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The Secret of Demacia

In the realm of Demacia, people were frolicking through the giant beaches, the

sand going through their toes and wind rushing across their face. Demacia consisted of

many huge palaces and towers. Demacia was one of the many realms located in the

multiverse. This realm was the protector of the other realms such as the Milky Way. The

two defenders were the mighty Garen and Fizz. Other realms were the Dark Realm,

Yordleville, and Transylvania. Each realm was different. The Milky Way was home to the

mortals or humans. Next, the Dark Realm was for evil villains and monsters who tried to

take control of other realms. Yordleville was a place of happiness and joy. They consist

of small creatures know as Yordles. The last realm,Transylvania was where nice

monsters lived in harmony.

However, the dark realm was constantly attacking Demacia led by their leader,

Zed. After hundreds of years the great protector of Demacia, Garen was too old to fight

and gave his power to his trusty fish companion, Fizz. Fizz was just a kid but had great

power fighting with his trident and shark. He was once a regular kid but fell into a pit of

gamma radiation and was transformed to a blue, half fish, half boy. His parents had died

when he was barely born and he never met his brother whom was taken away at

birth.Fizz always fought off the attackers since none of them were as strong of their

leader Zed.

One day Fizz had to protect his city without Garen. The might of Zed was strong.

Zed used his power of shadows to attack Fizz but Fizzs nimble movement allowed him

to dodge his attacks. Fizz wanted to attack him with his empowered trident attack, but

as soon as he got close zed would use his shadow to get away. Fizz was nervous since
if he loss, Demacia would be in the hands of a mad man. Their epic battle went on for

over 2 hours until Zed used his ultimate ability. Shadows went everywhere the sky

turned dark and all fizz heard was RUN in a deep, dark voice. He didnt move and kept

guard, however all the shadows rushed towards him, and they all started attacking. He

was outnumbered and Fizz was knocked out. When Zed was about to eliminate Fizz,

Garen jumped in front of Fizz and and took the blow. He held Fizz in his arms and

saidDont let this man control Demacia. Hearing these words, Fizz was to scared to do

anything and ran away. Zed started chasing him. While running Fizz noticed a man

getting into an emergency pod and yelled, Wait! The man had a spear and a shield in

his hand. He looked like a spartan warrior. The man heard he was in despair and

replied, Hurry! Zed tried to jump on the pod but was too late. Fizz got away.

Fizz couldnt believe Garen sacrificed his life for him and was extremely sad. As

they were they were leaving Fizz saw his city was being destroyed and said, We need

to save our city, go back! The man said, Its too late. Who are you anyway? Fizz

said angrily. Im Pantheon the man said. They started arguing and when they werent

paying attention they hit an asteroid. The pod lost control and they crash landed to a

planet in the Milky Way.

After they woke up from the crash they saw a sign that said welcome to New

York. They were dazed and confused but knew it wasnt safe. They saw many cars and

and many different types of people. They didnt know what time it was, and Fizz was

cold. Fizz saw a little house and said, Let's see whats inside. As they walked in, 2 guys

looked at them and were stunned. They couldnt believe they were looking at a fish boy

and a spartan warrior. Fizz said, Could yall leave. The people were still stunned. Were
gonna do this the hard way then. said Fizz. Pantheon pulled out his spear and pointed

it at them. Screaming, they zoomed out of the room. Inside they started talking on how

they were going to save Demacia. Pantheon had lost most of his hope but Fizz would

never give up. While talking they realized they had many things in common, like their

hobbies, age, and what they like to eat. Pantheon told Fizz personal things to like how

his parents died at birth. After a couple of hours Fizz snapped, We need to do

something now! Fine. Pantheon replied. They walked outside and looked around their

vicinity. All they saw were people and cars. They couldnt understand these people and

how they act. They started asking everyone they saw Do you have a spaceship

Everyone said no and laughed at them. Everyone was staring at them as well. People

must have thought they were crazy. After no success they went to their house and

Pantheon said, Well try harder in the morning,lets get some rest.

When Fizz was sleeping, he started seeing these images of a way to unlock his

ultimate ability. Fizz realized that he needed to find his lost brother and his ultimate

ability would be unlocked.The next day pantheon said that he saw a poster of where to

find a spaceship. He said they needed to go to the Nasa space station in New York,

New York. Fizz was confused on where to go but luckily he found a laptop and he

looked for the directions. What a slow computer? Fizz thought to himself. On there

way, Fizz started feeling stronger for some reason. When they finally arrived at the

space station a big tall man stopped them. He said, Your passes please. We dont

have any. replied Fizz. Ok, then bi. Fizz got angry and they took out their weapons.

The man saw and was about to call the cops, but Pantheon slashed his phone in half.

Leave now os suffer the consequences. Fizz told him. The guard started running
asking people if he could use their phones. Fizz walked into the building and saw a

massive spaceship labeled, NASA SPACECRAFT. Only a few people were inside and

when they noticed that they didnt have passes they called the police. After they called

the cops all of them ran out.

All the police surrounded the building and they were told to leave. They didnt

even listen to the cops and kept on going. They jumped to the top of the spaceship

trying to get in. Suddenly bullets started coming out of every direction. Panthen took out

his shield and protected Fizz as he tried to open the door to the ship. There was too

many bullets and Pantheon couldnt block them all. Fizz got shot a couple of times but

his powers allowed him to take only a little bit of damage. The police started coming in

and Pantheon told Fizz, Ill hold them off. Try to start the the ship. Pantheon denied

them from coming in for a while. He would cut and whack them with his shield for safety.

Thirty minutes after Pantheon left to protect Fizz yelled, I got it to work. Come quickly.

Not paying attention Pantheon was about to jump to ship when he was shot by sleeping

dart. He was still able to walk but the darts wouldnt stop coming. Before he got knocked

out he told Fizz, Save Demacia. Fizz replied, Im Coming to save you. As he was

going down he realized their was too much police officers and if he went, he would get

caught too. He ran back to the spaceship and turned it on. All the cops saw that he was

about to be launched and they all backed away. There was nothing they could do to

stop it so they decided to take their prisoner and leave. Fizz was angry with himself

since another person had saved him. Right then and now Fizz told himself, Zed will be

stopped and Pantheon and Garen will be avenged.

While going back to space, Fizz was thinking of strategies to defeat Zed. He

thought, the only way he would win the fight was that he needed to find his brother and

get his ultimate ability. He realized that as soon as he got to earth he needed to find his


Back on earth Pantheon had just woken up, with handcuffs on his hand. He was

in a dark and small room. He heard some voices say, Hes awake. A man came into

the room and turned on the lights. He asked Pantheon Why were you trying to steal our

spacecraft ser. My name is Pantheon. he replied. My friend and I needed that

spaceship to get to our planet and save the whole universe. What do you mean? the

cop asked. My planet is Demacia, which is the protector of all the worlds including this

one. Our planet has recently been taken over by a mad man known as Zed. He wants to

take over every world he finds and claim it as his own. Why should I believe you? said

the cop. Im dressed like a spartan and my my friend was half fish.Pantheon said. The

cop left the room and started to talking to his coworkers. He came back 5 minutes later

and told him you could use our little spaceship if u promise to bring to save everyone.

Will do Pantheon said, as he left the room. He ran back to the space station and a

man was waiting there with the spaceship near him. Pantheon hopped in and said, Im

going home. There was a countdown and he blasted off into space.

Finally, Fizz had reached earth and landed in a safe spot. Zed had already made

the people of Demacia treat him like a king. Fizz started asking every person if their

parents had died, quietly, to see if they were his brother. Everyone he asked said no.

Fizz knew Zed was going to start his reign of terror shortly and he had to be stopped.

Fizz was thinking of a plan and realized he could stab Zed with his trident if Zed doesnt
know hes there. Since Zed had Demacias people working for him, he thought he would

be able to sneak up to Zed unexpectedly. He then went to go take back the power to his


As Fizz was going to the main palace to fight Zed, Pantheon was near Demacia

when Zeds true henchmen spotted him and started shooting bow and arrows at him.

Pantheon saw that the engine has been shot and he jumped off the ship before it blew

up. After, Pantheon started using his spear and shield to defeat the people. Pantheon

was also strong and would send the enemies flying with 1 hit. He defeated over 50 bad

guys and started running to the main place, which was where Zed was staying. Fizz

arrived first and snuck around the palace. He was hidden until one of Zeds guard said,

I see something in the bushes. He didnt know that was Fizz so when Fizz showed got

up, and showed his face he ran out of the room. Everyone else did to except Zed . We

meet again. said Fizz. You should've never came back. Now you will die. Fizz and

Zed charged at each other. Shadows and blades flew everywhere. It was similar to their

first battle but Fizz had become stronger and faster. It seemed as, the closer Pantheon

got to the palace Fizz would get stronger. Fizz was able to attack Zed with his trident

which injured him badly. When Fizz was going to attack Zed for the last time Zed used

his ultimate ability. Once again, Shadows went everywhere and fizz froze up. Luckily,

just in the nick of time Pantheon arrived and with his shield he jumped in front of Fizz.

He had blocked the ultimate ability and zed pretended to knock out. Are you okay?

asked Pantheon. I'm fine. They both went to look at Zed and thought he was dead, but

when they turned around, Zed got up and stabbed them in the back. They were both

severely wounded and fell to the ground. Pantheon couldnt get up but Fizz did. Any
last words.? Zed asked. Fizz thought he was gonna die but then felt something rushing

through his veins. He was getting his energy back and blue light exploded from Fizz,

knocking Zed back. Fizz had realized his ultimate ability had been unlocked, but how.

The boys then realized that they had been brothers all along. That's why Fizz felt

stronger in New York. With that, Fizz looked at Zed and said, hasta la vista baby. A

magic shark came from his trident and headed exactly towards Zed.

NOOOOOOOOOO screamed Zed as the shark ate Zed and they both disappeared.

Fizz got Pantheon and said,Ill save you brother. Pantheon smiled and got up. After

they both went to the hospital.

After 1 year they were completly healed, Fizz took power to the throne but said

he would only become king if Pantheon would be there by his side. Pantheon agreed

and they became the sworn protectors of the multiverse. Peace and Prosperity reigned

throughout the nations with Zed gone. The Dark Realm even stopped attacking

Demacia. From then on there had been no wars until another foe will try to defeat Fizz

and Pantheon.

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