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1/17/2017 (1)Aretherebooksaboutbecomingrichthatmadepeoplerich?


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3 Answers

Dan Kanivas, certified bookworm

Written Oct 25, 2015

You bet. Here is Warren Buett talking about a book that arguably is more responsible
for his wealth than any other book:

Then I read Chapter Eight of Ben Graham's The Intelligent Investor, the chapter
dealing with how investors should view uctuations in stock prices. Immediately
the scales fell from my eyes, and low prices became my friend. Picking up that book
was one of the luckiest moments in my life.

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Vivek Mehrotra, Internet Marketing.Blogs.Videos

Written Sep 3, 2015

Yes, to start with, you can read Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill.

I also read the book- Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, by T.Harv Eker

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Got inspired, and wrote an email to my list, encouraging everybody to read this book,
because this is something they'll NEVER teach you in schools and colleges you go, to
get "educated" Question Stats

Harv describes 17 "wealth les" which are simply the thought patterns, way a
"millionaire mind" thinks, and how its dierent from the average guy, want to share
Last Asked Dec 2, 2012
some of these of these in this post.

1. Rich people say - "I create my life", Poor people say- "Life happens to me" simply
put, people who are BROKE, are always whining, bitching & complaining about
everything in their lives. They NEVER take personal responsibility of everything
which happens in their life. They believe in LUCK...specically, BAD LUCK...The rich,
take control & command of their lives- their business, relationships, health...

2. To Win vs To Not-Lose- Rich people play to WIN, their DESIRE to win 100 times
more powerful than the fear of failing. That's why, they take action, and they succeed
and win eventually. Others, are too AFRAID to take any action...chicken littles...LOL! 1/4
1/17/2017 (1)Aretherebooksaboutbecomingrichthatmadepeoplerich?Quora

3. Commitment vs Wish- Poor people just hope or wish to be rich. The Rich are
committed to succeed. They HANDCUFF themselves to the business they are
involved in, and the F.O.C.U.S- Follow One Course Until Successful Poor people just
try...see if it works...and when they face a challenge, they quit.

4. Thinking Big vs Thinking Small- Generally, the rich have BIG DREAMS, poor
people aim at just having enough money for getting-by, in your life. If you have big
dreams, congratulations, you're one step closer, to becoming RICH.

5. Denition of problems- Poor people dene problems as nothing but PROBLEM. I

mean, just look up this word- PROBLEM, in the dictionary, its a HORRIBLE denition.
Rich don;t call it problems, they call it situation, challenges, and opportunity! Look
back into your life, whenever you've faced a problem, you've ALWAYS
learned a lesson, or gained something out of it...

6. Attitude towards the RICH- Here's the thing, look at a loser, who's BROKE, has no
money, he'll always condemn the people who are RICH, "Oh rich people are just
lucky" "rich people always remain unhappy" "they are uncouth/fraud/evil" The Rich,
admire other rich people, they get inspiration, they observe other rich people and
learn from them, read their books, listen to them...

7. Association- Rich people associate with other rich people, wealthy, successful,
like-minded. If you associate with losers,you're going to turn out just like them! When
I got into Trac Authority pre-launch, I pulled o a pre-launch team of 100+ people
in about a week. I always tell me downline,
to be on the conference calls, webinars etc.

WHY? Because of the power of association, by hanging out

with the 7-gure earners in calls/webinars, you learn from
them, you model your success after them, and you become
like them.

8. Shameless Promotion - Wealthy people believe in promotion

of themselves and what they are doing. If you want to make REAL MONEY online,
you have to sell something, and have people, time, money to leverage. Thankfully,
September 2015 is a great time for you to be alive, and make money, because you can
plug into systems online. You don't have to do any selling, promotion etc. Just learn a
few skills and you'll quickly be
on track to making money.

9. YOU vs PROBLEMS- Winners, are bigger than their problems, they KNOW it. No
matter what problems they face, they don't waver left or right, they don't get
discouraged, they move on.

They fall down, they get up, they take responsibility, they do better, they work harder,
are you like that? Guess what, all millionaires ARE! And don't worry if you're not there
yet, its a habit, just keep going, one step at a time. 2/4
1/17/2017 (1)Aretherebooksaboutbecomingrichthatmadepeoplerich?Quora

10. TWO-EARS & ONE-MOUTH- God gave you 2 ears & 1 mouth, use them
proportionally. Talk less, listen more, that's the only way you can receive. The more
knowledge you receive, the more you grow, the more you grow, the more your income
grows. And that's good for you.

Wanna-bes talk a lot, because they have low self esteem,

low self worth, they always want to prove themselves...

12. Choosing how to get paid- Rich people choose to get paid based on their results.
Poor people get paid based on the time they put into their JOBS. We all know that
there's a limit to the money you can make in your job. Rich people know that too. :)

13. Rich people think BOTH- People who have lost hope in their lives believe that
they always have to work for money, they can NEVER be nancially free. Poor people
sacrice, work all their lives, bust their asses o to make a living. BELIEVE that you
can HAVE BOTH- time to spend
with your family, enjoy life, AND have lots of money.

PS: Inspired? If you think its time to take some action, I'd like to show you a video: 1
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Apologize for late answers but i guess there is no such book that claims its promise.
the best thing is to combined the wealth books you've read and implement them into
your life. There is no such thing as easy money. However there are sites like Platinum Psychology of Everyday Life: When you interact with
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