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Atanasoaei Raul

Entrepreunership Survey

1. What is your age?

o 18 to 24

o 25 to 35

o 36 to 45

o 46 to 65

o 55 and older

2. What is your gender?

o Female

o Male
Atanasoaei Raul

3. Focus on the creation of economic value can negatively affect the potential for
social value creation within an organisation:

o Strongly agree

o Agree

o Neutral / Unsure

o Disagree

o Strongly disagree

4. A charitable institution that focuses solely on social output and value creation will
create the greatest social value:

o Strongly agree

o Agree

o Neutral / Unsure

o Disagree

o Strongly disagre

5. Economic value within the practice of social entrepreneurship can help improve
the potential social value output for an organisation:

o Strongly agree
Atanasoaei Raul

o Agree

o Neutral / Unsure

o Disagree

o Strongly disagree

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