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Good morning friends.

To be healthy, I eat balanced meals and I exercise

regularly. I drink plenty of _________________ and get enough sleep.

I usually eat/drink __________________ or __________________ for

breakfast. For lunch or dinner, I usually eat __________________,

__________________, and __________________. I love vegetables like

__________________, __________________, and __________________. I

also eat a lot of fruits like __________________, __________________, and

Good morning friends. To be healthy, I eat balanced meals and I exercise
I do not like oily food like __________________. I always
regularly. I drink plenty of _________________ and get enough sleep.
___________________________________ in the evening. I play games like

__________________I with
friends, I__________________ or __________________
enjoy __________________ in the for

__________________. For lunch or dinner, I usually eat __________________,

__________________, and __________________. I love vegetables like

__________________, __________________, and __________________. I

also eat a lot of fruits like __________________, __________________, and


I do not like oily food like __________________. I always

___________________________________ in the evening. I play games like

__________________ with my friends, I enjoy __________________ in the

Good morning friends. To be healthy, I eat balanced meals and I exercise

regularly. I drink plenty of _________________ and get enough sleep.

I usually eat/drink __________________ for breakfast. For lunch or

dinner, I usually eat __________________ and __________________. I love

vegetables like __________________ and __________________. I also eat a

lot of fruits like __________________ and __________________.

I always ______________________________________ in the evening.

I play games like __________________ with my friends.

Good morning friends. To be healthy, I eat balanced meals and I exercise

regularly. I drink plenty of _________________ and get enough sleep.

Good morning friends. To be healthy, I eat balanced meals and I exercise
I usually
regularly. I drinkeat/drink __________________
plenty of _________________ for
and getbreakfast. For lunch or
enough sleep.
dinner, I usually eat __________________ and __________________. I love
I usually eat/drink __________________ for breakfast. For lunch or
vegetables like __________________ and __________________. I also eat a
dinner, I usually eat __________________ and __________________. I love
lot of fruits like __________________ and __________________.
vegetables like __________________ and __________________. I also eat a
I always
lot of fruits like______________________________________ in the evening.
__________________ and __________________.
I play games like __________________ with my friends.
I always ______________________________________ in the evening.

I play games like __________________ with my friends.

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