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A Fantastic Day in the

Life of a Techie
I always wanted to have an adventure. Sometimes when there is nothing much to do at
office I would begin to wonder if I could ever leave this mundane job and the rat race
to just take off into the unknown. But, sadly most places on earth have now been
explored, the chances of meeting a human in the North Pole is probably pretty high
and it is so I guess on the other pole of the planet. But the idea of having an adventure
with my girl and a few friends always fascinates me. I am an adventure movie
freak. Ever since I started my Engineering course, movies are the only things I have
been truly fascinated with. It lets me escape the pain of reading and understanding
abstract knowledge, especially the burden of memorizing reams of equations and their
derivations, which I am sure I will not use in this lifetime. Movies provide an
alternate universe in which things happen themselves and always in favour of the
hero, every wrong step he takes, every blunder he makes are actually helpful for him
to reach his destination. How I wish my life would be the same. How I wish I could
just leave this world made of billions of teeming people and just escape into a Blue
Lagoon with just my love interest.

Arent you coming ? asked a wide eyed Anjali

Jolted by this sudden interruption in my thoughts, as I watched the vast expanse of

lush green grass through the glass faade of the office, I swivel around to find slender
lass with large doe eyes staring at me with chirpy excitement. I dont know if it is her
excitement or her raw beauty that I am attracted to but every time I look at her or talk
to her I feel a wonderful excitement. Energy just flows through my body, the world
feels so light and I suddenly want to live again, even of it just for a day just to see
thisfilly again.

to where?
to the team meeting, where else
I thought you were calling me on a date
Anjali laughs, shrugs and says
whaaat?, thats just terrible, come on Rahul we are getting late
Well, that was a try. But I dont know what it is, my mind just completely switches off
and I start talking like this dumb idiot which I know that I sound like whenever I
speak to a girl I am attracted to. It does not happen to me with every girl, only with
the girls that I am attracted to. I guess the testosterone just dumbs the brain down, but
to this level is just pathetic I guess. So, I think its better I quietly follow Anjali along
the long winding corridor to the dingy conference room with its oval table occupied
by a heard of bored engineers, at least until I can make up something to talk about.

Hey Anjali, nice dress says a lanky harsh shaking his head on which sits a huge pile
of hair which looks like the head of a mop. The hairstyle I guess went out of fashion
since the Beatels era. I actually like the beatles, but a George Harrison hairstyle on a
lanky brown Indian in a black turtle neck tee is just simply annoying.

Thank you Harsh

said Anjali in a quivering voice as harsh walked by. I dont know how he talks so
freely to all the women in the office, especially the good looking ones hes always
relaxed and never seems to have that rush of testosterone when he talks to a beautiful
girl. Most of the guys act weirdly when they meet a beautiful girl. Its like their mind is
controlled by their dicks. Some just dont respond others say something quirky and
there are the still weirder ones who make up all kinds of weird expressions while
talking. Even more annoying are the older guys or the senior dicks, while most are
normal there are a few who just cant control their urges. Their eyes keep meandering
along the girls curves as they converse, any guy who observes people having
conversations with the opposite sex will immediately know the normal guys and the
dickhead guys.

hey Rahul how are you? asks a beaming harsh as he walks past me.

Why is he always that happy? There are so many things in this world to be sad about.
I open my mornings paper and its filled with nothing but sad stories of murder, rapes
and accidents. If not the social problems in the news then its the economy that is
tumbling down, todays editorial presents a very good argument which definitely
pictures a certain bleak future in which we will all be out of jobs in the next few
months, the world economy will annihilate itself and all of humanity will go back to
the stone age. With such grief surrounding us, how in the world can this lanky man
with a mop on his head be happy?
good man how you hanging? forcing a smile on my face as these thoughts rapidly
rush through my brain.

just in there man just in there, Ill catch you in the evening at the gym then?

yeah sure!

oh yeah and I almost for got, I have to catch this silly looking guy whos pretty chill
with the girl I like(I think she likes him too) at the gym every evening. Ive known
harsh since my days in engineering. Hes a good-looking guy, we used to have our
man chats and make fun of each other but, times changed when we met Anjali during
our job training and I was immediately drawn towards her. I wanted to be by her side
all the time and would make it a point to sit next to her at the slightest opportunity. So,
in every year office photo-op you can see me standing next to her. What bothered me
was that the guy on the other side of her was mostly Harsh. His engaging talks make
people forget where they are I guess. But, I envied his ability to hold an audience
especially women.

wasnt his hair ridiculous?

Anjali giggles yeah looks like a mop on his head

exactly right? I thought the same

yeah but I guess he can carry it


oh why oh why oh why? Why does she like him, why did she have to say that, I guess
I need to man up an become better than him, I thought as I raked my brain to come up
with something.

Like he said a lovely jacket Anjali

as I uttered these words my eyes marveled at the black collared flowery blazer but my
attention was grabbed by the soft white untanned skin of her bosom visible due to the
unusually deep cut of the beige tee that she wore underneath the jacket. The soft
protruding organs of hers always enchanted me.

Ahem Anjali clears her throat

up here man, what has gotten into you today?

I shrug and look into her deep brown eyes, the eyelashes are encircled with a black
kajal enhancing the beauty of her eyes.

nothing! I have always been attracted to you, but today I want to ask ask you if you
like me too

I dont know what happened here. Out of nowhere I strength filled me and made me
blurt out these words with steady confidence. As I looked at her, I could feel my ears
heat up and my cheeks go flush red. I guess I must have looked like a huge red

Anjali looks at me for a moment in bewilderment and giggles.

Come on Rahul well talk this after the meeting

no but please tell me

tell you what?

will you be my girlfriend?, I swear Ill do my best to make you happy in every way

why did I say that? Is this a hindi soap opera I thought to myself. Well once spoken,
it is in the universe and can never be erased, I need to correct this before it becomes a
huge train wreck.

Rahul, now, we have to hurry to the meeting

she said that way too coolly, I have this weird feeling that she is not serious and is just
humoring me.

Anyhow, now I have to endure this long, boring and senseless project review meeting.
How will we ever complete the project if we keep having this long drab meeting
completely zapping ones mind of every creative thought.

I tried to give creative ideas and solutions in the beginning but every single fucking
time the ideas were shot down with such clinical precision that I completely gave up
on the whole exercise but, it is a very useful social gathering at least I can sit next to
Anjali and admire her beauty, her lips moving and her perfectly logical argument as to
why her ideas have to be incorporated into the project. But, due to my less than active
participation in the previous few meetings, the prick a.k.a Dilip, my boss has now
pulled me up to present my part of the project depriving me of this wonderful pastime
which filled an iota of meaning in my life.

Anjali abruptly stops midway in a corridor three floors above the ground. I look down
the railings and feel the cool breeze flowing thought the corridor due to the local
ecosystem created by the artificial pond and greenery created at the middle of the
ground floor and I notice that all the offices were built enclosing the mini garden. The
air was nippy, it made me nervous adding to the anxiety.

What am I doing? Why am I doing this job? Is there nothing else in this world? and
why is Anjali acting so cool? Does she really like me? I need to man up again I
thought. Just as Anjali turned the silvery knob of the conference room, I clasp her by
the wrist and pull her into the narrow corridor leading to the pantry. The door of the
conference room shuts in a thud. She looks at me in surprise. I put my face as close to
hers as possible pinning her onto the wall. I look directly into her eyes, she stares back
at me,
Anjali I am serious do you like me?
yes Rahul why else would I say ok the last time you asked me?

will you be my girl?

will you be my guy?

I could hear her breath grow deeper and my heart beat faster. Her lips were covered
with a dangerously red shade of lipstick. I slowly pressed my lips against hers. She
responded by clasping my lower lip between hers. The taste of lipstick is weird, its
like eating a candle but with a little mouldy flavor to it.


The sound jolted us and we were back in attention position. It was the pantry janitor
trying to make his way pas us. We straightened up and made our way back to the door.
This time Anjali is by my side, I turn the silvery knob. The small conference room had
transformed into a huge hall filled to the brim with people some I know and many I
dont know. They all arise in unison and start clapping. The room is covered in a
strange hue of gold. I clasp Anjalis palm and lock my fingers between hers as I try to
regain my bearings. Her arm gives me the strength and the energy; it reassures me that
she is there with me in this ever-changing world. I turn to Anjali and ask her

will you be with me forever?

Anjali suddenly slaps me. The sound of the slap reverberates through the room. The
vibrations reverberate on all the faces present in the room. The smiles suddenly turn
into surprise and even a few giggles. Anjali turns around and looks at me

do you know how long is Forever?

am I a cow to be bound by you all my life and endure all your shit for an entire

I want to be free, not bound by a misogynist!

A smart man in a slick black tux comes through the door pushes the warring couple
aside and struts onto the stage. A blinding array of light flashes. A spotlight
illuminates the man in the tux.

wooow! Whataaay performance what-a-performance

This is the very essence of the show, this is what we were all waiting for!
Ladies and Gentlemen please put your hands together our new fresh new couple

Welcome to Lovers & Losers!

our looser has now turned a Lover

a roar of laughter engulfs the auditorium with the led prompters to the audience
flashing Laugh!

A array of xenon lights flash pointed towards the new couple flash blinding Anjali and
Rahul momentarily.
(To be Contiuned)

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