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Actividad 2

* If an American man with wife and two children earns less than $200 a week, the state will make up
his income to $300 so that he will be able to maintain his family at a reasonable level.
Escribe la primer oracin subordinada:

if an American man with wife and two children earns less than $200 a week

*If an American man with wife and two children earns less than $200 a week, the state will make up
his income to $300 so that he will be able to maintain his family at a reasonable level.
La primer oracin subordinada est introducida por un conector de:


*If an American man with wife and two children earns less than $200 a week, the state will make up
his income to $300 so that he will be able to maintain his family at a reasonable level.
Escribe la segunda oracin subordinada

so that he will be able to maintain his family at a reasonable level

*There is an enormous number of street vendors in Mexico, while in Italy there is a large number of
small or family businesses.
Escribe la oracin subordinada de este texto:

while in Italy there is a large number of small or family businesses

*There is an enormous number of street vendors in Mexico, while in Italy there is a large number of
small or family businesses.
En este texto la oracin subordinada est introducida por un conector de:


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