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Excerpt From a Script

Tobias Holm Pedersen
A man in his late twenties is sitting on a park bench. Its
summer and the sun is out. A computer and a notebook are
places next to him. The man is JONATHAN.
Obviously frustrated he stares blankly into the ground while
frantically clicking and unclicking a pen in his hand. He
leans back on the bench, eyes still widened, now using the
pen as a drumstick on his leg. He picks up his notebook and
hovers the pen above the blank page. He puts it back down.
He twirls the pen between his fingers a couple of times, but
he loses the grip and drops it.
Its not immediately visible to him, so he ends up crawling
around on the grass looking for it. As he searches under the
bench he finds a perfectly cylindrical hole in the grass.
The bench obstructs his view on the hole, so he reaches down
in search of his pen. A strong force immediately yanks him
downwards. He disappears and the bench is left empty.


We see a lake in the middle of a forest. The water surface
is untouched. Suddenly a body enters the frame from above
and breaks the water mirror.
A young woman is sitting on the shore on a white, plastic
chair. Shes wearing a yellow vest, reading a magazine. She
looks up from the magazine and sighs.

(to herself)
Alright, here we go again.

We now clearly see that the person in the water is Jonathan.

He stands up in the shallow water and looks confusedly
around. He notices the young woman. She is now standing.
What... how... I was just...
He points to the sky, to the ground and to himself. The
woman looks at him with raised eyebrows and a blank stare,
waiting for him to be done. Jonathan stands still and
breathes heavily. The woman reaches into a cardboard box
next to her. Dry ice flows over its edges. She pulls out a
juice box from it and places a straw in it.
Hi, Im KATRINNA. Have some juice.


She hands him the juice box. Still soaking wet, the water
drips off of him. He slowly lifts his arm and grabs it.
Clearly in shock, he doesnt move his arm; still grasping
the juice box in front of him.
Katrinna rolls her eyes. She guides his hand to his mouth.

He opens his mouth and she puts the straw into it.

Aaaand drink.
He takes a few sips through the strap.
Okay, lets get you dry.
Katrinna takes Jonathan by the arm and leads him to a nearby
tree. A cardboard box is folded flat and leaned against the
tree. She assembles it and holds it out in front of her.

Crouch down.
Jonathan looks at her, still with the juice straw in his
mouth. He crouches down. She puts the box over him, covering
him completely. She pulls a lever on a tree nearby. The box
makes a swooshing sound. She lifts the box. Jonathan stands
up, now completely dry, with the straw still in his mouth.

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