumination (v. rasvjeta)
osvjetljiv adj illuminable
osvjeavati vt v. osvjeiti
osvjeen pp refreshed
osvjeenje n refreshment; (ponavljanje zaboravljenoga)
brushing up
osvjeiti vt refresh, brace; reinvigorate, reanimate;
(znanje) freshen (brush) up
osvjeiv adj refreshable
osvjeujui adj refreshing, bracing, invigorating, recreating
osvojen pp captured, taken by storm; conquered, subjugated
osvojenje n capture, conquest; subjugation; winning
osvojitelj m v. osvaja
osvojiti vt conquer, win, capture; (juriem) carry (a fortress), take by storm; (podjarmiti) subjugate, submit
to one's yoke (sway, dominion), subject, reduce to
subjection, subdue | ~ vrhunac scale a peak
osvojiv adj conquerable; apt to be taken by storm (captured)
osvrnuti se vr (pogled) look back (round), turn round
(back); (uzeti u obzir) take into consideration, give
one's consideration to, regard, consider, mind, have
(pay) regard (attention) to; (isprika) allow for; bear in
mind; take into account | ne ~ na not take into consideration, not consider; ignore, disregard, take no
notice of, treat as of no (small) account (importance);
osvrui se na referring to; ne osvrui se na regardless of
osvrt n turning (looking) back (round); retrospect, retrospection; (ocjena, recenzija) review
osvrtanje n looking (turning) round (back); consideration, regard, caring for, retrospection; attention
osvrtati se vr v. osvrnuti se
oamariti vt Tur v. pljusnuti
oamutiti vt daze, stun
oamutiti se vr become dazed (stunned)
oarati vt v. iarati
oepavio adj lamed, lame
oepaviti vi become lame
oinut pp struck, whipped, rapped, whacked, thwacked |
~ kao gromom thunderstruck
oinuti vt strike, hit, whip, scourge, whack, thwack;
(kritikom) criticize severely, pull asunder, pick to
oian pp clipped, shorn, cropped (hair) | kratko ~
oiati vt cut (clip, shear crop) hair
oiati se vr have one's hair cut
oit m anat diaphragm, midriff
okrbiti vt chip
okrobiti vt starch

otar adj (alat) sharp, cutting, edged, keen; (u ilj)

peaked, painted; (bol) keen, smart, severe, intense;
(glas) peremptory, penetrating, sharp; severe, rigorous, piercing, biting, bitter; (vjetar) biting, keen;
(strog) strict, rigid, austere, harsh, severe; (jezik)
sharp; (rijei) poignant, acrimonious; (papren) hot,
piquant, acrid; (jasan, odreen) precise, well-defined;
(crte lica) clean-cut; (um) sharp, penetrating, sagacious, acute; (kut) sharp, geom acute; (zrak) bracing;
(razlika, luenje) distinct, subtle; (kazna) severe;
(korak) brisk, smart, round (trot); (tane) ball cartridge | ~ (bruen) one-sided; otra vida sharp-eyed,
keensighted, ~ na jednu stranu quick-sighted; otra
sluha quick-eared
otarija f hosterly, tavern, countryside inn; reg v. krma
oteen pp damaged, harmed, impaired, injured, battered; spoiled | jako ~ badly damaged
oteenik m damaged (injured) person, sufferer from
loss, loser
oteenost f damaged condition; level of damage
oteenje n damage, injury, impairment; med lesion,
osteivanje n damaging, injuring, spoiling
oteivati vt v. otetiti
oteniti vt pup, whelp
oteniti se vr have (bring forth) pups, whelp, pup
otetitelj m person committing damage (injury, harm)
otetiti vt damage, harm, injure, cause damage (loss);
batter, impair
otetiti se vr get damaged (injured, battered, spoiled)
otrac m sharp rock (peak, top)
otra m v. brusa
otrak|i adj | ~a radnja v. brusionica
otrenje n sharpening, grinding, whetting, edging
otrica f cutting edge
otriga f v. ostriga
otrilo n sharpener (v. iljilo)
otrin|a f sharpness; acuteness; (glasa) shrillness;
(studeni) severity; rigour; (duha) sagacity, keenness,
penetration, acumen; (duhu, dovitljivost) ingenuity;
(vida) quick-sightedness; (paprenost, sarkazam)
poignancy | opt podesiti ~u (bring to) focus
otriti vt sharpen, whet; (britvu) set edge; (brusiti) grind;
(iljak) point; (rez) make sharp (keen, edged)
otriti se vr become (be) sharpened; fig get ready, anticipate
otro' adv sharply, keenly, acutely, severely, vigorously,
strictly; acrimoniously, penetratingly; (otresito)
rudely, gruffly, abruptly | izderati se ~ snap at, snarl
at, snub one
otro'' n reg v. jugo
otrokona f shrew
otrokutan adj acute-angled, acute-angular
otrook adj keen-eyed, Argus-eyed
otrouman adj shrewd, perspicacious, penetrating, longheaded, segacious, keen-witted; keen, acute
otroumlje n shrewdness, sagacity, penetration, acumen,
perspicacity, smartness, long-headedness
otroumno adv shrewdly, sagaciously, perspicaciously

otroumnost f v. otroumlje
otrovidan adj keen-sighted
otrovidnost f keen-sightedness, perspicacity
otukati vt coat (overlay, decorate) with stucco
ougavio adj mangy, scabby
ougaviti vi grow (become) mangy (scabby)
ouriti vt scald (a pig)
otac m father; A coll pop, one's old man | kakav ~, takav sin like father, like son; uvrgao se u oca he takes
after his father, he is the very spit of his father, he is
a chip of the old block
otada adv from then, from that time on, thenceforth,
thenceforward, since that time, ever since
otadbina f v. domovina
otadbinski adj v. domovinski
otajstven adj arch v. tajanstven
otajstvo n mystery, sanctum, sacred rite, sacrament
otakanje n drawing (racking, draining, pouring, decanting) off
otakati vt drain, rack, decant, pour off; (cijediti) distil
otale' adv reg v. odatle
otale!' int begone!, hence!, off with you!
otaljati vt v. obaviti, odvaliti
otamo adv from there, thence
otanati vi become thinner (tapering)
otapanje n melting, thawing; liquefying; dissolving,
otapati vt v. otopiti
otarasiti vt v. obaviti
otarasiti se vr v. rijeiti se, otresti se
otava f aftermath, aftergrass; fog; second crop
otavi m last (third) crop of hay
otcijepiti vt chop (split, cleave) off
otcijepiti se vr fall off, secede, separate, go different
ways, break away
otcijepljen pp chopped (split, cleft) off; separated, seceded, break-away
otcjepljenje n seperation, split, secession; splitting off,
otepiti vt uncork, unstopper; (sudoper i sl.) unclog
otepiti se vr become unclogged (uncorked)
otepljen pp uncorked, unstoppered
otepljenje n uncorking
otepljiva m (gumeni, za sudoper) plunger
oteen pp swollen; tumid; inflated
oteenost f swollen condition
otei' vi (tekuina) flow (run) off (away), drain off
(away), discharge
otei'' vi swell, inflate, bloat, puff up, tumify; become
distended (inflated, tumid, turgid, swollen)
otegnue n prolongation, lengthening, protraction, elongation
otegnut pp lengthened, prolonged, extended
otegnuti vt (produljiti) lengthen, prolong, protract; elongate; extend, lengthen out; (odgoditi) delay, defer,
put off, procrastinate, protract; (s odlaskom) linger,
draw out
otegnuti se vr drag on; stretch; (bolest) linger; draw out
otegotan adj v. oteavajui

otegotiti vt v. oteati
oteklina f swelling, turgescence, tumefaction, intumescence, tumour
oteliti vt bring forth (a calf)
oteliti se vr calve
otereen adj exonerated, relieved, disembarrassed, disencumbered, discharged
otereenost f being relieved (disencumbered)
otereenje n exoneration, disburdening; alleviation; relieving, relief, lightening; disembarrassment, disencumbrance, discharge
oteretiti vt exonerate, disburden, lighten, relieve, disencumber, disembarrass, unload
otesan adj hewn, trimmed, squared; (kamen) dressed
otesati vt hew, square (a log), rough-hew, trim (timber),
dress (stone)
oteati vt v. oteati
otet pp wrested (grabbed) from, snatched away
oteti vt (istrgnuti) wrench (wring) from, wrest from; take
by force; (zgrabiti) grab from, snatch away, seize,
capture; (odnijeti) carry off; (liiti) strip (rob) of, dispossess; (vlast) usurp, deprive of, divest; (smrt) bereave; (pljaka) spoliate; (spasiti od) rescue, save
from, deliver from; (ovjeka, dijete) kidnap, (djevojku) rape; (osobu za vojsku) crimp, press, impress;
(stoku) lift (cattle); (avion) hijack
oteti se vr (od spona) break free (loose); extricate (disentangle) oneself
oteturati vi go away wobbling (staggering, tottering)
otezanje n delay, procrastination, protraction; (bolest,
neodlunost) lingering; (s odlaskom broda) demurrage
otezati vt v. otegnuti; (u govoru) drawl
otezati se vr v. otegnuti se
oteavaju|i adj f v. ~a okolnost
otea(va)ti vi make (more) difficult, make troublesome
(burdensome, distressing, uncomfortable), aggravate;
(fiziki) make heavy (heavier) / vi become heavy
othramati vi depart (go away) halting (limping)
othrana f v. othranjivanje
othranitelj m fosterer, person who brings up (rears,
raises, educates)
othraniteljica f woman fosterer
othraniti vt raise, rear, bring up, breed, nurture
othranjen pp raised, brought up, nurtured, bred
othranjivanje n breeding, rearing, raising, upbringing,
nurture, education, fostering
othranjivati vt v. othraniti
othrvati se vr withstand, hold one's own, stand one's
ground, remain victorious; overcome, get the better of
othujati vt & vi finish (go) moaning (soughing)
oticanje' n swelling
oticanje'' n v. otjecanje
oticati vi v. otei
otii vi go away (off); set off (out), start off, go footh,
withdraw, quit (a place), come away; leave; (ukloniti
se) sheer off | ~ u redovnice become a nun; odoh ja I
am off; ~ po nekoga go get someone

otima m robber, usurper; exactor, extortioner; (razbojnik) robber, brigand

otimaina f extortion, exaction; robbery, brigandage;
(pljaka) plunder, pillage, loot, spoliation, rapine
otimaki adj predatory, spoliatory, usurping, extortionary
otimanje n wringing (wresting) from, snatching away
(from), taking away by violence
otimariti vt groom (finish grooming) a horse
otimati vt v. oteti
otimati se vr (boriti se) struggle against, strive, resist,
oppose; (protiv volje) hang back, hang off; (za neto)
scramble for, contend (fight) for
otipkati vt type (up); finish typing
otira m wiper; (pred vratimu) doormat; (za brisanje)
wiping-cloth, wiping-rag; (za sue) dish-cloth
otiranje n wiping, drying; rubbing
otirati vt wipe away (off, up), rub off, dry (clean) by wiping
otis|ak m print reprint, print, copy, proofsheet (prvi galley-proof); impression; (znak) stamp, mark; (trag)
trace, track | snimiti ~ke prstiju take fingerprints
otiskivanje n print printing, striking off; impressing,
stamping; (od obale) pushing off
otisnue n pushing off
otisnut pp (tisak) printed, imprinted, impressed,
stamped; (odrinut) pushed off
otisnuti vi (tisak) print, strike off; (iznova) reprint;
(utisnuti) imprint, impress; stamp; (amac) push off
otisnuti se vr push off; (dii jedra) set sail, draw away
otjecanje n flowing off (away), outflow, drain(ing), outpouring, discharge | ~ kapitala outflow of capital
otjecati vi v. otei'
otjerati vt drive away (off), turn off (away); chase; (iz
slube) give the sack, send packing, dismiss summarily, A coll fire; (iz kue) throw (turn) out, put before
the door
otkaiti vt v. otkvaiti, otkopati, ispustiti
otkaiti se vr v. otkvaiti se, otkopati se, otkinuti se,
otkad(a) adv since, from the time when; (upitno) how
long ago?, since when?, from when?
otkako adv since when
otkale adv reg v. odakle
otkapanje n removing (digging away) earth (soil)
otkapati vt v. otkopati
otkasati vi trot (jog) away (off)
otkati vt weave ready, finish weaving, have done weaving
otkaz m (podnijet) notice (to quit), warning; (primljen)
notice of dismissal; (opoziv narudbe) countermand,
cancellation | dati ~ give notice, quit; dobiti ~ get notice, be discharged
otkazan pp cancelled, revoked, countermanded
otkazati vt (slubu) give notice (warning); (narueno)
countermand; (stan) give notice to quit; (najavljeno)
cancel, call off; v. zakazati
otkazivanje n v. otkaz
otkazivati vt v. otkazati

otkazni adj | ~ rok period of notice

otkidanje n breaking (tearing) off, wrenching (rending)
off (apart, away), sundering, severing
otkidati vt break (tear) off; keep tearing (breaking, culling, plucking, detaching, sundering, severing) off;
(smanjivati) keep retrenching (curtailing); (liiti)
keep depriving of; (sebi od usta) pinch (stint) oneself
in (of, for) food (money itd.)
otkinue n v. otkidanje
otkinut pp torn (rent, wrenched, detached, culled) off
(from); broken (severed, sundered) off
otkinuti vt v. otkidati
otkinuti se vr come (tear) off, come (tear) loose
otkivanje n unfettering, unchaining; unclinching;
knocking off (metal shoeing, plating itd.), unclinching (of a nail), unspiking
otkivati vt v. otkovati
otklanjanje n constant refusal (declining); (magnetske
igle) deviation, declination; warding off; elimination
otklanjati vt keep declining (refusing to accept); v.
otkloniti; (muslimani) finish one's prayer
otklapanje n constant uncovering (lifting) of a lid (valve
otklapati vt v. otklopiti
otkle adv reg v. odakle
otkleati vt have done kneeling; kneel a while
otklesati vt chisel off
otklon m refusal (to accept), (otar) rebuff; (magnetske
igle) aberration, declination; (od pravca) deviation,
drift; (kut nagiba) dip; deflection
otkloniti vt (molbu) refuse to accept, decline; (zabaciti)
reject; (tubu, sud) dismiss; (zlo) avert, ward off,
parry (keep) off; eliminate, obviate
otkloniti se vr decline; deviate, deflect; dip
otklonjiv adj preventable, eliminable
otklonjivost f preventability, eliminability
otklopiti vt (poklopac) uncover, lift the lid (cover), take
off lid (valve)
otklopljen pp uncovered
otkljuan pp unlocked
otkljuati vt unlock
otkljuati se vr unlock itself, come unlocked
otkoen pp unlocked; (oruje) with the safety catch off;
(vozilo) with its brake off
otkoiti vt unlock; (oruje) take off safety; (vozilo) disengage the brake
otkoiti se vr become unlocked
otkop m excavation, removal of earth (soil) by digging,
the quantity removed
otkopan pp unearthed, uncovered by digging, dug up; (iz
groba) disinterred
otkopati vt dig up, unearth, uncover, uncover (bare) by
digging, remove earth from; (iz groba) disinter, untomb
otkopavanje n v. otkapanje
otkopavati vt v. otkopati
otkopan adj unbuttoned, unclasped, unbuckled
otkopati vt unbutton, unpin, unfasten, unclasp, unbuckle, unbrace

otkopati se vr come unbuttoned

otkos m swath
otkositi vt have done mowing; mow (a quantity)
otkotrljati vt roll away (down), trundle along (away)
otkotrljati se vr roll away
otkoturati (se) vt (vr) v. otkotrljati (se)
otkovak m forging
otkovati vt forge; have done forging; (okove) unfetter,
otkraunan pp unbarred, unbolted
otkraunati vt unbar, unbolt, unhasp
otkrasti se vr steal (oneself) away, depart by stealth
otkraviti (se) vt (vr) melt, thaw
otkrenut pp turned off (away)
otkrhnuti vt v. okrhnuti
otkrie n discovery; (izum) invention; (tajne) disclosure;
detection; revelation; (spomenika) unveiling; (pokrovca) uncovering; (krova) unroofing
otkrit pp v. otkriven
otkriti vt discover; (izum) invent; (pokrito) uncover;
unroof; (leiste rude) locate; (veo) unveil; (da se vidi)
expose (disclose) to view, bare; (opaziti) become
aware, find out; (pomou radio-lokacije) beam; (tajnu) reveal, disclose; detect, descry, lay open; (skinuti) take off (lid, cover) bare, denude
otkriti se vr uncover (expose, reveal) oneself; give oneself away; (glavu) bare one's head, take off one's hat
otkrivanje n uncovering; disclosure; discovery; revealing; unveiling | sveano ~ unveiling ceremony
otkrivati vt v. otkriti
otkriven pp uncovered; (spomenik) unveiled; (izum) discovered, invented | ~e glave bare-headed
otkrivenje n revelation; coll eye-opener
otkrovenje n v. otkrivenje, otkrie
otkucaj m v. kucaj; (u tipkanju) v. udarac
otkucati vt v. otipkati; sl v. prijaviti, izdati
otkud(a) adv from where, wherefrom, from whence,
from which direction | ~ zna? how do you know?
otkup m (ovjeka) ransom; (iznuivanjem) blackmail;
(prodanoga, zaloenoga) redemption, buying off
(back); (mjenice) taking up of a bill; repurchase
otkupitelj m ransomer; redeemer; (spasitelj) deliverer,
otkupiti vt (ovjeka) ransom; (obveznicu) redeem; buy
off (back); repurchase; (mjenicu) retire (take up) a
otkupiti se vr (od obveze, dunosti itd.) buy oneself off
otkupljen pp ransomed, redeemed
otkupljenik m ransomed person
otkupljenje n redemption; ransoming; repurchase;
(vjera) salvation; buying off
otkupljiv adj redeemable
otkupljivanje n v. otkupljenje
otkupljivati vt v. otkupiti
otkupljivost f redeemability
otkupni adj redemptory
otkupnina f redemption amount; (za osobu) ransom;
(iznuivanje) blackmail

otkvaen pp unhooked, unhasped, unhitched, unbuckled;

(zasun) unbolted
otkvaiti vt unhook, unclasp, unhitch, uncouple, unbuckle
otkvaiti se vr come loose, become unhitched
otmica f kidnapping; (djevojke) abduction; (aviona) hijacking
otmiar m abductor; kidnapper; hijacker
otmjen adj fine, noble, grand, fashionable; (gospodski)
gentlemanly, gentlemanlike, distinguished; (fin) stylish; (rod) well-born, gentle; of distinction (rank,
birth, blood, quality, family, standing, fashion);
(dostojanstven) stately, dignified; coll swell
otmjeno adv gentlemanly, gentlemanlike; respectably;
(po modi) fashionably; stylishly
otmjenost f (rod) gentility, gentlehood, gentlemanliness;
nobleness; distinction, respectability; illustriousness;
dignity, eminence; note; (pomodnost) stylishness,
otoanin m islander
otoanka f (woman) islander
otoen pp decanted, poured off; (u boce) bottled
otoi m dim small island, islet; (u rijeci) ait, eyot
otoiti vt v. otakati
otoje n group of islands, archipelago
otoni adj insular, island
otok' m v. oteklina
otok'' m v. otjecanje
otok''' m geog island, isle
otoman m ottoman
otopina f solution, liquefaction
otopiti vt melt, liquefy, dissolve, thaw
otopiti se vr thaw (away), melt (away), dissolve, liquefy
otopiv adj soluble
otopivost f solubility
otopli|ti vi | ~lo je the weather has become warmer; a
thaw has set in
otopljen pp thawed, melted, dissolved
otopljenost f dissolved state
otopljenje n milder (warmer) weather
otorina f coll v. otorinolaringologija
otorinolariagolog m med otolaryngologist, ear-nosethroat specialist
otorinolaringologija f med otolaryngology
otorinolaringoloki adj med otolaryngological
otpad m collect waste, junk, trash, shreds, offal; (sa
studija) drop-out rate, wastage rate
otpadak m piece of refuse (litter) | otpaci pl refuse,
waste, offal, trash, shreds; (smee) garbage, rubbish;
(jela) broken food; (obrezine) parings, shavings, cuttings; (grana) loppings; (pri tokarenju) turnings; (pri
varenju piva) dregs; (kovine) scrap; (mesa) tankage;
akcija skupljanja ~a recycling drive
otpadanje n falling off; (odmetanje) defection, desertion,
apostasy; disloyalty
otpad|ati vi keep falling (dropping) off itd. (v. otpasti) |
to ~a that is out of question; na mene ~a my share is;
na kolstvo ~a 25% izdataka education accounts for
25% of outlays

otpadn|i adj waste | ~e vode liquid waste, effluent

otpadnica f woman apostate (renegade, recreant)
otpadniki adj (od vjere) heretical, schismatic, sectarian; (izdajniki) perfidious, faithless, treacherous,
otpadnik m apostate, heretic, schismatic, sectarin, recreant; (od stranke) renegade, deserter, turncoat, trimmer, time-server; traitor
otpadnitvo n (od vjere) heresy, schism; (nevjera) infidelity, faithlessness, disloyalty, defection; (izdaja)
treason, perfidy, treachery; desertion
otpaoiti vt unskid, remove skid-pan
otparan pp unstitched, unripped
otparati vt unstich, unseam, unrip, rip up (out, off)
otparati se vr come unstitched, rip up
otpasan pp ungirt, ungirded
otpasati vt ungird, loose (undo) belt, take off belt
otpasati se vr ungird, loosen (undo, take off) one's belt
otpasti vi fall (drop, come) off; (raskol) split, secede;
(iznevjeriti se) turn one's coat, break off from, turn
recreant, become an apostate, apostatize, renounce; sl
rat; (prekinuti kolovanje) drop out
otpeaen pp unsealed
otpeatiti vt unseal, break the seal
otpijevanje n eccl responsories pl, singing of anthems
otpijevati vt eccl sing anthems (responsories), chant
otpiliti vt saw off, cut off; (granje) lop of
otpilj|ak m | ~ci pl scrap, filings pl
otpiljen pp sawn off, cut off; (granje) lopped off
otpira m skeleton-key, masterkey
otpiranje n opening (of door); (kljuem) unlocking
otpirati vt (vrata) continue opening the door; (kljuem)
keep unlocking
otpiriti vi be blown (wafted, whiffed, puffed) off (away)
otpis m written answer (reply, epistle); (naredba,
rjeenje, vlasti) writ, rescript, decree, ordinance;
(dugovine, oprost) writing off
otpisan pp (dug) written off
otpisati vt (odgovor) answer (reply) in writing, write off;
(dug) write off; (na amortizaciju) depreciate
otpisivanje n writing off; (amortizacije) depreciation
otpiti vt drink off a bit
otpjevan pp sung to the end
otpjevati vt sing to the end, have done singing
otplaen pp paid off, settled, squared
otplaivan pp paid off by instalments
otplaivanje n paying off by instalments
otplaivati vt pay off by instalments, B pay off on the
hire-purchase (A on the instalment plan)
otplakati vt cry (weep) a little; have done crying (weeping); pass (spend) crying (weeping)
otplat|a f paying off, discharge, settlement, clearances
pl; (povratna) refundment, repayment; (obrona) part
payment, instalment; payment on account | kupiti na
~u B buy on hire purchase, A buy on the instalment
otplatiti vt pay off (by instalments); discharge (settle,
clear) debt; square accounts, pay back; (hipoteku) redeem mortgage

otplativ adj repayable, redeemable

otplaviti vt drift (float, wash) off (away)
otplavljen pp floated (drifted, washed) away
otplesti vt undo knitting (lace), unlace, unknit;
(zapleteno) disentangle, unravel
otplesti se vr become, unknitted (disentangled)
otpleten pp unknit(ed); unravelled; disentangled
otplivati vi swim off (away); (noen strujom) drift (float)
otploviti vi (brod) sail off (away); set sail; depart (leave,
start) by boat
otpoet pp begun, commenced
otpoeti vt v. poeti
otpoinak m v. odmor
otpoinuti vi v. odmoriti se
otpoinjanje n v. poimanje
otpojati vt Orth v. otpijevati
otponac m release (catch) of a spring
otpor m resistance, opposition; (tvrdokornost) refractoriness, recalcitrance; (neposluh) disobedience, insubordination; (nepopustljivost) tenacity, stand; (neradost)
unwillingness | naii na ~ encounter (meet with) opposition; natjerati na ~ (divlja i fig) bring (drive) to
otporan adj resistant, resisting; (ilav) tenacious, tough;
(jak) sturdy, hardy | biti ~ resist, withstand; ~ protiv
kiseline acidproof, ~ na habanje resistant to wear
otporen pp unstitched, unripped
otporiti vt v. otparati
otpornik m el resistor
otporno adv with great resistance; tenaciously; hardily
otpornost f abutting power, resistance
otporuiti vt send word in answer
otporuka f word sent in answer
otposlan pp sent off (away); despatched, shipped, forwarded, consigned
otposlati vt send off (away), forward, consign; (brodom)
ship; despatch
otpoiljanje n sending off, despatching, forwarding,
consigning; shipping
otpoiljati vt v. otposlati
otpozdraviti vt v. odzdraviti
otpraen pp escorted, convoyed, conducted, accompanied; (djevojka) chaperoned, squired
otpran adj washed (rinsed) off (away)
otprati vt wash off (away), remove by washing (rinsing,
otpratiti vt see off (to, down, away), conduct, escort,
accompany, convoy; (djevojku) chaperon, squire
otpravljanje n v. otprema(nje)
otpravljati vt v. otpremati
otpravljen pp v. otpremljen
otpravni adj v. otpremni
otpravnik m v. otpremnik | dipl ~ poslova charg d'affaires
otpravmina f v. otpremnina
otpravnitvo n v. otpremnitvo
otpregnuti vt v. ispregnuti

otprema f sending off (away); expedition, conveyance,

forwarding, dispatching, freighting, shipping; removal
otprema m v. otpremnik
otpremanje n v. otprema
otpremati vt v. otpremiti
otpremiti vt send off (away); (otpustiti) send packing;
dismiss; forward, ship, expedite, dispatch; convey,
remove; (brod iz luke) clear; forward; (odbiti molbu)
send of with a refusal, get rid of an importunate solicitor
otpremljen pp sent off (away), forwarded, dispatched,
shipped; dismissed
otpremni adj | ~ list way-bill; ~ ured (odio) forwarding
office (department)
otpremnica f dispatch note; packing list; bill of lading
otpremnik|i adj | ~o poduzee forwarding (shipping)
otpremnik m dispatching (shipping, forwarding) agent
(clerk), sender, dispatcher, snipper, freighter, forwarder | ~ vlakova train dispatcher
otpremnina f severance (terminal) pay, fig golden handshake; indemnity
otpremnitvo n (pedicija) forwarding-office, shippingagency; forwarding (dispatching) department (office);
(prijevoznik) common carrier
otpretati vt uncover (glowing embers)
otprezati vt v. isprezati
otprhnuti vi flit away
otprije adv from before, some time since, former, of old
otprijeti vt open; unlock; (silom) prize (force) open
otprilike adv about, approximately, roughly; in round
numbers; something like, thereabout(s) | ~ 20 (neto
preko) twenty odd; govorei ~ roughly speaking;
mjeriti ~ measure by the rule of thumb
otpuhnuti vi blow (whiff, waft) off (away)
otpusnica f (otkaz) ticket (writ, card, document, letter) of
dismissal; discharge certificate
otpustiti vt (naglo iz slube) give the sack, dismiss from
service (employment), discharge, A coll fire; (radnike) lay off; (vojsku) disband; send off (away); (asnika) break an officer; (dii sa slube) suspend; (iz
zatvora) release prisoner, set free; (iz bolnice) discharge; (mornara s plaom) pay off; (vodu) allow to
otpua m v. vadiep
otpuiti vt v. otepiti
otputanje n (otkaz) dismissal, discharge, sacking, firing; (oprost) remission, remitting
otputati vt v. otpustiti
otputen pp dismissed, discharged; (voda itd.) let flow
(run, escape) away
otputiti vt send away; refuse a hearing
otputiti se vr v. uputiti se
otputovati vi depart, leave (for), quit; start on a journey,
set out, take one's departure
otpuzati vi crawl (creep) away (off)
otraga adv behind, at (in) the back (of), in (to) the rear
(of); in the background; from behind

otrcan adj (odjea) shabby, threadbare; (cunja) ragged,

tattered; (iznoen) worn, the worse for wear, seedy, in
bad repair, out at elbows; (obua) down at heels;
(izlizan) frayed; (ideja) hackneyed; (pitanje) vexed;
(izraz) trite; (ala) stale; (triav) paltry, trifling
otrcanost f shabbiness, raggedness, threadbare state
otrcati vt wear away (off, out)
otrcati se vr become threadbare (shabby, ragged, frayed),
otrati vi run off (away), dash off
otresanje f bluff (harsh, rude, uncivil) speech (words);
snapping out, snarling at, snubbing
otresati se vr v. otresti se
otresen pp shaken down
otresit adj bluff, curt, harsh, rough, rude, uncivil, sharp
otresitost f harsh (bluff, curt, sharp) manner; harshness,
curtness, bluffness, rudeness, snappishness, bearishness
otresti vt shake down, throw off shaking
otresti se vr (nekoga) get rid of, throw off, get disencumbered; (na nekoga) snap (bark, snarl) at, snub
one, put down
otrenjenje n sobering (up)
otrgnut pp torn (pulled, plucked, broken, wrenched) off
otrgnuti vt tear (break, pull, pluck, wrench) off;
(rastrgnuti) sever (na komade dismember)
otrgnuti se vr tear oneseli away, break loose (away),
wrench free, rip away
otrijebiti vt pick (pluck) off; clean of (remove) by picking (esp vermin)
otrijebiti se vr pick oneself clean (of vermin)
otrijezniti vt sober (down), make sober
otrijezniti se vr sober down; fig come to one's senses
otrijenjen adj sobered
otromboljiti se vr v. objesiti se, opustiti se
otromiti vi become sluggish (slack)
otrov m poison, venom; toxin; bane; virulence; (za takore) rat's bane | nauka o ~ima toxicology; mil bojni
~ poisonous gas, war gas; mil koni ~ blister gas,
vesicant gas
otrovan pp poisoned, envenomed; fig corrupted, tainted,
otrovanje n poisoning, venenation, poisonous infection |
~ hranom food poisoning; ~ krvi blood poisoning
otrovati vt poison, envenom; fig taint, demoralize, contaminate, corrupt, deprave; infect
otrovati se vr med suffer poisoning; (namjerno) take
otrovni adj poisonous, venomous, venenate, toxicant; fig
baneful, baleful, viperous, virulent
otrovnica f (zmija) viper, adder, asp, venomous serpent;
fig spiteful (venomous) woman
otrovnik m spiteful (venomous) man (person)
otrovnost f poisonousness, venomousness, virulence
otrpati vt dig out
otrpjeti vt v. pretrpjeti, podnijeti, progutati (uvredu)
otrti vt v. obrisati
ots- v. odsot- v. od-

otui vt beat (knock, hammer) off

otud(a) adv from here, herefrom, therefrom, thence,
from this spot (place, side, direction); forth; (zato)
therefore, for this reason
otuen adj estranged, alienated; (pokraden) stolen
otuenik n estranged (alienated) person
otuenost f alienation, estrangement
otuenje n estrangement, alienation, disaffection; jur
abalienation; (kraa) abstraction euph
otuiti vt alienate, estrange, make disloyal to, disaffect;
jur abalienate
otuiti se vr become estranged (alienated, disaffected),
grow (drift) apart
otuiv adj alienable
otuivanje n v. otuenje
otuivati vt v. otuiti
otuivost f alienability
otupaviti vi v. otupjeti
otupio adj (having) become dull (blunt, passive, deadened to)
otupiti vt blunt, dull, make blunt (dull, passive, insensible) to, benumb, deaden to, take off the point (edge);
fig jade
otupjelost f dullness, being benumbed, numbness
otupjeti vi (otrica) become dull (blunt); (osjeaji) become passive (insensible, benumbed, deadened to)
otupljenje n dulling, blunting, benumbing; v. otupjelost
otupljivanje n dulling, blunting, numbing
otupljivati vt v. otupiti, otupjeti
oturiti vt v. odgurnuti
otuan adj v. turoban; (jelo) v. gadljiv, bljutav
otvara m opener; v. otpira
otvaranje n opening; (ustanove) inauguration; (poetak)
otvara|ti (se) vt (vr) keep opening, open successively; v.
otvoriti | ~m sastanak (izlobu) I declare this meeting (exhibition) open
otvor m opening, aperture, orifice; (rupa) hole; (uzak)
slit, slot; chink, mouth, gap, breach; (prilaz rudnika)
otvoren adj open(ed), uncovered; (vrata dijelom) ajar;
(zijevajui) gaping, yawning; (rairen) expanded;
(iskren) plain-spoken, frank, outspoken, forthright,
above-board, candid, sincere; (javan) public; (neprikriven) undisguised; (oit) plain, evident, conspicuous
| ~o more offing, main, open sea; ~ list (povelja) letters patent; ~o mjesto (namjetenje) opening;
(neograeno) unenclosed; (otkrito) uncovered; ~
raun open account; ~o pitanje open (undecided, debatable, moot) question; ~a boja v. svijetla boja; na
~om in the open, out of doors
otvoreno adv openly, frankly; (poteno) above-board,
unreservedly, in plain English, straightforwardly
otvorenoplav adj v. svjetloplav
otvorenost f openness, frankness, straightforwardness,
plainness, candour
otvorenje n opening (i chess) | sveano ~ opening ceremony, dedication, inauguration

otvoriti vt open; (skinuti) take off (lid, cover); (pogledu)

expose to view, give an insight into; (usta) part (lips);
(zinuti) gape, yawn; (ui) listen attentively; (razgaliti)
lay open, lay bare; (vatru) open fire; (srce) unbosom;
(pristupanost) make accessible; (prometu) open to
trafic; (crijeva) loosen the bowels | ii ~ vrata answer
the door (bell); ~ put pave the way; blaze the trail; ~
plin (vodu) turn on; ~ raun open account; ~ izlobu
open an exhibition; ~ ples lead off the dance; ~
razgovor o lead off the conversation, approach a subject; ~ bocu (izvui ep) uncork a bottle; ~ silom
bravu pick a lock; ~ iznova, reopen; sezona se otvara season begins; lijek koji otvara aperient, laxative
otvoriti se vr open (itself); (naglo) fly open
otvrdlost f hardened quality, being hardened
otvrdnue n hardening, induration
otvrdnut pp hardened, hardy, callous; (elik) casehardened; fig hardened (na to), unfeeling, inured,
deadened, dead to; proof against, seasoned
otvrdnuti vt harden; stiffen; make (render) insensible to,
deaden; make (render) callous (inveterate, obdurate) /
vi harden, become (grow) hardened (insensible,
deadened, callous, inveterate, obdurate); become stiff
otvrivanje n gradual hardening
otvrivati vt harden gradually
O.U.N. m U.N.O.
ova dem pron f this (woman, girl, lady); this (female
person, animal); pl n these; this lot
ovacija f ovation, enthusiastic cheering
ovaj' dem pron m this (pl these), this one (man, boy,
male); (sadanji) present, present-day, actual; (tekui) current, instant; (isti) this same | ~ as this
moment, just now; za ~ put for this once; ovih dana
one of these days; ovime obavjestavamo we hereby
ovaj'' inter er, uh, um; let's see
ovakav adj such, such as this, of this kind (sort, species,
manner, nature, quality, degree); similar, like this |
na ~ nain v. ovako
ovako adv thus, like this (that), in this way (fashion,
manner) | ~ ili onako one way or another, somehow
or other; in either case (event)
oval m oval
ovalan adj oval, oblong
ovalnost f oval shape
ovamo adv hither, here, in this direction, to this place
(spot); this way | ~! come here!; come on!; od 1960
na ~ from 1960 on
ovan m tup, ram; (skopljen) wether; (prethodnik) bellwether; hist (za razbijanje zidova) battering-ram
ovaploen pp v. utjelovljen
ovaploenje n v. utjelovljenje
ovaploviti (se) vt (vr) v. utjeloviti (se)
ovapniti vt calcify
ovapnjenje n chem &. med calcification | med ~ ila
hardening of the arteries
ovapnjeti vi calcify, become calcified
ovarij m anat v. jajnik

ovas m v. zob
ovca f sheep (sg i pl); (za razl. od ovna) ewe
ovar m (pastir) shepherd; (uzgojitelj) sheep-farmer,
sheep-master; (pas) sheep-dog (njemaki German
ovara f sheep-fold
ovarica f shepherdess
ovarnica f (obor) sheep-fold
ovarski adj of (like) a shepherd
ovarstvo n sheep-farming, sheep-breeding
ovetin|a f mutton | peena ~a roast mutton; odrezak ~e
ovica f dim small sheep; (janje) lamb(kin) | boja ~
(buba mara) B ladybird, A ladybug
ovj|i adj sheep | ~a koa (kouh) sheepskin
ovda adv | ~ onda v. tu i tamo, od vremena do vremena
ovdanji adj belonging to this place (town, country),
living in (at) this place (town itd.); of this place; local
ovdje adv here, in this place, on this spot, at this spot, at
this end, in this quarter (district, room, place) | ~
mama (na telefonu) this is mother; mamma speaking; ~! (prozivanje) present!; ~ ondje v. tu i tamo; ~
ondje poneki (meu mnotvom) with a sprinkling
of...; ~ negdje about here
ovei adj largish, biggish, somewhat large (big, great),
ovejan adj v. prepreden, prokuan, okorio
ovelik adj v. ovei
ovi dem pron m pl these; this lot
ovija m mil (do koljena) puttee
ovijan adj v. ovejan
ovijanje n bandaging, winding round, swathing, swaddling, wrapping
ovijati vt bandage, swathe, swaddle, wind round, wrap
up; twist round
ovijati se vr wind (wrap, twist) round
ovime dem pron Instr v. ovaj
ovisan adj dependent, depending upon, interdependent;
relying on
ovisiti vi depend (up)on, be dependent upon, be contingent on, hinge (turn) upon | koliko o meni ~i as far
as in me lies; o tebi ~i it lies with you to...
ovisno adv | ~ o depending (dependent) on
ovisnost f dependence, dependency; subordination; interdependence
ovisok adj tallish
oviti vt v. ovijati
ovjekovjeen pp perpetuated, eternalized, immortalized
ovjekovjeenje n perpetuation; immortalization
ovjekovjeiti vt eternalize, perpetuate, immortalize
ovjekovjeiti se vr immortaiize oneself; become immortalized
ovjenan pp wreathed, garlanded, festooned; (lovorom)
laureate, laurelled
ovjenanost f being crowed (laurelled); laureate status
ovjenati vt wreathe, laurel, garland, festoon; crown
ovjenati se vr crown oneself
ovjera f v. ovjerovljenje
ovjeren adj v. ovjerovljen

ovjerenje n v. ovjerovljenje
ovjerovitelj m attestor; verifier
ovjeroviti vt attest; certify; verify; authenticate; legalize,
accredit; notarize
ovjerovljen pp attested; verified; authenticated
ovjerovljenost f being attested (verified, authenticated,
ovjerovljenje n attestation; verification; authentification;
legalization; notarization
ovjerovljiv adj attestable, verifiable
ovjerovljivost f attestability, verifiability
ovjes m mot suspension
ovjetalost f v. istroenost, otrcalost
ovjetao pp v. istroen, otrcam
ovjetati vi v. istroiti se, otrcati se
ovladati vt master
ovladavanje n mastering
ovlast f authority, warrant; sanction; (doputenje) licence, permission; (pismena) permit; (punomo)
power of an attorney
ovlastiti vt authorize, entitle, empower; (opravdati) warrant, justify; (dopustiti) licence, permit
ovla adv v. lagano, letimino, povrno
ovlaan adj v. lagan, letimian, povran
ovlaten pp authorized, empowered; entitled; licensed;
privileged; competent; legitimate, warranted
ovlatenik m authorized person; representative; (opunomoenik) attorney; agent
ovlatenje n v. ovlast, punomo
ovlaen pp wetted, moistened, dampened
ovlaiti vt moisten, wet, dampen
ovlaiti se vr become moist (wet)
ovlaiva m moisturizer
ovlaivanje n moisturizing; wetting | sredstvo (krema)
za ~ moisturizer
ovnei adj of a ram (wether)
ovnetina f mutton
ovnovina f v. ovnetina
ovnujski adj v. ovnei
ovo dem pron n this, this hing
ovogodinji adj of this year, of the current year; this
year's, current year's
ovoj m v. ovojnica, omot; (med) v. povoj
ovojnica f bot, biol & eng shell, capsule, casing; (knjige)
v. omot
ovolicki adj v. ovolini
ovolik adj so large (big, tall, great), of this (such) dimensions (stature, quality, greatness, tallness), tall (great,
b.ig, large) like this
ovoliko adv thus much, as much, so much; this quantity
(number, amount itd.)
ovolini adj so tiny
ovolino adv so little
ovostran adj lying (situated) on this side of (river,
boundary, road itd.)
ovoten pp waxed, beeswaxed
ovotenje n waxing, beeswaxing, polishing with wax
ovotiti vt wax, beeswax
ovozemaljski adj of this world, this-worldly

ovratnik m collar | meki (tvrdi, dvostruki) ~ soft (stiff,

turndown) collar
ovrh|a f jur execution, distress, distraint, seizure | izvriti ~u levy a distress upon, distrain, seize chattels;
levy (raise) money by legal execution
ovrhovoditelj m distraining officer of the court; distrainor
ovriti vt (ito) finish (have done) threshing
ovsen adj v. zobni
ovsenica f cul oatcake
ovud(a) adv this way, in this direction, here; through
ozakoniti vt legalize
ozakonjen pp legalized
ozakonjenost f legalized status
ozakonjenje n legalization
ozaren pp beaming, lit up (illuminated) with joy (happiness)
ozareno adv beaming with joy, with one's face lit up
with happiness
ozarenost f face lit up with happiness
ozariti vt light up, illuminate (with happiness)
ozariti se vr light up (with happiness)
ozbiljan adj earnest; serious, grave; sedate, staid; stern,
composed, sober; demure; (svean) solemn; (pogibeljan) critical, risky
ozbiljno adv seriously, gravely, in earnest, earnestly;
demurely; (pogibeljno) critically | mislim ~ I am in
earnest; drati se ~ keep one's countenance; uzimati
(shvaati) ~ take seriously
ozbiljnost f earnestness, seriousness, gravity; sedateness;
soberness; solemnity; critical state
ozdo(la) adv v. odozdo, dolje
ozdraviti vi recover (health), get well, grow well again,
be restored to health, get on one's feet again, recruit;
(izvui se) pull through / vt bring back to health (v.
ozdravljenik m convalescent
ozdravljenje n recovery, convalescence, restoration, recruitment
ozebao adj chilled, frozen; frost-bitten; benumbed with
ozeblin|a f chilblain; (gnojna na peti) kibe | koji ima ~e
ozeleniti vt make green
ozelenjeti vi become green
ozepsti vi be suffering (benumbed, shivering) from cold;
chill, freeze; feel cold (chilly)
ozgo(ra) adv v. odozgo, gore
ozidati vt v. obzidati, sazidati
ozim m winter-corn
ozim|i adj | ~a psenica winter wheat
ozimina f winter-crops
ozivanje n publishing the banns
ozivati vt (za vjenanje) publish the banns
ozivi m (u crkvi) the banns pl
ozlijediti vt wound, hurt, injure; damage
ozlijediti se vr hurt oneself, receive an injury, get
wounded (injured; hurt, damaged)

ozlijeen pp injured, hurt, wounded, damaged

ozlijeenost f being injured, injured condition
ozloglasiti vt defame, bring into bad repute (disrepute);
decry, cry down; speak ill of; disparage; (klevetati)
slander, calumniate
ozloglaen pp defamed, ill-famed, notorious, disreputable, infamous
ozloglaenost f notoriousness, bad repute, disreputability
ozloglaenje n bringing into bad repute (disrepute);
defamation, making notorious
ozlojediti vt embitter, vex, exasperate, make angry; annoy
ozlojediti se vr become embittered (annoyed, vexed, irritated)
ozlojeen adj embittered, annoyed, vexed, irritated
ozlojeeno adv with annoyance (irritation), in an annoyed (irritated) manner
ozlojeenost f annoyance, vexation, irritation
ozlojeenje n making angry (vexed, annoyed, embittered)
ozlovoljen adj annoyed, vexed, irritated, embittered
ozlovoljeno adv with irritation; ill-humouredly
ozlovoljenost f annoyance, irritation; bad humour
ozlovoljiti vt annoy, vex, irritate, embitter, put one out of
humour, spoil one's good humour
ozlovoljiti se vr become annoyed (vexed, irritated, illhumoured), become crusty
ozljed|a f lesion, wound, hurt, injury, damage, sore,
bruise | bez ~e woundless, unhurt, undamaged,
ozljeenje n wounding, hurting, injuring
ozljeivati vt wound (hurt, injure, damage) repeatedly
oznaavanje n checking off, marking off, denoting, indicating; v. oznaka
oznaavati vt keep marking off (checking off, denoting)
(v. oznaiti)
oznaen pp marked, denoted, checked; characterized;
(koliima) staked out; (rezom kore drveta) blazed;
designed; (odreen) defined, determined
oznaiti vt designate, denote, connote, betoken; mark off
(out), check off; indicate; (znakom) ticket (label);
(koliima) stake out (off); (igom) brand; (poblie)
define, determine; (znaajkom) characterize
oznaiv adj denotable, designatable
oznaivost f denotability
oznaka f mark, characteristic, designation, denotation,
indication, sign, emblem, token, hall-mark; (etiketa)
label, ticket
oznojen adj perspiring, sweating
oznojiti vt (nekoga) make one sweat (perspire)
oznojiti se vr perspire (sweat) amply
ozon m ozone
ozrniti se vr (of grains and maize) form grain (in ears,
on cobs); kernel

ozvan pp | on je ~ u crkvi banns have been published

(put up) for him (at church)
ozvanjanje n ringing, re-echoing, reverberating
ozvanjati vi v. odzvanjati
ozvati vi (zarunike u crkvi) publish the banns, put up
the banns
ozvuenje n recording; soundtrack; wiring for sound;
public-address system; bugging
ozvuiti vt (tekst) record; (film) provide with sound
track; (dvoranu) wire for sound; set up a publicaddress system; (za prislukivanje) bug
oalostiti vt sadden, make sad (sorrowful); grieve, afflict
oalostiti se vr become sad(dened)
oaloen pp grieved, afflicted, saddened; distressed,
sorry, sorrowful
oaloeno adv sadly, with distress
oaloenost f sadness, distress, grief
obukan adj mortared, plastered
obukati vt mortar, plaster
odrijebiti vt have (drop) a foal
ozdrijebiti se vr foal
oei vt v. opei
oednio adj got thirsty, suffering thirst
oednjeti vi get thirsty, feel (become) thirsty
oeniti vt marry, take in marriage, take for wife, espouse, wed
oeniti se vr get married, marry; (bogato) marry an heiress
oenjen adj married; wedded
oet pp wrung (out), pressed (squeezed) out
oeti vt wring out, press out, squeeze out; express
oeen pp burned, scorched
oienje n el wiring
oigosan pp branded, stigmatized
oigosati vt brand, stigmatize
oiljak m scar, cicatrice, seam
oimanje n wringing (pressing, squeezing) out
oimati vt v. oeti
oiviti vt (uskrsnuti) resuscitate, restore to life, resurrect;
(obodriti) animate, revive, actuate, enliven, inspire
oivjeti vi become animated (excited, lively, inspired);
come to life
oivljavanje n revival, resurrection; (utopljenika) resuscitation
oivljen pp revived, restored to life (consciousness); resuscitated; animated, enlivened
oivotvoren pp realized, come true, accomplished
oivotvorenje n realization, accomplishment; materialization; coming true
oivotvoriti vt realize, accomplish; mateialize
oivotvoriti se vr come true, become a fact, realize
oujak m March
oujski adj March
ouljaviti vi become horny-handed (callous)
ovaliti vt (konja) bridle

pa adv and also, too, as well ; again ; moreover; well | ~
dobro well, then; ~ to onda? what of it?; ~ to je jasno why, that's clear; ~ ipak yet, still, and yet, but
yet, for all that, evertheless, notwithstanding; ~ makar even though, though, although; ~ nego! of
course, to be sure; ~ da i even if
pabir|ak m | ~ci pl gleanings pl
pabirenje n gleaning; aftercrop
pabiriti vt glean; gather what is left over
pac m Ger cul marinade
pacati vt Ger cul marinade
pacer m Ger v. eprtlja; (u ahu) duffer; (lijenik) bungler
pacificirati vt pacify
pacifiki adj geog Pacific
Pacifik m geog the Pacific (Ocean)
pacifikacija f pacification
pacifikator m pacifier
pacifist m pacifist
pacifistiki adj pacifist
pacifizam m pacifism
pacijent m patient | ambulantni ~ out-patient
pacijentica f (woman) patient
packa f (mrlja) blot; dab (blur, smear) of paint; (tinte)
ink-spot, blotch; (kazna) rap (with rod, birch) on
palm of hand; fig slap on the wrist
packalo n messy writer; v. mazalo
packanje n blotting, smearing, blotching, blurring
packati vt blot, stain, blotch; smear, blur; daub
pacov m v. takor
paad n collect ducklings
paanje n meddling with, interfering in
pa|ati se vr interfere (unduly) in, meddle with, intrude,
poke one's nose into other people's affairs | on se ~a u
tue poslove he is a busybody, he is a meddlesome
pae' adv v. dapae, tovie
pae'' n duckling
paetina f duck (meat)
paetvorina f geom parallelogram
pai m duckling
paji adj (of a) duck, duck's
pauli m (parfem) patchouli
paenik m sufferer
paenje n suffering
pad m fall; (s konja) spill; (padanje) falling; tumble;
(sputanje) decline, descent; (propast) downfall, ruin;
(ruenje) collapse, crash; (cijena) drop (dropping,
decline, decrease); (ugleda) weakening; (vrijednosti)
depreciation; (vode i fig) ebb(ing); (niice) prostration
padanje n falling; drop(ping); decreasing, decrease; declining, decline
pad|ati vi fall, drop; (klonuti) droop; (na manje) decrease, ebb, wane, decline, sink; (cijena) depreciate;
fall of | kia (snijeg, tua, solika) ~a it rains (snows,
hails, sleets); kia a kao iz kabla it rains cats and

dogs; magla ~a fog (mist) descends (comes down);

kia ~a sitno (sipi) it drizzles; ~ati u dug become
burdened (saddled) with debts, run into debt; njihov
broj ~a their number is thinning (shrinking); praznik ~a na... the holiday falls on...; zastor ~a curtain
drops; posao (dunost) ~a na moj teret work (duty)
devolves upon me; pao je na teret svoje opine (u
ubonicu) he has come upon the parish; na tebe ~a
(dunost) it is incumbent upon you to; ~ati nekome
pred noge throw oneself at one's feet; drvetu ~a lie
tree sheds leaves; jelenu ~aju rogovi stag sheds antlers
padavic|a f med epilepsy, arch falling sickness | napadaj
~e epileptic seizure
padaviar m med epileptic
padaviav adj epileptic | ~ ovjek epileptic
padavine f pl v. oborine | radioaktivne ~ radioactive
padel|a f It stewpan | cul na ~u stewed
pade m gram case | kosi ~ oblique case; etvrti ~ (akuzativ) objective case (accusative)
padeni adj gram of (relating to, forming) a case | ~ nastavak case ending
padina f sloping ground, declivity, slope, gradient, decline
padobran m parachute | skoiti (spustiti se) ~m parachute
padobran|ac m parachutist; hum (ide preko reda) B
queue-jumper, A line crasher | mil ~ci paratroop(er)s
padobranski adj parachute; mil paratroop(s), paratrooper, parachute
padobranstvo n sp parachute jumying
Padova f geog Padua
paf adj v. zapanjen, zaprepaten
paganski adj fig pagan; rel v. poganski
paganstvo n fig paganism, pagan spirit; rel v. poganstvo
paginacija f pagination
paginirati vt paginate
pagoda f pagoda
pahalica f v. peruka
pahanje n dusting, clearing of dust by blowing (fanning)
pahati vi dust, clear away, dust by blowing
pahuljast adj fluffy
pahuljica f fluff; flake; (prvo perje, dlaice) down; (snijega) snowflake; (pamuka, vune itd.) fluff, flue; eiderdown
pahuljiav adj fluffy, downy, flaky
pajac m puppet; clown (i fig)
pajasen m bot tree of heaven, ailanthus
pajc m Ger v. moilo
pajc(ov)ati vt Ger v. moiti
pajda m chum, erony, boon companion
pajkan m sl v. policajac
paj(k)iti vi go to beddie-bye
Pajo m hyp Paul | ~ Patak Donald Duck
pajol m mar It v. podnica
pajzl m Ger derog drinking den, dive

pak' m sp (hockey) puck

pak'' adv again, then (v. pa); (naprotiv) on the contary |
ako ~ but if, in case that; kad ~ but when
pakao m hell, inferno; fig (galama) pandemonium
paket m package, parcel | ~ usluga package arrangement; package tour
paketi m dim small parcel
paketirati vt parcel, package
paketni adj parcel, package
pakiranje n packing; package
pakirati vt pack
Pakistan m geog Pakistan
Pakistanac m Pakistani
Pakistanka f Pakistani (woman)
pakistanski adj Pakistani; Pakistan
paklara f ichth lamprey
paklen adj hell, infernal; fiendish | ~a buka pandemonium; ~i neprijatelj fiend; ~i stroj time bomb
paklenski adj v. paklen
paklina f asphalt, pitch, bitumen, naphtha
paklinast adj bituminous
paklo n v. paketi, kutija cigareta
pakosnica f ill-natured (malicious) woman
pakosnik m ill-natured person, malicious (malignant,
spiteful) man; fiend
pakosno adv maliciously, malignantly, spitefully
pakost f malice, malignity, maliciousness, ill-nature;
pakostan adj malicious, malignant, spitefull, ill-natured,
fiendish, virulent
pakostiti vi wreak one's malice on, harm (injure) spitefully
pakoenje n acts of malice (spite, ill-nature)
pakovanje n v. pakiranje, ambalaa
pakovati vt v. pakirati
pakpapir m wrapping paper
pakraki adj coll | dobiti ~ dekret be sent packing, be
fired (dismissed) from service
pakt m pact | sklopiti ~ o nenapadanju conclude a nonaggression pact (treaty)
paktiranje n conclusion of pact(s); fig plotting against;
fig appeasement
paktirati vi conclude a pact (pacts); fig plot against; fig
pakung m v. pakiranje; (za kosu) hair restorer, cream
palac' m (ruke) thumb; (noni) big toe; (mjera) inch | fig
drati palce (fige) keep one's fingers crossed
palac'' m (pl paoci) (wheel) spoke
pala|a f palace, stately mansion, palatial building; hall,
residence | poput ~e palatial
palaink|a f cul pan-cake, crepe suzette; (slino) B
crumpet, A blintz | tijesto za ~e batter
Palada f myth Pallas
paladij m chem palladium
palamida f ichth bonito
palanaki adj small town
palananin m small-town dweller
palanka f market-town; derog Gotham

palata f v. palaa
palatal m phon palatal
palatalan adj phon palatal
palatalizacija f phon palatalization
palatalizirati vt phon palatalize
palatalizirati se vr phon become palatalized
palatalnost f phon palatalism, palatal quality
pali m dim small thumb; ornith v. kralji
palenta f cul polenta, hard corn-mush, thick hominypudding
paleograf m palaeographer
paleografija f palaeography
paleografski adj palaeographic
paleolitik m Paleolithic, the Old Stone Age
paleontolog m paleontologist
paleontologija f paleontology
paleontoloki adj paleontological
paleozoik m Paleozoic
paleozojski adj paleozoic
Palestina f geog Palestine
Palestinac m Palestinian
pslestinski adj Palestinian, Palestine
paleta f palette
pale m arson, incendiarism
pali adj fallen; fig fallen, killed (pl the fallen)
palica f stick, walking-stick; (trska) cane; baton; staff |
gumena ~ v. pendrek
palidrvce n v. ibica
palijativ m palliative measure; med palliative agent
palijativa f collect palliative measures (agents)
palijativan adj palliative
palijativno adv as a palliative measure (procedure)
palikua m incendiary, person committing arson
palikustvo n arson, incendiarism
palimpsest m palimpsest
palindrom m palindrome
palingar m v. parangal
palir m (working) foreman
palisada f palisade, paling, stockade
palisandrovina f Brazilian rosewood
paliti vt burn; (gorivo) fire, use as fuel; (oruje) fire,
discharge, shoot; (svjetlo) light, (zapaliti) kindle, set
on fire, ignite; (priti) singe, scorch; (brodsko dno
radi ienja) bream (broom) a ship; (ugljen) char; (u
pei) bake; (u pepeo) reduce to ashes; (igicu) strike
a match; (tamjan) incense; (sunce) scorch (parch,
broil, tan); (kopriva) sting; (rakiju) distil (still);
(ranu) sear, cauterize; (ig u kou) brand; fig inflame
| papar pali pepper is hot
paliti se vr (svjetla) come on; (aparati) switch on
palma f bot palm, palm-tree
palmin adj of a palm | ~o vino palmwine; ~a granica
palm branch
palos, palo m hist two-handed sword
palpacija f med palpation, tapping
palpirati vt med palpate, tap
palub|a f mar board, deck (of vessel) | na ~i on board,
aboard; sprijeda na ~i fore; straga na ~i aft; pram-

ana ~a foredecks; krmena ~a afterdeck; voa ~e

boatswain, bosun
palubni adj deck
palucati vi (zmija) dart one's tongue
palj m (za vodu u amcu) scoop, water-shovel
paljati vt (vodu iz amca) bail out (a boat)
paljba f (oruje) fire, firing off, discharge; volley; (svih
bonih topova broda) broadside
paljen pp fired; discharged; (pougljenjen) charred;
baked; calcined
paljenje m burning, ignition; firing, fire; singeing; (ig)
branding; (rane) cautery, cauterizing, cauterization;
(prenje) scorching, parching, searing; (ugljena)
charring; (zgrade) setting fire to; (vatre) kindling,
igniting; (svjetla) lightiing; (izgaranje) combustion;
(palikustvo) arson
paljetkovati vt v. pabiriti
paljevin|a f burning | mirii po ~i it smells of burning
pamenje n (uenje) learning (getting) by heart (rote),
memorizing; (sposobnost) memory; (sjeanje) remembrance, recollection, reminiscence | dobro ~ tenacious (retentive) memory; slabo ~ bad (treacherous) memory; ako me ~ ne vara if I remember right
pamet f (razbor) prudence; (shvaanje) understanding;
(um) intellect, intelligence; mind; wits pl; mother wit,
brains, sense, coll gumption; (zdrava) commonsence,
sanity; (razbor) rationality, reasonableness | on nije
pri zdravoj ~i he is out of his wits; on je pri ~i he is
in his senses; moram ga pozvati k ~i I must bring
him to his senses (reason); doi e k ~i he will come
to bis senses; je li te ~ ostavila? are you out of your
senses?; liiti ~i drive mad; imati na ~i bear (keep)
in mind, be mindful of, remember; (kaniti) intend,
contemplate; pasti na ~ occur; palo mu je na ~ it occurred to him, the idea struck him, it crossed (entered) his mind, he hit upon an idea; (sjetio se) he recalled; on je slabe ~i he is a duffer; biti spore ~ have
slow wits; njegovo ime mi je ispalo iz ~i his name
has escaped me; nije pri pravoj ~i he is halfwitted,
he is not in his senses; pomraila mu se ~ he has become mentally deranged (benighted, insane); ima
dobru ~ he has a good head-piece, he is clever (longheaded); usjeklo mu se u ~ it sank into his mind
(memory); u njega nema mnogo ~i he will not set
the Thames on fire; ona je bez ~i (muiava, lakoumna) she is flighty; ovjek bez ~i a cracked (crazy,
crackbrained) person; budi pri ~i use discretion; nije
mi na kraj ~i far be it from me to...; rei to ovjeku
padne na ~ say whatever comes uppermost; uiti se
~i (iskustvom) learn by unpleasant experience; prvo
mi je na ~i uppermost in my memory is...; dozvati ~i
bring to reason; dozvati u ~ call up, recollect, recall;
nauit u ga ~i I will bring him to his senses; jo mi
je na ~i it is still fresh in my mind; uvijek mi je na
~i I cannot dismiss it from my memory (mind); to ti
pada na ~? how can you conceive such a foolish
idea?; gdje ti je bila ~? you had not your wits about
you; uiti (znati) na ~ v. napamet

pametan adj sensible, judicious, prudent, rational; (sposoban) clever, long-headed, brainy; (razborit) reasonable, discreet; (uman) intelligent; (mudar) wise,
sage; (pri pameti) in one's senses; (otrouman) sagacious | biti ~ have one's wits about one; ~ ovjek a
man of sense
pametno adv judiciously, sensibly, prudently, wisely,
sagaciously | govoriti ~ talk sense
pametnjakovi m iron Mr Know-it-all, A sl smart aleck
pamflet m libel, pamphlet
pamfletist m pamphleteer
pamfletistiki adj pamphletary
pampur m v. ep
pamt|iti vt keep (bear) in mind, be mindful of; (sjeati
se) remember, recall, recollect; v. uiti napamet | otkad se ~i within the memory of men, within living
pamtivijek m | od ~a from times immemorial
pamuan adj (made of) cotton, calico
pamuika f bot cotton-plant
pamunina f text cotton stuff
pamuk m cotton; v. vata | uzgajiva ~a cotton-grower;
predionica ~a cotton-mill; ~za municiju gun-cotton;
egrenirati ~ (oistiti od sjemena) gin; stroj za egreniranje ~a cotton-gin
Pan m myth Pan
panada f cul reg v. popara
Panam|a f geog Panama | stanovnik ~e Panamanian
panamski adj geog Panamanian | P~kanal Panama Canal
panarabizam m Pan-Arabism
panarapski adj Pan-Arabic
pancada f cul reg v. mesna slanina
pancer m Ger v. oklop
pancerica f (double) ski boot
pancirn|i adj Ger v. oklopni | ~a granata v. protuoklopni
pandan m counterpart
pandekta n pl jur pandect sg
pandemian adj med pandemic
pandemija f med pandemic
Pandor|a f myth Pandora | ~ina posuda Pandora's box
pandur m policeman, constable; (sudski) beadle, bailiff
pandurski adj of (like) a policeman
panda f claw, talon, paw, pounce | fig u neijim ~ma in
someone's grip
panegiriar m panegyrist
panegirik m panegyric | slaviti ~om panegyrize; pisac
~a panegyrist
panel m TV panel | ~ diskusija panel discussion (sudionik panelist); ~ ploa block-board
panelka f block-board
pangerman m Pan-German
pangermanizam m Pan-Gerrnanism
pangermanski adj Pan-Germanic
panhelenski adj Panhellenic
panian adj panicky, panic-stricken
paniar m scaremonger, alarmist
paniiti vi be a scaremonger, give in to panic

panika f panic | uhvatila ih je ~ they panicked

paniker m v. paniar
panirati vt cul bread
pankreas m anat v. guteraa
pano m large board, hoarding; photo-mural
Panonac m Pannonian
Panonija f geog Pannonia
panonski adj Pannonian
panoptikum m panoyticon
panorama f panorama
panoramski adj panoramic
pansion m board and lodging; v. penzion | puni ~ B all
meals included, A American plan; polu-~ B bed and
pansionat m v. penzionat
panslav|en, ~ist m Pan-Slavist
panslavistiki adj Pan-Slavist
panslavizam m Pan-Slavism
pant m Ger v. arka
pantalone f pl v. hlae
panteist m pantheist
panteistiki adj pantheistic(al)
panteizam f pantheism
panteon m pantheon
panter m panther; he-panther
pantera f panther; she-panther
pantljiara f med v. trakavica
pantljika f v. vrpca
pantograf m pantograph
pantomima f pantomime
pantomimiar m pantomimist, dumb-show artist
pantomimski adj pantomimic
panzion m v. pansion
panj m tree-stump, stump, block; fig coarse (awkward,
clumsy) fellow, blockhead | vaditi ~eve uproot, dig
up roots, grub up stumps
panjkati vt v. ogovarati, klevetati
paoenje n locking the wheels by means of a skid pan
paoiti vt lock the wheels with lock-chain (drag-chain);
apply drag (skid-pan, iron-shoe); brake
paonica f skid-pan
papa m pope, pontiff
papa! int bye-bye!
papagaj m v. papiga
papagajski adj fig parrot-like
pap|ak m hoof | raskoljenih ~aka fissiped, clovenfooted; otegnuti ~ke kick the bucket, die
papalina f ichth sprat
papar m pepper; (samljeven) ground pepper; (u zrnu)
pepper-corn | pee kao ~ it is hot (pungent) like pepper
papata m ent sand-fly; sci phlebotomus
papazjanija f Tur fig v. riet
paperjast adj downy
paperje n fluff, down, eiderdown
papiga f parrot, poll-parrot, poll; popinjay; (oponaa)
person who mechanically repeats (recites) words
(learned matter)

papigica f dim little parrot; (posebna vrsta) B budgerigar, A love bird | australska ~ parakeet
papilot(n)a f v. vikler
papin adj pope's, pontifical
papinsk|i adj papal, pope's, pontifical | ~a ast pontificate
papinstvo n pontificate
papir m paper; (tanak) thin paper; (debeo) stout paper;
(brusni) abbrasive paper; (sa crtama) lined (ruled)
paper; (filtar) filter paper; (fotografski) paper for
photography; (krep) crepe paper; (lijepljeni) sized
paper; (natron) kraft-paper; (s kockama) squared paper; (cigaretni) cigarette paper; (crtai) drawing paper; (za tampanje) printing paper; (proziran, za precrtavanje) tracing-paper; (fini tanki) onion skin;
(karbon) carbon-paper; (indigo) (blue) copyingpaper; (novinski) news-print; (inenjerski, osjetljiv na
svjetlo) blue paper; (listovni) writing paper, notepaper; (kancelarijski) foolscap; (zamotni) brown paper, wrapping paper; (od krpa) rag-paper; (pergament) paper like parchment | ~i (isprave) documents;
(osobne) identity papers; arak ~a sheet of paper;
tvornica ~a paper-mill; prodava ~a stationer
papiri m dim a piece (cutting, shred) of paper
papirnat adj made of paper, paper | ~i novac papermoney, soft money, bank-notes, A bills; ~a vreica
paper cornet (bag)
papirnica f B (commercial) stationer's shop, A stationery
papirniar m stationer
papirus m papyrus
papkari m pl zoo Ungulata
paprat f bot fern | nasad ~i fernery
papren adj peppered, peppery; hot burning ; (cijena)
exorbitant, extortionate, fancy-priced; (govor) pungent, caustic
papreno adv | ~ zaraunati charge exorbitantly
paprenjak m cul pepper-cake
paprenje n cul peppering, seasoning with pepper
papriciran adj cul paprika-coated; red-pepper seasoned
paprik|a f paprika; red pepper, Cayenne pepper, capsicum | blaga (ljuta) ~a mild (hot) red pepper; zelena
~a green pepper; cul punjene ~e stuffed (green) peppers
paprika m cul stewed meat | telei ~ veal stew
papriti vt cul (sprinkle with) pepper; season red pepper
papski adj v. papinski | fig ~ji od Pape more Catholic
than the Pope
papu|a f slipper | on je pod ~om he is tied to his wife's
apron-strings, he is henpecked, grey mare (the mare)
is the better horse
papuar m maker of slippers
papuast adj like (having the shape of) slipper
papuic|a f dim little slipper, biol paramecium | bot Gospina ~a lady's slipper; mot pritisnuti na ~u gasa
step on the pedal, coll step on it
par m (dva) pair, two, couple, set of two; (pasa, divljai)
brace; (sprega volova) a yoke of oxen; (nekoliko) one
or two, some, a few, several | ~ redaka a line or two;

~ dana a couple of days, a day or two; za ~ dana in a

matter of days; oenjen ~ (brani par) married couple, wedded couple; ~ rukavica a pair of gloves; izgubio sam ~ ove rukavice I have lost the fellow of
this glove; ~ svezak (od dva sveska) the companion
volume; ~ po ~ by twos; fig ~ (ravan) nekome equal
to, a match for; nisu sebi ~ they do not match; on mi
nije ~ he is not my equal; (nii) he is my inferior; nai (namjeriti se) na ~a find (meet) one's match
(equal); nema mu ~a he has no equal; there is nothing like it; nikada mu nisam vidio ~a I never saw
his match; bez ~a without a rival, matchless, uniqe; ~
i nepar odd and even (doslovno: even and odd); sp
igra ~ova doubles pl
para' f steam, vapour; (isparina) exhalation, fume, reek,
par|a'' f one-hundredth of a dinar; fig smallest coin | coll
nemam ~a I have no money ; nemati ni prebite ~e
have not a single farthing left, be penniless; be as
poor as a church mouse; ne vrijedi ni ~e it is not
worth a rush (straw)
parabel|a f, ~um m large-caliber (big-bore) pistol (revolver); v. automat
parabola f geom parabola
parabolian adj parabolic(al)
parada f parade; (vojna) military parade, muster of
troops; (pokazivanje) show, display, review; (epirenje) ostentation
paradajz m v. rajica
paradentoza f med periodontosis
paradigma f gram paradigm
paradirati vt parade, display ostentatiously
paradni adj (svean) festal; formal; ceremonial; state;
(ukoen) stiff; (nadut) showy, pompous; (sjajan)
grand, imposing
paradoks m paradox
paradoksalan adj paradoxical
paradoksnost f paradoxy
paraf m initials (as signature)
parafin m chem B paraffin wax, A paraffin(wax)
parafinsk|i adj chem paraffin | ~o ulje B liquid paraffin,
A mineral oil
parafiran pp initialled
parafirati vt initial (an agreement)
parafrastian adj paraphrastic
parafraza f paraphrase
parafraziranje n paraphrasing
parafrazirati vt paraphrase
paragraf m section-mark; (zakona) article
Paragvaj m geog Paraguay
Paragvajac m Paraguayan
paragvajski adj geog Paraguayan
parajlija m Tur v. bogata
paralaksa f astr parallax
paralaktian adj astr parallactic
paralaa f arrant liar, arch-liar, through-paced liar, accomplished liar
paralela f parallel; analogy
paralelan f parallel, analogous, corresponding to

paralelizam m parallelism
paralelno adv parallelly | ~ s tim parallel with that
paralelnost f parallelism
paralelogram m geom parallelogram | ~ sila parallelogram of forces
paralelopiped m geom parallelepiped
paralisati vt v. paralizirati
paralitiar m med paralytic; (totalni, od vrata nanie)
paralitiki adj med paralytic
paralitik m med paralytic
paraliza f med & fig paralysis | djeja ~ poliomyelitis
(coll polio), infantile paralysis
paraliziranje n med & fig paralysing, paralysation
paralizirati vt med & fig paralyse
paramecij m biol paramecium
parametar m parameter
paramparad n pl | u ~ v. u sto komada, na komadie
paran' adj v. parni
paran'' pp ripped up
parangal m long line | lov ~om long-lining
paranoian adj med paranoic
paranoik m med paranoiac
paranoja f med paranoia
paranje n ripping (tearing) up, dissecting, slitting, rending; (tijela) dissection, vivisection, anatomy; post
parapet m parapet
paraplegiar m med paraplegic
paraplegija f med paraplegia
parapsihologija f med parapsychology
parastos m Orth requiem, funeral service
par|ati vt rip (tear) open (up); (av) unseam, unrip, unstitch; (ivano) unsew; rip up, rip open; (razrezati)
slit, rend; (meso) dissect, vivisect, anatomize; slit,
rend | ~a mi srce my heart is rent by...
parati se vr rip, tear, rend
paratifus m med paratyphoid
paravan m screen (i fig), partition
parazit m med & biol parasite; fig parasite, hanger-on,
parazitizam m parasitism
parazitolog m med parasitologist
parazitologija f med parasitology
parazitoloki adj med parasitological
parazitski adj med & fig parasitic(al)
parba f v. parnica, parnienje
parben adj v. parnini
parbenje n v. parnienje
parbiti se vr v. parniiti se
parcela f B plot, A lot
parcelacija f parcelling
parcelirati vt parcel (out)
parcijalan adj v. djelomian, pristran
parcov m v. takor
pare n (pl parad) v. komad(i); mil v. krhotina
parence n dim v. komadi
pardon m | ~! B sorry!, A excuse me!; (jae) I beg your
pardon; bez ~a strictly, relentlessly

pardonirati vt (apologize for bothering and) accost

pare f pl v. novac
paren pp steamed, steam-dried; stewed
parenhim m biol parenchyma
parenica f bucking-tub, lye-tub
parenje n (ivotinja) mating
pareza f med paresis
parfem m perfume
parfimerija f perfume shop; v. drogerija
parfimirati vt perfume
parfimirati se vr put on perfume
parhet m text fustian
parija f pariah, untouchable (oba i fig), social outcast
parip m v. konj, kljuse; reg (kopljen konj) gelding
pariranje n parry, warding off
parirati vt parry, ward off
Paris m myth Paris
pariki adj Parisian
paritet n parity; terms of delivery (cif, fob etc.)
paritetni adj parity
pariti' vt (parom) steam; boil; (furiti) scald; (dimiti) fumigate, fume
pariti'' vt (sparivati) match; pair; couple, unite; mate,
copulate; sort equal things
pariti se' vr steam, take a steam-bath; evaporate, fume,
stew, reek, smoke, exhale
pariti se'' vr (ivotinje) mate, rut, copulate, couple, unite,
pair, cohabit; (ii par po par) go off in pairs
Pariz m geog Paris
parizer m cul bologna sausage
Parianin m Parisian
Parianka f Parisian (woman, girl)
park m park, gardens pl | vozni ~ motor pool; rlw rolling
stock; strojni ~ machinery, plant; Nacionalni ~ National Park
Parke f pl myth Fates, Parcae
parket m (sjedala, stranji redovi) pit, (prednji, otmjeni
dio) orchestra stalls; (pod) parquet (jedan komad
parquet block), pl parquetry | popoditi ~om parquet
parketar m (parquet) floorer
parketirati vt parquet
parking m v. parkiralite
parkiralite n B car-park, A parking lot
parkiranje n parking | zabranjeno ~ no parking; sat za
~ parking meter
parkirati vt park (a car)
parkirati (se) vi (vr) park (one's car)
parlament m parliament; (izvan Engleske) diet
parlamentarac m member of parliament; mil parliamentary
parlamentaran adj parliamentary
parlamentarno adv in a parliamentary manner
parlamentarnost f parliamentarism
parmezan m Parmesan (cheese)
Parnas m myth Parnassus
parnaski adj myth Parnassian
parni' adj steam; eng steam-powered | ~ stroj steam
engine; ~kotao boiler

parn|i' adj (broj) even; in pairs | ~a rukavica fellow (of

a glove); ~i svezak companion volume
parnic|a f law-suit, suit, suit (action) at law, law-case |
povesti (dii) ~u institute legal proceedings against;
dobiti ~u gain a law-suit; izgubiti ~u lose (be defeated in) a law-suit, (uz plaanje trokova) be cast in
damages; ~a je u toku the law-suit is pending; tok ~e
legal proceedings
parniar m litigant, party to a law-suit
parnienje n litigation; legal proceedings
parniiti se vr litigate, go to law, contest at law; sue
parnini adj dealing with (relating) to a law-suit (litigation), litigatory | ~ trokovi court fees (expenses); ~
postupak legal proceedings
parobrod m steamboat, steamship, steamer
parobrodarsk|i adj | ~o drutvo steamship company;
shipping company
parobrodarstvo n steam-shipping, steamship navigation
parodija f parody
parodirati vt parody
parodist m parodist
paroh m (parish-)rector of Orthodox Church, parson
parohija f parish (living, benefice) of Orthodox Church
parohijski adj belonging to (of) Orthodox Church parish
paroksizam m paroxysm
parol|a f slogan; (koja se nosi) placard, sign | izvikivati
~e shout slogans
parola m derog sloganeer
paromjer m eng manometer
paromlin m steam-powered flour-mill
parostroj m steam-engine, locomotive
paroak m point (prong, tine, troching) of antler
part|a f, ~ecetl m Ger v. osmrtnica
partenogeneza f biol parthenogenesis
parter m v. prizemlje; (sjedala) orchestra (seats); gym
floor exercises
partfi m Ger v. partvi
particip m gram participle | sadanji ~ present participle; proli ~ past participle
participacija f participation
participijalan adj participial
participirati vi participate
partihla f Ger v. oprnjak
partija f pol party (v. stranka); (karata) game; com (neega) batch, load | on je dobra ~ he's a good catch
partijac m party member, hist member of the Communist Party
partijski adj v. stranaki; party; hist Communist-Party
partitivan adj gram partitive
partitura f mus score
partizan m partisan
partizanski adj partisan, of (like) a partisan; guerilla | ~
rat guerilla warfare
partizantina f derog guerrilla mentality
partner m partner
partnerica f (woman) partner
partnerstvo n partnership

partvi m Ger push-broom, long-handled broom

parveni m v. skorojevi
pas' m (pojas) belt, girdle; v. pojas; (s nabojima) cartridge belt | skinuti se do ~a strip to the waist; (dubok) do ~a waist-deep
pas'' m dog; (lovaki) hound; (uvar) watch-dog; (na
lancu) bandog; (prost) cur; (traga, najjaeg njuha)
bloodhound, mastiff | morski ~ shark; ive kao ~ i
maka they live a cat and dog life; on uz nju ivi
kao ~ she leads him a dog's life
pas''' m ftb v. dodavanje
pasanac m zoo armadillo
pasara f mar (wooden) dinghy
pasat m (pasatni vjetar) trade-wind
pasati vi v. odgovarati, pristajati, biti prikladan
pasa m passage; (shopping) mall; mus passaggio,
pasenje n grazing
pasha f Easter, Easter-tide; (idovska) Passover
pasiflora f bot passionflower
pasija f passion; hobby
pasijans m car solitaire, patience
pasioniran pp passionate, fervent, enthusiastic
pasirati vt ftb v. dodati; cul run through a strainer
pasiv m gram passive voice
pasiva f liabilities pl, adverse balance, deficit
pasiv|an adj (nehajan) passive, inert, inactive; (pokoran)
submissive; fin indebted, in debt, with liabilities exceeding assets; (zaostao u plaanju) in arrears | ~na
podruja food-importing (non-selfsupporting, unproductive, depressed) areas; ~na bilanca adverse
pasivizacija f passivization
pasivizirati vt passivize
pasivizirati se vr become passive
pasivno adv passively; inertly
pasivnost f passiveness | ~ kraja insufficiency of foodstuffs in a district
pasji adj dog, doggish, hound, canine, kennel; (jadan)
wretched, miserable | ~ dani dog-days
pask|a f attention, care, custody, keeping, protection,
control, watch | pod ~om under surveillance
paskvil m libel, lampoon, pasquinade
paskvilant m pasquinader
pasmin|a f breed, strain, stock, race, family | iste ~e
thoroughbred, of pure breed
paso m (putovnica) passport
pasoki adj | ~ odjel passport office
pasovati vi v. pasati
paspuliran pp trimmed, edged
pasta f paste (i cul); (za cipele) shoe-polish; (za zube)
tooth paste
pastel m pastel crayon; (slika) pastel (drawing)
pasteln|i adj | ~e boje pastel colours
pasteriziran adj pasteurized
pasteriziranje n pasteurization
pasterizirati vt pasteurize
pasti' vi fall, drop; tumble; decrease; ebb, wane, decline;
depreciate; shrink; (s konja) be spilled; (s visoka)

topple down; (u borbi) fall in action | pao je na niske

grane he came down in the world; palo mi je na
pamet it flashed upon me, an idea smote me, I struck
upon the idea of; ~ niice prostrate oneself; to mu je
dolo kao da je palo s neba, palo mu je u krilo he
got it without effort; it came like a windf all to him, it
came like a Godsend to him; opet ~ (u isti grijeh, naviku) backslide, be a backslider
pasti'' vt & vi graze, pasture; (brstiti) browse; (uvati)
herd, tend; (pustiti na pau) put cattle to pasture | ~
oi feed (feast) one's eyes upon, gloat over; dati ~
feed, feed on crop
pastila f pharm pastille
pastir m shepherd, herdsman, herd
pastirad n collect shepherd boys (lads); little shepherds
pastire n shepherd boy (lad)
pastirica f shepherdess
pastirsk|i adj of (like) a shepherd, pastoral, bucolic | ~a
poslanica pastoral letter; ~a pjesma pastoral poem
pastor m eccl pastor, rector
pastorak m step-son, step-daughter, step-child
pastoralan adj pastoral
pastorale m mus pastorale
pastorad n collect step-children
pastore n step-child
pastorka f step-daughter
pastrmka f v. pastrva
pastrnjak m bot parsnip
pastrva f icht trout | jezerska (potona) ~ lake (brown)
pastuh m stallion, stud-horse
pastuharna f stud-farm
pastva f (duhovna) cure of souls, spiritual change; (ljudi)
body of believers, (church-) fold
pasulj m v. grah
pasus m v. odlomak
pa|a' f pasture, pasturage, pasture land, grassland, herbage | pravo na ~u right of pasture
paa'' m (turski) pasha, pacha
paaluk m jurisdiction of a pasha
paanac m v. urjak
paad n collect dogs, curs
pae n dog, cur
paenog m v. urjak
painica f pasha's wife
pakanat m bot v. pastrnjak
panjak m pasture-ground, grassland; common
paovanje n despotic rule
paovati vi rule despotically, domineer; ride rough-shod
pata f cul reg | ~ uta v. tjestenina; ~ faol bean-andpasta soup, beans and noodles
pateta f pie, patty, paste | jetrena ~ liverwurst
pat m chess stalemate | fig biti u ~-poziciji be at a
stalemate, be stalemated
Pat m | ~ i Pataon Mutt and Jeff
patak m drake | Pajo ~ Donald Duck
pataren m hist v. bogumil

patent m patent, letters-patent; gadget, device; v. patentni zatvara | vlasnik ~a patentee

patentiran adj patented
patentiranje n taking out (getting issued) a patent
patentirati vt take out a patent, get issued a patent
patentn|i adj | ~a isprava letter patent; ~i ured Patent
Office; ~i zatvara zipper
paternalistiki adj paternalist
paternalizam m paternalism
patetian adj pathetic(al), marked by pathos
patetino adj pathetically, with pathos
patetinost f pathos
patetika f pathos
patike f pl B plimsolls, A sneakers (v. tenisice); A gym
shoes (v. gimnastike papue)
patina f patina
patiniran pp patinated
patiniranje n patination
patinirati vt patinate
patiti vt (bol) smart, ache; (trpjeti) suffer, bear; (muka)
be tormented (tortured, racked); (svijati se) writhe
under | od ega on pati? what is his complaint (disease, trouble)?, what ails him?; on pati od fiksne
ideje he has a bee in his bonnet
patiti se vr toil and moil, agonize, be afflicted with, labour; (radom) drudge
patka f duck | divlja ~ mallard; novinarska ~ (newspaper) hoax, canard
patkica f dim little duck; (igraka) toy duck (v. pae'')
patlidan m eggplant, B+ aubergine
patnica f woman-sufferer, wretched woman, drudge
patniki' adj suffering
patniki'' adv sufferingly
patnik m sufferer, miserable (afflicted) person; (radnik)
wretch; (mukotrpni radnik) drudge, slave
patnja f suffering; (bol) pain, agony; (jake boli) throes
pl; (muenje) torment, torture; (duevno) affliction,
grief, anguish, woe, distress
patogen adj med pathogenic
patolog m med patbologist
patologija f med pathology
patoloki' adj pathological
patoloki'' adv pathologically
patos' m pathos
patos'' m v. pod
patosati vt v. popoditi
patosni adj v. podni
patricij m patrician
patricijka f (woman) patrician
patricijski adj patrician
patrijarh m eccl & fig patriarch
patrijarhalan adj patriarchal; timehonoured, venerable;
traditiona1, primitive
patrijarhat m patriarchate; eccl rank (office, title) of
patrijarija f eccl patriarchate, see (residence) of a patriarch
patriot m patriot
patriotizam m patriotism

patriotski' adj patriotic

patriotski'' adv patriotically
patriti vi v. pripadati
patrola f patrol; (ophodnja) going the rounds; (odio)
detachment (draft) of soldiers going their rounds
patroliranje n patrolling
patrolirati vi patrol, go (do) the rounds
patroln|i adj | nav ~i amac (brod) patrol boat (vessel);
~a kola (policijska) squad car
patron m patron, protector; (upe) advowee
patrona' f cartridge itd. (v. metak); eng cartridge; (s
tintom) ink cartridge
patrona'' f v. pokroviteljica
patronat m patronage (v. pokroviteljstvo); (upe) advowson
patronan|i adj med | ~a sestra community-health nurse
patronimik m patronymic
patronta m Ger v. nabojnjaa
patuljak m dwarf, pigmy, manikin; (pali) hop-o'-mythumb
patuljast adj dwarfish, pygmean
patvoren adj counterfeit, falsified, spurious, adulterine,
adulterete, adulterated, fabricated, sham, mock, false;
(pie) doctored, loaded, adulterated
patvorenje n adulteration; forgery; falsification, counterfeiting; fabrication
patvorina f forgery, counterfeit, sham
patvoritelj m adulterator
patvoriti vt counterfeit, falsify, forge, sham, fabricate;
(pie) doctor, adulterate, load (wine)
pauin|a f spider's web, cobweb | pun ~e full of (wrapped
in) cobwebs
pauinast adj cobwebby
pauji adj of a spider
pauk m spider; ichth sting-fish
paun m peafowl, peacock
paunad f collect young peacocks, peafowls
paune n young peacock, pea-chick
paunica f pea-hen
pauperizacija f pauperization
pauperizam m pauperism
pauperizirati vt pauperize
pauperizirati se vr become pauperized
paual m (paualna pristojba) flat rate; (paualna svota)
lump sum
paualan adj flat, flat-rate, lump, average; across-theboard
paualno adv in (by) the lump | plaati ~ pay a flat rate;
pay a lump (an average) sum
pauza f pause; (zatije) lull; (zastoj) standstill; break;
(na koncertu, u operi) B interval, A intermission | ~!
(take a) break!
pauziranje n making a pause, pausing; (prekinuti) discontinuance
pauzirati vi make a pause, pause, discontinue
Pavao m Paul
Pavica f Pauline, Paula
pavijan m zoo baboon
paviljon m pavilion

pavit m bot clematis

pavlaka f v. vrhnje
Pavle m v. Pavao
pavlin m RC Paulist
pavlinski adj RC Paulist
pazar m bazaar; (trg, trnica) market-place, (sajam) fair;
(promet) turn-over; (trgovanje) trade; (dobar posao)
stroke of business
pazariti vi do (carry on) business, traffic, sell, bargain
(away), trade, deal in
pazarni adj market, fair, business; like (of) a bazaar
pazikua m B care-taker; A janitor, superintendent, custodian
pazitelj m care-taker; tender; watcher; (nadglednik)
overseer, person in charge,
paziti vi (straiti) watch, be watchful, keep watch; (biti
na oprezu) take care, be careful (cautious, wary, on
one's guard); (budno) be wide-awake, be on the alert;
(imati na brizi) have in charge, take charge of; (na)
keep in view; (pohrana) have in custody; (panja)
pay attention to, observe, be mindful of, mind, look
about one, look out for; (marenje) heed; (obzir) be
circumspect; (iekivanje) keep a (sharp) look-out;
(njega, dvorba) nurse, look after, tend; (pobrinuti se)
look to, see to, attend; (na djecu za vrijeme odsutnosti roditelja) baby-sit; (na sebe) look after oneself |
budno ~ watch vigilantly, keep strict watch, be on the
alert, be all attention; ne ~ na take no heed (notice)
of, disregard, be mindless of, be unmindful of, not
mind, make little (no) account of, lose sight of; ne
pazei (bez obzira) regardless off, unmindfully; pazi!
take care!, look (watch) out!, attention!
paziti se vr (uvati se) take care of, beware of, be (stand)
on one's guard, be cautious (careful); (voljeti se) love
(be fond of) one another | pazi se! take care!; beware
(of)!, look out (for)!
pazuh m armpit | pod ~om under the arm, under one's
pazuni adj of the armpit, armpit
pa m hist page | hotelski ~ B page, A bellhop
paen pp (uvan) taken care of, tended
paenje n taking care, tending
paetva f aftercrop
paljiv adj (obziran) considerate, thoughtful, circumspect, heedful; (pozoran) attentive; (budan) watchful,
guarded, awake; (udvoran) attentive to; (oprezan)
careful, cautious, wary, chary; (promiljen) deliberate; (usmjeren na cilj) mindful, intent upon | biti ~
(pozoran) be attentive; (jako) be all ears
paljivo adv carefully, attentively, intently, considerately
paljivost f considerateness, thoughtfulness; attentiveness; watchfulness; carefulness; v. panja
panj|a f (pozornost) attention, attentiveness, care; (budnost) vigilance, watchfulness; (oprez) caution, cautiousness; (promiljenost) circumspection, wariness;
(tovanje) esteem, civility, courtesy, respect, regard;
(gledanje na) minding, mindfulness | svratiti (privui) ~u na draw (call, attract) one's attention (notice)

to; (podsjetiti) remind one of, put one in mind of; koji privlai ~u arresting; odvratiti ~u od draw away
(distract, divert) one's attention from, distract; posvetiti ~u give consideration to
pel|a f bee | roj ~a bee-swarm; ~a radilica workingbee; ~e se roje bees swarm
pelac m male bee
pelar m apiarist, bee-master, bee-keeper, apiculturist,
pelarenje n v. pelarstvo
pelarica f woman apiarist
pelariti vi keep bees, be a bee-farmer (bee-keeper)
pelarski adj belonging to (used in) bee-keeping (be farming),.apiary | ~ strunjak apiarist
pelarstvo n bee-keeping, apiculture
pelinjak m bee-hive yard, apiary; (od slame) bee-skep
pelinji adj bee, of the bees | ~ vosak bees-wax
pec! int (it's) hot!
peca m angler
pecaki adj angling
pecanje n angling | pribor za ~ fishing tackle; ii na ~
go fishing (angling)
pecara f distillery, still
pecaro m v. peca
pecati vt angle, fish with bait and hook
pecivo n rolls pl | ajno ~ B fanc~ biscuits, A cookies
peckalo n railer, teaser, quiz, giber
peckanje n chaffing, teasing, quizzing, raillery, banter
peckati vt make sport of, quiz, chaff, banter, rail, tease,
peckav adj teasing
pecnuti vt (bosti) prick, sting; (ala) chaff itd. (v. peckati)
pea f folk women's kerchief (head-dress)
peaenje n sealing
pealba f working abroad; working outside one's region;
fig looking for work | ii na ~u travel looking for
work; work away from home; work abroad
pealbar m migrant worker
pealbariti vi v. ii na pealbu
pealbarski adj migrant-worker
peat m seal, stamp, signet
peatiti vt seal, affix seal to, set one's seal to; (igom)
peatni adj | ~ prsten signet-ring; ~ vosak sealing-wax
peatnik m signet-ring, seal
peatorezac m stamp-engraver, stamp-cutter, die-sinker
peen adj baked, burned, roast(ed); (opeka) burned;
(meso) broiled, grilled, done; (frigan) fried; calcined |
dobro ~ well done; najljepe ~ one to a turn; premalo ~ underdone; previe ~ overdone; ~o pile roast
(broiled) chicken; fig ni ~, ni kuhan neither fish,
flesh, nor good red herring
peenica f v. peenka; (kobasica) baking (frying) sausage | cul pisana ~ (telea) veal fillet; (govedska)
small fillet slice of beef
peenk|a f roast-meat | fig masna ~ (poslastica) tit-bit,
choice morsel; zalijevati ~u vlastitim sokom (masti)
baste; mast od ~e dripping

peenjar m roaster of meat (of chestnuts); barbecuer

peenjarnica f barbecue stall
peenjarstvo n barbecuing
peenje n roasting, broiling, baking; (penje) v. peenka
peurka f bot v. gljiva | poljska ~ field mushroom
pe f (sobna) stove; (pekarska) oven; (tvornika) furnace; (ciglane) brickkiln; (sunica) kiln; (za vapno)
lime-kiln | techn visoka ~ blast furnace; plinska
(elektrina) ~ B gas (electric) fire, A gas (electric)
heater; ~ na lo-ulje B & A oil heater
pear m stove-maker
pearija f stove-maker's trade (workshop)
pearski adj of (belonging to) a stovemaker or his trade
pei vt bake, burn, broil, grill, roast; (na ranju) barbecue; (inae) scorch, parch; (kou) tan; (okus) be caustic (pungent, hot, biting, peppery); (rakiju) distil,
still; (u pepeo ili vapno) calcine; (ispaliti, ranu itd.)
sear; (oi) smart; (kopriva) sting; (boljeti u dui) be
galling, gall, rankle | pee ga he is fretting at,
grieved, mortified; (dirnut je u ivac) he is stung to
the quick; papar pee za jezik pepper stings the
pei se vr be roasting, roast, burn, parch
peina f v. spilja; v. hrid, stijena
peinski adj v. spiljski
peni adj of an oven (stove)
penica f oven
pedagog m pedagogue, teacher, educator, educationist,
pedagogija f pedagogy, pedagogics
pedagok|i adj pedagogical | univ ~i odjel A Education
Department; ~a akademija teacher-training college
pedal m pedal | mot ~ za gas (konice, kvaila) gas
(brake, clutch) pedal
pedalj m (measure) palm, span | braniti svaki ~ zemlje
defend every inch of one's country
pedant m pedant
pedantan adj pedantic, over-methodical; (pohvalno)
pedant|erija f, ~nost f pedantry
pedantno adv pedantically; meticulously
pedantski adj pedantic
pederast m med pederast
pederastija f med pederasty
pedeset num fifty
pedesetero num fifty persons
pedeseti adj the fiftieth
pedesetica f a banknote of 50
pedesetina f one-fiftieth, the fiftieth part
pedesetogodinjak m quinquagenarian
pedesetogodinji adj quinquagenarian
pedesetogodinjica f the fiftieth anniversary
pedesetorica f fifty persons
pedigre m pedigree | pas s ~om pedigree(d) dog
pedijatar m med pediatrician
pedijatrija f med pediatrics
pedijatrijski adj med pediatric

pediker m, ~ka f pedicurist; (vri i lake ortopedske

zahvate na stopalu) chiropodist, A+ podiatrist
pedikerski adj pedicure, pedicurist | ~ salon pedicure
pedikiranje n pedicure
pedikirati vt give a pedicure to
pedikirati se vr have a pedicure
pedikura f pedicure
Pegaz m myth Pegasus, winged horse; fig poetic inspiration
pegla f iron
peglanje n ironing | daska za ~ ironing board
peglati vt iron | odijelo koje ne treba ~ wash-and-wear
(non-iron, drip-dry) suit
peh m Ger bad luck | imati ~ have bad luck, be unlucky
pehar m drinking-cup, goblet, jug, ewer, beaker, pitcher,
mug, tankard, (s 2 ruke) loving-cup | pun ~ a jugful
peharnik m hist cup-bearer
pehist m Ger unlucky person
pejorativ m gram pejorative
pejorativan adj gram pejorative
pejza m (krajobraz i slika) landscape
pejzaist m landscapist
pekar m baker
pekara f v. pekarnica
pekarica f baker-woman
pekarija f baker's shop (trade)
pekarnica f bakery, baker's shop; bake-house
pekarski adj of (belonging to, like) a baker
pekarstvo n baker's trade
pekmez m jam | ~ od narane (dem) orange marmalade
pelagra f med pellagra
pelargonija f bot pelargonium, geranium
pelc m Ger v. krzno
pelc-mantl m Ger v. krzneni kaput
pelcovati (se) vt (vr) Ger v. cijepiti (se)
pelen|a f swaddling-clothes, swaddling-bands | umotati
u ~e swaddle
pelerina f cape
pelikan m ornith pelican
pelin m bot wormwood
pelinkovac m wormwood wine
pelivan m acrobat, clown, rope-dancer, tumbler, mountebank, circus jester, zany, merry-andrew, buffoon
pelivanstvo n buffoonery, clownery
peloponeski adj geog Peloponnesian
Peloponez m geog Peloponnesus
pelud m pollen
peludn|i adj pollen | med ~a groznica hay-fever
peludnica f bot anther
peljar m mar pilot
penal m com & sp penalty
penaltik m ftb v. kazneni udarac
penati m pl Penates
pendrek m B baton, (rubber) truncheon; A nightstick,
pender m Tur v. prozor
penetracija f penetration
penetrantan adj penetrating

penetrirati vt penetrate
peni m num penny
penicilin m pharm penicillin
penicilinski adj pharm penicillin, penicillinic
penis m anat penis
penia f nav barge, lighter
penkala f propelling (sling) pencil (v. kemijska olovka)
penolog m penologist
penologija f penology
penoloki adj penological
pension m v. penzion
pens-ne m Fr pince-nez
pentametar m pros pentameter
Pentateuh m Bibl Pentateuch
pentati vi v. prljati, mucati
pentatlon m sp v. petoboj
pentrati se vr v. verati se, penjati se
penzija f v. mirovina
penzion m boarding-house
penzionat f girl's boarding school
penzioner m v. umirovljenik
penzionirati vt v. umiroviti
penzionirati se vr v. otii u mirovinu
penzl m Ger small brush (v. etkica)
penja m climber
penjaica f bot climbing plant, climber, creeper
penjalka f (za djecu) jungle-gym
penjanje n climbing | eljeza za noge za ~ po stupu
penjati se vr climb; (naporno) clamber, scramble up
penjoar m Fr peignoir
peonija f v. bour
pepeliti vt sprinkle (strew) with ashes
Pepelnica f RC Ash-Wednesday
pepeljara f ash-tray
pepeljast adj ashen, ash-coloured
pepeljenje n sprinkling with ashes
Pepeljuga f Cinderella
pepeo m ashes, cinders | spaliti (pretvoriti) u ~ reduce
to ashes
pepermint m peppermint
pepita f text houndstooth check; (sitni) pinpoint check
pepsin m chem & med pepsin
peptian adj med peptic
per m (velika) peer
perai adj | ~ sapun laundry soap
perad f collect poultry; (kokoi) fowls, domestic
(barndoor) fowls
peradar m poulterer
peradarnik m poultry-house, hen-house
peradarstvo n poultry farming (keeping); poultry husbandry; poultry farm
peraja f fin, flapper; (gumena) (rubber) foot-fin
perce n dim little feather
percepcija f perception
percipirati vt perceive
perin m cue, queue, pig-tail
perec m cul pretzel
perecar m pretzel vendor

perfekcija f perfection (v. savrenstvo)

perfekcionirati vt perfect; make perfect
perfekt m gram perfect (tense)
perfektan adj perfect; (vjet) proficient in (at)
perfektivan adj gram perfective
perfektno adv perfectly
perfektuiranje n clinching, completing, completion
perfektuirati vt clinch, comp1ete, tie up loose ends
perfidan adj perfidious
perfidija f perfidy
perfidnost f perfidy
perforacija f perforation; med perforation, rupture
perforator m perforator
perforirati vt perforate (i med)
perforirati se vr med perforate, rupture
pergamen|a f, ~t m parchment; manuscription parchment; parchment paper
pergola f pergola
Perica m hyp Pete
periferan adj peripheral
periferija f outskirts of town
periferijski adj situated on the outskirts of town
periferno adv peripherally
perifernost f peripheral quality
perifrastian adj periphrastic
perifraza f periphrasis
perigej m astr perigee
perihel m astr perihehon
perika f wig; (za elavost) toupee; (kratka, advokatska)
bob wig; (velika, sudaka itd.) full-bottomed wig
perikarditis m med pericarditis
Periklo m Pericles
perimetar m geom perimeter
perina f thick eiderdown coverlet (counpane), featherbed
perioda f period, era ; v. menstruacija
periodian adj periodical, returning (occurring) at intervals
periodiki adv periodically
periodinost f periodicity
periodik m (asopis) periodical
periodika n collect periodicals pl
periodizacija f periodization
periodni adj | phys ~ sustav elemenata periodic table
perionica f v. praonica
periostitis m med periostitis
peripetij|a f trouble, problem | ~e ups and downs, troubles
periska f (koljka) pen shell
peristaltiki adj med peristaltic
peristaltika f med peristalsis
peristil m archit peristyle
peritonitis m med peritonitis
perivoj m park, gardens pl, pleasure grounds pl
perjanica f plume, plumage; tuft (bunch) of feathers;
perje n collect feathers, plumes, plumage; feathering |
ehati ~ strip quills of barbs
perkal m text percale

perkelt m cul v. telei paprika

perkusija f med percussion
perkutiranje n med percussing
perkutirati vt med percuss
perl|a f bead; iron a fine one | ~e string of beads
perlinka f guinea-hen, guinea-fowl
perlmuter m Ger v. sedef
perlon m text perlon
permanentan adj permanent
permanentno adv permanently
permanentnost f permanence
permutacija f math permutation
permutirati vt math permute
pernat adj feathery, feathered; plumaged, plumed
pernica f pencil-box, pen-case
Pero m hyp Pete
per|o n (ptije) feather; (perjanica) plume; (pisae) pen
(guje quill pen hist); eng spring | pahuljica ~a
quill, vane, barb; rebro ~a shaft, rib of feather; kazivati u ~o dictate; koji pie u ~o amanuensis; crtae
~o drawing nib
peroksid m chem peroxide
perolak adj | (boksa) ~e kategorije featherweight
perolik adj feather-shaped, like a feather
peron m rlw | trei ~ B platform 3, A track 3
peronistiki adj pol Peronista
peronospora f bot Peronospora
peronsk|i adj | rlw ~a karta B platform ticket
perorez m v. noi
perovodni adj of a secretary, actuary
perovoa f secretary, actuary
perpetuiranje n perpetuation
perpetuirati vt perpetuate
persiflaa f persiflage; raillery, banter
persifliranje n v. persiflaa
persiflirati vt quiz, banter, rally
persona f important person
personal m personnel, staff (v. osoblje)
personal|an adj (osobni) personal; (vlastit) individual,
private; dealing with the personnel | ~ni odio (referent) personnel department (manager); hist ~na unija personal union
personalije f pl personal data
personificiran adj personified
personificiranje n personification, personifying
personificirati vt personify
personifikacija f personification, exact (striking) embodiment of a quality
perspektiv|a f (likovna) perspective, foreshortening;
(izgledi) prospects pl, perspective | linearna ~ linear
perspective ; iz ablje (ptije) ~e from the worm'seye (bird's-eye) view; fig loe ~e dim prospects
perspektivan adj promising, up-and-coming; (u budunosti) long-term
perin m bot & cul parsley
pertinentan adj pertinent
pertinentno adv pertinently
pertinentnost f pertinence
pertl m Ger v. uzica

perturbacija f perturbation
Peru m geog Peru
Peruanac m Peruvian
peruanski adj geog Peruvian
perunika f bot iris
peruanje n plucking, fleecing; fig v. kritiziranje
peruati vt pluck, fleece, itd. (v. operuati); (kukuruz) v.
peruina f corn-husks
peruka f feather-whisk; feathered fowl-wing used as
perut f v. prhut
pervertit m med pervert
perverzan adj unnatural, abnormal, monstrous
perverzija f med perversion
perverzitet m perversity, perversion
perverzno adv perversely
perverznost f unnaturalness, abnormality, monstrosity
Perzej m myth Perseus
perzer m Persian (Oriental) rug
Perzija f hist Persia
Perzijanac m Persian
perzijaner m Persian lambskin; (ogrta) Astrakhan
(Persian-lamb) fur-coat
Perzijanka f Persian woman
perzijski adj Persian | ~ jezik Persian
pesar m med diafragm, pessary
pesimist m pessimist
pesimistiki' adj pessimistic
pesimistiki'' adv pessimistically
pesimizam m pessimism
pesnica f v. pest, aka
pest f fist, clenched hand (v. aka)
pesticid m chem pesticide
pesti m bot pistil
pe' m Tur v. skut
pe'' m ichth miller's-thumb, bull-head
pekir m v. runik
Peta f coll v. Budimpeta
pet num five | bilo ih je ~ there were five of them; ni
~, ni est without hesitation, on the spot, then and there,
pet|a f heel; (cipele, arape) heel | staviti novu ~u heel,
re-heel; visoka (niska) ~a high (low) heel; izgaenih
~a down at heels; biti nekomu za ~ama (slijediti)
shadow (dog, heel) one, dog one's steps, be upon
one's heels; Ahilova ~a Achilles(') heel; podbrusiti
~e take to one's heels, decamp, make oneself scarce,
run away, escape
petak m Friday | Veliki ~ Good Friday; fig crni ~
unlucky day
Petar m Peter | ~ Petrovi John Doe
petarda f petard
peteljka f stalk, stem, bot pedicle
peterac f pros a line of five metrical feet
peterokut m geom pentagon
peti num the fifth
peti se vr v. penjati se

petica f dim small heel; num figure five; sch v. odlian

peticij|a f petition | predlaga ~e petitioner; podastrijeti
~u submit a petition
petina f the fifth part, one fifth
peting m sex petting
petit m print small (fine) print
petlj|a f loop, noose, running knot; lasso; fig v. hrabrost; (cestovna) interchange, clover-leaf | uhvatiti
nabaenom ~om lasso
petljanac m shuffler, intriguer, quibbler, prevaricator,
petljancija f problem(s), trouble(s)
petljanija f shuffling, intrigue, underhand (foul) dealing
(plotting), quibbling, prevarication; v. petljancija
petljati vi shuffle, quibble, intrigue
petljati se vr (mijeati se) interfere; (oko neega) fool
around with
petnaest num fifteen
petnaesti num the fifteenth
petnaestina f the fifteenth part, one fifteenth
petnaestorica f fifteen persons (men only)
petnaestoro n fifteen persons (of both genders)
petni adj of the heel | iz ~h sila (ila) nastojati exert
oneself with might and main
peto num the fifth, fifthly, in the fifth place
petoboj m sp pentathlon
petobojac m sp pentathlete
petodinarka f hist five-dinar coin, coll fiver
petogodinjak m a five-year-old child (animal)
petogodinji adj five-year-old; five-year, quinquennial
petohijadarka f hist five-thousand-dinar (fifty-dinar)
note (A bill)
Petoknjije n Bibl Pentateuch
petokolona m pol & fig fifth-columnist
petokolonaki adj fifth-columnist
petokrak adj five-armed, having five tentacles
petokraka f (komunistika svastika) five-pointed (red)
petoljee n quinquennium
petoljetka f five-year plan
petor|ci m pl, ~ke f pl quintuplets
petorica m five persons (men only)
petoro num five persons (of both genders)
petorostruk adj fivefold, quintuple
petostran adj five-sided, quinquelateral
petotonsk|i adj five-ton (vehicle) | mus ~a skala pentatonic scale
petparaki adj cheap | ~ romani pulp novels, paperbacks
petrarkist m Petrarchist
petrarkistiki adj Petrarchist
petrarkizam m Petrarchism
petrefakt m (okamina) petrifaction, petrified substance
petrificirati vt petrify
petrificirati se vr geol petrify, become petrified
petrifikacija f geol petrification
petrograf m geol petrographer
petrografija f geol petrograyhy

petrografski adj geol petrographic

petrokemija f chem petrochemistry
petrokemijski adj chem petrochemical
petrolej m B paraffin (oil), A kerosene, B & A lamp oil
petrolejka f B paraffin lamp, A kerosene lamp, B & A
oil lamp
petrolejski adj B paraffin, A kerosene; v. naftni
petrovaa f apple (pear) ripening about end of June
petsto num five hundred
petstogodinjica f five-hundred-year anniversary
petunija f bot petunia
pi! int | (peradi) ~, ~! cluck!, cluck!
pic m ichth sharp-snouted sparus
picajzl m Ger v. stidna u; fig v. stjenica
pi|e n drinik, beverage, liquor; potion; (estoko) spirts
pl, strong drinks, hard liquor | biti odan ~u be great
drinker, drink hard, be a (habitual) drunkard; voda
za ~e drinking water
pidama f B pyjamas, A pajamas (oba pl)
pigmej(ac) m Pygmy; fig pygmy
pigmejski adj Pygmy; fig pygmy
pigment m chem & biol pigment
pigmentacija f biol pigmentation
pigmentirati vt biol pigment
pihtija f cul v. hladetina
pijaca f v. trnica, trg
pijani adj v. trni
pijai adj v. pitak, za pie
pijan adj drunk, drunken, inebriate, intoxicated, tipsy,
fuddled, in one's cups, the worse for the liquor, pieeyed, disguised with (in) drink (liquor); (od vina) in
wine; (malo) mellow | ~ kao utura dead drunk,
drunk as a lord (fiddler); (pripit) half-seas-over
pijanac f drunkard, a habitual drunkard, tippler, boozer,
guzzler, toper, lush | on je velik ~ he drinks hard
(deep, heavily), he is a tippler
pijanevanje n habitual drinking (tippling, boozing);
(pijanka) spree, drinking-bout, spell of drinking
pijanevati vi drink habitually, tope; make a night of it,
go on a spree, have a spell of drinking
pijanina m deep (hard) drinker
pijandura f drunkard, toper
pijanica f v. pijanac
pijanino m upright piano
pijanist m pianist, piano-player
pijanistica f (woman) pianist, pianiste
pijanka f spree, carousal, spell of drinking, drinkingbout, revelry, sl bender, hijinks pl
pijanstvo n drink, drunkenness, inebriation, intemperance, immoderate drinking; drunken fit; tippling,
boozing, toping
pijaster m num piaster, piastre
pijavica f leech; fig usurer | prilijepio se kao ~ he sticks
like a leech, bur
pijedestal m pedestal
pijelitis m med pyelitis
pijenje n drinking

pijes|ak m sand; (krupan) gravel, grit; (prudina) dune;

(al) sands pl | graditi na ~ku build on sand; pliina
od ~ka sandbank, shoal
pijet|ao m cock, A rooster; poet chanticler | borba ~ova
cockfighting; borilite ~lova cockpit; ~ao na krovu
(za vjetar) weathercock, vane
pijetet m reverence
pijeva m v. pijetao
pijor m ichth minnow
piju! int peep!, cheep!
pijuckanje n sipping; tippling
pijuckati vt sip; (alkohol) tipple
pijuk' m peeping, cheeping, chirping; chirp, cheep
pijuk'' m v. kramp
pijukanje n v. pijuk
pijukati vi cheep, chirp
pik' m car spades (v. pikov)
pik'' m | imati ~ na nekoga have it in for someone, be
out to get someone; imati ~na neto be keen on
pikado m (igra) darts pl
pikantan adj cul piquant, spicy, appetizing; (prianje)
risqu, risky, salt, indecent
pikanterija f spicy (off-colour) story
pikantnost f piquancy; riskiness
pikareskan adj picaresque
pikavac m v. opuak; (automat) Sten-gun
pike m text piqu
pikirati vi aero dive (na at); fig v. imati pik na
piknik m picnic | ii na ~ picnic
piknuti vt reg v. ubosti
piknja f reg v. toka
piknjast adj reg v. tokast, na tokice
pikolo m mus piccolo; (konobar) apprentice waiter, A+
pikov adj | mus P~a dama Queen of Spades
pikrinsk|i adj chem | ~a kiselina picric acid
piktije f pl v. hladetina
pikula f reg v. pekula
pik-zibner m Ger pip-squeak, also-ran (oba A sl)
pil|a f saw; (sjeivo) saw-blade; (kruna) circular saw;
(trana) band saw; (jednoruna) whip-saw; (runa)
handsaw; (za rezbarenje) fret saw; (viestruka)
framesaw | okvir velike ~e sawgate; alat za irenje
zuba ~e saw-set, saw-wrest
pilac m drinker
pilad f collect chickens
pilana f saw-mill
pilar m sawyer, wood-cutter
pilastar m archit pilaster
pilav m cul pilaf
pile n chicken, chick; (malo) small chick, chickabiddy
pile|i adj of a chicken, chicken | ~a juha chicken-broth
pilence n dim v. pile
piletina f chicken, of chicken
pilica f dim thin (small) saw; (rezbarska) fretsaw
piliar m poulterer
pi1iarstvo n poulterer's trade
piliti vt saw

pilo n (pie) drink, beverage, liquor; collect drinkables

pilon m archit pylon
pilot' m aero & mar pilot; (automatski) automati'c pilot,
autopilot | aero probni ~ test pilot
pilot'' m (stup) pile, heavy beam
pilotina f v. pilovina
pilotiranje n pilotage
pilotirati vt pilot, fly
pilotsk|i adj of a pilot | ~a pristojba pilotage
pilovina f saw-dust; (kovine) filings pl
pilul|a f pill | fig gorka ~ bitter pill, choke-pear; uzimati
(kontracepcijsku) ~u be on the pill
piljar m fruit-monger, vegetable-monger, huckster, pedlar, hawker
piljarenje n hawking, peddling; hawking-trade
piljarica f a hawker's wife, fruit-woman, fruit-vendor,
piljariti vi hawk, peddle; follow the fruit-monger's itd.
piljen pp sawn (up)
piljenje' n sawing | konj za ~ sawhorse, trestle
piljenje'' n (zurenje) gazing, glaring, staring, gloating
piljevina v. pilovina
piljiti vi look fixedly (narrowly) at, gaze; (zlobno) leer,
stare, peer; (pohlepno, zlobno) gloat on (over); (bijesno) glare
piment m cul allspice
pimplanje n Ger sp & fig fussiness
pimplati vi Ger sp & fig be fussy, be overly meticulous
pimplav adj Ger fig fussy
pimpler m Ger sp & fig fussy (overly meticulous) person
pinakoteka f picture gallery
pinceta f tweezers pl
pin m (pas) pinscher
ping-pong m table tennis, ping-pong
ping-ponga m table-tennis (ping-pong) player
pingvin m ornith penguin
pinija f bot stone pine, umbrella pine
pinkl(ec) m Ger v. zaveljaj
pinjata f It v. lonac
pinjol m cul pine-nut
pion m (ah & fig) pawn
pionir m (pretea) pioneer; early settler; mil pioneer;
(lan komunistike oml. org.) Pioneer | biti ~ (u neemu) pioneer (in)
pionirka f (girl) Pioneer
pionirsk|i adj pioneering, ground-breaking | ~a organizacija Pioneers
pip|a f (bave) tap, spigot; v. slavina | staviti na ~u
broach, tap
pipac m tap, cock; switch; (za plin) gas-tap
pipak m zoo tentacle; ent v. ticalo
pipanje n feeling, touching; (tapanje) groping; fiddling
at (about); (traenje) fumbling; palpation, fingering
pipati vt feel, finger, touch, fiddle, grope, fumble, palpate
pipav adj fussy; slow
pipavac m fusser
pipavo adv fussily

pipavost f fussiness
pipeta f chem pipette; med dropper
pi-pi m (djeca) v. pikiti
pipkati vt feel (touch) intermittently
pipniar m tapster, B+ bartender, A+ barman
pipniarka f woman tapster, tapstress, barmaid
pipnuti vi touch for a moment
pipun m reg v. dinja
pir' m wedding, nuptials pl, wedding-feast | zlatni ~
golden wedding
pir'' m spelt
piraja f ichth piranha
piramida f pyramid
piramidalan adj pyramidal
pirat m (gusar) pirate, buccaneer, corsair
pire m cul pure; (od krumpira) mashed potatoes | masina za ~ ricer
pirija f It v. lijevak
pirina m v. ria
pirinan adj v. riin
Pirineji m pl geog the Pyrenees pl
pirinejski adj geog Pyrenean | P~ poluotok the Pyrenean Peninsula
pirit m minr pyrite
piriti vi blow (lightly) | piri it is windy
pirjan pp cul braised, sauted; stewed | ~o meso stew
pirjati vt cul braise, saute; stew
pirjati se vr cul braise, saute; stew
pirkati vi blow gently (softly)
piroga f ethn pirogue
piroman m med pyromaniac, arsonist, sl firebug
piromanija f med pyromania
pirotehniar m pyrotechnist
pirotehniki adj pyrotechnic(al)
pirotehnika f pyrotechnics, fireworks pl
Pirov adj | fig ~a pobjeda Pyrrhic victory
pirovanje n v. pir
pirovati vi solemnize (celebrate) the wedding
pirueta f pirouette
pisac m writer; (knjiga) author, poet; (drama) playwright; (romana) novellst, essayist; (letaka) pamphleteer; derog quill-driver; (novinar) penny-a-liner;
pisai adj writing, clerical | ~ pribor stationery, writing
materials pl; ~ papir writing-paper; (listovni) notepaper; ~ stroj typewriter; ~ stol writing-table, writing-desk, bureau, escritoire
pisak m mus mouthpiece, reed
pisalo n writing implement
pisaljka f pencil; (za ploicu od kriljevca) slatepencil
pisamce n dim short letter, note; (ljubavno) billet-doux
pisan' pp written; reduced to writing | ~a zapovijed
written order
pisan'' adj v. aren | cul ~a peenka sirloin
pisanica f (painted, coloured) Easter egg
pisanka f copy-book, exercise-book, note-book
pisanje n writing; (vjetina, nain, stil) penmanship;
(rukopis) handwriting, hand, style of writing; (bilje-

enje) noting down; (stenografsko) shorthand writing

| stol za ~ v. pisai
pisar m copyist, junior clerk; (po diktatu) amanuensis;
scribe; lowest government clerk; actuary
pisarija f writing, scribbling
pisarn(ic)a f (writing-) office, writing-room; countinghouse
pisarsk|i adj clerical, actuarial | ~a pogreka slip of the
pen, clerical error
pisati vt write; (diktat) write from dictation; (biljeiti)
take down, make a note of, make notes, note (set)
down; (arati) scrawl, scribble; (pogreno) misspell;
(na isto) transcribe, make a fair (clean) copy, write
out fair; (na neisto) make a rough (foul) copy; (itljivo) write legibly; (neitljivo) write illegibly;
(knjige) compose (write) books, be the author of | on
lijepo (itko) pie he writes a nice (good, bold) hand;
on runo (neitko) pie he writes niggling (cramped)
hand; ~ o neemu deal with (treat) (a subject); ta se
rije pie s "a" this word is spelt with an "a"; on pie
opseno he writes fully (in detail); nije mi pisao ve
tri tjedna I have not heard from him these three
weeks; dok ovo piem at the time of writing this; na
kamenu pie... the stone is inscribed with...; u knjizi
pie (mjesto glasi) the passage runs (reads); ~ na brzu ruku jot down; na licu mu pie potenje he has
honesty written in his face; ~ obinim pismom (ne
stenografski) write longhand; ~ stenografski write
shorthand; on lijepo (itko) pie he is a calligrapher;
pie (stvara) s lakoom he writes off; ne zna ni itati ni ~ he is letterless (illiterate)
piska f screaming, screeching, piping, whistling
piskanje n v. piska
piskaralo n scribbler, scrawler, quill-driver; (pisac) paltry writer (author); (pjesnik) poetaster; (novinar)
piskaranje n scribbling, scrawling
piskarati vt scribble, scrawl, write trash, be a scribbler
piskati vi pipe, whistle, utter shrilly
piskav adj squeaky
piskavo adv squeakily
piskavost f squeakiness
piskut m v. piskutanje
piskutanje n squeaking, squealing
piskutati vi squeal, squeak
piskutljiv adj v. piskutav
pismen adj (osoba) literate; (pisan) in writing, written;
(dopisni) epistolary | ~i ispit written examination; ~a
opomena duniku dunning letter
pismena n pl letters, characters, types
pismeno adv in writting, by letter | potvrditi ~ receipt
pismenost f literacy, ability to read and write
pismo' n letter, type, character; (koso u tisku) italics pl;
(pisano ili koso tiskano) script; (gotsko) Gothic lettering
pism|o'' n letter, missive, epistle, note; communication;
(avionsko) air letter, air-mail letter; (nou izruivo)
night-letter; (nedostavljeno) dead letter; (izgubljeno)
missing letter; (zalutalo) miscarried letter; (tajno) ci-

pher, cypher | dodatak ~u postscript; uruenje ~a

delivery; sabiranje pisama collection; omot ~a envelope; knjiga za ~a letter-book; potareva torba za
~a mail-bag; pretinac za ~a pigeonhole; tezga za ~a
letter-balance; teret za ~a letterweight; krabica za
~a letter-box, B pillar-box ; ured za neuruiva ~a
dead letter office; poste restante ~o letter to be called
for; predati ~o na potu post a letter; predati ~o
preporueno register a letter; staviti marku na ~o
stamp a letter; ~a se diu letters are collected; naa
su se ~a mimoila our letters have crossed; Sveto ~o
the Bible, the Scriptures, the Book, Holy Writ; ~o
glava heads or tails!
pismohrana f archives of an office, record-office
pismonoa f letter-carrier, postman
pismoslikar m sign-writer, sign-painter
pisnu|ti vi utter a sound; (apnuti) whisper | ne usuuje
se ni ~ti he dare not say a word (utter a sound); da
nisi ni ~o! hush!, silence!, mum's the word
pisoar m urinal, pissoir
pista f aero runway; (trkaa) track
pistacija f bot pistachio
piati vi vulg v. mokriti
piev adj writer's, author's
pikiti vi wee-wee, tinkle
pikor m ichth lamprey
pikot m B sponge-finger, A ladyfinger
piljiv adj measly, paltry, lousy; v. puljiv
pimolj m ichth whiting
pitalina f morass, swampy ground, bog, fenland
pitanje n sputtering, fizzling, hissing
pitati vi fizzle, hiss, sputter, squirt, spirt, splutter
pitav adj v. pikav
pitolj m pistol; (djeji) toy (cap) pistol
pita f cul pie | ~ od jabuka apple pie (tart)
Pitagora m Pythagoras
Pitagorin adj | geom ~ pouak Pythagorean proposition
pitak adj drinkable, fit to drink
pitalac m questioner, enquirer; interrogator
pitalica f (zagonetka) riddle; (ena) woman questioner
pitan' pp asked, enquired after, examined, questioned,
pitan'' pp fed, fattened
pitanje' n question; (upit) enquiry, query, interrogation;
(zahtjev) demand, claim; (pobito) exploded (question); (nerijeeno) pending (question); (nabaeno,
otvoreno) moot (debatable) question | postaviti ~ put
a question, question; rijeiti ~ solve a question; nastaje ~ question arises; teko ~ (math problem) poser;
rider; smesti tekim ~m pose, puzzle; ~ je (dvojbeno
je) it is questionable (doubtful)...; potaknuti ~ rise a
question; ~ jo nerijeeno a question now in abeyance
pitanje'' n (hrana) stuffing, cramming, feeding
pitar m reg v. lonac za cvijee
pitati' vt (upit) ask (a question), put a question, question;
(postaviti pitanje) raise question, moot question; (ispitivati) interrogate; examine; (potanko) examine
closely; (oprezno, izdaleka) probe, sound; (pitanja i

odgovori) catechize; (raspitati se) make an enquiry,

enquire (after), inform oneself about; (dvojiti) call in
question; (savjet) ask one's advice, consult one; (doputenje) ask permission (leave) | on voli ~ he is inquisitive; mnogo pitaju (trae) ovu robu this article
is in great demand (request); ~ savjet lijenika (advokata) take medical (legal) advice; za ovu robu
nitko i ne pita this article is a drug in the market
pitati'' vt feed
pitati se vr wonder | ovjek se pita one wonders
piti vt drink; (biti pijanac) drink habitually, tipple, guzzle, tope, soak, booze, swill; drnk freely (hard, deep),
be a hard drinker, drink like a lord (fish); (baniti)
carouse; (naglo) quaff; (progutati brzo) swallow, gulp
down; (srkati) sip; (laptati) lap; (aj, kavu, kakao)
take (have) one's tea, coffee, cocoa | poeti ~ (odati
se piu) take to drink; ~ u neije zdravlje drink one's
health, drink to the health of (in honour of); (nazdraviti) toast one; pijem u tvoje zdravlje here's to you!;
platio nam je ~ he stood us a drink, treated us to a
Pitija f myth Pythia
pitijski adj myth & fig Pythian
pitkost f drinkability, fitness to be drunk
pitom adj tame, broken in, tractable, docile, domesticated; submissive, meek, gentle; (krajobraz) gentle;
(cvijet, povre) cultivated | ~ kesten edible chestnut
pitomac m boarder of a boarding-school
pitomiti vt v. pripitomiti
pitomo adv tamely; docilely, meekly; gently
pitomost f tameness; meekness, gentleness
pivana f ale-house, pot-house
pivar m (beer-) brewer
pivara f v. pivovara
pivarsk|i adj brewer's, of a brewer, brewery | ~a kola (za
bave) dray
pivarstvo n brewer's trade, brewing industry
pivnica f (wine) cellar, wine-vault; bodega
pivniar m cellarer, butler, winecellar manager (keeper)
pivniarstvo n vintnery, wine-storing
pivo f beer; (bijelo) ale; (tamno) porter; (slabo, gorko)
bitter; (lako) lager; (ne jako gorko) mild beer;
(tamno, najjai porter) stout | staro ~ stale (flat) beer
pivopija m beer-drinker
pivovara f brewery
pivsk|i adj beer, made of beer | ~i kvasac barm, yeast; ~a
aa bear-glass, ale-pot, tankard
pizza f cul pizza
pizzeria f (lokal) pizza parlor (A)
pjega f spot, speck, stain; (od sunca na licu) freckle
pjegast adj spotty, spotted, speckled; stained; (po licu)
freckled; (maka) brindled
pjegav adj v. pjegast
pjegavac m med spotted typhus
pjegavost f spottedness, freckledness
pjen|a f foam, froth, barm, spume; (povrinska neist)
scum; (na piu) head; (sapunice) lather | skidati ~u
scum, skim
pjenast adj foamy, frothy, scummy, spumy; lathery

pjenica f yeast; (kiseli kvas) leaven

pjeniti se vr foam, froth, spume, scum; (sapun) lather;
(iskriti se) sparkle
pjenuac m champagne
pjenuanje n frothing; sparkling
pjenuati se vr froth, sparkle, coll fizz(le)
pjenuav adj frothy, sparkling, coll fizzy | ~o vino sparkling wine
pjenuavost f frothiness, sparkling quality, fizziness
pjeskar m seller (hawker) of (white) sand (for cleaning
pjeskovit adj sandy
pjeskovitost f sandiness
pjeskulja f sandy soil
pjesma f (stihovi) lyric, poem; (za pjevanje) song, lay,
glee, catch; (napjev) air, tune, ditty | Bibl P~ nad
~ma Song of Solomon, Canticles; zbirka pjesama
pjesmarica f song-book; (crkvena) hymnal, hymn-book,
pjesmica f dim ditty, short song
pjesnik|i' adj poetic(al) | ~a umjetnost poetics pl; ~a
djela poetical works pl
pjesniki'' adv poetically | ~ prikazati poetize; ~ proslaviti poetize
pjesnik m poet, lyrist; song-writer; bard; (ovjenani)
poet laureate
pjesnikinja f poetess
pjesnitvo n poetry
pjeaenje n pedestrianism, walking tours
pjeaiti vi go on foot, tramp; (zdravlja radi) do one's
constitutionals pl; pedestrianize; sl to foot (leg) it, use
Shank's mare
pjeaki adj pedestrian, walking, done on foot | ~ prijelaz pedestrian crossing
pjeadija f infantry, foot | pomorska ~ marines
pjeadijski adj of (belonging to) infantry
pjeadinac m v. pjeak (vojnik)
pjeak m foot passenger, walker, pedestrian; (vojnik)
foot-soldier, infantryman; (ah) pawn | on je dobar ~
he is good (great) walker; on je slab ~ he is a bad
pjean adj sandy, sand | ~a ura hours-glass, sand-glass;
~a prudina shoal; (pliina) sand-bank; ~i humci
pjeanik m geol sandstone
pjeara f sandy desert
pjeenjak m geol sandstone
pjeice adv on foot, walking afoot
pjeke adv v. pjeice
pjetli m dim cockerel
pjev m song, singing
pjeva m singer; (puki) ballad-singer; (boinih pjesama) caroller; (u crkvi) chorister, precentor; (putujui
vitez) minstrel; (ulini) street-singer; (operni) operasinger; singing-man, vocalist
pjevaica f songstress, (female) singer, singing-woman;
(operna) opera-singer, primadona

pjevak|i adj singing | ~o drutvo singing-club, choir,

pjevalite n choir, chancel of cathedral
pjevan pp sung, chanted
pjevanj|e n singing, song; (u crkvi) choir-singing, chanting; (ptice) warbling | student ~a student of voice
pjevati vt sing; (boine pjesme) carol; (u crkvi) chant;
(drhtavo) quaver, trill; (ptica) twitter, warble, chirp;
(u zboru) sing in choir; (s nota bez vjebe) sing at
first sight; (pisati pjesme) compose (write) poetry, be
a poet
pjevica f (ptica) song-bird, warbler
pjevuckati vt hum a tune
pjevuiti vt v. pjevuckati
plac m Ger v. gradilite, parcela
placenta f anat v. posteljica
placet m v. odobrenje, suglasnost
pla m weeping, crying, shedding of tears | udariti (briznuti) u ~ burst into tears
plaan adj tearful, crying, wai1ing, whining, whimpering, puling
plaidrug m fellow-sufferer, companion in adversity
plaljiv adj apt to cry (weep), plaintive, tearful, wailful
plaljiv|ac m, ~ica f crybaby
plaljivo adv tearfully
plaljivost f tearfulness, readiness to weep
pla|a f (inovnika) salary; (oficira) pay; (sveenika)
stipend; (radnika) wages pl; (odmazda) retaliation,
requital; (plate) payment | poviica ~e rise in salary;
ustegnuti od ~e stop out of one's salary; s punom
~om on full pay; s pola ~e on half pay; dan ~e payday
plaalac m payer
plaanj|e n paying, payment; (izravnanje rauna) squaring (discharge, settlement, clearing, settling of accounts); disbursement, defraying; (u gotovom) paying
cash down, paying on the nail | dan ~a settling-day;
~e u naravi paying in kind; obustava ~a (com) suspension of payment, stopping of payment; ~a
(dugovi, obveze) liabilities; obrono ~e paying by instalments, paying on the deferred payment system
pla|ati vt pay (v. platiti); (dug) discharge, settle, clear,
square; (u gotovom) pay cash down, pay cash, pay on
the nail, disburse; (mjenicu) honour a bill; come
down with; (na sitne obroke) pay by dribblets; (premalo za rad) underpay; (previe za rad) overpay;
(previe za robu) be overcharged; (previsoku cijenu)
pay a fancy price, pay an extortionate (exorbitant)
price, pay through the nose; (goenje) pay the piper |
on sve ~a (ne ostaje duan) he pays his way; onaj
kome se ~a payee; tko ~, taj vozi money makes the
mare go; za ovu se robu ~a... this article is sold at...;
za ovu se robu ~alo (postigla je cijenu od)... this article fetched the price of...
plaen adj paid, salaried, stipendiary; (najmljen) bired;
(mien) bribed, mercenary; (dobro) well paid; (slabo)
underpaid; (preplatiti) overpaid; (potarina) post-

paid, pre-paid; (vozarina) carriage-paid; (nagraen)

rewarded | ~o (na raunu) payment received; ~i odmor holiday (A vacation) with pay
plaeniki adj mercenary (i fig)
plaenik m hireling; (vojnik) mercenary
plaevn|i adj | ~o sredstvo legal tender, means of payment; ~ razred (inovnika) salary grade
pladanj m plate; (tasa) salver, tray; (drven) platter
plafon m v. strop | odrediti ~ cijena set a ceiling on
plagijat m plagiarism
plagijator m plagiarist
plagijatorski adj plagiaristic
plagijatorstvo n plagiarism
plagirati vt plagiarize
plah adj shy, timid, bashful, timorous; (konj) skittish;
(estok) violent, impetuous, strong
plaho adv shyly, timidly, bashfuly, coyly; (estoko) violently, impetuously, rapidly
plahost f shyness, timidity, coyness, trepidation;
(naglost) violence, rashness, fierceness, impetuosity,
plahta f (bed) sheet; (mrtvaka) shroud, winding-sheet
plajvaz m Ger v. olovka
plakanje n weeping, crying, wailing, shedding of tears;
(cerenje) whining, puling, whimpering
plakar m v. ugraeni ormar
plakat m bill, poster
plakati vi cry, weep, shed tears; (gorko) weep bitterly;
(dugo) cry one's eyes (heart) out; (do sna) cry oneself
to sleep | zloin da bogu plae a crying (flagrant,
black, heinous) crime
plakatirati vt bill, poster, announce by bills (posters),
put up bills (posters)
plaketa f medallion; (vea) plaque
plamenje n flaming, glare, blaze, dazzle, irradiation
plamen' adj (vatren) fiery, ardent, flaming, blazing,
burning, glowing, aglow; fig fervid, zealous
plamen'' m (vatra) flame, flames pl | raspirivati ~ fan
the flame; ~ lie i bukti the flame licks and roars; u
~u afire, aflame, ablaze
plamenac m ornith flamingo
plamenik m (plinski) burner
plamiak m dim tiny flame
plamtei adj flaming, blazing, burning, fiery, glowing;
plamtjeti vi flame, flare, blaze, burn brightly, glow;
(srdba) flare up, burst into anger
plan m plan; programme; (nacrt) drawing; scheme; map;
project, design | praviti ~ plan; scheme, project; ne
izvriti ~ be below schedule; prema ~u according to
plandite n shady place (spot) for rest (for cattle during
plandovanje n resting, repose, inactivity, leisure; dawdling; want of occupation
plandovati vi (stoka) rest in the shade; (nerad) do nothing, be unoccupied (inactive, unemployed), be at leisure, idle one's time away, lie idle; idle, dawdle, dally

planer m planner
planet m, ~a f astr planet
planet|aran, ~ni adj planetary
planetarij m planetarium, orrery
planetoid m astr planetoid
planika f bot strawberry-tree
planimetrija f geom planimetry
planin|a f mountain, mountain-range | ~e pl hilly country, mountains, hills, highlands
planinac m mountain-dweller
planinar m mountaineer, climber, Alpinist; (izletnik)
planinarenje n mountain-climbing, mountaineering;
hiking; hiking trip, walking tour
planinariti vi go in for mountaineering, be given to
mountain-climbing; go hiking, go on hikings trips
planinarsk|i adj mountaineering; hiking | ~a staza hiking trail; ~a koliba refuge hut
planinarstvo n mountaineering; hiking
planinka f woman mountain-dweller
planinski adj mountain; mountainous
planiran pp planned
planiranje n planning; aero gliding, planing, coasting;
(tla) levelling (the ground)
planirati vt plan, make plans; aero glide, plane, coast;
(tlo) level the ground, make level
planka f (daska) plank
plankton m biol plankton
planktonski adj biol planktonic
plansk|i' adj planned | ~a privreda planned economy
planski'' adv according to (following) a plan
plantav adj reg v. nespretan
plantavac m reg v. nespretnjakovi
plantaa f plantation, estate
plantaer m grower; plantation (estate) owner
planuti vi (vatra) catch fire, burst into flame, be kindled;
blaze (flame, flare, flash) up; (gnjev) burst out in anger, fly into a passion, fly out, get enraged; be kindled (inflamed, stirred up) with passion
plasirati vt place; find (secure) a market for goods, market (goods)
plasirati se vr win a name for oneself (v. afirmirati se);
secure a good position | sp ~ na drugo mjesto place
plasman m (robe) sale, marketing; sp placing
plast m hayrick, haystack
plastelin m plasticine, modelling clay
plasti|an adj plastic; fig graphic | ~na bomba plastic
plastiar m plastic artist, sculptor
plastiki adj plastic
plastino adv | ~ prikazati describe graphically
plastinost f plasticity
plastik|a f chem plastic; plastics; (umjetnost) plastic art,
sculpture | coll napravili su joj ~u she underwent
plastic surgery
plastiti vt stack (hay), pile in stack
plastron m starched front; dickey
plae n collect haystacks, hayricks

plaen pp frightened, intimidated, terrorized

plaenje n frightening, terrifying, alarming, intimidation, causing anxiety (fear, alarm, uneasiness), striking fear into one's heart; (ivotinje) shying
plaiti vt frighten, startle, put in fear, make afraid,
alarm, scare, strike fear into one's heart; terrify, intimidate; daunt, awe, cow; (pticu) shoo away
plaiti se vr be afraid, be startled, take alarm, dread,
stand in fear (awe) of, be apprehensive of, apprehend;
(prezati) shrink from, flinch, wince; (ivotinja) shy
plaljiv adj timid, timorous, fearful, afraid; (plah) bashful, shy; (kukavan) chicken-hearted, faint-hearted,
white-livered, cowardly
plaljivac m timid person, coward
plaljivica f timid woman (girl)
plaljivo adv timidly, timorously; coyly, shyly, bashfully
plaljivost f timidity, timorousness, fearfulness; faintheartedness, cowardliness
plat m mantle; (kratak) cape; fig cloak, pretence, veil,
mask, cover, disguise, colour, guise, screen | pod
~em under the guise of
platenjaci m pl zoo Tunicata, Urochorda
plata f v. plaa
platac m payer
platana f bot plane-tree
platen|i adj v. platni | ~o sredstvo means of payment
platforma f platform
platfus m Ger v. ravna stopala
platina f platinum
platinast adj platinum-like | ~a blondina platinum
platinski adj platinum
platia m payer
platiti vt pay; (dug, raune) settle (square, balance) account, pay one's score (reckoning); (mjenicu) honour
a bill; (vozarinu) pay carriage (freight); (trokove)
pay (defray) expenses; (jako skupo, masno) pay
through the nose; (do posljednjeg novia) pay to the
last farthing; (u naravi) pay in kind; (odmah platiti)
pay down, pay ready money, pay cash, pay on the
nail, come down with the ready | sposoban ~ (trgovac) solvent, sound, a good man; nesposoban ~ insolvent; na to se mora ~ carina this is dutiable; na
to se ne treba ~ carina this 'is duty-free; toliko ne
mogu ~ I cannot afford it; ~ posljedice have to pay
the pipper, suffer for; to e mi ~ you shall smart for
this; ~ zlom serve one shamefully; ~ milo za drago
(ilo za ognjilo) repay tit for tat, serve with the same
sauce, pay in kind, repay with good (evil), repay like
for like, have one's revenge on, be even with; platio
nam je bocu vina he treated us to a bottle of wine;
tko e ~ raun? who will stand the treat?; plaeno
(na raunu) settled, discharged in full, paid, postfree, receipted
plativ adj payable, to be paid; (dospio) to be due, fallen
(become) due (mature) | ~ kod dostave cash on delivery (COD)
platnar m linen-draper
platnara f linen-drapery, linen factory

platnen adj linen | s ~im uvezom cloth-bound

platni adj payment(s) | ~ iskaz (spisak) payroll; ~ nalog
money order
platno n linen; (jako) duck; (votano) oil-cloth; (kruto)
buckram; (slika) canvas, painting; (filmsko) screen
plato m plateau
platonizam m phil Platonism
platonsk|i adj Platonic | ~a ljubav Platonic love
Plaut m Plautus
plauzibilan adj plausible
plauzibilno adv plausibly
plauzibilnost f plausibility
plav adj blue; (kosa) blond, fair; (nebo) azure
plavac m (kamen) pumice(-stone)
plavan adj periodically inundated, subject to periodic
inundation; v. movaran, poplavljen
plavet f azure, the blue, blueness
plavetan adj azure, bluish, sky-blue
plavetnilo n blueness, azure
plavica f ichth Spanish- mackerel
plaviast adj bluish
plavilo n laundress' blue, blueing
plaviti vt dye blue; (rublje) use blueing
plavjeti vi become blue
plavjeti se vr look blue
plavkast adj bluish
plavljenje n blueing (i za rublje)
plavokos adj blonde, fair(-haired)
plavook adj blue-eyed
plavua f blonde, fair-haired woman
plaziti vi crawl, creep; (odron) slide; (puzati pred nekim)
cringe upon, fawn, grovel
plazma f med & phys plasma
plaa f beach
plaenje n crawling, creeping; fig cringing
pleba f Ger v. plavilo
plebejac m plebeian, commoner
plebejka f plebeian (woman)
plebejski adj plebeian
plebiscit m plebiscite
plebiscitaran adj plebiscitary
plebs m plebs, common populace
plea n pl shoulders, back
pleat adj broad-shouldered, square-shouldered
plee n shoulder
pleka f cul shoulder-joint
pled m travel(ling) rug
pledirati vt plead (for)
pledoaje m plea; jur summation, summing up
pleh m Ger v. lim; cul baking pan, (za kolae) cake tin;
(za cipele) v. titnik
pleh-muzika f v. limena glazba
plehnat adj Ger v. limen
plejada f pleiad
Plejade f pl astr the Pleiades
plejboj m playboy
pleksi-staklo n perspex
pleksus m anat & box solar plexus

pleme n tribe, genus, clan, race; (podrijetlo) stock, origin, extraction, lineage, strain, birth; (obitelj, kua)
house, family
plemenit adj (podrijetlo) well-born, noble, of noble
(gentle) birth, highborn; (konj) highbred, thoroughbread; (duom) noble-minded, high-minded,
magnanimous, generous, liberal; (plemstvo) titled,
aristocratic, patrician; (kovina) precious
plemenita m nobleman, titled person, gently born person; aristocrat; (velmoa) peer
plemenitaica f gentlewoman
plemenitaki adj a nobleman's
plemenito adv nobly, generously, magnanimously, highmindedly
plemenitost f nobleness, nobility of mind, generosity,
magnanimity, noble-mindedness
plemenski adj tribal, clannish, racial, genealogical
plemi m nobleman | initi ~em ennoble, knight
plemiki adj noble, aristocratic | ~ dvorac country-seat,
feudal seat
plemkinja f noblewoman, gentlewoman, woman of good
birth, lady of rank, titled lady
plemstvo n nobility, aristocracy, peerage; collect the
nobles, (visoko) peers; rank of a noble
plenar|an adj | ~na sjednica plenary session
plenum m plenum; (zasjedanje) plenary session
pleonastian adj pleonastic
pleonazam m pleonasm
ples m dance, ball, dancing; ballet; (zabava) dancingparty | otvoriti ~ open the ball; krabuljni ~ masked
ball, masquerade, (koji svrava u 12 sati) Cinderella
dance; ostati sjediti na ~u (ne htjeti plesati) sit out a
dance; (nemati partnera) be a wall-flower
plesa m dancer; partner
plesaica f dancer; girl-dancer, dancing-girl; female
plesanje n dancing
plesati vi dance; waltz; jazz; hop | ~ kako drugi hoe
dance to someone's tune
plesiosaur m plesiosaurus
plesn|i adj dancing, ball | ~i vjeni private dancingparty; ~e cipele dancing shoes, pumps; ~a dvorana
ball-room, dancing-hall, dancing-room; ~a kola
dancing school
plesti vt knit; (vijenac) wreathe, make garlands; (mreu)
net; (ipke) work lace; (gajtane) braid; twist, plait;
(granje za ivicu) plash; (isprepletati) interlace, interweave, interwine
plesti se vr (paati se) intrude, meddle, interfere with |
jezik mi se plete I stammer (stutter)
pleta m knitter
pleta|i adj | ~a igla knitting-needle
pleten adj knit, knitted, plaited; (stolac od vrbovine itd.)
wicker; (gajtanima) braided; (kosa u pletenice)
tressed; (iblje) wattled | ~a roba text knitted goods;
(koare i sl.) wickerware
pletenica f tress, plait, plat; (perin) cue, queue; (kruh)
braided bread (loaf)

pletenje n knitting, plaiting; (vrbovog iblja) wickerwork; (od granja) wattled work | igla za ~ knittingneedle
pleter m hurdle, wicker, wattle, wicker-work, wattlework
pletilja f knitting-woman
pletivo n knitting, network, netting
pleura f anat v. porebrica
pleuritis m med v. upala porebrice
pliina f shallow, shoal, sandbank
plijen m plunder, plundering, prey, robbery, booty, spoils
pl, loot, rapine; (zaplijenjen brod) prize | eljan ~a
rapacious; biti (postati) ~om become prey of
plijeniti vt plunder, sack, pillage, rob, loot, rifle, ravage;
(stoku) lift (cattle); (liiti) strip of; (sudski) levy distress upon, distrain, seize chattels; confiscate, impound
plijenjenje n plundering, sacking; v. pljenidba
plijesan f mould, must, fustiness; (na tekuini) mushness; (na itu) mildew .
plijeviti vt weed (out)
plijevljenje n weeding
plik m med v. mjehur
plikavac m v. koni otrov
plima f high tide, high water, flood-tide, flow; (kad dolazi) flux; (najjaa u proljee) spring-tide; (najnia)
nap-tide | ~ i oseka the tides pl, ebb and flow, flux
and reflux, high and low tide; ~ dolazi the tide sets
in; ~ odlazi the tide sets out
plin m gas; (rudniki) choke-damp; (rasvjetni) light-gas;
(pogonski) power gas; (plemeniti) rare gas; (otrovni)
poison gas; (movarni) marsh gas | rasvjeta ~om
gas-lighting; ura za ~ gasmeter; rezervoar za ~ gas
plinara f gas-works pl, gas-house, gas plant
plinomjer m gasmeter
plinovit adj gassy, gaseous, gasiform
plinovitost f gaseity
plinovod m gas pipeline
plinsk|i adj gassy, gas | ~ plamenik gas-burner; ~a pe
gas-stove; ~a glavna cijev gas-main; naiga javne
~e rasvjete lamp-lighter
plise m pleats pl
plisiran adj pleated
plisirati vt pleat
pliska f (ptica) wag-tail
pliskavica f porpoise (v. dupin)
pli m text plush
plian adj text plush
plitak adj swallow; fig superficial; (ovjek) shallowbrained, shallow-pated, shallow-hearted; (ne dubok)
plitica f plate; (drvena) platter; (mala) saucer
plitko adv shallowly, skin-deep, superficially
plitkost f shallowness
pliva m swimmer
plivaica f woman swimmer | ptica ~ web-footed bird,

plivak|i adj | ~i klub swimming (A+ swim) club; ~o

natjecanje swim(ming) championship, swim(ming)
meet; ~e discipline swim(ming) events
pliva|i adj swimming, used for (in) swimming, natatorial
plivajui adj swimming, natant, bouyant | ~ dok floating
plivalite n swimrning-pool, swimming-basin
plivanje n swimming, natation; (plovnost na vodi) buoyancy, floating | pojas za ~ swimming-belt
plivati vi swim; float; (strujom) drift | ~ u krvi be
steeped (welter) in blood; ~ u bogatstvu wallow in
ploa f slab; tablet; (plonika) flag-stone; (fotografska)
plate; (lima) sheet; (gramofonska) record; (razvodna)
control panel; (rasklopna) switchboard; (oglasna)
bulletin board; (nadgrobna) gravestone; (kolska)
blackboard; (stakla) plate-glass; (polje, u vratima
itd.) panel
ploast adj slab-like; table-like
ploica f dim (od kriljevca, za pisanje) slate; (natpis)
door-plate; (keramika) tile
plonik m B pavement, A sidewalk | rub ~a curb, B+
kerb; rubni kamen ~a curb-stone
plod m fruit; yield; (poljski) produce; (rada) product,
return | donijeti ~a yield, produce, bring fruit
plod|an adj fertile, fruitful, productive; (pisac) prolific;
(zemlja) rich, fat; (misao) stimulative; (kritika) constructive | ~na zemlja mould; ~na godina bumper
year; uiniti ~nim fertilize
plodin|a f crop | ~e produce, crops
ploditi se vr bear fruit; procreate, multiply, propagate,
plodnica f bot seed-vessel, germen; ovary
plodno adv fruitfully
plodnost f fertility, fruitfulness, fecundity, productiveness, richness; (pisca) prolific output
plodonosan adj fertile, fruitful, profitable, productive,
fructuous, fructiferous | biti ~ bear (produce) fruit
plodored m farm crop rotation
ploha f level surface; (bruena) facet; (nakoso) bevel,
splay; (vode) sheet
plomba f (olovna) leaden seal; (zubna) filling, B+ stopping
plombirati vt affix the leads; (zub) fill, B+ stop
ploska f flask
plosnat adj flat, level, even, plane
plosnatica f ichth plaice
plosnatost f flatness
ploka f cul thin slice
ploni adj of a surface (plane), plane
plotica f flat side, blade
plotina f superficies, surface; area
plot m (drven) fence; (kolci) paling; (stupovi) palisade;
(ograda) enclosure; (isprepleteno granje) plashed
hedge | ograditi ~em hedge in
plotun m mil salvo, volley | nav boni ~ broadside
plovak m float
plovan' adj (brodiv) navigable

plovan'' m reg v. upnik

plovanija f reg v. upa
ploviji adj v. paji
plovidb|a f navigation; (rijena) inland navigation; (zrana) aerial navigation; (put) voyage, sai.ling | brod
slobodne ~e tramper
plovidben adj relating to (dealing with) navigation | ~i
red sailing list, sailing time-table
ploviti vi navigate, sail, voyage; (kao zvanje) be a sailor,
sailor; (ne tonuti) float; (strujom) drift | ~ uz obalu
hug the coast
plovka f v. patka
plovljenje n navigation, sailing; sailoring; voyaging,
voyage; floating, drifting
plovni adj floating; (rijeka) navigable | ~ objekt vessel
plovnost f navigability, navigableness
plovuac m minr pumice (-stone), emery
plua n pl lungs pl; (svinje, ovce itd.) lights pl | fig imati
jaka (slaba) ~ have a good (bad) wind; upala ~ inflammation of the lungs, pneumonia; krilo ~ lobe of
the lungs
pluai m pl zoo (puevi) Pulmonata
pluica f cul | telea ~ calf's lights
plun|i adj pulmonary, pulmonic, lung
plunjak m bot lung-wort
plug m B plough, A plow; (snjeni) snow-plough
plural m gram plural | staviti u ~ pluralize
pluralist m pluralist
pluralistiki adj pluralist(ic)
pluralizam m pluralism
pluralni adj gram plural
plus m plus | jo dva ~ additional (extra) two, two more;
fig veliki ~ a great asset (plus)
pluskvamperfekt m gram pluperfect (tense)
plutaa f buoy
plutanje n floating
plutati vi float
plutnjak m bot (hrast) cork oak
pluto n cork; (udice) float
plutokracija f plutocracy
plutokrat m plutocrat
plutokratski adj plutocratic
Pluton m myth & astr Pluto
plutonij m chem plutonium
pluen adj ploughed
pluenje n ploughing
pluiti vt plough
pluni adj of a plough, plough
pljaka f robbery, plunder, pillage, sack, spoil(s) | oruana ~ (banke, duana) holdup
pljakan pp plundered, sacked, looted, ravaged, robbed
pljakanje f robbing, plundering, looting
pljaka m robber, looter, plunderer, ravager, pillager,
marauder; (stoke) cattle-lifter
pljakati vt rob, plunder, pillage, sack, loot, ravage, maraud
pljas! int splat! slap!

pljenidba f (sudska) execution, seizure, distrait, distress,

attachment, impounding; confiscation | onaj na kom
se vri ~ distrainee
pljenitelj m (sudski) confiscator, distrainer; plunderer,
pljes! int v. pljas!
pljesak m clapping of hands, applause
pljeska m applauder
pljeskanje n v. pljesak; slapping
pljeskati vi clap one's hands, applaud; (po leima i sl.)
pljeskavica f cul grilled (meat) patty; hamburger
pljesniv adj mouldy, musty, fusty; (ito) mildewy
pljesniviti vi mould, grow musty (fusty, mouldy, mildewy)
pljesnivost f mouldiness, fustiness, mustiness
pljesnuti vt clap hands
pljesnuti se vr (po elu) slap one's forehead
pljeiv adj v. elav
pljeva f chaff (grain-) husks; (otpaci itnog zrnja) tailings | kao ~ heaps, a lot of, plenty of
pljeviti vt weed
pljevljenje n weeding
pljosan f v. ploha
pljoska f flask, canteen, pocket-bottle
pljosnat adj v. plosnat
pljotimice adv flatly, with the flat side (blade of sword
pljuckanje n spitting
pljuckati vt spit
pljucnuti vt spit (once)
pljunut adj | ~i otac the spitting image of his father
pljunuti vt spit out; expectorate; (na) spit on
pljus! int splash!
pljusak m heavy shower, pelting (torrential) rain; splash
pljuska f box on the ears, cuff (slap) in the face, smack
on the face
pljuskanje n cuffing, boxing (ears), smacking, slapping
pljuskati vt box one's ears, cuff (slap, smack) somebody's face; (po vodi) splash, splatter, paddle
pljusnuti vt slap somebody's face, give a slap; (u vodu)
fall with a splash (plump, plunge) into the water
pljutanje n bickering (pattering) of rain
pljutati vi (kia) patter, bicker, pour down heavily
pljuvaka f spittle, expectoration
pljuvan|i adj | anat ~e lijezde salivary glands
pljuvanica f B spittoon, A cuspidor
pljuvanje n spitting, expectoration
pljuvati vi spit, expectorate
pneum m coll v. pneumotoraks
pneumatik m (gumeni kota) pneumatic, tire, tyre
pneumatsk|i adj pneumatic | ~a konica air-brake
pneumotoraks m med pneumothorax | primati ~ undergo collapse therapy
po prep about, after, on, upon, through, along, during,
at, by, for, round; in, from, per || (mjesto) ~ sobi
about the room; ~ stolu (up)on the table; ~ gradu
about (through) the town; ~ ulici along the street; ~
cijeloj Europi all over Europe; ~ kopnu i moru by

land and sea; ~ zraku by air; ~ vodi by water; voditi

nekoga ~ gradu show one round the town; on ee ~
palubi he walks the deck, he paces the deck; slike vise ~ zidovima pictures hang on the walls; udariti ~
zubima strike one in the mouth; udario ga e ~ glavi
he hit him on the head; ~ tom vremenu in this
weather; ide ~ suncu, kii he walks in the sun, rain;
putuje ~ cijeloj Aziji he travels all over Asia (Asia
over); putovao je ~ cijeloj zemlji he has travelled
through the length and breadth of the land; ~ cijelom
svijetu all the world over; drhtao je ~ cijelom tijelu
he trembled all over; rumen mu se razlila ~ licu
blush spread over his face; poao je ~ njega he went
to fetch him || (vrijeme) ~ vas dan all day long, the
livelong day; ~ cijele dane for days at a stretch; ~ 8
sati neprekidno eight hours at a stretch; ~ danu during the day, in the daytime, by day; ~ noi by night,
at night; ~ danu i ~ noi night and day; ~ objedu after dinner; ~ Uskrsu after Easter; ~ zimi in winter; ~
nedjeljama of a Sunday; ~ njegovoj smrti after his
death; ~ dolasku on arriving || ([po]sredstvo) dobio
je to ~ meni he got it through me (with my help); ~
tom uzorku after this pattern; samo ~ imenu only by
name; batinjeno ~... inherited from; dobio ime
~ujaku named after his uncle; dobio je mjesto ~
svom stricu he got the situation by means of his uncle; ~ dobi su jednaki as regards age they are equal;
~ licu bi ovjek mislio... from his air one might suppose; ~ predoenju on presentation; zakljuivati ~
neemu infer from; poznati ~ known by; sudei ~
judging by (from); suditi ~ vanjtini judge by appearances; ~ tome vidi you see by it; ravnati se ~...
go by...; ~ tebi bi svijet propao if it were for you, the
world would go to ruin; poruio mi e ~... he sent
word by...; poslati ~ nekome send by... || (nain) jedan ~ jedan one by one; ~ naravi from nature; slikati ~ naravi paint after nature (life); ~ istini truly; ~
istini da kaem truth to tell; ~ pravici by rights, of
right; malo ~ malo by degrees, little by little; ~ uvenju by hearsay; ~ obiaju as usual, according to custom; ~ planu according to a plan, by schedule; ~ starinski in an old-fashioned way (style); ~ vrijednosti
in value; jednak ~ veliini equal in size; mladi ~
godinama a youth in years; nainjeno ~ narudbi
made to order; ~ zapovijedi by order; ~ uputi as instructed; svirati ~ sluhu play by ear; pjevati ~ notama sing from notes; ~ mjeri by measure; ~ modi after the fashion; ~ rodu by birth; ~ engleskom zakonu
under the English law; ~ duljini lengthwise; ~ mom
mnijenju in my opinion; ~ mom raunu by my reckoning; ~ paragrafu 22 under section 22; Nijemac ~
krvi German by blood; ~ svojoj konstituciji by constitution; kao ~ loju like clockwork; ~ zanatu kroja
tailor by trade; ~ zvanju odvjetnik lawyer by profession; ~ to ~ to by all means; ~ mogunosti according to one's ability; if possible; ~ redu one after another, in order; ~ volji (odluka) at will, at one's
pleasure (option); ~ mom ukusu to my taste; ~ uviavnosti at discretion; ~ kakvoi by quality; ~ volji

(zadovoljstvo) to one's mind, as one likes; ako ti je ~

volji if you choose (care); samo ~ sebi in itself, of itself; ~ poslu on business, on an errand || (mjera, koliina) dva ~ dva two by two, by twos; malo ~ malo
little by little; by degrees; dijelili smo ~ pola we went
halves; ~ est puta six times running; iling ~ funti a
shilling a pound; dobili su 5 ilinga ~ glavi they got
5 shillings each (every one, a piece, per head, severally); 5 ilinga ~ metru 5 shillings a metre; prodavati ~ jardu sell by the yard || (razno) dobro ~ me good
for me; zlo ~ me woe is me; ~ nesrei unfortunately,
as ill-luck would have it; dri se ~ strani he keeps
aloof; ~ svoj prilici very likely, in all likelihood; ~
prilici about; ~ tome (prema tome) accordingly, according to this, agreeably to, conformably to, pursuant to, consequently, then; nije mi ~ udi it's not to
my liking; nije mu ~ udi it goes against the grain
with him; ~ toj cijeni at this price
poanta f v. poenta
poapsiti vt v. pohapsiti
pobacati vt throw off (away, down) one by one, one after
another; finish (have done) throwing (casting, hurling, flinging)
pobaciti vt & vi suffer (have) a miscarriage, lose one's
baby; miscarry, be delivered prematurely of a child,
pobacivanje n miscarriage, abortion; abortiveness
pobacivati vt v. pobaciti
pobaaj m miscarriage, abortion
pobaen pp miscarried, delivered prematurely
pobadati vt v. pobosti
pobakren pp galvanized with copper
pobakriti vt galvanized with copper
pobakrivanje n coppering, galvanizing with copper,
pobenaviti vi v. pobudaliti
pobiberiti vt cul pepper, sprinkle with pepper
pobijanje n refutation, contestation, confutation, disproof
pobijati vt refute, contest, confute, impugn; dispute, controvert, debate, call in question; fight, combat, oppose, deny; challenge; arraign; argue
pobijediti vi conquer, defeat, win, carry the day, beat,
vanquish, overcome; come off with flying colours;
carry all before one; surmount, gain the upper hand;
worst, outdo, best; (po bodovima) outpoint; (na izborima) win an election
pobijeen pp conquered, vanquished, beaten, worsted,
pobijeliti vt whiten; (kreiti) whitewash; paint white
pobijeljeti vi become white, whiten; (posijediti) grow
grey-haired (kosa grow, grey); (na suncu) bleach
pobijesniti vi v. pobjesnjeti
pobiljeen pp jotted (noted, taken) down; registered,
pobiljeiti vt take notes, jot down, take down in writing;
register, record
pobira m picker, gatherer, collector

pobiranje n (skupljanje) gathering, collecting, reaping,

gleaning; (dizanje) picking up
pobirati vt collect, gather in; reap, glean; (dii) pick
(take) up; (porez) raise tax, levy (tax)
pobiti vt kill off, butcher (massacre, slaughter) one by
one (to the last); (dokaze) v. pobijati
pobiti se vr join battle, give battle, begin a fight; kill
each other (one another)
pobje|i vi run away, fly, flee; (umai) give one the slip;
escape; bolt, break loose; decamp; take to one's heels;
make off; (ne plativi dug) levant, abscond (okladu
welsh); (nou, ne plativ i stanarinu) flit by
moonlight, make one's escape; (vojnik) desert; (s ukradenim) make off; (ena) elope | ~glo mu je (izlanuo
je) he blundered out, he let cat out of the bag
pobjed|a f victory, conquest, triumph | znak ~e trophy;
odnijeti ~u win the day, come off with flying colours
pobjednica f victress, victrix; female winner
pobjedniki' adj victorious, conquering, triumphant
pobjedniki'' adv victoriously, triumphantly
pobjednik m victor, conwueror, vanquisher, winner
pobjedonosan adj victorious, triumphant
pobjedonosno adv victoriously, triumphantly
pobjedonosnost f victoriousness
pobjeivanje n (continual) conquering, vanquishing;
pobjeivati vt continue being victorious (winning victories)
pobjegnuti vi v. pobjei
pobjesnjeti vi become furious (infuriated, enraged, raving, mad); run amuck; (pas) become rabid | to je da
ovjek pobijesni it is enough to drive one mad
poblagovati vt finish eating, have done eating
poblanjati vt plane (slightly)
poblesaviti vi v. pobudaliti
poblijedjeti vi grow (turn) pale (pallid, livid, sallow,
poblie adv (potanko) in detail, detailed; (izbliza)
closely, narrowly, on closer inspection
pobljuvan adj vomit-soiled, covered with vomit
pobljuvati vt (pojedeno) throw up; (odjeu) soil by vomiting
pobljuvati se vr spew, spue, puke
pobo|an adj lateral, collateral, side | ~na ulica off-street
poboke adv laterally; edgewise
pobonik m mil adjutant, aide-de-camp
pobogu! int v. zaboga!
pobojati se vr become afraid (alarmed, apprehensive),
take alarm, become anxious (nervous)
pobojavati se vr take alarm periodically; feel anxiety
(zbog over)
pobojiti vt colour, paint; stain
pobolijevanje n poor state of health, lingering illness
pobolijevati vi be sickly (poorly), be of indifferent
health, be ailing (suffering), be troubled with, suffer
from a trouble (complaint, disease), be afflicted with
pobolji adj a somewhat better, slightly better
poboljanje n improvement, betterment, change (turn)
for the better; mend; amelioration

poboljati vt improve, better; amend; reform, mend

poboljavati se vr improve, take a turn for the better;
(ponaanje) mend one's ways, reform; grow better
poboraviti vi stay (for) a while
pobornica f female defender (champion)
pobornik m defender, champion
pobosti vt (zastavu) plant (a flag); v. zabosti
pobosti se vr attack (stick, goad itd.) each other (one
another) with horns (knives, itd.)
pobo|an adj pious, religious; devout, godly; (pretjerano) bigoted; (naoko) sanctimonious | vrlo ~na osoba
pobono adv piously, devoutly | fig ~ sluati listen with
rapt attention
pobonost f piety, devoutness, devotion, godliness, piousness, religiousness; (naoko) hypocrisy, sanctimoniousness | uiva glas ~i he lives in the odour of
pobraen adj | mi smo ~i we have become bosomfriends
pobran pp picked up, taken up; (sakupljen) gathered,
pobranati vt finish (have done) harrowing
pobraniti vt cul sprinkle with flour
pobrati vt pick up, take up; (sabrati) collect, gather;
(dii) lift
pobrati se vr v. pokupiti se
pobratim m blood-brother; fig bosom-friend, A coll
pobratimski' adj close, intimate
pobratimski'' adv closely, intimately
pobratimstvo n blood-brotherhood; fig close fellowship,
fraternity, brotherly friendship
pobratiti vt make blood-brothers of; bring into fraternal
pobratiti se vr become blood-brothers; fig become
bosom-friends, fraternize
pobre n mountainous (hilly) country (tract, region)
pobro m v. pobratim
pobrin|uti se vr take care of, look after, see to, take upon
oneself, attend to provide for | ~i se see to it, see it
pobrisati vt v. obrisati
pobrkan pp mixed up, confused; (zbrkan) in confusion,
confused, in disorder; disorganized, deranged
pobrkanost f confusion, mess, disorder, muddle; jumble
pobrkati vt mix up, confuse; (zbrkati) jumble, confuse,
throw into disorder (confusion), make mess; muddle;
pobrkati se vr become mixed up (confused)
pobro m v. pobratim
pobrojen pp counted up
pobrojiti vt count up (out); v. nabrojiti
pobud|a f incentive, impulse, stimulus, fillip, impetus,
incitement, stimulation, animation, inspiration; suggestion; motive | iz vlastite ~e of one's own accord
pobudali|ti vi become foolish (silly, irrational, crazy); go
soft in the head; take leave of one's senses | to je da
~ it is enough to drive one crazy

pobuditi vt arouse; give impetus (incentive), fillip; (nadahnuti) inspire, animate; rouse, enliven; stimulate,
incite; (potai) urge on, stir up, quicken, prompt;
move to; (raspaliti) excite, kindle; (tek) whet (appetite)
pobuivanje n arousing; inspiring, inspiration; animating, animation; v. pobuda
pobuivati vt v. pobuditi
pobuna f revolt, rising, insurrection, rebellion, riot; mil
pobuniti vt stir up mutiny among, incite to revolt
pobuniti se vr rise in arms, revolt (rise) against, take up
arms against, rebel against; (vojska) mutiny
pobunjen adj rebel, risen (in revolt), up in arms; dissident
pobunjeniki adj rebel
pobunjenik m rebel, mutineer, insurgent, rioter
pocakliti vt enamel; glaze
pocakljen adj enamelled (A+ enameled); glazed
pocijepan pp split (cleft) up; (stranka) rent into factions,
turn by factions; cut up; chopped; v. poderan
pocijepanost f dissension, factiousness, split
pocijepati vt split (cleave) up; cut up, chop up
pocijepati se vr (stranka) get rent into factions; v. poderati se
pocikivati vi shriek; (od uitka) squeal
pocinan pp galvanized
pocjepkati vt v. pocijepati
pocrkati vi perish, vulg croak
pocrniti vt blacken
pocrnjen pp blackened
pocrnjeti vi become (turn) black, darken; (od sunca) get
a tan
pocrveniti vt make (paint, colour, stain) red, redden;
(lice) rouge
pocrvenjen pp reddened, painted (coloured, stained) red
pocrvenjeti vt turn (become, grow) red,blush, flush |
pocrvenio je he blushed (flushed), colour (blood)
mantled his face, a blush suffused his cheeks
poculica f married woman's cap
pocupkivati vi v. cupkati
poaavjeti vi become covered with soot
poaiti vt soot, cover with soot
poam adv | ~ od v. poevi od
poarkati se vr skirmish
poasiti vi linger, stay a bit longer
poasni adj honorary; (samo po imenu) titular, nominal,
in name only
poast f honours pl, homage, respects pl, mark of honour
(respect), (dutiful) reverence | njemu u ~ in his honour; iskazati ~ pay (do) honour to, pay respects to; do
homage to; (potovanje) pay reverence to; iskazati
posljednju ~ do the last (funeral) honours, perform
the last offices
poastan adj v. poasni
poasti|ti vt honour, do (pay) homage to; (pogostiti) treat
one to, stand one a treat, regale with, entertain | ~o
sam ga piem (platio sam) I stood him a drink; ~o
sam drutvo bocom vina I stood a bottle to the com-

pany; ~ti prisutnou honour (grace) with one's presence

poastiti se vr v. astiti se
poaen pp honoured; (gost) entertained
poekati vt wait for, stay for, abide; (pustiti) let the matter stand over; (svoje vrijeme) bide one's time
poelo n element, rudiments pl
poerupati se vr v. poupati se
poeati vt scratch
poesati se vr scratch oneself
poeljan pp combed
poeljati vt comb, do one's hair
poeljati se vr do one's hair
poet|ak m beginning, commencement, start; opening;
(zaetak) inception; (postanak) origin, rise, outset,
setout; (provala, nastanak) breaking out; (mjesto)
starting-point | iz (od) ~ka from the start (beginning); opet s ~ka anew, over again; od ~ka do kraja
from first to last, from beginning to the end; od prvog ~ka from the very beginning; na ~ku at the beginning, initially, from the very outset; na ~ku godine early in the year; za ~ak to begin with; svaki je
~ak teak all beginning is hard; uguiti u ~ku nip in
the bud
poeti vt begin, commence, start; (biti povod) take its
rise in (from); (posao) take in hand; (razgovor)
broach (launch, moot) (a subject); (ples) open (lead
off); (inicijativa) take the lead, lead the way; (biti prvi) be the pioneer, blaze the trail, pave the way for,
break the ground; (kakljiv razgovor) break the ice;
(naopako) begin at the wrong end | ~ kod samog sebe begin at home; da ponemo najprije... to start
(begin) with; poevi od beginning from; from ... on
poet|ni adj initial, incipient, commencing, beginning;
starting, preparatory; (uvodni) preliminary, introductory; first, primary, elementary; embryonic
poetnica f (knjiga) primer; (itanka) first reader; (za
sricanje) spelling-book, speller, abecedary; (ena)
woman (female) beginner; (female) new hand, novice
poetniki' adj of (like) a beginner (novice, inexperienced person)
poetniki'' adv like a beginner
poetnik m beginner, novice, tyro; (zaetnik) originator;
(u itanju) abecedarian; (neiskusna osobu) a new
(raw) hand, an inexpevienced (unskilled) person
poimati vi v. poinjati
poin|ak m rest, repose; (san) sleep; (grob) grave, tomb;
(vjeni) last (long) home | ii na ~ak (lei) go to bed,
go (retire) to rest; bez ~ka restless; elim ti dobar
~ak I wish you a good night's rest
poinitelj m committer, perpetrator
poiniti vt commit, perpetrate, do, perform, make
poinuti vi v. odmoriti se
poinja m beginner, originator, starter
poinjanje' n act of beginning, starting, start, commencement
poinjanje'' n (djelo) perpetration, act of committing
poinjati' vt (v. poeti) to be beginning (starting)
poinjati'' vt (zlo djelo) commit, perpetrate, perform, do

poinjen pp committed, perpetrated, done

poistiti vt clean up, clear up
poien pp cleaned
poitanje n v. potovanje
poitovati vt v. potovati
poivak m v. poinak
poivalite n resting-place; (vjeno) burial place
poivaljka f couch
poivanje n resting, reposing, taking (breath); (leanje)
poiv|ati vi take rest, rest, repose, recover one's breath;
(spavati) sleep, be dormant; (leati) recline; (biti pokopan) lie; (koko) roost; (leati neobraen) lie fallow; (ne micati se) be at rest, be at a standstill | vlast
~a u njegovim rukama power is lodged in his hands,
the matter rests with him; ~ala u miru may she rest
in peace
poivi adj v. pokojni
poovjeiti vt humanize
poovjeiti se vr become humanized
poupati vt pluck (pull, pick) off (feathers, hair, flowers,
grass, weeds)
poupati se vr scuffle, be by the ears, tear out hair to one
another while fighting
poerka f v. pokerka
poi vi betake oneself to; (krenuti) set off (out), make for,
depart, march out (away, forth); (hodati) walk off;
(otii nekamo) repair (resort) to; (na put) start on a
journey; (po nekoga) go fetch someone; (spavati) go
to bed (retire); (udariti putem) strike into a track; (u
vojsku) join the army; (za nekoga, udati se) marry;
(loim putem) go awry, give oneself to evil courses
(ena go wrong, go astray); (udariti lijevo [desno])
strike to the right (left); (svojim novim putem) strike
out a line for oneself; (krivim putem) take the wrong
way | ~ za rukom succeed, prove successful; ne ~ za
rukom miscarry, prove abortive, hang (miss) fire, fall
(be dashed) to the ground, come to nothing; ~ kud za
vazda ide se (umrijeti) go the way of all the earth (of
all flesh)
poud|an adj agreeable, acceptable | ako ti je ~no v. ako
ti je po volji
poutati vi v. poutjeti
pod' prep under, below, beneath; (zamjena, sluba) subvice-, deputy-, subordinate, inferior; hypo-; (za vrijeme) during | ~ brdom at the foot of the hill; ~ mrak
at nightfall; sch ~ satom during the lesson; pasti ~
steaj fall, go bankrupt; ~ kojim mu drago uvjetom
upon any terms; ~ uvjetom under (on) the condrition
that; ~ vladavinom in the reign of ...; ~ veer towards evening; on je ~a mnom he is beneath (be1ow)
me, he is inferior to me; ~ tim razumijem by this I
mean; ~ starost in one's old age; ~ utjecajem influenced by; ~ jesen towards the autumn (A fall); knjiga
~ naslovom... book entitled...; ~ pritiskom under
pod'' m floor; (daani) planking; v. kat
podabrati vt gather; pick up; subsume
podagnati vt drive under

podagra f med podagra, gout in the feet

podaleko adv not far, nearby
podalje adv farther on | malo ~ a bit farther, at some
distance, some way off
podanak m bot underground stem
podanica f (female) subject
podaniki adj of a subject | ~a prisega oath of allegiance; ~a vjernost loyalty, allegiance
podanik m subject, citizen; (tui) alien
podanitvo n allegiance of a subject, citizenship
podao adj abject, mean, base, infame, servile, vile, contemptible
podariti vt (pokloniti) make a present (of)
podastiranje n submission; presentation
podastrijeti vi submit, present for consideration, lodge,
file; (molbu) present a petition (an expos)
podastrt pp submitted, lodged, filed
podasuti vt strew (throw) under
podaan adj free of, liberal, generous, open-handed, not
podano adv liberally
podanost f liberality, generosity, open-handedness
poda|tak m fact, figure, piece of information | ~ci data;
figures; (potanji) specification, particulars; statistical
data, statistics; (kompjutorska) obrada ~taka data
podatan adj pliable, pliant, yielding; supple, flexible,
podati vt hand, give, administer, serve, pass; (pruiti)
reach, offer, extend
podati se vr (zlu) go wrong, addict oneself to, give oneself up to, abandon oneself to, take to, become adchicted to; (uitku) indulge in; (ponovo zlu) backslide; (popustiti) yield, surrender; (biti gibak) be pliant; (biti kovak) be ductile (malleable)
podatljiv adj v. podatan
podatno adv pliably, pliantly; supply, flexibly
podatnost f indulgence; pliancy, ductility, elasticity,
yielding nature
podavanje n (poputanje) undulgence; (davanje) administering
podavati se vr v. podati se
podaviti' vt strangle (throttle, smother, suffocate, stifle)
to the last ili one after another; (potopiti) drown
podaviti'' vt v. podviti
podaviti se vt (u vodi) get (all) drowned
podbaci|ti vt turn out (prove) to be less than expected,
fall, disappoint hopes, fall short, underachieve; (granata) fall short | usjevi su ~li crops have failed
podbacivanje n falling short, underachievment
podbaaj m (projektila i fig) shortfall
podbada m instigator, inciter, agitator, irritator, haranguer, egger on
podbadan pp incited, instigated, goaded
podbadanje n goading, instigation, egging, setting on,
podbadati vt instigate, egg on, set on, incite, inveigle,
stir up, goad on, nettle, rouse, inflame; agitate; provoke; urge; (konja) spur on, clap spurs to one's horse;

(nekoga da pokae to najbolje zna i moe) put one

on his mettle
podboen pp propped up, shored up, abutted; supported;
(s rukama na kukovima) akimbo
podboiti vt prop up, shore up; support; (glavu rukama)
support one's head by arms
podboiti se vr set one's arms akimbo
podboden pp instigated, egged on, goaded
podbosti vt v. podbadati
podbradak m double chin
podbradnik m (djeji) v. oprnjak
podbrijati vt shave from below
podbrusiti vt v. ~ pete
podbuhao adj bloated, swollen
podbuhlost f being bloated (swollen), bloated (swollen)
podc- v. potcpod- v. potpodakon m sub-deacon
podebeo adj (knjiga) rather thick, thickish; (osoba)
rather fat, fattish
podebljan pp thickened (line)
podebljati vt thicken (make thicker) (the lines)
poderan pp torn, rent, slashed (ripped) open; ragged,
poderanac m ragamuffin, ragged fellow, tatterdemalion
poderati vt tear, rent, tear asunder, tear to shreds, rag;
(rasporiti) slash (rip) open; (istroiti) wear out
podesan adj advisable
podesiti vt adjust, adapt (v. prilagoditi); (TV sliku) v.
podesiti se vr become adjusted, adapt (v. prilagoditi se)
podesno adv suitably, appropriately
podesnost f appropriatness
podeavati vt v. podesiti
podglavlje n cushion (pillow, pad) as head-support
podgorac m villager living at the foot of a mountain
podgorje n country (district, tract) at the foot of a mountain-range
podgorski adj situated at the foot of a mountain
podgovaranje n talking into; incitement (na to)
podgovarati vt v. podgovoriti
podgovoriti vt talk into; incite (na to)
podgraditi vt shore up
podgradnja f shoving up
podgrae n part of town under a fortified place (cathedral itd.)
podgrijan pp re-warmed, re-heated, warmed-over
podgrijati vt warm up again, rewarm, re-heat, warm
podgrijavanje n warming up (over)
podgristi vt (izglodati, izderati) fret away, bit (gnaw)
away at the root (bottom, from underneath); fig corrode, undercut
podgrizanje n gnawing away (at), undercutting, corroding
podgrizen pp eaten (bitten, fretted) underneath (away)
podgurnuti (se) vt (vr) pusih under

podiiti se vr boast of, pride oneself on, make boast of,

brag about (of), vaunt about, plume oneself on, take
pride in, be proud of
podii' vt (zgradu) erect, raise, build, edify; (uvis) lift,
exalt, give lift; (na noge) set on one's legs; math (na
potenciju) raise to a power; (prosvjed, galamu) set
up, raise (make) a protest; (zajam) raise a loan; (na
noge odgojiti) rear; (vojsku) raise an army; (spomenik) erect a monument; (osnovati) establish, install; (teinu) heave, hoist, crane up; (na ast) elevate; (sidro) weigh anchor; (parnicu) go to law, institute legal proceedings, sue for; (novac) encash (realize) money; (cijenu) enhance; (ovratnik) turn up;
(otii po) collect
podii'' vi go under (v. podilaziti)
podii se vr rise, get up, lift oneself; (na bunu) rise up in
arms, take up arms against, revolt, mutiny, rebel
against; (uspeti se) mount, soar, rise in the air; (nenadano) start; (vjetar) spring up; (bura) arise; (praina) fly up; (cijene) improve, rise
podignue n v. podizanje
podignut pp lifted, hoisted, rised, ereeted; exalted; fig
uplifted; elevated; set up
podignuti vt v. podii
podij m podium, platform
podijeliti vt math divide; (razdijeliti) distribute, dispense, administer; (dodijeliti) allot, assign, apportion; (meu) share among; (u dijelovima) parcel out;
(razluiti jedno od drugoga) separate; (ast, rije,
milost) give, grant, bestow, confer, vouchsafe; (dozvolu) permit; (razdati) dispose of; (milostinju) dole
out; (oruje) distribute, issue witih (weapons)
podijeliti se vr split, divide, break down (into)
podijeljen pp divided; distributed; separated; granted,
podijeljenost f split, division, being divided
podilaz|iti vt go under; (nekome) curry favour with | ~i
me jeza it gives me the creeps
podisati vi breathe a little
poditi vt floor; (kamenom itd.) pave; (daskama) plank
podivljao adj run (grown) wild
podivljalost f wildness, savageness; unruliness, intractableness
podivljati vi grow (become) wild (fierce, savage, brutal,
decivilized, brutalized); (izbjegavati drutvo) shun
society; (biljka) run riot (wild)
podizanje n erection, erecting; construction; elevation,
raising, lifting; exaltation; advancement
podizati vt v. podii
podjaren pp inflamed, roused, stirred up, instigated,
goaded (egged) on
podjariti vt inflame, rouse, goad, egg on, stir up, instigate, incense
podjarivanje n inflaming; incensing, egging on, rousing, sti up, instigation, goading
podjarivati vt v. podjariti, podbadati
podjarmiti vt subjugate, subdue, bring under subjection,
vanquish, conquer; enslave
podjarmljen pp subjugated, subdued, under the yoke of

podjarmljenost f being subjugated, subjugation

podjarmljivanje n subjugation
podjedati vt v. podgristi
podjednak adj roughly equal, comparable
podjednako adv comparably
podjednakost f comparableness
podjela f division, distribution, partition, administration,
dispensing; bestowing, granting, connferring; (upe)
podjeljivanje n v. podjela
podjeljivati vt v. podijeliti
podjetinjenje n becoming feeble-minded (doting)
podjetinjiti m become feeble-minded, dote
podlac m mean fellow, sneak
podlaki' adj caddish, villainous
podlaki'' adv caddishly, villainously
podlaganje n placing under, underlaying; propping up,
padding, bolstering up, supporting
podlagati vt v. podloiti
podlaktica f anat forearm
podlanica f ichth gilthead
podlatvo n v. podlost
podlei vi succumb; be worsted (defeated, vanquished,
conquered, overthrown); sink under, knock under,
give way; yield
podlegao adj succumbed, overcome; (umro) dead
podletjeti vi fly under
podleati vi v. podlijegati, potpadati
podli adj v. podao
podlijegati vi v. podlijei (podlijeem, I vrsta, IV razred)
podlijevanje n pouring under, suffusing
podlijevati vt v. podliti
podlistak m (feljton) feuilleton
podliti vt pour under, suffuse
podliti se vr med become suffused, develop suffusions
podliven adj suffused
podlivenost f med suffusion(s)
podlo adv meanly, basely, abjectly, vilely, servilely, infamely, villainously
podlo|ga f base, basis; (nosilac) support; (za pisanje, sloj
papira) pad; (za sue) mat; (klin pod bavu itd.)
chock; (sloj straga na ogledalu) foil; (osnova, razlog)
ground, foundation; (tubi) substratum | na crnoj ~zi
on a black (back)ground
podlokati vt erode, wear away, undercut
podlost f meanness, baseness, vileness, infamy; servility
podloak m pad; (za ae) coaster; (sa crtama) lined
podloan adj (izvrgnut) subject to, liable to; (ovisan)
dependent; (u slubi) inferior (subordinat, subaltern) |
biti ~ depend upon, be subordinate
podloen pp put (set, placed) under; (postavljen) lined
podloiti vt (pokoriti) subject, subjugate, subdue; (ovisnost) make dependent (inferior to); (staviti ozdola,
poduprijeti) support, prop (bolster) up; (klin) chock
up; lay (put, place) under, underlay; (podstava) pad,
stuff, line

podlonost f state of subjection (subjugation, inferiority),

submissiveness, subordination
podmazan pp greased (under); (podmien) bribed, suborned, A grafted
podmazati vt eng lubriaate, oil; (podmititi) grease the
palm, bribe, suborn
podmazivanje n eng lubrication, oiling; fig palm-oiling,
podmet m gram subject
podmeta m v. podloak; (za glavu) head-rest
podmetanje n putting (placing) below (under); (tueg
djeteta) substitution of a changeling; (podvala) imputation
podmetati vt v. podmetnuti
podmetnut pp (stavljen) put (placed, shoved) underneath; introduced surreptitiously, palmed off | ~o dijete substituted child, changeling, supposititious
child, elf-child
podmetnuti vt (staviti) put (lay, place) under (below);
(gurnuti) shove (push) under(neath); (krivo za pravo)
substitute something spurious, foist in (into), father
upon; (dijete) substitute a changeling; (krivnju) impute, lay a thing to one's door, lay blame upon;
(nogu) trip one
podmetnuti se vr shoulder the burden
podmien pp bribed, suborned, coll squared
podmiivanje n bribing; (za krivo svjedoenje) suborning, subornation, corruption, A graft
podmiivati vt keep bribing (corrupting, suborning)
podmiren pp (raun) settled, paid, squared, discharged
podmirenje n payment, settling, settlement, defrayment,
clearance; squaring of accounts
podmiriti vt settle, pay, square, discharge; square accounts with, get square with creditors, acquit | ~ raun balance (settle) an account; ~ potrebe fill (meet)
one's needs
podmiriti se vr look after oneself; line one's nest
podmirivanje n v. podmirenje
podmirivati vt v. podmiriti
podmititi vt bribe; (na krivu zakletvu) suborn, corrupt,
coll square
podmitljiv adj bribable, corruptible, corrupt; mercenary,
podmitljivac m bribe-taker
podmitljivost f bribability, corruptibility; venality
podmladak m progeny, issue, offspring; descendant;
poet scion, olive branch; (pokoljenje) the rising
(new) generation | ~ Crvenog kria Junior Red Cross
podmladiti (se) vt (vr) v. pomladiti (se)
podmornica f submarine | nuklearna ~ nuclear submarine, sl nuke
podmorniar m submariner
podmorniki adj | ~ rat submarine war
podmorski adj submarine
podmukao adj (nepoten) underhand, perfidious, double,
false, treacherous; (bolest) malignant, insidious
podmuklica f perfidious (false, double) person, doubledealer, double-faced person

podmuklo adv perfidiously, falsely, treacherously, underhand

podmuklost f perfidy, double-dealing, foul play, perfidiousness; treacherousness
podnaduo adj v. nadut, podbuhao
podnajam m sub-lease, sub-renting, sub-tenancy
podnajamnik m sub-lessee, subtenant
podnajmiti vt sub-lease, sub-rent
podnapiti se vr get tipsy
podnarednik m mil v. mlai vodnik
podnaslov m subtitle
podnaanje n v. podnoenje
podnaati vt v. podnositi
podne n noon, noon-tide, midday; meridian, zenith | o ~
at noon, at midday; prije ~ in the forenoon (kratica
a. m.); poslije ~ in the afternoon (kratica p. m.)
podneblje n climate, clime
podnesak m (izvjetaj) report, account; (adresa) address;
(molba) petition (skupna memorial); (prikaz) statement | koji podastire ~ memorialist; (molitelj) petitioner, applicant
podnesen pp v. podnijet
podnesti vt v. podnijeti
podnevni adj midday, done at midday (noon)
podnevni|ca f, ~k m geog meridian
podni adj floor; flooring
podnica f geom base; mar (pajol) flooring (section)
podnijeti vt (trpjeti) bear, endure, suffer, stand, hold out,
experience, undergo, sustain; (dopustiti) tolerate,
brook, put up with, abide; (teret) support; (izvjetaj)
report, give an account of; (podastrijeti) submit,
lodge, file, present; (tubu) bring an action against;
(pokornost) submit to; (uvredu) pocket an insult,
stomach an affront | to ne moe ~ odgode this bears
of no delay; ja ne mogu ~ mlijeka milk does not
agree with me; oni se ne mogu ~ (jedan drugoga)
they disagree; to se ne da ~ this is not to be borne,
this is insupportable (unbearable)
podnimiti se vr v. podboiti (glavu)
podnipoto adv v. nipoto
podno prep at the foot (base)
podnos m v. pladanj
podnositelj m submitter; (molbe) applicant; (albe)
complainant; (rezolucije) sponsor
podnositi vt v. podnijeti
podnoenje n bearing, suffering, undergoing, sustaining,
enduring; resistance to; (doputenje) toleration, putting up with, brooking; (molbe) submitting, lodging,
filing, presenting
podnoljiv adj bearable, supportable, tolerable, endurable; (prilian) passable
podnoljivost f tolerability
podnoje n foot; (stalak) stand; (temelj) base, basis; pedestal; support; (zida u sobi) dado, socle; (podij) platform, podium
podnonik m footstool
podoba f aspect, figure (v. lik)
podoban adj apt to, likely to; (sposoban) fit, able; (slian) similar, alike

podobar adj rather good, goodly, goodish

podobnost f aptness; fitness, ableness; (slinost) similarity
podonjak m blacking under the eyes
pododbor m sub-committee
pododjel m subdivision; subclass
podoficir m non-commissioned officer, noncom (abbr
podoficirski adj noncom
podoj m one milking
podojen pp milked
podojiti vt milk; (dijete) give baby the breast
podoknica f serenada
podolje n geog system of valleys
podorati vt plough under
podosta adv rather much (many), a goodly number; sufficiently
podozrenje n v. sumnja, sumnjiavost
podozrijevati vt .v. sumnjati, sumnjiiti
podozriv adj v. sumnjiv, sumnjiav
podozrivost f v. sumnjivost, sumnjiavost
podraniti vi v. uraniti
podrapati vt v. poderati
podrasti vi grow up
podrakati vt titillate, tickle
Podravac m inhabitant of the Drava basin
Podravina f geog the Dvava basin (valley)
podravnatelj m vice-manager; sch under-headmaster,
podravski adj geog Podravina-, Drava-basin, Dravavalley
podrazred m sch shell, intermediate form; bot & zoo sub
podrazumijevanje n implicit inclusion
podrazumijev|ati vt include implicitly | ~ati pod mean
by; to se ~ a it is understood, it goes without saying
podraaj m stimulus, incentive; irritation; excitation
podraajni adj excitatory, excitative
podraavanje n stimulus, stimulation, excitation; v.
podraavatelj m v. oponaatelj
podraavati vt v. podraiti, oponaati
podraen pp irritated, stimulated; instigated, roused
podraiti vt irritate, stimulate, excite; stir up, rouse, incite, egg on, goad; (potai) move; (bockati, rugati se)
chaff; (rasplamtjeti) inflame
podraljiv adj irritable, excitable
podraljivost f irritability, excitability
podred m zoo & bot sub-order
podrediti vt subordinate, subject to
podrediti se vr submit to somebody
podreen pp subordinate; accessory; (oficir itd.) subaltern; (nii) inferior; (inovnik) junior (clerk); (reenica) dependent (clause) | moji ~i my subordinates
(underlings), people under me
podreeni m underling
podreenost f inferior (subordinate) rank (state, position); (ovisnost) dependence; subordination

podreivanje n making dependent on, assignment of an

infernor position, treating as of minor importance,
placing under a higher command
podreivati vt v. podrediti
podrezan pp undercut; curtailed, docked; (kosa na elu)
banged; trimmed; clipped
podrezati vt undercut; curtail; (kosu) sbingle; (brk, nokte, brada) trim; (konju rep) dock; (krila) clip; (ivicu)
shear, trim; (drvu vrak) lop; (kljatriti) prune
podrezivanje n curteiling, cropping, trimming, docking,
clipping, pruning, lopping
podrezivati vt v. podrezati
podrhtavanje n trembling; vibration; (tla) tremor
podrhtavati vi tremble; vibrate
podrigivanje n belching, eructation; (na bljuvanje) retch
podrigivati se vr belch, coll burp; (na bljuvanje) rettch,
podrignuti se vr (give a) belch
podrijetlo n v. porijeklo
podriva m subversionist
podrivaki' adj subversive
podrivaki'' adv subversively
podrivati vt v. podrovati
podrljan pp harrowed
podrljati vt harrow, finish harrowing
podroban adj minute, in detail, detailed at great length;
podrobn|o adv in detail, fully, minutely | ~ije in more
podrobnost f detail, particular; particulars pl
podroniti vi dive under
podrovan pp undermined, sapped; (zdravlje) broken; (od
vode obala itd.) fretted away
podrovati vt undermine, sap, fret away; (zdravlje) destroy; (moral) corrupt; be destructive (subversive) of
podrk|a f support, backing | pruiti ~u support, back
podrtina f ruin, wreck, structure in a ruinous (dilapidated, rickety) state
podruje n territory, province, district, circuit, department, sphere, region, jurisdiction; (vanjsko, gradsko)
purlieus pl; (dohvat) reach; (opseg) range, compass;
(povrina) area; (struka) line, field; (pod ijom
vlau) domain | ono ~ eyeground
podruni adj belonging to one's territory (district, province, jurisdiction); district, regional
podrug num one and a half
podrugivanje n mocking, mockery, jeer, sneer, scoffing,
raillery, flouting; derision, ridicule; taunt, banter,
irony; chaffing
podrugivati se vr mock, deride, ridicule, rail; scoff,
chaff, banter, taunt, flout; make game of, sneer
podrugljiv adj mocking, scoffing, bantering, chaffing,
flouting; soornful, ironic(al); disdainful; amused; derisive, derisory
podrugljivac m mocker, scoffer, derider, banterer,
podrugljivo adv mockingly, derisively, ironically,
chaffingly, quizzically
podruku adv v. pod ruku

podrum m cellar, underground vaults; (stambeni) basement; (vinski) wine-cellar; (carinski) bonded vaults |
niz ~a cellarage
podrumar m cellarer
podrumarski adj wine-producing, (o)enological
podrumarstvo n wine production, (o)enology
podrumsk|i adj cellar, of (living in) a cellar | ~i stan
cellar dwelling; ~a najamnina cellarage
podrutvljavanje n socialization
podrutvljavati vt socialize
podrutvljavati se vr become socialized
podruni adj branch; subsidiary
podrunica f branch-office; subsidiary, branch; (jedan
od mree slinih duana) multiple shop, chain-store;
(drutva) chapter
podrati vt support, back; advocate, sponsor; (pridrati)
hold, catch hold of, help to hold
podravanje n support, backing, advocating
podravatelj m supporter, backer, advocate
podravati vt keep up, maintain; sustain, keep alive | ~
veze be in connection with, stand in relation with
podraviti vt nationalize
podravljenje n nationalization
podriv adj supportable
podrivost f supportability
podsekretar m Under Secretary
podsijecanje n undercutting
podsijecati vt undercut
podsjeanje n reminding
podsjeati vt v. podsjetiti
podsjei vt cut under, undercut
podsjetiti vt remind, put one in mind of; admonish
podsjetiti se vr remind oneself; remember
podsjetnik m reminder; memorandum (coll memo);
(notes) memo pad; v. repetitorij
podsmijeh m ironic smile, derisive smile; sneer; v. izrugivanje, ruglo
podsmjehiva m scoffer
podsmjehivanje n derisive smile; mocking, jeering,
podsmjehivati se vr smile ironically (scoffingly, tauntingly, derisively, scornfully); mock, jeer, sneer
podsmjehnuti se vr v. podsmjehivati se
podsmjeljiv adj amused, derisory
podstai vt v. potaknuti
podstanar m subtenant
podstanarski adj subtenant's
podstava f lining; stuffing; wadding; (krznom) furring
podstaviti vt line; wad; (krznom) fur; (staviti ozdola) lay
under, underlay
podstavljanje n (succesive, continual) lining; placing
(laying) under
podstavljati vt v. podstaviti
podstavljen pp lined; (vatom) wadded; (krznom) furred
podsticaj m v. poticaj
podsticati vt v. poticati
podstrek m v. poticaj
podstreka m instigator (v. huka); v. poticatelj
podstrekavanje n instigation

podstrekavati vt instigate; (svau) stir up strife

podstresje n place under the eaves, place under a projecting roof
podstrii vt clip, crop
podstrien adj clipped, cropped
podsuknja f waist slip; (kruta) underskirt
podsvijest f subconsciousness, the subconscious (mind)
podsvjesno adv subconsciously
podsvjestan adj subconscious
podav m hem
poditi vt hem
podprajcati vt Ger v. podboiti, poduprijeti
podtekst m underlying substance; connotations, implications
poduavanje n teaching, tutoring, instruction
poduavati vt teach; give lessons, tutor; instruct
poduen pp taught, tutored, instructed
poduiti vt teach; tutor; instruct
podudaran adj corresponding; concurring; identical;
geom v. sukladan
podudaranje n v. poklapanje
podudarati se vr v. poklapati se
podudarno adv correspondingly; concurringly; identically
podudarnost f v. poklapanje
podugaak adj longish
poduhvat m v. pothvat
poduhvatiti se vr v. latiti se, poduzeti
poduka f instruction
podulje adv rather a longish time
podulji adj longish
Podunavlje n geog the Danube basin (valley)
podunavski adj geog Danube-basin, Danube-valley
podupira m v. potpora; (osoba) v. podupiratelj
podupiranje n support, supporting, backing; (pomo)
aid, help; (zida itd.) shoring, propping; (zidom) underpinning
podupiratelj m supporter, seconder, supporting member
podupirati vt (da ne padne) hold up, keep (protect) from
falling; (potpornjem, stupom) shore up, buttress up;
(kolcem) prop up; (kosim zidom) retain; (zidom ozdo)
underpin; (konopom jarbol) stay; (pomagati) assist,
aid, help, support, sustain, favour; (prijedlog) second;
(prinosom) contribute; (odobravanjem) uphold, countenance; (u oaju) bear up; (dokazom) bear up; (braniti) back, advocate; (u zlu) abet
podupirati se v (na, o) lean on
poduprijeti vt v. podupirati
poduprt pp propped up, shored up, supported by; fig
backed (countenanced) by; (dokaz) born out; leaning
(up) on
podust m ichth nose carp
podun|i adj | anat ~a lijezda parotid gland
poduzee n company, firm; undertaking, enterprise
poduzet pp undertaken
poduzetan adj enterprising, active, pushing, venturous,
poduzeti vt undertake, take in hand, take upon oneself;
venture upon; tackle; attempt; (gradnju i sl.) contract

for | ~ hitne mjere take prompt action; ne ~ nita

take no action, do nothing
poduzetniki adj enterpreneurial
poduzetnik m contractor, undertaker
poduzetnitvo n a contractor's company (business, firm)
poduzetnost f enterprising spirit, daring, venturesomeness
poduzimanje n undertaking; (pogodbom) contracting
poduzimati vt v. poduzeti
podue adv rather (a) long (time)
podui adj a bit (somewhat) longer, longish, rather long
podvajati vt v. podvojiti
podvala v. prevara
podvaladija m v. varalica
podvaliti vt v. prevariti; (uvaliti nekome) foist (fob off,
palm off) on one; (gredu) roll under
podvaljivanje n v. varanje; (grede) rolling under
podvaljivati vi & vt v. podvaliti
podvarak m cul stewed sauerkraut
podvee adv towards (A toward) evening
podvesti vt lead under; (kobilu) bring to stud; v. podvoditi
podvesti (se) vt (vr) drive under
podvezan pp underbound
podvezati vt underbind, tie under; med tie off
podvezica f garter, suspender
podvezivanje n underbinding, tying under; med tying
off, ligation
podvezivati vt v. podvezati
podvig m exploit; accomplishment
podvijanje n turning down, hemming in itd. (v. podvinuti)
podvijati vt v. podvinuti
podvijen pp v. podvinut
podvik m shout, cry
podvikivanje n continuous prolonged shouting (crying);
shouts pl
podvikivati vi shout, cry out repeatedly
podviknuti vi (give a) shout, cry out; fig read one a lesson
podvinut pp tucked in (under); ( a hemmed in; (papir
itd.) folded down, doubled
podvinuti vt turn down, turn under; hem in, fold back,
tuck in, tuck up; (zasukati) tuck up (sleeves); (noge)
tuck one's legs one under the other; double
podvinuti se vr turn under; fold back double
podviti vt v. podvinuti
podvlaenje n (teksta) underlining (i fig); (zavlaenje)
slipping under
podvlaiti vt v. podvui
podvoda m procurer, pimp
podvodaica f procuress
podvodan adj (zemljite) swampy, marshy, exposed to
inundation, fenny; (podvodni) underwater, undersea
(v. ribolov)
podvoditi vt v. podvesti; (ene) procure, pimp
podvodnost f marshiness
podvoenje n leading under; procuring

podvojen adj split, divided; dissenting, of different opinion

podvojeno adv lacking unity; separately
podvojenost f division; disunion; difference of opinion
podvojiti vt split, divide, disunite
podvojiti se vr split, become divided (disunited)
podvoljak m double chin; (pttice) wattle; (goveda) dewlap
podvorba f attendance, service; (kuna) charing; waiting
podvoren pp served, attended to
podvoriti vt serve, attend, wait (up)on; (poastiti, pogostiti) treat to, stand one a treat
podvoriti se vr serve (attend to) oneself
podvornica f woman messenger; sch janitress
podvornik m office boy (messenger); sch janitor, custodian; attendant
podvostruen pp doubled, duplicated
podvostruenje n doubling, duplication
podvostruiti vt double, duplicate; redouble
podvostruiti se vr double
podvoz m cartage, carriage; (brodom) freight, freightage;
(vlakom) haulage; v. prijevoz
podvoznina f freight charge(s)
podvonjak m B subway (crossing), A underpass
podvraati vt v. podvrnuti
podvrgavanje n subjecting; undergoing, submission
podvrgnue n subjection
podvrgnut pp subject to; (potpadajui) incident to; (bolesti itd.) liable to, apt to... ; (porezu itd.) dutiable,
taxable, assessable
podvrgnuti vt (svladati) subjugate, subdue, bring into
subjection; subject to, make pass (suffer, go through);
place (put) under; submit; make submissive to
podvrgnuti se vr submit to; (natjeaj) enter for; (ispitu)
go up for an exernination, undergo examination, sit
for examination, take a test
podvrgnutost f (pokornost) submissiveness, humility,
obedience; subjection
podvrnuti vt roll up; fold back, double back; tuck in
podvrnuti se vr fold back, double up
podvrsta f subspecies
podvrtati vt v. podvrnuti
podvren pp v. podvrgnut
podvuen pp underlined, underscored
podvui vt underscore, underline; fig emphasize (v. istaknuti) | ~ noge tuck one's legs under
podvui se vr slip under
podzakup m sub-lease, sub-tenancy | dati u ~ sub-let;
uzeti u ~ sub-lease
podzakupac m subtenant, sub-lessee
podzapovjednik m deputy-commander, acting commander
podzem|an adj underground, subterranean, subterraneous; infernal; v. ~na eljeznica
podzemlje n underground (subterranean) place (rooms,
vaults itd.); myth Underworld, Netherworld
podzemno adv subterraneously, underground
podzidan adj underpinned; (sa strane) retained by a wall

podzidati vt underpinn; support foundation by wall

(massonry); retain by wall; (kosinu) scarp, embank
podzie n collect masonry built as underpinning
podei vt v. potpaliti, hukati
podizanje n v. potpaljivanje
podizati vt v. podei
podupan m vice-upan (deputy-prefect, sub-governor)
poenje n flooring, paving, planking
pooniti vt resole
poubriti vt v. pognojiti
poema f long poem; epic poem
poen m v. bod | fig skupljati ~e score points
poengleziti vt anglicize
poengleziti se vr become anglicized
poenta f point (v. smisao); (vica) punch-line
poenter m (normirac) scorer; (pseto) pointer
poeta f poet
poetian adj poetic
poetino adv poetically
poetinost f poetic quality, poetry
poetika f poetics (sg)
poezija f poetry
pofaliti vi v. uzmanjkati, ponestati
pofrancuziti vt gallicize, frenchify
pofrancuziti se vr become gallicized (frenchified)
pofrigati vt cul (popriti) fry
pofuati vt Ger (pokvariti) bungle
pogaa f round unleavened flat cake
pogaica f dim small pogaa; small meat pie
pogaa m (zagonetke) guesser, solver; (cilja) hitter
pogaanje n trying to guess (solve) a riddle; trying to
hit; guessing, aiming, hitting; (cjenkanje) chaffering,
higgling, haggling; trying to come to an agreement (a
poga|ati vi try to guess (unriddle) | njih najvie ~a
skupoa they are hardest hit by high prices
pogaati se vr baggle, chaffer
pogan' adj (neist) filthy, foul; (ogavan) loathsome; (jezik) slanderous, foul-mouthed, foul-tongued
pogan'' f excrements pl
poganin m pagan, heathen, gentile, infidel, miscreant,
paynim; (koji ne vjeruje) disbeliever, idol-worshipper
poganiti vt besmirch, sully, dirty; desecrate
poganski adj pagan, heathenish; (opak) nefarious, impious
poganstvo n paganism, heathenism
poganjenje n besmirching, sullying, dirtying; desecration
pogasiti vt put out fire (light, conflagration), extinguish,
quench, get under, subdue fire; (vapno) slack, slake
pogasiti se vr go out (become extinguished) one by one
pogaen pp extinguished, quenched, put out; (vapno)
slaked, slacked
pogaziti vt trample down, tread upon, crush under foot;
(kolima, automobilom) run down (over); v. ~ rije
pogaen pp trampled down, trodden upon, run down
(over), crushed under foot; (rije) broken, not kept
pogdjegdje adv v. ponegdje

pogdjekoji adj v. poneki

pogibanje n perishing, dying, getting killed
pogibao f v. opasnost, pogibija
pogibati vi perish, die off, be swept of (in large numbers); (od gladi) starve, famish, (od studeni) perish
with (from) cold
pogibelj f v. opasnost
pogibeljan adj v. opasan
pogibija f ruin, destruction
poginuti vi die, perish, succumb, lose one's life, fall a
victim to; (u borbi) fall (be killed) in action (battle,
pogladiti vt stroke, caress, fondle
pogladiti se vr | ~ po trbuhu stroke one's belly
poglavar m superior, head, chief; boss; superintendent |
~i (pretpostavljeni) one's superiors (betters)
poglavarstvo n v. gradska uprava (vijenica)
poglavica f chieftain, chief, leader, head, headman
poglavit adj main, chief, principal, head; (bitan) essential; capital, prime; (naslov) Honourable
poglavito adj chiefly, mainly, principally, essentially,
before all
poglavlje n chapter, head
pogled m look, gaze; (brz) glance, glimpse; (prizor)
view, sight, spectacle, prospect; (u daljinu) vista, ken;
range of vision, horizon, perspective | ~ na view of;
na prvi ~ at first sight, at a glance, on the first
mpression; svirati na prvi ~ play at first sight; u ~u
in view of, with (in) regard to, in consideration of, on
that score, in respect, as regards; u svakom ~u in
every way, in every respect
pogledati vt look at (upon); cast a glance at, glance, give
a look, turn eyes to, turn (bend) one's looks upon, cast
en eye upon; (zurei) stare, glare; (zlobno) dart ugly
looks at (upon); (mrko) frown upon; (u lice) look one
full in the face; (prijetei) look black; (uvis) lift up
one's eyes
pogledati se vr exchange a look (glance)
pogledavati vt steal glances (at)
pogledavati se vr exchange looks; steal glances at each
pognojiti vt (stajskim gnojivom) manure; (umjetnim gnojivom) fertilize
pognut adj bent down, stooping, bowed down | ~e glave
with one's head bowed
pognuti vt bow down, bend, stoop; (naglo) duck
pognuti se vr bend, bow; become bent; stoop
pognutost f bent (stooped) stature
pogodak m (sucessful) hit | direktan ~ direct hit; (u centar) bull's eye; ovaj je hitac ~ this shot told
pogodan adj favourable, propitious; suitable; advisable
(za to)
pogodb|a f deal, agreement, contract, treaty, compact,
covenant, pact; (posao) bargain; understanding | pod
~om under the condition, provided that, upon condition; sklopiti ~u make a deal, strike a bargain
pogodben adj conditional; hypothetic | ~a reenica conditional clause (sentence)

pogodi|ti vt (cilj) hit, hit the mark (aim, target); fig hit
the nail on the head; (odgonetnuti) solve, guess, unriddle, riddle; find out; (intuicijom) divine; (acnuti,
ticati se) affect; (u ivac) strike home | udarac je ~o
(dirnuo u srce, acnuo) the thrust went home; novi
zakoni e ~ti sve the new laws will hurt (hit, affect)
everybody; porez pogaa... the incidence of the tax
is... ; koga e ~ti porez what will be the incidence of
that tax?; ne ~ti (zagonetku) fail to guess (riddle,
pogodi|ti se vr come to terms, strike a bargain, make a
verbal contract, agree upon, stipulate, concert upon,
bargain for | kako smo se ~li as agreed upon (bargained for); (o najmu, cijeni) agree as to hire (price
itd.); ne ~ti se miss, fail to hit (reach, strike)
pogodnost f favourable offer (term, condition), favour,
privilege, concession; (drugome na tetu) discrimination in one's favour
pogodovan adj preferential; v. povoljan
pogodovanje n preferential treatment
pogodovati vi extend preferential treatment to; discriminate in favour of, grant privileges; favour one, be favourable to, countenance one
pogoen adj hit, struck; (nagodba) bargained for, agreed
upon; (zlom) affected by | osjeati se ~im feel oneself
struck (hinted at, affected by); take it hard
pogon m (vodstvo) run(ning), operation; (sila) motive
power, drive, driving-gear; (rad) the working (running) of a factory (machine); (tjeranje) driving, propelling; (prostorije) plant, works | mot ~ na prednje
kotae front-wheel drive; mot staviti u ~ start an engine; pustiti u ~ (elektranu i sl.) put (place) in operation
pogonski adj dealing with (of) the working (running) of
a machine itd.; power-generating; motive | ~ trokovi
operating (running) costs
pogorjelac m a burnt out man, sufferer from fire (conflagration); person ruined by fire (arson)
pogorjeti vi have one's house burnt down, suffer fire
pogoran pp deteriorated, worsened, impaired; grown
pogoranje n deterioration, change for the worse, decline, impairment ; degeneration; aggravation; setback
pogorati vt make worse, deteriorate, aggravate, degenerate, impair
pogorati se vr grow (become) worse, worsen, deteriorate, be the worse for..., change for the worse, become
depraved (impaired), go downhill; (zdravlje) sink;
(slabiti, mlitaviti) flag, slacken, go from bad to worse
pogoravati (se) vt (vr) v. pogorati (se)
pogospoditi se vr affect the gentleman, play a fine gentleman
pogostiti vt entertain, feast, treat one (neim to)
pogostiti se vr (partake of a) feast
pogoten pp entertained, feasted, treated to (a dinner
pogotenje n entertainment, feast, treating; treat

pogovaranje n rumour, gossip, hearsay, popular report

pogotovu adv especially
pogovar|ati vi | ~a se it is rumoured that, rumour floats
(circulates), it is whispered about, the story goes, a
rumour is abroad
pogovor m epilogue, afterword; (prigovor) objection |
bez ~a unquestioningly, unreservedly
pogovoriti vi talk a little
pograbiti vt seize, snatch, grab, catch at, snap at; lay
(take) hold of; clutch, grasp, gripe; apprehend; (stisnuti u rvanju) close upon; (zgodu) embrace opportunity; (oruje) take up arms
pograbiti se vr scuffle, come to blows; fig lock horns
pograbljati vt rake
pogranian adj conterminous, bordering upon; contiguous, adjoining; having a common boundary, situated
at (near) the boundary; adjacent, neighbouring
pogrbiti vt bow, bend, force to stoop
pogrbiti se vr bow, bend, stoop; become stooped
pogrbljen pp bowed, bent, stopping, stoop-shouldered |
biti ~ stoop, be stooped
pogrbljeno adv with a stoop
pogrbljenost f tooped stature, stoop
pogrda f insult, outrage, affront, contumely, disparagement, abuse, invective, indignity, vilification
pogrd|an adj abusive, outrageous, insulting, disparaging
| ~ne rijei abusive language
pogrditi vt insult, revile, inveigh against, outrage, abuse,
call names, affront, disparage
pogrdno adv abusively
pogren adj insulted, reviled, outraged
pogrivanje n constant insulting (abusing, reviling)
pogrivati vt v. pogrditi
pogreb m funeral, interment, burial; sepulture; obsequies; inhumation
pogrebn|i adj funeral | ~a povorka funeral procession;
~i obred funeral rites, obsequies; ~o zvono knell; ~a
tualjka dirge; ~i poduzetnik B & A undertaker, A+
mortician, A+ funeral director; ~i zavod B undertaker's, A funeral parlor
pogrebnina f death benefit (grant)
pogrepsti vt scratch a litt1e
pogrepsti se vr scratch oneself
pogrean adj wrong, defective, full of mistakes, faulty;
(netoan) incorrect, inaccurate, erroneous; (zabuna)
pogreiv adj liable to err (blunder, stumble, fall)
pogreivost f liability to err
pogrek|a f error, mistake; (velika) blunder, sl howler;
oversight; (mana) defect, flaw; (u govoru) slip of the
tongue; (u pisanju) lapse, slip of the pen; (tiskarska)
misprint; (pravopisna) misspelling | praviti ~e make
mistakes, blunder, bungle, flounder, commit errors;
pada u staru ~u (manu) he is a backslider, he backslides; ~e se lako uvuku errors will slip in; pravi ~ e
u gramatici he slips in his grammar; izuzevi ~e errors omitted (excepted); bez ~e faultless, correct,

flawless, sound; uhvatio sam ga gdje pravi ~e u godinama I caught him tripping in his dates
pogreno adv erroneously, by mistake
pogrenost f faultiness, incorrectness, erroneousness
pogrijati vt warm a little
pogrijeiti vt make (commit) a fault (error, mistake,
blunder), err, fail, blunder; (varati se) be mistaken;
(postupak, ponaanje) do something amiss; (u
raunu) be out in one's calculation; (tisak) misprint;
(pravopis) misspell
pogrom m pogrom
pogrudati se vr have (join) a snowball fight
pogruen adj v. potiten, utuen
poguba f bane, ruin, bale, destruction, woe
poguban adj dangerous, perilous, injurious, pernicious,
noxious, detrimental, baneful, baleful, hurtful;
(tetan, npr. vjetar) blasting; (mraz) blighting (nipping)
pogubiti' vt kill, decapitate, behead, execute, put to
death, put to the sword
pogubiti'' vt (izgubiti redom) lose one after another, lose
successively one and all
pogubljen pp executed, beheaded, put to death
pogubljenje n execution, putting to death, beheading,
pogubno adv balefully, banefully, noxiously, injuriously
pogubnost f balefulness, banefulness, perniciousness,
noxiousness, injuriousness
poguliti vt peel a little
poguren adj v. pogrbljen
poguriti se vr v. pogrbiti se
pogurnuti vt (give a) push
pogurnuti se vr push ahead
poguen pp suffocated, choked, strangled, throttled
poguiti vt kill by strangling (suffocating, choking,
smothering); asphyxiate (stifle) (successively) one
and all
poguiti se vr suffocate one ater another
pohaban pp v. istroen, iznoen
pohabati (se) vt (vr) v. istroiti (se), iznositi (se)
pohaa m visitor, caller, frequenter; attendant
pohaanje n visiting, attending, attendance, frequenting,
calling (on), haunting
pohaati vt attend, visit, pay visits, frequent; keep frequenting (haunting) a place
pohajduiti se vr become a bandit
pohanac m frying chicken
pohanje n cul breading; frying (in breadcrumbs, in batter)
pohapsiti vt arrest (take into custody) (successively one
and all)
pohara f devastation, ravage, ruin, desolation, havoc,
poharan pp devastated, ravaged, wrecked, ruined
poharati vt ravage, devastate, lay waste, ruin, wreck,
make havoc of
pohariti vi squander, waste; fritter away, spill (money)
pohati vt cul fry in breadcrumbs, bread; fry in batter
pohati se vr cul fry, be frying

pohitati vi v. pohitjeti
pohitjeti vi hurry on, press on, hasten to, make haste,
hie, bestir oneself, urge one's way
pohlepa f greed, avidity, avarice, covetousness, lust;
craving (thirst) for (after); inordinate desire, eagerness
pohlepan adj avid, covetous, greedy, craving, avaricious,
concupiscent | biti ~ covet (lust) after, crave for
pohlepnik m greedy person
pohlepno adv greedily, avidly; eagerly
pohlepnost f v. pohlepa
pohod m visit, call; (provala u zemlju) descent, raid
pohoditi vt call (up)on, visit, pay a visit; (esto, polaziti)
attend, frequent, haunt, resort to; (prolazno, usput)
come round, drop in, come to see one
pohota f lust, lustfulness, voluptuousness, prurience,
sensuality, fleshliness, concupiscence
pohotan adj lustful, sensual, voluptuous, lewd, prurient,
lascivious, concupiscent, goatish, fleshly; (elja) avid,
greedy | biti ~ lust after
pohotljiv adj v. pohotan
pohotnik m voluptuary, libertine, sensualist
pohotno adv lewdly, laseiviously, concupiscently
pohotnost f v. pohota
pohran|a f deposit, custody, charge, safe-keeping | mjesto za ~u depository
pohraniti vt deposit, give in charge, give for safekeeping; lay up; (zalihe) lay in a store, cache, stored
pohranjen pp deposited, stored
pohrliti vi hurry (hasten) to, run (speed) to; (u pomo)
run to help (succour)
pohrvatiti vt Croatianize, Croatize
pohrvatiti se vr become Croatianized
pohuliti vt blaspheme, utter profane language
pohumlje n hilly tract (region), hill-range
pohval|a f praise, commendation, eulogy, laud, honourable mention; encomium; extolling ; approbation, approval; acknowledgement | ~e vrijedan commendable, praiseworthy
pohvalan adj laudable, praiseworthy, commendable,
worthy of praise, creditable, laudatory
pohvaliti vt praise, extol, commend; speak well (highly)
pohvaliti se vr boast (ime of)
pohvalnica f written commendation (for excellence in
studies itd.)
pohvalno adv laudably, commendably | ~ se izraziti o
pohvalnost f laudability, praiseworthiness
pohvaljen pp praised, commended; lauded, eulogized
pohvatan pp caught (seized, apprehended) (successively
one by one)
pohvatati vt seize (catch, apprehend, arrest, lay hands
on) one by one (one and all, to the last man); finish
(have done) catching (seizing, arresting); round up
poigrati vt & vi play a little
poigrati se vr start playing (toying, trifling) with
poigravanje n frisking, gamboling, skipping, caracoling

poigrav|ati vi hop, skip, frisk, frolic, gambol; dance,

caracole | smijeak mu ~a na licu a smile plays on
his face
poigravati se vr fig trifle (toy) with
poimanje n comprehension, conception, apprehension,
poimati vt v. shvaati
poimence adv by name, nominally ; especially, particularly | pozvati ~ call the roll
poimenini adj | ~ popis name list
poiskati vt v. potraiti
poispadati vi fall out one by one
poisprekidati (se) vt (vr) break (break off, disconnect,
sever, part) successively (in many places)
poisprelamati (se) vt (vr) break one by one (in many
poistovjetiti vt identify (with); equate (with)
poistovjetiti se vr identify (with)
poizbadati vt prick (pierce) successively in many places
poj m singing, song, chant, chanting
pojac m singer; Orth chorister
pojaalo n el amplifier
pojaan pp strengthened, reinforced, intensified, amplified, fortified
pojaanje n strengthening, reinforcement; intensification; concentration; (glasa itd.) swelling; el amplification; mil reinforcement(s)
pojaati vt reinforce; strengthen, render strong, give
strength, invigorate; intensify; (zvuk) amplify, turn
pojaati se vr get stronger; intensify; (zvuIk) grow
pojaiva m el v. pojaalo
pojadati se vr complain (nekome to)
pojagmiti se vr scramble for, contend for, snatch greedily at, seize upon, be mad after, try to secure
pojahati vi go for a spell of riding (on horseback)
pojam m notion, idea, concept, conception; (nazor) opinion, view (udan, muiav conceit); (maglovit) vague
idea, hazy noun; (neizgraen) crude notion; (krivi)
misconception; (neobian) queer notion | on nema ni
pojma he has not the slightest (haziest, faintest) idea
pojanje n singing, chanting; song
pojas m belt, girdle; (iroka vrpca) sash, waistband; (s
nabojima) catridge belt; (za spasavanje) lifebelt; (za
kilu) abdominal supporter; (podruje) belt, zone, srip
| do ~a v. do pasa; geog hladni (vrui, umjereni) ~
frigid (torrid, temperate) zone
pojasar m belt-maker
pojasni adj belt, of (used for, as) a belt (girdle); belt-like,
pojata f v. koliba, tala, upa
pojava f phenomenon; (duh) apparition, ghost, spectre;
(prizor) vision; (dolazak) appearance; advent; (stas)
stature, person, shape; (oitovanje) manifestation;
(dogaaj) occurrence; theat v. prizor
pojaviti se vr appear; (doi) make (put in) one's appearance; (na vidiku) come in sight (in view), show one-

self, present oneself; (brod na obzorju) heave in

sight; (stii) arrive; (izroniti) emerge; (bolest) break
out; (nastati) arise, spring up
pojavljivanje n v. pojava
pojavljivati se vr v. pojaviti se
pojedin|ac m single person, individual | ~ci isolated individuals, a few people
pojedinaan adj individual, single, detached; detailed
pojedinano adv singly, individually; separately, one by
one; (komad po komad) piecemeal | ii ~ (jedan za
drugim) go in Indian file; nabrojiti ~ specify, particularize
pojedini adj single, detached, separate, particular; isolated; individual | ~ sluajevi some (certain) cases
pojedinost f detail, particular(s), (nevana) minutiae
pojednostaviti vt simplify
pojednostaviti se vr become simplified
pojednostavljen pp simplified
pojednostavljeno adv in a simplified manner; in simple
pojednostavljenje n simplification
pojeftiniti vi become (grow) cheaper, depreciate
pojenje n (ivotinja) watering
pojesti vt eat up, finish one's meal; (naglo) bolt down;
consume | on moe mnogo (malo) ~ he is a hearty
(small) eater
pojesti se vr | iv se ~ eat one's heart out
poji|lo, ~te n watering-place (for cattle); (korito) watering-trough; (divljih ivotinja) water-hole
pojiti vt water, give drink to
pojiti se vr (ivotinje) drink (at a water-hole)
pojmiti vt v. shvatiti
pojmljiv adj v. shvatljiv
pojmovan adj notional
pojmovno adv notionally
pojmovnost f notionality
pojuriti vi rush, tear, bolt, dash on (forward); dart off;
press (push) on, sweep along; precipitate oneself to;
(vozilo) scorch
pokaditi vt (tamjanom) incense, fumigate with perfume
(fragrant stuff)
pokadto adv v. ponekad
pokajan adj repentant, repenting, rueful, penitent, contrite
pokajanje n repentance, penitence, compunction, ruefulness, regret
pokajati se vr repent, rue, feel repentance (compunction), regret, be sorry for | ti e se ~ za to! you shall
smart for it, you shall rue it!
pokajnica f penitent woman, repentant woman
pokajniki' adj repentant, penitent, rueful, contrite, conscience-smitten, stung by conscience (remorse)
pokajniki'' adv ruefully, penitently
pokajnik m penitent (repentant) man (person); person
doing penance
pokal m v. bakal | sp osvojiti ~ win a cup
pokalajisati vt Tur v. pokositriti
pokaldrmiti vt Tur pave with stones
pokalueriti (se) vt (vr) Orth v. zakalueriti (se)

pokapalite n burial ground (site); necropolis

pokapan pp (tekuinom) spattered (sprinkled, trickled)
all over
pokapanje n burying; burial
pokapati' (tekuina) trickle (drip) upon; (rosa) bedew
pokapati' vt v. pokopati
pokarati vt rebuke, scold, chide, reprimand
pokarati se vr v. posvaditi se
pokasati vi trot a little
pokaljati vi cough a little
pokatkad adv v. ponekad
pokatoliiti vt convert to Catholicism; Catholicize
pokatoliiti se vr convert to Catholicism; become Catholicized
pokatraniti vt tar
pokatranjen pp tarred
pokazan pp shown, indicated, demonstrated, exhibited,
displayed, on show
pokazatelj m indicator; index
pokazati vt show, demonstrate, indicate; display, manifest, evidence, point at (out), expose to view, exhibit;
(na primjeru) exemplify; (svojstvo) evince | ~ vrata
(otjerati) show one the door, eject; (otpustiti) give the
sack, dismiss summarily, sl fire; ja u ti ~! (prijetnja) I'll teach you!; vrijeme e ~ti time will show;
(vrijednost, ispravnost) it will stand the test of time
pokaza|ti se vr (pojaviti se) show oneself, appear | ~lo se
da... it turned out, that; it proved to be...; it turned
out to be..., it was found that
pokaziva m pointer (out); v. pokazatelj
pokazivanje n demonstration, showing, presentation,
exhibition, display, producing, pointing to; (razmetanje) show, showing off
pokaz|ivati vt show, display, exhibit (v. pokazati) | to
~uje it goes to show; ~ivati dvorac show round the
pokazivati se vr v. pokazati se
pokazn|i adj | gram ~a zamjenica demonstrative (pronoun)
pokaznica f RC monstrance
pokeriti vt adopt (as daughter)
pokerka f adoptive daughter, fosterdaughter
pokeckati se vr coll v. posvaditi se
pokefati vt Ger v. oetkati
pokefati se vr coll v. posvaditi se
poker m car poker
pokera m car poker player
pokidan pp snapped (broken, torn) in several parts; (trgan, bran) picked, culled, plucked
pokidati vt tear (snap, pick, cull, break) up, tear itd. off,
tear itd. one after another; have done (finish) snapping (culling, tearing, breaking); tear (break) off successively to the last one
pokipjeti vi get boiled down
pokisnut adj wet through, drenched, wringing wet,
soaked, caught in the rain
pokisnuti vi get (become) soaked (drenched through,
dripping wet)

poklad|e f pl Carnival | vrijeme ~a shrove-tide; posljednji dan ~a (utorak) Shrove Tuesday

pokladni adj Carnival, of the Carnival | ~ utorak
Shrove Tuesday
poklan pp killed (slaughtered, slain) off (successively)
poklanjanje n continued giving of presents (gifts, donations)
poklanjati vt keep (on) giving away, bestowing, granting gifts (presents, donations), be liberal
poklapanje n correspondence, agreement, concordance,
harmony, conformity, accord, congruity
poklapati vt v. poklopiti
poklapati se vr correspond, agree, concord, concur, conform, be congruous, harmonize, tally, coincide,
chime (with), duplicate
poklati vt kill (butcher, slaughter, slay, massacre) off in
succession to the last one; have done killing (slaying,
slaughtering), put under the sword
poklati se vr butcher each ather (one another); fig v.
posvaditi se
poklecnu|ti vi | ~la su mi koljena my knees gave way
pokleknuti vi kneel down; (naklon) make (drop) a curtsey, bow one's knees before; fig (priznati se pobijeenim) knuckle under
poklepati vt (kosu) v. klepati
pokli m v. poklik
poklik m shout, cry; acclamation; exclamation; (bojni)
war cry
pokliknuti vi cry out, shout, exclaim
poklisar m (veleposlanik) ambassador, envoy, foreign
minister; (papinski) nuncio; (punomonik) plenipotentiary
poklisarski adj of an embassy (ambassador)
poklisarstvo n embassy; legation; (papinsko) nunciature
pokliznuti se vr v. okliznuti se
poklon m (naklon) bow, obeisance; curtsey, reverence;
(dar) gift, present, donation
poklonik m follower, admirer
pokloniti vt give away, make a present of, present with,
give as gift, donate; (udijeliti) grant, bestow; (dug)
remit debt; (kaznu) remit punishment; (slobodu) set
free; (ivot) pardon one's life, give quarter
pokloniti se vr bow down before, make a bow (curtsey,
obeisance); fig pay reverence to, pay (do) homage to,
pay one's respects (court) to
poklonstven adj | ~a deputacija deputation sent to pay
(do) homage to
poklonstvo n deputation; (in) paying reverence (homage) to
poklonjen pp presented (as a gift), given free (gratis) | ~
primjerak (asopisa, knjige) complimentary copy; to
je kao ~o (vrlo jeftino) this is almost flung away at
this price, this is dirt-cheap
poklop|ac m lid, cover; valve; cap; top; (grotla) hatch |
vr s ~cem tankard
poklopiti vt cover with a lid (hatch, cover, top); fig
(mnotvom, silom) swoop down upon, bear down
(upon); (baciti se na rtvu) pounce upon
poklopljen pp covered (with a lid, cover)

pokoj m rest, repose, quiet (v. poinak) | ~ mu vjeni!

may he rest in peace!
pokoji adj (malo koji) few, hardly, any; (rijedak) rare |
tu i tamo ~ (razdaleko) few and far between; veina
su bili bijelci s ~m crncem the majority were whites
with a sprinkling of blacks
pokojni adj the late, defunct, deceased, dead
pokojnica f the deceased (dead, defunct) woman
pokojniki adj of (belonging to) a dead, (late, defunct)
pokojni|k m the deceased (defunct, late person) | ~ci pl
the dead
pokoleban pp wavering, tottering, vacillating, shaken
pokolebati vt cause to topple (vacillate, totter, waver)
pokolebati se vr get shaken, waver, vacillate, totter; (i
pasti) topple over (down) | ne ~ stand firm
pokolebljiv adj that can be made to shake (vacillate,
waver, topple over)
pokolj m slaughter, massacre, butchery, indiscriminate
killing (murdering, carnage)
pokoljenj|e n generation | budua ~a the coming generations, after ages pl, posterity; dananje (mlado)
~e the rising (coming) generation
pokondir|iti se vr suddenly rise from humble position,
assume arrogant tone | fig ~ena tikva upstart
pokop m burial, interment, inhumation; (pogreb) funeral
pokopan pp buried, interred, inhumed; (zasut) coveved
by a mass, buried under a heap (layer) of... ; fig (pod)
overwhelmed with
pokopati vt bury, inter, inhume, immure
pokopavanje n burying; burial
pokor|a f penitence, penance, atonement, repentance,
expiation; (neugodnost) trial | initi ~u do penance,
expiate; fig on je prava ~a he is a real trial
pokoran adj obedient, submissive, willing to obey (submit), obsequious; (voljan) willing, docile; pliable; dutiful; (edan) humble
pokoravanje n obedience, submission, compliance; allegiance; (sudbini) resignation | ~ propisima abidance
by rules
pokoravati se vr obey, be docile (obedient, willing to
obey), submit, yield to; acquiesce in; do one's bidding; attend to orders
pokoren pp subjugated, vanquished, conquered, subdued, reduced to subjection
pokorenje n subjection, subjugation, conquest
pokoriti vt subjugate, conquer, vanquish, submit, reduce
to subjection, subdue; reduce to obedience, tame
pokoriti se vr submit, yield, knuckle under, resign oneself to, obey | ne ~ disobey, defy, resist, kick against,
be restive (unmanageable, refractory)
pokornica f repentant (penitent) woman
pokorniki' adj of a penitent (repentant) person, penitential, rueful
pokorniki'' adv in a penitent (repentant) way (manner), ruefully
pokornik m penitent (repentant) person
pokorno adv obediently, submissively

pokornost f obedience, submissiveness, obsequiousness;

subjection; meekness, humility; (puzanje) cringing,
subservience; resignation
pokositi vt mow down, cut the grass (corn); (smrt)
snatch (carry off); (u gomilama) sweep off, mow
down (off)
pokositren pp tinned, tin-plated
pokositriti vt tin, tin-plate, tin over
pokosnic|a f anat periosteum | upala ~e periostitis
pokost f lacquer
pokoen pp mown, cut (hay); (smru) carried (snatched)
off, swept away
pokokati se vr quarrel a little
pokoica m anat epidermis; cuticle
pokraen pp shortened, abbreviated, abridged; epitomized; given in a nutshell
pokraenica f v. kratica
pokraivanje n abbreviation, shortening, abridgment;
cut; epitomizing; (obujma) condensation
pokraivati vt v. pokratiti
pokraden pp stolen, pilfered, purloined, filched; (otuen) cribbed, abstracted
pokraj prep besides, close to, adjoining, alongside with,
side by side, to one's side, by, by the side of, juxtaposited; (osim toga) additional, extra; (dodatan) collateral; (uporedo s) abreast of; (usprkos) for all that,
pokrajina f province; (provincija) the provinces
pokrajinski adj provincial
pokrajn|i adj adjoining, neighbouring | ~a ulica sidestree , off-street; (cesta, put) by-road, by-path
pokrasti vt steal, pilfer, thieve, filch, abstract, crib; (stoku) lift (successively, on several occasions)
pokrata f abbreviation
pokratiti vt abridge, abbreviate, shorten
pokreen pp whitewashed
pokreiti vt whitewash
pokrenuti vt start, set in motion, originate
pokrenuti se vr make a move
pokrepati vi die one by one
pokret m movement; (komeanje) stir, bustle; (kretnja)
motion, gesture, push | staviti u ~ start, set going; ~
otpora resistance movement
pokreta m starter; fig prime-mover, originator, agitator
pokretak|i adj promoting; originating | ~a sila driving
pokret|an' adj mobile; movable; agile; (na zglob, stoer)
hinged | ~na imovina movables pl, personal (movable) property, chattels pl, personalty
pokretan'' pp moved (by), propelled, run, kept in motion; motive, ambulatory
pokretanje n starting, putting (setting) in motion, running, propelling
pokretati vt keep in motion, propel, move, agitate
pokretljiv adj v. pokretan
pokretnine f pl jur v. pokretna imovna
pokretno adj agilely, with agility; movably
pokretnost m mobility; movability; agility, nimbleness;
jur v. pokretna imovina

pokri|e n cover; (jamstvo) security | bez ~a unsecured,

without (sufficient) funds
pokrit pp covered; (slamom) thatched; (crijepom) tiled;
(kriljevcem) slated; (daicama) shingled
pokriti vt cover; (staviti na) lay on, superimpose; overlay; spread over; (krovom) roof; (slamom itd.) thatch;
(crijepom) tile, (kriljevcem) slate, (poklopcem) cover
with a lid; mil cover
pokriti se vr cover oneself; be covered, put on one's hat
(cap itd.)
pokriva m (krevetu) coverlet; counterpane, quilt; (deka)
blanket; (gunj) rug; plaid; (katraniran) tarpaulin;
(krova) tiler, slater | snjeni ~ snow cover
pokrivalo n v. pokriva
pokrivanje n covering, spreading over, overlaying; (krovom) roofing; (slamom) thatching; (crijepom) tiling;
(kriljevcem) slating; (daicama) shingling
pokrivati vt v. pokriti
pokriven pp v. pokrit
pokriviti vt impute, lay to one's door, lay the blame on;
charge with, accuse
pokrojiti vt cut up (all cloth) for a dress (suit); have
done cutting up
pokrov m cover(ing)
pokrovitelj m protector; patron
pokroviteljica f patroness
pokroviteljski' adj patronizing
pokroviteljski'' adv patronizingly, in a patronizing
pokroviteljstvo n patronage, auspices, sponsorship; (nad
upom) advowson; aegis
pokrpan pp (odijelo) mended; (zakrpom) patched; (arapa) darned; (cipela) cobbled; (popravljen) repaired
pokrpati vt mend, patch (up), darn; repair; (cipele) cobble; fig (loe) piece together, botch
pokrpati se vr mend one's clothing
pokrstiti vt christen, baptize
pokrstiti se vr be baptized; (narod) convert to (adopt)
pokrtavanje n v. pokrtenje
pokrtavati vt v. pokrstiti
pokrten pp christened, baptized
pokrtenica f baptized woman
pokrtenik m baptized person
pokrtenje n christening, baptism, baptizing
pokucati vt knock (at a door)
pokuarac m hawker, pedlar (A peddler), door-to-door
pokuarenje n peddling, hawking, selling door to door
pokuariti vt peddle, hawk, sell door to door
pokustv|o n household furniture; movables pl | garnitura ~a a suite of furniture; tkanine za ~o furnishing
pokuda f censure, reproach, critique
pokudan adj blameworthy, blamable, reprehensible,
exceptionable, objectionable, censurable
pokuditi vt blame, censure, reprove, pass censure on,
take exception to
pokudno adv in a censuring (criticizing) manner

pokuhati (se) vt (vr) boil a little

pokuljati vi v. kuljati
pokumiti vt take for godfather (godmother, sponsor)
pokunjen adj downcast, dejected, moping, dismal, in
low spirits, crestfallen, woebegone, dispirited
pokunjeno adv crestfallen, with a hang-dog look; dejectedly
pokunjenost f dejection, the dismals pl, despondency,
low spirits pl
pokunjiti vt deject
pokunjiti se vr become dejected, lose heart, be in the
dumps, be down in the mouth (downcast, moping)
pokupiti vt (sakupiti) collect, gather; (podatke) compile;
(sastavne dijelove) assemble; (pobrati) pick up
pokupiti se vr go (be) off (away) suddenly (quickly)
Pokuplje n geog Kupa River basin (valley)
pokupljen pp collected, gathered; picked up; compiled
pokupovati vt buy up
pokurnjak n sp athletic supporter, A sl jock strap
pokus m trial, test, experiment; essay; (s kovinama) assay | izvrsiti ~ make (conduct) a test (an experiment)
pokusni adj experimental, tentative; on trial, under probation; trial, test
pokusno adv experimentally
pokuaj m attempt, tentative, endeavour | ~ umorstva
attempt at one's life
pokuan pp attempted, tried
pokuati vt attempt, try, have a try at, make an attempt
at, give a trial to; (okuati se) try one's hand (skill) at;
essay; (nastojati) endeavour; (napor) make every effort to | ~ sreu take one's chance; ~ sve i sva leave
no stone unturned, do one's utmost, make every effort; ~ udariti offer to strike one
pokvaren pp (moralno) corrupt, perverted, depraved,
reprobate, immoral, vicious; (lo) deteriorated; (zrak)
vitiated; (oteen, uniten) spoiled, damaged, ruined,
ill-conditioned; (posao) bungled, botched; (truo,
gnjil) rotten; (unakaen) marred; (eludac) upset, out
of order; (meso) tainted; (stroj, ureaj) broken down;
(voda) putrid; unfit for use
pokvareno adv corruptly, in a depraved manner; meanly
pokvarenost f corruption, demoralization, depravation,
depravity, (moral) perversion, immorality
pokvarenjak m corrupt person
pokvariti vt (moralno) corrupt, deprave, pervert, demoralize; (zrak itd.) vitiate; impair, deteriorate; spoil;
(eludac) upset, ruin one's stomach; render unfit for
use; (posao) bungle, botch; (veselje) mar, spoil fun,
be a marjoy | ~ raune thwart (cross, frustrate) designs (purposes); ~ nade damp hopes
pokvariti se vr become depraved (corrupted, demoralized); (meso) taint; deteriorate, degenerate; (trunuti)
decay, go bad, spoil; change for the worse, grow
worse; (stroj) break down | pokvario nam se motor
we had engine trouble
pokvarljiv adj (voe, hrana) perishable
pokvarljivost f perishableness
pokvasiti vt v. smoiti

pol' adv half; half a..., a half | po ~ half and half; na ~

by halves; (dijelom) partially, imperfectly; (povrno)
superficially; dijeliti po ~ go halves, share halves;
rezati na ~ cut in half; (gotovo) ~ vjerujem I half
believe it; svriti na ~ do thing(s) by halves; ni ~ (ne
ba) tako lo not by half (far) so bad; jo ~ tako velik half as big again; na ~ peen half-baked, (kruh
jo sirov) sad (doughy) bread; na ~ puta half way
down; ~ vina, ~ vode half and half; za ~ cijene at
half the price; sat i ~ (13:30) half past one, A+ half
after one; ~ godine half a year, A+ a half-year; sch &
univ a semester
pol'' m pole | geog Sjeverni (Juni) ~ North (South)
pole; el pozitivni (negativni) ~ positive (negative)
pol''' m v. spol
pola' adv v. pol'
pola'' f v. polovica
polaga m layer, depositor; (ispita) examinee
polagan' adj slow, sluggish, tardy; (bolest) lingering
polagan'' pp (stavljan) placed (laid, set, put) down, deposited (more than once, repeatedly) | ~ ispit examination undergone
polagano adv slowly, sluggishly, leisurely; tardily; gently; by degrees; at one's ease | ~ etati stroll, saunter
polaganost f slowness, tardiness, sluggishness
polaganje n laying (placing, putting) down, depositing |
~ rauna rendering of accounts; ~ zakletve taking an
oath, swearing in; ~ ispita sitting for an examination,
going in (up) for an examination, undergoing an examination, (s uspjehom) passing an examination
polagati vt put (place, set, lay) down, deposit; (na ranu)
apply... to; (ispit) go in for an examination, sit for an
examination, undergo an examination; v. poloiti
polako adv v. polagano | ~! slow!; easy does it!
polakomiti se vr become (show) greedy, greedily aspire
to (after); (posegnuti za) snatch (grab, grasp, seize)
greedily at
polake adv slower, more slowly | ~! slow down!; take it
polakica f v. olakica
polanda f ichth v. palamida
polar|an adj polar; arctic | geog ~ni krug polar circle;
astr ~na zvijezda Polar Star
polarizacija f polarization
polariziranje n polarization
polarizirati vt polarize
polarizirati se vr polarize, become polarized
polarnica f geog polar circle
polaskati vi flatter, cajole, make a compliment
polatiniti vt Latinize
polatiniti se vr become Latinized
pola|zak m start, starting, departure, setting out (off,
forth); (kole i sl.) v. polaenje | pri ~sku at departure; napitak gostu pri ~sku stirrup-cup
polaz|an adj | ~na toka starting point
polazite n (polazna toka) starting point
polaziti vt start, set out (off, forth), leave, depart, take
one's departure, leave for

polaznica f (ena) woman (female) frequenter

polaznik m frequenter, attendant; visitor; customer;
(crkve) church-goer; (kazalita) play-goer
polaenje n (odlazak) departure, leaving, starting, setting out; (pohaanje) attendance, frequentation; (posjeivanje) visiting
poldan m reg v. podne
poldrug adj one and a half
pole|i vt | ~i (lei redom) lie down one after another, lay
down (lean) in a recumbent position; deposit; (u krevet) bed | ito je ~glo od vjetra crops have been laid
flat (lodged) by the wind
polei se vr lie down
poledica f slippery hard frost, glaze, black ice
polein|a f back (of paper, document) | potpisati se na ~i
endorse; napisati (kratki sadraj) na ~i docket
poleuke adv on one's back, supine
polegnut pp laid down, 1aid low; (ito od oluje) lodged
polegnuti vt v. polei
polemian adj polemical; controversial
polemiar m polemi(ci)st
polemiki adv polemically; controversially
polemika f controversy, polemics pl
polemiziranje n polemics pl
polemizirati vi poilemize
polen m bot v. pelud
polet m flight; (vatrenost) dash, buoyancy, animation,
vivacity; elan, enthusiasm; (revnost) ardour, zeal,
fervour; (mate) flight of imagination; (duha) elevation of mind | dati ~a actuate, fillip, inspirit, enliven,
poletan adj enthusiastic, buoyant; dashing, vivacious,
spirited, lively, rousing
poletarac m (ptica i fig) fledg(e)ling
poletjeti vi rise in the air; (avion) take off; take to flight,
take wing, soar up, fly away, take flight, wing one's
flight, be airborne
poletno adv with elan, enthusiastically
poletno-sletn|i adj aero | ~a staza runwey; strip
poletnost f v. polet
poleati vi lie (down) a little; put one's feet up
poliandrija f polyandry
polic|a' f shelf | staviti na ~u shelve; mnogo ~a shelving
polica'' f | ~ osiguranja insurance policy; ~ ivotnog
osiguranja life policy
policajac m policeman
policentristiki adj polycentrist
policentrizam m polycentrism
policija f police, constabulary, police force; (zgrada)
policijski adj of (belonging to, ordered by) the police
poliedar m geom polyhedron
polietilen m chem polyethylene
Polifem m myth Polypheme
polifonija f mus polyphony
polifonski adj mus polyphonic
poligamija f polygamy
poliglot m polyglot
poliglotski adj polyglot

poligon m geom polygon; mil artillery range; (raketni)

rocket range, test(ing) range
poligraf m polygraph; lie detector
poligrafsk|i adj | podvrgnuti se ~om ispitivanju take a
lie-detector test
polijegati vi go to bed (lie down) one after another (one
and all); (ito) be lodged
polijelej m Orth chandeleer
polijetanje n aero take-off
polijetati vi take flight (several times); try to take wing
polijevan pp watered, poured upon; bathed; (trcan)
polijevanje n watering, pouring upon; (prane ulice)
laying the dust
polijevati vt water, pour upon; (pranu ulicu) lay the
dust; (trcati) sprinkle, squirt; bathe
polijevati se vr pour (water) over each other (one another)
polikliniki adj med polyclinical
poliklinika f med polyclinic
polikromatski adj polychromatic
polikromija f polychromy
polimerizacija f chem polymerization
Polinezija f geog Polynesia
Polinezij|ac m, ~ka f Polynesian
polinezijski adj geog Polynesian
polinom m math polynomial
poliomijelitis m med poliomyelitis
polip m (ivotinja) polyp(e); polypus; (u nosu) adenoids
poliran pp polished off, smoothed
polirati vt polish off, smoothe
polirer m Ger polisher
polisemija f ling polysemy
politbiro m politbureau
politehniki adj polytechnic
politehnika f polytechnic, technical school
politeist m polytheist
politeistiki adj polytheistic
politeizam m polytheism
politi vt water, pour (liquid) upon
politi se vr pour (water) over oneself
politiar m politician
politiki' adj political
politiki'' adv politically
politik|a f politics; policy, policies pl | baviti se ~om
engage in politics; francuska ~ a u Indokini French
policy (policies) in Indo-China
politikant m petty politician
politikantski adj petty-political
politikantstvo n petty politics, (petty) politicking
politirati vt v. polirati
politiziranje n talking politics
politizirati vi talk politics; vt politicize
politizirati se vr become politicized
politolog m political scientist
politologija f political science
politoloki adv political-science
politura f polish, lacquer

poliuretan m chem polyurethane

polivinil m chem polyvinyl (abbr p.v.c.)
polivinilski adj chem polyvinyl
polizati vt lick (lap) up; (opozvati) retract, revoke
polka f mus polka
polni adj v. spolni
polnoka f midnight service (at church); watch-night
(watching night, mass, service) on Christmas Eve
polnost f v. spolnost
pol|o m sp polo | igralite ~a polo field
polog m deposit; (pokrie) cover, lateral security; (zalog)
pledge, pawn, stake, forfeit
polokan pp emptied by drinking copiously
polokati vt drink (lap) out (off) noisily (greedily) in copious draughts; quaff, guzzle; swill
polomiti vt break up into many pieces
polomiti se vr break up; suffer several fractures
polomljen pp broken (by bending, twisting)
poloneza f mus Polonaise
polonij m chem polonium
polonist m Polonist
polonistiki adj Polish-studies
polonistika f Polish studies
polovan adj used; second-hand, refurbished
polovica f half, moiety | hum bolja ~ (supruga) one's
better half
polovian adj half-, half-way; (povran) superficial,
smattering, unfinished
polovino adv half-way; superficially
polovinost f unfinished (only half-finished) state
polovina f v. polovica
polovinka f mus half-note
poloviti' vt (pohvatati) catch one after another, catch
successively to the last, catch one and all
poloviti' vt cut in half, halve, divide in two parts; (dijeliti popola) go halves, get one half as share
polovljen' pp (uhvaen) caught successively to the last
polovljen'' pp (prepolovljen) halved, divided in two
polovljenje n halving
poloaj m situation, condition, circumstances pl, position; (smjetaj) lay; bearings pl; (sluba) station,
status, rank; (odredite) station; (gradilite) site; (dranje tijela) attitude, posture; (maevanje, stav)
guard | izbaciti iz ~a (izgurati) eject, dislodge, supplant, oust; odrediti ~ ega locate
poloaj|an adj site | ~ni nacrt site-draft (-draught)
poloen pp laid (down), placed (set, put, deposited);
poloit adj sloping, slanting, leaning; tilting
poloiti' vt (staviti) put (place, set) down, deposit; (u
krevet) put to bed; (vjetar ito) lodge; (raun) render
(give) account of, account for; (jamevinu) deposit
caution-money; (zakletvu) make a vow, take (make,
swear) an oath; be sworn in; (ispit) pass an examination; (oruje) lay down arms; (slubu) lay down office, resign, abdicate; (kamen temeljac) lay the foundation stone (i fig); (cijevi, vodove) lay on, install
poloiti'' vt burn up (all wood, coal itd.)

poloitost f sloping (slanting, tilting) position

poltron m toady; sycophant; (kukavica) poltroon
poltrona f v. naslonja
poltronski adj toadyish; sycophantic; poltronish
poltronstvo n toadyism; sycophantism; poltroonery
polu- adv semi-, demi-, half-, pen-, half-and-half; (dijelom) partially
poluautomat m semi-automaton; semi-automatic machine
poluautomatski adj semiautomatic; (puka) self-loading
polubog m demigod
polubraa m pl half-brothers
polubrat m half-brother, step-brother, foster-brother,
brother uterine
polubroj m half-size
polucija f med nocturnal emission, pop wet dream(s)
(pazi: pollution = zagaenje!)
polucilindar m B bowler (hat), A derby (hat)
polucipela f low shoe
polucirati vi med have a nocturnal emission, pop have a
wet dream (pazi: pollute = zagaivati!)
polucrnina f half-mourning
poluenje n v. postizanje, dostignue
poluiti vt v. postii, uspjeti
poluizma f low boot
poluovjek m half man half beast
poludesno adv half right
poludivljak m half-wild man, half-savage
poludivlji adj half-wild
polud|jeti vr go mad (crazy, insane), run mad, get out of
one's mind, be out of one's wits; (za nekim) be infatuated with, dote on one | to je da ~i it is enough to
drive one mad; nisam valjda ~io I am not such a fool
as to...
poludrag adj | ~o kamenje semi-precious stones
polufabrikat m v. poluproizvod
polufinale m sp semi-finals pl
polufinalist m sp semi-finalist
poluga f lever; (za dizanje, izvaljivanje) bar, crow-bar;
(kratka, za obijanje) B jemmy, A jimmy
poluglas m semitone, flat; phon semi-vowel
poluglasan adj in low tones, under one's breath, halfloud; (priguen) muffled, low-pitched, subdued, toned
down, suppressed
poluglasnik m phon semi-vowel
poluglasno adv in an undertone; (aptom) in a whisper;
polugodinjak m (asopis) bi-annual
polugodinje adv semi-yearly
polugodinji adj half-yearly, semi-annual
polugodinjica f half-year
polugodite n sch & univ semester, half-year, halfsession months
polugol adj half-naked
polugorak adj bitter-sweet
polugotov adj half-finished
poluintelektualac m middlebrow (fig)
poluintelektualan adj middlebrow (fig); v. poluobrazovan

poluistina f half-truth
polukat m mezzanine
polukrug m semicircle
polukruan adj semi-circular
polukrunica f semi-circle
Poluks m myth Pollux
polukugla f hemisphere
polukvalificiran adj | ~i radnik semi-skilled worker
polulijevo adv half left
polumajmuni m pl zoo Prosimii
polumjer m geom radius
polumjesec m half-moon, crescent
polumjeseni adj half-monthly, bi-weekly, B+ fortnightly
polumjesenik m half-monthly, bi-weekly, B+ fortnightly
polumjeseno adv half-monthly, every half month
polumrak m semi-darkness; grey light
polumrtav adj half-dead; (od umora) dog-tired,
poluobrazovan adj half-educated, under-educated
poluobrazovanost f being under-educated; inadequate
education; fig a little learning
poluotok m peninsula
poluotvoren adj half-open
poluozbiljno adv semi-seriously; half-jokingly
polupan pp smashed; (prozor) broken in; battered, broken up
polupansion m (room and) half-board
polupati vt break up, smash, batter; (prozor) break in
polupijan adj half-drunk, half-seasover
polupismen adj semi-literate
poluplatno n (uvez) half-cloth(-bound)
polupreraen adj semi-processed; semi-finished, semimanufactured
poluprijenik m v. polumjer
poluprofil m | iz ~a three-quarter face
poluprosvijeen adj half-educated
polus|an m | u ~nu half-asleep
polusestra f half-sister, step-sister, foster-sister
polusirov adj half-raw; (biftek) rare
polusjena f penumbra, partial shade
polusluben adj semi-official
polusprat m v. polukat
polusvijest m semi-consciousness
polusvijet m demi-monde | ena iz ~a demi-mondaine
polusvila f silk mixed with cotton
polusvilen adj made of silk mixed with cotton
polusvjestan adj semi-conscious
polutama f v. polumrak
polutan m bastard; hybrid; mediocrity
polutanski adj bastard; hybrid; mediocre
polutanstvo n bastardism; hybridity; mediocrity
polutar m v. polutnik
polute|ki adj | box ~a kategorija middle-weight class
polutka f geom hemisphere; (kupusa) half-cabbage; ftb
v. spojka
polutnik m geog equator, the Line
poluton m mus half-note; (nijansa) shade

poluvodi m el semi-conductor
poluvojni adj paramilitary
poluvokal m phon semi-vowel
poluvrijeme m sp | drugo ~ second half; na poluvremenu at half-time
poluzreo adj half-ripe
Poljak m Pole
Poljakinja f Polish woman
poljana f large field (plain)
poljar m field-guard, field ranger
polj|e n field, plain, campus; fig range, scope; (rada)
line; (bojno) battle-field; (bitke) stricken field; (ploa
u vratima, zidu) panel; (grba) quarter (of a shield, escutcheon) | obraivati ~e till the ground, cultivate,
farm; na ~u in the field
poljepan pp embellished, adorned, beautified
poljepa(va)nje n embellishment, adornment, smartening (sprucing) up
poljepa(va)ti vt embellish, adorn, beautify, smarten
(spruce) up, deck out, touch up
poljodjelac m agriculturist, farmer, peasant, husbandman
poljodjelski adj agricultural, agronomic, farming
poljodjelstvo n agriculture, farming, tillage, husbandry,
cultivation of land; agronomy
poljoprivreda f agricu1ture, husbandry
poljoprivredn|i adj agricultural | ~i proizvodi farm produce; ~o-industrijski kombinat agribusiness corporation, agri-corporation
Poljska f Poland
poljski' adj Polish
poljski'' adj field, agrarian, out-of-door
poljubac m kiss; (glasni) smack; cul meringue | dobaciti
~ blow a kiss
poljubiti (se) vt (vr) kiss, smack
poljuljati vt rock; (uzdrmati) shake
poljuljati se vr totter, be shaken
pomai (se) vt (vr) v. pomaknuti (se)
pomada f pomade, cream
pomadariti vt Magyarize
pomadariti se vr become Magyarized
pomaga m helper, assistant, co-operator; (sukrivac)
abettor, accessory, accomplice | ftb desni (lijevi, srednji) ~ right (left, centre) half
pomagaica f woman-helper
pomagalo n help, means to help; tool; expedient
pomagan pp helped, assisted, aided
pomaganj|e n help, helping, aid(ing), assistance, relief,
co-operation; (sredstvo) remedy, shift, expedient |
bez tueg ~a single-handed
poma|gati vt help, aid, assist, support, lend a hand, cooperate, relieve, be of assistance, back up, sustain,
countenance; fig give a lift; be of avail, profit, be
good, be of use; (svrha) answer purpose; (preko puta
vode, iz neprilike itd.) help one out (down, in, over,
across); play into one's hands; (sredstvo, lijek) remedy; cure | to to ~e? what boots it?; to mi nita ne
~e I am nothing the better for it; tome nita ne ~e
it is past remedy, this is irremediable

pomagati se vr aid (help, assist) one another (each

other) mutually
pomahnitao adj mad, frenzied, furious, infuriated; run
pomahnitati vi go (get, run) mad, get furious (enraged,
crazy), run amuck
pomajka f foster-mother, adoptive mother
pomak m shift
pomaknut pp displaced, moved away, shifted
pomaknuti vt move away, displace, shift, move (push)
out of place; dislocate
pomaknuti se vr shift, change position, get dislocated;
(dalje) move on (over); stir, budge
pomalo adv by degrees, slowly, successively, gradually,
bit by bit, piecemeal
pomaljanje n gradual appearance (rising, visibility) in
the distance; (brod) heaving in sight
pomaljati vt v. maljati
pomaljati se vr loom, rise slowly in the distance; (brod)
heave in sight; appear slowly (gradually), spring
(crop) up
pomama f (bijes) rage, fury, frenzy, passion; (revnost,
elja) ardent zeal, insatiate longing
pomaman adj mad (crazy, greedy, avaricious) after; (bijesan) mad, furious, frantic, infuriated, violent
pomamiti vt craze, excite wildly
pomamiti se vr be mad (crazy) about, be greedy after, be
dying for, be keen on, grow enthusiastic for, covet after
pomamno adv greedily, covetously; wistfully, yearningly
pomamnost f v. pomama
poman adj attentive, careful, mindful, thoughtful, heedful; pedantic, scrupulous, particular; intent upon
pomanjkanje n want, lack, deficiency, insufficiency;
need, default; shortage
pomanjkati vi be lacking (wanting, deficient) in, run
short of, fall short of, give out, be in want of, fail;
(novca) be out (short) of money; (daha) be out of
breeth; (strpljenja) be out of patience
pomast f ointment, salve | RC posljednja ~ extreme unction; podijeliti posljednju ~ administer last rites
pomastiti vt grease (i cul)
pomazan pp anointed
pomazanik m the anointed
pomazanje n anointment, unction; salving
pomazati vt anoint, salve
pomen v. spomen, zadunice
pomenut adj v. spomenut
pomenuti vt v. spomenuti
pomesti' vt sweep up (away), sweep up litter; clean by
sweeping, broom away, brush away; remove by
pomesti'' vt (pobrkati) mix up, confuse
pomesti se vr v. smesti se
pometa m sweeper, crossing-sweeper, scavenger
pometan adj placed (put, set, laid) successively in a certain order and place
pometanje n sweeping, brooming
pometati' vt sweep, broom; clean by sweeping

pometati'' vt put (place, lay, set) successively in a certain order

pometen adj swept, clearied by sweeping, broomed
pometenost f v. smetenost
pometnue n abortion, miscarriage
pometnut adj abortive, aborted, miscarried, untimely
pometnuti vt (podbaciti) abort, miscarry
pometnj|a f confusion, error, oversight, mistake, inadvertence, blunder | ~om by mistake, inadvertently
pomfrit m cul B chips pl, A french fries pl
pomicanje n moving, shoving, shifting, displacing,
pomicati vt keep on shoving (moving, displacing, shifting, pushing, dislocating)
pomicati se vr keep on moving (shifting)
pomi|an adj mobile, movable, sliding, shifting | ~na
vrata sliding-door; ~na skala sliding-scale; ~ni
(crkveni) blagdan movable feast
pominost f movability, movableness
pomidor m reg v. rajica
pomije f pl slops pl, swill, hogwash, disih-water
pomijean pp mixed, blended; mingled; miscellaneous;
promiscuous; having a sprinkling of...
pomijeati vt mix, blend, mingle; (u) stir into; (vino s
alkoholom) drug, doctor, load, adulterate
pomijeati se vr mix with; (sa, zai meu) get among
(into); (narijetko) form a sprinkling
pomilovan pp pardoned, amnestied | ~i pardoned (amnestied) person
pomilovanje n pardon, amnesty; receiving quarter
pomilovati vt pardon, amnesty, give quarter; grant an
amnesty; (dragati) caress, stroke, fondle, pat
pominjanje n v. spominjanje
pominjati vt v. spominjati
pomirba f conciliation, reconcilement
pomirben adj conciliatory
pomiren adj reconciled, reconciliated, at one with; (sa
sudbinom) resigned
pomirenje n conciliation, reconcilement, making up (of
a quarrel)
pomirisati vt smell at, sniff at, sniff up (scent), scent
pomirisati se vr smell (sniff) oneself
pomiritelj m conciliator; reconciler
pomiriti vt reconcile, settle a quarrel
pomiriti se vr make friends again, be reconciled to, settle dispute, make it up; make peace; (s neim) reconcile (resign) oneself to, be resigned | pomirimo se
(zaboravimo)! let bygones be bygones!
pomirljiv adj reconcilable, conciliatory; propitiable; placable; forgiving
pomirljivo adv in a conciliatory manner (way)
pomirljivost f reconcilableness, conciliatoriness, placability
pomisao f idea, notion, conception, thought, fancy | dola mi je ~ it occurred to me, it dawned (flashed) upon
me, the idea struck me; izbio je sebi iz glave tu ~ he
dismissed the thought from his mind

pomisli|ti vt think of, imagine, conceive, (zamisliti) picture, figure; (pasti na pamet) be struck by an idea | ~o
sam it flashed across my mind; najprije sam ~o it
was uppermost in my mind; ~te! imagine!, fancy!,
think only; ~ da si na mojem mjestu suppose you
were in my place; ne bih ni u snu ~o nothing is further from my mind; na to se ne moe ni ~ti it is out
of the question; to se dade ~ti imaginable, conceivable; to se ne da ~ti inconceivable, unimaginable
pomiljanje n thinking of (on); (razmiljanje) pondering, revolving in one's mind; (nakana) contemplation, having a mind to...
pomiljati vi think of, imagine; (nakana) contemplate,
have a mind to | ~ na najgore anticipate the worst
pomiljen pp conceived, imagined; (neozbiljan) un-real,
existing only in thoughts (imagination, fancy)
pomiti vt wash up; rinse
pomiven pp washed up
pomjeranje n v. pomicanje
pomjerati vt v. pomicati
pomjeren adj v. pomaknut
pomjeriti (se) vt (vr) v. pomaknuti (se)
pomlaen pp beaten (battered) down
pomladiti vt rejuvenate, make young again
pomladiti se vr rejuvenesce, become young again
pomlaen adj rejuvenated
pomlaivanje n rejuvenation, rejuvenescence
pomlaivati vt v. pomladiti
pomlatiti vt (ito) have done (finish) thrashing; (tui)
thrash (beat, kill) to the last
pomlatiti se vr v. potui se; kill one another
pomljeti vt grind (up)
pomno adv carefully, attentively, closely
pomnost f v. pomnja
pomnoen pp multiplied
pomnoiti vt multiply; (umnoiti) augment, increase
pomnja f care, attention, attentiveness, mindfulness,
circumspection, carefulness; (oprez) wariness, precaution; (zanimanje) interest, studiousness
pomnjiv adj v. poman
pomnjivo adv v. pomno
pomnjivost f v. pomnost, pomnja
pomoiti vt wet a little
pomoiti se vr wet oneself a little
pomo f help, aid, assistance, succour; (novana) subvention, bounty, subsidy, support; (lijek) remedy,
cure; (olakica) relief | doi u ~ come to one's assistance; obratiti se za ~ turn for aid (help) to, resort to;
zvati u ~ cry for help; tome nema ~i this is past cure,
this is incurable; u ~! help! help!
pomoi vt help, aid, assist, succour, offer assistance; lend
a hand; give a lift; stand by; abet; supply wants;
(olakati) relieve; remedy | ~ sam sebi shift for oneself; tome se dade lako ~ this is easily remedied; ne
da se ~ it cannot be remedied (helped), this is irremediable; emu se ne da ~, mora se trpjeti what
cannot be cured must be endured; ~ novcem accommodate with money; tako mi bog pomogao! so help
me God!

pomon|i adj auxiliary, accessory, secondary, subsidiary,

assistant; (za nudu) used as a shift | ~i uitelj usher;
~a vojska relieving army; ~a crkva (kapela) chapel
of ease
pomonica f woman-help(er), woman-apprentice | kuna ~ maid, domestic help; trgovaka ~ B shop-girl,
shop-assistant; A salesgirl, saleswoman
pomonik m helper, aid, assistant, collaborator, cooperator, adjunct, supporter; (kod zloina) abettor;
(zanatlijski) journeyman; underling, understrapper |
trgovaki ~ B shop-assistant, A clerk
pomou prep by the agency of, by means of
pomod|an adj fashionable, modern | ~na trgovina shop
for dress-materials; ~na roba fancy goods, haberdashery
pomodar m man of fashion; derog slave to fashion, faddist
pomodarka f lady (girl) of fashion; slave to fashion
pomodarski adj fashionable; fashion-conscious; faddish
pomodarstvo n faddishness; fashion-consciousness
pomodriti vt blue, make (paint, dye) blue
pomodrjeti vi become (turn, grow) blue; (od zime) turn
blue with cold
pomognut pp helped, aided
pomokriti se vr urinate
pomol m | biti na ~u become visible; (brod) heave in
sight; (nejasno, u daljini) loom
pomoliti vt lift (show) one's head (nose itd.)
pomoliti se' vr (biti na vidiku) loom, show oneself, heave
in sight, appear; crop up (out, forth), turn up; make
one's appearance
pomoliti se'' vr (moliti) pray, offer prayers, say prayer
pomor m death-rate, mortality ; (umiranje) epidemics;
(kuga) plague, pestilence
pomorac m seaman, sailor, seafarer, mariner, seafaring
man; navigator
pomoranda f v. narana
Pomoravlje n geog Morava river basin (valley)
pomoren pp killed (slaughtered, slain) off
pomoriti vt sweep off, mow off (down); slaughter (kill,
slay) to the last (one and all) successively
pomorje n sea-board (littoral) with its hinterland
pomorsk|i adj sea, marine, maritime, nautical | ~a karta
(admiralty) chart; ~a bitka sea battle; ~a trgovina
seaborne trade; ~i tovarni list (konosman) bill of lading; ~a akademija nautical academy; ~o osiguranje
marine insurance; ~o pravo maritime law; ~a pjeadija marines
pomorstvo n maritime affairs; (plovidba) navigation;
(vjetina) seamanship
pompa f pomp
Pompej m Pompey
Pompeji m pl Pompeii
pompezan adj v. pompozan
pompon m pompon
pompozan adj pompous
pompozno adv pompously
pompoznost f pomposity

pomraenje n darkening, obscuring, obscuration, eclipsing, dimming; v. pomrina

pomraiti vt darken, eclipse, obscure, dim
pomraiti se vr become obscured, darken, dim; (pamet)
become mentally deranged
pomrina f astr eclipse, solar eclipse
pomriti vt make dirty (inky), smear, foul, daub, bedaub;
(arati) bescrawl
pomrijeti vi die off (out) successively; be swept (mown)
off (down) in great numbers
pomrsiti vt (niti itd.) confuse, entangle, make intricate,
complicate, embroil; (raune) thwart (balk, frustrate)
one's designs, foil, put a spoke in a person's wheel
pomrsiti se vr get entangled (confused)
pomren pp entangled, embroiled; (raun, zamisao)
thwarted, frustrated, balked, foiled
pomrznuti se vr get frozen
pomuiti se vr work harder, put in some effort
pomuen pp troubled; clouded
pomuenost f troubled (clouded) state
pomuenje n clouding, troubling; (potamnjenje) darkening, dimming
pomusti vt milk
pomutiti vt trouble; confuse, confound; bring confusion
(disorder) in to; (potamniti) dim, blur, cloud
pomutiti se vr become troubled (clouded)
pomutnja f confusion; (zabuna) mistake; (pogreka)
error, blunder; (nesporazum) misunderstanding, misapprehension
pomuzen pp milked
ponadati se vr begin to hope (expect)
ponajblii adj the very next, the nearest of all; close
upon (to)
ponajbolji adj the very best, the best of all
ponajjai adj the strongest of all
ponajprije adv first of all, before all; to begin with, in
the first place
ponajvie adv most of all, for the most part, mostly,
ponamjestiti vt finish setting (placing, putting, depositing, arranging, assigning a place to); (sluba) procure
posts (employment) for
ponamjetati vt v. ponamjestiti
ponaosob adv v. posebno, pojedinano
ponapit adj got drunk (successively)
ponapiti se vr get drunk ('successively, one after another, one and all)
ponarasti vi grow up (in succession, gradually)
ponaanj|e n behaviour, bearing; manners pl, conduct,
deportment; (dranje) carriage, attitude; (odgoj)
breeding | dobro ~e good manners (breeding); loe
~e bad manners, loeg ~a ill-bread, ill-mannered
ponaati se vr behave, conduct oneself, bear oneself;
(neutivo, prosto) misbehave | ne zna se kod stola ~
he has no table manners
ponavlja m pupil who failed and has to re-attend the
same form
ponavljan pp repeated, revised; reproduced, reiterated

ponavljanje n (rijei) repetition; reiteration, reproduction; (nauenoga) revision; (vraanje) recurrence

ponavljati vi repeat; (uenje) revise, check oneself; reproduce, reiterate
ponavljati se vr recur, occur (happen) repeatedly; (vraati se) recur; repeat oneself (itself)
Poncij|e m | slati od ~a do Pilata drive from pillar to
ponderirati vt (statistiki) weight
ponedjeljak m Monday
ponegdje adv here and there, in places
ponekad adv sometimes, off and on, now and then
poneki adj some, a few, isolated, occasional, the odd
ponestajanje n gradual (slow) giving out, running low
(short); (snage) gradual exhaustion
ponestajati vi v. ponestati
ponesta|ti vi run short, run low, be on the ebb, give out,
be exhausted | ~lo (nam) je kruha we are out (short)
of bread, our store of bread has run short (given out),
we have run out of bread; u tvravi je ~lo vode there
was a water famine in the fortress
ponesti vt v. ponijeti
poneto adv somewhat, partly, slightly, to a degree, a bit
ponetko pron occasional person
poni m (konj) pony
ponii vi v. poniknuti
ponijemen pp Germanized
ponijemiti vt Germanize
ponijemiti se vr become Germanized
ponije|ti vt take along; (sobom) bring (carry, fetch, bear)
away (along) with oneself | godina je dobro ~la the
crops are good (promising)
ponijeti se vr behave, carry it off, acquit oneself; (drsko)
brazen it out; (oholo) behave proudly (haughtily, arrogantly, superciliously, overweeningly), assume superiority; (dobro) give a good account of oneself
poniklovan adj nickel-plated
poniklovati vt nickel-plate
poniknuti vi cast down eyes
ponikva f geog sink-hole
poniranje n geog sinking (of rivers) into subterranean
ponirati vi geog lose oneself (sink, ooze through) into
subterranean passages of the chalk formation
ponitavati (se) vt (vr) v. ponititi (se)
poniten pp set aside, quashed; cancelled
ponitenje n setting aside, quashing, annulment; obliteration, cancelling
ponititi vt quash, set aside, annul; obliterate, cancel,
ponititi se vr (uzajamno) cancel out
ponitiv adj annullable, cancellable, abolishable
ponizan adj humble, meek, submissive, obsequious,
ponizilica f mus flat
poniziti vt humble, humiliate, mortify; degrade, debase
poniziti se vr humble (lower, demean) oneself; stoop
down; submit, make oneself cheap; (s visoka) condescend

ponizivanje n v. ponienje
ponizivati (se) vt (vr) v. poniziti (se)
ponizno adj humbly, submissively
poniznost f humility, humbleness, submission
ponizujui adj humiliating
ponien pp humiliated, degraded, disgraced
ponienje n humiliation, mortification
pono f midnight | o ~i at midnight
ponoka f v. polnoka
pononi adj midnight
ponor m abyss, chasm; gulf; precipice
ponornica f geog underground stream
ponos m pride; (oholost) haughtiness, being stuck up;
(razmetljivost) ostentation; self-esteem, self-assertion;
(utvaranje) self-conceit
ponosan adj proud; haughty, stuck-up, supercilious; disdainful; (nadut) inflated, overweening, bridling, presumptuous, puffed-up with pride, flushed; (tat)
vainglorious; (na imetak) purse-proud; (gizdav)
proud as a pea-cock
ponosit adj v. ponosan
ponositi se vr be proud, pride oneself on, take pride in;
plume oneself on, give oneself airs; (drsko) be
haughty (arrogant, stuck-up)
ponositost f v. ponos
ponosno adv proudly; haughtily
ponoen adj (odijelo) worn-out
ponovac m sch v. ponavlja
ponovan adj repeated, renewed, resumed
ponoviti vt repeat; (naueno) revise; (obnoviti) renew,
renovate; (osvjeiti) refresh (znanje) rub up, brush
up; (uspomene) revive
ponoviti se vr v. ponavljati se; coll get new clothes (furniture itd.)
ponovljen pp repeated, revised; recommenced, resumed,
renewed, revived
ponovno adv repeatedly, (once) again, anew, afresh, over
and over (again), once more, all over again, again
and again
pontifikalan adj pontifical
pontifikat m pontificate
ponton m mil pontoon
pontonir m mil pontoonier, pontonier
pontonski adj mil | ~ most pontoon bridge
ponuda f offer, overture, tender, bidding, bid | ~ i potranja supply and demand; ~ za izvoenje radova
ponuditi vt offer, bid, tender; (na drabi) start a price;
(vie) go one better; (jelo) offer to eat; place at one's
disposal, hold out; (enidbu) propose; proffer
ponuditi se vr offer one's services; (dobrovoljno) volunteer
ponuen pp offered, bidden, proffered
ponukan adj actuated, stimulated, moved, prevailed
ponukati vt actuate, stimulate; give impulse (fillip, incentive); cause (lead) to do; (utjecaj) influence; (savjetovati) suggest; (sklonuti) induce (move, bring to),
get one to, prevail upon

ponutrica f v. iznutrica
ponjava f sheet, bed-sheet; (mrtvaka) shroud; (votana)
ponjemivanje n (gradual) germanization
ponjuiti vt sniff at, scent at
pooim m foster-father, adoptive father
poodavna adv (for) rather a long time; (rather) a long
time ago
poodma|i vt leave one lagging behind | ~ od nekoga
outdistance one, get far ahead of; outstrip; dobro
~kao od nas he has gone far ahead of us, he has left
us far behind
poodmak|ao adj (dob) advanced in life (ago, years),
stricken in years, well on in life; (u slubi) having
made a career | ~la sezona far advanced season
poodrastao adj grown-up (one after another), advanced
in growth
poodrasti vi grow up (one after another), advanced in
poodsijecati vt cut (chop) off (one after another)
poopijati se vr get drunk one after another
poorati vt plough (down)
pootren pp made stricter (more severe, rigid, intense,
pootrenje n aggravation, making stricter (harsher, more
severe, more rigid, more intense, more biting); intensification of strictness (harshness, rigidness, severity)
pootriti vt intensify the strictness (rigidity, harshness,
severity), render (make) more severe, aggravate
pootriti se vr become more intense (harsh, rigid, severe,
pootimati vt take (one by one, every single one) by force
pop m priest, parson; clergyman
popac m ent v. zrikavac
popadati vi fall (drop) down (one after another, one by
one, successively)
popadija f (Orthodox) priest's wife
popaliti vt burn down successively, reduce to ashes
(completely, one after another, to the last)
popaljen pp burnt down
popanuti vt v. spopasti
popapren pp peppered
popapriti vt cul pepper, sprinkle with pepper
popar|a f cul bread-mash (-pay, -pulp) | fig skuhao sam
mu ~u I put him in a sorry plight, I reduced him to a
nonplus, I got him into hot water
poparen adj scalded; fig downcast, down in the mouth,
crest-fallen | otiao je ~ I sent him way with a flea in
his ear
popariti vt scald
popart m pop art
popartist m pop artist
popartistiki adj pop-art
popasti' vt graze off; (brst) browse off completely, leave
no grass
popasti' vt v. spopasti, zgrabiti
popaan adj longing for, covetous of, desirous of, hankering after; liking dainties (tit-bits)

popanost f covetousness, longing for, restless desire,

popeak m (ara) poker
popei vt finish baking (broiling, roasting) one after another
popepeliti vt sprinkle with ashes
popeti se vr climb, reach by climbing; (verati se) clamber up, clamber; (rukama i nogama) scramble; (ljestvama) escalade, scale, mount; (uvis) rise, ascend
popijevati vi sing, chant
popijevka f song, chant, ditty, carol, glee, air, catch, lay;
popiknuti se vr reg v. spotaknuti se
popipati vt touch, feel, finger; (traei) fumble, grope
popipati se vr feel (touch) oneself
popis m list, listing, inventory, schedule, catalogue; index, register; (stanovnitva) census; (popisivanje)
taking (making) an inventory, (zaliha) stock-taking,
popisan pp listed, inventoried, catalogued; taken down
in writing
popisati vt list; make (take) an inventory, inventory,
catalogue; (stanovnitvo) make a census; enrol
popisiva m cataloguer; inventory-taker; (stanovnitva)
popisivanje n taking an inventory; (zaliha) stock-taking;
(stanovnitva) taking the census; listing; cataloguing
popisivati vt v. popisati
popisni adj registry; census; inventory
popianac m vulg hum piss-pants
popiati vt vulg piss (on)
popiati se vr vulg (have a) piss, piss one's pants
popit pp drunk up
popiti vt drink out (up, off), empty by drinking; have
done drinking
popkorn m (kokice) pop corn
poplaan pp paid off (debt) (gradually, one after another)
poplaati vt pay off (debts) (one by one), clear (settle,
square) debts
poplakati vi weep a little
poplaen pp frightened, flurried, alarmed, afraid; scared;
terrified, dismayed; (jako) appalled, terror-stricken,
aghast; (konj) shied
poplaiti vt make afraid, startle, alarm, make shy, intimidate; cow, overawe, frighten, terrify, strike with
terror; (gronjama) bully, browbeat; appal
poplaiti se vr become afraid (frightened), startle at, be
alarmed (terrified), be struck with fear; (klonuti pred)
lose heart, become dispirited; (konj) shy
poplat m v. potplat
poplatiti vt pay off debts (one by one)
poplava f inundation, flood, deluge, overflow
poplaviti' vt (voda) overflow, inundate, deluge, flood,
submerge; (rairiti se) spread rapidly; (trite robom)
glut (overstock) the market
poplaviti'' vt (bojadisati) blue, make blue, paint blue
poplavjeti vi turn (become) blue
poplavljen' pp (vodom) flooded, inundated, submerged

poplavljen'' pp (bojom) blued, painted blue

poplavn|i adj | ~e vode flood waters
poplesati vi dance a little
poplesti vt knit a little
poplijeniti vt v. popljakati
poplijenjen pp v. popljakan
poplin m text poplin
poplinski adj poplin
poplivati vi swim a little
poploati vt v. poploiti
poploavanje n paving; tiling
poploen pp paved, flagged, plastered; (zid drvom) panelled
poploiti vt pave, flag, plaster; (zid drvom) panel
poplun m quilt
poplunar m quilt-maker
popljakan adj plundered (pillaged, sacked, looted itd.)
popljakati vt plunder (pillage, sack, loot, maraud) entirely (thoroughly)
popljeskati vi applaud a little; pat
popljesniviti vi become mouldy (musty)
popljuvati vt spit on; fig find faults with, criticize
popoditi vt floor, cover with boards (planking); board;
popodne' n afternoon
popodne'' adv in the afternoon
popodnevni adj afternoon
popoen adj boarded, floored, covered with boards
(planking), planked
popola adv half and half, in two halves (parts); in the
popovati vi be (serve as) a priest; fig preach
popovski adj priestly, priest-like; sacerdotal
popraen pp accompanied
popraiti vt sprinkle lightly with; spray a little
poprati vt wash up
popratiti vt accompany; (uvodom) give a preamble, preamble; escort, convoy; (voditi) guide, lead; go along
with (part of way)
popratni adj accompanying; concurrent; attendant; secondary; side-; running
popratnica f letter of (safe) conduct; (carinska) cocket,
custom-house certificate
poprav|ak m (krpanje) repair; reparation; mending; (pogreaka) correction; reform; sch sitting for reexamination after failure | sch dobiti ~ak have to take a
make-up exam; na ~ku undergoing repair; dati sat
na ~ak have (get) one's watch repaired
popravdati se vr v. posvaditi se
popravilite n v. popravni dom
popraviti vt set right, rectify; (nabolje) improve; remedy; recondition, reform; (pogreke) correct; (namjestiti) adjust; (dotjerati) touch up; (pokrpati) mend, refit, patch (botch, darn)
popraviti se vr improve, grow better; (vladanje) reform,
mend; (zdravlje) come round, mend, be on the mend,
be restored; (prilike) take a good turn | to se ne da ~
this s past mending

popravka f v. popravak
popravka m coll pupil obliged to take a make-up exam
popravlja m repairer; corrector; rectifier
popravljanje n repair(s), repairing, mending, improvement
popravljati vt v. popraviti
popravljen pp repaired, improved; corrected; mended
popravljiv adj improvable, repairable; rectifiable
popravni adj | sch ~ ispit make-up exam; ~ dom correctional institution
poprean adj (poloaj) transversal, athwart, across; (koso rezan) on the bias, diagonal, oblique; (koliina)
popreke adv crosswise, athwart; across
poprenica f geom transversal
popreno adv on an average, one with another; (priblino) approximately; (uuture) in the lump; (ne luei)
indiscriminately | iznositi ~ average
popretati vt bank up (all) fires
popriati vi have a chat (with)
poprijeko adv transversely, across; (koso) diagonally,
(rez) on the bias; (ne birajui) indiscriminately | gledati ~ look askance, frown upon; ii ~ go across
(preacem) take the cut; rezati (tkaninu) ~ cut on
the bias
poprilian adj v. prilian
poprimati vt v. poprimiti
poprimiti vt assume; (obiaj) acquire a habit; (izgled)
put on an air, assume a shape (aspect, appearance);
(obiaj, ud) catch up habit, assume a character; (navike, obiaje) imitate, follow, adopt
poprimljen pp assumed, adopted
poprite n (borilite) lists pl; scene of action; stage,
theatre, arena; (rat) battle-field, stricken field
poprsje n bust, half length of picture (portrait), kit-cat
poprskan pp spattered, bespattered, splashed, sprinkled
poprskati vt spatter, bespatter, sprinkle, splash, squirt
popren pp roasted (broiled) (successively to the end,
one and all, entirely)
popriti vt roast (grill, toast, fry) successively (to the
last, entirely)
popsong m mus pop song
popucan adj burst, split, cracked
popucati vi break (burst, snap, split, crack) all over (successively, quite, to the end, to the last); burst asunder
popudbina f travelling provisions (expenses) pl; (miljarina) mileage
populacija f population
populacijski adj population
popularan adj popular, in general favour | ovaj je napjev postao ~ this air (tune) has caught on
popularizacija f popularization
popularizator m popularizer
popularizatorski adj popularizing
populariziranje n popularizing
popularizirati vt popularize

popularno adv in a popular way (manner); easily understood, not using scientific itd. terms, meant for the
general public (for the man in the street)
popularnost f popularity | stei ~ become popular
populist m populist
populistiki adj populist
populizam m populism
popuna f supplement, complement; mil reinforcement(s)
popuniti vt complement, supplement, fill up (supply) a
deficiency; (iznos) make up (a sum); (sluba) fill up
vacancy, appoint to a place
popuniti se vr (prostorija) fill up; (oporaviti se) fill out
popunjavanje n complementing, making up (adding,
supplying) the deficiency; additional supplies; making full (complete, whole, entire); filling up; (ispranjene slube) appointment to a place
popunja(va)ti vt v. popuniti
popunjen pp complemented, filled up, made full; not
vacant | ~o No vacancy
popunjenost f being full, filled-up state; (hotela) occupancy (rate)
popust m com discount, reduction, rebate, concession;
abatement, deduction, allowance
popustiti vt & vi (cijenu) reduce, rebate, make an allowance for, lower the price, deduct, lower one's figure,
allow a reduction (concession); (napeto) relax,
slacken, loosen; (isputati, konop) let slowly go; (nekome) indulge one; (uvui rogove) come down a peg
or two, draw in one's horns, sing smaller; (ustupati)
cede, give way; ease; (sili) yield, knuckle under
(down); (ublaiti) mitigate; (napetost) slake off; (vjetar) abate, subside, lay; (napetu icu) take down a
peg, lower the pitch of an instrument; (groznica, bol)
intermit; (revnost, ohladiti se) cool down; (strastima)
give the reins to one's passions; (klonuti) flag, droop,
sink, become languid | ne ~ not bate a jot of; insist
on, persist in; not relent, not remit a point; (ni za
dlaku) not give way an inch; (ne pokoriti se) not
comply with
popustljiv adj giving way, indulgent, easy, yielding;
complying; flexible, pliable, pliant; conniving, acquiescent | biti ~ defer to, make concessions, be indulgent, be conciliatory
popustljivo adv indulgently; acquiescently
popustljivost f yielding temper, indulgence; compliance;
deference; pliability
popuen pp smoked out (to the end)
popuiti vt smoke out (to the end), finish a cigar (cigarette, pipe)
poputanje n yielding, indulgence; (jenjanje) abating,
abatement | pol ~ zategnutosti dtente
poput|ati vi v. popustiti | zima ~a the weather breaks
poputen pp slackened, not tense
poput prep like, similar, resembling; as; analogous | biti
~... resemble, be (look) like, have (bear) resemblance;
come near
poputnina f v. popudbina; eccl viaticum
popuznuti vi slide down
pora f pore

poraba f v. upotreba
poradi prep (zbog) on account of, owing to, by reason of,
because of; (radi, u korist) for the sake of | ~ mene on
my account, on (in) my behalf, for my sake
poraditi vt work a little; (oko) endeavour, exert oneself
(v. nastojati)
poraanje n v. raanje, poroaj
poraati vt v. poroditi
Porajnje n geog the Rhine basin (valley)
poramenice f pl v. naramenice
poraniti vi rise early, get up early
porast m increase, accretion, growth, rise, addition, accession, augmentation; swelling | u ~u on the increase; (cijene) on the advance
porasti vi grow up, increase, rise; be up; (osoba, stablo)
grow tall (large); (rijeka) swell, be in spate
poravnan adj (tlo) levelled, made even; (nesuglasice
itd.) adjusted, settled
poravnano adv in alignment
poravnanost f alignment
poravnanje n making even, levelling, evening; flattening, smoothing; (izjednaenje) equalization; (rauna)
settlement, adjustment, squaring of accounts, composition; jur v. nagodba; (svinutoga) straightening
poravnati vt (tlo) even, level; smooth down, flatten,
plane; (spor) make up; (dug) square, settle; (pomiriti)
conciliate, compose; (izjednaiti) equalize; (svinuto)
poravnati se vr come abreast; mil straighten ranks, (nadesno) dress ranks
poraz m defeat, rout, overthrow disconfiture, reverse,
dispersal; (teak) crushing defeat
porazan adj annihilating, overwhelming, crushing;
porazbijati vt break (batter) one after another (all over
the place)
porazbijati se vr break (one after another), be wrecked
porazboljeti se vr become (fall) ill (one after another)
porazdavati vt give away (as gift) successively (everything available)
porazdijeliti vt divide, distribute (everything successively)
porazgovoriti se vr have a talk (discussion) all round
poraziti vt defeat, rout, beat, put to fight; v. zaprepastiti
porazmjestiti vt station (place, arrange) (successively in
different places and positions); (imenovanja) appoint
(move) to different places (posts, positions); assign
porazmjestiti se vr v. razmjestiti se
porazmjeten pp having different places assigned to in
porazno adv crushingly
poraznost f crushing quality
poraen pp defeated, beaten, routed, put to flight
poraenost f being defeated; quality of defeat
porcija f cul helping, serving, order; mil mess kit
porculan m porcelain; (fini) china; (sue) china-ware
porculanski adj porcelain, made of porcelain
porati vi v. zarati

porebric|a f anat pleura | upala ~e pleurisy, pleuritis

porei vt retract, revoke, go back upon one's word, eat
one's words, withdraw statement; recant; (nijekati)
deny; (pobijati) dispute, contest, controvert; (protusloviti) gainsay, debate; (osporavati) refuse to recognize (acknowledge), deny | ne poriem I don't deny, I
admit, I acknowledge, I own
pored' adv besides; (takoer) as well, over and above, in
addition to, moreover, also, too; (usporeenje) compared with, in comparison with; in addition to, together with
pored'' prep (uz, kod) beside, alongside, adjoining
poredak m order, row; (niz) series, sequence, arrangement; pol system
poredan adj lined up, arranged (placed) in rows (order);
poredati vt arrange in rows (order), put in order, line up
(out), post along
poredati se vr line up, stand in order, queue up, file,
string; (u skupine) group, range, classify, set in order;
(u red) draw up in line
poredba f comparison; comparing
poredben adj comparative | ~a gramatika comparative
porediti vt v. usporediti
poreaj m order, arrangement, array
poreati vt v. poredati
poreenje n v. usporedba, usporeenje
poreivati vt v. usporeivati
poremeaj m v. poremeenje
poremeen pp disarranged, deranged, in disorder (confusion); disturbed, out of joint, dislocated; muddled;
(duevno) deranged
poremeenost f derangement, being deranged (disarranged), upset
poremeenje n disarrangement, disturbance, dislocation;
(duevno) derangement, aberration, alienation, disorder
poremetiti vt put (throw) into disorder, put out of order
(joint), displace, disorder, dislodge, derange; throw
out of gear; (mir) ruffle
poremetiti se vr get deranged (confused, muddled), fall
into disorder, be out of gear
porenje n v. paranje
poreski adj v. porezni
porevati vi bray a little
porez m tax, taxation; (namet) rate; (troarina) excise;
(oporezovanje) assessment; (danak) impost, contribution; (dohodarina) income tax, (na batinu) death
duty | ubiranje ~a levying of tax; ubirati ~ levy
taxes; nametnuti ~ impose taxes; ~ pogaa... the tax
is incident on... ; potpadanje pod ~ incidence (of
tax); ~ na zabave amusement tax; potpadajui pod
~ ratable, assessable, taxable, excisable, liable to tax;
oproten od ~a tax-free, exempt from tax; ~ na dodatnu vrijednost value added tax (VAT)
porezan pp cut; cut up

porezati vt cut (up, down, off); (kljatriti) lop; (vrh drveta) poll; (nokte) trim, pare; have done (finish) cutting
porezati se vr cut oneself, get cut; (brijanje) nick oneself
porezn|i adj tax | ~a knjiga tax-register; ~i ured taxoffice; ~i obveznik tax-payer; assessed person
poreznik m tax-collector (-gatherer, -receiver)
porfir m minr porphyry
porfiran adj made of porphyry
poribiti vt (rijeku, jezero) stock with fish
poribljavanje n stocking (with fish)
poribljen adj fish-stocked
poricanje n retraction, recantation, disavowal; denial;
poricati vt v. poreci
porijeklo n origin, descent; stock, extraction; house,
family, birth; ancestry | biti ~m iz be of... origin;
come from; descend from
poriluk m bot & cul leek
porinue n launching (of a vessel)
porinut adj shoved (pushed); (brod) launched
porinuti vt launch (a vessel); v. gurnuti
poriti vt v. parati
poriv m impulse, impetus, fillip
porjeje n tract (territory) watered (drained) by a river
system; river basin
porjekati se vr fall out; quarrel, have words with, be by
the ears, wrangle, altercate, squabble
pornograf m pornographer
pornografija f pornography; fig smut
pornografski adj pornographic; fig dirty | ~ film (asopis) sl skin flick (mag)
porobiti vt commit robbery (theft)
porobljavanje n enslavement
porobljen pp robbed (of), despoiled, plundered; enslaved
poroan adj guilty, culpable | ~ ovjek person having no
honourable record
poronost f guiltiness, culpability; state of having a record against himself
porod m birth, parturition, childbirth, childbed; delivery;
(djeca) children, progeny, off-spring | leati u ~u
travail, be in childbed (childbirth), be parturient, be
confined in childbed; prerani ~ premature birth;
(pometnue) miscarriage, abortion
porodica f v. obitelj; zoo & bot family
porodini adj v. obiteljski
porodilite n v. rodilite
porodilja f v. rodilja
porodiljsk|i adj | ~i dopust (odio) maternity leave (ward,
section); med ~a groznica puerperal fever
porodiljstvo n med obstetrics sg
poroditi vt bear, give birth to, be delivered of a child,
beget, bring forth; (prerano) miscarry; create, procreate
poroditi se vr v. roditi
poroaj m v. porod
poroajn|i adj | ~e muke birth pangs, throes (oba i fig)
poroenje n v. porod
porok m vice, foible; (ukorijenjen) besetting sin

porositi vt v. orositi
porot|a f jury; (velika) grand jury, (mala) petty jury |
predsjednik ~e foreman of the jury; odluka ~e finding of the jury; odreivanje ~e (porotnika) empanelling, panel
porotni adj of a jury
porotniki adj juror's, jurors'
porotnik m juror, juryman, member of a jury | popis ~a
porozan adj porous
poroznost f porosity
porta f doorman's booth; Orth churchyard
portabl adj portable
portablica f portable typewriter
portafon m house-phone
portal m portal, doorway, gateway
portfelj m v. mapa, lisnica; (ministra) a minister's office
portik m archit portico; roofed colonnade
portikla f Ger v. oprnjak
portir m doorman; janitor; (hotelski) desk clerk (noni
night clerk)
portirka f doorwoman; janitress; desk clerk
portirnica f doorman's (janitor's) booth
porto m | ~ marka postage-due stamp
Portorikanac m Puerto Rican
portorikanski adj Puerto Rican
Portoriko m geog Puerto Rico
portret m portrait
portretirati vt portray
portretirati se vr have one's portrait made
portretist m portraitist
Portugal m geog Portugal
Portugal|ac m a Portuguese | ~ci Portuguese people, the
Portugalka f a Portuguese woman
portugalski adj Portuguese | ~ jezik Portuguese
portun m It v. vea
portvi m Ger v. partvi
porub m border, hem, edge, edging; (sukna) selvage
porubiti vt border, hem, edge
porubljivanje n bordering, hemming, edging
poruati vt have done (finish) eating
poruen pp v. naruen
poru|iti vt let know by word of mouth, send word; v.
naruiti | ~iti po nekoga send for someone; (dati dozvati) have one fetched; ~eno mu je word has been
sent (to) him
poruniki adj lieutenant's
porunik m lieutenant
porudbenica f v. narudbenica
porudbina f v. narudba
poruga f mockery, scoffing, rail, flout, sneer, derision,
ridicule, scorn, persiflage
porugati se vr ridicule (nekome someone)
porugljiv adj v. podrugljiv
poruka f word of mouth, message
porumeniti vt redden, make red (rudd, rubicund, crimson)

porume|njeti vi redden, become red (ruddy), blush, have

one's cheeks suffused with blood, flush; (od stida)
grow ashamed | ~nio je blood mantled his face
porusiti vt Russify
porusiti se vr become Russified
poruen pp in ruins; (zgrada) pulled down; (razoren)
demolished; (do temelja) levelled to the ground,
razed; fig (od starosti) bent (stooping) with age, sinking, decrepit
poruiti vt ruin, pull down, demolish; (do temelja, sravniti sa zemljom) level, raze
poruiti se vr topple down, tumble down; fall to ruin;
(od starosti, bolesti) become decrepit (enfebled,
wasted); lose vigour, sink
poruniti vt make ugly
porunjeti vi become ugly, lose one's looks
porvati se vr wrestle (a little)
posad|a f (tvrave, grada) garrison; (broda, aviona i sl.)
crew | staviti u ~u garrison; s ~om garrisoned by; s
premalom ~om undermanned
posaditi' vt (biljku) plant, set; (krumpir) set; (pravei
rupe) dibble
posaditi'' vt (posjesti itd.) seat one; deposit, put (set,
place) down; assign one a place (seat)
posaditi se vr place oneself, take a seat (place, position,
stand); (na visokom) perch oneself
posaen pp planted, set; (posjednut) seated
posaivati vt v. posaditi
posakrit adj hidden in several places
posakriti vt hide (conceal) successively in several places;
(zalihe, oruje) cache (in several places)
posakriven adj v. posakrit
posan adj v. postan
pos|ao m work; (fiziki) manual labour; (izuen) skilled
work; (neizuen) unskilled labour; (prigodan) job;
(muan, dosadan) drudgery; (povran) dabbling,
bungling; (muan) toil, pains pl, toil and moil; (izradba) workmanship; (zaposlenje) employment, employ; (poslovi, trgovina) business; (novani) transaction, deal; (unosan) paying proposition; (neunosan)
losing proposition | baviti se ~lom engage in; (poslovima) pursue (follow, manage, carry on, transact)
business; latiti se ~la tackle, undertake, take up; follow a business; latiti se vrsto ~la tackle work, fall to
work, take in hand; ostati bez ~la be thrown out of
work; bez ~la out of work, unemployed; dati ~la employ, keep busy; stalo me mnogo ~la it was a hard
task; zadati mnogo ~la give much trouble; dobar
~ao a good stroke of business; ~ao je ~ao business is
business; neist ~ao foul dealing; sumnjati da nije
ist ~ao smell a rat; fig ubiti se od ~la overwork oneself; drudge, toil and moil; imam silnog ~la I am
pressed for work; kakav ~ao takva plaa (tko ne radi, neka i ne jede) no mill, no meal; ~ao ide slabo
(~lovi idu slabo) business is slack (depressed), there
is a lull in business; prekovremeni ~ao overtime
work; ~ao ide vrlo dobro (u zamahu je) business is
in full swing; imati mnogo ~la be taken up with

work, be occupied (taxed) with work; be pressed for

work; ne moi svladati ~ao be overwhelmed with
work, be unable to cope with work; on se paa u tue
~love he meddless with other people's affairs, he is a
meddler (busybody); e, to je drugi ~ao this is another
pair of shoes; ima i pametnijeg ~la have other fish
tn fry; brini se za svoj ~ao mind your own business;
neu da imam vie s njim ~la I'll have no further
dealings with him
Posavac m inhabitant of Posavina
Posavina f geog the Sava River basin (valley)
posavjetovati vt advise, counsel
posavjetovati se vr take counsel with, take advice, deliberate, advise with, consult with one; (sa samim
sobom) commune with oneself
posavski adj Posavina-, Sava-basin, Sava-valley
poseb|an adj special, extra, separate, distinct; particular;
additional; detached; standing by itself
posebice adv separately, extra; over and above; (pojedince) singly
posebno adv separately, particularly, in particular, extra,
specially; apart, aside; distinctly, independently;
(povrh) over and above
posebnost f particularity, singularity, special quality
posegnuti vi reach out (for), stretch one's hand after,
extend hand after; (pohlepno) pounce upon, snatch
(catch, grab) at; (u dep) put one's hand into the
pocket; (utei se sredstvu) have recourse (resort) to;
(za tuim) encroach upon, trespass upon
Posejdon m myth Poseidon
poseljaenje n rustification, countrification
poseljaiti vt rustify, countrify, turn into a peasant
poseljaiti se vr become rustified (countrified), turn into
a peasant
poseniliti vi grow senile (decrepit, doting with age)
posesivan adj v. posvojni
posestrima f blood sister; adopted sister, foster-sister
posestrimstvo n blood sisterhood; (cordial) relation between adopted sisters
posestriti vt adopt as (blood) sister
posezanje n reaching out, grabbing; encroaching upon
posezati vi v. posegnuti
posezona f afterseason, (late) offpeak season
posijan pp sown, broadcast, scattered freely
posijati vt sow, broadcast, scatter (seed) freely
posije f pl bran, pollard; husks of grain
posijecati vt cut down (successively)
posijedjeti vi grow white (grey/gray-haired)
posijelo n working-party, meeting (gathering for
amusernent); (radno) working-bee
posilni m mil arch batman B
posinak m foster-child, foster-son, adoptive (adopted)
posiniti vt adopt (as son)
posinjen pp adopted (as son)
posinjenje n adoption (of a child as son)
posip m baby powder
posipanje n sprinkling; (puderom) powdering

posipati vt strew (sprinkle) all over with powder (gravel,

sand, ashes, road-metal, broken stone, gravel); (branom, eerom) dredge over
posisan pp sucked dry
posisati vt suck dry, suck in (up); (upiti) imbibe, absorb,
drink in
posizanje n v. posezanje
posizati vi v. posegnuti
posjeen pp cut down; (drvo) felled; (ovjek) killed by
sabre (sword); (ubijen) slain; (uma) deforested,
posjeen adj visited, called upon
posjeenost f attendance rate
posjei vt (drvo) fell (a tree), cut down; (ovjeka) kill,
slay; (umu) deforest, clear
posjei se vr v. porezati se
posjeivan pp v. posjeen; visited, called upon, frequented; (predavanja, kola) attended; haunted
posjeivanje n calling (upon), visiting
posjeivati vt v. posjetiti; visit regularly (often), pay
(regular) visits, be a frequenter; haunt; keep resorting
to; (kolu) attend, frequent; (isti duan, loka1) patronize
posjeivati se vr be on visiting terms
posjed m possession, property; (nekretnine) real property; (imetak) fortune; (drave) dominions pl, dependencies pl | biti u ~u possess, hold, be owner
(holder); biti uveden u ~ be entered upon the possession of...; istjerati s ~a dispossess, evict, expropriate
posjedati vi sit down (take a seat) one after another (one
and all), be seated
posjediti vi remain sitting for a while
posjednica f woman possessor (owner)
posjedniki adj possessive; landowning
posjedni|k m possessor, owner, proprietor; (zemlje)
landowner; holder | ~ci (zemlje) landowners, landed
interests; hum landocracy
posjednitvo n ownership, possession, holding
posjednue n taking possession of, occupation
posjednut adj seated
posjednuti vt v. posjesti
posjedovanje n owning, holding, possessing
posjedovati vt own, possess, be owner (holder); have
(got); hold; (svojstvo) be inherent in; (pravo) inhere,
be vested in
posjedovnica f deed, legal document as evidence of
ownership, notarial act
posjekotina f cut; slash
posjesti vt seat, assign a seat; (na konja) mount one;
(zaposjesti) take possession of, occupy, seize
posjesti se vr (na konja) mount (a horse); take a seat
posjet m visit, call, attendance | doi u ~ come to see,
pay a visit, call (up)on, look round, come round; (nakratko) drop in; vratiti ~ return a visit; pravljenje
~a calling, paying (making) of visits; slubeni (neslubeni) ~ formal (informal) call
posjetilac m visitor, caller, guest; frequenter; attendant
posjetiti vt pay a visit, call (up)on, come to see; (nakratko) look one up, drop in, come round

posjetnica f B visiting-card, A calling card

poskakati vi jump (spring, leap, skip, hop) into (one
after another, one and all)
poskakivanje n hopping, skipping, gambolling, capering, frisking; cutting capers
poskakivati vt hop, frisk, gambol, caper, skip; cut capers
poskapati vi perish off, die off
poskidan pp taken down (off) one after another
poskidati vt take down (off, away) (one after another),
have done reaching down (taking off, unhinging, unhooking); take down something hung (hoisted, placed
poskidati se vr get down one after another; (svui se)
undress one after another
poskitati se vr tramp (roam, wander) a little
posklanjati vt put away one after another
posklanjati se vr put away (get out of the way, hide) one
after another
poskoica f v. poskonica
poskoiti vi make a hop (skip, bound, jump, caper);
bound up, jump; (trgnuti se) be startled, start
poskonica f song accompanying folk dance
poskok' m zoo horned viper
poskok'' m hop, skid, bound, caper, spring, jump, leap
poskupiti vt make dearer (more expensive), enhance
(raise) the price; appreciate, raise in value
poskupjeti vi become dearer (more expensive), rise in
price (value), mount (advance) in price (costs)
poskupljenje n rise (advance) in prices, enhancement of
poskupljivati vt v. poskupiti
poskupsti vt v. poupati
poskura f Orth host
posladiti vt sweeten, sugar; fig add zest (relish) to
poslagan pp stacked, piled orderly; filed
poslagati vt arrange in order, stack orderly; (na tle) lay
down in layers, pile up (in a stack), file (letters,
poslagati se vr arrange oneself (stack up) one after another
poslan pp sent; despatched, forwarded, expedited, remitted; (brodom) shipped
poslanica f epistle, missive; eccl pastoral letter, bull
poslaniki adj (veleposlaniki) of an ambassador (delegate, minister, legate); ambassadorial; par v. zastupniki
poslanik m (veleposlanik) ambassador, envoy, plenipotentiary minister; emissary, deputy, legate, nuncio;
par v. zastupnik
poslanitvo n (veleposlanitvo) embassy, legation
poslanstvo n embassy, legation; (odaslati) deputation;
(poruka) mission
poslastica f sweet, sweetmeat, confection; a choice morsel, delicate bit; (nakon jela) dessert; dainty, delicacy,
goody, bonbon, tit-bit
poslastiar m v. slastiar
poslastiarnica f v. slastiarnica
poslati vi send (off, away), expedite, dispatch, transmit;
(robu, kontingent) ship; (novac) remit, forward | ~ po

send for; ~ prvom potom send by return of post; ~

natrag return; reship
poslaveniti vt Slavicize
poslaveniti se vr become Slavicized
poslen adj v. marljiv, zaposlen
poslenik m worker, working-man
poslije prep afterwards, hereafter, subsequently, later on,
then; (iza) after, behind | ~ toga upon that; (na to)
thereupon; (red) next in order, following after, coming next; (godine) in after years, in after life; ~ podne
in the afternoon
poslijepodne n afternoon
poslijeratni adj postwar
poslodavac m employer
posloprimac m employee
poslovan adj business, business-like, relating (appertaining) to business | on je ~ ovjek he is in business, he
is a business man
poslovanje n doing business, running a business (shop,
undertaking); transacting business, dealing in business transaction(s) | ~ je ivo trade is brisk
poslovati vi make (do, transact) business, run a business
(undertaking, enterprise); manage a business, deal in
goods, handle (drive) a trade, attend to business,
carry on (ply) a trade, be in business; have dealings
posloveniti vt Slovenize; v. poslaveniti
posloveniti se vr become Slovenized; v. poslaveniti se
poslovica f proverb, saying, saw, adage, proverbial saying, household word
poslovian adj proverbial
poslovino adv proverbially
poslovnica f office, bureau; counting-house
poslovnik m (parlamenta itd.) standing orders, regulations for the conduct of meeting(s) (proceedings, produce)
poslovno adv in a business-like manner | ~ putovati
travel on business
poslovnost f business efficiency; business-like operation
poslovoa f manager, agent; head (chief) clerk | ena ~
posluga f service, attendance, waiting; (osoblje) (domestic) staff, attendants
posluh m obedience, readiness to obey; (ropski) subservience | molim ~! your attention please!
posluhnuti vt v. posluati
posluan adj obedient, docile, tractable, pliable, compliant; disciplined; (ropski) obsequious
posluati vt obey, be willing to follow (obey); (zapovijed)
execute orders (commands); (osluhnuti) listen to; (sasluati) lend an ear to; give a hearing to, give an audience; (savjet) follow (hear) advice, be advised;
(svoje sklonosti) follow one's bent, indulge in one's
desires; (duh vremena) swim with the stream; (slijediti) follow suit | ne ~ disobey, be refractory (perverse), be unwilling to obey (to listen to, to follow
posluno adv obediently, submissively

poslunost f obedience, docility, dutifulness, manageableness; tractability

posluavnik m v. pladanj
posluen pp attended to, waited upon, valeted, served
posluitelj m servant, attendant, valet, domestic; (konobar) waiter; v. podvornik
posluiti vi (u neku svrhu) serve; v. posluivati
poslui|ti se vr (kod stola) help oneself (neim to); (prilikom) take the advantage, profit by an opportunity,
avail oneself of; (neim) make use of, have recourse
to, resort to | ~te se (kod stola) help yourself (to...)
posluivanje n serving, helping, waiting upon; service,
posluivati vt serve, attend, wait upon; (pruati) give
(pass, hand, round); (jelom) help, serve out; (poastiti) regale with
posluivati se vr v. posluiti se
poslunica f woman (lady) attendant
poslunik m attendant
posljedic|a f consequence, result, effect, upshot, outcome, sequel, issue, end(ing) | snositi ~e take (carry)
the consequences
posljedi|an adj | gram ~na reenica consecutive sentence
posljednj|i adj the last; (konani) final, end; (zadnji)
hindmost; (krajnji) extreme, uttermost, utmost, highest | u ~e vrijeme laterly, of late, recently, in recent
times; fig ~a pjesma dying strains; ~i put (for) the
last time
posmatrati vt v. promatrati, motriti
posmicati vt kill off
posmijeh m smile; (podrugljiv) sneer, derisive (scoffing,
sardonic, ironic) smile; (glup) simper; (preziran) disdainful smile
posmjehivati se vr v. podsmjehivati se, osmjehivati se
posmre n posthumous child
posmrtni adj posthumous | ~ ostaci (mortal) remains,
posmrtnina f insurance money paid in case of death
posni adj v. postan
posnimati vt photograph (film) one after another; v. poskidati
posno adv | jesti ~ eat lenten fare; fig eat frugalily
posnost f fig frugality, frugal quality
posoblje n text soft furnishings
posoliti vt salt, season with salt, sprinkle with salt
posoljen pp salted, sprinkle with salt
pospan adj somnolent, sleepy, slumberous, drowsy;
(omamljen) comatose; fig (jednolian) humdrum
pospanac m sleepyhead, drowsy fellow
pospano adv sleepily, somnolently, drowsily
pospanost f sleepiness, drowsiness, somnolence
pospavati vi sleep a little
pospijean adj v. pospjeen
pospjeen pp accelerated, quickened, precipitated; (hod)
forced (march); (korak) double-quick mil
pospjeenje n hastening, acceleration, speeding up, dispatch, quickening, pressing forward

pospjeiti vt hasten, accelerate, quicken, make haste,

urge (on), speed up, hurry; (dozrijevanje) force
posprdan adj mocking, mock, scoffing, derisive, jeering,
ironical, cynical, disdainful
posprdno adj ironically, scoffingly, derisively, mockingly
posprdnost f derisiveness, derision, mocking manner
pospremati vt put in order, make order, put away, tidy
up, do (a room), clear away, set (place) in order
pospremiti vt v. pospremati
pospremljen pp put (set) in order, arranged; cleared
away; tidied up, put away; (soba) done
posramiti vt make one blush, put to blush; confuse;
shame one, make ashamed
posramiti se vr become ashamed; (pocrvenjeti) blush
posramljen adj ashamed, shamefaced, bashful; blushung
posramljenje n shaming, putting to shame
posramljeno adv shamefacedly; blushingly
posramljenost f being ashamed, feeling of shame
posranac m derog jerk A sl; (djetetu) shit-pants
posrati vt vulg shit, crap
posrati se vr vulg take a shit (crap); (u gae) shit (crap)
into one's pants
posrbiti vt Serbianize
posrbiti se vr become Serbianized
posrebren pp silvered, silver-plated (-coated)
posrebrenje n silver-plating, plating with silver
posrebriti vt silver-plate, coat with silver, paint with
posred prep in the middle of, in the midst of, in the centre (A center), in between, amidst, among, between
posredan adj intermediary, intermediate, indirect; inter; mediate, instrumental
posrednica f woman mediator (go-between)
posrednik m mediator, agent, go-between, middleman;
(miritelj) conciliator, pleader; (punomonik) attorney;
negotiator; (meetar) broker; (nepozvan) busybody,
posrednitvo n attorneyship; instrumentality; agency; v.
posredno adv intermediately, indirectly, by procuration,
by deputy
posredovanje n mediation, intercession, intervention,
interference; v. posrednitvo | ~m by intercession
(interference), through mediation (influence) of,
through (by) the agency of; through the good offices
of; (pomou) by means of
posredovati vi mediate, intervene, ntercede, interfere,
interpose; serve as agent (attorney); be the medium;
(braniti) plead for; (utjecaj) use one's influence
(weight); (paati se) meddle
posredstvo n v. posredovanje | ~m v. posredovanjem,
pomou, po, preko
posrijedi adv | to je? what's the matter; ~ je v. radi se o
posrkan pp sipped up; lapped up
posrkati vt lap up, sip up; suck in
posrnuti vi stumble, make a false step, stagger over;
(djevojka) lose chastity

posrtati vi stumble, stagger, keep stumbling (tottering,

post m fast, fasting; (korizma) lent
postaj|a f rlw station, A+ depot; (konana, glavna) terminus; (raskre, vor) junction; (autobusna, tramvajska) stop | glavar ~e station-master
postajanje n originating, coming into being, arising,
becoming, growing; cropping up; v. postanak
postajati' vi get to be (v. postati)
postajati'' vi stop a while, linger; (oklijevati) be reluctant; dally, loiter
postajkivanje n lingering, stopping at intervals, loitering
postajkivati vi v. postajati'
postajni adj of a station, station
postament m v. podnoje, postolje
pos|tan adj fast | ~no jelo meatless (lenten) food (fare);
~ni dan fast-day
postanak m origin, genesis, formation, birth; (zaetak)
embryo; (poetak) commencement, beginnings pl;
Bibl Genesis; arising; fig (vrelo) source; v. postajanje
postanje n v. postanak
postar adj v. postariji
postarati vt make old(er)
postarati se' vr (izgledom) age (visibly)
postarati se'' (pobrinuti se) take care of, care for, see a
thing done, look after, attend to; (uznastojati) make
efforts, endeavour; take into one's hands
postariji adj somewhat (rather) old, oldish, advanced in
years, aged
posta|ti vi originate, become, grow (up, out of), spring
up, result in (from), be the issue (outcome), rise,
arise, spring up, come into existence, take rise from,
be derived from, come to be, ensue, take one's origin;
(star, srdit, ubog, bogat itd.) get old, angry, poor,
rich | to e ~ti od toga? what will come out of it?;
~lo mi je jasno it dawned upon me; ~o mi je obiaj
habit grew on me; ~ti obiajan become common
postav m mil v. poloaj
postava f v. podstava; theat staging, production; (glumaka) cast; ling string
postaviti vt put, place, deposit, set, stand; (spomenik)
raise (erect) monument; (dati mjesto) assign a place,
station; (imenovati) appoint; nominate; institute, constitute; (vojnika na strau) post; (u red) range, draw
up; (vladu) establish, install; (temelj broda, eljeznice, zakon, pravilo itd.) lay down; (zamku, stupicu,
busiju) lay (snare, trap, ambush); (ator) pitch a tent;
(mreu) set (spread) a net
postaviti se vr place oneself, take one's stand (post, position); take up a position (attitude); (u palir) form a
lane, line up; (na obranu) make stand against, stand
at bay, show fight
postavka f precept; tenet; proposition; postulation; thesis; statement
postavljanje n putting, placing, posting, settig, depositing, nominating, installing; erection, setting up
postavljati (se) vt (vr) v. postaviti (se)

postavljen pp set, placed, stood, posted, deposited; norninated; installed; (gradnja) erected, put up | com roba
~a (franko do vlaka) free rail; (u vagon) free waggon
(truck); (uz brod) free alongside ship; (na brod) free
on board (fob)
postavljenje n appointment
postavno adj com v. franko
postdatirati vt postdate, backdate
postdiplomski adj univ B postgraduate, A graduate | ~
studij (student, kolegij) (post)graduate student
(study, course)
postelja f v. krevet
posteljica f dim v. kreveti; anat placenta, (poslije poroda) after-birth
posteljina f bed-clothes, bedding, bedlinen
postepen adj v. postupan
postepeno adv v. postupno
poste restante adv B poste restante, A general delivery;
(letters) to be called for
post factum, post festum adv Lat post factum, after the
posthumni adj v. posmrtan
postii vt attain, secure one's object; achieve; gain, get,
acquire, obtain, win; compass one's end; reach one's
aim; effect, contrive, manage; (stei) come by, gain;
(uspjeti) succeed, have one's work (endeavours)
crowned with success; (roba cijenu) fetch a price | ne
~ fail in one's endeavours, fail of (in) one's purpose,
be unsuccessful, not succeed; (nade, oekivanja) see
one's hopes dashed; (biti osujeen) be frustrated
(thwarted) by
postidan adj shaming, shameful, disgraceful
postiditi vt v. posramiti
postidjeti se vr v. posramiti se
postien adj ashamed, abashed; (crvena lica) blushing
postignue n attainment, realization (of one's aims);
achievement, acquirement, accomplishment
postignut pp attained, realized | ~a cijena fetched price
postignuti vt v. postii
postiljon m postil(l)ion
postiti vi fast, refrain from eating (meat); (gladovati)
hunger, suffer famine, be famishing, starve
postiza(va)nje n attaining, attainment, securing, accomplishing, accomplishment, achieving, achievement,
realizing, realization
postiza(va)ti vt v. postii
postiiv adj attainable, within one's reach, get-at-able;
postiivost f attainability
posto adv percent, per cent
postojan adj steady, constant, stable; (nepokolebljiv)
steadfast, unwavering, not vaccillating; (koji ne preza
pred) unflinching; (vrijeme) settled, invariable; (neprekidan, trajan) continuous, continual, lasting, permanent; (ustrajan) unremitting, assiduous, persevering, enduring; (vrst) firm; (nepopustljiv) stout, stubborn, adamant
postojano adv steadily, persistently; steadfastly, unflinchingly; assiduously, unremittingly

postojanost f steadiness, steadfastness, stableness, stability; perseverance, assiduity; persistence; continuance;

postojanje n being, existence; (ivot) life, living; (trajanje) continuance
postojati vt exist, be, live, subsist; (trajati) last, endure,
continue, keep, stay; (ostati) remain; be maintained |
postoji there is, there exists
postojbina f (domovina) native country, home, native
soil (place, village, town itd.), homeland, fatherland;
(rodno mjesto) birthplace; (biljka) habitat
postojei adj existing, this is; ruling; prevalent, prevailing; (sadanji) the present
postola f reg v. cipela
postolar m shoe-maker, bootmaker; (samo popravlja
cipele) cobbler
postolarija f v. postolarstvo, postolarska radionica
postolarsk|i adj shoemaking, bootmaking; of (used by) a
shoemaker | ~a radionica shoe-repair (shoemaker's,
cobbler's) shop
postolarstvo n shoemaking, shoemaker's trade
postolje n pedestal; base
postostruiti (se) vt (vr) increase a hundredfold
postotak m percent; percentage; (kamatnjak) interest
-postotni adj | deset~ ten percent
postradao adj | ~ ovjek sufferer, injured person
postradati vi suffer injury (damage, loss); be a sufferer
(loser) by; get (be) ruined; (ivotom) perish, lose one's
life, be killed; (biti ranjen) injured (wounded); (utopiti se) be drowned; (od poara) be burned out; (nezgoda) meet with an accident; (brod) be wrecked, be
lost at sea, suffer shipwreck, founder
postran adj v. poboan, sporedan
postrance adv sideways, apart, aside, at a distance from;
(ne na putu) out of the way, aloof | selo koje lei ~ an
out-of-the-way village, an old world hamlet
postrii vt v. ostrii, podstrii
postrijeljan pp shot off (killed off) one after another
postrijelja|ti vt shoot down (off), bring down by shooting, kill off by shooting | hunt ~o je 10 zeeva he accounts for ten hares
postrien pp v. ostrien, podstrien
postrojavanje n mil lining up, falling in, forming into
postrojavati (se) vt (vr) v. postrojiti (se)
postrojba f mil formation, unit
postrojen pp formed (as a military body)
postrojenje n formation (of a military body); v. pogon,
postrojiti (se) vt (vr) mil line up, fall in, form into ranks
postroiti vt make stricter, tighten up
postroiti se vr become stricter, tighten
postrugati vt scrape off, clean (empty) by scraping
postskriptum m postscript
postulat m postulate
postulirati vt postulate
postupak m procedure, proceeding, mode of proceeding;
process; manner, fashion; handling; treatment; be-

haviour, conduct; action; course | jur kazneni ~ legal

proceedings pl; povesti sudski ~ institute legal proceedings
postupan adj gradual, progressive; successive
postupanje n v. postupak
postupati vi treat, deal with (by); behave towards, conduct oneself; (baratati) handle, use, manage, manipulate, operate, act, take a course; (poduzeti korake)
take measures (steps) | dobro ~ sa treat (use) well; loe ~ sa treat (use) badly, mistreat
postupiti vi v. postupati
postupno adj gradually, by degrees
postupnost f gradualness, graduality
posuda f vessel, container, holder, receptacle; (glinena)
hollow ware; (za pranje sua) dishpan | nona ~
posudba f loan
posudben adj | ~a knjinica lending library
posuditi vt (drugom) lend; A+ loan, give a loan; lend
(put) out; (drugome na kamate) lend at interest; (od
drugoga) borrow; (knjigu iz knjinice) take out (A+
check out) a book
posue n collect vessels pl, dishes pl, tableware, crockery, pottery; earthenware; (srebrno, zlatno) plate;
posuen adj (drugome) lent; (od drugoga) borrowed
posuenica f ling loan-word
posuiva m (drugome) lender; (od drugoga) borrower
posuivanje n (drugome) lending; (od drugoga) borrowing, A+ loaning
posuivati vt v. posuditi
posukljati vi come pouring out
posumnjati vi suspect one, mistrust, doubt, question
posustalost f weariness
posustao adj weary
posustati vi tire, grow weary; fig give up
posuen pp dried, dried-up; (skvren) shrivelled; (na
dimu) smoked; (na zraku, npr. meso) dry-cured
posuiti vt dry; (dimom) smoke; (meso na zraku) drycure
posuiti se vr dry up; (biljka) shrivel, wither; (vrelo) dry
up; (osuiti se) get dry; (smrati) lose flesh, grow thin
posut pp strewn; sprinkled
posuti vt strew; sprinkle, scatter all over; stud; v. politi
posuvratiti (se) vt (vr) roll up, roll back; fold back
posvaditi vt set at variance; sow (stir up) dissension, set
by the ears
posvaditi se vr quarrel, wrangle, fall out with, disagree,
bicker, be at loggerheads with, pick a quarrel with
posvaati (se) vt (vr) v. posvaditi (se)
posvaen adj on bad terms, at odds; (jako) at daggers
drawn, at variance, by the ears
posvajanje n v. posvojenje
posvajati vt v. posvojiti
posve adv v. sasvim
posveen pp consecrated; (nekome) dedicated to; (odan)
devoted to; (zareen) ordained; votive; v. upuen
posveenje n consecration, sanctification; initiation;
inauguration; (zareenje) ordination

posveivanje n v. posveenje
posveivati vt v. posvetiti
posvema adv v. potpuno
posvemanji adj v. potpun
posvet|a f v. posveenje; (pismena) inscription | primjerak s ~om inscribed copy
posvetiti vt consecrate, saint, canonize, sanctify, hallow;
devote, dedicate, inaugurate, destine to be; (blagosloviti) bless; (knjigu, skladbu) dedicate; v. uputiti
posvetiti se vr devote oneself to, give oneself up to; (zvanje) take up a trade (pvofession)
posvetni adj dedicatory
posvijetliti vi light one the way (home, downstairs itd.)
posvirati vt play (make music) a little
posvjedoenje n testimony, attestation, evidence, confirmation, corroboration, witnessing
posvjedoiti vt affirm, attest
posvjetovljen adj secularized
posvoje n adoptive child
posvojen pp (dijete) adoptive
posvojenje n adoption
posvojitelj n adoptive parent, adopter
posvojiti vt (dijete) adopt; v. prisvojiti
posvravati vt complete (one after another)
posvuda adv everywhere, all about, all over; (sa svih
strana) on all sides
posvudanji adj omnipresent, ubiquitous
posvudanjost f omnipresence, ubiquity
poalica f pleasantry, jest, joke, fun
poalina f v. tifus
poaliti se vr v. naaliti se
poast f plague, pestilence, epidemic; (stoke) murrain
poastan adj epidemic, pestilential
poeeren pp sugared, sprinkled with sugar, coated with
poeeriti vt sprinkle with sugar, sugar, coat with sugar
poemeriti vt reg v. poremetiti, pobrkati
poetati vi have a spell of walking (strolling)
poilja m sender, addresser, forwarder, consigner, shipper; (otpremnik) forwarding-agent; (novaca) remitter,
poiljanje n sending, forwarding, shipping, despatching,
transmission, consigning, remitting
poiljati vt keep sending (forwarding, shipping, transmitting, despatching, consigning, remitting)
poiljka f consignment, shipment; (zamotak) parcel;
(novac) remittance; forwarded goods
poirok adj rather broad (wide)
poiti vt finish (have done) sewing
poiziti vt sl v. uzrujati se, poludjeti
pokakljati vt tickle
pokrobiti vt starch
pokropiti vt sprinkle, water; shower
pokropljen pp sprinkled
polihtati (se) vt (vr) Ger v. poredati (se), poslagati (se)
poljuniti vt (cover with) gravel
pot|a' f (poiljke) B post, A mail; (ured) post-office |
odnijeti na ~u (poslati ~om) B post, A mail ; send by
post (mail); glavna ~a General (A Main) Post Office;

prvom ~om by return of post; paketna ~a parcel

post; upravitelj ~e postmaster
pota'' f | odati ~u v. poast
potansk|i adj post, postal, post-office, mail | ~i brod
mail-steamer, packet-boat; ~i ured post-office; ~a
pristojba postage, mailing-fee; (dodatna) additional
fee; (porto) postage-due; ~i glasnik runner; ~a marka postage stamp; ~a doznanica money-order; ~i
ek postal order; ~a kola mail-coach, diligence
potapalica f prop-word
potapati se vr use a walking-stick; fig lean on, use as a
potar m B postman; A mailman, mail carrier
potarica f postmistress
potarin|a f postage, rate of postage, postal tariff (due),
franking | podvrgnuto ~i subject to postage; ~a plaena pre-paid, post-paid, franked; osloboeno od ~e
free of postage; pre paid; nedovoljna ~a postage due;
dodatna ~a additional postage
potarsk|i adj of a postman | ~a torba letter-bag, mailbag
poted|a f grace; exemption | mil dobiti ~u get on the
sick list
potedjeti vt spare; (iznimka) exempt from; (ne kazniti,
ne ubiti) abstain from (punishing itd.); (bolest itd.)
not be affected by | potedi me tvojih... don't trouble
me with your...
poteen pp spared, not affected; (neozlijeen itd.) unimpaired
poten adj honest, fair; (pravedan) just, upright; loyal,
honourable; straightforward; sincere, plaindealing;
above board, square
poteno adv honestly, fair, honourably, fair and square,
above board, creditably; squarely, loyally; (jako)
badly, mightily, with a vengeance
potenjak m an honest fellow, a man of honour
potenj|e n honour, probity, integrity, fairness, honesty,
plain (upright) dealing | tako mi ~a! upon my honour!, honour bright!; mrlja na ~u stain (blot, blemish) on one's character (reputation); uvreda ~a affair
of honour; kaljati neije ~e stain one's name
potiva m v. tovatelj
potivanje n v. potovanje
potivati vt v. potovati
poto' conj (vremenski) after, when; (uzrono) since, as
poto'' adv | ~? how much is...?, what is the price of...?,
what does it cost?; ~ poto by all means
potokaviti vt ling tokavianize
potokaviti se vr ling become tokavianized
potopati vt Ger v. pokrpati (arape)
potovalac m v. tovatelj
potovan pp respected, honoured, esteemed; valued; in
high credit; looked up to; respectable, honourable;
venerable | ~i gospodine! (u listu) B Dear Sir, A
Dear Sir:
potovanj|e n respect, homage, consideration, regard,
deference; esteem, estimation; reverence; veneration |
vrijedan ~a estimable, respectable, honourable, worthy of respect (esteem); gubiti neije ~e sink in the

estimation of; pun ~a deferential, awed; iz ~a prema

in deference to
potovatelj m v. tovatelj
potovati vt esteem, estimate, respect, honour, revere,
hold in esteem (estimation, deference); venerate; regard with esteem; set a high value on; (cijeniti) rate,
value (highly) | ne ~ (ne obazirati se) disregard,
make light of; (omalovaavati) slight, be disrespectful of, treat with disrespect; speak (behave) irreverently
potrapati vt v. poprskati
poumiti vt afforest; (ponovno) reafforest (A reforest),
poumiti se vr re(af)forest itself
poumljen adj wooded | gusto ~ heavily wooded
poumljivanje n afforestation; re(af)forestation, retimbering
pourica f anecdote
poutjeti vi be silent for a while
potai vt v. potaknuti
potaj|a f secrecy; concealment, hiding; (busija) ambush,
ambuscade | iz ~e secretly, insidiously, clandestinely;
umorstvo iz ~e assassination; ubiti iz ~e assassinate;
ubojica iz ~e assassin
potajan adj secret, underhand, latent, insidious, hidden;
(skrovit) clandestine, close, concealed; privy
potajno adv secretly, in secret, clandestinely, insidiously,
underhand; behind one's back
potaknut pp actuated, induced, urged, prompted, stimulated
potaknuti vt (obodriti) actuate, animate, induce, stimulate, inspire, rouse, move, urge (spur) on, give a fillip
to; bring, make (cause, get one) to do; (sklonuti) prevail upon; (predloiti) moot a question, propose, suggest, prompt, initiate; (draiti) set (goad) on, instigate, stir; (pouriti) impel, quicken; (klicanjem, bodrenjem) cheer on; (raspaliti) (en)kindle, inflame; (vatru) stir (poke, trim) fire
potalijaniti vt Ita1ianize
potalijaniti se vr become Italianized
potalijanivanje n Italianization
potamaniti vt destroy, annihilate, kill off, eradicate
potamanjen pp killed off, annihilated, destroyed, rooted
potamnio adj darkened, dimmed, lack-lustre, eclipsed,
blurred; fig thrown into the shade
potamniti vt obscure, darken, eclipse, dim; fig put into
shade, outshine, outdistance, cast into the shade
potamnjeti vi grow dark (obscure, dim, blurred,
eclipsed); get outshone (fig outdistanced); lose
brightness (lustre), darken; (nebo) become overcast
potanki adj circumstantial, minute, detailed; full
potanko adv in detail, minutely, exhaustively, fully, with
all particulars; item by item | ~ pregledati examine
closely; ~ ispriati go nto details; ~ prikazati expatiate upon
potankost f particu1ar, detail, minutia

potanje adv more detailed (circumstantial, elaborate,

exhaustive, minute)
potanji adj more circumstantial (minute, exhaustive,
elaborate, detailed)
potapati vt continue drowning (sinking, wrecking) one
by one; put underwater, flood, inundate, submerge
potapati se vr continue to sink; sink one by one
potapkati vt (tap, stomp) a little
potapati vt tap (touch) lightly, pat on the cheek (back)
potaracati vt terrazzo (over); (poploati) pave, flag
potaa f chem potash
pota m cul Fr potage
potcijeniti vt underestimate; v. omalovaiti
potcijeniti se vr underestimate oneself
potcikivanje n loud rejoicing (exultation, cheering),
shouts for joy
potcikivati vi rejoice (shout, sheer, exult) loudly
potcrtan pp underlined, undenscored, scored; fig emphasized
potcrtati vt underline, score; fig v. istaknuti
potasnik m v. podoficir
potiniti vt v. podvrgnuti, podloiti, podrediti
potinjen pp v. podreen
potei vi (od, podrijetlo, uzrok) originate in, have one's
origin, arise from, spring (result) from, be the consequence of, issue from, be derived from, be due to;
(voda, tok) begin to flow (stream, run, gush forth,
well forth, out up)
poteg m v. potezanje
potegliti vt tow for a while
potegnut pp pulled (dragged, trained, lugged, towed) up
(towards, to)
potegnuti vt pull (drag, lug, tow, trail, train, draggle,
haul) up (to, toward), make a pull; (potez) make a
Potemkinov adj | fig ~a sela Potemkin's villages; cardboard facade
potencij|a f power (match); (spolna) virility | math dii
na ~u raise to a power; dii na drugu ~u square,
raise to the second power; math dizanje na ~u involution
potencijal m potential
potencijalan adj potential
potencijalno adv potentially
potenciometar m el potentiometer
potenciran pp raised to a power, involuted; intensified,
potenciranje n raising to a power; involution, intensification, stressing
potencirati vt math raise to a power
potencirati se vr intensify, become intensified
potentan adj (spolno) virile
potentat m potentate, ruler
potentnost f virility
potepanje n v. skitanje
potepati se vr v. skitati se
potepuh m v. skitnica
poteko adv with some difficulty

potekoa f v. tekoa
potez m line; (preko neega) score; (tanki, kukasti,
slova) pot-hook; stroke; (zafrka) flourish ; (zavojit)
curve; (debeo) fat (down) stroke; (ravni) straight line;
(ah i fig) move | u par ~a (obris) outlined
poteza m dragger, puller, hauler, tower
potezanje n dragging, pulling, pull, training, trailing,
hauling, towing, tow
potezati vt pull, draw
poteak adj rather heavy (difficult)
pothodnik m B subway, A pedestrian underpass
pothraniti vt fatten
pothraniti se vr batten, (udebljati se) grow fat
pothranjen pp fattened, battened; v. neishranjen
pothranjivati vt v. pothraniti; fig fuel, feed
pothranjivati se vr fig be fiuelled by, feed on
pothumlje n foot of a hilly country (region, tract)
pothvat m undertaking, enterprise
potica m suggester, prompter, tempter; instigator; (na
bunu) firebrand
poticaj m impulse, impetus, initiative, incentive, encouragement, stimulus, fillip, motive, mainspring; (bodrenje) cheering up, spur | bez ~a spontaneously, of
one's own free will (accord)
potican pp v. potaknut
poticanje n animating, animation, stimulating, stimulation itd. (v. potaknuti)
poticati vt keep animating (stimulating, rousing, initiating itd. v. potaknuti); v. potei
potiho adv silently; (hodati) with deadened steps (sound)
potijesan adj rather narrow (tight)
potiljak m v. zatiljak
potirati vt v. potrti
potisak m phys & aero thrust
Potisje n geog the Tisa valley (basin)
potiskiva m eng thruster; fig repressor
potiskivanje n (constant) pushing (pressing itd.) back,
repressing, repression; (istiskivanje) displacing, ousting
potiskivati vt v. potisnuti
potisnue n pushing (driving, shoving, pressing) back
potisnut pp pressed (pushed, shoved, driven)
back(wards); (na stranu) pushed aside
potisnuti vt press (push, shove, drive) back; (odbiti) repulse; repress, keep back
potie adv comp v. tie
potiten adj depressed, dispirited, despondent, discouraged, dejected, disheartened; forlorn, lugubrious
potiteno adv dejectedly, despondently, disconsolately,
potitenost f dejection, depression, lowness of spirits,
melancholy, the dismals pl
potititi vt discourage, depress, dishearten, deject, prey
upon one's-mind, damp
potititi se vr become depressed
potje|cati vi have one's origin, originate, be descended
from, be derived from; bot be a native of; (uzrok) be
the outcome, issue from, result from, be the conse-

quence of, come of; v. potei | ~ui originating

from, descending from, issuing from, resulting from
potjer|a f chase, pursuit, persecution; (kuka i motika)
hue and cry; search party, W posse | dati se u ~u go
in pursuit, pursue, start a chase, raise hue and cry after
potjeran pp chased (driven) away; (iz slube, nogiran)
sent packing, dismissed, given the sack, A fired
potjerati vt chase away (off), drive away (off); (goniti)
pursue, raise hue and cry after; (iz slube itd.) dismiss, give the sack, send packing, A fire; (na rad,
urbu) urge, edge on, hurry, hasten, press; (staviti u
pokret) put in motion, push, set a going, propel;
(stroj) work, run; (rastjerati) dispel; (raspriti) disperse
potjernica f v. tjeralica
potjeiti (se) vt (vr) console (oneself) a little
potka f text weft, woof; fig warp, woof
potkaiti vt v. udariti (uglavno nogom), zahvatiti (uglavno odozdo)
potkaditi vt fumigate, smoke
potkapanje n v. potkopavanje
potkapati vt v. potkopavati; drip under
potkazati vt denounce, inform (on)
potkaziva m informer
potkiva m shoeing smith, farrier
potkivaki-adj of (for) a shoeing smith
potkivanje n shoeing; (otrim avlima za led) calking
potkivati vt v. potkovati
potkoljenica f anat lower leg; v. dokoljenka
potkomisija f subcommission
potkomitet m subcommittee
potkonzul m vice-consul
potkonzulski adj vice-consular
potkopan pp undermined, sapped
potkopati vt undermine, sap, wear (fret) away from below, hollow out (below); fig try to oust
potkopavanje n undermining, sapping
potkopavati vt v. potkopati
potkornjak m ent bark beetle
potkoulja f B singlet, vest; A undershirt
potkov|a f horse-shoe |izgubiti ~u cast a shoe
potkovan pp iron shod; (konj) shod; furnished with nails
(hobnails, calks); (avlima) hobnailed; (za led)
potkovati vt shoe a horse, furnish (shoe) with nails
(hobnails); (za led) calk a horse
potkovati se vr fig get ready, study, do one's homework
potkovica f v. potkova
potkoviast adj horshoe-, horseshoe-shaped
potkoen adj grown fat
potkoiti se vr grow fat, put on flesh; fig feather one's
nest, become well-to-do
potkoni adj subcutaneous
potkono adv med subcutaneously
potkonjak m (ir) furuncle
potkraen pp cut short, cropped, lopped, bobbed | ~ rep
konja bob; ~a kosa bob, bobbed hair

potkraivanje n cutting short, cropping, bobbing; pruning, lopping

potkraivati vt v. potkratiti
potkradanje n pilferage
potkradati vt pilfer, steal gradually from
potkraj prep at the end, towards (A toward) the end, late
potkralj m viceroy
potkraljevsk|i adj viceregal, viceroyal | ~a ast viceroyalty, viceroyship
potkraljica f viceroy's wife, vicereine
potkrasti se vr (smuknuti) slip into, slink in; enter unperceived (unobserved, furtively), steal in secretly (silently) ; (pogreka) creep into
potkratiti vt cut short; (kosu, dlaku) crop, bob; (granje,
vrke) prune, lop
potkrepa f corroboration, confirmation; emphasis; (dokaz) proof
potkrepljen pp corroborated, substantiated
potkrepljivanje n v. potkrepa
potkrepljivati vt v. potkrijepiti
potkresati vt cut off (branches) from below
potkrijepiti vt corroborate, substantiate, authenticate;
give emphasis; prove by (further) documents
potkrijepiti se vr refresh oneself; have something to eat
potkrovlje n loft
potkrovni adj situated in the loft | ~ stan garret, attic
potkrovnica f garret, attic
potkupiti vt bribe; corrupt; (na krivu zakletvu) suborn; sl
grease the palm
potkupljen pp bribed; corrupted; suborned
potkupljiv adj venal, bribable, corruptible, mercenary
potkupljiva m briber, suborner
potkupljivanje n bribery, corruption, subornation
potkupljivati vt v. potkupiti
potkupljivost f venality, bribability, corruptibility
potkuriti vt reg v. potpaliti, naloiti
potkusuriti vt Tur v. podmiriti, izravnati (raun)
potlaen pp oppressed, trod upon | ~i the oppressed
potlaenost f downtroddenness, oppressed state
potlaitelj m oppressor
potlaiti vt oppress ; suppress, repress; press down (under); put down, crush, stifle; tread upon; keep under;
quell, subdue; (nasiljem) domineer over, ride roughshod over
potlaivanje n oppression
potleuica f hovel, mean hut, cabin, shanty
potmulost f v. muklost
potmuo adj v. mukao
potoi m dim brook, rill, streamlet, rivulent, A+ creek
potoiti vt exhaust (liquid) by pouring out
potoni adj situated (growing) on (along, near) the brook
banks, riparian
potonica f bot forget-me-not, myosotis
potok m brook, stream, A+ creek | krv tee ~om blood
runs knee-deep
potom adv after that, afterwards (A afterward), hereafter,
subsequently, then, next
potomak m descendant; child, issue, offspring; scion

potomstvo n descendants pl, children pl, posterity, offspring, issue; coming generation(s)
potonue n sinking, foundering, going to the bottom
potonuo adj sunken, immerged; (poplavljen) flooded
potonu|ti vi sink, go down, founder, be lost at sea, go to
the bottom, be wrecked; be engulfed; (zaroniti) dive,
plunge, be submerged (immerged) | fig lae su mu
~le his expectations have failed him
potonji adj the latter, the next, the following; the later,
potop m deluge, inundation, flood, overflow | Bibl opi ~
the Flood
potopi|ti vt sink, drown; (poplaviti) overflow, flood, engulf, swallow up | posada je ~la brod (buenjem korita, otvaranjem ventila) the crew scuttled the sihip
potopiti se vr be drowned, sinik, founder, go down; be
wrecked, go to the bottom
potopljen pp sunken, foundered, sent to the bottom
potpadati vi be under one's authority (jurisdiction, rule
itd.); be subject (liable) to, be under the incidence of
potpal|a f v. potpaljivanje | drvca za ~u v. trijee
potpaliti vt set fire to; light, kindle; set on fire; ignite;
(palikua) commit arson; fig inflame, incite, set on,
rouse, excite, instigate, (en)kindle, fan the flame,
goad (egg) on
potpalublje n mar (prostor za krcanje) cargo hold; space
below deck
potpaljen pp ignited, lighted, set on fire, kindled
potpaljivanje n setting fire to, setting on fire; (palikua)
arson; kindling, igniting; inflaming, fanning the
flame, rousing, instigation, goading (egging) on
potpaljivati vt v. potpaliti
potpasa m med (za kilu) hernia-truss
potpasan pp med trussed (hernia, rupture)
potpasati vt med truss
potpasti vi (pod) come under the authority (jurisdiction,
rule, competence itd.) of
potpetica f (shoe) heel
potpira m v. potporanj
potpiren pp kindled, fanned, stirred up; (podboden) instigated, inflamed, provoked
potpiriti vt fan (stir) the fire, kindle; fig excite, inflame,
stir up, provoke
potpirivanje n fanning the fire (hatred itd.)
potpirivati vt v. potpiriti
potpis m signature, signment, signing, hand; (osiguranje) underwriting | zafrka uz ~ flourish; staviti ~
i peat put under one's hand and seal
potpisan pp signed, provided with a signature; (i zapeaen) under one's hand and seal | nie ~i the undersigned
potpisati vt sign, put one's name to; (prinos) subscribe
potpisati se vr sign, put one's hand
potpisiva m signer; v. potpisnik
potpisivanje n signing, subscribing to, subscription
potpisivati vt v. potpisati
potpisn|i adj | ~a mapa signature book
potpisnic|a f v. potpisnik | zemlje ~e signatory countries

potpisnik m signer; (ugovora) signatory, subscriber,

party (to an agreement)
potpitanje n secondary question
potplaen pp bribed, suborned, corrupted
potplaivanje n bribing, suborning, corrupting
potplaivati vt v. potplatiti
potplat m (on) sole | staviti novi ~ (pooniti) resole
potplatiti vt (podmititi) bribe, suborn; corrupt | masno ~
sl grease somebody's palm well
potplesti vt double the knitting, renew the leg (foot) of a
potpleten pp (stocking) furnished with a new foot
potplitanje n renewing of the foot (leg) of a stocking
potplitati vt v. potplesti
potpoglavlje n section, subhead, subchapter
potpomaga m helper, aider, supporter
potpomagan pp supported, aided, helped, relieved, assisted, backed; (subvencijama) subsidized; (industrija
premijama) bounty-fed
potpomaganje n support, aid, help, assistance, relief;
(zakriljivanje) countenance; (subvencijama) subside;
(glasanjem) seconding (a motion); (zatita) protection; upholding
potpomagati vt support, aid, help, back, assist, uphold;
relieve; (zakriljivati) countenance; (dotacijom) subsidize; (industriju premijom) pay (furnish with) a
potpomagati se vr help (aid, assist) each other (one another)
potpomoi vt v. potpomagati
potpomognut pp v. potpomagan
potpomognuti vt v. potpomagati
potpor|a f support, relief; (milostinja) charity, alms; (dotacija) subvention, subsidy; (industriji) bounty; allowance; (izvanredna svrha) grant-in-aid; (inovniku,
izvanredna) bonus; fig (oslon) backing, backbone |
bez ~e unaided, unassisted, single-handed, unsupported, unseconded
potporanj m (kolac) prop; (stup) pillar, shore, buttress;
support; (zid, kosi, za zemlju) embankment; (podzie)
potporn|i adj supporting; relieving, relief | ~i kosi zid
retaining wall, embankment; ~o drutvo B friendly
(provident) society, A benefit society (association)
potpornjak m v. potporanj
potporunik m mil second lieutenant
potpraen pp sprinkled with powder
potpraiti vt sprinkle with powder, powder, apply powder to
potpraivanje n powdering, sprinkling with powder
potpraivati vt v. potpraiti
potprei vt harness, yoke, put horse to the cart
potpredsjednik m (drutva) vice-chairman, assistant
chairrnan; (vlade) vice-premier, deputy premier | ~
SAD Vice President
potpredsjednitvo n vice-chairmanship; vicepremiership; vice-presidency
potpregnut pp harnessed; yoked
potpregnuti vt v. potprei

potprezanje n yoking, harnessing

potpreen pp v. potpregnut
potpukovnik m mil lieutenan -colonel
potpun adj complete, full, whole, integer, entire, total;
sweeping; unqualified; (broj prisutnih) plenary; (temeljit) thorough; (savren) perfect; (pravi pravcati,
krajnji) utter, downright, absolute
potpuno adv completely, entirely, quite, fully, to the full,
wholly, altogether; absolutely, utterly, radically,
through and through; throughout, radically; all over |
~ pijan dead drunk; ~ slijep (mrtav, gluh) stoneblind, stone-dead, stone-deaf
potpunoma adv v. potpuno
potpunost f completeness, fulness; (cjelina) integrity,
wholeness | u ~i in full, to the full; integrally
potpunjavati vt v. popunjavati, upotpunjavati
potpuri m mus pot-pourri, musical medley
potraen pp squandered, wasted
potraiti vt v. potratiti
potraga f tracking, pursuit, search, investigation, research, quest, search by enquiry; (progon) hue and
cry (after) | u potrazi za neim (nekim) in quest of
(in pursuit of) something (somebody)
potrajati vi last, continue, take time, endure; (otegnuti
se) draw out; go on
potratiti vt squander, waste, dissipate, spend to no purpose; (na malo) fritter away
potratiti se vr be squandered (wasted, spent to no purpose)
potratelj m claimant
potraiti vt search after, look up (for), try to find, search
(seek) for; go in quest of, make search for, (posjet)
look one up; (uputa) refer to, consult (a book) | ~ rije u rjeniku look up a word in a dictionary
potraivanje n (zahtjev) demand; (izgubljenoga) reclamation; (prava) claim (v. trabina); (dugova) outstanding debts | ~ ... dugovanje credit ... debit
potraivati vt have outstanding debts (as creditor), be
potranica f claim form
potranja f econ demand; v. potraga
potrbuke adv (crawling, lying) on one's stomach, pronely, face down
potrbuni adj anat peritoneal
potrbunic|a f anat peritoneum | med upala ~e peritonitis
potrati vi run (dash) after, start (begin) running
potreb|a f necessity, want, need, needfulness, the needful; (nestaica) lack, destitution; (potreptina) requisite, requirement; (nenadana) emergency; (neophodna) indispensability, exigency; (tjelesna) call of nature, the needs | u ~i in case of need; (radi) for want
of; (kripac) at a pinch; prema ~i as circumstances
require, according to circumstances; za prvu ~u as a
shift; obaviti tjelesnu ~u do one's needs, ease nature,
obey call of nature; imati ~u have need of; vie nego
ti je ~a more than you need; ~ za neto, ~ za neim
need (want itd.) of something

potreb|an adj necessary, requisite, required, needed,

needful; (neophodno) indispensable, exigent | vie
nego je ~no more than enough; ako je ~no if need be
potrebit adj v. siromaan
potrebitost f v. siromatvo
potrebnost f necessity, exigency, indispensability
potrebovanje n v. potreba
potrebovati vt v. trebati, zatrebati
potrefiti vt Ger v. pogoditi
potreptin|a f necessity | ~e necessities, supplies, requisites; (pribor) accessories
potres m concussion; fig shock, convulsion; (zemljotres)
earthquake; (trenja) trembling
potresan' pp shaken (agitated, rocked) constantly
potresan'' adj soul-stirring, indelible, deep-felt, deeply
moving (affecting)
potresati vt keep shaking, agitating; make tremble
(quake); fig buffet, rack
potresen pp shocked, deeply affected (moved), agitated,
thrilling with excitement (emotion); baken; upset
potresenost f shock, deep agitation, upset
potresni adj earthquake, seismographic
potresti vt shake, agitate; (dirnuti) thrill, affect, move
deeply, stagger
potresti se vr tremble, shake, quake
potreen pp reg v. potresen
potrgan pp torn, ruptured, broken, plucked
potrgati vt tear (break) asunder one and all; pluck, snap,
potrgati se vr break off, be torn (broken) off, be snapped
potrk m ornith bustard
potrkalo n derog errand boy, leg-man
potrostruen pp trebled, tripled
potrostruiti vt reble, triple
potroa m consumer
potroak|i adj consumer's, of (dealing with, touching)
the consumer(s) | ~a karta ration card
potroak m expense(s), expenditure, outgoings pl, outlays pl, money spent; (izdatak) disbursement; (na uzdravanje) upkeep; consumption
potroen pp spent, expended, consumed, used up
potroiti vt spend, expend, lay out, disburse; consume,
use up; (obilno) lavish; (potratiti) squander, waste
potroiti se vr be spent, be used up
potroiv adj consumable, expendable, disposable
potron|i adj | ~a roba consumer goods
potronj|a f consumption | roba za iroku ~u consumer
potrovan pp poisoned (to the last one)
potrovati vt poison (one after another)
potrovati se vr be poisoned (one by one)
potrpan pp pressed (squeezed, packed) into (one after
potrpati vt press (squeeze into, pack into), stow away;
fill (compactly) with
potrpati se vr press (squeeze, pack) into
potrpjeti vi suffer (pain) a little
potrpjeti se vr be patient with each other a little

potrt pp broken in pieces

potrti vt break, shatter, fracture
potrudi|ti se vr give oneself the trouble, exert oneself,
take (great) pains to, make endeavours (efforts), be at
great pains to | ~te se (izvolite) please to..., be so
good as to; nije vrijedno ~ti se it is not worth while
to... ; ~o sam se to sam najbolje mogao I did my
(level) best
pots- v. podspot- v. podpotucalo n idle rover, vagabond, tramp, gad-about
potucanje n vagrancy, tramping, straying, roving, strolling
potucati se vr live a vagabond's life, vagabond, tramp;
ramble, rove, gad-about, wander about | ~ od nemila
do nedraga go through the mill
potuen pp beaten, routed, defeated
potui vt (u boju) beat, put to flight, remain victorious,
gain the day; (do nogu) (put to) rout, defeat utterly;
(pobijediti) come off with flying colour; (nadmaiti)
beat (break) the record; (poubijati) kill off, massacre
(finish, butcher, slay) to the last man
potui se vr come to blows; come to close quarters, get
into a close fight, get nto a row, engage in (general)
fight, join battle, engage in battle (close fight, scuffle,
fray, combat, skirmish)
potuliti vt hang (one's head)
potuliti se vr hang one's head, become depressed
potuljen adj depressed, dejected; crestfallen
potuljeno adv with a dejected (crestfallen) air
poturen pp turned Turk (Moslem, Mohammedan)
poturiti vt make Turk(ish), make Moslem (Mohammedan)
poturiti se vr turn Turk (Moslem, Mohammedan)
poturica f proselyte (convert) to Moslemism (Mohammedanism); person turned renegade (from Christianity to Mohammedanism); apostate, deserter | ~ gori
od Turina a renegade is the worse enemy
poturiti vt v. podmetnuti, gurnuti
potuiti se vr complain (about, of, against); make complaints to; find fault with
potvara m person who casts a slur upon (insinuates);
(klevetnik) calumniator, backbiter, traducer; detractor
potvaranje n (constant) calumniating (imputation, aspersion, detraction)
potvarati vt calumniate, lay at another person's door,
insinuate, impute; (klevetati) blacken, defame, backbite
potvora f false charge, imputation; (kleveta) calumny,
aspersion, detraction, traducement
potvoren pp calumniated, suffering from imputation
(false charge)
potvoriti vt v. potvarati
potvrda f (rijeima) confirmation; (pismeno) attestation;
(slubena) ratification, legalization; (odobrenje) approval, sanction, acknowledgment; (primitka) (written) receipt, voucher; (svjedodba) certificate; eccl
potvrdan adj affirmative, affirmatory, confirmatory

potvrditi vt affirm, confirm; validate, ratify, sanction,

certify, certificate, verify, attest; (svjedoiti) bear
winitness to; (potkrijepiti) corroborate, substantiate;
legalize; (izjavom) bear out; (oporuku sudbeno),
prove; com (primitak) acknowledge
potvrditi se vr be affirmed (confirmed, substantiated),
find conflirmation
potvrdno adv affirmatively, in the affirmative
potvren pp confirmed; approved; acknowledged; (raun) receipted
potvrenje n v. potvrda
potvrivanje n confirmation, attestation itd. (v. potvrda)
potvrivati vt v. potvrditi | ovim se ~uje da this is to
certify that
poubijan pp killed off (one by one, to the last)
poubijati vt kill off (one by one, to the last), have done
killing; massacre, butcher, slay, slaughter
poubijati se vr kill (off) one another
pouak m math theorem; (temeljen na vie njih)
pouan adj instructive, instructing, didactic
pouavan pp instructed, taught, tutored; coached
pouavanje n instruction, tuition, teaching, schooling,
coaching, drilling; information
pouavatelj m instructor, tutor, teacher
pouavateiljica f woman instructor (teacher, tutor)
pouavati vt instruct, give instruction, tutor, teach, drill,
coach; give lessons; (savjet, uputa) advise, inform
pouavati se vr instruct each other
pouen pp instructed, advised, informed
pouiti vt instruct, teach
pouljiv adj apt to be taught (instructed), apt to learn
docile, teachable
pouljivost f docility, aptness for learning, teachability
poudan adj married (girls) off (to the last one)
poudati vt marry off, give in marriage (wedlock)
poudati se vr marry (get maried) one after another to the
last girl (woman)
pougljeniti vt char (by fire), burn to charcoal
pougljeniti se vr become charred (by fire), burn to charcoal
pougljenjen pp charred
pouk|a f instruction, tuition, tutoring, teaching, schooling; (moralna) moral teaching, moral | izvui ~u iz
draw a lesson from
pouljen pp oiled, greased
pouljiti vt oil, grease; anoint
poumirati vi die off; be swept (carried) off by death to
the last
pousmina f anat v. pokoica
poustajati vi get (rise) up one after another
pouzdan adj reliable, trustworthy, trusty, trusted, dependable; (iskuan) tried, proved, tested; (vjeran, siguran) true, sure, certain, proof against; (vjerodostojan) authentic, positive; sterling, sound
pouzdanica f woman confidant (confident), confidante;
letter (memorial) of confidence
pouzdaniki adj confidential

pouzdanik m confident, confidant; reliable (trusted) person; person initiated into

pouzdano adv confidently, with confidence, dependably;
reliably; positively, truly
pouzdanost f reliability, trustworthiness, safety, certainty
pouzdanj|e n reliance, confidence, trust; assurance;
faith; (samosvijest) cock-sureness, self-assertion |
imati ~e confide in, trust to; izgubiti ~e lose confidence; pun ~a full of confidence, trusting, confiding;
s ~em confidently; ~e u sebe self-confidence, selfconsciousness
pouzdati se vr rely in, repose confidence in, have confidence in, trust to, place reliance on, confide in; lean
pouzdavati se vr v. pouzdati se
pouzee n cash (A collect), abbr COD, on dehvery (system) | poslati ~m send cash (A collect) on delivery, A
coll send collect
pouzimati vt take away successively
pouinati vt have (finish) a snack
povabiti vt v. vabiti
povaditi vt take out (one after another, to the last), have
done (finished) taking out; pull (extract, draw) out
povaanje n v. povoenje
povaati se vr v. povoditi se
povaen pp taken out of (successively, one by one)
povaliti vt fell (beat down) one by one; throw down (in
wrestling); roll down on the ground, prostrate, stretch
to the ground; (vjetar itd., ito) lodge
povaliti se vr throw oneself down; lie down; recline
povaljen pp felled (beaten, stretched) to (on) the ground;
(ito od oluje) lodged
povaljivanje n felling, throwing down, prostrating; lodging
povaljivati vt v. povaliti
povampiriti se vr become a vampire
povarati vt cheat everybody; cheat many people
povariti vt cul boil a little
povazdan adv v. cijeli dan, neprestano
poveerati vt & vi finish one's supper
poveerje n mil taps sg
povealo n magnifying glass; microscope
povean pp magnified, increased, augmented, enlarged,
amplified; (pretjeran) exaggerated; (pojaan) intensified; aggrandized; magnified; blown up, zoomed in
poveanje n enlargement; (pretjerivanje) exaggeration;
(porast) increase, augmentation, growth; (pomnoenje) amplification; (napetosti) intensification, enhancement; (prirast, mikroskopom) accretion, accession; (proirenje) extention; (dodatak) addition;
(vlasti) aggrandizement; (cijene) rise; (povealom,
mikroskopom) magnification; photo blow-up, zoomin
poveati vt enlarge, magnify, exaggerate, amplify, extend, augment, aggrandize, increase; (teret, uvredu)
aggravate; enhance; (povealom, mikroskopom)
magnify; photo blow up, zoom in

poveati se vr be on the increase, increase, augment,

become enlarged; be up
poveavanje n v. poveanje
poveavati vt v. poveati
povei adj somewhat large (big, great), largish
poveden pp taken (led, conveyed, brought) to (a place)
povelik adj rather large, biggish
povelj|a f charter; letters patent, bull; (isprava) deed,
document, instrument; diploma; title-deed; brevet |
koji posjeduje ~u chartered; diplomaed; breveted;
Atlantska ~a Atlantic Charter
povenut pp withered, droping, faded; (suh) shrivelled
povenuti vi wither, fade, droop, shrivel, die (plant)
poveseliti se vr be pleased (glad, happy), rejoice
povesti vt (voditi) conduct, take to (along witih), lead;
(ii prvi) lead the way; (kolima) give a lift | ~ na etnju (vonju) take for a walk (ride, drive); da vas povezem (kolima)? want a lift?
povesti se vr (kolima) go for a ride; (za nekim) follow the
lead, go by, imitate, conform to
povez m bandage, ligature, dressing; v. uvez
povezan pp bandaged, bound up; (rana) dressed; linked,
connected, tied up (with)
povezanost f connection, correlation; (bliskost) closeness, close links
povezati vt bind, bandage, dress; bind up a wound, dress
a wound; (privrstiti) tie up; (konopom) cord; (remenom) strap; fig link with; (spojiti) join, link, align,
put in touch, integrate; (svriti) finish binding, bind
one after another; v. uvezati
povezati se vr tie oneself; (s nekim) link up with; contact, get in touch with
povezivanje n binding, bandaging, dressing; linking,
uniting, joining, link-up, tie-up, association, integration
povezivati vt v. povezati
povijanje n (djeteta) swathing, swaddling; (rane) bandaging, dressing; wrapping
povijati vt wrap up (about, in), wind up (in), bandage,
roll, pack in; (dijete) swaddle (swathe) up
povijati se vr wrap oneself up; v. prigibati se, savijati
povijen pp swaddled, swathed; bandaged; dressed; v.
pognut, pogrbljen
povijest f history; records pl; historical science, chronicle; (stara) antient history; (srednjeg vijeka) medieval history; (moderna) modern (contemporary) history | u ~i zapisani recorded, chronicled
povijestan adj historical, chronical
povijua f bot climbing plant, climber
povik m cry, outcry, exclamation; (zov) call
povika f outcry
povikati vi exclaim, cry out, raise a cry
povikivanje n crying, cries pl, shouting, shouts pl
poviknuti vi v. povikati
povinovati se vr v. pokoriti se
povinjavati se vr v. pokoravati se
povinjenje n v. pokoravanje
poviriti vi peep

povisilica f mus sharp

povisiti vt heighten, enhance; (cijenu) advance (raise,
put up, enhance) price; (uvis) elevate, exalt; mus
povisiti se vr become high, grow; become elevated (enhanced)
povisok adj rather tall, tallish; rather high
povie adj on a higher level (plane), higher up
povien pp heightened, raised; elevated
povienje n increase, rise, advancement, enhancememt;
(uzviica) elevation, rise
poviica f (plae) rise in salary
poviti vt (dijete) v. previti; v. povijati
poviti se vr v. povijati se
povjeravanje n entrusting one with, delivering in trust
to; (svoje tajne itd.) unbosoming oneself to
povjeravati vt entrust to, confide to, commit to one's
povjeravati se vr unbosom oneself to, disburden one's
mind to, make a clean breast of, place trust in
povjeren pp given in charge (keeping) with one; on
trust, held on trust, entrusted; (tajna) confided
povjerenica f woman commissioner
povjerenik m commissioner, person in charge; person
charged with commission (duty); cmmissary
povjerenitv|o n commission, board, committee, commissionership, trusteeship | lan ~a committee-man
povjerenje n confidence, trust, reliance
povjerilac m v. vjerovnik
povjeriti vt (tajnu itd.) confide, let into the secret, take
into confidence; (posao, zadatak) charge with a
commission, entrust with, give one the charge of; (na
uvanje) deposit with one; trust one with; (slubu)
confer (bestow) on one an office
povjeriti se vr unbosom oneself to; admit one into one's
povjerljiv adj confiding, trusting; (siguran) trustful;
(saopenje) confidential; (prijateljski) intimate, familiar
povjerljivo adv confidentieilly; confidingly
povjerljivost f inclination to be communicative (confidential, intimate, familiar); confidentiality
povjerovan adj believed, finding credence
povjerovati vt give credence to, believe in(to), put faith
in; have confidence in; attach credit to; trust, confide
in; (lakomisleno) be easy of belief; be gullible | to ne
mogu ~ it won't go down with me
povjesmo n hank, skein
povjesniar m historian, chronicler; recorder
povjean pp hung (ovjek hanged) one after another
(one and all)
povjeati vt hang (hook) up to the last; (ovjeka) hang
(string) up one and all succeesively, finish (have
done) hanging up
povjeati se vr hang (cling) all over; hang oneself (one
by one)
povjetarac m breeze, gentle wind, whiff, zephyrus, capful of wind; air

povlaen pp dragged (trailed, trained) along (on the

povlaenje n (vojske) retreat; withdrawal
povlaiti vt drag (train, draggle, trail) along (on the
ground); (posljedicu za sobom) involve, imply, cause,
have as a consequence
povlaiti se vr gad about, stroll (rove, idle) about, stray,
vagabond; (vojska) retreat; v. odustati
povladiti vt (klicanjem) acclaim, shout applause; (odobriti) approve, express one's approval (satisfaction, approbation); (nazor) agree with one's opinions
povlaivanje n applause, acclamatiion, cheering; approval, approbation
povlaivati vi v. povladiti
povlaka f train (of dress); (znak ) v. crta
povlastica f privilege, special right (grant), franchise;
licence; favour, advantage; (na neiju tetu) discrimination; (u vonji) fare reduction
povlastiti vt give (grant) a privilege, give a licence; give
a charter
povlaten pp privileged, chartered, licenced; favoured;
preferred; enjoying discrimination
povlatenost f privileged status; preferential treatment
povod m motive, occasion, inducement; (uzrok) (immediate) cause; (glavni) main-spring | uiniti bez ~a do
without rhyme or reason; dati ~a give rise (occasion),
bring on, lead to; imati ~a have occasion to; s opravdanim ~om with reason; bez ~a without any
cause (occasion); to mu je dalo ~a this he took as
reason for..., this provoked him; ~om on the occasion
of; tim ~om on this occasion
povodan adj v. movaran, poplavljen, podvodan, plavan, voden
povodanj f reg v. poplava
povoditi se vr imitate, take as example, mimic, go by,
conform; follow, follow suit (example); echo; (ropski)
povodljiv adj suggestible; docile, obedient; manageable,
tractable, governable, submissive; flexible, pliant,
supple; acquiescent
povodljivo adv suggestibly, docilely, tractably, submissively
povodljivost f suggestibility; docility, obedience, submissiveness, tractability, manageableness; pliancy
povoenje n imitation, copying; (ropsko) aping; mimicking
povoj m bandage, dressing | ~i (djeteta) swaddling
clothes, swaddling-band; fig u ~ima in its infancy
povojniiti vt militarize
povojniiti se vr become militarized
povolj|an adj favourable (A favorable), auspicious, propitious; (vjetar) fair; (cijena) fair, reasonable, acceptable; (koristan, unosan) profitable, advantageous;
(prihvatljiv) agreeable, convenient, suiting; com (uvjeti) accommodating (terms) | biti ~an suit one, be
convenient for, be agreeable (suitable) to; ako bude
vrijeme ~no weather permitting; ako bude ~na prilika if occasion serves

povoljno adv favourably; conveniently; propitiously;

profitably; to advantage
povoljnost f favourableness
povorka f procession; (konja) cavalcade; (pratnja) suite;
(niz) a long row, queue, train, troop; (sveana) pageant; parade, show; (koija) string of carriages
povoten pp bees-waxed, waxed | ~o platno wax-cloth
povotiti vt wax, polish with wax
povraanje n (bljuvanje) vomiting, throwing up; v. vraanje | ide mi na ~ I feel sick; sredstvo za ~ emetic,
povra|ati vt (bacati) vomit, throw up, puke, spew, give
up; v. vraati | ~ a mi se I feel sick
povraen pp (izbljuvan) given up, vomited
povrat m v. vraanje | uz ~ to be returned, on loan
povratak m return
povrat|an adj recurrent, recurving; periodic; reflexive |
gram ~na zamjenica reflexive pronoun; gram ~ni
glagol reflexive verb; ~na karta return (A two-way)
povratilica f mus natural (sign)
povratiti vt (izbljuvati) vomit, disgorge; v. vratiti
povratiti se vr v. vratiti se, osvijestiti se
povrativ adj returnable, restituable; (novac) rebatable,
povrativost f returnability, restituability; rebatability,
povratnik m returned emigrant, returnee; geog v. obratnica
povraz m fishing-line
povrar m v. povrtlar, vlasnik prodavaonice povra
povrarstvo n v. povrtlarstvo
povr|e n collect vegetables pl | rano ~e early vegetables; uzgajanje ~a vegetable growing; prodavaonica
~a B green-grocer's (shop), A vegetable store; vlasnik
(poslovoa) prodavaonice ~a B green grocer; A
vegetable-store operator
povreda f violation, transgression, infraction, infringement; (prekraj) offence; (oteta) injury, damage;
(ozljeda) hurt, lesion; (krenje) breach; wrong; trespass
povredljiv adj easily hurt (damaged, injured), apt (liable) to be hurt (damaged, injured)
povredljivost f aptness to be hurt (damaged, wounded)
povreivanje n violating, violation; hurting, injuring,
povremen adj periodic(al), issued periodically | ~ asopis paper (magazine) issued (appearing) periodically
povremeno adv occasionally, on occasion, periodically,
off and on, at times
povremenost f occasional (periodical) character
povrh prep besides, moreover, over, above, over and
above, into the bargain, in addition to; (na povrini)
on the surface, above the surface; (objeen iznad)
suspended above; (jo) on the back of; (na) on top | ~
toga beyond (that), more than, upwards of; at that,
not to mention
povrijediti vt (zakon itd.) violate, infringe, break, commit offence (against), wrong; outrage; tnansgress;

trespass; (rana, ozljeda) wound, injure, hurt, harm;

(otetiti) damage; (osjeaje) hurt (feelings)
povrijediti se vr v. ozlijediti se
povrijeen adj violated, broken, infringed, transgressed,
wronged, injured, hurt; (oteen) damaged
povrijeeno adv with a hurt air
povrijeenost f being violated (wronged), outrage, pique
povrnuti (se) vt (vr) v. vratiti (se)
povran adj superficial, perfunctory, desultory, cursory;
(znanje) smattering, shallow; done by halves; skindeep; (nemaran) careless; passing
povrina f surface, outside, outward appearance; (tlo)
area, superficies; (prostrana) expanse; (izraena u ralima) ackerage
povrinski' adj surface
povrinski'' adv on the surface, superficially
povrno adv superficially, desultorily, perfunctorily, cursorily, on the surface only
povrnost f superficiality, desultoriness, perfunctoriness;
povrtar m v. povrtlar
povrtarstvo n v. povrtlarstvo
povrtlar m vegetable grower; (na veliko) vegetable
farmer, B+ market gardener, A+ truck farmer
povrtlarstvo n vegetable growing; (na veliko) vegetable
farming, B+ market gardening, A+ truck farming;
(veliki povrtnjak) vegetable farm, B+ market garden,
A+ truck farm
povrtnica f bot v. rotkva
povrtnjak m kitchen garden, vegetable patch; (veliki) v.
povrvjeti vi hasten in crowds to a place, swarm hastily
povrzmati se vr wander about (a little)
povuen pp dragged, pulled, trained, hauled, drawn;
(samotan) solitary, retired; unsociable
povueno adv | on ivi ~ he keeps himself to himself, he
shuns company; he leads a retired (solitary) life
povuenost f inclination to solitary life; solitary life, unsociableness
povui vt pull, drag, draw, tug; (trgnuti) jerk; (opozvati)
call off; (reeno) take back; (trupe) pull out
povui se vr back out; fall back; (otii) withdraw, retire,
leave; (natrag) retrace one's steps; mil pull out, retreat; (s poloaja) step down; (u sebe) become uncommunicative (reserved, taciturn, unsociable), shun
poza f pose, attitude
pozabaviti se vr get down to, tackle, take care of; v. zabaviti se
pozabavljen adj amused (in different ways)
pozaboraviti vt forget slawly (gradually)
pozaepiti vt stop (cork, stopper) holes (bottles itd.)
(successively); (bave) bung up
pozadi adv v. otraga, iza
pozadina f background, back; mil rear
pozadinac m rear-area worker
pozadinski adj mil rear-echelon
pozadrijemati vi v. pozaspati

pozajmica f v. zajam
pozajmilac m jur v. zajmodavac
pozajmiti vt (drugome) lend, advance, give a loan; (sm)
borrow, loan; (novac) put out money at interest; (uzeti) derive from, take from
pozajmljen pp lent, A+ loaned; (od drugoga) loaned
pozajmljenica f ling v. posuenica
pozajmljivanje n lending, A+ loaning, borrowing
pozajmljivati vt v. pozajmiti
pozajmni adj v. posudbeni
pozakoniti vt legalize, legitimatize
pozakonjen pp legitimatized
pozakonjenje n legitimization
pozamaan adj rather large
pozamenter m B haberdasher, A seller of notions
pozamenterija f B haberdashery, A notions pl
pozan adj v. kasan
pozaspati vi fall to sleep (one after another)
pozatvarati (se) vt (vr) shut (close) one by one
pozaun|a f mus trombone | svira ~e trombonist
pozavaditi vt set (everybody) by the ears (v. posvaditi)
pozavaditi se vr quarrel (with everybody)
pozavezati vt tie (one by one, everything)
pozavidjeti vi (feel) envy
pozdrav m greeting, salutation, salute; (po drugome)
compliment, respects pl, love, remembrance
pozdraviti vt greet, salute; give the time of the day; (dobrodolica) bid welcome; (na odlasku) bid farewell
to; (po drugome) give one's love (respects, compliments) to | ne ~ cut one (dead), give one the cold
pozdraviti se vr greet each other, exchange greetings
pozdravljanje n greeting, saluting
pozdravljati vt v. pozdraviti
pozdravljen pp greeted, saluted
pozdravljenje n eccl Ave Maria, Angelus
pozdravni adj | ~ govor address of welcome
pozeleniti vt take (print, dye) green
pozelenjen pp printed (dyed, coloured) green
pozelenjeti vi become green; (od bijesa, jada) become
livid, change colour
pozepsti vi freeze, get frostbitten; (od mraza) be nipped
(killed) by the frost
pozer m poseur; attitudinizer
pozerka f poseuse
pozerski adj poseur's; attitudinizing
pozicija f position (v. poloaj); (mesa) cut; v. stavka
pozicijsk|i adj | mil ~ rat positional warfare; mot ~a
svjetla parking lights
poziranje n posing, affected attitude
pozirati vi (umjetniku) pose, sit for an artist, sit for one's
portrait; fig pose, strike an attitude
pozitiv vt gram (stupanj) positive (degree); photo print
pozitivac m positive person (character), A sl good guy
pozitiv|an adj (sasvim siguran) positive, cock-sure; definite; real, actual, practical; affirmative, affirmatory;
right-thinking | ~ elektricitet positive electricity;
math ~an znak positive sign
pozitivist m phil positivist

pozitivistiki adj phil positivist(ic)

pozitivizam m phil positivism
pozitivno adv positively, really, confidently, cock surely,
absolutely | odgovoriti ~ answer in the affirmative
pozitivnost f positiveness
pozitron m phys positron
poziv m call, invitation; (sluben) summons, citation;
(zvanje) vocation (v. zanimanje), (dunost) duty; appeal; (sudski) subpoena, summons | uruiti sudski ~
summons, serve with a summons, subpoena; on osjea ~ za (zvanje) he feels the all for; ~om na referring
to, in accordance with
poziva m caller, inviter, summoner
pozivanje n (u goste) invitation, asking; (zov) call, calling | ~ na (citiranje pisca itd.) quotation, reference to
pozivati vt v. pozvati
pozivati se vr invite each other | ~ na refer to, give reference to; (dokaz, primjer) adduce; (kao svjedoka) call
to witness, refer to, appeal to; (toku ugovora) invoke
a clause
pozivni adj | ~ broj (telefonski) area code
pozivnica f letter of call (invitation, citation); invitation
pozlaen pp gilt, gold-plated
pozlaivanje n gilding (with gold-foil), gold-plating
pozlaivati vt v. pozlatiti
pozlata f gilding, gilt layer (coat); v. pozlaivanje
pozlatar m gilder
pozlatiti vt gild, plate with gold, gild with gold-foil
pozlijediti se vr v. ozlijediti se
pozli|ti vi | njemu je ~lo he fell sick, he grew (got) ill, he
became ill (sick), he became unwell; (krenulo mu je
nagore) he grew worse; (muno od eluca) he became
nauseous (qualmish), he nauseated; (morska bolest)
he became sea-sick
pozljeda f v. ozljeda
poznanica f v. znanica; math known quality
poznani|k m acquaintance | roaci i ~ci (znanci) kith
and kin
poznanstvo n acquaintance, acquaintanceship; coll acquaintance, connexion | sklopiti ~ form acquaintance
with, become acquainted with
poznat adj known, noted for; (dobro) well-known; (glasovit) famous; (po zlu) notorious | ~ sa svima acquainted with; meni je ~o I am aware of... ; koliko je
~o as is known, as you know; koliko je meni ~o to
my knowledge; postati ~(o) (prouti se) come to be
known, get abroad; (izbiti na javu) leak out, take air,
transpire; ~ pod imenom... known as; inae ~ pod
imenom alias, also known as (a.k.a.)
poznati vt know, be acquainted with, be familiar with;
(znati) have knowledge of | ne ~ be ignorant of, be a
stranger to; (straha) be devoid of (fear); ne htjeti ~
cut one, turn one's back upon, give the cold shoulder
to, cold-shoulder one
poznat|i se vr v. poznavati se | ~ e se na tamnoj pozadini will show on a dark background
poznatost f popularity, reputation, renown, fame; (zloglasnost) notoriety

poznavalac m (vjetak, strunjak) expert, judge, connoisseur; (iskusan) an old hand at

poznavanje n knowledge; familiarity; (struno) connoisseurship, expertness, judgment; skill | povrno ~
smattering knowledge
poznavati vt v. poznati
poznavati se vr be acquainted (with each other)
pozno adv v. kasno
pozobati vt peck up grains to the last; eat up berries of
grapes one after another
pozor m mil attention | stati ~ stand at attention
pozoran adj v. paljiv
pozorini adj v. kazalini
pozorite n v. kazalite
pozornica f stage, scene; the boards pl; (kulise) scenery
pozornik m (policajac) patrolman on his beat
pozorno adv v. paljivo
pozornost f v. panja, paljivost
pozvan pp called; summoned; invited, asked | ne osjeam se ~ da I don't feel qualified (called upon) to
pozvanik m the invited person, guest
pozvati vt invite, bid, ask; send for, get; (doviknuti) give
one a shout; (na sud) cite, summon, subpoena; (natrag) recall; (poslati po) send for; (za svjedoka) call
(take) to witness; (na red) take to task; (pred vlast)
have one up; (na raun) call to account; (na odgovornost) bring to book; (na dvoboj) challenge; (lijenika) call in (a doctor)
pozvati se vr v. pozivati se
pozvoniti vi ring; (zvati) ring up
poal|iti vt regret, express one's regret; (drugoga) feel
for, commiserate, have pity on, be sorry for, pity one,
compassionate; (potuiti se) complain | vrijedan da
se ~i worthy of compassion, pitiable
poaljen pp pitied, regretted, repented
poar m conflagration, fire | siguran od ~a fireproof;
osiguranje protiv ~a fireinsurance; od ~a su ostali
samo zidovi the fire has gutted the building; ~ je
pretvorio cijeli grad u prah i pepeo the fire has laid
the whole town in ashes
poarn|i' adj fire, of the conflagration, used in case of
fire | ~e ljestve (uzidane) fire-escape; ~i signal firealarm; ~a komanda v. vatrogasna brigada
poarni'' m mil duty man
poarstvo n mil duty
pobukati vt v. obukati
poderati vt eat up greedily, devour, gorge oneself;
(naglo) bolt down, gobble up, swallow up
poderati se vr coll eat one's heart out
poderuh m glutton, greedy eater, gormandizer
podrljiv adj v. prodrljiv
poelj|an adj desirable | ~no je da... it is desirable
that..., it is to be wished that...
poeljeti vt become possessed by a wish (desire, longing)
for; crave (long) for, lust after; (tue) covet | kakav
se samo ~ moe all you could want
poeljeti se vr v. zaeljeti se
poeniti vt merry off (one's sons)
poeniti se vr (of men) get married (in their turn)

poeki adj geog (of) Poega

poet pp reaped
poeti vt reap; finish (have done) reaping
poivinen pp animalized
poivinenost f animalized state, animalism
poiviniti vt animalize
poiviniti se vr become animalized
poiv|iti vt | bog te ~io! may you live long!; ako me bog
~i if I live to see it
poivjeti vi live to a certain age | on e ~ jo 10 godina
he will live another 10 years
ponjeti vt v. poeti
portvovan adj self-sacrificing, unselfish; devoted, dedicated
portvovno adv unselfishly, with self-denial, devotedly,
with dedication
portvovnost f self-abnegation, self-denial, self-denying,
devotedness, devotion, dedication
poud|a f eager (inordinate, ardent) desire, avidity, lust,
lustfulness, greed, greediness; craving, hankering;
cupidity, concupiscence; violent appetite for; covetousness | buditi ~u kindle passions; krotiti ~u check
(curb, restrain) one's passions
poudan adj cupid, avid; covetous, greedy, passionate;
lustful, lascivious, wanton, prurient, lewd, unchaste
poudjeti vt (neto) crave something
poudno adv avidly, greedily, passionately, wantonly;
poudnost f cupidity, avidity, greediness; covetousness;
wantonness; lustfulness, lewdneas
Poun m hist Pressburg, Bratislava
pourenje n quickening, urging, hurry, despatch, speeding; v. pourivanje
pour|iti vi hasten, hurry, accelerate, quicken, speed,
expedite, rush, despatch, precipitate | ~i s tim! be
quick about it!
pour|iti se vr hasten, hurry up, make haste, be in haste
(in a hurry), quicken | ~i se! make haste!, hurry up!;
coll look alive!, look sharp!, get a move on!
pourivanje n urging, pushing, speeding up, pressing,
spurring on
pourivati vt (nekoga) urge, push, speed up, press, spur
poutio pp grown yellow, yellowed
poutiti vt make (colour, paint, dye) yellow
poutjeti vi become (grow, turn) yellow
povakati vt have done chewing (masticating)
pra- pref pre-, proto-; great-; primeval, primordial,
prababa m great grandmotiher, ancestress
prabie n original being
prabitak m phil proto-Being
praovjeji adj proto-human
praovjek m early (primitive) man
praakanje n wriggling, floundering
praakati se vr wriggle, flounder; splash, kick about in
praen pp accompanied, escorted, conduced, attended;
(djevojka) squired, chaperoned

praenje n accompanying, escorting; following; (pojave)

observation; (satelita) tracking; follow-up
praka f sling; (na ralje) B catapult, A slingshot
prakar m hist slinger
pradavan adj as old as the hills, immemorial; (iskonski)
primeval, primordial
pradjed m great-grandfather, forefather, forebear; ancestor, progenitor | fig ~ovi ancestors, ancestry
pradjedovski adj ancestral
pradoba f prehistorical times, prehistory
pradomovina f original home(land); birthplace; (biljke)
prag m threshold; sill, door-step; (gornjih vrata) lintel;
rlw B sleeper, A (cross)tie | nee vie prekoraiti
mog ~a he will never darken my door again
Prag m geog Prague
pragmatiar m pragmatist
pragmatiki' adj pragmatical
pragmatiki'' adv pragmatically
pragmatika f pragmatic ordinance
pragmatizam m pragmatism
prah m dust; (za praenje) powder; (puani) gunpowder; (cvijeta) pollen; (mrtvaca) ashes pl | samljeti u ~ pulverize, reduce to powder; u ~u powdered
prahistorija f prehistory
praiskonski adj v. iskonski
praizvor m original (primeval) source, source common
to all
prajezik m original (primeval, prehistoric) language
(tongue); ling proto-language
prakljaa f battledore
prakolijevka f v. pradomovina
prakorijen m original root
praks|a f (obiaj) usage, use, practice; professional
work; experience; (rad) practical work; (studentska)
student training | vriti ~u pursue (exercise) a profession; ispao sam iz ~e I'm out of practice; student na
~i student trainee
praksist m trainee; student trainee
prakticiranje n practice; exercise of one's professional
practicirati vt practice; do one's professional work
prakticist m application-oriented person; narrow empiricist
prakticistiki' adj application-oriented; narrowly empirical
prakticistiki'' adv using an application-oriented approach; in a narrowly empirical manner
prakticizam m application-oriented aproach; narrow
praktian adj practical; practiced; (vjet) experienced;
(svrsishodan) suited (adapted) to its purpose, handy,
serviceable, convenient
praktiar m practical person, practician; v. prakticist
praktiki adj practically, for all practical purposes
praktino adv practically, in a practical way (manner);
(zapravo) v. praktiki
praktinost f practicality, practicalness, serviceableness,
handiness | ~i radi for convenience

praktikant m trainee (esp civil-service trainee); v. pripravnik

praktikovati vt v. prakticirati
praktikum m univ exercises; practicum
praline f pl (bomboni) praline
pralja f washerwoman, laundress
praljudi m pl early (primitive) people (humans)
praljudski adj proto-human; primitive-man
pram m poet v. pramen
prama prep v. prema
pram|ac m mar bow, prow | na ~ac (na ~cu) forward,
pramajka f great-grandmother, ancestress
pramaljee n poet v. proljee
pramaterija f primeval (primordial) matter
pramani adj mar bow
pramen m tuft, lock, flock; (kose druge boje) streak
pramenast adj tufty; streaky
pramenje n collect tufts, locks
pramiak m dim slender tuft, strand
pran pp washed
pranarod m primeval (primitive) people
pranger m Ger hist v. sramotni stup
prangija f v. muar
pranj|e n washing; (ispiranje) rinsing; lotion, ablution;
(rane) bathing; (glave) shampoeing | u ~u in the
wash; rublje u ~u washing; korito za ~e washingtrough; dati na ~e send (one's laundry) out; sapun za
~e laundry soap
praonica f wash-room, laundry-room; wash-house; (automatska) B launderette, A laundromat
praonik m wasihing-stand, washstand, wash-basin
praotac m ancestor, great-grandfather
prapoelo n original matter; proto-element
prapoetak m earliest origin, primeval beginning
praporac m wether-bell; (hand-)bell
prapovijest f prehistory
praprababa f great-great-grandmother
prapradjed m great-great-grandfather
praroditelj m patriarch
pras m bot v. poriluk
prasac m pig, hog; fig piggish person, foul-tongued person | taj ~! the bastard!
prasad f collect swine, pigs, hogs
prasak m report, explosion, detonation; (groma) thunder-peal, thunder-clap; (smijeha) burst (of laughter);
(puaka) gunfire, discharge, volley
prase n pig, hog; fig piggish (dirty, foul-tongued) person
| zoo bodljikavo ~ v. dikobraz
prasei adj hoggish, piggish, pig's
prasence n dim v. prai
prasetina f pork; (vepra) brawn
prasica f sow; fig piggish (dirty) woman | ta ~! the
prasiti se vr farrow, pig, bring forth pigs
prasjedilac m indigene, aboriginal, autochthon
prasjedilaki adj autochthonous, aboriginal, indigenous
praska f v. prasak
praskalica f (za boini bor) sparkler

praskanje n v. prasak
praskati vi detonate, explode; volley
praskav adj explosive, detonating, cracking
praskavac m min (plin) fire damp
praskozorje n morning twilight, daybreak; dawn
Praslaveni m pl Proto-Slavs
praslavenski adj Proto-Slavic, Common Slavic
praslika f prototype
prasnuti vi detonate, explode; (puka) go off | ~u smijeh
burst out laughing
prastanovni|k m aboriginal | ~ci aborigines
prastanje n primeval (primordial) state
prastar adj hoary, immemorial, primeval, very ancient,
as old as the hills; age-old
prasvijet m primeval (pvimordial) world
praak m (medicinal) powder; dust; (u zraku) mote;
(biljke) pollen | ~ za pranje rublja detergent powder
praan adj dusty, powdery, powdered
prai m dim little pig, piggy; (odojak) suckling, sucking pig
praenje n dusting, powdering; rising of dust
prain|a f dust, pulverized matter | brisati ~u dust; dii
~u raise dust (i fig)
praiti vt powder; spray (sprinkle) with powder; (opraivati) dust; (puku) prime (gun); (dizati prainu) raise
dust; fig v. juriti
prai|ti se vr gather dust | da se sve ~lo letting sparks
fly; with gusto
praivo n farm dusting-powder
pranica f anther
praniki adj bot staminal
pranik m stamen
pranjav adj v. praan
pratan pp forgiven, pardoned, remitted
pratanje n (oprost) pardoning, forgiving, remission,
quarter; (rastanak) leave-taking, parting, farewell,
leave, valediction
pratati' vt pardon, forgive, excuse, remit; connive at
pratati'' vi v. praskati
pratati se vr v. opratati se
prauma f primeval forest, virgin forest; (tropska) jungle
praumski adj virgin-forest; jungle
prate|i adj accompanying | ~a industrija supporting
(ancillary) industry; ~i bataljun escort battalion
prati vt wash, lave, rinse, bathe; (pod) scrub; take in
washing (laundry); (zrnje rude) buddle | dati se ~
bear washing, wash; perem sebi ruke I wash my
hands of it
prati se vr wash (oneself), perform ablutions; (od krivnje) justify oneself, whitewash (defend, exonerate,
exculpate) oneself
pratilac m escort; conductor; (vodi) guide, attendant,
follower; (drug) companion; mus accompanist, accompanyist
pratilica f conductress, lady companion, female companion; (djevojke) chaperon
pratilja f lady-in-waiting
pratiti vt (kui) see home, see safe home; (niz stepenice)
see downstairs; (na vlak itd.) see off; accompany, go

along with, attend, follow; keep (bear) one company;

(djevojku itd.) chaperon; (kao trei) play gooseberry;
(gospou) squire; (kao sjena) shadow (dog) one; (prilike) be incident to; (voditi) conduct, lead convoy, escort | ~ budnim okom keep a vigilant eye on...
pratljaa f v. prakljaa
pratnj|a f escort; (brod) convoy; retinue, train, suite;
company; mus accompaniment | u ~i accompanied by
pratvar f primordial matter
praunuad f collect great-grandchildren
praunue n great-grandchild
praunuk m great-grandson
praunuka f great-granddaughter
prauzor m archetype; prototype
prav adj (pravedan) just; v. ravan, uspravan
prava f geom v. pravac
prav|ac m straight line (direction) | u ravnom ~cu as the
crow flies, in a bee-line
prava m hist member of Croatian Party of Right
pravaki adj hist Party of Right
pravcat adj very straight; v. pravi ~
pravce adv v. ravno
pravd|a f justice, fairness, equity; fair play; (parnica)
lawsuit, action, process; (pravdanje, svaa) quarrel,
dispute, wrangling; (na sudu) litigation | krojiti ~u
administer justice; na ~i bojoj (neduan) innocent(ly); krojiti sebi sam ~u take the law in one's
own hands
pravdadija m v. pravda
pravdanje n (svaa) quarrel, quarrelling, squabbing,
wrangling, dispute; (na sudu) litigation; (izdataka) v.
pravda m litigant; litigious (disputatious, quarrelsome,
contentious) person; (nepopustljiv, tvrdoglav) dogmatical (obstinate) person always claiming to be right
(in the right)
pravdaki adj litigious, litigation-prone
pravdati vt (izdatak) v. opravdati
pravdati se vr quarrel, squabble, wrangle, dispute; (pobijati) contest; (na sudu) litigate, carry on a lawsuit,
sue, be party to a lawsuit, be at law with; v. opravdavati se
pravdoljublje n righteousness
pravedan adj just, righteous, equitable, rightful; (nepristran) impartial, fair; lawful; (zasluen) merited
pravedniki adj a righteous man's
pravednik m just (right, fair, impartial) man, righteous
man; (nekriv) innocent
pravedno adv justly, righteously, rightly, equitably,
rightfully, impartially; (zakonito) lawfully
pravednost f justice, justness, equity, equitableness,
rightness, righteousness, fairness, impartiality; reasonableness
prav|i adj just, right, proper, fit; (nepatvoren) pure,
genuine, unadulterated; (zbiljski) real, actual; (vrijednost) sterling; (toan) correct, accurate; (uvjeren,
vjeran) true, true-blue, fast, staunch; (roen) trueborn; (skroz-naskroz) regular; (iskren) sincere, felt,
not hollow; (smjer) straight, direct; perfect, quite a |

~i kut rectangle; ~i brat full brother; ~a sestra full

sister; ~i novac good money; u ~o vrijeme in due
time, in the very nick of time; ~i pravcati veritable;
(u loem smislu) downright, thorough, thoroughpaced, out and out; (uvrijeen) incarnate, ingrained;
~a budala a glaring fool, a stark fool; ~i lopov an arrant knave, a confirmed rascal
pravic|a f v. pravda, pravinost | hist stare ~e ancient
pravian adj equitable, right, fair, righteous, impartial;
pravino adv justly, fair, impartially, equitably, rightly
pravinost f justice, equity, righteousness; impartiality
pravilan adj regular; symmetrical; harmoious; correct;
conforming to a standard; normal; (lijep) shapely
pravilnik m book of rules (regulations, statutes, ordinances)
pravilno adv regularly, methodically; correctly; normally
pravilnost f regularity, symmetry, harmony; correctness;
normality; shapeliness
pravil|o n rule; principle; standard; axiom, maxim; law;
precept | ~a pl rules; statutes, regulations, bye-lows;
standing orders, standing rule, ordinances; stalno ~o
hard and fast rule; bez ~a irregular, anomalous; drati se ~a go by a rule; ~o trojno rule of three; zlatno
~o golden rule; iznimka potvruje ~o exception
proves the rule; u ~u (po ~u) as a rule
praviti vt produce, manufacture, make; (tvoriti, stvarati)
create, form, mould; (sastaviti) construct, compose;
(uzrokovati) cause, breed; (initi) do, work; (vriti)
perform; prepare; (krivotvoriti) fabricate | ~ osnovu
lay down a plan; ~ dugove contract debts, outrun the
constable; ~ iznimku make an exception; ~ zapreke
throw obstacles in one's way; ~ neprilike put person
to inconvenience, put to trouble, try to frustrate
praviti se vr (pretvarati se) dissemble, dissimulate, keep
up appearances, pretend to (be); (graditi se, priinjati
se) make believe, feint; (bolesnim) malinger | ~ vanim assume an air of importance; pravi se kao da ne
zna do pet brojiti he looks as if butter would not
melt in his mouth
pravljen pp made, manufactured, produced, constructed
pravljenje n making, producing, manufacturing, constructing; doing; causig; v. priinjanje, pretvaranje
pravni adj juridical, judicial, law, legal; (sudski) forensic | ~ postupak legal proceedings pl, procedure; ~ lijek legal redress; ~ referent legal counsel, A+ company attorney; ~ fakultet B Faculty of Law, A Law
School; ~ zastupnik authorized agent, procurator,
pravniki adj of (belonging to, pertaining to, dealing
with) the lawyers (jurists, barristers, legal profession)
pravni|k m jurist, lawyer, jurisconsult, one learned
(versed) in law (jurisprudence); (student) law student,
student at law | ~ci pl (skupno) legal profession; gentlemen of the long robe
pravnitvo n jurisprudence, law, pursuit of law
pravno adv legally, juridically

pravo' n (pravica) right, justice, equity; (zakon) law,

jurisprudence, science of law; (pravinost) fairness;
(povlastica) privilege, prerogative; (na neto) claim,
title, one's due; (ovlast) competence, authority; licence; warrant; (glasa) franchise | graansko ~ civil
law, citizenship; trgovako ~ commercia1 law;
mjembeno ~ law dealing with bills of exchange; dravno ~ state (constitutional) law; meunarodno ~
international law; kanonsko ~ canon law, church
law; pisano ~ statute law; obiajno ~ common law;
izvrtanje prava quibbling, equivocation, pettifogging; uiti ~ read law, follow law;. imati ~ be (in the)
right; nemati ~ be (in the) wrong; dao sam mu ~ I
conceded the point, I agreed with him; s ~m moe
rei you may well say; s ~m with good (all) reason;
dobio je za ~ he carried the point, gained; nema ~
da... he is unwarranted in doing this; imati ~ na be
entitled to, have a claim upon; ~ na uivanje usufruct, right of enjoyment; po pravu i pravici by
rights, to be fair and square, in fairness; odrei se
prava surrender (renounce, forgo) claim (right); ~ na
povratak darivatelje nakon smrti uitnika reversion
pravo'' adv properly, rightly, by right, fairly, justly;
strictly | nije mogao ~ odbiti he could not very well
refuse; ~ je it stands to reason, it is fair; ne moe mu
se ~ ugoditi he is hard to please; nisam ga ~ razumio I have misunderstood him; ako ti nije ~, a ti
pusti if you don't like it, you may lump it; ~ mu bilo
(zasluio je) it serves him right, he is rightly served;
nije mu ~ da... he does not like to... ; ~ da kaem
truth to tell, properly speaking
pravo''' adv v. ravno
pravobranilac m jur | dravni ~ Public Legal Officer
pravobranilatvo n jur Pulblic Legal Office
pravodoban adj v. pravovremen
pravokrilci m pl ent v. ravnokrilci
pravokut m geom rectangle
pravokutan adj geom reetangular | ~ trokut rightangled triangle
pravokutnik m geom rectangle, parallelogram
pravolinijski' adj rectilinear
pravolinijski'' adv v. u ravnoj crti
pravomo|an adj jur valid (before law) | nije ~an it is
null and void; ~na osuda valid judg(e)ment (without
righ of appealing against)
pravomono adv jur validly
pravomonost f jur legal validity
pravopis m orthography, spelling
pravopisni adj orthographic | ~ rjenik spelling dictionary
pravorijek m v. presuda
pravoslavac m member of the (Serbian) Orthodox
pravoslavan adj of the (Serbian) Orthodox churcih
pravoslavlje n (Serbian) Orthodox creed (church, persuasion)
pravosudni adj done by (proper to) the judicature; judicial

pravosue n administration of justice, judicature; (suci)

pravoug|aoni, ~li adj v. pravokutan
pravougao(nik) m v. pravokutnik
pravovaljan adj valid
pravovaljano adv validly
pravovaljanost f validity
pravovjerac m member of an Orthodox church, loyal to
his chuch (creed, tenets)
pravovjeran adj orthodox
pravovjerje n orthodoxy
pravovjernik m v. pravovjerac
pravovjerno adv orthodoxly (i fig)
pravovjerstvo n orthodoxy
pravovremen adj timely
pravovremeno adv in time
pravovremenost f timeliness
pravozastupnik m v. pravni zastupnik
praz|an adj empty, emptied, vacant; (radno mjesto) void,
unoccupied, evacuated; (neispisan) blank, clean
(sheet of paper); inane; clear; (isprazan) vain, idle,
frivolous; (bez moi) null and void; (fraza) hollow;
(izlika) flimsy; thin, meaningless; (zid) bare; blank
(cartridge); (kazalite) thin house | on je ~na tikva
he is empty-headed
praziluk m bot v. poriluk
praznian adj holiday, fete, vacation; of (on) a hohday
(feteday, vacation)
prazni|ki, ~no adv in a holiday mood
prazni|k m (blagdan) holiday, red letter day; (dravni)
national holiday; (sveanost) feast, fete(-day);
(nerad) Saint Monday | kolski ~ci vacation; parlamentarni ~ci recess
praznina f (fizika) emptiness, vacancy; void, voidness;
vacuum; blank space; (rupa) gap; (svojstvo) v. praznoa
prazniti vt empty, vacate, evacuate; discharge; clear out;
(toenjem) pour out; (sipanjem) shoot (out)
prazniti se vr empty, (i el) discharge
praznoa f emptiness; inanition; hollownees; voidness;
(nitavnost) idleness, vanity, nullity
praznoglavac m empty-headed individual
praznoruk adj empty-handed, barehanded; (bez oruja)
praznovanje n v. svetkovanje, slavljenje
praznovati vt v. svetkovati, slaviti
praznovjeran adj superstitious
praznovjerje n superstition
praznovjernost f superstition
praiv m zoo v. protozoa
praivotinje f pl zoo Protozoa
pranjenje n emptying, (i el) discharge
pr m reg v. jarac
prenje n haughtiness, strutting, giving oneself airs,
pretina f reg v. jarevina
previna f v. jarevina; (smrad) goaty smell
priti se vr be haughty (stuck-up, self-conceited), strut,
swagger, give oneself airs

prkanje n (po neem) picking (at), fingering; (po vodi)

v. brkanje; fig trifling, dabbling, puttering
prkati vi paddle, splash; (povrno, neozbiljno postupati) trifle with, dabble, dawdle, dally; putter; (po tanjuru) picking (at food); (po vodi) v. brkati
prkati se vr v. brkati se
prvarnica f eatery A coll, beanery sl
prast adj turned-up (nose)
prenje' n (usta) pouting of lips
prenje'' n (noenje) carrying of a burden (load)
prija f dawry, dower, portion in marriage; fig one's
exclusive property
priti vt (usta) pout
prdac m vulg fart
prdavac m derog little fart, sl pip-squeak, sl jerk
prdenje n farting
prditi vi fart
prdnuti vi (let out a) fart
prdonja f v. prdavac
pre prep & adv v. prije
pre- pref (odvie) too, over, much too, too much, somewhat (rather) too
preambula f preamble
prebaciti vt (okrenuti) overturn, upset; (ogrta itd.) put
on, sling over, throw over (the shoulder), cast over;
(hicem) overshoot; (otpremiti preko zapreka, brda
itd.) convey, send, transport; (preko vode) ferry over;
dispatch over; (kolima) give a lift; (plan, normu)
overfulfill; v. predbaciti
prebaciti se vr get across; find transportation; (na drugu
djelatnost) switch (over) to
prebacivanje n casting (slinging, putting, throwing)
over, conveying; transfer; switch; (norme) overfulfillment; v. predbacivanje
prebacivati vt v. prebaciti
prebaaj m (hica) over; sp overthrow
prebaen pp thrown (slung, cast, conveyed, transferred)
prebakriti vt copper over, copper-plate
prebenda f eccl prebend
prebendar m eccl prebendary
prebijanje n breaking (successively in several places)
prebijati vt break (successively in several places)
prebijen pp broken in several places, battered, beaten
black and blue | ni ~e pare not a penny, not a stiver
prebiljegovan adj stamped (with die or rubber)
prebiljegovati vt stamp with die (rubber), stamp with
official mark (impress, label)
prebira m sorter, picker, sifter
prebiranje n assorting, selecting, selection, sifting, picking; (izbor) choosing; mus play(ing) on a stringed instrument
prebirati vt assort, select, pick out, sift, sort; choose;
mus play on a stringed instrument
prebit pp v. prebijen
prebiti vt break in two; fig v. premlatiti
prebivalac m dweller, inhabitant, resident

prebivalite n home, abode, dwelling, habitation, residence, place of living, domicile; haunt; quarters; coll
whereabouts pl, diggins pl (sl)
prebivanje n living, dwelling; (na kratko) stay, sojourn
prebiv|ati vi live, abide, reside, lodge, dwell, inhabit;
haunt; (kratko) stay, sojourn | on ~a u... he lives in...,
he is a resident of (inhabitant) of; stalno ~a (nastanio
se) he has fixed his abode at (settled at), he has become domiciled in (at), he is a resident of
prebjei vi run over, go over to; desert, prove a turncoat;
defect, go over, sl rat
prebjeg m deserter, runaway; fig turncoat, apostate; sl
rat; defector
prebjeglica f v. prebjeg
prebjegnuti vi v. prebjei
prebjeati vt run over (across) a distance, cover a distance (stretch) by running
preblag adj too mild (soft, good, sweet, indulgent, clement); over-mild, over-soft itd.
preblaen adj blissful, in the seventh heaven; (ushien)
in raptures
prebogat adj too rich, passing rich, fig wallowing in
prebogato adv lavishly, profusely, prodigally
preboj m partition-wall, thin dividing wall
prebojadisan adj painted over
prebojadisati vt paint over, give another coat of paint
prebolijevati vt be on the mend
preboljen pp | nakon ~e teke bolesti after a serious
undergone illness; nakon ~og gubitka having reconciled himself to the loss
preboljeti vt get over, overcome, get the better of, endure; (oporaviti se) get well again, be on the mend,
be on the way to recovery, convalesce; (uvredu itd.)
forget hurt (injury, wrong)
prebrajati vt v. prebrojavati
prebrati vt v. probrati
prebrinuti vt get over (a worry)
prebroditi vt cross the water, traverse by water, navigate
across, sail over; (tekoe) surmount (get over, tide
over) difficulties
prebrodiv adj navigable (across)
prebroen adj crossed by navigation (sailing); fig surmounted
prebrojavanje n counting, enumeration
prebrojavati vt count (number, enumerate) over and
prebrojen pp counted over, told over
prebrojiti vt count
prebrojiti se vr err in counting, miscount
prebrz adj too quick (fast, fleeting, hasty, rapid, swift,
speedy); (okretan) too nimble (agile); (nagao) overhasty
prebrzo adv too quickly (hastily, rapidly, swiftly, speedily); (navrat-nanos) headlong, precipitately; (nepromiljeno) rashly
prebujan adj rank, too luxuriant
prebujnost f rankness

prebukira|ti vt (smjetaj) overbook | ~ni smo we are

prebukirati se vr overbook
precedens m v. presedan
precept m precept
precesija f astr precession
preci m pl v. predak
precijediti vt filter to another container; refilter
precijeniti v overrate, overestimate, overvalue; (zacijeniti) charge an exorbitant price
precijeniti se vr overrate oneself
precijenjen pp overlauded, overestimated, overrated
precipitacija f chem precipitation
preciz|an adj precise, very exact, accurate; (udarac)
well-aimed | ~ni instrumenti precision instruments;
~na mehanika precision mechanics
precizirati vt state precisely; be specific, specify
precizno adv with precision
preciznost f preciseness, precision; exactness, accuracy
precjenjivanje n overrating, overvaluing, overestimation; (samog sebe) self-conceit, presumptousness
precjenjivati v overrate, overvalue, overestimate, think
too highly of
precrtan pp (prekrien) struck out (off); scored, cancelled; (prerisan) copied through tracing-paper
precrtati vt (prekriiti) cross out (off), score, cancel, run
a line through, run the pen through; (prerisati) draw
from the original; (kroz papir) copy through tracingpaper, trace over
precrtati se vr cross out one's name
precrtavanje n crossing out (off); cancelling; copying,
tracing | papir za ~ tracing paper
prea f gym (vratilo) crossbar, high bar
preac m (short) cut, shorter way | na ~ v. prijekim
preaga f v. preka; anat v. oit
preanin m person (inhabitant) living on the other side
of border (river)
preastan adj reverend, venerable
preest adj happening (recurring) too often, too frequent
preesto adv too often, much too often
prei adj comp more necessary (important, pressing,
preist adj too clean, over-clean; eccl most innocent,
undefiled, spotless, virgin
preista m v. filtar
preistiti vt v. proistiti; fig v. raistiti
preiavanje n v. proiavanje, filtriranje, rafiniranje, destiliranje
preka f rung; stave; gym crossbar, high bar
prenik m geom v. promjer
prerkati vt black out, cross out; cover with doodles
preuti vt miss hearing, not catch what has been said
prei vt v. prijei
preutan adj v. preutan; pp v. preuen
preutati vt v. preutjeti
preutkivati vt v. preuivati
preutno adv. preutno, utke

pred(a) prep before, in front of, afore, ahead of, going

before; in the face of; (izvan) without, outside; facing
| ~ 8 dana eight days ago (since, previously, back);
danas ~ 8 dana this day week; danas ~ 14 dana this
day fortnight; ~ svima in full view of...; ~ veer towards evening; ~ malo vremena lately, recently, of
late; imati ~ oima have in view; doao je ~ mene
(doekao me) he came to meet me; iao je ~a mnom
he led the way, he went before me, he preceded me;
skrivati se (bjeati) ~ hide (fly) from; stupiti ~ advance (step) up to; baciti ~ noge cast at one's feet;
skinuo je ~a mnom eir he took off his hat to me;
drao je govor ~ narodom he addressed the people;
pustiti ~ sebe admit to one's presence; ~ Rijekom
(na moru) off Rijeka
predah m breathing space (spell); reprieve; pause, break
| bez ~a without letup
predahnuti vi catch one's breath, get one's breath (wind)
back; rest after a spell of hard work; v. odahnuti
predaja f (uruenje) delivery, service; (usmena) tradition; (neprijatelju) capitulation, surrender; (zloinca)
predajni adj traditional | ~ rok term of delivery
predajnik m (radio) transmitter
predak m ancestor, progenitor
predaleko adv too far | fig otii ~ overshoot the mark,
overdo, overshoot oneself
predan pp (izruen) delivered, handed over; v. odan
predaniti vt spend the day, stay during the day
predanost f v. odanost; v. preputenost
predanje n v. predaja, tradicija
predatelj m deliverer, server; (poilja) sender; (novane poiljke) remitter
predati vt (dati) give over (up), deliver, serve; (ostavku)
resign; (odstupiti, odrei se) surrender, relinquish,
part with, yield up; (zloinca) extradite; (dar) present
to; (uruiti) hand over; (na brigu) consign to one's
care, give in charge of, deposit; (prometu) issue, open
to traffic, put in circulation
predati se vr give oneself up, turn oneself in; mil surrender, capitulate, strike flag; (sudbini) resign oneself
to; (pokoriti se) submit, yield, acquiesce; (posvetiti
se) devote oneself to; (latiti se) apply oneself to
predatnica f delivery note
predava m lecturer (i kao sveu. zvanje); (predaja)
predavanj|e n (nauka) lecturing, prelection, lecture, discourse; (nain predavanja) delivery, reading; (u
koli) school-teaching; (sat) lesson; (izruivanje)
handing over, delivery; (odricanje) surrender;
(slanje) transmission | red ~a schedule of lectures;
prisustvovati ~u attend a lecture; pohaati ~a attend
lectures; danas nema ~a there are no classes today;
propustiti ~e miss a lecture
predavaonica f lecture-room
predavati vt lecture, deliver a lecture, instruct, teach;
(uruiti) v. predati
predbaciti vt upbraid, reproach, charge with, rebuke,
remonstrate with one; cast in one's teeth

predbacivanje n reproach, remonstration; (korenje) rebuke, censure

predbacivati vt v. predbaciti
predbiljeba n advance subscription (registration);
predbiljeen pp subscribed in advance, booked; registered out of one's turn
predbiljeiti vt subscribe (register) in advance, book
predbiljeiti se vr subscribe; put down one's name (for)
predbjean adj v. privremen, prethodan
predbjeno adv v. zasada, privremeno, najprije, prvo,
predbrani adj premarital
predbreje n geog promontery, cape, headland, foreland; ness
predbrojiti vt v. predbiljeiti
predbrojk|a f v. predbiljeba, pretplata | koncert na
~u subscription concert
predbrojnik m v. pretplatnik
preden pp spun
predenje n spinning; (make) purring
predestinacija f v. predodreenost, predodreenje
predestiniran adj predestined (v. predodreen)
predestinirati vt predestine (v. predodrediti)
predeterminirati vt predetermine (v. predodrediti)
predgovor m preface, introduction, prologue; (uvod)
preamble | napisati (dati) ~ preface; s ~om prefaced
predgovornik m preceding speaker
predgra|e n suburbs, outskirts pl; wake | iz ~a suburban
predhistorijski adj v. prethistorijski
predidui adj v. prethodni
predigra f theat curtain raiser, prologue; mus prelude; sp
preliminary match; sex foreplay
predika f v. prodika
predikat m gram predicate
predikativan adj gram predicative
predilekcija f predilection (v. sklonost)
predilica f eng spinning machine
predilja f v. prelja
predimenzioniran adj overcapacitated; excessive
predio m region, tract
predionica f spinnery, spinning-mill, cotton-mill
predispit m preliminary examination
predisponiran pp predisposed
predisponirati vt predispose
predispozicija f predisposition
predistorija f v. prethistorija
predistraga f preliminary enquiry (investigation, trial)
predivan adj grand, very beautiful, transcendent, wonderful, marvellous, splendid, enchanting
predivo n yarn, spinning-material, textile fibre, material
dressed for spinning
predizbori m pl preliminary election; A pol primary
predizborn|i adj (pre)election | ~a kampanja election
predjel m region, tract
predjelo m cul hors-d'oeuvre
predlaga m proposer, promoter, mover, prepounder

predlaganje n proposing, moving, suggesting, suggestion

predlagati vt v. predloiti
predlog m v. prijedlog
predloak m specimen (pattern, model) to be copied
predloen pp proposed, suggested, propounded
predloiti vt propose, suggest; par move; nominate
predmet m object, subject; (graa) subject-matter; thing;
sch subject (of instruction); (tema) theme; (rasprave)
subject under discussion; (razgovora) subject, topic;
(izloen na izlobi) exhibit | ne udaljiti se od ~a keep
to the point; drite se ~a! (na stvar!) Question! (povik predsjednika); ne tie se ~a it is irrelevant; u
~u... (kao glava pisma, spisa itd.) on the subject of,
concerning, re; on je vjet ~u he is at home (very
well versed) in; ~ smijeha subjcet (butt) of ridicule;
univ glavni ~ main subject, A+ major (subject); univ
sporedni ~ secondary subject, A+ minor subject; v.
fakultativni ~
predmetak m gram prefix
predmetni adj of a subject, dealing with a subject, having to do with a subject | ~ nastavnik specialized
predmnijevati vt v. pretpostavljati
prednacrt m preliminary draft | par ~ zakona draft bill
prednapregnut adj | ~i beton prestressed concrete
prednatjecanje n sp qualification(s)
prednost f precedence, preference, advantage, privilege;
(u prometu) right of way; sp head-start | ~i i mane
merits and demerits; dati ~ give one the preference
over, discriminate in favour of, prefer one to another;
dobiti ~ obtain preference; imati ~ nad have (gain)
the advantage of...
prednjaenje n setting (giving) a good example, taking
the initiative; (vodstvo) leadership; pioneering, blazing the trail
prednjaiti vi set an example; pioneer, blaze the trail;
take the initiative
prednjak m leader; frontman; gym model gymnast at a
gymnastic display (drill)
prednje- pref v. prednjoprednji adj going before, (the man) ahead, leading,
front, fore | ~ dio front; mil ~ poloaji advanced posts
prednjoazijski adj geog Near Eastern
prednjojezini adj phon front
prednjonepani adj phon palatal
predobar adj too good, too indulgent
predobijanje n winning over
predobiti vt win over, win for a thing, win to a cause,
prevail upon; (mnijenje) persuade one over to, talk
over; (za svoju stvar) enlist in one's cause
predobiven pp win for a cause, win over
predobro adv too good, too well, much too well; full
well | i ~ all too well
predoavanje n v. predoenje
predoavati vt v. predoiti
predoen pp shown, demonstrated, submitted, produced,

predoenje n presentation, showing, producing, submitting

predoiti vt show, demonstrate, present for inspection,
produce, submit; render conspicuous (plain, intelligible), represent, point out, exhibit; (opisati) describe,
bring home to one's mind; (simboliki) symbolize | ~
sebi realize, form an idea, conceive; figure (picture)
oneself; imagine, fancy; (sjeanjem) recall, conjure
up in one's mind
predodrediti vt predetermine; predestine
predodreen pp predetermined; predestined
predodreenost f being predetermined (predestined),
predetermination, predestination
predodreenje n predetermination; predestination
predodreivati vt v. predodrediti
predodba f idea, notion, fancy, image, conception;
(kriva) misconception
predohrana f v. zatita, osiguranje; med v. preventiva
predohraniti vt v. zatititi, osigurati, sauvati
predominacija f predominance
predominamtan adj predominant
predominantnost f predominant quality; predominance
predomisliti se vr change (alter) one's mind, think better
of, bethink oneself better of; (odustati) back out
predomiljanje f (oklijevanje) hesitation, reluctance,
shilly-shally, vacillation, wavering; weighing in one's
mind; (promjena miljenja) changing one's mind
predomiljati se vr weigh in one's mind; be unable to
form a decision; v. predomisliti se
predosjeaj m presentiment; (slutnja) foreboding, premonition
predosjean pp felt as a presentiment
predosjeati vt have a presentiment (v. slutiti)
predosjetiti vt v. predosjeati
predostroan adj v. oprezan
predostronost f v. opreznost, oprez | mjere ~i v. mjere opreza
predraun m estimate; preliminary calculation | sastaviti ~ draw up an estimate
predradnik m foreman
predradnja f preliminary (preparatory) work
predrag adj dearest, loveliest, sweetest; very (extremely)
dear, dearly loved (cherished), beloved
predrasuda f prejustice; (pristranost) partiality, bias,
prepossession | bez ~ without prejudice; impartial,
predratni adj prewar
predriblati vt ftb dribble past (a player); coll v. prevariti, nadmudriti
predrijemati vt spend dozing (napping)
predsjedanje n presiding, chairmanship, presidentship
predsjedatelj m v. predsjednik
predsjedati vi preside over, be in the chair, be president
predsjedavajui m v. predsjednik
predsjedavati vi v. predsjedati
predsjednica f woman president, chairwoman
predsjedniki adj presidential, chairmans

predsjednik m president, chairman; fig chair | ~ Donjeg

doma (i A Predstavnikog doma) Speaker
predsjednitvo n chairmanship, presidentship | pod ~m
g. Smitha Mr. Smith presiding
predskazanje n prediction; v. predznak
predskazatii vt predict
predskaziv adj predictable
predskazivanje n predicting, prediction
predskazivati vt predict
predskazivost f predictability
predsoblje n antechamber, anteroom; hall, vestibule
predsprema f preliminary schooling (qualifications)
predstava f performance, acting, play(ing), representation; mimick(ing); (javna) show, display; v. predodba
predstaviti vt introduce, make acquainted with, present
to | ~ sebi (zamisliti sebi) imagine, fancy, picture
(figure) oneself, form an idea (notion)
predstaviti se vr introduce oneself | da se ~m may I introduce myself?
predstavk|a f petition | podnijeti ~u submit a petition
predstavlja m performer, player, actor; fig mime
predstavljan pp performed, played, acted; done
predstavljanje n performing, performance; (upoznavanje) introducing, making acquainted; (gospoa kraljici, na dvoru) drawing-room; (gospode kralju)
levee; (primanje) reception at court
predstavlj|ati vt represent; constitute; v. predstaviti | to
~a problem this is a problem
predstavljen pp represented, shown, made acquainted,
predstavniki adj pol representative
predstavnik m representative; spokesman
predstavnitvo n representation, representative body
predstojati vi (budunost) be forthcoming (approaching); (zlo) be imminent (impending)
predstojei adj (budui) forthcoming, approaching; (zlo)
imminent, impending
predstojnica f lady principal, woman manager, matron
predstojnik m head, principal, superintendent; manager,
director; warden; head of administrative district
predstojnitvo n rank (office, bureau) of a head of department
predstraa f advance-guard
predasnica f v. prethodnica
predasnik m v. prethodnik
predkolsk|i adj | ~a djeca preschoolers
predtakmienje n v. prednatjecanje
predubjeenje n v. preduvjerenje, predrasuda
predubok adj too deep | fig zai u ~e vode get out of
one's depth
predug adj too long; (otegnut) too elongated (drown
out); long drawn (out)
predugaak adj v. predug
predugo adv too long, overlong
preduhitriti vt v. pretei, sprijeiti
predujam m (novac) advance, loan, accommodation,
cash advance, advance-money, advancement

predujmiti vt lend, advance money, give a loan; (od

drugoga) borrow (of, from)
predujmljen pp advanced, lent; borrowed
predumiljaj m jur premeditation | ubojstvo s ~em premeditated murder
predupreivanje n v. preticanje, spreavanje
preduprijediti vt v. sprijeiti, pretei
preduslov m v. preduvjet
predusresti vt obviate, prevent; anticipate, be beforehand with, get the start of, go one better, forestall;
take precaution against; hinder, baulk, baffle
predusretanje n obviation, prevention; prophylaxy
predusretljiv adj v. susretljiv, usluan
predusretljivost v. susretljivost, uslunost
preduvjerenje n prejudgement; preconceived ideas;
preduvjet m prerequisite, prerequisite condition
preduzee n v. poduzee
preduzetan adj v. poduzetan
preduzeti vt v. poduzeti
preduzetnik m v. poduzetnik
preduzetnost f v. poduzetnost
preduzima m v. poduzetnik
preduzimanje n v. poduzimanje
preduzimati vt v. poduzimati
preduzimljiv adj v. poduzetan
preduzimljivost f v. poduzetnost
predveer adj towards (A toward) evening
predveerje n (eve) of an event | u ~ on the eve of
predveden pp brought out (in, before)
predvesti vt bring (lead) before, present to, introduce;
(optuenika) bring in
predvidiv adj predictable
predvidivost f predictability
predvidjeti vt foresee, anticipate; (pobrinuti se za) provide for; (kao mogunost) envisage; predict
predvianje n foreseeing; (oprez) foresight, forethought,
predvi|ati vt v. predvidjeti | ~a se kia rain is forecast
predvien pp foreseen, anticipated, expected | ~ za neravan teren designed for uneven ground
predvodilac m v. predvodnik
predvoditi vt (ii prvi) lead the way, go in front of, go
ahead, be the leader (fig pioneer); (vodi) be the
guide, guide; (pretea) be the forerunner, blaze the
predvodnica f mil advance-guard
predvodnik m leader, front runner
predvoen adj preceded by, following the lead of
predvoenje n leading, going ahead, guiding; (kao pretea) pioneening, blazing the trail
predvojnik|i adj | ~a obuka pre-military training
predvorje n vestibule, hall, forecourt, entrance-hall,
entrance court
predzadnji adj the last but one, penultimate
predzie n fig bulwark; chief (strongest) defence
predznak m omen, sign; math sign (+, )
predznanje n previous knowledge; foreknowledge
predivot m previous life

prea f yarn
preanji adj v. prijanji, proli, bivi
prei m pl ancestors, forebears, ascendants, forefathers
prefabrikat m v. preraevina
prefarbati vt paint over, repaint; (tkaninu, kosu) re-dye,
dye over
prefarbati se vr dye one's hair
prefekt m prefect
prefektura f prefecture; rank (office) of prefect
preferans m car preference
preferencijalan adj com & fin preferential
preferirati vt prefer
prefiks m gram prefix | staviti ~ prefix
prefin adj too fine (minute, small, thin, pointed, nice)
prefinjen adj v. profinjen
preformirati vt restructure, reorganize
preformirati se vr become restructured; reorganize
preformulirati vt rephrase, reword
preforsirati vt overtax, overexert
preforsirati se vr overtax (overexert) oneself
prefrigan adj coll v. lukav, prepreden
prefriganac m v. lukavac, prepredenjak
prega|a f apron; (djeja) pinafore | s ~om na sebi
aproned; puna ~a an apronful
pregalac m hard-working person; enthusiast
pregalatvo n zeal (v. portvovnost)
pregalj m zoo v. grinja
pregaranje n burning through itd. (v. pregorjeti); getting over a loss
pregarati vt v. pregorjeti
pregaziti vt (vodu) ford, wade over; (vozilom) run down
(over); (grubo) trample down, ride roughshod over
pregaen pp (voda) waded (forded) over; trampled
down; (vozilom) run over; (zdrobljen) crushed; mil
pregib m joint, bend; fold; article, articulation
pregibanje n bending, curving; flexion, inflexion, flexure
pregibati vt bend, inflect; warp; bow; (luk) curve
pregibati se vr bend; warp; curve
preglad|njeti vi | ~nio sam I am past feeling hungry
preglas m ling v. prijeglas
preglaen pp ling | ~ vokal umlaut vowel
pregled m review, survey; (korektura) revision, revise;
(tabela) schedule, tabular statement; (saet) summary, abstract, sketch; (lijeniki) medical examination, checkup, physical | med moram ii na ~ I mu st
have a checkup; med ii na ~ oiju have one's eyes
examined; med ~ krvi blood test
pregleda m v. pregledava
pregledan' pp (ispitan) examined, inspected, reviewed,
pregledan'' pp (neopaen) overlooked
prgledan''' adj easy-to-consult, easy-to-survey; well
laid out
pregledati' vt look over, examine, inspect; (pomno) examine narrowly; survey, muster; (smotra) review;
(okom) run the eye over; (proitati) peruse (brzo cursorily); (izvianje) reconnoitre; (odstraniti pogreke)

revise; (tonost) check; (raune) audit accounts; (ne

htjeti vidjeti) disregard, pass by, wink at; (pomno
proitati) scan; med examine, check, test
pregleda|ti'' vt (ne opaziti) not see, escape one's notice;
(preskoiti) skip, overlook | to sam pregledao (promaklo mi je) this has slipped my attention, this has
slipped me
pregledati se vr examine oneself; med v. ii na pregled
pregledava m examiner, inspector, surveyor; (rauna)
auditor; (carinik, troarinski inovnik) searcher
pregledavanje n inspection; examination, survey, review; (stavaka) checikng; (rauna) audit
pregledavati vt v. pregledati'
pregledno adv lucidly, clearly, easily to be surveyed
preglednost f being easy to survey (consult); good layout
| ~i radi for easy reference
preglodan adj gnawn (worn) through, frayed (fretted)
pregnantan adj pregnant (v. znaajan, sadrajan, saet)
pregnantnost f pregnancy
pregnue n exertion, effort, energy; assiduity; striving;
(ar) fervency; (cilj) aspiration
pregnuti vi exert oneself, apply onesel to, devote oneself
to; strive, endeavour, aspire; forge ahead
pregoren pp burned through
pregorijevanje n v. prijegor, prealjivanje
pregorjeti vt &vi (vatrom) burn through, scorch
through; (gubitak itd.) console oneself for a loss, get
over a loss (vexation), no longer grieve at (for, over,
about); forget; digest; be reconciled to | ne moi ~
keep grieving about; on ne moe ~ he still smarts at,
it still rankles in his breast, it sticks in his gizzard; v.
pregorio je osigura
pregovara m mediator, negotiator; spokesman
pregovaraki adj | za ~m stolom at the negotiating table
pregovaranje n negotiations pl, parley
pregovarati vi negotiate, parley, try to come to an arrangement (agreement, settlement)
pregovori m pl negotiations pl, parleys pl; talks pl | voditi ~e s nekim be in negotiation with one; poeti ~e
enter into negotiations with
pregrada f compartment, partition; (zid) partition-wall;
mar (nepropusna) bulkhead
pregradak m compartment, partition; division; box |
potanski ~ v. pretinac
pregraditi vt make alterations in a building; raise (erect)
an obstruction (barrier, fence itd.); construct partitions, partition off; reconstruct; remodel; convert
pregradnja f alterations in a building; reconstruction;
remodelling; conversion
pregraen pp reconstructed, partitioned off, converted
pregraivanje n v. pregradnja
pregraivati vt v. pregraditi
pregrija m super-heater
pregrijan pp overheated
pregrijati vt overheat
pregrijati se vr overheat, become overheated
pregrijavanje n overheating

pregristi vt bite (gnaw, chew) through, crush with teeth

pregrien pp gnawn (bitter) through
pregrt f handful, armful
pregrupacija f regrouping
prehistorija f v. prethistorija
prehlada f chill, cold; (hunjavica) cold in the head; catarrh; (u grlu) sore throat
prehladiti se vr catch a cold (chill) | jako se prehladiti
catch a bad cold
prehlaen adj having caught cold
prehramben adj nutritional; food, alimentary, alimental, foodstuf | ~i proizvodi food(stuff)s
prehrana f feeding, nourishment, alimentation; v. uzdravanje
prehraniti vt support, maintain, provide with food, keep
prehraniti se vr feed oneself; subsist on, maintain (support) oneself, live on; (jedva) live from hand to
mouth, keep the wolf from the door
prehranjen pp supported (provided) with sustenance
prehranjivanje n v. prehrana
prehranjivati vt v. prehraniti
preimustvo n v. prednost, premo
preinaen pp altered, remodelled, rebuilt, modified, reshaped
preinaenje n v. preinaka
preinaiti vt alter, make different, remodel, modify, rebuild, re-shape, re-form, diversify; reconstruct
preinaka f alteration, modification, remodelling, reconstruction, diversification; (zakona itd.) amendment;
(ispravak) rectification
preispitati vt reexamine; think over, rethink, reconsider,
review; (raun) audit, check
preispitivanje n reexamination; rethinking, reconsideration
prejahati vt cross (traverse) on horseback, ride through
(over) a distance (from one end to the other)
prejak adj too strong (robust, powerful, intense, mighty
prejasan adj (naslov) Most High, Most Serene, august
prejasnost f Serene Highness
prejedanje n overeating
prejedriti vt cross by sailing, sail over
prejesti se vr overeat (gorge) oneself; clog (overload)
one's stomach, surfeit oneself
prejudicirati vt prejudice
prejuriti vt dash over
prek adj v. prijek
prekaliti vt temper, anneal
prekaliti se vr harden (toughen) oneself; become hardened (tough)
prekaljen adj tough, hardened; battle-tested
prekaljenost f toughness, hardened quality; being battletested
prekaljivanje n hardening, toughening; testing in battle
prekaljivati se vr v. prekaliti se
prekapacitiran pp overcapacitated
prekapacitiranost f being overcapacitated, excessive

prekapacitirati vt overcapacitate
prekapanje n turning over (up) the ground; digging up;
(traenje) searching, ransacking, rummaging
prekapati vt dig up, turn up (over) the ground; (traiti)
search, ransack, rummage, ferret, rake up
prekardaiti vt v. pretjerati
prekasan adj too late, belated
prekasati vt gallop (on horseback) across, cover a distance galloping
prekasno adv too late; prov a day after the fair; behind
one's time
prekid m break, interruption (v. prekidanje) | ~ vatre
cease-fire; na ~e on and off, at intervals; now and
then, spasmodically, by fits and starts; bez ~a without
break, uninterruptedly (v. neprekidno, neprestano)
prekida m el circuit breaker, switch; (glavni) main
switch, master switch
prekidan pp interrupted, discontinued, disconnected,
broken off
prekidanje n interruption, discontinuance, disconnection; (obustava) suspension, cessation, break
prekidati vt v. prekinuti
prekinue n v. prekidanje, prekid
prekinut pp interrupted, broken off, snapped, disconnected; stopped short
prekinuti vt interrupt, discontinue, disconnect, make a
break, intermit, suspend, cease, break off, leave off,
stop (cut) short; (posao) strike work; be off with;
(predmet razgovora) drop the subject; (trgati, lomiti)
break off, sever | ~ s nekim break with one
prekinuti se vr check oneself; come to a halt; (konop)
prekipjeti vi boil over; (gnjev) foam (froth) over | u meni je ~lo I lost patience, I flew out into a passion
prekjuer adv the day before yesterday
prekjueranji adj of the day before yesterday
preklani adv the year before the last
preklanjski adj of the year before the last one
preklapati vt v. preklopiti; vt v. naklapati
preklapati se vr (s neim) overlap; v. preklopiti
preklati vt cut one's throat
preklinjanje n swearing, protestation, solemn assurances; confirmation by oaths
preklinjati vt implore
preklinjati se vr swear off by all that is dear to one
preklop m fold; overlap
preklop|an adj | ~ne grae (amac) clinker-built
preklopiti vt fold over, turn down
preklopiti se vr fold up, double up; (s neim) overlay
preklopljen pp turned down, folded over (down)
preklopni adj fold-up, collapsible
preknjiavanje n transfer
preknjiiti vt transfer (to another account)
preko prep & adv across, over; to (on) the other side;
through; on the farther side; (obala) on the other
bank, across; (vie nego) more than, above, beyond,
upwards of; (nasuprot) opposite; (daljnji) ulterior;
(dodatan) additional | star ~ 40 godina on the wrong
(shady) side of 40; ~ mjere inordinately, excessively;

~ dana during the day; ~ moje volje against my will,

against the grain, with a bad grace; ~ reda out of
one's turn; ~ ljeta pending summer; ~ polovine a
good half; vlak je zakasnio ~ pola sata train is overdue more than half an hour; ~ est sati past 6 o'clock;
~ brda i dolina through the length and breadth of the
country; ~ tisuu above (over) a thousand, a thousand
odd; ~ doputene teine (prtljaga) overweight, in
excess of... ; ~ oekivanja unexpectedly
prekobaciti se vr turn a summersault, tumble over,
make (turn) cart-wheel
prekobacivanje n summersault, tumbling over, making
a wheel
prekobrojan adj supernumerary, overplus, surplus, in
excess, over and above the required number
prekobrojnost f surplus, being in excess
prekodan adv v. preko dana, danju
prekodirati vt recode
prekomanda f mil transfer | dobiti ~u be transferred
prekomandirati vt mil transfer
prekomjeran adj erate, beyond measure (bounds), intemperate, odd; excessive; extraordinary; (cijena) exorbitant, extravagant; to excess | ~ rad overwork
prekomjerno adv excessively, inordinately | ~ raditi
overwork oneself
prekomjernost f excessiveness, immoderateness; (u jelu,
piu) intemperance; (u uicima) incontinence; extravagance
prekomorsk|i adj overseas, transatlantic | ~a trgovina
seaborne trade; ~a roba colonial goods
prekono adv v. preko noi, neu
prekooceanski adj transatlantic; (zemlje) overseas
(countries); (brod) ocean-going
prekopan pp dug over (ground), turned over; (traen)
ransacked, searched, rummaged, raked up
prekopati vt (lopatom i sl.) turn over the ground, dig up
(all over, across), loosen earth (the tilth), hove over;
fig (traiti) ransack, rummage, rake up, search thoroughly
prekopati vt (na telefonu) put through; switch a call to
prekopirati vt v. kopirati
prekor m v. prijekor
prekoraen pp (prostor) crossed, overstepped; (mjera,
ovlast) exceeded, transgressed; (raun) overdrawn
prekoraenje n (korak) crossing; (krenje) transgression, violation; (tueg prava) encroachment, trespassing; (mjere, koliine) exceeding, going beyond |
~ investicija overinvestment
prekoraiti vt (koraknuti) cross, go across, step astride
over; (ovlast) stretch one's authority; (granicu) overstep; (nadmaiti) surpass, exceed; (prekriti) violate,
transgress; (veresiju) outrun the credit; (raun) overdraw a balance; overdraw one's account
prekoran adj (glas, ukor) rebuking, chiding, reproachful, blaming, censuring
prekoravati vt v. prekoriti
prekoredan adj extraordinary, out of one's turn
prekoren pp rebuked, blamed, reprimanded, censured

prekoriti vt rebuke, find fault with, censure, blame, reprimand, reprehend, admonish
prekosutra adj v. preksutra
prekovan pp recoined, re-minted, reforged
prekovati vt (novac) recoin, re-mint; reforge
prekovremeni adj | ~ rad overtime (work)
prekovremeno adv | raditi ~ work overtime
prekraivanje n v. skraivanje
prekrajanje n altering; fig re-shaping
prekrajati vt v. prekrojiti
prekrasan adj especially beautiful (charming), magnificent; wonderful, grand, divine, glorious, admirable
prekratiti vt v. skratiti
prekrcan pp trans-shipped, reloaded; overloaded
prekrcati vt trans-ship, reload; (prenakrcati) overload,
load down
prekrcati se vr trans-ship, reload, change; overload
prekrcavanje n trans-shipment, reloading; overloading
prekrenuti vt topple over, move in another direction
prekrenuti se vr topple over, lose one's balance
prekretanje n toppling over
prekretati vt v. prekrenuti
prekretnica f turning-point
prekriliti vt cover (spread) all over
prekriti vt cover with, overlay, spread all over; (zastrti)
overcast, overcloud; (sakriti) conceal, hide; (zasloniti) screen; (umotati) veil, shroud, hood; (potamniti)
obscure; (segnuti preko) overlap
prekriva m (koperdeka) bedspread; v. pokriva, pokrov
prekrivanje n overlaying; covering (spreading) all over;
overcasting, overclouding; concealing, hiding; veiling, shrouding
prekrivati vt v. prekriti
prekriven pp covered all over, overspread; overcast,
overclouded; veiled, shrouded; overlapped
prekrien pp crossed (ruled) out, crossed off
prekriziti vt (crtom) cross out (off); (iz popisa) cross
one's name out | ~ ruke cross one's arms; ~ noge
cross one's legs; (kao Turci) tuck one's legs under; fig
moete to ~ you can forget it
prekriiti se vr (rukom) cross oneself, make the sign of
prekrije n cross-road, cross roads
prekrmiti vt (manage to) feed the cattle
prekrojen pp altered; fig re-shaped, re-modelled, reformed
prekrojiti vt alter; fig re-shape, re-model, re-form
prekrstiti vt cross with the sign of cross; (preimenovati)
give another name; (ruke, noge) v. prekriiti
prekraj m transgression, contravention, violation, infringement, breach, offence; sp foul, violation
prekren pp infringed, violated, transgressed
prekritelj m transgressor, trespasser, offender, violator
prekriti vt tranagress, break (law, word, oath); violate,
infringe, offend against; trespass; (ugovor) jump the
prekrtavanje n conversion; rechristening
prekrtavati vt v. prekrstiti

prekrten pp (ime) re-named; (vjera) having changed

one's religion | ~ih nogu cross-legged; ~ih ruku with
crossed (folded) arms
prekrupa f grits pl
preksino adv the night before last
preksinonji adj of the night before last
preksutra adv the day after tomorrow
preksutranji adj taking place (going to happen, expected itd.) on the day after tomorrow
prekucati vt v. pretipkati
prekuhan pp re-boiled, boiled over again
prekuhati vt reboil, boil over
prekuhati se vr overboil
prekupac m middleman, profiteer
prekupiti vt buy up in order to sell at an enhanced price;
buy from
prekupljen pp bought over (from)
prekupnja f buying up goods (as a middleman)
prekvalifikacija f retraining
prekvalificirati (se) vt (vr) retrain
prelac m spinner | ent smrekov ~ nun moth
prelamanje n breaking up; (na dvoje) doubling, folding
prelamati vt break in two or more pieces; (slagati) double, fold up; print make up into pages
prelat m eccl prelate | ~i pl prelature
prelatsk|i adj eccl prelatic(al) | ~a ast prelature, prelacy
prelaz m v. prijelaz
prelazak m v. prijelaz
prelazan adj v. prijelazan
prelaz|iti vt traverse, go over itd. (v. prijei); (nadmaiti) surpass, surmount; overtop, top; (bolest) be
contagious (catching, infectious) | to svojstvo ~i od
oca na sina this characteristic (trait) lies in the blood,
it is bred in the bone (inherited); to ~i moje shvaanje that is above me
prelaznina f sp transfer fee
prelaenje n crossing, traversing itd. (v. prelaziti);
switch (change) to
preletjeti vt fly over (across), cross by flying; (proi) go
(pass) rapidly; (okom) glance (skim, pass) over rapidly; (itajui) peruse cursorily (superficially)
preleati vt stay in bed
prelijep adj exceedingly beautiful, wonderful, grand
prelijetanje n overflight; continuous (repeated) flying
prelijetati vt keep (continue) crossing by flight (flying
prelijevanje n (sjaj) iridescence; (tkanine) gloss of shot
silk; (toenje) pouring from one vessel into another,
decanting; (preko ruba) overflowing, brimming over
prelijevati vt pour over (out), decant, spill over
prelijev|ati se vr overflow, flow over; (poplava) inundate, flood; (boja) iridesce, play from one colour into
another | ova se svila ~a this is shot silk; koji se ~a
iridiscent; (svila) shot (s utiskom watered) silk
preliminaran adj preliminary, preparatory, introductory
preliminarno adv preliminarily, as a preliminary

prelistati vt turn over the leaves of a book

prelistavanje n thumbing (through)
preliti (se) vt (vr) v. prelijevati (se)
preliv m cul topping (na torti icing) | s okoladnim ~om
preliven pp poured over; cul topped (by), iced, covered
prelo n spinning; (moba) spinning-bee (company)
prelom m v. prijelom
prelomiti vt break in two; rupture; (puknuti) snap;
(previnuti) fold in two
prelomiti se vr break (in two); snap
prelomljen pp broken (in two); snapped; ruptured;
folded in two
prelomni adj v. prijelomni
prelomnica f v. prekretnica
prelov m overfishing; overhunting
preloviti vt overfish; overhunt
preludirati vi mus improvise; prelude
prelja f spinster, girl-spinner
preljub m adultery | poiniti ~ commit adultery
preljubnica f adulteress
preljubniki adj adulterate, adulterous
preljubnik m adulterer
prema prep toward, against; (usporedba) compared to,
in comparison to, comparatively speaking, contrasted
with; (razmjer) in proportion to, pro rata; (proti)
counter-; (smjer) -ward, in the direction of; (nasuprot) opposite to, facing; (izvor vijesti itd.) according
to; (u smislu, na temelju) pursuant to, in pursuance
of; (u skladu sa) in accordance with, conformably to;
(uputi, zakonu) under | jedan ~ drugome face to face;
~ ovim prilikama under the circumstances; ~ potrebi if need be, (dovoljan) adequate; ~ naredbi (uputi)
following the instructions, as instructed; ve ~ tome
as occasion serves, it depends; ~ tome (dakle) consequently, accordingly; iz ljubavi ~ out of love for... ;
iz obzira ~... with regard to; ide ~ meni he goes in
my direction; koji ide ~ sredini convergent; ide ~
podne it is on towards noon; ii ~ draw near, approach; ivi (troi) ~ sredstvima cut your coat according to your cloth; pobijediti s 2 ~ 1 beat 2 to 1
prem|ac m equal, match, peer | nema mu ~ca he is
matchless, he has no equal, he is second to none, he
is peerless; namjerio se na ~ca he has caught a Tartar
premalen adj too small (little, tiny, diminutive); insufficient, inadequate
premalo adj too little, not enough (suficiently), insufficiently, inadequately; under-; short of... | ~ peen underdone; ~ hranjen underfed; ~ plaen underpaid;
brod ima ~ posade the vessel is undermanned; imamo ~ radnika we are short of hands
premamiti vt entice (lure, talk, win) over
premamljen pp enticed (lured) over
premarati vt v. premoriti
premastan adj too greasy (i cul)
premaen pp exceeded; surpassed, outdone

prema|iti vt exceed, surpass, outdo, go one better;

(normu) overfulfill | on je ~io 50 godina he is turned
fitty; to ~uje sve that tops all
premaiti se vr exceed (surpass, outdo) oneself
premaz m coat (of paint) | nanijeti osnovni ~ (grundirati) prime, ground
premazan pp smeared all over, plastered all over
premazati vt smear (coat, daub, plaster) all over
premazati se vr smear oneself
premazivanje n smearing itd. over (v. premazati)
premda conj though, although, albeit
premetain|a f search (of a house) | nalog za ~u searchwarrant
premetanje n transposition, moving to another place;
(pretraga) search, searching
premetati vt transpose, move to another place; (traenje)
rake, rummage, search, ransack; turn upside down,
put topsy-turvy
premetati se vr make summersaults (somersaults)
premetnut pp transposed, moved (put) to another place
premetnuti vt v. premetati
premija f premium; (nagrada) reward, prize; (dodatak,
doplatak) bonus; (valuta) agio
premijer m Premier, Prime Minister
premijera f opening night, first night
premijerni adj (kino, film) first-run
premijesiti vt re-knead, knead over again
premijean pp mixed, stirred up
premijeati vt mix up, stir up
premijeen pp re-kneaded
premilostiv adv most gracious (merciful)
preminue n death, decease
preminuo adj deceased, defunct, (the) departed; (pokojni) late
preminuti vi die, pass away, decease, expire, depart this
life, depart from life
premio adj dearest, most beloved (cherished)
premranje' n bonus payments (system)
premiranje'' n v. zamiranje, obamiranje
premrati' vt award bonuses
premirati'' vi v. zamirati, obamirati
premisa f log premise, premiss
premiljavanje n (neodlunost) indecision, irresoluteness, shilly-shally; (dugo) pondering, weighing mentally
premiljavati (se) vi (vr) (oklijevati) heaitate, be irresolute, shilly-shally, waver, be unable to make up one's
mind (decide, form a decision); (razmiljati) meditate, reflect, chew the cud, ponder
premjera f v. izmjera
premjeravanje n measurang the extent (calibre, diameter)
premjeravati vt v. premjeriti
premjeriti vt measure (survey) across
premjestiti vt transpose, displace, shift; (namjetenika)
premjestiti se vr shift (v. pomaknuti se); transfer

premjetaj m transference, removal (of a clerk) to another place (post) of employment; (micanje) shift,
transposition; mat permutation
premjetanje n (continuous) shifting (transposition,
removing) to another place (position, station); transfer
premjetati vt v. premjestiti
premjeten pp transferred, shifted, transposed; removed
to another place of employment
premjetenje n v. premjetaj
premlaen pp beaten black and blue, battered thoroughly
premlatiti vt beat up, beat black and blue, batter (thrash)
all over (thoroughly), flog within an inch of one's life
premnogi adj overmany, too many, too great a number
premnogo adv v. previe
premo f preponderance, superiority; odds; predominance, prevalence; fig overweight
premoan adj superior, preponderant, predominant
premonost f superiority
premoren adj overtired, bone-weary, dead on one's feet;
premorenost f fatigue, overwork
premoriti vt tire out, overwork
premoriti se vr become overtired; overwork oneself
premostiti vt bridge over, throw a bridge over, span
(river itd.) with a bridge
premostiv adj bridgeable (i fig)
premoten pp bridged over; (rijeka itd.) spanned by a
premotenje n bridging over, spanning with a bridge
premotan adj (rana) re-bandaged
premotati vt (ovoj) renew the bandage, re-bandage; rewrap; (magnetofonsku vrpcu) rewind
premrijeti vi v. zamrijeti, obamrijeti
premrznuti vi v. promrznuti
premudar adj overwise, very wise; iron omniscient |
iron ~ ovjek wiseacre
premudro adv very wisely, with great wisdom
premudrost f over-wisdom
prenainiti vt alter, make alterations, modify
prenainjen pp altered; modified; (popravljen) amended
prenagao adj overhasty, rash; (vratoloman) reckless,
headlong, foolhardy
prenagliti se vr act rashly, outrun one's discretion, act
without proper (due, reasonable) consideration
(thought, care); (uriti se) haste (hurry) unduly
prenaglo adv too rashly (quickly, fast), without due consideration
prenagljenost f rashness, precipitation; (vratolomija)
recklessness, foolhardiness
prenakien pp (neukusno) gaudy, too richly ornamented, over-decorated; (neukusno) gaudy, garish
prenakienost f gaudiness, garishness, too rich ornamentation (decoration)
prenapet pp overstretched, overstrained; (ivci, osoba)
high-strung, overwrought, keyed-up
prenapeti vt stretch too hightly (tautly), overstrain
prenapetost f overstrain, overwrought state

prenapiti se vr overdrink oneself

prenaporan adj too strenuous, over-strenuous, too hard
prenaporno adv over-strenuously, too hard
prenapregnuti se vr overstrain (overtax, overwork) oneself
prenapuen pp over-populated, crowded
prenapuiti vt overpopulate
prenapuniti vt overfill; crowd; (natrpati) cram, fill to
prenapuniti se vr become overfilled (crowded, packed,
prenapunjen pp overfilled; crowded, crammed, cramful,
packed like sardines
prenapunjenost f crammed (crowded, overfilled) state
prenaseljen adj overpopulated
prenaseljenost f overpopulation
prenaanje n v. prenoenje
prenaati vt v. prenositi
prenatovaren pp overloaded, overburdened
prenatovariti vt overburden, overload; fig break somebody's back
prenatovariti se vr overburden (overload) oneself; fig
break one's back
prenatrpan pp v. pretrpan
prenatrpati vt v. pretrpati
prenavljanje n affectation (v. prenemaganje)
prenavljati se vr affect (v. prenemagati se)
prenebregavati vt v. zanemarivati, zaputati
prenebregnuti vt v. zanemariti, zapustiti
prenemagalo n person given to affectation
prenemaganje n affectation; gingerliness; (plahost) demureness; (u govoru) prunes and prisms, mincing
prenemagati se vr affect, be full of affectation; mince
preneraziti vt astound, dumbfound, stupify, stagger,
petrify, strike dumb
preneraziti se vr be dumbstruck, be astounded
preneraen pp dumbfounded, staggered, flabbergasted,
petrified, thunderstruck, stunned, non-plussed
preneraeno adv struck dumb, aghast
prenerae|nost f, ~nje n stupefaction, standing aghast
(dumbfomnded, petrified, thunderstruck, staggered,
flabbergasted), taken aback
prenesen pp carried over (forward), transported; conveyed; (ustupljen) made over to, ceded | ~o znaenje
metaphorical (figurative) meaning; u ~om znaejnu
(smislu) figuratively
prenesti vt v. prenijeti
prenijeti vt bring over; bkk carry over (forward); transmit; (vlasnitvo) convey, assign, make over to; transfer; transport; (odstupiti pravo) cede
prenijeti se vr (u mislima) tnansport oneself (mentally);
imagine oneself
prenizak adj too low
prenizati vt restring (beads, a pearl necklace)
prenoiste n quarters for the night, hostelry; (jeftino)
doss-house sl

prenoiti vi spend (pass) the night, sleep (lodge) for the

night, stay for the night
prenos m v. prijenos
prenosilac m transmitter, mover; (bolesti) carrier
prenositi vt v. prenijeti
prenosiv adj transferable; assignable
prenosivost f (bolesti) transmissibility
prenosni adj v. prijenosni
prenosnik m eng machine belt; fig vehicle, v. prenosilac
prenoenje n transport, transportation; (knjienje) transfer, conveying of property; com & bkk carrying over;
forwarding; transmission; (vlasnitva) making over,
prenue n awakening, rousing from sleep
prenuti se vr wake up, awaken, rouse up
preobilan adj superabundant, profuse, lavish; liberal
preobilno adj superabundantly, profusely; excessively
preobilje n superabundance, lavishness, prefuseness,
affluence, redundance
preoblaenje n changing of clothes; (krinka) disguising
preoblaiti vt v. svlaiti, preobui
preobladati vt v. prevladati, nadvladati, svladati
preoblaivanje n v. prevladavanje
preoblaivati vt v. prevladavati, svladavati
preobliiti vt transform
preobliiti se vr transform, become transformed
preoblikovanje n transformation, refashioning
preobraen pp transformed; (na drugu vjeru) converted
to another religion
preobraenik m (na drugu vjeru) convert
preobraenje n transformation; (vjersko) conversion
preobratiti (se) vt (vr) transform, transfigure; convert to
another faith
preobrazba f metamorphosis, transformation, transfiguration
preobraziti vt transform, transfigure, metamorphose;
alter (change) entirely
preobraziti se vr change form, transform, become transformed (transfigured)
preobraaj m v. preobrazba
preobraavanje n transforming, transformation
preobraavati vt v. preobraziti
preobraen pp metamorphosed; transformed; transfigured
preobraenje n v. preobrazba
Preobraenje n eccl Transfiguration
preobrnut adj inverted, turned upside down (inside out);
preobrnuti (se) vt (vr) invert, turn upside down (inside
out), turn topsy-turvy
preobuen pp dressed (disguised) in other clothes; v.
preobui (se) vt (vr) dress (disguise) in other clothes; v.
presvui (se)
preobuka f v. presvlaka
preobuti (se) vt (vr) change one's footwear
preobuvanje n changing one's footwear
preobuven adj having changed one's footwear
preocijeniti vt revise, re-estimate, rethink

preocjenjivanje n revision, reestimation, rethinking

preodgajanje n re-education, reforming
preodgajati vt v. preodgojiti
preodgojiti vt re-educate, reform
preodjeti vt v. preobui, presvui
preokrenut adj v. preobrnut
preokrenuti vt turn over, turn upside down, invert, reverse (v. preobrnuti); turn other way, give another
direction; (nutranjost van) turn (a coat)
preokrenuti se vr change, turn, shift
preokret m revolution; (osjeaja, okolnosti i sl.) revulsion, total change, reaction, complete change for the
better or worse; turning-point; peripeteia (peripetia);
preokretanje n turning upside down, reversing
preokretati vt v. preokrenuti
preokupacija f preoccupation, concern
preokupirati vt preoccupy, worry
preokupirati se vr become preoccupied
preoptereen pp overburdened, overloaded
preoptereenost f overload, being overloaded; (poslom)
excessive (work) load, overcommitment
preoptereenje n overloading, overburdening
preopteretiti vt overburden, overload; (snage) overtax;
(zadatkom) overtask
preopteretiti se vr take an excessive work load, overcommit oneself
preoran pp ploughed over (up, down); (iznova) reploughed
preorati vt plough up (down, over), turn down (in) with
a plough; (iznova) plough anew (afresh)
preorijentacija f reorientation
preorijentirati (se) vt (vr) reorient; switch over (to),
preosjetljiv adj too sensitive (delicate, susceptible, impressionable), oversensitive, thin-skinned
preosjetljivost f oversensitiveness
preostao adj left over, remaining, last of its kind; (prekobrojan, neparan) odd
preostatak m remnant, remainder, rest, remains pl; (talog itd.) residue; (svata) odds and ends pl
preosta|ti vi be left over, remain over; (preivjeti) survive; (biti poteen) be spared | ne ~je drugo nego...
there is nothing for it but to...; ne ~je mi drugo
nego... I have no choice but, I have no alternative,
there is nothing far me but; I have Hobson's choice
preotet pp wrested (snatched away) from one
preoteti vt wrest (snatch, grab away) from one;
(istrgnuti) wrench from; take away; win control from;
(u plesu) cut in on; (pretei) forestall | ~ maha
spread, gain ground, become prevalent (rampant);
(moda) be all the rage; increase steadily
preotimanje n wresting (wrenching, snatching) away
from; (prestizanje) forestalling
preovladati vi v. prevladati
preovlaivanje n v. prevladavanje
prepaen pp suffered, endured, undergone, experienced

prepad m surprise attack; (gangsterski) holdup | fig na ~

by surprise; izvriti ~ na carry out a surprise attack;
hold up
prepakirati (se) vt (vr) repack
prepapriti vt cul put too much (red) pepper in
preparandija f sch hist normal school (v. uiteljska
preparandist m sch hist normal-school pupil
preparat m chem & pharm preparation; (mikroskopski)
preparator m (ivotinja) taxidermist
prepariran pp prepared, made ready for use; mounted
preparirati vt prepare, make ready for use; (ivotinje za
muzej) stuff (kukce mount)
preparkirati (se) vt (vr) mot repark
prepast f fright, dread, horror, consternation; (panika)
panic, v. zaprepatenje
prepasti se vr v. preplaiti se
prepatiti vt endure (undergo, experience) pain (torture
itd.); get over hardships; weather out, suffer, stand
prepeen pp (previe) overdone; (ponovo) roasted over
again; (rakija itd.) rectified, distilled twice
prepeenac m (kruh) toast
prepeenica f rectified (twice distilled) plum-brandy
prepei vt (odvie) overdo; (ponovo) do (roast) over
again; (rakiju) distil twice, rectify
prepei se vr overroast, overbake
prepelica f ornith quail
prepeliar m (pseto) spaniel, setter
prepeliji adj of a quail
prepiliti vt saw through, saw up (in two)
prepiljen pp sawn through (up)
prepira m quarreller, bawler, squabbler, wrangler; disputant
prepiranje n v. prepirka
prepirati se vr quarrel, wrangle, bicker, altercate; call
each other names; debate, dispute, discuss hotly, controvert, be at variance; (oko neega) contest, wrestle
for; (ne slagati se) disagree, clash
prepirka f quarrel, wrangle, altercation, squabble, row,
bickering; debate, discussion, dispute; controversy
prepis m v. prijepis
prepisan pp copied in writing, transcribed; (ispisan)
written out; (knjievna kraa) plagiarized; (vlasnitvo) conveyed, made over; (nedoputeno, u koli)
cribbed; (krasopisom, isprave) engrossed; med prescribed
prepisati vt copy in writing, transcribe, make a clean
(fair) copy, write out; (kraa) plagiarize; (vlasnitvo)
convey, make over (property); sch crib; (krasopisom,
ispravu) engross; med prescribe
prepisiva m copyist; transcriber; (krasopisac) engrosser; (ak) cribber
prepisivanje n copying, engrossing; transcription, writing out; (ak) cribbing
prepisivati vt v. prepisati
prepisk|a f v. dopisivanje | voditi ~u sa v. dopisivati se
prepiti se vr drink too much
prepjev m poetic translation (rendition)

prepjevan pp recast (a poem)

prepjevati vt recast (a poem)
preplaen pp over-paid, paid too dearly, paid exorbitantly
preplaivanje n overpayment
preplaivati vt v. preplatiti
preplakati vi | ~ no weep all through the night
preplanulost f (sun) tan
preplanuo pp tanned, bronzed
preplanuti vi get a (sun) tan
preplaen pp frightened, alarmed, struck with fear,
overawed, scared
preplaiti vt frighten, startle, alarm, appal, strike with
terror, scare, overawe, intimidate
preplaiti se vr take alarm, get frightened (alarmed,
preplata f amount paid (donated) over the asked price
preplatiti vt over-pay; (pretjerano) pay an exorbitant
price, pay through the nose, be overcharged
preplaviti vt overflow, flood, inundate, submerge; fig
flood, swamp
preplavljen pp flooded, submerged, inundated
preplesti vt interweave, interlace; (ponovo oplesti) reknit
preplesti se vr be interwoven (interlaced); overlap
prepletanje n re-knitting; v. preplitanje
prepleten pp re-knit (v. isprepleten)
preplitanje n interweaving, interlacing
preplitati (se) vt (vr) v. preplesti (se)
preplivati vt swim across, cross by swimming
preploviti vt sail across, cross by sailing, voyage across,
make a passage
preplovljen pp crossed by sailing
prepolavljanje n halving, cutting (breaking) in two
prepolavljati vt v. prepoloviti
prepoloviti vt halve, cut (snap, break, part) in two
(asunder); (cijenu) split the difference
prepolovljen pp cut (severed, snapped, broken) in two
prepona f anat groin; sp v. prepreka
preporan adj v. prijeporan
preporod m regeneration, renaissance; revival; new
birth, rebirth; reformation
preporoditelj m regenerator, reviver; reformer
preporoditi vt regenerate; revive
preporoditi se vr feel regenerated (rejuvenated), be born
preporoen adj regenerated, rejuvenated, re-born
preporu|an adj | ~no pismo (pismena preporuka) introductory letter, letter of introduction, credentials pl;
(potansko) v. preporueno pismo
preporuanje n v. preporuka
preporuati vt v. preporuiti
preporuen pp recommended; (pismo) registered
preporueno adv | poslati ~ send by registered mail
preporuiti vt recommend; (osobu) say a good word for;
(stvar) press a matter strongly on one, impress on,
urge home to one; (savjetovati) advise

preporu|iti se vr recommend oneself | ~am se! my

preporuivanje n recommending, recommendation
preporuivati vt v. preporuiti
preporuljiv adj recommendable, advisable
preporuka f recommendation, introduction, reference;
(pisma) registration of a letter
prepostiti vt fast (all through)
prepot m eccl provost
prepotencija f v. prepotentnost
prepotentan adj overbearing, domineering, dictatorial,
imperious, bullying | ~ ovjek overbearing (domineering) fellow, blusterer, bully, hector
prepotentnost f overbearing (imperious, domineering)
prepotopski adv v. pretpotopan
prepoviti vt rewrap, rebandage; (dijete) change a baby
prepozicija f gram v. prijedlog
prepoznat pp recognized
prepoznati vt recognize, identify; (po) know by
prepoznatljiv adj recognizable, identifiable
prepoznatljivost f recognizability, identifiability
prepoznavanje n recognition, identification
prepoznavati vt v. prepoznati
preprati vt wash again, re-wash
prepravak m v. prepravljanje
prepraviti vt (konfekciju) alter; v. pregraditi, podesiti
prepravljanje n (konfekcije) alteration; v. pregraivanje
prepreden pp re-spun; fig crafty, wily, artful, cunning,
sly | ~ ovjek a deep one, a dodger, a knowing one
prepredeno adv cunningly, craftily
prepredenost f craftiness, wiliness, astuteness, slyness,
cunning, craft
prepredenjak m cunning (astute, wily, crafty) fellow
prepregnut adj | ~i konji changed horses, a relay of
fresh horses
prepregnuti vt change horses, replace by a new relay of
prepreka f obstruction, obstacle, hindrance | trka na
400 m s ~ma the 400-metre hurdles; trka preko ~
prepresti vt re-spin, spin over again
preprezati vt v. prepregnuti
prepriati vt retell; adapt
prepriavanje n retelling; adapting, adaptation
preprijeen pp hindered, prevented, obstructed, obviated
preprijeiti vt obviate, prevent; obstruct; bar; (osujetiti)
frustrate, thwart, foil, baffle
preprodaja f re-sale; (prodaja na malo) detail trade, sale
over the counter
preprodati vt resell (v. preprodavati)
preprodava m (posrednik) middleman; profiteer; (na
malo) retailer; (ulini) huckster, hawker | ~ karata B
ticket tout, A scalper
preprodavanje n v. preprodaja
preprodavati vt resell; (na malo) retail; (vrlo skupo)
profiteer; (na ulici) hawk about
prepriti vt overfry, overtoast; fry (toast) again

prepriti se vr overfry, overtoast

prepucavanje n skirmishing (i fig)
prepucavati se vr skirmish (i fig)
prepucij m anat foreskin
prepuknuti vi v. puknuti
prepumpati vt overinflate
prepun adj too full, overfull; (aa) brimful; (natrpan)
cramful, chockful, overcrowded, crowded to repletion, ready to burst (split)
prepuniti vt overfill, fill to excess; (zalihe) overstock;
(tovar) overload; (nagurati) crowd, cram, throng
prepuniti se vr overfill; become overcrowded
prepunjavati vt v. prepuniti
prepunjen pp overfilled, crowded, crammed, chockful
prepustiti vt leave over to one; (ustupiti) cede, surrender; (prenijeti) transfer, make over, assign; give
(yield) up
prepustiti se vr give oneself up to, resign, surrender
(yield) oneself to; (pomiriti se) reconcile oneself to;
(tuoj milosti) throw oneself on one's mercy
preputanje n (odstup) cession; (prava) giving up, surrender; (sklonostima itd.) abandonment, selfsurrender, indulgence; (boli itd.) resignation
preputen pp (ustupljen) ceded, yielded; (naputen)
abandoned; (sam sebi) uneared for, left to one's own
resources, left to shift for oneself
preraunan pp converted into other value (money,
goods itd.); recalculate
preraunati vt convert; recalculate, recompute
preraunati se vr make an error (in computing)
preraunavanje n recomputation
preradba f (gotovoga) remodelling, modification, alteration; re-making, recasting, re-shaping; (izradba od
sirovine) manufacture, processing; adaptation
preraditi vt re-make, remodel, recast, re-shape, re-form;
(pisano) rewrite, adapt; re-fashion; alter; (sirovinu)
manufacture, process
preraditi se vr overwork oneself
preraen pp remodelled, recast, refashioned, re-shaped;
re-written; altered; manufactured, transformed, prepared, processed
preraevin|a f manufacture, preparation | mesne (vone,
mlijene) ~e meat (fruit, dairy) products
preraiva m processor; (teksta i sl.) adaptor
preraivak|i adj processing | ~a industrija manufacturing (processing, light) industry
preraivanje n v. preradba
preraivati vt v. preraditi
preran adj too early, premature, precocious, before its
time; untimely
prerano adv too early, prematurely, before one's time, in
advance of one's time
preraspodijeliti vt redistribute, reallocate
preraspodijeliti se vr be redistributed (reallocated)
preraspodjela f redistribution, reallocation
prerastao adj grow out of ones clothes, grown taller
than another; outgrown
prerasti vt outgrow; fig grow (develop) into

prerez m cut through, section, cutting | uzduni (kosi,

okomiti) ~ longitudinal (oblique, vertical) section
prerezan pp cut through; (pilom) sawn through; (karama) clipped through
prerezati vt cut through; (piliti) saw through; (karama)
clip (shear) through
prerija f geog prairie, grass plain
preriti vt v. prerovati
prerisati vt v. precrtati
prerogativ|a f prerogative, peculiar privilege | koji ima
~u prerogative, enjoying the privilege
prerovan pp dug (burrowed, turned) up, routed up; fig
rummaged, ransacked, raked
prerovati vt turn (dig, burrow) up the soil, rout up; fig
(traei) ransack, rummag, rake up
preruiti vt v. pretresti, istresti, preliti
preruen pp disguised
preruiti vt disguise
preruiti se vr disguise oneself
presa f v. tijesak, prea
presad m slips (sets, shoots) for planting
presaditi vt transplant (i med)
presadnica f seedling
presaen pp transplanted
presaivanje n transplanting | med ~ bubrega kiney
presaivati vt transplant
presahnuti vi dry up, run dry; be drained (exhausted)
presamititi vt Tur v. previnuti, preklopiti, poviti
presavijati vt v. previjati, preklapati, savijati
presavjestan adj overscrupulous, pedantic, overnice,
over-conscientious, squeamish
presbiro m press bureau
presedan m precedent | bez ~a without precedent, unprecedented; stvoriti ~ set a precedent
presedlati vt resaddle
preselenje n v. preseljenje
preseliti vt move; resettle, relocate, (silom) eject
preseliti se vr move, go to live in, change one's residence; migrate
preseljavanje n resettling, relocation
preseljavati vt v. preseliti
preseljenik m resettler, relocatee
preseljenje n removal, changing one's residence (abode);
preseneen adj bewildered, nonplussed, staggered, surprised
preseneenje n astonishment, amazement, wonderment,
bewilderment, surprise, nonplus
presenetiti vt surprise, stagger, astound, bewilder, nonplus, take by surprise, confound
presenetiti se vr be surprised (taken by surprise)
presezati vi v. presizati
presien adj v. prezasien
presija f v. pritisak
presijati vt sieve, sift with sieve; (reeto) riddle
presijavati se vr v. sjajiti, blistati
presijecanje n cutting, severing

presijecati vt (put, voda itd.) traverse, cross, lie across;

(meusobno) intersect
presijecati se vt intersect; overlap
presipan pp shoot into another container
presipati vt v. presuti, preliti
presipati se vr escape over the brim; brim over
presipavanje n shooting from one container into another
presipavati vt v. presipati
presisa|ti se vr mot | sigurno se motor ~o the engine
must have flooded
presit adj over-satiated, surfeited, cloyed, saturated; fed
up with, gorged
presititi se vr overeat
presitost f satiety, state of glut (surfeit)
presizanje n encroachment, trespassing
presizati vt encroach, trespass
presjecite n intersection (i geom)
presjeen pp traversed (crossed) by; cut in two
presjeni adj geom sectional
presjei vt cut through, chop through; sever from; (govor) interrupt, cut in
presjedati vi v. presjesti; (u putu) v. prelaziti
presjediti vt sit (all through); sit too long
presjek m cut, section | uzduni ~ v. prerez
presje|sti vi v. presjedati | ~lo mi je v. prisjesti
preskakivanje n jumping (springing, hopping, leaping)
across (over); (rijei, redaka) skipping, omitting of
words (lines)
preskakivati vt keep jumping (skipping, springing, leaping, hopping) over (across)
preskakivati se vr (djeca) play at leap-frog
preskoiti vt jump (skip, leap, spring, hop) over
(across); (zapreku) negotiate, clear; (ispustiti) skip
(pass) over, miss, omit
preskok m | na ~ v. napreskok
preskonferencija f v. konferencija za tampu
preskup adj too dear (expensive), exorbitant, fancypriced; unreasonable | to je ~o za mene I can't afford
preslab adj too weak (feeble), too delicate | ja sam za to
~ it is beyond (it exceeds) my power (strength)
preslabo adv | ~ hranjen underfed, undernourished; ~
plaen underpaid; ~ peen underdone; photo ~ razvijen under-developed; photo ~ osvijetliti underexpose
presladak adj too sweet, over-sweet
presladiti vt make too sweet, over-sweeten, over-sugar
preslaen adj oversweetened
preslagati vt v. presloiti
preslan adj too salt(ed), over-salted
preslica f distaff; bot horse-tail
preslika m (sliica) transferrer
preslikan pp overpainted; copied from the (drawing,
picture itd.); transferred by means of transfer paper
preslikati vt copy from original painting (drawing, picture itd.); transfer by means of the transfer (tracing)
preslikavanje n copying from original paintings (pictures, drawings)

preslikavati vt v. preslikati
presliavati vt v. ispitivati
presliavati se vr v. ponavljati
presloiti vt rearrange, restack; print reset
presluan adj interrogated, cross-examined
presluati vt (sud, istraga) interrogate, conduct a hearing, try judicially, conduct an inquest; (unakrst)
cross-examine; listen through
presluavanje n judicial examination, hearing; (unakrst)
cross-examination; questioning
presluavati vt v. presluati
presnimiti vt (magnetofonom i sl.) re-record; make a
tape copy of
presoliti vt over-salt, salt too much
presoljen pp over-salted
presovati vt v. preati, tijetiti
prespavati vt (no) spend the night sleepg; fig (zakasniti) let opportunity slip; (ivotinja zimu) hibernate;
(predugo, zaspati) oversleep oneself | ~12 sati sleep
the clock round
prespojiti vt (telefonski) put through; switch a call to
presresti vt intercept (i aero)
presreta m aero (lovac) interceptor
presretan adj overglad, overhappy, over-joyous, beside
oneself with joy (happiness), most happy, in the seventh heaven
presretanje n interception (i aero)
presretati vt v. presresti
prestajanje n ceasing, discontinuance, stopping, pausing, suspension, cessation
prestajati vi v. prestati; (na nogama) stand throughout
prestan|ak m stopping, cessation, suspension, discont
inuance; (prekid) intermission, interruption; break;
(zamrlost, nevrenje) abeyance | bez ~ka ceaselessly,
uninterruptedly, without interruption (stopping), unremittingly
prestar adj too old, decrepit, in one's dotage | biti ~ be
over age
prestarjeti vi v. jako ostarjeti
prestati vi cease, stop; (svriti se) end, finish; (obustaviti) suspend; leave | ~ raditi stop work; strike work;
be at a standstill; ~ prijateljevati s drop a friendship;
~ dolaziti stay away; ~ puhati (vjetar) calm down,
abate; prestani! have done -ing!; ~ vriti se (pravo
itd.) be in abeyance
prestaviti se vr v. preminuti
presti vt spin; (maka) purr
prestii vt (trk) outrun; overtake, (nadmaiti) surpass,
prestignut pp outstripped, outdistanced, overtaken, outrun; (nadmaen) surpassed, excelled
prestignuti vt v. prestii
prestilizacija f rewording, rephrasing
prestilizirati vt reword, rephrase
prestizavanje n gaining ground upon one
prestizavati vt gain ground upon one
presti m prestige, reputation | od ~a prestigious
prestojati vi v. prestajati
prestolonasljednica f apparent heireas to the throne

prestolonasljednik m (pravi) apparent heir to the

throne; (eventualni) presumptive heir to the throne
prestolonasljedstvo n inheritance of the throne
prestraiti vt v. preplaiti
prestraviti vt fill with horror, horrify; v. preplaiti
prestraviti se vr become horrified; v. preplaiti se
prestravljen pp horrified; v. preplaen
prestrog adj too strict (severe), exacting | ~ gospodar
hard taskmaster; mil ~ zapovjednik martinet
prestrogo adv too severe (strictly) | ~ suditi (kritika) pull
one to pieces
prestrojavanje n realignment; regrouping
prestrojiti vt realign; regroup
prestrojiti se vr realign, regroup; mot change (shift)
prestrugati vt v. prepiliti
prestrukturirati vt restructure
prestrukturirati se vr become restructured, restructure,
adopt a new structure
prestup m v. prijestup
prestupan adj v. prijestupan
prestupati v. prestupiti
prestupiti vt transgress, violate, infringe; (na tue) trespass on; break, offend; (mjeru) overstep, exceed
prestupnik m v. prijestupnik
presuda f judgment, sentence, condemnation; ruling,
finding; verdict; (nagrada) award; (odluka) decision;
(bez, mimo, prije istrage) prejudication, prejudgment
presudan adj decisive, crucial
presuditi vt pass judgment on, judge, deliver sentence
(judgment), arbitrate, umpire; prejudge
presudno adv decisively, crucially
presudnost f decisiveness, cruciality
presuivanje n judging, sentencing; v. presuda
presuivati vt v. presuditi
presuen adj run dry, dried up
presuiti vi run dry, dry up; (tlo) be parched; (isuiti)
drain; fig v. ispisati se
presuiti se vr overdry
presuti vt (sipati) shoot from one into another container;
v. preliti
presvet adj most holy, holy of holies
presvijetao adj most illustrious; dazzlingly bright, resplendent
presvjetlost f | Njegova ~ His Illustrious Highness
presvlaenje n changing (clothes, underclothes); reupholstering; moulting
presvlaiti (se) vt (vr) v. presvui (se)
presvlaka f underwear; (jastuka itd.) slip; (pokustva)
presvoditi vt archit vault (over)
presvoen pp vaulted
presvui vt change clothes, put (pull) on fresh (clean)
linen (bedclothes); (obnoviti tkaninu na pokustvu)
presvui se vr get changed, change clothes (underclothes); (rak) moult, shed one's shell
presvurt m Ger cul v. tlaenica

prea f press, mangle, calender; (vinska) wine-press; v.

prealtati vt Ger v. prespojiti, prekopati
prealtati se vr Ger v. prebaciti se fig
prean' adj v. hitan
prean'' pp pressed, mangled
prearati vt cover with scribbles; cross out
preati vt press, mangle, calender; squeeze
preirok adj too broad (wide, ample); (prostran) too
spacious (roomy)
preiti vt (ivanje) re-sew, sew through, quilt
prenica f cellar (building) with wine-press
pretampan pp reprinted, re-impressed
pretampavanje n reprinting, re-impression
pretampavati vt v. pretampati
pretihati vt Ger v. prekopati
pretimavati vt Ger v. cijeniti
preuen pp passed over in silence, kept secret from, not
revealed, suppressed
preuivanje n keeping secret, passing over in silence
preuivati vt v. preutjeti
preutjeti vt pass over in silence, be silent on a point;
suppress (a fact), keep secret, not reveal; (otrpjeti)
take it in silence
preutno adv tacitly
pretakanje n pouring out (off), decanting itd. (v. pretoiti)
pretakati vt pour out into another vessel, decant, pour
off, draw off; (vino) rack wine; (u boce) bottle
pretaliti vt re-melt
pretaljen pp re-melted
pretanjen adj v. istanan
pretapanje n blending
pretapati (se) vt (vr) v. pretopiti (se)
pretati vt (vatru) v. zapretati
pretea m forerunner, precursor, predecessor; (kritelj)
pioneer, one who blazes the trail; (glasnik) messenger, harbinger, herald
preteen pp (u tranju) outrun; (daljina) out-distanced,
out-stripped; (nadmaen) excelled, surpassed, beaten
pretei' vt (trei, vozei) outrun, outstrip, outdistance;
fig get the start of, gain upon one, go one better, have
the start (advantage) of one, be beforehand with; (nadmaiti) outdo, excel, surpass, get the better of, beat
one; (sprijeiti) forestall, prevent, anticipate, obviate
pretei'' vt (preostati) remain over, be left over; (tekuina) over-flow
pretega f overweight, overbalance, preponderance; excess of weight
pretegnuti vi overweigh, overpoise, overballance, turn
the balance, be preponderant, preponderate over
pretegnuti se vr to injure oneself with lifting a heavy
load; suffer rupture; v. prenapregnuti se
pretek m abundance, profusion, plenty, affluence, exuberance, redundance, superfluity | imati na ~ have
more than enough, abound in, have a surplus; biti na
~ exist in abundance
pretekao adj left over, odd, remained over
pretekst m v. izlika, izgovor

pretenciozan adj pretentious

pretenciozno adv pretentiously
pretencioznost f pretentiousness
pretendent m pretender, claimant
pretendirati vi aspire (na to), claim
pretenzij|a f pretension, pretence (A pretense) | bez ~a
unpretentious; teritorijalne ~e territorial pretensions
preterit m gram preterite, past tense
pretezanje n preponderance; v. prevladavanje
pretezati vi predominate, outweigh; preponderate, be
predominant (paramount, overwhelming)
preteak adj too difficult, too hard (onerous, arduous,
stiff); (za dizanje) too heavy (ponderous, unwieldy)
pretean adj predominant, preponderant, ascendent,
prevailing, outweighing
preteno adv predominantly, chiefly
pretenost f preponderance, prevalence, overweight,
overbalance, descendency; (dio, broj) majority
prethistorija f prehistory
prethistorijski adj prehistoric
prethodan adj preliminary, prefatory, introductory, preparatory, previous, earlier, aforegoing, precursory;
prethoditi vt be a foreruner (predecessor), precede, be
precursor (pioneer); blaze the trail; go before; lead,
guide; show the way
prethodnica f woman precursor; mil advance guard
(party, elements)
prethodnik m predecessor itd. (v. pretea)
prethodno adv as a preliminary (introduction); (meutim) in the interim, in the meanwhile; provisorily
preticanje n v. pretjecanje
preticati vt v. pretei
pretiak m surplus
pretilost f (svojstvo) fatness, corpulence, stoutness; med
obesity; (tvar) fat, grease
pretin|ac m drawer; (stola) till | ~ci (pregraci za potu i
sl.) pigeon-holes; potanski ~ac 112 P.O.B. 112
pretio adj fat, corpulent, obese, stout
pretipkati vt type (up); retype
pretisak m re-print
pretiskan adj re-printed
pretiskivati vt re-print
pretjecanje n (trk) outstripping, gaining upon one; (suviak) surplus; mil (pri gaanju) lead | mot zabranjeno ~ do not pass, no passing
pretjecati vt v. pretei (nekoga)
pretjeran adj exaggerated, excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, unreasonable; (neumjeren) immoderate to
a fault, excessive, ultra-, going too far, overdoing it;
(strogost) too severe (strict, stringent); (revan) overzealous | biti ~ overdo (it); ~i optimizam excessive
optimism, overoptimism
pretjerano adv extravagantly, excessively, overmuch,
unreasonably, immoderately | ~ oprezan too cautious,
overcautious, cautious to a fault
pretjeranost f extravagance, excessiveness, excess, exaggeration; the extreme, unreasonableness; overzealousness; eccentricity; overdoing

pretjerati vt exaggerate, exceed, overdo, go too far, push

(carry) too far (to excess); overact; (u prianju) overcolour, stretch the truth
pretjerivanje n exaggeration, overdoing, going (carrying, pushing) too far, to excess
pretjerivati vt v. pretjerati
pretkomora f eng pre-combustion chamber; anat v.
pretoen pp decanted, poured into another vessel; (vino)
pretoiti vt decant; (vino) rack off; pour into another
pretopiti vt re-melt, re-found, re-fuse; (lijevanjem) recast, remould; fig assimilate
pretopiti se vr re-melt; (ton) blend; fig become assimilated
pretopljen pp re-melted, re-founded, re-fused
pretorijanac m hist pretorian
pretorijanski adj pretorian
pretovar m v. pretovarivanje
pretovaren pp overburdened, overloaded, overladen;
overcharged; over-freighted; (na drugi brod) transshipped; loaded to another vehicle
pretovarenost f excessive load, being overburdened
pretovariti vt overload, overburden, overlade, overcharge, overfreight; (na drugi brod) transship; (iznova) reload, transfer, load to another vehicle (vessel)
pretovariti se vr (jelom) gorge, surfeit oneself, clog
one's stomach
pretovarivanje n reloading, transshipment, loading
over, transfer of load (burden)
pretovarivati vt v. pretovariti
pretpakao m limbo
pretpaljenje n eng pre-ignition
pretplaen adj subscribed to
pretplata f (na novine) subscription; subscription rate
pretplatiti vt pay subscription for a person
pretplatiti se vr subscribe to a paper; (u kuu) take in a
pretplatn|i adj | ~a cijena subscription price
pretplatnica f woman subscriber
pretplatnik n subscriber | ja sam ~ na... I am subscribed
to, I take in (a paper)
pretporodni adj med pre-natal
pretposljednji adj the last but one; (slog) penultimate
pretpostavi|ti vt (voljeti vie) prefer; (uiniti pretpostavljenim) place one above another; (nepravedno) discriminate in favour of, favour one, show undue favour to; (misliti) expect, suppose, pre-suppose, take
for granted, presume; imply | ~vi supposing, supposed; (u sluaju da) in case of; (ako) provided, if ...
pretpostavk|a f hypothesis, supposition, pre-supposition,
assumption, presumption | uz ~u da on the assumption that
pretpostavljanje n (jednog drugome) preferring, preference for, favouring; (nepravedno) discrimination;
(miljenje) supposition, presumption
pretpostavljati vt v. pretpostaviti

pretpostavljen adj (voljen) preferred; (korist) favoured;

(misliti) taken for granted, supposed, presumed
pretpostavljeni m pl one's superiors (elder), seniors, in
office, rank)
pretpotopni adj antedeluvian
pretpranje n (stroj za pranje) pre-wash (cycle)
pretprazniki adj on the eve of (preceding) a holiday;
fig festive
pretpremijera f preview
pretprodaja f advance-sale; advance booking
pretproli adj the last but one
pretpubertetski adj pre-adolescent, pre-teen
pretraga f search; v. premetaina | med na ~ma je he
(she) is having (lab) tests
pretraen pp searched through (all over), ransacked;
pretraiti vt search, ransack, ferret out
pretraivanje n v. pretraga
pretraivati vt v. pretraiti
pretrati vt run; run across (over), cover (a stretch) by
running; have done running
pretres m v. rasprava, premetaina
pretresanje n v. raspravljanje, pretraivanje
pretresati vt v. raspravljati
pretresti vt v. raspraviti, izvriti premetainu; (osobu)
search, frisk
pretrglija m v. prekupac
pretrgnut pp broken (in two), snapped in two
pretrgnuti vt break (snap) in two
pretrgnuti se vr break (snap) in two; fig overwork oneself
pretrnuti vi v. protrnuti
pretrpan pp overcrowded; stowed (crammed, filled,
stuffed) to excess; (jelom) surfeited, glutted, overfed;
(trite robom) glutted | trite je ~o there is a glut in
the market
pretrpanost f v. prenatrpanost
pretrpati vt stow (crowd, stuff, cram, fill) to excess;
overcrowd; (jelom) overcloy, overfeed, glut
pretrpati se vr (jelom) gorge, overfeed, surfeit; (poslom)
take on too much work
pretrpavanje n cramming; overcrowding; (jelom) stuffing, overeating
pretrpjeti vt undergo, endure, stand, experience, sustain, bear, suffer, abide | ~ gubitak suffer loss, be a
loser; ~ tetu suffer damage; ~ ozljede suffer injuries
pretrpljen pp undergone, sustained, endured, borne,
pretrac m middleman, profiteer
prets- v. predspret- v. predpretuen pp beaten (battered) all over
pretui vt beat (thrash) thoroughly (all over), beat black
and blue
preturanje n v. prevrtanje, prevaljivanje, prekapanje,
preturiti vt v. prevrnuti, prevaliti; fig odvaliti
preturiti se vr v. prevrnuti se
preturpijati vt file through; re-file, file over

pretvaralo n dissimulator, dissembler, feigner

pretvaranje n (oblika) metamorphosis, transformation,
transmutation; (zamjena) commutation; (biti) transsubstantiation; (u drugo) conversion; (himba) dissimulation, dissembling, hypocrisy; disguise; simulation, feigning, shamming, pretence, make-believe,
humbug; (bolest) malingering
pretvarati vt v. pretvoriti
pretvarati se vr dissimulate, dissemble, feign, simulate,
effect, pretend, make believe, sham; (bolesnim) malinger
pretvoran adj v. licemjeran
pretvorba f transformatiin; eccl transsubstantiation
pretvoren pp turned into, commuted, transmuted, transformed, metamorphosed, reduced to
pretvoriti vt transform, transfigure; (bit) transsubstantiate; metamorphose; transmute; (u drugo) convert,
commute; turn into, reduce to
pretvoriti se vr become, turn into
pretvoriv adj convertible, transformable
pretvorivost f convertibility, transformability
pretvornost f v. licemjernost, pretvaranje
pretvrd adj too hard, extremely hard, adamantine
preudaja f re-marriage (of a woman)
preudan pp re-married (woman)
preudati se vr re-marry, marry again (woman only)
preudesiti se vr alter, change; reconstruct; re-arrange;
re-shape; reorganize; re-form
preudeavanje n rearranging, rearrangement, reorganization, restructuring, alteration
preudeen pp re-arranged, re-shaped, re-fashioned, reorganized, reconstructed; altered
preuraniti vi be rash (premature)
preuranjen pp premature
preuranjenost f being premature
preurediti vt carry out alterations, do over, redecorate,
refit, convert
preureivanje n alteration, altering
preusmjeriti vt redirect; retarget
preusmjeriti se vr change one's direction (targets)
preustrojen pp restructured; v. preudeen
preustrojiti vt restructure; v. preudesiti
preustrojstvo n restructuring, re-organization, reconstruction, reform, reformation
preuveliavati vt magnify, overstate, exaggerate
preuzee n taking over, coming into possesion, changing
preuzet adj taken over
preuzetan adj presumptuous
preuzeti vt take over, take possession of; (na brigu) take
in charge; (u ruke) take in hand; (dunost na sebe)
charge oneself with, take upon oneself; (jamstvo na
sudu) stand bail, guarantee; (obveze na sebe) engage,
pledge oneself to; (slubu) succeed, enter upon; (opasnost) take risks; (ugovorno) contract for
preuzetnost f haughtiness, overbearingness, arrogance,
presumptuousness, superciliousness, flippancy
preuzimanje n taking over; (vlasti) takeover; (posjeda,
dunosti itd.), taking possession (charge, risk itd.) of,

taking in hand; (jamstva na sudu) taking over of bail

(security, surety) ; (slube) entering (entrance into,
upon) duty (office)
preuzimatelj m (posjeda itd.) transferee; (steajnine)
receiver; (ugovorni) contractor, undertaker
preuzimati vt v. preuzeti
preuzvien adj most eminent, august
preuzvienost f | Njegova ~ His Eminence, His Exellence, His Most August Highness
prevabiti vt lure (entice) over (to one's side itd.)
prevabljen pp lured (enticed) over
prevaa m v. prevodilac
prevaanje n v. prevoenje
prevaati vt v. prevoditi
prevaga f overweight, preponderance, ascendancy
prevagnuti vi turn the scale, tip the balance; fig prevail
prevali|ti vt (sruiti) overthrow, overturn, upset; subvert;
(na bok) capsize; tip (tilt) over; (potekoe itd.) negotiate; (put) traverse, cover (pass over) a distance,
travel over | ~o je 40 godina he is turned forty
prevaliti se vr topple over (down); tumble down; (brod)
turn turtle sl, be upset (overturned)
prevaljati vt roll over
prevaljen pp overturned, overthrown, upset; capsized
prevaljivanje n overthrowing, overturning; (puta) traversing, covering
prevaljivati vt v. prevaliti
prevar|a f fraud, cheat, deception, imposition, swindle,
imposture, deceit, circumvention, foul dealing, trick,
trickery, juggle | na ~u fraudulently
prevaran adj deceitful, fraudulent, deceptive, cheating,
fallacious, false, illusive, tricky, artful
prevarant m v. varalica
prevarantski adj cheating, swindling
prevaren pp cheated, swindled, defrauded, imposed
upon, deceived, tricked
prevariti vt cheat, deceive, defraud of, trick, practice
upon, overreach, impose upon, swindle (out of), take
in, hoax, cozen (of, out of); dupe; delude, mislead; sl
do, sell; (podvaliti kod kupnje) palm off (on one) | on
se dade lako ~ he is gull, he is gullible
prevariti se vr miscalculate
prevarljiv adj gullible, credulous, easily deceived
prevarljivost f credulity, gullibility
prevashodan adj v. prvenstveni
prevashodno adj v. prvenstveno
prevashodstvo n v. visost, preuzvienost
prevaspitati vt v. preodgojiti
prevazii vt v. nadmaiti, prevladati
prevazienost f v. prevladanost, preivljenost
prevazilaziti vt v. nadilaziti, nadmaivati, prevladavati
prevaanje n v. prevoenje
prevaati vt v. prevoziti
preve adv v. previe
prevejan adj v. prepreden
prevejanac m v. prepredenjak
prevelik adj too big (large, tall, bulky, great, high,
roomy, capacious)

preventiva f prevention, preventive measures; fig deterrent

preventiv|an adj preventive | ~na mjera preventive,
preventive measure
preveslati vt row to another side (bank); cross by rowing
prevesti vt translate itd. v. prevoditi; (voditi) transport,
carry over, lead (conduct, take) over (across) to the
other side; (pratiti) accompany over; (skelom) ship
(ferry) over, (avionom) fly
prevesti se vr cross, get acroas
prevezati vt re-tie in another fashion (manner); (ranu)
previd m oversight, omission
previdjeti vt escape one's notice; (preskoiti) omit, skip;
overlook, fail to see
previen adj overlooked, not noced
previjalite n mil dressing station
previjan' adj bent (inflected, curved) several times; (rana) re-dressed
previjan'' adj v. prepreden
previjanje n bending, inflecting; (ploha drva) warping;
(od boli) writhing; (od smijeha) splitting one's sides
(with laughing); (rane) re-dressing, re-bandaging
previjati vt bend, ply, fold, inflect, bow, curve; (nadvoje)
double up; (ranu) dress, re-dress, renew bandage
previjati se vr (od boli) writhe (with pain); (zmija)
wriggle; (ploha drva) warp; (podlo se vladati, puzati)
cringe, fawn, crouch, creep; bandage one's (ili each
other's) wounds | koji se da ~ flexible, limp, pliable,
supple, limber
previjen adj (rana) dressed, re-dressed
previnut pp bent down, turned down, folded down (up);
(nadvoje) doubled
previnuti vt bend (down), turn down, fold double (v.
previnuti se vr bend double
previranje n ferment, turmoil, state of flux
previrati vt boil (seethe) over, overflow
previsok adj too tall (high, lofty)
previe adv too much, overmuch, to excess; too great a
quantity | ~ ljudi too many people
previnji adj the highest, the supreme
previti vt v. previjati, povijati
prevjesiti vt hang (veil) over; curtain off
prevlaenje n pulling over; (pokustva) upholstering
prevlaiti vt v. prevui
prevladan pp overcome
prevladanost f being overcome; obsolescence
prevladati vt & vi overcome; prevail (over); transcend;
outgrow; (pobijediti) gain the day, vanquish, remain
victorious, overcome, get over, get the better of; (iriti
se) spread, gain ground; become rampant (prevalent),
become the order of the day; predominate, preponderate
prevlaivanje n overcoming; prevailing; becoming
prevalent (dominant, preponderant), gaining ground
prevlaivati vt v. prevladati
prevla|ka f (jastuka itd.) slip, case, tick, cover; (sloj)
coat, coating; (tanka) film; geog isthmus

prevlast f predominance, mastership, sway, supremacy,

hegemony, the upper hand; ascendancy, control | dobiti ~ gain the upper hand (predominance), prevail,
get the mastery over; imati ~ (vladati) dominate, rule
over, control, govern, sway, wield power
prevod m v. prijevod
prevodilac m translator; (tuma) interpreter
prevodilaki adj translator's, translators'
prevoditi vt translate, make a version, render into another language; (doslovno) translate word for word
(literally, verbatim); (krivo) mistranslate; interpret
prevodiv adj translatable
prevodivost f translatability
prevodni adj v. prijevodni
prevoenje n translation, version, rendering translation;
rendering into another language
prevoz m v. prijevoz
prevozi|ti vt convey (cart, haul) to another place, transport, transfer; (skelom, trajektom) ferry over; (avionom) airlift
prevoziti se vr be conveyed (carted, ferried) over
prevozni adj v. prijevozni
prevoznik m v. prijevoznik
prevoznina f passage-money, fare; freight charge
prevoenje n transporting, transportation, transport,
carrying, hauling; (kamionom) trucking; (trajektom)
ferrying; (avionom) flying, airlifting
prevraati vt v. prevrtati, izvrtati, iskretati
prevrat m revolution, overthrow, subversion
prevratniki' adj subversive, subversionary
prevratniki'' adv subversively
prevratnik m subversive
prevratnitvo n subversivism, subversiveness
prevrednovanje n re-valuation, re-assessment
prevrednovati vt re-value, re-assess
prevremen adj v. prijevremen, preuranjen
prevreti vt boil over; re-boil, boil again, seethe (bubble)
prevrnut pp overthrown, upset, overturned; capsized
prevrnuti vt overthrow, overturn, upset, subvert, turn
upside down; (brod na bok) capsize | fig ~ cijelu kuu (traei) turn the place upside down
prevrnuti se vr turn over, overturn, tip (fall) over; (brod)
capsize; tumble (topple) down
prevren pp (mjera) exceeded, exceeding the limit
prevrenje n excess, act of exceeding
prevriti vt (mjeru) exceed, go beyond bounds, not keep
within bounds; overstep due limits
prevrtanje n rolling; overthrowing, upsetting
prevrtati vt v. prevrnuti
prevrtljiv adj (neiskren) insincere; (nepostojan) fickle,
unstable, inconstant, changeable; (dvolian) doubledealing, quibbling, ambiguous, equivocating
prevrtljivac m fickle person
prevrtljivo adv fickly, inconstantly
prevrtljivost f inconstancy, insincerity, fickleness; ambiguity, doubledealing, quibbling
prevru adj too hot, over-heated
prevuen pp pulled over; mated (with)

prevui vt pull over; (slojem neega) coat with

prezaduen adj over head and ears in debt, heavily encumbered with debts; (trgovac) insolvent; plunged in
debt, deeply involved (embarrassed)
prezaduenost f heavy liabilities pl, financial embarrassment, insolvency
prezaduiti se vr incur (contract) heavy debts, become
deeply involved (embarrassed), outrun the constable,
be saddled (encumbered) with debts
prezalogajiti vt v. prigristi
prezanje' n (pred) flinching, faint-heartedness,
shriniking from
prezanje'' n (konja) harnessing, putting the horses to
prezaposlen adj too busy
prezaposlenost f being too busy
prezasien adj (jelom) v. presit; fig surfeited, jaded;
glutted, oversupplied
prezasienost f v. presitost; fig surfeit, jadedness; (trita) glut, oversupply
prezati' vt (pred) be afraid (cowed); shrink from, flinch,
quail, flight, shy of; strain at | ne ~ pred stick at
nothing, go any lengths
prezati'' vt put horses to harness, put into harness
prezbiterij m eccl archit presbytery
prezbiterijanac m Presbyterian
prezbiterijanski adj Presbyterian
prezbiterijanstvo n Presbyterian Church, Presbyterianism
prezent m gram present tense
prezentacija f presentation
prezentan adj v. prisutan
prezentant m v. podnositelj, donosilac
prezentiranje n presentation
prezentirati vt present
prezentirati se vr present oneself
prezentnost f presence, availability
prezentski adj gram present, of the present tense
prezervativ m chem preservative; med contraceptive, B
sl french letter, A sl rubber
prezidati vt partition (by a wall); rebuild, remodel
prezidij m pr(a)esidium
prezime m the last name, surname
prezimenjak m person having the same family name
prezimiti vi spend (pass) the winter; (ivotinje, u snu)
prezimljivanje n hibernation
prezir m disdain, scorn, spurn, contempt, disparagement, slight; (nemar) neglect, disregard
preziran' adj contemptible, contemptuous, despicable,
derisive, scornful
preziran'' pp scorned, despised, contemned
preziranje n disdaining, scorning; v. prezir
prezirati vt contempt, contemn, scorn, look down upon
one, hold in contempt, disdain, scout; (ne mariti) disregard, set at naught, ignore, slight
prezirno adv contemptuously, scornfully, contemptibly,
slightingly, disparagingly
preziv|ati se vr rust | kako se ~a? what is his surname?
prezle f pl Ger v. mrvice cul

preznojiti se vr v. oznojiti se
prezren pp disdained, contemned, scorned, despised,
prezrelost f over-ripeness
prezrenje n v. prezir
prezreo adj over-ripe
prezreti' vi become over-ripe
prezreti'' vt v. prezirati
prezriv adj v. preziran
prezvurst m Ger cul v. tlaenica
prealiti vt grieve down, console oneself, get over (the
loss), bear up against, get the better of despair | ne
moi ~ not be able to forget (get over, console oneself
for) the loss, keep on grieving
prealjen pp grieved down, forgotten (loss, grief)
prealjivanje n getting over (a loss), grieving down
prederati se vr eat oneself sick, overgorge oneself,
overfeed oneself
prederavanje n overeating
pregan pp | ~a juha soup made by browning flour on
lard and adding water
pregati vt v. pregoriti
preiva m zoo ruminant
preivanje n zoo chewing the cud, rumination
preivar m zoo v. preiva
preivati vt chew the cud, ruminate
preivio adj surviving, left; fig outmoded, obsolescent
preivje|ti vt & vi survive, outlive; spend one's life | to je
~lo this has had its day, this is obsolescent
preivljavati vt v. preivjeti, proivjeti
prevakavanje n zoo & fig rumination
prevakavati vt zoo & fig ruminate
prgav adj irascible, choleric, violent, short-tempered
prgavac m irascible (choleric) person
prgavo adv irascibly
prgavost f irascibi1ity, violence, short temper
prhak adj (kolai) crisp; (tlo) loose
prhati vi flit about, flicker, hover, flutter in the air
prhkost f (kolaa) crispness; (zemlje) looseness
prhnuti vi fly off (away) flitting (fluttering), take the
wing fluttering
prhut f scurf, dandruff
pri prep at, by, near, near by, with, about, (up) on, in |
imati ~ ruci have handy (ready, in readiness); ~ dui
mi je tjeskobno I feel uneasy; udno mi je ~ dui a
strange sensation has come over me, I feel queer
(strange); imam novaca ~ sebi I have some money
about (on) me; ~ objedu at dinner (time); ~ svijei by
candle-light; ~ tom sparnom vremenu in this sultry
weather; on je ~ novcu he is flush of money; on je ~
pameti he is in his right senses; on nije ~ pameti he
is out of his senses, he is beside himself; ~ svemu
tome for all that
prianjanje n adhesion, adherence, clinging, sticking
(to), cleaving
prianjati vi v. prionuti
pribadaa m safety-pin, pin
pribadanje n pinning, fastening with a pin
pribadati vt v. pribosti

pribaviti vt procure, supply with, furnish with, provide

with; (sebi) acquire, get; (za drugoga) obtain for
pribavljanje n procuring, acquiring; (dobava) furnishing, supplying; procuration, acquisition
pribavljati vt v. pribaviti
pribavljen pp procured, acquired
pribijanje n fixing (attaching, fastening) with nail(s);
nailing; (za kri) crucifixion
pribijati (se) vt (vr) v. pribiti (se)
pribijen pp nailed, attached (fastened) with nail(s); (na
kri) crucified
pribiljeka f v. biljeka
pribiljeiti vt v. zabiljeiti
pribiran pp gathered (accumulated, collected) gradually
pribiranje n gathering, collecting, accumulating, amassing; compiling; (snage) recruiting
pribirati vt v. pribrati, prikupljati
pribit pp nailed, affixed (fastened) by nail
pribiti vt nail (to), attach (fasten) with nail; (na kri)
crucify; (oglas) nail (placard) a bill (poster)
pribiti se vr huddle close to; (uza zid) flatten oneself
against (a wall)
pribivanje n v. prisustvovanje
pribivati vi v. prisustvovati
pribjei vi (skloniti se) take refuge, seek shelter; v. posluiti se, upotrijebiti
pribjegavanje n resorting to (v. upotreba)
pribjeglica f refugee
pribjegnuti vi v. pribjei
pribjeite n v. utoite
priblian adj approximate, approximative
pribliavanje n approach, approaching, drawing near;
advance; fig advances pl, overtures pl
pribliavati (se) vt (vr) v. pribliiti (se)
priblienje n v. pribliavanje
pribliiti vt bring near, bring closer, approach
pribliiti se vr approach, near, draw near, advance,
come up to, come nearer; fig approximate to
priblino adv approximately, approximatively, aibout,
close upon, in the neighbourhood of, close, nearly | ni
~ not nearly so, not half so
priblinost f approximation
priboden pp fastened with a pin (safety-pin), pinned
pribojavati se vr fear; worry about
pribor m equipment; service; set; kit; outfit; appliances
pl, gear; accessories pl; (velo) trimmings pl | uredski ~ office supplies pl; lovaki ~ hunting requisites
pl; ~ za jelo cutlery
pribosti vt pin, fasten with a pin (safety-pin), stick on
pribrajanje n numbering among; adding up
pribrajati vt add up, number among, add together, sum
up, do sums
pribran pp collected, gathered, accumulated, amassed;
fig v. sabran
pribranost f v. sabranost
pribrati vt v. prikupiti
pribrati se vr v. sabrati se
pribre|an adj v. obalni | ~ne zemlje riparian countries

pribrojen pp added up, numbered among

pribrojiti vt v. pribrajati
pria f fable, myth, story; narrative; legend, tale; (dvojbene istine) tall talk, coloured story; (moralna) apologue, moral fable; (izmiljotina) flam, yarn
prialac m v. pripovjeda
prialo n prattler, garrulous (long-winded) person
prianje n narration, story-telling
priati vt narrate, tell a story, relate, recount, report,
give an account of | pria se the story goes, it is rumoured, rumour has it
priek m com | na ~ on credit
priek|ati vt wait for (upon), (a)bide one's time, mark
time, wait a moment; (na) attend upon; (prigodu)
watch an opportunity | ~ajte na me s veerom wait
supper for me
priepiti vt catch, pin; step on someone's foot
priesnik m eccl Communion receiver
priest m eccl Communion
priestiti vt eccl give someone Communion
priestiti se vr take (receive) Communion
priee n v. priest
prieivanje n eccl giving (receiving) Communion
priica f dim anecdote, story
priiniti vt v. uzrokovati
priiniti se vr appear, seem, have the semblance (appearance, outward show); strike one as, give the impression (a notion that...); (vjerojatnost) have the
likelihood (probability); (pretvaranje) dissemble,
feign, make as if, make-believe
priinjanje n appearance, semblance; (pretvaranje) pretending, dissimulation, make-believe, feigning
priinjati (se) vt (vr) v. priiniti (se)
prina f Ger wooden bunk (in jail)
priuva f reserve; extra stock (supply, amount, resources, forces itd.); (utednja) savings; spare
priuvan pp spared; (uteen) saved, not spent, kept for
an emergency
priuvati vt reserve for, spare for, have (keep) in stock
for; (novac) save, put by; (tedjeti) economize, make
priuvati se vr beware of; be careful, take care
priuvni adj v. rezervni
privrljiti vt rust v. privrstiti
privrstiti vt fasten, attach, afix, secure; (avlom) nail
privrstiti se vr fasten (attach) oneself
privrivanje n fastening, attaching
prii vi come up to, approach, step toward, advance,
come near, close up; accost; (stranci) join
prid m premium, agio; surplus; addition over full weigh
pridan pp added, given over and above
pridati vt add, give in addition | ~ vanost attach importance; set store by
pridavanje n addition; (vanosti itd.) attaching; (pripisivanje) ascription, attribution
pridavati vt v. pridati
pride adv v. povrh, usto
pridii vt raise (set up, lift, heave, prop up, elevete) a bit,
give a lift; help one to one's feet; set on upon his legs

pridii se vr raise (lift) oneself up (a little); (uspraviti se

u krevetu) sit up (in bed); (od pada) struggle up; (ozdravljati) recover, be convalescent, get better, improve, mend, recover one's strength (health), recruit;
(posao, pothvat) be getting (doing) better
pridignut pp raised (lifted) a little
pridignuti vt v. pridii
pridijeliti vt v. dodijeliti
pridijevanje n adding, attributing | ~ nadimka nicknaming, dubbing
pridijevati vt v. pridjenuti
pridika f v. prodika
pridizanje n raising a bit, propping up; raising (propping) oneself; fig helping back on its feet
pridizati se vt v. pridii
pridjeljenje n v. dodjela
pridjenuti vt add, attribute, assign | ~ nadimak nickname, dub
pridjev m gram adjective
pridjevak m nickname, epithet | dati ~ nickname, dub (v
pridjenuti nadimak)
pridjevni adj gram adjectival
pridnen adj | ~a riba bottom fish; collect bottom fishes
pridobijanje n acquiring, acquisition; (nagovaranjem)
v. predobijanje
pridobiti vt win (get) over; (uvjeravanjem) v. predobiti;
(stei) acquire
pridobiven pp won over; acquired
pridoi vi supervene, advene, come (arrive) later on,
arrive additionally, join later on, arrive (occur) unexpectedly; present oneself in the course of...
pridodan pp added (over and above); (na spisu) subjoined, annexed; super-added
pridodatak m addition, matter added
pridodati vt add over and above, add additionally; subjoin, annex; superadd
pridolazak m coming (arriving, joining) later on
pridolaziti vi v. pridoi
pridonijeti vt contribute, give one's share, share in helping, help
pridolica f & m newcomer, arrival; stranger
pridrijemati vi take a little nap
pridruen adj | ~i lan associate member
pridruiti vt join, unite; associate; v. priloiti
pridruiti se vr join, attach oneself to, associate oneself
with; follow example
pridruivanje n attaching, uniting, joining
pridran pp kept back, stopped, not returned; reserved |
sva prava ~a all rights reserved
pridrati vt keep to oneself, not part with, keep back,
remain in possession; (podrati) not let go, not let
loose, catch hold of for a short time; (pravo) reserve
pridrati se vr hold on to | ~ propisa obey (observe,
keep) rules
pridravanje n keeping, holding on to; fig adherence to
pridravati se vr hold on to; (zakona) v. drati se
priduiti vt v. priguiti
prigibanje n bending (down), stooping, bowing

prigibati (se) vt (vr) v. prignuti (se)

priglavak m knitted slippers
prigledati vt see (attend) to, control, survey, watch over,
look to, keep one's eyes on, inspect, superintend
prigluh adj hard-of-hearing
priglup adj rather stupid
prignati vt drive to (up to)
prignut pp stooping, bent; (jako) doubled
prignuti vt bend, ply, inflect; bow
prignuti se vr bend (down), stoop, bow
prignjeen pp pressed down, crushed; weighted down;
squeezed, compressed; (potlaen) oppressed, trampled
prignjeiti vt press down, crush, weigh down, squeeze;
fig press, trample
prigoda f opportunity, occasion, chance
prigodan adj casual, occasional; commemorative
prigodice adv occasionally, as occasion serves; (katkada) now and then, off and on, from time to time
prigodnica f poem for a special occasion
prigodom prep (prilikom) on the occasion of | ~ njegove
smrti at his death
prigorje n foothills, foothill region; A+ piedmont region
prigorjeti vi get slightly burned
prigospodariti vt acquire (earn) by earning (economizing, husbanding, thrift, saving); gain, earn
prigotavljanje n preparation, making ready (for use),
prigotavljati vt v. prigotoviti
prigotoviti vt make ready, prepare; finish; fit up, adjust
prigotovljen pp prepared, made ready, finished
prigovaralo n fault-finder
prigovaranje n (korenje) reproaching, upbraiding, exprobation; (osuivanje) objection, carping, making
prigovarati vt (koriti) reproach, upbraid, find fault with,
blame, censure, rebuke; object; (kritizirati) cavil at,
carp, criticise
prigovor m objection, criticism, censure, exception;
(zloban) cavilling | nema mu ~a he is blameless
(faultleas), he is up to the mark (standard)
prigovoriti vt v. prigovarati
prigrabiti vt seize (power), arrogate
prigrabljivanje n seizing (of power), arrogation
prigraditi vt build an annex(e) (an outhouse, a lean-to);
(krilo) add a wing
prigradnja f annex(e), addition to a building
prigradsk|i adj | ~o naselje outlying housing development (terrace)
prigraen adj built as an annex(e) (as an addition to a
prigrijan pp re-warmed, re-heated
prigrijati vt re-warm, re-heat; take chill off (water,
drink); (once) get warm (v. pripei)
prigristi vt have a bite (snack)
prigrliti vt embrace, clasp in one's arms, hug; fig espouse, adopt
prigrljen pp embraced; fig espoused, adapted
prigrnuti vt (zemlju) rake (scrape) up; (biljci) earth up

prigusti|ti vi | ~lo joj je she is in (bad) trouble

priguen pp smothered, stifled; (zvuk) deafened,
damped, muffled; (glas) subdued
prigueno adv in a muted manner; (govor) in undertones, under one's breath, in a subdued voice
priguiti vt smother, stifle, suffocate, choke; (zvuk)
deafen, deaden, muffle, damp; (glas) subdue; suppress
priguiva m mus mute; mot B silencer, A muffler | pitolj s ~em zvuka silencer-equipped gun
priguivanje n smothering, muffing, silencing
priguivati vt v. priguiti
prihod m income, revenue; (primici) receipts pl; (renta)
annuity; (ulaznina) gate-money, takings pl; proceeds
pl, returns pl; (dobitak) profit; (prirod) produce
prihraniti vt reinforce nutrition
prihvaanje n acceptance, acceptation, adoption
prihvaati vt v. prihvatiti
prihvaen pp accepted, adopted
prihvat m (radnika, regruta) induction; v. mjenica
prihvatanje n v. prihvaanje
prihvatati vt v. prihvaati
prihvati(li)te n reception centre (A center)
prihvatiti vt accept, adopt; (zgrabiti) seize, catch at, get
(lay, take hold) of; (rije) take up the word; (kao odgovor) rejoin, put in | ~ ponudu close with an offer,
agree to a proposal
prihvatiti se vr undertake; (zanata itd.) take up a trade;
(ljudski posla, rada) take in hand, grapple with, set
to, fall to work, tackle
prihvatljiv adj acceptable, eligible, admissible; (uvjet)
accommodating, favourable
prihvatljivost f acceptability; admissibility
prihvatn|i adj | ~a toka (stanica) reception point (centre, A center)
prija f (prijateljica) woman-friend
prijam m reception; (doek) welcome
prijamni adj | ~ ispit entrance examination
prijamnica f receiving slip (paper, sheet, ticket)
prijamnik m (radio) receiver
prijan m friend, fellow; chap
prijanjati vi v. prianjati
prijanje n pleasing, being agreeable to, relish
prijanji adj former; (raniji) earlier, prior, antecedent,
previous; (proli) bygone; (bivi) past, one time, ex-,
that was, late; (nekadanji) old-time | ~ ak (neke
kole) B old boy, A univ alumnus (ena alumna); ~
sluaj precedent
prijatan adj v. ugodan
prijatelj m friend; (ak) chum, pal; (ljubitelj) amateur;
(udvara) admirer, lover; (netko sklon) one favourably disposed to(wards); (tijesan) intimate (bosom,
close) friend; (vjeran) true (fast) friend | kao ~ as a
friend, in a friendly way; ~ se a nudi poznaje a
friend in need is a friend indeed; svatko je najprije
sebi ~ near is my shirt but nearer is my skin; biti nekome ~ befriend one
prijateljevanje n friendly relations, friendly attachment,

prijateljevati vi be on friendly terms with, cultivate acquaintance; (druiti se) keep company with, associate
with; (aci: dijeliti stan) chum
prijateljica f woman (girl, lady) friend, female friend
prijateljski' adj friendly, intimate, amicable, familiar;
coll thick | ~ nain friendliness, amicability
prijateljski'' adv in a friendly way, amicably
prijateljstvo n friendship, intimacy, amity, amicableness, amicability, friendly intercourse, familiarity;
(naklonost) countenance | veliko ~ intimacy, close
friendship; podravati ~ cultivate friendship; sklopiti ~ make friends with
prijati vi please, suit, be agreeable to; be to one's taste;
be congenial to, do (one's heart) good, be to one's liking, relish a thing | ne ~ be distasteful to, be disagreeable to; ovo jelo mi ne prija this food does not
agree with me; ne prija mu taj posao he does not
relish this work, he dislikes this work, this work is
disagreeable to him
prijatno adv v. ugodno | ~! v. dobar tek!; do vienja!
prijatnost f v. ugodnost
prijav|a f registration; entrance; (policiji) denunciation,
report, information against one; (slubena) report |
podnijeti ~u report, inform against itd. (v. prijaviti);
complain; podnositelj ~e innformer; complainant
prijaviti vt (dojaviti, potuiti se) inform against, denounce, report, lay information against, bring charge
against, lodge (give) information against; (gosta, stanara) register; (natjecatelja) enter
prijaviti se vr report oneself at; register; A check in;
enter for (a competition, race)
prijavljen pp reported (as); (tuba) informed against,
denounced; (u hotelu) registered
prijavljivanje n reporting, informing; registering, registration
prijavljivati vt v. prijaviti
prijavni adj | ~ ured registration office
prijavnica f registration form; application form; admittance form
prijazan adj kind, amiable, friendly, affable; (utiv)
courteous; (vedar) genial; (usluan) obliging, complaisant
prijazno adv kindly, friendly, amiably, affably
prijaznost f kindness, amiabi1ity, amiableness, affability, friendliness; accessibility; obligingness
prije prep & adv formerly, previously; ere; (unaprijed)
beforehand, in advance; pre-; (nekada) before now, in
old .times; ago, since; back; (radije) sooner than, in
preference to | malo ~ a little (short) little ago; ~
kratkog vremena recently, of late, lately; ~ ili poslije sooner or later; ~ nego (in) previous to, prior to; ~
svega before all, first of all; ~ podne in the forenoon;
~ tjedan dana this day week; ~ reda (vremena)
prematurely; to ~ to bolje the sooner, the better; ja
bih ~ (radije) nego... I prefer to, I would rather; I
would sooner (rather) than... ; sve ~ nego... anything
but; ~ dogovoren preconcerted
prijeboj m partition-wall

prijeenje n hindering, hinderance, impeding, obstructing

prijeiti vt obstruct, hinder, impede, prevent, be in the
way, throw obstacles in the way; keep one from; bar;
(obuzdavati) check, restrain
prijenik m geom v. promjer
prijei vi (preko) cross (over), pass over (into); (put)
traverse, voyage (journey) over, cover a distance;
(morem) make a passage; (uspeti se) mount over;
(prebjei) go over to the enemy, desert to the enemy;
(stupiti preko) step (go) over (across, beyond); (brdo,
strminu) scale; (koliinu) exceed; (zapreke) surmount; (drugoj stranci) go over to, coll rat; (mjeru,
granicu) exceed (the limit); (na drugu vjeru) turn
convert, change religion, apostatize; (preko mjesta u
knjizi) skip, omit; (u tue ruke) change hands; (na
nekoga, dunost) devolve upon; (vlasnitvo) be conveyed upon; (nasljedstvom) descend by inheritance;
(prenijeti) be transferred to; (veresiju) outrun the
credit, overdraw balance; (utke preko) pass over in
silence; (ne opaziti) overlook
prijedlog m proposal, proposition; (ponuda) offer, tender; suggestion; (na skuptini) motion; gram preposition | iznijeti ~ make a proposal; par motion, bring
forward a motion; povui ~ withdraw a proposition;
poduprijeti ~ second a motion; prihvatiti ~ adopt a
proposal; ~ je jednoglasno prihvaen motion was
carried unanimously; ~ je odbijen the proposal was
rejected (turned down), the proposal fell through;
staviti ~ na glasanje put a motion to the vote; ~ za
udaju concrete proposal
prijedloni adj gram prepositional
prijeglas m ling (partial) root-vowel assimilation, umlaut
prijegor m self-abnegation, self-denial, devotion, selfsacrifice
prijek adj (poprijeko) transverse, crosswise, thwart;
(kratak) short; (hitan) urgent, pressing; (nenadan)
sudden; (mrk) scowling | ~im okom gledati scowl at,
frown at; ~i sud court-martial, drumhead courtmartial; zakon ~og suda martial law; osuda po ~om
sudu summary conviction
prijeklet f v. pregrada
prijeko' adv v. preko
prijeko'' adv | ~ gledati scowl (frown) at
prijekor m reproach, censure, reprimand, upbraiding,
rebuke, snub, admonition, admonishment, reprehension, set-down, blow-up
prijekoran adj objectionable, blameful, blamable,
blameworthy, reprehensible
prijekost f v. naprasitost, mrkost
prijelaz m (preko) crossing, passing over; transit; (na
istoj visini, preko pruge) level (A grade) crossing; (za
pjeake) pedestrian crossing; transition; (na drugu
vjeru) changing one's religion; (neprijatelju) going
over, desertion; (nijansa boje) shade
prijelaz|an adj transitive; (ne konaan) not yet settled,
provisory, interim; (glagol) transitive; (bolest) conta-

gious, catching, infectious; corruptive; (privremen)

temporary, provisional | ~na karta transfer
prijelom m break, breakage; (kosti) fracture; breach,
rupture; snap; print layout, makeup
prijelomni adj phys refractive; fig crucial | ~ trenutak
turning poin, watershed
prijem m v. primanje, primitak, prijam | naii na srdaan ~ v. biti srdano primljen (doekan)
prijem|iv, ~ljiv adj v. osjetljiv, senzibilan, sklon
prijemni adj v. prijamni
prijemnik m v. prijamnik, primalac
prijenos m transfer, transport; transmission; (vlasnitva)
conveyancing; transference, assignment; (na drugu
stranu) carrying over; (odstup) cession | TV & rad direktan ~ live coverage
prijenosn|i adj portable; detachable | eng ~a vrpca conveyor
prijenosnik m eng machine belt; gear | redukcijski ~
reduction gear
prijepis m copy, transcript; (u isto) clean (fair) copy;
duplicate; (trostruk) triplicate; (kaligrafski) engrossment; (vlasnitva) conveyance, transfer of property |
ovjerovljeni ~ legalized (certified) copy
prijepodnevan adj forenoon, morning
prijepor|an adj v. sporan | ~na stvar point (matter) at
issue; controversy, discussion
prijesan adj uncooked, raw, unboiled; (nedovoljno kuhan, peen) undone, underdone; undressed, crude
prijestolni adj | ~ govor speech delivered from the
prijestolnica f metropolis, capital, residence
prijestolonasljednik m v. prestolonasljednik
prijestolj|e n throne | sjediti na ~u rule (govern) as
king; stupanje na ~e accession to the throne
prijestup m jur offence; sp foot-fault
prijestup|an adj | ~na godina leap-year, bissextile
prijetei adj threatening, menacing; (mrk) lowering,
scowling; (pogibao) imminent, impending
prijetiti vt threaten, threat; (nekome) menace one with,
be endangered (jeopardized) | prijeti mu pogibao he
is running a risk (the danger) of; prijeti pogibao
mischief is brewing
prijetnj|a f threat, menace | pod ~om kazne on penalty
of, on pain of, under grievous penalties
prijetvoran adj v. pretvoran
prijevara f v. prevara
prijevod m translation, rendering; (na tui jezik) version
| film s hrvatskim ~om film with Croatian subtitles
prijevodni adj translation, translational
prijevoj m ling ablaut, gradation; bend; (zglob) joint;
geog pass, saddle
prijevoz m conveyance, transport, haulage, transit; (brodom) shipping; (skelom) ferrying over; (morem) passage ; (kolima) cartage; carriage; (avionom) airlift,
air transport
prijevozn|i adj | ~a dozvola transit licence (permission);
~o sredstvo vehicle, conveyance; ~a sredstva means
of transportation

prijevoznik m carrier, B+ haulier; (kamionski) trucker,

truck operator (oba A)
prijevremen adj premature, early
prikaiti (se) vt (vr) v. prikvaiti (se), objesiti (se)
prikapati vt v. prikopati
prikaz m account, relation, narrative; (slikovit, iv) imagery; (pregled) review, survey
prikaz|a f appearance; (duh) apparition, ghost, spectre,
spook, phantom; vision, dream | on vidi ~e he sees
things; kuom obilaze ~e the house is haunted
prikazan pp represented; (glumljen) played, acted, performed; (opisan) described; (rtvovan) sacrificed,
immolated; (pokazan) demonstrated, displayed,
shown; (krivo) misrepresented
prikazanje n v. prikazivanje; (rtva) offering, sacrifice;
(crkveno) mystery, miracle
prikazati vt represent; (opisati) present, describe; (rtvu)
offer, sacrifice, immolate; (pokazati) show, exhibit,
demonstrate; (razloiti) give an exposition; (razotkriti) expose; (krivo) misrepresent, misstate
prikazati se vr (pojava) appear (as vision, spectre)
prikazivanje n (re)presentation, exhibition, display,
show; (opis) description, account; (iskaz) statement,
report; (sebe za drugu osobu) impersonation; (krivo)
misstatement, coloured statement, misrepresentation
prikazivati vt v. prikazati
prikazivati se vr appear; manifest itself; (kao druga
osoba) impersonate somebody
prikeljiti vt v. prilijepiti
prikivanje n forging on to
prikivati vt forge on to, join by forging
prikladan adj serviceable, convenient, suitable, apt, fit,
fitting, proper; adequate; useful, practicable, serving
its purpose; seasonable; appropriate; (primjedba) apposite; (slikovit, iv) imagery
prikladno adv suitably, conveniently, appositely, fittingly
prikladnost f suitableness, convenience, aptness, fitness,
serviceableness, applicability, adequacy
priklanjanje n leanig (towards), tilt, inclination
priklanjati (se) vt (vr) v. prikloniti se
priklapati vt v. priklopiti
priklati vt cut someone's throat; fig finish off
prikleknuti vi kneel; (napraviti kniks) curtsey
priklijetiti vt pin, crush
prikloniti vt incline, bend, tilt
prikloniti se vr lean to (towards), show inclination
(sympathies) for, incline towards, be(come) partial to;
(smjerati) tend to; (nagnuti se) tilt, be top heavy;
(dimnjak, jarbol broda, nagnut prema krmi) rake
priklopiti vt enclose; annex; subjoin; add (to a letter,
document, petition)
priklopljen pp enclosed, annexed
prikljuak m connection, link; el hookup, connection
prikljuen pp attached, connected, joined; hooked up
prikljuenje n v. prikljuak, prikljuivanje
priklju|iti vt joint to, connect, attach, link; el connect,
hook up | mil ~i! close the ranks

prikljuiti se vr attach oneself to, join, follow, espouse

opinion, adopt decision; (prijedlogu) second
prikljuivanje n connecting, connection, linking,
linkup, hooking up, hookup
prikljunica f el connector, socket
prikoiti vt v. zakoiti
prikolic|a f (motocikla) side car; (automobila) B caravan, A trailer; (poljoprivredna) farm wagon; (traktorska) tractor trailer; (za stanovanje) house trailer (velika mobile home) | ureeni kamp za stambene ~e
trailer park
prikopan pp buckled, buttoned, clasped, hooked on,
hitched on; secured with a pin (safety-pin), pinned on
prikopati vt buckle to, button on, hook on, clasp, secure
with a (safety-) pin, pin on, fasten with safety-pin;
hitch on; (vagon) couple on
prikovan pp riveted to, joined by forging | fig stajati
kao ~ be rooted (riveted) to the spot
prikovati vt rivet to, forge on to, join by forging, fetter
to, chain to | fig ~ na mjestu root (rivet) to the
ground (spot); mil pin down, immobilize
prikraen pp (prevaren) overreached, cheated of one's
right (due); stinted in
prikraivanje n overreaching, cheating of, not giving
one's due
prikraivati vt v. prikratiti
prikradanje n stealing upon, furtive approach
prikradati se vr v. prikrasti se
prikraj|ak m | gledati iz ~ka watch stealthily; (ne pridruiti se) sit on the fence, remain neutral, not take
sides; stand apart looking on disinterestedly
prikrasti se vr approach furtively (stealthily, unobserved); steal upon
prikrata f v. prikraivanje
prikratiti vt shorten, cut short; fig shortchange; (pravo)
not give one's due, stint one in his due; (prevara)
overreach; (vrijeme) beguile the time | nemam s ime
da sebi ~m vrijeme time hangs heavily on my hands
prikriati vi v. podviknuti
prikriti vt cover (up); (sakriti) hide, conceal, veil; fig
cloak over, mask, disguise; (ublaiti, umanjiti, ispriati) palliate, gloss over, varnish, extenuate
prikriti se vr hide oneself; disguise oneself; take cover
prikrivanje n covering, coverup; hiding; veiling, masking, disguising; keeping secret (dark)
prikriven pp hardly (partly) covered (disguised, veiled,
prikriveno adv stealthily, from cover
prikrpati vt sew on by patching, add a patch
prikrp(in)a f something (incongruous) attached (added);
(ovjek) parasite, hanger-on
prikrpati se vr attach oneself to, stick like a burr; ride
on someone's coat-tails
prikucati vt v. pribiti
prikuiti se vr v. prikrasti se, pribliiti se
prikupiti vt collect, gather, assemble, compile; rally;
convene; bring together; (novaca) raise money,
scrape together; (kupiti) buy additionally
prikupiti se vr v. skupiti se

prikupljanje n gradual collecting (gathering, compiling

prikupljen pp collected, gathered; amassed; raillied;
compiled; bought additionally
prikvaiti vt hook (za on to), attach (to)
prikvaiti se vr hook (on to), attach oneself to, cling to
prilaganje n adding; enclosing
prilagati vt v. priloiti
prilagoditi vt accommodate to, conform, adjust, adapt,
prilagoditi se vr acclimatize, conform oneself to, adapt
(accommodate) oneself to; get (grow) accustomed
(used) to
prilagodljiv adj adaptable, easily got used to; (popustljiv) yielding, compliant
prilagodljivost f adaptability
prilagoen pp adapted, conformed to; got used (accustomed) to; adjusted to, accommodated to
prilagoenje n adaptation, accommodation, adjustment;
prilagoivati vt v. prilagoditi
prilaz m access, approach; way to
prilaziti vi v. prii
prilazni adj access, approach
prilaenje n approaching, approach, drawing near
prilei vi fit tightly (closely, well), hug; (lei) lie down a
priletjeti vi fly towards (to), approach flying; fig rush to
prilenica f mistress, concubine, kept woman, paramour
prilenik m paramour
prilenitvo n concubinage
prilian adj (slian) similar, like; (koliina, kakvoa)
fair, sizable, goodly, passable, considerable, tolerable,
reasonable, mediocre, so so
priliiti' vi resemble, be like, bear semblance to
priliiti'' vt (dolikovati) be it, beseem | prilii mu it befits him
prilino adv fairly, passably, considerably, goodly,
rather, pretty well; (malone) nearly, almost; well, in a
good way, so-so; rather | ~ isti pretty much the same;
~ u godinama well on in years, stricken in years; prije ~ mnogo vremena a pretty while ago
prilijegati vi v. prilei
prilijepiti vt glue (paste, stick, cling) on; mount on | ~
uku box one's ears, cuff one
prilijepi|ti se vr adhere, stick, cling | ~o se kao iak he
sticks like a burr, I can't get rid of him
prilijepljen pp stuck (glued, pasted, mounted) on, adhering
prilijevati vt add by pouring
prilik|a f opportunity, occasion, chance, opening; (prilike) conditions, circumstances, state of aiffairs; (slinost) resemblance, likeness; (slika, lik) picture, image, figure; (pojava) appearance | po svoj prilici in
all (to all) likelihood (probabihty), to all appearance,
possibly, probably, surely; prema ~ama according to
circumstances, under circumstances; prvom ~om
upon (by) the first opportunity; ovom ~om on this occasion; u ovim ~ama as it is; zgodnom ~om when

occasion serves; svakom ~om on every occasion; na

~u, po prilici v. otprilike; sva je ~a it is very likely;
u dobrim ~ama in easy circumstances, well-to-do,
well off; neprijatelj u prilici prijatelja enemy in the
likeness of a friend; kad se prui ~a when occasion
serves, when opportunity offers, when chance occurs;
dati ~u give opportunity; uhvatiti ~u seize (embrace,
make the most of) the opportunity, (dok je tu) take
occasion by the firelock; propustiti ~u lose (miss)
one's opportunity, let one's chance slip by; desila se
~a opportunity offered; ivi prema ~ama cut your
coat according to your cloth; ~a ini lopova temptation makes a thief; on je prava slika i ~a oca he is
the chip of the old block, he is the very image of his
father, he is the very spit of his father; oni su sebi
slika i ~a (vrlo slini) they are like two peas; nala
slika ~u birds of a feather flock together
prilikom prep on the occasion of | ~ kupovanja when
priliti vt add by pouring
priliv m inflow, influx; accession
prilog m adverb; (listu, molbi) enclosure; (dodatak) supplement; (doprinos) share, contribution, gift, donation (obol mite) | u ~u (priloeno) enclosed; govoriti
u ~ speak on (in) one's behalf (behoof), speak in (on)
behalf (behoof) of; biti u ~ be conducive (beneficial)
to, furthering, promoting; svjedoiti okrivljenome u
~ witness in favour of (the accused), witness for the
defence; njemu sve ide u ~ all is fish that comes to
his net; to je njemu u ~ that's grist to his mill
priloki adj adverbial
priloen pp enclosed, annexed, added, attached; subjoined
priloiti vt enclose; annex; add, add up to; subjoin
priljepak m beauty-spot, patch; (koljka) limpet
priljepiv adj v. zarazan
priljepljiv adj stick-on, adhesive
priljepljivanje n sticking, glueing, pasting
priljepljivati vt v. prilijepiti
priljubiti vt press against
priljubiti se vr become attached to, become devoted
(wedded) to; (zagrljaj) nestle to, cling to, snuggle up
to, press oneself lovingly (snugly) to
prima adj com v. prvorazredan
primabalerina f prima ballerina
primai (se) vt (vr) v. primaknuti (se)
primadona f prima donna, star singer, leading lady
primaknut pp drawn (pulled, shoved, brought) near(er)
primaknuti vt move (shove, push, pull, draw, bring,
approach) nearer (closer) to
primaknuti se vr draw near(er), draw close(r), come
(move) nearer, approach
primalac m receiver, acceptor, recipient; (poiljke) consignee; (plae, uplate) payee; (lista) addressee; (posjeda itd.) transferee
primalja f midwife, accoucheuse
primaljski adj obstetric(al)
primaljstvo n midwifery, obstetrics | lijenik za ~ obstetrician

primamiti vt entice, lure, allure, attract; decoy;

(sklonuti) induce, tempt
primamljen pp lured, enticed, decoyed, attracted
primamljiv adj attractive, alluring, seductive
primamljiva m one who lures, enticer; tempter
primamljivanje n continuous attraction (lure, enticement, temptation)
primamljivati vt v. primamiti
primamljivo adv attractively, alluringly, seductively
primamljivost f atractiveness, seductiveness, allurement
priman pp accepted, received
primanj|e n acceptance, receiving, receipt, acceptation;
admittance, admission; (prihvat) adoption; (gostiju)
reception; (na radiju) reception | soba za ~e reception-room, drawing-room; dan ~a gostiju at-home;
mjesena ~a monthly salary (income)
primaran adj primary, most important, overriding
primarijus m med chief physician
primarno adv v. prvenstveno
primas m (nadbiskup) primate
prima m first violinist (in a Gypsy orchestra)
primat m v. prvenstvo
primati' m pl zoo primates pl
prim|ati'' vt accept, receive; (u ruke itd.) take in possession (in hand); (pismo, na ruke) get to hand; (na brigu, u nadzor itd.) take in charge, take charge of, take
upon oneself; (slubu) enter upon; (hvatati) take,
seize, take (lay) hold of; (plau) draw salary; (prijedlog itd.) approve; (u slubu) engage, take into service;
(biti pretplaen) take in; (zakljuak) adopt resolution;
(doekati) welcome one, (prijazno give one a kind reception) | ~ati u redu receive duly; mi ~amo mnogo
goste we see much company; ona ~a u srijedu her at
home day is Wednesday; goste ~aju hladno they
meet guests with a cold reception
primati se vr (lijepiti se) stick to, adhere to | biljka se
prima the plant strikes root
primetati vt add, give over and above; give very good
primetnuti vt v. primetati
primicanje n drawing near (close), approaching, nearing
primicati vt v. primaknuti
primijeen pp notifed, observed
primijeniti vt adapt, apply to, use | krivo ~ misapply
primijenjen pp adapted, applied, practical | krivo ~
primijesiti vt add kneading, admix kneading; stir into
the batter
primijean pp admixed, added by blending
primijeati vt admix; (pomijeati) blend
primijetiti vt observe, remark itd. (v. primjeivati)
primiren pp appeased, pacified, calmed down, tranquilized
primiriti vt appease, calm, tranquilize, allay, set at ease,
assuage, soothe, lull, pacify, reassure, still, quiet
primiriti se vr become appeased (soothed, pacified,
lulled); (popustiti - vjetar) abate; become composed

primirisati vt smell (sniff) at; nozzle, nose; snuff | fig

neto malo ~ (imati malo pojma) have a vague idea
(notion); have a smattering knowledge
primirje n armistice, truce, cessation of hostilities; cease
primisao f mental reservation; (kasnija) afterthought,
second thought(s)
primit|ak m acceptance, receipt | potvrditi ~ak acknowledge receipt; po ~ku on receipt; potvrda ~ka
acknowledgment, receipt, acquittance
primiti vt accept, receive; admit | ~ dunost enter on
one's duties; ~ pod krov give shelter; srdano ~ accord warm welcome; nije me htio ~ (u kuu) I was
refused his door; ne htjeti ~ refuse to accept; mirno
~ (nesreu) acquiesce in; ~ novu uniformu be issued
(with) a new uniform
primi|ti se vr (cijepljenje) take | biljka se ~la plant has
struck (taken) root; ~ posla apply oneself to; tackle
work; (vrsto) fall (set) to work
primitivac m pvimitive person
primitivan adj primitive, simply, crude
primitivka f primitive woman
primitivno adj primitively
primitivnost f primitiveness
primjeivanje n noticing, notice; (svjesnost) awareness,
primje|ivati vt notice, become aware, become conscious; (rei) observe, remark, comment upon | on ne
~uje he is not aware of; ~uje se it is observable, it is
apparent; ne ~ujui unaware (of)
primjedba f remark, comment; observation; notice; hint;
(biljeka) note, annotion, rubric, gloss
primjena f application, use, employment
primjenljiv adj applicable; relevant
primjenljivost f applicability; relevance
primjenjivanje n v. primjena
primjenjivati vt v. primijeniti
primjer m example, instance; (uzor) model, paragon,
pattern; (presedan) precedent | na ~ for instance, for
example, e. g.; by way of example; kao na ~ such
as...; navesti kao ~ exemplify, instance; uzeti kao ~
take a lesson by (from) an example; postaviti kao ~
set an example; kazniti za ~ make an example of
one; bez ~a unprecedented, unparallelled, matchless
primjerak m copy, specimen, exemplar; (plodine) sample; (tkanine) pattern | ogledni ~ (knjige i sl.) sample
copy, complimentary copy; (knjige, prije nego doe u
prodaju) advance copy
primjeran adj (uzoran) exemplary, model
primjeren adj fair, suitable, adequate, proportionate,
appropriate; proper, due; sufficient
primjereno adv adequately, suitably, proportionately,
primjerenost f adequacy, suitability
primjerice adv v. na primjer
primjeriti vt take measure from (on) square; adjust, fit
primjesa f admixture; alloy; ingredient; addition
primjetljiv adj perceptible, noticeable

primjetljivo adv perceptibly, noticeably

primjetljivost f perceptibility, noticeability
primka f note of receipt, acknowledgment of delivery
primljen pp accepted, received; adoptive, adopted; (izborom) co-opted; (prijedlog) carried | biti srdano ~
(doekan) be given a warm reception (welcome)
primogenitur|a f primogeniture | pravo ~e right of primogeniture
primopredaja f transfer; takeover
primopredajnik m rad transceiver
primorac m inhabitant of the coast (littoral)
primoran pp obliged, forced, compelled
primoranost f being obliged (compelled), constraint
primora|ti vt compel, constrain, force, obligate, oblige,
bind, reduce to | ~o sam ga da... I made him...
primorati se vr compel (force) oneself
primoravanje n compelling, forcing, obliging
primorje n seaside, littoral, (maritime) coast (region,
tract, province); seaboard
primorkinja f female inhabitant of the littoral (seaside
primorski adj coast; littoral, seaside, seaboard; maritime, coastwise
primus m (kuhalo) primus stove; spirit cooker
prinadleati vi v. pripadati, potpadati, spadati
prinadlenost f v. pripadnost; primanja, beriva
prinadoi vi intervene, supervene; come (arrive) subsequently
prinaanje n v. prinoenje
prinaati vt v. prinositi
princ m prince
princeza f princess
princip f principle, maxim | iz ~a on principle; u ~u in
principal m com principal; head, chief; agent; boss,
principijelan adj principled | ~ pristanak agreement in
principijelno adv in a principled manner; v. u principu
principijelnost f principled nature; being principled;
prinevski adj princely
prinesen pp brought to, presented to; (rtva) offered
prinesti vt v. prinijeti
prinijeti vt contribute, give one's share (mite, obolus);
bear a share; (pomagati, koristiti) conduce to, be
conducive to, help, assist; (rtvu) offer sacrifice, sacrifice, immolate
prinijeti se vr offer oneself (in sacrifice)
prinos m (prilog) contribution; (dar) donation, subscription; (udio) share, contingent, quota; offering; (urod)
crops | ~ po hektaru yield per acre
prinositi vt v. prinijeti
prinova f new (recent) acquisitions pl; fig (osobe) young
prinuda f v. prisila
prinudan adj v. prisilan
prinuditi vt v. primorati, prisiliti
prinudno adv v. prisilno

prinudnost f v. primoranost, prisilnost

prinuavati vt v. primoravati, prisiljavati
prinuen pp v. primoran
prinukan pp induced, persuaded, prevailed upon
prinukati vt induce, prevail upon, persuade
prinjuiti vt sniff at; fig have a mere try at
priobalni adj coastal, littoral | ~ otoci offshore islands
prionljiv adj adhesive, sticky
prionuti vi apply oneself to, tackle (work, task), fall to
work vigorously, exert oneself, bestow pains upon,
study (work) hard, work away, grapple with; (prilijepiti se) cling (cleave, adhere, stick) to
prionljivost f stickiness, adhesiveness
priopen pp communicated, reported, made known
priopenje n communication, announcement, infomation, report, notice; com advices pl
priopiti vt communicate, inform, give notice, advise,
report, apprise of, announce, impart, make known,
make acquainted with
priopivanje n regular communication (informing, reporting, announcing)
priopivati vt v. priopiti
prior m eccl prior
priorica f eccl prioress
priorija f eccl priory; (ast) priorate
prioritet m priority, precedence | com dionice s ~om
preference shares; najvii ~ top priority
prioritetan adj priority; top-priority
pripadak m accessory
pripadan adj associaited, accessory
pripad|ati vi belong, appertain to; form part of; be one's
own; (drutvu) be of the company (set); be owned by;
(pravo) be one's due | meni ~a it is my due, it is
mine, this is due to me; I am entitled to
pripadnic|a f | zemlje ~e member nations
pripadnik m one belonging to; member; (grada) citizen;
(opine) parishioner; v. podanik
pripadnitvo n belonging (to); affiliation; membership
of a state (town, parish itd.); citizenship; v. vlasnitvo
pripadnost f v. pripadanje, pripadnitvo
pripajanje n annexation; (spoj) connexion, joining;
pripajati vt v. pripojiti
pripaliti vt kindle, light; (zapaliti) set fire to, set on fire;
(jelo) burn partially, scorch
pripaljen pp partially burnt (scorched); smelling of
pripaljivanje n setting fire to, kindling, setting on fire
pripaljivati vt v. pripaliti
pripasa m (remen) stray used as girdle
pripasan pp girdled on, held up by a girdle (sword)
pripasati' vt girdle on, buckle on, secure by strap
pripasati'' vt Ger adjust; fit (to)
pripasni adj | ~ remen strap used as girdle
pripasti vi fall to one's share, devolve upon, descend to;
(natrag) reverse
pripaz|iti vt attend to, see to, look after; pay attention;
(gledati) watch; (nadirati) superintend; (uvati se)

take care of; (brinuti se) have a charge | ~i! look out!
be vigilant!, beware!, bark!, mind!
pripaziti se vr watch out, take care, beware
pripeen pp partially burrnt; overdone
pripe|i vt burn partially; (jelo) overdo; roast (scorch,
broil) | ~klo je (sunce) it is broiling hot
pripeka f very hot (sultry, broiling, sweltering) day;
scorching (broiling) heat; (sparina) sultriness, closeness
pripet pp pinned, fastened to, buckled to
pripeti vt secure with a safety-pin, pin, clasp, fasten to
(on), buckle to
pripicati vi v. pripei
pripijati se vr v. pripiti se
pripijevati vt v. pripjevati
pripijevka f burden, refrain
pripisan pp ascribed (attributed) to; (dodan) added in
writing, annotated (set down) in writing
pripisati vt (biljeku) annotate, make a note; add in writing; (uzrok) ascribe to, assign to, attribute, put (set)
down to; (krivnju) impute, lay at the door of; (u zaslugu) put to one's credit | to se ima ~... this is due
(owing) to; (postanak) this has arisen from...
pripisivanje n attributing (ascribing) to; (krivnje) imputation; (uzroka) referring a fact to a cause; (pisanje)
adding (subjoining) in writing
pripis|ivati vt v. pripisati | njima se ~uje they are credited with
pripit adj in one's cups, tipsy, jolly, slightly drunk, mellow, fuddled, elevated | vonja u ~om stanju drunken
pripiti se vr cling
pripito adv tipsily
pripitomiti vt tame, domesticate; (konje uzdi) break a
horse to the rein (rudu to the shaft); make tractable;
(obuzdati) refrain, curb, subdue
pripitom|iti se vr become tame (fig domesticated) | gepardi se lako ~ljuju cheetahs are easily tamed, cheetahs make good pets
pripitomljen pp tamed
pripitomljenost f being tame, tamed condition; fig domestication
pripitomljenje n taming; domestication
pripitomljiv adj tamable
pripitomljivost f tam(e)ability
pripitost f slight drunkenness, tipsiness
pripjev m refrain, burden
pripjeva|ti vt join in singing, add a refrain in singing |
~lo mi se I felt like singing
priplod m accretion; addition through growth (breeding)
priplodan adj for breeding
priploditi se vr multiply by growth (breeding)
pripojen pp annexed; joined; incorporated; united;
pripojenost f being annexed (integrated); integration
pripojenje n annexation; joining; coupling, linking;
uniting, incorporation
pripojiti vt annex; join, link to, knit, couple; incorporate, unite; affiliate; affix, add

pripojiti se vr join
pripomagati vt v. pripomoi
pripomena f remark, observation
pripomenuti vt remark, observe; suggest
pripomo f help, aid, assistance, support; (novana) subsidy, allowance, bounty; benefit; relief, contribution;
pripomoi vt help, assist, aid, lend a hand; relieve; contribute; subsidize
priposlati vt v. poslati
pripovijedalo n v. prialo
pripovijedanje n narration, relation, account; telling;
pripovijed|ati vt narrate, tell, give an account of, recount, relate, exeport | ~ati po uvenju relate by
hearsay; ~a se the story goes, it is related, rumour has
it; (proulo se) it transpires, it has leaked out
pripovijest f v. pripovijetka
pripovijetka f story, fable, tale, narrative; (duga) long
story, novelette
pripovjeda m narrator, relater; story-teller
pripovjedaki adj narrative, of a narrator
pripovjediti vt v. pripovijedati
pripoznati vt v. priznati
priprava f v. priprema, pripremanje
pripravan adj ready itd. (v. spreman)
pripraviti (se) vt (vr) v. pripremiti (se)
pripravljanje n v. pripremanje
pripravljati vt v. pripremati
pripravljen pp v. pripremljen
pripravn|i adj v. pripremni | mil ~o stanje (state of)
pripravnica f woman student of a normal (training) college; female trainee
pripravnik m trainee; junior clerk; (odvjetniki) law
pripravnitvo n traineeship
pripravno adv readily itd. (v. spremno)
pripravnost f readiness itd. (v. spremnost) | mil biti
(staviti) u stanje ~i be (put) on alert
priprega f additional team (relay) or pair of horses (put
to, harnessed)
pripregnuti vt put to an additional pair of horses (put to,
harnessed) additional team
priprem|a f preparation(s), arrangement(s); preparing;
(uvod) prelude | bez ~e impromptu, offhand, unprepared, extempore; svirati bez ~e play at sight; govoriti bez ~e extemporize, improvise; drati u ~i keep
pripreman' pp readied, prepared
pripreman'' adj ready itd. (v. spreman)
pripremanje n preparing, preparation; readying; (hrane)
cooking; (uenje) getting up (a subject)
pripremati (se) vt (vr) v. pripremiti (se)
pripremiti vt prepare, make ready, keep (have) ready;
(udesiti) adjust, arrange, make fit for; (hranu) cook;
dress, season; (pobrinuti se) provide for, take measures, make arrangements

pripremiti se vr get ready, make oneself ready; (uenje)

get up (a subject)
pripremljen pp prepared, ready; cooked
pripremni adj preparatory; (uvodni) preliminary
pripremno adv readily itd. (v. spremno)
pripremnost f readiness itd. (v. spremnost)
priprijeti vt leave door slightly open, leave ajar
priprijetiti se vr v. podviknuti, upozoriti, zaprijetiti se
priprost adj simple, homely, plain, unadorned; (duhom)
simple-minded; (naravan) naive, natural, ingenuous;
(jelo) frugal; primitive
priprostost f simplicity, ingenuousness; simplemindedness, naivete; homeliness
pripren pp slightly roasted
pripriti vt roast slightly
pripucati vi open up, start firing, fire a few shots
pripucavati vi fire intermittently, take pot shots
pripust m admittance, admission
pripustiti vt admit, give admission (admittance), give
access, let in | ~ ispitu admit to an examination, allow to sit for an examination
priputanje n v. pripust
priputati vt v. pripustiti
priputen pp admitted; let in
priraunan pp added in summing up
priraunati vt add in summing up, include in the same
account (figure, amount); throw in when adding
priraunavanje n addition to an amount (sum, figure)
priraunavati vt v. priraunati
priraslica f anat & med adhesion
prirast m growth, increase; math increment
prirastao adj accreted, grown to (together); (povean)
increased, accrued | biti ~ srcu be (lie) at one's heart
prirastati vi v. prirasti
prirasti vi grow together, accrete; (poveati se) accrue,
increase; adhere to in growing; increase by gvowth
prirataj m v. prirast
priraten pp accreted, grown together
priredba f performance, show, entertainment; concert |
sportska ~ sport(s) event, sporting event
prired|iti vt prepare, arrange, make arrangements, organize, set on foot, get up | derog uvijek nam neto
~i he (she) always makes trouble for us; ~iti banket u
ast give a dinner for
prireen pp prepared; adjusted; arranged, organized,
prireiva m arranger, preparer; dresser, adjuster; (priredbe, zabave) giver of an entertainment (concert
prireivaki adj | ~ odbor organizing committee
prireivanje n arranging, preparing, organizing
prireivati vt v. prirediti
prirepak m derog hanger-on
prirez m additional tax, surtax
prirezan pp cut short; (rep) docktailed, docked
prirezati vt cut short, dock
prirod m natural (agricultural) produce,

prirod|a f nature; (ud) temper, disposition; (ustroj tijela) constitution | po ~i by nature (instinct), from nature, naturally, constitutionally; u ~i stvari in the nature of things; protiv ~e against (contrary to) nature,
unnatural, abnormal; udovoljiti potrebama ~e ease
(relieve) nature; to mu je u ~i this runs in his blood,
this is innate (inbred, inborn), this is bred in the
bone; postati drugom ~om become second nature;
hir ~e (nakaza) freak (of nature); biti u ~i (vani) be
out of doors; be in the country; mrtva ~a (slika) still
prirod|an adj natural; (priroen) innate, inbred; (iskren,
naravan) ingenuous, sincere, naive, simple-minded,
artless, unaffacted; (nepatvoren) genuine; (neusiljen)
unforced, spontaneous | ~ne sile elementary forces,
will of God; ~ni nagon instinct; ~ne znanosti natural
sciences; ~ni zakon, natural law; ~ne ljepote scenery, beauty spots
priroditi vt accrue, yield, bear fruit
prirodno adv naturally ; spontaneously; artlessly, sincerely; as a matter of course
prirodnost f naturalness; ingenuousness, artlessness,
spontaneousness, genuineness
prirodnjaki adj naturalist's, naturalist
prirodnjak m naturalist
prirodopis m natural history (science)
prirodopisac m naturalist
prirodopis|ni adj natural-history
prirodoslovlje n natural sciences
prirodoslovno-matematiki adj | ~ fakultet faculty (college) of science
prirodoznanac m v. prirodoslovac
prirodoznanstvo n v. prirodoslovlje
priroen adj inborn, innate, inbred, bred in the bone,
hereditary; inherent | ~o mora izbiti na povrinu
what is bred in the bone, must come out in the flesh
priroeno adv following one's nature; innately
priroenost f innateness
prirok m gram predicate
priru|an adj near at hand, handy | ~na knjinica reference library; ~na knjiga reference book, manual,
prirunik m book of reference, manual, hand-book; textbook
prisajediniti vt v. pripojiti, pridruiti, sjediniti, ujediniti
prisan adj | ~ prijatelj bosom (close, intimate, sworn)
priseban adj calm, composed; v. pri svijesti
prisebno adv calmly, composedly, having kept his head
prisebnost f presence of mind
prisega f v. zakletva
prisegnuti vi v. zakleti se
prisegnuti vi v. zakleti se
prisenik m jur juror, juryman
prisil|a f coercion, compulsion | pod ~om under coercion
(compulsion, duress)
prisil|an adj coercive, compulsory | ~na mjera coercive
measure; ~ni rad hard labour

prisiliti vt compel, force into, oblige, make one to, cause

one to, constrain, coerce into; (na davanje novca i sl.)
exact, put the screw on, screw out of, extort, wring
from (out of); exert pressure
prisiliti se vr force oneself, bring oneself to
prisiljavanje n forcing, compelling
prisiljavati vt v. prisiliti
prisiljen pp forced, compelled, obliged, constrained
prisizanje n taking an oath; (uzimanje zakletve) administering oath to; (nastup dunosti) swearing in
prisizati vi take an oath, swear, be sworn in
prisjeanje n remembering, recollection
prisjeati se vr v. prisjetiti se
prisjedati vi sit on, have a seat on a staff (board, council); v. prisjesti
prisjednik m assessor; (porote) juror, juryman
prisjesti' vi sit down a little
prisje|sti'' vi | ~lo ti! much good may it do you! ~lo mi
je I had an awful time of it
prisjetiti se vr remember, recollect
priskakanje n coming to somebody's assistance
priskakivati vi v. priskoiti
priskoiti vi jump (spring, leap) towards; (umijeati se)
interfere, interpose; (u pomo) run to one's assistance, offer relief (help)
priskok m service, covering | pristojba za ~ stud fee
priskrbiti vt procure; earn
priskrbljivanje n securing, obtaining, procuring itd. (v.
prislanjanje n leaning (against)
prislanjati vt v. prisloniti
prisloniti vt lean to (against)
prisloniti se vr (na) lean against
prislonjen pp leant against (upon) | ~a zgrada lean-to
prislukiva m eavesdropper, hidden (secret) listener;
(telefonskih razgovora) wiretapper
prislukivalo n eavesdropper
prislukivanje n (tajno) eavesdropping, secret (unobserved) listening to; (telefonskih razgovora) wiretapping | ureaji za ~ listening (bugging) devices; potajno instaliranje ureaja za ~ u prostoriju bugging a room
prislukivati vt eavesdrop, listen secretly to; (telefonske
razgovore) wiretap, tap
prislunik m young finished student of law assisting a
judge for practice
prisluiti vt earn by working
prismotra f v. paska, nadzor
prismrd|jeti vi | hum nije ni ~io he never came near
prismuditi vt singe (slightly)
prismuditi se vr become (slightly) singed
prisni|ti se vr | meni se ~lo I had a dream
prisno adv intimately
prisnost f intimacy, closeness
prisoj m place (slope) exposed to sun
prisojan adj exposed to sun
prisoliti vt add salt
prispijee n arrival
prispijevanje n consecutive arrivals

prispijevati vi arrive gradually (suecessively); v. prispjeti

prispio pp arrived
prispjelost f jur v. dospjelost
prispjeti vi arrive, reach one's destination; come, come
to hand, get to (at) | ~ na vrijeme arrive in tirne (in
due time, duly)
prispodabljanje n v. usporeivanje
prispodabljati vt v. usporeivati
prispodoba f v. usporedba
prispodobiti vt v. usporediti
prispodobiv adj v. usporediv
pristajanj|e n (dobro / loe) good (bad) fit; (odijela)
fitting, fit, sitting; (broda) putting to shore, putting
in; (uz stranku itd.) following; (pristanak) agreement,
consent, consentment, assent | let (plovidba) bez ~a
non-stop flight (voyage)
pristaj|ati vi (odijelo itd.) fit, sit (well, close); match, go
well with; (brod) put in, put to shore; (uz ideju) be a
follower, sympathize with, adhere, concur in, subscribe to, accede to; (uz stranku) take (espouse) a
party (cause), follow, join; (dati pristanak) say yes,
agree to, consent, assent, approve; (biti u skladu) be
consistent (in keeping with); (biti umjestan, dolian)
be proper (just, right, becoming, seasonable, convenient) | on ne ~e (nije sposoban) za... he s not qualified for, he is a misfit, he is a square peg in a round
hole; to ne ~e k (nije u skladu s) this is out of keeping with
pristalica f v. pristaa
pristalost f neatness, spruceness, smartness, dapperness,
pristanak m assent, consent, agreement
pristanin|i adj landing, pier-, wharf-, port-; v. luki |
~a zgrada (aerodroma) airport building; ~i ponton
landing pontoon (stage)
pristanite n quay, pier, landing-place; (drveno) lanching-etage; slip, jetty; wharf; (luka) port, harbour; (naravno) haven
pristao adj (jednak) fitting, suitable, appropriate, matching, to match; (lijep) neat, pretty, spruce, dapper,
nice, handsome, becoming; (odgovor) apposite
pristaa m partisan, follower, adherent; supporter; sectarian; (sljedbenik) hanger-on, dependent
pristati vi v. pristajati
pristav m adjunct, assessor
pristaviti vt (jelo) put on (to cook); (vodu za aj) put the
kettle on
pristavljanje n putting on
pristii vi come in, get through; v. stii
pristizanje vi arrival(s); coming in, getting through
pristizati vi v. pristii, stizati
pristojan adj (utiv) civil, polite, courteous; (dolian)
appropriate, proper, becoming, fitting, respectable,
genteel, decent, seemly; (odgojen) good-mannered,
well-bred, mannerly; (prilian) fair, acceptable,
handsome, goodly

pristoj|ati se vr befit, become, be seemly (proper, fit,

decent) | ne ~i se it is not fitting (becoming, seemly,
proper), it is not the thing; it is not as it ought to be
pristojb|a f due, duty, fee; (troarina) excise; premium;
charge | slobodan od ~e duty-free, exempt from duty
pristojno adj fittingly, properly, decently; handsomely;
duly | ponaati se ~ behave decently (with propriety)
pristojnost f decency, propriety, decorum, seemliness;
(odgoj) good breeding, good manners; (utivost) civility, politeness; respectability
pristran adj partial, biassed, unfair, prejudiced; onesided; prepossessed with, warped | ne biti ~ be impartial (neutral, unbiassed)
pristranak m mountain-side, slope
pristrano adv with a partial (biassed, prejudiced,
warped) mind (opinion) | postupati ~ discriminate
pristranost f partiality, bias, partisanship, prejudice,
prepossession, warped mind (judgment)
pristrasan adj v. pristran
pristrasnost f v. pristranost
pristup m admission, access; (ulaz) entrance, admittance; approach; (u drutvo itd.) joining; poet prologue | ~ zabranjen! no admittance!
pristupaan adj accessible, approachable, of easy access;
(bliz) within reach; (osoba) affable; (razumu) open to
reason; (osjeajima) susceptible; (koji se odazivlje)
responsive to
pristupanost f accessibility, approachableness; (osoba)
affability; (osjeajima) susceptibility
pristupanje n approach(ing); joining
pristupati vi v. pristupiti
pristupiti vi approach, accede, come up to, come (step)
forward, come over to; (ulaniti se) join, enter
pristupnica f (membership) application form
pristupnina f admission fee
prisustvo n v. prisutnost
prisustvovati vi be present, assist, stand by; (polaziti)
attend; (biti svjedok) witness
prisut|an adj (nazoan) present; (svagdje) ubiquious;
(duhom, brz u odgovoru) quick at repartee, quickwitted | biti ~an attend, be present at, assist at, witness; (duhom) have presence of mind; ~ni pl those
present, all present, present company; (oevici) eyewitnesses, onlookers
prisutnost f presence, attendance; witnessing; assisting
at; (duha) quick wit, presence of mind | u ~i in the
presence of; being witnessed by
prisutstvo n v. prisustvo
prisvaja m usurper, pretender
prisvajanje n appropriation, making claims, wrongful
claiming, arrogation, usurpation, encroachment
prisvajati vt v. prisvojiti
prisvojen pp usurped, wrongfully seized (taken possession of)
prisvojiti vt usurp, claim (appropriate) wrongfully, lay
claim to, arrogate, pretend to, seize (take) possession

prisvojni adj gram v. posvojni

priapnuti vt whisper into one's ear; (dati mig) hint
obliquely, insinuate, breathe a word to, prompt
priarafiti vt screw on; fig (nekoga) put the screw(s) on
priipetlja m banger-on, sponger; fig bur
priit pp sewn on
priiti vt sew on, stitch on; (pridjevak) give a nickname,
nickname; add (attach) sewing (stitching)
priiti se vr fig tag along, stick like a bur
priivanje n sewing on
priiven pp v. priit
prikrinut|i vt (vrata) leave the door ajar | vrata su ~a
(ne sasvim zatvorena) the door is slightly open (ajar)
prirafiti vt v. priarafiti
prit m eczema, pimple, blotch, pustule
pritapsk|i adj mil | ~a eta headqurters company
pritav adj pimply, blotchly, full of eczema
pritedjeti vt save, economize, make economies, save,
put by | ~ za crne dane put by for the rainy day
pritednja f v. uteda
pritiav adj v. pritav
priti m dim small pimple (eczema itd.)
priuljati se vr come (approach, enter) stealthily (furtively), steal (slink, glide, creep) in(to), slip unobserved into
privarak m v. nadimak
pritajiti se vr hide (keep secret); not disclose one's presence, keep hidden (unobserved, under cover)
pritei vi run up to, arrive running | ~ u pomo succour;
run to one's aid (assistance), lend a helping hand
pritegnut pp make taut, stretched, tightened, stretched
tight, drawn in (tight); (uzde) reined in
pritegnuti vt make tense (stretched), stretch, tigihten,
draw tight, pull (haul) in; (uzde) rein up, draw in the
reins; fig v. priarafiti
pritezanje n stretching, tightening, making taut (tense)
pritezati vt v. pritegnuti
priticati vi v. pritjecati
pritijesniti vt fig put in tight spot, squeeze
pritisak m pressure, squeeze; (teret) burden, weight;
(tlaenje) oppression; med v. tlak | fig vriti ~ na put
(apply, bring) pressure on
pritiskiva m (za papire) paper-weight
pritiskivanje n pressing, weighing down, exerting pressure, oppressing
pritiskivati vt press, oppress, exert pressure, weight
down (upon)
pritisnut pp oppressed, under pressure, weighed down
(upon); (o) pressed against
pritisnuti vt press (down) upon, exert (put) pressure on;
(teret) weigh down heavily; oppress; (zlo, nevolja,
brige) bear hard upon; (kao mora) be like nightmare,
afflict; (duu) weigh heavily upon one's mind; (na
grudi) hug (clasp) to one's breast
pritisnuti se vr | ~ uza zid flatten oneself against the
pritjecanje n afflux, inflow, influx, flow

pritjecati vt flow into; stream into; be an affluent; (u

pomo) succour, run to help (asistance)
pritjerati vt dirive up to
pritjenjavati vt v. pritijesniti
pritjenjen pp v. skuen, stisnut
pritka f v. motka, kolac, preka
pritkati vt add (increase) by weaving
pritok m affluent, tributary; feeder, tributary stream
pritoka f v. pritok
pritom adv v. pri tom
pritrati vt run up to, arrive running, approach (come
up) running
pritrpjeti vt endure a little
prituba f complaint, grievance
prituiti se vr complain to (an authority); (pismeno) file
a grievance
pritvaranje n commiting to (holding in) custody (v. pritvor); leaving the door ajar
pritvor n custody, temporary arrest, pretrial detention,
B+ remand charge; (tamnica) prison, committal to
prison, imprisonment
pritvoren pp held in custody; (ak) kept in | vrata su ~a
the door is ajar (to)
pritvorenik m prisoner in custody, B+ remand prisoner
pritvorica f v. licemjer, pretvaralo
pritvoriti vt hold (B+ remand) in custody; (aka u koli)
keep in | dati ~ give in charge (custody), have one arrested (imprisoned); ~ vrata leave the door ajar
pritvorstvo n v. licemjerje, pretvaranje
priuavanje n getting used (accustomed) to; habituation,
inurement; familiarization
priuavati (se) vt (vr) v. priuiti (se)
priuen adj accustomed (inured, used) to, habituated;
(radnik) semiskilled, inadequately trained
priuiti vt make accustomed (inured, used) to, inure,
priuiti se vr get accustomed (used, inured) to, get familiarized with; (navika) acquire the habit of, habituate oneself to, grow familiar with; (na okolinu) acclimatize oneself to, become seasoned to
priupitati se vr inquire about, seek (gather) information
priutiti vt (nekomu) not grudge one, not envy one, not
deny (stint) one in...; give readily (willingly, gladly) |
ja sebi to ne mogu ~ I cannot afford it
privabiti vt v. primamiti
privaati vt v. privoditi
privaga f addition to the full weight, quantity added over
and above the full weight
privagnuti vt add to the full weight
privatist m boy not attending school, but only sitting for
an examination
privatizacija f privatization
privatizirati vt privatize
privatizirati se vr become privatized
privatni adj private; (osobni) personal; (povjerljiv) confidential, kept secret | ~ amci pleasure craft
privatnik m private person; person of independent
means; private owner; self-employed person

privatno adj privately, (u etiri oka) for one's private

ear, in private
privatnost f privacy; independence
privaati vt v. privoziti
priveden pp led up to, brought to, conveyed to
privesti vt adduct, lead (conduct, bring) up to, convey to;
(vjeri itd.) convert to
privez m mar mooring
privezan pp attached (fastened, tied, secured); (brod)
moored; bound (lashed) to; (konj na pai) tethered;
(pas na lancu) chained
privezati vt fasten (tie, attach, bind, lash, secure, make
fast) with a rope (cord); (na lanac, psa) chain; (konja
na pai) tether; (amac) moor
privezati se vr tie oneself
privezivanje n tying, binding, lashing itd. (v. privezati)
privii (se) vt (vr) v. priviknuti (se)
privid m illusion, semblance
prividan adj apparent, seeming; (na oko, simuliran)
simulated, feinted; (razlog) specious; ostensible,
plausible; (laan, neprav) sham, mock, pseudo; fictitious | ~ horizont apparent (sensible) horizon
prividje|ti se vr | ~lo mu se u snu he had a vision in
sleep; ~lo mu se na javi he had a deceptive vision (illusion), he saw a phantom, he had hallucinations
prividno adv seemingly, apparently, plausibly, ostensibly, speciously | ~ plakati sham (feign, simulate)
prividnost f seemingness, illusion; speciousness, pretence, make-believe
priviati se vr v. prividjeti se | tebi se ~a you are seeing
privienje n hallucination, illusion; (prikaza) apparition, vision, phantom
privijanje n (k sebi) embracing, hugging; (na neto)
applying, putting on, pressing on
privijati vt v. privinuti
privikavanje n habituation, inurement, familiarity, getting accustomed (used, habituated) to
privikavati (se) vt (vr) v. priviknuti (se)
priviknuti' vt make accustomed to, habituate to
priviknuti'' vi v. podviknuti
priviknuti se vi get accustomed (used, habituated, inured) to, get familiarized with, habituate oneself to,
accustom oneself to, grow familiar with
privilegij m privilege; (prednost) advantage; (osloboenje) exemption | dati ~ pred drugima discriminate
privilegiran pp privileged, discriminated against (others), favoured
privilegirati vt privilege, make privileged
privinut pp hugged, embraced, clasped
privinuti vt (k sebi) clasp to one's bosom, embrace, fold
to one's breast, fold in one's arms; hug
privinuti se vr cling to; (u zagrljaj) nestle (cling) to,
snuggle up to
priviriti vi peep, take a peep
priviti (se) vt (vr) v. privinuti (se)

privjesak m appendage, pendant; (nakit ure) watchcharm; (lani ure) watch-guard; (na kovegu) tag
privlaan adj attractive, attracting; catching, catchy;
taking, alluring
privlaenje n attracting (drawing, pulling) up to; attraction, draw, pull
privlaiti (se) vt (vr) v. privui (se)
privlanost f attractiveness, attractive power (quality);
attraction, appeal
privoditi vt v. privesti
privoenje n leadinig (conducting) up to (v. privesti)
privol|a f assent, consent, approbation; sanction; accord |
dati ~u consent (yield) to
privoljeti vi give one's consent, consent to, agree to; say
yes; (prihvatiti bez prigovora) acquiesce in
privri vt v. privrgnuti
privred|a f economy | ministar ~e economics minister,
minister for economic affairs; ministarstvo ~e economics ministry; B Board of Trade; A Department of
privredn|i adj economic, business | ~a organizacija
economic (business, trade) organization; firm; ~o
pravo commercial (business) law; ~i sistem economic system; ~i rukovodioci business executives
privredni|k m business man | ~ci pl business people
privreivanj|e n earning, doing profitable business |
uvjeti ~a economic conditions
privreivati vt v. privrijediti
privremen adj temporary, provisional, interim, for the
time being, for the present only; (prolazan) transitory, transient
privremeno adv temporarily, provisionally, on an nterim
privremenost f provisional arrangement (state), interim
state, temporariness
privrgnut pp added over and above the full weight
privrgnuti vt give slight extra weight
privrijediti vt earn, make money; gain by working and
privrijeen adj acquired (gained) by earning, earned
privren adj attached (devoted) to; (vjeran) faithful,
adherent, loyal; given to; (stranci) wedded to a cause
| biti ~ adhere to, stick to; be faithful (devoted to)
privrenik m adherent, partisan; devotee, (ardent, zealous) follower
privrenost f attachment, devotion, devotedness; loyalty,
fidelity, faithfulness, allegiance
privui vt (mamiti) attract, draw, pull, allure, entice;
(nagovoriti) gain (talk) over one; (fiziki) pull (draw)
closer, pull (draw) up, move (drag, pull, lug, draw)
near (toward)
privui se vr come slowly near; draw (creep, skulk,
slink) slowly (gradually) near; (meusobno) attract
each other
prizeman adj situated (lying) on the ground-floor; (razina) flush with the ground-floor; (zgrada) single-story
prizemlje n B ground-floor, A first floor
prizemnica f single-story house, B+ bungalow
prizemno adv on the ground-floor

prizidan adj built as annex(e), joined to another building

prizidati vt add to a building; (krilo) add a wing; build
an annex(e); (prisloniti) build a lean-to
priziv m jur appeal (v. alba) | uloiti ~ lodge (file) an
priziva m appellant
prizivanje n appealing
prizivati vi jur appeal to a higher court
prizivni adj | ~ sud appellate court, court of appeal
prizm|a f geom & opt prism | fig promatrati kroz ~u
see through a prism of
prizmatian adj geom & opt prismatic, prismal
priznan pp v. priznat
priznanica f v. potvrda
priznanj|e n acknowledgment, recognition; (ispovijed)
confession; (cijena, tovanje) appreciation; (doputannje) admission, avowal, concession; (zahvalnost)
thank, gratitude | odati nekome ~e za give one credit
for, pay tribute, praise; ~e krivnje admission of guilt;
po vlastitom ~u by own admission
priznat pp acknowledged, recognized; avowed; conceded
priznati vt acknowledge, recognize; (krivnju itd.) own,
confess; (doputati) admit; (pravo) concede the
claim, give one's due; (tovanje) appreciate; (krivnju)
plead guilty | mora se ~ it must be admitted (conceded) that...; ne htjeti ~ disclaim, disavow; deny;
(krivnju) plead not guilty
priznavanje n acknowledgment, recognition
priznavati vt v. priznati; (vjeru) profess a religion
prizor m spectacle, scene, sight, view, aspect
prizvati vt v. pozvati
prizvati se vr arch jur v. aliti se, uloiti priziv
prizvuk m accompanying sound; fig overtone | smijeh s
~om ruganja laughter with admixture of scorn (ridicule, derision, mocking)
prieljkivanje n wishing (hoping) for; wishful thinking
prieljkivati vt wish (hope) for
prieniti se vr move in with the wife's family
prienjivanje n matrilineal marriage
prkno n vulg v. stranjica
prkos m obstinacy, spite, spitefulness, refractoriness,
stubbornness, perverseness | initi nekome na ~ spite
one (v. usprkos)
prkosan adj spiteful, defiant, obstinate, refractory
prkositi vt set at defiance, defy, challenge; dare, brave
out, face out; (nevremenu) weather (storm); be obstinate, bid defiance to
prkosnik m defiant (obstinate, spiteful) fellow
prkosno adv obstinately, defiantly, spitefully
prkoenje n obstinacy, defiance, defying, braving, facing
prkodija m v. prkosnik
prljati vt soil, dirty, foul, pollute, stain, sully, tarnish
prljati se vr become soiled (dirty), soil (dirty) oneself
prljav adj dirty, soiled, squalid, sordid, foul, filthy;
(krt) stingy, miserly
prljavac m dirty fellow
prljavko m (deran) mudlark

prljavost f dirt, dirtiness, squalor, filth, sordidness, foulness; (podlost) meanness

prljavtina f squalor, dirt, dirtiness, filth; obscenity, foul
language; foul dealing
prljiti vt singe
prljiti se vr become singed
prljotina f singed spot
prnja f rag, tatter, torn piece of cloth | skuplja ~ ragman
prnjar m ragman
prnjav adj ragged, tattered; shabby; frayed
prnjavac m tatterdemalion, ragamuffin
prnjavost f raggedness, shabbiness; tattered (frayed)
prnjci m pl rags, tatters
pro m | ~ i kontra pros and cons
prob|a f trial; essay, test; (kemijska) assay; (uzorak)
specimen, sample; (glumaka) rehearsal (generalna
dress rehearsal) | ii na ~u (kod krojaa) go for a fiting
probadanje n perforation, piercing, transfixing; (bol)
shooting (darting) pain (lagano twinge, twitch), (pod
rebrima) stitch(es) in the side
probad|ati vt pierce, perforate, stitch | mene ~a I have a
stitch in my side
probati vt try, test; (jelo) taste; (pokuati) essay; (kemijski) assay; (odijelo, cipele) try on, make a trial (attempt); (iskuati) experience, undergo; theat rehearse
probav|a f digestion | loa ~a indigestion, dyspepsy;
sredstvo za bolju ~u digestive; dobra ~a eupepsy
probaviti vt digest | fig on to ne moe ~ it sticks in his
probavljanje n digestive process
probavljati vt digest
probavljen pp digested
probavljiv adj digestible, easy of digestion
probavljivost f digestibility
probavni adj digestive, alimentary | ~ organ digestive
organ; ~ trakt alimentary canal
probdjeti vt pass the night watching, remain awake all
night, sit up the whole night, watch all night (long)
probdjeven pp | ~a no nigh spent watching (awake)
probeariti se vr become a rake (a man about town)
probekrijati vt drink away; drink all through (the night)
probekrijati se vr become a heavy drinker
probija m v. probojac
probijanje n piercing; smashing in, beating through,
making a gap (breach); cutting across; (prokopavanje) leaking (oozing) through
probijati vt penetrate, pierce; smash in, burst in, make a
gap (breach) in, break through; (prosjek) cut across
(through); (put) cut one's way through; (prokopavati)
trickle (ooze) through
probijati se vr (u ivotu) shift for oneself, live from hand
to mouth, fight one's way up (through [the world]);
(kroz neudobnosti) rough it
probijen pp pierced, perforated, broken through (in); cut
across; burst in, burst (forced) open
probira m picker, chooser, sifter

probiranje n selection, choice, picking

probirati vt select, pick out (the best); (luiti) sift
probisvijet m vagabond, good-for-nothing, adventurer,
probit pp v. probijen
probitaan adj profitable, lucrative, advantageous; beneficial; serviceable; promoting, conductive to
probitano adv profitably
probitanost f profitableness, advantage, lucrativeness
probitak m profit, advantage, benefit, interest, behalf,
behoof, good, avail | ega se lati sve mu je na ~ all is
fish that comes to his net
probiti vt break, burst through, burst (knock) in, break
out, make a breach (gap); (probuiti) perforate,
pierce, puncture; (kriti) penetrate, dash through,
force one's way through; (proimati) pervade, permeate; (tekuina) leak (ooze) out; (pupoljci) burst open
probiti se vr get through, fight one's way through (out);
fig get ahead (v. probijati se); (dno, stranica) get a
problem m problem | nema ~a! no problem
problematian adj problematic(al); dubious
problematino adv problematically; dubiously
problematinost n doubtfulness, questionableness
problematika f collect problems pl
problijediti vi grow (turn, become) pale, pale
probni adj v. pokusni
probod m puncture, perforation
proboden pp pierced, punctured, perforated; (noem)
knifed; (bodeom) stabbed; (rogom) gored
proboj m mil breakthrough; (opkoljenih) breaking out (iz
utvrde breach)
probojac m (alat) punch
probojan adj (bosti) piercing; (propustljiv) permeable,
penetrate; not proof to
probojnost f penetrability, permeability
proboraviti vt spend (pass, stay, live) at... (a certain
probosti vt pierce, puncture, perforate; make a hole (in);
(ovjeka) run through, knife, stab; (rogom) gore;
probosti se vr pierce oneself, run a knife (sword)
through oneself
probran pp hand-picked, select, choice; the best part;
left after selecting (sorting, picking out, choosing,
sifting); deprived (stripped) of the best part (by picking)
probrati vt sort (select, pick, choose, sift) out the best
probrkati se vr splash around a little
probuditi vt wake up, arouse, awake, awaken; fig (potai) arouse from lethargy (apathy), shake one out of
his lethargy
probuditi se vr wake, awake, be roused (awakened)
probuen pp awaked, aroused; awake, roused; fig
shaken from lethargy (apathy); (sasvim) wide awake
probuncati vt say in one's ravings; start raving
proburaziti vt stab, knife, run through, transfix, pierce
proburaen pp stabbed, knifed, run through, transfixed
probuen pp pierced, perforated, punctured; holed

probuiti vt pierce, hole, perforate, puncture; (mecima)

riddle; (brod namjerice da potone) scuttle; (svrdlom)
bore, drill, gimlet; (tunel) tunnel
probuiti se vr get a hole
procedura f (postupak) procedure, method of operation
procedural|an adj procedural | ~na pitanja matters of
procen(a)t m v. postotak
procentni adj v. procentualan
procentualan adj percentage, in percentages
procentualno adv in percentages, percentagewise
proces m process; (sudski) trail | dii ~ protiv institute
legal process against
procesij|a f (povorka) procession | ii u ~i procession, go
(walk) in procession
procijediti vt filter, strain, percolate; (ocijediti) colander; (kroz zube) speak (say) through clenched teeth
(tight lips)
procijediti se vr filter, become filtered, strain
procijeen adj filtered, strained, percolated; colandered
procijeniti vt appraise, assess, value, evaluate, estimate;
form an opinion of; (raunati) calculate | manje ~
undervalue, underestimate, underrate
procijep f cleft stick | fig u ~u v. u kripcu
procjeivanje n filtering
procjeivati vt v. procijediti
procjemben adj v. procjenski
procjen|a f estimate, valuation, evaluation, appraisal,
assessment | uz opreznu ~u at a conservative estimate
procjenitelj m valuer, appraiser, assessor
procjenljiv adj appraisable, assessable
procjensk|i adj ~a vrijednost (cijena) estimated (evaluated, appraised, assessed) value (price)
procjenjiva m v. procjenitelj
procjenjivanje n v. procjena
procjenj|ivati vt v. procijeniti | ~uje se it is estimated
procuriti vi begin to ooze (leak, trickle, seep) (out); (tajna) leak
procvao adj blown, full-blown, burst into flower, in
procvasti vi burst into flower, put forth flowers (bloom),
bloom (up), f1ower (up), begin to bloom (flower,
blossom); fig thrive, flourish; (zdravlje) become rejuvenated; (razvoj, napredak) bloom, grow apace
procvat m afflorescence, prosperity
procviljeti vi & vt begin to whine; say whinningly
procvjetati vi v. procvasti
pro! int reg v. odlazi!, gubi se!
proakati vt clean by picking; fig v. ispitati
proarati vt rake (a fire)
proelnik m head, chief, principal, superintendent
proelje n facade; front; (stola) head of table; (poasno
mjesto) place of honour; (prednji dio) forepart
proeprkati vt scratch a little; fig go through, rummage
proeljati vt fig comb through
proistiti vt clean (purify, purge, refine, cleanse) thoroughly (entirely)
proistiti se vr become clean (free), clean, unclog

proien pp cleansed (purged, cleaned, purified, refined

itd.) thoroughly
proienje n cleansing, purification, purging; unclogging, freeing
proitan pp read out (over, through)
proita|ti vt read out (off, through, over), peruse, go
through a book; (odgonetnuti) decipher, unravel; (od
poetka do kraja) read through from cover to cover |
on je mnogo toga ~o he is widely (deeply) read, he
has been a great reader; (znanje) he is a walking dictionary
prou|ti se vr win renown, earn fame | ~lo se it leaked
out, it transpired, it oozed out, it took air; it became
public (known); it is rumoured about
proaskati vi & vt chat a little; spend chatting
proelav adj balding
proerdati vt v. spiskati
proi vi go (pass) by, pass away; (vjetar, zlo) blow over;
(dobro) fare well; (loe) fare ill (badly); (nestati) disappear, vanish; (minuti) expire, elapse; (vrijeme brzo) fly; (na ispitu) come out well; (komad puta) go
over a stretch, cover; cease to be (exist); (stupati mimo) march past | bilo pa prolo (gubitak) do not cry
over spilt milk; prola me volja I have no longer a
mind to...; proao mi je tek I have lost my apetite;
ne mogu ~ bez toga I cannot do without it, I cannot
make a shift without it, I cannot dispense with it
proi se vr (etnja) take a stroll (turn, walk), go for a
walk | proi se toga leave off, desist from, give it up,
stop doing, have done with it; (pusti na miru) leave
(let) alone, let well alone
prouen pp (deeply) felt
proutjeti vt feel (deeply)
prodaj|a f sale; (dobra) ready sale | biti na ~u be on
sale; ~a u komisiji sale by commission; nuditi na ~u
offer for sale
prodajn|i adj saleable, marketable; (potkupljiv) mercenary, meretricious, venal | ~a cijena selling price; ~i
odjel sales department (division)
prodajnost f (potkupljivost) venality
prodan pp sold, disposed of; fig (izdan) betrayed
prodati vt sell, vend, dispose of, bargain away; (uz cjenkanje) chaffer away; (u bescjenje) sell for a song
(dirt-cheap); (na drabi) sell at auction; fig (izdati)
betray; sell; (zaplijenjenu robu dunika) sell up; (svu
zalihu) sell off; (jeftinije nego drugi) undersell one
prodati se vr fig sell out
prodavac m v. prodava
prodava m seller, vendor; dealer; (u duanu) salesman,
salesworker; B+ shop-attendant, shopman; A+ store
prodavaica f saleswoman, salesgirl; B+ female shopassistant; A+ (female) store clerk
prodavanje n selling, sale, disposal (by sale); (na
drabi) auctioneering
prodavaonica f sale-room; show-rooom; B shop, A store
prodavati vt v. prodati
proda|vati se vr | ~ju se na jagmu it is selling like wildfire

prodavnica f v. prodavaonica
prodefilirati vi mil march past; (i fig) pass in review
prodekan m univ sub-dean, vice-dean, assistant dean
proderan pp worn (torn, rent) through
proderati vt tear (wear, rent) through
proderati se vr get worn (frayed) through; burst; v. razderati se
prodik|a f fig preaching, talking-to; v. propovijed | drati nekome ~u give one a talking-to, preach at one
prodiranje n penetration; raiding, overrunning
prodirati vi v. prodrijeti
prodiskutirati vt discuss, thresh out
prodor m penetration, breakthrough, break; inroad,
prodoran adj penetrating, piercing; (osoba) get-ahead,
derog pushy
prodorno adv penetratingly; pushily
prodornost f penetrating power; get-ahead qualities,
prodrijemati vi doze (nap, snooze, slumber) away (a
prodrijeti vi break in(to), force open, make a gap, burst
into; overrun, burst upon a country, make a raid;
penetrate, pierce; get through
prodrman pp (well) shaken (agitated, jolted)
prodrmati vt shake up (well), jolt, jog, joggle; agitate
prodrt pp v. proderan
produbiti vt deepen, dig (hollow) out; (tlo, dno) excavate, dredge; fig deepen, intensify
produbiti se vr become deeper (i fig); fig become intensified, intensify
produbljen pp deepened; (jaruen) excavated (by excavator), (luka itd.) dredged (by a dredger)
producent m film producer; v. proizvoa
producentski adj producer's
produciranje n fig showing off; film producing; v. proizvoenje
producirati vt produce; v. proizvoditi
producirati se vr show off
produhoviti vt spiritualize, refine
produhoviti se vr become (more) spiritualized (refined)
produhovljen pp spliritualized, refined, sophisticated
produhovljeno adv in a spiritualized manner, with refinement (sophistication)
produhovljenost f spiritualized quality, refinement, sophistication
produkcija f production, yield; public performance (display)
produkt m produce, yield; (posljedica) result, upshot,
outcome, product, production, issue, consequence, effect
produktivan adj productive, yielding amply
produktivno adv productively
produktivnost f productivity
produljenje n v. produenje
produljiti (se) vt (vr) v. produiti (se)
produpsti vt v. produbiti
produvati vt v. propuhati

produ|an adj | ~ni rok extended (prolonged) term (period); ~na kola continuation school
produen pp prolonged, lengthened, elongated, extended
produenje n prolongation, lengthening, extension,
drawing out, continuance; renewal; ftb extra time; v.
produetak m extension; v. nastavak
produiti vt prolong, lengthen, extend, elongate; (crtu)
produce (continue) a line; (kaput) let out; v. nastaviti
produiti se vr extend, become longer; v. nastaviti se,
otegnuti se
produivanje n v. produenje
produivati vt v. produiti
pro|a f sale; (slaba) slack (dull) sale; (iva) brisk sale;
(brza) quick (early) return | ova roba nalazi silnu ~u
this article is selling like wildfire; ova roba ne nalazi
~e this article is a drug in the market
profan adj profane
profanacija f profanation
profaniranje n v. profanacija
profanirati vt profane
profanirati se vr profane oneself; become profane
profanost f profanity, profaneness
profaistiki adj pro-fascist
profesija f (poziv, zanimanje) profession, calling
profesionalac m professional
profesional|an adj professional | ~na bolest occupational
disease; ~na orijentacija vocational guidance
profesionalizam m professionalism
profesionalka f woman professional
profesionalno adv professionally
profesionalnost f professional quality, professionalism
profesor m (srednjokolski) (secondary-school) teacher;
(sveuilini) professor | univ izvanredni ~ B reader,
A associate professor; univ redovni ~ professor, A+
full professor; ~ matematike (povijesti) math (history) teacher
profesorica f woman teacher; univ woman professor,
profesorsk|i adj a professor's, professorial | univ ~a stolica professorship; chair
profesura f professorate, professorship; chair
profil m profile, side view | crtan u ~u drawn in profile
profilaksa f med prophylaxis
profilaktian adj med prophylactic
profilaktik m med prophylactic
profiniti vt refine, sophisticate
profiniti se vr become refined (sophisticated)
profinjen adj refined, sophisticated, delicate
profinjeno adv in a refined (sophisticated) manner, with
refinement (sophistication)
profinjenost f refinement, sophistication
profiter m profiteer
profiterski adj profiteering
profiterstvo n profiteering
profitirati vt profit (i fig)
profukan pp squandered, dissipated, wasted
profukati vt squander (waste, dissipate) a fortune, go
through one's fortune; fig v. proigrati

proganjan pp persecuted, hunted (down)

proganjanje n v. progonjenje
proganjati vt v. progoniti
proglas m proclamation, manifesto
proglasiti vt issue a manifesto (proclamation); promulgate; proclaim publicly, make known through the
public crier; declare; (krivim, sud) find guilty, (nedunim) absolve, acquit
proglasiti se vr proclaim oneself, assume the title of
proglaavanje n proclaiming, proclamation
proglaavati vt v. proglasiti
proglaen pp proclimed; declared, pronounced
proglaenje n proclamation; declaration
progledan pp seen through (unmasked)
progledati vt v. prozreti; (slijepac) get back one's sight
proglodan pp gnawn (frayed, worn) through
proglodati vt gnaw (wear, fray) through; make a hole by
gnawng (fretting, biting, hard wear)
proglodati se vr wear through
prognan pp exiled, banished, outlawed, ostracized; B
univ (student) sent down, rusticated; banned, proscribed
prognanik m exile, banned person; proscript; outcast,
outlaw; ostracized person; (iz domovine) expatriate
prognanstvo n v. progonstvo
prognati vt exile, banish, proscribe, ostracize, ban
prognosticirati vt v. prognozirati
prognostiar m v. prognozer
prognostiki adj prognostic
prognoza f forecast, prognosis, prognostication | vremenska ~ weather forecast
prognozer m prognosticator, forecaster
prognozirati vt prognosticate, forecast, predict
progon m persecution; pursuit, chase; hue and cry
progonitelj m persecutor, pursuer; fig bloodhound
progoniti vt persecute, pursue (hotly), give chase, hunt,
raise (send) hue and cry after; (slijediti tajno)
shadow; dog; (trag) follow the scent
progonstvo n exile, banishment, proscription, ban, outlawry, ostracism; (gubitak graanskih prava) attainder
progonjenje n persecution; hunt (chase) after
progoren pp burnt through
progorjeti' vt burn through, burn a hole in
progorjeti'' vi burn through
progovarati vi v. progovoriti
progovoriti vt begin to speak, utter a sound (word),
make oneself heard, break silence
program m B programme, A & DP program; sch curriculum
programatian adj progammatical
programator m (washing-machine) controller
programer m DP programmer
programirati vt B programme, A & DP program
progres m progress, advancement
progresija f progression | aritmetika (geometrijska) ~
arithmetical (geometrical) progression
progresist m progressive, progressi(oni)st
progresistiki adj progressi(oni)st

progresivan adj progressive

progresivno adv progresslively
progresivnost f progressiveness
progristi vt bite (gnaw) through, fret through; (ra itd.)
progrizen pp bitten through, gnawn through ; corroded
progrmjeti vi thunder (roar) by
progunati vt grunt, mutter
progurati vt push (work, squeeze, jam, force, press)
progurati se vr edge one's way through, push through,
wedge (squeeze) oneself in, sidle in; insinuate oneself
into; force one's way (passage), push forward, elbow
one's way, pass with difficulty
progutan pp swallowed; (naglo) bolted, devoured
progutati vt swallow, devour; (naglo) bolt (down), gulp
down; (gnjev, uvredu) suppress one's wrath, pocket
injury, put up with (swallow) an affront; (slovo, slog
u rijei) slur over, clip one's words | fig to on ne moe ~ (vjerovati) it won't go down with him
proha f v. proja
prohibicija f hist prohibition
prohibicionist f hist prohibitionist
prohibicionistiki adj hist prohibitionist
prohibicionizam m hist prohibitionism
prohibitivan adj econ prohibitive
prohladan adj cool
prohladnost f coolness
prohod m passage, canal
prohodan adj passable, practicable, negotiable; serviceable (road)
prohodati vi (dijete) begin to walk (toddle); start walking; (bolesnik) be on one's legs again; find one's legs
prohodnost f being passable (negotiable)
prohtjeti se vr be seized by a sudden wish, itch for, hanker after, lust after; have a mind (fancy, longing, lust)
prohtjev m itch for, hankering after, appetite for, hunger
after; (strast) excessive desire, lust
prohujati vi (vjetar, oluja) sough (rush, moan, roar)
past; blow over (i fig); (godine) pass quickly
proicirati vt v. projicirati
proigran pp lost at play, gambled away; (prilika)
sllipped (missed) (opportunity)
proigrati vt gamble away, lose at play; miss (slip) opportunity, lose chance
proigrati se vr discredit oneself; fig miss the train
proishoditi v. proizlaziti, potjecati
proistei vi v. proizai, potei
proistjecanje n v. pronalaenje
proistjecati vi v. proizlaziti, potjecati
proizai vi v. proizlaziti
proizlaziti vi follow; be deducible; be the consequence
(result) of, result from, spring (arise) from, take rise
from; ensue; derive
proizlaenje n springing (following) from; emergence
proizvaa m v. proizvoa
proizvaanje n v. proizvoenje

proizvaati vt v. proizvoditi
proizveden pp produced; created, engendered
proizvesti vt produce, manufacture, turn out, make; create, engender, generate; grow, breed; v. izazvati,
imenovati, unaprijediti
proizvod m product, production, produce, make, manufacture; yield, growth | finalni ~ finished (manufactured) product
proizvoditelj m producer; engenderer; creator
proizvoditi vt produce, manufacture, make, turn out;
create; generate
proizvodiv adj produceaible, manufacturable
proizvodni adj | ~ kapacitet (trokovi) production capaicity (costs)
proizvodno adv in terms of production, production-wise
proizvodnost f productivity
proizvodnja f production, manufacture, turnout, yield;
generation | masovna ~ large-scale (mass) production
proizvodstvo n v. imenovanje, unapreenje
proizvoa m manufacturer, maker, producer | ~ na veliko large-volume producer
proizvoljan adj arbitrary
proizvoljno adj arbitrarily
proizvoljnost f arbitrariness
proja f v. palenta, kukurunjak
projahati vt ride past, go past on horseback, pass by
(trough) riding, ride through
projedati vt corrode
projedriti vi (mimo) sail past, pass by sailing; sail
projekcija f projection (i geom); (filma) showing
projekcioni adj projection | ~ aparat projector
projekt m project, scheme, plan
projektant m designer, planner; architect
projektil m projectile, missile | dirigirani ~ guided
projektirati vi design, draft, draw up plans for
projektni adj | ~ biro project (drafting, design) office
projektor m projector; (za dijapozitive) slide-projector
projiciran pp projected
projiciranje n projection, projecting; showing
projicirati vt project, make projection of; show
projicirati se vr projcet
projuriti vi gallop (rush, dash, dart) past (through),
speed by, run (tear) by, ride (drive) hurriedly by
prokaditi vt smoke thoroughly (room, meat)
prokapati vi (tei) ooze (filter, trickle, leak) through,
begin trickling (dripping, seeping) through
prokapavanje n oozing (trickling, filtering, seeping,
leaking) though
prokartati vt gamble away, lose on cards
prokartati se vr acquire a passion for cards, fall prey to
prokazan pp reported; denounced, informed against
prokazati vt inform against, report, denounce; (prorei)
prokaziva m informer
prokisao adj v. pokisao; (krov) leaking

prokisnuti vi v. pokisnuti; (krov) leak

prokisnjav|ati vi | krov ~a the roof leaks
proklamacija f proclamation; manifesto
proklamiran pp proclaimed, announced publicly
proklamiranje n proclaming, proclamation
proklamirati vi proclaim, announce publicly
proklet pp damned, accursed, cursed, anathematized;
banned; (sudbinom) doomed; (u ljutnji) confounded,
damned, execrable, abominable | ~a kia! damn this
prokleti vt curse, damn, anathematize, ban, imprecate;
prokletnik m damned fellow, lost soul
prokleto adv damnedly, accursedly
prokletstvo n damnation, anathema, malediction, execration, curse | ~! confound it!, botheration!, curse
upon it!, damn (it)!, a plague upon it!
proklijati vi sprout, germinate, shoot (spring) up, crop
proklijavanje n sprouting, shooting up
proklinjanje n damning, cursing, exeavaing, swearing it
proklinjati vt keep cursing (imprecating, swearing,
proklitika f gram proclitic
prokljucati vt v. prokljuvati
prokljuati vi start boiling
prokljuvan pp pecked through
prokljuvati vt peck through (with the beak)
prokljuviti vt find out
proknjien pp entered, gone through the books
prokockati vt gamble away
prokockati se vr become a gambler
prokomentirati vt comment
prokontrolirati vt control, check
prokonzul m hist proconsul
prokop m cut, cutting, tunnel, channel, canal
prokopan pp cut through (earth); bored (burrowed)
prokopati vt dig (a tunnel) through, bore (burrow)
through a passasge, make a cut
prokopavanje n digging (cutting) of a tunnel (canal,
prokopavati vt v. prokopati
prokrasti se vr steal through
prokren pp (uma) cleared; (drvee) cut down; felled;
(korijenje, panjevi) rooted up
prokriti vt (umu) cleer land, make a clearance, disaforest; (zapreke) remove the obstacle(s), clear (pave)
the way, break one's way through; (sebi put) carve
out one's way; fig be a pioneer, blaze the trail; (panjeve) grub up, root up; (prorijediti umu) thin a forest
prokrijumariti vt smuggle
prokrijumariti se vr v. provercati se
prokrstariti vt crisscross, travel all over
Prokrustov adj | myth ~a postelja Procrustean (Procrustes) bed
prokrvariti vi start bleeding; bleed anew
proken pp pampered (coddled) up

prokenost f inclination to be (state of being) pampered

(mollycoddled, cockered up, indulged)
prokuburiti vt get along somehow
prokuhan pp well boiled
prokuhati vt boil well (thoroughly); (iznova) re-boil;
seethe; fig digest
prokuhati se vr boil, be boiled
prokukati vi start (apend) lamenting
prokul|e, ~ice f pl bot Brussels sprauts pl
prokuljati vi gush forth, begin to gush
prokunjati vt doze through, spend dozing
prokurator m procurator
prokurist m authorized clerk (agent), confidential clerk
prokurvati vt vulg spend on prostitutes
prokurvati se vr vulg prostitute oneself
prokuan pp tried; (vjeran) faithful, true-blue; staunch;
fig hall-marked; sterling; tested; (u borbi) battle
prokuati vt try, put on trial, put upon probation, try
severely; test
prokuiti vt get wise to (v. prozreti, shvatiti, nanjuiti)
prolamanje n bursting, rupturing
prolamati (se) vt (vr) v. prolomiti (se)
prolaz m passage, thoroughfare, gateway, arcade, alley;
(in) passing (going) through, transit; (nadsvoen)
archway | ~ zabranjen no thoroughfare; (preko tueg
zemljita) trespassers will be prosecuted
prola|zak m pass(ing) | pri ~sku on (while) passing
prolaz|an adj passing, transient, transitory, ephemeral,
perishable, evanescent; temporary | ~na ocjena pass
prolaziti vi pass by (away, out, through); (mimo) go by;
(dobro se svriti) turn out well; (godine) fly (roll) by;
(nestati) cease, disappear, vanish; (kroz) traverse; (u
koli itd.) do well
prolaznik m passer-by
prolaznost f transitoriness, ephemeralty, transience; (nestajanje) evanescence
prolaenje n passing (going, marching) by (through)
proletarijat m collect proletariat | diktatura ~a the dictatorship of the proletariat
proletarizirati vt proletarianize
proletarizirati se vr become proletarianized
proleter m proletarian
proleterski adj proletarian
proletjeti vi fly through
proleati vt pass (spend) a time bed-ridden
proliferacija f proliferation
proliferirati vi proliferate
prolijetanje n continual flying through (by)
prolijetati vi keep flying through, pass on the wings
prolijevan pp shed, spilled, discharged; poured out
prolijevanje n shedding (spilling, discharging, pouring)
of a fluid (liquid)
prolijevati vt v. proliti
prolistati vi put forth leaves; (knjigu) turn the leaves (of
a book)
proliti vt spill, shed, discharge, pour out; (alicu) upset;
(krv) shed blood; (suze) shed tears

proliti se vr spill
proliv m v. proljev
prolivati vt v. proliti
proliven pp (liquid) spilled, shed
prolog m prologue
prolokati vt wear through
prolokati se vr wear hrough, become worn through
prolom m burst, breaking, rupture; (mjesto) breach, gap;
(oblaka) cloud-burst
prolomiti vt burst, break through, make a breach (gap,
prolomiti se vr burst, split, rupture; fall (cave) in
prolomljen pp burst through, ruptured; caved in
prolongacija f prolongation (v. produenje, odgoda,
prolongirati vt v. produiti, odgoditi
proloiti vt insert between
prolumpati vt | ~ no go for a full night on the town
prolumpati se vr take to night-life
prolje|e n spring, spring time | na ~e next spring; prolog ~a last spring
proljepa|ti se vr | ~la se she became prettier, her looks
improved; ~o se he become handsomer, his looks improved
proljetni adj spring, vernal
proljetos adv this (next) spring, during this spring; last
proljetonji adj of this spring
proljev m med diarrhoea
promai vt v. promaknuti
promaja f v. propuh
promajnica f min air-shaft
promaknue n v. unapreenje
promaknu|ti vt slip by; v. unaprijediti | ~lo mi je it escaped me
promaljanje n showing (raising) one's head, puting
(thrusting) out
promaljati vt v. promoliti
promarirati vi march by (past)
promaaj m missing of one's aim; fig failure
promaen adj missed, failed, beside the mark; (neuspio)
unsuceessful, abortive | ~ ovjek a failure
promaeno adv abortively; frustratedly
promaenost f abortiveness, (being a) failure; frustration
promai|ti vt miss, fail to hit ( attain, get at), miss one's
blow (mark, cast); fig (zvanje) choose the wrong calling; make a mistake; be a failure; go amiss (wrong) |
~o si (pogaanje itd.) you are quite beside the mark
promatra m observer, looker on; (svjedok) witness,
spectator, beholder, onlooker, bystander
promatrak|i adj | ~a stanica observation post; ~a ekipa observer team
promatranica f observation post
promatran pp watched, observed, viewed, contemplated
promatranje n watching, observation, contemplation,
viewing; consideration
promatrati vt watch, observe, contemplate, look intently
(closely), regard fixedly; examine (closely); fig consider, view; (zuriti) gaze, stare

promatrati se vr watch (observe, consider) oneself

promeuran adj v. promuuran
promemorija f memorandum, coll memo
promenada f (etalite i etnja) promenade
promenadni adj | ~ koncert outdoor (brass-band) concert
promenirati vi promenade
promekoljiti se vr stir
promet m traffic; (robe) turnover; (poslovanje) trade,
business, operation, financial transactions; (kolanje)
circulation; (openje) intercourse, communication |
teretni ~ goods traffic; putniki ~ passenger traffic;
zrani ~ air traffic; otvoren za ~ open to traffic;
predati ~u open to traffic; (novac) issue; biti u ~u be
current, be in circulation; povui iz ~a withdraw
from circulation; ulica s jednosmjernim ~om oneway street; zastoj ~a traffic jam (congestion)
prometalo n (public) conveyance, means of communication, public carrier; (vozilo) vehicle
prometan adj (ulica) crowded (street, thoroughfare);
much frequented, busy | najprometniji sati (u gradu)
prometati vt carry on (do) business; traffic, trade, deal,
transact business; (imati prometa u iznosu...) turn
prometati se vr v. snalaziti se, probijati se
Prometej m myth Prometheus
prometejski adj fig Promethean
prometn|i adj traffic | poginuti u ~oj nesrei be killed in
a traffic (road, car) accident
prometnik m traffic policeman
prometnuti se vr turn into, change form (shape), transfigure oneself; v. snai se
promicanje n v. unapreivanje
promicatelj m v. unapreiva
promicati vt glide by; v. unapreivati; promote
promijeniti vt change, alter, make an alteration, modify;
(izmijeniti) exchange; (naizmjence) alternate; (miljenje, smjer) veer; vary; shift; (poloaj) shift one's
position; (odijelo) change one's clothes; (nakanu)
change one's mind; (vladanje nabolje) mend one's
behaviour (ways)
promijeniti se vr change; change one's ways; (nabolje)
change for the better; (nagore) change for the worse |
to se ne moe ~ it can't be helped; to se ne moe ~,
mora se trpjeti what cannot be cured must be endured
promijenjen pp changed, altered, modified; reformed
promijesiti vt re-knead, knead over again
promijean pp mixed up, stirred
promijeati vt mix up, mix thoroughly, stir up; mingle
promijeen pp re-kneaded, kneaded thoroughly
promil(e) adv per thousand, pro mille
promincla f Ger v. mentol bombon
prominentan adj prominent
prominentno adv prominently
prominentnost f prominence
promisao f foresight, forethought; precaution; (boja)

promiskuitet m promiscuity
promiskuozan adj promiscuous
promisl|iti vt consider, deliberate, ponder upon, reflect,
weight the pros and cons; re-consider; chew the cud;
revolve in one's mind (thoughts), turn in one's mind
over and over, think over | ~i dobro preko noi (prespavaj to) take counsel of your pillow; kad sam dobro ~io on second thoughts
promiljanj|e n deliberation, consideration, reflexion,
pondering, weighing in one's mind, chewing the cud |
rok za ~e time for consideration; nakon ~a upon reflexion, on second thoughts
promiljati vt v. promisliti
promiljen pp deliberate, cautious, slow in deciding,
discreet; (namjerice) intentional, prepense
promiljeno adv deliberately; (namjerno) premediatately, with due consideration; (zlobno) with malice prepense; (oprezno) cautiously, circumspectly |
potpuno ~ in cold blood
promiljenost f deliberation, deliberateness; discretion;
caution, circumspection
promjena f change, alternation, mutation; shift; (sudbine) vicissitude
promjenljiv adj changeable, changeful, changing, variable; (vrijeme) unsettled; mutable; fluctuating; (nepostojan, ud) inconstant, fickle, unsteady; (muiav)
whimsical, giddy-brained; unstable
promjenljivo adv changeably, changingly, variably
promjenljivost f changeability, mutability; inconstancy,
fickleness; variableness; unsteadiness
promjer m geom diameter; (cijevi) calibre (A caliber)
promjeren pp measured through
promjeriti vt measure through, measure from one end to
the other; (okom, od glave do pete) look one up and
down (from top to toe)
promjerka f calipers (A callipers) pl
promocija f graduation ceremony (A univ commencement); conferment of a degree
promoen pp soaked (drenched) through and through,
wringing wet
promoiti vt soak (drench) through
promoliti vt show, raise, stick (thrust) out, put through
promoliti se vr v. pomoliti se
promotor m univ conferrer of a degree, head of graduation ceremony
promotren pp watched (observed, examined) closely
promotriti vt watch (observe, examine) closely
promovend m univ recipient of a degree, conferee
promoviran pp graduate(d), having obtained one's degree
promovirati' vt confer a degree on
promovirati'' vi obtain one's degree
promozgan pp | dobro ~ thoroughly considered, pondered over in all its parts, studied from all points
promozgati vt consider (ponder over, weigh) thoroughly
promptan adj prompt
promptno adv promptly
promptnost f promptness

promrmljati vt utter murmuring, murmur, mutter;

(gunati) grumble
promrsiti vt utter between one's teeth | ~ kletvu mutter
(grind out) an oath
promrznut pp frozen through, chilled through (to the
promrznuti vi freeze through, be chilled through (to the
promukan pp (tekuina) shaken thoroughly (well)
promukati vt shake, stir; slosh
promukati se vr get shaken (stirred, sloshed)
promukao adj hoarse, raucous, husky
promuklost f hoarseness, huskiness
promuknuti vi become hoarse (husky, raucous)
promumljati vt speak (utter) indistinctly, mumble out,
murmur, grumble; (srdito) growl
pronai vt (otkriti) discover; (mjesto) locate; (progonom)
hunt out; (izvesti) contrive; (krivca) find out; (naii
na) strike; (prozreti) fathom, get to the bottom;
search out; (boravite) find one's whereabouts; v.
pronai se vr discover (find, locate) oneself
pronaen pp invented; discovered; located; found out;
(ruda, nafta itd.) struck
pronalaza m v. izumitelj
pronalazaki adj v. izumiteljski
pronalazak m (otkrivanje) discovery; v. izum
pronalaziti vt v. pronai
pronalaenje n discovering, inventing, locating, finding
pronaanje n v. pronoenje
pronaati vt v. prenositi
pronesti vt v. pronijeti
pronevjeren pp embezzled, defalcated, defrauded; misappropriated, peculated
pronevjerenje n embezzlement, defalcation, defraudation, misappropriation, malversation, peculation
pronevjeritelj m embezzler, defalcator, defrauder, peculator
pronevjeriti vt embezzle, peculate, defalcate, defraud,
pronicanje n penetrating, penetration, seeing through
pronicati vt v. proniknuti
pronicav adj (vid) pieraing, sharpseeing, hawk-eyed; fig
clever, keen, smart, sagacious, penetrating, full of insight, intuitive | on je silno ~ he sees through a brick
pronicavo adv sagaciously, penetratingly, keenly
pronicavost f penetration, sagaciousness, intuition, insight
pronicljiv adj v. pronicav
pronijeti vt carry all over; (kroz) carry through, spread;
(slavu) make famous
pronije|ti se vr be carried through, sweep through,
spread | ~la se vijest it is rumoured (reported), rumour spreads; (probila na javu) news took air (oozed
out, leaked out), it has transpired, it is in circulation
proniknut pp (obuzet) imbued (prepossessed) with;
(prozret) looked through, found out, fathomed

proniknuti vt penetrate, come to the bottom, fathom;

(progledati nekoga) find one out, see through one;
(proeti) permeate, pervade, imbue
prononsiran adj v. izrazit, naglaen
pronosati vt carry around briefly
pronositi vt v. pronijeti
pronosi|ti se vr v. pronijeti se | glas se ~i there is a rumour abroad
pronoenje n carrying through (all over), spreading
pronjuiti' vi sniff around (a little)
pronjuiti'' vt (otkriti) sniff out
propadanje n decay, decadence, going to ruin, degeneracy, decline, falling-off; (nazadak) retrogression;
(zgrade) dilapidation, crumbling; (udorea) demoralization; lapse; (posjeda u korist krune) escheat;
(prava) forfeiture
propadati vi decay, decline, go to ruin; (zgrada) dilapidate, crumble, get out of repair; (nazadovati) go
downhill; (srljati u propast) go to rack and ruin, go
to the dogs; (kakvoa) deteriorate; (tlo) sink, sag,
cave in; (mraviti itd.) sink, waste, grow lean (thin),
lose flesh; v. propasti
propagand|a f propaganda, propagation, propagandism;
advertising, publicity | vriti ~u za advertise; v. propagirati
propagandist m propagandist; advertising agent; publicrelations man (agent); account executive
propagandistiki adj propagandistic
propagandn|i adj advertising; publicity, public-relations;
indoctrination | fig ~a maina propaganda machine;
~i materijal v. reklamni
propagator m propagator, promoter, disseminator;
propagiranje n propaganda, propagation, propagating,
propagandism; advertising; dissemination; promoting, promotion
propagirati vt propagate, propagandize, advertise; disseminate; promote
propalica f dissolute (immoral, debauched) fellow, wastrel; bad character; sl bum
propalost f dilapidated (decayed, ruined) state (condition); (pokvarenost) degeneracy, demoralization, corruption, decadence
propan m chem propane
propanj m | u ~ v. upropanj
propao adj ruined; gone to the dogs, done for; (dobar
glas) undone; (udoredno) immoral, debauched; (neuspio) failed; (na ispitu) failed, sl ploughed;
(trgovac) bankrupt; (potraen) wasted; (ruevan) dilapidated, crumbling; (stanje) decayed; (izgubljen)
lost; (pravo na posjed) forfeited | ~ ek (mjenica)
stale cheque (bill)
proparati vt slit through, slit open
proparati se vr become slit, get a slit
propasirati vt cul run through a strainer
propast f ruin, destruction, catastrophe; (ponor) gulf,
abyss, precipice, chasm
propasti vi be ruined, go to the dogs; (postati ruevan)
fall to ruins; (poginuti) perish; (brod itd.) be wrecked

(lost, stranded), founder, sink; (ne uspjeti) fail, miscarry, fall through, prove abortive, prove a falure, fall
into the water, fall to the ground, come to naught;
(trgovac) go bankrupt, fail; (smraviti) lose flesh,
waste away, thin; (na ispitu) be rejected, fail; (ne
proi [zakon]) fail to be carried; (kroz neto, upasti)
fall in (through); (u korist krune, ranijeg vlasnika)
escheat, lapse, be forfeit(ed); v. propadati
propatiti vi suffer (a great deal)
propeen pp thoroughly baked (broiled, roasted, cooked)
propee n crucifixion, crucifying
propei vt cook (roast, broil, bake) thoroughly; (prejako)
propedeutiki adj propaedeutical
propedeutika f propaedeutics pl (sg v)
propeler m propeller, screw | dvostruki ~ twin screw
propelerski adj | na ~ pogon propeller-driven, propdriven
propelo n crucifix, cross
propet pp crucified
propeti vt crucify
propeti se vr rear (rise) on hind legs
propiliti vt saw through
propiljen pp sawn through
propinjanje n rearing (of a horse); (broda) pitch
propinjati se vr rear (on one's hind legs)
propis m precept, regulation, ordinance, rule, prescription; (uputa) direction, instruction ; institution
propisan' pp prescribed, obligatory, compulsory, statutory
propis|an'' adj according to rules (regulations, ordinances, statutes, laws); (kako treba) proper, due | fig
~na afera proper (big) scandal
propisati vt prescribe; direct; regulate; order, command,
propisivanje n prescribing; regulating
propisivati vt v. propisati
propisno adv duly, properly; according to prescription
(regulations, precepts, ordinances) | fig ~ smo ozebli
we are frozen stiff
propisnost f regular character; conformity to regulations
propitati vi start hissing (sputtering); fig start moaning
(squealing, wailing)
propit adj confirmed (inveterate, ingrained) drinker
propitati se vr v. raspitati se
propiti vt squander (dissipate) in drink, send through
one's throat
propiti se vr become addicted to drink, become a drinker
(drunkard, a confirmed soaker)
propitkiva m enquirer
propitkivanje n gathering information, making enquiries about
propitkivati (se) vi (vr) gather informatlion, keep enqiring about; (za put) find one's way by enquiring, asking
propjeaiti vt walk all over, walk through, cover on
propjevati vi begin to sing; (pjesnik) begin to compose

proplakati vi burst into tears, begin to cry (weep)

proplanak m clearing (in the wood), glade
proplandovati vt idle away, spend leisurely
proplesati vi begin to dance; learn how to dance
proplivati vi begin to swim; learn how to swim; swim
propljuvati vt (krv) start spiting blood, cough up blood;
fig go through hell (v. namuiti se)
proponirati vt v. predloiti
proporcija f proportion, ratio; relation
proporcionalan adj proportional, proportioned, commensurate
proporcionalno adv proportionally, proportionately
proporcionalnost f proportionality
propovijed f sermon; lecture; preaching; preachment
propovijedati vt preach, deliver a sermon, lecture, hold
forth; sermomize
propovjedaonica f pulpit
propovjedniki adj preaching, lecturing, sermonizing;
like a preacher
propovjednik m preacher; evangelist; sermonizer
propovjednitvo n preaching (skill, prfession)
propozicija f (zamisao) scheme, proposition; math theorem, problem; (sp i sl.) (competition) rules
proprati vt wash lightly; rinse
propratiti vt v. popratiti
propratni adj v. popratni
propriti (se) vt (vr) fry (briefly, lightly)
propriti se vr be fried (fry) briefly
propuh m draught | tu je ~ there is a draught here, it is
draughty here; prisutnost ~a draughtiness
propuha|ti vt blow through | ~lo ga je he was caught in
a draught, he was exposed to draught
propuhivanje n blowing through; draught(s)
propuh|ivati vt blow through | ovdje ~uje there is a
draught here, there is a gentle breeze here, it is windy
propupa|ti vi put forth buds | stablo je ~lo the tree has
burst into buds
propusnica f permit, permission to pass
propusnost f permeability; porosity
propust m (nemar) negligence, neglect, omission, oversight; (neizvrenje) failure; (prolaz) permission to
pass through, permit; (za vodu) culvert, drain
propustan adj permeable; (kamen) porous; (krov) leaky
propustiti vt give permission (permit, allow) to pass
through, give passage to; (nemarom) omit, neglect to
do, fail to do; (zgodu) let slip by, miss (opportunity),
leave undone; sch pass, give a passing mark (A
grade) | neu ~ da... I shall not fail to; (uinit u sve)
I shall spare no pains to..., I shall do my utmost, I
shall leave no stone unturned; ne ~ (na ispitu) fail,
reject in examination
propuiti (se) vi (vr) start smoking; become an avid
proputanje n allowing (permission) to pass; (nemar)
omission, neglect; missing; (vode) leaking

proputa|ti vt v. propustiti | moje cipele ~ju vodu my

shoes let water in; amac je poeo ~ti the boat
sprang a leak
proputen pp alowed (suffered) to pass; (neiskoriten)
neglected, omitted, missed
proputovanj|e n journey (voyage, travel) through, traversing | na ~u passing (travelling) through, on one's
way through
proputovati vt traverse, travel, voyage, journey over
proraun m estimate, calculation, budget; (otprilike)
rough (approximate, preliminary) estimate; estimate
of costs, estimated costs
proraunat pp calculated; estimated; (osoba) calculating; (ponaanje) calculated
proraunati vt estimate, calculate; (vrijednost) value,
evaluate; (proraun) make a budget; think out (devise) before acting
proraunato adv calculatedly
proraunatost f calculating attitude, calculation
proraunavanje n estimation, calculation; reckoning;
proraunski adj estimated, calculated; budgetary
prorada f v. proraivanje
proraditi vi begin to work (function); go into service
(operation); study, go through
proraivanje n study(ing), going through
proraivati vt study, go through
prorajtati vt v. spiskati
prorastao adj (meso) marbled (meat)
prorasti vt grow through
proreen pp prophesied, predicted, foretold
prorei vt prophesy, foretell, predict, forecast, presage,
divine, vaticinate, forebode; (zlo) croak; (slutiti na)
augur; (budunost gatanjem) tell fortune
prored m (u tipkanju) spacing | s obinim (dvostrukim)
~om single-spaced (double-spaced)
prorektor m univ B Vice-Chancellor (zapravo: poslovni rektor); A Vice-President
proreetan pp sifted; riddled; (ugljen) screened; (kritikom) criticised severely; thoroughly examined; riddled with bullets
proreetati vt sift, riddle, screen; (kritizirati) criticise
seveirely; fig examine thoroughly; (mecima) riddle
with bullets
prorez m (rez) cut through; (rupa) slot, slit
prorezan pp cut (sawn) through; (rasporen) ripped
(rent, slit, open) lengthwise
prorezati vt cut (saw) through, slit (rend, rip) open
proricanje n practice of prophesying (divination); (gatanje) fortune-telling, vaticination
proricati vt v. prorei
prorijediti vt thin (out); v. razrijediti
prorijed|iti se vr thin out; decline in number
prorijeen adj thinned (out)
prorjeivanje n thinning (out)
prorjeivati vt v. prorijediti
proroanski adj prophetic(al), oracular

proroanstvo n prophecy, prediction, oracle; divination;

vaticination, augury
proroica f prophetess; (gatara) fortuneteller; female
proroite n oracle
proroki adj v. proroanski
prorogiranje n prorogation
prorogirati vt prorogue
prorok m prophet, vaticinator, diviner, seer; (gatalac)
soothsayer, fortune-teller | zloguki ~ prophet of doom
prorokovanje n v. proricanje
prorokovati vt v. proricati, prorei
prorotvo n v. proroanstvo
prorov m tunnel, shaft; subway | ulaz u ~ adit
prorovan pp tunnelled
prorovati vt tunnel, dig a subway (shaft, underground
pros|ac m suitor, wooer | ii u ~ce woo, go to ask in marriage, ask a woman's hand in marriage
prosanjkati se vr go for a sleigh-ride
proscenij m theat proscenium
prosede m v. postupak, procedura
prosektor m med dissector
prosektura f med dissecting room (rooms, department)
proseminar m univ proseminar
prosen adj made from millet
prosenica f millet-bread, millet-cake
prosfora f Orth prosphora
prosidba f wooing, suit, suing, asking in marriage; sl
popping the question
prosijan pp sieved, sifted, bolted
prosijati vt sieve, bolt, sift
prosijecanje n cutting through, crossing, intersection
prosijecati vt v. prosjei
prosijed adj grizzled, grayish (A greyish), gray(-haired)
(A grey(-haired))
prosijedjeti vi become grizzled
prosijevati vi v. prosjati, prosinuti
prosilac m v. prosac; (molitelj) petitioner
prosinac m December
prosinaki adj happening in December, of December
prosinuti vi shine (gleam) through
prosipanje n (sipanje) strewing; (traenje) squandering,
dissipating, wasting; wastefulness, extravagance,
prodigality, lavishness
prosipati vt waste, squander, dissipate, lavish; be prodigal; (steranje) litter, scatter, strew
prositi vt (prosjak) ask alms, go a-begging, be a beggar;
(djevojku) woo, ask in marriage, propose; reg v. moliti
prosjaenje n begging, asking alms, mendicity; (dodijavanje) pestering, solicitation, cadging
prosjaiti vi go a-begging, live by begging, be a beggar,
ask alms; (dodijavati) pester, importune, cadge
prosjaki adj a beggar's, beggarly, indigent, beggar-like
| ~ red mendicant order; spasti na ~ tap be reduced
to poverty, come to the parish; dovesti na ~ tap reduce to poverty
prosjak m beggar, mendicant

prosjakinja f beggar woman

prosjatvo n begging, beggary
prosjati vi shine through
prosjean adj average, averaging, taken on the average;
mean, middle, medial, ordinary
prosjeen pp cut (chopped) through
prosjeno adv on an average, taken on the average,
taken one with another
prosjenost f the average (quality, amount, number); the
middle quality
prosjei vt cut (chop) through
prosjed adj v. prosijed
prosjedjeti vt spend time sitting
prosjedost f being grizzled, grizzled hair
prosjek m (tlo) cut, tunnel; (ploha) section, profile;
(umski) straight clearing in forest; (srednja vrijednost) average | u ~u v. prosjeno
proskitati se vr roam (wander) a bit; fig get around
proskribirati vt proscribe, banish, exile
proskripcija f proscription, exile
proskura f Orth v. prosfora
proslava f celebration, festival, commemoration; (godinjica) anniversary; solemnity, solemnization, observance of a ceremony, fete
proslaviti vt (sveanost) solemnize, celebrate, hold a
festival, keep (observe) a ceremony (fete); (uiniti
slavnim) make famous, well-known, renowned, illustrious, reputed
proslaviti se vr become famous (famed, renowned, celebrated), acquire fame (renown)
proslavljanje n v. slavljenje
proslavljati vt v. slaviti
proslavljen pp famous, renowned, celebrated
proslijediti vt v. poslati, uputiti, nastaviti
proslov m prologue
prosloviti vt deliver (make) a speech, begin an address
(oration, toast)
prosljeivanje n v. slanje, upuivanje, nastavljanje
proso n bot millet
prosodija f v. prozodija
prospavati vt spend sleeping, sleep through, take a nap
(doze); (ljenariti, tratiti vrijeme) snooze time away
prospekt m prospectus, booklet, brochure; (na sklapanje) folder
prosperirati vi prosper, do well
prosperitet m prosperity
prosperitetan adj prosperous
prost adj (ponaanje) rude, uncivil, boorish, gross; (nizak) vulgar, common, ignoble, low, base; (neodgojen)
unmannered, ill-bred, uncouth, unmannerly; (grub,
neizgraen) crude, coarse, rough, not finely spun,
rustic, of inferior quality; (posao) menial; (jednostavan) simple, not complicated; (naravan) natural, ingenuous, single-hearted; (nepristojan) shameless, indecent, unclean, foul, warm, wanton, licentious | ~
vojnik common soldier, private; ~ narod populace,
mob; ~a roda base-born, low-born, of lowly origin
prostaina f boor, vulgar fellow, bumpkin, clown, lout;
(govorom) foul-mouthed fellow

prostaki' adj vulgar, common, low, mean, rude, boorish; (nepristojan) indecent, obscene, foul-mouthed
prostaki" adv rudely, vulgarly, churlishly, brutally
prostak m a vulgar (common, low, mean, uncivil, boorish, ill-bred) fellow, an indecent (obscene, foulmouthed) person; cad, boor, churl, lout; unlicked person
prostakinja f common (low, ill-bred, indecent) woma
prostakluk m v. prostota, prostatvo
prostatvo n vulgarity, boorishness, churlishness,
coarseness, meanness, grossness; dirty (foul) speech;
ill-breeding; act of rudeness
prostat|a f anat | operirao je ~u he had prostate gland
prostira m (za noge) mat, doormat, rug
prostiranje n (tla) stretch, area; (stola) laying the cloth;
spreading; (povrina) extent, expanse
prostirati vt (stol) lay the table; spread out; (razmatati)
prostirati se vr extend to (across); unfold itself to view;
reach (stretch, go) as far as...
prostirka f v. prostira
prost|iti vt | rust da ~ite saving your reverence; bog da
~i may God forgive it; something awful
prostitucija f prostitution
prostituirati vt prostitute
prostituirati se vr prostitute oneself
prostitutka f prostitute; street-walker
prostitutski adj prostitute's
prosto adv (ponaanje) rudely, boorishly, uncouthly,
grossly, vulgarly, indecently; v. jednostavno
prostoduan adj simple-minded, naive, ingenuous, artless; unaffected, blunt, sincere, free-spoken, straightforward
prostodunost f simple-mindedness, ingenuity, naivety;
(iskrenost) sincerity, frankness, candour
prostonarodan adj common-people (v. puki, narodni)
prostor m space, room; (prostranstvo) extent, expanse;
(povrina) area; (podruje) tract; (za kretanje) elbowroom, playroom; (prostorija) accommodation | zrakoprazan ~ vacuum
prostorij|a f (soba) room, accommodation | poslovne ~e
(business) premises; office(s); drutvene ~e club
prostorn|i adj space, spatial | ~i metar cubic metre; ~o
planiranje regional planning
prostorno adv spatially, in terms of space
prostornost f spatiality
prostoru|an adj free-hand | ~no crtanje free-hand
prostosrdaan adj v. prostoduan, iskren
prostota f vulgarity, meanness, uncivility; an act (piece)
of ill-breeding; (nepristojnost) foul language, obscenity; (priprostost) simplicity, simpleness, naturalness;
v. jednostavnost
prostran adj spacious, extensive, wide, capacious,
broad; ample, vast; roomy
prostranost f extensiveness, spaciousness, roominess
prostranstvo n (wide) space, expanse

prostrijel m vet v. bedrenica

prostrijeliti vt shoot through, riddle (cribble) with bullets; transfix with arrows
prostrijeljen pp riddled (cribbled) by bullet (shots), shot
through; (strijelama) transfixed by arrows
prostr|ijeti vt spread; (krevet) make a bed; (stol) set table (lay table); (nastrti stelju itd.) litter; (na zemlji
krevet za nudu) make a shakedown | kako sebi ~e
tako e spavati lie in the bed you have made
prostrijeti se vr sprawl
prostrt pp spread; (stol) set (laid) table
prostrti vt v. prostrijeti
prostrujati vi flow (course) through; begin to flow
prostudiran adj studied (i fig)
prostudirano adv fig studiedly
prostudirati vt study (v. prouiti)
prosuditi vt form a judgment (opinion, estimate), come
to a conclusion
prosuivanje n considering, formation of judgment
(opinion, estimate)
prosuivati vt v. prosuditi
prosukljati vi belch (up, through)
prosuiti vt dry (a little, completely)
prosut pp (tekuina) spilt; strewn, littered; (razbacan)
prosuti vt strew, spread, shed; spill; scatter; empty; v.
prosuti se vr strew, spill, scatter
prosuzi|ti vi | oi su mu ~le tears suffused his eyes
prosvijeen pp enlightened, civilized, cultured, cultivated
prosvijeenost f enlightened state
prosvijetiti vt enlighten; civilize, cultivate, educate
prosvijetiti se vr become enlightened; get an education
prosvirati vt & vi spend playing; play through; start
playing | ~ metak put a bullet through
(one's/somebody's head)
prosvjeivanje n spreading enlightenment; (pouka) instruction, education, teaching
prosvjeivati vt enlighten, spread knowledge, educate
prosvjed m protest, protestation; (mjenice) protest for
non-acceptance (non-payment); (neodobravanje) objection; (osuivanje) deprecation
prosvjedovanje n v. prosvjed
prosvjedovatelj m protester
prosvjedovati vi protest, make protest against; (osuivati) deprecate; object, raise objections; (mjenicu) protest for non-acceptance (non-payment)
prosvjet|a f enlightenment; educational system (of a
country); system of instruction | ministar ~e minister
of education; A the US Commissioner of Education;
ministarstvo ~e ministry of education; A the US Office of Education
prosvjetitelj m enlightener; educator
prosvjetiteljstvo n hist Enlightenment
prosvjetni adj educational, spreading enlightenment
(knowledge, instruction)
proaptati vt whisper

proarati vt dapple, streak, marble, lace

proarati se vr become dappled (streaked)
proek m prosecco; B & A sherry
proen pp (djevojka) wooed; (moljen) begged, asked,
proenje n begging; (djevojke) asking in marriage
proetati vt walk, take for a walk
proetati se vr take a walk (stroll, turn), go for a walk
(turn, stroll); (zdravlja radi) do one's constitutional(s)
proevina f asking in marriage, proposing, asking the
hand of
proiren pp widened, stretched, extended; expanded;
(nadut, raskolaen) dilated | vrlo ~ widely current;
~o izdanje enlarged edition
proirenost f extent, spread, distribution
proirenje n widening, stretching, expanding, expansion, enlarging, extension, extending, dilatation
proiriti vt widen, stretch, extend, enlarge, expand;
(hlae, suknju) let out
proiriti se vr spread
proiati' vi fly (whiz) by
proiati'' vt put a bullet through
proiti vt sew (stitch) through; quilt
proivanje n sewing through, stitching; quilting
proiven pp sewn through, quilted, stitched through
pro|li adj past, by-gone, gone; (zadnji) last; (nedavan)
recent; (predidui) foregoing, precedent ; (svren)
over, done, finished; (bivi) ex- | to je ~o, ~o je
gone is gone; (izgubljeno) lost is lost; bilo pa ~o (zaboravimo svau) let bygones be bygones; (uzaludno
aljenje) don't cry over spilt milk
prologodinji adj last yeair's
prolost f past, past time; former (past) time(s), past history; (davnina) ancient times, past ages, ages gone
by, time of yore; (davna, duboka) hoary antiquity;
(neija) past; career (loa bad record) | gledanje u ~
pronja f begging, petition, asking; (djevojke) suit, wooing, proposal, offer of marriage; v. molba, prosjaenje
protac m v. kolac, tap
protenite n place where a fair (wake) is held
protenjar m church feast attendant
protenje n church feast, wake; fair during the wake
protepati vt Ger v. proiti
prouljati se vr creep (slink, steal) through, enter (pass
through) clandestinely ( surreptitiously, secretly, unobserved)
proupljen pp perforated, pierced, punctured, holed;
(mecima) riddled
proupljiti vt perforate, pierce, puncture, hole; (mecima)
riddle; (svrdlom) bore, make hollow
proupljiti se vr get a hole
provercati vt smuggle
provercati se vr slip through; steal a ride on; gatecrash
prota m Orth priest, head-priest
protagonist m protagonist; champion; leading person
protagonistiki adj protagonistic

protaknuti vt stick (thrust) through

protavoriti vt spend miserably, (vegetate through)
protei vi (tok) flow by (through); (vrijeme) go by, pass
by, expire, fly, roll by
protegnut pp elongated, stretched, expanded; (primjena)
applied (na to)
protegnuti vt extend (over), stretch, expand; (primijeniti) apply to
protegnuti se vr stretch; (leei) loll; (rastom) grow tall
protein m protein
proteinski adj protein
Protej m myth Proteus
protek|ao adj flowed by; (vrijeme) passed (rolled) by;
expired | u ~le dvije godine in the last (for the past)
two years
protekcija f favouritism, preferential treatment; connections pl
protekciona m somebody's protege; well-connected
person; dispenser of patronage; influence peddler
protekcionaki adj connected with favourism
protekcionatvo n favouritism; dispensing of patronage;
influence peddlng; preferential treatment
protekcioni adj protecting; favouring, discriminating
(against); partial to
protekcionist m econ protectionist
protekcionizam m econ protectionism
protektor m v. pokrovitelj, zatitnik
protektorat m protectorat(e)
protepati vt murmur tenderly; (dijete) (start to) babble
protepen pp squandered, wasted, dissipated
protepsti vt squander, dissipate, waste, go through one's
fortune, play ducks and drakes with one's fortune
protest m protest, remonstrance, protestation | podnijeti
~ make a protest
protestantstvo n Protestantism
protestant m Protestant
protestantizam m Protestantism
protestantski adj Protestant
protestiranje n protesting, protests pl
protestir|ati vi protest, make a protest | koji ~a protester
protestni adj protest (meeting, letter)
proteza f med artificial limb, prosthesis
protezanje n extent, expansion, stretch, dimension, extension; reach, range
protezati vt v. protegnuti
protezati se vr spread, extend, cover
protee m protege
proteirati vt favour (A favor) somebody, give somebody
preferential treatment
proti prep reg v. protiv
proticanje n v. protjecanje
proticati vi v. protei
protimba f v. suprotnost, protivnost, protivljenje
protinica f Orth (head-) priest's wife
protiskivanje n straining (pressing, squeezing) through
protiskivati (se) vt (vr) strain (press, squeeze) through
protisnut pp strarined (pressed, squeezed) through
protisnuti vt v. protiskivati | ~ kroz zube v. procijediti
protisnuti se vr squeeze through

protiv prep against, counter-; (prema) towards, to, in the

direction of, on, for | za i ~ pro and con, for and
against; ~ struje against the current; (uz vodu) up the
river; to je ~ mog osvjedoenja this runs counter my
convictions; ~ sklonosti (volje) against the grain; ~
nas in opposition to us; ~ oekivanja unexpectedly,
suddenly; uinio je to ~ volje he did it with a bad
grace; ~ mog osvjedoenja against my conviction; ~
zakona contrary to law, illegally, unlawfully; ~
zdravog razuma preposterously, absurdly; nahuckati ~ set one against; vojska ide ~ grada army is
marching on the town; sredstvo ~ remedy for; nemam nita ~ toga I don't mind it, I have no objection
to it; djelovati ~ counteract, neutralize; (osujetiti)
frustrate, baulk, baffle; glasati slono ~ vote down;
on je potpuno ~ toga he is dead against it, he has set
his heart against it; boriti se ~ struje stem the current (tide)
protiv- pref v. protuprotiv|an adj contrary, opposite; (nesklon) opposed, unwilling, hostile, adverse to, disinclined to; (obratan)
converse | u ~nom otherwise
protivdejstvo n v. protudjelovanje
protiv|iti se vr oppose, be contrary (hostile) to, object to;
be antagonistic (conflicting) to ; (prigovarati) take
exception to, remonstrate, expostulate against, demur
to; (opirati se) resist, be reluctant (unwilling); (biti u
sukobu) clash with; (boriti se) strive against | to se ~i
duhu... this is incompatible with the spirit of
protivljenje n opposing, opposition; (otpor) resistance;
(neradost) bad grace; reluctance; remonstrating
protivnica f rival woman, rival force (party)
protivniki adj the opponent's, the adversary's, the enemy's; inimical, hostile, opposing; oppositional; rival
protivnik m adversary, opposer, antagonist, rival, opponent; (takmac) competitor; (borac) combatant;
(stranka) adverse party; (neprijatelj) enemy, one pitted against (another)
protivnitvo n opposition, rivalry, antagonism
protivno adv contrary to; adversely, contrariwise, conversely, in contradistinction to, in opposition to ; v. u
protivnost f opposition; the opposite, contrast, contrariness; opposites pl; (volja) unwillingness, disinclination, averaion; v. suprotnost
protivtina f (protivnost) contrariety; (nesklad) disagreement, opposition
protivu prep v. protiv
protivu- pref v. protuprotivurjean adj v. protuslovan
protivurjeiti vi v. protusloviti
protivurjeje n v. protuslovlje
protjecanje n flowing through
protjecati vi flow through; stream (run) through
protjeran pp expelled, banished, exiled; outlawed, proscribed; (gonjen) chased (driven) away (off); (iz slube) given the sack, fired, dismissed, sent packing
summarily; (ak) sent down; (izbaen) turned out

protjerati vt expel, banish, exile; outlaw; proscribe; (goniti) chase (drive) away (off); (izbaciti) turn out
protjerivanje n expelling, expulsion, banishing, banisihment, exiling, exile
protjerivati vt v. protjerati
protkati vt interweave, weave through; streak with
protkan pp interwoven; .streaked
proto m Orth v. prota
proto|an adj free, open, unclogged | ~ni bojler rapid
protonost f free flow; flow rate
protoakon m Orth archdeacon
protojerej m Orth archpriest
protok m flow(ing) through
protokol m protocol, record; (zapisnik) minutes pl | djelovodni ~ v. urudbeni zapisnik
protokoliranje n registering, registration; (zapisnik)
drawing up of a proces-verbal, recording of proceedings
protokolirati vt register, protocol, put down in minutes
proton m phys proton
protoplazma f biol protoplasma
prototip m prototype, archetype, original
protozoa f biol protozoa
protrati vt run by, cover by runng, cross running, run
through, finish running; start to run
protresen pp shaken (jerked) thoroughly
protresti vt shake throughly; jerk (jog, joggle) thoroughly
protrljan pp rubbed (kneaded, massaged) thoroughly
protrljati vt rub (knead, massage) thoroughly (all over)
protrnu|ti vt shudder, be paralyzed with terror | ~o sam I
shuddered; (jeza) it made my flesh creep, my blood
ran cold, cold shudder ran through my frame
protrti vt v. protrljati
protu prep v. protiv
protu- pref counter-, antiprotuavionski adj mil antiaircraft
protui se vr v. probiti se
protudjelovanje n reaction, back-set, counter-influence,
counter action ; neutralization, counter-balance
protudokaz m counter-proof
protudravni adj subversive, anti-State
protuha f vagabond, vagrant, tramp, loafer, good-fornothing, adventurer
protukandidat m opposing candidate
protukolac m mil anti-tank gun
protulagum m counter-mine | kopati ~ countermine
protulijek m antidote, remedy
protumaen pp explained, expounded, elucidated, interpreted; accounted for; set forth
protumaenje n explanation, expounding, interpretation, elucidation
protumaiti vt explain, expound, interpret; set forth;
elucidate, illustrate; account for
protumjera f reprisal, counter-measure; (odmazda) retaliation
protunapad m counter-attack
protunaravan adj unnatural, contrary to nature

protunaravno adv unnaturally

protunaravnost n unnaturalness
protunaredba f counter-order
protunarodni adj anti-people
protunavala f counter-attack
protuodgovor m (sud) replication, rejoinder; (pobijanje)
protuofenziva f mil counter-offensive
protuoklopn|i adj mil | ~a granata armour-piercing
protuoptuba f counter-accusation; recrimination
protuotrov m antidote
protupodmorniki adj antisubmarine | nav ~ brod
sub(marine) chaser
protupotpis m counter-signature
protupoarn|i adj fire-prevention | ~a zatita fire prevention
protupravan adj unlawful, illegal
protupravnost f unlawfulness, illegality
protuprevrat m counter-revolution
protuprijedlog n counter-motion
protuprirodan adj unnatural
protupropisan adj irregular; contrary to (in defiance of)
protupropisno adv irregularly; in defiance of regulations
proturaketni adj mil anti-missile
proturanje n v. raspaavanje, irenje
proturati vt v. progurati, raspaavati, (tajno) iriti
proturazlog m counter-argument; reason to the contrary
protureakcija f counter-reaction, fig whip-lash
protureformacija f eccl hist Counter-Reformation
proturevolucija f counter-revolution
proturiti vt v. progurati
proturjeje n v. protivurjeje
protuslika f counterpart
protuslovan adj contradictory, conflicting; opposing; not
concurrent; inconsistent
protusloviti vi contradict, gainsay, be contradictory (conflicting, discrepant); clash with; object to, oppose
protuslovlj|e n contradiction, discrepancy, inconsistency;
gainsaying, objection, opposition, contradictory, assertion | biti u ~u be inconsistent with; (sasvim) be
diametrically opposed to
protuspletka f counterplot
protusredstvo n antidote, remedy
protustruja f counter-current, counter-stream, back-set;
protutenkovski adj mil anti-tank; v. protuoklopni
protutea f counter-balance, counterpoise, counterweight
protutip m opposite, antipode
protutnjati vi rumble through
protutorpedni adj nav anti-torpedo
protutrabina f counter-claim, set off
protutuba f counter-charge
protuuinak m counter-effect
protuudar m counter-blow; pol counter-coup
protuusluga f favour done in return, reciprocal favour
protuustavan adj unconstitutional, illegal

protuustavnost f unconstitutionality
protuva f v. protuha
protuvrijednost f equivailent (value)
protuzahtjev m counter-claim
protuzakonit adj illegal, unlawful, contrary to law
protuzakonito adv illegally, unlawfully
protuzakonitost f illegality, illegal act
protuzapovijed m counter-order
prouavan pp researched, gone into the matter, studied,
prouavanj|e n research work, investigation, study | na
~u under study
prouavatelj m researcher, student, analyst
prouavati vt research, make researches, study, go into
the matter, investigate, do research work, fathom,
dive into (subject)
prouen pp studied out; investigated (gone into) thoroughly (to the bottom)
prouiti vt finish studying (research); v. prouavati
prouzroen pp caused, occasioned, created, due to,
arisen from, sprung from | biti ~ be the consequence
prouzroenje n causing, creation
prouzroiti vt v. prouzrokovati, izazvati
prouzrokovati vt cause, give rise to, bring on, occasion,
create, produce, bring about, induce, be the reason
(cause) of; entail; (dovesti do) lead to
prova f reg v. pramac
provaanje n v. provoenje
provaati vt v. provoditi
provala f eruption, outbreak; (gnjeva itd.) explosion,
outburst, temper; (klicanja) burst of applause;
(ushita) ecstasy; (iz utvrde) sally; (u kuu) breaking
in (nou burglary); (u zemlju) invasion, raid, inroad,
irruption; (oblaka) cloudburst
provalija f (dubina) chasm, abyss, gulf; (rupa) gap,
breach, cleft; (gudura) ravine, gully
provaliti vt break in (into, through, out); erupt;
(nasrnuti) rush in, dash through, burst into; (probiti)
pierce through, make a gap, force one's way through;
(naglo otvoriti) open suddenly and violently; (silom)
break open, force a door, break into a house (nou
commit burglary); (u zemlju) raid, invade; (iz
tvrave) sally; (blokadu) run blockade; (granice)
burst the bounds
provaliti se vr burst open; (propasti, uleknuti se) fall in,
cave in, subside; (sruiti se) collapse
provalnik m housebreaker; (nou) burglar
provaljen pp broken in (through); broken open, forced
provaljivanje n v. provala
provaljivati vi v. provaliti
provariti vt v. prokuhati, probaviti
provedba f v. provoenje, izvravanje
proveden pp executed, carried out, conducted; (u knjige)
provediv adj feasible, executable, practicable, realizable
provedivost f feasibility, executability
provejavati vi v. proimati, strujati
provenijencija f provenance

proventilirati vt fig air, thresh out (v. raspraviti)

proventilirati se vr fig be (become) aired (threshed out)
provenuti vt fade (wither, shrink, shrivel up) thoroughly
proverati se vr climb (climber) through
proveseliti se vr spend time merrymaking, make merry,
have a very good time, amuse (enjoy, divert) oneself
provesti vt (voditi) conduct thrugh; (izvriti) carry out
(through), bring about, manage; (vrijeme) spend
tiime; (voziti) take for a ride (drive)
provesti se vr (vonja) take (have) a ride (drive), have
(go for) a spin of riding (rowing, cycling); (zabaviti
se) enjoy oneself, amuse oneself | dobro se provedite! have a nice time, have fun
providan adj v. proziran
providjeti vt arch v. opskrbiti, snabdjeti
providnost f forethought, dispensation; providence; v.
provien pp provided with, supplied with
provijant m v. namirnice, opskrba
provijavati vi v. proimati, strujati
provincija f the provinces
provincijal f eccl provincial; head of a religious order
provincijalac m provincial; derog country-cousin
provincijalizam m provincialism; word (phrase, idiom)
peculiar to a province
provincijski adj provincial, small-town
proviriti vi peep through (out), peer out; protrude (jut
out) a bit
provirivanje n peeping (through, out); protruding, jutting out
provirivati vi keep peeping (peeping) out
provizija f com commission (fee), brokerage
provizor m steward, manager; bailiff
provizoran adj provisional, provisory, stop-gap; temporary
provizorij m temporary (stop-gap) solution
provizorno adv provisionally, for the time being, temporarily, tentatively
provizornost f provisional (temporary) state
provjer|a f, ~avanje n checking of statement, establishment of truth, authentication, test(ing), verification
provjeravati vt v. provjeriti
provjeren pp authenticated, checked (up), verified,
provjeriti vt examine accuracy, test statement, check
(up), make sure, establish the truth, authenticate
provjetren pp aired, ventilated; aerated
provjetriti vt air, ventilate; aerate
provjetriti se vr take some air; (soba) become aired
provjetrivanje n airing, ventilating, ventilation
provjetrivati vt v. provjetriti
provlaenje n dragging (hauling, lugging, trailing,
training) through a narrow hole (space, thicket, difficult situation)
provlaiti vt v. provui
provlaiti se vr v. provui se | optimizam se ~i kroz
cijeli tekst a note of optimism runs through the text
provladin adj pro-governiment
provociranje n v. provokacija

provocirati vt provoke; (potai) incite, rouse, instigate

provod m v. zabava
provodadija m matchmaker
provodadinica f woman (female) matchmaker
provodati vt walk (a horse)
provoditi vt implement, execute itd. (v. provesti)
provoditi se vr v. zabavljati se
provodnik m el duct, lead-in; v. vodi
provoenje n implementing, implementation, executing,
execution, carrying out, realizing, realization; enforcing, enforcement; conducting; passing (spending)
one's time
provokacija f provocation
provoka|ntan, ~tivan adj v. izazovan
provokator m agent provocateur, A sl stool-pigeon
provokatorski adj agent-provocateur
provoz m carting (conveying, haulage) through; transit
passage (conveyance)
provozati se vr go for a ride (drive, spin)
provret pp boiled thoroughly, seethed
provreti vi boil (be boiled) thoroughly, have done boiling (seething); (iznova) re-boil
provrijedniti se vr become diligent
provrtan pp bored (drilled) through; (lubanja) trepanned; (laa, da potone) scuttled
provrtati vt bore (drill) through; (bunar) sink a shaft
(well); (lau) scuttle; (lubanju) trepan; (tunel) tunnel
provrtina f hole formed (made) by boring (drilling, scuttling)
provrvjeti vi become alive (with people), swarm, teem
provuen pp pulled (dragged, trained) through
provui vt drag (pull, trail, train, haul, lug) through
provui se vr creep (crawl, slip) through; struggle (toil)
through, work one's way through; press through a
crowd; (na ispitu) scrape through; (bez kazne) get off
scot-free; (ne podlei) pull through
proza f prose fig, (umjetnika) fiction; everyday (drab,
dull, matter-of-fact, work-a-day) life, matter-offactness of life (the world)
prozaian adj prosaic(al); fig matter-of-fact (commonplace, drab, unromantic)
prozaino adv prosaically
prozainost f prosaicness, drabness, lack of romantism
prozaik m prose-writer; fig prosaic person
prozboren pp spoken, uttered, said
prozboriti vt utter a speech (word), begin to speak, take
word, address
prozebao adj chilled, frozen
prozelit m proselyte, convert
prozelitizam m proselytism
prozepsti vi freeze (chill) througih and through (all
over); get (become) frozen; get a chill (cold), be
chilled to the bones
proziran adj transparent, diaphanous, lucid, limpid,
proziranje n (namjera) seeing through
prozirati vt v. prozreti
prozirnost f limpidity, transparency, lucidity, clearness
proziva m caller of the roll

prozivan pp called over (from a roster)

prozivanje n roll-call, calling the roll, calling over
prozivati vt call the roll, call over, read the roll-call, call
by names
prozivka f v. prozivanje
prozni adj v. prozaian
prozodija f prosody
prozod(ij)ski adj prosodic(al)
prozor m window; (slijep, naslikan) blind window; (tavanski) dormer-window; (engleski) sash-window; (na
krila) casement window; (na verandu) French window; (na palubi) sky-light; (izboen) bow-window;
(brodski) cabin-light | staklo ~a window-pane; (areno) stained window; ~ gleda na dvorite window
gives on the courtyard; gledati na ~ look out of the
window; prag (daska) ~a window-sill; krilo ~a
prozori m dim little window; (brodski) porthole,
prozorsk|i adj window, of a window | ~a tjeralica (rajber) espagnolette; ~i okvir window-frame (engl. prozora sash); (doprozornik) window-jamb
prozraan adj diaphanous, ethereal, airy
prozraen pp aired, ventilated
prozraiti vt air, ventilate; aerate; expose to draught
prozraiti se vr (soba) be aired; (ovjek) get some fresh
prozranost f airiness, ethereal quality, diaphanousness
prozreti vt look through, find out, see through; penetrate
prozujati vi pass humming (buzzing, whizzing)
prozvan pp named, called; (nadimak) nicknamed,
dubbed; denominated; (proziv) called over (from the
prozvati vt call by name, nominate, call over, call from a
roll-call; (nadimkom) nickname, dub
prozvati se vr call (style) oneself
prozvidati vi whistle (hiss) by (past)
prodiranje n devouring
prodirati vt v. prodrijeti
prodrijeti vt devour; (naglo gutati) bolt, swallow
prodrljiv adj voracious, gluttonous, ravenous, greedy
prodrljivac m glutton, pig, hog
prodrljivo adv voraciously, gluttonously, greedily
prodrljivost f voracity, gluttony, greediness, ravenousness
proet pp imbued, pervaded; saturated, permeated
proeti vt imbue, penetrate; saturate, permeate
proeti se vr become imbued with
proetost f being imbued (with); saturation
proimanje n penetration, saturation, permeation, imbuing
proimati vt v. proeti
proivjeti vt spend part of life (a number of years); (doivjeti) live through, go through an experience
proivljavanje n living through, spending; experiencing
proivljavati vt v. proivjeti
proivotariti vt & vi spend miserably, lead a miserable
life, vegetate

provakan pp chewed (masticated) thoroughly

provakati vt chew (masticate) thoroughly
prpoan adj pert, saucy, flippant
prpono adv pertly, saucily, flippantly
prponost f pertness, flippancy, sauciness
prsa n pl breast, bust, bosom, chest, thorax (v. grudi);
fig bosom, heart | dati ~ (djetetu) suckle, give suck
to; othraniti dijete bez ~ bring up a child by hand,
dry-nurse it; otkinuti od ~ wean
prsa m sp breast-stroke swimmer (man)
prsat adj high-bosomed, full-breasted, full-chested
prsi f pl v. prsa
prska m sprayer
prskalica f sprayer, spray-gun, atomizer (v. trcaljka)
prskanje n spraying, sprinkling; v. pucanje
prskati vt (kropiti) spray, sprinkle; (trcati) spatter,
bespatter, splash; (mlazom) squirt, gush; (usjeve)
prskati se vr spray (sprinkle, spatter, splash, squirt) each
other (one another)
prslui m dim v. grudnjak; hist bodice
prsluk m B waistcoat, A vest | odijelo s ~om three-piece
suit; puca mi ~ v. ba me briga
prsn|i adj of the breast (chest, bosom); breast, chest,
bosom, mammary; pectoral | ~a kost breast-bone;
(peradi) wishing-bone, B+ merry-thought; ~a upljina thoracic cavity; 200 metara ~o 200-metre breaststroke
prsnue n v. pucanje
prsnuti vi (trcnuti) sputter, splutter; (mlazom) gush,
squirt; v. puknuti, prasnuti (u smijeh)
prsobolja f (suica) consumption, phthisis, disease of the
chest (lungs)
prsobran m mil breastwork, parapet
prst m finger; (ivotinje) digit; (noni) toe; (srednji)
middle finger; (mali) little finger | daj mu ~, a on
hoe cijelu ruku give him an inch and he will take
an ell; fig ima duge ~e (krade) he is lightfingered;
pokazivati ~om point at; udarati po ~ima rap one's
knuckles; udarati ~ima (klavir) finger; paziti na neije ~e watch one's doings closely (narrowly); mrak
je da ne vidi ~a pred nosom it is pitchdark; progledati nekome kroz ~e connive at, wink at, look
through one's fingers at; brojiti na ~e count on one's
fingers ends; imati u malom ~u have it at one's fingers' ends; jagodica ~a finger-cushion; ima vie pameti u malom ~u nego ti u glavi he has more wit in
his little finger than you in your whole body; svrbe
me ~i (nestrpljivost) my fingers itch; opekao je sebi
~e he has burned his fingers; otisak ~a finger-print
prstac m (koljka) date-shell
prstavac m (koljka) razor-shell
prsten m ring; (zaruni) engagement ring; (vjenani)
wedding-ring; (okov na kraju tapa itd.) ferrule,
ferrel; (pojas) zone; (oko mjeseca) halo; (krug) circle
| ~ s draguljima ring fitted (mounted) in diamonds
prstenast adj ring-like, annular
prstenovana adj (girl) ringed as fiance, engaged

prstenovanje n ringing of one's fiance (betrothed),

promise in marriage
prstenovati vt ring one's fiance
prstenjak m ring-finger
prstenje n collect rings pl
prsura f reg v. tava
prenje n falling in flakes (snow)
pri m powder-snow
priti vi fall in flakes
prljen m anat v. kraljeak; bot whorl
prtanje n sputter, sputtering; (masti) frizzle; (pucketanje) crackling, crepitation
prtati vi sputter; (mast) frizzle, sizzle; (pucketati)
crackle, crepitate
prtav adj fig sparkling, crackling, brilliant
prura f reg v. tava
prut m cul smoked ham
prten adj linen
prtenina f linen goods
prtenjaa f folk linen bag
prtina f (trodden) path through the snow
prtiti' vt carry heavy load (burden); be saddled with a
burden, be burdened
prtiti'' vt (snijeg) make a path through snow
prtiti se vr v. mijeati se
prtljag|a f B luggage, A baggage | poslati kao praenu
~u (mitgepek) send as accompanied luggage (baggage)
prtljanje n bungling; smattering; floundering
prtljati vi manage badly, work inefficiently; bungle,
botch; smatter; flounder; fumble; dabble in
prtljani adj B luggage-, A baggageprtljanik m mot B boot; A trunk
prue n collect brushwood; (obrezotine) loppings; thin
sticks (switches, twigs)
pruiti se vr v. ispruiti se
prud m sandbank, sand-shell, dune
prudina f v. prud
prudovit adj shallow and fordable (sandy) place
prug|a f route, line; (eljeznika) B railway-track, A railroad track; (jednotrana single-track, dvotrana double-track); (crta) (straight) line; (trak) streak; (eljeznika redovita) railway (A railroad) line; (glavna)
main (trunk) line; (sporedna) branch line; (odvojak)
side-track; (nadzemna) elevated railway; (podzemna)
B underground, B coll tube, A subway; (zupana)
cogwheel railway; (iana) cable-railway; (nasip)
permanent way; (podloga) roadbed | sp trka na duge ~e long-distance runner
prugast adj striped, streaked, streaky, striate
Prus m Prussian
Pruska f geog Prussia
pruski adj Prussian
Pruskinja f Prussian woman
prut m twig, branch, withe, birch, rod, wand, verge (v.
pruti m dim thin stick (rod, birch itd.) | sveanj ~a

pruanje n (davanje) offering, administering, tendering,

proffering, handing, extending; (prostiranje) extension
pruati vt v. pruiti
pruati se vr v. pruiti se; (prostirati se) spread, extend,
pruen pp offered, administered, extended, tendered,
pruiti vt (davati) offer, extend, render, hand to,
(ad)minister, pass, tender, proffer, supply; protrude,
stick out; (napeti) stretch | ~ pomo lend a helping
hand; ~ priliku give an opportunity
pruiti se vr stretch, extend; (do) reach up to; (ovjek)
stretch out, lie full length; (razvaganiti se) loll,
pruiv adj v. elastian
pruni adj rlw | ~ radnik B permanent-way man, A section hand
prvak m (voa) leader, leading man; (istaknut) preeminent, outstanding, notable, prominent; (glavni, na elu) chief, head, boss; (kolovoa) ringleader, spokesman ; (porote) foreman ; sp champion; sch v. prvokolac
prvakinja f woman leader, prominent woman; sp champion woman
prvanji adj v. prijanji
prven|ac m (sin) first-born | ~ci (plodovi) firstlings, first
prvenstven adj having precedence (priority), fundamental, prime; the first of all | od ~e vanosti of paramount importance
prvenstveno adv v. u prvom redu
prvenstv|o n (prednost) priority, preference; seniority (in
office itd.); privilege; precedence, prerogative; preeminence; mastery | sp sudjelovati u dravnom ~u
take part in the national championships
prv|i adj (the) first; (vodei) leading, foremost; (glavni)
head, front; (najbolji) prime, top, topmost; (odlian)
eminent; (uvodni) opening | ~i do (susjedni) adjoining, next-door; nearest; ~o putovanje (broda) maiden
voyage; par ~i govor maiden speach; ~i mjeseca the
first of the month; ~ih dana mjeseca early in the
month; ~i temelji (zasade) rudiments; ~i plodovi
first fruits, firstlings; ~om zgodom at the first oppovtunity; tko ~i doe prvi je posluen first come first
served; ~om potom (odgovor) by return of post; kupiti iz ~e ruke buy first-hand; iz ~e ruke at first
hand; na ~i pogled at first sight; ~i zaplesati lead
away, open the dance; ii ~i lead the way, take the
prvijenac m v. prvenac
prvo adv first, firstly, in the first place, before all, to
begin with
prvobitan adj original, primeval, ultimate, primary, aboriginal
prvobitno adv originally
prvoborac n early guerrila fighter
prvoklasan adj v. prvorazredan
prvoliga m sp first-league (major-league) player (team)

prvoligaki adj sp first-league, major-league

prvomajski adj May-Day
prvoplasirani adj first-placed, top-placed
prvorazred|an adj first-class, prime, first-rate, best
prvoroe n first-born child
prvorodstvo n primogeniture, birthright
prvoroen adj first-born
prvostepen adj | ~i sud v. sud prvog stupnja
prvostoln|i adj metropolitan | ~a crkva cathedral
prvokolac m B first-form boy (pupil), A first-grade boy
(pupil, student)
prvokolka f first-form (A first-grade) girl
prvotan adj primary, elementary; original
prvotimac m sp first-team player
prvovjenan adj first-crowned
prznica f, m v. svadljivac, naprasnik
pren pp roasted, broiled, toasted; (na rotilju) grilled;
(od sunca) burned, tanned, parched, scorched; (frigan) fried
prenac m toast (bread)
prenje n toasting, broiling, roasting; grilling, frying;
parching, scorching; burning, tanning
prilac m toaster
prilica f roaster, roasting machine; (za kruh) toaster
prina f sands pl, dunes pl
prionica f furnace for roasting (calcining); place for
roasting coffee
priti vt roast, toast, broil, grill; fry; parch, scorch; (sunce) burn, tan
priti se vr roast, toast; fig roast in the sun, get a deep
prolica f cul roast beef
psalam m psalm
psalmist m psalmist
psalmodija f eccl psalmody
psaltir m eccl psalter, book of psalms
psei adj canine, dog's, dog
psetance n dim doggie, pup(py), pet dog
psetarina f dog-tax
pseto n dog; derog cur
pseudo- pref pseudo-; false
pseudonim m pseudonym, fictitious name; (pisaca) penname
psiha' f soul, psyche; spirit, mind
psiha'' f dressing-table, A+ dresser
psihiki' adj mental, psychic(al)
psihiki'' adv mentally, psychically
psihijatar m psychiatrist, A pop analyst
psihijatrija f psychiatry
psihijatrijski adj psychiatric(al)
psihoanalitiar m med psychoanalyst
psihoanalitiki adj med psychoanalytical
psihoanaliza f med psychoanalysis
psihofiziki adj psychophysical
psiholog m psychologist
psihologija f psychology
psiholoki' adj psychological
psiholoki'' adv psychologically
psihopat m med psychopath

psihopatija f med psychopathy

psihopatologija f med psychopathology
psihopatoloki adj psyhopathological
psihopatski adj med psychopathic
psihoterapeut m med psychotherapist
psihoterapeutski adj med psychotherapeutic
psihotian adj med psychotic
psihoza f psychosis
psika f hissing, whistling
psika m whistler, hisser
psikanje n hissing, whistling
psikati vi whistle, hiss
psin|a f big dog, hound; (neslana ala) a roguish trick, a
horse trick | napraviti nekome ~u play a dirty trick
on one; ichth golema ~a basking shark
psitakoza f med psittacosis
psorijaza f med psoriasis
psova m (grditelj) railer, scolder, reviler, abuser; (kletva) blasphemer, curser, swearer; (gunalo) croaker
psovanje n scolding, abuse, bad language; (kletva) blaspheming, cursing, swearing, profanity
psovati vi scold, chide, rebuke, reproach, blame, reprehend, read a lecture; (kritizirati) derogate, detract
from; (grditi) defame, revile, run down, disparage,
abuse, call names; (bjesniti) storm, thunder; (kleti)
blaspheme, curse, swear
psovati se vr scold (revile, curse) each other (one another)
psovk|a f oath, curse, mprecation | ~e oaths, curses, abusive language
pst! int shhh!, hush!, arch hist!; silence!, mum is the
penica f wheat
penin|i adj wheaten, made of wheat | ~o brano
wheaten flour
pterodaktil m pterodactyl
ptic|a f bird; (selica) migratory bird, bird of passage;
(divlja) wild fowl, game bird | iron fina ~a fine bird;
lijepak za ~e bird-lime; kavez za ~e (velike) aviary;
(male) cage; puka za lov na ~e fowling piece; nauka o ~ama ornithology; ~a grabljivica bird of prey
ptiar m bird-fancier, bird-catcher, fowler; (pseto) birddog
ptiarski adj of a bird-fancier, fowling
ptiica f dim small bird, birdie
ptij|i adj bird, of a bird
ptiurina f huge bird; big ugly bird
pti m (a small) bird
ptipoen m petit point
ptolomejski adj Ptolomaic
pub m Ger car v. deko
pubertet m puberty, age of puberty, teen-age
pubertetlija m teenager; fig immature person, delayed
pubertetski' adj puberty, adolescence, teen-age, teenager; fig adolescent, A+ sophomoric
pubertetski'' adv in a teenager way; like an adolescent
(i fig)
publiciranje n publication

publicirati vt make publicly known; issue, publish

publicist m publicist, journalist
publicistiki adj publicistic, journalistic
publicistika f publicist writing; journalism
publicitet m publicity | imati veliki ~ be highly publicized
publika f the public; audience | iroka ~ large (wide,
gen eral) audience
publikacija f publication
publikovati vt v. publicirati
puca m ftb v. strijelac
pucaljka f (bazgova) pop-gun
pucanj m shot
pucanje n shooting, firing; (paljba) volley, salvo; (s broda, salva) broadside; explosion; (grom) thundering;
(ispaljivanje) discharge; (raspuklina) cracking; (usana) chapping | otvor (u kuli) za ~ loophole, embrasure
puc|ati vt (hitac) shoot, fire, fire a gun; (ispaliti) discharge; (prasnuti) detonate, explode; (raspui se)
crack, become fissured; (usne) crack, become
chapped; (konop) snap, break, split, burst; (grom)
crash, clap, peal; (prasak) detonate | ~ao je od smijeha his sides burst with laughing; on ~a od jala he
is bursting with envy; srce mi ~a my heart bleeds, I
am broken-hearted; zora ~a day breaks
puce n v. dugme
puckarati vi v. pucketati
pucketanje n crackling, crepitating; popping; (bia)
smacking; (prstima) snapping (one's fingers); (jezikom) smacking (clicking) with tongue
pucketati vi crackle, crepitate; pop; smack (whip); (prstima) snap one's fingers at; (jezikom) click (smack)
one's tongue
pucnjava f running fire; firing, explosion, shooting
pu m pol putsch (v. dravni udar)
puanin m plebeian; commoner, man of the people
puanka f woman of the people
puanski adj plebaian; popular, of the people
puanstvo n population; inhabitants; community; populace (v. stanovnitvo)
puina f high seas, offing, deep sea, main sea, open sea
puinski adj open-sea, deep-sea
puist m pol putschist
puistiki adj pol putschist
puk|i adj popular; plebeian; public; of the common
people; (narodni) national | ~i jezik vernacular; ~a
kola elementary (primary) school; ~o sveuilite
university extension
pukokolac m v. uenik osnovne kole
puenje n pouting, sulking
pui vi v. puknuti
puiti se vr pout, sulk
pukati vi puff (on a pipe)
pupurikanje n cries of some birds (quail itd.)
pupurikati vi utter cries as a quail
pudar m vineyard keeper, vineyard guard, vine-dreser
pudarica f woman vineyard guard
pudariti vi keep watch in a vineyard

puder m cosmetic powder | napraiti ~om apply powder

to, powder; djeji ~ baby-powder
puder|doza f, ~ijera f compact, powder tin
puderisati vt v. pudrati
puding m cul pudding; (desert) sweet pudding | ele ~ B
jelly, A jello
pudl m poodle
pudlica f female poodle; pop lap-dog
pudlovanje n (elika) puddling
pudlovati vt (elik) puddle
pudrati vt powder
pudrati se vr powder (one's face, one's nose)
puerilan adj puerile, boyish, childish
puerilnost f puerility
puf' m (za pudranje) powder puff; v. puferl
puf'' m | coll na ~ on an off chance
puferl m Ger (klupica) hassock
puh m zoo doormouse, bilch
puha m blower; mus v. duha | ~ stakla glass-blower
puhalo n | mrtvo ~ lazy (sluggish, slack) boy (person);
indolent (inactive, slow-moving) person, sluggard
puhaljka f blow-pipe; (s grakom) pea-shooter | ~ s otrovnim strelicama poison-dart blow pipe
puhanje n blowing; (sipljivost) wheezing; (zaduhanost)
panting, breathing heavily, puffing, snorting
puhati vi blow; puff, pant; (sipljivo disati) wheeze |
maka pue cat spits; ~ u istu tikvu (u isti rog)
agree in opinion, act in concert (collusion); vjetar
pue s istoka the wind is in the east
puhn|uti vt blow (puff) lightly | fig kad joj ~e when the
mood is on her, on a whim
puk m common people, populace, crowd; vulgus, mob;
fig vox populi; mil regiment
puk|i adj mere, bare, pure, simple, pure and simple,
only, sheer | ~im sluajem by mere chance; ~a istina
uncoloured (unvarnished, naked) truth; ~a izmiljotina downright lie; (odvala) downright imputation
puk|nuti vi break, snap, part; burst; split, crack; (opaliti)
shoot, discharge, fire, go off; detonate, explode | kud
~lo da ~lo make or mar!, (here goes) sink or swim,
over shoes over boots; pue glas rumour spread; puca mi pred oima it dawns upon me, I begin to see
clear now, I have found it out; ravnica nam je ~la
pred oima the plain burst upon our view
pukotina f fissure, crack, crevice, slit, chink, cranny;
split; rift, gap; (duboka) chasm, cleft, rift
pukovniki adj colonel's
pukovnija f regiment
pukovnijsk|i adj regimental | ~a glazba regimental
band; ~a odora regimentals pl
pukovnik m colonel
pukovski adj regimental (v. pukovnijski)
pulen m sp & fig pupil, protg
pulman m rlw Pullman car
pulmonalan adj anat & med v. pluni
pulover m pullover, sweater
pulpa f (voa, zubna) pulp

puls m med & fig pulse (v. bilo) | opipati ~ take somebody's pulse (i fig; v. ispipati); opipavanje ~a pulsetaking (i fig)
pulsirati vi pulsate; throb
pult m counter; podium; eng control panel | ~ za note
puljanje n baling out (of a boat)
puljati vt bail (bale) out (boat), scoop out
puma f zoo puma, cougar, A+ mountain lion
pumpa f pump | mot benzinska ~ B petrol station, A gas
pumpati vt pump; fig v. hukati, podgovarati
pumperice f pl plus-fours pl
pun adj full; (napunjen) filled, replete; (natovaren)
loaded, laden, burdened; (natrpan) crammed, chockful, full up, chokeful, choked; (nabit) charged; (masivan) massive, solid; (obilan) plentiful, abundant,
abounding; (proet) impregnated, saturated, permeated, imbued; (cijeli, potpun) entire, whole, complete;
(glas) sonorous; (nadut) distended; (na povrini) covered (all over); (tijelo, debeo, punahan) plumb, corpulent, burly; (ena) buxom; (grudi) high-breasted | ~
puncat (aa) brimfull glass (bumper); ~ veselja
exuberant, in high spirits; ~ mjesec full moon; ~a jedra swelled (sails); ~a lica (koara, kutija) a
spoonful (a basketful, a boxful); ~ brod (amac) a
boatful; ~ vlak (kola) a trainload (a cartload); ~om
brzinom at full speed; ~ sat a full (good) hour; ~e tri
milje three miles good; ~ih 20 godina full 20 years,
20 years good; ~om parom in full swing; ~ broj full
number; (posade itd.) complement; ~im kasom at
full gallop; dupkom ~ chockful, chokeful; ~ sebe
puffed up, having a swelled head; biti ~ ponosa
(gnjeva) swell with pride (indignation); ~ pouzdanja
trusting, confiding; (u sebe) self-confident; biti neega ~ teem (swarm) with; ~ predrasuda biassed,
prejudiced, partial, prepossessed; s ~im pravom
punac m father-in-law (wifes father)
punahan adj somewhat (rather) full (plump), plumpish,
roundish, buxom
punat m reg v. bod, av
punca f hall-mark
puncat adj | pun ~ (krcat) chockfull; (aa) full to the
punciranje n hall-marking
puncirati vt hall-mark
pun m (pie) punch
puna f bun
punica f mother-in-law (wifes mother)
punilo n chem filler
punina f the solid
punionica f bottling shop (department)
puniti vt fill up; (lijevati) pour into; (sipati) shoot into;
(boce) bottle; (bave) barrel; (nabiti) charge with;
(tovar) load, fade; (trpati) stow, stuff; (epiti) stop
up, cram; (naduti) inflate; (iznova) re-plenish; cul
(nadijevati) fill, stuff
puniti se vr fill up; (iriti se) swell, distend

punkcija f med needle biopsy; (kraljenice) spinal tap

punkt m point; mil point, post, station
punktirati vt med perform a needle biopsy (a spinal tap)
puno adv coll v. mnogo
punobroj|an adj full-numbered | ~na sjednica plenary
punoa f fullness, plentitude; abundance; (debljina)
plumpness, roundness, embonpoint
punodoban adj v. punoljetan
punoglavac m zoo tadpole
punoklasan adj with fully developed ear (of corn or cereals)
punokrvan adj full-blooded, thoroughbred, racy; (bolest)
punokrvnost f plethora
punoljetan adj of age; major | postati ~ come of age
punoljetnik m jur person of age, major
punoljetnost f full age
punomas|tan adj | ~no mlijeko whole milk; ~tan sir
full-fat cheese
punomo f power of attorney; mandate; authorization;
procuration | onaj tko daje ~ (punomoitelj) constituent; onaj kome se daje ~ (punomonik) mandatory
punomoan adj valid, in force
punomoitelj m constituent, giver of (delegated) authority (commission, power of attorney)
punomonik m authorized person (agent), plenipotentiary, mandatory, agent, attorney, accredited to; (zastupnik) representative
punopravan adj full, enjoying full rights; valid
punovaan adj jur valid
punski adj hist Punic, Carthaginian
puntarski adj v. buntovan
puntati vt v. buniti, podbadati, hukati
puntina f reg v. risai avli
Punjanin m hist Carthaginian
punjen pp filled | ~a paprika stuffed peppers
punjenje n filling; (trpanje) stuffing, cramming; stowing; (barutno) powder charge; cul (nadjev) filling,
pup m bud, eye, button, burgeon
pupa f v. krojaka lutka
pupak m navel, umbilicus
pupati vi bud, burgeon, put forth buds
pupavac m ornith hoopoe
pupan adj | anat ~a vrpca v. pupkovina
pupast adj bossy, bossed; convex; swelling
pupilar|an adj pupillary, under care of a guardian | ~no
stanje pupil(l) age, nonage
pupkovina f anat umbilical cord
puplin m text v. poplin
pupoljak m bud, eye, button, burgeon
pura' f v. palenta
pura''f turkey-hen
puran m turkey-cock
pure n young turkey
purei adj turkey(-meat)
puretina f turkey meat

purgativ m med purgative, laxative

purgatorij m v. istilite
purger m (graanin) burger, citizen of a borough, town
inhabitant; derog townee,philistine
purica f (small) turkey-hen
purii m pl dim young turkeys, baby turkeys
purist m purist, stickler for purity in language
puristiki' adj puristic
puristiki'' adv puristically
puritanac m Puritan
puritanizam m Puritanism
puritanka f Puritan woman
puritanski' adj Puritan
puritanski'' adv puritanically
puritanstvo n Puritanism
purizam m purism
purji adj of a turkey-hen
purpur m purple
purpuran adj purple
pusa f v. poljubac
puslica f cul Ger v. poljubac
pust' adj waste, deserted; (divlji) wild, desolate; (samotan) solitary; (prazan) empty, dreary, bleak; (neobraen) uncultivated; (naputen) abandoned, forsaken,
forlorn; (raseljen) depopulated; (opustoen) devastated; (puki) mere, only, nothing than; (isprazan) inane, vain | ~o hvalisanje nothing but empty boast; ~a
isprika lame excuse
pust'' m (filc) felt
pusta f extensive flat plain; large farm (estate) on it
pustahija f robber, brigand; (tlaitelj) oppressor, tyrant
pustara f desert; desolate stretch of country, wilderness
pusten adj (od filca) felt, made of felt
pustinja f geog & fig desert
pustinjaki adj hermitical, solitary; retired | ~ dom
pustinjak m hermit, anchoret, recluse
pustinjatvo n anchoretic life
pustinjski adj geog desert
pustiti vt (ostaviti) leave, quit, relinquish; (napustiti)
abandon, forsake; (zahvat) let loose, let fly, let go,
quit one's hold, let slip; (prekinuti) leave off, give up
(over); (okaniti se) desist from, forbear; (posao, radnik) strike work, go on strike, be out; (prestati) drop,
cease, omit; (dopustiti) allow, suffer, not mind, not
hinder, let | ~ na ispitu allow to pass; ~ na slobodu
set (let) free; ~ na miru (ne paati se) let (leave)
alone, let well alone; ~ krv let blood, bleed; ~ bradu
grow a beard; ~ zmaja fly a kite; ~ s vida lose sight
of; ~ nekanjena let go unpunished (scot-free); ~ na
volju leave to one's decision; ~ preda se (sasluati)
give ear to; ~ vodu make water, urinate; ~ maha give
vent to (uitku have one's fling); ~ u neizvjesnosti
keep (hold) in suspense; ~ neka stvar ide svojim tokom let it take its course; pusti! (ne diraj) keep off
your hands; pusti! (mani! ne smeta!) never mind it;
pusti to meni! leave it to me; pusti ve jednom! have
done with it; ~ korijen strike root; ~ unutra admit;

ne ~ (prijeiti) hinder, prevent, not allow (suffer,

permit, tolerate)
pustiti se vr v. prepustiti se; (niz vodu) drift
pustolina f deserted land; wasteland; v. pustopoljina
pustolov n adventurer
pustolovan adj adventurous, eventful | ~ ivot chequered
pustolovina f adventure; risky (reckless) enterprise, visionary project
pustolovka f adventuress
pustolovno adv adventurously
pustolovnost f adventurousness
pustopaan adj unrestrained, frolicsome, unbridled,
wanton, wild, rompy
pustopano adv in a frolicsome (unrestrained, rompy)
pustopanost f wild (frolicsome, unrestrained, wanton,
rompy) behaviour
pustopoljina f moor, heather; waste land
pusto f dreary (desolate, bleak, uncultivated, devastated,
waste) state (tract, region, land), waste
pustoenje n devastation, plundering, ravaging, laying
waste, havoc, ruin, destruction
pustoiti vt devastate, ravage, lay waste, havoc; (pljakati) raid, plunder, pillage, loot, sack
pua m smoker
puaica f (woman) smoker
puaki adj smoker's, smokers'; smoking
puan adj gun-, rifle- | ~i naboj gunshot; ~a vatra discharge of musketry; (paljba) salvo, volley; ~a cijev
gun-barrel; ~i nabija (ipka) ramrod
puenje n smoking; (pare) reeking, fuming, vapour,
puionica f smoking-room
puiti vt smoke
puiti se vr smoke, reek, fume, evaporate, steam | pe se
pui the stove is smoking
puk|a f gun; (s ilijebljenom cijevi) rifle, (ostragua)
breech-loader; (za lov na ptice) fowling-piece; (starinska) muzzle-loader, musket; (zrana) air-gun; (lovaka) hunting gun; (kremenjaa) flint-lock; (karabinka) carbine; (dvocijevka) double-barrelled gun |
drvo ~e gunstock; (kundak) butt; vizir ~e back-sight,
(muica) sight; zatvara ~e lock; ~a nosi 1000 m the
range of the gun is 1000 m; nabiti ~u charge, load;
~a pue gun went off ; sloiti ~e u stoac pile (stack)
arms; staviti ~u na rame (s remenom) shoulder
arms, (bez remena) slope arms; drati ~u uporedo s
tlom trail arms; nadohvat ~e within gun-shot; izvan
ometa ~e out of gun-shot; ~a nee da opali (zatajila
je) gun hangs fire; stalak za ~u gun-rack
pukar m armourer, gun-smith; gun-maker
pukaranje n running fire, fusillade
pukarati vi keep up a running fire
pukarnica f (u zidu) loop-hole, embrasure; (radionica,
duan) gunmaker's shop
pukarski adj gunsmith's, gunsmithing
pukomet m range of shot (bullet)
pukomitraljeski adj mil machine-gun

pukomitraljez m mil machine-gun

pukomitraljezac m mil machine-gunner
puljiv adj wormy, maggoty, worm-eaten; (zadimljen)
smoky (v. piljiv)
puljivost f worminess; smokiness
punic|a f kiln for drying fruit | suiti u ~i kiln-dry
putanje n (ostavljanje) leaving; (na slobodu) letting
(setting) free, release, (u zrak) letting fly; (zahvat)
letting loose; (prolaz itd.) letting pass; (iz ruku) dropping; (krvi) bleeding (hist cupping); (zmaja) flying
the kite; (u promet) issue, putting into circulation,
circulating, release
put|ati vt v. pustiti | bava ~a cask leaks; tkanina ~a
boju the fabric stains (loses colour); krzno ~a dlaku
fur loses hair; ptica ~a perje bird moults
puten pp let loose (free), released, set free
putenica f divorced woman
put' m way; (cesta) road; (staza) path, trail, footpath;
(utrt) track; walk; (planeta) course, orbit; (putovanje)
journey, trip (morem voyage, crossing, passage); (pjeke) march | dobar (lo) ~ road in good (bad) repair;
najkrai ~ cut; preko ~a over the way, across the
street; (prodavanje alkohola) off-licence; biti na krivom ~u go wrong, lose one's way; sretan ti ~! have a
good trip, God speed you; (neugodnom gostu) good
riddance!; zaobilazni ~ roundabout way; trnovit ~
thorny way; fig na loem je ~u he leads a wicked life;
~ natrag (kui) home (return) journey (voyage); ~ od
... do vrlo je dalek it is a far cry from ... to ...; a on ~
pod noge, pa bje he took to his heels; ruak (veera) prije ~a (oprotajni) farewell dinner (supper);
napitak prije ~a stirrup cup; biti na ~u travel, journey, be on the road; na dobrom je ~u (do uspjeha)
he is in a fair way (to succeed); uzeti ~ pod noge
(klipsati) foot it; zaeljeti sretan ~ say farewell; ~
vodi uz rub sela the way skirts the village; dijete je
na ~u baby is to be born, she is with child, she is in
the family way; tuda je ~ nemogu (neprohodan) the
way is impracticable; promaiti ~ miss the way; izgubiti ~ go astray, lose one's way; ii na ~ set out
(forth, off), go (set out) on a journey, (u inozemstvo)
go abroad, be bound for; fig biti uvijek na ~u be on
the wing; pokazati ~ show the way; prokriti ~ cut
(carve) one's way, make one's way through, remove
obstacles; biti nekome na ~u be in one's way, stand
in one's light; fig zakriti nekome ~ take the wind
out of one's sails, cut off; skloniti se nekome s ~a
give a wide berth, shun, avoid; stati na ~ prevent,
obviate, put a stop to; probiti ~ pave the way, blaze
the trail, be the pioneer
put'' f (koa) complexion, skin, colour of skin | tamne ~i
dark-coloured, dusky; svijetle ~i fair(-complexioned)
put''' m time | ovaj ~ this time; prvi ~ for the first time;
drugi ~ next time, another time; jo ovaj ~ for this
once; posljednji ~ for the last time; mnogo ~a many
a time, several times; svaki ~ every time; svaki drugi
~ every second time, alternately; koji ~ sometimes,
once in a while, off and on, now and then; jedva koji

~ hardly once; koliko ~a hoe as many times as you

like; dva ~a twice, two times; tri ~a three times
putanja f (planeta) orbit, ecliptic
putar m Ger v. maslac
putarina m road-toll
puteljak m path, foot-path, track, trail
puten adj fleshly, sensual, carnal, sensuous; lewd, wanton, lascivious, lecherous, goatish, prurient, lustful,
puteno adv sensually, carnally
putenost f carnality, fleshliness; lewdness
puter m Ger v. maslac
putir m Orth chalice
putite n (konja) pastern
putn|i adj travel, travelling | ~a isprava passport; ~a
oprema travelling outfit (kit, equipment); ~i drug
fellow-traveller, travelling-companion; ~a torba
travel bag, rucksack; ~e uspomene travel recollections; ~a odjea travelling clothes; ~i troak travelling expenses; (dnevnica) travelling allowance; ~a
karta ticket
putnica f woman-traveller; (isprava) passport
putniki adj travelling, travel, of the travellers, passenger
putnik m traveller, wayfarer, voyager, passenger; (po
cijelom svijetu) globe-trotter, tourist; (trgovaki)
commercial traveller, A coll drummer; (lutalac)
wanderer | slijepi ~ stow-away
putovnica f (isprava) passport
putokaz m finger-post, sign-post
putopis m itinerary, travel-record; travelogue; (vodi)
guide; roadbook
putopisac m travel writer
putopisni adj | ~ opis travel description

putovanje n travelling, travels touring; peregrination;

(svadbeno) wedding-tour; (istraivako) expedition,
exploration; (preko mora) passage, crossing | prvo ~
broda maiden voyage; slubeno ~ business trip
putova|ti vi travel, journey; arch & hum peregrinate;
(morem) voyage; (avionom) travel by air; (uzdu i
popreko) traverse, travel from one end to the other;
(seliti) migrate; (lutati) wander, ramble; (svaki dan
na posao) commute | on je mnogo ~o he is a great
putuju|i adj travelling, itinerant, ambulatory | ~i trgovac pedlar; ~a glumaka druina strolling players
(company); fig ~ ambasador (reporter) roving ambassador (reporter)
puva m zoo v. puh
puvalo m v. puhalo
puvati se vr v. praviti se vaan, napuhavati se
puzanje n crawling, creeping; (tla) landsliding; (podlost) cringing, fawning, servility
puzati vi crawl, creep; (tlo) slide; fig (pred nekim)
cringe, fawn, grovel
puzav adj cringing, fawning; sliding; slimy
puzavac m (osoba) cringing (fawning) person, sycophant, sneak; (biljka) creeper, trailer
puzavost f servility; cringing (fawning, sneakish) character; sycophancy
puzlatka f (koljka) ear-shell
pu m snail; (balavac, bez kuice) slug; anat (u uhu)
puev adj of a snail (slug) | ~a kuica snail shell; fig
~im korakom (tempom) at a snail's pace
pui m dim little snail; (ugrc [koljka]) periwinkle

rabarbara f bot rheubarb
rabat m com rebate, deduction, discount
rabijatan adj violent, truculent
rabijatno adv violently, truculently
rabijatnost f violence, truculence
rabin m rabbi
rabinski adj rabbinical
rabiti vi v. upotrebljavati, sluiti
rabljen adj used, employed, made use of, in use; (istroen) worn-out; (odbaen) discarded; (odijelo itd.)
secondhand | prodava ~ih knjiga secondhand bookseller; prodava ~ih odijela old-clothes-man
rabljenje n v. uporaba
rabo m v. rova
rabota f hard work, hard labour; (prisilan rad) conscript
(forced) labour; (tlaka, kuluk) villeinage, villein services, menial service; derog shady activities, foul
rabotati vi labour, toil and moil, work hard, drudge,
work on sweated terms

rabotnik m worker, toiler

raca f v. patka
racij|a f raid; roundup | izvriti ~u na raid; round up
racionalan adj rational; economic
racionalist m rationalist
racionalistiki' adj rationalistic, rationalist
racionalistiki'' adv rationalistically
racionalizacija f rationalization
racionalizam m rationalism
racoionalizator m rationalizer; rationalization expert
racionalizirati vt rationalize
racionalno adv rationally; economically
racionalnost f rationality; rational (economic) management
racioniranje n rationing
racionirati vt ration
raenje n relish (stomach, inclination) for
rai m dim small crab, shrimp
raiti se vr have relish (mind, inclination) for (to) | ne
rai mi se I have no relish (stomach) for, I have no

mind (fancy) to, I am not in the mood to, I am disinclined to

raji adj v. rakov
ralati vi reg pronounce a uvular "r"
raun m reckoning, account; score; (pismeni) bill; com
invoice; (za inozemstvo) indent; note, credit note,
debit note, (fingirani) pro forma invoice; (izraunavanje) calculus, calculation, computation; (proraun)
estimate; (diferencijalan) differential calculus; (integralan) integral calculus; (stanje rauna, izvadak)
statement of account; (miljenje) opinion, supposition
| voditi ~e keep accounts; staviti u ~ pass to one's account, carry to one's debt; za ~ for account of...; na
(neiji) ~ for one's account; ale na moj ~ jokes at
my expense; u ~ into account; trgovati na svoj ~
trade on one's own account; bankovni ~ bank account; tekui ~ account current; tedni ~ savings account; otvoriti ~ open an account; nenamireni ~ outstanding account; imati ~ kod... have account with;
otvoren ~ open (unsettled) account; nai svoj ~ find
one's account in; uzeti u ~ take into account, make
allowance for; platiti ~ settle account, pay one's
score; (i fig) pay the bill; ~ molim? (u restoranu) bill
(A check) please; srediti ~e sa (i fig) pay off old
scores, quit scores with; izravnati ~ balance (square,
settle) account; jo imam starih ~a s njim I have a
bone to pick with him; praviti ~ bez krmara
reckon without one's host; ne ide mi u ~ it does not
suit me; osujetiti ~e frustrate designs, thwart, balk;
to je bio kri preko mog ~a this was a spoke in my
wheel; pogreka u ~u miscalculation; ispitiva ~a
auditor; ispitivanje ~a auditing; fig polaganje ~a
rendering of accounts; pozvati na ~ call (bring) to
account, bring to book; zatraiti ~ demand account
of; opteretiti neiji ~ debit one, enter sum against
one; zajedniki ~ joint account; ~ gubitka i dobitka
profit and loss account; nai ~ (dobitak) kod... find
one's account in; na ~ poznanstva using (abusing)
the acquaintanceship
raunalo n calculating machine (s kuglicama) abacus;
(logaritamsko) sliding rule | elektroniko ~ computer
raunaljka f abacus
raunanje n doing sums, calculation, computation, ciphering, reckoning, accounting, casting up (accounts); fig (predmnijevanje) supposition | ~ napamet mental reckoning
raunar m reckoner, accountant, computer, controller;
arithmetician; (knjiga s gotovim rezultatima) ready
reckoner; v. elektroniko raunalo
raunarac m accounting (accounts) clerk
raunarka f (woman) accounting clerk
raunarstvo n accounting
raunati vt do sums (arithmetic), reckon, calculate, figure (up, out), compute, cast up accounts, cipher;
(procjena) estimate (at); (napamet) do mental arithmetic; (uraunati) take into account; (na pomo itd.)
build (rely) upon; (ne uraunati) leave out of account;
(krivo) miscalculate; (bez krmara) reckon without

one's host; (drati, misliti) think, suppose, count

upon; (jedno s drugim) take one with another; (ubrajati) class | bilo nas je 20, uraunavi sve we were
20 all told; raunajui sve u svemu taking all in all
raundija m fig calculating person | dobar ~ good
raunica f fig material interest; profit considerations
raunovodstv|o n account-keeping, accountanship, accountancy; (kontrola) auditorship; (ured) accounting
(B accounts) department, auditing department | ef
~a chief accountant
raunovoa f keeper of accounts, accountant
raunski adj account, dealing with accounts (arithmetic)
| ~ centar computer (computation) center
raunstvo n arithmetic, accounts
ravast adj forked, fork-like, pronged, bifurcated,
ravati se vr fork, bifurcate, branch off
rad' m work; (prigodan) (odd) job; (teak) labour; (dvorkinje) char(s); (poslovi po kui i sl.) chore; (zvanje)
professional work, practice; (podmukao, nepoten)
sharp practices; (djelo, knjievno, glazbeno itd.)
composition; (pisca) writings, work; (postupak) doings pl; (izuen) skilled work; (neizuen) unskilled
work; (redovit, u znanju) routine work; (po komadu)
piece-work; (popreni, akordni) contract work; (poljski) field-work; (na robiji) hard labour; (prisilan)
forced labour, conscript labour; (kmetski) villeinage
services; (dosadan i muan) drudgery, toil and moil;
(runi, fini) fancy-work; (fiziki) manual labour; (izradba) workmanship, execution; (zaposlenje) employment; (vojnika) fatigue-work; (povran) bungled
work, botch | ii na ~ go to work; na ~u u working in
(v. dodijeljen); dati ~a set to work; napustiti ~ strike
work, go on strike; rudari su napustili ~ miners are
out; ~ovi (znanstvenog drutva) proceedings pl; sch
pismeni ~ paper; examination paper; sch domai ~
home assignment; znanstveni ~ scientific (research)
work (napisan paper)
rad'' adj (voljan) willing, ready; eager, not loath; keen
on, glad to
rada f bot | bijela ~ v. tratinica, ivanica
radar m radar; (aparat) radar set
radarist m radar operator, radarman
radarsk|i adj radar | ~i ekran radar screen; odraz na
~om ekranu blip; mot ~a kontrola radar trap
radenik m v. radnik, pregalac
radi prep on account of, because of, owing to, by reason
of | ~ mene for my sake; ~ nas for our sakes
radi m bot (lie maslaka) dandelion leaves (greens);
(lie cikorije) chicory leaves (tops), chicory, dandelion
radij m radium | lijeiti ~em treat with radium
radijacija f phys & med radiation
radijal|an adj radial | ~ne gume radial tyres (A tires)
radijalka f coll radial tire
radijator m radiator; mot v. hladnjak
radije adv sooner, rather, preferably | ja bih ~ I would
sooner..., than; I prefer -ing to... ; I would as lief... ; I

would as soon... as ...; ~ itam nego eem I prefer

reading to walking
radijus m radius | unutar ~a od 10 km within a radius
of 10 km
radikal m radical; person holding extreme views (principles)
radikalan adj radical, extreme, going to the root, fundamental; sweeping
radikalizam m radicalism; militancy
radikalno adv radically
radikalnost f radicalism; holding of extreme views
(ideas, opinions)
radikalski adj pol hist Radical, Radical-Party
radikand m math radicand
radilica f (pela) worker-bee; eng crank-shaft
radilite n work-site; site
radin adj industrious, assiduous, diligent, laborious,
painstaking, sedulous, hard-working, active
radinost f industry, diligence, assiduity, sedulousness,
activity | kuna ~ cottage industry
radi|o m radio B+ wireless, (prijamnik) radio receiver,
radio (receiving) set, (odailja) broadcasting set |
slanje putem ~ja broadcasting; slati putem ~ja
broadcast; (preko prijelaznih stanica) relay; smetnje
na ~ju atmospherics pl; (ometanje) jamming; nai
stanicu na ~ju tune in to a wave-length; sluati ~o
listen in to a station; slabljenje zvuka na ~ju fading;
zvuk na ~ju slabi (gubi se) the sound fades out; ~
Zagreb Zagreb Radio
radioaktivan adj radio-active
radioaktivnost f radio-activity
radio-amater m amateur radio operator, sl ham operator
radio-aparat m radio (set), B+ wireless
radio-astronom m radio-astronomer
radio-astronomija f radio-astronomy
radio-difuzija f broadcasting
radio-emisija f radio-broadcast
radiofonija f radiophony; broadcasting
radio-goniometar m direction-finder, radio-goniometer
radio-goniometrija f radiogoniometry
radiograf m radiograph
radiografija f radiography
radiogram m radiogram
radioizotop m radioisotope
radiolog m med radiologist
radiologija f med radiology
radioloki adj med radiological
radio-mehaniar m radio-technician; radio-repairman
radionica f workshop, shop
radio-odailja m radio-transmitter
radio-prijamnik m radio receiver
radio-prijenos m radio broadcast
radioskopija f radioscopy
radio-sonda f radio-sonde
radio-stanica m radio-station
radio-tehniar m radio-technician; radio-repairman
radio-tehnika f radio technology; radio equipment
radio-telefon m radio-telephone
radio-telefonija f radio-telephony

radio-telefonist m radio-telephonist
radio-telefonski' adj radio-telephonic
radio-telefonski'' adv by radio-telephone
radio-telegrafija f radio-telegraphy
radio-telegrafist m radio-telegraphist
radio-telegrafski' adj radio-telegraphic
radio-telegrafski'' adv by radio-telegraph
radio-telegram m radio-telegram
radio-teleskop m asron radio-telescope
radio-terapija f med radio-therapy
radio-vezist m mil radio-operator
radirati vt erase; etch
radirung m Ger v. bakropis
radist m v. radio-telegrafist
radia f an industrious (hard-working, laborious, diligent itd.) man
rad|iti vt work (upon), be at work; do, perform; make;
labour; (kao rob) slave; (biti zaposlen) be busied
with, be employed in | ~iti kao rob work like a nigger, slave; ~iti prema uputi act according to instructions, act as instructed, follow the instructions; ~iti
podmuklo act in an underhand way; ~iti potajno
(snovati) scheme, plot; on ~i samo za svoju korist he
looks only after his own interests; on ~i na svoju ruku he acts unauthorized; ~iti povrno bungle, botch;
on ~i teko he works hard; on ~i po naelima he acts
on his principles; on ~i po mojoj elji he has complied with my wish; on ~i po svojoj miloj volji he
uses his own pleasure, he has his own way; ~iti sve u
esnaest work with might and main, exert oneself to
the utmost, work against time; ~iti mudro (ludo) act
wisely (foolishly); ~iti preko sila be overtaxed (overtasked, overworked); stroj ~i the machine works
(runs); stroj ne ~i (bez posla je) the machine is idle;
on ~i kao da mu se nee he is a slacker; on ~i samo
kad ga gazda gleda he is an eye-servant; on ~i kao
crv he is busy as a bee; on ~i tako samo naoko he
pretends only; on ~i protiv volje he works against
the grain; on ~i po komadu he is doing piece-work;
~i se o... it is a question of...; o tom se ba ~i that is
(just) the point; ~i se o glavi life is at stake
radium m chem v. radij
radkapa f mot Ger v. poklopac glavine
radla f cul Ger v. kotai za tijesto
radn|i adj working | ~i dan workday; ~o vrijeme working-hours; ~a sila employer, worker; ~a snaga labour; ~a sluba service labour; ~i program schedule
of work, working plan; ~o mjesto work place; (namjetenje) job
radnica f working woman
radnik|i adj of a workman (worker), working | ~a klasa
working class; ~i pokret labour movement
radni|k m worker, workman, hand; (teak) labourer;
(kopa) navvy; (luki) longshoreman; (izueni)
skilled worker; (neizueni) unskilled worker; (pomonik) journeyman; (drutveni) brain-worker | ~ci
workers; the working people (class, masses), labour;
nestaica ~ka shortage of labour
radnitvo n collcet v. radnici

radnja f (romana, drame) plot, story, action; v. duan,

trgovina, lokal, radionica | sch pismena ~ paper;
examination paper; nauna ~ v. znanstveni rad; univ
seminarska ~ term paper; univ diplomska ~ graduation thesis
rado adv readily, gladly, willingly, eagerly; nothing
loath | on ~ pije he is a wine bibber; koji bi to ~ bio,
a nije a would-be (gentleman); ~ ga vidim he is welcome to me; on ~ daje he is generous (liberal); od
srca ~ with all my heart; ~ imati v. voljeti; ~ nemati
v. ne voljeti; ja bih ~ I should like to, I would fain, I
am desirous, I am anxious to...; isto bih tako ~ kao...
I would as soon (lief) as...; ~ bih znao (da mi je
znati) I wonder; ne ba ~ against the grain, with a
bad grace; on je ~ vien he is much sought-after
radodajka f vulg hum an easy lay
radosnica f v. suza ~
radosno adv joyfully, gladly, cheerfully, gleefully
radost f gladness, joy, delight; (veselje) cheerfulness,
gaiety, mirth, glee, merriment, rejoicing, joyfulness;
transport of joy | opojen radou intoxicated with
joy, blissful, overjoyed, ecstatic
rados|tan adj glad, gay, joyful, joyous, poet blithe | ~na
vijest glad (good) tidings, joyful news; gospel
radovanje n rejoicing, exultation, glee, mirth
radovati vt make happy (glad), delight
radovati se vr be glad of, rejoice in, delight in, take delight in; (unaprijed) look forward to; (jako) exult, triumph in, derive pleasure from; (zlobno) gloat over |
radujem se (od srca) it gives me joy, it does my heart
good; (godi mi) it warms the cockles of my heart
radoznalac m curious person; onlooker
radoznalo adv inquisitively, wonderingly, curiously
radoznalost f inquisitiveness, curiosity, eagerness to
radoznao adj inquisitive, curious, wondering, eager to
know | ~ sam I should like to know, I wonder; drsko
~ prying, obtrusively curious
rada m raja(h)
raanje m parturition, act of bearing, delivery, childbirth; fig procreation, generation; (sunca) sunrise
raaona f place (room) for parturition, delivery room
raati vt give birth to, bring forth, bear; be in childbirth;
(ivotinje) bring forth young, litter (krava calve; kuja
whelp, pup ; kuni throw); (uzronik) beget, procreate, breed; fig generate, engender, produce, create,
cause, result in; (plodom) bring fruit, yield | ona vie
ne moe ~ she is past childbearing; sunce se raa it
is dawning
raati se vr be born, see the light; (kao posljedica) be
engendered (occasioned)
raen adj made, manufactured, produced, done, executed, worked
raf m Tur v. stalaa, polica
rafal m (machine-gun) burst
rafija f raffia
rafinerija f refinery | ~ nafte petroleum (oil) refinery
rafiniran pp refined, purified, clarified; sophisticated
rafiniranost f refinement

rafiniranje n refinement, purification

rafinirati vt refine, purify
raga f v. kljuse
ragastov m v. prozorski okvir, dovratnik
ragbi m sp rugby, coll rugger | ameriki ~ American
ragbija m sp rugby player
raglan m raglan cut (coat)
rahat-lokum m cull Turkish delight
rahitian adj med rickety, rachitie
rahitiar m med rickets sufferer, rachitic
rahitinost f med ricketiness
rahitis f med riekets pl, rachitis
rahli adj (tlo) loose; (kola) crisp
rahliti vt loosen; (slamnjau itd.) shake (a straw-bed)
rahlost f looseness; crispness
raj m paradise, elysium; (nebo) heaven(s); (blaenstvo)
bliss, blissfulness; seventh heaven
raja f coll rightless Christian Turkish subjects; fig (ljudi
bez vanosti) small fry
rajber m Ger v. prozorska tjeralica
rajcati vt Ger v. nadraavati, uzbuivati
rajica f bot tomato
rajf m Ger v. obru, kota
Rajna f geog the Rhine
rajngla f Ger stew-pan; (s drkom) sauce-pan
rajnsk|i adj Rhenish | ~o vino hock (bijelo)
rajon m district; neighbourhood; v. opina, podruje
rajonski adj district
rajsfeder m Ger v. pero za crtanje
rajsferlus m Ger v. patentni zatvara
rajsk|i adj paradisiacal; (nebeski) heavenly, celestial,
ethereal | ornith ~a ptica bird of paradise
rajsnegla f Ger v. risai avli
rak m crab; (rijeni) cray-fish; (bolest) cancer, canker;
astrol Cancer
raka f vault, tomb, vaulted tomb; sepulchre, grave
raketa f rocket | signalna ~ flare
raketn|i adj rocket, of a rocket; missile | ~ motor rocket
engine; ~e baze launching sites
rakija f brandy; (ljivovica) plum-brandy
rakija m brandy-bibber
rakijanica f brandy-shop, gin-shop, dram-shop
rakijski adj brandy, of brandy
rakita f osier (for baskets)
rakitovina f osier-withy, osier-withe
rakoliti se vr cackle (before laying an egg)
rakovica f zoo sea-spider
rak-rana f cankered (malicious) wound; fig cancer
rakun m zoo rac(c)oon
rakurs m film camera angle
ral f approx half an acre
ralica f ploughshare; plough; (za snijeg) snow-plough
ralo n (leme) ploughshare (A plowshare); v. plug; v. ral
ralje f pl jaws pl, maw
ram m, ~a f Ger v. okvir
ramazan m Ramadan
rame n shoulder | ~ o ~ shoulder to shoulder; slegnuti
~nima shrug one's shoulders; irokih ~na broad-

shouldered, square-built; fig natovariti na ~na v. lea; dok je meni na ~nu glava as long as I live; remen preko jednog ~na shoulderbelt; gurati se
~nima shoulder one's way
ramenica f shoulder-strap, (vojniki znak) shoulder-knot
rampa f (brklja) swing-gate | raketna (lansirna) ~
rocket launching pad
ramstek m cul rump-steak
ran adj v. rani
ran|a f wound, sore, hurt; (ozljeda) lesion; (nauljana)
gall; fig injury, harm; (na nozi, od hoda) foot-sore;
(teka) serious wound; (laka) light wound; (otvorena)
open sore, gaping wound; (smrtna) mortal wound;
(koja se gnoji) festering wound | poviti ~u dress a
wound; zadati ~u inflict a wound; ~a se otvorila
wound has re-opened; ~a je dobila krastu wound
cicatrizes; ~a je zacijelila wound has skinned over
(healed) ; zacijeljena ~a (brazgotina) cicatrice, scar;
fig dirati u stare ~e re-open old sores; fig ne diraj u
stare ~e don't open old sores! ; dirnuo ga je u ~u
(osjetljivo mjesto) he touched him on a sore place;
bez ~e woundless, unhurt, unscathed, scatheless,
without scathe
ranac m Ger haversack
ranarniki adj hist surgical
ranarnik m hist surgeon
ranarstvo n hist surgery
rancig adj Ger v. ueen
randevu m Fr date, rendez-vous
rang m rank; (social) station, grade of dignity, degree in
rank, grade
rangirati vt rank
ranglist|a f rank-list | sp prvi na ~i top-seeded; melodije
s ~e top (hit) tunes
rani adj early; (koji cvate, dozrijeva) rathe, rath-ripe;
precocious, before one's time; (biljka, plod, dob) forward; (u danu) matutinal, morning; (preran) premature, untimely
ranica f dim tiny wound; sore spot, sore
ranije adv comp earlier; formerly, previously | uzgajati
da to ~ dozrije force
raniji adj comp earlier; former, prior to; previous; preceding
ranilac m early riser
ranina f early ripening grapes
raniti vt wound, inflict wound, hurt, injure; (oglodati,
nakuljati) chafe; gall; (pticu u krilo, ovjeka u ruku)
raniti se vr suffer injury, be wounded, wound oneself
ranketljiv adj v. ueen
rano adv early; before one's time; (prerano) prematurely,
precociously, too soon; (u danu) early in the morning,
at an early hour; (o zoru) at dawn (daybreak, sunrise); (u godini) early in the year; (u mladosti) in
early life | dizati se ~ rise with the sun, be an early
riser; idem ~ spavati I keep early (good) hours; tko
rano rani, dvije sree grabi the early bird catches
the worm
ranoranilac m early riser

raniranje n rlw B shunting, A switching

ranirati vt rlw B shunt, A switch
ranirni adj rlw | ~ kolodvor B shunting (marshalling)
yard; A switching (classification, marshalling) yard
ranj m ichth v. pauk
ranjav adj sore, galled, wounded, full of wounds (sores);
(oguljen) excoriated, raw | ~ih nogu foot-sore; ~o
mjesto gall, sore, raw; dirnuti ~o mjesto touch one
on the raw; fig touch the sore point
ranjavanje n wounding, injuring, hurting, infliction of
ranjavati vt wound, injure, hurt; keep wounding
ranjavost adj vulnerability, susceptibility to wounds
ranjen pp wounded, injured, hurt; sore, galled
ranjenica f wounded female (woman)
ranjenik m wounded (injured, hurt) person (male)
ranjenje n rising early
ranjiv adj vulnerable, apt (liable) to be wounded (hurt,
ranjivost f vulnerability
raonik m v. ralo, ralica
rapav adj v. hrapav
rapir m rapier
raport m mil | javiti se na ~ report to; dati na ~ put on
report; podnijeti ~ report to
raportirati vt mil report, submit a report
rapski adj geog (of) Rab
rapsod m rhapsode
rapsodija f rhapsody
rapsodijski adj rhapsodic
raritet m rarity (v. rijetkost)
rarog m (rak) v. hlap
rasa f race
rasad m collect seedlings pl
rasadite n fig hotbed; v. rasadnik
rasaditi vt plant out, transplant (seedlings)
rasadnik m nursery-garden, nursery, seed-plot; (pod
staklom) hotbed | vrtlar ~a nurseryman
rasaivanje n planting out, transplanting, transplantation
rasaivati vt plant out, transplant
rasap m (propast) downfall; ruin; (vojske) rout, dispersal, defeat, overthrow; (propadanje) decay, decline;
loss of bulk (weight) through handling (transport
itd.); v. rasipanje, osipanje, kalo
rascar m ex-emperor, dethroned emperor
rascijepan pp (drva) chopped, hewed asunder, hewed to
pieces, split
rascijepanost f v. podvojenost, rascjepkanost
rascijepati vt chop (hew) asunder, hew to pieces, split
rascijepiti vt cleave, split; rift, fissure, rend apart; poet
rascijepljen pp cleft, rifted, fissured, split, cracked; (nesloan) disunited
rascjep m cleft, rift, rent, fissure; split
rascjepka f mach split pin
rascjepkan pp faction-ridden, divided, disunited, atomized
rascjepkanost f factionalism, division, disunion

rascjepkati vt split into factions, divide, disunite, atomize; Balkanize

rascjepkati se vr (become) split into factions, become
divided (disunited, atomized, Balkanized)
rascufan pp frayed
rascufati vt fray
rascufati se vr fray, become frayed
rascvasti se vr flower, bloom, blossom; burst out into
flower, be in full blow, come into bloom
rascvaten pp blossoming, in full bloom, in flower,
blooming, abloom
rascviliti vt afflict, distress, grieve
rascviljen pp afflicted, distressed, in deep sorrow,
grieved, disconsolate, heart broken
rascvjetan adj v. rascvaten
rascvjetati se vr v. rascvasti se
rasedlati vt unsaddle
rasejan pp v. rastresen
raseliti vt depopulate, evacuate population (inhabitants),
settle in other places
raseliti se vr settle elsewhere, change abode in masses;
raseljen pp (kraj) depopulated, left empty after emigration | ~o lice displaced person, abbr D.P.
raseljivanje n gradual depopulation (emigration)
raseljivati vt v. raseliti
rasformirati vt disband; close down
rasformirati se vr be disbanded; close down
rashladiti vt make cool, chill; (u ledu) refrigerate;
(osvjeiti) freshen
rashladiti se vr cool down, chill, become cool
rashladni adj cooling, refrigerating | ~ ureaj refrigerating plant; air-conditioning
rashlaen adj cooled down, chilled
rashlaivanje n cooling, chilling, refrigeration
rashlaivati vt v. rashladiti
rashod m expenses pl, expenditure, outlay, out-goings pl
rashodovanje n entering (entries) of expenses in books
rashodovati vt v. otpisati, raspremiti (brod)
rasijan pp disseminated, sown, broadcast, diffused, dispersed, scattered; v. rastresen
rasijati vt disseminate, broadcast, diffuse, scatter seed,
rasijati se vr scatter, disperse
rasijavanje n disseminating, broadcasting
rasijavati vt v. rasijati
rasijecati vt v. rasjei
rasipan' adj (troenje) prodigal, extravagant, lavish,
thriftless, too liberal, profuse, wasteful
rasipan'' pp (razasut) strewn about, littered; scattered
rasipavanje n (traenje) dissipation, extravagance,
waste, squandering, prodigality; (sipanje) strewing
(littering, scattering) about; v. rasap
rasipavati vt (novac) squander, dissipate, be prodigal
(lavish) with, be wasteful, spend money extravagantly; (sipati) strew (scatter, litter) about
rasipnica f prodigal woman, spendthrift woman
rasipniki adj prodigal, wasteful, squandering

rasipnik m prodigal, spendthrift

rasipno adv prodigally, wastefully, squanderingly
rasipnost f prodigality, thriftlessness, wastefulness, extravagance, lavishness
rasist m racist
rasistiki adj racist
rasizam m racism
rasjeen pp chopped (hewn, cut) up (through)
rasjei vt cut up, chop (split) up, rift, slash (slit open)
rasjelina f geol cleft, chasm, fissure, rift
rasjesti se vr be rent (cleft, rifted, fissured, split apart)
raskajan adj deeply penitent, contrite, rueful, conscience-stricken
raskajano adv contritely, with (deep) repentance, ruefully
raskajati se vr repent deeply, become penitent (contrite)
raskalaen adj dissolute, debauched, licentious, libertine, lewd, immoral, lascivious, rakish, loose; abandoned | ~ ovjek libertine, loose fish
raskalaenost f looseness of morals, lasciviousness, libertinism, debauchery, dissoluteness
raskalaiti se vr become a libertine (debauchee, voluptuary, rake)
raskaljati vt make muddy (miry)
raskaljati se vr become muddy (miry), turn to mud
raskapanje n turning (digging) up the ground; fig rummaging (ransacking, searching) for
raskapati vt v. raskopavati
raskapati vt v. raskopavati
raskaiti vt make mushy, mush up
raskaiti se vr become mushy, turn to mush
raskid m break, rupture, split; (ugovora) cancellation,
raskidan pp torn asunder; severed (snapped, broken) in
many parts; pulled to pieces; broken up, torn piecemeal; dismembered; (govor) disconnected, incoherent
raskidano adv incoherently, disconnectedly
raskidanost f being torn, disconnected state; (nesuvislost) incoherence; v. rascjepkanost
raskidanje n severance, violent separation, tearing
(rending) asunder, breaking off, dismemberment
raskidati vt v. raskinuti
raskinue n v. raskidanje
raskinut pp v. raskidan
raskinuti' vt break (tear, rend) asunder, sever, pull
(pick) to pieces, burst asunder, separate violently,
sunder; (spone) break bonds, unfetter, dissever; (muenika na kotau) break person on wheel; (na konjskim repovima) quarter
raskinuti'' vi (s nekim) break (with)
raskinuti se vr break, sever, part
raskivanje n unforging; (spone) unfettering, unchaining
raskivati vt v. raskovati
rasklamati vt unstaple
rasklapanje n unfolding, (knjigu itd.) opening; (oruja,
stroja) strip, take apart | na ~ folding, collapsible
rasklapati vt v. rasklopiti

raskliman pp loosened, shaky, rickety, loose-jointed,

loose, out of joint, tottering; (ruevan) tumbledown,
rasklimanost f looseness, rickety (shaky, tumbledown)
state, ricketiness, shakiness, disjointedness; (pomanjkanje stege) laxity
rasklimati vt make loose (shaky, tottering, disjointed,
loose-jointed); (stegu) make lax (slack)
rasklimati se vr become rickety (shaky, disjointed, loose,
unstable, out of joint, tottering, tumbledown), fall in
disrepair; become (work, come) loose
rasklop m disjunction, disconnection
rasklopiti vt disjoin, disconnect; unfold, open; unclasp;
(oruje, stroj) take apart, strip, disassemble
rasklopiti se vr unclasp, unfold, open up
rasklopljen pp disjoined, disconnected; unfolded; open;
rasklopljiv adj unfoldable; take-apart
raskokodakati se vr cackle with all one's might; cackle
(gabble) at the top of one's voice
raskol m cleavage; fig split; (politiki) secession, cave;
disunion; (vjerski) schism, heresy
raskolaiti vt (oi) open one's eyes, stare with astonishment
raskoliti vt split, cleave; slit; rift, fissure
raskoliti se vr split
raskolniki adj schismatical
raskolnik m schismatic, heretic
raskolnitvo n schism; heresy
raskoljen pp split, cleft, fissured; (papci) cloven-footed
raskomadan pp torn piecemeal, dismembered, disintegrated
raskomadano adv in pieces, in piecemeal fashion
raskomadanje n dismemberment, disintegration
raskomadati vt dismember, break (tear, cut up) in
pieces, tear up piecemeal (piece by piece); disintegrate
raskomadati se vr fall to pieces
raskomotiti se vr make oneself comfortable
raskopan pp (zemlja) dug up, turned up; (razrovan) burrowed, rooted (routed) up
raskopati vt turn (dig, root, rout) up; put in disorder by
rummaging (ransacking, burrowing); (rastaviti) pull
to pieces, overhaul
raskopan pp unbuttoned
raskopati vt unbutton
raskopati se vr unbutton
raskopavanje n unbuttening
raskoraen adj astride, stradding, astraddle
raskoraiti se vr stand astride; (nad) bestride, stand
raskorak m discrepancy, gap | u ~u sa at variance with;
doi u ~ sa clash with
rasko f luxury; (sjaj) sumptuousness, gorgeousness,
magnificence, splendour, pomp; (obilje) profusion;
(strast) voluptuousness | zakon protiv ~i sumptuary

raskoan adj luxurious, sumptuous, gorgeous, magnificent; profuse; (strast) voluptuous; (bujan) luxuriant,
raskoje n v. rasko
raskono adv luxurleusly, sumptuously, gorgeously, profusely | ivjeti ~ wallow in riches (wealth)
raskonost f v. rasko
raskotiti se vr be procreated (begotten, brought forth) in
raskovan pp unforged; (spone) unfettered, unchained
raskovati vt unforge, undo fetters by forging, unfetter,
raskrajanje n cutting up (of cloth for clothes)
raskralj m ex-king, dethroned king
raskraviti se vr v. otopiti se; fig warm (loosen, open) up
raskren pp thinned (wood), cleared of loppings
(brushwood, rubbish); (zapreke) with obstacles removed
raskriti vt (umu) cut down (fell) trees, clear away loppings (brushwood, underwood, thicket); clear away
litter; remove obstacles; (prorijediti) thin (wood)
raskreen pp astride, in striding position
raskreiti vt spread (one's legs)
raskreiti se vr spread one's legs, stand astraddle
raskriliti vt spread (wings); open (arms)
raskriliti se vr spread wings (arms)
raskriljen pp with spread wings, with open arms
raskrinkan pp unmasked, exposed
raskrinkati vt unmask, expose, take off mask
raskrinkati se vr be unmasked (exposed)
raskrit pp uncovered, laid bare; (krov) unroofed; (velo)
unveiled; (tajnu) revealed, disclosed
raskriti vt uncover; take off the lid (cover, covering);
unveil, lift the veil; lay bare; (tajnu) disclose, reveal;
(kuu) unroof
raskriti se vr uncover oneself; fig reveal oneself
raskrivanje n uncovering; laying bare; unveiling; disclosure, revelation
raskriven pp v. raskrit
raskrije n v. raskrse
raskrojen pp cut up (material for clothes)
raskrojiti vt cut up (cloth for clothes)
raskrsnica f (vode) watershed, A+ divide; (granica)
boundary; v. raskre
raskrstiti vr part with one, break off connection (intercourse, friendship, relations), part company; secede;
(svaa) fall out; drop one, have done with one
raskre n crossways, cross-roads, crossing; parting of
the ways; intersection
raskrupnjati vt grow big (mature, fleshy)
raskrvaren pp dripping with blood
raskrvariti vt draw someone's blood, bloody
raskrvariti se vr start blood; suffer a bleeding injury
raskrvaviti vt smear with blood, bloody
raskuiti vt dissipate one's property
raskuhan pp overboiled, overcooked
raskuhati vt overboil, overcook
raskuhati se vr overboil, become overboiled; fall apart
through overboiling

raskutran pp dishevelled, unkempt, rumpled, tousled,

raskutrati vt dishevel, rumple, tousle
raskutrati se vr become dishevelled (rumpled, tousled)
rasku|an adj disinfecting, disinfectant; decontaminating | ~no sredstvo disinfectant
raskuba f disinfection
raskuenje n v. raskuba
raskuiti vt disinfect
raskuivanje n v. raskuenje
raskuzivati vt v. raskuiti
raskvasiti vt soften by soaking (drenching, steeping)
raskvasiti se vr be softened by soaking; become sodden
raskvaen pp softened by soaking (drenching, steeping),
sodden, soaked through
raskvaenost f soddeness, saturated state
raskvaenje n softening through soaking (drenching,
raskvocati se vr (koko) be clucking at the top of its
raslina f v. biljka
rasli|nje n, ~nstvo n collect plants pl, plant cover, vegetation, flora
raslojavanje n stratification; disintegration
raslojavati vt stratify; disintegrate
raslojavati se vr become stratified; disintegrate
rasn|i adj pedigreed; thoroughbred | ~e predrasude racial prejudice(s)
rasol m brine, pickle
rasoliti vt permeate (saturate) with salt
rasoliti se vr be permeated (saturated) with salt
rasoljen pp saturated (permeated) with salt
raspaan pp sold out (printed matter, books), disposed
raspaati vt sell out (dispose of) (printed matter); distribute; exhaust by distribution
raspaavanje n selling out (off), disposing of (books,
printed matter)
raspaavati vt v. raspaati
raspad m crumbling, decay, falling to pieces (to ruins),
dilapidation; decomposition; disintegration; decadence; (propast) ruin, breakdown, downfall, going to
rack and ruin
raspadanje n v. raspad
raspadati se vr v. raspasti se
raspadljiv adj liable to decay (decomposition, rot, falling to pieces)
raspadljivost f aptness to decay (decompose, rot, fall to
raspadnue n v. raspad
raspakirati vt unpack
raspakirati se vr unpack, get unpacked
raspaliti vt inflame with passion, stir the flames; (gnjev)
stir one's wrath; rouse, provoke the temper of, incense, enrage; make one's blood boil; lash into fury,
infuriate, incite against; (zviznuti) clout, coll wallop,
sl clobber

raspali|ti se vr burst into flames, blaze up; (gnjev) burst

into anger, work oneself up into a passion, flare up,
fly out | on se ~o his blood (back) is up
raspaljen pp blazing, flaming, burning brightly; (gnjev)
fuming, raging, furious, infuriated, incensed, enraged
raspaljenost f fury, franzy, towering passion, rage
raspaljiv adj irasclble, quick-tempered, hot-tempered,
raspaljivanje n stirring up (fire, mutiny, strife)
raspaljivati vt v. raspaliti
raspaljivo adv irasciibly
raspaljivost f irascibility, quick temper
rasparan pp slit (ripped, torn) open, unstitched, unseamed, undone
rasparati vt sew (tear, rip, slit) open, unrip, unstitcih,
undo seam, unseam
rasparati se vr tear, rip; come unstitched
rasparati vt v. raskidati, raskomadati, usitniti
rasparen pp without its (his) pair (fellow), odd
raspariti vt lose (take away) one thing of a pair
raspasan adj ungirt
raspasati vt ungird, undo girdle (belt)
raspasati se vr undo one's girdle (belt)
raspasivanje n ungirding; (poputanje) loosening of the
raspasti se vr crumble, fall to pieces; (od trulosti) decompose, rot, decay, dilapidate; decline; disintegrate;
go to rack and ruin
raspeaen pp unsealed, with a broken seal
raspeatiti vt unseal, break seal
raspeatiti se vr come unsealed
raspee n crucifixion, cross
raspekmeziti se vr derog become sentimental
raspelo n crucifixion, cross
raspeti vt v. razapeti
raspetljati vt disentangle
raspetljati se vr become disentangled; sort itself out
raspikua f spendthrift, prodigal, squanderer, thriftless
raspiliti vt saw up; saw through
raspiljen pp sawn up
raspinja m device for stretching; (za tkaninu) tenter
raspinjanje n v. razapinjanje
raspinjati vt v. razapinjati
raspiren pp (vatra) stirred up, blazing
raspiriti vt (vatru) stir up; (neslogu, nezadovoljstvo) stir
up dissension (discontent); (gnjev) enflame, rouse;
raspiriti se vr become stirred up (enflamed, roused)
raspirivanje n stirring up, incitement
raspirivati vt v. raspiriti
raspis m circular, official proclamation (notice) sent
round | ~ natjeaja (public, official) invitation for
raspisan pp | ~ natjeaj (za dobavu itd.) officially published invitation for tenders (situations, scholarships
raspisati vt (natjeaj) officially and publicly invite tenders for

raspisati se vr write extensively on a subject, be prolific

in writing
raspisivanje n v. raspis
raspitoljiti se vr let one's hair down
raspitati se vr (pitati) gather information, make enquiries, inquire after, find out, seek information about
raspitivanje n making enquiries (in several places)
raspitkivati se vr enquire, make enquiries (in several
raspjevan adj fig rhapsodic; riotous
raspjevati se vr sing at the top of one's voice
rasplakan adj dissolved into tears, in the melting mood
rasplakati vt make someone cry, drive one to tears
rasplakati se vr be dissolved into tears, melt into tears,
burst into tears, begin to weep bitterly
rasplamsan adj blazing, burning brightly; fig inflamed,
incensed, enraged
rasplamsati se vr blaze up, burst into flames, burn
brightly; fig get enraged (furious, incensed)
rasplamsavanje n blazing up, flare-up
rasplesti vt undo tresses (plaits, rope strands itd.); (kutravost) unravel, disentangle; untwist; (arapu itd.)
unknit; tease
rasplesti se vr become undone (unravelled)
rasplet m disentanglement, undoing tresses (rope,
strands itd.); outcome
raspletanje n disentanglement; teasing; untwisting; unravelling, unknotting
raspletati vt keep disentangling itd. (v. rasplesti)
raspleten pp disentangled; unknotted, untwisted, unravelled, eased
rasplinue n evaporation, volatilization, evanescence,
dissolution, melting away
rasplinut adj volatilized, evanesced, evaporated; disappeared; faded away
rasplinuti se vr evaporate, evanesce, fade away, volatilize; disappear, melt away, dissolve; fig lose direction,
get off the subject
rasplinutost f volatilized condition
rasplinja m mot B carburettor, carburetter; A carburator
rasplitati vt v. rasplesti
rasplod m propagation, breeding
rasplodite n nursery (for plants itd.); (ribe) fish-rearing
rasploditi vt propagate, breed
rasploditi se vr breed, multiply
rasplodn|i adj kept for breeding, reared for (by) breeding
(transplantation, culture) | ~a stoka breeding stock
rasplodnica f (biljka) nursery-plant
rasploivac m breeder; (vrtlar) nursery-man
rasploivanje n breeding, rearing ; procreation | za ~ v.
rasploivati vi v. rasploditi
raspljeskati vt squash
raspljeskati se vr become squashed; applaud vigorously
raspodijeliti vt distribute; apportion, allocate
raspodjela f distribution; apportionment, allocation

raspojasan pp girdless; (konj) girthless; with loosened

girdle (belt); unbridled; disorderly, unrepressed, riotous
raspojasano adv dissolutely, licentiously
raspojasanost f dissoluteness, licentiousness, dissipation
raspojasati se vr plunge into dissipation, give free
course to one's passions, indulge in orgies (debauchery)
raspoklanjan pp given away (donated, presented) successively (as a gift)
raspoklanjati vt give away (gift, donate), distribute (present with, bestow upon) as gift successively, have
done giving away
raspokloniti vt v. raspoklanjati
raspoklonjen pp v. raspoklanjan
raspolaganj|e n disposal, free use of; (vlast nad) control,
management | staviti na ~e place at someone's disposal, make available; stajati na ~u be at someone's
disposal, be available
raspolagati vt have at one's disposal (free use), make
free of; (vlast) dispose of, manage, control
raspolovljanje n halving, partition (division) into halves
raspoloviti vt halve, divide (cut, separate) in two equal
parts; break in two, break asunder, split in two; (dijeliti na dvoje) go halves; (presjei) bissect
raspoloviti se vr be halved, break (split) in two
raspolovljen pp halved, cut (broken, split, torn, divided)
in two
raspoloen adj disposed, inclined; (voljan) minded; (dobre volje) in a good humour (mood), good-humoured
raspoloeno adv good-humouredly, happily
raspoloenje n temper, mood, frame of mind, disposition, humour; (sklonost za) bent, bias, proneness; v.
raspolaganje | dobro ~ good humour, happiness; veselo ~ great spirits, high spirits; potiteno ~ poor
(low) spirits
raspoloiti vt put in high (great) spirits; v. raspolagati
raspoloiti se vr become good-humoured, get into a good
raspoloiv adj disposable, at disposal, availab1e, free to
be used
raspoloivost f disposability, availability
raspon m range, span; span (of a bridge); (luk) arch
rasponsk|i adj | ~a irina span-width
raspop m ex-priest; (izbaen) disfrocked priest
raspopiti vt unpriest, defrock, disfrock
raspopiti se vr lay down the office of priest
raspor m rent, slit; (na hlaama) fly
raspored m disposition, arrangement; program(me);
plan, scheme; lay out | ~ sati time-table
rasporediti vt arrange; organize, determine (fix) order,
dispose, allot; sort out
rasporediti se vr deploy, take positions
rasporeen pp arranged, disposed
rasporeenje n v. raspored
rasporeivanje n deploying, deployment, disposing,
disposition, placing, placement
rasporeivati vt v. rasporediti

rasporen pp (nepoderan) unstitched, come unsewn; (poderan) rent asunder, torn, ripped up
rasporezivanje n assessing (fixing) taxes
rasporezivati vt (porez) asses (fix) taxes
rasporiti vt rip (cut, slit, tear) open, rip asunder, unrip;
(avove) unstitch, undo the seams, unseam; (pleteno)
unknit; (ipke) unlace
rasporiti se vr rip open; become unstitched
rasposlan pp sent out to several addresses
raspoiljanje n sending out (off) to several addresses
raspoiljati vt v. razaslati
raspoznati vt recognize, tell apart, discern, make out,
distinguish, identify; (luiti) discriminate
raspoznati se vr recognize each other
raspoznatljiv adj recognizable, discernible, identifiable
raspoznatljivost f recognizability, discernibility, identifiability
raspoznavanje n recognition, discernment, identification, telling apart
raspoznavati vt v. raspoznati
raspra f dispute, quarrel, altercation; (svaa) squabble,
wrangle, (nesloga) variance, disunion, dissension,
discord; (prepirka) argument
rasprava f (sud) trial, process; (sasluanje) hearing;
debate, discussion; (uena radnja) treatise, disquisition, paper, disertation, learned essay; (uenog drutva) proceedings pl; (pregovori) negotiations; argument
raspraviti vt discuss, dissert, dissertate, hold argument,
debate; treat; (pregovori) negotiate
raspraviti se vr discuss matters, talk matters over
raspravlja m debater
raspravljanje n debating, discussing, talking over (v.
raspravljati vi v. raspraviti
raspravljen pp discussed, under debate
raspravljiv adj debatable
raspravljivost f debatability
rasprkati vt fritter away
raspren pp disburdened
rasprei vt unharness, unyoke
raspredanje n detailed discussion; (zamrenog) unravelling, unweaving
raspredati vt discuss in detail; (zamrenog) unweave,
unravel, separate threads
raspregnut pp unharnessed, unyoked
raspregnuti vt unharness, unyoke
rasprem|a f unrigging | brod u ~i ship laid up, put out of
rasprema m dismantler; (drvenih brodova) shipknacker
raspremanje n removing the table-cloth, clearing (the
table) away; (broda) removing the tackle (rigging
and equipment), unrigging, dismantling
raspremati vt v. raspremiti
raspremiti vt clear (take) away, remove things (tablecloth); (brod) dismantle, unrig, remove rigging
(tackle and equipment), decommission
raspremiti se vr unpack

raspremljen pp | brod je ~ ship is dismantled (unrigged, laid up, decommissioned)

raspresti vt (zamreno) unravel, unweave, tease
raspresti se vr unravel, become unravelled
raspretati vt stir (unbank) the fire
rasprezanje n unharnessing, unyoking
rasprezati vt unharness, unyoke
raspriati se vr talk at undue length, talk at tedious
length, talk long-windedly
rasprodaja f (clearance) sale, selling off; (inventarna)
stocktaking sale; (draba) auction sale
rasprodan adj sold out (off); (knjiga) out of print; disposed of
rasprodati vt sell off, clear out stock
rasprodati se vr (brzo) find a ready sale
rasprodavanje n selling out (off), disposing of goods
rasprodavati vt v. rasprodati
rasprostiranje n (irenje) spreading out; (prostor) expansion, extension, range
rasprostirati vt spread out, unfold
rasprostirati se vr extend to (over, across), spread out,
range (from-to); (proiriti) extend, expand
rasprostraniti vt (prostorno) spread out; fig disseminate,
diffuse; (na daleko) spread (diffuse) far and wide; (po
cijeloj zemlji) spread through the length and breadth
of the land
rasprostranjen pp wide-spread
rasprostranjenost f spread, diffusion, range, extent
rasprostranjenje n spreading, diffusion, extension, expansion, growth
rasprostranjivanje n v. rasprostranjenje
rasprostranjivati vt v. rasprostraniti
rasprostrijeti vt v. rasprostirati
rasprostrt pp spread out
rasprskiva m (rua za polijevanje) rose, sprinklingnozzle; v. raspriva
rasprsnue n explosion, blowing up, burst, bursting
rasprsnut pp exploded, burst open, blasted
rasprsnuti vt explode, cause explosion, blast, blow up
rasprsnuti se vr burst asunder, split, be blown up
raspren pp dispersed, scattered, dispelled, dissipated;
(vojska) routed | ~a voda (vjetrom) spray; (more)
rasprenje n dispersion, dispersal, scattering, dispelling,
dissipating; (vojske) rout(ing)
raspriti vt disperse, scatter, dispel, dissipate; (vojsku)
raspriti se vr dissipate, scatter
raspriva m atomizer, spray(can)
rasprivanje n v. rasprenje
rasprljiv adj dispersive, explosive
rasprljivost f dispersiveness, explosiveness
rasprtalo n (kante) rose, sprinkling-nozzle
rasprtanje n spraying, atomizing, squirting, spirting
rasprtati vt spray, atomize, squirt, spirt
rasprten pp squirted, sprayed, spurt
rasprtiti vt disburden
rasprtiti se vr lay down one's burden

raspucan pp split, cracked, fissured; (koa) chapped,

raspucati vi crack, split, burst; (koa) chap
raspucati se vr crack, chap, become cracked (chapped)
raspucavanje n cracking, chapping
raspue v. krianje
raspui se vr crack, split, burst, fissure; (koa) chap
raspuhati vt blow away (in all directions), scatter by
blowing; (raspiriti) stir (fire) by blowing, fan (the
raspuklina f crack, fissure, cleft, rift, rent
raspuknue n cracking, fissure, burst; bursting,
raspuknut pp cracked, fissured, split, cleft, burst
raspuknuti se vr v. raspui se
raspupati se vr burst into buds
raspusni adj disbanding, dissolving
raspusnik m v. rasputenik
raspust m (kole) break of school; (vojske) disbandment
(nakon vjebe dismiss); (parlamenta) dissolution;
(firme) winding-up; (skuptine) adjournment
raspustiti vt dismiss (vojnike na vjebi); (skuptinu) dissolve; (ete) disband
raspustiti se vr become undisciplined (uncontrollable,
perverse; unruly, unbridled) ; become lazy (indolent,
negligent), become licentious (dissolute, immoral,
raspustiv adj dissolvable; disbandable
rasputanje n disbandment; dissolution
rasputati vt v. raspustiti
rasputen pp (zbor) dissolved, dismissed; disbanded;
(pokvaren) undisciplined, unbridled, perverse, unrestrained, fast, wild, licentious, dissolute
rasputenica f wanton (licentious) woman; v. rastavljena ena
rasputenik m debauchee, dissolute person
rasputeno adv licentiously, wantonly, lacking discipline
rasputenost f lack of discipline (self-control); wantonness, licentiousness, debauchery, immorality; perverseness
rasputica f v. raspue
rasrditi vt v. razljutiti
rast m growth; (stas) stature, size
rastajanje n parting, leave-taking, saying good-bye
(farewell, adieu)
rastajati se vr v. rastati se
rastakanje n decanting, pouring off into smaller vessels
rastakati vt v. rastoiti
rastaliti vt melt; (rudu) smelt, extract metal from ore;
(otopiti) thaw; (slaninu, rastopiti) render (fat)
rastaliti se vr melt, thaw
rastaljen pp melted; (kovina) smelted; molten
rastaljiv adj meltable
rastaljivost f meltability
rastan|ak m parting, leave-taking, farewell, separation;
valediction | napitak na ~ku stirrup-cup; veera
(objed) na ~ku fare-well supper (dinner itd.); prigodom ~ka valedicatory, parting, farewell
rastanjen pp thinned

rastanjiti vt thin, make thinner

rastanjiti se vr become thinner
rastanjiv adj thinnable
rastapanje n melting; thawing
rastapati vt v. rastopiti
rastapati se vr v. rastopiti se; fig v. topiti se
rastati se vr part (company) with, take one's leave, say
good-bye; separate; v. rastaviti se
rastava f (braka) divorce
rastaviti vt take to pieces, decompose; (kemijski) analyse; (stroj na dijelove) overhaul; (stroj rasklopiti)
disassemble; (brod raspremiti) dismantle; (vezu)
separate, part, disjoin, disunite; (silom) disunite,
sever; (spoj) disconnect; (raskinuti) dismember; (rije na slogove) divide (into syllables)
rastaviti se vr divorce, get divorced
rastavlja m separator; disconnector, severer; divider
rastavljanje n separating, separation; (na komade) taking to pieces, overhauling; division
rastavljati vt v. rastaviti
rastavljen pp taken to pieces, overhauled; separated;
(brak) divorced | ~a ena divorce
rastavljiv adj separable, that can be taken to pieces
(overhauled, divided)
rastavljivost f separability
rastavni adj gram disjunctive
rastei vr squander, dissipate; (imetak) run through
one's fortune, play ducks and drakes with one's fortune
rastegljiv adj v. rasteljiv
rastegnut pp stretched, strained, made taut; (nadut) dilated, distended, extended; (produljen) lengthened,
elongated; (govor) drawled out
rastegnuti vt draw, stretch, make taut; (napuhivanjem)
dilate, distend; extend; (produljiti) elongate,
lengthen; pull out; (rijei) drawl out; (opirnou)
draw out
rastegnuti se vr stretch, expand; (razvaganiti se) loll,
rastegnutost f stretched condition, distension
rastenje n growing, growth, waxing; increase; swelling
rastepen pp scattered, littered all about; (imetak) squandered, dissipated; (vojska) routed, dispersed; (kue
razdaleko) few and far between; (tu i tamo poneki, u
mnotvu) with a sprinkling of...; (daleko zaostajui
jedan za drugim) straggling
rastepeno adv in a scattered (straggling) way (manner)
rastepljiv adj thriftless, wasteful, squandering
rastepljivost f inclination to dissipation (wasting,
rastepsti vt (imetak) squander, waste, dissipate;
(razasuti) litter about
rastepsti se vr v. rasuti se
raster m print screen
rastereen pp disencumbered, disburdened, disembarrassed, uncumbered, unburdened; relieved
rastereenost f disencumberment; relief
rastereenje n exoneration, disencumbrance, disembarrassment, disburdening

rasteretiti vt disencumber, disembarras; disburden; relieve (of load, burden, debts, obligations, duties itd.)
rasteretiti se vr lay down one's burden, unburden oneself
rasteza m stretcher, stretching device; (za tkanine) tenter
rastezanje n stretching, distension, expansion, extension, straining, extending; drawing out, expanding;
(razvaganiti se) lolling, sprawling | stol za ~ (izvlaenje) expansible table
rastezati vt v. rastegnuti
rasteljiv adj tensile; extensible, expansive, extensile,
extendible; elastic, springy; (dvolian, pojam) ambiguous
rasteljivost f elasticity, extensibility, expansiveness,
rast|i vi grow, wax; become larger (taller, bigger,
stronger, more extensive); (jaati) intensify; increase,
swell; be on the increase; (voda, rijeka) rise; (razvijati se) develop; (bujno) grow luxuriantly (rank);
(trava, bujno) grow lush; (iriti se) spread, gain
ground | dani ~u days draw out; more ~e it is hightide (incoming tide); dug ~e debt is running up; cijene ~u prices are rising; mjesec ~e moon waxes (is
crescent); ogorenje ~e feelings run high; zazubice
mi ~u od... it brings water to my mouth
rastinje n collect v. raslinje
rastirati vt v. razastirati
rastjeran pp scattered by force, dispersed, routed, dispelled
rastjerati vt scatter, dispel, disperse, rout
rastjeravanje n continual scattering (dispersing, routing), dispersal
rastjeravati vt v. rastjerati
rastoen pp poured off (decanted) into (other) vessels
(bottles, glasses itd.), emptied into other vessels; (izjeden) worm-eaten
rastoenost f being worm-eaten, worm-eaten condition
rastoiti vt pour off (emyty, decant) liquid into other
vessels; have done decanting; (crv) worm-eat
rastoiti se vr become worm-eaten
rastojanje n v. razmak, udaljenost
rastojati vt (luk itd.) have a span of
rastopina f solution
rastopiti vt dissolve; melt; thaw; (slaninu) render
rastopiti se vr dissolve, melt, become liquid | ~ u suzama be dissolved in tears
rastopljen pp dissolved; melted, thawed; (slanina) rendered
rastopljiv adj soluble
rastopljivost f solubility
rastovaren pp unloaded, unpacked, unladen, disburdened
rastovariti vt unlade, unload, disburden
rastovarivanje n unloading
rastrati se vr scatter running, disperse running
rastresanje n shedding (strewing, scattering) about
rastresati vt v. rastresti

rastresen pp (razbacan) scattered (littered, shed, strewn)

about; (duhom) absent-minded, absent, distracted,
wandering, wool-gathering
rastreseno adv absent-mindedly
rastresenost f absent-mindedness, wool-gathering, inattentiveness
rastresit adj loose
rastresito adv loosely
rastresitost f looseness
rastreskan pp battered, smashed, shivered, shattered
rastreskati vt smash, batter, shiver, shatter
rastreskati se vr smash, shatter, become smashed (shattered)
rastresti vt shed (strew, litter) about; distract (divert)
one's attention; (zabaviti) amuse, entertain
rastresti se vr amuse oneself, relax, unbend
rastresenje n diversion, relaxation, recreation; amusement, distraction
rastrenjen adj sobered
rastrenjenje n sobering
rastrgan adj torn (to pieces); (uda) dismembered; (etvoren) quartered; disintegrated; (raskinut) disrupted,
severed, ruptured, disjointed
rastrgano adv disjointedly
rastrganost f being torn, torn condition
rastrgati vt tear asunder (to pieces); disrupt, sever; rupture; dismember; quarter; disintegrate
rastrgati se vr tear oneself apart
rastrgavanje n tearing apart
rastrgnuti vt v. rastrgati
rastrijeti vt v. razastrijeti
rastrijezniti vt sober (up), make sober
rastrijezniti se vr sober down, become sober
rastrljan pp rubbed in, spread by rubbing
rastrljati vr rub in, spread by rubbing, massage
rastrljati se vr get rubbed in
rastrojen pp disordered, deranged, shattered
rastrojeno adv in a deranged manner
rastrojenost f (ivana) nervous breakdown; (duevna)
mental alienation
rastrojiti vt utterly derange, destroy, shatter (nerves)
rastrojiti se vr become deranged, fall apart
rastrojstvo n v. rastrojenost
rastroan adj extravagant, prodigal, squandering, lavish, wasteful
rastroiti (se) vt (vr) spend heavily
rastronica f prodigal woman, woman spendthrift,
thriftless woman
rastronik m spendthrift, squanderer, prodigal, extravagant person
rastrono adv | ~ troiti prodigalize
rastronost f prodigality, extravagance, squandering,
rastrt pp v. razastrt
rastrti' vt v. razastrti
rastrti'' vt crush, pulverize
rastrubiti vt trumpet forth, proclaim from the housetops,
noise abroad; (svoje zasluge itd.) blow one's own

rastrubljen pp trumpeted forth, praised far and loud,

proclaimed from the housetops, noised abroad
rastrzati vt v. rastrgnuti
rastuen adj battered to pieces; (u prah) pulverized,
(drobiti) crushed, reduced to small pieces, pounded,
rastui vt batter, pound, bray; crush; pulverize; reduce to
small pieces; triturate
rastumaen pp explained, expounded; interpreted; elucidated; (biljekama) commented
rastumaiti vt explain, expound; interpret; elucidate;
(biljekama) comment; illustrate
rastur m v. rasprenje, gubitak, rasap, kalo
rastura m v. raspaava, raspriva
rasturanje n v. raspaavanje
rasturati vt v. razgurati, raspaavati
rasturenost f v. rasprenost, razbacanost
rasturiti vt v. raspaati, iriti, raspustiti, raspriti,
razbacati, raskopati
rasturiti se vr v. razii se, raspriti se
rasturiva m v. raspaava, raspriva
rastuen pp saddened, distressed, cheerless; dismal, depressed, grieved, miserable, mournful, dejected, sorrowful, forlorn
rastuenost f v. tuga
rastuiti vt sadden, distress, grieve, aggvieve, afflict
rastuiti se vr sadden, grieve, sorrow, take to heart, be
rastuivanje n saddening, distressing
rastvara m chem solvent (v. otapalo)
rastvaranje n decomposition, decay, rot, dissolution;
chem v. otapanje
rastvarati vt decompose, dissolve, chem v. otapati
rastvarati se vr (trule) decay, rot, moulder, dissolve |
poeti se rastvarati be tainted
rastvor m chem v. rastopina
rastvorba f v. rastvaranje
rastvoren pp (otvoren) opened, thrown open; (vrata)
ajar;.chem v. otopljen
rastvoriti vt (otvoriti) open, push (throw) wide open;
(usta) gape, stand open-mouthed, stand agape ; (oi)
open one's eyes, stare; chem v. otopiti
rastvoriti se vr open (wide)
rastvorljiv adj chem v. rastopljiv
rasuditi vt discriminate, discern, judge, reason out, estimate, form an opinion
rasuivanje n discrimination, forming a judgement
(opinion, estimate)
rasuivati vt weigh (merits); v. rasuditi
rasulo n dissolution, decadence, falling to pieces, going
to rack and ruin, crumbling down, ruin, breakdown
rasuen pp become leaky (owing to dryness)
rasuiti vt overdry, make leaky
rasuiti se vr become leaky (owing to dryness)
rasut pp strewn (littered, scattered, spilled) about; (imetak) squanderred, wasted | mar ~i teret (rinfuza) bulk

rasuti vt scatter (litter, strew, spill) about (all over a

place); (imetak) squander, waste, dissipate, run
through one's fortune; v. razliti
rasuti se vr be spilled (strewn, littered, scattered) about
rasvijetliti vt light up, illuminate, illumine; brighten; fig
shed light on
rasvijetliti se vr light up, become lit up (illuminated)
rasvijetljen pp lighted, illumined, illuminated
rasvit m v. svitanje
rasvjeta f lighting, light, illumination
rasvjetn|i adj used for lighting | ~i plin lighting gas; ~o
tijelo lighting fixture
raehan pp frayed, revelled out, ragged at the edge;
(perje) stripped of the barbs (feathers)
raehanost f frayed condition
raehati vt fray (ravel) out; (make) ragged (frayed) at
the edge, tease; (perje) strip of barbs (feathers)
raehati se vr ravel (fray) at the edge, become frayed
(ragged) at the edge; (enjak) split into cloves
raepiti vt spread somebody's legs
raepiti se vr spread one's legs
raeprkan pp scratched up (soil)
raeprkati vt scratch up (ground; fowls searching for
raereiti vt Tur v. raskomadati
raerupati vt v. raupati, raskomadati
raeljan pp combed out (apart); (vuna) dressed; (kutravo) disentangled, unravelled
raeljati vt comb (apart); (vunu, lan) dress; (kutravo)
disentangle, unravel
raeljati se vr comb out one's hair
raeljavanje n combing out; unravelling
raetvoren pp (tijelo) quartered
raetvoriti vt (zloinca) quarter
rainiti vt resolve (into elements, parts); separate into
components; take to pieces; dissect; chem analyse,
rainjati vt v. rainiti
rainjavanje n resolving into parts, taking to pieces;
rainjen pp analysed; resolved (into elements); dissected; carved
raistiti vt clear up; solve (mystery); clear up misunderstanding; disentangle, remove doubts
raistiti se vr (mute, talog) clear (settle); (nebo) clear
up, brighten up
raiavanje n clearing up; (tekuine) settling
raien pp cleared up; (mystery) solved; freed from
turbid matter
raienje n v. raiavanje
ralamba f division into joints (sections, paragraphs)
ralaniti vt divide into joints (sections, paragraphs),
articulate, break down; (lanstvo) deprive of membership
ralanjen pp divided into joints itd.
ralanjenost f state of being jointed (divided into joints
ralanjiv adj articulable; dissectable

ralanjivanje n diving (division) into joints (sections,

paragraphs itd.)
raupan pp (kosa) ruffled, dishevelled, unkempt, uncombed, tousled, disarranged; (tkanina) frayed (ravelled) out, ragged at the edges
raupanko m dishevelled (unkempt) boy (child)
raupanost f dishevelment, dishevelled state
raupati vt (kosu) ruffle (dishevel); (tkaninu) fray
(ravel) out at the edges; pluck disorderly
raupati se vr ruffle one's hair; become dishevelled
rauti se vr v. prouti se
rae n v. raslinje
raeretati se vr keep chatting (babbling, talking) excessively (to one's heart's content)
raepiriti se vr strut about, behave haughtily (pompously, affectedly) ; show off, flaunt, parade
rairen pp extended; (nadut) distended, expanded; (proiren) widened, broadened; (povean) enlarged; (vijest) spread, disseminated, circulated, diffused; (po
cijelom svijetu) world-wide
rairenost f wide circulation (dissemination, range),
rairenje n v. irenje
rairiti vt widen, broaden, extend, expand, distend, dilate; (vijest i sl.) disseminate, circulate, spread, diffuse, propagate
rairiti se vr extend, broaden, widen; fig spread, gain
ground, be diffused
rairiv adj expandable
raiti vt unstitch
raiti se vr come unstiched
raivanje n unshtching
raljast adj forked, pronged; branching off
ralje f pl forked branch; (put) bifurcation; (viline)
dowsing-rod, divining-rod; (dvostruko rudo) thill
rapa f Ger v. turpija
ratiman pp Ger out of tune
ratimati vt Ger put out of alignment
ratimati se vr Ger get out of alignment; work loose;
(glazbalo) get out of tune
ratrkan pp scattered, dispersed; straggling; few and far
between | ~o selo straggling village
ratrkanost f scattered (straggling) state
ratrkati vt scatter, disperse, spread in all directions (at
wide intervals)
ratrkati se vr scatter; straggle along
rat m war; (vojna) campaign; (ratovanje) warfare; (gerilski) guerilla; (graanski) civil (intestine) war; (osvajaki) war of conquest; (obrambeni) defensive war;
(svjetski) world war | povesti ~ na wage war upon
(against); koji vodi ~ belligerent; u ~u at war with,
on a war footing; ~ do istrage war to the death
(knife); kriarski ~ crusade; voditi ~ make war
upon, be at war with; navijestiti ~ declare war; proglaenje ~a declaration of war; novac za voenje ~a
fig sinews of war
rata f instalment (v. otplata)

ratar m ploughman; agriculturist; (obraiva) tiller of

ground, cultivator of soil; (gazda) farmer, husbandman; (teak) agricultural labourer
ratarsk|i adj agricultural, dealing with (appertaining to)
agriculture (cultivation of the soil, farming); tilling;
(gospodarski) farming | ~a kola agricultural school
ratarstvo n tillage, agriculture, cultivation of soil; husbandry
ratificiranje n v. ratifikacija
ratificirati vt ratify
ratifikacija f ratification
ratifikacioni adj ratification, ratifying
ratite n battlefield, scene of war, theatre of war; (bojno
polje) stricken field
ratluk m Tur v. rahat-lokum
ratn|i adj war; wartime; (ratuji) belligerent | ~o stanje
state of war, war footing; ~i brod man-of-war, warship, battleship, ironclad, dreadnought; ~a mornarica navy; ~i sud court martial, drum-head court martial; ~i zarobljenik war prisoner; ~i lanci articles of
war; ~a sprema armament, war equipment; ~a varka
stratagem; ~a vjetina warfare strategy; ~a sredstva
(novac) sinews of war
ratnica f woman warrior
ratniki' adj a warrior's
ratniki'' adv like a warrior
ratnik m warrior; (borac), militant, combatant; fighter;
ratnohukaki adj war-mongering
ratoboran adj warlike, bellicose; martial; militant;
fierce; pugnacious, combative; aggressive
ratoborno adj pugnaciously, belligerently, aggressively
ratobornost f pugnacity, warlike (combative, bellicose)
spirit, bellicosity, combativeness
ratovanje n warring, warfare, war campaign, making
war upon
ratovati vi make war, be at war with; campaign
ratujui adj warring, at war, belligerent
ravan' m v. zaravan, ravnina (i geom), ploha
rav|an'' adj (ploha) level, plane; (izravnan) levelled;
flat; (gladak) smooth; (smjer) straight, right, direct,
unswerving; (ravnopravan) equal, enjoying the same
privilege; (uspravan) upright, erect; (jednak vrijednou) equivalent; (slian) similar; (dorastao) match,
peer; (rodom) of equal birth (rank, position); (u razini
s) flush with, level with; (kulturom itd.) on the same
plane with; (optesan) squared; (blanjan, glaen)
smoothed | ~an sat a full hour; u ~noj crti in a
straight line, bee-line, as the crow flies; ~an krov flat
roof; ~an kao svijea bolt upright; on mi je ~an he is
my equal; nema mu ~na he is peerless (matchless),
he has not his equal; njemu ~ni his equals (peers);
drui se sa sebi ~nima mingle with your likes, mix
with your equals
ravnalo n ruler; (u obliku slova T) T-square
ravnanje n (vodstvo) management, leadership; (udeavanje) squaring; (tla) levelling; (ljudi u red) alignment; (uputa) ruling, direction, instruction; (ponaanje) behaviour, line of conduct

ravnatelj m sch B head-master, A principal; manager;

head; (banke) director
ravnateljica f sch B head-mistress, A woman (lady)
principal; matron; directress, directrix
ravnateljski adj directorial, of (belonging to) the headmaster (director)
ravnateljstvo n (ast) headmaster's rank (dignity); directorship; directorate; (ured) headmaster's (director's)
ravnati vt (krivo) straighten; make even, even;
(spljotiti) flatten; (gladiti) smooth, plane; (tlo) level;
(sat) set watch, (upravljati) rule, manage, direct, lead
ravn|ati se vr (po primjeru) follow one's example; (po
pravilu) conform to the rule; (po uputama) act according to instructions; (ponaati se) square one's
conduct to (with), adapt oneself to; (u stroju) align
oneself | po njemu se ~a moda he leads in fashion;
da se zna ~ati for your guidance (information)
ravnica f plain, level tract, flat ground, level expanse;
(visoka) table-land
ravniarski adj v. nizinski
ravnina f plane, flat surface
ravno' n v. ravnina
ravno'' adv (smjer) straight, in a straight line, in right
direction; fig in a bee-line, as the crow flies; direct;
straight to the point; (ploha s plohom) flush with, on
the same level (plane), level with; (po duljini)
lengthwise; (smjesta, odmah) at once, directly, immediately; (tono) exactly, precisely, accurately; (bez
oklijevanja) straight off, without hesitation; (ni vie
ni manje) just, neither more nor less; (otvoreno)
straight out, directly, flatly, point-blank | ~ stotinu a
cool hundred; doao je ~ nakon (svrene) kole he is
fresh from school
ravnoduan adj equanimous, calm, indifferent, unperturbed, unruffled, unconcerned; cold, impassive, of
equable (even) temper; (nehajan) listless, apathetic;
ravnoduno adv indifferently, calmly, unconcernedly;
listlessly, apathetically
ravnodunost f equanimity; indifference
ravnokrak adj geom v. istokraan
ravnokrilci m pl ent Orthoptera
ravnomjeran adj uniform, even
ravnomjerno adv uniformly, evenly
ravnomjernost f uniformity, evenness
ravnopravan adj enjoying (having, entitled to) same
rights (privilege), on an equal footing with
ravnopravno adj on an equal footing
ravnopravnost f equality
ravnostran adj geom v. tstostranian
ravnotea f equipoise; balance, counterbalance; (brodskog tereta, putnika u amcu) trim
ravnovjesje n v. ravnotea
raz m level
razabiranje n discernment, perception; (razlike) discrimination
razabirati vt v. razabrati
razabirati se vr be discernible

razabrati vt discern, make out, distinguish, detect

razagnan pp dispersed, dispelled, routed, put to flight
razagnati vt disperse, dispel, scatter, rout, put to flight,
chase in all directions
razan adj v. razni
razapet pp stretched; (jedro) spread, set, unfurled ; (na
kri) crucified; (ator) pitched
razapeti vt (napeti) stretch; (ator) pitch (a tent); (jedra)
spread (set, unfurl) sail (sva crowd sail); (na kri)
crucify, nail to cross; (tkaninu na okvir i sl) stretch on
razapeti se vr crucify oneself; fig overstretch oneself
razapinjanje n stretching; (jedra) spreading (setting,
unfurling) of sails, crowding of sails; (na kri) crucifying, crucifixion; (nadutost) flatulence
razapinj|ati vt v. razapeti | crijeva me ~u I have flatulence
razara m (brod) destroyer; (ovjek) undoer, demolisher
| nav eskortni ~ B frigate, A destroyer escort
razaraki adj destructive
razaranje n destroying, demolition, destruction; devastation, ravage, havoc; (broda) breaking up; (tvrave)
razarati vt v. razoriti
razasipati vt v. razasuti
razaslan pp sent (dispatched, forwarded, shipped, consigned) to several addresses (destinations, persons) |
okrunica je ~a muterijama the customers have
been circularized
razaslati vt send out (abroad); dispatch (ship, forward,
consign) to several addresses (persons itd.); (okrunicu) circularize
razastiranje n unfolding, spreading; extending; unfurling
razastirati vt v. razastrijeti
razastrijeti vt spread, unfold; unfurl; extend
razastrt pp spread, unfolded; extended; unfurled
razasuti vt v. rasuti
razailjanje n sending (dispatching, consigning, forwarding, shipping) to several addresses (destinations); (okrunice) circularizing
razailjati vt v. razaslati
razatkati vt unweave
razatkati se vr come apart, become unwoven
razaznati vt discern, recognize, make out, distinguish,
know from, tell apart
razaznavanje n discernment, recognizing (recognition),
making out, knowing one from another, telling apart
razbacan pp thrown about, cast about, strewn about;
littered (scattered) about
razbacati vt throw (cast, strew, litter, shed) about
razbaciva m v. rasipnik
razbacivanje n throwing (casting, shedding, littering)
about; (novca) squandering, dissipating; scattering
razbacivati vt v. razbazati
razbacivati se vr squander, dissipate; play ducks and
drakes with one's money; (hvalisati se, koiti se)
brag, bluster, boast, vaunt
razbaruiti vt v. raupati

razbatiniti vt disinherit, cut off with a shilling

razbatinjen pp disinherited
razbatinjenje n disinheritance
razbibriga f pastime, recreation, hobby
razbija m rowdy, ruffian, riotous person; (sprava)
pounding (pestling) implement
razbijanje n knocking to pieces, pounding, pestling,
shivering, smashing; (tunjava) rowdyism, fray; (komadanje) dismemberment
razbijati vt (sebi glavu) cudgel one's brains; v. razbiti
razbijeliti vt (kovinu) make whitehot, white-heat
razbijeljen pp (kovina) made whitehot, white-heated
razbijen pp broken, smashed, battered, shivered, shattered; (brod) wrecked | ~i ostaci wreckage, ruins
razbijesniti vt v. razbjesniti
razbistren pp clarified, cleared up; made clear (plain);
(shvatljiv) made intelligible (comprehensible, unmistakable, unambiguous)
razbistrenje n clearing up, making clear (lucid, plain,
intelligible, comprehensible, unambiguous); elucidation
razbistriti vt make clear; (nesporazum) clear up misunderstanding
razbistriti se vr clear up, clarify, become transparent
razbiti vt (otvoriti) break (burst) open; (bravu) force;
break in pieces (smithereens); (rastreskati) shiver
(shatter, smash, crash, dash, knock) in pieces; batter;
(vojsku) rout, beat, crush; (lagumom) blow up, blast;
(nade) dash one's hopes
razbiti se vr (brod) be shipwrecked, founder, suffer
shipwreck; (nade) be dashed to the ground, fall to the
razbjei se vr fly (run) in all directions, be dispelled,
scatter, disperse
razbjesniti vt enrage, infuriate, madden, lash into fury
razbjesnjeti se vr run mad, run amuck, get enraged (infuriated, furious)
razblaen pp calmed, assuaged, appeased, soothed
razblaiti vt appease, calm, allay, assuage, soothe, soften; tone down, take off the edge; palliate; (razrijediti) dilute
razblaiti se vr become appeased (assuaged, diluted)
razblaivanje n appeasement, assuagement, softening,
toning down, dilution
razbluda adj sensual pleasure, voluptuousness; debauchery
razbludan adj voluptuous, licentious, libidinous, sensual, debauched, lascivious; immoral
razbludnica f lascivious (licentious, lewd, unchaste)
woman; harlot
razbludnik m voluptuary, libertine, debauchee
razbludno adv voluptuously, licentiously
razbludnost f sensuality, licentiousness, debauchery
razbodriti vt v. razbuditi
razboj m loom, weaver's frame; (stroj) power-loom; gym
parallel bars pl
razbojite n battle-field, stricken field; scene of robbery
(battle, murder)
razbojnica f woman bandit

razbojnik|i adj robberlike, predatory, piratical; robber;

belonging to (of a, like a) bandit (robber, brigand,
highwayman, footpad) | ~a spilja robber's den
razbojnik m robber, brigand, bandit; (na konju) highwayman; (pjeke) footpad; (pljaka) marauder,
looter; (u Australiji) bushranger
razbojnitvo n (in) act of robbery (brigandage); a robber's life (ways)
razbojstvo n v. razbojnitvo
razboljeti se vr become (fall) ill, catch an illness, be
taken ill, fall prey to an illness, sicken
razbor m reason, common sense, mother wit, understanding; intellect, intelligence; (ostroumlje) penetration, sagacity, insight; sense; (sud) judgment, prudence | ovjek ~a intellectualist, a matter-of-fact
man; dati se voditi ~om use discretion; dovesti k ~u
bring one to his senses; doi e skoro k ~u he will
soon come to his senses; on je izgubio ~ he has taken
leave of his senses
razborit adj sensible, judicious, reasonable, prudent,
advised, rational; (trijezan) sober-minded; sagacious;
in one's right senses; having one's wits about one | ~
ovjek a man of sense
razborito adv reasonably, judiciously, sensibly, advisedly | govoriti ~ talk sense
razboritost f sense, reason, prudence, discretion; sensibleness, reasonableness, judiciousness
razbrbljati vt blab it around
razbrojati se vr mil count off
razbubnjati vt noise abroad, proclaim from the housetops
razbuditi vt make wide awake; fig rouse, pick up
razbuditi se vr become wide awake
razbuivanje n fig rousing, arousal
razbuktati vr stir up, inflame
razbuktati se vr blaze (flare) up
razdalek adj wide apart
razdaleko adv wide apart, with an interval between,
with intervening space | 5 m ~ with 5 m between,
within 5 m of one another, 5 m wide (distant) from
one another; kua ima malo, a i te su ~ there are
houses few and far between
razdaljina f v. udaljenost, razmak
razdani|ti se vr become broad day | ~lo se day breaks, it
dawns, it becomes light; kad se ~lo at daybreak, at
razdati vt finish distributing, have done distributing,
have nothing more left
razdava m distributor, dispenser
razdavanje n distribution, dispensing, dispensation,
dealing out
razdavati vt distribute, dispense, deal out, away; (dar)
gift away, parcel out, apportion; have done distributing itd.
razdebeliti se vr v. udebljati se
razderan pp torn, torn to pieces (asunder); lacerated;
ripped up, rent
razderati vt tear asunder, tear to pieces (in shreds), rip
up, rend

razderati se vr tear, become torn

razderiv adj tearable
razdijeliti vt divide, partition, separate, (davati) distribute, dispense, deal out, dole out; allot; (dar) gift away
razdijeljen pp (na dijelove) divided, separated, partitioned; (razdan) distributed, dispensed, dealt out,
doled out, parcelled out, disposed of; (dar) gifted
razdio m department, compartment, division, section,
class; (pregradak) box, stall, partition
razdioba f division, distribution, dispensation; allotment; classification; (luenje) separation
razdiranje n tearing asunder, ripping (tearing) up to
pieces (shreds)
razdirati vt v. razderati
razdjel m v. razdio
razdjeljak m (u kosi) parting | uiniti ~ u kosi part one's
razdjeljiv adj divisible, separable
razdjeljivanje n v. razdioba
razdjeljivati vt v. razdijeliti
razdjeljivost f divisibility; separability
razdoblje n period, era, (interval of) time, day
razdor m division, dissension, discord, disunion, difference, disagreement, variance; split; (pravdanje) dispute, quarrel, squabble | sijati ~ stir up discontent
(strife), sew dissension
razdragan adj overjoyed; as pleased as Punch; greatly
amused; (ushien) enraptured, blissful; delighted
razdragano adj with great joy (pleasure, delight)
razdraganost f great joy (pleasure, delight)
razdragati vt delight, amuse, divert, please very much,
make genial (jovial, mellow)
razdragati se vr be delighted (pleased); mellow
razdrapati vt v. razderati
razdraen pp irritated, exasperated, roused, stirred up,
razdraeno adv irritably, grumpily
razdraenost f irritation, temper
razdraiti vt irritate, rouse, exasperate, stir up, provoke,
razdraiti se vr become irritated (exasperated)
razdraivanje n irritating, irritation, exasperating, exasperation
razdraljiv adj irritable, excitable, irascible
razdraljivo adv irritably
razdraljivost f irritability
razdrijemati se vr get roused from dozing (napping,
razdrijeiti vt v. razvezati
razdrijeti vt v. razderati
razdrljati vt harrow, break clods with harrow
razdrljiti vt open, pull open
razdrljiti se vr open one's shirt
razdrmati vt shake up
razdrmati se vr be shaken up
razdrobiti vt break into crumbs, crumble; (u prah) powder, triturate
razdrobiti se vr crumble away, fall into fragments

razdrobljen pp crumbled, broken into crumbs (fragments, particles, powder)

razdruiti vt disunite, divide; separate
razdruiti se vr separate, part company
razduvati vt v. raspuhati
razduiti vt rid of a debt
razduiti se vr get rid of a debt
razdvajaki' adj divisive
razdvajaki'' adv divisively
razdvajanje n separation; (svaom) sowing dissension
(discord); (luenje) sifting; (kidanje) severance;
(puta) branching off, divergence
razdvajati (se) vt (vr) v. razdvojiti (se)
razdvojen pp separated; divided; disunited; isolated;
divorced; severed; detached
razdvojeno adv separately, apart
razdvojenost f separateness, detachment; separation,
partition; (nesloga) disunion, disagreement, rupture
razdvojiti vt separate; part; (zavaditi) sow dissension
(discord); (vezu) disconnect; (luiti) sift
razdvojiti se vr separate, part, split; go one's own way;
(smjer) diverge, fork off, divide
razdvojiv adj separable, detachable
razdvojivost f separability
razgaliti vt v. ogoliti, razotkriti, otvoriti
razgaliti se vr v. opustiti se, raspoloiti se
razganjati vt keep chasing (driving) about
razgarati se vr v. razgorjeti se
razgaziti vt tread flat, tread under foot, crush with foot,
tread out, trample down; break in (shoes)
razgaen pp crushed (trampled, trodden, pressed) under
feet; (cipele) broken in (iskrivljen deformed)
razgibati vt unlimber, work
razgibati se vr come into brisk motion; get some exercise; limber up
razglaba m analyser, one who parses sentences
razglabanje n analysis; gram parsing
razglabati vt analyse; gram parse
razglas m public proclamation; coll v. razglasna stanica
razglasiti vt proclaim publicly; spread news; circulate
news (rumours); make public; blaze abroad; (otkriti)
razglasi|ti se vr leak out, become generally known | vijest se ~la runour spread like wild-fire
razglasn|i adj | ~a stanica public address (abbr p.a.)
razglaen pp made publicly known; promulgated; derog
v. razvikan, ozloglasen
razglaenost f publicity; notoriousness
razglaenje n promulgation, proclamation; spreading
(circulating, propagating) news (orders itd.)
razglaivanje n v. razglaenje
razglaivati vt v. razglasiti
razglaviti vt unhinge; take apart
razglaviti se vr come unhinged; come apart
razgledati vt (grad itd.) see the sights; view; examine
closely, inspect, survey
razgledati se vr inspect (examine) oneself

razgledavanje n (grada itd.) seeing the sights, sightseeing tour; survey; viewing; close examination, inspection
razgledavati vt v. razgledati
razglednica f picture postcard
razglobiti v analyse; gram parse
razglobljen pp analysed; gram parsed
razgnjeen pp squashed, mashed; crushed into pulp
razgnjeiti vt squash, mash, crush into pulp
razgnjeviti vt make angry (exasperated), exasperate,
incense, provoke, irritate
razgnjeviti se vr become incensed (angry, exasperated);
fume, chafe, fret
razgnjevljen pp irritated, incensed, angry, exasperated
razgoliavanje n indecent exposure
razgoliti vt bare
razgoliti se vr bare oneself, take off one's clothes
razgoniti vt chase about, scatter, rout, put to flight, disperse
razgorijevanje n blazing up, flaring up
razgorjeti se vr burst into flames, blaze up, flame forth
(up, out)
razgoropaditi se vr become furious (enraged), fly into a
passion, run amuck, give vent to one's anger
razgoropaen adj enraged, furious, fuming, raging
razgoropaeno adv furiously, ragingly
razgoropaenost f enragement, fury
razgovaranje n conversation, discourse, chat, chatting,
talk, talking; (sa samim sobom) soliloquy, monologue; (s drugim) dialogue
razgovarati (se) vi (vr) converse, engage in conversation; discourse with, discuss; carry on conversation;
(o strunim stvarima) talk shop | prestani ~ o strunim stvarima sink shop; prestanimo ~ o tome let us
drop the subject
razgovijetan adj articulate, distinct; (razumljiv) intelligible, comprehensible, clear, lucid; (pismo) legible;
(ujan) audible
razgovijetno adv distinctly, intelligibly, lucidly; legibly
razgovijetnost f distinctness, articulateness, intelligibility
razgovor m conversation, discourse; discussion; talk;
(neprisiljen) chat; (udvoje) dialogue; (sa samim sobom) soliloquy, monologue; colloquy; (o tricama)
small talk, everyday talk; (kod stola) table talk; (samo
o svojoj struci) shop (talk); (u etiri oka) a talk in
private | predmet ~a subject under discussion; ona je
predmet ~a cijeloga grada she is the talk of the
razgovoran adj (upotrebljavan u razgovoru) colloquial |
~ stil colloquial language; ~ izraz colloquialism
razgovoriti vt entertain by talk; draw out
razgovorljiv adj talkative, loquacious, communicative;
(prijazan) affable; (brbljav) garrulous; chatty
razgovorljivo adv talkatively, loquaciously, communicatively
razgovorljivost f talkativeness; loquacity; affability

razgrabi|ti vt exhaust stock quickly (eagerly); snatch

and carry away quickly; (pljakati) carry off | knjigu
su ~li na jagmu the book went like hot cakes
razgrabljen pp | biti ~ be snatched (carried) away in
quick succession; (rasprodan) be sold out quickly
razgra|diti vt pull down, demolish, wreck; (rastaviti)
take to pieces | ovjek koji ~uje kue (stare brodove) knacker
razgradiv adj demolishable; take-apart
razgraen pp pulled down, demolished, wrecked; taken
to pieces, overhauled
razgraivanje n pulling down, demolishing, wrecking;
(rastavljanje) taking to pieces, overhauling; chem
razgraivati vt v. razgraditi
razgranat adj ramified; rambling; wide; diversified
razgranati vt expand; diversify
razgranati se vr ramify, branch out, shoot out into
branches, develop; (put nadvoje) bifurcate; (rairiti
se) extend branches widely; extend, expand, develop
razgranatost f rambling growth, expansion
razgranavanje n ramification; diversification; expansion, spread(ing)
razgranienje n fixing the boundaries; demarcation
razgraniiti vt fix the boundaries; demarcate
razgraniiti se vr fix mutual boundaries; draw demarcation lines; define spheres of interest
razgraniiv adj demarcable
razgranjen pp (grana) branchy; (irenje) widely expanded (extended, spread); forming a network; com
counting many customers (business connection);
razgranjenje m ramification, spread
razgranjenost f ramification, wide extent (range, scope)
razgrepsti vt scratch open (raw)
razgrijati vt v. zagrijati
razgristi vt chew up, masticate thoroughly; bite through
razgrizen pp bitten into (small) pieces, bitten through
razgrnut pp (otkriven) bared, uncovered; (zemlja) laid
bare by digging
razgrnuti vt (otkriti) bare, uncover; (zemlju) lay bare by
digging (hoeing), unearth
razgrtanje n laying bare, unearthing
razgrtati vt v. razgrnuti
razii se vr disperse, separate; (aci) break up; (ratrkati
se) scatter; (rastanak) part, say good-bye;
(neslaganje) separate, break off, part definitely;
(skuptina itd.) adjourn; (ui u likvidaciju) be wound
up; (raspustiti se) dissolve; (oblaci) clear up (away);
break with one; (zaruke) break off | raziite se! break
it up!, keep moving!
razigran adj (raspoloen) in high spirits; spirited, animated, overflowing with mirth; full of vivacity; (konj)
on one's mettle; (uzbuen) excited
razigrano adv spiritedly, animatedly; vivaciously
razigranost f excitement, high (great) spirits, great
mirth, animation
razigrati vt cause great mirth (animation, excitement)
razigrati se vr overflow (brim over) with mirth

razilazak m v. razilaenje
razilaziti se vr (nesloga) disagree, differ in opinion, dissent, be divided on; v. razii se
razilaenje n separation, parting, dispersal, breaking up;
(u miljenju) disagreement, difference, division of
razin|a f level, niveau | u istoj ~i flush with, level with,
in he same plane, on the same level; na ~i mora at
sea level; iznad (ispod) morske ~e above (below) sea
razjaan adj grown strong (sturdy, robust)
razjaati se vr become (grow) strong (sturdy, robust); v.
udebljati se
razjaditi vt v. razljutiti
razjaen pp made angry; incensed, enraged, exasperated
razjapiti (se) vt (vr) open wide
razjaren pp enraged, furious, fuming, inflamed, infuriated
razjareno adv enragedly, furiously
razjarenost f rage, fury
razjariti vt enrage, infuriate, inflame, lash into fury
razjariti se vr get enraged (furious), fume, work oneself
into a passion, run amuck, fly into a passion
razjariv adj enrageable
razjasniti vt explain, expound, elucidate, clarify, interpret, illustrate
razjasniti se vr be explained; clear up; clarify
razjanjavati (se) vt (vr) v. razjasniti (se)
razjanjen pp explained, elucidated, accounted for, unravelled
razjanjenje n explanation; elucidation; interpretation;
illustration, commentary
razjanjiv adj explicable, explainable, that can be accounted for
razjedati vt corrode
razjediniti vt disunite, fragment
razjediniti se vr become disunited (fragmented)
razjedinjavanje n disuniting, dividing, fragmenting
razjedinjen pp disunited, fragmented
razjedinjeno adj without unity
razjedinjenost f lack of unity, disunity, fragmentation
razjediti vt v. razljutiti
razjednaiti vt make different
razjednaiti se vr become different
razjesti vt v. izjesti, izgristi
razjuriti vt disperse, rout, put to flight (v. rastjerati)
razjuriti se vr v. razletjeti se
razlabaviti (se) vt (vr) v. olabaviti
razlaga m expounder, interpreter, elucidator; commentator
razlaganje n explanation, exposition, elucidation, interpretation, expounding, disquisition
razlagati' vt v. razloiti
razlagati'' vt break down
razlagati se vr disintegrate, break down
razlajati se vt start barking; bark persistently; fig start
gabbling (jabbering)
razlamati vt v. razlomiti

razlaz m separation, breaking up, dispersal; (otpust)

dismissal | ~! break it up!; mil dismissed!
razlaziti se vr v. razii se
razlei se vr sound, crash; v. razlijegati se
razletjeti se vr disperse flying; burst flying in all directions; separate running in all directions, scatter
razleati se vr lie (stay in bed) too long
razliak m bot corn-flower
razliit adj different, heterogeneous, dissimilar, diversified, incongruous; (mnogovrstan) various, diverse,
varied, manifold, distinct; (vie toga) sundry, several
| ~e boje variegated, particoloured; ~e stvari sundries
pl; to je sasvim ~o (posve neto drugo) that's another
pair of shoes
razliito adv differently, dissimilarly
razliitost f diversity, dissimilarity, heterogeneousness,
difference; variety
razlinost f v. razliitost
razlijeganje n resounding, re-echoing, reverberation
razlijegati se vr re-echo, reverberate, resound, ring
(echo) again
razlijeniti se vr become lazy (indolent, idle, sluggish,
razlijepiti vt unglue (v. odlijepiti)
razlijetanje n flying off in different directions, dispersing in flight
razlijetati se vr v. razletjeti se
razlijevanje n (prolijevanje) spilling; (toenje) outpouring, effusion; (poplava) flooding, overflowing
razlijevati vt v. razliti
razlik|a f difference; (luenje) distinction; (ostatak) balance | napadna ~ a striking difference; praviti ~u
draw (make) a distinction; (nepravedno) discriminate
(na tetu against); svi bez ~e indiscriminately, without distinction, each and all, everyone of them; za ~u
od as distinguished from, in distinction from
(opaanje) discernment; (luenje u neiju korist) discrimination; making a distinction
razlikovati vt differentiate, distinguish; discern; discriminate (against)
razlik|ovati se vr differ, vary; (ne slagati se) dissent
from; (biti protivan) contrast with | mi se razlikujemo (miljenjem) we disagree, we are divided on
razlistan pp (drvee) in (full) leaf
razlistati se vr put forth leaves
razlit pp v. razliven
razliti vt spill, pour out
razliti se vr be spilt (poured out) ; (poplava) overflow,
flow over, brim over, flood | rijeka se razlila the
river burst its banks
razlivati vt v. razliti
razliven pp spilt
razlizati vt lick all over, spread licking
razlog m reason, ground, motive; (uzrok) cause; (povod)
occasion; (temelj) foundation; (tobonji) ostensible
reason | navesti kao ~ allege (assign) as reason, state
the motive; imala je ~a da plae she cried and well
she might; imati ~a find reason; ne bez ~a not with-

out reason, with a purpose; bez ~a without rhyme or

reason; ima se ~a vjerovati here is every reason to
believe; potkrijepiti ~e substantiate, give good
grounds for
razlokati vt wash away, damage
razlokati se vr suffer damage (from water), be potholed
razlomak m fraction | obian ~ vulgar fraction; decimalan ~ decimal fraction; povratni ~ recurring fraction;
reducirani ~ abbreviation
razlomiti vt break (snap) in two, break in pieces
razlomljen pp broken in two, broken in pieces
razloan adj rational, reasonable, judicious
razloen pp explained, interpreted; taken to pieces
razloiti vt explain, interpret, demonstrate, state; (pokazati) show, expose; take to pieces; chem break down,
razloiv adj explainable; decomposeable
razlono adv reasonably, judiciously; (pametno) sagely,
razlonost f reasonableness, judiciousness
razluiti vt tell from one another, discriminate, tell
apart, distinguish, discern, know one from another;
(odijeliti) separate, sift
razluiv adj distinguishable; separable
razlupan pp broken, smashed, shattered, battered,
razlupati vt break, batter, smash, shatter, shiver, crash
razlupati se vr break, smash, shatter
razljuen pp angered, ruffled, exasperated, provoked,
excited, irritated; (jako) enraged, inflamed, incensed,
in a towering passion, wrathful
razljutiti vt anger, make angry, provoke, exasperate,
embitter, excite, ruffle; (jako) enrage, incense, lash
into fury; make one's blood boil, drive mad
razljutiti se vr get angry; (jako) foam with rage, fly into
a passion, boil over, fume; show resentment, cut up
rough, take in bad part
razmai vt move, push (shove, shift) apart (aside); make
room between
razmah m swing, flourish; fig vigorous growth
razmahan adj fig in full swing
razmahati se vr wave about; (s orujem, vitlati) brandish, flourish; fig come (be) in full swing; (pokret)
spread quickly, have free course
razmahnitati se vr v. razbjesniti se
razmahnuti vt v. tresnuti, zviznuti
razma|k m interval, interspace; (meu dva stupa) span;
distance between two objects | u ~cima at intervals; u
velikim ~cima far between
razmaknut pp pushed aside, leaving an interval
razmaknuti vt push (shove, move, shift) aside leaving
an interval
razmaknuti se vr move apart, space off
razmatanje n (zamota) unwrapping; (jedra) unfurling;
(konca itd.) unwinding; unrolling
razmatati vt v. razmotati
razmatra m meditator, speculator
razmatranje n meditation, speculation, contemplation;
musing; reflection, consideration

razmatrati vt v. razmotriti
razmaz m med smear
razmazan pp spread out (over) (butter, paint itd.),
greased (oiled) all over; blurred
razmazati vt spread out (on) all over; spread paint (mortar, plaster, itd.) all over; coat with plaster; daub
(smear, stain, soil) all over; bedaub, overspread, lay
on; blur
razmazati se vr spread all over, become spread
(smeared) all over; blur
razmaziti vt spoil, pamper (cocker, cosher) up; coddle,
pet, mollycoddle
razmaziti se vr become spoiled
razmazivanje n spreading (butter, mortar, plaster, oil,
paint itd.) all over
razmazivati vt v. razmazati
razmaen pp pampered; (dijete) spoiled, coddled; effeminate; (to se jela tie) fastidious, overnice, cockered up
razmaeno adv in a spoiled manner
razmaenost f (mekoputnost) effeminacy; (dijete, bolesnik itd.) state and result of being spoiled (cockered,
petted, coddled itd.)
razmea f boundary, dividing line
razmeiti vt draw (fix) the boundary
razmeivanje n fixing the boundaries
razmeivati vt v. razmeiti
razmekan pp softened, mollified; (tlo vodom) sodden
razmekanost f softened condition
razmekati vt soften, mollify; (tlo, vlaga) sodden; mellow; render soft (pliable, flexible, tractable)
razmekati se vr mellow, soften; (popustiti) bend, relax,
relent; become yielding (tender, flabby, tractable)
razmekavanje n softening, mollifying, mollification,
razmesariti vt cut up meat; (izmrcvariti) mangle
razmesti vt separate sweeping
razmetan adj squandering, extravagant, prodigal, wasteful, thriftless
razmetanje n (hvalisanje) showing off, vaunting, swaggering; (rastavljanje) taking to pieces, overhauling
razmetati vt move from one place to another; (razbacati) throw (litter) about; (rastaviti) take to pieces,
razmetati se vr (novcem) squander, dissipate; (hvalisanje) brag, swagger, show off, display ostentatiously,
glorify, vaunt
razmetljiv adj (hvalisav) showing off, bragging, swaggering; v. rasipan
razmetljivac m braggart, coll show-off
razmetljivo adv in a bragging manner, showing off
razmetljivost f thriftlessness, prodigality
razmetnik m v. rasipnik
razmetnost f v. rasipnost
razmetnue n (zaruka) breaking off; (ugovora itd.) cancellation, countermand
razmetnut pp (rastavljen) taken to pieces, overhauled;
(zaruke itd.) broken off

razmetnuti vt take to pieces, overhaul; (zaruke) break

off; (ugovor) annul, cancel
razmetnuti se vr (zaruke) be broken off
razmicanje n v. razmaknue
razmicati vt v. razmaknuti
razmijeniti vt change money; exchange; give in exchange loose money
razmijenjen pp (novac) changed
razmijesiti vt knead well (thoroughly)
razmijeati vt mix (blend) thoroughly
razmijeen pp thoroughly kneaded
razmiljeti se vr crawl in all directions
razmimoii se vr v. mimioi se
razmimoilaenje n disagreement, difference (of opinion)
razminirati vt clear of mines; disarm blasting charges
razminuti se vr v. raskinuti, mimoii se
razmiric|a f dissension, disagreement, misunderstanding, division; (svaa) quarrel, squabble, falling out,
controversy, dispute | sijati ~e stir up contention;
imati ~u sa be at variance with
razmisli|ti vt take into consideration, consider, deliberate, give one's consideration to; meditate, reflect;
chew the cud; revolve in one's mind; (preko noi)
take counsel of one's pillow; turn over in one's mind;
weigh, ponder upon; think over; ruminate about (on),
muse | bolje ~vi on second thoughts
razmiljanj|e n deliberation, reflection, consideration |
bez ~a (odmah) without hesitation; nakon zrela ~a
on second thoughts; rok za ~e time for consideration
razmiljati vt v. razmisliti | neprestance ~ o neemu
turn something over and over
razmjena f exchange; (robe za robu) barter | trgovinska
~ trade
razmjenljiv adj exchangeable
razmjenjivati vt v. razmijeniti
razmjer m proportion, ratio; relation; scale; symmetry
razmjera f v. razmjer; arch v. bilanca
razmjeran adj proportional, pro rata
razmjeriti vt (odvagati) weigh out; (podijeliti na dijelove) divide into parts (lots, allotments)
razmjerno adv proportionally, in proportion, rateably,
pro rata, relatively, comparatively
razmjernost f proportionality
razmjestiti vt assign place (post) to, allot place (location, position, seats); assign (shift to) another seat
razmjestiti se vr take positions, deploy
razmjestiv adj deployable
razmjetaj m arrangement, position; lay, deployment
razmjetanje n displacing, shifting from one place (seat)
to another
razmjetati vt v. razmjestiti
razmjeten pp displaced, shifted from one place (position, seat) to another
razmlaiti vt make lukewarm
razmlaiti se vr become lukewarm
razmnaanje n procreation, propagation, breeding, multiplying, increase in number

razmnaati vt v. razmnoiti
razmnoavati vt v. razmnoiti
razmnoiti vt propagate, multiply
razmnoiti se vr multiply, breed in great numbers, increase in number
razmnoiv adj procreable; multipliable
razmoen pp soaked; (tlo) sodden, softened in a liquid
razmoiti vt soak, soften in a liquid
razmoiti se vr become soaked (softened, pulpy) in a
liquid; dissolve in... to pulp (mash)
razmontirati vt dismantle
razmotan pp unwrapped, unfurled; (jedra) set, spread;
unrolled; unpacked; (konac itd.) unwound; (povoji)
unswathed, unswaddled
razmotati vt unfold, unfurl, unpack, unwind, unwrap,
unswaddle, unswathe, unroll; spread flat; (jedra) set
razmotati se vr come unfolded (unpacked, unwrapped)
razmotavanje n unwrapping, unfurling, unpacking
razmotavati vt v. razmotati
razmotriti vt examine, inspect closely, contemplate,
consider in detail (minutely)
razmrcvaren pp mangled, lacerated
razmrcvariti vt mangle, lacerate
razmrdan pp v. raskliman, oronuo, istroen
razmrdati (se) vt (vr) v. rasklimati (se), razgibati (se)
razmrsiti vt disentangle; unravel; unknot, untwist, unknit; extricate
razmrsiti se vr become disentangled (unravelled)
razmrsiv adj unravellable
razmrsivanje n disentangling, unravelling, untwisting
razmrskan pp shattered, shivered, fractured, dashed to
pieces (into fragments), smashed (in)to smithereens
razmrskanost f being shattered, shattered state
razmrskati vt dash to pieces, shatter, shiver, fracture,
smash (in)to smithereens (pl)
razmrskati se vr shatter, smash (to pieces), be shattered
razmren adj disentangled, unravelled; unknotted, untwisted
razmrviti vt crumble, break (pound, pestle) into crumbles
razmrviti se vr fall to pieces (crumbles)
razmrvljen pp crumbled, broken (pounded, pestled) into
razmuen pp made turbid by stirring; stirred (broken
egg) up in a liquid
razmuivanje n stirring to make turbid; blurring
razmuivati vt v. razmutiti
razmutiti vt stir sediment, make turbid (muddy); stir
(broken egg) into a liquid; blur
raznaanje n v. raznoenje
raznaati vt v. raznositi
raznesen pp (dostavljen) delivered; spread about; disseminated; (na komade) torn to pieces
raznesti vt v. raznijeti
razni adj different, diverse; various, sundry, miscellaneous, varied; several; of all kinds (sorts) | ~o (eventualije) Other Business

raznije|ti vt (vatru) stir the fire, blow the fire, unbank

the fire; (bomba) blow to bits; v. raznositi | ~ti na
komade tear asunder (to pieces); (u zrak) blow up (in
pieces); roba je bila raznesena na jagmu the goods
found a ready sale, met with a raipid sale, sold like
hot cakes; vijest se ~la munjevito report (news)
spread like wild fire; ~li su je na opake jezike they
pulled her to pieces
raznijeiti vt v. raznjeiti
raznobojan adj variegated, parti-coloured; (crno-bijel)
piebald; polychromatic; (aren) pied, motley;
(maka) tabby, brindled; (mrljast) dappled; (prugast)
striped, streaked
raznoimen adj having different names
raznolian adj heterogeneous, divers, sundry; manifold,
of a different kind (sort), various
raznolinost f heterogeneousness; diversity, variety,
raznolik adj v. raznolian
raznolikost f v. raznolinost
raznorodan adj heterogeneous; different
raznorodnost f heterogeneousness; difference
raznosa m deliverer (of ordered goods, errand-boy; (potar) postman, postal messenger; (glasnik) messenger; (vijesti, brbljarija) gossip(er)
raznosaica f female deliverer (of goods itd.);
(brbljarija) gossip
raznosilac m v. raznosa
raznositi vt deliver (ordered) goods, run (go on) errands;
(vijesti) spread (disseminate) news (rumours); gossip;
noise abroad
raznositi se vr (glasine) spread, circulate
raznosmjeran adj diverging, divergent
raznosmjernost n divergence
raznost f different quality; v. raznolinost
raznostran(ian) adj bounded by sides of different
length | geom ~ trokut scalene triangle
raznoenje n delivery (distribution) by carrying; (vijesti)
spreading (dissemination) of news (rumours, gossip),
noising abroad; running (going on) errands
raznovrsnost f heterogeneousness; v. raznolinost
raznovrstan adj heterogeneous; of a different kind (species, sort, quality); v. raznolian
raznjeen pp effeminate; mellowed; softened; (do suza)
in the melting mood
raznjeeno adv affectionately, tenderly
raznjeenost f effeminacy; softened mood; (do suza)
melting mood
raznjeiti vt make effeminate (delicate)
raznjeiti se vr be softened (moved, tender); become
effeminate (delicate); be moved, become affectionate
(sweet upon)
razobliiti vt v. otkriti, razkrinkati
razoaran pp disappointed, disillusioned
razoarano adv with disappointment
razoaranje n disappointment
razoarati vt disappoint, disillusion
razoarati se vr be disappointed
razoarenje n v. razoaranje

razodjenut adj undressed, unclothed, stripped of clothes

razodjenuti vt undress, unclothe
razodjenuti se vr undress
razonoda f leisure; (zabava) hobby-horse
razonoditi vt cheer up; entertain
razonoditi se vr enjoy one's leisure (free time)
razoran' pp ploughed up
razoran'' adj destructive
razorati vt plough up, break up ground
razorenje n demolition, pulling down, destruction, levelling with the ground, razing; wrecking
razoritelj m demolisher, destroyer; (starih brodova itd.)
razoriti vt wreck, demolish, destroy, pull down; level
with the ground; (zdravlje) break health
razoriv adj destructible
razorivost f destructibility
razorno adv destructively
razornost f destructiveness, power of destruction
razortaiti se vr retire from partnership, dissolve partnership
raxoruan pp disarmed; (brod, tvrava) dismantled
razoruanje n disarmament
razoruati vt disarm; (brod, tvravu) dismantle
razoruati se vr lay down (one's) arms
razotkriti vt disclose, reveal; make known; (raskrinkati)
unveil, unmask, expose; (skinuti pokrovac) uncover,
lift cover (lid); (vjetar krov itd.) unroof; bare
razotkriti se vr disclose (reveal, unmask, uncover) oneself
razotkrivanje n disclosure, revelation, unveiling, exposing, expos
razotkriven pp revealed, exposed, unmasked; bared;
razraunati se vr (s nekim) get even (square accounts)
with somebody
razraunavanje n (odmazda) paying off old scores, requital, retribution; fig show-down; (tunjava) fight
razrada f working out
razraditi vt work out in detail (thoroughly); (stroj) break
razraditi se vr get to working properly; (stroj) be broken
razraen pp worked out in detail (thoroughly)
razraenost f detailed elaboration; (stroja) broken-in
razraivanje n working out
razrasti se vr (drvo) branch out, ramify; (biljka) grow
luxuriantly (rank, lush); spread growing; (trava)
grow lush
razraten pp (granje) branched out; grown rank (luxuriant)
razred m sch B class, A grade; (koljska soba) classroom, school-room; (aci) class, B form; (meurazred) shell, remove | (vlak) prvi ~ first class; svrstati
u ~e classify, rank, assign to a class; vrstanje u ~e
razredan pp classified, sorted; ordered

-razredan suf | prvo-~ first-class, first-rate, prime; drugo-~ second-class, second-rate

razrediti vt classify, arrange; order, group, file; graduate; sort
razredni adj sch (of the) class, A+ grade | ~ nastavnik
claas-teacher; ~ starjeina v. razrednik
razredba f classification; gradation; (luenje) sorting,
sifting; (dodjeljivanje) allotment; arrangement
razrednica f B sch form-mistress, A sch (woman) homeroom teacher
razrednik m B sch form-master, A sch homeroom
razrednitvo n sch duties of a form-master (A homeroom teacher)
razreen adj classified, grouped, filed; sorted
razreiva m thinner, dilutant
razreivanje n v. razreenje
razreivati vt v. razrijediti
razrez' m (poreza) assessment
razrez'' m slit; gash; cut; slash, incision
razrezan pp cut up, cut in pieces; dissected, slashed,
gashed, slit
razrezati vt cut up (open), gash (slash) open, cut in
pieces; carve; dissect, slit
razrezati se vr be cut up; tear; v. porezati se
razrijediti vt dilute; (alkohol) qualify; rarefy, thin; (vodom) water
razrijediti se vr be (become) diluted
razrijeen adj diluted, qualified; watered
razrijeenost f dilution; dilution rate
razrijeen pp loosed; (dunosti) released; (odvezan) untied, unknotted; solved, unravelled; (sudski) acquitted; (isprian) excused; (grijeha, obaveza) absolved
razrijeiti vt (splet) loose, unloose, unravel, unknot;
(vez) untie, unbind; uncouple; (sudski) acquit; (grijeha, obveze) absolve; (ugovora) annul (cancel) contract; (vezu) dissolve connection; (dunosti) acquit
one of a duty
razrijeiti se vr untie, unravel, free oneself; become acquitted (released, absolved)
razrinue n distension by force
razrinut pp pushed (thrust) apart; (zastor) drawn, pulled
razrinuti vt push (thrust) apart (asunder), pull open
forcibly; (zastor) draw, open by means of a lever;
widen by force
razrjeivanje n dilution, rarefaction; watering
razrjeenje n loosening; untying, unknotting; (putanje)
release; (od grijeha) absolution; (optube) acquittal;
(slube) dismissal
razrjeiv adj solvable
razrjeivost f solvability
razrjenica f note of release
razrogaiti vt (oi) stare with eyes wide open
razrogaiti se vr (oi) open wide
razrojiti se vr multiply in swarms; overrun in swarms
razrok adj strabismal; (kiljav) squinting, with a cast in
the eye
razrokost f squint; a cast in the eye

razrovan pp routed (rooted) up all over

razrovati vt root (rout) up, turn up (ground) by diggings
(dug-outs itd.)
razrovati se vr become rutted
razruen pp in ruins, pulled down, demolished; broken
up, wrecked
razruiti vt wreck, demolish, pull down
razudati (se) vt (vr) v. poudati (se)
razudba f dissection, autopsy
razuditi vt dissect, anatomize; cut up in pieces; dismember
razuen pp dissected, cut up in pieces, anatomized; geog
v. razveden
razuenost f geog v. razvedenost
razularen adj (konj) unhaltered, with halter undone
(taken off); fig unbridled, ungovernable, unrestrained
razulariti vt take off the halter, unhalter
razulariti se vr fig become unbridled (ungovernable,
licentious, dissolute), give free course to one's passions, give a loose to self-indulgence
razulja f (libela) spirit-level
razum m intellect, reason, sense, mother wit, intelligence, understanding; (sud) judgment, discretion |
zdrav ~ common sense
razuman adj reasonable, sensible, rational, prudent,
razumijevanj|e n understanding, comprehension, intelligence; apprehension, grasping; (krivo) misconception, misunderstanding | nemati ~a za have no taste
(liking) for
razumijevati vt v. razumjeti
razum|jeti vt understand, comprehend, grasp, apprehend, take in; enter into the spirit | ~ije se samo po
sebi it goes without saying, it tands to reason, it is a
matter of course; to ne ~ijem this is beyond my comprehension, this is Greek to me, this is beyond me, I
cannot make head or tail of it; (nerazumljiv govor)
this is double-Dutch to me; on lako ~ije (shvaa) he
is quick-witted; on teko ~ije (shvaa) he is dullwitted; krivo ~jeti misunderstand; dao sam mu ~jeti
I gave him to understand
razum|jeti se vr understand each other (one another); (u
neto) know about, be versed in | ~ije se u svata he
dabbles in everything; on se u to dobro ~ije he is
clever at it, he is well versed in (conversant with), he
is at home in; dobro se ~iju they get along; oni se
potajno razumiju (dogovor) they act in concert (collusion)
razumljiv adj understandable; intelligible; (jasan) articulate, distinct; (ujan) audible; (zamisliv) conceivable | ~o je it stands to reason
razumljivo adv intelligibly; audibly; articulately, distinctly, plainly
razumljivost f intelligibility; distinctness, clearness;
audibleness; comprehensibility
razumno adv reasonably, prudently, sagaciously, judiciously
razumnost f reasonableness, prudence, judiciousness,
discretion, sagacity

razuiti vt med delouse, rid of lice

razuiti se vr med be deloused, get rid of lice
razuvjeravanje n dissuasion
razuvjeren pp dissuaded; undeceived, disillusioned
razuvjeriti vt dissuade; undeceive, disillusion
razuvjeriti se become dissuaded, get rid of illusions
razuzdan adj (neposluan) unbridled, intractable, perverse, refractory, unrestrained; (neudoredan) dissolute, dissipated, licentious, rakish, wanton; fast, wildliving
razuzdanac m (stega) a perverse (wild, refractory, intractable, unrestrained, disorderly) boy; (raskalaenjak) rake, debauchee
razuzdano adj wildly, perversely; licentiously, dissolutely, fast
razuzdanost f (neposluh) refractoriness, perverseness;
(raskalaenost) licentiousness, dissipation, debauchery, profligacy
razuzdati vt unbridle
razuzlan pp unknotted
razuzlati vt unknot, undo a knot, untile
razvaati vt v. razvoditi
razvaganiti se vr loll, sprawl
razvalina f ruin, wreck, wreckage
razvaliti' vt wreck, ruin, pull down
razvaliti'' vt (usta) open mouth wide, gape, stand agape
razvaliti se' vr break (burst) open
raxvaliti se'' vr sit ungainly, sprawl, loll
razvaljan pp rolled out, spread (rolling), rolled flat
razvaljati vt roll out flat
razvaljen pp demolished, wrecked, in ruins; (sruen)
pulled down
razvaljivanje n wrecking, demolishing, pulling down
razvaljivati vt v. razvaliti
razvaanje n v. razvoenje
razvaati vt v. razvoziti
razveden' pp (brak) v. rastavljen
razveden'' adj (well-)indented
razvedenost f indentedness
razvedren pp (nebo) cleared, clear, cloudless, serene
razvedrenje n clearing up, brightening up
razvedriti vt clear up, brighten up; v. raspoloiti
razvedriti se vr clear up; brighten up; become serene
razvejati vt v. razvijati, raspriti
razveseliti vt give joy, gladden, cheer up, make gay, exbilarate, delight; (zabaviti) amuse, divert
razveseliti se vr cheer up, rejoice, delight in, be rejoiced
at, be glad of, exult, brighten up, be delighted
(pleased), become merry (sprightly); (zabaviti se)
make merry; brim over with mirth; be in high spirits
razveseljen pp exhilarated, rejoicing in, cheered up,
amused at, delighted with (at), exulting at (in)
razvesti' vt (vezenje) unknit, unlace embroidery (lance);
undo lace
razvesti'' vt take (lead) to different places; (voziti) cart
(convey, deliver) to (at) different places (addresses)
razvesti (se) vt (vr) v. rastaviti (se)
razvezan pp (vrpca) unlaced, undone, untied; (spone)
unbound; (vor) unknotted; (konop) uncorded; loosed

razvezati vt untie, unbind, unknot, unlace, undo, uncord, solve, dissolve, loose
razveza|ti se vr come undone | jezik mu se ~o his
tongue became loosened
razvezen pp (voziti) carted (delivered, conveyed) to (at)
different places
razvezivanje n untying, unbinding, uncording, unknotting, undoing, unlacing
razvezivati vt v. razvezati
razvidjeti vt gather information, inquire into, investigate
razvianje n seeking information, investigation
razviati vi v. razvidjeti
razvija m photo developer | ~ za tijesto rolling pin
razvijanje n development, growth, evolution, progress
(v. razvoj); (fotografije) developing; (razmatanje)
unfurling, unfolding, spreading | dati film na ~ have
a film developed
razvijati (se) vt (vr) v. razviti (se)
razvijen pp developed, well-formed, well-grown; (razmotan) unfolded, unfurled, spread; (jedra) set
razvijenost f development, state (degree) of progress
razvikan pp much noised about, much talked of, in bad
repute, notorious
razvikanost f notoriety
razvikati vt make a noise about, proclaim from the
razvikati se vr shout all one's might, shout at the top of
one's voice
razvit pp v. razvijen
razvitak m v. razvoj
razviti vt develop; evolve; (zamot) unfurl, unfold; (jedra)
set, spread; (program) put forward; (film) develop
razviti se vr develop; (nastati) originate, arise, take rise
from, expand; evolve; mil deploy
razvjenan adj divorced
razvjenati vt divorce
razvlaen pp drawn out, stretched, lengthened, expanded, extended
razvlaeaje n distension, stretching, expanding, extending | na ~ pull-out, extension
razvlaiti vt (rijei, govor) drawl out (words); v. razvui
razvlastiti vt expropriate
razvod m divorce (v. rastava)
raxvoditi vt take (lead, conduct) to different places; eng
razvodn|i adj | ~a ploa switchboard
razvodnik m mil B lance corporal, A private first class;
eng distributor
razvodniti vt water, dilute
razvondjen pp watered, diluted
razvodnjeti se vr become watered (diluted)
razvoa m | ~ publike usher; (ena) usherette
razvoe m geog watershed, A+ divide
razvoenje n taking (leading, conducting; to different
places; eng distribution
razvoj m development, evolution; growth, progress, advance | zemlje u ~u dev loping countries
razvojaenje n demilitarization

razvojaiti vt demilitarize
raivojni adj (of) development, developmental
razvoziti vt cart off (away), convey (deliver) to different
places (addresses)
razvoenje n carting off, conveying to different places
razvrat m debauchery, immorality, corruption, dissipation, dissoluteness, licentiousness
razvratan adj licentious, dissolute, rakish, dissipated,
demoralized, debauched
razvratnik m rake, debauchee, voluptuary | stari ~ dirty
old man
razvratno adv licentiously, dissolutely
razvratnost f v. razvrat
razvri vt dissolve; (brak) divorce; (ugovor itd.) annul,
cancel, break off, countermand
razvri se vr be dissolved (annulled, cancelled)
raavrgnue n dissolution, annulment, cancellation;
(opoziv) countermand
razvrgnuti vt v. razvri
razvrijeiti se vr strike deep roots
razvrstan pp classified, arranged, placed in order, sorted
razvrstati vt classify, class; allot place (position, rank,
station), arrange, sort
razvrstati se vr be classified; take positions; be sorted
razvrstavanje n classification, arrangement, allotment
of place (position, station), sorting
razvrstavati vt v. razvrstati
razvuen pp drawn out, stretched, lengthened, expanded, extended
razvueno adv | govoriti ~ drawl
razvuenost f state of being stretched (drawn) out
razvui vt draw out, extend, expand, stretch, distend;
(tijesto) roll out; (govor) v. razvlaiti
razvui se vr (hlae) stretch, become baggy, get out of
shape; v. otegnuti se
razariti vt v. raariti
ra f rye
raa f ichth ray
raaliti se vr grieve, be afflicted, feel sore about, be aggrieved, be touched to the heart (to the quick, an a
raw place)
raalostiti vt make sad, sadden, afflict, grieve, aggrieve,
make sorry
raalostiti se vr grieve at, sadden, become distressed
(afflicted, sorrowful)
raaloen pp saddened, grieved, distressed
raaloeno adv sadly, with grief, in distress
raaloenost f sadness, grief, distress
raaljen pp grieved, aggrieved
raanj m spit, broach, roasting-spit | graditi ~, a zec u
umi count one's chickens before they are hatched
raaren pp red-hot, white-hot, incandescent
raariti vt cause to glow, heat red-hot (white-hot), incandesce
raariti se vr become red-hot (white-hot)
raen adj made of rye | ~i kruh rye-bread; ~i kola ryecake

raestiti vt make angry, incense, inflame, enrage, exasperate

raestiti se vr fly into a rage, flare up, fly out, lose one's
temper, rage, fume
ranjii m pl cul kabobs
ra f rust; (ovjek) blackguard, cad
rati vi rust, be corroded by rust
rav adj rusty, corroded by rust; v. lo
raviti vi v. rati
reafirmirati vt reassert
reafirmirati se vr reassert oneself
reagens m reagent
reagiranje n reaction(s)
reagirati vt react (na to); (na lijek) respond (to)
reakcija f reaction, response; coll pol reactionaries pl |
lanana ~ chain reaction (i fig)
reakcionar m reactionary
reakcionaran adj reactionary, reactionist
reakcionarno adv in a reactionary manner
reakcionarnost f reactionary tendency (opinions)
reaktivacija f reactivation; return to active service
reaktivan adj v. zalazni, raketni
reaktivirati vt reactivate
reaktivirati se vr return to active service; come out of
reaktor m reactor | nuklearni ~ nuclear reaetor
realac m pupil of secondary modern school
real|an adj real, existing, material, realistic, genuine;
natural; practical, not fictitious | ~an ovjek realist, a
matter-of-fact man; v. ~na gimnazija
realist m realist, a matter-of-fact man
realistiki' adj realistic
reahstiki'' adv realistically
realizacija f realisation; com sales pl
realizam m realism
realizator m realizer; (gola) scorer
realiziran pp realized; converted into money
realiziranje n v. realizacija
realizirati vt (vrednote) realize, convert into money;
(postii cijenu) fetch a prize
realizirati se vr become true, realize, come true
realka f coll v. realna gimnazija
realno adv really, in fact, positively
realnost f reality, real existence; existent thing; fact, a
matter of fact
rebarce n dim small (thin) rib | ~ svinje s mesom porkchop; ~ bravetine mutton-chop
rebrast adj ribbed | ~a ljepenka corrugated board
rebrenic|a f (aluzine, roleta) slat | ~e Venetian blinds
rebr|o n rib; (lista) vein of leaf; (broda) rib, timber of
vessel; (svoda) groin | gurkati u ~a poke
rebus m rebus
recenzent m critic, reviewer
recenzija f review, criticism
recenzirati vt review, criticize
recepcija f reception desk
recepcioner m receptionist; desk clerk
recepis m (potvrda) receipt | izdati ~ receipt

recept m cul recipe; med prescription | izraditi ~ (u ljekarni) make up a medicine, dispense, fill out a prescription
recesija f econ recession
recidiv m med & fig relapse; recrudescence
recidivist m recidivist
reeidivizam m recidivism
reciklaa f recycling
reciklirati vt recycle
recipijent m v. primalac
reciprocitet m reciprocity | vriti ~ reciprocate
reciproan adj reciprocal, two-way
reciprono adv reciprocally
recipronost f reciprocity, mutual interchange
recitacija f recitahon | zborska ~ choral speaking
recital m mus recital
recitator m reciter
recitativ m mus recitative
recitiranje n recitation
recitirati vt recite
reen pp said; (izraen) uttered, axpressed; (spomenut)
mentioned | ~o-uinjeno no sooner said than done
reenic|a f sentence; clause; phrase; (lozinka) motto;
(poslovica) proverb, saw, saying, adage; (izreka)
apophthegm | jedra ~a terse (pithy) sentence; rei u
zbitoj ~i give in a nutshell; razglabati ~u parse; razglabanje ~e parsing; glavna ~a principal sentence
(clause); zavisna ~a subordinate clause; prosta ~a
simple sentence; namjerna ~a final clause; posljedina ~a consecutive clause; odnosna ~a relative
clause; izrina ~a noun clause; sloena ~a compound sentence; stegnuta ~a contracted sentence;
usporedna ~a collateral (co-ordinate) sentence
reenini adj of a sentence (clause)
rei vt say, tell, utter; (govoriti) speak; (izrei) give utterance to; (nenadano) rap out; (izraziti se) express
by words, couch in terms; (izjaviti) declare; (iskazati
kao svjedok) depose | ~ unaprijed fortell; ~ ponovo
repeat; tako ~ so to speak, as it were, as I may say; ~
bobu bob, popu pop call a spade a spade; to sam ba
htio ~ you have taken the word out of my mouth, I
had it at the tip of my tongue, I was going to say; ~
zbogom say (bid) farewell (goodibye); ~ istinu speak
(tell) the truth; rekao sam mu svoje miljenje I gave
him a piece of my mind; rekao sam mu to ga ide
(ukor) I sent him away with a flea in his ear; ~ u uho
whisper in one's ear; sto hoes s time ~? what do you
mean by it?; s time hou ~ I mean to say...; rekli su
mi da... I have been told...; ~ nekomu to da kaze
put words into one's mouth; rekao sam svoje I said
my say; (to mislim) I spoke my mind; reci bez okolianja don't beat about the bush; to e ljudi ~? what
will Mrs Grundy say?; nije vrijedno ~ (trica) nothing to speak of; reci otvoreno! speak out (up); ukratko reeno the long and he short of it is; ~ i porei
eat one's words; to ree, ne poree he kept his
word, he did not go back upon his word; recimo let us
say, say, suppose; recimo da je istina suppose it is
(were) true; ~ da agree, consent, say yes; ~ ne say no,

refuse, say nay; to e ~ that is, that is to say; to e to

~? what is the meaning of this?; s pravom moes to
~ you may well say so; reci to ima ~ say away; ne
moe se ~ kada there is no saying when; teko je ~...
it is hard to say...; nije smio nita ~ u toj stvari he
had no say in the matter; reci s kim se druis, pa u
ti ~ tko si tell me who your associates are and I'll tell
you who you are
reini m pl It v. naunice
red m (poredak) order; (sjedala, aparata) row, tier; (ljudi) file; (niz) string, file, range; (slijed) succession,
train, series, sequence; (raspored) arrangement; (stanje stroja, broda itd.) trim; (pristojnost) propriety;
(pravilnost) regularity; (izmjena) turn, shift; (urednost) tidiness; (sloj) layer; (stupanj) rank; (tok)
course; (dekoracija) order, decoration; (crkveni) holy
order; (bojni) battle array, order of battle; (ljudi koji
ekaju) B queue, A line; (kolona po jedan) single file,
Indian file | ~ predavanja curriculum, syllabus; ~
nauka thnetable; ~ vonje B time-table, A schedule;
viteki ~ order of knights; bez ~a in disorder; (zaostajui) straggling; prije ~a before one's time (turn); u
~u (kako treba) in due order; to nije u ~u this is not
as it should be, this is not right (proper); raun je u
u the billl (account) is correct; stupiti u ~ (postati redovnik) take holy orders; (redovnica) take the veil;
drati ~ keep order; staviti u ~ put in order, tidy; on
voli ~ he is orderly (tidy); pozvati na ~ call to order;
na meni je ~ it is my turn; itali smo po ~u we read
by turns (turn and turn about, one after another); dva
dana za ~om two days in succession, two days at a
time; two days at a stretch; na kome je ~? whose turn
is it? dva i dva u ~u by twos; po ~u in rotation (succession); izvan svog ~a out of one's turn; sve od ~a
without skipping; u ~u je it is fair and square; brod
je u potpunom ~u boat is in perfect trim; sada je
stvar u ~u the matter is settled now; u glavi mu nije
sve u ~u there's screw loose in his head; u prvom ~u
primarily, first of all, in the first place; ekati u ~u B
queue, A line up
redak m line; (stih) verse | ~ po ~ line upon line
redakcija f (prostorija) editorial office(s); (osoblje) editorial staff; (redigiranje) editing
redakcijski adj editorial | ~ odbor editorial board, board
of editors
redaktor m sub-editor; revisor
redaktorski adj sub-editing; revision
redalica f v. ravnalo
redanje n arranging; ranging in rows (ranks)
redar m maker (keeper) of order; (straar) policeman,
constable, police officer; (u graanskom odijelu)
plain clothes man; sch monitor
redarski adj of (belonging to) a policeman (monitor)
redarstveni adj v. policijski | ~ sat curfew
redarstvenici m pl the policemen, the constabulary
redarstvo n (dunost redara) monitor duty; v. policija
redatelj m arranger; regulator; (filmski) director; (kazalini) B producer, A director manager, stagemanager; usher

redateljica f woman arranger; woman-director

redateljstvo n office (duties, rank) of an arranger (manager)
redati vt arrange (range) in rows (ranks, files, tiers,
lines, a sequence); draw up in lines (strings, files,
redati se vr range in rows (files, line, queue, string); v.
smjenjivati se, izmjenjivati se
redekorirati vt remodel
redengot m redingote
redenik m mil cartridge belt
redigirati vt edit; rewrite
redistribucija f redistribution
redistribuirati vt redistribute
reditelj m v. redatelj
rediti vt put in order, tidy up; (sobu) do the room;
(konja) keep clean; (eati) curry (dress) a horse;
look after
rediti se vr tidy oneself
redni adj | ~ broj ordinal number
redom adv one after another, successively, by turns,
without interruption | triput ~ three times running (at
a stretch); i tako ~ and so on (forth)
redoslijed m order, sequence, chronology
redov m arch mil v. obian vojnik
redov|an adj regular, ordinary; usual, customary; normal
| ~ni lan full member
redovit adj v. redovan
redovito adv regularly, ordinarily, normally; usually
redovitost f regularity
redovnic|a f sister, nun, religious sister | otii u ~e become a nun, fig take the veil; samostan za ~e convent, nunnery
redovniki adj monkish, of monks, monastic; of (belonging to, like) nuns | ~ zavjet monastic vow
redovnik m friar, monk, brother, religious; regular | ~ na
pokus novice
redovnitvo n religious orders; monastic life; monkery,
monkhood, monkish practices
redovno adv regularly, usually, ordinarily, normally
redovnost f regularity
reducirati vt reduce, cut (down)
reducirati se vr be reduced (cut down)
redukcija f reduction, cut
redukcijski adj eng reducing, reduction
reduktor m eng reducer; chem reductor
redupliciran pp reduplicated
redupliciranje n reduplication, doubling
reduplicirati vt reduplicate, double
reduplicirati se vr redouble
reduplikacija f reduplication, doubling
redua f woman monitor, woman on duty
reanje n v. redanje
reati vt v. redati
reenje n ordaining, conferring holy orders
reeksport m reexport
reeksporter m reexporter; reexport firm
reeksportni adj reexport(ing)
refektorij m RC refectory

referada f section, sector, desk

referat m report | odrati ~ read a paper; pol submit a
referenc|a f reference | tko su vae ~e? who are your
referendum m referendum | odrati ~ hold a referendum
referent m officer (in charge of); (podnositelj referata)
rapporteur, speaker | personalni ~ pereonnel officer
referirati vt refer (na to); v. odrati referat
refleks m psych & fig reflex
refleksan adj reflex
refleksija f reflection; meditation
refleksivan adj reflexive
refleksno adv reflexly
reflektant m prospective buyer; aspirant
reflektira|ti vi | ~ti na be interested in; ~ti na neku robu be in the market for an article; mi ~amo na tu
robu we should like (are ready) to buy these goods
reflektirati se vr v. odraziti se
reflektor m reflector; (pomini) search-light | osvijetljen
~ima floodlit
reforma f reform
reformacija f reformation; hist Reformation
reformator m reformer
reformiran adj reformed
reformiranje n reforming
reformirati vt reform
reformist m reformist
reformistiki adj reformist, reform-minded
reformizam m reformism, reform-mindedness
refrakcija f phys refraction
refren m refrain
reful m It v. nalet vjetra
refundacija f refund, reimbursement
refundirati vt refund, reimburse
regal m wall-unit | pregradni ~ room-divider
regalije f pl regalia
regata f sp regatta
regbi' m sp v. ragbi
regbi'' adv as if; you might say
regeneracija f regeneration, reform, improvement
regenerativan adj regenerative
regenerator m eng regenerator; (za kosu) hairconditioner
regeneriran pp regenerated, reformed, improved;
(guma) reclained; recycled
regeneriranje n regeneration
regenerirati vt regenerate, reform; (stari materijal) recycle
regenerirati se vr be regenerated; fig re-charge one's
regent m regent
regentica f female regent
regentsk|i adj | ~o vijee Regency Council
regentstvo n Regency
regetaljka f v. egrtaljka
regetati vi v. egrtaii, kreketati
regija f region

region m region
regionalan adj regional
regionalizam m regionalism
regionalno aIdv regionally
regionalnost f regional character, regionalismregist|ar m file, records pl, register; roll (list) of names
itd. | glumac velikog ~ra actor of wide range
registar-kasa f cash-register
registarsk|i adj | mot ~a tablica B number plate, A license plate
registracija f registration; (upis) enrolment, registry
registrator m registrar, official recorder, keeper of records; (za spise) filing folder, binder
registratura f registry (office)
registriran adj registered; (upisan) enrolled, on file,
registriranje n registration, enrolment, registry
registrirati vt register, enter in register (book); record,
enrol; list, enter in a list
registrirati se vr register, get registered; coll be married
in a civil ceremony, enter a civil marriage
regnmantl m Ger v. kini ogrta
regres m v. refundiranje
regresija f regression
regresirati' vi regress, retrograde
regresirati'' vt v. refundirati
regresivan adj regressive
regresivno adv regressively
regresivnost f regressiveness
regrut m mil recruit
regrutiranje n recruitment | ~ kadrova recruitment of
regrutirati vt recruit, enlist recruits
regrutirati se vr be recruited (iz from)
regrutn|i adj | mil ~a komisija A draft board
regulacija f regulation; (rijeke) improvement (amelioration) of the river course
regulacijski adj regulation, regulatary
regularan adj regular, constant, systematic, orderly;
regularno adv regularly
regularnost f regularity
regulativa f collect regulations pl, regulatory rules pl,
controls pl
regulator m regulator; eng governor
reguliranje n regulation, regulating
regulirati vt regulate, control, adjust; (rijeku) improve a
river's course
regulirati se vr be regulated
rehabilitacija f rehabilitation (i med)
rehabilitiran pp rehabilitated
rehabilitirati vt rehabilitate
rehabilitirati se vr be rehabilitated
rehniber m Ger v. logaritamsko raunalo
reinkarnacija f reincarnation
reinkarniran pp reincarnate
reinkarnirati vt reincarnate
reinkarnirati se vr be reincarnated
reizabrati vt reappoint; univ renew somebody's tenure

reizbor m reappointment; univ tenure renewal

reizbornost f univ tenure review; eligibility for reappointment
rejon m v. rajon, podruje, opina; text rayon
rekapitulacija f recapitulation
rekapitulirati vt recapitulate
rekcija f gram government
reket m (teniski) racquet, racket; (za stolni tenis) paddle
rekla-kazala f hearsay
reklam|a f publicity, advertisement, advertising; (na TV)
commercial; (pretjerana) puffing, puffery | praviti ~u
advertize; (pretjerano) puff; svjetlosna ~a neon (illuminated) sign
reklamacij|a f complaint, claiming back, asking restitution of | odio za ~e complaints department
reklamiran pp advertised; (that has been) claimed back
(asked to be restituted)
reklamiranje n advertising; v. reklamacija
reklamirati vt advertise; complain (about)
reklamni adj advertising, publicity, promotional
rekompenzacija f recompensation
rekompenzirati vt recompense
rekonstruirati vt reconstruct; (dogaaj) re-enact
rekonstrukcija f reconstruction; re-enactment
rekonvalescencija f med convalescence
rekoavalescent m med convalescent
rekonvalescentski adj med convalescent
rekord m record, best performance (feat) | postaviti ~ set
a record; nadmaiti ~ break (beat) a record
rekord|an adj | ~i broj record number
rekorder m sp & fig record-holder
rekordno adv | ~ visok record-high
rekreacija f recreation
rekreacijski adj | ~ centar recreation centre
recreiranje n re-creation
rekreirati vt recreate
rekreirati se vr recreate, take recreation
rekriminacija f recrimination, retort, accusation
rekriminiran pp recriminated
rektalan adj anat rectal
rektalno adv med rectally
rektificirati vt chem rectify
rektifikacija f chem rectification
rektor m head of university; B univ chancellor (poasni;
zamjenik, pravi rektor: vice-chancellor); A univ
president: head, provost, principal
rektorat m univ vice-chancellor's (A president's) office(s), A Administration Building
rektorski adj rectorial; B univ vice-chancellor's, A univ
rektorstvo n univ B vice-chancellorship, A presidency
rektum m anat rectum
rekvijem m eccl & mus requiem
rekviriranje n requisitioning; commandering
rekvirirati vt requisition, press into service, commandeer
rekvizicija f requisition, commandeering
rekviziter m theat & film property man, prop-manager
rekviziti m pl equipment; theat stage properties

relacija f relation | na dugim ~ma long-distance

relaksacija f relaxation
relaksiran pp relaxed
relaksirano adv in a relaxed manner
relaksirati (se) vt (vr) relax
relativan adj relative, comparative, proportioned to;
relativist m phil relativist
relativistiki adj phil relativistic
relativitet m | phys teorija ~a theory of relativity
relativizam m phil relativism
relativno adv relatively, comparatively
relativnost f relativity
relegiran pp relegated, banished; transferred to another
relegiranje n relegation, banishment; (prijenos) transfer
of authority
relegirati vt relegate; (protjerati) banish
relej m el relay
relejn|i adj el | ~a stanica relay station
relevantan adj relevant
relevantno adv relevantly
relevantnost f relevance
reli m mot rally; stock-car rally
religij|a f religion; (nauka) creed | bez ~e religionless
religijski adj religious
religiozan adj religious, pious; (pretjerano) religiose
religiozno adv religiously
religioznost f religiosity, piety
relikt m relict
relikvija f relic; (uspomena) memento, souvenir
relikvijar m eccl reliquary
relist m mot rally-driver
reljef m (high) relief; geog relief
reljefn|i adj | ~a karta relief map; fig ~ opis plastic
(graphic) description
reljefno adv fig plastically, graphically
remeenje n disturbance, dislocation, derangement, perturbation
remek-djelo m master-piece, chef-d'oeuvre
remen m strap; (za britvu) strop; (pogonski) transmission belt; (bia) thong; (kao uzica) latchet | batine
~om (djeci) strap-oil (fig)
remenac m narrow strap, thong; (uzica cipele) latchet
remenar m saddler, harness-maker, belt-maker
remenarija f harness shop (A store)
remenarski adj saddler's; used (made) by (belonging to)
a saddler
remenje n collect straps; (orma) harness, belts
remeta m v. pustinjak
remetiti vt dislocate, derange, put into disorder, perturb
remetiti se v become dislocated (disordered, deranged)
remi' m (ah) draw
remi'' m car rummy
remilitarizacija f remilitarization
remilitarizirati vt remilitarize
reminiscencije f pl reminiscences pl
reminiscirati vi reminisce
remisija f med remission

remitent m payee
remiza f car-shed; tram-depot
remizirati vi (ah) play to a draw
remont m repair(s); (generalni) overhaul
remontni adj repair; overhaul
remorkaa f towing
remorker m tugboat
remorkirati f tow
rende n Tur v. blanja, ribe
rendeisati vt v. rendisati
rendes m coll v. randevu, sastanak
rendgen m med X-ray machine | ii na ~ go for an X-ray
rendgenogram m med X-ray
rendgenolog m med radiologist
rendgenologija f med radiology
rendgenoloki adj med radiological
rendgensk|i' adj med | ~i aparat X-ray machine; ~a
snimka X-ray; ~e zrake X-rays; ~i tehniar X-ray
technician; ~i pregled X-ray examinatioin
readgenski'' adv | med ~ snimiti X-ray
rendisaljka f Tur v. ribe, blanja, blanjalica
rendisati vt Tur v. ribati, blanjati, strugati
renegat m renegade, apostate, deserter, turncoat
renegatstvo n renegation, apostasy; desertion
renesansa f hist Renaissance; fig renaissance, revival
renesansni adj of the renaissance, of the times (in the
style) of the renaissance
renome m reputation (v. ugled, glas)
renomiran adj renowned, established, reputable
renomirati vt make renowned, establish
renoviranje n renovation, restoration
renovirati vt renovate, restore
renta f annuity
rentabilan adj profitable, lucrative
rentabilno adv profitably, lucratively
rentabilnosi f profitability, lucrativeness
rentgen m v. rendgen
rentijer m person of private means (of independent income)
rentirati vt v. iznajmiti
rentirati se vr v. isplatiti se
reon m v. rajon
reorganizacija f reorganization
reorganiziran pp reorganized
reorganizirati vt reorganize
reorganizirati se vr reorganize, get reorganized
reorijentacija f reorientation
reorijentirati (se) vt (vr) reorient
reosiguranje n re-insurance
reostat m el rheostat
rep m tail; (povlaka) train; (niz ljudi) v. red | bez ~a
tailless; to nema ni glave ni ~a this is rank (rotten)
nonsense; lisiji ~ brush; mahati ~om wag; kusast ~
(konja, psa) docked tail, bob-tail
repa f turnip; (eerna) sugar-beet; (stona) animal beet
| vedska ~ B Swedish turnip, A rutabaga; bijela (vrzina) ~ turnip (Brassica rapa)
reparabilan adj reparable
reparabilnost f reparability

reparacije f pl reparations pl
reparatura f repair (v. popravak)
reparirati vt repair (v. popraviti)
repat adj tailed
repatica f astron comet
repatrijacija f repatriation
repatrirac m repatriated person, repatriate
repatriranje n repatriation
repatrirati vt repatriate, return one to native land
reperkusij|a f repercussion | imati ~ have repercus ions
repertoar m repertoire
repertoarn|i adj | ~o kazalite repertoire theatre
repete n coll (jela) seconds pl, another helping; fig encore
repetent m v. ponavlja
repeticij|a f repetition; (uenje) revision; (pokus) rehearsal | arch davati ~e v. instrukcija
repetirati vt repeat; (uenje) revise; (puku) reload
repetirka f v. brzometka
repetitor m tutor; el repeater
repetitorij n review hook, refresher course
repica f bot rape | uljana ~ (Rapa oleifera )
repini adj (of) rape
repi m dim little tail
repina f aug big (huge, fat) tail
replicirati vt retort
replica f replica; (kopija) facsimile
repni' adj anat tail, candal
repni'' adj of beet (turnip) | ~ eer beet-sugar
reportaa f report, story; (novinarski anr) reportage
reportan|i adj | ~a kola mobile televtsion unit
reporter m reporter
reportirati vi report (o on, about), cover
repozitorij m repository; receptacle
represalije f pl | poduzeti ~ take reprisals against
represija f repression
represivan adj repressive
represivno adv repressively
represivnost f repressiveness
reprezentacij|a f representation | sp dravna (kolska)
~ national (school) team; dodatak na ~u representation (entertainment) allowance
reprezentant m representative
reprezentativac m sp member of national (school itd.)
reprezentativan adj representative
reprezentativnost f representative quality
reprezentiranje n representation
reprezentirati vt represent
repriza f (filma) re-run; theat revival; repeat performance
reprizni adj seoond-run, re-run
reproduciranje n reproducing, reproduction
reproducirati vt reproduce; play back
reproducirati se vr reproduce oneself
reprodukcija f reproduction; mus play-back | proirena
~ expanded reproduction; production-capacity expansion

reproduktivan adj reproductive

reproduktivnost f reproductiveness
repromaterijal m econ production materials
reptil m zoo reptile
republiki adj Republic-; state
republika f republic
republikanac m republican
republikanizam m republicanism
republikanski adj republican
republikanstvo n republicanism
reputacija f reputation
rerna f Ger v. penica
resa f fringe; tassel; (uperak) tuft; (kukuruza) beard;
(vrbe, lijeske) catkin
resast adj fringed, tufted, tasselled
resecirati vt med resect
resekcija f med resection
resica f anat (u grlu) uvula; (uha) (ear) lap; (ukras) v.
resiti vt adorn, ornament, beautify, decorate, embelish;
(napirlitati) bedizen
reskirati vt v. riskirati
reskost f sharpnesa, pungency
reskript m rescript
resor m department, sphere, field; competence; (ministarski) portfolio
resorbiranje n resorption
resorbirati vt resorb
resorbirati se vr be resorbed
resorpcija f resorption
respekt m respect
respektabilan adj respectable
respektabilnost f respectability
respektirati vt respect
respirator m med respirator
restati vt cul Ger v. pirjati
restauracija f (gostionica) restaurant; (obnova) restoration, renovation | vrtna ~ garden restaurant; beergarden
restaurator m (umjetnina) restorer
restauriran pp restored, renovated
restauriranje n restoration, renovation
restaurirati vt restore, renew, renovate
restitucija f restitution
restituirati vt restitute
restl m Ger v. ostatak
restoran m v. restauracija
restorater m restaurant owner (operator)
restrikcija f restriction
restriktivan adj restrictive
restriktivno adv restrictively
restriktivnost f restrictiveness
restringirati vt restrict
resurekcija f resurrection
resursi m pl econ resources pl
re adj cul Ger crisp; well-done
reetan pp sieved, sifted, riddled
reetanje n sifting, screening, riddling; fig sharp criticism, carping

reetar m sieve-maker
reetarija m sieve-maker's trade (shop)
reetarski adj of a sieve-maker
reetati vt sift, screen, riddle; (vijati) fan, winnow; (kritizirati) criticize sharply, cavil, carp; (klevetati, ogovarati) backbite, talk scandal
reetka f grate, grating, railing, wire-netting; (rotilj)
grill; (jaka) cross-bars; screen; (drvena) trellis, lattice
reetkast adj like a screen (grate), latticed
reeto n riddle, coarse sieve | uzeti koga na sito i ~ criticize severely, cut one up
reo m hot-plate; (plinski) gas-ring
repekt m v. respekt
retardiran adj retarded (v. zaostao)
retencija f retention
reterirati vi v. povui se
retoriar m rhetor, rhetorician
retoriki' adj rhetorical
retoriki'' adv rhetorically
retorika f rhetoric
Retoroman m Rhaeto-Romanian speaker
retoromanski adj Rhaeto-Romanian
retorta f chem retort
retroaktivan adj retroactive
retroaktivno adv retroactively
retroaktivnost f retroaction, retroactivity
retrogradan adj retrograde
retrogradno adv retrogradely
retrospekcija f retrospection
retrospektiva f retrospective
retrospektiv|an adj retrospective | ~na izloba retrospective show (exhibition), retrospective
retrospektivno adv retrospectively
retrovizor m mot rear-view mirror
retur adj v. povratni
retu m photo retouch(ing)
retuer m photo retoucher
retuirati vt retouch, touch up
reuma f coll rheumatism
reumatian adj rheumatic
reumatiar m rheumatic
reumatino adv rheumatically
reumatinost f rheumatic quality
reumatizam m rheumatism
revakcinacija f med revaccination
revakcinirati vt med revaccinate
revalorizacija f revalorization, revaluation; reappraisal
revalorizirati vt revalue; reappraise
revalvacija f fin revaluation
revalvirati' vt fin revalue
revalvirati'' vi be revalued
revan adj eager, keen; anxious; (gorljiv) ardent, fervent,
zealous; (marljiv) studious, diligent; intent upon, devoted to; (prerevan) hasty
revan m (osveta) revenge, retaliation; (milo za drago)
tit for tat | ~ utakmica return game
revanirati se vr (za uslugu) return a favour; (osvetiti
se) retaliate, repay with evil, requite with
revanist m pol revenge-seeker, revanchist

revanistiki adj pol revenge-seeking. revanchist

revanizam m pol revenge seeking, revanchism
revanje n braying
revati vi bray
rever m lapel
reverenda f eccl cassock
revers m (potvrda) receipt
revidiran adj revised
revidiranje n review, revision
revidirati vt (pregledati) revise, review; reconsider
revija f (list) review; (muzika) musical; (modna) fashion show
revijalan adj v. revijski
revijsk|i adj review; show | ~a plesaica chorus girl
revir m beat; area | lovaki ~ hunting grounds pl
revizija f revision, review, reconsideration; print page
proofs pl
revizioni adj revising, review(ing); fin auditing
revizionist m pol revisionist
revizionistiki adj pol revisionist
revizionizam m pol revisionism
revizor m revisor, re-examiner; fin auditor
revno adv eagerly, zealously, fervently
revnosno adv v. revno
revnost f eagerness, zeal, keenness; fervour, ardour
revnostan adj v. revan
revolt m revolt; indignation
revoltirati vt make indignant, antagonize
revoltirati se vr become indignant
revolucij|a f revolution | dignuti ~u start a revolution
revolucionar m revolutionary
revolucionaran adj revolutionary
revolucionirati vt revolutionize
revolucionirati se vr become revolutionized
revolver m revolver, gun
revolvera m gunman, sl gunslinger
revolverak|i adj fig cheap, sensational | ~a tampa gutter press
rez m cut, slice; (raspor) slash, gash; (urez) incision;
(prorez) section, cutting; (rova) score, notch, nick;
(karama) snip | med carski ~ Caesarian section
reza f Tur v. zasun
reza m cutter, trimmer
rezai adj cutting, carving
rezak adj sour, acid, tart; biting
rezalite n mar breaker's yard
rezan pp cut, sliced; (razrezan) carved; (obrezan)
pruned; (piljen) sawn
rezanac m cul noodle
rezanje n cutting; (na krike) slicing; (mesa) carving;
(piljenje) sawing; (trsja, granja) trimming, pruning,
rezati vt cut, slice; (meso) carve; (piliti) saw; (granje)
prune, lop, trim; (urezati) incise; (peat itd.) sink,
chase, grave
rezbar m engraver, carver; (peata itd.) die-sinker
rezbarenje n carving; engraving, die-sinking; (rezuckanje) whittling
rezbarija f carving, carved piece of work

rezbariti vt carve; engrave; sink dies

rezbarski adj carving
rezbarstvo n carving trade
rezeda f reseda
rezerv|a f (zaliha) reserve | ~e nafte oil reserves
rezervacij|a f (indijanska) reservation; (karata, soba i
sl) booking, A+ reservation | izvriti ~u sobe v. rezervirati
rezervat m (divljai) game preserve; wildlife refuge
rezerviran pp reserved; (utljiv) reserved, uncommunicative
rezervirano adv reservedly
rezerviranost f aloofness
rezerviranje n reserving, setting apart; booking, reservation
rezervirati adj reserve, set apart for; book | ~ sobu book
a room, make a room reservation
rezervist m mil reservist
rezervni adj reserve, spare | ~ dijelovi spare parts,
spares; ~ oficir reserve officer
rezervoar m resorvoir, tank
rezidencija f (zgrada) residence, mansion
rezidirati vi (slubeno) be in residence
rezignacija f resignation; v. ostavka
rezigniran adj resigned
rezignirano adv resignedly
rezignirati vi be resigned, suffer (endure) uncomplainingly; v. podnijeti ostavku
rezime m rsum, summary, abstract, epitome
rezistencija f med resistance
rezistentan adj med resistant
reznik m vine-shoot
rezolucij|a f resolution | primiti ~u pass (adopt) a resolution
rezolutan adj v. odluan
rezon m v. razlog
rezonancija f resonance
rezonantan adj resonant
rezonator m resonator
rezoner m reasoner
rezoniranje n reasoning, reflection
rezonirati vi reason, reflect; mus resound, reverberate
rezotina f big piece cut out (off)
rezultanta f phys resultant
rezultat m result; (uinak) effect; (posljedak) consequence, offshoot, upshot, issue; sp score
rezultirati vi result (in)
rezus m zoo rhesus monkey | med ~ faktor rhesus factor
reanj m slice; anat lobe
reanje n (psa) growling, snarling, showing the teeth
reati vi (pas) snarl, growl
reija f (trokovi pogona) overhead; (filmska) direction;
(kazalina) production
reijski adj overhead | ~ trokovi overhead expenses
reim m rgime; regulations | ~ ispita examination system
reimlija m regime supporter
reimski adj regime, pro-regime, regime-backed
reirati vt film direct; theat stage, produce

reiser m (filmski) director; (kazzlini) producer

rib|a f fish | jato ~a shoal, school; loviti ~u fish; (udicom) angle; uzgoj ~e pisciculture; uti kao ~a he is
mute as a fish; prodava ~e fishmonger (prodavaica fishwife); slana ~a salt fish; morska ~a sea-fish;
slatkovodna ~a fresh-water fish; fig sitna ~ a small
ribanje n scrubbing, rubbing; (struganje) grating
ribar m fisherman
ribarenje n fishing, fishery
ribarica f (prodavaica) fishwife; fisherwoman; v. ribarski brod
ribarija f fishing trade
ribariti vi catch fish, be employed in fishery
ribarnica f (gradska) fish-market; (trgovina) B fishmonger's shop, A fishmarket
ribarsk|i adj used (employed) by fisherman, fishing | ~a
mrea fishing-net; ~a industrija fishing industry; ~i
brod fishing-boat, smack
ribarstvo n fishing trade, fishery, fisheries pl; (ribogojstvo) pisciculture
ribati vt Ger scrub, rub; (strugati) grate
ribe m cul grater
ribica f dim little fish | zlatne ~e goldfish
ribi m reg angler
ribiz m bot currant
riblj|i adj fish, of fish, for fish, piscine | ~a kost fish
bone, (kitova) whale-bone; ~i mjehur fish bladder;
~a peraja fin; ~i mrijest filsh yawn; (mujaka) milt,
(enke) roe; ~e ulje fish-oil, train-oil
ribnjaarstvo n fish-farming
ribnjak m fish-pond, piscina
ribogojstvo n pisciculture
ribokradica f fish-poacher
ribolov m fishing, fishery | podvodni ~ spear-fishing
ribolovac m angler
ricinus m (ulje) castor oil
riet m (jelo) barley-groats boiled with beans; (zbrka)
medley, pell-mell, confusion; nonsense
ridanje n sobbing, convulsive weeping
ridati vi sob, weep convulsively
ri adj reddish-brown, sorrel, bay, foxy
rian m (konj) bay, sorrel
riast adj v. ri
riobrad adj red-bearded
riokos adj fox-haired, sandy
riovka f zoo common adder
rif m (lakat) ell
rifljaa f Ger wash(ing)-board
rifljati vt Ger v. ribati
riganje n v. povraanje, bljuvanje
rigati vt v. povraati, bljuvati
rigl m Ger v. zasun
rigorozan adj rigorous
rigorozno adv rigorously
rigeroznost f rigorousness
rije m word, uttering, say, saying; (izraz) term, expression, phrase; (obeanje) promise, parole; (obveza)
engagement, pledge; (govor) speech, language | ne-

mila ~ hard (cruel) word; materinska ~ mothertongue; lijepe (laskave) ~i flattering (fair) words;
iron velike (hvalisave) ~i big words, bluff; proste ~i
foul language; prazne ~i empty (idle) words; puste
~i mere words; slatke ~i flattering words; fig Boja ~
Gospel; gram korjenita ~ root word; gram izvedena
~ derivative; gram sloena ~ compound word; novoskovana ~ newly coined word; tvorba ~i formation
of words; jednoslona ~ monosyllable; dvoslona ~
dyssylable; tako mi ~i upon my word; ovjek od malo ~i a man of few words, laconic (taciturn) person;
on je krt ~ima he speaks in monosyllables; s par ~i
in short; the long and the short of it is; od ~i do ~i
verbatim, word for word; (doslovce) literally; ni ~i
vie! stop talking!, have done talking!; to no ~ as
the saying is; pametnome i jedna je ~ dovoljna a
word to the wise; ~ u pravo vrijeme a word in season; ~ u nepravo vrijeme a word out of season; ne ~i
nego djela not words but deeds; ~ju i djelom in word
and deed; zastarjela ~ archaic word, archaism;
izumrla ~ obsolete word; ~ obinog (ne knjievnog)
govora colloquialism; pun ~i verbose; (upljih) grandiloquent; on je pun ~i kao ipak kotica he has the
gift of the gab, he would talk a horse's hind leg off,
he is given to talking; ~ mi je na jeziku I have it at
the tip of my tongue; nisam mogao doi do ~i I could
not cut in a word; jednom ~i briefly, in a (one) word,
to sun up; igra ~ima pun, play on words; to su doslovno njegove ~i these are his very words; nesuvisle
~i (zbrka) rigmarole; bez ~i speechless, dumbfounded; izvrtanje ~i quibbling, equivocatiion; priznato znaenje ~i acception; struna ~ technical
word (term); on ne ree ni ~i vie he remained silent; ~ je o... the point in question is..., the subject
under discussion is..., the speech is about...; otre ~i
high (angry) words; upasti u ~ interrupt one; povesti
~ o... introduce (broach) a subject, bring on the carpet; gutati ~i slur over words; uzeti ~ begin to
speaik, address the house (meeting); moliti ~ ask
permission to speak (deliver a speech); asna ~ word
of honour; dati ~ pledge one's word; voditi glavnu ~
be the spokesman of; on vodi glavnu ~ he is the
spoksman; vagati ~i weigh one's words; okolati
~ima mince words; ~ po ~ i oni se potukoe words
were followed by blows; pustiti iz zatvora na ~ put
(let free) prisoner on parole; odrati ~ keep one's
word, make good (fulfill) one's promise; ovjek od ~i
a man of his word, a person sticking to (abiding by,
true to) his word; odrao je ~ he was as good as his
word; nadmaio je svoju ~ (objeanje) he was better
than his word; on ne dri ~ he does not keep his
word; nije odrao ~ he went back from (upoen) his
word; he broke his word; ne mogu smoi dovoljno ~i
I am at a loss for words; dobra (prijazna) ~ i eeljezna vrata otvara a kind word always tells; to manje
~i to bolje least said soonest mended; od praznih ~i
nije jo nitko postao sit fine words butter no parnips;
oporei ~ eat one's words; rei dobru ~ za nekoga
intercede in one's favour, say a good word for, plead

for one; ~ mu je od ganua zapela u grlu he had a

lump in his throat; uzalud troiti ~i waste words; drim te za ~ I take you at your word; vjerujem mu na
~ I believe his word; u njegovu se ~ ovjek moe
pouzdati his word is as good as his bond; na moju ~
on my word
Rijeanin m inhabitant of Rijeka
rijeca f gram particle
rijeki adj geog of Rijeka, Rijekarijen|i adj river, of the river, riverine, riverain, fluvial |
~a obala bank; ~a plovidba fluvia l navigation; ~a
riba freshwater fish
rijedak adj (ne est) infrequent; (neobian) rare, scarce;
(vrijednou) exquisite, precious; (izvanredan) extraordinary; (iznimka, neobinost) exceptional, unusual, curious; (dogaaj, posjet) happening (occurring) seldom; (kosa) thin; (voden) watery; (krv) serous; (razvodnjen) diluted; (ratrkan) few and far between, thinly scattered
rijediti' vi become thin, thin
rijediti'' vt dilute, water
rijeenje n thinning; (tekuine) dilution, watering
rijek|a f river, stream; fig tide | uz ~u upstream; niz ~u
downstream; izvor ~e source; ~a izvire river takes its
rise in ...; ~a je plovna river is navigable; ~a vijuga
river serpentines, meanders; ~a je nabujala river is
swollen, there is a freshet; ~a je probila nasip river
has burst its banks; ~a je poplavila kraj river has
flooded the country
rijeen pp solved; v. odluan
rijeenost f v. odlunost
rijeiti vt solve; (spis) attend to an official document
(petition, judicial act), decide, settle, bring a decision;
bring to a final issue; (sudskom odlukom) decree, decide, find, rule, bring judgment; (presuditi) arbitrate;
(otereenje) exonerate from; (spor) settle, adjust; (zagonetku) solve, unriddle; (nesporazum) make up,
compose a difference; (dunosti) exempt from; (jednadbu) solve an equation; (optube) discharge, acquit; v. odluiti
rijeiti se vr (osloboditi se) get rid of, rid oneself of, get
free, shake off, extricate oneself ; get off one's hands;
v. odluiti | hvala bogu da sam ga se rijeio good
rijetko adv rarely, seldom, now and then, unfrequently,
off and on | vrlo ~ once in a blue moon, hardly ever
rijetkost f rarity, infrequency; (predmet) uncommon
specimen, unique thing
rika f roar, roaring, bellowing
rikanje n v. rika
Rikard m Richard
rikati vt roar, bellow
rikavac m v. hripavac
riknuti vi utter a roar
rika m ricksha(w)
rilce n ent feeler, antenna
rilo n proboscis; v. surla
Rim m geog Rome
rima f rhyme, rime (v. srok)

rimarij m rhyming dictionary

Rimljanin m Roman
Rimljanka f Roman woman
rimokatolicizam m Roman-Catholioism
rimokatoliki adj Roman Catholic
rimokatolik m Roman Catholic
rimovanje n rhyming
rimovati vt rhyme
rimski adj Roman
rinica f reg v. naunica
rinfuza f It v. rasuti teret
ring m box ring
ringeraja f (igra) ring-around-a-rosy
ringla f Ger (na tednjaku) v. kolut
ringlica f cul anchovy roll
ringlovka f (ljiva) greengage
ringlpil m Ger v. vrtuljak
rinoceros m v. nosorog
rintati vi toil, work hard
rinuti vt v. gurnuti
rips m text rep
ris m zoo lynx
risai adj v. crtai
risanka f v. crtanka
risanje n v. crtanje
risatii vt v. crtati
riskantan adj risky, hazardous
riskantnost f riskiness
riskirati vt (take a) risk
risovina f lynx's skin (pelt)
rist m anat Ger instep
ri(l) m Fr v. volan
rit' m v. movara, trak
rit'' f vulg v. stranjica | odi v ~! go to hell!, get stuffed!
rita f v. krpa, dronjak
ritam m rhythm
ritanje n kicking
ritati vt kick
ritati se vr kick; struggle against
riti vt root, rout, burrow
ritmiki' adj rhythmical
ritmiki'' adv rhythmically
ritminost f rhythmicality
ritmika f rhythmics
ritnuti vt kick
ritnuti se vr give a kick
ritual m ritual
ritualan adj ritual
ritualizam m ritualism
ritualne adv ritually
riva f It waterfront
rival m rival (v. suparnik)
rivalski adj rival
rivalstvo n rivalry
rivati vt v. gurati
rivijera f riviera
riza f Orth cassock
rizi-bizi m It cul risi-bisi
rizian adj v. riskantan

riziko m risk, hazard, peril, danger | na va ~ at you

peril (risk)
rizikovati vt v. riskirati
rizling m Riesling
rizma f ream (of paper)
riznica f treasury; B Exchequer
rizniar m treasurer
rizniki adj treasury, of the treasury
rizoto m It cul risotto
ri m (djeja igra) tip-cat
ria f rice
riin adj (made of) rice | ~a polja rice-fields, paddyfields
rjeetina f derog coarse word
rjeica f dim rivulet, small river
rjeit adj eloquent, wordy, fluent; (brbljav) talkative;
loquacious; (bombastian) grandiloquent
rjeito adv eloquently
rjeitost f eloquence, oratory; (brbljavost) talkativeness,
rjekanje n altercation, hassel
rjekati se vr exchange high (sharp) words, have words
with; (svaa) wrangle, quarrel, squabble
rjeniki adj of a dictionary, contained (used) in a dictionary; lexical, lexicographical
rjenik m dictionary, vocabulary; lexicon; (dodatak knjizi) glossary | pisac ~a lexicographer
rjee adv comp less often; not so often, rather infrequently
rjei adj comp less frequent
rjeavanje n v. rjeenje
rjeavati vt try to solve; v. rijeiti
rjeenje n (official) decision; (problema) solution; (zagonetke) unriddling; (sudsko) judgment, verdict;
(presuda) arbitration; (nagodba) agreement, settlement, adjustment; (krivnje) acquittance; (neugodnosti) riddance | nai ~ find a solution, solve
rjeiv adj soluble
rjeivost f solubility
rjetkoa f thinness, rarefied state
rob m slave; (galija) galley-slave; fig drudge; thrall |
uiniti ~om enslave, enthral; on je ~ pia he is a
slave to drink; muiti se kao ~ slave, drudge
rob|a f goods pl; merchandise, ware, commodity; (tvar)
stuff, matter; (pojedini komad) article | ponajbolja
~a prime goods; prvorazredna (drugorazredna,
treerazredna) ~a firsts (seconds, thirds) pl; eljezna ~a hardware; vunena ~a soft ware; tekstilna ~a
textiles; lonarska ~a hollow ware; kolonijalna ~a
colonial produce; mjeovita ~a grocery; ~a iroke
potronje consumer goods; ~a u carinskom skladitu bonded goods; ~a koja ne nalazi proe a drug in
the market; partija (istovrsne) ~e parcel; zaliha ~e
stock; skladite ~e warehouse; loa ~a inferior
goods; poiljka ~e (vlakom) consignment; (brodom)
shipment; dobava ~e supply, purveyance; isporuka
~e delivery; ~a na putu arrivals (com)
Robert m Robert
robija f hard labour; (prisilan rad) conscript labour

robija m convict
robijaki adj convict's, convict
robijanica f prison
robijati vi serve one's (long) sentence; fig slave, toil
robinja f female slave
robiti vt rob, plunder, pillage, sack, loot
roblje n collect slaves | bijelo ~ white slavery; trgovac
~m slave-trader; brod za trgovinu ~m slave-trader;
pasti u ~ fall into captivity
robljenje n robbing, robbery, looting, sacking
robn|i adj commodity-, merchandise-, of goods | ~a kua
department store; ~a burza commodity exchange
robot m robot
robot-portret m identikit
robovanje n servitude, slavery
robovati vi slave; (teko raditi) drudge, toil and moil, be
a thrall to; (strasti) be addicted to
robovlasniki adj slave-holding, slave-owning
robovlasnik m slave-holder, slave-owner
robovlasnitvo n slave-holding, slave -owning
roenje n (rok) appointment of date (term, day)
roiste n date of summons | ne doi na ~ default, fail to
roiti vt give date for appearing at court itd.
roenje n plottinig, clandestine meetings for scheming
rod m (spol) sex; gram gender; (pleme, podrijetlo) parentage, bot & zoo genus; (plod) fruit; (podrijetlo)
stock, strain, family, lineage, race, house, extraction,
birth; (rodoslovnik) pedigree; (pleme) clan, tribe,
sept; (roak) relation, relative, kin, kinsman (vie
njih kinsfolk) | gram muki (enski, srednji, zajedniki) ~ masculine (feminine, neuter, common) gender; visoka (niska) ~a high- (low-) born; ~ po tankoj
krvi (po mlijeku) distaff side; ~ po mukoj krvi (lozi) spear-side; bliz ~ near relation, near akin to,
nearly related, next-of-kin
roda f ornith stork
rodan adj (plod) fertile, productive, fruitful; prolific,
fecund; (plodan, npr. tlo) fat, rich
rodbina f relations, relatives, kin, kinsmen, kinsfolk,
kindred; (nekrvna) v. svojta
rodbinski adj of relatives (relations, kinsfolk itd.)
rodbinstvo n relationship, kindred, affinity
rodica f v. roakinja, sestrina
rodilte n maternity hospital, arch lying-in hospital
rodilja f woman lying-in, child-bearing woman, woman
in childbed | ona je ~ (pred porodom) she is in childbed (in confinement), she is brought to bed (confined)
rodin adj a stork's, of a stork
roditelj m parent, father or mother | ~i parents, father
and mother; nepravi ~i adoptive parenta; stari ~i
(djed i baka) the grandparents
roditeljica f child-bearing woman, mother
roditeljski' adj of the parents, parents', parental
roditeljski'' adv in a parental manner
roditi vt give birth to, bear, be delivered of a child; bring
forth; (biti ocem ivotinje) sire; procreate beget, be
the parent of, father; fig generate; (prerano) miscarry; (plod) bear fruit

roditi se vr be born
rodn|i adj native | ~i grad native town; ~o tlo native
soil; ~i list birth certificate
rodnica f anat vagina
rodnost f fertility, fecundity
rododendron m bot rhododendron
rodoljub m patriot, public-spirited man
rodoljuban adj patriotic; public-spirited
rodoljubiv adj v. rodoljuban
rodoljublje n patriotism; public-spiritedness
rodoljubno adj patriotically
rodoljupka f patriotic woman
rodom adv a native of | ~ Londonjanin London-born; ~
Britanac British-born
rodonaelnik m v. zaetnik, osniva
rodoskvrnue n incest
rodoslov m pedigree, genealogy
rodoslovlje n genealogy, family tree
rodoslovni adj genealogical
rodovsk|i adj | ~o ureenje clan system
roaki adj of (like) a relation (relative, kin itd.)
roa|k m relation, relative, kin, kinsman | ~ci relatives,
kin, kinsfolk
roakinja f kinswoman, female relation
roen adj born; (nastao) engendered | Iva Horvat, ~a
Kova I.H. ne K.; ~i brat full brother, german
brother; ~ nakon oeve smrti pasthumous
roendan m birthday
roenj|e n birth, delivery, childbirth, act of bearing, parturition | muke pri ~u throes, labour, pains of childbirth; ona je po ~u Njemica she is German-born
roo m reg v. torbar
rog m horn; (jelena) antler; (obilja) cornucopia; (krova)
spar; (puana praha) powder-horn, powder-flask |
fig obiti ~ove take down a peg or two; med hist metati ~ove bleed with a cupping-glass; uvui ~ove draw
in one's horns; natjerati u ~ (tekim pitanjem) puzzle
with a poser; (kripac) corner, drive into a corner;
puhati u isti ~ act in concert; (u zlu) act in collusion;
nabiti ~ove (muu) cuckold one; nositi ~ove (mu) be
a cuckold; jelenu padaju ~ovi the stag sheds antlers;
mus krilni ~ tenot horn, flgel horn
roga' m ent v. jelenak
roga'' m (plod) carob, St. John's bread, (stablo) carobtree, locust-tree
rogat adj horned; (jelen) antlered | ~a marva horned
roglje f pl pitch-fork
rogobatan adj clumsy
rogoboran adj vociferous, uproarious, clamorous; protesting noisily
rogoboriti vi clamour against, storm, bluster, vociferate
rogonja m having large horns; fig (mu) cuckold
rogovina f horn, horny substance
rogovlje n collect horns, antlers
rogoz m, ~ina f bot bull-rush, sedge, reed
rogoar m flat bag woven from bullrush
rogoina f rush-mat; collect matting
rohada f (ah) v. roada

roj m swarm; flight, flock (of insects)

rojalist m royalist
rojalistiki adj royalistic
rojalizam m royalism
rojenje n swarming
rojiti se vr swarm; fig teem
rojt|a f (gajtan) galloon, braid | optoiti ~om braid, edge
(trim) with galloons
rojtast adj braided, gallooned
rok m time-limit, term; date; (mjenice) usance | odgoda
~a respite; (smaknua) reprieve; produljiti ~ extend
time; ~ je minuo term hasexpired; u ~u od... within...
na dugi (kratki) ~ for a long (short) term; prije ~a
ahead of schedule
rokada f v. roada
rokfor m (sir) Roquefort
rokoko m rococo
rokovnik m diary; bkk journal
roktanje n grunting, grunt
roktati vi grunt
rola f roll; v. uloga
rolada f cul jelly-roll
rolat m v. rolada
roleta f shade, blind
rolna f v. rola
rolo m (na garai) corrugated shutter; (stol) roll-top desk
rolue f pl Ger v. koturaljke
Roman m Romance-speaking person
roman m novel; (kratki) novelette, novella | ~ u nastavcima serial
romanca f romance
romaneskni adj novelistic
romaniki adj Romanesque
romanist m romanicist, student of Romance languages
romanistik|a f study of Romance languages | univ Odsjek za ~u Department of Romance Languages
romanizacija f Romanization
romanizirati vt Romanize
romanizirati se vr be(come) Romanized
romanizam m Romanism
romanopisac m novel-writer, novelist; romancer
romansa f mus romance; (ljubav) romance
romansijer m novelist, novel-writer
romansijerski adj novelistic
romansiran pp fictionalized
romansirati vt fictionalize
romanski adj Roman | ~ jezici Romance languages
romanticizam m romanticism
romantian adj romantic
romantiar m v. romantik
romantinost f v. romantika
romantik m romanticist
romantika f romanticism; romantic quality (charm)
romantizam m Romanticism; v. romantika
romar m pilgrim
romb m geom rhomb
romboid m geom rhomboid
romboidan adj geom rhomboid(al)
rominjanje n (kie) drizzle; v. romon

rominjati vi (kia) drizzle, mizzle; (potok) murmur,

purl, babble
romobil m scooter
romon m murmur (of a brook, spring), babble, purl
romoniti vi v. rominjati
romoriti vi murmur, babble
rompski adj geom rhombic
rondati vi reg make a noise
rondo m round flower-bed, round floral display
ronilac m diver; (s podvodnom maskom) skin-diver
ronilak|i adj diving | ~o odijelo diving-suit
ronilo n diving-bell
roniti vi dive
ronjenje n diving
ropac m v. hropac
ropkinja f female slave
ropotarija f scrap, lumber, odd (useless, damaged) furniture (things)
ropotarnica f lumber-room
ropsk|i adj slavish, like a slave; (podlo) servile, base | ~o
oponaanje slavish imitation
roptanje n v. hroptanje; v. mrmljanje, prigovaranje,
roptati vi v. hroptati; v. mrmljati, prigovarati
ror m Ger v. penica
rosa f dew
rosan adj dewy
roshar m Ger text v. strunjak
rositi vi dew, bedew; sprinkle; (kia) mizzle, drizzle
rosnat adj dewy
rosopas m bot celandine
rospija f Tur shrew, termagant, harpy
rostbif m cul roast beef
rostfraj adj Ger v. nehrajui
rosulja f soft (slow) rain
roada f (ah) castling
roi m dim little horn
roenje n (be)dewing; sprintling
roirati vi (ah) castle
rotilj m grid-iron, barbecue | priti na ~u broil, barbecue, grill
rotacija f rotation, rotating, regular succession; print
rotary press
rotacioni adj rotational | prnt ~ stroj rotary press
rotiranje n rotating, rotation
rotirati vt & vi rotate
rotiti se vr plot against, scheme, cabal
rotkva f (crna) black radish
rotkvica f dim white (red) longrooted radish
rotlauf m Ger v. vrbanac
roto-papir m newsprint (paper)
roto-roman m pulp thriller
rotor m el & eng rotor
rov m (rudnik) gallery, pit adit, level (okomiti shaft);
(anac) trench, dug-out
rovac m ent mole-cricket
rovanje n root (rout) up; (svinja) turning up ground with
snout; undermining; (traiti, razbacati) search rummaging

rovar m plotter, schemer, intriguer; caballer

rovarenje n plotting, scheming, underhand dealing, intriguing
rovariti vi plot, scheme, conspire, intrigue
rova m piece of short split wood for scoring; score, tally
| imam ga na ~u I have a bone to pick with him
rovarenje n scoring, tallying
rovaiti vt score by notches, tally
rovati vt (svinja) dig up with snot, root (rout) up; undermine; (razbacati traei) rummage, ransack,
search; v. rovariti
rovit adj v. meko kuhan (jaje)
rovka f zoo shrew
rovovski adj | ~ rat trench warfare
roza adj v. ruiast
rozbif m cul roast bee
rozeta f archit rosette; (u zapuku) campaign button
rozine f pl Ger v. groice
roast adj horn-like
roina f horny matter (substance)
roast adj horny, made of horn
ronica f anat cornea; (greda krova) roof-beam
ronjaa f v. ronica
rt m geog cape, headland, promontory; ness; (iljat)
Ruanda f geog Ruanda
ruandski adj geog Ruandan
rub m (ponora, groba itd.) brink; (stranice, ceste itd.)
margin; fig verge; (obrub) border; (kotaa) rim; (brda, izboina) brow; (porub) edging, hem; (sukna da
se ne upa) selvedge (selvage); (grada itd.) skirt, outskirts pl | na ~u groba (propasti) on the brink af the
grave (ruin)
rubac m handkerchief; (za glavu) kerchief; (oko vrata)
rubalj m ruble
rubela f med German measles pl, rubella
rubensovski adj Rubensian
robeola f med (common) measles pl, red measles
rubin m minr ruby
rubiti vt hem in
rublj|e n collect linen, underwear; (prljavo) washing,
soiled linen | ormar za ~e press, linen cupboard; trgovac ~em (platnom) lineadrapyer; par ~a a change
of linen; konop za suenje ~a clothe's-line
rubljen pp hemmed in, edged, bordered
rubljenje n hemming in, edging, bordering
rubni adj marginal | ~ kamen v. rubnjak
rubnjak m B kerb-stone, A curbstone
rubrika f lead, heading, section, column
rua f gym bar (on parallel bars)
ruak m d-day meal, lunch; dinner | ostati bez ruka go
without one's dinner; pozvati na ~ invite to dinner;
pozvan je na ~ u goste he dines out; gosti na ruku
dinner-party; hoe li ostati kod nas na ruku? will
you stay dinner with us?; (i jesti to se nae) will you
take pot-luck with us?; ekati s rukom na... wait
dinner with one
ruanje n dining, dinner | soba za ~ dining-room

rua|ti vt dine, have for dinner, lunch | ~li smo purana

we dined off (on) a turkey; hoe li s nama ~ti ono
to ba imamo? will you take pot-luck with us?
ruavanje n v. ruanje | rlw kola za ~ v. vagon restoran
rue f pl gym parallel bars pl
ruetina f aug & derog hue (coarse) hand
ruic|a f dim small handle (ear) of a vessel, small hand;
mot (kurbla) crank | mot pokremuti motor ~om
crank up
ruk|a f handle, helve, stock of tool, haft | nasaditi na
~u haft; dio alata u ~i tang
run|i adj manual; hand; used by hand | ~ rad (enski)
needlework (fini fancy-work); (izrada) handiwork,
manual work; (obrt) handicraft
runik m towel; (saiven s oba kraja) roller towel | vjealica za ~ towelhorse
ruda f ore, mineral | traga za dragocjenim ~ma prospector; traganje za dragocjenim ~ma prospecting;
tragati za dragecjenim ~ma prospect
rudaa f v. ruda
rudar m miner; (u ugljenokopu) collier, coalminer
rudarski adj mining, a miner's, used in mines | ~ fakultet college (A+ school) of mining
rudarstvo n mining, mining industry
rudast adj v. kovrast
rudiment m rudiment
rudimentaran adj rudimentary
rudina f sward, lawn
rudjeti vi be red (red-coloured, red-tinted) | zora rudi
the day breaks, it dawns
rudlast adj Ger v. kovrast
rudn|i adj ore mineral | ~o vrelo mineral spring, thermal
rudniki adj of (dealing with, used in) a mine | ~ plin
rudnik m mine, pit; (ugljena) colliery
rudo n shaft, pole; (ravasto za jednog konja) thill
rudokop m v. rudnik
rugalac m scoffer, mocker; satirist; (zloban) lampooner,
rugalica f satire, satirical poem; lampoon
ruganje m mockery, scoffing, derision, banter, flout,
gibe, raillew, satire, (zlobno) lampoonery, jeering,
rugati se vr mock, scoff, deride, satirize, gibe, jeer, banter, flout; make game of, make fun of, make fool of,
turn into ridicule, make sport of, quizz, ridicule
rugl|o n (nakaza) scarecrow; (sramota) disgrace, shame |
predmet ~a laughing-stock, object of derision, butt of
rugoba f (nakaznost) ugliness, hideousness, deformity,
unsightliness, monstrosity; (stvor) fright, monster;
(predmet) eyesore | ona je ~ (odijevanje) she is a
frump (fright)
ruho n clothes, garments, attire, dress (v. odijelo, odjea)
ruina f (zgrada) ruin, dilapidated building, wreck; (osoba) wreck
ruiniranje n ruining, ruination, wrecking

ruinirati vt wear out, damage; v. unititi

ruinirati se vr wear out, be damaged
ruj m bot sumach
rujan' adj dark red
rujan'' m September
rujanski adj September
ruk|a f hand; (do ramena) arm (aka) fist | zahvat ~om
handgrip; ii ispod ~e by arm in arm; kupiti ispod
~e by secondhand (purchase); od ~e do ~e from hand
to hand; ~e uvis! hands up!, reach!, stick 'em up!;
makni ~e (ne diraj)! hands off!; promijeniti ~e
change hands; drei se za ~e hand in hand; prekrstiti ~e cross one's arms; rukom o ~u hand in hand,
jointly; dati ~e (rukovanje) shake hands; iz ~e u ~u
from hand to hand; crtanje slobodnom ~om freehand drawing; bez ~e handless, armless; raen ~om
hand-made, done by hand; (posao) handiwork, manual work; pustlti iz ~e let go; (da padne) drop; lomiti
~ama wring one's hands; udarati po ruci (zglobovima prstiju, kazna) rap on the knuckles; mahati ~ama
gesticulate; kapara na ~e han(d) sel, earnest money;
imam pune ~e posla I am very busy, I have my
hands quite full; sklopljenih ~u with clasped hands
as in prayer; svezanih ~u i nogu bound hand and
foot; na ~u mi je it is handy, it is ready to hand; it is
near at hand; uiniti na svoju ~u take the initiative;
na svoju ~u unauthorized, in one's own name, independently; u neku ~u (donekle) in some measure, to
a degree; ~a ~u mije one good turn deserves another,
ide mu od ~e he is clever (skilled) at it, he makes
progress; na laku ~u v. olako; uzeti u ~e take in
hand, undertake; ide mu na ~u he helps him, he
countenances him; u vlastite ~e into (his) own
hands; pisano (mojom) vlastitom ~om in my own
handwriting; polo mu je za ~om he managed (succeeded), he met with success; prihvatiti ponudu s
obje ~e jump at an offer; imati u ruci have in one's
power; conduct; pri ruci (raspoloiv) available; (blizina) near at hand, close to, near by, handy; na desnu
(lijevu) ~u (smjer) on the right-hand (left-hand) side;
oruanom ~om (silom) by main force; boriti se
~ama i nogama struggle with might and main; zaprositi ~u ask in marriage; coll pop the question;
stvari svake ~e all kinds of things; desna ~a (vojnikova, konjanikova) sword-arm; on je moja desna ~a
he is my right hand (right-hand man); koji se slui
desnom ~om right-handed; doekae ga rairenih
~u they met him with outstretched hands (enthusiastically); gledati prekrienih ~u look on apathetically
(impassively); na brzu ~u superficially, in a slapdash
manner; iz prve ~e (nerabljen) unused, new; iz druge ~e second-hand, used; znam to iz prve ~e I have a
first-hand information; znam to iz druge ~e I know
it by hearsay (at second-hand); uzeti u ~u (posao i
sl.) take in hand, take up, set one's hand to a task; digao je ~u na me he offered to strike me, he laid violent hand on me; (na sebe) he attempted his life;
(ubio se) he committed suicide; prodati ispod ~e sell
privately; nose ga na ~ama he is treated with utmost

consideration, he enjoys all kinds of favours; bolji je

vrabac u ruci nego golub na krovu a bird in hand is
worth two in the bush; pasti u neije ~e fall into
someone's hands; perem ~e od toga I wash my hands
of it, I will not be responsible; posao mi ne ide od ~e
I am unskilled, I am a poor worker; jur mrtva ~a
mortmain; ne putati iz ~e not let escape, not let go
(slip); imam ga u ruci he is in my power; imati slobodne ~e have free play; prepustiti slobodne ~e
leave a thing at one's discretion; u vaim je ~ama it
is up to you...; uzimati na laku ~u take it easy
rukav m sleeve; (rijeke) backwater; (morski) channel
rukavac m short sleeve; (vode) small backwater (channel)
rukavic|a f glove; (viteka, izazov) gauntlet; (bez prstiju)
mitten, mitt | izgubio sam par ove ~e I have lost the
fellow of this glove; dobaciti ~u (izazov) challenge;
navui ~u pull on gloves; svui~u take (pull) off
rukaviar m glover, glove-maker
rukaviarski adj glove-making; glove-selling
rukavni adj of a sleeve, sleeve
rukohvat m hand-hold
rukoljub m hand-kissing | ~ Vaoj supruzi my best regards to your wife
rukomet m team handball
rukometa m sp team handball player
rukometaki adj sp team handball
rukometati se vr play at team handball
rukopis m handwriting, hand; (ispisane stranice) manuscript; (tipkan) typescript | lijepi ~ nice hand; krepak, jasan ~ bold hand; itljiv ~ legible hand; neitljiv, sitan ~ scribbling (niggling, cramped) hand
rukopisni adj hand-written; in manuscript; (tipkan)
rukopolagati vt v. zarediti
rukotvor m v. rukotvorina
rukotvorac m handicraftsman, artificer
rukotvorin|a f manufacture | narodne ~e folk handicrafts
rukovalac m handler, manipulator (v. upravlja)
rukovanje n management, handling, manipulation; administration; handshaking, handshake
rukovati vi handle, manage, manipulate (v. upravtjati,
rukovati se vr shake hands
rukovet m handful
rukovodei adj leading, managerial, management
rukovodilac m leader; high official; (privredni) manager, executive
rukovoditi vt manage, guide, manipulate, direct
rukovoditi se vr | ~ ime v. ravnati se prema, drati se
rukovodstvo n management, guidance (v. upravljanje,
vodstvo, uprava)
ruksak m rucksack, knapsack
rukunice f pl (cart) shaft
rulada f cul v. rolada

rulati vi aero taxi

ruleta f roulette
rulja f mob, populace, rabble
ruljenje n removal of corn-seed (maize) from corn-cobs;
podding of beans
ruljiti vt remove maize-seed from corn-cobs; pod beans
rum m rum
rumba f (ples) rumba
rumbac m ichth turbot
rumen' f blush, flush; red colour, redness | ~ joj je oblila
lice blood ma tled her cheeks
rumen'' adj red, reddish; (lice) flushed, rubicund; ruby,
crimson; cherry
rumenica f (cinober) cinnabar
rumenika f | ~ vino red wine
rumenilo n red colour; (boja) red paint, rouge; v. rumen
rumeniti se vr become (get) red (flushed); blush
rumeniti vt paint (colour) red
rumenka f red-brown cow
rumenkast adj reddish
Rumunija f v. Rumunjska
Rumunj m Roumanian
Rumunjka f Roumanian woman
Rumunjska f geog Bomania
rumunjski adj Roumanian
runa f (pismo) rune
rund|a f box & fig round | ovu ~u ja plaam this round
is on me
runiti vt pull grape-berries one by one
runiti se vr | bobe se rune grape-berries fall off from the
runo n fleece
runolist m bot edelweiss
runsk|i adj | ~o pismo runic script
runjast adj shaggy, matted; rough-haired
runjav adj v. runjast
runjavost f shagginess
runje f pl shag; matted hair
rup|a f hole; (probod) puncture, perforation; (otvor) gap,
orifice, aperture; (istjecanje) leak; (na brodu, da potone) scuttle; (provalija) chasm, (uruenje bedema)
breach; (raspuklina) fissure; (dimnjaka) flue; (kljuanice) keyhole; (praznina) void; (golubinjaka) pigeon-hole; (buotina) bore; (brlog) burrow, earth;
den; fig (skrovite) haunt, retreat; (jadan stan) den |
dobiti ~u leak; nainiti ~u riddle, puncture, perforate, pin, prick, pierce, bore, drill, punch; (u brodu,
da potone) scuttle (a ship); pun ~a holed, full of
holes, perforated; riddled
rupi m handkerchief
rupetina f aug big hole
rupica f dim small hole, puncture; (oica) eyelet; (koe)
pore; (na remenu) notch, eyelet
rupiav adj full of holes, riddled, perforated, cribbled
rupiavost f being full of small holes, being perforated
rupija f rupee
rus m ent German cockroach
Rus m Russian
rusalka f water-nymph

rusificirati vt Russianize
rusificirati se vr become Russianized
rusifikacija f Russianization
Rusija f geog Russia
Rusin m Ruthenian
rusinski adj Ruthenian
rusist m Russianist
rusistiki adj Russianist
rusistika f Russian studies
rusizam m ling Russianism
ruski adj Russian
Ruskinja f Russian woman
rusofil m Russofile
rustikalan adj rustic
rusvaj m Tur commotion, stir, tumult; disturbance, agitation
ruen pp pulled down, demolished
ruenje n pulling down, knocking down, laying low;
felling; demelition, breaking up; wrecking; destruction; (raspadanje) dilapidation, falling to pieces,
crumbling; (vlasti) subversion; (obaranje) overthrow;
(prevaliti) upsetting
ruevan adj (zgrada) dilapidated, in bad repair, out of
repair, ruinous; (klimav) rickety, ramshackle
ruevina f ruin, building (structure) crumbling (falling
to pieces); wreck (i fig), wreckage
ruevnost f dilapidated (ruinous, tumbledown, ramshackle) state
ruilac m destroyer, demolisher; (broda) knacker; (poretka) revolutionary
ruilaki adj destructive
ruiti vt pull down, demolish, wreck; destroy; (prevaliti,
oboriti) overturn, overthrow; (rastavljati) break up;
(bez traga) sweep away, make a clean sweep of
ruiti se vr fall (crash, tumble, crumble) down, fall to
pieces, become dilapidated (ruinous); collapse
ruta' f shag(s), matted hair, tuft-hair
ruta'' f route
rutav adj shaggy, hairy; furred; hirsute pilose; fleecy
rutavost f shagginess, hairiness
rutenij m chem ruthenium
rutina f routine
rutiner m routiner
rutinerski adj v. rutiniran
rutiniran adj old-hand
rutinirano adv like an old hand
rutiniranost f being an old hand (at)
rutinski' adj routine(ly), rote
rutinski'' adv routinely
rutvica f bot rue
ruzmarin m bot rosemary
ru m lipstick; (za lice) rouge | namazati ~em put on
lipstick (rouge)
rua f rose; (divlja) dog-rose, sweetbriar; (cvijet) flower;
(grm) rosebush; (pupoljak) rose-bud; (znak) rosette;
(kante za trcanje) sprinkling-nozzle (spout) | svaka
~ ima trnja there is no rose without thorns
Rua f Rose

ruan adj ugly, plain, nasty, hideous; (prost) foul, obscene, indecent; (ponaanje) unmannerly, boorish,
ungainly (podao) base, mean, scurvy; (vrijeme) nasty,
bad; (obiaj) bad; (ime) ill (bad)
ruenje n scolding, abuse, calling names, censure,
blame, reprimand, snub; disparagement, detraction,
ruica f dim small rose; flaweret
ruiast adj rosy, rose-coloured, rosered, roseate; (nada)
sanguine, rosy, optimistic
ruiasto adv | fig gledati ~ take a rosy view of
ruinjak m rose-garden; flower-garden
ruin adj rose | ~o ulje essential oil, rose-oil, attar
ruziti' vt abuse, call names; pick to pieces; revile; cry
ruziti'' vi reg v. buiti, lupati

ruiti se vr abuse (revile) each other

rumarin m bot rosemary
runo adv badly, nastily, foully, basely, meanly; in an
ugly manner itd.
runoa f ugliness, plainness; (postupka) baseness,
rva m wrestler
rvalite n wrestling-ring, arena, palaestra, gymnasium
rvanje n wrestling; wrestling-match; (kotac) grapple;
(tunjava) scuffle, (borba) struggle, strife, hard contest
rvati se vr wrestle; grapple; fig struggle, fight, contest;
(gungula) scuffle
rzanje n neighing, whinnying, whinny
rzati vi neigh, whinny

s prep with, along with, together (with), jointly, in connection with, in comparison with, in company of, accompanied by, in common with, in conjunction with;
by dint of, by means of, including; cum; co- | ~ visine
from on high; ~ nova afresh, anew, again, repeatedly,
once more; ~ jutra in the morning; ~ tog gledita
from this standpoint; ~ ove strane from (on) this
side; jesti ~ tanjura eat off a plate; doi ~a mnom
come along with me; on se tue ~ njim he fights
him; ovjek ~a eljeznom maskom the man in the
iron mask; pobjedio je ~ mnogo glasova he won by
many votes; hoe li poi ~ nama will you join us?;
sin ~ prvom enom son by his first wife; dionica ~
dividendom a share cum dividend; to je ~ tobom?
what is the matter with you?; to ~ time? what of it?;
on ima posjed (zajedno) ~a mnom we are joint owners
sa prep v. s
saberiv adj collectable
sabijanje n compression
sabijati vt compress
sabijati se vr become compressed
sabira m collector, gatherer
sabirak m math v. pribrojnik
sabiralite n assembly point (centre); (materijala) collecting centre
sabiranje n collecting, collection, gathering;
(skupljanje) assembling, mustering; (okupljanje, razbijene vojske itd.) rallying; (gomilanje) accumulation; math v. zbrajanje
sabirati vt collect, gather; (sakupljati) assemble, rally,
muster; (gomilati) accumulate; math v. zbrajati
sabirati se vr assemble, gather, rally, convene
sabirn|i adj v. zbirni | provoditi ~u akciju launch a
drive; take up a collection
sabit pp compressed
sabiti vt join by nailing together; (zbiti) compress
sablasno adv eerily, weirdly

sablasnost f eeriness
sablast f ghost, apparition, spectre, vision, phantom;
(vlastiti sebevid prije smrti) wraith; spook | kuom
obilazi ~ the house is haunted
sablastan adj ghostly, spectral, uncanny, unearthly,
weird, ghost-like, phantom-like
sablazan f scandal, blasphemy; shock
sablazniti vt shock by blasphemies
sablazniti se vr be shocked by blasphemies (profanation)
sablanjavanje n shocking
sablanjen adj shocked, disgusted
sablanjiv adj blasphemous, profane, shocking, outrageous; scandalous; indecent; offensive
sablanjivo adv shockingly
sablanjivost f scandalousness, profanity, outrageousness; indecence; offensiveness
sablj|a f sabre | ~om posjei sabre (down); drak ~e
(balak) hilt; ko ~e basket; korice ~e sheath, scabbard; opasati se ~om gird on one's sabre; otpasati ~u
ungird the sabre; britka ~a keen-edged sabre; fig
zveckanje ~om sabre-rattling
sabljast adj sabre-shaped
sablji m bot iris, sword-lily
sabor m parliament, congress, convention; (crkveni)
synode; (pokrajinski) diet; assembly; (konstituanta)
constituent assembly | sabrati (raspustiti) ~ convene
(dissolve) parliament; ~ zasjeda parliament is in session
saborac m v. suborac
saborna crkva f Orth cathedral
sabornica f parliament (congress, synode, diet) building
saborovanje n holding of parliameatary (diet, congress
itd.) sessions
saborovati vi be in sessian, hold sessions
saborski adj belonging (appertaining) to the parliament;
of the parliament (diet itd.)
sabotaa f sabotage
saboter m saboteur

saboterski adj sabotage, sabotaging

sabotiranje n sabotage
sabotirati vi commit sabotage
sabran pp (sakupljen) gathered, collected; assembled;
rallied; summoned; (duhom) concentrated | ~a djela
complete works
sabranost f mental concentration, presence of mind
sabrati vt collect, gather, assemble, rally; accumulate,
amass; (misli) concentrate thoughts
sabrati se vr pull oneself together; (ljudi) assemble,
gather, rally
saekati vt v. priekati, doekati
sainiti vt v. sastaviti
sainjavati vt form part of; (obuhvaati) comprehend
sam|a f shot | krupna ~a buckshot; zrno ~e pellet
samarica f (puka) shotgun
sauvan pp (odran) preserved, conserved; retained;
(poteen) kept from decay (oblivion, deterioration,
death itd.); (neranjen, neozlijeen, neoteen) unhurt, unharmed, uninjured, unwounded | dobro ~
well preserved
sauvanje n preservation
sauva|ti vt preserve, conserve; keep from decay (rot,
decomposition, oblivion, accident itd.); (mir, red)
maintain; (zadrati) retain | boe ~j! God forbid! oh,
dear, no!
sauvati se vr be preserved
sa|e n honey-comb | poput ~a honey-combed
sai vi v. sii
sad adv v. sada
sada adv now, at present, this moment, at the moment of
speaking (writing); (dandanas) nowadays | ~ ili nikad now or never; do ~ v. dosada; od ~ v. odsada;
za ~ (ovaj put) for this once; v. zasada; ba (upravo)
~ just now, this moment; odmah ~ instantly, at once,
immediately; ~ kad now that; ~... ~ at one time... at
another, now..., now, sometimes... sometimes; ~
ovo... ~ ono now this... now that; ba ~ kanim
(hou)... I am about to..., I am going to..., I am on the
point of... -ing; to ~? well then?
sadanji adj present, existing, current, present-day, actual, now in force, prevailing, now ruling, now in
fashion; modern; latter-day
sadanjica f v. sadanjost, dananjica
sadanjost f the present time, actuality, the time being;
sadejstvo n v. sudjelovanje, suradnja
sadilac m planter
sadilica f (orue) dibbler; (stroj) planter
sadist m sadist
sadistiki adj sadistic
saditelj m planter
saditi vt plant, set out (seedlings)
sadizam m sadism
sadnica f seedling
sadnja f planting, setting
sadra f (kamen) gypsum; (u prahu) plaster of Paris
sadrar m plasterer

sadren adj plaster | ~i prah plaster of Paris; ~i kalup

mould for plaster-work; ~i odljevak plaster-cast; ~o
poprsje plaster-of-Paris bust
sadrenje n stucco-work, work in plaster of Paris, plasterwork; pargeting
sadriti vt stucco, plaster; parget
sadraj m contents; (smjeranje, bit, nakana govora,
zakona itd.) tenor; (pregled u knjizi) table of contents; (graa) subject-matter; (izvadak) excerpt; (kratak) summary; (jezgra, bit) substance, gist, epitome |
mogu ti saeti ~ I can give it you in a nutshell
sadrajan adj substantial, meaningful
sadrajno adv substantially, meaningfully
sadrajnost f substantiality, meaningfulness
sadran pp contained (in), comprehended (comprised)
in; included
sadratelj m math v. viekratnik
sadravati vt contain, hold; (obuhvaati) comprehend,
comprise, embody; (ukljuivati) include, involve
sadrina f (volumen) volume; v. sadraj
sadriv adj containable
saen pp planted; (krumpir) set
saenica f seedling
saenje n planting; setting
safalada f cul knockwurst
safijan m (koa) saffian
safir m minr sapphire
saft m Ger v. sok
saftan adj Ger v. soan
sag m carpet; rug; (pred ognjitem) hearth-rug
saga f saga
sagibanje n bending, stooping; bowing; (duboko) doubling
sagibati (se) vt (vr) v. sagnuti (se)
sagibljiv adj bendable
saglasan adj v. suglasan, sporazuman
saglasno adv v. suglasno, u skladu sa, sporazumno
saglasiti se vr v. sloiti se, pristati, odobriti
saglasnost f v. suglasnost, odobrenje, pristanak, sporazum
saglaavanje n v. pristanak, pristajanje
sagledati vt v. uoiti, zapaziti, razmotriti
sagledavanje n v. uoavanje, zapaanje, razmatranje
saglediv adj v. uoljiv, primjetljiv, predvidiv
sagledivost f foreseeability
sagnati vt drive down; herd together
sagnut adj bent, bowed down; stooping
sagnuti vt bend, bow (down)
sagnuti se vr bend, stoop; (jako) double (up)
sagnjio adj rotten, decayed, putrified, rotted; decomposed
sagnjiti vi rot, decay, putrify, decompose
sagorijevanje n v. izgaranje
sagorijevati vi v. izgarati
sagoriti vi v. izgoriti
sagovornik m v. sugovornik
sagraditi vt build (up), erect, raise, rear, construct, edify;
frame | ~ iznova re-build
sagraanin m v. sugraanin

sagraen pp built, erected, constructed, reared

sagreenje n commission of sin, sinning
sagrijeiti vi sin, commit a sin, commit a fault (offence,
moral slip, lapse)
Sahara f geog the Sahara (desert)
saharin m saccharin(e) | sladak poput ~a saccharine
sahnuti vi dry up; (biljka) wither, wilt; (klonuti) droop
sahrana f burial, interment, sepulture, inhumation; (povorka) funeral, obsequies
sahraniti vt bury, inter; entomb, inhume
sahranjen pp buried, interred, inhumed, entombed
sahranjivanje n v. sahrana
sahranjivati vt v. sahraniti
saigra m v. suigra
sajam m fair, market | ~ knjiga book-fair
sajamski adj of the fair, like (dealing with, happening
at) a fair
sajdija m Tur v. urar
sajla f Ger wire cable
sajmar m dealer (seller) at a fair; person (prospective
buyer) visiting a fair
sajmarenje n regular selling at a fair
sajmen adj | ~i dan fair day, market day
sajmite n fair grounds
sakaenje n maiming, crippling, mutilating, mangling
sakaglija f vet glanders pl
sakat adj crippled, mutilated, mangled, maimed, lame,
paralysed, hamstringed
sakatiti vt mangle, maim, mutilate, lame
sakatiti se vr maim oneself; become mangled (maimed
sakatost f crippled (maimed, mutilated, lame) state,
sakivanje n welding
sakivati vt weld
sako m jacket, suit coat
sakralan adj sacral; churchsakrament m sacrament
sakristan m v. crkvenjak
sakristija f sacristy, vestry
sakriti vt hide, conceal, secrete; (tajiti) keep dark (secret, hidden)
sakriti se vr hide; (skrovite) lie in a hiding-place, be
concealed; (u busiji) lie in ambush
sakrivac m v. sukrivac
sakriva m v. skriva
sakrivanje n hiding, concealment; secretion
sakrivati vi hide repeatedly (in several places); v. sakriti
sakriven pp hidden, concealed, in hiding, secreted (v.
sakrivenost f hidden state
sakrosanktan adj sacrosanct
sakruenje n v. skruenje, skruenost, pokajanje
saksija f v. lonac za cvijee
saksofon m mus saxophone
saksofonist m mus saxophonist
Saksonac m Saxon
saksonski adj Saxon
sakupiti (se) vt (vr) v. skupiti (se)

sakupljanje n v. skupljanje
sakupljati vt v. skupljati
sala f v. dvorana
salama f salami
salamander m zoo v. dadevnjak
salamur|a f pickle, brine, souse | staviti u ~u pickle,
souse, brine
sala m farm
salat|a f (zelena) lettuce; (inae) salad | glava ~e head of
lettuce; zainiti ~u dress (season) the salad; ~a od
rajice tomato salad; mijeana ~a mixed salad
saldiranje n balancing (settlement) of accounts
saldirati vt balance; settle
saldo m balance, remainder
saletjeti vt (molbama itd.) assail (importune, overwhelm) with entreaties; urge (press) one to do; (dosaivati) harass (pester, worry, bother) with entreaties, solicit
salezijanac m eccl Salesian (monk)
salezijanski adj eccl Salesian
salicil m chem salicyl
salijetanje n solicitation, importunity, pressing
salijetati vt keep soliciting (pressing, importuning)
salina f saline, salt-pan
saliti vt cast, found; fuse; melt and mould
salitra f chem saltpetre, nitre
salitren adj chem nitric
saliven pp cast, founded, fused; melted and moulded |
stoji mu kao ~o it fits him like a glove
salmijak m chem sal-ammoniac
sal|o n (tustilo) leaf-fat; (rastopljeno) leaf lard; fat,
grease | pun ~a fat, greasy
salon m (u stanu) drawing-room; reception-room; (izlobeni) show-room, salon
salonit m asbestos board (cement)
salonka f v. cipela
salonski adj of a saloon (drawing-room), befitting (used
in) a drawing-room | ~ junak lion
salpa f ichth goldlin
saltomortale m somersault
salutiranje n mil salute
salutirati vi mil salute
salva f salvo; (pljeska) salvo, volley of applause; (poasna) gun salute
Salvador m geog Salvador
salveta f v. ubrus
sam' adj alone, sole, only, solo; the very; (bez pomoi)
unaided, single-handed; (bez primjese) absolute,
mere, unmixed (vino neat); (samotan) solitary, sequestered, secluded, retired, isolated, detached | ~ od
sebe spontaneous, of one's own accord; on ~ he himself; ona sjedi ~a she is sitting by herself; to moete
~i vidjeti you can see it for yourself; sudite ~i judge
for yourself; javio se ~ od sebe (dobrovoljno) he volunteered; posve ~ all alone, quite alone; na ~ Boi
on the very Christmas day; ~a ga braa mrze his
very brothers hate him; ~ te je avo donio the very
devil has brought you; ~a (puka) sila (glupost) sheer
violence (folly); doao je ~ he came in person; ja se-

bi ~ kuham I prepare my own dinner; ona sebi ~a

krpa arape she darns her own stockings; oni si ~i
vare pivo they brew their own ale; oni su ~i razbojnici they are so many robbers; imam ~ svoju kuu I
have a house of my own; radi mene ~oga for my own
sake; ve ~a pomisao je smijena the very idea is
funny, the mere idea is funny; prepustio sam ga
~ome sebi I left him to himself; bili smo na ~u u sobi we were closted; kaem vam to na ~u (u 4 oka) I
tell you between you and me and the bedpost (in confidence, in private, between ourselves); ~ po sebi inherently, in itself
sam'' vb (jesam) am | ako ~ if I am
sam|ac m (neenja) bachelor, single man, not married
(man); solitary person | blok za ~ce B service flats, A
singles apartments
samaki adj bachelor-, singles'
samar m sumpter-horse saddle, pack-saddle | sa ~a na
magarca out of the frying pan into the fire
samardija m saddle-maker
samarenje n saddling with a pack-saddle
samaritanac m (good) Samaritan
samaritanski adj Samaritan
samariti vt put a pack-saddle on
samcat adj quite alone, all alone | sam ~ all by oneself
samica f solitary woman; (u zatvoru) solitary (cell)
samilost f pity; v. suut
samilostan adj pitying
samit m pol summit conference
samljeti vt grind down; (zdrobiti) crush to powder, mill
samljeti se vr be ground (crushed)
samljeven pp ground, milled, crushed to powder
samo adv only, not more than, nothing else; (tek, ba)
just; simply; (jedino) merely, solely, purely, neatly;
(malo) as little as | ~ on he alone, only he, nobody but
he, no one else; ~ to only that; ~ ako ne... if not; ~
ovaj put (for) this once; ~ ako... only if, provided,
under the condition; ~ malo only a little, slightly, not
much; ~ polako, momci! easy, boys!; sve... ~ ne...
everything except (but); ~ par asaka but a few minutes; ne ~ ... nego i not only... but also; da mi je ~... !
oh, for... had I but...
samoafirmacija f v. afirmacija
samoa f solitude, loneliness, solitariness; retiredness;
isolation; privacy
samodopadan adj self-pleasing, self-sufficient
samodopadnost f self-sufficiency
samodoprinos m voluntary local tax
samodrac m tyrant, autocrat, absolutist, despot; monarch
samofinanciranje n self-financing
samoglasnik m vowel | prijeglas ~a umlaut, change of
root-vowel; prijevoj ~a ablaut, gradation
samohodan adj self-propelled, automotive
samohran adj self-supporting
samohrano adv supporting oneself
samohvala f self-praise
samoinicijativa f one's own initiative
samoinicijativan adj independent; unsolicited

samoinicijativno adv of one's own initiative

samoispitivanje n heart-searching, soul-searching
samoizgnanstvo n self-banishment
samokritian adj self-critical
samokritiki adj self-critically
samokritika f self-criticism
samoljublj|e n egoism, selfishness, self-seeking | ovjek
pun ~a self-seeker
samonikao adj growing wild, original
samoniklost f originality; (biljke) wild growth
samoobmana f illusion, self-illusion, self-deception
samoobramben adj self-defending, used (intended) for
samoobrana f self-defence
samoobrazovanje n self-education
samoodreenje n self-determination
samoodricanje n self-abnegation
samoodranje n self-preservation, survival
samooplodnja f biol self-fertilization
samoopravdanje n self-justification
samoopredjeljenje n v. samoodreenje
samoposluivanje n self-service; (duan) self-service
shop (A store) (veliko ~ supermarket) | restoran sa
~m self-service restaurant, A cafeteria
samopotovanje n self-respect
samopouzdan adj self-confident
samoportvovan adj v. portvovan
samopouzdanj|e n self-confidence, self-reliance | pun ~a
self-confident, self-reliant
samoprijegor m self-denial, self-abnegation, selfsacrifice
samoprijegoran adj self-sacrificing, self-denying
samorod|an adj | ~no zlato native gold; ~na biljka selfsown plant
samospaljivanje n self-immolation
samostalan adj independent, autonomous, selfsupporting; ungoverned; self-reliant; uncontrolled;
samostalno adv independently; of one's own accord;
samostalnost f independence, autonomy; self-reliance
samostan m monastery, friary; (enski) nunnery, convent
samostanac m v. redovnik
samostanski adj monastic, conventual; monkish
samostrijel m hist cross-bow
samosvijest f self-reliance, self-confidence, selfpossession; (drskost) self-assertion, self-conceit
samosvjesno adv self-confidently; (drsko) arrogantly;
conceitedly, overweeningly
samosvjestan adj self-confident
samosvladavanje n self-control
samotan adj solitary, lonely, secluded, sequestered, retired, out-of-the-way; isolated
samotnik m loner
samotno adv lonely, in seclusion
samotnost f solitariness, seclusion, solitude; isolation
samotok m wine (oil) dripping (extracted) from overripe grapes (olives) without pressing, virgin oil

samotovanje n solitary living, seclusion, avoiding company (intercourse), retirement

samotovati vi live a retired (solitary, secluded) life, shun
company, live in seclusion
samotujui adj living in seclusion (solitude), shunning
samoubilaki adj suicidal
samoubistvo n v. samoubojstvo
samoubojica f suicide
samoubojstvo n suicide | poiniti ~ commit suicide, attempt one's own life, make away with oneself, put an
end to oneself
samouk' adj self-taught, self-educated
samouk'' m self-educated person
samounitenje n self-destruction
samouprava f autonomy, home-rule
samoupravlja m worker-manager
samoupravljanje n self-management
samoupravni adj self-management, self-managed;
samoupravno adv in keeping with self-management
samousluga f v. samoposluivanje
samouvjeren adj self-confident
samouvjereno adv with self-confidence
samouvjerenost f self-confidence
samovanje n v. samotovanje
samovar m tea-urn
samovati vi v. samotovati
samovlada f monarchy, autocracy; absolutism; despotism; tyranny
samovladar m autocrat, monarch
samovlasno adj arbitrarily
samovlast f absolutism; autocracy
samovlastan adj autocratic; arbitrary, unauthorized
samovolja f arbitrariness, self-will; capriciousness; despotism
samovoljan adj arbitrary, willful, self-willed; irresponsible; unlawful
samovoljno adv arbitrarily, willfully
samozaborav m oblivion, stupor, abandon
samozadovoljan adj smug
samozadovoljno adv smugly
samozadovoljstvo n smugness
samozataja f v. samoprijegor
samozvan adj uninvited; arbitrary; self-styled
samoiv adj egoistic(al), selfish, self-seeking
samoivac m egoist, selfish (self-seeking) person
samoivost f egoism
samrt f v. smrt | na ~i at one's death-bed
samrtan adj mortal
samrtniki adj death-bed
samrtnik m dying person
samt m text Ger (barun) velvet; (kordsamt) corduroy
samur m zoo sable
samuraj m samurai
samurovina f sable-fur, sable
san m sleep, slumber; (sanja) dream; (sanjarija) reverie;
(drijeme, kratak san po danu) doze, nap, forty

winks, snooze, wink of sleep; (hipnotian) trance;

(zimski) hybernation; fig (poinak) rest, repose | nemiran ~ troubled sleep; vrst ~ sound sleep; miran ~
undisturbed sleep; blag ~ soft slumbers; pijan od sna
drowsy (heavy) with sleep; trgnuti se iz sna wake
with a start; probuditi iz sna rouse (from sleep); pasti u ~ fall asleep, drop off; uljuljati u ~ lull to sleep;
~ ga je obvladao he was overpowered by sleep; on
hoda u snu he is a sleep-walker (somnambulist); ~ je
laa, a bog je istina dreams deceive, dreams are fallacious
sanacija f v. saniranje
sanak m dim & poet sleep
sanatorij m sanatorium, A+ sanitarium
sandal|a f sandal | obuven u ~e sandalled
sandalovina f sandal-wood
sandolina f (beach) canoe
sanduk m trunk, chest box, case; coffer | potanski ~ v.
potanski ormari
sandak m Tur sanjak
sanen adj somnolent, drowsy, sleepy, half-awake
saneno adj somnolently
sanenost f somnolence, drowsiness, sleepiness
sangvinian adj sanguine
sangviniki adj sanguinely
sangvininost f sanguineness
sangvinik m sanguine person
saniran pp com improved (restored) financially; eng put
in order, repaired
saniranje n improvement of sanitary conditions; com
improvement of financial state (conditions); eng putting in order, repairing
sanirati vt sanify, improve sanitary conditions; com improve (restore) financial conditions; eng put in order,
sanitar|an adj sanitary | ~ni inspektor sanitary inspector
sanitet m mil medical corps (personnel)
sanitetski adj mil medical, medical-corps | ~ vlak hospital train
sankcija f sanction, ratification
sankcioniranje n ratification, sanctioning
sankcionirati vt sanction, ratify
sanovnik m dream-book
sanpjero m ichth v. kova
sanskrt m Sanskrit
sanskrtski adj Sanskrit
santa f ice-floe
santimetar m v. centimetar
sanja f dream, reverie
sanjar m day-dreamer
sanjarenje n day dreaming, reverie
sanjarija f v. sanjarenje
sanjariti vi indulge in day dreaming (musing), be lost in
sanjarski' adj dreaming, musing; visionary; fanciful,
sanjarski'' adv with reverie, like a dreamer
sanja|ti vi dream | o tom nisam ni ~o that never entered
my head

sanje f pl dreaming, reveries pl, dreamery; visions; chimera, illusions, fancies, fantastic notions; utopia
sanjiv adj somnolent; v. sanen
sanjivost f somnolence, drowsiness, sleepiness, dreaminess
sanjka m person driving in a sleigh (sledge, toboggan)
sanjkalite n sleighing (sledging) drive; toboggan-shoot,
sanjkanje n sleighing, sledging; sp luge event
sanjkati se vr sleigh, sledge; drive in a sleigh (sledge)
saobraaj m (openje) communication, intercourse;
communion; dealings pl; (vozila) v. promet
saobraajac m v. prometnik
saobraajni adj v. prometni
saobraajnica f v. prometnica
saobraanje n v. saobraaj
saobraati vi communicate; (brod itd.) ply (between)
saobrazan adj v. usklaen, u skladu sa
saobraziti vt v. uskladiti, prilagoditi
saobrazno adv v. u skladu sa
saodgovoran adj v. suodgovoran
saonice f pl B sledge, sleigh; A sled; toboggan; sp luge |
motorne ~ snowmobile
saonik m road fit for sleighing (sledging)
saopen pp reported, imparted, made known, announced
saopenje n communication, notification, announcement
(v. obavijest); com advice
saopiti vt communicate, notify, make known, apprise,
report, announce, write (bring) word, give to understand, impart to, advise, acquaint with, let one know,
saopiv adj communicable
saosjeati vi v. suosjeati
sapa f breath; exhalation, reek; fume
sapatnik m v. supatnik
saper m mil engineer, B+ sapper
sapet pp tightened, cramped up; (svezan) bound, tied,
chained, shackled, gyved; (kopa) clasped; (neudoban) not at one's ease, ill at ease, stiff, uncomfortable
sapeti vt tighten, draw tight; cramp up; (svezati) tie,
bind; (spone) shackle, gyve, chain, fetter; (kopu)
clasp (a buckle)
sapeti se vr get trussed up tight
sapetost f constraint, restraint, stiffness
sapi m pl crupper sg
sapinjanje n tightening, cramping, drawing tight, pinching; restraint
sapinj|ati vt tighten, cramp up itd. v. sapeti | ~e me neto u grlu I feel a lump in my throat
sapleti vt v. splesti
sapotpisati vt v. supotpisati
saprati vt v. sprati
sapun m soap | jedan ~ a bar of soap; ~ za brijanje
shaving-soap, shaving-stick; tvornica ~a soapworks
sapunan pp soaped, lathered
sapunanje n soaping; (za brijanje) lathering; shampooing
sapunar m soap-manufacturer, soap-boiler
sapunarija f soap-manufactory, soap-works pl

sapunarski adj of a soap-boiler, of soap-works

sapunarstvo n soap-manufacturing, soap-boiling trade
sapunast adj soapy
sapunati vt soap; (za brijanje) lather; shampoo
sapunati se vr soap oneself; (brijanje) lather
sapunic|a f soap-suds pl; (brijaa) lather; (pjena) froth
of soap | mjehur od ~e soap-bubble
sapunski adj of soap (lather)
saputnik m v. suputnik
sara f boot-leg
Sara f Sarah, Sal(ly), Sadie
Saracen m Saracen
saracenski adj Saracen(ic)
saradnik m v. suradnik
saradnja f v. suradnja
saraivati vi v. suraivati
saraj m seraglio, Sultan's court
sardel(ic)a f ichth v. srdela
sardelnpasta f cul anchovy paste
sardin|a f sardine | limenka sa ~ama sardine-tin; natrpani kao ~e packed like sardines
Sardinija f geog Sardinia
sardinski adj geog Sardinian
sardonian adj sardonic, sneering, cynical
sardoniki adv sardonically
sargaso m sargasso, gulf-weed
sarkastian adj sarcastic, bitter, taunting
sarkastiki adv bitterly, sarcastically
sarkazam m sarcasm, wounding (biting, taunting) remark
sarkofag m sarcophagus
sarkom m med sarcoma
sarma f cul stuffed cabbage leaves
Sarmat m hist Sarmatian
sarmatski adj hist Sarmatian
Sas m Saxon; (prezirni naziv kota za Engleza) Sassenach
sasa f bot v. umarica
sasijecati vt mince (chop, cut) small
sasipati vt v. sasuti
sasjeckan pp minced, chopped small | ~o meso minced
sasjeen pp cut up, chopped up
sasjei vt cut up, cut in pieces; chop up, mince
Saska f geog Saxony
saski adj Saxon | gram ~ genitiv Saxon genitive, possessive genitive
sasluan pp having been given a hearing, heard
sasluanje n hearing, audience, giving ear; (sud) interrogatory, trial
sasluati vt give hearing, lend an ear to, (do kraja) hear
to the end, hear out; give one a fair hearing, give audience; (sud) hear (judicially); (molbu) grant prayer;
(ispitivati) interrogate, try
sasma adv v. sasvim
sastajalite n meeting-place, rallying-place
sastajanje n meeting, gathering, comming together; (lovaca) meet; rallying

sastajati se vr meet regularly, assemble, convene,

gather; (susret) encounter; (dogovor) have appointments, A+ have dates; (stari aci) re-une; geom converge; (putovi, rijeke itd.) flow together, unite
sastanak m meeting; (ureeni) appointment, assignation; (u SAD starih aka) re-union; (zbor) conference, convention, assemblage, congregation; rendezvous
sastanenje n coll sitting at conferences; string of conferences
sastaniti vi coll sit at conferences
sasta|ti (se) vt (vr) meet, light upon, fall in with, come
across, encounter; (okolnosti) combine, coincide; v.
sastajati se | drago mi je da sam te ~o hail-fellowwell-met!
sastav m composition; construction; combination; structure; compound
sastavak m composition; (pismeni) essay, theme; (ueni)
treatise, paper; (spisa) draft; (na brzu ruku) sketch,
draft, rough copy
sastaviti vt compose, combine, put together, join, unite,
construct; (pismeno) write an essay (paper, theme);
draft; sketch, make a rough copy; (pismo) pen, couch;
(ispravu) draw up; (spojiti) join, put together, compound, unite; (dvoje) pair, match; (osnovati) set up,
establish, form
sastaviti se vr join, come together, meet
sastavlja m composer, constructor
sastavljanje n composing, composition, construction;
combination; joining
sastavljati vt v. sastaviti
sastavljen pp made up of, composted, having component
parts (ingredients), constituted; (spojen) joined, put
together | ovo je ~o od... this is made of, this consists
of; (sadri) this holds (comprehends, embraces, embodies, comprises)
sastavljiv adj componible
sastavni adj component, constituent, integral | ~ dio
sastojak m ingredient; component part; constituent element
sastojati se vr consist of, be made up of
sastrugati vt scrape off
sastrugati se vr scrape (come) off
sasuiti se vr become desiccated, lose moisture, dry up;
(biljka) wither, shrivel up
sasut pp shot upon; (na) showered (heaped) upon
sasuti vt shoot out, discharge; (na) shower upon, heap
sasvim adv entirely, completely itd. (v. potpuno)
sait pp sewn up (together); stitched up; (provizorno)
basted, tacked
saiti vt sew up (together); baste (tack) together
satrikati vt Ger v. plesti
sat' m (depni) (pocket) watch (inae clock); (na ruci)
wrist-watch; time-piece; (kontrolni) time clock, time
punching (stamping) clock; (zidni) wall clock; (starinski velik, stajai) grandfather's clock; (obuka) lesson, class; (vrijeme) hour | svaki ~ every hour,

hourly; cijele ~e redom for hours on end; okvir ~a

watch-case; uteg ~a clock-weight; njihalica ~a pendulum; brojanik ~a dial; klju ~a clock-key; staklo
~a watch-glass; privjesci ~a trinkets; dep za ~ (na
hlaama) fob; ~ na tornju tower-clock; ~ koji se navija bez kljua stem-winder; ~ koji je istekao watch
(clock) has run down; ~ koji je stao watch (clock)
has stopped; treba naviti ~ watch (clock) needs
winding up; naviti ~ wind up the watch (clock); naravnati ~ po set watch (clock) by; gurnuti ~ natrag
set the watch (clock) back; ~ ide dobro watch (clock)
is right; ~ ide loe watch (clock) is wrong; ~ zaostaje
watch (clock) is slow (loses); ~ ide naprijed watch
(clock) is fast (gains); sada e odbiti ~ it is on the
stroke of...; ~ je odbio 6... it has struck (gone) 6; ~
odbija it is striking...; uredovni ~i office hours; sitni
~i small hours; u 5 ~i at 5 o'clock; (ne kasnije) by 5
sat'' m v. sae
-satan suf v. -satni
satana m v. sotona
satelit m satellite
satelitski adj satellitic
satelitstvo n satellitic behaviour (system)
saten m text (pravi) satin; (nepravi) sateen
satiniranje n giving a glossy surface
satinirati vt satin
satir m myth satyr
satira f satire | zuljiva ~ lampoon
satirati vt v. satrti
satirian adj satyric(al)
satiriar m satirist, writher of satires; lampoonist
satiriki adv satyrically
satirinost n satirical vein
satirik m v. satiriar
satiriziranje n satirizing, lampooning
satirizirati vt satirize, lampoon
satirski adj myth satyric
satisfakcija f v. zadovoljtina, zadovoljstvo
satjerati vt v. stjerati
satkan pp woven
satkati vt weave
satkati se vr be woven
satni adj hourly, of a clock (watch) | ~ mehanizam
-satni suf | dvo-~ two-hour
satnica f (raspored) time-table; (nadnica) hourly wage
satnija f hist mil company (v. eta)
satnik m hist mil v. kapetan
satrap m satrap
satrapija f satrapy
satrapski adj of a satrap
satrt pp crushed; pounded (brayed) to powder; pulverized; (uniten) wrecked, ruined; annihilated; crushed,
shattered; (duevno) reduced to despair, brokenhearted
satrti vt pulverize, pound (bray, crush, pestle, shatter) to
powder (into dust); break into pieces (fragments);
beat small; (vojsku) annihilate, overwhelm, rout ut-

terly; (nade) dash (wreck) hopes; (duevno) drive to

despair, dishearten, dispirit, depress
satrti se vr be crushed (pulverized, ground to powder);
(osoba) kill oneself (v. iskilaviti se)
satrtost adj (duevna) despondency, broken-heartedness
satrven pp v. satrt
saturiran pp saturated, imbued, impregnated
saturiranje n saturation; impregnation
saturirati vt saturate; imbue; impregnate
saturirati se vr become saturated
Saturn m astron Saturn
Saturnalije f pl hist saturnalia
sauesnik m v. sudionik, sukrivac
sauesnitvo n v. sudjelovanje, sukrivnja
sauee n v. suut, suosjeanje
sauna f sauna
sav adj all, all the, integral, entire itd. (v. cijeli); (potpun) complete; (sveukupan) total; (po cijelom tijelu)
all over, from head to foot; (skupan) collective, aggregate; (skroz) through (and through) | proitao
sam svu knjigu I have read the book from cover to
cover; po svem svijetu all over the world; sa svih
strana on all sides; svih vrsti all kind of; svi mi (vi,
oni) all of us, you (of them)
Sava f geog the Sava (River)
savana f geog savannah
savez m alliance, confederation, union, federation, association, league, coalition, compact | napadaki ~ offensive alliance; obrambeni ~ defensive alliance; biti
u ~u be in league with; stupiti u (sklopiti) ~ ally
oneself to (with), federate oneself with, enter into an
alliance, form an alliance; (udruiti se) unite, combine; S~ komunista Jugoslavije hist League of
Yugoslav Communists
savezni adj federal, allied, confederate, federative;
saveznica f (drava) confederate (allied) state, ally
savezniki adj allied, federal, confederate
saveznik m ally
saveznitvo n alliance, confederacy
savijaa f cul strudel
savijanje n bending, curving, rolling, crooking; twisting;
(drveta pod teretom) sagging; (drveta od suenja)
savijati vt bend, curve, crook, coil; fold, roll, twine, twist
savijati se vr (od boli) writhe, bend; (mokro drvo) warp;
be distorted, twist; curve; be pliant (supple); (oko)
wind round (about)
savijen pp bent, curved, crooked; warped; (motan)
wound, rolled, furled, folded
savijenost f curvature
savit pp v. savijen
saviti (se) vt (vr) v. savijati (se)
savitljiv adv pliant, pliable, supple; fig flexible
savitljivost f pliancy, suppleness; flexibility
savjesno adv conscientiously, scrupulously, punctiliously; (temeljito) thoroughly
savjesnost f conscientiousness, scrupulousness, punctiliousness; thoroughness

savjest f conscience, consciousness | dobra (ista) ~

good (clear) conscience; zla (neista) ~ bad (guilty)
conscience; grinja ~i pricks (qualm, scruple, remorse, gnawing, worm, twinge) of conscience, compunction, stings of remorse; ~ ga pee his conscience
stings him; ovjek bez ~i unscrupulous (unprincipled, conscienceless, unconscionable) person; imati
na ~i have on one's conscience
savjestan adj conscientious, scrupulous
savjet m a piece of advice; (openito) advice; counsel;
(mig) hint; (ideja) suggestion; (vijee) council | pitati
~ ask one's advice, consult one; primiti ~ take counsel; take one's advice; posluaj moj ~ be advised by
me; posluati pametan ~ hear (listen) to reason; dravni ~ State Council; po ~u advised by...; radniki
~ workers' council
savjetnica f woman adviser
savjetnik|i adj of a councillor (counsel, adviser) | ~o
vijee counsel
savjetnik m counsellor, member of a council, councillor;
adviser | dvorski ~ aulic counsellor; pravni ~ legal
savjetnitvo n rank (office) of a counsel (counsellor)
savjetodavac m adviser
savjetodavni adj advisory
savjetovalite n guidance clinic (centre)
savjetovan pp advised, having received (got) an advice
savjetovanje n consultation; deliberation, advice, advising; (sastanak) symposium (A+ workshop), conference
savjetovati vt give a piece of advice, advise, counsel;
recommend; hint, suggest
savjetovati se vr take (ask) advice (counsel), (vijeati)
confer, deliberate
savladati (se) vt (vr) v. svladati (se)
savladiv adj surmountable
savlaivanje n v. svladavanje
savlaivati v. svladavati
Savoja f geog Savoy
savremen adj v. suvremen
savren adj perfect, matchless; (bespogrean) faultless,
flawless; tip-top, consummate; thorough
savreno adv perfectly
savrenost f perfect quality (condition), perfection
savrenstv|o n perfection | vrhunac ~a acme of perfection
sazdan pp constructed, built
sazdanje n creation, construction
sazdati vt construct, build
sazidan pp built, erected, raised, reared; (brzo) run up
sazidati vt build, erect, rear, raise, construct; (brzo) run
saziv m convocation, calling together
saziva m person who convokes (calls together, summons) to assemble (convene)
sazivanje n convocation, calling together, convening
sazivati vt v. sazvati
saznajni adj v. spoznajni
saznanje n v. spoznaja, znanje, injenica

sazna|ti vt come to know, learn, come to one's knowledge (ears), reach one's ears; hear | kako ~jem (ujem, kako mi kau) I am told, I learn, understand, I
am informed; ~lo se (proulo se) it leaked out, it
transpired, it became known
sazorio adj v. sazreo
sazoriti vt v. sazreti
sazoriv adj convenable
sazrelost f riped (ripe) state; maturity
sazreo adj ripened, grown ripe (mellow, mature); (ir)
drawn to a head
sazreti vi grow ripe, ripen, mature; (ir) draw to a head |
rano ~ be rathripe; uzgajati tako da ranije sazrije
sazrijevanje n ripening, maturing
sazvan pp convened, convocated
sazvati vt convene, convoke, call (summon) together
sazvijee n collect v. zvijee
saalan adj pitiful, sympathizing, commiserative
saaliti se vr pity, have pity on, commiserate, show
compassion, be sorry for, compassionate, condole;
(izraziti suut) express (tender) one's condolences
saalnica f condolence, expression of sympathy
saalno adv with sympathy, commiseratingly
saaljenj|e n compassion, pity, regret; condolence;
commiseration, having pity (compassion) | vrijedan
~a pitiable, worthy of compassion, pitiful
saei vt burn up, consume by fire, destroy by fire; incinerate; calcine, reduce to ashes, burn to cinders
saet pp condensed, epitomized
saeti vt contract; (stisnuti) compress, squeeze; (smanjiti) condense, reduce; (u kratko) abridge, epitomize;
(u najkrae) give the pith (gist) of a matter, give in a
nut-shell | ~ ramenima shrug one's shoulders
saeti se vr contract, become compressed
saeto adv concisely
saetost f conciseness
saeen pp burned up, calcined, incinerated, reduced to
ashes, consumed by fire
saeiv adj incinerable
sagan pp v. saeen
sagati vt v. saei
saimanje n (ramenima) shrugging of shoulders; (smanjenje) contraction; reduction to smaller compass,
condensation, compression; squeezing
saimati vt (ramenima) shrug one's shoulders; v. saeti
saimljiv adj compressable, squeezable
saivjeti se vr v. suivjeti se
saizanje n combustion, incineration, calcination, reduction to ashes; destroying by fire
saizati vt v. saei
savakan pp chewed up, masticated
savakati vt chew up, masticate
scen|a f scene; (pozornica) stage; (prizor, kraj) scenery |
napraviti ~u (ispad) make a scene
scenarij m screenplay, script, scenario
scenarist m screen-writer, script-writer
scenerija f scenery

scenograf m set designer, scenographer

scenografija f set design, scenography
scenografski adj set-design(ing), scenographic
scenski' adj scenic; (priroda) picturesque; theat dramatic
scenski'' adv scenically
se ref pro | (kod povratnih glagola) ja ~, ti ~, on (ona,
ono) ~, mi ~, vi ~, oni (one, ona) ~... I myself, you
yourself, he himself, she herself, it itself, we ourselves, you yourselves, they themselves... ; (reciprono) oni ~ vole they love each other (one another);
(bezlino) ne zna ~ kada e doi one does not know
(you don't know, people don't know, it is not known)
when he will come; misli ~... it is understood, people
think, it is thought; govori ~ people talk, it is rumoured ; govorka ~ po gradu it is the town-talk; ulo ~ da on govori he was heard speak; na njega ~ nije obaziralo he was not taken notice of; pitalo ga ~
za savjet his advice was asked; dalo mi ~ razumjeti
I was given to understand; poslalo ~ po lijenika the
doctor was sent for
seansa f seance, session (v. spiritistiki)
sebe ref pro accus | sam od ~ of oneself; za ~ for oneself; on je izvan ~ he is beside himself
sebi ref pro dat to oneself | biti pri ~ have one's wits
about one; ne biti pri ~ be out of one's wits; (smuenost) have a screw loose; (lud) be mentally deranged;
(nesvijest) unconscious (senseless, insensible); imati
na ~ (odijelo) wear, be dressed in; smijati se u ~
laugh in one's sleeve; doi k ~ recover, come to, recover one's senses
sebian adj egoistical, egotistical, selfish, self-seeking,
self-interested, self-centred
sebino adv egoistically
sebinost f egoism, egotism, self-centredness
sebinjak m egoist, egotist
secesija f secession; (u umjetnosti) Secession; split,
secesionirati vi secede
secesionist m secessionist
secesionistiki adj secessionist
seciranje n dissection; anatomizing; post-mortem cutting in pieces
secirati vt dissect; anatomize; cut in pieces
seija f Tur settee
sedam num seven
sedamdeset num seventy, three score and ten | ovjek od
~ godina septuagenarian
sedamdesetak num some (about) seventy
sedamdesetogodinjak m septuagenarian
sedamdeseti num the seventieth
sedamdesetogodinji adj septuagenarian
sedamnaest num seventeen
sedamnaesti num seventeenth
sedamnaestina f one seventeenth
sedamnaestero adj some (about) seventeen persons
sedamsto num seven hundred
sedativ m med sedative
sedef m mother-of-pearl | od ~a mother-of-pearl

sediment m v. talog
sedimentacija f med | kolika je ~? what is the sedimentation rate
sedlanje n saddling
sedlar m saddler
sedlarija m saddler's workshop (trade)
sedlarski adj of (like) a saddler
sedlarstvo n saddler's trade, saddlery
sedlast adj saddle-formed, saddle-shaped
sedlati vt saddle
sedl|o n saddle; (brda) mountain-ridge | torba ~a holster, saddle-bag; ensko ~o pillion; (bicikla) pillionseat; zbaciti sa ~a spill; (konj) unhorse; fig oust,
supplant; sjahati sa ~a dismount; bez ~a bareback(ed); sjediti vrsto u ~u be firm in the saddle, be
saddlefast; luk ~a saddle-bow; jabuka ~a saddlepommel; ulj od ~a saddle-gall
sedmerac m (stih) heptameter
sedmero num seven persons
sedmerokut m geom heptagon
sedmi adj the seventh
sedmica f v. tjedan
sedmina f one seventh
sedmo adv in the seventh place, seventhly
sedmogodinji adj seven-year-old
sedmorica f seven (male) persons
sedmokolac m A seventh-grade pupil
sef m safe
sefard m Sephardi (pl Sephardim)
sefardski adj Sephardic
segment m segment
segmentacija f segmentation
segmentirati vt segment
segn|uti vi reach up (to), stretch out; (prostor) extend to;
(dohodak) reach to; reach forward; (biti dovoljan)
suffice, be sufficient | dokle oko ~e as far the eye can
segregacij|a f segregation, isolation | rasna ~a racial
segregation; eliminirati ~u desegregate
segregirati vt & vi segregate
seiz m Tur groom
seizmiki adj seismic
seizmograf m seismograph, seismometer
seizmografski adj seismographic
seizmolog m seismologist
seizmologija f seismology
seizmoloki adj seizmological
seja f hyp v. sestra
seka f hyp v. sestra
sekanta f geom secant
sekantan adj bothersome
sekantnost f bothersomeness
sekcija f section; v. seciranje
sekin adj sister's, of (belonging to) the sister
sekirati (se) v. uzrujavati (se)
sekrecija f med secretion
sekret m med discharge, secretion
sekretar m (tajnik) secretary | generalni ~ secretary

sekretarica f (tajnica) secretary

sekretarijat m secretariat
sekreter m escritoire, secretary, writing-desk
seks m sex
seks-bomba f sex-bomb
seksepil m sex-appeal
seksepilan adj full of sex-appeal
seksolog m sexologist
seksologija f sexology
seksoloki adj sexological
sekstant m mar sextant
sekstet m mus sextet(te)
seksual|an adj sexual | ~na pouda sexual appetite; ~no
openje sexual intercourse
seksualno adj sexually
seksualnost f sexuality
sekta f sect
sekta m sectarian, follower of a sect
sektaki adj sectarian
sektatvo n sectarianism
sektor m sector
sekularan adj secular; (neredovnki) non monastic
sekularizacija f secularization
sekulariziran pp secularized
sekularizirati pp secularize
sekunda f second
sekundant m (u dvoboju) second
sekundaran adj secondary
sekundiranje n seconding; backing up; accompaniment
in singing
sekundirati vi second, back up; accompany in singing
sekvenca f sequence (i film)
sekvestar m sequestration
sekvestracija f sequestration
sekvestriran pp sequestered, sequestrated
sekvestrirati vt sequester, sequestrate
sekvoja f bot sequoia, redwood
selekcija f selection
selekcioni adj selectionselekcionirati vt selection
selektivan adj selective
selektivno adv selectively
selektivnost f selectivity
selektor m selector
selen m chem selenium
selendra f derog backwater town
selica f | ptica ~ migratory bird, bird of passage
selidba f removal; change of abode (residence, dwelling); migration; Sc flitting; (nou, ne plativi stanarine) moonlight flitting; (u gomili) trek
selidben adj caused by (having to do with) removal
selite n settlement; homestead; farm
selitelj m migrant, person moving to another residence
seliti vt & vi move to another place (dwelling, house
itd.), change one's residence (abode); quit; flit; migrate | ~ nou ne plativi stanarinu flit by
moonlight; ~ u immigrate; ~ iz emigrate; ~u gomilama trek

selo n village; (malo) hamlet; (suprotno od grada) the

country | ii na ~ go into the country
selotejp m B Sellotape, A Scotch tape
seljae n peasant-boy
seljaina f derog yokel, country bumpkin
seljaki adj peasant, rustic; country; (neotesan) boorish
selja|k m peasant, farmer; rustic; countryman; (slobodnjak) yeoman; (fig: prostak) yokel, bumpkin, clodhopper | ~ci pl peasants, farmers; villagers; countrypeople, country-folk
seljakati se vr move all the time
seljakinja f peasant-woman, country-woman, countrygirl
seljanin m villager; v. seljak
seljanka f v. seljakinja
seljatvo n collect peasantry, peasants, country people,
farmers; yeomanry
seljenje n v. selidba
sem prep & adv v. osim
semafor m rlw semaphore; mot traffic lights pl; sp scoreboard
semantiar m ling semanticist
semantiki adj ling semantic
semantika f ling semantics (sg)
semestar m semester, half-year term (v. trimestar)
semestralan, semestarski adj half-yearly
semifinale m sp semifinals pl
semifinalist m sp semifinalist
seminar m univ seminar; v. sjemenite; (teaj) seminar,
workshop, refresher course
seminarist m v. sjemenitarac
seminarski adj of a seminar, done in (for) a seminar
semi m Ger v. antilop
Semit m Semite
semitski adj Semitic
sena f pharm senna
senat m senate
senator m senator
senatorski adj senatorial
senatorstvo n senatorship
senatski adj of a senate, senate
sendvi m sandwich
Senegal m geog Senegal
Senegalac m Senegalese
senegalski adj Senegalese
senf m cul (French) mustard
senilac m coll old dodderer (v. starkelja)
senilan adj senile
seniliti vi grow senile
senilnost f senility
senior m senior (i sp)
seniorski adj senior
sentencija f maxim, sentence
sentiment m sentiment
sentimentalan adj sentimental
sentimentalno adv sentimentally
sentimentalnost f sentimentality
senzacija f sensation
senzacionalan adj sensational

senzacionalistiki adj sensation-mongering

senzacionalno adj sensationally
senzacionalnost f sensational quality
senzal m exch stock-broker
senzibilan adj sensitive (sensible = razborit!)
senzibilnost f sensitivity
senzitivan adj v. senzibilan
senzualan adj sensual
senzualnost f sensuality
seoba f v. selidba
seoben adj v. selidben
seoce m dim small village, hamlet
seoski adj village, country, rural, rustic, agrestic | ~ posjednik country gentleman, squire, gentleman farmer;
~ posjed country estate; ~ dvorac country-seat, country-house, country-residence; ~ knez (glavar) headman
separabilan adj separable
separacija f separation; (rude) screening
separat m offprint
separatan adj separate
separatist m separatist
separatistiki adj separatist
separatizam m separatism
separator m separator
separe m booth; private dining-room
separirati vt separate
separirati se vr separate oneself
sepet m reg basket, crate, hamper
sepija f sepia
sepsa f med sepsis
septembar m September (v. rujan'')
septembarski adj September (v. rujanski)
septet m mus septette
septian adj med septic
septinost f med septicity
serafin m seraph (pl seraphim)
serdar m Tur sirdar
serdarstvo n Tur rank (authority) of a sirdar
serenad|a f serenade | pjevati ~u serenade; pjeva ~e
serenadni adj serenade
serija f series (sg & pl); TV serial
serijsk|i' adj serial | ~a proizvodnja assembly-line production
serijski'' adv serially
seriozan adj serious (v. ozbiljan)
serkl m circle, club; theat orchestra pit
serolog m med serologist
serologija f med serology
seroloki adj med serological
seronja m vulg shithead
serpentina f hairpin-bend
serum m serum (pl sera)
serumski adj serumservijeta f v. ubrus
servilan adj servile, slavish; cringing
servilnost f servility; slavish (cringing) spirit (submission, behaviour)

serviranje n serving
servirati vt serve (i sp)
servirka f food-server
servis m mot & sp service; service-shop | ~ za aj tea
service; dati kola na ~ have a car serviced; auto ~
motor-car (A auto) repair shop
servisirati vt service
ser m text serge
sestr|a f sister | roena ~ sister german; milosrdna ~
sister of charity; (bolniarka) sister, hospital nurse;
(svjetovna) lay-sister; asna ~a sister
sestrina f female cousin
sestri m v. brati
sestrimiti se vr hold (one another) in esteem (love) like a
sestrinski adj sisterly, like a sister, sister
sestrinstvo n sisterhood; A univ sorority
set m sp set
seter m (pseto) setter
sevdah m Tur love-sickness
sevdalinka f (oriental-style) love-song
sezam m bot & cul sesame
sezati vi v. segnuti
sezona f season | mrtva ~ off-season
sezonsk|i adj seasonal | ~i radnik migrant worker; ~a
karta B season ticket, A commutation ticket
seanj m (hvat) fathom
sfairati vt B mince (meat), A grind (meat)
sfelan adj coll out-of-whack; misfit; twisted
sfera f sphere; pl (okolina) surroundings pl; (rada) field
of action
sferian adj spherical; poet spheric
sfinga f sphinx
sfinkter m anat sphincter
sfrkan adj curled, coiled, rolled; twisted, twirled
sfrkati vt twist, curl, roll, coil, twirl
sfrkati se vr twist, become twisted
shema f scheme; chart; outline; plan; conspectus, synopsis, syllabus; set form
shematian adj schematic
shematino adv schematically
shematizam m schematism
shizma f schism
shizmatian adj schismatic(al)
shizmatik m schismatic
shizofrenian adj schizophrenic
shizofreniar m schizophrenic
shizofrenija f schizophrenia
shodan adj v. prikladan, odgovarajui
shodno adv (emu) v. prikladno; v. prema, u smislu, u
skladu s
sholastik m v. skolastik
shrvan pp overpowered, overwhelmed, crushed, staggered; broken-hearted, reduced to despair | on je ~
ovjek he is a broken man
shrvati vi overwhelm, overpower, crush, break one's
shvaanje n comprehension, understanding, intelligence; grasp, grasping; (nazor) view, idea, opinion,

conception; apprehension | krivo ~ misconception,

misunderstanding, misapprehension
shvaa|ti vt comprehend, conceive, grasp, penetrate,
apprehend; fathom, take in, catch, realize | da li me
~te? do you follow me?; brzo (teko) ~ti be quickwitted (slow-witted); be quick (slow) of apprehension; ne ~m to it passes my understanding (comprehension), I don't know what to make of it, I can make
neither head nor tail of it, that's Greek to me, that's
above (beyond) me; krivo ~ti misapprehend, misunderstand, misconceive
shvatiti vt v. shvaati
shvatljiv adj understandable, comprehensible, conceivable, intelligible, imaginable, that can be grasped | to
je ~o (jasno) that's clear as day, this is not to be mistaken; to mi nije ~o this is beyond me
shvatljivo adv in an easy-to-understand manner
shvatljivost f comprehensibility, conceivability
si' ref pro dat v. sebi | dajem ~ praviti cipele I have my
shoes made; sam ~ pravim cipele I make my own
boots (shoes); sam ~ kuham objed I cook my own
dinner; sam ~ je kriv it is his own fault (a fault of his
si'' vb | ti ~ you are
sibila f myth & fig sybil
sibilant m sibilant
Sibirac m Siberian
Sibirija f Siberia
sibirski adj Siberian
Sicilija f Sicily
Sicilijanac m Sicilian
Sicilijanka f Sicilian woman
sicilijanski adj Sicilian
si m v. vedro
sienje n satiating, sating; (prezasienje) cloying, surfeiting
sii vi descend, get down (off), come down, alight; (s
konja) dismount
siuan adj tiny, diminutive, minute, very small, infinitesimal, microscopic; (djeji izrazi) wee, teenyweeny; dwarfed
siunost f smallness, littleness, puniness
siderit m minr siderite
sidol m brass polish
sidrenje n casting anchor, anchoring, anchorage
sidrite n anchorage, anchorage-ground; (daleko od obale) roadsted; (nezatieno od vjetra i valova) open
road | pristojba za ~ anchorage (-due)
sidriti se vr drop (let go, cast) anchor, anchor, come to
sidr|o n anchor; (malo) grapnel; (za nudu) sheet-anchor;
(omanje) kedge (anchor) | ~ hvata anchor bites; putati ~o drop (let go, cast) anchor; dizati ~o weigh anchor; brod se rijeio ~a vessel is under weigh
sifilis m med syphilis
sifilitian adj med syphilitic
sifilitiar m med syphilitic (person)
sifon m siphon; (boca) siphon-bottle
siga f stalactite, stalagmite | pun ~ stalactitic, stalagmitic

sigla f shorthand abbreviation (sign), gramalogue, logogram

signal m signal | knjiga ~a signal-book, code of signals;
~ broda u nevolji distress signal
signalist m signaller, signal-man
signaliziranje n signalling, making (transmitting,
transmission of) signals
signalizirati vi signal, make signals to; fig v. upozoriti,
signalni adj signalsignator m signatory
signatura f (knjige) call number
signifikantan adj significant
signiranje n signing, marking; (igom) branding
signirati vt sign, mark; (igom) brand
siguran adj sure safe; secure; certain; (pouzdan) tested,
sound, infallible; (ruka, oko, itd.) firm, steady, unerring, unfailing; (dohodak) fixed; (od tanadi, kie,
bombe, vatre, nevremena, provale, vode itd.) bullet-,
rain-, bomb-, fire-, burglar-, weather-, water-proof |
biti ~ be (feel) sure, be satisfied
sigurno adv safely, securely, certainly; surely, confidently, assuredly; (nedvojbeno) undoubtedly, without
fail, for certain, with certainty, sure enough | on e ~
doi he is sure to come, he will come for sure
sigurnos|an adj safety- | ~ni ureaj safety device
sigurnost f safety, certainty, sureness; (pouzdanost) dependability; (vrstoa) firmness, steadiness, stability,
state of being proof against | potpuna ~ dead certainty
sija m sower
sijaica f woman sower; (stroj) sowing machine, sower;
soil used for sowing
sijai adj used in sowing
sijalica f v. arulja
Sijam m Siam
Sijamac m Siamese
sijamsk|i adj Siamese | ~i jezik Siamese; ~i blizanci
Siamese twins; ~a maka Siamese (cat)
sijanje' n (sjemena) sowing; (irenje) broadcasting
sijanje'' n (blistanje) shining, glistening, glittering,
sparkling, glimmering
sijaset adv Tur | ima ih ~ their name is legion
sijati' vt (sjeme) sow; (iriti) disseminate, spread; (sterati) strew, litter; (sipati) spill; (sito, reeto) bolt, riddle, screen | kako sije, tako e i eti you must reap
what you have sown; ~ razdor stir up dissension
sijati'' vt (svjetlo) v. sjati
sijavica f sheet-lightning
sijeanj m January
sijed adj grey, grey-haired; grizzled, white with age
sijedjeti vi become (grow) grey (grey-haired, grizzled)
sijeenje n growing (becoming) grey (grey-haired),
sijelo' n (s komuanjem i sl.) bee-party; (s raspravom)
moot; meeting
sijelo'' n (sjedite) see, seat; headquarters; centre
sijen|o n hay; (drugo - otava)aftermath, after-grass, fog |
trine ~a crumbled hay; stog ~a hay-stack; hayrick;

plast ~a hayrick; kupac ~a hay-cock; jasle za ~o

hay-rack; kositi ~o mow hay; kositi i suiti ~o make
hay; friko ~o new-mown hay; groznica od ~a hayfever; bala ~a hay-truss; (sveanj) bottle (bundle) of
Sijera Leone f geog Sierra Leone
sijerak m bot sorghum
sijevanje n lightning, flashing; (sijavica) sheetlightning; (bljetavilo) replendence, refulgence,
glare, flare; (sjaj) brilliant (dazzling) light, radiance,
blaze; (blistanje) glitter, glimmer
sijev|ati vi lighten, flash; blaze; flare; (oi) glare; blaze,
dazzle, be brilliant (radiant, refulgent, resplendent);
(cakljenje) glimmer, glitter | munja ~a it lightens;
oi mu ~aju od bijesa his eyes glare
sijevnuti vi flash (lighten) momentarily
sikilj m anat clitoris
siknuti vi hiss (once)
sikofant m sycophant, flatterer; toady; parasite
sikofantski adj sycophant(ic)
sikomora f bot sycamore
siktanje n hissing
siktati vi hiss
sil|a f (nasilje) violence, force; (krepina) vigour; (estina) vehemence, (jakost) strength; (mo) power,
might; (napetost) intensity; (prisiljenje) compulsion,
coercion, constraint; (uvjeravanja) cogency; (pritisak) pressure; (pourivanje) urgency; (nuda) necessity; (obuzdavanje, susprezanje) restraint; (poriv)
impulse, impetus; (naglaska) stress, emphasis; (tjelesna nuda) call of nature; (mnotvo) throng, concourse, crowd; (obilje) plenty, a lot, heaps pl | konjska ~a horse-power (kratica: h. p.); gruba ~a violence; prirodna (via) ~a Act of God; ~a mi je I
must ease nature (obey the call of nature); kopnena
~a land forces (troops); pomorska ~a navy, naval
force; bez ~e free from constraint; to je za ~u (privremeno, za nudu do boljega) this is a makeshift, this
is a stopgap (temporary substitute); nije (turska) ~a
there is no hurry; ~a kola lomi, a boga ne moli needs
must when the devil drives; ija ~a toga i pravda
might before right; svom ~om (svim ~ama, iz svih
~a) (iz petnih ila) with might and main; pod ~u (na
~u) forced, compelled; na ~u by force; (nerado)
against the grain; rastavljanje ~a resolution of
forces; napeti sve ~e tax one's powers to the utmost;
moment ~e momentum of force; jedinica ~e unit of
force; punom ~om naprijed full speed ahead (brod);
on je dobra ~a he is a good (efficient) worker; ~a ~u
izbija one nail drives out another; biti u ~i be hard
pressed for; (kripac) be in a scrape (fix); to je preko
mojih ~a that is beyond my strength; phys paetvorina ~a parallelogram of forces
sil|an adj (jak) strong, powerful, acute, mighty; (golem)
huge, gigantic, enormous, immense; (estok) vehement, violent; (napet) intensive; (bez premca) unaparallelled; (udesan, golem) prodigious, stupendous,
tremendous, fabulous; (skrajnji) uttermost; (brojni)
overwhelming | ~na razlika vast difference; ~na ve-

ina (izbori) swinging (overwhelming) majority; ~no

neznanje abysmal ignorance; ~na zima severe winter
silazak m descent, coming down; landing, gliding down;
(s vozila) alighting
silaziti vi descend, come down; land, glide down; (s vozila) alight; (s konja) dismount
silazni adj descending
silaa f farm (en)silage
silaenje n v. silazak
siledija m bully, rowdy; v. nasilnik
siledijstvo m bullying, rowdyism
silesija f enormous number, galore, myriad, legion, vast
number, host; lots pl, heaps pl | ima ih ~ their name
is legion, they are plentiful as blackberries
silhueta f v. silueta
silicij m chem silicon
silikat m chem silicate
silikon m chem silicone
silikoza f med silicosis
silirati vt farm ensilage
siliti vi force, compel, coerce, constrain; oblige; (na vrenje ina) enforce upon; cause, make one do; (na urbu) drive, press, hurry, hasten, urge, egg on, hustle,
impel (to), force to do (into doing), offer violence to;
(na plate) dun
siliti se vr force (make) oneself | ~ na smijeh force a
silnice f pl phys lines of magnetic force
silnik m tyrant, despot, oppressor; v. siledija
silnikovanje n tyranny, despotism; bullying
silnikovati vi rule despotically, tyrannize; bully
silno adv (jako) powerfully, mightily, violently, awfully,
tremendously; (grozno) dreadfully, terribly, horribly,
frightfully; (do skrajnosti) extremely, in the extreme,
supremely; (golemo, neizmjerno) vastly, hugely, immensely, enormously, infinitely, immeasurably, incalculably; (zapanjujui) stupendously, prodigiously;
(prekomjerno) beyond measure, outrageously, exorbitantly; (vrlo jako) severely | ~ zaljubljen (zaduen)
over head and ears (in love, debt); ~ eljeti (eznuti)
crave (lust) after, hanker (yearn) after, pine for
silogizam m log syllogism
silom adv by force (compulsion, main force), compulsorily; (protiv volje) willy-nilly, with a bad grace,
against the grain, under compulsion; (s naporom) by
effort | ~ otvoriti vrata force a door; ~ htjeti insist
upon; ~ uzeti u vojnike press
silos m silo | ~ za ito grain elevator
silovanje n violation, rape, ravishment
silovatelj m rapist, lit ravisher
silovati vt rape, violate, ravish, force
silovit adj violent, tyrannical, oppressing, brutal, domineering
silovito adv violently, brutally, by force | ~ se vladati
bully, domineer, tyrannize, ride rough-shod over
silovitost f violence, brutality
silueta f silhouette
silvestrovo n New Year's Eve
siljenje n compulsion, coercion, constraint

simbioza f biol commensalism

simbol m symbol, mark, sign, token
simbolian adj symbolic(al), tokensimbolino adv symbollically
simbolinost f symbolic quality, symbolism
simbolika f symbolics pl
simbolist m symbolist
simbolizam m symbolism
Simeon m Simeon
simetrala f geom line of symmetry
simetrian adj symmetric(al)
simetrino adv symmetrically
simetrinost f symmetry
simetrija f symmetry, right proportions
simfoniar m symphonicist
simfonija f symphony
simfonijski adj symphonic | ~ koncert (orkestar) symphony concert (orchestra)
simpati|an adj attractive, engaging, winning, prepossessing, likable, appealing to, after one's mind's heart
| ~no ponaanje winning ways
simpatino adv attractively, winningly, prepossessingly
simpatinost f attractivenes, prepossessing; winning
(likable, engaging) ways (manners, behaviour, air,
outward appearance), likableness
simpatija f liking, fancy for, inclination, sympathy, affinity (sympathy = razumijevanje, suosjeanje)
simpatizer m sympathiser
simpatizirati vt & vi (nekoga) feel a liking
simplicistiki' adj simplistic
simplicistiki'' adv simplistically
simptom m symptom
simptomatian adj symptomatic
simulant m simulant; (bolesti) malingerer; dissembler,
pretender; hypocrite; humbug
simulantski' adj malingering, dissembling
simulantski'' adv malingeringly, dissemblingly
simulator m aero & mot simulator
simuliranje n simulation, hypocrisy, dissimulation, pretence; (bolesti) malingering; sham
simulirati vi simulate, feign, pretend; (bolest) malinger,
sham ill; dissemble, dissimulate, sham
simultan adj simultaneous
simultanka f chess simultaneous exhibition
simultano adv simultaneous
simultanost f simultaneity
sin m son; (zakonit) legitimate son; (posvoje) fosterson; (nezakonit) illegitimate son, son born out of
wedlock, bastard; (posmrtni) posthumous son; (prvoroen) first-born son; (posinjen) adoptive son
sinagoga f sinagogue
Sinaj m Bibl & geog Sinai
sini m dim little son, sonny
sindikalac m trade (labor) union official (activist)
sindikalist m trade (labor) union member; trade-unionist
sindikalizam m syndicalism
sindikaln|i adj B trade-union, A labor-union | ~a podrunica local union branch, A+ local
sindikat m B trade union, A labor union

sindrom m med syndrome

sindir m Tur chain
sineast m film worker, cineast
sinegdoha f pros synecdochy
sinekura f sinecure, sl a soft job
sinemaskop m film cinemascope
singerica f coll Singer sewing machine
singl m sp singles match
singular m gram singular
sinhron(ian) adj synchronous
sinhroninost f synchronicity
sinhronija f synchrony
sinhronizacija f synchronization; dubbing
sinhroniziran pp synchronized; dubbed
sinhroniziranje n synchronization; dubbing
sinhronizirati (se) vt (vr) synchronize, (film na drugi
jezik) dub
sinkopa f mus syncope
sinkopiran pp syncopated
sinkopirati vt syncopate
sinkron(ian) adj v. sinhron(ian)
sino adv last night, yesterday evening, overnight
sinonji adj overnight, of last night (evening)
sinod m synod
sinodni adj synodal, synodic
sinolog m sinologue
sinologija f sinology
sinoloki adj sinological
sinonim m synonym
sinoniman adj synonymous
sinonimija f synonymy, synonymity
sinonimika f synonymy
sinopsis m synopsis; abstract
sinoptian adj synoptic
sinoptiar m (weather) forecaster
sinoptik|i adj synoptic | ~a karta synoptic weather map
sinovac m brother's son, nephew
sinovica f niece, brother's daughter
sinovlji adj of a son, filial
sintagma f gram syntagm
sintaksa f gram syntax
sintaktian adj gram syntactic
sintetian adj synthetic(al), artificial
sintetiar m synthetist
sinteza f synthesis
sintetiziranje n synthetizing, synthesis
sintetizirati vt synthetize
sinus m anat sinus; math sine | med upala ~a sinusitis
sinu|ti vi shine; burst forth (out) in splendour; flash | ~lo
mi je it flashed upon me, it came into my mind, it
occurred to me, an idea struck me; sunce je ~lo i na
moja vrata luck (fortune) smiles on me
sinj|i adj greyish, leaden; (more) bluish | fig ~a kukavica downright coward
sip|a ichth cuttle-fish (v. sipin)
sipak adj loose
sipalo n sprinkler; castor

sipanje n strewing, littering, spreading; (rasipavanje)

scattering; (pranjenje) shooting, spilling, emptying;
(tekuine) v. (iz)lijevanje, nalijevanje
sipati vt strew, litter; (prazniti) shoot, spill, empty, discharge, pour out; (na sve strane) scatter; v.
(iz)lijevati, nalijevati
siperak m Tur v. oprnjak
sipica f ichth sepiola
sipin adj | ~a kost cuttle-bone
sipina f sand, sandbank, dune
sip|iti vi | kia ~i it is drizzling
sipko adv loosely
sipkost f looseness
sipljiv adj med asthmatic(al); (konj) broken-winded
sipljivac m med asthmatic
sipljivo adv asthmatically
sipljivost f med asthma; (konj) broken-windedness
sir m cheese; (bijeli) cream-cheese; (nezreo) green
cheese | kora ~a cheese-rind; obrezine ~a cheeseparings; crv ~a cheese-mite; prodava ~a cheesemonger
sirak m bot sorghum
sirana f dairy, cheese-monger's shop
sirar m cheese-monger
sirarica f female cheese-monger
sirarstvo n making of cheese, dairying
sirast adj cheesy
sire n v. ocat
siretni adj v. octen
sirealizam m v. nadrealizam
sirena f myth siren; (za uzbunu) siren; (auto) horn; fig
charmer, beautiful woman
sirenski adj a siren's; tempting, enticing
sirenje n curdling, coagulation, clotting, formation of
Sirija f geog Syria
Sirijac m Syrian
sirijski adj Syrian
Sirijus m astron Syrius
sirite n zoo anat rennet
sirni adj of cheese, cheese sirnica f cheese-dairy; v. milhbrot
sirnjaa f cheese-cake; v. milhbrot
siroad n collect orphans
siroe n orphan; (djeak) orphan-boy; (djevojica) orphan-girl
siroma|h m poor man, needy man, pauper; (prosjak)
beggar, mendicant; a person come upon the parish; v.
jadnik | ~si the poor, wretched people; (prosjaci)
siromaak m poor devil
siromaan adj poor, needy, necessitous, indigent, impoverished, badly off, reduced to abject poverty, beggarly; (jadan) miserable, wretched, distressed, pitiable | potpuno ~ poor as a church mouse; ~ ovjek
(ubogar) pauper
siromaenje n growing poor gradually, gradual impoverishment
siromaica f poor (wretched) woman

siromaiti vi grow poor (impoverished) gradually

siromaki adj poorly, beggarly, indigently, miserably,
siromatina f poverty, indigence, neediness, misery,
beggary, pauperism, penury, destitution, privation;
(jadnost) misery, distress, pitiableness
siromatvo n v. siromatina
sirota f poor woman (child), wretched (miserable, pitiable) woman
sirotan m poor (miserable, wretched) child (boy)
sirotica f dim v. sirota
sirotinj|a f poverty; poor people | fig otac ~e guardian of
the poor
sirotinjsk|i' adj of poor people | B hist ~i staratelj relieving officer; ~a etvrt slum
sirotinjski'' adv in poverty; in the manner of poor people
sirotite n orphanage
sirov adj raw, uncooked, unboiled; (i fig) crude, coarse
sirovina f raw material
sirovo adv crudely
sirovost f raw state, crudity
sirup m syrup | sladak (gust) poput ~a syrupy
sirupast adj syrupy
sirutka f v. surutka
sis|a f (woman's) breast, mamma; (bradavica) teat, nipple, pap; (ivotinje) dug; (grudi) bosom, bust | davati
~u give suck to, suckle, nurse; odgojiti dijete bez ~e
bring up a child by hand, dry-nurse a child; dijete na
~i suckling, unweaned child; odbiti (dijete) od ~e
wean from breast; brat po ~i foster-brother; sestra
po ~i foster-sister
sisa m sucker
sisak m sucking-pipe, mouth-piece; eng nozzle (diza)
sisaljka f sucker; pump, suction-pump; suction-pipe
sisane n suckling animal; v. odojak
sisanje n sucking, suction, imbibing; (upijanje) absorption; pumping
sisar m v. sisavac
sisati vt suck; (dijete) suckle; (upijati) imbibe, absorb;
drink (draw) in, suck up; be a suckling (baby); (iscrpljivati) drain, exhaust | dati ~ v. davati sisu
sisavac m zoo mammal
sistem m system
sistematiar m systematist, systematizer; systematic person
sistematian adj systematic, methodical
sistematino adv systematically
sistematinost f being systematic, systematism
sistematika f systematics sg
sistematiziranje n systematization
sistematizirati vt systematize
sistematizirati se vr be systematized, undergo systematization
sistemski adj systemic
sit adj sated, satiated, fed; (natrpan) gorged, replete with
food, cloyed, surfeited; fig sick of, coll fed up with,
tired of, weary of | najesti se do ~a stay one's stomach, appease one's hunger, have one's fill of...; najeo

sam se do ~a I have made a very good dinner; napio

sam se do ~a I have drunk my fill; najadio sam se
do ~a I have fretted my fill; nagledao sam se do ~a I
have gazed my fill; ~ sam ga I can't stand the fellow
any longer
sitak m bot rush, sedge
sit|an adj minute, tiny, diminutive, miniature; (djeji
izrazi) wee, teeny-weeny; microscopic; filigree; infinitesimal; fig (triav) trifling, petty, trivial; insignificant | ~ni sati small hours; ~an novac (small)
change; ~na divlja small game; ~no slovo small letter, minuscule; ~na djeca small fry; ~an ovjek
manikin; (patuljak) pigmy, dwarf
sitar m sieve-maker
sitarija f sieve-maker's trade (shop)
sitast adj like a sieve, sieve-like | anat ~a kost v. sitnjaa
sititi vt sate, satiate
sitnarija f odds and ends, small things, trifles, scraps,
sundries, oddments
sitnica f trifle, paltry thing, (unimportant) detail, small
matter | to je ~ this is unimportant, it is a mere trifle,
it is of little importance, it is not worthy of notice, it
is immaterial (unessential, of little, no account); ~!
(nije vano) never mind! all right!
sitniar m small grocer, A+ general-store operator; v.
sitniarenje n selling goods on a small scale; v. cjepidlaenje
sitniarija f small grocer's; v. sitnarija
sitniariti vi sell goods on a small scale; v. cjepidlaiti
sitniav adj pedantic, hair-splitting, overscrupulous,
paltry, small-minded, over-attentive to unimportant
sitniavo adv pedantically; in a small-minded way
sitniavost f attentiveness to trifles, conscientiousness in
small matters, scrupulousness and over-attentiveness
to details; pettiness of mind; (cjepidlaenje) hairsplitting
sitnina f v. sitni
sitni m small change, petty cash, loose money, odd
sitniti vt chop (cut, split) fine; mince
sitno adv | ~ sjeckati mince; ~ sjei (kalati) chop (split)
sitnoburujski adj petty-bourgeois (v. malograanski)
sitnoa f smallness, minuteness, pettiness, littleness, tiny
sitnosopstveniki adj v. maloposjedniki
sitnozrn adj small-grained
sitnjaa f anat ethmoid bone
sitnjenje n chopping (cutting, splitting) fine
sito' n sieve; (krupno) riddle, bo(u)lter | uzeti koga na ~
i reeto criticise severely and maliciously
sito'' adv satedly
sitost f satiety, fill; (prevelika) glut surfeit
situacija f situation; (poloaj) position; (okolnosti) circumstances; certificate of payment

situiran adj (poloaj) situated | dobro ~ well-to-do, in

easy circumstances
situirati vt (nekoga) find a position (job) for
situirati se vr find a position (job)
siv adj grey, A gray
sivilo n greyness, A grayness; monotony
sivjeti vi (become) grey (A gray)
sivkast adj greyish (A grayish), ashen, ash-coloured;
sivomaslinast adj mil olive-drab
sivonja m grey (A gray) horse, grey ass (A gray donkey)
siz m mar accommodation-ladder
sizanje n reaching, stretching, extending
sizati vi reach from... to; (do) stretch as far as, go as far
as; extend to | koliko oko sie as far as the eye can
reach; moj dohodak ne sie my income will not
reach to it; dokle sie... within reach
Sizif m myth Sisyphus
Sizifov adj | fig ~ posao Sisyphean task
sie m subject(-matter), topic
sjahati vi dismount, alight from horseback
sjaj m radiance, brilliancy, brightness, shine; (bljetavilo) glare, flare, flash; (ar) glow; fig lustre, gloss,
splendour, magnificence, glory, gorgeousness, pomp,
sumptuousness; (cakljenje) glitter, shimmer | ~ dragulja water of gem; bez ~a lustreless, dull, lacklustre, dim; izgubiti ~ tarnish; gubitak ~a tarnish,
loss of lustre; nadmaiti ~em out-shine; fig potamniti ~ take the shine out of; fig u punom ~u in full
sjajan adj shining, radiant, brilliant, luminous, refulgent, bright, lustrous, resplendent; (ulaten) burnished, polished, glossy; (ar) glowing; (bljetav)
flashing; (zabljeuji) dazzling, glaring, flaring; fig
(raskoan) sumptuous, magnificent, princely, pompous; (divan) splendid, glorious, capital, superb
sjajenje n shining, blazing, glittering
sjajnik m minr | olovni ~ galena, lead-glance
sjajno adv magnificently | ~! great!
sjajnost f v. sjaj
sjati (se) vi (vr) shine; (jako) blaze, dazzle, glare; beam,
irradiate; (bljesnuti) flare, flash; (ar) glow; (cakliti
se) glisten, glitter, shimmer; (svjetlucati) scintillate,
twinkle; shed a light, cast lustre upon, cast forth rays,
be brilliant (lustrous) | nije zlato sve sto sja all is not
gold that glitters
sjatiti se vr flock together
sjecite n intersection, junction
sjeckalica f cul chopper; (za papir) shredder
sjeckanje n mincing, hacking, hashing, chopping
sjeckati vt mince, hash, hack, chop
sjea f (drva) felling (of trees); hewing down
sjeen pp chopped (felled) down, cut down
sjeenje n (stabla) chopping (cutting) down, felling;
(kalanje) splitting; (rezanje) cutting
sjeica f geom v. sekanta
sjeivo n v. otrica
sjeka f chopped straw, chaff
sjekalica f straw-cutting machine

sjeanje n remembrance, memory, recollection, reminiscence; (podsjeanje) reminder; (imanje na pameti)

keeping in mind; (nezaboravljanje) rentention
sjeati se vr remember, recall to mind, recollect, bethink
oneself that; (imati na pameti) bear (keep) in mind |
to me sjea na it reminds me of, it puts me in mind
sjei vt hew, chop; (ruiti) fell (down); (kalati) split,
splinter; (kljatriti) lop, prune; (na sitno) mince,
hack, hash, cut fine; v. rezati
sjei se vr (crta, put) bisect, intersect
-sjed suf | etvero~ four-seater
sjedalica f v. stolica
sjedal|o n seat; (stolice) bottom; (koijaa) driver's seat
(box); (od trske) cane-seat | izmijeniti ~o stolice reseat; niz ~a tier (row) of seats
sjedanje n sitting down, taking a seat, taking seats; (tla)
sjed|ati vi keep sitting down, sit down one after another |
sunce ~a the sun is setting (going down); tlo ~a
ground is sagging; (upada) caving in; (sputa se) is
sjedei adj sitting
sjedeke adv sitting, in a sitting posture; seated
sjedenje n sitting; keeping one's seat; (ivot s mnogo
sjedenja) sedentary life
sjedine f pl grey (A gray) hair(s)
sjedinitelj m uniter
sjediniti vt unite, amalgamate, consolidate, join; fuse,
merge; incorporate
sjediniti se vr unite; amalgamate, fuse, merge, incorporate; (svrha) make common cause with; chem v. spojiti se
sjedinjen adj united, allied; (stopljen) amalgamated,
merged, fused; incorporated | S~e Amerike Drave
(SAD) the United States of America
sjedinjenje n uniting, union; joining; consolidation;
(stapanje) amalgamation, fusion, merging; incorporation
sjedite n seat; residence; (glavno) headquarters, centre;
([nad]biskupsko) see, v. sjedalo
sjed|iti vi sit, be seated; (mnogo) lead a sedentary life |
on mnogo ~i (kod kue) he is a stay-at-home; ptica
~i (na visokom) bird perches; ~iti slikaru (pozirati)
sit to a painter; ~iti na jajima hatch; ~iti na uima
be deaf to, not listen to, be inattentive; ~iti kao na iglama sit on thorns; ~iti prekrtenih (podvinutih)
nogu sit cross-legged; ostati ~iti keep one's seat;
(djevojka na plesu) get no dancing-partner, be a wallflower; ostati dulje ~iti od drugih outsit; ~iti u zatvoru undergo one's term of punishment, do one's
sjedjeljka f v. sijelo
sjednic|a f sitting, session; conference; (zbor) meeting,
assembly, conclave; seance | sazvati ~u call a meeting; prenijeti ~u na drugo mjesto (odgoditi ~u) adjourn a meeting; zapisnik ~e minutes; poslovnik ~e
standing orders
sjedniiti vi coll v. sastaniti

sjedobrad adj grey-bearded, A gray-bearded

sjedoglav adj grey-headed, A gray-headed
sjedokos adj grey-haired, A gray-haired
sjeenje n v. sjedenje
sjeka m v. dlijeto
sjekir|a f B axe, A ax; (bojna) battle-axe; (iroka tesarska) adze | drak ~e helve, handle, shaft; fig zakopati ~u bury the hatchet; nasaditi ~u helve; pala mu je
~a u med he is favoured by luck, he's got it made
sjekirica f little axe; (bojna) hatchet
sjekirite n helve (handle, shaft) of a hatchet
sjeknuti vi make a short (sharp) cut (hack, incision)
sjekotina f cut, gash, slash; incision; wound; notch; (tupa) indentation, dent
sjekuti m incisor (tooth)
sjeme n seed; (i klica) germ; (mujaka) semen; (riblja
jaja) spawn; (mujaka ribe) milt; (potomstvo) offspring, progeny; fig (uzrok) prime cause |~ razdora
seeds of dissension (strife); ~ opaine seeds of vice;
posijati ~ (uzrok) sow the seeds of...; udariti u ~
(biljka) go (run) to seed; gredica za ~ seed-plot; rasadnik ~na hotbed; (bune) hotbed of sedition; gojitelj ~na seedsman, dealer in seeds, nurseryman; pun
~na seedy; stvaranje ~na semination
sjemenar m seedsman
sjemenarija f seedsman's shop; nursery
sjemeni adj of seed, seedsjemenini adj of a seminary, seminarysjemenitarac m seminarist
sjemenit|e n Roman-Catholic seminary | ak ~a seminarist
sjemenka f grain of seed, seedgrain
sjemenski adj for sowing, seedsjemenjae f pl bot spermatophyta
sjemenje n collect seeds
sjen|a f (predmeta) shadow; (slika) silhouette; (hladovina) shade, poet umbrage; (prikaza, sablast) ghost,
phantom, apparition, shade; (sebevid prije neije
smrti) wraith; (osjenjivanje crtea) adumbration,
shading; (rafiranje) hatching; (stalan pratilac)
shadow | slijediti kao ~a shadow (dog) one, be one's
shadow; baciti ~u cast a shadow; carstvo ~a realm of
shades; konj se plai svoje ~e horse is skittish; spao
e na ~u sebe samoga he is worn to a shadow, he is
but the shadow of his former self, he is reduced to a
skeleton; baciti u ~u overshadow, outshine; niti ~e
dvojbe not a shadow of doubt, not a (slightest) trace
of doubt; bacati ~u (mrlju) na reflect discredit on,
place in the wrong light
sjenenje n v. sjenjenje
sjenica' f (ptica) titmouse
sjenica'' f (vrtna) bower, arbour
sjenik m hay-loft, hay-barn
sjenilo n (svjetiljke) lamp-shade
sjeniti vt shade; (crtkanje) hatch
sjenka f v. sjena; dim thin shadow
sjenokos m hay-crop, meadow
sjenokoa f hayfield
sjenovit adj shady

sjenovitost f shadiness
sjenjenje n shading; (crtkanje, rafiranje) hatching
sjesti vi sit down, take a seat, be seated
sjeta f melancholy; sadness, sorrowfulness; (mrkost)
gloominess, moodiness; the dismals pl, the mopes pl,
the dumps pl, damp; (pokunjenost) dejection, doleful
(low) spirits; spleen; cheerlessness | ~ ga mori something preys on his mind
sjetan adj melancholy, moping, saturnine, blue, brooding; (pokunjen) dejected, dispirited, dismal, splenetic;
gloomy, forlorn, mopish; (neveseo) joyless, cheerless
sjetilo n sense; (vida) sense of sight; (sluha) sense of
hearing; (njuha) sense of smelling; (okusa) sense of
taste; (opipa) sense of touch
sjetiti vt v. podsjetiti
sjetiti se vr remember, recall to mind (memory), recollect, bethink oneself; (pasti na pamet) hit upon an
idea, be struck by an idea, occur to one | ne mogu se
~ I cannot think of...
sjetno adv cheerlessly, sadly, mopingly, gloomily, dismally; dejectedly; in a melancholy (dispirited) way
sjetnost f v. sjeta
sjetva f sowing, sowing-time
sjever m the north, north wind, Boreas | na ~ to the
north, northward; na ~u in the North; ~ brije a cutting north wind is blowing
sjevern|i adj north, northern, northerly; arctic | ~o svjetlo northern lights, northlight, Aurora Borealis; S~o
more the North sea; ~a irina North latitude
sjevernica f mariner's compass
sjeverno adv north; B northwards, A northward, northwardly
sjevernjaa f Pole-star, Northstar
sjevernjak m north wind, northerner; (ovjek) Northman
sjeveroatlantski adj North Atlantic
sjeveroistoan adj north-east, north-eastern, northeasterly
sjeveroistono adv northeast, north-eastwardly
sjeveroistonjak m north-easterly wind
sjeverozapad m north-west
sjeverozapadan adj north-western
sjeverozapadno adv north-westward
sjeverozapadnjak m north-westerly wind
skafander m space-suit
skaj m (plastika) vinyl
skaka m jumper, leaper, springer, hopper
skakanje n jumping, leaping, springing, skipping, hopping, bounding; (skakutanje) gambolling, frisking,
capering; (nagli porast) rising
skakaonica f ski-jump
skakati vi jump, spring, leap, hop, bound; frisk, gambol,
caper; (konj, pridignut na stranjim nogama) prance,
(prednjim i stranjim nogama izmjenino) curvet | fig
~ oko nekoga make fuss over
skakavac m ent grass-hopper; (tetoina) locust
skakutanje n hopping, frisking, gambolling, skipping,

skakutati vi hop, skip, gambol, frisk, caper

skala f scale; fig gamut
skalina f pl stairs, steps
skalp m scalp
skalpel m med scalpel
skalpirati vt scalp
skalupiti vt v. sklepati
skameniti se vr fig stand petrified (aghast, rooted to the
spot); be stupefied (appalled, struck with terror), be
dumbfounded, be thunderstruck
skamenjen pp fig petrified, dumbfounded, thunderstruck
skamp m zoo v. kamp
skandal m scandal
skandaliziranje n scandalizing
skandalizirati vt shock, scandalize
skandalizirati se vr be shocked
skandalozan adj scandalous, shocking
skandalozno adv scandalizingly, shockingly
skandaloznost f scandalousness
Skandinavac m Scandinavian
Skandinavija f Scandinavia
Skandinavka f Scandinavian woman
skandinavski adj Scandinavian
skandiranje n scanning, scansion; (parola) chant(ing)
skandirati vt (stihove) scan; (izvikivati) chant
skanjivanje n hesitation, shrinking, reluctance, vacillation, hanging back, demurring, wavering, irresolution, hanging fire, scruple
skanjiva|ti se vr hesitate, shrink, hang back, hang fire,
vacillate, waver, scruple; demur | uiniti ~jui se do
with a bad grace, do against the grain, do willy-nilly;
ne ~ti se not stick at anything; ne ~jui se ni asak
nothing loath
skapati vi perish, die
skapavanje n languishing, wasting away, dying a slow
death (of hunger, thirst), starving, perishing with
cold (hunger, thirst)
skapavati vi waste away, die a slow death of hunger
(thirst), starve, perish with cold (hunger, thirst), languish; (od vruine) swelter
skarabej m scarab; ent v. balegar
skaradan adj v. bestidan, nepristojan
skaut m boy-scout
skautkinja f B girl-guide, A girl scout
skautski adj scout-, boy-scout
skazaljka f v. kazaljka
ske m skit
skela f ferry, ferry-boat
skelar m ferryman
skelarina f fee for transport by ferry
skel|e f pl scaffolding | stupovi ~a scaffolding poles
skeledija f ferryman
skelet m v. kostur
skepsa f scepsis, skepsis; doubt, incredulity; scepticism
skeptar m (ezlo) sceptre
skepticizam m v. skepsa
skeptian adj sceptical, skeptical; incredulous
skeptino adj sceptically, skeptically
skeptinost f v. skepsa

skeptik m sceptic, skeptic

skica f sketch, rough draft, brief account, mere outline
skiciranje n sketching, making a sketch
skicirati vt sketch, make a sketch, give the general outline, make a rough draft
skianje n squealing, squeals
skiati vi squeal
skidanje n taking (reaching) down; (s kvake) unhooking; (svlaenje) undressing, taking off one's clothes
skidati vt v. skinuti
skif m sp single sculls
skifist m sp sculler
skij|a f ski | ~e skis
skijanje n skiing | ~ na vodi water-skiing; cipele za ~
ski(ing) boots; odjea za ~ ski(ing) outfit
skija m skier
skijaki adj skiing, ski- | ~ dom ski lodge
skijati (se) vi (vr) ski
skinuti vt take (reach) down; (pokrivala) take off, doff;
strip off, remove; (sa stoera) unhinge; (teret) unburden, disburden; (skorup) skim (cream) | ~ s asti depose, cashier, deprive; ~ s prijestolja dethrone; ~ sa
slube dismiss from service, give the sack; break an
officer; ~ s asti sveenika disfrock; ~ krinku unmask, expose
skinuti se vr v. svui se; v. sii, izai
skiptar m v. ezlo
skiseliti se vr become (get, grow) sour, turn sour, sour
Skit m Scythian
skita m v. skitalac, skitnica
skitalac m rover, wanderer; v. skitnica
skitalaki adj vagrant, nomadic, roving; v. skitniki
skitalica f female vagabond (vagrant, tramp)
skitanje n vagabonding, vagrancy, tramping, roving
(strolling) life
skitati se vr vagabond, lead a vagrant's life, tramp, stray;
(lutati) roam, ramble, peregrinate, wander (gad)
about; prowl, loaf
skitnica f vagabond, vagrant, tramp, loafer
skitniki adj vagabonding, tramping
skitnja f v. skitanje
skitski adj Scythian
sklad m harmony, symmetry, proportion; uniformity,
concert, congruity; concord, concordance; accordance; accord; (slonost) unity, unison, unanimousness, agreement; (ljepota) shapeliness | u ~u sa in
keeping (line, conformity) with; according to in accordance with; biti u ~u sa harmonize with, be in
keeping with, be consonant with, chime in with, be in
tune with; (slagati se, podudarati se) tally with, be in
unison with; dovesti u ~ reconcile to
skladan adj harmonious, symmetrical, proportioned;
congruous; (pravilan) regular; (graa, struk) wellknit, well-made, well-formed, well-proportioned,
well-set; (jednolian) uniform; (lijepe vanjtine)
spruce, shapely; (djevojka) tight, personable, smart,
neat, trim
skladanje n mus composition; composing
skladatelj m mus composer

skladati vt mus compose, set to music

skladba f mus composition, piece of music
skladini adj of the warehouse, warehousing | ~ list warrant
skladinina f warehousing (storage) fee
skladitar m warehouseman
skladit|e n warehouse, storehouse, repository; (carinsko) bonded warehouse; depot; mil (privremeno)
dump | imati na ~u stock, keep (have) in stock; v.
skladno adj harmoniously, symmetrically, proportionally; uniformly, proportionately | ivjeti ~ live in
harmony, get along well with
skladnost f v. sklad
sklanjanje n taking shelter; (drugoga) giving shelter,
putting away; gram declension, inflexion
sklanjati vt v. skloniti; gram decline, inflect | koji se
dade ~ declinable; koji se ne da ~ indeclinable
sklapanje n folding; (ruku) clasping, (oiju) shutting
(closing) the eyes; (ugovora) contracting for; (posla)
striking a bargain; (stroja) assembly | na ~ folding
sklapati (se) vt (vr) v. sklopiti (se)
sklat m ichth angle-shark
sklepan adj done (performed, executed) superficially
(clumsily, as a makeshift, temporarily); (skrpan, loe)
botched, bungled; (na brzu ruku) perfunctory; (stihovi) doggerel
sklepati vt do (perform) superficially (clumsily, as a
makeshift), patch up, botch, bungle
sklerotian adj med sclerotic
sklerotiar m med sclerotic
skleroza f med sclerosis
skliskost f slipperiness
sklizak adj slippery; smooth
sklizalite n v. klizalite
sklizaljke f (na poledici) slide
sklizanje n sliding; (na mokrom tlu), slithering; (niz
kosinu) shooting
sklizati se vr slide
sklizav adj slippery
sklizavica f smooth slippery coating of ice; glaze
sklizavost f slipperiness
skliznuti se vr slip, lose one's footing; shoot down a
chute; (kota) slither; glide
sklon adj favourable; (nekome) favouring (countenancing) one, friendly well-disposed towards; (vrijeme,
prilike) propitious, favourable; (pristran) biassed,
partial to | biti ~ (naginjati) lean towards, be inclined
to, tend to, show tendency; be prone to; (mana) be
addicted (given) to; (volja) be willing (prepared,
ready) to; (favorizirati) favour, countenance, patronize; on je ~ bolestima he is liable (apt) to become ill
sklonidba f declension, inflection
sklonite n shelter; refuge, asylum; (skrovite) hildingplace, cover
skloniti vt put away; (nagovoriti) prevail upon, bring
over, persuade, influence, talk over, induce, actuate;
sway; set (make, cause) one (to) do
skloniti se vr take refuge (shelter); hide

sklonost f (prijateljstvo) favour, countenance, liking,

goodwill; (pristranost) bias, partiality; (slaboa)
weakness, inclination, aptness, propensity; (mani)
addiction; (naginjanje) tendency (towards, to), taste,
leaning, bent; twist
sklonjen pp put away
sklonjiv adj gram declinable
sklonjivost f gram declinability
sklop m concatenation; complex; framework ; v. graa,
sklopiti vt fold; (ruke) clasp (hands), join hands; eng
assemble | ~ savez ally oneself with; ~ enidbu contract marriage; ~ oi shut (close) eyes; ~ prijateljstvo
contract friendship; ~ ugovor make a treaty; (za posao) contract for; (nagodbu) stipulate for; ~ posao
strike a bargain, effect a sale; ~ pogodbu make (enter
into) an agreement, compound for; (nagoditi se)
come to terms; ~ savez bind oneself by treaty, conclude a treaty
sklopiti se vr fold
sklopiv adj folding, collapsible
sklopka f el switch
sklopljen pp folded, clasped; (brak itd.) contracted,
made, done
sklupati vt wind up, make a ball of, roll up
sklupati se vr double up
skljokati se vr collapse
skoba f cramp-iron, cramp, rivet
skobiti vt join by cramps (rivets)
skoac m ichth v. cipal
skoimi m zoo gerbil
skoiti vi jump, spring, leap, bound; (preskoiti) vault;
bounce, hop; (pojuriti) rush | ~ u pomo hasten to
help one; ~ na noge (strah, iznenaenje) start (up)
from one's chair (seat), rise with a spring, take a
skojevac m member of League of Young Communists
skok m jump, leap, bound, skip, hop, bounce, spring,
plunge | ~ uvis high jump; ~ u dalj broad jump; ~ s
motkom pole vault; ~ovi u vodu diving; jahati ~om
skoknuti vi make a jump (spring, bound, leap), take a
leap (bound, jump)
skokomice adv by leaps and bounds
skolastiki' adj scholastic
skolastiki'' adv scholastically
skolastik m scholastic
skolastika f scholasticism
skolioza f med scoliosis
skombar m ichth v. skua
skombinirati vt combine, work out
skoncentrirati (se) vt (vr) v. koncentrirati (se)
skonan pp killed
skonanje n committing suicide, killing, violent death
skonati vi finish, bring to an end
skonati se vr commit suicide, kill oneself, die a violent

skopan pp clasped, buttoned, coupled, hooked; braced,

buckled, hitched | to je ~o s trokom (radom) this
involves (entails, necessitates) expenses (labour)
skopati vt clasp, button, couple, hook; buckle, hitch;
(spojiti) join, connect; brace
skopavanje n buckling, buttoning, hooking, hitching,
coupling, clasping
Skopljanac m inhabitant (dweller) of Skoplje
skor(anji) adj near, soon (about) to happen, forthcoming, at hand; next; imminent, impending; approaching; prospective; speedy; (proli) v. nedavni
skorbut m scurvy | bolestan od ~a scorbutic; bolesnik
od ~a scorbutic
skori adj v. skoranji
skorije adv | to ~ as soon as possible
skoriti se vr be caked (with); become rigid
skoro adv v. uskoro, nedavno; (malone, gotovo) almost,
nearly, very nearly; well-nigh, little short of | ~ nikada hardly ever, almost never; ~ nita next to nothing;
to je ~ isto it is much the same thing; ~ se utopio he
was all but drowned; oni su ~ iste veliine they are
much of a size (pretty nearly of a size)
skorojevi m upstart, parvenu
skorotea f v. tekli, glasnik
skorpion m ent scorpion
skorup m cream; fig the best of a thing
skosan pp minced, hashed, cut very fine; chopped
skosati vt mince, hash, cut fine, chop up
skot m derog (ovjek) beast; (gamad) brood, vermin
skotan adj big with young | biti ~ (lisica, vuica, medvjedica) be in cub; (kobila) be in foal (with foal);
(ovca) be with lamb; (kuja) be in pup (whelp)
skotiti se vr v. okotiti se
skotrljati (se) vt (vr) roll down (along)
skotski adj vilely, meanly, basely, despicably
skoturati (se) vt (vr) v. skotrljati (se)
skovan pp forged; minted, coined, hammered, welded;
(eljezo) wrought; fig hatched, brewed, concocted,
schemed, plotted
skovati adj forge; (sakivati) weld hammer; (novac) mint,
coin; (rije) coin; hatch (brew) a scheme; devise a
plan (plot); concoct a plot
skraen pp shortened, abbreviated; (podrezan) curtailed,
docked, trimmed; truncated; (opsegom) condensed,
abridged, summarized | ~i sadraj summary; ~o radno vrijeme short time (hours)
skraenica f v. kratica
skraenje n shortening, abbreviation, abridgment, condensation; curtailment; contraction; elision; reduction
skraivanje n v. skraenje, pokrata
skraivati vt v. skratiti
skrahirati vi Ger v. propasti, doivjeti slom
skrajnj|i adj extreme, uttermost, utmost; in the highest
degree; (temeljit) radical, thorough; (neznanje)
abysmal; (potpun) downright, out and out, consummate; (zadnji) the very last | ~e vrijeme high time
skrajnost f extremity, extreme degree, the limit | do ~i to
the last degree, to the utmost, in the extreme; (konac)
to the very end

skrama f scum, film

skrasiti se vr settle down
skratiti vt shorten, abbreviate, cut, abridge, reduce in
size; (dati jezgru, glavno) abstract, summarize,
epitomize, contract; (podrezati) dock, truncate; cut
down; (obrezati) trim
skratiti se vr be shortened, be cut down
skrb f (briga) care; (tednja) thrift, thriftiness; (zabrinutost) solicitude, apprehension, concern, anxiety, uneasiness; (neprilike) worry; (povjereno) charge; (posao) lookout, business; (alost) sorrow | socijalna ~
social welfare
skrban adj v. brian, tedljiv
skrbiti vi (tedjeti) be thrifty (provident, economical,
saving), save, economise, provide for the future; (pobrinuti se) take care, make provision for
skrbiti se vr look after; (ivotariti) make a livelihood,
shift (for oneself), (pobrinuti se) look after; (pribaviti) procure, furnish with, supply with, find one
in; (samo za sebe) consult one's interests
skrbitelj m economizer, saver; provider
skrbljenje n providing, caring
skrbnica f female guardian
skrbniki' adj of (belonging to) the office (duties) of
guardianship, tutelar(y)
skrbniki'' adv like a guardian
skrbnik m guardian (of a minor); tutor, curator, trustee
skrbnitvo n guardianship; tutorship; tutelage | biti pod
~m (malodobnik) be a minor
skrbnost f v. skrb
skrejper m civ eng scraper
skrenut pp turned aside, deviating, diverting, swerving
skrenuti vi turn aside, take another direction, diverge
from, deviate, sway from, swerve; (na drugi put)
strike into another track; (tranice, vlak) turn the
points, shunt, side-track; (razgovor) digress, change
(drop) a subject; (s pravog puta, zalutati) stray;
(brod-smjer) sheer
skresati vt strike fire (sparks, light) out of flint; (u lice,
brk) give one a piece of one's mind, tell one the truth
to his face, sl sock it to one
skretaljka f v. skretnica
skretanje n turning aside, swerving, divergence, deviation; (od predmeta) digression; (tranica) turning the
points; (vlaka) shunting, side-tracking; (na drugi put)
striking into another track, leaving the track (way);
(svjetla) v. otklon
skretati vt v. skrenuti
skretnica f rlw switch, B+ point
skretniar m switchman, pointsman
skrhan pp mashed, fractured, crushed; broken
skrhati vt smash, fracture, crush, crack, dash to pieces,
crash, shiver, batter; fig (unititi) annihilate, overwhelm, overpower | ~ vrat break one's neck
skrhati se vr be smashed (crashed)
skrinja f v. krinja
skripta n pl mimeographed notes, mimeographed course

skriva m person (in) hiding | igrati se ~a play at hide

and seek, play bo-peep
skrivan pp hidden, concealed
skrivanje n hiding, concealing
skrivati vt hide (from), conceal; (tajnu) keep from, not
reveal, keep dark (secret)
skrivati se vr hide, be in hiding, lie hidden, be latent
(concealed), lurk in (about, under itd.)
skriveki adv dial v. potajno
skriven pp hidden, latent, concealed, lurking
skrivenost f latency; concealment
skrivi|ti vt be guilty of, offend against, be culpable, be
offender; (biti povod, uzrok) be the cause (reason) of,
give rise to, occasion | on je to ~o it is his fault, it is
owing to him
skrialjka f tabulated statement; table list; schedule; v.
skrlet f scarlet (colour)
skrlet|an adj scarlet | ~na groznica scarlet fever
skrnaviti vt v. oskvrnjivati
skrnavljenje n v. oskvrnjivanje
skrob m v. krob
skrofule f pl med scrofula sg
skrofulozan adj med scrofulous
skrofuloznost f med scrofulousness
skrojen pp cut out (for dress, of dress-material)
skrojiti vt cut out (a dress); sew with the help of patterns
skroman adj modest, humble, unassuming; unpretending, unostentatious; moderate
skromno adv humbly, modestly
skromnost f humbleness, modesty, humility; (jela) frugality
skrovite n hiding-place; lurking-place; shelter, refuge,
asylum; haunt
skrovit adj hidden, secret, concealed; recondite, abstruse; (kradomian) stealthy, surreptitious, furtive,
skrovito adv secretly, surreptitiously
skrovitost f reconditeness, seclusion; (samoa) solitude
skroz' prep through | ~ na ~ throughout, out and out,
downright, all over, to the backbone; (temeljito) profoundly, thoroughly; (posvema) entirely, totally,
wholly, utterly, consummately, all in all, every inch
of; on je ~ na ~ sebian he is a lump of selfishness
skroz'' adv | ~ pijan (gluh) v. potpuno
skrozirati vt vulg run through
skrpan pp patched; botched, bungled
skrpati vt patch together; (povrno nainiti) bungle,
botch, vamp up
skrpiti vt v. skrpati
skrpljen pp v. skrpan
skrstiti vt | ~ ruke cross arms
skren pp broken-hearted, heart-broken, broken-down,
crushed by grief; (svladan) overwhelmed, crushed;
prostrate, distressed, dejected; (pokoren) subjugated
skrenost f broken-heartedness; prostration; dejectedness
skritelj m conquerer, vanquisher, victor

skriti vt crush, shatter, break, overcome, get the better

of, remain victorious; put down; subdue, subjugate;
(bunu itd.) quell
skrten pp | ~nih ruku with crossed arms; ~ nogu crosslegged, squatting
skruen adj congealed, set; concreted; solidified; (zgruan) coagulated, curdled, clotted; stiffened
skruivanje n concretion, congealment, solidification;
coagulation, setting, curdling, clotting, stiffening
skruivati vt v. skrutiti
skrupula f scruple, conscientious objection; hesitation |
imati ~ scruple
skrupulozan adj scrupulous; overconscientious; punctilious
skrupulozno adv scrupulously
skrupuloznost f scrupulosity
skruen pp contrite, penitent, repentant; humble
skrueno adv contritely
skruenost f contrition, compunction, repentance; submission; humility
skruiti se vr become contrite (penitent)
skrutator m ballot counter
skrutiti vt stiffen; concrete; solidify; (gruanje) coagulate, set, curdle, clot
skrutiti se vr concrete; solidify; congeal; (gruanje) coagulate, set, curdle, clot
skrutiv adj congealable, solidifiable
skrutnuti se vr v. skrutiti se
skubenje n plucking; fleecing
skucan pp scraped together with difficulty (parsimony)
skucati vt scrape together, hardly contrive to get (save)
sufficient means (money)
skuen pp bent; cramped (up), straitened for; restrained;
lacking means (space), having inadequate (scanty)
means; not allowed full play of one's energies | ~e
prilike straitened circumstances
skueno adv under restraint, in a cramped (restricted)
skuenost f (prilika) cramped state; restriction of energies; (sredstava) lack of means, straits pl; restricted
scope; restricted outlet (vent) for one's energies; lack
of space (freedom of movement)
skuiti vt bend; cramp up, restrain; curb, keep under, not
allow full play (outlet, vent) to one's energies (one's
skuhan pp (hrana) boiled, prepared; (aj) made (prepared)
skuhati vt boil, prepare food; (aj, kavu) make (prepare)
tea (coffee); finish (have done) boiling (cooking); coll
v. prevariti
skuhati se vr be boiled; (od vruine) swelter
skulptor m v. kipar
skulptorski adj v. kiparski
skulptura f (umjetnost i djelo) sculpture; (kiparstvo)
statuary art; (kip) statue; sculptured figure
skulpturni adj sculptural
skunks m zoo skunk
skup' m (javni) gathering, meeting, rally; v. skupina

skup'' adj dear, expensive, costly, high-priced; (dragocjen) precious, valuable; (pretjerano) exorbitant, extravagant, unreasonable, fancy-priced
skupa adv (zajedno) together, jointly, conjointly, severally, in a body, collectively; (u drutvu) associated,
united, in company with, in common with, accompanied by; (ukljuno) including, inclusively, taken all in
all; (popreno) on an average | sve ~ in a lump; svega ~ totalling, all told; boriti se ~ sa... make common cause with
skupan adj v. skupni
skupina f group, cluster; clump; bunch, batch; (hrpa)
accumulation, heap, pile; assembly; (niz) array; (svata) miscellany
skupiti vt gather, collect, assemble, congregate; (gomilati) pile up, accumulate, amass; (sazvati) convene;
(snagu itd.) rally, pull oneself together, (odvanost)
muster courage; (ukratko) summarize, epitomize,
sum up; (vojsku, mornaricu) raise (army, fleet); (novac, zajam) raise (money, loan); (s mukom) scrape
together; (usnice) purse (pucker) up one's lips
skupiti se vr gather, assemble, congregate, flock together; meet; (iznova) reassemble, rally; (stegnuti se)
become contracted (wrinkled, pursed); (tkanina)
shrink; (gnoj u iru) gather to a head
skuplja m gatherer, collector
skupljaica f woman collector (gatherer)
skupljanje n collection, gathering, assembling; (pabirenje) gleaning; (nanovo) reassembling, reunion;
amassing, accumulation; (novca) treasuring up; (nanovo) rallying; (blaga) hoarding
skupljati vt v. skupiti
skupljen pp assembled; gathered, collected; congregated,
convened; (nagomilan) amassed, accumulated; (nanovo) reassembled, rallied; (zgrnuti) hoarded
skupni adj collective, joint, common; united, conjoint,
skupno adv collectively, jointly, in common
skupnost f collectivity; community
skupo adv dearly, expensively, at a high price | ~ platiti
pay dear, pay a fancy price, pay through the nose
skupocjen adj precious, valuable, costly
skupocjenost f preciousness, costliness, valuableness
skupoa f expensiveness, dearness, costliness; (ivota)
high cost of living; famine prices | vlada ~ prices are
skupsti vt pluck, fleece, strip of feathers (hair), pull out
skuptin|a f meeting, assembly, gathering, convention;
congregation; conference; (sabor) diet | glavna ~a
general meeting; raspustiti ~u dissolve (a meeting
itd.); predsjedati ~i be in the chair; otvoriti ~u open
the meeting
skuptinar m member of a meeting (gathering, assembly, congregation)
skuptinki adj of (belonging to) a meeting
skua f ichth mackerel
skut m skirt, tail, coat-tail
skuta f cul ricotto cheese

skuter m mot (vespa) (motor) scooter

skutonoa f train bearer; page; fig servile follower (partisan, adherent)
skuvati vt v. skuhati
skvaiti vt clench (together); v. zakvaiti
skvasiti vt v. smoiti
skvianje n squealing, squeals
skviati vi squeal
skviknuti vi squeal (once)
skvren pp shrivelled, wrinkled; contracted, contorted
skvrenost f shrivelled state, being shrivelled
skvriti vt shrivel, winkle; contort, contract
skvriti se vr shrivel, twist, wrinkle, shrink; contract,
skvrnitelj m desecrator, profaner
skvrniti vt desecrate, profane, prostitute, pollute;
skvrnjenje n desecration, profanation, prostitution, outrage, pollution
slab adj weak, faint, feeble, frail; (zdravlje) delicate;
(oi) tender; (isprika) lame, thin, poor (excuse); (iscrpljen) enfeebled, exhausted, enervated; (klimav) infirm, shaky; (trgovina) slack; (sposobnost) inefficient; (energija) lacking vigour (energy); (popustljiv)
lax; (neznatan) scanty, slight; (krhak) fragile, brittle |
~ uspjeh poor success; ~a pamet short memory; ~o
bilo slow pulse; ~a strana weak point, foible; ~i spol
weak (female) sex; ~i glagol weak (regular) verb; ~o
znanje smattering knowledge; ~ brod crazy boat; ~a
kakvoa inferior quality; ~ aj weak tea; ~o pivo
thin beer; ~a kosa (rijetka) thin hair; ~a hrana spare
diet; ~a sila poor hand; ~ strijelac poor shot
slaba|an adj weakly; (bolestan) ailing, sickly; (mrav)
scanty, meagre, thin | ~na djevojka a chit of a girl;
~an djeak a slip of a boy
slabanost f weakness, fragility, frailty, feebleness, delicacy, debility, slenderness; slightness
slabi m weakling, feeble person; (duhom i tijelom) one
weak in body and mind, feeble-minded person; unmanly person, one lacking self-reliance
slabina f the flank, the side, the loins pl | bodac u ~ma
stitch in the side
slabiti vt weaken, make weak, enfeeble
slabjeti vi weaken, droop, sink; grow weak (feeble,
slack, languid), flag; abate
slabljenje n loss of vigour (vitality), drooping; sinking,
flagging, languishment, decline; abating; v. mravljenje
slabo adv poorly, weakly, faintly, feebly, scantily,
sparsely, slightly; (nedovoljno) inadequately, defectively, badly | ~ se ponio he cut a poor (sorry) figure;
~ ui he is a poor scholar; on ~ uje he is hard of
hearing; ~ vidi he has a weak sight; on ~ govori engleski he speaks broken English; on ~ pamti he has a
poor memory, his memory is not retentive; ~ hranjen
undernourished; ~ plaen underpaid; ~ mi je v. nije
mi dobro
slabokrvan adj bloodless, anaemic, greensick
slabokrvnost f anaemia, greensickness, chlorosis

slabost f weakness, faintness, frailty, debility, infirmity,

exhaustion, poorness; lassitude, slackness, langour;
(omaglica) giddiness | zbog ljudske ~i due to human
slabouman adj weak-minded, simple-minded, feebleminded; half-witted, imbecile
slaboumlje n v. slaboumnost
slaboumnik m imbecile, idiot, natural innocent, simpleton; dotard; half-witted person
slaboumno adv weak-mindedly
slaboumnost f imbecility, weak-mindedness, idiocy
slabunjav adj v. slabaan
slaica f v. goruica
slad m malt | praviti ~ malt
sladak adj sweet, sugared, honeyed, syrupy; (draestan)
sweet, lovely, dainty, pretty; (rijei) fawning, oily,
unctuous, flattering; (san) sound, refreshing; v. slatki
sladara f malt-house
sladiti vt sweeten, sugar
sladiti se vr enjoy (food), eat with relish
sladokusac m gourmet, gourmand, dainty eater, lover of
delicate fare
sladokusan adj dainty, fastidious as to food
sladokustvo n gourmandism
sladoled m ice-cream
sladoledar m seller (maker) of ice-cream
sladoledarna f ice-cream plant; (lokal) ice-cream shop,
A ice-cream parlor
slador m arch v. eer
sladorni adj arch v. eerni
sladostrasnik m v. razbludnik
sladostrastan adj v. razbludan
sladostrae n v. razbludnost, srsi
sladunjav adj sickly sweet; fig saccharine
slaahan adj sweetish, sugary
slaahno adv sweetishly
slaahnost f sweetishness
slaen pp sweetened, sugared
slaenje n sweetening
slaga m person who piles (heaps, folds up); print v.
slagar; mar stevedore
slagaki adj print v. slagarski
slaganica f print v. slagarnica
slagalica f (slika) jigsaw-puzzle
slagalite n v. spremite, skladite; (drva) timber-yard
slagaljka f print composing (setting) stick
slaganje n (polaganje) laying down (piling up, heaping
up, arranging) in a certain order; stacking, stowing;
(vrstanje) filing (in a file); (smatanje) folding up;
(sastav) composing, setting; (u cjelinu) construction,
putting together, composing, composition; (tisak) setting up (of type), typesetting; (sklad) harmony; (poklapanje) coinciding, coincidence, concordance, correspondence; (sloga) unison, concord, agreement, getting along; (u nazorima) concurrence
slagar m type-setter, compositor, typographer
slagarn(ic)a f print composing room (department)
slagarski adj typographical, typesetting | ~ stroj typesetting machine

slagati' vt (smotati) fold up; (na hrpu) pile (heap) up;

(spremati) deposit, lay down; (drva, robu) stack up;
(trpati) stow up; arrange in a certain order; dispose in
rows (layers); (u red) put in order; (tisak) set up type;
(sastaviti) compose, construct; (rastavljeno) join together
slagati'' vi (la) tell a lie, speak untruth; fig stretch (colour) the truth; (mala la) fib; (oruje) hang fire
slagati se vr (sklad) agree with, be in keeping with,
chime with; be in accord with, harmonize; (poklapati
se) tally with; be compatible with; (dosljednost) be
consistent with; (sloga) live on good (familiar) terms
with, live in harmony, get along with; (pristajati k
neemu) fit, match; (prilagoditi se) square with;
(suglasnost) chime in; concur with, be of same opinion | ne ~ disagree, discord, jar, clash, be dissonant
(discordant); be inconsistent with; (i fig) be out of
tune; live on bad terms with
slajd m slide (v. dijapozitiv)
slak m bot bindweed
slalom m sp slalom
slam m (sirotinjska etvrt) slum
slam|a f straw, (kao stelja) litter; (na krovu) thatch (of
straw) | prazna ~a trash, rubbish, nonsense, nonsensical talk, coll hot air; mlatiti praznu ~u talk hot air;
snop ~e bundle of straw; kumovska ~a Milky Way
slamarica f v. slamnjaa
slamati vt v. slomiti
slamica f dim short (thin) straw
slamk|a f a straw | hvatati se za ~u catch at a straw; piti
na ~u sip through a straw
slamnat adj made of straw, plaited of straw, straw
slamnjaa f straw-bed, straw-mattress, pallet
slan adj salted, salt, saltish; briny | ~a voda (mijeana sa
slatkom) brackish water; ~o meso salt-beef
slana f (mraz) hoar-frost, rime
slanik m v. soljenka
slanina f bacon; lard | mesna ~ streaked bacon
slankamen m rock-salt
slanoa f saltness; salinity (level)
slanutak m bot chick-pea
slanje n sending, forwarding, shipping, despatch(ing);
transmission; (novca) remittance
slasno adv with relish
slastan adj delicious
slastica f arch v. slatki, poslastica
slastiar m pastry-cook
slastiarn(ic)a f pastry shop
slati vt send, dispatch, forward, transmit; (avionom) fly;
(potom) post | ~ koga amo-tamo order one about
slatina f salt-spring; (buena) salt-well, salt-pit
slatki m sweetmeat, bon-bon, goody, sweety
slatk|i adv v. sladak | ~i graak sweet pease; ~a voda
fresh water; ~i korijen liquorice
slatko' n dessert
slatko'' adv sweetly; (laskavo) flatteringly, fawningly;
unctuously; (s uitkom) with gusto

slatkoa f sweetness, sugariness; (laskavost) flattering

(fawning) manner; (prijaznost) blandness, suavity;
slatkorijek adj honeymouthed, finespoken; flattering
slatkovod|an adj fresh-water | ~na riba fresh-water fish
slav|a f (glasovitost) glory, fame, illustriousness; (glas)
renown, repute, reputation, popularity; (spomen)
memory; (slavljenje) glorification, praise; (gozba)
feast; (sveanost) festival, festivity; (pravoslavna)
family patron's day | doi do ~e spring into fame; svijet odzvanja od njegove ~e world rings with his
fame; njemu u ~u in his honour, in deference to him;
na ~u for the glory of; ~a budi...! glory to..., be
praised!; ~a mu his memory may live!
slavan adj famous, renowned, illustrious, famed, celebrated; reputable; popular | postati ~ spring into fame
Slaven m Slav
slavenski adj Slav, Slavic, Slavonic, Slavonian | ~jezici
Slavonic (Slavic, Slavonian) languages
slavenstvo n Slav nationality, the Slavs
slavin|a f (pipa) B tap, A faucet; (bave) spigot | rupa za
~u (bave) bung, bung-hole
slavist m Slavi(ci)st
slavistiki adj Slavic
slavistik|a f Slavic studies | odsjek za ~u Slavic department
slavitelj m (veliatelj) person who glorifies (extols,
eulogizes, blazons); (obdratelj) person who solemnizes (observes) a festival (fete, birthday)
slaviti vt (hvaliti) praise, extol, eulogize, glorify; make
much of a person; blazon; (sveanost) celebrate, solemnize, observe anniversary (fete, birthday), perform
a ceremony; (svetkovati) keep a holiday; fete a person
| ~ slavlje triumph
slavlje n triumph; festivities pl
slavljen pp (hvaljen) glorified, famed, celebrated; (obdravan) solemnized, observed
slavljenik m person feted
slavljenje n (pohvala) praise, extolling, eulogy, glorification; (obdravanje) celebration, observance, solemnization
slavni adj v. slavan
slavno adv gloriously
slavodobitan adj triumphant
slavodobitnik m triumpher, victor, conqueror, vanquisher
slavodobitno adv triumphantly
slavodobitnost f triumph; triumphancy
slavohlepan adj ambitious, craving (longing) for fame
(glory), aspiring after fame (glory)
slavohleplje n v. slavohlepnost
slavohlepnost f craving (longing) for fame (glory), thirst
for glory
slavoluk m triumphal arch
slavoljubiv adj v. slavohlepan
slavoljublje n ambition
Slavonac m inhabitant of Slavonia, Slavonian
Slavonija f geog Slavonia

slavonski adj of (belonging, proper, relating) to a Slavonian (Slavonia)

slavopojka f v. slavospjev
slavospjev m hymn, eulogy, panegyric, song of praise |
pjevati ~e extol, blazon
slavuj m nightingale
slaz m descent, downward slope; (na brodu) companionway
slaziti vi descend, come down, get down (off), alight
slei (se) vt (vr) v. slegnuti
slediti vt freeze, congeal
slediti se vr freeze, congeal, form ice on the surface; (od
groze) be paralysed (palsied) with fear, stand aghast
sle m ichth herring
sleen adj frozen, iced, congealed
sleivanje n gradual freezing
sleivati se vr v. slediti se
slegnuti vi | ~ ramenima shrug one's shoulders
slegnuti se vr (tlo) sag, subside (propasti cave in); (uzbuenje) settle, die down, blow over
sleng m slang
slet m rally
sletjeti vi fly down; alight (flying); (avion) land
sletje|ti se vr | mnogo ljudi se ~lo a crowd gathered
sletsk|i adj | ~e vjebe callisthenics
slezena f anat spleen; (ivotinje) milt
sli|an adj similar, like, alike, resembling; analogous,
parallel; (odgovarajui) matching | biti ~an be similar, be alike, bear resemblance to; oni su ~ni they are
cast in the same mould; ~ni su kao jaje jajetu they
are as like as two peas; on je posve ~an ocu he is the
chip of the old block, he is the very spit of his father,
he takes after his father, like father like son; ~an se
drui sa ~nim birds of a feather flock together; slika
je posve ~na originalu (ovjeku) the portrait speaks,
it has the speaking likeness
sliica f dim small picture; v. preslika
sliiti vi resemble, be like, be similar, bear resemblance
to, take after, be analogous (parallel) to; be the counterpart | slie kao jaje jajetu they are as like as two
slino adv similarly | ... i ~ and the like
slinost f similarity, resemblance, likeness, similitude;
slijed m sequence, succession, series, continuity, train,
slijedei adj the following, next, subsequent, ensuing;
(redom) suocessive; (budui) forthcoming
slijeditelj m (pristaa, uenik) follower, disciple, adherent
slijed|iti vt follow, come after (next), be subsequent to;
ensue; succeed; (oponaati) imitate (ropski ape); (kao
sjena) shadow, dog; (pratiti) attend; (posljedica) be
the result of, result in, be the consequence; (sluati)
listen to, be guided by; (razumjeti) follow; (pristajanje) be the follower (disciple, adherent) of; (svoje
sklonosti) follow one's bent (inclination), indulge in;
(cilj) be bent on one's purpose; (zvijer tragom) track,

stalk | nastavak ~i to be continued; kako ~i as follows, as under

slijeenje n following
slijeganje n (ramenima) shrugging of shoulders
slijegati vi v. slegnuti; (ramenima) shrug one's shoulders
slijep adj blind, sightless; fig implicit (confidence, faith)
| ~a (naslikana) vrata (prozor) dead door (window);
~a ulica (bez izlaza) blind alley; posve ~ stone-blind,
blind as a beetle; ~o oko v. sljepooica; ~ na jedno
oko blind in one eye; ~i naboj blank cartridge; ~a
srea blind luck, mere chance; ~i mi v. imi; igrati se ~og mia play at blind-man's-buff; ~ za boje
slijep|ac m blind man, blind person | ~ci pl the blind; i
~ac bi progledao (da vidi divotu) it is a sight for sore
slijepiti vt glue (paste, stick) together, cement
slijepiti se vr stick together
slijepjeti vi become gradually blind
slijepljenje n becoming gradually blind, progressive
slijepo adv blindly | na ~ gropingly, blindly; fig at random, at haphazard; ~ odan devoted (wedded) to
slijetanje n flying down; alighting; (aviona) landing
slijetati vt keep flying down, keep descending in flight
slijevanje n flowing into, conflux, confluence
slijevati vt pour (niz down)
slijevati se vr form a confluence, flow into
slik m v. srok
slika f picture; (uljena) painting, oil-painting; watercolour; photograph, snapshot; portrait; canvass; etching; (crte) drawing, design; illustration; image; (na
oltaru) altar-piece; pl imagery; (sitna) miniature | galerija ~ picture-gallery; originalna ~ original picture
(painting); kopija slike copy; on je prava ~ i prilika
svog oca he is the very image and spit of his father;
nala ~ priliku birds of a feather (flock together),
like will to like
slikan pp painted, portrayed
slikanje n painting; (opis) description; portraiture; portrayal; photography, taking photographs | med ii na
~ have an X-ray taken
slikar m painter, artist, portraitist
slikarica f woman painter
slikarija f painting; decoration
slikarski adj painting, of painting | ~ stalak easel
slikarstvo n painting, art of painting
slikati vt paint; fig depict, portray; take a photograph
slikati se vr have one's photograph taken; med have an
X-ray taken
slikovit adj picturesque; figurative, allegorical, metaphorical
slikovito adv picturesquely
slikovitost f picturesqueness
slikovni adj pictorial
slikovnica f picture-book
slina f saliva; (pljuvaka) spittle; slobber, slaver
slinav adj slobbery, slavery; salivary

slinavac m slobbery person

slinavka f vet | ~ i ap foot-and-mouth disease
slinavost f slobberiness
sliniti vi slobber, slaver
slinjenje n slobbering, slavering
slistiti vt smash, destroy; eat up
sliti vt v. slijevati
slitina f (legura) alloy
sliv m | geog rijeni ~ v. porjeje
slivati se vr v. slijevati se
sliven pp founded, fused
slivn|i adj | geog ~o podruje v. porjeje
slivnik m (kuhinjski) v. sudoper; (ulini) gully-hole
slizati se vr coll become pals (partners)
slobod|a f freedom, liberty; (nezavisnost) independence;
(biranja) option, discretion, pleasure; (pjesnika) poetical licence; (izbora) franchise; (dokonost) leisure;
(izuzetak, povlastica, slobotina) immunity, privilege, liberties, exemption; (djelovanja) free play, liberty of action; (savjesti, vjeroispovijesti) liberty of
conscience; (tampe) liberty of press; (govora) freedom of speech | uzimati ~u take the liberty, to presume, venture, make so bold as to; (nedoputeno,
drsko) make free with, take liberties with; on je na ~i
he is at liberty, at large; pustiti na ~u set at liberty,
let loose; on ima ~u sluiti se knjinicom he has the
freedom of the library; dobiti (postii) ~u gain (obtain) liberty (freedom); ima ~u uraditi to ga volja
he is at liberty (permitted, allowed) to do as he
slobod|an adj free; (nezavisan) independent; (doputen)
permitted, allowed; (neprisiljen) unforced, uncompelled, unconstrained; (bez zapreka) unobstructed,
unhindered, unimpeded; (nesputan) unshackled, unfettered, unconfined; (bez nadzora) uncontrolled; (nezarobljen) unenslaved; (neuhvaen) uncaught; (puten) released, liberated, freed; (nezaposlen) disengaged, idle, at leisure, off duty; (izuzet) exempt from;
(od svoje volje) voluntary; (vladanje) free and easy,
unconstrained | ~no vrijeme spare time, off-time, leisure; ~an prijevod free translation, not literal; ~an
mislilac free-thinker; ~na volja free will; ~na luka
free port; ~an prolaz free pass; njemu je ~an posjet
moje kue (dolaenje) he is free of my house; ~an
zidar free-mason; imati ~ne ruke have free hand
(scope); dati ~ni dan give a holiday (a day off); ~an
od posljedica (kazne) scot-free; ~no crtanje freehand
drawing; sp plivati ~nim stilom swim free style (v.
slobodar m freedom lover
slobodarski adj freedom-loving
slobodarstvo m love of freedom
slobodno adv freely; (doputeno) with permission, without restriction | govoriti ~ speak frankly (openly,
plainly), speak out (up); ~! (odgovor na kucanje)
come in!; ~? may I? do you mind?
slobodnozidarski adj Masonic
slobodnjaki adj & adv a freeman's, a free-born man's;
v. slobodarski

slobodnjak m freeman; (bivi rob) freed-man; yeoman;

free-born man; (u zatvoru) trusty
slobodnjatvo n freedom from serfdom
slobodoljubiv adj freedom-loving
slobodoljubivost f love of freedom
slobodouman adj free-minded, free-thinking, having
wide views, liberal, latitudinarian; tolerant; not straitlaced; (nepristran) unbiassed; (bez predrasuda) unprejudiced; open-minded; (vjera) rationalistic
slobodoumlje n v. slobodoumnost
slobodoumnik m free-thinker
slobodoumno adv free-mindedly
slobodoumnost f free-thinking; latitude; liberalism
slobotina f privilege, freedom, immunity; special benefit
slofoks m mus v. sloufoks
slog m (pisanje) style, language; way of writing; (sastav)
composition; (graevine) style (of building); (u rijei) syllable | nevezan ~ nonmetrical language; vezan ~ metrical language; dijeljenje na ~ove word division, hyphenation; rije od 1 (2, 3) ~a monosyllable, disyllable, trisyllable; od mnogo ~ova polysyllable
sloga f concord, harmony, unison, agreement; unanimity; accord; good understanding, unity | ivjeti u slozi
get along well together (with one)
slogotvor|an adj | gram ~no r syllabic (vocalic) "r"
sloj m layer, stratum; bed; (boje) coat | drvo s dva (tri)
~a twoply (threeply) wood; iz zemlje strei ~ (rude,
ugljena itd.) outcrop; fault; min pomaknut ~ fault;
gornji ~evi the upper classes; iroki ~evi the masses,
the general public (population)
slojevit adj multi-layered, stratified
slom m fracture, break; (ivaca) (nervous) break-down;
(zdravlja) collapse; com failure, ruin; (banke) crash |
doivjeti ~ break down, collapse
slomiti vt break; (smrskati) fracture, shatter; smash,
crash, shiver; (u sitno) break to smithereens; burst | ~
otpor break resistance, tame, curb, subdue, overpower, overwhelm; ~ na dvoje break in two; ~ volju
(duh) break one's will (spirit), crush; ~ iju break
one's neck
slomiti se vr break; (osoba) break (down)
slomljen pp broken; (duhom) brokea-hearted, heartbroken; v. skren
slomljeno adv broken-heartedly
slomljenost f broken-heartedness; v. skrenost
slon m (mujak) bull-elephant; (enka) cow-elephant;
(mali) baby-elephant | mlado ~a elephant-calf; ~ s
velikim kljovama tusker; podivljali ~ (samac) rogue
slonica f she-elephant, cow
slonokost f ivory | od ~i ivory
slonov adj of an elephant | ~e kljove tusks; ~o rilo trunk;
~a kost ivory
slonova|a f ivory | geog Obala ~e Ivory Coast
slonovski adj elephantine
sloufoks m mus foxtrot, two-step
Slovaka f geog Slovakia
slovaki adj Slovak

Slovak m Slovak
slovc|e n dim small letter (type, fount); (rije) utterance,
voice, sound | niti ~a vie! hold your mouth!, silence!; (tiho!) mum's the word; vulg shut up!
Sloven m v. Slaven
Slovenac m Slovene, Slovenian
slovenaki adj v. slovenski
Slovenija f Slovenia
Slovenka f Slovene girl (woman)
slovenski adj Slovene; v. slavenski
slovenstvo n v. slavenstvo
sloviti vi enjoy fame (renown, repute) as; be reputed (renowned, celebrated) as; be famous for; have the reputation as (for)
slovk|a f dim syllable | ni ~e vie! not a syllable more!,
hold your tongue!, stop talking!
slovnica f arch v. gramatika
slov|o n letter; (tiskarsko) fount, type, character; (koso)
italic type | poetno ~o initial letter; poetna ~a
(imena) initials; veliko ~o capital; malo ~o small letter; nijemo ~o mute letter; gotsko ~o Gothic letter,
black letter; tiskano oblika pisanog ~a script; veliko
tiskano ~o block letter; masno ~o fat letter, bold(face) type; napisati poetno ~o initial; itati rije ~o
po ~o spell (takvo itanje spelling); od ~a do ~a to
the letter; nadgrobno ~o funeral sermon (speech);
oprosno ~o farewell speech, leave-taking speech,
valedictory speech (toast); ~o zakona the letter of the
law, the spirit of the law
slovoslaga m print v. slagar
slovoslagaki adj print v. slagarski
sloan adj harmonising, unanimous, in harmony with, in
unison with, at one with, concurring with; undivided;
united on something; (zajedniki) joint
sloen pp compound, composite, complex; (smotan)
folded; (pomijean) compounded, combined; (kompliciran) complicated
sloenac m cul (musaka) mousaka
sloenica f compound-word
sloeno adv in a complex manner
sloenost f complexity
sloiti vt (sklapati) fold; combine; (sastaviti, uglazbiti,
udesiti) compose; (gramatiki) construe; (udesiti) arrange; (tako da pristaje) match; (po dvoje) pair;
(spoj) join, unite; (gradnja) construct; (u cjelinu) put
together; (drva, grau) stack; (pomiriti) reconcile to
sloiti se vr come to an agreement, settle, dispute, come
to terms, agree (about)
sloiv adj (drva, graa) stackable; v. sklopiv, spojiv
slono adj unanimously, in harmony, in unison, with one
accord, by common consent; (svi) to a man, as one
man, one and all | oni ive ~ they live in concord
slonost f unison, harmony, good understanding; agreement; concert; unanimity
sluaj m chance, case; accident; (sretan) luck; incident;
(slijep) hazard, contingency; (zgoda) opportunity;
(dogaaj) occurrence, event; (nesretan) accident,

casualty; (doivljaj) adventure | u tom ~u in this

(that) case; za svaki ~ (u svakom ~u) at any rate, at
all events, in any event (case); sretan ~ a piece of
good luck; u najgorem ~u at worst, at the worst, if
the worst comes to the worst; ~ je ba htio as chance
would have it; preputeno ~u at random; u ~u da...
in the event of..., in case (of); postavimo ~ da... put
(the) case that...; u protivnom ~u in the opposite
case; ni u kom ~u on no account
sluajan adj accidental, casual, chance, fortuitous; random; (nenamjeran) unintentional; (neoekivan) unexpected; (nebitan) incidental, non-essential; adventitious | ~pogodak fluke
sluajno adv by chance (accident), casually, accidentally,
unexpectedly; (nehotice) unintentionally | ja sam ~
posrnuo I happened (chanced) to stumble; ~ sam naiao na njega I lit upon him, I came across him, I
stumbled upon him; biti ~ prisutan to chance to be
sluajnost f chance, coincidence, contingency, hazard,
blind luck
sluiti se vr v. dogoditi se
sluenje n misgiving, presentiment, foreboding
sluga m servant-man, man-servant, gentleman's man,
serving-man; menial, male servant, boy; attendant;
(gospodski) lackey, flunkey; (osobni) valet; domestic;
footman; (pivniar) butler; (svratita) buttons; (zavoda) apparitor; (u staji) hostler, groom, stable-boy
slugan m derog flunkey, stooge
sluh m hearing, sense of hearing; ear, musical ear | nadohvat ~a in one's hearing, within one's hearing
(earshot); dobar ~ musical ear; otar ~ quick ear; otra ~a quick of hearing, quick-eared; izvan dohvata
~a out of earshot
slupati vt break to pieces, smash; fig v. sklepati
slua m hearer, listener; university student | A univ izvanredan ~ auditor; on je ~ prava he reads law
sluai m pl v. sluateljstvo
sluaica f woman hearer (listener); woman student of
high school (university)
slualac m hearer, listener; (tajni) eavesdropper
slualic|a f earpiece (of telephone) | skinuti ~e take off
the earphones
sluanje n hearing, listening; (pokornost) obedience
sluatelj m v. slua
sluateljstv|o n audience, assembly of listeners; the public | dvorana ~a auditory, auditorium
sluati vt listen to, hearken; (uti) hear; (radio) listen in;
(pokoravati se) obey; (savjet) follow advice | napeto
~ be all ears; ~ razbor listen to reason; sluaj! be advised!; ne ~ not listen to, be inattentive; (nepokornost) be disobedient, disobey
slut|iti vt have a presentiment; (na) forebode; (nagaati)
surmise, divine, conjecture, guess, suspect; (oekivati) anticipate | ~i na dobro (zlo) it augurs (presages, bodes, portends, foreshadows) well (ill)
slutnja f presentiment; surmise; foreboding, misgiving;
presage; (nagaanje) conjecture | ~ me mori my
mind misgives me

sluz f slime, mucus; (iz nosa) snot, snivel; mucilage;

sluzav adj slimy, mucous ; mucilaginous; pituitous, pituitary, snotty
sluzavost f sliminess, mucosity
sluziti vi excrete mucus
sluzni adj of slime (mucus); excreting slime (mucus)
sluznica f anat mucous membrane
sluzokoa f v. sluznica
sluavka f servant-girl, servant-woman, servant-maid,
maid-servant, female servant, A help; (za sve) maid
of all work, slavey; (finija) housemaid, parlour-maid,
chamber-maid; lady's-maid; fig hand-maid; (dvorkinja) B charwoman, A chorewoman; (u kuhinji)
slub|a f service; employment, employ; (mjesto) post;
function; job; (slukinje) situation; (boja /misa/) service, divine service, public worship mass (obina
plain service, sveana full /high/ mass); (naporna)
hard service; (laka) sinecure, sl soft job; (masna) very
well paid service; (poasna) honorary service; (obavjetajna) intelligence service; (radna) labour service |
brod je u ~i vessel is in commission; prerevan u ~i
officious; u ~i on duty; slobodan od ~e off duty; zloupotreba ~e abuse of official authority (powers); biti
u ~i have an employment (job, post, situation), serve,
be employed; bez ~e unemployed, out of employment; otpustiti iz ~e dismiss, give the sack, kick one,
discharge, coll (A) fire; nastupiti ~u enter upon an
office; ii u neiju ~u go into one's service, take service with one; vriti ~u perform official duties; u aktivnoj ~i in active service; povui se iz ~e retire from
service; gubitak ~e loss of employment; uzeti u ~u
slugu engage (a servant); uzeti u ~bu (na rok lijenika, advokata) retain a doctor (barrister); lijenik u
stalnoj ~i physician in ordinary; on je osposobljen
za tu ~u he is qualified (competent) for this service;
on nije za tu ~u he is a square peg in a round hole,
he is a round peg in a square hole; brod je sposoban
za ~u (plovidbu) vessel is seaworthy
sluben adj official; (ukoen) stiff, formal, solemn; bureaucratic, red-tape | ~e novine (vojnike, trgovake
itd.) (official) gazette; ~a prisega official oath, oath
of allegiance; ~a svjedodba official certificate
slubenica f employee, woman clerk
slubeniki adj of an official (clerk, employee), belonging (proper, relating) to employees
slubenik m employee; (inovnik) office worker, clerk; B
civil servant; officer; official; functionary | vii (nii)
~ senior (junior) clerk
slubeno adv officially | drati se ~ be formal
slubenost f official character (quality); fig formality,
formal manner
slubodavac m v. poslodavac
slubovanje n serving, service, doing service, being employed as (in)
slubovati vi serve, be employed as (in); v. sluiti
slubovni adj relating (proper) to service
slubujui adj serving, on active service

sluenje n serving, service; officiating; functioning;

(upotrebljavanje) easement; (sredstvima) subservience
sluinad f collect domestic, servants, household servants; menials
sluine n dim girl servant
sluinsk|i adj servant; of (belonging to, proper to) a (the)
servant(s); dealing with the servants | ~a svjedodba
servant's character (testimonial); ~a knjiga servant's
identity book (booklet, card)
sluitelj m v. poslunik, podvornik, sluga
slu|iti vt serve; (vriti) perform, discharge duties; fill an
office, perform function; (misu) officiate, say office
(mass); (dvoriti) attend, wait upon, be in waiting;
(upotreba) be subservient, be used as, serve one's
purpose, function as; (dobro) serve in good stead, be
suitable (serviceable), be of use for; act as; (kod stola)
help | emu to ~i what is the use of?, what is it for?;
ovaj mi kaput dobro ~i this coat wears well; to niemu ne ~i it is (of) no use; ne ~iti vie be disused
(discarded), fall into disuse, be discontinued; kako ti
~i zdravlje? how are you?; ime ti mogu ~iti what
can I do for you?; ~iti samo za nudu be a make-shift
(stop-gap); ~iti za korist be advantageous; domaica
~ (dijeli) juhu the hostess helps (serves) soup at table; to e ti odijelo ~iti 10 godina this suit will last
you ten years
sluit|i se vr make use of, use, handle, avail oneself of,
employ | ~e se! (kod stola) help yourself (to... food)!
slunik m arch commissionaire; porter
sljedba f (vjerska) sect
sljedbenica f woman follower (adherent, sectarian, partisan)
sljedbenik m follower (adherent, sectarian, partisan),
party man
sljedovanje n mil ration(s); issue
sljedovati vt mil be issued (with)
sljeme n peak (crest, summit) of mountain, narrow hilltop, mountain-ridge; (krova) ridge (of roof), gable
sljepaki adj of the blind (people); for the blind
sljepar m deceiver, impostor, cheat, trickster; juggler,
charlatan, quack, swindler
sljeparija f swindle, humbug, quackery; deceit, deception, fraud; trick, sham
sljeparstvo n v. sljeparija
sljepica f a blind woman; (svjetiljka) dark lantern
sljepi m zoo slow-worm, blind-worm
sljepljivanje n gluing (pasting) together
sljepljivati vr v. slijepiti
sljepoa f blindness
sljepooica f anat temple
sljepooni adj anat temporal
sljez m bot mallow, marshmallow
sljezolika f bot hibiscus
sljezov adj of (prepared with) mallow | ~ aj decoction
of mallow
sljubiti vt cement, melt into one

sljubiti se vr coalesce, amalgamate, become one, melt

into one; blend, merge; (prilagoditi se) get accustomed (acclimatized); assimilate
sljubljivanje n cementing, melting into one another,
amalgamation, merging; (prilagoenje) getting, accustomed (acclimatized, assimilated); assimilation
smai vt v. smaknuti
smaganje n being able to procure (afford)
smagati vt be able to procure (afford, find) manage,
spare money (supplies itd.)
smak m | ~ svijeta world's demise
smaknu|e n execution, putting to death, decapitation,
hanging, quartering, elecrocution | odgoda ~a stay of
smaknut pp executed, hanged, decapitated, put to death,
electrocuted, beheaded
smaknuti vt execute; put to death, hang, decapitate, electrocute, behead
smalaksalo adv enervatedly, in a prostrate manner
smalaksanje n decline of strength, exhaustion, decrepitude, flagging, drooping, sinking, declining, weakening, enervation, prostration
smalaksao adj weakened, exhausted, enfeebled, enervated, broken, unnerved, decrepit, shattered, prostrate
smalaksati vi weaken, lose strength (vigour); droop,
sink, break down; become weak (feeble, spent, enervated, exhausted, enfeebled, tired out, worn)
smanjen pp lessened, diminished, decreased, reduced,
curtailed; shortened, grown less
smanjenje n decrease, diminution, lessening, reduction;
curtailment; abridgement; abatement
smanjiti vi lessen, diminish; reduce; (troak) cut down,
retrench; curtail; pare away (down); shorten; restrict
smanjiti se vr decrease, diminish; dwindle, shrink,
wane; (jakost) abate, decline; fall off, ebb, sink, run
smanjiv adj diminishable, reducible
smanjivanje n gradual diminishing (decreasing); v.
smanjivati (se) vt (vr) v. smanjiti (se)
smaragd m emerald
smaragdni adj emerald | ~ prsten ring set with an emerald
smatran pp considered, deemed, regarded, viewed,
smatranje n deeming, considering, regarding, thinking
smatra|ti vt consider, deem, think, judge, regard, look
upon as, view | ~ se it is thought (believed); za nju se
~ da she is thought (believed) to be...
smatrati se vr consider oneseli (as), believe oneself
smazati vt sl (pojesti) devour, consume (eat up, bolt
down) greedily
sme m sp v. sme
sme|e n sweepings pl, refuse, offal, rubbish; derog
(ljudi) vermin, riff-raff | kanta za ~e B dust-bin, A
trash (garbage) can; odvoz ~a garbage collection; lopatica za ~e dustpan
sme adj brown; chestnut; (od sunca) tanned, sunburnt
smeast adj brownish

smeiti vt brown, stain (paint) brown

smekast adj brownish, somewhat brown
smeokos adj brown-haired
smekan pp softened, mollified
smekati vt soften, mollify, mellow; make yielding; (kovinu i sl.) make pliable, ductile
smekati se vr (stega) relax; (strogost) relent, soften;
give way, make concessions
smesti vt confound, bewilder, embarrass, put out of
countenance, confuse, perplex, disconcert, distract,
put out, disconfit, flurry; mystify; nonplus, puzzle
smesti se vr get confused (bewildered, confounded, embarrassed, perplexed, puzzled, flurried, nonplussed);
lose presence of mind
sme m sp smash
smeati vt sp smash (the ball)
smet m (snjeni) drift
smetalac m person who disturbs (breaks in, intrudes);
smetan pp disturbed, troubled, incommoded, deprived of
one's peace (leisure)
smetanje n disturbance, intrusion, molestation, trespassing; encroachment; interruption
smetati vt disturb, intrude, molest, incommode, inconvenience, be in the way; (o predmetu) hamper; clog;
(prijeiti) hinder, obstruct, cramp; (posjed) trespass,
encroach; (srditi, dodijavati) annoy, pester, bother;
(prekidati) interrupt, cut in | ne smeta! (odgovor na
ispriku) never mind!, does not matter!
smeten pp bewildered, confounded, embarrassed, confused, perplexed, disconcerted, put out of countenance, puzzled, nonplussed, flurried
smeteno adv confusedly, distractedly, in a bewildered
(perplexed, embarrassed) way (manner)
smetenost f bewilderment, embarrasment, confusion,
smetenjak m muddle-head, muddle-headed fellow
smetlar m B dustman, A garbage collector
smet(l)ite n rubbish-heap
smetnuti vt (skinuti) throw off, get rid off | ~s uma lose
sight of, forget, not take into consideration, ignore,
neglect, disregard
smetnj|a f disturbance; interruption; interference; molestation; (zapreka) hindrance, impediment, obstruction;
(radio) atmospherics pl, background | biti na ~u hinder, impede, be in the way, inconvenience
smeuran pp wrinkled, crinkled, shrivelled; wizened
smeuranost f shrivelled (crinkled, wrinkled) state
smeurati vt make wrinkled (shrivelled)
smeurati se vr become wrinkled, wrinkle, shrivel up,
smicalica f trick, artifice, dodge, shift, manoeuvre
smicanje n gliding, sliding
smicati se vr glide, slide
smijanje n laughing, laughter, laugh; (prigueno) giggling, giggle; (glupo, prigueno smjekanje) simper,
smirk; (hihot) cachinnation; (iz svega grla, grohotom) roar of laughter; (zlobno smijuljenje) grin

smijati se vr laugh; (grohotom) roar with laughter; (hihotati) cachinnate | ~u sebi laugh in one's sleeves; ~
usiljeno force a smile; ~ kiselo laugh on the wrong
side of one's mouth; ~ zlobno grin; ~ prigueno giggle, snigger; ~ podrugljivo deride, mock, turn into
ridicule, make fun of, hold up to derision; njemu se
svi smiju he is the laughing-stock of all; ~ u brk
(izazov) dare one, defy one, challenge one; najbolje
se smije tko se zadnji smije he laughs best who
laughs last
smijeh m laughter, laugh (v. smijanje) | ~ od sveg srca
side-splitting laughter; usiljen ~ forced laugh; cilj ~a
butt; prasnuti u ~ burst out laughing; pucati od ~a
split one's sides with laughter, be convulsed with
laughter; shake with laughter; nije mi do ~a I am in
no mood for laughing
smijeniti vt relieve one of his post, remove from office
smijeak m grin, smile
smije|an' adj ridiculous, funny, risible, ludicrous, droll,
laughable, amusing, comical; (glup) silly, absurd | to
nije ~no this is no laughing matter
smijean'' pp (smijeati) mixed up, blended; amalgamated
smijeati vt mix up, blend, mingle, mix together
smijeati se vr become mixed up, blend
smijeenje n smiling, smile
smijeiti se vr smile
smijeno adj ridiculously, funnily, comically; drolly,
smijenost f funniness, ridiculousness, drollness; (glupost) silliness, absurdity
smijuckanje n giggling, giggle, chuckle; titter(ing);
chuckling; snigger(ing); (glupo) simper, smirk
smijuckati se vr giggle, titter, chuckle; snigger, snicker;
simper, smirk; cackle, chuckle
smijuljenje n v. smijuckanje
smijuljiti se vr v. smijuckati se
smiliti se vr have (take) pity on, commiserate, have
compassion | on mi se smili I feel pity for him, I pity
him, I have pity on him, I can't help pitying him
smilovanj|e n pity, compassion, commiseration; mercy;
bowels of mercy | ~a vrijedan pitiable, piteous; imati
~a za take pity on, pity
smilovati se vr feel pity on, have compassion on, commiserate
smilje f pl bot everlasting (Helichrysum arenarium)
smion adj courageous, brave, valiant, daring, stouthearted, plucky, bold, intrepid, fearless, audacious,
dauntless; (vratoloman) foolhardy, daredevil, reckless
smiono adv courageously, boldly, bravely, gallantly,
smionost f daring, boldness, bravery, intrepidity, courage, valour, gallantry, pluck, prowess; audacity, foolhardiness, fearlessness
smiraj m close of day; (zalaz sunca) sunset
smirak m emery
smiren pp appeased, tranquilized, quiet, impassive, passive; reconciled to, resigned, uncomplaining; calm,

smireno adv tranquilly; resignedly

smirenost f acquiescence, resignation
smirenje n appeasement; passiveness; peace of mind
smiriti vt appease, tranquilize, pacify, calm, quiet;
soothe, assuage
smiriti se vr (sa sudbinom itd.) resign, acquiesce, submit, give in; (oluja) subside, settle, abate; (vjetar)
drop | smiri(te) se! take it easy!, relax!, don't get excited!
smirivanje n v. smirenje
smirivati vt v. smiriti
smis|ao m sense; (znaenje) meaning, signification, purport, import; (znaenje rijei) acceptance; (sklonost,
volja za) mind, turn, taste | imati ~la be sensible,
make sense; (za neto) have a taste (liking) for, appreciate, take interest in (za tehniku be technicallyminded); nemati ~la be useless, be to no purpose, be
of no use; to nema ~la this is useless, it is no use; on
nema ~la za... he has no taste for, he does not care
for; ima ~la za tehniku he is technically-minded, he
has a turn for mechanical arts; to je bez ~la this is
senseless; kakvog ~la ima ...? what is the sense of... ing?; toan (dvojben) ~ao exact (doubtful) sense; u
~lu in terms of; u prenesenom ~lu in the figurative
sense; u uem ~lu in a limited sense; u ~lu zakona in
the spirit of the law
smislen adj meaningful
smislenost f meaningfulness
smisliti vt (dosjetiti se) think out, invent, devise, excogitate, conceive; (lano: ispriku, pripovijest) trump up;
(injenice) forge, fabricate; (spletku) concoct; (odluku) decide, resolve upon | coll ne mogu ga ~ I can't
stand him
smiljanje n revolving in one's mind, pondering over,
contemplation; (snovanje) scheming, planning; excogitation
smiljati vt revolve in one's mind, ponder over, excogitate, contemplate, conceive; try no invent; (zlo)
scheme, plot, frame; plan
smiljen pp conceived, thought out, decided, excogitated,
devised; (namjeran) deliberate, calculated; premeditated, planned; (lano) trumped up, concocted,
forged, fabricated | ~o uinjeno no sooner said than
smiljeno adv deliberately, calculatedly
smiljenost f deliberateness, being calculated, calculation
smjelost f v. smionost
smjen|a f shift | raditi u dvije ~e work double shifts
smjenjiv adj relievable
smjenjivanje n relieving; rotation
smjenjivati vt v. smijeniti
smjenjivati se vr follow each other (one another), alternate, rotate (v. izmjenjivati se)
smjer m direction, drift (v. pravac); course; trend, bearing; tendency; (kosi) bias; (broda pri krstarenju) tack
(i fig)

smjeran adj humble, modest, unassuming; (posluan)

meek, submissive; (stidljiv) demure, bashful; unpretending, unostentatious
smjeranje n trend, tendency, drift; (svrha) aim, purpose,
intention, drive; allusion
smjerati vi trend, have tendency, tend towards; hold a
course; (ii) make for, bent one's steps towards; (ciljati na, u) level at, aim at; (svrha) aim (drive) at,
purpose, intend, have in view, contemplate; (ba kaniti) be about (on the point of) -ing; allude
smjernica f line of direction (procedure); trend
smjerno adv humbly, modestly
smjernost f humbleness, modesty; meekness; unassuming (unpretentious, unostentatious) manner (behaviour)
smjesa m mixture, mix, blend, alloy, amalgam; composition, compound
smjesta adv at once, immediately, then and there, on the
spot, instantly, on the spur of the moment, orthwith,
straight off, without delay, promptly
smjestiti vt assign a place, lodge, accommodate, provide
room (place, shelter, lodgings itd.), house; stand; locate; find quarters for; install; posit; put; place; (vojnika na konak kod graana) billet
smjestiti se vr find quarters (position, place, one's stand
itd.); (udobno) ensconce oneself, settle down
smjestiv adj accommodable, placeable
smjekanje n smile, (continued) smiling
smjekati se v smile, keep smiling
smjetaj m position, situation; bearings pl; lay, site; lie;
location; (stambeni) accommodation, housing
smjetajni adj accommodation-, housingsmjetanje n assigning a place (position), placing, providing room (place, lodgings, position itd.)
smjetati vt v. smjestiti
smjeten pp placed, set, deposited; installed; put; given a
place (position), located
smjeti vi be allowed (permitted, suffered), may; (usuditi
se) dare, venture | ne ~ be forbidden (prohibited); to
se ne smije this is forbidden, this is not allowed
(permitted); you must (may) not do it; to se smije this
is allowed (permitted, permissible, granted); ja smijem I am allowed, I have the authority, I am authorized, I have the permission; smijete... you are at liberty; on smije doi u kuu kad god hoe he has the
free run of the house (place)
smlaen pp warmed, made warm (tepid, lukewarm)
smlaiti vt make tepid (lukewarm); warm up a little
smlaiti se vr get lukewarm (tepid); warm up a little
smlaen pp thrashed, beaten black and blue
smlatiti vt thrash, thresh out; batter; bear thoroughly
smlaviti vt crush, pound; (u prah) pulverise, triturate,
bray, reduce to powder; fig batter, shatter, smash,
crash, make mincemeat of
smlavljen pp crushed, shattered, smashed, annihilated
smo vb | mi ~ we are
smoen pp (vlaga) wetted, moistened; (skroz) soaked,
drenched, macerated

smoiti vt wet, moisten, make wet; (umoiti) soak,

drench, immerse, steep, dip, souse, bathe; (potrcati)
splash; (cijelog ovjeka uroniti) duck; (i zaprljati)
smoiti se vr get wet (moistened, soaked, drenched,
smonica f larder, pantry
smoi vi afford, raise money (means)
smog m smog
smok m seasoning; lard; oil, spices, sauce
smoking m dinner-jacket, A+ tuxedo
smokovaa f fig-brandy
smokovina f fig-wood
smok|va f (drvo) fig-tree; (plod) fig | suha ~va dried fig;
vijenac ~ava string of figs
smokvik m fig-garden (-orchard)
smola f (na stablu) resin, gum-Arabic; bitumen, pitch;
(kolofonij) rosin; (postolarska) cobbler's wax; (katranska) coal-tar pitch
smolast adj pitchy, bituminous; resinous, gummy
smolav adj v. smolast
smolavost f resinousness; quality of pitch (resin)
smoliti vt pitch, tar; cover (coat) with pitch (tar); resin,
rosin, rub with resin (rosin)
smoljen pp resined, pitched; waxed; rosined; gummed
smoljenje n resining, rosining; pitching; coating with
pitch; rubbing with resin (rosin)
smotak m parcel, bundle, packet, roll; volume package;
smotan pp rolled up (in), folded; furled, coiled
smotati vt fold; roll up (in); (umotati) wrap up (in);
make up a parcel; (jedra) furl up
smotati se vr roll up
smotr|a f review, inspection, field-day, march-past; muster, survey; (knjievna) magazine | izvriti ~u trupa
review troops; take a salute; drati ~u hold a review
smotren adj careful, watchful, vigilant, wary, cautious,
guarded, on one's guard; on the alert; (obziran) circumspect, considerate
smotreno adv guardedly, cautiously, circumspectly
smotrenost f watchfulness, cautiousness, wariness, vigilance, guardedness
smotriti vi catch a glimpse of, catch sight of, espy, become aware; perceive, behold
smoden pp crushed, smashed; stamped
smoditi vt crush, smash, stamp, pulverize
smraen pp darkened, dimmed, eclipsed; gloomy;
blacked out
smrai|ti se vr darken, become dark (dim, obscured,
eclipsed, dusky, gloomy); (lice) lour, gloom, darken;
dim, dusk | ~lo se it grew dark, dusk fell
smraivanje n darkening, becoming dark (gloomy)
smrad m stench, bad odour (smell), nasty (vile, offensive, fetid) smell; (ovjek) v. smrdljivac
smradan adj stinking, foul, having a vile (offensive,
nasty, fetid) smell (odour)
smraditi vt foul, pollute, soil, sully, defile, make dirty
smradljiv adv v. smradan

smraenje n fouling, polluting, defiling, soiling, dirtying

smra f v. smreka, omorika
smrde m v. smrad
smrdjeti vi stink, smell nastily, have an offensive smell
smrdljiv adj stinking, foul-smelling, malodorous, fetid |
~o jaje addled (foul, rotten) egg; ent ~i Martin stinkbug
smrdljivac m stinking fellow, stinking-pot, stinkingball, stinkard, stinker
smrdljivost f smelliness, bad odour
smrenje n stinking; nasty (offensive) smelling, stench
smreka f spruce; v. smrika
smrekinja f (borovica) juniper-berry
smrekovaa f v. borovika
smrekovina f juniper-wood
smrika f bot (borovica) juniper-tree
smrkavanje n darkening
smrkavati se vr v. smrknuti se
smrknue n v. sumrak, smraivanje
smrknut adj gloomy
smrknu|ti se vr grow (get) dark (dim, obscure, black,
gloomy), darken; (nebo) grow dull (overcast, leaden);
darken, dim; (ovjek) frown, lour, scowl, look dark
(dismal, gloomy, sullen, grim, melancholy, black,
threatening, sinister) | ~lo mi se pred oima my head
began to swim; (bijes) I saw red
smrknuto adv sullenly; gloomily
smrsiti vt (zaplesti) entangle, knot | ~ kletvu rap (grind)
out an oath
smrskan pp crushed, smashed to (into) smithereens
smrskati vt crush, smash to (into) smithereens
smrskati se vr be crushed (smashed), smash
smra(vi)ti vi grow thin, lose weight; (radi linije) reduce, slim down
smrt f death, decease; (preminue) demise; departure
(from life) | radi se o ivotu i ~i it is a matter of life
and death; ii u ~ za... give one's life for...; osuditi
na ~ condemn to death; boriti se sa smru be at
one's last gasp (breath), breathe one's last, be at
death's door, be on one's death-bed; to e biti ~ this
will be the death of you; na ~ preplaen mortally
afraid; na ~ umoran tired to death; umrijeti naravnom smru die a natural death; umrijeti nasilnom
smru die a violent death, die by accident; na ~ kamenovan stoned to death; ~ na lomai death at the
stake; ~ na stratitu death on the scaffold; ~ guenjem (zadavljenjem, utopljenjem) death by asphyxiation (suffocation, smothering, strangling,
drowning); ~ vjeanjem hanging; ~ hicem u glavu
death by blowing one's brains out; S~ faizmu Sloboda narodu Death to Fascism Liberty to the People; roen nakon oeve ~i v. posmre; ent konjska
~ dragon-fly
smrt|an adj concerning death; (koban) deadly, fatal;
(kazna) capital, mortal, lethal; (poput) deathy, deathlike | ~ni hropot death-rattle; ~na objava obituary,
notice of death; ~ni udarac death-blow; ~na postelja

death-bed; ~na osuda condemnation to death, capital

sentence, death-warrant, sentence of death; ~ni neprijatelj mortal enemy; ~ni grijeh deadly (capital)
sin; ~no zvonce death knell; zbog ~nog sluaja owing to death in the family; broj ~nih sluajeva number of fatalities (casualties)
smrtnik m mortal, man; hum human
smrtno adv mortally, deadly | ~ zaljubljen desperately
in love, over head and ears in love
smrtnost f mortality; med mortality (rate) | ~ dojenadi
infant mortality
smrtonosan adj lethal, deadly, mortal, fatal
smrtonosno adv mortally, fatally, deadly
smrtovnica f certificate of death, death certificate
smrviti vt triturate, pulverize, bray, pound, crumble;
(eer) powder; fig crush, annihilate
smrviti se vr crumble, pulverize
smrvljen pp crumbled; (stucan) pounded, brayed, triturated; (u prah) pulverized to dust; fig shattered,
smrzavanj|e n freezing, congealing, forming of ice, icing | toka ~a freezing point; krinja za duboko ~e
smrzavati vt v. smrznuti
smrzavati se vr freeze, congeal, turn to ice; be covered
with ice, form ice (on surface)
smrznut pp frozen, congealed, iced, turned to ice; covered with ice
smrznuti vt freeze
smrznuti se vr (stvor, biljka) freeze to death; die by
frost; congeal, freeze
smucati se vr v. vui se, skitati se
smuar m v. skija
smuati vi v. skijati
smui|ti se vr | ~lo mu se he felt sick, he sickened, he felt
faint (queasy, qualmish), he felt a nausea, nauseate
smuke f pl v. skije
smuen pp confused, perplexed; forlorn, distracted, agitated, troubled, bewildered, embarrassed
smuenost f bewilderment, confusion, perplexity, distraction
smuivanje n confounding, bewildering, disconcerting,
perplexing, troubling
smuivati vt v. smutiti
smukati vt shake a fluid, mix by shaking; fig cook up
smukati se vr become all stirred up
smuditi vt singe, scorch, burn
smu m ichth pike-perch
smuenje n singeing, scorching
smuk m zoo Aesculapius' snake
smuknuti vi slip (slink, whisk) away (out, into)
smuen adj crazy, puzzle-headed, witless, confused,
giddy, silly, muddle-headed, queer, eccentric | on je ~
he has a screw loose, he is wrong in the upper storey,
he has not his wits about him
smueno adv confusedly, witlessly, in a confused (silly)
smuenost f confusion, craziness, puzzle-headedness,
giddiness, muddle-headedness

smuenjak m crazy (silly, giddy, confused) fellow (person); queer (eccentric) person
smuenjatvo n v. smuenost
smuti|ti vt (ovjeka) confuse, bewilder, perplex, confound, disconcert; (vodu) stir the mud (sediments),
make muddy (thick, turbid, cloudy) | pamet mu se
~la he became mentally deranged
smutiti se vr be confused (perplexed)
smutljiv adj trouble-making, intriguing
smutljivac m trouble-maker, mischief-maker, intriguer,
smutnj|a f intrigue, mischief; trouble | praviti ~u create
discord, stir up contention, intrigue; kamen ~e stumbling-block; predmet ~e apple of contention
snabdijevanje n supplying, supply, provision, catering,
snabdijevati vt supply, provide with, furnish with, stock
with, cater for; (odjeom) find one in clothes
snabdijevati se vr supply oneself, stock up with
snabdjeti vt v. snabdijevati
snabdjeva m supplier, furnisher, provider
snabdjeven pp supplied, furnished, provided
snai vt (zadesiti) befall, attack | snala ga je nesrea he
met with a misfortune; snala ga je bolest he was
visited by an illness, illness came upon him, he was
attacked by an illness, he was stricken with an illness
snai se vr (mjesto) find one's bearings, see one's way,
orientate oneself, fig see how the land lies, find one's
level; (priviknuti se) get accustomed to, acclimatize
oneself; (u situaciji) find a solution, manage, cope,
shift for oneself; (pomiriti se sa sudbinom) reconcile
oneself to, resign oneself, acquiesce, make the best of
a bad bargain, put a good face on a matter
snag|a f (jakost) strength, vigour, power; (sila) force;
(vatra) mettle, spirit, ginger; (krepina) sturdiness,
muscle, energy; (ustrajnost) stamina, last; fig (moralna itd.) thews pl; (mo) potency, mightiness; (napetost) intensity | troiti nepotrebno ~u break butterfly
on wheel; to napree moje snage do krajnosti this
taxes my powers to the utmost; mi smo jednaki ~om
we are equally (well) matched; to nadilazi moje ~e I
am no match for it; ~a ga izdaje his strength fails
him (bolesnika he is sinking); svom ~om tooth and
nail, with might and main, with the utmost effort,
with all one's power; latili su se posla svom ~om
they went at it hammer and tongs; dobiti novu ~u recover; stupiti na ~u (propis) become effective; izgubiti ~u decline, become feeble
snaha f daughter-in-law
snajper m mil sniper
snajpersk|i adj mil | ~a vatra sniping
snalaziti se vr v. snai se
snalaenje n orientation, finding one's bearings, getting
accustomed to; (u nevolji) v. snalaljivost
snalaljiv adj resourceful; ingenious
snalaljivo adv recourcefully; ingeniously
snalaljivost n resourcefulness; ingenuity
snast f (broda) rigging
snaa f newly-married woman; (snaha) daughter-in-law

snaanje n v. snoenje
snaati vt v. snositi
snatrenje n waking dream, reverie, daydreaming, musing, castle in the air
snatrilac m dreamer, visionary, visionist
snatriti vi dream (waking); fall into a reverie; fig build
castles in the air
snaan adj strong, robust, powerful, vigorous, sturdy,
stout; forcible; potent
snaenje n (jaanje) strengthening, getting (making)
strong, invigorating
snaiti vt strengthen, make strong, invigorate; fortify;
brace (v. jaati)
snaiti se vr strengthen oneself
snano adv powerfully, vigorously, strongly
snanost f strength, power, potency, force; intensity
snebiti se vr v. snebivati se
snebivanje n astonishment, surprise, wonderment,
amazement; (zgraanje) indignation
snebivati vt shock, take aback, astound, dumbfound
snebivati se vr be shocked (disgusted, horrified), be
taken aback, be astounded (staggered, struck with
wonder), be dumbfounded (flabbergasted)
snek-bar m snack-bar
snen adj v. sanen
sneruke adv out of the way, inconvenient
snesti vt (jaje) lay (egg); (noenje) bring down
sneveseliti se vr sadden, become sad (sorrowful, distressed, depressed)
snijeg m snow | pahuljica ~a snowflake; meava ~a
blizzard; vjetrom nanesen ~ (smet) snow-drift; pada
~ it snows; ~ vije snow drives; napadana koliina ~a
snowfall; bijel kao ~ snow-white
snijet f farm blight, smut, mildew, ergot (v. snjetljiv)
snijeti vt (jaje) lay (egg); (donijeti) bring down
snijeenje n snowing
snijeiti vi | snijei it snows
snijenica f snow-water
snimak m v. snimka
snimanje n (skidanje) reaching down, taking down; (s
kuke, klina) unhooking; filming, shooting (a film,
films); (slike) taking of a photograph, snapshotting,
snapshooting; (na ploi, traci itd.) recording, making
of records | film probno ~ (screen) test
snimatelj m film cammeraman
snimati vt (skidati) take (reach) down; film, shoot, make
a film (movie); (na ploi, traci itd.) (make a) record;
photo take a photograph, snapshot, snapshoot; v.
rendgenski, magnetofonski
snimati se vr photograph (film) oneself | film se snima
u... the film is (being) made in...
snimiti vt v. snimati
snimka f (slika) snapshot, photograph taken; (na ploi,
traci itd.) record(ing)
snimljen pp taken (reached) down; filmed, shot; (slika)
taken (a photograph); (na ploi, traci itd.) recorded
snishodljiv adj v. susretljiv, milostiv, svisoka
snivanje n sleeping; fig dreaming

snivati vt sleep; fig dream, be sunk in reverie; build castles in the air | o emu se ni ~ ne moe undreamedof, undreamt-of
snizilica f mus flat
sniziti vt lower; (smanjiti) reduce, cut down, retrench,
decrease, diminish; (vrijednost) depreciate; (ast) degrade
sniziti se vr decline, ebb, run low
snizivanje n v. snienje
saizivati, sniavati vt v. sniziti
sniavanje n gradual reduction (lowering); v. snienje
snien pp lowered; (smanjen) decreased, diminished,
reduced, lessened; (cijena, vrijednost) abated, depreciated; cut down
snienje n reduction, diminution, cutting down, retrenching, retrenchment, decreasing, abatement; falling off
snob m snob
snobizam m snobbery, snobbishness
snobovski' adj snobbish
snobovski'' adv snobbishly
snop m sheaf; bundle; shock
snoplje n collect sheaves
snositi vt bear, suffer, endure, stand, tolerate; (nositi na
jedno mjesto) convey (carry, bring) to a place; (gomilati) heap (pile) up, accumulate on a place, deposit | ~
troak bear the charges (expenses)
snoaj m v. odnoaj
snoenje n (trpljenje) bearing, enduring, tolerating; (noenje) carrying (conveying, bringing) to a place
snoljiv adj (obziran) tolerant, indulgent, accommodating; (prilike i sl.) tolerable, passable, sufferable, supportable, endurable, so-so
snoljivo adv tolerantly
snoljivost f tolerance; (prilike i sl.) tolerability
snova adv anew, afresh, once more, again, repeatedly
snovanje n scheming, projecting, devising, planning,
snovati vt plan, devise, design; plot, scheme; have in
view; (namjeravati) intend, contemplate, have designs upon
snovi m pl dreams, dreamland; cherished expectations
snovienje n v. privienje
snubiti vt (djevojku) woo, sue for a lady's hand in marriage; propose; make offer of marriage; (glasove)
canvass, solicit votes
snubljenje n wooing, proposing, asking a girl's hand in
marriage; canvassing, soliciting (for votes)
snuboci m pl match-making; match-makers
snuden adj depressed, dejected, melancholy, dispirited,
downcast, dismal, moping, in low spirits
snudeno adv dejectedly
snudenost f dejection, low spirits, melancholy; the dismals pl, the dumps pl, the mopes pl
snuditi vt deject, make dejected (depressed, melancholy)

snudi|ti se vr become dejected (depressed, melancholy,

downcast, low-spirited); mope, brood | zbog neega
se ~o something preys on his mind
snjegovi m snowman
snjegovit adj snowy, full of snow
Snjeguljica f Snow White
snjeko m snowman
snjetljiv adj mildewy, affected with blight (v. snijet)
snje|an adj snow, of snow, snowy, full of snow | ~na
gruda snowball; ~no blijetenje snowblink; ~ne naoale snowgoggles; ~ne cipele snow-boots; snowshoes; ~ni usov snow-slip; ~na meava blizzard
sob m zoo (evropski) reindeer, (ameriki) caribou
soba f room, apartment, chamber; (bolnice) ward; (mala)
closet; (dnevna) living-room, sitting-room; (spavaa)
bedroom; (za primanje) parlour, reception-room,
drawing-room; (radna) study; (u potkrovlju) attic,
garret; (za goste) spare-room, guest-room; (sluinska)
servant's room; (za zajedniko spavanje) dormitory;
(s 1 krevetom) single-bedded room, (s 2 kreveta)
double-bedded room; (u zidu, bez prozora) alcove;
(niz soba) suite of rooms | iznajmljuje se ~ room to
sobar m valet
sobarica f chamber-maid, parlour-maid
sobica f dim small room, closet
sobn|i adj room, of a room, chamber | biti u ~om zatvoru be confined to one's room (as punishment)
sobol m zoo (zerdav) sable
sobolovina f v. samurovina
soboslikar m house-painter | ~i liilac house-andwoodwork painter
soboslikarski adj house-painting, house-painter's | ~
radovi house-painting (work)
soc m v. talog kave
socijala f welfare considerations pl
socijal|an adj social | ~ni radnik social worker; ~na
skrb social welfare; ~ni sluajevi welfare cases
socijaldemokrat m pol social democrat
socijaldemokratski adj pol social democratic
socijalist m socialist
socijalistik|i adj socialist | ~i savez Socialist Alliance of
the Working People; S~a Federativna Republika
Jugoslavija hist Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (former Yugoslavia)
socijalistkinja f woman socialist
socijalizacija f socialization
socijalizam m socialism
socijaliziranje n v. socijalizacija
socijalizirati vt socialize
socijalno adv socially
sociolog m sociologist
sociologija f sociology
socioloki' adj sociological
socioloki'' adv sociologically
soan adj juicy, succulent, sappy, mellow; savoury ; luscious
soivica f bot legume, legumen, leguminous plant, podded fruit, pulse lentil

soivo n v. lea
sono adv lusciously, succulently; fig with gusto (relish)
sonost f juiciness, lusciousness, succulence; sappiness
soda f soda | ~ voda soda-water, A+ club soda; ~ bikarbona bicarbonate of soda
sodn|i adj | ~a pia carbonated drinks
Sodoma i Gomora Bibl & fig Sodom
sodomija f med sodomy
sodomit m med sodomite
sofa f sofa | ~za razvlaenje bed-settee
Sofija f Sophia, hyp Sophie; geog Sophia, Sofia
sofist m sophist
sofisterija f sophistry
sofistian adj sophistic(al)
sofistika f sophistry
sofizam m sophism
sofra f Tur dining-table
soha f mar davit
soj m clique, coterie, set, gang; bad lot; exclusive party;
stamp, character; kind, sort
soja f soya beans pl, soybean
sojenica f pile-dwelling, lake-dwelling
sojin adj soya-bean, soybeansok m juice; (biljke) sap; (peenke) gravy; dripping;
(sladak) syrup | voni ~ fruit juice; bez ~a sapless,
juiceless; (bljutav, i fig) tasteless, stale, insipid; fig
bez ~a i smoka in bad taste, tasteless; (nezanimljiv)
uninteresting; (neumjestan) out of place, inappropriate
sokak m Tur v. ulica, uliica
sokl m Ger skirting
sokna f Ger v. kratka arapa
soknhalter m Ger v. podvezica
sokol m ornith falcon, hawk
sokolar m falconer, trainer (keeper of, hunter with)
sokolica f female hawk
sokoli m dim young hawk, falconet
sokoliti vt encourage, animate, embolden, infuse (inspire) courage; (poticati) rouse, stimulate, instigate,
spur (egg) on, goad, put on one's mettle
sokoliti se vr encourage oneself
sokolov adj of a hawk | fig ~o oko hawk's eye, keen sight
sokoljen pp encouraged, roused, animated; spurred
(goaded) on
sokoljenje n encouragement
sokratski adj Socratic
sol f salt; (kamena) rock-salt; (morska) sea-salt; (krupna)
bay-salt | obina (kuhinjska) ~ common salt; stolna
~ u prahu table-salt; rudnik ~i salt-mine; (stona, za
lizanje) salt-lick; iron metni mu ~i na rep drop a
pinch of salt on its tail
solana f (uz more) salt-pan, brine-pan, salt-works; (spremite) salt-magazine
solarij m solarium
soldat f soldier
soldateska f wild (undisciplined) soldiers, licentious
solenka f salt-cellar

solidan adj real; (jak) firm, strong; (trgovac) sound, reliable, solvent; (ivot) regular; (znanje) wellgrounded; (pravi) sterling; (karakter) steady
solidaran adj solidary
solidarizirati se vr express support for, identify with,
make common cause with
solidarno adv with solidarity
solidarnost f solidarity
solidnost f soundness; stability; steadiness; firmness,
strength; reliability; regular habits (of life)
solika f sleet | ~ pada it sleets
solilo n v. solite
solist m soloist, solo-performer; solo-singer
solistica f woman soloist
solistiki adj solo | ~ koncert recital
solite n (za divlja) salt-lick
soliter m high-rise building
soliti vt salt, add salt, sprinkle with salt; (usoliti) pickle,
corn, preserve with salt-brine
solni adj salt, saline
solo m mus & fig solo | nastupati ~ solo
Solomon m Solomon
solsticij m solstice | ljetni (zimski) ~ summer (winter)
Solun m geog Salonika
solventan adj com solvent
solventnost f com solvency
soljen adj salted
soljenka f salt-cellar
soljenje n salting; pickling
som m ichth sheat-fish | ameriki ~(i) catfish
Somalac m Somali
Somalija f geog Somalia
somalski adj Somali
somi m ichth catfish
somnambulist m somnambulist
somnambulistiki adj somnambulistic
somnambulizam m somnambulism
somot m text velvet
somotni adj text velvetsomovina f sheat-fish (catfish) meat
somun m cul Tur large flat soft roll
sonata f mus sonata
sonda f med probe
sondiranje n fig probing
sondirati vt fig probe
sonet m sonnet
sonoran adj sonorous
sonorno adv sonorously
sonornost f sonority, sonorousness
sopa f ichth v. salpa
sopile f pl folk Istrian long flute
sopiti vi pant, gasp, puff, throb
sopljenje n panting, puffing
sopran m soprano, sopranist
sopranistica f female soprano
sopstven adj v. vlastit
sopstvenik m v. vlasnik
sopstvenost f v. vlasnitvo, svojstvo

sorgum m bot sorghum

sorta f Ger v. vrsta
sortiranje n sorting
sortirati vt sort
sortirati se vr be sorted
sortirka f sorting machine; (za buene kartice)
(punched-card) sorter; (za jaja) egg-grading machine
sos m cul v. umak; fig v. kripac
soica f prop
sotona f satan, devil, the Evil One, Old Nick, Old Harry;
fiend; the Adversary
sotonski adj fiendish, satanical, diabolical, demoniacal,
sova f ornith owl
sovjetski adj hist Soviet | S~ Savez hist the Soviet Union, the U.S.S.R.
sovuljaga f ornith eagle-owl, great horned owl
spacionirati vt (u tipkanju) space out
spackati vt coll botch; v. zapackati
spaka f coll intrigue
spad|ati vi (padanje) fall down, drop from, fall off; (ticati se) belong (to); (pripadati) appertain, form part of,
fall under, be classed among, belong (to a set); (kao
dio) be part and parcel of; (vlasnitvo) be owned by,
be one's own | to ne ~a na me this is not my business
(concern, look-out); to ne ~a amo (umjesnost, zgodnost) this is out of place, this is not appropriate
(proper, fitting); (predmet) this is alien to the subject,
this has nothing to do with... ; to ne ~a u moju struku this is not within my province, this is not in my
line (branch of business), this is out of my line
spahija f Tur land-owner
spahiluk m Tur landed estate
spajalica f v. spojnica
spajanje n joining, putting together, connecting, coupling, linking, junction; (vezanje) tying, fastening,
attachment; union
spajati vt v. spojiti
spajk m mot spike
spakirati vt pack (up)
spakirati se vr pack (up)
spalionica f (garbage) incinerating plant
spaliti vt burn up (down); cremate, consum (destroy) by
fire, reduce to ashes, incinerate, calcine, burn to a
cinder; (opaliti) scorch, singe, cauterize, sear, brand,
char | na lomai burn at the stake
spaliti se vr burn (immolate) oneself
spaljen pp burned, cremated, incinerated, calcined; cauterized; ignited, reduced to ashes; (na lomai) burned
at the stake
spaljivanje n burning up (down), combustion, cremation; incineration; (samog sebe) self-immolation
spaljivati vt v. spaliti
spana m v. pinat
spanati se vr (s nekim) take up with
sparan adj sultry, close, oppressive; stuffy; sweltering;
sparen pp paired, matched, coupled

sparina f sultriness, closeness, oppressive (sweltering)

heat; stuffiness
sparing-partner m box sparring partner
spariti vt pair, match with, couple with (together), find
similar (corresponding) parts (things); (enidba)
marry a pair; mate
spariti se vr couple, unite sexually; (nai para) find a
partner (mate)
sparivanje n matching, pairing, copulation, mating,
coition; coupling
sparivati vt v. spariti
Spartanac m hist & fig Spartan
spartanski' adj Spartan
spartanski'' adv in a Spartan manner
spartanstvo n Spartanism, Spartanhood
sparuen pp scorched; wilted
sparuenost f scorched (wilted) condition
sparuiti vt scorch; wilt
sparuiti se vr be scorched, wilt
spas m salvation; (osloboenje) liberation, preservation,
deliverance; rescue, saving | vojska ~a Salvation
Army; nema mu ~a he is past recovery (help, saving), he is a hopeless case
spasavanje n delivery, deliverance, rescue; (na moru)
salvage; (bijeg) escape; (otkup) redemption; v. spasilaki
spasavati vt v. spasiti
spasen pp v. spaen
spasenje n salvation, deliverance; redemption; rescue;
(bijeg) escape
spasilac m deliverer, preserver, rescuer
spasilak|i adj | ~a ekipa rescue team; ~e ekipe rescue
Spasitelj m eccl Redeemer, Saviour
spasiteljica f woman deliverer (rescuer, liberator)
spasiti vt deliver, save, rescue, redeem; (na moru) salvage, save from wreck
spasiti se vr save oneself, get saved (rescued, delivered),
come off unscathed, get off with a whole skin; (jedva
jedvice) escape with the skin of one's teeth, save one's
spasonosan adj salutary, health-promoting; beneficial
spasonosnost f beneficial (salutary) effect
Spasovdan m v. Spasovo
Spasovo n Ascension-day, Holy Thursday
spa|sti' vi fall (drop) down, decline; (na) be reduced to |
~o je na niske grane he has seen better days, he has
come down in the world; ~o je na prosjaki tap he
has come upon the parish
spasti'' vt v. spasiti
spastian adj med & fig spastic
spastiar m med spastic
spastino adv med spastically
spaavanje n v. spasavanje
spaavati vt v. spasavati
spaen pp delivered, saved, rescued
spava m sleeper
spava|i adj sleeping; used in (for) sleep, promoting
sleep | ~i vagon sleeping car (carriage), A sleeper; ~a

koulja night-gown; ~a soba bedroom; ~e sredstvo

soporific, sleeping potion (draught)
spavalo m sleepyhead
spavanj|e n sleep, sleeping, slumber; (poinak) repose;
(drijemati) slumber, nap, doze; (preko zime) hibernation; (ukoenost) coma, lethargy; (hipnoza) trance |
bolest ~a sleeping-sickness; nemirno ~e broken
(troubled, restless) sleep
spavaonica f sleeping-room, bedroom; (za mnogo ljudi)
spav|ati vi sleep, lie (be) asleep, repose; lie dormant;
(zimskim snom) hibernate; fig lie in the grave; (dremuckati) doze; (nakon ruka) have a nap, have one's
forty winks; (nerad) be inactive (sluggish) | ~a kao
top he sleeps like a log; ~ao sam neprekidno 12 sati
I have slept the clock round; fig ne ~ati (biti budan)
be on the alert, be watchful (vigilant); ii ~ati go to
bed, lie down to sleep; dobro (slabo) ~ati sleep well
(poorly); ~ati poslije objeda take a nap; on je vrsto
~ao he was fast asleep; predugo ~ati oversleep oneself; nisam ~ao nita cijelu no I have not slept a
wink last night; fig stvar ~a the affair (matter) has
been pigeon-holed
spaziti vt perceive, notice, observe, see; become aware;
take notice, catch the eye; fig discover
specificiran adj specified
specificiranje n specification; detailed description
specificirati vt specify, give details
specifian adj specific; peculiar; particular
specifino adj specifcally
specifinost f specific quality
specifikacija f specification, detailed description (statement)
specijalan adj special, particular; (izvanredan) exceptional; peculiar
specijalist m specialist; med specialist, B+ consultant
specijalistiki adj specialist; specialized
specijalitet m specialty, speciality
specijalizacija f specialization; specialist training
specijalizant m med B registrar, A resident
specijaliziranje n specialization
specijalizirati vt specialize
specijalizirati se vr specialize, become a specialist
specijalno adv specially
specijalnost f specialty, speciality; special quality
speen pp baked, roast(ed), grilled, broiled, cooked, fried
spei vt bake, roast, grill, broil, fry, cook
spei se vr get burned; fig burn one's fingers
spektakl m spectacle
spektakularan adj spectacular
spektakularno adv spectacularly
spektakularnost f spectacular quality
spektar m spectrum | iroki ~ broad spectrum
spektralan adj spectral
spektroskop m phys spectroscope
spektroskopija f phys spectroscopy
spektroskopski adj phys spectroscopic
spekulacija f speculation; meditation
spekulant m speculator, stock-market operator

spekulantski' adj speculator's; speculating

spekulantski'' adv like a speculator
spekulativan adj speculative
spekuliranje n speculation
spekulirati vi speculate; meditate | ~ na burzi speculate
in stocks
speleolog m potholer, spelunker, caver
speleologija f potholing, caving
speleoloki adj potholing, caving
sperma f med sperm
spermatozoid m med & biol spermatozoid, sperm cell
spetljati vt make a mess of; v. sprtljati
spetljati se vr become confused; (spanati se) take up
spiker m announcer
spikerica f woman announcer
spikerski adj | ~ glas announcer's voice
spikirati vi read, announce
spilja f v. pilja, peina
spirala f spiral; (arulje) filament | kontracepcijska ~
spiralan adj spiral; winding; coiled
spiralno adv spirally
spiralnost f spiral shape (quality)
spirant m phon spirant
spirine f pl v. pomije, splaine
spirit m alcohol; (gorivi) methylated spirit | sprava za
kuhanje ~om spirit lamp
spiritist m spiritist
spiritistik|i adj | ~a seansa sance
spiritizam m spiritism, spirit-rapping
spiritualan adj spiritual
spiritualist m spiritualist
spiritualno adv spiritually
spiritualnost f spiritualism, spiritualness
spiritus m Lat | ~ movens moving spirit
spis m written document, official paper (statement); recorded proceedings (transaction, formal writing
(drafted) in court (administration itd.); report of a
case, brief | rijeiti ~ bring a decision in writing, attend to a matter in writing
spisak m v. popis
spisatelj m v. pisac, knjievnik
spisateljica adj v. knjievnica
spisateljski adj v. knjievniki
spiskati vt squander, dissipate, waste; (imetak) run
through one's fortune, play ducks and drakes with
one's fortune
spjeiti vi v. uriti
spjev m poem; canto
spjevati vt compose (make) a poem, write verse
splaine f pl hogwash
splahnut pp rinsed
splahnuti vt rinse
splasnut pp deflated, shrunk; dwindled
splasnuti vi deflate, shrink; dwindle; (smanjiti se) wane;
decrease, diminish in size, grow less; (smiriti se: oluja i fig) subside, abate
splasnutost f deflated condition

splaen pp frightened, alarmed, become shy, startled

splaiti vt (preplaiti) frighten, make shy, startle, alarm;
(ptice) shoo (away)
splanjavanje n deflation
splav f & m raft, float | most od ~i float-bridge; gumena
~ life raft
splavar m rafter, lumberman
splavar|enje, ~stvo n rafting, log-floating
splavariti vi raft, float logs
splavarstvo n lumbering and floating work (trade)
splesti vt knit, plait, tress; splice; (ispreplesti) interlace,
interweave, interwine, entwine
splesti se vr get entangled (knotted, spliced, interlaced,
intertwined, entwined); (spanati se) take up (with)
splet m interlaced (intertwined, interwoven, entangled)
piece of work; (vor) knot; mus potpourri, medley |
gorski ~ intersection, junction of several mountainranges (-chains)
spletati vt v. splesti
spleten pp plaited, tressed; knit, knitted; (zamren) entangled, knotted; interwoven, interlaced
spletka f intrigue, plot, machination, cabal, scheme
spletkar m intriguer, plotter, schemer, mischief-maker,
machinator; meddler
spletkarenje n intriguing, intrigues pl, scheming, plotting, machinations pl
spletkariti vt intrigue, plot, scheme, machinate
spletkarski' adj intriguing, plotting, scheming
spletkarski'' adv intriguingly
splitati vt v. splesti
spljeskati vt smash flat
spljeskati se vr get smashed flat
spljoten pp flattened, flat
spljotenost f flatness
spljotiti vt flatten
spljotiti se vr get flattened
spoitavanje n casting in one's teeth, reproaching; (korenje) upbraiding, chiding, rebuke
spoitavati vt cast in one's teeth; upbraid, reproach,
spodoba f v. lik, oblik, prilika
spoj m (mjesto) junction; union; joint; (spajanje) combination, joining, conjunction, linking, coupling; (veza)
connection, communication; (kemijski) compound,
chemical combination; (av) suture | (telefon) dobiti
~ get through; krivi ~ wrong number; prekinuti ~
disconnect; kratki ~ short circuit
spojen pp connected, joined, coupled, linked, combined,
united; (telefon) put through; (crticom) hyphened;
(uklopom, drvo u drvo) mortised; (rupom) tenoned;
(klinom) dovetailed; (skobom) clamped
spojite n place of junction (connection)
spojiti vt join together, put together, connect, combine,
unite; (parno) match; (telefonski) put through; (kopati) buckle; (privrstiti) couple, brace, attach; (kvaiti) hook, link, bracket, clasp, clamp; (umetanjem)
mortise, dovetail; (splitanjem) splice, interlink, interlace, intertwine, intertwist; (premositi) span (bridge)

spojiti se vr become united (joined), join, connect; mil

link up; chem combine, make a compound
spojiv adj that can be connected (coupled, united, joined,
combined); compatible
spojivost f connectibility; compatibility
spojka f tie; copula; brace, clamp, catch; connective | ftb
lijeva (desna) ~ inside right (left)
spojni adj joining, coupling, linking, connecting; used as
(for) joining
spojnica f (rijei) hyphen; (za papir) paper clip; v. spojka; (tranica) B fishplate, A joint bar
spokojan adj tranquil, calm, placid, serene, peaceful;
spokojno adv calmy, tranquilly, restfully, reposefully,
quietly; resignedly
spokojnost f tranquility, peacefulness, quiet, repose,
calm; resignation
spol m sex; gram (rod) gender | muki (enski, srednji)
masculine (feminine, neuter) gender; lijepi ~ fair sex,
gentle sex
spol|an adj sexual; genital | ~ni organi sexual organs,
genitals, privy parts; ~ni nagon sexual instinct; ~no
openje sexual intercourse (indulgence, commerce);
~na strast sexual appetite; ~ne bolesti sexual diseases
spolno adv sexually
spolnost f sexuality
spolovilo n sexual organ; genitals pl
spolja adv v. izvana
spoljanji adj outer, outward, exterior; out of door, outdoor
spoljanost f the exterior, the outside; outward appearance; the surface (v. vanjtina)
spoljni adj v. vanjski
spomen m (sjeanje) remembrance, reminiscence, recollection, memory; (predmet) souvenir, keepsake, (sa
sajma) fairing (v. uspomena) | nije vrijedno ~a not
worth mentioning; ~ ploa memorial tablet; ~ kip
memorial statue; ~ sveanost memorial festival; ~
dan remembrance day; slaviti ~ commemorate; slavljenje ~a commemoration; otkriti ~ plou unveil a
spomenak m bot v. potonica
spomenar m autograph book (album)
spomenica f memorial; red ribbon
spomeniki adj monumental
spomenik m monument; (grobni) tomb-stone | podii ~
erect (raise) a monument
spomenut pp mentioned | gore ~ above-mentioned,
aforesaid; the said
spomenuti vt mention, quote, make mention of, touch
upon, name, say by the way (in passing); (natuknuti)
allude, refer to, make allusion
spominjan pp mentioned, alluded to, referred to
spominjanje n mention, mentioning; (sjeanje) remembrance, memory
spominjati vt mention; allude to, refer to | sve to se ~e
everything mentioned

spona f copula; (naprava) tie, clasp, buckle; (okovi) fetter, handcuff, chackles pl, gyves pl, cramp, clamp,
brace; irons pl; band, bond; ligature, fastening
spondej m pros spondee
spondilitis m med spondilitis
spondiloza f med spondilosis
spontan adj spontaneous; involuntary; automatic; (naravan, neprisiljen) natural, unconstrained
spontano adv spontaneously
spontanost f spontaneity
spopa|sti vt seize, attack; (zgrabiti) catch, hold of | ~o ga
je strah he was seized by fear; ~o ga je bijes he was
seized with rage, he flew into a passion, he boiled
spor' m conflict, disagreement; contest; (svaa) dispute,
quarrel, litigation, controversy
spor'' adj slow, sluggish, tardy, dilatory, lingering; (lijen) lazy, indolent; (duhom) backward, dull-witted,
stupid, slow-witted | ~ ovjek sluggard, slow-coach
spora f bot spore
sporadian adj sporadic, few and far between; scattered
sporadino adv sporadically
sporadinost f sporadicalness
spor|an adj debatable, controversial, contestable; (nerijeen) pending, undecided, awaiting settlement, litigious, disputable | ~na toka moot point
sporazum m agreement, settlement, understanding, arrangement | sklopiti ~ make an agreement
sporazuman adj agreeing to, agreeable to, consenting,
assenting, willing; (svi) with one accord | biti ~ agree
to, consent, assent, acquisce, accept, chime in
sporazumijevanje n coming to an agreement (understanding); understanding each other
sporazumijevati se vr v. sporazumjeti se
sporazumjeti se vr come to an agreement, settle by
agreement, come to terms, settle a matter, come to an
understanding; (rado prihvatiti) close with | ne moemo se ~ we cannot come to terms (to an understanding); (razumjeti) we cannot understand each
other (one another)
sporazumno adv with one consent | svi ~ one and all,
without a dissentient voice
sporazumnost f agreement, consent
sporedan adj secondary, subordinate, unessential, of no
consequence, accidental, adventitious, accessory, of
minor importance
sporedno adv unimportant, of no consequence; beside
the question
sporednost f secondary (minor) importance
sporenje n v. osporavanje, poricanje
spori m bot verbena
sporiti vi v. osporavati, poricati
sporiti se vr v. prepirati se
spornost f debatable (controversial, contestable, disputable) state
sporo adj slowly, sluggishly, tardily
sporost f slowness, tardiness, sluggishness; slackness
sporovozno adv B by goods train, A by freight
sport m sport

sporta m sportsman, athlete

sportaica f sportswoman
sportist(a) f v. sporta
sportistkinja f v. sportaica
sportsk|i' adj sporting, sport; fig sportsmanlike | ~e priredbe athletic (sporting) event; ~i duh (igra) sportsmanship, fair play; ~i as champion sportsman
sportski'' adv sportingly
sposob|an adj capable, fit for, apt, able; qualified, well
up in a subject; (nadaren) clever, gifted; (uspjean)
competent, efficient; (podesan) proper, adapted for;
(upuen) well versed in, accomplished, of sound
qualities; (ovjek) a man of parts (ability); (vjet)
skilful; (vjerojatnost) likely; (tjelesno) able bodied;
(dorastao) equal to, up to the mark, a match for;
(upotrebljiv) useful, serviceable, suitable | ne osjeam se ~an za rad I don't feel up to work; ~an potpuno za plovidbu (brod) seaworthy; uiniti ~nim
enable, capacitate, qualify, render capable (fit, efficient, apt) for; on nije ~an za svoju slubu he is a
square peg in a round hole, he is a round peg in a
square hole; smatrati ~nim za consider capable of,
credit with
sposobnost f ability, ableness, capacity, capability; faculty; skill, skilfulness; efficiency; cleverness, competence; fitness, aptness; (dar, znanje) talents pl, accomplishments pl
spotak|nuti se vr trip over, stumble, make a false step |
podmetnuo mi je nogu tako da sam se ~ao he
tripped me up
spoticanj|e n stumbling, tripping | fig kamen ~a stumbling block
spoticati se v. spotai se
spoznaja f cognition, comprehension, understanding;
consciousness; notion, perception, idea, conception;
spoznajni adj cognitive
spoznanje n comprehension, becoming alive to (aware
spoznati vt become aware, conceive, comprehend, become cognizant of, become alive to (sensible of); perceive; learn
spram prep v. prema
spraskati vt v. spiskati
spraiti vt thrash, beat thoroughly
sprat m v. kat
sprati vt wash away (off)
sprava f apparatus, contrivance, appliance; (naprava)
device, gadget; (alat) tool, instrument, utensil, implement, gear; (stroj) machine
spraviti vt v. spremiti
spravljanje n v. spremanje
sprkati vt botch, bungle, make superficially (clumsily);
v. sklepati, spetljati
sprdaina f mockery, joke
sprdalo m scoffer, mocker, banterer, jester
sprdanje n ridicule, mockery, derision, raillery, scoffing;
banter, jeer; satire; gibe, taunt; making fun of, making game (sport) of

sprdati se vr ridicule, mock, deride, satirize, rail, jeer,

taunt, gibe, scoff, quizz; banter; make fun (game,
sport) of; turn into ridicule, make a fool of
sprdnja f v. sprdanje
spreavanje n prevention, checking, thwarting,
ba(u)lking, hindering; obviating, neutralizing, obstructing, barring, frustrating, hampering; (optereenje) chogging, handicap(ping)
spreavati vt v. sprijeiti
sprega f gram conjugation; (volovi) yoke, team
sprej m spray; spray-can, aerosol-can
sprema f (pripravnost) preparedness, readiness; (znanje)
qualification, knowledge; (stvari) equipment; (ratna)
spreman adj prepared; (za upotrebu) fit for use; (pri
ruci) ready to one's hand; (voljan) ready, willing;
(nakan) inclined, disposed, minded, bent on; (brz)
prompt; (u pripravi) in readiness (preparation); (gotov) cut and dried; (obrana) forearmed; (prijetei)
brewing, afoot; (na pomolu) forth-coming; (na sve,
vratoloman) fool-hardy, reckless | on je ~ na sve he
excepts the worst; he is prepared to go the length of...
spremanje n (sobe) tiding, doing a room; (red) putting
in order; (u red) setting (putting) to rights; (pospremanje) putting away; (priprema) preparation, making
ready; (u skladite) warehousing; (nakupljivanje)
hoarding; (na kup) accumulation; (opremanje) outfitting (tednja) putting by, saving; (za zvanje) training;
(za ispit) learning, coaching, cramming
spremati vt prepare, get ready; (pospremiti) set (put) in
order, tidy; (sobu) do a room; (pobrinuti se) provide
against, make provision; (brod, na borbu) clear decks
for action; (zlo) hatch, scheme, plot; (pothvat) set on
foot, organize, get up; (opremiti) fit out, equip; (jelo,
kuhati) cook, dress; (na stranu, tednja) save, put by,
lay by (up); (zalihu) store, lay in; (na mjesto) put
away, store (away)
sprem|ati se vr prepare oneself; (na neki nain) set
about, get ready; to be going to, to be about to, to be
on the point of -ing; (uiti) get up (a subject) | oluja
se ~a there is something in the wind; on sluti da se
neto ~a he smells the rat; to je on ~io he has a finger in the pie
spremica f v. spremnica
spremitar m warehouseman
spremite n warehouse, store-house; store-room, repository, depository; (za bombe na avionu) bomb bay
spremiti (se) vt (vr) v. spremati (se)
spremljen pp prepared; put by (away); tidied
spremnica f container, receptacle; vessel; (soba) closet
spremno adv readily, willingly; with a good grace; nothing loath
spremnost f willingness, readiness, promptitude; preparedness
spresti vt v. ispresti
spretan adj skilled, skilful, clever, dextrous, adroit,
handy, deft, practised, adept, quick-handed; (okretan)
nimble | ~ ovjek za svata jack of all trades
spretno adv skilfully, adroitly, deftly

spretnost f dexterity, skill, skilfulness, adroitness, deftness, knack, cleverness; (arobnjakova) sleight-ofhand; (okretnost) nimbleness, agility | postii ~ u neemu get the knack, get the hang of a thing
sprezan pp gram conjugated
sprezanje n gram conjugation
sprezati vt harness (to), put in/to harness, gear up, put a
horse to (the cart), put a team of oxen to the yoke,
yoke a team of oxen together, team, put/set to work,
rope in on a job, get/ settle down to work; gram conjugate
sprhnut adj (drvo i sl.) rotten; mouldered, decayed
sprhnuti vi dry-rot, moulder, decay
sprijateljen pp familiarized with, habituated to; having
made friends with, joined (united) in friendship
sprijateljiti vt make friendly to one another
sprijateljiti se vr become friends, strike up a friendship
sprijeen pp prevented, hindered, obviated, impeded,
precluded; (osujeen) baulked (balked), thwarted,
frustrated; (zapreka) obstructed, barred; (odvratiti,
odbiti) warded off, averted, neutralized
sprijeenost f being prevented
sprijeiti vt prevent, hinder, obviate, obstruct; (osujetiti)
thwart, baulk (balk), frustrate, disconcert, defeat;
(odvratiti) avert, ward off; lay obstacles in the way;
(nekome neto) put a spoke in one's wheel; (poremetiti) upset (plan) | bolje ~ nego lijeiti an ounce of
prevention is worth a pound of cure
sprijeda adv in front of, before; ahead, afore-; fore
sprint m sp sprint
sprintati vi sp sprint
sprinter m sp sprinter
sprinterice f pl sp track shoes
sprljati (se) vt (vr) v. uprljati (se)
sprovaati vt v. sprovoditi
sproveden pp v. proveden; (praen) escorted, convoyed,
sprovesti vt v. provesti; (pratiti) escort, conduct
sprovod m funeral procession, burial procession; funeral,
sprovoditi vt v. provoditi; (pratiti) accompany, escort,
conduct, convoy; (voditi) guide; (ivot) live (a life),
lead a life
sprovodljiv adj v. provodljiv
sprovodni adj of a funeral, funeral, funereal; accompanying | ~ list (brodski) bill of lading
sprovodnik m v. pratilac; el v. vodi
sprovoenje n escorting, convoying, accompanying; v.
sprtljati vt botch, bungle; do (make, perform, execute)
perfunctorily (inefficiently, clumsily)
sprtljati se vr v. spetljati se
sprud m v. prud
sprva adv v. isprva
spren pp grilled, broiled, fried; (opren) scorched,
burned, parched, scalded
spriti vt broil, grill, roast, fry; (prejako) overdo;
(opriti) scorch, parch, burn, scald
spriti se vr be (get) roasted (fried, scorched)

spust m descent; (kosina) declivity, slope; (downward)

drop; (skijanje) downhill (skiing, race); (podrugivanje) dig
spustiti vt lower down, let down; drop; (jedro) strike
(dip) sai1; (zastavu) strike (dip) flag; (brod u more)
launch; (cijenu) abate; sink; (padobranom hranu, odjeu i sl.) airdrop; (rolo) put up | coll ~ nekome take
a dig at one
spustiti se vr come (get) down, descend, alight, glide
(slide) down; (avion, ptica) land; (tlo) subside, sag,
settle, cave in; (oboriti se s visine) pounce upon,
swoop down | tlo se sputa ground is sloping; kia se
spustila it begins to rain (pour)
sputanje n letting (lowering) down, sinking, falling,
descending, descent; (avion) landing; (tla u naravi)
depression (of soil); (tla, uleknina) sagging, subsidence, caving in; (padobranom hranu, odjeu i sl.)
airdrop | let bez ~a non-stop flight; prisilno ~e
emergency landing
sputati (se) vt (vr) v. spustiti (se)
sputen pp let (lowered) down
sputan pp fettered, bound, shackled, handcuffed, fastened, pinioned, chained; (konju prednje noge)
hobbed; (psi) leashed
sputanost f being fettered; psych inhibition
sputati vt bind, fetter, tie, handcuff, shackle, pinion,
chain; clog; psych inhibit
sputavanje n tying, binding, handcuffing, pinioning,
fettering, shackling
sputavati vt v. sputati
spuznuti vi slide (slip) down; glide down; crawl down
spuv|a f sponge | brisati ~om sponge
spuvar m sponger
spuvarstvo n sponge
spuvast adj spongy
spuvenica f damper, moistener
spuvica f dim little sponge
sraunat pp calculated, computed; (osoba) calculated
sraunati vt sum (add) up, reckon up, calculate, compute; (procijeniti) calculate
sraunavanje n calculation, computation, summing up
sraunavati vt v. sraunati
sraka f vulg v. proljev
sraati se vr v. sroditi se
sram m shame; (rumen) blush; (plahost) bashfulness |
bez ~a lost to shame, shameless(ly); biti bez ~a be
without shame; ~ te bilo shame on you!; od samog
~a for very shame; ~ me je I am (feel) ashamed
sraman adj v. sramotan
srameljiv adj shamefaced, chaste, ashamed; (plah) shy,
coy, timid; (naoko) prudish, timid, bashful; reserved
srameljivac m shy (bashful) fellow
srameljivo adv shyly, bashfully
srameljivost f shamefacedness; (plahost) bashfulness,
shyness, coyness; prudery
sramiti se vr be ashamed, feel ashamed, be timid (coy);
(zacrvenjeti se) redden, blush, be flushed with shame
sramljenje n v. posramljenost, srameljivost
sramoenje n disgracing, shaming, bringing shame on

sramot|a f disgrace, ignominy, infamy; opprobrium;

scandal, outrage; shame | ~a! for shame!, fie upon
you!; to je ~a za... it is a disgrace to... ; ne mogu to
uiniti zbog ~e I cannot do it for very shame; skrajnja ~a it is a sin and disgrace; na ~u to the disgrace
of; biti na ~u discredit, dishonour, disgrace, stain,
blot, slur; be a stigma on one's reputation; bring discredit to, bring shame upon, reflect upon one
sramot|an adj shameful, ignominious, disgraceful, scandalous, infamous, dishonourable, shameless; despicable, discreditable, disreputable | hist ~ni stup pillory
sramotite n hist pillory, stocks pl; (ibanje) whippingpost; (uronjavanje) ducking-tool
sramotiti vt put to shame, disgrace, shame, defame, slur,
dishonour, derogate from, discredit; (okaljati) stain,
tarnish, sully, taint, defile, brand, stigmatize
sramotiti se vr bring shame upon oneself
sramotno adv shamefully, disgracefully, ignominiously
sramotnost f shamefulness, ignominiousness, disgracefulness
sranje n vulg crapping, shitting | ~! crap! shit!
srasao pp grown together, fused
sraslina f (brazgotina) scar, cicatrice, seam
srastanje n coalescing, growing into one
srastati vi v. srasti
srati vi vulg crap, shit, take a crap
sravnati vt v. poravnati, izravnati
sravniti vt even; make level; (sa zemljom) level with the
ground; rase (raze) to the ground, demolish entirely;
(provjeriti) collate, verify, check; (izjednaiti) make
equal to (with), match with; v. usporediti | ~ sa zemljom level (to the ground); to se dade ~ s... (= odgovara) this is parallel (corresponds) to; to se ne da ~
this cannot be compared to, cannot bear comparison
sravnjen pp levelled; made even; razed; v. usporeen
sravnjivanje n v. usporeivanje
sravnjivati vt v. sravniti
sraz m collision; crash, smash; fig clash, conflict; encounter; (boj) brunt; (potres) concussion; bump, impact
sraziti se vr v. sudariti se; (bitka) clash in battle, join
srazmjer m, ~a f v. razmjer, omjer
srazmjeran adj v. razmjeran, odgovarajui
Srbija f geog Serbia
Srbijanac m Serb (from Serbia Proper)
Srbijanka f a Serb woman (lady, girl) (from Serbia
srbijanski adj Serb, Serbian
Srbin m Serb
src|e n heart; (dua, osjeaj) soul, mind, feeling; (ud)
nature, disposition; (jakost) energy, strength; (odvanost) courage, spirit, mettle; (sredina) centre;
(jezgra) pith, core, marrow; (sr, sutina) quintessence; (naziv odmila) (my) darling (dear, dearest, beloved, sweetheart) | bez ~a heartless, cruel, unfeeling,
hard-hearted, callous; ogorena ~a with bitterness in
heart; preko ~a reluctantly, against the grain; bolna

~a with a bleeding (stricken) heart; heartsick; teka

~a with a heavy heart; od sveg ~a with all my heart
and soul, heart-felt; dobra ~a kind-hearted; usaen u
~e deeply rooted in one's heart; ~u prirastao dear
(nearest) to one's heart; u ~u at heart; to mi lei na
~u this is near my heart; (bol, briga) it presses
(weighs heavily, lies heavy) upon my mind, I have it
at heart; nije imao ~a da... he had not the heart to,
he could not find it in his heart to...; duom i ~em
with all my heart, heart-whole, heart and hand; tijesno mi je oko ~a I have heart-ache (mental anguish);
uzeo je u ~u he took the thing to heart; (odvie) he
took it too much to heart; staviti nekome na ~e recommend warmly, lay to heart; godi mi ~u it does my
heart good; to mu je jako na ~u (elja) he has set his
heart upon it; pao mi je kamen sa ~a I feel a weight
off my mind; palo mu ~e u hlae his heart sank, his
courage left him; ne da mi ~e I cannot bring myself
to do it; (moranje) I do it with a bad grace; stavio
sam mu na ~e I laid it to his heart; slomio joj je ~e
he broke her heart; to ovjeku para ~e it is heartrending; ~e mi krvari my heart is bleeding; stee mi
se ~e I feel pangs (anguish); boli me ~e I am heartsore (grieved at heart), my heart aches; ovjeku hoe
~e da pukne it is heart-breaking (heart-rending); ~e
mi je prepuno my heart swells (bursts) with emotion;
to mi je na ~u, to mi je na jeziku I am plainspoken, I wear my heart upon my sleeve; ~e mi skae
od veselja it makes my heart thrill; imam na ~u vau
(na ~u mi je vaa) korist I have your interests at
heart; na dnu ~a in my heart of hearts, at the bottom
of my heart; ~e mi je na jeziku (od straha) I have
my heart in my mouth; on nosi mrnju u ~u he is
imbued with hatred; sad mi je ~e na mjestu now I
am perfectly satisfied; sad mu je ~e na mjestu this is
after his own desire; razgovor od ~a (iskren) heart to
heart talk; osvojio je ~a svih he won the hearts of all;
od ~a from one's heart; on osvaja enska ~a he is a
lady-killer; kucanje ~a (heart) beating, pulse, pulsation; throbbing; ~e kuca the heart beats; (lupa) the
heart pulsates (throbs); klijetka ~a ventricle of the
heart; greka na ~u heart defect; proirenje ~a dilatation of heart; kljenut ~a paralysis of heart; sredstvo za jaanje ~a cardiac, cordial, heart-stimulant
srcedrapateljni adj hum tear-jerking
srcolik adj heart-shaped, cordate
sran adj (hrabar) brave, bold, courageous, intrepid,
fearless, stout-hearted
srani adj anat cardiac, heart | ~ napadaj heart attack;
heart failure
srano adv bravely, boldly, intrepidly
sranost f courage, bravery, pluck, valour, fortitude,
prowess, galantry, daring, boldness, fearlessness, intrepidity | izgubio je ~ his courage left him, his heart
(spirits) sank
srika f core, pith, marrow; kind of apple
srdaan adj hearty, cordial, heartfelt, affectionate,
warm-hearted, open-hearted; amicable, genial, amia-

ble, kind; (iskren) sincere; (prisan) intimate, close

srdano adv heartily, cordially, warmly, open-heartedly,
affectionately; sincerely
srdanost f cordiality, open-heartedness, heartiness,
amiability, amicability, affectionateness; (iskrenost)
frankness, sincerity
srdace n dim little heart | ~! my deary, darling, love
srdela f ichth pilchard
srdit adj v. ljutit
srditi vt v. ljutiti
srditi se vr v. ljutiti se
srdito adj v. ljutito
srditost f v. ljutina
srdjela f reg v. srdela
srdobolan adj diarrhoeic
srdobolja f v. dizenterija
srdba f v. srditost
srebrenje n coating (plating) with silver, silvering
srebriti vt coat (plate) with silver, silver
srebriti se vr shine like silver
srebrn adj made of silver, silver, silvery; silver-plated,
coated with silver; her argent
srebrnast adj shining like silver, silvery
srebrnin|a f silver plate, silver-ware | ienje ~e silver
srebrnjak m silver coin (piece)
srebro n silver | ivo ~ quick silver, mercury; suho ~
sterling silver
sre|a f (u dui) happiness; (sluaj) (good) luck, good
fortune, lucky chance; felicity; (blagostanje) prosperity; (nenadana batina, itd.) godsend, windfall; (sluajan pogodak) fluke; (blagodat) blessing; (uspjeh)
good hit, stroke of good luck (u nekoliko navrata run
of good luck); (loa) bad luck, misfortune | na ~u fortunately, luckily; (nasumce) at random, at haphazard,
in a happy-go-lucky way; ~a i nesrea u ivotu the
ups and downs of life; promjena ~e (nagore) reverse
of fortune; prepustiti se ~i take one's chance, venture, risk; pokuati ~u try one's fortune; gatati ~u
tell person his fortune; kolo ~e Fortune's wheel, the
ups and downs of life; imati ~u be lucky, be in luck
(due vrijeme have a run of good luck); zla mu ~a bila! bad luck to him; ~a je htjela da... as luck would
have it; takve sam ja ~e just my luck; nemam ~e I
have no luck, I am out of luck; imam ~u I am in
luck; prava je ~a da... it is a piece of real good luck
that...; luda ~a mere chance, blind hazard
srean adj v. sretan
sreka f lottery-ticket
Sreko m Felix
srenik m v. sretnik
sreno adv v. sretno
sreom adv luckily, fortunately
sred prep among, amidst, in the middle of
sredin|a f the middle, centre, midst; (jezgra) core; (sr)
pith, marrow; fig heart; (poprenost) average; (drutvena) milieu, environment | zlatna ~a golden mean;
medium; jedan iz nae ~e one of us, one from along

us; ~om mjeseca at the middle of month; ovjekova

~a human environment; borac (strunjak) za ouvanje ovjekove ~e environmentalist
sredinji adj central, middle
sredinjica f head office; headquarters
sredinjost f central location, centricity
sredite n centre, middle, heart; headquarters; (sjecita)
intersection, convergence point
srediti vt put (set) in order, arrange, settle; classify
srediti se vr get settled; settle down; get a grip on oneself
srednjak m middle finger
srednje- v. srednjosrednje adv | ~ skup medium-priced
srednj|i adj middle; medium; (osrednji) middling; (poprean) average, mean; (ne ba najbolji) so-so, mediocre; (posredan) intermediate | ~a kola secondary (A
high) school; ~i vijek Middle Ages; ~i rod neuter;
S~i istok the Middle East; ~ih godina middle-aged
srednjoevropsk|i adj | po ~om vremenu at Central
European time
srednjoistoni adj geog Middle Eastern, Mid-East
srednjopruga m sp middle-distance runner
srednjoroni adj medium-term
srednjokolac m B secondary school pupil, A high
school student
srednjokolka f secondary school (A high school) girl
srednjokolski adj B secondary-school, A high-school
sredovjean adj mediaeval; v. srednjih godina
sredozem|an adj | geog S~no more the Mediterranean
Sredozemlje n geog the Mediterranean (basin)
sredst|vo n means, expedient; medium; (doskoica) shift,
device; (lijek) medicine, remedy; instrument; (novac)
resources pl, funds pl, the where-withal, ways and
means; (za ivot) livelihood subsistence; (za nudu)
make-shift; (nain) way | bez ~ava resourcelles, lacking means; indigent, poor, destitute; helpless; ~va za
proizvodnju means of production
sreen adj (ovjek) sedate, serious, sober, steady, staid;
of settled convictions; (ureen) settled, ordered; classified; arranged
sreeno adv steadily, in a settled (ordered) manner
sreenost f (ovjek) sedateness, sobriety, staidness,
steadiness; (red) settled (ordered, arranged, classified) state
sreivanje n putting in order, arranging, settling; classifying
sreivati vt v. srediti
sremaki adj Syrmian, of the Syrmians
Sremica f woman inhabitant of Syrmia
Sremkinja f v. Sremica
sreski adj v. kotarski | ~ naelnik, v. kotarski predstojnik
sresti vt meet, encounter, light upon, chance upon, come
across; run across
sresti se vr (sa) meet
sretan adj happy; lucky, fortunate, felicitous, prosperous; (povoljan) propitious; successful; (blaen) blissful | bio ~! God speed you!

sretanje n coming across, encounter, encountering,

lighting upon, meeting repeatedly
sretati vt meet repeatedly
sretnik m lucky person, person favoured by luck
sretno adv luckily, fortunately | ~! good luck!; (na putu)
farewell!; proi ~ (bez kazne) go scot-free; (bez ozljede) go unscathed (unharmed, with a whole skin,
srez m v. kotar
srezan pp cut fine, cut up, chopped up; (sasjeckan)
srezati vt cut up; cut up fine, mince, chop up; coll deflate, cut down to size
srezati se vr coll have a setback; make a faux pas; overreach oneself
srh m | srsi me prolaze I shudder, my flesh creeps; (od
uitka) I am thrilling
sricanje n spelling | poetnica za ~ speller, spellingbook
sricati vt spell
srijed|a f Wednesday; (sredina) middle, mids | ista ~
Ash-Wednesday; neto drugo je po ~i there must be
some other reason
Srijem m Syrmia
Srijemac m male inhabitant of Syrmia
srije m (vinski) tartar
srijean adj of tartar, tartaric
srk m sipping, sip
srkanje n sipping, lapping, drinking slowly
srkati vt sip, lap up
srknuti vt take a sip
srljanje n headlong (reckless) walking (proceeding)
srljati vi go (walk, run, proceed, behave) aimlessly
(recklessly, in a headlong way)
srma f sterling (native) silver
srna f doe, roe, fallow-deer, fawn
srnda m buck, roe-buck
srne n fawn
srnei adj of a roe-buck
srnetina f venison
srnuti vi dash (rush) along (impetuously, precipitately)
srnjak m v. srnda
sroan adj analogous, accordant with, agreeing; rhyming
sroiti vt rhyme; word, formulate, put into words
sronost f analogy, congruity; rhyming
srodan adj akin, kidndred; cognate, related, relative;
allied to, analogous; congenial; congener to
sroditi se vr get used to, become aclimatized, become
close to
srodnica f v. roakinja
srodnik m v. roak
srodnost f relationship, kinship, affinity; cognateness;
srodstvo n parentage, relationship, kinship; cognateness;
srok m rhyme, rime | muki ~ single (male, masculine)
rhyme (rime); enski ~ double (female, feminine)
rhyme (rime)

sroljo m vulg shithead

srotiti se vr conspire against, plot, scheme, cabal; intrigue
srozati vr pull down, lower
srozati se vr fall down, topple down; collapse
srozavanje n fall, degradation, pulling down
srp m reaping-hook, sickle | fig ~ i eki hammer and
srpanj m July
srpanjski adj of (happening in) the month of July
srpast adj like a sickle, formed (shaped) like a sickle
Srpkinja f Serb woman
srpski adj Serbian | ~ jezik Serbian
srpskohrvatski adj hist Serbo-Croat(ian)
srpstvo n Serb nationality, the Serbs
srsi m pl v. srh
srtanje n rush; rushing, dash (dashing) along impetuously (recklessly)
srtati vi rush (dash) along violently (impetuously, recklessly)
sruiti vt v. istresti
sruiti se vr v. sruiti se, oboriti se, okrenuti, istresti se
sruke adv convenient(ly)
sruen pp pulled down, demolished, razed; overthrown,
subverted; upset, knocked down, overturned; (s prijestolja) dethroned
sruiti vt (razvaliti) pull down, demolish, raze; fell;
overthrow, overturn, upset; knock down; subvert; dethrone
sruiti se vr topple down, fall down; be overturned (upset, felled, knocked down); drop down, tumble down;
(zbog podmetnute noge) be tripped; (kako je netko
dug i irok) sprawl; (bubnuti) plump down;
(ruevina) crumble into ruins, be wrecked; collapse
sruiv adj demolishable, overturnable, upsetable, subvertible
sr f pith, core, pith and marrow; (jakost) vigour, stamina, last; (bit) quintessence
stabalce n small (slender) tree
stabilan adj stable, firm
stabilizacija f stabilization
stabilizator m stabilizer
stabilizirati (se) vt (vr) stabilize
stabilnost f firmness, stableness, stability
stablo n tree; (deblo) trunk, bole
stabljika f stalk, stem
stacionar m med in-patient clinic, B+ cottage hospital
stacionaran adj stationary
stacionarnost f stationariness
stacionirati vt v. postaviti; mil station, deploy
stadij m stage
stadion m stadium
stado n (goveda) herd, druve; (ovaca itd.) flock, troop |
okupiti se u ~ troop, flock, herd; obor za ~ pen, enclosure; zatvoriti ~ u obor pen up (in)
stafaa f accessories, accompaniments, non-essentials
stagnacija f stagnation | ~ s inflacijom stagflation
stagniranje n v. stagnacija
stagnirati vi be stagnant (sluggish)

staja f (konjska) stable; (pregradak) stall; (skupno) stabling; (kravlja) cowhouse, cowshed; (svinjac) pigsty
stajaica f | zvijezda ~ fixed star; voda ~ stagnant water
staja|i adj standing; (voda) stagnant (water) | ~a vojska
regular (standing) army; ~a zvijezda fixed star
stajalite n standing-place, station; (postaja) stop; (prostor) standing-room; v. gledite, stanovite
stajanka f (aerodrom) apron
stajanje n standing; (mirovanje) stagnation; (nerad)
lying idle; (obustava) halt, stoppage; theat standing
stajarina f rlw demurrage
staja|ti vi stand; (uspravno) stand, be erect (upright); (ne
micati se) be immovable, not budge (stir); (mirovati)
be at a standstill, remain stationary; (ne raditi, npr.
stroj) be (lie) idle; (neobraen, zemlja) lie unploughed (untilled), lie fallow; (pristajati, odijelo) fit,
suit, become; (cijena) cost, be at..., have the price, be
sold (quoted) at | ~ na obranu make a stand against;
kako stoji? (stanje) how is...?; koliko stoji? (kota)
what is (are) this (these)...? ;. ~lo me... I paid for it...;
stoji mi na putu it is in my way; stoji od tebe (dunost ti je) it is up to you; (odluka) it is for you to decide, it depends upon you to... ; ~lo me muke I was at
great pains to... ; nije me ~lo gotovo nita I got it for
a song (an old song, mere song), I got it dirt-cheap ;
skupo me ~lo it cost me dear (kazna itd.); stoji napisano it is written; ~lo me ne znam to, ja u... cost
what it may, I... ; to stoji (ima pravo) you are right,
I know for certain, it is true; to ne stoji it is not true
stajni adj | aero ~ trap landing gear
stajsk|i adj stable, of a stable | ~i gnoj stable-dung (manure); ~a stelja litter
stakalce n dim small bottle; a small piece of glass
staklana f glassworks; v. staklarija
staklar m glazier; glassware merchant
staklarija f glazier's shop (workshop); glassworks; (obrt,
zanat) glazier's trade; (staklenina) glassware
staklarski adj of (used by) a glazier | ~ kit putty
staklarstvo n glazier's trade; glass making (manufacturing)
staklast adj glassy
staklen adj glass, glassy, made of glass; vitreous, vitrified; (pogled, oi) glazed | ~a masa glass in the mass
staklenik m (za bilje) conservatory, hothouse, greenhouse; (u vrtu) hotbed
staklenina f glass-ware
staklenka f bottle; (pekula) glass marble
stakl|o n glass ; (prozora) window-pane; (brueno)
frosted glass; (neprozirno) opaque glass | no za ~o
glazier's (cutting) diamond; slikanje na ~u glasspainting; neslomljivo ~o safety glass
stakloplastika f fiber-glass
staklopuha m glass-blower
staklorezac m glass-cutter
staklovina f glass, broken glass
stalac m (za dijete da prohoda) B go-cart, A (baby)
stalagmit m geol stalagmite

stalak m stand; (kipa) pedestal; (slikarev ili za plou)

easel; (za piljenje drva) saw-horse; (za runik) towelhorse; rack | aa sa stalkom (vinska aa) wineglass
stalaktit m geol stalactite
stalan adj stable, invariable, unchangeable, constant,
steady, permanent; (neprestan-cest) continual; (bez
prekida) continuous; (vrijeme) settled; (dohodak)
regular; (boja) fast; (siguran) certain; (odreen)
fixed; (protiv utjecaja, neprobojan, koji ne proputa)
proof (against) | ~ protiv vatre (vatrostalan) fireproof
stalaa f shelves pl
staleki adj belonging to (concerning a) calling (profession, status, social position, rank, standing itd.)
stale m estate, order, class (of society), rank, station |
radniki ~ working classes; inovniki ~ officialdom, persons holding public office, clerks
stalno adv (neprestano) continually, steadily, permanently, uninterruptedly, invariably, constantly, continuously; (sigurno) for certain, without fail, surely
stalnost f stability, permanency, continuity, invariability;
(postojanost) constancy; (ustrajnost) steadiness, perseverance, firmness
stalo adv | biti ~ care for, mind; concern oneself with; ~
mi je do... I am anxious about it, I have set my heart
on it; nije mi ~ do... I don't care for, I don't mind...,
it is all the same to me
staloen pp clarified (muddy, turbid, liquid); deposited
(sediment), sedimentary; (ovjek) steady, levelheaded
staloeno adv composedly, steadily
staloenost f composure, steadiness, level-headedness
staloiti vt compose, settle
staloiti se vr (osoba) steady down; (talog) settle, drop to
the bottom (dregs itd.); be deposited from; form a deposit (sediment); leave grounds (sediment, lees,
dregs); clarify
stamben|i adj residential, housing | ~o pitanje housing
Stambul m hist Constantinople
stan' m B flat, A apartment, suite; sl digs, pad, dwelling,
abode, house, home; (etani) flat, apartments pl,
lodgings pl; domicile, residence; (kua za stanovanje) dwelling-house, tenement; (niz soba) set of
apartments, suite of rooms; quarters pl; habitation;
accommodation; (nastamba) housing; (krov) shelter,
roof; (vojnika kod graanina) billet; (boravite)
whereabouts pl | glavni ~ headquarters pl; dati ~
(skrovite) harbour, shelter; baciti iz ~a eject; izbaenje iz ~a ejectment; ~ i hrana board and lodging;
imati na ~u i hrani board and lodge one; biti na ~u
kod lodge at; najam ~a lease; najamnina za ~ rent,
rental; otkaz ~a notice to quit; otkazati ~ give notice; odseljenje iz ~a removal; promjena ~a change
of residence
stan'' m | tkalaki ~ loom
stanac m | ~ kamen live rock, bedrock
stanar m tenant, inhabitant of a flat (house, apartment,
room, suite of rooms); (podstanar) lodger; (na hrani)

lodger and boarder | prijava ~a registration of a tenant (lodger) at the police; odjava ~a notification at
the police-station of change of abode; ~i pl inhabitants of a house, inmates
stanarin|a f rent, rental, flat-rent | inkasator ~e rentman; zaostatak ~e arrears of rent
stanarinski adj rental
stanarka f woman lodger (tenant)
stanarsk|i adj | ~o pravo tenant's right of tenure
stanca f pros stanza
standard m standard | ivotni ~ standard of living
standardan adj standard
standardizacija f standardization
standardno adv in a standard manner
standardnost f standard quality
stanic|a f cell; rlw (postaja) station, A+ depot; (raskre,
vor) junction; (uvjetna) signal (flag) station; (tramvajska) stop(ping-place); (konana ili vana) terminus; v. kolodvor | ef ~e station-master
stanievina f cell-tissue; v. celuloza
stanini adj of a cell; v. kolodvorski
staniol m tin-foil, leaf-tin; (trake za bor) tinsel rain
stank|a f pause; interval; break; cessation, stop; intermission; (interpunkcija) dash | bez ~e without intermission, at a stretch; tri dana bez ~e for three days
running (at a stretch)
Stanlio i Olio film Laurel and Hardy
stanodavac m landlord, boarding-house keeper (owner)
stanodavka f landlady
stanovanje n residence, dwelling, lodging; habitation;
(prolazno) stay, sojourn | podesan za ~ habitable
stanovati vi live, dwell, reside, inhabit, be domiciled, be
quartered; (vojnik kod graanina, prolazno) be billeted on; (prolazno) stay, sojourn, be lodged
stanovite n standpoint, point of view; mental attitude
(v. gledite)
stanovit adj a certain, particular, a special, some
stanovnica f female inhabitant
stanovnik m inhabitant, dweller; (kue) inmate, resident;
stanovnitv|o n population, inhabitants | popis ~a census; liiti ~a depopulate
stanj|e n state, condition, plight; (poloaj) position,
situation; (okolnosti) circumstances; (pripravnosti)
alert; (izvanredno) (state of) emergency | biti u ~u be
able; (sredstva) have the means to, afford to; ne biti
u ~u be unable; nisam u ~u da kupim... I can't afford
it; kua (cesta) je u dobrom (loem) ~u house (road)
is in good (bad) repair; duevno ~e frame of mind;
ostati u drugom ~u become pregnant; ona je u drugom ~u she is with child, she is in the family way;
(daleko) she is quick with child; kritino ~e juncture, crisis, turning-point, moment of suspense; u ~u
neodlunosti in suspense, in abeyance; fig znati kakvo je ~e know how the land lies
stanjiti vt thin, make thin(ner)
stanjiti se vr become (grow, get) thin; (prema kraju)
stap m (za maslac) churn

stapajica f (stapa) butter-staff

stapalo n eng (klipnjaa, ojnica) piston-rod
stapanje n (smjesa) amalgamation, merging; (spoj)
welding, joining; (mijeanje) blending; (kovine)
welding, soldering
stapati vt v. stopiti
stapka f stem
star' adj old, aged, advanced in years; (ostariji) elderly;
(dugo postojei) old-established, of old standing;
(drevan) ancient, hoary, olden, of yore, immemorial;
(starinski) antique; (zastario) old-fashioned, antiquated, rusty; (rije) obsolete, archaic; (troan) used,
worn, threadbare; worn-out; (fraza) trite, hackneyed,
exploded, time-worn; (iz druge ruke) secondhand;
(pivo, kruh, novost, ala) stale | ~i vijek antiquity; on
je jo uvijek onaj ~i he has not changed at all, he
has remained the same; ~a (otrcana) dosjetka chestnut; ~i broj novina back number; ~o eljezo scrap
iron; ~i grenik inveterate sinner; (zapao natrag u
zle navike) backslider; fig ~i majstor experienced
(longpracticed) man, an old hand at...; ~o plemstvo
hereditary, nobility; ~i mornar (iskusan) old salt; ~i
vojnik (isluen) veteran; on je ~ blizu 50 he is on the
right (sunny) side of 50; ~ je preko 50 he is on the
wrong (shady) side of 50; on je 10 godina ~ he is ten
(years of age); ~ je kao i ja he is (of) my age; ~o i
mlado young and old, everybody
star'' m (film) star
stara f old woman, aged woman, a woman in years
star|ac m old man, aged man, man advanced in years;
(oslabio) man stricken in years; (senilan) dotard | ~ci
old people, old folks
starak|i adj of an old man; senile, doting; enfeebled |
~e bolesti the infirmities of age; ~i dom old people's
staralac m v. staratelj, skrbnik
staranje n taking care of, taking the trouble, giving heed
to, minding; pains, endeavour; (briga) look-out
staratelj m guardian; curator; trustee, tutor, administrator
starateljski adj guardianship-, trusteeshipstarateljstvo n guardianship, tutorship, trusteeship | podruje pod ~m trust territory
starati se vr take care (trouble, pains); attend to, see to;
apply oneself to, look after; (nastojati) endeavour,
make a point of; (biti stalo) have at heart, be anxious
(concerned) about; (da se neto izvri) see it done
starev adj of an old man, an old man's
stari m dim little old man
starina m robust old man
starenje n getung (growing) old
staretinar m dealer in secondhand goods
staretinarija f secondhand goods, worn-out (cast off)
clothes; trade of a secondhand goods dealer
staretinarna f junkshop
stare f disused objects, useless remains (material);
scrap, lumber
starear m v. staretinar

stari m coll the old man; sl pater, governor; fam old

chap, oldster
starica f old woman; coll gammer
starij|i adj comp older, elder, senior | on je 5 godina ~
od mene he is 5 years my elder; potovati ~e respect
one's elders (superiors); biti ~i od 40 g. be on the
shady side of 40; ~ inovnik senior clerk
starin|a' f (vrijeme) antiquity, hoary (ancient) times, old
times | ~e pl antiquities; ljubitelj ~a antiquarian; od
~e from old times, from time immemorial, from ancient times, from times out of mind, from remotest
antiquity; of old
starina'' m old-timer; venerable old man
starinar m antiquarian, archaeologist
starinarnica f antiquarian's shop
starinski adj antique, ancient; hoary, of yore; old; oldfashioned; (ena, odijelo) frumpish; traditional, patriarchal, old-time
stariti vt make old (v. starjeti)
starjein|a f superior, senior; alderman; (glavar) headman, chief | razredni ~ v. razrednik; ~e the elders
starjeinski adj of (belonging to) the elders (seniors) |
mil ~ kadar officers and non-commissioned officers
starjeinstvo n a headman's (senior's, chief's) office
(rank, dignity, authority); seniority, priority
starjeti vi grow (become, get) old, begetting old, age
starka f reg v. stranjica
starkelja m (silly, doting, feeble-minded) old man; dotard; coll old dodderer
starleta f film starlet
starmali m precocious child
starocrkvenoslavenski adj Old Church Slavic
starodavan adj hoary, ancient; from of yore; primordial;
antique; venerable with age
starodavnost f hoariness, ancientness, antiquity
starodrevan adj v. starodavan
starofrajlinski adj old-maidish
starohrvatski adj early Croatian
starokatoliki adj Old-Catholic
starokatolik m Old Catholic
staromodan adj old-fashioned, out of date; rusty; (odjea) frumpish
staromodno adv | ~ se oblaiti wear old-fashioned
starosjedi|lac m aboriginal, indigene; fig old-timer | ~oci
aborigines, autochthons
starosjedilaki adj aboriginal, indigenous, native,
starosjedilatvo n autochthony
staroslavenski adj Old Slav(on)ic
starost f old age, declining age, advanced years; oldness;
hoariness, antiquity | duboka ~ green old age; pod ~
in one's old age
starosn|i adj | ~a grupa age group; ~a mirovina old-age
starovjean adj v. starodavan
starovjerac m orthodox person (believer); adherent of
traditional tenet's
starovjerka f orthodox woman (female)

starovjerstvo n orthodoxy
starozavjetni adj Old-Testament
start m sp & fig start; starting line
startati vi sp & fig start
starter m sp & mot starter
startni adj sp starting
starudar m v. staretinar
starudije f pl old junk
stas m stature; (rast) growth; (obujam) size | visok (vitak) ~ tall (slender) stature; skladna ~a cleanlimbed, well-built, well-shaped, well-knit
stasati vi grow up, come of age
stasit adj tall, above mean height (stature)
stasitost f tallness
stati vi stand; (uspravno) stand upright; (ravno kao svijea) stand bolt upright; (postaviti se) place oneself,
occupy a post; (na mjesto s dobrim vidikom) stand on
a coign of vantage; (stupiti na) tread upon, step upon;
(pogaziti) trample down; (prestati) stop, halt; (posve)
come (be) at a standstill; (ne micati se) stagnate, not
budge (stir), cease to work (move, circulate); (uspraviti se) be erected; (oklijevati) hesitate; (sustati) be
unable to proceed, be exhausted; (poeti) begin, start,
commence, set in | ~ na put obstruct, check, hinder,
stop, put a stop to, put an end to, suppress, put down;
~ u hold, have place (room, space); u ovu sobu stane
50 ljudi this room seats 50 persons; (sjedala) this
room is seated for 50 persons; u ovu bavu (sanduk)
stane... this barrel (case) holds...; u ovu sobu stane
(moe spavati) 20 ljudi this room sleeps 20 persons;
fig stao je na svoje noge he has set up (business, life)
for himself; stade vika there arose a shout (cry)
statian adj static(al)
statiar m structural engineer
statiki adv statically
statinost f static quality
statika f statics sg
statirati vi film work as an extra
stativ m (stalak) stand; (tronoac) tripod
statist m extra
statistiar m statistician, statist
statistiki' adj statistical
statistiki'' adv statistically
statistika f statistics sg
stativa f ftb goal-post; v. tronog
statua f statue; v. kip
statura f (stav i fig) stature
status m status, rank, social position, relative position
statut m statute(s); ordinance (of corporation); (party)
statutaran adj statutory, enacted (required) by statute
statva f (tkalakog stana) yarn-beam (of a loom) | mar
pramana ~ stem
stav m attitude, pose, posture; (zakona, bilance) v. stavka | zauzeti ~ take a stand
stavak m mus movement
staviti vt put, place, set, stand, posit, deposit; lay; station; (naslagati, natrpati) stow | ~ u dep (kutiju,

torbu) to pocket (box, bag); ~ na policu (u pretinac)

shelve (pigeonhole); ~ u nepriliku embarrass, puzzle, perplex, disconcert, pose; ~ pod istragu subject
person to trial; ~ pod optubu accuse one of; ~ melem (na ranu) apply sticking-plaster to; ~ na kunju
put to trial; ~ na elo put at the head of; ~ pred dilemu give the choice between two equal evils (difficulties); ~ pitanje put (propound) a question
staviti se vr put oneself | ~ na raspoloenje put oneself
at disposal of
stavk|a f item, post; (odsjek) paragraph; (zakona) subsection | ~u po ~u item by item; pregled (izvod) po
~ama itemized statement; breakdown
stavljanje n putting, setting, placing, depositing; (pitanje) propounding; stationing
stavljati vt v. staviti
stavljen pp placed, put, set, deposited; (pitanje) posed,
stavnja f medical examination of recruits; recruitment
staz|a f path, pathway, footway, footpath; trail, track;
(brdska za mazge itd.) bridlepath; (uski sag) runner,
(u kosi) parting | bez ~e (bespue), pathless; fig utrta
~a beaten track
stearin m chem stearin | tvornica ~a stearinery
stearinski adj chem stearic
steatit m minr soapstone
steaj m bankruptcy, insolvency, failure | pasti pod ~ go
bankrupt, fail; otvoriti ~ declare oneself bankrupt
steajn|i adj dealing with insolvency | ~a masa v. steajnina; ~i postupak act of bankruptcy
siecajnin|a f bankrupt's estate | upravitelj ~e public receiver; upravljanje ~om administration of banhrupt's
estate, receivership
steen pp acquired, gained, got, A gotten, won, reaped |
~o znanje (vjetine) accomplishments pl
steevina f acquest, acquirement, acquisition; acquired
(earned, gained, won itd.) wealth (possessions itd.)
steak m standing tomb-stone
stei vt acquire, win, get, gain, come by, secure, obtain;
(hvalu) reap; (zasluiti) earn; (novaca) make money;
(iskustvo) learn; (zasluge) merit, deserve
stega f discipline; restraint, check, control; strictness;
cramp | stroga ~ strict discipline
stegno n anat thigh, femur
stegnut pp drawn tight, tightened; (sadraj) epitomized,
condensed; (na najmanje) given in a nutshell; (mii)
cramped, contracted; (zbit) compact; (prostorno) confined, cramped for room, cramped up; (ogranien)
restricted; (vezan) tied, not at liberty, not left to natural course, not free to do as one pleases
stegnu|ti vt draw (pull) tight, tighten, lace together; (grem) cramp; (mii) contract; (sadraj) abridge, abbreviate, compact, epitomize, condense, give in a
nutshell; (ograniiti) restrict, limit, bound; retrench;
(obuzdati) restrain | ~lo me je u grlu (ganue itd.) I
had a lump in my throat
stegnuti se vr (troak) retrench oneself; (tkaninu) shrink
stelaa f v. stalaa

stelja f litter, bedding

stemperirati (se) vt (vr) v. temperirati, smlaiti (se)
stenodaktilograf m, ~kinja f shorthand typist
stenograf m stenographer, shorthand writer
stenografija f stenography, shorthand
stenografiranje n taking down in shorthand, writing in
stenografirati vt take shorthand; (neto) take down in
stenografski' adj shorthand
stenografski'' adv in shorthand
stenogram m report (notes)
stentorski adj stentorian
stenjanje n moan, groan; moaning, groaning
stenjati vi moan, groan; have a groan
steona adj (krava) in (with) calf; big with young
stepa f geog steppe
stepen m v. stupanj
stepenast adj steplike
stepenasto adv like steps
stepenic|a f step, stair | ~e steps, stairs; a flight (pair) of
stairs; (zavojite) winding stairs, corkscrew stairs;
(stubite) staircase, well; ograda ~a banisters; uz ~e
up the stairs, niz ~e down the stairs
stepenini adj v. stubini
stepenini adj v. stubini
stepenovati vt v. stupnjevati
steper m tap-dancer
stepka f churn
stepke f pl (mlaenica) buttermilk
stepovanje n tap-dancing
stepovati vi tap-dance
stepski adj of the steppe, found (living) in a steppe
stepsti vt v. stresti
steranje n extent, expose, breadth, stretch; spread,
sterati se vr stretch (from... to), extend, reach as far as,
stereo' adj stereo
stereo'' m hi fi set
stereofonija f stereophony
stereofonski adj stereophonic
stereoskop m opt stereoscope
stereoskopija f opt stereoscopy
stereoskopski adj opt stereoscopic
stereotip m stereotype
stereotipan adj stereotypic
stereotipija f print stereotypy
stereotipno adv in a stereotype manner
sterilan adj sterile; barren; unfruitful, unproductive; free
from germs (microbes)
sterilizator m med sterilizer
steriliziranost f sterilized state
steriliziranje n sterilization
sterilizirati vt sterilize
sterilnost f sterility
sterlink|i adj fin | ~o podruje sterling area
stetoskop m med stethoscope
stetoskopija f med stethoscopy

stetoskopirati vt med stethoscope

stetoskopski' adj med stethoscopic
stetoskopski'' adv med stethoscopically
stezalica f clasp, brace, clip
stezaljka f el terminal
stezanje n contraction; tightening; drawing (pulling)
tight; fig restriction; (grenje) cramp; (u grlu) choking; (srca) systole
stezati vt contract; cramp; tighten; make (pull, draw)
tight; (tjesnoa: cipele itd.) pinch, be too closefitting; fig straiten, (vrpcom) lace; (ograniiti) confine | stee me oko srca I feel mental anguish; (bol) I
feel an oppression of heart; stee me u grlu I choke, I
gasp, I catch for breath; u prsima me stee I feel oppression of the lungs; ~ remenom strap
stezati se vr contract, tighten; (ograniiti se, ne priutiti
sebi) to stint oneself in... ; v. stiskati se
steznik m stays pl, corset, whale-bone corset | vrpca ~a
stays-lace; izraiva ~ a stays-maker
sticaj m v. stjecaj
sticanje n v. stjecanje
sticati vt v. stjecati
stii vi arrive, come, reach, get to; (pojaviti se, doi)
make one's appearance; (dostii) come up with, catch
up with (i prestii overtake); (zadesiti) befall suddenly; (naplatiti zaostatke) fetch up arrears | stigla ga
je odmazda he got tit for tat; kazna ga je stigla (milo za drago) he was paid out; penalty was inflicted
upon him; stigla ga je nesrea he met with an accident; brod je stigao u luku vessel made a port; ne
mogu ~ I have no time to..., I am pressed for time;
vlak treba ~ u 10 the train is due at 10
stid m shame | ~ me je I am ashamed; ~ te bilo! for
shame; on nema ~a he is lost to shame; od samog ~
a for very shame; rumen od ~a flushed with shame;
rumenilo ~a blush; baciti ~ pod noge be lost (dead)
to shame
stid|an adj v. stidljiv | ~na uda privy parts, sex organs
stidjeti se vr be ashamed, feel shame | stidi se! shame on
stidljiv adj shamefaced, bashful; demure; (plah) coy,
shy; (naoko) prude
stidljivo adj bashfully, shyly
stidljivost f shamefacedness, bashfulness; (naoko) prudery
stidnost f v. stidljivost
stienje n being shamefaced (bashful, coy, shy)
stigma f stigma; (ig) brand; (mrlja) stain
stigmatiziranje n stigmatization
stigmatizirati vt stigmatize
stignuti vt v. stii
stih m verse, line | ~ epa verse halts; jedar ~ terse
verse; krnji ~ catalectic verse; besmislen ~ (samo
radi sroka itd.) doggerel (verse); (za uspavanku) lullaby; (za djeje pjesmice) nursery rhyme(s); mjera ~a
metre; sklad ~a rhythm; stopa ~a metrical unit, foot;
nauka o ~u poetics pl
stihija f the elements pl; elementary powers; v. spontanost, neorganiziranost

stihijni adj v. elementaran, spontan, neorganiziran

stihijski adj v. elementarno
stihoklepac m verse-monger
stihoklepstvo n verse-mongering
stihotvorac m versifier; rhymster, rhymer
stihotvorstvo m versification | baviti se ~m versify,
make verses
stijeg m v. zastava | zastava na pol ~a flag half-mast
stijena f rock, cliff, crag; (zid) wall | okomita ~ sheer
cliff; iljasta ~ jag; ~ u moru reef ridge of rock; (koraljna) coral reef
stijenka f anat wall
stijenj m wick | obrezivati ~ trim the wick; ~ se dimi
the wick smokes
stijenje n collect crags, rocks, cliffs; thick walls; (ruevine) ruins
stijesniti vt make narrower, straiten; (utisnuti) press
(squeeze) into narrow space, confine to narrow space
stijenjen pp narrowed, strained; (zatisnut) pressed
(squeezed, jammed) into narrow space; (nevoljan) in
straits; (razmak) set close
stijenjenost f cramped state (quality)
stil m style; (nain) manner; (pjesniki) poetic style;
(proza) prose | vezan (nevezan) ~ metrical (nonmetrical) language; kien ~ florid style; jasan ~ lucid
style; teak ~ cumbrous style; slubeni (trgovaki) ~
official (commercial) style; traljav ~ slipshod style;
jedar ~ pithy (vigorous, terse) style; plivati slobodnim ~om swim free style
stilet m (bode) stylet, stiletto
stilist m stylist
stilistiki' adj stylistic
stilistiki'' adv stylistically
stilistika f stylistics (sg)
stilizacija f stylization; (teksta) wording
stiliziran pp stylized
stiliziranje n v. stilizacija
stilizirati vt stylize; couch (express) thoughts in words;
form (do) in a certain style
stilski' adj style-; stylish
stilski'' adv in style; stylishly; in terms of style
stimulacija f stimulation
stimulans m stimulus
stimulativan adj stimulating
stimulativno adv in a stimulating manner; providing the
stimulus (incentive)
stimuliranje n stimulation; urging (spurring) on, animating, exciting
stimulirati vt stimulate; rouse, animate; urge (spur) on
stimulus m stimulus
stinue n coagulation, curdling; congealing, clotting
stinu|ti se vr coagulate, clot; congeal, curdle, set | ~la mi
se krv u ilama (od uasa) my blood ran cold, I was
horrified; krv se ~la blood has curdled
stipendija f scholarship; fellowship
stipendirati vt award (grant) a scholarship
stipendist m scholarship holder, scholar, fellow
stipenditor m scholarship grantor

stipsa f alaun; styptic pencil

stipulacija f stipulation (oral contract, term of an agreement)
stipulirati vt stipulate
stiropor m chem styrofoam
stisak m pressure, squeeze; compression; (tjesnoa)
stiska f crush, press, jam; (guva, mnotvo) throng,
crowd; (urba) hurry; (neprilika) pinch, straits pl,
perplexity, dilemma, need; (kripac)-fix, scrape; (nevolja, potekoa) distress, embarrassment, difficulty |
on je u stisci (kripcu) he is in hot water; u stisci
sam s vremenom (novcem) I am pressed for time
(funds); u stisci (nudi) at a pinch
stiskanje n pressure, pressing, squeeze, squeezing
stiskati vt press, squeeze; (grliti) hug, clasp; (gnjeiti)
squeeze, quash; (zube) set one's teeth; (aku) clench
one's hand (fist)
stiskati se vr (tedjeti) scrimp | stie se u pranju it
shrinks when washed
stisnut pp compressed, pressed, squeezed, pinched,
jammed; (zubi) set; contracted, condensed
stisnuti vt v. stiskati
stisnuti se vr (tkanina u pranju) shrink; (skvriti se)
shrivel (up); (ograniiti: izdatke) retrench oneself;
(sebi ne priutiti) stint oneself in; (prostorom) be
confined to a narrow place, be cramped for room
stiati vt quiet, calm; (utaiti) soothe, allay, assuage;
(umiriti) still, appease, pacify
stiati se vr become quiet (calm); (jenjati) abate, subside
stiavanje n quieting, calming, appeasing; abating; subsiding, stilling; assuaging, allaying
stiavati vt v. stiati
stiv|a f Tur meerschaum | lula od ~e meerschaum (pipe)
stizanje n arriving, arrival; reaching; coming up with,
stizati vi gain (close) on; v. stii
stizavanje n (gradual) arriving (reaching, overtaking)
stizavati vt v. stizati
stjecaj m (okolnosti) concurrence of events, juncture
stjecanje n (dobivanje) acquisition, securing, gain(ing),
win(ning); (novca) money-making (zgrtanje raking
up); (spajanje voda) conflux, confluence, flowing together; (crta itd.) convergence
stjecati se vr flow together; (spoj) converge, unite
stjecite n meeting-place; junction; (voda) confluence;
(spoj) convergence; (sredite) centre; point of convergence
stjegonoa f standard-bearer
stjenica f ent B (bed-)bug, A bug; derog nitpicker (v.
stjeniav adj bug-ridden
stjeniavost f state of being full of (swarming with) bugs
stjenovit adj rocky
stjenovitost f rockiness
Stjenjak m geog the Rocky Mountains
Stjepan m Stephen
stjerati vt chase (drive) down (together)
stjenjivanje n straitening, narrowing

stjenjivati vt straiten, narrow; (stiskati) compress,

squeeze, tighten; pinch
stjenjivati se vr narrow
stjuard m steward
stjuardesa f stewardess, air hostess
stlaiti vt compress
stlaivanje n compression
sto' num a (one) hundred | ~ godina (stoljee) century;
ovjek od ~ godina centenarian; ~ engleskih funti
(teina) a hundredweight; neto preko ~ a hundred
odd; oko ~ about a hundred
sto'' m v. stol
stoar adj cattle-breeder, grazier; A+ rancher, ranchman
stoarsk|i adj cattle-raising | ~a farma cattle-raising
farm, A+ ranch
stoarstvo n cattle-breeding, stock-breeding
ston|i adj cattle- | ~a hrana fodder; stock-feed; ~i sajam cattle-fair; (izloba) cattle-show; ~a poast (kuga) cattle-plague, murrain
stog m stack, hay-stack, haymow | spremiti u ~ove stack;
mjesto za ~ove stack-yard
stoga con therefore, consequently, on that account, hence
stoglav adj hundred-headed
stogodinjak m centenarian
stogodinji adj centenary; century-old, centuries-old
stogodinjica f centenary, hundredth anniversary
stoicizam m stoicism
stoiki' adj stoical; cool, imperturbable, calm, unruffled,
stolid, phlegmatic, unimpassioned, dispassionate
stoiki'' adv stoically, coolly, imperturbably, stolidly,
stoj! int halt! stop!
stoj m gym | ~ na glavi head-stand; ~ na rukama handstand
stojati vi v. stajati
stojei adj standing, on one's legs; upright | dobro ~ v.
stojeke adv standing, upright, erect
stok m stock (v. zaliha, rezerva)
stok|a f cattle, livestock; (volovi) oxen; beasts; (tovna)
fatting-cattle, fattened (stall) cattle; (za muu) dairy
cattle; (za klanje) beef cattle; (krupne) bovine cattle;
derog (ljudi) beasts, cattle, brutes, undisciplined persons | krdo ~e drove; grlo ~e a head of cattle; trgovac ~e cattle-dealer; obor (tor) za ~u pen; (velik)
stock-yard; panini strah ~e stampede; gojitelj ~e
grazier, cattle-breeder; uzgajati ~u breed (raise) cattle, A+ ranch
stol m table; board; fig persons (company) seated at table
| ~ za razvlaenje draw-table, extension table; ~ za
crtanje drawing table; pisai ~ witing table, writingdesk, escritoire, bureau; ~ za kartanje card-table;
duhovni ~ consistory; ploa ~a table-top, tableboard; krilo ~a za produljenje (na stoer) flap, table-leaf; banski ~ high court of justice; ~ sedmorice
highest court of justice (consisting of 7 members);
sklopiv ~ folding table; elo ~a head (upper part) of
table; dno ~a bottom of table; prostrti ~ lay table
cloth; raspremiti ~ clear table, sjesti k ~u sit down

to table; kod ~a at table; ponaanje kod ~a tablemanners; rastava od ~a i postelje divorce, judicial
separation; ~ i krevet (brak) connubial relations
stola f eccl stola | krznena ~ fur stole
stolac m stool
stolar m (obian) B joiner, A carpenter; (umjetniki) B &
A cabinet-maker
stolarija f joiner's (A carpenter's) trade, joiner's (A carpenter's) workshop; cabinet-making; (graevna) joinery, A carpentry
stolarsk|i adj joiner's, carpenter's | ~a klupa joiner's (A
carpenter's) bench
stolarstvo n v. stolarija
stoli m dim little stool; (podnoni) foot-stool
stolica f (s naslonom za ruke) arm-chair; (za njihanje)
rocking-chair; (djeja) high chair; (sklopiva) foldingchair
stoliica f dim little chair
stoli m dim little table
stolist m bot cabbage-rose
stoln|i adj table; used at (belonging to) the table | ~o sue crockery, table-ware; ~o rublje table-linen; ~a
crkva cathedral; ~o vino table wine
stolnotenisa m sp table-tennis (ping-pong) player
stolnoteniski adj sp table-tennis, ping-pong
stolnja|k m table-cloth | ~ci i ubrusi table linen
stoloravnatelj m toast-master
stolovanje n keeping court at a town (capital)
stolovati vi keep court; have one's seat
stoljee n century
stoljetni adj centuries-old, centennial, centenary, secular; (vrlo star) hoary
stomani adj v. eluani
stomak m v. eludac, trbuh
stomatolog m med stomatologist
stomatologija f med stomatology
stomatoloki adj med stomatological | ~ fakultet school
of dental medicine
stoni adj v. stolni
stonoga f ent centipede
stopa f (mjera) foot; (trag) foot-print, foot-mark, trace;
(stiha) metrical unit | etvorna ~ square foot; kubina ~ cubic foot; ii neijim ~ma tread (follow) in
smb's steps; econ ~ rasta rate of growth
stopal|o n foot; (taban) sole | med ravna ~a flat feet
stopirati vt stop, halt (v. obustaviti)
stopiti vt amalgamate, merge, melt into one with, unite,
form a compound, mix inseparably; (mijeati) blend;
(staliti) weld
stopiti se vr weld; become one, unite
stopliti (se) vt (vr) v. zagrijati (se), otopliti
stopljen pp amalgamated, merged, welded; (smijean)
blended, compounded
stopostotni adj 100-percent; total, complete
stopostotno adv one-hundred-percent
stoput adv a hundred times
storija f journ story
stornirati vt cancel; send back
storuk adj hundred-armed

stostruk adj centuple, hundredfold

stostruko adv hundred-fold
stot|i adj the hundredth | ~i dio one-hundredth (part);
jedna ~ica v. stotinka
stotica f a (one) hundred
stotin|a f a (one) hundred | ~e by hundreds
stotinka f one one-hundredth
stotinjak m about a hundred
stotinjarka f one-hundred-dinar (kuna) note
stotnik m hist centurion
stotnina f a hundredth part
stovarite n place of unloading; v. skladite
stovaritelj m unloader
stovariti vt unload, unlade, discharge; dump, deposit,
shoot; (nagibanjem) empty by tilting (dumping)
stovarivanje n unloading, unlading, discharging, dumping
stoac m (sijena) rick (stack) of hay (straw itd.); geom
stoast adj conical
stoer m (door-)hinge; (ljudi) staff; (geog. pol) pole
stoerni adj (glavni) cardinal, chief; of a staff (personnel)
stoernik m chief official (functionary); cardinal
strabizam m med strabismus, squinting
straara f shack, hovel
stradalac m sufferer; person stinted in food and necessaries of life; (od gladi) famishing person; (brodolomac) ship-wrecked person, castaway; ruined person,
loser; person in distress
stradalniki adj v. patniki
stradanje n suffering; affliction, calamity, tribulation,
hardships, trials; distress; pains; troubles
stradati vi suffer, suffer want; (nevolja) be in distress
(calamity, tribulation, poverty); (od gladi) starve,
famish; suffer pains; (brodolom) be a castaway; (gubitak) be a loser; (teta) suffer damage (loss, ruin);
(ozljeda) meet with an accident, be hurt (harmed,
wonded; (zlo proi) be the worse for
straga adv behind, at the back of, after, in the rear; in
the background | zaostati ~ lag (straggle) behind; biti
~ (u pozadini) be in the background; ~ na brodu (na
krmi) aft
strah m fear; (velik) fright, dread, terror, horror, panic;
(bojazan) apprehension, alarm, anxiety; (prepast)
consternation, dismay; (drhtanje) tremor, trepidation,
thrill; (trema pred nastup) stage-fright | biti u ~u be
afraid of, be in fear of, be apprehensive of, take
alarm, apprehend, dread, be appalled; (drhtati) shudder, quail; natjerati u ~ scare, daunt, frighten, intimidate, cow, make afraid; (u grozu) terrify, horrify;
natjerati ~ u kosti strike terror into one's heart,
strike with fear; ~om siliti bully into (out of), browbeat; od ~a for fear of; ~ pred smru fear of death;
bez ~a fearless(ly); u ~u fearing, afraid, scared; (groza) terrified, horrified, aghast, appalled, panic-struck;
(i udu) awe-struck; nemati ~a be fearless (undaunted); nema ~a no fear of that; ~ mu je uao u
kosti he is terror-stricken, he is frightened out of his

wits; on je u ~u za svoj ivot he goes in fear of his

life; on je ~ i trepet he is the bugbear of..., he frightens people out of their wits; od ~a mu se kosa najeila his hair was standing on end with fear
strahopotovanj|e n awe; veneration, reverence, respect |
pun ~a awe-struck; sa ~em with (in) awe
strahota f horror, terror, atrocity, enormity, outrage,
abomination; horrible (abominable) deed (crime);
ghastly (shocking) thing
strahovanje n fear(s), misgiving
strahovati vi fear, have misgivings, be apprehensive
strahovit adj dreadful, frightful, terrible, horrible,
abominable, appalling, calamitous, dire, ghastly, uncanny; (golem) formidable, tremendous, redoubtable
strahovito adv dreadfully, frightfully, terribly, horribly
strahovitost n horror, ghastly (abominable, terrible)
deed; dreadfulness, terribleness; formidableness
strahovlada f bloody regime, reign of terror
stramputica f v. stranputica
stran adj strange; (inozeman) outlandish, foreign; (dravljanin) alien; (inozeman) outlandish; (nepoznat)
stranger to; (inovrstan) extraneous; (ne srodan) not
allied (akin, kindred, related); (udan) odd, queer,
stran|a f side; face; (lista) page; (bok) flank; (poloaj)
quarter; (smjer) direction; (gledite) aspect, view;
(obronak) slope, hill-side; (zahod) water-closet
(W.C.); (svijeta) cardinal point; (kraj) region, tract,
parts pl, countryside, neighbourhood | prava ~a right
side; (novca) obverse; kriva ~a wrong side; (novca)
reverse; prednja ~a front; frontispiece; (eka) face;
okrenuta (naopaka) ~a inside; vanjska ~a outer
side (face), the outside; unutranja ~a inner side
(face), the inside; dalja ~a (pozadina) background;
blia ~a foreground; jaka ~a strong point, forte; slaba ~a weak point, drawback, foible; majina ~a
(grana) distaff side; oeva ~a (grana) spear side; dobra (zla) ~a good (bad) point; s ove (one) ~e from
(on) this (that) side; s obje ~e on both sides, on either
side; s ove (one) ~e (odavle odanle) hence (thence);
na ovu (onu) ~u to this (that) side, hither (thither),
here (there); na drugu ~u the other way (about); sa
~e (uz) along, abreast of; s one ~e (tamo daleko)
yonder, beyond; sa svih ~a on all sides, from everywhere, on all hands, from all quarters; sa ~e (s boka)
laterally, side; na ~i (udaljen) remote, out of the way,
sequestered, secluded, retired; u ovim ~ama in these
parts; na ~u (stavljati itd.) apart, aside; s moje ~e on
my part, for my part, as to me; s jedne ~e on the one
hand; s druge ~e on the other hand; alu na ~u joking apart; ii na ~u (sila) ease one's nature; drati se
po ~i remain neutral, not take sides, sit on the fence;
na sve ~e in all directions; lei na ~u (brod) heel
over, capsize; stavljati na ~u (tednja) save, put by
(aside); predobiti na svoju ~u bring (one) over to
one's side; na ~u! (s puta) make room there, clear the
way!; na drugoj ~i (lista) overleaf, on reverse
stranac m stranger; (inozemac) foreigner; (tui podanik)
alien; (neznanac) unknown (person, guest, visitor)

stranaki adj pol party, factional; (pristran) biassed,

partial, unfair
stranar m factious person, party-spirited person, partisan, keen partyman
stranarenje n factious spirit, partisanship
stranariti vi be filled with factious (party) spirit
stranarski' adj factional; partisan; (pristran) biassed
stranarski'' adv in a partisan spirit
stranarstvo n v. stranarenje
stranic|a f | stranke i ~e parties and factions
strani adj v. stran
stranic|a f page; (prva prazna) fly-leaf; (nasuprot naslovne i ilustrirana) frontispiece; geom side | preskoiti ~u skip a page
strank|a f pol party; (mala) faction; (klika) set, side;
(stvar, naela) cause; (na sudu) party (tuena defendant; tuitelj plaintif); (koja sklapa ugovor itd.)
party; (sukrivac) accessory party | liberalna (konzervativna) ~a liberal (conservative) party; otpadnici ~e
cave; on je izvan stranaka he is a non-party man;
(stoji po strani) he is neutral (sitting on the fence);
iznevjeriti se stranci be a turn-coat (time-server,
rat), rat; lan ~e partyman, (vatren), partisan; pristati uz jednu ~u espouse (support) a cause, side with,
take sides; (uz jau) join the winning side
strankinja f alien woman; reg foreign woman tourist
stranputic|a f side-track; (preac) (short) cut, by-way,
by-road, by-path, detour | fig poi ~om take bad (evil)
courses (ways), go astray, get off the right path
stranputice adv astray, the wrong way; by a short cut
strasno adv passionately
strast f passion; (revnost) keenness, (pohlepa) avidity;
(spolna) sensuality, lust, libido; (omiljela zabava)
hobby | obuzdavati ~i check one's appetites
strastan adj v. strastven
strastven adj passionate; (estok) vehement, impassioned; (spol) libidinous, lustful, erotic; (puten) carnal, sensual, voluptuous; (zainteresiran) keen on, enthusiastic | on je ~ karta he is a slave of cardplaying; on je ~ sakuplja maraka he is keen on
stamp-collecting; on je ~ prijatelj nogometa he is a
football-fan (A soccer-fan)
strastveno adv passionately
strastvenost f voluptuousness, incontinence, sensuality;
carnality, lewdness; passionateness; v. strast
straan adj terrible, horrible, appalling, frightful, dreadful; fearful; formidable, terrific, tremendous; awful
straenje n v. plaenje
strailo n fright, scarecrow, bugbear; (odijelom) guy,
frump; (prikaza) phantom, apparition, goblin, spectre, bog(e)y
straiti (se) vt (vr) v. plaiti (se)
straljiv adj v. plaljiv
straljivac m v. plaljivac
straljivost f v. plaljivost
strano adv terribly, horribly, frightfully | ~ skup terribly
(awfully, frightfully) expensive
strateg m strategist
strategija f strategy

strateki' adj strategic

strateki''- adv strategically
stratificirati vt stratify
stratifikacija f stratification
stratite n scaffold, place of execution
stratosfera f stratosphere
stratosferski adj stratospheric
strava f terror, horror, panic
stravian adj dreadful (i fig); (jeziv) eerie
stravino adv dreadfullly; eerily
stravinost f dreadfulness; eeriness
stra|a f watch, guard; (vojnika) sentinel, sentry, sentry-go; (izviaka etica) picket; (trajkaka) pickets
pl; (predstraa na konju) vedette, outpost, advanced
post; (mrtva) forlorn hope; (na jarbolu, brodu) outlook, mast-head watch; (nona, bdjenje) vigil, wake,
night-watch; (osobna, tjelesna) (body)guard; (poasna) guard of honour | biti na ~i be on sentry duty;
smjena ~e guard relief ; izmijeniti ~u relieve guard
(sentry); ii na ~u go on sentry duty; (nastupiti)
mount guard; drati ~u keep watch (guard); obilaziti
kao ~a go the rounds, patrol; (trajkai) picket; mala
brodska ~a (14 16 ili 18 20 sati) dog-watch
straar m (policajac) policeman, constable (collect constabulary); sl copper, cop; B coll bobby; (zatvorski)
jailer; (noobdija) watchman, night-watchman
straara f v. straarnica
straarenje n sentry duty, standing guard
straariti vi do sentry duty, keep watch, be on sentry-go;
be mounted on guard; be on the look-out, keep (strict)
watch over, be on guard; (obilaziti) make (go) rounds
straarnica f station-house, guard-house; (za jednog
vojnika) sentry-box
straarski adj of (belonging to, used by) a constable
straenje n v. straa
straiti vt v. straariti
strametar m mil hist sergeant
stranji adj back, rear, hind(er) at the back, posterior;
(najdalji) hindmost
stranjica f the posterior, buttocks pl, fundament, bottom, bum, rump
strati vi run down
strati se vr troop (flock) together running; crowd (rush)
to one place, crowd (swarm) running in great numbers
stre adj | text ~ materijali stretch fabrics (materials)
streha f eaves
strelast adj arrow-like, arrow-shaped
strelica f (little) arrow; dart
streliar m sp archer
streliarski adj sp archerystreliarstvo n sp archery
strelimice adv like an arrow, quick as lightning, at top
speed | poletjeti ~ dart
strelite n v. strelana | artiljerijsko ~ v. poligon
strelomet m bow-shot
strelovit adj swift like an arrow, quick as lightning
strelovito adv v. strelimice
strelovitost f lightning speed

strelja m v. strijelac
streljak|i adj used by (for) shooters (shooting) | ~a vjetina marksmanship
streljana f rifle-range, shooting-range; mil butts pl; (u
zabavitu) shooting gallery
streljatvo n sp rifle shooting; v. streliarstvo
streljivo n ammunition, munition
stremen m stirrup (i anat)
stremiti vi v. teiti, nastojati
stremljenje n v. tenja, nastojanje
strepjeti vi (drhtati) tremble, shake, shiver, quake; (bojazan) go in fear of, be very anxious (uneasy) about,
fear for, worry, fret
strepnja f fear, anxiety, trepidation, worry; dismay, consternation
streptokok m med streptococcus
streptomicin m med streptomycin
stres m med stress
stresanje n shaking
stresati vt v. stresti
stresti vt shake, shake down (off); (sipati) shoot, shed
stresti se vr shiver, tremble, shudder, shake, quiver
strgati vt v. strgnuti
strgnuti vt tear (pull) off; (masku) unmask
stric m (paternal) uncle
striak m bot thistle
striev adj uncle's, avuncular
strievi m cousin
strii vt shear, clip; crop, shingle | ~ uima prick one's
strihnin m pharm strychnine
strijel|a f arrow; (duga) shaft; (grom) thunder-clap,
thunder-bolt | tobolac za ~e quiver
strijelac m shooter, archer, bowman; (izvrstan) sharpshooter, crack shot, dead shot, good marksman, good
shot; (pukom) rifleman; sp scorer
strijeljanje n execution by firing squad
strijeljati vt (nekoga) shoot, execute by firing squad;
(ispaliti) discharge, fire, let off | predaleko ~ overshoot the mark; preblizu ~ fall short of the mark
strije m v. srije
striktan adj strict
striktno adv strictly
striktnost f strictness
strina f wife of father's brother
strip m comic strip; comic book
striptiz m striptease; strip shaw, A+ burlesque
striptizeta f stripper
strizibuba f ent cerambicid
strien pp clipped, shorn
strienje n clipping, shearing
strka f scramble; (guva) throng, crush; (strah) panic;
(buna, izgred) disturbance, riot, uproar; tumult
strm adj sheer, precipitous, bluff, abrupt, steep, arduous;
(okomit) perpendicular; rugged; plumb
strmenit adj v. strm
strmenitost f steepness, ruggedness, arduousness
strmina f steep, steep (sheer) slope; (predbreja) bluff
strmo adv sheer, plumb, perpendicularly

strmoglavce adv headlong, head first (foremost)

strmoglaviti vt precipitate, throw headlong down a
strmoglaviti se vr precipitate (throw) oneself (down)
from a height, fall down from a height
strmost f steepness, ruggedness, arduousness
strn f stubble
strnite n stubble-field
strofa f strophe
strog adj strict, severe, austere, rigid, harsh, rigorous;
(nalog) peremptory; (ispit) stiff; (pravilo) hard and
fast (rule) | biti ~ s nekim (zahtijevati mnogo) be a
hard taskmaster, hold a tight hand over, exact work
from; mil be a martinet
strogo adv strictly, severely; roughly, harshly, sternly,
austerely; relentlessly, with a tight hand
strogost f severity, strictness, rigour, harshness, rigidity,
roughness; austerity, sternness
stroj' m machine; (koji se sam kree) engine; (parni)
steam-engine, locomotive; mil ranks, formation | ~evi
machinery, machines; tvornica ~eva engine factory;
graditelj ~eva constructor of machinery; ~ za pranje
rublja washing machine, coll washer; ivai ~ sewing machine; brodski parni ~ marine steam engine;
raunski ~ accounting machine; pisai ~ typewriter;
mil & fig izbaciti iz ~a put out of action, knock out
stroj'' m v. strojivo
stroja m (koe) tanner
strojar m engineer, machinist, mechanician
strojarnica f engine-room, engine-house
strojarski adj | ~ inenjer mechanical engineer; ~ fakultet college (school) of engineering
strojarstv|o n mechanical engineering | inenjer ~a mechanical engineer; student ~a engineering student;
fakultet ~a college (school) of engineering
strojenje n currying; tanning, tannage; soaking in tanooze (tan-pickle)
strojevni adj dealing with machinery, of (for) machinery
strojilite n tanning-yard, tannery
strojiti vt tan
strojivo n (tekuina za tavljenje) tanning-ooze, tanpickle
strojn|i adj machine-made; v. strojevni | ~a puka machine-gun; ~a obrada machining
strojnica f mil machine-gun
strojobravar m (engine) fitter, machinist
strojograevn|i adj | ~a industrija engineering industry
strojovoa f rlw B engine-driver, A engineer; (motorovoa) motorman
stroncij m chem strontium
strop m ceiling
stropn|i adj of the ceiling | ~a greda joist
stropotati vt throw down
stropotati se vr fall down (with a noise), topple down,
strovaliti vt precipitate, fell, knock down, floor, prostrate, topple down

strovaliti se vr fall down, precipitate oneself, topple

strovaljen pp precipitated, thrown (knocked, felled, toppled) down
strpan pp pressed (crammed, stuffed, wedged, jammed,
stowed) into
strpati vt press (cram, wedge, stow, jam) into (tight)
place (space) | ~ u zatvor clap into prison
strpiti se vr have patience, be patient; wait patiently (na
for); (ekati priliku) wait (bide) one's time; (podnijeti) put up with, bear, endure calmy
strpljen adj patient | ~ spaen everything comes to those
who wait
strpljenj|e n patience | nemam ~a s njime I am out of
patience with him; izgubiti ~e lose patience, lose
one's temper
strpljiv adj patient (of); enduring; (pokoran) submissive,
resigned, meek; (obziran) indulgent
strpljivo adv patiently
strpljivost f patience; (trpljenje) endurance, resignation;
(pokornost) humility, meekness; (obzir) indulgence |
izgubiti ~ lose patience, become impatient; ~ me konano ostavila my patience wore out at last; staviti ~
na kunju try the patience of; nemam ~i (ne mogu
dulje trpjeti) I have no patience with
stren m ent hornet
strenje n protrusion, jutting out, prominence
striti vi protrude, project, jut out, stand out; be prominent (salient, protuberant, bristling, beetling, bulging
struak m stalk (stem) of flower; spray, sprig, twig; (u
zapuku) buttonhole
stru|an adj professional, expert; (vjet, sposoban)
skilled in, competent; specializing in | ~na knjiga
text-book, standard-book, manual
struno adv expertly
strunjaki' adj of an expert, expert's | ~ savjet expert
strunjaki'' adv expertly
strunjak m specialist, expert; authority; connoisseur;
properly qualified person; competent (critical) judge
strug m v. blanja, alatni stroj
struga m scraper, scraping tool
strugalo n scraper, scraping iron; (za blato, od gume)
squeegee, squilgee
strugan pp planed; scraped; grated
struganje n scraping; shaving; derog (po ici, drndanje
itd.) strumming, twanging; grating; (grebenje) abrasion; fretting
strugar m v. tokar
strugara f v. pilana
strugarski adj v. tokarski
strugati vt scrape, grate, plane, shave; erase, abrade,
scour (off, away); fret; derog (po ici) strum, twang;
(nogama) scuff
strugnuti vt v. strugati; (pobjei) slip away (off), abscond
strugotine f pl shavings, scrapings, filings; v. blanjevina

struj|a f (vode) stream; (elektricitet) current; drift; (prilike) swim; (plima i oseka) the tide (i fig) tendency of
events | prepustiti se ~i be at the mercy of circumstances (the tide); njega nosi ~a (i fig) he is adrift, he
drifts, he goes aimlessly (passively), he is carried by
the current; biti baen u ~u ivota be turned adrift;
jaka ~ a (vode) rapid stream; ~a zraka (propuh) aircurrent, blast; vodi ~e conductor; nevodi ~e nonconductor; prekida ~e switch; inducirana ~a induced current; izmjenina ~a alternating current
(AC); istosmjerna ~a direct (continuous) current
(DC); jaka ~a power current; slaba ~a low-tension
strujanje n streaming, circulation, flow; fig trend
strujati vi stream, circulate, flow
strujni adj | el ~ krug electrical circuit; el otvoriti ~
krug switch off (interrupt, break) the circuit
struk' m v. struak
struk'' m waist, the middle
-struk suf adj -fold | jedno~ single, dvo~ twofold, double; two-ply; tro~ threefold, treble, triple; threeply
struka f line, branch of business (trade, knowledge, occupation, profession, calling); calling walk of life,
profession; department, sphere of action
-struko suf adv | jedno~ singly; dvo~ doubly; tro~
trebly; etvero~ quadruply
strukovni adj of a trade (line, branch) of business | ~
savez trade union
struktura f structure
strukturalan adj structural
strukturalist m ling structuralist
strukturalizam m ling structuralism
strukturalno adv structurally
strukturni adj structural
strukturno adj structurally
struna f cord, string, chord; (konjska) horse-hair
struniti vt shake loose
struniti se vr come off
strunut pp rotten, decayed, decomposed, putrified
strunuti vi rot, decay; decompose, putrify
strunjaa f gym mat; (madrac) horsehair mattress; (ina) woven wire mattress; (slamnjaa) strawbed, pallet
strunjak m text (roshar) horsehair, haircloth
strunica f joiner's (A carpenters) bench
strvina f carrion, rotting (putrescent) carcass of an animal
strvinar m carrion; bird (beast) vulture
strvinarski adj carrion-; fig ghoulish
strvoder m v. ivoder
stub m v. stup
stuba f v. stepenica
stubac m v. stupac
stubini adj staircase
stubit|e n staircase | prekid (zaokret) na ~u landingplace
stublina f eng cylinder

stubokom adv fundamentally, radically, thoroughly,

entirely, wholly; (posvema) root-and-branch; lock,
stock and barrel
stucanje n braying, pounding, pulverizing, pestling,
trituration, crushing to powder
stucati vt bray, pound, triturate, pulverize, pestle
stucati se vr be (get) pounded (crushed)
stuen pp bruised; crushed, battered; pounded, pestled
stui vt bruise, beat, batter; v. stucati
stui se vr get bruised (battered)
studen' f cold, chill; frigidity, iciness | ~ je poela cold
has set in
studen'' adj cold, chilly; (kao led) icy; frigid, chilling |
~o i mokro jutro raw morning
studenac m v. bunar
studeni m November
student m student | on je ~ medicine he is a medical
student, he walks the hospitals; on je oksfordski ~ he
is an Oxford man (sadanji ili bivi Oxonian); redoviti (izvanredni) ~ full-time (part-time) student; nekadanji ~ A alumnus
studentsk|i adj a student's, of a student | ~a slubena
nonja (u anglosaskim zemljama) gown, (s kapom)
cap and gown; ~i dom B hall of residence, hostel, A
studij m study, studies | imam sina na ~u I have a boy in
studija f a learned paper, essay, dissertation
studijsk|i adj | ~a grupa (putovanje) study group (tour)
studio n studio
studiozan adj scholarly, meticulous (pazi: studious =
marljiv, proraunat!)
studiozno adv meticulously
studioznost f scholarly quality (approach), meticulousness
studiranje n studying, study, studies pl
studir|ati vt study | on ~a pravo he studies for the bar,
he reads law
studjeti vi be cold (chilly, freezing)
stumbati (se) vt (vr) v. prevrnuti (se), sruiti (se), skotrljati (se)
stup m (drveni) post; (vrlo dug) standard; (potporanj,
drveni) prop; (zidani, mosta) buttress; (zgrade) column, pillar; (polustup uza zid) pilaster; (oglasni) advertisement pillar | podnoje ~a plinth; ljebasti ~
fluted column; hodnik sa ~ovima cloister; niz ~ova
colonnade; fig ~ drutva a pillar of society
stupa f stamping-mill, mortar
stupac m (novina itd.) column; (dug lanak) long paragraph
-stupani suf adj | dvo~ two-column, double-column
stup|anj m degree, grade; (razmjer) proportion; (opseg)
extent; (razvoja) stage; (razina) level, plane; (kakvoa) standard; (brzine) rate; (uspona) gradient; (asti)
grade | oznaen ~njevima graded; prvog ~nja firstdegree; jur of first instance, lower; drugog ~nja second-degree; jur of second instance, higher

stupanje n pacing, marching | ~ u mimohodu marchpast; ~ na snagu becoming effective; ~ na prijestolje

accession to the throne
stupati vi pace, march, stride along; (gizdavo) stalk,
tread; (naprijed, nastavljati, postupati) proceed, progress, advance | on stupa u treu godinu he enters
upon the third year; ~ stopama predasnika follow
in the footsteps of one's predecessor; ~ usporedo keep
step with, march abreast of (with); ~ tragom follow
the track (in one's track)
stupic|a f pitfall; (za ivotinje) trap, sling; (za ptice) gin;
snare | pasti u ~u be trapped; staviti ~u lay a trap for;
uhvatiti u ~u trap, snare (ovjeka); ensnare, gin
stupidan adj v. glup, priglup
stupiti vi make a step, step, tread; (naprijed) step forward, advance | ~ u slubu enter upon office; ~ u vezu enter into relation; ~ na prijestolje come to the
throne, ascend the throne; ~ u vojsku join the army;
~ u crkvu (sveenik) enter the church; ~ na pozornicu appear on the stage; ~ na snagu (zakon) become
valid (operative), come into force, take effect
stupnjevanje n (pridjeva) comparison; gradation; arranging in grades; (oznaivanje) marking with degrees (of capacity, length itd.)
stupnjevati vt compare, form comparative degrees; (oznaiti) grade, graduate | koji se moe ~ gradable
stupnjevit adj graded
stupovlje n collect columns pl, pillars pl
stutiti se vr v. smrknuti se, pojuriti
stvar f thing, matter, object; stuff; (posao, briga) concern; (o kojoj se radi) case, issue; (odjea) clothes | ~
asti affair of honour; to je moja ~ that's my affair
(concern, look-out, business); to je druga ~ that's another pair of shoes; ~ stoji ovako the case stands
thus; u ~i... (poslovno) re... ; u ~i (parnica) in the
case of; brini se za svoje ~i mind your own business,
don't meddle with my..., don't be a busy-body (mischief-maker); kako ~i sada stoje as matters stand
now; prijeimo na ~ let us come to the point (subject), but now to our muttons; siguran sam za svoju
~ I feel certain of success; ne obaviti svoje ~i not attain (gain) one's object, be baffled; na ~! (govorniku)
question!; ne radi se o toj ~i that is not the question
now; paati se u tue ~i meddle with other people's
affairs; to je ~ navike that's a matter of habit; to je
na stvari? what's the matter?; u toj i toj ~i in the
matter of... ; to je kakljiva ~ this is ticklish (delicate, difficult), this requires careful handling; to je
bit ~i this is the gist (substance) of the matter; to e
vana ~ this is a matter of deep moment (of importance); to nije vana ~ this is a matter of little (no)
moment; to ne spada na ~ this is irrelevant, this is
alien from the purpose, this is not to the purpose; ~ o
kojoj se radi matter in hand; prijeporna ~ moot
point, point at issue; to nije ~ za smijanje this is no
laughing matter
stvaralac m creator; author; originator, promoter;
builder, shaper
stvaralaki' adj creative

stvaralaki'' adv creatively

stvaralatvo n creativity; creative work; opus
stvaran adj real, actual, positive; true; existing; (trijezan, realan) matter-of-fact
stvaranje n creation; formation, forming; shaping,
moulding, making, building
stvarati vt v. stvoriti
stvarati se vr come into being, form, arise, originate;
stvarca f dim small thing; unimportant matter; trifle;
(uresan) knick-knack
stvarno adv actually itd. (v. zaista)
stvarnost f reality, actuality; matter-of-factness; the being real; real existence; existent thing
stvor m creature, being; (ovjek) man, fellow, body, person; somebody; individual
stvoren pp created, formed; shaped; made, built | on je
kao ~ za to he is the very man for this job itd.
stvorenje n v. stvor, stvaranje
stvoritelj m creator
stvoriti vt create; form, make, build, shape, mould; call
into being; (prouzroiti) cause, give rise to, originate;
(pokrenuti) originate, launch; (izvesti) accomplish,
do, perform
stvoriti se vr form; appear; (pojaviti se) appear suddenly
stvoriv adj creatable
stvrdnut pp hardened; concreted; solidified; set
stvrdnuti se vr concrete, harden, solidify; set
stvrdnjavanje n hardening, setting
stvrdnjiv adj concreatable, capable of hardening
su- pref co-, fellow-, joint..., ... mate
su vr (od biti) (they) are | tri plus tri ~ est 3 and 3
makes 6
suautor m coauthor
subarktiki adj subarctic
subatinica f female coheir, coheiress, joint heiress
subatinik m coheir, joint heir
subesjednik m v. sugovornik
subjekt m subject; (predmet) theme; motif
subjektivan adj subjective; subjectival
subjektivist m phil subjectivist
subjektivistiki adj phil subjectivistic
subjektivizam m phil subjectivism
subjektivno adv subjectively
subjektivnost f subjectivity, subjectiveness
subjektni adj gram subject-, subjectival
sublimat m chem sublimate
sublimiran pp sublimated
sublimirati vt sublimate
suborac m fellow-fighter, fellow-champion, fellowsoldier; (takmac) fellow-competitor
subordinacija f subordination
subota f Saturday
subotar m Seventh-Day Baptists
subotnji adj of a Saturday, Saturday, happening on Saturday(s)
subotom adv on Saturdays, of a Saturday
subreta f mus soubrette
subvencija f subvention, grant-in-aid, subsidy

subvencioniran adj receiving a subsidy (grant-in-aid

subvencionirati vt give a grant-in-aid (subsidy, subvention)
subverzija f subversion
subverzivan adj subversive
subverzivno adv subversively
suelice adv facing, opposite to, fronting
sueliti vt confront, bring face to face
sueliti se vr confront each other, come face to face
suev adj of a judge
suut f pity, compassion; condolence | izraziti ~ condole,
express sympathy with
suutan adj sympathetic, sympathizing; compassionate,
sud' m court of law, law-court, court of justice; court of
judicature; tribunal; (graanski) civil court; (crkveni)
ecclesiastical court, consistory; (kriminalan) criminal
court; (redarstveni) police court; (ratni) court-martial
(na bojitu drum-head court); (porotni) (court of) assizes; (najnii) court of first instance; (vii) high
court (of justice); (najvii) supreme court; (boji) ordeal; (asti) court of honour; (prizivni) court of appeal, appellate court; (arbitrani) arbitration tribunal;
(suci) judges, magistrates, bar; (sudstvo) judicature;
fig law, (parnica) process, action at law, trial | presluavanje na ~u hearing, judical examination; postupak ~a legal proceedings; tuiti ~u bring one up,
have one up, institute legal proceedings against, sue
one in court; ii tuiti na ~ go to law (court), sue
one; doi na ~ appear in court; nadlenost ~a competence of court; uvreda ~a, neposluh ~u contempt
of court; ogluiti se ~u fail to appear in court; zasjedanje ~a session of court; pod zakletvom na ~u iskazati make a statement on oath in court; uloiti na
~u priziv protiv... appeal against the decision of the
court; uvaiti (odbiti) priziv ~u allow (dismiss) an
appeal; biti pozvan na ~ get a summons (be summonsed) to appear in court; prijeki ~ je proglaen
nad gradom..., the town of... is proclaimed (is put)
under legal restrictions
sud'' m (nazor, miljenje) judgment, opinion, thinking,
notion, estimation, idea, discretion, discernment, discrimination; (kritika) critique; (otra, ujedljiva) carping (biting, captious) criticism; fault-finding;
(ocjena) critical essay; (zakljuak) inference; (logika)
syllogism | po mom ~u in my opinion; izrei svoj ~
pass opinion on; stvoriti sebi ~ o draw a conclusion;
podvri se tuem ~u defer to a person
sud''' m (posuda) container; (za vino) barrel, cask | vino
u ~u (iz ~a) wine in (from) the wood
sudac m judge, justice; magistrate; (nogometni) referee;
(teniski) umpire; (presudnik) arbiter, arbitrator; (plaeni) stipendiary magistrate | mirovni ~ justice of the
peace (J. P.); ~ istraitelj investigating judge; sp
meani ~ linesman
sudaki adj of (proper to) a judge; judicial, used by (belonging to, fit for, proper to) a judge | ~ talar gown
Sudan m geog the Sudan

Sudanac m Sudanese
Sudanka f Sudanese woman
sudanski adj Sudanese, Sudan
sudar m crash, collision, smash; shock, bump; conflict;
encounter; knock against
sudaranje n crash, clash, clashing, collision; conflict;
violent encounter
sudariti se vr collide, smash into, crash; bump against;
knock (strike, hit) against, come into collision, dash
(run) against; clash
sudba f v. sudbina
sudbeni adj v. sudski'
sudbeno adv v. sudski''
sudbenost f legal competence, jurisdiction of court
sudbina f fate, destiny; fatality; (srea, dobra) good
luck; (loa) bad luck; lot; doom; (zla) ill-luck, evil
star, bad fortune
sudbinski' adj fateful
sudbinski'' adv by fate
sudbonosan adj fatal, ill-fated, ill-starred, ominous
sudbonosno adv fatally
sudbonosnost f fatality
Sudeti m pl geog the Sudetes; pol Sudetenland
sudetski adj geog | ~ Nijemci Sudete Germans
sudija m v. sudac
sudijski adj v. sudaki
sudinja f female judge; judge's wife
sudionik m partner, party to, partaker, sharer, participator, participant; (drugi) co-partner, associate | biti ~
participate, share
sudionitvo n sharing, participation
sudite n court of law, tribunal, forum (v. sud')
sudi|ti vi (na sudu) try, administer justice, sit in court, sit
in judgment upon, hear case, adjudicate upon, give
judgment; pass judgment; decide for (against); (mnijenje) think, deem, consider, estimate, be of opinion;
(kritika) criticize; (kuditi) carp, censure; (krivo) misjudge, have wrong opinion of, be mistaken | po tom
~m hence I gather (conclude)
suditi se vr go to (fight in) court; v. parniiti se
sudjelovanje n taking part (share) in, participation,
share; (pomo) assistance, co-operation, help; (prisue) presence, attendance
sudjelovati vi (na sastanku, u komisiji itd.) take part, cooperate, partake in, have a share in with, participate;
(prisutnost) be present, attend
sudlanica f anat back of hand
sudnica f court, court-house, court-room, court of law;
chambers; tribunal; forum
sudnji adj | ~ dan doomsday, Last Judgment
sudoper m sink; (radnik) v. pera sua
sudopera m v. pera sua
sudoperine f pl v. splaine
sudoperka f female washer of dishes
sudovanje n administration of justice, jurisdiction, judicature
sudovati vi administer (dispense) justice

sudrug m companion, mate, colleague, fellow, comrade;

(kolski) school-fellow, school-mate; (u poduzeu)
partner, associate
sudsk|i' adj court, judicial, judiciary, legal; of (used in)
courts of law, forensic | ~i postupak legal proceedings pl; ~a zakletva affidavit; ~a rasprava hearing,
trial; ~a odluka judicial ruling, decree; ~a osuda
judgment; ~i nalog warrant, writ; poduzeti ~e korake seek legal redress, take legal steps; ~a medicina
forensic medicine; ~a nadlenost competence, jurisdiction; legal capacity; ~i trokovi costs of trial; ~i
praznici court vacation; nii ~i inovnik (za pljenidbe itd.) bailiff
sudski'' adv judicially, done by the court | ~ izbaciti iz
stana eject; ~ ovjerovljen legalized, verified
sudstvo n judicature, judiciary; administration of justice;
(suci) judges; (ast, sluba) judgeship
suduk m Tur cul smoked mutton-and-beef sausage
suaje f pl myth Parcae
su|e n collect vessels; (kuhinjsko) kitchen utensils; (posrebreno itd.) plate; (porculan) crockery; (fini porculan) china; (staklo) glassware; (glina) pottery, hollow
ware; (vinsko) casks, wood | pera ~a scullion; stroj
za pranje ~a dish-washer; oprati ~e B wash up, A do
the dishes
suen adj tried; (osuen) sentenced, condemned; (sudba)
preordained, fated, destined; judged | sueno mi je
da... I am fated (destined) to...
suenica f destined (fated) wife
suenik m destined (fated) husband
suenje n trial, sitting in judgment, action at law, legal
Sueski adj geog | ~ kanal the Suez Canal
suficit m surplus
suficitaran adj surplus
suficitaranost f excess supply
sufiks m gram suffix
sufinancirati vt cofinance
sufler m fig prompter (v. apta)
suflirati vi fig prompt
sufragan m ecc suffragan (bishop)
sufraetkinja f hist suffragette
sufraizam m hist suffragism
sugeriran pp suggested
sugerirati vt suggest
sugestibilan adj suggestible
sugestibilnost f suggestibility
sugestija f suggestion
sugestivan adj suggestive; suggestible
sugestivno adv suggestively
sugestivnost f suggestiveness
suglasan adj conformable to, agreeing with (in); concordant with, consonant to, chiming with; (pristanak)
agreeable to, assenting, chiming in
suglasiti vt v. uskladiti
suglasiti se vr agree, be agreeable to, chime in, hold the
same opinion; (pristati) assent
suglasje n v. suglasnost
suglasniki adj consonantal

suglasnik m consonant | zvuan ~ voiced (soft) consonant; bezvuan ~ voiceless consonant; nijemi ~ mute
suglasno adv conformably to, in concordance with
suglasnost f consonance, harmony; conformity; concordance; (pristanak) agreement, consent, accord
sugovornik m collocutor
sugradica f thin hail; frozen rain
sugraanin m fellow-citizen, fellow-townsman
sugraanstvo n fellow-citizenship; being fellowtownsmen
suh adj (nevlaan) dry; (drvo) seasoned; (uveo) withered, sear, shrivelled, dried-up; (ovjek) thin, meagre, spare, lean, slender; (izmravio) emaciated; (izmoden-lice) pinched, haggard, gaunt, wizened,
weazen; (visok i mrav) lank; (koat) scraggy, bareboned, skinny | ~ o zlato pure gold; ~o tlo (neplodno)
arid (barren) soil; ~o meso (dimljeno) smoked
(smoke-dried) meat; (nedimljeno) dry-cured, drysalted; ~a bolest consumption; ~i kaalj dry cough;
~a mjera dry measure; ~i kruh dry bread; ~o groe
raisin; ~a godina droughty year, rainless year; ~o
(nezanimljivo) prianje uninteresting (dry-as-dust)
narrative; ~a ljiva prune; ~o voe dry fruit, dehydrated fruits; ~ kao trska skinny, skin-bound
suharak m dry twig (branch)
suharje n collect dry twigs (branches, loppings, brushwood)
suho' adv drily, dryly
suho'' n dry land (ground); firm land | izvui lau na ~
beach a boat; ostati na ~m (laa) remain high and
suhoa f dryness; (tla) aridity
suhomesnat adj | ~a roba smoked (smoke-dried, drycured) meat(s)
suhomrazica f black frost
suhonjav adj thinnish, spare, lean, meagre; gaunt
suhonjavost f leanness, meagreness, thinness, spare
(skinny) frame
suhoparan adj dry, dull, uninteresting, flat, monotonous; dry as dust
suhoparno adv drily, monotonously
suhoparnost f dryness, dullness
suhozeman adj v. kopneni
suigra m coplayer; sp team-mate
suita f mus suite
sujedica f med blackhead
sujeta f v. tatina
sujetan adj v. tat
sujevjeran adj v. praznovjeran
sujevjerje n v. praznovjerje
sukan pp twisted, wound
sukanje n twisting, winding (strands), twining
sukati (se) vt (vr) twist, twine, wind
sukcesivan adj successive
sukcesivno adv successively
sukladan adj congruent
sukladno adv congruently
sukladnost f congruence

sukljanje n (dima) belching; (vatre) bursting out; (plamsaj) blazing up

sukljati vi (dim) pour (belch, burst) out in a dense (copious) stream; (vatra) blaze up
suknar m draper, clothier; maker of (dealer in) cloth;
suknara f drapery (draper's) shop, cloth manufactory
suknarski adj dealing in (manufacturing) drapery
suknarstvo n draper's trade, cloth manufacturing
suknen adj made of cloth (stuff)
sukno n cloth, stuff, woollen fabric, textile fabric, broadcloth
suknuti vi gush (belch) forth
suknja f skirt
suknjaro m v. enskar
suknjica f dim little (short) skirt
sukob m conflict, clash; (sraz) smash, collision, shock;
encounter; (napadaj) onslaught, onset; (kreevo) action, brush, combat, engagement
sukobiti se vr conflict, clash with; run (knock) against,
collide; (uhvatiti se ukotac) close with, engage, fall
sukobljavanje n conflicting, clashing, colliding
sukobljavati se vr v. sukobiti se
sukriv adj accessary
sukrivac m accomplice, accessary, abettor
sukrivnja f complicity; partnership in an evil action
sukrvica f lymph
sukus m v. sr, bit, sok
sulc m Ger cul v. hladetina
suledica f slippery frost
sulfamid m chem sulfamide
sulfat m chem sulfate
sulfid m chem sulfide
sulica f hist javelin; (kratka) dart
sulonica f concubine, kept woman, mistress
sulonik m man living with a concubine
sulonitvo n concubinage, cohabitation
sultan m sultan
sultanat m sultanate
sultanija f sultana
sulud adj crack-brained, mad, insane; having a screw
loose, not in one's right mind; (smuen) crazy, silly,
foolish, senseless
suludo adv crazily, crack-brainedly, insanely
suludost f craziness, foolishness, silliness, folly; madness, insaneness
suma f amount (v. zbroj)
sumacna adj pregnant (cat)
sumaglica f haze; mist
sumand m math v. pribrojnik
sumaran adj summary, brief, compendious; (kratak i
brz) done with dispatch, dispensing with formalities
sumarno adv summarily
sumarnost f summariness
sumerski adj hist Sumerian
sumirati vt v. rezimirati, zbrojiti

sumiljenik m like-minded person, person having the

same (political) views
sumjerljiv adj commensurable
sumjerljivo adv commensurably
sumjerljivost f commensurability
sumjetanin m fellow-townsman
sumnj|a f suspicion, doubt, dubitation, dubiety; (nepovjerenje) distrust; (bojazan) misgiving | nema ~e da...
there is no doubt but that... ; nema nikakve ~e it is
past all doubt; bez ~e no doubt, without doubt, doubtlessly, undoubtedly, beyond all question; (u odgovoru) of course; on je izvan svake ~e no doubt, he is
above suspicion; bacati ~u na make suspect
sumnjati vi doubt, suspect, throw doubt upon, call in
question | ne moe se ~ it cannot be questioned but
that; ~ na suspect; be distrustful of, mistrust
sumnjiav adj suspicious, distrustful, doubting, prone to
sumnjiavo adv suspiciously
sumnjiavost f suspiciousness, distrustfulness
sumnjienje n imputation
sumnjiiti vt impute; (okriviti) lay at one's door
sumnjiiti se vr be mutually suspicious
sumnjiv adj suspect, suspected, dubious; (dvojben)
doubtful; sl fishy | ~a osoba suspect
sumnjivac m suspected person, suspect
sumnjivo adv suspiciously
sumnjivost f (dvojbenost) dubiousness, suspected character
sumoran adj sombre, dull, gloomy, murky; (nebo)
leaden, (mrk) glum, melancholy, cheerless, dismal,
forlorn, moping
sumorno adj somberly, gloomily
sumornost f gloom, sombreness, murkiness; depression,
melancholy ; dumps pl, dismals
sumpor m B chem sulphur, A sulfur; arch brimstone
sumporaa f sulphur-match
sumpor|an adj chem sulphureous, sulphuric | ~na kiselina sulphuric acid; ~ni cvijet flowers of sulphur
sumporenje n sprinkling with flowers of sulphur
sumporiti vt sprinkle (powder) with flowers of sulphur;
(pariti) fumigate with sulphur vapour
sumporovodik m chem hydrogen sulphide
sumraan adj twilight, crepuscular; in the gloaming;
dusky, dim
sumrak m twilight, dusk; gloaming; nightfall | ~ se hvata night falls
sumrtav adj half-dead
sunarodnjak m fellow-countryman, compatriot
sunasljednica f co-heiress
sunasljednik m coheritor, co-heir
sunace m hyp sweet sun
sunc|e n sun | ~e izlazi sun rises; ~e zalazi sun sets; izlaz ~a sunrise, sunup; zalaz ~a sunset, sundown; ~e
sja sun shines; to je jasno kao ~e this is plain as a
pikestaff; nita nova pod ~em there is nothing new
under the sun; ~e pri it is broiling hot; opaljen od
~a sunburnt, suntanned; poput ~a sunlike; bez ~a

suncobran m sunshade, parasol

suncokret m bot sunflower | sjemenke ~a sunflower
suncostaja f astr solstice | ljetna (zimska) ~ summer
(winter) solstice
suncostajni adj astr solstitial
sunalite n solarium
sunan adj of the sun, sun, solar; sunny | ~a pomrina
solar eclipse, eclipse of the sun; ~a mrlja sunspot; ~a
godina solar year; ~a ura sun-dial; ~a zraka sunbeam
sunani adj (dan, vrijeme) sunny
sunanic|a f (bolest) sun-stroke | dobiti ~u suffer sunstroke
sunanje n sunning, basking, lying in the sun | terasa za
~ sun-terrace, solarium
sunati vt sun, expose to the sun
sunati se vr bask in the sun, sun oneself, be exposed to
the sun, sunbathe
sunev adj of the sun, sun, solar
suner m Tur v. spuva
sunovrat m bot narcissus
sunovratiti vt precipitate
sunovratiti se vr precipitate oneself, topple down
sunuti vt push, jog, jerk, nudge; (poletjeti) dart (dash,
rush) forward
suoen pp confronted
suoenje n confrontation of witnesses; meeting face to
suoiti vt confront, meet face to face, bring face to face
suoiti se vr come face to face with; come up against
suodgovoran adj jointly responsible
suodgovornost f joint responsibility
suoptuenik m jur codefendant
suosjeajan adj compassionate, sympathetic
suosjeajno adv compassionately, sympathetically
suosjeanje n compassion, sympathy (v. suut)
suosjeati vi feel (sa for), sympathize (with)
suosniva m cofounder
sup m ornith vulture
SUP m Secretariat of Public Security | organi ~a police
supa f v. juha
suparnica f woman rival (adversary, enemy, competitor,
suparniki adj rival
suparnik m rival, competitor; (neprijatelj) enemy, antagonist, adversary, foe, opponent
suparnitvo n rivalry, antagonism; competition
supatnik m cosufferer
supen|i adj | ~a kaika v. velika lica
superfosfat m superphosphate
superioran adj superior
superiorno adv with superiority
superiornost f superiority
superlativ m gram superlative
superlativan adj superlative

supermarket m supermarket (v. veliko samoposluivanje)

superoksid m chem superoxide
super-revizija f print final page-proofs
supersila f pol super-power
superstruktura f superstructure
supertanker m mar supertanker
supertvrava f aero superfortress
supijan adj half-drunk
supijanstvo n half-drunkenness
supin m gram supine
supka f bot cotyledon
suplemenik m fellow tribesman
suplementaran adj supplementary
suponirati vt suppose
suposjednica f female joint-possessor
suposjednik m joint-possessor
supotpis m counter-signature
supotpisan adj countersigned
supotpisati vt countersign
supotpisnik m counter-signatory
supozitorij m med suppository
suprasna adj pregnant (sow)
supremacija f supremacy; preponderance; supreme
power (sway)
suprostaviti (se) vt (vr) v. suprotstaviti (se)
suprotan adj contrary, opposite; (protivan) counter; (obratan) converse, reverse; (neprijateljski) opposed, antagonistic; (proturjean) contradictory, conflicting
suprotiviti se vr v. protiviti se
suprotivljenje n v. protivljenje
suprotivtina f (neposluh) refractoriness, rebelliousness,
unmanageableness, stubborness
suprotno adv opposite, in an opposite place (direction),
oppositely, contrariwise; over the way; contrarily;
conversely; on the contrary
suprotnost f the opposite (contrary), contrariety, the contrast; (obrnuto) the reverse, the inverse
suprotstaviti vt oppose; juxtapose; (borca) pit against
suprotstaviti se vr oppose, withstand, resist, counteract;
stem, breast; face, encounter; set one's face against;
(stezi) kick against
suprotstavljanje n opposition
suprug m husband, married man; (mu ili ena) mate,
male consort (partner, spouse) | ~ i supruga man and
supruga f wife; spouse, married woman, the beter half;
consort, spouse, partner
supruanski adj spousal (v. brani)
suprunik m v. suprug(a)
supstancija f substance
supstantiv m gram noun
supstantivan adj gram substantival
supstitucija f substitution
supstituirati vt substitute
supstitut m v. nadomjestak
supstrat m ling substratum
suptilan adj subtle, hardly traceable (perceptible)
suptilno adj subtly, with subtlety

suptilnost f subtlety
suptrahend m math v. umanjitelj
suptropski adj subtropical
suputnica f female fellow-traveller
suputnik m fellow-traveller, companion-traveller
sur adj brown, dark brown; pale
suradnica f female co-worker (co-operator, collaborator,
suradniki adj collaborator, collaborators', collaborating
suradnik m co-operator, collaborator, fellow-worker;
associate, assistant; (novina itd.) contributor; (pomaga) helper
suradnitvo n collaboration, co-operation
suradnja f co-operation, collaboration, conjunction
suraiva m v. suradnik
suraivanje n co-operating, collaborating; v. suradnja
suraivati vi co-operate, collaborate
suraica f wheat flour blended with rye flour
surevnjiv adj v. zavidan, ljubomoran
surevnjivost f v. zavist, ljubomora
surina f brown (peasant) coat
surka f hist type of tight-fitting braided jacket
surla f (elephant's) trunk
surogat m substitute
surogiranje n substitution
surogirati vt substitute by (with)
surov adj brutal; (otresit) gruff, snarling, surly, harsh,
hard upon, blunt, bluff; (neizraen) unfinished,
crude, unpolished, rugged, rustic, rough
surovina f raw material (stuff)
surovo adv brutally
surovost f brutality, barbarity, incivility, impoliteness,
ill-breeding, churlishness; (priprostost) rusticity,
ruggedness; (neizraenost) crudity, roughness, rawness
surutka f whey
survati vt precipitate, push (thrust, throw) down a precipice (into a chasm, from a height)
survati se vr precipitate oneself, fall down a precipice
(from a height), tumble down, topple down; (figptica, aeroplan s visoka) swoop down, pounce upon
susjed m neighbour; (prvi) next-door neighbour; (drugi)
the next-door but one neighbour; (law) abutter
susjeda f female neighbour
susjedan adj neighbouring, adjoining, next-door, contiguous; (granica) abutting (on), adjacent to, limitrophe, bordering on, conterminous | biti ~ border upon,
abut on
susjedski adj neighbourly
susjedstvo n neighbourhood, vicinity; (okolica) environs,
environment; (blizina) contiguity
susnjeica f sleet
suspektan adj suspect (v. sumnjiv)
suspendiran pp suspended; temporarily debarred from
suspendiranje n act of suspension
suspendirati vt suspend; debar from office (function)
suspenzija f suspension
suspenzor m med & sp (athletic) supporter

suspregnuti vt v. obuzdati, suzdrati

susresti vt meet, come upon (across), light upon, encounter, find, fall in with, stumble upon (across)
susresti se vr meet, encounter
susret m meeting, encounter | ii u ~ go to meet; fig meet
one's wishes, pave the way for, make advances, break
the ice, meet halfway
susretanje n repeated meeting; (prijazno) meeting in a
friendly spirit; (kao sebi ravnom) meeting on an
equal footing; (s potovanjem) deference
susretati vt meet repeatedly; (prijazno) be kind (attentive, obliging, friendly, engaging) towards one, make
a great deal of one
susretljiv adj friendly, obliging, kind, complaisant, attentive
susretljivo adv obligingly
susretljivost f kindness, obligingness, kind usage (treatment), complaisance; accommodation
sustalost f tiredness, fatigue, exhaustion, faintness, loss
of strength (vigour), prostration, enervation
sustanar m fellow tenant, flat-sharer
sustanarstvo n flat-sharing
sustao adj tired, exhausted, worn-out, faint, prostrate;
(zadihan) short of wind, short-winded, panting, puffing, out of breath
sustati vi become tired (exhausted, prostrate, worn out,
broken, shaken, spent, overwrought); slacken off, flag
sustav m system, method | bez ~a unsystematic, without
order, desultory
sustavan adj systematic, methodical, orderly, pedantic
sustavno adv systematically, methodically, orderly, in a
set order (way, manner), pedantically
sustavnost f systematic quality (nature)
sustegnuti (se) vt (vr) v. obuzdati (se), suzdrati (se)
sustii vt come up with, reach one
sustignuti vt v. sustii
sustizavanje n gaining upon, drawing near
sustizavati vt v. sustii
sua' f drought; aridity; want of rain, water famine; dryness
sua'' f shed, barn, shack
suan adj droughty, dry, rainless; arid, barren
suara f v. suionica
suen pp dried, dessicated; (voe) dehydrated; (u sunici)
kiln-dried; (meso na dimu) dry-cured (smoked)
suenje n drying (up); (dimom) smoking; (bez salamure)
dry-curing, dry-salting; dehydration; (kvrenje, biljke
itd.) shrivelling, withering; (tla) draining; (mravljenje) losing weight
suica f med pop consumption, tuberculosis, phthisis
suiav adj med pop consumptive, hectic
suiavac m med pop consumptive (hectic) person, consumptive
suiavost f med pop consumptiveness
suilac m person who dries; (mesa) one who cures (drysmokes) meat
suilica f dryer
suionica f dry-kiln

suiti vt dry (up), desiccate, dehydrate; (meso) smoke

(bez salamure dry-smoke, dry-salt); (tlo) drain; (u sunici) kiln-dry
suiti se vr dry, get (grow, become) dry; (biljka) get
withered (shrivelled); (tlo) become arid; (ovjek) become lean (meagre, thin), lose flesh, waste away
sunica f dry-kiln
sutastven adj v. bitan, sutinski
sutastvo n v. bit
sut|i adj pure, true; mere; (puki, potpun) sheer | ~a istina naked truth
sutina f essence, substance; (jezgra) pith, gist; the very
nature, reality
sutinski' adj essential, of substance
sutinski'' adv in essence, essentially
sutana f RC (reverenda) soutane
suteren m (podrum) basement
suterenski adj basementsutjeska f geog defile, gorge
sutlija m Tur cul rice-and-milk pudding
suton m evening twilight, dusk, gloaming
sutra adv to-morrow, on the morrow; (drugi dan) the
next day, the following day | ~ osam (etrnaest) dana to-morrow week (fortnight); ~ uveer to-morrow
evening; ~ u noi to-morrow night
sutradan adv the next day, (on) the following day
sutranji adj to-morrow's, the next day's
sutranjica f tomorrow
sututor m co-guardian
sututorstvo n co-guardianship
suuenica f girl school-mate (school-fellow)
suuenik m school-fellow, school-mate, class-mate
suv adj v. suh
suvarak m v. suharak
suvenir m souvenir
suveren' m sovereign, ruler, suzerain; prince
suveren'' adj sovereign, supreme, absolute
suverenitet m sovereignty, absolute (supreme) power,
suvereno adv with assurance, masterfully
suverenost f mastery
suvisao adj coherent, connected; (jasan) distinct, intelligible, not rambling
suvislo adv coherently, connectedly
suvislost f coherence, connectedness
suviak m surplus, excess, additional amount; redundancy
suvi|an adj superfluous, unnecessary, needless, dispensable; (preko potrebe) excess, surplus, odd, over;
(pretjeran) excessive; (bez ega se moe biti) that can
be done without | to je za mene ~no I can do without
it, I can dispense with it
suvie adv too much, in excess, to excess, excessively,
exceedingly, to a fault, beyond measure, immoderately; (povrh) over and above; besides, moreover, additionally
suvino adv needles, to no purpose
suvinost f superfluity, superfluousness, excess; (preobilje) superabundance

suvladar m co-regent, joint ruler

suvladarstvo n co-regency, joint rule
suvlasnica f female joint owner
suvlasniki adj coproprietary
suvlasnik m joint owner
suvlasnitvo n joint ownership
suvo- v. suhosuvoa f v. suhoa
suvoza m codriver; assistant driver
suvozeman adj v. kopneni
suvratak m revers; turn-up; v. rever
suvremen adj contemporary; simultaneous; coexisting,
coeval; modern, present-day, latter-day, current
suvremenica f contemporary (woman), female contemporary
suvremenik m contemporary
suvremenost f contemporaneity, contemporaneousness,
suvrst(a) f variety, subordinate species
suz|a f tear; (gorka) bitter tear; (krokodilske) crocodile
tears; (pokajanja) tears of remorse | ganuti do ~a
move to tears; ~e radosnice tears of gladness (joy);
smijati se do ~a laugh till the tears come; roniti ~e
weep (shed) tears; kupati se u ~ama be dissolved in
tears, melt into tears
suzan adj tearful, wet with tears, full of tears, in tears,
Suzana f Susan, Susie, Sue
suzavac m tear-gas
suzbijanje n fighting, keeping down; (otpor) resistance,
standing one's ground, keeping at bay, beating (warding) off; control
suzbijati vt beat back (off), drive back, repulse, ward
(fend) off, repel; (otpor) withstand, resist, stand one's
ground, keep at bay; fight, combat; keep down
suzbiti vt succed in beating back (warding off, fending
of, repelling)
suzdrati vt curb, keep back (under), constrain, restrain |
~ dah bate one's breath
suzdrati se vr control (restrain) onesel
suzdravanje n curbing, holding back, restraint, constraint
suzdrljiv adj restrained
suzdrljivo adv with restraint
suzdrljivost f restraint
suzenje n flow of tears; (biljnog soka) bleeding (emitting) of sap
suz|iti' vi shed tears, fill with tears, run with tears | loza
~i vine emits sap (bleeds); svijea ~i candle runs
suziti'' vt (opseg) make narrower, draw narrower limits,
limit; (okljatriti) curtail; straiten; (odijelo) take in
suziti se vr become narrower; (tkanina od pranja) shrink
suzivanje n narrowing, straitening; (odijelo) taking in;
(kljatrenje) curtailment
suzivati vt v. suziti
suzni adj tear; of tears; lachrymal, lachrymose; (u suzama) tearful, in tears
suznica f anat tear gland
suzovod m anat lachrymal duct

suanj m captive, prisoner; (rob) slave

suanjstvo n captivity; slavery
suavati vt v. suziti
sudrebna adj pregnant (mare)
suen pp narrowed, straitened; (odjea) taken in
suenost f narrowed condition
suenje n narrowing
suivjeti se vr grow close to, get accustomed (acclimatized) to
sva pron v. sve
svaiji adj everybody's, everyone's, nobody's in particular, all the world's, common to all; ownerless; no
svadba f wedding, marriage; bridal, nuptials pl; wedding
svadben adj marriage, wedding, nuptial, bridal | ~i kola wedding-cake; ~i (vjenan) dar wedding present
svadbovanje n celebration of a wedding
svadbovati vi celebrate a wedding
svaditi se vr quarrel, fall out, be at loggerheads with,
altercate with; (gloiti se) bicker, wrangle, squabble,
live like cat and dog, be at odds with, be at daggers
drawn with; (buno) brawl; dispute; (posvaditi se)
pick a quarrel with, be by the ears; (parniiti se) litigate
svadljiv adj quarrelsome, contentious, disputatious, litigious
svadljivac m quarrelsome person
svadljivka f quarrelsome woman
svadljivo adv in a quarrelsome manner, contentiously
svadljivost f quarrelsomeness, litigiousness, quarrelsome
sva|a f quarrel, altercation; wrangling, bickering,
squabbling; (i tunjava) row; (prepirka) dispute; (mala) miff, tiff; (nesloga) dissension, discord, disunion,
division; controversy, polemics pl; (parnienje) litigation | predmet ~e apple of discord, bone of contention
svaalica f v. svadljivac
svaanje' n continuous quarrel(ling) (v. svaa)
svaanje' n v. svoenje
svaati se vr v. svaditi se
svagda adv v. uvijek
svagdanji adj everyday, daily, of daily occurrence, quotidian; (otrcan) trite, commonplace, hackneyed, trivial, ordinary, common, nothing out of the common;
svagdanjica f thing (event) of everyday occurrence,
commonplace happening (event)
svagdje adv everywhere, all about, in all places (directions) | moe ga se ~ nai it (he) is omnipresent
(ubiquitous); ~ u zemlji through the country; ~ po tijelu all over the body
svak' m v. urjak
svak'' adj v. svatko, svaki
svakakav adj all kinds of, of several sorts, of every sort
and kind, of all descriptions, various, diverse, sundry;
svakaki adj v. svakakav

svakako adv at any rate, at all events, by all means, in

all cases, without fail; (sigurno) surely, certainly, sure
enough, to be sure; (bez dvojbe) without doubt,
doubtless(ly); naturally; (uvjet) upon any terms
svakamo adv in all directions, everywhere
svaki adj (od mnogo njih) every, every one; (od dva ili
malo njih) each; (pojedini) each and all, all and sundry; (svi do jednoga) one and all; all included, no one
excepted; everyman | ~ od vas every mothers's son of
you; ~ as every moment, every now and then, every
now and again; svaka tri sata every three hours; ~
put every time; ~ drugi sat every other hour; ~ drugi
everybody else; (izmjenino) alternately; na ~ nain
at any rate, at all events; (sigurno) surely; ~ pojedini
each and all; ~ za sebe (posebno) apart; ~ od dva either (of the two); ~ je dobio 5 ilinga they got 5 shillings each; 1 siling po svakom ovjeku a shilling per
man (head, a piece); ~ put kad whenever; ~ od njih
severally; ~ sebe voli near is my shirt but nearer is
my skin; ~ napose separately
svakidanji adj v. svagdanji
svakidanjica f v. svagdanjica
svako pron v. svatko
svakodnevni adj v. svagdanji
svakodnevno adv daily, every day
svakogodinji adj occurring (happening, recurring)
every year
svakojaki adj v. svakakav
svakojako adv variously, in all kinds (sorts) of ways
(manners), in all manner of ways, diversely
svakovrstan adj various, of all kinds (sorts, descriptions,
qualities itd.); manifold, sundry
svakuda adv everywhere, in all directions, to all kinds of
svaliti vt floor, topple down; (valjati) roll down; (podmetnuti nogu) trip up; (prevaliti) overthrow, overturn | ~
krivnju na nekoga lay to one's charge, lay to (at)
one's door, lay the blame (fault, responsibility) on
one, impute
svaliti se vr topple down
svaljati vt roll off (down)
svaljen pp felled, thrown down, floored, tumbled down,
tripped up
svaljivanje n (obaranje) felling, flooring, tripping up;
rolling down | ~ krivnje na nekoga imputation, laying to (at) one's door
svaljivati vt v. svaliti
svanue n break of day, daybreak, peep of dawn, dawn;
(izlaz sunca) sunrise, sunup
svan|uti vi dawn | ~ulo je it has dawned, the sun has
risen; ~ulo mi je it dawns upon me; svakom ovjeku
~u prije ili poslije bolji dani every dog has his day;
~uo je moj dan my day has come
svanjivanje n dawning
svanjivati vi v. svanuti
svaren pp (kuhan) stewed, brewed, boiled
svari|ti vt stew, brew, boil, prepare food (soup, broth); v.
probaviti | ~o si sebi poparu drink as you have

svarivanje n stewing, brewing; v. probavljanje

svarivati vt v. svariti
svarljiv adj v. probavljiv
svastika' f v. ogorica, urjakinja
svastika'' f (znak) swastika
svata pron all kinds (manner, sorts, description) of
things; sundries; divers, odds and ends
svatar m dealer in everything (in odds and ends)
svatarenje n excessively wide production range
svatariti vi have an excessively wide production range
svat m wedding guest | stari ~ bridegroom's chief attendant on the way to fetch the bride; udan ~ a queer
(odd, eccentric) fellow
svatko pron everyone, everybody, anyone, anybody,
every man
svatovac m song sung at a wedding
svatovanje n celebration of a wedding-feast
svatovati vi attend a wedding-feast, be a wedding-guest
svatovi m pl wedding-party, wedding guests; wedding,
nuptials pl; (povorka) wedding procession
svatovski adj belonging to (becoming to, of the) wedding-guests
sve- pref | ~alirski, ~afriki All-Algeria, All-Africa(n)
sve' adj all, everything, inclusive all, without exception,
all included | ~ i sva all kinds of; odds and ends; ~ ili
nita neck or nothing; on je njoj ~ he is all (in all) to
her; u ~mu in all; ~ u ~mu all in all; ~ zajedno all
together; (zbroj) sum total; bilo ih je u ~mu (svega)
22 they totalled 22; to je ~ jedno te isto it is all the
same, it is six of one or half a dozen of the other,
that's all one; njemu ~ dobro dolazi (iskoristi) nothing comes amiss to him; ~ osim all but; ja bih ~ prije nego... I would have anything rather than...; nada
~ above all, first of all; ni za ~ na svijetu not for all
the world; od ~g srca with all my heart; ima ~ga
(obilje) there is plenty of everything; ~ uzalud all in
vain, all to no purpose; ~ mu je nastojanje bilo uzalud strive as he might he did not succeed
sve'' adv | ~ vie i vie more and more; ~ manje i manje
less and less; ~ do posljednjega to the last; ~ me oblio znoj I perspired all over; ~ me strah I am half
afraid; radili su ~ u esnaest they worked with might
and main, they worked against time
svean adj solemn, festive, festal; (ukoen) stiff, formal,
ceremonious, pompous; (gala) gala, dress, parade,
state, fete
sveano adv solemnly, festively, ceremoniously, pompously, formally, stiffly; with display
sveanosni adj fete, of (happening at) a festivity, festal
sveanost f festivity, solemnity, festival, celebration,
feast, ceremony
svear m person solemnizing his birthday (fete-day, anniversary)
svearica f female solemnizing her birthday (fete-day,
sveera adv v. naveer
sveev adj of a saint, a saint's
sveenica f priestess

sveenik|i adj sacerdotal, priestly; of (a) priest (clergy,

priesthood), a clergyman's (minister's) | ~a odjea
clerical dress; liiti ~e asti disfrock
sveenik m (svake vjere) priest; (anglikanske crkve)
clergyman, minister; (stale) ecclesiastic; (juridiki
izraz) clerk
sveenstv|o n clergy; the cloth; clerical profession; the
church | pod dominacijom ~a priest-ridden
sveden pp (luk) arched, vaulted, curved; (odveden) diverted, turned aside (off), drained off
svega adv v. ukupno
svejedno adv (ipak, usprkos) for all that, nevertheless,
all the same, still | biti ~ not care, neglect, disregard,
ignore, be regardless of; make light of, take lightly; ~
je it is all the same, it comes to the same thing, it is
six of one and half a dozen of the other; (nije vano)
it is of no consequence
svekar m father-in-law (father of husband)
svekrva f mother-in-law (mother of husband)
svemir m universe, cosmos, space, outer space | let u ~
space flight; istraivanje ~a exploration of space
svemirsk|i adj cosmic | ~a letjelica spaceship
svemo f omnipotence, almightiness
svemoan adj omnipotent, almighty
svemogu adj almighty, omnipotent
svemogunost f omnipotence, almightiness
svemoan adj v. svemogu
svemudri adj omniscient
svenarodan adj national
svenuti vi v. uvenuti
sveobuhvatan adj comprehensive, universal
sveobuhvatno adv comprehensively, universally
sveobuhvatnost f comprehensiveness, universality
sveopi adj general, universal, common to all
svesilan adj v. svemogu
sveska f v. svezak, biljenica
sveslaven m Panslavist
sveslavenski adj Panslavic
sveslavenstvo n Panslavism
svesrdan adj whole-hearted, ardent
svesrdno adv whole-heartedly, ardently, with all one's
svesrdnost f whole-heartedness, arden
svesti vt (na manje) deduce, reduce; (pripisati) account
for, attribute to; (odvesti na drugu stranu) carry
(draw, drain) off (water), lead (direct, divert) in another direction (channel, course) | ~ jednadbu na...
reduce equation to
svesti se vr be reduced to, boil down to
svestran adj manysided, universal, versatile; embracing
all; (ovjek-znanja) polymath, omniscient
svestrano adv universally
svestranost f versatility, universality
svei m dim small volume, pamphlet | djelo se izdaje
u ~ima work is published in weekly (monthly) parts
svetenik m v. sveenik
svet adj saint, holy, sacred; sanctified, sacrosanct; godly;
saintly, saintlike; (nepovrediv) inviolable | ~o trojstvo Holy Trinity; moja ~a dunost my bounden

duty; ~o pismo Holy Writ, the Bible, the Book, the

Scriptures; ~e moi relics; ~o ulje anointing oil
svetac m saint, holy man; (zatitnik) patron saint; (blagdan) holiday, redletter day, saint's day, fete(-day)
svetaki' adj saintly, saintlike
svetaki'' adv like a saint
svetak m holiday, saint's day; (slobodan dan) off day |
pomian ~ movable feast
svetatvo n sainthood
svetica f holy woman, woman saint
svetilite n v. svetite
svetinja f sacred thing, holy object
svetit|e n shrine, sanctuary; fane | ~ nad ~ima holy of
the holies
svetitelj m v. svetac
svetiteljski adj v. svetaki
svetiti vt v. posvetiti, blagosloviti
svetiti se vr v. osvetiti se
svetkovanje n keeping (observing) a holiday, celebration
svetkovati vi make a holiday, celebrate, keep (observe) a
holiday, solemnize; (ne raditi) have a day off, be off
svetkovina f holiday, saint's-day, church holiday (festival)
svetogrdnik m blasphemer, person committing sacrilege
svetohranite n eccl tabernacle
svetost f sanctity, sacredness, saintliness, holiness, saintship, sainthood | glas ~i odour of sanctity; Vaa ~i
Your Holiness
svetotajstvo n eccl holy sacrament; eucharist
sveuilini adj university, college; collegiate
sveuilitarac m v. student
sveuilitarka f v. studentica
sveuilite n university; fig Alma Mater
sveudilj adv always, continually, continuously, without
intermission; (jo) still | on ~ plae he keeps crying
sveukupan adj v. ukupan, cjelokupan
Svevinji m the Almighty
sveza f v. veza; gram v. veznik
svezak m volume
svezan pp bound, tied, secured, pinned; chained, fettered, shackled; (ruke) handcuffed, manacled; (konopom) corded; (remenom) strapped; (povezan i fig)
linked together, joined, united; fig (sputan) hampered, trammelled; (rana) dressed, bandaged | ~ih
(zavezanih) oiju blindfolded
svezati vt bind, tie, secure, fasten; (konopom) cord; (remenom) strap; (lancem) chain; fig (spojiti) join,
unite, connect, link; (privezati) attach; shackle, fetter,
hamper, trammel; (ruke) pinion, handcuff, manacle;
fig (zajednikom koriu) knit together | ~ konju noge na pai hobble; (na kratak konop) tether; ~ oi (i
fig) blindfold
sveznadar m v. sveznalica
sveznadarstvo n v. sveznanje
sveznajui adj omniscient | ~ ovjek polymath, polyhistor
sveznalatvo n v. sveznanje

sveznalica m polymath, omniscient person; iron knowit-all | on je ~ (povran) he dabbles in all kinds of
sveznanje n polymathy, omniscience; iron knowing it all
sveanj m bundle; parcel, pack, package; bale
svi adj pl all, one and all, all the world; people at large,
all included; (skupno) in a body, corporatively | mi ~
all of us; vi ~ all of you; oni ~ all of them; ~ zajedno
(i svaki pojedini) all and sundry; ~do jednoga one
and all
sviba f bot European dogwood
svibanj m May, the month of May | prvi ~ first of May;
slaviti prvi ~ (izletom) go a-maying; 30 ~ Croatian
national holiday (Independence day)
svibanjsk|i adj May | ~o drvo May-pole; ~a kraljica
May Queen
svibovina f wood of dogwood
sviarica f reg v. svjearica
svii se vr v. naviknuti se
svidjeti se vr like
svianje n liking, fondness; pleasure
sviati se vr like | meni se ~a... I like, I am pleased with,
I relish, I am partial to, I am fond of, I love; it suits
me, it is convenient (agreeable) to me; ako ti se ~a if
you choose (care) to; meni se ~a I take a fancy (liking) to...; kako god ti se ~a as you like; ne ~a mi se I
don't like it, it displeases me, (mrsko mi je) I am
loath to..., I abhor..., I detest; to se ovjeku ~a i ne
~a one's likes and dislikes; to se moe ~ati likable
svijanje n bending, plying, warping, curving; (zakretanje) twisting, twirling; (od boli) writhing
svijati vt bend, ply, warp, curve, crook, inflect; (zakretom) twist, twirl
svijati se vr (od boli) -writhe; (puzati pred) cringe
svije|a f candle; (votana) wax-candle; (lojanica) tallow
candle; (zavojita) twisted candle; (tanja prema kraju)
taper; light | ~a curi candle runs (gutters); svjetlo ~e
candle-light; jakost ~e candle-power; prirezivati ~u
trim a candle; kare za prirezivanje ~e candlesnuffer
svijeica f v. svjeica
Svijenica f Candlemas, the Purification
svijenjak m candle-stick; (stropni) chandelier; (na stupu) candelabrum
svijen pp curved, bent
svijenost f curved (bent) condition
svijesno adv v. svjesno
svijest f consciousness, conscience, the senses, the being
aware; wits; (osjet) perception, sense | izgubiti ~
swoon, faint (away), lose one's senses, have a fainting
fit; doi k ~i come to, recover consciousness; dovesti
k ~i bring to
svijestan adj v. svjestan
svijet m world; (svemir) the universe; (zemlja) earth,
globe; (ovjeanstvo) mankind, humanity; (ljudi)
people, folks, fig the man in the street; (mnotvo)
crowd; (opinstvo) the public; (u kazalitu itd.) audience; (prost) mob, populace; (otmjen) high life, people of rank and fashion, the great world, the Upper

Ten (thousand); (podzemni, sirotinja) the underworld, the Submerged ten, the great Unwashed;
(znanstveni) the scientific world; (knjievni) the literary world | doi na ~ be born, come into the world,
see the light; na tom ~u in this world, in this life,
here below; drugi (onaj), zagrobni ~ the other
world, the world to come, the next world, that side of
the grave; ovaj ~ this side of the grave; stari ~ the
Old World; (davnina) the ancient world; novi ~ the
New World; strana ~a quarter of the world, part of
the world; cardinal point of the world; dananji ~
modern world, modern times; (pretjeranost) the newfangled world; irok ~ wide world; ovjek ~a worldling; (koji je vidio mnogo, iskusio) one who has seen
the world; tako je to na ~u so goes the world, this is
the way of the world; ni za sav ~ not for all the
world; daleko od ~a remote, secluded, out-of-theway, sequestered; to e na to ~ rei? what will Mrs
Grundy say?; svemu ~u poznat world-famed; dok je
~a i vijeka to all eternity, for ever and ever; promijeniti ~om (umrijeti) die; vidio je mnogo ~a he is a
wide-travelled man, he is a great traveller, he is a
globe-trotter; otpremiti na drugi ~ despatch, put out
of the way, kill; izdati na ~ (knjigu) publish, edit;
raati na ~ bring forth; pustiti u ~ launch into the
world; bilo je mnogo ~a there was a great throng
(crowd) of people there
svijetao adj bright, light, shining, luminous, brilliant,
lucent; (sjajan) glossy, lustrous, resplendent; (sunan) sunny; (ulaten) polished; beaming, irradiant;
(neokaljan) blameless, unblemished, unsullied
svijetliti vi shine, be brilliant, cast (shed, throw) light,
svijetliti se vr shine; beam, irradiate, blaze; (bljetati)
glare, flare; (cakliti se) glitter, glisten, gleam,
spark1e, scintillate
svjetlo n v. svjetlo
svijetlomodar adj light blue
svjetloukast adj buff
svijetljenje n giving light, shining, beaming, lighting
sviknuti se vr v. naviknuti se
svila f silk; (umjetna) rayon, artificial silk; (kirurka)
silk-worm gut; (sirova) raw silk; (resa kukuruza)
beard of a corncob; (umjetna) artificial silk
svilac m ent | dudov ~ silk-worm
svilana f silk-factory, filature
svilar m manufacturer of silk; (uzgajatelj) sericulturist,
silk grower
svilara f v. svilana
svilarski adj sericultura1
svilarstvo n sericulture, silk-worm breeding
svilast adj silky, soft (glossy) like silk
svilen adj silken, silk, silky, made of silk | ~e tkanine
silks; ~a buba v. dudov svilac
svilogojstvo n v. svilarstvo
svilokos adj silk-haired
svinut pp v. svijen
svinuti vt v. svijati

svinja f pig, hog, swine; (divlja) boar; (krmaa) sow;

(morska) porpoise; derog (ovjek) hog, gluttonous
(filthy) person, mean fellow, swine, bastard
svinjac m B pigsty, A hog pen
svinjar m B pig breeder, A hog breeder (dealer); (pastir)
svinjarica f girl swine-herd
svinjarija f (prljavtina) filthy (dirty) state, filthiness,
swinishness, piggishness, dirty mess; (rijei) obscenity, foul language (talk), indecent (obscene) talk,
filth; (postupak) base (shameless, mean) act (trick,
treatment, behaviour), dirty trik
svinjarstvo n B pig-breeding, A hog-breeding
svinje n young pig (hog)
svinjei adj v. svinjski
svinjetina f pork; (peenka) roast pork
svinjogojstvo n v. svinjarstvo
svinjsk|i adj piggish, hoggish, hoglike; (prljav) dirty,
swinish; (rijei) obscene, filthy, foul, bestial | ~a
mast lard; ~o meso pork; ~a slanina fat, (suena) bacon; ~a ekinja hog's bristle; koveg od ~e koe pigskin suitcase
svira m piper; flutist; player (performer) on an instrument, musician, executant; (glazbe) bandsman
sviraica f woman player (performer)
sviral|a f organ-pipe, reed (-pipe); flute, pan-pipe; windinstrument; whistle | dulac na ~i mouth-piece; na
vrbi ~a wished-for but unrealized aim
sviralica f v. svirala
sviraljka f v. svirala
sviranje n playing, music-making, performing on a musical instrument; piping, whistling
svirati vt play, make music, perform on a musical instrument | ~ na prvi pogled (bez vjebe) play music
at sight, play ex tempore, extemporize
svirep adj v. okrutan
svirka f v. sviranje
svisnuti vi burst with emotion; (bol, alost) pine (grieve)
to death
Svisveti m pl All Saint's Day, All-Hallows pl
svita f suite, retinue
svitac m v. krijesnica
svitak m roll, coil; pad | hist ~ pergamene volume
svitanje n dawn(ing), day-break, sunrise; morning twilight
svitati vi | svie it dawns, day breaks; svie mi it dawns
upon me
sviter m v. demper
sviti vt v. saviti
svitlati vt blow in, pile up
svitnjak m waist-string (of drawers)
svizac m zoo marmot
svjear m candle-maker, tallow-chandler
svjearica' f woman seller of candles
svjearica'' f (laa) barge (fishing-vessel) fishing by
artificial light
svjearnica f candle-works; candle-maker's shop
svjeica f dim small (thin) candle; (za benzinski motor)
B sparking plug, A spark plug

svjeonoa f candle-bearer
svjedoanstvo n testimony, evidence, witnessing; (uz
zakletvu) deposition upon oath, affidavit; (potvrda)
attestation; v. svjedodba
svjedoenje n act of giving evidence; testifying, deposition on oath
svjedoiti vi bear witness to, testify to, give evidence;
(biti zaklet) be put on oath, swear an affidavit; (dokazivati) be a proof of, prove; (dvoboj) be a second |
krivo ~ (zakletvom) perjure oneself, commit perjury;
give false evidence
svjedodba f (kolska) report; (potvrda) attestation; (isprava) certificate; testimonial | ~ siromatva certificate of poverty; maturalna ~ leaving certificate; ~
zdravlja (brodska) bill of health; ~ sluinadi character
svjedo|k m witness; (oevidac) eye-witness; (na sudu)
deponent; (na dvoboju) second; A (prisegnut) affiant |
presluati ~ka hear evidence; dovesti ~ke produce
witnesses; pozvati za ~ka call as witness; iskaz ~ka
deposition, affidavit, evidence, testimony; pred
~cima in the presence of (eye-)witnesses; krivi ~k
perjured witness
svjesno adj consciously
svjestan adj conscious, sensible, aware, well knowing;
sentient | biti ~ feel conscious, be alive to
svjetao adj v. svijetao
svjetiljk|a f lamp; (visea) hanging lamp; (podna) floorlamp; (petrolejska) kerosene lamp; (elektrina) electric lamp; (plinska) gas-lamp; (ulina) street lamp;
(rudarska) miner's lamp; (fenjer) lantern; (sljepica)
dark lantern | cilindar ~e chimney; zaslon ~e lampshade; stijenj ~e wick; ~a svjetionika lighthouse
lantern; depna ~ (baterija) B torch, A flashlight
svjetina f mob, populace, rabble; (guva) throng, crowd;
(najprostija) riff-raff
svjetioniar m lighthouse keeper
svjetionik m lighthouse, beacon; signal station; (brod)
svjetlanje n polishing, burnishing
svjetlati vt polish, burnish
svjetle|i adj | ~i meci tracer bullets; ~a boja luminous
svjetl|o n light; (dnevno) daylight; (sunano) sunshine;
(sjaj) brightness, resplendence, radiance; (jako)
glare, flare; (cakljenje) gleam; (zraka) beam, shimmer | ugledati ~o be born, see the light; doi na ~o
(javu) come to light, become known, leak out, transpire; fig bacati loe ~o na bring discredit on, reflect
on; lom ~a refraction of light; bludee ~o will-o'-thewisp, jack-o'-lantern; sjeverno ~o Northern lights; ~o
oiju sight; bojati se ~a shun the light; mot skratiti
~o dip (A dim) the lights (prekida za to: B dipswitch,
A dimmer)
svjetlonoa m light-bearer; (baklje) torch-bearer
svjetlosni adj light
svjetlost f light; sunshine, daylight; (sjaj) brilliance,
brightness, lustre; (plamsanje) glare, flare; (oko sveeve glave) halo | Vaa ~i your Serene Highness

svjetlucanje n glitter, glimmer, shimmer, glistening,

gleam, sparkling, coruscation, phosphorescence
svjetlucati (se) vi (vr) glitter, glimmer, scintillate, glisten, shimmer, sparkle, twinkle, phosphoresce
svjetlucav adj glittering, glimmering, glistening, sparkling, gleaming, phosphorescent, shimmering
svjetlucavo adv glitteringly
svjetlucavost f glistening (glittering) quality
svjetov|an adj secular, lay, temporal, laic(al), nonclerical; profane, worldly, mundane, earthly; worldlyminded | ~na dobra temporalities; uiniti ~nim
svjetovati vt v. savjetovati
svjetovno adv secularly
svjetovnja|k m laic, lay (person), layman | ~ci laity, laymen
svjetovnjatvo n laity, secularity
svjetski adj world, world-wide, cosmopolitan; universal |
~ poznat world-famed; on je ~ ovjek he is a man of
the world; drugi ~ rat World War II
svje adj fresh; (nedavni) new, recent; (hladan) cool,
refreshed, chill(y) ; (krepak) hale, vigorous; (u dobroj
formi) in the pink of condition; (neizmoren) fresh,
brisk, vigorous | ~i trag burning scent; ~i kruh new
bread; ~e mlijeko new milk; ~i sir new (green)
cheese; ~a jaja new-laid eggs; ~e sjeno green hay; ~i
zrak bracing (crisp, invigorating, fresh) air; ~ povjetarac brisk gale; ~e lice (obrazi) ruddy (hale, rosy)
face (cheeks); ~a sila (neiskusan) raw (green) hand;
~i novaci newly levied recruits; ~e rublje fresh
(clean) underclothes (linen)
svjee adv freshly | ~ koen new-mown
svjeina f freshness, newness; coolness; (zraka) crispness, chill; (starosti) haleness, vigour
svlaenje n undressing, taking off one's clothes, stripping of clothes; (kou ivotinja) shedding of skin;
(zmije) casting of slough, sloughing; (ogoljenje) laying bare, denuding
svlaionica f dressing-room; sp locker-room
svlaiti (se) vt (vr) v. svui (se)
svladan pp conquered, vanquished, overpowered, subdued, overcome; (potekoe) mastered, surmounted,
got under; (osjeaji) curbed, repressed, restrained
svladati vt conquer, overcome, vanquish; (pokoriti) subjugate, reduce to subjection, subdue; (nadjaati) get
the upper hand, get the better of; (tekoe) surmount,
weather; (znanje) make oneself master of; bring under control; (pobijediti) win
svladati se vr keep one's temper, restrain (control, curb)
oneself, restrain (repress) one's anger, keep oneself in
svladavanje n restraint, repressing, repression, curbing;
mastering; surmounting, overpowering; (sebe sama)
svladavati vt v. svladati
svlak m (zmijin) slough, cast skin
svod m vault; (luk) arch, arched ceiling, arcade, arch
roof; (nebeski) sky, firmament; poet welkins
svodilja f v. svodnica

svoditi' vt v. svesti
svoditi'' vt arch, vault
svoditi''' vt reduce (na to); (svodnik) pander, pimp
svoditi se vr boil down to
svodljiv adj reducible
svodljivost f reducibility
svodni adj arch, vault
svodnica f procuress, bawd
svodniki' adj pimping, procuring
svodniki'' adv like a pimp
svodnik m procurer
svodnitvo n procuring (pimping) acts
svoen adj arched, vaulted
svoenje' n arching, vaulting
svoenje'' n pandering, pimping, procuring
svoj pron one's own; (nezavisan) independent | imam ~u
kuu I have a house of my own; ima ~u knjigu he
(she) has a book of his (her) own; imaju ~e pokustvo they have furniture of their own; ne mogu dati
od svoga I cannot spare any; nema nikoga svoga he
(she) has no relations, he (she) has no one of his (her)
own blood; sada smo ~i now we are married; uzeti
pod ~e adopt a child; biti ~ be one's own master; od
~e volje of one's own free will (accord), voluntarily
svojatanje n arrogation, undue (unjust) claiming, usurpation, encroachment (upon)
svojatati vi arrogate, claim unduly (unjustly); (presizati)
encroach upon, usurp
svojedobno adv v. nekad, prije
svojeglav adj obstinate, perverse, refractory, disobedient,
wayward, headstrong, wilful; capricious; stubborn
svojeglavo adj obstinately, perversely
svojeglavost f obstinacy, perverseness, refractoriness,
wilfulness, waywardness, disobedience, capriciousness, stubbornness
svojeruan adj v. vlastoruan
svojeruno adv v. vlastoruno
svojevolja f arbitrariness, capriciousness; despotism
svojevoljan adj arbitrary; (od svoje volje) voluntary, of
one's own accord (free will)
svojevoljno adv arbitrarily; (rado) voluntarily, by choice,
of one's own free will (accord), not compelled (coerced, obliged); with a good grace | on se ~ javio za...
he volunteered to...
svojevoljnost f v. svojevolja
svojevremeno adv v. nekad, prije
svojevrstan adj of its kind, specific
svojina f v. vlasnitvo
svojski adv with might and main, with a vengeance;
thoroughly, soundly, heartily
svojstven adj characteristic, proper, peculiar; own; distinctive, idiomatic | to mu je ~o this is his peculiarity
(characteristic, peculiar trait)
svojstvo n characteristic, trait, property, quality, attribute; (udno) quaintness, singularity; (pojedinca) individuality; (sposobnost) quality, capacity
svojta f in-laws, relatives by marriage
svornik m bolt

svota f sum (total); amount, aggregate | prilina ~a

round sum, a tidy sum; okrugla ~a lump sum
svotica f dim a tidy sum
svrab m itch, prurigo; scab, mange, scabies
svrabljiv adj itchy, pruriginous; mangy, scabious, scaby
svrabljivac m mangy, itchy person; kind of vessel (jug)
svrabljivost f itchy, scabby (mangy) state of skin,
svraak m ornith shrike, butcher-bird
svraji adj a magpie's, of a magpie
svraanje n (stan) putting up; (boravak) staying at;
(posjet) visiting; (skretanje) diverting, turning off
(away), striking in another direction; (pozornosti na
sebe) attracting of attention
svraati vt divert, deflect, turn aside (off, away); (pozornost) draw off attention; (na sebe pozornost) attract
svraati se vr put up at a hotel; (posjet) visit, come to
see, drop in
svraka f ornith magpie | brbljava je kao ~ she talks
nineteen to the dozen
svratitar m hostel-keeper, inn-keeper
svratite n inn; hostelry, hostel
svratiti (se) v. svraati (se)
svrbe m itching
svrbjeti vi itch | svrbe me prsti my fingers itch for (to
svrbljiv adj itchy
svri vt v. svrgnuti
svrdao m v. svrdlo
svrdlanje n boring, drilling
svrdlati vt bore, drill
svrdlo n bore, gimlet; (vee) auger; (navojno) tap
svrgavanje n dethroning, deposing; v. svrgnue
svrgnue n dethronement; deposition; removal from a
svrgnuti vt (s prijestolja) dethrone; depose
svrh|a f purpose, aim, object, end; view | bez ~e aimless(ly), purposeless; sa ~om purposeful(ly); za tu ~u
for this purpose, with this aim in view; u ~u (s ciljem) da... with a view to...
svrhovit adj purposeful
svrhovito adv purposefully
svrhovitost f purposefulness
svrhunaravan adj v. nadnaravan
svrnuti vt v. svraati
svrsishodan adj appropriate
svrsishodno adv appropriately
svrsishodnost f appropriateness
svrstati vt range, align; rank, class
svrstati se vr range (align) oneself; mil fall in
svrstavanje n alignment; ranking
svravanje n ending, finishing, terminating, completing,
concluding, closing, bringing to a close
svravati vt end, finish, complete, terminate, conclude,
be through with, make an end of, accomplish, bring
to a close, close; (umrijeti) expire

svren pp finished, completed, ended, accomplished,

terminated, brought to a close; (dogovoren) settled,
agreed upon; (postignuto) achieved
svreno adv | ~ je it is all over; s njime je ~ it is all up
with him
svret|ak m end, termination, completion, conclusion,
finish, close; (prestanak) cessation; (izmak) expiration; (razlaz kole) break-up; (kompanije, drutva)
winding-up; (posljedica) result, issue | bez ~ka endless; na ~ku in the long run, finally, in the end; biti
na ~ku be at an end; doi do ~ka come to an end
svriti vt end, finish, complete, terminate; conclude,
close, bring to a close; (nagodbom) settle; (obaviti) be
through with; (postii) accomplish, achieve; tab
come | svri ve jednom (prestani)! have done -ing

svriti se vr end, come to an end; (posljedica) result in;

(kola za praznike) break up
svrtati vt v. svrnuti
svrzimantija f v. raspop
svuen pp stripped
svui vt undress, strip of clothes, unrobe; (do koe) strip
to the skin
svui se vr undress, take off one's clothes, unrobe;
(zmija) shed (cast) skin, slough
svuda adv everywhere, all over, throughout, universally,
generally | o tome se govori ~ po gradu it is the
town-talk; ~ prisutan omnipresent
svudanji adj v. posvudanji
svugdje adv v. svagdje
svukuda adv v. svuda

ablona f stencil; (uzorak) model, pattern; mould

ablonizirati vt make stereotype, force into a stereotype
ablonski' adj stereotype; routine
ablonski'' adv in a stereotype manner; routinely
aica f dim small fist; a handful; small number
afran m saffron; bot crocus | boje poput ~a saffron(coloured), saffrony
afranika f bot safflower
afranov adj of saffron
ah m chess | drati u ~u hold one in check, have one
over a barrel
ahirati vi play chess
ahist m chess-player
ahmat m checkmate | dati ~ checkmate
ahovsk|i adj chess- | ~a ploa chess-board; ~a figura
chess-piece; ~a zastava Croatian national flag with
the state emblem
aht m (u ploniku) manhole
ajba f Ger v. ploa, okno, podloka
ajk|a f boat, small vessel | fig potonule su mu ~e his
hopes have come to nothing (have fallen to the
ground, are dashed to the ground)
ajkaa f hist Serb military cap
ajka m boatman; (vesla) rower
ajser m Ger v. seronja
ajtl m Ger v. razdjeljak
ak|a f fist; (stisnuta) clenched (closed) fist; (mjera)
palm's breadth; (malo neega) a handful | udarac
~om punch; udariti ~om punch; dolo je do ~a it
came to blows (to close quarters); pasti u ~e neprijatelju fall into the hands of the enemy; dopao mi je
~a I got hold of him, he is in my power now; fig imati u aci have in one's power
aka m (boksa) pugilist, boxer, prize-fighter; sl bruiser
akaki adj boxing, like a boxer
akal m zoo & fig jackal

akanje n boxing, fisticuffs pl; hand to hand fight; pugilism, prize-fighting

akati se vr box, fight with clenched fists
al m shawl, scarf
al|a f fun, jest, joke, sport; pleasantry; (dosjetke) facetiae; (podrugivanje) raillery; (bockanje) banter,
ridicule; (neozbiljnost) lack of earnest, trifling | ~e
jokes, jests, waggery; neslana (gruba) ~a horse joke,
practical joke; za ~u, u ~i in jest, in sport, for fun; ~e
radi for fun's sake; to nije ~a this is no joke, this is
not a laughing matter; ~u na stranu (bez ~e) joking
apart; nije mi do ~e I am in no mood for joking; kao
od ~e with the greatest ease; it was a child's play (for
him); pobijediti kao od ~e win hands down; zbijati
~u s nekim poke fun at, make a fool of, make sport
of; (rugati se) quiz, banter, ridicule; on je predmet
~e he is the butt (of ridicule); on razumije ~u he
knows how to take a joke; s njim nema ~e there is no
joking with him, he is not to be trifled with, he means
alabazati vi Tur v. lutati, vrludati
alaporka f reg v. kapak
alata f reg v. salata
alica f cup | puna ~ cupful
aliti se vr jest, joke, cut (crack) jokes; (rugati se) make
fun of | on se rado ali he is a wag
alitra f chem v. salitra
alter m (uredski, bankovni) window; el v. prekida
alung m Ger v. oplata
alupa f mar launch, longboat
alvare f pl Tur v. dimije
aljenje n jesting, joking
aljiv adj humorous, playful, funny, facetious, jocular,
sportive; (smijean) ludicrous, droll, ridiculous,
aljivac m joker, jester, wag
aljivina f v. aljivac
aljivo adj jokingly, humorously, jocularly

aljivost f ridiculousness, facetiousness, humorousness,

comicality, drollery, drollness
amar m Tur v. pljuska
amarati vt Tur v. pljuskati
amla f Ger v. stolac, klupica, podnoak
amot m fire-clay, chamotte
amotn|i adj made of fire-clay | ~a opeka firebrick
ampanjac m champagne | sladak (trpak) ~ sweet (dry)
ampinjon m cul button mushroom
ampion m Fr v. prvak
ampionat m Fr v. prvenstvo
ampita f Ger cul whipped-cream pie
ampon m shampoo | pranje ~om shampoo, shampooing; prati ~om shampoo
amrolna f Ger cul whipped-cream roll, twist roll
anac m Ger v. rov
aniti vi dig trenches
ank m Ger (pipnica) bar | za ~om at the bar
ansa f v. izgled, prilika
ansona f chanson
ansonijer m chansonnier
antati vi v. epati, hramati
antav adj v. epav, hrom
antung m text Shantung
anuti vt reg v. apnuti
anan adj text shot-silk
ap m vet foot-rot
apa f paw
apat m whisper, whispering, undertone | ~ glumca na
pozornici stage whisper, aside
apica f dim little (tiny) paw
apirograf m duplicating machine, mimeograph (machine)
apirografiranje n duplication
apirografirati vt duplicate, mimeograph
apka f mil service-cap
apnuti vt & vi whisper; (vrlo tiho) breathe
apta m whisperer, theat & sch prompter | theat ~eva
koljka prompter's box
aptanje n prompting; whispering; theat & sch prompting
aptati vt prompt; whisper; speak in undertones, speak
below one's breath
aputanje n whispering
apu|tati vi | fig ~e se it is rumoured, rumour has it that
ara f hue, tinge, tint, shade (of colour)
arac m dappled horse
arada f charade
araf m v. vijak
arafiti vt screw
arafljenje n screwing
araglje f pl trestle, horse, jack; wooden frame; hearse
aran m ichth carp
aranje n (pisanje) scribbling, scratching; (dvolinost)
double-dealing; coll (u braku) playing around
arati vt scribble, scratch; doodle; (dvolinost) equivocate, prevaricate, quibble; coll (u braku) play around

aren adj mottled, gaudy, variegated, dappled, speckled;

(maka) brindled, tabby; streaked; (konj) piebald,
spotted, pied; checkered; gay(-coloured)
arenica f (oka) iris; (tkana) variegated carpet, particoloured carpet (rug)
arenilo n motley, variety (diversity) in colour; polychromy, variegation
areniti se vr offer a variegated (mottled, many-hued)
view (diversity of colour); (stvari) be a mixture of different things
argarepa f v. mrkva
arka f (door-)hinge; (zmija) viper
arko m parti-coloured dog
arlah m med scarlet fever
arlatan m quack
arlatanski adj quackish
arlatanstvo n quackery
arm m charm
armantan adj charming
armantno adv charmingly
armantnost f charm
armer m charmer
armerstvo n charming manner
armiranje n charming
armirati vt charm
arnir m v. arka
arolik adj v. aren
arolikost f checkered quality; wide variety
artrez m (liker) chartreuse
arun m ichth horse mackerel
ara f mil v. in; fig v. velika zvjerka
arer m clip
asija f mot chassis, frame
a m bot reed; (bul-)rush
aav adj crazy
aavac m crazy fellow
aavo adv crazily
aavost f craziness
atirati vt Ger shade
ato m cul v. odo
ator m tent; (velik) pavilion | pod ~om under canvas;
dii ~ pitch a tent; sruiti ~ strike a tent; dii ~e (tabor) strike tents, break up camp; motka ~a tent-pole;
klin ~a tent-peg; ~ na sajmu tent-stall, booth
atorovanje n life under canvas
atorovati vi live under canvas
atorsk|i adj | ~o platno canvas; ~o krilo tent-half
atra f tent-stall, booth; v. ator
atrovac m petty thief, smalltime crook
atrovaki adj | ~ jezik lingo, cant
av m seam; med stitch, suture
epan pp seized, grabbed, clutched, gripped
epati vt seize, grab, grip, clutch; catch, catch hold of,
1ay hold on (of), grasp firmly, gripe
apiti vt v. epati
uuriti se vr crouch, squat down; (od straha) cower
ebig adj Ger v. iznoen, otrcan; (postupak) mean, low
eboj m med wall-flower

eer m sugar; (sirov) raw (unrefined) sugar; (u glavi)

loaf sugar; (u prahu) powdered (castor, dust) sugar;
(kristal) granulated sugar (smei Demerara sugar); (u
grudi) lump sugar; (u kocki) cube sugar; (kandis)
candy; (od trske) cane sugar; (od repe) beet sugar;
(od javora) maple sugar; (groani) grape-sugar |
glazirati (kola) ~om ice; glazura od ~a icing; priti ~ burn (caramelize) sugar
eerana f sugar refinery
eera m med diabetic
eeren pp sugared, sweetened
eerenje n sweetening, sugaring; (glaziranje torte) icing
eeriti vt sugar, sweeten, crust with sugar, ice
eerlema f Tur v. slatki, bombon
eern|i adj sugar, of sugar, made of (with) sugar | ~a
repa sugar-beet; ~a trska sugar-cane; med ~a bolest
eernica f sugar-basin, sugar-box; (sipalo) sprinkler
eernjaa f (kutija) sugar-canister
ef m head, manager, coll boss | ~ pogona plant (works)
manager; ~ prodaje sales manager
efica m woman head, manageress
efla f Ger v. kutlaa
efovati vi boss (it)
efovski adj managerial; of a boss
efovstvo n position of boss
ega f v. ruglo, izrugivanje
egaiti se vr Tur v. zbijati alu, izrugivati se
egrt m Tur v. naunik; (novajlija) novice, tyro
egrtovanje n serving one's apprenticeship
egrtovati vi be apprenticed to, serve one's apprenticeship
eh m (ah) check (of the queen)
eik m sheik(h)
ekspirski adj Shakespearean
elak m shellac
ema f v. shema
enut adj crazy; mad
enuti vi (umom) become mad (insane, mentally deranged), go mad
epanje n limping, halting, going lame
epati vi halt, limp, walk lamely; fig be weak in
epav adj lame, halting, limping | fig ~a isprika lame
(thin) excuse
epavac m lame person, sl gimpy
epavo adv lamely
epavost f lameness
epesati vi v. epati
epirenje n strutting, swaggering; showing off,
epiriti se vr strut about, swagger, flaunt; parade; display ostentatiously, walk affectedly, make a parade of
eprtlja m bungler, smatterer, dub, inefficient person,
eprtljenje n bungling, inefficient work; fickleness
eprtljiti vi bungle, botch, work inefficiently
epuriti se vr v. epiriti se
erbet m sherbet

eri m sherry (wine)

erif m sheriff
erpa f v. zdjela, tava, rajngla
esnaest num sixteen | sve u ~ like a house on fire, for all
one's worth, with a vengeance; radili smo sve u ~ we
worked with might and main, we worked against
time, our work was in full swing
esnaesti num the sixteenth
esnaestina f one sixteenth
esnaestinka f mus one-sixteenth note
esnaestorica f sixteen (male) persons
est num six
estar m pair of compasses; (krivonogi) callipers pl
esterac m (stih) hexameter
estero num six persons
esterokut m geom hexagon
esterokutan adj geom hexagonal
esterostruk adj sixfold, sixtuple
esterostruko adj sixfold
esti num the sixth
estica f figure six
estina f one sixth, the sixth part
esto adv in the sixth place, sixthly; num v. eststo
estomjeseni adj six-month
estoper m hist mace with six spikes
estopreg m six-horse carriage
estorci m pl sextuplets
estorica num six (male) persons
estorka f group of six, six-man team
estougao m v. esterokut
eststo num six hundred
eir m hat; (enski, bez oboda) bonnet; (mekan) soft hat;
(pusten) felt hat; (slamni) straw hat | pokriti se ~om
put on one's hat; skinuti ~ take off one's hat; pridrati ~ na glavi keep on one's hat; ~ s viseim obodom slouch-hat; obod ~a hatbrim; naherio je ~ he
cocked his hat awry (aslant)
eirdija m hatter | iron to je slino kao bog i ~ as like
as chalk and cheese
eiri m dim little hat
eula f reg v. palj
eta m stroller, promenader
etalica f v. njihalo
etalite n promenade; walk; (perivoj) park; (public)
gardens; esplanade
etanje n walking, stroll(ing) promenading, lounging;
(malo) turn
etati se vr walk, stroll, lounge, take a turn (stroll); (po
sobi) pace the room; take an airing; (amo-tamo) walk
to and fro; (zdravlja radi) do one's constitutionals pl
etnj|a f walk, stroll, turn; (na konju) ride; (kolima)
drive; (na zraku) airing | izai (izvesti) na ~u go
(take) for a walk
eva f ornith (sky-)lark; sl copulation, vulg fuck
evar m rushes pl
evrdalo n fickle (vacillating, shuffling) person
evrdanje n fickleness, shuffling, vacillation; inconstancy

evrdati vi vacillate, not know one's own mind, be fickle

(inconstant), shuffle
evrdav adj vacillating
evro m kidskin leather; chevreau
ezdeset num sixty
ezdeseti num the sixtieth
ezdesetina f one sixtieth
ezdesetogodinjak m sexagenarian
ezlong m v. lealjka
ib|a f rod, wand, verge, switch, birch; twig, slip; withe,
withy; sch B cane, A paddle | ~e pl flogging, whipping, flagellation; tui ~om birch; trati meu dva
reda ljudi koji udaraju ~om (tapom itd.) run the
gauntlet (kazna)
iban pp flogged, birched, whipped
ibanje n flogging, birching; (biem - kazna) whipping,
flagellation; sch B caning, A paddling
ib|ati vt flog, birch, whip; flagellate | fig znam ja kud
on ~a (fig) I know what he is driving (aiming) at (alluding to, hinting at)
ibati se vr flog oneself
iber m Ger v. logaritamsko raunalo
ibica f dim twig; (igica) match; (votana) vesta
ibljak m osier-bed
iblj|e n collect brushwood; (prutii) faggots; (za pletenje) wicker | pleter od ~a wattle-work, wicker-work;
interlaced twigs
ic! int scram!, scat!
iariti vi Tur make a profit
ifon m text chiffon
ifonjer m chiffonier
ifr|a f cipher, code-letter | odgonetnuti ~u decipher,
crack a code
ifrant m code-clerk
ifriran pp ciphered, written in cipher, in code
ifriranje n writing in cipher
ifrirati vt encode cipher, put into secret writing
ihta f Ger v. smjena
ij|a f nape | fig ima tvrdu ~u he will not knuckle under
(submit, give in), he is hard to deal with
ijanje n reg backing
ijati vi reg back (esp with one oar)
ik' m Fr chic, style
ik'' adj Fr chic, stylish
ikaniranje n harassment
ikanirati vt harass
ikara f coppice, copse, covert, thicket, underwood; underbrush
ikati se vr v. dolikovati
ikljaj m spurt, gush
ikljanje n gushing, welling up, squirting
ikljati vt gush forth, well up, spout, squirt
iknuti vi gush forth suddenly
iling m fin shilling
ilo m awl | vratiti (dati) ~ za ognjilo give tit for tat,
repay in kind; retaliate
ilt m Ger v. tit(nik)
iljak m sharp point (end, top, peak, apex, tip), pointed
part, point

iljanje n reg v. slanje

iljast adj pointed, spiked, acute, sharp; tapering; conic;
iljati vt reg v. slati
iljenje n sharpening, making (cutting) a sharp point
iljilo n pencil sharpener
iljiti vt sharpen, point, furnish with a sharp point (end);
(pero) nib
iljiti se vr be sharpened, get a sharp point
iljkati vt order about
iljo m (Disneyev lik) Goofy
impanza f v. impanza
imir m bot Tur box (shrub); (v. zelenika)
imirovina f box-wood
imun m Simeon
ina f v. tranica
indra f Ger shingle
inobus m rail-car; v. motorni vlak
insk|i adj | ~a vozila rolling stock
inter m Ger v. ivoder
intoizam m shintoism
inuti vt v. oinuti
injel m mil uniform overcoat
injon m hair-piece, fall
ip m v. stup, pilon
ipak m dog-rose, brier(-rose); (plod) dog-rose berry;
(mogranj, nar) pomegranate; hip | ~! v. brus!
iparica f young teenage girl; A coll bobby-soxer, subdeb
ipariki adj schoolgirl, sub-deb
ipka f stick; rod; (drage kovine) ingot, bar; (nabija
puke) ram-rod
ipkov adj | ~ pekmez jam made of dog-rose berries
iprag m v. ikara
ira f v. mot
irajzl m Ger v. ara
irenje n spreading, expansion; (proirenje) broadening,
stretching, widening; dilatation, distension; (napuhavanjem) inflation, swelling; (vijesti) propagation, circulation, diffusion, dissemination; (radijom) broadcasting
irina f width, breadth; geog latitude; stretch
irit m Tur v. obrub, vrpca, traka, gajtan
iritelj m spreader; disseminator, propagator
iriti vi (vijesti itd.) spread, propagate, circulate, diffuse,
disseminate, bring into circulation, disperse; (tajno)
distribute clandestinely; (proiriti) extend, expand,
widen, broaden; (naduti) inflate, swell; (poveati) increase, aggrandize, enlarge
iriti se vr spread, gain ground; (brojno) grow (wax)
rife; (moda) get into fashion (vogue); (nabreknuti) dilate, distend, swell | glas(ina) se iri rumour spreads,
rumour is rife
irm m Ger v. obod, titnik, sjenilo
iroka f (tesla) adze
irok adj broad, wide; (opsean) extensive, comprehensive, ample; extended; (pleat) broad-shouldered,
square-built; (suknja) flared | rijeka je ~a 2 milje

there are two miles across the river; roba ~e potronje consumer goods; ~e ovlasti sweeping powers
iroko' adv widely, broadly, extensively, in length | na ~
at full length, in detail, extensively, circumstantially;
nadaleko i ~ far and wide; (zemljom) throughout, the
length and breadth of the country
iroko'' m reg south-east wind
irokogrudan adj liberal-minded, broad-minded; unprejudiced; indulgent
irokogrudno adj liberally, broad-mindedly
irokogrudnost f liberality, broad-mindedness
irom adv (otvoren) wide open | ~ Hrvatske all over
Croatia; noge ~ astraddle, (jaui) astride
ian pp clipped, cropped; (na kratko) close-cropped
ianje n (kose) hair-cut(ting); (pristrii) shingling,
cropping, bobbing; (ovaca) shearing; (konja) clipping; (pucanje) shooting | aparat za ~ hair-clipper;
idem na ~ I am going to get my hair cut
iarica f bot (kvrga) gall-nut, oak-gall, oak-apple; v.
iati vt cut hair; crop, shingle, bob; shear; clip; (pucanje) shoot sharp; (juriti) whiz, burn the road; fig
(cijenom) v. guliti
iati se vr get one's hair cut | mora se ~ you need a
ik|a f v. iarica, eer | ~e (kosa) B fringe, A bangs
iman m Sigismund
imi m zoo bat
itati vi hiss
itav adj hissing
itavo adv hissingly
itavost f hissing quality
iti vt sew, stitch; baste; suture; do needlework; (proiti)
quilt; (kao zvanje) be a needlewoman (dressmaker)
iva|i adj sewing, used in sewing | ~a igla sewingneedle; ~i stroj sewing-machine
ivan pp sewn, stitched, basted; sutured
ivati vt reg v. iti
ivenje n sewing, needlework; stitching; basting
izika f coll crazy girl
iziti vi coll carry on
izma f eccl schism (v. raskol)
izofrenian adj med schizophrenic
izofrenija f med schizophrenia
izofrenik m med schizophrenic
kabel m reg v. noni ormari
kaf m v. abar, kabli, sudoper
kakljanje n tickling, tickle; titillation
kakljati vt tickle; titillate; fig (laskati) flatter, butter
kakljiv adj ticklish; fig risky, knotty, delicate, critical;
awkward | ~ predmet tender (delicate) subject; ~ poloaj trying situation
kakljivost f ticklishness, riskiness, delicateness
kale f pl reg v. stepenice, ljestve
kalja f pl stone fragments, broken stones
kampi m pl scampi, langoustines
kandal m v. skandal
kanjac m ornith buzzard
karam m ichth spet

kar|e f pl a pair of scissors (shears, clippers); (raka)

claws pl | rezati ~ama shear, clip
karice f pl dim a pair of little scissors
karnicl m Ger v. vreica
karpa f civ eng escarpment
karpina f ichth grooper
kart m com rejects pl; fig junk
kartirati vt reject,-discard, junk
kartoc m reg v. vreica
katulja f v. kutija
kembe m zoo anat Tur v. burag
kembii m pl cul Tur v. fileki, tripe
keram m mar thole pin
kiljav adj squintig, cross-eyed, having a cast in one's
kiljavac m squinting person
kiljavost f squint, squinting | ~ prema unutra strabismus
kiljenje n squinting; (zlobno) leer, leering
kiljiti vi squint, be eross-eyed, have a cast in one's eyes;
(zlobno) leer; (migati) blink, twinkle
kljoc! int click!, snap!
kljoca f cheap clasp-knife
kljocanje n clicking; snap; sharp crack
kljocati vi click; snap
kljocnuti vi v. skljocati
koda arch v. teta
kodi|ti vi damage, injure, do harm, scathe; be obnoxious; prejudice; hurt; be harmful (injurious, detrimental) | ne bi ~lo it may be advisable to
kodljiv adj injurious, harmful; noxious, obnoxious;
hurtful; v. poguban
kodljivo adj harmfully, noxiously
kodljivost f injuriousness, hurtfulness, obnoxiousness,
koenje n damaging, harming, hurting
kol|a f school-building, school-house; (obuka) instruction, classes, tuition; (djeja igra) hopscotch | osnovna ~a elementary (primary, intermediate) school;
srednja ~a B secondary school, A high school; privatna ~a B public school; A private school, prep
school; internatska ~a boarding-school; uiteljska
~a training-college; A arch normal college; klasina
srednja ~a grammar school (B); srednja ~a klasinog (realnog) smjera classical (modern) side (of a
school); vojnika ~a military school (academy); tehnika ~a technical school; mjeovita ~a mixed
school; trgovaka ~a commercial school; ~ uenika
u privredi B trade school, A vocational school; domainska ~a domestic science school; jahaka ~a
riding-school, manege; produna ~a continuation
school; predavanje u ~i lesson; dan bez ~e off day,
school holiday; razlaz ~e break up; ostaviti (svriti)
~u leave school; neopravdano izostajati iz ~e stay
away from school, play the truant; u ~i at school; u
~u to school; dorastao za ~u schoolable
kolarina f school fee, tuition-fee, school-money
kolnik m schoolmaster, teacher, tutor

kolovan pp schooled, instructed, educated, tutored;

(vjeban) trained, drilled; (konj) broken in
kolovanje n schooling, teaching; sending to school
kolovati vt school, teach, send to school, keep in school;
train; tutor
kolovati se vr receive one's education
kolsk|i adj school; of (belonging to, used in) a school,
scholastic; educational | ~i drug school-fellow,
school-mate; ~a soba school-room; ~i odbor schoolboard; ~a knjiga school-book, text-book; ~i praznici
school vacations (holidays); ~a klupa bench; (s pultom) form; (stol) desk; ~a sprema qualifications pl,
school background
kolstvo n public instruction, school system
kolj m reg small rocky island (reef)
koljka f shell; mussel, whelk; conch | zahodska ~ toilet
kombar m ichth v. skua
kopac m mutton; (konj) gelding; (ovan) wether;
(ovjek) eunuch; castrated animal (person)
kopevina f (meso) mutton
kopiti vt castrate, geld; (enku) spay
kopljen pp castrated, gelded
kopljenje n castration, gelding
kornje f reg high boots, jack-boots
korpion m scorpion; astrol corpio
kot m Scot; Scotsman; (branin) Highlander; (iz ravnice) Lowlander; fig Gael
kota f mar sheet
kotkinja f Scotswoman
kotlananin m v. kot
kotska f geog Scotland
kotski adj Scottish, Scots, Scotch; (keltski) Gaelic | ~
jezik Scotch language; (keltski) Gaelic
kovacera f reg v. lopatica za smee
krabalo n scribbler
krabanje n scribbling
krabati vt scribble
krabica f cash-box; (za pisma) v. ormari; eccl almsbox
krapa f crack in limestone
krba f (zuba) snag, stump of tooth; nick, notch, indentation
krbav adj snaggy; notched, indented; jagged
krbavost f state of having tooth-stumps (notches)
krebetaljka f rattle
krebetanje n rattling, rattle
krebetati vi rattle
krebetav adj rattling
krga f gill
krgai m pl zoo Branchiata
krgut m gnashing (of teeth); grinding (of teeth)
krgutanje n v. krgut
krgutati vi gnash (grind) one's teeth
krgutav adj gnashing
kriljev|ac m minr slate | pisaljka od ~ca slate-pencil
krinuti vi creak (once)
krinja f chest box; coffer; (spremnica) bin
krip m (alat) vice, cramp; clip

kripa f v. kripanje
krip|ac m scrape, fix, dilemma, pinch, non-plus, straits
pl; difficulty, trouble; sl hot water; embarrassment (v.
neprilika) | nai se u ~cu get into trouble, get into a
scrape (fix), get into hot water; biti u ~cu be in a
tight place (in a scrape), be hard pressed, be in
straits, be at a pinch, be put to one's trumps, be with
one's back to the wall; be at a non-plus; natjerati u
~ac corner, press hard, nonplus
kripanje n creaking, crunching, scrunching, jarring;
(zubima) grinding one's teeth
kripati vi creak, crunch, scrunch, jar; (cipele) squeak |
~ zubima grind one's teeth
kripav adj creaky; (glas) squeaky
kripavac m kind of dry cheese
kripavo adv creakily; squeakily
kripavost f creakiness; squeakiness
kripnuti vi creak (once); v. kripati
kriputati vi v. kripati
krob m starch
krobiti vt v. tirkati
krobn|i adj | ~o brano B cornflour, A cornstarch
krofule f pl v. skrofule
kropac m spray, shower, drizzle; sprinkling; spindrift
kropilo n sprinkler; eccl aspergillum
kropionica f eccl holy-water font (vessel)
kropiti vt sprinkle, besprinkle, asperse, spray; shower
kropiti se vr sprinkle oneself
kropljenje n sprinkling, spraying
krpina f ichth grooper
krpun m ichth sea-scorpion
krt adj stingy, avaricious, mean, miserly, hard- (tight-,
close-) fisted; grasping; sordid, niggardly; stinting
krtac m miser, niggard, curmudgeon, skinflint; churl
krtarenje n skimping; miserliness, niggardliness, stinginess; avarice
krtar|iti vi skimp; be avaricious (stingy, niggardly,
tight-fisted, close-fisted, stinting) | ~io je prema meni s novcem he stinted me in money; ~io je s hranom za sebe he stinted himself in food; ne ~iti be
lavish (liberal, unstinting); ne ~ei without stint, unstinting(ly); (trudom) without sparing efforts
krtica m v. krtac
krto adv niggardly, miserly, stintingly
krtost f stinginess, avariciousness, miserliness, niggardliness
krni adj zoo branchial
kuda f big old silver coin
kulja f v. rupa
kuna f mar schooner
kver m v. brodogradilite
kvorac m v. vorak
lafrok m Ger dressing-gown, house-coat
lag m Ger v. tueno vrhnje, med kap
lager m Ger pop-song; hit-song
lagiran adj Ger v. paraliziran, uzet
lagvort m Ger theat cue
lajer m Ger v. veo, koprena
lajfati vt Ger v. brusiti, otriti

lajfna f Ger v. traka, vrpca

lajm m Ger v. sluz, katar
lampav adj Ger v. neuredan, nemaran
lamperaj m Ger v. nered, aljkavost
lapa f Ger v. papua, tenisica
lauh m Ger v. gumena cijev, zranica
lep m Ger v. povlaka, teglenica
lepati vt Ger v. tegliti
leper m mot v. teglja
leska f geog Silesia
leski adj geog Silesian
lic m Ger v. razrez, raspor
lif m Ger v. uglaenost
lifati vt Ger v. brusiti, glaati, tesati
lifer m Ger quilt-case
loser m Ger v. bravar
lus m Ger v. kraj, struk
ljaka f dross, slag
ljam m Ger v. olo, talog, mulj
ljanak m (koljka) razor-shell
ljap! int splash!
ljapkati vi splash, squish
ljem m helmet
ljiva f (svjea) plum; (suha) prune; (stablo) plum-tree |
pekmez od ~ plum-jam
ljivar m plum-dealer; hist small landed gentry
ljivarstvo n plum-growing
ljivik m plum-orchard
ljivovica f plum-brandy
ljokice f pl tinsel
ljuka f ornith snipe, woodcock
ljunak m gravel, pebbles pl; (za nasip, pruge, ceste)
ballast, B+ roadmetal; (tuenac) broken stones
ljunani adj gravelljunara f gravel pit
ljunen pp gravelled, B+ metalled
ljunenje n gravelling, B+ metalling (a road); covering
with ballast (broken stones)
ljuniti vt gravel, B+ metal (a road); ballast
ljunkovit adj gravelly, pebbly
majser m Ger mil v. automat
marn m Ger cul v. drobljenac; fig v. triarija
mekati vi Ger v. prijati, voljeti
mignuti vi v. mugnuti
minka f make-up
minkati vt make up
minkati se vr put on make-up, make up
minker m make-up man; sl phony
minkerka f make-up girl
mirgl m Ger v. smirak | ~ papir emery-paper, sandpaper
mirglati vt Ger sand-paper
mokljan m silly fellow, blockhead, idiot; lout, booby
mrcanje n (burmuta) taking (inhaling) snuff; snuffling
mrcati vt (burmut) take snuff; snuffle
mrcav adj snuffling
mrcnuti vt v. smrcati
mrk m v. crpka
mrkalj m vulg snot

mrkav adj snotty

mrkavac m snotty child (boy), snotty; derog whippersnapper, whipster
mrkavica f little snot-nosed girl; derog v. mrkavac
mrknuti vt v. mrcati
mugnuti vi steal (sneak, slink) away (off)
muk m Ger v. nakit, ukras
najder m Ger v. kroja
nala f Ger (za kosu) B hair-grip, A bobby pin
naucer m Ger schnauzer
nenokle f pl Ger v. snjeni linjaci
nicl m Ger v. odrezak
nirati vt Ger v. vezati uzicom
nit m Ger v. kroj
nita f Ger v. krika, narezak
nitlauh m Ger v. vlasac
oder m Ger v. ljunak, tuenac
odo m cul switched egg
ofer m (voza) driver
oferski adj v. vozaki
ofirati vt & vi drive a car
ogor m v. urjak
ogorica f v. urjakinja
ojka f ornith jay
ok m shock (i med) | lijeenje ~ovima shock-therapy
okantan adj shocking
okantno adv shockingly
okantnost f shockingness, shock, scandalousness
okirati vt shock
okirati se vr be shocked (scandalized)
ok-soba f med recovery room
olja f v. alica | klozetska ~ v. zahodska koljka
opati vt Ger v. kljukati
or m lane, street
orc m shorts pl
os f Ger v. suknja
ou m show
oumen m showman
oven m v. ovinist
ovenski adj v. ovinistiki
ovinist m chauvinist
ovinistik|i' adj chauvinistic | ~a tampa yellow press
ovinistiki' adv chauvinistically
ovinizam m jingoism
pag|a f string; (deblja) cord; (dretva) pack-thread | ~om
vezati string; na ~u nanizati string
pagerice f pl rope-soled shoe; espadrilles
pageti m pl cul spaghetti
paher m Ger reg v. tednjak
pahtl m Ger palette knife
pajza f Ger v. smonica
palir m Ger two rows (of people); people lining the
palta f Ger print galley-proof
pan m bailiff
panac m v. panjolac
panati vt Ger v. nategnuti, rastegnuti, napeti, uljati
panga f Ger (za kosu) barrette
panija f v. panjolska

panijel m (pseto) spaniel

panka f v. panjolka
panski adj v. panjolski
panjolac m Spaniard
panjolka f Spanish woman
panjolska f geog Spain
panjolski adj Spanish | ~ jezik Spanish
par m ichth annular githead
parati vt Ger v. tedjeti, uvati
parga f asparagus
parhet m Ger v. tednjak
parkasa f Ger v. tedna kasica
paroga f bot asparagus
partati vt Ger v. iscrtati, linjarati
peceraj m Ger reg groceries pl; v. trgovina mjeovitom
pedicija f v. otpremnitvo
pediter f v. otpremnik
pediterski adj v. otpremniki
pek m Ger v. slanina; fig v. salo
pekula f marble
pekulacija f speculation
pekulant m speculator
pekulantski' adj speculator's, speculating
pekulantski'' adv with speculation
pekulati se vr play at marbles
pekulirati vt speculate
pelunka f dive, low saloon
penadla f Ger v. pribadaa
pengler m Ger v. limar
perhakl m Ger v. otpira
perploa f plywood (coll)
pic m, ~a f Ger v. vrh, vrak, iljak; (pseto) spitz |
prometna ~a peak traffic; rush-hour; filmska ~a
credits pl
picast adj Ger v. iljast, zailjen
picl m Ger v. dounik
picpleh m Ger v. titnik
pigeta f reg v. uzica, vezica
pigl m Ger v. ogledalo
pijun m spy
pijuna|a f espionage, spying | baviti se ~om play the
pijunsk|i adj spying, espionage | ~a mrea spy ring
pikati vt Ger v. nadijevati
pilja f cave
piljski adj cave | ~ ovjek caveman
pinaker m mar spinnaker
pinat m spinach
pinati vt Ger v. priti eer
pirit m (za gorenje) denatured alcohol, methylated alcohol | kuhalo na ~ spirit-lamp, primus stove
piritijera f reg v. kuhalo na pirit
pliter m Ger krhotina, iver
poret m Ger v. tednjak
port m v. sport
potati vt Ger v. grditi
prica f Ger v. trcaljka; med syringe
prican adj Ger text pepper-and-salt

pricati vi Ger v. trcati, prskati

pricer m Ger wine and soda
prih m Ger v. zrno same
print m Ger v. sprint
pula f Ger v. kalem, namot
pura f Ger v. kolovozni trak
purijus m Ger hunch (v. predosjeaj)
raf m v. araf
rafciger m Ger v. odvija
rafiran pp hatched; (uzdu i poprijeko) cross-hatched,
rafirati vt hatch, cross-hatch
raftok m Ger v. krip
rapnel m shrapnel
raubnciger m Ger v. odvija
raubtok m Ger v. krip
rot m Ger v. sama, prekrupa
ta pron what (v. to) | a ~! (prezirno) pooh!, pshaw!,
pish!; I don't care
tab m mil & fig staff, headquarters
tabni adj mil v. tapski
tafelaj m Ger v. nogari, stalak
tafeta f sp baton; (trka) relay race
tafetni adj | ~ trka relay runner
tagalj m barn, shed
tajerac m Styrian
tajerska f geog Styria
tajerski adj geog Styria
taka f crutch
takor m rat | bizamski ~ musk-rat
tala f Ger v. staja
tambilj m Ger v. ig, peat
tampa f v. tisak
tampar m v. tiskar
tamparija f v. tiskara
tamparski adj v. tiskarski
tampati vt v. tiskati
tampilja f v. ig
tamprl m Ger v. aica
tanca f Ger stamping machine; punch press
tand m (izlobeni) stand; (prodajni) stall, booth, stand
tanga f Ger v. preka, motka
tap m stick; (za etnju) walking-stick, cane; (velik)
staff, pole; (metle) broom handle | spremiti na prosjaki ~ bring to the parish; eat one out of house and
tapi m dim short stick (cane), baton; (arobni) wand;
(dirigentski) conductor's baton
tapin m fuse
tapina f augm big (long) stick; (kijaa) cudgel, club
tapski adj | ~ oficir staff officer
tavilo f tanning agent
tavie adj v. tovie
taviti vt tan
tavljenje n tanning
tedionica f savings-bank
tedioniki adj savings-bank; v. tedni | ~ kamatnjak
bank rate

tedia m saver, thrifty person, saving person; economizer; (ulaga) depositor

tedjeti vt save, economize, put (lay) by; (gospodariti) be
thrifty (saving, economical), manage thriftily; (troiti
tedljivo) use sparingly, be sparing of, husband; (za
crne dane) put by for the rainy day; (krtariti) be parsimonious; (biti obziran prema) treat with indulgence; (potedjeti) pardon; (ivot) spare | ne ~ be
prodigal (lavish, unsparing of); (nemati samilost)
have no pity for
tedjeti se vr spare oneself, conserve one's energy
tedljiv adj saving, thrifty, economical; (umjeren) frugal; (krt) parsimonious
tedljivo adv sparingly, thriftily, economically; frugally;
tedljivost f thrift, thriftiness; economy; frugality; parsimony
tedn|i adj | ~i ulog savings deposit; ~a knjiica savings-bank book; ~a kasica savings-box; (djeja) piggie bank
tednja f saving; putting (laying) by, thrift, economy;
careful management (use, handling)
tednjak m kitchen-range, cooking stove, B+ cooker, A+
teenje n saving, economizing, putting (laying) by;
using sparingly; (obzir) treating with indulgence,
teka f carton of cigarettes
tekdoza f Ger v. utinica
teker m Ger v. utika
tektanje n yelping
tektati vi yelp
tektav adj yelping
telampa f Ger v. stojea svjetiljka
temajzl m Ger v. dlijeto
tembilj m v. ig
templ m Ger v. ig
tenad f collect pups, young dogs
tenara f kennel
tene n pup, puppy, young dog; derog mean (scurvy)
teneak m vet distemper
teniti se vr pup, bring forth pups
tentati vt coll v. zadravati
tepati vt Ger v. proivati
tet|a f damage, injury, harm; prejudice, disadvantage,
detriment; (gubitak) loss | kakva ~a! what a pity!;
vjena ~a! it is a thousand pities!; potpuna ~a total
loss; pretrpjeti ~u suffer damage (loss, injury), come
off a loser, be a loser; procijeniti ~u estimate the
damage; prodavati na svoju ~u sell under prime cost
(with a loss); ~a ui pameti damage makes wiser; ~a
da... it is much to be regretted; bez ~e undamaged,
uninjured, scatheless; naknada ~e amends, indemnity, indemnification; na ~u at the expense of; na
moju ~u to my detriment (prejudice, disadvantage),
at my expense (cost)
tetan adj injurious, harmful, noxious; fig hurtful, detrimental, pernicious, prejudical, disadvantageous;

(glasu, ugledu) derogatory; (nezdrav) unwholesome;

(koban, na propast) baneful, baleful
tetiti vt damage, injure, harm, hurt, be noxious
tetnik m v. tetoina
tetno adv noxiously, injuriously, harmfully
tetnost f noxiousness; injuriousness, perniciousness;
tetoina f mischief-doer; (ivotinja, kukac itd.) pest
tetovanje n suffering loss (damage, injury, disadvantage
tetovatelj m sufferer through loss (damage, injury itd.)
tetovati vi suffer damage (loss)
tien pp protected, guarded (against); shielded,
screened; (branjen) defended; covered
tienica f protege, patronized female; female charge
tienik m protege, favourite; favoured (patronized)
person; charge, ward
tienitvo n patronage; (tutorstvo) tutelage, guardianship
tienje n protection; shielding, screening; (zakriljivanje) patronizing, keeping in countenance
tift m Ger eng v. zatik | deodoran u ~u stick deodorant
tiglic m Ger v. eljugar
tih m Ger v. poen, primjesa
tihaa f Ger v. kopaa
tihati vt Ger v. kopati kopaom
tih-proba f Ger spot-check
tikla f Ger v. peta
tilac m arch v. italac
tilo n Ger v. dralo
timati vi Ger v. slagati se, biti u redu, odgovarati,
ugaati (mus)
timer m Ger v. ugaa
timung m Ger v. raspoloenje, ugoaj
tipaljka f (za rublje) B clothes-peg, A clothes-pin; (hvataljka) pincers pl, tweezers pl; (raka) claw
tipanje n pinching, nipping, tweaking
tipati vt pinch, nip, tweak
tipavac m ent scorpion
tipkati vt pinch lightly and repeatedly
tipnuti vt pinch (once)
tirka f starch
tirkanje n starching, stiffenning with starch
tirkati vt starch, stiffen with starch
tit m shield, buckler; (s grbom) escutcheon; (zaslon).
screen, guard
titast adj shield-shaped
titi vt arch v. itati
tititi vt protect; shield, screen; (braniti) defend, guard
against, keep off; safeguard; (uvati) cover, secure;
(zalee) back
tititi se vr protect oneself
titnik m guard; protecting device (appliance, cloth, fabric); (za fotelje) antimacassar; (na potplatu) toe-plate;
(na peti) heel-plate
titnitvo n (tutorstvo) guardianship, patronage, tutelage,
wardship, guardian's care; countenance
titnjaa f anat thyroid gland

titonoa f shield-bearer; hist esquire

tiva f mar reg cargo-hold
tivo n reading-piece, reading-matter; text; (u crkvi) lesson
to' pron | ~ sada? what now, how now?, well?; ~ emo?
what can we do?, it cannot be helped (changed,
mended), that's the way of the world; da je barem ~
(vrijedno) if it were worth anything; ~ da radim?; ~
koristi?, what boots (it) to...,what is the use...?, it is
no use (to...) -ing; ~ je? what is the matter?; ~ ti je (~
ti fali)? what is the matter with you?, what ails you?;
a ~ je s njim? what about him?; what of him?; pa ~
onda? well, what of it? what do I care?, it is no business (concern) of mine; ~ u I can't help it, there is
no helping it; ~ emo, takav je svijet we can't
change human nature; ~ stoji...? how much is...?; ~
se mene tie... as for me; (ja barem) I for one; ~ bi
nabrojio deset before you could say Jack Robinson; ~
mu drago whatever you like, anything, (any) what
(so)ever; a ~ tek ako? what if...?; ~ no rije v. tono;
~ god (bilo) anything; ~ god eli whatever she wants
to'' conj | drago mi je ~ si tu I am glad (that) you are
to''' adv | ~ prije as soon as possible; ~ prije to bolje
the sooner the better
tof m Ger cloth; suiting material
tofara f v. suknara
tofast adj Ger made of (wool-) cloth
togod pron v. neto, to god
tok m Ger v. doprozornik, dovratnik
tokavac m speaker of tokavian (dialect)
tokavski adj tokavian
tokavtina f tokavian dialect; standard Croatian or
tokrl m Ger v. stolac, klupica, podnoak
tono adv | ~ rije as the saying (phrase) is
topati' vt sp (vrijeme) time (with a stop-watch); (loptu)
stop (the ball)
topati'' vt Ger v. krpati
toper m Ger sp time-keeper
toperica f stop-watch
topl m Ger v. ep
tos m Ger v. udarac, hrpa; coll trick, smart crack; sl
gorgeous hunk (of a girl)
tosirati vi sl show off, endulge in smart cracks
tota pron all kinds (sorts) of things; (neparno) odds
and ends pl, oddments pl
tovalac m v. potovalac
tovan pp v. potovan
tovanje n v. potovanje
tovatelj m v. potovatelj
tovati vt v. potovati
tovie adj what is more, indeed
trajfast adj Ger v. prugast
trajfati vt Ger v. okrznuti
trajfna f Ger v. traka, pruga, crta
trajk m strike; walk-out | stupiti u ~ strike, go on
strike, strike work; kritelj ~a blackleg; kriti ~
blackleg; ~ glau hunger-strike

trajka m striker | ~ glau hunger-striker

trajkaki adj strikers'
trajkati vi be on strike, be out; strike work, go on strike
trajkolomac m strike-breaker
tramac m reg v. madrac
tramplice f pl Ger rompers pl
trapac m effort; wear and tear; hard wear; punishment
trapacirati se vr undergo a lot of effort (of wear and
trapanje n falling in drops, spraying
trapati vi fall in drops, spray
trcaj m spurt, squirt
trcalo n v. trcaljka
trcaljka f syringe, squirt; (kropilo kante) water-can
rose; sprinkler; atomizer; (vatrogasna) fire-engine,
trcanje n sprinkling, squirting, spraying, spirting,
spurting; (mlazom) gushing
trcati vi spurt forth, jet, gush; squirt, sprinkle, spray;
(utrcati) inject
trcati se vr spurt (squirt) oneself (each other)
trcnuti vt spurt forth, jet, gush forth
trebati vt Ger sch cram (v. bubati)
treber m Ger eager beaver; sch v. bubant
treberski adj Ger eager-beaver
treberstvo n Ger eager-beaverism
trecnuti vt v. acnuti, ubosti
trena f Ger (vune) hank, skein (v. povjesmo)
trigula f coll tick
trik m Ger v. ue, konop
trikati vt Ger v. plesti
trk m gadfly, breeze; v. roda
trkalj m breeze, gadfly
trkljast adj long-legged
trojen pp castrated; gelded
trojenje n castration; gelding
trojiti vt castrate; geld
trop m reg thole lashings pl
tropot m clatter, noise, rattle, rumble, din
tropotanje n v. tropot
tropotati vi make a loud noise (clatter)
tropotav adj clattering
tropotavo adv clatteringly, with clatter
tuc m Ger sawed-off shotgun
tucaj m one hiccup
tucanje n hiccups pl
tuc|ati' vi hiccup | ~a mi se I've got the hiccups
tucati'' vt Ger v. podrezati, potkresati
tucavica f v. tucanje
tuk m stucco; reg v. kit'' | raen ~om stuccoed, plastered
tuka f ichth pike
tukater m stucco-worker; plasterer
tukatura f stucco work; plastering
tuklati vt Ger v. nadostavljati, produavati, krpariti
tula f Ger v. hodulja
tur adj bleak; v. oskudan
turak m ent cricket
turo adv bleakly; v. oskudno

turost bleakness; v. oskudnost

ub m Ger | od ~a v. od jedne
uba f fur-coat
ubara f fur-cap; (gardistika) busby
ubler m Ger (pomino mjerilo) vernier calipers pl
uenje n silence
umu m humbug
uferice f pl Ger v. obojak (obojci)
uft m Ger v. hulja, podlac, nitkov, nitarija, pokvarenjak
uga f mange, scab
ugaman m reg v. runik
ugav adj mangy, scabby, scabious; coll crummy, lousy
(v. lo) | fig ~a ovca black sheep, incorrigible sinner
ugavac m scabby person
ugavost f scab, mange, manginess, scabiousness
uknut adj crazy
ukunbaba f great-grandmother
ukundjed m great-grandfather
uljanje n slinking, stealthy (furtive) walking, sneaking
uljati se vr slink, sneak; walk furtively (stealthily); (na
prstima) go on the tiptoes
uljevi m pl med piles pL, haemorrhoids pl
um m (buka) noise, murmur; (jaka) roar, boom, hubbub; (utanje) rustle; (kie) bicker, patter; (romon)
brawl; (zuj) hum, buzz
um|a f wood; (velika) forest; (poumljen kraj) woods,
woodland, wooded country, timber; (s obzirom na drvee) stand of timber; (prauma) primeval forest; (jo
nesjeena) virgin forest; (bjelogorica) deciduous
trees; (crnogorica) coniferous trees | sjei ~u fell
wood, deforest; (kriti) clear land; nanovo saditi ~u
B re-afforest, A reforest; znanja o ~i (bilju, ivotinjama itd.) woodcraft; ~om obrastao wooded, timbered, afforested
uman adj noisy, booming
umar m forester; keeper of a park
umarak m v. umica
umarica f bot wood anemone; forester's wife
umarija f forester's house (office, rank)
umarski adj a forester's; forestry
umarstv|o n forestry | fakultet ~a college (A+ school) of
umast adj v. aav
umica f a small wood; (gaj) grove
umiti vi make a dull noise, roar, boom; (radio) crackle,
have static
umovit adj wooded, timbered, afforested | ~ kraj woodland
umovitost f wooded (timbered) state; richness in timber
umski adj wood, forest, woodland; sylvan | ~ radnik
forestry worker, lumberjack
und m Ger (ki) trash; pulp novels
unka f ham, smoked ham
unjalo n fig sneak
unjati se vr v. uljati se
upa f Ger shed | ~ za drva wood shed
upak m tab ass-hole (v. mar)

upalj adj hollow; (zub) rotten, decayed; (rupiav) porous; fig (glava) empty, shallow, shallow-brained,
shallow-pated, empty-headed, witless
uper m mar caulker
uperenje n mar caulking
uperina f mar caulker
uperiti vt mar caulk
upiti vt v. udariti, odalamiti, zviznuti
upljikav adj full of small holes, porous, alveolate; (buen) perforated, cribbled
upljikavost f porosity, porousness
upljina f hollow, cavity, pit, hole; anat cavity; (sviijenjaka, oka) socket
upljoglav adj empty-headed
upljoglavac m empty-headed person
urjak m brother-in-law
urjakinja f sister-in-law
urovanje n underhand dealing, acting in collusion,
plotting, scheming, cabal
urovati vi act in collusion, plot, scheme, cabal
uster m Ger v. postolar
ua f hornless cow; fig insignificant person
uanj m rustle, rusting; dry leaves
ukanje n rustle; (apat) whisper
uk|ati vi rustle | coll neto se ~a o there is some rumour about
ukavac m col plastic raincoat, B+ plastic mac
uljalo n lisping person
uljetanje n lisping
uljetati vi lisp
unuti vi rustle, lisp
utanje n rustle, rustling
utati vi rustle
ut m sp kick
uta f Ger rubble
ut(ir)ati vt sp kick (a ball)
utjeti vi hold one's tongue, be (keep) silent, keep silence, be silent (reticent, taciturn); (u odgovor) say
(reply) nothing, give no reply, (ne odavati) keep one's
counsel, keep dark (v. zabauriti) | uti(te)!, tiho!,
mum's the word!, silence!, vulg shut up!; a da utimo
o... not to mention...; ~ kao zaliven be tongue-tied,
be silent as the grave, not let a word escape
utke adv tacitly, without saying (mentioning) anything,
in silence, silently
utljiv adj taciturn, reserved, reticent, uncommunicative,
sparing of words, monosyllabic, laconic
utljivac m a taciturn (reserved) person
utljivo adv taciturnly, reticently
utljivost f taciturnity, reticence; reserve
utnuti vt sp kick (once)
utnja f silence; speechlessness, reticence; (tiina) hush,
stillness; (mrtva) dead silence
uvar m reg v. pluto
vabo f derog Boche, A+ Kraut
vadrona f v. eskadron
vajcarska f v. vicarska
vajcarski adj v. vicarski
vajser m Ger v. zavariva

valer m v. osvaja, ljubavnik

vanjiti vt Ger v. ogovarati
vapski adj derog Boche, A+ Kraut
varc adj Ger v. vorc
vargl m Ger cul head-cheese
vasati vt Ger v. zavarivati
ved m Swede
vedska f Sweden
vedsk|i adj Swedish | gym ~e ljestve stall bar
veanin m Swede
veanka f Swedish woman
velo n sewing; needlework | fino ~ fancy-work
velja f seamstress, sempstress, needlewoman
venkati vi Ger film pan
verc m black-market(eer)ing
vercati vt smuggle; blackmarket

vercati se vr coll steal rides; fig v. provlaiti se

vercer m black-marketeer
vercerski adj black-market; black-marketeer's
vicar|ac m Swiss | ~ci the Swiss, Swiss people
vicarkinja f Swiss woman
vicarska f geog Swjtzerland
vicarski adj Swiss
vignuti vi crack (smack) a whip
vindl m Ger v. prevara, vrtoglavica
vips m Ger v. pripitost
vorc m Ger | biti ~ be broke
vrljanje n loitering (strolling, sauntering) about
vrljati vi loiter (stroll, saunter) about
vrljuga f ornith v. eva
vung m Ger v. zamah, polet | ui u ~ v. razmahati se,
uhodati se

ta con & int why, well
ta dem pron fem this (woman, girl, female)
tabak m Tur v. arak
tabakera f cigarette-case
taban m (foot-) sole | batinjanje po ~ima bastinado;
batinati po ~ima bastinado; ravnih ~a flat-footed
tabela f list (of facts, numbers itd. in columns), tabulated
list, table
tabelaran adj tabular, arranged in tables; tabulated
tabernakul m RC tabernacle
tabes m med tabes
tabetiar m med tabetic, tabes sufferer
tabinja f ichth forkbeard
tabla f v. ploa; (okolade) bar of chocolate
tablet m v. milje
tableta f (lijek) tablet, pill
tablica f (ploa) tablet; (kriljevca) slate; plate; (popis)
tabulated items (columns, computations)
tablo m theat & fig tableau
tabor m camp, encampment | dignuti ~ break up camp,
strike tents; ~ bez atora bivouac
taborite n camping-ground
tabornik m hist commander, general
taborovanje n camping; (u atorima) camping under
canvas; (bez atora) bivouac, bivouacking
taborovati vi camp, be encamped, lodge in camp (in the
open); camping out, camp under canvas, tent; (bez
atora) bivouac
taborski adj of the camp, camp, used in a camp
tabu adj taboo | biti ~ be tabooed, be prohibited
tabulator m (typewriter) tabulator
taburet m B tabouret, A taboret
tac(n)a f Ger v. pladanj, plitica
taan adj v. toan
taka f v. toka | phys ~ kljuanja (mrnjenja, topljenja) v. vrelite, ledite, talite
take f pl wheel-barrow
tano adv v. tono

tanost f v. tonost
tai vt v. taknuti
tada adv then, at that time, at that period; in that case;
(nato, zatim) thereupon, whereupon, next
tadanji adj the then, of that period (time, age, day); the
then obtaining (ruling, fashionable, in vogue)
tadanjica f those days
taft m text taffeta
tahimetar m v. brzinomjer
taj dem pron m this (one), this here; that (one); (spomenuti) the (above-)mentioned (said) | ~ isti the same; ~
i ~ Mr. So-and-so; na ~ isti nain in this very (manner) fashion; nakon toga after this (time), thereupon;
toga radi on account of this; po tom consequently
tajac m hush, silence
taj|an adj secret, clandestine; undercover, underhand;
dark; (skrovit) hidden, concealed; privy; close | ~ni
savjetnik Privy Councillor; ~no pismo cipher, cypher; ~ne znanosti occult sciences; ~ni agent plainclothes man, detective; ~ni sporazum collusion
tajanstven adj mysterious, mystic(al), enigmatical; occult, esoteric; obscure
tajanstveno adj mysteriously, secretively
tajanstvenost f mysteriousness, secretiveness, clandestine manner (behaviour)
tajen pp suppressed, kept secret (dark, close); concealed
tajenje n keeping secret (dark, close); concealment, suppression; reserve; (sklonost tajenju) secretiveness
tajfun m typhoon
tajga f geog taiga
tajiti vt keep secret (dark, close); conceal, suppress; (kriti) hide from; not disclose (divulge); (namjeru itd.)
disguise; (zabauriti) burke, hush up; make a mystery
Tajland m geog Thailand
tajlandski adj geog Thai
Tajlananin m Thai
tajm-aut m sp time-out

tajn|a f secret; mystery; arcanum | upuen u ~u initiated

in; odgonetnuti ~u solve a mystery; izbrbljati (izlanuti) ~u let the cat out of the bag; uvati ~u keep a
secret, keep dark, keep one's own counsel, keep another's counsel; vjerno uva ~u he is secret as the
tajnica f (female) secretary
tajniki adj of a secretary, secretarial
tajnik m secretary
tajnitvo n secretary's office; (ast) secretariate, secretary's post, secretaryship
tajno adv secretly, clandestinely; furtively; on the sly, in
the dark; underhand
tajnost f secrecy, clandestine manner | drati u ~i v.
tajnovit adj v. tajanstven
tajom adv secretly, clandestinely; stealthily, furtively
Tajvan m geog Taiwan
Tajvanac m Taiwanese
tajvanski adj geog Taiwanese
tak|av adj such (a), of such kind (sort, manner, shape,
size, character, habits, itd.) ; suchlike; such as this,
like that, that sort of, such a one | ~av kakav such as;
(slian) like; ~av i ~av such and such; kao ~av as
such; nita ~vo nothing of the sort, no such thing, not
the like, nothing like; kakav gazda, ~av sluga like
master like man; ni izdaleka ~av nothing like as
good, not nearly so good; neto ~vo the like; ~av je
svijet so goes the world, so wags the world, such is
the way of the world
takelaa f mar rigging
takma f v. takmenje
takmac f rival, competitor, match; emulator, contestant |
bez ~a unrivalled
takmenje n rivalry, competition; emulation; (utakmica)
takmiar m competitor; v. natjecatelj
takmiarski adj competitive
takmienje n v. natjecanje, utakmica
takmiiti se vr compete with, rival, contest, emulate, vie
taknut pp touched; (pipan) felt
taknuti vt touch; feel; (baratati) handle; (doticati) come
in contact with; (strugnuti) brush, graze; (lako) tap;
(neim vlanim, mekim) dab; (spomenuti) mention in
passing, allude, touch upon, hint at
taknuti se vr touch oneself
tako adv so, thus, in this way (manner, fashion), in such
a manner; (dakle) so, consequently | a ~! I see; ~ mi
boga (~ mi bog pomogao) so help me God; ~ mi ivota as sure as I live; i ~ dalje and so on (forth), etc;
~ da so that; (u tolikoj mjeri) to such a degree; ~ valja! that's right! well done!; ~ je quite so!; ~ rei (~
rekavi) so to speak; so-so, tolerably, middling, indifferently; ba ~ just so, exactly; to je ~ the matter
stands thus; ne ~ kako... not so... as; kako ti meni, ~
ja tebi tit for tat; (u dobrom smislu) a good turn deserves another; kako dolo, ~ prolo ill-gotten gainsare soon spent; neemo ~ dalje stop this!, forbear!;

recimo da je ~ suppose...; ~ mi potenja! upon my

honour, coll honour bright!; ~ to biva na svijetu v.
takav je svijet
takoer adv also, too; moreover, besides, in addition,
takorei adv so to speak
takozvani adj so-called
taksa f due; rate; v. pristojba, biljegovina
taksen|i adj | ~a marka v. biljeg
taksi m taxi, cab
taksidermija f taxidermy
taksidermist m taxidermist
taksimetar m (taxi)meter
taksiran pp having a fixed rate, rated, taxed
taksiranje n taxing, taxation; charging costs
taksirati vt tax, fix the rate (tax, duty itd.) v. biljegovati
taksist m taxi driver
taksonomija f taxonomy
taksonomski adj taxonomic
takt m tact; mus time, measure, bar; (udarac) stroke in
beating time; rhythm; (obzir) feeling of what is right
(fitting, appropriate), delicacy, consideration, circumspection | on nema ~a he wants tact (delicacy)
taktian adj tactful
taktiar f mil fig tactician
taktino adv tactfully, with tact
taktinost f v. takt
taktika f mil tactics; policy, manner of proceeding
taktiranje n mus beating the time
taktirati vi mus beat the time
taktizer m maneuverer, schemer
taktizerski adj maneuvering, scheming
taktiziranje n maneuvering, scheming
taktizirati vi maneuver, scheme
talac m hostage
talambas m kettle-drum, drum | fig udariti u ~e (razbubnjati) blaze abroad; (hvaliti) cry up
talar m gown | nositi ~ be gowned; koji nosi ~ gownsman
talas m v. val
talasanje n undulation; waving, billowing; surging;
(mrtvo more) ground sea, ground swell
talasast adj v. valovit
talasati se vr undulate, wave, surge; (more) be agitated,
heave, swell
talasni adj v. valni
talasoterapija f med thalassotherapy
talatvo n hostageship
talent f talent, natural endowment, abilities pl
talentiran adj talented, gifted | ~ ovjek talented person,
a man of (good) parts
talentirano adv with talent, giftedly
talij m chem thallium
Talija f myth Thalia
Talijan m Italian
talijana m member (follower) of pro-Italian party; Italophile
talijanist m Italianist
talijanistiki adj Italianist

talijanistika f Italian studies

Talijanka f Italian woman (girl)
talijanski adj Italian
talijan|stvo n, ~tina f Italianhood
talilac m smelter, melter
talionica f melting plant (works), smelter(y), metal
talioniar m smelter
talionik|i adj melting-plant | ~a pe melting furnace
talir m hist thaler
talisman m talisman, amulet
talite n fusing-point, melting-point
taliti vt (rudu) smelt, fuse; melt, found; (rastopiti, mast)
render (fat); dissolve; liquify
taliti se vr melt; (kopniti) thaw
talk m talc
talkov adj | ~o bjelilo soapstone
talmud m Talmud
talmudski adj talmudic
talog m sediment, grounds; dregs; (vina) lees; residuum
talon m fin stub (v. odrezak, kupon)
taloan adj sedimentary
taloen pp settled to the bottom (assediment, drags, itd.);
taloenje n sedimentation
taloiti vt leave sediment, settle
taloiti se vr settle to the bottom; leave sediment
taloni adj sedimentary
talpa f Tur plank; vet poll evil
taljen pp smelted, melted; thawed
taljenje n smelting, fusing, melting; (snijega) thawing
taljiga m carman, coachman, driver
taljige f pl peasant cart; vehicle; one-horse carriage
taljiv adj meltable; fusible
taljivost f meltability; fusibility
tama f darkness, obscurity; dusk; (no) night; (mranost)
gloom, murkiness, gloominess, dimness, blackness
tam|an' adj dark, obscure; tenebrous; (mrk, mraan)
dim, dusky, murk(y); (naoblaen) overcast, cloudy;
(olovan) leaden, dull; lightless; sombre, lurid; (boja)
dark, deep, dull; poet dun; (nejasan) abstruse, mysterious, mystical | ~no kao u rogu pitch-dark; ~no sjeanje faint recollection
taman'' adv Tur v. upravo, tek to
tamaniti vt destroy, exterminate, extirpate, annihilate,
root out, eradicate, cut up root and branch
tamaniti se vr destroy (exterminate) one another
tamanjen pp destroyed, eradicated, extirpated
tamanjenje n destruction, eradication, extirpation, annihilation
tamarind m bot tamarind
tamarisk m bot tamarisk
tambura f kind of stringed instrument
tamburanje n playing on the "tambura"
tambura m player on the "tambura"
tamburaki adj | ~ zbor a band of tambura-players
tamburati vi play on the "tambura"
tamburica f little tambura, tamburitza

tamjan m frankincense, incense | kaditi ~om incense,

fumigate with incense
tamnic|a f prison, gaol, jail; dungeon; (kaznionica) penitentiary; (zatvor) arrest, lock-up, detention | baciti u
~u clap (cast, throw) into prison; amiti u ~i languish (pine) in prison; pobjei iz ~e break out of
tamniar m gaoler; jailer; (kljuar) turnkey
tamniki adj jail, prison, of (like in) a jail
tamniti vt dim obscure, darken, make dark (dull, dim,
opaque, sombre, gloomy)
tamnomodar adj navy-blue
tamnoput adj dark-skinned (-complexioned)
tamnoputost f dark skin (complexion)
tamnovanje n serving (doing) one's time (term of imprisonment); being imprisoned (confined)
tamnovati vi undergo imprisonment, serve (do) one's
tamnjenje n darkening
tamnjeti vi darken, become dark (dim, obscure, dull,
sombre, opaque, gloomy, dusky); lose lustre, tarnish
tamo adv there, in that direction, in (at) that place, to
that place | ~ dalje beyond; amo ~ to and fro; back
and forth; ~ negdje thereabouts; ~ preko over there,
across; ~ daleko yonder
tamonji adj living (situated, staying itd.) there; of that
place, local
tampon m med tampon, swab; pol & fig buffer | drava
~ buffer-state
tamponirati vt med tampon; swab
tamtam m mus tom-tom
tanac m reg v. ples
tanad f collect bullets, projectiles; (topovska) cannonballs
tanahan adj v. tanan
tan|ak adj thin, tenuous; (fin) delicate; (izradba) filigree;
(kao pauina) gossamer; (slab) flimsy; (vitak, mrav,
slabaan) slender, slim, lean, frail, spindly, spare;
(prema kraju) tapering; (proziran) sheer | ~ak (vitak,
slabaan) djeak (~ka, vitka, slabana djevojka) a
slip of a boy (girl); ~ ka krv (loza) distaff side
tanan adj delicate; detailed; v. tanak
tanano adv delicately
tanin|a f | u ~e in (great) detail
tandara-mandara f nonsense, sl bullshit
tandem m tandem (bicycle); fig tandem
tandrkanje n clatter(ing)
tandrkati vi clatter
tane n bullet, ball, projectile, shot; missile
tangens m geom tangent
tangenta f geom tangent (line)
tangentni adj geom tangential
Tanger m geog Tangier
tangerina m bot tangerine
tangirati vt affect, concern
tango m mus tango
tanin m chem tannin
taninsk|i adj chem | ~a kiselina tannic acid
tank m (vode) tank; storage-pond, reservoir; mil v. tenk

tanker m mar tanker | super ~ super-tanker

tanko adj thinly | na ~ in detail
tankoa f thinness; (tijela, struka) slimness, slenderness,
spareness of frame (figure), lankiness; flimsiness
tankoutan adj sensitive, susceptible, impressionable,
over-sensitive, thin-skinned, touchy
tankoutno adv sensitively; touchily
tankoutnost f sensibility, sensitiveness, suspectibility,
over-sensitiveness, touchiness
tankonog adj thin-legged
Tantal m myth Tantalus | ~ove muke Tantalus' agony;
fig tantalizing torment
tantal m chem tantalum
tantijema f royalty
tanjenje n thinning; (prema kraju) tapering
tanjir m v. tanjur
tanjiti vt thin, make thin (tapering)
tanjiti se vr taper off
tanjur m plate; (za meso, plitak) meat plate; (za juhu)
soup plate; (drven) platter; (mali) saucer | letei ~ i
flying saucers (UFO)
tanjuraa f farm B disc-plough, A disc plow
tanjurast adj plate-like, saucer-like
tanjuri m dim small plate; (pod alicom) saucer
taoc m v. talac
taoizam m taoism
tapacirati vt v. tapecirati
tapalo n groper; tiptoer
tapanje n groping, walking on tiptoe
tapati vi grope for (after), walk (on) tiptoe; v. tapkati | ~
u mraku go (proceed) blindly in the dark
tapeciran adj upholstered, padded
tapeciranje n upholstering; padding; re-covering
tapecirati vt Ger upholster; pad; (nanovo) re-cover
tapecirer m v. tapetar
tapecirung m Ger upholstery; padding; v. tapeciranje
tapet m | fig staviti na ~ bring up (for discussion)
tapeta f (zidna) wall-paper; (tkanina) tapestry
tapetar m (pokustva) upholsterer, (zidnih tapeta) paper-hanger
tapetarija f upholstery; upholsterer's workshop
tapetarsk|i adj | ~i proizvodi tapestry; ~a radionica
upholsterer's (paper-hanger's) workshop
tapetarstvo n upholster's trade
tapetiranje n paper-hanging; upholstery
tapetirati vt hang (attach) wall-paper
tapija f Tur v. zemljino-knjini izvadak
tapioka f cul tapioca
tapir m zoo tapir
tapiran adj (kosa) bouffant, back-combed
tapirati vt (kosu) back-comb
tapirati se vr back-comb one's hair
tapiser m tapestry designer (weaver)
tapiserija f tapestry | obloen ~ma (zid) tapestried
tapkanje n pattering (of feet)
tapkati vi patter (of feet); v. tapati
tapati vt pat (on the back); v. pljeskati
tara f com tare
tarabe f pl Tur v. plot

tarac f pavement; paved (cobbled, jagged) walk (roadway); flagging; terrazzo

taracanje n paving
taracar m paviour, paver
taracati vt pave, flag
taracovina f pavage
tarana f Tur cul grated dough, pellets of grated dough
tarantela f mus tarantella
tarantula f ent tarantula; (guterica) gecko
tarifa f tariff; rates pl; list of charges | povlatena ~
preferential tariff
tarifni adj tariff | ~ pravilnik wage (salary) rules
tarnice f pl cart (waggon) with raves
tarok m car taroc
tartuf m bot truffle
tast m father-in-law (father of the wife)
tastatura f keyboard
taster m key (v. tipka)
ta|na, ~ka f Ger v. torb(ic)a
taner m Ger v. torbar
tat adj vain, frivolous; vain-glorious; self-flattering;
(nadut) puffed-up, conceited
tata f v. punica
tatina f vanity; conceit
tato adv vainly
tat m thief; (depar) v. lopov, kradljivac
tata f hyp dad
Tatarin m Tartar, Tatar
tatarski adj Tartar, Tartarian
tatica m dim papa, dad(dy)
Tatre f pl geog Tatra Mountains
tatski adj thievish; stealing, pilfering
tautologija f pros tautology
tautoloki adj pros tautological
tava f Tur (frying) pan
tavajol m reg v. ubrus
tavan m (stan) garret, attic; (potkrovlje) loft
tavanica f roof-beam; v. strop
tavanski adj situated on (in) the attic (garret) | ~ prozor
taverna f tavern
tavica f dim pannikin
tavla f Tur v. triktrak, dama (igra)
tavorenje n miserable existence
tavoriti vi live miserably
tazbina f mother-in-law and father-in-law, the in-laws pl
(parents of the wife)
taze adj Tur v. svje
taenje n soothing, pacifying; palliation, relief, comfort;
alleviation; appeasement
tailo n balm, mitigant, lenitive, palliative
taiti vt soothe; mitigate, allay, assuage; appease, calm;
taiti se vr be soothed (appeased)
tbc. abbr T. B.
te conj and, also, besides, then
teatar m v. kazalite
teatralan adj theatrical, affected, showy
teatralno adv theatrically

teatralnost f theatrical (affected) manner (behaviour)

tea m v. tetak
teaj m (training) course; (optjecaj) circulation; (valute)
rate of exchange, exchange rate; v. opticaj, godite;
(predavanja) course of lectures; (veernji) evening
course (lectures) | u ~u v. u toku, u opticaju; ~em in
the course of, during
teajac m course-attender, course-taker, trainee
teajnica f (teajna lista) list of rates of exchange
tean adj (slastan) savoury, palatable, relishable, appetizing, succulent; v. tekui
teenje n (tekuine) flowing; (vremena) passage; v. stjecanje
teevina f thing acquired (gained, earned), acquisition;
(sporedna) emolument
teevni adj dealing with acquisition (gains, earnings)
teno adv (slasno) appetizingly, palatably; (glatko) fluently
tenost f (slast) savouriness, palatableness; flavour; relish, zest, piquancy; (glatkoa) fluency; v. tekuina
tei vi run, flow, stream; be current; (mlazom) gush; (utjecati) disembogue; (polako istjecati, probijati) ooze;
leak; (vrijeme) roll (pass) by; (biti u opticaju) circulate; (odvijati se) progress; have its course | stvar tee glatko thing runs smoothly; (bez zapinjanja) runs
without a hitch (like clockwork, goes swimmingly,
glides smoothly, it is plain sailing; rije mu tee
glatko he speaks fluently (glibly, volubly); krv tee
blood is shed (spilt)
teferi m Tur picnic
tefter m Tur account-book; v. biljenica, popis
teg m v. uteg (i sp)
teget adj v. tamnomodar
tegl m Ger flower-pot; glass jar
tegle|i adj draught | ~a stoka beasts of draught; ~i konj
draught-horse; ~i brodi tug(-boat); ~i konop
tow(ing)-rope, tow(ing)-line; ~a staza (uz kanal)
teglenica f (lep) barge
teglenje n v. tegljenje
teglica f (nategaa) siphon
tegliti vt tow; haul; tug; drag, lug; toil laboriously
teglja m (remorker) tug(-boat); mot tractor, cab unit | ~
s prikolicom trailer truck
tegljenje n towing, hauling; dragging; lugging; tugging
tegoba f difficulty; med discomfort; toil, hardship, labour(s); trail; trouble; (prituba) grievance
tegoban adj difficult, hard, laborious, arduous; toilsome;
onerous; trying; uphill (work)
tegobno adv laboriously, toilsomely, onerously, arduously
tegobnost f difficulty; toilsomeness; arduousness; onerousness
tegotan adv v. tegoban
tehniar m technician; technologist
tehniki' adj engineering; technical | ~ fakultet college
(esp A school) of engineering
tehniki'' adv technically, technologically
tehnika f technology; (vjetina) technique

tehnolog m technologist
tehnologija f technology
tehnokracija f technocracy
tehnokrat m technocrat
tehnokratski adj technocrat
tehnoloki adj technological | ~ fakultet college (esp A
school) of chemical engineering
tein m chem theine
teist m theist
teistiki adj theistic
teizam m theism
tek' adv only, not earlier than, as late as, not unti1, only
then, not before; (jedva) hardly, scarcely | ~... kad li
no sooner... than
tek'' m appetite; (za neto) zest, relish, gusto; (okus)
taste, flavour, savour, tang; fig liking (for), fancy |
bez ~a tasteless, insipid; (pivo itd.) stale, flat; ide mu
u ~ he enjoys (relishes) his food
teka f coll v. biljenica
tekar adv reg v. tek'
tekija f Tur Moslem monastery
tekli m runner, messenger, courier, (ah) bishop; errand-boy
tekovina f achievement; v. teevina
tekst m text; (operete itd.) libretto, words; (bez slika)
letter-press; (tivo) reading | osakaen ~ mutilated
text; (ekspurgiran) expurgated (bowdlerized) text
tekstil m textile fabrics (materials) | trgovac ~om
draper; prodavaonica ~a B draper's, A dry-goods
tekstilac m textile worker
tekstil|an adj textile | ~na roba textile goods pl; ~na
industrija textile industry
tekstilana f textile works
tekstualan adj textual
tekstualno adv textually
tekstura f texture
tektonika f tectonics sg
tektonski' adj geol tectonic
tektonski'' adv geol tectonically
teku|i adj running, fluent, flowing, current, streaming;
fluid; liquid; (neprekinut) uninterrupted; (broj itd.)
current (number, issue); (raspoloiv [novac]) not frozen (invested), available, not locked up in; ~i mjesec
current month; ~a parnica pending suit; ~a vrpca
assembly line
tekuica f running water (stream); flowing (not stagnant) water
tekuina f liquid, fluid, liquor
tekunica f zoo grou d squirrel
tekut f ent poultry-louse
telac m calf; fig silly (stupid, idiotic) person, blockhead,
telad f collect calves pl
telal m Tur (town-)crier
telaliti vt Tur v. razglasiti, rastrubiti
telaljenje n Tur spreading news publicly
tele n calf; fig v. telac
teleak m (soldier's) knapsack

telei adj calf's, of a calf; (of) veal | ~ odrezak veal cutlet

teledirigiran adj v. na daljinsko upravljanje
telefaks m fax-machine; (sama poruka) (tele)fax message
telefon m telephone, coll phone
telefonija f telephony
telefoniranje n telephoning, call(ing) on the phone
telefonirati vi telephone, phone, call on the phone
(phone call), ring someone up, give someone a call (a
telefonist m, ~ica f telephone (switchboard) operator
telefonsk|i' adj telephonic | ~a govornica telephone
booth; ~a centrala telephone exchange; (kuna) telephone switchboard; ~i imenik telephone directory,
coll phone book
telefonski'' adv by telephone
telefoto m phototelegraph
telegraf m telegraph
telegrafija f telegraphy; (podmorska) cabling | beina ~
wireless telegraphy
telegrafiranje n telegraphing, sending a message by
telegraph, wiring
telegrafirati vt telegraph, wire; (podmorski) cable
telegrafist m telegrapher, telegraphist; (beini) wireless
(telegraph) operator
telegrafski' adj telegraphic | ~ formular telegraphic
telegrafski'' adv telegraphically
telegram m (brzojav) telegram, wire; (podmorski) cable,
(beini) wireless
telekomanda f v. daljinsko upravljanje
telekomandni adj v. na daljinsko upravljanje
telekomunikacije f pl telecommunications
telekomunikacijski adj telecommunications
teleks m v. teleprinter; (sama poruka) teletype(writer)
teleobjektiv m photo & film telescopic (zoom) lens
teleolog m phil teleologist
teleologija f phil teleology
teleoloki adj phil teleological
telepat m telepath, telepathic person
telepatija f telepathy
telepatski' adj telepathic
telepatski'' adv telepathically, by telepathy
teleprinter m teletype (writer), telex
teleprintersk|i' adj | ~a poruka teletype(writer) message
teleprinterski'' adv by teletype(writer)
telerica f Ger v. apka
teleskop m telescope
teleskopski' adj telescopic
teleskopski'' adv telescopically
teletina f veal
televizija f television, coll TV, B sl the telly, A sl the
televizijski' adj television, TV | ~ aparat v. televizor
televizijski'' adv by television
televizor m television set, TV set
telica f young heifer

teliti se vr calve
telur m chem tellurium
teljenje n calving
tema f theme, subject, topic
temat m hist theme
tematika f theme(s), topic(s), subject matter
tematski' adj thematic
tematski'' adv thematically
tembr m timbre
temelj m foundation, basis, base; substructure; bottom;
fig (poeci, zasade) rudiments pl, first elements pl,
groundwork, fundamentals pl; principles pl; radical;
(za boju) priming | izgorjeti do ~a burn down to the
ground; poloiti ~ lay the foundation(s); sruiti do
~a raze, level with the ground; na ~u based on; (uzrok) on the ground of, on the basis of, in (by) virtue
of; iz ~a from the very bottom, fundamentally, radically; (posvema) root and branch, entirely, completely, utterly, wholly, out and out, thoroughly; bez
~a groundless; adv groundlessly
temeljac m | poloiti kamen ~ lay the (corner) stone (i
temeljan adj fundamental, basic, basal; essential; primary, elementary
temeljenje n basing, founding, foundation
temeljit adj radical, thorough, fundamental; (opravdan)
reasonable, cogent, valid, standing to reason; (znanje)
sound, deep, solid; (teorija) tenable; (promjena)
sweeping (change)
temeljiti vt base upon, found on; support by
temeljiti se vr be based (founded) (up)on, rest on, be
supported by
temeljito adv thoroughly, radically, completely, perfectly
temeljitost f thoroughness, solidity; profoundness
temfati vt Ger cul v. pirjati
tempera f tempera
temperament m temperament; (ivahnost) vivacity,
animation, liveliness, spirit, verve, dash
temperamentan adj full of temperament (spirit, dash,
verve, animation), temperamental
temperamentno adj with temperament
temperamentnost f temperament
temperatur|a f temperature | mjeriti ~u take one's temperature ; na ~i at temperature
temperaturn|i adj | med ~a lista temperature chart
temperirati vt warm up a little
tempirati vt time (i fig); set (a time bomb)
tempirni adj mil | ~ upalja time fuse
templ m temple, synagogue
templar m Templar | vitezi ~i Knights Templars
tempo m rate; mus tempo, beat | ovim ~m at this rate
Temza f geog Thames
ten m complexion, skin
tenda f awning
tendencija f tendency; trend; (sklonost) inclination, bent
tendenciozan adj tendentious; (pristran) prejudiced,
tendenciozno adv tendentiously
tendencioznost f tendentiousness

tender m rlw & mar tender; med bed-pan

tendirati vi tend
tenfati vt Ger cul v. pirjati
tenis m tennis | ~ na travi lawn-tennis; ~ na tvrdom
terenu hard-court tennis; igrati ~ play tennis; igralite ~a tennis-court; reket za ~ racket, racquet; igra
~a tennis-player; sudac kod ~a umpire; stolni ~ table
tenisa m tennis player
tenisaica m woman tennis player
tenisice f pl B plimsolls, A sneakers, A (low) gym shoes
tenisk|i adj tennis | ~o igralite tennis-court
tenk m mil tank
tenkist m mil tanker, tank corpsman
tenkovsk|i adj mil | ~e jedinice tank units
tenor m mus tenor, tenor singer, tenor voice
tenorski adj mus tenor
tentati vt tempt, allure, entice; try to win over
teodolit m theodolite
teokracija f theocracy
teokratski' adj theocratic
teokratski'' advtheocratically
teolog m theologian, divine; student of divinity
teologija f theology, divinity
teoloki' adj theological | ~ fakultet divinity (theological) college
teoloki'' adv theologically
teorem m math theorem
teoretiar m theoretician
teoretiziranje n theorizing
teoretizirati vi theorize
teoretski' adj theoretical
teoretski'' adv theoretically, in theory
teorija f theory
teozof m theosoph, theosopher
teozofija f theosophy
teozofski adj theosophical
tepac m reg v. deran, fakin
tepalo n v. mucavac
tepanje n babbling, babble; v. mucanje
tepati vi babble; v. mucati
tepav adj v. mucav
tepavac m v. mucavac
tepe n v. tepac
tepih m floor rug, carpet
tepsija f Tur baking
tepsti vt shake (down)
tepsti se vr v. skitati se, tumarati
ter m Ger v. katran, paklina, smola
terakota f terracotta
teramicin m pharm terramycin
terapeut m med therapist
terapeutika f therapeutics sg
terapeutski' adj therapeutic(al)
terapeutski'' adv therapeutically
terapija f med therapy | radna ~ occupational therapy
terarij m terrarium
terasa f terrace
terasast adj terraced

terazije f pl Tur v. vaga

terbij m chem terbium
terca f mus third
tercet m mus & pros triplet; v. trojka
tercijar m geol Tertiary
tereenje n loading, encumbering, burdening, charging;
(optuivanje) laying to one's charge; (nekoga) charging one with; (krivnjom) laying at one's door;
(dugom) saddling with debt; (pritisak) oppressing
teren m ground | fig ispitati ~ test the ground; sportski
~i sports grounds; neprohodan ~ rough ground
terenac m field man (worker)
terensk|i' adj field | ~a sluba fieldwork
terenski'' adv in the field
terestrik|i adj terrestrial | ~a navigacija terrestrial
navigation; ~i planeti (Merkur, Venera, Zemlja i
Mars) terrestrial planets (za razliku od jovijanskih
planeta: Jupiter, Saturn, Uran i Neptun)
teret m burden, load, cargo, freight; weight; (mrtav) ballast, dead-weight; (dug) debt | knjiiti na ~ debt
with; biti na ~ be a burden (burdensome) to; pasti na
~ opine come upon the parish; na njegov ~ at his
own charge; osloboditi ~a unburden, disburden, exonerate
teret|an adj freight, cargo | ~ni vlak A freight-train, B
goods train; ~ni brod cargo boat, freighter; (bez stalne pruge) tramp
teret|iti vt be burdensome; (titati) oppress, press down,
press heavy upon, weigh down heavily; (smetnja) be
an encumbrance to; (tubom, krivnjom) lay at one's
door, lay to one's charge, charge one with; (podmetati) impute | ~e ga dugovi he is encumbered (saddled)
with debts; ~iti duu lie heavy on one's conscience
teretnica f com bill of lading
teretnjak m v. kamion, teretni brod (vlak)
tereveniti vi Tur v. baniti
terevenka f Tur v. banenje
Terez(ij)a f Theresa, Tess(ie)
terijer m terrier
terilen m text Terylene
teritorij m territory, tract
teritorijal|an adj territorial | ~ne vode territorial waters
termal|an adj thermal | ~no vrelo thermal spring
terme f pl (rimske) thermae; v. toplice
termik|i' adj thermic, thermal | ~a obrada heat treatment
termiki' adv thermally
termika f phys thermics (sg)
termin m v. rok | struni ~ technical term; dati ~ (za
sastanak) give an appointment
terminalan adj terminal
terminologija f terminology
terminoloki' adj terminological
termiaoloki'' adv terminologically
termit' m ent termite, white ant
termit'' m chem thermite
termitnjak m termite nest (tower)
termocentrala f v. termoelektrana
termodinamika f phys thermodynamics (sg)

termoelektrana f thermo-electric power plant

termofor m hotwater bottle; (elektrini) heating pad
termoinstalater m steamfitter
termometar m thermometer | Fahrenheitov ~ Fahrenheit thermometer; Celzijev ~ Centrigrade; kliniki ~
clinical thermometer
termonuklearan adj phys thermonuclear
termos-boca f vacuum flask
termostat m thermostat
termoterapija f med thermotherapy
teror m terror; reign of terror
terorist m terrorist, communist
teroristiki adj terrorist(ic)
terorizam m terrorism
teroriziranje n terrorization; bullying
terorizirati vt terrorize; bully
ter-papir m (krovna ljepenka) tarpaper
terpentin m turpentine, oil of turpentine | ~ovo drvo
terpentinov adj turpentinic, terebinthine
Terpsihora f myth Terpsichore
Tesalija f geog Thessaly
tesalski adj geog Thessalian
tesanje n trimming of timber (log itd.); dressing of stone
itd.; carpentering; carpentry
tesar m carpenter; (na jedrenjaku) chips
tesarija f carpentry, carpenter's trade (workshop)
tesarski adj carpenter's, used in carpentry | ~ zanat carpentry
tesarstvo n carpentry; carpenter's trade
tesati vt hew; trim (a log); dress (a stone) | fig ~ nekoga
teach somebody manners; lako se tee it hews
(dresses) readily
tesla f adze
tespih m Tur prayer beads pl
test m psych & sch test
testament m testament, last will | dodatak ~u codicil;
usmeni ~ (mornara) nuncupative will; izrei usmeno
~ (posljednju volju) nuncupate; Bib stari (novi) ~
Old .(New) testament
testamentaran adj testamentary
testamentarno adv testamentarily | ostaviti ~ will
testator m jur testator
testera f saw
testera m Tur v. pilar
testerica f dim v. pilica
testerisati vt saw
testirati vt test
teko adv heavily, oppressively; severely, badly; seriously; with difficulty; (jedva) hardly, scarcely | ~ raditi work hard, toil, toil and moil; ~ shvaati be dull
of apprehension; ~ ekati wait impatiently; ~ vjerovati be sceptical; on ~ ui he is a backward student;
on ~ (sporo) plaa he is a dilatory payer; ~ mi je pri
dui it grieves me; ~ mi je (uiniti...) I find it hard
to...; ~ mu je ugoditi he is hard to please; (izbirljiv)
he is fastidious (overnice, squeamish); ~ tebi! woe
thee!; ~ meni! woe is me!

tesko|a f difficulty, hardship, trial; (teina) heaviness;

(kritian poloaj) trouble, dilemma, crisis, emergency, quandary, embarrassment; (kripac) scrape,
fix; (glavna) crux | u tom i jest ~ there is the rub; sve
ide bez ~a all goes swimmingly (like clockwork,
without a hitch); praviti ~e raise difficulties; zapasti
u ~e get into trouble
teta f aunt
tetak m uncle
tetanus m med tetanus, pop lockjaw
tetica f dim auntie
Tetida f myth Thetis
tetiva f tendon, chord; geom chord; (luka) string; (tijela)
sinew, nerve, ligament
tetivni adj of a chord (tendon, string); tendinous
tetka f aunt
tetkica f dim auntie
tetkin adj aunt's
tetkov adj uncle's
tetoen pp pampered, coddled, cosseted; spoiled
tetoenje n pampering, coddling, molly-coddling
tetoiti vt pamper, coddle, pet, spoil, cocker, cosset,
molly-coddle; (dragati) caress, fondle
tetoiti se vr pamper oneself
tetoviranje n tattooing
tetovira|ti vt tattoo | ~ni uzorak tattoo
tetovirati se vr undergo tattooing
tetraedar m geom tetrahedron
tetralogija f tetralogy
tetrapak m milk pack
tetrarh m hist tetrarch
tetrijeb m grouse, black cock, mountain cock, capercaillie | lov na ~e grouse-shooting
tetrijebica f grouse-hen
teturanje n tottering, stagger, staggering; reel, reeling
teturati vi totter, stagger, reel
teturav adj tottering, staggering
teturavo adv totteringly, staggeringly
teturavost f tottering (staggering) quality
Teuton m Teuton
teutonski' adj Teutonic
teutonski'' adv Teutonically
teza f thesis | doktorska ~ doctoral dissertation; magistarska ~ M.A. (M.S.) thesis
Tezej m myth Theseus
tezgariti vi sl moonlight (be a stall-keeper)
tezgaro m sl moonlighter
tezulja f v. vaga
tea f | phys sila ~ gravitation
teaiti vi work as a labourer; toil on the soil
teaki' adj labourer's, of a labourer | ~ posao hard
physical work
teaki'' adv like a labourer
teak' m (field) labourer, farm (agricultural) labourer;
farm hand; (kopa na zemlj. radovima) navy
teak'' adj (teina) heavy, ponderous, weighty, leaden;
(naporan) hard, difficult, arduous, trying, uphill, exhausting; (muan) laborious, toilsome; (vino) heady,
full-bodied (wine); (nespretan) clumsy, unwiedly,

cumbrous; (pogreka) grave; (ozbiljan) serious; (bolan) painful; (rana) deep (gaping); (bolest) wasting
(illness); (kakljiv) ticklish, delicate, critical | on je
180 funti ~ he scales 180 pounds; teka briga carking care; teka pijanica deep drinker, boozer; ~ zadatak hard (knotty) task; fig a hard nut to crack;
math rider
teakinja f female farm hand (agricultural labourer)
teatvo n labourer's work (position)
tee adv comp more heavily (severely); less readily
teenje n longing, hankering, yearning, coveting, ardent
desire; aspiration, ambition
teidba f cultivation, tillage
tein|a f weight; (teret) burden, load, heaviness;
(tekoa) difficulty; (zamah, nalet) momentum, impetus | ~a napadaja the brunt of the attack; bruto-~a
gross weight; neto-~a net weight; ~a omota tare; izgubiti na ~i lose weight
teini adj of the gravity centre
teite n phys gravity centre; fig emphasis
teiti' vi (za) long for, desire, hanker after, crave for,
covet, aspire, pant for (after), aim at; fig thirst (hunger) for (after)
teiti'' vi (biti teak) weigh, scale
teiti''' vt (zemlju) cultivate, till soil
tenja f aspiration
ti pron pers you; arch thou; (tebi) to you
Tibet m geog Tibet
Tibetan|ac m, ~ka f Tibetan
tibetski adj geog Tibetan
ticalo n feeler, antenna
ticanje n touch, touching, contact; (dodirivanje) contiguity, abutment
ticati vt touch, feel
ticati se vr (dodirivati se) be contiguous, border on, abut,
touch, be adjoining, be next door to, adjoin | fig mene
se tie I am concerned; to se tie (ide) mene it is
aimed at me; mene se ne tie it's not my business
(concern); to se njega tie (njegova je briga) it is his
look-out (affair, business); to se tie... with regard
(respect) to, regarding, as to, in view of, concerning;
to se toga tie for that matter
tiftin m text duvetyn
tifus m med | trbuni ~ typhoid; pjegavi ~ typhus
tifusar m typhus patient
tifusni adj med typhoid
tiganj m frying pan; (ljevaoniki) crucible, melting-pot
tigar m tiger
tigrast adj tiger-like
tigrica f tigress
tigri m dim tiger cub
tigrov adj of a tiger
tigrovina f tiger skin
tigrovski adj tiger-like
tih adj still; (miran) quiet, tranquil; (utihnut) hushed;
(nijem) silent, mute, dumb; (ne buan) soft, gentle;
(od malo rijei) monosyllabic, (a man) of few words |
~a voda bregove dere still waters run deep; ~a misa

low mass; ~a kiica soft rain; ~im glasom in a low

voice, in a subdued tone
tiho adv still, quietly, silently, mutely; softly, tranquilly;
mus piano; (aptom) in a whisper | govoriti ~ speak
in undertones (in a low voice, below one's breath); ii
~ (na prstima) go on tip-toes, tiptoe; tiho! (be) quiet!,
stop talking!, mum's the word!; tie! quiet!, not so
tijara f tiara
tijek m v. tok
tijelce n dim corpuscle, small body
tijel|o n body, frame, constitution; (ljudi) corporation,
corporate body | cijelim ~om bodily; duom i ~om
heart and soul; graa ~a physique; lijepo graeno
~o a well-knit body; jaka ~a strong-bodied, ablebodied; drhtati po cijelom ~u tremble all over; mrtvo ~o corpse
tijesak m (sprava) press; (na vijke, za rublje) mangle;
printing-press; (za groe) wine-press
tijesan adj tight; (uzak) narrow, close; strait, straitened;
(stisnut: bojni redovi) serried; (prostorom) cramped
for space | ~ prijatelj close (bosom) friend, intimate
friend; ~ rukopis cramped (niggling) handwriting
tijesno' n v. tjesnac
tijesno'' adv tightly, narrowly, closely
tijesto n dough, pastry; (za palainke) batter | kotai za
~ pastry-wheel
tijetenje n crushing, pressing
tijetiti vt (groe) crush (press) grapes
tik' prep close by, adjoining, close upon, contiguous,
conterminous; hard by, bordering on; (pri ruci) at
hand; next to, next door to
tik'' m med tic
tik''' m text tick
tik'''' m v. tikovina
tikanje n thouing, using "thou" in addressing
tikati vt to thou, address person as thou (instead of you)
tikati se vr address one another with "thou"
tiket m ticket
tikovina f teakwood
tik-tak int tick-tock
tikv|a f pumpkin, calabash, gourd; (glava) pate, poll,
headpiece, noddle; car diamonds | prazna ~a emptyheaded; smuena ~a addlehead; oni puu u istu ~u
they act in collusion, they act in secret understanding
tikvan m blockhead, dolt, idiot, imbecile
tikvast adj pumpkin-like, gourd-like
tikvica f (buica) B courgette, A zucchini
til m text tulle
tilda f (znak ~) tilde, swung-dash
tili adj | u ~ as at once, immediately, instantly
tim' pron | ~e with this (that), thereby, herewith, by this
(means), in this way (manner); sa svim ~ for all that
tim'' m sp & fig team
timarenje n grooming stocks (cattle)
timariti vt groom (cattle)
timbar m timbre
time pron v. tim'
timor m crag, craggy peak

timpan m mus timpanum

timski' adj | ~ rad team work
timski'' adv as a team
timun m reg v. kormilo
tineder m teenager
tinederski adj teenager
tingl-tangl m (lokal) honky-tonk
tinktura f pharm tincture
tinta f ink; (nevidljiva) sympathetic ink
tintan|i adj | ~a olovka indelible pencil
tintarnica f ink-pot, inkstand
tinjac m minr mica
tinjanje n smouldering, burning under the ashes, burn
without flame
tinjati vi smoulder (i fig)
tip' m type; derog (osoba) type, character
tip'' m (za klaenje) tip
tipavac m zoo | troprsti ~ three-toed sloth
tipfeler m Ger v. greka u tipkanju
tipian adj typical; characteristic; emblematic
tipino adv typically
tipinost f typicalness
tipizacija f typing; standardization
tipizirati vt type; (proizvod) standardize
tipka f key of piano (type-writer)
tipka m (male) typist
tipkaica f woman (girl) typist
tipkan pp typed, typewritten; in typescript
tipkanj|e n type-writing | greka u ~u typing error
tipkati vt type
tipograf m (tiskar) typographer, printing worker
tipografija f (tiskarstvo) typography, art of printing
tipografski adj (tiskarski) typographic(al)
tipologija f typology
tipoloki adj typological
tipovanje n tipping; betting on
tipovati vi tip; bet on
tirada f tirade
tirake f pl reg v. naramenice
tiranija f tyranny, oppression, despotism, absolutism
tiran(in) m tyrant, oppressor, despot, absolutist, despotist
tiraniziranje n tyrannizing
tiranizirati vt tyrannize
tiranski' adj tyrannical, despotical
tiranski'' adv tyrannically, despotically
tiranstvo n v. tiranija
tire m v. crt(ic)a
tirensk|i adj geog | T~o more Tyrrhenian Sea
tirkiz m minr turquoise
tirkizan adj turquoise
tiroidn|i adj anat | ~a lijezda v. titnjaa
Tirol m geog Tyrol
Tirolac m Tyrolean, Tyrolese
tirolski adj Tyrolean, Tyrolese
Tisa f geog the Tisa (Tisza) River
tisa f bot yew(-tree)
tis|ak m tipography, print, printing, impression;
(tampa) press, newspapers; (otisak) stamp, stamping
| jasan (malen, velik) ~ak clear (small, large) type;

kos ~ak italics pl; gotski ~ak black letters; sloboda

~ka freedom of the press; guiti slobodu ~ka muzzle
the press; knjiga je u ~ku the book is being printed
tiska f throng, crush; crowd; jam
tiskan pp printed, impressed; stamped
tiskanica f blank form; (potanski) printed matter
tiskanje n (act of) printing; stamping; (stiskanje) pressing, squeezing; (guva) throng, crush, crowding
tiskar m printer, master-printer
tiskara f printing-office, printing-works pl, printinghouse
tiskarsk|i adj printing, typographical | ~o crnilo
printer's ink; ~a greka misprint; (za ispravak) erratum; ~i naunik printer's devil
tiskarstvo n typography, art of printing; printing business
tiskati vt (tampati) print, stamp, impress; (gnjeiti)
squeeze, press, exert pressure, pinch; (k sebi) clasp
tisk|ati se vr crush, throng, crowd into, press through,
sidle through | knjiga se ~a the book is being
printed; to se moe ~ati printable matter
tiskovni adj dealing with (appertaining) to printing
tisnuti vt press, push
tisov adj made (constructed) of yew-wood
tisovina f yew-wood
tisu|a f (a) thousand | ~u godina millennium, millenary;
na ~e thousands
tisugodinji adj millenarian, millenary upon (by) thousands
tisugodinjica f millenium, millenary
tisui adj one thousandth
tisuica f figure marking the thousands
tisuina f one thousanth, the thousandth part
tisuinka f v. tisuina
tisuiti num the thousandth
tisuljee n millennium
tisuljetni adj thousand-year-old
tisuu num thousand | ~ i jedna no the Arabian Nights
tie! v. tiho
tiin|a f stillness, quiet, quietness; hush; silence; calm;
(stanka) pause | mrtva ~a dead calm (silence); u
najdubljoj nonoj ~i in the dead of night; ~a! quiet!
titanje n pressure, compression; squeeze, pinch(ing);
oppression, weighing down; (protiskivanje) straining
tit|ati vt press, exert pressure; pinch, squeeze; weigh
down; oppress; lie heavy on; (bol) afflict, depress, ail
| svatko zna to ga ~i everybody knows where the
shoe pinches him
Titan m myth Titan
titanski adj titanic
titar m chem B titre, A titer; med antibody level
titl m Ger | film s engleskim ~ovima film with English
titla f Ger tilde, abbreviation
titraj m (one) vibration (oscillation)
titranje n vibration, oscillation; (drhtanje) trembling,
quaking, quiver(ing); (svjetla) flicker; (neozbiljnost)
trifling, dallying

titrati vi oscillate, vibrate; (drhtati) quake, trepidate;

(svjetlo) flicker
titrati se vr trifle with, act frivolously, make sport of
titrav adj flickering, trembling
titravo adv flickeringly, tremblingly
titravost f flickering (trembling) quality
titrica f v. kamilica
titul|a f title (v. naslov) | koji ima (plemiku) ~u titled
titularan adj nominal, in name only; (poasni) honorary
| mil ~ in (bez pripadajue plae) brevet rank
titularno adv in title only, nominally
tituliran pp addressed with a title
tituliranje n calling (styling, addressing) with a title
titulirati vt call (style, address) with a title
titulirati se vr call (style, address) each other with (as)
tivuka f ichth loach
tja! int well, oh well
tjed|an m week, 7 days | dva ~na two weeks, B+ a fortnight; dvaput na ~an twice a week; kraj ~na weekend
tjedni adj kept (happening, occurring, observed) every
week (weekly)
tjednik m (novine, asopis) weekly (paper, magazine)
tjedno adv weekly; per week; every week; by the week |
dvaput ~ twice a week
tjelace n v. tjelece
tjelesina f augm big (large, hulking) body
tjelesn|i adj corporal, corporeal, bodily; fleshly; (tvaran)
material, physical; (opipljiv) tangible | ~a kazna corporal punishment; ~e vjebe (kretanje) physical exercise; ~a ljepota physical beauty; ~a straa bodyguard; B ~i lijenik physician in ordinary; ~i uici
(jelo, stan, hrana itd.) creature comforts
tjelesno adj bodily, corporally, physically; fleshily; materially
tjelesnost f corporeity, corporality, material existence,
tjelec|e n dim corpuscle, little body | crvena (bijela)
krvna ~a red (white) corpuscles
tjelohranitelj m bodyguard
tjelovjeba f gymnastics pl, physical training; drill; (jutarnja) setting-up exercise
tjeme n crown of head, top head; anat vertex
tjemenjaa f anat parietal bone
tjeralica f warrant of arrest for a fugitive criminal
tjeran pp driven; compelled, impelled
tjeranje n driving; (lov) chasing; (siljenje) forcing,
compulsion, obliging; (pourivanje) urging, hurrying,
pressing; (guranje) pushing; (pogon) impelling, propelling, propulsion, working, running, keep going;
(biljke) sprouting, shooting, putting forth, throwing
out, cropping (out); (progon) pursuit; (za dug) dunning; (ivotinje: pred parenje) heat
tjerati vt (progon) chase, pursue, be in pursuit; (kukom i
motikom) raise hue and cry after; (siliti) drive, urge,
oblige, force, press, insist on; (dunika) dun, press for
payment; (podbadati) egg on; (pogon) propel, drive,
move, work, run, keep in motion; (biljka) sprout,
shoot, put forth, throw out shoots, crop | ~ stoku na

pau turn (put) out to grass; ~ do skrajnosti carry to

excess, urge to the extreme, push too far; ~ u la give
one the lie; ~ parnicu institute a legal process; ~
avla exorcize, expel evil spirit
tjerati se vr (ivotinje) be in heat
tjeskoba f anxiety, anxiousness, qualm, sinking of heart
tjeskoban adj anxious, uneasy, full of anxiety (fear);
apprehensive of
tjeskobno adv anxiously
tjesnac m straits pl; defile, gorge; channel; narrow passage; (kripac) corner, fix | natjerati u ~ corner,
drive to bay, bring to close quarters, press hard
tjesnoa f narrowness, tightness, straitness
tjesten adj made of dough, doughy; paste; pasty
tjestenina f (Italian) paste, pasta
tjeenje n consolation, comfort
tjeitelj m consoler, comforter
tjeiteljica f female consoler, consolatrix
tjeiti vt console, comfort; (taiti) soothe, calm, appease,
find comfort in, be consoled by, find consolation in
tkalac m weaver
tkalak|i adj weaver's, of a weaver | ~i stan loom; ~o
brdo weaver's reed; ~a greda yarn-beam; ~i unac
weaver's shuttle
tkalatvo n weaving, weaver's trade
tkalev adj weaver's, used by a weaver
tkalja f female weaver
tkan pp woven
tkanica f folk sash
tkanin|a f textile, textile (woven) fabric; cloth; woollen
fabric (stuff); tissue | dlaka ~e nap; hrapava ~a
rough cloth; prozirna ~a sheer (diaphanous) fabric;
trajna ~a serviceable cloth
tkanje n weaving, textile art; weave
tkaonica f weaving mill; cotton-mill; (svile) silk-mill,
tkati vt weave
tkivo n anat tissue; (tkanina) fabric
tko pron who | ~ mu drago whoever, whosoever, no
matter who, any(body), any(one); kako ~ (ve prema
tome) according as; ~ vie, ~ manje some more,
some less; ~ bi to mislio! who would have thought
it!; ~ je who is it?, who is there?; (vojnik na strai)
who goes there?; ~ je ~ who is who; malo ~ (rijetko)
hardly any, very few
tkogod pron whoever, whosoever, no matter who
tlaen adj fig oppressed; strained, pressed; (gnjeten)
tlaenica f cul (prezvurt) headcheese
tlaenje n fig oppression; pressure, pressing; (protiskivanje) straining; compression
tlaitelj m oppressor, tyrant, despot
tlaiti vt press, compress; squeeze; strain; fig oppress,
tyrannize, ride roughshod over, domineer, treat
roughly; (gaziti) trample down
tlak m pressure; (pare) head | med visoki (krvni) ~ high
blood pressure
tlaka f vilainage (villeinage) service
tlakomjer m barometer

tlapiti vi be a visionary, be lost in reveries, be a daydreamer

tlapljenje n visionariness, day-dreaming
tlapnja f illusion, delusion; fancy; deceptive (fanciful)
notion (conception); chimera
tle n v. tlo
tlo n ground; earth; soil; land; territory | plodno ~ rich
soil; (crnica) mould; neplodno ~ barren (jejune) soil;
domovinsko ~ native soil; iscrpljeno ~ soil out of
heart; obraeno (ali ne zasijano) ~ fallow; izgubiti
~ pod nogama (u vodi) go beyond one's depth, be
swept off one's feet; gubiti ~ lose ground; fig on gubi
~ his grip on... loosens
tlocrt m ground-plan
tmast adj dark, obscure, sombre, leaden, dull, dim;
pitchy, gloomy
tmica f v. tmina
tmian adj v. taman
tmina f darkness, obscurity; dusk, gloom
tmuran adj gloomy, dull, sombre, murky, overcast; fig
(pokunjen, zlovoljan) sulky, melancholy, downcast,
dismal, moping, grim; saturnine
tmuriti se vr become overcast (dull, murky, sombre);
become sulky (melancholy, moping)
tmua f darkness, murkiness
to pron this, it, that | o ~m about this; ~ jest that is; (naime) namely; k ~me besides, moreover; po ~ for this
(that, it); uz ~, za ~, na ~, u ~ v. usto, zato, nato,
uto; kroz ~ through this, on account of this, by it,
thereby; po ~m v. potom; kod ~ga there, by it, present; kraj ~ga besides, moreover, over and above; od
~g doba henceforward, in future; iz ~ga slijedi hence
it follows; ~ isto the (self)-same; kako ~? how so?;
doao sam po ~ I have come to fetch it; ja sam za ~ I
am for it, I agree to it; nije mi do ~ga I don't care for
it; rije je o ~me the subject discussed (under discussion) is...; ~ e mi platiti (prijetnja) you will smart
for it; radi se o ~me the question is; ~ bolje all the
better; ~ vie the more so, the rather that, so much
the more; ~ gore the worse for it; ~ manje the less;
to... ~ the... the
toalet m powder room; v. zahod
toaleta f toilet; (odijelo) costume, dress
toaletni adj toilet | ~ stoli toilet-table; ~ papir toiletpaper
tobdija m Tur v. topnik
tobogan m (saonice) toboggan; (u luna-parku) A rollercoaster; B switch-back | sanjkati se na ~u toboggan
tobolac m quiver; pouch
tobolar m zoo marsupial
toboe adv ostensibly, pretendedly, allegedly, professedly, as a pretext; under the pretence, on pretence; seemingly; as if it were
tobonji adj ostensible, professed, pretended, quasi; for
show (only); would-be, specious, plausible; makebelieve; (navodni) reputed, putative, alleged; (predmnijevan) presumed, supposititious; (krivi) sham, mock,
false; (hinjen) feigned; (tek po imenu) nominal,
nominally | ~ horizont sensible horizon

tocilj m v. brus
tociljanje n v. klizanje
tociljati vt v. brusiti
tociljati se vr v. klizati se
toak m v. kota
toan adj exact, accurate; punctual, precise; correct
toenj|e n pouring out; retailing alcoholic drinks | dozvola ~a u lokalu on-licence (ali bez troenja u lokalu
toilac m pourer; v. pipniar
toilo n turner's lathe
toionica f tap-room, bar
toiti' vt pour out, decant; (in a bar, public house) retail
(sell) alcoholic drinks
toiti'' vt (tokar) turn (on lathe)
tok|a f (reenice) (full) stop; period; (na slovu -i-) dot;
(decimalna) point; (programa, predstave) turn;
(stavka) item; (ugovora) clause, provision | ~a zarez
semicolon; dvije ~e colon; staviti ~u na -i- (j) dot;
usporeivati ~u po ~u check items; ~u po ~u item by
item; dodirna ~a point of contact; mrtva ~a standstill, deadlock; na mrtvoj ~i at a standstill
tokast adj dotted; (uzorak tkanine) polka-dot
tokica f dim little dot | bluza na ~e polka-dot blouse
tono adv exactly, accurately, precisely, correctly; (vremenski) punctually, sharp
tonost f exactness, precision, accuracy; (vremenska)
Todor m Theodor
toga f hist toga
Togo m geog Togo
Togoanac m Togolese
togoanski adj geog Togolese
tok' m (tijek) course, flow, circulation; flux ; current,
stream; (razvoj) development; march | u ~u in the
course of, during; in progress; staviti u ~ put in circulation, issue
tok'' m (maa itd.) sheath, scabbard; case; (revolver)
holster | staviti u ~ sheathe; encase
toka f folk silver button (plate)
tokajac m Tokay wine
tokar m turner; (kovinotokar) lathe operator
tokarenje n turning work, turner's work
tokarija f turnery, turner's workshop (trade)
tokarilica f (turning-)lathe
tokariti vt turn, make turnery articles, turn wood in
tokarsk|i adj used by (of a) turner | ~a klupa turner's
tokarstvo n v. tokarija
tokata f mus toccata
toki-voki m walkie-talkie
tokmak m stupid fellow, dolt, blockhead
tokom prep in the course of, during
toksian adj toxic, poisonous
toksiki adv toxically
toksikolog m toxicologist
toksikologija f toxicology
toksikoloki adj toxicological

toksin m med toxin

tolerancija f tolerance, forbearance; eng tolerance
tolerantan adj tolerant
tolerantno adj tolerantly
tolerantnost f v. tolerancija
tolerirati vt tolerate
tolerirati se vr tolerate each other (one another)
tolicina f so few
tolicni adj so small (little, tiny, wee, minute)
tolik adj such (a), of such size (height, shape itd.), so
high (tall, great, big itd.) a; in such numbers; many |
jo jedanput ~ as big (large, tall, high itd.) again; ~
kolik je sada such as he is now
toliko adv so much, thus much, this much, to such a
degree; such a number (quantity, amount itd.); as
many, so many | dvaput ~ twice as much; jo jedanput ~ as much again; jo jedanput ~ dug as long
again; u ~, u koliko in so much as, inasmuch
toliti vt v. taiti
toluol m chem toluol
toljaga f club, cudgel, bludgeon, knob-stick, knotty stick
tom m v. svezak
tomahavk m tomahawk
tombola f tombola; (u AS zemljama) bingo; (predmetna)
Tomica m dim Tommy
Tomo m Thomas
ton m tone, note, sound; voice, manner of speaking; (boje) tint, shade of colour | opseg ~ova diapason
tona f ton | engleska ~ = 2240 funti; amerika ~
(kratka) = 2 000 funti; brod od 2 000 ~ a 2 000tonner; registarska ~ register ton
tonalan adj tonal
tonalitet m mus tonality
tonaa f tonnage
tonfilm m sound film
tonhala f film sound-stage
tonian adj | ~ naglasak tonic, tonic stress (accent)
tonik m (napitak) tonic
Tonka f Netty
Tonko m Tony
tonski' adj tonal | film ~ snimatelj sound man
tonski'' adv tonally
tonuti vi sink, founder, go to the bottom; flounder; fig
plunge, abandon oneself; (roniti) submerge; (tlo) cave
in, sag, subside; (sunce) go down, set
tonzila f anat v. krajnik
tonzilitis f med tonsilitis
tonzura f RC tonsure
top m gun, cannon, artillery piece; (ah) v. kula; collect
cannon, ordnance; (velikih ratnih brodova) armament | opaliti ~ove discharge guns; fire; (cijelog boka broda) give a broadside; tui iz ~ova bombard,
shell; (bonom paljbom) fire broadsides; gruvanje
~ova roar of cannon
top|ao adj warm; (mlak) luke-warm, tepid; (srdaan)
hearty, deep-felt | meni je ~lo I am warm; ~lo vrelo
(toplice) thermal (hot) springs pl
topaz m topaz

topi m dim little cannon

topionica f v. talionica
topiti vt melt; (mast) render (fat); (kovinu) v. taliti; liquefy, dissolve; fuse, found
topiti se vr melt, liquefy, dissolve; fig be in the melting
mood; (od milja) be in raptures, be in the seventh
heaven, be full of bliss | topi se (snijeg itd.) frost
breaks, it melts
topiv adj v. topljiv
toplana f heating plant
toplic|e f pl watering-place, spa, thermal springs | piti
ljekovitu vodu u ~ama drink waters; na lijeenju u
~ama taking the waters, being on a mineral-water
toplin|a f warmth; (vruina) heat; (srdanost) heartiness;
(revnost) ardour, fervour, zeal | vodi ~e conductor of
toplinik m (ranog povra) greenhouse; (egzotinog
bilja) conservatory
toplinski adj thermal | med ~ udar heat stroke
top-lista f the charts pl
topliti vt warm, make warm, take chill off
toplo adv warmly; (vrue) hotly; (mlako) tepidly; (srdano) heartily; (revno) ardently, fervently
toplokrvan adj zoo warm-blooded
toplomjer m thermometer; (engleski) Fahrenheit thermometer; (Celzijev) Centigrade; (bolesniki) clinical
thermometer | na ~u je 10 stupnjeva ispod (iznad)
nitice the thermometer shaws 10 degrees below
(above) zero; ~ se die (pada) the thermometer is rising (falling)
toplonoa f v. vodi topline
toplota f v. toplina
toplotan adj v. toplinski
topljen adj melted, molten; rendered; liquefied, dissolved
topljenje n melting, thawing; (masti) rendering; (grijanje) warming, heating
topljiv adj that can be melted, liquefiable; fusible
topljivost f fusibility
topniki adj a gunner's, used by a gunner (in gunnery)
topnik m gunner, artilleryman, artillerist
topnitvo n artillery, ordnance
topnjaa f nav gun-boat
topograf m topographer
topografija f topography
topografski adj topographic(al)
topola f bot poplar(-tree)
topolovina f poplar-wood
toponim m ling toponym
toponimija f ling toponymy
toporite n (hatchet)-helve, (axe-)helve
topot m tramp, trample, stamping
topovnjaa f v. topnjaa
topovsk|i adj artillery, ordnance, of the guns (cannon) |
~o zrno cannon-ball; ~a lafeta gun-carriage
toptanje n v. topot
toptati vi tramp; walk (tread) heavily, trample, stamp
topuz m Tur v. buzdovan

tor m pen, (sheep-) fold | zatvoriti u ~ pen, fold

torakoplastika f med thoracoplasty
toraks m anat v. prsni ko
toranj m tower; (iljast) spire, steeple; (crkveni zvonik)
belfry, church tower; (kula) castle, stronghold; (malen, ukrasni) turret; (vidikovac) belvedere, gazebo
torba f bag; (enska) handbag, purse; (za alat, potreptine) kitbag; (vojnika uz bok) haversack; (prosjaka)
wallet; (vojnika na leima) knapsack; (aka) satchel;
(mrea) reticule; (za streljivo) pouch; budget; leathercase | puna ~a bagful
torbak m bag
torbar m pedlar, hawker, travelling vendor, itinerant
tradesman, pack-man; zoo v. tobolar
torbarenje n hawking, peddling, house-to-house selling
torbariti vt peddle (hawk) about goods
torbica f dim small bag (satchel, wallet); (enska) handbag, purse
toreador m toreador, bullfighter
torij m chem thorium
tornado m tornado
tornjati se vr take oneself off, make off, be gone, sheer
tornji m dim turret
torokalo n v. blebetalo
torokati vi v. blebetati
torokua f v. blebetua, tralerica
torpediranje n torpedoing, torpedo attack
torpedirati vt torpedo; fig scuttle
torpedni adj torpedo | ~ amac torpedo-boat
torpedo m torpedo; (na biciklu) coaster brake
torpiljarka f torpedo-boat
torta f cake; French pastry
tortura f torture (i fig)
torzija f phys torsion
torzo m torso; unfinished (mutilated) statue
Toskana f geog Tuscany
toskanski adj Tuscan
tost m cul toast | prilica za ~ toaster
totalan adj total
totalitaran adj pol totalitarian
totalitarist m totalitarian
totalitaristiki adj pol totalitarian
totalitarizam m pol totalitarianism
totalitarno adv in totalitarian fashion
totalitarnost f totalitarianism
totalitet m totality
totalizator m totalizator, totalizer
totalno adj totally; thoroughly
totem m totem
totemizam m totemism
tov m fattening
tovan adj fattened
tovar' m load, cargo, freight; shipment; (poiljka) consignment | ~ kola, broda, vlaka a cartload, a shipload, a trainload
tovar'' m v. magarac
tovaren pp loaded, laden, freighted; charged
tovarenje n loading, lading, freighting

tovarina f freightage
tovarite n loading-place; rlw B goods (A freight) platform; mar wharf
tovaritelj m freighter; loader
tovariti vt load; lade, freight
tovariti se vr get in (onto), be getting loaded
tovarn|i adj lading, loading, freighting | ~i list (brodski)
bill of lading; (eljezniki) way-bill; (avionski) air
way-bill; ~i konj sumpter-horse; ~a ivotinja pack
tovilite n feedlot
tovitelj m cattle fattener, feedlot operator
toviti vt fatten
toviti se vr batten, grow fat
tovljen pp fattened, battened
tovljenje n fattening, battening
trabant m zealous (blind) follower, hanger-on
trabunjalo n driveller, twaddler
trabunjanje n incoherent talk, rambling talk, drivel,
trabunjati vi talk incoherently, drivel, twaddle, dote;
ramble in one's talk
traak m beam, ray; (mrviak) bit, grain, particle, trace,
trifle, dash, sprinkling, touch
Traanin m Thracian
traanje n gossip; intriguing
traati vi gossip; intrigue
tra-baba f v. traler(ica)
traki adj geog Thracian
traler m, ~ica f v. naklapalo, ogovaralo
tranic|a f rail | ~e rails; (pruga) track; collect trackage;
vlak je iskoio iz ~a the train was derailed
trapartija f coll gabfest sl
traen pp wasted, squandered
traenje n waste, wasting, squandering; dissipation;
(tronja) wear and tear
traiti vt v. tratiti
tradicija f tradition | usmena ~ oral tradition
tradicionalan adj traditional, traditionary; handed down
from ancestors
tradicionalist m traditionalist
tradicionalizam m traditionalism
tradicionalno adv traditionally
trafika f B tobacconist's; A cigar store, tobacco store
trafikant m B tobacconist, A cigar store operator
trafikantica f v. trafikant
trafo-stanica f el transformer station, sub-station
trag m track, trace, trail; (broda itd.) wake; vestige;
(stopa) footprints; (zvijeri) scent; (koloteina) rut |
svjei (stari) ~ hot (cold) scent; slijediti ~ follow up
the scent (track); izgubiti ~ (psi) lose scent, be at
fault; opet otkriti ~ recover the scent; na ~u on the
scent; ui u ~ track down; fig obtain a clue; slijediti
~ do brloga track to lair; navesti na krivi ~ put off
the scent, put on the wrong track, put at fault; poi
~om (stopama) prea follow in the footsteps of the
ancestors; nema ni ~a there is not a trace of...; izgubiti ~ be off the track; (psi) be at fault; bez ~a with-

out a trace; nema ni ~a dokaza there is not a rag of

traganje n tracking; search
tragati vt track, follow the track, trace; (i nai) track
traged m (glumac) tragedian
tragedija f tragedy; fig tragical accident (event), disaster, calamity
tragetkinja f tragedienne
tragian adj tragic(al), calamitous; distressing
tragiar m tragedian
tragino adv tragically
traginost f tragicalness, distressing circumstances
tragika f tragedy; tragic quality
tragikomedija f tragicomedy
tragikomian adj tragicomic
tragikominost f tragicomic quality, tragicomicalness
traheja f v. dunik
traheotomija f med tracheotomy
trahom m med trachoma
trahomian adj med trachomatous
trajan adj lasting, durable, abiding, stable, permanent;
constant, continual; unchangeable; (biljka) perennial;
(boja) fast; (nepromjenljiv) unalterable; invariable;
(neprekidan) uninterrupted; (odijelo, obua) serviceable, wearing well; (glagol) imperfective
trajanj|e n duration, life | za ~a pending, during; kratko
~e (vrijeme rada, sporta) spell, spin
traj|ati vi last, endure; continue; be permanent (durable);
take time; keep -ing; remain; subsist | to e mi ~ati
dugo this will last long; to ve ~e par godina this
has been going on for a few years
trajekt m (car-) ferry
trajn|a f coll permanent wave, coll perm | napraviti ~u
perm somebody's hair; get a perm, have one's hair
trajnica f bot perennial
trajno adv permanently, lastingly, continuously, continually, on end
trajnost f durability, stability, permanence, stableness,
constancy, lastingness
trak m (svjetla) ray, beam; (tkanine) narrow band (strip,
ribbon, strap); (znak asti) stripe; (uski, papira) tape,
slip | mot kolovozni ~ lane
traka f v. trak, vrpca
trakavica f med tapeworm
trakaviav adj med tapewormy
Trakija f geog Thrace
trakt m v. krilo (dogradnja kue); zgrada (krilo) | anat
probavni ~ digestive tract
traktat m tractate, treatise
traktor m tractor, traction-engine; (s kotaima) wheel
tract; (gusjeniar) tracklaying tractor
traktorist m tractor driver
traktorski adj tractor
traktur m Ger v. lijevak
traljav adj shabby, wretched, poor, rotten; (lo) inferior;
(isprika) poor, thin (excuse); (stih) halting (verse);

(iznoen) worn-out, threadbare, the worse for the

traljavac m contemptible fellow, wretch, jerk; (slabi)
weakling; (poderanac) ragamuffin, tatterdemalion
traljavo adv shabbily, poorly, wretchedly, rottenly
traljavost f shabbiness, wretched state (feeling); weakness; (osjeanje) rottenness, wretchedness; (kakvoa)
tralje f pl rags, tatters
tram m Ger v. greda, potporanj
trambolin m v. trampolin
tramontana f reg north wind
trampa f Tur v. zamjena
tramper m mar tramp ship
trampiti se vr Tur v. zamijeniti se
trampljenje n Tur v. zamjena
trampolin m diving board
tramvaj m B tram(-car); A trolley car, street car
tramvaj|ac m, ~ka f tram (A trolley) worker; v. kondukter
tramvajski adj B tram, A trolley
trandovilje n bot hollyhock
trans m trance
transakcija f transaction
transatlantik m ocean-going ship
transatlantski adj transatlantic
transcendentalan adj transcendental
transcendentalizam m transcendentalism
transcendentan adj transcendent
transfer m fin transfer
transferirati vt fin transfer
transformacijsk|i adj | ~a gramatika transformational
transformacionalist m ling transformationalist
transformacija f transformation
transformator m el transformer
transformirati (se) vt (vr) transform
transfuzija f med (blood) transfusion
Transilvanija f geog Transylvania
transkontinentalan adj transcontinental
transkribirati vt transcribe
transkripcija f transcription
transkriptor m transcriber
transliteracija f transliteration
transliterirati vt transliterate
transmisija f transmission
transmisijski adj | eng ~ remen driving belt
transmitirati vt transmit
transmutacija f transmutation
transoceanski adj transoceanic
transparent m banner, placard, sign
transplantat m med transplant
transplantacija f med transplantation
transplantirati vt transplant
transponiranje n transposition
transponirati vt transpose
transport m transport, A+ transportation; (pomorski)
maritime transport
transporter m eng conveyor; mil personnel carrier

transportiranje n transportation
transportirati vi transport
transportni adj transport; cargo
transpozicija f transposition
transverzala f geom transversal
transverzalan adj transverse
transvestit m med transvestite
transvestitski adj med transvestite
transvestitstvo n med transvestism
tranirati vt carve, cut up
tranzistor m el transistor; transistor-radio
tranzistoriziran adj transistorized
tranzistorski adj el transistor
tranzit m transit
tranzitni adj transit-, through
trap m (jama) potato-pit | aero stajni ~ landing gear
trapav adj v. nespretan
traperice f pl (blue) jeans
traper-platno n text blue denim
trapez m geom B trapezium, A trapezoid; (cirkuski) trapeze
trapezoid m geom B trapezoid, A trapezium
trapezoidni adj geom trapezoidal
trapist m eccl Trappist; (sir) Trappist cheese
trapiti se vr mortify
trapljenje n mortification
tras! int crash! bang! slam!
trasa f (marked) route
trasant m fin drawer
trasat m fin drawee
traser m route marker
trasirati vt mark, trace
tratina f lawn, sward; grass, turf
tratinica f bot daisy
tratiti vt squander, waste, dissipate, triffle away, fritter
away | fig ~ snagu (energiju) break butterfly on
trauma f med & fig trauma; med coll v. traumatoloki
traumatolog m med casualty (accident) surgeon
traumatologija f med casualty (accident) surgery
traumatoloki adj | med ~ odio casualty (accident) ward
trav|a f grass; herb, herbage; (paa) pasture | ljekovite
~e medicinal herbs, simples
trav|anj m April | prvi ~nja All Fools' Day; rtva prevare za prvi ~nja April fool
travanjski adj April
travar m herbalist
travarica f herb-flavoured brandy; herb-woman
travica f dim v. travka
travertin m minr travertine
traverza f crossbeam, girder
travestija f travesty
travestirati vt travesty
travka f dim grass-blade, small single grass
travnat adj grassy
travni adj of grass, grass, herbal
travnjak m pasturage, grassland, pasture-land, meadow,
grass-plot; v. tratina

travurina f augm rank (wild) grass

trabin|a f claim, demand (v. potraivanje); debit;
(pravo na) right (title) to; (aktiva) assets pl; (zaostali
dugovi) outstanding debts, arrears | to je moja ~a
that's my due; unijeti ~u debit one with, charge with,
enter sum against (to) one; najaviti ~u kod suda put
in (one's claim)
traen pp (iskan) looked-for, sought-after; (trabina)
demanded; (moljen) asked, petitioned, solicited, applied for
traenje n (iskanje) seeking, searching; (of, for), looking
for (after, up), quest; (pretraga) ransacking; (raspitkivanje) inquiry; (zahtjev) request, demand; (prava,
trabina) claiming demands, claims; (moljenje) petitioning, solicitation, begging; (molba) application;
instance; (progon) scouring
trailac m searcher; petitioner, applicant, solicitor
trailak|i adj | ~a ekipa search party
trailo n (foto-aparata) view-finder
traiti vt look for (after); (pretraiti) search for (after),
make search, rummage, ransack; (zahtijevati) demand, claim, lay claim to, make demands upon, advance (bring forward) claims on; (biti potreban) call
for; (moliti) request, petition, solicit, apply for, make
application; (u rjeniku) look up; (nastojati nai) be
on the look-out for; (moliti od) ask of... for; (usrdno)
beseech; (zahtijevati) insist | ~ vodu (rudu) vilinim
raljama work the twig; ~ svoje demand one's due; ~
uslugu ask a favour of, ask one a favour; ~ pretjeranu cijenu overcharge, ask an exorbitant price; to trai od mene mnogo napora this taxes my powers;
trai se (oglas) wanted...; mnogo se trai is much in
demand, is much sought-after; to trai intervenciju
this calls for an intervention; ~ natrag ask (demand)
back, ask for the return of; ~ dlaku u jajetu split
hairs, find a quarrel in a straw, go to a goat for wool
tranja f v. potranja
trbobolja f belly-ache
trbonja f big-bellied person
trbuh m belly, abdomen; paunch; (uterus) womb; (velik,
coll) corporation | ii ~om za kruhom shift for oneself, look for a better living
trbuast adj potbellied; (izboen) bulging
trbui m dim little belly; incipient paunch
trbuina f big belly, paunch
trbun|i adj abdominal, belly | anat ~a opna peritoneum;
~a upljina abdomen
tranje n running, run; (utrkivanje) race; (s naporom
pred ciljem) spurt(ing); (jurenje) bolting, rushing,
darting; (preplaeno) scamper(ing); scud, scudding
trati vi run, race; (jurenje) tear (along), dash (dart)
along, rush; scamper | ~ glavom bez obzira run for
one's dear life; ~ bre od drugoga (prestii) outrun,
outstrip, gain ground
trei adj | mil ~m korakom in double time
trka f (jarebica) partridge
trkaralo m messenger; legman
trkaranje n running to and fro, running on different

trkarati vi keep running to and fro, run on different

trkarav adj scurrying, shuttling
trebanje n want, need; (manjak, nestaica) lack, deficiency, requirements
treb|ati vi need, be in need of..., stand in need of, require; (oskudica) be needy (necessitous); have need,
be in want of, be wanting; (faliti) be without, lack, be
lacking (wanting in); (za neto) have occasion for |
~a it is necessary (requisite, indispensable), there
needs..., it is wanting, it necessitates..., ne ~a se zabrinjavati you need not trouble; tu ~a oprezno postupati this wants careful handling; to ~a uiniti this
must be done; djeaku ~a iba the boy wants whipping; on ~a da he must...; meni ~a... I want, I am in
need of..., I am deficient in...; to mi ne ~a I can go
(do) without, I can forgo; meni ~a malo I am a man
of few wants; nije kako ~a it is not as it should be;
~a da samo kae, pa... you have but to say, and...;
~a da bude kanjen! he ought to be punished; ne izbivaj dulje nego ~a don't stay away longer than you
need; njemu ~a jo... he falls short of...; ~a mu...
(nema) he is defective in (devoid of, deficient in)...;
ne ~a se uditi da... it is not to be wondered at
that...; silno ~am I want badly; (ne mogu bez) I can't
dispense with it; to ~a protumaiti this calls for
comment; ~at e sat da se to svri it will take an
hour to finish it; ~ao je tjedan dana da to svri he
took (it took him) a week to finish it
trebnik m Orth ritual (book)
trebovanje n v. zahtjev, potraivanje
trebovati vt v. traiti, dizati
trebovnica f v. potranica
treak m fourth lunar period
tree adv thirdly, in the third place
tre|i num the third | mat ~a potencija third power; ~i
korijen cube root; ~a mjenica third of exchange
treina f one third, the third part
treore|dac m, ~tkinja f RC Tertiary
treostupnja m univ v. postdiplomski student
tref m (karta) club | ~ karte the clubs
trefer m Ger v. pogodak
trefiti vt Ger v. pogoditi, susresti
trefiti se vr Ger v. dogoditi se
treger m Ger v. nosa
trema f stage-fright, coll butterflies
trema m person prone to stage-fright
tremolo m mus tremolo
tren' m jiffy, instant, moment, trice, twinkling | u ~ oka
instantaneously, in a jiffy (trice), before you could say
Jack Robinson, in no time, in a twinkling, in less
than no time, (odmah) on the spur of the moment
tren'' m mil v. komora
trenaer m (training) simulator
trenci m pl cul grated hard dough
trenkot m trench-coat
trend m trend
trener m sp coach
trenerka f sp woman coach; v. trenirka

trenerski adj sp coach, coaches'

trenica f cul grater
trening m sp training
trenirati vi sp train
trenirka f sp track-suit, sweat-suit
trenutaan adj momentary, instantaneous
trenutano adv momentarily, instantaneously
trenutak m moment, instant; v. tren
trenutan adj v. trenutaan
trenuti vt wink; bat (an eye) | ne ~ okom keep one's
composure, keep one's countenance; (bol) without
trenutno adv v. trenutano
trenje n friction, rubbing; massage
trepanacija f med trephination, trepanation
trepanirati vt med trephine, trepan
trepavica f eye-lash
trepenje n v. treptanje
treperav adj flickering; fluttering
treperavo adv flickeringly; flutteringly
treperavost f flickering (fluttering) quality
treperenje n flicker(ing), twinkle, twinkling; flutter(ing), quiver(ing), vibration
treperiti vi flicker, twinkle; quiver, vibrate; flutter
trepet m (strah) fright, tremor, trepidation; fear, panic;
shaking, trembling, shivering; (svjetla) twinkle, blink
trepetanje n v. treperenje
trepetati vi v. treperiti
trepnuti vi v. trenuti
treptaj m a flicker (twinkle)
treptanje n (oima) winking, blinking; v. treperenje
treptati vi (oima) wink, blink; v. treperiti
treptav adj winking, blinking; v. treperav
treptavo adv winkingly, blinkingly; v. treperavo
treptavost f winking (blinking) manner; v. treperavost
treptjeti vi v. svjetlucati, bljetati
tres! int bang! slam! crash!
tresak m bang, slam, crash; (groma) thunder-clap, thunder-bolt; (mukli) thud; (sukob) impact, collision
tresen pp shaken
tresenje n shaking
treset m peat
tresetite n peat-bog, peat-moss
tresetn|i adj | ~i dim peat-smoke; ~o gorivo peat-fuel
treska' n v. tresak
treska'' f v. trijeska
treskanje n slamming, banging
treskati vi bang, crash, slam
treskavica f med shaking fever, the shakes pl
treslovina f (tanin) tan; (tavilo) tan-ooze, tan-pickle
tresnuti vi crash, bang, smash; come (go) crash (bang,
bump, thud); (ljosnuti) fall with a crash (thud,
bump); (vratima) slam the door
tresti vt shake, agitate; (drmati) jog, joggle
tresti se vr (drhtati) tremble, shiver, quake, quiver, flutter, jolt
treica f dim thin sliver (splinter, chip)
treenje n reg v. tresenje
trenja' f cherry ; (stablo) cherry-tree

trenja'' f (drmanje) vibration, shaking, shivering, quaking, vibration; (strah) trembling, trepidation, tremor
trenjev adj cherrytrenjevaa f cherry-brandy
trenjevina f cherry-wood
trenjik m cherry-orchard
tretati vi blare
tretav adj blaring
tretavo adv blaringly
tretavost f blaring quality
tretiranje n treatment, approach
tretirati vt treat (i med); approach
tretman m treatment (i med); approach
trezor m vault, strongroom
trezven adj v. trijezan
trezvenjaki adj temperance, teetotal(l)ing (v. antialkoholiarski)
trezvenjak m abstinent, abstainer, teetotal(l)er
trezvenjatvo n teetotalism
trg m market, market-place; square; (sajam) fair | ii
kupovati na ~ go marketing; ~ za stoku cattlemarket; ~ za sijeno hay market
trgadba f v. berba
trganci m pl cul small pieces of batter nipped off for the
trganje n (kidanje) tearing, plucking, rending; culling;
(mrcvarenje) laceration; (bol) shooting pain; (berba)
vintage, grape-gathering
trgati vt (kidati) tear (pull, pluck, wrench, sever, rend)
off; (brati) cull, gather, pick, crop; (mrcvariti) lacerate, mangle | zub (kurje oko) trga tooth (corn)
trgati se vr v. kidati se, otimati se
trgnuti vt (ma) draw the sword; (natrag) shrink back,
recoil, pull back; jerk, hitch
trgnuti se vr (prepast) start, be startled; (od sna) awake
with a jerk (start)
trgov|ac m (s duanom) B shopkeeper, A storekeeper;
dealer; (na malo) retailer, tradesman, trader; (sitni)
petty shop-keeper; (prodava) seller, salesman,
shopman; (na veliko) wholesaler, wholesale dealer,
merchant | ~ci pl shopkeepers, dealers, merchants,
tradespeople, wholesalers; (struka) the trade
trgovak|i' adj commercial, mercantile, merchant, business-like; trade | ~a komora chamber of commerce;
~a kua firm, business; ~a struka line of business;
~o dopisivanje commercial correspondence; ~a burza (goods) exchange; ~a roba merchandise, ware(s),
goods, commodity; (glavna) staple commodity; (struka) line, article; ~a marka (ig) trade name, brand,
trademark; ~o skladite warehouse; ~i pomonik B
shop-attendant, shop-assistant; A (sales) clerk; ~a
mornarica mercantile shipping, mercantile marine,
merchant-fleet; ~i izraz commercial term; ~o knjigovodstvo commercial bookkeeping; ~i zakon commercial law, merchant-law, law merchant; ~i brod
merchantman, trader; ~i posrednik commercial
(mercantile) agent, factor; ~i putnik commercial
traveller, travelling salesman, coll (esp A) drummer;

~e veze commercial relations (connexions); ~i drug

companion, commercial partner; ~o drutvo trading
company, joint-stock company; ~i sud commercial
court; ~o poslovanje trading-business; ~i meetar
broker; ~i registar commercial register; ~i stale
trading community; ~i ugovor commercial treaty; ~e
novine commercial gazette
trgovaki'' adv commercially, businesslike
trgovanje n trading, trade, doing business, carrying on
trade (commerce), trafficking; (roba za robu) bartering; (na malo) retailing; (na veliko) selling wholesale
trgovati vi trade, bargain, do business, deal in, traffic; (u
zamjenu) barter, truck; sell and buy; (na malo) retail,
sell over the counter; (na veliko) sell (buy) wholesale
trgovi m dim small shopkeeper, trader in a small way
trgovin|a f trade, commerce, traffic, trading, market; (na
malo) retail business (trade); (na veliko) wholesale
trade; (duan) B shop, A store (zadruni co-operative
store); (tvrtka) firm, house | sredite ~e emporium,
mart, trade centre; ~a u zamjenu barter, truck; slobodna ~a free trade; uvozna ~a import trade; izvozna ~a export trade; prijevozna ~a transit trade; ~a
mjeovitom robom grocery, grocer's shop; pomorska
~a sea-borne trade; troma ~a slack trade; ivahna ~a
brisk trade; ~a je u punom jeku trade is in full
swing; ~a je zapela trade is at a standstill
trgovinsk|i adj commercial, trade (v. trgovaki) | ~i
ugovor commercial treaty; ~a komora chamber of
trgovite n market-town
trgovkinja f female shopkeeper; merchant's wife
trhonoa f porter, carrier; (slunik) commissionaire
tri num three; (brojka) figure 3; (ocjena) C | ~ po ~ three
by three; ~ mjeseca a quarter (of a year); od ~ sloja
three-ply; kua s ~ kata threestoreyed house; brod s
~ vijka triple-screw steamer
triangl m mus triangle
triangulacija f triangulation
triangulirati vt triangulate
tribina f (grand) stand; speaker's platform
tribun m tribune (i fig)
tribunal m tribunal; court of justice
tribunski adj tribunicial, tribunitial, tribunician
tribut m hist v. danak
tric|a' f trifle; paltry (petty, trivial, negligible) thing | ~e i
kuine fiddle-faddle
trica'' f figure 3; bus (i sl.) number 3; (ocjena) C
tricikl m tricycle, coll trike
triarija f v. trica
triav adj insignificant, petty, trifling, trivial, unimportant, of no account
triavo adv trivially; pettily
triavost f triviality, insignificance; (postupak) pettiness,
paltriness; (cjepidlaarenje) hairsplitting
trietvrt adj three-quarter-length
trideset num thirty
tridesetak m about (some) thirty persons (things)
tridesetero n thirty (male and female) persons
trideseti num the thirtieth

tridesetina f one thirtieth

tridesetogodinji adj thirty-year-old | hist ~ rat Thirty
Year's War
tridesetorica f thirty (male) persons
trigeminus m anat trigeminus, trigeminal nerve
trigonometrija f math trigonometry
trigonometrijski' adj trigonometric
trigonometrijski'' adv trigonometrically
trihina f vet & med trichina
trihinav adj vet & med trichinous, trichinotic
trihinoza f vet & med trichinosis
trijada f triad
trijas m geol Trias
trijasni adj geol Triassic
trijebiti vt (izabirati) pick (sort, choose, sift) out worthless (foreign, dissimilar, inferior itd.) parts (matter);
(ui) louse
trijebiti se vr (od uiju) louse each other
trijebljenje n picking (choosing, sifting, sorting itd.) out
waste (foreign matter); (uiju) lousing
trijem m cloister, porch; arched doorway; colonnaded
(and covered) walk, arcade
trijer m farm v. vijalica
trijes m thunder-bolt, thunder-clap
trijeska f wooden splinter (sliver, chip)
trijee n collect (wood) splinters, chips; (za potpaljivanje) kindling
trijezan adj sober; (umjeren) frugal, moderate; (u piu)
abstemious; (ozbiljan) sedate, serious, sane, wellbalanced, self-controlled, steady; (miran) calm, composed, unruffled; (stil) chaste | ~ ovjek (koji ne pije)
trijezniti se vr sober down
trijezno adv soberly, frugally ; sedately; calmly, coolly
trijeznost f sobriety, frugality; sedateness, moderateness;
calmness, coolness; steadiness; abstemiousness, teetotalism
trijumf m triumph, exultation; (pobjeda) victory
trijumfal|an adj triumphal; (pobjedonosan) triumphant |
~na kapija v. slavoluk
trijumfalno adv triumphantly, exultingly
trijumfator m triumphant person (general, leader)
trijumfirajui adj v. trijumfalan
trijumfiranje n exultation over, triumph
trijumfira|ti vi triumph (over), exult over | ~jui triumphantly, exultingly
trijumvir m hist triumvir
trijumvirat m hist triumvirate
trik m trick
triko m maillot; (plesaki) leotard
trikotaa f knitwear; (odio) knitwear (B+ hosiery) department
trikotaer m knitwear worker (manufacturer)
trikotani adj knitwear
triktrak m v. dama (igra)
triler' m mus trill
triler'' m (roman, film) thriller
trilijun m math B trillion, A quintillion
trilirati vi mus trill

trilogija f trilogy
trilja f v. trlja
trimestar m quarter (esp B univ), trimester
trim-staza f sp trim-track
trinaest num thirteen; (komada) baker's (devil's,
printer's) dozen
trinaestero n thirteen (male and female) persons
trinaesti num the thirteenth
trinaestina f one thirteenth
trinaestorica f thirteen (male) persons
trine f pl hay-crumbs, hay-flowers
tringelt m Ger v. napojnica
trinitrotoluol m chem v. trotil
trio m mus & fig trio
trioda f el triode
triola f mus triplet
tripanosoma f med trypanosome
tripartitan adj pol tripartite
tripe f pl cul tripe(s)
triper m Ger v. kapavac
tripera m Ger vulg one with a dose
triplikat m | u ~u in triplicate
triptih m triptych
triput adj three times, thrice
trirema f hist trireme
trista num three hundred
tristagodinjica f tricentenary
Triton m myth Triton
triumf m v. trijumf
trivijalan adj trivial, commonplace
trivijalno adv trivially
trivijalnost f triviality
trk m run, course, race; gallop | juriti ~om (konj) ride at
a gallop; (ovjek) tear (niz tear down)
trka f running, race; (konjska) horse-race; (krajinom)
cross-country, steeple-chase; (preko zapreka) hurdlerace
trka m runner; (auto) racer; (konj) race-horse, racer;
(voza) racing driver
trkaica f woman runner
trka|i adj | ~a kola racing car
trkalit|e n race-course, race-track | jedno kolo ~a lap
trkanje n v. trka
trkati vi run about
trkati se vr race (each other)
trknuti' vi do run down to
trknuti'' vt reg v. gurnuti
trkom adv running; (mil) double-quick
trlica f hemp-brake
trliti vt (lan) brake
trlja f ichth surmullet
trljan pp rubbed, chafed; massaged
trljanje n rubbing, massage, friction; chafing; (pranje)
trljati vt rub, massage; chafe; scrub
trljati se vr rub | ~ o rub against
trn m thorn, spine, prickle | to mi je ~ u oku this is
thorn in my flesh (side)

trnci m pl (mravci) pins and needles, tingling sensation

in a limb | ~ su me proli (od strave, groze) it made
my flesh creep; a shudder went through me; (pomisao) I shuddered at the thought, it gave me the
shivers; (studen) I had a shivering-fit
trnokop m pick-ax(e), pick
trnov adj of thorns (spines); thorny
trnovaa f thorny club (stick)
trnovit adj thorny, spiny; (bodljikav) prickly; fig (teak)
arduous, laborious, hard, uphill, beset with hardships
trnovitost f thorny (spiny) state; fig consisting of (strewn
with) hardships (toil, difficulties)
trnue n numbness (of a limb)
trnuti' vi become numb (paralysed), lose feeling | ~ od
studeni become numb with cold
trnuti'' vi (gasiti se) be put out (extinguished); v. gasiti
trnjak m bramble patch, thorns pl
trnj|e n collect brambles, thorny bushes; thorns, spines |
nema rue bez ~a there is no rose without thorns;
bio sam kao na ~u I was (sat) on thorns
trnjenje' n numbing
trnjenje'' n v. gaenje
trnjevaa f ichth electric ray
trnjina f sloe
trobojan adj tricoloured, tricolour
trobojka f tricolour, tricoloured flag
trobojnica f v. trobojka
trobridan adj three-edged, prismatic
trocijevan adj mil three-barrelled
trockist m pol Trotskyist, Trotskyite
trockistiki adj pol Trotskyist, Trotskyite
trockizam m pol Trotskyism
troetvrtinski adj three-quarter | mus ~ takt triple time
trolan adj trinomial; three-member; three-part
trodijelan adj consisting of three parts, tripartite, divided into three parts
trodijelnost f tripartite makeup (quality)
trodimenzionalan adj three-dimensional, coll three-D
trodimenzionalno adv three-dimensionally, in 3-D
trodimenzionalnost f three-dimensional quality
trodnevan adj of three days, lasting three days
trofazni adj el three-phase
trofej m trophy
trofejni adj mil part of war booty
troglasan adj mus three-part
troglav adj three-headed
troglodit m troglodyte, cave dweller
trogloditski adj troglodytic
trogodinji adj of three years standing; three years old;
triennial; lasting three years; three-year
trogodinjica f third anniversary
trogub adj threefold, treble, triple
trogubo adv triply; in three ways
trohej m pros trochee
trohejski adj pros trochaic
Troja f hist Troy
trojaci m pl Whitsuntide, Pentecost
trojak adj of three kinds; (trostruk) three-fold

trojako adv in three ways

Trojanac m hist Troyan
trojanski adj hist Troyan | myth ~ konj Troyan horse
trojci m pl triplets
troje num three; three (male & female) persons
trojedan adj | hist ~no kraljevstvo the Triune Kingdom
trojezian adj trilingual
trojica f three persons
trojice f pl Whitsuntide, Pentecost
trojka f v. trica; three-man group; (ruska) troika
trojn|i adj treble, triple | math pravilo ~o rule of three;
pol ~i ugovor tripartite treaty
trojstvo n triplicity; triad; trichotomy | Sv. ~ (the Holy)
trokatan adj three-storeyed
trokatnica f B three-storey (A four-story) building
trokolica f tricycle; three-wheeled cart; mot threewheeler
trokrak adj three-pronged; three-legged, three-shanked;
having three brackets
trokratan adj occuring (happening) three times
trokril|an adj (zgrada) three-winged | ~na slika triptych
trokut m triangle; (za crtanje) set square | istokraan ~
isosceles triangle; raznostranian ~ scalene triangle;
tupokutan ~ obtuse-angled triangle; pravokutan ~
right-angled triangle
trokutan adj triangular, trigonal
trola f (trolejbusna) trolley (pole)
trolejbus m B trolley-bus
trolejbusni adj trolley-bus
trolist m trefoil; (djetelina) clover, trefoil
trolistan adj trefoiled
troljetan adj triennial, lasting three years, three years
old, of three years standing
trom adj sluggish, slack, languid, slow, tardy; (duhom)
slow-witted, dull-witted
tromb m med thrombus
tromblon m mil grenade launcher
trombon m mus trombone
trombonist m mus trombonist
tromboza f med thrombosis
tromea f three-border point (area)
tromjesean adj three-monthly, quarterly
tromjeseje n quarter
tromjesenik m quarter
tromjeseno adv quarterly
tromo adv slowly, sluggishly; lazily, slothfully
tromost f slowness, sluggishness, slackness; (duha)
slow-wittedness, dull-wittedness
tromotoran adj three-engined
tron m v. prijestolje
trono|g m, ~ac m tripod; (ognjita) trivet; (stalak)
three-legged stand; three-legged stool
tronoke adv on three legs
tronoan adj three-legged
tronue n v. tronutost
tronut adj deeply moved (affected, touched); moved to
tronuti vt move (touch, affect) deeply; move to tears

tronuti se vr be (come) deeply moved

tronuto adv deeply touched (moved)
tronutost f deep (heartfelt) emotion
trop' m v. kom
trop'' m pros trope
tropa adv coll v. gotov, propao
tropar m Orth hymn
tropi m pl the tropics pl
tropica f v. komovaa
tropikal m text tropical-weight suiting
tropjev adj mus tercet, trio
troplet m three-stand interlacery decoration
tropolan adj el tripolar
troposfera f troposphere
tropovica f v. komovaa
tropreg m three-horse carriage
tropre|an adj | ~na koija three-horse carriage
tropski adj tropical
trored' adj three-row, triple-row
trored'' m triple row | mil u ~u three abreast
trorodan adj of three kinds; gram three-gender
trorog adj (eir) tricorne; three-cornered; (jelen) threeantlered
trosatni adj three-hour
troska f (ljaka) slag, dross
troskav adj slaggy
troskok m sp hop, skip (ili step) and jump
trosloan adj trisyllabic
trospratan adj v. trokatan
trostran adj three-sided, trilateral
trostruenje n trebling, tripling
trostruiti vt treble, triple, triplicate
trostruk adj threefold, three-ply; triple, treble
trostruko adv trebly, triply, three times as much (many)
trostrukost f triplicity
troa m spender
tro|ak m expense, cost, expenditure, outlay, outgoings
pl; (uzdravanja) upkeep | putni ~ak travelling expenses; sitni ~ak pocket-expenses; (deparac)
pocket-money, (supruzi) pin-money; na ~ak at the
expense of... ; na moj ~ak at my expense; naknada
~ka reimbursement; spojen s ~kom expensive; pogonski ~kovi overhead; parnini (sudski) ~kovi
costs of the action (of a suit), law expenses; snositi
~kove bear costs (expense)
troan adj (zgrada, cesta itd.) in bad repair, ruinous;
(zgrada) tumbledown, crumbling; (odijelo) the worse
for wear, worn to a thread, threadbare
troarin|a f excise, excise tax (duty); v. mitnica | ubira
~e exciseman
troarinac m v. mitniar
troarinski adj excise, of the excise
troenje n spending, laying out, disbursement; (upotreba) use, using, wear by use, tear and wear; consumption; (traenje) wasting, squandering, dissipation
troilac m v. troa
troiti vt (novac) expend, lay out, spend money on, disburse; (hranu itd.) consume; (porabom) use (up), em-

ploy, wear out; (tratiti) waste, squander, dissipate;

(vrijeme itd. uzalud) fritter away; (obilno) spend lavishly, lavish
troiti se vr wear out (away), waste; be spent (expended);
suffer from hard wear; (glodati se) fray; (propadati,
zgrada itd.) come into disrepair, decay, dilapidate
trokovnik m scale of charges; estimate; list of expense
tronost f disrepair; dilapidation, tumbledown state;
tronja f v troenje
trotil m (eksploziv) trinitrotoluene (-luol), trotyl, TNT
trotinet m v. romobil
trotl m Ger v. eprtlja, blesan
trotoar m v. plonik
trotrupac m (jedrilica) trimaran
trougao(nik) m v. trokut
trouglast adj three-cornered; v. trokutast
trova m poisoner
trovalni adj rad three-band
trovan pp poisoned
trovanje n poisoning; fig corruption
trovatelj m poisoner
trovateljica f female poisoner
trovati vt poison, envenom; infect; fig corrupt, taint
trovati se vr be (get) poisoned
trovrstan adj of three kinds (sorts, qualities)
trozub m trident, three-pronged spear, fish-spear
trozvuk m mus triple chord
troilan adj el three-ply (wire)
trp m zoo sea cucumber
trp|ak adj bitter, tart, acrid; (vino) dry; rough to taste,
sharp-tasted; (steui) astringent, rough | ~ka jabukovaa hard cider
trpan pp crammed, stowed (away), stuffed, pressed into
trpanje n cramming, stowing, stuffing, stopping
trpati vt cram, stow, stuff, press into; pack tighty,
crowd; (u vreu, torbu) bag, box; (zaepljivati) stop
trpati se vr (jelom) gorge (oneself); v. gurati se
trpeljiv adj v. tolerantan, snoljiv
trpeza f v. stol
trpezarija f v. blagovaonica
trpjeti vt (podnijeti) suffer, endure, stand, bear, go
through, undergo, bide; (boljeti) agonize, smart, ail;
fig grieve; (dopustiti) tolerate, brook, stand, put up
with, allow
trpko|a f, ~st f tartness, acridity; (vina) dryness; astringency
trpljen pp suffered, tolerated; on sufferance
trpljenje n (bol) suffering, agony, throes pl, anguish,
ache, smart, pain; fig affliction, distress, grief, trials
(dopustiti) tolerance, forbearance, indulgence; putting up with, undergoing
trpljiv adj patient, tolerant, resigned, submissive
trpljivost f patience; tolerance, toleration; submissiveness, resignation
trpn|i adj | gram ~o stanje passive voice
trputac m bot plantain

trs m grape-vine, vine-stock

trsiti se vr take pains, exert oneself, try hard, do one's
utmost, strive
trsje n collect grape-vines; vineyard
trska f reed, cane, bamboo, rat(t)an | eerna ~ sugarcane
trsn|i adj | ~a u vine-pest, phylloxera
Trst m geog Trieste
trsten adj made of reed
trstik m reed-patch, reeds pl
trstika f reed
trak m v. trstik
trica f thin reed
Tranin m inhabitant of Trieste, Triestino
transki adj geog Trieste
trenje n taking pains, trying hard, doing one's utmost,
trti vt rub, chafe, massage; cause friction; (latiti) scour,
scrub; (lan) brake, crush flax (hemp) | trla baba lan
da joj proe dan fritter away one's time
trtica f rump; (stranjica ptice, ivotinje) buttocks pl,
posterior; (kost) coccyx
trtin|i adj rump, coccygeal | ~a kost coccyx
truba f trumpet, fife; mil bugle
truba m trumpeter, fifer; mil bugler
trubaki adj trumpeter's, trumpeters', for trumpet; trumpet-playing
trubadur m troubadour; minstrel
trubadurski adj troubadourish
trubica f dim little trumpet
trubiti vt trumpet, fife, blow truinpet, proclaim by trumpet; mil bugle; (u svijet) blaze abroad; (hvaliti) cry
up; fig blazon; (u ui) din into one's ears | mil ~ poveerje play the taps; ~ na uzmak sound (bugle) the
(a) retreat; mil ~na uzbunu sound an alarm; ~na juri blow the signal for storming
trubljenje n trumpeting
truc m Ger v. prkos
truckati se vr v. drndati se
truati vi v. lupetati, blebetati
trud' m pains pl, exertion, effort, trouble, toil; fatigue;
labour, hard work; toil and moil | dati sebi ~a take
pains, exert onesef, make efforts; ne aliti ~a not
shrink from pains, not mind any pains (trouble); dao
je sebi mnogo ~a he was at great pains to... ; med
dobiti ~ove go into labour (childbirth)
trud'' m (guba) tinder, German tinder, amadou
trudan adj (ena) pregnant, in the family way, with
child, gravid; v. umoran
trudbeniki' adj toiler's, toiling
trudbeniki'' adv like a toiler, like toilers
trudbenik m toiler; energetic (painstaking, diligent)
man (worker), live wire
truditi se vr take pains, exert oneself, strive, take trouble, endeavour, labour; (kinjiti se) toil and moil
trudnic|a f pregnant woman; expectant (prospective)
mother | odjea za ~e maternity wear
trudnoa f pregnancy
trudovi m pl med v. trud'

truizam m truism, banality

trul adj v. truo
trule m rot, rottenness, putridity, decay, putrefaction,
putrescence; fig corruption | suhi (mokri) ~ (drva)
dry (wet) rot
truliti vi v. trunuti
trulost f rottenness, putridity, putrescence; fig corruption, corruptness, decay
truljenje n rotting, decay(ing), decomposition, putrefaction
trun(ak) m bit, title, iota, whit, particle, grain; crumb;
shadow; mote, mite | ni truna not a mite or slightest
trace; ni truna sumnje not a shadow of doubt; ~ u
tuim oima mote in another's eye
truniti vt shake off by rubbing; scatter
truniti se vr crumble; flake
trunui pres rotting, decaying, putrescent
trunuti vi rot,. decay, decompose, putrefy; fig become
tainted, corrupt(ed)
trunje n collect shreds, scraps, particles
trunjenje n shake off; scattering
truo adj rotten, putrid; fig corrupt
trup' m trunk, bole, stem; (glavni dio) body; (okrunjenog
kipa) torso; (mrtve ivotinje) carcass; (broda) hull
(bez jarbola, raspremljen hulk); (aviona) fuselage
trup'' m ichth v. rumbac
trupa f mil & fig troop; (baletna, glumaka) troup
trupac m part of sawn up trunk (bole); log
trupina f large (big, unwieldy) body; v. trup
trupkanje n tripping, mincing one's steps
trupkati vi trip, mince one's steps
truplo n dead body, corpse; carcass
trupni adj mil troop
trus m v. zemljotres
trusiti vt sprinkle, scatter
trust m econ trust | fig ~ mozgova brain trust
trut m ent drone; fig good-for-nothing fellow, lazybones,
trutina f derog no-good drone
trvenje n friction; (nesloga) jar, variance, wrangling;
strife, quarrel, discord
trzaj m jerk, twitch; (gr) convulsion, spasm; (prepast)
wince, flinch; (vatrenog oruja) recoil, rebound, kick
trzalica f mus plectrum
trzanje n jerking, twitcning; (gr) spasmodic contraction, spasm, convulsion; v. trzaj
trzati vi jerk, twitch; (strah, prepast) wince, flinch; (vatreno oruje) recoil, rebound, kick
trzati se vr be convulsed, twitch, contract spasmodically
trzavica f (miia) twitching; convulsion; fig unsettled
conditions, violent social agitation (perturbation, excitement; restlessness); (osobne) friction (v. trvenje)
trini adj market
trite n market; trade centre; mart, emporium | pol hist
Zajedniko ~ (European) Common Market (later:
European Union)
triti vt sell in the market, put on the market, expose for
sale; market, deal in goods, trade

trn|i adj of the market, market | ~i nadzornik marketinspector; ~a pristojba (market-)excise, market-tolls;
~i dan market-day; ~o mjesto market-place
trnica f market-hall, market-building; (otvorena) outdoor market-place
tu adv here, in this place, on this spot; (ovuda) this way;
(tada, u taj as) then, at this moment | ~ nema druge
there is no choice left, there is nothing to be done,
there is no alternative; ~ ima there is; ~ nema there
is no...; ~ i tamo here and there; scattered, few and
far between, in some places; (po koji) with a sprinkling of...
tuba f tube; mus tuba
tubast adj blunt, flat
tuberan m sl tubercular
tuberkula f med tubercle
tuberkuloza f tuberculosis, coll t.b.
tuberkulozan adj tubercular, arch consumptive
tuberoza f bot tuberose
tuca m | ~ kamenja stone-breaker
tucalo n pestle; (veliko) beetle
tucanik m v. tuenac
tucanje n pestling, pounding, braying, bruising
tucati vt pestle, pound, bray, crush, beat small
tucati se vr knock (against) each other
tuce n, ~t m dozen, 12 pieces | ~ i jo jedan komad (13)
baker's dozen, printer's dozen; veliko ~ gross (144)
tuckanje n dabbing, tapping (striking) lightly
tuckati vt dab, tap (strike) lightly
tuckati se vr knock (against) each other
tu m Tur v. mjed, bronca
tu|a m hail; v. tunjava | ~a pada it hails ; zrno ~e
tuak m bot pestle
tuan adj Tur v. mjeden, bronan
tue n v. pure
tuen pp beaten, thrashed, belaboured; beaten small,
pounded, pestled, brayed, broken up in pieces
tuenac m (kamen za cestogradnju) broken stone, road
gravel, B+ road-metal, A+ crushed rock
tuenje n beating
tuka f cul steak hammer
tunjava f row, brawl, scuggle, fray, disorderly (free)
fight; scrap
tui vt (udarati) beat, strike, thrash, belabour, whack,
thwack, cudgel, batter | ~ iz topova shell, bombard; ~
bonom vatrom rake, sweep, enfilade, flank
tui se vr fight; mil fight, battle with combat, engage
with, give battle; (u dvoboju) fight a duel; (u tunjavi) scuffle, engage in a fray (row, free fight)
tu adj not one's own, not belonging to one, belonging to
someone else; (stran) strange; foreign; (podanik)
alien; (nesrodan) not allied, not kindred to; (neupuen) uninitiated; (koji ne spada na) extraneous; (inozeman) outlandish, exotic | pod ~im imenom incognito; prevarno se sluiti ~im imenom personate
tuenje n growing apart, alienation
tuica f foreign word, loan-word, borrowing
tuin m v. tuinac

tuin|a f foreign parts (country) | poao je u ~u he went

tuinac m stranger, foreigner, unknown person (neznanac); (tui podanik) alien
tuinka f female stranger; foreign (alien) woman
tuinski adj foreign, alien, exotic, outlandish
tuintina f foreign (alien) characteristic (traits, manners, customs)
tuiti se vr alienate oneself; (izbjegavati) shun company
of, avoid, give wide berth to
tuf m minr tuff, tufa
tufna f Ger v. tokica (uzorak)
tufnast adj Ger v. na tokice
tuga f sorrow, sadness, melancholy, grief; affiction;
tugaljiv adj v. turoban, alostan, osjetljiv, kakljiv
tugovanka f v. tualjka
tugovanje n sorrow, mourning, grief
tugovati vi sorrow, mourn for (over); grieve; be in
tuhica f Ger v. perina
tuhljiv adj reg v. pljesniv, pokvaren
tuhnuti vi reg v. zaudarati
tuja f bot arborvitae
tuka f turkey-hen; derog (o eni) goose
tukac m turkey-cock; derog v. budala
tukan m ornith toucan
tuknuti vt strike (lightly)
tula f art tula-work, niello
tularemija f vet & med tular(a)emia
tulenje n v. tuljenje
tule m v. tuljenje
tulipan m bot tulip
tuliti vi howl, hoot, roar, yell, whoop, boo
tulum m sl Tur v. zabava, pijanka
tuljac m cylinder, tube; (tobolac) quiver; round (paper)
bag; (za eire) hat body (form, crown); (za sladoled)
ice-cream cone
tuljan m seal | ~ovo krzno seal-skin
tuljenje n howl(ing), hoot(ing), yell(ing), whoop(ing),
tuma m interpreter, dragoman; (znakova) explanation;
expounder, expositor, commentator | sudski ~ court
tumaenje n interpretation, explanation; exposition,
commentary; explication; (uputa sa strane) rubric
tumaiti vt interpret, explain, comment, expound; (uzorak) assign (ascribe) reason, account for, put a construction upon
tumaralo n stroller, loiterer; straying (roaming, roving)
tumaranje n strolling, rambling, roving, roaming, straying, loitering, wandering
tumarati vi roam, ramble, rove, stray; loiter, stroil; walk
aimlessly; hang about
tumbati vt Tur v. prevrtati
tumbe adj Tur v. naopako, naglavce
tumor m med B tumour, A tumor
tumplati vt Ger v. oniti

tuna f tunny(-fish), tuna

tundra f geog tundra
tunel m tunnel
tunelski adj tunnel
tunera f sloping ladder as a lookout, perch for tunnyfishermen
tungsten m v. volfram
Tunguzij|a f | derog iz T~e from Timbuctoo
tunika f tunica
tunina f tunny(-fish) meat, tuna
Tunis m (zemlja) Tunisia; (grad) Tunis
tuniski adj geog Tunisian
Tunianin m Tunisian
tunkati vt Ger v. umakati, potopiti
tunolov m tunny-fishing
tunolovac m (brod) tuna-boat
tunja f reg v. povraz
tunjevina f v. tunina
tup adj blunt, dull, obtuse; pointless, not keen; (umno)
dull, dull-witted, slow; (glup) stupid, dense, addleheaded, addle-brained, idiotic; (za dojmove) impassive, apathetic; (pogled) blank
tupadija m sl v. gnjavator
tupan m v. tupoglavac
tupavac m v. tupoglavac
tupe m Fr hairpiece
tupfer m med Ger (gauze) pad
tupina f minr cement-clay
tupiti vt blunt, make blunt (obtuse, dull); sl v. gnjaviti,
tupjeti vi become blunt (dull); become stupid (dense,
dull-witted, thick-headed); become apathetic (impassive); lose keenness (sharpness, interest in)
tupkati vt & vi v. tapkati, trupkati, lupkati
tupljenje n blunting, making (becoming) blunt (dull)
tupo adv bluntly; obtusely, dull-wittedly
tupoa f v. tupost
tupoglav adj blunt-headed; stupid, dense, dull-witted;
tupoglavac m stupid (dense) person, dullard, dunce, duffer
tupoglavo adv obtusely, densely, dull-wittedly
tupoglavost f stupidity
tupokutan adj geom obtuse-angled
tuponja f v. tupoglavac
tupost f dul(l)ness, bluntness; obtuseness, stupidity; impasiveness, apathy
tur' m zoo (European) bison, aurochs, urus
tur'' m v. stranjica; (na hlaama) seat
tura f (put) tour, long journey; v. red
turanje n pushing, shoving, pressing forward; (guranje)
turati vt thrust; (gurati) push, shove; (potajno) v. turnuti
turati se vr jostle (v. gurati se)
turban m turban
turbe n Tur domed burial site

turbina f turbine, turbine engine | parna ~ steam-turbine; brodska ~ marine turbine; vodena ~ water turbine; plinska ~ gas turbine
turbinski adj eng turbine, turbo-, turbine-powered
turboelektrini adj turbo-electric
turbogenerator m el turbogenerator
turbokompresor m el turbocompressor
turbomlazni adj aero turbojet
Turci m pl Turks, Turkish people
turcizam m word (expression) of Turkish origin
Turin m Turk
Ture n young Turk, Turkish boy (lad)
turirati vt (motor) rev up, race
turist m tourist
turistiki adj tourist | ~ ured tourist-office
turiti vt v. turnuti
turizam m tourism; tourist trade (industry)
turkati vt push forward by slight touches (v. gurkati);
ftb dribble
Turkinja f Turkish woman (girl)
turmalin m minr tourmaline
turnej|a f tour | na ~i on tour; theat on the road
turnir m (viteki) tourney; tournament; contest | ahovski (teniski) ~ chess (tennis) tournament
turnus m shift (i sch)
turnuti vt thrust; (gurnuti) give a push; (potajno) slip
(insert) casually (stealthily)
turoban adj sad, melancholy, sorrowful, mournful, saturnine, plaintive; (potiten) depressed, gloomy, in the
turobno adv sadly, mornfully, sorrowfully, plaintively
turobnost f sadness, melancholy, sorrowfulness
turpija f file; (gruba) rasp
turpijanj|e n filing, rasping | piljevina od ~a filings pl
turpijati vt file, rasp
turpijica f little (fine) file; (za nokte) nail-file
tur-retur adv Fr there and back; v. povratni (karta)
Turska f geog Turkey
turski adj Turkish | ~ jezik Turkish
turija f cul Tur pickled foods (v. ukiseljen); v. rasol
tust adj fat, adipose; (debeo) plump, corpulent; (i kratak)
pudgy | ~a ivotinja fatling, fattened animal; ~a
zemlja (tlo) rich soil
tustilo n v. tustoa
tu' m (crnilo) Indian ink
tu'' m (za polijevanje) shower; mus fanfare, flourish |
fig hladan ~ shock
tuiranje n taking a shower, showering, shower(s)
tuirati' vt shower, place under shower
tuirati'' vt (u hrvanju) pin
tuirati se vr take a shower, shower
tuta f | ~ i tma v. bezbroj
tuta f (u djejem govoru) potty
tutanj m boom(ing), roar, thunder(ing) | u ~ v. uzalud
tutkalo n Tur v. stolarsko ljepilo
tutkati vt v. turati (potajno)
tutnuti vt v. turnuti (potajno)
tutnjav adj booming, roaring, thundering; thudding
tutnjava f boom, roar, din, thunder; (mukla) thud

tutnjiti vi boom, thunder, din, roar

tutor m guardian; tutor
tutorov adj of a guardian (tutor) | ~ tienik ward
tutorski' adj tutorial
tutorski'' adv tutorially
tutorstvo n tutorage, tutorship, guardianship
tuzemac m native; inlander; (domorodac) indigene
tuzem|an, ~ski adj native; (domai) domestic, home;
(uroen) indigenous, inland
tuzemstvo n (domovina) homeland, native land | pristojbe za ~ inland rates
tuakalo n person keeping reporting (informing)
against; telltale
tuakanje n continual reporting (informing against, accusing)
tuakati vt keep informing against (reporting); be a telltale
tualjka f lament, dirge, jeremiad
tuan adj sad, melancholy, gloomy, sorrowful | biti ~
tub|a f (tuiti) accusation; (alba) grievance, complaint;
(iskaz na sudu) plaintiff's statement, prosecution, arraignment; (prijava) information against, report; impeachment; denouncement | podii ~u (optunicu)
[sud] arraign, indict
tubalica f v. tualjka
tuen pp accused, indicted, impeached, arraigned; persecuted; (prijavljen) reported, informed against
tueni(k) m v. optueni
tuenje n accusing, charging (with); jur suing
tuibaba f v. tuakalo
tuilac m v. tuitelj | javni ~ B public prosecutor; A district attorney
tuilatvo n district attorney's office | dravno ~ Public
Prosecutor's Office
tuitelj m accuser; plaintiff, prosecutor
tuiti vt accuse, charge with; (sudski) sue, institute legal
proceedings, bring suit into court, prosecute (in lawcourt), begin legal action (process); (prijaviti) report,
inform against
tuiti se vr complain (na of); state a grievance
tuno adv mournfully, sadly, sorrowfully; lugubriously
tvar f matter, stuff, substance; material
tvaran adj material, real, corporeal
tvid m text tweed
tvist m mus twist | plesati ~ twist
tvoj pron your, yours; arch & poet thy, thine | ~i your
tvor m zoo polecat, fitchew; (ameriki) skunk
tvorac m creator, shaper, maker; originator
tvoraki adj v. stvaralaki
tvor|an adj in deed; violent | jur ~ni napadaj assault and
tvorba f creation, formation; making; shaping; gram
tvorenje n v. tvorba
tvorevina f product, creation, formation; (rukotvor)

tvoriti vt produce, manufacture; work, do; form, shape,

compose, mould, create; represent | ~ dio constitute,
be a part of, be compose of
tvorivo n material, stuff
tvornica f factory, mill, plant, manufactory, works pl | ~
papira paper mill (works); ~ tekstila textile mill
(faciory); ~ konopa rope works; ~ igica match
works; ~ sapuna soap-works; ~ kemikalija chemical
works (plant); ~ svile silk-mill; ~ katrana tarfactory; ~ konzerva tinned (A canned) goods manufactory; ~ ulja oil manufactory (works, plant);~ celuloze pulp mill
tvorniar m manufacturer, mill-owner
tvorniki adj of a factory, done (manufactured, made,
produced) in a factory | ~ radnik factory hand; ~
proizvod manufacture, industrial product, manufactured article
tvorno adv | jur ~ napasti assault, offer violence to one
tvrd adj hard; horny; flinty, adamantine; solid; (otporan) resistant, resistent; (ukoen) rigid, stiff; (krt)
hard-fisted, miserly; (okrutan) hardhearted; (nepopustljiv) unbending, unyielding, inflexible | ~o drvo
hardwood; ~ dvopek hard tack; ~ a glava stupid
(dense, crass) head, person dull of apprehension,
slow of understanding; ~a vjera true word (loyalty)
tvrdica f v. krtac
tvrdiiti vi v. krtariti
tvrdiluk m v. krtost
tvrditi vt affirm, assert, maintain; aver; declare; (sveano) asseverate; claim, protest; (navoditi) allege
tvrdnuti vi v. otvrdnuti, stvrdnjavati se
tvrdnja f assertion; affirmation; statement, allegation;
claim; (sveana) asseveration
tvrdo adv hard; (uporno) stubbornly; strongly, firmly;
(ukoeno) rigidly; (nepopustljivo) inflexibly | ~ spavati be fast asleep, sleep like a top
tvrdoa f hardness; firmness; (srca) hard-heartedness;
(ukoenost) rigidity, stiffness; solidity
tvrdoglav adj opinionated, obstinate, headstrong, selfwilled, stiffnecked, stubborn; dogmatic
tvrdoglavac m obstinate (stubborn) person
tvrdoglavo adv obstinately, stubbornly
tvrdoglavost f obstinacy, stubbornness, opinionatedness
tvrdokoran adj obstinate, unbending, persistent; obdurate; (grenik) inverate (hardened, impenitent)
tvrdokorno adv obstinately, persistently, obdurately;
unbendingly, stubbornly
tvrdokornost f obstinacy, stubbornness, obduracy
tvrdokrilci m pl ent Coleoptera
tvrava f fortress, stronghold, fortified place; citadel |
aero letea ~ flying fortress
tvravica f citadel; fort
tvravni adj of a fortress (stronghold)
tvrenje f v. tvrdnja
tvrtk|a f firm, mercantile firm, business (commercial)
house, house of business | stara ~a old-established
firm; ugledna ~a house of high standing; podruna
~a branch house; lana ~a bogus (long) firm; prije
postojea ~a late firm; vie nepostojea ~a extinct

firm; naslov ~e firm-name, style; sredinja (glavna)

~a parent house; osnovati ~u open (establish) a house

u prep (gdje?) in, at (kod) by; (kamo?) to, into || (mjesto)
~ koli (crkvi) (funkcija) at school (church, chapel);
(zgrada) in the school (the church, the chapel); ~
kolu (crkvu, zatvor) to school (church, chapel,
prison); ~ Londonu (velik grad) in London; ~ estinama (malo mjesto) at estine; ~ London (Francusku) to London (France); ~ tuini abroad; ~ tuinu
abroad; bio je ~ Engleskoj he was to England; poao
je ~ lov he went shooting; bacie ga ~ tamnicu they
clapped him into prison; otiao je ~ rat he went to
war || (vrijeme) ~ zoru at down; ~ ponedjeljak on
Monday (dolazio bi nedjeljom he would come on a
Sunday); ~ novije doba in recent times; ~ davnini in
ancient times; ~ ono doba at that time; ~ roku od 8
dana within 8 days; ~ taj as at that moment; ~ pravi as in the nick of time, at the right moment, just in
time, in season, seasonably, opportunely; ~ 8 sati tono at 8 o'clock sharp; ~ nevrijeme out of season,
unseasonably, inopportunely; ~ svako doba in season
and out of season; ~ koje doba? at what time; ~ tim
prilikama in these circumstances || (nain) ~ redu in
order; ~ tom smislu to this effect; ~ tu svrhu for this
purpose; ~ dobrom (loem) stanju in good (bad) repair; ~ neprilici sam I am in a fix (dilemma); ~ urbi in haste, in a hurry; plaa ~ gotovom he pays cash
down; ~ prilog in favour of; jahati ~ propanj go at a
gallop || (razno) ~ njega je tvoja knjiga he has (got)
your book; ~ ime in the name of; ~ to ime for this
purpose; ~ njegovo ime (za njega) on (in) his behalf,
instead of him; mi se slaemo ~ tom we agree in
this; ugledaj se ~ njega take example by him; hrom
~ jednu nogu lame in (of) one leg; ~ rvanju mu nema para he has no match (equal) in wrestling
ua! int v. fuj!
uapsiti vt v. uhapsiti
uazbuiti vt v. abecedirati
ubaciti vt throw (pitch) into; fig fit in
ubaciti se vr fig get (sneak) in
ubacivanje n throwing in; sp throw-in
ubacivati vt v. ubaciti
ubaen pp thrown (pitched) into
ubadaa f large pin
ubadanje n pricking (piercing, puncturing)
ubadati vt keep sticking (pricking, piercing, puncturing)
ubajatiti se vr v. ustajati se, pokvariti se
ubav adj sweet, comely, handsome, pretty, nice, graceful; charming
ubavo adv prettily, gracefully, charmingly
ubavost f comeliness, charm, niceness, gracefulness,
sweetness, prettiness
ubica m v. ubojica
ubijanje n killing, slaying, murdering, massacring,

ubijati vt v. ubiti
ubijati se vr kill itd. oneself; fig v. muiti se, kilaviti se
ubijediti vt v. uvjeriti
ubijeen adj v. uvjeren
ubijeenost f v. uvjerenost, uvjerenje
ubijeliti vt bleach, whiten
ubijen pp killed, slayed, murdered
ubilak|i' adj death-dealing; murderous; v. ubitaan | ~a
nakana intention to murder (kill); (ovjeka) homicidal; ubojstvo bez ~e nakane manslaughter
ubilaki'' adv murderously
ubiljeba f recording, entering, jotting down, registering, booking, entry, noting down; (prijenos) posting
ubiljeen pp registered; entered upon (a book itd.);
booked (down); (prijenos iz knjige u knjigu) posted
ubiljeiti vt enter upon the books, book, register, book
ubiljeiti se vr register
ubira m collector
ubiranje n collection; (najamnine itd.) perception; (poreza) levying of tax
ubirati vt collect, get cashed; (utjerivati) enforce payment
ubistven adj v. ubitaan
ubistvo n v. ubojstvo, umorstvo
ubitaan adj deadly, pernicious, fatal; lethal; baneful,
ubitano adv deadly, fatally; lethally; balefully, banefully
ubitanost f deadliness, perniciousness; banefulness
ubi|ti vt kill; slay; (umoriti) murder, butcher; assassinate;
make away with; (poklati) slaughter; massacre; (nehotice) commit manslaughter; do for; destroy; (probosti) stab to death; (noem) knife to death | da me
~jete for the life of me
ubiti se vr (poginuti) get killed; (hotimice) commit suicide (self-murder), (hicem) blow out one's brains; fig
knock oneself out (v. muiti se)
ubjedljiv adj v. uvjerljiv
ubjedljivo adv v. uvjerljivo
ubjedljivost f v. uvjerljivost
ubjeenje n v. uvjerenje
ubjeivanje n v. uvjeravanje
ublatiti vt dirty, soil; besmirch
ublatiti se vr dirty (soil) oneself, become dirty (soiled)
ublaavanje n v. ublaenje
ublaavati vt v. ublaiti
ublaenje n alleviation; appeasement, soothing; (kazne)
mitigation, palliation
ublaiti vt alleviate, soothe; mitigate, palliate; relieve;
ease; temper, appease, tone down, take off the edge
ublaiti se vr become alleviated; ease; soften
ublaiv adj alleviable, mitigable

ubljuvati vt throw up all over (something)

ubljuvati se vr throw up all over oneself
ubod m sting, thrust, stab, pricking, piercing; (probod)
uboden pp stung, bitten, pricked; (proboden) punctured,
pierced, stabbed
ubog adj poor, needy, indigent; beggarly; (jadan)
wretched, miserable, afflicted; (nesretan) unlucky,
ubogar m almsman; (prosjak) beggar, mendicant; pauper; person come upon the parish (living on charity)
ubogo adv needily, indigently; wretchedly
ubogost f neediness, indigence; wretchedness
uboj m (povreda) bruise
ubojan adj v. ubojit
ubojica m murderer, killer, homicide; (oca) patricide,
parricide; (majke) matricide; (brata ili sestre) fratricide; (iz potaje) assassin
ubojit adj murderous; deadly, fatal
ubojito adv murderously, with deadly effect
ubojitost f deadliness, murderousness
ubojn|i adj lethal | ~a municija live ammunition; ~a
glava (rakete) war-head
ubojstvo n murder; (nehotino) manslaughter; (iz potaje) assassination; (oca) parricide; (majke) matricide; (brata, sestre) fratricide
ubor m v. nabor
ubosti vt sting, prick, knife; (probosti) stab, puncture,
ubosti se vr prick oneself
uboki' adj indigent, beggarly | ~ dom v. ubonica
uboki'' adv v. ubogo
ubotvo n indigence, poverty, pauperism, beggary; (bijeda) misery, penury, (oskudica) destitution, want
ubonica f almshouse; (opinska) workhouse; charity
uboniki adj of an almshouse, almshouse
ubrajanje n inclusion (comprising, adding) in counting
ubrajati vt count in (among), include (comprise, add) in
counting | ne ~ leave out in counting
ubrajati se vr include oneself in, consider oneself as,
being one of the number (belonging to); range oneself
with; be included in, be numbered (considered) as
ubran pp (cvijet) picked, culled; (skupljen) collected,
gathered; (suknja) v. nabran | ~ novac takings pl
ubrati vt pick, cull; (skupiti); collect, gather; (na
nabore) gather, shirr
ubrisati vt v. obrisati
ubrizgati vt v. utrcati
ubrljati vt soil, make a mess of, mess up
ubrljati se vr mess oneself up
ubrojati vt v. ubrojiti
ubrojen pp included (comprised) in counting
ubrojiti vt count in itd. (v. ubrajati)
ubrojiv adj includible, fig responsible (for one's deeds),
mentally sound
ubrojivo adj responsibly, soundly

ubrojivost f includibility; fig state of being mentally

sound and responsible for one's deeds
ubrus m napkin, B+ serviette
ubrza m accelerator
ubrzan pp hurried, hastened, accelerated, quickened;
(brz) rapid
ubrzano adv hurriedly
ubrzanost f hurriedness; (ubrzanje) acceleration
ubrzanje n acceleration (i phys); hurrying, hastening;
quickening; (rasta biljke) forcing
ubrzati vt accelerate; quicken; hurry, haste; speed up,
increase speed; (rast biljke) force
ubrzati se vr accelerate, quicken, speed up
ubrzava m accelerator
ubrzavanje n v. ubrzanje
ubrzavati vt v. ubrzati
ubrzo adv v. uskoro
ubudue adv in future, henceforth, henceforward, hereafter, from this time on; for the future
ubuati se vr Tur v. upljesniviti se
uc m ichth v. karam
ucecati vt coll v. ucmekati
ucijediti vt squeeze in (to), percolate (filter, ooze, strain)
ucijeen adj percolated (strained, filtered) into
ucijeniti vt blackmail; set a price (reward) on person's
head; (pretjerano zacijeniti) overcharge, ask extortionate price
ucijenjen pp blackmailed; having a price set on one's
ucijepiti vt graft into; fig inspire (imbue) with
ucijepljen pp grafted (into)
ucjen|a f blackmail; (otkup) ransom | staviti ~u na set a
price on someone's head
ucjenjiv adj open to blackmail
ucjenjiva m blackmailer
ucjenjivaki adj blackmailing
ucjenjivanje n blackmailing
ucjenjivati vt v. ucijeniti
ucjepljiv adj graftable; imbuable
ucjepljivanje n grafting into; continual inspiring (imbuing) with
ucjepljivati vt v. ucijepiti
ucmekati vt coll do in, A sl bump off (v. ubiti)
ucrtan pp traced (drawn, delineated) into
ucrtati vt draw (trace, sketch, delineate) into; (nanijeti)
plot (on)
ucrtati se vr be traced (delineated)
ucrtavanje n plotting; adding
ucrvati se vr become wormy; fig squirm
ucviljen adj afflicted, grieved; (smru, gubitkom) bereft;
(alost) saddened; sorrowing (mourning) for (after)
ucviljeno adv grievingly
ucviljenost f grief, bereavement
uahuriti se vr v. zaahuriti se
uen adj learned, erudite, scholarly, scientific, academic
uenica f school-girl
ueniki' adj of a schoolboy (schoolgirl, scholar, pupil);
a schoolboy's

ueniki'' adv like a schoolchild

ueni|k m schoolboy, scholar, pupil; (osnovne kole)
elementary school pupil; (srednje kole) B secondary
schoolboy, A high-school student; (sljedbenik) disciple, follower | ~ ci jednog razreda the class; ~k u
privredi v. naunik
ueno adv learnedly, in scholarly fashion
uenost f erudition, learning, scholarliness
uenjaki adj of (like) a scholar (scientist, man of learning)
uenjak m scholar, scientist, man of learning, learned
man; (tobonji, sveznadar) omniscient, sciolist, (povran) amatterer
uenje n study, learning, reading; (pouavanje) teaching, instruction; schooling; (napamet) learning by
heart (by rote); (bubanje) cram, swot, sap, grind | baviti se ~m pursue (follow) studies, study
uesnica f v. sudionica
uesnik m v. sudionik | ~ takmienja v. natjecatelj
uesnitvo n v. sudionitvo
uestalo adv frequently, repeatedly
uestalost f incidence, frequency
uesta|n, ~o adj frequent, happening oftener than common, repeated
uestati vi become more frequent
uestvovanje n v. sudjelovanje
uestvovati vi v. sudjelovati
ue|e n v. sudjelovanje, polog, udio, gotovina | uzeti
~a v. sudjelovati
uetverostruiti (se) vt (vr) quadruple
uevan adj v. nastavni, uen
uilite n school, college, academy; educational institution, institution of learning
uilo n means of instruction, teaching aid
uin|ak m effect, impression; (radni) efficiency, performance; result, consequence; (djelovanje) action;
eng performance | imati ~ka have (take) effect, work
on (upon), leave impression; be operative (effective,
efficient, efficacious); nemati ~ka take no effect,
prove ineffectual; bez ~ka ineffectual(ly), without effect; plaanje po ~ku payment by performance, performance-based wages (salaries)
uiniti vt make, do, commit; render; cause, effect; (izvriti, dovriti) bring to pass, complete, bring to an end,
perform, carry out, execute; (udesiti) arrange; (stvoriti) shape, form, fashion, construct; (prisiliti) make
(cause) one do | ~ kou dress (curry) leather; ~ budalu od sebe make fool (beast) of oneself; ~ pokuaj
make an attempt, attempt, try; ~ kraj make an end
to; ~ (glupu) pogreku make (commit) a blunder; ~
uslugu do a service (favour) to; ~ nekome neto na
tetu disserve one, do an ill turn to, do a disservice; ~
dobro do good; ~ pravo (krivo) do right (wrong); ~
dunost do one's duty; ~ to netko zapovijeda do
one's bidding; ~ naao hurt, grieve (one); ~ po volji
nekome please one, humour one; ~ od svoje volje do
it of one's own free will; ~ rado do willingly, with a
good grace; ~ pod silu do with a bad grace; ~ povrno (loe) bungle; ~ sve i sva leave no stone unturned

uini|ti se vr (priinit se) seem, appear; (pretvarati se)

feign, make believe, pretend to | ~ti se nevjet pretend not to know, do as if (though) one did not know,
make a show of; ~i se bolesnim feign illness, malinger; ~lo mi se it seemed to me
uinjen pp done, made, committed
uionica f school, school-room, class-room
uitati vt DP read in(to), input
uitelj m (primary) teacher, school-master; instructor;
tutor, preceptor | zbor ~a teaching staff; B arch pomoni ~ usher
uiteljevanje n teaching profession
uiteljevati vi follow the calling of a teacher, teach
uiteljica f school-mistress, A+ school-ma'am; womanteacher, lady-teacher, instructress
uiteljsk|i adj belonging to (like) the teacher(s), teaching
| ~i zbor teaching-staff; ~i pripravnik trainingschool student; ~a kola hist normal school
uiteljstvo n teaching profession; (skupno) teaching body
(staff); teachers, school-masters, instructors
uiti vt learn, study; (drugoga) teach, instruct, give instruction, give lessons; (pomalo) pick up; (za ispit)
get up a subject for an examination; pursue a course
of study; (naporno) study hard; (napamet) learn (get
up) by heart (by rote), commit to memory, memorize;
(bubati) swot, sap, grind, cram
uiti se vr learn; (priviknuti) get used to, accustom oneself to; (vjetini) get the knack of ; get the hang of a
trick, acquire skill in
uiv adj learnable
uivo n (graa) subject-matter of learning; teaching subject
ukur m Tur v. svitnjak
umalo adv in a hidebound fashion
umalost f being hidebound
umao adj (osoba) hidebound; (mjesto) sleepy
umasti vi become hidebound
uo m derog school-master
utiv adj v. uljudan
utivo adv v. uljudno
utivost f v. uljudnost
uvrstiti vt make firm (fast), fix, secure; affix; clench,
clinch; (pojaati) strengthen, fortify, reinforce; consolidate
uvrstiti se vr become established, establish oneself
uvrstiv adj securable; reinforceable
uvren pp made firm (fast), securred; strengthened,
uvrenje n fastening, securing, fixing; making firm
(secure, stable); consolidation; reinforcement; clenching, clinching; fortification, strengthening
uvrivanje n v. uvrenje
uvrivati vt v. uvrstiti
uariti vt Tur v. zaraditi
ui vi enter, come in, get in; (probiti) penetrate, infiltrate
| ~ u se (smanjiti se opsegom) shrink; ~ u luku (brod)
make port; ~ u trag trace, find out
uutati vi v. uutjeti
uutkati vt v. uutkati

ud m limb, member
udadba f v. udaja
udadbeni adj nuptial, marriageudahnue n breathing in, inhalation
udahnut pp breathed in, inhaled
udahnuti vt breathe in, inhale, draw (one's) breath; (duboko) fetch one's breath; fig inspire into (with), inspirit; instill into, imbue with
udaj|a f marriage (of a woman) | djevojka za ~u marriageable girl
udaljavanje n removing, removal; (odstranjenje) expulsion; (odlazak) going away; (otuenje) growing
apart, estrangement
udaljavati (se) vt (vr) v. udaljiti (se)
udaljen adj far, distant, remote, retired; apart; (zabitan)
secluded, out-of-the-way
udaljeno adv distantly, remotely
udaljenost f distance, remoteness | velika je ~ od ... do it
is a far cry from... to
udaljenje n v. udaljavanje, udaljenost
udaljiti vt remove, dismiss, send away; (istjerati aka)
expel, rusticate; (igraa) send off
udaljiti se vr go (get) away, depart, leave, withdraw,
retire; part company with; (s puta) deviate; (otuiti
se) become estranged, keep (hold) aloof; absent oneself from
udaljiv adj removable, dismissible
udaljivanje n v. udaljavanje
udaljivost f removability, dismissability
udana adj married woman (za to)
udar m (najjai, bitke itd.) brunt; (poreza) incidence;
(obveza) liability | kut ~a angle of incidence; koja je
roba pod ~om tog poreza? what is the incidence of
this tax (koga pogaa?); pod ~om subject (liable)
to...; dravni ~ coup, putsch
udarac m blow, buffet, kick, stroke, slap, hit; knock,
cuff, punch; (dlanom) smack; whack, thump; (lagan)
tap, rap; (sudar) impact, brunt, crash, bump; (u tipkanju) key stroke; (po lopti) kick, shoot, smash; (vjetra) squall
udara m striker; knocker; (na vatrenom oruju) firing
pin, striker
udaraljke f pl mus percussion (instruments)
udaranje n striking, hitting, kicking, knocking, slapping
udar|ati vt keep striking (kicking, hitting, beating, itd.);
belabour, batter, thwack, whack, buffet, punch | ~ati
u tamburu play (at) the "tamburica"; kia ~a u staklo the rain patters on the (window-)pane
udaren pp struck, stricken, kicked, slapped, smacked, hit
udariti vt strike, hit, kick, smite, knock, thump, slap,
smack | ~ o strike against, bump against; ~ u run
(dash) into; fig ~ na (napasti) attack; ~ loptu palicom bat; ~ po prstima rap; ~ pljotimice slap; (nogom) kick; ~ na grad (opsada) lay siege to ; kia je
udarila it has begun to rain; ~ porez na impose a
tax; ~ putem strike into a track; ~ temelj(e) lay the
foundations; ~ na neprijatelja give battle; ~ danak
lay under contribution; ~ na muke put to the torture;
~ u smijeh burst out laughing, break into laughter; ~

u pla burst into tears; ~ ig stamp; fig stigmatize,

brand, stamp; ~ u bijeg take to one's heels, turn tail,
take to flight, cut and run;. ~ u oi (zapaziti) strike
one; ~ ucjenu na set price on (one's head); ~ biljeg
impress with stamp, mark; ~ u zapomaganje begin
to wail, start wailing; voda (krv) je udarila iz... water (blood) gushed out of...; grom je udario u drvo
lightning has struck a tree
udariti se vr hit (hurt) oneself; strike against
udariv adj strikeable, hittable
udarn|i adj | ~e jedinice shock troops
udarnica f (woman) shock worker
udarniki' adj shock; superproducing
udarniki'' adv fig at record pace
udarnik m shock worker
udata adj married woman (za to)
udati vt marry (a girl to), give in marriage
udati se vr (djevojka) get married, marry
udav m zoo boa constrictor
udavaa f marriageable girl
udavanje n marrying (of a girl); giving in marriage
udavati vt v. udati
udaviti vt strangle, throttle; (uguiti) smother, stifle,
choke, suffocate, asphyxiate
udaviti se vr get strangled (smothered itd.)
udavljen pp strangled, throttled; smothered
Udba f (Yugoslav) State Security Service
udba m member of (Yugoslav) State Security Service
udebljan adj fattened
udebljati vt fatten, make fat
udebljati se vr get fat (stout, corpulent); put on weight
udes m fate, destiny, lot; fortune; (zao) adversity; v.
prometna nesrea, sudar | lo (dobar) ~ bad (good)
fortune; moj ~ je htio da ... I was doomed to, I was
destined to, it was my lot to...
udesetostruiti (se) vt (vr) increase tenfold
udesiti vt arrange, manage, contrive; adapt; settle; fit,
accommodate; (ugoditi glazbalo) tune up; adjust | fig
~ nekoga fix someone
udesiti se vr v. urediti se, uparaditi se; hurt oneself
udesiv adj arrangeable; adaptable; adjustable
udeavanje n v. udeenje
udeavati vt v. udesiti
udeen pp arranged, contrived, managed; settled;
adapted, fitted up
udeenje n adaptation, arrangement; contrivance, accommodation
udezba f v. udeenje
udic|a f angle, fish-hook | loviti ~om angle; plovak ~e
udiar m angler
udijeliti vt bestow, grant; concede, allow; (dar) confer
upon; (milostinju) dole out
udijeljen pp granted, bestowed
udijevanje n threading (a needle); running (a rope)
udijevati vt (konac itd.) thread a needle; run (rope itd.)
udikovina f bot wayfaring tree

udio m share, portion, allotment | imati udjela u have

some hand (say) in; take part in
udionitvo n participation, sharing
udisaj m breath, inhalation
udisan pp breathed in, inhaled
udisanje n breathing (in), inhalation, inhaling
udisati vt breathe (in), inhale
uditi vt v. koditi
udiviti vt astonish, amaze
udiviti se vr be astonished (amazed) (emu at), wonder
udivljen adj astonished, wondering, amazed
udivljenje n admiration, amazement, astonishment,
wonder; surprise
udjel m v. udio
udjeljivanje n bestowing, granting, conferring upon
udjeljivati vt v. udijeliti
udjenuti vt v. udijevati
udlaga f med splint
udo n arch v. ud
udoban adj comfortable, snug, cosy; convenient, suitable
udobno adv comfortably; snugly, cosily; conveniently | ~
se smjestiti make oneself comfortable
udobnost f comfort, snugness, cosiness; convenience;
(prostranost) commodiousness | bez ~i comfortless
udobriti se vr become good
udobrovoljen pp made (become) good-humoured
udobrovoljenje n making (getting, becoming) goodhumoured
udobrovoljiti vt make good-humoured, put in a good
udobrovoljiti se vr become good-humoured
udolina f valley; dell; depression; gorge
udomaen pp domesticated; acclimatized; feeling at
udomaenje n domestication; acclimatization
udomaiti vt domesticate; acclimatize
udomaiti se vr become domesticated (acclimatized,
common); feel oneself at home
udomiti vt find a home for, place
udomiti se vr settle down, become established; find a
home; feel oneself at home
udomiv adj placeable
udomljen pp settled down, having founded a home
udomljenje n settling down, founding a home, placing
udostojenje n condescension
udostojiti se vr condescend, deign
udova f v. udovica
udovac m widower; fig (ena odsutna) grass-widower
udovaki adj of a widower
udovanje n living as a window(er)
udovati vi live as a widow(er)
udovi pl v. ud
udovica f widow; (plemkinja) dowager; fig (mu odsutan) grass-widow
udoviki adj of a widow, widow's
udovitvo n widowhood

udovoljavanje n satisfying, satisfaction, complying,

compliance, fulfilling, fulfilment; indulging, indulgence
udovoljavati vt v. udovoljiti
udovoljen pp satisfied, complied with, fulfilled
udovoljenje n v. udovoljavanje
udovoljiti vt satisfy, comply with, fulfil (meet) a requirement; (elji) gratify, indulge, humour (one);
(dunosti) do one's duty
udrobiti vt soak piecemeal bread into soup (milk)
udrobljen pp crumbled (of bread, cake) piecemeal into
soup (milk); fig mixed up
udrobljeno adv fig all mixed up, indiscriminately
udruga f arch v. udruenje, zadruga
udruen pp associated, allied, united, combined; joint;
udruenost f being united, union
udruenje n association, union; alliance, coalition; combine; (drutvo) society; trust
udruiti vt unite, join (in a partnership), couple
udruiti se vr unite, become partners, enter into partnership, join company; associate; form a coalition (combine, trust); ally oneself to (with) ; teem up
udruiv adj amalgamable, joinable
udruivanje n gradual uniting (forming of coalition);
udruivati (se) vt (vr) v. udruiti (se)
udubina f recess, niche
udu|biti, ~psti vt make a hole by hollowing out (excavating)
udubiti se vr become absorbed; go into details
udubljen adj depressed, recessed; hollowed out
udubljenost f concavity; recessed shape
udubljenje n v. udubina
udubljivanje n becoming absorbed; go into details
udubljivati vt v. udubiti
udupsti (se) vt (vr) v. udubiti (se)
udvajanje n doubling, duplication
udvajati vt v. udvojiti
udvara m man who pays court to a lady; (neozbiljan)
flirt; gallant, ladies' man
udvaraki adj courting
udvaranje n paying court (to a lady), courtship, courting, making love to; wooing, play the gallant; (neozbiljno) flirt(ing)
udvarati (se) vi (vr) pay court to, court
udvoje adv in twos, in pairs (couples), as a couple
udvojen pp doubled, duplicated, folded double
udvojeno adv in couples, (re)doubled
udvojiti vt double, duplicate
udvoran adj polite, civil, courteous; (prema gospoama)
gallant; (usluan) obliging, accommodating; (odgojen) well-bred
udvoravati se vr v. udvoriti se
udvorica f flatterer, sycophant, cringer, sneak; adulator,
toady, toad-eater, flunkey, hanger-on, sponger
udvoriti se vr v. dodvoriti se
udvorno adv politely, courteously

udvornost f politeness, courtesy, civility, gallantry, courteousness

udvostruenost f being (re)doubled, twofold increase
udvostruenje n (re)doubling; v. udvostruenost
udvostruiti (se) vt (vr) (re)double, increase twofold
udbeniki adj textbook
udbenik m textbook
uderica f Tur v. kuerak, potleuica, straara
uenje n v. koenje
uuture adv Tur together, in bulk
ufalovati vt v. umotati, zamotati
ufanje n v. nada, uzdanje
ufati se vr v. nadati se, uzdati se
ufitiljiti vt Tur v. usukati
ufrkati (se) vt (vr) twist (up), roll (up), curl
ugaa m (glazbala) tuner; (sebi) one who gratifies one's
wishes (who indulges in, who humours a person)
ugaanje n (glazbala) tuning; (eljama) gratification,
indulgence; compliance
ugaati vt (glazbalo) tune, attune; (eljama) satisfy one's
whims (freaks, caprice), humour one, try to please
one (do one's will); (sebi) indulge in, gratify ones
own wishes (v. ugoditi)
ugalj m v. ugljen
Uganda f geog Uganda
ugandski adj geog Ugandan
Ugananin m Ugandan
uganue n med dislocation, sprain
uganut pp dislocated, sprained; luxated
uganuti vt sprain, dislocate, luxate
ugao m corner; angle, nook; geom v. kut
ugaoni adj | ~ kamen corner stone
ugaonik m v. kutomjer
ugar m | biti (leati) na ~u lie fallow
ugarak m fire-brand, live coal
Ugarska f hist Hungary
ugarski adj hist Hungarian
ugasit adj v. zagasit
ugasiti vt extinguish, put out fire; turn (switch) off;
(eu) quench (slake) thirst
ugasiti se vr go out
ugasiv adj extinguishable
ugaen pp extinguished, out
ugaziti vt stamp down (earth); beat down, make hard by
stamping (treading), tread down, trample down
ugaen pp stamped down, trodden
ugibalite n (na cesti) B lay-by, A rest area
ugibanje n giving way, stepping aside, making way for;
(izlika) evasion; (izbjegavanje posla itd.) shirking
from, fighting shy of, being a slacker; (ljudi) shunning, keeping aloof from, giving a wide berth to
ugibati se vr evade, shirk, fight shy of; shun, keep aloof
from, give a wide berth to
uginuti vi perish, die; (biljka) droop, wilt, wither
uglaati vt polish, burnish
uglaati se vr get polished (burnished)
ugladiti vt smooth; fig refine, polish; make sleek, sleek
ugladiti se vr become smooth (sleek, polished)

uglaen pp refined, courteous, well-bred, well-behaved,

well-mannered; licked into shape; polished; sleeked
uglaeno adv courteously, civilly, in a refined way
(manner), politely
uglaenost f politeness, courteousness, refinement; good
manners, breeding; refined ways (manners, behaviour)
uglaivanje n smoothing; polishing; fig refining, polishing
uglaivati vt v. ugladiti
uglanati vt Ger v. ulatiti
uglast adj angular, cornered, edged
uglat adj v. uglast
uglatost f quality of being cornered (having angles,
uglaviti vt fix, settle up, come to terms, decide upon,
arrange, stipulate;-agree to, determine
uglavljen pp fixed, settled, arranged, decided upon,
uglavljivanje n fixing, settling, agreeing, determining
uglavnienje n fin capitalization
uglavniiti vt fin capitalize
uglavnom adv mainly, essentially, chiefly; in general | ~
isti very (pretty) much the same
uglazbiti vt set to music
uglazbljenje n setting to music
ugled m reputation, repute, credit, respectability, fame,
good name, renown, prestige; v. ogled, uzor | izgubiti ~ sink in one's estimation, lose credit with one
ugledan adj respected, respectable, reputable, renowned,
well-known, eminent; distinguished | ~ ovjek man
of distinction (quality, rank); distinguished (prominent) person
ugledanje n taking example by
ugledati vt catch sight (glimpse) of, set eyes upon, get
sight of; sight, espy, descry
ugledati se vr (u) take example by | ~ u ogledalu catch a
sight of oneself in a mirror
uglednik m distinguished person, personality
uglibiti se vr sink in mud; (o hodanju po mulju) flounder
uglobiti vt v. uklopiti
uglomjer m v. kutomjer
ugljar m v. ugljenar
ugljara f v. ugljenara
ugljen m (kameni) pit coal; anthracite; (smei) lignite,
brown coal; bituminous coal; (drveni) charcoal; (za
baterije, mikrofone, lune lampe itd.) carbon | pun
~a (sloj) carboniferous; naslaga ~a coal-seam, coalbed; kopa ~a coal-miner, pitman; posuda za ~ coalscuttle; krca ~a coal-heaver; iskrciva ~a coalwhipper (ovjek, stroj); prah ~a coal-dust; brod za
prijevoz ~a collier; chem ~ dioksid v. ugljini dioksid
ugljenar m charcoal burner
ugljenara f charcoal-kiln; (prodavaonica) coal-yard
ugljeni adj coal; charcoal,-carbonic | chem ~ hidrati v.
ugljini hidrati
ugljenini adj chem v. ugljini
ugljenik m chem v. ugljik

ugljenisati vt v. pougljiti
ugljenokop m coal-mine; colliery, coal-pit
ugljevlje n collect (eravica) live coals, embers pl
uglji|an adj chem carbonic | ~na kiselina carbonic acid;
~ni dioksid carbon dioxide; ~ni hidrati carbohydrates
ugljik m chem carbon
ugljikovodik m chem hydrocarbon
ugljovodonik m chem v. ugljikovodik
ugnati vt drive in
ugnijezditi se vr nestle; (privinuti se radi grijanja)
snuggle; (za spavanje) roost; fig insinuate oneself
ugnue n v. uleknina
ugnut adj v. uleknut
ugnuti se vr v. ugibati se, uleknuti se
ugnjaviti vt (dosada) bore to death; (uguiti) suffocate,
ugnjeiti vt squeeze (squash, crush) into
ugnjetava m oppressor, tyrant, despot
ugnjetavaki' adj oppressive, repressive
ugnjetavaki'' adv oppressively, repressively
ugnjetavalatvo n oppressive (tyrannic, despotic) behaviour
ugnjetavan pp oppressed, tyrannized
ugnjetavanje n oppression, tyranny, despotism
ugnjetavati vt oppress, tyrannize, rule despotically, ride
rough-shod over
ugoda f v. ugodnost
ugodan adj pleasing, pleasant, agreeable; delightful,
attractive; (simpatian) (osoba) winning, likable,
prepossessing, charming, affable, nice, taking, sweet;
(prijazan) amiable; (prostorija) cosy, snug
ugoditi vt please; (eljama) humour one; (sebi) indulge
in, gratify one's wishes; v. ugaati
ugodni|k m, ~ca f favourite; (izabranik) the chosen one
ugodno adv pleasantly, pleasingly, delightfully, agreeably
ugodnost f agreeableness, pleasantness; delightfulness,
affableness; amiability; cosiness, snugness
ugoaj m mood, atmosphere
ugojen pp fattened, battened; (debeo) fat, corpulent,
ugojenost f obesity, fatness, stoutness, corpulence
ugojiti vt fatten
ugojiti se vr grow fat (stout, corpulent, obese); batten,
put on flesh
ugoniti vt drive in
ugor m ichth (gruj) conger eel | ichth ~ova majka rockling
ugorak m reg v. krastavac
ugostitelj m caterer
ugostiteljsk|i adj catering | ~o poduzee catering firm;
~i objekt catering establishment
ugostiteljstvo n catering (industry, trade)
ugostiti vt entertain, regale; treat one to; feast, banquet
ugostiti se vr v. pogostiti se
ugoavati vt v. ugostiti
ugoten pp feasted, entertained

ugotenje n feasting, regalement, banqueting, treating

(one to food itd.)
ugotavljanje n preparing
ugotavljati vt v. ugotoviti
ugotica f ichth poor cod
ugotoviti vt prepare (food itd.)
ugovara m negotiator
ugovaranje n negotiation(s)
ugovarati vt negotiate
ugovor m (dravni) treaty, pact, convention, contract,
agreement; covenant; arrangement, engagement | enidbeni ~ marriage contract; trgovaki ~ commercial treaty; ~ na snazi valid contract; ~ koji ne vee
agreement not binding; ~ koji ne vrijedi null and
void contract
ugovoren pp agreed upon, settled; stipulated
ugovoriti vt make an agreement (treaty); stipulate, contract for; (sastanak) arrange (a meeting), make an
ugovoriv adj subject to agreement; contractable
ugovorivost f contractability
ugovorn|i adj contractual | ~e strane parties to a contract
ugrabiti vt snatch, grab; poet rape; seize, carry of by
force; (ovjeka, dijete) kidnap, abduct; (za neku slubu) impress; (za mornara) shangai
ugrabljen pp seized, grabbed, snatched away; (ovjek,
dijete) kidnapped
ugrabljivanje n snatching, grabbing
ugraditi vt build in(to)
ugraditi se vr build oneself into, make oneself (a) part of
ugradiv adj componible
ugraen adj built in(to) | ~a kuhinja fitted kitchen; ~i
ormar closet
ugraivanje n building into
ugrc m (koljka) periwinkle
ugreznut adj sunk into
ugreznuti vi sink (into); (u mulju) flounder
ugrijan adj warmed, heated; (od hoda) flushed, hot; (od
pia) elevated, flustered
ugrijanost f being warm (heated, flushed, flustered)
ugrijati vt heat warm
ugrijati se vr get warm (hot); get angry (excited)
ugrijavanje n heating, warming
Ugrin m hist Hungarian
ugristi vt bite
ugristi se vr bite oneself
ugriz m bite
ugrizanje n biting
ugrizen pp bitten
ugrizotina f bite-mark, teeth-mark
ugrofinski adj ling Ugrofinnic
ugroziti vt imperil, bring into danger, jeopardize,
ugroavanje n imperilling, endangering
ugroavati vt v. ugroziti
ugroen pp imperilled, jeopardized
ugroenost f being imperilled (endangered)
ugrudati (se) vt (vr) v. zgrudati (se)
ugruak m clot; blood-clot

ugruan pp clotted, curdled

ugruanost f being curdled (clotted, coagulated), curdled
itd. condition
ugruati se vr curdle, clot, coagulate
ugruavanje n curdling, clotting, coagulation
ugruvati (se) vt v. nabiti (se), natui (se)
ugurati vt push (shove, hustle, thrust) into; insinuate
ugurati se vr shoulder (push, jostle) into, insinuate oneself into
ugursuski adj Tur v. vragolast, fakinski
ugursuz m Tur v. lopov, vragolan
ugursuzluk m Tur v. vragolanstvo, nevaljalstvo
uguen pp suffocated, smothered, choked, stifled; (davljenjem) strangled, throttled
uguenje n suffocation; (davljenje) strangling, throttling
uguiti vt suffocate, smother, choke, stifle; (plinom) asphyxiate; (daviti) strangle, throttle; subdue; (bunu)
put down
uguiti se vr suffocate; choke
uh! int ugh! whew!
uhaanje n espionage
uhaati vt v. uhoditi
uhapsiti vt arrest, take into custody, seize, apprehend,
uhapen pp arrested, apprehended, taken into custody
uhapenik m detainee, person under arrest
uhapenje n arrest, apprehension, capture, taking into
custody, imprisonment, clapping into prison
uhar m gain, profit, advantage
uhat adj large-eared
uhatost f having large ears, being large-eared
uhien pp arrested, seized
uhienje n arrest
uhidben adj | ~i nalog warrant of apprehension
uhititi vt arrest, seize, apprehend
uhljebije n arch v. uhljebljenje
uhljebiti vt help one to earn his bread, help one to a service (post, itd.)
uhljebiti se vr find a job, secure a position for oneself
uhljebljenje n livelihood; finding a livelihood for
uho n ear; (igle) eye of a needle; (vanjsko) auricle; (ruka) handle | nadohvat uha within earshot; magaree
ui (na knjizi) dog's ears; na jedno ~ unutra, na
drugo van it goes in at one ear and out at the other
(v. ui)
uhobolja f ear-ache
uhoda f spy; (prislukiva) eaves-dropper
uhodan adj run-in, (well-)established, smooth-running
uhodarenje n espionage
uhodariti vi v. uhoditi
uhodati se vr run in, shake down
uhodavanje n running-in, shaking down
uhoditi vt spy on
uhoenje n spying (on)
uholaa f earwig
uhraniti vt feed well, fatten up
uhranjen pp well-fed, fattened up
uhvaen pp seized, captured, caught; arrested; (brod)
prized hist; (u stupicu) trapped

uhvatiti vt catch, seize, capture, catch, hold of; (brod na

moru) prize; pick up (a signal) | ~ na djelu catch redhanded; ~ nahladu catch cold; ~ u stupicu trap; ~ po
tragu track down; ~ iznenada catch unprepared,
catch by surprise, catch unawares (napping), catch off
one's guard; ~ u lai catch one in the lie; ~ priliku
(zgodu) seize the opportunity
uhvatiti se vr (biti uhvaen) get caught | ~ ukotac wrestle (grapple with); (u raspravu) join issue; ~ u kolo
form a circle to dance; fig form a team to work together
uhvatnina f (zaplijenjenog broda) prize-money hist;
reward to revenue officer (exciseman) for seizure of
smuggled goods; reward to policeman for securing a
uigran adj coordinated; closely knit
uigrano adv like a team
uigranost f teamwork; coordination
uigrati se vr become coordinated; play oneself in; v.
uhodati se
uigravanje n becoming coordinated
uime adv B on behalf, A. in behalf
uistinu adv really, truly
ujagmiti vt v. ugrabiti
ujahati vi ride in(to)
ujak m uncle (mother's brother)
ujam m miller's toll, B+ multure
ujarmiti vt yoke
ujarmljen pp yoked
ujdurma f Tur v. smicalica
ujed m bite, (ubod) sting
ujedanput adv (odjednom) at one go
ujedanje n biting, bites pl
ujedati vt v. ujesti
ujedinitelj m uniter, unifier
ujediniti vt unite, make on; incorporate; consolidate;
integrate; merge
ujediniti se vr unite, become one, combine; form an alliance (federation); (drutva) become one, combine;
form an amalgamation; merge, incorporate; make
common cause with; consolidate
ujedinjavanje n uniting, unifying, unification
ujedinjavati vt v. ujediniti
ujedinjen pp united; combined, amalgamated, consolidated, integrated, incorporated | U~i narodi United
ujedinjenje n union, amalgamation, federation; incorporation; merger, consolidation; integration
ujedljiv adj v. zajedljiv
ujednaavanje n standardizing, making uniform
ujednaavati vt make uniform (standard), standardize
ujednaavati se vr become uniform (standardized)
ujednaen adj uniform, homogenous, well-balanced,
ujednaiti vt v. izjednaiti
ujedno adv at the same time, simultaneously; together;
ujedriti vi sail into, enter sailing
ujesti vt bite; (kukac) sting

ujna f (maternal) aunt

ujo m hyp v. ujak
ujuak m cul | telei ~ (white) veal stew
ujutro adv in the morning | danas ~ v. jutros
ukalkulirati vt v. uraunati
ukalupiti vt mould (A mold); fig make stereotype
ukalupiti se vr fig become stereotype; get into a rut
ukalupljen adj fig stereotype; rigid
ukaljan adj dirtied, soiled; (i mokar) bedraggled
ukaljati vt dirty, soil; bedraggle
ukaljati se vr dirty oneself, become dirtied (soiled, bedraggled)
ukamaen pp fin invested to bear interest
ukamaenje n fin investment; laying out money; bearing
(of) interest
ukamatiti vt fin (uloiti) lay out money in, invest, put
out money at interest; (nositi) bear (yield) interest
ukapati' vt v. ukopati
ukapati'' vt drop in(to)
ukaz m Rus ukase, decree, order
ukazati vt point at (out), show; suggest, imply; (ast,
potovanje) v. iskazati | ~ na v. pokazati na, upozoriti
ukazati se vr appear; (iznenada) crop up (out), turn up
ukazivanje n pointing, showing; implication
ukazivati vt v. ukazati
ukebati vt catch (in the very act); trap, get hold of; come
upon unawares
ukidanje n abolition, annulment, abrogation; (opozivanje, otkazivanje) revocation; cancelling; repeal(ing);
rescission; (osude) quashing reversal, setting aside,
making void; (samostana) dissolution, suppression
ukidati vt v. ukinuti
ukinue n v. ukidanje
ukinuti vt cancel, annul, abolish, abrogate, repeal, rescind, do away with; (osudu) quash, set aside, reverse, overrule, nullify, declare null and void; (naredbu) revoke, withdraw; (imenovanje) recall; (ustanovu) dissolve, suppress
ukipiti se vr become rooted to the spot; v. ukoiti se
ukiseliti vt pickle, preserve in vinegar (pickle)
ukiseliti se vr turn sour, become vinegar
ukiseljen pp pickled, preserved in pickle; turned sour |
~o povre i sl. pickles pl
ukiseljenje n pickling, preserving in pickle; turning (becoming) sour
ukivati vt v. ukovati
uklanjanje n removal; elimination; ouster
uklanjati (se) vt (vr) v. ukloniti (se)
uklapanje n dovetailing; (i fig) fitting into
uklapati (se). vt (vr) v. uklopiti (se)
uklesan pp cut (sunk) in with a chisel, chiselled in, engraved on a stone
uklesati vt cut (skin) in with a chisel, engrave with a
chisel; (grobnicu u stijenu) hew (cut) into
uklet pp bewitched, under a spell, cursed, damned; enchanted, charmed
ukleti vt cast a spell on, bewitch
uklija f ichth v. ukljeva

uklijeten adj gripped; wedged in; med (hernija) incarcerated

uklijetiti vt clutch (grip) like in a vice
uklijetiti se vr become wedged in; med become incarcerated
ukliniti vt wedge (in)
ukliniti se vr wedge (in); become wedged in (between)
ukloniti vt remove, eliminate, do away with; (izmijeniti
sve) make a clean sweep; (premjestiti) shift
ukloniti se vr make way to, go out of the way; (s puta)
give a wide berth to; (dunosti) evade, shirk, shun
uklonjen pp removed, done away with
uklonjiv adj removable
uklonjivost f removability
uklop m (daske) dovetail, dovetailing
uklopiti vt fit in, insert; (dasku) dovetail
uklopiti se vr fit into; dovetail
uklopiv adj insertable; fitting
uklopljen pp fitted in, inserted; dovetailed
ukljetenje n wedging; becoming wedged (caught between); med incarceration
ukljeva f ichth bleak
ukljuen pp (u to) included; comprised in; el (ukopan)
(switched) on
ukljuenje n inclusion; comprehension; integration; el
switching on
ukljuiti vt include; comprise, comprehend; el switch
(turn) on
ukljuiti se vr join (in); el switch (turn) on
ukljuiv adj inclusive, includible
ukljuivo adv inclusively; including
ukljuivost f inclusiveness, includibility
uknjiba f (zemljina) registration in the terrier (landregister); (knjigovodstvena) entry
uknjiben pp | ~i troak fee for the registration in the
uknjiiti vt register, enter in book(s), make an entry,
uknjiiv adj registrable
uknjivost f registrability
ukoen pp stiff, rigid; inflexible; (ponaanje) stiff, buckram; angular, prim, formal; (nespretan) awkward;
(od studeni) numb, benumbed; stilted
ukoeno adv stiffly, rigidly, inflexibly
ukoenost f stiffness, rigidity; numbness; (ponaanje)
stiffness of manner, formality
ukoenje n stiffening | med ~ kraljenice spinal fusion
ukoiti vt make stiff, stiffen
ukoiti se f stiffen; become stiff (rigid, numb); (strah)
become awe-struck, become rooted to the spot
ukoliko adv insofar as, inasmuch as; v. ako
ukomponirati vt v. uklopiti, ukljuiti
ukonaen pp lodged; provided with lodgings (quarters);
(vojnik) billeted on
ukonaenje n lodging, quartering; (vojne osobe) billeting; housing, accommodation
ukonaiti vt lodge, accommodate, house; (vojnika) billet
on; (gosta) take in as a guest; give shelter
ukop m burial, interment, inhumation, sepulture

ukopan pp buried, interred; mil dug in

ukopati vt inter, bury, sepulchre; mil dig
ukopati se vr dig (bury) in; mil dig in, entrench (oneself)
ukopavati (se) vt (vr) v. ukopati (se)
ukopati vt coll v. shvatiti; el plug in
ukopati se vr join; take an active part (in)
ukopavanje n joining; el plugging in
ukopite n burial site (ground)
ukopni adj burial
ukopnik m v. grobar
ukopnina f burial fee (benefit)
ukor m censure, reprimand, blame, scolding, rebuke,
rebuff, snub, set-down
ukorak adv | ~ s nekim keeping pace with, keeping up
with, moving in step with
ukoravanje n censuring, reprimanding, scolding, chiding
ukoravati vt v. ukoriti
ukoren adj censured, reprimanded, snubbed, rebuked,
reproved, scolded, blamed
ukorien pp bound in stiff covers
ukoriiti vt bind
ukorijeniti se vr take (strike) root; (zlo) become deeprooted (inveterate)
ukorijenjen adj deep-rooted, inveterate, bred in the
bone; ineradicable, indelible, in grain
ukorijenjenost f inveteracy
ukoriti vt censure, blame, reprimand, scold, snub, chide;
send away with a flea in one's ear; haul (call) over the
ukositi vt v. zakositi
ukosnica f hair-pin
ukoso adv diagonally; aslant; on a bias
ukotac adv v. kotac
ukotviti vt v. usidriti, uvrstiti
ukovati vt forge (hammer) in; (dragulj) set
ukraden pp stolen, purloined, filched, pilfered, A sl hot
ukraj! int out of the way!
Ukrajina f geog the Ukraine
Ukrajinac m Ukrainian
Ukrajinka f woman Ukrainian
ukrajinski adj Ukrainian
ukras m adornment, ornament, decoration, embellishment; trimming; garnishment; mus flourish
ukrasiti vt ornament, embellish, adorn, ornament, decorate, beautify; garnish, deck out, dress gaudily
ukrasiti se vr ornament (adorn itd.) oneself
ukrasiv adj adornable
ukrasni adj ornamental, decorative
ukrasti vt steal, abstract, pilfer, filch, purloin; (ovjeka)
kidnap; crib; (divlja) poach
ukrasti se vr v. oduljati se
ukraavanje n adornment, decoration, ornamentation,
embellishment; garnishing, decking out
ukraavati vt v. ukrasiti
ukraen pp ornamented, decorated, embellished;
trimmed, garnished; adorned
ukraenje n v. ukraavanje

ukratko adv in short, in few words, briefly told, in a

nutshell; in sum | ~ da kaem to sum up, to be brief,
to put it briefly
ukrcaj m loading; embarkation
ukrcan pp shipped, embarked, on board
ukrcati vt load; take, pick up
ukrcati se vr take ship, embark, go on board; (u avion)
board plane; (kao slijepi putnik) be a stowaway
ukrcavalite n loading site (station)
ukrcavanje n embarcation, shipment, loading a vessel,
going on board
ukrcavati vt v. ukrcati
ukresati vt v. iskresati
ukrivo adv obliquely; the wrong way; v. ukoso, nakrivo
ukroavanje n v. kroenje
ukroavati vt v. (u)krotiti
ukroen pp tamed; (konj) broken in; fig subdued,
curbed; (udomaen) domesticated
ukrotitelj m v. krotitelj
ukrotiti vt tame; (konja) break in; curb, subdue; bridle;
bring under control
ukrotiv adj tameable; subduable
ukrotljivost f tameability; subduability
ukrstiti (se) vt (vr) cross
ukrtati vt v. kriati, ukrstiti
ukrtavanje n crossing
ukrten adj crossed | ~e rijei v. krialjka
ukruen adj rigid, stiff
ukrueno adv rigidly, stiffly
ukruenost f rigidity, stiffness
ukruenje n becoming rigid, stiffening
ukruivati (se) vt (vr) v. ukrutiti (se)
ukrupno adv in the bulk; coarsely
ukrutiti vt make rigid; stiffen
ukrutiti se vr become rigid, stiffen
ukucati vt v. zabiti, utipkati
ukuanin m inmate, member of a household, occupant of
a house
ukuani pl inmates, (members of a) household
ukuanka f female inmate
ukuhan pp (voe) preserved in syrup
ukuhati vt preserve fruit in syrup; make confections
(conserves, preserves)
ukuhati se vr thicken through stewing (boiling)
ukuhavanje n stewing; preserving
ukulele m mus ukulele
ukup|an adj total, whole; entire, all in all | ~na svota
ukupno adv totally, entirely, wholly; all together, all in
all | ~iznositi total; ~200 a total of 200
ukupnost f totality, entirety
ukus m taste; good taste; (smisao za) fancy, liking for;
(jela) v. okus | stvar ~a a matter of taste
ukusan adj tasteful; (jelo) palatable, savoury; (odjea i
sl.) smart
ukusno adv tastefully, with taste
ukusnost f tastefulness, good taste; pleasant flavour (savour); palatableness
ukuvati vt v. ukuhati

ukvariti se vr v. pokvariti se
UKV abbr VHF, microwave
ulaga m depositor (in a bank); (poduzee) investor
ulaganje n depositing (money in a bank); (privredno)
investment; (drva u drvo, kovine u kovinu) encrusting, inlaying, buhl-work, mosaic
ulagati vt v. uloiti
ulagiva m toad-eater, toady, sycophant
ulagivaki' adj toadying, sycophantic
ulagivaki'' adv toadyingly, sycophantically
ulagivanje n toadying, fawning, flunkeyism
ulagivati se vr fawn upon, curry favour with, truckle to,
ulan m mil hist uhlan
ulanski adj mil hist uhlan
ular m Tur halter
ulariti vt halter, fasten with halter
ulaskati se vr v. ulagivati se
ulaten pp polished, brightened up, burnished
ulatiti vt polish, burnish
ulaz m entrance; (vrata) door, gate; (propust) admission;
entry | ~ zabranjen No admittance
ulazak m entry
ulaziti vi v. ui
ulazni adj entry, entrance; input
ulaznica f entrance-ticket, admission-ticket; (besplatna)
free pass | preprodava ~ B ticket tout, A scalper
ulaznina f entrance-fee; sp gate-money
ulaenje n entering, making one's entry, passing through
into, going into
ulceracija f med ulceration
ulcerozan adj med ulcerous
ulei se vr sag, subside
ulediti se vr freeze, crystallize
ulediv adj freezable
uleen adj frozen, crystallized, iced
uleenje n freezing
uleknue n sagging, subsidence
uleknut adj sagged, sagging, subsided; v. ulupljen
uleknuti se vr sag, subside
ulet m flying into, flying entrance
uletjeti vi fly in, enter flying; crash into
ulezati se vr lie around
ulic|a f street; (cesta) road; (mala) lane, alley; (slijepa)
blind alley; (sporedna, pobona) side street, offstreet; (iroka s drvoredom) avenue; (glavna prometna) thoroughfare | stan gleda na ~u flat gives on the
street; prodavati preko ~e v. preko
uliar m v. ulinjak
uliarka f guttersnipe; streetwalker
uliica f lane, narrow street
ulini adj street
ulinjak m street arab, ragamuffin, sl guttersnipe; vagabond, loafer
ulijegati se vr sag, subside, be sagging (subsiding)
ulijeniti se vr grow lazy (indolent, slack)
ulijenjen adj having become (grown) lazy (indolent)
ulijenjenost f habitual indolence
ulijepiti vt glue (stick, paste) into

ulijepljen pp glued (stuck, pasted) into

ulijetanje n flying in
ulijetati vi v. uletjeti
ulijevan pp poured into, infused, instilled
ulijevanje n pouring into, instilling, instillation, infusion; fig inspiring, inculcation
ulijevati vt pour in(to), infuse; fig instil, inspire, inculcate
ulijevati se vr flow (empty) into
ulite n v. konica
uliti vt v. ulijevati
ulivati vi v. ulijevati
ulizan pp licked into shape
ulizica f toady, toad-eater, lickspittle; cringing (fawning)
fellow, sycophant
uliziki' adj fawning
uliziki'' adv fawningly
ulizivanje n v. ulagivanje
ulizivati se vr v. ulagivati se
ulkus m med v. ir
ulog m deposit, stake | zajedniki ~ pool
ulog|a f role, part; (vanost) importance | igrati glavnu
~u play first fiddle, be an important person; igrati
sporednu ~u play second fiddle, be of second-rate
ulogoriti se vr set up camp
ulomak m fragment; (knjige) passage
ulov m catch
uloviti vt catch, catch hold of, lay hold on; (zgrabiti)
seize, snatch, grasp, clutch, grip; (uhvatiti, uhapsiti)
arrest; (u stupicu) trap, entrap, ensnare
uloviti se vr get caught; (u stupicu) get trapped (caught,
ulovljen pp caught, seized; trapped, ensnared
ulovljiv adj catchable, seizable; perceivab1e
ulozi m pl gout, podagra | koji boluje od uloga gouty;
oboljelost od uloga goutiness
uloak m deposit, investment, stake; (zajedniki) pool;
inserted piece; (enski mjeseni) sanitary napkin; (za
kemijsku olovku) refill; (za cipele) insole; (za sputena stopala) arch support
uloen pp deposited, invested; (umetnut) inserted
uloiti vt deposit, invest, stake | ~ truda not spare pains,
take pains, exert oneself; ~ prosvjed lodge (deposit)
complaint (protest) against
uloiv adv depositable, investable
ulon|i adj | ~a knjiica (tedionice) pass-book
ulonica f | listovna ~ posting box; mail chute
ulster m (kaput) ulster
ultimativan adj in the form of an ultimatum
ultimativno adv | ~ zahtijevati put an ultimatum to
ultimatum m ultimatum
ultraljubiast adj phys ultra-violet
ultramarin m ultramarine (blue)
ultramarinski adj ultramarine (-blue)
ultramoderan adj ultra-modern
ultrapas m formica
ultra m pol extremist, ultraist
ultravioletan adj ultra-violet (v. ultraljubiast)

ultrazvuk m supersonic vibrations

ultrazvuan adj supersonic
ulubiti vt v. ulupiti
uludo adv in vain, to no purpose, foolishly
ulupina f dent | napraviti ~u u make (put) a dent in
ulupiti vt dent, make (put) a dent in
uljan adj oil-, oily
uljanica f oil-lamp
uljar m oil-seller; oil producer
uljara f oil works, oil refinery
uljarice f pl oleiferous plants, oil crops
uljast adj oily
ulje n oil | kameno ~ petroleum; ~ za salatu salad-oil;
maslinovo ~ olive-oil; laneno ~ linseed oil; eccl sveto ~ anointing oil; strojno ~ machine oil; ~ za loenje heating oil; lijevati ~ na vatru add fuel to the
uljen pp oiled, oily
uljenje n oiling
uljepan pp beautified, embellished
uljepati vt beautify, embellish, adorn
uljepati se vr pretty oneself up (v. dotjerati se)
uljepavanje n embellishment, adornment, decking out,
uljepavati vt v. uljepati
uljeura f sperm whale, cachalot
uljevit adj oily
uljevitost f oilness
uljevua f cul (palainka) pan-cake
uljez m parasite, intruder
uljika f v. maslina
uljiti vt oil; lubricate
uljn|i adj oil | ~a repica oil rape
uljudan adj courteous, civil, polite, courtly
uljudba f culture, civilization
uljuditi vt civilize
uljuditi se vr become civilized; fig make oneself presentable
uljudno adv courteously, politely, civilly
uljudnost f courtesy, politeness, courteousness, civility
uljuen adj cultured, civilized
uljuenost f civilized behaviour (attitudes, quality, condition)
uljuljati vt | ~ u san rock to sleep; (bezbrinost, prijevara) lull
uljuljati se vr become lulled (into)
um m reason, intellect, understanding; intelligence;
sense | ne pada mi na ~ I cannot remember (think of,
recall, call to mind); (ni govora!) I am not so stupid
as to do it, I don't care to...; palo mi je na ~ it occurred to me, an idea struck me; pomraio mu se ~
he has gone mad, he is out of his senses, he is mentally deranged; ima bistar ~ he is quick-witted
(bright), he is a man of strong intellect; to ti (ne)
pada na ~! what an absurd idea!
umackati vt mess up
umackati se vr mess oneself up

umai vi escape; (iz zemlje) fly the country; (bez kazne

itd.) get scot-free (unpunished); (pred zakonom) abscond; (ne plativi oklade itd.) welsh, welch
umah adv v. odmah
umak m sauce; (sok peenke) gravy | jaje na ~u softboiled egg:
umakanje n dipping (into)
umakati vt dip (into)
umaknuti vi v. umai
umalo adv nearly, almost, wellnigh, within an ace
uman adj prudent, sagacious, sensible, wise, rational,
judicious, sage, intelligent; long-headed, shrewd; (intelektualan) v. umni
umanjen pp lessened, decreased, diminished, reduced
umanjenik m math minuend
umanjenje n decrease, lessening, reduction, diminishing, diminution; decline; waning; shrinking
umanjitelj m math subtrahend
umanjiti vt lessen, make smaller, make less(er); reduce,
diminish, decrease; curtail; (vrijednost) depreciate
umanjiti se vr decrease, diminish, decline, lessen; dwindle; wane; (zalihe) run low; ebb, shrink
umanjiv adj reducible, decreasable
umanjivanje n v. umanjenje
umanjivati vt v. umanjiti; (zasluge itd.) belittle
umanjivost f reducibility, decreasability
umaranje n fatiguing, tiring
umarati vt v. umoriti'
umarirati vi march in(to)
umasirati vt rub in
umastiti vt v. zamastiti, omastiti
umatanje n wrapping in, packing
umatati vt v. umotati
umazati vt v. uprljati, izmazati, namazati
umekan pp mollified, softened; fig relaxed, relenting;
umekanje n softening, mollifying; relenting; mellowing
umekati vt soften, mollify, mellow
umekati se vr soften, relent; grow (become) soft (mellow, indulgent)
umetak m inserted piece (part); (u sliku) inset; fig interpolation, intercalation; (uivak) gore
umetanje n insertion; interpolation, intercalation
umetati vt v. umetnuti
umetnut pp inserted; introduced; (tu i tamo) interspersed; interpolated, intercalated
umetnuti vt insert, set in; interpolate, intercalate; introduce; interpose; wedge in; intersperse; (listove) interleave; (kradom) foist in(to)
umetnuti se vr interpose oneself, get between; v. uvri
umicanje n escaping, escapes pl, getting away
umicati vi v. umai
umijee n skill, art; (vjetina) knack (at)
umijesiti vt knead into; (kruh) knead bread ready
umijean pp mixed into, blended, admixed; (krivnja itd.)
implicated, involved, entangled
umijeanost f complicity (in)

umijeati vt mix (blend) into, intermix, interblend, intermingle; (krivnje) implicate, involve, entangle
umijeati se vr interfere, intermeddle, interpose, intervene, meddle with; mingle among
umijeen pp ready-kneaded (bread)
umilan adj agreeable, pleasant; likeable itd. (v. umiljat)
umiliti se vr ingratiate oneself to, worm oneself into
one's favour, insinuate oneself into one's favour;
make oneself liked (loved)
umilostiviti vt propitiate (v. udobrovoljiti)
umilostiviti se vr deign, condescend
umiljat adj sweet, winning, lovable, amiable, pleasing,
gentle; ingratiating
umiljato adv gently, sweetly, amiably; ingratiatingly
umiljatost f gentleness, winning ways, sweetness
umiljavanje n ingratiating ways, currying favour with
umiljavati se vr ingratiate oneself with, curry favour
with one
umiljeti vi crawl in(to)
uminuti vi die away, pass away; fade; vanish, disappear
umiranje n (slow) dying
umirati vi die (slowly) ; pass away, be dying (expiring),
be on one's death-bed; (mnotvo) be swept off by
umiren pp pacified, calmed, appeased, quieted down
umirenje n calming down, quieting down; pacification;
fig sop
umiriti vt calm down, quiet down; silence; pacify;
soothe, appease; reassure
umiriti se vr calm down
umirivanje n reassuring; calming down
umirivati vt v. umiriti
umiroviti vt pension off, superannuate, send into retirement
umirovljen pp retired, superannuated, pensioned (off)
umirovljenik m pensioner; retired (clerk, officer itd.)
umirovljenje n pensioning, superannuation
umirui adj dying, at point of death, at one's last gasp
umirujui' adj reassuring, soothing, calming
umirujui'' pp reassuringly, soothingly
umi|sao m, ~ljaj m jur premeditation
umisliti se vr v. umiljati
umiljanje n conceit, empty pride, vanity, self-conceit
umiljati vi (i ~ sebi) be conceited (vain); have too high
an opinion of oneself, think too much of oneself, be
puffed up; assume; take a false pride in
umiljen adj conceited, vain, self-admiring | ~ ovjek
umiljeno adv conceitedly
umiljenost f self-conceit, vanity
umiti vt wash; poet lave; (ranu) bathe
umiti se vr wash (oneself), form do one's ablutions
umivanje n washing; bathing; ablutions pl
umivaonica f washing-room
umivaonik m washing-stand; (koljka) wash-basin, A+
umivati (se) vt (vr) v. umiti (se)
umiven adj washed

umjenje n (spretnost) skill, cleverness, deftness; art;

umjeren adj moderate, frugal; modest; (trijezan) sober;
reasonable; (srednji) middling, medium, mean; temperate
umjereno adv moderately, frugally; modestly; soberly
umjerenost f moderateness; frugality, abstemiousness,
temperance, sobriety; (cijena itd.) reasonableness
umjerenjak m pol moderate
umjesno adv appropriately, suitably, appositely, fittingly;
to the point, pertinently
umjesnost f fitness, appropriateness, suitableness, appositeness, propriety
umjestan adj pertinent, appropriate, to the point
umjesto adj instead, in place of, in lieu of; (zamjena)
vicariously | ~ mene instead of me, in my stead
umjean adj v. vjet, okretan, spretan
umjeno adv skilfully
umjenost f v. umijee
umjet|an adj (neprav) artificial, imitated; artistic(al) |
~ni dijamant imitation diamond; ~ni obrt crafts pl;
~ne tkanine man-made fabrics
umjeti vt know how to, be skilled, be versed in, be able;
manage (contrive, do); understand; (izvrsno) have at
one's finger's ends, master (a subject)
umjetnica f woman artist
umjetniki' adj artistic(al), art
umjetniki'' adv artistically
umjetnik m artist; (izvoa) performer; (fini obrt)
craftsman; virtuoso
umjetnina f work of art, object of art
umjetno adv artificially
umjetnost f art; artistry; craft
umlaen pp killed by beating (cudgeling)
umlatiti vt kill by beating (clubbing, bludgeoning)
umljeti vt grind in; v. samljeti
umnaati vt v. umnoavati
umni adj intellectual; mental; (pametan) v. uman
umnik m thinker, philosopher
umno adj wisely, sagaciously, shrewdly, intelligently
umnogostruiti (se) vt (vr) multiply
umnost f wisdom, shrewdness, sagacity, intelligence
umnoak m math product of multiplication
umnoavanje n multiplying, reproduction; (matricama)
duplication | stroj za ~ duplicating machine, mimeograph
umnoavati (se) vt (vr) v. umnoiti (se)
umnoen pp multiplied, increased in number; reproduced
umnoiti vt multiply; duplicate, mimeograph
umnoiti se vr multiply, procreate, increase in number
umnoiv adj multipliable; procreable; duplica(ta)ble
umnjak m wisdom tooth
umobolan adj mentally deranged, insane, mad
umobolnik m insane (mad) person, mentally deranged
umobolnost f insanity, madness
umoen pp dipped (into), plunged into (a liquid)
umoiti vt dip (plunge) into

umok m cul sauce (v. umak)

umokac m cul v. ujuak
umokriti se vr wet oneself
umoliti vt v. zamoliti; talk into; persuade
umoljava|ti vt request, ask, beg for (of), pray, solicit;
entreat, implore; ask a favour of; (pismeno) petition |
~jui imploringly, appealingly; ~ju se svi... da all...
are requested to
umoljiv adj persuadable, agreeable, placable
umor' m fatigue, lassitude, exhaustion, weariness, tiredness; (mozga i ivaca) brain-fag
umor'' m | on je na ~u he is at the point of death, he is
at his last gasp, he is breathing out his last, he is at
death's door
umoran adj tired, fatigued, weary, exhausted; done up,
knocked-up; (jako) dog-tired
umoren pp murdered, assassinated, slain
umoritti' vt tire, fatigue, weary, exhaust
umoriti'' vt murder, slaughter, slay, kill; assassinate
umoriti se vr tire, become tired (weary, fatigued)
umorno adv wearily
umornost f weariness (v. umor)
umorstvo n murder, homicide; (nehotino) manslaughter; assassination | ~ oca patricide; ~ matere matricide; ~ brata (setre) fratricide; ~ kralja regicide; ~
djeteta infanticide
umotan pp wrapped in, done up, enveloped, tucked in,
folded in; (rana) bandaged
umotati vt wrap up, do up, envelop, fold in, tuck in;
(oviti) bandage; (pelenama) swaddle, swathe
umotvorina f poetic work, poetical master-piece, poem
umovanje n reasoning, reflection; (zakljuivanje) deduction
umovati vi reason, think, conclude, ponder on (over),
revolve in one's mind
umrijeti vi die, pass away, depart this life; expire, give
(yield) up one's ghost, yield one's breath, breathe
one's last, close one's eyes | ~ naravnom smru die a
natural death; ~ naprasnom smru die a violent
death, die in one's shoes, die by violence; ~ jadnom
smru die a dog's death; ~ na stratitu die on scaffold; ~ od svoje ruke die by one's own hand
umrli adj mortal
umrlica f v. smrtovnica
umrlost f mortality
umrljan pp soiled, stained, blotted, sullied, tainted
umrljati vt smear, soil, smudge, smirch, blot, daub,
stain, sully, taint
umrljati se vr soil (stain) oneself, become soiled
umrtviti vt deaden, benumb; make insensible
umrtviti se vr become (feel) numb; fig play possum
umrtvljen pp deadened; (ukoen) benumbed; insensible
to; comatose
umrtvljenost f numbness; comatose state, suspended
animation; stagnation
umrtvljenje n deadening; med anaesthetization
umrviti vt add by crumbling, throw (crumbles) in; v.

umlag m Ger v. oblog, omot, ovitak

umui vi v. umuknuti
umukati vt cul stir in
umukati se vr cul get stirred (thoroughly)
umukn|uti vi stop speaking, remain speechless, become
tongue-tied (wordless); (od prepasti) be struck dumb
(mute) | ~i! shut up!
umutiti vt (jaja) stir, scramble
unajmiti vt hire itd. (v. iznajmiti)
unajmiti se vr sign on (kod koga with)
unakaraditi vt disfigure, deform, distort
unakaraditi se vr make a sight of oneself
unakaziti vt deform, disfigure, deface, distort
unakaziti se vr disfigure oneself, make a sight of oneself
unakaen pp deformed, disfigured, defaced, distorted,
misshapen, mangled
unakaenost f being deformed, disfiguration, distorted
appearance (quality)
unakaenje n deforming, deformation, disfiguring, disfiguration
unakrst adv crosswise, crossways, crossed; (ruke) folded
unakrs|tan adj | ~no ispitivanje cross-examination
unaokolo adv v. naokolo
unapred adv v. unaprijed
unapredan adj done (given) in advance
unapreenje n advancement, promotion, preferment,
unapreiva m promoter
unapreivanje n advancing, promoting, improving
unapreivati vt v. unaprijediti
unaprijed adv in advance, beforehand | ~od sada henceforward, from now on
unaprijediti vt advance, promote, further, improve; (u
slubi) prefer
unaprijeen pp (u slubi) preferred; promoted; improved, furthered
unaanje n v. unoenje
unaati vt v. unositi
unato adv notwithstanding, in spite of, not the less
(for), nevertheless, all the same, for all
unatrag adv backwards | 3 dana ~ three days since
(ago); djelovati ~ retro-act, be retroactive
unazad adv v. unatrag
unazadan adj retroactive; in arrear
unazaditi vt put (hold) back
una f ounce (kratica oz)
unedogled adv beyond (out of) one's sight; with no end
visible; infinitely, far into the distance
unekoliko adv v. donekle
unepokretiti vt med immobilize
unepovrat adv | otii u ~ be irretrievable (irrecoverable,
irreparable); be beyond redemption, be past recovery
unesen pp brought in, carried (taken) in, conveyed
in(to); (pisanje) entered, recorded
unesreen adj wrecked, afflicted; injured, hurt
unesreenje n making unhappy; affliction
unesreiti vt make unhappy, ruin, be the ruin of, do for,
bring to ruin, wreck, bring calamity (affliction, distress) on

unesreiti se vr meet with an accident, be hurt (harmed)

unesti vt v. unijeti
unezveren adj v. uplaen, uznemiren
unfer adj unfair
unii vi v. ui
unificirati vt unify
unifikacija f unification
uniforma f uniform; livery; distinctive clothes
uniforman adj uniform
uniformiran pp uniformed, wearing a uniform; liveried,
in livery
uniformiranost f regimented quality
uniformiranje n dressing in uniform (livery)
uniformirati vt (dress in) uniform
uniformirati se vr dress in uniform
uniformnost f uniformity
unija f union
unijat m member of the Graeco-Catholic (Uniate) church
unijatski adj Graeco-Catholic, Uniate
unijatstvo n Graeco-Catholic (Uniate) church
unijet adj v. unesen
unijeti vt carry (bring, convey, take) into; bring, introduce; (upisati) enter (on books), entry, record, post
(up); register, record on books; (na grafikon) plot
unikat m unique item; one of its kind
unikatni adj unique
unikum m exceptional person (thing); one of its (his)
kind; unheard of thing
unilateralan adj unilateral
unilateralno adj unilaterally
unionist m pol unionist
unionistiki adj pol unionist
unionizam m pol unionism
unisono adv mus in unison
unitava m destroyer, devastator, ravager; annihilator
unitavanje n annihilation, destruction, ruin, wrecking;
extirpation, extinction; demolition, devastation
unitavati vt v. unititi
uniten pp ruined, wrecked, destroyed; annihilated
unititi vt demolish, destroy, ravage, wreck, devastate,
unititi se vr ruin oneself
unitiv adj destructible
unitivost f destructibility
unitarac m unitarian
unitarist m pol unitarianist
unitaristiki adj pol unitarianist
unitarizam m pol unitarianism
univerza f v. sveuilite
univerzalan adj universal, embracing all; catholic
univerzalno adv universally
univerzalnost f universality; catholicity
univerzitet f university (v. sveuilite)
univerzitetski adj (sveuilini) university; of (done at,
acquired at) a university
univerzum m (svemir) universe
unoati vi become night (dark)
unosan adj profitable, lucrative, remunerative, paying
unositi vt carry (take, itd.) into (v. unijeti)

unosno adv profitably

unosnost f profitableness, lucrativeness, remunerativeness
unoenje n carrying (bringing, taking) into; (upis) making entries, enter on books, entering items in books
unovaen pp recruited
unovaenje n recruitment, enlistment, enrolment
unovaiti vt recruit, enlist, enrol; (silom) impress, press
unovaiti se vr join (the army)
unoven pp (prodan) sold, realized, converted into
money; cashed
unovenje n conversion into money, selling, realization
unoviti vt realize, capitalize, sell, convert into money
unoviti se vr sell oneself
unoviv adj cashable; saleable
unovivost f convertibility to money; saleability
unuad f collect grandchildren; grandsons, granddaughters
unue n grandchild
unuica f dim little granddaughter
unui m dim little grandson
unuk m grandson
unuka f granddaughter
unutar prep & adv inside, on the inside, in the interior;
(kamo) inwards, inward | ~ tjedan dana within a
unutar- pref intraunutarnji adj v. unutranji
unutra adv in the interior, within, inside
unutranji adj internal, interior, intestine, intrinsic, inward; (zemlja) inland, home
unutranjost f the inside, the interior; inland; (dom)
home; v. provincija; psych inner man
unutri adv v. unutra
unjkanje n nasal speech
unjkati vi speak nasally
unjkav adj nasal(ized)
uobiajen adj accustomed, customary, usual, wonted,
habitual; ordinary; (uvrijeen) inveterate, established,
confirmed; conventional; (openit) common, general,
uobiajenost f habituality
uobiajiti se vr become customary (usual)
uoblienje n shaping, taking (giving) shape
uobliiti vt shape, give shape
uobliiti se vr take shape, be shaped
uobrazilja f v. mata
uobraziti vt v. umisliti
uobraavanje n v. umiljanje
uobraavati vt v. umiljati
uobraen adj v. umiljen
uobraenost f (self-)conceit, ego
uobraenje n v. zamisao, umiljaj
uoavanje n noticing, observing
uoavati vt v. uoiti
uoen pp caught sight of, espied
uoi prep on the eve of
uoiti vt observe, note; catch sight of, espy
uoljiv adj noticeable, observable

uoljivo adv noticeably, observably

uoljivost f noticeability, observability
uokolo adv (all) around
uokrug adv v. uokolo
uokviren pp framed
uokvirenje n framing
uokviriti vt frame
uopavanje n generalization, generalizing
uopavati vt v. uopiti
uope adv generally, in general, commonly, as a general
rule, generally speaking; altogether | ~ ne not... at all;
~ nijedan none at all; ako ~ if... at all; ako ~ koji if
any... at all
uopen adj generalized
uopeno adv generally
uopenje n generalization
uopiti vt generalize
uoptavati vt v. uopavati, generalizirati
uopte adv v. uope, openito
uopten adj v. uopen, openit
uopteno adv v. uopeno, openito
uoptiti vt v. uopiti, generalizirati
uortaenje n uniting; partnership
uortaivati se vr become partners
uostalom adv after all
uozbiljiti se vr become serious
upad m raid, incursion (v. provala)
upada m aggressor, invader, raider
upadan adj v. upadljiv
upadanje n falling (dropping) in; (prekid) interruption,
cutting in; (u mulj, blato) sinking, floundering; (u
oi) being conspicuous
upadati vi v. upasti
upadica f interruption, incident | ometati govornika
~ma heckle
upadljiv adj v. napadan, primjetljiv, uoljiv
upadno adv v. napadno
upakirati vt pack (wrap up) with other things; v. spakirati
upala f inflammation | ~ plua pneumonia; ~ slijepog
crijeva appendicitis
upaliti vt set fire to, set on fire, light, ignite; (palikustvo) commit arson; (elektrino svjetlo) turn on
upaliti se vr begin to burn, catch (take) fire; become inflamed; (sijeno) become mow-burnt; el turn on;
(stroj) start
upalni adj med inflammatory
upalja m (cigarette-)lighter; v. naiga; (detonator)
upaljen adj lighted, ignited; set on fire; el turned
(switched) on; (stroj) started; (sijeno) mow-burnt
upaljiv adj inflammable, inflammatory, combustible
upaljivanje n lighting, igniting; v. paljenje
upaljivost f inflammability
upamen pp remembered, memorized, impressed on
one's mind
upamt|iti vt commit to memory, memorize, remember,
keep (bear) in mind; mark, mind | ~i moje rijei
mark my words

upaniiti se vr panic
upao adj (oi) sunken, set in; (obrazi) hollow
uparaditi (se) vt (vr) dress up
uparaen adj (all) dressed up
uparloti se vr v. zapustiti se, zaleati se
upasti vi fall in(to), drop into; (u mulj) sink into, flounder; (u rije) cut in, interrupt; (u oi) strike one's
eyes, be conspicuous (remarkable); (provaliti u zemlju) raid, invade, fall in
upecan pp caught by angle (fish)
upecati vt catch angling
upecati se vr get caught, swallow the hook
upeatljiv adj v. dojmljiv, osjetljiv, uvjerljiv
upeen pp burned; fig stung, pricked
upei vt burn; fig sting, prick; (u ivac) sting to the
quick | upekla ga je rije (ruganje) he is smarting
with the words (gibe)
upei se vr shrink in baking, get well-baked
uperen adj aimed, directed | pred ~im revolverom at
gun point
uperiti vt aim (at), direct (at)
upeti se vr exert oneself, strive with might and main, do
one's best (utmost), make efforts
upetljati vt implicate
upetljati se vr get involved
upetostruiti (se) vt (vr) quintuple
upicaniti se vr sl v. uparaditi se
upija m (uredski) roll-blotter; (u listu) v. bugaica
upijanje n imbibing, absorption, sucking in, suck | sredstvo za ~ absorbent
upijati vt v. upiti
upiljiti vt (oi u) stare at; (s mrnjom itd.) glare at; look
fixedly | ~ sebi u glavu take a thing into one's head;
(tvrdoglavost) be obstinate about; insist upon
upinjanje n exertions, efforts
upinjati se vr v. upeti se
upiranje n leaning against
upirati (se) vt (vr) v. uprijeti se
upis m registration, enrolment, enlistment, matriculation; (zapis) record, entry; (zajma itd.) subscription
upisan pp registered, matriculated; recorded, entered on
a book; (uknjien) booked; (vojnik, ak) enrolled; (zajam itd.) subscribed
upisati vt register, matriculate, enrol; incorporate; enlist;
record, enter on a book, book; (zajam) subscribe | ~ u
grijeh blame, lay blame on
upisati se vr register; sign (a book, register, role) | ~ na
tehniku enroll in the college of engineering
upisiv adj registrable, recordable
upisiva m registering (recording) clerk; (zajma) subscriber
upisivanje n registration itd. (v. upis)
upisivati vt v. upisati
upisn|i adj | ~a tiskanica subscription form, registration
upisnica f (knjiga) entry-book, register
upisnik m (zajma) subscriber
upisnina f registration (enrolment) fee
upiati vt vulg piss into, wet

upiati se vr vulg piss into one's pants, wet one's pants

upit m inquiry; interrogation, question, interpellation
upitan pp questioned, interrogated, asked; inquisitive
upitati vt ask, question, interrogate, inquire, make inquiry, demand
upitati se vr ask oneself
upiti vt imbibe, suck in, soak, absorb, drink in
upiti se vr attach oneself, cling to, penetrate
upitni adj | ~ arak questionnaire
upitnik m mark of interrogation, note of interrogation,
question mark; (anketni) questionnaire
upitno adv questioningly
uplaen pp paid in
uplaivanje n paying in
uplaivati vt pay in | ~ obrono pay by instalments, pay
on the deferred payment system
uplakan adj tear-eyed, red-eyed (with crying)
uplanirati vt plan for; (predvidjeti) allow for
uplaen pp frightened, scared, alarmed; daunted
uplaeno adv in a frightened (scared) manner
uplaenost f fright, scare
uplaiti vt frighten, scare, alarm, intimidate, cow, daunt
uplaiti se vr become frightened (scared, alarmed,
daunted); be struck with fear
uplata f payment | "~e" Payments, Deposits
uplatiti vt pay in
uplativ adj payable
uplativost f payability
uplatni adj | ~ arak paid-in sheet (list); pay sheet; ~
obrok (rata) instalment
uplatnica f payment (deposit) slip; (potanska) postal
money order
uplesti vt (vez) interweave, intertwine, interlace; (u krivnju) involve in, implicate in, entangle; involve
uplesti se vr (nepozvan) meddle, interfere, be a busybody (meddler), have a finger in the pie, intrigue; get
upletanje n interlacing, interweaving, intertwining; (paanje) meddling, interfering, interference, interposing; involvement
upletati (se) vt (vr) v. uplesti (se)
uplitanje n v. upletanje
upleten pp interwoven, interlaced, intertwined; (krivnja
itd.) involved, implicated, entangled
upliv m v. utjecaj
uplivan adj v. utjecajan
uplivisati vi v. utjecati
uploviti vi enter port, make port, enter sailing (steaming)
upljesniviti se vr become musty (mouldy); mould
upljuvak m a fly's injected eggs (in meat itd.) (na staklu)
upljuvati vt (muhe) inject (eggs); spit into
upojan adj absorbent; imbibing
upojnost f aptness for imbibing (absorbing, sucking in)
upokojen adj (mrtav) dead, deceased; (smiren) calmed,
appeased, at rest
upokojiti se vr (umrijeti) die, expire; (umiriti se) calm
upokoriti vt v. pokoriti

upola adv by half | ~ manji half the size; ~ vei half as

large again
upoprijeko adv v. poprijeko
uporaba f v. upotreba
uporabiti vt v. upotrijebiti
uporabljiv adj v. upotrebljiv
uporan adj persistent, stubborn, obstinate, opinionative,
perverse, mulish; refractory, pig-headed; (ustrajan)
dogged, tenacious; (nepopustljiv) inflexible
uporedan adj v. usporedan, komparativan
uporedba f v. usporedba
uporediti vt v. usporediti
uporediv adj v. usporediv
uporednik m geog v. paralela
uporedo adv v. usporedo
uporite n eng fulcrum, purchase; foothold, footing;
point of support; mil base, outpost
uporno adv stubbornly, persistently, obstinately | ~ tvrditi maintain positively; ~ traiti insist on -ing
upornost f stubbornness, doggedness, persistence; (tvrdoglavost) refractoriness, obstinacy, opinionatedness
uposlen pp employed (v. zaposlen)
uposlenje n employment, work, job
uposliti (se) vt (vr) v. zaposliti (se)
upotpuniti vt complete, fill up (supply) deficiency; make
up (sum); eke out
upotpunjavanje n completing, completion; adding (supplying) the deficiency, making full (complete, whole,
entire), filling up
upotpunjen pp completed
upotpunjenje n completion, making up
upotreb|a f use, usage, employment, employ; (i troenje)
wear and tear; (primjena) application | doi u ~u
come into use, be first used (employed), be put to use
(service); izai iz ~e fall into disuse, be discontinued
(disused, discarded), pass into desuetude
upotrebiti vt v. upotrijebiti
upotrebiv adj v. upotrebljiv
upotrebljavanje n v. upotreba
upotrebljavati vt v. upotrijebiti
upotrebljavati se vr be used (employed), be in use; serve
as, serve the purpose of | poeti se ~ v. doi u upotrebu; prestati se ~ v. izai iz upotrebe
upotrebljiv adj usable, applicable
upotrebljivost f usability, applicability
upotrijebiti vt use, employ, apply to, make use of; (pribjei) have recourse to, resort to | ovo se dade ~ za
this lends itself well to
upotrijebljen pp used, made use of, employed; applied
upoznat adj acquainted, familiar
upoznati vt get acquainted with, make the acquaintance
of; (predstavljanje) get introduced to, meet; (saznati)
learn; (iskusiti) experience
upoznati se vr get acquainted with, meet one, make the
acquaintance of, get introduced to
upoznatost f familiarity; awareness
upoznavanje n getting acquainted, introduction
upoznavati vt v. upoznati

upozoravanje n warning, cautioning; dropping a hint

upozoravati vt v. upozoriti
upozoren pp warned, cautioned
upozorenje n warning, caution, cautioning; hint; (tajno)
upozoriti vt warn, caution; draw (call) one's attention to;
give a hint, drop a hint, hint at; direct attention to
uprava f administration, management; direction; rule,
government | prinudna ~ emergency management;
upravan adj direct; v. upravni govor (direct speech (oration))
upravitelj m manager, administrator, director; (kole) B
headmaster, A principal; governor; (zaklade) purser
upraviteljica f directrix, headmistress; manageress; matron
upraviteljski adj administrative, managerial; governmental
upraviteljstvo n management, administration, direction,
directorship; (povjerba) trusteeship
upraviti vt direct (to, at), address (to); (panju) turn attention to
upraviti se vr direct oneself (to), turn (to)
upravlja m director; (voza) driver, chauffeur; (stroja
itd.) operator; (bicikla) handlebar(s); (volan) steering-wheel
upravljanje n direction, management, governing, administration; rule; run; control | daljinsko ~ remote
guidance (control); na daljinsko ~ guided; ~ automobilom driving (steering) a car
upravljati vt govern, rule; manage, conduct; run, operate
upravljati se vr be governed (conducted, operated); v.
ravnati se
upravljen pp directed at (to)
upravni adj administrative, managerial; governing, ruling; guiding; v. upravan
upravnik m v. upravitelj, ravnatelj
upravnitvo n v. upraviteljstvo
upravo adv just, directly; (tono) precisely, exactly;
(ravno) straight | ~ kao just as; ~ sada just now, this
very moment; ~ tako just so, that's just it; ~ u dobar
as in the nick (of time); ~ u dva sata at 2 o'clock
sharp; ~ taj ovjek this very fellow; ~ onaj isti the
very same
uprazniti vt v. isprazniti
upranjavati vt v. vriti, baviti se, obavljati, prakticirati
upranjen adj v. ispranjen, prazan, nepopunjen, slobodan
upren pp burdened
uprei vt v. upregnuti
upredanje n spinning (twisting) in
upredati vt v. upresti
upregnut pp put to, harnessed
upregnuti vt (konja) put the horse to the cart; harness
upregnuti se vr fig get into the harness, put one's back
into it
upresti vt spin in, twist (a strand) in

uprezanje n putting horses to, harnessing

uprezati vt v. upregnuti
uprijeti vt (pogled) fix one's eyes upon
uprijeti se vr exert oneself, make efforts; (protiv) stem
against; (protiv struje itd.) breast the tide; (otpor)
beat up against, resist
uprilien pp improvised; arranged without preparation(s)
upriliiti vt improvise, arrange (get up) without preparation; v. prirediti, organizirati
uprkos adv v. usprkos, unato
uprljan pp soiled, sullied, tarnished, stained, defiled
uprljati vt soil, foul, dirty, sully, tarnish, smear, stain,
defile, pollute
uprljati se vr dirty oneself, become dirty (soiled, tarnished itd.)
upropastiti vt ruin, wreck, undo, do for
upropastiti se vr get ruined
upropatavanje n ruining, wrecking, undoing
upropatavati vt v. upropastiti
upropaten pp ruined, wrecked
upropatenje n ruin, wrecking, undoing
uprostiti vt v. pojednostaviti
uproavanje n v. pojednostavljenje
uproen adj v. pojednostavljen
uproenje n v. pojednostavljenje
uproten adj v. pojednostavljen
uprskan pp bespattered, bedrabbled, bemired, bedraggled
uprskati vt spatter; bespatter; bedrabble, bemire, bedraggle; v. pokvariti
uprt pp (oko) fixed upon; (prst) pointed at
uprta f webbing
uprti vi v. uprijeti
uprtiti vt (na se) shoulder (a burden)
uprtnjaa f knapsack, rucksack
upucati se vr mil find the range
upucavanje n mil ranging shots
upucavati se vr mil range in on, be getting the range
upuen pp (u tajnu) let into a secret, initiated; informed,
instructed; acquainted with | dobro ~ knowledgeable,
upuenost f being informed (instructed, initiated)
upuivanje n initiation, instructing, acquainting with
upuivati vt suggest; v. uputiti
upustiti se vr engage, launch out (into); get involved in;
enter into (an undertaking, a conversation with)
uputanje n engagement, launching into, involvement
uputati se vr v. upustiti se
uput m v. uputnica, uputa
uputa f instruction, direction; guidance; reference | drati se ~ follow the instructions
uputan adj advisable, expedient, opportune; befitting;
uputiti vt instruct, direct, give directions; (na nekoga)
refer one to; inform; (pismo) address to
uputiti se vr (nekamo) start for a place; (uvjebati se) get
the knack of, become skilled in
uputnica f postal-order, money-order

uputno adj opportunely, expediently

uputnost f advisability, expedience, opportuneness
uputstvo n v. uputa, uputnica
upuzati vi crawl in(to)
ur m zoo hist aurochs
ura f v. sat, brojilo
ura! int v. hura!
uraunan pp reckoned in, taken into account, included
in the reckoning (calculation)
uraunati vt reckon in, take into account; comprise in
account, include
uraunavanje n reckoning in, taking into account; comprising in the same account, inclusion
uraunavati vt v. uraunati
uraunljiv adj v. ubrojiv
urad|iti vt do, commit, make (v. uiniti) | "~i sam" Do It
uragan m hurricane (i fig); gale-force wind
uragansk|i adj | mil ~a vatra withering fire
urakljiti vt mil bracket
Ural m geog the Urals pl
uralo-altajski adj ling Ural-Altaic
uralski adj geog Uralian
uramiti vt v. uokviriti
Uran m astr Uranus
uran m chem uranium
uranak m rising (getting) up early
uraniti vi rise (get up) early; arrive early
uranski adj chem uranium
uranjanje n immersion, dipping
uranjati vt v. uroniti
urar m watchmaker, clockmaker
urarija f watchmaker's (clockmaker's) trade (shop,
urarski adj watchmaker's, used by a watchmaker
urarstvo n watchmaker's (clockmaker's) trade
urastao adj grown in(to); (nokat) ingrown
urastati vi v. urasti
urasti vi grow in
uravnilovka f Rus fig level(l)ing
uravnoteen adj balanced
uravnoteeno adj with balance, in a balanced manner
uravnoteenost f balance, balanced manner (quality)
uravnoteiti vi balance, bring into equilibrium
urazumiti vt bring to reason
urazumiti se vr be brought to reason, see reason
urazumljivanje n bringing to reason, seeing reason
urbanist m town planner
urbanistiki adj town-planning; zoning
urbanistika f v. urbanizam
urbanizacija f urbanization
urbanizam m town planning
urbanizirati vt urbanize
urbanizirati se vr become urbanized
urbar m hist feudal law
ureen pp appointed, fixed; (urokom) bewitched

urei vt (sastanak) make an appointment, fix the time of

a meeting; (zaarati) bewitch, cast a spell on, charm
ured m office, bureau; counting-house
uredan adj orderly, neat, tidy, spruce, trim; methodical;
uredba f institution; (propis) statutes pl; regulation; act;
v. pravilnik
urediti vt put in order, order, arrange, regulate; set to
rights, adjust, settle; dispose; (asopis, tekst) edit, revise; (spremiti) tidy
urediti se vr tidy oneself up, dress up, make oneself
uredniki adj editorial, editor's
urednik m editor; (glavni) editor-in-chief
urednitvo n editor's office; (sluba) editorship; (osoblje)
editorial staff
uredno adv neatly, tidily, in an orderly manner
urednost f orderliness, tidiness; neatness; spruceness,
trimness, trim
uredovanje n office-work in a public (government) office | na dalje ~ for further consideration
uredovati vi perform duties in a government office, act
as an official (functionary, officer, clerk)
uredovni adj of an office (bureau) | ~ sati office-hours; ~
dani days when the public is admitted
uredsk|i adj of an office, office | ~i namjetaj office appointments (outfit); ~o osoblje office staff, clerical
ureaj m arrangement; establishment; (namjetaj) appointments | ~i (tvornice) plant; equipment; facilities
pl; unit
ureen adj ordered, put in order, arranged; settled; (raun) squared, balanced, settled
ureenje n arrangement, putting in order; regulation;
settlement; (rauna) settling, paying, squaring | drutveno ~ social system
ureiva m arranger, fixer, adjuster; (teksta) editor, reviser
ureivaki adj | ~ odbor editorial board; revisory board
ureivan pp (novine) edited
ureivanje n putting (setting) in order; (novina) editing
ureivati vt v. urediti; (novine) edit
uremija f med uremia
ures m v. ukras
uresiti vt v. ukrasiti
ureen pp v. ukraen
ureter m anat ureter
uretra f anat urethra
urez m cut, notch, nick, score
urezan pp incised; nicked, notched; scored; (kovina,
kamen) engraved
urezati vt incise; notch, make a cut (nick); score; engrave
urezati se vr cut into; (u pamenje) imprint oneself on
somebody's memory
ureziv adj incisible; engraveable

urezivanje n incision, cutting, notching, scoring; nicking, indentation; engraving; (peata itd.) sinking (a
urezivati vt v. urezati
urgencija f urgency, urging
urgentan adj urgent
urgentno adv urgently
urgentnost f urgency
urgirati vt urge
uricati vt v. urei
urin m med urine | pregled ~a urinalysis
urinirati vi med urinate
urinut pp thrust (pushed, wedged) in
urinuti vt push (thrust, wedge) in
urisati vt v. ucrtati
urlanje n roar, roaring, howl, howling; (deranje) bawling, yelling, hooting, bellowing, whooping; booing
urlati vt howl, roar, bellow, whoop, hoot, boo; bawl, yell
urlik m roar, howl; bellow
urlikalac m zoo howling monkey
urlikanje n howling, howl; bawling, yelling
urlikati vt howl, bawl, yell, roar, hoot
urma f v. datulja
urna f urn
urnebes m uproar, pandemonium, bedlam, hullabaloo
urnebesan adj uproarious, earsplitting, thundering
urnebesno adv uproariously
uroci pl, v. urok
uroiti vt fix an appointment (date)
urod m crop, yield
uroditi vi bear (yield) fruit; (uzrokovati) engender, give
rise to, cause, bring about
uroen pp indigenous, aboriginal, native, autochton;
innate, inborn
uroeniki adj aboriginal
uroenik m indigene, native, aborigine, autochton
uroenost f innateness
urogenitalni adj anat | ~ sustav urogenital system
urok m (usu pl uroci) bewitchment, spell, enchantment |
ne budi mu ~a touch wood!
urolog m med urologist
urologija f med urology
uroloki adj med urological
uroniti vi dive; vi & vt plunge, dip, immerse
uronjavanje n immersion, diving (in), plunging (in)
uronjen pp dipped, plunged, immersed
urota f conspiracy, plot; (spletka) cabal
urotiti se vr conspire, plot; cabal
urotniki' adj conspiratorial
urotniki'' adv conspiratorially
urotnik m conspirator; plotter
ursulinka f RC Ursuline (nun, sister)
ursulinski adj RC Ursuline
urtikarija f med nettle-rash
uruen pp handed in, delivered, consigned; served
uruenje n handing in, delivery, (poiljke) consignment;
(slubeno) service (serving of) notice (summons) on
uruitelj m deliverer

uruiti vt hand; (slubeno) serve (summons, notice,

writ); (podnijeti, molbu itd.) lodge; (dostaviti) deliver, consign; (tubu) submit (complaint) | onaj kome se poiljka uruuje consignee
uruljiv adj deliverable
uruljivost f deliverability
urudbeni adj | ~ zapisnik registration office, registry,
filing and records department
urudbirati vt file, register
Urugvaj m geog Uruguay
Urugvajac m Uruguayan
urugvajski adj geog Uruguayan
uruenje n coving in
uruiti se vr fall (cave) in
us f whale-bone
usaditi vt (staviti) fit into, embed, put into a socket; fix
into, insert; (drak) furnish with a handle, provide
the tang with a handle; fig instil, imbue, implant, inspire with, impress on
usaen adj fixed into, inserted, embedded; fig instilled,
inspired, infused into, implanted
usaivanje n embedding, implanting
usaivati vt v. usaditi
usaglasiti vt v. uskladiti
usaglaavanje n v. usklaivanje
usahnue n withering; drying up
usahnut adj withered, shrivelled up, faded; dried up
usahnuti vt wither, die, shrivel up, fade; dry up
usahnutost f withered (dried up) state
usaliti se vr grow fat; batten
usaljen pp fattened, surrounded with fat (grease, suet) |
med ~ bubreg fatty kidney
usaljenost f med fatty condition
usaljenje n growing fat, getting surrounded with fat
usamiti se vr v. osamiti se
usamljen adj v. osamljen
usavravanje n improving, perfecting
usavravati vt improve, perfect
usavren pp improved, perfected
usavrenost f improvement, improved condition
usavrenje n improving, improvement; perfecting, perfection
usavritelj m improver, perfector
usavriti vt make perfect, perfect, improve
usavriti se vr become perfect (more efficient, skilled),
usavriv adj improvable, perfectible
usavrivost f improvability, perfectibility
useknuti se vr blow one's nose
uselenje n v. useljenje
useliti vt move in(to), bring new tenants in
useliti se vr move in(to); colonize, immigrate, settle in a
new country
useljavanje n v. useljenje
useljavati (se) vt (vr) v. useliti (se)
useljenik m immigrant, colonist, settler
useljenj|e n moving in(to); immigration, colonization |
sveanost ~a (u stan) house-warming

useljiv adj vacant

useljivost f vacancy
usfaliti vi reg v. ponestati
ushiavati vt v. ushititi
ushien pp enraptured, elated, enthusiastic, exultant, in
transports (of joy), delighted
ushienje n v. ushit
ushit m rapture, enthusiasm itd. (v. zanos, oduevljenje)
ushititi vt v. zanijeti, odueviti
ushodati se vr walk busily; (begin to) pace back and
usidjelica f old maid, spinster
usidren pp anchored, riding at anchor
usidrenje n casting anchor, anchoring, coming to anchor
usidriti vt anchor
usidriti se vr cast anchor, come to anchor
usijan pp red-hot; white-hot | ~a glava hothead
usijanost f (state of) being red-hot (white-hot)
usijati vt make red-hot (white-hot)
usijati se vr grow red-hot (white-hot)
usiljavati se vr v. siliti se
usiljen adj constrained, forced, affected, strained, not
spontaneous; unnatural
usiljeno adv in a constrained (an affected) manner
usiljenost f constraint, affectation, affected manners (behaviour)
usipanje n pouring in(to)
usipati vt v. usuti
usiren adj coagulated, curdled, set
usirenost f coagulated state (condition)
usiriti (se) vt (vr) coagulate, set, curdle
usisa m v. usisava
usisan pp sucked in, absorbed, imbibed
usisati vt suck in, absorb, drink in; (zrak) inhale
usisava m | ~ za prainu vacuum cleaner, hoover
usisavanje n sucking in, absorption; eng intake (stroke)
usisni adj eng intake; suction
usitniti vt chop small; hash up; cut up in small pieces;
fragment | ~ novac change (break) money
usitno adv in small pieces, finely
usitnjavanje n chopping small; hashing up; fragmentation
usitnjavati vt v. usitniti
usitnjen pp cut up small, chopped, hashed up; fragmented
usitnjenost f chopped-up condition (quality); fragmentation
usjecati vt v. usjei
usjeen pp cut (hewed) in(to), incised into
usjei (se) vt (vr) v. urezati se
usjek m rlw cutting; (urez) incision
usjemeniti se vr go to seed, seed
usjesti se vr sit (stay) too long
usjevi m pl crops pl
uskakanje n jumping in; (zamijeniti) replace, stand in
uskakati vi v. uskoiti
uski adj v. uzak

uskipjeti vi begin to boil (seethe); (gnjev) boil over with

anger, bubble over with wrath
uskisnuti vi ferment; turn sour; (tijesto) rise
uskladitenje n storing, storage, warehousing
uskladititi vt store, warehouse
uskladiti vt coordinate; harmonize
uskladiti se vr become coordinated
usklaen adj coordinated; harmonized
usklaeno adj with coordination (harmony)
usklaenost f coordination; harmony
usklaenje n coordinating; harmonizing
usklaivati vt v. uskladiti
usklini adj exclamatory
usklinik m exclamation mark (A point), arch note of
usklik m exclamation, interjection; shout, cry
uskliknuti vi cry out, exclaim, call out
usko adv narrowly; closely
uskoiti vi jump in; fig step in
uskoa f narrowness
uskogrudan adj narrow-minded; prejudiced; (moralno)
uskogrudnost f narrow-mindedness
uskok m deserter, fugitive, runaway
uskokotati se vr start cackling (i fig)
uskomean pp agitated, in commotion, disturbed, stirring, in a flutter (flurry); fussy, fidgety, restless, bustling; turbulent
uskomeano adv agitatedly, with commotion, turbulently
uskomeanost f commotion, disturbance, agitation, excitement; bustle, flurry, flutter; tumult, turmoil, turbulence
uskomeati vt agitate, stir up
uskomeati se vr be agitated (stirred up), astir; bustle,
make a fuss, be in a flutter (flurry)
uskoriti vt v. ubrzati
uskoro adv shortly, before long, soon, ere long, one of
these days, in the near future, by and by; (brzo) presently, directly, quickly | ~ zatim soon after
uskost f narrowness
uskotraan adj narrow-gauge
uskovitlati (se) vt (vr) whirl, spin
uskraen pp refused, denied; (ne priuten) grudged,
uskraivanje n denial, refusal, withholding; (sebi) abnegation, stinting
uskraivati vt v. uskratiti
uskrata f refusal, denial, rebuff, withholding
uskratiti vt refuse (to grant, allow itd.); withhold; deny,
say nay; pinch one in (for, of); (sebi) stint oneself in;
(posve) give a flat refusal
uskrisiti vt v. uskrsnuti
Uskrs m Easter-tide, Easter, Easter day, Easter Sunday |
predveerje ~a Easter eve
uskrsnue n resurrection
uskrsnut adj resurrected; resuscitated; fig revived
uskrsnuti vi be resurrected, be restored to life, be raised
from the dead; fig be revived / vt resurrect, resuscitate, rise from the dead, restore to life

uskrnj|i adj Easter | ~i tjedan Easter Week, Holy

Week; ~e jaje Easter egg; ~i ponedjeljak Easter
uslijed prep in consequence of, owing to, because of | ~
toga as a result, as a consequence, necessarily; by
dint (virtue) of
uslijediti vi v. slijediti, dogoditi se
uslian pp granted (a prayer, request itd.)
uslianje n granting, conceding; giving ear to
usliati vt give audience to, give ear to; grant, concede,
uslov m v. uvjet
uslovan adj v. uvjetan
usloviti vt v. uvjetovati
uslovno adj v. uvjetno
uslonjavanje n complicating, complication, making
uslonjavati vt complicate, make (more) complex
uslonjavati se vr become complicated, become (more)
uslug|a f favour, service, (good) turn, kindness; v. posluga, podvorba | fig medvjea ~a disservice; zamoliti
(uiniti) ~u ask (do) a favour
usluiti vt v. ponuditi, posluiti, podvoriti
usluiv adj serviceable
uslu|an adj obliging | ~no poduzee (djelatnosti) service company (trades)
usluno adv obligingly, accommodatingly
uslunost f obligingness, complaisance, kindness, courtesy
usmen adj oral, verbal; (ispit iz ivih jezika) viva voce
usmeno adv orally, by word of mouth, verbally
usmjeravanje n directing, orienting
usmjeravati vt v. usmjeriti
usmjeren adj aimed, headed, directed
usmjereno adv in a directed manner
usmjerenost f being directed (aimed, oriented), orientation
usmjerenje n orientation, trend
usmjeriti vt aim, head; orient; direct; (loptu) address
usmjeriti se vr direct (orient) oneself (toward), head for
usmjeriva m el rectifier
usmren pp killed
usmrenje n killing, execution, putting to death
usmrditi vt stink up
usmrdjeti se vr (meso) become tainted; begin to stink
(decay, decompose, rot)
usmren adj stinking, tainted
usmrtiti vt kill, put to death, execute, do away with, do
for one; (ivac) deaden
usmrtiti se vr put oneself to death, take one's own life
usna f lip | gornja (donja) ~ upper (lower) lip; raskoljena ~ hare-lip
usnat adj thick-lipped
usneni adj anat & phon labial
usnenozubni adj phon labiodental
usnica f v. usna
usnimavanje n (tona) dubbing in
usnimiti vt (ton) dub in

usniti vt dream (a dream)

usni|ti se vr | ~lo mi se I had a dream
usnuti vi fall asleep, drop off, go to sleep
usoliti vt put in salt, pickle
usoljavanje n salting; pickling
usoljen adj put in salt, salted, pickled
usopiti se vr v. zadihati se, uspuhati se
usov m (lavina) avalanche
uspaliti se vr flare up, boil
uspaljen adj fiery, hot-headed; impetuous; heated
uspaljeno adj hot-headedly; impetuously; heatedly
uspaljenost f hot-headedness; impetuousity; heat
uspaniiti (se) vt (vr) panic
uspavan pp lulled to sleep; hypnotized; (drijeme) napping, dozing
uspavanka f lullaby
uspavati vt lull, send to sleep (by singing itd.); hypnotize
uspavati se vr oversleep; fig become complacent
uspavljivanje n lulling to sleep | sredstvo za ~ soporific
(i fig); sleeping-pill
uspavljivati vt v. uspavati
uspavljujui adj soporific, sleep-inducing
uspeti se vr climb, clamber; ascend; rise, soar
uspijevanje n v. uspjeh
uspijevati vi (stoka, usjevi) thrive; v. uspjeti
uspinjaa n ropeway, rope railway; funicular
uspinjanje n climbing, clambering, rising, ascending,
uspinjati se vr v. uspeti se
uspio adj v. uspjean
uspjeh m success; good (favourable) result | postii ~
achieve success; nemati ~a have no success, fail
uspjean adj successful; prosperous; efficient, effective,
serving its purpose, effectual
uspjeno adv successfully; effectively, efficiently
uspjenost f success(fulness); efficiency
uspjeti vi succeed, be successful, gain one's end(s), manage, accomplish, contrive | ne ~ fail; suffer a setback;
prove abortive
usplahiren adj agitated, flurried, flustered, fussy, nervous, in a flutter
usplahireno adj agitatedly, nervously, aflutter
usplahirenost f agitation, nervousness, fussiness, flutter,
flurry, fluster
usplahiriti vt agitate, fluster, make nervous
usplahiriti se vr get flurried (agitated, flustered, fussy,
nervous), be in a flutter
usplamen pp blazing, flaming forth
usplamtjeti vi blaze up, flame forth (up); burst into
uspljuskati se vr become agitated (splashy)
uspokojiti (se) vt (vr) v. smiriti (se)
uspomen|a f reminiscence, memory, remembrance; (predmet) souvenir, memento; (sa sajma) fairing | na ~u
in memory of...; blage ~e v. blagopokojni
uspon m ascent, rise, mounting, ascension; (tla) gradient; rising ground | lagan (strm) ~ easy (stiff, severe)
usporavanje n slowing down

usporavati vt v. usporiti
usporedan adj parallel, abreast with; happening at the
same time
usporedb|a f comparison, parallelism; putting side by
side; contrasting with; collating, collation; analogy |
u ~i sa (as) against, (as) compared with, as compared
usporediti vt compare to (with), liken, parallel with,
draw a parallel between, place side by side, balance
with (against), contrast with, match; collate with;
(provjeriti) check, verify; (s drugim mjestom u tekstu)
abbr cf. (itaj: compare) | dati se ~ bear comparison
with, be comparable with; to se ne moe ~ (bolje je)
it is beyond comparison; (loije je) a comparison is
out of the question; it leaves much to be desired; on
se ne moe ~ (nema mu premca) he has no equal, he
is peerless (matchless)
usporediv adj comparable
usporednica f geog parallel
usporedno adv abreast with, in a parallel position; (vrijeme) at the same time
usporednost f parallelism
usporedo adv paralleled, in a parallel direction; by the
side of; abreast with, side by side with; colaterally
juxtaposed; (vrijeme) at the same time, along with;
abreast with | staviti ~ juxtapose; stavljanje ~ juxtaposition; ii ~ go abreast with; (rame uz rame) shoulder to shoulder; tei ~ (be) parallel
usporeen pp compared with
usporeenje n comparing; comparison (v. usporedba)
usporeivanje n comparing; v. usporedba
usporeivati vt v. usporediti
usporen adj retarded; with reduced (slackened) speed;
slowed down
usporeno adv with reduced speed; (na filmu) in slow
usporenje n slowing down, retardation
usporiti vt slow down; slacken (speed), retard
usporiti se vr slow down
uspostava f reinstatement, rehabilitation, reestablishment, restoration
uspostavi|ti vt restitute, re-instate, re-establish, rehabilitate, reinstall; recondition, restore | ~lo se it was established, it turned out
uspostavljanje n v. uspostava
uspostavljati vt v. uspostaviti
uspostavljen pp reinstated, re-establish, restored
uspostavljiv adj establishable; restorable
uspravan adj upright, erect, vertical, perpendicular;
plumb; bolt upright, on end
uspraviti vt erect, set upright, raise
uspraviti se vr set up vertically (upright); right oneself;
(sjedenje) sit up
uspravljanje n erecting, erection, setting upright, raising
uspravljati vt v. uspraviti
uspravljen pp set upright (erect); put on end, placed
(put) vertically (perpendicularly); erected, righted; on
uspravljiv adj erectable

uspravno adv vertically, perpendicularly, on end, upright | drati se (hodati) ~ walk erect (upright)
uspravnost f erectness, upright position
usprkos adv for all; despite, in spite of, notwithstanding,
nevertheless, still | ~ tome to despite the fact that
usprotiviti se vr resist, set one's face against, object to,
oppose; take exception to, raise one's voice against,
disapprove; (borba) withstand, react, kick against;
make head against; (zvijer u borbi) stand at bay
usput adv by the way; by the by; going along; parenthetically | ~ reeno by the way
usputni adj incidental
uspuzati (se) vi (vr) crawl up
usran adj vulg shitty
usrati vt vulg shit (on, all over)
usrati se vr vulg shit into one's pants
usrdan adj hearty, cordial, affectionate, heart-felt; ardent, fervent, devout
usrdno adv ardently, fervently, heartily, cordially, affectionately, devoutly
usrdnost f fervency, ardour, cordiality, affectionateness,
usreen pp made happy
usreiti vt make happy
usreiti se vr make oneself happy, become happy, find
usreivanje n making happy
usred prep amid, amidst, in the middle of, among, in the
centre of
usredotoen pp concentrated, centred on (about, at,
usredotoeno adv with concentration
usredotoenje n concentration
usredotoiti (se) vt (vr) concentrate (na on)
usredsrediti vt v. usredotoiti
usrkati vt suck in, slurp in
usrknut pp sipped in
usrknuti vt sip in; (glasno) slurp
ust|a f mouth | od ~a do ~a from mouth to mouth; pogana ~a foul mouth; ona ima pogana ~a she is foulmouthed; izvadili ste mi te rijei iz ~a you have
taken these words out of my mouth; na svaijim je
~ima she is the talk of the town
ustajalost f staleness
ustajanje n rising, getting up, standing up; (znak
trubom) reveille
ustajao adj (star) stale
ustajati vt continue (keep) rising (getting up, standing
up), getting on one's feet | ~ rano be an early riser
ustakliti vt put in window-panes
ustalasan adj (sea) swelling, surging, billowing, rolling |
~o more swell, heaving sea
ustalasanost f choppiness (v. uzburkanost); billowing
ustalasati vt set rolling (billowing, fluctuating)
ustalasati se vr wave, billow, swell, heave, surge
ustaliti vt stabilize, steady
ustaliti se vr become settled (permanently established)
ustaljen adj settled, permanently established, stable

ustaljenost f stability, steadiness

ustaljenje n stabilization
ustaljivati vt v. ustaliti
ustanak m rising, rebellion, insurrection; (buna) sedition, mutiny, revolt, revolution; riot | dii se na ~ rise
up in arms
ustaniki adj insurgent, insurrectionary, rebelious, rebel
ustanik m insurgent, insurrectionist; rebel
ustanova f institution, estahlishment; (propis) statute,
regulation, rule, law
ustanovitelj m establisher, ascertainer
ustanoviti vt (osnovati) establish, institute, found, create;
(injenicu) find out, establish, ascertain
ustanovljen pp established, founded, created, instituted;
ustanovljenje n establishment; ascertainment
ustanovljiv adj establishable, ascertainable
ustaa f hist insurgent, rebel; pol Ustasha
ustaki adj hist insurgent, belonging to (of the) insurgents; pol Ustasha
ustati vi (dii se) rise, get up, stand up, get on one's feet;
(buna) rise up in arms, revolt, mutiny, rebel
ustav m constitution
ustava f weir, sluice, dam; (plovidbena) lock
ustavica f ichth remora
ustaviti (se) vt (vr) v. zaustaviti (se)
ustavljanje n v. zaustavljanje
ustavni adj constitutional
ustavno adv constitutionally
ustavnost f constitutionality
ustavotvor|an adj constituent | na skuptina constituent
ustegnut pp deducted, stopped out of one's salary (wages,
ustegnuti vt (dio plae) stop out of one's salary, deduct
ustegnuti se vr refrain from, hold back, abstain from
ustezanje n (odbitak) deduction; (od plae) stopping out
of one's salary; (kraenje) refraining, abstention
from, holding back; (ustruavanje) reluctance
ustezati (se) vt (vr) v. ustegnuti (se)
usteziv adj deductable, stoppable
usto adv at that, on top of that (v. ktome)
ustoboen adj & adv (with one's arms) akimbo
ustoboiti se vr stand with one's arms akimbo
ustolien pp installed, inaugurated
ustolienje n installation, inauguration
ustoliiti vt install, place in office, inaugurate, initiate
ustopce adv v. uzastopce
ustostruiti (se) vt (vr) increase hundredfold
ustrajan adj persevering, unremitting, unflagging, persistent; sustained, steady, steadfast; untiring, strenuous, unrelaxing
ustrajati vi persevere, persist, endure, hold out; (kod
posla; odrati rije) abide by, stick to; (biti postojan)
be steadfast (constant); (podnijeti) bear up against,
weather out, stand, sustain
ustrajno adv perseveringly, steadf astly, steadily;
(ilavo) tenaciously

ustrajnost f perseverance, persistency, steadiness; constancy; tenacity, strenuousness

ustraen pp frightened, scared
ustraiti vt frighten, scare, intimidate, cow, alarm,
daunt, deter; (prijetnjama) bully, browbeat; (jako)
appal, inspire with awe
ustraiti se vr be frightened (awed, appalled, cowed,
daunted, intimidated, alarmed)
ustraviti vt v. ustraiti
ustrati vi run up
ustrati se vr fuss, bustle about, hurry about, bestir oneself
ustrebati vt happen to want (be in need of); require
ustremiti se vr v. oboriti se, okomiti se
ustreptati vi (start to) tremble
ustrijeli|ti vt shoot, kill by shooting; hunt account for |
~o je 10 zeeva he accounts for ten hares
ustrijeliti se vr shoot oneself, commit suicide by shooting, blow out one's brains
ustrijeljen pp shot, killed by a shot
ustriak m a tuft of hair (wool itd.) clipped off; clipping;
(odrezak) snippet
ustroj m organization, constitution,system; frame, construction
ustrojavanje n v. ustrojenje
ustrojavati vt v. ustrojiti
ustrojen pp (koa) tanned, dressed, cured; (osnovan)
organized, established, founded, constituted
ustrojenje n v. ustrojstvo
ustrojiti' vt (kou) tan, dress (curry) leather
ustrojiti'' vt organize, systematize, construe, frame; (osnovati) found, establish
ustrojiti se vr organize; adopt a structure
ustrojstvo n organization, establishment; constitution,
construction; (tijela) frame, physique
ustrpljiv adj arch v. strpljiv
ustruavanj|e n reluctance, hesitation; shrinking from;
(prigovor) raising scruples (objections); demur | bez
~a without demur; bez daljnjeg ~a without more ado
ustruav|ati se vr hesitate, hang back (off), hang fire,
shrink from, fight shy of; refuse to; show reluctance,
be reluctant; (prigovor) raise scruples (obiections) |
on se ne ~a ni pred im he sticks at nothing
ustuk m antidote, remedy; (odgovor) retort, rejoinder
ustuknuti vi give in, yield, knuckle down (under)
ustumarati se vr start moving around; v. uskomeati se
ustupak m cession, surrender | uiniti ~ make a concession
ustupanje n ceding, surrendering
ustup|ati vt v. ustupiti | koji ~a cessionary
ustupiti vt cede, give up, relinquish (possession, rights),
renounce (resign) claim
ustupljen adj ceded, given up, relinquished
ustvari adv v. zapravo
ustvrditi vt affirm, assert, aver
ustvren adj affirmed, asserted, averred
usud m v. sudbina
usuditi se vr dare, venture, make so bold as, have the
courage (impudence) to

usukati vt spin (out); (brkove) roll to a fine point; twirl,

usukati se vr become twisted; fig become thin
ususret adv v. u susret
usut pp poured into
usuti vt pour (shoot, strew) into, discharge into
usvajanje n v. usvojenje
usvajati vt v. usvojiti
usvojen pp made one's own, adopted
usvojenje n adoption, making one's own; appropriation
usvojiti vt adopt; make one's own, appropriate; (rezolucija i sl.) adopt
usvojiv adj adoptable
u f louse (ui pl lice) | trijebiti ~i louse; med stidna ~
ualtati vt Ger v. ukljuiti, ukopati, spojiti
ualtati se vr Ger v. ukljuiti se
uanen pp entrenched, dug in
uaniti se vr entrench oneself, dig oneself in
uara f ornith horned owl
uarafiti vt screw in
uata f ichth block-tailed sea bream
uuvan pp preserved, kept undamaged, kept from oblivion, not worn out (off, down, away), still in good repair
uuvati vt preserve, keep undamaged (uninjured, in
good repair), keep from oblivion
uuvati se vr be preserved (undamaged, in good repair),
be kept from oblivion, survive
ue n mouth of river; (veliko) estuary; (otvor u kanal)
intake; (rupa) mouth, opening, orifice; (istjecanje)
outflow, outpour, outfall, outlet
ueeren pp preserved in sugar, boiled in syrup
ueeriti vt preserve in sugar, boil in syrup; permeate
with sugar, enclose in sugar
ueeriti se vr turn to sugar
uenac m ent plant-louse, aphis
ueprtljiti se vr become confused
uestostruiti (se) vt (vr) sextuple
uetati vi stroll in
ui f pl ears pl | napeti ~ (da se bolje uje) strain one's
ears, be all ears; strii ~ma pick up one's ears; doi
(doprijeti) do ~ju reach (come to) one's ears, get an
inkling of, seep through to; on je preko ~ju zaljubljen he is over head and ears in love; bol u ~ma earache; magaree ~ (na knjizi) dog's ears; povui za ~
pull by the ears
uica f eye of a needle; blunt end of an axe
uiariti vt profit
uiljiti vt make pointy
uiljiti se vr taper to a point
uitak m gore, gusset
uiti vt sew (stitch, baste) in; (suziti) take in
uivanje n sewing (stitching, taking) in
uivati vt v. uiti
uiven pp sewn in, taken in
uka f (una koljka) auricle
ukopiti vt castrate; geld; (ensku ivotinju) spay
ukopiti se vr castrate oneself

ukopljen adj castrated; gelded

ukopljenik m castrate, eunuch
uljiv adj lousy
uljivac m lousy fellow
uljivost f lousiness
umrkati vt sniff in
un|i adj auricular, ear | ~a koljka auricle
urek adv Ger v. ukoso, nakrivo
utap m full moon
utapiti se vr (mjesec) wax full
utaviti vt tan
utavljen adj tanned
uteda f saving; v. uteevina
utedjeti vt save, put by, make economies, economize
uteen adj put by, saved
uteevina f savings pl, money put by
utimati vt Ger v. urediti, podesiti
utinuti vt v. utipnuti
utipak m doughnut, B+ dunky
utipi m dim a bit pinched (nipped) off
utipnuti vt pinch, nip
utipnuti se vr pinch oneself
utirkati vt starch
utirkati se vr fig dress (behave) very formally
utogljen adj v. krut, ukoen
utrb m | na ~ to one's detriment (injury, disadvantage,
prejudice, loss); ne na ~ without detriment to...
utrcan pp injected (liquid)
utrcati vt inject, syringe; squirt into
utrcavanje n (continual) injection
utrcavati vt keep injecting
utrcnuti vt inject (squirt) into
utrojiti vt v. ukopiti
uuljati se vr slink (sneak, slip, steal, creep) in(to)
uur m Tur v. ujam
uutjeti vi stop speaking, become silent; (od iznenaenja) be struck mute (dumb)
uutkan pp silenced; hushed up, suppressed
uutkati vt silence (one); (zabauriti) hush up, suppress,
(glad hranom) stay one's stomach, appease one's
hunger; mil knock out, silence
utabati vt v. utapkan
utaboren adj encamped, living in camp (tents), living
under canvas
utaboriti se vr encamp, pitch camp, pitch tent
utai vt v. utaknuti
utaja f | ~ poreza tax evasion
utajen pp understated (income)
utajiti vt understate income to evade tax
utajiva m tax evader
utajivanje n v. utaja
utakmica f match, contest, game; competition; (nadmetanje) emulation, rivalry, contention
utaknut pp socketed; (zaepljen) plugged up, thrust (put,
wedged, fixed, pushed) in(to)
utaknuti vt put (wedge, push, thrust) into, plug up; (konac u iglu) thread (a needle)
utaman adv v. uzalud
utamanitelj m destroyer, annihilator, exterminator

utamaniti vt destroy, annihilate, exterminate; extirpate,

eradicate, uproot, root up
utamanjen pp destroyed, exterminated, extirpated
utamanjenje n destruction, extermination, extirpation,
eradication, uprooting
utamnien pp imprisoned, incarcerated, arrested,
clapped into prison
utamnienje n imprisonment, incarceration
utamniiti vt imprison, incarcerate, clap into prison
utanaenje n stipulation, agreement, arrangement; contract
utanaiti vt to make an arrangement (agreement), arrange terms, come to terms, fix up, settle; bargain for
utanati vt thin, make thin
utanjiti vt thin, make slender
utanjiti se vr grow thin (slender)
utapanje n drowning
utapati vt drown itd. (v. utopiti)
utapati se vr be drowning
utapkan adj stamped; blazed
utapkati vt stamp | fig ~ stazu blaze a trail
utaen pp soothed, appeased, calmed, mitigated; (ea)
quenched, slaked; (glad) satisfied, stayed; (olakan)
utaenje n soothing, alleviation, mitigation; calming;
appeasment; (ee, gladi) quenching, slaking, appeasement; (gladi) staying one's stomach
utaiti vt soothe, appease, calm, mitigate, quiet; (eu)
quench (slake) thirst; (glad) satisfy hunger, stay one's
stomach; alleviate
utaiv adj appeasable, that can be soothed (calmed,
quenched, slaked, mitigated, satisfied)
utecite n v. utoite
utei vi run away (off), escape, make one's escape, flee,
take to one's heels, turn tail, fly; (mladi par) elope;
(ne plativi dugova) abscond; (nou iz stana ne plativi stanarine) flit by moonlight | jedva ~ (opasnosti) escape with the skin of one's teeth
utei se vr have recourse to, fall back upon, take refuge,
resort to
uteg m weight; (ure) pendulum | sp diza ~a weightlifter; sp dizanje ~a weight-lifting
utegnuti vt pull in
utegnuti se vr strap oneself trim; pull in one's stomach;
utemeljen pp founded, established, instituted
utemeljenje n foundation, establishment, creation, institution, settling up (in business); (drutva) floating (of
a company)
utemeljitelj m founder, creator; (drutva) floater, promoter
utemeljiteljica f foundress
utemeljiti vt found, institute, call into life; start; create;
establish; (drutvo) float; (posao) set up business
utenzilije f pl instruments pl, tools pl, kit, apparatus
uticaj m v. utjecaj
uticajan adj v. utjecajan
uticanje n (konca u iglu itd.) threading (a needle); passing of a string (twine) through a hole

uticati' vr v. utjecati
uticati'' vt v. utaknuti
utinica f el socket
utihnue n becoming still (hushed), hush
utihnuti vi become still (hushed, quiet, silent)
utija f Tur v. pegla
utija(va)ti vt Tur v. peglati
utika m el plug
utilitaran adj utilitarian
utilitarist m utilitarian
utilitaristiki adj utilitarian
utilitarizam m utilitarianism
utilitarno adv in a utilitarian fashion
utilitet m utility
utilizacija f utilization
utira m | fig ~ novih puteva trail-blazer
utiranje n (nabijanje) treading down, stamping | fig ~
puta paving the way, blazing the trail, pioneering
utirati vt tread down, stamp the earth | fig ~ put pave the
road, blaze the trail, be pioneer
utisak m (dojam) impression, effect, impact; (otisak)
impress, imprint, dent, dint; stamp, mark
utiskati vt v. ugurati, utisnuti
utisnut pp impressed; indented
utisnuti vt impress, stamp, imprint; dent, indent; (ugurati) squeeze into, press (push, thrust) into; stow (cram)
into, jam (wedge) in
utisnuti se vr impress (on); squeeze into
utia m eng noise suppressor; v. priguiva
utian pp silenced; (bol) soothed, appeased, allayed,
utiati vt silence, quiet; calm, appease; (radio i sl.) turn
down; (bol) soothe, allay; still; tranquilize
utiati se vr (vjetar) subside, still, abate; (bol) subside,
utiavanje n silencing; calming
utjecaj m influence; sway; control; instance; impulse,
dictate; (poticanje) instigation; effect; impact
utjecanje n inflow, influx, inflowing, flowing in
utjecati vi fall into, disembogue into; (djelovati na) influence (pristrano bias); (rijeka) empty into
utjeh|a f consolation, comfort, solace | crpsti ~u iz take
comfort from
utjeloviti vt incorporate, embody; incarnate
utjeloviti se vr become incorporated (embodied, incarnate)
utjelovljen pp incorporated, embodied; incarnate
utjelovljenje n incorporation, embodiment; incarnation
utjeran pp driven into; (dug) enforced, recovered
utjerati vt driven into; (dug, plate) enforce payment,
recover debt; (u strah) frighten; (strah u kosti)
frighten one out of his wits | ~ u rog (kripac) press
hard, drive into a corner; ~ u la give one the lie
utjeriv adj collectible
utjerivanje n (duga) enforcement of payment (debt, tax)
utjerivati vt v. utjerati
utjerivost f collectibility
utjean adj comforting, cheering, consolatory, setting at

utjeen pp comforted, consoled

utjeitelj m v. tjeitelj
utjeiti vt comfort, console, give comfort, set at ease;
(taiti) soothe
utjeiti se vr be consoled, find comfort in
utjeljiv adj consolatory, comforting
utjeno adv in a comforting (consoling) way (manner)
utka f woof, weft
utkan pp woven into, interwoven
utkati vt weave into, interweave
utkati se vr be woven into
uto adv at this moment; meanwhile
utoite n refuge, shelter; asylum, sanctuary; recourse
utoiti vt pour (decent) into, fill by pouring
utok' m (pritoka) confluence
utok'' m jur appeal, recourse | podnijeti ~ v. uloiti albu
utoliko adj so far, to the extent that
utoliti vt v. utaiti
utoljenje n v. utaenje
utonuti vi sink (into a liquid), be sunk (immersed,
dipped, plunged); (na dno) go to the bottom, founder
utopija f Utopia
utopijski adj Utopian
utopist m Utopian
utopistiki' adj Utopian
utopistiki'' adv in a Utopian way
utopiti vt drown
utopiti se vr be (get) drowned
utopizam m Utopianism
utopliti (se) vt (vr) dress warmly
utopljavanje n dressing warmly
utopljenica f drowned woman
utopljenik m the drowned (drowning) man (person) | ~
se slamke hvata a drowning man catches at a straw
utor m groove
utorak m Tuesday | pokladni ~ Shrove Tuesday
utovar m loading
utovariti vt load; take aboard
utovariti se vr load, get on
utovarni adj loading
utoviti vt fatten
utoviti se vr grow fat, batten
utovljen pp fattened, grown fat | ~a mlada ivotinja
fatling; ~a goveda beeves
utrapiti vt palm (fob) off on
utrapiti se vr v. utrpati se
utrati vi enter running, run into
utravanje n running in
utrenik m trodden path (way, road, drive); track, trail
utrka f race, racing; (konjska) horse-race
utrkiva m competing runner (in a race)
utrkivanje n race, racing; fig competition
utrkivati se vr race, run a race; fig compete
utrnue n (izmak) expiration, expiry, termination of
term; fig extinction; (gaenje) extinguishing
utrnulost f extinction, expiration
utrnuo adj (ruka, noga) benumbed, numb

utrnut pp extinguished, extinct; died out, expired; gone

utrnu|ti vt extinguish; fig (rok) expire, come to an end;
reach its term; (valjanost) become void; (titula) become extinct | noga mi je ~la my leg has gone to
sleep (v. marci); vatra je ~la the fire went out
utroba f intestines pl, entrails pl, viscera pl, bowels pl;
(majina) womb
utrobica f giblets pl
utrobni adj (crijevni) intestinal
utroje adv in threes; three together
utrostruen adj trebled, tripled, increased threefold
utrostruenje n trebling, tripling
utrostruiti (se) vt (vr) treble, triple
utroak m v. potroak
utroiti vt v. potroiti
utrpan pp crammed (stowed, pressed, stuffed) into
utrpati vt cram (stow, press, stuff, squeeze) into
utrpati se vr fig force oneself on someone
utrpavanje n cramming itd. in(to)
utrt pp trodden (down); rubbed in | ~a staza (~ put)
trodden path (way)
utrti vt tread down (way); fig pave the way, blaze the
trail, be a pioneer; (sebi put) carve one's way (in life)
utruditi vt v. umoriti
utruen adj v. umoran
utruniti (se) vt (vr) crumble in
utrven adj v. utrt
utrak m money cashed by sale(s)
utriti vt get (earn) by sale(s)
utuen pp killed by blows, beaten to death; fig depressed,
utueno adv depressedly, dejectedly
utuenost f depression, dejection
utui vt kill with blows, beat to death, knock down dead;
fig depress, deject; (vrijeme) kill time
utuk m rebuttal
uturati vt v. ugurati
ututanj adv v. uzalud
utuviti vt (u glavu) inculcate upon one's mind, put a
thing into one's head, beat (cram) into one's head
utuvljen pp inculcated
utuvljivanje n inculcation
utuiti vt v. tuiti
utuiv adj jur actionable
utva f ornith sheldrake
utvar|a f phantom, spectre, ghost, apparition, vision;
goblin | postojei samo u ~i imaginary, visionary
utvaranje n conceit, fancy; (tatina) vanity
utvarati vi v. umiljati
utvrda f fortification, fort; (tvrava) fortress, stronghold,
castle, redoubt
utvrditi vi (grad itd.) fortify, strengthen; (uvrstiti) fix
(in place), reinforce; (injenicu) establish (fact) beyond dispute; v. odrediti, ustanoviti
utvrditi se vr fortify (oneself)
utvren pp fortified, strengthened; (injenica) established
utvrenost f being established

utvrivanje n (utvrda) fortifying, fortification; (injenice) establishment (of fact, truth); strenghthening
utvrivati vt v. utvrditi
uvaanje n v. uvoenje
uvaati vt v. uvoditi
uvala f (zaljev) cove, small bay; (tla) hollow, basin, depression; (dolina) valley
uvaliti vt get one into
uvaliti se vr (zavaliti se) loll (lounge, recline, sprawl)
lazily; (nekome) force oneself on one
uvaljati (se) vt (vr) roll in(to)
uvarak m pharm decoction; extract
uvaan adj imported, carted in
uvaanje n v. uvoenje
uvaati vt v. uvoziti
uvaavan adj esteemed, appreciated, respected, thought
highly of
uvaavanje n appreciation; taking into consideration;
esteem, estimation, setting store by, taking into account
uvaavati vt v. cijeniti, uzeti u obzir
uvaen pp appreciated; (cijenjen) highly thought of, esteemed, valued, respected; (uzet u obzir) taken into
considerition, taken into account, allowed for | biti ~
meet with a favourable decision
uvaenje n v. uvaavanje
uvaiti v. uzeti u obzir
uveer adv in the evening, of an evening
uvealo n v. povealo
uvean adj enlarged, increased, magnified; exaggerated
uveanje n v. poveanje
uveati vt v. poveati
uveden pp introduced, brought in; ushered in; (mlada
djevojka prvi put u javno drutvo) brought out; (u
slubu) installed, initiated; inaugurated; (well-) established; run-in
uvelian pp magnified, exaggerated; (hvaljen) extolled
uveliati vt (pretjerati) exaggerate; v. poveati
uveliavanje n magnifying; exaggeration
uveliavati vt v. uveliati
uvelike adv considerably, to a large degree
uvelost f withered condition (quality)
uvenut adj v. uveo
uvenuti vi fade, wither, wilt, droop, die
uveo adj withered, faded, wilted
uvertira f overture
uveseljavanje n amusing
uveseljavati vt amuse
uveseljavati se vr amuse oneself
uvesti' vi introduce; (nekamo) bring in, lead into; (u
ast) install, inaugurate; (predstaviti) present; (djevojku u drutvo) bring out; (u sobu) show into; (u
blagovaonicu) take in (to dinner); (poeti) start; (posao) launch, usher in
uvesti'' vt (voziti) import, bring in a vehicle, cart in
uvesti se' vr (u posao i sl.) learn the ropes; become established; v. uobiajiti se
uvesti se'' vr arrive (enter, come) driving (riding)

uvez m binding | u platnenom ~u cloth-bound; tvrd ~

stiff binding, hard covers; mek (ivan) ~ limp (sewn)
uvezan pp bound
uvezati vt bind (a book)
uvezen adj imported; carted in; brought in a vehicle
uvezivanje n binding (a book)
uvezivati vt v. uvezati
uvid m insight | dati na ~ submit; nemam ~a I have no
inspection into, I am not allowed to look into
uvidjeti vt comprehend, realize, understand, see, be sensible of, be aware of, be cognizant of; (obzirnost) be
indulgent, look through one's fingers, make allowance for
uviaj m investigation
uvianje n comprehending, comprehension, realizing,
uviati vt v. uvidjeti
uviavan adj (obziran) considerate, tolerant, making
allowance for, indulgent, regardful, understanding
uviavno adv considerately, indulgently
uviavnost f regardfulness, considerateness; indulgence;
making allowance for; tolerance
uvijanj|e n twisting (inwards) | rei bez ~a say bluntly
uvijati vt twist inwards; (avao) clench (inwards) v. uviti
uvijek adv always, ever, at all times, aye, constantly,
continually, perpetually | za ~ v. zauvijek; jo ~ still;
~ je gladan (poderan) he goes hungry (in rags)
uvijen pp twisted inwards; (smisao) implicit, implied
uvijeno adv in a roundabout way, indirectly, implicitly
uvinuti vt bend, flex (v. iskriviti, uganuti)
uvirati vi v. ulijevati se, ponirati
uvis adv up, upward; skyward; mar aloft
uvitak m wrap; coil; roll
uviti (se) vt (vr) twist, roll, coil (around); v. umotati
(se), zamotati (se)
uvjeravanje n assurances pl; persuasion
uvjeravati vi try (endeavour) to convince, make sure of;
assure (v. uvjeriti)
uvjeravati se vr try to convince oneself
uvjeren adj convinced, confident, persuaded, assured,
sure, certain; satisfied, confident
uvjereno adv confidently; with conviction
uvjerenost f confidence; conviction
uvjerenje n conviction, persuasion; v. potvrda, svjedodba; (politiko itd.) belief
uvjeriti vt persuade; carry conviction; convince; (u protivno) disabuse, undeceive
uvjeriti se vr be convinced, be persuaded, gain the conviction; (sam) make sure of, convince oneself, see for
oneself; (istraiti) ascertain, learn by experience, find
uvjerljiv adj convincing, cogent, persuasive
uvjerljivo adv convincingly
uvjerljivost f conviction, persuasiveness
uvjet m condition, term, stipulation, understanding; proviso | pod ~om on condition that, on the understanding that, provided that; postaviti ~ stipulate

uvjet|an adj conditional, stipulated | biti na ~noj slobodi

have ticket of leave; ~na osuda suspended sentence
uvjetno adv conditionally | biti ~ osuen receive a suspended sentence
uvjetnost f conditional quality
uvjetovan adj stipulated | biti ~ be conditioned by, be
dependent on
uvjetovanost f being conditioned
uvjetovati vt stipulate; condition, make conditional upon
uvjeban adj practiced, skilled, trained, drilled
uvjebanost f being well-drilled
uvjebati vt drill, train, coach, practise (A practice)
uvjebati se vr train oneself
uvjebavanje n drill(ing), training, coaching
uvlaen pp drawn (dragged, pulled) in; (udisan)
breathed (inhaled) in
uvlaenje n drawing (dragging, pulling) in; (udisanje)
inhaling, inbreathing, inhalation | na ~ retractable
uvlaiti vt v. uvui | ~ kod puenja inhale
uvlaiti se vr v. uvui se | ~ se nekome vulg lick someone's ass
uvod m introduction; (predgovor) foreword, preface,
uvoditelj m introducer; (u ast, poloaj) installant; (vodovoda i sl.) installer
uvoditi vt introduce itd. (v. uvesti')
uvodni adj introductory, prefatory; (lanak) editorial
uvodniar m editorialist
uvodnik m leading article, editorial
uvoa m v. uvoditelj
uvoenje n introduction; establishment, institution; (cijevi, instalacija) laying on, installation (of heating or
lighting apparatus, water pipes itd.); (u slubu, ast)
installation, inauguration, investment; (djevojke u
drutvo) bringing out
uvojak m lock, curl, ringlet
uvoz m import, importation; imported goods
uvoziti vt import; (kolima) cart in, bring in; (novi auto)
run in
uvoziv adj importable
uvozn|i adj import, importing, relating to (dealing with)
imports | ~a carina import duty; ~a roba imported
(foreign-made) goods
uvoznik m importer
uvoznina f import-duty, import-tax
uvoen adj imported; carted in; run in
uvoenje n importing, importation; carting in; running
uvri se vr be similar (like) | uvrgao se u oca he takes
after his father, he is a chip of the old block, he is the
very spit of his father
uvrebati vt catch sight of, find a favourable opportunity
(moment); catch by lurking (spying, lying in wait),
spy out, espy
uvred|a f offence, insult, affront, outrage, injury | progutati ~u pocket injury, put up with (swallow) an affront; golema ~a flagrant (grievous) affront
uvredljiv adj (ovjek) apt to take offence, touchy, oversensitive; (rijei) insulting, abusive

uvredljivo adj offensively, isultingly

uvredljivost f aptness to take offence, sensitiveness to
uvrh adv | ~ glave more than enough
uvrijediti vt offend, insult, give offence to, affront, outrage, hurt
uvrijediti se vr take offence, take umbrage; feel offended
(insulted, outraged); take huff
uvrijeen adj offended, insulted, affronted, outraged,
injured, hurt; mortified
uvrijeeno adv like one insulted
uvrijeenost f being offended
uvrijeen adj inveterate, ingrained, deep-rooted, rooted;
(grijeh, mana) besetting; ineradicable
uvrijeenost f inveteracy, ingrained quality
uvrijeiti se vr take root (v. uobiajiti se); (duboko)
become ineradicable
uvrnuti (se) vt (vr) twist
uvrstiti vt insert, interpolate, intercalate; insert in a series (class); (u novine) put (print) in a newspaper | ~
oglas advertise
uvrtavati vt v. uvrstiti
uvrten pp inserted; interpolated; (oglas) put in a paper
uvrtenje n insertion; putting in a paper
uvrtati vt v. uvrnuti, uvrtjeti
uvrtjeti vt screw in; v. utuviti | ~ sebi u glavu get it into
one's head
uvuen pp drawn (pulled, dragged, tugged) in; (udubljen) recessed; (upleten) entangled, involved, implicated
uvui vt draw (pull, drag, lug) in; (nokte) pull in, retract
uvui se vr sneak (slip, steal) in; (u milost) insinuate
(worm) oneself into someone's favour
uz prep along with, abreast, close to, near (hard) by, beside, up, by, at, alongside | ~ brdo uphill, up the hill;
~ rijeku up the river; ~ brod alongside the boat; ~ to
v. usto; ~ velike rtve by means of great sacrificies;
put ide ~ vodu way skirts the water; ~ glazbu accompanied by music
u.z. abbr | direktor ~ acting manager
uza prep v. uz | ~ sav napor for all the pains, notwithstanding all the exertions; nemam novaca ~ se I have
no money on me
uzai vi mount, ascend, go (come) up
uzagrapce adv at full gallop, galloping
uzajaman adj reciprocal, mutual
uzajamno adj mutually, reciprocally, each other, one
uzajamnost f reciprocity, mutuality, mutual aid (help);
(izmjena) give and take
uzajmitelj m lender
uzajmiti vt (drugome) lend; (novac na kamate) let out at
interest; loan, grant loan of; accommodate one (with
a loan); (od drugoga) borrow
uzajmljen pp lent; (od drugoga) borrowed
uzajmljiva m lender; loaner
uzajmljivanje n lending; (od drugoga) borrowing
uzajmljivati vt v. uzajmiti
uzak adj narrow; (tijesan) strait, tight

uzakoniti vt enact
uzakonjen pp enacted
uzakonjenje n enaction
uzalud adv in vain, to no purpose, uselessly, fruitlessly,
ineffectually | sve ~ all in vain; njemu je ~ savjetovati advice is lost upon him
uzaludan adj futile, useless, fruitless, unavailing, of no
avail, bootless, ineffectual, purposeless, abortive;
(uloen trud) thrown away (lost) (labour)
uzaludno adv v. uzalud
uzaludnost f futility, fruitlessness, abortiveness
uzaman adv arch v. uzalud
uzan adj v. uzak
uzanca f com & jur usance, usage
uzao m knot
uzapenik m v. uhapenik
uzapenje n v. uhapenje
uzaptiti vt v. uhapsiti
uzastopce adv one after another (the other); consecutively; (neprestano) uninterruptedly, at a stretch, successively | triput ~ three times running; slijedii nekoga ~ shadow (dog, stalk) one
uzastopni adj consecutive
uzastopnost f consecutiveness
uzaae n ascension; RC Assumption
uzavrelost f being aboil; highly agitated state
uzavreo adj boiled over, bubbled over; seething
uzavre|ti vi boil (bubble) over (with wrath itd.), bubble
up, seethe | krv mu je ~la (od gnjeva) his blood
boiled (with indignation)
uzbaciti vt throw up, toss up
uzbacivanje n throwing up, tossing up; bridling up
uzbacivati vt toss (throw) up; (glavu od ponosa) bridle
uzbaen pp thrown up, tossed up
uzbeki adj geog Uzbek
Uzbek m Uzbek
Uzbekistan m geog Uzbekistan
uzbiban pp (more) heaving, surging
uzbibati vt make (the sea) heave
uzbibati se vr heave, surge, swell
uzbrdica f stiff (rising) ground; gradient; upward slope,
rise, ascent; uphill road, (steep) acclivity
uzbrdo adv uphill
uzbuditi vt agitate, excite; fluster, flurry; thrill; ruffle; sl
turn on
uzbuditi se vr become agitated (excited)
uzbudljiv adj exciting, thrilling
uzbudljivo adj excitingly
uzbudljivost f exciting quality
uzbuen adj excited, agitated; flurried, flustered; overwrought; ruffled; wrought-up
uzbueno adv excitedly, in excitement
uzbuenost f v. uzbuenje
uzbuenje n excitement, agitation, emotion, commotion,
uzbuivanje n v. uzbuenje
uzbuivati vt v. uzbuditi

uzbun|a f alarm; (gungula) uproar, disturbance, commotion, stir; alert | lana ~a false alarm; dati znak za
~u sound alarm
uzbuniti vt alarm; give (sound) the alarm; agitate; cause
commotion (stir, disturbance); arouse; fluster, flurry
uzbunjen adj agitated, excited, alarmed
uzburkan pp stormy, tempestuous, agitated; (more)
surging, having a ground swell, heaving
uzburkanost f agitation
uzburkati vt agitate
uzburkati se vr become stormy (agitated, choppy,
heavy), have a ground swell
uzd|a f rein; bridle; fig curb, check, restraint | drati na
~i curb, (keep in) check, restrain
uzdah m sigh
uzdahnuti vi sigh; (duboko) fetch a deep sigh, heave a
uzdanica f mainstay; fig sheet-anchor, chief support
uzdanje n trust, confidence
uzdarje n present (gift) given in return
uzdati se vr trust, rely upon, put one's trust in, pin one's
hopes on; count (build) upon, lean upon, cling to
uzdii vr lift up, raise, elevate, rear, hoist; crane; (hvalom) extol, exalt
uzdii se vr lift oneself, raise oneself
uzdignue n lifting, elevation, raising, rearing
uzdignut pp lifted, reared, raised, elevated
uzdignuti vt v. uzdii
uzdisaj m sigh
uzdisanje n continual sighing
uzdisati vi sigh
uzdizanje n v. uzdignue
uzdizati vt v. uzdii
uzdrhtati vi quiver, shiver, shudder, tremble, shake
uzdrman pp shaken, tottering
uzdrmati vt shake, give a shock, concuss; make tremble
(totter), stagger
uzdrmati se vr be shaken
uzdran adj restrained | 4 ~a glasa 4 obstensions
uzdrano adv with restraint
uzdranost f restraint
uzdrati se vr abstain from, curb oneself, restrain oneself | ~od glasanja abstain (from voting)
uzdravan pp kept; provided for (by somebody), supported
uzdravanje n keep, keeping, upkeep, maintenance,
preservation; (prehranjivanje) support, sustentation,
alimentation, alimony | sa samostalnim ~m selfsupporting
uzdravatelj m supporter, provider
uzdravati vt keep, support, provide sustenance for, sustain oneself in food and clothing
uzdrljiv adj v. uzdran
uzduh m v. zrak
uzduni adj v. zrani
uzdu prep along with, alongside, all along; skirting | ~ i
poprijeko (zemljom) in all directions, along the
length and breadth of the country
uzduan adj longitudinal, along the longer side

uze f pl v. zatvor, tamnica

uzee n v. uzimanje
uzemljen adj el B earthed, A grounded
uzemljiti vt B earth, A ground
uzengija f Tur v. stremen (i anat)
uzet adj taken; med paralytic, palsied
uzeti vt take; (pomisliti) assume, suppose; (cijeniti) estimate, put at; (pobrati) pick up; (poeti) begin, start,
commence | ~ unaprijed anticipate; ~ pod gotovo
take for granted; ~ pod svoje adopt; ~ u posao take in
hand; ~ maha gain ground, prevail, become rampant
(rife), grow (wax) rife; ~ slobodu take the liberty; ~
za primjer take example by; ~ zajam raise a loan; ~
mjeru take measure; (nekome) measure one for a
suit; ~ za zlo take amiss, take in bad part; ~ nekoga
na vozilo give a lift; ~ u najam (zakup) rent; ~ za
ast consider as honour; ~ u obzir take into consideration, allow for, take into account; ~ na juri carry
by assault; ~ na nian aim at, have a design upon; ~
na znanje take notice of; ~ za zgoljnu istinu take for
gospel truth; ~ u pohranu take in charge (in one's
keeping); ~ na vjeru take upon credit; ~ jedno s
drugim take one with another; ~ na pokus take on
trial; ~ u slubu engage one, take into one's service
uzeti se vr v. vjenati se | ~ za ruke grasp (take) each
other's hands
uzetost f med paralysis, palsy
uzgaja m educator, pedagogue, tutor; (stoke) breeder;
(voki itd.) grower, cultivator, nurseryman
uzgajalite n cultivation centre (site); growing (raising,
breeding) site (centre, establishment); farm
uzgajanje n (djece) bringing up; cultivation; (voke)
growing, training; (ivotinja) rearing, raising, breeding; (povra na veliko) B market-gardening, A truckgardening; (tovljenje) fattening, battening
uzgajatelj m (stoke) breeder, raiser, grower; (pasmina,
bilja) fancier, cultivator, grower
uzgajati vt (djecu) bring up, nurture, rear; cultivate;
(voke itd.) train, grow; (stoku itd.) breed, rear, raise
uzglavlje n head of bed; (jastuk) pillow, bolster
uzgoj m v. uzgajanje
uzgojan adj breeding
uzgojen adj bred
uzgojitelj m v. uzgaja
uzgojiti vt v. uzgajati
uzgon m aero lift
uzgred adv incidentally, by the way, in passing; v. usput
| ~ reeno by the way
uzgredan adj incidental; (nevaan) unimportant, of no
account, nonessential, accessory
uzic|a f line, string, lead, twine | vezati ~om (cipelu)
lace (up)
uzii vi rise, ascend, mount
uzidan pp walled in, immured
uzidati vt immure, build into a wall
uzilaenje n rising, rise, ascending, ascension, mounting
uziman pp taken, partaken
uzimanje n taking; (dijela, udjela) partaking
uzimati vt v. uzeti

uzina f narrowness, strait

uziti vt straiten, make strait
uzjahati vt mount a horse (mule); get on horse (animal)
uzjahivanje n mounting
uzjoguniti se vr become obstinate (self-willed, perverse,
refractory, unruly wanton)
uzlanje n knotting, entangling
uzlat adj knotty
uzlati vt knot, make knots
uzlati se vr become knotty (entangled, tangled)
uzlaz m ascent, ascension; mounting
uzlazan adj ascending; upward
uzlazite n place for mounting (ascending)
uzlaziti vi ascend, mount, climb
uzlazni adj ascending
uzlaenje n ascending, mounting
uzlet m flying off (up), rising in the air; (aviona) taking
(take) off
uzletite n air-drome, air-field, aerodrome, airport
uzletjeti vi fly up; take off; rise in the air
uzli m dim small knot
uzlijetanje n flying up; taking off; rising
uzlijetati vi keep on flying up (taking off, rising in the
uzmai vi v. uzmaknuti
uzmah m mus up-beat
uzmak m retreat; (glavom bez obzira) rout
uzmaknuti vi retreat, beat a retreat, withdraw; retrace
one's steps; fall back
uzmanjka|ti vi run low | meni je ~lo I have run out of...,
I have run short of..., my stocks are exhausted, I am
lacking in, I am cleared out of ; (novaca) I am hard
up, I am short of cash
uzmicanje n gradual (slow) retreat(ing)
uzmicati vi v. uzmaknuti
uzmoi vi be able to, be in a position to, be able to afford
uzmorati vi have to, be forced to (v. morati)
uzmutiti vt v. zamutiti
uzmuvati se vr become agitated
uznapredovao adj advanced
uznapredovati vi v. napredovati
uznastojati vi v. nastojati
uznemiren pp alarmed, restless, anxious, disquiet, uneasy; troubled, perturbed, agitated, nervous
uznemireno adv with alarm, uneasily, agitatedly, nervously
uznemirenost f uneasiness, perturbation, agitation, anxiety, nervousness
uznemiriti vt disturb, alarm, trouble, worry; ruffle;
flurry, fluster
uznemiriti se vr get alarmed, take alarm, worry; be flurried (ruffled)
uznemirivanje n disturbance, discomposing, alarming;
troubling, worrying; harassing
uznemirivati vt v. uznemiriti | ~ neprijatelja worry
(harrass) the enemy
uznemirujui adj disturbing, troubling, upsetting
uznesen adj elated, exultant, enthusiastic
uznesenost f elation, enthusiasm

Uznesenje n eccl (uzaae) Assumption

uznesti (se) vt (vr) v. uznijeti (se)
uzniar m turn-key, jailer
uzniki adj prison-like
uznijeti vt bring (carry, take) up
uznijeti se vr become elated (exultant, enthusiastic)
uznik m arch prisoner
uznojen adj in perspiration, perspiring, sweated
uznojiti se vr perspire, sweat
uznosit adj exalted, high-flowing, lofty, sublime
uznosito adj exaltedly, sublimely, loftily
uznositost f sublimity, loftiness
uznoenje n bringing (carrying, taking) up; elating, exalting
uzobijestiti se vr become arrogant (insolent, overweening, supercilious, haughty); give oneself airs, ride the
high horse; (nestaluk) rollick, revel, make merry
boisterously, be frolicsome, engage in pranks; become
unrestrained (self-confident)
uzoholiti se vr become overweening
uzor m model, paragon; ideal; standard | po ~u na on the
model of
uzorak m (tkanine) pattern; (materijala, cjeline) sample;
(primjerak) specimen, exemplar | uzimanje ~a sampling
uzoran' adj model, ideal, perfect, exemplary; standard
uzoran'' adj ploughed up
uzorati vt plough up
uzorit adj exalted, eminent, distinguished
uzoritost f eminence | Vaa U~ Your Eminence
uzorno adv ideally, in an exemplary way
uzornost f perfection, exemplariness; exemplary (mode)
uzraditi vi v. poraditi
uzradovan adj rejoicing; gladdened
uzradovati se vr rejoice, be rejoiced (gladdened)
uzrast m stature; growth; v. ivotna dob
uzrasti vi grow up
uzreica f proverb, saw, adage; pithy saying
uzroan adj causative, causal
uzroiti vt cause, be the cause of
uzronik m cause; originator; med agent
uzrono adv causally
uzronost f causality
uzrok m cause, reason, ground; motive; source
uzrokovan adj caused, brought about (on)
uzrokovanje n causing, causation, bringing about, effecting
uzrokovati vt cause, bring about (on); effect, be the
cause, give rise (origin) to, lead to, result in; evoke,
provoke; create; lie at the root of
uzrujan adj agitated, excited; irritated; ruffled; flurried,
flustered; nervous; vexed; feverish, restless; upset
uzrujano adv irritatedly, with vexation
uzrujanost f excitement, agitation, flutter
uzrujati vt make nervous (feverish, restless, alarmed,
ruffled, vexed); excite, agitate, flurry, vex; upset

uzrujati se vr become agitated (excited, ruffled, flustered, alarmed, vexed, angry, nervous, exasperated,
uzrujavanj|e n making (getting, growing) nervous (excited, agitated, ruffled, restless; vexed, angry) | bez
~a! take it easy!
uzrujavati vt v. uzrujati
uzurpacija f usurpation
uzurpator m usurper
uzurpatorski adj usurping
uzurpiranje n usurpation
uzurpirati vt usurp
uzus m custom, habitual procedure
uzvanik m invited person, guest
uzveliati vt v. veliati
uzverati se vr climb, clamber up
uzvini adj gram exclamatory
uzvijati vi v. uzviti
uzvik m shout, cry; exclamation
uzvikivanje n shouting, crying, exclamations pl
uzvikivati vi shout, cry out, keep (on) exclaiming
uzviknuti vi (give a) shout, yell, exclaim
uzvinuti se vr rise to, attain, reach
uzvisina f elevation
uzvisiti vt raise, lift, elevate; exalt; (hvalom) extol
uzvisiti se vr elevate (extol) oneself, be elevated
uzvisivanje n extolling
uzvisivati vt v. uzvisiti
uzvien adj exalted, elevated, sublime; raised; lofty
uzvieno adj in an exalted (sublime) way (manner)
uzvienost f excellence, sublimity, loftiness, eminence
uzvienje n raising, elevating; extolling; v. uzvisina
uzviica f v. uzvisina
uzviti vi raise (one's eyebrows)
uzviti se vr soar, fly upward
uzvitlati vt raise (dust), whip up
uzvitlati se vr whirl up(ward)
uzvodno adj upstream
uzvraanje n returning; retaliating, retaliation; repaying, repayment
uzvraati vt v. uzvratiti
uzvraen pp returned; (zlo) retaliated, repaid in kind;
uzvrat m return, paying back; (zlim) retaliation; requital
uzvrat|an adj given in exchange; (zlo) in retaliation (return) | ~na utakmica (posjet) return match (visit)
uzvratiti vt return (a favour, service, good deed); return
balance of money (change); repay | ~ milo za drago
retaliate, give tit for tat, repay in kind
uzvrdati se vr start hedging; be embarrassed
uzvrpoljiti se vr get fidgety (fussy, nervous); fidget
uad f collect cordage
uagriti vi | ~ oima flash one's eyes
uar m rope-maker
uara f rope-walk
uaren pp red-hot, white-hot; hot, glowing, in a glow;
heated to incandescence; incandescent
uareno adj glowing hot

uarenost f red-hot (white-hot) state; incandescence,

glowing state
uarija f rope-maker's shop; v. uad, uarstvo
uariti vt incandesce | ~ do crvenila make red-hot; ~ do
bjelila make white-hot
uariti se vr incandesce, become glowing hot (white-hot,
red-hot); glow; (krv) get flushed; (lice) get suffused
with warm colour
uarski adj used by a rope-maker or in rope-making
uarstvo n rope-making trade
uas m horror, terror, consternation, panic, fear, dismay
uasan adj horrible, terrible, horrid, ghastly; abominable, revolting
uasavati (se) vt (vr) v. uasnuti (se)
uasno adj horribly, terribly, fearfully, dreadfully, horridly, awfully
uasnost f horror, awfulness, frightfulness, terribleness
uasnut adj appalled, horror-stricken
uasnuti vt appall, strike with horror
uasnu|ti se vr be panic-stricken (terror-stricken, horrorstricken); stand aghast, be frightened to death (out of
one's wits), be appalled | ~o sam se my blood ran
cold, it made my flesh creep, my hair stood on end, it
gave me the shivers
ue n rope; (tanje) cord; (tanko) line; (za brodski amac)
painter; (jarbola, ocjelno) halyard; (najdeblje) cable |
vezati ~tom cord, rope, fasten (secure) with rope;
(brod) moor
uei vt set fire to, kindle, light, fire, ignite, set on fire,
strike a light
uzei se vr catch fire
uegao adj v. ueen
ueen pp kindled, lighted, lit, ignited, on fire; (pirografija) pyrographed, burned in wood; (pokvaren, rancig) rancid, rank | slikarije ~im eljezom pokerwork, pyrography

ueenost f (hrane) rancidness, rancidity

ugan pp v. ueen
ugati vt v. uei
ui adj comp narrower; restricted; more immediate
uicati vt sl scrounge, wangle
uiga m lighter; (ovjek) lamp-lighter
uiganje n lighting, kindling; setting fire to
uina f second breakfast, B coll elevenses pl; early lunch
uinanje n v. uina
uinati vt have a light meal
uitak m pleasure, enjoyment, delight, comfort; treat
uitnik m v. uivalac
uivalac m one who enjoys; jur usufructuary; holder | ~
heroina heroine user (taker)
uivanje n (veselje) pleasure, relish, delight, enjoyment;
treat; jur usufruct
uivati vt enjoy, delight in, find pleasure in, take delight
in, relish, revel in, rejoice in; (hranu) partake (of
food); experience pleasure; (sluiti se) make use of,
have the use (benefit) of hold in usufruct; be the
beneficiary (usufructuary) | ~ glas have a reputation
uivjeti se vr get used to; enter the spirit of; identify with
uivljavanje n getting used to; identifying (with)
uivljavati se vr v. uivjeti se
uizati (se) vt (vr) v. uei (se)
ulijebiti vt flute, groove
ulijebiti se vr become fluted (grooved)
ulijebljen pp fluted, grooved
uljebljivanje n fluting, grooving
uurban adj busy, hurried
uurbano adv busily, hurriedly
uurbanost f busyness
uurbati se vr busy oneself hurriedly
uutjeti vi become (turn) yellow

vabac m (ptica itd.) decoy-duck, decoy; stool-pigeon;
enticement; (meka) bait
va bank adv | igrati ~ v. staviti sve na kocku
vabilo n bird-call; v. vabac
vabiti vt allure, entice away (into), decoy; (napast) tempt
vabljenje n allurement, enticement; tempting, temptation
vadiep m corkscrew
vaditi vt produce, take out; draw, pull out, tear out, extract; (rudu) work a mine; med remove
vaditi se vr coll v. izvlaiti se
vadl m Ger v. list (na nozi)
vaen pp taken (drawn, pulled) out, extracted; produced
vaenje n drawing (pulling, taking) out; producing; extraction; (rude) working of a mine; med removal |
math ~ korijena extraction (finding) the root of a
vafl m cul Ger wafer | okoladni ~i chocolate biscuits

vaga f balance, pair of scales; scales pl; weighing-machine, (kolna) weighbridge; weigh beam; (na polugu)
steelyard; (mosna) weighbridge
vagabund m v. skitnica, probisvijet
vagan m bushel
vaganje n weighing; fig (u duhu) pondering, weighing
vagati vt weigh, balance; (duhom) ponder, weigh mentally
vagati se vr weigh (oneself), check one's weight
vagina f anat vagina
vaginalan adj anat vaginal
vagir m swingle tree
vagnerijanac m mus Wagnerian
vagnerijanski adj mus Wagnerian
vagnuti vt v. vagati
vagon m B carriage, coach, vag(g)on; A (railroad) car;
(teretni) B goods wag(g)on, A freight car; (zatvoreni
teretni) B goods van, A box car; (otvoreni teretni) B

open wag(g)on, B truck, A gondola (car); (spavai) B

sleeping-car, A sleeper; (za jelo) dining-car; (prtljani) B luggage-van, A baggage car; (za konduktera) B
guard's-van, A caboose | pun (otvoren) ~ a truckload; krevet (leaj) u ~u berth, B+ sleeper
vagonet m tipper
vagonski adj B railway-carriage, A railroad-car
vaj! int woe! alas!
vajanje n sculpting
vajar m v. kipar
vajarstvo n v. kiparstvo
vajati vt sculpt
vajda f reg v. korist
vajkada adv | od ~ time out of mind, from time immemorial
vajkati se vr v. jadikovati, tuiti se, kajati se
vajni adj precious
vakat m Tur v. vrijeme, doba
vakcina f v. cjepivo
vakcinirati (se) vt (vr) v. cijepiti (se)
vakuf m Tur v. zaklada
vakuum m phys vacuum
val m wave; (malen) wavelet; (velik) billow; (obalni)
breaker, surf; (dug) roller; (mrtvog mora) groundswell, ground-sea; pl heavy seas | kreste ~a skipper's
daughters; ~ovi s krestom white-crested waves; duljina ~a wavelength; podesiti radio na izvjesnu duljinu ~a tune in to a wave-length
valcer m waltz | plesati ~ waltz
valencija f chem (jedinica) B valency, A valence
valentnost f chem valence
valer m v. vrednota
valerijana f pharm & bot valerian
Valhala f myth Valhalla
valionica f hatchery
valiti se vr (iz jaja) hatch
valkira f myth Valkyrie
valorizacija f valorization, valuation, assessment
valov m pig-trough
valovanje n declaration of income for the assessment of
valovati vt declare income for the purpose of assessing
the tax
valovit adj wavy, undulating, undulated; rolling | ~ lim
corrugated iron(-sheets)
valovito adv undulating; like a wave
valovitost f wavy (undulating) shape
valovnica f v. porezna prijava
Valpurgin adj | myth ~a no Walpurgis night
valunzi m pl Ger (klimakterini) hot flushes
valuta f currency | vrsta ~ hard currency
valutni adj currency
valjak m roller; (za tijesto) rolling-pin; (parni) steamroller; cylinder; (za rublje) mangle; (pisaeg stroja)
valjan' adj (dobar) good, worthy; (posluan) obedient,
willing; (postojan, marljiv) steady; (pohvalan) laudable, dutiful; (uzoran) exemplary, sterling; (kako treba) proper, due; (sposoban) fit, competent; (podesan)

suitable, appropriate, apt, well suited (adapted) for;

(na snazi) valid, available; (koristan) useful; (upotrebljiv) serviceable
valjan'' pp rolled
valjano adv worthily; willingly; dutifully
valjanost f worth, goodness; validity; availability; fitness, appropriateness; sterling worth
valjanje n rolling (out); flattening; mangling; (broda)
valjaonica f rolling mill
valj|ati' vi (vrijediti) be valid (available) | meni ~a ii I
must (I am obliged to, it is necessary for me to) go; to
ne ~a this is not right (proper, befitting, the thing),
this is not well done; ~at e mi (upotrebljivost) it
will come handy; to ~a ispitati this must be examined; tako ~a! well done, that's right; to ne ~a nita
that's good for nothing; to ~a (vrijedi) i za... that
holds good for...
valjati'' vt roll
valjati se vr roll; (u blatu) wallow
valjda adv perhaps, maybe; (moda) probably, presumably, possibly; I dare say; very likely
valjenke f pl felt boots
valjkast adj cylindrical
valjuak m cul dumpling
vamp m vamp
vampir m vampire, blood-sucking ghost
vampirski adj vampiric
vampum m (indijanski) wampum
van adv out, out of, outwards; (osim) except, if not, only
vanadij m chem vanadium
vanblokovski adj pol non-aligned
vanbraan adj born out of wedlock, illegitimate; extramarital
vanbrodski adj mar | ~ motor outboard motor
vandal m hist Vandal; (razbija) vandal
vandalizam m vandalism
vandalski adj hist Vandalic; vandalistic
vandl m Ger wash-tub
vanevropski adj extra-European; overseas
vani adv out, out of doors, outside, on the outside; (povrina) on the surface; (izbivanje) from home; (u inozemstvu) abroad
vanilija f cul vanilia, vanilla
vanmaterniki adj med extrauterine
vanpartijac m pol non-member (of the Communist
vanpartijski adj pol non-Communist
vanplanski adj unplanned
vanredno adv v. izvanredno
vanserijski adj custom-built
vansezonski adj off-season
vanstranaki adj pol non-party, non-partisan
vansudski adj out-of-court
vankolski adj extracurricular; extramural
vanjku m dial v. jastuk
vanjkunica f dial v. jastunica

vanjsk|i adj outside, out of door, exterior, outward; on

the surface | ~a trgovina foreign trade
vanjsko-politiki adj international political
vanjtin|a f exterior; face, surface; outward semblance
(appearance) | sauvati ~u (formu) save (keep up)
vapaj m cry (for help), (vrisak) scream, yell, shriek, wail
vapiju|i adj | ~a potreba crying need
vapiti vt cry (for help); wail, yell, scream
vapnenac m geol lime-stone
vapnenaki adj lime-stone
vapnenast adj geol limy, containing lime, calcareous
vapnenica f lime-kiln
vapno n lime; (ivo) quick lime; (gaeno) slaked
(slacked) lime; (za bijeljenje) whitewash | gasiti ~
slake (slack) lime
vapor m reg v. parobrod, brod
varalica f impostor, cheat, swindler, defrauder; car
sharper, shark; (kod oklada) welsher; (ribika) artificial bait
varan pp cheated, swindled, tricked, imposed upon
varanje n cheating, cheat, swindle, swindling, defrauding, deception, imposition, fraud; car card-sharping;
deceit; treachery, guile; misleading; sharp practice
varati vt cheat, swindle, deceive, defraud, impose upon,
practice upon, overreach, circumvent, take in, trick
one, take advantage of, play one false; (obmanuti) delude, beguile, dupe, gull, hoax, victimize, mystify;
(nainiti budalu od) send on a wild goose chase, send
on a fool's errand, make an ass of
vara|ti se vr be deceived (deluded, mistaken); cheat each
other (one another) | ~ se you're mistaken (wrong)
varav adj fallacious, deceitful, illusive, illusory | ~ zakljuak sophism
varavo adv fallaciously; illusively
varavost f fallacity, illusoriness, illusiveness, delusiveness
varen pp boiled
varenika f reg boiled milk
varenje n boiling, brewing, seething; v. probava | organi za ~ v. probavni organi
varicele f pl, med (vodene boginje) chicken-pox,
varijabila f variable; variable part of salary (wages)
varijabilan adj variable
varijabilnost f variability
varijabla f (statistika) variable
varijacija f variation
varijanta f variant
varijete m B variety (show); A vaudeville, burlesque
varijetetski adj variety
variranje n varying; fluctuation
varirati vt & vi vary; fluctuate
variti vt boil, brew; v. probavljati
variti se vr boil, brew; seethe
varivo n cul stewed vegetables pl
varjaa f ladle, bull-ladle
varka f trick, guile, wile, ruse, blind, feint, stratagem,
bluff; delusion, illusion; (maioniarski trik) sleight

of hand, jugglery, conjuring, magic; (stupica) snare,

trap, pitfall
varljiv adj v. varav; probavljiv
varmea f county, shire
varnica f v. iskra
varniiti vi v. iskriti
varo f, m v. grad
varoanin m v. graanin
varoica f dim v. gradi
varoki adj v. gradski
Varava f geog Warsaw
varvarin m v. barbar
varvarski adj v. barbarski
vas adj v. sav
vascio adj v. sav
vaserkopf m Ger v. hidrokefal
vasilika f v. bazilika
vasiona f v. svemir
vasionski adj v. svemirski
vaskolik adv v. sav
vaspita m v. odgojitelj
vaspitan pp v. odgojen
vaspitanik m v. pitomac
vaspitanost f v. odgoj
vaspitati vt v. odgajati, odgojiti
vaspitni adj v. odgojni | ~ zavod v. odgajalite
va' pron your, yours
va'' f v. u
va- v. vevaar m v. sajam
vaka f v. u
valjiv adj v. uljiv
vat m el watt
vata f B cotton wool, A absorbent cotton; (u podstavi)
vatelin m text padding
vaterpolist m sp water-polo player
vaterpolo m sp water-polo
Vatikan m geog Vatican
vatikanski adj Vatican
vatirati vt pad (with wadding)
vatr|a f fire; (plamen) flame, blaze; (poar) conflagration; (krijes) bonfire; (vruina) heat, fever; (vatrenost) mettle, ardour | potai (zapretati) ~u poke
(bank up) the fire; raspiriti ~u fan the flame (esp
fig); podmetanje ~e (pale) arson, fire-raising; osiguranje protiv ~e (polica) fire-insurance; lijevati
ulje na ~u pour oil on fire; ii kroz ~u i vodu go
through fire and water
vatralj m v. ara
vatren adj fiery; igneous; fig ardent, passionate; (pristaa) trueblue; (konj) mettlesome; (nagao) hotheaded |
~o oruje fire-arms
vatreno adv fig ardently, passionately
vatrenost f fieriness; mettle; (ar) ardour, fervency
vatrica f dim little fire
vatrogas|ac m fireman | ~ci fire-brigade

vatrogasn|i adj | ~i stroj fire-engine; ~a stanica firestation; ~a brigada B fire-brigade, A fire department;
~a kola fire-engine
vatrogastvo n fire-fighting
vatromet m fireworks pl
vatrostalan adj chem refractory
vau! int | ~ ~! bow-wow!
Vavilon m v. Babilon
vaza f vase
vazal m hist vassal
vazal|an adj hist vassal; tributary | ~ni sustav vassalage
vazalstvo n vassalage
Vazam m v. Uskrs
vazda adv v. uvijek
vazdan adv | po ~ all day long, the livelong day; always
vazduh m v. zrak
vazduhoplovan adj v. zrakoplovan, avijatiki
vazduhoplovstvo n v. zrakoplovstvo, avijacija
vazduan adj v. zrani
vazduast adj v. prozraan
vazektomija f med vasectomy
vazelin m vaseline
vazelinski adj vaseline
vaznesenje n Orth v. uzaae
va|an adj important, weighty, momentous, material;
(koji se utvara) consequential; (osoba) prominent;
(istaknut) salient; (hitan) urgent, pressing; (bitan) vital, essential, primary | praviti se ~an throw one's
weight around, talk big; coll vrlo ~no! who cares!
never mind! A sl big deal!; smatrati ~nim consider
important, think of great account
vaei adj valid; (na snazi) in effect, current
vaenje n validity
vaiti vi v. vrijediti
vano adv importantly | vrlo ~! v. vaan; drati se ~
assume an air of importance
vanost f importance, consequence, moment, import,
significance, weight | pridavati emu ~ set store by;
od bitne ~i za vital to; imati ~ be of importance, be
important (weighty); have weight (importance); be
prominent; carry weight, import, signify, matter; be
momentous (material, of importance, weighty)
v.d. abbr v. vrilac dunosti
vecati se vr Ger v. izvecati se
ve-ce m v. zahod
vee n v. veer
veer m evening; poet eve | zaeljeti dobar ~ bid one
good evening
veera f supper | Bibl Posljednja ~ Last Supper
veeranje n having supper
veeras adv this evening, to-night
veeranji adj tonight's, this evening's
veerati vt have one's supper, sup, eat one's supper
veernica f even-song, vespers pl; afternoon service
veernja f eccl vespers pl, evening service
veernjaa f evening star
veernji adj evening, happening in the evening
veerom adv of an evening, every evening

ve adv already | on je tu ~ 3 dana he has been here for

three days, ~ 3 dana these three days; ~ prije godinu
dana as far back as a year; ~ 20 godina as long as
twenty years; ~ drugi dan the very next day; ~ ga 3
dana molim I have been asking him for three days; ~
rano u jutro as early as the morning; kakva su ~
vremena as times go; kakvi su ~ suci as judges go;
ne to ~ (nego) ono not this but that
vei adj comp bigger, larger, greater; major; (vii) taller,
higher; (omaniji) bulkier; (poloajem) superior;
(premaujui) preponderant | sve ~ gubici increasing
losses; ~ gradovi medium-size(d) towns
vein|a f majority, plurality, the greater part, most | svojim je glasom odluio ~u he had a casting vote; dvotreinska ~ a two-thirds majority
veinom adv mostly, for the most part; (obino) ordinarily, usually, commonly; as often as not; to a greater
extent; mainly, mostly
vema adv v. vie
ved|ar adj serene; clear; (vrijeme) fair; (dan) bright (veseo) cheerful, serene, unbent, breezy, jovial, in good
spirits, of good cheer, buoyant; light-hearted; (nesmuen) unruffled, unperturbed, sunny; (trijezan, miran) calm, placid, sedate, quiet, sober, at ease, at rest;
stoical | pod ~rim nebom (noenje, tabor) in bivouac, under canvas
vedeta f vedette, sentinel; film star
vedrica f pail, bucket
vedrina f serenity, brightness; (udi) hilarity, cheerfulness; (mir) calmness
vedriti se vr clear up
vedro' adv serenely; brightly; cheerfully
vedro'' n (abar) pail, bucket; (mjera) measure for wine
veduta f view, sight; panorama
vegetacija f vegetation; plants pl; flora
vegetarijanac m vegetarian
vegetarijanski adj vegetarian
vegetarijanstvo n vegetarianism
vegetativan adj vegetative
vegetiranje n v. ivotarenje
vegetirati vi v. ivotariti
vehementan adj vehement (v. estok)
vejati vt & vi v. vijati
vekerica f Ger v. budilica
vekna f Ger v. hljeb, truca
veksl m Ger v. klimakterij
vektor m math vector
velar m phon velar
velarni adj phon velar
veleban adj v. velianstven
velebilje n bot belladonna
velebnost f magnificence, sublimity, grandiosity, gorgeousness, grandeur
velecijenjen adj highly esteemed
veleasni adj & m reverend
veleduan adj magnanimous, generous, liberal; nobleminded, high-minded
veleduno adv magnanimously, generously
veledunost f magnanimity, generosity, liberality

velegrad m large town, metropolis

velegradski adj big-city; metropolitan
veleindustrijalac m large manufacturer, fig captain of
veleizdaja f high treason
veleizdajica f person guilty of high treason
veleizdajniki adj treasonable
velelepan adj v. velianstven, divan
velemajstor m (ahovski) grand master
velemoni adj Honourable (Sir)
velemonost f title (rank of an "Honourable")
veleposjed m large estate; pl latifundia
veleposjedniki adj latifundial
veleposjednik m owner of (a) large estate(s)
veleposlaniki adj ambassadorial, of an ambassador
veleposlanik m ambassador |~ Hrvatske Croatian ambassador
veleposlanitvo n embassy
veleposlanstvo n embasy
velepotovan adj highly esteemed
veleprodaja f wholesale
velesajam m (trade) fair
velesajamski adj trade-fair
velesila f pol big power
veleslalom m sp giant slalom
veletrgovac m wholesale merchant (dealer), wholesaler
veletrgovina f wholesale business
veleuen adj highly learned, erudite
veleum m genius
veleuvaen adj highly esteemed
velevlast f v. velesila
veliajan adj v. velianstven
velianstven adj magnificent, grand, glorious; grandiose, majestic, gorgeous, splendid, on a grand scale
velianstveno adv magnificently
velianstvenost f magnificence, grandiosity
velianstvo n majesty | Vae ~ Your Majesty, Sire
velianje n extolling, exalting; panegyric, encomium;
magnifying; (artikla) puffing up, boosting; chanting
the praises
veliati vt extol, exalt; aggrandize; exaggerate
veliati se vr extol (exalt) oneself
veliina f magnitude, greatness, largeness; (visina) tallness, highness; (golemost) hugeness; (obujam) size,
bulk; volume, dimension; proportions pl; extent, expanse
velik adj large, big; (duhom itd.) great; (omaan) bulky;
(visok) tall, high; (prostran) spacious, roomy; (obilan) ample; (irok) broad, wide; (opsean) capacious,
voluminous; (znatan) considerable; (jak) strong | ~o
slovo majuscule, capital letter; pisati ~im slovom
capitalize; ~a porota grand jury; V~a Gospa Assumption; V~i petak Good Friday; ~i vojvoda Grand
Duke; hist Petar ~i Peter the Great; ~ glasovir grand
piano; ~ stil grand style; ~o stubite grand staircase;
~i vezir Grand Vizier; ~a zima severe (intense) winter (cold); ~ ovjek (odrastao) grown-up, adult; ~a
la big (flopping) lie; ~ lopov a dawnright rascal;
com na ~o (veleprodaja) wholesale

Velika Britanija f Great Britain, the United Kingdom

(abbr U.K.)
velikan m a great man, genius; master mind (spirit)
velika m magnate, peer, lord, aristocrat, a noble | ~i the
peers, the nobility, peerage
velikaki adj aristocratic
velikodostojnik m high dignitary
velikodravlje n hegemonism
velikoduan adj generous, magnanimous
velikoduno adv generously, magnanimously
velikodunost f generosity, magnanimity, liberality
velikokalibarski adj large-calibre (A caliber)
velikolepan adj v. velianstven, divan
velikoprodaja f v. veleprodaja
velikosrpski adj hist Great-Serbian; Serbian chauvinist
velikosvjetski adj cosmopolitan
velim, veli vb v. rei, kazati
velmoa f arch v. velika
velna f Ger wave (in hair)
velo n reg v. veo
velter-kategorij|a f sp a welter-weight | boksa ~e a
velur m text velours
veljaa f February
veljaki adj February
vena f anat vein
vendeta f vendetta
Venecija f geog Venice
Venecijanac m Venetian
Venecijanka f Venetian
venecijanski adj Venetian
Venecuela f geog v. Venezuela
venenje n reg v. venjenje
Venera f astron & myth Venus
veneriki adj venereal
Venerin adj astron Venusian; myth Venus'
venerolog m med venerologist
venerologija f med venerology
veneroloki adj med venerological
Venezuela f geog Venezuela
Venezuelac m Venezuelan
venezuelski adj geog Venezuelan
venozan adj med venous
ventil m eng valve; fig v. oduak | plovni ~ float valve;
zrani ~ air valve; sigurnosni ~ safety valve
ventilacija f ventilation
ventilacioni adj ventilating
ventilator m ventilator; (electric) fan
ventiliranje n v. ventilacija
ventilirati vt ventilate; fig v. raspraviti, pretresti
ventrilokvist m v. trbuhozborac
venue n v. venjenje
venuti vi wither, wilt, fade, droop
venja f bot v. borovica
venjenje n fading, withering, wilting
veo m veil
veoma adv v. vrlo
vepar m zoo wild boar
veprovina f boar-meat, brawn

veranda f B veranda, A porch

veranje n climbing, clambering; (biljke) creeping
verati se vr climb, clamber; creep
verbalan adj verbal; literal; oral
verbalist m verbalist
verbalistiki adj verbalistic
verbalizam m verbalism
verbati vt Ger v. vrbovati
veresij|a f Tur credit | na ~u on credit
Vergilije m Virgil
vergl m Ger street organ, hurdy-gurdy
vergla m street-organ player
verglati vt & vi fig reel off
verhuka f Rus the top few; the Establishment
verificirati vt verify
verificirka f DP verifying card punch
verifikacija f verification
verifikacijski adj verifying | ~ odbor credentials committee
veriga f v. lanac
verini adj v. lanani
vermut m vermouth
veronal m pharm veronal
vertikala f vertical
vertikalan adj vertical (v. okomit)
verzal m print capital letter
verzificirati vt versify
verzifikacija f versification
verzifikator m versifier
verzija f version
verziran adj versed (in), skilled (proficient) in
verzirano adv in a well-versed manner
verziranost f being (well) versed in
vesalce n dim little (tiny) oar
veselica f (big) party, merrymaking
vesel|iti vt gladden, give joy, afford joy (pleasure) | ~i me
I enjoy... ; I am delighted at (to); I am looking forward to
veseliti se vr be glad, be happy to... ; delight in, take
pleasure from, rejoice; (zabavljati se) make merry;
(buduem dogaaju) anticipate the pleasure, look
forward to
veselo adv merrily, cheerfully, gaily
veselost f mirth, gaiety, joy, delight; jollity, merriment;
cheerfulness; rejoincing
veseljak m a merry (jolly, jovial, convivial, gay) fellow,
boon companion
veselje n gladness, hilarity, joy, enjoyment, delight; (zabava) merrymaking; (buno) romp | na ~ to the joy of
veseljenje n making merry; rejoicing
vese|o adj merry, cheerful, gay, sprightly, jovial, lively;
light-hearted, breezy, in high spirits | theat ~la igra
vesla m rower, paddler, oarsman, sculler | amac sa 4
~a four-oar boat
veslak|i adj of (like, belonging to) an oarsman | ~a utakmica regatta; ~i amac (sportski) racing shell
veslanje n rowing, paddling

vesl|ati vi row, paddle, oar, scull, pull | on dobro ~a he

pulls a good oar
vesl|o n oar, scull, paddle; (dugo) sweep | amac na ~a
vespa f mot motor-scooter
vesta f cardigan
vestalinka f hist vestal (virgin)
vestern m film western
vesti vt embroider
vestibil m vestibule, ante-chamber; hall
ve m Ger v. rublje
veeraj m Ger v. praonica
veerica f Ger v. pralja
vekuhinja f Ger v. praonica
vemaina f Ger v. stroj za pranje rublja
veteranski adj veteran
veterina f veterinary medicine
veterinar m veterinarian, B+ veterinary surgeon
veterinarski adj veterinary | ~ fakultet veterinary college
veto m veto | uloiti ~ veto, put a veto on
vez m (vezenje) embroidery, fancy-work; (povez) bandage, ligature; (knjige) binding; mar berth | ~ovi (na
skijama) binding
vez|a f connection, B+ connexion; association; (odnos)
reference, relation; link, band; union; conjunction;
connecting link | u ~i sa tim in this connection; bez
~e without connection, separately, disconnectedly,
apart, unassociated; (nesuvislo) incoherently; v. bezveznjak; odravati ~u sa keep in touch (contact)
veza m binder
vezaica f (stroj) binder
vezan adj bound, tied; (primoran) obliged; (remenom)
strapped, (lancem) chained; (okovima) fettered;
(brod) moored | ~ dunou in duty bound; ~e cijene
linked prices
vezano adv tied (linked) to
vezanost f being tied (linked) to; commitment; attachment
vezanje n binding; (uetom) cording; (ruku) handcuffing; (broda, lae) mooring
vezatvo n favouritism; influence peddling
vezati vt bind, fasten, secure, tie; (konopom) cord, rope;
(cipelu) lace up; (remenom) strap; (lancem) chain;
(sponama) fetter, handcuff; (konja za dulje ue na
pai) tether; (brod) moor; (spajati) link, connect;
(ovojem) bandage
vezati se vr bind (tie) oneself; fig commit oneself
vezen adj embroidered
vezenje n embroidery, embroidering; (openito) fancy
work | bubanj za ~ tambour
vezica f shoe-lace, shoe-string
vezidba f binding of grapevines
vezilja f woman (girl) embroiderer
vezir m Tur vizier | Veliki ~ Grand Vizier
vezirski adj vizier's, vizierial
vezirstvo n viziership
vezist m mil signalman, signaller

vezivati vt v. vezati
vezivn|i adj | anat ~o tkivo connective tissue
vezivo n embroidery, fancy-work, needle-work; material
for embroidery; binder twine
veznik m conjunction
Vezuv m geog Vesuvius
vezuvski adj geog Vesuvian
vea f doorway, porch, vestibule; lobby
vi pron you; reg you-all; (bezlino) one | svi ~ all of you;
govoriti nekome vi address one by "vi"
vibracija f vibration
vibrafon m mus vibraphone
vibrafonist m mus vibraphonist
vibrator m eng & el vibrator
vibriranje n vibration, oscillation
vibrirati vt vibrate, oscillate
vic m Ger joke; anecdote | priati ~eve tell jokes
Vice m Vincent
vice- adj | ~konzul vice-consul; ~regent vice-regent;
~admiral vice-admiral; ~guverner vice-governor
vicmaher m Ger v. aljivdija
vian adj accustomed, used to, inured, wont, habituated,
in the habit of | biti ~ be wont (accustomed, habituated, inured) to; ja sam ~ I am in the habit of...
vid m sight; (eye-) sight, sense of sight; v. oblik, lik,
aspekt | otar ~ keen (acute) sight; slab ~ dull (dim)
sight; izgubiti s ~a lose sight of; plativo po ~u payable at sight; pod ~om v. pod platom; u ~u v. u obliku, kao; gram svreni (nesvreni) ~ perfective (imperfective) aspect
vidan adj v. vidljiv; anat v. vidni
vidanje n arch healing, curing, cure
vidar m hist surgeon
vidati vt arch heal, cure
video adj | ~ kaseta video cassette
vidik m (prizor) sight, scene; (izgled) vista, view, perspective, prospect; (kraj) panorama, scenery, landscape; (doseg oka) ken | brod je na ~u (obzorju) ship
heaves in sight; biti na ~u be in sight, become visible, (nejasno) loom in the distance
vidikovac m gazebo, belvedere
vidjelica f (oberliht) fan-light
vidjelo n | svako djelo doe na ~ every deed comes to
light; prov murder will out; dolo je na ~ it leaked
(oozed) out, it became known, it was exposed (revealed); iznijeti na ~ bring to light
vidjeti vt see; (pogledati) look, behold; (opaziti) become
aware, perceive, find; (shvatiti) understand, see; (uvidjeti) become sensible of; (na asak, prolazno) catch
glimpse of; (unaprijed) foresee; (vlastitim oima)
witness | vidi! lo and behold!; jasno se vidi it is
clear; vidi se na prvi pogled it is evident, you can see
at a glance; moe i sam ~ you can see (it) for yourself; pravila se da me ne vidi she pretended not to
see me; she cut me dead
vidjeti se vr see oneself; meet
vidljiv adj visible, in sight; discernible, perceptible; (istaknut) conspicuous, prominent, marked | dok je ~o
(za dana) during daylight, before dark

vidljivost f visibility; conspicuousness, perceptibility

vidn|i adj | anat ~o polje field of sight; ~i ivac sight
vidno adv v. vidljivo
vidnost f visibility
vidokrug m horizon, ken; range of sight; field of vision |
u ~u within sight, in eyeshot of; izvan ~a beyond (out
of) eyeshot of
vidovit adj clairvoyant
vidovito adv clairvoyantly
vidovitost f clairvoyance
vidovnjak m clairvoyant; seer
vidra f zoo otter
vian adj seen repeatedly
viati vt see repeatedly (often)
viati se vr see each other (one another) occasionally,
meet occasionally
vien adj seen, beheld, perceived; (ugledan) noted, prominent | biti rado ~ be welcome (as guest, visitor
vienj|e n seeing; (susret) meeting | do ~a! good bye,
coll see you, A coll so long; po ~u by sight
viganj n forge
vigvam m wigwam
vihor m hurricane, gale, whirlwind, storm
vihoriti se vr flutter; stream
vijaa f winnowing-machine; fan
vijadukt m viaduct
vij|ak m (araf) screw | brod na 2 ~ka twin-screw
steamer; brod na 3 ~ka triple-screw steamer; navoj
~ka thread
vijalica f (za ito) winnowing machine
vijanje n (ita) winnowing, fanning
vijati' vt (ito) winnow, fan
vij|ati'' vt chase, pursue; (vitlati) flourish, swing | snijeg
~a snow drives; (meava) there is a blizzard blowing,
a blinding-storm is raging
vijati se vr chase each other (one another); (na vjetru)
flutter, stream
vijavica f snowstorm, blizzard
vijeanje n consultation, deliberation, conference; negotiations
vijeati vi deliberate, consult, confer, negotiate, be closeted with
vijee n council; (izvrno) executive (council) | Savezno
izvrno ~ Federal Executive Council; V~ naroda
Chamber of Nationalities; V~ sigurnosti UN United
Nations Security Council
vijenica f townhall; (ena) councilwoman
vijenik m councillor; alderman; senator
vijek m century; (vjenost) eternity; (dob) age, lifetime |
duga (kratka) ~a long- (short-) lived; stari ~ the ancient world; srednji ~ the Middle Ages; novi ~ the
modern world; kroz ~ove down the ages; do ~a always, for good, for good and all, in perpetuity; itav
~ all one's life long
vijen|ac m wreath; (kruna) chaplet, coronet; (ukras zida
itd.) bead-moulding; (oko sveeve glave) halo, nimbus | ovjenati ~cem wreathe

vijest f news, tidings pl; report, information; intelligence; (glasina) rumour; (lana) coloured news, canard; com advices pl | stara ~ stale news; domae ~i
local news; mnogo (ko) ~i budget of news; razline
~i sundry news; kratke ~i news items; ~ kola rumour spreads
vijoglavka f ornith wryneck
vijor m v. vihor
vijorenje n fluttering, streaming
vijoriti se vr flutter; (zastava) wave, stream
vijuga f meander; whorl; (modana) convolution
vijuganje n winding, twisting, meandering; tortuosity,
vijugast adj tortuous, winding, meandering; zigzag
vijugati se vr meander, wind, twist, be tortuous; zigzag
vijugavost f tortuousness
vik|a f shouts pl; cries pl; clamour; outcry; (deranje)
bawling | mnogo ~e nizato much ado about nothing,
much cry and little wool
vika m noisy (clamorous) person, vociferator
vikanje n shouting, crying, vociferation, clamouring
vikar m eccl vicar
vikarijat m eccl vicarship; vicary
vikati vi shout, cry, vociferate; (derati se) roar, bawl,
whoop; (urlati) yell, howl, bellow; (pla djeteta)
squall | ~ iz svega grla shout at the top of one's voice
vikend m weekend | otii na ~ go (leave)for the weekend
vikenda m weekender
vikendica f weekend cottage; summer cottage (house)
viking m hist Viking
vikinki adj hist Viking
viklati vt Ger curl (one's hair)
vikl|ati se vr | ona se ~a she curls her hair
vikler m Ger (hair) curler
viknuti vi shout, yell
vikont m viscount
vikontesa f viscountess
viks m Ger v. latilo
viksati vt v. latiti
Viktor m Victor
viktorijanski adj hist Victorian
vikunja f zoo & text vicuna
vila' f fairy, nymph; fay, nixie, sprite, pixy; (vjesnica
smrti) banshee
vila'' f (zgrada) small country-house, cottage | etvrt ~
residential district; suburb
vile f pl hay-fork, pitchfork
vilenjak m elf
vilica' f v. viljuka
vilica'' f (eljust) jaw
Vilim m William, Will(y), Bill(y)
vilin adj | ent ~ konjic v. konjska smrt
vilinski adj of the fairies
vilovit adj like a fairy, fairy
vilovnjak m (arobnjak) sorcerer, wizard
viljuk|a f fork | iljak ~e prong; mus glazbena ~a tuning fork
viljukar m fork-lift truck
vime n udder | sisa na ~nu dug

vinar m vintner
vinara f wine-shop, vintnery
vinarija f wine-cellar
vinarstvo n wine-selling; wine business
vincilir m vine-dresser
vin m mar winch
vindjakna f Ger v. vjetrovka
vinernicl m Ger v. beki odrezak
vinil m chem vinyl
vinker m mot Ger v. migavac
Vinko m Vincent
vinkot m stum (must) of wine; boiled must
vin|o n wine; (mlado) new wine; (crno) red wine; (kuhano, zaslaeno) mulled wine, bishop | ~o u bavi wine
in wood; aroma ~a bouquet; jakost (punoa) ~a
body of wine; jako ~o full-bodied wine, heady wine;
teglica (lakomica) za ~o syphon; godite ~a vintage;
mamurluk od ~a maudlin; otakati ~o draw off wine;
jaati ~o dodatkom alkohola load wine; patvoreno
~o adulterated wine; trgovac ~om vintner, winemerchant
vinogorje n wine-growing hills pl
vinograd m vineyard
vinogradar m wine-grower; viticulturist
vinogradarski adj wine-grower's, wine-growing; grapegrowing
vinogradarstvo n wine-growing, viticulture, grapegrowing
vinopija f wine-drinker, wine-bibber, tippler
vinorodan adj | ~ kraj wine-growing district
vinotoje n wine-shop
vinovica f wine-brandy
vinovnik m v. krivac, uzronik
vinsk|i adj wine; vinous | ~i brat wine-bibber, bibulous
person; ~i podrum wine cellar; ~i talog lees pl; ~a
birsa wine-tartar
vinuka f wild vine
vinuti se vr (uvis) soar up, fly up, climb up, rise aloft;
take wing; (avion) take off
vinjak m cognac
vinjeta f vignette
viola f mus viol
violina f mus violin
violinist m mus violinist
violinistica f mus woman violinist
violinski adj mus violin
violist m mus violist
violonelist m mus (violon)cellist
violonelo m mus (violon)cello
vir m eddy, whirlpool, vortex, whirl
vira m aero bank
virilitet m virility
viriti vi (striti) project, jut out, protrude, stick out; (gledati) peer out
virman m fin transfer
virmanski adj fin bank-transfer
virolog m med virologist
virologija f med virology
viroloki adj med virological

virovit adj full of whirlpools (eddies)

virovitost f abundance of whirlpools (eddies)
virla f Ger v. hrenovka
virtualan adj virtual
virtuoz m virtuoso
virtuozan adj virtuoso
virtuozno adv with virtuosity
virtuoznost f virtuosity
virulencija f med & fig virulence
virulentan adj med & fig virulent
virulentno adj med & fig virulently
virulentnost f med & fig virulence
virus m med & DP virus
virusni adj med viral, virus
vis m (uzvisina) rising, elevation; (visina) altitude,
height; (brijeg) hill; (vrak) top, summit, peak | dii
u ~ lift (up), raise, heave, elevate; ruke u ~ hands up!
visak m plumb(bob); plumb-line
vise|i adj hanging, pending, dangling; (nerijeen) undecided, unsettled, suspended | ~i most suspension
bridge; ~a eljeznica suspension railway; ~i dug
floating (pending) debt; ~i krevet (mornarski) hammock; ~ strop suspended ceiling
visibaba f bot snowdrop
visija f v. gorje, visoravan
visin|a f height, altitude, elevation; (iznos) amount | brod
je na ~i luke vessel is off a harbour; s ~e from on
high; fig condescendingly
visinski adj high-altitude
visiti, visjeti vi hang (down); be suspended; (i njihati se)
dangle, swing; (biti objeen) be hanged (osoba), be
hung (stvar)
viski m B whisky; A scotch, whiskey, (kukuruzni) bourbon
viskoza f chem viscose
viskozan adj viscous
viskoznost f viscosity
Visla f geog Vistula
visoanstvo n | Vae ~ Your Highness
visoina f v. visina, uzvienje
visok adj high, tall; (uzdignut) elevated; (dignut) raised;
(uzvien) lofty | ~a starost green old age; ~a cijena
stiff price; s ~a condescendingly
visoko adv high(ly), high up; (jako) greatly, very much,
visokofrekventan adj high-frequency
visokogradnja f building construction; high-rise building; (zgrada) A high-rise (building)
visokokapacitetan adj high-capacity
visokokvalificiran adj highly qualified; (radnik) highly
visokokvalitetan adj high-quality
visokonadaren adj highly talented (gifted)
visokonaponski adj el light-voltage
visokonauni adj erudite
visokoobrazovan adj highly educated;derog overeducated
visokooktanski adj high-octane
visokost f tallness; height

visokokolac m college student

visokokolsk|i adj | ~e ustanove degree-granting educational institutions
visokotirani adj high-circulation
visokouen adj erudite, highbrow
visokouman adj highbrow; high-minded
visoravan f table-land, plateau
visost f | Vaa ~i Your Highness
vispren adj v. okretan, spretan
vist m car whist
viak m surplus; overplus; excess, balance; (teina)
overweight | ~ rada (vrijednosti, radne snage) surplus product (value, labour)
vie adv (koliina) more, plus; (povrh) over and above;
(visina) higher; (jae) more intensively | sve ~ more
and more, increasingly; sve ~i ~ higher and higher; ~
nego more than; ~ - manje more or less; to the more
(so); to ~ to bolje the more the better; ~ dana several days, a day or two; ~ njih several of them; ~ puta several times, repeatedly; nemam ~ novaca I have
no money left; neu ~ ekati I shall not wait any
longer; nema ga ~ (umro je) he is no more; od onda
ga nisam ~ vidio I have not seen him since; nikad ~
never more; to ~ (dapae) the more so, rather, even;
imati ~ od 40 godina be on the shady side of 40
vieboj m sp all-round competition (specif pentathlon,
viebojac m sp all-rounder
viebojni adj polychromous
vielan adj multi-part, multi-member; complex
viednevni adj of several day's duration
vieglas|an adj | ~no pjevanje part-singing
viegodinji adj lasting several years
viejezian adj multilingual
viekatan adj multistory
viekatnica f multistory (highrise) building
viekratan adj repeated, reiterated
viekratnik m math multiple
viekut m geom polygon
viekutni adj polygonal
viekutnik m polygon
viemjesean adj lasting several months
vienacionalni adj multi-ethnic, multy-national
vienje n hanging, suspension
viepartijski adj multi-party
vieput adj repeatedly, on several occasions
vier m Ger mot v. brisa
viesloan adj polysyllabic
viestanini adj biol multicellular
viestepeni adj multi-stage
viestran adj manysided
viestruk adj manifold
vieznaan adj ling polysemantic
vieznanost f fig polysemy
vii' adj higher, taller; loftier; (gornji) upper | ~ savjetnik senior counsellor
vii'' m pl the superiors, the seniors, those above
Vinu m myth Vishnu
vinja f mahaleb cherry; gean; sour cherry, marasca

vinjev adj sour-cherry

vinjevaa f sour-cherry brandy
vinji adj almighty, omnipotent
Vinji m Supreme Being
vitak adj slim, slender, (visok i mrav) lank, thin; tall;
tapering; willowy
vitalan adj vital, essential
vitalno adj vitally
vitalnost f vitality
vitamin m vitamin
vitaminski adj vitamin
vitao m windlass; (pula) spool, reed
viteki' adj chivalrous, gallant, knightly
viteki'' adv chivalrously, gallantly
vitetvo n chivalry, knighthood; brave deed; knights pl
vitez m knight; fig chivalrous (gallant) person | uiniti
~om knight, make into a knight, dub
viti vt wind, twist; (namatati) reel, spool
viti se vr twine, intertwine, coil itself round
vitica f lock (of hair), curl; (biljke) tendril
vitiav adj curly
vitiavost f curliness
vitko adv slenderly
vitkost f slenderness, lankness, slimness; tallness
vitlanje n brandishing, flourishing, swinging
vitlati vt brandish, flourish, swing; (bacati) hurl; (goniti)
chase, pursue
vitlati se vr v. goniti se
vitlo n mar windlass
vitoperiti se vr (drvo) warp
vitorog adj having twisted horns (antlers)
vitra m stained-glass window
vitrina f (sobna) china cabinet; (prodajna) showcase (v.
vitriol m chem vitriol
vitriolian adj chem & fig vitriolic
vivak m ornith lapwing
vivarij m biol vivarium
vivisecirati vt biol vivisect
vivisekcija f biol vivisection
viz|a f visa | staviti (dati) ~u visa
Vizant m hist v. Bizant
vizantijski adj v. bizantijski
vizavi adv vis-a-vis, face-to-face, opposite, across; across
the street
vizija f vision, apparition, phantom
vizionaran adj visionary; imaginary
vizionarski adj in a visionary manner
vizionarstvo n visionaryness
vizir m hist visor, vizor
vizirati vt opt sight
vizita f v. posjet, pohod, obilazak
vizitacija f eccl visitation
vizitkarta f v. posjetnica
vizon m v. nerc
vizualan adj visual
vizualizirati vt visualize
vizualno adv visually
vizura f vista, view, aspect

vilast adj willowy

vile n fig little imp
vjean adj eternal, perpetual; everlasting
vjeit adj v. vjean
vjeno adv eternally, perpetually, everlastingly, for ever
vjenost f eternity, perpetuity | nisam te vidio ve itavu
~ I haven't seen you for ages
vjedro n reg v. vedro
vjea f (oni kapak) eyelid
vjekovanje n lasting for ever; (ivjeti) living
vjekovati vt last for ever; (ivjeti) spend one's life, live
vjekovni adj centuries-old
vjekovno adj through centuries
vjenan adj married, wedded | ~i list marriage lines,
marriage certificate; ~a haljina wedding-gown
vjenanj|e n marriage ceremony, wedding, nuptials pl |
obljetnica ~a wedding-day
vjenati vt marry, wed; espouse, lead to the altar
vjenati se vr marry (with)
vjeni m dim small wreath, coronet | plesni ~ dancingparty
vjer|a f religion, creed, belief, persuasion, faith; (vjernost) faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty; (povjerenje) trust,
reliance; (obeanje) affiance, engagement, promise;
(veresija) credit; (prsten) wedding ring | zadati ~u
give (pledge) one's word, plight, troth; drati ~u
keep one's word, be as good as one's word; prekriti
~u break (violate) faith (word); odrei se svoje ~e abjure one's religion; com na ~u on credit, coll on tick
vjeran adj faithful, loyal, true, trusty, staunch, true-blue
vjeren pp v. zaruen
vjerenica f v. zarunica
vjerenik m v. zarunik
vjeresija f Tur v. veresija
vjeridba f v. zaruke
vjeriti (se) vt (vr) v. zaruiti (se)
vjernik m believer | ~ci (u crkvi) congregation
vjerno adv faithfully
vjernost f faith, fidelity, loyalty, faithfulness; constancy,
vjerodajnica f credentials pl
vjerodostojan adj credible, believable, authentic; reliable, trustworthy
vjerodostojno adj credibly; reliably
vjerodostojnost f credibility, authenticity, trustworthiness, reliability
vjeroispovijest f religious belief, religion, creed, persuasion, faith
vjerojatan adj probable, likely, plausible; presumable,
vjerojatno adv probably, likely, quite possibly, in all
likelihood | on e ~ doi he is likely to come
vjerojatnost f probability, likelihood, plausibility; verisimilitude; semblance
vjeroloman adj faithless, disloyal, perfidious
vjerolomno adv faithlessly, disloyally, perfidiously
vjerolomnost f faithlessness, disloyalty, perfidiousness
vjeronauk m catechism; (u AS zemljama) Sunday school
vjerouitelj m instructor in cateehism, clergyman

vjerovanje n (religija) religion, creed, persuasion; (vjeruju) credo; (povjerenje) faith, trust, confidence, reliance; belief, believing
vjerovatan adj v. vjerojatan
vjerovati vi believe, cherish a belief, trust, put one's trust
in, repose confidence in; (misliti) think, be of opinion, hold
vjerovatno adj v. vjerojatno
vjerovatnost f v. vjerojatnost
vjerovniki adj creditor's
vjerovnik m creditor
vjersk|i' adj religious | ~i progon religious persecution;
~a pretjeranost religionism
vjerski'' adv religiously
vjeruju n v. vjerovanje
vjesnik m messenger, courier; (novine) gazette
vjea m hanger
vjeala n pl gibbet, gallows pl, gallows-tree
vjealica f v. vjealo; (za odijela) hanger; clothes-horse;
vjealo n hook for hanging
vjeanje n hanging; gibbeting
vjeati vt hang (up, out); gibbet
vjeati se vr hitch on, jump on
vjet adj skilled, skilful; (spretan) adroit, dexterous, deft;
(sposoban) proficient, experienced, practised, efficient, capable, competent ; expert, qualified; trained;
handy | ~ je tome he has a knack for..., he is adept
vjetac m wizard, sorcerer, magician, warlock; conjuror,
vjetaenje n expert opinion
vjetaiti vi give an expert opinion
vjetaki adv v. umjetni
vjetak m expert, master, proficient in, skilled in; (prosuditelj) judge
vjetica f witch, harridan, hag; sorceress
vjetina f skill, skilfulness; adroitness, dexterity, address; expertness, proficiency, competence; knack,
sleight of hand; mastery
vjeto adv skilfully, with skill; adroitly, deftly
vjet|ar m wind; (slab) breeze; (jak) storm, gale; (u crijevima) wind, flatulence | udarac (nalet) ~ra squall,
blast, gust, bluster; daak ~ra a whiff (puff, capful)
of wind; brod bez daka ~ra becalmed ship, ship in
a dead calm; ~ar se die wind rises; protiv ~ra in
the wind's eye, in the teeth of the wind; znam otkud
~ar pue I know how the wind blows (where the
wind lies); tko ~ar sije, buru anje who sows the
wind, reaps the whirlwind; povoljan ~ar favourable
(fair) wind; nepovoljan ~ar contrary wind; bez ~ra
windless; brod bez ~ra becalmed ship
vjetreni adj wind
vjetrenica f weather-vane
vjetrenjaa f windmill
vjetrenjast adj giddy-brained, flighty, volatile; capricious, fitful, inconstant
vjetrenje n phys v. hlapljenje
vjetri m dim light wind, breeze

vjetriti vt air vi v. hlapiti

vjetrobran m (na automobilu, motornom amcu) B
windscreen, A windshield
vjetrogonja f giddy-brained (scatter-brained) person
vjetrogonjast adj giddy-brained, scatter-brained
vjetrogonjasto adv in a scatter-brained manner
vjetrometina f wind-swept area; fig exposed position
vjetromjer m anemometer
vjetropir m v. vjetrogonja
vjetrovit adj windy, breezy, windswept, bleak, squally
vjetrovitost f windiness
vjetrulja f mar wind-rose
vjeverica f zoo squirrel
vjeba f exercise, drill, practice; training; coaching, routine; (u gaanju) target-practice | ~ ini majstora
practice makes perfect
vjeba m performer on gymnastic apparatus
vjebalite n mil drilling-ground
vjebanka f v. vjebenica
vjebanje n drilling, practising, training; exercise; v.
vjebaonica f exercise hall, gymnasium | sch pedagoka
~ laboratory school
vjebati vt drill, exercise, train, B practise, A practice
vjebati se vr exercise, train, B practise, A practice
vjebenica f exercise book, copy-book, workbook
vjebenik m probationer, articled clerk; junior clerk
vlauga f skid, skid-pan
vlae n collect blades (of plant)
vlada f government; A+ administration; rule, reign, regency, sway
vladajui adj ruling, reigning, regnant, dominant; (prevladavajui) predominant; (utjecajan) influential,
overruling; (postojei) prevalent, prevailing, obtaining; (bolest itd.) epidemic, rife
vladalac m v. vladar
vladalaki adj v. vladarski
vladanje n (vlast) government, rule, domination, regency, dominion, reign, sway, rgime, regiment, control; (naela) policy; (obiaj) manners, ways; v. ponaanje
vladar m ruler; sovereign; monarch
vladarica f (woman) ruler; queen
vladarski adj ruling, reigning, governing; of a ruler (governor, king)
vladati vi rule, reign, govern, sway, dominate, be at the
helm; (silom) lord it over; have the reins, rule the
roost; control; (ena nad muem) wear the breeches;
(nasilno) carry with a heavy hand, sl boss; (postojati)
be, exist, obtain, prevail, be current (usual), be prevalent, be rife (universal, common, widespread)
vladati se vr v. ponaati se
vladavina f rule itd. (v. vladanje)
vladika f Orth bishop
vladin adj government's, governmental
vlaga f moisture, dampness, humidity
vlagomjer m phys hygrometer
Vlah m Vlach; derog person of other religion

vlak m train; (brzi) through train; (motorni) diesel rail

car; (lokalni) local train; (mrea) trawl-net
vlakance n dim filament, thin fiber
vlaknast adj fibrous, fibroid
vlakn|o n fiber | umjetna ~a man-made fibers
vlakovoa f rlw B chief guard, A train captain
vlas m hair; fig hair's-breadth | kutrave ~i matted hair;
nepoeljane ~i unkempt hair; rijetke ~i thin hair;
bujne ~i fine head of hair; sijede ~i grey hair; kovraste ~i curly hair; pahuljaste ~i fuzzy hair; vunenaste ~i woolly hair; (koje se nee kovrati) lanky
hair; fig za ~ da nije... it was within an ace of... ;
(jedva sam umakao) it was a hairbreadth escape
vlasac m (luk) chive, cive
vlasat adj hairy, hirsute; (dlakav, upav) shaggy
vlasnica f woman owner, proprietress, landlady
vlasniki adj proprietor's, proprietary
vlasnik m owner, proprietor; (dralac) holder; (posjednik) possessor | ~ zemlje landlord, landed proprietor
vlasnitvo n ownership, property; possession
vlast f power, might, sway, rule, authority, authorities pl;
command, control; check, restraint; (nad sobom) selfcontrol | imati ~ have (wield) power; fig rule the
roost, have the whip-hand of
vlastan adj authorized, empowered, entitled
vlastela f collect landed gentry, landed proprietors, estate-owners
vlastelin f landed proprietor, squire; gentleman-farmer;
estate-owner, lord of the manor
vlastelinka f squire's wife; landed proprietor's wife,
landed proprietress
vlastelinski adj manorial; of (like, belonging to) a
landed proprietor | ~ dvorac manor-house, manor
vlastelinstvo n landed (real) estate, landed property; demesne, manor
vlasteoski adj noble, patrician; of the gentry
vlasteostvo n gentry, patriciate
vlastit adj one's own, proper
vlastitost f peculiarity; (svojstvo) singularity, quality;
vlastodavac m hist suzerain
vlastodrac m power-holder
vlastoljubiv adj power-loving
vlastoljublje n love of power
vlastoruan adj written with one's own hand, autographic(al) | ~ potpis autograph, personal signature
vlastoruno adv (done, written) with one's own hand
vlasulja' f wig, peruke, periwig; (do ramena) full-bottomed wig
vlasulja'' f zoo sea anemone
vlasuljar m wig-maker; hairdresser
Vlaii m pl Pleiades
Vlaka f geog & hist Wal(l)achia
vlaki adj Vlach, Wal(l)achian
vlat f blade
vlaan adj moist, wet, dank, damp; (i hladan) dank; (i
ljepljiv) clammy; (zrak) humid
vlaenje n moistening, wetting
vlaiti vt moisten, wet

vlanost f moistness, humidity; moisture level

vo m v. vol
voajer m med voyer
voajerski adj med voyeuristic
voajerstvo n med voyerism
voar m fruit-grower; (u voarni) B fruiterer; A fruit
man; (ulini) fruitvendor, costermonger
voarna f B fruit-shop, fruiterer's shop; A fruit store
voarski adj fruit-growing
voarstvo n fruit-growing, horticulture
voe n fruit; (kotiavo) drupe, stonefruit (mesnato)
pulpy (fleshy) fruit; (ukuhano) preserves pl; (kuhano)
stewed fruit; (sueno) dried fruit; (isueno) dehydrated fruit; (ueereno) candied fruit
voka f fruit-tree
voni adj fruit | ~ sok fruit-juice; (umjetni) fruit drink; ~
sirup fruit syrup, B+ squash
vonjak m orchard
vostvo n v. vodstvo
vod' m (vojnika) platoon
vod'' m el (ica) insulated wire, electric wire, flex; (nadzemni) overhead power line; anat duct
vod|a f water; hum Adam's ale; (tekua) flowing water;
(izvor) spring water; (mokraa) urine; (rudna) mineral-water, thermal water; (sodna) aerated water; (iva) well, spring; (troma, stajaica) sluggish water,
stagnant water; (mirna voda jezera, ribnjaka) sheet
of water; (bistra) clear (limpid) water; (mutna) turbid
water; (meka) soft water; (tvrda) hard water; (oslana)
brackish water | lijeenje ~om hydropathy; piti rudnu ~u (u toplicama) drink the waters; zaao je preduboko u ~u he went out of his depth; tihe ~e bregove deru still waters run deep; loviti u mutnoj ~i
fish in troubled waters; uz ~u up the river, upstream;
niz ~u down the river, downstream; nepropustan za
~u watertight
vodanje n (konja) walking the horse
vodati vt (konja itd.) walk (the horse) up and down;
lead, conduct
vodei adj leading, guiding, in the forefront
vodenbuha f zoo daphnia
vodencvijet m ent ephemera, mayfly
voden|i adj watery; (razvodnjen) diluted, watered | ~a
bolest dropsy; ~i konj hippopotamus; ~i ulj waterblister; ~a boja water-colour; ~i mlin water-mill; ~a
snaga water-power; ~i duh water-sprite; ~i put water-way; ~o kolo (mlina) water-wheel, (s vodom ozgora overshot, s vodom odozdo undershot)
vodenica f water-mill; v. mlinac
vodeniar m miller
vodenini adj water-mill
vodenkonj m zoo hippopotamus, coll hippo
vodenjak m (duh) water-sprite; astron & astrol aquarius;
zoo newt
vodica f med wash, lotion; iron thin liquid
vodi m guide, conductor, cicerone; (knjiga) guide-book;
el conductor | lo ~ topline poor heat conductor
vodik m chem hydrogen
vodikov adj chem hydrogen

vodilja f | zvijezda ~ guiding star, pole-star, cynosure,

lodestar; fig guiding principle
voditelj m guide, leader; monitor; (emisije) master of
ceremonies, emcee, host
voditi vt (pokazivati) guide; (ii prvi) lead, go first, head,
conduct, take the lead; (upravljati) direct, control, be
at the helm of, take the reins; (upravljati) be the
manager; manage boss; (pokret) be the ring-leader;
(pretei) have the start, get ahead of, outstrip; (nadmo) have the upper (whip) hand; (prvenstvo) bear
the palm, take precedence, break the record, lead the
dance, be in front of; (modom) set the fashion; (brod)
pilot, steer; (posao itd.) conduct, manage, run; (smjerati, imati za posljedicu) tend, conduce, trend; (u kartama) have the lead | vodi se kao nestao he is registered as missing
voditi se vr guide each other (one another)
vodljiv adv el conductive
vodljivost f el conductivity
vodni adj mil platoon
vodnik m mil sergeant | mlai ~ junior sergeant
vodniti vt water; dilute with water
vodnjikav adj watery
vodnjikavost f watery quality, wateriness
vododerina f water-worn ravine, gully
vododjelnica f v. razvoe
vodogradnja f hydraulic engineering; flood-control project
vodoinstalater m plumber
vodojaza f v. ustava, brana
vodokre n eccl Epiphany
vodomar m ornith kingfisher
vodomea f v. razvoe
vodomjer m water-gauge
vodoniki adj chem v. vodikov
vodonik m chem v. vodik
vodonoa f water-carrier; astron & astrol aquarius
vodopad m waterfall, cascade, cataract
vodopija f water-drinker, teetotaller
vodoprivreda f water resources management
vodoravan adj horizontal, level
vodoravno adv horizontally
vodoravnost f horizontality
vodoskok m fountain
vodostaj m water level
vodovod m waterworks pl; hist aqueduct; water supply
vodovodn|i adj of (belonging to) the waterworks | ~a
cijev water-pipe; (glavna) watermain; ~e instalacije
vodozemac m zoo amphibian
vodozemski adj zoo amphibian
vodstvo n guidance, leadership; generalship; leading;
conduct; managing; management
vodurina f derog damn water
vodvilj m vaudeville
vodviljski adj vaudeville
vo m v. voa
voa f leader, conductor; (govornik u ime svih) spokesman; (kolovoa) ringleader

voenje n leading, guiding; conduction (of heat itd.) | ~

rata conduct of war
voice f pl leading-reins
vostvo n v. vodstvo
Vogezi m pl geog the Vosges
voj m (namot) winding, spiral, coil
vojarna f barracks
vojevanje n warfare, fighting; hostilities pl, campaigning; crusading
vojevati vi war, campaign, carry on war (hostilities);
militate, make war upon, wage war; conduct military
operations, operate; (poeti) take the field
vojke f pl leading-reins
vojna f campaign, military expedition; hostilities pl; war
(v. rat)
vojni adj military, army, war | ~ sud court martial; (prijeki) drum-head court
vojniina m & f rough soldier
vojnik|i' adj military, army, soldierly, soldierlike, soldier | ~i pozdrav military salute; ~i upnik army
chaplain; ~e slubene novine army gazette; ~i dobavlja army contractor
vojniki'' adv militarily, in the military manner
vojni|k m soldier; (prosti) private | ~k pjeak B fig
Tommy Atkins; ~k na brodu marine; djeji ~ci toy
vojnitvo n the military, military service; (graansko)
vojno-pomorsk|i adj | ~a akademija naval academy
vojsk|a f army, army service, the military, the service,
soldiery, forces pl; (ete) troops; fig host, large numbers | redovita ~a standing army; dobrovoljna ~a
volunteers; dii ~u raise army; raspustiti ~u disband
(troops); stupiti u ~u join the army; on aktivno slui
u vojsci he is with the colours; ~a je utaborena
troops are in camp (encamped, in encampment), the
army is bivouacked (in bivouac); pozvati u ~u call
up; dobiti poziv u ~u be called up; poziv u ~u call-up
vojskovoa f army leader, general, generalissimo, commander-in-chief; captain; strategist
vojujui adj belligerent
vojvoda f duke
vojvodina f duchy; dukedom
Vojvodina f geog Voivodina
vojvodski' adj ducal
vojvodski'' adv ducally
vojvodstvo n dukedom, duchy
Vojvoanin m inhabitant of Voivodina
vojvoanski adj of Voivodina
vojvotkinja f duchess
vokabular m vocabulary
vokabularski adj vocabulary
vokacija f vocation
vokal m vowel
vokalan adj vocal
vokalist m mus vocalist; singer
vokalizacija f vocalization
vokalizam m vocalism
vokalizirati vt vocalize

vokalno adv vocally

vokalno-instrumentalni adj | ~ sastav pop-group
vokativ m vocative
vokativan adj gram vocative
voki-toki m rad walkie-talkie
vol m ox (pl oxen); steer; (govedo) neat | tovljeni ~ovi
volan m mot steering-wheel; (na haljini) flounce | za
~om at the wheel
volfram m tungsten, wolfram
Volga f geog Volga
volej m sp volley
volina f ichth skate
volonter m volunteer (v. dobrovoljac) | javiti se kao ~
volonterski adj volunteer
volontirati vi work without pay; volunteer
volovsk|i adj ox | ~o meso beef; ~i jezik neat's tongue
volt m el volt
volta f reg arched doorway (passage)
voltaa f el voltage
volterijanac m hist Voltairean
volterijanski adj hist Voltairean
volterijanstvo n hist Voltaireanism
voltmetar m el voltmeter
voluharica f zoo vole
volujski adj v. volovski
volumen m volume; bulk
voluminozan adj voluminous (v. opsean)
voluntarist m phil voluntarist
voluntaristiki adj phil voluntaristic
voluntarizam m phil voluntarism
volj|a' f will, volition, will-power; (raspoloenje) mood,
temper, vein, frame of mind,humour; (namjera)
mind, intention; (odluivanje, izbor) pleasure, discretion, option, choice; (sklonost) inclination; (privola)
assent, sanction; (oporuka) last will, testament | on je
dobre ~e he is in good temper (humour); on je zle ~e
he is in bad temper (humour); drage ~e of one's own
free will, with a good grace, of one's own accord,
nothing loth; (bez prigovora) without demur; preko
~e with a bad grace; protiv moje ~e against my will;
po ~i at will, at pleasure; protiv ~e against the grain;
nama za ~u for our sake, on our behalf; to please us;
on mu je po ~i he is in his good graces; do mile ~e to
the top of one's bent, to one's heart's content; nemam
~e I dont feel like -ing; I am not in the mood (for); I
don't care; nije mi po ~i it is not to my liking; it goes
against the grain with me; ako te ~a if you care, if
you are so minded; dola mi je ~a da I felt like -ing;
jako imam ~u da... I have a great (good) mind to... ;
nekako me ~a da... I have half a mind to... ; nemam
prave ~e da I have only half a mind to (for); prola
me ~a I have no more a mind to... ; ne znam jo svoju ~u (to hou) I do not know my own mind yet,
(kolebam se) I am between two minds; ona uvijek
provodi svoju ~u she always has her own way (will);
(vladar) naa je ~a da... it is our pleasure to... ; staviti na ~u leave it up to, leave free choice

volja'' f (kokoja) gizzard

voljan adj willing, ready; (posluan) docile, submissive,
amenable, tractable; (sklon) inclined; favourablyminded | biti ~ be willing (prepared, agreeable)
voljen adj loved, beloved; cherished
voljenje n liking, loving, being, fond of, fondness
voljeti vt like, love, be fond of, be partial to, have a liking for, take a fancy to; hold dear; (biti zaljubljen) be
in love with, look sweet upon; cherish (bear) love for
(to); (strano) be keen on, treasure; (ludovati za) dote
on, idolize; (djevojku) look sweet upon | ja volim vie
I prefer; volio bih (rado bih) I would like to; ne ~
dislike, be averse (disinclined) to, have an aversion to
voljko adv willingly, readily
voljkost f willingness; well-being, ease
voljno adv willingly, readily | mil ~! dismissed!; mil na
mjestu ~! at ease!
voljnost f willingness, preparedness, readiness, eagerness; zeal; good-will
vonj m smell, odour; (ugodan) scent, fragrance; redolence
vonjanje n sniffing, scenting
vonjati vt smell, scent; nose at; sniff
vorvanj m spermaceti
vosak m wax | peatni ~ sealing-wax; pelinji ~ beeswax; postolarski ~ cobbler's wax
voenje n waxing, polishing with wax
votan adj wax, waxen; (poput voska) waxy | ~o platno
wax-cloth; ~a svijea wax-candle; ~i lik waxwork
votanica f wax-candle
votanost f waxy quality
votar m wax-chandler; candlemaker
votarnica f chandlery
votenje n waxing
votiti vt wax, polish with wax; fig (tui) trash
votivan adj v. zavjetan
votka f vodka
voz m wag(g)on, cart, truck, van; v. vlak | pun ~ a
waggonload, a cartload, a cartful
voza m driver; motorist; (na auto-trkama) racing driver
vozak|i adj | ~i ispit driving test; ~a dozvola B driving
licence, A driver's license; ~a kola driving school
vozanje n driving (carting) around
vozar m waggoner, carter, drayman, carrier; driver,
teamster, carman, coachman
vozarina f carriage, cartage; freight, freightage; fare;
cost of conveyance
voz(ik)ati vt keep driving (conveying, trundling) to and
voz(ik)ati se vr keep driving (trundling) to and fro
vozilo n vehicle | motorno ~ motor vehicle; ~ na gusjenice tracked vehicle; cestovno ~ road vehicle
voziti vt drive, ride, transport; (convey) in a vehicle
(public conveyance), cart, trundle, wheel
voziti se vr ride, drive, traverse in a vehicle (public conveyance); (bicikl) ride on a bicycle; (morem, laom)
sail, go by boat, make a passage
vozni adj | ~ red time-table; ~ park mil motor pool, rlw
rolling stock

vozovoa f v. vlakovoa
voenje n driving; carting; riding
vonja f ride, drive; conveyance; (kratka) spin
vrabac m ornith B sparrow, A English sparrow; (mujak)
vrabica f hen-sparrow
vra m sooth-sayer, fortune-teller; diviner; (uroeniki)
witch-doctor, medicine-man
vraanje n fortune-telling, sooth-saying, divination
vraar m v. vra
vraara f fortune-teller, gipsy-woman
vraarski adj soothsaying, fortunetelling
vraati vt tell fortune; soothsay, divine
vraalac m one who returns (restores, gives back, retaliates itd.)
vraanje n returning, return, restitution, restoring, restoration; reparation, giving back; (uzajamno) give and
take; (zbivanje) recurrence; (odmazda) retaliation,
giving tit for tat; (novca) rebate, reimbursement
vraati vt v. vratiti
vra|ati se vr v. vratiti se | math decimale koje se ~aju
recurring decimals; prokletstvo se ~a na zaetnika
(pogaa ga curse recoils on the author)
vraen adj returned, given back, restored, replaced, restituted
vradbina f magic, sorcery
vrag m devil, the Evil One, Satan, the Tempter, the
Prince of Darkness; the arch-fiend; the Adversary |
prov iz mire tri ~a vire still waters run deep; do ~a!,
k ~u! to hell (with it)!, damn!; pravi je ~ (dijete) he's
a little devil, he's a proper handful; opsjednut od ~a
possessed by the devil; kao da je ~ uao u njega like
one possessed
vragolija f roguery, prank, practical joke, waggery, escapade
vragoljan m rogue, waggish person, mischievous child,
vragoljast adj roguish, prankish, prankful, full of
pranks, wanton, mischievous; frolicsome, sportive,
sprightly; full of deviltry (reckless hilarity)
vragoljasto adv archly, roguishly
vran adj black, raven
vran|a f crow | prov ~a ~i oi ne vadi there's honour
among thieves; bijela ~ an exception; rara avis
vranac m black horse
vranj m bung, cask-stopper | zatvoriti ~em bung up
vrapji adj of a sparrow
vraki' adj devilish itd. (v. vraji)
vraki'' adv mightily, mighty, awfully, deucedly, dreadfully, bitterly, with a vengeance
vrat m neck | na~-nanos helter-skelter, higgledy-piggledy; precipitately, head over heels, headlong; pasti
oko ~a embrace someone
vrata n pl (sobe) door; (kuna) (front-)door; (velika ulazna) gate, doorway, portal; (ograde, plota, ivice)
gate; (s dva krila) folding-door; (klizna) sliding-door;
(u tvravi, na sputanje) portcullis; cri wicket; (malena, kule) postern; (ulaz) entrance | ~ su zatvorena
door is closed (shut, to); ~ su pritvorena door is ajar;

~ su zakljuana door is locked; ~ su zakvaena door

is on the latch; pokazati nekomu ~ (otjerati) show
one the door
vratar m door-keeper, B+ porter, A+ janitor; ftb goalkeeper
vratarica f female door-keeper; concierge
vratarnica f door-keeper's booth (cubicle)
vrataca n pl dim little (tiny) door
vrati m dim thin neck
vratilo n gym v. prea; eng v. osovina
vratina f aug thick neck
vratni adj neck
vratiti vt return, give back, make restitution, restore,
replace; (na staro) re-establish, reinstate | ~ milo za
drago repay in kind, give tit for tat; (zlo) retaliate
vratiti se vr (ovjek) return, retrace one's steps, leg it
back, get back, come back; (zbiti se) recur | ~ na stare grijehe (loe navike) backslide, be a backslider
vratnice f pl door-post, door jamb
vratobolja f sore neck
vratolom|an adj headlong, hazardous, reckless, foolhardy, breakneck, devil-may-care | on je ~an ovjek he
is a madcap; poduzeti neto ~no go into a venture,
neck or nothing
vratolomija f foolhardy (reckless) act; adventure
vratolomno adv recklessly, foolhardily
vratolomnost f recklessness, foolhardiness
vraica f devil, she-devil
vrai(ak) m dim mischievous child (girl), little devil,
imp, rogue
vraji adj devilish, diabolical, demoniacal, fiendish,
Satanic; accursed, accurst | ~ ovjek foolhardy (reckless) person, madcap
vrba f willow; (za pletiva) osier; (tuna) weeping willow
| obrastao ~ma willowy
vrbanac m med erysipelas, the rose, St Anthony's fire
vrbik m willow-grove, willow patch; osier-bed
vrbov adj made of willow-wood (withies)
vrbovanje n recruiting, recruitment; wooing
vrbovati vt recruit; woo
vrbovina f willow-wood
vrcalica f honey separator
vrcan adj extracted by means of a separator
vrcanje n extraction (of honey) by means of a separator
vrcati vt extract (honey) by means of a separator
vrckanje n fidgeting, wiggling
vrckati se vr fidget, wiggle
vrckav adj fidgety, wiggly
vrckavost f fidgety manner
vr m jug, pitcher, ewer, mug; jar; (s poklopcem) tankard, stein
vrina f reg chamber-pot
vrenje n rotating, turning round
vri' vt (ito) v. vriti
vri'' vt (staviti) put, place, set, deposit, lay, plant, set
vri se vr (slinost) take after | on se potpuno vrgao u
oca he is the very spit of his father, he is the chip of
the old block

vrdanje n hedging, stalling

vrdati vi hedge, dodge the issue, beat around the bush
vreba m spy, watcher, prowler; person lying in ambush
vrebanje n lurking, lying in wait for; laying in ambush
for; looking out for, spying upon, watching for;
vrebati vt lurk, spy upon, lie in ambush, prowl, stalk;
look out for, watch for
vrebati se vr stalk each other (one another)
vrea f sack, bag; (za odjeu) duffle bag | puna ~a sackful, a bagful; ~ za spavanje sleeping-bag
vreast adj baggy
vreevina f text sacking, burlap
vreica f dim little bag (sack) | papirna (plastina) ~
paper (plastic) bag
vrednoa f worthiness, merit, worth, excellence
vrednosni adj v. vrijednosni
vrednota f valuable thing; (papiri) stocks pl, securities;
vrednovanje n evaluation
vrednovati vt evaluate
vrelina f scorching heat
vrelite n boiling-point
vrelo n well, spring, source; (podataka) authority, channel
vrelost f scalding heat; fig torridity
vremenit adj temporal, timely
vremensk|i' adj time, temporal; season; term; weather |
~e prilike weather (conditions)
vremenski'' adv temporally; in terms of time
vremean adj old, advanced in years, aged, stricken in
vremenost f old age, agedness
vrenje n boiling, seething; fermentation; ebullition, agitation
vreo adj boiling (hot); seething
vreoce n dim little (tiny) spring
vretenast adj spindle-shaped, spindly
vreteno n spindle
vreti vi boil, seethe; ferment
vreva f throng, crush, crowd, concourse, press; swarming (teeming) multitude; milling
vrganj m bot mushroom
vrgnuti vt v. vri
vrh' prep above, over, on the top of; over and above
vrh'' m top, summit, peak; crest, tip; acme, apex; (brda)
brow; pinnacle; fig culmination, climax
vrhnj|e n cream | skidanje ~a skimming the milk (i fig);
kiselo ~e sour cream; tueno ~e whipped cream;
slatko ~e cream
vrhovni adj supreme; (najvii) highest; (glavni) chief,
sovereign, paramount | ~ zapovjednik Commanderin-chief; ~ sud supreme court
vrhu prep arch v. (iz)nad, vie, na
vrhunac m v. vrh; fig culmination, pinnacle | to je ~
svega that surpasses all, that tops all
vrhunaravan adj arch v. nadnaravan, natprirodan
vrhunski adj topnotch; top-level
vrijei vt (ito) v. vriti

vrijed|an adj fig worth, worthy; (zasluan) deserving;

(marljiv) diligent, industrious; (hvale) praiseworthy,
laudable, meritorious, creditable; (dragocjen) costly,
valuable, precious | ~an prijekora (osoba) blameworthy; (in) reprehensible; nije ~no muke (truda) it
is not worth one's while; ~no obzira worthy of notice; nije ~an onoga to pojede he is not worth his
salt; nije ~an da ga sunce grije he is a worthless fellow, he is a good-for-nothing; biti ~an be worthy (of)
vrijed|iti vi be worth (precious, valuable, costly); (cijeniti) be valued (estimated) at, be of value; (karta) be
available; (dati se primijeniti) be valid, hold good,
apply to; (koristiti) avail; (biti upotrebljiv) be serviceable (useful, subservient, of use), serve a purpose;
(zavrijediti) merit, deserve; (muke, truda) be worth
while | nije ~ilo da se muim it was not worth my
while; ovaj novac ne ~i vie this coin is no longer
current; zakon vie ne ~i law is no longer valid (has
no longer legal force, is void, null and void); ne ~i
(koristi) it is of no avail, it is without avail
vrijedno adv diligently; creditably; valuably, preciously
vrijednosni adj | fin ~ papiri securities
vrijednost f value, worth; price; rate merit | oduzeti ~
invalidate, make void, vitiate; bez ~i valueless,
worthless; procjenitelj ~i valuer; u ~i od... to the
value of..., worth..., to nema nikakve ~i there is no
price for it; izgubiti ~ lose in value, depreciate
vrijednota f v. vrednota
vrijeanje n insult, affront, offence, injury, outrage, indignity
vrije|ati vt offend, insult, give offence to, affront, injure; (boljeti) hurt | ~a mi uho it grates (jars) on my
vrijeati se vr insult each other (one another); take offence
vrijeme n (po satu) time; (u prirodi) weather; gram
tense; tide; season; (vijek) age; (rok) space of time;
(odsjek) span of history, period; (kratko) spell; (prilika) occasion, opportunity | ~ Boia, Uskrsa, Duhova Christmas-tide, Yule-tide, Easter-tide, Whitsuntide; krajnje ~ high time; u pravo ~ in (good) time,
in the nick of time, in season; upotrijebiti pravo ~
(priliku) take time (occasion) by the forelock; u nezgodno ~ inopportunely, unseasonably; na ~ on time;
ne na ~ not on time; late; sad je ~ now it is time,
now is the time, the time has arrived, this is the moment; sve u svoje ~ all in good time; u svoje ~ in
one's time; in due course; (gram) sadanje (prolo,
budue) ~ present (past, future) tense; od vremena
do vremena (s vremena na ~) from time to time, occasionally, now and again, ever and again; od pradavnih vremena from time immemorial, from time
out of mind; prije vremena before one's time, too
early; od onog vremena ever since; od neko ~ for
some time past; u svako ~ at any time; u staro ~ in
ancient times; u isto ~ at the same time; contemporaneous, coeval; tratiti (gubiti) ~ lose (spend, waste)
time; kraenje vremena killing time, pastime; kratiti ~ pass (beguile) the time, amuse oneself; ~ mi je

dugo time hangs heavily on my hands; teka vremena hard (bad) times; dobra vremena good times; lijepo ~ fair (good) weather; runo ~ bad (nasty)
weather; hladno ~ cold weather (i vlano raw
weather); ustaljeno (nestalno) ~ settled (unsettled)
weather; proricanje vremena weather forecast; ne
znam to u s vremenom time hangs heavily on my
hands; za to treba vremena this takes time; ~ leti
time flies; za kratko ~ in a short time, before long,
soon, shortly; pred kratko ~ recently, not long ago, a
while ago; do pred kratko ~ until recently, lately, of
late, not long ago; za ~ during; cijelo ~ all the time;
neko ~ for a while; ljetno radno ~ daylight saving
time; u dogledno ~ in the foreseeable future; ve due vremena for some time now
vrijes(ak) m bot heather
vrijeiti se vr take root freely
vriska f v. vritanje
vriskati vi v. vritati
vriskav adj v. vritav
vrisnuti vi utter a scream (shriek)
vritanje n shrieking, screams pl; screeching, squalls pl
vritati vi scream, screech, shriek; (dijete) squall
vritav adj shrieky, screeching
vritavo adj shriekily, screechingly
vritavost f shriekiness, screechingness
vritina f bot heather
vriti vi reg v. vreti
vrlet f crag, cliff, steep (sheer, rugged) rock(s)
vrletan adj craggy, rugged, rocky; abrupt; dizzying
vrletno adv sheerly, dizzyingly
vrletnost f craginess, ruggedness
vrli adj excellent, worthy
vrlina f virtue, good quality, worthiness, excellence
vrlo adj very, very much, greatly, exceedingly; badly,
sadly, sorely; mighty, mightily; (neobino) uncommonly, singularly, remarkably, unusually, strikingly;
grievously, severely | ~ mnogo a (great) lot; very
vrlodobar m sch B
vrludanje n rambling, straying, straggling, roaming,
vrludati vi ramble, stray, straggle; ramble (roam, rove,
wander) aimlessly
vrludav adj rambling
vrnanje n growl(ing)
vrnati vi growl
vrnut m ichth v. skua
vrnuti vt v. vratiti
vrpca f lace, ribbon, band; (odlikovanja) (medal) ribbon;
(za pisai stroj) (typewriter) ribbon; (magnetofonska)
tape | tekua ~ assembly line; conveyor
vrpcoteka f tape library
vrpoljav adj fidgety
vrpoljenje n fidgeting, restlessness, fussiness, bustle
vrpoljiti se vr fidget, bustle, fuss, be restless
vrskanje n lisp(ing)
vrskati vi lisp
vrskav adj lisping

vrskavo adv with a lisp

vrsno adv capably, competently, efficiently
vrsnoa f quality, excellence, worth, merit
vrsta f kind, sort, quality; species, genus, type; variety;
description; stamp
vrstan adj capable, competent, efficient; excellent, masterly; clever, fit
vrstanje n ranging, sorting, classifying, grouping, tabulating, grading; arraying, marshalling, placing (setting) in order
vrstati vt range, arrange, sort, classify; array, marshal;
rank, group ; tabulate, grade; file off; place (set) in
vrstati se vr align oneself; mil fall out
vrsti se vr v. vrzmati se
vra f fish-trap; (za jastoge) lobster pot
vrai adj threshing | ~ stroj v. vralica
vrak m tip, point, top; peak; summit
vrenje' n performance, execution, exercise; practising,
carrying on; doing, acting; transaction; officiating
vrsenje'' n (mlaenje) threshing
vridba f threshing
vrilac m doer, performer | ~ dunosti direktora acting
vrilica f threshing machine, thresher
vriti' vt perform, execute, exercise, practise, carry on;
do, act; transact; (poiniti) perpetrate, commit
vriti'' vt (ito) thresh
vriti se vr be performed (carried on, executed, done,
vrljanje n wandering, roaming
vrljati vi wander, roam
vrni adj | ~ kapacitet (optereenje) peak capacity
vrnjak m person of same age, coeval
vrnjakinja f girl (woman) of same age, coeval
vrt m garden; (povrtnjak) kitchen-garden; (vonjak) orchard; (cvjetnjak) flower-garden; (s ukrasnim grmljem) shrubbery; (rasadnik) nursery (garden); (alpski)
vrtaa f funnel-shaped hole in the limestone formation
vrtanje n boring, drilling (holes); (navrtanje) screwing
vrtati vt bore, drill; (vijak) screw on
vrtenje n v. vrenje
vrteka f v. vrtuljak
vrti m dim little garden; (djeji) nursery, kindergarten,
day-care centre
vrtiguz m fidgety child (person)
vrtiti vt reg v. vrtjeti
vrtjeti vt turn round, spin round, rotate, revolve, twirl;
(palce) twiddle; (u vrtlogu) eddy; whirl; (oima) roll
the eyes
vrtjeti se vr revolve, turn round, spin, rotate, gyrate,
reel; (vrtlog) eddy; (na stoeru) hinge; (u krevetu)
toss and turn | vrti mi se u glavi my brain reels, my
head swims, I feel giddy
vrtlar m gardener, nurseryman, horticulturist
vrtlarenje n gardening, horticulture

vrtlarica f gardener's wife, female gardener

vrtlarija f nursery-garden
vrtlariti vi garden
vrtlarski adj gardener's; gardening
vrtlarstvo n v. vrtlarija, vrtlarenje
vrtlog m whirlpool, eddy; fig maelstrom
vrtloni adj whirling, eddying; vortical
vrtni adj garden
vrtnja f rotation, gyration, revolving, spinning round,
vrtoglav adj giddy, dizzy, vertiginous; (lakouman)
vrtoglavac m giddy-brained (hare-brained) person
vrtoglavic|a f dizziness, giddiness; vertigo | imam ~u I
am dizzy, my head reels, my head is in a whirl
vrtoglavo adv dizzily, giddily
vrtoglavost f giddiness, flightiness
vrtuljak m merry-go-round, B+ roundabout, A+ car(r)ousel
vru adj hot, torrid; ardent, fervid | ~ da se piti piping
(hissing) hot; geog ~i pojas tropical zone
vruic|a f fever | on ima ~u he is feverish (feverous)
vruina f heat | jaka ~ broiling (sweltering, scorching,
parching, oppressive) heat
vrulja f (submarine) spring
vrutak m spring, well, source
vrvca f reg v. vrpca
vrvjeti vi teem, swarm; fig bristle with; be alive with;
(guva) crowd, throng, flock (together); mill
vrvljenje n teeming, swarming
vrzin adj | ~o kolo witches' dance; v. zaarani krug
vrzina f v. gutara, ivica
vrzmanje n hanging about
vrzmati se vr hang about
vucibatina f vagabond, vagrant; (lijenina) good-fornothing, ne'er-do-well
vu|a f traction | stoka za ~u draught animals
vuen pp dragged, hauled, pulled, drawn; (laa, brod)
towed, tugged
vuenje n drawing, pulling, hauling, lugging, dragging,
trawling, tugging, training, haulage, traction, towage;
draw, pull, strain | ~ drijeba drawing of lots; (spojeno s lutrijom) raffle
vuica f she-wolf
vui m dim wolf-cub
vujak m wolf-dog; v. njemaki ovar

vuj|i adj wolfish, a wolf's, like a wolf | ~a jama wolf's

den; (stupica) wolf's trap
vuni adj v. za vuu
vui vt drag, draw, pull, lug, haul; (tegliti) tow, tug;
train, trail; (natezati, napinjati) strain, stretch; (po
blatu) draggle; (mreu) trawl; (brod, lau) take in
tow; (noge) scuff | ~ lozu od... be descended from, be
of extraction (lineage)
vui se vr drag oneself; (klipsati) plod, trudge along;
(zaostajati) straggle; (stvar) drag on, protract
vuga f ornith golden oriole
vuk m wolf | fig morski ~ sea-dog, old salt
vukodlak m vampire, werwolf, werewolf
vulgaran adj vulgar, low, coarse; rude, ill-mannered;
vulgarizacija f vulgarization
vulgarizam m vulgarism
vulgarizirati vt vulgarize
vulgarizirati se vr become vulgarized
vulgarno adv vulgarly
vulgarnost f vulgarity, coarseness
vulgata f Bibl Vulgate
vulkan m volcano | mrtav (aktivan, spavajui) ~ extinct
(active, dormant) volcano
Vulkan m myth Vulcan
vulkanizacija f chem vulcanization; (guma) tire repairing
vulkanizer m tire repairman, tire-repair specialist
vulkaniziran adj vulcanized
vulkaniziranje n vulcanized
vulkanizirati vt vulcanize
vulkansk|i adj volcanic | ~a provala volcanic eruption
vulva f anat vulva
vun|a wool | uperak ~e tuft of wool; otpaci ~e flocks;
~a za vezenje Berlin wool; ~a za pletivo knittingwool; slatka ~a B candy floss, A cotton candy
vunara f wool-mill
vunarski adj wool-production
vunarstvo n wool production (industry)
vunast adj woolly; downy, fleecy
vunderkind m Ger v. udo od djeteta
vunen adj woollen | ~a tkanina woollens pl; ~a prea
wollen yarn, worsted
vunica f dim Berlin wool

za prep (svrha) for, for the purpose of; (namjera) in order to, with the view of, with a view to; (korist) for
the sake of, in (on) behalf of, in favour (support)of;
(obrana) in defence of; (za trajanja) during, pending,
throughout | dan ~ danom day by day; korak ~
korakom step by step; ~ godinu dana within a year;
~ as, ~ uvijek, ~ sada v. zaas, zauvijek, zasada; ~
stalno for certain; stariji ~ 4 godine older by four

years; jedan ~ drugim one after another, one behind

the other; itali smo jedan ~ drugim (izmjenino) we
read alternately (by turns, turn and turn about); ~ cijenu od... at the price of, at the rate of; on je visok ~
svoje godine he is tall for his age; to je vano ~
mene this is important to me; ~ sluaj potrebe
against the time of need; uinio je to ~ mene (umjesto mene) he did it instead of me; ~ sebe (posebno)

by itself separately; (ne gledajui na) apart from; argumenti ~ i proti the pros and cons; poao je ~ vojnika he went for a soldier; ni ~ sav svijet not for the
world; zabunio se ~ 5 ilinga he made a mistake of 5
shillings; vei ~ glavu taller by a head; ~ dana by
day; voditi ~ ruku lead by the hand; ~ alu by way of
a joke; promaio ~ stopu missed by a foot; povukao
ga je ~ kosu he pulled him by the hair; ~ boga
miloga! for God's sake; ~ mnom! follow me!; polo
mu je ~ rukom he succeeded; sjedi ~ stolom he is
sitting at the table; ostaviti ~ sobom leave behind;
meni ~ leima behind my back; zaostaje ~ vremenom he is behind the times; ~ nekoliko tjedana
in a few weeks' time; eznuti ~ yearn after; ~ 3 mjeseca after three months
zabaciti vt (glavu) throw back; v. odbaciti
zabaciti se vr sit further back; jerk back
zabacivanje n rejection, repudiation; dismissal
zabacivati vt v. zabaciti
zabaen pp rejected; (glasanjem) voted down; (mjesto)
remote, (gdje je vrag rekao laku no) clean off the
zabaenost f remoteness, being isolated
zabadalo n pest, pestering (importunate, badgering) fellow
zabadanje n pricking, pinning (sticking) into; (jae)
stabbing (goading, piercing, thrusting); fig (draenje)
teasing, irritating, sl ragging, badgering, worry
zabadati vt pin (prick, stick) into; fig (draiti) tease,
irritage, badger, worry; (zadjevica) fall foul of
zabadava adv (uzalud) in vain, to no purpose; (poklon)
free, gratis
zabarikadirati vt barricade
zabarikadirati se vr barrieade oneself; put up barricades
zabasati vi lose one's way, go astray
zabauren pp suppressed, hushed up, burked
zabaurenje n suppression, hushing up, burking, smothering
zabauriti vt suppress, hush up, burke, keep dark,
zabat m archit gable
zabav|a f (razonoda) entertainment, rejoicing, recreation, amusement; diversion, pastime; (uitak) pleasure, delight, enjoyment; (drutvo) party, merrymaking | za ~u for fun; dobru ~u! enjoy yourself
zabavan adj amusing, funny, diverting, entertaining;pleasing, delightful; v. zabavni
zabavite n place of amusement; (djeje) kindergarten,
nursery school
zabaviti vt amuse; occupy
zabaviti se vr occupy oneself with; (zadrati se) be delayed; amuse oneself, have fun
zabavlja m entertainer
entertainers',entertainment, entertaining
zabavljanje n amusement, making merry, having a good
zabavljati vt amuse someone, entertain

zabavljati se vr amuse oneself, have a good time, make

merry, take one's pleasure in; beguile time, rejoice
(indulge) in a pastime (hobby); disport oneself; sl go
hoarsing around
zabavljen adj occupied with
zabavni adj v. zabavan | ~ lokali places of entertainment
zabavnik m literary magazine (monthly, weekly)
zabavno adv pricati tell interesting (amusing) stories
zabeleka f v. biljeka
zabetonirati vt set in (cover with) concrete, concrete
over, embed in concrete
zabezeknut adj dumbfounded, struck dumb, awe-struck,
stunned, aghast, taken aback
zabezeknuti vt strike dumb, dumb-found, stagger, petrify
zabezeknuti se vr stand aghast, look blank, be dumbfounded (flabbergasted, awe-struck, thunder-struck,
zabezeknuto adv dumbfoundedly, struck dumb
zabiberiti vt pepper; season with pepper; fig harm (injure) one, thwart one
zabija m rammer; (zakovica) riveter
zabijanje n ramming; hammering; (avlima) driving in
nails, nailing, fastening with nails; (zakovicama) riveting ; (uz previjanje iljka) clenching
zabijati vt v. zabiti
zabijeliti vt whiten, make white
zabijeljeti (se) vi (vr) become (turn) white; whiten; show
(flash) white
zabijen pp nailed, riveted, bolted; rammed
zabiljeka f v. biljeka
zabiljeba f note, jotting (down); (u knjige) entering (on
books), registering
zabiljeen pp noted (jotted) down; entered (on books),
zabiljeiti vt note (jot) down, make a note; (unijeti) enter, register, record
zabit' pp v. zabijen; fig stupid, dull
zabit'' f sequestered (out of the way) tract; secluded
(lonely, solitary, dreary) place; (samoa) solitude ;
zabitan adj sequestered, solitary, out-of-the-way, secluded, remote
zabiti vt ram (hammer, drive) in(to); rivet, bolt; (i
previnuti iljak) clench; (no) drive in, stab
zabiti se vr drive in, penetrate; crash into
zabitno adv | ~ ivjeti live in an out-of-the-way place,
live in seclusion
zabitnost f remoteness, seclusion
zablaen adj soiled, stained, smeared, sullied, defiled;
(odjea vodom i blatom) bedraggled, bedrabbled
zablaenost f being soiled, soiled state
zablatiti vt soil, (make) dirty, sully, stain, smear, smirch,
defile; bedraggle
zablatiti se vr soil oneself, get dirty
zablejati vi start bleating
zablejati se vr stand gaping (agape), stare open-mouthed

zablenut adj standing agape (open-mouthed)

zablenuti se vr v. zablejati se
zablenuto adv agape, with one's mouth open
zablenutost f being agape
zablijetati vi v. zablistati
zablijeten pp dazzled
zablijetiti vt (nekoga) dazzle
zablistati vi flash, glitter, blaze, flare
zablud|a f mistake, fallacy; error; misunderstanding;
delusion; selfdeceit; warped notion; false belief, misconception | biti u ~i be mistaken, labour under a
misapprehension (mistake); dovesti u ~u mislead; izvesti iz ~e (razuvjeriti) undeceive, disabuse
zabludjeti vi lose one's way, go astray
zabljetati vi v. zablijetati
zaboden pp stuck (pinned, pricked) in(to)
zaboga! int for God's sake!
zabo|ljeti vi (begin to) hurt, pain, grieve, smart | ~ljelo
me je I suffered pain, it hurt me, it grieved me; ~lio
me prst my finger smarts
zaborav m oblivion | pasti u ~ fall into oblivion; imati
nastup ~a go black
zaboravan adj forgetful
zaboraviti vt forget; leave behind
zaboraviti se vr forget oneself, lose control of oneself
zaboravljen pp forgotten, out of mind
zaboravljiv adj forgetful
zaboravljivo adj forgetfully
zaboravljivost f forgetfulness
zaboravnost f forgetfulness
zabosti vt prick (stick, pin) into
zabosti se vr penetrate; stick
zabran m v. branjevina
zabran|a f prohibition, interdiction; (novina itd.) suppression; (zakonska) inhibition; (uvoza robe) embargo; ban; (obiaja, rijei itd.) taboo | staviti ~u na
ban, impose a ban on
zabraniti vt forbid, prohibit; inhibit; suppress; disallow;
veto; (slobodu govora itd.) gag; (uvoz, izvoz) ban
(imports, exsport)
zabranjen pp forbidden, prohibited; suppressed; taboo |
~ pristup (ulaz) no addmitance
zabranjivanje n prohibition
zabranjivati vt v. zabraniti
zabraviti vt lock
zabravljen pp locked
zabrazditi vi plough a furrow, begin ploughing; fig trespass on, go too far; (predaleko) go to extremes
zabrbljati se vr stay too long chatting, get delayed by
zabre n tract (district) behind a mountain (hills)
zabreknuti vi v. nabreknuti
zabrektati vi start to pant (chug)
zabreje n tract behind a hill
zabridjeti vi start tingling
zabrinut adj worried, troubled, apprehensive, anxious,
uneasy, concerned, preoccupied
zabrinuti vt trouble, make anxious (concerned, apprehensive)

zabrinuti se vr become anxious (concerned) about,

worry, get worried
zabrinuto adv worriedly, anxiously
zabrinutost f anxiety, fretfulness, uneasiness, concern,
worry, consternation
zabrinjavajui adj disturbing
zabrljati vt fig botch, make a mess of, slip
zabrojati se vr miscount
zabrtviti vt choke; plug; stop; eng seal
zabrtviti se vr choke, become plugged (choked, stopped)
zabrujati vi roar; (orgulje) swell
zabuljen adj agape, open-mouthed
zabuljiti se vr stand agape, stare open-mouthed
zabuna f mistake, misunderstanding; (smetnja) confusion, bewilderment, embarrassment, perplexity; error
zabuniti se vr make a mistake (error, blunder, howler):
be mistaken
zabunom adv erroneously, by mistake, mistakenly
zabuant m shirker, A sl goof-off
zabuantski adj shirking
zabuavati vi shirk, A sl goof off
zabuiti vt drive (crash) into
zabuiti se vr run into one, collide with, crash into
zacariti se vr make oneself emperor
zacenuti se vr lose one's breath
zacerekati se vr begin to tittle (smirk)
zacijeliti vt heal
zacijelo adv surely, to be sure, no doubt certainly, I daresay, undoubtedly, very likely | on e ~ doi he is likely (sure) to come
zacijeljen adj healed up
zacijeljeti vi heal up, cicatrize
zacijeniti vt ask a price, up a price upor
zacijepiti vt inoculate, graft
zacopati se vr fall in love (u nekoga with
zacrniti vt blacken, make (paint, smudge) black
zacrnjeti (se) vi (vr) become (grow) black, blacken
zacrtati vt draw a line; fig map out, chart
zacrveniti vt make red, redden, paint red
zacrvenje|ti (se) vi (vr) become red, redden | ~la se she
blushed (reddened), a blush suffused her cheeks,
blood mantled her cheeks
zacuriti se vr reach girlhood
zacviliti vi squeak, squeal
zacvokota|ti vi | ~la je her teeth began to chatter
zaaen adj sooty
zaaiti vt cover with soot
zaahuriti se vr cocoon; fig withdraw into one's shell
zaaran pp fascinated; enchanted, charmed, bewitched,
under a spell | ~i krug vicious circle
zaarano adv in fascination (enchantment)
zaaranost f spell, being under a spell; fig fascination,
zaarati vt cast (put) a spell on, enchant, bewitch,
charm; captivate, fascinate
zaas adv in a moment
zaasni adj v. poasni
zaauriti se vr v. zaahuriti se

zaee n conception | kojim se spreava ~ contraceptive; RC bezgreno ~ immaculate conception

zaelje n rear; back part of a building
zaepiti vt stop up, plug; (bocu) cork; (bavu) bung up;
(otvor, cijev) obturate; (brtvljenjem) choke up; (rupu
zatrpati) cram, stuff, clog; (promet) block, jam; (probavu) constipate, render costive
zaepiti se vr get (become) choked (blocked)
zaepljen pp stopped up, corked, plugged, bunged up;
(probava) constipated, costive
zaepljenost f blocked (choked) state; med constipation,
zaepljenje n stopping up, plugging; v. zaepljenost
zaeprhati vi begin to scratch (the ground)
zaeljati vt comb back
zaetak m beginning, origin, commencement, start,
opening, outset, inception; outbreak; (povod) source,
rise, genesis; infancy
zaeti vt conceive, become pregnant
zaetnica f female originator (beginner)
zaetnik m beginner; (uzronik) originator, author, progenitor, creator, father
zain m (mirodije) spice(s), dressing, seasoning, condiments, flavour
zainiti vt season, dress, add condiments, make palatable, give zest to, spice, flavour with spices; (mau)
add lard to food in cooking
zainjanje n seasoning, dressing
zainjati vt v. zainiti
zainjavac m writer of early Croatian religious poetry
zainjen pp seasoned, dressed (salad); flavoured, spiced
zaitati se vr get carried away reading
zakoljica f v. trica, sitnica, smicalica
zalaniti se vr become a member, join a club (society)
zalanjen adj entered (registered) as a member (of club
zalanjenje n registering (registration, entering) as a
zaudan adj remarkable, amazing, extraordinary
zauditi vt surprise, astonish, amaze, strike
zauditi se vr wonder, be amazed (surprised, astonished)
zaudo adv curiously enough
zau|avati vt | ~uje me v. udi me
zauen adj amazed, astonished, surprised, lost in amazement
zaueno adv wonderingly, with astonishment (surprise)
zauenost f v. uenje
zauenje n wonder, wonderment; surprise, amazement,
zau|ti vt | ~o sam it reached my ear, it fell upon my ear
zai vi (zalutati) go astray; (sunce) set
zautati vi v. zautjeti
zada|a f task; (dunost) duty; (briga) look-out, care,
concern; (posao) work, job, business; (sastavak)
theme, composition, paper; (kazna u koli) imposition
| zadati ~u set (impose) a task, set one to work; sch
zadati domau ~u give home-work
zadanica f copy-book, exercise-book
zadah m unpleasant odour (smell); redolence

zadahnuti vt breathe (blow) upon

zadahtati vi start to pant
zadak m hind part of insect, abdomen
zadan pp (zadatak) set; (rije) pledged; (udarac) dealt,
delivered | math ~o je... is given...
zadatak m task; duty; v. zadaa; arithmetical problem;
(openit) rider | rijeiti ~ solve a problem
zadati vt (zadatak) set task, set problem to be solved | ~
udarac deal (deliver) one a blow, inflict a stroke; ~
muke (posla, brige) cause trouble (work, care); ~
dunost (obvezu) impose a task (duty); ~ rije
pledge one's word, promise; ~ pitanje put a question
to; ~ bol pain, hurt, inflict pain upon
zadavanje n (zadaa) setting of task (problem); imposition
zadavati vt v. zadati
zadaviti vt strangle, throttle; smother, suffocate; stifle,
zadaviti se vr become strangled, suffocate
zadavljen pp strangled
zadebljati vt make thicker
zaderan pp partly torn
zaderati vt rip (tear, slit) partly, make a rent (scratch,
slit) ; wound, enter the flesh
zadesi|ti vt befall one, happen to one, overtake one | ~la
ga je nesrea he met with an accident
zadesiti se vr happen to be there
zadeen pp overtaken, caught (affected, hit) suddenly
(by) misfortune itd.
zadii vr lift (hitch, pull up) a little
zadihan adj panting, winded, gasping, breathless, out of
zadihano adv panting, gasping, breathlessly
zadihati se vr become winded, strain (gasp) for breath;
be breathless; breathe hard, pant, be out of breath, be
zadihtati vt Ger v. zabrtviti
zadijevanje n (turiti) sticking in(to); run into, inserting
(thrusting) into ; v. zadirkivanje
zadijevati vt (turiti) stick (run) in(to), insert, thrust into;
v. zadirkivati
zadijevati se vr fall foul of
zadimiti vt fill with smoke, stain with smoke, make smoky
zadimiti se vr become filled with smoke
zadimljen pp filled with smoke, smoky, smoke-stained
zadirati vt | ~u affect; encroach (impinge) upon
zadirkivanje n provoking, teasing, nettling, coll riling,
sl ragging
zadirkivati vt provoke, tease, nettle, coll rile, sl rag
zadiviti vt make one wonder (marvel, admire), make one
stare (awe-struck); cause wonder
zadiviti se vr marvel, admire, be filled with wonder, feel
zadivljen adj marvelling, wondering, admiring;
(duboko) dazzled, open-mouthed, amazed
zadivljeno adv with marvel, wonderingly, admiringly
zadivljenost f wonderment, marvel, admiration

zadivljenje n marvelling, wondering, admiration, wonder

zadizati vt v. zadii
zadjenuti vt stick into
zadjenuti se vr run (fall) foul of get entangled; get
hooked (hitched)
zadjevica f clash, variance, high words, squabble, disagreement, differences, quarrel
zadnje- v. stranjozadnj|i adj last; ultimate; (krajnji) extreme; (konani) final, terminal; hindmost (v. stranji) | ii ~i bring up
the rear; ~a misao v. primisao
zadnjica f buttocks pl, bottom, fundament, the posterior,
zadobiti vt get, receive; (pretrpjeti) sustain
zadobiven adj received; (trpljenje) sustained
zadocnio adj v. zakasnio
zadocniti vi v. zakasniti
zadocnjenje n v. zakanjenje
zadojen adj imbued (inspired) with
zadojiti vt stuckle; fig imbue, inspire, saturate with
zadojiti se vr become imbued (inspired) with
zadovoljan adj content, contented, satisfied, gratified;
pleased agreeable to | ~ s malim frugal
zadovoljavajui adj satisfactory, satisfying; (dovoljan)
zadovoljavanje n satisfying, giving satisfaction; (potreba) sufficient (adequate) supply
zadovoljavati vt v. zadovoljiti
zadovoljenje n v. zadovoljavanje
zadovoljiti vt satisfy, gratify; content; meet
zadovoljiti se vr be satisfied, agree to, acquiesce in
zadovoljno adv contentedly
zadovoljstvo n contentment, satisfaction, content, pleasure | na ~ to the satisfaction of
zadovoljtina f satisfaction; (odteta) reparation,
amends; (okajanje) atonement, indemnity
zadreati vi begin to yell
zadrhtati vi be shaken by a quiver (shiver, tremor)
zadrigao adj thickset; bursting with health
zadrijemati vi begin to nap (doze, slumber); drop off,
fall asleep
zadrijeti vi v. zaderati, zadirati
zadrmati vt give a shake
zadrndati vi start to clatter
zadrt pp bloody-minded | ~i konzervativci dyed-in-thewool (diehard) conservatives
zadrto adv in a diehard manner; bloody-mindedly
zadrtost f diehard quality; bloody-mipdedness
zadruga f community; co-operative society; partnership;
association; (bratovtina, ceh) g(u)ild | poljoprivredna ~ farm cooperative; potroaka ~ consumer cooperative
zadrugar m member of a co-operative society
zadrugarstvo n cooperative movement; system of cooperative societies
zadruan adj belonging to a community, held in common, joint; cooperative

zadran pp kept back, retained; (zaustavljen) held up,

stopped, detained, withheld; (zakasnio) delayed; not
zadrati vt keep back; (ne vratiti) not return, retain,
hold back, keep possession of; (ne izgubiti) not lose,
not part with, not abolish; (ustaviti) stop, hold up;
(kasniti) delay, detain; withhold; retard | ~ za sebe
keep; (ne odati) keep to oneself, hold one's tongue
zadrati se vr be delayed, stay (too) long; (kod predmeta) dwell upon a subject; (opirno) expatiate
zadravanje n keeping (holding) back, withholding;
detaining, delaying; (boravak) stay
zadravati (se) vt (vr) v. zadrzati (se)
zadriv adj retainable, retentive
zadrivost f retainability, retentiveness
zadubiti se vr become absorbed
zadubljen adj (u misli) absorbed (lost) in thought, musing, pondering, in a reverie, wrapped up in thoughts,
zadubljeno adv absorbedly, ponderingly
zadubljenost f (u misli) mental absorption, meditation,
mental engrossment
zadugo adv for a long time
zaduha f breathlessness, difficult breathing, wheeziness,
zadupsti se vr (u misli) be absorbed in thought, be musing, be in a rev rie; (u predmet) dive (dip) into a subject, study hard, try to get to the bottom
zadunica f requiem, mass for the dead; memorial service
zadubina f pious endowment (foundation)
zaduen pp indebted, in debt, encumbered with debts,
involved in debts; embarrassed; owing; (zaostaci) in
arrears; (preko glave) over head and ears in debt | biti
~ za to be in charge of..., be responsible for...
zaduenost f indebtedness, encumberment, liabilities pl
zaduenje n (zaduenost) indebtedness; (dunost) duty,
task | bkk ~ i potrazivanje debit and credit
zaduiti vt make one one's debtor, make one indebted;
(posjed) encumber with debts; bkk charge;
(dunou) entrust (charge) with
zaduiti se vr incur debts, run up a bill, saddle oneself
with debts, run (get) into debt
zaduivanje n v. zaduenje
zaduivati vt v. zaduiti
zadunica f promissory note, bond, debenture; (brodska)
bottomry bond; (hipotekarna) mortgage bond
zafaclati vt Ger v. poviti
zafrig m v. zaprak
zafrigati vt v. zapriti
zafrkant m coll (zajebant) teaser
zafrkavati vt tease; fig v. gnjaviti, ikanirati
zafrkavati se vr tease each other; fool around
zafrknuti vt twist | coll ~ koga fix somebody, make a
fool of somebody; v. ostaviti na cjedilu
zafrknuti se vr become twisted; coll miscalculate, come
out the loser, slip up
zafukati vi v. zazvidati
zagaen pp dammed in by a weir

zagaenje n damming in by a weir

zagaditi vt pollute
zagaen pp polluted
zagaenost f pollution, polluted condition
zagaenje n polluting, pollution
zagakati vi begin to cackle
zagalamiti vi begin to shout; raise an upcry
zagarantirati t v. garantirati
zagasit adj dark, deep-brown
zagasiti vt v. ugasiti
zagasitost f dark-brown colour
zagatiti vt dam in, build a dam (weir, wear)
zagaziti vt tread (stamp) down; (tonuti) sink (plunge)
into mud; (u vodu) begin to wade; fig engage in a
risky enterprise
zagipsati vt plaster over; plaster in place
zagladiti vt slick down; v. izgladiti
zaglavak m epilogue, finale
zaglavinjati vi lose balance (equilibrium), totter
zaglaviti vi (uvrstiti) wedge; (avao) clench; fig lose
one's life, perish
zaglaviti se vr v. zapeti
zaglavlje n title
zaglavljen pp fastened by a wedge; stuck
zaglavni adj terminal, final, last | ~ kamen key-stone
zagledati se vr (opaziti) get (catch) sight of; (zuriti) gape
(stare) at, stand agape (open-mouthed); (u djevojku)
fall in love with
zaglibiti (se) vi (vr) sink in mud (mire); fig be bogged
zaglupiti vt make stupid, stultify; besot
zaglupjeti vi become stupid
zaglupljen pp stultified, grown stupid; besotted
zaglupljenje n making (becoming) stupid, stultification,
zaglupljujui adj stultifying
zagluan adj deafening
zagluen pp deafened
zagluiti vt deafen; drown (out); (priguiti) deaden
zagluno adv deafeningly
zagnati vt drive in(to)
zagnojen pp festering, suppurating
zagnojenost f festering condition
zagnojiti se vr suppurate, fester
zagnjaviti vt v. izgnjaviti
zagnjuren pp immersed, dipped, plunged
zagnjuriti vt immerse, plunge, dip; dive
zagnjuriti se vr plunge, dip, dive; submerge, go under
zagolicati vt fig intrigue; tittilate; v. poskakljati
zagonetan adj enigmatic, puzzling, mysterious
zagonetka f puzzle, riddle, enigma, mystery
zagonetno adv enigmatically, puzzlingly
zagonetnost f enigmatic quality, mysteriousness
zagonetnuti vt set a riddle (puzzle)
Zagorac m inhabitant of Hrvatsko Zagorje region
zagoren pp embittered
zagoriti vt embitter, make bitter | ~ nekome ivot make
somebody's life miserable
zagorio adj cul burned

zagorje n region behind a mountain (mountain-range)

zagorjeti vi be burned (food)
zagorski adj of (belonging to, situated in) the tract (region) behind a mountain
zagospodariti vt put under one's control, become master
zagovaranje n intercession in behalf of; pleading with
one for one, intervention, advocacy
zagovarati vt intercede for, plead with one for one,
speak in favour of; interpose on behalf of a person;
(stvar) argue for, advocate; (posredovati) mediate;
say a good word for
zagovor m v. zagovaranje
zagovoriti vt v. zagovarati
zagovoriti se vr v. zapriati se
zagovornik m pleader, intercessor, speaker in favour (on
behalf of) a person; mediator; advocate
zagrabiti vt take a handful (ladleful, pailful, scoopful)
zagrad|a f (okrugla) B bracket, A parenthesis; (uglata) B
square bracket, A bracket; (kosa) B& A slant; (vitiasta) B & A brace; (zapreka) barrier, fence | staviti u
~u bracket, brace
zagraditi vt (ogradom) fence in; (zidom) wall in
zagrae n part behind a town
zagraen adj fenced (walled) in; railed in, enclosed
zagrajati vi raise a dust, set up clamour
zagraktati vi begin (start) croaking
zagranican adj v. inozeman, stran, tuinski
zagrcnuti se vr choke
zagrdjeti vi make a bad error, slip up badly
Zagrepanin m inhabitant of Zagreb, Zagreb man, Zagreber
Zagrepanka f inhabitant of Zagreb, Zagreb woman,
zagrepsti vt wound by scratching (clawing)
zagrevati vt v. grijati, zagrijavati
zagreznuti vi sink (plunge) in mud
zagrijan adj warmed; fig showing zeal for, enthusiastic
zagrijano adv enthusiastically, keenly
zagrijanost f enthusiasm, keenness
zagrijati vt warm up
zagrijati se vr warm up | ~ za neto become enthusiastic
zagrijavanje n warming up (i sp)
zagrijavati se vr warm up (i sp)
zagristi vt make a bite, bite in(to); fig swallow the bite
zagrien pp partly bitten in; fig over-zealous, fanatical,
bitter; v. zadrt
zagriljiv adj biting, sarcastic; caustic, bitter, crabbed;
waspish; carping; grudging; petulant
zagriljivo adu bitingly, caustically, bitterly
zagriljivost f bitterness, caustic (biting) manner
zagrliti vt embrace; (jako) hug
zagrliti se vr embrace each other (one another)
zagrljaj m embrace; hug
zagrljen pp folded in one's arms, embraced; hugged
zagrljeno adv embraced, hugging (each other)

zagrmjeti vi thunder, roar out,speak in a stentorian

zagrnut pp (zemljom) covered up; (okopan) moulded up
zagrnuti vt (platem) cloak, put a cloak round; (prekriti)
veil; fig disguise, conceal; (umotati) wrap, enfold,
shroud; (zemlju) cover with earth; (okopati) mould
(earth, hoe) up
zagrnuti se vr put a cloak on, wrap oneself in
zagrobni adj | ~ ivot life after death
zagroktati vi grunt out
zagroziti se vr utter threats, threaten, menace
zagrtati vt v. zagrnuti
zagruvati vi roar out (guns) ; start thundering (booming)
zagubiti vt misplace
zagubiti se vr get lost (misplaced)
zagudjeti vi strike up a tune on the violin
zaguljen adj coll obdurate, difficult
zagurati vt push (shove, thrust, pack, stow, stop) into
zagustiti vt make thicker, thicken
zagustjeti vi become thick; fig become critical
zaguen pp suffocated, smothered, choked, stifled
zaguiti vt suffocate, smother, stifle, choke, strangle,
zaguiti se vr get suffocated (smothered, choked)
zaguljiv adj suffocating, stifling, choking; stuffy, close
zaguljivost f choking atmosphere; stuffiness, closeness
zagvozda f wedge
zagvozditi vt drive in a wedge
zahihotati vi start giggling
zahiren adj stunted (in growth)
zahirenost f stunted state
zahladnjeti vi become (suddenly) cold; get colder
zahlaenje n cold spell; (odnosa) chill; estrangement
zahliknuti se vr reg v. zagrcnuti se
zahlipci m pl attack of convulsions (children)
zahod m toilet, B+ lavatory; water-closet; bathroom
zahodsk|i adj toilet | ~a daska(koljka) toilet seat
zahrati vi reg v. zarati
zahrkati vt start snoring, fall a-snoring
zahrzati vi v. zarzati
zahtijevan adj demanded, exacted; required, insisted
upon; claimed
zahtijevanje n demanding, demands pl, insistence; (prava) claim
zahtijevati vt demand (for); make demand upon, exact,
insist upon; claim; require, call for; (zapovjediti) order, command, decree, prescribe; necessitate, involve
zahtjev m demand, request | na ~ at the request of
zahuati vi start roaring (blustering, storming)
zahukati vt blur glass with breath (with a cloudy substance)
zahukati se vr get clouded
zahuknut pp blurred with breath (vapour, smoke)
zahuktati se vr get into full swing
zahvaanje n v. zahvat
zahvaati vt v. zahvatiti
zahvaen adj caught by; (zupci) interlocked; (pogoen
od udarca, poreza, nesree itd.) hit, having to sustain

| tko je ~ od tog poreza? what is the incidence of this

tax?, on whom does this tax fall?
zahvaenost f degree of affection (infection)
zahvala f thanksgiving, returning (giving) thanks;
thanks pl; acknowledgment
zahvalan adj thankful, grateful; (obvezan) obliged, indebted to, beholden to; under obligation
zahvaliti se vr thank, render (offer, tender, express)
thanks; acknowledge; (na slubi) resign
zahvalnica f letter of thanks
zahvalno adv gratefully, with gratitude
zahvalnost f thankfulness, gratitude, gratefulness; recognition, appreciation | u znak ~i in token of gratitude
zahvaljivanje n v. zahvala
zahvaljivati se vr v. zahvaliti se
zahvaljujui prep owing to, thanks to
zahvat m hold, clutch, grip, grasp, gripe; (zubaca) interlocking; (kirurki) operation; intervention
zahvatiti vt catch hold of, have a firm hold of; gripe,
grip; (odozdo) hit from under; (rvanje) close up,
grasp, clutch, hold fast (tight), clench; (vrsto
zagrliti) hug; (zubac o zubac) engage, interlock;
(vodu) take (dip for) a pailful itd. of water; (zakonom)
affect; extend to
zaigra|ti vt (ples) start dancing; (prokartati) gamble
away, lose in game (of chance, gambling) | srce mi je
~lo od vese1ja it did my heart good, my heart swelled
zaigrati se vr be deeply engaged(absorbed) in play
zaimati' vt (vodu) v. zahvatiti
zaimati'' vt borrow of (from); lend
zaimponirati vi v. imponirati
zainatiti se vr Tur become obstinent
zaintaiti se vr Tur insist
zainteresiran adj interested in | svi ~i everybody concerned
zainteresirano adv with interest
zainteresiranost f interest, concern, involvement; stimulation
zainteresirati vt interest, make interested (involved)
zainteresirati se vr become interested, take an interest
zaira f Tur victuals pl, provisions pl, food
zaiskan pp asked for, demanded
zaiskati vt v. zamoliti, zatraiti
zaista adj really, indeed, in fact, truly, surely, actually,
positively, certainly, assuredly, to be sure, in truth,
verily, as a matter of fact
zajahati vt mount, mount (get on) a horse; (raskreenih
nogu) straddle
zajam m loan, accommodation, advance, credit | dii ~
raise aloan; potpisati ~ subscribe to a loan; otplatiti
~ pay off a loan; potroaki ~ consumer loan, credit
zajamen pp guaranteed, warranted, vouched for; (vijest) authenticated, authentic, reliable
zajameno adv | ~ dobar of guaranteed quality
zajamenje n v. jamstvo
zajamiti vt guarantee, warrant, answer for, vouch for;
be surety for, go bail, stand security for

zajapuriti se vr become flushed (red)

zajauknuti vi scream with pain, cry out (roar) with pain,
give a piercing cry
zajaziti vt dam up, build a weir (wear)
zajaen pp dammed up, confined by a dam (weir, wear)
zajaljiv adj satiable
zajecati vi sob out, moan
zajecati vi (jeka) resound, echo; (zveket) clang
zajedljiv adj biting, caustic, tart, waspish
zajedljivo adv bitingly, caustically, tartly, waspishly
zajedljivost f biting quality, tartness, waspishness
zajednica f community; co-operative undertaking; union; organized body, co-operative
zajednik|i' adj joint, (in) common; communal; (uzajaman) mutual | najmanja ~a mjera least common
zajedniki'' adv jointly, together
zajednitvo n co-operation, holding in common (jointly)
zajedno adv in common, jointly, together, in company;
(istodobno) at the same time
zajemiti vt v. zajamiti
zajesti vt spend money in eating (for food)
zajmodavac m lender, creditor
zajmoprimac m borrower, debtor
zajmotrailac m loan applicant
zajutarkovati vt breakfast
zajutrak m v. doruak
zakaiti vt v. zakvaiti, objesiti, zahvatiti, okrznuti
zakaiti se vr v. zakvaiti se, zapeti, objesiti se; fig v.
porjekati se
zakaka f v. kvaica
zakaditi vt fill with smoke (reek, smell); (tamjanom)
zakaen pp filled with smoke; blackened with smoke
zakaliti vt temper (steel)
zakalueriti vt make one a rnonk
zakalueriti se vr turn monk (friar, religious), enter monastery
zakaljen pp tempered (steel)
zakamuflirati vt v. kamuflirati
zakapariti vt give earnest money (for)
zakapcati vt v. zakopavati
zakarpatski adj geog Transcarpathian
zakasnina f com demurrage (v. learina)
zakasnio pp late, overdue
zakasniti vi be late, come late, be behind one's time; be
belated, be overdue | ~ na vlak miss the train
zakanjavanje n v. kanjenje
zakanjavati vi v. kasniti
zakanjenje n being late (overdue); coming late, arrival
behind one's time; delay | rlw imati ~ be overdue
zakanjeti vi reg v. zakasniti
zakazan pp fixed in advance (time, event)
zakazati vt fix time, fix in advance; v. zatajiti
zakerati vt v. zanovijetati, dosaivati
zakien pp (zapukom) wearing a buttonhole (flower)
zakidati vt v. zakinuti
zakikotati vi start giggling
zakinuti vt withhold one's due, stint one in

zakiseliti vt sour, pickle; add vinegar, dress with vinegar

zakiseljen pp soured, pickled
zakitati vt putty up
zakititi vt embellish (adorn) with flowers
zakititi se vr adorn oneself with a buttonhole; put a
flower in the buttonhole (hat)
zakivati vt v. zakovati
zaklad|a f foundation, endowment | uitnik ~e person on
the foundation, B foundationer
zakladatelj m v. zakladnik
zakladn|i adj consisting of (having) a funation (endowment) | ~a imovina endowment funds
zakladnica f female founder
zakladnik m jur founder, giver of a foundation (endowment)
zaklan pp slain, slaughtered, butchered; with one's
throat cut (slit); (i odran, oerupan) dressed
zaklanjanje n shielding, sheltering, protecting
zaklanjati vt v. zakloniti
zaklapanje n shutting, folding (together)
zaklapati vt v. zaklopiti
zaklati vt slay, slaughter, kill, butcher; cut someone's
throat; stick (a pig)
zaklati se vr cut one's (own) throat
zaklet adj (prisega) sworn, on oath; (neprijatelj itd.)
sworn, irreconciable, implacable; (car) enchanted,
under a spell
zakleti vt put one on his oath, bind by oath; (svjedoka)
swear a witness, administer an oath to; (dunosnika)
swear in (office)
zakleti se vr swear, take ar oath, bind oneself by oath, be
on oath, swear to a thing; (neim) swear to (by); (sveano) swear a solemn oath; (odrei se zakletvom)
swear off (drink) | ~ svim to je sveto swear by bell,
book and candle; nebom call Heaven to witness; ~
krivo perjure (forswear) oneself; netko tko se krivo
zakleo perjured (forsworn) person, perjurer
zakletv|a f oath | poloziti ~u take oath (to, that); ~a
vjernosti oath of allegiance; iskaz potvren ~om affidavit
zakliktati vi utter cry of joy (exultation, triumph), shout
with joy; rejoice loudly
zaklinja m person who implores (beseeches)
zaklinjanje n beseeching, imploring, entreaty, supplication, pleading
zaklinjati vt implore, supplicate, beseech, entreat
zaklinjati se vr v. zakleti se
zaklokotati vi start gurgling
zaklon m shelter, screen, shield, guard; fig patronage,
countenance | bez ~a shelterless, shieldless; mil u ~!
take cover!
zaklonite n shelter, refuge
zakloniti vt shelter, shield, protect, guard, screen, countenance
zakloniti se vr take refuge (shelter), screen oneself
zaklonjen pp sheltered, screened; protected
zaklonjenost f sheltered condition
zaklop(ac) m lid, cover; valve; (rupe, brave)

zaklop|iti vt shut (book), cover with lid, let down lid

(trap-door) | ~iti oi close eyes, die; ~i! (zavei!) shut
zaklopiti se vr shut, close
zaklopljen pp covered with (hinged) lid (valve)
zaklju|ak m (logika) conclusion, deduction, inference;
(opi) corollary; (svretak) close, winding up; (odluka) resolution, resolve; (rauna) balance | doi do
~ka arrive to (draw) a conclusion; decide
zakljuan pp locked up
zakljuati vt lock up
zakljuati se vr lock oneself (in)
zakljuiti vt conclude, deduce, infer, draw a conclusion;
(odluka) resolve, decide upon; (raun) strike a balance | jur ~ sluaj close a case
zakljuni adj final, definite, conclusive
zakljunica f com sales agreement
zakljuno adv finally, conclusively
zakmeati vi begin whining
zakoen pp (oruje) with its safety on; (vozilo) with its
brake on
zakoiti vt brake; fig paralize
zakokodakati vi start cackling (i fig)
zakolutati vi (oima) roll one's eyes
zakomplicirati vt complicate
zakomplicirati se vr become complicated
zakon m law, statute, act of parliament; (pisani) statute
law; (obiajni) common law; (kazneni) penal law |
proglasiti (izdati) zakon(om) legislate, pass (enact)
laws; kriti ~ infringe (violate, transgress) law;
ovjek izvan ~a outlaw; stanje izvan ~a outlawry;
ovjek koji slua ~ law-abiding person; nacrt ~a
draft bill; prijedlog a bill
zakonik m code, body of laws; statute book | sastaviti ~
zakonit adj lawful, legal
zakonito adv legally, lawfully
zakonitost f lawfulness, legality; (pojave) regularity,
zakonodavac m law-giver, legislator
zakonodav|an adj legislative | ~no tijelo legislative
body; (ustavotvorno) constituent assembly
zakonodavstvo n legislature, legislation
zakonomjerno adv v. zakonito, pravilno, redovito
zakonski' adj statutory, enacted by statute; imposed (required, prescribed) by law; legal | ~ prijedlog bill; ~
propis legal (statutory) provision; decree
zakonski'' adv legally, by law
zakonspirirati se vr go underground
zakopan pp buried, interred; covered with (overwhelmed
by) earth itd.
zakopati vt bury, inter; cover with earth itd.
zakopati se vr bury oneself, fig get stuck (in, with), get
saddled (with)
zakopan pp buttoned; (zakvaen) hooked, clasped,
buckled ; fig reserved
zakopati vt button up; (zakvaiti) clasp (buckle, hook)
zakopati se vr button up

zakoraiti vi make a stride (step) ; start striding (stepping)

zakositi vt slant, angle
zakoen adj stant(ed), angled
zakoenost f slant(ness), degree of slant
zakotiti se vr (zalei se) verminate, become infested
with noxious vermin
zakovan pp welded by forging (hammering); joined by
forging; riveted
zakovati vt weld by hammering, rivet; (previnuti avao)
clench (clinch)
zakovic|a f rivet | zabiti ~om rivet; pitolj za ~e riveting
zakoviar m riveter
zakovitlati (se) vt (vr) whirl
zakovran pp curled, curly
zakovrati vt curl up, make curls (coils)
zakovrati se vr curl, become curly
zakrabuljen pp masqueraded, masked, disguised; in
fancy dress
zakrabuljiti vt masquerade; disguise
zakrabuljiti se vr disguise oneself, put on fancy dress
(masquerade costume)
zakraunan pp bolted
zakraunati vt bolt
zakraunati se vr bolt oneself in
zakraljiti vt make king
zakraljiti se vr usurp the throne; make oneself king
zakren pp blocked, obstructed, jammed, barred
zakrenost f being blocked (obstructed),obstruction,
jammed condition
zakriti vt block the way, obstruct; bar; jam; dam up;
barricade; congest
zakreenje n calcification | ~ krvnih sudova v.
ovapnjenje ila
zakreiti (se) vt (vr) calcify, harden
zakreketati vi begin to croak
zakrenut adj twisted, turned off, switched off
zakrenuti vi turn in another direction, swerve; twist;
(putem) strike into a side track; (pipac vode, plina)
turn on (off); (struje) switch on (off); (nakriviti)
curve | ~ vratom kill by twisting (writhing) the neck
zakret m turning, bent (of road) ; winding, twist, curve
zakretati vt v. zakrenuti
zakriliti vt shield, protect; screen; patronize
zakrilje n protection, shelter; countenance; patronage
zakriljen pp protected, shielded, screened; sheltered
zakriljivanje n sheltering, protection; countenance
zakriljivati vt v. zakriliti
zakriviti vt v. iskriviti
zakrivljenost f v. iskrivtjenost
zakrkljati vi (begin to) rattle; gurgle
zakrpa f patch; (mjesto) mended (darned) place (spot)
zakrpan pp (zakrpom) patched; (arapa, raspor)
mended, darned
zakrpati vt mend, darn, patch up; (arapu) darn; (popraviti) repair; (loe) botch, piece together
zakrpiti vt v. zakrpati
zakruliti vi (begin to) rumble

zakruiti vi circle
zakrvaviti vt make bloody, stain with blood
zakrvaviti se vr get stained with blood
zakrvavljen pp bloody, stained with blood; (oi) bloodshot
zakrviti vt set by the ears; make into (bitter) enemies; v.
zakrviti se vr clash, engage in a (bloody) feud; v. zavaditi se
zakrvljen pp feuding, engaged in a bloody feud, bitterly
zakrvljenost f (state of) bitter feud
zakrljalost f stunted growth (condition)
zakrljao adj stunted, dwarfed, crippled, undergrown
zakrlja(vi)ti vi become stunted (dwarfed, crippled),
remain undergrown
zakuast adj abstruse; obscure; tricky
zakuasto adv abstrusely
zakuastost f abstruseness
zakuiti vt v. zakvaiti
zakuhan pp boiled in
zakuhati vt start boiling (seething); (prevreti) boil (bubble) over; put in boiling water; fig stir up trouble
zakukati vi start wailing (lamenting)
zakukuljen pp (kukac) enclosed in a chrysalis; hooded,
zakukuljiti vt shroud, cover with a hood
zakukuljiti se vr (kukac) change into chrysalis; hood
(shroud) oneself
zakukurijekati vt start crying cock-a-doodle-doo, start
zakulisan adj underhand, behind the scenes, secret
zakunjati vi doze off
zakup m lease, tenure, rent | posjed dan u ~ leasehold;
dati u ~ farm out, lease; uzeti u ~ lease, take lease of
zakupac m v. zakupnik
zakupiti vt lease, rent farm, hire for rent
zakupljivanje n taking (holding) by lease (on lease);
renting, farming
zakupljivati vt v. zakupiti
zakupnica f female lease-holder, female lessee (tenant)
zakupniki adj of a tenant (lessee), lease-holding
zakupnik m lease-holder, lessee; tenant; collect tenantry
zakupnina f rent, rental
zakusk|a f snack | pojesti ~u have a snack
zakutak m nook, niche, recess, corner; hidden (out of
the way) place
zakutan adj secretive; underhanded
zakutno adv secretively; underhandedly
zakutnost f secretiveness; underhandedness
zakuvati vt v. zakuhati
zakvaen pp hooked up (on); clasped, hitched on (to);
hasped, fastened with a loop; grappled; seized with
grappling-iron; (rvanje) at close quarters, wrestling,
at grips; (zapeo za) foul of
zakvaiti vt hook up; clasp, hitch on to, hasp, fasten;

zakvaiti se vr (borba,rvanje) grapple with, come to

close quarters with; wrestle; (svaa) begin to quarrel
(to have high words); (zapeti za) fall foul of
zalaga m person who pawns; (nekretnina) mortgager,
zalaganje n (zagovor) pleading for, speaking in favour
of; (zajam) pawning, pledging; (nekretnina) mortgaging
zalagaonica f pawn-shop, pawn-broker's shop
zalagaoniar m pawnbroker; sl uncle
zalagati vt v. zaloiti
zalagati se vr v. zauzimati se
zalajati vi start barking (baying); give mouth
zalamati vt v. zalomiti
zalaufati se vr Ger v. zahuktati se
zalaz m (sunca) sunset, sundown, setting of the sun
zalazak m v. zalaz
zalaziti vi (sunce) set; (nekamo) frequent a place, resort
to, haunt, keep visiting
zalaznica f mil rearguard
zalaenje n frequenting, visiting; v. zalaz
zalei se vr (gamad) breed (multiply) in great numbers,
become infested with vermin, verminate
zalediti (se) vt (vr) freeze (up)
zalee n backing, support; (sredstva) reserve; (zemlja)
hinterland; fig countenance, patronage
zaleen adj frozen
zaleenje n freezing over, icing
zalegnuti se vr v. zalei se
zalelujati (se) vt (vr) sway
zalemiti vt solder
zalepetati vi start flapping
zaleprati vi start fluttering
zalet m run (for a leap or jump); rush, spurt | skok iz ~a
running jump
zaletite n sp runway
zaletjeti se vr dart; (u) crash into; start with a run, rush
forward; sp take a run (before a jump); (rei previe,
izbrbljati) blab, talk indiscreetly, go too far, overshoot oneself; (u neto) crash into (svom snagom
come full tilt against)
zaletn|i adj | aero ~a staza runway
zaletovati vt v. zalotati
zaleati se vr (roba) suffer in quality owing to being
stored too long; (osoba) lie (stay in bed) too long
zaliha f stock, store, supply; resources pl, provisions pl
zalijeenje n healing
zalijeiti se vr heal all over
zalijeiv adj healable
zalijeniti se vr grow lazy (indolent, slack, idle, remiss,
zalijenjen adj grown lazy (slack, idle)
zalijepiti vt paste (glue) up; stick together; (selotejpom)
tape; (pismo) seal
zalijepiti se vr stick (na to); stick together
zalijepljen pp glued (pasted) over
zalijetati se vr keep flying in (darting in, trespassing);
(provaljivati) keep making inroads; v. zaletjeti se
zalijevan pp watered, irrigated

zalijevanje n watering
zalijevati vt water, irrigate
zalisci m pl whiskers pl, sideburns pl
zalistak m book-mark | anat srani ~ heart valve
zalisan adj superfluous, unnecessary
zalisnost f superfluousness, unnecessariness
zaliti vt fill up by adding more liquid; stop with molten
matter; v. zalijevati
zaliv m v. zaljev
zaliven pp filled by pouring; watered, irrigated; stopped
by molten lead itd.
zalizan pp licked smooth
zalizati vt lick smooth
zalizati se vr slick one's hair
zalo|g m pawn, pledge; fig pledge; (nekretnina) mortgage, mortgaged property (security) | ~zi pl play forfeits; fig ostaviti u ~g pledge with
zaloga f v. zalog
zalogaj m mouthful, morsel; bite; bit, snack
zalogorovati vi set up camp
zalotati vt (zalemiti) solder
zalozi m pl v. zalog
zaloen adj pawned, pledged; mortgaged
zaloiti vt pawn; pledge; (nekretninu) mortgage | vi (jesti) eat, have a snack
zaloiti se vr v. zauzeti se; (potruditi se) do one's best
zalonica f (hipotekarna) mortgage bond; (zalagaonika) pawn-ticket
zalud adj v. uzalud
zaluditi vt infatuate, fascinate, captivate, bewitch, turn
one's head
zaluen adj infatuated, bewitched, captivated; doting
zalueno adv infatuatedly, dotingly
zaluenost f infatuation, dotage
zaluivanje n infatuation, delusion; (obmana) imposing
zaluivati vt v. zaludjeti
zalupan adj stupid, dull
zalupano adv stupidly, dully
zalupanost f stupidity, dullness
zalupiti vt slam (a door); bang
zalupiti se vr slam (of itself), slam shut
zalutao adj straying, strayed, having lost one's way
zalutati vi stray, go astray, deviate, loose one's way, go
out of one's way
zaljev m bay, gulf; (mali) inlet, cove, creek; firth
zaljubiti se vr fall in love with, take a fancy to, fancy
one, become enamoured; look sweet upon, dote on, be
over head and ears in love
zaljubljen adj enamoured, in love with, lovesick, lovelorn
zaljubljeno adv sweetly, enamouredly
zaljubljenost f state of being in love
zaljubljiv adj amorous
zaljubljivost f amorousness
zaljuljan pp swung, rocked, in full swing, swayed
zaljuljati vt put in swinging motion; swing, rock, sway
zaljuljati se vr (begin to) rock
zamai vi v. zamaknuti

zamaijati vt v. zaarati, oarati

zamagliti vt fog, befog, becloud, haze; blur, mist
zamagli|ti se vr | meni se ~lo (pred oima) I feel giddy,
my head swims, I feel dizzy
zamagljen pp fogged, cloudy, befogged, blurred, hazed,
zamagljenost f blurred quality (state)
zamagljivanje m fig obscuring, smoke-screen
zamah m momentum; swing; swinging (flourishing,
brandishing) motion; v. polet | stvar je u punom ~u
the thing is in full swing
zamahnuti vt brandish, fourish, swing
zamajac m v. zamanjak
zamak m castle, citadel; fortified place
zamakati vt v. zamoiti
zamaknuti vi be lost to sight, disappear, (iza neega)
move behind
zamalo adv (vrijeme) in (within) a short time; (malone,
gotovo) nearly
zamamiti vt lure, entice; v. zaluditi
zamamljiv adj tempting, seductive, enticing, alluring;
captivating, fascinating
zamamljivo adv temptingly, seductively, captivatingly
zamamljivost f charm, attractiveness, fascination, seductiveness
zaman adv v. uzalud
zamandaliti vt Tur bar (bolt) the door
zamandaljen pp Tur barred, bolted (door)
zamarati vt v. zamoriti
zamaskirati vt v. maskirati
zamastiti vt grease; stain with lard; dress with lard (butter)
zamastiti se vr become greased
zamaaj m (vanost) importance, consequence, weight |
biti od ~a carry weight; od velikog ~a momentous,
paramount, vital, of great moment
zamaan adj important, momentous, grave; primary,
zamaitost f v. zamanost
zamano adv momentously
zamanost f importance, moment
zamanjak m eng driving-wheel, fly-wheel
zamaten pp dressed with lard (butter); greased, soiled
with lard (fat matter)
zamatenost f greasiness, having greasy spots
zamatanje n wrapping in; packing, enveloping, doing
up; rolling up (in); (u pelene) swathing, swaddling
zamatati vt v. zamotati
zamazan adj (prljav) dirty, soiled, grimy, unclean; daubed, smutty; smeared; (omazan) daubed with (plaster,
clay itd.); (vuen po mokrom) bedrabbled, bedraggled
zamazanac m dirty fellow
zamazanost f being dirty, dirtiness
zamazati vt (zaprljati) dirty, soil, begrime, besmear,
smear; (omazati) daub (plaster) with; (vuenjem po
mokrom) bedraggle
zamazati se vr dirty oneself, get dirty
zamazivanje n smearing; daubing | fig ~ oiju fooling,

Zambija f geog Zambia

Zambijac m Zambian
zambijski adj Zambian
zameati vi begin to bleat
zame|sti vt cover with sweepings; (snijeg, vjetar) cover
with snow (drifting matter) | ~o mu se trag no trace
is left (remains) of him, he vanished without leaving
a trace
zametak m embryo, f(o)etus; germ; genesis; source, origin, rise, the very beginning; birth; (zaee) conception
zametanje n (snijega itd.) drift
zametati vi cover with other things, cover with wreckage
(debris itd.)
zameten pp covered with sweepings (snow, drifting matter itd.)
zametnut pp mislaid
zametnuti vt (izgubiti) mislay; (bitku) engage, give
(join) battle; (kavgu) start quarrelling, fall out, fall
foul of, pick up a quarrel; (parnicu) institute legal
zametnuti se vr (nastati) originate, ensue; begin, start;
(izgubiti se) get misplaced
zamicanje n moving out of sight
zamicati vi v. zamai
zamijeen pp observed, noticed, perceived, caught sight
zamijeniti vt exchange; (trgovina) barter, truck; sl swop;
(nekoga s nekim drugim) mistake for; (u slubi) be
deputy (proxy), represent, act in behalf of, be acting
for; (sveenika, lijenika) be locumtenens of; (strau)
relieve guard (sentinel); (znaenje) stand for; (stvar)
stand in the stead of, substitute, be substitute for, replace
zamijeniti se vr substitute (relieve) each other; barter
zamijenjen adj (zabunom) mistaken for; exchanged;
com bartered, substituted for, replaced
zamijesiti vt knead dough ready for baking
zamijeen pp kneaded ready for baking
zamijetiti vt perceive, observe, catch sight of, espy, set
eyes on, behold, become aware of, notice, note
zamiranje n dying (fading) away
zamirati vi v. zamrijeti
zamirisati vi spread a pleasant smell
zamisao f idea, conception, thought, notion; (nakana,
svrha) intention, intent, purpose, design; (cilj) object,
aim, end
zamisliti vt conceive, imagine, fancy, picture (figure)
oneself; (izumiti) contrive, invent
zamisliti se vr start pondering (musing, contemplating,
ruminating, meditating, brooding over, chewing the
cud); be absorbed in thought, be thoughtful (pensive),
be engrossed (wrapped) in thought; (duboko) be in a
brown study
zamisliv adj conceivable, imaginable
zamislivo adv conceivably, imaginably
zamislivost f conceivability, imaginability

zamiljen adj thoughtful, pensive, meditative, musing;

(duboko) deep in thoughts, in a brown study, absorbed in thoughts; (plan, zamisao) conceived, projected, planned, designed, schemed, conjectured,
zamiljeno adv thoughtfully, pensively
zamiljenost f thoughtfulness, absorption in thoughts,
pensiveness; contemplation, musing
zamjeivanje n perception, noticing, being aware of,
zamjeivati vt v. zamijetiti
zamjen|a f exchange; (trgovanje) barter, truck, sl swop;
(zabuna) mistake; (mjesto pravoga) substitution; substituted person; (za kavu, maslac i sl.) substitute; (za
nudu) make-shift; taking turns (on duty); (strae) relief; (istroenog novim) replacement | u ~u in exchange; in return
zamjenica f gram pronoun | lina (pokazna, posvojna,
odnosna, upitna, neodreena) ~ personal (demonstrative, possessive, relative, interrogative, indefinite)
zamjeniki adj pronominal
zamjenik m substitute, deputy, proxy; (predstavnik) representative; vice-; (lijenika, sveenika) locumtenens;
(biskupa) surrogate; (privremeni) acting
zamjenjiv adj exchangeable; replaceable, substitutable
zamjenjivanje n v. zamjena
zamjenjivati vt v. zamijeniti
zamjenjivost f exchangeability; replaceability, substitutiability
zamjera f grudge, pique, ill blood, bad blood, resentment
zamjeran adj v. zavidan
zamjeravanje n taking amiss, bearing a grudge; condemning
zamjeravati vt v. zamjeriti
zamjeriti vt take in bad part, take amiss, take offence at,
resent, bear one malice, bear (owe) one a grudge, take
umbrage; (osuditi) condemn | ne ~ take in good part
zamjeriti se vr run afoul of, antagonize
zamjerka f criticism, objection; reproach
zamjetljiv adj noticeable; (jedva) faint
zamjetljivo adv noticeably
zamjetljivost f noticeability
zamjetno adv markedly
zamk|a f trap, snare springs, toils pl, meshes pl; fig trick,
wile, ruse, pitfall, stratagem; (petlja) lasso, noose | uloviti u ~u entrap
zamoen pp dipped, plunged, steeped
zamoiti vt v. umoiti
zamolba f v. molba
zamoliti vt ask a favour, beg, request, pray; solicit; (molbom) petition; beg leave, trouble one for; (obratiti se
na) apply to, make application; (usrdno) entreat,
press for, urge; (dosaivati) importune
zamoljen pp asked, begged, solicited, petitioned itd.
zamor m fatigue
zamorac m zoo (glodavac) guinea-pig; (majmun) green
zamoran adj tiring; (dosadan) tiresome

zamoren adj v. umoran, izmoren

zamorenost f v. umor, iscrpljenost
zamoriti (se) vt (vr) v. umoriti (se), izmoriti (se)
zamorno adv tiringly; tiresomely
zamornost f tiresomeness; v. napornost
zamotak m parcel, packet, package, bundle | uiniti ~ do
up a parcel
zamotan pp wrapped, enveloped, done up, rolled up
zamotati vt wrap up, do up (a parcel), envelop, roll up
(in); (u pelene, povoje) swathe, swaddle
zamotati se vr wrap oneself
zamotni adj | ~ papir brown paper
zamotuljak m little bundle
zamraen pp dimmed, obscured, darkened; (grad u ratu)
zamraenje n black-out, dimming, darkening, obscuration; (u ratu) black-out
zamraiti vt obscure, darken, dim, eclipse, black out;
(grad u ratu) black out
zamraiti se vr grow dark (obscure, dim)
zamrijeti vi fall into a coma (stupor), become comatose;
fig fade away, die out, cease
zamrli adj faded away, died out; in suspended animation
zamrljan pp soiled, stained, smutty, dirty, filthy, smudged, daubed; (zamraen) blurred
zamrljanost f being soiled, soiled condition
zamrljati vt soil, stain, daub, smear, make dirty (foul,
zamrljati se vr become dirty (soiled, stained, daubed
zamrmljati vi utter a muttering sound; mumble
zamro adj v. zamrli
zamrsiti vt entangle, complicate, make intricate; (zbrkati) muddle, jumble, confuse, embroil, embarrass; (kosu) dishevel, ruffle
zamrsiti se vr get entangled (embroiled, complicated)
zamren adj complicated, intricate, entangled; (zbrkan)
muddled, confused, jumbled, embroiled; (kosa) dishevelled
zamreno adv complicatedly, intricately
zamrenost n complication, entanglement,intricacy;
(zbrka) mess, confusion; dishevelment
zamrzavanje n freezing | ~ cijena freezing of prices,
price freeze; krinja za duboko ~ freezer
zamrzavati vt v. zamrznuti
zamrziti vt conceive hatred (dislike) for, come to hate
zamrziti se vr get to hate each other
zamrznut pp frozen over (up)
zamrznuti vt freeze
zamrznuti se vr freeze up (over)
zamucati vt begin to stutter
zamuckivati vi stammer, stumble
zamuen pp made turbid (thick, muddy), full of sediment (lees, dregs itd.); blurred
zamuenost f cloudiness, turbidity, muddled quality
zamuenje n muddying up, making turbid; muddling up
zamukati vi (begin to) moo

zamuknu|ti vi become silent; (od udn itd.) be dumbfounded (awe-struck, speechless); (zvuk) die down,
fade away | sve je ~lo a hush fell upon all
zamuljen pp choked up with mud
zamuljenost f being choked up with mud
zamuljiti vt choke (fill) with mud
zamuljiti se vr become choked with mud
zamumljati vi (begin to) growl
zamutiti vt make turbid (muddy, thick); cause the sediment (dregs) to rise, stir the dregs (sediment); (pobrkati) confuse, muddle; (jaje) whisk an egg; fig confuse (the issue)
zanaati vt v. zanositi
zanat m trade; handicraft, craft | dati u ~ apprentice;
(auto-mehaniar) po ~u (a motor mechanic) by trade
zanatlija f craftsman, artisan, handicraftsman, mechanic, artificer
zanatlijski adj of (like, used by) an artisan
zanatski adj of a trade (handicraft)
zanatstvo n handicraft trades (sector, industry)
zanemaren pp neglected, uncared for; ignored, disregarded; (nesvren) undone; set aside; (neuredan)
slovenly, untidy
zanemarenost f neglect; being neglected
zanemarenje n neglect; (neupotreba) disuse; (neobdravanje) non-observance; (propust) omission, failure to
do; (dunosti) dereliction
zanemariti vt neglect, omit, miss
zanemariti se vr neglect one's appearance, stop grooming oneself
zanemariv adj negligible
zanemarivanje n v. zanemarenje
zanemarivost f negligible quality
zanemoi vi fall ill; weaken
zanesen pp (strujom itd.) carried (drifted, blown) away
(to); (ushien) enthusiastic, fanatic, exalted, rapturous, pathetic, rapt, ecstatic, enraptured; fervent, gushing, ardent; with heart and soul, zealous; visionary
zaneseno adv rapturously, ecstalically, enthusiastically
zanesenost f enthusiasm, pathos; (ar) zeal, ardour, ecstasy, glow; fanaticism
zanesenjaki' adj visionary, fanciful; unpractical, unreal
zanesenjaki'' adv in a visionary manner, fancifully;
zanesenjak m fanatic; (sanjar) visionary, dreamer
zanesti vt reg v. zanijeti
zaneen pp v. zanesen
zaneenjak m v. zanesenjak
zanijekan pp denied; (nepriznat) disavowed; (odbijen)
repudiated; answered in the negative
zanijekati vt deny, answer in the negative, say nay; (ne
priznati) disavow; (I) repudiate
zanijemio adv speechless; (od uda itd.) dumb-founded,
struck dumb
zanijemiti vi be dumb-founded, be struck dumb, remain
zanijet pp v. zanesen
zanijeti vt (odnijeti) carry (bear, drift) away; (ushititi)
enrapture, fill with enthusiasm (zeal, ardour, ec-

stasy), carry one off one's feet; (ena) conceive, become pregnant; (s pravca) divert
zanijeti se vr become enraptured (enthusiastic, ecstatic,
beside oneself), get carried away; (s pravca) swerve,
zanimanje n (radoznalost) interest, curiosity, inquisitiveness; (zabrinutost) concern, anxiety; (zvanje) calling, vocation, occupation, walk of life, profession,
business, avocation, pursuit, employment, career;
(struka) line; (za zabavu) hobby; mil v. nastava,
zanim|ati vt interest | ~a me I am interested in, I am
curious about, I'd like to know, I wonder
zanimati se vr take interest in, have an interest in; (jako)
take keen interest in, be keen on; (radoznalost) be curious (inquisitive); (baviti se) be engaged in, occupy
oneself with; (sluba, posao) be employed in a business (a line); (zadupsti se) be engrossed in
zanimljiv adj interesting, absorbing, (udan) curious,
odd, queer, uncommon; (rijedak) rare, strange
zanimljivo adv interestingly, curiously
zanimljivost f interesting thing (sight, detail, quality)
curiosity | razgledavanje ~i (nekog grada itd.) sightseeing
zanoa|ti vi become night | ~lo je night fell
zanoiti vi spend the night
zanoktica f med whitlow; (koica) agnail
zanos m enthusiasm, rapture, ecstasy
zanosan adj enthusiastic, ecstatic, rapturous; in raptures;
(rijei) highflown, lofty; elevated; exultant, elated
zanositi vi v. zanijeti
zanositi se vr v. zanijeti se, zavaravati se
zanosno adv rapturously, ecstatically
zanoenje n enthusiasm; (s pravca) swerving, skidding
zanovijet m bot honeysuckle, woodbine
zanovijetalo n (nezadovoljnik) grumbler, malcontent,
croaker, cross-grained (crabbed, sour) person;
(prigovaranje) fault-finder
zanovijetanje n fault-finding; grumbling, discontent,
zanovijetati vi grumble, croak; (dodijavati) annoy with
idle talk; (prigovarati) find fault (with)
zanjihati vt bring in full swing
zanjihati se vr (start to) swing; (na vjetru) sway
zao adj bad, wicked, evil; naughty; (zloban) vicious, malevolent, evil-minded, baleful; (nepravian) iniquitous; (zloin) heinous, black; (razuzdan) abandoned,
profligate | u ~ as in an evil hour, as ill luck would
have it; ~ duh the Evil One; ~ glas ill fame, bad
name, notoriousness, discredit; zla vremena hard
times; zla kob bad (ill) fortune; ill fate
zaobii vt go round, round; (problem) skirt
zaobilazak m detour
zaobilazan adj roundabout
zaobilaziti vt v. zaobii
zaobilaenje n go round, bypassing
zaobliti vt make (shape) round, round off
zaobliti se vr become round
zaobljenost f round form (shape); roundness

zaodijevati vt v. zaodjenuti
zaodjenuti vt clothe, dress, attire; (umotati) wrap, envelop, shroud
zaodjenuti se vr wrap oneself in
zaogrnuti vt v. zagrnuti
zaokrenuti vt turn round; (skretnicu) switch (on, off);
(na stranu) swerve; (loptu) screw
zaokrenuti (se) vi (vr) turn (aside), swerve
zaokret m turn(ing) ; fig turning point, reversal
zaokrugliti vt v. zaobliti, zaokruiti
zaokrazen pp rounded off; encircled; (opkoljen) surrounded, encompassed
zaokruenje n rounding up (off); encompassment, encircling
zaokruiti vt round off (up); encircle, surround, encompass
zaokruiti se vr become round
zaokruivanje n v. zaokruenje
zaokupiti vt absorb, engross; engage, occupy; arrest
(rivet) one's attention; (briga) be uppermost in one's
mind; (nekoga) engross, monopolize (engage) one's
attention completely
zaokupiti se vr become absorbed (in), engage in, occupy
oneself with
zaokupljati vt v. zaokupiti
zaookupljen pp absorbed, engrossed; engaged; pressed
for time
zaokupljeno adv absorbedly, with absorption
zaokupljenost f absorption, engrossment
zaoran pp ploughed in
zaorati vt start ploughing; plough in
zaoriti (se) vi (vr) ring again, reverberate, resound, reecho
zaostajanje n lagging, falling (straggling) behind; being
behindhand (in arrears), not keeping abreast
zaostajati vi v. zaostati | ne ~ za be equal to
zaostalost f backwardness | duevna ~ mental retardation
zaostao adj behindhand, lagging behind, falling behind;
(nesuvremen) not abreast the times; (s plaanjem) in
arrears; (nerazvijen) backward, underdeveloped; (duevno) retarded ; (rastom) stunted, dwarfed
zaostatak m remnant, rest, remainder, residue; chem
residuum; (dug) arrears pl, outstanding debt, balance
zaostati vi fall behind, lag behind, be behindhand with;
(plate) have arrears, be in arrears with; not keep
abreast with; (tup pri uenju) be backward; (svojstvo)
not be equal to, not be a match for
zaostavtina f v. ostavtina
zaotravanje n v. zaotrenje
zaotravati vt v. zaotriti
zaotren pp sharpened; (iljast) pointed; keen; (napetost) strained
zaotrenje n sharpening; (napetost) tension; critical
state; tightening up, intensification
zaotriti vt sharpen; point, provide with a point (sharp
edge), fig intensify, tighten, exacerbate

zaotriti se vr grow sharp (pointed, keen); (kriza) come

to a head, culminate; intensify, become tense (strained)
zaova f sister-in-law (husband's sister)
zapackati vt blot, spot (stain) with ink
zapad m Occident, west; (sunca) sundown, sunset | na ~
westwards; put (skretanje) na ~ (broda) westing
zapad|an adj west, western, westerly; occidental | ~na
Indija (Njemaka) West India (Germany)
zapa|dati vi (sunce) set, go down; (troak) cost | mene
~da I have to pay, cost falls to me; (dio) I come in for
a share; ~lo me je (kao dunost) it fell to my lot to...,
the lot fell upon me
zapadno adv west, B westwards, A westward
zapadnoevropski adj West-European
zapadnonjemaki adj West-German
zapadnjaki adj western, western-styled
zapadnjak m westerner; (vjetar) west wind
zapadnjatvo n western outlook (culture)
zapah m reg v. zadah
zapahnuti vt feel (heavy odour)
zapala f v. upala
zapaliti vt set fire to, set on fire, kindle, light (up), ignite, fire, strike fire (a light); (palikua) commit arson; (baciti u vatru) consign to the fire; (krijes) make
a bonfire
zapaliti se vr catch fire, take fire, begin to burn
zapaljen pp ignited, kindled, on fire, burning
zapaljenje n v. upala
zapaljiv adj inflammable, volatile; (bomba) incendiary
zapaljivost f inflammability, volatility
zapamen pp remembered, memorized; born in mind,
committed to memory
zapamt|iti vt memorize, commit to memory; remember,
bear in mind; not forget; retain; (ne zaboraviti) keep
the memory alive | ~it es ti to! you will smart for it!;
~i moje rijei mark my words; to sam dnbro ~io it
sank (deeply) in my mind; ~io sam to (bolno, razoaranje itd.) it rankles in my mind
zapamtiv adj rememberable; memorable
zapanjen adj astounded, taken aback, dumbfounded,
awe-struck, stunned, staggered, stupefied, struckdumb, confounded, aghast, thunderstruck, spellbound, amazed
zapanjeno adv in stupefaction, astoundedly
zapanjenost f amazement, astonishment, bewilderment,
zapanjiti vt bewilder, dumbfound, stupefy, stagger,
strike dumb, take away one's breath, flabbergast, stun
zapanjiti se vr be struck dumb, be stupefied (dumbfounded, staggered)
zapanjujui adj bewildering, staggering, stupefying
zapapren pp peppered, seasoned with pepper; devilled
zapapri|ti vt pepper; season with pepper (cayennepepper, curry-powder) devil | ~t u ja tebi! you will
smart for it!
zapara f sultriness, closeness, stuffiness, opressiveness;
sultry (close, stuffy, stifling, oppressive, sweltering)
heat (air, atmosphere)

zapa|sti vt v. zapadati | ~sti u nevolju fall on evil days,

go down in the world; ~o je u nevolju it goes hard
with him, he has seen better days; opet ~sti u (isti
grijeh, naviku) backslide, be a backslider
zapaziti vt observe, note (v. opaziti)
zapaziv adj noticeable
zapazivost f noticeability
zapaanje n observation (v. opaanje)
zapaen adj noticed, observed; (istaknut) marked, noticeable, prominent, outstanding
zapaenost f prominence, outstanding quality
zapenje n v. hapenje
zapeaen pp sealed (up)
zapeaenje n sealing (up)
zapeatiti vt seal (up)
zapeen pp overdone (in cooking); (pripaljen) burned
zapeak m chimney-corner; (uduben) ingle-nook
zapei vt cul overdo (cooking) ; brown
zapei se vr be overdone (cooking) ; get burned (food)
zapee n wrist; anat metacarpus
zapet adj hitched, stuck fast
zapeta f v. zarez
zape|ti vi get hitched (stuck), stick (fast), to be stuck;
stagnate; slacken, flag; (u govoru itd.) be unable to
proceed (to speak, move, stir) ; to stop short, to come
to a dead stop, break off in the midst of one's speech,
come to a standstill | rije mi je ~la u grlu speech
stuck fast in my throat; dobro ~ v. prionuti
zapetljancija f coll complication, mess
zapetljati vt v. zamrsiti
zapetljati se vr get involved (entangled)
zapijevati vi start singing several times successively
zapiliti vt make a cut with a saw
zapiljiti vt (sebi u glavu) take it into one's head
zapiljiti se vr stare (u at)
zapinja m appliance for stopping (braking, checking)
zapinjanj|e n stopping with a jerk (hitch); sticking fast;
(mucanje) stammering, stottering | bez ~a without
zapinjati vi v. zapeti; (u govoru) stammer, stotter
zapira m appliance for checking (stopping) a motion
(for locking); brake
zapiranje n v. zatvaranje
zapirati vt brake, check motion; shut, close
zapis m (ostavtina) legacy, bequest, devise; (ubiljeba)
entry, booking; v. zapisci
zapisan pp noted down, entered, registered, jotted down;
(upisan) enrolled; (knjien) booked
zapisati vt note (jot, put) down; (upisati) register, book,
make entry; (aka) enter, enrol
zapisati se vr enrol (oneself in)
zapisci m pl jottings; memoirs; records pl
zapisivanje n jotting (noting) down; registration; enrolment; entry (in books)
zapisivati vt v. zapisati
zapisniar m keeper of the minutes, recording secretary
zapisniki' adj | ~ ubiljeen entered in the minutes

zapisniki'' adv | ~ je ustanovljeno it was recorded in

the minutes
zapisnik m minutes pl; protocol, minute-book; record
zapitati vi scream, squeal, squeak
zapitan pp questioned, asked, interrogated
zapitati vt question, ask, interrogate; put a question;
zapitati se vr ask oneself; wonder
zapiti vt | ~ novac spend money (property) on drink
zapitkivalo n persistent asker of questions
zapitkivanje n successive putting (asking) questions
zapitkivati vt put (ask) questions successively (repeatedly)
zapjeniti se vr be covered with foam (froth)
zapjenjen adj foaming, frothing, frothy, foamy; covered
with foam
zapjevati vt start singing
zaplakan adj tearful, in tears, weeping, dissolved in
zaplakati vi start crying (weeping, shedding tears), burst
out crying
zaplamsati vi flame up, blaze up
zaplamtjeti vi v. zaplamsati, usplamtjeti
zaplaen pp frightened, scared, alarmed, startled
zaplaiti vt frighten, scare, alarm, startle, put in fear;
cow; deter; (prijetnjama) bully; discourage; strike
awe into
zaplaviti se vr show (shine) blue
zaplesati vi begin to dance
zaplesati se vr forget about time while dancing
zaplesti vt entangle; (krivnja) implicate; ravel, confuse;
tangle up, complicate; (u stupicu) entrap, ensnare
zaplesti se vr get entangled (tangled up); fig get involved
(implicated); (zbuniti se) get confused, make contradictory statements
zaplet m entanglement, complication; (romana, drame)
plot, intrigue; (poloaj) complicated situation, imbroglio
zapletaj m v. zaplet | med ~ crijeva ileus
zapletati vt v. zaplesti
zapleten pp entangled; (kosa) matted; complicated; (posljedice) implicated, involved
zapleteno adv intricately, in a complicated (confused)
zapletenost f complicated (intricate, entangled) state,
complication; intricacy
zaplijeniti vt confiscate; (za dug) impound, distrain, levy
distress upon, sequestrate, attach; (plijen) capture,
seize; (brod) prize, make prize of
zaplijenjen pp confiscated, distrained, attached, impounded, sequestrated; captured, seized; (brod)
zaplitanje n entanglement; (zbunjenost) confusion
zaplitati (se) vt (vr) v. zaplesti (se)
zaplivati vi start swimming
zaplotnjaki' adj scheming; underhanded; v. zakulisni
zaplotnjaki'' adv schemingly; underhandedly
zaploviti vi start sailing, set sail, depart

zapljena n confiscation, distraint, distress, attachment,

sequestration; capture; seizure
zapljeskati vi start applauding (clapping hands)
zapljesniviti vi become musty (mouldy)
zapljuskivanje n (mora) dashing (splashing) of water
against the shore itd.
zapljuskivati vi dash (splash) against; pound (more)
zapljuskivati se vr splash each other (one another)
zapljusnuti vt v. zapljuskivati
zapljutati vi begin to pour, rain down (i fig)
zapljuvan pp covered (all over) with spittle
zapljuvati vi cover with spittle, spit all over; (muha jaja)
inject eggs
zapljuvati se vr get spittle all over oneself
zapoet pp begun, commenced, started, initiated; inchoate
zapoeti vt begin, commence, start; make a start (beginning) ; (pothvat) launch, set up, inaugurate, embark
upon; inchoate; originate; open; initiate
zapoimati vt reg v. zapoeti
zapoinjanje n beginning, commencement; start
zapodjenuti vt begin, start, commence | ~ razgovor enter into conversation, engage in conversation; ~
prepirku engage in dispute; ~ svau pick up a quarrel, fall out
zapojati vt v. zapjevati
zapomaganje n crying for help
zapomagati vi cry (yell, shout) for help
zaponac m class, hasp, catch
zapopiti vt ordain (as priest)
zapopiti se vr be ordained (as priest)
zapor m catch, hasp
zaporka f arch v. zagrada, ifra, klauzula
zapornjak m bolt
zaposjednue n occupation, taking possession of
zaposjednut pp occupied, taken possession of
zaposjednuti vt occupy, take possession of
zaposjesti vt v. zaposjednuti
zaposlen pp busy; employed
zaposleno adv busily
zaposlenost f employment; being busy | puna ~ full employment
zaposlenje n employment, job
zaposliti vt employ; find work for make busy, put to
zaposliti se vr get a job, find employment
zapostaviti vt give preference to another; put into the
background; (zanemariti) neglect;(ne obazreti se)
disregard, slight; pass over in favour of another (in
service itd.); set aside
zapostavljanje n giving preference to another, passing
over in favour of another (in service, choice itd.)
zapostavljen pp set aside, neglected in favour of another
zapoljavanje n employing, employment, finding employment for; putting to work
zapoljavati vt v. zaposliti
zapoljen pp v. zaposlen
zapovijed m order, command, injunction, bidding, behest; (uputa) charge, direction; (pisano) ordinance,

decree, writ, warrant, enactement, edict | Bibl deset

~i the Ten Commandments
zapovijedajui adj commanding; imperative, imperious;
zapovijedan adj ordered, bidden; laid down, formulated,
prescribed; obligatory, compulsory
zapovijedanje n v. zapovijed
zapovijedati vt have command (authority); be supreme;
be in command of; (vladati) govern; (u kui itd.) rule
the roost
zapovijest f v. zapovijed
zapovjediti vt order, command, decree, give orders; rule;
enact, dictate, bid, enjoin, charge; prescribe; (siliti)
zapovjedni adj commanding, authoritative | ~ nain imperative mood
zapovjedniki adj a commander's, of a commander;
zapovjednik m commander, commandant;(vrhovni)
commander-in-chief; (voa) leader, chief, captain;
(broda) captain, master, skipper
zapovjednitvo n command, authority; leadership; (ured,
dunost) place (office) of the commander; duties (authority) of a commander
zapraen pp filled (covered) with dust; (posut) powdered, sprinkled with powder; dusty; pollinated
zapraiti vt fill (cover) with dust;(posuti) powder, sprinkle with; (protiv gamadi) spray; (pela cvijet) pollinate
zapraiti se vr be covered (filled) with dust, becon e
(get) dusty
zapraiva m sprayer
zapraivanje n (protiv gamadi) spraying, dusting
zapraivati vt v. zapraiti
zapravo adv in fact, really
zaprei vt put to; harness, team
zapredanje n wrapping (enveloping) oneself with web
(gossamer, tissue)
zapredati se vr wrap (envelop) onesel with web (gossamer, tissue)
zapreden adj wrapped (enveloped) in web, turned chrysalis
zaprega f team
zapregnut pp put to, teamed, harnessed
zapregnuti vt put to, team, harness; fig impose hard task
zaprek|a f obstacle; hitch, obstruction, impediment, hindrance; check; barrier, bar; (otpor) resistance, opposition | utrka sa ~ama hurdle-race; svladati ~e overcome obstacles; naii na ~e meet with obstacles; ukloniti ~e remove obstacles
zapremati vt occupy, cover; (povrina) have a superficies (superficial area)
zapremina f cubic (freight-carrying) capacity; (brodska)
tonnage; loading capacity; v. obujam, volumen
zapremiti vt occupy, take up (fill) space
zaprepastiti vt frighten, scare, alarm, terrify, strike awe
into, appal; stagger, crush, overwhelm, dumbfound,
affect like a thunder-clap

zaprepastiti se vr be frightened (scared, alarmed, appalled, terrified, daunted, panic-stricken)

zaprepatavanje n appalling, shocking
zaprepatavati vt v. zaprepastiti
zaprepaten adj frightened, scared, terrified, a palled,
zaprepateno adv in appalment, in alarm
zaprepatenje n frigbt, dread, awe, horror, consternation
zapresti vt cover with web, wrap (enclose, envelop) in
zapresti se vr (kukci) change up, chrysalis
zapretan pp banked up (fire), (live coals) covered with
zapretati vt bank up (fire), cover live coals with ashes
zaprezati vt v. zaprei
zapreni adj (vozilo) horse-drawn, ox-drawn | ~ konj
harness horse
zapriati se vr forget about time while talking
zaprijeen pp hindered, prevented (from); barred, precluded
zaprijeiti vt hinder, prevent from, obstruct; (obraniti)
ward off, forfend; (osujetiti) thwart, frustrate, baffle,
defeat, foil, baulk
zaprijetiti vi threaten, menace
zaprijetiti se vr threaten, menace
zaprimiti vt v. primiti, upisati, unijeti
zaprisei vt v. zakleti
zaprisegnut pp sworn in
zaprljan adj soiled, smeared, daubed, sullied, stained;
zaprljanost f being soiled, dirtiness
zaprljati vt soil, dirty, make dirty, smear, daub, sully,
blot, stain, defile, pollute, smudge
zaprljati se vr dirty oneself, make oneself dirty
zaprositi vt (djevojku) ask in marriage; (molbom) request, ask (beg) for, apply for
zaproen pp (djevojka) asked in marriage, wooed
zaprka f v. zaprak
zaprtati vt start crackling (flying, scintillating)
zaprak m cul browned flour
zapren pp browned (roasted), burned too much
zapriti vt cul brown; fry slightly; roast (meat) too much
zapt m Tur v. disciplina, stega
zaptiva m eng v. brtvilo
zaptivati vt eng v. zabrtviti
zaptivka f eng v. brtvilo
zapucati vi begin to shoot (fire)
zapuak m button-hole; flower in button-hole
zapuiti vt button up
zapuh m (nanos) drift; (udar vjetra) squall, gust
zapuhati vi start blowing (wind)
zapuhati se vr lose breath, pant, gasp; breathe quickly,
be winded
zapuhnuti vi v. zapuhati
zapustiti vt neglect, leave uncared-for; leave to decay
(deterioration, delapidation); (napustiti) abandon,

zapustiti se vr become careless about (one's duties, dress,

outward appearance); become slovenly; become remiss about one's duties
zapua m v. ep
zapuiti vt v. zaepiti
zaputanje n neglect, leaving uncared-for
zaputati vt v. zapustiti
zaputen pp uncared-for, unlooked-for; forsaken, abandoned, deserted, dilapidated, in disrepair, out of repair
zaputenost f state of being neglected (out of repair, uncared-for, slovenly, abandoned, deserted)
zaputiti se vr wend one's way; set out, set off, start for
zar? inter adv | ~ ne zna? don't you know?; ~ zbilja?
you don't say so?; imam knjigu, ~ ne? I have the
book, have I not?; ja itam, ~ ne? I read, do I not?;
itao sam, ~ ne? I read, did I not?; ~ si ga vidio? you
have seen him, have you not?
zar m Tur long hooded overdress (worn by Moslem
zaraunan pp taken into account, included in the account (charges), charged
zaraunati vt charge, include in the account (charges) |
~ previe overcharge
zaraunati se vr make an error in calculating
zaraen adj at war with, belligerent | ~a strana belligerent
zarada f earnings pl; (nuzzarada) perquisites pl; (dobitak) profit, gain(s); (dohodak) income, emoluments
pl; (plaa) wages, salary
zaraditi vt earn, make money; profit, gain
zaraen adj earned
zaraivanje n v. zarada
zaraivati ut v. zaraditi
zarana adv early
zaranak m morning twilight
zaraslost f choked condition
zarastao adj healed up, cicatrized, skinned over; (vrt)
choked with rank vegetation; in need of a haircut
zarastati vi v. zarasti
zarasti vi heal up, cicatrize, skin over; (ostaviti brazgotinu) leave a scar
zaraten adj v. zarastao
zaratiti se vr make war upon, go to war, declare war,
wage war, begin hostilities
zaravanak m plateau, terrace
zaravnati vt level uneven surface, spread evenly; (rupe)
fill holes
zaraza f infection
zaraz|an adj infectious, contagious, catching, communicable | ~na bolest infectious (catching) disease
zaraziti vt mfect with, fig taint
zaraziti se vr become infected | ~ tuberkulozom contract tuberculosis
zarazno adv infectiously, contagiously
zaraznost f infectiousness, contagiousness
zaraen pp infected; fig tainted | ~ kugom plaguestricken
zaraenost f infection; being infected, infected condition

zaralost f rustiness
zarao adv rusty, corroded by rust; fig impaired (lost,
weakened) by neglect (non-use)
zarati vi rust, get (grow, become) rusty, become corroded by rust; fig become inefficient through inactivity (laziness itd.)
zarei se vr make a slip of the tongue; (izbrbljati) blab,
let the cat out of the bag, blurt out; swear, make a
firm decision, pledge one's word, vow
zaredati vi follow one after another, do something by
turns, happen successively
zarediti vt ordain
zarediti se vr be ordained, take holy orders
zareati vi v. zaredati
zareen adj ordained
zareenost f being ordained
zarevati vi bray, start braying
zarez m cut, incision, notch; score, nick, indentation;
(znak) comma
zarezan pp cut, incised, notched, nicked, scored
zarezati vi cut (saw) into; score, nick, notch, incise
zarezati se vr cut into (v. urezati se)
zareati vi growl, start growling
zaribati (se) vt (vr) jam
zaricati se vr v. zarei se
zaridati vi burst out sobbing (weeping convulsively)
zarikati vi roar, start roaring
zarinuti vt thrust (push, drive, shove, stick) in(to) ;
pierce (prick) into
zarobiti vt make (take) prisoner, capture, enslave, take
zarobiti se vr fig become a slave (to)
zarobljavanje n capturing, enslaving, enslavement
zarobljen pp captured, enslaved; made (taken) prisoner
zarobljeniki adj of (like) prisoner (captive) | ~ logor
prisoner-of-war camp
zarobljenik m prisoner (of war), captive
zarobljenitvo n captivity; slavery | pasti u ~ fall into
captivity, be taken prisoner
zarobljenje n enslavement, capture
zaroktati vi start grunting, utter a grunt
zarominjati vi begin to drizzle
zaroniti vi dip, plunge, dive, immerse
zaronjen pp immersed, plunged
zarositi vt bedew
zarositi se vr become covered with dew
zarubiti vt hem (in); make a border (edge) furnish with
a border
zarubljen pp hemmed in; furnished with an edge- (border); geom v. krnj
zaruen pp engaged, betrothed, affianced; promised in
zaruiti se vr become engaged (to)
zarunica f fiance, bride-to-be, affianced bride; one's
betrothed, coll one's intended
zaruniki adj | ~ prsten engagement ring
zaruni|k m fianc | ~ci engaged couple
zarudje|ti vi | zora je ~la it dawns red
zaruke f pl engagement, betrothal

zarumeniti vt redden, make red

zarumenjen adj reddened, coloured, blushing, flushed
zarumenjeti se vr blush, redden, be suffused with colour, colour, become red; (lice) flush, glow
zarzati vi start neighing (whinnying), utter a neighing
zasad(a) adv for the time being; so far
zasada f tenet, principle, fundamental element
zasaditi vt plant; (zarinuti) fix in the ground
zasaen adj planted (with)
zaseban adj separate; (vlastit) one's own, peculiar; (pojedin) singular, individual
zasebice adj separately, individually
zasebno adv separately
zasebnost f separateness
zaselak m hamlet
zasien pp saturated, impregnated; (jelom) cloyed, fed
up; glutted, satiated, surfeited; (zalihama) overstocked
zasienost f saturation; glut, surfeit; satiety
zasienje n saturating, glutting
zasijan pp sown, sowed (with) | ova je oranica ~a
penicom this field is under wheat
zasijati vt sow with (seed)
zasijecanje n continuous hacking (cutting)
zasijec|ati vt hack (cut) continually | to ne ~a u moju
struku this is not (in) my line
zasijevati vi (begin to) flash
zasiktati vi (begin to) hiss
zasipan pp v. zasut
zasipavanje n filling up (in) of holes (ditches, trenches,
uneven places)
zasipavati vi v. zasuti
zasitan adj filling
zasititi vt satiate, fill
zasititi se vr eat one's fill; fig have enough
zasitnost f filling properties (of food)
zasjati vi emit light; shine (glisten, shimmer, flash, glitter, twinkle, blaze) momentarily; brighten up, shine
zasjeen pp hacked, (slashed, gashed) into
zasjei vt hack (cut, slash, gash) into; v. zasijecati
zasjed|a f ambush, ambuscade; hiding-place; lying in
wait; fig cover, pitfall | vrebati u ~i lie in ambush, lie
in wait for, ambuscade; spremati ~u make (lay) an
ambush; skriven u ~i ambushed
zasjedanje n lying (waiting) in ambush; (sjednica) sitting, session, meeting
zasjed|ati vi (busija) lie (wait) in ambush; (sjednica) sit,
be in session | parlament ~a Parliament is sitting
(sits, is in session)
zasjedjeti se vr sit for too long, grow lazy from sitting;
v. zasjesti se
zasjek m (cin) cut, hack; v. zasjeklina
zasjeka f straight clearing in forest
zasjeklina f cut, gash, slash, hack; (duboka) gaping
zasjen|ak m | fig u ~ku in the background; eclipsed by;
baciti u ~ak overshadow, eclipse, dwarf

zasjeniti vt shade, screen from light

zasjenjen pp screened from light, shaded
zasjenjiva m v. sjenilo
zasjenjivanje n shading, screening from light
zasjenjivati vt v. zasjeniti
zasjesti vt (zasjeda) set ambush, lie in ambush
zasjesti se vr stay too long; v. zasjediti se
zaskoen pp taken by surprise (unawares)
zaskoiti vt take by surprise (unawares), catch napping
zaskok m a run before a jump
zaslada f sweetening
zasladiti vt sweeten, candy; fig make pleasant; (pokriti
koricom seera) ice; fig add zest
zasladiti se vr have (eat) something sweet
zaslaen adj sweetened; fig made pleasant (piquant)
zaslaivanje n sweetening
zaslaivati vt v. zasladiti
zaslanjati vt v. zasloniti
zaslijepiti vt (svjetlom) dazzle, blind; (varka) delude,
deceive, hoodwink, bluff; (prevariti) hox, gull, gammon, dupe, practice on one's credulity
zaslijepljen pp (svjetlom) blinded, dazzled; (prevaren)
deceived, hoodwinked; gulled
zaslijepljeno adv blindly
zaslijepljenost f blindness; self-deception
zasliniti vt beslaver, slaver
zasliniti se vr slaver all over oneself
zaslinjen pp beslavered
zaslon m screen; (na oi) blinker; shade; (sklopiv) folding-screen | photo ~ objektiva diaphragm
zasloniti vt screen, shade
zaslonjen pp screened; protected by a shade (screen);
zaslug|a f merit, desert, worth, credit | upisati nekome u
~u credit one with; stei ~u deserve well of
zasluan adj meritorious, deserving credit
zasluba f (od rada) earnings pl; (plaa) wages. salary
income; gain
zasluen pp merited, deserved, worthy of; (steen)
zaslueno adv deservedly, with merit
zasluiti vt (radom) earn, gain by work; (vrijednost) be
worth while, deserve, have a right to, be entitled to,
be worthy of, merit
zasluivanje n earning
zasluivati vt v. zasluiti
zasluno adv deservedly, with merit
zasljepljivati vt v. zaslijepiti
zasmijavati vt make someone laugh
zasmijavati se vr make each othe laugh
zasmoliti vt smear (coat) with pitch,(postolar) wax
zasmoljen pp pitched (with pitch); coated (smeared)
with pitch
zasmraditi vt fill with stench(bad,offensive smell);
spread a stench
zasmraditi se vr be filled with stench
zasmraen adj filled with stench
zasmrdjeti vt begin to stink, spread a stench

zasnivati vt v. zasnovati
zasnivati se vr be based on, rest on (v. osnivati)
zasnovan pp planned, schemed, projected, designed,
conceived; (spletka) plotted, concocted; based
(founded) on
zasnovati vt (utemeljiti) establish, found, base; (izmisliti,
skovati) plan, scheme, project, design, frame, contrive, conceive, devise, think out, lay down a plan;
(spletku) hatch (concoct) a plot; base (found) on
zasolit|i vt salt | ~ u ja njemu I'll fix him
zasopiti se vr v. zadihati se
zasopljen adj v. zadihan
zaspati vt drop off, fall asleep, go to sleep, go off to sleep
zasramiti vt v. posramiti
zasramljen adj ashamed, blushing, with a cast-down
zasrati vt vulg shit (crap) all over; (upropastiti) botch,
zastajkivanje n continual stopping (lagging) in one's
walk; lagging
zastajkivati vi continually stop (lag) in one's walk
zastar|a f (utrnue) expiration, expiry; limitation period
for instituting legal proceedings | zakon o ~i statute
of limitations
zastario adj antiquated, old-fashioned, out of date, no
longer in use; outworn, disused, obsolete; (ideja) exploded, outmoded; (mjenica) expired; (potraivanje)
superannuated; (istekao) run out
zastariti vi v. zastarjeti
zastariv adj expirable, superannuable
zastarjelost n obsoleteness; jur v. zastara
zastarjeti vi become (grow) obsolete (antiquated); having lost its validity through the statute of limitations
zastarjevanje n growing obsolescent, obsolescence; going out of date
zastati vi halt; (najednom) stop dead (short); v. zatei
zastav|a f flag; colours pl, standard, banner;(mala trokutasta, plamenac) streamer, ensign, pennon, jack;
(jahte) burgee; (dravna engl.) Union- Jack; (dravna
SAD) Stars and Stripes; (dignuta prije odlaska
broda) Blue Peter | dignuti ~u hoist (run up) the flag;
spustiti ~u strike the flag; ~a na pol stijega halfmast high flag; stijeg (motka) za ~u flagstaff, flagpole, standard; stupiti pod neiju ~u join someone's
zastavic|a f dim small flag, pennon, streamer, burgee |
nanizane ~e bunting
zastavniki adj of an ensign (standard-bearer)
zastavnik m ensign, standard-bearer
zastenjati vi utter a groan
zastiditi vt shame itd. (v. posramiti)
zastidjeti se vr become ashamed, blush, colour
zastien adj ashamed
zastira m v. zastor
zastiranje n veiling (hiding) with veil (hangings, curtains, blinds)
zastirati vt v. zastrti
zastirka f v. zastor

zastoj m stoppage, standstill, stagnation | u ~u at a

standstill; prometa traffic jam (hold-up)
zastor m hangings pl; curtain, blind; screen, the drop;
(eljezni) fire-proof curtain | povui ~ draw the curtain; odmaknuti ~ draw back the curtain; spustiti ~
drop the curtain; dii ~ raise curtain
zastrana f deviation; divergence; swerving
zastraniti vi deviate, diverge, swerve; (u govoru) digress, divagate, wander, ramble; lose one's way; (lutati) go out of one's way, stray; fig go too far
zastranjivanje n v. zastrana
zastranjivati vi v. zastraniti
zastraen pp frightened, scared, daunted, cowed, intimidated; bullied
zastraiti vt frighten, scare, intimidate, alarm, startle,
cow, put in fear of; daunt; (prijetnjama) browbeat,
zastraivanje n frightening, intimidation; bullying
zastraivati vt v. zastraiti
zastraujui adj frightening, intimidating
zastrijeti vt v. zastrti
zastrt pp veiled, curtained; screened
zastrti vt conceal, (hide, veil) with hanging (veil, blinds,
curtains); hide from view; hinder (obstruct) the outlook; draw the curtain
zastrujati vi begin to flow
zastudjeti vi become (grow) cold
zastupanje n representation; (zamjena) proxy, acting on
behalf of (for) another
zastup|ati vt represent; be deputy of; (braniti) hold a
brief for; be accredited to, be agent for | koji ~a (zamjenjuje privremeno) acting, by proxy, commissioned; odvjetnik koji stalno ~a stranku retained
zastupiti vt v. zastupati
zastupljen pp represented
zastupljenost f representation
zastupniki adj of (belonging to) a representative (councillor); par member-of-parliament, diet-member | ~
dom A house of representatives, B Lower House
zastupnik m representative; agent; (zamjenik) deputy,
attorney, proxy, delegate; (sveenika, lijenika) locumtenens; (biskupa) surrogate; (punomonik) plenipotentiary; (pravni) advocate, barrister, solicitor;
(gradski) town-councillor; (sabora, skuptine) B
member of parliament, A. representative (ire congressman)
zastupnitvo n representation; com agency
zastupstvo n (gradsko) town-council; (odbor) local
board; (opinsko) parish council, vestry; (u saboru,
ast) seat in Parliament; com agency
zasukan pp rolled (tucked) up; fig (ogranien) narrowminded
zasukati vt roll (tuck) up | fig ~ rukave tackle to, set to
zasun adj bolt, bar
zasunuti vt bolt, bar, (door-) latch
zasuiti se vr dry up; (prilijepiti se) cleave (stick fast) to

zasut pp filled up with earth itd.; (pokopan) buried beneath; (kamenjem) showered, pelted
zasuti vt fill up, fill in (hole, ditch itd.); bury beneath;
(zapuh, zanos) cover with drifts; (kamenjem) shower,
zasunjen pp fallen in captivity
zasunjiti vt take prisoner
zasvijetliti vi flash up, shine forth
zasvinjiti vt mess up
zasvinjiti se vr make a mess of oneself
zasvirati vt strike up a tune, begin to play
zasvjedoen pp authenticated, borne out by witnesses
zasvjedoiti vt v. posvjedoiti
zasvjetlucati vi begin to shimmer (gleam, sparkle)
zasvrbjeti vi begin to itch, feel an itch
zaarafiti vt screw on
zaarafljen pp screwed in (on)
zaeeren pp sweetened, sugared
zaeeriti vt sweeten, sugar
zailjen pp sharpened, pointed; (guje pero za pisanje)
zailjiti vt sharpen, point
zailjiti se vr become sharpened (pointed)
zait adj sewn up
zaiti vt sew up; (lagano proiti) baste
zaiven adj v. zait
zakiljiti vt close eyes quickly; squint
zakrgutati vi start gnashing (one's teeth)
zakripiti vt make a creaking sound, creak, jar
zanirati vt Ger lace up
zarafiti vt v. zaarafiti
zatedjeti vt save; put by (away), lay by | ~ novac za
crne dane provide against a rainy day
zateen adj saved, put by (away); laid by
zatektati vi (begin to) yelp
zatien pp sheltered, shielded, protected, screened;
guarded against; (zalee) patronized, countenanced
zatienost f being sheltered (protected)
zatiivanje n protection, sheltering, screening; (obrana)
guarding against; fending (warding) off; (zalee)
countenance, patronage
zastiivati vt v. zatititi
zatita f protection | ~ na radu safety at work, work
zatititi vt protect, shelter, screen, shield; (zalee) countenance, patronize; (obraniti) fend (ward) off
zatititi se vr protect oneself from (against); (obraniti se)
fend (guard) off, guard from (against)
zatitni adj protecting, protective, shielding, screening;
safety; defending, defensive | com ~ znak trade-mark
zatitnica f patroness, lady-patron; protectress; mil rearguard
zatitniki' adj protecting, protective
zatitniki'' adv protectively
zatitnik m protector; patron
zatitnitvo n protection; protectiveness
zato? int adv why?, to what purpose?, what for?, for
what reason?, why so?, on what account?, wherefore?
zatopati vt Ger v. zaepiti; pokrpati

zaumiti vi start rustling (humming, soughing)

zaukati vi start rustling, rustle; start whispering
zautati vi rustle, sough, start rustling (soughing)
zautjeti vi become (fall) silent, hold one's tongue, remain speechless, become quiet; (zanijemjeti) be
struck dumb
zautkan pp hushed up, burked
zautkati vt hush up, keep dark; burke
zatai vt v. zataknuti
zatajen pp suppressed, kept secret (back, to himself), not
revealed; (zabauren) hushed up
zatajenje n suppression, keeping secret (back); (vatrenog oruja) hang-fire; (motora) stalling
zatajiti vt suppress, keep secret, keep from one; (zabauriti) hush up; (zakazati) fail; (ne ispuniti oekivanja)
fall short; (vatreno oruje) misfire; (motor) stall
zatajiv adj suppressible
zataknut pp stuck in, inserted, tucked in
zataknuti vt stick in(to), insert; tuck in; (gurnuti) thrust
in; dip, plunge
zatalasati vt raise waves on
zatalasati se vr become ruffled (agitated)
zataliti vt weld shut, weld together
zatamniti vi grow dark / vt v. potamniti
zatandrkati vi (begin to) clatter
zatapkati vi stamp (start stamping) one's feet
zatakati vt hush up, cover up
zatakati se vr get hushed up
zatakavanje n hushing (covering) up, hush-up, coverup
zateen pp caught in the very act, caught red-handed;
zatei vt (nai) happen to find, come upon, come across;
(na djelu) catch red-handed (in the very act); (nenadano) surprise, startle, take by surprise, take unawares, catch napping; meet accidentally
zatei se vr find oneself, be caught
zategnut pp stretched, pulled tight; (odnosi) strained
zategnuti vt pull tight, stretch; (odgoditi) protract, delay;
(oteati) procrastinate, postpone
zategnuti se vr (be)come taut
zategnutost f tension; strain | pol poputanje ~i easing
of tension(s), dtente
zateknuti vt v. zatei
zatesati vt trim
zateturati se vr (begin to) stagger
zatezanje n protraction, delay, postponement, dragging
out, procrastination
zatezati vt v. zategnuti
zatezni adj | ~ kamati interest on arrears
zaticanje n sticking in(to), insertion; tucking in
zaticati vt v. zatai, zatei
zatik m eng pin
zatiljak m back of head; anat occiput
zatiljni adj anat occipital
zatim adv then, thereupon, afterwards, subsequently, hereafter, upon that
zatinjati vi begin to smoulder (A smolder)
zatira m exterminator

zatiranje n destruction, extermination, eradication, extirpation, rooting up (out)

zatirati vt v. zatrti
zatiskivanje n stopping (thrusting, stowing) in
zatiskivati vt v. zatisnuti
zatisnut pp thrust (stopped, pushed, stowed) in(to)
zatisnuti vt thrust (stop, stow, push) in(to)
zatije n lull
zatjecati vt v. zatei
zatjeran pp driven (chased, run) in, run through | ~ u
skripac cornered, driven into a corner
zatjerati vt drive (chase, run) in(to); (rinuti) push in | ~
u skripac corner one, drive into a corner
zato adv therefore, for this reason; hence, consequently,
on this account, so | ~ da in order to; ~ to because
zatoen pp (protjeran) exiled, ostracized, proscribed,
outlawed, banished, expatriated; (zatvoren) confined,
interned; (mornar, silom iskrcan na samotnom otoku)
zatoeniki adj captive
zatoenik m (prognanik) exile, banished (ostracized,
proscribed) person; (zatvorenik) internee, confined
zatoenistvo n captivity
zatoenost f v. zatoenje
zatoenje n (prognanstvo) banishment, exile, ostracism,
proscription, expatriation; (zatvor) internment, confinement
zatoiti vt banish, exile, ostracize, proscribe, outlaw,
expatriate; (mornara na pustom otoku) maroon; (zatvor) intern, confine
zatonik m (borac) champion for a cause
zatomiti vt suppress; cork up (feelings); (sakriti) conceal, hide
zatomljen pp suppressed, pent up
zatomljiv adj suppressible
zatomljivanje n suppression (of feelings)
zatomljivati vt v. zatomiti
zatomljivost f suppressibility
zaton m geog bay, gulf
zatopliti vt v. zagrijati
zatopljenje n thaw(ing), milder weather (spell); (u odnosima) thaw
zator m (propast) destruction, ruin; fig scourge, bane,
evil, pest, poison, curse; (unitenje) annihilation, extermination
zatoran adj destructive, pernicious, deleterious, detrimental, noxious, harmful, noisome; baneful, baleful
zatornik m destroyer, exterminator; fig scourge, bane,
zatraviti vt bewitch, cast a spell on, fascinate, charm,
captivate, enchant
zatravljen pp bewitched, captivated, enchanted,
charmed; under a spell
zatravljenost f bewitchment, captivation, enchantment
zatraen pp demanded, called for, asked, claimed, applied for

zatraiti vt demand, claim, ask for, call for; (zamoliti)

request, make a requisition; (obratiti se) apply for,
make application
zatrati se vr (sudar) dash against, run against, crash into; make a run before jumping; v. istrati se
zatrebati vt happen to be in want (need) of, require, be
in urgent need, have occasion for
zatreperiti vi quiver, tremble; (svjetlo) flicker, twinkle,
flare up
zatreptati vi v. zatreperiti; (oima) blink one's eyes
zatreskati se vr v. zaljubiti se
zatresti vi shake, start shaking
zatresti se vr tremble (shake, quake) momentarily
zatrijeti vt reg v. zatrti
zatrovan pp poisoned; fig envenomed
zatrovanost f poisoned quality (atmosphere)
zatrovati vt poison, envenom
zatrovati se vr become poisoned
zatrpan pp choked up; fig packed (stowed) in(to); (rupa)
stopped; (pokrit) covered up, buried under (beneath);
(rudari) trapped underground; (poslom itd.) overwhelmed by, deluged with, swamped with; chock-full
zatrpanost f being buried under, being overwhelmed
zatrpati vt (rupu) stop; pack (stow) into; choke up, fill
chock-full; (pokriti) cover up, bury under; (poslom
itd.) overwhelm by, deluge with, swamp with
zatrpavanje n stopping (choking, filling) up; packing
(stowing) in(to); (pokrivanje) covering-up; (poslom
itd.) overwhelming by
zatrpavati vt v. zatrpati
zatrt adj exterminated, destroyed, extirpated, eradicated,
stamped out, cut up root and branch
zatrti vt extirpate, exterminate, destroy, root out, eradicate, stamp out; (fig) cut up root and branch, strike at
the root of
zatrubiti vi blow trumpet, emit a trumpeting sound
zatrudnjenje n med conception, becoming pregnant
zatrudnje|ti vi conceive, become pregnant | ona je ~la
she is pregnant, she is with child, she is in the family
zatucan adj stupid, dull, slow-witted, dull-witted; narrow-minded
zatucano adv dull-wittedly; narrow-mindedly
zatucanost f dull-wittedness; narrow-mindedness
zatuen pp killed (slain) by beating (knocking, cudgelling itd.)
zatui vt kill (slay) by beating, cudgelling; (zabiti) drive
zatuliti vi (begin to) howl; (brod) sound one's horn
zatupast adj v. tup(ast), zatupljen
zatupiti vt take off the point (edge); fig render insensible
to; harden, deaden
zatupjeti vi grow (become, make) dull (blunt, dulledged)
zatupljen pp dulled,blunted; (osjeaji) insensible, unfeeling, obtuse
zatupljenost f being dulled; insensibility
zaturan pp pushed (shoved, thrust, stowed) into
zaturiti vt v. zagurati, zametnuti

zatutnjiti vi emit a thundering sound, boom, roar

zatvara m (puke, topa) breech; (na boci) cap | patentni ~ (rajsferlus) zip fastener, coll zipper
zatvaranje n closing, shutting; (zatvor) arresting, imprisonment, taking into custody; (tvornice) closing
down; (metalnim epom) capsuling | med sredstvo za
~ astringent
zatvarati v. zatvoriti
zatvor m (uhapenje, pritvor) arrest, custody, lock-up,
detention, imprisonment, committal to prison, incarceration; (kod redarstva) giving in charge; caption;
confinement; jur attachment; (strogi) close arrest;
(zgrada) jail, prison; v. zaepljenje | uvjetno je
puten iz ~a he is a ticket-of-leave man; strpati u ~
clap in prison; pustiti iz ~a release; pustiti iz ~a uz
jamstvo (jamevinu) bail out
zatvoren pp (vrata) shut, closed; (u zatvoru) imprisoned,
arrested, locked up, in custody, confined; (probava)
constipated; (u logoru) penned up; enclosed; (pogon)
closed down; (narav) reserved, introverted | vrata su
~a door is to (shut); vrata su napola ~a door is ajar;
~i bazen indoor pool
zatvoreniki adj convict's, convicts'
zatvorenik m convict; inmate
zatvoreno- v. tamnozatvorenost f being shut (closed); confinement; (grupaka) clannishness
zatvoriti vt (vrata itd.) shut, close; (u zatvor) commit to
prison, consign to custody, lock up, imprison, arrest,
take into custody; (ograniiti kretanje) confine; (u
koli dulje) keep in | ~ tvornicu (prestati rad) close
down; ~ oi pred (ne htjeti vidjeti) connive at; ~
strujni krug switch on, make (close) the circuit; ~ za
promet close to traffic
zatvoriti se vr shut, close
zatvoriv adj closeable
zaudarajui adj stinking, foul-smelling, rank
zaudaranje n offensive smell, stench; rankness
zaudarati vi stink, have a rank smell, emit an offensive
zaularen pp haltered; fig curbed
zaulariti vt halter; fig curb
zauljiti vt cul & eng oil
zaurlati vi emit a howl (roar, yell)
zaustava f weir, wear, dam, lock
zaustaviti vt stop, hold up, check progress (advance);
block the way; stay; put a stop to, check; halt; hail;
(bujica itd.) dam up; (krv) sta(u)nch; (dah) retain the
zaustaviti se vr stop, stop still, (naglo) stand rooted to
the ground, be at a standstill; (potpuno) come to a
dead stop, stay; (prestati) stop short, cease abruptly;
leave off; heave to
zaustavljanje n stoppage, checking; detaining, stopping;
(svladavanje) restraining, restraint; (bujice i fig)
damming up
zaustavljati vt v. zaustaviti; (obuzdavati) keep in
cheque, restrain; (dranjem za kaput) buttonhole;

(kolu napravom) lock-chain, check by means of a

drag (iron-shoe skid-pan, by putting on the brake)
zaustavljen pp stopped, checked in progress, stayed;
(krv) sta(u)nched; arrested
zaustavtjiv adj stoppable, detainable, containable
zaustavtjivost f stoppability, detainability, containability
zauke f pl v. zaunjaci
zaunic|a f box on the ears | dati ~u box one's ears, cuff
one; slap one's face; (dlanom) smack
zaunjaci m pl med mumps sg
zauvijek adv for always, for good, for good and all, once
and for all, for ever, for aye | jednom ~ once for all
zauzdati vt bridle, curb (oba i fig)
zauzdavanje n bridling ; curbing
zauzdavati vt v. zauzdati
zauzee n (osvojenje) capture; (podjarmljenje) conquest,
subjugation; (tvrave) carrying a fortress (by assault,
storm); (posjeda) taking possession of
zauzet pp captured, conquered; taken possession of; (zaposlen) engaged, busy, occupied; (telefonska linija) B
engaged, A busy
zauzeti vt capture; (tvravu) carry a fortress, take by
assault (storm); (osvojiti) conquer, subjugate; (posjed) take possession of | ~ stav (miljenje) take an attitude (a view)
zauzeti se vr (za nekoga) intercede (intervene) in behalf
of one (for one) with one, use one's influence for, espouse a person's cause, plead for
zauzeto adv busily
zauzetost f being engaged, full schedule, busyness
zauzimanje n capturing, taking possession of, subjugation; (za nekoga) intercession, mediation, intervention, good offices
zauzimati se vr v. zauzeti se
zauzlan pp knotted, tied in a knot
zauzlati vt knot, make a knot (tie), tie in a knot
zauzlati se vr get tangled, get tied in a knot
zavad|a f dissension, discord, variance, division; quarrel;
disagreement, disruption; (prijelom) breach | predmet ~e apple of discord
zavaditi vt disunite, sow (stir up) dissension, set together
by the ears, estrange
zavaditi se vr (svaati se) fall out, quarrel, wrangle, pick
a quarrel, bicker; (sukobiti se) fall foul of (jako be at
daggers drawn, be at feud); (ivjeti kao pas i maka)
live like cat and dog
zavaanje n v. zavoenje
zavaati vt v. zavoditi
zavaen adj at variance, at odds, living in dissension
(disunion); (jako) at daggers drawn; divided
zavaenost f state of quarrel
zavala f geog basin
zavaliti vt throw (push) down rolling
zavaliti se vr lean back, recline; lounge; sprawl
zavaljati vt begin to roll
zavapiti vt cry out with pain (for help); utter a scream
zavaran adj deceived; mystified, hoodwinked, hoaxed
zavarati vt deceive, mystify; hoodwink, hoax

zavaravanje n deception, deceit, delusion, throwing dust

in someone's eyes, trickery; diversion
zavaravati vt string along, stall; v. zavarati
zavaravati se vr delude oneself
zavariti vt put food in boiling water to be boiled;
(kovinu) weld (together)
zavariva m welder
zavarivaki adj welding
zavarivanje n welding
zaveden pp seduced, misled, misguided, misdirected;
(osjeajima) carried away
zavedenost f being misled
zaveslaj m stroke
zavesti vt seduce, mislead, misguide, misdirect; (stranputicom) lead astray; (u grijeh) tempt into sin; (osjeajima) carry away; (nazori) bias, sway; v. uvesti |
dati se ~ (od gnjeva, strasti, nazora) be swept away
(along) with; be carried along, transported, enraptured by; (zaviu) be biassed by, be jaundiced by
zavezan pp bound up, tied up; (oi) blindfolded; (rana)
bandaged, dressed
zave|zati vt bind (tie) up; (cipelu) lace up; (oi) blindfold; (ranu) dress (bandage) a wound; (vor) knot |
~i! shut up
zavezati se vr tie oneself
zavezljaj m bundle, pack
zaviaj m native country (soil); homeland; home, native
place, domicile | enja za ~em home-sickness; on
ezne za ~em he is homesick
zaviajan adj | biti ~ u be domiciled in, be a native of
zaviajnost f domiciliation; being domiciled at
zavidan adj envious, invidious, jealous, grudging, jaundiced | fig ~ pogled yellow look; biti ~ na grudge,
envy, be jealous of; uspjeh enviable success
zavid|jeti vt envy; be envious (jealous, jaundiced);
grudge one, begrudge one | ja mu ~im I envy him;
(znanje) I envy him his knowledge
zavidljiv adj v. zavidan
zavidljivac m v. zavidnik
zavidljivost f v. zavist
zavidnik m envious (invidious, jaundiced) person
zavidno adv enviously, with envy
zavidnost f being envious, enviousness; v. zavist
zavianje n envying, being envious; v. zavist
zaviati vt reg v. zavidjeti
zavijanje n (omatanje) wrapping (folding), rolling up;
(rane) dressing, bandaging; (tuljenje) wailing, howling, whining
zavijati vt (umatati) wrap up, do up; (put) turn, have a
bend; (krivudati) move sinuously, meander, serpentine; (frkati) twist, curl; (pas, vuk) howl, whine, wail
zavijoriti se vr (begin to) flutter
zavijutak m swirl
zaviknuti vi cry out, shout; raise one's voice
zavinut pp bent, crooked, hooked, curved, twisted, curled, bowed; circular
zavinuti vt bend, twist, curve, curl; turn round; (zabijen
avao) clench
zavinuti se vr bend, curve, become bent (curved)

zavirati vt brake; skid; (papuom pod kota) drag, apply

zaviriti vi peer into, peep into, look stealthily into
zavirivanje n (intermittent) peeping into
zavirivati vt v. zaviriti
zavis|an adj dependent; (nevaan) suborinate | ~an
ovjek dependent, dependant; ~na zemlja dependency; gram ~na reenica subordinate clause
zavisiti vi depend upon, be subject to, be subordinate
(subservient) to, be in subjection to; be under control
(sway, at the mercy of); be contingent upon | to zavisi
od... that depends upon...
zavisno adv | ~ od depending on (ovisno o)
zavisnost f dependence, subordination; (meusobna)
interdependence; (vazalska) allegiance
zavist f envy, enviousness, invidiousness; fig green eye,
yellow looks; jealousy, grudge | pucati od ~i burst
with envy
zavit pp wrapped (rolled) in, done up
zavitak m parcel, bundle, packet
zaviti vt v. zavijati | ~ u tamu obscure in darkness
zaviti se vr wrap oneself
zavitlan pp brandished, swung, flourished
zavitlati vt brandish, flourish, swing
zavitlavati vt v. zafrkavati, vui za nos
zavjer|a f conspiracy, plot | skovati ~u contrive (scheme)
a plot
zavjereniki adj conspiratory, plotting
zavjerenik m conspirator, plotter; schemer
zavjeriti se vr conspire, plot; v. zarei se
zavjesa f (tanka) curtain; blind, hangings; drapery; portire
zavjesiti vt hang (window, door) with curtain (hangings,
blind); screen with drapery; veil
zavjeen pp hung (with hangings, drapery, blinds, curtain)
zavjeta m v. zakladnik
zavjetaj m v. zapis, legat
zavjetanje n v. zaklada
zavjetati vt v. oporuno ostaviti, ostaviti u amanet
zavjet m vow, pledge, plight, solemn promise, oath | Bibl
Stari (Novi) ~ Old (New) Testament
zavjet|an adj votive | ~na crkva votive church
zavjetovan pp offered (consecrated) by a vow
zavjetovanje n v. zavjet
zavjetovati vt offer by a vow
zavjetova|ti se vr take a vow | osoba koja se ~la votary
(enska votaress)
zavjetrin|a f lee(-side); (smjer) leeward | prema ~i leeward
zavlaenje n delay, procrastination, temporizing; (duljenje) protraction
zavlaiti vt v. zavui
zavladati vt become ruler, begin to reign; gain control
of; (moda, obiaj itd.) come in vogue, become fashionable, become predominant (prevalent), become
(be) generally current; (bolest) get ground, spread
(jako grow rife)

zavod m institution, establishment, institute; (kola)

seminary, college, school; (popravilite) reformatory,
house of correction; v. tvornica, kombinat | dati ~u
zakladu endow an institution; oglasni ~ advertising
agency; ~ za zaposljavanje employment agency (bureau, board)
zavodilac m v. zavodnik
zavoditi vt v. zavesti, uvoditi
zavodljiv adj seductive, alluring, enticing, tempting;
zavodljivost f seductiveness; (ar) charm, fascination
zavodnica f female seducer
zavodniki' adj seductive (v. zavodljiv), seducer's
zavodniki'' adj seductively
zavodnik m seducer
zavodski adj institute
zavoac m v. zavodnik
zavoenje n (u zabludu) misleading, misguiding, leading astray; (kvarenje) corrupting, corruption, enticing, enticement, tempting into sin; (djevojke) seduction, abuse; (reda) establishment (of order)
zavoj m bend, turn (of the road), curve, serpentine; (povoj) bandage, dressing; (modana) convolution | put
s mnogo ~a serpentine; pun ~a spiral
zavojeva m v. osvaja, agresor
zavojevaki adj v. osvajaki, agresorski
zavojit adj winding, twisting, tortuous, sinuous, serpentlike
zavojito adv windingly, tortuously, sinuously
zavojitost f sinuosity
zavojnica f geom spiral; el coil
zavojstiti vi wage war, start carrying on war, make war
zavoljen pp cherished; favourite; beloved; in good
graces; enjoying affection
zavoljeti vt fancy one, take a fancy to (for); grow fond
of, come to like, become partial (attached) to, take to,
conceive an affection (liking) for; (ljubav) fall in
love, become enamoured, set one's affections on;
cherish; cling to
zavoljeti se vr come to like (love) each other, fall in love
zavonjati vi spread stench, begin to stink
zavor m brake | ~om zavirati brake
zavor|an adj braking | ~ni lanac drag-chain; ~na
papua drag, skid-pan
zavranjen pp bunged up
zavranjiti vt bung up
zavratak m cuff of sleeve; facing (of a coat), lapel; tucked up sleeve
zavratiti vt v. zavrnuti
zavri vt mislay | ~ kavgu start quarrelling, pick a quarrel with
zavri se vr originate, spring up, arise, start
zavreti vt start boiling (seething)
zavrijediti vt merit, deserve, be worth | to ne zavreuje
muke (truda) this is no worth the while
zavrijeen adj merited, deserved
zavritati vi utter a shriek (yell, scream); utter a piercing
zavrnut pp tucked up, rolled up; turned down, twisted

zavrnuti vt twist (up, down), turn; switch; tuck (roll) up

zavrnuti se vr twist (up, down), get twisted (bent)
zavran adj final, ending, last, concluding
zavravati vt v. zavriti
zavren pp finished, completed, concluded, brought to
an end, closed
zavretak m end; gram ending
zavriti vt finish, complete, end, conclude, bring to an
end (conclusion), terminate, get finished
zavriti se vr end, come to an end
zavrni adj concluding, conclusive, terminal, final
zavrnica f (ahovska) end-game
zavrtaj m one turn with a screw
zavrtan pp bored (drilled) in(to)
zavrtanj m eng v. vijak
zavrtati vt bore (drill) in(to)
zavrt|iti vt spin; (whirl, twirl, rotate, wheel) round; revolve, turn round, gyrate, swirl, send spinning (rotating, revolving) | ona mu je ~jela glavom she has
turned his head
zavrtje|ti se vr | ~lo mi se u glavi my head is swimrning,
I feel giddy
zavrtka f eng v. odvija
zavrzlama f tangle; v. doskoica
zavuen pp delayed, protracted, dragged on; dragged
(trailed) into
zavui vt delay, procrastinate, defer; drag out, protract;
(radi dobitka vremena) temporize; retard, postpone,
protract; (tratiti vrijeme) dawdle, tarry, dally; let the
matter stand over
zavui se vr (stvar) drag out (on), be delayed (retarded),
lengthen out; (nekamo) creep (crawl) into
zazeleniti vt make green
zazelenjeti se vr become green; put forth leaves, become
zaze|psti vt | ~blo me it chilled me, I felt rather cold
(chilly); it cast a chill over me
zazidan pp walled in; filled in with a wall; brick up
zazidati vt wall in; fill in with a wall
zazimi|ti vi | ~lo je winter has come
zaziranje n abhorrence, aversion
zazirati vi abhor, have an aversion to, shrink from, recoil from, abominate
zaziv m invocation
zazivanje n v. zaziv
zazivati vt invoke; (za svjedoka) call on as witness; (pomo) call for help; (duhove) conjure up (spirits)
zazor m shock, offence, abomination; abhorrence, aversion
zazoran adj objectionable, giving offence, shocking,
scandalous, offensive
zazorno adv objectionably, offensively
zazornost f offensiveness, objectionableness
zazubice f pl | ~ mu rastu za... his mouth waters at
zazujati vi (begin to) buzz
zazvati vt v. zazivati
zazveckati vi jingle
zazveati vt emit a clanking (clanging, jingling, chinking) sound; clank, clang, jingle, chink

zazveketati vi v. zazveati
zazvidati vi make a whistling sound, whistle
zazvoniti vi ring (sound) the bell; pull the bell; cause the
bell to give a peal; start ringing (chiming)
zazvuiti vi make a sound; (jeka) resound, reverberate
zaaren pp (kovina) red-hot, white-hot; (lice) blushing
to the very roots of one's hair
zaariti se vr become red-hot (white-hot); (lice) blush to
the very roots of one's hair, be flushed, glow with suffused cheeks
zabukati vt fill (over) with mortar (plaster)
zaeljen pp wished-for
zaeljeti vt express (utter, make) a wish
zaeljeti se vr miss very much, long for; feel like -ing
zamiren adj partly closed (eyes)
zamiriti vt close one's eyes partly, screw up the eyes;
(mirkati) wink, blink; (ne htjeti vidjeti, opravdavati)
wink at, connive at
zamuriti vi v. zamiriti
zauboriti vi begin to babble
zautiti vt make yellow
zautjeti vi become yellow
zavaliti vt bridle
zavaljen pp bridled
zbaciti vt throw off, cast off; (vladu) topple; (rijeti se)
get rid of | ~ jahaa spill a rider; ~ sa sedla unsaddle,
unhorse, unseat
zbacivanje n throwing off; toppling
zbacivati vt v. zbaciti
zbaen pp thrown (cast) off, unsaddled, unhorsed, spilt
from (by) a horse
zbija m | ~ ala joker
zbijanje n nailing (riveting, joining, dovetailing) together; (smanjiti obujam) condensing, compressing |
~ ale s... poking fun at, playing tricks upon, making
fun of, making game of, making merry with
zbijati vt (stisnuti) crowd together, jam, stow; (avlima
itd.) nail (rivet, join) together; (na ue, manje) compress, condense | ~ alu s make fun (game) of, poke
fun at, play tricks upon, make merry with
zbijati se vr crowd (press) together
zbijen pp (na tijesno) congested, crowded, compact, serried; (graom) massive, thickset; (avlima itd.)
nailed up
zbijeno adv compactly, closely, congestedly
zbijenost f congestion; massiveness; compactness; (stila)
zbilja' f reality, actuality; truth, fact, matter of fact; (gola
istina) naked (gospel, plain, unvarnished) truth; (ozbil jnost) gravity, seriousness
zbilja'' adv v. zaista
zbiljski' adj real, true, actual, veritable; (pravi) genuine
zbiljski'' adv truly, actually
zbir m v. zbroj
zbirka f collection; (zakona) code; (svata) miscellany;
(antologija) anthology
zbirni adj collective
zhirnost f collective quality
zbit pp v. zbijen

zbiti vt v. zbijati
zbiti se vr v. dogoditi se
zbitost f v. zbijenost
zbivanje n happening; events pl, incidents pl, occurrences pl
zbivati se vr v. zbiti se
zbjei se vr (u zbjeg) take refuge; v. zbjeati se
zbjeg m refugees' camp; (mass of) refugees
zbjegnuti se vr (u zbjeg) take shelter; v. zbjeati se
zbjeati se vr gather (assemble) running
zbliavanje n bringing (drawing) together, rapprochement
zbliavati vt v. zbliiti
zblienje n v. zbliavanje
zbliiti vr bring (draw) together
zbliiti se vr be drawn together, grow close, come together
zbog prep on account of, on behoof of, by reason of, on
the score of, for, owing to, due to, following, because
of | ~ mene for my sake, on (in) my behalf; ~ toga
zbogom! int good-bye!, farewell!, adieu! | ispratiti (na
put) sa ~ give a send-off ; rei ~ bid (say) adieu
zbor m meeting; (lovaki) meet; assembly, gathering,
convention; (vojske) corps; (kolegij) college, corporation | pjevaki ~ choir, quire, chorus, A+ glee-club; ~
nastavnika teaching staff; ~om i tvorom pomoi assist one in word and deed; ~ biraa voters' meeting;
mil ~! fall in!
zborite n gathering-place, meeting-place; (lovako)
zboriti vi speak, make a speech, deliver a speech
zborni adj assembly, meeting
zbornica f sch staff-room, common room
zbornik m anthology, miscellany; collection of papers;
(kongresa) proceedings pl; (u neiju ast) Festschrift;
scientific (i sl.) papers collected in one book or series
of books; (zakona) code, codex
zborovanje n holding of meetings (assemblies)
zborovati vi hold meetings (sittings, assemblies)
zborovoa f conductor of a quire (choir) society
zborsk|i adj | ~o pjevanje choir singing; a recitacija
choral speaking
zbrajanje n adding up, summing up; addition | stroj za
~ adding machine
zbrajati vt sum up, do sums by adding, add (up); cast up
zbratimiti se vr become as close as brothers
zbrkan pp messed-up; (lice) wrinkled
zbrkati se vr become messed up; (lice) become wrinkled
zbrda-zdola adv helter-skelter, without system
zbrinut pp taken care of, provided for
zbrinuti vt take care of, provide for; v. opskrbiti
zbrinjavanje n caring for, providing for
zbrisati vt wipe off, erase / i sl v. pobjei
zbrka f confusion, disorder, jumble, muddle, mess,
chaos; litter; (svata) medley; (arenilo) motley;
(gungula, strka) tumult, row, scramble, disturbance

zbrkan pp confused, deranged, jumbled, muddled

zbrkano adv confusedly, in a muddled manner
zbrkati vt confuse, throw into disorder, confound, derange, disorganize, jumble, muddle, make a mess
zbrkati se vr become confused,turn into a muddle (mess)
zbrljati vt make a mess of
zbroj m addition, sum; (iznos) total amount, sum total
zbrojen pp summed-up, totalled
zbrojidba f addition
zbrojiti vt cast up sums, add up, find the total, totalize,
zbubati vt v. sklepati, razbiti
zbubnjati vt call together by drumming (beating of
drum), drum together
zbuniti vt perplex, embarrass, bewilder, confuse, nonplus, fluster, puzzle, baffle
zbuniti se vr become perplexed, bewildered, confused,
zbunjen pp confused, embarrassed, perplexed, bewildered, disconcerted, puzzled, mystified, baffled
zbunjeno adv confusedly, in confusion (bewilderment)
zbunjenost f perplexity, embarrassrnent, confusion, bewilderment
zbunjivati vt v. zbuniti
zdanje n (zgrada) building, structure
zdenac f well, draw-well
zdepast adj thick-set, stocky, squat, dumpy; (i debeo)
podgy | ~ ovjek square-built person
zderati vt tear off (down); (kou) skin
zderati se vr get torn off, come off
zdesna adj from the right
zdimiti vi coll v. pobjei
zdipiti vt sl v. ukrasti
zdjela f dish, bowl, tureen | puna ~ dishful
zdjelica f dim little dish (bowl); anat pelvis
zdjelini adj anat pelvic
zdogovor m reg v. dogovor
zdola adj v. odozdo
zdrav adj healthy, well, healthy looking, in good health;
(za uivanje) wholesomc; (nepokvaren) sound; (krepak [starac]) hale, hearty; (zrak, kraj) salubrious,
bracing; (higijena itd.) healthful; sanitary, hygienic;
(razborit, trijezan) sane | ~ kao riba in the pink of
condition, rosy about the gills; ~ razum common
sense, mother-wit
zdravic|a f toast, pledge; sentiment | izrei ~u toast one,
drink to the health of
zdravlj|e n health; (duevno) mental health | u vae ~e!
your health!, (here's) to you!; may it agree with you!;
na ~e! (pri kihanju) bless you!; etnja za ~e constitutional; on puca od ~a he is (looks) the very picture of
health; on je na putu do ~a he is recovering, he is on
the mend, he is mending; slaba ~a ailing, poorly,
sickly, infirm, in declining health, in a bad way
zdravo! int hello!, hi!
zdravo adv healthily; soundly; salubriously; sanely
zdravorazumski' adj common-sense, commonsensical
zdravorazumski'' adv using a common-sense approach,

zdravost f healthiness; soundness

zdravstven adj hygienic, sanitary; relating (to, of) the
health | ~o stanje state of health; ~e prilike sanitary
conditions; ~a sluba health service; ~o osiguranje
health insurance; iz ~ih razloga for reasons of health
zdravstveno adv as regards health
zdravstvo n health services
zdrobiti vt crush; (tucati)pound, pulverize, triturate,
bray; crumble; (hrskati) crunch; (mljeti) grind
zdrobiti se vr become (be) crushed, crumble
zdrobljen pp crushed; (u prah) pulverized, brayed, powdered, triturated; (samljeven) ground; (zgnjeen)
mangled, lacerated
zdrobljenost f crushed condition
zdrpiti vt sl v. ukrasti
zdruzgan adj crumpled, wrinkled
zdruzgati vt squash
zdruen pp united, combined, associated; leagued, allied
(with); joined; (stopljen) amalgamated
zdrueno adv unitedly, in union, jointly
zdruenost f union, being united, integration
zdruenje n uniting, union, joining; association, consolidation, alliance; federation; (stapanje) fusion,
zdruiti vt unite, bring together, integrate, pool
zdruiti se vr unite, ally oneself to (with); league together (with); combine; amalgamate, consolidate, incorporate, band together; (prinosima) pool
zdruiv adj unitable
zduan adj wholehearted; scrupulous
zduno adv wholeheartedly; scrupulously
zdunost f wholeheartedness; scrupulousness
zdvajanje n v. zdvojnost
zdvajati vt despair of, lose all hope, be desperate
zdvojan adj desperate, despairing; heart-sick
zdvojiti vi v. zdvajati
zdvojno adv despairingly, in desperation
zdvojnost f despair
zeba f ornith finch
zebnja f anxiety; (slutnja) misgiving; (u srcu) heart-sickness; (strah) fear, fright, trepidation
zebra f zoo zebra; (za pjesake) B zebra crossing, A
(lined) pedestrian crossing
zebu m (govedo) zebu, A+ Brahman cattle
zec m hare | mujak ~a buck-hare; enka ~a doe-hare;
plah kao ~ chicken-hearted; u tom grmu lei ~ there
is the rub, that is where the dog is buried; gradi
raanj, a ~ je u umi he counts his chickens before
they are hatched; first catch your hare (then cook it)
zear m (pseto) hare-hound, harrier
zeevina f hare-meat
zeica f doe-hare
zei m dim leveret
zej|i adj hare, of a hare | ~a usna hare-lip
zegl m Ger v. jedrenina
zejtin m v. ulje
zeko m hare; bunny

zelemba m zoo green lizard; fig inexperienced (unskilled, untrained, youthful, unfledged, callow) person,
raw hand, greenhorn
zelen' adj green, verdant; (nezreo) unripe, immature;
(prevarljiv) guillible | ~a krma green crop; ~ od zavisti yellow, jaundiced; doi na ~u granu begin to
thrive (prosper)
zelen'' f the green, the green colour; (bilje) vegetables pl,
plants pl, herbs pl; verdure; (patina) verdigris | prodava ~i greengrocer
zelena m usurer, money lender; A sl loan shark
zelenica f ornith siskin, aberdevine
zelenika f bot holly
zelenilo n green colour, green paint (colouring matter);
(trava, bilje) herbage; verdure; vegetation; greenness
zeleniti vt make green, paint green
zelenkada f bot Tur v. sunovrat, narcis
zelenkast adj greenish, greenly
zelenko m (konj) dapple-grey horse
zelenje n collect vegetables pl, pot herbs pl; greengrocery, green stuff, greenery | ~ za salatu salad greens pl
zelenjeti vi become green
zelenjeti se vr show (be) green
zeljan adj herbaceous
zeljanica f cul spinach pie
zelje n (kupus) cabbage; (kiselo) pickled (sour) cabbage,
zemaljski adj earthly, terrestrial, earth; country, territorial; (ovog svijeta) of this world, temporal
zembilj m Tur v. mrea (za trnicu)
zemika f v. emlja
zemlj|a f (planet) earth, terrestrial globe; (kopno) land;
(tlo) ground; (obradiva) soil; (crnica) mould; (svijet)
world; (drava) state; (posjed) landed property; (krajobraz) landscape; (domovina) native country, native
(soil) | obeana ~a promised land; plodna ~a (tlo)
rich soil; ~a na ugaru fallow; iscrpljena ~a (tlo)
poor soil out of heart, jejune soil; zakupnik ~ e landholder; odron (puzanje) ~e landslip; sravniti sa ~om
raze (rase, level) with the ground, raze to the ground;
prognati iz ~e banish the Country
zemljaki adj compatriot
zemljak m countryman (of one's own country)
zemljakinja f countrywoman
zemljani adj earthen, earthy | ~lonci earthenware; ~
nasip earth-work; ~ radovi excavation
zemljarina f land-tax; (vlasniku zemlje) ground-rent
Zemljin adj Earth's, terrestrial
zemljin|i adj of the land, land | ~a knjiga land-register,
terrier, cadastral-book; ~i ured land-registry office
zemljino-knjini adj | ~ izvadak land-registry certificate; title deed
zemljite n piece of land, plot of ground; (sa zgradama)
premises pl; (gradilite) building-site (-plot)
zemljomjer m land-surveyor
zemljomjerstvo n land-surveying, surveyorship; (mapiranje) ordnance-survey
zemljopis m geography
zemljopisac m geographer

zemljopisni adj geographical

zemljoposjedniki adj land-owning
zemljoposjedni|k m land-owner, landlord | ~ci pl the
landed interest; landed class
zemljoradniki adj farming, agricultura, agrarian
zemljoradnik m farmer, agriculturalist, agriculturist;
(teak) agricultural a ourer; (seljak) peasant
zemljoradnja f tillage, farming, agriculture
zemljotres m v. potres
zemljouz m v. prevlaka
zemljovid m arch v. karta
zemni adj earthen, of the nature, of (issuing from) the
earth | ~ plin methane; marsh gas
zemunica f sod-house; mil dugout
zen-budizam m Zen Buddhism
zenit m astr zenith
zenitni adj ast zenithal
zepsti vi freeze, feel (be) cold; (drhtati) be shivering with
cold; feel chilly
zera f Tur v. trun
zerdav m zoo (v. samurovina)
zet m son-in-law
Zeus m myth Zeus
zevzek m Tur v. budala
zezanje n sl v. zafrkavanje
zezati (se) vt (vr) sl v. zafrkavati (se)
zeznuti (se) vt (vr) sl v. zafrknuti (se)
zgaditi vt v. ogaditi
zgadi|ti se vr feel nausea, .become loathsome (sickening,
repulsive, odious, disgusting) | meni se ~lo I loathe it,
it nauseates me, I feel sick at, I am disgusted at (with)
zgarite n v. garite
zgaziti vt crush (trample) down (underfoot)
zgaen pp trampled underfoot, crushed under one's feet
zgepiti vt sl v. ukrasti
zginuti vi v. nestati
zglavak m v. zglob, lanak, putite
zglavkar m zoo v. lankonoac
zgledati se vr look surprised (wonderingly, astonished)
at one another
zglob m joint; (prstiju) knuckle; articulation; (runi)
wrist | upala ~ova arthritis
zglobiti vt join together by joints, joint
zglobni adj joint; having joints, jointed
zgnuati se vr become disgusted (with)
zgnjeen pp crushed, mangled; pressed, compressed;
squeezed, squashed
zgnjeiti vt crush, mangle; press, compress ; squash
zgnjeiti se vr get crushed
zgod|a f (prilika) opportunity, occasion, chance; (umjesnost) season, proper time; (dogaaj) event; (kritina)
juncture; (za namjetenje) opening; (pravi as) nick
of time, favourable moment | ~e i nezgode adventures; on je doivio svakojakih ~a i nezgoda he has
had a chequered career; prvom ~om v. prvom
prilikom; od ~e do ~e now and then
zgod|an adj (povoljan) opportune, favourable, welltimed; propitious, auspicious; (upotrebljiv) suitable,
fit, handy, apt, proper; (zabavan) amusing; (simpati-

an) winning, engaging, attractive, prepossessing;

(uputan) advisable, expedient; convenient | ~na
djevojka pretty girl; ~an momak handsome boy; kad
je tebi ~no when it suits you
zgodimice adj from time to time, off and on, now and
then; (up)on occasion; as occasion serves
zgodit|ak m (pogodak) full hit (shot); (lutrija) (lottery-)
prize, lucky hit; sp goal | glavni ~ak grand prize; lutrijski broj bez ~ka blank
zgoditi se vr happen, take place, come to pass
zgodno adv conveniently, opportunely, suitably, fittingly;
advisably; handily, aptly; properly
zgodnost f convenience; handiness ; expedience
zgolj|an adj | ~na istina naked truth
zgomilati vt v. nagomilati
zgoreg(a) adv | ~ ne bi bilo it wouldn't be bad (amiss), it
wouldn't hurt
zgotavljanje n finishing, completing, making (getting)
ready, preparing, preparation
zgotavljati vt put final touches to, near completion,
make last preparations
zgotoviti vt finish, complete, prepare, make
zgotovljen pp finished, completed; made ready, prepared; ready to be used (eaten)
zgrabiti vt seize, grab, grip, grasp, clutch, clasp, snatch,
catch, take (get) hold of, lay hold on (of); (sila) lay
hands on; fasten upon
zgrabiti se vr (rvanje) grapple, close up, come to close
quarters, come to grips
zgrada f building, edifice, structure, fabric, pile; (prislonjena) lean-to; (gospodarske, pomone) offices, outbuildings, outhouses; (krilo) wing, annex(e) | farma
sa ~ma farm-stead
zgradurina f big house, large (ugly) building
zgranut adj aghast, shocked
zgranuti se vr be shocked (scandalized, taken aback)
zgranuto adv aghast, with shock
zgranutost f shock, being aghast
zgraanje n being shocked (scandalized); feeling disgust
(repugnance, loathing, detestation); outcry; abhorrence, detestation
zgraati se vr v. zgroziti se
zgrbiti vt bend
zgrbiti se vr become crooked (curved, bent, warped,
arched); (sagnuti se) double, stoop; becorne hunchbacked (hump-backed)
zgrbljen pp crooked, bent, curved, arched, doubled,
humped, stooping
zgrbljeno adv with a stoop, stoopingly
zgrbljenost f crookedness; curved (arched) form, stooping (doubled posture
zgren pp contorted, cramped, contracted; shrivelled;
distorted; bent double; (aka) clenched
zgreno adv contortedly, in a ramped manner
zgrenost f being contorted, contorted posture (position)
zgriti vt (pest) clench; contort, cramp, contract, distort
zgriti se vr become cramped (contorted, twisted); contract; shrink, shrivel; bend double
zgrijati vt warm, heat

zgrijati se vr get warm

zgrijeiti vt sin, commit sin; (prekriti) offend against
zgristi vt chew (crunch) up
zgrnut pp raked up, (money) scraped together
zgrnuti vt rake up; scrape together (money); hoard up;
accumulate, amass
zgrnuti se vr gather, assemble in crowds
zgromiti vt fig destroy
zgroziti se vr be shocked (scandalized); cry shame upon,
revolt against; feel disgust at; abhor, detest, feel repugnance (loathing), shudder at
zgrtanje f accumulation, amassing, hoarding
zgrtati vt v. zgrnuti
zgruan pp curdled, coagulated, congealed, clotted, set
zgruanost f being curdled ; coagulated condition
zgruati se v curdle, coagulate, clot, congeal, form into
curds, set
zguliti vt peel off, strip off (skin); flay; (s glave kou)
zguliti se vr peel off, come off
zguljen pp flayed, skinned
zgura f dross, slag
zgurati vt v. nagurati
zguren adj huddled up, cowering, crouching; stooping;
with arched (humped, crooked) back
zgureno adv stoopingly, with one's back arched
zguriti se vr huddle up, cower, crouch, stoop, arch one's
zgusnut pp condensed, thickened, concentrated; set; v.
zgusnuti vt condense, concentrate, thicken, set
zgusnuti se vr condense, thicken, become thick (stiff);
(zgruati se) curdle, clot, set, coagulate, solidify
zgusnutost f condensed (coagulated) condition
zguivanje n thickening, condensation, concentration;
setting; clotting
zguivati vt v. zgusnuti
zguvan pp crumpled, creased, wrinkled
zguvati vt crumple, crease, wrinkle
zguvati se vr get crumpled (creased); hum lose one's
face (v. blamirati se)
zibanje n rocking, swinging, lurching | stolac za ~ rocking-chair
zibati vt rock; swing; (na koljenu) dandle
zibati se vr rock; (dijete na krilu) be dandled; swing to
and fro; (na dasci) see-saw; (brod, hod) lurch; sway;
(geganje) wabble; (objeeno) dangle
zic m Ger v. sjedalo
zid m wall; (zajedniki u zgradi) party-wall; (bedem)
circumvallation; fig (obrana) bulwark; (pregradak)
partition (wall); (slijepi, bez prozora) dead wall; (kosi
potporni) embankment, retaining wall; biol v. stijenka | oplata ~a wainscot(ing); okomito kao ~
plumb (adv); fig pritisnuti o ~ drive into a corner;
push to the wall; biti pritisnut o ~ go to the wall ;
izmeu cetiri ~a between four walls; (tajno) secretly;
htjeti glavom kroza ~ be rash (reckless), attempt
impossibilities, run one's head against the wall; ~ovi
imaju ui walls have ears, eavesdroppers may be

about; ~om opkoljen walled (in); sruiti ~ raze, level

a wall with the ground; zvuni (toplinski) ~ sound
(heat) barrier
zidan pp made of brick (stone); (graen) built, erected,
constructed of stone
zidanje n building, construction, erection, raising (rearing) a wall (a building)
zidar m (opekom) bricklayer; (kamenom) mason, stonemason | slobodni ~ freemason
zidarija f bricklayer's trade (work)
zidarsk|i adj of a bricklayer (mason), used by a bricklayer | ~i obrtnik master mason; ~i pomonik hod
carrier; ~a lica trowel
zidarstvo n bricklaying | slobodno ~ freemasonry
zidati vt build (erect, construct, raise, rear) a wall (building)
zidin|a f thick wall | ~e pl walls; (ruevine) ruined
(crumbling, dilapidated) walls
zidn|i adj wall, used for (hanging on) the wall, mural |
~e tapete wallpaper; ~e slikarije wall-painting, murals pl; ~a stijena (vjealica) hall-stand
zidoder m hist battering-ram
zie n collect masonry, brickwork, stonework
zihera m Ger play-safe type
ziheraki' adj Ger play-safe
ziheraki'' adv Ger | postupati ~ play it safe
ziheratvo n Ger play-safe attitudes (methods)
ziherica f Ger safety-pin
ziherung m Ger v. osigura
zijalo n gaper, idler
zijanje n (gledanje) stare, staring, gaping; (vika) yelling,
bawling, shouting
zijati vi (blenuti) stand awe-struck; (vikati) yell, bawl,
zijev m hiatus
zijevalica f bot snapdragon
zijevalo n yawner
zijevanje n yawning
zijevati vi yawn
zijevnuti vi yawn, make a yawn
zim|a f winter; (studen) cold chill; (vrijeme) winter-tide,
cold (chilly) weather; (smrzavica) frost; (blaga) mild
winter; (cia) severe winter; (bez snijega) green winter | meni je ~a I am (feel) cold; a je it is cold (wintry); drhtati od ~e shiver with cold; ~a tiplje it is
pinching cold; prespavati ~u hybernate
zimi adv in winter, during the winter
zimica f fever, ague
zimnica f food (provisions) for winter
zimogrozan adj sensitive to cold
zimogroznost f sensitiveness to cold
zimovalite n winter quarters; (turistiko) winter resort
zimovanje n spending the winter in (at)
zimovati vt winter in (at); spend winter in (at) winterquarters
zimovnik m mar winter storage; winter harbour; mil
winter quarters pl
zimsk|i adj winter; wintry, used in winter, happening in
winter | centar za ~e sportove winter-sport resort

zimus adv (during) this winter; next winter; last winter

zimunji adj this winter's
zimzelen' m bot evergreen
zimzelen'' adj evergreen
zinuti vi v. zijati | ~od uda stand agape (openmouthed); open one's mouth (jaws)
zinzov m v. budala
zip m v. patentni zatvara
zipka f rocking cradle (cot) (v. kolijevka)
ziratan adj Tur v. obradiv
zirkanje n peeking
zirkati vi peek (at)
zirnuti vi (take a) peek (at)
zivkati vt keep calling
zjalo n chasm, funnel-like opening (aperture); gap; crater; wide fissure; (topa, puke) muzzle
zjapiti vi gape; (vrata) stand wide open
zjati vi v. zijati
zjenica f pupil (of the eye)
zlaan adj golden, gold-like, gold-coloured
zlat|an adj gold, golden; (boja) gold-coloured | ~na
grudica gold-nugget; ~na ribica gold-fish; ~na
godinjica vjenanja gold-wedding; ~ni listi (za
pozlatu) gold-foil; ~na sredina golden mean; ~ni
ovjek very kind-hearted man; ~no runo golden
fleece; ent ~na mara gold-bug; on je tako ~an he's
such a darling
zlatar m goldsmith
zlatarija f goldsmith's shop (trade)
zlatarski m goldsmith's | ~ ig hall-mark
zlatarstvo n goldsmith's trade
zlatast adj golden, gold-like, gold-coloured
zlatica f bot buttercup | ent krumpirova ~ (Colorado)
potato beetle
zlatiti vt gild
zlatiti se vr shine (show) golden
zlatnik m gold coin
zlatnina f (sue) gold-plate; (nakit) gold jewelry
zlatno- adv pref | ~sme golden-brown
zlat|o n gold | rudnik ~a gold-mine; kopa ~a golddigger; kopanje ~a gold-digging; grudica ~a goldnugget; nije ~o sve to sja all that glitters is not gold;
~o moje! my darling!
zlatokos adj golden-haired, golden-brown; auburn
zlatokril adj gold-winged
zlatonosan adj gold-bearing, auriferous
zlatorun adj golden-fleeced
zlatotisak m print gold-stamping
zlatoust adj fig eloquent
zlehud adj v. bijedan, nevoljan
zlikovac m malefactor, criminal, wrong-doer, evil-doer,
zlikovaki' adj criminal
zlikovaki'' adv criminally, in a criminal way (fashion)
zlo' n evil, ill; harm, mischief; sin; injury; misfortune,
bad luck | meni je ~ I am ill (unwell), I am poorly, I
feel sick; uzeti za ~ take in bad part, take amiss, take
offence at, ake ill; u tom nema nita zla there is no
harm in it; ne uzeti za ~ take in good part; be not of-

fended; od zla u gore from bad to worse; izmeu dva

zla between the devil and the deep sea; ide mu ~
(zdravlje) he is in a bad way; (materijalno) he is not
doing well; dati se na ~ go to the bad; vraati dobro
zlim return bad for good; uiniti nekomu ~ do a bad
turn; ~ po me! woe is me! ~ po... (prokletstvo!) woe
be to...! ; ~ ga prati misfortune dogs him
zlo'' adv badly, ill | ~ proi fare ill, come off badly;
(namjeriti se na jaega) catch a Tartar; ~ se ponaati
misbehave; ~ postupati ill-use; maltreat, ill-treat; ~
razumjeti misunderstand; ~ izgledati look ill (unwell); ~ bi bio proao it would have gone ill with
him; ~ govoriti o speak evil of; ~ se osjeati feel
zloba f malice, ill nature, malevolence, malignity, ill
blood; rancour, spitefulness, virulence, gall
zloban adj ill-natured, malicious, wicked; (kritika) captious, carping; rancorous, virulent, spiteful
zlobnik m malicious (ill-natured) person
zlobno adv maliciously, spitefully, malevolently
zlobnost f v. zloba
zloest adj wicked, naughty, ill-mannered, disobedient,
zloesto adv wickedly, naughtily
zloestoa f naughtiness, badness, wickedness
zloin m crime, misdeed, evil deed | poiniti ~ commit a
crime; optuiti zbog ~a criminate; najgori ~ crime
of the blackest dye
zloinac m criminal
zloinaki' adj criminal, maleficent
zloinaki'' adv in a criminal way (manner)
zloinstvo n crime (v. zloin)
zloa f wickedness (v. zloba)
zloko m naughty child
zloudan adj ill-natured, churlish, malevolent, ill-conditioned, evil-minded, ill-tempered; med malign
zloudno adv malevolently, maliciously, malignly
zloudnost f malevolence, ill-nature, malignity, maliciousness
zlodjelo n crime, misdeed, malefaction
zloduh m evil spirit (genius), demon
zloglasan adj of evil repute, ill-famed, in bad repute, discreditable, disreputable, infamous, notorious, scandalous
zloglasno adv infamously, notoriously
zloglasnost f bad name, ill fame, disrepute, discredit, bad
odour, ill repute
zloguk adj dire | ~ ovjek prophet of evil, croaker
zlokoban adj ill-fated, ill-omened, ominous, portentous
zlokobno adv ominously
zlokobnost f ominousness
zlonamjeran adj malicious, malevolent, spiteful
zlonamjerno adv malevolently, maliciously, spitefully
zlonamjernost f ill will, animosity, malice,malignity,
malevolence, spitefulness
zlopamtilo n grudge-bearer; vengeful person | nisam ~ I
never bear a grudge
zlopamtiti se vr suffer want, be reduced to poverty, be
poverty-stricken, be hard up, be poorly off, be needy,

be put to one's shifts; hardly keep the wolf from the

door, be unable to make both ends meet
zlopoglea f person with an evil eye
zloporaba f v. zloupotreba
zlorabiti vt v. zloupotrijebiti
zlorad adj v. zloban, zlurad
zloslutan adj ominous, portentous, ill-omened; foreboding
zloslutnik m prophet of doom
zloslutno adv ominously, portentously; forebodingly
zloslutnost f ominousness, portentousness, forebodingness
zlosretan adj ill-fated, unfortunate, unlucky, ill-starred;
unpropitious, ominous, ill-omened; born under an
evil star; accursed
zlosretnik m ill-fated (ill-starred, unfortunate, unlucky)
zlosretno adv ill-fatedly, unpropitiously
zlosretnost f ill-fatedness, unpropitiousness
zlostaviti vt ill-treat, ill-use, maltreat, abuse; do violence
zlostavljanje n maltreatment, ill-usage, violence
zlostavljen pp maltreated, ill-used
zlotvor m evil-doer ; criminal
zlotvorski adj criminal
zloupotreba f misuse, abase, misusage | gruba ~ crying
abuse; ~ slubenog poloaja abuse of office
zloupotrijebiti vt abuse, misuse; misapyropriate
zlovolja f ill (bad) temper, ill humour, sullenness,
moodiness, moroseness, sulkiness, peevishness;
zlovoljan adj out of sorts, peevish, sullen, gloomy, cantankerous; glum, displeased, in the sulks
zlovoljno adv morosely, moodily, sullenly, with a bad
grace, sulkily
zlovoljnost f v. zlovolja
zlurad adj malicious
zlurado adv maliciously
zluradost f malice
zmaj m dragon; (djeji) kite; derog (ena) shrew, vixen,
scold, termagant, Xantippe
zmajski adj of (like) a dragon
zmija f serpent, snake; (otrovnica) adder, viper | ~ u
procijepu scotched snake; ~ se svlai snake sloughs
zmijolik adj like a snake, serpentine
zmijoliko adv in a serpentine manner, snaking along
zmijolikost f serpentine quality
zmijski adj of (like) a snake (viper) | ~ zub (viper's)
fang, venom-tooth; ~ ujed snake's bite, snake-bite,
bite of a viper; ~ svlak slough, snake's cast skin
zmijuljica f ichth v. paklara
zmijurina f huge snake
znaaj m character, temperament; (ud) disposition,
nature; cast of mind; temper; turn of mind; mettle;
(mental) nature; backbone grain; v. znaenje,
vanost | bez ~a characterless
znaaj|an adj characteristic, significant, notable,
marked; distinctive; pregnant, expressive; major, im-

portant, leading; (pogled) pointed | ~niji gradovi major (important) towns

znaajka f characteristic, trait, feature, mark, quality;
symbol, emblem; criterion
znaajao adj characteristically, significantly; (pogledati)
znaajnost f significance; importance
znaenj|e n significance, import, meaning, sense; (vanost) importance; (doslovno-preneseno) literal-metaphorical (figurative) | bez ~a negligible, of no importarice (account); u obinom ~u te rijei in the usual
acceptation of the word
znaenjski adj semantic
zna|iti vi signify; be of importance, matter; (odavati)
indicate; (smisao) denote, mean, express, stand for;
(slutiti na) augur, betoken | ~i nee doi so, he won't
znaka f badge,-token
znak m sign, symbol, mark; (kretnja) gesture; token,
index; (mig) beck; signal; (asti) insignia; (ig)
stigma; (zov) call; (nagovjetaj) omen; (previnuto
mjesto lista) earmark; (kimanje) nod; (zatitni) trademark; (za uzbunu) alarm; (za prestanak uzbune) all
clear | dati ~ make a sign; beckon; na ~ at the signal
of; ~ pitanja v. upitnik; u ~ potovanja as a mark of
znalac m v. poznavalac, strunjak
znalaki' adj expert, skilled, masterly, adept, proficient
znalaki'' adv expertly, skilfully, masterly
znamen m (na koi) mole; v. znak
znamenit adj famous, well-known, celebrated, renowned, famed, prominent; remarkable, notable; distinguished; important | ~ ovjek celebrity, notability,
notable, worthy; fig lion
znamenitost f importance; places (building, thing itd.)
worth seeing (of famous in history itd.); pl sights |
razgledati ~i see the sights; razgledavanje ~i sightseeing
znamenka f (brojka) figure, numeral, digit
-znamenkast adj | npr. dvo~ two-digit
znamenje n v. znak, znamen
znan adj known | dobro ~ well-known
znan|ac m acquaintance, friend, familiar | mi smo ~ci we
are acquainted; rodbina i ~ci kith and kin; krug
~aca acquaintance
znanica f lady-friend, girl-friend, female acquaintance
znanost f science | prirodne ~i natural sciences; primijenjene ~i applied sciences; pravnika ~ jurisprudence
znanstven adj scientific
znanstvenik m scientist scholar, research worker
znanstveno adv scientifically, in a scholarly manner
znanj|e n knowledge; (uenost) erudition, learning,
scholarship; (steene, nauene vjetine) attainments
pl, accomplishments; proficiency; (povrno) dilettantism, smattering knowledge, sciolism; (o svemu i
svaemu) omniscience | bez mog ~a unbeknown to
me; dati na ~e inform (apprise) one, make known to;
uzeti na ~e take note of

znatan adj considerable, substantial, material, remarkable; (ugledan) prominent, notable; (vaan) of consequence, important, momentous
znati vt know, be aware of, realize, understand, be conscious of, be acquainted with, be sensible of, be conversant with, be informed (apprized) of; (upuen u
tajnu) be privy to; (sposoban) be versed in, be at
home in, possess skill knowledge | uinio sam kako
sam najbolje znao (i mogao) I did my level best;
vrlo dobro ~ know full well; (predmet) have at one's
finger's ends; (napamet) know by heart (rote); (biti
upuen) know what's what; on zna dobro taj predmet he has mastered this subject; koliko znam to
(the best of) my knowledge, for all I know; znam itati I know how to read; to se zna of course, to be
sure; on zna u tanine... he knows the ins and outs
of...; ne moe se ~ there is no knowing; znajui
(hotimice) knowingly, deliberately
znatielja f inquisitiveness, curiosity
znatieljan adj inquisitive, curious (v. radoznao)
znatieljnik m an inquisitive person
znatieljno adv inquisitively, curiously
znatieljnost f v. znatielja
znatniji adj comp | ~ gradovi major (important) towns
znatno adv considerably, remarkably, in a high degree,
znatnost f importance, remarkableness, consequence
znoj m sweat, perspiration | ih oblijeva ~ they are dripping with sweat, they are all in (of) a sweat; kap ~a
drop (na elu bead) of sweat
znojan adj sweaty, perspiring
znojenje n perspiration
znojiti se vr perspire, sweat; fig (muiti se) toil, toil and
moil, drudge
znojn|i adj | ~a lijezda sweat gland
znojnica f dress-shield, sweat pad
znojnost f sweatiness
zob f oats pl
zobanje n pecking (grain, corn)
zobati vt peck (grain, corn itd.); eat berries of grapes
(cherries itd.)
zoben adj oaten | ~a kaa grits, husked oats, hulled
(crushed) oats
zobenica f oatcake, oaten bread
zobiti vt feed with oats, feed oats to
zobnica f feed-bag, nose-bag
zobun m short peasant coat
zobunac m bodice of peasant woman dress
zoc m Ger v. talog
zodijak m zodiac
zodijakalan adj zodiacal
zoluf m Tur v. zuluf
zolja f v. osa
zona f zone, belt | ftb ~ lige division
zonski adj zonal
zoolog m zoologist
zoologija f zoology
zooloki adj zoological | ~ vrt zoological gardens, coll
the zoo

zor|a f dawn, daybreak | sjeverna ~a aurora borealis; u

~u at dawn; pred ~u before dawn
zor|an adj (lijep) handsome, well-made, clean-limbed,
well-knit; (djevojka) tight, trim; comely, buxom | ~na
obuka course of object lessons, intuitive instruction
z(o)renje n ripening, maturing | toplinom postii ranije
~ force
z(o)riti vi ripen, mature
zornica f eccl early morning service, matins
zorno adv (jasno) clearly, intelligibly, plainly, lucidly;
zornost f lucidity; palpability; striking clearness (plainness)
zort m Tur v. strah, respekt
zov m call
zova f v. bazga
zovnuti vt call (v. zvati)
zraci m pl v. zrake
zraak m small (thin) ray
zraan adj airy
zraen adj (soba) aired; (rendgenski) treated with Xrays; radiated
zraenje n airing; radio-scopy (rendgensko) X-ray
treatment; radiation
zraiti vt (zrakama) treat with X-rays (radium rays); fig
radiate, emanate; (sobu) v. provjetravati
zraiti se vr v. provjetravati se
zrani adj air; atmospheric; geom v. zrakast | ~a
obrana air defence; ~i tlak air pressure; ~a linija
air-line, bee-line, as the crow flies; ~a pota air-mail;
~a kupelj air-bath
zranica f mot inner tube
zrak m air; v. zraka | ii na ~ take fresh air; dii se u ~
rise in the air; dii u ~ blow up; lebdjeti u ~u soar
(in the air; okrepan ~ bracing air, crisp air; teak
(sparan) ~ opressive (sultry) air; vlaan ~ damp air;
zaguljiv ~ close air; nepopustljiv za ~ air tight; tlak
~a atmospheric pressure
zrak|a f ray | aktinine ~e actinic rays; rendgenske ~e
X-rays, Roentgen rays
zrakast adj geom & fig radial, radiant
zrakoplov m (balon) balloon; (upravljiv) dirigible;
(vezan) captive balloon; airship; Zeppelin; (barani)
blimp; (s kosturom) rigid balloon; (bez kostura) nonrigid balloon
zrakoplovac m balloonist, aeronaut, aerial navigator
zrakoplovn|i adj aviation; aeronautical | vojna ~a
akademija Air Force Academy
zrakoplovstvo n aviation; (vojno) air force; (britansko)
the Royal Air Force (RAF)
zrakoprazan adj devoid of air | phys ~ prostor vacuum
zrcaliti se vr reflect light, be reflected;glitter, shine,
zrcalo n looking-glass, mirror; (izmeu dva prozora)
zrcaljenje n reflection (of light);glittering, glinting, hining
zrelo adv maturely
zreloa f v. zrelost

zrelost f ripeness, maturity | ispit ~ i leaving examination

zrenik m v. obzor
zreo adj ripe, mature; mellow | nakon zrela promiljanja after mature consideration; umro je u zrelim
godinama he died at a ripe age; rano ~ (plod)
rathripe; (dijete) precocious
zreti vi ripen, mature
zrika f chirping
zrikati vi chirp
zrikav adj cross-eyed
zrikavac m ent cricket
zriko m derog cross-eyed person
zrnast adj granular, granulated, grained
zrnat adj full of grains, like grain; (klas) containing
hard grain; grained
zrnati se vr grain; form (into) grains (cereais)
zrnatost f state of having hard grain (ripening corn)
zrnc|e n dim small grain, granule | ni ~a istine not a
grain of truth; crvena (bijela) krvna ~a red (white)
cells, red (white) blood corpuscles; papar u ~u unground pepper
zrn|o n grain; (tane) bullet, shot ball; (sastav drveta,
kamena itd.) fibre, texture, granulation; (ile) vein
zrnje n collect grains
zub m tooth; (mlijeni) milk tooth; (kutnjak) molar; (sjekuti) incisor; (onjak) canine (eye) tooth; (mudrosti)
wisdom tooth; (krivi) false tooth; (dera, otrovni)
fang; (krba) stump of a tooth; (zdrav) sound tooth;
(truo) decayed (rotten) tooth; (zupanika) cog tooth |
bez ~i toothless ; dobivanje ~i cutting teeth, dentition, teething; dobivati ~e cut teeth, grow teeth;
vaditi ~ pull tooth; plombirati ~ stop (fill) tooth; lijeenje ~a root-canal work; pokazati ~e (prijetnja)
show one's teeth; oboruan do ~i armed to the teeth;
boriti se ~ima i noktima fight tooth and nail; kripati ~ima gnash (grind) one's teeth; snabdjeti ~ima
(kota itd.) tooth; boli me ~ my tooth aches; trga me
~ my tooth shoots (twinges); zahvaati (se) ~ima
(zupanici) interlock, engage; fig imam te na ~u I
have a bone to pick with you; oko za oko, ~ za ~ lex
talionis, retaliation, eye for eye, measure for measure;
jezik za ~e! (coll) shut up; pasta za ~e tooth-paste
zubac m tooth, cog; (roga) tine; (vilice) prong; ichth
dentex, dog's tooth
zubaa f rake
zubalo n (umjetno) denture; set of teeth
zubar m dentist
zubarski adj dentist's; used by a dentist asistent dentist's
assistant; tehnicar dental technician
zubarstv|o n dentistry | fakultet ~a college (A school) of
zubat adj toothsome; toothed, cogged; fig having a sharp
(caustic) tongue
zubatac m ichth dentex, dog's tooth
zubatost f toothiness
zubi m dim little (tiny) tooth
zublja f torch; flambeau | povorka sa ~ma torch-light

zubljonoa f torch bearer

zubn|i adj tooth, of a tooth, dental | ~o meso gums; ir
na ~om mesu gumboil; ~a caklina tooth-enamel; ~a
klinika dental clinic; ~i suglas dental; ~i tehniar
dental technician
zubobolja f tooth-ache
zubotehniar m dental technician
zubotehniarski adj | ~ laboratorij dental laboratory
zubovina f anat dentine
zuckati vi v. aputati
zucnuti vt v. pisnuti
zuher m photo Ger v. trailo
zuj m buzz, buzzing; hum, humming; whiz(z)
zujalo n buzzer
zujanje n v. zuj
zujara f ent blowfly
zujati vi buzz, whiz(z) | zuji mi u uima my ears tingle,
I have a ringing in my ears
zuluf m Tur v. zalisak
zulum m Tur violence, reign of terror, oppression; domineering, bullying, tyrannizing; riding roughshod over
zulumar m Tur tyrant, despot, oppressor
zulumarenje n v. zulum
zulumariti vi Tur reign by means of violence (oppression)
zumba f Tur v. probojac, perforator
zumbul m bot Tur hyacinth
zupanik m eng cog-wheel; mot (u mjenjau) gears
zupanje n toothing
zupast adj dentate, teethed
zupati vt tooth; furnish (provide) with teeth
zurenje n staring, stare, peer, gaping
zuriti vi gape, stare, peer
zurla f mus Tur zurle
zurla m mus zurle player
zvan pp called, named; (nadimkom) nick-named, christened; (u goste itd.) invited; (prozvan) called over;
(pozvan) summoned | tako ~ so-called
zvanica f v. uzvanik
zvanian adj v. sluben
zvaninik m v. slubenik, linost
zvanj|e n calling, avocation, vocation, profession, walk
of life; trade, business; pursuit, mission; function;
(dozivanje) call(ing) | po ~u by profession (calling);
~e u pomo cries for help; savjetnik za izbor ~a vocational counsellor, professional guidance counsellor
zvati vt call; (po imenu) call by name; (nadimkom) nickname; (okrstiti) christen; (u goste) invite, ask (to);
(imenovati) name; (u pomo) cry for help
zvati se vr call each other (one another) | kako se zove?
what is your name? what are you called?
zveckanje n ting(ing), tinkling
zveckati vi ting, tinkle
zveckav adj tinkling, clinking
zveak m bell-clapper
zveanje n clank(ing) ; clink; (brenati) jangle, twang
zvearka f v. egrtua
zveati vi clink, clank
zveka f rattling toy; rattle

zvek m v. zvuk
zveka f v. zveanje
zvekan m simpleton, dunce, fool, idiot
zveket m v. zveanje
zveketanje n v. zveanje
zveketati vt v. zveati
zveketav adj clanging
zvekir m door-knocker
zveknuti vi give a clinking (clanking) sound
zvijer f beast of prey; fig beast, brutal man
zvijerka f v. zvjerka
zvijezd|a f star; (stajaica) fixed star; (dvostruka) double
(binary) star; (repatica) comet; (polarnica) polar star,
north star; (veernjica) evening star; (jutarnja)
morning star; (vodilja, prethodnica) guiding star,
lodestar, cynosure; (glumica) star, actress | roen
pod sretnom ~om born under a lucky star, born with
a silver spoon in his mouth; roen pod (ne)sretnom
~om born under a(n un)lucky star; posut ~ama starspangled; bez ~a starless; kovati u ~e extol to the
zvijee n collect constellation
zviz! int whiz(z); (udarac) wham!
zviznuti vt (nekoga) slug, sock (oba sl); v. zazvidati
zvidalica f whistle, catcall, pipe
zvidanje n whistling; (negodovanje) B & A boos pl,
zvidati vi whistle; (govorniku, pjevau) boo, whistle
zviduk m whistle, whistling; hiss
zvidukanje n continual whistling
zvidukati vi keep whistling
zvjerad f collect beasts of prey; wild beasts; (divlja)
zvjerati vi (oima) look shyly about
zvjerinjak m zoological gardens; preserve of game
zvjerinje n collect v. zvjerad
zvjerka f dim (small) wild animal | fig velika ~ bigwig;
A sl big wheel (shot)
zvjerokradica f poacher | biti ~ poach
zvjerski' adj beastly, brutal
zvjerski'' adv savagely, truculently, inhumanly, atrociously, in a bloodthirsty manner
zvjerstvo n brutality, atrocity, truculence; cruel (bloodthirsty) deed
zvjezdan adj star-lit
zvjezdarnica f astronomical observatory
zvjezdast adj starry, star-like
zvjezdica f dim small star; (znak) asterisk
zvjezdolik adj star-like
zvjezdoznanac m astronomer
zvjezdoznanstvo n astronomy
zvocati vi v. cvokotati, blebetati, zvrndati, prigovarati
zvonak adj resonant; ringing (tone, voice); sounding like
a bell
zvonar f bell-ringer, sacristan
zvonarnica f bell-foundry
zvonce n dim small bell; (elektrino) electric bell; (zujalo) buzzer; (kuno) doorbell; (runo) hand-bell;
(mrtvako) knell

zvoni m dim small bell; (biljka) blue-bell

zvonik m church-tower, bell-tower, belfry
zvoniti vt (zvono) ring; (na grobu) toll, knell; (odbijajui
sate) chime
zvonko adv resonantly, ringingly
zvonkost f resonance, ringing quality
zvono n bell | veernje ~ ave bell, Angelus; fig objesiti
na veliko ~ blazed abroad; raspuklo ~ cracked bell
zvonolik adj bell-shaped
zvonjava f bell-ringing, chiming; (za mrtvacem)
toll(ing), knell
zvonjenje n v. zvonjava
zvrcnuti vt (po nosu) give a fillip upon the nose
zvranje n rattle, rattling
zvrati vi rattle
zvrjiti vi v. zvoniti, zvrati, zujati, zvrndati
zvrk m top, teetotum, whilligig; whipping-top

zvrkan m foolish (crazy, cranky) fellow

zvrkast adj foolish, crazy, crankly, eccentric; giddy
zvrkasto adv foolishly; giddily
zvrkastost f foolishness; giddiness
zvrknuti vi v. zvrati
zvrndati vi jangle, rattle, buzz; (prigovarati) nag
zvuan adj sonorous, resonant, ringing, vibrating, resounding, loud; fig high-sounding
zvuati vi sound, ring, resound; vibrate
zvunik m loudspeaker; (skriveni) bug
zvuno adv sonorously, resonantly, resoundingly | ~ izoliran sound-proofed
zvunost f sonority, resonance; phon presence of voice
zvuk m sound; ring | nauka o ~u accoustics sg; pojaati
(oslabiti) ~ turn up (down)

aba f frog; (krastaa) toad; (zelena, gatalinka) treefrog; (kreketua) green-frog; ichth frog-fish
abac m male frog; hyp little rascal
abar m frog-catcher; derog frog-eater; derog landlubber
abetina f big ugly frog
abic|a f dim small frog; (praskavica) cracker | bacati
~e skim pebbles
ablj|i adj frog, of the frog(s); |~a jaja frog spawn
abo m jabot
abokreina f pond-scum; fig backwater
aca m derog v. andar
acanje n reluctance, shrinking, scruples pl
acati se vr be reluctant, shrink from, scruple, recoil
from, fight shy of | ne ~ nicega stick at nothing
acnuti vt sting (to the quick)
acnuti se vr v. acati se
aket m (enski) jacket; (muki sveani) morning-coat
al m beach; (obala) coast, shore; poet strand | izvui
amac na ~ beach a boat
alac m sting | osjetiti ~ fig be stung to the quick
alb|a f complaint, grievance; (gunanje, prigovor)
grumble, murmur; (kajanje) regret | podnijeti ~u
lodge a complaint, uloiti nitavnu ~u to lodge a
plea of nullity
alfija f v. kadulja
aliboe adv reg v. na alost | ~ truda it's a waste of
alitelj m complainant
aliti vt regret, deplore; (kajanje) repent; (oplakivanje)
bemoan, lament; (boljeti) grieve at; (samilost) have
(take) pity on, commiserate, feel pity for, be sorry for
| ne ~ truda not spare pains (trouble), take great
aliti se vr lodge a complaint; (na osudu, uloiti poiziv)
appeal; v. tuziti se
alo n v. al

alobnnik n mourner; (zamjenik) mute

alopojka f dirge
alosnik m v. jadnik
alosno adv sadly, mournfully
alost f sadness; (bol) grief, sorrow, affliction; (crnina)
deep mourning; (polucrnina) half mourning; (potitenost) melancholy, dejection, despair | biti u ~i
mourn for, be in mourning; na ~ unfortunately, allas
Iam sorry to say; na moju (veliku) ~to my (deep) regret (annoyance, vexation)
alostan adj sad, mourful, melancholy; cheerless, joyless, funereal; (potiten) gloomy, dismal, downcast,
down-hearted, woebegone; (jadan) forlorn, lamentable; (neutjeiv) inconsolatable, comfortless; depressing, wretched, pitiable, deplorable
alostiti vt sadden, make unhappy; distress, afflict,
alostiti se vr be grieved, sad, distressed; mope, pine,
grieve at
alostiv adj v. suosjeajan; alostan
aloenje n v. alost
aluzina f Venetian blind
aljenje n (prituba) compliaint, grievance; (tuga)
mourning; (kajanje) regret, compunction; (samilost)
amor n din of voices; murmur(ing)
amorenje n murmur
amoriti vi make din by speaking; murmur
andar m, gendarme
andarmerija f gendarmerie
andarmerijski adj gendarmerie
andarski' adj fig arm-twisting
andarski''-adv fig using arm-twisting methods
anr m Fr genre
ao m harm, hurt, wrong, bad turn | ~ mi je I am sorry;
~ mi ga je I am sorr for him, I pity him; uiniti na ~
hurt one, harm one, inflict injury upon one, do harm,

wrong one; nee mu biti ucinjeno nista na ~ he

shall not be scathed, no harm will be done to him;
vratiti ~ za sramotu give tit for tat, reta11iate
aoka f v. alac
api m dim young frog
ar m glow; (eravica) live coals; fig ardour, warmth,
enthusiasm; violent passion; fire, spirit, mettle; fervency | bijeli ~ (kovine) white heat, incandescence
ara f urn; (izborna) ballot-box
arac n, poker (fire-iron)
ardinijera f jardiniere, flower-stand
arenje n heating to a red-hot (white-hot) state; glow,
argon m jargon | omladinski ~ yout slang
arini adj focal
arite n focus; (lee) focal length; (sredite) centre,
principal seat of disease (activity); pivot
ariti vt heat to red-hot (white-hot) heat; heat to a glow
ariti se vr glow; be glowing hot (red-hot, white-hot) |
ari mu se lice his face is all a glow
arki adj glowing; red-hot, white-hot; fig ardent, fervent, zealous, fiery; (sjaj) bright, dazzling; (rumen)
blushing deeply | ~ pojas torrid zone
arko adv fig ardently, fervently, zealously
arkost f glow; (fig) ardour, fervency; (sjaj) brightness,
arulja f electric bulb
bica f spoke (of wheel)
bir m derog v. pandur, uhoda
buk|a f mortar, rough-cast, plaster | bez ~e mortarless
bukan pp plastered with mortar, mortared, rough-cast
bukanje n plastering with mortar; (sadrom) pargeting
bukati vt mortar, plaster with mortar; (sadrom) parget;
(grubo) rough-cast
bun m v. grm
deranje n devouring, gluttony; gorging
(oneself with); ravenous eating
derati vt devour, eat greedily (gluttonously); gorge oneself
derati se vr fig eat one's heart out
deronja f aug glutton, voracious person | zoo sjeverni ~
v. gorska kuna
dral ornith crane
drali m young crane, crane chick
dranje n v. deranje
drebad f collect foals pl; colts pl; (junice) fillies pl
dreban adj in (with) foal
drebanje n casting (drawing) lots
drebati vi draw (cast) lots, raffle
drebica f filly
drijeb m lot | vui (bacati) ~ draw lots; ~ je pao na
mene the lot fell upon me
drijebac m (pastuh) stallion
drijebati vi v. zdrebati
drijebe n (openito) foal; (muko) colt; (ensko) filly
drijebiti se vr foal
drijelni adj anat pharyngal

drijel|o n (ponor) abyss, chasm, gulf; gorge, pit; (vulkansko) crater; anat pharynx | med upala ~a
pharyngitis; ~o topa muzzle
ei vt (paliti) burn; sear; (ranu) cauterize; (opriti)
scorch, singe; (igom) brand; (osuiti) parch; fig (boljeti) smart bleed, take to heart | to ga ee this rankles in his breast, this has stung him to the quick
edan adj thirsty; fig coveting; hankering after | ~ krvi
bloodthirsty; ~ osvete nursing revenge
edno adv thirstily
ednjeti vi v. zeati
ea f thirst; (enja) longing, hankering, craving; appetite, lust | gorjeti od ~e be parched with thirst
eati vi suffer thirst, be thirsty; fig long after, crave for,
burn to; be dying for,be devoured by the desire; lust
after (for)
ega f broiling (scorching) heat
elatina f gelatin
ele m jelly | ~ puding B jelly, A jello
eliti vt reg v. zeljeti
eluan adj stomachal, gastric | ~a bol stomach-ache;
~e kapljice cordial drops; ~i katar catarrh; ~a
groznica gastric fever; ~a kiselina gastric acid
(juice); ~a lijezda pancreas
elu|dac m stomach; (ptica) gizzard; (preivaa) maw |
pun ~dac a stomachful; lijek za ~dac stomachic;
osjetljiv ~dac squeamish stomach, easily nauseated;
on ima velik ~dac he is a great eater; trpi od slabog
~ca he suffers from indigestion; ova hrana ne prija
mom ~cu this food disagrees with me; lei mi hrana
u ~cu food lies heavy on my stomach; buni mi se
~dac (povraca mi se) my gorge rises; utaiti ~dac
stay one's stomach; on ima garavicu u ~cu he has
heartburn; fig on ima dobar ~dac he can stand (endure) much; bol u ~cu stomach-ache; pokvareni
~dac upset stomach
elj|a f wish, desire; (enja) longing, hankering, yearning, coveting, craving; (pohlepa) avidity, cupidity,
greed(iness); (estitka) congratulation | iva ~a ardent desire; dobre (zle) ~e good (bad) wishes; imam~u I have a mind to..., I feel inclined (disposed) to...,
I have a fancy to (mind for); nije me vie ~a I've lost
the fancy for, I no longer wish; danas me je ~a itati
I am in a reading mood today
eljan adj desirous, anxious, eager, keen (set) (up)on,
wistful; avid; (lud za) mad after; (vidjeti itd.) agog;
(slave itd.) thirsty
eljan adj desired, wished-for
eljenje n wishing; (svega dobra, estitanje) felicitation,
congratulation; v. elja
eljeti vt wish for, desire, be desirous; (imati na srcu)
have at heart; desiderate; (ivo, eznuti) thirst (crave,
hanker, yearn, long, hunger, aspire) after, be dying
for; (htjeti) want; (mariti) choose, care; like; (sve dobro, estitati) felicitate, congratulate | elio bih
would like to; ~ nekome dobro (zlo) be well (ill) inclined (disposed) to one; elim ti sreu I wishh you
luck; iron I wish you joy of it!

eljez|an adj iron, (made) of iron; fig hard, unbending |

~na ruda iron ore; ~na ila (rude) iron vein (lode);
~ni rudnik iron mine; chem ~na galica green vitriol, sulphate of iron; ~na roba iron goods; (kratka)
hardware; ~na marljivost unwearied industry; ~no
zdravlje robust health; ~na nuda dire necessity;
~na odluka unwarering reso1ution
eljezar m B irorimonger, A hardware store operator, B
&A hardwareman
eljezara f ironworks, iron and steel works; (eliana)
steelworks; v. eljezarija
eljezarija f (duan) B ironmonger's, ironmongery; A
hardware store
eljeznar m v. eljezar
eljeznarija f (roba) hardware, B+ ironmongery
eljeznic|a f B railway, A railroad | podzemna ~a B underground railway, B coll tube, A
sub way;
nadzemna ~a elevated railroad; uskotracna ~a narrow-gauged railway; ina ~a v. iara; brdska
(zupana) ~a
cog(wheel) railway; putovati
(prevoziti) ~om travel (transport) by rail
eljezniar m, B railway man, A railroader, B railway
(A railroad) employee
eljeznik|i adj B railway, A railroad | ~a pruga railway (A railroad) line; ~a tranica rail; ~e tracnice
railway track; dvostruka ~a pruga railway double
track; ~i odvojak siding; ~a postaja (stalna) railway-station; (uvjetna) flag station; ~i nasip permanent way; ~o raskrsce railway (A railroad) junction;
~a konana stanica railway (A railroad) terminus;
~a nesrea railway (A railroad) accident; ~i prag B
railway sleeper, A railroad tie; ~i straar pruge
eljeznobetonski adj reinforced-concrete
eljez|o n iron; (staro) scrap-iron; (ravo) rusty iron;
(lijevano) cast iron: (sirovo)
crude cast iron;
(kovano) wrought iron; (valjano) rolled iron; (rastaljeno) molten iron | ~a pl v. okovi, stupica; 1jeva ~a
iron-founder; kuj ~o dok je vrue strike while the
iron is hot, make hay while the sun shines, improve
the opportunity (occasion); vaditi ~o iz rude smelt
iron ore; ljevaonica ~a iron-foundry
eljezovit adj ferruginous, chalybeate
emika, emlja f roll, bread roll, breakfast roll
en|a f woman: (udata) wife, married woman; female;
(supruga) spouse, mate, consort; (rastavljena) divorced woman, divorcee; hum better half; (brbljava)
chatterbox; (koja uvijek obilazi susjedstvo) gadabout; (stara gospoa) matron; (starica, seljakinja)
gammer | zakonita ~a, lawfully wedded wife; nezakonita ~a mistress; ~a dri mua pod papuom the
husband is hen-pecked, grey mare is the better horse;
dati za ~u give in marriage; uzeti za ~u take in
marriage, marry; rastaviti se od ~e divorce a wife;
~e pl women; (supruge) wives; (krasni spol) fair sex;
enantan adj Fr v. nezgodan, koji se ustruava
enerozan adj Fr v. velikoduan, irokogrudan

enetina f derog low (vulgar) woman; big (corpulent,

strong) woman; slut, slattern
eneva f geog Geneva
enevsk|i adj geog | ~a konvencija Geneva Convention(s); ~o jezero Lake of Geneva, Lake Leman
enica f dem & hyp (odmila) old girl; (mala, slabana)
enidba f marriage; (vjenanje) wedding-ceremony;
(svatovi) wedding; (brak) matrimony, match, wedlock; (gozba) wedding-feast, nuptials pl, bridal | ~ iz
1jubavi love-match; ~ iz 1jubavi (ali bez sredstava)
love in a cottage
enidben adj matrimonial, marital, conjugal, connubial,
nuptial, wedded | krenje ~og obeanja breach of
promise; ~i posrednik marriage broker; (provodadija) matchmaker; ~o posrednitvo marriagebroking bureau; ~i ured marriage registrar's office; ~i
ugovor marriage contract
enik m (mladenac) bridegroom; (zarunik) fianee, one's
betrothed (intended)
enin adj a wife's
enirati vt Fr v. smetati, dosaivati
enirati se vr Fr v. skanjivati se, ustruavati se
eniti vt marry, espouse, wed, make a match
eniti se vr marry, take in marriage
enka f female, dam, cow
enomrzac m mysoginist, hater of women
enska f coll female; derog skirt, A coll broad; A sl
enskadija f collect women, womenfolk
enskar m lover of woman (fair sex. female sex; womanizer; lady's man, gallant, lady-killer; (razuzdanac)
rake, libertine; (zavodnik) seducer
enskast adj effeminate
ensk|i adj female; woman's, women's; feminine, womanly, womanish | gram ~i rod feminine gender; ~i
rad needle-work; ~a loza aistaff side; ~i samostan
enskinje f pl women, womenfolk
ensko n v. enska
enstven adj feminine, womanly
enstveno adv femininely, in a womanly manner
enstvenost f femininity, feminine nature
enturaa f derog v. enetina
erav m chestnut horse
eravica f live coal
eravnik m brazier
erse(j) m text jersy, knitted fabric, A+ doubleknit
erve m (sir) whip-cream cheese
esta f arch v. alkohol, spirit
estina f violence, vehemence, impetuosity; intensity;
heat; rage; fury
estiti vt make angry, annoy
estiti se vr be angry, lose one's temper; (planuti) flare
up, burst with anger, chafe, fume; (bjesnjeti) rage, be
estok adj violent, vehement; (jak) intense, acute; (zima)
bitter, severe; (vatren) mettled, impetuous, fiery; (bi-

jesan) frantic, savage, frenzied, fierce, ferocious;

estoko adv violently, vehemently, intensely, fiercely
etelac m reaper
etelica f woman-(girl)-reaper; (stroj) reaping-machine,
eti vt reap, cut with a scythe | fig ~ tuu muku reap
where one has not sown
eton m jetton; (poker i sl.) chip; (za telefon, podzemnu
zeljeznicu) token
etv|a f harvest, harvest-time | sveanost spremljene ~e
harvest home; vrlo obilna ~a bumper crop; kakva
sjetva takva ~a reap as you have sown
etven adj | ~a sveanost harvest festival; ~a zahvalnica Thanksgiving
ezlo n sceptre; (lude) bauble; (slubeno) mace
een pp (alkohol) distilled; (opaljen) burnt; (ispaljen)
cauterized, seared, branded | dvaput ~ doubledistilled; ~ kau hladi burnt child dreads the fire
eenje n cautrization | sprava, za ~ cautery
gadija f collect v. gamad
ganci m pl cul reg hard-boiled corn mush
ganica f distilled spirit brandy
ganje n burning; distilling, distillation
garavica f heart-burn | pee me ~ I have heart-burn
gati vt reg v. ei
gepe n dim small child, tot
goljav adj runty; scrawny
goljavac m runt, scrawny fellow
goljavost f runtiness; scrawny build
ic|a f wire; el wire, (gajtan) cord, flex; mus chord,
string; (gusala) catgut; (tkanja) warp (uzduna);
(bodljikava) barbed wire; (raspoloenje) vein; (rude)
v. ila; | naviti ~e (violine) twist pegs, screw up pegs;
fig pogoditi ~u find out one's weak side (point);
glazbala na ~e stringed instruments, the strings pl;
anat glasne ~e v. glasnice
icanje n coll, sponging, scrounging; (parketa) scrubbing with metal wool
icar m sponger, scrounger
icarski' adj sponger's, sponging
icarski'' adv like a sponger
icati vi sponge, scrounge; (parket) scrub with metal
ian adj wire, made of wire | ~i konop wire-rope; ~a
mrea wire-netting; ~e kare wire shears, pliers; v.
~a eljeznica
iara f wire(-drawing) mill; (brdska) cable (rail) way;
(uspinjaa) funicular railway
iica f dim short (thin) wire
ini adj wire
ie n life, being, existence
idak adj liquid, running, fluent
idov m Jew, Israelite, Hebrew; derog sl kike
idovka f Jewess
idovski adj Jewish, Judaic, Hebrew, Hebraic, Hebraistic, Israelitic
idovstvo n Judaism, Hebraism

ig m brand; (na zlatu itd.) hall-mark; stigma; (postanski) stamp, seal, post-mark; token, mark, trade-mark |
udariti ~ brand, stigmatize
iganje n shooting (stabbing) pain
ig|ati vi | ~a me I feel stabbing pain
igerica f Tur v. jetra
igica f v. ibica
ignuti vt feel a stab of pain
igolo m gigolo
igosanje n branding, stigmatizing, stamping; hallmarking
igosati vt brand, stigmatize, stamp, hall-mark; (pismo)
il|a f vein, artery; (lista) rib, nervure; (kamena, drva)
streak (stripe) (in wood, marble); (korijen) root | ~a
kucavica jugular (vein); pustiti ~u (krv) let blood;
volovska ~a pizzle; krv mi se sledila u ~ama my
blood curdled (with horror, od groze); med
ovapnjenje ~ hardening of arteries; iz petnih ~ a
with all one's might
ilav adj sinewy, muscular, nervy; nervous; tough; tenacious; (izdrljiv) having stamina (last); (otporan) resisting, hardy; (meso) tough
ilavo adv tenaciously
ilavost f power of endurance, stamina, last; muscularity,
toughness, nervousness, tenacity
ile m reg v. prsluk
ilet m razor blade | Schick ~ injector blade
ilica f dim thin vein; (korijen) thin root, rootlet
iliast adj finely veined; threadlike
ilje n collect thick roots
ipon m Fr v. podsuknja
ir m bot acorn
irafa f zoo giraffe
irant m endorser, guarantor
irat(ar) m endorsee
iri m jury; panel | lan ~ja member of jury, panelist
iriranje n endorsement
irirati vi endorse a bill
iro-raun m transfer account
iroskop m aero gyroscope
irov adj of acorn
ika f v. iak
ikav adj full of corn-moths
itan adj abounding in corn-fields (cereals)
itar m corn-chandler, corn-merchant
itarica f cereal, bread grain
itelj m v. stanovnik
iteljstvo n v. stanovnitvo
itije n Orth Saint's Life
itki adj v. idak
itko adv liquidly, fluently
itkost f liquidity
itni adj of corn (cereals); corn, cereal, grain
itnica f granary (i fig)
ito n B corn, A grain
itorodan adj grain-bearing, grain-growing

iv adj living, live, alive; (ivahan) lively, vivacious,

sprightly, animated. brisk, vivid, quick, mercurial | ~
i zdrav hale and hearty; ~o meso tender flesh, quick;
~ o vapno quick lime, unslacked lime; ~a eravica
live coals; ~a stoka live stock; ~a stijena live rock,
bed-rock; ~a mata vivid imagination; ~i opis vivid
description; ~o sjecanje vivid recollection; ~a slika
living picture; ~i promet brisk traffic; ~i jezik living
language; ~a vjera fervent belief (faith), implicit
faith; ~a boja bright (glaring, brilliant, gay, vivid)
colour; ni ~a dua not a living soul (creature), no
man living; vie mrtav nego ~ more dead than alive;
half-dead; koji raia ~e mlade viviparous; vidio
sam ga ~a ivcata I saw him in the flesh; ni za ~u
glavu not for the life of me; TV prijenos u ~o live
iva f chem mercury, quicksilver
ziv|ac m nerve | ~ac kamen live rock; on ima eljezne
~ce he has iron nerves; preosjetljivih ~aca neurotic,
over-sensitive; napeti ~ci strained nerves; prenapeti
~ci highstrung (highly strung) nerves; napeo je sve
~ce he strained every nerve; osjetljivi ~ci delicate
(excitable) nerves; poremeeni ~ci
nerves; ii nekome na ~ce get on someone's nerves,
irritate; to ga je taklo u ~ac it stung him to the
quick, it went home
ivad f collect (kokoja) fowls; (ostala perad) poultry |
dvorite za ~ poultry-run, fowl-run; spavalite (na
visokom) za ~ perch
ivadarstvo n v. peradarstvo
ivahan adj v. iv
ivahno adv vivaciously, briskly
ivahnost f vivacity, vividness, animation, liveliness,
activity, sprighliness; (komeanje) stir
ivalj m inhabitants pl, population | uroeni ~ autochtonous (indigenous) population (inhabitants)
ivcirati (se) vt (vr) v. uzrujavati (se)
ivan adj of the nerves, nerve; coll (very) nervous | ~a
bolest nervous disease (disorder); ~i napadaj nervous attack (fit); ~i sustav nervous system; ~i slom
nervous breakdown (prostration, shock)
ivano adv nervously, in a highstrung manner
ivanost f nervousness, being highstrung
ivevlje n collect the nerves, nervous system
ive m provision, victuals, food; viands
ivear m provision dealer
ivezn|i adj | ~e namirnice v. ive; ~a karta ration
card; ~i trgovac provision dealer
ivic|a f hedge | ograditi ~om hedge (in)
ivin adj chem mercurial; mercuric, mercurous
ivina f animal, beast; collect cattle; v. ivad; fig stupid
person, brute
ivinar m v. veterinar; v. peradar
ivinarnik m v. peradarnik
ivinarski adj v. peradarski
ivinarstvo n arch v. veterinarstvo; v. peradarstvo
ivinski' adj v. zivotinjski
ivinski'' adj like a brute

ivinstvo n fig brutishness, beastliness

ivio int long live!, up with; arch hail; live long!; (pozdrav) welcome!; three cheers for... !
ivjeti vi live, exist, be alive, subsist, be; (stanovati) live,
dwell, reside, be domiciled; |~ jadno keep the wolf
from the door, keep body and soul together; ~ kao
bubreg u loju live in clover; ~od voa (od svoje
plae) live upon fruit (upon one's earnings); ~ prema
svojim naelima live up to one's principles; ~
povueno (samotno) live a solitary life,keep oneself
to oneself; ivi i daj ~ live and let live; ~ od danas
do sutra live from hand to mouth; ~ od svoje dovitljivosti live by one's wits, shift for oneself; ~ teko
manage to make a livelihood; ~ od tue muke live
upon another's income (earnings); ~ mnogo u
drutvu (zabavama) see much company, see life;
nemati od ega ~ have no means of supporting life; ~
od svog dohotka live on one's income; da ivi! long
live!, long life to!
ivlje! adv comp come on!, get your backs into it!
ivljenje n living, life, existence, spending one's life
ivnuti vi perk up
ivo adv lively, quickly, briskly, actively, sharply
ivoder m dog-catcher; B (konjski) knacker, flayer
ivodernica f town (city) pound, knacker's premises
ivopisan adj picturesque, brightly painted, lively
ivopisno adv picturesquely, in a lively manner
ivopisnost f picturesqueness, liveliness
ivost f v. ivahnost
ivot m life, existence, subsistence, being; time; (ivahnost, promet) bustle, stir, commotion, traffic; (doba,
vijek) age | dug ~ long life, longevity; probijati se
kroz ~ shift for oneself; nain ~a way (manner) of
life, ways pl, conduct; borba za ~ struggle for life;
borba na ~ i smrt mortal combat; razvratan ~ licentious (libertine) life, libertinism; ostanak na ~u survival; poloziti (dati) ~ za... lay down one's life for;
ovaj i budui ~ this and the next world; drugi ~ (svijet) the other (future) life; oduzeti sebi ~ lay hand on
oneself, commit suicide; radi se o ~u i smrti it is a
matter of life and death; potedjeti ~ spare one's life;
stupiti u ~ enter the life (the world); imam dosta do
kraja ~a I have enough to last me for life; 10 je
1judi izgubilo ~ ten men lost their lives; tako mi ~a
upon my life; goli ~ bare life; staviti na kocku ~ risk
life; sit ~a sick of life; ogoriti ~embitter the life of;
poeti nov ~(popraviti se) turn a new leaf
ivotarenje n vegetating; subsisting
ivotariti vi vegetate; subsist; eke out a living
ivotinja f animal, beast
ivotinjskfi' adj animal, beast; of an animal, like an
animal (beast) | ~o carstvo animal world, fauna
ivotinjski'' adv beastly, brutally, brutishly, like an animal (beast)
ivotinjstvo n zoology; fauna
ivotn|i adj life, of life | ~a snaga vital force; ~o osiguranje life insurance; ~a mudrost wordly wisdom; ~e

namirnice v. ivene namirnice; ~i trokovi cost of

ivotnost f existential quality; viability
ivotopis m description of life; biography; (anegdota)
ana; (vlastiti) autobiography; (zapisci) memoirs; (ispovijed)confessions
ivotopisac m biographer; (vlastitog ivota) autobiographer
ivotopisni adj biographic(al); autobiographical
ivotvoran adj life-giving
ivotvorno adv life-givingly
ivotvornost f life-giving quality
ivovanje n v. ivot, ivljenje
ivovati vi v. ivjeti
ivui adj living, in life
ia f phys & fig v. arite
iak m (svijetlo) rush-light | ent itni ~ grain weevil;
plinski ~ pilot burner
iica f v. ibica
ini adj v. arini
lic|a f spoon; (mala) teaspon; (velika) soup-spoon, table-spoon; (kuhinjska za grabljenje) ladle | puna ~a a
spoonful; 3 pune ~e three spoonfuls; vaditi velikom
~om ladle out
liar m spoon-maker
liarka f ornith spoonbill
liic|a f dim little spoon; tea-spoon; coffee-spoon | dvije
~e two small spoonfuls
linjaci m pl cul batter-dumplings | snjeni ~ snow
balls; floating islands
lijeb m (brazda) groove, flute; channel | odvodni
krovni ~ gutter; (okomit) drain-pipe
lijebiti vt hollow out, gouge; groove; flute
lijebljen pp hollowed out, gouged; grooved, fluted
lijezda f gland | ~ s unutrasnjim luenjem endocrine
(ductless) gland; telea prsna ~ sweetbread
lundra f Ger gristle
1jebast adj groovelike; v. lijebljen
ljebic m dim small gutter (groove)
1jezdan adj anat glandular
marci m pl tingling; (od utrnulosti) pins and needles |
podilaze me ~ I'm getting goose pimples
migati vi blink
migavac m mot turn signal
mikati vt wring out
mireke adv blinking, with half-closed eyes
mirenje n blinking
miriti vt blink, keep one's eyes half open
mirkanje n (repeated) blinking
mirkati vi blink
mirkav adj blinking
mirkavo adv blinkingly
mukler m Ger v. varalica, icar
mureki adv with one's eyes closed
muriti vi keep one's eyes closed; v. miriti
murk|a f | igrati se ~e v. igrati se skrivaa
niranac m Ger v. vezica
nora f Ger v. uzica, vrpca, paga; el v. gajtan

njeti vt v. eti
ohar m ent cockroach, A+ roach | obini (crni) ~ common cockroach, black beetle; smei ~ (rus) German
ongler m juggler; fig balancing artist, rope-walker
onglerski adj juggling
ong1erstvo n juggling; fig balancing art
onglirati vt juggle / ~vi fig walk the tightrope, do the
balancing act
oret m text georgette
ovijalan adj jovial
ovijalno adv jovially
vijalnost f joviality
reb m reg v. drijeb
rebati vt reg v. drijebati
rec m (pagan) priest
rtv|a f (bogu) sacrifice, offering, oblation, votive offering; (lijevana) libation; (nesree, prevare, zloina)
victim, prey, dupe; sufferer | uiniti ~om victimize;
pasti ~om fall a sacrifice to; pasti ~om svoje pohlepe fall a prey (sacrifice) to one's avarice; pridonijeti ~u make a sacrifice; uz svaku ~u at any sacrifice
rtven adj sacrificial
rtvenik m altar
rtvovan pp sacrified, offered as sacrifice; immolated
rtvovanje n sacrifice; immolation
rtvovati vt sacrifice; (ubiti) immolate
rtvovati se vr sacrifice oneself; devote oneself to
rvanj m grindstone; (gornji) upper grind-stone, (donji)
nether grindstone, quern-stone
rvnjanje n grinding in a hand-mill (quern)
rvnjati vt grind in a quern (hand-mill)
ubor m murmur, purl, babble, brawl, bicker
uborenje n v. ubor
uboriti vi murmur, purl, brawl, babble
u f gall, bile; fig bitterness, spleen, ill blood, virulence,
venom, rancour; (zloba) malice | napadaj ~i bilious
(gallstone) attack
uan adj of the gall; fig bitter, rancou-rous, spiteful,
malicious, venomous, virulent; (zagriljiv) mordant,
mordacious, caustic
uni adj | med ~ kamen gall-stone; anat ~ mjehur gallbladder; anat ~ kanal bi1e duct
uno adv rancorously, bitterly, venomously
unost f gall; fig bitterness, virulence, rancour, venom
ukast adj yellowish
uo m tan-coloured dog
uckastosme adj yellow-brown
udan adj greedy, avid, covetous; eager, keen on, mad
after, dying for
udjeti vi yearn after (for); hanker; long for, crave,
thirst (for, after):,; for, itch for, covet; set
one's heart, upon
udno adv eagerly, covetously, cravingly; wistfully
udnja f craving, hankering, yearning thirst (hunger)
for, ardent desire, coveting, appetite, cupidity, greed,
avididity, fig itch
uen adj coveted, yearned-after
uenje n v. udnja

uk adj reg v. gorak

uka f bot (brnistra) Spanish broum
ukva f bot yellow-barked willow
ulj m (vodeni) blister; (tvrdi) callus, callosity, hardened
(horny) part of skin | fig to su moji ~evi these are my
hard-worn earning; fig stati nekome na ~ step
(tread) on somebody's toes
uljanje n rubbing bare (sore), gall(ing),
ulj|ati vt (do rane) rub bare (sore), gall |~a me cipela
my shoe pinches
uljevit adj callous; (ruka) horny-handed
uljevitost f callosity, callousness
umance n yolk
umanjak m yolk
una f ornith woodpecker
upa f hist district; RC parish
upan adj hist district-prefect
upanija f hist district of a "upan" (prefect); rank (office) of a "upa "
upanstvo n hist rank (office) of a "upan"
upljanin m RC parishioner; vestryman
upni adj RC parish, of (belonging to) parish, parochial |
~ dvor rectory, parsonage, vicarage; Sc manse; ~
ured vestry; parish priest's office
upnik m RC parish priest; (u AS zemljama) rector,
vicar, parson | vritelj dunosti ~a incumbent
upnikovanje n RC holding the office of a parish priest,
doing the duties of a parish priest
upnikovati vi RC hold the office of a priest; have the
cure of souls
upski adj hist district
ur m party
uran adj quick, fast, hasty, hurried; (hitan) pressing,
urgent; (povran) cursory; (nagao) precipitate, posthaste
urb|a f haste, hurry; precipitancy; urgency, dispatch;
hustle, bustle, fuss | u ~i in haste, in a hurry, hastily,

urenje n v. urba
uriti (se) vi (vr) hasten, make haste, bestir oneself,
make the best of one's time, lose no time, hurry; rush
along, fly, peed, poet hie; press (push) on, urge one's
way; coll look sharp (alive)
ururnal m (modni) fashion magazine; (u kinu) newsreel
urnalist m v. novinar
urnalistiki adj v. novinarski
urnali|stika f, ~zam m v. novinarstvo
urno adv hastily, hurriedly, speedily
urnost f (hitnost) urgency
ustar adj nimble, dapper, brisk, frisky, lively, quick,
spry, agile
ustrina f quickness, nimbleness, briskness
ustro adv briskly; nimbly
ut adj yellow | mot ~o svjetlo B amber (A) yellow light
utica f med jaundice; unbleached stout linen | med
zarazna ~ infectious hepatitis
utikovina f bot barberry (tree)
utilo n yellow paint (colouring matter, dye)
utilovka f bot broom (plant)
utiti vt paint (colour, dye) yellow
utjeti vi become (grow, turn) yellow
utokljun adj having a yellow bill
utokljunac m fig greenhorn
utokos adj yellow-haired
vaka f coll chewing gum
vakanje n mastication, chewing; (glasno) munching |
guma za ~ chewing gum
vale f pl bit, snaffle-bit, bridoon; med lip sores
valiti vt (po ustima) turn something in one's mouth;
(konja) bridle
valjenje n turning something in one's mouth; (konja)
vrljotina f v. drljotina, krabanje

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