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Exercise :

During construction of a highway bridge, the average permanent

load on the clay layer is expected to increase by about 115
kN/m3. The average effective overburden pressure at the middle
of the clay layer is 210 kN/m 3. Here, Hc = 10 m, Cc = 0.81, e0 =
0.27 and Cv = 1.08 m2/month. The clay is normally consolidated.

Determine :
a. The total primary consolidation settlement of the bridge
without pre-compression.
b. The surcharge, (f), needed to eliminate the entire primary
consolidation settlement in nine months by pre-compression.

Solution :

a. Total primary consolidation settlement of the bridge without

May be calculated as follow :

CC H C ' 0 + ' ( p)
Sc(p) = 1+e 0 log '0

(0.81)(10) 215+ 115

= 1+ 0.27 log 210

= 1.2097 m

b. The surcharge ((f)), needed to eliminate the entire primary

consolidation settlement in nine months by pre-compression.

Time factor (Tv)

(coef . of consolidation)(time)
Tv = (max . drainage path )2

C v t2
= H

= (5)2
= 0.3888 0.4

Chart U vs Tv


According to the chart U vs. Tv,

for Tv = 0.3888, the value of U = 54 %.

Chart U vs (f)/(p)
We have, (p) = 115 kN/m2 and o = 210 kN/m2.
' ( p) 115
'0 = 210 = 0.548

U = 54 %



According to chart U vs (f)/(p)

for U = 54 % and (p)/o = 0.548,
' (f )
the value of ' ( p) = 1.65;

' ( p)
(f) = (1.65) x

= (1.65) (115) = 189.75 kN/m2

Fill material
Assuming a bulk density of 25 kN/m3 for fill
material and a height of 5 m gives a pre-load of 125
kN/m2. The required surcharge is higher than pre-load
(189.75 kN/m2 > 125 kN/m2) and hence consolidation
by sand drains/PVDs is required.

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