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FN Thomson Reuters Web of Science

VR 1.0
AU Albert, R
Barabasi, AL
TI Statistical mechanics of complex networks
VL 74
IS 1
BP 47
EP 97
DI 10.1103/RevModPhys.74.47
PD JAN 2002
PY 2002
AB Complex networks describe a wide range of systems in nature and society.
Frequently cited examples include the cell, a network of chemicals
linked by chemical reactions, and the Internet, a network of routers and
computers connected by physical links. While traditionally these systems
have been modeled as random graphs, it is increasingly recognized that
the topology and evolution of real networks are governed by robust
organizing principles. This article reviews the recent advances in the
field of complex networks, focusing on the statistical mechanics of
network topology and dynamics. After reviewing the empirical data that
motivated the recent interest in networks, the authors discuss the main
models and analytical tools, covering random graphs, small-world and
scale-free networks, the emerging theory of evolving networks, and the
interplay between topology and the network's robustness against failures
and attacks.
RI Albert, Reka/E-2195-2011
OI Albert, Reka/0000-0002-9485-0828
SN 0034-6861
EI 1539-0756
UT WOS:000174548700003
AU Barabasi, AL
Albert, R
TI Emergence of scaling in random networks
VL 286
IS 5439
BP 509
EP 512
DI 10.1126/science.286.5439.509
PD OCT 15 1999
PY 1999
AB Systems as diverse as genetic networks or the World Wide Web are best
described as networks with complex topology. A common property of many
Large networks is that the vertex connectivities follow a scale-free
power-law distribution. This feature was found to be a consequence of
two generic mechanisms: (i) networks expand continuously by the addition
of new vertices, and (ii) new vertices attach preferentially to sites
that are already well connected. A model based on these two ingredients
reproduces the observed stationary scale-free distributions, which
indicates that the development of Large networks is governed by robust
self-organizing phenomena that go beyond the particulars of the
individual systems.
RI Albert, Reka/E-2195-2011
OI Albert, Reka/0000-0002-9485-0828
SN 0036-8075
UT WOS:000083121200054
AU Brin, Sergey
Page, Lawrence
TI The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual web search engine (Reprint
from COMPUTER NETWORKS AND ISDN SYSTEMS, vol 30, pg 107-117, 1998)
VL 56
IS 18
BP 3825
EP 3833
DI 10.1016/j.comnet.2012.10.007
PD DEC 17 2012
PY 2012
AB In this paper, we present Google, a prototype of a large-scale search
engine which makes heavy use of the structure present in hypertext.
Google is designed to crawl and index the Web efficiently and produce
much more satisfying search results than existing systems. The prototype
with a full text and hyperlink database of at least 24 million pages is
available at
To engineer a search engine is a challenging task. Search engines index
tens to hundreds of millions of web pages involving a comparable number
of distinct terms. They answer tens of millions of queries every day.
Despite the importance of large-scale search engines on the web, very
little academic research has been done on them. Furthermore, due to
rapid advance in technology and web proliferation, creating a web search
engine today is very different from 3 years ago. This paper provides an
in-depth description of our large-scale web search engine - the first
such detailed public description we know of to date.
Apart from the problems of scaling traditional search techniques to data
of this magnitude, there are new technical challenges involved with
using the additional information present in hypertext to produce better
search results. This paper addresses this question of how to build a
practical large-scale system which can exploit the additional
information present in hypertext. Also we look at the problem of how to
effectively deal with uncontrolled hypertext collections, where anyone
can publish anything they want. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights
SN 1389-1286
EI 1872-7069
UT WOS:000312922400003
AU Cornelius, Sean P.
Kath, William L.
Motter, Adilson E.
TI Realistic control of network dynamics
VL 4
AR 1942
DI 10.1038/ncomms2939
PD JUN 2013
PY 2013
AB The control of complex networks is of paramount importance in areas as
diverse as ecosystem management, emergency response and cell
reprogramming. A fundamental property of networks is that perturbations
to one node can affect other nodes, potentially causing the entire
system to change behaviour or fail. Here we show that it is possible to
exploit the same principle to control network behaviour. Our approach
accounts for the nonlinear dynamics inherent to real systems, and allows
bringing the system to a desired target state even when this state is
not directly accessible due to constraints that limit the allowed
interventions. Applications show that this framework permits
reprogramming a network to a desired task, as well as rescuing networks
from the brink of failure-which we illustrate through the mitigation of
cascading failures in a power-grid network and the identification of
potential drug targets in a signalling network of human cancer.
RI Kath, William/B-6771-2009
SN 2041-1723
UT WOS:000323624100009
PM 23803966
AU Cowan, Noah J.
Chastain, Erick J.
Vilhena, Daril A.
Freudenberg, James S.
Bergstrom, Carl T.
TI Nodal Dynamics, Not Degree Distributions, Determine the Structural
Controllability of Complex Networks
VL 7
IS 6
AR e38398
DI 10.1371/journal.pone.0038398
PD JUN 22 2012
PY 2012
AB Structural controllability has been proposed as an analytical framework
for making predictions regarding the control of complex networks across
myriad disciplines in the physical and life sciences (Liu et al.,
Nature: 473(7346):167-173, 2011). Although the integration of control
theory and network analysis is important, we argue that the application
of the structural controllability framework to most if not all
real-world networks leads to the conclusion that a single control input,
applied to the power dominating set, is all that is needed for
structural controllability. This result is consistent with the
well-known fact that controllability and its dual observability are
generic properties of systems. We argue that more important than issues
of structural controllability are the questions of whether a system is
almost uncontrollable, whether it is almost unobservable, and whether it
possesses almost pole-zero cancellations.
RI Cowan, Noah/D-3614-2009; Bergstrom, Carl/
OI Cowan, Noah/0000-0003-2502-3770; Bergstrom, Carl/0000-0002-2070-385X
SN 1932-6203
UT WOS:000305730900011
PM 22761682
AU Gleiser, PM
Danon, L
TI Community structure in jazz
VL 6
IS 4
BP 565
EP 573
DI 10.1142/S0219525903001067
PD DEC 2003
PY 2003
AB Using a database of jazz recordings we study the collaboration network
of jazz musicians. We define the network at two different levels. First
we study the collaboration network between individuals, where two
musicians are connected if they have played in the same band. Then we
consider the collaboration between bands, where two bands are connected
if they have a musician in common. The community structure analysis
reveals that these constructions capture essential ingredients of the
social interactions between jazz musicians. We observe correlations
between recording locations, racial segregation and the community
structure. A quantitative analysis of the community size distribution
reveals a surprising similarity with an e-mail based social network
recently studied.
RI Danon, Leon/J-6324-2012
OI Danon, Leon/0000-0002-7076-1871
SN 0219-5259
EI 1793-6802
UT WOS:000189270000008
AU Guimera, R
Danon, L
Diaz-Guilera, A
Giralt, F
Arenas, A
TI Self-similar community structure in a network of human interactions
VL 68
IS 6
AR 065103
DI 10.1103/PhysRevE.68.065103
PN 2
PD DEC 2003
PY 2003
AB We propose a procedure for analyzing and characterizing complex
networks. We apply this to the social network as constructed from email
communications within a medium sized university with about 1700
employees. Email networks provide an accurate and nonintrusive
description of the flow of information within human organizations. Our
results reveal the self-organization of the network into a state where
the distribution of community sizes is self-similar. This suggests that
a universal mechanism, responsible for emergence of scaling in other
self-organized complex systems, as, for instance, river networks, could
also be the underlying driving force in the formation and evolution of
social networks.
RI Arenas, Alex/A-5216-2009; Danon, Leon/J-6324-2012; Diaz-Guilera, Albert/A-521
OI Arenas, Alex/0000-0003-0937-0334; Danon, Leon/0000-0002-7076-1871;
Diaz-Guilera, Albert/0000-0002-3114-0984
SN 2470-0045
EI 2470-0053
UT WOS:000188316700003
PM 14754250
AU Lai, Ying-Cheng
TI Controlling complex, non-linear dynamical networks
VL 1
IS 3
BP 339
EP 341
DI 10.1093/nsr/nwu023
PD SEP 2014
PY 2014
SN 2095-5138
EI 2053-714X
UT WOS:000356856400010
AU Liu, Yang-Yu
Slotine, Jean-Jacques
Barabasi, Albert-Laszlo
TI Controllability of complex networks
VL 473
IS 7346
BP 167
EP 173
DI 10.1038/nature10011
PD MAY 12 2011
PY 2011
AB The ultimate proof of our understanding of natural or technological
systems is reflected in our ability to control them. Although control
theory offers mathematical tools for steering engineered and natural
systems towards a desired state, a framework to control complex
self-organized systems is lacking. Here we develop analytical tools to
study the controllability of an arbitrary complex directed network,
identifying the set of driver nodes with time-dependent control that can
guide the system's entire dynamics. We apply these tools to several real
networks, finding that the number of driver nodes is determined mainly
by the network's degree distribution. We show that sparse inhomogeneous
networks, which emerge in many real complex systems, are the most
difficult to control, but that dense and homogeneous networks can be
controlled using a few driver nodes. Counterintuitively, we find that in
both model and real systems the driver nodes tend to avoid the
high-degree nodes.
OI Liu, Yang-Yu/0000-0003-2728-4907
SN 0028-0836
UT WOS:000290487200029
PM 21562557
AU Liu, Yang-Yu
Slotine, Jean-Jacques
Barabasi, Albert-Laszlo
TI Control Centrality and Hierarchical Structure in Complex Networks
VL 7
IS 9
AR e44459
DI 10.1371/journal.pone.0044459
PD SEP 27 2012
PY 2012
AB We introduce the concept of control centrality to quantify the ability
of a single node to control a directed weighted network. We calculate
the distribution of control centrality for several real networks and
find that it is mainly determined by the network's degree distribution.
We show that in a directed network without loops the control centrality
of a node is uniquely determined by its layer index or topological
position in the underlying hierarchical structure of the network.
Inspired by the deep relation between control centrality and
hierarchical structure in a general directed network, we design an
efficient attack strategy against the controllability of malicious
SN 1932-6203
UT WOS:000309517500006
PM 23028542

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