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Class activities U2 M1 Past Simple

Class activities U2 M1 Past Simple

Activity 1 Pronunciation past form of regular verbs

A. Listen to your teacher and repeat.

/d/ /t/ /Id/
Played Asked Visited
enjoyed Kissed Decided
Studied Laughed Affected
Planned Breathed Wanted
Described Danced Invited
delivered helped Ended

Activity 2 Speaking

A. Print Communicative File for activity 2A Bingo!

B. Each student gets a card with nine verbs. If the group is small, one student can have two
C. Look at you card, you’re going to play #past tense bingo”. Your teacher will say the past
tense of verbs.
D. Listen to your teacher and use your pencil to check off the verbs you have.
E. When a student shouts “Bingo!” get her/him to read aloud the nine verbs by saying the
base form and the past to check that they are all correct.

Activity 3 Speaking

Origin myths

Many cultures worldwide explain creation by origin myths. They can explain the origin of different
creatures or of the man or of the world itself.

A. Read tone myths and make notes to be ready to tell the myth in class.
B. In group of three or four. Tell your classmates the myth you read about.
C. Each student asks one question to get more information.
D. Whole group. Comment some of the myths you heard about. Did you find them
interesting/ strange/ interesting? Give reasons.

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Class activities U2 M1 Past Simple

Activity 4 Writing

A. Read the text about Freya.

Freya represented the Vanir gods, who lived in Vanaheim and took care of weather. No
one ever knew where Vanaheim was located or what it looked like.

She was considered the most beautiful of all the goddesses in Norse pantheon. In German
mythology, her name was Frigga, while in Scandinavian countries she was known as Freya
or Vanadis, as an inhabitant of Vanaheim.

When the war between the Aesir and Vanir ended, the Aesir and the Vanir had to
exchange hostages, so Njord, and his two children, Freya and her twin brother Freyr had
to move to Asgard, one of the Nine Worlds and home to the Aesir tribe of gods.

“When Freya entered Asgard, the gods were so amazed at her beauty and grace that they
granted her sacred realm of Folkvang (Fólkvangr) and the great hall Sessrumnir (Room of
Seats), where she could comfortably accommodate all her guests. Freya became an
honorable member of the Aesir and “….the loveliest Goddess she in Heaven, by all…”

B. In pairs. Analyze the text and answer the questions.

What is the purpose of paragraph 1? _______________________________________

What information does paragraph 2 contain? ________________________________

What is described in paragraphs 3 and 4? ___________________________________

C. In pairs. Follow the model of the text and write three or four paragraphs of one myth.
D. Exchange you text with another pair. Read your classmates’ text.

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Class activities U2 M1 Past Simple

E. In groups of four. Comment on the two texts. Are the ideas clear? Did you find any errors?
F. Whole group. Give some feedback on the activity to the class.

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