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AYBOnline | BaseLAN 30

Overwatch Tournament Rules

Oct. 29th Oct 30th 2016
Tournament Organizer (TO):
Matt Kondrack
Ariel Remillard
Damion Petriew
Double Elimination
Team Size: 6

Friday: Teams will be locked & final check-in will be done by 11:00pm.
Players must have their PC's ready, connected to the network, & the team checked in.

Players are required to sign up for this event by 11:00 pm. Friday night. Any players or teams not registered
in LANHUB by this time will not be entered in the tournament.
Match scheduling will be based on 60-minute average estimate.

Saturday: 10 a.m. 1 a.m.

Sunday: 10 a.m. 5 p.m.

Tournament Format

Double Elimination
All matches will be Best of 3 maps.
i. Control mode rounds do not count towards the BO3 map total.
Teams will be seeded randomly via LanHUB
Map vetoing will be conducted by paper forms provided by the TOs.
Higher seed begins the map veto.
Odd seeded team = Red. Even seeded team = Blue.
Rule set: Competitive (settings below)
Hero selection limit: 1 per team
After each map the teams will return to the lobby to setup the next match.
In case of a draw: a Best of 1 Control map will be played that is not in the present B03
match map pool. The winner of this map will be the winner of the match.

Map selection will be based on the current official Overwatch competitive rotation.
Assault Maps - Hanamura, Temple of Anubis, Volskaya Industries
Escort Maps - Dorado, Route 66, Watchpoint: Gibraltar
Hybrid Maps - Hollywood, King's Row, Numbani, Eichenwalde
Control Maps - Illios, Lijiang Tower, Nepal

Server Configuration

Headshots only: Off

Team balancing: Off
Rule set: Competitive

Map rotation: After a game

Map order: Single Map
Return to Lobby: After a game
Hero selection limit: 1 per team
Disable all maps except for the map to be played.
Role selection limit: none
Allow hero switching: On
Respawn as a random hero: Off
High Bandwidth: On
Control game mode format: Best of 5
Health modifier: 100%
Damage modifier: 100%
Healing modifier: 100%
Ultimate charge rate modifier: 100%
Respawn time modifier: 100%
Ability cooldown modifier: 100%
Disable skins: Off
Disable health bars: Off
Disable kill cam: On
Disable kill feed: Off

Important note: Overwatch currently has no ability to pause live matches or to restore
previous gamestates. TOs have final say in all decisions, and may change or override
rules outlined in this document at their discretion. Any issues, technical or otherwise,
that will require a map reset will be handled as follows.
Captain Responsibilities
As Overwatch has no dedicated servers, team captains are required to coordinate the creation of a match lobby with
the opposing team captain. To avoid delays captains should add each other on prior to the tournament
Captains are required to take a screenshot (Print Screen Button for when:
i. Any time a technical issue occurs to any player. Take a screenshot as quickly as possible in this scenario.
ii. During any 'Hero Selection' phase after a round or side change.
Please remember to take screenshots as these are essential for TOs when deciding how to deal with technical or
other issues that may arise. Screenshots help us help you!

Reporting Games
Players will be advised during the captains meeting prior to the tournament as to whether or not they are required to
submit a screen shot of the matchs final results. Report the game through LanHUB and notify a TO that the game
has been completed so he or she can verify the information.
Screenshots must not be scaled up or down, and must clearly show the match results.
Each team is responsible for providing screenshots of their matchs results. Failure to do so may results in an
automatic forfeit of the match.
Teams caught editing screen shots to change the match results will be removed from the tournament.

Technical Issues

AYBOnline is not responsible for any problems that may arise during tournament play in regards to computer
hardware or software.
Players are required to bring a suitable platform to use for the entirety of the tournament.
In the event of a system crash, a disconnect, or any other external event that interrupts tournament gameplay, the
Captain is to immediately pause the match (if possible) and call for an TO. The team will be given FIVE (5) Minutes to
resolve issues and resume gameplay.
Team substitutions may be activated at this point, but are still subject to the 5-minute window to resolve the issue.
(see Section: Player Swapping and Substitutions)

If the issue cannot be resolved the match will be un-paused and played through, the player may rejoin into the
progressing game if the issue is resolved if possible.
TOs reserve the right to disqualify teams suspected of abusing this policy. Failure to contact a TO after pausing a
match will result in an automatic forfeit of the transgressing team.
1. Any player encounters a technical issue within 60 seconds of a map / side starting.
2. A minimum of (3) players encounter a technical issue at any point during a map / side.
If a player encounters a technical issue listed outside of these parameters, the map / side will continue as normal and
they will be able to rejoin the in-progress match. A map / side may be restarted by at any time by a tournament
organizer, or if both team captains deem a restart to be appropriate.
If a map / side is decided to be restarted, it will be done so according to the following rules based on that specific
map's game mode:
Assault, Escort, Hybrid Map Issues
First attack / defense phase: The map will restart with each team staying on the appropriate side.
Second+ phase on Assault: If there is screenshot evidence of time remaining after the previous phase, then teams
will be put on corresponding sides and a seperate stopwatch will be ran by a tournament organizer. This will be the
official time and the in-game clock will not be used.
Second+ phase on Escort, Hybrid: If there is screenshot evidence of total distance after the previous phase, a
tournament organizer will use that measurement as the goal. If the first attacking team did not capture the intial point
on Hybrid, then that will be used as the goal.
Control Map Issues
First round: The map will be restarted, which may start on a new stage.
Second+ round: If there is screenshot evidence of existing round scores, then the round scores will be recorded and
persist in the match being tracked by a tournament organizer. Then the map will be restarted until the right stage is
randomly selected. Additional map resets might be required to set the right stage on subsequent rounds as each
stage should be played at least once in the intial three rounds.

Voluntary Disconnecting / Leaving

Players who voluntarily disconnect from a tournament match during gameplay automatically forfeit the match and a
Buy is given to their opponent. AYBOnline will determine the severity of each situation and provide a suitable time
frame to resolve it based on the severity determined.

Player Swapping and Substitutions

Teams may activate a substitute player in-between matches by informing the Tournament Organizer that a) a
substitute is being activated, and b) which player on the current roster is being removed. Once a substitute player has
been activated, this new player must play out the remainder of the tournament with the team. The player who was
removed from the roster may not participate in any further games. Any substitutes used must be a paid attendee of
BaseLAN 30. Failure to comply with any of the previously mentioned rules will result in the team being disqualified
from the tournament.

Streaming is not allowed during this event in any capacity. People caught streaming will be given one warning and
asked to stop. Further attempts to stream will result in expulsion from the event.

Check In is 10 minutes prior to start time of the tournaments match. If your opponent is 5 or more minutes late to the
tournament start time or disconnects for more than 10 minutes, contact a TO. If ruled that the opponent has been
gone for that length of time, they shall be disqualified and a Buy will be issued for their spot.

All players must conform to the rules and regulations they signed on the AYBOnline Waiver at sign in.
Any forms of ghosting, usage of broadcasting streams or software, or any other means to gain an advantage over an
opponent will be considered cheating and result in a disqualification from the match and/or tournament.
Voice Client Applications are allowed but if an TO suspects that it is being used to gain an advantage over another
team the suspected party will be asked to close/leave all voice client applications. This can include having persons in
the client providing information to the team by any other means.
Any participants found to be cheating shall be disqualified and not eligible for any future tournaments and events.
If a player suspects another of possible cheating, take screenshot(s) of the incident in question, and contact an TO

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