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Management Style and Philosophical Beliefs:

It is important for me to have strong classroom management skills to ensure every class
runs smoothly and as planned in my lessons. Every class time will have objectives. An effective
style will help my students and I utilize our time together. This can happen with organization
and routine in our daily schedule. By having high expectations of my students, they will also see
value in using our time together efficiently for learning.
I have an authoritative style of classroom
management. There will be rules that are the same for
all students. Students will know what I expect of them
when entering my room. While I am the leader of the
classroom my students must also have a say in what is
going on within the room. It is their learning that we are
concerned with so, it is important for our classroom
structure to reflect what makes them productive. As
partners in certain aspects of the environment we can
create an atmosphere that is cohesive to learning.
Rules for all of my students will be the same and
everyone will be treated fairly. The problem is that what
is fair is not always equal for all students. Each students
will be treated as an individual but, still be expected to
live up to my high expectations. Everyone will know that
breaking of the rules will have consequences and these consequences will be agreed upon by
the whole class before problems even arise. Out of respect for my students, these
consequences will be dealt with privately.

Establishing a Positive Classroom Culture:

This first step in developing a relationship
between a student and teacher is getting to know
your students. I plan to carter my teaching to
student interests. By doing this it will allow for
students to see value it what they are learning
and improves understanding when they can make
a connection. I can do this by surveying students
and talking with them on a daily basis. I also plan
to be a part of their extracurricular activities. By
encouraging and respecting the life they live
outside of the classroom, it will hopefully be
reflected in my classroom. Im supportive of their
interests so, maybe they will supportive of mine
as well.
Having a positive classroom culture is very
important to me in my future classroom. Every
person needs to know that their opinions are valued. If there is a problem, students need to
know they can speak freely. I also want to make sure they know I value the work they create. I
can do this by displaying their work for an authentic audience. This will also raise their ambition
to try harder in producing quality work. Students are free to express themselves and
communicate with a wide audience. This is also a space of respect among peers. Students value
each others ideas and opinions with positivity.

Developing Classroom Rules and Procedures:

It is important for me to making my own classroom policies that I find valuable. This will be
a set guideline for how students should act while in my room. This rules should be considered
the main points and be added to and specified by my students. Together we will discuss and
compile the details of each of these main points. Instead of one board rule, we will divide the
rules into degrees of offense.
There are many polices that we will cover as a class but, there are a few that I will have that
are none negotiable. Students will be allowed to leave class
during class time but only during the first 5 minutes and the
last 5 minutes unless there is an emergency. Only one
student may be out of the class at a time, no matter the
destination. Food and drink will be allowed in my classroom.
I will probably have one or both of these in the room and it
would be unfair to not allow high school students that
privilege as well. While I do not condone tardiness, I will
allow for a 5 minute leniency. Since this is the time when
students are allowed to leave the room for breaks, it seems
fitting. I will ask for students to check in with me first if the
reason they will be late is restroom, drink, or office related.
When it comes to academic rules I will accept late work
but, the assignment will be dropped one letter grade for
every day that it is late. This will not affect a students grade
if late work is due to special circumstances. This will be
decided on an individual basis. If students are absent and it
is excused that will have the number of days they were gone
plus one extra day. I will provide them with the material
missed. If as student is gone and it is not excused, they will
be required to find the material missed from a peer and the
due date will not be extended. Finally, there will be a zero tolerance policy for cheating. If they
cheat from an outside source they will receive a zero on their work. If they cheat from another
student, both students will receive zeroes.
Finally with the topic of free time will never truly be free time. I will always have an
additional assignment that goes along with the class credit assignment. These assignments can
be completed for extra credit and there will be freedom with the final product. These are
projects that can be completed throughout the semester during extra time in class. There will
be a lot of structure in my classroom, including extending student learning during free time.

Classroom Layout:

Computer Area: Laptops / Ipads

Student Tables: 4 Students Per Table
Round Table: Supply Tables / 1 Will Have Paper Cutter
Shelves: Tops Will Serve As Extra Work Areas
Front Shelves: Teacher Demonstration Area
Storage: Art Supplies / Student Work Storage

Monitoring the Classroom and Responding to Student Misbehavior:

I have a high level of tolerance when it comes to misbehavior. I have learned through
working in behavior classrooms to not sweat the small stuff. Typically pointing out all of the
little things will just escalate a student
to a larger issue. There are a few things
thought that are unacceptable in a
classroom; disrespect to me or a peer,
not taking responsibility for actions,
and physical violence or aggression.
Disrespect includes cursing, rude
comments, and refusal to work or do
what the teacher requests. Most often
disrespect is brought on by something
unrelated to what is happening in the
classroom. It is important to have a
positive student teacher relationship that can get to the root of the problem rather than just
building on problems the student is already dealing with.
In my classroom, the punishment will fit the crime. Punishment is not what will happen to
children in my classroom but, reasonable consequences for their actions. As a class we will talk
about the rules that apply to everyone in the class. Together we will talk about the degrees of
misconduct and what consequences correspond to these infractions. Students will know what
will happen before it happens. There will be no surprises when it comes to discipline in my

Parents as Partners:
I will plan to use the app Socrative, as a way to keep in contact with parents. This app
allows for me to email, call, and text any device. It will be an easy way to provide daily updates
on what we are doing in the classroom to all parents. It also allows for me to contact individual
parents on student progress. This app will also help with parents who want frequent updates
on their child. It will eliminate the amount of time spend on sent multiple individual emails
daily. Along with this app I plan to have a classroom website. This website will include
information on all assignments and due dates. I will also be posting student work to provide an
authentic audience for my students. For parents that do not have the technology need for
these app or website, I will provide a newsletter. I will not provide one for every member of the
class. I will know who I need to send a newsletter hope with because of the survey I will give
parents on open house night.
Parents will be encouraged to take part in their students learning through the use of
technology. I will also invite parents to experience what it is like to participate in our classroom.
Parents are welcome to come on Fridays and actually take part in the class lesson. They may
come on another day if they give prior notice. This opportunity is open to all parents and I will
encourage all types of parents, whether they are already extremely involved or not at all.
Every issue with a student will first try to be settled at school. If it is a small infraction,
there is no need for parents to get involved. Students need to learn to settle problems on their
own and learn independence. While I intend to contact parents if there are issues in class that
cannot be settled at school, I will also contact parents when their child has a great day or does
someone I think is noteworthy. Parents should be proud of their children and know that their
teacher is proud of them as well. Because of this contact with parents, parent-teacher
conferences should bring no surprises. Parents will already know their childs grades and their
effort put forth in class. I will use this time mainly to show student work that will help support
the conversations we have had previously.

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