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Questions and Answers


Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas that is characterized by recurring or

persistent abdominal pain with or without steatorrhea. A nurse is providing dietary
information to a client with pancreatitis. All of the following food should be avoided by the
client, except:


o A.


o B.


o C.


o D.

Spicy foods


Addisons disease is an endocrine disorder that develops when the adrenal glands are not
able to produce enough cortisol. A client with Addisons disease is receiving fludrocortisone
acetate. The nurse knows that the therapeutic effect of this is to:


o A.

Stimulate thyroid gland production

o B.

Activate parathyroid production

o C.

Maintain electrolyte balance

o D.
Activate the immune response


Diabetic Mellitus is a disorder in which blood sugar levels are abnormally high because the
body does not produce enough insulin to meet its needs. Discharge plan of diabetic clients
include insulin injection site-rotation. You should emphasize that the space between sites should


o A.

2.5 cm

o B.

4.5 cm

o C.

2.5 cm

o D.

4.5 cm


A nurse is caring for a client with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Because the client is at risk for
hypoglycemia, the nurse teaches the client which of the following?


o A.

Glucose tablets and subcutaneous glucagon should be made available

o B.

If the client is exercising, the evening dose of NPH insulin can be discontinued

o C.

Urine should be monitored for presence of acetone

o D.
Assess for signs of coma and drowsiness


A nurse prepares discharge instructions for a patient with chronic syndrome of inappropriate
antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). Which statement indicates that the patient understands these


o A.

I will use a refractometer to check the specific gravity of my urine. If the result gradually
rises, I will consult my physician

o B.

Ill check my pulse every morning and will contact my doctor if its rapid or irregular

o C.

I have to avoid too much sodium intake. I will read all food tablets to make sure I dont
get too much of it in my diet

o D.

I will weigh everyday and I will log it in a notebook. I will call my physician whenever I
gain 2 lbs or more in a day without changing my eating habits


Ms. ALM has been diagnosed with Hashimotos disease, an autoimmune disorder. Which of the
following signs and symptoms were most probably exhibited by the client that led to the


o A.

Increased appetite, weight loss, hyperdefecation

o B.

Increased urination, weight loss, increased thirst

o C.

Decreased appetite, weight gain, constipation

o D.

Increased urination, weight gain, and purplish red striae


A colostomy is a surgical procedure that brings the end of the large intestine through the
abdominal wall. A nurse is demonstrating colostomy care to a client with a newly-created
colostomy. The nurse demonstrates correct cutting of the appliance by making the opening how
much larger than that of the clients stoma?

o A.


o B.


o C.

1/8 inch

o D.

1/16 inch


The Whipple procedure is the most common operation performed for pancreatic cancer and may
be used to treat cancer and may be used to treat other cancers such as small bowel cancer. This
procedure is done by:


o A.

Removing the head of the pancreas, most of the duodenum, portion of the bile duct and
sometimes a portion of the stomach

o B.

Removing the duodenum, portion of liver and sometimes the portion of bile duct

o C.

Removing the head of pancreas, portion of liver and stomach

o D.

Remove the majority of pancreas and stomach


Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) is characterized by excess gastric acid secretion. It involves a break in
continuity of the esophageal, gastric, or duodenal mucosa. The following are characteristics of
gastric ulcer, except:


o A.

Melena more common than hematemesis

o B.

Decreased acid secretion

o C.

Recurrence unlikely after surgery

o D.

Has a malignancy potential (occurs in approximately 10% of clients)


Hiatal hernia is a condition in which the upper portion of the stomach protrudes into the
chest cavity through the opening of the diaphragm called the esophageal hiatus. A nurse is
instructing a patient with hiatal hernia about the fluids that the client can drink that will less likely
produce irritation to the gastric mucosa. Which of the following is the correct response of the


o A.

Tomato juice

o B.

Pineapple juice

o C.
Apple juice

o D.

Grapefruit juice


The main use of nasogastric tube is for feeding and for administering oral medications. A nurse
teaches a postoperative client about the nasogastric tube that will be inserted in preparation for
surgery. The nurse determines that the client understands when the tube will be removed in the
postoperative period when the client states:

o A.

When I can swallow food without vomiting

o B.

When Im comfortable eating solid food

o C.

When my GI system is completely healed

o D.

When my bowels begin to function again, and I begin to pass gas


Dumping syndrome is a term that refers to a constellation of vasomotor symptoms after

eating, especially following a Billroth II procedure. A patient who has undergone a Billroth II
operation may prevent may prevent experiencing dumping syndrome by:


o A.

Lying down after meals

o B.

Drinking water after meals

o C.

Stay in upright position after meals

o D.

Bend over after meals


The appendix is a small pouch attached to the large intestine. Appendicitis is characterized by
inflammation of the appendix. A patient with appendicitis is at risk for developing:

o A.


o B.

Pulmonary edema

o C.


o D.

Bowel obstruction


The physician prescribes an order for the nurse to discontinue a patients nasogastric tube. Before
removing the tube, the nurse should:

o A.

Aspirate gastric contents to make sure that the residual volume is less than 50 ml

o B.

Assess for clients bowel sounds

o C.

Make sure that the client is able to swallow and chew food

o D.

Determine the integrity of the taste buds

An ileostomy is a stoma that has been constructed by bringing the loop of the small intestine
out on the surface of the skin. When assessing the client with a new ileostomy, the nurse knows
that the effluent from the ileostomy should be:


o A.

Soft stool

o B.

Pasty to soft stool

o C.

Liquid to pastry stool

o D.

Well-formed stool


A client has a sliding esophageal hernia. The physician prescribes an H2-receptor antagonist. The
nurse explains that H2 receptor antagonist works by:

o A.

Neutralizing the gastric acid

o B.

Inhibiting secretion of gastric acid by the parietal cells

o C.

Coating the mucus membrane of the esophagus and stomach

o D.

Decreasing the pressure in the lower esophageal sphincter (LES)


Dietary planning for a client with ileostomy would include telling the client to:

o A.

Avoid high-fiber foods

o B.

Restrict the amount of fluid intake

o C.

Limit the calorie intake

o D.

Encourage the patient to increase fluid intake


A colostomy was created in a client who was diagnosed with colon cancer. During the first day
post-op, the nurse does not find any measurable fecal drainage from the patients colostomy.
What should the nurse do?

o A.

Continue the current plan of care

o B.

Call the doctor immediately

o C.

Irrigate the stoma

o D.

Encourage the patient to increase fluid intake


A client is admitted to the hospital after sustaining a fall from a roof. The client has plaster cast
due to multiple lacerations and a right leg fracture. As the clients nurse, you will position the
clients leg in which manner to promote optimal circulation?

o A.

Neutral position
o B.

Flat for 3 hours and elevated for 1 hour

o C.

Elevated on pillows continuously for 24 to 48 hours

o D.

Elevated for 3 hours, and then flat for 1 hour


Triage is used as a system to sort the injured so that the greatest number of patients can be
helped. A nurse is assigned to classify different illness and injuries into the different color coding
system. She saw a victim with a red tag. This tag indicates that the victim:

o A.

Needs medical care at some point, after more critical injuries have been treated

o B.

Cannot survive without immediate treatment but has a chance of survival

o C.

Requires observation, condition is stable for the moment and, not in immediate danger of
death. They still need hospital care and would be treated immediately under normal

o D.

Is decreased and/or injuries are so extensive that they will not be able to survive given the
care that is available


Poisoning results from the ingestion, inhalation or absorption of agents that cause chemical
actions that injure the body. Your neighbor called asking what she should do after her 4-year
old daughter swallowed some meiotic acid. What advice should you give her?


o A.

Give her some Ipecac

o B.

Feed her some burnt bread

o C.

Give her some aspirin

o D.

Make her drink lots of water


Personal protective equipment is used to reduce the exposure to hazards. A nurse is

preparing to change linens and clean a client who was incontinent of urine. The nurse wears
which of the following protective items?

o A.

Gowns, shoe cover, gloves, and eyewear

o B.

Mask and gloves

o C.

Gowns and gloves

o D.

Mask, gown and gloves


A client with acute respiratory infection is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of sinus
tachycardia. The nurse develops a plan of care for the client and includes which intervention?

o A.

Limit oral and intravenous

o B.

Provide client with short, frequent walks

o C.
Eliminate sources of caffeine

o D.

Measuring the clients pulse once each shift


Sepsis is a severe illness caused by an overwhelming infection of the bloodstream by toxin

producing bacteria. What is the most common portal of entry for microorganisms associated
with sepsis?

o A.

Respiratory tract

o B.

GI tract skin

o C.


o D.

Urinary tract


In an emergency situation like occurrence of fire, which of the following should be done first by
the nurse?


o A.

Extinguish the fire

o B.

Call the fire department and report the situation

o C.

Rescue the client and transfer to a safe place

o D.
Contain the fire

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