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Perez 1

Jessica Perez
Ms. Shaffer
English 1 GATE
19 January 2017

Cooking and Baking

As a group we will cook a meal course and take a picture of each meal we cook every 2 weeks.
Group Members: Diana Chavez, Dalila Brito, Daniela Lopez, Itzel Rubio, Noemi Martinez, and
Jessica Perez
Passion/Learning Opportunity: The passion that this project is helping me pursue is baking and
cooking. Baking is something that really catches my attention as well as cooking. I would like to
dedicate more of my time on something I really look forward to doing, and learning more about
different types of food that there is. I want to learn how to collaborate more in a group, and be
able to make a good use out of my time. Not only do I want to learn about all that, but I also
want to learn how to cook for myself. I want to try to make and taste the varieties and varieties
of different foods that there are from different cultures, places etc.
Needs/Opportunities: In my opinion, I think that this spring 20% Project is worthwhile because
many other people including myself will learn new things, learn how to cook and bake, and most
of all we will all take at least one thing out of it. I do not believe that this project is solving or i
going to solve a current problem, However, I do think that this project will help people. The way
it will help people is by showing that there are many new things that you can try, there are
several different ways to express creativeness as well as emotions, and two of them are baking
and cooking.
Audience/Client/Users: The people who will mostly benefit from this project is my group
members and I. We will benefit from this project by being part of the group; which means that
we will learn new things on the two topics that we have chosen, which will be learning hot to
cook different foods and pastries, or taking certain recipes but make them our own. There are
also other people that will take benefit from this project. Teens will take benefit from this project
by by being able to see that there are new things out there that you can try. I would say that it is
a way to take their mind off of things, and express their creativeness in a different way.

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January 30- February 12

Cook 1 iten, bake 1 item, make one drink,

and 1 snack

February 13-26

Cook 1 iten, bake 1 item, make one drink,

and 1 snack

February 27- March 12

Cook 1 iten, bake 1 item, make one drink,

and 1 snack

March 13-26

Cook 1 iten, bake 1 item, make one drink,

and 1 snack

March 27- April 9

Cook 1 iten, bake 1 item, make one drink,

and 1 snack

April 10- April 3-

Cook 1 iten, bake 1 item, make one drink,

and 1 snack

December 12-16

Project Presentation (TED talk)

Product: The final product for this project will be a google slides presentation showing what
were the difficulties of working on this as well as the easy parts. In the presentation we will also
show the meals that we have cooked and baked throughput our process of this project. We will
put and describe the meals and recipes that we have cooked and baked on a website. In the
website we will put how to cook the recipes, our opinions and recommendations. The purpose
for this website is for whomever comes across it will be able to learn how to cook or bake
something of their own.
Needs/Possible Issues: There are many issues and problems that i think will come along in this
temporal project. The major problem that I see is procrastination. I think that this will be a big
problem because since we are working in such a large group, I would say that if one of us
slacks off it will make it difficult to bring everything together. Another problem that I foresee is
time managing. I think that it is such a major challenge because we all have different schedules
and many different things that we might have to do such as; practice homework etc.

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Conclusion: I think that you all should be enthusiastic about this project because you will all at
least take one thing from it, Even thought that the people who will take most of it is going to be
the group obviously. This project will hopefully teach you a way in which you could be more
independent, and how to cook and bake foods for yourselves. The recipes that we will use wont
be hard to follow along with, due to the reason that we dont want to make it to complicated for
us as well as for you guys. The website will be varying from many different things, from meals to
desserts to drinks and snacks, basically a whole meal course. (Wrap up your thoughts and
inspire us! Why should we be enthusiastic about your project?)

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