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Engineering Mechanics-Mechanics of Materials (Deforms), EGR 246

Summer 2016

Instructor: Dr. R. L. Clark, Jr.

Office: W-305
Office Hours: TBA
Telephone Number: 540.857.6262
Fax: 540.857.7086
Email (preferred):

Target Audience: This course is primarily targeting individuals who have been previously exposed to
Mechanics of Materials. Yes, this course will cover all of the necessary requirements for a semester-long
Mechanics of Materials course; however, since the course will move at a very rapid pace, previous exposure
to the lecture material will be extremely beneficial, but not required.

Course Description: (3 credits. Prerequisite: EGR 140 Engineering Statics.) Teaches concepts of stress,
strain, deformation, internal equilibrium, and basic properties of engineering materials. Analyzes axial loads,
torsion, bending, shear, and combined loading. Studies stress transformation and principle stresses and
column analysis.

Goal and Objectives of the Course: The fundamental concepts of strength of materials (aka mechanics of
deformable bodies) will be discussed and presented. As necessary, we will do problems using commercially
available frame and truss analysis programs such as MDSolids. A review of mechanical section properties is
also presented as required for stress analysis. The basic concepts of engineering design will be emphasized.
This course is fundamental for the areas of aerospace, civil, engineering mechanics, mechanical, and
structural engineering.

Course Meeting Requirements:

Tuesday & Thursday: 9:00 pm 10:00 pm EDT
These are essential. Please take necessary actions to be present or watch the recordings.

Online Assistance:
Online office hours will be held by faculty throughout the week.
Students may also develop online workgroups and use Bb Collaborate to work together.

Course Requirements: The course grade will be based on weekly online Quizzes (rGs & mGs), weekly
homework (via Mastering Engineering), two mid-terms, and a final exam. Opportunities may be granted for
extra credit as well. Details for administering the mini-gifts will be given during the first class meeting.

Course Evaluation:
rGs (Reading Quizzes) 10%
HWs (Homeworks) 10%
mGs (Quizzes) 30%
MT-1 (Mid-Term 1) 20%
MT-2 (Mid-Term 2) 20%
Final (Final Exam) 10%
[Extra Credit] up to 10%

Numerical Grade Letter Grade

90 100 A
80 89.9 B
70 79.9 C
60 69.9 D
0 59.9 F

Textbook(s) and Required Materials: See Blackboard Announcement

Attendance Policy: Students must take all quizzes at their scheduled times. Make-up quizzes will NOT be
allowed. If you miss class it is your responsibility to obtain material from another student.

Classroom Policies:
1. You will be required to watch the online lectures prior to attending weekly classes.

2. Real-time lectures will be devoted to a review of material and then the application of that material to

3. Online mini-gifts will be taken via Bb (details to be presented in class). (YOU MUST HAVE A METHOD

4. If you plan to drop this course you must do so by the drop dead line or you will receive an F for the
course. Please do not expect me to drop you! You must do this on your own.

5. If you have a question related to an assignment or material covered in class you may ask during class.
If you want to chat during the week, please use email.

Weekly Agenda:

1. Watch weekly Pre-Lectures prior to upcoming week

2. Complete rG

3. Attend/Watch/Review class meetings on Tuesday and Thursday

4. Complete weekly HW assignment

5. Complete and submit work for weekly mG

Tentative Course Outline:

Wk. Chapter Homework

1 Statics Review, Stress , Strain 1, 2 see

2 Mechanical Properties 3

3 Axial Loading 4

4 Torsional Loading 5

5 Bending 6

6 Transverse Shear 7

7 Combined Loadings 8

8 Stress/Strain Transformations 9/10

9 Deflection of Beams and Shafts 12

10 Buckling of Columns 13

Academic Dishonesty:
Virginia Western Community College Students shall refrain from the following forms of academic
dishonesty. Violations of these offenses can result in disciplinary action. Academic dishonesty includes:

Cheating on a gift by giving, receiving, offering. and/or soliciting information.

Buying, selling, stealing, or soliciting material purported to be part of an assignment.

Plagiarism (taking and using the ideas of writings of another as ones own).

Unauthorized use of materials, notes or other aids during a gift.

Refer to Section VIII of the Statement of Student Rights, Responsibilities and conduct in the VWCC
Student Handbook for penalties and appeal procedures.


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