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My teaching philosophy is practice, repetition, and student participation.

I motivate
my English students by teaching them about the world. This strategy will be
strengthened by a complete understanding of American society, education and
culture. Currently, I have more knowledge about teaching method in Americasuch
as grading systems, student centered classroom, and lesson planningthan I do
about American society. With what information I have gained about American
society by working with an American volunteer English teacher and my own private
research, I have given my students lessons in English so that they are able to
discuss social and political issues which apply to Indonesia and America. I expect
them to support their opinion on this subject using English. I have also used my
influence as a chairman of The English teacher association in Subang to stress the
importance of active participation in class. I teach these teachers about America
because I am aware of the interest Indonesian students have for learning about
foreign cultures. Because of my position as a civil servant and ranking teacher at
my school with various managerial responsibilities, as a chairman, and as an active
English teacher, I will be able to use my influence to create new courses. I am
confident that the SUSI Program will provide me with the merit that I need to
achieve my plan to develop an organization focused on how to motivate students
with knowledge about the United States of America.

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