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1. Background- constitutional & jurisprudential perspectives

2. Outline: main issue and relevant laws/ statutes involved in the case- journey
of the case

3. Critical review of the case following its journey and its appearance at appeal

4. Listing the key contentions add comments

5. Stand of prosecution at appeal level vis vis at the levels of trial court and high
court- comparison- critique of

6. Stand of defence at appeal level vis vis at the levels of trial court and high
court- comparison- critique of

7. Scrutiny of the case by the appeal court- framing the issue examination of
applications of principles and laws develop your arguments about
sufficiency and infirmities

8. Examination of precedents applied- assess the coverage and suitability

9. Examination of evidence perused- review of any vital parameters left out or

inadequately perused

10.Arguments and reasoning extracted- critical review of

11.Obiter dictum- need and relevance

12.Ratio decendi- examination of correctness

13.Judgment you views

14.Comparative context : assessment if similar case was decided in other/

foreign jurisdiction in different way

15.Contribution- whether the case contributed to the new jurisprudence or

stressed the need to amend law and bring other changes in policy and

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