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Works Cited

Abraham Lincoln with Sojourner Truth. American Government, ABC-CLIO, 2016, Accessed 13 Dec. 2016.

Abraham Lincoln is showing Sojourner Truth the bible presented by colored people of

Baltimore. Sojourner Truth sits with her back straight with great posture which shows

her leadership figure. Abraham Lincoln is standing beside her showing her the book.

Sojourner Truth looks very interested in what is in the book and Abraham Lincoln

proudly guides her along. This picture strongly represents Sojourner Truth taking a stand

in history because she is sitting next to a well respected person and they seems

comfortable being around each other despite their differences which leads to many

changes that occur in history for the better.

John Simkin. Spartacus Educational. Spartacus Educational, Spartacus Educational, spartacus- Sojourner Truth is determined to gain womens rights. She

said that in courts, women have no rights and no one speaks for them. She wants women

to be treated equally as men. Sojourner Truth explains that she has been a slave for 40

years and free for 40 years and she believes that there is something for her to do. She

believes it is about time for women to step in and take a stand. She said she was one of

the only colored women that goes to speak for the rights of women which is how she

takes a stand in history. She provides many examples to why women should be allowed

rights just as men are given.

Sojourner Truth Speeches Menu. Sojourner Truth Speeches Menu.N.p.,n.d. Web. 05 Feb.

2017. Sojourner Truth wrote to her friend about meeting with president Abraham Lincoln.

Their meeting was short but Sojourner Truth and Abraham Lincoln spoke about her
beliefs and her experience. Despite their race, gender and social class, they both manage

to respect each other and discuss the issue. Sojourner Truth thought Abraham Lincoln

showed kindness and consideration towards colored as to the whites. This tells us a lot

about a bout Lincoln and shows how respectful he is.

Sojourner Truth. American History, ABC-CLIO, 2016, Accessed 19 Oct. 2016. This picture of Sojourner Truth

shows a lot about her. She is sitting straight and tall which shows that she is confident and

determined. Her face shows courage and leadership. The way she is sitting also indicates

that she is powerful and passionate. This picture is a great way to learn about Sojourner

Truth, how she looks and her body language. She looks like she is ready to fight for what

she believes in because her facial characteristics show it all.

Sojourner Truth: Aint I a Woman? Speech (1851). American History, ABC-CLIO, 2016, Accessed 29 Sept. 2016. Sojourner

Truth wanted to receive equal rights as men. She explains that women can accomplish

anything that men can do so women deserve the same rights that men. At a womens right

convention in Ohio in 1851, She gave her famous speech called Aint I a Woman Her

speech influenced many people and inspired many to look at women and men as the same

importance and equality.

Sojourner Truth: Fourteenth Amendment Speech (1867). American Government, ABC-CLIO,

2016, Accessed 29 Nov.

2016. Sojourner Truth believed that the fourteenth amendment should allow women to

vote. She strongly declares her opinion. Sojourner Truth though that if colored men could

be allowed rights then so should colored women. She claims that women deserve the
rights to have a voice, to be heard and to speak out. She tells of her 40 years as as slave

and 40 years free and considers that women should be able to be treated equally and

given rights. This shows Sojourner Truth taking a stand in history because she bravely

advocates for what she believes in and spreads her ideas to others which demonstrates her

capabilities of accomplishing what she strongly believed in.

Sojourner Truth Speeches. Sojourner Truth Speeches. N.p.,n.d. 20 Nov.2016 Sojourner Truth is

a woman everyone respects and look up to. Her speeches are meaningful and capture her

audiences attention with strong emotions. One of her many speeches delivered at Battle

Creek, or in Michigan was deep in meaning. She uses many rhetorical questions such as,

Aint I A Woman? to persuade and strongly influence her audiences. Her bold

courageous voice and determination captured many attention to this topic. She spoke of

how God loves colored children as much as white and skin color doesnt determine

anything and many other statements. She bravely shared her thoughts and ideas to others

which makes her a women that took a stand in history.

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