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Our advert is going to be a charity advert for Bernardos, a childrens charity with the slogan
believe in children. The charity focuses on transforming the lives of vulnerable children across
the UK through the work of their service, campaigning and research expertise. They believe
they can bring out the very best in every child no matter the background where it be poverty,
sexual exploitation, disability or domestic violence. Barnardo's is the charity with the largest
number of services in the UK, running over 960 services in local communities. In the last year
Bernardos have helped over 240,000 children, young people, parents and carers and helped
many more by campaigning to change policies and the public's opinion. They run services that
transform the lives of the most vulnerable children and young people all over the UK. Bernardos
also help young people who are leaving the care system find a place to live and a job, for a
better start in their adult lives. They will stand up for young people and children who experience
the adversity of a parent in prison and fight for early support for families who are facing multiple
problems to build their resilience and promote their strengths.

Our advert will be targeted at the adult generation aged between 24-55+ of all genders, race,
income, education and employment as the advert will be focusing on informing people of the
charity and persuading them to help the charity in anyway they can. The advert will not be
gender or race specific as it will be focused to all adults. It will also not be employment,
education or income important as it is targeted to everyone as a way to inform people about the
charity what it does and what you can do to make your contribution to help. The advert will be
advertised throughout the UK on ITV1, ITV2, channel 4, channel 5, film 4, really, More 4 etc. it
will be distributed to people in the A,B,C1,C2 socio-economic groups as they will be more likely
to see the advert and contribute towards the advert by helping through donations and or helping
through fostering a child. It will then also be aimed at innovators, thinkers, believers, achievers
and strivers as they will be more likely to contribute to the charity in any way possible to them,
these groups of people and age group has then been chosen due to the advert being aimed at
adults for the ability to understand and want to help. The advert will then be broadcasted
throughout the year instead of seasonally due to the the public being able to help a child
anytime throughout the year.

The advert will be distributed on youtube, social media we are putting our advert on online on
social media and youtube so that people are able to chose the outcome that our advert will
contain. We are also putting the advert on tv channels on ITV, channel 4, film4, more4, channel
5, true christmas, dave, ITV2. we are putting them on these channels because they are the
channels that our target audience are more likely to watch.

The advert will be of the story of 2 young girls who are living a rough life. In the advert the
younger girl will be the narrator for the advert which would allow the audience to see two
different sides to the story a happier one, where she is with her sister and a nice family and a lot
sadder one where it is the opposite of what the happier version is. The advert will be more like a
soap opera type of advert as it will be showing a young girl's lives to create an emotional
response. Our target audience will respond to this as they may be parents, or want to be
parents or just want to help children in any way they can, creating a sad emotion for the
audience and a wanting to help.
The advert will begin with the audience seeing two young children sat in the car with police
sirens surrounding and they set off on their journey away from their previous stage in life. The
car represents them moving on from their home life. The mise-en-scene will display a dark
mood for this as their current states are negative. Their will be two main characters who are two
sisters, one around 7 years old and one around 10. In the advert, we hear the younger one
explaining that she is about to either start a positive new stage in her life, or be dragged back
down to the negative. In the TV advert we are shown the good path where we see clips of her
happy with her sister and a new family who are doing everything they can do make the girls
loved. The mise-en-scene for these shots will display bright and positive connotations. Then we
see the worse path which we see the girls back in a problematic world and they are split from
each other and treat badly. The mise-en-scene for this is shown as quite dark and a dull mood.
Each side of the story will have similar structure but show the extreme contrast between which
way their lives could be led. This is what creates the emotional response as the audience see
the negative side and realise that no child should go through that. The characters performance
will be crucial for creating the scenes to be realistic and effective. There will be an end title of
Bernardos with a website and phone number. For the website advert it will be an interactive one
which lets the viewers decide which pathway they want to see the childrens life take. Then they
are also able to see the contrast. The voice over narration will only last the duration of the car
scene as the rest will have improvised dialogue creating a sense of realism throughout. The
sound will be diegetic mainly however may have added music depending on if the it helps the
mood. There will be a range of camera shots and close ups will be a good way of showing the
facial expressions of the youngsters. There will be straight cutting for the editing as again it will
be simple enough to create a sense of realism.

The representations for our advert is that all children that are not yet involved with Bernardos
are unhappy with their current lives. While this may be the case in most homes, it may not be in
others. However, to create the emotional response needed for the audience to connect with the
characters it shows that their involvement is needed for them many kids who are unhappy and
mistreated. From looking and researching existing charity adverts, a main representation that I
have noticed is that they always show the children being weak and innocent. However in reality,
many foster children suffer with anger issues and underlying mental problems which have
occurred from their horrible and rough upbringings. Therefore we will include a scene of the
older girl fighting back about something she believes in showing she is able to express her
emotions in more ways than just crying.

A possible problem that could occur from our target audience is that in some cases, couples
have gone through fostering children as a way of earning money but not caring for the children.
While this is an extreme case and doesnt happen often, there is the slight possibility that
through advertising for bernardos, it could put the idea in their heads of fostering to get extra
money. It is however often avoided through social services taking detailed investigations before
securing a childs placement. One regulatory code that could be broken is 6.1 - using details of
a childs life events and broadcast on TV. To ensure this code will not be broken, names will be
changed. BCAP code 5.1 is that the imagery could distress children, this can be avoided by not
including scenes of physical abuse which could trigger some things such as nightmare or
uncomfortable memories for children who may have experienced similar situations.

For the accompanying advert we have decided to create a internet advert in which you can click
to decide how the story will play out whether it will be god where they are in a foster home or
whether t will be bad and they are at home with their biological parents where it is a bad and
horrible environment. The codes that could be broken is that of harm and offence 4.1 and
children 5.1 this can be avoided by n ot including scenes of physical abuse which could trigger
some things such as nightmare or uncomfortable memories for children who may have
experienced similar situations.

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