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War Crimes

Esther, Colleen, Lily, and Kate
Definition of War Crimes
An action carried out during the conduct of a war that violates accepted
international rules of war. Crimes can be used against the citizens to
make them suffer or against an enemy.
Examples of the War Crimes
All parties involved in the war have been accused of committing
war crimes
Some war crimes the parties have been accused of include:




Enforced Disappearances

Another accusation made was the use of civilian suffering

End the indiscriminate use of
The Un Security Control has demanded that all parties
end the indiscriminate use of weapons, in populated
Civilians are still getting harmed and dying in
Many have been killed by barrel bombs dropped by
government aircraft.
The UN says these attacks may constitute massacres.
UN calls out the Islamic State on
Unlawful Actions
The United Nation has accused the Islamic State of unlawful actions and
war crimes. The Islamic State give punishments for those who violate
and disagree with its rules. Public executions and amputations were
common. Some crimes that the UN accused IS of committing include:

beheading of religious minorities and foreigners

Mass killings of rival forces and security

Holding of Innocent western hostages

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