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Art Bible - Pyrrhic

Team- FWU*
Stylized reality, familiarly Extra-terrestrial, Exotic, High tech, processed, disparate.
Pyrrhic style is a stylized interpretation of an exotic, yet familiar sci-fi world, harvested by an
advanced line of utilitarian robots.

Radaxxu Style: Tribal, united, animistic, mystic, naturalist,

A tribal people, in tune with nature and faithful to their life and energy giving crystals. In
battle, they adorn themselves armour made from the toughest barks of their planet, fastened to
their body by vines,woven by their druidic powers.
IMP style: Utilitarian, robotic, resilient, durable, focused, efficient, rugged, indifferent

The primary backbone of the Intergalactic Mineral Processing workforce, automatons

tasked with the harvesting and processing of alien worlds for resources. Programmed to protect
assets and acquisitions at any cost.
Devoid of emotion, driven by logic,
and utterly focused on a single goal.
Designed with adaptability and
durability in mind, but mass
produced to the point of infinity. As
efficient in resource processing as
they are in suppressing potential
threats and obstacles.
Raxxis Style: Familiar/ Terran, exotic, extraterrestrial, primal, densely forested, saturated with

Raxxis is a densely forested world brimming with

energized crystals, dotted with expansive oceans and
marshlands. The skies above glow hues of blue and
teal, broken up by images of nearby bodies and orbital
rings. Life has been catalyzed by the presence of
energy-laden crystals, known to the indigenous race of
the Radaxxu as Hyacinthinite.
energy providing
crystal that ranges in
colors according to
properties and
purity. Crystalline
blood of a fallen
entity deep within
the worlds hollow

Radaxxu Tech:
Stays within the
laws of science,
organic, usable by
both sides, Unstable
in untrained hands
IMP Tech:
Firearms are military weapons with the original intent to vanguard IMP assets. Other
unconventional weapons would include mining equipment or other energy-based/laser tools.
Possible heat ray, standard futuristic weapons. Everything is barebones and skeletonized;
lightweight and efficiently tooled to minimize resource consumption during assembly.

IMP Mother Base:

IMP Ziggurat, an enormous city-ship, responsible for the mass-production of IMP

modules. Of such modules there is the Spire, an IMP drone transport that, when embedding
itself into the planets surface, can expel drop pods containing IMP drones.

Particles: blood/hydraulic fluid, crystal discharges, muzzle flares/bullet trails, explosions,

environmental effects

Radaxxu Environmental effects:

Based on floating bioluminescent spores/particles, attracted to crystals

Radaxxu Crystal Discharges:

Crystal dissipation (puff of purple smoke), lightning/sparks for weapons firing. Explosions
may include streaks of fragmenting crystals, puffs of disintegrating crystal when fired

Radaxxu Hit Effects:

Outer shell shield is comprised of a crystalline pattern, only revealed when hit, possible
ripple effect. When shield is depleted, shell splinters and fades away. When a Radaxxu is hit
w/out shield, depending on the amount of damage, they release a spray of light blue blood.
*2 styles, with shield and one without

IMP Hit Effects:

Outer shield made of hexagonal prisms, breaks down into more hexagons upon being

IMP Particle effects:

Run of the mill firearms muzzle flashes and con-trails coming from bullets. Explosions
would be normal looking fragmentation explosions with black smoke.

Intergalactic Mineral Processing
Orange: #FF7640
Light Gray: #BABABA
Medium Gray: #5E5E5E
Dark Gray: #4C4C4C
Black: #3A3A3A
Radaxxu Indigenous Race
Purple: #945093
Dark Purple: #5B2261
Green: #1E5E3A
Dark Green: #1A4F2F

IMP Scaling:
IMP Unit: 3 meters
IMP Drop Pod: 4 Meters
Spire: 150 meters
Capital Ship: 2000 meters

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