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No doubt, youth is the hope and the backbone of every country.

We are
the nation builder and the building blocks of our communities. National Service
Training Program or simply NSTP allow us to discover our abilities to a hero in
our own ways. It served as an eye opener to us, and made us to be more aware
of how other people have different lives.
With the help of our project, titled, Recycle for Life, I realized how rich
was Mother Earth before we started to take her for granted and push her
generosity to the limits. We always do what we want but we do not hear her
crying. Through NSTP, I realized that with my own little way, I could also help our
environment and be able to promote environmental awareness in our society. We
created new and useful products from waste like plastics, newspapers, and
bottles. With the help of DIY Recycle Projects by watching Youtube, I was able
to make different designs of pencil holders. The proceeds of this outcome helped
our chosen community.
Another NSTP activity is the Blood Letting Olympics which held on
February 18 to 19. It is one of the significant contributions that a person can
make towards the society. While every contribution is equally important, nothing
is comparable to the donation of human blood. This is another heroic and active
way that the youth can sacrifice to help to those who are in need. I realized in this
activity, it is not just a responsibility but there should be a will to give and share of
what we have to others. Thank you my beloved school, PSBA and with special
participation of NSTP because even though I was not able to donate my blood, I
am still happy and blessed to witness such heroic and unselfish way of my
schoolmates to give hope and opportunity of saving others life. Nowadays, our
blood banks are running short of required blood. Through this activity and by
organizing such blood donation camps like this, we can able to help them to
enrich their capacity.
The last activity is entitled, Baseco Clean-Up Program which happened
on February 21. It is such a wonderful service to the community and to the future
generation. Through the proceeds collected in Cake Raffle for Valentines w/ RC
which held on February 12, the NSTP staffs were able to buy the necessary
materials and equipment needed for cleaning the Baseco community. I realized
that beyond all the help we gave to the community, there is the happiness and
love that we also shared to them. Seeing those smiles from their faces makes my
heart melt with happiness and joy.
NSTP is not just a requirement. I have so many memories to keep and it is
one of the subjects that I learned to treasure. I can never forget everything about
it especially the camaraderie that I gained.

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