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Task 1
Q1. Explain the communication process that applies to advertising and promotion
Advertising and promotion are an integral part of our social and economic systems. In
our complex society, advertising has evolved into a vital communications system for
both consumers and businesses. The ability of advertising and other promotional
programmers are makes the target audience at the marketing level. Its makes the
organization feedback to the market situation of goods and products which are newly
come to the competitive market

Advertising is the structured and composed, nonperson communication of information. It

is usually paid for and usually persuasive, about products, services, or ideas. There are
four important dimensions of advertising (communication, marketing, economic, and
social) creates a clear concept about what advertising is and how it has evolved.
The promotion is the process of commodities at newly introduce to the market, it also
offer coupons, free samples, contests, or rebates on the purchase price. By offering
added value, promotion accelerates sales. So it is a very effective tool for the new
product at the market. It is often used in conjunction with advertisingto promote the
promotion. The promotional planner should recognize the different effects various types
of advertising messages might have on consumers and whether they are appropriate for
the product or brand. The message is done by the (print, TV, radio, newspaper, direct
marketing) and their cost implications might also occur at this process.

Q2. Explain the organization of the advertising and promotions industry in the UK
At the UK which of the organization are responsible for the advertising and promotion
activities thats organizations activities are as follows;
The European Federation of Sales Promotion (EFSP) was founded in 1980. It is a forum
for countries across Europe to meet, exchange ideas and work together. It also
enhances the reputation and promotes the highest standards of the Sales Promotion
industry in Europe. It maintains two main areas of activity are lobbying and annual
The mission of the European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA) is to
represent full-service advertising and media agencies and agency associations in
Europe. The aim of EACA is to promote honest, effective advertising, high professional
standards, and awareness of the contribution of advertising in a free market economy.
Its also work for encourage close co-operation between agencies, advertisers and
media in European advertising bodies.
European Federation of Sales Promotion (EFSP)
The European Federation of Sales Promotion (EFSP) was founded in 1980, and
changed its name to the Promotional Marketing Council of Europe in September 2002
when it became a part of EACA (the European Association of Communication
Agencies). This organization deals with the sales Promotion in Europe.
Promotional Marketing Council of Europe
The PMC is an organization that represents the Sales Promotion industry across
Europe including Clients, Agencies and Suppliers. Member countries are France, Spain,
Portugal, UK, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Ireland and Austria and the
membership of these organizations accounts for an estimated 80 % of the sales
promotion business in those countries.

Q3. Explain what problems advertising companies are facing currently and how
they can solve them (M1)
Todays advertising companies face several problems which are deals with the new
business process, adapting to web/interactive marketing, cash flow, the slow economy,
shrinking client budgets, finding qualified employees, obtaining larger clients and
shrinking profit margins.
The main problems are as follows;
: Complexity for the run new company.
: Accumulate the budget support for the activities of the company.
: Complexity for the new promotion and campaign activities.
: Find the proper employee and to maintain them.
: Reach to the new clients and accumulate them for the new products.
: Generate new ideas for the new advertisement of new products.
: Proper media support for the advertisement and promotion.

Q4. Explain the role of advertising in an integrated promotional strategy for Coca-
Cola Enterprise Ltd (P5).
Advertising really plays a big role in Coca-Colas success. Its advertising has been
rather pervasive, as one of Woodruffs stated goals was to ensure that everyone on
Earth drank Coca-Cola as their preferred beverage. Advertising for Coca-Cola is now
almost everywhere, especially in southern areas of North America, such as Atlanta,
where Coca-Cola was born. The most popular words in the world in 20th contrary are:
God, she and Coca-Cola. After the highest popularization of word OK, the second
one is Coca-Cola. 98% of the people know Coca-Cola. Thats the result of Coca-
Cola spending 6 hundred million dollar on promotions.
There are five main ways of promoting the brand Coca-Cola.
: The first one is traditional advertising, like showing advertisements on TV or
: The second one is the sponsoring of sport events.
: The third one is online promotion.
: The fourth one is selling Coca-Colas collections.
: The fifth one is local promotion held by bottlers or retailers.
Although the main advertisements in every country still follow this strategy, especially
using the local stars to attract young customers, Coca-cola begun to use computer
technology to make cartoon images which matches local culture or just funny.

Q5. Explain branding and how it is used to strengthen a company like Coca-Cola
Branding is the building of trust with employees, customers and stakeholders. In
marketing terms, the definition of branding is the sum total of a companys value,
including products, services, people, advertising, positioning and culture. Brands give
potential clients a firm idea of what they are buying before they buy it, making the
purchasing decision easier. Customers trust strong brands because they know what to
: The most important reason is that it can help increase the sales of Coca-Cola.
This means that when need to increase prices then the target audience will be
accepting of price increase.
: Branding also encourages confidence and trust in product/service. Brandings
introduce new products at the newly face at the market level also its increase the
customers attraction for the new products at the market.
: It should reflect through the use of logo, name & stripling brand values. It
should clearly communicate with name and/or product or service. The Coca-Cola
follows this for its branding such the logo and the color combination of logo.
: The identity should be applied consistently across all media for example its
color and its positioning on a page or screen should remain familiar across all marketing
: If consider partnering with other companies, ensure that the brand and brand
identity reflect theirs and vice versa.

Q6. Demonstrate your creative thinking regarding Coca-Cola branding and its
popularity in the UK market (D3).
Cokes branding strategies had to go beyond brand positioning and associations. To
ensure that customers had formed a harmonious relationship with the brand, the
objective of brand resonance had to be achieved. Coca- Cola is a already brand product
at the world wide. But for the increase of its popularity at the UK market this company
may takes several initiatives for its new advertisement and promotion activities.
Coca-Cola needs the new branding approach for the target market, its needs different
promotion activities for the all levels of customers. It takes the approach for the all level
of market demand for the familiarity of its. For complete this work Coca-Cola needs the
price promotion. Also Coca-Cola needs new steps for the promotion activities at the
different level of customers. New campaign programme are set for introduce different
flavor of Coca-Col.

Task 2
Q7. Asses how promotion is regulated in the UK (P3)
The UK marketing industry recognized the need for trust in advertising when it setup the
advertising self-regulatory system for non-broadcast advertising in 1961. Since then, the
UKs system of self-regulation has helped to ensure advertising remains responsible:
honest advertising helps to keep customers coming back. The 11th edition of the British
Code of Advertising and Sales Promotion came into force on 4 March 2003. The
purpose of the Code is to maintain, in the best and most flexible way possible, the
integrity of marketing communications in the interests of both the consumer and the
Advertising in the UK is controlled through a combination of codes of practice and
legislation. There are two advertising codes which are created, monitored and revised
by two committees. These are the Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) and the
Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice (BCAP).
The CAP Code deals with the non-broadcast advertising, sales promotion and direct
marketing. The BCAP deals with the rules for broadcast advertising. These are enforced
where necessary by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).
Since 28 February 2011, Broadcasting regulations rules have been relaxed to allow
product placement ie paying to have a product or service included or referred to in
selected types of TV broadcasts. This includes:
: films
: series made for TV or other audiovisual media services eg video on demand
: sports programmes
: light entertainment shows
However, product placement isnt allowed for certain types of goods, and its banned
completely in all childrens, news, current affairs, consumer affairs and religious

Q8. Examine current trends in advertising and promotion among soft drink
advertisers in the UK and explain the impact of ICT on advertising and promotion
industries (P4)
Soft drink is one of the most important product categories in the delivered wholesale
and cash and carry markets. It contributes more than 1billion of sales per year through
independent retail, catering and on-premise outlets. It is a category maintaining
momentum through creative marketing and promotions, new product developments and
fresh packaging formats.
The current trends in advertising and promotion activities which are going at the UK
market thats depends on the following reasons;
: Encourage excessive consumption of food or drink products.
: Encourage the purchase of food or soft drinks by inappropriately using licensed
characters, celebrities or promotional offers in ads intended for children.
: Encourage the new generation to the soft drink.
: Promote consumption of different kinds of soft drinks promotional offer.
: The advertising of different flavor of soft drink at the different level of customers.
: The ideas of new advertisement programme which takes by the different
advertisement companies.
The impact of ICT on advertising and promotion are as follows;
: Now a days advertisement is done by the different ICT programmes such as by
the broadcast, by internet. But the misuse of this there is several impacts is going on the
product advertisement.
: There are some impact is create for the change of ICT use at the advertisement.
: For the revulsion of use ICT at the advertisement and promotion activities are
create new dimension at this sector.
Q9. Review the creative aspect of Coca-Cola advertisement (P7)
Coca-Colas promotion has had a significant impact on American advertising and its
overall culture. It is even (erroneously) credited with the invention of the US traditional
Santa Clause image. Anyway, Coca Cola advertising history demonstrates how the
marketing science has been developing over time. Below there is a visual tour into the
company print advertising.
Drink Coca Cola
Coca-Cola first print ad was published in 1895 featuring a young Bostonian actress
named Hilda Clark who was the company spokesperson.
Coca-Cola Revives and Sustains
It satisfies the thirsty and helps the weary.
Take one glass of Coca Cola when weary with shopping.
Be refreshed!
Be refreshed! Pause for Coke! Only Coca-Cola gives you the cheerful lift thats bright
and lively the cold crisp taste that deeply satisfies! No wonder Coke refreshes you the
Spending the day on the water? Youll really welcome the cold crisp taste of Coca-Cola
that so deeply satisfies the cheerful lift thats bright and lovely. No wonder Coke is the
real refreshment anytime anywhere
Things Go Better with Coke
The Things Go Better with Coke campaign was adapted to the youth market by using
catchy colors and fashionable concepts.
During the mid-1970s, the political uncertainty in the United States determined Coca-
Cola advertising campaign. As the nation questioned its direction, Coca-Cola reminded
Americans of their countrys positive values in the Look Up, America campaign.
Coke Adds Life
In May 1976, The Coca-Cola Company introduced a new campaign, presenting the
brand as the soft drink for all occasions. Aimed at the young and young-at-heart, the
new campaign, Coke Adds Life to , was designed to show viewers that Coca-Cola
added simple enjoyment to life.
Coke is it!
In early 1982, Coca-Cola launched a new ad campaign, Coke Is It! The direct, positive
statement was meant to appeal to the forthright mood of Americans in the 1980s. Coke
Is It! represented the new taste and concept.
The public, however, demanded the return of the traditional drink, so the campaign
turned out to be fiasco.
Always Coca Cola
In 1993, The Coca-Cola Company made a dramatic shift in its advertising by introducing
the memorable Always Coca-Cola campaign, by Creative Artists Agency and later
Edge Creative. Animated polar bear became one of the most popular symbols of Coca-
The Coke Side of Life
Q10. Use critical reflection to evaluate your work, justify your findings and make
valid conclusions (D1).
This work is conduct with the advertisement and promotion of the new products which
are introduced at the new business world. At this work mainly reflect with the
advertisement and promotion activities of the Coca-Cola Company. The major findings
of this work are the process and procedure which are takes for the promotion activities
by the Coca-Cola. Also at this work discuss about the regulation for the advertising
authorities and how these authority evaluate this. There are discussing about the new
techniques for the promotion of the new products at the market. However, with the turn
of the millennium, while Cokes international sales were doing well it was facing some
new challenges especially in its largest market of UK.
Q11. Examine ways of working with advertising agencies (P8)
Companies work hard to ensure they provide premier goods and services to their
markets. Small to mid-sized businesses use advertising agencies to help them relay
their messages to the public. Though outsourcing means using the services of a
separate entity, it is important to foster good relations with them so the relationship
becomes mutually beneficial.
Be flexible
Know where you want to be, but be flexible in getting there. Remember why you sought
the help of an advertising agency in the first place. Dont assume you have all the
Its technical
There is a science behind advertising. How colors collaborate, words work with pictures,
etc. contributes to the effectiveness of advertising. Understand you may desire a certain
look, but advertising agencies hold the expertise; they know how best to advertise for
your company.
Have one liaison
You may be accustomed to discussing business matters with several people or a board.
When it comes to advertising, people host different opinions making it difficult to arrive
at a final decision. Advertising agencies recommend appointing one person to work with
them directly. This eliminates conflicting views that discourage agencies from working
with you further.
Know your customers
Successful businesses sometimes assume they know their customers because their
products/services sell very well. This is a common mistake. Advertising agencies may
suggest conducting market research to understand how to reach your customers. This
will cost more, but will be advantageous to your advertising campaign as a whole.
Q12. Communicate with any advertising agencies and present your findings (that
you have learnt for Q11) in a suitable format (M3).
Communicate with advertising agencies at first look after the goods and service of the
company also know about the process for the advertisement of the product. For the
proper communication know about the technical aspects and the product promotion
aspects and details description of the market valuation of the product response is
needed. When inform about the choice of the customers then the product advertising is
done carefully also select the level of the customer who needs the product. At the time
of campaigning of product advertisement then choose the location for proper
advertisement also needs the proper process for the campaigning of product with the
product value description.
Task 3
Q13. Explain primary techniques of below-the-line promotion and how they are
used in an integrated promotional strategy for Coca-Cola Enterprise Ltd or any
business in the UK (P9).
The terms below the line promotion or communications, refers to forms of non-media
communication, even non-media advertising. Below the line promotions are becoming
increasingly important within the communications mix of many companies, not only
those involved in FMCG products, but also for industrial goods.
Below the Line uses less conventional methods than the usual specific channels of
advertising to promote products, services, etc. than Above the Line strategies. These
may include activities such as direct mail, public relations and sales promotions for
which a fee is agreed upon and charged up front. Below the line advertising typically
focuses on direct means of communication, most commonly direct mail and e-mail,
often using highly targeted lists of names to maximize response rates.
Another interesting and very effective BTL is Ssop Intercept. Trained sales personnel,
often young women, are deployed at Retail Stores, near the shelves of targeted
products. These young women convince customers visiting these shelves about the
better aspects of their brand compared with others. This is ideal for new launches as it
generates trials, which if successful result in repeat sales.
Coca Cola Great Britain (CCGB) is responsible for marketing Coca Cola products within
UK. There are over 100 products within UK. One of their responsibilities is developing
new brands and extending existing brands. The sustainable growth of the Coca-Cola
system depends on the ability to work effectively together through collaboration, mutual
support and shared goals. The system strengths lies in coca cola routes-to-market and
our ability to help the customers grow their businesses, continually enhancing the value
of brands to both customers and consumers. In order to continually grow business of
Coca Cola Company needs to be increasingly efficient in use of resources. Below-the-
line promotions are becoming increasingly important within the communications mix of
many companies, not only those involved in individual products, but also for industrial
Q14. Select and/or design appropriate methods/techniques for the Coca-Cola
Enterprise to boost their sales and meet strategic targets by 2012 (M2).
The integrated management system of the Coca-Cola business for meet the strategies
goal for 2012 is
The Coca-Cola Management System (TCCMS) is the new management system for
achieve the target by the company. This system aligns with the internationally
recognized requirements for quality, environment, health and safety, and food safety. In
2010, the Coca-Cola system will begin to transition to ISO standards for all
Management System requirements previously covered by TCCMS.
Quality: Coca-Cola management procedures ensure that we maintain high-quality
standards. Ten facilities earned TCCMS certification in North America and all of
production facilities in Europe are ISO 9001 certified.
Environment: All of European production facilities are ISO 14001 certified, and 17
facilities in North America achieved TCCMS certification in 2008.
Health and safety: Currently, 18 of European facilities are ISO 18001 certified and 17
facilities in North America are TCCMS certified.
Food safety: Six of European production facilities are ISO 22000 certified and plan to
certify six more in 2009 also certify 23 U.S. production facilities in 2009.
Q15. Evaluate other techniques used in below-the-line promotion for Coca-Cola
Enterprise L td or any other business in the UK (P10).
The Coca-Cola company is not a new company to achieve the below-the-line promotion
which are target by the company. The Coca-Cola Companys marketing department is
accountable for the brand development, maintenance and positioning of all of the Coca-
Cola Companys brands. They focus on all above-the-line marketing and national
promotions for trade and end consumers through the appropriate media channels and
brand activation. Coca-Cola Company focuses on understanding the market, and is
primarily responsible for brand research, consumer research, and pricing studies. By
maximizing the potential of brands, developing innovative new brands and introducing
Coca-Colas international brands into UK, they ensure that our products are the first
choice of consumers.
Green contest- Coca Cola has launched a green contest that is aimed at promoting
environmental sustainability.
Coca Cola Wonder of the World Promotion- Allowed consumers to get the
opportunity to win a dream vacation to destinations such as Paris, Hollywood, New
York, Singapore and Cairo.
The promotion sparked an interest within the public who avidly collected their Coca Cola
caps. All the promotional tactics of Coca cola aim to shape the culture of the population
to think that drinking Coca Cola is the way of life.
Q16. As a senior manager of Coca-Cola Enterprise Ltd. how would you carry out
responsibilities for managing and organizing advertising and promotion activities
to meet its strategic target (D2)?
Completing the target of market demand at the Coca-Cola Enterprise Ltd. Takes the
following steps for advertising and promotion activities;
: New campaign activities at the all market level and for all customers.
: New advertisement takes for the all levels of customers.
: Takes different types of new variation of product introduce at the market with new
advertisement and promotion activities.
: Regular monitoring the advertisement and promotion activities at the market
: Ensure the customer about the new thematic promotion and products
Task 4
Q17. Follow an appropriate process for the formulation of a budget for an
integrated promotional strategy (P11).
The marketing plan then, is a dynamic document which focuses on bringing marketing
strategies to life, serving as a roadmap for carrying out marketing activities and
implementing marketing strategies. It is a multi-step process, which considers the
: Formulating a strategy of company or division and making sure that appropriate
linkages are made between company strategy and marketing activity planning.
: Analyzing the environment within which you do business to make sure the
marketplace, the industry, competitors, and other influences.
: Carrying out market profiling, enabling you to identify market segment, target
customer types, and overall demand. Additionally, analysis of the industry and
competitors, coupled with analysis of customer types, enables the creation of demand
possibilities and the resulting forecasts.
: The marketing mix, which considers a combination of activities which come
together harmoniously, in bringing the product to market and sustaining it while in the
: Budgeting of marketing programs so that the appropriate sales goals and
corporate strategies can be attained.
Q18. Carry out the development of a promotional plan for Coca-Cola Enterprise
Ltd. or any business in the UK (P12).
Sampling-if objective is to trial the product then sampling is an effective sales promotion
method. Usually sampling is involved with low value products and products having
highly visible features of benefits.
Couponing-it is one of the oldest sales promotion strategies and sometimes couponing
makes the product problematic by cheapening your brand name. Coupon is mainly used
for attracting new customers as well as to increase instant sales with price reduction of
a product.
Loyalty schemes- It is basically a point based system, where each customer gets some
points on each purchase and later he can use these points on buying the same
products or other products at a reduced price. To many marketers, loyalty schemes are
also known as-frequent purchasing scheme.
Packaging- many marketers does no pay much attention to the quality of packaging,
because they simply do not understand the psychological and brand image aspects of
packaging. An attractive and innovative packaging can work like a salient sales man-
packaging does the hooking function to buyers. A well-packaged product carries not
only the brand values but also create an emotional link to your prospects. Not that it is
only important for packaging to be eye-catching, aesthetic, but it needs to protect the
product inside with proper manner.
Q19. Plan the integration of promotional techniques into the promotional strategy
for Coca-Cola Enterprise Ltd. or any business in the UK (P13).
A typical sales promotion budget covers almost 70% of the total consumer sales
promotional budget. It is also considered as a brand differentiator by many big players
like Coca-Cola. For Coca-cola business experts and academics, sales promotion is
regarded as typical marketing techniques that add value to a product in order to achieve
specific marketing goals.
The primary purpose of promotion strategy is to induce the consumers to make a quick
buying-decision in order to create increases sales. Integration of promotion is to offer
customers to take chance of winning a prize or offering some extra products with the
same price. Sales promotion and marketing are inter-related but not have the similar
purpose. The Coca-Cola company takes different promotions activities such as at the
world cup football occurring time also at the summer season the takes different
promotions activities for achieve the new customers and evaluate their products
It is advertising which makes a platform for sales promotion where customers can see
the direct added value of buying your product. On the other hand, advertising is an
intangible promotion of products to send the marketing message to the customer-base.
Q20. Use appropriate technique for measuring campaign effectiveness (P14).
It is essential to pretest advertisements to see how effective they actually are in
influencing consumers. An ad may have to be redesigned if it is found not be to be as
effective as targeted.
Developing an advertising program entails several steps:
: Identifying the target audience- Market reports can be bought that investigate the
media habits of consumers of different products and/or the segments that the firm has
chosen to target.
: Determining appropriate advertising objectives- the objectives might include
awareness, trial, repurchase, inducing consumers to switch from another brand, or
developing a preference for the brand.
: Settling on an advertising budget.
: Designing the advertisements- Numerous media are available for the advertiser
to choose from.
: Business Knowledge Center. The Marketing Concept.
www.netmba.comAccessed September 2004.
Chang, T.L

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