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PERSONAS MAYORES DE 20 AOS. Convocatoria 2016

Apellidos: ........................................................................................ Nombre: ..........................................................
DNI/ NIE: ...............................................


Lee atentamente las preguntas antes de contestar y responde en los folios que se te
La puntuacin mxima de cada pregunta est indicada en su enunciado.
Revisa detenidamente la prueba antes de entregarla.
Al finalizar, se entregarn las pruebas y todas las hojas utilizadas para las respuestas.


Headphones are a danger to life, study finds.
Walking with your head in the clouds can be dangerous but not as perilous as listening to your iPod. The number of
people suffering serious injury or death while wearing headphones for MP3 players has tripled in six years, according to a
US study.
An increase in the use of headphones while walking in the street has led to a dramatic rise in the number of injuries, with
teenagers, men and young adults the most at risk from hurting themselves.
In the study, experts looked at data from 2004 to 2011. They found that 116 people in the US wearing headphones had
died or been seriously hurt during that period. The number of people who died or were injured jumped from 16 in 2004-05
to 47 in 2010-11.
Most victims were men (68%) and under the age of 30 (67%), with about one in 10 of all cases under the age of 18.
According to the study, in the online journal Injury Prevention, 70% of the incidents resulted in death. The study found that
wearing headphones may have played a direct part in many of the accidents, because the users could not hear warnings
that they were in danger.
The experts concluded: The use of headphones may pose a safety risk to pedestrians, especially in environments with
moving vehicles.
Other studies have found that people wearing headphones or who are talking on a mobile phone can suffer from
inattentional blindness or iPod oblivion. This is a reduction in attention to the outside world and it can lead to people
paying less attention to traffic when they cross the street.
Kevin Clinton, the head of road safety at the UK Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, advised pedestrians with
headphones to: Ensure you are not dangerously distracted and that you remain aware of what is happening around you.
Alexandra Topping,

1. Lee el texto y di si las siguientes oraciones son verdaderas (V) o falsas (F) de acuerdo con la informacin dada en
el texto. Justifica tu respuesta copiando la frase del texto donde se demuestra tanto si son verdaderas como falsas.
(15 puntos; 2 por verdadero/falso, 3 por justificacin)

] It's quiet safe to use your headphones while you walk in a city.

] There were more dead people using headphones in 2011 than in 2005.

] When you wear headphones in the city you can have an accident.

Segunda lengua extranjera: Ingls. 1 de 3

2. Elige la respuesta correcta. (8 puntos, 2 por apartado)

A. According to the study most of the victims were
B. When people walk wearing headphones, they are with traffic.
 less careful
 more careful
 very careful
C. If you use headphones, you have an accident.
D. Experts recommend
 not to use headphones.
 to be alert when you use headphones.
 to stay at home.
3. Responde la siguiente pregunta con tus propias palabras. (7 puntos)
Why is it dangerous to walk in the street using headphones?


4. Encuentra un sinnimo en el texto para las siguientes palabras. (6 puntos; 2 por apartado)
A. wound, trauma, lesion (noun):
B. discovered, detected, encountered (verb): .
C. recommended, suggested, warned (verb): .
5. Encuentra un antnimo en el texto para las siguientes palabras (6 puntos; 2 por apartado)
A. decrease, decline, fall (noun): ..
B. cure, heal, repair (verb): .
C. increase, (noun): ...
6. Une cada palabra con su definicin: (10 puntos; 2 por apartado)
pedestrian / cross / remain / environment / warning / victim
Ejemplo: A person who suffers from destruction or an injury: victim
A. To move from one side to the other side (of a street, etc): .
B. Advice to beware or desist: .
C. External conditions or surroundings, especially those in which people live: .
D. A person travelling on foot: .
E. To continue to be: ...
Segunda lengua extranjera: Ingls. 2 de 3

7. Transforma las siguientes oraciones segn las instrucciones: (10 puntos; 2 por apartado)
A. Kevin Clinton advised pedestrians with headphones to pay attention (Transformar a voz pasiva)
B. You will have an accident if (Crea una oracin condicional del tipo I)
C. Aloysius / old / John (Crea una oracin comparativa con estos elementos)
D. Experts looked at data from 2004 to 2011. They worked at Texas University.
(Une estas dos oraciones por medio de una oracin de relativo).
E. The experts concluded: The use of headphones is a safety risk to pedestrians.
(Transforma a reported speech)
8. Escribe una pregunta cuya respuesta sea la informacin subrayada. (8 puntos; 4 por apartado)
A. They found that 116 people had died during that period.
B. Most victims were under the age of 30.


9. Escribe una composicin de entre 100 - 120 palabras sobre uno de los siguientes temas.

Do you think wearing headphones in the streets should be forbidden? Why / Why not?
How would you reduce traffic accidents in the cities?

Segunda lengua extranjera: Ingls. 3 de 3

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