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Thank you for the valuable points on sloped footing design.

In practice if depth of footing is less than

300mm uniform footing is followed and if depth is greater than 300mm it is advisable to go for sloped/
tapered footing. Even though the depth of footing near column edge is decided by bending moment,
oneway and twoway shear, it can be arrived based on following empirical formulas:
Depth of footing D =650 x a where
a= projection of footing from face of column in metres and
D is in mm.
Thumb rule based on side of the footing for Fe 415 / Fe 500 steel.
Net upward soil pressure
D / A value
in t / m2
5 1/7

10 1/5.5

15 1/5.0

20 1 /4.5

25 1 /4.0

30 1 /3.50
Note :
1) Increase 20% for sloped and stepped footing.
2) p = Net upward pressure in t/ m2
D = Overall depth of footing in cm.
The footing at edge can be considered as follows:
Up to D=650mm ,D0 depth at edge at edge=200mm.
D above 700mm, D0=300mm

D above 1000mm, D0=350mm.

In place of Sloped footing, whether stepped footing with two or three offsets is advisable. Kindly
comment on this point please.

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