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The purpose of the experiment was to find the effect of salinity on kidney bean

germination. Its concluded that the lower the water salinity is, the more beans will germinate.
Originally, the hypothesis was if the water salinity is 0, the more seeds will germinate. The
hypothesis was correct because after collecting data and comparing it, it was a pattern was that
the lower the salinity was , the more seeds germinated.
Overall, the experiment confirmed the knowledge already inferred. First,5 kidney beans
were placed into a tray. On top of it was placed 25 ml of water with the salinity of 0. This was
done again with all of the components the same, which so far presented the experiment with 2
trays with 5 kidney beans in each, with 25 ml of water over them, with the salinity being 0 parts
per thousand. Next the same thing was done twice more, except the 0 salinity was replaced by
water with a salinity of 12. Over the course of day 2 to day 4, all of the kidney beans with the
salinity of 0 germinated, while none of the beans in the salinity of 12 germinated. This was also
similar results to other groups. One other group had a 100% average of beans germinated for
both trays. The other group had one average of 90% and one of 80%. Those results compared to
the results gotten from putting beans into water with the salinity of 12 are staggering. From day 2
to day 4, none of the beans germinated leaving the average number at 0. Other groups had
slightly more success than that, one group had percentages of 40% and 60%, while the other had
20% and 33%. The results clearly show that the lower the salinity, the more beans germinate.
The experiment was pretty valid, all the necessary constants remained intact throughout
the experiment. To make the experiment more valid, data couldve also been compared to a
salinity of 6 to see how many beans germinated at the spot right in the middle of 12 and 0. Also,
the trays the beans were in were stacked on each other and put on a cart. Some of the water
couldve easily spilled out and the lower trays in the stack were deprived of light. This couldve
affected the results so in the future, there should be a more set location that wouldnt affect the
growth of the beans. In conclusion, the effect low salinity had on kidney bean germination was

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